#i need to shower oh my gosh i’m wasting so much time
navysealt4t · 29 days
anyone else thinking about gay (jay and gillion btw btw if u didn’t know that’s jay and gillion) and 6:31 am
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thehotchnerson · 1 year
Honey Drips
Word Count: 786
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“Hey Honey, I’m gonna make some cookies. Do you want to help?” You call out from the kitchen. Jack was at a sleepover and Aaron had gotten a rare day off. So you were going to make the most of it with him. “I’ll help. Just keep it clean and don’t call me honey” he says already knowing that a mess would definitely be made in the kitchen. You pouted at him. You loved giving him stupid nicknames and you think he secretly likes it too. He just may not like honey. You’re determined to find one he likes.
You grabbed all the necessary ingredients to make your Grandma’s famous Hunkin Lovin Chocolate Chip Cookies. 
“Hey honey bunches, could you grab the flour from the top shelf?” You test out the name as you frown. You bake a lot, so you’re not sure why he insists on keeping the flour on the top shelf. What he doesn’t tell you, is that he likes having to grab the one item for you. Just so he feels useful.
Being useful was not what he was doing at the moment, as he dropped the flour… Right on top of you. “Oh my gosh. Y/N, are you ok?” He flusters out. That was a full bag of flour, on top of your head, so it had to hurt.
You pout at him, “No. That hurt bub.” You clutch your head because that bag hurts. If Morgan heard about this, he would definitely tease you about being weak. And you could not deal with that. “I’m ok. I’ll be fine. I just need some medicine” you say, trying to reassure yourself more than him. You were not about to be weak.
Aaron can see the look in your eye. He can tell something’s going on in your brain,”Darling, let’s just lay down, take a nap. The cookies will still be there.”
You shake your head, “If we take a nap, that wastes my time with you.” You mumble as tears form in your eyes. You wanted this day to be good. You rarely got to spend time together and you didn’t want to spend the only time you had with him asleep. “I’m fine. Just hand me the damn medicine so we can salvage some flour for the cookies.”
“I guess your big head busted the bag, Y/N. I can go get some more,” he says apologetically. He knew these cookies were one of the last things from your family, and it was tradition to make them on the first day of December.
“So much for keeping it clean, Hotchner,” you mumble out as you try to salvage enough flour to make cookies. Most of it ended up on the floor, but you realize there might be enough still in the bag. 
You look over in confusion as he leans down, putting a hand in the flour. “Are you gonna clean the floor by-“ you get interrupted with a cloud of flour. “You did not just throw flour at me,” you shriek, “You’re cleaning this up.”
You smirk. He was gonna have to clean this up, and you got to sit and drink wine and watch. So you could definitely add to the chaos. You grab a big handful and throw it at his face.
Before you know it, a full blown flour war has emerged in the kitchen. Flour was everywhere. Aaron puts his hands up in the air, in surrender “Truce?” he asks. You stare at him with a questioning look, that slowly turns into a grin.
His hair was ruffled with a few pieces sticking up. Flour dusted the top of his hair with a few larger clumps in areas. He looked cute and he was yours.
“Well?” he asks, his hands still in the air, perfect for a target.
You throw one last handful of flour in his face before smiling and sticking your hand out. “Truce” you nod as you say it as if to confirm no more flower.
He stares at you flabbergasted that you would do such a thing. He puts his hand to his chance in mock awe. “I’ve been betrayed. My own partner. I’m shocked” 
You laugh at his theatrics. You shake your head and grin up at him. Your grin growing bigger as you speak “You’re gonna be even more betrayed when I tell you I’m going to take a shower and you have to clean this up. Have fun bubs!” As you walk away you start laughing and turn just in time to see his shocked face turn into a pout.
You realize you’ve said bubs twice now and he hasn’t gotten onto you. New nickname unlocked.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 months
Meteor Shower (Part 4)
Hearing their new song is worse the second time around. Hidden under so many layers of distortion and slowed considerably, Icy finds that she doesn’t like the sound of her own voice. Perhaps because she can barely recognize it. “I don’t like it.” She folds her arms across her chest as she vocalizes her distaste. 
“Don’t like what?” Stormy asks. “Which part?”
“The whole thing. First of all, I don’t like how my voice sounds…”
“Well that’s a relief.” Darcy chuckles. “I was wondering if you’d ever get tired of hearing yourself talk.”
“A am so not in the mood for this.” Icy hisses, a scowl creeping its way onto her face. 
Darcy lifts her hands, “sooor-ry!” She draws her sarcastic apology out for an added touch of annoyance. “I could have sworn that we were the type of friends who could take jokes.”
“I could have sworn that you used to know how to read a damn room!” She leans back in her chair and crosses one leg over the other. “I also could have sworn that we used to know how to make a good song. I mean what is this shit!?” It’s so repetitive. A lazy loop of over-synthesized sounds. They’ve definitely achieved the generic sound of a radio hit. 
“This is our first attempt at witch house music, it’s not going to be a masterpiece right away.” Stormy points out. 
“See that’s the thing, Stormy. We shouldn’t have attempted it at all.” She rubs her hands over her face. “We were fine as a deathrock band.”
“The numbers say otherwise.” Darcy points out. 
“Right. The numbers…” At this point she would rather lose each and every view that they have. What’s the point in beating the faeries if they are just going to end up sounding just like them by the end of it all? She shakes her head. “This is ridiculous.” She gets to her feet. 
“You are being ridiculous!” Stormy exclaims. 
“I’m going out.”
“Where are you going, Icy?” Darcy groans.
“Since making new music seems to be a waste of time, I’m going to find us a fucking opening band!” 
Really she just needs some air and some space. That room was beginning to feel terribly small. If, along the way, she happens upon some sorry garage band looking for a place to get a start then that’s lucky for all of them. But right now it doesn’t matter if she does. Right now she has the most horrible headache and a queasy feeling. 
She hasn’t felt this ashamed of a song since…
Well it has been years. Many liquor-laden years since she has felt embarrassed by a song.
Those feelings need to remain where she had put them; buried deep as bones in a casket.
Her outfit, her hair, her makeup. They looked so much better off screen. She looked better off screen. That is her curse, Kyanite thinks. She is not photogenic in the slightest, television and photoshoots never do her justice. Sometimes they outright do her a disservice. Diamond looks fantastic on magazine covers and in music videos. Nobody ever tells her that, “oh my gosh! You look so much better in person!” They mean it as a compliment but it makes Kyanite’s stomach queasy. 
“Oh my gosh!” Chalcedony squeals. “We look so super cute! Look at us!” 
Kyanite cringes, she would like to do anything but look at them. At herself, rather. She loves staring at Chalcedony, Goldstone, Ruby, Topaz, and Diamond. Mostly at Diamond. Sometimes she wishes that she could be Diamond. 
Diamond in her super short dress with the low cut neckline that she wears so well. When she slowly traces the outline of her body with her hands, the dress twinkles and glitters. And when she twirls into her walk and retreats away from the camera, the silvery chips and sequins on the dress seem to do the winking for her. 
And then Chalcedony and Ruby take their turn; they step forward with exaggerated steps and hip sways and then slide away from one another, ending their brief dance move by throwing their arms into the air, an exaggerated pop that transitions into a half turn. They to retreat from the camera. 
Topaz and Goldstone are next. The motion is the same aside from the duo sliding towards one another instead of away. 
Kyanite is up last with a poor imitation of Diamond’s moves. She finds herself squirming in her chair with a tickle in her throat and tummy and a burning sensation in her cheeks as her own face appears on the screen.
She doesn’t know why the studio had picked her to feel down the length of her curves, why they put her into that dress. The record label and their band manager had never asked her to do so before. So why now? 
Ruby is their lead dancer and yet they’ve sidelined her so that Kyanite could make a fool of herself pretending to be sexy in that ridiculously tight dress. 
It was Valtor’s influence, no doubt. He has been whispering things into the ears of the studio executives and MeTor’s management team. Perhaps slipping them cash, betting money on his rising star. 
If Ruby is resentful of having her talents sacrificed and gone to waste in this video, she has yet to mention it.
And maybe it is because she takes the lead again in the next scene when they are all dancing together. This time Kyanite dances to her left just a little behind her instead of the far back, nearly in the background of the shot. Diamond is to Ruby’s right with Topaz behind her. Chalcedony has a place behind Kyanite and Goldstone, known for being the group klutz, takes her place on a diamond tree trunk where she begins her vocal solo.
“Look at you go, Ruby!” Goldstone claps. 
Ruby stands up and gives a dramatic half-bow.
“We all look so amazing!” Topaz grins.
“Totally.” Diamond agrees. “Absolutely fantastic. I think that this is our best video so far!”
The focus falls back on Diamond when the second chorus begins, starting with a zoom on her eyes, in which a galaxy twinkles. And then the camera zooms out and she continues her dance under a steady fall of artificial snow. 
The same faux snow that clings to Kyanite’s lashes in her close up. It zooms out and Kyanite turns her attention to the background details; the crystal trees against a cosmic backdrop. Diamond branches with smokey quartz and sapphire leaves reach up to dip their fingers into a deep blue inkwell of stars. But that doesn’t keep her from catching glimpses of her dance. 
And then camera angles and zooms so that she takes up most of the screen and there is nothing else to focus on but herself. Nothing but the halo of light that they outline her figure with. And, goodness, she wishes that they wouldn’t. She looks so much bigger on the television screen, more so when there is backlighting to accent the width of her figure. 
She grits her teeth, her cheeks growing rosy. She is both glad and horrified that their eyes are glued to the tv screen. They don’t notice her flushed cheeks but they are watching that mess of a dance.
Finally the camera pulls back and the video transitions back into the wide shot where they all dance in unison, kicking up sparkling puffs of false snow and gemstones. By the end of shooting that scene, all of them had been covered head to toe in the stuff. Kyanite had been finding glitter in her hair and her bathwater for at least a week after. And Ruby still complains of having a glittery pillow.
Finally the video comes to a close with one last swirl of glitter that dashes across the screen like a shooting star and a twinkling sound effect. At the darkening of the screen the girls begin to cheer. Topaz leaps up from her chair with a hearty, “wooooo hoooooo!” 
Kyanite wishes that she could share their enthusiasm. 
But her mind wanders back to that dress.
Wishes that she could share their sense of pride. 
Her mind zooms in on that thin silver belt that they had fixed around her waist, how eye catching it was with its glints and flashes. How it didn’t look right squeezing her. 
“I didn’t realize that you were such a promising dancer.”
Kyanite shrugs. “I don’t know, Diamond. I think that Ruby would have been better suited for it. I already have my solo career, shouldn’t someone else…” She sighs. “I don’t want all of you to hate me for stealing the spotlight.” 
“Oh, Kya, we’re not angry with you.” Chalcedony promises. Sweet, kind Chalcedony. Kyanite supposes that she will have at least one friend left by the time Valtor is done with her. 
“Even so I just…I don’t know why they gave me such a prominent role in this video. I’ve always been a background dancer and that was just fine by me.”
Diamond rolls her eyes. “Oh, please, don’t be so coy. If you didn’t want the attention then you wouldn’t have gone solo.”
“Dia!” Topaz grimaces. 
“What?” Diamond shrugs. “I’m just getting tired of this shy innocent act. Chalcedony is supposed to be the innocent, sweetheart of the band.”
“You guys are angry!” Kyanite accuses. 
“We are not.” Chalcedony insists at the same time as Goldstone says, “maybe Diamond is.”
“You guys are angry and jealous.”
“Oh. Puh-lease.” Diamond offers her a second eye roll. “There’s nothing to be jealous of; you only got that part because Nebula is proud of you for finally losing weight. It’s like a reward for achieving something that the rest of us already have!”
The whole apartment goes silent enough for them to hear her swallow. Reflexively Kyanite wraps her arms around her middle. She and Diamond had always shared at least a little tension but she has never taken a jab like this. And maybe she knows it. Her expression changes as quickly as Kyanite springs to her feet. It is a cringe and a flash of regret in her eyes that comes with knowing that she has crossed some type of line, touched a particularly sensitive subject.
She opens her mouth but Kyanite is already more than halfway through the door. And by the time she manages an, ‘I didn’t mean…’ the door is already open.
“Kyanite, wait!” She hears Ruby call as the door settles back into its frame. 
She doesn’t know where she is going she just knows that she has to get herself together and get back here by three-o-clock when their premiere party starts.
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sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
Shoot your Shot the Trilogy
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Sebastian Stan x Curvy Actress Reader 
Word count: 2,815k
A/N: I had a request for a lovely reader for a continuation of this mini series so here it is @ozwriterchick thank you for the idea. 
Warnings: Fluff, cussing, sexual themes 18+ no minors tiny bit of smut (I’m getting better lol) 
It was the morning after the best night of your life. You woke up and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table, it was only 7am but you felt amazing. All of a sudden you felt Sebastian playing with your left hand. You looked down and he was fiddling with your engagement ring. With a big smile on your face you turned over to face him. He was already looking at you with an equally big smile. 
“Good morning my beautiful fiance, did you sleep well?” “Yes, Dragostea mea (my love) probably the best sleep I've had in a while and it's all because of you.” Sebastian rolls on top of you and starts kissing you all over making you giggle. His now long hair tickling your neck, you love his new hair gives you something to hold on to. When he starts sucking and biting your neck and shoulder you let out a soft moan and he starts grinding his hard cock into the apex of your body.
“Hmmm Seb baby I really want to finish this but I have to pee. I'm sorry.” “Ugh, okay but as soon as you're done we are finishing this in the shower.” “Sounds like a plan to me.” After a very long and steamy shower you both get out and get dressed for the day. You settle on a cute sweater dress and long knee high socks since it's still a bit chilly in California. Sebastian loves it when you wear those socks, it gets him all riled up but he's trying to control himself. It's a lazy day for the two of you so you head into the kitchen to make coffee, while Sebastian gets things out of the fridge for breakfast. After eating your breakfast, you and Sebastian go finish your coffee on the back porch looking out onto the LA skyline. With your head laying on his shoulder you feel content, safe, happy, something you never thought you would ever have. 
“Baby I don't want to pack my stuff back up to stay at my place. How about we stay here the rest of the time we are here and I can just go check on my condo if I need to?”  “You know what I like the sound of that. Besides, I want to stay in this happy bubble of ours for as long as we can.” “Oh my gosh! Seb how are we going to handle the critics choice awards? They're gonna notice the ring.” You both turn and look back out to the city thinking of how to navigate the red carpet. All of a sudden Sebastain turns to you with a sly smile. “Draga mea (my dear) I want the whole world to know you are mine forever and what better way then to show everyone on the carpet. What do you say?” He takes your hand and kisses your ring finger with so much adoration in his eyes it makes you want to cry. “Let's do it. Watching everyone freak out will be the best thing to see.” 
He laughs at your excitement and takes out his phone to call his manager to let her know the good news and that they will show off the ring while walking the red carpet. But just so they don't have to answer the same questions multiple times he told her he won't be doing any on camera interviews so they can just enjoy the moment. When he comes back he extends his hand to you and you place your hand in his and brings you into his waiting arms. You both head back into the house and head to the living room to watch tv and waste the day away. You end up catching a marathon of Friends for a few hours. Thinking back to the Variety interview he did with Jennifer Aniston he really is a little bit like chandler like he said. You start to giggle thinking about it, this catches Sebastian's attention. 
“Angel what's got you laughing so much, it's just a commercial?” 
“I was just thinking about when you did your interview with jennifer last year and watching friends you really are chandler.” You can't stop laughing now. Sebastian starts to laugh and hides his face in your hair feeling a little embarrassed but not to where it's bad. He inhales your scent from the shampoo you used and he knows that he is home, your his home. He can't wait to marry you. After watching your marathon. You both fell asleep on the couch, Sebastian lying lengthwise with you laying on top of him. When you first did that you were worried your weight was too much for him but he told you he loved it and to never feel any less about yourself. Sebastian showing you how cherished you were was one of the reasons you first fell in love with him. 
You never realized 4 days could go so quickly when you and Sebastain are so wrapped up in your engagement bubble. You both woke up a little later than expected on Sunday morning but it was good which meant you were not rushing to get ready for the awards by 4m. You had to push Sebastain out of the bathroom so you could take a proper shower without distractions. It took a good 10 minutes or so to finally get him out with the promise of a mind blowing BJ when you finished. That made him look at you with such lust in his eyes he couldn't hide his hard cock poking from his sweats. You went up to him and placed your hands in his hair and pulled him lightly to you in a passionate kiss. Sliding your tongue into his mouth you heard him moan and that gave you the go ahead to slide your hands down his back to grab his ass a little. That made him kiss you harder and then you brought your hands to graze his erection and give a little tug. A few seconds later you broke the kiss both of you panting and heaving chests. 
“You baby, you are a very bad girl, you better get in that shower before I won't let you and we skip the show.” “Yes sir as you wish.” With a wink over your shoulder you start to take your robe off and just before it reaches your hips you close the door on him and he lets out a frustrated groan. “I LOVE YOU!” He yells through the door. With a bit of a giggle you yell back just as loud because of how loud the shower is. “I LOVE YOU TOO SEB!” You took your time in the shower making sure you did a whole body sugar scrub to have that glowing skin and did a little trim job where it needed it. You couldn't do that with Sebastian in the shower no way. Once you got out of the shower you dried off and started with your face creams and the perfect body lotion that smelled like roses and bergamot. You left your hair in the towel since the hairstylist was coming soon to style your hair. 
You slipped on your robe and left the bathroom to see a pouty Sebastian sitting at the end of the bed. He gave you those beautiful blue eyes that make you weak in the knees and jutted out his bottom lip. “Hey there handsome, why the long face, did you miss me that much?”  Sebastian just nodded his head and gave you his hand. You walked over to him and stood between his legs. You looked down at him and he was just admiring you as he rubbed the outside of your thighs. You bent down to give him a peck on the lips while also slowly kneeling on the floor in front of him. You both didn't say a word, you didn't have to, you were both so in tune with each other. He laid back on the bed and you already saw the prominent bulge of his cock in his sweatpants. You hooked your fingers into the band and started slipping his pants off. He lifted his hips to help you along the way. 
His cock was already leaking pre cum and your mouth started to water. He propped himself on his elbows to watch you a little. “For being just a good boy I'm gonna make you feel so good baby.” You raked your fingers up his thighs and rubbed his hips a little to make him relax. You licked a thick strip from the bottom of his shaft to his leaking slit and he fell back on the bed with a loud moan. Wrapping your mouth around the tip and sucked it lapping up his cum. “Oh god baby, you know how much I love that mouth of yours.” You hum a little and his eyes roll back really trying to keep it together before he cums too fast. You're bobbing your head up and down and taking him as far as you can while using your hand to pump the rest of his huge cock. You let go of his shaft and take a deep breath in through your nose and suck in your cheeks to take him all the way, all while you tug on his balls a bit. “Holy shit y/n!” That’s what did him in and he shoots his cum down your throat and you lap up everything he gives until he brings his hand to your chin telling you he’s sensitive. You look up at him and open your mouth to show him you took down everything. He brings you up on the bed and smashes his mouth to yours in a kiss that would make you fall to your knees if you were standing. Once you both break the kiss the doorbell rings letting you know Sebastian's stylist and hair and make up have shown up. 
“Saved by the bell baby, and just in the nick of time.” “Draga mea that was amazing. What did I do to deserve you?” “All I did was ask you out on live television.” You both start laughing and then the bell rings again and almost forgot about who was at the door. Sebastian gets up and fixes his hair and pulls up his sweats, but not before you give him a pat on his butt on the way up. He gives you a look over his shoulder like you're gonna get it all you do is shrug your shoulders and tell him. “You have a great ass Seb. How can I not smack it every once in a while?” He just shakes his head and goes to let everyone in the house. 
Everyone comes into Sebastian's bedroom to set everything up while he takes a quick shower. You greet Seb’s stylist Michael with a quick hug while the MAU gets her makeup setup. You decide to connect your phone to the Bluetooth speaker in the room and put on your 90’s RnB mix on your Spotify. You're bopping to some Brandy when Sebastian comes out of the bathroom ready to get dressed. He comes over and gives you a kiss on the forehead saying a quiet ‘I love you’ before speaking to Michael about his suit for the night. You look through the mirror at him and smile just thinking that you will marry that man soon and how lucky you are at this moment. 
The suit Michael picked out for Sebastian was amazing, he looked so sexy and you convinced the hairstylist to not slick back his hair this time and left it a little fluffy on the top. You went with light makeup and winged liner and nude lip. Your hair was in a side sweep with a crystal barrette to hold it up and soft waves to your hair. Thank goodness you write NDA’s for the stylist because if they noticed the ring they didn't say anything but even if they did they still wouldn't and couldn't say anything to anyone. The car was on its way and would be at the house in 5 mins so it gave you enough time to get your earrings in and spray on a little perfume. “Printesa, are you ready the car is out front?” “I’m coming, Seb.” You put a few mints, your cell phone and a few more essentials in your clutch as you head for the door. 
Sebastian can't stop looking at the deep V neck of your dress showing how great your boobs look in it. “Hey mister eyes up here.” “Sorry baby you just look so damn beautiful and sexy in that dress.” “Well you look pretty sexy yourself there, Michael did another great job.” With a soft kiss to your lips Sebastian took your hand and led you to the waiting car. Another 45 mins in traffic and you made it to the Fairmont Hotel. Your leg was bouncing so much that Sebastain had to put his hand on you to calm you down. “Y/n everything will be alright, remember we aren't doing any interviews. Just walking the carpet and getting our picture taken. If they notice the ring just show it off for a second and we head down the line. I love you so much baby. I'm right here, don't let go of my hand.” “Okay Seb, thank you for easing my mind. I love you too.” 
Just then the door opens and Sebastian gets out and fixes his jacket and he leads you out of the car and you start to walk to the red carpet. You meet up real quick with his manager to make sure his requests are met before we walk the line. You hold your right hand in Sebastians left and start walking. You make your first stop for the cameras, trying to listen to the photographers as to where they want you to look. All of a sudden a photographer yells out “Y/N what is that beautiful piece of jewelry on your hand?” That's when the crowd and photographers go crazy. You look at Sebastian and he gives you his megawatt smile and kisses your temple. “Go ahead and show them printsesa. I want them to see how you are mine now, forever.” “I love you so much Seb.” Just then while you're still looking at Sebastian you lift up your left hand and the ring starts to sparkle with cameras flashing. 
You only hold it there for a few seconds so they can get a good look at it then you start walking back down the line. When you get to the middle Sebastian spots Lilly and he asks if it is okay if he takes a few pictures with her. You let him know it's fine she's his co star for goodness sakes. While he takes a few pictures with Lilly you are being asked questions by the photographers but you let them know you're not answering any at the moment. You walk a little further and by then he’s done with Lilly and rejoins you on the carpet for a few more pictures and you head on into the hotel for the show. 
“You did fantastic y/n I'm so glad we didn't stop for interviews, less stress.” “Yeah it was so much better and it was all because I had you by my side baby.” He gives you a hug to try and calm your nerves a little and it helps. Just as you get to your table Lilly comes over to you and gives you a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Oh my gosh y/n congratulations Sebastain told me when we took pictures, let me see this ring.” You show her your beautiful engagement ring and she gives you another hug before you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn to see Seth. He gives you a small hug and gives his congratulations as well. You both take your seats at the table and get ready for the show to start. 
Sebastian didn't get the award tonight but it didn't matter. Being in the same building as all these other fantastic actors and actresses showed him that he is worthy of being here and being a damn good actor. But in his eyes he was already a winner, with you as his fiance and more movies on the horizon for him his life is only going to get better. And all because the woman laying in his arms tonight had the guts to step out of her comfort zone and ask him out on live TV. It will be a story he can't wait to tell their kids some day. 
Taglist: @christycurlswrites @buckyalpine @frostironfudge @altagraye @allandoflimbo @peaches1958
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outerbankspovrecs · 3 years
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- WARNING- soft smut. Flufffff. Soft Rafe.
He would stay quiet the whole night out, always keeping his hands on you, never letting go.
When you guys go home he’s following you into your shared bedroom, you get undress as well as him. you guys get into bed and he would immediately lays his head into your neck and starts kissing it.
“Can you touch me please” he would say in his most neediest voice. And we’ll of course you love to satisfy your boyfriend but what makes it ten times better is how he’s fully in sub mode.
She would slip her hands into his underwear and stroke his member, she loves hearing him groan and moan in her ear. (Guys moans are overrated)
“Thank you,thank you” he kisses her neck and she ask him to lay on his back and he did. You wrap your hand around him and started jerking him off fast as he wines saying.
“Fuck baby. Thank you”
“Your hands feel so good gosh”
“I love you pretty girl”
She continues to jerk him fast while praising him.
“Good boy”
“So needy.”
“You’re doing good”
After he cums she licks her hands and cleans him off before standing up.
“Baby. I want to feel you close, can I be inside of you?”
You would always say yes, laying down you’ll let him spoon you and he’ll take off your shorts and push himself inside of you, groaning at how wet and warm you feel around him and how your walls suck him in deeper.
Slowly pushing into you he would lift your leg a bit to have better access that will leave you sobbing. He would grunt and moan in your ear while kissing your neck. Pulling you so close to him, skin on skin and just enjoying the sounds that comes out both their mouths.
“Rafe fuck-“ she says. “Please go faster” she begs.
He picks up his paste and grips her waste hard- most likely leaving bruises.
“God damm” he groans.
“Oh my god. I’m-ugh- I’m close” she cries out.
“Baby. Please can I cum in you? Shit- wanna have my baby’s?” He asked while moving slow again.
“Yes Rafe. Please fill me up”
She moans out loudly as she releases out and he chases her climax as he continues to thrust into her.
“Shit- I’m here” he moans out loud and fills her up, still cumming as his cum drips down her legs.
“Ugh- oh shit” he says.
They stay still and he finally pulls out of her and she lays flat, his body lays half on hers while he lays his head in the crock of her neck.
“What’s up?” You asked him. Running your hands through his damed hair as he lays his chest on your breast. Tracing circles on her also sweaty body.
“What?” He hums.
“Feeling needy hmm?” You smile down at him.
“Mm i just really needed you.” He kisses her arm that was resting around his neck.
“You know - I’ve never let a guy cum in me” she says.
He smiles and looks shocked.
“Yeah? So I’m the first?”
“Hell yeah you’re the first” she giggles.
“God have my baby’s” he smiles.
“I plan to” she kisses him and stands up. Hearing him wine. “No, baby come to back to bed I wanna hold you”
She turns around and giggles. “Then come join me dork, maybe then I can satisfy your friend-” she points down and smirks.
He hops out of bed and she runs into the bathroom connected to the bedroom with him following behind. She turns on the shower and he joins her.
He pulls her into a hug and wraps his hands around her waist and squeezes her.
“I love you Y/N. So fucking much, I don’t ever want to lose you because you are about of me.”
She tears up and he wipes it away with one hand and places it back on her waist.
“I love you, thank you for being with me.”
“Thank you.” He kisses her.
They stand in the shower together while hugging one another. Enjoying the comfortable silence.
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wtf-yoongi · 3 years
Spoiled. / JJK
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pairing | jungkook x reader
summary | jeon jungkook is too tired to care about anything so it’s a good thing he has you aka you have to make sure he doesn’t skip skincare bc that’s very important
genre/warnings | fluffy fluff
words | 987
note | someone requested a thing i already wanted to write :))))
You knew what was coming when you felt the weight of Jungkook’s head on your shoulder on your way home. 
Actually, you knew what was coming even before that — when he walked to you with lazy steps and you welcomed him into your arms. His whole body was warm from the shower, hair wet and dripping on your t-shirt. Jungkook hummed sleepily when you rubbed his back.
“I’m so ready to go to bed,” he mumbled.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m here to take you home.”
Now, just under thirty minutes after that, you find yourself delicately turning his face, hands careful not to disturb him too much — just enough to wake up and drag himself upstairs. 
It takes a few tries, a lot of Guk, we’re home and some baby, wake up a little, but you’re finally able to make him open his eyes, conscious enough to leave the car and take your hand on the way to the elevators. You quickly bow to the driver and wish him goodnight before rushing to open the glass door before sleepy Jungkook hits his head trying to walk through it.
While you wait for the elevator, Jungkook once again rests his head on your shoulders. He doesn’t say anything and neither do you, but you keep caressing his jaw the way you know he likes it — the palm of your hand steady while your thumb lightly moves from side to side. That alone is worth all the things you want to say, more than a thousand words.
It’s okay, we’re almost there. Just a couple more minutes. I hate to see you tired like this. You never listen to me when I tell you to take it easy. You need to rest. Have you even eaten properly today? It’s a good thing you already took a shower because I sure wouldn’t sleep next to you if you hadn’t. I accidentally washed the sheets with two doses of fabric softener so it’s extra perfumed. I hope it’s not too much. Damn it, I know you won’t let me blow dry your hair, but you really should.
The elevator beeps and the doors open. A minute later, the front door is the one beeping and letting you in. 
Both of your shoes are thrown haphazardly as soon as you step foot inside. You guide Jungkook on the way to your room, both hands loosely holding onto his hips and directing his body through the corridor. Once there, he doesn’t waste a second, throwing himself on the overly perfumed gray sheets with a groan. Jungkook tried his best to pull you with him, but it’s easy to beat him when he is sleepy.
With an airy laugh, he speaks. “Well, close enough. Can’t say I didn’t try.”
“Don’t you think for a second I’m going to let you sleep like this,” you say just as Jungkook starts to pull the covers from underneath his body. “No, no, no, you’re changing into something else. Come on.”
Just then, you reach for his arms to stop his movements and Jungkook groans again, but, this time, completely defeated. He doesn’t have it in him to fight you and, deep down, he knows you’re right. He shouldn’t sleep in a jean shirt, no matter how comfortable he thinks it is right now. 
Delicately, you sit next to his torso, quickly working on undoing the buttons to free his body from the thick fabric. “I’m also not letting you sleep shirtless. It’s too cold for that,” you add, getting up to grab a basic t-shirt from the nearest drawer. 
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is,” you emphasize, closing the drawer with a low thud. “Sit up a little. I promise to let you sleep after this.”
A low sigh leaves Jungkook’s lips, which soon come to a pout. “I showered and even brushed my teeth before thinking I’d be able to go to bed as soon as I got home,” he pauses for a second while the cotton runs past his head with the help of your hands. “And you’re not letting me.”
“Well, to be honest, you are in bed.” You giggle and Jungkook’s pout melts into a weak, sleepy smile. “Lie down, I’m going to get your stuff.”
“What stuff?” 
“Your skincare stuff.”
“Oh, okay.”
From the corner of your eye, you can see Jungkook once again moving to get underneath the comforter — this time, however, he succeeds. When you walk back from the bathroom, hands busy with bottles and glass containers, he’s already looking half unconscious, eyes closed and breathing as even as it gets.
You try your best to carefully lay down all the products on his nightstand, but deep down you know it doesn’t matter. At this point, you could drop everything without caring about any sort of noise and, still, there wouldn’t be a problem. With a soft smile on your face, you start with a cleansing water on a cotton pad, quietly apologizing for how cold it is.
Jungkook, of course, isn’t really awake to care.
To keep it simple, you decide not to add too many products, following with a serum and a moisturizer. Despite only having a moment before his skin soaked up the creamy lotion, you take your time running your fingers through every slope and curve, making sure not a single spot isn’t taken care of. Your hands are delicate, like a cloud, but confident as they glide on Jungkook’s skin. Meanwhile, his face is serene, completely unbothered by the movement.
To finish things off, you gently apply a specific treatment to a darkened spot left after a tiny breakout. Something he whined about a few days ago and now is barely noticeable. 
“Done,” you whisper, working whatever is left of the products on your own hands before collecting the bottles to get up. “Gosh, I think I spoil you too much.”
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sapiowoman28 · 3 years
I can i can’t Part 3 of 3
Pairing: Jaemin x female reader
Genre: friends to lovers au, fluff, smut.
Warning: Smut, oral (female/male receiving), some links to Whipped
Tags: @nctlover94 @m1ss-foodi3 @heyyyun
The ride home was calm - that is, until Jaemin decided to try driving and fingering Y/N at the same time.
“Jae, stop! Focus on the road.” Y/N tried to slap his hand away but her attempts were feeble.
“I can’t help it. You’re irresistible.” he grinned.
“How about I help myself?” Y/N teased, pushing his hand away.
He chuckled. “Put on a show for me.”
She began rubbing herself slowly, letting out contented sighs. She casted a glance at him, and saw that he was tightening his grip on the steering wheel. Watching him being affected did something to her, as she quickened her pace, letting out little mews.
Jaemin chucked. “Awww, are your fingers any good?”
“No…” she gasped. “Not at..all… need you….”
“Patience, princess. Soon.”
She writhed in her seat, feeling herself pool in anticipation. They were very near their home.
“Be a good girl and don’t come.” he coo-ed.
“Need you now, please.”
“I can’t stop the car at the side of the road!”
“Drive faster!”
“Y/N! I can’t go beyond the speed limit.”
They started squabbling as Jaemin turned into the small lane that led to their place.
“Hell!” Y/N frowned pulling her dress down. “We have company.”
Jaemin squinted, but as the car approached the house it became obvious who was in the front porch.
“It’s May.” he said. “What’s she doing here?”
Jaemin rolled into the driveway and Y/N got out.
“May!!!” she screamed, running up to her and giving her a hug. “Long time no see!”
She giggled. “I’m waiting for my Uber.”
She knew both Y/N and Jaemin had the same question in their mind, as they looked at her questioningly.
“I came to hang out with Jeno.” she said. “Going home now.”
Jaemin’s mouth rounded, letting out an inaudible “Oh!”
“Where’s that idiot? He should wait with you.” Y/N frowned.
“I think he needs some rest.” May said with a slight smile.
They heard a car roll up.
“My ride’s here.” She picked up her bag. I’ll see you next week, ok?”
Y/N and Jaemin watched her go, too deep in surprise to say anything.
“Oh gosh.” Y/N said. “Is Jeno going to be her next victim?”
“You make her sound like some black widow or something.” they both started giggling. But they both knew the truth that once a guy did anything physical with May, he automatically became whipped for her.
They walked into the house hand in hand, only to find Jeno sitting on the living room sofa in a daze.
“Jeno! You ok?” Jaemin asked as Y/N ruffled his hair to irritate him.
“Dudes,” Jeno gasped. “I just had the most amazing blowjob in my whole entire life.”
Both Y/N and Jaemin started giggling again.
“Are you in love now?” Y/N teased.
“Hell no!” Jeno frowned. “Nothing serious for me.”
“If you say so,” she grinned, not believing him.
“Wait a minute! Who gave you that huge ass love bite?”
Y/N turned to Jaemin who winked at Jeno.
“Sexy” was all Jaemin would say.
“Haha! You make it seem like you gave her the love bite.” Jeno slapped his thigh laughing.
“You guys serious?” Jeno’s eyes grew huge.
“We’re dating.” Y/N and Jaemin chorused, as they caught hold of each other’s hands.
“Since when?” he asked.
“Tonight?” Y/N giggled.
“Yeah. Tonight we finally had sex.” Jaemin smiled, looking at her lovingly.
“Well I don’t care if you’re dating just don’t be too noisy when you do it.” Jeno looked straight at Y/N who rolled her eyes.
“Why don’t you listen tonight and see if we’re loud or soft?” she said.
The moment they were alone in Jaemin’s room, Y/N straddled him.
“Patience really isn’t your strongest suit.” Jaemin teased.
“Not when my boyfriend is so delectable and so ready.” Y/N said, grinding herself against his crotch. He was already hard. He held onto her waist, moving her along. She was still without underwear.
“Take off your clothes, Jaemin.” she said, in a suddenly commanding tone, taking him off guard. He liked this Y/N too.
“Yes Mdm!” he said, and wasted no time stripping himself.
She saw that he was rock hard. Smirking, she sat right back down on him, after taking off her bra and dress and throwing it down on the floor next to Jaemin’s clothes.
He could feel she was wet, as she continued to grind herself onto him. He helped her along, holding onto her hips and moving her against him. He was dying to push into her, but her weight and where she was sitting didn’t allow him to move much.
“Na Jaemin, I’m gonna sit on your face.” she grinned as she moved up. He immediately grabbed her ass, bringing her close to his face. He inhaled her scent, hypnotised by it.
He let out a couple of kitten licks. She moaned. Slowly he started flicking against her sensitive nub, while she held against the bed’s headboard.
He started flicking his tongue faster, moving two fingers into her, shoving them in and out. She started grinding against his tongue, begging him not to stop. And he didn’t, putting a third finger in, stretching her further. She went feral, and was close.
“Jaemin, jaemin!” she cried out as she came. He continued his assault of tongue and fingers, slowing down as she came down from her high.
“Fuck me” he begged.
“Say please.” she teased.
“What if i say no?” she asked, challenging him. “What if I am tired?”
“You’re not tired.” he shot back with a grin, pushing her off him onto the bed and climbing on top of her. “You’re trying to stroke my cock.”
“Let’s just shut up and fuck” she giggled. He entered her. She was warm and wet and tight. He didn’t know if he could last long, but he started thrusting into her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Their bed creaked and heaved as Jaemin’s thrusts got harder. He moved to make sure his cock was rubbing against her g-spot and once he was in the right position, nothing could stop him. Her cries were loud now - Jeno was going to be mad, but screw Jeno, he thought. They’d handle him in the morning.
They went on for a while, switching positions. Sweat poured out of them both, but nothing could stop them. She was his and he was hers. They couldn’t stop kissing each other, moaning into each other’s mouths. He realised that was the best way to keep them quieter. It also allowed them to be intimately close. She seemed to like it too.
“I’m coming soon,” he said after she had another orgasm.
“NO!” she said.
“I want you to come in my mouth.” she begged.
He complied. It wasn’t a bad idea, He withdrew and she quickly scrambled towards him, taking his cock into her mouth, licking and sucking hard, mouth bobbing on him. He grabbed her hair, fucking her mouth. He felt it coming now. Letting out a gasp, he came in her mouth, and she swallowed every drop. He picked her up, kissing her hard.
“I love you” he mumbled, exhausted.
“I love you too.” she giggled, as she wiped the sweat off his forehead with her hands. “Let’s go shower before we sleep.”
Except sleep wasn’t going to happen so fast. When they finished showering, Renjun and Haechan were back, and Jeno had filled them in on the latest developments, and both Y/N and Jaemin ended up in the living room being interrogated by all three guys.
“I still don’t get it. Jaemin’s not Chinese. I thought you only wanted to go out with my friends.” Renjun looked confused. “What happened to Lucas?”
“Yeah, how did this happen?” Haechan asked. “When did it start? How long have you been screwing behind our backs?”
“Are you moving into one room?” Jeno asked. “We could get another housemate and the lower the amount each of us have to pay.”
Jaemin groaned at the number of questions but there was a twinkle in Y/N’s eyes.
“Guys, guys, slow down. What about the fact that Marvellous May came by our house today and gave Jeno the best blowjob he has had in his entire life?”
Jeno froze as everyone turned to look at him, preparing to shoot him a whole barrage of questions. Jaemin looked at his girlfriend proudly, pleased that he was with the smartest girl in the whole wide world.
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the-witty-pen-name · 4 years
Deadbeat Pt. 7
Lee Bodecker x F!Reader
18+ ONLY
Warnings: age gap (reader is 21), fluff, angst, cursing, abandonment, toxic parent, violence, toxic siblings, infatuation, cheating/divorce, insecurity, mild housewife kink, mentions of prostitution, mentions of alcohol, corrupt official, fake relationship, jealousy
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: You work at the bar at the edge of town, the Sheriff is going through a divorce and needs to rent a room.
I made a Google form to be added to my taglists, so if you want to be added, the link is in my bio. I’ll only be adding people to the list if they requested to be added by filling out the form! This way all of the requests are just in one place so I don’t miss requests! Thank you!!!
I’m sorry for this chapter being shorter than normal, but it is more of a transitional chapter to set up some new stuff! I’m trying a new writing style in this chapter and this is why the word count is shorter. I’m nervous about posting this chapter honestly, since I tried something different. The following chapters will be back up to 3.5-4k as usual! This story is not over! 
Thank you all so much for reading and sharing my work. Everyone whose reached out and told me how much they love the story really makes my day, oh my gosh!! I love you all so much, I’m so thankful.
Address mentioned is completely made up. 
This is unedited, and I missed anything I should include as a warning let me know! I hope you all enjoy!
Tags and Requests are OPEN
Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five // Part Six
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Lee never stopped telling you how much he loved you. At first, you had thought it was a spur of the moment exclamation but you were mistaken. When you realized he meant it, you reciprocated telling him you loved him too, making him the happiest man in the world. It all happened so fast, and your relationship was evolving quickly.
Maybe living together played a factor in how quickly the relationship progressed. It’s hard to just be dating someone you already live with and can’t take out on proper dates. It made everything else happen faster. He wished he could spoil you and take you to restaurants and walk into a room with you on his arm, but he couldn’t yet.
But from that moment on, he never stopped telling you. He said the phrase probably every moment he could manage. Every time he called from his office; he wouldn’t hang up without muttering the phrase. He’d tell you that he loved you before he left the house, or he’d just announce it unprompted when you both were home together, like it was some epiphany or declaration. He’d love to whisper it to you, especially at night with you pulled tightly to his chest.
He made sure he’d tell you in nonverbal ways as well, always letting you know he was thinking about you. Somehow, you’d end up with flowers on your desk at work at least once a week as well, never with a card. He’d cook, and on his days off, he’d spend them with you or he would surprise you by fixing things on the house. Never in a million years had you ever expected Lee Bodecker to be such a romantic, and when you’d joke about it, he’d say,
“You give me a reason to be, doll.”
It was thrilling, having someone to love and to have those feelings reciprocated. The ability to just be able to give and receive love was something he was never able to manage, perhaps it was just never the right person, or perhaps he had always been too selfish.
Now for the first time in a very long time, he wasn’t thinking about himself.
You gave him purpose and something worth fighting for.
“When this whole thing is over and we’re out of this town, I’m gonna marry you,” he said rubbing your arm as you lay in bed cuddled up to his side. You lay your arm across his tummy and rest your head on his chest. You hum in agreement, resting your eyes, both of you waking up earlier than you needed and you were enjoying the peaceful moment of the morning together.
“I hate seeing you with that Russel kid,” he’ll mutter, possessively pulling you closer, you could feel the vulnerability in his voice.
The past weeks have been really hard on Lee. It bothered him more and more each day, knowing Arvin was the one who got to drive you home from work and just being out and about with you. He knew you were his, and he never didn’t trust you. But you were so blind to the boy’s obvious feelings for you. It was something that would eat at him at night.
He couldn’t even blame you, if Arvin was able to sweep you away from him. Arvin was a good kid- took care of his family, worked a decent job, went to Church, and he was your age. He was much better looking in the traditional sense than Lee as well. Plus, you had a history. The boy was your first love and no one forgets their first love.
He knew you didn’t look at Arvin the same way Arvin looked at you, but he was always worried that a shift could come. If that damned reporter wouldn’t leave town and the more time you spent with Arvin, the more you’d see how much you’d actually want to be with him instead. You always told Lee he was the one you wanted and he believed you, but he worried that you would change your mind. He was so insecure, and he felt guilt, and he knew that he didn’t deserve to be happy, that he didn’t deserve your affection.
Sometimes he couldn’t let himself relax. Scenarios of all the different reasons you could leave him for polluted his mind and he hated how it took him out of being in the moments he just wanted to enjoy. He’d see you in his mind, happy with Arvin, marrying him instead and creating all those experiences with Arvin instead of him.
“He’s just my friend,” you reiterate, probably now for the millionth time. You were patient, and it never seemed to bother you, that the two of you ending up having this same conversation over and over. He needed the constant reassurance, and he hated the fact that he did.
“I want you, Lee,” you’ll mumble affectionately, trying to shower him with compliments and praise, to lift him up when he got down like this. “I don’t want any other man,” you’d affirm.
“This town is poison,” Lee mutters, looking out the window, the blinds pulled back as the sun is steadily rising. “Everything feels like it’s tainted,” he observes.
“Except us,” you correct him. He nods, but he knows his statement especially applies to him.
“Except you,” he sighs, his fingertips tracing circles on your bare shoulder.
“You don’t think you’ve ruined me, Sheriff?” you tease, making him smile, gradually pulling him out of his state. You’d lean up and kiss him, and the sensation would help his thoughts fade away for a few minutes. The feeling of your lips and soft skin against his own just putting his mind at ease, using his other senses to just keep his mind at bay.
He’s not sure if you realize how much he means it when he talks about escaping away from the town and marrying you. He thought about it all the time and it was what he was working toward. He knew even if he managed to go straight, if when Curtis left town, if the case around your mom was resolved, the town would still eat you up. The image of you both would be sullied. Reputation was crucial for survival in a town like this. You’d already been subjected to it before your relationship started.
He knew the solution was simple. He needed to take you away from Ross County, move to a new town where no one knew you both. It would just be a Sheriff and his new bride looking for a place to settle down. No rumors, or peeping eyes, or reporters, or exes, no corruption- just the two of you. Get a house, maybe start a family if you wanted that too.
He hoped you did. He’d be content either way, but he wanted a big family. His growing up was much less than ideal and it was just him and his sister. He loved the idea of a bigger family. He loved the image of having a house that was loud in a different way than what he grew up in. He often worried if he’d be a good father, but he never once doubted how excellent of a mother you would be if you wanted.
The only thing he wanted in his future was you, and everything else would be a blissful bonus of things he also doesn’t deserve. But to him you deserved the world and he simultaneously wanted to give you everything but then at the same time he felt like he would hold you back. You were young and had so many good years ahead of you. He couldn’t imagine you’d want to waste the rest of your life or even the rest of your twenties with him.  
You could get a job doing anything you wanted and he could run for Sheriff in the new town maybe, or he could do something else. It didn’t matter to him anymore really. The time he’s been with you has really helped him see what is actually important. It was the only thing he wanted. He wanted to be able to give you that because he knew that you deserved it and more than he’d ever be able to give you.
Laying in bed with you on this lazy morning, reminded him of the last time he was there when you were still bartending. It was the first time that pesky day dream of his started. It was something a lot bigger now than it was then. He loved you, and he was relieved he could say it to you now, and he wanted to settle down. This backwards way the two of you got together was a mess but it was yours. He wouldn’t trade it for anything, but he knew he needed to make things right.
He had been so blind, for so long, and he finally started to feel like he could be someone he actually wanted to be.
All he needed was time and he could set it all straight.
Arrest of Pimp in Knockemstiff, Ohio Reveals Corruption of Town Sheriff
By: Henry Curtis
Sheriff of Ross County, Lee Bodecker, has been allegedly involved in the coverup of a local brothel, run by Leroy Brown. Brown and several of his associates were arrested on Wednesday night by local police for drug possession and possession of illegal firearms. As the group resisted arrest, there was a shoot out at a small bar in Meade, which was revealed to serve as a front for their operation. Seven men, including Brown, were arrested Wednesday night for questioning by the local police.
While giving his statement, Brown confessed to the charges and in hopes of a lesser sentence, cooperated with police and provided names of all involved in the underground prostitution ring. He provided the police with twelve names, including that of the local Sheriff Lee Bodecker and his sister Sandy Henderson, who has since also been apprehended by the local authorities.
Sandy Henderson was apprehended on Thursday morning, and made bail for $500 that Saturday. Henderson and her husband, both denied an opportunity to provide a statement. The pair only stated they will be promptly returning home and want to put this behind them.
Although there has been no release of his official statement as of yet regarding this alleged involvement, Bodecker was taken into custody the next morning, apprehended by his deputies from his home. Deputy Bill Thomas has since announced that the Sheriff will be subject to a trial in the near future, and for now faces an indefinite suspension from his post until his innocence has been proven. Deputy Thomas has also said that regardless of the outcome of the trial, Bodecker will be unable to run for reelection next term.
With this new development, it is also worth noting that the Sheriff is a tenant of (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the daughter of Estelle (Y/L/N)-Tucker who is currently wanted by law enforcement for embezzling thousands from her husband Harvey Tucker’s company, Tucker Brokerage, and then fleeing with her sixteen-year-old son. When police arrived at her home Thursday morning to apprehend the Sheriff, deputies on scene took an official statement from (Y/L/N), where she denied knowledge of the Sheriff’s involvement in any of the alleged criminal activities nor any knowledge regarding her mother or brother’s whereabouts.
Woman Wanted for Embezzling Funds from Tucker Brokerage Arrested in Indiana
By: Henry Curtis
Former resident of Knockemstiff, Ohio, Estelle (Y/L/N)-Tucker was arrested in South Bend, Indiana yesterday morning before dawn. Being able to identify her as a wanted person, Este and Harold Turner, owners of the Sunnyside Motel where (Y/L/N)-Tucker had been staying for about three days prior to the arrest, notified the local authorities she was staying in one of their rooms. She also was accompanied by her sixteen-year-old son.
The boy’s older sister has now become the boy’s sole guardian and he has since returned to his hometown. According to the police, the boy was completely cooperative and they believe he had no knowledge of his mother’s crimes. In a statement given the night of the arrest, the boy told police he believed they were running from his step-father, as his mother insinuated, she had been a victim of domestic abuse. There is no evidence yet as to whether her statement is true, but there will be an investigation of husband, Harvey Tucker, to discover if this claim is true.
Both children of Estelle (Y/L/N)-Tucker have not agreed to speak about their mother or the situation to anyone except police. Daughter, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), said when she arrived in Indiana to pick up her brother, seemed to only care about getting her brother home safely. Locals report she never asked to see her mother, and only focused on her brother.
As of now, (Y/L/N)-Tucker will remain in the custody of the South Bend Police until they are ready to transport her to Columbus, Ohio where she will face jail time and then eventually a trial.
Corruption in Knockemstiff High School Staff, Principal Arrested for Illegal Distilling- Sheriff Involved in Cover Up
By: Henry Curtis
Principal of local high school, Mark Cunningham, was arrested today after local police discover an illegal distillery on his residence. Police had retrieved a warrant to search Cunningham’s land after receiving an anonymous tip from a source close to the Principal.
Following his arrest, Cunningham admitted to the felony, but also claimed Ross County’s previous Sherriff, Lee Bodecker, had prior knowledge of the still, and in exchange for his silence, he demanded Cunningham offer a secretarial job at the high school to his landlord, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), who is the daughter of Estelle (Y/L/N)-Tucker, who recently was tried for embezzlement.
The vice-principal of the high school, Meredith Lively, has stepped forth as interim principal until the position can be filled, and ensured the press (Y/L/N) had been fired effective immediately, despite her claims of being unaware any such deal had conspired. Police have found no evidence to contradict (Y/L/N)’s statement, and in an official statement taken from Bodecker, he confirmed that it was part of the deal she not be made aware of the circumstances.
New Sheriff Elected to Ross County
By: Henry Curtis
Former Deputy Bill Thomas has been elected Sheriff of Ross County. Following the trial of former Sheriff Lee Bodecker, who had been found guilty of all charges, Bodecker was barred from office, and given a five-year sentence.
Deputy Thomas in an acceptance speech during a recent town hall meeting, ensured residents of Knockemstiff that “one bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole bunch” and the Sheriff’s department under new control will keep the town safe, and clean of crime and corruption. When asked by reporters how he felt about Bodecker, Thomas only described his situation as “unfortunate.”
There has been no other evidence of corruption within Ross County Sheriff’s Department although the investigation is still ongoing. When asked during his trial if he received any corroboration from any other law officials, Bodecker stated he never involved other members of the force with his wrongdoings.
Room Available for Rent in Knockemstiff, Ohio
$50 monthly rent (utilities included)
1 Bedroom (250 sq. ft.), furnished
Private bathroom with shower
4 Birch Street
Knockemstiff, Ohio
Please call the following number with serious offers. Price negotiable.
@scar-is-bi @jiminlife2k18 @asylummaniac01 @rosalynshields @charmed-asylum @jamesbuchananbuckybarnes1917 @alexandrathegreat3 @hersilencedscreams @malar-region @purplerain85 @vesper852 @smilewolfdolan @softshell-taco @champagnebucky @lilacmeadows @mollygetssherlockcoffee
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theirfirespirit · 2 years
Chapter 2: Deja Vu
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Cursing
My eyes wake up from some bright ass light hitting my face. I slowly wake up and see the sun beaming through my windows. 
Getting up, I groan softly while holding my head. Man, how much did we drink last night? 
Thinking back to last night, I immediately start to smile, remembering the men we spent time together with. Too bad we probably will never see them again.
I get up to go take a shower and brush my teeth.
As I finish my teeth, I hear Mycha get up and do the same. Damn, she looks like a zombie.
“Good morning to you, sunshine.”
“Ugh…” she groans, “I need food.”
“Ok, well we’ll go get some breakfast.” I say to her as I get into my bed and grab my phone off the nightstand. I open it up and notice all the birthday wishes from last night and the time. 
12:32 pm
“Or maybe lunch”
“Yea, lunch sounds good, but I want to go shopping as well.” Mycha says, racking her brain for other errands she may need to do.
“Well, I was thinking about going to start my tattoo piece and maybe getting my nose pierced.”
“Ok, we go to lunch and then we go our separate ways and then meet up for dinner?”
“...Yes, that should work. What about dinner at 8? Gives us time to come back if possible and get changed.” I suggest.
We both get dressed and grab our purses and keys. She gets in her modified 2015 Ford Fiesta ST while I get into my modified 1998 Acura Integra GSR. I followed her to our favorite hibachi place down the street from our place.
We sit down and eat our lunch. As we sit down, we talk about what she plans to get and what my tattoo may be.
“I’m thinking about getting that tattoo of the yin yang dream catcher for my native american side, and then the feathers flow into the colors of the flags for each of the other ethnicities.”
“Where though?”
“Maybe starting on my ribs and going to my hip.”
“Ma’am, that’s going to hurt.”
“Ma’am, dating my ex hurt. At least, I’ll get pleasure from this.”
Mycha giggles and shakes her head. “I mean … true.”
I laughed a little and we continued eating our food before paying and leaving.
“Remember, we are meeting back at our place at 6 so we can head out. If anything happens, call immediately.”
“Ok, mom.” I smirked.
She rolls her eyes and gets in her car. “Whatever, I love you, bitch.”
“Love you, bitch” I say back while getting in my car and putting on my quick release steering wheel 'til I hear the satisfying ding of the wheel to signify its truly on.
Mycha’s POV
I get to the mall and park in a spot. Walking into the mall, I think about exactly what I want/need to get so I’m not wasting too much time.  I checked the time on my phone once more. 
Ok that gives about 4 hours to do some damage. 
I walk into Macy’s and look for some nice tops I can dress up or down. While walking into the store, I saw that there’s a sale going on storewide. 
YES! Buy one get one 50%! I’m here for it.
I searched around and found these pretty v neck t-shirts in multiple colors. Looking at the tops, I can’t choose between colors.
I do wear a lot of black and pinks but maybe this olive color would look nice as well. Ok, but this purple and blue. Oh my gosh and this yellow would brighten up my skin too!
As I’m pondering over these colors, I feel a presence behind me. 
“Hi cutie.”
“Look sir, I don’t know who you are, but I’m not -” I start as I turn around and see a familiar redhead, smiling.
“You’re not interested? I can leave you alone if you.” the redhead said, rubbing the back of his neck, sheepishly.
“No no no, I thought you were some creep trying to flirt. I’m sorry.”
His smiles once again. 
His smile is so fucking pretty! Ugh! Please, keep that smile!
“No, I get it. Also, I think you should get those. They’d look nice on you.” He points to the tops I was previously looking at.
I turn to look at them and sigh.
“I want to, but I don't know which one to get.”
“Why not all of them?”
“Sir, I’m balling on a budget.” I quipped.
“I’ll get them for you.”
I stared at him for a moment. Did he just - No, don’t accept it because you still don’t know the man.
“I appreciate the offer, but I’ll -”
He goes to grab one of each color.
“Hey! You don’t have to do that! I can get a couple now and get some others later.”
“Later, you don’t know if there’ll be a sale.” He says walking to the cash register with the shirt in hand.
“We’ll you don’t even know my size.” I crossed my arms.
He looked at me, “You still have the size of the shirt you were possibly going to get in your hand, love.” He takes that shirt out of my hand and adds it to the pile on the counter.
“Ok, seriously you don’t have to do it.”
“I know, I don’t have to, but I want to. Plus, you’ll look beautiful with your new shirts and a smile on your face.” He grins as he pays for the shirts and whatever else he grabbed before. “Can you separate the shirts for this? Thank you.”
“Ok, but what is the catch? What do you want from me? How did you even know I was here?” 
“Cutie, I came here because they are the only place that carries my favorite cologne and I just happened to catch you walking past me to go to the shirts. Also, I don't want anything, except dinner, if that’s ok with you. Last night got cut short and I didn’t even tell you my name, which is Eijiro.” 
Eijiro grabs the bags and hands me my bag of shirts.
So, his name is Eijiro.
“Honestly, I just want to formally introduce myself to you because I find you cute and sweet but feisty, but not as feisty as your friend though my friends like her. It’s not that I don't like her, though! I’m sure she’s a great person and what not but I’m not interested in her like I am you. Wait, I didn’t mean it like that!” He stumbles a bit. Eijiro rubs his free against his neck again, blushing slightly.
I giggled, “I understand and yes, she’s fiery. How about this? I’ll see if she minds going to dinner with us instead of just her and I. Therefore, we all can formally introduce ourselves to each other and I can thank you for the shirt.”
“YES! I mean, yea that sounds great. Here’s my number!” Eijiro enthusiastically reaches for his phone and gives me his number. I texted him and he received my number in exchange.
“Alright, well I’ll text her and I still have about 2 and a half hours before I got to head back. Wanna shop some more?”
“Yea! I’ll let the boys know as well”
I opened my message and sent Luna a quick text to let her know the slight change in plans. 
Maybe, one of them, or both, will help her recover from her ex.
Luna’s POV
I feel a buzz from my phone as I pull into the parking lot of Blue Flame Tattoo and Piercings. Once the car is parked and turned off, I pull out my phone and look at the notification.
iMessage from My Wife Mycha at 1:45pm
Opening the notification while taking off my quick release, I read the message.
Mycha: Hey, do you mind if we change plans, slightly? I met Eijiro - or the redhead from last night and somehow, he ended up asking us to dinner with his friends. I know it’s sudden and I agreed BUT I told him I’d ask you. What do you think?
So, they met again. I’m glad, he seemed quite interested in her and it better not just be for sex, or I might just go to jail for murder. 
Me: Let me see how I feel after this, and I’ll let you know.
I walk into the shop and the doorbell rings. I’m greeted by a man with raven-colored chin length hair. His bangs could cover his face if it weren’t held back by a bandana. From what I can see, he has a half sleeve right arm, a lip ring, and his left ear is full of piercings.
“Welcome to Blue Flame, I’m Tamaki. How can I help you?”
“I’m here to start my rib piece. I made an appointment with … I wasn’t given the name. My name is Luna.”
“No problem, I have you in the system. The person you’ll be working with should be finishing a client now. I’ll let him know you’re here though. Feel free to chill in the lounge while you wait.”
I go to sit on the couch and look at the tattoo I hope to start today.
Not even 5 minutes late, the previous client comes out. She is thanking the tattooist for her new ink. The tattoo artist comes out and gives the money to Tamaki who puts the money in the register.
The tattooist turns to me and smiles. 
Oh, are you serious?
“Well, if it isn’t the spitfire from the club?”
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horanghaes-gaze · 4 years
Got7 reaction to false lashes
Heyo~ I know that it’s been forever since I have posted anything, so I decided to post a piece of writing for you guys, I hope that you enjoy this reaction and again, I am so sorry for not posting in a while. School has just been drowning me and I haven’t had the time to post, but I am back and better than before. Please request something as it helps me write and post more. And if you do request something, please check my Things to Know page which is linked in my bio. Thank you so much, and once again, I hope you enjoy!
You had just gotten back from date night and were getting ready to go to bed. You were removing your makeup and Jaebeom was finishing up brushing his teeth. Both of you got into bed and were turning on a movie to watch before going to sleep. Snuggling up to him, you were getting comfortable before remembering that you hadn't taken off your lashes yet. Sitting up you said
"I'll be right back I have to take my lashes off,"
He looked at you with confusion written all over his face. Looking at you up and down as he tried to gather his thoughts.
"Your...your what?" he asked slowly.
"My lashes, I forgot to take them off earlier"
"They come off? Because mine don't, I love you, but you're making no sense right now" he stated.
You laugh at how he was genuinely confused. You thought that he knew they were fake since you left your lashes out numerous times before. And if he hadn't caught on from that, you thought that he'd caught on when you took him makeup shopping that one time.
"Can I take them off?" he asked in the middle of you laughing.
You nodded your head as you scooted closer to him, closing your eyes.
"Just pull gently, and slowly, but not too slow," you instructed.
He took a deep breath as his fingers touched your lashes. Exhaling, he started to pull, and when you opened your eyes, they met an amazed Jaebeom. Letting out another small laugh, you close your eyes again. He gently cupped your face with one hand, taking off the second lash with his other hand. Placing your used lashes in the palm of your hand, he said
"I didn't mess them up, so you can use them again"
Shaking your head, you got up to go throw them away. He let out a small gasp as he saw you casually toss them in the trash.
"Won't you need those again?!" he let out, worried for your lashes.
"No, I can always get new falsies, Jae," you said nonchalantly, snuggling up to him again.
"Well, I think your real lashes are better and less freaky since they don't, you know, come off," he said, kissing the top of your head and playing the movie again.
You had gone out drinking with some friends for a girls' night out and promised to call Mark when you needed a ride home. He knew that you didn't hold your drinks well and that you would probably be wasted by the time you call. And he was right. How'd he know? Because you had called him saying
"Heyyyy, Mark! I kinda need you to maybe pick me up...yeah. And also, I have to do this now or I'll regret it if I don't, but ...Ikindofhaveareallybigcrushonyou haha. Okay, anyway, see you soon, thanks!"
He laughed after you hung up, glad that you still had a crush on him despite dating him. Grabbing his keys, he left to go pick you up before you confessed to another guy, which is something he wouldn't appreciate much. Parking the car, he made his way inside, immediately looking around to find you. He was about to text you when he got a tap on his shoulder, turning around, he saw your friend trying to keep her hold on your hand as you were trying to run away. Thanking your friend, he got a hold of you, smiling as you giggled like an excited high school girl around her crush. And then you just slumped down on him. He caught you before you hit the ground, carrying you to the car. 
He woke you up after getting home, helping you get cleaned up and showered. Before he got you into the shower, he had to take your makeup off. You were being quite the handful, thrashing around as he tried to wipe the makeup you had on. He had gotten almost all of it off, only your lashes left. For some reason, you really didn't want him to take off your lashes because you moved around even more than before when he said 
"I just need to take off your lashes and then you can shower,"
"No, absolutely not!" you yelled out, slipping away from him again. 
He sighed and sped walk to you. The two of you wrestled each other until he finally just sat on top of you. His legs were criss-cross apple sauced on your legs as he held you in place and cupped your face, quickly pulling off your lashes before you put up more of a fight. He got up and pulled you up, too, pushing you into the shower. He walked out into the bedroom, grabbing one of his hoodies for you to wear since he knew you found them comfy, and because he thought you looked cute in them.
"I'm done," you said as you walked out in only a towel, coming over to give him a kiss. He gladly accepted and handed you the change of clothes he picked out.
"Do I have to put clothes on? We could always, you know..." you said suggestively at him.
"I like that idea a lot..." he said smiling at you. 
Your eyes lit up, getting excited.
"...so keep it in mind for when you're sober," he said giving you another kiss. He laid down on the bed, waiting for you to put the clothes on.
"I don't have to be sober," you start.
"y/n, no"
This was the first time that you were staying over at his place and you were excited to finally get to cuddle with him to sleep for a full night. The both of you were getting ready for bed and he had offered to help you remove your makeup. You agreed and let him wipe off your makeup for you. He was doing a good job of making sure that your face got thoroughly cleaned and to be gentle as well. He was in the middle of taking off your eye makeup when suddenly he stood up and yelled
As he was asking if he had hurt you, you were laughing at how panicked and hectic he was. To make it even worse for him, you just tore off your lashes and threw them in the trash. He let out a yelp as you walked to throw them away, asking if you were insane and how you could just rip off your lashes like that.
"Jackson, they're fake, I can buy new ones, it doesn't hurt or anything," you explained.
He refused to believe you, taking your face in his hands and looking at your real eyelashes. Questions spilled out of his mouth and every single answer you gave confused him more and more.
"No, I can't do this, girl eyelashes are so weird," he finally stated, deciding to not dig further into this.
"Not really, I just stick them on with glue and take them off,"
"GLUE?!" he screamed, the look of confusion coming back on his face.
You shook your head, finally deciding to just show him.
"Here, I'll just put some lashes on you since you're so perplexed over this," you said, grabbing a pair of new lashes from your bag.
You held his face steady as you blew on the glue to make it tacky, placing the lash on his eyelid. You adjusted the lash to sit on his lid properly, making sure that it wouldn't fall off. After putting on both lashes, you turned him to the mirror, letting him see how he looked. 
"So that's how lashes work," he said, finally coming to a realization.
"Yes, this is how they work, Jackson," you replied.
"Girl, I look fabulous with them though, you have to admit," he said, pretending to flip his hair.
You laughed, telling him that you needed to go to bed and that he needed to take them off. He shook his head, stating
"Are you kidding me? My eyes have never looked better than this,"
You shrugged, getting into bed simply saying that he would get no cuddles to sleep. Once he heard the words leave your mouth, he aggressively tore off the lashes and jumped into bed. He wrapped his arms around you saying
"How dare you try to take away cuddles from me,"
"It's either cuddling with me or the lashes, baby," you answered.
"It'll always be you, princess," he said, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You and Jinyoung had just returned home from shopping and were unpacking everything. You were busy putting things away in the kitchen and he was putting things away in the bedroom and bathroom. Jinyoung was putting away the bath products you guys had bought along with leaving your makeup on the counter for you to sort out later. He was getting to the bottom of the bag and pulled out a little box with "false lashes" written on the box. Now, Jinyoung was a rational person for the most part, but right now, all he could think was: she's been wearing eyelash wigs the whole time?
He walked out into the kitchen holding the little box and went to ask you about it.
"Hey, honey, you've been wearing wigs for your eyelashes this whole time? How does that even work?" he asked, holding the box up for you to see. 
You were confused as to what he was asking since you didn't know what he was talking about when he said "wigs for your eyelashes". And as you turned around and saw the box, you pieced together what he meant by "eyelash wigs", and it made you laugh a little at how he referred to them. Jinyoung stood there, watching as you slightly bent over in laughter and it made him even more worried and confused for you. 
"What are you laughing at?" he finally said.
"I'm sorry, but they're not 'eyelash wigs', they're just falsies, Jinyoung" you explained.
Although it didn't help him much, since he still didn't understand what falsies were. You took the box out of his hand and walked him back into the bathroom, opting to just show him. You put some mascara on and curled your natural lashes as he watched in fascination. You then took out the falsies and trimmed them, then putting on some glue and blowing on it a bit. After putting on the lash, you showed him the before and after on each of your eyes. The way it clicked all together in his head was apparent from the face he made, his mouth forming an 'o' shape as he understood. 
"So they're not wigs for my lashes, they just help my natural ones look fuller, silly," you told him.
"Well, what was I supposed to think? All the box said was 'false lashes' so I just assumed that they were like wigs"
"Alright, whatever, but since you know how these work now, you can help me take them off after a night out"
"Uh, how do you take them off?"
To answer him, you just pulled off the lash, leaving him in a worried state as he thought that you were about to pull off all of your lashes.
"You don't need them, I think you're beautiful on your own. Plus, those freak me out" he finally said, leaving you in the bathroom, who was laughing once again.
You and Youngjae were going through your closet since you were about to move in together. You were packing the things in your room, and when you got to packing your clothes, it became a little fashion show of you showing him all the outfits you found and had hidden in your closet. His eyes lit up every time you walked out of the bathroom to show him, truly thinking that every single thing you tried on and showed him looked absolutely amazing on you. Granted, maybe it was more you than the clothes that made it look amazing to him, but either way, he enjoyed seeing you have fun showing him all the outfits you put on. After you tried on all the outfits and packed all of your clothes, you both laid down on your bed, basking in comfortable silence. 
"I can't believe that tonight is the last night that I'll sleep in this bed," you said, interrupting the silence. 
"And I can't believe that after tonight, I get to fall asleep with you in my arms every night, and wake up to your beautiful face every morning," he said, smiling and rolling over to take you into his arms. 
You two stayed in that position, smiling at each other with the most love-struck gazes anyone could give to another person. Suddenly, you sat up, startling him. You then just took off your lashes as they had been annoying you the whole day. Earlier that morning, you didn't put on enough glue so the whole day, they felt like they were falling off. Since you took them off in a fast and abrupt manner, Youngjae sat there with a horrified look on his face. He had never seen someone rip off their lashes before, and here you were, ripping yours off without flinching even a bit. He sat up and cupped your face in his hands, looking over your face worriedly before checking your eyes to see that your lashes were still there. He then let go of your face, a look of confusion now painting his features as he looked at you.
"They're just false lashes, Youngjae, I didn't actually rip my lashes off," you explained. 
"So...they don't hurt?" he asked.
You shook your head, "Nope, not at all, it actually feels kinda nice at the end of the day"
"Do you put them on everyday? Will I see that when we get ready in the morning and for bed?" he asked. 
"Well, not every day, I usually just put some mascara on, but I put them on sometimes when I feel like it," 
"Okay, good, because I don't think I'll ever get used to that"
You laughed a bit, reassuring him that next time, you'll warn him before taking your falsies off. He took you back in his arms, hugging you with his chin resting on your head. He always loved it when you laughed, especially when he's the cause of your laughter. He wants to make sure that you can be happy as much as you can. He wanted to make you smile for as long as possible. To him, you are what makes his smile stay and why he feels like the luckiest man in the world, so all he wants to do is make sure that you know that and feel the same way.
You two were at the mall together, having decided to go on a shopping date. Taking the escalator upstairs, holding a couple of shopping bags, you remembered that you needed to buy some makeup and skincare.  When you told Bambam that you needed to go get some things from the cosmetics store, he had no problem agreeing. In fact, throughout the whole day, the two of you mostly went to places that you needed to go to, him following you, helping you carry your bags, and giving you some fashion advice here and there. Trailing behind you as you walked into the store, he looked around, seeing some things he recognized and used on himself, along with other things he saw that confused him. One of those things was the false lashes, which is why he got a little concerned when you stopped and took a look at them. He was even more bewildered when you picked a few and turned to him.
"Which ones do you think look better?" you asked, holding up a few pairs. 
"Uh, isn't that what mascara is for?" he asked back, confused. 
"Well, yeah, but these just help make them look fuller is all, kind of like hair extensions"
"Oh, okay, I see, I see," he exclaimed in understanding. He didn't fully understand, but he got the basic gist of it. Looking at the ones you had held up, he picked a couple that he thought would accentuate your eyes and add to your makeup. 
"Not too extravagant, but not subtle enough to be unnoticeable, good choices, Bam" you said, placing the lashes in the basket you had grabbed when entering the store. 
The two of you went to go check out after you had grabbed a few more things that you needed. Of course, he refused to let you pay since you were his princess and deserved the best, in his opinion. He didn't mind paying for you at all, it's not like he couldn't afford it, but something he loved about you was how you knew fully well of that fact and still insisted on paying. He smiled a bit as the cashier handed him his card and receipt, remembering times when the two of you had fought over the bill. He took the bag, adding to the bunch that he already had, and walked with you as you left the store. 
"So where to next?" he asked enthusiastically, wanting to make sure you got everything you wanted.
"Home" you answered, feeling a bit tired after the hours you spent at the mall, and just wanting to cuddle on the couch with your boyfriend. 
"Then home it is" he replied with a smile, leading you outside to the car.
Yugyeom sat on the bed waiting for you as you got ready for dinner. It was a surprise fancy dinner that he planned and got a reservation for since you two didn't get to go out on dates much. You had just finished your makeup and were rushing to change into your clothes. Checking the mirror one last time, you sighed as you saw that one of your lashes had fallen off when you were changing. It was still half attached to your eyelid, but you took it off, quickly walking back into the bathroom to glue it on again. Yugyeom stayed sitting on the bed for a moment, confused at what he just saw. You did not just rip your eyelashes off, no ma'am, that's impossible. He got up and walked into the bathroom, watching as you applied glue onto the lash band. As you were placing it on your eyelid again, he spoke up. 
"What are you doing...?" 
"I'm just putting my lash back on, Gyeom," you answered. 
"Yours come off?" he asked another question.
You chuckled, finding his curiosity adorable. "No, these are just fake ones, I can just put them on and take them off whenever I want" 
Looking at him through the mirror, you could see his head tilt to the side, your answer clearly not satisfying his interest. 
"But if you have real ones, then why bother putting on fake ones?"
"They help make my real ones look fuller"
"But you said that that's what mascara is for"
"It is, but these help make them really look full"
"But you look beautiful without them"
"I literally wear them every time we go out, you just don't notice"
"I don't notice because you are beautiful whether you have these thingies on or not" he answered again, this time with more determination in his tone. The two of you often did this, going back and forth with each other on the most random topics. It was one of those things that was special in your relationship with Yugyeom that you had with no one else. With him, you could talk about everything and nothing and still thoroughly enjoy the conversation, time ticking away more slowly to you when this happens, 3 hours felt like 3 minutes with him. 
"We'll lose out reservation if we don't leave now," he said, breaking your chain of thoughts. 
"Well, now that I have my lash back on, let's go enjoy this dinner," you say, making your way to the car, excitement evident on your face. A smile could be seen on him as he got in the car with you. But what couldn't be seen was how nervous he was the whole dinner... or the ring in his pocket. 
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thehotchnerson · 2 years
Word Count: 785
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“Hey Honey, I’m gonna make some cookies. Do you want to help?” You call out from the kitchen. Jack was at a sleepover and Aaron had gotten a rare day off. So you were going to make the most of it with him.
“I’ll help. Just keep it clean and don’t call me honey” he says already knowing that a mess would definitely be made in the kitchen. You pouted at him. You loved giving him stupid nicknames and you think he secretly likes it too. He just may not like honey. You’re determined to find one he likes.
You grabbed all the necessary ingredients to make your Grandma’s famous Hunkin Lovin Chocolate Chip Cookies.
“Hey honey bunches, could you grab the flour from the top shelf?” You test out the name as you frown. You bake a lot, so you’re not sure why he insists on keeping the flour on the top shelf. What he doesn’t tell you, is that he likes having to grab the one item for you. Just so he feels useful.
Being useful, was not what he was doing at the moment, as he dropped the flour… Right on top of you. “Oh my gosh. Y/N, are you ok?” He flusters out. That was a full bag of flour, on top of your head, so it had to hurt.
You pout at him, “No. that hurt bub.” You clutch your head because that bag hurts. If Morgan heard about this, he would definitely tease you about being weak. And you could not deal with that. “I’m ok. I’ll be fine. I just need some medicine” you say, trying to reassure yourself more than him. You were not about to be weak.
Aaron can see the look in your eye. He can tell something’s going on in your brain,”Darling, let’s just lay down, take a nap. The cookies will still be there.”
You shake your head, “If we take a nap, that wastes my time with you.” You mumble as tears form in your eyes. You wanted this day to be good. You rarely got to spend time together and you didn’t want to spend the only time you had with him asleep. “I’m fine. Just hand me the damn medicine so we can salvage some flour for the cookies.”
“I guess your big head busted the bag, Y/N. I can go get some more,” he says apologetically. He knew these cookies were one of the last things from your family, and it was tradition to make them on the first day of December.
“So much for keeping it clean, Hotchner,” you mumble out as you try to salvage enough flour to make cookies. Most of it ended up on the floor, but you realize there might be enough still in the bag.
You look over in confusion as he leans down, putting a hand in the flour. “Are you gonna clean the floor by-“ you get interrupted with cloud of flour. “You did not just throw flour at me,” you shriek, “You’re cleaning this up.”
You smirk. He was gonna have to clean this up, and you got to sit and drink wine and watch. So you could definitely add to the chaos. You grab a big handful and throw it at his face.
Before you know it, a full blown flour war has emerged in the kitchen. Flour was everywhere. Aaron puts his hands up in the air, in surrender “Truce?” he asks. You stare at him with a questioning look, that slowly turns into a grin.
His hair was ruffled with a few peices sticking up. Flour dusted the top of his hair with a few larger clumps in areas. He looked cute and he was yours.
“Well?” he asks, his hands still in the air, perfect for a target.
You throw one last handful of flour in his face before smiling and sticking your hand out. “Truce” you nod as you say it as if to confirm no more flower.
He stares at you flabbergasted that you would do such a thing. He puts his hand to his chance in mock awe. “I’ve been betrayed. My own partner. I’m shocked”
You laugh at his theatrics. You shake your head and grin up at him. Your grin growing bigger as you speak “You’re gonna be even more betrayed when I tell you I’m going to take a shower and you have to clean this up. Have fun bubs!” As you walk away you start laughing and turn just in time to see his shocked face turn into a pout.
You realize you’ve said bubs twice now and he hasn’t gotten onto you. New nickname unlocked.
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rattyoakenbitch · 4 years
karate kid: “because of you” ₊˚ ⸝  johnny x reader
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❝but it can all get a lil’ crazy, unless there’s something to hold onto. for me, that was true love.❞
gif credit: n/a song: lana del rey - because of you
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
pairings: johnny lawrence (1984) x reader
warnings: angst, language, mentions of sex, themes of depression, the overuse of the word ‘baby’ lmfaooo
summary: despite johnny’s reputation, you still weren’t expecting him, your first and only, to be unfaithful. but you were only a blind fool in love, after all.
“.. What the hell is going on here?”
You stood back on the beach overlook with your friend, watching the scene unravel before your eyes.
Below you, there Johnny was, along with his little Cobra Kai gang. The small crowd of teenagers around him shouted and cheered as he brawled with a smaller kid in a red sweater, who was obviously getting his ass beat. 
“Dammit, Johnny, stop!” 
A familiar high pitched, girlish scream caught your attention. Your eyes scanned the crowd until they stopped on Ali, who you knew to be Johnny’s old flame. Despite them being over for a while now, you knew Johnny still had feelings for her. But it was something you buried in the back of your mind. You were too in love with Johnny to acknowledge or care about the fact that he hasn’t moved on. 
Now, watching what was happening, you didn’t know what to think or how to feel. You’ve barely talked to Johnny at all over the week, and now you find him here?
Instead of intervening and chasing after Johnny, you gestured for your friend to follow you back to the car and head elsewhere. She didn’t protest and based on the heartbroken expression on your face, she knew better than to question you. Now was not the time to talk it through. 
Since that night, things were not the same. You explained your situation to your parents who were aware of your relationship, or now former relationship with Johnny. Johnny would call a few times a day, but you never bothered to pick up. His calls started to get more and more frequent, so you ended up blocking his number. Because of this, you started to fall out with the Cobra Kais, who you made good friends with because of your relationship with Johnny. So knowing you’d run into them at school, you stopped attending and would spend the days locked up in your room, only going out to use the bathroom or get something from the kitchen. By now, Johnny knew something was up, and went as far as to pick a fight with your dad whenever he’d drop by your house, asking to see you.
“Come on! I just wanna see Y/N, dammit!”
“She’s none of your business anymore, young man. Now get the hell off my property!”
“Man, fuck you! Let me see her! I need to talk to her!”
“You have three seconds, Mr Lawrence!”
“Y/N, I know you’re in there! I know you can hear me!”
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The days became gloomier and gloomier. Weeks had passed and you hadn’t talked to anybody. You shut everyone out and would spend the days alone in your bed, wallowing in your own self pity.
How could you be so foolish?
To think you could be the one to fix Johnny. 
To think he loved you as much as you loved him.
To think he would want a future with you as much as he wanted your clothes off.
But the reality hit you; you were just a rebound. And you let him use you. It was all your fault. 
An overwhelming feeling of nausea and anxiety overtook you. You jumped off your bed and ran to the bathroom, pushing open the toilet lid and vomiting. You flushed the contents down and got to your feet to straighten yourself up. You looked at yourself in the mirror, your eyes widening in disbelief. You didn’t even recognize your reflection.. The person looking back at you was a stranger.
You lifted your hand up to touch your face as you analyzed your appearance. You had dark bags under your bloodshot eyes, your hair disheveled, skin pale and dry. 
“That’s just great.”
Sighing, you stooped down to the sink to rinse your mouth out and splash water on your face. As soon as you were finished, you flicked the light switch and trailed back to your room. However, you were stopped in your tracks by the sound of your father’s voice. 
“Y/N..? Oh, wow.. Wow, girl, I haven’t seen you in days.. How are you feeling now?” He stared down at you, searching your empty face for answers. You avoided his gaze, crossing his arms and looking down at your feet. He sighed, “The school called. You need to return by this Monday.”
You felt your heart sink. You looked up at him, opening your mouth to speak until he cut you off.
“I know you’re still healing but... This isn’t good for you. When you get back to school, you’ll at least get to hang out with your friends again, right?” You weakly shrugged, causing him to let out another heavy sigh. He patted your shoulder. “It’ll get better and soon, you’ll be back to your normal self!”
“What day is it?” you asked.
“It’s Sunday..”
You groaned, “Oh, gosh.” 
“Hey, hey, hey, you’ll be fine.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, definitely. I’ll run into my ex and his little posse, who I ghosted, and then have to explain to my friends why I look and feel like shit. Great. Thanks dad,” you scoffed sarcastically, and stormed off into your room, slamming it shut.
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Today was the today. Exasperatingly, you dragged yourself out of bed, showered, brushed your teeth, and tied up your hair into a long braid that cascaded down your back. You figured you’d put on a bit of concealer to hide your dark circles, and topped that off by applying dark red lipstick. You dressed yourself in a white shirt, the collar sticking out of the green sweater you layered on top of it. You matched that with a white pleated skirt that stopped mid thigh, and slipped on a pair of black knee high socks. 
Finished with your look, you shrugged on your backpack and headed downstairs, putting on your Mary Janes before pulling open the front door. You ignored your mom’s calls and ran out to the driveway, about to get into your vehicle to head to school. However, the plans seemed to change when a familiar red car idling on your street caught your attention. 
Your heart began to thump loudly in your chest when you met Johnny’s burning gaze as he waited for you in the car. Knowing how stubborn and persistent he was, you immediately gave up and got into the car, slamming the door shut. 
“All right, so you gonna explain where the hell you’ve been?” Anger and rancor dripped off his voice. You knew this would happen.
Turning to look him in the eye, you treated him with the same attitude. “Oh, that’s just golden! Where have I been? No, Johnny, where the hell have you been? I was trying to reach you for over a week until I found you at the beach with Ali.. Not to mention you were picking on that poor kid.”
As soon as you mentioned Ali, Johnny’s demeanor changed. He laid back into his seat, his jaw clenched. He was caught. 
“Did you seriously think I wouldn’t find out?”
When he wouldn’t reply, you broke the silence. “I don’t wanna argue with you right now, let alone talk to you. Now just drive me to school or I’ll be late.”
He scoffed. “Since when did you care about being late? You were absent for more than a week!”
“Jeez, wonder why,” you retorted. “You know what? This was a mistake.” You pushed open the car door, about to step out, when Johnny gripped your wrist, pulling you back. 
“Wait, don’t go,” he said softly, begging you to stay. Worry filled his big baby blue eyes as he waited on your decision. “Please, Y/N.” You could never say no to him, especially when he was giving you that look. You got back into the car and shut the door, but faced away from Johnny. You swatted away his hand, causing him to recoil and put both hands on the wheel. 
“If we’re gonna talk, let’s not do it here,” you said.
After that, you both stayed silent as he started the car, driving off to wherever. As you drew nearer to your destination, the surroundings started to look more and more familiar. It hit you; this is where you and Johnny had your first kiss, and maybe a little more than just that.. You found yourself smiling at the memories. Then again, maybe some things are just better as memories. 
You were laid beside Johnny on his car, watching the sunset. When the sun went down, instead of heading back home, you ended up stargazing together. You both entirely forgot about your surroundings and the time, getting lost in conversation. Conversation turned into kissing, which eventually lead to something much more heated. 
“You’re so damn beautiful, baby. I can’t believe you’re all mine,” Johnny hummed, beaming and grinning widely. You giggled, continuing to pepper his pretty face with kisses.
“Well, you better believe it then, babe,” you said in between kisses. “Cause I’m not going anywhere.” 
Johnny sighed in satisfaction, pulling you closer to him. “Good, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Johnny managed to catch your lips, capturing you in a deep, passionate and loving kiss. He held you tightly against him as you straddled his lap like his life depended on it. 
Johnny pulled over, snapping you back into reality. You overlooked the city as he shut off the car engine with a heavy sigh, preparing himself for whatever was to come out of this conversation.
“So? You got anything to say for yourself, Lawrence?”
He took a moment to think, before opening his mouth to speak. 
“Y/N.. I’m sorry. I fucked up big time.” You scoffed at that, rolling your eyes and looking away from Johnny. “I’m sorry! I really am! I know I shouldn’t have gone after Ali when I had you.”
“Had,” you pointed out, chuckling.
“Oh, just listen to me, will ya? I told you I’m sorry and I admit to my mistakes!”
“And lemme guess; you’re telling me all this just now because Ali once again rejected you?” Johnny stayed silent, a sheepish and guilty look on his face. You groaned, “For fucks sake, Johnny. Do you ever mean the things you say? This was a complete waste of my time.”
“I didn’t wanna lose you, Y/N.”
“If you’re still loving Ali, then you’ve already lost me.”
“Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious. You ghosted me! At least I tried to make things right between us instead of running away!”
“You really are an awful person, Johnny Lawrence. My friends were right about you-” you blurted out. Your throat ached as you tried to keep yourself together. “You’re really nothing but a player! There is no ‘us’. You don’t give a damn about me. You never did. So just drop the act and take me to school,” you whispered the last part, not wanting Johnny to hear your voice break. But he could easily see through your anger and sense the sadness in your voice.
You faced the opposite direction from Johnny. 
“Please look at me,” Johnny said after a while. You refused to glance his way, your eyes fixed on your fingers as you anxiously twiddled them together. The rage built up inside of you and the thoughts fueled by heartbreak, you kept to yourself. You wanted to be strong. You didn’t want to show Johnny how much he truly hurt you. But all that was gone when tears began to stream down your face. 
“Oh, Y/N, please don’t cry. I’m sorry, I-” Johnny trailed off, his voice cracking. He felt so lost. He had never been faced with a situation like this, even with Ali. And he’s never seen you cry before. You were always tough and strong in front of him, and to see you bawl like this, he thought it really must be that bad. 
“Don’t apologize unless you really mean it,” you sniffled. “Don’t make it worse than it already is.”
“Then I’m gonna keep apologizing because I mean it! With all my heart, Y/N, I’m sorry. I never wanted to make you cry. I can’t stand seeing you like this because of me.”
You turned your face slightly towards Johnny’s direction, curiosity and hope sparking inside of you. 
“I was told that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. And even if you leave after this, I’m not gonna hide the way I feel, Y/N. I’ve never felt this way about a girl. Even with Ali. That’s why I was confused at first, but I knew I wanted to make it work with you.” Johnny squeezes your hand in his significantly bigger ones. “I hated to admit it at first, but I was and am smitten with you. You cross my mind everyday, and every song reminds me of you. And- And even if you shut me out after this.. If you go, I’ll stay. Even when you fall out of love, I just want you to know I’ll always have feelings for you.”
You didn’t know what to say after Johnny’s confession. You had all these emotions; betrayal, heartbreak, anger, confusion. They clouded your mind. You didn’t know how to properly react. 
“Do you really mean that?”
Johnny chuckles sadly, “I may be a douche, but I’m not a liar.”
You leaned back into your seat, replaying everything that just happened in your head. Johnny’s confessions, his declaration of love for you. You knew Johnny had a rough life and wasn’t one to be open about his feelings. And you also knew you loved that boy, even after the pain he caused you. Did you really wanna risk it and be with him? 
After being silent for a while, the uncomfortable stillness in the air prompted Johnny to speak up. 
“You- I- I’ll just.. I can take you home. Wherever-”
“No! Wait, don’t,” you placed your hand over Johnny’s before he got the chance to start the car. You locked eyes with him, your heart beat beginning to speed up suddenly. You were stuck on what to do at that moment. 
“Oh, fuck it,” you thought to yourself, and cupped Johnny’s face, bringing him closer to you. Now without the support of your hands, you were caught off balance and ended up stumbling atop Johnny. And in the heat of the moment, you crashed your lips to his. Okay, that was totally intentional. 
Johnny didn’t waste a second and immediately kissed you back, holding you steady above him. You really didn’t want to, but you had to break the kiss for air, giving Johnny the chance to let out breathy words.
“Fuck, I’ve missed you so much, baby.”
You pressed your forehead to his and wrapped your arms around his shoulders while you tangled your fingers in his hair. He cupped your face, placing gentle little kisses on your nose.
“Nothing bad is gonna happen to us, baby, I promise.”
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lu-undy · 3 years
Alright, another (very) spicy Sniper/Spy short!
Kids, stay out of this!
For the old folks, a friend (Dell, thank you!) gave me an idea that I turned into a short. What if Sniper asked Spy to try a vibrating toy. What if the Frenchman does not really warm up to the idea, but he nonetheless accepts, Sniper can be so convincing... :) And What if Spy ends up enjoying it more than he expected? Well, here it is!
"Spook? You wanted to see me? Oh, he's in the shower…" 
Sniper entered the suite and went straight to the sofa, where he took a seat. He removed his glasses and hat, put them on the coffee table along with the small box he had brought, and leaned back. A few minutes later, the noise of the shower stopped and it pulled Sniper out of his daydream.
“Oh, mon amour, you came early this evening.” Spy peeked out of the shower, his hair still wet. He was only wearing a tanktop and a pair of shorts. Of course, regardless of the season, the French had to wear his satin gown on top of it all. Sniper always thought that he looked like a peacock when he walked with it and it flew after him, given the blue color with emerald green sheen.
“On the contrary…” The Frenchman took a seat next to his lover and they hugged dearly, exchanging the usual greeting kisses.
“Mmh, you smell good, eh?”
“Well, as you see, I am freshly out of the shower.”
“Love it, and love ya.”
“Merci. But tell me, why did you come so early? We just finished dinner and I just came out of the shower. You usually take longer to join me here.” Spy asked. 
“Yeah, well, I just… I mean it’s Friday and uh…”
“Oh, I see.” Spy smiled. “You are in the mood?” The Frenchman raised a malicious eyebrow.
“Kinda, but above all, I brought somethin’ here, and wanted you to try it.” Sniper nodded in the direction of the coffee table.
“Oh, what is this?” Spy took the box in his hands.
“Go on, open it.”
“Is it for me?”
“Yeah. For us, I mean. We can both use it but I want you to give it a go first.”
“You have my full curiosity, Mundy.” Spy opened the box on his lap, between the panes of his open, satin gown. “Oh, is it what I think it is?” Lucien raised an unconvinced eyebrow.
“Mundy, as much as I love you and I love how we decide to spend our intimate time and explore it, this might be… complicated.” Lucien watched the small plastic object. He then extracted a remote from the box.
“Why? I mean, I promise I’ll prepare you right and all, like I always do.”
“I know, I trust you for that.” Lucien lowered his eyes. 
“Then why? I know you like tyin’ me up and doin’ all sorts of things on me, have me, y’know, feel good a few times in a row and all. I just wanna try to do it on you.” I promise I’ll make you feel good and you don’t like it, I’ll be happy to be the only one usin’ it.”
“Have you ever used one of these before?” Lucien asked. 
“Not really. I heard of them and got one, just for us to try. Wasn’t expensive either, so if it turns out it’s a lot of faff for nothin’, I’ll be happy to chuck it in the bin m’self.”
Lucien sighed. 
“What is it, gorgeous?” Mundy gently asked, as he took his lover’s hand in his own.
“I… I am not sure you can ever achieve this.” Lucien answered, looking away.
“What? I’m not gonna be able to throw it away? Nah, I promise I will.”
“Non, you misunderstood me. Have you ever wondered why I like making you reach your peak a few times in a row?”
“I don’t know, guess it’s a kink of yours or somethin’.”
“Maybe, but why do you think it is so.” Lucien asked, raising his eyes to Mundy.
“I don’t know, never really wondered about it.”
“It is because I do not think I can do it myself anymore.” Lucein wrapped his arms around himself and looked away.
Mundy wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer.
“Hey, why d’you say that?”
“I used to be able to, when I was younger and now…”
“Are you sure you can’t do it?”
“The last time I managed, I was still with Jérémy’s mother. She… liked employing such, ahem, objects with me.”
“Look, I’ve got an idea.” Mundy said and Lucien raised his eyes to him again. The Aussie lovingly held his chin. “You give me a chance, just once. If it doesn’t work, then you use it on me and I won’t ask you about it ever again. I don’t want you to feel bad about yourself or anythin’, but I’m also sure you can do it but you just never tried for… thirty odd-years. What d’you say?”
Lucien looked left and right, taking a second to ponder, before he nodded weakly.
“Alright, Lu’, thanks, darl’, you’re the best.” Mundy pushed his lips against Lucien.
“Go to bed and get off your clothes, I need to take a quick shower and I’ll come to you, yeah?”
“Fine.” Lucien nodded. “But please, be quick.”
“Don’t worry.” Mundy took Lucien’s hand and gently guided it to his own crotch. “Can’t wait…” He winked and added a little peck on his lover’s lip before leaving to the bathroom. 
Lucien raised his hand and put it on his cheek, where Mundy’s lips were a second ago. His eyes lingered on the bathroom door until he released his breath with a smile. 
A few minutes later, Mundy exited the shower and found his lover lazily lying on his stomach. Lucien was reading a magazine that he had splayed on his pillow. The box that Mundy had brought was on his night table. 
“Alright, c’mere, you pretty thing…” Mundy lay on top of his lover, kissing his back and his shoulders.
“You are out of the shower already?”
“Yup, want me to go abck in there?” The Aussie chuckled.
“Non, of course not.” 
“C’mere then.” Mundy had him roll to face himand started kissing him with an open mouth. He wasted no time to add the French to the kiss and that told Lucien just how eager the otherwise patient marksman was. 
Lucien melted between the licks and the bites along his ears, his neck and his chest. In no time, both were breathing heavily and exchanging moans.
“Gosh, you feel so good…” 
“Oh - and you are decidedly fast tonight.” Lucien opened his eyes when he felt Mundy fist lazily stroking both of their masculinities against each other. 
“Been wantin’ you all day long today - God, you’re hot…”
“So have I.” Lucien added and Mundy dived down to lock his lips with his lover, brushing his tongue over them before he hugged Lucien’s with it. It pulled a moan out of the Frenchman’s body and he arched his back, letting Mundy slide a hand behind his back fefor it slid down to knead his tender flesh.
“Alright, darl’...” Mundy whispered in Lucien’s ear. He grabbed the bottle on the night table and spread some of its content on his fingers. “C’mere, sweet thing…”
Lucien rolled on his side and Mundy lay on his side too, facing him and holding him close. His hand slithered down until he found his lover’s entrance. 
“Gimme yer lips… Mmh, there we go…”
“Shh.. You’re doin’ good, don’t worry, darl’, I got you, it’s like always.” 
Lucien hooked his leg over Mundy’s to give him better access and let his lover do the work. Mundy went slowly and carefully, keeping his lover’s lips and tongue busy while his fingers gently massaged Lucien open.
“There we go, it doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“Don’t be so anxious, so far it’s business as usual.” Mundy added a few pecks on Lucien’s cheek and down in his neck.
“I know, I just… can’t help it, I apologise.” Lucein was holding on to his lover’s chest dearly.
“Ssh, don’t say nonsense.” Mundy whispered “You’re gonna love it, and if you don’t I’ll chuck it away and we can do somethin’ else, eh?”
“Merci… I think I am ready.”
“You sure?”
“Oui, thank you.”
Mundy pressed his lips against Lucien before he rolled on his side and grabbed the little plastic object. “Take it in your hand.”
“Shouldn’t it go in-?”
“I know, I know, but first, hold it in your hand.” Mundy insisted and Lucien obeyed. “now, here’s the remote. You press on the button.”
Lucien did as he was told.
“Ooh! That took me by surprise.” The Frenchman said as the toy started vibrating in the palm of his hand. “It feels like a tickle in my hand, and it is not too noisy.”
“See? it’s gentle and we’ll go gentle. If it’s too much, you tell me and we stop it, ok?”
“Wanna put it in yourself?”
“Oui, please.”
“Alright, you do it and you start it all yourself.” Mundy gave Lucien the remote.
“Non, please.” He gave it back. “I want you to be in charge.” he raised lovestruck eyes to the Aussie, who answered with an equally soft smile.
“Alright, you tell me when you’re ready and I can start.”
Lucien nodded. He took a few seconds to make sure it was correctly inserted before he rolled on his stomach and lay there, on the bed, as if he was waiting for a back massage.
“I am ready.”
“You sure?”
��Oui, go ahead.”
“I’ll start with the slowest settin’.” Mundy pushed the button and a gentle buzz filled the room. “Here.” The Aussie started rubbing Lucien’s back as the Frenchman focused on his breath, with his eyes closed. “How’s it feel?”
“Not too bad so far.”
“Good, you tell me when you want me to stop.”
“Can you push it a notch faster please?” Lucien asked and Mundy’s eyebrows jumped. 
“You sure?”
“Oui, please, I want to feel it harder.”
The buzz went slightly louder and higher in pitch.
“Oh, mon Dieu…” Lucien pushed his thighs slightly more open and grabbed the pillow under his head.
“Everythin’ alright?”
“O-oui, I… Hah… I didn’t think it would… work this well…”
Mundy smiled as Lucien gritted his teeth and frowned.
“Turn on your back, darl’, show me how good you feel.”
Lucien obeyed and it took him a second to adjust to being on his back now, but as soon as he did, the toy in him was pressed on his sweet spot again and the Frenchman moaned.
“Ooh, look at you leakin’...” Mundy wiped the threed of obscene wetness at the end of Lucien’s more-than-pink extremity. “Can’t let it go to waste.”
The Aussie went on his belly, between Lucien’s open thighs and started licking at his lover’s member.
“M-Mundy, please, be gentle, please…!” Lucien took two fistfuls of his lover’s hair and pulled on it to push him away. He moved his legs but each time it hit a different angle inside him, his thighs would shake. 
“Aha, look who’s beggin’ now, eh? And the more you pull my hair the more I wanna keep goin’...!”
“P-please, hah… I-I can’t help it, it’s-it’s intense, Mundy, I-...”
“I got an idea, don’t come until I come back, I’ll just be a second.” Mundy moved away and Lucien focused on the delicious vibrations, his eyes closed and he frowned again. “Here we go.”
“M-Mundy, what are you-orh! I-I can't do anything… I…”
Mundy chuckled as he finished tying Lucien’s wrists above his head together with one of his ties, as teh Frenchman sometimes did to him. 
“You close?”
“O-oui… I… I am…” Lucien panted and looked for his breath. “May I… Please? Please I am so close, I can’t even move my legs or I might…”
“On my signal, youcome, ok?”
“Please, Mundy…!” Lucien begged and Mundy took his member as far as he could. The Frenchman gasped at the feeling of warmth and soon, tightness and wetness. “Please! Mundy?”
The Aussie sucked just a bit harder and Lucien’s reacted against his will, sweat rolling down his forehead. 
“Ah! I am sorry! Hah! M-Mundy, I am so sorry!” He pleaded as his hips jerked on their own and Mundy suckled. The sound of Lucien’s own voice and of Mundy’s sucking drowned him and soon, he could only whimper weakly. 
“There we go…” Mundy left his lover’s masculinity with a loud enough pop for Lucien’s eardrum to slap. “Now, you relex, baby, shhh, I’m here…” He put a hand on Lucien’s chest and felt his heart racing. “You’re alright.”
“Hah, I apologise, Mundy, I…”
“You did everythin’ perfectly and ou came on my signal, taht’s all I asked you, darl’, you were perfect.”
The overstimulation got to the Frenchman soon and he started sliding his legs on the bed, helpless, his hands still above his head, maintained by one of Mundy’s hands. 
“It’s alright, that’s normal, love, enjoy it.” Mundy whispered down his lover’s ear. “Just breathe, ok?”
“Oui, oui…” Lucien calmed down and soon, the feeling passed. 
“Now, let me have a taste at you…” Mundy lay next to his lover and bent to his chest. He wrapped his lips around Lucien’s nipples and suckled gently. The Frenchman started moaning again, his masculinity giving the occasional twitch. “Mmmh, you taste so good…” Mundy played with the other nipple between his fingers. “There we go, baby, how d’you feel?”
“G-good, better.” Lucien’s eyes were shut out of tiredness now. His hair stuck to his forehead.
“Then, let me just do somethin’... There.”
“Oh! Mundy!” 
The toy whirred a notch faster and Lucien’s hips jerked. Soon his masculinity stood back up again. 
“Mundy… Orh… This feels amazing!” 
The Aussie let go of his lover’s tied wrists and Lucien left them above his head. He started rolling his hips, twisting them a bit to the left, a bit to the right and yelping whenever the new angle surprised him. 
“Told you you’d like it, you needy thing…” Mundy whispered before moving between Lucien’s legs, he parted them wider and licked at what the Frenchman offered below his throbbing end.
“Oh! Mundy!”
The Aussie took them in his mouth and sucked, pushed the soft and tender flesh with his tongue. He could hear the deafened buzz inside his lover through the loud moaning of the Frenchman. 
"How's it feel now?"
"I… I don't know if I will… go till the end but this… it feels… heavenly…"
"Aw" Mundy moved to whisperin Lucien's ear. "You gorgeous, little thing, focus on the feelin' right inside you and I'm sure you'll do it a second time in a row, no doubt about it."
"H-help me… please help me try…" Lucien pleaded and Mundy put his hand on the Frenchman's member. He stroked it and pumped in rhythm with Lucien's hips rolling. 
"If only you could see yourself… You're beautiful when you're like that, covered in sweat and moanin', you look like you're about to cry of pleasure…"
"Non… It is not pleasure…”
Mundy’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He grabbed the remote and turned the toy off. The buzzing sharply stopped and the only sound left was that of Lucien still breathing heavily. He opened his eyes little by little.
“What is it? Why did you stop?” He asked, his vision still blurry.
“You just said you weren’t about to cry out of pleasure but out of somethin’ else!” Mundy answered. “Why didn’t you say earlier if it hurt? Turn on your belly, I’ll remove it for you. I’m sorry, Lu’, I never meant for it to hurt.”
“It didn’t.” Lucien frowned. 
“Then what the hell d’you mean?”
Lucien sighed. 
“I am… I am just… anxious.”
“About what?”
Lucien pushed himself to sit up and Mundy wrapped his arms around him. 
“I do not wish to disappoint you.” He admitted, ashamed.
“How could you disappoint me? Love, I told you, if it doesn’t work, it’s fine, I don’t care, I just wanna try and give back as much as you’re givin’ me. You make me feel so happy and I love it when you take care of me multiple times in a row, I really do. I just wanna make you feel the same, or at least try. I won’t think any less of you if you don’t do it. And even if you do and you don't like it, screw it all, I’ll never do it again to you, ever.”
“Do you really mean what you are saying?” Lucien raised his eyes to his lover.
“Course, I do.” Mundy pulled him in a hug and Lucien buried his head in his lover’s chest. “Love you more than anythin’ else…”
Lucien closed his eyes and basked in the comfort he himself didn’t know he had needed.
“There’s plenty of things you don’t like, right? Like uh, my cheap coffee, my shampoo, my cologne or however you pronounce that, my van… Have I ever forced you to drink my coffee or wash your hair with my stuff? Nah, never, and I’d never force you to use that thing I brought if you don’t like it, it’s the same, darl’.”
“You are wrong.” Lucien answered and pulled himself out of the embrace to look his lover in the eye.
“I have grown to enjoy your bitter coffee, the smell of your shampoo and the narrowness of your van, because they are all parts of you and I would not suffer to live without any of them.”
Mundy smiled. 
“You’re the best and sexiest liar I’ve ever met.” He answered.
“And I am so good at it that even when I am being sincere, you think it is still a lie.” Lucien answered. 
“Nah, I’m just messin’ with ya.” Mundy pulled Lucien’s face to him and kissed both of his cheeks, one after the other. “I know you’re tellin’ the truth.”
“How so?”
“You got the eyes.”
“What eyes?” Lucien asked.
“The ‘I love you’  eyes.” Mundy answered. “The eyes that I’ve neer seen you look at anyone else with except me.” He grinned sweetly, stroking both of Lucien’s cheeks with his rough thumbs.
“I am sorry for my awkwardness.”
“Don’t be silly. You did nothin’ wrong, I get it, you’re nervous. Tell you what, if you want, we can start it again and I'll help ya. Or if you’re tired, we can stop here. what would you prefer?”
Lucien looked up at his lover and offered him his lips, which Mundy gladly took. 
“Please take me again...”
“Course, sweetheart, anythin’ for you…” Mundy pushed Lucien to lie down with his kiss and without saying anything, he pressed the button on the remote a couple of times. Lucien closed his eyes and hissed. “Shhh, you’re fine, you’re fine, I’m here… Now, let me help, yeah?”
“Orh… Mundy, please, be gentle…”
“As gentle as you’re needy.” Mundy smiled and saw Lucien’s lips purse in an equally sweet smile even though his eyes were closed. “There we go, beautiful smile.” He lay again between Lucien’s open legs and savoured his lover’s sensitive bits while his hand stroked up and down. The wetness helped Mundy’s hand to slide more fluidly and soon the Frenchman rocked his hips in rhythm. His mouth fell open and he moaned out loud again, rales of lust, of a pleasure he ignored. Mundy moaned too, the vibrations of his voice helping. 
“M-Mundy, I am so close but I-I can’t, I really cannot, Mundy, help me, arh…!”
Mundy raised his head and his lips let go of Lucein’s masculinity. 
“Alright, here comes.” The Aussie sat on his lover’s pelvis and took him in. 
“N-non, this does not… help… Ah! Please, Mundy, I am so close, I want to do it!” 
That’s when Mundy noticed Lucien had been drooling. 
“I need… something… in my mouth, please…”
“Alright, darl’, open up…” Mundy shifted and this time he was on his knees, straddling Lucien’s head. He guided his own member and as soon as Lucien’s lips made contact with it, the Frenchman raised his head off the bed and took as much as he could of it. Mundy gasped loudly and lowered his body more, to give Lucein what he needed. “gosh, you’re so needy, arh, y-eah, take it, baby, take it all you want…” 
Mundy kept on wiping Lucien’s hair off of his face while the Frenchman was licking and sucking the Aussie’s masculinity with abandon. The wet noises slashed in the constant deafened buzz. Yet, Lucien wanted still more, he moaned pleadingly and Mundy lowered himself further, all the way to the hilt. 
“That what you’ve been wantin…? Gosh, you’re a sight…” Mundy held Lucien’s head between his hands and Lucein weakly bobbed his head. Mundy understood and still holding his lover’s head, he let him lay it on the bed while he did the work with his hips. “Want it deep? Take it then, there we go…”
Lucien couldn’t moan anymore and he opened his eyes barely enough for Mundy to see that they were rolled up in pleasure. 
“God, you’re gorgeous… Orh, and you’re suckin’ it, still, eh? Y’know what you deserve? Yeah, you do, I’m gonna give it to you, darl’, give it to you soon.”
“Mmmh…” Lucien thanked him. But Mundy noticed his slight frown. 
“You’re sweatin’ an ocean and I can feel you spasmin’, you must be so close, aren’t you?”
“Mmh…!” Lucien agreed and the Aussie chuckled. 
“Keep on suckin’, want it a bit deeper? I removed it so you can breathe a bit.”
Lucien raised his head and Mundy pushed his hips back to the hilt.The Frenchman rolled his eyes up in bliss again and Mundy pushed the button on the remote.
“Mmh! Mmmh! Hmmh!”
“I think I’m gonna come too, baby, you go ahead, let it come to you, don’t hold it back, come darl’, come!”
Both reached their peak, one down his lover’s throat and the other crying of pleasure. He could not believe it and his brain could not process it. He let the pleasure wash him inside out as he moaned, Mundy’s member deep inside  him, he felt the heat, the weight of it, as well as the spasms. He missed the taste of his release as it went a bit too far for his mouth to take it. Lucien whined and cried. 
“You did it! You did it, love, I told you!” Mundy gently withdrew and lay on his lover, kissing him with an open mouth. “See…? Mmmh… I told you, I told you you’d feel so bloody good, I told you you’d like it… I’m so happy for you, I’m so proud, c’mere…!” He hugged him dearly and kissed, relentlessly, again and again; for so long in fact that Lucien’s tired body gave up on kissing back.
“M-Mundy…? Hah, please? Please Mundy…”
“Yeah, yeah, of course, what is it, tell me.” Mundy wiped his lover’s tears off of his face and Lucien arched his eyebrows. 
“More, please, the remote…”
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” Mundy pushed it up a notch higher and Lucien’s thighs and legs started spasming. “You’re here with me, nothin’s gonna get to you, love, I’m holdin’ you tight, if you wanna give me one more, you give it to me. I love you and you’re doin’ amazin’, you hear me? Amazin’, I’m telling you. Now, you breathe and let it come to you.”
“Mundy?” Lucien sniffled.
“It’s normal, it’s fine, if you wanna cry again, do it, go ahead, love, I’m so happy..”
“Mundy…?” Lucien curled up against his lover’s chest.
“Yeah, love, I’m right here and I’m squeezin’ you against me. Here, let me just-”
“Yeah, I’ll help it out of you, yeah? Is that alright?” Mundy’s hand found Lucien’s fatigued masculinity and the Frenchman couldn’t but hold his breath and burst out in gasps.
“Oui, please… I’m so close, how…? How can this…? Arh, please, help me… Oui, like this, oui, oui…!”
Mundy stroked faster and quickly understood that Lucien’s hips were burnt out, he couldn’t roll them anymore, so the Aussie doubled his efforts.
“Oh….? Oh, Mundy…?” Lucien asked breathily.
“Yeah? It’s comin’? It’s comin’, isn’t it? You got it, love, get it out of you, get it out, baby…” Mundy coaxed his lover while Lucien dug his nails deeper and deeper in his lover’s chest, he curled up more, his abs contracting furiously in an attempt to push that wave of bliss out of his system. Lucien gritted his teeth until-
He burst out sobbing, his body contracting erratically but barely anything splattered on his lover’s hand. Mundy stopped the toy from the remote but Lucien’s body continued to spasm past that for a few minutes. He was catching his breath heavily, his system was out.
Mundy sat up and untied his lover’s wrists. He then turned him on his side to remove the toy before he slid one arm below Lucien’s shoulders and the other under his knees. 
“C’mere…” Mundy lifted him off of the bed and carried him to the bathroom. “We both need a good wash and hot water…”
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andyet-here-we-are · 3 years
I Would Get Into Millions of Accidents Just to See You, Chapter 4 (aka Nurse Geralt AU)
(Check the pinned post for the first three chapters please~)
"Wow. Either we're going to host a pasta eating contest this evening, or they have spread some news about an incoming pasta shortage in the country," Ciri teases as she looks at the mass of pasta boxes on the counter. "Or in the world," she corrects when she realizes he is still not done taking the pasta boxes out of the grocery bags. "Which one is it?"
"Then why?"
"Can't a guy buy pasta as much as he wants simply because he wanted to? Does there need to be a reason for that?"
"So, you're telling me that I cannot buy as much as candy I want, but you can buy a ridiculous amount of pasta. And you can do that because?"
"Because I'm an adult, and you're not. End of the discussion."
"But that's not fair!" Ciri huffs, folding her arms over her chest. "I can't wait to be an adult so I can get whatever I want and be unstoppable."
Geralt reaches over and ruffles her hair before he asks: "What kind of pasta do you think we should make?"
"Can I ask something, too, before I answer to that?" When Geralt nods, she continues, "You've said that you met someone special, but you didn't let me know anything more than that. Is... Is this special person going to join us for dinner today?"
"Yeah, someone's going to join us for dinner, but it's not someone you don't know. Just Mrs. April."
"Oh. Okay. Nothing came out of it, I guess."
Ciri looks so disappointed that Geralt feels like telling her the truth. But no, he won't ruin the surprise and let it go to waste after keeping his mouth shut this whole time.
She picks up the penne one and shakes the box to make her point.
"With chicken, heavy cream, and—"
"And sundried tomatoes."
Geralt doesn't know why he couldn't think of that. It's both his and Ciri's favorite pasta recipe after all. For a second, he feels extremely stupid for buying every kind of pasta he could find. But then he thinks: "This won't be the last time Jaskier comes here," and finds himself imagining them trying to choose what kind of pasta to make together, and shakes his head a little. No need to feel stupid, he will have to deal with not only one, but two pasta monsters soon if he is lucky.
He smiles at the thought.
After setting up the table, Geralt takes a shower and starts to get ready. He nearly asks Ciri which button-up shirt he should wear, but then decides against it since he knows that she would put two and two together and ask something like:
"Since when you use your most expensive perfume at home just because our old, lovely neighbour will come over for dinner?"
Nope, he'll pass, thank you very much. He takes a look at his gray and white windowpane shirt, then at the other shirt he is holding in his hands as if making the hardest decision in his whole life. He doesn't want to look like he is trying too hard, but doesn't want to look like he's not trying at all either. It has been so long since the last time he was on a date that he—
"That's a... date," he whispers to himself because it only occurs to him now.
And suddenly he can understand why Jaskier sounded anxious about meeting Ciri.
This is technically their first date, and Geralt simply invited him over like that's something they have been doing for years. Most people don't even mention their kids on the first date— let alone introducing them.
But it's not the same thing, right? Jaskier already knows about Ciri, and the musician loves kids.
Jaskier didn't back away when Geralt talked to him about his daughter for the first time.
No, he didn't back away and didn't give him this "Oh no, he has a kid, that's such a deal-breaker”  look like most people do. What he did was listening to him with interest instead, a warm smile on his face.
Maybe that's why it felt only natural to invite him over for their first date.
Still, even though he knows that everything will go perfectly fine, maybe it wasn't fair to put such pressure on him just yet.
Well, too late for thinking stuff like that now. Geralt doesn't think he will regret this though. He is somehow sure that he won't.
Smiling, he decides that the basic black button-up shirt and beige trousers will do just fine.
A few minutes later he gets a text from Jaskier:
[I'll be there in a few. Don't forget to leave the door open~]
Ciri is busy lying on the couch and watching Jaskier's cover again when he finally arrives.
He closes the door behind himself, being careful so as not to make any sound even though he doesn't have to do that since Ciri's watching the video at full volume and wouldn't hear even if he just hit the door shut anyway.
When he sees that Geralt is standing only a few feet away from him in the hallway, his whole face lights up like he has just seen a million fireflies hovering above them.
For a while, they don't even move.
They don't blink or utter anything.
They just simply stare at each other like they cannot believe this is really happening.
Jaskier looks so perfect with his dark jeans and a white button-up shirt with blue small anchors pattern that Geralt swallows—as always, he seems like he doesn't even accept the existence of the first four buttons.
One second later Jaskier mirrors him and swallows, then takes small, silent steps towards him until they're barely one step away from each other.
"It's good to finally see you, Mr. Handsome Nurse," whispers the musician, never taking his eyes off Geralt even for a millisecond.
"You call me 'Mr. Handsome Nurse' so much that I'm this close to thinking that you only talk to me because you have a nurse kink or something," Geralt whispers back, and Jaskier's lips slowly curve into a lopsided, mischievous grin as he slowly tilts his head to the side—the space between them closing.
He isn't sure which one of them is responsible for that, but he nearly feels the man's warm breath against his skin—they are so close that he can see his pupils react, and his heart skips a beat.  
"I mean, I don't not have it," Jaskier lifts one shoulder in a half shrug "You're the one to blame. Oh wait, do I hear my own cover?"
Just like that, they are not standing too close to each other anymore, and it's probably for the best, considering they aren't alone and he doesn't want to give his daughter a heart attack.
"The very same. She watches your video again and again. I stopped counting after the fifth time."
"And yet she doesn't even know that she lives with the 'jabroni' she is mad at. Poor thing." The musician clicks his tongue before he grins again. "Or poor you. We shall see. Anyway, my time has come."
After hanging his paper bag on the hall stand, Jaskier silently steps into the living room and makes a beeline for the back of the couch Ciri is lying on.
"Gosh, what a handsome man," he comments as he leans over the back of the couch. "Eh," he says, scrunching his nose, "his nose doesn't look that great in the left bottom box from this angle, but well, what done is done."
Ciri practically jumps out of her skin when she turns her head to the source of the familiar voice. She screams, yeah, actually screams, and falls from the couch to the floor with a loud thump.
"Well, my fans usually prefer to hug me instead, but that's an option as well."
Ciri doesn't look like she is going to say something anytime soon. She just stares at Jaskier with owl-like wide eyes, and Geralt tries his best not to laugh as he leans against the door frame and watches them. The keyword is "tries" though because he is clearly failing.
"...why Jaskier is standing in our living room?" his daughter asks, eyes still on the musician.
"You can thank my hacker friend for that," looking pretty amused, Jaskier answers before he could and holds out a hand to help her to her feet, "he gave me access to all of my fans' addresses so I could surprise them one by one."
"Did I fall asleep? I'm quite sure that I'm dreaming." Ciri blinks twice like trying to come out of a dream, then frowns as she gets up, "Also, that's the worst idea I've ever heard, what if one of your fans turns out to be a psycho and traps you in their house for the rest of your life? Never lets you leave?"
"Well, I wouldn't have any objection to being trapped in here. Feel free to try. Let me know though if you guys are planning to keep me here forever, so I can grab a few essentials from my home."
"You mean your lute?"
Jaskier turns his head to Geralt before sitting on the couch and saying: "She is really a smart one, Geralt. Just like her dad."
"Even smarter than me, believe me."
If someone would tell Geralt that he would have to say "Ciri, please stop poking our guest,"  to his daughter ever, he wouldn't believe them, but he finds himself warning Ciri with the exact words since she sits next to Jaskier and disbelievingly pokes the man's cheek with her index finger with a determined and curious expression as if she is examining E.T. The musician doesn't seem like he minds it, though.
"You're real. And you're really here," she eventually decides.
"Yeah, as real as that delicious smell coming from the kitchen."
"This doesn't make any sense. I just can't understand why— I mean how is that even— Can someone please explain to me what's really happening here?"
"Why don't we do that while having dinner before it gets cold?" Geralt offers, and Jaskier must be really hungry because he immediately stands up from the couch and pulls Ciri with him before she can resist.
"So, basically, my dad was your nurse for nearly a month and I learn about this just now?" Ciri has this 'How could you do this to me?' expression on her face, so Geralt turns to link eyes with Jaskier and mouths the word, 'help' in his direction. Yes, he can deal with even villain-looking, probably dangerous criminal patients without any hesitation, but he can't deal with the way his daughter stares at him right now.
"It's not your dad's fault, Ciri. I told him not to tell you anything about it so we could surprise you."
Geralt loves how he says "we could" like they are a team, to be honest.
Jaskier keeps talking about how Geralt would let her know if it wasn't for him, and Ciri doesn't look that mad anymore until Jaskier adds: "It's not my fault that he is a handsome jabroni who didn't even send me a text and kept me waiting for too long though," while casually stabbing his salad with his fork a few times. "If he didn't call me today, my next cover was going to be 'Call Me Maybe' probably."
Geralt almost chokes on his water. He was so wrong about this whole "team" thing apparently. He knows that some people say "A first date is chaotic by nature", but he wouldn't think it would be this chaotic.
"This salad is pretty good, Geralt." Jaskier completely ignores his reaction, "And the pasta makes me feel like there's a festival in my mouth. It's fantastic. You weren't kidding when you said you could show me how a proper dinner looked like, I see. Kudos to you, gorgeous."
Geralt feels the heat rushing to his whole face, wishing the ground would swallow him up right now and here.
Seriously, someone please bury him.
If someone was told to look mad, surprised, and happy at the same time at an audition they would exactly look like Ciri—or Harrison Ford since he's excellent at that as well—because that's exactly how she looks right now.
"...this song was for my dad? He's the one who kept you waiting? He's the him in 'It Must be Him' ?"
"Uh-huh. That's correct, dear," Jaskier confirms before shoving some pasta into his mouth. "I think he's worth waiting for, though. Still, it was a bit mean of him to do so, don't you think so?"
"Any sane person would agree with you, Jask. Of course, it's mean and inconsiderate."
Jask? Did Ciri just call him Jask?
They are already teaming up against him, oh God.
"Right?! Thank you!" The musician exclaims, flinging his hands in a wild gesture. "I mean, he could just send me a simple text at least, it would take him only a few seconds."
"Don't even mention it. So... Since he finally called you and you're here now, does this mean that you're this special person he—"
"Do you want some more pasta, Jaskier?" Hoping to change the subject, Geralt cuts in, but it's in vain since Jaskier just replies with a quick "Sure, please," and apologizes on behalf of Geralt because he interrupted her, signaling her to continue. The nurse can't help but think that he looks like a fox digging beneath the snow for voles with these curious, hopeful, and focused blue eyes.
"It's okay," thank God his daughter doesn't continue with her question because Geralt really doesn't need to feel more ashamed, "I forgot what I was going to ask anyway."
Ciri gives Geralt her "This isn't over yet," look and asks the man something about one of his original songs instead.
Jaskier looks a bit disappointed at not being able to hear the rest of the question at first, but he answers Ciri's question wholeheartedly all the same.
They take their time eating as they have no reason to hurry, talking about whatever Ciri and Jaskier bring up. Geralt is proud of himself that he didn't actually choke in dinner, because with the amount of flirting Jaskier is doing in front of Ciri, he wouldn't be surprised if he did.
Ciri's eyes sparkle whenever Jaskier says something flattering about Geralt and flirts with him, and she looks extremely happy—like she is living in a dream.
As much as Geralt says: "Sit down, you're our guest," Jaskier doesn't listen to him and insists that he helps clear the table after they are done with dinner, because: "We can be done with it faster if I help, I'm a guest with working hands, aren't I?"
So he helps with clearing the table, and also with drying the dishes Geralt washes by hand because they aren't supposed to be washed in the dishwasher. He answers Ciri's questions meanwhile and asks her some questions about her as well— her favorite color, her favorite animals, favorite subject in school. Geralt can feel that he is not asking just for the sake of asking, he asks because he wants to know. Because he actually wonders.
Even though Jaskier is here for the first time, it feels domestic in a way that isn't unwelcome.
When they go back to the living room, Jaskier disappears for a while and returns with that paper bag he had hung on the hall stand.
"Thought I'd surprised my biggest fan not only with my presence but also with a little gift," he explains, handing the big bag to Ciri with a smile. "I hope you like it."
"You shouldn't have," Ciri returns the smile, astonished.
"I wanted to," Jaskier says as he sits on the armrest of the couch, watching her carefully opening the gift. "I think you should just tear off the wrap, dear," he suggests after a while, clearly excited to see her reaction.
"Not gonna lie, I also thought about getting flowers for your dad, but then I thought: 'Nah! Why would I do that after I suffered because of him for fifteen days?' You know?"
Geralt lets out a long sigh, running a hand over his face. Jaskier will never let him live this down, will he? Geralt can picture him going "Remember that time you didn't call me for fifteen days five years ago? When you kept me waiting after I left the hospital? I still think of that time sometimes and it makes my heart bleed," five years later, simply because he refused something Jaskier wanted him to do.
"You did the right thing. He should be grateful that you're even here right now," Ciri agrees. Well, fuck Geralt I guess. It's not like he is Ciri's father who loves her more than anything and who needs her to defend him currently or anything after all.
She immediately goes for a hug as soon as she finally opens the gift, cheerfully declaring how much she likes it and thanking the musician.
"Geralt has mentioned that you love drawing," Jaskier hugs her back gently, happy with her reaction. He had bought her a huge, professional art set. It looks so beautiful that even the nurse feels like taking a shot at drawing again despite knowing too well that he sucks at it.
"I don't get gifts or flowers, okay, no problem, but can't I get a damn hug, too, at least?" Geralt feels like asking, because they look adorable and he wants in, dammit.
As if he is reading his mind, Jaskier motions for him to join them and says: "C'mere you emotional cactus—don't stand up over there like a sad spare tyre."
"I'm not a sad spare tyre," he grumbles a little but joins them in seconds, one arm hugging his daughter, the other hugging the musician.
"Yeah, now you're not," is what Jaskier says as he hugs them tighter.
About two hours later Geralt offers to watch a movie together and Ciri is busy setting up a movie—ninety percent "I, Robot" because she is crazy about that movie—before Jaskier can refuse.
Ciri talks about how mad she was when she first watched the movie with Geralt because she thought the movie would be about the short stories in the book, but in reality, the movie had very little to do with the book.
"It's okay though," she adds, "because this movie rocks anyway."
That's how they find themselves watching "I, Robot" with Ciri sitting between them with a big bowl of popcorn in her lap.
"Geralt, can I ask you something?" Jaskier asks before he shoves a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
"You look like a squirrel stuffing his little cheeks with walnuts," Geralt can't help but tease, "sure, ask if you don't get choked before you can."
"That's how you enjoy popcorn, you peasant."
"I don't know much about that since I don't like popcorn."
Jaskier gasps at that as if he said: "I bathe in the blood of the innocent every single day to maintain my health."
"How come someone doesn't like popcorn is behind my comprehension," he huffs like he is personally offended by that. Ciri warns them to keep it quiet with a loud "shhh," since she is fully focused on the movie.
"God, it's the same reaction every time I tell someone this," Geralt complains, "it doesn't even taste good, what there's to like?"
"You can always add some salt so it tastes good."
"It makes me feel thirsty then."
"Everyone loves popcorn! Everyone!"
"Well, not my dad," Ciri rolls her eyes as she pauses the movie. "If you weren't here he wouldn't even let me have popcorn even if I begged. 'It's not healthy, Ciri. And it doesn't even taste good. Let me peel some apples for you, instead.' " she imitates him, causing Jaskier to look at him in horror.
"Can you please stop looking at me like I'm a circle freak? I just don't like popcorn. Even that one pizza with peanut butter and gumball Crazy Eyes orders in 'Mr. Deeds' sounds more delicious than popcorn."
"...ew, just ew. I'm concerned for you if you actually think that. How about caramel popcorn?"
"I feel the same about caramel popcorn."
"You're impossible, Geralt. Totally impossible. Well, what can I say? Your loss, our gain. Right, dear?"
"Give me a high-five then!" The musician says with a grin, raising his hand. They share a high-five proudly as if they have just saved the world together from earth-threatening asteroids.
"What were you going to ask?" Geralt asks curiously, but Jaskier just blankly looks at him instead of answering.
"Let me guess. You forgot? See, you wouldn't forget it if it wasn't for all that popcorn questions of yours."
"Don't talk like that in front of our popcorn, Geralt. Ciri, can you please keep playing the movie?"
"I think she fell asleep," Jaskier informs him with a whisper when there are about twenty minutes left of the movie.
Geralt pauses the movie and smiles when he sees that Ciri had fallen asleep on the musician's shoulder—the sight warming up his heart especially when Jaskier looks at her fondly.
"Figured out so. Usually, this is where she announces her dislike for V.I.K.I and rants about Sonny's wink."
"Can't blame her, V.I.K.I is so diabolic."
"We're all on the same page about that," he agrees. "Hey, it doesn't seem like you made her go 'meh' like you were afraid that you would, huh? I told you that she already adores you. I think she likes you even more now."
"Well, I was afraid that I couldn't prove that I was worthy of her gorgeous dad. And I hope her dad shares his daughter's feelings," Jaskier pokes Geralt's arm with his elbow teasingly.
"Oh, please. If anything, it was me who should have been afraid. You two teamed up against me, 'Jask'."
"It's because she's a defender of truth, not because she was playing favorites or anything."
"I better tuck in this defender of truth," Geralt says as he stands up, and if his eyes aren't fooling him, Jaskier watches him affectionately when he picks up Ciri so he can carry her to her room.
He gently carries her to her room and tucks her in. "Sweet dreams, pumpkin," the nurse plants a soft, small kiss on his daughter's head before heading back to the living room, feeling happy that he has seen her smile and laugh a lot today. And truth be told, he feels a bit excited that he can be alone with Jaskier for a while.
"Wanna finish the movie?" he asks after settling on the couch and plays the movie again when Jaskier nods.
"I've forgotten how cool this scene was." Jaskier says when Spooner screams "Save her! Save the girl!" and Sonny listens to him, trusts Spooner to apply the nanites. "Gosh, I've got goosebumps. Seriously. It's not even just a figure of speech."
When Jaskier holds his arm up to show it, Geralt gently strokes the other man's arm by instinct, feeling goosebumps along his skin. As soon as he does that, he feels that he gets goosebumps himself, but it has nothing to do with the movie, and everything to do with the beautiful man sitting next to him right now—even though, yeah, Jaskier is right, this scene is so cool that no one can claim otherwise.
Without Ciri between them, they sit close to each other now, their thighs touching.
Geralt looks at Jaskier's surprised face; his incredibly blue eyes look so luminous in the reflected light from the TV. So luminous, and intriguing.
A moment later, Jaskier makes himself more comfortable on the couch. He then points at Geralt's right arm: "Is it okay if I— you know."
It amazes Geralt how he shamelessly flirts with him in front of his daughter but gets shy over this. He holds back a chuckle, gladly wrapping his arm around Jaskier.
He wonders if Jaskier can hear his heartbeats quickening when the musician leans his head on his chest.
"You make a comfy pillow."
"Thank you, I guess?"
"No, Geralt. Thank you."
And with that, they focus on what's left of the movie. Or more like Jaskier focuses on it while Geralt is busy focusing on him.
He knows that Jaskier is really focused on the movie because he hears him sniffing lightly when Sonny asks "Does this make us friends?" to Spooner five minutes later.
"Are you seriously crying over a robot right now?" he chuckles.
"He has a name, you heartless man," Jaskier argues, getting rid of Geralt's arm and wiping his tears away. "You don't understand," he holds a hand up in defense, "he made a friend. Sonny made a friend, Geralt. For the first time in his life."
"So? What do you mean 'so'? It's an emotional scene." The musician lets out a frustrated sigh, "You're unbelievable."
"I'll let you know that even Ciri doesn't cry at this part."
Instead of making a comment, Jaskier turns to look at the TV again, so Geralt does the same, but he soon finds himself looking at him again because of his lack of comment when the movie is about to end. And that's how he realizes that the other man is busy trying to blink away the tears that have started to well up in his eyes once more.
As he watches Jaskier wrapping his arms around himself as if he's trying to hold himself together, he feels like this isn't really about Sonny anymore—maybe it never was.
"Jaskier..?" he calls his name, but the musician doesn't reply, looking lost in his thoughts. So Geralt puts his hand on Jaskier's shoulder and calls his name again, concerned.
"Are you okay?" he asks when Jaskier finally snaps out of his own head and confusedly looks at him.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm just— I don't know what came over me."
Not buying Jaskier's answer, Geralt presses his lips together and just stares at him in a way that screams: "We both know that this is not true and I'm gonna keep staring at you until you tell me what's the matter."
"Seriously, it's nothing important," Jaskier gives a dismissive wave of his hand and tries to smile.
It isn't his usual, warmer than the sun on a summer day type of smile. It isn't his spectacular smile that makes Geralt think of everything beautiful in the world; makes him think of the most beautiful, colorful flowers, makes him think of a sweet wind that gently caresses your face just when you need it, making you feel at peace.
No, it isn't Jaskier's kind of smile that makes Geralt feel like watching the waves while listening to calming melodies, and he hates this heartbreakingly apologetic and tight smile the other man gives him.
"Doesn't seem like it," Geralt says softly as he squeezes his shoulder in what he hopes is a reassuring manner, "Why don't you tell me what it is? I've been told I'm a good listener."
"It just—" Jaskier takes a deep breath and keeps his head low as he avoids looking at Geralt, his shoulders slumping as if in defeat. Geralt's mind is already racing with possible things that the musician could say.
"It reminded me of someone I used to know. Of my first real friend," he explains. "She had asked me the exact same question when I saved her ass from his so-called foster parents. 'Does this makes us friends?' I can still remember the look in her eyes when she asked that. I was the first friend she ever had, as well. We didn't get along when we first met, truth be told. But after that, we were simply inseparable.  
"We weren't liked by most adults—and also by the other kids actually, because well," Jaskier chuckles dryly, "we were both pretty handful kids. It didn't really matter though, we could handle everything together. At least we felt like we could, and did so for nearly fourteen years, and then turned out we—"
Jaskier swallows the tight lump that has formed in his throat. He can hardly utter the next words, and when he does, his voice is thick with emotion.
"Turned out we can't handle too well with muggers with knives."
Feeling his own eyes brimming with tears, Geralt can't even react at first as he watches Jaskier crying openly.
After a while, "I'm so sorry," is all he can say before he wraps his arms around Jaskier's slightly shaking frame and pulls him into a hug. The other man welcomes the hug and snuggles up to him as Geralt repeats the same words again: "I'm so sorry, Jaskier."
"She was my best friend, Geralt," he whispers brokenly, burying his face in the nurse's chest. "She was like the sister I never had."
Geralt doesn't know how long they stay like this; with Jaskier quietly crying and holds on to him like he is his lifeline and Geralt resting his chin on top of the musician's head, caressing his soft hair with his left hand, and rubbing small, soothing circles on wherever his right hand can reach—on his arm, his back. It can be half an hour, it can be only fifteen minutes. He doesn't really care.
He just wants him to give Geralt his usual, heart-warming Jaskier Smile; wants Jaskier to feel better. Better and not lonely anymore.
He highly doubts that Jaskier has let anyone in after he lost his friend—let them really know him and get close to him. Anyone besides Geralt. And he can't help but wonder if that was why no one visited Jaskier at the hospital; if that was why he most likely didn't even let anyone know about the accident.
" 'm sorry for ruining our first date," Jaskier eventually mumbles. "I shouldn't have brought this up."
Geralt gently grabs Jaskier's chin and lifts it up a little so their eyes meet. Jaskier has a guilty, ashamed expression on his face, his eyes are red from crying.
"You're not ruining anything, you don't need to apologize," Geralt looks into his eyes and assures him, wiping the tears away from the musician's face.
Frowning, the other man mirrors his action and reaches for Geralt's face to wipe the tears away with his thump. "Making you cry is pretty much considered as ruining our date in my book. And to think that I just broke down because of something a bloody robot said—"
" 'A bloody robot'? He has a name, you know. It's Sonny. You heartless, beautiful musician. Shame on you."
Surprised by Geralt's comeback, Jaskier laughs and hides his face in the nurse's chest once again—but in embarrassment this time— as he complains: "Oh lord. You're the worst."
"Well, you probably shouldn't have dedicated that impressive, amazing video to me if I'm that bad. Seemed like you really spent so much time on it."
That makes him look at Geralt and give him a smile. And Geralt finds himself smiling back, too, thinking: "Here it is. His Jaskier Smile."
"I think you meant to say 'bearable musician', before" Jaskier teases. "That's the second time you've mentioned it, you really like it then I guess."
"That was one of the nicest things someone ever has done for me. And the same thing goes for your drawing, speaking of which," Geralt admits as Jaskier pulls himself away from him a bit. He finds himself missing his warmth already. "I didn't think you would do something like singing a song for me though, so imagine my surprise when I got home and saw that video."
"Wait, for real? Don't tell me that I'm the first patient who tried to serenade you. I mean— you're just so..." he vaguely gestures to him, "So you."
"You're not the first patient who tried to flirt with me, but you're the first one who took it that far. And the first one who went full 'here's my number, so call me, definitely,' on me."
"No regrets. Well, actually, I take that back. One regret. I regret that I didn't ask for your number that day. Uh, Geralt?"
"I feel terrible about before. I mean it, I shouldn't have brought it up and I'm really—
"If you say 'sorry' again I'll lock you in a room filled with popcorn without any salt and let you rot there."
"That's your idea of torture?"
"That's my idea of hell."
"I must say that your idea of hell is pretty sweet then, if only it—" Jaskier's eyes suddenly widen when Geralt lets out a tired yawn, "Oh shit, what time is it?" he asks, frantically searching for his phone on the couch, then looking at the coffee table to see if it's on there.
"I think you left your phone in the kitchen," the nurse replies, not understanding why he is panicking. “Maybe he was supposed to call someone, but he forgot about it,” his mind suggests, but then Jaskier asks the same question again with a bonus, "When are you gonna go to work tomorrow?" question.
"You're gonna wake up early tomorrow, right? I'm sorry that I kept you this— I mean, please accept my apologies that I kept you up this late. And please don't let me rot in the Popcorn Room just because I said 'sorry'. It's late, isn't it? It's probably already past 1 a.m, and yet here I am. Good God," the musician shakes his head and stands up, clearly frustrated with himself, "how inconsiderate of me."
Finding his reaction to the situation adorable, Geralt chuckles and reaches out to the other man to pull him back on the couch, but Jaskier resists.
"It's okay, calm down. I'm on the night shift tomorrow," Geralt lets him know. "Also, I thought you had no problem with the Popcorn Room since you love popcorn."
"Oh. Glad to hear that you don't need to wake up that early tomorrow then," Jaskier says, looking like he feels suddenly stupid. "Still though, I'm sure you had a tiring day at work today, so I better get going already. And for the record; I don't have any problem with being locked in a room filled with popcorn, I have a problem with not having you there with me. Anyway, thank you for having me today, Geralt. I'm so happy that I could finally see you again and finally met Ciri. She is such a sweetheart."
Geralt pats the empty space next to him, but Jaskier taps his wrist twice like he's wearing a watch, trying to emphasize the time.
"Wow, you're trying to get rid of me already, I see," the nurse jokes, hoping it would make Jaskier convince to sit down again. "I thought it would take three days at least. Is it because I'm not wearing my work clothes? Am I not attractive enough without them?"
Jaskier rolls his eyes at that before saying: "You could wear a rubbish bag and still look attractive, Geralt."
"Then can you please sit down?" Geralt insists, "For a minute at least?"
The other man finally gives in and sits down next to him with a sigh.
"You're aware of the fact that Ciri will tear me to pieces tomorrow because I didn't wake her up when she fell asleep, right?" Geralt wonders, facing Jaskier and propping his elbow on the back of the couch so he can prop his hand against his cheek as he talks. "Besides, yeah, it's late. Why don't you just stay here tonight?"
Jaskier opens his mouth—probably to kindly refuse, but Geralt doesn't let him speak and continues: "If you're thinking about replying with 'I don't want to bother you,' or something like that, you better get ready to say hi to the hell because it's nonsense."
"Hmm." The other man copies his sitting position on the couch, "By 'hell' you mean the Popcorn Room again, of course."
"Damn right."
"Well, I think I'd like to stay away from hell tonight," Jaskier shrugs one shoulder lazily. "Only if you promise to go to sleep soon, though. Otherwise, lead the way to the hell, Mr. Handsome Nurse."
"I think you missed the part where I said I don't have to wake up that early tomorrow," Geralt snorts. "How about we go to the kitchen now so I can make us hot chocolate?"
"No, I heard it loud and clear," Jaskier stares at him with a neutral expression, "but you still need to rest, love."
Geralt hopes Jaskier cannot see he is blushing because of the way the musician chose to finish his sentence.
He is about the resist when Jaskier holds up a finger in warning, "I mean it. I'm outta here if you decide to argue with me on that."
The nurse can't help but sigh in disbelief and disappointment. It makes his heart flutter in his chest though, because he is sure that Jaskier would love to stay up for another hour at least and just keep talking, too, and yet, he puts Geralt first.
As much as he wants to argue, he knows Jaskier is right—he needs to rest, and if he stays up for another hour he won't feel well-rested tomorrow.
"No wonder why Ciri gets annoyed whenever I tell her to go to sleep," he thinks aloud, causing the other man to grin at him.
"So, what do you say? Have you carefully listened and agreed to the terms and conditions? Shake my hand to check the box," Jaskier holds out his hand.
Geralt picks up Jaskier's hand with grace and lightly kisses the back of it without any hesitation. Not expecting this, the musician gapes at him—looking adorable as ever.
"Yes, Jaskier," the nurse smiles, "I have carefully listened and agreed to the terms and conditions."
They finally met! Yasss! A coin for your thoughts? I seriously wonder what you think about this chapter, dear Witchlings.💛 What part did you like the most? Did any part make you laugh or smile? I'd be SO grateful if you let me know 😅
I had so much fun while writing this chapter, by the way—well except for that one particular part. And the thing is even I had no idea. Jaskier just got emotional suddenly and here I was, wondering what the hell was happening. And it didn't feel natural to cut that part out, because it just happened.
And another thing is, I didn't think this chapter would be this long. I was just thinking "They will meet and have dinner together, then Jaskier will leave. That's it."
And I'm not gonna lie, I kinda wrote most of these two chapters in the same week instead of humaning and at one point I seriously started to wonder if Jaskier was planning to leave Geralt's home at all. I was planning to end the chapter when he leaves, so it was like:
-Okay, you met them, you had dinner, time to leave. Ciri, out of nowhere: Time to watch "I, Robot!" Me: No no no, that wasn't my plan, Jaskier is supposed to le— Jaskier, already eating popcorn and watching the movie: I'm going nowhere yet. *** Jaskier: *finally says he better get going* Geralt: Hell no! Me: 
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 Joking aside, it's not up to me what he does and I love my precious, silly Dandelion. He can live there forever for all I care, I'm done with trying 😂
(Oh, if any of you have any ideas, feel free to let me know because I'm not sure what's gonna happen in the next chapter for now ><)
Thank you so much for reading 💛  
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kkusuka · 4 years
Third year songs <3
this is most of the thrid years- not all 
from my spotify liked playlist <3
comes with a side of slight character analysis 
These are my interpretations of HQ characters and these songs!!
Time-skip spoilers!! (very slight) 
Daichi Sawamura
 Waiting for Superman- Daughtry
She's waiting for Superman
To lift her up
And take her anywhere
Show her love
And climbing through the air
Save her now
Before it's too late tonight
She's waiting for Superman
Daichi seems like he makes a  lot of promises, that he just can’t physically keep. He just has so many things going on that he just can’t pay attention to all of them at once. This leads to far too many forgotten dates and even more broken promises. You know its not his fault and he does too, he just can’t leave anyone hanging. 
Koushi Sugawara
 Island- Florida Georgia Line
We might as well be on an island
Like we're the last two on this Earth
Like we're frozen here in time
Like it's empty here tonight
I feel like suga likes to put himself back into happier times. And that he tries to hold into happy moments as they are happening. He says he is a man of the moment, but when he feels down, he tries to put himself back into the more joyous times. 
Asahi Azumane 
You say- Lauren Daigle 
You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And you say I am held when I am falling short
And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours
And I believe (I)
Oh, I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe
Asahi is clearly very attached to how people perceive him. So when people shower him with compliments, he attaches onto them. He likes what makes him comfortable and he wants to stay comfortable for as long as he can. Words are important to him, so when he hears something bad it can ruin him for a while. He really does believe what the people he loves say to him. 
Kiyoko Shimizu
 Mothers daughter- Miley Cyrus 
Oh my gosh, she got the power
Oh, look at her, she got the power
So, so, so
Must be something in the water
Or that I'm my mother's daughter
The power this woman carries. She’s built her confidence and she’s not letting anyone ruin it for her. I truly believe that her friends all become more confident because she wants everyone around her to feel confident too. Since she doesn't speak all that much she lets her body language do most of the expression. 
Tetsurō Kuroo
 High school sweethearts- Melanie Martinez 
Could you hold me through the night?
Put your lips all over my mine
Salty face when I start cryin'
Could you be my first time?
Eat me up like apple pie
Kuroo definitely takes trust very seriously. I feel he’s also really scared of someone breaking this trust, so he does form it with a lot of people. That saying if he does, he wants it to last forever.
 (...Step twoThis is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line…) 
He truly believes in the people he surrounds himself with. 
Nobuyuki Kai 
Kill the Lights- Set it Off
Now I am cutting ties clean off
And I can breathe at last
So we all stand enthralled by this bland curtain call
And the truth we pursue as we all, we all beg you to
 Kai seems like he wasn't really that invested in volleyball, so having all these passionate people around him was a shock.  But he really got into third year, and he wants people to feel that passion too. In the back of his mind he feels bad for not feeling it like the rest of the team, but since looking in the past means nothing now, he tries to move on. 
Morisuke Yaku
 Mama- Mcr
And when we go don't blame us, yeah
We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us oh so famous;
We'll never let you go
And when you go don't return to me my love
I mean, he is part of the mom squad. But it's ever so slightly more deep. I’m gonna say it's momma-bird syndrome. He doesn't want people to move on without him, seeing people achieve their dreams is great but he doesn't want you to do it if that means loving him. 
Tōru Oikawa
Prom Queen- Beach Bunny
Maybe I should try harder
You should lower your expectations
I'm no quick-curl barbie
I was never cut out for prom queen
I feel like oikawa is constantly feeling like he has to catch up to everyone around him. At some point in Argentina he came to the conclusion that he was good enough and didn't need to rise to anyone's standards of him, but when he got picked for the national team everything came back. He still has all of those feelings from high-school. Never making it to nationals, feeling like he failed his team. 
Issei Matsukawa
Bubblegum Bitch- Marina and the diamonds 
Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll
Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all
Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored
I'm the girl you'd die for
I feel like to earn Mattsun’s trust, he would put you through some ridiculous trial of sorts. I also feel that he is very comfortable with who he is, and he takes no shit about it. But that comes with the fact that he rarely takes fault in things, and that sparks arguments. He’ll use your love for him against you, he’ll be as cold as he can muster, until YOU take fault. 
Takahiro Hanamaki
 OUT THE ROOF- Chase Atlantic 
Yeah, we stay lit
We fuck bitches, pop on pillies, that is it, yeah
Holy moly, holy shit, yeah
Me and all my people are heaven sent, yeah, yup
9this is a strait vibe for Makki) 
I feel like Makki drowns his problems out with meaningless activities. Like smoking or one-night stands. He’d rather drown out his problems then have them in his  face. Or when he’s forced to face them, he’ll deflect until he has nothing else to deflect. Because when you’re high there nothing to worry about! Why stress about meaningless problems when he can be having fun!  
Hajime Iwaizumi
 Endlessly- The Cab
Yeah, your friends may think I'm crazy
Cause they can only see
I'm not perfect, but I swear, I'm perfect for you.
And there's no guarantee
That this will be easy.
It's not a miracle you need, believe me.
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly.
Iwa knows that he can't be there for you all the time. Physically he tries his best, mentally he can help when he can. But you both know that you're perfect for one another. He just can't help but listen to the people around him sometimes. You deserve the world, but he doesn't know if he can give that to you. 
Kōtarō Bokuto 
Prima Donna- Andrew Lloyd Webber 
Can you bow out when they're shouting your name?
Think of how they all adore you
We’ve all seen how Bokuto gets what he’s praised for literally anything remotely impressive. So that makes him a cannon prima donna! but that also means the lows and really bad mood swings. This song just fits him so well it’s scary.  
Wakatoshi Ushijim
 More- Usher 
If you really want more, scream it out louder,
If you on the floor, bring out the fire,
And light it up, take it up higher,
Gotta push it to the limit, give it more.
This seems kinda obvious, but Ushijima never gives up. Ever since he was a kid, he set a goal for himself and he went beyond what he even set out for. And that comes with a lot of work and training for every new level of volleyball. He’s just going to get better and better until he retires, or is forced to retire. 
Eita Semi
 strawberries and cigarettes- troye sivan
Long nights, daydreams
Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Headlights, on me
Racing to 60, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like
Blue eyes, black jeans
Lighters and candy, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
I feel like semi always thinks about how Shirabu replaced him on the starting line-up. But he’s mostly gotten over it, but certain things bring him back into that stage of his life. Then the cycle starts all over again. He constantly looks back on the game against Karasuno and thinks about wat would have happened if he was the setter instead. 
Reon Ōhira
 Remember when- Chris Wallace 
So can we push push push rewind,
Go go back in time,
When we were kids sneaking bottles of wine,
Take take take me back, I wanna go back,
Back to what we had! Do you remember when we started this mess,
My heart was beating out of my chest!,
Remember when we stole your dad's car,
Reon gives me the vibe that his days at Shiratorizawa were some of the best of his life. How can they not be? He made the greatest friends of his life there. And I also feel like he looks back on them a bit more than he wants to admit.
Satori Tendō
 This Side of Paradise- Coyote theory
Are you lonely?
Passion is crashing as we speak
You seem so lonely
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely
Darling you're glowing
If you're lonely come be lonely with me.
I get the vibe that Tendou attaches himself to whatever makes him feel wanted/safe. (ex. volleyball) he knows it isn't healthy, but he can't help it. This does lead to him completely distancing himself from you over and over because he thinks you’ll leave him. 
Hayato Yamagata- House of gold- Twenty one Pilots 
I will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of disease (Ooh)
And since we know that dreams are dead
And life turns plans up on their head
I will plan to be a bum
So I just might become someone
Even though we don't see a lot of him, I get the feeling he treats people really well. Like he cherishes people a lot more than some of them deserve. As you can see this leads to some unfair relationships and toxic people. He just wants to hold on until a good person comes along. 
Suguru Daishō
Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery 
I'm Mr. Loverman
And I miss my lover, man
I'm Mr. Loverman
Oh, and I miss my lover
I feel like this was way too obvious, but it really is his song. It’s literally cannon, every lyric in this song is what happened with Mika. but in the end he got her back and made his promise  to be a better loverman <3. 
Kazuma Numai
 Nonstop- Drake 
Future took the business and ran it for me
I let Ollie take the owl, told him brand it for me
I get two million a pop and that's standard for me
Like I went blind dog, you gotta hand it to me
He looks and acts like a guy who listens to drake. He just seems like a guy who won't stop or give up even when things take a turn. He’ll just keep fighting until nothing’s left. 
Kōji Hiroo
 At the Wheel- Colorblind 
I need something to wake me up
It's never strong enough
I'm just getting colder and starting over
Going numb is just the way I run from
All my problems when I can't solve them
Need to break away
Escape the way I'm feeling
Hate to be fake, but I'm just dealing
This one doesn't really have a true reason, i really just felt like this was his song.  Sorry just the vibe. 
Shinsuke Kita
 Oh Ms Believer- twenty one pilots 
Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty sleeper
Your twisted mind is like snow on the road
Your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder
Inside your head than the winter of dead
I will tell you I love you
But the muffs on your ears will cater your fears
My nose and feet are running as we start
To travel through snow
Together we go
I feel like kita is unintentionally cold towards the world, like he wants to open up but can't figure out how. But in turn if you can get him to feel “warmer” (get closer to him) he’ll share everything with you, almost oversharing. Just because he can't help it, he’s kept it all in for so long. Sometimes he just needs someone to hold him and make HIM feel better, because he does it for everyone. If you can manage all of this i feel like he’ll keep you with him forever. 
Ren Ōmimi
 Armor- Landon Austin
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
Don't know what to say when you made me the enemy
After the war is won
There's always the next one
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
I feel like not a lot of people approach ren because of how intimidating he looks. This has made him weary when people are really enthused to first meet him, because he thinks it’s a joke. After getting over that hurdle i feel like he just isn't an open person so it’ll take a long time to even get to a point where he trusts you. Hence the other wars after the first. 
Aran Ojiro-
 Never really over- Katy perry
Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best?
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Just because it's over doesn't mean it's really over
And if I think it over, maybe you'll be coming over again
And I'll have to get over you all over again
After all of these years, I really don't think Aran has truly gotten over losing at nationals in third year. And now on the national team he sees Hinata and Kageyama all the time and it takes him back. It makes him re-feel all the emotions he felt after the game. It hurt him to know that he gave his everything and still lost.  Like when he’s in bed he puts himself back into that self loathing phase of his life. 
Michinari Akagi
Try Hard - 5sos
It's obvious she’s so out of reach
And I'm finding it hard 'cause
She makes me feel, makes me feel
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard
'Cause I'm not being me
And it’s getting me down that
She makes me think, makes me think
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again
Akagi gives off boy best friend vibes.  But like to EVERYONE, so the person he liked just thought he was making fun of them and he didn't like them back. And i feel like that kinda traumatized him a bit, so when he got a new s/o he tried really really hard to make them special, but the same thing happened. 
i may do some with the second and first years, idk this took so long :)
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Bred For Blood - Part 19 - Promise-Promise
Title: Bred For Blood
Warning: 18+ - sex/mature language & themes/gun violence/substance abuse etc. *mentions of coma/unconsciousness, injuries, and sex in this part*
Characters: AU Axel Cluney, AU Ivar Lothbrok, AU Valter x OC
Description: A bright, young survivor meets an acid-gun slinging headhunter with a knack for melting faces and connections to a prodigal Utopia embedded in the heart of a deadly forest. Violence and passion incite a battle of fealty while betrayal nips at Zed’s heels.
Note: Sooo many feelings in this part, you guys. Next part will be the finale! My gosh, it’s actually coming. Stick around because it’s gonna be a doozy! Much love to all the readers who’ve waited patiently and shout out to any new readers who’ve taken the time to let me know their thoughts. I appreciate all the comments and reblogs forever! With that being said, please comment and reblog. It’d really make my day. XO
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
Zed waited for Vee next to the window overlooking the vast green ocean of vegetation. The sliver of sun painted the sky aflush, rolling west in shades of violet. Pinprick stars perforated the melting spectrum, and the phantom moon showed its impatient face fully before the horizon swallowed all light. It was a soothing array of scenery, and Zed rested her head on the glass until footsteps drew her attention to the door. She smiled as Vee came in carrying a plate of zucchini fritters and mashed chickpeas, returning the warm greeting silently.
"Hungry? Axel wasn't a fan. He wants a cheeseburger from McDonald's," said Vee, handing the platter to Zed.
She accepted the dish with a nod. "Did you tell him why that's not possible?"
Vee sighed. The dark beneath his eyes seemed permanent now. "I didn't get into detail. He wouldn't understand."
"Shouldn't we make him understand?"
"It's too soon. The big lug just woke up. It was a challenge just to get him to lie there. Soon he'll want to leave the lab, and I don't know how he'll fare around his adoring fans."
Zed bit into a greasy fritter and scooped a dollop of the paste with the leftover crescent. "He'll love the ego-boost, I'm sure."
"That's what I'm afraid of. All those people will confuse him. Who knows what that might do to his head. We're in a delicate situation."
"Axel seems to like me. Maybe I can convince him to stay put."
Vee grimaced from the thought of Axel working Zed over with his motoring mouth and crass sense of humour. The scientist had grown accustomed to nights alone with her, cooking together and discussing their future. The night they'd spent alone in the greenhouse rang in his heart; the night he admitted his feelings and begged her to squash them. The thought of her alone with Axel picked a scab he didn't know he had.
"You're worried about something," Zed said.
Vee snapped from his bittersweet reverie and sighed. "Am I ever not worrying?"
"True," Zed snorted. "Now, eat. I can't finish this all myself."
The pair finished the plate before Vee set the dish aside and motioned her to the sofa.
"We need to talk about what we found in Glott's notes. I know we can't test this theory, but we should treat it as the truth," said Vee.
"Okay, well, if that's how we're approaching this D negative blood sample... What's the next step? We have no medical supplies. I checked the med tent in the courtyard for the third time just for fun."
"Then we have to visit Glott and get some answers. And by we... I mean me."
"I know you don't want me to leave, but what other option do we have? Every day we waste here is another step backward."
Zed shook her head until a thin braid dislodged from behind her ear and swung in her face. Vee resisted the urge to tuck it back. The girl's face swivelled toward the window, and she pondered and watched the premature stars twinkle across the bruised sky.
"We go together," Zed said firmly. "I won't budge on that."
"And what about Axel?"
"We wait until he's better. We'll need him to navigate the way."
"And if he never recovers?" Vee asked.
"Then we go anyway. All three of us. We get Axel better, and we go together."
Vee inhaled through his nose as Zed screwed her eyes into his. When he nodded, a smile unfurled across her face, shadowed by the last drops of brassy sunlight.
"I hate this plan, but I suppose it's all we have," said Vee.
"Promise we'll all stick together."
"Of course, Lea. I won't leave without you guys. Promise."
"I double promise with a cherry on top. Stick a needle in my eye and call it macaroni."
Zed stifled laughter beneath her palm. "I think you've been hanging out with Sam too much."
"That, or I'm just tired."
"I'll let you sleep now. You look beat."
Vee twisted his mouth in lopsided agreement. "Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna hit the shower first. Unless you want to?"
"No, you go ahead. I'll stay here a little longer," Zed said as she laid her temple against the cool glass and looked out over the forest floor, now drowning in the twilight.
In the morning, Zed left the apartment and padded down the hallway in her mismatched slippers. She slowed as she turned the corner and found the brothers talking. Axel's eyebrows were locked in a line, and Vee looked up at her with relief.
"Lea, can you help me explain to Axel why he can't leave the hospital room?"
Axel whipped the covers off his thighs. "This place is fuckin' weird, and I know you're lying to me. That doctor you had in here is a whack-job. Something isn't adding up."
"Stay put," Vee commanded.
Zed rubbed the sleep from her eyes and prepared to take both sides with a long breath. "Axel, your brother is right. You can't leave yet. Just stay a little longer and heal."
"Where the fuck am I, Vee? This isn't like any hospital I've ever been to. And why can't I use the phone to call mom and dad?"
Axel's question erased all the sleep Vee had gotten the night before. His fatigue was contagious. Zed approached the bed and brushed Axel's shoulder. The touch diffused the tension in his upper body and opened him up to a new explanation, one that hadn't come from his kid brother's mouth.
"There are no phones here, Axel. You're right... This place is different. We're missing a lot of things you’d consider normal."
"Look, darlin', I know you're just trying to make me feel better, but none of what you're saying makes any sense. What do you mean there's no phone? There's electricity, isn't there? So why can't I hobble my way to a pay phone or borrow someone's cell?"
Vee and Zed exchanged pained looks. The younger brother kneaded his brow and offered Axel the same explanation he had before, reworded. Axel refused to believe a word and scrambled off the gurney, throwing Vee's hands off him as he limped a few steps and realized his mistake.
"What the fuck is wrong with my foot? Did someone sliced my ankle in half? What is happening to me? I feel like I'm on an acid trip that never ends. I go to sleep and see crazy shit, only to wake up in an even crazier place where there're no phones and no fucking food! You're talking in goddamn riddles, Vee. The least you can do is get me a Baconator for my trouble! I can't walk—I can't even jerk off 'cause my good hand is fucked. You gotta help me out."
"How many times do I have to tell you, Axe? There are no restaurants!"
"Bullshit! Sweetheart, come on, you can help me, right? Can you please just grab me something greasy? I'll pay you back, I promise. I'm good for it."
"I wish I could help you, Axel, but Vee's right. There's nowhere to get stuff like that anymore."
"Anymore? What does that even mean? You guys are talking like I slept through the apocalypse or something!"
Zed turned to Vee, who blocked the way to the courtyard. "Come on, Axe. Just settle down, and get back into bed."
"Are you gonna find me some painkillers then?" Axel faltered toward the bed and hoisted himself onto the flat mattress with his right arm.
"I'll see what I can do, buddy, but will you promise to stay here for a little longer?"
"Whatever," Axel scoffed. "What else am I gonna do?"
Zed waited until Axel slid back under the covers and tilted his face away from them both to assess Vee's mood. She suspected Axel's recovery would be difficult. Still, when she pictured him with his eyes open again, she heard laughter and saw game nights, shared wine and inside jokes knitting them closer together—not disarray and a friend who'd forgotten her. And if Vee had left the day he championed himself, Axel wouldn't have any flagship of his past. The scientist's presence tranquillized her despite Axel's rotten mood fouling the atmosphere.
"You're hungry, Axel?" Zed asked.
"I'll try to track down something tasty to eat. It won't be a greasy burger, but maybe I can find you something close to fries. I'll make it myself if I have to."
Axel flipped his eyes to the girl standing with her arms knotted behind her back and smiled. "Oh, darlin'...You're a sweet thing. I'd hate to ask, so I'll just accept the offer. Or maybe Vee can go, and you and I can chat a little more?"
Zed chuckled at the man's slyness. "I have some other things to do. We’ll talk when I get back."
"Don't rush for me, honey, but if you do, I'll take it as a good sign," Axel said with a wink.
At the cost of one of her knit blankets, Zed found someone in Athena to chop and bake a sweet potato in peanut oil. She bartered for garlic and salt to sprinkle on the dish. The redheaded child spotted her making transactions and stopped her at the mouth of the Hives with a cloth of fermented cashew cheese and a large chunk of bread that sat out overnight but was still soft. She offered the foodstuffs to Axel on a thin wood slab, and he accepted with an obsequious grin. He relinquished his dissatisfaction and warmed next to Zed.
"Aw, darlin', look at you go. How can I thank you for your trouble?" Axel asked as he chomped a crispy strand of sweet potato.
Zed stepped back from his bed, blushing. "It's okay, Axel. You don't have to do anything but get better."
"Will you stay with me for a while? If I have to stay in bed, it'd really make my life easier if I have someone to talk to. That is if you don't mind my chattiness."
"Sure. Let me grab a chair from the apartment," said Zed.
Axel finished his meal quickly, and as if he hadn't eaten at all, felt the pang of hunger moments after the last bite of bread. His appetite woke up ravenous, and no amount of homegrown food could satiate the growl.
"I might need to eat again in an hour," Axel informed as Zed dragged the chair across the floor. “I’m a big boy, you know.”
"That's fine. I'll find you something in a little while ."
The injured man nodded and sighed, eyelashes fluttering over tired green eyes. A bloated silence proceeded, and Zed wondered how to initiate a conversation. Vee told her not to confuse Axel with present-day news, but all she wanted to do was ask about Richard Glott's underground bunker and with who he'd crossed paths that left him slashed and maimed.
After a couple of deep breaths, Axel murmured, "I see you in my dreams every time I fall asleep. Is that strange?"
Zed hid her shy smile behind her palm. "Oh, stop."
Axel shimmied his torso higher on the bed and frowned in pain. "No, seriously. Not trying to be slick, honey. I see the most fucked up things when I sleep. You know the kind of dreams so vivid, you wake up and your heart’s pounding, thinking it's all real for a minute? Then you're like... No way."
Zed shifted closer to Axel's bed. "What do you dream about?"
Axel smiled to himself. "You, mostly... Us. You and me doing crazy shit together. Sometimes I'm in the desert, and I see this airplane in the distance. It's on the ground, and I ride toward it, you know, you're not gonna ignore a crashed plane, right? Then I find you there, but these guys are hurting you, and you're going nuts trying to shake 'em, but there's too many, so I shoot 'em all, and they melt like popsicles. You stab one good, though."
"What else?" Zed asked.
"I dunno... Sometimes it's just me and you cruising through the desert, and I get the feeling you hate me, but I kinda like it. I'm happy you're there, even though we're in the middle of nowhere, and I have no idea what's gonna happen next."
"Sounds like some pretty weird dreams."
"They're so lucid. It's like a movie, and I'm the main character, and you're... Well, you. Like my cool sidekick."
"Sidekick, huh?" Zed scoffed.
"Yeah, you have this air about you that's like not to be fucked with. Then things always get real dark. I don't even want to tell you about it 'cause you'll think I'm fucked in the head."
Zed knew this part of the story and lowered her eyes to the floor. "It's okay. You can tell me if you want. It's just dreams, right?"
"Nah, I'll just leave it at that. It's not sex stuff or anything if you're wondering."
"Your dreams are more entertaining than anything I have going on today."
With Zed's green light, Axel inhaled deeply before launching into the story of their past. Before he uttered another syllable, a severed connection sparked in his head. His eyes grew large, and he looked around the makeshift hospital room, awestruck.
"In my dreams, we're trying to get to Vee. He needs us for some reason."
"What does he need?"
"Some science shit, which makes total sense because he's a scientist. He's actually a scientist, and not just in my dreams."
"Axel... These dreams you've had... Do you think they have significance?" Zed asked carefully.
"Totally. They have to. Right? Or am I fucking crazy?"
"You're not crazy, Axel. I promise."
"But what if I am? This place... I get such a bad feeling when I'm awake in this room by myself. Vee won't tell me where we are. It's like he's hiding something, and he never lies to me about anything. We don't do that."
"Vee just wants you to get better. He's under a lot of stress, and your recovery is a big part of that. We didn't think—he didn't think you'd make it through. Another complication is the last thing you guys need."
Axel went quiet again and fixated on the dust motes and bolts of lightning crackling up his leg. A storm grew behind his eyes, the same torrents Zed saw when she tried to stop him from leaving Kinderfeld and her behind. Sickened by the thought of Axel sneaking off, she touched his arm and offered a warm smile.
"Talk to me, Axel. Please. Don't keep anything inside."
Axel glanced at her small hand on his tattooed bicep and the lightning in his body faded.
"We were friends in a past life," Axel claimed.
"We're friends in this life."
"Can I tell you one other thing, then I promise I'll stop talking about my bonkers dreams?"
"Yes. I don't mind at all."
Axel curled his bicep and touched Zed's fingers, feeling the motion out until she grasped his hand.
"I think I have to take you somewhere."
"Oh, yeah?" Zed giggled. "And where's that?"
Axel blushed for the first time and brought her hand to hold next to him on the bed. "Not like on a date or anything. I just get this feeling that I'm supposed to protect you, even though you seem capable of looking after yourself just fine. This dream voice keeps reminding me to stay with you and Vee... Like I'm not allowed to let either of you out of my sight. Especially not you."
"Then don't," Zed said.
He squeezed her fingers gently. "I won't."
Word of Axel's consciousness seeped out of the lab and into the village. Nobody knew who had made the discovery—Vee blamed Samson while Zed suspected Nalani, who'd waltzed by the lab doors at a suspiciously slow pace several times each day—and leaked the information. They barred visitors and only allowed the doctor in to help change Axel's bandages until Ivar arrived.
Axel was alone, humming a tune from his teenage years when the king came through the doors and stopped to stare at his bed-ridden friend.
"Zee, you're awake? And no one thought to tell me?"
"Sorry, hombre, but I think you have the wrong room. Name's Axel."
Ivar flashed all his sharp teeth in a sly smile and wagged his finger. "Always a joker."
"No, really," Axel chuckled, then went deadpan. "Wait... Who are you?"
Before Ivar spoke, Vee walked into the lab and froze when he saw Ivar standing a few feet from Axel's bed.
"Ivar. I wasn't expecting you."
The king sneered and motioned toward Axel. "What's with this guy?"
"Hey, maybe we can talk for a second?" Vee invited Ivar down the hall, out of earshot.
Ivar glared at the scientist. "When exactly were you planning on telling me he woke up?"
"That's the thing, Ivar. You don't understand... Axel's suffering from amnesia. It's common for coma patients to lose parts of their memory. Right now, he's in a very touchy state. He has no idea where he is, who you are, or what any of this is. I've tried to keep people away from him to avoid confusion, but now everybody knows. It's not good for him. Subjecting him to all this new information can cause anxiety, panic... Who knows. We're trying to ease him back into life."
"What do you mean he doesn't know who I am? I'm his best friend."
"Trust me. Axel doesn't even remember serving in the army."
"That's crazy. We should tell him—"
"No. It's too big of a shock. Axel's already gone through hell. Imagine trying to explain our world to somebody who has virtually no idea what's happened in the last couple of years."
Ivar pondered and didn't respond to Vee's relief, then sighed as though he accepted the explanation.
"So what does this mean for you? I assume you're retracting your claim and staying in Kinderfeld?"
Vee twisted his mouth to the side. "How can I go now?"
"You volunteered."
"That was before Axel came home. He needs me. I'm the only person he recognizes. Give me some more time with him, get him back on his feet and see if he'll start remembering, then I'll go."
Ivar crossed his arms across his burly chest. "Who knows how long that might take?"
"Would you leave someone you loved in that state?"
"I'd do what's for the greater good."
"He's your best friend. He's my brother. Axel needs us right now, Ivar. Think of all he's done for us. We owe it to take care of him until he's fit to at least walk again. I need him to remember what happened so I can get a better idea of what's going on outside."
"I suppose you're right," Ivar conceded. "You can't go out blind by yourself."
"Yes, you're right," Vee said with great relief.
"So what now? I can't talk to him?"
"You can speak to him if you like, but try not to bring up things that might confuse him. Don't talk about the army or mention recent times."
Ivar looked over his shoulder at the apartment's open door and heard the muted humming of a girl filtering through the corridor.
"And how's Lea taking all of this?"
Vee stiffened. "She's helping out."
"Axel has no idea who she is? He really doesn't know what's happened?"
"Not that I can tell. He keeps asking for cheeseburgers and to call our parents."
"Wow," Ivar whispered.
"Yeah, it's hard."
Ivar went quiet, distant, and shook his head slowly before inhaling through his nose and squeezing Vee's shoulder. "I trust you, brother. Maybe we'll talk more about your expedition in a few days when things have a chance to settle with Axel."
"You got it."
Axel pretended he wasn't trying to listen to the conversation between his brother and the brown-haired man with the striking blue eyes when the pair returned. Ivar nodded at Axel, his eyes awash with sympathy for the indisposed man.
"How are you feeling, Axel?"
"A little on the shitty side, my man. Not gonna lie. Hands busted, foot's bum... Can't fuck my way to a decent meal in this place, and everyone's tiptoeing around like I'm a sleeping baby. Gotta say I've had better days."
"Well, I hope you heal up quick. There are a lot of people who want to see you."
A coy smirk unfurled over Axel's face. "Yeah, I kinda get that impression. Sometimes, I see people looking in through those doors. I feel like a panda at a zoo. Everyone wants a peek at little ol’ Axel, huh?"
"Is there anything I can get you?"
"Cheeseburger?" Axel asked hopefully.
"Would if I could, friend."
"Goddamn it," Axel lamented.
Vee widened his eyes when Ivar looked at him, confirming what they'd discussed in the hallway.
"Say, how do you stay so beefy if there's no meat in this place?" Axel asked Ivar.
"I get my protein where I can. Try to stay fit. I'll get someone to bring you something good to eat."
Axel snorted. "Yeah, that's what that sweet-lookin' one said, but everything tastes like tree bark. No offence to her. She tried her best, and I'd never insult a lady's cooking to her face."
Ivar sucked in his bottom lip and nodded. "Well, I'll see what I can do for you, Axel. Get better soon."
Vee held his breath until Ivar left the lab and shrunk once the doors closed.
"You sure have a way with words, don't you?"
"Everyone who walks in here acts like they know me."
"We might have to move you to the apartment. Put a cap on your visitors."
"Who was that?" Axel asked.
"That's Ivar Lothbrok. He kinda runs things, in a sense."
"Nice guy."
Vee scoffed. "Yeah. Nice."
An itch stuck in the back of Axel's head, and he grew quiet once again, trying to unravel the mystery he'd woken up inside. He was a figure in a snow globe, a permanent fixture in a landscape rife with faces he'd seen in dreams. Sitting up in his bed, Axel wondered what laid beyond the confines of his glasshouse. Never one to follow the rules, even under the firm guidance of his smart younger brother, Axel decided once everyone fell asleep, he'd find himself a walking post and go exploring.
Zed woke to the sound of Vee's soft snoring coming through the open door of his bedroom. The possibility of sleep retracted with every second she spent staring at the smooth, globular ceiling in the dark, trying to make shapes out of the dream residue behind her eyelids. The sofa stiffened her back, and she twisted her spine until air bubbles popped and her muscles strained from the motion. She pulled the blanket up to her chin and squeezed her eyes shut for a few minutes, but Axel's stories followed her from sleep, brushing up on her with sharp quills. Since Axel painted his dream world, she hadn't stopped thinking of him and mourning the loss of his memory for the both of them. Axel didn't know his missing pieces were dancing under his eyes each time he slumbered, and she longed to stitch them together to create the full picture.
She squinted into the darkness, fatigue long since faded, and left the apartment. Light on her bare feet, Zed padded down the hallway and turned the corner to find an empty bed. Her heart twinged from Axel's absence. She considered going back to the apartment to tell Vee his brother was missing but found herself propelled to seek Axel out herself. There was nowhere in the lab a man of Axel's stature could hide, so she went out to the courtyard to begin her search. The floodlights cast pyramids of light over the foothills but revealed nothing but stone paths and glittering grass ranks. She started left first, then changed her mind and shot right toward the warehouse. Zed minded her steps as she picked up a jog, extending her legs to clear the roiling yards until she reached the square entrance of the warehouse. A guard leaned against the steel wall next to the exit, blinking and wiping a hand over his face to rouse himself. He saw Zed across the cement expanse and stood up straight.
"What're you doing out here?" The guard's voice clattered through the chamber.
"Sorry," Zed said, casting a thorough glance around before retreating into the light and shadow of the courtyard again. She rushed to the Hives, taking quick strides to reach her abandoned apartment before anyone else noticed her. After a quick knock, Zed opened the door to find her former living quarters as deserted as ever. Nobody had claimed the space in her absence, nor was Axel's adjoining apartment occupied. Both rooms were empty.
Zed's search for Axel continued and grew in urgency with each lonely cove and space she found. As she made her way around the central dome where the courtyard bordered the largest hill, she stopped at the mouth of the Chrysalis and addressed the men standing guard.
"Have either of you seen someone limping through here?"
"Nobody's come 'round here, Zed. Who're you looking for?"
Zed cocked her head. "Who do you think?"
"You mean Zee?" The man on the right asked. "Thought he was paralyzed."
"So it's true? He's awake?"
"Please don't tell anyone. Not yet."
The bearded guard rose a dark eyebrow at Zed. He was one of Ivar's highest-ranking patrol. Zed recognized him from the night they'd brought in the Zeronaut captain, Monk. He often stood by wherever Ivar went and didn't talk much unless addressed. "Ivar know about this?"
"I don't know what Ivar knows. Vee communicates with him, but we're trying to keep this from the general public."
"What do you think, Fen? Should we tell Ivar?" The scrawny, clean-shaven guard asked.
Fen sneered and told his partner to close his mouth before angling his torso toward Zed. "We'll keep an eye out, petite fleur."
Zed nodded and continued on her way, but there were few more spots Axel could hide unless someone had intercepted him and invited him into their hovel. She thought of Nalani, who often wandered the courtyard at odd hours and Trinity, who adored Axel and might jump at the opportunity to lead him to a private alcove. The two of them shared living space in Athena. Zed wanted to keep the search party light, and asking around would only spread curiosity like wildfire.
She continued touring the courtyard, her naked soles sore from hurried walking. Finally, she stopped at the greenhouse gate, its series of coiling iron bars and metal flowers welded to the columns in intricate clusters. Zed lifted the latch and pushed the gate open, taking care to shut it quietly. The greenhouse where the citizens grew aloe and berries was the little-known getaway spot Axel and Vee coveted as their private paradise. Zed zigzagged through the raised beds, taking care not to trip over the irrigation hoses and climbed the wooden steps at the back of the third square house. Around another corner and through the thick blackberry bushes nestled in rectangles of sodden earth, Zed rushed to the spot under the sky where the light poured in but found nothing.
"Shit," she whispered, out of breath and reeling in the thick, tepid air.
Zed looked up to the cloudless velveteen sky, crushing disappointment wringing her heart. In a throng of shadow off to the right, a figure shifted and startled the woman backward.
A tired voice called her name.
The shady form lengthened, struggling to stand. Once it stood at its full height, the vice pressing Zed's chest disappeared. Axel hobbled into view, using the overhead pipes to help himself along.
"Axel! There you are. Oh my God, you had me so worried. Why did you leave the lab?"
"The lab? Is that where you've been keeping me?"
Zed clapped her palm over her mouth. Axel gave an elongated nod, eyes wide and accusatory.
"Is that what I am? Some kind of experiment?"
"No, Axel—"
"What are you and Vee doing? Tell me why he's keeping me locked up. Tell me where the fuck I am, Lea. Please. This place... Something about it seems wrong. It scares me."
Axel wilted against a plant bed as Zed approached and caught his elbow to keep him upright.
"Axel, don't be scared. Please, I promise you're safe. We're not trying to keep you captive. This is all difficult to explain, and you were asleep for so long parts of your memory are missing. Vee's only trying to make it easier for you to cope."
"Cope with what, Lea? Cope with the fact I'm a prisoner? That I can't sleep because my nightmares are so vivid, I feel like I'm dying? That people watch me like some sideshow freak?"
"Everything," Zed sighed. "The new world. How can we explain all this to someone who woke up in the past?"
Axel looked up through the skylights and whimpered. "Something terrible has happened, hasn't it?"
Zed, wounded from the dejection in her friend's voice, led Axel to sit on the floor, then sat next to him and draped her arms over his shoulders, resting her cheek on the thin cotton shoulder strap of his tank top.
"I wish I could say you're wrong, but I can't lie to you, Axe."
"My instincts were right. Something is very wrong. After that Ivar fella came through, I started getting this feeling you all weren't telling me something on purpose."
"Don't be angry with us, Axel. We didn't know how to tell you."
Axel leaned his head on Zed's and sought her hand to hold. She slid her fingers through his and gripped tightly. "It's okay. I get it now. I'm supposed to be here. You and me... We're meant to be together. Otherwise... Why would I see you every time I close my eyes?"
"Axel," Zed whispered. "I missed you so much when you left. I thought I'd never see you again. Now everything is different."
"I'm sorry. If I hurt you back then... I didn't mean it."
"Just don't leave me again. Please. I can't fool myself into happiness without you in my life."
"I won't leave. I can't."
"I promise, Lea."
Axel chuckled and kissed the top of Zed's head before laying his cheek on the ruts of her braids. "Yeah. I promise-promise."
Axel and Zed laid on the floorboards and watched the stars twinkling above while the chamber filled with water vapour, obscuring the glass until the condensation evaporated. When the infinite black sky lightened to meteorite violet, Axel used Zed as a crutch to stand up. He stole a fistful of blackberries, stuffing the fruits in his mouth and mashing them until inky juice seeped from the corners of his lips. He complained about his ankle, which he'd suffered walking on during his solo excursion to the greenhouses. Zed berated him for wandering off and helped him down the steps and through the rows of potato plants, arms locked, their pace slow to accommodate Axel's injury.
A murmur greeted the pair as they approached the iron gate. A dozen villagers gathered around the entrance to witness Axel emerge with smiles on their faces. Frozen from the elated faces beaming at him, Axel pulled on Zed's arm, alerting her to the hoard of onlookers.
"Who are they?" Axel asked.
"Zee! Happy you're awake!"
"What happened to your arm, Zee? Are you okay?"
"He looks terrible."
Zed opened the gate, and the crowd dented but didn't part. "Make room, please!"
"We want to talk to Zee!"
Axel then realized the group addressed him, their wide eyes drinking in his bruised and broken state with smiles unfitting his poor condition. An overwhelming sense of worry touched his skin, and he grabbed for Zed to lead him, but they huddled around the gate until a tall head of blond hair sliced the crowd in half. Vee shouldered past, his eyes hooded and brow furrowed.
"Axel! Lea! What the hell are you doing out here? Lea, did you let him out?"
Zed frowned and drew her shoulders up. "Of course not! I'm the one who came looking for him."
"Let's go. Come on, now. Everyone make way. Go back home!" Vee barked.
"We want answers! What's happening outside the walls?"
"We'll answer your questions later," Vee said disdainfully. "Lea, help me get him back."
The trio staggered to the lab, breathless from the trek over the bowing foothills. Vee waited until they were behind closed doors to deliver a speech about how irresponsible and defiant Axel was, how his behaviour might cause unwanted ripples where the scientist required placidity. Axel hoisted himself into bed and accepted his lecture, sullen and quiet, occasionally glancing at Zed, who also wrung her wrists.
"I told you not to leave the room, Axe. Why? Why can't you listen to me for once in your goddamn life?" Vee asked.
"You're not my mommy, Valter. I can do what I want, and frankly, I don't appreciate you keeping secrets from me!"
"What are you on about?"
"Oh, don't play dumb. You've lied to me this whole time! About where we are, what's happened to me. I think you know much more than you lead on."
Vee scoffed and looked to Zed for reassurance. The girl stood still with her shoulders hunched.
"Lea, help me out here."
"Well, Vee... Maybe it's time we tell him everything. There's no use hiding the truth anymore. He already knows something's wrong."
"Yeah!" Axel cried. "I'm done sitting around twiddling my thumbs. You have to tell me what's up. How did I get like this? What the fuck happened to me, and why can't I remember anything? I don't know how I got here or who all those people are out there."
"That's the thing, Axe... We don't know what happened to you. You left, and when you came back, you were unconscious and hurt. We don't leave this place, so I can't tell you anything more than that. I didn't know if you'd wake up and certainly didn't know you'd have amnesia when you did."
Axel turned to Zed for verification, and she nodded her head regretfully.
"It's true, Axel. I wish we could tell you more."
"Then at least tell me where I am. Start there," Axel demanded.
Vee and Zed stood speechless for a moment until she sighed deeply. "Vee, maybe we should give him the postcards and his journals."
"What are you talking about?"
"You're right, Lea. Go get the box. Tonight's gonna be a long one."
Zed hauled the box of postcards and dog-eared journals into the lab and hefted it onto the foot of Axel's bed. Vee unpinned the postcards from the corkboard and offered them to Axel with a pinched smile. Zed sat in her chair while Vee laid on the floor, a long arm slung over his eyes as Axel began to read aloud from his workbooks. The three of them listened to the stories Axel had penned years before while he was in the infantry as if none of them had heard the tales. From time to time, Axel stopped narrating and glided over the lines, taking in details he should have known, but couldn't place. During these silences, Zed and Vee would look up at him to assess his emotions, whether or not the words shifted the pieces into place or made any difference at all.
Axel took in a strained breath. "Ivar and I aren't talking. He wants to be the leader on this ship, and if things don't go his way, he turns into a giant douche-nozzle," he broke into giggling at his insult. "I haven't eaten in three days, and the water supply is low. We're down to a cup a day each. It's not enough, but it's gotten us through so far. One of the guys got sick, and they've taken him below deck. He throws up constantly even though there's nothing in his gut and howls all night in agony. I swear to God I'll shoot him in the head tomorrow if he doesn't let us sleep tonight. Someone needs to put him out of his misery."
Zed grimaced, and Vee stared at the ceiling with dry eyes, unflinching from the story.
"Day six... I now know what rat meat tastes like."
"Oh, god. Ew," Zed mumbled.
Axel continued without pause. "It's not that bad when you haven't eaten in almost a week. I've set up more traps in the galley to catch the rest. If Ivar plays his cards right, I might share my rats with him, but he's still a stuck-up twat.
I'm not sure how the rats are surviving. Maybe there's food still hidden somewhere on the ship. Maybe they're eating each other."
"This must have been when you were on your way back to America...Or... Whatever you want to call this half of the world now," Vee said.
"What do you mean?" Asked Axel.
"The Unity... The government... They abolished the borders, erased the country names and burned the history books. The states became part of the North-Western Hemisphere. Same with Canada and all that. No countries. No names."
Axel seemed to accept his brother's explanation that nothing would ever be as before. The commune in which he now resided was the only tangible place left in existence. Outside the walls lay sites changed from war, stripped of home and heritage. A tightness in Axel's neck prevented him from speaking until the revelations grew too heavy for him to bear.
"What happened to everyone else?" Axel asked.
"It's hard to say," Vee whispered, then cleared his throat. "A lot of people died."
"How many?"
"Billions," Zed said.
"You mean... We're the only ones left?"
"No, we're not. There are other survivors out there, people who were meant to live through the storms."
Vee sighed, the farfetched nature of their fates exhausting him before he began. "The Unity developed a way to return the planet back to its natural state. No more electronic communication, no more broadcasts or satellites or TV. After the extinctions reached an all-time high, they introduced these plants that could suck the pollution from the air quickly. They grow extremely fast and are lethal to anyone who wasn't vaccinated against the spores. One plant can release a spore cloud big enough to cover half a football field, and they breed and multiply like vermin. Even a small cluster can kill a stadium of unimmunized people in a few minutes."
"But why would they do this? Have I been vaccinated?"
Axel's questions ripped holes in Vee’s composure. Zed's stomach churned and flipped as the scientist fished for the least aggressive explanation. A gloss came over his eyes, and he avoided his brother's bewildered stare.
"No, Axe. You're not."
"Oh... Are you?" Axel whispered.
"Yeah, I am. So is Lea."
"Why? Why didn't I get vaccinated?"
"You were lost at sea with your platoon for weeks, and before that, you were overseas. They didn't immunize the troops."
"Are you telling me the government wants us all to die?"
"Most of this is widely debated. There are some theories that the Unity had a strategy in mind."
Zed lent the scientist a hand and cut the heavy topic with a smile. "Axel, you're much more special than you know. Those people out there all adore you because of what you've done for Kinderfeld. You were the only one brave enough to go out when they needed supplies. People know your name not only here but out in the world. I've seen you fight and shoot. You're a natural."
"Well, yeah. I've been shooting guns since I was a kid."
"You were a special ops sniper. More than just a good shot."
Axel warmed to the compliment. "And what about you? Are you the mercenary of my dreams?"
Zed blushed and failed to hide her pride. "Not a mercenary... But I've murked a few Scavs in my day."
"Man... I like you," Axel tittered. "Ain't she great, Vee? What a prize."
For the few seconds of silence that passed, Vee's expression darkened. He recognized the reverence pulling Axel's features, the heartfelt way Lea relaxed when they spoke. Even in the absence of memory, Axel and Zed forged a bond too strong to pry apart. He would never wish ill upon his brother, but he mourned the days past with the woman whose eyes shone like vats of golden syrup passing under the morning light. At the risk of sharing a likeness with Ivar, the king who could never quite capture the woman's love, Vee thought of what life might have been like had Axel never returned. Would Zed love him? Could she? Had he ever toed the waters of her unspoken affection? Vee cursed his stupidity the night he told her how he felt and quickly dismantled his chances before she had the opportunity to consider him more than a close friend.
As Zed stared at Axel upright in his bed with his journals splayed out around him, Vee knew it was too late to rescind his platonic claim. A victim of his own sabotage, the scientist turned from them and pushed out every last ounce of breath to make room for another stale intake.
"I think it's time I showed Axel the Crimson Yawn."
Zed nodded and left the brothers, sensing a gloomy air rising between them. Vee was much better at explaining the inexplicable. He delivered news with a needed bluntness, one Zed had never mastered. Once she left the lab searching for distractions, Vee helped his brother box up the journals and offered his elbow to guide Axel back on his feet. Amid the bleak news, Axel had almost forgotten the pain in his extremities.
They waddled to the locked chambers where the bulk of Vee's scientific discoveries came to light. Axel squinted against the bright white walls and polished floor as he followed his brother through a series of doors leading to a clear dome similar to the greenhouses he'd found, only this hollow contained a twisted swarm of redheaded plants, mouths bloody and agape. Each one stood over seven feet tall and lifted its black-spotted maw to the sky in a silent scream. Axel turned from them.
"I've seen these before, but never this many. In my dreams, there's always one growing in a container."
"You recognize them?"
"And you say these things can kill me? How is it possible?" Axel asked.
"They're a sophisticated hybrid plant. They release spores like mushrooms, and those spores become airborne. If you breathe them in, they attack your blood, soaking up the nutrients and essentially turning it into a highly acidic jelly. You burn from the inside out. Well...Dissolve is a better word."
"And you've brought me here why!?" Axel shouted, dodging backward and planting too much weight on his bad ankle.
"Don't worry! They can't hurt you from in here. The filtration system's design protects everything inside."
"I still have a hard time believing all this. You know how crazy it sounds, right?"
Vee clapped his brother on the shoulder. "Oh, I realize. Why do you think it took me so long to break the news? You try finding a delicate way to explain this to someone who just came out of a coma."
Axel became transfixed on the plants again after Vee's assurance. He shuffled to the glass and studied the roaring heads, each one slightly different than its neighbour. They resembled demons, bizarre red monsters with thick necks and broad leaves of wax. Their spiked roots toiled in the ground, gnarled and tangled in a hellish orgy above and beneath the soil. Beyond the ranks, Axel saw the roiling jungle and all its hues of green and black. The sun broke through parts in the towering trees. How he longed to feel the wind on his burnt skin and walk among the flora. Axel observed the plants for a few minutes as Vee stepped back and allowed him time to digest.
"Am I in a nightmare?" Axel met his brother's eyes and did not blink.
"Some might say that. And I'm sorry. I've dedicated my life to making things better for the survivors, but there's nothing left I can do. All we have now is the village and each other."
"And mom and dad?"
"They're gone, Axe. They've been gone a while."
The tattooed man swallowed bitterly and nodded as a wall of tears blinded him. Vee touched his brother's shoulder and shared his pain through the comforting gesture. Axel crossed his chest with his good hand and patted Vee's fingers.
"Do you mind if I spend some time alone? This is... It's just a lot."
"Of course. Take all the time you need, Axe. I'll leave the doors unlocked. You good to walk?"
Axel's voice floated below a whisper. "I’ll manage."
In the apartment, Zed held her arms out before her and swung them in half-circles, stretching her muscles in preparation for another stiff night spent on the sofa. Vee came in after dinner and found Zed flinging her limbs outward.
"Nightly aerobics?" He asked with a touch of humour, the most he could muster after a day of harsh truths.
"Just stretching out before bed. My back's been killing me."
"Oh," Vee's green eyes popped open wide. "Don't sleep on the couch, Lea. You can take the bed tonight."
"Nah, it's okay."
"No, really. I insist. You deserve a night without hanging off the edge of the cushions."
"Then where will you sleep?" She asked.
"The couch."
Zed laughed at the idea. "You're far too tall to fit comfortably."
"I've passed out there dozens of times. Don't worry about me, really. Take the bed."
"Why're you being so nice, huh?" Zed snorted.
"I've seen you in pain the last few days, and I feel bad. It's rude of me to have one of the biggest beds in this place when I don't do anything to deserve it."
"Oh, shush," Zed jested. "You've done more for this place than anyone."
"There's always the Chrysalis."
The good humour in the room vanished with Vee's maladroit suggestion. Zed shook her head and scoffed. "I'm not going to the Chrysalis. I want to stay here with you guys."
"Fine by me. You'll take the bed tonight then. Grab your blankets and go."
Zed and Vee swapped bedding and wished each other goodnight. Though she deemed herself undeserving of the luxury, when Zed crawled onto Vee's large bed and spread her limbs from corner to corner, her skin bristled with goosebumps. The scent of the sheets belonged to the man outside the room, sprawled on the sofa, long legs dangling over the arm—cotton and boyish musk, the redolence Zed had grown accustomed to except in this moment. Lying on the mattress reminded her of the hugs and closeness she'd received from Vee when Axel had fled.
She relived their days together in clips of happy memories and some not so joyful. Across the apartment, Vee recalled the same night playing in Zed's mind—their evening in the greenhouse when they'd held hands, so close together yet barred by the promises of friendship. Vee cursed himself repeatedly while Zed entertained the idea of getting together with the scientist.
Soon, Zed's thoughts slid over the night she'd spent with Ivar. If she concentrated, she could feel the fullness between her legs still. Ivar had made love to her the way couples did in films. He'd stroked her and kissed her skin, took her nipples gently between his lips and sucked until she giggled. What might have excited some left her shivering. Was one of the brothers more deserving of her love? Was she foolish to think herself so desirable her attention was a coveted badge of excellence?
What a prize!
Lea... I want you to tell me no, right now.
It's like you were made for me.
With her heart racing, Zed turned over in bed and clamped her eyes shut. Debating which of the three men in her life she wanted more made her stomach flip, yet she couldn't keep the lewd considerations from pouring into her head. In these fantasies, she replaced Ivar with Vee. Yes, he was smart and gentle and keen on her, but he'd told her not to let him cross the line, claimed he didn't want her that way despite his feelings. Vee's kind face took the place of Ivar's, coasting down her stomach, stamping her thighs with kisses from luscious lips. She squeezed her legs together and let the inevitable shift knock Vee from the picture to make room for his older brother.
The tattooed man with all his addictions and his looming depression positioned himself between her knees and grasped her ankles delicately. A murderer and womanizer leaned over her body, caging her with long limbs decorated with sparrows, weapons, chains and barbed wire.
We're meant to be together. I see you in my dreams every time I fall asleep.
Zed bit her lip when the phantom sensation invaded her. She knew not how Axel would moan or if he'd coo and sigh the way Ivar had when they had sex. She wanted very much to think Axel would treat her with respect and scorned the claims Trinity had made about his wild side. Then the obscene journal entries came to life, glowing, fanned by salacious visions. What if she didn't want to make love? What if she wanted to be taken hard and fast by a man who worshiped her? Guilt and arousal mixed in her chest and sat heavy, grinning evilly like a demon poised to possess her body.
Sleep wriggled through Zed's conjurations and pulled her under before she realized she was slipping into blackness. The cozy bed and Vee's sheets lulled her, and soon, she dreamed of ordinary things, forgetting her personal stash of pornographic thoughts. She slipped further as the moon made a lazy arc through the night sky until something touched her shoulder and jarred her from sleep with a sharp gasp.
Her scream ripped through the apartment, sending her waker toppling out of bed.
"Lea? Oh, fuck. Fuck!"
In the dimness, neither of them saw each other but tasted each other's heavy breath. Soon the light snapped on, and Vee stood at the door, chest heaving.
"What the hell is going on?" Vee asked. "Axel? What're you doing?"
"Christ, I thought Zed was you. I just came to... Well, I couldn't sleep," Axel cringed. "Shit, my hand. Fuck, I landed like a sack of bricks."
Vee snickered, setting off a series of giggles. "You came to sleep in my bed?"
"I didn't mean to scare you, Lea."
"It's all right," said Zed. "Really. On any other night, it would have been Vee in here."
Axel pulled himself up by the elbows and sat on the edge of the bed, grimacing from the agony of his agitated wounds. "Sorry, guys. It's hard to sleep out there. People are watching me."
Zed scooted over and patted the part of the mattress warm from her body. "Come on. Lie down. I think we could all use a sleepover after the day we've had."
"You're not serious," Vee said with a scoff as his brother took up Zed's offer and laid down next to her.
Zed nodded with conviction. "Absolutely. You too, Valter. Turn off the light and get over here."
He rolled his eyes as he flipped the light switch. "This is hardly a three-person bed."
"Well, cuddle up, pal."
"Lea takes up a fraction of the bed, anyway," Axel pointed out.
"Is this not weird to you? Three adults sharing a bed?"
Zed moved to the center as Vee climbed into bed from the left. To her right, Axel had already sprawled and turned over to face her in the dark.
"It's no stranger than how half the people in this place sleep all piled on top of each other. Humans were meant to nest. In the wild, this is how we'd sleep."
"Yeah, but we're not in the wild," said Vee.
"Yes, we are, little brother. Have you seen it outside? We're literally in glass bubbles, in the middle of a rainforest. Now shut up, and go to sleep."
"You shut up."
"Guys?" Zed chimed.
"Yeah?" The brothers answered.
"I love you both.”
Robbed of their voices, Axel and Vee set aside their bickering to bask in the genial haze of Zed's words. Axel shifted an inch closer while Vee laid stiffly on his side, eyes wide in the dark. As though her claim was bathed in wine, they soaked in the meaning and slipped drunkenly into slumber.
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