#i need to photograph my projects but consider this: i am still in Job Search Hell and dealing with local bullshit
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it is so, so, so funny to interact with people that don't super know embroidery, who try to pick out which of my projects is more... skilled? or whatever. one time i had someone tell me to my face that my linework wasn't impressive and anyone could do backstitches, and they had learned how to backstitch last week so they could say this. someone else I've been teaching how to sew here and there told me that some patches I made recently and haven't put on this blog yet were true skill and above their skill level - they wanted to start with something easy! like massive block lettering on a stretchy tshirt!
#chatter#not embroidery#i need to photograph my projects but consider this: i am still in Job Search Hell and dealing with local bullshit#i would dearly like to NOT be in Job Search Hell
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Dear @chinomiko,
When I first started playing My Candy Love on New Year’s Day in 2013, I was simply a 17 year old girl who was starting the second half of my Senior Year in High School. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and I certainly had no idea where I’d end up. At the time, I was just looking for a new anime style site to call my internet home after the destruction of TinierMe. In my search, I stumbled upon your site. I had never played a dating simulator before, and I fell for your art style, so I decided to give the site a shot. It didn’t take me long to bond with Nathaniel... He was a kind young man, who loved to read, and had a tortured home life... Even though the torture at home was different between him and me, I still felt like I had found a character I could recognize... Hell, I did the same thing with Ken... My bond with Nathaniel was just so much deeper...
Then I graduated High School... I had no college prospects, and no idea what I even wanted to go to college for (still entirely don’t know).... My issues at home were getting worse, my love life was far from perfect, and living in Texas can be kind of ruthless on those who aren’t following the status quo... Even with going to the United Kingdom for 5 weeks, things still didn’t get better... And of course, the death of my childhood cat, Luna, in 2014 made things worse... So, I started focusing my free time on the game.... Working like crazy to get up to date with the episodes and bonus episodes, editing pics, and even writing fanfics... It became my escape from real life.
That did not change when I met the love of my real life in 2015. Despite entering into a relationship that is still going strong, I needed an escape from the hell my abuser was putting my family and me through, from the shitty job that I had gotten (and still have as of this letter), and from the hell that a really rare disease that had kicked on in my mother’s immune system had begun to put her and my family through. No amount of talking to people in my inner circle in real life helped... And there were times where it felt like the only emotions I knew were anger, sadness, and fear... It was during this time that my main MCL OC, Melody Alana Roster, came to life as what she is today... A strong, smart, beautiful, powerful, woman who goes through some of the worst hell imaginable and ends up living a life of peace with the man she loves (Nathaniel).... When my abuser’s time in my family’s and my life was ending and she was going “all out” on me? I thought of what Alana and Nathaniel would be doing during the newest episode of the game. My job putting me through mental and physical hell (it’s a very demanding job)? I daydreamed about Nathaniel and Alana. My mother’s disease progressing and making my mother put my grandmother and me through hell? I would go in my room and write a section of my story or edit a pic when I could. Hell, My Candy Love became so prominent in my life as an escape that when my abuser’s daughter came back at me (this time with my boyfriend’s ex friend), one of the things she’d say to me was “All you do is sit in your room and write fanfiction.”... I needed something and My Candy Love and it’s fandom was something I enjoyed that kept me in my room (where I felt safe)... To this day, my boyfriend understands why I’ve put so much time and effort into it... Why I’ve spent so much money on it (AP, Gold, commissioned pics, and items)... It was a light in what felt like a sea of darkness in my life...
Now, I’m going to clarify something here... What is written in the last paragraph took place over the course of 5 years... Of course, when I get to the point of 2020, its easy to guess some of the reasons why I continued to focus on My Candy Love... However, I have an added reason.... Not only did the pandemic bitch slap Texas mid March, but about a week before that happened, on March 10th, my mother succumbed to the secondary infection brought on by her disease... And I had to grieve... Of course, when the pandemic hit about week later, I was told by society that I didn’t have time to grieve... As I am a grocery store worker... Which, I still tried to use My Candy Love as a means of escape... It felt like life was going “Yeah, you’re free from your mom’s disease, now here’s one that YOU could bring home to your grandparents and kill them with simply by going to work!”... Because, I’m sure even you know how poorly America has handled the pandemic... And Texas is one of the worst states when it comes to that...
I’m not saying this to make you feel sorry for me... Not in the slightest... I’ve leaned on my family, friends, and boyfriend for everything, so it’s not JUST My Candy Love that got me through all of this... I’m telling you this because My Candy Love and what I’ve done for it has helped me with it all immensely. I thought I had lost my passion for writing while I was still in school, even though my favorite teacher was encouraging me to continue... And here I am still writing my MCL fanfiction... Not only am I still writing my fanfic, I’m getting it turned into 1 copy of an actual book for my shelf when I’m done... When I took photography in High School and wasn’t good at photoshop, I thought it would never be a skill I’d use... And, yet, over the course of my time with MCL, my photo editing skills have improved DRASTICALLY... Sure, I can’t really edit real life photos... But I can make stuff for MCL avatars and such...
I mean, if someone had told me 8 years ago that I’d be so invested in this game that I’d have a body pillow of my favorite love interest, a folder of commissioned art, a blog with over 1,300 followers, an Instagram with nearly 300 followers, a custom plushie of my favorite love interest, a Discord Server with around 200 people in it... That I’d be the Vice President/Club Photographer of the US version of a fan club... That I’d make friends throughout the world in the fandom... That my editing skills would become as good as they are now... That I’d be working on the biggest writing project I’ve EVER worked on... And that I’d cry at the last episode the same way I cried during the Season 8 finale of Scrubs, the series finale of iCarly, Matt Smith’s regeneration in Doctor Who and the ending of Deathly Hallows Part 2... I would have told them that they’re crazy....
Yet... Here I am... I’m turning 26 years old in July... And all of that has happened... In real life, I’m still dealing with the pandemic, I’ve celebrated my 5 year anniversary with my boyfriend, and I’m even preparing to move in with him... Yet, online, I’m still VERY invested in your game. I’m still a long way from finishing my OC’s story... I still want to edit pics for Nathaniel and Alana... And I’m going to be contemplating playing the new game for a while... I’ll still play events... As long as Nathaniel is around, I’ll be there to greet him with a smile... But I don’t know about your new project...
All that being said.... There’s one MAJOR thing I’d like to say to you, Chino....
Thank you for everything! For all your hard work in this story... It’s far from perfect, but I still enjoyed the majority of it... For creating Nathaniel, the holder of my 2D heart.... Seriously, thank you for creating him... I have anime crushes, but I don’t love them as deeply as I love Nath.... Thank you for your art! Its amazing! You’re in my top 3 favorite digital artists... The others being Drachea Rannak and Marco Albiero... Thank you for all the work you continue to put into the game that a lot of us have, kind of, grown up with.... I wasn’t really a kid when I started playing, but I do consider myself to have “grown up” with it... Thank you for all of the other love interests... For Castiel, Kentin, Armin, Lysander, Priya, Rayan and Hyun... They’re not the ones I love most, but they’re all interesting characters... Thank you for Candy... While she and Alana greatly differ from each other, Candy was the heroine in a story that gave birth to Alana... Candy is far from perfect, but I’m glad her story ended well.... Thank you for creating the game that brought this fandom into existence... While the fandom can be VERY toxic at times, there are a lot of amazing people in it... They have become some of my dearest friends...
While the entire My Candy Love team at Beemoov deserves my gratitude... I feel like you are the most deserving of it... Because, without you, My Candy Love would not exist.
I look forward to seeing My Candy Love’s future... Either from the sidelines, or from the middle of it... I will see it’s future...
Thank you ChiNoMiko.
All my love and respect,
Melody Alana Roster
#my candy love#my candy love university life#my candy love love life#mcl#mclul#my candy love high school life#mclll#ChiNoMiko#amor doce#amour sucre#sweet amoris#Sweet kiss#sweet love#Sweet flirt#sweet crush#Corazon de Melon#corazon de bombon#cdm#cdmu#slodki flirt#dolce flirt#chinomiko appreciation week#thank you for everything Chino#beemoov#beemoov games#i cried while writing this
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maybe I wrote an off-screen epilogue scene. maybe I didn’t. click the keep reading button to find out
warnings for mentions of weed and a mention of meds
December 26th dawns slowly over the mountains of Colorado, the sun creeping over the landscape like molasses, and Luke wakes up in the same way. He stays in the murky space between dreams and waking for a long time, floating through his subconscious until Ashton’s gentle fingers trailing up and down his arm finally pull him back to earth and wakefulness.
“Hey there, angel,” Ashton says, shifting to kiss his bare shoulder. “Good morning, my love.”
“Morning,” Luke hums, turning on to his back so he can see him. This bed is smaller than the one at their LA house, pushing them closer together and reminding Luke of the months in Utah back when they first got together and earlier this year, when Luke stayed with him for most of fall semester.
Ashton smiles at him, hazel eyes crinkling around the edges.
“Waking up to you is the best way to wake up,” Luke says, voice scratchy from disuse. It’s something he’s told Ashton multiple times, but it always bears repeating, and it never fails to make Ashton melt a little. He reaches forward and brushes Luke’s hair out of his face, hand curling against his cheek. Luke leans forward and kisses him, warm and slow, stubble scratching his face and mouths stale with morning breath. Ashton hums contentedly when they pull away, eyes staying closed half a moment longer than Luke’s.
“What time is it?” Luke asks.
“Mid-morning,” Ashton replies.
“Already took her out and gave her breakfast.”
“I love you,” Luke says. Ashton can claim to dislike Petunia all he wants, but that doesn’t change the fact that over the course of quarantine he has been the one giving her more treats and belly rubs. His willingness to get up with her in the morning means Luke is free to stay in bed as long as he wants, and since Ashton returned he can keep him here, too.
“What do you want to do today?” Ashton asks.
“Be with you,” Luke says. That was partially why they decided to come to Colorado for Christmas. Ashton wanted a little bit of snow and Luke wanted to spend uninterrupted time with him. When spring semester starts, Ashton will be heading back to Utah alone. Luke has been writing and recording a lot of smaller projects in his home studio that will likely never see the light of day, but beginning in January the band is going to have recording time together again. He’s needed with them, so he and Ashton will be long-distance until the semester ends since the university isn’t having a spring break and they won’t be traveling more than necessary in the pandemic.
“You don’t have a choice out here,” Ashton says. “The cabin isn’t that big, my heart.”
“Good,” Luke says, hand sliding down Ashton’s waist. His pet names have been getting increasingly diverse throughout quarantine, and each one still manages to give Luke heart palpitations, even the weird ones like thunder cat and lemon zest.
He leans forward to kiss him again, shifting easily when Ashton tugs to guide him on top, thighs bracketing Ashton’s waist. Ashton moves his palms to rest heavily on his legs, and when Luke leans back he’s met with the sight of his black hair messy against the white pillow, a ray of sun illuminating his face and making him glow.
He runs his knuckles along the scruffy beginnings of a beard Ashton has been letting himself grow since classes ended. It’s prickly, but Ashton doesn’t stop him, just watches with a smile.
“You’re so handsome, Ash,” he says. The eclectic mountain man vibe he’s been leaning into shouldn’t work, but somehow Luke looks at him and is still as enamoured as he was with the adorable boy he didn’t realize he loved and the beautiful man he married.
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer,” Ashton says. Luke moves his hands to the smooth planes of his chest, keeping himself propped up.
“I think that’s your expertise,” he says, reminded of the hundreds of photographs stored on Ashton’s phone or various sim cards around the house, all filled with Luke in various moods, positions, styles, and states of dress. One of Ashton’s goals for their summer together was to bring his photography skills up to par with his painting, and with lockdown Luke was the only convenient subject.
They have some pictures that they’ll never show anyone, and there are a few that Luke has considered showing the world. Needless to say, Ashton is his favorite photographer.
“I wish I had my camera now,” Ashton says. “Every inch of you is exquisite, and with the way you’re backlit by the sun you look ethereal. If I could capture the expression on your face I would never take another picture again, because none of them would compare.”
He doesn’t yet have the words to respond to that, so he leans down and kisses Ashton again, and again, and again.
After wasting the entire morning together under the covers and grabbing something quick to eat, Luke and Ashton go for a walk. It’s not cold enough to be unpleasant, and the cabin has woods to one side with paths stomped down throughout. They soon lose sight of the house behind them. Luke hopes they’ll be able to find their way back when the time comes, but if they get lost at least they’ll be together.
“This year was a lot better than it should have been,” Ashton says.
“What do you mean?”
“There’s a global pandemic going on. There have been thousands of needless deaths, cancelled plans, and teaching was significantly harder and less fun, but I think this year was my happiest year since I can remember. I feel really good about my art. I feel like I’m more aware of the world around me. I’ve stopped feeling as self-conscious. I finally got put on meds that work, and I’m actively enjoying my life.”
“You smoked a lot of weed.”
Ashton laughs.
“Yeah, I smoked a lot of weed, but I kept it professional at school.”
“Some of your students’ works would’ve been even better if you were high while seeing them for the first time.”
“Luke,” Ashton admonishes. “I’m not trying to get fired. I need the administration for reference letters since I’m job searching near LA now.”
Luke stops walking, letting Ashton carry on without him for a few steps.
“You’re job searching?”
“I am.” He backtracks, meeting Luke where he is and taking his hands. “Luke, I’m not stupid. I know that the reason this year didn’t suck was because it was the first year I got to fully spend with you. You are the love of my life, and I don’t want to try living my life without you for eight months of the year anymore. When you’re not traveling around the world dazzling people with your talent, I want to be with you at home. I love teaching, and I’m going to keep trying to do that, but after this semester I’m moving to LA permanently whether I have something else lined up or not.”
“Oh,” Luke says. “I thought you loved Utah. You have friends there, and students. Are you sure you want to leave that?”
This past semester, Luke was able to fully witness Ashton as a teacher. When he wasn’t on campus, Luke got full exposure to his joys and frustrations. He sympathized with him over administrative decisions and safety protocols and got to see pictures and video tours of the art submissions that Ashton wasn’t able to see in person.
He gave Daisy an encouraging voice note for finals, because she’s been struggling with trying to complete her senior project given the circumstances and Ashton asked him to since she’s his favorite.
“I have friends here, too, and there will be other students,” Ashton says. “Even if that wasn’t the case, being with you would be worth it.”
Luke’s heart feels full to bursting.
“Really?” he asks, needing one more confirmation that his dream is going to come true before he lets himself believe it.
“Yes, my sweet. I’m moving to LA with you for as long as you make that city your home.”
Luke kisses him because the other option is to start crying, something which he doesn’t want to do when they’re out in the cold.
“I think this was one of my best years, too,” Luke confesses.
He came out and then almost immediately deleted his social media from his phone. He’s learned more about what it means to be a good ally. He’s grown as a songwriter, stretching himself with different genres and working on his piano skills more, writing dozens of love songs for Ashton and silly ones for Petunia, bad ones, good ones, and amazing ones for himself and for the band. He figured out what it really means to be a husband, sharing his life with Ashton and able to physically be there for the bad days they both had and celebrate the joyful ones.
Things haven’t been perfect by any means. They had to postpone the tour, they can’t see anyone, and it often feels like the world is on fire. Still, though, he’s had Ashton.
Through all of this, he’s had Ashton, and after this semester he’ll always have him with him.
“You’ve been glowing,” Ashton says. “I’m glad I got to experience it with you.”
“Me too,” Luke says. “I love you.”
Ashton kisses his nose.
“I love you, too.”
They continue their walk hand in hand, enjoying the fresh air. Ashton points out signs that animals had been there and Luke ensures that he doesn’t run into any trees while he’s not paying attention to where he’s walking. The path turns out to be a big loop, and soon they can see other cabins again and then their own back door.
“Wait,” Ashton says before they go inside. “I want to jump in the snow. Film it for my instagram.”
Ashton has a professional artist social media, but he also has a private instagram that he posts on frequently. Luke has gotten very used to snapping pictures or videos for him, always endeared by which pieces of his life Ashton wants to share with the rest of the world.
Ashton takes off his coat for the video and faceplants with a kerplunk. As soon as he’s done filming, Luke is laughing.
“That was fun,” Ashton says when he hands his phone back to him. “Want to make snow angels?”
“No, Ash, I want to go inside,” Luke says. He gets no warning before Ashton has arms around his waist, tackling him down into the snow and making Luke shriek.
“You’re so lucky I love you,” Luke laughs, poking Ashton’s pink nose with his glove. Ashton beams above him.
“Can we go inside now?” Luke asks. Ashton hums, then snaps a picture with his phone.
“Now we can,” he says, getting up and offering Luke a hand. Luke lets Ashton haul him up, then they finally enter the cabin again, stomping snow off their boots and brushing it from their coats.
They don’t have any plans for the rest of the day, or the rest of their stay in Colorado in general, but Luke couldn’t care less about what they’re going to do. He gets to spend the rest of the holiday with Ashton, and then the rest of his life with him. Soon they’ll be permanently in the same house again, and he couldn’t be happier.
If Ashton managed to transform an awful year into a good one, Luke can’t wait to experience all of the amazing years ahead with him right by his side where he belongs.
#my writing#lashton#off-screen#how wild would it have been if I put a rick roll under there instead#would I have lost followers for that#okay now you Actually get a break from me.#going to not post writing for a week (but I am going to work on some inbox prompts)#can ya'll believe I still only have 285 words of the off screen prequel written and I don't even like them????#also! for your own thinking enjoyment: how much of ashton's quarantine chaos energy would still exist if he had to be a professor#like how wild is off-screen December 26 2020 ashton? who knows#I think he is slightly less wild than actual current Ashton but Not By Much#ashton's always been a goofy dude it's just manifesting differently right now#off screen
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The Road To “Godzilla VS. Kong”, Day Four
(Sorry for the delay on this one, Life proved just a bit too busy the other day to finish it; my “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” review is gonna be pushed back as a result too. But! No worries, on we go. ^_^)
Director: Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Writers: Dan Gilroy, Max Borenstein, Derek Connolly, John Gatins
Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, John Goodman, John C. Reilly
Technically speaking, Gareth Edwards’ “Godzila” from 2014 was the first entry in what is now generally referred to as “The Monsterverse”, an attempt by Warner Bros. Studios and Legendary Pictures to do a Marvel Studios-style series of various interconnected movies (and which, like most such attempts to cash in on that particular trend, hasn’t really panned out; “Godzilla VS. Kong” seems likely to be its grand finale as far as movies are concerned, the only two “names” it had going for it are Godzilla and Kong themselves, and even at its most successful it was never exactly a Powerhouse Franchise). But the thing is, when that movie was made, the idea of a “Monsterverse” did not yet exist; it was only well after the fact that Legendary and Warner Bros. got the idea to turn a new “Kong” project into the building block of a Shared Universe of their own that they could connect with the 2014 “Godzilla”, with a clear eye on getting to remake one of the most singularly iconic (and profitable) Giant Monster Movies of all time. As you might guess from that description, however, said “Kong” project also had not originally been intended for such a purpose; it would not be until 2016 that it would be retooled from its original purpose (a prequel to the original “King Kong” titled simply “Skull Island”) into its present form, which goes out of its way to reference Monarch, the monster-tracking Science organization seen over in 2014’s “Godzilla” and which includes a very obviously Marvel-inspired post-credits stinger explicitly tying Kong and Godzilla’s existences together.
The resulting film is fun enough, all things told, but that graft is also really, distractingly obvious.
Honestly, I wish I knew why I’m not, generally, fonder of “Skull Island” than I am. It’s not as if, taken as a whole, it does anything especially bad; indeed it does a great deal that is actively good. Consider, for example, the rather unique choice to make it a Period Piece; that’s decently rare for a Monster Movie as it is (indeed one of the only other examples that springs to mind for me is Peter Jackson’s 2005 remake of “King Kong”, which chose to retain the original’s 1933 setting), and it’s rarer still that the era it chooses to inhabit is an immediately-post-Vietnam 1970’s. Aesthetically speaking, the movie takes a decent amount of fairly-obvious influence from that most classic of Vietnam-era films, “Apocalypse Now” (a fact that director Jordan Vogt-Roberts was always fairly open about), and it results in some of the movie’s strongest overall imagery (in particular a shot of Kong, cast in stark silhouette, standing against the burning sun on the horizon with a fleet of helicopters approaching him, one of a surprisingly small number of times the movie plays with visual scale to quite the same degree or with quite the same success as “Godzilla” 2014). It also means the movie is decked out in warm, lush colors that really do bring out all the personality of its Jungle setting in the most compelling way and, given how important the setting is to the film as a whole, that proves key; Skull Island maybe doesn’t become a character in its own right the way the best settings should (too much of our time is spent in fairly indistinct forests especially), but it does manage to feel exciting and unusual in the right ways more often than not. The “Apocalypse Now” influence also extends to our human cast, which is sizeable enough here (in terms of major characters we need to pay attention to played by notable actors, “Skull Island” dwarfs “Godzilla” 2014 by a significant margin) that the framework it provides-a mismatched group defined by various interpersonal/intergenerational tensions trying to make their way through an inhospitable wilderness, ostensibly in search of a lost comrade-is decently necessary. Though here we already run into one of those aspects of “Skull Island” that doesn’t quite land for me. Taken as a whole, it sure feels like the human characters here should be decently interesting; certainly, our leads are all much better defined and more engagingly performed than Ford Brody, to draw the most immediately obvious point of comparison. Brie Larson (as journalistic Anti-War photographer Mason Weaver), Tom Hiddleston (as former British Army officer turned Gun For Hire James Conrad), and John C. Reilly (as Hank Marlow, a World War II soldier stranded on Skull Island years ago) definitely turn in decently strong performances; I wouldn’t call it Career Best work for any of them (Hiddleston especially feels like he’s on auto-pilot half the time, while Larson has to struggle mightily against how little the script actually gives her to work with when you stop and look at it) but they at least prove decently enjoyable to watch (Reilly especially does a solid job of making his character funny without quite pushing him over the edge into Total Cartoon Territory). I likewise feel like Samuel L. Jackson’s Preston Packard has the potential to be a genuinely-great character; his lingering resentment at the way the Vietnam War played out and the way that feeds into his determination to find and defeat Kong is, again, a clever and compelling use of the 70’s period setting, it gives us a good, believable motivation with a clear and strong Arc to it, and Jackson does a really solid job of playing his Anger as genuine and poignant rather than simply petulant or crazed. But there’s just too much chaff amongst the wheat, too much time and energy devoted to characters and ideas that don’t have any real pay-off. This feels especially true of John Goodman’s Bill Randa, the Monarch scientist who arranges the whole expedition; the Monarch stuff in general mostly feels out of place, but Randa in particular gets all of these little notes and beats that seem meant to go somewhere and then just kind of don’t. Which is kind of what happens with most of the characters in the movie, is the thing; we spend a lot of screen-time dwelling on certain aspects of their backstories or personalities, and then those things effectively stop mattering at all after a certain point, even Packard’s motivations. A Weak Human Element was one of the problems in “Godzilla” 2014 as well, though, and you’ll recall I quite liked that movie. There, though, the human stuff was honestly only ever important for how it fed into the monster stuff; it was the connective tissue meant to get us from sequence to sequence and not much more. Here, though, it forms the heart and soul of the story, and that means its deficiencies feel a lot more harmful to the whole.
Still, those deficiencies really aren’t that severe, and moreover, like I was saying before, there’s a lot about “Skull Island” to actively enjoy. The Monsters themselves do remain the central draw, after all, and for the most part the movie does a solid job with that aspect of things. It does not, perhaps, recreate “Godzilla” 2014’s attempt to make believable animals out of them (even as it does design most of them with even more obvious, overt Real World Animal elements), but there is a certain playful energy that informs them at a conceptual level that I appreciate. Buffalos with horns that look like giant logs with huge strands of moss and grass hanging off their edges, spiders whose legs are adapted to look like tree trunks, stick bugs so big that their camouflage makes them look like fallen trees…the designs feel physically plausible (especially thanks to some strong effects work that makes them feel well inserted into the real environments), but there’s a slightly-humorous tilt to a lot of them that I appreciate, especially since it never outright winks at the audience in a way that would undercut the stakes of the story. Kong too is very well done; rather than the heavily realistic approach taken by the Peter Jackson version from 2005, this Kong is instead very much ape-like but also very clearly his own creature (in particular he stands fully erect most of the time), with a strong sense of Personality to him as well; some of the best parts of the movie are those times where we simply peek in on Kong simply living his life, even when that life is one that is, by nature, violent and dangerous. Less successful, sadly, are his nemeses, the Skullcrawlers; very much like “Godzilla” 2014, Kong is here envisioned as a Natural Protection against a potentially-dangerous species that threatens humanity (or in this case the Iwi Tribe who live on Skull Island, but we’ll talk more about them later), and while they’re hardly bad designs (the way their snake-like lower bodies give them a lot of neat tricks to play against their enemies in battle are genuinely fun in the right sort of Scary Way), they’re also pretty bland and forgettable, even compared to the MUTOS. That said, they serve their purpose well enough, and their big Action Scene showdowns with Kong are genuinely solid. Indeed, the movie’s big climactic brawl between Kong and the biggest of the Skullcrawlers has a lot of good pulpy energy to it (particularly with how Kong winds up using various tools picked up from all around the battlefield to give himself an edge), likewise there’s a certain Wild Fun to the sequence where our hapless humans have to try and survive a trek through the Crawlers’ home-turf.
Where things get a bit tricky again is when the movie attempts to put its own spin on “Godzilla”’s conception of its monsters as part of their own kind of unique ancient eco-system. The sense of Grandeur that gave a lot of that aspect such weight there is mostly absent here, especially; there are instances where some of that feeling comes through (Kong’s interactions with some of the non-Crawler species, for example, do a good job giving us an endearing sense of how Kong fits into this world), but far more often it treats the monsters as Big Set-Piece Attractions. Which is fine as far as it goes, it just also means a lot of them aren’t as memorable or impactful as I might like. Meanwhile, the way the Iwis have built their home to accommodate, interact with, and protect themselves from the island’s bestiary feels like a well-designed concept that manages to suggest a lot of History without having to spell it out for us in a way that I appreciated (I would also be inclined to apply this to the very neat multi-layered stone-art used to portray Kong and the Crawlers except that the sequence where we see them is the most overt “let’s stop and do some world-building” exposition dump in the whole movie). But the Iwis in general are one of the more difficult elements of the movie to process, too; it seems really clear there was a deliberate effort here to avoid the most grossly racist stuff that has been present in prior attempts to portray the Natives of Skull Island, and as far as it goes I do think those efforts bear some fruit; we are, at the very least, very far away from the Scary Ooga-Booga tone of, say, “King Kong VS. Godzilla”, and that feels like it counts for something. I just also feel like there’s some dehumanizing touches to their portrayal (in particular they never speak; I don’t mean to imply that Not Speaking equals Inhuman, but the fact that we are not made privy to how exactly they do communicate means we’re very much kept at arm’s length from them in a way that seems at least somewhat meant to alienate us from them), especially given their role in the story as a whole is relatively minor.
At the end of the day, though, all the movie’s elements, good and bad, don’t really feel like they add up together coherently enough to make an impact. And I think if I had to try and guess why, even as I find it wholly enjoyable with a lot to genuinely recommend it by, I don’t find myself especially enamored by “Skull Island”. It has a lot of different ideas of how to approach its story-70’s pastiche, worldbuilding exercise, Monster Mash-but doesn’t seem to quite succeed at realizing any of them fully, indeed often allowing them to get in each other’s ways. It isn’t, again, a bad movie as a result of that; there really isn’t any stretch of it where I found myself bored or particularly unentertained. But I did paradoxically find myself frequently wanting more, even as by rights the movie delivers on basically what I was looking for from it.
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Ethan doesn’t think he’ll ever forget the night he met her. It wasn’t particularly memorable in itself; he and Grayson were at a party in a penthouse apartment that overlooked downtown, Los Angeles. He did not want to be there.
Ethan isn’t much of a drinker and he wasn’t back then either. He cradled his solo cup of water in his hand as he looked out over the edge of the stranger’s balcony, watching tiny cars flash by. Grayson had promised not to drink, he’d said he wanted to stay sober just so he could drive his own car home. That logic seemed to be thrown out of the floor-length window as soon as he’d spotted the opened keg in the corner of the open planned living room. Ethan couldn’t blame him, they’d been under an unusual amount of pressure from their management team that month. Grayson was caught up in conversation with a photographer inside, devising some kind of photoshoot plan for the coming weeks. Ethan had listened for a few minutes before recognizing that maybe he was too warm to be inside the space with a ridiculous number of people.
He’d escaped onto the balcony for some air, mostly because he’d seen that it was empty, but it was also a gorgeously cool night in the metropolis. The stars’ brilliance was dulled by the mass projections of man-made light that streamed from every window of every skyscraper and every vehicle, but they were shining with luster nonetheless. Ethan’s exposed arms rippled with goosebumps in the chill air, the thumping beat from the speakers inside muffled by the thick layer of glass that separated him from seemingly the entire internet presence of California.
He was about to reach for his phone that sat in his back pocket when he heard the door open. Suddenly anxious, Ethan twisted around to see who had decided to join him. He was greeted by the sheepish grin of who he later discovered was y/n. She sent him a small wave which he returned with a soft smile. “You had the same idea too, huh?” he asked her. “Yeah, it’s too hot in there and whoever’s connected to the speaker has questionable taste.” Ethan chuckled and watched as she moved to stand beside him, her arms leaning on the railing of the balcony. He couldn’t help but fixate on her face as her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. The girl’s gaze danced over the concrete empire that surrounded them, her features illuminated by the glow of the city. “This is so crazy,” she breathed. “I know,” he took a sip of his water and looked back out in front of him. “Are you from here?” she asked, “LA, I mean.” Ethan shook his head with a gentle grimace, “I live here, but I’m from Jersey.”
She nodded her head as if she was locating the state on a map that had been laid out in her mind. Ethan took some time to let his eyes rake over her figure. She was stunning in the hazy lighting, her hair ruffled in a way that made her look effortlessly attractive, but he was almost certain that regardless of the quality of light she’d still be beautiful. She wore a little black dress that clung deliciously to her frame yet simultaneously made her look innocent and adorably harmless. Now he likes to think that maybe y/n had checked him out too, he doesn’t remember feeling particularly confident that night, but he knew he looked somewhat acceptable. “Do like living here?” she looked at him and he felt the warmth of her stare. “It’s good for me when it comes to work. Everything I could need is here.” “But do you like it?” Ethan laughed at her persistence, almost unable to comprehend her attentiveness. He hadn’t had to think properly in a while; everything was always planned out meticulously in front of him. He never had to second-guess anything or ponder anything that didn’t skim the surface of a profound topic of discussion. He and Grayson barely had time to talk to one another about anything other than business, waking up at painful hours of the morning to work and then crashing in the early evening. This girl had suddenly made him think. It was almost absurd.
“I don’t know. I don’t think so,” he shrugged. “That’s understandable.” “Do you live here?” “Jesus, no!” she laughed at him, her eyes sparkling. “I appreciate the city and its culture, but everything is so superficial. People don’t seem real here, y’know?” “I do,” he admitted, bewildered by her accuracy. Los Angeles is incomparable to his home, he couldn’t begin to comprehend their differences. “I’m y/n.” she reaches out a delicate hand towards him. He takes it in his large tattooed palm, feeling the softness of her skin on his, “Ethan.” “It’s nice to meet you,” she giggles at their prolonged handshake which only motivates him to squeeze her hand a little tighter. “You too,” he smirks as their grip remains clasped together.
It takes a trill of her laugh to get him to drop her hand. He loves the way it sounds, so obnoxious and brilliant. They looked at one another for a moment, just absorbing each other’s presence. Y/n had returned to looking over the balcony, basking in the intimidating hustle and bustle. “What brings you to LA then?” he asked her, “Since you said you don’t live here.” She glanced at him and he watched the way her eyes danced over his face, “Friends from school. They’ve all got jobs here now, on the internet.”
Ethan didn’t want to ask her who her friends were because he had no interest in them. She’d been around him for maybe less than five minutes and already he didn’t like the idea of her leaving. “You’re here alone?” y/n had questioned. “No. My brother’s in there somewhere.” “This not your scene?” Ethan chuckled, “Not really. I don’t drink and I feel like that’s the only way you can enjoy things like this.“ “You’re right. It’s a bit sad, isn’t it? That you need to get shit-faced to have a good time?” “It’s tragic.” She broke into a fit of giggles, shaking her head at the triviality of it all. Ethan laughed with her, she was so infectious in her manner that he couldn’t help but reciprocate. He was comfortable in their silences, which was a completely new sensation for him. Ethan’s life was based predominantly on filling silences, squeezing meetings or filming or shoots into every free second he had, but with this almost-stranger silence felt normal. “I just think everything’s a show,” y/n had told him, “I don’t think there’s one person in there that’s as happy as they tell everybody they are.” “It’s all very fabricated, everything’s a facade here.” “Oh, thank God you see it too!” she sighed, “You’re the first inhabitant of Los Angeles I’ve met to admit it.” “Guess I’ve never really settled,” he shrugged, “I don’t see myself staying here forever.” Y/n opened her mouth to say something but the sound of the door opening drew them away from their discussion. Ethan looked over his shoulder and was met by the dazed grin of his brother. “There you are, E!” he exclaimed, sliding the panel of glass closed behind him and taking a step out onto the balcony, “You’ve been gone for ages.” Y/n had pivoted around to look at their intruder, a friendly smile gracing her full lips. “Y/n, this is Grayson my-” “Brother, I’m his twin brother.” Grayson interrupted, his eyes drinking in every feature of the girl in front of him, a smirk on his slightly flushed face, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand and y/n met it with his. After a few firm shakes, he let her palm go. “It’s nice to meet you too, Grayson. You having a good time?” she asked, her cheeks turning visibly red. “Yeah, I guess. It was all good until someone skipped Loving Someone on the playlist.” “The 1975? You like them?” Ethan saw the way her eyes widened in sheer awe. “Course I do, who do you think I am?”
Grayson stood on the other side of y/n, meaning Ethan was slightly isolated from their conversation about the band’s latest album. Y/n was gesticulating wildly as they discussed each song in immense detail. Grayson watched her with so much adoration that Ethan felt sick to his stomach. He would have considered his brother’s look of unadulterated amusement at her unabashed enthusiasm kind of adorable, but y/n had struck a chord within him that felt as though they were the only two human beings on earth.
Grayson’s smile couldn’t have been wider and y/n’s genuine laughter following everything he said was incredibly salient. Ethan knew Grayson was funny; he was charming and witty in an innocently oblivious way and y/n seemed utterly enamored. “I just think Inside Your Mind is breathtaking,” she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “I want someone to feel that way about me, y’know? Oh and Mine! I love that song with an intense passion.” “Me too! I love how it starts all sentimental and classy sounding and then Matty turns around and says he doesn’t want to be with this girl?! That freaked me out.” Grayson mimicked her position of leaning out on the balcony railing so he was closer to her. Ethan wanted to contribute but he had nothing to say. “Yes exactly! I think that’s the beauty of the album, the fact that on first appearance the songs seem to be really cheesy but if you listen to them properly, you realize that it’s all a facade.” Ethan wanted to kick himself at the irony. This girl that had knocked the air from his lungs was now having the exact same conversation they’d shared with his brother. Except this time y/n was far more nervous, she’d desperately search Grayson’s face for approval as she spoke. Ethan’s brother was eating out of the palm of her hand, completely hypnotized by her mannerisms and the way she’d grin as he spoke, almost amazed by the fact they shared the same opinion.
“Ethan and I have been getting into some older music recently, haven’t we E?” Grayson had looked upwards to acknowledge his brother’s presence for the first time in what felt like decades. “Uh, yeah I guess,” Ethan shrugged, sipping his water to hide his grimace. “Really? Who do you guys like?” y/n studied Ethan’s features and he felt his pulse quicken. “The Bee Gees are great, obviously Earth Wind and Fire and then you’ve got the classic Tupac and Biggie albums that we picked up the other day.” he smiled down at her, almost embarrassed in her gaze. “I love the Bee Gees! My dad used to play their albums to me in the car. How Deep is Your Love will forever be unparalleled when it comes to love songs.” y/n exclaimed. “Yeah but what about the Beach Boys? God Only Knows? Surely that reigns supreme?” Grayson quizzed her. Then Ethan wasn’t graced with her attention, y/n eyes shifting to Grayson who stared at her with such reverence that Ethan had never borne witness to before. He wanted to join in their discussion, he wanted to talk to y/n, but the look of sheer helplessness in Grayson’s features stopped him from doing so. He’d never seen his brother so infatuated with a human being before, and he couldn’t deny that it made him happy seeing Grayson happy. “I’ll leave you guys to it,” he’d said with a tight-lipped smile before returning to the party inside and finding a quiet corner for himself.
It is impossible to refute the notion that Grayson is in love with y/n. It shines through everything he does. His smile is brighter whenever she’s around, there’s a spring in his step and his general vivaciousness for life is amplified. Y/n has become a regular fixture in the boys’ lives, integrating her way into their everyday.
Grayson had insisted that she moved out to Los Angeles after their relationship had developed considerably over the past few months. Y/n is now living with a friend and taking online college classes in order to pursue academia as well as Grayson Dolan and she clearly could not be happier. She’s in the twins’ kitchen almost every evening, cooking for them and asking them about their day of filming. She’s snuggled up on their couch every Saturday night, Grayson’s head in her lap as she cards her fingers through his hair while they watch a movie. She’s sprawled out on Grayson’s bed in one of his t-shirts, finishing an essay every Sunday morning whilst he’s in the gym. Ethan physically cannot avoid her.
He doesn’t want to. If anything, he loves that she’s in his house all the time. He loves her food because it’s exceptionally more edible than Grayson’s meager attempts. He loves her witty commentary on whatever’s playing on the TV, her face illuminated by the blue light of the screen. He loves walking into Grayson’s room in search of a lost sock and finding her pouting at her laptop. “E?” she’d ask him, “tell me if this sounds good?” Ethan has learned that even a heart that feels pain can be happy. He aches for y/n. Their wits match perfectly, their eyes make contact halfway through a conversation and he can’t help but grin at her. She’s made her way into his life and he loves it. Until he remembers why. Of course, he’s extraordinarily pleased for Grayson. His younger brother has honestly never been so content in his life. Work is less stressful because Grayson is so happy. Tasks that once seemed mammoth are now walks in the park with Mr. Infatuated; Grayson’s eager to finish projects early to get home to y/n or run to the store to pick up some flowers for her.
If there’s anyone that deserves to be the other half of y/n it’s Grayson. Ethan can’t fathom another human being that would take care of her the way his brother does. They’re so sickeningly sweet together; always wound up in each other's arms, stealing kisses and sharing whispers. He just wishes it was him. Ethan doesn’t want to think about what might’ve happened if y/n had never met Grayson. It’s weird how different things could be if he had chosen to stay inside, to kick up a fuss at whoever skipped a song and refill his plastic cup with more liquor. But Grayson isn‘t one for open protesting, saint-like acceptance with the instilled morals in him that tell him to rise above, so of course, he’d step out onto the balcony. The determinist in Ethan desperately wants to believe that there’s nothing he could have done to win y/n, that it had all been written in the stars, that he was merely a catalyst, engineering Grayson’s love life. Sometimes, usually after the clock has struck five minutes past two in the morning, Ethan thinks that it would have been better had he just not gone to the party. Grayson would have felt obligated to stay home too and consequently wouldn’t have stumbled upon his brother and the pretty girl with a dazzling smile.
However, if Ethan hadn’t attended that disappointing excuse for a social gathering he’d never have met y/n. She’s slowly become one of the lights of his life, his days and nights revolving around her. But with every glimmer of happiness she brings him, comes a sick thought of guilt. It’s bad enough loving someone who’s with someone else, let alone that second someone being your twin brother. Ethan and Grayson are close, there’s not one thing about his brother that Ethan doesn’t know and it irks him that he’ll never be truly honest with Grayson.
Ethan Dolan doesn’t ask for much, he’s not on the search for a new England. He just wants another girl to replace a person that’s irreplaceable. Maybe they were never destined for one another, maybe y/n and Grayson won’t last. But there’s nothing he can do to fight it.
At least she’s Grayson’s, he tells himself.
So here’s a little something to keep you going as I work on when the party’s over part 3! As I’ve mentioned before, schoolwork is kinda taking over my life, but I’m determined to try and post weekly as I have been recently. I hope you’ve all had a great day! Lots of love! - K x
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For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul? Interests Camping Fishing Hunting Hiking Freedom Ron Paul Rand Paul Gold Silver Rocks Minerals Natural Remedies Jesus Christ Essential oils Prospecting Mountains Exploration Metallurgy Cooking Copper Fossils Hot springs Life less ordinary About Nathan I feel like I am on a totally different planet compared to most people, on my way of thinking, I believe do to the fact that I am Libertarian, was Home schooled and raised on a 400 acre alfalfa, corn and wheat and cattle farm. A INFJ Personality type which is about 1% of the men on this planet... It feels like 99.9% of the people I talk to are all the same even if they are slightly different on their way of thinking, What happened to Morals, values? What happened to everyone being totally Uniquely and different? having an imagination? wanting to break away from the whole norm? get away from the rat race, enjoy life even if it doesn't mean being filthy rich, or having job security, when really a having garden and trying to be happy and healthy and Faith in God is the only security you really can have. I think I was born in the wrong generation, I find myself identifying more with Older people then I do with most people my age or younger. I am tired of Superficial people It really seams like that is about how most people are these days, I don't care about any sports team unless maybe a friend that I support is involved, it seams like Sports and Hollywood have become our Modern day Idols and worship centers even though most people don't realize it. TV is Nice to numb the brain but really don't care about it at all, I'd rather have the night sky be my TV... I am a Christian, Libertarian and a Entrepreneur. I am Jack of all trades. I can cook, work on cars, computer repairs, fix broken electronics, plumbing and electrical and many other things I've learned how to do having an open mind. Since I grew up and we never had a lot of money to buy new things that often so we fixed things not throw them away, though it did lead to having junk piles on our 500 acres and what not but still... my point is I learned a lot of skills you don't learn going to 50 years schooling.. I am pretty sure I am unlike anyone you have ever met, all though I do not let a lot of people get close to me I have a hard time trusting anyone anymore after being used and hurt to much, and I being an extremely nice guy and easy going I've had people take advantage of me lie to me use me and betray me. I like Natural God Given herbal remedies over the whole medical mess we have going on these days that is more about money then curing anyone. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A 1 NIGHT. I want something deep connection and meaningful. Money is a means to an end, Success it meaningless unless its at helping others. the best things in life are free and didn't cost a penny, good friends are hard to find and in short supply these days. If you want to try to get to know me feel free to send me a message... I've never smoked, done drugs, or been drunk even though I've had a drink everyone once in a while... What I�m doing with my life Trying to Work outside of all the trash going on in the world and the rat race, trying to stay motivated when sometimes it seams like its all for nothing..... It isn't easy being me Empath, I need an Adventure partner who's my best friend to sit under the stars talking about Life, dreams and talking about everything Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food The Bible, Ron Paul - The Revolution, all kinds of music -- but not most rap. I enjoy all kinds of food, chicken, shepherd's pie, venison, dove, pheasant, and elk. Orange chicken. ( I can make it myself) The six things I could never do without Family, Friends, Jesus Christ, God, Prayer, food, Freedom, Liberty, The Constitution. The strength/courage to stand up for what I believe in and help weaker people when no one else does. Being able to think for myself have my own views and opinions. Having people I can look up to as being my heroes like so many of Our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson Freedom I spend a lot of time thinking about The current state of affairs effecting this once great Country, what kind of bondage our we selling our future generations in to with so much Spending and debt? how to make a living with out working for the Man. Off the Grid Living- getting away from most modern technologies and things that really don't make life any easier because we lose a piece of our self when we can't get away from ' technology' I am Pro Life, you can't have a choice if you Don't first have life....... Why are animals more protected then the unborn children ? You should message me if ...you are pretty much drama free, you're an easy-going, decent person, or if you would like to make a good friend... you like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, getting involved to defend our liberty. Ok so I have talked about me and I like to be honest I am Human and I have my demons I fight daily Depression, Anxiety, IBS, allergies, my back is messed up and my knees hurt once in a while when I go hiking to far... I have a hard time trusting anyone, and or getting close to me, I've also had Dysgraphia and tinnitus since I was a kid... I am an introvert, quite... Why should you message me ? well I am very unique, Honest, Loyal, loving, thoughtful, caring. once a real friend I try to be a good friend... I think I'd make someone a great husband one day even with all my flaws and problems I face I mean cmon who doesn't have their own problems to face why face them alone ??? . I want to live a life less ordinary.... I want someone to enjoy life with........my best friend my lover to grow old with to make out of life what we can working together through good and bad times.... If You read all of this Kudos to you, I've been single a Long time so I keep adding to this.
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An interview with Claudia Pezzini
An Italian in Cornwall. What made you move there?
I was lucky enough to be sent to the Uk from an early age to practice my English during summer holidays. I started when I was 11 and I was always hosted by local families which really made a difference: I was forced to speak and I could properly immerse myself in the environment. This relationship with the UK carried on for years and when it came to choose a University I decided I was going to move there and I searched for the right course and place to study. That’s when I discovered Falmouth University, one of the top art Universities in the UK. Falmouth is a small town in the Cornish coast; when I came here for my interview after an incredibly long journey (it takes 8 hours from London) I fell in love with the place straight away. The University is immersed in a subtropical garden and it’s less than 5 minutes away from the beach (by walk!). Falmouth itself is such a precious town. Luckily I was offered a place at the University and have been here for 3 years now. I really couldn’t have made a better choice.
You are an illustrator that focuses on adult narrative. What led you in the direction of drawing and writing stories? Tell us a bit about your path of artistic training.
I should point out that my background is in the humanities. I attended Liceo Classico in Bergamo, my hometown, and had never received proper artistic training. I have always been passionate about art but I was mainly a self-taught “artist”, filling pages and pages of drawings between a Latin and a Greek translation. When I decided that it was no longer just a passion, I researched on the possible art courses and I found Illustration. Illustration combines words and images. The images created, the illustrations, “illustrate” the meaning of the words. They explain the text and complement it but one cannot work without the other: words need images as much as images need words. Having always worked with words, I figured that Illustration was the best compromise and I jumped into it, I applied with what I had and that’s how I started. During these three years of training, I discovered that Illustration is a much broader field than I expected, ranging from editorial to advertising and packaging design but I eventually specialised in adult narrative illustration because my focus is mainly working with stories for adults. I occasionally write my own stories as well but I am still a bit too shy to share them.
Would you mind telling us a bit about your current and future projects?
I am about to graduate as an illustrator so in these last months I have been focusing on finalising everything and putting together a coherent portfolio. I am mainly working on illustrating given stories with surreal atmosphere and metaphorical meaning where I can challenge myself with unusual imagery (Murakami’s stories are my favourites for this!). Along with that, I am still working on more authorial projects. I am aiming at keeping these two paths going at the same time, working on projects with a given brief and some more authorial ones where I get to design the project completely and focus on the graphic design bit as well. The presentation part is crucial for me, I love putting together projects in the shape of little books.
At the moment I am working on a silent narrative (with no text) based on the theme of 'the promise’. I came up with the story and I am now illustrating it… it’s taking its time ahahah
What is your artistic process?
I love traditional illustrations and I think that the quality of a drawing on paper is never the same as the one on a digital tablet. Therefore I always start by drawing traditionally either with pencil or ink pen and I only use the digital programmes as tools to add something after. I scan the drawing at a high resolution and then move to the digital. With the years I have learned how to use Photoshop and Indesign and I discovered the incredible potential they have. I now colour my images only digitally and add textures to give them an organic textural look which is all I am after. I love when the illustrations have that grainy textured print vibe, when you cannot tell if they are digital cause they look entirely traditional.
Where do you draw inspiration from? Who and what inspires you the most?
I am an avid reader and cinephile. I am always on the hunt for inspiration that I draw mainly from photographs, movies and music. Every time I dive into a project I spend a lot of time researching the right mood and the aesthetic, it’s one of my favourite part of the process. I must admit that despite being obviously aware of the trends, I don’t really look much at others illustrators’ work or at least I try not to be influenced as much. I have a very personal relationship with my work and I am a bit stubborn and impulsive, I do things my way. Generally though I have a thing for very crisp and clean design, blues and teals colours, textures and details. Some of my all-time favourites who never fail to inspire me are: Gauguin, Wong Kar-Wai, Japanese printers, Murakami, García Márquez and Evgenia Arbugaveva (this is a recent one, go and check out her photographic series!).
When you think about your future, do you see yourself living abroad or potentially going back to Italy?
When you live in a foreign country for so long you get used to it and it becomes difficult to go back. Falmouth is a chapter in my life and I am now looking for a place to go after where I can live and work. I do feel deeply Italian but I don’t think I will be ready to go back any time soon, I just want to experience living in other countries first. I am still not sure where I will end up, if it will be possible for me to stay in the Uk or move elsewhere but what I know for sure is that I need to find a place that is young-people-friendly and with a vibrant artistic community where I could start off as an illustrator whilst having a part-time job. Both are things that are not so easy to find in Italy, unfortunately.
What are your thoughts on independent projects led by young artists?
I love the fact that young creatives challenge themselves more and more with independent projects. There are some important things to consider though. First of all it’s vital that the team sets a common aim and that there is an equal distribution of the roles from the very beginning cause often the difficulties derive from having people that are not used to working professionally and sticking to deadlines. Ones you have the right team, you can then focus on the actual challenges of independent projects such as budget, promotion, production, technicalities… you name it! It’s a lot to keep track of but I think that our generation has access to more means for network and sharing given the skills we all have with social medias and technology. It’s also very important to keep up the standard and focus on the quality of the project and strong concept to be able to stand out in the crowd and be effective.
Socks thanks you for this collaboration. Did you collaborate with artists before? If so, tell us more about it!
Thank you!! I am honoured to be part of this collaboration! Despite the fact that I work mainly independently, I do really value artistic collaborations and I did collaborate with course mates and friends before. Living in a creative community means that there is constant need of people with different skills so I managed to join projects in many different ways: by making the poster for a film campaign of a friend to taking part in a collective zine with some course mates. In May 2019 me and some course mates set a collaborative exhibition with a common theme in the centre of Falmouth and we ended up creating a proper event with visuals, songwriters, dj’s, graphic designers and photographers from other courses. I then collaborated with a very close friend of mine that studies music on a more authorial and intimate project based around feelings where we responded with music and images to the text we came up for each feeling. That was a difference sort of collaboration, one that you cannot do with anyone but it definitely made me understand how important it is to work as a team especially when you just start your career as a creative.
Good luck Socks!
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“The Fandom Food Chain” or “Why I Can’t Be Bothered To Make This Rant A Comics, Though I Am Fully Capable If I Please”
Ok, so, this has been brewing for a long time, for a year at least for myself and even longer for a few content creators (writers, artists, photographers) I know and talked with over several different sites with different ways of viewing and feedback. But, basically, nearly everywhere the situation is the same.
It seems, that the fandom culture faces 2 serious problems, that, actually, are connected:
feedback has all but died out even on the basic "like' and "kudos" level. Not to mention actual comments and reblogs.
fandom lifespan drastically shortening and people constantly searching for a new hypetrain to jump on.
This are serious issues that affect content creators and, in the long run, content consumers.
Here are some thoughts on what led to this and how it will be a rather grim future if something won't change.
Imagine an ecosystem - without any interference it functions properly, predators and prey have enough food, the greenery renews itself in a steady rate. Now, let's introduce a new specie or hunt down one of the existing ones. What do we get? Less predators - the prey consumes more plants, they can't regrow in the same rate. More territory suffers from herbivores, which leads to soil erosion, less bugs=>less birds, less pollination. The soil is withered by wind and rain, less plants can grow on poorer soil, the area can feed even less animals, they move to greener pastures. The area can either stabilize over time, or not - think how badly rabbits affected Australia (multiple species extinct, great erosion damage).
So, a fandom is also an ecosystem (food chain) of sorts. Sure, we can't measure it in terms of predators and prey, but we can in terms of creators and “consumers” (aka viewers/readers) with the resources being content (art, photography, music, writing AND feedback).
So, what is the "food" for creators?
That's right - the Canon, side inspiration (non-fandom and fandom content) and feedback (i.e. "content" "created" in response to their work). The first two are something the creators need to consume and then add extra resources (time, work, motivation) to actually make into the "food" for the Fandom (both other creators and simply viewers/readers).

And what is the food for the "consumers"?
That’s right - the Canon and the creator generated content they receive though the fandom network. It's easy to consume, they don't need any extra resources to enjoy it.
And here lies the problem. With modern technology and the fast pace of consuming information, the viewers attention span grew smaller as well their patience and time they spend on 1 piece of content. Thus they rush though their feeds and dashboards, leaving no feedback (since it requires resources from them (time, work and motivation), and they feel that they don't need to apply them - there will always be a hot new fandom to get a quick high for favorite archetypes, kinks and AUs.
But what the creators see is that their "food resource" is getting smaller - the Canon doesn't usually grow as fast as the creator process it, and with little feedback content on their works they have less motivation to produce similar content. They turn their attention to other venues - be it another Fandom where they still can get enough "nutrition" from the source material alone, or something that doesn't require them producing all together (playing games, watching movies, simply browsing, i.e. they become "consumers" themselves).
And here is when the "consumer" doesn't get enough new content (or the quality of content drops, because who'd wanna make a three course meal if it get's the same quality of feedback as a sandwich) and is either forced to move to "greener pastures" of other fandoms or try to get by with what husks are left. And this usually leads to wails of "there's nothing good to read anymore", "the fandom is dying" and etc.
What can I say - we reap what we sow.
And if things will continue this way - no, fandom creative contents won't go extinct, not really. Creators will still get bursts of nutrition from new stuff, they still will create - and in place of those, who'll stop all together will come new ones. But all in all, the quantity and quality will suffer, because, like I said - once the brain figures out it doesn't have to put as much resources to get a result, it will not motivate a person to spend 10 hours on a drawing. Because, why bother if it'll get the same feedback as a 1 hour sketch session - you then can spend 9 hours doing instant and guaranteed gratification stuff, like gaming and watching tv!
People tend to think that creators have an unlimited source of creativity, that they create because they can't not do it. Sure, it s a case for some. But for most, this is a really slowly renewable resource they have to choose wisely how to spend. And without feedback they, most likely, will choose to spend it on more personal passion projects and ideas. But with re-fills from outside sources they can create more and. more often than not, in the venue this fill came from.
What I also heard about a lot - people finding excuses to why they don't give feedback.
"The author doesn't want feedback" - BULLSHIT. The author may not want criticism, but if he put it on a public platform, tagged and did not forbid comments (like some platforms allow) - you better believe, he want attention for it. A reblog, a like, even better - a comment. You don't need to write an essay or a hymn of praise, but even the simplest reaction of "Love this pair", "wow!", "cute art", "can't wait for the next chapter" gives a creator a HUGE boost. Even if the piece left you with mixed feelings - it's better that with no feelings at all. "Not my pair, but interesting idea", "never considered this before" - is a lot better for the creativity, than silence.
"I don't reblog because it doesn't fit my blog/ I don't want people knowing I'm into this" - that's when you can use a side blog or sent a private message most of the time giving kudos to the author. Even if a reblog is to a blog with no followers - the creator doesn’t know that and it still might expose the piece to your future followers.
"I don't want to interact/I'm shy/I'm an introvert/I have anxiety”- but you want to consume the content? You really can't eat an omelette without breaking some eggs. The creator too might have issues and be self-conscience about their art and actually put a lot of self-worth on how it’s received by others. As I said - you don't have to get all buddy-pals with the author, but a lil comment or like or note doesn't need to spark a big conversation. A tip of the hat while passing by.
“I don’t want to/It’s not my job to contribute to the fandom” - well, neither is the creator’s and you’re a butt that doesn’t deserve all the free content other people put out for the fandom to enjoy. Go chew some glass.
So, what can we do? Well, it's in the word itself -
You "feed" the creators back for the "food" they give you. This goes both to those who just view/read content, and to the creators - support your fellow starving for attention authors. You don't need to go like and comment every single of their work, but if a piece made you pause for a few seconds while scrolling - let the author know that. Otherwise, there won't be much to stop by in the future.
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Dear INFP, You’re Not A Mess. You’re A SCANNER, and That’s Awesome.
Do you feel like you’re drifting aimlessly in life, unable to commit your attention to just one thing, because that would mean missing out too many other exciting opportunities?
Do you think you’re great at starting projects but don’t have enough focus or perseverance to finish them?
Do you get easily excited about new things and just as easily bored once you have tried them?
I do, and my awareness of this trait doesn’t make my job search any easier. I feel like I need to try everything in order to choose, and the time is running out. Why am I so scatterbrained?
In this post about INFP career struggles, I wrote about my doubts with regard to choosing the right path.
The struggle is real.
What Is Wrong With Me?
I was blessed with parents who provided me with the perfect conditions for self-discovery and exploration. They didn’t sign me up for all those activities like today’s parents do – the initiative was entirely mine. So, by the end of elementary school, I tried tennis, acrobatic modern dance, karate, maths, speed reading, English, arts, journalism, horse riding, more arts, singing in a choir, sailing, and theatre. Not at once, of course.
Later on, I added to the list Spanish, Portuguese, photography, and climbing. I just felt I needed to try them all. Some didn’t last more than a few weeks, but many activities kept my attention longer.
I thought that growing up would make choosing easier.
It didn’t. I kept trying out different professions and jobs to find out what I could do for a living. As a result, I’ve become a Jack of all trades, master of none, with a rich and very inconsistent CV, and without the slightest idea about what career to pursue. By the age of 28, I have already had two major career shifts and tried several other unrelated jobs, only to find out that I don’t want to do those things anymore in my life.
I wish I could live 200 years, or had many lives, or be 20 people instead of one, or possess a time-changer, so I could try everything I want, from kitesurfing and basket weaving to design and upholstery.
My inner child rebels when my inner adult questions the sense of pursuing yet another project, and I can’t help feeling like a failure. At school, willingness to explore was a great advantage. But in adult life, it feels more of a liability.
What is my calling, then?
Over time, and having tried plenty of things, I found out that I want to be a farrier, permaculture farmer, seafarer, dressage rider, bee keeper, traveller, photographer, blogger, and T-shirt designer.
I don’t mean either – or.
I want to be all these things AT THE SAME TIME. Like a one-man band.
It’s ridiculous and incredibly frustrating. Soon, I will hit 30, and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
It wasn’t until recently that I realized I wasn’t alone in this struggle. We are told that the best (and only?) way to succeed is by finding one’s passion and pursuing it till the end of one’s life; that only by specializing in a very narrow area we can actually achieve what is believed to be success. True as it may seem, I don’t think it applies to INFPs at all.
In her book Refuse To Choose, Barbara Sher calls this kind of people “scanners”. Others have called us Renaissance people, da Vinci personalities, generalists, polymaths, multipotentialities, jacks-of-all-trades, eclectics, dilettantes or flakes.
I prefer “scanners”.
Who is a “Scanner”?
Unlike the people who specialize in very narrow areas, scanners are individuals characterized by “intense curiosity about numerous, unrelated subjects”. They’re endlessly inquisitive explorers who don’t want to commit to just one area, giving up all the other interests.
Being a scanner does not equal having an attention deficit disorder, even though the two may co-exist. Scanners simply crave knowledge and want to understand how things and the world around them work.
If you’re not sure if that applies to you, listen to Barbara Sher talk about scanners - https://youtu.be/o29KOV0jYRM
The INFP personality fits the scanner definition wonderfully. With Ne as our auxiliary function, INFPs see endless possibilities to everything. Ne is the driving force behind creativity, and the reason we crave novelty and get bored so easily (at least, until we find THE thing, I believe.). Ne is also the source of INFP’s childlike wonder of the world.
Having said that, it’s not a surprise that we are so unhappy when forced to fit in the world, where you either specialize in something or fail. As great imagie thinkers who don’t pay that much attention to details, INFPs are often criticized for being scatterbrained and unable to commit to just one narrow area.
But, what if our ability to be passionate about so many things was actually an asset?
Can Scanners Be Successful?
Good news! I’ve learned from Sher’s book that there is no obligation to specialize in anything – the preference of specialists over erudites it’s a relatively recent fashion, and in case of scanners, it goes completely against our nature. Let’s be honest: I were to dedicate my life to just one thing, I would probably get bored to death.
It is possible to achieve tremendous success as a scanner. The list of famous and undoubtedly successful scanners includes Steve Jobs (who revolutionized not only computing but also mobile phones, music industry and design), Leonardo da Vinci (artist and inventor, the original Renaissance Man) and Benjamin Franklin (writer, publisher, inventor, statesman among other things).
It is also possible to choose a career and projects in which your talent and love for learning is an asset, not a liability. I learned about careers aimed at researching and providing information, management tools one can use to organize unfinished projects and harness your creativity, and ways to avoid paralysis by analysis and reconcile making a living with pursuing your multiple passions. So there seems to be some hope, after all 😉
Though this be madness, yet there’s method in it, Shakespeare (an alleged INFP) would say.
Tips For Scanners
Here’s a bunch of advice I’ve drawn from the book Refuse to Choose.
Keep a notebook and always carry it with you, so whenever a brilliant idea comes to your mind, you can seize it and save it for later. One day, you may actually be ready to apply it in a meaningful way. You never know.
Organize your ideas. Write a whole list of things you’re interested in and projects you have in mind. You will probably realize that they’re not so many and are somehow related. Grouping them will help you recognize some pattern and decide which to prioritize.
Trust your intuition and do what you want to do. Let go of things that don’t make your eyes shine. I realized that for feeling intuitives, reason is not necessarily a good advisor. This life is the only chance you have to pursue your dreams, so don’t waste on what won’t give you fulfilment.
When you feel like you’re done with a project, move on. Even if you leave it (un)finished, it’s never a waste of time.
Consider finding a Good Enough Job. It may not be your dream job, but if it doesn’t make you suffer, the team is fun to work with, and you get a decent salary that pays for your passions – it may be THE solution.
Scanners, You Are Enough
Some of us don’t have just one true calling, and there is nothing wrong with it. In her TED talk, Emilie Wapnick, the author of How To Be Everything, proves that being a scanner is not a disease or a disorder to be cured, but a unique and invaluable talent.
As a scanner aka multipotentialite, you have access to many points of intersection of different fields, which leads to innovation. You’ve been a beginner so many times that starting from scratch yet another time doesn’t frighten you. The skills you acquire in the process are often transferable between different fields of expertise, and that in a fast changing world makes you extremely adaptable. And the truth is, very few people stick to their initial career, nowadays.
Also, generalists like you make great team members for specialists because they provide the kind of insight the latter are not capable of. Working together, we may accomplish even greater things.
Trying to fit a square peg in a round hole is pointless. You are a creative soul. You can only make a difference in the world if you embrace your scanner personality and do something you’re absolutely passionate about (even if it doesn’t last a lifetime). Let your Ne explore the endless possibilities that this world has to offer, celebrate your talents, and share your enthusiasm and projects with the world… This is your life purpose!
Source - Marta, https://climbingthecliff.com/infp-scanner-superpower
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Smashwords Author Interview
Published 2015-05-07.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes. Alas, it is lost along with much of my early work done on typewriters with no backups. I will rewrite it some day as it still speaks to me and, like many of my later stories, it delved into the interplay between the conscious and subconscious mind, life lessons and redemption. My second short story, Eternal Quest, survives in my latest short story collection, Mindscapes, and is still a favorite that is little changed from the one written by a young old man of 19 who had already learned some of the most vital lessons about the things that matter that he would ever learn. My philosophy, too, has changed little over the intervening decades.
What is your writing process?
For both my fiction and non-fiction I tend to compose at the keyboard. I do no outlining and seldom work on plot lines ahead of time. Also, my first draft is usually also my final draft with only minor changes. During the day, I almost always have a cup of coffee on hand as I write. At night, it may be tea, diet Coke or Pepsi or a glass of wine. Less often, when writing late into the morning, especially after a particularly good or bad day, the glass of wine may be replaced by a snifter of brandy or an Absolut vodka martini with olives. (No more than 2 drinks a day on average as a rule, though.)
I like to work in significant blocks of time without interruption other than fetching coffee or pestering my wife during very brief breaks until she yells at me and I slink back to work.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
I'm not sure what the first story was but it was certainly Disney and about Donald Duck. (In my native Spanish--just like my first Superman comic books and child's version of Homer's Odyssey). I still love these, though I have not read a Superman comic since I was 12 or 13.
My love of fiction was inspired by Disney, Homer, Hans Christian Anderson, Aesop, and blossomed into an even greater love of Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, Poe, Wordsworth, Keats, Blake, Niven, Zalazny, Koontz, King, Clarke . . . in a gloriously meandering line that is the only yellow brick road I ever need to walk.
How do you approach cover design?
I like to use my own photographs when possible. Even when using stock photographs or public domain designs, I like to incorporate a photograph that I've taken that means something to me. I've done that in my book of poems, my intellectual property book and in two of three short story collections. (Even my latest audiobook collection cover incorporates one of my photos in the montage of individual short story covers.) Of course, I don't have that luxury with the trade books and textbooks through my traditional publishers--on the upside, they do a far better job of editing my work than I. :)
What are your five favorite books, and why?
It is impossible for me to answer this. So I'll just list the first five that come to mind that have had a significant impact. 1, Intimations of Immortality by William Wordsworth. I love Wordsworth above all other poets of all times--even more than Shakespeare and Milton. This lengthy Ode encapsulates him for me, and links him to my favorite philosopher, Plato. It has had a profound influence as the first among my beloved Romantic poems.
2. Bleak House by Charles Dickens. "If that is the law, the law is a ass." What more need I say? (A case that drags out for generations until the last farthing is spent and then is finally resolved. That's not fiction. That's an ETERNAL TRUTH! And yet I still went to law school. Maybe I should list Freud next.)
3. Plato's Republic. (And the Socratic Dialogues.) There is Plato's idealism, Aristotle's realism and the rest is largely a historical footnote.
4. Shakespeare's complete works. The comedies. The tragedies. The sonnets. The inferiority complex for the rest of us who dare write anything at all after reading him.
5. Roger Zelazny's Amber series. I know, I know. It's absurd to list it here but it is still my favorite fantasy series of books from one of my favorite writers. I've read thousands upon thousands of pages in favorite fantasy series, including every word in the trillion page (it seems) absurdly long "Sword of Truth" series of books by Terry Goodkind (whom I love). At times I literally screamed in frustration at the repetitiveness GET TO THE F*^%$*#G POINT! George RR Martin (another favorite writer) in his lengthy Game of Thrones series of books (all eagerly digested--likewise the HBO series) also made me squirm and/or skip ahead from time to time lest I tear out the few remaining hairs on my head. I will buy the next long-overdue installment as soon as it is available, though. Likewise many other favorite authors like Stephen King (I almost died of boredom on my way to the Dark Tower on many occasions) -- and on very, very rare occasion even Dean Koontz whom were I pagan I would worship as a demigod. But Zelazny never had that effect on me, especially in his Amber series. Not a single skipped word. Not a single needless, redundant description. Were it not nearly 2:00 a.m. and need I not get up in less than six hours to attend Commencement ceremonies I'd probably rummage through my library for my Book Club two-volume Chronicles of Amber right now.
What do you read for pleasure?
Everything. But mostly science fiction and fantasy--classic and new. I also enjoy non fiction, of course. Just finished Killing Patton by Bill O'reilly, and Charles Krauthammer's Things That Matter. (Krauthammer is a national treasure. All of O'reilly's books are good reads and his Killing Lincoln, Jesus, Kennedy and Patton books are really terrific.) Now I'm working through a couple of anthologies and listening to the audiobook version of Dean Koontz's "Tick-Tock."
What is your e-reading device of choice?
I don't own a dedicated reader [no longer true]. I use a couple of Android tablets that can read anything out there and downloaded audiobooks too. A small laptop works well too.
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
Book giveaways have been best at generating interest in my books. I do very little marketing other than an occasional Goodreads ad campaign and short story giveaways through Smashwords from time to time.
Describe your desk
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
Queens, New York mostly. The working class neighborhoods exuding the incredible diversity (ethnic, racial, lingual, political, cultural) that exists everywhere in New York City have enriched my life and broadened my perceptions beyond anything that would have been possible had my parents raised me in their native, homogeneous Galicia (Spain) of the 1960s and '70s.
My writing reflects the vast multicultural soup in which I was thoroughly steeped and slow-cooked. So does my trilingual upbringing (Spanish, Galician, English) with their separate rich roots and very different cadences, sensibilities and predilections. These have informed my poetry, fiction, non-fiction and life in indelible ways at levels beyond conscious thought.
When did you first start writing?
Almost as soon as I learned to write. I was writing (bad) poetry when I was eight years old, and "stories" before that. I kept a journal before I knew what a journal was--and burned it when what it contained was too painful, troubling, embarrassing, or simply too real to deal with at a tender age. I wish I had not for I can't remember what that precocious child found too troubling to keep around. This (no longer precocious) adult would like to know--and smile (mostly) and perhaps shed a tear or two for the unrequited love, frustrations or deep truths learned too young in life to process in a more productive way.
I wrote a lot back then. Doubtless it was full of sound and fury, signifying nothing (apologies to The Bard). Some things don't much change.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
There are a number of factors that led me to explore the indie route after publishing two trade books and five textbooks with traditional publishers (Irwin/Mirror Press, McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall, McFarland & Co. and Textbook Media Publishing).
First, I wanted to publish a typically short book of poems for which there is essentially no significant market and which no traditional publisher would be likely to consider. Along the same lines, I wanted to publish a short story collection. Because I am not known for my fiction or poetry, I knew that finding a traditional publisher to take on either project would be a very difficult task, if not an impossible one. Most traditional publishers these days won't even read manuscripts from unagented authors, and I was not likely to find a good agent to handle my fiction and poetry without a past track record of success in these fields. Agents that charge up front reading fees (or any fees, for that matter, other than a percentage of the book's royalties/advances) are not agents I would consider in any case, any more than I would consider publishing through a vanity press masquerading as a small press. (Any publisher that requires an author to purchase a minimum number of books at a "discount" is a vanity press by any other name.) I could easily find an agent to represent me as to my non-fiction, especially my textbooks or law-related trade books. But I do not need representation as to these since I've never had difficulty interesting traditional publishers in such projects. When I complete my first novel, I will very likely search for a literary agent as it is a prerequisite for submitting it to most of the leading publishers today. For other projects, I'll go it alone or self-publish.
But I digress. During the summer of 2011, I needed a break from my heavy research agenda that included research for a scholarly article and work on the instructor's manual and test bank for one of my new textbooks. So I decided to collect selected samples of my poetry spanning some 30 years and my favorite short stories written during the same time period and self-publish two books. I used CreateSpace to produce the paperback versions of my first two indie books and Kindle Direct Publishing for the Kindle version of these, later also ported to Barnes & Noble and still later to Smashwords for even wider distribution. Moreover, I wanted to experience complete freedom to publish precisely what I wanted and charge a low price to encourage as wide a distribution as possible. I also wanted to offer the book in both paperback and eBook formats. That was a particularly important consideration for another work that I was working on that summer, my intellectual property general reference work. Ultimately, I published all three books. Finally, I wanted to experience publishing on my timetable with complete editorial control for the first time. There is no question that all three books would be better had they undergone the vetting of the traditional editorial process; I am not the best editor of my own work and without question each work is less perfect than it would have been with an editor to help guide and rein me in when needed. Although it is equally true that at times even the best editors can be difficult to work with, especially when their preferences conflict with a writer's style and voice. The perfect is indeed too often the enemy of the good.
What are you working on next?
I'm winding down a sabbatical leave as I write this. This semester I completed research on usury laws in all 50 states and how these are in effect undermined by federal law. The research was started last summer and completed in late January, with a paper completed in early April and presented at the NEALSB annual conference in late April. It is now out for a first round of reviews in selected first-tier journals and law reviews. I am also currently in the process of researching "good Samaritan" statutes in all 50 states, a project that will continue beyond the summer and will form the foundation for a paper completed before the end of the fall 2015 semester.
This summer, I will also work on a new, expanded 3rd edition on my Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business for my current publisher, Textbook Media Publishing. It should be out early next year. Not much time for fiction or poetry projects in the coming year, I'm afraid, nor for work on my first novel that has been mostly on hold in mid-stream for the better part of a decade due to time constraints.
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Up Close & Personal with Ashley Starnes of Osage House
Ashley Starnes is the owner and event planning mind behind Osage House, the newly created event setting located on 54 untouched acres of lush forests and rolling hillside country in Cave Springs. She and her architect husband, John, who designed the venue, have been compared to a local version of Chip and Joanna Gaines, and for good reason. They’ve been able to combine their talents and experience an entrepreneurial mindset, dreaming up the concept of Osage House.
The Osage House property features two unique event spaces and one chapel — The Reserve and the Osage Hall + Chapel — showcasing the surrounding natural beauty with a decidedly modern vibe. We were able to catch up with Ashley for an enlightening interview and tour of the gorgeous Osage House.

A mesmerizing bride poses at dusk inside the Osage House reception hall. Photo by Vinson Images.
What is your vision for Osage House?
The vision is to offer a place for couples planning their wedding that would be completely new and different in this area, but also accessible. We fell in love with this location because it is so central to Bentonville, Fayetteville, Rogers and the XNA airport, which is perfect for guests coming in from out of town. However, because the property is surrounded by thick forest, it still feels very secluded. It’s also on the highest point in Cave Springs, so the views are astounding. We have open fields and beautiful wooded areas, so there are many options for photographs too.

The tables are set beautifully for a reception in The Reserve at Osage House. Photo by Eugene Grace Photography.
What can you tell us about the spaces?
John designed these buildings to be an accent to the already beautiful surroundings, and by bringing the outdoors in, it serves as decor on its own, so clients can bring in as much or as little as they like. Each building has its own unique style, but they all relate to one another in some way. We wanted to create a place where our clients could really showcase their own individual personality. To create the spaces as they are today, we did a lot of in depth research, including interviewing vendors within the community.
When did you decide to go into business for yourself?
I guess I’ve always been an entrepreneur at heart, although I can’t say I ever thought I would actually own and run my own business, and certainly didn’t originally have plans to do so. After having kids, my priorities shifted a bit. I decided to leave my role in nonprofit development, and stay home with my boys for the first several years. I’m not one to be happy sitting at home, so I had various side jobs here and there — part time non-profit work, volunteering, and starting a mom’s group, to name a few. I struggled to find something that fit what I knew I was capable of doing, fit the needs of my family, and the types of jobs that existed. At the same time, we had been remodeling and building for several years, while John was also running his own residential architecture business, and were looking to do something more impactful to reach people on a larger scale. That search lead us to the land that Osage House sits on now. Once we saw it, we knew there were so many possibilities.

Incredible views and ethereal light flow inside and out of the chapel by day. Photo by Eugene Grace Photography.
Is there a higher purpose you have found through Osage House?
I fully believe in using your potential and what you’ve been given to live your life in a way that is a blessing to other people. Being born and raised in NWA, this small town has had a big impact on who I am today. I’m so thankful to be able to offer a space where people can come together for all of life’s celebrations, and hope that everyone we work with knows just how important they truly are. Love people, and be a friend when someone needs it, even if we’ve just met, that’s my purpose.
Can you share your first success story with us?
The first time I actually felt success as a business owner wasn’t when I got my first booking, or even having our first event. Not many people get to see the ins and outs of business ownership, and building a project from the ground up, but it is dang hard. I consider my first success to be the moment I realized I could make it through the very challenging parts of business ownership and still have my head up. I’ve grown more as a person in the last year and a half than I think I have in my entire adult life so far. Learning and growth is my first and ongoing success.
Where did the name of your business come from?
Osage Creek runs along the south part of our property. I wanted to add “House” to the name to give it the feeling of a place where people gather, a place that you hold dear.

Speaking of places we hold dear, can you tell us about your favorite local places to eat, drink and play?
John and I have two little boys, Rhett (almost 6) and Remick (3) and they keep us very busy. We live in Rogers and Rhett just got his very first library card, so we have been spending a lot of time at Rogers Library. One of the places you can always find me, which is less than a mile from Osage House, is Joyhouse Coffee Company (formerly Cave Springs Coffee). It’s the cutest little spot, not to mention the only place to get coffee or food in Cave Springs. When the buildings were under construction, I had all my meetings there and got to know all of the wonderful people who work there.
For a date night we love going to concerts at the Walmart AMP, or dinner out with friends. One of our favorite special occasion spots is Heirloom at the 1907 in downtown Rogers. If you know, you know. We also love Local Lime Rogers and Fred’s Hickory Inn (an old Bentonville treasure).
I love to go to the Farmers Market but when I can’t I like to go to Vanzant’s Fruit Farms in Lowell for all of our produce. They have a peach orchard and grow all their own fruits and veggies, and make their own honey and jams. I’m also a huge fan of FreeRide Studio for barre and spin classes. Combining free childcare and time with friends is a no-brainer. The exercise is just a bonus!
Osage House is taking bookings for all types of life’s celebrations including weddings, special events and corporate meetings. (Did we mention that the gorgeous Osage House Chapel featuring all-glass views off the back of the soaring yet intimate space makes for an unforgettable place for wedding ceremonies?) Follow along on Instagram or Facebook to see the beauty and diversity of the spaces and catch highlights of the events happening there throughout the seasons.
Lead image: Chapel photo by Eugene Grace Photography.

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Chapter twenty-nine
I sat in the car beside Cathy as we headed for the fashion show, I have to admit I was a little nervous but excited nonetheless because I had never been in a fashion show before. I was wearing a pair of white shorts matched with a white t-shirt and I had paired them with a flower-pattern jacket with my hair in curls and Cathy was wearing a loose long-sleeved blue dress and a pair of black heels and a high bun on her head.
We arrived soon enough and I stepped back while Cathy answered to the press and then we took a few pictures together on the red carpet before entering the venue. I got impressed at the beautiful set up that has been made for the show, there was a white straight walkway in the middle of the room and rows of wooden chairs with white cushions both sides of it and the lights were shining very subtle, making the whole room slightly dark, creating a very romantic atmosphere. However the lighting down the walkway was more intense so we could see perfectly the outfits that were displayed there.
Before the fashion show Cathy took me to the backstage and introduced me to the fashion designer, she was a short brown-haired girl with bright big brown eyes and a huge smile. She was very kind and gentle and she spoke with a soft voice, but she was heard over the whole noise that was made in the short time before the show started with the models getting ready.
Julia, the stylist, told me she was based in Dortmund and she invited me to go over her workshop and learn about her brand and her work and I accepted and gave her my number so she could text me the address and her schedule, so I wouldn't bother her.
After that me and Cathy went to our seats, where she introduced me to the people who were sat next to us and soon after that the show started, with soft music playing and a spectacle of lights on the walkway. The models did a really good job and all of the pieces of clothing were amazing, complete works of art, the designer was really talented. It wasn’t a particularly short or long show but since it was so wonderful it seemed really short.
We had still a day off after we went back to Dortmund, and after going out to the fashion show’s after party we were pretty tired but Cathy wanted to show me her home city and the excitement beat the tiredness. We both woke up really early and got comfortable outfits to go and explore the city. It was very cute to see Cathy’s excitement over the little and unique things she showed me and how she had planned the whole tour so we would see as much as possible in such a little time. She didn’t showed me the typical tourist attractions but instead she showed me little pavement streets and cafes, ancient stone bridges over small rivers… and she also took me to have dinner at her mom’s and dad’s after picking our flight. The Fisher family were amazing and so welcoming and they also drove us to the airport and waved us goodbye, which I thought was very cute. Needless to say they were super happy their daughter was going to come back the next season.
I have to admit I was very nervous for Adela. It wasn’t like she couldn’t do it but I knew how shy she was and how difficult that was for her. I was afraid the press would get a hold of her and started asking her inappropriate question like they did to most of my teammates’ girlfriends. I wanted her to be successful for who she was, because she was so capable of doing it herself but I was afraid I could be a handicap to her professional growth. I didn’t want people to think she was successful for me and not for her talent and it irked me off that the press would jump to wrong conclusions.
I also knew because Matts how bad Cathy had had it from the press and the public, all of the criticism she had had to endure and I didn’t want Adela to go throw that, and less being a part of the problem or have responsibility for her suffering, of any kind.
I was distracted the whole day and I asked my sister to be alert to what was being said of her as she went to that red carpet even after going to the morning training. Auba noticed something was wrong as soon as I entered the car and when I told him what happened to me he started laughing.
“Man, you’re so in love it hurts” he said.
“I am” I said “I thought that was no secret”
“Ok, but you have to get loose” he said “She’s not going to war, brother”
“I know she’s not going to war Auba”
“Okey, then come to my house tonight to play FiFa and stop thinking shit”
“I’ll go” I said “But I’m not thinking shit, I’m worrying about my girlfriend”
Fifa night with Auba were always great, specially with Curtys running around and “playing” with us with a fake control. He was a very cute and active boy. He loved playing football with me and his father, me as the goalkeeper, and his father and him playing against each other.
“Marco” he said “You have to stop daddy’s goals but let mine go through, alright?”
“I can’t do that Curtys” I said
“Hey, that’s cheating” his father protested.
He smiled and I winked at him making him laugh running towards the ball. Both me and Auba let him win discretely and he was delighted while we went inside as it grew dark. I stayed for dinner as well and Auba got me home after Curtys was put to bed.
“Bro, you need to get your license” Auba said.
“I know. I’m on it”
“No you’re not” he said laughing
“But I will be” I said laughing too as he shook his head.
That night I called Adela as soon as I got home. She was at a party and couldn’t talk much since the music was so loud, it seemed that she was having fun though. She told me what they were going to do tomorrow and when she was coming back to Dortmund and we quickly said goodbye so she could keep on having fun.
After I went to bed I google searched Adela’s name and I already came up with a few articles about her appearance at the fashion show, she looked amazing. They were not bashing her, which I was grateful for, but it bug me that they kept calling her “Marco Reus’ girlfriend” all the time. But I guess that was nothing I could do about it.
Marco was waiting for me as I stepped out of the last class of the year, the exams started next week and since Marco was facing the last matches of the season we decided to get away for the evening to relax ourselves. Since I went to the show things had been a little hectic, people just had grown interested in me over that time and I noticed how people kept staring at me on the streets and my followers count on Instagram had grown significantly as well.
I had been to Julia’s work space the day before and I had absolutely love it. Their work was so good and the atmosphere was also amazing, she was just and amazing and caring boss and you could feel she really got along with her workers because she didn’t consider herself over them but just the same as them. She asked to see a few of my class projects and she had liked them so she offered me an internship for the next year if the university allowed it, which I was so excited about.
I had been also getting Marco’s birthday present ready since by the 31st of May I would be finishing my exams and overly exhausted to do so. I was making him a photo album with all of our photos and his family’s with Yvonne help, along with little phrases and personal quotes of that memory and I was working with a pair of amazing photographers to do so. We had had a few meetings to personalize as much as I could the album. I had been unsure about what to get him at first because I found it so difficult to buy something to someone who bough everything he want.
I had also noticed how Marco was a little tense since the cup final was approaching and he really wanted to get the tittle for the fans and I knew he felt personally responsible for the win or loos, whatever it might be. So today was about relaxing as much as we could and we had booked an afternoon at a spa in order to do so. He was wearing a light beige jumper and a pair of trousers even though it wasn’t that cold anymore, but he was just always cold. He was carrying a sports bag in which we had packed our swimming suits and comfortable clothes and he was leaning on the right side of his mate black Range Rover looking like a millionare playboy and getting all of the eyes on him. He was just that gorgeous.
“Hello, liebe” he said before giving me a peck as I got closer.
“Hi” I told him, still attached to him with his arms around my waist.
“Let’s go” he said getting in the car as I went to the other side and sat on the driver sides.
“Tell me where to go” I said because I didn’t know the spa’s direction.
We arrived soon enough and we checked into the facility, which looked very elegant and exclusive. The floor was made of huge marble tiles and the walls were all white. The enter was a huge room with a fountain in the middle under a beautiful chandelier. There was also two white sofas either side with white cushions and a wood counter. The walls were adorned with black and white pictures into golden frames and a huge sign above the counter.
The changing room was also very elegant and we were given two big puffy white bath robes with a golden monogram on the chest. We were both headed to the massage room, which was also painted white and had two light wood stretchers in the middle of the room as well as a matching console table and a big mirror. The room didn’t have any windows and it was lightened up by multiple candles and a soft white lamp on the ceiling. There was also soft music playing in the background helping to make the atmosphere even more relaxing.
We were on the massage table for over an hour and by the time I got up I was so relaxed that I felt like I was floating. We then headed to the pools and spent a while cuddling in the water. The pools were huge and they had really nice warm water, there were a lot of waterfalls and streams in which you could relax. There was also a Sauna in which we were for a little time as well, it was made of light wood and it was really big as well.
Before we went home we went back to the massage room again and we were given another kind of massage, but as relaxing as the other one. Once we got home we ordered a take out and I went to fill up the bathtub.
“Is it ready?” Marco asked softly entering the bathroom, he had gotten rid of his shirt and was just wearing his jeans, his tall frame leaning against the door.
“It is” I said turning off the tap and getting up from the floor, where I was kneeled to check over the water temperature. I had also gotten rid of my clothes and I was just wearing one of Marco’s t-shit to cover up my bare body.
He came over to me and kissed my temple, I leaned into his body as he run his hands up and down my arms, pressing firmly.
“Thank you for today liebe” he said resting his chin on my shoulder “I really needed it” he said kissing my shoulder on the sking his oversize t-shirt left in between my neck and shoulder.
“I needed it too” I said looking up to him.
I slowly turned away and I pressed a soft kiss to his lips before my hands went to unbuckle his pants and his to the hem of the t-shirt I was wearing to pull it over my head. Once we were both undressed Marco sank in the tube and once he was comfortable he motioned me to come in. I placed myself right in front of him, putting my feet at either side of his torso and placing my hands over his knees, which were standing out of the water, over the white foam.
“So” he said after a while of silence “Are you confident about your exams?”
“You can never be confident” I said “But I have studied enough and I just have to give my all the next to weeks”
“You can do it” he said
“You too” I answered “I know you’re nervous”
“I am” he said
“You just have to give your best” I said leaning forward and caressing his arm making the water move and spill a little since the water was filled to the top.
“What if that’s not enough?” he asked almost intermediately while intertwining his fingers with mine as my hand reached his wrist.
“Then you didn’t do it wrong” I said.
“But I don’t want to disappoint” he said.
“You won’t disappoint nobody Marco” I said “You’ll give your best because I know you’ll do it, and you’ll pour your heart and soul out. But football is unpredictable and sometimes you won’t win even if you give you’re best but at least you can always say you did your best”
“Come here” he said opening his arms.
I got closer to him and I leaned my head on his shoulder, letting him put his arms around me and feeling him relax under me.
#marco reus#marco reus imagine#marco reus fanfic#marco reus fanfiction#marco reus one shot#bvb#borussia dortmund#bvb imagine#borussia dortmund imagine#love me now marco reus
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Adtwixt - News: Tour a Photographer’s Stunning Florida Abode That’s the Perfect Touch of Glamour
News for your kitchen One look at Natalie Broach’s Florida home and it becomes immediately apparent that every room has been designed with intention. From neutral pallets to understated decor selected with the utmost care, this bright home is as much of a joy to photograph as it is to view. Before settling down in Jacksonville, Florida, photographer and small-business owner Natalie Uprichard ventured overseas to Paris and Venice where she undertook some personal projects photographing the beautiful cities of Europe. Since then, she has become a featured artist on West Elm and Minted with prints for sale, and started her own photography business where she makes her living photographing weddings, engagements, and staging maternity photoshoots. Enjoy taking in every detail of Natalie’s tour and learn some useful DIYs for designing with a new baby in mind, where to find great decor pieces, and how to maintains a minimalist aesthetic like a pro. Name: Natalie Uprichard, Natalie Broach Photography Age: 32 Square Footage: 2,056 Rent or Own: own City/State: Jacksonville, Florida What was your first job and how did you land it? My first job out of college was working as head photographer at a megachurch called Celebration. I applied for a job in their communications department, and when they saw one of my skills was photography, they hired me to run that department. With a church that size, photography played such a huge role with the need of social media images, websites, weekly series, book covers, and campus coverage. I did all of this while running my own photography business on the side. You now run your own wedding and lifestyle photography business. What was it like following your passion and starting a business? As I was working at the church, I was able to still run a business on the side. To this day I still don’t know how I managed both, but photography was my passion, so I worked super hard so I could build my business up. Once my photography business started turning full time, I knew it was time to leave my job at the church and give my business a real shot. Yes, it was scary, but if I didn’t take the risk I never would be where I am today. I still remember thinking, “What if I don’t have enough clients and gave up a full-time, steady job for this?” Thankfully, I had the biggest supporter: my husband! He assured me it would be OK even if that was the case and thankfully it was not. My business took off and I was busier than ever and loving every single day! You’ve photographed all over the world, tell us about your time in Paris and Northern Ireland. Getting to travel has been by far one of the best experiences in my life. A few months after college, I had the opportunity to go to Northern Ireland for an internship at a church plant. (This was the same church I later ended up working for when I moved back to Florida.) I was a bit nervous to move to another country, but I hadn’t landed a job yet, I was young, and nothing was holding me back, so I went for it! I am so glad I did, because this is where I met my husband! Thankfully, I married someone who loves to travel just as much as me and we’ve gone to some pretty amazing places together — with my camera, of course! I have photographed a few weddings and other sessions in Northern Ireland, Hawaii, New York, and then did some personal work in Paris and Venice. Some of my photography can even be purchased at West Elm and Minted. You’ve been in your current home now for four years, how did you go about purchasing this home? Purchasing your first home can be exciting and intimidating at the same time. We had been married for two years and one of the biggest pushes for us was that we were tired of apartment living. We seemed to have the worst luck — the first one turned into the biggest mold nightmare and the second apartment had the thinnest walls and noisiest neighbors. We were over it and felt it was just time! We knew we didn’t want a fixer upper because at the time I was working two jobs, so we just didn’t have time for it. We decided after all of our apartment issues we had in the past, we wanted something new and something we could (somewhat) control. After several months of searching and looking at every single model home, we found the floorpan and neighborhood that was perfect for us. What was your approach to designing your new home? When it came time to designing our home, I felt so overwhelmed with all of the options and styles these days. I started walking around sores to look at what color schemes and furniture I liked. I started noticing I gravitated to anything white, gray, or in the neutral family. I did buy a lot of our bigger pieces from Pottery Barn or West Elm, but then would add accent pieces from places like H&M home, Home Goods, and Target. This enabled us to be able to decorate while remaining on a budget. Were there any quirks to the house that you needed to mitigate during the design process? If so, tell us about them. Due to opting out of some of the upgrades for the home, it came with standard carpet and vinyl flooring as well as a cream wall color. It was awful, and thankfully the carpet was the first to go. Installing wood floors completely changed the entire look of our main living area, which we later carried out through the rest of the house. It’s crazy to think what wood floors and new paint color can really do for your design process. You’ve mentioned that you wanted your home to be like a breath of fresh air — tell us how you achieve that aesthetic. I wanted our home to feel like a fresh of breath air and to be extremely calming. Don’t get me wrong: I love color, and I love when I see it in other people’s homes. But for me, I just knew I needed a light color scheme and a minimal approach. For me, less is more. By choosing grays and whites while adding a few pops of green from plants or a little color in our rugs, I was able to create my perfect style home. People always say that my home feels calming when they enter it, and that’s exactly what I was going for! What were some of the first improvements and design projects you took on after you moved in? When we first moved in, we painted the main living space a nice shade of gray and had the carpet removed and replaced with wood floor. Then we began smaller projects like adding subway tile to the kitchen and replacing light fixtures. After a few years, we tackled some bigger projects like adding wood floors to the remaining rooms in the home, putting marble tile in the master bathroom, and adding frame molding to our bedroom. You’ve masterfully designed every element of your home around minimalism, what do you think is the most important thing to consider to successfully achieve this look? I think the most important thing to consider when going for a minimalistic approach for your home is to only fill it with pieces you absolutely love. Rather than buying a bunch of decor pieces for the sake of filling a space, I would take my time and search for items that I loved rather than just liked. There were times I went several months without things but I knew it would pay off in the end when I was able to achieve the look I was going for. Intention also feels like an important element of minimalist design. What is your approach to making decisions about decor? Is there a method to finding the perfect dining room chair for your space or the perfect frame-to-mat ratio for your favorite art? When it came time to pick out things such as dining room chairs, I knew I wanted them to be stylish yet functional. I’m also extremely big on comfort — if it isn’t comfortable, I’m not buying it. I always envisioned having lots of dinner parties, and I wanted our chairs to be comfortable so guests weren’t anxiously waiting for dinner to be over to migrate to the couch. This was my approach for other things in our home as well. For instance, I didn’t want a rug to just be pretty, I wanted it to serve the right purpose in the room. We went with a shag rug in our living room to not only make it more cozy, but also so we were OK with sitting on it for game nights. When it comes to for picture frames, I like clean lines. I chose to go with a collage in our dining room, but kept them lined up. By going with a larger mat and smaller image, it gives it that minimalist look I love! What is your favorite element of the house? Some of my favorite elements in our house are the pieces of furniture I refurbished that I found either on Craigslist or inherited from my grandmother. She had these really great modern console and chest pieces that were a cherry wood that I painted white with their original, gold knobs. I just love how they look in the spaces of our home, and knowing they were my grandmother’s makes it extra special. One of my grandmother’s pieces is in my favorite room of the house: the nursery! I was able to use it for the chaining table and it turned out beautiful! Where are some of your favorite places to shop for decor? Some of my absolute favorite places to shop for decor are Pottery Barn, West Elm, Ballard Design, Target, and H&M Home. What advice would you give to someone that is feeling the urge to redesign their home in a major way? It’s a big undertaking and often, once you’ve finished the project, you’re able to reflect more easily on what you wish you’d done differently. Tell us what knowledge you’ve gained after a few years of tweaking your home. The best advice I can give someone who is wanting to redesign your home is to take it one step at a time and choose what you love. Don’t feel pressured to design it any other way than what works for you. Yes, Pinterest and interior blogs are very helpful, but don’t let that change the way you want your space to feel and look. I once painted our guest bedroom accent wall a dark navy because I saw it on a blogger’s page and her house was gorgeous. It turned out great, but I was never settled on it because it simply wasn’t my style. I knew in order for me to feel content with that room and love it, I had to change it. So my dear husband had the privilege of repainting the wall to white only few months after. Now the room is designed with my neutral, minimalist style and it feels more like me. At the end of the day, you are the one living in the space, so do what you love and don’t worry if it takes a while to get there. Design is a process, so enjoy it! You’re expecting your first baby, congratulations! How has becoming a mother-to-be influenced your approach to design? Thank you! I’ve always had our children in mind when decorating our home, which is why I chose a lot of pieces that were functional and not just stylish. Thankfully it really has never kept me from choosing colors and pieces I love. People are always asking me if all the white in my house makes me nervous with a baby on the way, and the answer is no. I’ve learned already after a few incidents with our puppy, that most everything can be cleaned. We also want to raise our children to respect our home and the things in it. Can you specifically talk about that beautiful framed piece in the nursery? Where did you get the inspiration and how did you execute that project? I originally got the framed wall idea for the nursery from Pottery Barn. I was casually looking at baby items online when I stumbled across it. They had a floral wallpaper filling theirs, but for me, I knew that was too busy. I began looking on Etsy for simple wallpaper and found a ton I saw on Pinterest, but I didn’t want a copycat nursery. I wanted something soothing, unique, and for it to be a place I would want to rock my baby to sleep in everyday. I thankfully found the peel-and-stick wallpaper we have now, which is light pink with a white polka dot design. I had my husband build the frame molding and together we placed each panel of wallpaper within the frame. I’m still amazed at how awesome he’s been at teaching himself how to do all of these projects I seem to come up for us to do! What are the next renovations or DIY projects you’re excited to take on? After living in our house for four years now, I can say we are 95 percent done with all of our home projects, and it feels so good! We only have a few hallways I’d like to add artwork to or change out a few things with some updates here and there. What do you think is a highly underrated decor item that can do wonders to elevate a home? For instance vases, light fixtures, curtains, etc. I think one of the most underrated decor pieces in the home is definitely curtains! The length, color, and pattern can really make or break your entire design in a room. I personally prefer my curtains to start at the top of the ceiling and lightly touch the floor — this gives the illusion that the room is bigger than it actually is. I also prefer solid colors because I think they are timeless — plus, you don’t have to worry about it going out of style. You mentioned that you really like to introduce little bursts of color into your color palette with house plants! What are some of your favorite plants to keep? Some of my favorite plants to add pops of color in our home are succulents, cat palms, and fiddle leafs. I opted for a faux fiddle leaf from West Elm for our living room due to the fact that I could never seem to keep the real ones alive, but the other plants in our home have thankfully survived. I also have a few faux floral arrangements in other areas of the house just to add a little something extra to the space. And finally, what advice would you give to your 22-year-old self? If I could give advice to my 22-year-old self, it would be to not stress when my life plan doesn’t work out the way I wanted. I’m so glad it didn’t, because I ended up with a much better life than what I had originally planned for. It may have taken a few extra years to get where I am today, but it was all worth it. Natalie Uprichard is The Everygirl… How do you unwind at the end of the day? Take a nice long bubble bath while watching Netflix Favorite Sunday activity? Going out to eat with my family after church Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chip Favorite Instagram account you follow? My favorite instagram account to follow is actually The Everygirl — I just love how it covers such a wide variety for women. If you could have lunch with any woman, who would it be and why? Meghan Markle See these related kitchen products and save

Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/NADnkS7zzQU/tour-a-photographer-s-stunning-florida-abode-that-s-the-perfect-touch-of-glamour
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Agilenano - News: Tour a Photographer’s Stunning Florida Abode That’s the Perfect Touch of Glamour
One look at Natalie Broach’s Florida home and it becomes immediately apparent that every room has been designed with intention. From neutral pallets to understated decor selected with the utmost care, this bright home is as much of a joy to photograph as it is to view. Before settling down in Jacksonville, Florida, photographer and small-business owner Natalie Uprichard ventured overseas to Paris and Venice where she undertook some personal projects photographing the beautiful cities of Europe. Since then, she has become a featured artist on West Elm and Minted with prints for sale, and started her own photography business where she makes her living photographing weddings, engagements, and staging maternity photoshoots. Enjoy taking in every detail of Natalie’s tour and learn some useful DIYs for designing with a new baby in mind, where to find great decor pieces, and how to maintains a minimalist aesthetic like a pro. Name: Natalie Uprichard, Natalie Broach Photography Age: 32 Square Footage: 2,056 Rent or Own: own City/State: Jacksonville, Florida What was your first job and how did you land it? My first job out of college was working as head photographer at a megachurch called Celebration. I applied for a job in their communications department, and when they saw one of my skills was photography, they hired me to run that department. With a church that size, photography played such a huge role with the need of social media images, websites, weekly series, book covers, and campus coverage. I did all of this while running my own photography business on the side. You now run your own wedding and lifestyle photography business. What was it like following your passion and starting a business? As I was working at the church, I was able to still run a business on the side. To this day I still don’t know how I managed both, but photography was my passion, so I worked super hard so I could build my business up. Once my photography business started turning full time, I knew it was time to leave my job at the church and give my business a real shot. Yes, it was scary, but if I didn’t take the risk I never would be where I am today. I still remember thinking, “What if I don’t have enough clients and gave up a full-time, steady job for this?” Thankfully, I had the biggest supporter: my husband! He assured me it would be OK even if that was the case and thankfully it was not. My business took off and I was busier than ever and loving every single day! You’ve photographed all over the world, tell us about your time in Paris and Northern Ireland. Getting to travel has been by far one of the best experiences in my life. A few months after college, I had the opportunity to go to Northern Ireland for an internship at a church plant. (This was the same church I later ended up working for when I moved back to Florida.) I was a bit nervous to move to another country, but I hadn’t landed a job yet, I was young, and nothing was holding me back, so I went for it! I am so glad I did, because this is where I met my husband! Thankfully, I married someone who loves to travel just as much as me and we’ve gone to some pretty amazing places together — with my camera, of course! I have photographed a few weddings and other sessions in Northern Ireland, Hawaii, New York, and then did some personal work in Paris and Venice. Some of my photography can even be purchased at West Elm and Minted. You’ve been in your current home now for four years, how did you go about purchasing this home? Purchasing your first home can be exciting and intimidating at the same time. We had been married for two years and one of the biggest pushes for us was that we were tired of apartment living. We seemed to have the worst luck — the first one turned into the biggest mold nightmare and the second apartment had the thinnest walls and noisiest neighbors. We were over it and felt it was just time! We knew we didn’t want a fixer upper because at the time I was working two jobs, so we just didn’t have time for it. We decided after all of our apartment issues we had in the past, we wanted something new and something we could (somewhat) control. After several months of searching and looking at every single model home, we found the floorpan and neighborhood that was perfect for us. What was your approach to designing your new home? When it came time to designing our home, I felt so overwhelmed with all of the options and styles these days. I started walking around sores to look at what color schemes and furniture I liked. I started noticing I gravitated to anything white, gray, or in the neutral family. I did buy a lot of our bigger pieces from Pottery Barn or West Elm, but then would add accent pieces from places like H&M home, Home Goods, and Target. This enabled us to be able to decorate while remaining on a budget. Were there any quirks to the house that you needed to mitigate during the design process? If so, tell us about them. Due to opting out of some of the upgrades for the home, it came with standard carpet and vinyl flooring as well as a cream wall color. It was awful, and thankfully the carpet was the first to go. Installing wood floors completely changed the entire look of our main living area, which we later carried out through the rest of the house. It’s crazy to think what wood floors and new paint color can really do for your design process. You’ve mentioned that you wanted your home to be like a breath of fresh air — tell us how you achieve that aesthetic. I wanted our home to feel like a fresh of breath air and to be extremely calming. Don’t get me wrong: I love color, and I love when I see it in other people’s homes. But for me, I just knew I needed a light color scheme and a minimal approach. For me, less is more. By choosing grays and whites while adding a few pops of green from plants or a little color in our rugs, I was able to create my perfect style home. People always say that my home feels calming when they enter it, and that’s exactly what I was going for! What were some of the first improvements and design projects you took on after you moved in? When we first moved in, we painted the main living space a nice shade of gray and had the carpet removed and replaced with wood floor. Then we began smaller projects like adding subway tile to the kitchen and replacing light fixtures. After a few years, we tackled some bigger projects like adding wood floors to the remaining rooms in the home, putting marble tile in the master bathroom, and adding frame molding to our bedroom. You’ve masterfully designed every element of your home around minimalism, what do you think is the most important thing to consider to successfully achieve this look? I think the most important thing to consider when going for a minimalistic approach for your home is to only fill it with pieces you absolutely love. Rather than buying a bunch of decor pieces for the sake of filling a space, I would take my time and search for items that I loved rather than just liked. There were times I went several months without things but I knew it would pay off in the end when I was able to achieve the look I was going for. Intention also feels like an important element of minimalist design. What is your approach to making decisions about decor? Is there a method to finding the perfect dining room chair for your space or the perfect frame-to-mat ratio for your favorite art? When it came time to pick out things such as dining room chairs, I knew I wanted them to be stylish yet functional. I’m also extremely big on comfort — if it isn’t comfortable, I’m not buying it. I always envisioned having lots of dinner parties, and I wanted our chairs to be comfortable so guests weren’t anxiously waiting for dinner to be over to migrate to the couch. This was my approach for other things in our home as well. For instance, I didn’t want a rug to just be pretty, I wanted it to serve the right purpose in the room. We went with a shag rug in our living room to not only make it more cozy, but also so we were OK with sitting on it for game nights. When it comes to for picture frames, I like clean lines. I chose to go with a collage in our dining room, but kept them lined up. By going with a larger mat and smaller image, it gives it that minimalist look I love! What is your favorite element of the house? Some of my favorite elements in our house are the pieces of furniture I refurbished that I found either on Craigslist or inherited from my grandmother. She had these really great modern console and chest pieces that were a cherry wood that I painted white with their original, gold knobs. I just love how they look in the spaces of our home, and knowing they were my grandmother’s makes it extra special. One of my grandmother’s pieces is in my favorite room of the house: the nursery! I was able to use it for the chaining table and it turned out beautiful! Where are some of your favorite places to shop for decor? Some of my absolute favorite places to shop for decor are Pottery Barn, West Elm, Ballard Design, Target, and H&M Home. What advice would you give to someone that is feeling the urge to redesign their home in a major way? It’s a big undertaking and often, once you’ve finished the project, you’re able to reflect more easily on what you wish you’d done differently. Tell us what knowledge you’ve gained after a few years of tweaking your home. The best advice I can give someone who is wanting to redesign your home is to take it one step at a time and choose what you love. Don’t feel pressured to design it any other way than what works for you. Yes, Pinterest and interior blogs are very helpful, but don’t let that change the way you want your space to feel and look. I once painted our guest bedroom accent wall a dark navy because I saw it on a blogger’s page and her house was gorgeous. It turned out great, but I was never settled on it because it simply wasn’t my style. I knew in order for me to feel content with that room and love it, I had to change it. So my dear husband had the privilege of repainting the wall to white only few months after. Now the room is designed with my neutral, minimalist style and it feels more like me. At the end of the day, you are the one living in the space, so do what you love and don’t worry if it takes a while to get there. Design is a process, so enjoy it! You’re expecting your first baby, congratulations! How has becoming a mother-to-be influenced your approach to design? Thank you! I’ve always had our children in mind when decorating our home, which is why I chose a lot of pieces that were functional and not just stylish. Thankfully it really has never kept me from choosing colors and pieces I love. People are always asking me if all the white in my house makes me nervous with a baby on the way, and the answer is no. I’ve learned already after a few incidents with our puppy, that most everything can be cleaned. We also want to raise our children to respect our home and the things in it. Can you specifically talk about that beautiful framed piece in the nursery? Where did you get the inspiration and how did you execute that project? I originally got the framed wall idea for the nursery from Pottery Barn. I was casually looking at baby items online when I stumbled across it. They had a floral wallpaper filling theirs, but for me, I knew that was too busy. I began looking on Etsy for simple wallpaper and found a ton I saw on Pinterest, but I didn’t want a copycat nursery. I wanted something soothing, unique, and for it to be a place I would want to rock my baby to sleep in everyday. I thankfully found the peel-and-stick wallpaper we have now, which is light pink with a white polka dot design. I had my husband build the frame molding and together we placed each panel of wallpaper within the frame. I’m still amazed at how awesome he’s been at teaching himself how to do all of these projects I seem to come up for us to do! What are the next renovations or DIY projects you’re excited to take on? After living in our house for four years now, I can say we are 95 percent done with all of our home projects, and it feels so good! We only have a few hallways I’d like to add artwork to or change out a few things with some updates here and there. What do you think is a highly underrated decor item that can do wonders to elevate a home? For instance vases, light fixtures, curtains, etc. I think one of the most underrated decor pieces in the home is definitely curtains! The length, color, and pattern can really make or break your entire design in a room. I personally prefer my curtains to start at the top of the ceiling and lightly touch the floor — this gives the illusion that the room is bigger than it actually is. I also prefer solid colors because I think they are timeless — plus, you don’t have to worry about it going out of style. You mentioned that you really like to introduce little bursts of color into your color palette with house plants! What are some of your favorite plants to keep? Some of my favorite plants to add pops of color in our home are succulents, cat palms, and fiddle leafs. I opted for a faux fiddle leaf from West Elm for our living room due to the fact that I could never seem to keep the real ones alive, but the other plants in our home have thankfully survived. I also have a few faux floral arrangements in other areas of the house just to add a little something extra to the space. And finally, what advice would you give to your 22-year-old self? If I could give advice to my 22-year-old self, it would be to not stress when my life plan doesn’t work out the way I wanted. I’m so glad it didn’t, because I ended up with a much better life than what I had originally planned for. It may have taken a few extra years to get where I am today, but it was all worth it. Natalie Uprichard is The Everygirl… How do you unwind at the end of the day? Take a nice long bubble bath while watching Netflix Favorite Sunday activity? Going out to eat with my family after church Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chip Favorite Instagram account you follow? My favorite instagram account to follow is actually The Everygirl — I just love how it covers such a wide variety for women. If you could have lunch with any woman, who would it be and why? Meghan Markle

Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/tour-a-photographer-s-stunning-florida-abode-that-s-the-perfect-touch-of-glamour
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It's Been A Busy Few Months
New Post has been published on https://www.theautismdada.com/its-been-a-busy-few-months/
It's Been A Busy Few Months

So, I’ve not been around much over the past few months. I’ve left the odd, occasional tweet. I’ve posted a few images on Instagram, but I’ve not blogged or shared too much.
That’s mostly down to it being a few busy months.
Have I Been That Busy?
Now, I could say that I have actually had a little more time where I have not been in the office too much – but the truth is; in those times I have been super busy doing something else.
But let me elaborate a little more. Around 2.5 months ago now (I believe it was April) I got told that I was being made redundant from my previous company.
Well, the first stage is that I was told I was at risk of being made redundant. I think that, in most cases, if you are told this you can almost be sure that you will be.
So, after being told I was at risk I started searching for a new role – but also taking the time to see if there was anything I could do self-employed.
I would love to say that I decided to go and blog full time – but the truth is that this (and other sites I have) do not, at this time, pull in anywhere near enough people to consider that. I would be nice though…
So I Started My Job Search
So, I started my job search. The 30 days at risk period finished and I was told that I would be made redundant after 5 weeks.
Let’s just say that those 2 monks (the 30 days + 5 weeks) were very busy. I was sending out job applications daily and had either phone interviews or face to face meetings 3-4 days of the week.
I saw many companies. However, where I live the skill set being looked for slightly differed to mine.
I started my career back in 1997 as a software developer. I spent about 15 years doing that until I became a SCRUM Master, followed by what I did in my previous role which was also hands off.
I wanted to get back into software development but have had 8 years in hands–off roles (with the odd occasional tool to create and code). My skill set in development was not completely current.
To give you an idea, since I last had a role in C++ development, C++11, 14 and 17 had been released. (11, 14 and 17 are standards – so changes to the language).
So, on top of my search, I was also trying to get my skillset back up to current standards. When I was not talking to companies, I was updating my skill set.
On top of that… I had mostly done C++ development – but where I live, most of the roles where C# or Java. Both of these languages I had used – but not in the sense of years of use, more for particular projects.
So, when they said 2/4/6 years experience I said I don’t have that – but I can code in them…
Cut A Long Story Short
So, I could go on and on about all the companies. I could talk about how I had started to look further away and even contemplating relocation back to Berkshire…
However, I did manage to secure a new role local to me. This is a role developing in the looked for C# – so will give me that validation of years and not just a project… It is also VERY interesting work.
So, I am very excited to get going. I don’t start there till 1st August, so have a month and a week off (though already 2-3 weeks through that) – just eager to start.
As Well As All That
That’s not the only thing that has kept us busy. On top of searching, learning skills and so on. Our daughter is now coming to the end of year 5 in school.
What this means is, we’ve now been searching and looking at secondary school (senior or high schools for those that call them that).
It’s amazing how much time and effort it can take to do this… Firstly, you have to find out what schools there are. You need to check out things such as reviews and OFSTED. You need to figure out where you are in regards to the catchment area.
Then comes the open days where you spend 2 hours trying to rush around (and usher your kids) each school – checking out facilities. All the time while trying to get through the facade of what they are showing.
Like many places, companies, schools, etc., you get shown what they want you to see on their open days – but you always need to dig deeper.
To be honest, I’m happy that a lot of this I can do while I am not working and after I have accepted a new role. It gives me time to focus on what needs to be done.
As well as this, little Mr is moving classes for his new year too. There is a whole bunch of things that have been going on there – though I won’t detail any.
He is progressing well though. They are still working with him in regards to PECS. He’s still finding he voice – even if it is still a non-verbal one.
So That’s Where I Have Been
So, my time has been taken up – and not all by fun stuff. As we read the summer holiday – and there are a number of things I need to work with my daughter on through them – I am looking forward to working again.
That said, having this time off has shown me what I could be achieving if I did work from home – so that notion is never going to be far away. A goal that I work towards maybe. All I need is a few hundred thousand visits a month here 🙂
Hopefully, I will be able to start talking more again about the things we are doing… General things in life. Things about our life in autism.
I will always be trying to share regardless – so keep watching out. You may also find my twitter and Instagram interesting as I do post there a little more often.
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