#i never actually watched the show. i dont remember how or why i got into mlp
Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
Evidence: Season 4 Episode 21 is a whole episode about her not being able to keep her focus while studying and needing alternative studying methods. She also cant keep still and needs to constantly be flying. It's never called "ADHD" but its very close. There is more but this is the episode focusing on it. You can read more out of the rest of the show. In the episode she also says she thinks she might be too dumb to learn anything which is a very familiar experience to people with ADHD.
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skullvgirl · 3 months
acting like they forgot yall had plans together
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incl ;; isagi, bachira, barou, kunigami, shidou
warnings ;; fem reader
an's ;; was gonna make this a samu version but I got lazy uh, here hc's
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you text him on friday, a day before your supposed plans and let me tell you he's freaking OUT. he doesn't want to tell you he forgot, and now your asking him what to wear and man could it get any worse?
apparently it could because now your asking him who he should bring and telling him how excited you are and much you've been lookikg forward to it.
he feel like the worst boyfriend on earth and is wondering if he should ask one of the friends that your bringing ( apparently ) and so he devises a plan.
"YN, you said you were bringing [ Friends Name ] Right?" And you can't help but continue the joke and accusingly say, "What?! No, was that supposed to be some sort of joke?"
Now, he feels like shit for even suggesting and is also concerned about what [ Friends Name ] did. He couldn't have forgot that too could he?
"Y-yeah, no I just...yeah."
You burst out laughing and he realizes this is probably another one of your "ticktack trends"
You hold his face softly, "Oh poor baby, it was just a joke we dont have any plans."
His face is hot and he moves your hands away to go pout on the couch. "Stop doing that..you were scaring me..."
"Aw was I? Don't worry, It was fun watching you question your sanity."
"And that's supposed to make me feel better..."
"We had plans!?" Immediately, without a second thought. And you can't contain your laughter, his hands wete placed comically on the sides of his head, his mouth wide open from shock and confusion.
"Dude, no."
"Oh thank God." He places a hand over his heart.
"Really? You werent even gonna try and play along? What if it was for real and I got mad"
He paused for a moment, thinking over the idea seriously.
"I guess you could put me in NTT for a bit maybe.." he side eyed you breasts and now you were even more confused.
"No titty timeout"
You burst out laughing and Bachira couldn't help but grin at your reaction. He loved making you laugh.
"Sure, I guess I could. Probably make sure you'd remember next time huh?"
"100% !"
"no we don't. now sit down, I wanna feel my girlfriend."
You roll your eyes and didn't bother fighting his party pooping attitude. You sat down and cuddled up next to his warm body.
"How do you know, you could have forgot..."
"It's not marked on my calendar, and even if it wasn't I'd never forget"
You glanced at the calendar, everything Barou needed to do in the future was meticulously marked on that damned stupid calender.
Should've wrote a fake date there...
"Who do you take me for seriously? Even if you wrote a fake date I would've known."
Oop! Did you say that out loud? No, it was just Barou and his stupidly good sense of you. Weirdo.
"Ugh, you suck, lets just watch" You were frowning but snuggles closer too him.
"Says the one latched to my chest..."
"Shhhh, the show..."
He knows you guys don't actually have plans but he plays along anyways. "Uh huh, and did you still wanna go at 6?"
Somehow gaslights you into thinking that you forgot yall had plans. But you should've known otherwise from the way he was smiling. A cheshire grin spread across his face agreeing with everything you say in full confidence, untill finally you break.
"Im lying! We don't have plans, also a Mega Hotel? What are you talking about?"
He's laughing in your face and your cheeks light up.
"Hey! Get your own joke meanie!"
you continue playing the act. "yes? you didn't forget did you?"
"say you swear." he's done a full 180° too see you now, staring incredulously into your eyes, waiting for a response.
"I swear—why would I be lying?"
"No way.." he holds his hands on his head. "No fucking way..." he was breathless, like it was impossible for him to believe what you were saying was true.
"YN, I'm gonna be so serious. I think i must be high, cause I cannot remember a single discussion of planning anything right now."
"Really dude?" You asked, unimpressed. He cocked his head adorably. "It was a joke.
"Oh shit, thank God. I thought I was a goner." he turns back around, relief filling his voice.
"Seriously? What if it wasn't a joke?"
"You'd forgive me"
You gaped at his answer, "And what makes you sure of that?" you asked sassily.
"You love me." he said confidently.
"I do, what's your point?"
"You love me, that is the point." He said, nodding his head sure of himself.
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an's ;; guys, i think tumblr is deleting my rq's wtf 🤒
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bazoonga-bazinga · 1 month
watching tua s4 knowing fully how its going to disappoint me rn and something that keeps bothering me is just how awful it is that they dont show what happens during the 6 year time skip.
like in season 2 we get to see an abridged version of how everyone got to where they are. this allowed for me as viewer to at least undertsand the reasoning behind the siblings' actions and conflicts. but in season 4 there is just none of that.
instead we only get to see the after of the timeskip. Whatever bits we do hear abt the time in between are extremly limited because they are things that are told to us from biased/flawed/one-sided perspectives. I as a viewer do not get a clear idea of why any of the 8 charcters of the main cast change the way they do becuase i am never shown how this change ocurred. its more i am told things and have to accept because of the 6 year gap.
lila and diego's strained marriage is actually i think the only they showed without telling to an extent. but it still would have also been nice to see thier struggles transitioning to suburbia and would also aid me to better understand why neither of them tried to find an adequate balance in the 6 years. also like why is diego working as a delivery driver? in my mind it makes more sense for him to be a mediocre private investgator or something like that? idk just some more context behind the tension and thier decsions (especially lila dear god dont even get me started) would have been wonderful
viktor's journey to Canada and his distancing from the others sounded interesting and i would have loved to see that on screen. he clearly is unable to form long lasting intamate relationships and showing his life in the time gap would have been a great way to show his journey of accepting the loss of sissy.
allison was definitely hit hard by the lack of explanation. i understand the scheduling issues with raymond's actor but it truly was a heavy blow to season 3 allison actions when they just said he left with no other explanation. most of her conflicts in season 3 were motivated by the loss of claire and raymond and you are telling me she just lost 50% of that a year afterwards? and like this doesnt get mentioned until episode 3??
i actually enjoyed klaus's shift to a risk averse person and it did make sense to me after losing his immortality to become more aware of not only his but his loved ones mortality. the biggest glaring issue is the one everyone has talked about: the lack of dave. i think if they had shown klaus trying to find info on dave and/or even visiting his grave in the timeskip it would been fine with me that he wouldn't mention dave that much. but the dog tags being on screen and him not saying anything is actually inasne??? also it sounds like there was definitely more to his sobriety than what they have told sad that we didnt get to see that storyline....
everyone has said thier piece on how luther just mentioning sloane and then no other explanation is actually awful. like a simple flashback fo luther searching and finding sloane living a different life would have been better than them giving us nothing💀
ben i actually have nothing to say...it would have been silly to see the crypto scam ig. also an explanation of why they even showed the other ben the post credit of the s3 finale i think is warranted. like even a mention of yeah there is probably another ben who belongs to this universe walking around would have been okay ig
five oh where to even begin.... first of all how tf does a person who isnt even in thier 20s even get a gig at the cia. i know they said some bullahit abt five being a part of a relative young group/recruit (cant remember the exact wording) but like a person who is younger than 19 getting a job at the cia is a bit much. also i actually refuse to belive that five wouldn't have figured out his boss was part of the keepers there is just no way. after the handler and reggie i refuse to belive that five would lose his suspicion towards authority figures. i think the only authority figure he has ever listened to was the founder version of himself and even that took time. like if you want me to believe that bs then show me how five turned his brain into mush in the 6 year time skip. either that or show how me his loneliness in those six year because from what i have right now five worked at the cia and that is it nothing else. like from what i have been told by the show nothing else happended to him besides working. which if thier implication is that he was only working and drifted apart from his siblings that message was not clear enough to me as viewer and would have been alot clearer if i was shown such as thing.
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starkura · 2 months
mahal kita | izana kurokawa
notes: you and izana normally speak english, inspired by the movie “past lives” , might be ooc
disclaimer: i used google translate, i apologize if there’s any mistakes or mistranslations
edit: i dont rly like this but its been sitting in my drafts for too long now ヽ(°〇°)ノ
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izana has trouble sleeping at night, so you tend to stay up with him until he falls asleep. but, you often fall asleep before he does. one night, he was finally able to fall asleep. however, you somehow couldn’t fall asleep that night.
you admire izana while he is sleeping soundly. it’s been a long time since he got proper sleep. you on the other hand were still wide awake. you don’t mind, it was nice to watch izana finally getting some rest. since you usually fall asleep before him, you never knew how izana slept like. until tonight, you found out izana was a sleep talker.
“mahal ko…pakiusap huwag mo akong iwan.” izana softly spoke while sleeping.
“izana?” you say quietly.
“Sa totoo lang hindi ko alam kung ano ang gagawin ko kung wala ka. pakiusap, wag mo akong iwan at manatili sa tabi ko habang buhay. Pangako mamahalin kita magpakailanman.” izana continues.
realizing that izana was a sleep talker, you wonder what he was saying. you didn’t understand tagalong at all. even if you woke izana up, he wouldn’t even remember what he was saying. so, you didn’t dare to wake him up.
“kung malungkot ka, andito lang ako para sayo. Kung masaya ka, ako ang magiging dahilan kung bakit ka masaya. at kung galit ka, maiintindihan ko kung bakit ka.” he mutters.
that was the last of what izana said while asleep. you wished you knew what izana was dreaming about. whatever he was having a dream of, he was at ease. you never seen him so at peace with himself.
you managed to wake up before izana did. he had slept in. he walks into the living room and finds you sitting on the couch watching television. you notice him and paused your show.
“how’d you sleep last night?” you ask izana. izana rubs his eyes, still trying to fully wake himself up. “i slept good…actually.” he remarks. you hum in responses.
“that’s good to hear.” you comment. izana feels as though you want to say something more, but he feels as though you’re holding back from saying anything.
“how’d you sleep? did i keep you up all night?” he questioned. you look away from him for a moment to collect your thoughts. “i didn’t get much sleep. you were sleep talking all night long and i was curious about what you were dreaming about.” you pause for a long moment.
“did you know that you dream in tagalong?”
izana looks at you with a surprised look. “no, i didn’t know that.”
“i didn’t either, i guess because i never stayed up long enough for me to know.”
there was a brief moment of silence. izana was a bit confused because you seemed to be upset about it. he just didn’t understand what you would be upset about. he didn’t know what to say, considering that he didn’t even know what he said last night.
“are you- upset? i don’t know why you’re upset and i’m just…confused.” he confesses.
“i’m not upset at you, i’m upset with myself.” you tell him.
“but, why?” izana gives you a sympathetic and confused expression on his face.
“i just feel like when you speak tagalong, i feel like you have more emotion. i could learn the langauge and know what you are saying, but i think i will never truly understand how you are feeling. you speak from the heart when you speak tagalong. something you never do when you speak english.” you explain.
“i guess that i feel like i won’t be able to understand that side of you. it feels like there’s a whole part of you that i don’t even know of. i know it’s stupid and confusing, but i just think you speak whole heartily when you speak your language. it makes me wonder what you dream about. i wonder if you slept talked in tagalong before.” you continue.
“i think i understand what you are trying to say. i don’t know what i said last night and what i was dreaming of. but, i hope you know that whether i speak tagalong or english, i will always speak highly about you. that’s something you can always be sure of.” izana says reassuringly
“mahal kita. i love you, okay?” izana says.
“i love you too.”
kung malungkot ka, andito lang ako para sayo. Kung masaya ka, ako ang magiging dahilan kung bakit ka masaya. at kung galit ka, maiintindihan ko kung bakit ka - (if you're sad, I will be here for you. If you are happy, I will be the reason why you are happy. and if you are angry, i will understand why you are)
Sa totoo lang hindi ko alam kung ano ang gagawin ko kung wala ka. pakiusap, wag mo akong iwan at manatili sa tabi ko habang buhay. Pangako mamahalin kita magpakailanman. - (I honestly don't know what I would do without you. please, don't leave me and stay by my side forever. I promise to love you forever.)
mahal ko…pakiusap huwag mo akong iwan - (“my love…please don't leave me”)
mahal kita - (i love you)
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kaiju-krew · 5 months
Hey there! Firstly, big big fan of your art and headcanons, ty for your cool and awesome big brain ❤️ Now that you’ve seen the movie, I’m wondering what your thoughts are on Shimo??? I’ve just seen impressions of her so scattered. (I saw your post on how she will NOT be treated as a pet, and I so appreciate that.)
I will say, for me the ‘old gal’ vibes are so strong and I’m here for it. Like when Goji blasts his atomic breath into the sky at the end and she’s looking at it with such awe and her cute super gummy smile, it reminds me of when a grandma gets shown some common piece of technology that the rest of us are used to, but she just can’t heckin believe it because she lives in a damn cave??? I loved that.
hi hi! omg u think i have a big brain...... compliment of the century.... i must have ppl fooled bcuz i am viscerally dumb most of the time
anywAYS. gxk spoilers below (and a lot of ranting)
shimo my beloved💙 i appreciate most interpretations of her, besides people who are just straight up caling her a dog. and like, not in the way i’d compare goji to a cat? for me it's more mannerisms based, so for goji my main expression/mannerism inspirations are cats, wolves, and komodo dragons (obviously), and for mosu it's owls and cats, with a crumb of horses because of their 'ear' communication so i use that with her antennae.
sorry for tangent but anyways. i dont need someone barking at me that i call goji a cat/draw him acting like a cat so calling shimo ‘kong’s pet dog’ is fine. i think its the difference between goji having the personality i characterize him with + mannerisms inspired by other animals, vs. him having no personality besides Being A Cat. like, he’s a dumbfuck but he’s clearly an intelligent creature capable of communication and understanding. i make a lot of shitposts but truly in my personal hc i’d never reduce him to ‘pet level intelligence’
i think i’m extra touchy about people calling her ‘kong’s pet’ because like. dawg. did you watch the movie? she was JUST freed from being skar’s slave/beast of burden/abused pet whatever you wanna call it. why would you want her to become another creature’s pet again?(obviously minus the abuse) idk mannn it just feels…. reductive somehow. she clearly shows intelligence and understanding when she realizes what’s happening during the fight and helps to kill skar. i just refuse to reduce her entire character to kong’s pet status bcuz that makes me uncomfortable asf.
as a disclaimer, you’re welcome to have whatever hc you enjoy. me expressing my personal thoughts on the matter isn’t an attack on anyone who characterizes her that way, i’m just not interested in engaging with it in the slightest.
DOUBLE ANYWAYS i just needed to get that outta my system. TIME FOR CUTE FUN IDEAS YAHOOO
i’m seeing mixed info about her age so idk where she actually sits there?? i remember seeing something like she’s the First Titan but i also think the novelization of the movie said she’s only 3 million years old?? when im p sure they’ve said goji is 250+ million years old so…. i have no clue there lol. personally she feels less jaded and grumpy than goji does to me so my brain automatically sees her as similar or younger bcuz of my Grumpy Old Man bias.
i’m still workin out my ideas for her but based on how the movie ends i like to think she helps kong with relocating the apes to a better home, and they mostly live in HE. her n kong venture up for surface dates bcuz she gets what she fucking deserves 💙
goji nearly has an aneurysm the first time they come up, since mosu literally takes them for a lil tour of monster island. bro standing there clenching his fist like the arthur meme, he begrudgingly knows she’s right and eventually he gets used to it
i got more ideas cookin for her but this post is already too damn long cuz of my ranting time to stfu
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her-favorite · 1 year
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WARNINGS: i mean it’s jerome so
WC: 3342
A/N: requested! i really hope you like it!! sorry if i got a little carried away in the beginning, i tend to start one topic and just dont stop 😭 also can we talk about how hot his hand looks in that gif omfg.
SUMMARY: You’ve spent your whole life with Jerome Valeska. When the both of you started a life of crime, he managed to fall dead in Theo Galavan’s hand. It was hard without him, but having your husband back in your arms was all that mattered.
It’s been over a year since Jerome died.
For over a year you’ve spent inside your house collecting, smelling, crying over his belongings that were still left with you. You both owned the house, or rather, Jerome threatened the actual owner to give it to you both, putting a gun to the man’s head. Obviously, the owner agreed, his body shaking as he watched Jerome’s wicked smile spread across his pale cheeks.
You and Jerome grew up together. It started when you had joined Haly’s Circus and you managed to catch his troublesome eye as he tended to watch you every now and then. You kept to yourself for awhile when you were younger since it was the first time traveling with the drama-filled Circus.
After a couple years at that hellhole (as Jerome liked to call it), you both grew close. You managed to bring out a side to him that he didn’t even know existed. Which brings you to the time that Jerome had been watching you from his trailer. It was around a year before you both traveled to Gotham and you grew more accustomed to the circus living.
The circus troupe had stopped somewhere that you couldn’t remember when you think about this memory, but the thought felt embedded in your mind. The exasperating ginger was sitting out in front of his parked trailer that he shared with his whore of a mother. Just a few years before, his pathetic excuse of a brother had fled, but Jerome didn’t want to think about that. He was sipping on some lemonade that he had stole from a stand further into the attraction, occasionally biting down onto the straw. His eyes followed the way you walked; your fast legs making their away across the grounds and towards someone’s trailer. You were visibly irritated by something, your body language and the stern expression on your face told him everything he needed to know.
At first, he was agitated. What were you doing going to someone else’s trailer? Why was his girl meeting up with someone else other than him? His face showed anger as he watched you from a distance. Your hand reached up and knocked repeatedly on the person’s door, managing to hurt your knuckles in the process. Once Jerome saw the man that opened the door, he felt his body erupt with rage. Your boyfriend.
Obviously, Jerome never liked the asshole. Maybe it was his clouded judgement that told him that you belonged to him and that you were only made to be with him. Or maybe it was because your boyfriend was an asshole. He never treated you with respect and he always tried to steer you away from Jerome. The ginger was more than displeased with the persistent actions of the other man. The amount of nagging and abuse he got from his mother already started the murderous thoughts that occupied his mind, and your shitty boyfriend didn’t help his tenacious thoughts.
At that point, all Jerome could hear were mumbles. He was far enough away to the point where you wouldn’t be able to see him, but close enough for him to see you. All he could make out was your backside as you faced your boyfriend’s trailer, seeming to release your pent up frustrations on the other man. It didn’t seem to be going well as your hands shoved him, the man tripping backwards slightly. Jerome immediately knew that it was your boyfriend’s fault. It always was.
An animated gasp left Jerome’s lips as he, not only saw, but heard the slap you left on the man. The loud sound of your palm smacking the guy’s face echoed in the cool air. Jerome put his fist over his mouth to muffle his laugh once he saw your boyfriend’s face. He was furious, to say the least.
Before he could get his hands on you, Jerome just couldn’t help himself. He quickly got up from his sitting position and jogged his way over to you. Upon hearing footsteps, you looked to your side to be met with your best friend. Or, rather crush. But that’s not something the ginger had to know.
“Heya, guys! What’s going on?” A smug smirk was cemented on Jerome’s face as he looked from you to your boyfriend. He had to stop the laugh that bubbled up in his throat when he saw the other man get even angrier. Jerome always knew how to push people’s buttons.
“This asshole cheated on me.” Your words were said with pure venom as you reached forward and pushed the man standing in front of you again. The glee filled expression on the taller man’s face quickly fell in response to your answer. His jaw tightened as he looked over at your boyfriend, well, ex. When the other man finally tore his eyes away from your angered ones, he saw the dangerous look inside Jerome’s. He was intimidated by the ginger. At first, it was because of how close the two of you were. That was until he heard the way he talked about certain people; the constant need to have your attention and the way he talked to himself about silent promises that he wanted to fulfill. Jerome was dangerous and the man knew that.
“What?” Was the only thing that left Jerome’s lips. He was frozen in his spot before quickly taking a step forward and wrapping his hand around the frightened man’s throat. As if on instinct, Jerome threw the man against the front of his trailer, his hand tightening around the sensitive structure. Threatening words and swears left the gingers lips, his grin widening as he saw the man cower underneath his hold. “If you ever lay a hand on her again,” He leans closer, his green eyes now filled black. His voice was coated with pure malice as he talked, “I will kill you.” Not blinking with a dead stare, Jerome uttered the final words to the man and then finally let go. Your ex fell to the ground, grasping his throat and took deep, fast breaths as he tries to regain his oxygen.
As Jerome takes a step back, away from the other man, he looks over at you. The look you had in your eye was different, something he’s never seen before. His grimace switched into a smile as he made his way over towards you.
“Y’know you’re my girl, right?” He whispers as he stands over you, his breath hot against your lips. Without speaking, you nod your head in response. “Good.” He smiles and swipes his thumb over your cheek. He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead before grabbing your hand and walking away from the scene. “Let’s get some cotton candy! I’ve been cravin’ it all day!” And just like that, Jerome was back to normal.
Some people would call the both of you crazy, at least that’s the word on the street. When Jerome finally went through with his plan about killing his mother, he was sent to Arkham Asylum. To your surprise, you weren’t. No one saw you as an accomplice to the insane ginger’s actions, which made the wait for your lover to break out from the old building dreadful.
As time passed and you sat on a hill that captured the sunset beautifully, you weren’t expecting to hear ruffling in the grass behind you. Whipping your head back to see who it was, a gasp left your lips and you immediately landed on your feet.
“Knew you’d be here, doll. This was our spot, after all.” Jerome grinned his crazy smile. He laughed loudly as he felt you run into his arms, squeezing him against you tight. “Y’know, all that time in the looney bin really got me thinkin’.” He starts off. You break away from the hug and look up at him as his hands settle on your hips. “I’m not making a whole speech, y’know I’m not one for words.” He smiles and winks, before continuing. “I wanna marry ya, Y/N.” The statement caught you off guard as your eyes widen and your lips part in disbelief. “I want’cha as my wife, doll. It’s been nagging at me since I got thrown into that funny farm. And blah, blah, blah, here I am!” He throws his arms out wide, before laughing. He knew you were going to say yes, you’ve never denied him before.
Immediately accepting his proposal, you gripped him so tight in a hug that he felt all of the new things he had to adjust to with Galavan and the Maniax just lift off of his shoulders. All he needed was you. That was all that ever truly mattered to him.
Days passed by since the both of you got married (a small ceremony with a persistent Barbara Kean that wanted to officiant the wedding and random, horrified bystanders being held at gunpoint as you both stood on the both of your hill together). It was sweet and nice; something that wasn’t really common anymore. It felt good to get a break from the chaos that Theo had you both commencing around the city. At least for you, everyone knows that Jerome can’t sit still without causing a little bit of trouble.
It was finally the night of the Gala and Jerome was more than ecstatic to be a ‘magician’. He paraded around your shared bedroom, loudly practicing new tricks. The ginger searched for your approval once he finished one and grinned wide as he saw you clap for him. Maybe it was because of the lack of attention he got growing up, but Jerome loved having you praise him. It was a new feeling; it made him feel warm inside. But no one needed to know that; not even Jerome liked to admit it.
Theo had chose you to be his assistant in the show, saying that your chemistry would be good and make it more believable. You had immediately agreed, wanting to always be by your ginger’s side.
Later that night, the both of you stood behind the curtain and waited for the cue. His green eyes searched over your body several times, ogling the way you looked in the tight pink clothes. When you jokingly called him out on it, he gave you a wink and said, “Don’t worry, doll, as soon as this is over, we’ll make some magic of our own.” He cackled with volume, only quieting down when you put a hand over his mouth. The last thing either of you wanted was to be caught too soon.
Once the both of you made it on stage, the plan was going perfectly. Everything went accordingly and you and Jerome were having the time of your lives. Finally, when your disguises were off and Jerome had thrown a knife into the deputy mayor’s chest, the sound of gunshots filled the vast room and screams were heard everywhere. You could hear Jerome’s laugh clear as day as he watched everyone shriek in fear.
Eventually talking on the phone with Detective Jim Gordon, Jerome managed to get under the man’s skin. Jim’s girlfriend was laying on the wheel as you watched your husband laugh into the phone and then straighten back up.
“I think that went well.” Jerome smiles and looks back over at you. A grin graces your features as you nod, silently agreeing with him. With a quick appearance from Theo Galavan, it wasn’t a hard decision to hit him in the head with the hammer that was conveniently sitting there. As more unfolded and Jerome called out for the one and only Bruce Wayne, the air seemed to tense up. When he finally got his hands on him, he held a threatening knife to the younger kid’s throat. You knew better than to disrupt Jerome when he had his mind set on something, so you watched him and maybe if you weren’t too focused on your husband’s actions, you could’ve stopped it.
The sight of a knife stabbing into Jerome’s throat made your entire body feel like it was on ice. Goosebumps filled your skin and a scream left your throat without you realizing. He fell to the floor with Theo still sticking the blade into him as Jerome’s blood gushed out of his mouth, dribbling up near his eye. The sight still haunts you to this day.
When Galavan finally stepped away from the other man, your knees buckled and your hands clutched Jerome’s suit. You begged and pleaded with him, with anything, that he wasn’t dead; that this was just a nightmare. A really horrible nightmare.
It wasn’t.
You watched him take his last breath as his eyes focused on yours. You convinced yourself that he wanted you to be the last thing he saw before he died; and you were left hoping that thought was true. His gold band on his left ring finger seemed to shine brighter than before as it reminded you that you were now a widow. No way in hell could you ever be with someone else when you were swooned by Jerome Valeska.
“I love you.” His last words were tight and quiet and barely left his throat, but they were crystal clear in your ears. It almost felt like you were the one being stabbed as his eyes lost their light and his body relaxed against the cold stage, his warm blood still pouring from his lips. You sobbed and screamed as your hands clutched his clothes. He wasn’t dead, he was just joking, like he always does. It was a ploy to get the GCPD out of here, right? It wasn’t real, it was just Jerome playing a sick, sick joke, like always. You would’ve done anything to be correct.
Before the police could catch you, you quickly fled the scene once people started to move again. You ran as far as you could, not stopping at the constant sirens crowding the night air. You knew Jerome wouldn’t want you to stay there and be caught; he wanted to be free, that’s what he stood for.
Now, this is where you were: sitting in your once shared house, curling up on the couch while you twirled the larger ring on your right finger. You had accomplished stealing your husband’s ring before you ran that night and you haven’t took it off since, even if the ring was too big.
It felt like a never ending cycle as you twisted the ring on your finger, your eyes captivated by the golden band. It meant more to you now. It didn’t just hold memories of the two of you, but it felt like a silent promise of you never letting go of him. Not that you ever could. Jerome felt like he was stitched into your heart, never leaving unless someone reached in and tore him from you. Even then, you knew you wouldn’t be able to let him go.
Your body straightened up when you heard a noise come from the entrance of your house. Ever since you ran from the sight where your husband was killed, you were off grid to anyone else in Gotham. No one knew where you lived, especially the GCPD or the other villains that roamed around now. To others, you weren’t a threat anymore. You never realized how much you depended on the ginger until he was gone.
“Knew you’d be here. Wow, I got two for two!” A loud voice and a cackle was heard behind you as your body flinched. You felt frozen in your spot as your head whipped back and your eyes met his. His eyes. Jerome’s. “I thought you’d be happy to see me, doll. Where’s my hug and the “oh my god, J, I missed you so much!’” Jerome wraps his arms around himself in a hug and then laughs when he’s done talking. “I’m guessin’ you haven’t seen my show?” Before he could point to the tv or even finish his sentence, your body bolted up from the couch and threw yourself at him.
“You’re here,” Your voice was breathless as your words were said with disbelief. You felt the vibration against your cheek before you heard the laugh that left him. His arms wound around your shoulders tightly, sighing as he felt your touch again.
“Yeah, toots. First thing that came to the ol’ noggin’ was to see my girl.” His right hand reached up to cup the back of your head and pull gently on your hair to make you look up at him. “Still as gorgeous as the last time I saw ya." Jerome smiles. You were finally snapped out of your daze once you took a good look at his face. Staples littered his skin, red circles hovered around his eyes, his skin was stretched and tight, and his grin was even more devilish as his smile was pulled to each side, making him look more intimidating.
“What’re you lookin’ at?” His voice grew defensive as he noticed the way your eyes stuck on different parts of his skin. On the way to the both your house, Jerome would’ve rather went through death again than think of you not loving him anymore. He thought that maybe you outgrew him, that maybe he was just a terrible phase in your life and now that he was gone you could do whatever you wanted. He never really considered the word ‘insecure’ before, until he saw the way his face was restructured now. It was weird and gross it even made Jerome upset. He couldn’t bare the possibility that you could feel the same.
“Nothing.” You responded quickly. Your hands moved away from his waist and slowly slid to his neck, not wanting to touch the sensitive staples. “You just look really good for a man that just came back from the dead.” You said, a small smile curling at your lips. Jerome’s neurotic expression switched to a grin at your words, his pearly white teeth showing.
“Good answer.” He mutters before leaning down and pressing his lips against yours. The hand that was in your hair tightened slightly as he deepened the kiss. It was an odd feeling; the chapped skin on his lips set a weird texture against yours and the stretched out smile made it somewhat difficult to kiss him, but you weren’t letting anything stop you from kissing your husband.
Once you broke away from the kiss, you took the opposite ring off your finger and held his left hand. His green eyes focused on yours before looking down and watching you push his wedding ring on his ring finger. “Aw, you kept it, gorgeous?” He cooed and his smile became wider as he talked. His thumb rotated the ring on his finger as he felt his body warm up at the thought of you wearing it while he was gone.
“Of course. Everything that you had I still kept.” You answer, moving your hands back on his chest. He had a police uniform on as the leather jacket hugged his arms. He always managed to look good in anything.
“Good, doll. I’m glad.” His right hand moved over to cup the side of your neck as his thumb rubbed gently against your cheekbone. His already made smile widened as his lips curled up into a grin. He leaned down and pecked your lips once, before whispering, “I told ya we would have some fun the last time I saw ya, gorgeous. And I intend to fulfill that promise.” He laughs and leans back down to kiss you with enough passion that could’ve made you melt.
Having Jerome back with you was like a fresh of cold air in a warm room. Having your husband back with you made you feel like you were on cloud nine. You knew that the both of you had so much more ahead of you guys, and you couldn’t be more excited.
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bluesworldd · 1 year
𐀶 ՙ 🎸 · stay the night !
↳ pairing: hobie brown x reader
↳ tw/cw: cursing, not proofread, kissing, forehead kisses.
↳ genre: fluff
↳ synopsis: hobie always makes it better
↳ blue says: ….yall dont hate me. this took so long because im almost incapable of writing fluff🤕.
request here
spoilers ahead !
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ugh. what a fucking day. finally you had been done with your fifth mission today. miguel, that fucking asshole, had been working you to the damn bone and although you wanted to decline his offers you honestly had nothing else to do. but it didn’t matter cause you wouldn’t be showing your face back here any time soon.
you wasted no time teleporting back to headquarters and making your way to miguels office. thinking about what you would do when you got home made you remember your boyfriend. maybe you could have him come over. yeah that’s probably the only person you could tolerate at this moment.
approaching miguels “office” (if thats what you call it) you felt your spidy senses go off. “well speak of the devil” you knew that voice, it was unforgettable. “and they shall appear, what s be are you doing here hobie?” you let out a soft chuckle. it was almost rare to see hobie at miguels since he never really took on missions, besides the times were miguel almost killed hobie because he always refused. “well i was actually looking for you. miguel was my last resort” you chuckled because of course he was “well i guess i can say the same” turning to miguel, you gave him your report keeping it short. you’ve been on your feet all fucking day and couldn’t wait to get home.
“well if thats all then you both are dismissed” came the tired voice of miguel. you never understood why he would torture his self like that but that was a question for another time. with everything done you turned around and fixed your watch to you dimension but before you could hobie wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “what do you say we go back to mine? yeah?” you rolled your eyes playfully, it amazed you how clingy hobie could be. “fine, your lucky im so tired” you fixed your watch coordinates to hobies dimension.
going through you were met with the beautiful city that was earth one hundred thirty eight. something about the city had an artistic feeling to it, although the brightness of the city strained your eyes you couldn’t think to look away. what a beautiful city indeed. “so what do you say we do today? hm? i was thinking some nice snacks and a good horror movie.”
“sounds lovely, it really does but i doubt id make it through the intro” “long day i presume?” “if only you fucking knew”. entering hobies flat, you both make quick work into getting comfortable. scrolling through the horror section you picked a random movie “hmm how about scream?” “you trying to put me to sleep love?” “either that or you’re picking” “fair, guess were watching scream” pressing play you could feel a part of the couch dip, almost instinctively you began cuddling with hobie. the movie hasn’t even begun and you could already feel your eyes drooping, you decided to fight it off. totally not because you missed talking to your boyfriend, no not at all.
not even thirty minutes into the movie and you could already tell hobie was bored. it wasn’t hard really, hobie typically can’t control his facial expressions. unless he needs to, you can always tell when hobies excited or upset about something. right now you could tell he was beyond bored, although you knew he would never admit it. you couldn’t help but giggle, he could be so stubborn sometimes. “hm? what are you giggling about?” slightly looking up you answered. “how about we change the movie? what do you want to watch?” he gave you a questionable look “and why would we do that? we have another hour and twenty-four minutes left” he was indeed stubborn “hobie you’re obviously bored i can tell” you chuckled, he always put what u wanted ahead of his wants or needs. it was sweet, really it was but sometimes you hated how selfless he could be.
pecking you on the lips, hobie chuckled “it doesn’t matter seriously, im just happy to be with you” you couldn’t help but to chase his lips, you’ve realized just how long its been since you two actually been together like this. you missed this truly you did but you could feel your self start to tire. you’ve been fighting sleep for too long and you could tell.
you fell asleep for who knows how long. you were awoken by the smell of something being cooked and you couldn’t help but smile. “what are you cooking?” you asked with a hoarse voice, trying as best as you could to rub the sleep away from your eyes.” “damn your awake already? well im making fried rice with chicken”
“how long was i asleep for?” you asked with slight concern, truly you didn’t mean to go to sleep especially since you wanted to spend time with hobie as much as possible. “like and hour? i dont blame you” you grinned. walking up to you with two plates in hand, you chuckled. most times hobie could be so caring, in general hes a giving person, always wanting to help an any way he could. you’re probably the luckiest person in the world. “luckiest person in all of the dimensions…it’s definitely me” you giggled out, not like it was a false statement anyway.
“ yeah well you deserve it”
“oh? i wonder why?”
“for being the best partner ever of course” setting the plates down he quickly kissed you on the forehead. when he sat, you immediately fell into his arms. there was no other place you’d rather be.
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©️bluesworldd 2023 || All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, copy, or claim my work as your own.
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aita for yelling at my friend?
this ones a long one.
bg info
so we're both 15, and he's done this thing a couple times where he'll create a new groupchat and exclude certain people who he's not as close to.
to me, this is mean, and i've spoken to him calmly about it before but he kinda just brushes it off and says he's just including close friends.
its also relevant that previously i may have enabled him. like, theres a girl neither of us like and we'd make fun of her sometimes, though not to her face, which is probably worse. i'm trying to be nicer to her but i dont get along with her very well.
on top of that, the origin of the gc we use now is that there was a bigger one and he told me "i just don't feel comfortable with some of these people". so i created a new group chat and let him pick who got added, with the agreement that we'd have to come to an agreement before adding more ppl, just for the sake of everyones comfort.
not sure if this is actually relevant or if im just salty but he doesn't spend time with the people in the gc at school, he sits with a group of juniors n seniors for lunchtimes and only comes around every so often. not sure if he's just spending one-on-one time with everyone or if he's actually not hanging out with us anymore.
into the actual inciting incident
today, we were talking about the groupchat to a friend we'd made recently and added today. he offhandedly mentioned one of the smaller groupchats he'd made for closer friends, and how no one had used it. i got really mad about how casual he was about something i thought was mean of him to do, so i told him something like "i just think that it's a rude thing to do."
and he said something like "well im just including our close friends", we kept going like this for a bit, and I yelled at him "why are the only people that matter the ones YOU like?" and there was more of a kerfuffle i don't remember, but i did in fact cry (self-provoked, he didnt say anything). i apologized for being so dramatic, and he left. it was class time so i left too, and my sister drives me and she had work so i left school really fast.
we have a little routine where we watch a show together on call though and he said yes when i asked about that. after asking him abt our show, i texted him n apologized for yelling at him n asked to talk but i said that i still thought that the way he treats people kinda sucks. no response.
what people irl said
like one person said that i was brave? and that they shoulve said something. the girl we added didnt say anything, and my other friend asked if i was okay after it was all over
why i might be an asshole
i think im being kinda on a moral high-horse when ive enabled and even kinda participated in this behavior before and ofc, yelling was very much an overreaction on my part
additionally, its not exactly a choice to not get along with some people?
why he might be an asshole
excluding people on purpose and ignoring my attempts to talk things out.
with the bias filter on, this behavior is pretty self-centered, because he doesn't hang out with us much at all, and he's never very invested in any of our interests or issues, but he still gets to dictate who gets to be in the "close friends" group chat?
for any advice
i really don't want to drop him as a friend, not just because i like spending time with him, which is most of it. the other part of it is that im really scared of what will happen if he gets mad at me, because i don't want to break up the friendgroup into people taking sides, and to a lesser extent im scared that if that does happen no one will take my side in that conflict. it just doesn't seem worth it to get into a blowout with him about this when i don't want to lose anyone.
thanks for reading all that, this is mostly just to organize my thoughts. render moral judgement at will.
What are these acronyms?
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 8.
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you wipe the sweat of your lip, looking at the villian in front of you..
"kurogiri...? how could you let these brats get the best out of you?" questions the blue haired male. you look down at bakugou as he starts to rant again.
"you got careless you dumbass... it wasnt hard to figure you out." he pauses before starting again, "only certain parts of you turn into that smoky warp gate- you use that mist to hide your actual body- kinda like a distraction, thinking that makes you safe." he moves his face lower to the villian, "thats why we missed... but if you didnt have a body you wouldnt be wearing this neck armor right? you arent immune to physical attacks if theyre well aimed.." 
the villian grunts and you snort, geez who wouldve known hes such a nerd... he sends an explosion through his palm as kurogiri attempts to move. "you try anything funny and ill blow your ass up right now... you hear me?" he grins menacingly.
you turn your attention back to the blue haired male standing in front of you all, "you all escaped unharmed and captured my two biggest weapons... you kids these days make us seem like animals..." he rasps.
"maybe cause you guys dont think things all that through ey..?" u retort, before you see the inhuman monster break through todorokis ice. you gasp as it starts regenerating the limbs it lost. 
"what is that?" all might questions standing, "i thought he only had one quirk...?"
"i never said that... nomu was designed to be able to take you on.. even with 100% of your power..!" chuckles the blue haired male; shigakari. "but first we need to free our way of escape.." you widen your eyes as you register what he means.
you use your wind to pull bakugou to you right before the nomu reached him. you let out a loud gasp as the nomus punch sends you and everyone else flying. looking over, you see all might on the other side of you, "he mustve moved to save you as well.." u mutter to bakugou.
"you didnt even hold back with the kids...!" all might grunts, as he struggles to get back up. 
"theyre no angels... that plain looking one right there tried to kill me with his punch..!" shigakari points, "thats quite unfair isnt it? just because you all label it as a heroic thing, everyone says its fine, but when someone else does it its automatically considered wrong..!" he pauses, "your just labeled as the 'symbol of peace' but you still use violence... and violence breeds into violence... ill make sure everyone knows that once your dead..!" he chuckles.
"villians like you always try to color their actions as noble.. but the truth is you just enjoy it..! isnt that right..?" all might yells.
"we've outnumbered them.." mutters todoroki as he readies himself along with the others. you get into a fighting stance until all might stops you, but before all might could respond todoroki speaks again, "you wouldve been in trouble before if we didnt help, remember..? you need our help."
"i thank you for your assistance, but this is different..." he pauses and looks back, "its gonna be all right... just sit back and watch a pro at work..!"
you frown, "but your injured... your bleeding..!" you plead not wanting all might to further injure himself. he gives you a thumbs up and you hold your breath as all might readies himself.
suddenly the nomu runs at all might and meets him with a punch that sends everyone flying back. you grunt as you try to hold yourself in place as they both brawl, almost perfectly mimicking each other. you widen your eyes as you realize every punch that follows the other is slightly stronger than before, he was going beyond 100% of his power.
the nomu goes flying back and all might goes after it, "a real hero..." he pauses as he grabs the arm of the nomu, "will always find a way to get justice to prevail..!" he finishes as he throws him down. you shut your eyes tightly as you fight against the tremors, "now i know youve heard these words before... but ill show you what they really mean.." he winds his arm back as the nomu runs at him.
"go beyond- PLUS ULTRA!" he yells as he sends a punch right into the nomus torso, sending it flying out the USJ. 
you stand up gasping, "he beat the shock absorption right outta him!" praises kirishima, "ive never seen a shot like that before..!"
"imagine having power like that..! he mustve been punching him so fast he didnt have time to regenerate..." praises bakugou as he scowls.
you turn to find all might and rush towards him, "surrender... we all want to get this over with.." he speaks to shigakari. you stare as shigakari starts itching his neck out of frustration.
hes not giving up..! but all might cant stand in this form any longer...! you think as you look at all might struggling to keep up his form. suddenly, you see deku in the air with his arm winded back about to punch shigakari. you gasp as you see shigakaris hand being raised toward dekus face, but before you could react you hear a gunshot and see deku fall on the other side.
you turn and see that the back up finally came. "about damn time.." u grunt pulling all might back. u see multiple shots being fired, but kurogiri warps himself around shigakari.
the next thing you knew, thirteen was trying to suck up kurogiri, but sadly her attempts came to a fail as they teleported away.
you turn to all might and look at the injury near his stomach, "i can try to somewhat heal it right now..." you mutter out, rushing to get the water. "let me see the injury-" you ramble.
"nono.. its alright..." rasps all might placing his hand on your shoulder, attempting to reassure you. you shake your head urgently, "no..! its not! please just let me attempt too..!" u plead frustratingly. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
after a couple of minutes, all might was taken back to ua privately so no one could see his real identity. you frown as you get bandaged for the minor injury you received on your arm.
"hey y/n..!" kirishima runs up to you, "are you alright..?" he asks worriedly, checking you for any other injuries.
you chuckle nodding, "im fine.. just frustrated i couldnt help all that much... i couldve tried and somewhat heal all might, but he didnt accept no matter how hard i tried.." u respond dejectedly.
he puts his hand on your shoulder smiling softly, "hey there.. dont be sad.. at least you tried right..? its the thought that counts!" he grins, "besides you were badass when we were dealing with those villians alongside bakugou!" 
you nod smiling, "thanks kiri..." 
"all right everyone..! we're heading back to ua now..!" exclaims iida, "get in the same spots you came to the USJ in!" 
you groan silently as you walk inside realizing you would have to sit next to bakugou again. geez i helped save that boys life more than once, yet he still hasnt thanked me.. you frown.
you look out the window frowning before you hear bakugou sit next to you. "thanks..." he mumbles looking away.
you widen your eyes realizing what he said, "what..?" u gasp.
he groans, "i said thanks genso, god you deaf now too..?!" he seethes. you gulp scooting away a bit.
"my bad... but uh- your welcome...?" u mumble hesitantly.
he looks away not responding and you turn away not wanting to pester him anymore, you didnt wanna get on his bad side on the way back after what had happened. you close your eyes as the bus starts softly and starts to drive back.
god todays been a long day...
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 next parts: pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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changbinsboobs · 21 days
Кто в SKZ является нейроотличным и к какому «типу» он относится
Who in Skz is neurodivergent and what type are they?
Omg i just wann crawl into a hole and rot😭 i wrote SOOOOOOO much in this post. Sooooooo much!!!!!!!! And i went out of the app for a sec to check something and when i came back it was ALL gone😭 now i don't even wanna do it anymore😤 but still i have already committed so i guess im just gonna do it in a different format where i just give my quick opinion and then in a different post some other time explain in detail. I swear im so angry I've had this in my drafts for so long and everytime i start it somethmg happens and i camt fi ish it😭
*Also, put short, im not a professional nor a psychology major. This post is not based on tarot - all of it is based on my personal observations, experiences, opinions and the energy I've picked up from them from previous readings. Take it all with a grain of salt and remember i don't know the idols personally and i do not state facts. This is just a lighthearted post based on my opinion.
Chan - ADHD, OCD
He has mentioned the ocd himself while talking about red lights. He said tho that he thinks its not really ocd but something of that sort. In my experience ocd is heavily influenced by the level of dysregulation in your nervous system so if you're well regulated, even during stressful times, the ocd doesn't show as strongly as to be pathological. Once ur dysregulated tho it is definitely there and it depends on you how bad you let it get. So i for sure think he has it, its just not as intense for him to be diagnosed, which speaks good for him actually cuz i never thought someone under so much stress could keep himself so regulated, especially taking in mind his sleep and eating routine.
As for the adhd its just pretty obvious i think. Tho i believe he medicates it, espc since seungmin once mentioned something about chan having forgotten to take his meds today hence why he's all over the place.
Lee Know - On the spectrum
I did a long, long, detailed paragraph on autism and at the end described why i think lee know falls under it, but im so angry i don't wanna do it all over again right now. If you're interested on more details u can send a request and whenever i feel like it I'll do a post like that.
Changbin - On the spectrum
Same here, i just started to describe why i think he falls under the spectrum and then everything got deleted😭. Changbis paragraph is different tho. Why i think he's on the spectrum is because of his genius-like abilities in many if not all fields. He gives me wunderkind vibes. And i habe also picked up on him being the goat when he was a kid, but as he grows up the abilities and sureness he once had as a kid isn't there anymore or way less. Yk the autistic "trope" of being the wunderkind and them growing up into the burned out adult with so much lost potential. He give's me a bit of that vibe. He's also extremely sensitive and intuitive and has incredible attention to detail and patterns. He has such a unique sense for music and creation - in his field of music and rap he really is a genius. He calls himself a prodigy when little and i actually believe that (even if the members dont🥲😂) and even if he's very well liked by lots of people because of his great qualities as a human, he seems ufjfjf idk how to describe it. Like he's not integrated in with them (im talking about the group) but he's watching from outside. He's always the but of the joke, he's always the rejected one, he's always somehow different than them and doesn't quite fit in the group. In the sense that it feels like he doesn't get fully and completely accepted in a large group setting. I think he does grate one on one or in small 3 people groups, but once theres a small society - he's the left one out. I have so much more to say about all of this but once again - i think I'll leave it for another post when i get the inspiration for it.
Hyunjin - /
Han - Autistic for sure!
Yeah there's lots to unpack here to, cuz i habe so much "evidence" i think I'll actually might even do it on twitter as a thread cuz id like to include clips and stuff to be able to really analyse it, and here i cant really do that so - yeah look forward to it:)
Felix - ?
i have no fck idea to be honest. Maybe cptsd? But he also gives me vibes of dyslexia or something of that sort. Im not too familiar with it, so i can't say for sure but i have noticed he has speaking and learning problems so if you know any better than me please give suggestions. Cuz ain no way he's neurotypical. Also by speaking problems i mean I've noticed a difficulty in him of forming a coherent sentence or he just talks but its all nonsense.
Seungmin - /
I.N - /
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lbcreations-blog · 1 year
Hi, I got a request for welcome home. The basic premise is that sense the show was an educational program, I wanted to see how y/n would react to the neighbors doing the thing like dora does, i.e talking to y/n and pausing for a response.
so I wasn't sure if you wanted it, where the reader actually watch past eps like that or somehow interact with the chareters on the site.... Soooooo here's my inturpertation on what you mean... (and im sorry for any lore or grammer mistakes) (use of Y/N)
You. Y/n as a teen loved horror. analog horror being your fav. it was now 2024 and your now 21 and a junier detective for your smarts. and you were looking for a case to do since there wern't anything happing in your small town. you were searching on the internet for days until one day you heard of a site, that was showing things about a show in the 70's.
Apparently the site was up in 2021 but was taken down for some... odd problems. So you being interested in such because most 70's kids shows were always creepy in some way, so you took a look. while looking at the site you thought nothing of it since it looked like some random costamised wiki page of sorts with a bunch of weirdo-thingy-mahbobs
"my EYES hate this bright screen when will this get intersesting- Wha!" you said while looking at the screen. "oh its just a youtube link -_-" you said with a blank face "but wait!... it could help" you said the end of the scentince slowly in a mischeeeeeeeeevisly way.
You then click the link. "hmm its just some of the old eps some one found on vhs oh well im'a watch it anyway" you said "but first POP! CORN!" you then scurry away to get some popcorn, snacks, and a few sodas.
*skip a few mins*
you press play on the 2nd ep on the youtube channel ep 4 s1 Wally's way to apple heaven (you skipped the pilet) "hi there neighbor! today i felt hungry and it seemed i had no apples so we're going to Howdys shop to get some apples. now come along!" Wally inturduced "so neighbor do you see howdys store?" Wally asked
"w-weird i dont remember them mentiong they had a Dora michanic in the show" you said a tad bit confused. "why an't he saying anything.." you then pointed to howdys store on the sreen. "over there, wally" "oh thank you so much neighbor!" wally responded "what the-... uhm ok"
*another time skip*
"thank you so much howdy! now neighbor can you show me where the door is" wally asked "..." this time you didnt respond just to see what happens since youve been asked questions like 4 times now. *40 seconds later* "neighbor~" "ah crap over there!" you panicked and pointed then very quickly turned off your pc "never. again... i need sleep anyways its 1am"
you turend on your lamp and off your light and went to bed.
but... when doing so... you felt a pair of eyes on you....
i hope ya liked it i tried my best. good day/night
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oetscop · 5 months
hey! absolutely love your art and your rainer interpretation- can you talk about your headcanons lore-wise involving rainer and mike? honestly you can talk about more than just those two as well i'm very curious about your interpretations honestly.
this will hopefully not be complete word salad. bc my brains fried already, but my views on petscop characters are esoteric and best and downright incomprehensible at worst. so idk how legible this will be JDKSHSKSBSK
uhh ill start with like. jill is significantly older than anna and lina. rainers actually fairly close in age to anna.
rainers biological dad isnt in the picture and actually went missing a few years after him and jill divorced. it runs in the family i guess. but since tom was there longer hes only ever called him dad, and both jill and him took the last name hammond when they got married. and mike was actually an accident! a welcome one tho. jill and tom were in their 40s and rainer was like 16 or so.
they were very close tho! he was very close with his immediate family. for the brief time he was in college he still lived at home despite the commute.
mike would sit and watch him work on the game all the time. he wanted him to teach him how to code (thats why he created the "petscop kids" after school program! at first anyway...) but 5-6 year olds dont exactly have the attention span for explaining how the dev kit console works. unless theyre belle i guess. but he did get into art! and considering rainers also an artist he encouraged it. mike would sometimes draw his own pets to be put in the game, but since it never went past evencare they never showed up. he did sorta base toneth on mike, and that was before he based any of the other pets on other family members.
mike went missing shortly after rainers mental health was declining. he ran away after some argument with his mom, and nobody remembers what the argument was even about. since this was after marvin hit the dog with the car, and he was beginning to experience psychosis, he immediately made the connection and believed marvin had something to do with it. the cops found it a little suspicious that rainer somehow just knew he had been struck by a car, and he was the only suspect for quite a while. tom had to vouch for him pretty hard and get him a lawyer.
as for vaguer things. the newmaker plane was started in an attempt to find out where mike wouldve run to. he was already recording movements in game, so he put all of mikes in game behaviors into a to scale version of their town, trying to train it to show him where he couldve gone. this obviously didnt work. didnt help that it was completely flat terrain and like had only their house, the marks house, the school and like a couple roads. it actually lead him to the opposite side of the town than where his body was located.
marvin is ALSO severely mentally ill and was convinced that care was lina reborn before any of this happened. obviously anna didnt believe that since shes still. yknow. alive. but rainer introduced the A/B/NLM concept to him, and they both began to believe care was just lina A reborn. pre traumatic event lina. they were both trying to see if they could somehow force something like that to occur, in an attempt to bring mike A back. when belle didnt work, they figured she was too old, so they moved to care. part of this whole "changing your past" thing involved plucking out her eyebrows (lina A had trich) and essentially trying to reenact aforementioned traumatic event. thats why marvin kidnapped her to keep her in the school. and it didnt work! just traumatized the fuck outta the kid. they never had the chance to do anything to "bring mike back" by the end of it, which lead to Bathroom Tomb Event. however, last belle heard, he was pretty certain paul was actually mike A. she tried her best to keep that from paul before they became distant.
i feel like the core of a lot of this is that i really dont believe that the rebirthing process does anything at all. with enough manipulation you may start developing false memories, sure, but its not actually working. in retrospect it makes rainers character a lot sadder. just a terrified kid trying in vain to bring his baby brother back. its not easy losing someone so young in such a horrible way without knowing who took his life.
BUT UUHHH YEAH ^}^ can you tell ive been thinking abt petscop pretty much nonstop since the end of 2022 i bet you cant
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totallysora · 7 months
West Side Story (2021)
I HAVE SM TO SAY ABT THIS MOVIE IT’S UNREAL 😭 Ok so I finally decided to watch it for the first time in like,,early January and it has actually changed me 😭 IT WAS SO GOOD?? LIKE THE CASTING WAS JUST MWAH I LOVED IT SM 😕 Anyways here are some of the things (from what I can remember, I haven’t actually had time to rewatch it since 😔) that I loved about it!
The jets were amazing, fight me
Ik that’s kinda controversial cuz they’re horrible people, and yes I absolutely get that, and do not support their actions at all (If ur a jets apologist pls leave 🥰) but GOD THE CASTING?? UGH IT WAS JUST SO PERFECT 😭 All of their songs were literally so good?? The Jet song is unfairly catchy, and Gee, Officer Krupke?? It was actually magical (THIS IS WHY WE CAST BWAY ACTORS IN MUSICAL MOVIES PEOPLE 😻‼️)
That scene with Anita?? It honestly made my blood boil, which is actually like,,the best thing ever?? Ik that sounds horrible but I mean it in a way that if a scene is meant to make you feel disgusted, or completely angry, and it succeeds?? That’s how u know it was good acting
I struggle to differentiate between actors and characters, so the whole rumble scene was a lil bit of a mess for me at first cuz I adore Mike sm, however when I thought abt it more, and how Riff acted, I was able to think of him as Riff, not Mike, and realised holy shit yea he actually kinda deserved what happened to him yk
THE RUMBLE OML 😭 THE ACTING WAS JUST SO UGH I LOVED IT SM - Unliked in the 1961 version (which I haven’t actually watched but have seen clips of!) you could actually tell it was like,,serious yk?? And when Riff got stabbed?? Holy fuck the emotion in that scene was unreal
Also the way David and Ansel acted straight after it happened?? I kinda got a ‘I didn’t actually want to kill him’ kinda feel from Bernardo, and honestly I kinda felt for him man 😭
I love the way that this rlly showed why Tony was the leader of the Jets, the way he beats Bernardos ass?? You can see why he led such a strong gang
Completely unrelated but the fact that this whole thing was basically a newsies reunion 💀
like Mike, Kyle, Jess, BEN? GARRETT?? THE TWINS???
I will forever adore the casting tho like honestly it was so good
Also the Sharks were robbed of screen time Icl 😭 They deffo should’ve been on screen more man
RACHEL MF ZEGLER 😻‼️ The fact that this was her debut will literally never not shock me
Like this girl was 17 and could sing like that?? No wonder ppl love her sm like damn 😭
People can actually fight me on this but Ansel was such good casting for Tony
I’ve seen people bash him for it but he was literally so good?? Like sorry but I refuse to accept anyone else (obviously excluding bway lmao)
On the topic of Tony the ending actually made me cry?? Like I was fine untik they picked him up and started carrying him after he got shot 😭
Icl halfway through the movie I googled if anyone died so I was prepared for it to happen but doesn’t mesn I didn’t still cry 😕
RITA MONERO 🥰 She was in the og movie and I am so glad they got her back cuz she was a m a z i n g
Also the fact that she sung her song live?? Cmon man she’s so good
Ok so Josh Rivera 😻 Although I didn’t rlly like Chino at first he definitely grew on me the more I thought about it - Ik killing Tony could be considered extreme, but realistically?? I totally get where he came from, it was an incredibly difficult situation, and I can understand why he did what he did
Ok but the singing in general?? Like Ik they wouldn’t cast bad singers but be fr literally all of the songs slap
Ik I’ve said it before but I will say it as many times as I need to THIS IS WHY WE CAST BWAY (OR THEATRE) ACTORS IN MUSICAL MOVIES 👏👏
The soundtrack is actually so good tho like I pretty much wouldn’t skip any of it
Ok completely random but I couldn’t understand half of the movie 💀 cuz they spoke spanish and although I had subtitles on it just gave me the spanish in spanish subtitles, so half of the time I was guessing or just hoping I’ll get what’s going on 😭
If u couldn’t tell I cannot speak spanish (and tbh I’m not doing that well in it at school so 😔)
There is so so so much more I can say about this movie, and once I’ve posted this I will definitely plan a part 2 specifically focusing on the songs, and a part 3 on characters (possibly in the opposite order tho) because this movie was a m a z i n g and I could actually talk about it for h o u r s
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the-offside-rule · 2 years
Joao Felix (Chelsea) - Unrequited Love
Requested: yes
Prompt: Reader loves Joao but he loves somebody else
Warnings: it's soooo sad
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No matter how much you would try, you always found yourself being the second option for someone. "I love you Y/n but-" That's how itt always ended. They always promised to stay friends but that never happened and they never really bothered you. That was of course until you met Joao. He was probably the first ever human being to consider you as a first choice. He didn't treat you like anyone else did. You'd stay up late almost every night to just talk about anything and everything. You cried together, laughed together, basically did everything. Life was great, love was great, you felt healed it seemed and then that fake kingdom of hope shattered and crumbled to the ground once she came along.
You walked to Joao's apartment and knocked on the door. Today was the day you were going to tell him exactly how you felt and nobody was going to stop you. Your shoulders lifted as you saw the door opening, only to droop when your eyes landed on a beautiful brunette girl with blue eyes and a practically perfect body. The words got stuck in your throat as you tried to speak. "Can I help you?" the girl asked. "I- erm. Is Joao here?" you asked, fighting back the tears. "He's actually gone out to the gym. He'll be back soon though. Would you like to come in?" You shook your head. "No thanks. Could you just tell him that Y/n was looking for him?" you requested. "Oh my god! You're Y/n?" You nodded your head slowly. "Joao has told me so much about you! I'm Mila. I'm so sorry about your love life sis." You faked a smile and clenched your jaw. "Yeah well, it happens sometimes doesn't it?" You hated her already. "I'm sure you'll find someone one day." Mila reassured you. "I thought I found someone once before but it appeared that he wasn't the one." You said, sounding hurt. "Well, I should get going." You began walking away only to stop in your tracks and turn around. "Actually-" Mila reopened the door and looked at you. "What is that feeling when you finally find that person?" She smiled, remembering the very first time she realised she loved Joao. "Like nothing else would matter anymore. That's how I felt anyway." The smile on her face was telling youu she wasn't lying. She was completely and utterly in love. "I'll keep that in mind then." You chuckled. "When you do find the one, dont let him go. Never, ever let him go." Well sorry Mila, but for your sake I'm going to have to let him go.
"I won't. Don't worry." You both bid your farewells and walked back to your car. You looked blankly at the windscreen and smiled slightly before finally letting the plank break and allowing your eyes to finally drain the tears she had been fighting in for so long. You hated this feeling, this love thing. So many times you got it wrong and when you got the formula right finally, you couldn't have it. What was the reason?
Why? Why did it hurt so much?
Why? Why was she angry?
Why? Why? Why?
"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Felix." The crowd erupted into cheers and claps, which included you up near the front, watching the scene unfold before you. Joao pulling Mila closer and kissing her. He pulled away from the kiss and looked around, catching eyes with you. You stuck your thumbs up, showing your approval which made him laugh. What a beautiful day. The wedding day. Everything seemed so perfect, much like the couple themselves. The dance went perfectly, the dinner went perfectly, the only thing left to do was basically cut the wedding cake and that would be it. However, everyone just wanted to talk for a while instead. You sat drinking your little glass of cola, minding your business when youu felt a hand on your shoulder, belonging of course to Joao. "Whats up?" you asked. "Let's go to the balcony." he said. "Why?" you lightly y chuckled. "Please? I want to talk with my best friend." Ouch. Best friend. You got up and followed him, walking out to a beautiful balcony view. "So, what do youu want to talk about?" you asked as he poured a glass of champagne. "Just nothing, like we used to."
Drrink after drink, you found yourself getting that little bit drunker but you didn't care. It was fine. "You deserve it Joao." you croaked. Thankfully he didn't notice how down youu sounded. "I'm going to feel bad leaving you out of something though." he replied. "Psh, it's fine Joao. I promise. I think you could use being away from me for a while anyway." Joao laughed and sipped the last of his drinnk before sthanding up. "We should get going. The cake is going to get cut soon."
"Yeah, I'll follow you in a minute."
"Y/n, my cake!" He laughed as you stayed sat down. "I'll be in soon. Don't worry about me." You smiled. Joao walked back over and kissed your hair. "Well don't spend too long out here. It's freezing." he whispered. "I'll see ya, yeah?" You nodded. "Yeah. I'll see you Joao." Joao smiled again and walked back in to his beautiful bride. You finally stood up and looked in at how happy he was. Laughing, talking, holding hiss perfect bride. You couldn't help but feel jealous at this scene because no matter how much youu told yourself otherwise, they were perfect for each other and itt tore you up inside. That's when you made your decision; to leave for good. You took one of the pieces of paper that you are supposed to write good luck messages to the married couple and wrote everything, absolutely everything on your mind before placing it under the glass and creeping out. And just like that, youu disappeared into thin air, never to be heard from again.
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
Ninerose (and/or tenrose if you have different opinions about it)
how do i put this. i dont think it's an exaggeration to say that ninerose taught me what love looks like. like yadda yadda broken childhood home and all that, but whatever, i had my doctor who discs. and these two. oh, these two. there's so much about s1 and them that i return to again and again because it's so messy and so sweet and so. hopeful? you know? like here's the doctor, broken, and here's rose, glowing like the sun. and he becomes a better man for her sake. he makes himself worthy of being saved, yes, but she would have saved him anyway. because she loves him so, so much.
like, i know people get annoyed nowadays about how much rose there is in the fandom, how she can get a spotlight other companions never can, but like. god. she really did show up and rewire my fucking brain, and i can't even be mad about it. she's all that and more. and nine, obviously, nine's my. second favorite now, but the doctor closest to my heart forever. there's nothing that can improve my day like watching an episode from s1 and seeing the two of them interact, there really isn't.
i do actually have different thoughts on these! simply because all variations of the doctor get slightly different thoughts. i mean, i don't really ship specific doctors with specific characters, if that makes sense? if they win the hearts of one doctor, then to me, they've won the hearts of all of them. so, i do ship rose with every doctor lol. but ten we got on screen so let me talk about that.
i think tenrose, the way it's written, is a perfect follow up to how ninerose set them up. you know, you've got a kiss on the doctor's side that killed him and only he remembers happening, and on rose's side, her doctor just exploded into a twink. i love how upset rose is by it. i've seen people talk about how unfair she's being or how unreasonable she is, crying because she thinks the man she was falling in love with is gone when the doctor's right there but. he exploded in front of her. she has no information on this, except to hope that it really is her doctor. god, the children in need special where they reconnect immediately post him regenerating is so important to me for this reason. this is upsetting! this isn't something that we should judge rose for not simply rolling with it! but in the end, that is her doctor. changed, slightly, to be loved is to be changed. but it's him.
and yeah, can we talk about the whole ten literally rebuilt himself to be for rose and how that fact fucks him up forever and ever <3 literally a disaster of a man, you can't do that, sir. that's not healthy!!! but i love him for that. it's so doctor-ish of him. in the wake of her becoming a goddess of time and space to save him, how could he not remake himself in her image. to be someone he thinks she will love, that can love her better. i just. sorry going to speak briefly on nine again, but i think about how the majority of the bad wolf scene is framed with every shot of him on his knees, looking up at her. how he only rises back up at the very end to kiss her and save her life in return. that's what i think ten is born out of, more than anything. that moment of terrifying, awestruck devotion, and then the choice to rise again and hope he's enough, know he's enough, to save her life.
and that is always ten. that's him in the satan pit jumping without knowing where the bottom is and then yelling in the face of the devil that he only knows of one goddess, and it's her. that's why when rose is in danger, nothing on this earth can stop him. that's why he burns up a star to say goodbye to her, because that's the only thing in the universe that could be worthy of being exchanged for even a glimpse at her. and it's him when he tries to snuff himself out during the runaway bride, and it's him when he spends so long not being able to see martha for how fantastic she is because all he can do is mourn rose, and it's him when he's so distracted by her finding him again that he gets himself shot by a DALEK.
insane to me, actually. he was literally born wrong out of love.
and not even to mention rose. let's not pretend she's not equally on this train. hello: woman who would have been okay with being trapped with him on the other end of time and the universe from home? woman who was going to ditch all the people she knew and loved in another dimension to stay with him? woman who started blasting herself haphazardly across dimensional barriers with a cannon to find him again? she's as bad as he is. i love her.
[put any ship in my ask box and i’ll give my brutally honest opinion]
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orions-choker · 1 month
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+:★:+* Chapter Three: Jump In The Fire +:★:+*
The MetalliMansion was a shit show, no matter how much Y/N attempted to keep it clean it was always riddled with empty beer cans, cigarette butts and an unfortunate amount of playboy magazines. The only reprieve Y/N had was in her own room. Clean and organized, posters and collectibles in neat displays.
“God you guys are fucking disgusting.” She groaned, stepping over spilt beer in the kitchen as she rummaged in the cupboards for cereal. “Clean up after yourselves you pigs.” Her nose crinkled in disgust.
From the couch Lars called out. “Dont like it find your own fuckin’ place, I still don't remember agreeing to let you live here.” There was no malice in his words. Infact as Y/N peaked her head around the corner to glare at him he smiled brightly back at her.
She flipped him off, sticking her tongue out. “That's why you're my least favorite.” She teased. Bowl of cereal in hand she sat beside Lars on the old couch, stretching her legs across him. “Remote.” She mumbled around a mouthful of her food, hand outstretched.
“Do they not teach you manners here in America, fuck.” He placed the remote in her hand anyways. She dug her heels into his legs in retaliation. Grinning at the way he winced. “Bitch.”
The television changed to cartoons, Mighty Mouse. “You fuckin’ love me shut up.” She smiled at him. When she didn't hear him protest she took it as a victory. Lars fell back asleep shortly after that, never one to be up early anyways.
Behind her she could hear the groggy mumblings of her brother and Cliff. “Morning!” She called out cheerily. The responses she got back were less than enthused. “You guys have a flight to catch in the afternoon don't you? Get your shit together.”
The boys were flying out to Denmark to record their next album. It frightened her to be alone now. She had been with everyone for a year now, ever since their first tour she hadn't left their sides. She couldn't go with them this time. Someone had to stay behind and take care of the house, pay the bills.
“Flights not till four.” James grumbled at his younger sister, sitting down with a coffee in hand.
“And it is currently one, airports an hour away dude.” She pushed his head to the side affectionately. “I work in an hour so i'm not gonna see you guys off.” She frowned.
Kirk stumbled into the living room next, his hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, glasses crooked on his face. Y/N stood up with her empty bowl and straightened the eyeware on his face before walking past him to the kitchen. “You're not gonna be there?” Kirk mumbled at her, sleep and disappointment laced in his voice.
Y/N shook her head. “Sorry Kirky, it's Sunday, happy hour starts early at the bar today for all the old people.” She sighed. She didn't want to miss seeing them leave either. Knowing she would come home to an empty house after her shift made her feel empty. “I'll miss you though, all of you.”
Cliff's presence was beside her, pulling her into a warm half hug. “Just a month, we'll be back before you know it.” He comforted her. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head before moving to grab his own cup of coffee. It brought a smile to her face again.
She had gained two extra brothers, Cliff and Lars. As much as the latter pissed her off she loved him all the same. She made a point to not include Kirk in her affections the same way, the desire that burned beneath her skin when she saw him wouldn't allow her.
“A month of peace might actually be nice.” She grinned, she didn't mean it and they knew that.
“A month without your best friend? Sounds lame.” Kirk's voice was still heavy with sleep, his voice just slightly deeper though still tinged with that same boyishness she was used to. “Who's gonna watch Evil Dead with you repeatedly?”
Best friend, she wasn’t sure when that title came into effect. She wasn’t completely upset about it, though some part of her ached everytime Kirk called her that. Y/N had made her peace with the desperation she felt to be more than just his friend. But it was true all the same he had become her best friend, not that there was any competition.
Her eyes glinted with something wicked. “Hmm doesn't really matter, I can always find someone else.” She shrugged nonchalantly, reveling in the faux hurt on Kirk’s face. “Be right back!” She giggled, quickly running up the stairs before Kirk shook the sleep from himself and chased her.
She had started working at the bar just down the road as soon as they got back from tour. She found it ironic, the way she was unable to drink alcohol at her age, but be a waitress and serve it? That was totally fine. Halfheartedly she got ready for work, her hair was growing out now, finally long enough to pull back into a ponytail without loose strands. She pushed her bangs from her face and did minimal makeup. She found she got better tips from creepy old men when her face looked ‘fresh’. Her uniform was nothing more than a black collared shirt and matching pencil skirt. She didn’t think it did much for her in terms of looks but the eyes on her said otherwise.
Skipping down the stairs two at a time, Y/N grabbed her purse hanging by the door. The boys all sat in the living room, more alert and more dressed. She smiled fondly at the sight of all of them. “I have to get going now, you guys are going to call me tonight when you make it to where you're staying right?” She asked stepping forward to give them each a hug.
She lingered the longest on her brother and Kirk before pulling away. “Yeah of course.” James assured her with a smile. “Aaaand we will call you at least twice a week, blah blah.” He made fun of her worries.
“God forbid I care about you fucks and don’t want you like dying when your like a million miles away.” Her top lip curled into a snarl as she kicked at James’s leg.
“So it would be okay if we died here?” Kirk asked, provoking further.
“Yes because then at least I could kick the shit out of your guy’s bodies for being fucking idiots.” She growled and lunged to attack him next.
Kirk quickly sidestepped her attempt with a laugh, reaching to pull her into another bear hug and trapping her arms beside her. “Don’t worry I could never die and leave you alone.” He whispered into her ear, low enough that no one else could hear. It sent goosebumps down her skin, her body stiffening in his hold before she quickly pulled herself away.
With a groan she gave her final goodbye. “Ugh I hate you guys, be safe.” The door closed behind her as she stepped into the slightly cooler California winter, nowhere near cold enough to bother with a jacket. The walk to her work was a short one, part of the reason she applied there in the first place.
The bar was old, run down, certainly not a hot spot for nightlife activity. Most of the patrons were older folk, making it easy not to deal with young drunk assholes, and she made great tips from old men with lingering eyes. She liked Sundays. It was an early start and dead at night, meaning she got cut quickly and could go home early.
“Hey Y/N.” From behind the bar a young woman greeted her, punctuating her sentence with a pop from her lips as she smacked gum between her teeth. Steph was a couple years older than her, just 21 and the bartender at her work. She was cute, tall and lean, long black hair and pretty dark eyes. She was a favorite for people to look at, including Y/N. Despite her interests in a certain curly haired guitarist Y/N would be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed to find out Steph had a boyfriend.
Y/N smiled brightly, excited to see they were working the shift together today. “Hey Steph! How’s it been today?” She asked sweetly, sliding behind the bar to set her stuff down and relax for a moment.
“Oh the usual, we’ve had two customers all day but we should get a rush here in a second.” She waved her well manicured hand, dismissing the small talk. “So your brother is in that band Metallica? Right?” She asked, a surprising amount of intrigue in her voice.
Confused Y/N nodded. As far as she was aware Steph really only listened to music like Bauhaus and The Cure. “Oh James? Yeah he is.” Y/N tied her apron tight around her waist. “Why? Have a sudden interest in thrash metal?” She joked.
Steph shook her head with a giggle “Oh god no, thank you.” Her face scrunched up in playful disgust. They might not share the same music taste but the two girls had become fast buddies at work. “My boyfriend is though! and I heard him talking about them the other day, said they were probably gonna get really big here soon and I remembered you mentioning your brother.” She explained.
Y/N’s heart swelled with pride. She knew the band was great of course, but she may or may not have been a bit biased. Hearing of the boy's success and more people talking about them excited her. She nodded, a blush coming to her cheeks. “Yeah they kick ass, glad your boyfriend thinks so too.” She grabbed her notepad and pen, tucking it into her pocket.
She felt as if she was on air the rest of the evening, floating from table to table as she served her regulars. Just as she had hoped she had been sent home around Seven, a couple hours earlier than she had been scheduled for. Making more than enough tips she was eager to leave.
The walk home was interrupted by a quick stop to the gas station across the street from her work. Grabbing a slush and a bag of mixed candy, she was set for the evening now. The walk home was slightly more chilled with the mixture of sweet ice on her lips. The sweets did little to ease the empty ache in her heart as she returned home to silence. The boys did their best to clean up after themselves and it brought a smile to her face.
The couch felt too big and empty as she lay across it alone, flipping the channel to a random network that was playing back to back B-Rate horror films. She assumed they should be landing soon, it was a ten hour flight. She would wait to go to bed until she got their call.
It was about halfway into the second movie she was watching when the worn out phone on the side table rang. Y/N smashed her knees on the ground, tumbling from the couch and crawling toward the phone. She was out of breath, voice laced with excitement as she picked up the call.
“Hey Princess.” the groggy voice of her older brother came crackling through the phone. “We made it safe.”
Y/N sighed in relief. “Oh good, you made it to a hotel?” She asked balancing the phone between her ear and her shoulder.
There was an annoyed grunt over the phone. “No, were sleeping at the fucking studio on the floor, lars the prick is staying with family and wouldn't let us tag along.” James was tired and pissed, Y/N didn't want to press the issue any further, she didn't have to when she heard a familiar voice muffled in the background.
“Let me talk to her, move.” Kirk sounded more energetic than her brother as he overtook the phone. “Dont worry about us though Y/N, we'll be fine.” He instantly reassured her. It brought a dumb smile to her face knowing how well he knew her.
“Thanks Kirky, you guys should get to bed then.” She reminded them fondly, her finger twirling in the cord of the phone as she reveled in the comforting sound of Kirk's voice. “I love you guys.”
The was a stark silence for a moment, Kirk's heavy breathing the only noise that could be heard. “I- we love you too Y/N, talk to you tomorrow I promise.” There was a click, then silence, then the static of a dead phone line.
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