#i need to like write down a bunch of ideas and roll dice for it or something
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mosquito-cove · 2 years ago
sorry 4 no groves lately ! the moment my last final let out i fell into a little depression pit and caught a cold thats been full on kicking my ass. i wont promise anything cause i have to pack my stuff up soon but i have a backlog of marigold posts so those will go up as scheduled at least. anyway hope everyones summer has been off to a good start and finals went/r going well for everyone in school!
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writingquestionsanswered · 9 months ago
Hi, do you have any advice for indecisive writers? <3 Anything in general would help, I'd love something specifically for autistic people (whose brains shut down the "decising-making centre") too if possible <3
Tips for Indecisive Writers
My number one tip for indecisive writers is to not be afraid to go "old school" and literally pick something out of a hat or roll some dice. For example, if you're deciding between three different plot ideas, you can write each one on a few folded up pieces of paper, throw them all into a bowl, mix it up, and whatever you draw is the one you go with. Or, you could say 1 and 2 are idea #1, 3 and 4 are idea #2, and 5 and six are idea #3, then roll dice. And, actually, if you type "roll dice" into Google, you can roll digital dice and you can choose up to 20-sided dice or customize your own number of sides. This is particularly helpful if you have a list of items, such as several names you're trying to decide between.
If you Google "online decision maker" you come up with a bunch of different online tools. Easy Decision Maker lets you type in a question... for example, "What should I name my character?" Then you can enter up to 26 options. When you click the "answer" button, it chooses one for you. Picker Wheel lets you put in the various options, then spin a wheel to decide.
The trouble I tend to have is sticking with whatever "fate" decides at that point, but one thing I've learned is that sometimes when my brain plays that game... where I roll a 4 meaning I go with plot idea #2, and then I'm disappointed, I know that is because some part of me knows I want to do either idea #1 or idea #3. So, even though it isn't working exactly as planned, I've still accomplished something... I've eliminated a choice. Now I can roll again, with 1 -3 being idea #1 and 4 - 6 being idea #2, and I know if I'm disappointed again with whatever I get, then the remaining choice is the one I wanted all along. For whatever reason, though, my brain can't just make that decision. It needed to go through that process to get there, and that's okay!
Now, as helpful as decision making tools can be, they're not always helpful in the moment, when you're writing and you're not really stuck between particular choices, but rather you're facing an empty void and aren't sure where to take the story next. For me, this is where pre-writing comes in really handy. I always go into a story with a beginning to end summary at the very least so I know where things are going. There's still often some decision making to be done, but I find it easier to do before I write rather than during.
When it comes to finding things to even decide between... like when you're planning your story and you come up empty on something, I find inspiration sources to be extremely helpful. For example, let's say I want to write a romantasy, and I have no idea what I want the setting to be like. That's the worst kind of indecision, because it's not like I can just type four or five locations into a decision maker and let it pick for me. I don't have a list to even pick from. So, looking at inspiration sources helps. Maybe I saw a travel show about Bavaria which really intrigued me... that could be a great inspiration location for my setting. Or, let's say I'm not sure what I want my character to look like. I might scroll through a list of up and coming actors, through the cast of a random TV show or movie, or think about actors in TV shows or movies I've recently seen. As I scan past thumbnails of head shots, when I see someone who looks like my character, I can stop and note down the name or save the photo. And with any inspiration source, if I find myself unable to decide between multiple inspiration sources... it's back to the ol' decision maker!
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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youcouldmakealife · 4 months ago
Stuff That Helps Me Write: Procrastination Busting (Novelty Edition)
So, last week I was talking about the interest based nervous system versus the importance based nervous system, and how people with interest based nervous systems are driven by urgency, novelty, challenge/competition, and interest, versus the more common importance based nervous system, which is driven by importance (to yourself or to others), rewards, and consequences.
I don’t know whether ADHD or autism has a larger impact on my life — they often impact different areas, and they frequently compensate for one another in the areas they do overlap, when they aren't forming an unlikely alliance hellbent on my destruction. But my writing process is 100% run by ADHD. So because these tips are the ones that work for me, and my writing process is, top to bottom, ADHD as fuck, they’re probably going to be pretty heavily slanted toward ADHD peeps, though of course YMMV.
Tackling novelty first, because, well, of course I am. This can also appear as ‘novelty/creativity’, but honestly, I think that’s a little redundant: doing, say, a creative version of a task is simply injecting novelty, and I think novelty is a much easier concept to understand for most people than creativity is. Novelty can be boiled down to single words we learn the meaning of at a young age (new! Different!), whereas creativity has fifteen different definitions, every single one of which might spark debate. So for our purposes, I’m sticking with just novelty.
Here are some ways I inject novelty into my writing process:
Roll the dice.
This doesn’t have to be dice, though the 20-sided ones are absolutely great for this. You can use decks of cards, random number generators, slips of paper, whatever — one of the best ways to make yourself do a bunch of shit you don’t actually want to is to attach those tasks to numbers (or colours, or suits, or whatever), and let fate decide. This can work in a lot of ways: you assign each task to a number, say, or you roll the dice on how long you have to work on it, or what order you’re doing them in, or whatever. I tend to be much more chill about doing a task when The Dice are the ones telling me to do it. It’s stupid. It works.
Roll the dice (pt 2)
This is also a fun way to create prompts: say each number is a character. You roll the dice: okay, I’ll write about David. Now I’ve associated the dice with a word, or a concept, or whatever. Okay, David and touch. Insta-prompt, no creative thinking required.
Speaking of prompts and lack of creativity: I have tricked you all. Oh ho ho. You think you are getting a fill to a prompt you want to see (and, admittedly, you are, as long as I haven’t wandered off course, which cannot be guaranteed), but in return I am getting writing ideas without actually needing to have them! I don’t think I would be able to write 100+ stories a year if I had to think up every single idea myself, but if you outsource the creativity — well, win-win. Someone gets their prompt filled, and I get the spark of inspiration I need to fuel my writing.
Obviously this one needs to be adapted just a bit for other scenarios, but you can gather inspiring things (lines from books, poetry, lyrics, whatever) for future inspiration, you can look for online writing prompts or tell yourself you’ll write to fill a category (senses, say, or seasons, or elements, etc etc). Basically, if you don’t know what to do, forcing yourself to respond to a prompt, or follow a theme, often provides just enough constraints for creativity to happen.
When you’re stuck, move on to something else
It’s very common productivity advice to focus on just one thing and do it start to finish before you move on to the next. Don’t do it.* It’s a trap.
I do agree with the ‘one task only’ advice inasmuch as multi-tasking… doesn’t actually exist (if we’re talking something like ‘writing and listening to music’, or ‘doodling during a lecture’, that can go great, but that’s not really multitasking, so much as adding complementary stimulation. If you’re trying to, say, write an essay during a lecture, at least one (and probably both) of those tasks will suffer.) but beyond that, no.
It’s probably great advice if you’re neurotypical but I genuinely cannot think of a worse suggestion for anyone with low frustration tolerance and fucky dopamine. I hit an obstacle in that ‘just one thing’ I am doing? Cool, great, guess it’s time to stop doing it forever.
If you’re working on several different things (especially if those things use different skills and/or headspaces), when you get stuck on one, you can pivot to work on something else and let your subconscious do all that cool underrated stuff in the background, and maybe when you return to it you’ll have figured out a way around whatever your obstacle is. And even if you haven’t, at least your frustration tolerance will have been reset.
If the project you’re doing isn’t working for whatever reason, especially if you’re growing frustrated (nothing good ever follows after the point you snap at your blameless computer), do something else, and come back to it when you’re in a better headspace. Some things you have to muscle through for various reasons: say, you procrastinated on it and it’s due tomorrow. But most things you don’t. So don’t.
*I’ll straight up say I can ‘do just one thing’ for longer periods with less stress now that I’ve been medicated, but it was an awful, painful process when I wasn’t, so I still don’t really recommend it for those who have fucky dopamine.
Do! Multiple! Projects!
Yes, this can bring us to the ‘start 17 projects and finish none, don't you dare look at my WIP folder’ ADHD trap, but there’s a pretty good place between extremes. The main reason I work on multiple series at a time (plus outtakes!) is so that if I’m stuck on one, or it’s not inspiring me, or I’m just not in the right mood, I don’t have to stare at my blank screen feeling like a complete failure, I can just scoot on over to work on something else that's calling to me. Do I always do the most important thing? Or the one that’s due next? Or even the one I want to work on? Perhaps not, but I do spend the vast majority of my writing time actually writing, which is more than a lot of people can say.
It helps to have projects in different areas of your life and different stages of completion, for extra variety (and therefore novelty), just beware the ‘I have 5% left of this project to do, shouldn’t take more than 7 years’. When you do reach that final stage, that is when it’s a good idea to get laser focused on ‘just one thing’.**
**Big caveat with the above tips on NOT focusing on 'just one thing' is that I’m specifically referring to ‘typical’ tasks, not hyperfocus. If you’re hyperfocusing on something, and it’s not hurting you (ie keeping you from feeding yourself, basic self-care, sleeping, genuine obligations, etc), you ride that high as far as it takes you, baby. The ability get 5 days of work done in 5 laser focused hours would cost a fortune if they could replicate it, by all means use it to your advantage. But you do need to rest and recharge after: it drains the hell out of your mental resources and cannot be depended on indefinitely. It’s the very best tool in my toolbox. If I use it without allowing myself to recharge I will lose access to it indefinitely.
Change something about the process
It doesn’t need to be a big thing. I can switch from using my laptop to writing by hand. Or write in my bedroom rather than my office. A lot of my internal resistance to tasks is ‘this is boring’ — I’m lucky that doesn’t often happen with writing, because it’s inherently interesting to me, but sometimes you’re just stuck, and a change of scenery, of tools and equipment, of context (say, go write the POV of another character if you're stuck on a scene) is enough to shake the blah. I’m going to go into that in a lot more detail when I hit ‘interest’ and ‘challenge’ because those are both great things to inject when things have gone stale, but a lot of the time, it doesn’t matter what the change is: the fact there was a change is enough.
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jpbradley · 10 months ago
JP is Writing: Dark Heresy
(I'm still off work ill, understimulated and have nobody to bounce ideas off really so now I am going to ramble for far too long about a thing I am noodling around. Sorry.)
I've been toying around with GayHalforc's Sledgehammer rules, which I like for a bunch of reasons but mostly the fact that it's a rules light hack of Dark Heresy, which is a foundational text for a whole bunch of designers (myself included) who looked at its combination of low power, high lethality and lovingly crafted cross section of the Warhammer 40,000 and asked the question: What if this had rules that weren't shit?
If you want to hack Dark Heresy then Sledgehammer is a good place to start. It actually leans closer to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WHFRP) but a simple reskin can set it in the 41st millennium and the rules are hacked right the way down so you can start reintroducing the crunch to a level that suits your own particular tastes.
For me this meant adding weapon traits (my group loves guns) and cribbing in Gamma World 7e's ammunition system (if you shoot more than once keep shooting cause you'll be out of ammo at the end of the encounter anyway), which is a brilliant rule I've always wanted to play with.
The other big change I wanted to make is more foundational; getting rid of the d% system.
It's something I've always wanted to do with Dark Heresy because percentiles get very 'mathsy' quickly, something made worse in the original system having variable bonuses and penalties depending on the situation. If you're shooting you +20 if firing full auto, +10 if aiming for a half action but +20 instead if aiming for a full turn. God only knows how lighting works, and thats before you even get to hit locations, cover and damage (Dice and weapon strength, minus target toughness, and maybe armour less the penetration of the weapon? ICK!)
None of which would be an issue if you didn't have to engage with that system, but stats in Dark Heresy are 25-40% range unmodified so you need to navigate all the variables to do anything reliably. Sure routine tests are supposed to get bonuses, but if they're routine why are we rolling at all?
I replaced all that with 1d10 roll under a stat between 2 and 5 (at base) which seems harsh until you throw in an extra 1d10 for having a relevant background detail and another 1d10 for anything that makes life easier. Anything under is a success, the highest of them is used for causing damage.
On the flip side particularly difficult tasks will steal a success after rolling, because that's how Heart: The City Beneath managed its difficulty and I found it suitably vicious for a hard edged setting.
Which brings us to the setting. One of the big problems with Dark Heresy's successor, Wrath & Glory, was that it tried to encompass the entirety of the 40k setting with its rules. Dark Heresy and its successors (Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, not so much Black Crusade) benefitted from focusing the action to a specific corner of the Imperium and the street level 'Cthulhu and boltguns' vibe of the original is definitely what I want to capture.
A big source of inspiration for playing Dark Heresy recently has been Warhammer 40,000 Darktide, which has a similar sort of vibe of picking your way through a massive hive city as the whole place goes to fuck. I'm not sure that I want it to be a full on warzone the way the Hive is there, but the idea of a place where Imperial rule is less absolute, rebellion more open; of a world straining at the shackles of distant masters and the space between the oppression of the past and the open rebellion of tomorrow, is something that appeals to me for reasons that you might recognise yourself.
So that is where my players will find themselves, with a name, an accusation, all of the responsibility and none of the authority needed to bring their target to justice and completely disposable to their distant masters.
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mitchelldailygames · 2 years ago
Heroes of Song Devlog Part 7: Moves
The heroes are cute.
Kindness matters.
The world is weird.
Sometimes you don’t fight. Sometimes you do.
Health is hearts.
I honestly don’t know how we got this far without talking about moves.
I took the ideas of feats, abilities, and traits found in other games and just lumped them all in a category called moves. The type of folk you choose comes with a move attached, there are a couple of moves attached to each calling, and each weapon (plus the shield) comes with a move attached. Even runes, rituals, and songs are just another flavor of moves, and I hope to use formatting in a way that makes that mechanical connection clear.
So, what do moves do?
Certainly, some moves are about doing cool things in a fight: shields can be used to perform a shield parry, the Guardian can take an attack meant for an ally, and a sword can be swung in a wide arc that hits multiple targets. Each type of weapon comes with its own unique move attached, which will make an axe clearly do something different than a dagger.
Remember, “Sometimes you don’t fight.” I wanted these non-fighting aspects to be mechanically emphasized through moves too. One way I plan on doing this is writing some moves to be flexible enough to have utility in and out of combat. Take the Guardian calling’s move of taking an attack meant for another. Here it is in its current state:
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(Text from the picture) Under Your Wing (1 Effort): Become the target of an attack (physical, emotional, social, etc.) meant for a nearby ally.
"Under Your Wing" hopefully makes it clear that this could include emotional attacks or attacks on reputation; Guardian has the means of jumping on to protect friends from all sorts of things.
A note on formatting, the Effort (or Effort symbol) after the name of the move is the cost of using the move.
Another type of move is a skill move. As of right now, rather than having a list of single-word skills on character sheets, I have a "skill" (Sk) class of moves. These describe situations in which characters shine, often not needing to roll and being inspired if they do. For example, the Scout has the move Wilderness Survival (Sk). I could of course have "Wilderness Survival" just show up on a skill list, and it would probably often function the same way, but by making it a move I both prevent the power creep of getting a bunch of skills through advancement or the opposite issue where players feel like they should have access to certain skills for their archetype that are locked to them. I can also very clearly described how the skill move is used. In this case, Wilderness Survival makes you skilled at finding direction and taking care of yourself and others when off of well-established roads and trails. It's not a catch-all for tracking, identifying plants, and not falling off cliffs, but if the goal is taking care of yourself and others, it can apply to these kinds of scenarios. It also won't step on the toes of a "Botany" or "Knowledge Nature" skill move should those find their way into the game.
What I haven't quite cracked yet (but hope to) is a way to put agency in the hands of Hero Players to seek out secrets and explore the hidden corners of the world, which is a very significant part of the Legend of Zelda and Tunic inspirations. I think some kind of "Find a Secret" move is the right way to go here. This might be a specific exploration/discovery move for each Calling (such as Scamps finding hidden doors in dungeons and Scouts finding hidden caves in the "overworld"). I can see this getting bogged down, though, especially as the Calling list expands beyond the initial six. I think a better solution is going to be a move that is universal to all players, but on some kind of limiter.
I'm thinking about having two dice sitting on the table, each starting at 6. These could represent the "Discover a Secret" difficulty. As heroes search for secrets but don't find any, they can shift the dice down to smaller faces, reducing the difficulty of finding a secret. I might say each hero must attempt to discover a secret before someone can try again. I might have Hero Players elect one of their heroes to check for secrets each time they enter a new dungeon room or mini-region. Maybe the Songkeeper rolls for the total number of discoverable secrets in a location in the first place. Skills could totally apply to the searching process, granting inspiration in specific scenarios.
I obviously don't have it worked out yet, but I think there are the bones of something there. I also don't think this precludes including secrets and optional puzzles in the dungeon design and Songkeeper prep, but I didn't want all of the burden of this pretty essential gameplay aspect to fall entirely on the Songkeepers. I want this idea to be represented in the mechanics.
That's all for this post. I'm hoping to make a test version of the game available sometime soon so I can start getting some early feedback (and to facilitate my personal sessions). I don't know if the next post will be about that, but I think there is a good chance it will be.
The world is weird; kindness matters.
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janeaudron · 2 years ago
Ah, okay I can finally write this in more detail and start from the beginning-sh. I'm playing a Hobgoblin Circle of the Stars Druid.
So we're doing the Waterdeep Dragon Heist module and just did the Gralhund Villa. According to our DM, we have gone off how the module was "supposed" to play out but he was very cool with it.
So we've reconvened at the Villa after doing some investigation and that detector is pretty much saying the Nimblewright is somewhere here. I decide to do some snooping and wild shape into a spider.
Pretty much find out both the parties(Half-burned man and the Nimblewright) we're looking for are here and go back to tell my friends. The Leonin fighter runs off to tell the City Watch, Elf Ranger stays by the barn door and is thinking of a plan that can get him into the villa, and I go back to spy on that meeting some more and try and find a place to slip into the villa with no luck.
Leonin Fighter is very ticked the City Watch aren't moving fast enough to get here, gets back, and is just about ready to break down the barn door but cools her jets and she and the Elf try coming up with an idea of passing themselves off as some locksmiths(with poor disguises too boot XD) ordered by the local "HOA"(inside joke) to check the locks in the district.
Before they can even start that play all hell breaks loose in the villa and we are hearing screams.
So they break in, start finding the bodies and servants, and eventually, our Leonin runs into two thugs. She nearly takes a beating before our Elf manages to pull off a charm on one of the thugs. Pretty much he somewhat makes himself look like an old feebled man calling out to an old war veteran friend. Jimothy, the thug's name became Jimothy that night.
During all of that I go down to a nearby balcony, wild-shaped into my Archer star form, and open the door. Guess where that door opened to? Master Bedroom. Guess who was in that room? Lady Gralhund armored up and with a weapon.
I'm surprised to see her. She's surprised to see me. I immediately cast Hold Person and thank the dice she fails. A quick check around the room — oh her kids are in that backroom? Okay, leave them there. What's behind this other door? Oh, combat there? Yeah no. Go back to the Lady, disarm her before tying her up and I ponder what to do because heck I am no fighter and can't imagine dealing with a bunch of guards and whoever else is out there.
Back to the others. The Elf getting some really high deception and performance rolls manages to make Jimothy rethink his life choices and turn on his friend allowing them to dispatch the thug before he leaves. We all hope Jimothy truly changes his life around... once that spell ends. It was both a funny and a heartfelt moment.
Now it's my accidental time to shine and quick thinking for the night that had us all in stitches.
So I head back to the door to see how the fighting is going. The tide of battle is changing and I'm just hearing bodies drop. Mildly entering panic mode as the player but then it clicks. Don't I have a few bags of ball bearings?
Go through my character sheet and I have like 8 bags of 1,000 ball bearings. Tell the DM I want to dump a bag out the door. Pretty my logic was to add to the chaos and maybe buy some time for my teammates to get upstairs and maybe think of a trap I could lay.
DM is pretty much like:
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(And laughing)
Fighter is dying of laughter
Ranger is laughing and going "This is gonna be some Scooby-Doo shit."
DM: "I need you to roll a Dexterity check."
I'm pretty much thinking "Hm, maybe seeing how well I get those bearings out the door without drawing attention to myself."
I roll high and the next thing I know I'm dodging out the way as the door swings wide open and the half-burned man we were hunting comes rolling through and falls on his back.
We all just bust out laughing once that happens and takes a bit before we all calm down.
I seize the moment and roll to knock the guy out with my quarterstaff. DM decides if the burned man can meet or beat my attack roll to see if he's knocked out. The guy rolls one under and is out cold. Combat was more or less over.
I have never felt so much triumph and fear in my body at the same time.
Well tonight’s DnD session went all sorts of ways but ended great. Chest still hurts from laughing so hard with my ball bearings stunt. 😂
Some really quick thinking on my part but sheer luck on what came next.
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illunispress · 2 years ago
There are no hit points on the high seas
Nothing fills me with more dread than seeing a statblock for a sailing ship in a game, overflowing with hundreds of hit points. And then a smaller but still pretty big number dictating a damage threshold. (I'm looking at you D&D and Pathfinder.)
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As a GM, I don't want to deal with running a ship encounter where I roll a bunch of dice and subtract them from a really big number. Treating ships like glorified HP sacks feels a like a huge design mistake.
Here's how I approached a naval encounter recently in a D&D 5e session. I wanted the battle around the characters to be fast-paced and dangerous, without it turning into a slog if the players decided they wanted to try and sink the enemy ship.
Save vs Sinking
Whenever a *significant* attack hits a ship, instead of taking damage, it has to roll a saving throw (1d20 and roll higher than the target number) or begin sinking.
For our game, a significant attack meant ship-to-ship weapons, powerful magic, and ramming. The saving throw starts at 1, and it goes up after each successful save.
Bolts +1
Cannons +2
Ramming +1d6
Fireball +2d4
It's on fire +1 (each round)
Those values are arbitrary and are informed by my own personal taste. Tweak them as you like, but there's no exact science to it. Just know that if those numbers are too high, one ship will sink the other very quickly.
Roll these saving throws in front of the table - never behind the screen. The ever increasing number represents the ship getting closer to springing the leak that will sink it. Your players will feel the suspense in the air.
This mechanic also gives you an at-a-glance marker of how damaged a ship is. If the DC is left at 7 at the end of a fight, it has 13/20 hull integrity remaining, or 65%. (hmmm looks like I reinvented Hit Points again)
Side note: This could be done using a d100 instead of a d20 to match neatly onto percentages. You’d have to use higher numbers.
For simplicity's sake, a ship doesn't add anything to the saving throw. If a ship is particularly sturdy, roll the save with advantage. If it’s a weaker noncombat vessel, roll with disadvantage.
We're Sinking!
Okay so a ship is going down. The hull cracks in half after a successful ramming. Fire spreads across the mast and wooden splinters rain from above after a fireball lands. Multiple ballista and cannon ball holes rapidly fill the cargo hold and lower decks with water. Now the encounter becomes a mad-dash to flee overboard or take the enemy ship.
Throw realism out the window - ships should sink FAST for the sake of drama. Keep the target number from the ship's failed saving throw and add 1d6 to it each round. And keep increasing the number after successful attacks. When that number reaches 20 or higher, the ship is sunk beyond repair. with most of its hull cracked beneath the waves.
Why Saves?
Using these saving throws adds a level of unpredictability to ship combat that makes encounters tense and deadly. And I think it ratchets up suspense and dread nicely. Your ship will go from a background character to a vital set-piece.
I do think hit points can work for scenes that center on ships by themselves, without zooming into individual characters. If each person at the table is roleplaying as a ship and their whole crew, giving a ship hit points seems more sensible. But if every crew member also has their own block of hit points on the same scale, the logic of the scene really begins to break down for me.
Would 10 player characters combined like Voltron have the same hit points as a sailing ship? (Wait, don’t answer that... there’s an absurd game idea there...)
Tldr; nothing fills me with more dread than a big block of hit points - nothing fills my players with more dread than a number they need to roll above, slowly ticking upwards.
Misc thoughts:
If you’re looking for unpredictable danger, you could port this to characters too, using different dice to make the saving throw to represent different levels of sturdiness between characters. 
Writing this reminded me of Star Wars Saga Edition, a nightmare system with some space ships having thousands of hit points to compensate for player characters and smaller ships that have a hundred or more.
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campfire-collective · 3 years ago
hey!! I found the light house discussion to be very fascinating. I'm so glad you could find something to help you sleep. it's a process for sure but that's super cool and awesome. proud of you for working on helping yourself!
also it's super unique as well.. I've never heard of anything like this..?
i was wondering... i don't exactly understand when you two speak about the lighthouse. You said you bought it? but it's an idea?
I tried looking stuff up for it... is it a solo rpg you found? how did you come up with that idea to use it like that and do you have any suggestions for people who want to get into something like that?
i struggle with winding down for sleep and i really need more creative outlets so i'm super curious, but please, don't feel pressured to respond or anything. /srs /nm
I wish you the best of luck, as well, and I hope your night tonight is good :)
ohh okay i'll answer this one b4 i go to bed so i don't forget (n then good night to everyone because it is nearly 2am dear god when did THAT happen)
okay so i bought a game called "the lighthouse at the edge of the universe." if you want i can probably find a link for you. it's a journaling rpg, so basically it's a pdf (which i printed into a nice foldable little booklet that fits into my notebook) that has various prompts and things to sort of guide you to tell a story. e.g, you might flip a card that says what kind of event happens ("something needs to be fixed") and then roll a dice for outcome ("you fail"), and then you tell a little story based on that.
so i bought the game but obviously you cannot purchase an Idea. the lighthouse in my brain was free.
i have a BUNCH of solo rpgs bc i'm really into them (if u remind me i'll share some of my favorites bc i can't remember the names rn), and this one explicitly had the instructions "intended to be played before bed." being the good rule following autistic that i am (/lh), i obviously very eagerly went to bed on time to play it as soon as possible. match made in heaven.
i don't know how much i paid for it but these things tend to run under $10, and usually far cheaper. frankly i just snoop on itch.io bundles and snap things up when i can afford them. also drivethrurpg (i think that's what it's called?), but i use itch.io more.
using it as an innerworld experience tool came pretty naturally to me: it's a reflective game that i was already writing about myself and using to reflect my mood/etc., and i've always fallen asleep by thinking about stories. (i have/had maladaptive daydreaming traits. i never was fully madd, but definitely i veered close to it.)
if u want to use a solo rpg for innerworld things, my advice is to look for one that's specifically a journaling rpg, because some aren't. hearth has some more "crunchy" ones (i use that word very loosely because by their nature, all solo rpgs tend to be pretty soft). the qualities that make this work for me:
game is continuous (each entry takes place at the same lighthouse which i build and develop over time. that's a part of the game. there's no ending point, and there's not really a story.)
game doesn't focus on interpersonal interactions
game encourages you to use ur mood/etc. as prompts/inspiration (bc innerworld experiences are metaphorical, this helps it translate well)
lots of solo rpgs r free! they tend to use only a few things (my solo rpg bag has a notebook, where we write all of them, a d20, two d6, a coin, and a deck of cards, and that covers basically every game, barring the ones which use a tarot deck), and they span very wide genres. it's a lot of fun if you like that structured storytelling crunch.
ok this was longer than i meant whoops gn!
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p4lparker · 4 years ago
I’ll Save You
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It was scary. After everything we'd been through; Crazy Peter Hale, Hunters and a Kanima. This was by far the worst threat we'd faced.
Virgin sacrifices.
For who knows what purpose, but still at four sacrifices, we were beginning to worry. I'd try to go through the school day- learning as normal, but all of my focus laid with a blurred face of a mutilated teenager. The next victim. Scott was worried, we had no idea who was behind this, and anyone could be next. Well not just anyone, only people who hadn't done the do just yet. I'd been keeping my eyes and ears peeled for any sign of a clue or something to help us protect people, but I had nothing. Stiles was working over drive, writing on his crime board and furiously trying to figure out a pattern or a way to put an end to it all. But no dice, and I could tell he was becoming increasingly upset by that. We were in his room. I watched as he wrote something on his board then wiped it off moments later, I watched as he tapped his pen against his teeth. I watched as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration, he tugged at the ends and groaned from the lack of inspiration and partially the pain I'm guessing. I stayed studying him from my position on the bed.
"Hey, we'll work it out- don't worry.." I said to him, trying to soothe his obviously frayed nerves. As he turned d to face me; I took my chance to really look at him. His face was pale, his skin looking as if he were ill, the bags under his eyes looked as if they had bags. I could see the stubble decorating the bottom half of his face, him being so focused on trying to keep people alive- shaving had slipped his mind. I saw the rumpled clothes covering his body, as if he'd just grabbed them from the floor, I saw the twinkle that was usually in his chocolatey gaze- was missing. All in all, Stiles Stilinski was a mess.
 "Yeah, we'll figure it out Y/N. But how many others have to die. Be sacrifices before we do. It might be someone we know next time... One of our friends! And we can’t do shit, cause we're a bunch of scared kids who are in over our heads. We can't protect anyone, especially not ourselves!" Was the snapped answer I received. I just stayed frozen in my place. My eyes wide and head angled back slightly in shock. I bit my lip, before I looked away from him. Not wanting him to see how hurt his words and tone of voice had made me feel. It was kind of lame, to be so upset by frustrated words; but Stiles had never, ever spoken to me like that. And it was a shock to the system to say the least. I looked down at the book in my lap, my fingers brushing against the page absent minded manner- trying to distract myself.
"You're right. I guess we should stop bothering then yeah? Let whatever it is take kids and murder them for no reason.. Other than them being virgins. Cause we're useless and can't win right?" I hissed, as an anger bubbled up inside me. Stiles had never spoken to me like that, and I wasn't going to let him start now. I let my eyes lift to watch as his shoulders tensed. “Maybe we should just throw all of this away and turn our backs on everything huh?” I stated, my voice getting stronger with each word- the anger fuelling me. As I shoved all of the books covering Stiles’ bed and my legs onto the floor. I stood up and stared at him-trying to prove a point before yanking up my bag and jacket. I flung open the door and stormed out. With each step I felt anger surging me further out of the house- it burned fiercely and forced me into my car, I drove myself home and settled in for the night. Slamming open the door, giving it the same treatment to close it. I stomped to my room- flinging clothes off as I went. Yanking on sleep clothes and throwing myself into bed for the night. I drifted off eventually, but it was into a fitful nights sleep.
The next morning I woke up in a similar mood to the one I went to bed in. I could still feel the rage simmering underneath my skin. Going through the motions of getting ready for the day; I soon arrived at school and was able to ignore Stiles in person, instead of just avoiding his messages and calls. Every chance I got, I avoided him. Not wanting to be near him until I calmed down. At the end of the day, he approached me cautiously; head bowed sheepishly, hands fidgeting with each other and his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. And it made my heart stutter at how he presented himself. His body language screamed that he was asking for forgiveness, and I thought I’d let him stew a little longer for my own selfish enjoyment before granting the reconciliation I’d already planned to give him. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and with my books and bag; waltzed from the building and to the parking lot. I smiled to myself as I rest against Stiles’ jeep and waited for him to make an appearance. I watched as he walked to the car, head still bowed and fingers still fidgeting- but now with the keys, he hadn’t noticed me yet.
“Stilinski!” I called, watching as his body jerked in surprise. His arms flying out to ward off an oncoming attacker; not that it would do much good. His head swinging up at a pace that obviously gave him a crick in his neck from the way he gripped it. His gaze was wide and worried until he spotted me leaning against the hood of the car. I smiled slightly and moved forwards until I could wrap my arms around him- the sadness on his face made me wish I could squeeze it from his body, once his own arms squeezed me back. I finally sighed and pulled back from him. Nodding my head to the car stood beside us, Stiles smiled slightly and let us both in. He drove us slowly to his house, and parked in the driveway before he led us both into the house. We dumped our bags by the end of his bed, when we finally made it to his room.
 "Hey nerd, I forgive you. I get it. This whole sitch is messed up. And maybe you're right, maybe we can't help people or save them or protect them. But we can try!" I murmured as I noticed his hunched body. I ruffled his already messy hair as I walked past him on my way to throw myself at his computer. I let my fingers dance over the keys- I tried to delve into why virgins would be sacrificed. But at every turn I was stonewalled. Most of the websites or 'research' was made by hacks who were probably still in their Goth phase. It had been the same thing for the last hour. Either Stiles or I groaning in frustration, as we each hit another dead end in the research. We were getting nowhere and it was beginning to make me lose hope and my mind. I looked over to see Stiles slumped, his head hanging off the side of the bed and the book he was reading was lying on top of his head. He was defeated as his tired eyes looked up at me.
 "Any luck?" He all but sighed out, gesturing to the computer behind me. I shook my head and he growled tugging at his hair. I stood from his desk chair and flopped onto the bed landing on him. He let out an 'Ooof' as I landed on his back. I giggled lightly before rolling off him and landing beside him with a bounce. He turned his face to look at my own. His eyes still looked sad, his whole demeanour was that of a stranger- and it was beginning to drive me crazier than the failed researching.
 "Alright Stilinski. You're moping is making me want to punch you.. Spill." I stated poking his cheek with my finger, it following all of the freckles and moles that were scattered about his skin. He frowned before glaring at my prodding appendage.
"Gee, I don't think punching me will help. It would probably make me feel worse, I mean then I'd be in physical pain and I may even get a black eye or something, and that would just make my mood worse. Cause then I'd have to explain how I got beat up by you to everyone.. And that is just embarrassing..." Stiles began to ramble, his words flowing out of his mouth quickly, so quickly they made me dizzy. I cut him off before my head could explode by pressing my hand over his mouth and stopping his words escaping. His eyes were wide as I felt my own narrow. One of his eye lids dropped into a wink, which made me narrow my eyes further wondering what he had planned. Until I felt something wet settle into the palm of my hand and make a trail up it. I realised with a grimace, that it was his tongue. He'd licked my hand. He'd licked my hand like a 5th grader.
 "Ewww! You licked me!" I called out, whipping my hand from his face in disgust. Stiles just smirked sticking his tongue out at me in victory. I glared at him before talking him from the bed all together. We rolled until we landed in a heap on the floor. As we tumbled, he’d miraculously managed to twist and turn until he was situated underneath me- it was impressive, and he let out another huff of air as it was forced from his body by my weight landing on him. I stared at him from above and smiled brightly at his slightly pained grimace- before shoving myself off of him and pulling him up after me.
“How about we watch a movie.. Forget about the research that is taking us nowhere for now and just relax. It looks like you need it..” I suggested pointing to the Tv in the room. I’d already decided what we’d watch, all I needed was for him to agree and to actually relax for a while; maybe then he’s tell me what was bugging him so much. He just stared at me and nodded, a faint smile painting his lips. I pushed all of the books onto the floor and from his comfy bed; much like I had done the night before, but this time I was slightly more gentle about it. I grinned and gestured for him to leave the room- meaning he was to make the popcorn whilst I set up in the bedroom. I watched as he walked from the room,  he was muttering under his breath as he went. I smiled and set to making the bed comfy, I scanned the wrack of DVD’s on his walls grinning as the exact one I was looking for was in a prized position in the centre. Pulling it from the shelf and placing it delicately in the side of his TV- I let it play through until it got to the menu and selected the play movie section. I waited until he trundled back up the stairs and plonked himself down on the bed next to me. I heard a gasp and turned my head to face him, his face was covered in a broad grin- his eyes were lit up and sparkling, his teeth were showing and his dimples looked deeper than ever. Just looking at the happiness on his face was contagious, I couldn’t help but grin back at him.  We both settled in for the movie, not long into it I noticed Stiles wasn’t as into it as he usually would be. And my mind drifted back to worrying for him. I gently gripped his hand between both of my own, squeezing softly.
“What’s wrong Robin?” I whispered softly, still squeezing his hand. He turned to look at me, but this time a grin wasn’t covering his face. A frown was; a deep frown that furrowed his eyebrows, one that  made his chocolatey gaze appear muddy, one that made my heart ache slightly.
“I’m scared Y/N.” Was all he whispered back, I nodded and wrapped my arms around his shoulders- pulling him towards me and into a slightly awkward hug. I could hear him sigh softly, as his head rested on my shoulder. I wondered how I could make thing better for him, and my mind was coming up empty; his cool breath was causing goose-bumps to raise on the exposed skin. Biting my lip to ensure he couldn’t tell of the change in my body, I could feel the shivers wanting to wrack my body. Ignoring the feeling, and deciding to pull him closer to me- slipping one leg over his hips, one leg on each side of his hips. I let my arm circle around his shoulders, running my fingers through his growing hair- as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kept his head resting against my collarbone. “I’m terrified I’m next..” he whispered so lowly, I struggled to hear his words. I pulled back slightly, causing him to lift his head and look me directly in the eyes; his caramel gaze was solemn, and I thought I could see unshed tears shining within the depths.
“Scott wouldn’t let that happen. And neither would I…” I stated firmly, looking him in the eyes- I could feel the determined expression on my face. I watched as he shook his head, obviously not believing my words. I frowned, I would save him. I wouldn’t let anything happen to this beautiful boy I was wrapped around. An idea burst through my mind, and before I could comprehend my actions. His face was turned to the side, avoiding me- I moved my face in line with his own. Gently letting my lips press against his own softly; I could feel the uncertainty in his pouted lips, his head turning to face me once more. I pulled back slowly, looking to his frowned face to see his reaction. It was apparent after a couple minutes of silence and Stiles sitting completely still- which was a feat in itself, that he wasn’t going to make a move to either stop this or push it onwards. Taking in a deep breath, and settling my shaken resolve- I pressed forwards again. My lips pushed against his own, the fusion of our lips just as gentle as before. We kissed gently for what felt like eternity; neither of us pushing it, wanting to stay in that moment for as long as possible- lips moving with each other delicately. Our lips parted for seconds- allowing for breath, but they soon met again. It was like were both addicted to one another’s lips; his were plump and smooth, as they danced with my own. Stiles left a lingering kiss on my mouth, pulling back just slightly.
“What’re you doing Y/N?” He whispered, his plush lips brushing against my own with every word he spoke- sending my mind fuzzy with the sensation, I tried to concentrate on what he’d said; but my mind was spinning quickly and slowly all at once.
“I’m kissing you.” I stated simply, before pushing my lips that last millimetre to meet his own. I wasn’t sure what he made of my response, but he didn’t stop kissing me. His hold on my waist was tight, his large hands squeezing gently, holding me to him as if he was worried I’d disappear. Shifting myself in his lap to get more comfortable, my centre coming into contact with his own. A whiny moan escaped our lips, I wasn’t sure who it came from- but it seemed like the sound had flicked some kind of switch in my brain. Gasping as his lips left my own, grazing over my chin and down to the skin of my neck. He pressed a kiss on the column- as if testing out some scientific theory, pulling back to see my reaction. I could feel my eyes were closed, and my mouth was open in a silent moan. He surged forwards and let his lips trace kisses down the delicate skin- leading towards my collarbone. When he made contact with the skin there, I let out the moan that was desperately clawing at my vocal chords to be released. He chuckled against my skin, before pressing one last kiss to it- his lips searching for my own. Finding their home against them, and pulling me into a passionate kiss. His tongue poking out to tickle against my bottom lip, I giggled at the feeling and let him in. Letting him map out my mouth, his tongue touching and tasting- dancing with my own. My fingers tangled themselves in his soft hair, pressing him more firmly against me.
His dexterous fingers traced over my sides, before settling on my hips- he pushed me down further onto him. Unconsciously pushing my hips back and forth on him, giving us both a delicious friction that had me wanting more; but I remembered this was for him. But as things progressed, I realised I needed this too. I needed to feel him and see him come undone- passion and lust shining on his face as euphoria washed over him. Pulling my fingers from his hair, settling them on his shoulders- feeling the soft material of his checked shirt beneath my excited fingers; I pushed the material to fall from his broad shoulders, revealing the white cotton t-shirt beneath. I pulled back from the kiss and stared into his eyes, tugging gently on his over shirt until it reached his wrists; he promptly let go of my hips, allowing me to pull it from his hands, letting my fingers wander to the hem of his t-shirt- I gently tugged it up. Stiles got the message, and aided me in pulling it up his lean torso; with each centimetre of skin that was revealed, I could see the smooth skin, taut and lean over the visible muscles- which jumped when my fingers made contact. Stiles tried to reach up and connect our lips again, but I denied him in favour of just staring at him. His pale skin, unmarked and tempting. His lean frame, tucking in towards his waist but broadening at his shoulders, his biceps bunched slightly as they gripped at my own t-shirt. His veiny forearms; which had stared in many of my day dreams, leading down to his nimble fingers. I could see a faint blush lighting his speckled cheeks, when I turned my glance to his face. Hi bottom lip was being wet by his tongue as it poked out of his mouth. I could feel his fingers delving under the fabric of my top, discovering the skin of my stomach. He tugged slightly at the material, and I lifted my arms above my head; allowing him to remove the top and drop it next to our bodies. His fingers traced over the skin softly, so softly it tickled and caused a giggle to bubble from my lips. He smiled at the reaction, before pressing his fingertips more firmly into the skin- he tickled me quicker, causing our joined laughter to ring out and drown the sounds from the tv playing in the background.
I pushed my lips to his, distracting his fingers from their task. They still rest against my waist and hips, but had ceased their movements; as his lips took over the movements. One of his hands runs up my body and lands on my neck- his thumb bracing my jaw as our lips move in synchronicity. I let my fingers trail over his torso; feeling the soft, smooth skin, tracing them further down until they rest against the buckle of his belt. I slipped the leather through the metal and let it fall open, before gently wiggling the button of his jeans through the hole- dragging the zip down it’s track. Stroking over the band of his boxers delicately- it was then that he gasped and pulled back from my lips; his caramel eyes dark with lust, holding a look of uncertainty as he stared from his open trousers and my eager hand- to my face.  
“What’re you doing?” He repeated, his voice cracking. I looked at his face; his eyebrows were furrowed as they tried to comprehend what was happening.
“I’m going to make you feel good..” I muttered against his lips, before pushing gently on his chest. Forcing him to lie on the bed he was sat on- I lifted myself from his slightly and heard a disappointed groan erupt from him. I looked up at his face, before dropping my lips to the skin I was desperate to touch. Kissing over his neck, biting at it and sucking a mark into his skin- proving he was mine. Before trailing lower, grazing over his chest- licking at the lines of his body. Gradually dipping over the definition on his stomach, licking lower until it traced over the waistband of his boxers. I placed my fingers in the front pockets of his jeans and tugged them down; them getting stuck on his hips, and thighs, and finally his knees. I struggled to pull them from his body for laughing so hard- his chuckles joined my own as he raised his hips and manoeuvred his legs around to help me. Once I had the material in my hands, I huffed out a breath before throwing the fabric away as if it offended me. Stiles was leaning up on his elbows and watching as I tossed the jeans away from me- sticking my tongue out as they went sailing across the room. I turned to face him again; and gasped at the sight of him, sat there and waiting for me to join him once more. I moved back over to him, straddling him once more and connecting our lips. He was more confident now, and let his own tongue play with mine quickly, I rest my weight on one hand before allowing my other to feel over his heated skin. Finally coming to a stop at the bulge in his boxers, pressing against it lightly- only to feel his jolt up to meet it more fully. I squeezed him through the thin fabric, trying to get used to the size of him with my hand. A needy whine bubbled from his throat, that made my hand take hold of him through the material and pump him gently. A strangled sound came from him, as wetness leaked onto the fabric and my hand slightly- a wetness pooled in my own underwear at the desperate sounds he was making.
Palming him with one hand, and letting the other pull at the waistband of his boxers- tugging them down and letting him spring free. His cock resting on his stomach heavily- drops of pre-come leaking from the pink tip, the colour almost matching the dusting on his cheeks. I cast my eyes back up his body- seeing his almost black eyes focused solely on me; watching me marvel at him and his nakedness. Not being able to hold back any longer- my tongue licked up the underside of him- tracing along the prominent vein, feeling every ridge before licking over the head. All I could hear was growling and groaning from above me; my eyes rolled up to watch him. His eyes were screwed shut tightly, his bottom lip was being bitten by his teeth and his arm was thrown over his forehead- fist clenched in mid-air, his other was fisting the sheets. I opened my lips, holding him at the base and slipped him inside.
“Oooh..” Stiles whined out. I let him get used to the feeling of being wrapped in my mouth, I gently sucked the head- and was rewarded with more pre-come leaking out onto my waiting tongue. I slowly slipped my lips further over him, taking more of him into my waiting mouth. Bobbing up and down his heavy cock slowly, the parts of him I couldn’t fit into my greedy mouth, I massaged with my hand. My pace quickened just slightly, moving over him at a steady rate. Tasting him more and more as he leaked, I flickered my eyes back up his body as my mouth moved up and down him. His hands were flapping in the air- almost awkwardly, and his eyes were wide staring down at me in wonder, his mouth was dropped open as noises continued to fall from his pouted lips. Growls, groans, moans and whines. All eliciting my own moans as I continued my work, I pulled from him slowly with a pop. Grabbing onto his hand- with the one of mine that wasn’t rubbing over him- and tangling his delicious fingers with my hair, securing it there before moving my lips back over him; his answering whine was needy and made me push myself further down on him before coming back up at a quicker pace. I could feel him thrusting into my mouth, trying to match pace- but he was struggling his lips stuttering when the pleasure got to much- our rhythm didn’t match, but from the desperate calls coming from him I wasn’t sure he minded entirely. His hips jolted more quickly, forcing himself further into my mouth; my throat gagging on him slightly, swallowing the tip of him- I let him thrust into my mouth until finally he filled my mouth with a loud shout. Swallowing his taste down, I moved up his cock gently- knowing he’d be sensitive until he left my lips softly.
I stared down at him; his chest heaving, stomach muscles twitching rapidly as he panted in and out. I watched his face, still scrunched in pleasure and slick with sweat, then I let my eyes drop lower to look at his still erect cock. I felt my eyes widen, a smile tugging at my lips to see him so eager and ready; resting hard and heavy against his lower stomach. I stood from my knees, Stiles opened his eyes and watched; as I reached behind me, flicking the clasp of my bra open, I slid one strap down one shoulder- then the other and let the fabric cage fall from my chest. I watched as Stiles sat up fully; his hungry eyes wandering all over the newly expose flesh, devouring the sight before him. Moving my hands to the fastening on my jeans and popping the button, forcing the zip down its track. And pushing the jeans over my hips and bottom; bending at the hips and tracing them down my legs- all the while not taking my eyes from Stiles’ awe-struck face. I was stood before him in some owl printed underwear; but I wasn’t embarrassed, I had never felt more sexy- than that moment with his desperate eyes tracing over my near bare body. Slipping my thumbs in the elasticated waistband and tugging them from my body- I stood before the Stillinski boy completely naked. His eyes were still wide and dark, and he raised his hands for me. I intertwined our fingers as he pulled me over him- legs either side of his waiting body. Pressing his eager lips against my own and beginning another bout of endless kissing; soft and gentle, yet hard and passionate all at the same time, it was confusing and addictive. I let my fingers find his weighty member again, stroking him up and down- moving him between our bodies. He was poised in front of my folds, I raised myself up; preparing to plunge him deep within me, completely lost in the moment. Stiles ripped his lips from me, panting and staring at me surprised.
“What’re you doing Y/N?” He repeated for the third time, hands squeezing at my hips and halting my movements.
“I’m protecting you..” I mumbled, pressing a kiss to his pouted lips. Pulling away from him slightly, I stood from the bed and stumbled over to his bedside table; my trembling hands searched for the protection we needed- the protection I had almost forgotten in the rush of Stiles Stilinski. I stared down into the open drawer; desperate eyes searching in an almost panic. Before calming with my racing heart and laboured breathing as they spotted; and untouched and unopened package, extra large and waiting. Furiously ripping into the box and digging one out; I tore the foil packaging open before stumbling back to Stiles who was waiting on the bed. I pushed back on his chest again, sliding one of my legs over his hips and kneeling above him. I watched as he breathed out a shaky breath, my fingers finding his already leaking cock once more. Pulling the latex from the foil, I rolled it down him almost impatiently. Once he was covered and we were safe, I positioned him between us once more. Rubbing the head of him between my folds and gathering the wetness that was dripping down my thighs and onto his lap. His eyes were wide, and one of his fingers rubbed through the moisture that had leaked from my centre curiously. I held my position, his cock almost pressing into me- as he raised that hand to his face. He rubbed his thumb and fingertip together, as if testing the consistency of the liquid. I giggled slightly and his eyes widened to the point I was worried they’d pop from his face.
“Is this from you? Are you..w-wet?!” He asked amazed, as he watched me grin and nod my head. Before my brain could keep up with his movements; his fingers were pushing his cock out of the way and delving into my folds themselves. They played with the moisture gathered, smoothing it all around my core. Making me moan loudly and embarrassingly. His face was full of wonder as he continued to feel around within me, his fingers coming into contact with the sensitive bud within. The tip of his finger tickled at it inquisitively, rubbing experimentally in circles. I groaned and ground my hips onto his hand eagerly. The sounds of lightsabers colliding in the back ground was drowned out by the sound of his laughter.
“You’re really wet.. Wow.” He mumbled almost to himself, I laughed to, moaning towards the end of it as his fingers picked up their pace. It took all I had to grip onto his wrist and stop his movements; when all I wanted was to sub myself against him until I could feel myself quiver from the pleasure. I breathed out shakily, before pushing his hand away from my centre- I let my other hand pick up his heavy cock once more- positioning him at my entrance. Before surging down on him slowly. A strangled whine came from the beautiful, blissful boy beneath me. My mouth dropped open in a silent moan; a wide ‘O’ shape as he bottomed out within me. I held still, moments pacing as I could feel him pulse inside me; trying to get used to the feeling. I let him settle, before lifting up from him slightly- pushing myself down onto him slowly. Moving at a pace to allow us both the most pleasure, and to allow him to become accommodated with being within someone. Grinding my hips slowly in circles, his hands grasped at my neck- one cupping my jaw and the other pulling on the back of it. Forcing my lips to his in a desperate kiss, and manipulating my body so I was flush against him. Stomach to stomach. Chest to chest. Lips against lips. Kissing furiously as my hips rode him at a leisurely pace. One of his hands slipped from my neck, sliding down my body and squeezing at my naked ass- palming at the fleshy cheek; before sliding back up my body and giving my breast the same treatment. It was then I was forced to move quicker on him, forcing my hips to canter forwards and backwards; pushing us both closer towards the edge.
As our pace increased, our kiss broke. His mouth was wide open and he was groaning uncontrollably, I knew it wouldn’t take too much longer until he would be spent. I pushed my body up, hands resting against his heaving chest; before I pushed my hips as quickly as I could, whines slipping from my mouth to match his. Stiles, lifted his hips and thrust into me.
Three times.
Four times.
Before his hips stuttered and he called out loudly, his cock pulsing within me- and he was filling the condom. I continued to ride him through it, trying to prolong that feeling of ecstasy for him. Once he’d finished, his hands gripped at my hips and ceased their slow grinding. He was breathing quickly, his breath fanning against my sweaty skin- cooling it instantly, before heating it up again as his fingers caressed over it. We laid in silence for a few moments, neither of us moving- apart from Stiles connecting out hands and intertwining our fingers mid-air.
“Oh my God!” He murmured out. I smiled down at him, his face was red and covered in sweat; but I didn’t mind, it made him more beautiful to me, I’d just seen him experience euphoria, and it was all because of me. “Oh Jesus.. Th-that was amazing..” He laughed, a grin beaming from his tired face, I just nodded and squeezed his hands. “Wait.. You didn’t y’know.. finish?” Stiles stated, his face morphing from a gorgeous grin to a frown- that almost hurt my heart. I smiled gently and shook my head at him. Stiles’ face was set in a scowl, and he pushed his lips against my own- kissing me heatedly, making my pulse rise quickly. I was too wrapped up in the feeling of his lips almost bruising my own; to notice that he’d let one of my hands drop. And his fingers were working themselves between us. I didn��t know what was happening until I felt his fingers press and circle at the neglected bud with my still slicked folds, I was still wet- and getting wetter by the second as his fingers played with my core. He was experimenting mostly; seeing what would happen if he moved in a certain, figuring out which movement of his fingers would make me moan the loudest. Soon enough under his attentions, I was grinding myself into his hand- he was rubbing me to my end quickly and efficiently. Soon enough my hips were jerking quickly against his hand; quivering as I came. I whined as I felt the shocks running through my body. I breathed heavily into Stile’s neck, coming down from my high- he ran a hand through my sweaty and knotty hair,. “That’s better..” Stiles whispered, before dropping a kiss to my head.  He held my hands again, supporting my weight on his elbows and helped me to roll from his body in shaky knees. When I was situated, he sat up on the bed, with his legs falling over the side. He pulled the filled condom from himself and disposed of it in the bin by his desk.
He picked up his marvel printed boxers and tugged them on, before grabbing onto his red plaid shirt I’d discarded earlier. When he came back to the bed, he helped me to pull the shirt onto my tired but satisfied body, before tugging me back to him. Wrapping his arms around me and snuggling me close to his body- pulling the covers over both of us as we cuddled in silence.
“Thank you.” He whispered against my lips, we settled again. Smiling against his chest- listening to his heart beat which was beginning to slow to a normal pace now.
“I told you I’d save you.” I whispered as I watched him doze into a peaceful sleep, following not too long after him. Cuddled close to his body, with his mouth pressed against my hair. Stiles was safe, and that was all I could ask for.
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dm-clockwork-dragon · 4 years ago
Iv tried making some of my own stuff, subclasses, classes monsters and tables. Do you have any advice that could help out?
So as much as I would like to call myself one, I’m no expert on anything, but I can give you the list of questions I try to ask myself as I work 1. Can I get what I want with what already exists? Its really easy when you come up with an idea to jump strait to writing new content, but that’s not always the best option. One of the biggest “mistakes” I see people make is trying to homebrew an idea that can already be accomplished by just re-flavoring something else, or doing some sort of multiclass build. This doesn’t necessarily produce bad homebrew, but it tends to be lackluster, or just a overly specific version of something else 2. What makes this Unique The second big “mistake” I see, is when people try to build a new homebrew by just borrowing features and abilities from other classes/subclasses and the like. Its a really easy way to makes something, but it tends to just create a mix match that doesn’t feel unique. I try to start each project by asking myself what this homebrew does that nothing else can do, or how the class might do something similar something else, but in a new and interesting way 3. What is the scope once you know what makes your brew unique, you can start to figure out how much work you need to do. does this idea really need to be an entire class? or would a single subclass suffice? Is this a full race, or just a sub-race? Is this idea something that would work better as a powerful magic item, or is there enough here to build a subclass around? 4. What is your core mechanic? It's super important to have a core idea to build around. Your core mechanic is generally going to be the most complicated thing in your homebrew, and everything else should build on it, or modify the way it works. this helps everything feel whole and connected.  5. Is it Fun A Really easy mistake to make when producing content is to get lost in the mechanics and lose track of the fact that this is a game. Sure, mathematically, it might make sense to roll 3 separate dice every time you use an ability, but when you are playing the game, those extra dice rolls slow down combat and break the flow of the game. Always be asking yourself if the mechanics you have thought up are actually fun, or if they are getting in the way. 6. Does it all work together? I cannot tell you ho many times I have gone through and written up a bunch of really great mechanics, only to scrap them later because they don’t work together. Nothing ever happens in isolation. It’s all a complex system, and it’s Important to step back frequently and look at how your homebrew interacts with both itself, and other content. 7. Does it balance? Note that the question isn’t “is it balanced” but “does it balance.” See, the thing is, balance isn’t so much about weather any particular feature or ability might be over or underpowered. its bout how they all balance together, and what strengths and weaknesses that creates. Any powerful homebrew should have a glaring weak spot if you know where to look. 8. What does it do when? No one should ever feel left out at the table, so try to think about as many scenarios and playstyles as possible. If you make a class that is really powerful in combat, but useless in social situations, keep in mind that this means the player is being left out of the action when that action doesn’t involve a fight, and that not necessarily a good thing. Keep an eye one the action economy and make sure that a character or creature has something to do with every type of action. 9. What's in a Name? Now this one is just me, but I find that it really helps me to come up with names for abilities and features that all fit around a central theme, and I use those names to inform what sort of features I make honestly just as much as I name my features based on what they do. You would be amazed how much help it can be to just brainstorm cool ability names related to your core concept. Or to have a theme for how your subclasses are named. It can give you a square footing from which to build, especially when you are in uncharted territory and struggling for ideas. 10. Does it match the PHB Something that took me way too long to really learn was how to match my content to the language of the players handbook. Especially for someone who started from a different system, it’s important to keep track of how 5e says and does things, and try to word things similarly so that they can be easily understood, or so you don’t create weird loopholes in the rules. When all else fails, keep the PHB and DMG on hand just to look at how they phrase things. I really hope this sort of advice helps. I’ve been at this for almost 5 years now, just in 5e, and I’m still learning. There are probably plenty of people who would disagree with my advice, but It has worked well enough for me ^^
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changeling-crafts · 3 years ago
Character and Runes
Maybe you're negotiating with a dragon, fighting off a horde of zombies or piloting a spaceship. Instead of rolling dice to determine the outcome, you will toss runes out on a flat surface and if the number of upright ones surpass the upside down ones then you succeeded! The difference between upright and upside down is the degree to your success or failure, 4 upright is just succeeding and 7 upright is a total success.  
Each character gets 7 runes and each rune will connect to a character trait. Good traits to put on runes are the sort that can make your character's life easier OR harder depending on the context. If you are familiar with the game Fate, this is similar to their concept of aspects.
For my first character in this world I used a handy dandy tarot spread to get me started. 
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In addition to player characters, this spread is great for any NPCs you might interact with a whole bunch, like rivals, team mates, the big bad evil guy, or even your best friend!
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"Melody" used to be one of the performers from a small theater troupe, who is now on the run after debt collectors demanded that they pay all their debt immediately or be strong-armed into working for them. They hope to make enough money to pay off their debts so they can rejoin their troupe, while staying under the debt collectors radar. They also want to fulfill the promises they made before coming back. Some of these promises include making an elaborate costume for one of their friends, writing a short play, and learning how to play a new instrument. Currently they are on the road to the nearby city of Finas, to hopefully make some new friends and earn some money. 
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The runes I've chosen for this character and what they represent are as follows
Sun – ambitious, unfulfilled promises, very optimistic view of their future (despite the circumstance)
Mouth – friendly, making new friends, keeping in touch with the old ones through letters, hates to be disliked
Butterfly – impulsive, good at improv, often improvises their music, irresponsible with money
Shield – stubborn, ashamed of needing to run away, won't resort to theft no matter what, stand up for their friends
Star – restless, always starting something new, can't stand boredom
Mask – performer, just a tad melodramatic, music, acting, costume creation, prop creation
Coin – in debt, trying to save up, on the run 
Since I wanted to have a whole bunch of characters I could switch between, I chose to make around 20 different generic runes that I could pick from to represent each character's traits.  As for the actual physical runes themselves,the options are endless. So long as it has two sides and has roughly equal chances of falling on both sides you will be golden. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Formed from salt dough or air dry clay
Cardboard box segments 
Flat stones
Bits of wood
Folded and glued book pages
Cut and sanded popsicle sticks 
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The symbols on each rune can be whatever you want so long as you can tell them apart. J.R.R. Tolkien's fancy schmancy elf letters? Go for it! Different road signs? Why not! Original symbols lovingly designed by you? Absolutely! If you want some inspiration for simple generic symbols I highly recommend looking at Rotate Bird, a ttrpg by David J Prokopetz, @prokopetz which has a big ole list of lil symbols for its own game mechanics. By whatever method you come up with the symbols the next thing you gotta do is write down what they mean to your character.
Here are a few ways to document rune meanings
Draw each rune in the center of it's own page, journal and draw about what it means
A strip of paper folded into zig zags, a rune described on each section
A portrait of your character, with the runes appearing in their design, arrows pointing them out and describing what they mean 
A pop up, like a waterfall card
Written in an origami fortune teller
Just write the meanings on the backs of the runes themselves
The road to Finas is not empty, though. Ahead on the trail is another traveler dressed in clothes that more resemble pajamas than they do daywear, walking alongside an incredibly scruffy looking creature. Being the sort of person Melody is, they will do their best to introduce themselves in a friendly manner. (I toss the runes, the sun, mask and shield are upright. Based on which runes are face up I decide that Melody came off too strong.) Eyret offers her name but not much else, she seems intimidated by Melody’s over the top introduction. Oh dear, not the best start to making new friends.  
Tomorrow we will talk about strain
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skarsgard-daydreams · 4 years ago
Marie’s Writing Workshop
Part One: Just Keep Writing
We’re going to call this little series Marie’s Writing Workshop, not because I have all the answers, but because I want to collect a bunch of writers in one place so we can talk about what to do when writing isn’t easy. Everyone is invited to comment with their own tips, tricks, struggles, or questions, and my hope is that another writer (maybe me, or maybe someone else) will be able to offer some help and support if needed, or even just say, “Me too.” If you’ve ever been in a workshop before, you know that having a community of writers around you who are experiencing the same struggles helps immensely with the isolation and self-doubt that go hand in hand with our hobby. If you’ve never been in a workshop before, well, you’re welcome to join the conversation.
The first thing I want to talk about is something that is useful whether you’re knee-deep in a multi-chaptered story or you just don’t know how to get started. There comes a moment in every writer’s life when they ask: how do I get the pen flowing? Or how do I get the pen flowing again? You might feel like you’re uninspired or have the dreaded ailment that plagues all writers at some point: writer’s block. It’s something that happens to writers all the time, even the professionals. A lot of ink has been spilled on how to combat writer’s block. At the end of the day, I think the advice boils down to this: write through it.
But how the hell do you write through it? Here are some practical tips. Take what works for you, leave the rest, and share your own if you want.
1. Give yourself permission to write complete and utter shit.
Embrace the fact that whatever you’re about to type into your word processor or scribble on your notebook is going to be terrible. It’s going to be cliché, it’s going to have poor grammar, it’s going to have bad characterization. It’s going to have plot holes and awful sex and purple prose and you’re going to use the words “just” and “seemed” 800 times in ten pages. And that’s fine, because the first step is simply to bang it out. Ernest Hemingway famously said, “The first draft of anything is shit.” Every other writer on the planet who is honest has said a variation on the theme. So, hurl the words onto the page like you’re flinging cooked spaghetti at the wall. When you reach the end of the story, it might look like a dumpster fire. That’s fine. Because reaching the end of the story isn’t the end of writing.
2. Stop editing your work as you write.
This tip goes hand in hand with the first one, really, because part of giving yourself permission to write something horrible is that you shouldn’t try to make it better as you’re working on a first draft. But I think a lot of people, myself included, have the tendency to reread the last few sentences and make a few changes here or there and eventually find ourselves staring at the same page three hours later with only two paragraphs written. I find that I can get away with this at times. However, when I’m not feeling inspired, my inner editor can derail the whole process and prevent me from getting anything done at all. If you see a typo as you’re banging out that first draft, ignore it. If you can’t remember the word for something, or haven’t named something, put in a placeholder. I do this by using brackets. For example, once I was writing a fantasy story and I forgot the word “sheath,” so I literally wrote [sword holder thingy] and kept going. Do this with anything that you’re uncertain about as a marker for yourself. Future you can correct it in revision. 
3. First draft does not equal final draft.
You probably could have guessed this based on my last two tips, but I feel it’s necessary to reiterate. Writing is revision. Yes, there are good days when angels sing as your first draft magically comes together, and you can get away with publishing that baby right away. But every novelist, every short story writer, every screenwriter, every playwright, and every poet will tell you that revision is where the real work gets done. And it’s a vital part of the process if you’re allowing yourself to write shitty first drafts. I like to think of it this way. Writing is like cooking a meal. The first draft is the part where you take all of the ingredients out of the fridge and throw them onto the counter. But revision is the part where you refine those ingredients, taking a whole onion and dicing it into bite-sized pieces, then sautéing it in a pan. It’s the part where you start to combine ingredients and let them meld together. Sometimes you sample a taste of the dish while it’s being cooked and determine it needs a little more salt or a little more time in the oven. Or sometimes you call over your roommate to take a peek in the oven and tell you if they think it’s done yet. So, take the time to revise, going through as many revisions as you feel are necessary for your story to become “cooked.”
4. Give the muse a time and place to meet you.
We all know the rush of getting struck with inspiration. Something clicks in your head and you start chasing a thread and suddenly you’ve written more in a day than you did last week. At other times, it feels like the muse is nowhere to be found. I often feel like I need that flash of inspiration to get my pen rolling, but the truth is that most authors write even when they’re uninspired. One of my favorite writing teachers taught me that showing up to do the work is more important than feeling inspired. For her, that meant sitting down at her desk at the same time every day with a notebook and pen in hand and setting a timer for something like an hour or 90 minutes. That was her writing time, and she could either sit there and stare blankly at the notebook or attempt to write, but she could not get up. She often found that, even though she would begin the session uninspired, an idea would eventually come. One of my shortcomings as a writer is that I don’t keep a schedule like this most of the time. But the times when I am most prolific are the times when I have the house to myself and I go sit in my little corner with a cup of coffee and force myself to focus on nothing but my writing. The muse might take her time and wait to show up until the second or third page, but she usually does show up to these appointments.
5. Shake things up.
This last tip is really a collection of a few more ideas that aren’t big enough for their own paragraph. If you’ve been working on a piece for a while and you’re losing steam, it’s okay to put that on the shelf and work on something else. Sometimes the change of pace will help you return to the previous piece with fresh eyes. In the same vein, I have found that I gravitate toward different mediums for different purposes. For example, I write most of my first drafts of long pieces by hand, in pen. This forces me to reduce the amount of editing I do since it’s limited by the space on the page and what I have already written. I do my revision while I’m transcribing it into a Word document, and often revise several times over again. But I have also found that I like to write drabbles, like the majority of “Sound and Color,” on my cell phone. If I get stuck on one medium, sometimes I will try switching to another to see if the ideas flow better. I don’t know why it works, but it works. Finally, there is a tool that I found in the days of trying to complete National Novel Writing Month that I like to use when I need to break through the wall of over-thinking about every word I put on the page: an app that deletes your progress if you stop writing. I wouldn’t write a story that I cared about within one of these apps, but I have used it as an exercise when I can’t seem to write more than two words at a time. There is an old, clunky app called Write or Die that makes the screen turn red and blares an alarm when you stop writing. If you turn on Kamikaze mode, it will delete one word at a time. There is also a modern, minimalist app that operates on the same principal, except that it will delete everything you’ve written if you stop. That one is The Most Dangerous Writing App. Both are great tools to keep in your writing toolbox.
Now it’s your turn:
What works for you when you’re stuck in your writing? What doesn’t?
What’s your biggest hurdle right now? What’s your next step to try to overcome it?
What questions do you have for me or other writers?
@hausofobsession @stevesharrlngtons @scxrsgxrd @dreamtherapy @grandpa-sweaters @amandalynngraves @dragsraksllib​ @loomiz​
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musette22 · 5 years ago
As it's Chris' birthday today, what's your Evanstan headcon for how they are spending it? We don't know if Chris is still in LA (as far as I know), do you think he might be back in Boston to be with his family? That would mean Seb could easily visit him now that the lockdown in NYC is over. Or would he fly to LA to celebrate with his bf? (He hasn't been seen in NYC in the last couple of days either, right?) Or will the only hang out virtually? I would love to know what you are imagining 😊
Hello darling!! So yesterday, I said I probably wasn’t going to write any Evanstan for a while, but then I woke up this morning and had a lovely little Evanstan headcanon fantasy about Chris’s birthday - as you do - and then I thought screw it, let’s write this thing. So here’s a little drabble (well, it should’ve been a drabble) about how Chris might have spent his birthday 😘
A/N: This is just a nonsensical little fantasy scenario that doesn’t actually make any sense, but the idea made me happy, so I hope it’ll make you guys happy too! Don’t look too closely, please, there’s some overlap with previous fics and this was all written very quickly and hasn’t been edited properly because it’s late where I am and I need to sleep lmao 🙈 Sorry about that!
Happy birthday, Mr. America 
Chris likes surprises, generally speaking.
Not the nasty kind, like when a part unexpectedly falls through, or someone gets angry at him out of the blue and he doesn’t know what he’s done wrong. But he likes it when exciting things happen and shake things up a bit, like when he’s having a lazy day alone at home, and a friend suddenly shows up on his doorstep to tell him, change of plans, we’re going bungee jumping. When that happens, Chris will happily drop whatever he’s doing and jump in the car, because that’s the kind of thing that makes him feel alive.
So when he arrives at the Evans’ family house today, on his birthday, and is greeted by a chorus of Surprise! and Happy Birthdays from a bunch of people he hasn’t seen ages - literal years, in some cases - Chris is delighted and touched; excited to see familiar faces and catch up with his friends and family.
That excited feeling lasts for a solid few hours, until his Aunt Melanie corners him and starts telling Chris about her Pilates instructor. This isn’t the first time she’s tried to set Chris up with whichever wonderful girl she’s most recently met and feels would be perfect for Chris, but this time she’s really hammering on about how she just can’t understand why a good-looking, successful young man like him hasn’t found a wife yet. She no doubt means well, but that doesn’t mean Chris is about to go on a blind date with her Pilates instructor.
When he’s finally managed to excuse himself under the pretense of needing a bathroom break, he sneaks off to the back of the house, to his dad’s old study. As soon as the door closes behind him, he lets out a sigh of relief and leans back against it for a moment, catching his breath. He loves his family to bits, but there’s no denying they’re a lot. There’s a sofa in the study, a wide, navy blue one, and Chris lies down on it, stretching himself to his full length. He closes his eyes, hoping to nap for a couple of minutes, but no dice. His aunt’s comments play in his head on a loop, causing something uneasy to stir in his stomach.
The thing is, she’s right. He should already be married and have a couple of cute kids to dote on. He’s wanted to have a family and settle down for a long time, ever since he got done with sowing his wild oats and calmed down a little. He’s the long-term relationship kind, and there had been a few girlfriends with whom he thought he definitely could see a future.
That had been Before, though. Before Sebastian Stan had waltzed into his life and upended everything Chris thought he knew for certain, complicating everything in the best and worst possible way. After the initial shock of developing feelings for another guy wore off, Chris had simply accepted his infatuation as a fact of life, and it had become something he carried with him always, but never acted on or even spoke of. He wouldn’t know where to start. It was clear there was something between them, though. The way Sebastian looked at him sometimes… It had to mean something. For the longest time, they’d danced around each other, always just shy of outright flirting, and there had been a few times when Chris really thought something might finally happen between them. But it never did.
And now it never would. They’ve hardly even seen each other, over the past year, after they stopped working together. Sure, they kept in touch from time to time, but there is only so much keeping in touch two work friends can plausibly do before it gets weird or necessarily has to turn into something else. And Chris thought he’d accepted that, more or less.
But then last week, he and Scott had gotten drunk together – like really, stupidly drunk. At around 3 in the morning, Scott had put on The First Avenger so he could make fun of Chris in his skin tight leggings, and then suddenly Sebastian’s face had been right there on his TV screen: larger than life, young and handsome like he’d been when Chris first felt that tug in his gut when he’d looked at him.
And Chris, whose brain-to-mouth filter unfortunately ceases to exist entirely whenever he’s had too much to drink, had just blurted out, “I think I’m in love with him.”
Initially, Scott had thought Chris meant that Steve was in love with Bucky. 
“Well, clearly,” he’d slurred. “They’re soooo gay, oh my god.”
And instead of using the misunderstanding to cover up for his unfortunate drunken slip-up, Chris had slowly shook his head and corrected, “No, with Sebastian. ‘M in love with Sebastian. Have been for a long time, I think.”
He’d passed out not long after, possibly his subconscious’ way of trying to protect himself against the barrage of questions from Scott that Chris had been in no state to answer in that moment. Inevitably, Scott had tried to talk to him about it the next day, but Chris – hungover, embarrassed and annoyed with himself for opening his big mouth and spilling this secret that he’d managed to keep for close to a decade – had told Scott to leave it and that he didn’t want to talk about it. Nothing was ever going to come of this now anyway, so it was much better if they could all just forget it ever happened.
Scott and he had gone to dinner at their mom’s that night, and of course, Lisa had instantly sensed something was off. Unfortunately, Chris never did stand a chance in hell against his mother, so when she took him to aside after dinner and outright asked him what was wrong, he’d had no choice but to spill the beans. Besides, if he didn’t, Scott would probably have found a way to guilt him into telling Lisa, eventually - they’d always shared everything with her, after all.
Lisa had been so loving and understanding, just like Chris knew she would, and despite the aching in his chest, he was grateful and a little bit relieved to know he wasn’t keeping something this significant from her any longer. But in the end, it didn’t change anything. Of course, Lisa had asked him why he didn’t just go for it, told him to just go for it, call Sebastian and ask him out for dinner, but Chris had dismissed all her suggestions. It just wasn’t going to happen. Certainly not now, not anymore.
She’d dropped it, eventually, but Chris is under no illusions that he’s heard the last of it.
Since then, he’d tried to put the whole fiasco out of his mind, but then Aunt Melanie started badgering him about his marital status and it had all come rushing back again.
Just when Chris about to give up on trying to nap and head outside to get some fresh air instead, there’s a knock at the door.
Chris sighs, rubbing his eyes. “Come in,” he calls, not bothering to get up because it’s probably his mom coming to check on him. “Hey, mom,” he says, when Lisa’s head does appear around the door.
“Hi, sweetheart,” she replies, smiling. She opens the door a little wider. “There’s someone here to see you.”
“Oh?” Chris says, sitting up a little straighter for whatever friend or family member his mom wants him to meet so urgently, but then Lisa steps aside to reveal –  
Sebastian is here. In his mom’s house. Standing right there, looking a little apprehensive and unsure, but still so fucking gorgeous it makes Chris’s heart stop for a moment inside his chest, before it starts up again at double speed.
“Hey, Chris,” Sebastian says, and it’s his voice, he’s really here, in Chris’s dad’s old study, speaking actual words at him.
What the fuck.
Chris gets to his feet so fast he feels a bit lightheaded, lightly swaying on his feet before he manages to get some semblance of a reply. "Hi. What- Sebastian. What are you doing here?"
Sebastian’s eyes flicker to Lisa for a moment, looking at her a little uncertainly. She gives him an encouraging nod.
“Um,” Sebastian starts, turning his eyes back to Chris again. “Lisa, your mom, invited me to your surprise birthday party.” He licks his lips nervously. “So, yeah, happy birthday. And, um. Surprise.” The last word is accompanied by a dorky little wave, and Chris is just. Speechless.
Literally, can’t form any words speechless, which is highly unusual for him. When he just keeps standing there, staring a Sebastian like he’s some kind of fata morgana, Lisa rolls her eyes and nudges Sebastian with her elbow.
“Well, go on, then,” she prompts, nodding in Chris’s direction. “He won’t bite.” Then, the look in her eyes turns mischievous, and Chris has half a second to think oh no, before she adds, “Unless you like that sort of thing, of course, but then he'd ask first. I raised him well.”
Sebastian makes a strangled sound, but starts towards him nonetheless, and before he really knows what’s happening, Chris is holding Sebastian in his arms. Holding him in his arms and burying his face in the crook of his neck and breathing him in. Sebastian’s arms go around him, too, a little tentative at first, but growing tighter, more secure, the longer the hug lasts. 
And it lasts, much longer than a casual happy birthday hug between friends is supposed to last, but Chris can’t for the life of him bring himself to let go. He knows he’s clinging, that he’s got his nose pressed to the spot below Sebastian’s ear and that’s probably far too intimate, but Sebastian’s arms around are wound tightly around Chris’s waist and his cheek is presses to the side of Chris’s face, and he’s not letting go either.
Finally, after what feels simultaneously like forever and the blink of an eye, Sebastian inhales shakily, his chest expanding against Chris’s. With Herculean effort, Chris makes himself pull away. But, of course, that brings with it the complication of being able to see Sebastian’s face, flustered and glowing, eyes shining with something unnameable. They’re so close then, their faces only an inch or so apart, and when Sebastian’s eyes flicker down to Chris’s mouth for a split second, Chris’s restraint breaks.
He lunges forward, and Sebastian does the same, and their mouths crash together awkwardly and suddenly, they’re kissing. Really, actually kissing. 
Chris’s hands fly to Sebastian’s face, holding it like it’s something precious, causing Sebastian to make a small, desperate sound that reverberates throughout Chris’s entire body. When he licks at the seam of Sebastian’s lips, Sebastian parts them immediately, letting him in, and Chris is drowning. Drowning in the kiss, in Sebastian’s taste, his smell, the little sighs he’s making against Chris’s lips, like he’s just as overwhelmed and stupefied and happy as Chris is, while they cling to each other like they’re each scared the other’s going to disappear if they dare to let up for just one second.
Eventually, though, they have to break apart for air. Chris presses their foreheads together, unwilling to put any more distance between them than is strictly necessary, still breathing the same air. When Chris eventually opens his eyes, he finds Sebastian looking back at him in a way that makes his knees feel suddenly weak.
"Hi," Seb says, voice low and husky.
"Hey," Chris replies, his hands on either side of Sebastian’s face, thumbs idly caressing his cheekbones.
Sebastian giggles, a light, happy sound that makes his nose do that scrunchy thing it does, and Chris wants to die. He groans, pulling Sebastian back in by the back of his neck –
And then Lisa clears her throat. Sebastian startles; he’d evidently forgotten she was still there, or maybe assumed she’d have left to give them their privacy, but that just goes to show Sebastian doesn’t know Lisa very well – yet.
"Well,” Lisa says, a grin in her voice. “I'll leave you two to it then, let me know if you need anything.” She pauses, before cheekily adding, “Anything at all."
“Yes, thank you, mom,” Chris says quickly, keen to spare Sebastian any further embarrassment. Sebastian’s hiding his face in Chris’s chest as it is, arms still wound around his waist, and Chris is literally about to pass out from how fucking cute that is.
Holding up a placating hand, Lisa finally retreats, closing the door behind her.
Once they’re alone, Chris steers Sebastian towards the couch, sitting down and pulling him into his lap. Sebastian lets himself be guided, straddling Chris’s thighs and giving him a coy look through his eyelashes. Chris blows out a slow breath to center himself a little, bringing up his hands to settle on Sebastian’s waist.
He knows they’ll need to talk about this at some point, but right now he can’t think of a single way to express what he’s feeling, and what this means to him. Right now, all he can do is stare at Sebastian in wonder, relishing finally getting to look at him the way he’s always wanted to: unabashedly, fondly, and very appreciative of exactly how tempting Sebastian’s lips look – especially after having been thoroughly kissed. By him.
“Fuck,” Chris breathes, overwhelmed, leaning in again to catch those pretty pink lips in another kiss.
Sebastian responds beautifully, opening up right away, melting into him. His arms wind around Chris’s shoulders, fingers scratching gently through the hair on the back of Chris’s head, making him shiver.
It’s sweet, at first; lips sliding together lazily, slow and lush, but eventually, the kisses turn a little dirtier, with nipping teeth and teasing tongues. When Sebastian bites Chris’s bottom lip a bit too hard, pulling on it, Chris literally goes cross-eyed for a second. The hand that found its way into Sebastian’s hair tightens instinctively, pulling his head back just a little.
“Oh,” Sebastian breathes, eyelids fluttering, and Chris instantly feels all his blood rushing south.
He can’t believe it. He can’t believe he has Sebastian here, in his lap, looking like innocence and sin wrapped into one, looking at him through heavy lidded eyes like it’s Chris who’s something to be desired. And Chris wants. He wants so bad, with every fiber of his being, to have Sebastian right there and then, but he has just enough presence of mind left to know that they can’t rush this, can’t make any rash decisions they might later regret if they don’t talk about what’s happening first.
Words still seem impossible, however, so instead, Chris takes one of Sebastian’s hands in his and presses a kiss to the center his palm, hoping to convey with that one gesture everything he wants to say but can’t.
When he looks back up, Sebastian blinks at him, his eyes wide and stunned, before he suddenly grabs Chris’s face between his hands and starts planting breathless kisses on his cheeks, his eyelids, his forehead, and even his nose. Chris lets himself be kissed, basks in it, feeling like his heart might burst, and when Sebastian finally presses his lips to his mouth, Chris seizes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Despite Chris’s best intentions, it turns heated again in no time. Without his permission, his hands slide under Sebastian’s shirt, stroking the smooth, warm skin of his back, while Sebastian mouths at Chris’s jaw, then trails a path of kisses down the column of his neck.
“Seb,” Chris groans, hands tightening convulsively on Sebastian’s waist. “Sebastian, wait.”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” Sebastian pants, lifting his head to look down at him. He’s disheveled, his hair a mess, pupils blown, his lips red and a little raw from mouthing at Chris’s beard. He looks stunning.
“Jesus, you’re beautiful,” Chris says honestly, touching Sebastian’s left cheek.
Sebastian ducks his head turning his face into Chris’s palm, but he’s smiling, which makes Chris smile, too, then they’re just smiling at each other like a couple of dorks.
Chris shifts their positions to get more comfortable, tugging at Sebastian until they’re both lying on the couch on their sides, face to face. Pulling him closer, into his chest, Chris swings a leg over both of Sebastian’s, and Sebastian takes the hint immediately, snuggling into Chris and tucking his head under his chin so they’re full on cuddling.
“Best fucking birthday present ever,” Chris mutters into Sebastian’s hair, his hand tracing idle patters on Sebastian’s upper arm. In reply, Sebastian presses a kiss to Chris’s chest, over his heart.
Somehow, they snooze for a little while, just drifting in and out of consciousness, neither of them seeming to want to untangle themselves from the other, until after an indeterminate amount of time, there’s a soft knock at the door.
Chris hums questioningly in reply, not wanting to wake Sebastian, and the door opens cautiously. Lisa pokes her head in again, and the moment she sees them, all wrapped around each other like that, she covers her mouth with her hands, cooing softly.
“Happy Birthday, baby,” she whispers, her eyes shining with affection and pride.
“Thanks, mom,” Chris whispers back, blinking back tears. “Love you.”
From where he’s half asleep on Chris’s chest, Sebastian murmurs, “Love you, too.”
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hglog · 4 years ago
PBTA Spelljammer GLOG Thing?
Recently, my father dug up his old Traveller and MegaTraveller books for me, and after having a lot of fun reading through them, I can definitively say I don’t ever want to GM the system. But it got me in a space-gaming mood and my mind turned to two things. First, the Uncharted Worlds game I was once a player in, which seems to have borrowed a lot of the good aspects of Traveller and put them into a PBTA system, which I love very much. Second, the AD&D setting Spelljammer which is an amazing science-fantasy fever dream that I’ve unfortunately never gotten to experience firsthand. Naturally, I decided I’d make an RPG. And, ever since I discovered it, GLOG has basically consumed a large part of my mindspace whenever I think about RPGs.
Now it’s about a month later, and I have a lot written, but even more still to write. My biggest issue is getting my thoughts organized. I’m always a lot neater when I know other people are going to see my work. So, in a hope to make things more coherent for myself, I’m going to let you in on what I have to far.
What I like about Spelljammer
Science fiction minus the science
Practically any science fiction trope you can think of fits into the setting, but when it comes to the actual science, it’s this weird-ass mix of a classical Greek and medieval alchemist understanding of the cosmos.
You don’t have to worry about players “um, actually”-ing you about what happens in the vacuum of space, because it’s actually not even a vacuum!
Magic = FTL
Despite the previous point, its science is actually still relatively “hard” when it comes to internal consistency and logical consequences to its different laws of reality than our own. The magic, on the other hand, is magic. My headcanon is that the speed of light imposes a hard limit, but magic is the one thing able to ignore it.
While people could theoretically pull off a no-magic spacecraft launch (if they had a few thousand more years of technological development), for the most part, if something is in space, it’s probably because a wizard decided they wanted it to be in space.
Weird-ass spaceships
Since a spaceship is “anything you can put a spelljamming throne in,” you get a delightful mix of regular boats, classic pulp sci-fi or space opera spaceships, weird organic tentacled things, and whatever else strikes your fancy.
What if a dragon died and all the kobolds that worshipped it somehow got enough spell slots to just pilot its corpse into space and start fucking shit up?
Sadly, Spelljammer doesn’t offer a lot of customization, instead just relying on a wide catalogue of weird ships used by different aliens.
What I like about PBTA
Adaptable to basically any setting
There is a great wealth of hacks I can draw from
These two points go hand in hand. I haven’t, however, been able to find a specifically spelljammer-inspired PBTA hack, so that’s why I’m doing this.
The PBTA games I’ve read through in creating this (so far) are  Uncharted Worlds, Dungeon World, and the original Apocalypse World.
Encourages little preparation
My biggest challenge in running a game that’s interstellar in scope is my instinct to pre-prepare everything, which is already problem if I think I need to make an entire country, let alone an entire planet. But now we’re talking not only a planet but every planet.
While you can do worldbuilding as the GM for a PBTA game, you can also not do any, and let the players do all the work for you upon character creation. Dungeon World is especially good at this.
It’s fun
I’ve enjoyed every PBTA game I’ve been a player or a GM for, no exceptions (so far).
It’s extremely easy to teach people
Most of my friends are not as into learning new systems as I am. But most of them have already played at least one PBTA system, and if they haven’t, it wouldn’t be as much of a hassle as say, AD&D or Traveller.
What I like about GLOG
The four-template class blueprint
If PBTA character sheets are streamlined, I don’t even know what I’d call GLOG character sheets.
I don’t know if I’d shave my classes down quite as much, but I’m definitely taking notes from GLOG’s designs.
GLOG spellcasting
This is one of the things I like most about GLOG.
Spell dice to power FTL? Maybe 1 die per 30 light years or whatever, and the sum determines how fast the trip can be made? Doubles and triples can be malfunctions or space pirate attacks or something.
A shit ton of classes
I think I’d like to limit it to 10 or so classes, but I’m definitely going to get inspiration from some of the weirder GLOG classes along with the classes fighters/wizards/rogues.
An emphasis on interesting problem-solving
I think this is more just good game design than GLOG itself.
Encourages taking a weirder spin on fantasy lore that’s often taken for granted
Again, this seems like it’s just good worldbuilding, but a lot of GLOGgish writings do this, and I’d like to follow in their footsteps.
What I like (and dislike) about Traveller
I don’t like how obtuse it is
Reading the book sort of overwhelms me. It’s like they didn’t even try to make it accessible. It’s just endless black text on a white background, tables and diagrams strewn about haphazardly, and no art, not even just at the beginnings and ends of sections. The cover is a black void to symbolize the state of my mind after reading three pages.
When it comes to spaceships, I like a lot of crunch and granularity in their design
Something I found myself wishing for when playing Uncharted Worlds was a more involved ship design process. While they did clearly take notes from Traveller, it’s nothing like the original.
I don’t know what it is about spaceships. Characters I like simple and streamlined, but I guess reading through power plant matrices and choosing software and balancing it all on a budget gets me into the headspace I actually believe a spaceship creator would be in, whereas I don’t think the creation of a person usually involves that sort of design process.
I'm neutral on the crunch for everything else, but I think it's at odds with PBTA sensibilities
Plus, as I sort of mentioned in the PBTA section, I want my mostly 5e-playing friends to be willing to test this with me.
I like the psionics
I really like psionics, and I think Traveller properly captures the feel that I like for them.
However, I’m not a fan of “anyone can test their psionic abilities and then roll to maybe get powers.” I’m going to have a psionic class, which a character can start in if they want to have psionic powers, or they can multiclass into later if they want to discover their psionic potential later on. If they don’t want their character to have latent potential, they can just never take any levels in the class.
I dislike the highly-defined setting
I know it’s supposed to be adaptable to most sci-fi settings, but the books reference their own universe and history so much that it doesn’t really feel that way.
How do I synthesize this all into one game?
Setting-wise, I’m mostly drawing from Spelljammer, as well as Star Wars, Numenera, and my own imagination. I don’t want to define many specific planets or empires or sectors or whatever since I prefer most of the worldbuilding work be done by players during character creation. Also, if you know of any very low-science space fantasy fiction that I should read, please send it my way.
I do have very specific ideas about how I want spaceships and space travel to work, which I think need their own post later. You might get a pretty good sense of what I’m going for from the Spelljammer and Traveller sections, though. My plan is to take advantage of something like Traveller’s very granular and in-depth ship creation to let players make their own completely batshit Spelljammer-style spaceships. I think a ship needs its own character sheet.
I’m doing the PBTA thing where each class has a character sheet. I haven’t decided whether I’m doing the standard 6 stats or making up some weird ones. The former is definitely easier to sell to people but I think the latter is cooler.  Also, since you need a spellcasting class to have FTL what do you do if nobody picks one? I don’t want to get in a situation where I have to tell them “one of you needs to switch classes,” that just feels bad and could create animosity. A solution I’m slightly leaning towards is having only one of each character sheet, then making sure there’s always one fewer non-spellcasting class option than there are players, so by pure mathematics someone will end up able to power the ship, and I don’t need to force anyone to change on my own. The issue there is then I can’t have more than 3-5 non-spellcasting class options depending on party size, and I’d prefer a larger and more varied class pool. Another option would be to have magic hirelings available, but I want spellcasters with the ability to do FTL to feel like these big, weird, and powerful personalities, so having them just available as hirelings sort of it cheapens that in my opinion.  Maybe it’s not actually important that the party always have access to their own interstellar travel? I could see the PCs being like a bunch of interstellar hitchhikers. Very Douglas Adams. 
That’s just about everything that I don’t think needs a separate post. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you have any thoughts about this potential horrible chimera of a system I’d love to hear them! You can reach me here through Tumblr or at Robot_Face#7919 on the OSR discord server.
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a-singing-carebear · 5 years ago
Thank You Critical Role - My D&D story
“The adventure begins, they were always beside you. Your nerdy best friends and the DM to guide you”. Critical role, what more can I say?
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I started playing dungeons and dragons when I was around 4\5th grade, playing with a group as an afternoon group\class. 4E, and I don't remember much besides my halfling ranger and a lot of glances and readthrough of my still existing Player's Handbook. (Well the first half of the book, the miniatures section didn’t really speak to me) Finding out my father was a DM when he was younger, and I even went to some events. I can't at all recall why I stopped, but the happiness and creativity wonder I felt still lingered in my mind. 
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I had the love for fantasy, I had things like LOTR, “hey! it’s just like D&D”, and a lot of creativity and storytelling crafting.
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After that, I kinda moved on I guess, felt lonely, and like geekness and role-playing was a bad and childish thing (though it made me feel so spectacular). The closest I got was some lively Avatar OC with some new friends.
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Fast forward to 2015, The episode “Dungeons, Dungeons & More Dungeons” from gravity falls. All those feelings rose again and I remembered how much I loved playing.
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(also enjoy role-playing and with LARP being mentioned there too, when I went to some Cons I had a blast with the foam swords there).
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I took out the 4e Player's Handbook, made with my brother (who got in and out of d&d by that time) a carved foam platform and a cubes map - thus started a made-up game by the name of "D&F" (Dungeons & Fandoms), using his found old dices and it's a 1 on 1 encounter magic arena with no distinct roles. What started as "let's make Ability Scores to characters from shows" became a random "I cast a tree of pancakes on you! -no, I burned it with fire-bending you’re dead". A game that also slowly died as we grew up and apart (“I mean, they used to be best friends, but then they got all stupid. Can you promise me you won't get stupid?”)
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(FOUND IT!!!) A mild discovery of the ingenious song “Never Split The Party”, an actual d&d song I discovered after watching Semblance of Sanity and figuring out that their ditty “don’t you know you never split the party” is an actual song their singing.
[This video is just a d&d podcast they had, but kinda sums up everything I feel about why I enjoy D&D!]
Then another tiny spark 3 years later when the Voltron episode “Monsters & Mana” came out (BTW, a great d&d parody episode). Which mostly came to an end after a glance in the book and dices and helping a friend with ideas to craft his own RPG game.
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We arrive at the date when everything changed (well, almost), December 7th, 2018. The day I discovered the “Mighty Nein Animated Intro - Your Turn To Roll” and my life were never the same.
Stumbled upon it by complete accident. I was at a loss for words, I heard the name “Critical Role” thrown about many times on tumbler’s trending list and saw pictures and art of mostly Jester. I didn't even know what is it - a tv show? a game? well, it looks like D&D. The song was incredible and brought me back, I started writing a full-fleshed out character - a human ranger taught by an elf, but the idea was quickly shifted to another fantasy story by me (it’s heard sticking to it when you know it’s just backstory and character info and you will not play and you have no one). But I continue watching this video on repeat (haha not even knowing what it actually is), scouting tumbler for info and watching some random animatics, learning it's probably a podcast d&d\rpg or something. It could have been amazing as a tv show (XD)… and then another video got released, same incredible essence of d&d song but different animation, and different characters That was my first introduction to Vox Machina.
I had to check this out. Tried to get into the fandom but got lost, even though the interest was there. Stepping upon the awesome cosplay OP and even found out about a hamilton album parody - and my musical loving self was ecstatic.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIDuJAvTTRc&list=PL39vwIwCtLi3l4J6IMV6rS2HaLCujNzRT -  Vox Machina: An Exandrian Musical)
Found the full podcast list of champion 1 and started this May. But it was hard following just by voice, and I wanted to see what was happening, every episode was 3-4 hours long, with me in my military base it was impossible. (also I thought to myself “it looks cool, but what so investing and amazing about watching some people play D&D - boy I was wrong).
Then my unexpected savior arrived, miss Corona the pandemic.
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I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands and the Critical Role vids got suggested again on YouTube, yes indeed, I discovered there are actually filmed episodes. Towards the end of May, I started the journey and the flame reignited. I started talking to a good friend of mine about his interest in d&d and we started crafting characters - I resurrected my charter into a half-elven ranger with a full backstory. Down the road, I asked another two friends of mine about their interest in d&d (because maybe I can join together an actual party), one of them said, and I’m quoting “no I don’t have experience playing…but I swear I wanted to talk to you about D&D”. Unfortunately, the two friends groups didn’t mix but we made an improved first session with me as the fucking DM, simply magical. Later that week I started a 1on1 campaign with the other friend, with him as the DM and a marvelous start of an adventure (and helping him learn the rules as an ADM, with the past faded expirations I had).
All while fangirly, hyperfixation way continuing with the journey of Vox Machina, it’s amazing because as opposed to other shows I can also completely see the fandom growing along with the show and cast (i just hope I can catch up to the Mighty Nein before the inevitable 3rd campaign, 198 episodes to go - happy 100th ep!). It’s also difficult to get into the Critters fandom right now because most of the community is focused and recognized by Mighty Nein. Also burning up creativity slots and making more various characters then I could ever use - I’m enjoying myself so muchhh. Diving headfirst into this beautiful crazy of the mess that is D&D.
Nothing’s never too late and it’s ok if you have hiatus. It doesn’t make you any less worthy and I don’t need to feel bad about this journey of that a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons & Dragons got me back to loving, playing and caring about the world of d&d, it’s part of the intent. As a fantasy lover (spells, costumes, items, structures, creatures, you name it), aspiring creative writer and an untalented lover of acting theatrical and role-playing, along with the incredible mechanism of RPG and the vast community, the amazing time with friends, its the game for me, it always had been. So thank you Critical Role for igniting that flame once again - even if I will lose it again I will always have you guys. “Can you answer the call? Dig in deep in your soul. As the legend unfolds, now it's your turn to roll!”
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(sorry for the lengthy length, it was meant to be much shorter)
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galactic-magick · 5 years ago
Dungeons and Dragons: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
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Summary: All the kids and your boyfriend Steve are hanging out at you and your little brother Dustin’s house, resulting in Steve volunteering to play Dungeons and Dragons with Will.
Rating: G
Words: 1100+
Warnings: Airborne grilled cheese, maybe two swear words
Author’s Notes: Big Nerd Time basically. Thought this was a cute idea and I haven’t written in a while so I thought I’d go for it. I’ve played D&D a few times so I loosely based it on my experience lol.
You turn on the stove and shuffle through the pantry and fridge, grabbing some bread and cheese. Your little brother Dustin and his friends are hanging out in the other room watching TV and you thought you’d make them some lunch. You assemble a bunch of grilled cheese sandwiches and put them on the pan.
Ding dong, the doorbell rings.
“Hey, Dustin, can you get that?” you call.
“Yeah,” he rushes to the door and you hear some whispering, then silence.
“Who was it?”
“Uh, no one,” he chuckles. You roll your eyes and turn back to your grilled cheese, starting to flip it.
“Hey, beautiful,” suddenly, your boyfriend Steve’s arms are around your waist, causing you to jump and fling the grilled cheese across the room.
“Steve! You scared me!” you scold him, but your flushed cheeks give away that you’re actually really happy to see him. Dustin bursts out laughing.
“Please don’t be mad Y/N, he wanted to surprise you,”
“Sorry I freaked you out,” Steve apologizes, picking up the grilled cheese off the floor. “I can help you finish them,”
“Do you know how?”
“Look, I know I’m a dumbass, but I’m not a complete dumbass,” he smirks and takes your place by the stove. You giggle and lean on his shoulder.
“So what brings you over here?” you ask, looking up into his eyes.
“Do I really need a reason to see my girl?” he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead.
“Ew, can you guys not be gross for a second?” Dustin huffs. “Is the grilled cheese done yet?”
“Yeah kid, almost,” Steve flips the last sandwich and turns down the stove. You get out plates and cups for everyone and set them on the table.
“Who wants some lunch?”
“Me!!” Max, El, Lucas, Will, and Mike all rush in and sit down. Steve passes out the food and the kids start devouring it immediately.
“Do you guys wanna play D&D after this?” Will asks.
“Maybe, I don’t know,” Mike replies.
“I was thinking we could go to the arcade, actually,” Max chimes in.
“Oh yeah and we could get ice cream after!” Dustin suggests.
“Sounds good to me,” Lucas agrees. You watch as Will’s face falls. Once everyone’s done eating, they all head towards the door.
“Do you guys want a ride?” you ask.
“Nah, we can ride our bikes,” Dustin says.
“Hey, Will!” Steve calls after him before he leaves. “I’ll play D&D with you!” He runs a hand through his hair and you glance at him in surprise.
“I mean, you’ll have to explain it to me, and that might take a while, but-“
“Yes! Yes!” Will’s face lights up with a grin from ear to ear. “You guys have fun, I’m gonna stay here,”
“Alright,” Max shrugs, and they head off.
Without hesitation, Will grabs everything from his bag and starts setting it up. He takes out several pieces of paper, pieces, and some dice.
“I’ll play too,” you sit down next to Steve at the table and he puts his arm around you.
“This is great!” Will nearly squeals. You and Steve laugh. “Okay, so first you need to make some characters,” he slides you each a character sheet and Steve’s eyes grow wide.
“Uh, so how the hell do I fill this out?”
“Don’t worry, Dustin explained it to me once, I think I can figure it out,” you grab the player handbook from Will’s stuff and open it. “Okay, so first you need to pick what race you wanna be,”
“Are there races other than human?”
“Yes, silly. There’s dwarves, halflings, tieflings, dragonborns, elves, half-elves, half-orcs,”
“Hmmm, I’ll try half-elf,”
You flip through the handbook and help Steve create the rest of his character, he chooses to be a fighter and puts his highest ability score in charisma (figures). He writes down a mini backstory and some skills, and before you know it he’s ready to play. You write up your own character as well and wait for Will to start.
“Okay, a wizard appears to you, claiming he knows a secret that you’d find helpful. What do you do?”
“What are we supposed to do?” Steve asks.
“We can do whatever we want,”
“Wait, so there’s no wrong answer in this game?”
“Not really,”
“Sweet!” he grins. “I guess we’ll talk to him, yeah,”
“The wizard takes out a crystal ball and casts a spell on it,” Will continues. “He shows you images of two abandoned kingdoms, both cursed, but full of unknown mysteries and possibly even treasure. He asks if you are willing to embark on a quest to break the curse and discover what was lost,”
“Sounds cool,” you nod. “I think we should do it,”
“Yeah!” Steve cheers enthusiastically.
The campaign goes on for a couple hours, although it feels like no time is passing at all. Will takes you both on an adventure of fighting monsters, meeting NPCs, solving riddles, casting and breaking spells, and learning about the world he created. The other kids come home just in time to watch the end battle, slaying the final boss, breaking the curse, and bringing the two kingdoms together that were once at war.
“Wait, that’s the end?”
“Yeah. I mean, I could’ve made it longer, but since this was your first time I made it a one-shot,”
“Wow,” Steve glances at the other kids. “You guys really missed out. That was a really cool story,”
“Will always has the best campaigns,” Mike agrees. “I promise I’ll play next time,”
“Alright guys, I should probably get you all home,” you say, getting up.
“Noooo,” they all complain.
“Your parents are expecting you all home for dinner,”
“Ugh, fine,” they grab their stuff and start putting their bikes in the trunk of your car. Steve gets up beside you and squeezes you close to him.
“I think we should do this again sometime, I haven’t seen Will that excited in a while,” he suggests.
“Yeah, I think so too,” you kiss his cheek lightly.
“Um, Y/N! I thought you said you needed to take us home?” Max yells. You both laugh.
“I should go,”
“I’ll be here when you get back,” he smirks and kisses you sweetly.
After you drop all the kids off, you snuggle up in Steve’s arms on the couch. You close your eyes and rest your head on his shoulder.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispers, resting his head on yours.
“I love you too,”
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