#i need to go back to skylanders or something
brokerkisser · 1 year
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my recent autism obsession with sir lionel frost & missing link has me feeling like this
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DCRC Week 1. Translation Troubles
Everyone is going to talk about the story already. Everyone has read the story already. You can find a hundred reviews in probably 10 different languages (mostly Italian) everywhere (mostly papersera). Evroniani is iconic. That’s why I’m going to review the shitty English translation. Or is it shitty? I don’t know! We’re gonna find out today! I have no idea what I’m doing!
C’mon c’mon follow me dear little readers
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Now where did i leave it? You know, I haven’t really touched it since i bought it don’t remember how long ago. The memory starts to fade when you become old.
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I think it was here. I bought a darkwing comic with it and made my little brother pay for a skylanders comic to remove the shipping costs. I don’t think he has read the Skylanders comic either, but it did save me a few euros on shipping. You could also pick it up at their store or at a comic con that they would be at in a few days or weeks. I don’t remember. The darkwing comic sucked by the way.
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Ah look at that! I did read the last page though. With the little translated evronian article. It’s a shame they didn’t translate those to more countries. Those were cool. This one I remember was cute. For the rest i flipped through it and read the introductory pages. All the ‘real new’ content.
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And there it is! Beautiful, is it not? I don’t have a lot of American comics, but they are always so fancy. Paper quality is amazing, and in these funny plastic sheets with carton to make sure they stay mint and new and things. When it came in it was incredibly well packed and protected. Unnecessarily so even I would say. But it was really appreciated. Always like it when it’s obvious they did it because they love comics and wanted them to arrive safely. I felt almost a little bad they put so much effort while i bought so little. They sold this thing for €3 you know? I don’t know if they knew how rare these are. I also don’t know how tf it even got all the way from America to them in Zaandam. Was it Zaandam? I don’t remember. No it was not Zaandam. But it was something with a Z. Or not. The memory is bad. Have i said that already?
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I think it’s funny that they describe the one-page column as a story. Even inducks wouldn’t do that! They would describe it as an article you know. Anyways. Both ‘stories’ in this issue are translated by Jonathan H. Gray. Absolute legend. I have heard he’s an actual fan of PKNA which is nice. Always makes me happy when people love the work they’re doing. Have i said that already? Have i said that already?
Alright enough with acting like a senile old man. Imma read the story now. Will be back telling what i think of the translation soon. Though for you that means after one line of white pressing enter.
Overall, the translation is fine. The slang and amount of ‘’s didn’t annoy me that much. I do find that the dialogue is overall more childish than the Dutch version. It does more explaining and tries to do all those annoying alliterative amplifiers that the American translators really seem to love for some reason.
Sometimes I do find it more expressive than the Dutch version. Almost all of the banter between Donald and Uno I do very much prefer. It’s a lot more colourful and full of personality. You don’t need a single issue more to believe that these two are friends (lovers). Gray managing to convey that feeling through the dialogue alone is a great show for his talents.
The stylized enhancing or decreasing of the size of some of the letters is fun. Though that’s a lettering thing. Thankfully they credit those too! Great job Deron Bennett!
I do really appreciate all the creative decisions and extra references in the English translation. They do take me a little bit out of the story, but it makes for a fun way to re-experience it.
Sorry, that was a bit of a short review. I’m not a very experienced translation reviewer guys this is my first time.
To make up for it; here some individual parts of the translation and my reactions to them:
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found a darkwing duck line coming out of pks mouth (or beak whatever). disgusting.
Btw Freezeflames is also a disgusting name for them Coolflames. they are already coolflamed now you gotta give them a shit name too?
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im sorry, who tf is ed?
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It seems Jonathan is also a DonOdin shipper.
Overall, good to finally have read the only English PKNA story I own. I might have never done it if it wasn’t for the DCRC! That would have been a shame, because Gray’s translation work does add a few fun things. And like, dude, it’s PKNA in English. Officially. That’s rad. You gotta have experienced that at least once as a fan. I think. I don’t remember. Have i-
Funny thing the American and latest Dutch translations dropped around the same time. The American publication sadly stopped very soon, while the Dutch publications stopped a few months ago (still crying, because the next part of PK Pikappa should have just come out like a week ago or something if they didnt cancel it boohoo whyyyyy agony).
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all-things-skylanders · 3 months
Could I request some boom bloom headcannons and share one of them (she’s bisexual )
Yeah, looking her over, I can definitely see that Boom Bloom has Bi Energy. This is actually the first requested character I don't have in my collection, so I'm relying on the wiki alone.
Updated Lore:
Boom Bloom was a sentient tree at one point, helpless and yet peaceful. She had no name, and yet everyone in the grove knew her, and she knew everyone else. Of course, that was because her only neighbors were other sentient trees! Boom Bloom lived for over a thousand years, meaning that she had watched the fall of the Arkeyan empire at the hands of the Giants, though she had never learned what it was like to meet the fabled Tree Rex.
After nearly twelve-hundred years of life, Boom Bloom found herself growing increasingly bored of the status quo. She had counted the leaves of every tree in sight a thousand times over, watched blades of grass wither with unwavering focus, and survived locust attacks for generations.
When change finally came, it was in the form of an Ent Ninja and his apprentice. The ent was the supposed Guardian of the Forest, though he mostly stuck to the more populated areas. The grove however, was the perfect spot for him and the little elf girl with him to train. For years, Boom Bloom watched as the elf grew into the future warrior, Stealth Elf. Boom Bloom herself watched the ninja training every day as well, soaking everything that she needed to know up, unlike the other trees who didn't care for learning such frivolities that they would never use.
When Stealth Elf graduated and moved on, the status quo set back in, but only for a short while. The villanous Dr. Krankcase dug up the entire grove of its trees and brought them to his lab for experiments, mutating each of them into what were intended to be his minions. The trees didn't take kindly to this, and were quick to rebel with their new bodies. All of Boom Bloom's old friends quickly were destroyed, as they knew nothing of using their physical forms, but Boom Bloom had learned of combat through watching the ninjas train, so with the help of her mutated powers, she destroyed Krankcase's entire laboratory, where the villain only escaped by a hair.
Boom Bloom's ancient wisdom and prowess rivaling the most decorated skylanders in the team, Boom Bloom was quick to become a Sensei when she sought out the famed Master Eon, teaching giddy recruits in the pursuit of patience.
Other Stuff:
Boom Bloom is Bisexual, though not towards other creatures. Boom Bloom has been caught flirting with flowers and shrubs around the academy, and has yet to exhibit any attraction to something capable of returning those feelings.
Due to their pasts as mutated trees, and similar ages, Boom Bloom and Tree Rex share a connection, and are commonly paired as duos when big guns need to be called in.
Boom Bloom sees Stealth Elf as something like a daughter, and tries to go on bonding activities and hang-outs, only to confuse Stealth Elf more and more, since the elf herself never knew Boom Bloom had been watching, and therefor felt none of the bond that Boom Bloom did.
Boom Bloom has next to zero social understanding. While she talks very formally and is seemingly polite at first, she can be blunt, emotional and easily confused, since she knows very little of her world beyond what she eavesdropped. She also has next to no concept of mortality and time, so she's given quite a few skylanders existential dread over their short lives.
Boom Bloom has severe survivor's guilt, as she knew her grove mates for nearly twelve centuries, and now she is the last one left. On late nights, she may be found in the middle of Life Zones, mourning her kin.
WOAH! That was a lot more than I expected to write, Boom Bloom really spoke to me a lot! She has a really solid concept that lends itself to my favorite brand of angst quite well, so I guess I kinda went overboard.
That's what I could come up with for Boom Bloom. Do you like it? I'm always down for feedback, as long as it's polite ^^
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ishtates · 2 months
First thoughts when seeing the nightmares for the first time
Drugia: weirdcore / dreamcore
Barbatos: he gave me deja vu, like I've seen something like him before
Exael: pinhead. Yeah that's it
Abdicus: ooooh you're a little freaky
Lilith: ADHD creature spotted
Chaugnar: Deer Lord / specimen 8 from SJM
Nyogtha: frankenstein. yeah nothing special
Zoth: what was the name of that blobby creature that likes books ? The globablobaba or whatever tf ?
Shub: Medusa. Another not very interesting thought sorry
Yog: oh you're a faggot.
Yan Luo:
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Orcus: you look like a damn raisin
Ah Puch: you look so scared
Dagda: You and Squashini would be besties
Izanami: bloody Mary. Yea h
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blu3b1rd · 4 months
I think it's already something obvious, but my favorite is definitely Spitfire, I don't know why but I just love his design and his personality, but I think that like other skylanders on my list he has a great chance to be better written if the franchise I would revive it somehow xd or I would just like to see it more xd
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FR, the fiery speedster concept is just such a win imo, it works really well, and he’s a total blast to play, we need more spitfire stuff from the franchise I don’t care that id have to go dig it back up
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muthaz-rapapa · 8 months
Hirogaru Sky Final Impressions (5/5)
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Honestly, what were they going to do with those two weeks after 48 episodes? Have us wait until WonPre's broadcast? Yea right, lol
So the 20th installment of Precure is now officially finished and it feels both great and a little bit sad to say that since the bar has been readjusted quite high, we will probably need the 25th anniversary to get another season as awesome and well-written as HiroPre. [/harsh]
But that will be for something to worry about in the next five years.
So first, that finale!
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Pretty much 5(ish) of the 6 last episodes was a whole arc dedicated to the most engaging lore Precure has ever given us to date.
Cure Noble is definitely entering the league of legacy Cures and perhaps as the one with the best story as well. How she went from princess-sovereign to becoming the very first Precure (in this universe, anyways) to helping pave a way for peace with her nemesis to laying out the foundation for the Cures who will succeed her in the future.
Yeap, Ellee-chan may have gotten a nice age-up bonus so that we can see her embrace her destiny and actually converse in something other than baby talk.
But it's more accurate to say that Ellee-chan/Cure Majesty's character arc is really Princess Elleelain/Cure Noble's instead.
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Which is totally fine with me. Not only was Elleelain super interesting as a hero/protagonist in her own era but Kaiserin was...dear god.
Dear god, when have we gotten a twist that was this good and this dark by the series' standards? I felt we haven't touched this level of grim writing since Heartcatch and that was my first Precure season ever.
But seriously, it's impossible not to sympathize with Kaiserin and appreciate how much she contributed to the plot as well as this season's message that power is not what makes a hero, but the strength of one's heart that does.
Even her traitorous tutor, Skearhead, said she had what it took to become a hero (and maybe even Precure? oooh~), which just makes her fall into darkness more tragic.
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But thankfully, she never lost her kindness and compassion, which was what ultimately allowed her to not only be saved but her wounds to finally heal after hundreds of years of suffering from the pain of betrayal Skearhead had inflicted on her.
And that her generals, who all turned over a new leaf, came back to the Undergu Empire to loyally serve her and make sure she isn't alone...
Good! This is so satisfying, I couldn't have asked for anything better! Kaiserin deserves her happiness after all she's been through!
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But of course, that's not all because no Precure finale is complete without the last episodes dishing out the best combat scenes of the entire season and did it deliver, alright.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-HUH!
The animation was absolutely stellar and not so overdone that it'd look more gaudy than cool. coughDeliPaPrecough
Moreover, the teamwork is what really sold the animation. As it should because Precure is all about that team effort brought on by personal growth, not a one-man show.
I loved how Wing, representing wisdom, was the one everyone trusted to get that barrier back up because it is a mechanism that he researched and developed to help everyone. It proves that boys don't need to fit into a specific mold of masculinity or genius to be a hero because in the end, those things don't matter. It's being true to yourself, your beliefs and your dreams and what you choose to do with those abilities that counts.
I loved how Butterfly, who is physically the strongest in the group, always takes on the tougher tasks such as facing the army of tedious mooks to let those younger than her forge a path ahead. She never forgets her responsibility as an adult to protect the kids but she also encourages them to move forward because she fully believes in them like a good adult would.
I loved how Majesty comes to understand that though she's meant to inherit Cure Noble's will and power and position as Skyland's princess, it's not her destiny to inherit Elleelain's loneliness. And the whole reason that she started out as a baby but was able to grow and become Precure was because she was surrounded by the right people who brought out that potential in her. For Ellee-chan, being with her friends and fighting alongside them was the bigger, more important destiny than her duty was.
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Finally, the star duo of the show.
Sky was given stronger MC vibes than the other cast members but you can't deny that she wouldn't have gotten this far without Prism by her side.
Sora's idea of what it means to be hero expanded a lot because she became friends with Mashiro.
She has come to treasure Mashiro so much that when she was on the brink of losing her best friend, she let Skearhead corrupt her in order to have enough power to save that best friend. She was willing to sacrifice herself for someone important to her, which in a way, can be seen as an act of heroism (but only as a last resort, plz do not attempt).
And even then, Sky kept resisting from being taken over. Prism didn't even flinch when Sky aimed a punch at her. That's how much Mashiro believes in Sora, in the hero that Sora is. That even if Sora accepted darkness into herself to do the right thing, she won't ever let that darkness consume her into doing the wrong thing.
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And the fact that it was Prism who had the ability to not only purify Sky but also heal Kaiserin's centuries-old wound. She's come a long way herself from the girl who used to think she was talentless, who didn't believe she had anything special going for her.
"You are good as you are now, Mashiro-san."
What Sora said was true until the very end. Mashiro didn't ever need to change. She was already good enough and she was always going to become even better than how she started out because she was always being inspired and supported by those around her and challenging herself to do things she initially hesitated on doing.
Now she's continually drawing new stories, even winning an award for one. Even her Prism Shot evolved and multiplied as an attack and it's all because she learned to believe in herself because all her friends believed in her.
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This is essentially what sets Precure apart from the others, what makes it the major name it is in modern day mahou shoujo.
I cannot begin to describe how glad I am that the staff at Toei reinforced those aspects of friendship as well as the celebration of individualism in a milestone year. But I can definitely say with confidence that we can expect to see more well into the franchise's 30th anniversary as long they don't forget these two very crucial things.
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As for me, I think this will be the last time I blog Precure on a "regular" basis.
I'll still continue to watch cuz hey, there's no reason for me to stop yet.
(and all the more reason to not stop if Satoru and Daifuku become the next two male Cures in WonPre OMGI'MSOGONNAJINXTHISAREN'TIBWUAHAHAHAHA!!!)
But my priorities have shifted so I gotta tend to those foremost. And as much as I enjoy the show, I feel like I'm always saying the same stuff over and over again anyway, just in different variations of it.
(also, something about WonPre tells me the next four years will be filled with hit-or-miss seasons so meh, I'd rather just follow it leisurely than get too invested and then disappointed)
On another note, I do have some personal rankings that I'd like to post some day. I was going to do it for the 20th anniversary but didn't have time to cuz life got way too hectic and busy but yea, eventually I'll have them up.
Just for fun, y'know.
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Ok, that is all.
Thank you, my hero girls and boy! You made this season so wonderful hahahaha, good luck, WonPre for me and I can't be grateful enough for it.
Thank you for a beautiful anniversary! Let's aim for the next!
25th year with 100+ Precure!
Let's gooooooooooooo!!!
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rubylarkspur22 · 5 months
Random 1 am Skylanders/Legend of Spyro Crossover Idea
Plot bunnies attacked me at 1 in the morning, and I had to write it somewhere before it escaped my brain.
Basically, what if the Legend of Spyro trilogy and the Skylanders series were the same timeline? My more in-depth ideas are below the cut.
So after Spyro puts the world back together in the wake of the whole Destroyer debacle, he and Cynder end up in a weird time dilation purgatory(this is important, so bear with me).
In the wake of what happened, the Skylands begin to form from the floating pieces of the planet Spyro didn't quite pull back in. Later, the Skylands are fully formed.
Eventually, Spyro and Cynder are believed to have sacrificed their lives to stop Malefor; their names and stories immortalized by those they fought beside, and passed down through the ages.
Eventually, the Skylanders form as evil reemerges, a group of individuals coming together to follow in the Skylands' first heroes' steps and protect the world.
Spyro and Cynder finally emerge from Time Dilation Purgatory an undetermined amount of time before the Core of Light is destroyed by Kaos. For them, about ten years have passed, so they've grown(now 22). Not fully developed, but definitely grown up from when they last saw their home. They've had that time to master their powers, work through their respective trauma and go over their relationship. Whether platonic or romantic is up for interpretation.
They meet Eon, only to discover hundreds, or even thousands of years have passed since they defeated Malefor. They're both distraught to learn that everyone they knew before is now dead, but they're offered a home and meet the Skylanders. They're also given the opportunity to meet their friends' descendants, should they so choose, but they decide to wait so they can process and prepare.
Eventually, the two dragons start training the Skylanders, developing closer friendships with some than others. Cynder starts out wary, but eventually makes friends aside from Spyro, and vice versa. It's very good for them and their mental health, especially meeting the other dragons on the team.
Eventually, they do end up going to Dragons' Peak, which has become a sanctuary and safe haven for dragons. It's built from the remains of Warfang and the Dragon Temple, and their history is exceedingly well preserved. They're both a little bashful about the giant mural based on their battle against Malefor.
Kaos attacks the Core of Light, and Cynder and Spyro fly away in search of backup. This, they're spared from the explosion, but they both feel something terrible happened, and return to a decimated landscape, with no sign of the Skylanders, Eon, or the Core. Luckily, neither of them go into their Dark forms, having learned to control them in Time Dilation Purgatory.
In the wake of the Core of Light being destroyed, the two decide they have to defend the Skylands from Kaos as much as they can, working with Hugo, Flynn, Cali, and others to help the inhabitants of the Skylands and fend of Kaos completely overtaking the realm.
And yes, Kao is stunned by these two clearly ticked off dragons coming for him. He most likely heard stories of the two dragons who defeated the Dark Master from his mom.
Then the time comes, and the group of Skylands freedom fighters all get a message from Eon. The Skylanders are returning.
Then we get to the actual game! Just gonna do Spyro's Adventure, but I may reblog and cover the other games. Or you guys can, up to you. I have only played up to Trap Team, so someone else would need to cover Super Chargers and Imaginators, anyways.
So Hugo acts as an informant, while Flynn is transportation for non-flying individuals, and Cali is a covert operative. You throw your Skylander onto the Portal of Power, putting them into the game.
Hugo is shocked, then greets the Skylander you begin with. While introducing himself, Hugo mentions how "Mister Spyro and Miss Cynder will be quite pleased to see you, again!" Hinting at the above lore, that Spyro and Cynder are both in the game and familiar with the Skylanders.
The first level then proceeds the same is usual, and you meet our two dragons at the ruins after the cutscene going over what happened before the game and how the Skylanders ended up in our world.
Both Spyro and Cynder are shocked, but ultimately elated to see their friends again, then you go to rescue Cali with Flynn. Afterwards, Spyro and Cynder are in the ruins as well as joining you on various levels. They have a lot of witty banter with both the player and each other, showing ease and comfort in their relationship they hadn't had the chance to explore during the war. Again, platonic or romantic is up for interpretation.
What would they do in the game? My idea is that at the ruins, you can interact with one of them to challenge them to a training fight. Once you've been defeated, your Skylander doesn't die, though. You just end the training fight, and can try again. If you win, you get XP, buffs, and/or some loot for upgrades from Persephone.
In the levels, however, it's a little different. You can call on whichever of the two dragons accompany you. When you're good on health, they will act as a guide if you get lost. If you're low on health, they will fly in and fight the enemies for you until you can get a foodstuff to regain your health. They may scold you, referring to your training with them(reference to before the Core of Light was blown up, mostly, in case you don't do training fights), or giving you words of encouragement.
Levels they would be on? Spyro would be on the levels relating to Water, Earth, and Fire. Cynder would be on the levels relating to Undead, Air, and Life. Tech and Magic are undecided. Maybe they both accompany you, or maybe neither of them do. Maybe both for one and neither for the other? Then they say they'll be external support when you go to fight Kaos.
Bonus Levels: Darklight Crypt would feature Cynder, Empire of Ice would feature Spyro, neither join you against the pirates, and both join you to Dragons' Peak.
During the fight with Kaos, however, they do end up joining during the final phase. They attack the hydra, yelling for you to attack Kaos while they hold off the hyrda.
Boom, Kao defeated, order restored, onwards we go!
Also, random tidbit for Trap Team, specifically the Mirror of Mystery bonus level! Both Spyro and Cynder are corrupted into their Dark forms here, though how voluntary it was remains unclear. Perhaps Evilon used their sorrow of their lost time to get such powerful beings on his side, promising to help them when he really only intended to use them. Or perhaps something else happened. Just a random tidbit there, food for thought.
Feel free to use it if you want. Whether in fanfics, or art.
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turqrambles · 8 months
As someone in a few fandoms where critical consumption is required, it's not uncommon to see people blowing up about shit that isn't even an actual issue with the media just because they want to appear like the better media consumer or something. Being this way about funny portal game is even goofier than what I'm used to though, the most you can say is that a few characters for sure make use of offensive stereotypes but it's nothing to clutch your pearls about (especially with how common those tropes were in kids media at the time, not saying they were okay though obviously). This person is literally making up problems to look smarter. I've seen it so many times in fandoms that actually require critical consumption and it's insane seeing it in a place where it's really not needed at all
Yeah, the thing with those sorts of grab bag "This series is problematic and here's why" posts is that you gotta ask yourself this question; was this post actually made to educate/debate on a problem, or was it posturing to make yourself look so much smarter than everyone else, oh look at me, I consume my media critically unlike the unwashed masses who are dumb and did not see the flaws in their blorbos.
Judging by the way it was written (where there are some good points but also some incredibly wild swings like how the main heroes are colonizers when they're....fighting back against people who have armies and tanks???) and their actions and how they've responded (they never tried to talk to Blue or anyone else who didn't like the post, everyone was just lumped in with "people who are mean to me"), it's the latter.
As I said in tags, I've encountered this user before. I told them that they made a bad point by saying that Glumshanks was antisemitic in one of their older grab bag "this series is bad and here's why" posts by saying that I'm Jewish and no, goblins are NOT inherently antisemitic, they're just often CODED to be antisemitic, and their response was to...withdraw, vaguepost about me, and then top it off with "well it was a game made by a big corporate entity, why are you critiquing me more than the big corporate entity".
They do make some good points! Yes, there are elements of antiblackness in the way Nightfall is designed. Yes, there are some offensive stereotypes in Skylanders like with Double Trouble and Voodood. (Which, as you said, are still distressingly common in kid's media) Yes, the USAmerican hegemony can infect its way into this franchise the way it does with every other franchise made to appeal to a wide audience in the English-speaking world.
They just need to...focus on the things that they actually know what they're talking about, rather than fluffing up each post with these really bad points. Because if you follow up "High Volt is a border patrol agent and that's eww" with "the group of teenaged dragons are colonizers because they "invade" the castle of "bad guys" to "fight them"", people are going to ask what the hell was up with that second point.
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oxnardsart · 1 year
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I just beat Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom this weekend! And I wanted to make a lil story involving Tulin, like a happy ending thing involving you as the protagonist, in place of Link most likely, as you two hang out a little at the end of the game and decide how to spend your time after. :3 Just something cute and simple for those of us who really like Tulin.
This story briefly mentions a few things in the game, but shouldn't really come with any major spoilers, or so I tried. :3
At the end of your big adventure, you and Tulin find a cozy spot to sit and look out into the sunset of Rito Village together.
The short white avian, a well-known member of the Rito species, was a skilled archer who learned quite a bit while traveling with you on your journey together.
“That was an amazing journey, wasn't it?” He turned to you and smiled, with his little dark-gray beak. You noticed the cute black tip at the very end of it. “I did my best to be brave! And you were so strong!” He beamed brightly. “I wasn't worried that you could do it, but… I was still worried about you…” The little rito's eyebrows went up, “So, I'm really happy that you're okay.”
The white-feathered bird leaned in and wrapped his wings around you, closing his eyes. “Now I hope you and everyone else can stay safe, and live peacefully together…” He pat your back before letting go.
You two looked down below at Rito Village. The songs of birds hummed from below, playful chirps and elegant strings sung through the wind, it was a peaceful home for Tulin and all his fellow rito.
“I wonder where you'll go now…” His bright blue eyes looked at you. “Are you going to keep traveling and adventuring out there?”
He poked his fwingers together shyly, “Even though I'm fully-fledged, I don't think my parents would be happy if I left the village and traveled all over Hyrule with you just yet…” He felt mature and old enough to do anything he wanted! But that didn't stop his protective parents from interfering…
“You could stay with me if you want…” a mischievous little smile crossed his beak. “I'd love to be able to spend every day with you! Hanging out in the village together… going swimming, arrow practice, flying together…”
His eyelids lowered a little bit as he leaned towards you, “And there are still all those skylands you need to show me…”
Tulin wrapped his wings around your hand – the dark-gray feathers along their tips held and gently brushed along your fingers, where that special ring he and the others gave you during your adventures… It was a sign of how he would always be there to support his hero, and even after the adventure was over, it looked like Tulin was still interested in keeping his word…
“So, how about it? Will you stay with me?” He stood up, his silhouette outlined in the sunset as it turned from a warm orange to a passionate red. “I'll… I'll be the best bird for you that I can be! You can count on me, no matter what! Okay?”
The little bird reached down to get you on your feet, pulling your body in close, to hug and hold one another during the fading sunset. As the stars came out, and the warmth of the sun dissipated into the evening, a warm feeling in your chests would be there as the two of you kept close for the night…
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ambyandony · 1 year
Cloud Nine Contrails/Starlit Labyrinth: Stella Octangula Profilette
A casual profile post for Stella-- that is to say, a quick outline version so i don't have to go through the effort to make an official ref set before I talk about Stella.
Here is Stella Octangula and her Stand Labyrinth, as depicted in her debut during Cloud Nine Contrails and the early section of Starlit Labyrinth (the part that centres around Stella).
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Stella Octangula ~ Female (she/her) ~ 11yo ~ User of Labyrinth
A peppy and outgoing child prodigy. She lives in Detroit with her supposed "foster father", Marvin.
As far as she's aware, she was born and raised in France, though her name and knowledge of the Italian language since childhood may indicate otherwise.
Has the incredible ability to gauge exact distances and dimensions from a mere glance, and knows where she is spatially at all times. Because of this, she has been shown to excel in maths, and is in incredibly advanced classes for her age. During school months, she prioritises schoolwork over anything else, including her own well-being.
She's an orphan, and had been passed from foster family to foster family, exploited by nearly every family using her for her intellect, then sending her back when she was no longer "perfect" enough to show off.
Has a star-shaped birthmark on her back and a refusal to die.
In fairly poor health.
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In the summertime, without school to keep her occupied and her 'foster father' beginning to look for something to take his intoxicated frustration out on, Stella spent a significant amount of time away from home... either because she didn't want to be there as an option, or because he would lock her out. The only person she initially really had as a friend was a boy named Gregory Vecellio (profilette for him coming soon too), who would sometimes share food with her, though she tended to run off anytime she saw one of his fathers approach...
Her Stand, Labyrinth, takes the form of a very large purple mouse with wings, and is built mainly for defence (mice cant exactly punch). It has two abilities; its primary ability is exactly what you expect. When the stella octangula (shape) in its forehead is removed, it raises a large, mazelike structure around itself, to make it incredibly hard to reach itself and Stella. The walls of the maze build themselves around preexisting structures and objects, so things don't usually get damaged from the labyrinth rising. The labyrinth frequently changes to further complicate reaching the centre, but the downside is that no matter how complicated the ability makes it to reach the centre, there will always be at least one path that leads to the centre, so it's never airtight. The labyrinth will remain up until the stellated octahedron is returned to the slot in which it belongs on the Stand's forehead, or (purportedly) until Stella is knocked out.
Its secondary ability is essentially inflicting inverted controls upon someone like in a video game: if the affected tries to move forwards, they'll move backwards; north is south, up is down, left is right, etc. It seems unable to be called back, but it can be seen by non-Stand Users; it simply appears to anyone who can't see Stands as a normal - if quite large - mouse.
Now the most important thing I have to mention regarding RP, naturally avoiding major plot details, is that Stella arrived at the Skylands Hotel, where she would regularly show up as it was a safe place away from home during summer break. In being there, she met and befriended Narancia and Giorno, and subsequently Fugo, whom she eventually developed a sort of brother-sister relationship with. His familial-type feelings were partially fostered by empathy for her situation, in that he felt a kinship to the academic trauma.
So yeah that's p much the context you need to understand any comics with Stella in them!
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ryttu3k · 1 year
A small lol collection of caps from the Tears of the Kingdom trailer that have left me slightly unhinged. Theorising and yelling below!
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The skylands look pretty chill. The robots seem to just be doing their jobs? Of note is the pedestal on the left, which has either a blue flame or potentially an orb-like object. Will get back to that later!
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Geoglyphs! Very Nazca lines.
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Hateno and some sort of... mushroom festival?
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Settlements or a camp. Hyrule still looks pretty wrecked, which will be relevant for something we see later.
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Those ruins/structures are bizarre. Skylands visible now, and Hyrule Castle not looking too healthy.
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Neither is that.
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He's back.
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Filing under: levels that I will absolutely die to at least once. Also, a new outfit.
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Who's this? A Zonai? Similar necklace to the one Zelda is wearing.
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Hyrule Castle restored. Magic or time travel?
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Orb things, also worn as...
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Zelda's earrings, which may also be the same orb thing in that very first cap! Theorising: that scene where Zelda is seen falling and Link fails to reach her with his now-corrupted arm is at the very beginning. She's rescued (or captured?) by the Zonai, who need Link's help (to stop Ganondorf, presumably).
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A bigger cast! Here's Tulin! What happened to Teba, I wonder?
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He has a tank this is unhinged I love it.
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Another shot of Zelda in her ?Zonai? garb.
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Glowy and presumably plot-relevant partial coin/medallion thing?
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Link gets attacked by Malice-looking stuff. I'm assuming this is near the start, followed by Zelda falling, and is followed by...
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He is hydrated.
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Who is she? She's wearing very similar stuff to Zelda. Zonai Princess, maybe? She has a glowing necklace, is that the same as the thing Zelda was holding? Is she a past version? A goddess? Zelda in a different form?
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Link has a squad!
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My babies! (Also others have noted that going by Sidon's outfits, he's now the king? RIP Dorephan you were a good dude.) "But... you are not alone." I'm emotional. There's that line from the earlier trailer where Zelda says she's not sure Link will be able to stop him... maybe the next word after that is 'alone'.
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Is that a Gleeok.
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Zelda and the Master Sword. I wonder if it'll be a similar thing to Skyward Sword, where Zelda was able to power it up? Maybe Zelda has to fix/restore it after it gets messed up by Ganondorf? She's already had contact with Fi in BotW, so it'll be interesting to see that relationship continue!
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The interesting contrast between, "Link... you must find me!" and "I know why I am here. It's... something only I can do."
And finally,
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[muffled Rocketman playing in the distance]
Less than one month to go!!
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snappydragonsclaw · 1 year
Facts about my skylanders au's and fanfiction in general.
Skylander core leaders: while Spyro is the main leader of the skylanders due to master eon's death he does have help and assigned co- leaders based off of their experience,skill,leadership skills,likeability and the games they were introduced in. With jet vac being the leader of the gaints cores(the cores that would often help the gaints). Roller brawl the core leader of the swap force cores and last but certainly not least food fight for the trap team cores (he's literally the most recognizable core in all of trap team I feel like I don't even need to explain why.) These guys and lady help Spyro whenever he feels overwhelmed and it is common for them to help him whenever something happens like if he got sick or something. Jet vac has a strict and old fashion style of leading. Roller brawl is a ferice and determined type of leader and is known to waiting in people's closets if they are acting lazy and performing horribly while during practice or on missions. Food fight is mostly chilled back and is the least strict out of all the co-leaders and won't mind his fellow team mates missing out on a few days of training just as long as it doesn't form a pattern then he'll start to get annoyed but he's also the only co-leader with a dark form so most skylanders won't push him there. Some even forget or don't know that he's even a co-leader due to layed back attitude which could be viewed as a strength or disadvantage depending on who it is for example jet vac doesn't really care for his leading style but keeps that to himself unlike some people(chop chop) and him and roller brawl are pretty good with kids while jet vac isn't. The sky baron can't take a joke. However there is another type of leader with that being spry. Spry is the soon to be leader of the minis while it was originally pet vac the other minis well....they thought he was boring.
2. Viruses and zombification: yes you heard me right. However it takes a lot for a skylander to become zombiefied as even attempts in the past to infect one always failed due to their magical gens however those were attempts to make it permanent a few villains manged to turn a few into zombies but it never last long. By next week those said skylanders are back to normal with no brain craving tendencies. Now for viruses. Skylanders are able to get sick just like any regular being but depending on the species the chances or either higher or lower but something that all skylanders share is that they can never die from an illness unless they were born with it before becoming a skylander then it's just going to happen. Also with zombie skylanders they still have a sense of consciousness unlike most creatures infected they are just in a trance like state and are acting up on their urges however legends say if one who was close to that specific skylander tries hard enough they could have that skylander fight back against it and also while zombiefied they can NOT go into their toy forms and also are invincible must like the zombots from that sonic the hedgehog comic series they feel NOTHING and even if you hit them in the head it will have no effect and if a limb falls off they will just pick that limb up and re-attach it with no problem and once they skylander turns back to normal they will be fine with no signs of being undead only with a slight memory lost and a headache. Now back to viruses and other illnesses. Now depending on the species that skylander is they could have special illness like say a dragon couldn't have like for example a plant based skylander tree rex could get overgrowniteces while a crocgater can't.
3. Skylanders and how they age: skylanders generally don't show or look their age unless they are undead that is as it seems that after they reach twenty years old they stop showing signs of aging however that doesn't mean that they don't have a specific age. They just look youthful and young. The best way to tell a skylander's age is by their attitude towards things or just asking them however most undead skylanders like hex may have forgotten their age and is lost to time. The minis will age up eventually and look like their parents however depending of species the time that will take may be different.
4.Skylanders and the relationships to each other. Skylanders have a special bond with one another that could even be described as unnatural or mystical. They loyalty between skylanders are unweaving most of the time and rarely betray one another however that doesn't mean they don't get into fights or that everyone is close to each other as some "special" rotten eggs of the bunch are just jerks to some skylanders like chop chop is to food fight however that doesn't necessarily mean they hate each other(at least not in food fight's case that is) as they share respect for each other still. However chop chop is a bit different due to his views of being a hero and as to the werewolf au he views food fight as threat but food fight doesn't view him as that and is honestly hurt by what chop chop is doing even though they have their disagreements food fight would never go out of his way to hurt chop chop at least not willingly anyway and he thought chop chop at least felt the same way. All skylanders know each other and think of each other as family due to most of them being orphans themselves and look out for each other even when the going gets tough and when chaos and discord sews itself into existence they will standby each other til the very end.
5.Food fight and boomers hatred towards trolls: ah yes trolls aren't they just "lovely" totally not non caring towards the environment around them types of creatures. (That was sarcasm by the way). Trolls for years and even centres been knowing for their lack of compassion towards the environment often heavily polluting forest and oceans and testing on animals and plants as well. They go out of their way to ruin the environment often resulting in skylanders being created due to it. Tree rex was just simply chilling as a regular tree literally millions of years ago until the trolls polluted the erea so much that he became seintint and you know the rest. Boomer who is a troll himself was raised in a regular troll village learning trollish(the trolls language), learning how to make bombs and how to take out skylanders. Boomer was however different. Don't get me wrong he loves to blow up stuff but he didn't have a heart of evil. He soon joined the skylanders and to this very day is disgusted by the trolls behavior. Food fight is quite literally a victim of food testing as the trolls were polluting the ground with freaking gun powder or if we're talking about the WW au was created to poison the skylanders food source and to be evil however both versions of him share one thing. The horrors of plant and animal testing. While roaming his lab still as a young ardichoke while either escaping or fighting them depending on if it's the WW version of him and witnessed horrible treatment towards animals as the trolls were trying to turn them into weapons as well which as you probably could predict it made him VERY angry. Furious even which is rare for him to feel that way.he set the animals free and after finding out what the trolls has done to the environment over the years it only made him more angry. Making him have an extreme hatred towards them as even when he just sees one his first instinct is to attack them without question which normally wasn't a problem until the mirror of mystery that is as soon as he seen the trolls his instincts kicked into gear and he almost attacked the entire village which was peaceful due to his past experiences which turned into a form of PTSD for him. If it wasn't for dija vu he would of destroyed the whole village.
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bearmemesreviews · 8 months
Skylanders Review: Spyro Part 1
Ah, Skylanders, the Juggernaut of the Ingenius but short-lived toys-to-life genre. Before Battlepasses, Gachas, and DLC packages that added things that probably should have been in base game, we had the clever idea of making kids buy the characters they wanted to play as. Why grind or achieve some in-game feat to unlock your favorite character when you could spend extra money to get more than the three options you got when buying the game itself!
Is it sad to say that I think if this game came out now they wouldn't even bother with starter figures and you'd just get the game for Forty Dollars?
Anyways, some backstory before we get into our flagship Skylander, and the reason why most of you are here.
Skylanders began as a project for Spyro the Dragon, a task given to the company Toys for Bob. They toyed with a bunch of ideas that other games have done when they needed a reboot - even the dark and gritty remake route - but these ideas soon settled onto a pitch for "Spyro's Kingdom" which would lay the groundwork for Skylanders.
Quoting the wiki, ideas included Spyro and friends being living toys in a post-apocalyptic earth, this was scrapped but became the marketing heart of the franchise - toys you'd "bring to life" by placing them upon a station connected to your gaming set-up. Every Skylander would be a real-life figure, non-posable but fully painted and detailed, that you could collect to broaden your options for playable characters.
The story of Spyro's Kingdom had Spyro be an older guide to the player, now a king of his own kingdom. Obviously a reboot cannot have its title character play second fiddle to a bunch of newbies, so this would be altered. Spyro's Kingdom would've had new characters, who would receive quests from the adult dragon and these included five specific proto-Skylanders.
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My god these figures, Hagen Renaker eat your heart out. Four out of five of these figures would be reworked into future Skylanders, except for the Cycloptic Blue Blob who suspiciously resembles the guy from Monsters vs Aliens. Guess they Old Yeller'd him, RIP.
In the middle sits a pissed off red-recolor of Spyro, with a very familiar headshape. This "Fire Dragon," who would serve as the player character before rightfully giving that spot up to his purple superior, never got around to getting a real name. In fact, all these figures had Placemarker names due to how early they were in the game's creation. From left to right we have "Rock Dragon", "Ghost Eater", "Fire Dragon", "Tarclops", and "Bomb Troll".
Only one to get a name and only one to not become an official Skylander, if only he had that second eye.
Fire Dragon is obviously the Spyro we would soon get, and soon Master Eon would take Spyro's old position so that the purple dragon can finally take his role as the de-facto leader of this group of toyetic weirdos.
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[Image: Spyro the Dragon, Official Skylanders Series 1 Render. Spyro is a quadrupedal purple dragon with almost Mustard Yellow accents. He has three-toed claws, bat-like wings, two medium length curved horns, and fin-shaped spikes going down the back of his head and along the top of his tail. His bulky tail also ends win a yellow spike, almost structured like an armored sheath attached to the tip of his tail.]
Spyro here retains most of the characteristics from previous incarnations, but has a notably pug-like, squashed snout. Pug Spyro was a bit of a Black Sheep in the old days, especially since Skylanders took a massive departure from the dragon's previous games. In fact, outside of Cynder and Malefor, you wouldn't need to know anything about the previous games to get into this new canon.
Yeah, here's something I have to admit. I have no real history with Spyro games, and I was first exposed to him from his self-titled adventure in Skylands. I'm also one of 50 people who watched the Netflix series, which you should watch because the way THAT reinterprets the game's canon needs to be seen.
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Said Netflix series basically make him Harry Potter, learning from Eon - a master of Portals and Tutorials - on how to be a Skylander with Stealth Elf and Eruptor because f*ck Gill Grunt and Trigger Happy I guess. Skylanders are protectors of Skylands (Literal Islands in the Sky), who have been banished to Hell Earth by Invader Zim the evil wizard Kaos, and apparently the heat created by Atmospheric reentry can convert you into a plastic toy that retains enough sentience to understand how horrific being an immobile plaything would be. Eon then enlists you, adults who thought this was a new Spyro game and random children, as Portal Masters. Portals are the platform onto which you place the figures on to unlock their character in-game, and it allows you to puppeteer the Skylanders as an extension of your own being.
If you think that sounds morally dubious now, wait until we get to Trap Team.
As a Design by Himself, Spyro is a good flagship character. To the kids he's just a good old dragon, with all that entails. And he draws eyes to this game in the same way a Licensed Guest character would, acting a bit like the Wolverine to Skylander's X-Men.
I like the pug-face, though it leaves much to be desired at certain angles. However, that's not all that Spyro has to offer, after all, I have yet to fully explain his whole deal, because in part two we get into his Element and new Lore!
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Please look up "Skylanders Costumes", every time I visited Halloween City I would just see these guys and die.
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I'd love to see what you've got for High Five. He is severely underrated in my opinion
(So sorry I took so long to answer this one!)
To be honest, High Five never stood out to me as a Skylander, as I never owned him, and only knew about him from the Trap Team 'THE COMPLETE COLLECTION' handbook. But after reading through his Wiki page, I can totally see why people would like him! His playstyle sounds super fun and surprisingly in depth for a Skylander! I definitely need to add him to my collection at some point.
Updated Origin:
High Five was always seen as a troublemaker growing up. He had troubles focusing, only ever barely passing his classes, and relying on his four older siblings to help him out.
High Five's true passion in life was racing. He wanted nothing more than to speed down the cloud paved roads and dodge the giant boulders that floated in between the course. He loved the thrill, the danger, the risk!
But of course, he was not allowed to do any of the racing, due to being far too young. High Five would often compete secretley in other, less prestigious races, under the moniker "Buzzerker", but he wasn't able to go into any big name leagues without risking getting recognized.
In his races, 'Buzzerker' had started to know the other little league racers quite well, building a bit of a rivalry with a few of them, namely a group of Troll racers by the name of "The Loose Screws". They raced with a rickety, hand built airship. High Five and them had been trading wins and losses for nearly the entire time that he had been racing, and he considered them to be good friends of his.
One day, he ended up letting slip that his family was the Royal High Flying Dragonflies. While they reacted positively at first, High Five ended up eavesdropping on them planning to steal the Trophy of Sparx from his family by manipulating him.
Betrayed and hurt, High Five refused to help them, and instead used his immsense speed and aerial skills to knock their ship out of the sky. While he was extremely hurt that what he thought were his friends had betrayed him over a magic trophy, his bravery was rewarded.
His family finally stopped babying him, learning that the "baby brother" they had always seen as a troublemaker was far more talented than anyone had given him credit for.
Additionally, Master Eon had heard of the race, and along with Bat Spin and Flip Wreck, High Five had been taken under the wing of the Skylanders and trained to be something more.
Other Stuff:
High Five has ADHD
He is known for being a bit self destructive, only ever wanting to go on dangerous missions and extreme race courses. Even speed demons like Roller Brawl think he might take things a bit too far sometimes.
High Five has extreme, debilitating claustrophobia. He gets uncomfortable in normal sized rooms, and when they get smaller, it goes into panic attack levels.
Despite initially seeming extremely different from each other, High Five is best friends with the skylanders he was trained with at the Academy: Bat Spin and Flip Wreck. They initially bonded over the fact that they all were recruited by defending their families, but they soon found that they shared a ton of common interests.
High Five's expertise at air travel and flight made him a prime candidate to receive a Supercharger when the time came for them to be initiated, but High Five refused, as he much preferred flying over being cooped up in a cockpit. The role instead ended up going to Stealth Elf, and her appropriately named "Stealth Stinger".
That's what I could come up with for High Five. Do you like it? I'm always down for feedback, as long as it's polite ^^
I named his racing alter ego after his In Development name (Buzzerker). His somewhat self destructive nature comes from how much his designer went back and forth on his self damage and poison mechanics, thinking that it would make people like him less. The only other thing I'd want to specify is that I made him friends with Bat Spin and Flip Wreck because those three were the winners of the Frito-Lay designing competition, so it seemed natural that all three of them should stick together.
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ecargmura · 2 years
Hirogaru Sky! Precure Episode 8 Review: The Orange Bird
A two-parter? Wow! I’m actually pumped up for what happens next episode with all the tension that happened towards the end. This episode also gives us a lot of information about Skyland with the introduction of the new character and also gives answers to some questions I had in previous episodes!
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One particular question I had was back in Episode 3 about the Skystones. This episode shows that storms causes cracks in rifts which causes a portal to Skyland to be accidentally opened. When it does open, things from Skyland fall into Earth like Skystones. I think this makes absolute sense now as storms always come and go and if Yoyo has been on Earth for the past fifty years or so, it makes sense that Skystones can accumulate as much as they can here. This is a brilliant detail!
The mystery of the orange bird is finally unveiled! The bird is part of a bird tribe in Skyland called Puni Bird Tribe. They are bird folk that traded their flight to become humans. In this bird’s case, he can change into a human boy named Tsubasa. He came to Sorashido City by accident one year before Sora did because of an accident during his attempt to fly. He’s a character who’s fascinated with the idea of flying because he’s a bird that can’t fly. He has been staying with Yoyo for the past year in order to study aerodynamics and use the knowledge to teach himself how to fly.
Tsubasa is a rather sweet character in general. He means no harm at all. I think he has the potential to be my favorite character in this anime, but having one particular favorite is hard since Sora and Mashiro are already likable. I’m just anticipating the epicness of Cure Wing’s debut. I just pray that his transformation scene is better than Cure Prism’s. Also, I know for a fact that Cure Wing is the first main male Precure in the franchise, so it will also be a historical event for the franchise. Hearing Ayumu Murase’s voice makes me happy because he has such a nice voice.
Princess Ellee gets some development too! She’s growing up fast! She’s already trying to walk step by step. She’s also eating baby foods and not just milk now. However, the fact that she commands the sling to come to her and is rushing towards where the Precures are makes me worried. She’s definitely going to get captured by Kabaton at this rate! Despite this, I know that Ellee has been plot device, but seeing her have a bit more focus here makes me wonder if she’s going to have a more important role other than being the mascot and plot device. I wonder if something big will happen once all four Cures come together.
Sora reveals that birds in Skyland talk and that humans and birds coexist harmoniously there. It makes sense as the messenger bird in the first episode was talking to Sora in the beginning. The fact that birds are important beings in the world itself is also interesting world building. Mashiro is going to freak out if she goes to Skyland.
Also, Sora was a little annoying in this episode, but it makes sense as she’s dedicated to protecting Ellee. Though, the way she was barking at him was funny. I do like how the animosity she had towards Tsubasa immediately fades as she learns about his dream of flight. She’s someone who has a broad dream of her own, so it would be weird if she continued hating him even after learning about his dream.
Kabaton is actually being a menace for once with his Drone Ranborg actually being threatening. I’m actually on edge on what’s going to happen next. It does make me wonder if this will be Kabaton’s last stand and he’ll get replaced with a new villain or if he’ll still be the recurring villain throughout the rest of the show.
Because this is a Skylander focused episode, Mashiro doesn’t get much screen time. Hopefully, she’ll get some next episode. Ageha makes an appearance too! I think dedicating this episode to Yoyo, Tsubasa, Ellee and Sora makes absolute sense because we need to build on Skyland lore too. I can’t wait for next week!
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bruggle · 1 year
Now to answer questions literally nobody asked!
Aurora is Eon's neice; why can't she be claimed as his heir?
Because I said so. No. So before Academy aired, I personally headcannoned that Eon had a younger sister. And that's part of the reason why he was so adamant about Aurora not becoming a skylander; his sister would kill him. Here, I'm gonna say that yes, Eon has a younger sister who married a different lord and had two children. A son and a daughter. The son is the heir to hid father's lordship, and Eon was originally going to name Aurora his heir. But then she fell in love with the heir to one of the Cloudbreak Island lordships, and so that plan went out the window. He does not blame her, of course. He was overjoyed when he heard the news. But it did make things difficult.
How did Perry wind up in Skylands in this AU? (Non spoiler verison)
Ok, so to explain I need to say a bit from my original idea:
There is a stretch of woods behind Perry's childhood home. As a child, she was scared to death of going into it because she claimed there was something "weird" about it. Now, obviously, that's where I'm putting the portal. So within this AU, Perry decides to be brave when she's 17 and go into the woods despite how much it weirds her out. She finds the portal and messes around with it, which of course, isn't a good idea. Don't play around with things you don't understand. This leads to her being transported to Skylands by accident, with no way home. And this leads into the next question:
Why did Eon choose to adopt Perry as his heir and daughter?
He originally wasn't going to; when he first came across Perry, he figured she was yet another random encounter of Skylands' magic going haywire and bringing yet another person from another world/time. (Because according to Dive Clops' back story, time vortexes are relatively common???) And he is one of the few beings who still regard an old law of bringing unwitting travelers up to speed with how Skylands works: how to read, write, currency, politics, etc. and then letting them figure out what to do from there. However, as she was being taught all these things, he noticed many of the same signs that he exhibited that marked him as a Portal Master when his master took him under his wing. So now he really can't just let her galavant around Skylands. That would basically be a death sentence. He then comes to the realization that he could probably adopt her and name her his heir. This kills two birds with one stone; keeps his people from having to adjust to a new rule, and keeps her safe. So, he teaches Perry how to hide the fact that she is a Portal Master and then sends a letter to Aurora asking if she would be willing to take Perry as a Lady in Waiting. Aurora agrees, and Perry learns how to act as a Lady should from both her hand maids and Aurora. The two girls get along very well and continue to send letters to one another.
Does Kaosandra know that Kaos is a Portal Master?
I've thought long and hard about this one, and have ultimately decided no. She will not know. The linchpin for this was the existence of the Wilikin. If the Wilikin exist, then she would know 100%. But so would the rest of his family, who would gladly turn him over to Nefarion. And even if he just made one and showed her, it would still feel too convenient. So instead, I'm having it be to where he made one wilikin while by himself out of loneliness, freaked out, accidentally destroy it, and never tried again.
Glumshanks will know that he's a Portal Master though, he raised Kaos and knows when things are bothering him. He helps Kaos hide it.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Wilikin. But they don't fit in this story without giving away a necessary secret.
You've mentioned that the Skylanders are going to be members of staff or guards, who has what jobs?
So I've actually got a mix of NPCs and Skylanders in different jobs. Here's what I got so far:
Hugo - Eon's valet
A valet is basically the men's version of a handmaid, but they also act as an assistant. Hugo did, however, also teach Perry how to read and write in Skylish.
Cali - housekeeper
So the housekeeper is basically the female version of a butler. Now, if there is both a butler and housekeeper, all the maid servants (with the exception of head nurse and hand maids) listen to the housekeeper while all the man servants (with the exception of the valet) listen to the butler. I feel this suits Cali.
Flynn - coachman
Of course our main man is in charge of transportation.
Ghost Roaster - head cook
This is also obvious lmao
Camo - gardener
This is mostly so that I can put Camo and Ghost Roaster into situations because their dynamic is hilarious
Sonic Boom - head nurse (but currently working with Whirlwind in the infirmary)
So the head nurse is the staff member who takes care of the babies and young children, but there obviously isn't any of those (and won't be for a good long time. Period) so for the moment, she either offers to watch children of the other staff members or helps out in the infirmary.
Whirlwind - infirmary keeper
This is not an actual historical position, but in a world where there are 2 foot tall pests (chompys) and magic potions for just about everything, having someone who knows what to do about wounds seems like a good idea.
Hex and Stealth Elf - hand maids
Hand maids are in charge of all the lady's needs as well as helping with her dress and hair. I imagine Hex being better with the dressing part of the job while Stealth is better at hair.
Spyro - head guard
Of course our boy is here :)
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