#i never thought about it before but i love it like i was like 'omg can i DO this???? is it allowed????'
luckyarchivist · 3 days
Ais helps Kuras in the clinic~
And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for a while!! I was gonna write a fic but then I was like "Don't you have a Tumblr? Just make bullets lmao" so that's what I did and here's my HCs about Kuras and Ais in the clinic <3
Ais will just drop in on him sometimes. Like, no warning, Kuras will get back from picking up more laudanum or whatever he uses and Ais'll just be sitting on the counters, kicking his feet (but respectfully not letting his feet hit the lower cabinets).
He also never really gives a reason for being there. Always chalks his appearances up to boredom or loneliness. But then again, Kuras knows that for Ais, that's probably all the reason he needs.
They don't talk much while they're in the clinic together—just silently enjoy each other's company. Ais is also surprisingly good at organizing when he chooses to be, and Kuras has started putting away his supplies the same way Ais does subconsciously.
Ais does like to check in with Kuras to make sure people—and Monsters—haven't been harassing the clinic when he's not around. Kuras is perfectly capable of taking care of any problematic patients or unruly loiterers, but he appreciates the concern nonetheless.
When good patients visit the good doctor, Ais sometimes will play nurse: counting people's heartbeats, disinfecting minor wounds or injection sites, rewriting prescriptions so patients can actually read them. Regular patients recognize Ais, while occasional visitors have no idea who he is: both groups are a little scared of him, but also a little charmed by him.
When problems decide to show their faces, Ais acts as bodyguard instead. He certainly doesn't need an excuse to beat someone up, but he likes that helping out Kuras gives him one. Kuras always tells him to go easy on people, though, and Ais doesn't want to make more work for him, so he can't go all out unless someone's a real danger, instead of just a nuisance.
When Ais finishes beating somebody up, Kuras will take a moment before accepting another patient to inspect Ais for any injuries. Pressure is applied to cuts until the blood starts to coagulate. Kuras usually holds off on disinfecting or bandaging anything until Ais is about to take his leave, to make sure he doesn't immediately ruin Kuras's hard work.
On slow days, Ais will talk to Kuras in whatever language he's practicing or feeling like speaking. Kuras will converse back and, if he's feeling preachy (or like being a troll), correct Ais on his incorrect conjugations or lazy pronunciations. Ais keeps trying, but he has yet to find a language that he knows better than Kuras.
Just like his arrivals, there's no way to predict when Ais will leave. Sometimes he stays until the clinic closes; other times, he'll keep Kuras company for less than an hour. It all depends on his mood. For however long he chooses to hang around, Kuras tries to make sure Ais knows that he appreciates his presence.
And that's all my thoughts!! omg just rereading this checking for spelling mistakes i was like "i love them sm. i love them <3" in my head~
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blackknight-kai · 2 days
Hear me out ok
Destined One likes to leave fruit around in the morning so you can have a snack right after waking up BUT
this time your silly Monke turning into a peach right next to little snoozing you... he thinks he will jumpscare you once you try to take a bite out of his peachy self but UNO REVERSE BITCH! you just lick and suck on him for good 20 minutes before actually trying to bite and... yeah you've never seen him so flustered. Just picture him transforming into monke crossed with that pikachu surprise face like
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LMFAO OMG YES!!!! The gremlin in me loves this because there is NO way I wouldn’t try to fuck with this mischievous monkey 🤣🤣🤣
His fur would be so ruffled! I can imagine him kinda like a spooked cat where their fur gets all poofy 💀💀💀💀
Honestly just to make it worse I’d probably grin and say “Mmm you taste good” or some shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wanna see him be all shy for a minute because that was NOT how he thought his morning would go and now he knows what your tongue and mouth feels like 💀🤣 he’s gonna be thinking about that for days
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dianagj-art · 2 days
I wanna admit of something for a while now and this's a little rant of mine about you and your art in a positive view so if you don't want to read it then by all means ignore it.
Since like - idk - your first comic page of your AU and i felt like 50% hooked on it because one, the art is chef kiss 💋👨‍🍳 and Two, separate AU i have love-hate relationship with and you aren't helping me/jk/pos
But the moment i saw one of your panels have animation in it?! Oh boy i almost lost my mind! Like i never thought this IS possible!! I thought i was hallucinating for a second before i saw the planel moving! That hooked me on the comic 1000% even more.
And an old comic about your teen one and Gem's F!Mikey bonding and talking about draxum gotten me more interest and excited! Like am over here sitting on chair, tapping my feet impatiently thinking "What the heck happened next?! How long will it take for one to join the family in legal way? And how much until draxum apologize to one for what he done?!".
But did things stop here? Oh heck nah!! You gave us onion(?) One' future self and he's MORE open with his family and smile more?!? This's so wholesome in my heart and makes me happy to no end!! Like a character that suffered for years and now is happy is making ME happy!! It makes me wanna know how he's treating his brothers/family now comparing to when he was a teen!!
I guess that is all for now! Have a wonderful, happy day!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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lightlycareless · 15 hours
Hi! As a Naoya fan, I really appreciate what you do for us and girl, I just love your works <33
So, Eh, I don't know how to say this... Can you write a fic about him where he has been married to a woman chosen for him by his clan but after so many years, he can't forget y/n? I mean, it's so cliché Ik, but I just can't get it out of my mind. It's like he really loved her and would've even eloped with her but at the end, it was y/n who asked him to go back to his clan since she knew that it was Naoya's fate to be the clan head. So, eventually y/n leaves and Naoya marries his wife and he gets to be the head of Zenin clan and later on, he kinds wishes his wife would give birth to a daughter so he could name her after y/n. Or maybe she does and while everyone expects him to torment the poor wife, he would silently pick up the baby and hug his daughter as if he wishes she was her baby?
so yeah, that's it, thank you anyway.
Omg thank you so much I'm soooo glad you like my work 🥹❤️
HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH this ask has been on my mind since it first popped up jfc you know how to torture me.
I have been working on a small fic too with a similar topic, it's not going to be that long as my other work but I think you'll find it enjoyable too hehe. ... if I ever get back to it. heheheh.
ajkghasjgha anyways, let's get right into it.
warnings: angst. mentions/implications of death and unaliving someone :s. naoya is really cruel when referring to his unborn child.
Happy reading!
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“If we ever have a daughter, I would like her to be named Naomi”
Is the first thought that crosses Naoya’s mind upon learning that his wife is expecting a daughter.
But beyond that, there is no excitement. No glee in his eye upon learning he’s to become a father in just a matter of months, his seed finally taking root after many dutiful attempts.
“Because it’s a cute name. And I always thought it was adorable how your family named the children after their parents. You are no exception, Naoya.”
He should be happy, right? Glad that his efforts ultimately paid off.
“That’s not too cheesy, is it?”
“…I think I’ll be happy just to have a family with you, regardless of what the baby is named.”
That he was to have the cherished family he always dreamt of having with the love of his life, after so many years of solitude…
Except he wasn’t.
Because his wife, the one carrying his child, wasn’t you.
Ever since he lost you, for a lack of better words, nothing has been the same.
“A daughter… of all the possibilities. Let’s just hope she’s strong.” His father would say, disappointed by the announcement. Naoya remains quiet, uninterested to respond but still deep in thought.
“Do you think they’ll look like you?”
“I hope not.”
“Gee, why not? I know I haven’t seen pictures of you as a baby, but I’m sure you were a cute one!”
Because I want them to look like you.
The sole purpose of his futile life was gone. And with it, any semblance of concern. Care for all that happened around him, or anyone for that matter.
Including his supposed partner, the woman the Zen’in assigned him to marry and continue their legacy. Even when she stood before him, seeking comfort, or at least encouragement after seeing the doctor, to Naoya… she was simply not there.
“Naoya-sama.” She’d call to him once in the privacy of their room, right after the doctor had left. The woman named Taeko, had always been… loyal, meek, submissive. Never one to retort or do anything that wasn’t to please him.
Yet, as much as she had fooled his family, Naoya was still able to see right through her.
Taeko didn’t care about him; no, not at all. The only thing she truly she cared about was the heir. The money that came along with his title, the financial security this meant for her…
More so now that she was pregnant; dictating that even when divorced, she would never have to work a day in her life.
Perhaps if he hadn’t discovered what love was, then maybe he would’ve struggled to discover her true intentions. Unfortunately for them, he had met you, with whom he learned what it was to be happy for once in his life… a teaching that will forever live on within him, naturally making this marriage almost impossible to coexist with.
As well as painful, remembering that this is all he had left of you, besides memories.
Naoya keeps quiet even when his wife calls for him yet again, not bothering to lift his gaze from whatever it was that took his attention, nor requesting her to proceed.
She takes his silence as her cue to continue.
“I know having a daughter wasn’t in the plans, but…” Taeko said, stepping closer to him. Just a few inches away from touching him… “I am still excited to welcome this new stage in our life.”
Of course she is. Her future is firmly set, regardless of his family’s ideals and the baby’s gender.
“I was actually thinking of naming the child after you, to follow your clan’s tradi—”
“You will not do such thing.” Naoya scowls, swiftly turning around and pushing her away, the burning look of his enraged eyes reveals she’s reopened a painful wound she’ll perhaps never comprehend.
Nor care to do so, believing instead that his anger came from her supposed failure to bring a male heir onto the Zen’in clan; and not because of the privilege—no, the right she’s stripping away from you.
Because you are the only one that deserved to be the mother of his children, the one to name them, love them, raise them…
Not this poor excuse of a leech.
“I heard you were having a child… congratulations, Naoya.” Ranta begins, partially unsure on how to approach the future father, or to do so at all… eventually settling to go through with it anyway. An announcement like this must make anyone happy, right? “Although I never expected your first child to be a girl! I mean… I always thought you’d have a bo—”
“This isn’t what I want, and you know that.” Naoya coldly cuts through Ranta’s words, making him flinch. “So, spare me the theatrics.”
Ranta swallows, he is amongst the few, if not the only, who knows the truth, the depths of his relationship with you:
Or your supposed fate.
And how angry he got when he knew the truth… or what he suspected, anyways.
Your disappearance wasn’t a simple coincidence, a misfortune of fate.
It was a necessity for the Zen’in’s plans; you quickly became nothing less than a hindrance once Naoya announced his intentions of marrying you.
They couldn’t permit a woman of your background to become Lady of the House. An unruly, opinionated girl that went against every single one of their beliefs. Nor could they allow you to free Naoya from their grasp.
And so, they did what was necessary. Get rid of their obstacle, call it a simple disappearance, cold feet as others assured, and let everything fall back into place.
Leaving Naoya behind with his cruel family, yet again.
But they’d never admit it. They would just say that your family decided to search for better opportunities elsewhere, you tagging along.
Yet, the body of an unidentified woman found in the middle of a forest near your home would indicate—
“—What are you going to do?” Ranta asks.
“There’s nothing for me to do.” Naoya frowns. “The only person I ever loved, the one person I should’ve never let go… is gone, and now, I’m stuck in this nightmare, alongside a woman that wants nothing from me but my money. Just like everyone always is.”
Ranta wishes to deny his accusations, but he couldn’t bring himself to lie to his grieving friend. It would insult him, and you.
“But what?” Naoya retorted.
“…Well, you should at least… consider the baby. They—they shouldn’t be held accountable for what their mother has—”
“Don’t even dare call that thing my child.” He coldly declares. “It may have my name, but that thing is not mine. What assurance do I have that it is? She could’ve easily bedded anyone to get the job done!”
“Naoya! You— you shouldn’t say that!”
“Can you prove the contrary?”
“No—but it’s not right to make these assumptions either!”
“Then what do you suggest, dear friend of mine?”
“I… I think you—"
Have to let her go.
It becomes clear to Ranta how gravely he had underestimated the wound your absence had inflicted on Naoya’s heart—but perhaps he never wanted to admit such thing, for it would only remind his friend of what he once had and now lost forever.
But no matter how much he wished to act the fool, there was no hiding his heightened destructive tendencies, his aggravating isolation, which he already did with people he didn’t like, rising tensions between members alike, forcing them to steer clear of Naoya if they wished to live another day; or pester his father about the misbehavior of his son, forcing him to burden his wife with duties of cheering him up, or something if she wished to stay at the estate—
All for naught, for she had effectively ceased to exist the moment she announced her pregnancy. For the following 9 months, Naoya wouldn’t look her in the eye, even when sleeping in the same bed. Not that there were many opportunities to do so, for he eventually confined himself to whatever other room was available, officially dictating their marriage as unsalvageable.
Some took it as a reflection of his disappointment, a rightful reaction to have towards a female successor.
But Ranta knew better. Those close to him knew the truth.
He was openly reproaching his wife for having taken your place.
So naturally, he wasn’t there when Taeko went into labor. He wasn’t attentive to her calls, desperate pleads of companionship and support—he simply walked past her cries as she gave birth to his child and headed straight into the training grounds, just what he had exuberantly done these past few months to distract himself.
Yet, as much as he wished to run away from his reality, he wouldn’t be able to escape his duties, forced by relatives alike to go and meet the mother of his daughter to officially recognize her. Regardless of the brewing animosity between the two, if there were no other suitable candidates, this baby was still to be the future of the Zen’in, and thus, necessary to name.
Naoya doesn’t bother to wonder on who’d the child would look like the most, still, he knows he’ll hate it even more if she ends up a carbon copy of her mother—would it even matter if she took more after him instead?
Nonetheless, curiosity manages to get the best of him when entering the room where his wife and child awaited, walking past the midwives and straight to his so-called partner, leaning close to the small bundle wrapped in a white blanket, making up his mind in effectively cutting her out of his life if she ends up looking like Taeko.
But when he begins to get a glimpse of her small face…
The most unexpected happens.
As if the child knew her father was near, she slowly opens her eyes, revealing a golden gaze that reinstates her relationship to him—followed by a small patch of his black hair on top of her head, the shape of his eyes…
But most importantly, the words you once confided to him during the intimacy of the night.
“I want them to have your eyes. Your nose. Your hair. Your smile. I want the world to see all the things I love from you through our children.”
As well as your burning desire to have children that looked just like him, even when he hoped otherwise.
He doesn’t know what it was. Certainly not the excitement of having a life permanently intertwined with a woman he didn’t love; but something about your memory, how much you desired this moment, the innocence that engulfed such child, one that he only thought possible through you, his features shown through her, and how vulnerable she felt once in his arms…
Naoya found it unnecessary to wonder what kind of reaction you would have, still, he liked to imagine the brightness in your face, the love in your eyes, the grin on your lips: to be overjoyed to finally have a family with him, eagerly waiting to live out the future that waited for the three.
If this is the way you’d continue to live on, then he’d honor such memory; one last insult to the family that had continuously hurt him over and over again, through merits they would never wipe away, no matter how much they’d try—
“The name, for the child.” The midwife asks, moving closer to Naoya.
Under his own conditions.
“Y/N— Y/N Zen’in.” Naoya declares, softly looking down onto the child. “That will be her name.”
“Wh—What!?” The mother gasps, quickly understanding the implications behind his selection, followed by a futile attempt to make him reconsider, stop him from removing her existence!
But he had long erased her from his consideration, declaring that she was to have no relationship with the child, opting to raise her himself, his sole successor; Taeko would have whatever she needed to live a comfortable life, but that was it.
Naoya would give his daughter all that she needed to strive as a sorcerer, or whatever else she’d decide to pursue.
He’d swore to love her and raise her, protect her from the cruelties of this world, do all in his power to make her happy… but most importantly:
Treat her as if she had been yours.
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Essentially, dunno if I managed to convey that, yes; you were killed. an act that scared your family away and left Naoya without knowing what ever happened.
Also, I'm debating whether to write a small epilogue hehe. I have written a bit extra after this but decided to cut it out.
AND OF COURSE the name... originally I was going to name his wife Kayako but I've decided to take advantage of the animosity we feel against the name Taeko and there you have it :))) 🖕 bye Taeko.
Ngl this was sad for me to write; I always hated/enjoyed the topic of Naoya marrying off someone else because of reasons, though it was clear he always longed for you and viceversa. Or not. I just like angst 😭 and fortunately, this isn't the last time we're going to see something like this :) I do have something I'm working on, I just gotta connect the dots. I intend it to be quite short anyways.
Anyhow, thank you so much for sending in this ask!!! 😭 it was such a treat to torture myself with.
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!! ❤️❤️
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toxintouch · 2 days
Yooooooo, you write fan fictions, don't you? Halloween is, like, right over there *points*. would you be willing to do one of mhin taking sparrow ghost hunting? and maybe even having a "guest appearance" of a certain shadow manipulator?
if this has already been done, could you point me in the right direction?
thank you~
I've never seen a fic like that but omg. This is such a brilliant idea, I love how all the pieces come together so perfectly–Vere being said to be responsible for his fair share of local ghost stories, mentions of Mhin and haunted houses in the Uquiz results… Premium thoughts.  I had a lot of fun writing this, ty for giving me the prompt!! :>
It took a couple of extra days but it's also longer (~2900 words) so hopefully that makes up for it.  p.s sorry if u meant it to be more gen bc I wrote romantic pining lol Volume Warning! Ambiance (~BEAUTIFUL FOX NOISES) for y'all /j
Cold Spots
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You pull your cloak tighter around yourself, sheltering your remaining body heat from the howling wind.  
You ignore the shiver that creeps down your spine.
You’ve been warned that the night is chilly in Eridia at this time of year, but you haven’t quite scraped together enough coin to afford more layers.  So you huddle closer to the swaying lamplight of the Wet Wick, attempting to leech warmth from the cheery (if occasionally overwhelming) atmosphere of the bar.  You’re on edge, wary about straying too far from the Wick’s affable open doors and the balmy light spilling out of them.
You crane your neck to peer as far as you can around the corner without moving, eyeing the myriad of nearby alleyways, all full to the brim with shadows, searching for a familiar splash of moonlight and blue sweeping through the night.
 That’s when you feel eyes on your back.
You freeze, all of your senses on high alert.
“You’re where I asked you to be.”  Mhin says in lieu of a greeting.  You startle, reeling around to face them.  Even when you're expecting them, they have the uncanny ability of sneaking up on you.
“You say that like you’re surprised.”  You chide, in mock affront.  “You’ll notice that I’m also on time.”  Your giddiness shows on your face, a smile tugging at your lips.
“Don’t act so pleased with yourself,” they snipe while rolling their eyes, “for anyone else, that’s the bare minimum.”  They frown, looking you up and down with their arms tightly crossed. “...Is that what you’re wearing?”
Any further quips you have for them die in your mouth, drowned out by nervous chuckling.  You realize they must be asking (in their own way) if you’re not going to get too cold.  You know you could just ask Leander or Kuras for some seasonally appropriate attire but you’d rather not rely on further charity if you can’t help it.  Hence: “I’m, um, warm blooded?”  You mean to inject an appropriate amount of bravado into your voice, but it comes out as more of a question.
Mhin sighs, long eyelashes brushing their cheeks as they close their eyes for one long moment.   “Sometimes I wonder…  Fine.  Let’s just get going.”
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The floorboards shriek beneath your feet as you step across the threshold.  The entire shack seems to groan and sway, protesting audibly against the wind.  You stick close to Mhin’s back as they hold their gas lamp up, casting an eerie glow about the interior of the abandoned building.  Their keen eyes do a quick sweep before they nod decisively and usher you inside with a single precise motion.
The bellow of the wind sounds almost like a scream as the door shuts behind you.
“So, what are we looking for, exactly?”  Your voice comes out hushed, the haunting atmosphere insisting that behave accordingly.
“Likely nothing.”  Mhin responds.  “Actual ghost sightings are very rare.  And of those, few recorded instances come from trustworthy sources.  People in Eridia can be quite superstitious.  Count on rats or other pests.  It’s more plausible that this is a mere infestation rather than–”
The roof above your heads gives a long, low creeaaaak.
You both pause for a beat, listening to silence.
“How would we know if it's a real ghost?”  You ask, more out of curiosity than anything.  You’re not about to waste the opportunity, if Mhin is willing to keep talking.
“Depends on the type of ghost.”  Another protest from the floorboards as Mhin wanders further into the dark.  Since you don’t have a lantern of your own, you have no choice but to follow close behind.  Unless you want to stumble around with nothing but the shatters of dusty moonlight cast through the cracked windows to guide your way.
Mhin and you make a quick round of the small building, finding it mostly empty, only a few pieces of broken furniture left behind.  You draw closer to the back wall, carefully avoiding moth-eaten curtains, heeding Mhin’s warning about a small step.  Based on the layout, you think this place might have been a bar or entertainment hall of some sort.  You imagine it had a nice, cozy parlor at one time, though now it’s fallen into squalor.  As Mhin examines the walls for signs of pests and other clues, you examine the graffiti strewn across them: crude jokes and lewd drawings, mostly.  Some scattered names, belonging to people and gangs you’ve never heard of before.  
Framed in the center, though, there's a huge riot of colorful paint.  An abstract painting with no proper canvas.  It's beautiful, somehow, though hauntingly morose.  The artist has contained their work in a neat square, not a single streak of color escaping the precisely imposed prison.  You’re not sure what the intent of the artist was choosing somewhere like this to display it…  
“Is there a type of ghost that makes artwork?”  You wonder aloud.  You almost wish that Mhin would hand you the lantern so you can get a better look.
Mhin clicks their tongue, sparing barely a glance toward the makeshift painting.  “I wouldn't define that as art.”  Mhin follows the line of the wall to the corner, their lantern held up to the wall.  “That’s just…paint.  If you’re looking for ghosts, try looking for scratch marks.  Those are a possible indicator, though not always a reliable one.  A sudden feeling of hot, or cold–any otherwise unexplainable temperature change.  A strange odor…”
You give the air a sniff.  “...I don’t smell anything.  Do you?”
“Dust.  Rotting wood.  And you’ve stopped using Leander’s bath soaps, which I’ll commend you for.  Why anybody would want to smell that strongly of–”  Mhin stops and gives a short whiff, their mouth slightly parted.  Their brows furrow. “It is unusual…I don't see or smell any signs of rats or roaches.  No vultures either…”
“Maybe something else scared them away?”  You posit.  You shuffle closer to Mhin, not liking the way the shadows around you seem to flow and ebb the longer you look at them, your mind making up shapes.  There’s a silly part of you that wants to feel Mhin’s cloak between your bandaged fingers as reassurance that they’ll stay close.  They’d probably hate to know that you see them as something to cling to–a source of comfort, safety.
You try to take another step closer to further dampen your trepidation, but instead you trip over– something–and stumble directly into Mhin.  They catch you on impulse, strong and quick enough to steady you with one arm while holding the lantern with the other.  You breathe an apology, your lips bumping against their chin as they help you get your feet back under you.  
You both search the ground to determine what knocked you off your balance.
It's a dirty old rug, rucked up at one edge.  
A long line of what appears to be claw marks lies half uncovered below it.  Mhin kneels beside the marks, studying them intently, carefully moving the rug to reveal yet more splintered wood.  “I’m not sure what could have done this,” they admit.  “The marks are fresh, but none of the dust was disrupted…”
The floorboards groan another protest, though it bounds off the walls in strange ways, making it difficult to pinpoint exactly where the sound originated.
“Aural contortions.”  Mhin announces.  “And a feeling that you’re being watched.  Reflective surfaces will behave oddly as well.  Hold this.”  Mhin hands you the lantern (more: shoves it into your grasp, really) reaching into their satchel.  Their nimble hands pull out a handful of alchemical concoctions, one which shines like the inside of a seashell, a tiny silver locket, which they flick open to reveal a small mirror.  There’s symbols etched into it, so old and worn away you can’t make them out.
You draw the lantern closer at their behest, illuminating a small smile spread across their face.
Is Mhin …Having fun?
“Is there anything I can do to help?”  You ask, hoping they don’t notice the warmth in your voice. Getting scolded would kind of ruin the mood.
Mhin glances up, blinking at you like they almost forgot you were there.  Their tongue peeks out, wetting their lips as they consider.  “Yes,” they finally agree, “would you–”
The lamplight is smothered by an unknown force.
The cracked streams of light from the window are gone, leaving you in darkness.
Mhin swears, their voice distorting as if they are suddenly very far away.  A moment ago they were crouched beside you, but the shadows surrounding you are so inky you can’t make out their silhouette at all.  Instinctively, you reach your hands out in front of you before freezing and reluctantly forcing them back down.  If both you and Mhin end up stumbling around with hands outstretched, there’s a possibility that they might accidentally grasp onto you and disrupt your bandages.  (You wish you had given into your desire to hold onto them earlier.)  
You whisper their name, frantic, hoping they can hear you.
“I’m here,” Mhin assures you, their voice pitched low and cautious.  You feel the gentle press of a foot against yours, a light tap of reassurance against the side of your sole.  “Stay close.”  There’s a brush of fingertips against your back.  “If the entity is particularly powerful, it will be able to move objects,” Mhin cautions, “but a ghost should never be capable of causing harm to humans directly.  And there’s not much in here that it could throw.  Just stay calm.  If you don’t keep your emotions in check, it will only be more incensed.”
Light flashes through the room again in a spotlight, guiding your gaze to a particular area of the building.
The abstract mural is defaced, dripping black liquid splattered boldly across the wall like arterial spray.  You retreat a step, feeling something wet beneath your feet.  There’s a sharp, astringent tang in the air.  Musty and earthy-floral.  Old velvet and leather, parchment and fresh paint.
You realize, with a sinking feeling of cold terror, that the black ichor on the wall spells your name.
    Eyes on you.  
Touch like a gossamer spider web.  Brushing against the nape of your neck.
“Mhin,” you whisper urgently.  “Something just–”  
The cold hits you then.  Bone deep and all consuming.  Judging by the way Mhin swears, they must feel it too.  Whatever this unknown entity is, it’s close.  And it wants…
Shadow flickers, fingers reaching for you, claws grasping, white glint of teeth.
Mhin sneers audibly, reaching for you and reeling you in by your cloak just before the figure can snatch you up.  Their arm wraps around you, guiding you with them as they recede.  They sweep their stiletto in a wide arc and you hear the clang of metal on metal, though you have no idea what it was that Mhin hit.  Their night vision must be immaculate–you can hardly see more than the fresh glint of their stiletto blade.
“Turns out it is a vermin infestation.”
A bark of laughter.  
Very familiar laughter.
The door starts to rattle on its hinges, moving to the rhythm of Vere's glee.  Mhin walks over to it, dragging your shaking body with them.  With a definitive kick from Mhin and a final cackle from Vere, the door bursts open.
Mhin tugs you out into the open air and slams it behind them.
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“Awful fur-bag.”  Mhin spits the words out like the mere thought of Vere leaves a bad taste in their mouth.
You’re far enough away that the black paint clinging to both of your shoes is no longer leaving footprints, but you can’t say the same about the bone deep cold.
You’re shivering so hard your teeth start to chatter, adrenaline magnifying the chill in your bones.  How did Vere even do that?  You rub your arms and nearly stumble into Mhin in the process.  Their features twist into a half-formed scowl, eyes sweeping you before softening into something more delicate.
You find yourself staring into eyes that seem to catch the moonlight, words caught in your throat.
“You’re freezing.” Mhin murmurs, resting a hand against the curve of your cheek, testing your temperature.
You’re surprised at the contact.  Mhin is always so careful about touching you–it’s something you appreciate, usually, this unspoken agreement between the two of you; Mhin doesn’t ask intrusive questions, just makes silent hypotheses and treats your personal space with care.  You appreciate it–usually–but sometimes, (constantly), you wish…
Mhin’s thumb pets against your jaw.  They glace away from you as they do, unable to hold your gaze, but they don’t remove their hand, even as the moment hangs heavy in the air.  Their hand is soft, you think, fingertips like silk, though you can feel the thick calluses built up at the meat of their palm.  Likely hard won and harder lost, trophies from their time as a freelancer and whatever secret misfortune befell them what led them to Eridia.  Unthinking, you nuzzle into their touch, luxuriating in the coveted feeling of skin on skin.  You have half a mind to turn your head, press your lips against their calluses, kiss them like you’re drawing poison from a wound.
Mhin catches your chin between their thumb and pointer finger.  Their grip is assertive, certain.  You’d worry that you’ve angered them somehow, but the intensity of their gaze, the subtle tilt of their head, the flush of their cheeks, the featherlight caress of their breath on your lips…
–You think they might–
They back away abruptly in one smooth stride.  Their hands work quickly at the intricate clasp on their cloak.  Oh, now they’re really looking away.
“Wear this while we head back.  You didn’t come to this city to die of cold.”
They look at their bracers pointedly as you hesitate, as if itching to adjust them.  You slowly reach out and put the garment on.
The trek back to the Wick is uneventful.  The occasional star glances out from the pall of clouds constantly lingering in the Eridian sky.  You look for the waning moon, finding its reticent light and following it home.  You return Mhin’s cloak at the door, careful to hold it in a way that allows them to take it without having to touch you – touch your bandages.  
Mhin looks, oddly, a little reluctant to see it returned.  You’re not sure how else you can possibly read their body language.  Their hunched shoulders, the downturn of their mouth, their uncharacteristic lingering.  Holding the cloak in their hands like they can’t quite decide what to think of it.
They let out a sharp breath.
Mhin levels you with a pointed glare as they settle their mantle across their shoulders, affixing the clasp without need to look down.  “Buy some warmer clothes.” they order, “Tell Leander that the contract is complete and the buyer’s ‘ghost problem’ is solved.  The building should be fine for renovations, just tell them to start their renewal project on a day when the Senobium is actually holding Vere’s leash.”
“You’ll come back for your cut tomorrow…?”  Confusion rolls off your lips.
“No.”  Mhin crosses their arms again.  “I just told you to buy some warmer clothes, didn’t I?  Consider it hazard pay.”  Again, that disgusted tone Mhin reserves for Vere.  “Even with that taken into consideration, you’ll still owe me, though.  Don’t forget.  I’ll collect some day; everyone does in this city.”
You’re not sure what to say.  Mhin is insisting that this is just a loan, and you believe that wholeheartedly.  But that doesn’t mean it isn’t charity.  Mhin’s also offering you transparency–an open disclosure of the deal you’re agreeing to.  You take their cut, buy what you need, and resolve to pay it back when you can.  And if Mhin needs something similar in the future, you’ll return them in kind.  
You think you stumble over your words a little, but you agree to their offer.
“I’ll be back to collect another contract.  Hopefully something that’s not a waste of my time.”
And a promise to come back is a promise to see you again, isn’t it?  To include you in their life?  Is that what you’re supposed to take from this?  That Mhin cares for you, even if they won’t–
Or is it your foolish heart, showing you a path that isn’t really there?  
“Goodnight, Mhin.”  You say the words, but their back is already turned, steps already taken.
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 You putter around in your room at the Wet Wick as you go about your nightly routine.  The occasional cheer or thud from below only accentuates your nervous energy, punctuating your reluctance to settle down and get into bed.  You smooth down the covers with your bandaged hands and fluff the pillow before extinguishing the lamplight.  You tug the covers up above your shoulders, fighting to get comfortable.
As your eyes finally start to droop, the flicker of a shadow catches your attention.  
It dances and sways and bends and grows until suddenly it is right in front of you.  On top of you.
Silken, blood red drips down onto your face, a knife gleam smile too close for comfort. 
You breathe in a gasp, wondering if you should scream.
“Vere, what–”
“Shhh,” he coos, pressing a finger lightly to your lips.  His breath is hot against your skin.
“I only came to keep you warm, pet.”
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bitterbutblue · 3 days
anonymous letters from Robin. she never goes out of anonymous since she doesn’t do this often and doesn’t know how you would think.
then the next day she approaches you, asking about what secret letter you have in hand like she didn’t sneak those into your bag herself :3
Bonus if you tell her anonymous letters aren’t really your thing then just never read it LMFAO
Anyways just need to go back to doing work 🤧
~ 🍷
~ omg we're going back to the LOSER ROBIN AGENDA guys .. in my head the most loser coded IN SECRET is robin (mostly because i love her and im very much attracted to loser coded women even though i am one myself)
making this a high school/college au :] ~
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
⤷ she thinks she's being soooo slick
⤷ robin is your typical popular girl- gorgeous looks and incredible smile and the kindest soul you've ever met. every guy thinks they have a chance with her, and she just laughs at them because we all know what she is
⤷ one day, she sits down next to you in the lecture hall for some fucking reason and you're just like. Okay? Um. Wow.
⤷ You did not focus that entire lecture btw u were focusing on trying to act normal and okay and totally not freaking out that your long term crush was sitting next to you in all her glory
⤷ that evening back at your dorm, you found an odd letter in your bag. no sender name, nothing. just a blank envelope.
⤷ lowkey creeped out so you threw it out
⤷the next day however...
You really didn't expect her to sit next to you again- you spent all of last night rationalising to yourself WHY she would choose to sit next to you of all people. The lecture hall had been quite full at that point, maybe that's why she sat next to you? Maybe her friends just didn't want to go to the 9am lecture, that also made sense. Yeah. That's probably why.
Throwing your bag down on the ground as you collapse into the uncomfortable lecture hall chairs, you sigh in exhaustion. These 9am lectures were really starting to get to you and you're struggling to keep your eyes open as you take a drink of your coffee.
You look up tiredly, only to widen your eyes in shock when you see Robin, once again, standing next to you.
"Can I sit here?"
She sounds awfully nervous, barely looking at you and you just nod in confusion and she smiles at you and you want to squeal. She sits down, body tense as she awkwardly pulls out her iPad and whatever else she needs for the lecture. You wonder why she's acting so off.
"Everything okay?"
Robin freezes, a light pink dusting her cheek as she nods awkwardly.
"Splendid. I mean- I meant great, who says splendid anymore... Jesus..."
You just eye her oddly as she turns redder, mumbling awkwardly to herself.
The entire lecture was the most awkward experience of your life. Robin would not stop side eyeing you and a part of you began to panic- did she find out about your crush on her? Is that why she's acting so weird around you? But why the fuck is she still sitting next to you then? Oh god, you need to avoid her forever from now on. The second the lecture ended, you ran out of that damned hall before Robin even had a chance to open her mouth, your bag already packed 5 minutes before the professor even ended. You missed the way she stares dejectedly at you, a crushed look in her eyes.
She thought you read her letter and hated her.
You thought she found out you were in love with her.
Robin refused for you to end things like that though. In the middle of the goddamn fucking night, as you were studying, a knock on your door.
"What the fuck..." You mumble tiredly, throwing down your pen and walking over to the door to check through the peephole whoever the fuck it would be bothering you at night "March, if it's you I-"
The rest of the sentence dies in your throat, throwing open the door frantically.
There she stood, eyes red from tears, sniffling as she hugs her jacket close to her body.
"What the fuck- it's almost 12am! What are you doing?"
"If you don't feel the same way, why don't you just tell me!"
You take her hand, pulling you into her room and you miss the way her cheeks flush at the contact and her wings flutter slightly as you slam the door shut.
"What are you talking about?"
"If you don't like me that way, you should just tell me instead of hiding like a coward!" She sniffles
You stare at her, eyes wide and mouth agape and in other circumstances, Robin would've probably laughed.
"Don't act dense!"
"What are you talking about??"
Robin groans in frustration, angrily wiping her tears away.
"The letter!"
"The- what? Did you not read it?" Robin's angry gaze falters when she takes in the full extent of your confusion, and you tilt your head to the side like a lost puppy.
"Wh- that was you??"
"You didn't READ IT?"
"Why would I read a letter addressed to no one."
You two just kind of stare at each other, uncomfortable silence filling the room as Robin begins to flush from embarrassment.
"Wait, so why were you acting weird when the lecture ended?"
Now it was your turn to flush from embarrassment.
"Don't change the subject! What was so important about that letter?"
"You're literally changing the subject as we speak- why were you acting so fucking weird?"
You cleared your throat, crossing your arms in frustration as you awkwardly stared to the side.
Fuck it.
"I thought you found out I had a crush on you and that's why you were acting so weird and awkward around me this morning I'm really sorry we never have to talk about this ever again." You say in one breath as you stare down at your shoes, mumbling quietly.
Silence. She's probably going to storm off any minute now, she'll tell everyone you're a weird lesbian freak, and-
You gasp when you feel a tug down on your collar, and before you know it she has her lips on yours and her hand on your cheek. You sort of just stand there at first, frozen and not knowing what to do.
"Oh no, was that too much? I'm sorry-"
You just stare at her, dazed as you move your hand up to gently touch your lips and Robin practically melts on the spot.
"I like you too, you dumbass. You would've known if you didn't throw the letter away! Why would you throw a letter away, what if it was something important like-"
"Can you kiss me again?"
That managed to shut Robin up as she turns red again, a shy look forming on her face before stepping close to you, tiptoeing slightly as she places a hand on the back of your neck before kissing you softly and in that moment you really regretted throwing the stupid letter away- but hey, she's kissing you and you're smiling like a kid in a candy store. Can't complain.
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that1geek06 · 3 days
Hey, could you make a Carlos DeVil x Male Reader (platonic)? The reader is Ben's father and Beast's husband (I'm going to completely ignore that Belle exists) and he kind of adopts Carlos, being a father figure and family that Carlos never had.
OMG YOU GUYS I feel so popular 😍 I love that I have the descendents fandom here rn, but this request, anon I don't even know who belle is, last I checked Ben has two amazing dads who take in Carlos and the story goes smth like this..
Carlos DeVil x Bens Dad!Reader
Warnings: Nonee pure fluff (lmk if I'm wrong tho)
When Ben went to his fathers about letting VK'S into the isle, he never imagined that one of his dads would embrace it so much.
Y/N was the more calm and understanding one of the couple, so while Adam was worried and skeptical about letting them in. Y/N encouraged it, even convincing his husband to go with it.
While the beginning was rough, things slowly started to fall into place, and as Ben and Mals relationship bloomed, his dad Y/N was making one for himself.
When they first met properly it was an accident, Y/N was walking down the long halls of the palace to the library when a small talking dog suddenly ran into his legs.
"I am NOT taking a bath, I hate water, go back to being scared of me and leave me alone." The dog spoke, and Y/N chuckled. Picking up the same animal.
"Your not very good at running away if your just going to run into another person." He said, and the dog groaned at being captured. And after a spilt second, A head of white and black hair comes sprinting around the corner. Only to stop abruptly at the sight of one of the kings holding his pet.
Carlos bows his head, not really knowing what to do. "I-Im sorry your highness! I didn't mean to let him run loose in the castle, he slipped from my hands and-" Carlos was cut off by a laugh.
"You can look up, I'm not mad at all. I needed some entertainment to my boring day." Y/N smiles at the boy. "If I'm not mistaken, you are Carlos correct?"
His eyes widen at that, not expecting the king to address him so nicely. "Yeah, I am." Y/N smiles at that. "Well its nice to meet you, and your dog is..?"
Before Carlos can even answer the dog spoke for himself, "Its dude, and I am NOT taking a bath." Y/N laughs harder. "I'm afraid your wash is inevitable, but perhaps if Carlos is willing, it could be stalled?" He looks up at the teen.
"What do you mean?" Carlos asks.
"I was about to head down to the library, its my favourite place to relax. But it gets lonely as well. Would you care to join me?" Not expecting that answer, Carlos's eyes widened. He thought for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, it could be fun."
So the two walked to the library together, along with dude. Chatting about anything and everything.
That was how it started, and they got closer. The attention of the adult that Carlos got was unlike anything he received. If wasn't the tight lipped smiles like the staff, or the manipulative love like his mother.
Y/N cared. He had genuine interest in Carlos as a whole. He helped with school, teen drama, sports, advice, when he just needed to rant. Carlos could almost say he was like a dad to him.
But as their Visits became more frequent. His friends started to get curious. He doesn't know why but he didn't want to tell them of his relationship with one of the kings.
So any time they would ask, he would blush and mumble some random excuse. Making sure to bring dude with him and bolting out of the dorms.
But they were all to curious now, and one day was the final straw.
Today sucked to put it lightly. Carlos spent all week studying for this test, and despite Y/N's advice he stayed up all night too, getting no sleep. And it was all just to fail.
And then during lunch he slipped and spilled mash potatoes and gravy all over himself.
But to top it all off, Chad was unrelenting in targeting him during practice. And it was to much.
On the brink of tears, Carlos storms into the dorm room to change.
The rest of the group was relaxing in the room waiting, looking at Jay to try and find answers to which he just shrugged.
When the over stimulated boy came back out of the bathroom the group immediately began to express their worries.
"What's wrong?" Evie asked.
"Did something happen?" Mal added.
"If you need to talk we are here you know?" Jay said, and the whole group nodded. But without a word Carlos ran out. And dude, knowing where he was going. Jumped out of bed to follow.
All of them being extremely worried for their friend. They followed as well.
Y/N was going through some documents when his office doors were burst open. He opens his mouth to chastise the person when he looks up and sees the very distraught boy there. Panting with water eyes.
His eyebrows furrow with concern and he stands, immediately going to him. "Carlos? What's the matter?" Y/N asks, but instead of getting an answer, the teen hugs him tightly, and he cries.
The kings heart clenched at this. He embraces Carlos tightly while gently rubbing his back. "Shhh its alright, just breath."
Soon enough dude comes running in, immediately sitting at their feet, wanting to help comfort the boy as well.
What Y/N wasn't expecting was seeing his friends and even his son staring with wide eyes. But he shoots them a gently smile. One that promises an explanation later.
He makes eye contact with Ben, and as if they had a silent conversation. His son nods and softly closes the door to his office.
Turning his attention back to Carlos, he notices that the boy has calmed down. Unwrapping his arms to wipe his eyes.
"What's going on Carlos?" Y/N asks in a soft voice.
The teens sniffs, shaking his head and taking a deep breath. "Today really sucked and I-... I don't know if I'm cut out for this." He responds quietly.
Y/N smiled sadly. "Well, can I tell you a story?"
Confused, Carlos just nods. And the king took a deep breath before starting.
"You see, A long time ago, there was this boy. He grew up in a small town that had a very fixed mindset. But you see this boy didn't like to be stuck in that mindset. All the people viewed him as weird. His likes and dislikes were so uncommon that many would talk about him behind his back, or so they thought but he heard everything."
Closing his eyes he pauses, before continuing.
"It was like that for most of his life, until he finally found someone else who wasn't like the others, and while it took a lot of warming up. They eventually fell for each other. This other man cared about his interests and didn't reject them. He helped the boy grow and see more of what he liked. And the boy helped the other to become a better person. And just like any cheesy love story, they fell in love."
Y/N chuckles, but Carlos looks intrigued. "..but how is that supposed to help me?"
The adult looks eyes with him, voice as soft as it is serious. "Carlos, as long as you have people who love you for who you are, you can do anything you want. And I know for a fact you have a group right outside those doors that do."
The teen glances back at the doors, nodding softly. But he hesitates, looking back up at Y/N before sheepishly asking a question.
"what...what about you?"
The kings heart ached at the vulnerability in his voice, and he smiled comfortingly. "Oh I thought it was quite obvious that I care about you."
He watches at Carlos's shoulders visibly relax, before he springs forward into a hug. Y/N laughs as he returns it.
"All always be here for you, your an amazing kid, and I know you'll do good in Auradon."
Carlos felt his heart swell. And he just hugs the man tighter, showing rather than saying how much this meant to him.
How nice it felt to have someone comfort him, not have a caring father figure.
AWWWW WE LOVE A FLUFFY ENDING, but anyways I know I died for a while but I swear I'm going to get back on top of things. YOU SHALL NO LONGER BE STARVED OF FICS. But I hope this made your day dream more of a reality anon!! Let me know if there's anything I can do to improve, grab a snack, and happy reading to you goobers 👽
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
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@mcyt-yuri-week Day 5, Rose/Thorns I never stop thinking about SL episode 8 never ever
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Medical log, stardate 18935.15. Once more have I seen the tailor go out in his lizard fashion—
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ghostbeam · 3 months
Fwb with Oliver who expects he’ll have to break things off once you get too attached but it’s worth it for a little fun except u never get too attached in fact ur the one who has to tell him it’s over bc he’s gotten too clingy
#I’m thinking I’m having thoughts#my avoidant attachment comes out soooo full force w bllk men it’s crazy#but anyways…..u meet u hook up once#u think it’ll be a one time thing which ur cool with#but the Oliver proposes u make it a regular thing#it’s too good u get real slutty (and so does he) he’s not satisfied with one time#probably does some cheesy don’t fall in love w me speech#but u know what this is#except at some point lines start blurring#and Oliver starts to come over without even looking to have sex#he just wants ur company watch a movie order food#boyfriend things#except Oliver is not boyfriend material and he doesn’t think he’ll ever be#and while he knows he maybe should stop it#he can’t#cause he likes u#and maybe it has to end but he wants to keep it going as long as he can#until one day ur asking him to meet up#and telling him u don’t think it’s a good idea to keep hooking up#and the truth is ur falling for him#and u know he might be feeling the same way#but u tell him that u think he’s treating u too much like a girlfriend#u lay out the facts#he has no choice but to agree#he knew it was coming he just didn’t expect for u to be the one to break it to him#but now he can’t sleep bc he can’t call u before bed#and every time he hears your favorite song ur all he thinks about#and sometimes he picks up snacks u like when he’s out for when u come over but u don’t come over anymore#he’s never been so torn up about someone in his life#omg I reached the tag limit bye
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melz-367 · 11 days
have a random need and urge to expand on the difference (in loving terms) between being hugged and being held.
like, to be hugged is a mutual sort of 'I love you', a small or big gesture that implicates a need to be close or have some form of physical contact. it can have different levels of love, whether it's a thing you do with your friends or something that you do with a person you love deeply and romantically, it can mean a lot of things.
for some people, it's a simple gesture that can happen in everyday life, and you don't even think about it.
for others, it's a huge thing, something that you only do with people you really mean it with. it's something that eases you and makes you feel good, like kisses (which I might have to get into another time lol)
but being held is a very different thing, and I've been thinking about it quite a lot recently.
to be held can be a one sided thing, unlike hugs, which are normally two sided, and it's can come off as more than a need for physical contact, it's a need to be loved.
being held is, in my view, also a lot more romantic, or at the very least something you only do with someone you trust a hell of a lot. it's more of a 'letting someone else take care of you' sort of thing, where you've gone back to basic needs and you just need to know you're loved. to hold someone is to protect them or comfort them, less of a simple loving gesture, more of a I've got you.
don't get me wrong, it is one hundred percent something you'd do with someone you love, but if you hold someone it can be a way of showing you love them, less of just showing each other love. like, something that you use to comfort someone and reasurre them that they are loved, something that you might know about yourself, but maybe they're not so sure, which is a whole other page of shit to explain, but yeah.
just, interesting, I think. small gestures that can mean so much to some people, and nothing to others.
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abigail · 8 months
btw besties !!! i did meet my favourite musician and he did write the thing for me that i wanna get as a tattoo :-) yippie !!! ♡ ♡ ♡
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cuteniaarts · 2 months
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2 hour rough drawing of Ehuang, my precious Green Opal child who I don’t draw nearly enough <3
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#Kat and Nia and their multiverse of madness#original character#ehuang beifong#<— finally. a new OC with a proper tag#tbh it is much easier to tag characters who have last names#and we’ve never discussed it but I do think Ehuang carries the Beifong last name. whether or not she uses it is a different matter#I feel like she’s a Beifong officially she never puts much emphasis on it. she prefers the other side of her family anyway#okay moving on from that#next gens for next gens. quite a deep niche in reaching here#but I don’t care. I love Ehuang as a representation of everything good and pure in the world too much to object to her existence#baby girl. sweet girl#and yeah I’ve drawn her with Midori Opal and Suiren before so I thought I’d try something else#and while Kuvira isn’t actually shown here. just know that she’s absolutely tearing up off screen#you can pull the idea of Kuvira absolutely adoring her little niece out of my cold dead hands#wait omg I never posted my earlier art of Ehuang on here have I#okay once I’m done with my current projects I’ll refine and post those#the world deserves to see more of Ehuang#I feel like this particular scenario also hits some spot in Kuvira bc she knows who Ehuang’s bio dad is#and Ehuang looks just enough like him. despite being very similar to Midori. that imagining her with a beauty mark under her eye…#it brings Certain Ideas to mind. very fleeting and eliciting a ‘imagine that. I love this girl to bits but I’m sure glad I’m not her mom’#kind of response. but overall no one really lingers on that fact. I feel. her parents are Midori and Opal#Bataar’s just the donor. no one calls him her bio dad. he doesn’t see her as his daughter. probs Suyin is the only one who puts up a fuss#like not letting up about Ehuang being his kid even though he’s told her countless times that his involvement is irrelevant#he doesn’t wish to be ehuang’s dad. that wasn’t why he helped create her.#he did so because he loves his sister and SIL. because he knew they wanted a baby. not because he wanted a child himself#he’s quite content being her uncle thank you very much. and idk why I just went on this ramble lmao#maybe I should try to write something Ehuang related. explore all these relationships and whatever. we’ll see
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coridallasmultipass · 8 months
Ok, guys, hear me out. Please. Just this one little thing. A small ship I present to you, and humbly ask for your consideration. If you will, please.
So, you know how people like DirkJohn (I'm people). Hear me out tho. This doesn't end here, because I also like DirkJake. (And DaveKat - DaveJohn, too, but not if Dave's with Karkat).
Well, as I'm writing a story idea just now, I thought, "Oh, wouldn't it be funny if I made this random story into Homestuck fanfiction?" And because I'm a little... you know... I rolled with it.
And now I'm faced with that dilemma. If Dirk has Jake, and Dave has Kat, who has John?
But here's a little secret. I needed a smart guy to talk numbers earlier in my notes, so I already have Lil Hal written down as a main character in this dumb idea I'm pulling out my ass heart right now.
And who do I have a Strider need for? John.
I present to you:
Lil Hal/John.
27 works on Ao3. That is not nearly enough.
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#lol while i was out with my cat#i saw that couple that goes out for a smoke at night#and tbh the guy is kinda good looking#but i've never thought that before and tbh i think it's just bc#as i like someone. whenever anyone has any attribute similar to that person#im like omg so attractive?? lmao.#cant even imagine that anyone could ever think that way about me tbh :/// like when u like someone and u subconsciouly search for them#anywhere u can...#but yeah i just started thinking and#i dont know i so badly wonder#what it is like to to be with a man you like#and have him call u his girlfriend. and be allowed to call him your boyfriend#and to stand infront of him and put your hands on his shoulders#and gently trace along his nose and cheekbones with your fingers#to stroke his hair and brush some strands of it away from his eyes#to kiss him on the cheek to put your arms around your waist and feel his arms around you pulling u tight to him#to kiss him on the lips to feel his body against yours.... to lie next to him and bed and fall asleep to his breathing#to get to touch his dick to jack him off to suck him off#to have him care for you and ask u questions abt your day#and listen to your rambles about the book you're reading or or or whatever#i dont know... i cant even imagine liking someone#and being allowed to touch them at all. why would anyone want me touching them#all of this is not for me. it is just smth human i look at from far away.#not smth for me to experience for myself. but i wonder i really wonder#especially when i see couples sometimes that seem like they really love eo#or tbh even if they dont. bc theyre still together#and i just wonder what all of it is like
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mageofseven · 1 year
Guys, I fell in love with Barb x Mammon 🥺💕
I went from "huh these two seem kinda neat" to "I can literally only think about these two men together" in just a night 😅🤭
It doesn't seem like others think much of this ship, which is sad, but I love these two so much I could cry.
So yeah, I fell in love with this ship lol 🥹💕
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