#i needed to ramble
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kojottek · 6 months ago
Massive Reth, Tish, Zeki spoilers under the cut cause I'm having breakdown over them
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Who the hell ruined my man's self esteem so much he now feels like he has to sell his soul to prove he's useful, to prove he's enough.
He knew he needed to provide when their parents died. Never felt good enough with carpentry so he changed his path so that his little sister could follow her dreams, and all he got from the society was this lousy tshirt ostracism and disdain. He wants to be a reliable big brother but he doesn't know how so he reaches for drastic measures and sells his freedom for a cure. A little dramatic gesture to be fair, but also at the point they were probably the only way of keeping Tish alive?
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And it's probably the most heartwrenching part - that Zeki's right and Reth knew what he was doing, he knew what it would cost, but he did it anyway.
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Jfc Tish if you ever wondered if he'd die for you, here's the answer. He would throw himself off a cliff if he knew it would save you.
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Hnnnnhhh, depressed man sees hope for the first time in years and is overwhelmed, more at 11
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This game should have more cutscenes, especially the pin-giving scenes.
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cozyseolar · 8 months ago
can i say something that might’ve already been talked about? we are is so representative of being queer and surrounding yourself with other queer people. like. these characters love each other intensely through their friendships which is already unique to this show because we get to see all of it too. it isn’t just implied that they would do anything for each other we see that through their actions AND words. and then on top of that they created a huge family within each other that never leaves anyone out. they tease each other over their feelings and they bully each other (affectionately) over stupid things. and it’s just so queer. like. idk. if you get it you get it. ​it feels so realistic in its depiction of being gay with gay friends while navigating relationships and college.
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wendig1rl · 8 months ago
I think one of my favourite things about Alice Oseman and her work is that she does a perfect job of making every teenager feel heard and represented. Throughout the osemanverse, she has managed to capture the essence of all kinds of social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds. On top of that, her characters all have a certain sense of relatability. for example, characters like Georgia Warr and Angel Rahimi - they really are just seemingly "normal" teenage girls, and yet, alice still manages to create an exciting and unique plot with these characters in the centre of it all. Along with that, she also represents mental health struggles in most, if not all of her work without making it the entire plot, which can help to educate a diverse range of people about certain struggles, while still keeping the integrity of the charicter. For example, Charlie Spring. Several types of mental health struggles are represented through Charlie's journey, and yet it doesn't become his entire legacy.
She's probably one of the best writers of this generation.
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set-wingedwarrior · 4 months ago
I've been studying in uni since midday, with like just half a hour to get something to eat, which I hate while still studying. It's 6.20pm now, and even considering how I frequently need micro-breaks to keep myself functioning (literally 5 minutes from time to time to check texts or scroll a bit of tumblr, stuff like that), it's still a damn lot. I am exhausted.
I may be a degenerate student, but no one can say I am not trying here 😭
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pradaxstyles · 1 year ago
im a sucker for an orchestral piece where you can feel the desperation, the sadness, the longing. where it eats you up in a way thats indescribable. I want to fell every single emotion in a piece, I want it to give me goosebumps, make me understand what it's trying to convey. like yes tell me what you're trying to say with just beautiful sounds, I want it all
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way-to-go-lad · 1 year ago
It breaks my heart that it's nearly Christmas and I can't send my best friend a gift. Poland banned sending any packages/letters to Russia.
Before the pandemic I was supposed to fly out and see them, but the said pandemic hit. Now I can't take a flight there, cause all the things happening in Russia and Ukraine.
I just want to get the chance to hug them, go to concert togheter. Just want to hang out with them. Just let me have this one fucking thing. Just let me meet them, please 🥲
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bonesandthebees · 1 year ago
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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reesiereads · 2 months ago
I need ya’ll to realize running back to TikTok like nothing fucking happened is exactly what this motherfucker wants. He wants you to run back and to be grateful. He wants you to forget that the Supreme Court has just passed something that indicates they can pursue intense censorship and remove our access to free speech and non-propagandized/monitored spaces whenever they want. He wants you to be so focused on all this that you completely forget that he’s about to pass at least a hundred horrific policies stripping us of our rights as soon as this week. He wants you to stop talking about Palestine who is still in danger and is in desperate need of aid despite the ceasefire. He wants you to turn your attention away from all the people in LA suffering thanks to the fires.
I don’t want to say it’s just an app, because it’s not. I was incredibly sad about losing TikTok yesterday. Many of us had a community that meant a great deal to us torn away suddenly and I am not saying we shouldn’t be upset about that. But I am saying that as much as the Supreme Court has more important things they should be focusing on over banning TikTok we have more important things to do then run back to an app that was obviously used for a publicity stunt by Trump and will inevitably be influenced by him and his fascism.
We’ve been discussing boycotting Instagram, Facebook, Twitter/X, and other Meta platforms due to their connections to Trump and his posse of billionaires. TikTok must be treated the same way so long as the CEO and company is in Trump’s pocket.
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freyafoxglove · 9 months ago
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caruliaa · 5 months ago
why r the beloved "morally gray" male characters of fandoms always like this is baby killer john he loves killing babies for fun and the fandom is like omg baby killer johnnn 😍😍😍 but a morally gray female character is like heres a traumatized teen girl thats meant to be deeply flawed and wrong at times but also went thru a lot and is meant to be sympathetic and nuanced and the fandom is like SHE NEEDS TO DIE RIGHT NOWWWW !!!!!!!!
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kalicocal · 4 months ago
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risetherivermoon · 5 months ago
ppl dont talk about the fact that even Daisuke's characterization is affected by Jimmy's unreliable perspective. He refers to Daisuke as a spoiled rich kid who has his mommy and daddy behind him, that he's impressionable and stupid, and i do see people kinda characterizing him like that
like he has these rich parents who will dote on him and give him everything, that he's an airhead who isn't good at anything...
yet in curly's perspective we see that he's good at board games, he's trying his best, he's trying to listen to swansea and learn from him. He did get the internship from his parents but not because he wanted to, but because his parents thought he wasn't going anywhere in life, that he needed to be doing something. Daisuke is silly and a positive person but that's just for show, we see in the scene where Jimmy finds him lying on the floor drunk on mouthwash, that Daisuke isn't doing well, he's scared and feels sad about his parents. He makes jokes to cope with the horrible tension on the ship.
people characterize him as a stupid little kid too much for my liking, that's how Jimmy sees him. As a spoiled brat who came on the ship just to be an inconvenience. Even Swansea didn't see him like that, sure he complained about him but in Daisuke's final moments we see Swansea's true colors and how much he actually cares for him. He's an adult, who's putting on this happy go-lucky persona because he truly wants to succeed in life, and he's doing the internship for his mom and dad even though he doesn't want to. So he makes friends, he tries his best, he wants to be on the good side of everyone on the ship.
Jimmy just saw him as an easy target, someone too trusting and easily manipulated. A stupid kid he can use to get what he wants. He even plays with Daisuke's feelings of needing validation from Swansea, someone he looks up to. He tells Daisuke that by going in the vent, he'd make Swansea proud.
Daisuke isn't someone who has it easy or someone who's a stupid airhead. Jimmy just saw kindness and positivity as weakness.
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aloyssobek · 6 months ago
brain is not braining today and also i was awake at first at 3:45 am so i wasn't in the mindset to go deal with teenagers on their first day back for the term and i slept more from like 7:30/8 and i'm still tired and just want this essay done but every time i look at it i feel dread and i just wanna eat a cheeseymite scroll and i'm thinking about whether or not i should do summer semester bc part of me wants something to do over the summer and also i don't want to just do crt work because i can't seem to get a library assistant job and the idea of doing volunteering (even the one i've got set up already) on top of everything else makes me feel drained and i just feel so drained and want the essay done so i can relax but this week is busy for the most part and i'm tired thinking about it and also if i do summer semester i'm worried i'll crash and burn bc i feel like i'm crashing and burning rn but i literally only have one more assignment left for the semester and i just need to pass bc i got an 80% on the first assignment and a pass will be more than enough to do well in the subject i just have no motivation and i'm tired and i'm just flkjewnflkdjwneafkjwnekdnwelakjflkdjfhbwjebdkjwehfkjwhealkjdn;wefeaafwe
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fluffydancer618 · 6 months ago
"Stuck in the timeloop as a punishment" is cool and all, but stuck in the timeloop voluntarily though? Oh, brother. Stuck in the timeloop cause you just can't move on. Stuck in the timeloop even if you know that it's not real and whatever should've happen already did. Stuck in the timeloop even if doesn't makes you happy. You just can't bear the thought of not being able to see them ever again. Stuck in the timeloop even if you know you should move on. Stuck in the timeloop even if you know they would want you to move on.
But maybe just a little while longer.
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ravenmccookies · 7 months ago
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Weird phenomenon I've seen on tumblr
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ghoulodont · 10 months ago
one of the things that was important to me when writing blur turns to haze is to set limits of what i was willing to depict. and i do think those limits came more from instinct than from a fully formed opinion when i was first writing it but more and more ive seen things here and there that i feel dont have the same amount of respect for the weight of the topic and it rubs me the wrong way. so im sort of starting to form that opinion.
maybe im being a hypocrite because the "truth" in blur turns to haze & related fics is not very clear. there are two unreliable narrators and if you take their statements at face value i would probably be crossing my own boundaries. and again those boundaries are basically logic built on a projection of my own fears. i recognize that and i dont want to seem like im saying im objectively correct or anyone has to do what i say and follow my rules. im just saying i see things that make me uncomfortable sometimes.
anyway its specifically about psychiatry & autonomy. at the end of the day i dont think its strictly wrong for anyone to write anything but i do think it makes a difference how you relate to that system of power. and of course thats personal information but sometimes you can kind of tell. or guess. and nothing is straightforward or without context or without preconceived biases. you can tell yourself otherwise but sometimes the opinion comes first and you work backwards to find a reason.
its all basically made up and opinions are thoughts that snowball out of control. its not fact but its not nothing. its a personal experience which is why even though its annoying to keep things inside its not a good idea to talk about it. its diplomatic
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