#i never play men or canon mains in canon ships so like...... this is just new lol
victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Maya Fey
OKAY SO She's definitely NOT the love interest coz she's like 16 n he's 24 or smth but in literally all fandom she's just... the wingwoman. that's all. EVEN WHEN SHE'S IN A LESBIAN RELATIONSHIP IT'S IN THE BACKGROUND N SHE'S SUPPORTING THE YAOI GROWN ASS MEN..... it's horrible... detestable... she's a main character... she has ARCS..... and yet.. her own most popular ship tag is just.. her n her gf as background yuri who are supporting and wingwomaning the fucking main guys. it's a tragedy. Maya Fey would make Phoenix Wright buy her burgers everytime he made her listen to his love problems and then she'd tell him that every complaint he makes will cost another burger. SHE WOULD NEVER BE SUPPORTING YURI.. 
Phoenix’s best friend and partner in solving crimes. She often gets shunted aside by the fandom, reduced to Phoenix/Edgeworth cheerleader and matchmaker. 
okay i wouldnt say shes exactly mistreated, shes pretty well liked in the fandom, HOWEVER shes always seen as like an accessory to wrightworth, her only role being to make jokes about how in love they are etc. i feel like a lot of people ignore her depth and backstory to just use her as a tool in wrightworth stories. she plays a very important role in the games as well and has been through a lot, and has always been helpful to wright, so she deserves to be more than the setup to a joke about wrightworth
Iris Hawthorne
Ex gf of the MC i lover her ok she is sweet
Phoenix wright’s canon ex girlfriend. Extremely underappreciated because people ignore her to make narumitsu work better
poor girl gets slandered by the fandom so much for being the main character’s ex. i know she was used primarily for the plot but cmon everyone’s just so mean to her. she was manipulated into doing terrible things by her sister whom she loves so much and she didn’t know any better because all she wanted was to have a family. it’s not an excuse for her actions but it’s just so tragic that she did everything for her sister just for her to use her for her own personal gain
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 3 months
Look. I'm fucking done here.
I'm fucking furious. I've had ENOUGH of people shit talking Kristen Reidel for being "antibuddie".
Newsflash you imbecils, it's OBVIOUSLY blatantly untrue!! She's been here for us, from the very start, to lay out the foundation for queer Buck and Eddie. She's written, directed and been the executive producer for some of the most monumental buddie moments!!
Maybe take a moment to understand that these shows are huge and one person does not have all the say for how things work out. These people do not work in isolation, doing whatever they like!
Let's remember that the show used be on Fox, which is arguably one of the most conservative networks there are!!!
The show already had several main queer characters and romances when Eddie's character entered the show in season 2. We also know that the main target audience is fairly tradional, and the show is freaking expensive to make without a huge profit in return. We KNOW it has repeatedly struggled to get renewed due to that.
Let's remember that creating a show like this is not an existence of stress-free creative indulgence - you are actually responsible for HUNDREDS of jobs! The show's survival! People's income! The crew isn't just a couple of known actors, it's also everyone else making the show, and these productions are HUGE. It's so many families income at stake.
So WAKE UP and realise what they've been against, creating this show.
I'm like obnoxiously queer but even I would get nervous at the idea of similtaneously airing several queer ships on a show about emergency responders, on freaking Fox!
Seriously, just stop to think. What if they had gone for blatant buddie early on?
The show would have had to juggle... let's do some math...
Hen, Karen, and Eva being queer and raising a rainbow family,
Michael's coming out storyline, then his and David's romance, Josh being very much gay and dating men... Add to that Buck and Eddie, and that's MANY prominent queer characters, story arcs and romances trying to compete for air time... ON FOX, in a show about firefighters!
The risk of the the largely conservative, homophobic audience on a conservative channel going "it's too much" and abandoning the show was REAL, don't you pretend otherwise.
Sure, there are other less easily intimidated audiences, but how would they know if the leap into the unknown would pay off?
I think in those circumstances they made a very sensible decision to focus on the other queer characters anf storylines first.
Again, it's hundreds of people's incomes at stake!!! There must have been people, funders, bosses voting against adding more blatantly queer storylines to the current situation because it was just not the right time.
So Kristel Reid was CAUTIOUS when she gave interviews. Remember, the future of the show has been uncertain from the start with how expensive it is to make!!
She did not want to give false hope to the viewers hoping for buddie come true. She did not want to be accused of queerbaiting. She very sensibly made sure to appear neutral about buddie, and give the UNTRUE impression that her head canon is that meh, they're just straight friends to her.
Quite frankly folks... NEVER PLAY POKER WITH THIS WOMAN, I think she'd eat you in a minute!!
She LIED. Fucking absorb that information. Breathe it in! You can do it! She's been obviously rooting for Buddie to happen for AGES.
Why do I say this?
Well here's my fucking powerpoiny about it!!! Read this and take a minute to consider her innocent "oh they're the very bestest of friends"-front against her actual work on the show!!
She WROTE 5x18, you know, with Ravi's line to Hen:
"I think it's sweet that Karen was defending you. I mean, isn't that what we all want in a partner, knowing they have your back?"
She's no spring chicken, she wrote this fully knowing the memory we buddie shippers possess!!!
She WROTE the scene in which Eddie comforts Buck at the hospital after Maddie's kidnapping.
She WROTE 3x01, that's the scene in which Eddie bursts into Buck's apartment when Buck's feeling down and has Chris hang out with "his Buck".
She co-wrote Eddie's disgusted reaction to meeting Abby, she co-wrote Buck hearing that Chris is going on a two-week school trip and freaking out like a mother hen,
She WROTE freaking 4x14 - You know, the episode SURVIVORS, in which Eddie is shot by a sniper!! In the queerest way possible!!
She WROTE Desperate measures, you know - the episode in which Eddie breaks up with Ana, freaking oozing repressed queer subtext all over the place!!
Have you even watched the talk Buck and Eddie have before the breakup?!!! It's INSANE.
Buck: Ah. I thought you'd be the first one out the door. Christopher know you're coming?
Eddie: Not yet. I haven't figured out what I'm going to say when I get home. To Ana.
Try telling me that "door" isn't the door of a closet, I challenge you!!
She freaking co-wrote 5x17!!! The META of Taylor, in 5x17 "promising" she won't "run the story", and then breaking that promise.
That same episode has Eddie visiting his home btw, and paints a very illuminative picture of the environment Eddie grew up in - it practically spells toxic masculinity, compulsory heterosexuality, catholic guilt. Really, that episode basically screams "This is why Eddie is such a repressed onion."
THAT episode also has THAT insane closet door scene, Eddie opening a closet door as Buck says:
Buck: You know, your parents will understand!
Eddie turns to stare at him.
Buck: ...They should understand. *Plays with a toy dinosaur as he's talking, and pretends it bites his finger.*
... And again, after that episode she wrote 5x18, the one with "Isn't that what we all want in a partner, knowing they have your back?"
An obvious parallel to Buck and Eddie meeting and promising to have each other's backs!!!
Seriously, Kristel Reidel has had our back from the very beginning and I'm fed up with people talking shit about her!! I think it's no coincidence that one of the emergencies she wrote was "someone stuck in a freezer", that's fucking meta. I bet she's wanted to fucking hit the pedal but she's been forced to bide her time, and it's been fucking agony at times.
And don't even get me started on Tim fucking Minear, who people have ALSO shit talked because "hE jUst liKes tO QuEerBait".
BE GRATEFUL FOR TIM MINEAR. They are our freaking GOATS and they deserve our love!!!
Edit. After reading up some more about the power structures of media networks like these... I would really not be surprised if it turned out that the people running this show (such as Reidel and Minear, the people listed next to the episodes) have had even less say on what sort of stories they get to do than I've thought.
After all, these people we fans focus on and know by name... They're really not nearly as influential as we think. There are still plenty of big chiefs higher up in the food chain. I've heard some vague rumours before that the network has meddled with the show's creative decisions a lot in these past years, and would not be surprised if it was true.
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
I think it's a bit because fh fans tend to be specifically Scott fans. Jimmy largely downplays or rejects fh content, while Scott plays it up. It's very much a 'from Scott's perspective its a cute callback while from Jimmy's perspective it's a threat' situation. But Scott the creator's also gotten in a lot of controversies and of course actual homophobia so I think they tend to be defensive against any potentially perceived dislike, until they make it a moral failing to not see Scott, c or cc, as this amazing flawless guy...
But also probably it's partly just cause it's the grandfather of traffic shipping, and so most people's first ship, so people hold it closer to their heart, especially when it didn't end as dramatically as scarian, its main peer. And dl where the toxic angle became most prominent for both scarian's toxicity was front and centre part of their story, while ranchers happened and specifically were rivals with scott at his most toxic in the series. So, if you don't believe in that toxicity you just see people making excuses why their ship is superior, rather than people having reasons they don't like a ship that an alternative ship solves and creates a compelling narrative for.
I really think the canonicity of fh combined with it's train crash directly into ranchers set up a real fh vs every other ship vibe (that Scott himself does not do a very good job of counteracting and in fact likes to feed into, but that's a whole other ted talk) that the fandom hasn't shaken.
Very good input anon. People defending FH (even though they shouldn't feel the need to) very VERY often reason that people are just "hating" on FH to prop up a different ship, especially ranchers. I could imagine that might have been somewhat relevant and/or occuring during the DL era, when ranchers was hip and new, but at this time, fucking no one that I've seen is doing this, it's stupid and I hope it's been left in the past if it was ever even a thing
And I've seen a person like this proclaim "this is why I can't stand Jimmy's POV" like, lol. If you can't handle 50% of Flower Husbands because you can't stand the idea of them being toxic... is that not admittance. I will never understand these people however much I try to
I've talked about it before but I've seen several old 3L fans come forth to express similar opinions to FH as the ones that are now being very vocally complained about, because they feared being public about them at the time, seeing how quickly popular and iconic FH became, and how its fans shut down any negative interpretaions down at mach speed 20. This isn't a new thing that magically popped up overnight because some singular guy somewhere had a vendetta against two cube men and started spreading propaganda lol
I also could not give less of a fuck about CC Scott but it also makes sense that people who are fans of his would also be opposed to even his character being portrayed in any kind of negative light, seeing how much controversy CC Scott has been part of. That and, him being a gay man ofc, so if you don't think FH is sunshine and rainbow then you're homophobic. Thumbs up
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The Tedependent Masterpost
Essentially my deluded ramblings as to why I’m a Tedependent truther 😊
DISCLAIMER: I love TL and no matter what direction the writers take S3 in I will be on board! This is just a theory from some lil' details I noticed 😊Also so that if I turn out to be right I can say I told you so :o but if I’m wrong uhhhh.. you never saw this
Some various important notes before we get into it:
Firstly, I think it’s pretty likely that sexuality will come up in some form in S3. It fits in really well with the previous themes of the show (masculinity, mental health, relationships with fathers etc). TL has tackled some other issues such as the portrayal of mental health in sport but they haven’t mentioned sexuality yet despite it being a big topic (there’s only 1 out gay footballer… which is INSANE.. there’s a LOT of homophobia in football). So it makes a lot of sense for this to come up during S3. A lot of people have also theorized that Colin is gay and although I’m not going to go into that now I think it’s pretty likely and considering that Colin was one of Nate’s main “victims” (for want of a better word) it’s also likely that he’ll be more prominent in S3, perhaps even being a big part of Nate’s comeuppance. There’s also various rumours of Trent (and some say Colin too?) being seen filming at a gay nightclub in Amsterdam…
Here's an excerpt from an article interviewing Cristo Fernández, the actor who plays Dani Rojas, about the themes of season 3:
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Interesting stuff....
In terms of whether or not Ted will have a romantic relationship in S3 I think it’s pretty likely through the “rom-communism” speech and how generally wholesome the show is that Ted will end up in a relationship at the end- especially as it would be very satisfying for Ted to start the show in a bad relationship and end it in a healthy one. Also the teaser dropping on Valentines is very…… interesting. Despite this it could be argued that Ted has to go through more personal growth before he’s ready to be in a long term relationship and with Ted most likely leaving for Kansas at the end of S3 he might not be in a good position to get into a new relationship. This is probably one of the biggest holes in this theory- whether Ted is ready for a relationship in S3. If he is though, I can think of someone who would be a very good option…
Before we talk about Trent though (yes there still is more to address) we need to address the other main option- Rebecca. I think it’s pretty unlikely that Ted will end up with Rebecca. Firstly it’s very cliché and the writers know that people expect Ted and Rebecca to end up together. They teased it in S2 before the Sam bantr reveal which felt to me like the writers saying that they know it’s what people expect but that they’re choosing not to go that direction. Speaking of Sam, although he and Rebecca technically ended S2 not together it’s very clear that that arc is not over yet and that’s still something that has to be dealt with in S3. Ted and Rebecca’s relationship is an incredibly valuable representation of close friendships/platonic relationships between men and women, and I think the writers understand this too:
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To be clear, I don’t have any problem with people shipping Tedbecca! I actually think it can be quite a cute ship, I just don’t think it’s likely to happen in canon.
Now onto the fun bit! All the evidence!
I don’t think it’s in question that Trent is gay so I’m not really going to cover that here apart from saying that he leaves the pub with a man he’s seemingly on a date with an if you’re still not sold that he’s gay… just uh…. Just look at him..
First some quickfire evidence:
Ted calls Trent “baby”! s2 ep3 3 mins in! crazy stuff
S2 ep1 at about 6:20 Ted says “Trent Crimm, bringin’ that heat”- a reference to the very spicy Indian food they ate together
They speak more often than we see off-screen- we have the iconic “love our chats!” line implying that they have conversations outside of the show and Ted makes Trent’s daughter biscuits (s1 ep9 27:40), showing that he’s not only met Trent’s daughter before but is meeting her again soon to give her the biscuits
Slightly less quickfire evidence:
There’s a lot of similarities between Trent and Rebecca- this post details some of them, but there’s also similarities in lines- in s1 ep3 Ted says to Trent “watch your back Gay Talese there’s a new iconic profile about to be typed up by one Trent Crimm” then on s1 ep9 Ted says to Rebecca “watch your back Kate Moss there’s a new bad girl on the British modelling scene”. They also have very similar hair (look at the first two gifs of the above post), and the only two people Ted makes biscuits for on the show are Rebecca and Trent’s daughter. I believe this is a way of twisting the expectation that Rebecca and Ted are going to end up together to have Ted end up with someone similar, but not who people expect.
Some silly little scene analysis:
The first scene I’ll be talking about is s2, ep7, at about 31 minutes in. Before I go into depth about the details of this scene I’d suggest you rewatch it first, but I couldn’t find a clip of it on Youtube so just go to that timestamp. The first line in this scene is very strange- it’s Mae saying “If music be the food of love play on, give me excess of it”. This line seems completely pointless- it’s not really a joke, nor does it serve to further the plot or develop Mae’s character. But as I will repeat many times and cannot emphasise enough- lines in this show don’t get used lightly. This line is actually the opening line to Shakespeare’s most famous romantic comedy, Twelfth Night. And this line is used at the beginning of a scene with Ted and Trent when there’s seemingly NO REASON for it…. (I’m not going to get into the Shakespeare analysis now but if you want me to I will make a post about it :D)  We then see Trent saying goodbye to a man he’s on a date with- who has a moustache, no less. And THEN he says “of all the pub joints” which is a reference to the line “of all the gin joints” from the film Casablanca- and (mild spoilers for 3) the episode title of ep 8 is “We’ll never have Paris”, another reference to Casablanca. They end off this scene with Trent saying "Love our chats!". This line is reminiscent of when Ted asked Trent "What do you love?" in the Indian restaurant in s1 ep3, and also implies that they are closer than the show makes them seem.
Another very suspicious moment came at end of s2 ep12, which is the VERY LAST scene with Ted in the whole of S2. It’s also sandwiched in between the scenes about the other 2 major romantic relationships in the show- we get Sam and Rebecca, then Trent and Ted, then Roy and Keeley… Which in my opinion is a deliberate way of laying out these scenes to imply more about Trent and Ted’s relationship. Before I go on to talk about it here’s the clip for context: https://youtu.be/fF3A7XSk2HU (it’s pretty low quality so if you want to you can watch the clip at 44mins into s2 ep12). I think Trent waiting outside for Ted speaks for itself, but then there’s the line about the bike accident, where we learn that Trent doesn’t know how to ride a bike. Lines in this show are rarely used lightly and this is likely suggesting that we’ll get a scene of Trent learning how to ride a bike (potentially in Amsterdam?!). We then learn that Trent - and now I want you to listen closely on this part- has thrown away his entire career in journalism and his chance to ever work in journalism again by telling his boss that he revealed a source. And why did he do this? For Ted (...mostly. he has other reasons for leaving as well but...). Not only is this literally insane but by having Trent quit his job the writers have removed the only major barrier to Trent and Ted being in a relationship- whereas previously this might’ve been unethical because Trent was a journalist covering Richmond, that’s now no longer an issue. And then Trent has locked his keys in the car- which shows either how flustered he was when waiting to see Ted or could be implying that he’s here to stay.
Sorry for low quality but look at them. That is a normal way for two straight lads to look at another guy right?
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Bits from some interviews:
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Some would say that I'm mad. I'd argue that if you look at the evidence there's a solid chance that Tedtrent could happen in Season 3- the sneaky little references to Casablanca and Shakespeare as well as literally the whole of their last scene together sold me the most tbh. It's hardly debatable that Trent has a crush on Ted, but I believe (hehe) that it could be reciprocal- there's not much evidence that Ted is bisexual, (references to queen and the frequent appearance of their songs as well as the choice of NSync's song "Bye bye bye" which is frequently used on the internet to mean "Bi bi bi") but then again, there's not much evidence that he's not. I feel like I could go on and I've definitely missed some things but this post is already far too long (1.6k words) and I need to stop!
I’d be interested to hear everyone’s thoughts and opinions, and feel free to drop a comment telling me how deluded I am because in all honestly I probably am…. Or am I………….. guess we’ll find out in season 3!
If I’ve missed anything please lmk!
EDIT: ohhh my god I forgot- The scene w/ Ted and Trent at the end of s2 happens in the Richmond car park- just like Roy and Keeley in s1. And Ted met Michelle in a car park :)
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 8 months
I’m not sure if you’re in the ATLA fandom but l*ve square feels a lot like kat*ang where people can easily criticize female main but don’t you dare not ship canon or criticize our boy!
Childish boy that can do no wrong/ is perfect that needs come before duty or the wants of his partner x woman of color that’s kind and strong which are her best or worst traits depending on when you ask and who must end up with male lead because he earned it
Anon...Sit down for a moment.
I am not sure if you read my about me or not but I should I mention I ship Kataang and my blog is a pro Aang blog!
I was going to write up a big response but I think I should keep this relatively short and sweet.
But to start off...How is Lukanette like Zvtara?! Like how?!
Zvtara was more popular than the canon ships before and after Avatar's run. And while Lukanette was popular for a time, it was by no means more popular than that one ship that shall not be named! If anything Zvtara is just as popular as the LS and Zvtara fanfics are similar to Adrien and Marinette's fucked up """"love story"""". I remember reading ZK fanfics where everyone and I mean everyone pushes Zuko and Katara together, Toph, Iroh, they are all reduced to mouthpieces for the Zvtara fanbase. Kind of similar to the creepy ass Adrie//nette cult in the show. I literally found a fanfic where Iroh and Kanna try to get Zuko and Katara together by shoving them in a freezer together, which reminds me a hell of a lot like M*raculous.
And I am not sure why you Z/tara shippers are once again playing victim. Yes, there are Kataang shippers who arrogantly flaunt their canon but I also seen Z/tara shippers who think me and my peers are delusional for not seeing the """"romantic chemistry"""" between Zuko and Katara. I have seen Z/tara shippers act all smug and think they have better reading comprehension than people who ship canon. Not to mention the ZK shippers who think anyone who doesn't like Z/tara hates woman and all Kataang shippers are white men while all PoC are uncomfortable with the idea of Kataang.
And honestly the people who think everyone who hates Z/tara hates women can seriously fuck off! Shipping isn't activism! Some of you really need to get off the computer and touch some grass! And stop talking for all PoC as well! I am PoC! And the way a lot of Zvtara fanfictions fetishize Katara and make her Zuko's exotic girlfriend makes me uncomfortable. Not to mention the ZK shippers who think Aang would force Katara to let go of her culture (Legend of Korra and the comics proved this wrong) while Zvtara fanfics involve Katara completely letting go of the water tribe to become the perfect fire lady.
Not to mention, my friends and I were bullied by Zvtara shippers! I was bullied by a ZK shipper in her 40's who acts all smug and thought she had moral superiority and had better reading comprehension because she ships ZK. She just complains about cartoons all day.......Yeah! Complaining about cartoons all day is what ZK shippers do I guess.
And I am not sure why you Aang antis and ZK deepthroaters go on and on until kingdom come that Aang never faces consequences. He felt guilty for burning Katara, for kissing her at the wrong time, for Katara putting herself in the line of danger during the desert episode. Aang saved Kyoshi Island when it was attacked by the fire nation, and he felt guilty and saved Katara and Sokka after hiding a letter from their father from them.
Unlike Adrien whom the creators literally said does no wrong or doesn't need to apologize for anything. Chat Noir ate up kissing Ladybug in Oblivio...Aang felt guilty for kissing Katara in Ember Island Players and didn't bother her about it again.
And Aang takes his role as Avatar seriously! Even if it was all so scary and sometimes he wished wasn't a 12-year-old boy with the weight of the world on his shoulders...Which is human. The ML bible confirmed AdriChat doesn't give a crap about being a hero he's just in it for the freedom!
And again...Not sure why you guys think ZK is like Lukanette...Is every non-canon ship "Just like Zoootara ZOMG!" now?!
I mean...Luka and Marinette actually liked each other. Zuko and Katara never showed romantic interest in each other. (But I guess that is a hard pill for you people to swallow) And "Katara falling in love with Aang is unrealistic because i would've chosen Zuko!" isn't a valid argument! And yet ya'll claim Zvtara isn't a self insert ship.
Honestly I have seen more similarities between Lukanette and Kataang. Both are best friends to lovers that are brushed off as "just bros!" People dismiss both shippers by the mere virtue that the other choice is "more attractive". I have heard people said that the two year age gap between Marinette and Luka is creepy...Similar to Kataang.
And honestly the fact you people have been watching Avatar the Last Airbender with your eyes closed thinking Aang never faces the consequences or apologizes reminds me of that old drama of how people honestly felt Marinette never apologized and got off scott free with everything!
And Luka and Aang are two sweet boys who get way too much unwarranted hate!
And don't you dare compare Kataang to the LS! Similar to how not all non-canon ships are like Zvtara (Because I hate to break it to you people...But Zvtara wasn't robbed of anything! There are plenty of non-canon ships done far worse than Zvtara!) Not all canon ships are like the LS!
Kataang had gradual development and Aang and Katara were best friends! They were each other's ride or die! They had so much development that I am surprised you people are shocked that Aang and Katara ended up endgame.
Adrien and Marinette didn't have the same development that Aang and Katara did! Don't even compare Kataang to the loathe square around me!
But hey, if you can't see how awesome Aang is and how beautiful and nuanced Kataang is...Sucks for you I guess.
I think I am done now...Sorry if I wasn't here to validate your overhyped erotic wattpad fantasy ship but......I am not a Zvtara apologist blog and you messed with the wrong person.
Edit: I forgot to note!
One of the biggest fandom woes I dealt with in both fandoms is
ZK shippers being like "Katara never liked Aang!!!"
and LS shippers being like "Marinette never loved Luka!!!"
And I am like "Guys I am tired!"
But hey...Lukanette is toooootally not like KaTaang amirite???
I mean you guys only think Lukanette and Zvtara are similar because they are both non-canon right? Even if Lukanette was canon briefly. As short lived as it was...
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
I would like to know your thoughts on Boa x Luffy.
Because I have a few problems with this ship. (actually it´s mostly one, the others are more reasons why I don´t ship them)
First the age gap: Can´t say anything to it since I like Marco x Ace (I don´t won´t to think of that age different! )
A problem I have is that Boa seems to idolize Luffy and alredy wants to merry a 17Y old Luffy. And first I was like thats a bit creepy but then I stopped a moment to think. When I look of her behavior and her thoughts, she actually reminds me more of a little girl with her first crush. (lasteres is definitive true) While she wasn´t as lucky to grew up as isolated as most of the amazons (who didn´t even know what a man looks like) and has probably good reasons to hate men, she soesn´t know much about relationships.
I think, and I can´t believe I´m saying this, that Luffy is in this more mature than her in this. He clearly says that he won´t marry her. (and thank you Oda to not play it for laugh and make him not understand what she means) I´m pretty sure Luffy knows her feelings for him, but ignores it (doesn´t think about it).
What I really don´t like about this ship is actually not the ship itself (even if I don´t ship them), it´s some "shiper" when you can call them that. It´s when someon just ships them because Luffy NEEDS a love intrest (not true) or because with someone Luffy has to have children in the future (also not true!).
I hate that! Boa (and Luffy) deserve better than that. She is a strong independent women that is more than her crush on Luffy.
I could write so many reasons why I love Boa, but I wrote already so much (more than I wanted) and my cat is bothering me because she wants attention. ( how dare I not give her the attention she deservs? Love her.)
I usually have no issues with ships because if I don't like them I just ignore them, so I basically don't care about this ship? Like people be people. You do you. Hakuna Matata. I personally don't like it because it's not my type of thing and because the only reason Boa likes Luffy is because she feels safe around him the way she feels safe around Rayleigh. Men have always seen her (and still do) as an object, and she has managed to use her beauty against them and their stupidity and I love it. I love her. I find Boa and Luffy's dynamic really endearing because it's not only that she has a ""crush"" on him, but she trusts him and genuinely feels comfortable in his presence to the point of saying "well, if this goes wrong I'll just go to Luffy" (which is really fucked up actually because she should be more independent and relying on romantically/sexually is only a trauma response, but yeah, at least she has two men in her life she can trust). I think she doesn't love Luffy or have a crush on him at all. She's just captivated by him and how safe he makes her feel because he's one of the only two men who have never seen her as an object. So, from that POV I really like the dynamic, but not romantically/sexually at all. I honestly think she's a lesbian going through the biggest fucking case of comphet I've ever seen, but then again, no opinion on the ship other than I don't like it but people can do whatever they want as long as they don't bother me.
However, I must say I do agree with you on the fact that most Boa/Luffy shippers (dudebros, mostly) like the pairing because they think Luffy as a main character needs a female love interest, and since she's been pretty much the only girl who has explicitly displayed romantic feelings for Luffy, they just take it as canon without thinking about their relationship or characters in the slightest. These people just keep pushing a normatively straight and allo agenda that I can't fucking stand. But, well, it's not like I interact with them so whatever.
Most people see this ship as problematic for the age difference and I find that pretty much stupid because usually the main problem with age difference is the level of maturity and power imbalance, but in this case, Boa is just down bad for him and she's a bit annoying at times (honestly, I keep saying it's just her coping mechanism often played as a joke for her character). And Luffy knows that she is because he has refused to get married to her multiple times. People act like Luffy is this naive kid who doesn't know what love/sex is, but the guy is just... Not interested. He doesn't seem bothered by her either? If Luffy genuinely disliked Boa for this he would've said so. He is a very direct and honest character. He likes Boa. He's friends with her. He'll help her if needed and he cares about her. However, he just doesn't like her romantically and... That's pretty much it? It's not that deep from Luffy's POV, honestly.
And when people call Boa a predator (I've seen that) I just feel uh... Conflicted with their opinion. Because a predator is somebody who has these patterns and keeps wanting/liking kids/really young people and keeps insisting whether or not they want it and they're, well, pervs, basically. Boa's feelings for Luffy are, like you said, pretty much shown as a high school innocent crush. The way she acts around him is to rely on him rather than take advantage of him, because, I repeat, all men in her life have used her and now that she has a male friend who doesn't see her as an object, she copes with having a crush on him. Which is really sad and it has happened to me and to a lot of lesbians with bad past experiences and... Seeing people call her out like this as if she were some big evil predator makes me feel really uneasy and worried about the reading skills of this fandom. Have you considered that... Even if there's an age gap... Some people don't have bad intentions and adults can also be traumatized? Like, I'm not saying this would be okay in real life, because it wouldn't (even if her behavior is understandable from a psychological POV), but in fiction? I think Boa is a pretty complex and well-written character and she has her reasons behind this comedic gag, even if it doesn't seem like it. Oda likes to exaggerate these things, with Sanji, for example. Y'all would literally hate Sanji in real life for how he treats women most of the time and we all acknowledge it's a comedic gag that got out of hand.
I'm not sure if I'm wording this right, but basically: Boa doesn't like Luffy romantically/sexually and just mistakes feeling safe with those types of attraction. I don't like the ship for that reason, and most shippers only ship them without having any understanding of their characters at all and because they just want a main straight pairing. It can be seen as problematic for the age gap and it's a running gag that can make people uncomfortable, yes, and I understand. But that does not make Boa a pedo/predator and y'all keep using those words very very freely to the point of them losing their true meaning.
Now this ended up being kind of an essay on them rather than my opinion so, TL;DR: I don't like the ship but they're cute friends.
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yellowspiralbound · 1 year
Since season 3 of The Witcher Netflix comes out tomorrow...here are some of my concerns on adaptation from this season onward. Potential spoilers for the future seasons and definite spoilers for the books. Long post ahead.
The Hansa's Dynamic
I am so worried about how the Hansa is going to be handled in the show. Like shaking in my boots terrified. The showrunners already really messed up Dandelion & Geralt's dynamic...and that's one of the easier dynamics present in the Hansa imo. The dynamic is already going to be screwy because Cahir is a middle aged man and not a petulant teenager if he's present in the Hansa at all (though I think he will be since Emhyr called him and Fringilla out at the end of s2).
Emhyr as a Character
Speaking of Emhyr...I think they might attempt to give him a redemption arc, and I cannot emphasize how bad of an idea that is. They're going to retcon the whole "wanting to impregnate Ciri" bit, which I have mixed feelings on. Like yes, on one hand that's fucking gross but on the other hand, that bit is in there to show how fucked up Emhyr is and why Geralt needs to get to Ciri so quickly; it adds a sense of urgency to the Hansa's travels. If I see Emhyr sympathizers on my dash after this season I will lose my fucking mind.
Milva's Pregnancy & Related Scenes
I suspect that Milva's pregnancy is going to be cut entirely or play up the rest of the Hansa's concern for her as a weird "men think they can control women's bodies" thing which Milva will have to fight with them about so the show can be appropriately pro-choice without exploring any of the pro-choice nuance the books bring up. I can just see Regis talking to the guys about it being turned into a "the father deserves a say in a woman's choice to abort" scenario instead of the "I will give this woman her abortion regardless of what you all think about that (and I've made that VERY clear) but I think she's making this choice because she believes you all will abandon her/not support her if she wants to keep this baby and someone needs to make sure that she knows that won't happen" scenario that it actually is. This is also plays into my concerns about the Hansa's dynamic as changing that scene changes it irreparably.
Characterizing Nilfgaard as a Nation
Right now I feel like the show could go one of two ways 1) Nilfgaard is wrong in everything it does or 2) Nilfgaard is right in everything it does (if Emhyr gets a redemption arc). The show has already made a show of the Northern Realms' racism, which is book accurate mind you, but I fear this will translate to a sort of "Nilfgaard is the better nation as its less racist" scenario. While Nilfgaard is better in that aspect and a few others, it is still a militant slave nation. Nilfgaard and the Northern Realms both have their evils and their virtues; that's a big point in the books and the games. Neither nation is 100% good or 100% bad - they're just nations. I don't think the show will be able to handle that kind of nuance.
Jaskier & Radovid...
Apparently, Radovid is supposed to be one of Jask's love interests this season. Radovid is a massive racist, a war criminal, and a teenager. I'm sure all of that's going to be retconned but for fuck's sake just make a new character if you're going to age up and completely change the personality and insanity of an existing one. Important note: I am 1000% in support of queer Jask. I have never shipped that man with a woman in my life (even in the books and games) but for the love of God why did his LI have to be fucking RADOVID??
Mistle & the Rats
If they make Ciri and Mistle a love story, I am going to be disappointed but not surprised. Let me be clear: Mistle is a rapist and an abuser. I suspect they will change that to shoehorn in a queer relationship (even though Triss and Philippa are RIGHT THERE if they want a semi-canon wlw couple). The Rats as a whole are definitely going to be made into more robinhood-like characters because God forbid a main character like Ciri is morally grey or does questionable/bad things.
Geralt's Disability
If this season ends with the Vilgefortz and Geralt fight, as I suspect it might, Geralt will be disabled permanently by the end of this season. The dryads do not fix it. Magic does not fix it. Geralt becomes disabled and stays disabled. His disability becomes a hindrance during the books and the reader actively sees him grapple with the fallout of this. I do not trust this show to handle that - especially with how much more closed off Geralt is in the show compared to the books. If I had to guess, Geralt's disability will be handwaved away or mentioned in passing and never actually shown to impact him which is not cool.
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ladybugpowermakeup · 3 months
Okay. Okay. Hear me out. Because I'm Greek mythology trash.
An Odyssey AU for Miraculous Ladybug. Think about it. Adrien is the most Odysseus character I've ever seen. Fake piano playing? Hiding in a fountain? I mean, it practically writes itself. And Marinette as Penelope is equally as perfect - she creates, but she's smart enough to pull it all apart at the end of the day.
Now here is where things get a little strange: Telemachus. Being an avid MLB fanfiction reader (and ignoring all of seasons 4 and 5), I'm very well aware that Adrienette's kids are supposedly going to be Louis, Hugo, and Emma. Now tell me, what could Emma be short for? That's right, Telemachus. So hear me out - Adrien was drafted into the war *Before* Emma was born, so he never knew he had a daughter and his last request for his child was to name them Telemachus. But when she was born a girl, she was nicknamed Emma. Hugo and Louis don't exist in this version, obviously.
So we have our main family, what about everyone else? Well, we have Adrian's two crewmates, Polites and Eurilochus. Or in this case, Nino and Felix. Nino is his friend who fought at his side and is tragically killed along the ride back, causing Adrian to go into a spiral of grief, whereas Felix is his somewhat suspicious and angry second in command who can't understand why Adrien is being so reckless with his own life and that of the crew to get back to his wife and child. So eventually he starts straight up sabotaging the trip to try and get through to Adrien, which doesn't ever work because when Adrien is in love, he doesn't notice other people.
As for the people they meet on their travels:
Circe is Lila - this one feels pretty self explanatory, except for the fact that Lila would never care that much about the nymphs around her, so I'm thinking she lives alone on the island and basically functions as a non-water siren - she draws men in with comfort and beauty and then turns them into pigs.
The wind god Aeolus is just Trixx - they're weird and whimsical and would absolutely give someone a bag of wind with the word "gold" written on it.
Calypso is Chloe, left there alone on this island for "protection" from her overbearing father, a minor deity. Again, this just kind of makes sense in my brain. And she gets a little bit of a redemption when she finally willingly lets Adrien go home.
When the crew of the ship go down into the underworld, they meet "Tyresius", who in this case is Master Fu. Weird cryptic old wise guy who's maybe dead? Yeah. That fits.
And finally we have the deities themselves. Like I said, Trixx is already accounted for, so we have three main ones - Posideon, Athena, and Hermes.
Posideon is most definitely ShadowMoth - not really any meaning behind this, we're just making him mysterious and powerful and angry at Adrien for seemingly no reason. But he's doing his best to keep this man from reaching home, possibly because early in the journey, Adrien was instrumental in killing a sentimonster, which canonically is kind of a piece of the creator.
Athena and Hermes are two of a pair - Tikki and Plagg, obviously. Wisdom and trickery, sounds just about right to me.
Anyway, this has been on my brain. Enjoy the weird crossover! If you do anything with it, please tag me!
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soloorganaas · 1 year
I know you are anti Remadora so ignore this question if you don't feel like addressing this topic but I saw you talking about them before so I figured it might be OK to ask. How would you feel about an AU version where they get together under very different circumstances, when they are both ready, and there is no pressure, no emotional manipulation, no rushing into things, etc.? So I guess my question is: do you hate Remadora period or do you hate the way their relationship was written in canon? Because for me it's the latter, and I can't ship it if it's canon compliant but I love Remus and Tonks as individuals, and although I ship Wolfstar too, I think there is great potential in their dynamic. It's a straight presenting relationship but in my head they're both queer and I think that's important to note, too.
this is a great question i got back in december, wrote half an essay for, then left in my drafts. i was reminded by the chaos discord of it so dug it out, finished the essay and voila. so i hope you follow me anon and get to enjoy my response to your question
tl;dr - i would never want to read remus and tonks together because remus is gay. gay identity and history is central to his characterisation, as is his relationship with sirius. remus's meaning and impact comes from that, and it's both a beautiful and sad story that resonates with so many gay people
jkr forced his relationship with tonks into being deliberately to try and erase remus's gay identity. she didn't write a meaningful loving relationship with a woman that would have characterised him as bisexual. if she had, then that relationship wouldn't have made remus 'less gay'. it would have been another facet woven in with a broader queer identity. but she didn't. remus did not want to be with tonks, and he was miserable the entire time. he was manipulated into being with her by the bastion of the cishet nuclear family molly weasley, and was only finally happy when he had a son and finally fitted the traditional family friendly cishet mold and said goodbye to his gayness forever
so a story with remus and tonks erases remus's gay identity because it's portraying him as something that he isn't and it plays into the homophobia of jkr in writing it to start with
i have ✨ expanded ✨ on this below with three main points:
1. remus is gay
2. gay history and identity is central to remus's characterisation
3. remus’s story is defined by his relationship with sirius
remus’s sexuality
the biggest question of all is whether remus is into women or not. I don’t think there’s an argument that he is based on his relationship with tonks. this is obviously a subject that can be talked about in great depth, but the key point is that he doesn’t show any interest in her, rejects her again and again, and is miserable when they're married. there’s nothing to indicate any romantic feelings or sexual attraction on his part, any desire to be emotionally or physically intimate, any sense that she understands him in a deep and unique way, or really that she brings him any joy
beyond tonks, I think he’s characterised as not into women generally. he never performs/acts/presents himself in any way for the female gaze - it’s not just about not actively trying to attract women, there is literally no way in which he ever acts like he seems concerned with what women think or passively adopts traits to please them. he also doesn’t have any intense relationships with women that we know of, or any moments of chemistry or tension with women. all of his intense feelings and interactions are with men. all of this is characteristic of the experience of being a gay person
the centrality of gay identity and history to remus's story
remus’s life encapsulates the loneliness and hardship of being gay in the 70s/80s/90s. the marginalisation, the secrecy, the danger of being found out, the suspicion. he is a character constantly carrying a Big Secret, and he’s shaped himself to develop layers of self-control, discretion and manipulation that keep any potentially revealing emotions or personal details safely hidden. he goes out of his way to avoid visibly making trouble or raising his head above the parapet, to present himself as perfectly respectable, which was (and often still is) a fundamental part of existing as gay in a homophobic society, to counter any perceptions of being a predator or untrustworthy or abnormal
and it is a deliberate performance, bc we know quite clearly how much trouble he’s making under the surface - he hides the knowledge of padfoot and the map from dumbledore, he revels in gaslighting snape when he finds the map on harry, his first action when he sees peter and sirius on the map is not to inform the authorities, but to run to them himself and keep it a secret. he’s a mischievous, deviant, sarcastic, often morally grey troublemaker, but no one for a second (except sirius) would ever see that in him
but despite all remus's attempts at respectability, he still is marginalised. he’s fundamentally seen as a dangerous freak, someone who shouldn’t be allowed near children or polite society lest he corrupt them, which is such a metaphor for homophobia (and esp against gay men) it punches you in the face. he’s trapped in poverty despite his education and assumed family wealth and is forced to rely on others for financial security. like so many other gay people throughout history his safety entirely comes from his community, bc he can’t rely on any institutional support - and when it disappears, as it does in 1981, he’s left poor, unsafe and adrift
and then there’s sirius
sirius and remus
remus's entire life from when he joins hogwarts to when he dies is shaped by sirius
he goes from a lonely, marginalised boy to someone loved and valued by his friends, to the point they perform incredibly dangerous and illegal magic just to try and reach him in the aspect of his life that's most painful and isolating. this is largely due to sirius and james. there's not much we know about remus's relationship then with sirius specifically, other than that sirius was both affectionately teasing and affectionately rude towards him (from swm). the rest is extrapolation from how close they are as adults. but the story that we do get is one that wouldn’t exist without sirius
remus then spends thirteen years tortured by the knowledge of what sirius has done that he still can't quite accept, as well as the knowledge of what sirius is going through as the a prisoner in azkaban. he doesn't ever come close to moving on - he loses his shit every time harry brings up sirius; he questions whether sirius, despite being an alleged mass murderer, really deserves azkaban; he is incredibly stressed and anxious to the point of noticeably losing weight the entirety of PoA, which is not just down to lycanthrophy. his entire mental state (and to an extent his physical one) is dictated by sirius
then the moment there's even a hint that sirius might not have committed the crimes alleged remus drops everything and runs. he faces sirius for the first time in thirteen years and believes him instantly. he's at sirius's side defending him and working with him with an astonishing amount of trust for someone he thought (at least partially) was guilty not an hour before. that's a mark of how deep his love and devotion goes, and how much he was simply waiting around for sirius all those years
we have no idea what remus does in GoF, but we do know by OotP he once again drops everything for sirius and moves into an absolutely miserable house to live alongside him. there's no reason for him to be there other than sirius (no one else in the order needs to live there, after all). every scene he's in, every bit of dialogue in that book is related to sirius. when he's saying goodbye to harry after christmas his advice is a subtle reference to sirius. they give harry a joint christmas present, they take care of him together. they exist entirely as partners
after sirius dies, remus completely falls apart. every time we see him through harry's eyes he's worse and worse. by the christmas of harry's sixth year remus is referring to werewolf tribes murdering humans for fun as his 'equals' and has clearly lost all sense of self-worth or reason for being. he's such a wreck he's emotionally manipulated into marrying a woman he doesn't want to and then is an absolutely terrible husband the entire time. even when his son is born, he's still acting thinking of sirius - he asks harry to be teddy's godfather, emulating the example sirius set
remus is who he is because of his relationship with sirius, one that is far, far too intense to be just platonic
there is no way i, personally, would ever be comfortable with a remadora relationship. even if they were similar ages or got to know each other in a different context, it still wouldn't be realistic. remus is gay, that entire relationship came about with the intention to straight wash him. putting him together with any woman bothers me, but putting him together with tonks specifically upsets me because of the homophobic background for why that relationship even exists in canon
there are a lot of relationships we can quibble about as to whether they work or not, and that's fair. remadora is one of them. but the extra layer of jkr's homophobia in forcing them together can't be separated from that discussion. some people may view their relationship as meaningful in spite of that. that's fine, we're all entitled to our own headcanons. it's not mine, and there is no story i want to read where remus is with tonks. there's no story i want to read where he isn't gay, full stop
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Style, Kyman, cartters, crat, and Henrietta
Style: I SHIP IT SO HARD AHHHHH. I don’t really know when exactly I started shipping it, but I know some of the main contributors were the episodes “Super Best Friends”“You’re Getting Older/AssBurgers” and “Cupid Ye.” (Not to mention The Post Covid movies hehehe.) One of my favorite things about the ship is definitely their emaculate “yes, and” dynamic, and the way their traits compliment each other. I also looooveeee friends to lovers in teen romance, and adore domestic bliss in older romance. An unpopular opinion I suppose I have is that both Stan and Kyle are dorky loser assholes. Neither of them are “fem” or “masc.” They’re just stan and kyle. Kyle and Stan. OH AND ANOTHER UNPOPULAR OPINION I HAVE!!! They’re BOTH on the asexual spectrum!! Kyle is demigrey-sexual and Stan is sex repulsed asexual!! I will stand by this till I die.
Kyman: Urggg this one is iffy for me so I’m going to answer a mixture of both yes and no questions. I appreciate the ship from other people but don’t personally ship it because I like domestic bliss and fluff, and I can’t see them having a non-toxic dynamic. I’m all for a good enemies to lovers, but their situation is more complex than that. I feel like Kyle would never feel romantic love for Eric. He is definitely cursed to forever care about Eric, and have a deepest belief that he could somehow fix him that has the potential to verge into obsessive territory, but that’s all I see. One sided Kyman though? That’s literally just canon. Like fr Cartman is psychosexually obsessed with Kyle and if you don’t see that you did NOT watch the same show as me. I would probably like the ship more if Cartman showed lasting positive character development that wasn’t either shown to be fake or reversed for laughs.
Buttman: Euahhg. Sorry. I’ve NEVER liked this ship. I envoy their canon dynamic, and I know butters was taken a turn for the worse in more recent seasons, but I still HATE it. Because it’s abusive. At least with Kyman, Kyle and Cartman equal each other out in terms of hard-headedness. Even with his new changes in conviction in the recent seasons, if Cartters was real, it would end up like another damn heidi situation. Cartman would cling to Butters as a source of comfort and stability, while simultaneously belittling him and manipulating him. It would be so unhealthy. And I’m still not over Cartman laughing and watching as Butters was beat by his dad because of something Eric intentionally caused. As someone who grew up in a similar household to that of the Stotch’s, that scene makes me fucking sick. I… don’t really have anything positive to say about this ship tbh. It would probably be palatable to me if Butters was stronger willed, and if Eric showed more compassion to Butters in canon.
Crat: Oh lord. Uh, I was indoctrinated into this cult last year so. CRAT FOR THE WIN!!! (I don’t really genuinely ship it though. No hate to objectum truthers, it’s just forever only a crackship to me.)
I assume the last one is supposed to be Kenrietta? If it is then YAY! If not then, oops sorry ): Anyway, I ship it! It’s not my main Kenny ship, (I’m a bunny truther,) but I like it! I’m not sure exactly what my first sight of the ship was, but it may have been either @mysterionrisez or @saprozoicworm. Not sure though. Regardless, I love the idea of Kenny playing around with gender-fuckery, and/or being in a Mysterion kinda mood and Henrietta being all like, “Woah,,, that kinda goth…” Like their dynamic would be that one “doing whatever my hot witch girlfriend wants” meme with the guy in a summoning circle smiling. ALSO, Henrietta would 100% do Kenny’s makeup. EEE i just love it. I can’t see it as a long term thing, but they would DEFINITELY give it a go in highschool. Also, both of them are lesbians who are woman and also men and also neither at the same time. Fight me.
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mamamittens · 1 year
A Lone Melody (Pt. 2)
Platonic parental Yandere Arlong & OC(Melody)
Warnings: Possessive behavior and references to canonical racism and slavery.
Word Count: 1,388
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There were some adjustments to be made when considering a baby on board a ship. Arlong wasn’t stupid, he knew this would have to happen in some way or another. Simple things like setting up designated play areas to occupy Melody when all hands were needed on deck—much as she clearly hated being left alone. They also had to stock up on special food for her since she was too young to even really have solid food, even if it was smashed all to hell. A weird powder substance that keeps better than trying to maintain a milk supply given that, for all the many talents in the crew, spontaneously providing baby-safe milk was simply not something any of the men could do.
It was a bit of learning curve for everyone but having a bubbly baby happy to be talked at did wonders for morale.
Arlong was currently trying to get Melody to speak. Holding her up to his chest and pointing out things and people as they passed by.
“—And those are seagulls, the noisy shits. A pretty good indication that an island is nearby since birds don’t usually like to sleep on the sea. You know Jinbe, of course—” Arlong prattled on as Jinbe walked by, rolling his eyes.
“I’m pretty sure you need to wait until she at least has her teeth in before she’ll be talking, Arlong.” Jinbe sighed.
“It’s never too early to start learning, Jinbe!” Arlong hissed before turning back to Melody with a wide smile, “But you could always call him ‘asshole’! Shahahahahaha~!”
“Mmmmm-bah~bah~!” Melody crowed gleefully along with Arlong.
Jinbe drove his fist into Arlong’s head.
“Stop teaching her swear words!” Jinbe hissed, ignoring Arlong’s yelp. “Or the first word out of her mouth will make a sailor blush!” He warned.
Arlong grumbled, rubbing his head.
“Fine. I guess you have a point.” Arlong mumbled, watching Jinbe walk away in a huff. He leaned in close. “Call me ‘dada’ before you call him ‘papa’ or ‘uncle’ and I’ll give you ice cream for dinner.” Arlong whispered, Melody playing along and quietly babbling back to him.
“Abbppft!” She babbled wetly, sticking her hand in her mouth to gnaw on it.
Arlong frowned, considering how wise it would be before gently pulling her hand free. He pressed his finger against her gums and noted the firm notches as she seemed to take offense at his intrusion. Angrily babbling to the best of her ability.
“Looks like someone’s about to start teething. What are you going to grow in there, pup? Something fierce like me?” Arlong asked rhetorically. Melody smacked at his hand until he withdrew with a chuckle, her face scrunched up in irritation before she shoved her hand back in. “Prefer to do it yourself, huh? That’s a good attitude to have, pup.” Arlong praised.
“Hey, Arlong! Are you going to keep talking to yourself or are you going to help trim these sails?” One of the others called. Arlong huffed, looking around for someone to watch Melody for a minute. He didn’t have his sling on hand so he wouldn’t be able to just slip her in and go help out.
“I’ll hold her for a while, Arlong. Go help the others.” Fisher Tiger said, walking up behind Arlong. Arlong startled for a moment, more than a little surprised.
Fisher Tiger had been a bit… distant as far as Melody was concerned, leaving the care of the infant to the rest of them.
“Ah… alright. I’ll be right back, pup, so you behave now.” Arlong warned, handing her off before going to the rigging as requested. Eager as always to go back to holding Melody.
Fisher Tiger looked down at the small baby with an ache deep in his chest.
The baby gazed up at him from between tufts of downy soft hair, eyes red as blood fixed on him innocently. Still half chewing her own hand, she reached with the other to pull herself up and look at him better.
Shame pooled in his gut as he lowered his head, brushing his thumb over her too-soft skin.
“I’m sorry, little one… my hatred is not your fault…” Fisher Tiger whispered softly into her hair.
He never felt as much of a charlatan as he did while looking at Melody. A large part of him holding such resentment for a mere fraction of her species. Her human features plain as day to his eyes despite his best efforts to see beyond race. She is wholly innocent of the crimes that have been committed against himself and their people.
But still he can’t help but see it. And he is not proud of that fact.
Fisher Tiger is quick to give Melody back to Arlong despite her attempt to reach back out to him.
A move he ignores, still seeing the shadows of faces that have no relation to the half-fishman child.
After almost three months, there was a passing ship that decided to veer towards them, clearly looking for a fight. Some group of ramshackle pirates probably assuming a ship of lowly fishmen could never beat them.
Arlong grins, grabbing his weapon with Melody strapped to his chest. Hatchan looked at him nervously.
“What, Hachi?” Arlong hissed after a solid minute of the tension increasing.
“You’re not… really going into a fight with Melody, are you?” Hatchan asked nervously, Jinbe doing a double take in surprise. Arlong assumed that Jinbe was so used to seeing Melody in the sling that he didn’t even register it until that moment.
“What? Think I can’t take a few measly humans?” Arlong spat, making Hatchan flinch and shuffle back a few steps.
“It’s just not safe, is all!” He protested.
“She’s perfectly safe with me!” Arlong argued back, resting a hand over her small form when she started to whine.
Arlong’s head whipped over to Jinbe, his face hot with embarrassment at the tone Jinbe had taken up.
“What?” Jinbe looked at him like he was a pathetic worm, eyes trailing down slowly to his chest where Melody was secured.
“You’re scaring her.” Jinbe said slowly, like he was a fucking idiot. “She’s just a baby, Arlong. She may be safe with you, but she doesn’t know that. And she won’t understand that if there’s gunfire and blades crossing all around her.”
Arlong looked down and his heart sank.
Melody’s eyes were wide and lined with tears, lips wobbling as she aggressively bit on her fingers in worry. Soft face almost as red as her eyes.
“O-Ohhh, oh no, pup, no!” Arlong cooed softly, quickly heading down below deck to their rooms. Lifting Melody out of the sling and placing her on his cot, wiping her wet cheeks as he kneeled down. “Melody, don’t cry now… I’m sorry, pup. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just wanted to wipe out those filthy humans so you can play on deck again—here, play with this while I take care of something up top.” Arlong quickly wadded up his blankets into a nest to keep her from rolling onto the floor and pulled out a string of pearls. The chain tying them together more than enough to withstand Melody’s inquisitive grasp. And the pearls would probably feel nice to teeth on.
Melody seemed unhappy with the trade off but soothed herself by placing a pearl just smaller than her tiny, baby fist into her mouth. The faint flash of white informing Arlong that she was indeed teething successfully. He gave her a gentle kiss on the top of her soft hair and dashed out of the room to join the fight he could already hear starting.
Arlong hoped she grew out proper fangs like his rather than some useless, flat teeth. Better to bite back with, after all, and with how cute she is, she’ll need every advantage to scare away worms. Not that he’d make her do that all on her own, but still, some level of independence was healthy for children. Kept them confident and happy.
Jinbe caught Arlong’s eye as he rejoined the crew in the fight.
Jinbe looked pleased with himself, much to Arlong’s annoyance. So what if he was right, once? Arlong still knew what was best for his little girl.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 5 months
Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut
Alana Bloom
she kissed will graham in s1 and dated hannibal in s2 so you can imagine how bad the fandom is to her. fun fact she's in a canon lesbian relationship now tho <3
The show literally does the yaoi treatment of victimisation for the benefit of the male leads to her. And then the fandom mistreats her
I'm not sure if this even counts but...Literally a victim of Yaoi along with several other characters in-series, but she got it almost the worst. The entire show is just people dying because the two male leads are OBSESSED with each other and can't be normal about anything. Alana Bloom, actual PhD of psychology and consultant to the FBI, got kissed by one guy, fucked and fed people-meant by the other, and pushed out a window by the murder husbands' forced-surrogate daughter. Like. Actual victim of several crimes caused by yaoi. She's probably one of the few examples of a Yaoi Victim overcoming and evolving past her yaoi-related trauma into a stronger person/character, though: She gets an entire character overhaul and a hot, millionairess for a wife. She kills a man with an eel. She becomes head of the BSHCI, effectively putting her in complete power over her jackass cannibal ex-bf. She does quite well. Unfortunately, the rest of her screen time is spent trying not to get killed in the ongoing fallout of Hannibal and Will's fucked up courtship, but hey. Can't have everything. I don't even know if I'm saying anything valid here: the fandom loves her, but I supposed her position outside of the Hannigram relationship relegates her to a non-subject in a lot of Hannigram-focused fanwork. She's an 'obstacle' to their relationship only in the sense that Will had a crush on her once that went nowhere and Hannibal started an actual relationship with her SPECIFICALLY to piss off Will. I guess she's also a more literal obstacle as Hannibal's jailer and Will's friend who's constantly pointing out to him that Morals exist and he should try having some of those, maybe
Maya Fey
OKAY SO She's definitely NOT the love interest coz she's like 16 n he's 24 or smth but in literally all fandom she's just... the wingwoman. that's all. EVEN WHEN SHE'S IN A LESBIAN RELATIONSHIP IT'S IN THE BACKGROUND N SHE'S SUPPORTING THE YAOI GROWN ASS MEN..... it's horrible... detestable... she's a main character... she has ARCS..... and yet.. her own most popular ship tag is just.. her n her gf as background yuri who are supporting and wingwomaning the fucking main guys. it's a tragedy. Maya Fey would make Phoenix Wright buy her burgers everytime he made her listen to his love problems and then she'd tell him that every complaint he makes will cost another burger. SHE WOULD NEVER BE SUPPORTING YURI.. 
Phoenix’s best friend and partner in solving crimes. She often gets shunted aside by the fandom, reduced to Phoenix/Edgeworth cheerleader and matchmaker. 
okay i wouldnt say shes exactly mistreated, shes pretty well liked in the fandom, HOWEVER shes always seen as like an accessory to wrightworth, her only role being to make jokes about how in love they are etc. i feel like a lot of people ignore her depth and backstory to just use her as a tool in wrightworth stories. she plays a very important role in the games as well and has been through a lot, and has always been helpful to wright, so she deserves to be more than the setup to a joke about wrightworth
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never watched iasip but i need convincing to watch it. sell it for me.
(I hope doing that is a big enough of a distraction)
this is a great distraction thank you!!! I have many talking points so Buckle Up.
(TL;DR: watch sunny, you won’t regret it! it’s super funny and has tons of amazing elements. 10/10 recommend)
since you are a community fan on tumblr I’m assuming you like trobed. that’s just math. so! I will introduce you to The Sunny Ship™: mac and dennis
I legitimately think they will become canon, and soon. (you might not know that sunny is Not over yet, they are still making seasons. there are 16 seasons right now (169 episodes) and I believe they’re renewed for at least 2 more seasons which is awesome.) anyway, as much as I love trobed, I do not think they will be confirmed romantically in the canon. I’m not sure I trust that to be written correctly anyway. (but that’s another conversation) the point is I Genuinely Believe that this one will happen. if you want more reasons I’m glad to provide but it would include some spoilers, and I’m not sure how okay you are with that, so I’m omitting my full reasoning. you just gotta trust me on this one lmao
besides that they’re just really entertaining to watch and their dynamic is genuinely so important to me. it is very different from trobed but it makes me equally feral 👍🏻
here’s some gifs and pictures to kind of introduce you to wtf I’m talking about. (keep in mind they are pathetic men that are like 26 in season 1 and like 46 in season 16)
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2. characterization
even if that’s not your vibe there’s a ton else this show has to offer. just thought I’d start off with the gay people bc what is a sitcom without 2 codependent men?
sunny genuinely has great character work. even though the entire premise of the show is that the main characters are Terrible People (one of the original working titles for the show was literally just “Jerks”) they are genuinely great characters. the classic sitcom “funny on the outside but dig a little deeper and you uncover hella trauma and depth” which is awesome I love a sitcom that does that. all of the individual and group dynamics are amazing. obviously mac & dennis tend to stand out but all 5 members of the gang have very individualized relationships with each other, and their dynamic as a whole is so funny. they’re all generally horrible to each other but they really do mean the world to each other. it’s very “found family but they’re all literally the worst people you’ve ever met.” they cannot sustain relationships with anyone outside their own little group and I think that’s beautiful (it wouldn’t be, irl, obviously, but in a tv show it is so funny and awesome)
3. continuity
this one’s pretty short, but the continuity in this show is so awesome, which is pretty important to me. throughout all 16 seasons (and 18 years!) I can only think of a couple logistical continuity mistakes. other than that, the story stays straight, all their past anecdotes line up, and they reference the old episodes all the time. I love community but, in the continuity category, sunny reigns superior
4. RCG
the guys themselves!!! RCG (rob mcelhenney, charlie day, and glenn howerton) are the team that created sunny. they created the premise, adapted it for network tv, literally play the three main guys (mac mcdonald, charlie kelly, and dennis reynolds respectively), are VERY involved in the writing, editing, directing, etc of the show, and are constantly promoting it. they embody this show and they genuinely have So Much love for it.
they’ve been best friends for decades, and their bond really takes the show to the next level. all the dialogue is really natural, they have so much control over the show (as I said, being at least involved in, and oftentimes in charge of, the writing, directing, and editing), and you really can tell that they put their entire souls into making this show.
and they’re still making it, they’re still best friends, rob met his wife (kaitlin olsen, the woman who plays dee) through the show, their family members constantly make cameos, they take experiences from their actual lives and dramatize them for arcs in the show, they literally started a whole podcast where they talk about the show (and other things too), and… ugh. this show is so solidly theirs, and you can just really feel how real and raw it is. super un-commercialized, especially in the earlier seasons. it’s such a special vibe that a lot of tv shows just don’t have, and it’s super unique and cool and ugh. I love it. I love them
(they also hired megan ganz, who wrote for community, writes for and helped create mythic quest, along with a bunch of other stuff, during season 12. and she’s awesome. she is also on the sunny podcast with the three of them)
(oh yeah. idk if you’ve seen mythic quest, but rob mcelhenney plays ian grimm on that show, and also is one of the creators. charlie day also helped create mythic quest, but he hasn’t really been involved in it other than that.)
5. danny devito
self-explanatory. danny devito is on the show (starting s2ep1). what else do you need.
6. comedy gold
this might go without saying, as it is a sitcom, but this show is SO funny. all of the actors are so talented, the jokes are so well written, the deliveries are golden, the physical comedy is great, and so much more. I’m going to put some screencaps of popular memes you might have seen around that originated from this show to give you some idea of its comedic impact
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there’s obviously hundreds of other amazing lines but I can’t very well list Everything right here right now, but. the point is there’s a lot of really good stuff.
7. neurodivergent-coded
another sitcom staple! except this one is pretty special, in that RCG are all neurodivergent. we don’t know rob and charlie’s specific diagnoses, but we know that glenn has adhd (recently diagnosed), and has talked about mania and depression before. rob recently said he has “been diagnosed with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders” but hasn’t clarified yet. charlie has just casually mentioned being neurodivergent. but, anyway. I’m not sure their projected neurodivergence onto the show is noticable to the untrained (neurotypical) eye, but as an autistic person I can definitely see it lmao. also, a lot of the fans agree that dennis and charlie are both on the spectrum, with a lot of other fans headcannoning the entire gang as autistic, which is awesome. dennis has also canonically been diagnosed with BPD.
if you’re interested, here’s a silly youtube video with a bunch of autistic coded moments from the show lmao. it’s kind of long but it’s very entertaining to me
final thoughts & disclaimers
but yeah! hope you enjoyed this unnecessarily long post. I did want to say a couple more things real quick:
1. if you want to give the show a shot without fully committing, I suggest you start with season 5. this is a rob mcelhenney-approved gateway, it’s a really great season, s5ep1 is a great episode to start off with, and it works relatively well out of context.
2. season 1 is my second to least favorite season. it is only 7 episodes long, but just keep that in mind. it’s general regarded as one of the worse seasons. if you want to start with season 1 that’s fine, it’s still good and I do genuinely enjoy it, but just keep that in mind. it only gets better
3. this is a very explicit show! it is rated tv-ma and is significantly more risque than community. there are also a lot of really offensive jokes (s3ep9 is basically unwatchable for me) but this goes along with the premise that the characters are genuinely bad people. the comedy theoretically comes from the ridiculousness of how out of touch the characters are, and I think it really does land about 95% of the time. some of the topics they joke about probably could have been approached with a bit more grace than RCG granted them, (there are five episodes that were removed from hulu because of use of blackface. yikes) but the show is meant to be blunt, extremely unserious, and somewhat cynical. it gets better with this stuff as it goes on, and it did start in 2005, so yeah. there’s just some stuff you have to take with a grain of salt I guess. RCG have grown a lot since 2005.
anyway! I genuiely love this show more and more each time I watch it. it just gets funnier and funnier, and listening to the sunny podcast, and watching the special features on the dvds my dad got me for my birthday (lmao), has just been so much fun. a ton of fuel for a great hyperfixation.
if you have any other questions let me know! I’m always down to talk, my dms are open etc etc. sorry for the literal essay but this has been a great distraction from the end-of-semester Bad Feelings, so thank you!
if you do end up watching let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, if you decide to watch. have a great one and thanks for reading 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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all-pacas · 21 days
being unfamiliar w house md i at least know of most main characters except for 13, mind explaining what their deal is to an outsider?
So first of all let's just make it clear for the record. Tumblr loves her because 13 is a) played by Olivia Wilde so she's super pretty and b) a Canon Gay (bisexual). For a show like Hatecrimes MD, she's actually pretty fairly portrayed -- it's fetishized a little and joked about a lot, but she's shown in relationships with men and women, there's no bi erasure involved, when she does play into the All Bis Are Slutty trope, it's because she's having an elaborate mental breakdown and sleeping around to cope. Hilariously she's like the third person on the show to do this, so it doesn't even come off as "those slutty gays!"
(I mean. Arguably they're all slutty gays. But you know.)
In s3 House fires/loses the original team of Foreman, Cameron, and Chase, and eventually (after as much stalling as he can get away with) hires a new team:
TAUB, sleezy little guy plastic surgeon, just here to have fun
KUTNER, Kal Penn playing an enthusiastic nerd here to have fun,
and 13, real name Remy Hadley.
To fuck with Cuddy, House originally hires 40-odd doctors -- anyone who sent him a resume -- and then began whittling them down one by one. To keep track, he'd given them all marathon placards. 13's number was, you guessed it, 13. Her whole gimmick was that she was "mysterious" -- House found her hard to read and she was good at not giving him any hints, and she played into it by refusing to talk about herself and continuing to go by "Thirteen" even once everyone else was introduced. Her name was later revealed, after she made the final team, but House keeps calling her 13, and he often jokes that people who call her Hadley don't know who she is. It sticks around as a nickname at work. Her personal friends/girlfriend/boyfriend tend to call her Remy, but her coworkers stick to the nickname.
It's kind of interesting to note that reception for her was actually kind of negative when the show started. She gets a LOT of character focus, far more than Kutner and Taub, and this was soon enough after losing the first team (Chase and Cameron in particular barely existed on the show for a while, Chase only becoming a major character again two and a half years later) that folks resented her "stealing the spotlight" or having main character syndrome. In retrospect, I don't think it's that bad, although it is definitely true she's favored over other characters.
Part of 13's secretiveness is because of the House Obligatory Tragic Backstory. 13's mother had Huntington's, a genetic disease that is fatal and super degenerative. So did her older brother. 13 knew she had a high chance of having it as well, but refused to get tested out of fear. She eventually does -- and oops, she has it as well. This means she's got about 10 years left to live, and fewer without symptoms. This causes her Existential Sex Bender and a general pattern of risk taking: it's a hard thing to cope with.
Meanwhile, she's on House's team. She's really good: creative and unflappable, if maybe not as devoted to diagnostics and the team as a "lifer" like Foreman or Chase are. She and House also grow close; refreshingly (COUGH Cameron) it's never treated as a shipping thing. He just... sees her becoming self destructive and cares enough to stop her; he cares about her.
13 is still notoriously secretive, and she literally vanishes in s7. Tells everyone she's going on vacation and cuts her phone lines. It turns out she goes to prison for over-prescribing meds... to her brother. She euthanized him, as he was suffering badly from Huntington's. Made it look like an accident, that he did it. This sort of destroys her: she feels like it was the right thing to do, it's what he wanted, but she still killed him. 13 tells House, and House offers to do the same to her when her Huntington's gets bad enough.
She doesn't stick around the team for long after getting out of prison. She meets a woman named Amy, and they fall in love; she and Amy go off to some Greek island to try and enjoy the 8-ish years 13 has left. (In episodic terms: she's on the team for s4+5 and most of 6; vanishes for almost all of s7 because she's in jail, and has only guest roles in s8.)
She briefly dates Foreman and it was just really weird. No chemistry. No idea what they saw in one another. The show is so bad at romance.
Most compellingly to me specifically, she and my boy Chase end up being really good friends. They had some Ship Tease for a while, the show might have been trying to set them up, but Olivia Wilde's career was taking off and she stopped being a regular on the show. This was, as far as Chase/13 is concerned, a good thing. Because the show is bad at romance. So instead they just become good friends. Chase also murdered a dude one time, and 13 ends up telling him about her brother. In the same episode, she calls him late at night for help and he just... shows up, no questions asked. They have a lot of shared issues: sick/dead mothers and complicated feelings about them, murder, Existential Sex Benders when they're depressed, and a dislike about talking about personal issues. They also are uniquely close to and good at reading House, and the show even goes so far as to refer to them as the "prodigal daughter/son" in relation to him. So fandom has sort of latched onto the idea of them as "like brother and sister," "best friends," which isn't super supported in canon (they ARE good friends, but no more), but... the venn diagram of these two is a circle.
Crucially, both 13 and Chase, despite putting on good fronts, are very lonely people. So is House. So it's nice to think they can have their own sad little found family, especially once House "dies" and might not bother letting his prettiest employees know.
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mademoiselle-red · 1 day
5 Favorite Characters Poll (tag game)
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
I was tagged by @lasenbyphoenix and since we are both cdrama enjoyers, I’ll also make this cdrama-themed. I have lots of faves, but these are the characters I find myself continually thinking about, analyzing, unable to let go of, long after I’ve moved on from their respective fandoms.
tagging @yletylyf , @bbcphile , @pi-ying-xi , @seventh-fantasy , @dangermousie and anyone else who’d like to play
Zhang Qiling: The only non-villain character on this list. I find myself returning to him whenever I plan trips to China. He is the perfect embodiment of my wanderlust — we both have an insatiable urge to see more of the country, in search of something we cannot name: perhaps a memory, a piece of the past, a sense of identity, a glimpse of the future.
Bailin: This is a character of many contradictions, which makes him fascinating (and it helps that he is played by my favorite actor Liu Xueyi). First, there is his personal struggle between his humanity and his divinity. Then, there is contradiction between Bailin as a morally neutral political actor in his role as a leader defending his people against invaders when their king refused to fight and the narrative’s depiction of him as the villain and the demons (who canonically do consume people in this show) as the victims. And finally, the conflicting storytelling that emerged out of the drama being filmed with the canonical Bailin/Luohou Jidu ship from the novel that was later mostly cut out of the show in post-production, which instead emphasized the Luohou Jidu/Sifeng ship (which doesn’t exist in the novel since these two characters never interacted).
Wang Xifeng: She was a more competent leader of people and manager of businesses than the men of the Jia household, but as woman, her gifts and ambitions were limited to the household. She was also just as corrupt and vain as the men who led the family to its eventual destruction, but she could have been so much more, greater and more terrible, if she’d been able to enter public life instead of being sequestered within the Jia manor. She’s like a beast, an apex predator, trapped in a golden cage. She was selfish and cruel, but she was also kind and generous to Qin Keqing and to Liu Laolao, and to many of the main characters as long as their interests didn’t conflict with her ambitions.
Cao Cao: There is something very romantic about his life. He was the grandson of a eunuch, shunned because of his lineage, rose to prominence in the army during the unrest and civil wars as Han royal power waned, conquered the northern lands, brought peace and order to his people, and became the supreme ruler of the north but would not crown himself emperor out of some (perhaps genuine perhaps feigned) moral obligation to the Han dynasty. He is cast as a villain in most adaptations because he kidnapped the young and incompetent heir of the Han royal family and used him as a puppet to rule over the territories he conquered. But he did bring peace to the northern lands, and he was a more competent ruler than many of the negligent and corrupt Han royals who came before him. And the dynasty he founded, the Wei Dynasty, gave birth to my favorite literary and aesthetic movement in Chinese history.
Jin Guangyao: As you can tell from the other character analyses above, I am fascinated by complex and contradictory characters who seek and weld political power. Ah Yao is a gentle and soft spoken person who is also ruthless and cold. He is a morally grey politician cast as the villain of the narrative because he is directly or indirectly behind the mysterious deaths that the main couple investigates. Jin Guangyao is similar to Cao Cao in many ways. He is a bastard child who killed those who’d wronged or threatened him and used those assassinations to rise to power. While in power he brought peace and stability to his people after a brutal civil wars: he built watch towers so that ordinary people could receive help from cultivators and he maintained peace among the various cultivator sects. He was cruel towards those who stood in his way to power (and survival) but he treated his nephew and heir with kindness. His rise to power left behind a trail of blood, but he is also the only character besides Lan Xichen (his political ally and backer in every step of his rise to power) with any semblance of a political vision in the novel. These many contradictory pieces that comprise “Jin Guangyao” are endlessly fascinating: Meng Yao the kind boy who helped a stranger, Meng Yao the desperate boy who took revenge on his abusers, Jin Guangyao the gentle and generous ruler and uncle, Jin Guangyao the ruthless and power-hungry usurper, son, husband, and brother.
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steelthroat · 1 month
For the fandom ask game (if you have time with the horrors of schoolwork):
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
14. Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind? (and if you fancy it, tell us how you'd write them...)
19. What's your favourite thing about [fandom] (the people in it, not the media you're all enjoying together)?
22. Give us a headcanon for Megatron, any continuity
Weirdly now we're in a static situation again... things change drastically day after day it's unreal💀
9: okay ooof I'd recommend literally all the things I bookmarked but uh let's see:
We are the music makers by lord squiggletits
Moronic acid by chuzilllaa
Shockwave making waves by now anonymous
The lottery by Ladydragon76
Oh and the sequels of the lottery too. My GOD. I've read that work so many times aaaaaargh. Between these are just some of them, but I am 100% forgetting other equally great works by other writers. Ah so many, so so so so so many.
14: mh at first I was kind of hesitant about anything regarding Ironhide, because I didn't know him as a character and he didn't really appeal to me... so when I stumbled upon bayverse!ratchet/ironhide I was like "huh... okay. Tell me more?" And really these two are super great together????? Like not just in thw bayverse, as a whole they're *chef kiss*
Also I think I also stumbled upon Bayberse Optimus/Ironhide at some point and while I also was unsure about it... oh my god they are perfect. One of my favorite otp as of now!!
And uh yeah I want to write about them one day, I would go with some kind of bodyguard au, but like using some of the main tropes, like Ironhide is the "bodyguard" canonically sometimes so yeah it would work.
Also I like bayverse Ironhide and his warrior origins and culture, I wanna do something with it and use it.
So uh banter, fluff, fighting (and training) as a form of flirting, middle aged men that don't know how to communicate like normal people, maybe I will also do something with my third-gladiatorop-au. Depends. But I will let them smooch 100% (and when it happens you'll be the first to know✨️)
19: other than being full of great artists, and I mean AWESOME like guys come on please how how ajshfjgujggjt. And writers, like FUCK I've cried so many times because of y'all, I once got out of the bus at the wrong stop because of a fanfiction. This fandom is full of very creative people that come in infinite shapes and forms, like seriously even when writing simple smut some of you are genuinely mind blowing because you come up with things that are... CRAZY and in a good way! But absolutely crazy!!!!
So yeah this fandom is cool, there's... more than meets the eye to it ✨️
22: so like... I have many headcanons regarding him like:
His fighting style resembles a dance, a deadly and mesmerizing dance. Optimus (my headcanon) fights like a wounded animal but when facing him he follows the rhythm Megatron sets and "dances" with him. Very beautiful spectacle if you forget that one of them could die... or maybe it adds more charm to it.
He massages. Idk lol I have one work published and 3 wips in which he massages someone because they had stiff joints or smth. Maybe I have a kink idk. But like not just like that, it doesn't always lead to sex, it's just that I like him tending to someone else when the situation calls
It was Soundwave that taught him how to dance. (This is my Megatron/Soundwave propaganda)
He knows how to play chess, he likes the game, he is a great player, he will never admit it because it's made by humans
He knows how to make impressions and has a sense of humor, which can be unsettling since you can never know when he's being serious or he's fooling around.
Everyone but Optimus say he has the best poker face in the universe. He does, it's not his fault he can't keep his emotions in check when op is around....
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