#i need to give Juvia more girlfriends
jasdiary · 2 years
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more people for Juvia to kiss
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thesimpirediaries · 5 months
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane? Thank you!
✍️: eeeeek the Fairy Tail girlies! *squeals* I love them all so much! Thank you so much for this request nonnie!
⚠️: gn!reader (reader is however you imagine them), relationship headcanons, subtle suggestiveness, headcanon format
word count: 1.08k
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You’re in a relationship with…
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🌀 protective girlfriend, through and through. You can hold your own, and she knows that; but she will still be very protective of you — physically, mentally, and emotionally.
🌀 you can talk to her about literally anything. She is one of the best listeners in the world. She won’t necessarily speak; she will wait until you’re done talking, and then she always knows just what to say.
🌀 she’s the type of girlfriend who’s effortlessly pretty – no matter what she’s wearing.
🌀 although she isn’t upfront or obvious about it, she loves going out on dates. Candle lit dinners, fancy restaurants, the chance to dress up — she’s still a woman at heart, and she loves romance. Woo her, just do it.
🌀 she can be awkward at times, too. Especially when it comes to intimacy. She’s not accustomed to it, so at first, you’ll have to take it slow with her. Kisses on the cheek and handholding will be about as far as you get at first. But, once she’s more comfortable, expect to be smothered with embraces — particularly in private. She’s not the biggest fan of PDA.
🌀 her kisses are especially soft. She kisses you as if you’re the most delicate, fragile, otherworldly entity on the planet. It’s not that she truly believes you’re fragile — she just adores you so much that she can’t help but be soft with you.
🌀 cake sample dates. Cake sample dates. Cake sample dates.
🌀 depending on how she’s feeling, she can be the big spoon or the little spoon. If she’s feeling vulnerable, or sad, or otherwise negative, she likes the feeling of your arms around her. She feels safe, protected and loved that way. But, if the roles are reversed, she’ll hold you in her arms until everything simply melts away and it’s just the two of you.
🌀 loves with her whole heart, body and soul. Rest assured, if you’re with Erza, you’ll never feel any inkling of doubt as to if she loves you or not.
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You’re in a relationship with…
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🌀 bakes for you. All the time.
🌀 Juvia is a lover — no matter the time or place. She will smother you with affection with no care as to who’s around.
🌀 she has multiple love languages; physical touch, gift giving, acts of service, etc. She falls hard, deep, and fast, and she’s not ashamed to show it.
🌀 will make you blush with how aggressive she is. (It’s a good kind of aggressive.)
🌀 love her, love her, love her. Juvia is exceptionally talented at expressing her love, but she is also exceptionally insecure. She needs reassurance, craves it even. Sometimes, she feels as though she’s not truly worthy of love, and that’s why you have to show her that she is.
🌀 kisses you like she’ll never get the chance to again.
🌀 stares at you. All the time. Heart eyes. Heart eyes. Heart eyes.
🌀 clingy, very clingy. She just loves being around you. She loves hearing your voice, your laugh; she loves seeing you smile. She loves feeling you right next to her, in front of her, or behind her. Just around her period.
🌀 a total little spoon. Hold her, she loves it.
🌀 a fan of hugs from behind; both giving and receiving.
🌀 take her on sweet little dates. Picnics, private dinners, home-cooked meals, etc. She eats it up.
🌀 loves to show you off. (Hint, hint: show her off too.)
🌀 forehead kisses. Forehead kisses. Forehead kisses.
🌀 she loves hand holding. Just hold her hand, or put your arm around her when you’re sitting together. Little physical acts of affection make her so happy.
🌀 legit wants to marry you. It’s her goal.
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You’re in a relationship with…
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🌀 literally sweet enough to give you a cavity.
🌀 her ideal date is sitting for a cup of steamy tea, swapping stories and fantasizing about the future.
🌀 high wifey energy. Will cook you dinner, make you lunchboxes, and is a huge fan of little domestic activities.
🌀 her kisses vary depending on the situation. Sometimes, they’re feather light and brief; but when it’s just the two of you, they’re deeply passionate and near endless.
🌀 she loves being the big spoon. Of course, she’s alright with being the little spoon, but she loves the feeling of your body in her arms and pressed tight against her. Even if you’re bigger than her.
🌀 showers you with compliments; an ultimate hype man. You’re wearing pajamas? You’re sexy. You’re dressed up? You’re more than sexy. You’re the sexiest thing alive.
🌀 she likes to sneak off with you. (Wink, wink.)
🌀 alone time is very important to her — but she also likes for the both of you to spend time in the guild.
🌀 hates when you go on S-Class missions; her biggest fear is losing you.
🌀 a doting girlfriend. She always checks in on you; makes sure you’re feeling okay, if you’ve eaten, and if you have even a tiny cut she will fix it up for you.
🌀 couple photoshoots.
🌀 literally the prettiest couple in the room; when you enter, no one is sure who to be jealous of.
🌀 exceptionally attentive and observant.
🌀 cuddles. Cuddles all the time. And cheek/forehead kisses.
🌀 you’re dating a model. Expect to witness countless people hit on her — she finds it attractive when you get jealous.
🌀 she’s also very prone to jealousy herself; if someone even looks at you she’s fuming.
🌀 very sweet, but when she gets angry, expect the silent treatment. She’s a professional at that.
🌀 couple’s spats are very rare between the two of you, though.
🌀 dreams of a cozy little house on the hilltop. She wants nothing more than to be a wife. Wife her.
🌀 family is very important to her. Family dinners, family holidays, family everything.
🌀 she always worries about others, so sometimes, she forgets to worry about/take care of herself. You’ll need to either remind her to do it or do it yourself.
🌀 super supportive girlfriend. No matter what dream you have, she will cheer for you and push you to reach it.
🌀 likes to surprise you with gifts and out-of-the-box date ideas (like, a candle-lit picnic atop a giant floating lily pad in the middle of a lake.)
🌀 massages. She loves to give massages.
🌀 matching outfits. She loves matching outfits. Please match with her.
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These are just a few headcanons that came to mind upon reading this request (I may make another list of others), and I hope you all enjoyed them! If you like the way I write, please don’t hesitate to send in a request! They’re always open!
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by butterflyzilla.
Time for some hurt/comfort! Whoo!
I hope you enjoy!
The Nightmares of Iron and Water (Gajeel x Lucy x Juvia)
If there was one thing that Lucy wasn't expecting when she started dating both Gajeel and Juvia, it was helping them with occasional nightmares. When it had first happened with Juvia, she thought that the nightmares were of the normal kind. Imagine her surprise when, upon pulling Juvia into her arms and rubbing circles on her back, her girlfriend confessed to her not only the nature of the nightmares, but that Gajeel had them too. 
It wasn't until a couple of weeks later, when she was staying over at Gajeel's place, that Lucy first experienced the results of one of Gajeel's nightmares. When Juvia had her nightmare, she had curled up against Lucy and tried to cry silently, the sniffling and feeling of tears dripping onto her skin being what had woken up Lucy. Gajeel, however, had woken out of his nightmare more subtly. Lucy would have probably not woken up if it wasn't for the fact that the dragon slayer next to her had flinched back to consciousness with a force that lightly shook the bed. 
She had woken up and remained where she lay for a few moments, trying to comprehend what had happened. When her mind recalled Juvia's nightmare and the reveal that Gajeel was having them too, she had sat up and gently shook her boyfriend, asking if he was alright. After several minutes, she hadn't been able to get him to open up to her about what had woken him up so suddenly, so she ended up leaving him be and going back to sleep, the feeling of worry that had settled in her stomach making that difficult. 
Now, about half a year into her relationship with Juvia and Gajeel, Lucy was still trying to help them with their nightmares, even though her boyfriend still wouldn't admit what the nightmares were about. 
The most recent nightmare that Juvia had was probably the worst. Lucy had been sound asleep when she suddenly woke up. Her eyelids slowly opened as her brain kicked into drive to make her a functioning human being due to being awake now. Lucy sat up and rubbed her eyes, her mind trying to figure out what had woken her up. It didn't take long for the sound of sniffling reached her ears. 
In an instant, she turned to her girlfriend, finding that the water mage was curled up and silently crying into her hands, her shoulders shaking with muffled sobs. Lucy felt her heart clench painfully at the sight and tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She gently laid her hand on Juvia's shoulder and murmured, "another nightmare?" When her girlfriend nodded, she continued, "do you want something?" 
After a stretch of silence, Juvia didn't give a verbal answer. Instead, she turned over in the bed and opened her arms. Lucy smiled down at her and laid back down, allowing Juvia to wrap her arms around her and press her face against her breasts. Lucy returned the embrace, one hand pressed against the back of her girlfriend's head and the other hand rubbing her girlfriend's back. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" Lucy knew that Juvia won't, she never did, but still thought that she should ask. 
Juvia shook her head. Lucy could feel her girlfriend's warm tears wetting the tops of her breasts, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Several minutes seemed to pass before Juvia finally whispered, "I'm sorry." Her voice was slightly raspy and could barely be heard.
Lucy's heart hurt at the sound. She knew that her girlfriend was still remorseful over what Phantom Lord had done. She wasn't made at either of her partners, she never was. She knew that they were just doing what they were told to do and didn't know what she had ran away from. She didn't blame them. And she especially didn't hold anything against them because she knew that they had both changed. They were her boyfriend and girlfriend and members of Fairy Tail. 
Lucy pulled Juvia closer and muttered, "you don't need to appologize. I've forgiven you a long time ago." 
That only caused Juvia's crying to start back up again, not that Lucy particularly minded. She knew that, sometimes, you just needed to let it out through tears. After that short talk, Juvia cried for several minutes before she finally fell back asleep. Lucy didn't drift off again until she was sure that her girlfriend was sound asleep.
It wasn't much of a surprise that Juvia was more open about her having nightmares. It also wasn't a surprise that Gajeel wasn't so open. No matter what Lucy said or did, she couldn't get Gajeel to even admit to her that he was having nightares, much less what they were about. 
It wasn't until a few weeks after Juvia's most recent nightmare that Gajeel finally admitted to the problem. 
Lucy was staying over with Gajeel at his place. She was at a desk in his living room, working on her novel. She hadn't been able to sleep, so she decided to slip out of bed and done some writing, hoping that it would help her get sleepy. 
She was in the middle of a fight scene between her two main characters when she heard a muffled crash from the bedroom. Without thinking, she bolted toward the door and threw it open before she stopped in her tracks. She watched Gajeel closely, trying to determine if he was awake. It didn't take long after she determined that he was still asleep for her to find the cause of the crash. The frail bedside table had been knocked over. 
Lucy slowly walked toward her boyfriend. Upon reaching the side of the bed, she watched as Gajeel shifted around on the bed, sweat glistening on his forehead in the light of the moon that streamed through the window and soft grunts of distress escaped him as his brow furrowed. 
A stab of pain shot through Lucy's chest as she watched her boyfriend experience what was clearly a very distressing nightmare. She lifted her hand to shake him awake, but stopped when her hand was in mid-air, remembering that it was best to not wake someone up when they are having a nightmare. She pressed her hand against her chest, over her aching heart, and watched with concern, waiting for her boyfriend to wake up on his own. 
Gajeel continued to toss and turn, his teeth now clenched. Along with his distressed grunts, he also whispered a few things, however Lucy was unable to hear him. It wasn't until the nightmare seemed to go for hours that Lucy was able to hear one of Gajeel's few whispers. 
"Bunny Girl...I'm...sorry." 
Lucy could barely register the hot tears that rolled down her cheeks as she silently begged Gajeel to wake up. Her plea was answer soon after when the dragon slayer's red eyes snapped open and stared up at the ceiling, his breathing heavy as sweat dripped off of his forehead and onto the pillow under his head. 
When she saw that his unfocused eyes had regained a look of understanding of where he was and what was going on, and his breathing more or less even out, Lucy layed her hand on his chest and softly asked, "are you alright?" 
Gajeel snapped his still-wide eyes over to her and stared at her for a few tense, silent moments. He finally answered, his normally deep and gravelly voice was now raspy and out of breath, "yeah." 
Lucy furrowed her brow at him. "I know that's a lie." 
Gajeel simply turned his head away from her and stared the window that was beside his bed. There was a long pause, one that Lucy was about to break when her boyfriend did it first, "just...a nightmare." 
Lucy nodded. It wasn't the progress that she was hoping for, but progress nonetheless. She asked, "do you want anything?" 
Gajeel was silent for a bit before he grunted, "you in bed with me." 
Lucy softly smiled and climbed into the bed. She allowed Gajeel to wrap his large arms around her and pull her against his body. She placed her hands on his chest and snuggled against him. She would have liked to talk about his nightmares, but didn't mind cuddling if it was what made him feel better. This reminded her of the last nightmare that Juvia had when they were sleeping together. A smile stretched onto her face and snuggled closer to her boyfriend, feeling him respond by pulling her closer. 
She was determined to help her boyfriend and girlfriend through their nightmares, no matter how long it took. 
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teatitty · 3 years
Re-reading the Loke arc for the thousandth time because what else am I suppsoed to do with my life and how could I forget the tiny details that fucked me up most on my re-reads, both in the “damn I’m never gonna recover from how cool Loke is” sense and in the “fuck me I’m sobbing into my pillow” sense
(Under read more because I fangirl a little bit oops)
1: For all he avoids her due to his ~trauma~ he doesn’t hesitate to punch someone’s lights out for her either. But that’s not what I’m focusing on here; he says these guys are known for “preying on women” and that he was here on a job to track them down. This might be a small resort town but it still gets a lot of tourists so Loke was either keeping an eye on his guildmates (Lucy and Erza/ Juvia is also here in the manga but not the anime) in case they needed him OR he’s been patrolling the streets at night to protect women in general and go after every sleaze he comes across (my kingdom for FT’s writing to have stayed good like this eugh)
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2: Loke starting off as far from her at the bar as possible but then moving right next to her when she tells him he doesn’t have to sit so far away. Again, this is a subtle trauma thing because of Karen, but the fact he’s willing to get that close to her speaks volumes on how much he does trust her despite rarely interacting with her
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3: Loke does not want to die. If he had truly 100% accepted his death there’s no way he would’ve reached out to Lucy (a celestial mage) here and told her this. Also look how tightly he clings to her...oof
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4: His expression shifts from the dark numb one above to a more helplessly frustrated one here once he realizes what he just did. He might not want to die but he still thinks he deserves to (in panels following he also scolds himself for getting emotional and dragging her into his shit)
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Also turning his face away from her so she can’t immediately tell that his laughter is false
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5: Letting her slap him and not at all defending himself. Just...this panel has a lot of sadness behind it
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6: This fucking shot of him and Plue looking at eachother. Because Plue knows who he is and Plue knows he’s dying but can’t do anything about it...*bursts into tears*
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7: This is more just a funny addition for me but Loke breaking up with all his girlfriends in one night...I really wanna know how he did that lol
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8: Just...how quickly she figured out who Loke was simply based on learning that he had a connection to Karen 
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Bonus sadness: this soft fucking look she gives him here. Also the implication that she could “feel” he was a Spirit after finally spending a while with him. Celestial Mage lore isn’t touched on enough quite frankly 
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9: Loke surviving on his own life force for three years while slowly dying is such a painful image btw. But anyway Lucy wasting no time demanding he let her help him (I’m trying very hard not to fluster over Loke’s earrings praise me for holding back)
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10: This little tidbit which is just never expanded upon so it was either forgotten about or retconned. But then it also says the “real reason” he avoided Lucy was because she was his type which I simply don’t believe given all his angst lol
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11: Bob’s anger over how Karen treats her spirits was good civ. I really wanted him to interact with Lucy and thank her for taking care of Aries and Leo
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12: Loke, as the leader, can force his fellow spirits to switch places with him. He’s also strong enough that he could block Karen from summoning Aries completely
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Subtle detail but Karen actually is afraid of him from the moment he pops up!
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13: This entire exchange
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14: Loke hits this state after 10 days
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Yet still manages to hold out for another 30. And then another 3 months. And after Karen dies there’s the 3 years he then spends exiled. His power levels are so underused it’s ridiculous
15: Loke telling this story about Karen’s abuse to Lucy like man did you really think she was gonna see you as the villain here, just look at this face
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16: Not as noticeable in the anime but when he’s fading away you can see the stars themselves
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17: His happiness at just being able to meet someone like Lucy. Fuck me up man. + him thanking her for taking care of his fellow spirits 
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18: Thinks about this panel every single fucking day (also they both wear shoes with multiple belts on them lol)
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19: This whole bit but specifically his face in the last panel
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21: Spirit King’s arrival is so fucking cool my dude
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22: Lucy has a fucking spine of casted iron is2g
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23: THIS BIT! THIS BIT LIVES IN MY HEAD RENT FUCKING FREE (ignore the translations keeping some of the JPN words btw)
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25: I don’t think Loke has ever had a bigger “WHAT THE FUCK!?” moment in his life tbh
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26: This. Just this
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27: Bonus scenes I just find to be really cute
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(Note that Lucy is more exasperated with his flirting than anything. Loke’s character assassination later on was an unforgiveable crime)
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He says this was a place he planned to take all his girlfriends to and given Gray’s comment about the hotel there are strong implications that Loke was fucking loaded 
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aryareyes · 3 years
Title : The way your eyes burn my soul
Pairing : Gruvia
Summary : Surprise!
Spotlights were shinning brightly, illuminating the dark interview hall, but what set the hall on fire was the audience's energetic ovation.
At the center of the hall, the interviewer, a beautiful young woman was smiling ear to ear, in front of her, her guests of the day, the best duo of the Pop world were seated, delighted matching grins on their faces.
- " Welcome to Pep Talk! Today's a very special day for us because we've our favorite Pop duo, Gray and Juvia with us!!"
The crowd whistled and cheered again as the two stars bowed their head respectfully to the crowd.
- " Thanks Mira, it's our pleasure to be here." The raven haired man answered as he flashed a grin to the public, making girls squeal.
- " Gray's right! We're very happy to be here!" The blue haired girl added, clad in her navy cocktail dress.
Again the crowd cheered but it was mostly male public this time. Mirajane smiled at the public and shifted her attention back to the duo.
- " So, Gray, Juvia, first of all, Congratulations for your last album, Icy Waves. It's a mega huge success! But most importantly, your fans—no actually, people who I know that don't like pop are into it after listening to that album. How do you feel about it?"
The female artist waited for the applause to end before talking,
" We are really glad to hear that." She chuckled contently, a glance at her partner before trailing, "Gray and I worked hard on it...and it was our first album together so..."
- " She worked extra hard for it," Her partner added as she shook her head playfully glaring at him. He smiled as he added, " It was her idea, so Icy waves wouldn't be possible without Juvs here." He winked at the girl, earing a smile in return.
- " He's exaggerating, its our team work."
- " Of course not." He rolled his eyes in response.
Mira chuckled at their bunter eyeing them carefully. Let's get my very wanted scoop.
- "I'm sure your fans love your teamwork. Now, let's talk about this particular song..." she started grinning slowly, earning some whistles and the name of the single from the crowd.
- " Looks like they want the same... The way your eyes burn my soul..." The interviewer paused glancing at the young stars who's cheeks were flushing slightly—at least Juvia's—Gray was doing a great job hiding it.
Mirajane Strauss cleared her throat slightly, getting their attention.
" Your voices...the feel in the song is..." she sighed softly looking for the right word, "...Magic...How did that magic happen?" She asked sincerely.
- " You said it, magic. I guess magic happens in music." Gray answered cleverly, shrugging.
- " I think that answer is too vague Gray," Mira chuckled imploring him to continue.
Gray's lips tugged up as he slid in a more comfortable position on the couch.
- " Recently at your album's success party, there were rumors of the two of you dating, so is it safe to assume the magic wouldn't have happened without that?"
Juvia smiled softly, adorable rosy hues adorning her cheeks.
- " Yes, I think it wouldn't have been magic if there's no feel in it."
Gray's smile turned into something genuine as his eyes were fondly looking over his girl beside him.
- "Are we lucky enough to get more details about it then?"
- " it, here means song right?" Gray lifted an eyebrow playfully earning some chuckles.
- " Definitely the song, but Juvia mentioned something about feel." Mira retorted with a mischievous smile, "So, I'd say the magic of the song—or love."
Gray scoffed. The audience cheered louder.
No wonder she was known for the title of the sweet devil.
Nonetheless, he responded with a natural expression. Years of experience of being the center of spotlights learned him to keep his cool in any kind of situation. He knew to give what the public wants to hear without revealing too much about his personal life neither.
- " We've known each other for a very long time. We'd each other's back through the thick and thin of our careers...so our friendship turned into something more, and I'm truly happy with the change."
The crowd went crazy and Juvia blushed slightly. He looked at her with a soft smile who smiled back brightly. God, she's so beautiful. He thought.
- " Heard that you guys! We were right! Our lovebirds here are dating!" Mira exclaimed in delight—she's a gruvia shipper after all.—" I guess it's time to say—excuse me for my language— Fucking Finally! "
People erupted more into cheers and whistles and chanted their favorite pop stars' ship name. Once the audience calmed down, the interviewer started talking again.
- " Well honestly, almost everyone were shipping you two together since forever and your chemistry is just so perfect. We felt it in the song." She stated as the stars thanked her and their fans.
- " So, now that you got your answers and I've my scoop, let's move to the fun part, shall we?" She continued cheerful with a glance at the public.
- " I don't feel it." Gray stated frowning and Juvia laughed at it.
- " The game is called 'tas-quest.' It's very simple. I'll ask you both questions concerning your partner which you've to answer honestly. Same goes with the tasks."
The two of the nodded and proceeded to play the game.
- " Okay. First question is for Juvia. Who's Gray's crush?"
- " Ouch. You sure want our couple to last?" The said guy retorted with fake mock. "I don't have any other crushes than my girlfriend, right here." He blow a kiss in her way but Juvia hit his arm, glaring at him playfully.
- " Babe. What?"
She huffed with a grin and turned to Mira, " He's a crush on his childhood friend."
- " What?! That was years ago! I was eight! And she's married now, thank you very much." He crossed his arms with a huff.
- " It's still a crush." She argued back.
- " She's a point." Mira smirked as Gray glared at her.
- " Your turn, who's the most jealous between the two of you?"
- " Obviously Juvia." The male singer laughed though his companion she gasped offended at him.
Mira bit back a chuckle as she looked at the young couple in amusement. Juvia pointed a finger at her boyfriend, "You got jealous of a fan on our last concert." 
Gray crossed his arms with a roll of eyes. " He was too close."
- " Because he wanted to take a photo." She retorted with a scoff.
- " Yeah right. He invaded your private space and I protected you being the charming boyfriend I am." Gray muttered under his breath, not loud enough for the fans to here but Juvia and Mira did. The latter smirked while the female singer rolled her eyes but allowed a smile.
He was too cute when he was jealous.—She thought endearingly. Without a word she placed her hand on the his that was resting in the bare space between them and caressed it to smooth him. It worked as he gave her a look and she smiled. He turned his aside fighting back a smile of his own.
The reporter cleared her throat to her their attention, "Moving on to the next  quest—oh it's actually a task for Juvia." She set her gaze on the girl who hastily pulled her hand away.
- " Yes ?"
- " You've to admit to Gray three of your secrets concerning him that you never would have told him." That earned chuckles and whispers.
- " Now it's interesting. I'm all ears Juvs. " He crossed his arms in curiosity, a playful gleam in his eyes.
- " Oh god, tell me I've a joker." She groaned in response—"Nope." Gray and Mira said at the same time.
Juvia pouted, "If I tell him my secret then it's no more a secret."
The sweet devil giggled, " That's basically the point of the game." The girl pouted more but turned her body slightly to her partner who was looking at her amused.
- " I've always found you cuter when you're sleeping...because you're messy, relaxed and actually a kid." She smiled tenderly at him as his cheeks tinted slightly. Their fans cooed. "...So I may have or may not have snapped pictures of you while sleeping." It was her turn to blush as he recovered from his flustered state to smirk at her handsomely.
- " Will we get some of them? " Mira interrupted.
- " Absolutely not." Juvia chuckled, "They're mine." The young girls sighed heavily but grinned at their favorite couple.
- " Next secret Wat'drop." Gray raised an eyebrow challengingly.
- " I stole one of your hoodies a few months ago and got to know recently that it's your favorite since you went through your room for it." She admitted with a cute frown.
- " Wait. My Detective Conan?" He asked in disbelief. His girlfriend bowed her head. " Guilty." She looked up at him again, " You're mad?" He rolled his eyes at her cuteness. How could he be mad at her when she was looking like that?
Instead of giving her a verbal answer, he ruffled her hair affectionately. Juvia smiled and promised herself to find him the real one he was looking for—the one he had that she stole (because she missed him too much), was not the one he wanted originally. The stocks wore off as it was a limited edition and he got himself the closest thing to the original. So, she would  buy him the one originally he wanted.
- " You guys are really cute together!!" Their interviewer squealed as she looked at them and the crowd agreed with her.
They thanked her and Juvia proceeded to the last secret with a groan. "Arghh...I can't believe I'm confessing this to you on a live show."
Gray's eyebrow lifted, " That much secret?" He frowned concerned, " You don't need to tell it."
Juvia shook her head, " No, I should play fair." She mumbled as she stared around at her fans and smiled at them. She then squeezed Gray's hand and locking her eyes on him.
- " I had a crush on you from the very first day I met you." Gray's eyes widened slightly, surprise written all over his face. They forgot they got a loud audience as he blinked at her.
- " Really?"
- " Really." She said softly. He leaned to her side, and kept his voice low. The public didn't notice their murmurs as they've gone wild since Juvia's confession.
-" I don't understand...you didn't like me back then..." He frowned. Juvia gave him a look that meant 'later'.
Mira cheered and turned to them,
" Thanks for playing fair Juvia! You're awesome!"
- " Well, it's almost time. I've a last..." She looked at the small card in her hand before looking back at Gray. " task for Gray."
- " Tell us three things you like the most about Juvia." A gentle smile crossed his features as he glanced at his girl before facing Mira.
- " I think the list is long but I'll keep it short..." He held a hand up, enumerating. " She's one of the most talented and dedicated person I know. Whether it's job or studies or other common things, once she gets into it, she's determined to finish it and gives her hundred percent in everything she does. She's a hard worker and I honestly think that's the reason of her success."
Juvia was touched by his words as she stared at the man she loved talking about her so highly and proudly. She knew why she loved him so much.
- " She's a very good friend—she's this kind of friend who you would call if one day you committed a murder and don't know what to do about it. She'll help you bury the body and get you safely out of the mess." Juvia along with others laughed at his statement.— "Not that I'm planning to murder someone." He added and Juvia laughed more, leaning into him before giving him a look that meant, 'call me if you do'.
- " I guess what I'm trying to say is, she's trustworthy and be there for you through thick and thin. The kind of friend everyone needs to have in their life and I'm grateful to have her in mine." He got everyone's heart with that—if he didn't already had—as they stared at him in awe.
Gray turned to Juvia and locked his eyes with hers as he was about to say his last one. " What I love the most about you is how you look at me. You look at me as if I was your world and you love me so freely and so...easily. You accept my imperfections and love me for myself and not because I'm a star..." He held her hand and pulled her up with him as she started tearing up despite trying hard to not cry. Gray smiled lovingly at her—the one he only reserved for her and never showed in public. " Thanks for loving me, Wat'drop."
Without minding the public—because she saw only him—she brought a hand to his face and he leaned in her touch still giving her that loving look. She smiled, her heart and mind racing as her whole being was consumed of an overwhelming love for the man standing before her. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his in a sweet, soft kiss that sent the room shaking in fan's wild ovation.
When the lovebirds departed from each other with matching grins, hands still intertwined, Mira almost fainted but managed to end the show with hearts in her eyes.
The young couple was in the back of Gray's car as they were been driven back to their respective homes. Juvia was asleep on his shoulder as he kissed her head and stroked her hair tenderly. She's been working on her new album for the past week when they just finished their album and even before the interview, she was asked in her studio. He knew that she barely had enough for the past months. Gray was grateful to his production house to be on vacation but it's not the case for Juvia. She's to work for at least a week or two before her own holidays. Thankfully, he would be still on holidays by that time, hence he'd already planned their vacation—It was a surprise for her.
Half an hour later, Gray was carrying his girl to his bed in his penthouse slowly to not disturb her sleep. He lied her gently on it and proceeded to take her heals off and stripped himself, leaving only his boxers before climbing up in the bed with her. Juvia almost immediately clung to him like a koala, her head placed on his chest, a leg on his and an arm across his stomach. With a soft smile, he wrapped his arm around her and squeezed her to him.
- " Are you sure you don't want to get comfortable before sleeping?" He whispered after a moment. She only tightened her hold on him. Gray rolled his eyes and ran a hand in her hair as he stared down at her.
- " I know you're awake Juvs."
- " Why didn't you change my dress?" Her voice was muffled due to her position as she buried her face in his neck. "I don't mind it. It's just you."
Gray's heart skipped a beat and he rubbed circles on her bare arms.
- " I respect you too much to take advantage of you while you're sleeping." He murmured.
She raised her head up with a yawn but gave him a sleepy smile. "Gray, changing my dress to make me comfortable on bed is not taking advantage of me. You're my boyfriend so it's basically your right." He returned her smile, tucking a strand behind her ear to stare into her beautiful blue orbs.
His smile turned soon into a gorgeous smirk. Oh boy. Juvia flushed and  shivered in his hold as his hand pulled the straps of her dress slowly. His eyes were intense on her as he murmured, "Why, I don't have a problem stripping you Wat'drop." His fingers caressed her bare shoulders burning her skin as they went by.  "In fact, I prefer you naked around me." His lips trailed from her ears to cheeks down her jaw and Juvia placed her hands on his chest to push back slightly to stare down at him with an adorable pout.
- " You're such a pervert." She murmured. He pecked her lips in response before looking at her innocently. " I'm using my boyfriend rights here." She hit his chest lightly with a soft frown that turned into a smile, wiggled out of his hold ignoring his protests.
- "Close your eyes boyfriend."
- " Nope." Gray grinned back as he found the perfect position to stare at her, his eyes trailing to her bare neck and shoulders as she held the dress to her chest.
Juvia glared at him for a moment and he held her stare before she shrugged. Gray's eyes widened as she let her dress fall and pool around her feet and stood before him, clad only in her undies. He openly gaped at her too surprised to react as he took her in.
Gray knew Juvia was beautiful. He's known her for almost six years now and he'd seen her in daring dresses before.—it was part of the job. But right now, she was actually standing in his room, in his arm length, only in her navy matching underwear. She was a goddess. Before he could even process what was happening, her hand was unclasping her bra and Gray hurriedly turned to the other side, cursing as Juvia's laugh filled the room.
He was a goner if he saw her naked. He wouldn't be able to not jump her after so Gray shut his eyes tight and pushing away the amazing vision he just saw into the back of his mind as he waited for the little tease of his girlfriend to finish changing.
A moment later the bed shook and her arms slipped around his torso from behind as she placed her face on his cheek. He felt her bare legs slipping on his and he knew that she was wearing his t-shirt. He could handle it. He'd already seen her in his clothes and she's very—Stop right there, Gray.
- " Comm'o look at me..." She chuckled, "...I'm not naked—
- " Shut up." He groaned. She placed a few kisses on his cheek with a smile and after a moment, he finally turned on his back. She smiled brightly at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
- " I love you." She whispered and kissed his jaw before tucking her face under his chin.
- " I love you too Wat'drop." He kissed her head squeezing her to him.
- " You said sweet things at the interview." She murmured.
- " I was being honest." He said as he caught her looking at him lovingly—as if he was her world. "And I meant every word."  She was his world.
She hummed happily and closed her eyes. His arms were her safe, warm cocon. Her place.
-" Speaking of interview..." she lifted her head up in question, crossed her arms on his chest and placed her face on it, staring at his face.  " You said something about crush." His lips tugged up and her own tugged hp in a slow smile under his curios gaze.
Juvia cupped his face with a hand and smiled adoringly down at him. " I had a crush on you in high school. Remember our first meet?"
He recalled it with a fond smile, " You fell on me with books dropping on us. There's so much dust and we started sneezing and the old librarian was yelling at us like a mad woman."
The blue haired girl chuckled happily. " Well, I guess I didn't only fell on you that day but also fell for you."
Gray's eyes widened, " You loved me back then?" His heart thumping against his chest and he was sure that she could hear it, judging by her smile.
- " I thought it was a crush at first. You were so handsome and—"
- " Were?" He raised a teasing eyebrow. She rolled her eyes. "—are and I just liked looking at you..." her eyes locked with his in a playful gleam. " That is until I knew that you were my rival in everything. Literally everything!" She groaned dropping her head on his chest. "It was so annoying. You always beat me in one point or just behind me in a point. So annoying!"
Gray snorted rubbing her back. " I was not used to have a competitor and I hated to lose." She mumbled before lifting her head to face him.
" You hate to lose too." He chuckled but didn't say anything letting her rant about how annoying it was to be constantly on war with him in high school.
- " But I loved bickering with you. I couldn't spend a day without bantering with you. Really." She looked up at him stroking his cheek. "Then, there's this project in our second year and we were partnered up."
- " We ended it, won the first prize." He murmured as she nodded eagerly. " We became friends during that period..." He trailed tracing his finger on her cheek.
- " We were already kinda friends—frenemies, I guess. I've always admired you. You were the first person I've ever met with so much determination to win." She whispered eyes closed.
- " Hmm, I liked you too. But too arrogant to admit it." She snorted at his statement.
- " Then best friends. We were inseparable by the end of high school..." Gray hummed a nod. " You supported me before my uncle to pursue music career."
- " It's because you were incredibly talented Wat'drop." He said sincerely. She smiled as his finger traced the form of her lips.
- " That's an exaggeration but thank you for the compliment." She opened her eyes to look at him, " Want to know something? " He rose an eyebrow, silently asking her to continue. "You were my inspiration to fight for what I want, to fight for my dream." She kissed his forehead gently, " I won't be here without you, Gray Fullbuster."
- " And I won't without you. You were my only family when things fell apart." He retorted as he recalled his dark period—when Ur died.
" You were my strength and my very reason to not give up." Her eyes glistened as his welled up, and she kissed his eyelids, lingering when lips there. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be in streets."
- " You had all our friends with you. We all had your back."
- " True. I'm grateful for them but you, Juvia, you're special. You held me together." She smiled tearfully.
- " You are special to me too. Always have been."  He mumbled an 'I know' and rolled them over earning a surprised squeal from her as her back hit the mattress.
She stared up at him bringing him closer with her arms around his neck.
- " When did you know you loved me?" He asked gazing into her eyes.
- " Last year, when you were in your world tour." His love brushed the hair of his nape as he leaned his forehead against hers. " It started with little things. Like when I spent weekends in our friend's place watching movies and how you were not there to lean on or throw my legs on..." He grinned.
- " Then, we'd go to get a coffee and you weren't there to know that I don't add milk in my coffee. Then, I started missing your voice. I'd call you and couldn't get you so I would listen to your voicemail to hear your voice."
He leaned back to look at her apologetic, his being bursting with love for her. " Sorry about that. You know we barely have our phones on world tour."
- " I know, don't worry about it. But I yearned to hear your voice." He kissed her nose and lips in response.
- " By the time you were back, I knew I was madly in love with you and I couldn't imagine a life without you."
He could feel the love in her voice as she said it.
- " You aren't kidding—you practically choked me to death when you hugged me once you saw me in the airport." He teased with a grin.
- " Yeah well, I just realized I loved my best friend for years and you weren't there for eight moths. I wanted to lock you in a room and never let you go away from me."
- " It's creepy." He grinned.
- " You wouldn't have minded would you—wait why're you grinning?"
His grin widened and she held his face up and forced his eyes to hers. A moment in silence passed between them. Both of their hearts beating in sync as the realization settled over.
Juvia worded it slowly.
- " You loved me." Her tone was barley a whisper as she remained their eye lock.
- " I've loved you for a long time Wat'drop. A very very longtime that I denied and fought back my feelings."
- " Why?"
- " Because I've just lost Ur. And I've lost everyone I've loved. You, losing you...was unimaginable... I was terrified that my feelings will take you away from me so I fought them back to keep you with me. "
- " You wouldn't have lost me if you made a move earlier, Gray." She took a breath, " I've always denied my feelings for you as a crush and admiration until I really couldn't lie to me anymore..."
Gray sighed in response, "We we're both idiots huh..." She groaned, " We wasted years! We could've been together while we were still in Uni!"
Gray looked up at her, " Hey, we're together now and we've always loved each other without knowing so we're good." He shrugged and pecked her lips as she still had her pout on.
- " I'm a bit worried you...we are no more high school kids. We are popular now, successful stars in industry. And we're dating." Her voice dropped as she looked at him, " Going in public, was it a bad idea?"
- " Do you regret it?" He brushed away her hair, and she shook her head. "I'm just concerned about what it could do to our relationship...as much as I love my fans, when it's comes to their favorite celebrity's love life, they'd go crazy. Especially when two celebrities are dating. They don't see the fact that under the mask of popularity, it's two normal people with feelings and we can't really fault them." Her eyes started stinging as she stared at him. "I can't lose you, Gray."
He quickly reassured her pulling her in a tight hug. " You won't lose me." He pulled back slightly despite her pressure to stay like that. He stared into her eyes, " Didn't you say that I'm the most determined person you know?" A nod, "Juvia, I fight for what I want. " He lifted her chin up. " I'll always fight for you." He swore.
- " Promise?" Her tone was frail, and he smiled at her. " Promise. And you promise to fight for me?"
- " Always."
She brought a hand between them, holding up her little finger, He wrapped his around it and smiled when he saw their tattoos matching as their fingers locked together. Juvia dragged him to the tattoo parlor past midnight to get it in their half drunken states a few weeks ago. It was on the day of the success party of their first album together, Icy Waves. So they got themselves tattooed a drop of water on his finger and a snowflake on hers.
There's no ice without water and no water without ice. And Gray would be damned if he didn't keep that promise.
💧❄️ Happy Belated Gruvia day! ❄️💧
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nimedhel09 · 3 years
Fairy Tail headcanons - Romance (and sexuality) edition!
- Lucy had the biggest crush on Erza the first few months after she joined Fairy Tail, and noone but Levy knows (she is sworn to secrecy). She doesn't have one anymore, because well, she had been in a team with her for too long.
- Lucy has also had a crush on Levy, and they did kiss a few times, but that's it.
- She also had a one night stand with Cana when she became a Fairy Tail member. I mean, have you SEEN Cana?
- Elfman and Ever are definitely in a relationship, but Ever does not feel comfortable sharing this with anyone outside of her team. But she had to let Elfman tell his sisters, because he was very uncomfortable with hiding something this important to him from them. When he tells her that, Ever melts.
- Also, their relationship is very sweet. Elfman tries not to spew "Man" nonesense because he knows it annoys his girlfriend, but sometimes he also does it because she's cute when she puffs her cheeks in annoyance. He still does his "Manly" stuff in the guild, though, to keep up with his persona, while Ever acts like a prima donna, even though she's not really like that, actually. But, appearances, all that, you know.
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- Gray has never been really interested in love, romance, or anything like that. For a long time, he thought that he was abnormal because of that, but then, one day, Cana teased him about it and, because it was only the two of them, he asked her if something was wrong with him. Cana sobered up and told him that it's ok and no, nothing is wrong with Gray. That's how Gray discovered that he's aromantic.
- Juvia has a crush on Erza, but she has the hardest time confessing after what happened with Gray and her fear of being made fun of. But one night, she drinks a bit too much and begins to do away with her clothes, and Erza tries to help her get more comfortable without getting naked, and Juvia just blurts out her feelings and feels very embarrassed. She tries to flee, but Erza does not let her and leads her to a quiet corner where they can talk. Erza feels very honoured to be seen in such regard by Juvia, but she unfortunately does not feel that way.
- Laki hears the confession and since she gathered that Erza would not be interested, a few days later, she tells Juvia, conversationally, that if she's ever in need of someone in her life romantically, she's there. It takes a bit of time, but Juvia and Laki start dating. None of them makes fun of the other's weird way of talking, they get each other and are very happy.
- Lyon and Meredy start to date two years after Crime Sorcière is pardonned. They are very cute together.
- Laxus had a lot of internalized homophobia growing up, and took it out on everyone around him, which hurt Freed, who had always been openly gay (one more thing for his father to criticize and look down on). When he was excommunicated and had a lot of time to think about stuff, he slowly realized this, and the first thing he did when he saw Freed again (and they were alone, noone to see them or anything) was hug him and give him a very heartfelt apology. Freed of course had already forgiven him long ago and just basked in the rare show of affection (usually the team is the one to initiate the touches).
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- They start dating after the GMG and the dragon attack. But they don't tell anyone outside of the team, and they do not engage in PDA outside of Freed's usual antics. Their relationship in public does not change at all. But behind closed doors? Lots of cuddling and kisses. And Laxus is a secret romantic, but he's also a hopeless introvert that's very awkward.
- Mira is a lesbian. She was in love with Erza when they were younger (their rivalry was her way of showing her attention she would not give anyone in her weird way), and they did go out for a year or two in their teens, but Mira couldn't do it anymore when she lost Lisanna, so they parted. Nowadays, she sees everyone in the guild as family. She might or might not have a thing going on with Kagura.
- Jet and Droy are an item.
- Macao and Enno have been divorced for years, but Macao still loves her.
- Wakaba has a non-mage wife and a daughter called Juliet that's around the same age as Romeo (get it?).
- Wendy and Chelia. Enough said. They're way too cute together.
- I already talked about Roguerva. Rogue is non-binary, by the way, and Frosch is a girl, but they don't identify as either male or female, so there. And Minerva had a crush on Rogue since they joined the guild, but Jiemma, abuse, all that, so... yeah. It took a bit of time.
- Sting? Has the biggest crush on Yukino. Thinks he does not deserve a relationship with her after how he acted when she was at her lowest. And before that, just being a jerk and so very distant. He also thinks that his feeling are unrequited, because he's a big dumb dragonslayer. Yukino likes him. She's the one to ask him out and when she does, he flounders like a fool and it's very endearing. Rogue jokes about it for months (because of course they heard all the conversation and found it hilarious... Also a bit of payback for all the nonesense they have to deal with).
- Orga and Rufus, yeaaaah. Rufus is a supportive husband and pushes Orga to go take singing lessons. Everyone in the guild is thankful, as the lightning slayer's technique gets way better.
- Gajevy. You already know it. Did you know that Gajeel is a big softie? Also very awkward when it comes to mushy feelings and romance. But he's very cute and endearing about it. Also overprotective. Levy tolerates it because she knows it's his way to show her he loves her. Although it becomes unbearable during her pregnancy and she just explodes because hormones and Gajeel is very sorry and kind of panicks because he thinks that he's the cause of the small scares they had because he KNOWS he's stressed her out before she had enough and he feels sooooo guilty... And of course, Pantherlily has to smack the silliness out of him.
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- No romance with the Exceeds because I said so. Lily is too old for this, Charle/Carla is not interested, Frosch is a child, same with Lector (though he does not like that fact), and Happy... well, Happy likes Carla/Charle, but he's not interested like that. It's more of a cute childish crush. Again, because I said so.
- Gildarts is the biggest flirt (alongside Loke), but he's chilled out a lot since discovering he's a dad. He still will flirt here and there, but there aren't as many one night stands and all that. He's more interested in having a relationship with his amazing darling daughter.
- Cana? Pansexual. Also a flirt. She's very open about her sexuality and does not take any patriarchal bullshit about female sexuality. She will do who she wants to, when she wants to, and that's it. Gildarts is surprisingly supportive of that, but also a big papa bear that WILL protect his baby girl, so when she's in a relationship, yeah, the significant other knows not to play with Cana's heart. Cana, after the war, enters a relationship with Bacchus. Because he's fun and open like her and he's also a drunkard and she is kind of impressed by his alcohol tolerance (which is higher than hers). He's also very sweet when he's not being a goof.
- Natsu and Lisanna. But I already talked about it, didn't I? If you forgot: Natsu is asexual. And he loves Lisanna very much, and they're cute even if Natsu is hyper and can't focus and doesn't get most innuendos and stuff.
- Loke/Leo has those lion instincts, so one of them is having a pride, one of the reasons why he is such a flirt. But he's not really found anyone that clicks with him. He's not in a relationship with Aries, btw. Because they're more like very close friends, and Aries isn't interested in that kind of thing either. Karen was the master too many that turned her off completely.
- Zervis, as I said, does not exist in a romantic sense. Zeref was soo soo sooooo lonely, for hundreds of years, so, of course, the first time someone showed him any kindness, he latched onto them. And that someone was tiny Mavis. He had an unhealthy attachment to her, even more so when he realized she also was cursed. He thought that he could finally have someone that stayed by his side and that could understand his plight.
I'll leave it here, but if anyone is interested in more romantic headcanons, please do leave a comment with your requests or questions (or asks, but I don't know if I have them active or what, lol, I'm so not used to this site). I'll be happy to answer (as long as it's nothing problematic or that I will not accept in any way, shape or form, like Stingue, they're brothers, ok?)
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jekde04 · 3 years
Hide and Seek
For Gruvia Week 2021: Day 3 - Discovery
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 4
Pairing: Gruvia (Gray Fullbuster & Juvia Lockser) Fandom: Fairy Tail Genre: Romance/Humor Word Count: 4,424 words Summary: It was safe to say that this wasn't the way Gray envisioned revealing their relationship to anyone. You may also read it on FanFiction.net and AO3! Check out my master list for other Gruvia fics.
The smell of curry wafted through his bedroom before he heard her call his name.
"Gray-sama! Lunch is ready!"
Really, he would have been happy with a couple of caramade franks delivered to his doorstep. But Juvia would hear none of it, saying he ought to eat healthier homecooked meals whenever he could—an indirect way of telling him that she would cook for him every chance she got. And even though Gray protested that Juvia was unnecessarily tiring herself out, she was the type of person who would go through all the trouble to make him happy. Even if that meant cooking a full meal of his favorite food the day after she just got back from a week-long mission.
Clad only in his boxers, Gray got up from his bed and made his way to his apartment's dining area. It wasn't much, just a square wooden table large enough to seat two people (or four, if you cramp them in). He watched as Juvia—wearing only his shirt that looked too large on her delicate frame—prepared the table, making sure to put extra curry sauce over his rice like she knew he loved.
Juvia moved her chair to the corner of the table so that she was sitting next to him, their arms and knees touching.
"Tsk! Why are you sitting so far from me?" Gray grumbled, pretending to be annoyed.
Juvia glanced at him, confusion evident on her face. "What is Gray-sama talking about? Juvia is almost on your lap." Even so, she moved closer to him so that they were almost squished together.
"But you're not."
With a mischievous smile playing on his lips, Gray picked Juvia up like a plushie and sat her on his lap. She shrieked and instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Now that's better," he grinned, one arm around her waist and another across her lap, his fingers palming her exposed guild mark.
"Gray-sama!" Juvia scolded him, a healthy shade of pink blooming on her pale cheeks. "Juvia and Gray-sama should be eating. We already skipped breakfast!"
"So?" He ignored her weak protests as he tightened his hold on her waist and buried his head at the crook of her neck, leaving a wet kiss just below her ear. He could feel her fingers gripping the hair on his nape as he trailed kisses down her neck.
It was supposed to be a plea to let her go, but it came out huskier than Juvia intended, causing a tightness in Gray's boxers. With all the energy she could muster, Juvia pushed him away and cradled his head between her hands so that she could look him in the eyes.
"Gray-sama needs to eat so he can have more energy—" she kissed him on the lips—"to satisfy Juvia." She sported a sweet, innocent smile, but there was an unmistakably playful glint in her eyes.
Gray smirked. "Am I not satisfying you, huh?" He kissed her hard before she could even answer, and Juvia tried her best not to melt into a puddle right then and there.
"You are," Juvia said between kisses. "But Gray-sama and Juvia need to eat. Our last meal was last night."
"But I only want to eat you," Gray whispered as he nibbled at her ear, his hand sliding dangerously between her legs. Juvia tried to protest, but her voice came out so weak as Gray trailed kisses on her cheek and covered her mouth with his.
A couple of knocks made both of them jump.
"Are you expecting someone, Gray-sama?" Juvia asked, finally getting a chance to pull away, but not enough to completely escape.
"No," Gray mumbled. He couldn't care less as he continued planting wet kisses on Juvia's cheeks, down to her jaws and neck. If he ignored whoever was at the door, that person would surely go away.
A louder set of knocks pounded on his door.
Collecting as much willpower as she could possibly get (given that Gray was practically lapping her up like a cold popsicle on a blazing hot day), Juvia hopped off Gray's lap and straightened herself.
"Gray-sama should answer that."
"C'mon, Juvs," Gray whined, hating how she was suddenly out of his reach. He tried grabbing her wrist, but she quickly pulled her hands to her chest and pointed towards the door. He felt the urge to punch whoever was on the other side.
That bastard won't even know what's coming.
Sighing, Gray started to make his way towards the door when a barrage of knocks once again threatened to take his door off the hinges. It was followed by a voice that sent a chill down his spine.
"Open up, Fullbuster!"
It only took a second for Juvia to recognize the familiar voice and cover her mouth with her hands.
"Erza-san? What's she doing here?"
"How would I know? I told her I was sick!" Gray said, careful not to raise his voice. Not only did he lie to Erza and his whole team so that he could skip their mission—he did it so he could spend time with Juvia, his secret girlfriend for about a month now. After all, she just got back from a mission herself, and they had barely spent three full days with each other since they got together as they were whisked away to mission after mission—he with Team Natsu and she with Gajeel and Lily.
For goodness' sake, they deserved their 'alone time' together. And by that, he meant getting away from the prying eyes of his guildmates.
It wasn't like anyone would be disappointed to learn that he and Juvia were going out. In fact, he was quite sure he would have to endure merciless teasing from pretty much everyone in the guild for at least a couple of weeks when they found out about them.
It was just that with Juvia right here—in his home, wearing only his shirt and her skimpy lacy panties that barely covered her bum—it was safe to say that this wasn't the way he envisioned revealing their relationship to anyone.
"Gray! We brought food." It was Lucy this time.
He took a deep breath. Okay, you just have to show them you're fine and they'll leave you alone. Turning to Juvia, he said, "Hide. In my room. Now."
Juvia nodded and noiselessly scurried off to Gray's room. Though hiding their relationship for the meantime was more of Gray's idea than hers, she definitely didn't want to reveal it by getting caught half-naked in his apartment.
Another series of pounding brought Gray's attention back to his front door. "Gray, I swear if you don't open this right now, I will—"
Gray opened the door and came face to face with a worried Lucy and a frowning Erza, both carrying huge brown paper bags brimming with snacks and fruits.
"Thanks for visiting, but I'm fine. You can go," Gray said in a flat tone. Well, if he wanted to continue his make-out session with his girlfriend, he better get down to business right away and cut his friends' visit as short as possible.
"Hello to you, too," Erza answered the cranky ice mage. Without being invited in, she sidestepped Gray and walked straight to the kitchen, setting down the paper bag she was carrying. Lucy followed, muttering, "Geez, thanks for the warm welcome," and started taking out the food they brought with them.
"Seriously, what are you two doing here?" he asked as he followed them into the kitchen.
"We're being good friends, dummy," Lucy answered him. "You're sick, so we thought we'd make sure you're okay."
"Well, I'm okay. You didn't have to go out of your way for this."
"And just let you starve to death?" Erza asked. Everyone knew Gray couldn't cook an egg to save his life. She found a box of medicines in the grocery bag and tossed it to Gray.
"That doesn't seem to be the case, though," Lucy quipped, her hand holding a barely eaten bowl of curry. "Someone must have already stopped over to cook for Gray."
Gray gulped and tried his best to keep a straight face.
"You know, this tastes like the curry Juvia cooks for us in Fairy Hills," Erza remarked after tasting the dish, a crease forming on her brows.
Oh no, Gray thought. How did Juvia's name come up all of a sudden? And how the hell would he steer the conversation around? His mind drew up a blank, fixated on the fact that Juvia was just a few feet away from being found and he couldn't do a single thing about it.
"Did Juvia drop by this morning to bring you food, Gray?" Lucy asked in a teasing tone, a naughty glint in her eyes.
"Y-yes! Yes, that's what she did!" Gray answered, a little too eagerly. "And then she left right away. For a mission. For three days. Yeah, that's it. She won't be back for three days." Mentally, he thanked Lucy for giving him that perfectly plausible scenario.
"Really? I'm surprised she didn't insist on taking care of you," Erza said. Gray smirked as he remembered all the ways Juvia took care of him since last night.
"Yeah, that's so unlike Juvia, isn't it?" Lucy said, her hand cradling her chin like she was deep in thought. Her eyes shot up to Gray, making beads of sweat form on his forehead. "Are you sure you're not hiding her in your apartment?"
"W-what?!" A furious blush adorned Gray's cheeks. "Why would you think that?!"
He must have looked so exasperated as both girls broke into a fit of laughs.
"I'm just kidding, Gray. You're so fun to tease," Lucy said, while Erza placed her hand on his forehead and said, "I think your fever shot up again."
"Sh-shut up," Gray said, swatting Erza's hand and reverting to his usual poker face. He took a seat and grabbed one of the plates, taking a mouthful of rice in his mouth. Now that Juvia wasn't within arm's reach, he was starting to feel hungry. After all, it had been more than 12 hours since he last ate.
And Juvia, too.
"Look, I'm grateful for all your help, but I'd really like to be alone and rest," he said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "I can totally handle myself."
"Aww, don't be like that! We were just teasing you," Lucy said as she sat next to him. She took the other plate of curry and started eating. "This is really good! I haven't tasted Juvia's curry before."
Noticing that Lucy was eating Juvia's share, Gray blurted, "Don't eat that!"
Lucy just rolled her eyes. "Chill lover boy, there's more than enough here for everyone."
"Can't believe you're not just overprotective of Juvia. You're also super protective of her food," Erza taunted as she got her own plate and started putting food on it.
Gray sighed. What should I do to make these two leave?
"Yeah, you're all protective but you're not doing anything about it. Juvia is a patient girl, but you never know when she'd get tired of waiting for you."
"Might be soon." Gray glowered at Erza, but she ignored him and added, "Mira saw her giggling and blushing at her lacrima several times while we were on a mission."
"Come to think of it, you're sick, yet she left on a three-day mission?" Lucy surmised and Erza nodded. "Perhaps she already found someone who would actually appreciate her."
Gray balled his fists under the table. Even though his friends had no idea that he was actually the one Juvia was talking to via lacrima during their mission, he couldn't help but feel a bit mad that they would think Juvia's affections would sway that easily.
"Juvia would never betray me," he snapped before he could even think.
"Betray you?" Lucy raised her eyebrows.
"Why would you call it betrayal? Is she your girlfriend?" Erza narrowed her eyes at him.
"Juvia's not my girlfriend! I don't care about her!" Gray blurted.
It was really more out of impulse than anything else, but he immediately regretted his words when he heard a loud crash from his bedroom.
"What was that?" Erza asked, a sword suddenly materializing in her hand. Lucy grabbed her keys, and both girls stood up and went to the direction of Gray's bedroom.
Oh, fuck.
Gray jumped in front of the two girls with outstretched arms, blocking their way. "Calm down! I'll go check it."
"No, you stay here," Erza said in that no-nonsense tone that would have normally made Gray freeze on the spot, if Juvia's life (and their secret relationship) weren't on the line. He grabbed her arm.
"That's my bedroom, okay? I'll check and you'll both stay here."
It all happened so fast. One moment he was holding onto Erza's arm, and the next thing he knew, she had escaped from his grasp and was heading towards his bedroom just as Lucy turned the knob...
"Gotcha!" Lucy yelled as she barged into Gray's bedroom, the requip mage right behind her. Erza's eyes darted from the bed to the closet to the tightly shut windows, like a predator looking for its prey. Lucy pulled back his messy sheets and opened his cabinet with a vigor that he seldom saw in the woman. Why does she look so excited?
There was no trace of any living creature anywhere.
A wave of relief washed over Gray when the two women stopped rummaging around his room. Still, he couldn't shake off his worry as he thought of his girlfriend. Did she just manage to hide so well? Or was she attacked? Just the thought of someone laying a hand on Juvia made his stomach turn to knots.
"How could this fall for no reason?" Lucy wondered aloud as she picked up the intact plastic lamp on the floor right beside the bed. She also sneaked a peek under the bed, making Gray's heart thump loudly. But the frown on her face as she got up made it clear that she didn't find anyone there, either.
Sighing loudly, Gray said, "Alright, show's over. No one's here, so get out of my room and let me fix some stuff here." Erza and Lucy exchanged quick glances but didn't resist when Gray pushed them out of his room and slammed the door.
Alone at last, his eyes swept across his disheveled room. "Juvia, where are you?"
"In here, Gray-sama."
A small puddle leaked from under his bed, materializing into Juvia's body. She's safe. He pulled her up towards him.
"Great thinking. I really thought they're gonna catch us. Are you hurt?" Gray asked as he inspected her body. She didn't seem hurt or anything.
"Juvia's okay. She was just caught off guard so she accidentally toppled your bedside lamp." She smiled, but one look at her despondent eyes showed that it wasn't as simple as that. Something was bothering her.
"Was it... because of what I said?"
Honestly, Gray didn't mean anything by it. Saying that Juvia wasn't his girlfriend and that he didn't care for her that way had always been his default defense whenever he was being teased about her. And now it became a habit that wasn't easy to shake off.
When she didn't answer, he sighed. "Come on, you know what I said wasn't true. I just said those things to get them off my back." He captured her hands in his. "I'm sorry."
Smiling at him, she replied, "Juvia understands. Gray-sama should go outside, or Erza-san and Lucy-san would get suspicious."
She still had that forlorn look on her face, which reminded him of how much convincing he had to do when he first bared his feelings for her.
"Juvia's sorry for doubting you, Gray-sama. It's just that he has denied Juvia's love for so long that she finds this all hard to believe. What if she wakes up one day and realizes this isn't real?"
That was when he realized that even though Juvia took his rejections in stride, his words still cut her. He then promised himself to treat her better, not just in actions but also in words.
Even if she was the only one who heard it. She was the only one that mattered, anyway.
Gray moved his hands to her cheeks, cradling her face as they locked eyes. "Hey, you know me, right? You know how I really feel about you?"
Juvia nodded, but he knew the doubts still lingered.
"I love you, Juvia."
And even though he had lost count of how many times he already told her that, her eyes still shone with the same sparkle they had back when she heard those words for the first time.
"Juvia loves you too, Gray-sama."
He gave her a gentle kiss, which would have been perfect and magical were it not for a low grumble coming from Juvia's stomach. She giggled. "Sorry. Juvia's starving."
Gray opened his drawer and handed her a couple of candies. "It's the only edible thing I have here now, but I promise I'll make them leave right away so we can eat together, alright? Just stay quiet." He stole another quick kiss from his girl before he left, careful not to open the door too much.
He found Erza and Lucy huddled together on his couch, keeping their voices low as they talked. When the celestial mage noticed him approaching, she cleared her throat and said, "Hey Gray, are you feeling better already?" She walked towards him and caught his face between her hands, turning his head whichever way and inspecting his body as if looking for some wound or scratch or something.
That was weird alright, but he decided to shrug it off and just focus on the task at hand: kick his annoying friends out of his house.
"I'm good. Get off me," he answered, swatting her hands away. Moving right between the two girls, he draped his arms over their shoulders. "You know, I really appreciate your concern over me, but I can handle myself." He started pushing them towards the door. "I really, really, really want to rest a bit more though—" just a few more steps and he could already reach his front door—"so please leave."
Just when he was about to open the door, the redhead spun around and glared at him. "Hold it. Why are you so anxious to kick us out of your house?"
He froze. "W-well, I told you I'm okay already..."
"Are you sure?" Lucy said, facing him as well. She placed her hand on his forehead and pulled back immediately. "You're burning up!"
"No, I'm not."
He couldn't understand why they kept walking closer and closer to him with an excited look in their eyes. Taking huge steps back until he was almost right outside his bedroom door, he felt like a small kitty getting cornered by two hyenas.
Two crazy, vicious hyenas.
"Perhaps we could give you a sponge bath?" Lucy purred.
"Oh yes, just like when we were kids. I'm sure it'll make you feel all better," Erza added.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?!"
Before Gray could make a run for it, his bedroom door slammed open and a furious Juvia swooshed past him, pinning the two women to the opposite wall.
But instead of getting scared by the dark aura coming from the water mage, Lucy clapped her hands and let out a delighted squeal. Erza, on the other hand, looked like she had saucers for eyes as she stared right back at the girl glaring daggers at them.
"I knew it!" Lucy yelled. She pointed to Juvia, then Gray. "You two..."
"So, the rumors are true..." Erza muttered to herself, still not believing what she was seeing.
Gray sighed. There was no use hiding things now. And he better do something before his girlfriend water slices two of his best friends.
"Alright, fine." He walked towards them and pried Juvia away from the two girls. "Juvia and I, we're together. Happy?"
That seemed to snap Juvia out of her jealous rage as her head whipped towards Gray. "Gray-sama?"
Lucy let out another squeal, cheeks pink with giddiness. "It's about time! But—" She punched Gray's bare arm.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"You didn't ask! It's not like I can just blurt it out in the middle of a conversation!"
"Of course you can!" Another punch. "How can you hide this huge thing from us? If Natsu hadn't told us, we wouldn't even know!"
"Natsu-san?" Juvia asked. "Did Gray-sama tell Natsu-san about us? Gray-sama told Juvia not to tell Gajeel-kun," she pouted.
"I didn't tell him, I swear! Why the hell would I tell that idiot about us?"
"Natsu overheard you talking to Juvia on your lacrima," Erza explained as she straightened her blouse and skirt. "Believe it or not, he was able to put two and two together and figure out that you two were dating."
She then narrowed her eyes at Gray. "And of course, it helped that he heard everything, Gray."
Juvia turned a bright tomato red, her hands flying to cover her mouth. Gray blushed, remembering the nights he spent during their last mission sneaking out of his and Natsu's tent, calling Juvia in secret just to ask her how she was doing. His flush deepened as he also remembered the not-so-innocent conversations he shared with Juvia when he thought everyone was asleep.
Damn that dragon slayer's hearing!
"There's just one thing I want to know," Erza said in her serious tone, which made both Gray and Juvia straighten. She cleared her throat. "Juvia... Gray didn't... forcefully take your flower, right?"
Gray, Juvia, and Lucy all turned as red as Erza's hair. Even Erza looked like she wanted to withdraw her very suggestive question as she couldn't stop the blood rushing to her face.
"Do you really have to ask, Erza?" Lucy whispered, her eyes fixed intently on the floor, finding it interesting all of a sudden. "I mean, just look at them..."
Gray gave out an indignant "Hey!" while Juvia literally had steam come out of her ears as she tried to cover her burning face with her hands. Thankfully, she had the presence of mind to wear Gray's boxers before storming out of his room, although Gray wasn't sure that the sight of them—him wearing only his boxers and Juvia wearing his clothes and not hers—could salvage their situation.
"W-well, o-of course I had to ask!" Erza reasoned amid her embarrassment. "I know I taught Gray how to respect women, but if he took advantage of Juvia in any way, I would—"
"Calm down, Erza-san," Juvia said, regaining her composure as she touched the requip mage's arm to try to diffuse the sinister aura starting to emanate from her. "Juvia swears that Gray-sama has been nothing but a gentleman to Juvia."
"Yeah, how could you even think I would take advantage of Juvia?" Gray asked, slightly offended. "We're both consenting adults and we know what we're doing!"
"And I am glad to know that." Erza firmly patted Gray's back, and he thought he was going to cough up blood from the impact.
"So..." Lucy teased, poking Juvia's cheek and smirking. "You two are doing it, huh? You owe us details on our next sleepover, Juvia!"
"Lucy-san!" an embarrassed Juvia exclaimed, once again burying her scarlet face in her hands. Lucy laughed, mumbling something about finally not being falsely accused of being a love rival anymore.
Now that everything was out in the open, Gray cleared his throat and hollered, "Okay, now that we're all good, can you leave us alone now?" He escorted the two girls towards the door once again, and this time, they complied without any protests, finally leaving the couple to their much-awaited alone time.
Gray slumped on his couch. "I'm sorry about all that, Juvia."
"It's not your fault, Gray-sama," Juvia said as she sat beside him and rested her head on his outstretched arms, Gray instinctively pulling her closer. "The whole guild would most likely know about Gray-sama and Juvia before this day ends."
Juvia sneaked a peek at Gray. "Is Gray-sama okay with that?"
"Well, it's bound to come out sooner or later, right?" Gray answered nonchalantly.
"Juvia is sorry."
Gray looked at his girlfriend, surprised to see her looking a bit down, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "Why?"
He barely caught what she whispered. "Juvia knows Gray-sama doesn't want anyone to know."
And then, it hit him.
Taking her hand in his, he lifted her chin with his other hand so that she could look at him. "Did you seriously think I'd keep you a secret forever?"
When she didn't reply, he continued. "It's not that I didn't want anyone to know. I just didn't want to make a big deal out of it, announcing it and everything. I thought it would come out naturally, like people would just notice. And I certainly didn't want them to find out this way," he said as he gestured towards their half-naked forms.
Juvia giggled. "Gray-sama probably should not have called Juvia during his mission."
"As if you won't call me," he smirked.
"Juvia just didn't want Gray-sama to miss her too much," Juvia said as she nuzzled closer to him.
"Is that so? But I clearly remember a certain someone jumping into my arms the moment she saw me and telling me how much she missed me."
"And she definitely heard a certain someone say that he missed her, too," Juvia retorted, eyes gleaming at him. "He couldn't even get his hands off Juvia..."
Juvia shut him up by pressing her lips on his for a long, loving kiss. When they finally went up for air, Gray whispered, "How about we continue where we left off earlier?"
"You mean our late lunch?" Juvia asked innocently.
"Not hungry." But just as Gray said that, his stomach grumbled.
"Oh, really?" Juvia cocked her eyebrows. "Come on, Juvia's hungry, too." With that, she dragged him towards the kitchen, leaving no room for complaints.
Gray let Juvia lead the way, watching her hair flowing down her back like soft ocean waves, all the way down to her long, flawless legs. He smiled.
"Alright. But I'm having you for dessert."
A/N: This came out WAY later than I expected. It was one of those stories that started out really good in my head, but the actual writing process turned out to be a pain in the neck. Now I'm just embarrassed to tag this as Gruvia Week 2021 because I'm more than a month late, lol. But I still would because I'm shameless like that, haha.
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Love Languages: Quality Dwellers Pt 2
Last part guys! If I missed anyone you would like me to add please feel free to send an ask! This was a fun series! 
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This guy loves doing everything with you! Just loves the idea that you accept him and want him around! He shows his love the best by just hanging around and wanting to experience and see everything you see!
Will be pretty stalkerish (think Juvia Lockser-) at first until you approach him and let him know he can be more open and follow you around without hiding about-
He will lose his mind when you go out of your way to spend time with him! And will go even more crazy if you plan a whole day together! Once you mention one word of being down or upset the man has like your whole schedule shut down and you two will do so many fun things together!
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Due to his chill nature he enjoys the simple things in life and doesn’t really care much about materialistic behaviors or extreme shows of emotions. Just help him clean up the medical office on the ship or go shopping for supplies with him and the man will be drawn to you.
He likes to talk to you as you guys do things together and loves to learn new things about you and your opinions on philosophical aspects of life. Also loves to have fun debates with you and play some minor jokes!
I can also see him wanting to play games or group activities with you; he just likes the bonding experience and seeing your reactions to winning/losing!
Bartholomew Kuma
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Such a good baby ugh-!
He’s a quiet guy who enjoys just being in your presence. He doesn’t like to use his words unless he must and he really doesn’t give me the action/doer role either; he just really likes being near you and seeing you, well being you!
He’s an observer so he loves to watch you do your own thing and see what you might create in your own little word. Whether it be painting, singing, writing or whatever hobbies you do he just finds it fascinating to watch your face concentrate and look determined. 
Will suggest you guys go out for a walk into nature or spend time together when you are feeling down; if being with you helps lighten his day than maybe the same works for you too? If not, he will try to find other ways to let you know how much he cares for you!
Nico Robin
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Our archeologist loves to relax together after a crazy day of being with the Strawhats! Whether you two are reading or just talking about your guy’s day she finds the downtime you two share the best moments of your relationship! 
She wants to know more about you and uses this time to learn about the things you like and dislike. She knows that at times she is not the best girlfriend/s/o, but she tries and wants to use this time to show you just how much you matter to her!
It might seem like she is just harassing you for questions; but again she just wants to make sure she remembers every detail you mention so when the timing is right she can bring those details to life for you!
Vinsmoke Reiju
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Another quiet babe who tries her best to be a good girlfriend! She didn’t have the best example of what a couple should be like growing up so she sometimes struggles with other forms of communicating her love; but she does know she likes to be with you; and maybe that alone can show you just how much you mean to her!
She finds it rather cute when you request her attention and she can’t deny she doesn’t want to give it to you; she should be the one requesting it! 
Will do whatever you ask or want to do! She doesn’t care how silly or lame others might think it is, if you want to do it, she’s going to do it too!
Just loves seeing the smile on your face and seeing your eyes light up and wants to see every moment she can!
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Due to her past as being a slave it takes a lot for Koala to trust her s/o and show her love for them as well. I can see her as both this and acts of service (on the giving end rather than receiving). Koala doesn’t do well with her words nor her actions when it comes to expressing her love, she also views gift giving to be superficial again due to her slave background.
Time is something that isn’t tangible as well as something that isn’t forced upon someone. It’s something Koala can be in control of and have that control to give or take. It’s reassuring for her that she can enter or leave the situation as she sees fit.
She does enjoy your time together however, but she can’t help but find herself using old coping skills in order to manage these strong emotions; she loves you, she just needs your help in order to show that love!
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Believe it or not I see Viola as a quality time girl rather than a physical affection girl. My reasoning comes from her relationship with Dolfamingo. We know Oda said they were “very close” and he didn’t want to go into detail, but I feel this closeness was for survival rather than by choice if that makes sense-?
I think that her relationships now will be much different because the physical love that was forced on her in that relationship has led her to have some trauma towards physical affection. I just want to say to this is just my opinion and I have no idea what anyone’s love languages are I am just basing them on how I see them-
Anyway- she sees quality time as something more harmless? Similar to Koala it’s something that she can control; this gives her that comfort she needs that both parties are in a equal field of power, no one can overpower her. Another girl you are going to have to work for, as in to help her bring her guard down due to trauma!
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sin-of-jess · 4 years
Could we please get some relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia and Mirajane?
Ahh my first headcanon!  I am so excited and hope I do it justice!
-Now Erza can be a bit complicated.
-That’s not to say she’s a bad girlfriend, she’s just more effort than others.
-First off she’s very work driven.  She takes work serious and can get caught up in doing jobs back to back.  If you don’t need a whole lot of attention then you’re fine, but if you feel neglected tell her!  She’s very understanding and will take your words to heart, so don’t feel afraid of telling her how you feel!
-She absolutely loves taking jobs with you!!  She’ll rush over to you with a flyer, eyes sparkling while exclaiming how the job would be perfect for the two of you!  She’s very defensive of you, and no matter how powerful you are she’ll always focus on protecting you rather than outright beating the main bad guy.
-Her love language comes in the form of gifts!  Your eyes linger on something in a shop?  Expect to have it within the week.  Have a favorite book series?  She’ll get her hands on the newest book before you can even think of it.
-Her idea of a dream date is a romantic picnic.  Surprise her with a blanket and a picnic basket full of sweets(Okay specifically cake) and she’ll spend the entire date blushing and grinning ear to ear.
-She’s not particularly into PDA, but when you’re alone it’s a whole different story.  She isn’t used to love and affection from loved ones, so be the big spoon and cradle this poor woman!  She may not say it, but she enjoys your warmth and your kisses make her smile!
-If you’re interested in an overly attentive girlfriend, then you’ve picked the right one!  It can be a great benefit, since she picks up on things really fast.
-Having a bad day?  She’ll catch on fast and make an effort to improve your mood.  She’ll learn what helps you and cheering you up becomes her soul goal.
-Though there is downsides to her watchful eye.  Keyword: Jealousy.  If she sees you talking with someone she sees as a possible threat, she nearly cracks her teeth from grinding.  She’ll grab onto you and make a big show to pull you away while glaring daggers into the other person.  It can honestly be a little embarrassing at times.
-Shes heavily loyal though, and you won’t find a bigger hype woman than her!
-Her love language is intricate in the sense that there’s many levels to it.  
-She’s obviously very physically affectionate.  She loves waking you up with kisses on your face, clinging onto your arm as you two walk together, and to curl up against you at night.  
-She’ll also verbally express her love often!  Says I love you all the time, compliments everything you do, and so on.
-In all she’s a lot to handle when dating her, but if you can handle it it’s really worth it!
-I think she’s the picture perfect sweetheart of a girlfriend.
-Maybe it’s my absolute love for her, but I picture her to be the perfect girlfriend out of all of Fairy Tail’s women.
-She’s one to pick up on your feelings quickly, and she always seems to know how to remedy any problem you may be facing.
-Expect her to have a cup of your favorite drink and a treat by the time you reach the counter, cause the second you step in the guild she’s rushing to prepare it for you!
-She loves giving pet names, and unless they embarrass you to the point you’re upset, be prepared to hear even the most obscure names.
-”How has your day been my sweet pancake?”  Uh oKaY?!
-She’s dedicated to her siblings, so expect to have dinner together with them often.  She just wants to spend time together with everyone she loves!  Whether or not they like you is a make it or break it in her eyes.
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gruviafan-forever · 3 years
When Gray had reported the drone issues to Erza and Mr Dreyar, the agency was in fix about who could be going to this extent to know about one of their actor's personal lives.
"Looks like there are still some reporters who believe that photos stuff,"
Makarov said while rubbing his forehead.
"But Master didn't we announce it's just a hoax that should have calmed everyone down" Erza reasoned.
"That's not the case, Erza. It's more like these people are working to uncover Gray's secret and create some scandalous sensations" 
Makarov said and tried calling his grandson, Laxus Dreyar who works in the police department.
After informing Laxus, Makarov seemed to have calmed down. That's when Erza informed Gray's decision to unravel his marriage.
"It's high time. However, it's a good decision" Makarov said with a smile.
He knew how hard Gray has worked for these four years to shape his career.
"Let's hope it goes accordingly. Tell Mr Jason to come and meet me. He needs to prepare an article about this and publish it the very next day of the award function on Sorceress Weekly. Also, I need to talk with Gray tomorrow, do inform him, Erza" Makarov informed.
"Yes Master," Erza said with a smile.
Gray got ready for the upcoming event and told her he could come late at night so that they don't wait for him for dinner.
"Yes, Gray-sama. Today I was planning to take Yuki to the park so that she could play with kids of her age. But after what happened yesterday, I decided not to," Juvia said and was adjusting Gray's coat.
Gray began to ponder before he spoke again, "I know it's not right to keep her inside the house and deny her playing freedom. But the situation calls for it, we have to bear for a few more days, Juvia."
He said confidently and kissed her forehead.
It was still 9 AM and Yuki was still fast asleep. So the couple had time for themselves to enjoy their company.
"Sure Gray-sama. You take care. Don't go getting rigid suddenly. Be smiling and welcome your fans warmly. It's because of them you have gained this popularity, remember that Gray-sama."
Juvia lectured her husband like every time any event comes up.
"Yes, madam"
Gray rolled his eyes and smiled at the end. At times, she treated him like a child which he secretly liked.
"Good boy, now get going. I have a lot of chores to do today. If possible, can we go to the supermarket? They're few things which we need to purchase." Juvia consulted him.
Gray agreed and told them to be wary of their surroundings.
"Don't let Yuki wander off on her own. She's such a ball of energy. I know she is a bit difficult to control but look after her. I will take my leave, bye, wifey."
Gray leaned forward to kiss her lips and got one in return.
After bidding bye to her husband, Juvia got freshened up to kick start her day before her daughter woke up.
Soon Gray reached the mentioned location, he was escorted by his manager through the back exit.
"Good morning, Erza"
"Happy morning, Gray. How's Juvia and Yuki doing?"
"Oh, they are doing great. Did Mr Dreyar say anything about the issue?" Gray questioned her.
"Yeah… he wants to meet you after this event. So get ready for that."
Erza informed them and soon they reached the main cabin where every celebrity under the Fairy Tail banner was present.
They greeted each other before Gray went to his friend, Natsu Dragneel and his girlfriend, Lucy Heartfilia.
They bumped their fist and the first thing Natsu asked about was Yuki and Juvia.
Almost every single member of Fairy Tail knew about him so it was not a piece of surprise news for them.
"They are good. Juvia's been calling you two for dinner. Why don't you come by one day? And you too, Erza. Come with your boyfriend."
Gray teased the red-haired woman who had the courtesy to blush on hearing about her love interest.
"Sure, we will come by, once we get to enjoy some free time,"
Natsu said and Lucy nodded in agreement.
That's when Gajeel decided to enter their group. It had been three years since he joined Fairy Tail after his Phantom Band got disbanded.
It was Juvia who proposed Gajeel join this big agency. Gray had spoken about this to Mr Dreyar on his girlfriend's insistence.
Mr Dreyar readily agreed after seeing his performance, ever since, then, Gajeel had been performing for this agency. 
His popularity soared after his debut. Gajeel was very much grateful to both Gray and Juvia.
Gajeel had insisted Juvia continue being his lyricist but she denied it as the agency had appointed their best Lyricist, Levy McGarden to aid her best friend.
Juvia knew Gajeel was smitten by her and didn't have the heart to the third wheel behind them.
Moreover, things happened which made her quit the part-time job which she was doing.
"Yo guys, it's been a long since I saw you all in existence. How's everything going on?"
Gajeel greeted and began with the conversation.
Gray greeted him back and soon everyone started to discuss the event and its aftermath.
It had been a month since Gray and Juvia had levelled up their relationship.
Gray's first tv drama shooting has been wrapped up. In a few more episodes, the drama reaches its conclusion.
For now, Gray enjoyed his free time before the shooting for the next drama commences.
The last two days were hectic for both of them as the agency had ordered Gray to move out of that lodging apartment to other high society flats which they had arranged for him.
This move was taken to avoid fans and reporters gathering around his place and prevented them from invading his privacy.
Juvia was sad hearing this news as now she will be left alone in his apartment.
Even her best friend had moved out to give privacy to her and Gray, same was the case with Gray, Natsu had moved out a couple of months as soon as he signed up for his first tv series.
Juvia tried to remain bold and not to tear up but nothing could get past Gray's eyes.
Gray pouted, she was not paying attention to him and was just staring blankly at his shirt.
To remove her from trance, Gray hugged her from behind which startled her.
"Oi!! What's with the long face? I have never seen you thinking like this. Are you perhaps trying to ditch me?" Gray teased her and kissed her neck.
Juvia turned around and hit his chest, "Don't joke like that. You know how much I love you. Stupid Gray"
Juvia sounded serious especially when he heard her calling him 'Gray'.
She never called him by name without a suffix. That's when he noticed she was crying.
Gray began to fidget and cupped her face, "Hey dear, what happened? Why are you crying?" He asked her worriedly.
Juvia began to wipe her tears off but it never stopped until she told him the reason.
"I feel we will stay apart, Gray-sama, emotionally too. I'm scared that I will be left all alone once again in my life. Of course, I'm being clingy on you but I couldn't help it."
She conveyed her feelings and hugged her lover tightly.
Gray felt happy that she opened up her fear. Even he didn't want to move away from her and from the morning was thinking of asking her to move in with me as his fiancee.
Yes, Gray wanted to marry her and have a lovely life with her. He knew from these 7 months of dating, that she was born for him and he for her.
He was going to propose to her tonight but it looks like the plan needs to be executed at the moment to make her feel assured of their relationship.
"Juvia, I.." 
Before Gray could say anything, Juvia fell unconscious in his arms. He tried to wake her up but it was futile.
He carried her to the bedroom and went out to call a doctor from a nearby clinic.
Once the doctor had come and checked her up, Gray felt relief that she was alright and nothing to worry about except...
"WHAT??" Gray shrieked.
"Yes, Mr Fullbuster. Your girlfriend is pregnant. Congratulations, once Juvia wakes up, give her the medicine and go and visit the gynaecologist, they will guide you from there."
The doctor left him after advising him how to take care of a pregnant woman.
Gray couldn't believe what was happening at the moment. He had mixtures of thoughts and emotions.
But predominantly, it was happiness. He is going to be a father, that too really soon. He was going to lead a happy life with his beloved.
Soon, he was going to have a family which he and Juvia were denied from starting, this brought him happy tears and thanked the Gods for such a second chance.
Now all he hoped for was Juvia to feel the same as him.
After 30 minutes, Juvia woke up from her sleep, the first thing she saw was Gray resting beside her.
Juvia smiled at him and ruffled his hairs and that's when she noticed the ring on her finger. 
She couldn't believe her eyes and closed her mouth with her palms to avoid shouting.
Slowly, Gray woke up and saw his girlfriend's surprised expression which brought a smile to his face.
"Well, calm down, Juvia" 
Hearing his voice, Juvia pulled him into a hug and shouted 'yes'.
Gray chuckled, " I didn't even ask you yet"
Juvia began rubbing her face against his and kissed his forehead,
"I will marry you, Gray-sama."
Gray kissed her lips, "I was actually planning to do it tonight after dinner but here, I'm asking you 'Will you marry me?' "
"1000 times Yes… I'm waiting to live my life with you, Gray-sama…"
"So do I, dear"
Gray kissed her again.
Once their adrenaline has calmed down, Gray slowly broke the news.
"You know what, I found out something. Can you take a guess?"
Gray asked her while squeezing her palms.
Juvia wondered what it could be and accepted her defeat. Now she was curious what this could be.
"We are going to be parents. You are pregnant, Juvia. You are gonna be mama and I'm gonna be papa."
He said with a big smile and kissed her palm.
Then, he told her everything from the moment she fainted to till doctors departure.
Juvia was shedding happy tears and caressing her flat tummy for now. She was going to be a mother, she was going to have her own family now which she longed for since her childhood.
"Are you happy, Gray-sama?"
She wanted to know his feelings.
"My happiness goes beyond this world. I'm happy that we are gonna start be a family together. Juvia, let's get married tomorrow."
Gray shared his piece of mind.
"Thank you for sharing the same feeling as mine, Gray-sama. I love you a lot." Juvia said earnestly.
The very next day, they got their marriage registered in an office. Gray casually informed the recent events of his life to friends and Mr Dreyar.
They were shell shocked yet wished them both happiness enough for their life ahead.
That's when Mr Dreyar had told him to hide this news from the public as Gray was still a budding artist and this could hamper this growth.
Juvia agreed and supported this decision and even convinced Gray to agree with this. It's after sorting out these issues they finally went to their new home.
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juviaafullbuster · 4 years
Angst 5 - gruvia
Give me the angst
Okay, it turned out longer than I thought it would but: HERE IT IS! You really challenged me with this one, I have to admit.. 😅
Angst - Prompt Nr. 5:
"Forget it, you're a fucking asshole."
Juvia stood in front of the building, clutching her bag to her chest. It has been so long since she had last been there.
She wondered whether everything was still the same. Probably not. Taking a deep breath, she made her way inside, ready to face the people she called family.
The first thing she noticed was that the guild was still as loud and lively as it used to be. She found some unfamiliar faces in the crowd, most likely new members who had joined the guild over the time she was gone. It took her a while to find someone she knew. It was Mira who she recognized first. She was standing behind the bar, busy serving customers.
Juvia made her way over, trying to find more familiar faces in the crowd.
"Juvia?" It was Lisanna who approached her first. Juvia turned to her with a small smile. "Oh my God, it really is you! You're finally back!"
Juvia found herself enveloped in a tight hug. Soon after there were more people around her, all familiar and Juvia couldn't help but feel warm and welcome. Some things might not have changed after all. She greeted everyone warmly and tried to answer as many questions as she could but she was being overwhelmed. It wasn't until Master Makarov appeared that they all became quiet.
"Juvia, welcome back dear."
"Thank you, Master."
"From what I heard so far the mission was a success?"
"Yes, Juvia completed it a few days ago and has been on her way back here since."
"Well, congratulations. I'm very proud of you, my child."
Juvia smiled and thanked him. When she had first chosen to go on this mission, Master had refused her request. He had said that she was letting her emotions cloud her judgements and that she would regret taking on this mission. But Juvia was stubborn and kept insisting until he agreed with a heavy heart. Juvia knew that it wasn't a simple decision, she would be away for two years after all. But she had made her choice and she wouldn't go back on it. She needed to leave for a while, needed to get away and this mission made for a water mage was the perfect opportunity. So she had taken it and left with a heavy heart. But she was back now.
"Juvia.. you're back." She turned around and found Natsu, Lucy and Erza looking at her. Juvia gulped. If those three were here, that could only mean he was somewhere close to.
"Welcome back, Juvia. It has been so long." It was Erza who got out of her shocked state first and patted Juvia on the shoulder. "That was quite the mission you took on. We only got updates from master occasionally, but they weren't enough to keep our worries in bay."
"There was no need to be worried about Juvia. The mission was successful, there was nothing Juvia couldn't handle."
"I was sure about that. You're a strong mage after all."
"That didn't stop him from worrying."
There was an awkward silence followed after Natsus comment. Erza glared at him for being so blunt while Juvia visibly paled. He.. he had been worried about her? But why? For all she knew he didn't care about her after all. Suddenly Juvia just wanted to get out, get back to her place and hide under her covers. She was tired and there was so much she still had to do. Natsu however didn't seem to register that. Unbothered by Erzas glare, he continued talking.
"That was a really stupid move. You don't just abandon your family like that."
"Do you even realize what your leaving did to him? I never saw Gray like this, not once. You broke him!" He was talking calmly and yet Juvia could hear the anger hidden behind the facade. He kept going on about how she was wrong, selfish and unconsidering, ignoring the warnings from Lucy and Erza.
"You're really good at running from your problems, aren't you?"
Juvia snapped. She didn't mean to lash out at Natsu, he was just being a protective friend after all. But there was no way she would stand her and let him throw accusations at her. Because he was there back then. He had seen and heard what happened. Juvia didn't forget and she sure as hell, wouldn't let him forget either. Yes, she ran away from the problems, but what else was she supposed to do? She was tired of fighting and he was tired of her. It was the best she did for both of them.
"Don't you dare. Don't you dare put it all on Juvia. Don't you dare paint Juvia the villain here. You were there. You heard it all. Would you have stayed?"
Natsu grew quiet. You could have cut the tension with a knife at this point. Everyone around them had become quiet but Juvia didn't notice. She was too engrossed in the moment. It took him a while, but Juvia saw his features soften before he pulled her into a hug.
"Look, I'm sorry. I know why you did what you did. I understand. It's just.. you leaving, it changed a lot. He's my best friend and I hate seeing him the way he was when you left. But you're also my friend and I'm glad to have you back."
Juvia felt the tears running down her cheeks. She tried to stop them, she really did. But she couldn't help it. There were just too many memories coming up, memories she had tried to erase.
Fairy Tail was being attacked and they were slowly reaching their limits. Everyone was tired, outpowered and if they didn't find a way to stop them soon, there was little hope they would get out alive. Gray and Juvia had been fighting alongside each other all day and where reaching the guild hall where the leader of the attackers was hiding. They just needed to take him out and it would be over. When they arrived there, Natsu was already engaging in a fight with him.
To their dismay however, it didnt appear that he was getting anywhere near beating him. Gray and Juvia had joined him but it was still so hard. He had managed to knock out Natsu and Juvia was fighting consciousness while trying to lift herself up. There was only Gray left and he was desperate. He had to stop him before it was too late.
Next thing Juvia saw, was Gray in the Iced Sheel stance. He wouldn't.. would he? She called out to him, desperately trying to stop him, but he wasn't listening and she couldn't move, couldn't get up. The ice was starting to envelop him. Juvia kept calling out to him, kept begging for him to stop. But the temperature kept sinking and he kept going.
And then it all stopped.
Natsu had woken up and interfered. Had stopped him from using the spell that would cost him his life. Everything after that was a blur to Juvia because she lost conciousness, outpowered by her emotions.
When she woke up, the enemy was defeated and Gray was sitting next to her. Natsu was sitting not to far away, but had their backs turned to them, an attempt of giving them privacy. Juvia tried to get up but Gray just pushed her back down.
"You need to rest. The others will be here soon. Don't worry, it's over."
She wasn't having any of it. He had tried to sacrifice himself. Again. And she wouldn't just let that go.
"Why did you use that spell?"
Silence. Then a sigh.
"I wanted to save you. Natsu. The guild."
"And sacrificing yourself is the answer?"
"We were running out of options."
"This is never an option. How can your life mean so little to you?"
Juvia put her hand on the spot that had a scar on it. The scar she got after she almost killed herself, a desperate attempt to save him. Back then, there wasn't another option. It was either him or her. But this, this was different.
"I sacrificed my life so you can live. And that's how you go ahead?"
"I never asked you to!"
"That's not the point."
"It is the point. I don't need you to save me, protect me or whatever. You're not my girlfriend, nor my family. You shouldn't care about me, don't you get that?"
"But I do care! And I will always care!"
"Stop. Stop it. I didn't ask for this. I didn't want this."
"What is this? What is it you didn't ask for? Didn't want?"
"You, damn it! I didn't ask for you!"
It felt like Gray had stabbed her. His words had cut her deeper than any knife. Because Juvia was used to this. Used to being unwanted. She had been rejected all her life. And yet, it never hurt her as badly as it did when he rejected her. He had told her no before, ignored her advances. But this, this was different. Juvia forget about her wounds, the pain that had been inflicted on her during the battle. She got up, desperately trying to hold back the tears that were filling her eyes. Barely able to walk, she started limping out of the guild hall.
"Juvia.. wait."
"No, let me be."
"Juvia.. you're hurt."
"What do you care?"
"No. Don't talk to me that way. Don't pretend to care. It's over. I finally got your message. From now on, Juvia won't bother you anymore. You're free."
"Don't be ridiculous! Sit down and wait for Wendy so she can treat your wounds."
"Don't tell me what to do."
"Juvia, stop being so stubborn!"
"You didn't want me, right? Juvia is only fulfilling your wish. So just let me go."
"I can't believe you."
Gray was looking  at her in disbelief. She had finally reached the guild door and flung it open. She turned to him, not sure how to say her final goodbye.
"What, you're coming to your senses?"
"Nevermind, forget it.. you're a fucking asshole."
After that, Juvia had avoided going out until she found the requests she had later took on. Now that she thought about it, her final words to Gray haven't been her best. Juvia wasn't one to curse, wasn't one to throw around such words. She had called him a fucking asshole! The guy that she loved with all her heart.
Juvia freed herself from Natsus hug and excused herself. She really needed to go to her place and have some time for herself. She greeted a few more people before she made her way to Fairy Hills. Good thing that job earned her enough so she was able to pay the rent she owed for the past two years without an issue. She couldn't wait to be back in her room, in her cozy bed. The bed that was filled with letters as she noticed when she walked in. They were piling up, hundreds of them. Juvia wasn't one to get letters. She really didn't have anyone to write her letters in the first place. She dropped her bag and took one of the envelopes from the bed. Her name was written on every single hand, sometimes neater like the person took the time and sometimes a little sloppy, like they were in a hurry. It was clear however that they were all from the same person.
Juvia opened the envelop in her hand, only to drop it when she saw the name at the end of the letter. Gray. They were all from Gray. Had he been writing her letters all this time? But why.. he knew they wouldn't reach her, so why?
She spent the entire day reading them. Sometimes laughing, sometimes crying. She found herself clutching every one to her heart. After she sorted them all after date, she took the first letter into her hand again, reading the words he had written for her two years ago.
Dear Juvia,
Master informed us about the mission you took today. When he first told me, I didn't believe him. I ran to Fairy Hills. But when I got there, all you're things were gone. I also saw that you got rid of your Gray dolls.. I should be happy about that considering they freak me out. But somehow I'm not. I really messed up this time, didn't I? I wanted to talk to you, apologize. But everytime I thought about what I had said, fear would overcome me, fear that it was really over, that you wouldn't forgive me. So I chickened out and said that I would do it the next day. I was an idiot and now I'm too late..
Master also informed us that there is no way to reach you. So I don't even know why I'm writing a letter in the first place. But I decided that I will write one everyday for you. So I can inform you about everything that's going on here. I know that I'm the reason that you left. And I don't want you to miss everything because of me. So I hope, that when you read those letters, you will feel like you never left. You're going to be very busy reading when you're back. And you will come back. I have to believe that. I can't lose you forever. Because what I said back then, it wasn't true. I was being stupid, believing that I would protect you if I pushed you away. I always mess up, don't I?
I really miss you Juvia.. you have only been gone for a day and I still miss you like it's been forever. I know I deserve it, but this is pure torture. I hate not being able to see you, talk to you, know how you're doing.
Please be safe out there and come back to me soon.
I'll be waiting for you. Because I love you. I truly love you Juvia and I always will. And you need to come back soon so I can tell you that in person. I promise to use this time to become a better man for you, so when you're back I can be good enough for you. Because you deserve the best and I'm not there yet. But I will get there. For you, I will do anything.
I love you, your Graysama.
When she put the letter down and looked up, she found Gray standing in her doorway, a look of disbelief on his face.
"You.. you're really back."
"Natsu told me. But I.. I didn't believe him. But you're here. You're back."
"I'm so sorry, Juvia. I'm truly so sorry. I didn't mean any of it, I never did. You're everything to me. I.. I don't.."
Gray kept rambling, nervously shifting and Juvia couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again. She had forgiven him already, the letters said more than she had ever expected. She believed him, believed him that he didnt mean it, that he loved her. Because he wouldn't have sat down every day, pouring his emotions in a letter, if he didn't.
He stopped talking. It had been so long since she called him like that. Juvia knew that too. She got up and walked towards him. Before he could react, she had put her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and kissing him softly. After a moment she felt him relax and kiss her back.
Yes, these past two years where torture for the both of them. But it was what they needed. And now, now they would be inseparable. Juvia was finally back home.
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Relationship HC’s
Requested? [Yes] • No
Request: Can we please get some short relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia and Mirajane?
Adm Note: Hello, Everyone! How are your days going? I made Juvia kinda a Yandere-ish type girlfriend because she can be at certain times.
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Erza Scarlet!
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It might take a while but she will share her strawberry cake with you, just give her time.
She's not big on PDA, The most she will do is either hold your hand, Have her arm around your waist, or over your shoulders. It's not that she doesn't want to show you off, because you're hot and she wants everyone to know you're off-limits, but She isn't used to showing affection publicly and would prefer to maintain an affectionate relationship in the privacy of your homes.
She would love alone time with you. Not where she has to be a fighter out in the cities but where she can let her guard down and relax while you two make light conversation about your days.
Goodbye kisses are a must before missions, the first time a goodbye kiss happened between you two the guild was shook because they originally didn’t think you were dating and were just close friends.
A way that she shows you two are in a relationship is in matching couples outfits or accessories! She will correlate colors to match up with yours or wear matching couple promise rings that you bought the two of your for your anniversary.
Juvia Lockser!
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Literally the clingy & Possessive™️ Girlfriend, She will hang off of your arm, Glare at anyone who she thinks is trying to ‘steal’ you from her.
Cuddles are your thing. Sitting on the couch? Cuddles. Standing by the Bar? Cuddles. Trying to sleep? Cuddles. Talking to someone? Cuddles. Need I say more?
Her ultimate goal is to keep you safe, even at the expense of the people around her, if she sees them as a threat to you or your relationship she will get rid of them. She won't tell you that of course, People would assume that they took a mission for a while until either the body was found [highly unlikely] or people forgot about them.
Despite her yandere-like behavior to anyone she sees to be a threat she would never dream of harming you in any way. If you come back from a mission injured she will lose her mind with worry and not let anyone close as she tends to your wounds.
She loves doing small romantic gestures for you, Making you little treats, taking you on dates, walks under the stars, or even just leaving you little notes to keep you going through the day.
Mirajane Strauss!
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Mirajane, this sweet angel, lives for complimenting you and watching you get all flustered and happy.
She knows that you can handle yourself but she likes protecting you, even if she doesn't need to and if you go on a mission without her she will be worrying the whole time you're away.
she prefers to listen rather then to do the talking. Leaning against the bar counter, her head resting on her palm, a soft and loving smile on her face as her eyes shimmer with adoration while you talk about the things you love so passionately.
She was probably your best friend before you started dating and She’s happy that you’re comfortable with her enough to be your actual self.
Elfman probably gave you the whole “Big Brother” Speech but knew you would never hurt Mirajane, and also knew if you did hurt Mirajane in any way she could end you herself. Lisanna would love you, She easily noticed how you were so kind with Mirajane and would never push her to do something she was uncomfortable with, making Lisanna a huge fan of your relationship and claimed dibs on planning your wedding, Much to Lucy’s complaint. Over-all they both approve of your relationship with Mirajane.
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be-dazzled · 4 years
GRUVIA DAY: I Kissed a Girl
Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser September 10, 2020 Rating: M for sensitive language and theme
Writer's Corner: Before we start and before you light that fire to burn me, let's settle a few things: 1) I know. It's too early for Halloween. Consider it as an advance. Hahahaha; 2) I know a lot of you will hate me for this, esp with how the last FT100YRQuest chapter portrayed the FT girls. But please know that I wrote this with no intention to degrade any woman or devalue them in any way. Lastly, with that said, read at your own risk.
All rights reserve to Hiro Mashima, original creator.
It's that time of the year. The most awaited holiday of every tired out college student of Fairy Tail University was just around the corner – Halloween. Couldn't blame them. Halloween was the perfect excuse to dress up funny, drink silly and pass out on one of those green yards. But for the members of the Kappa Kappa Chi, it was the best time to wear the sexiest – sluttiest – costumes without actually being called one. And for the members of the Fairy Tail Dragons, the University's Three-peat Ice Hockey champions, to watch their fantasies come to life. Besides, it was that one day of the year when they could bang a Smurfette and not get judged for it. It was a win-win situation.
Except for Gray Fullbuster, FT Dragons' newest recruit, and this year's Halloween "Island Girl". The Dragons had a tradition, some kind of 'baptism of fire' thing. For this year's annual Kappa Halloween party, Gray Fullbuster was coming as 'Aloha' Fullbuster – the adventurous island girl of Tenroujima, looking for a good time in the City of Magnolia. So, that's a no to hooking up with any of the sexy ladies tonight. How sad.
Gray wished no one would recognize him in that totally inappropriate costume and hoped no one would hit on him. Because he was definitely going to hit on them back – with his foot.
Laxus Dreyar, the Dragons' vicious and ruthless Team Captain made sure Gray a.k.a. 'Aloha' had the complete ensemble: the lei, the fake grass skirt, the coconut bra. He was just being spiteful because his girlfriend made him wear a onesie – the 'not sexy' kind. But no one dared laugh at him, he was the Captain.
The only good thing that came out of this stupid 'Baptism of Fire' thing was Natsu getting the ballerina costume. No one would definitely want to hook up with that muscle guy in tights and leotards. At least, with his long, black wig, Gray could pass as a woman, beautiful at that. As a matter of fact, checking out 'Aloha' on the mirror, Gray would definitely hook up with her. Then, he shuddered, realizing he shouldn't because that would be weird. Dammit, and here Gray thought once he made it into the team, he'd have ladies flock around him and lock lips with the hottest girls 24/7. Guess he had to skip that this year.
"You ready, Island Girl?"
"Shut up, you dumbass ballerina."
Gray snarled at the pink-haired, cladded in a tutu with the same color as his hair, when he catcalled just to ruffle Gray's feathers. Oh, wait. Natsu was the one wearing the feathers.
"Aren't you cold?" Pink Swan genuinely asked as the two girls headed out of their dormitory. He was so serious Gray almost believed Tights and Leotards here was worried about him. At least, Pink Swan was covered all over, it was tight and every muscle in his body bulged, but all covered nonetheless.
Gray, on the other hand…
"Like I have a choice." He eyed the oddly unbothered left wing Forward, strutting down the sidewalk. Gray grimaced at his confidence and, if you look hard enough, a bit of Natsu's sass. Tights actually did look like an all muscle guy with a secret life as a ballerina. So much so that Gray reminded himself to stay away from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in the Pink Tutu at the party as much as possible.
They stopped near a lamp post and waited for the guys to pick them up. Captain promised that he would drive them to the Kappa House. That would make the walk to the Kappa less awkward and less violent because Gray and Natsu would definitely beat up whoever tried to as much as ogle them on the way there. But Gray knew Captain Laxus just wanted to make sure the two wouldn't bail, that's why he was going to bring them to the party himself. What a vicious Pokémon. That wasn't the only thing to be worried about though, Gray soon realized, when he choked on his own saliva as he watched Pink Swan Natsu rested his hip on the side and folded his hand to study his nails while they waited. Gray sidled a few steps just to put some space between them. Actually, he'd start to stay away from the guy now.
Gray could finally breathe, or, choke some more, when the "Bolt", Captain's yellow Chevy, stopped in a skid just in front of them. True to the typical High School jock fashion, of course, Laxus drove a convertible. How else could he flaunt his perfect life and his perfect girlfriend around campus and make all other men wished they were dead?
"You girls ready?"
Yeah. Whatever, Pikachu. Gray wanted to retort but, of course, he couldn't. So, both Gray and Natsu jumped into the car and squeezed themselves at the back seat with Batman Bickslow, who draped his icky arms around the new recruits and pulled the repulsed Freshmen against him possessively, promising, "Imma make sure you girls are comfortable."
More like the opposite of it. But there was no sign the pervy Batman was going to let go anytime soon, so might as well give up to his fate. Gray settled in his seat, preparing for the most dreadful night of his freshman life.
Well, this was going to be a fun night, he thought. Sarcasm implied.
The Kappa House was just around the corner. Could hardly miss it with the white strobes of light spinning around the sky like it was saying 'we're here'. The familiar beat of the bass blared into the large expanse of the garden and a flock of various characters came flowing into the mansion. Wow, these Kappa girls could throw a party.
The five of them walked into the house like they owned it. No, correction – like they own the world. The other members of the hockey team greeted the Captain on their way in. Each and all wanting to see the sight that was the Great Laxus Dreyar in his pokemon costume, complete with the thunder-ear headband. The girls quickly circled around them, wanting a piece of the famous hockey team. But Gray made the mistake of meeting eyes with one of the onlookers and getting the bite-lip, followed by a very suggestive air-bite from skinny Dracula. A palpable chill ran down his spine and Gray quickly came up with the decision not to make any more eye contact with anyone – anyone at all.
"You girls wait here." The Captain ordered, as he tipped his head over the silver-haired witch cladded in a red robe. Gray easily recognized her despite the coveralls – Mirajane Strauss, head cheerleader and the Captain's girl. Very pretty and very off-limits.
Laxus made his way over there, talked to her a little was now heading to one of those rooms upstairs. Man, the Captain was gonna get lucky while Gray was stuck with clueless college idiots ogling him and Natsu like they were some kind of virgin sacrifices. Life was so unfair sometimes.
"Well, they won't be coming down for a while." Batman Bickslow opened, turning to his Robin, Freed Justine. "Or ever. So, let's spread and mingle. Wadda you say?" He slapped a hand on Gray's tushy and added, "Get ourselves one of those cheerleaders, eh?" He looked back at the new recruits and had the urge to correct, "or some of those guys from the wrestling club. Who knows? You girls might get lucky."
Another shudder and it wasn't because Gray's belly was out in the open.
"See you around, ladies!"
It wasn't like Batman and Robin promised to protect them. So, just like that, Gray and Natsu were left to fend for themselves. Gray "Aloha" Fullbuster needed to get out of their before…
"Hello there, beautiful."
And he scrammed, leaving the Pink Swan to deal with the wackos and he didn't at all feel guilty.
It was a breath of fresh air when he stumbled into the decorated backyard. He couldn't be more thankful. Natsu could deal with those perverts himself. Gray just didn't have the energy. So, tonight, he'd rather be alone and invisible. He looked for a dark, quiet spot to brood, rethink his life choices maybe, but the loud laughter coming from the pool-side bar caught his attention. A group of girls gathered around the bar, wearing costumes ranging from Bunny Girl to Firefighter, each one not sparing a chance to show a lot of skin, mind you, and who knew Strawberries could be that sexy? As much as those characters demanded his full attention – to the best curves and skin – his appreciating eyes zeroed in on the familiar long, blue waves. He watched as the bluenette, who was wearing the same costume as he was, licked salt on some Greek god's abs. That lucky bastard. She shot back her drink and basked in the cheers of her Kappa Kappa Chi sisters.
"Hey, Juvia." Gray heard the voice behind him before feeling the weight of an arm over his shoulders. When he turned his head to see the owner of the voice, 'Aloha' winced at the smell of strong alcohol. "Found your twin!" The swaying Police Girl turned to him, breathing alcohol right into his face. "Let's go get a taste of that Greek god."
Hell no!
He protested but damn the woman was determined. Gray knew her; she was in his World Lit Class. Also, she's the reason he couldn't seem to approach the bluenette. He didn't mind getting welcomed into that circle though, especially when Juvia was the one who pulled him to her side and clung to him the whole time because she said they were soul sisters, being in the same hula girl costume. It wasn't on purpose but c'est la vie!
Maybe Captain Pikachu's 'initiation' wasn't that bad. Gray had been trying for days to talk to Juvia. She was also in his class, seating right in front of him. But he never got the chance because she was always surrounded by her cheerleader squad or those stubborn ugly looking guys who wouldn't go away. They weren't necessarily ugly but who cares? They were giant eyesores; especially when they were making Juvia laugh and giggle and he couldn't even come up and talk to the woman.
Thanks to this questionable 'initiation rights', Gray was this close to her, skin brushing against skin once in a while, and could even enjoy a laugh or two with Juvia. Oh ho! Gray had no complaints. Except for that one fleeting moment they were egging him to take a body shot on that Greek god dude. That was a hard no. Not even a slightly tipsy 'Aloha' would say yes to that. No, ma'am.
At around dawn, when people started leaving and after Cana, the drunk and sexy police girl, took home – up to her room at the Kappa House – the Greek god, the girls decided to bring the party inside, around the fireplace at the living room, or what looked like a tamed version of it. Actually, the girls were just tired. They had their fun with the Greek god and decided the only action they would be getting was a lazy game of truth or dare. Besides, their President, and the squad's Head Cheerleader, was up there 'getting it' for the rest of them. Somehow, Aloha-Gray found himself squeezed on the couch between Juvia and Mirajane's younger sister, Lisanna. Also, none of them were sober enough to realize he didn't really belong there. All he had to do was keep quiet and don't get picked by the bottle.
"Okay, your turn Juvia!" It was the sexy librarian, Levy, who was dared to send a very provocative text to his lab partner, who spun the bottle that landed on the bluenette.
"Alright, alright. Dare." Juvia giggled. "Hit me with your best shot, Levy!"
Sexy Librarian opened her mouth but was quickly interrupted when they heard a loud derisive snort coming from sexy police girl who found her own place in the circle.
"You can't trust Shrimp for a fun dare." said Cana. "She'll just make you take off the stupid coconuts."
"Hey!" Levy retorted, but she sat right back, realizing that was exactly what she was going to challenge Juvia to do. "It's daring."
"How about this," The twinkle in those sober brown eyes gave Cana away. "I dare you to kiss your fellow Island Girl."
There was an amused 'ooh' bouncing around the room. That challenge definitely got everyone's attention since all of them knew Juvia was a bit too… vanilla. Never played for the other team, not even out of plain curiosity. When Juvia didn't respond, Cana thought she wasn't up for it.
"Too chicken?"
Juvia glanced at him, at Gray, and he could see she was considering it. She smirked at him with visible interest.
"If Aloha here doesn't mind."
That was probably the alcohol talking but Gray Fullbuster didn't mind. He most definitely did not mind. Except that, it was the exact moment his cock-block of a brain reminded him he wasn't really a girl and that would definitely defeat the purpose of the dare. They bonded over the Greek god and he really felt like he belonged there now. So, Gray ought to tell the girls the truth before things got out of hand. He owed that to Aloha's Kappa Kappa Chi sisters. But as Gray was about to come clean, Juvia had already got him tongue-tied, quite literally.
Juvia Lockser was a good kisser, very experienced. Gray would go as far as say she was more experienced than he was. She got some moves and dammit, Juvia Lockser was making him lose consciousness with just the way her tongue slithered around his. But it felt good, so good that it made him forget about honesty being the best policy and fought Juvia for dominance, leaning in as close as he could get. Gray could hear their coconuts knocking against each other. Juvia probably heard it too, knocking her senses back to her. There was no other reason why Juvia would pull her tongue out of Gray's mouth and started giggling against his lips.
"I'm sorry." She erupted into another series of giggles, making Gray feel self-conscious. But they probably have put on a good show because the girls were cheering them on, probably hoping for some encore performance.
"That was some kiss, Lockser." She received the thumbs-up approval from the darer.
"Not too vanilla now, am I?"
Juvia couldn't keep the gloat in her voice, throwing each of her non-believers a smug look and returned to the flustered Island Girl.
"Look. I ruined your lipstick." She said, wiping the stain outside the line of Gray's lips. "C'mon up, I'll help you fix it." But all Gray wanted was for Juvia to ruin it some more. Still, 'Aloha' followed her like an obedient puppy.
She brought him into her room and led him directly into her walk-in closet. Gray then realized how different a girl's room was from a guy's. He was sharing with Natsu and damn, their room was a labyrinth with all the dirty clothes and other dirty things thrown all over the floor. Juvai's room was neat, tidy and pink. Juvia went into her drawers to search for a lipstick with the same shade as Aloha's.
"Found it!"
She bounced back to him, pulling out the applicator to swatch on 'Aloha's' lips. Gray quickly blocked her hand, deciding he better come clean now or him and Juvia – never gonna happen.
"I'm sorry."
"Wow, your voice is really deep." Then, with the kiss probably sobering her up, Juvia pulled a look of confusion. "For a girl?"
"Actually, that's what I was going to talk to you about."
Carefully, 'Aloha' pulled his long, black hair off his head.
"I'm not a girl."
There was silence. Gray braced for the beating that was about to come but there was nothing. He peeked with one eye to see that Juvia wasn't pulling an angry expression.
"Oh, wow."
On the contrary, she looked a bit…
"That's good."
"For a second there, you got me doubting my own sexuality." She wasn't looking at him now. Juvia sat next to him and stared amusingly at the pink wall. "I really thought a girl was turning me on."
Okay, since she wasn't mad about the, it wasn't technically a lie… just a 'withholding of truth'. Fine, the lie. Since she wasn't angry at him and she was talking about being turned on, Gray carpe diem-ed. He sneaked beside Juvia and, with a smirk that both ghosted his lips and his voice, flirted.
"I turn you on?"
Juvia glanced at him, returning his playfulness. "Well…" but her smile of amusement started to waver as Juvia stared him up and down. "Not right now. No."
"Right." He understood, casting his eyes on the floor. All hope abandoned.
There was that uncomfortable silence again with Gray not knowing the social cues on situations like this. It wasn't everyday that he got Frenched by a hot girl thinking he was a girl and finding out that he actually wasn't. Gray didn't really know the best time to say goodbye and scram. He made attempts but they easily popped like a bubble. Besides, there was nothing he could come up with now that would be of any help. With the way Juvia was avoiding his eyes, hope was flying farther and farther away.
"Maybe," Juvia broke the ice, worrying her bottom lip with her crazy idea. "Maybe, if you lose the coconuts?"
Halleluiah! There was hope.
Gray quickly lost the coconuts and tossed them somewhere behind him.
"Top off." Gray watched Juvia eye him with interest. Then, her pleased blue eyes landed on his bottom and her lips twitched.
"And the skirt too."
He slid out of the grassy skirt in one quick move, tossing it along with his boxers, and waited as hot island girl Juvia checked him out in all his fine glory. She bit her lower lip, obviously loving what she saw.
"Not too shabby, Island Girl."
"Well," Gray gained his confidence, "it's Gray actually." and grabbed the woman by the waist, wincing at the pain of the coconuts which Juvia quickly got rid of, as they both tried to recapture that wanton passion they shared downstairs, when Gray was still 'Aloha' and Juvia was enjoying the thrill of her experiment. Then, the searing passion found its way to Juvia's bed where Gray made sure that, after that night, hot cheerleader Juvia would never think of him as a girl. Ever.
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.
Time for some protective girlfriends!
I hope you enjoy!
Fan vs Card and Water (Cana x Lucy x Juvia)
The Fairy Tail guildhall was a buzz this day. The mages had unanimously decided that it would be a good idea to allow their fans from all over Fiore to visit the guild, giving the many non-magic users a chance to meet their favorite mages. All was going well, men and women amiably talking with their favorite Fairies, even going outside with a few of these mages to see an up-close demonstration of magic. 
Lucy sat at the bar, sipping on her favorite cold drink, a strawberry milkshake, as she watched all of this happening around her. She didn't get as many visitors as she would have liked, but she was still happy to see how much fun her guildmates were having with their own fans. She looked over at a nearby table, seeing that Cana was giving a card reading to her fans, who were gathered around her. 
The celestial wizard chuckled at the sight of her girlfriend giving her fans a show, speaking with a low, suspenseful tone, and moving her arms around with a dramatic flair. Lucy smiled, knowing that her girlfriend was finding fun in making her fans lean in for more fortune-telling. 
She then turned her head to look at another nearby table, seeing her other girlfriend sitting there with her own gaggle of fans. Juvia was creating objects out of water, any object that her fans called out. Lucy's smile grew upon seeing how happy her other girlfriend was, knowing that Juvia was still unable to enough of how many people liked her and wanted to be her friends. It must be a great change from how lonely she was before joining Fairy Tail. 
The blonde woman took another sip of her milkshake, now wondering if she should head home. It was evening, the sun creeping close to the horizon. She doubted that any fans would approach her now, but maybe tomorrow morning, when she returned to the guildhall. She thought about waiting for her two girlfriends to finish with their individual groups of fans, but quickly dismissed the idea. Cana and Juvia would drop into her apartment right after they were done. 
Lucy hopped off of her stool, milkshake still in hand. It was only halfway done, but she didn't want to walk home, alone, in the dark. She knew that Mira wouldn't mind if she took the cup home and brought it back in the morning, having done exactly this before. 
She had taken only a few steps before she was suddenly stopped by a masculine voice, "Miss Heartfilia!" 
Lucy turned around to see a cute, young man standing by the stool that she had just hopped off of. She looked him over, noting that he looked as though he would be a member of The Trimens from Blue Pegasus. He had short, dark blue hair that was tousled, resembling a case of bedhead. His eyes were a warm brown color, resembling her own eye color. He was dressed in a simple, white dress shirt and black jeans. A kind smile was on his face.
The celestial wizard turned her whole body to face the young man, smiling back at him as she greeted him, "hi! Do need something?" 
The man chuckled, almost apologetically, as he rubbed the back of his head, answering, "I hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you'd mind talking to me for a bit. I would have approached you sooner, but I ended up being dragged into a show by Mr. Dragneel. He wanted a test dummy of sorts." 
Lucy laughed at that. It sure sounded like something Natsu would do. She walked over to the man, sitting on a stool, and gestured for the man to sit on the stool that she had just been sitting on a minute ago. As he was seated, the blonde spoke once again, "it's alright, you're not bothering me at all. What did you want to talk about?" 
A bright smile stretched across the young man's pretty features before he responded, "I just want to talk. I'm a big fan, Miss Heartfilia!" 
Lucy gave a small chuckle, instructing him, "just call me Lucy, please." She then took a sip of her milkshake and asked, "what's your name?" 
"Well, Tuck, would you like to know anything about my magic?"
Tuck nodded his head, asking, "could you show me how you summon a celestial spirit?" 
Lucy nodded, moving her milkshake to her other hand before pulling a gold key from her pouch on her hip. She pointed the blade away from her and intoned, "Open! Gate of the White Ram: Aries!" 
A flash of golden light caused Tuck to look away, but it didn't bother Lucy since she had long gotten used to it. Standing before them was the timid, pink-haired celestial spirit that Lucy had recently obtained. The celestial spirit, mumbled, "h-hi." 
Lucy noticed that she eyed the man warily. Remembering Aries' past with Karen Lilica, the blonde assured her newest friend, "it's okay, Aries. He just wanted me to show him how I summon my spirits." 
Aries nodded with understanding, asking, "is there anything you want me to do?" Her voice was painfully soft and her eyes were downcast. 
Lucy shook her head, answering, "no, thank you, Aries. You can go back if you want to." 
The celestial spirit nodded, disappearing back to her realm. Lucy looked back at her fan, shifting her cold drink back into her dominant hand. She looked at her fan, explaining, "basically, I charge a key with magic, say a certain summoning spell, and the spirit appears. Of course, there are certain days I can summon my spirits on." 
Tuck tilted his head slightly to the side, questioning, "certain days?" 
Lucy nodded, elaborating, "for example, Aquarius, one of my strongest spirits, can only be summoned on Wednesdays. Leo, another one of my strongest spirits, can be summoned on any day." 
Tuck nodded in understanding before he spoke again, "I have another question." Lucy then took another sip of her milkshake, humming as a way to tell him to go ahead with his next question. What she heard next made her freeze.
"Would you become my wife?" 
Lucy took a sudden gulp of her cold drink, falling into a coughing fit. She whipped her head around to look at Tuck, her eyes blown wide in alarm and confusion. She paused for a few moments, staring at him with her hand over her mouth. She suppressed a shiver at the sight of his calm smile. But, it wasn't a nice kind of calm. Rather, it was a creepy kind of calm. It reminded Lucy of the way Erza would smile at Natsu and Gray before beating them up after they accidentally smashed her cake during one of their fights. 
The celestial wizard moved her hand from her mouth, her heart had already dropped into her stomach and her entire body went cold. She questioned, her voice not as strong as she would have liked, "w-what?" 
Tuck leaned closer to her, making her lean back. When their faces were mere inches away, the blue-haired man spoke, his previously chipper voice now low and unnerving, "I want you to be my wife." 
Lucy jumped to her feet and took a few steps back, her hand hovering over her keys as she internally wondered if she should summon Loke now. She stammered, "I-I don't..." 
She trailed off when Tuck stood up and began walking toward her, a creepily calm smile still on her face. Not wanting to harm a non-magic user unless she had no other option, Lucy turned around and attempted to run to the guild's doors. Before she could even run a few steps, her arm was suddenly grabbed and she was pulled against Tuck's body. She struggled to free herself from his grip, only for his hold on her arm to tighten, causing her to whimper in pain. 
Before any more action could be taken by either, a blast of water shot between the pair's heads, causing Tuck to release Lucy and jump back. Lucy stumbled backward, but didn't fall to the ground. Instead, she was caught in a pair of familiar arms. She looked at the person who had kept her from tumbling to the ground, seeing that Cana was staring at Tuck, looking pissed off. 
The celestial wizard straightened herself and watched what was going on, seeing that Juvia had inserted herself between her girlfriends and Tuck. 
As Lucy and everybody else in the guildhall watched, Cana and Juvia showed Tuck why messing with Lucy was the worst mistake he could have ever made. 
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bloodys44 · 4 years
Silence and Cigarette Smoke
Original story and bonus content found here! ↓↓↓↓
I just posted chapter 9 on FF.net so please feel free to read ahead if you enjoy :)
Chapter 6: The Letters To A Ghost
(25th day of summer)
I helped Natsu dig a grave for Lissana today. He was extremely adamant about it even though we were never able to retrieve her body. Not to mention that we already held a service for her weeks ago. He dug it by hand at her favorite lookout, told me he wanted her soul to rest where she would never miss the sun rise or set. The headstone he made her read "An angel who falls may now pass to the home of their gods. A forever sunrise to lighten the lives of the dark." It was beautiful Mama, Natsu worked really hard on it.
He didn't sleep in my dorm last night for the first time since we came home. I went by his room to check on him but I heard him crying. In all the years I've known Natsu, I've only seen that once, when we lost her initially. He sounded so sad, It broke my heart. I was too scared to go in so I left him for the night. I really miss her too.
Remembering your warm hugs,
(86th day of summer)
Dear Mom,
Today was really hard, I miss you.
It's been two months since I last wrote to you. Natsu went out on his first job since Lissana today. He wouldn't take me with him no matter how much I begged. He's never left me behind before, I know it was only one job, but it still stung. He barely speaks anymore, just follows me around silently. I feel like I'm losing my partner. Gray and Levy say I need to give him time and space, that he likes to grieve alone. I get that Mama, I really do, but he isn't the only one grieving. I feel like he died with her in the mine. I miss him too.
He still gave me some of the reward money even though he did the request alone. I wish he wouldn't, it feels like pitty. I don't want his pity, I just want to talk to him like I used too.
Mira is still having nightmares. I've been sleeping on the terrace by my room. Her crying breaks my heart and I fear it will never heal if I keep listening.
This was a bad letter, sorry Mom,
(43rd day of fall)
I almost destroyed grandmother Anna's book today. The sight of it turns my stomach, and I haven't been able to open it yet. Natsu wouldn't let me ruin it though, he told me if it was gone the whole trip would be worth nothing. He's right, I know. I just want the hurt to stop.
Fall is here now, I love how the grounds look with all the autumn colors. Though I miss the pink cherry blossoms, they remind me of Natsu's hair, but I think his shade is fading too. He stresses too much. I think you would still like it.
Love always,
(58th day of winter)
Today was good. It was Juvia's birthday. The guild held a small party for her, it was perfect considering the mourning mood that's dulled the air. There were smiles and cake, and everybody was laughing again, just like old times, I loved it. Gray asked her to be his girlfriend, finally. I think that's the part she loved the most. They're leaving on a mission that's supposed to take around four months. Knowing her, Juvia will treat every second like an extended honeymoon. She really was ecstatic mama, I wish you could have seen the joy on her face. I think everyone could feel it, I even saw Mira dancing slowly in the corner with her husband Laxus. She hasn't left her room since we told her what happened. I hope she's starting to feel like herself again. It's almost the new year, so maybe things will start to get better for everyone.
Natsu didn't show, of course. He hasn't been around much lately. He's always working alone or hiding around the castle where I can't find him, not even at our special clearing in the forest, the one he found me in. That's where he always used to hide. I haven't spoken much more than a sentence to him in weeks. I really miss him. Even with the happiness of today, I feel really alone again. He doesn't stay the night with me anymore.
(64th day of winter)
Dear Mom,
Gray and Juvia left on their job this morning. We all went down to the gate to wave them off. Even Natsu showed up, rare but welcomed. Gray is his best friend, and even though they haven't talked much either, I think he's going to miss him.
I asked Natsu if he wanted to take a job with me. It's been a while and I'm running out of money and I refuse to accept any more of his. I keep having to pick up extra shifts with the infirmary to keep up with my guild fees. He said no. I got mad and stormed off like a child.
He came to my room later in the night for the first time in months. I thought he was coming to tell me he changed his mind, that he wanted to take a request with me, though it ended up being the exact opposite. He came in yelling, spouting off that he couldn't take me on a job because I couldn't protect myself and he wasn't capable of doing it either. He rambled on for almost an hour, he's never yelled at me before, and mama he was screaming. But I decided I really didn't mind, its the most I've heard him speak in months. It wasn't near as bad as father used to make it. I was just happy to hear his voice again.
Merry Christmas,
(74th day of winter)
He's gone.
He really did it. He left me alone for real. And god Mama, winter is so cold without him.
He visited me last night, I woke to him sitting at the end of my bed. It startled me since he hadn't been back to my room since he came in yelling. He looked so sad, his lips were pressed together like he was scared to speak the words trapped in his head. He crawled up beside me, just sitting there staring as if he could see right through me. He was so close, I could feel the heat of his breath over my nose. His eyes so dark they blended with the night. Eventually, I tried to ask him what was wrong, but he didn't answer, instead, he leaned in closer. He tried to kiss me, but I moved away. I really couldn't believe it, that he would have the audacity to try something like that after months without so much as a word. This visit was my turn to yell. I said things I would have never imagined saying to him, to my favorite person alive.
I went to his room later, I felt so bad for how I had spoken to him, I wanted to apologize. When I got there his room was empty, mattress stripped clean and drawers pulled open and bare. I think he was trying to kiss me goodbye. I'm so scared he won't come back Mama. I think he really did die that day in the mine.
(76th day of spring)
Hey Mom,
Gray and Juvia came back today, half a month early. They ran into some trouble, a man with metal clawed gloves dipped in some sort of poison. Gray's okay, but Juvia is really sick. He says she hasn't woken for three days. He's really worried about her, I can tell from the way his hands shake. He hasn't left her bedside all day. It's sweet, but it reminded me of Natsu. I miss when he used to spend the night.
I haven't heard from him, not even a letter. I hope he's okay.
Love from your dearest,
(86th day of spring)
Dear Mom,
Spring always reminds me of you, I remember how much it was your favorite, even though I always preferred summer. I miss when we strolled the garden together and the only thing to worry about was not fraying my gown or scuffing my shoes.
Juvia still hasn't woken up yet, and I think Gray is starting to panic. He's going on lots of jobs, says he can't stay on the grounds too long or he starts to worry about her. I offered to be his new 'in-term' partner while he waits for her to get better. I really need to make some more money, and I don't think Natsu is coming back anytime soon.
We leave tomorrow morning and I'm kind of excited, I've never been on a job without Natsu before. I think it'll be a good chance to prove myself. I just hope this doesn't make me miss him any more than I already do.
(32nd day of summer)
Working with Gray has been really nice. He's actually a lot more kind and sweet then his cold persona would suggest. I think I can see why Juvia likes him so much. Gray listens, he's a good holder of information, a place to vent. He's held me while I cried and talked me through my nonsense brain. Sometime's he even shares his cigarettes with me. He's a really good guy, and I can see how much he loves Juvia. I really hope she wakes up soon, Porlyusica started warning of impairments the longer she's unconscious.
I'm glad Gray has been so good to me, it's nice having a friend to talk too again. I know Levy's here too, but she's always busy with guild work. The rest of the members are all amazing and accepting but it's just not the same. I hope he doesn't forget about me, or how close we've gotten when Juvia wakes up.
I'm really worried about Natsu. Mira says he's never been gone this long without at least a letter. I've been reading as many of Fiore's damage and crime reports as I can get my hands on. I pray that all the flame-related incidents are him. It gives me hope that he's alive.
(84th day of summer)
Hi Mom,
It's been a really long time, Summer's almost over now.
Please Mama, don't judge me. I think I made a mistake. Gray and I went too far, we slept together. I gave him all my firsts, and I think he gave me some of his. I regret it all, and I can tell he does too. We had an awful day, our mission was a complete failure. We spent the night at some shabby inn, the bed smelled like rot but we honestly didn't care. We both cried after and pretended we couldn't hear one another. Juvia's been in a coma for almost half a year. I think he's trying to process the thought of actually losing her. I swear I could taste sadness on his lips. I think we're both grieving the loss of someone significant.
I thought about Natsu the entire time, I could picture all his scars over Gray's skin. I pretended his icy breath smelt of cinnamon and ash. It's been so long, but I still think about him every minute. I wish he had been the first to touch me. I love Gray, I really do, but not like that. My body feels dirty even after scrubbing my skin raw.
I can't pick out any damage or crime reports that I could even remotely relate to Natsu, and his mattress doesn't smell like him anymore either. I sleep there every night. If he's with you Mama, please take care of him.
I love you, so much,
(49th day of fall)
Dear Mom,
I asked Gray if he thought I should dig a metaphorical grave for Natsu. He told me I was crazy, said he would know if that 'cocky fire pit went out'. I hope he's right. We don't talk about what happened. Ever. We just pretend it never did.
I've been studying telepathy, and I'm getting pretty good. And yes, I learned it from great grandmother's book. I finally opened it. I feel dirty knowing the thoughts of my teammates sometime's so I don't use it often, however, my new favorite trick is dream diving. I do it to Gray when we're out on missions and he's gone to bed for the night. I hope he doesn't feel violated, his dreams aren't very interesting anyway. The only constant is the cold. Don't ask me how somebody dream's in temperatures, he just does.
Other time's though, I try to reach Natsu. I'm not really sure how far my range is and I have no reason to believe it could ever reach him. I still try though.
(73rd day of fall)
Juvia woke up. I'm not sure if this is good or bad news. She's unresponsive, constantly staring at the ceiling. Porlyusica says there's a good chance of more function after a few days. But the sight of her, so sunken and lifeless is nothing less than disturbing. It's shattering Gray's heart, and watching it shatters mine. He won't eat, it's been four days. I don't want to lose another friend. This year has been the worst.
Job requests are coming in fewer and fewer, all of Fiore is under such a heated eye. Royal guards on every corner, in every continent. It's nerve-racking to hire mages while under constant watch, and nearly impossible for said mages to complete missions unsaved. The streets are war zone's, the anti-magic forces haven't been this strong since the initial banning or the day you died. One day, I want to fix it, this awful divide of man and man. I tell myself your death wasn't for nothing. I hope nobody dies for nothing. Too much of valuable human life is wasted. Humanity is cruel I suppose.
Your's truly,
        (50th day of Winter)
A very merry Christmas to you, and to Natsu. I hope he's with you and not lost in the stars. Things have been getting better. Juvia is up and talking, she can even walk around a bit with a sturdy shoulder from Gray. My heart hasn't felt relief like this in far too long, I feel like it could burst. I couldn't help but cry when I saw Gray smile again. All it took was Juvia's mangled stutter of his name. It was such a pure smile, like he had decided to donate his soul to her. I don't blame him, Juvia is an amazing woman. I feel like I stabbed her in the back and I don't think the guilt for my excursion with Gray will ever go away. I wonder if he plans to tell her. I thought about doing it myself, but it feels unfair to confess how another tried to mend their grieving heart.
It's almost been an entire year since he left. I don't think I really believe that he's dead but sometime's it's easier to lie about it. Natsu showed me a whole new world, took my hand and cherished me with such open arms. I can deny it all I want, but I know I fell in love with him, his every feature is burned against the inside of my skull. If he really is gone, I won't forget him, but I think I'll be okay eventually.
Sending you love filled with holiday warmth,
Original story and bonus content found here! ↓↓↓↓
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gemma-lemma · 3 years
Flaming Hearts - A Nalu Fanfiction
Chapter two
When Lucy left her room the next morning, Natsu was leaning on the opposite wall already.
“Mornin’ princess.” He greeted and pushed himself off, casting a quick glance down her body while she did the same. While Lucy was wearing a navy-blue skirt and a white turtleneck, combined with white boots and a dark blue backpack, Natsu wore black jeans and a black sweater beneath his black leather jacket. Did he not know any other colours than those depressing tones?
“Good morning, Natsu.” She purred and started walking down the hall. “Were you standing there all night?”
Natsu chuckled and admitted. “No, I slept in a very comfortable bed in another wing of the estate.”
Lucy gave him a surprised look. Did that mean..? “But before you make any false assumptions, my partner was guarding your room at night, so don’t try anything in the future.” He crushed her hopes and gave her a wicked grin. He knew exactly what Lucy was thinking, and it irked her.
“Will you have breakfast with me, then?” She asked, trying to conceal her hopes by sounding as if she were up to something. She hated eating alone.
“Sadly, no. I’ve already eaten.” He said and glanced towards her as she stared strictly forward, lips pressed to a thin line. He wasn’t entirely sure how to interpret that reaction, but she gave him no further room to speculate.
“Then I will see you when I depart from the estate.” She pressed with a smile and turned around to face him one last time before entering the dining room and slamming the door behind her. Natsu looked at it baffled. Had he offended her?
During breakfast Lucy took out her phone and decided to check the Fairy Tail group chat.
 Levy: What??! New bodyguards? Again?
Erza: How many more of those is your dad going to hire until he realizes that you’re able to get rid of them all?
Juvia: Lucy, be nice! Those poor guys don’t know yet what they’re dealing with.
Lucy: Then it’s time they found out, don’t you think?
 The answer was almost immediate.
 Juvia: But be a little nicer than you were with that Hibiscus guy from the Unicorn agency!
Levy: You mean Hibiki from Blue Pegasus?
Juvia: Yes, that one. How am I supposed to remember all their names? There were so many.
Erza: And there will be many more, so you better start remembering.
Lucy: Uhm, maybe not…
Levy: What do you mean?
Lucy: The new agency? They’re Strauss and Co. I met their boss, Mirajane Strauss, yesterday.
Erza: Strauss and Co.? Those are said to be the best! Mirajane is my absolute idol!
Juvia: What’s so interesting about her?
Erza: She was in the military before she started the agency, and from what I’ve heard the woman’s a beast! There was no mission she didn’t complete excellently, and she received loads of medals.
Levy: When she was such a great soldier, why’d she stop just to become a babysitter?
Erza: I’m not sure, they never really dropped the details. All I know is that her sister Lisanna was somehow involved, and that since Mirajane left the military, nobody has ever seen Lisanna again.
Lucy: You think she died?
Erza: I’m don’t know, but at this point I think it’s probable. But that was years ago.
Juvia: But Lucy, why did you say that maybe there wouldn’t come any more agencies?
Lucy: I’m hoping that if I just get Strauss and Co. to fail as spectacularly as possible, my father will realize that it’s useless and stop hiring bodyguards. They’re said to be the best, after all.
Levy: That sounds wicked.
Levy: You got a plan already or need some help?
Lucy: As a starter, I’m gonna start sneaking out and running away from them, beginning with Sting’s party. Oh, and I’ve got to introduce someone to you once we’re at the University.
Erza: That sounds interesting.
 With a smile, Lucy put her phone away and stood up from the table. Just like before, Natsu was waiting right outside the room she was in, this time leaning next to the door.
“You ready?” He asked, and Lucy nodded. Together they walked out to the car and got in the backseat.
“We’re ready, Gajeel.” Natsu called and the driver, a man with long black hair, started the car.
“What happened to my usual driver?” Lucy asked curiously and watched Natsu lean back in his seat.
“We decided that it would be better if someone of our team would drive.” He said and watched out the window.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” Lucy smiled sweetly and scooted closer to the pink haired man.
“What can you tell me about your friends?” He asked instead of answering her question and pretended not to notice how she got closer still. Of course, he knew all about her friends, but maybe this would distract her from asking further questions he didn’t want her to know the answer to. Her previous driver had turned out to be in close contact with several very intrusive paparazzi.
“Well, there’s Levy, for one. Levy McGarden.” Lucy began listing them up and he was surprised about how willing to help she seemed. “She’s a total bookworm, we often exchange books that we liked reading. She’s really sweet, but also a bit of a shark. Once she finds something interesting, she will go beyond herself to find out everything about it.”
Levy McGarden was the daughter of a very famous publisher and a slightly less famous Instagram celebrity. She was in all probability as harmless as her babyface made her look. Her and Lucy had known each other since kindergarten.
“Then there’s Erza Scarlet. She’s been one of my best friends since middle school, and she loves strawberry cake. Probably would kill for a slice. She’s the mom friend of the group, and really nice.”
Natsu frowned. Erza Scarlet was the heir to Scarlet Inc., a company that sold cars. It seemed that her parents were, just like Lucy’s father, more interested in building an empire than raising their daughter, who early on started to rebel against their plans for her. She was versed in all kinds of fighting sports and taught self-defence via videos on social media. Natsu wasn’t all too sure if she was actually as sweet as Lucy said.
“And last but not least we have Juvia Lockser. Her Mother has this great fashion label, Loxar, and she herself wants nothing more than to become a designer like her one day. She’s really cool, like the friend you can go on rollercoasters with.” Lucy concluded, and Natsu raised his brows at the odd comparison.
Juvia Lockser had transferred to Lucy’s high school in eleventh grade, and they had spent the year as sworn enemies. Apparently because of some boy they had both had a thing for, but nothing had ever been confirmed. All he knew was that they ended eleventh grade with catfight and started twelfth grade as best friends.
“Are you telling me something about your team too or will I have to figure out everything by myself?” Lucy asked, now so close that their bodies were touching, and Natsu made the mistake of turning his head to look at her. Their faces were only centimetres apart anymore and she glanced seducingly down towards his lips, before her big brown eyes met his again. For the first time Lucy realized that his eyes were not just really dark but seemed to be actually black.
Natsu cleared his throat and tried to move closer to the door, but he was already pressed against it. There was no escape from Lucy’s attempts to…yeah, what was she even doing? Trying to seduce him? Yeah, that had to be it. He wasn’t entirely sure why she was trying to in the first place, though. Was she hoping for him to make a mistake because he was distracted or to give in to her advances and get fired for it?
“Well, uh,” He stammered and cleared his throat again. “Mirajane you already met. Then there’s Gajeel, our driver.”
“What’s Gajeel’s last name?” Lucy interrupted, and he gave her a startled look.
“His last name’s Redfox. My partner, who’s guarding your room at night, is called Gray Fullbuster, then there’s Cana Alberona, who takes care that extern locations are secure. You happy ‘bout that answer, princess?”
Lucy hummed while thinking it through. Little did Natsu know that those names would wander directly to Levy, who would crack her knuckles twice and then find out everything about the team there was to know.
“What’s your last name, Natsu?”
“Natsu…Dragneel.” She repeated slowly, and a shiver ran down Natsu’s spine. He had to give it to her: She knew the game she was playing very well.
Suddenly, Lucy retreated back to her seat, and just as Natsu gave her a puzzled look, he saw that they were right in front of the University.
“You ready, love?” She asked and looked at him through her lashes. Natsu swallowed and nodded, shaking off all the insecurity she brought up in him. Two could play the game she was playing, and it was time for him to step onto the field.
“Ready when you are, princess.” He retorted and watched, as Gajeel opened her door for her before getting out himself and walking around the car. Lucy hadn’t bothered waiting up for him, but Gajeel still stood there smirking.
“Good luck with that one, Salamander. Seems like she’s got you by the balls.”
“Fuck you, Metalhead. At least I don’t have to play the driver.” He muttered and followed after his fake girlfriend, who just at that moment reached her friends in front of the stairs.
 “The pink haired one?” Levy asked curiously, and Lucy nodded.
“He’s actually my bodyguard, but he’s acting like he’s my boyfriend in public, so it doesn’t seem that obvious that I’m protected.” She whispered and watched him approach. He even had a backpack slung over his shoulder that she hadn’t noticed before.
When he reached them, he laid an arm over Lucy’s shoulder and she smiled up at him sweetly.
“Guys, that’s Natsu, my boyfriend.” She introduced him and he raised his hand in a small wave.
“Nice to meet you, girls. Lucy’s told me already so much about you.”
“And those are Erza,” the red haired one who gave him the evil eye, “Juvia,” the one with the dark blue hair who just eyed him curiously, “And Levy.” The one with the light blue hair and the glasses, who gifted him an honest smile.
“So, Natsu,” Erza spoke and Lucy tried to push down her grin. “Where did you two meet?”
“At the bookstore. We were reaching for the same book and that’s when we first noticed each other.” He chuckled and scratched his neck, and the girls almost melted into his smile. That was actually a very sweet idea, Lucy thought, but they didn’t give up so soon. After all, her friends enjoyed playing Lucy’s games at least as much as she did.
“Oh, you like to read? What genres?” Levy questioned with shining eyes. If there was anyone in the world who loved reading more than Lucy, then it was Levy. Natsu feigned thinking for a second, when he was probably actually wondering what game the girls were playing. He was pretty sure that Lucy had told them the truth already.
“I think my favourite’s probably action, though I really like YA and Romance too. The book we reached for was romance, if I remember it right. Wasn’t it, Lucy?” He thought aloud and glanced down towards the blonde who gave a slight nod.
“Yeah, it was.”
“You know, I’ve gotta say, you’re kinda pretty. I’m sure I would’ve noticed you by now.” Juvia stated and smiled wickedly. “You don’t go to this University, do you?”
They were trying to corner him, Natsu realised. They were trying to make him make a mistake, and suddenly he was very thankful for Mirajane, who always insisted that he learned every last detail of his faux background story by heart and even practiced answering questions about it.
“Well, I’ve been going to this Uni for quite a while now, but I chose to attend via online lessons. I’ve always found those more practical anyways. But since I met Lucy I want to spend as much time with her as I can, and thus am going to come to Uni in person.” He smiled just as sweetly back and could see the exact moment Juvia decided to test his limits.
Lucy snuck her arm around his waist and said: “It’s pretty late already, I think we should go inside.”
The girls agreed, and so everyone went to their lessons.
Lucy took a seat at the back of the classroom and neatly laid out her laptop, a notebook and a biro pen in front of her. Natsu simply put his backpack to his feet and slouched back in his chair.
“Are you even going to pay attention?” Lucy asked curiously and propped her chin on her hand. Natsu nodded.
“Of course I am. Just not to your chemistry lesson.”
“It’s physics, actually.” Lucy gave him a sly smile.
“Ain’t gonna pay attention to that either.” He retorted and tried not to let his embarrassment show. He should have known that.
“Of course not.” Lucy teased and directed her attention to her professor.
During the lesson Natsu kept watching the students surrounding them like an eagle. He was aware of every movement, every glance in their direction.
When Lucy turned her attention back to him, at first, he didn’t even notice, too busy glaring down a fellow student who seemed to have a little crush on the blonde beauty. Determined to focus his attention back on her, Lucy inconspicuously pushed a pen towards the edge of the table. Natsu noticed it the moment it rolled off the edge of the table but was too slow to catch it.
“Whoopsie.” Lucy feigned surprise before leaning down to get the pen that had rolled under Natsu’s seat, knowingly invading his space. Startled, he tried to scoot a little away, but there was only so far he could go before falling off his chair.
“Found it.” Lucy looked up to him with a smile, still bowed over his lap, providing a great view of her cleavage. In that moment Natsu understood perfectly how Lucy had gotten rid of all her previous bodyguards. Either they quit because the teasing was too much, or they were fired because they had given in and walked right into her trap. And if they were actually professional enough to not be affected by how she acted, she would have found a way to prove them incompetent.
“Great.” Natsu pressed and let out a breath when she sat back up again. He needed to find a way to make her give up.
 When they finally left the classroom, Lucy snuck her hand into Natsu’s and leaned into his side.
“Did you find the lesson interesting, love?” She purred and batted her lashes.
“Yes, it was quite the entertainment, princess. What did you like best?” He answered, smile dripping poison. Lucy sported a smug expression.
“The part where I dropped my pen.” She bit her lip, and Natsu finally had enough. He started walking faster, trailing Lucy after him by her hand. She almost stumbled, but as quickly as he had started, he pushed her into a janitor’s room and closed the door behind them.
“What-?” Lucy stuttered, but he immediately shut her up by pressing her against a wall. There was only a little red lamp that barely lighted the room, but she could see his glowing dark eyes clear as day.
“Listen up now, princess.” He growled, one arm propped to the wall above her head, leaning down right beside her ear. “I know exactly what you’re trying to do, and I don’t like it.”
“Oh, is that was dislike looks like, love?” She interrupted, having quickly recovered from the surprise. Natsu got closer, pressing a leg between hers, hoping to wipe some of that smugness off her face. He knew it failed tremendously the moment she put a hand on his chest.
“Yes, that’s what dislike looks like. I won’t fall for your games. I’ve read your files. I know exactly how you got rid of all those before me and let me tell you that I won’t follow them. The only way you’re getting rid of me is if someone puts a bullet in my head.” With the tiniest bit of self-satisfaction, he felt Lucy’s body react to his. She wasn’t as immune as she would have liked him to think, after all. Little goosebumps appeared on her neck and went down her spine, and instead of drawing circles with her fingers like before she grabbed his sweater as her breathing got heavier. Natsu leaned back a little, just enough to look her in the widened eyes. She looked at him like a deer in headlights.
But then she grabbed his sweater tighter, and though still breathing heavily, she bit her lip and smirked. “I know where daddy keeps the guns, love.”
Natsu narrowed his eyes, trying not to let his exasperation show. How the fuck could he intimidate her if not like that?
Letting out an irritated breath, he retreated from her, and watched how she almost slipped down the wall. Looked like someone had gotten weak knees, huh?
Natsu rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the hand as soon as her knees seemed steady enough to carry her again and pulled her out of the room and to her next class.
 Lucy was humming while putting on her make up. She hadn’t managed to get another reaction out of Natsu for the entire week and was now determined to not let this evening flop. She had eaten about two hours before and had officially already gone to bed. It worried her a little that Natsu had known about her sneaking out in the past but she calmed her nerves by reminding herself that, in fact, everyone knew about it. That had been the whole point – to be seen and get rid of another useless team of bodyguards.
When her lipstick finally seemed to have the perfect angle, she thoughtfully eyed the cylindrical box that sat on the counter next to the sink. It was opened, and in it there was a bright pink wig Lucy usually used to sneak out and be unseen. She was still debating with herself whether or not to wear it. Did she want to be unseen or did she want to let people know she was there right away?
Carefully taking the wig out she chose the first option, thinking about remaining incognito until later at night so that her bodyguards couldn’t have a chance to crash the party earlier than she wanted them to.
When everything was finally at the right place, she picked up her phone and threw a last checking look in the mirror. The black dress she was wearing barely reached to her mid-thighs, and the v-neckline was quite revealing too. Her high heels would already have killed her feet by the time they reached the club, but she didn’t care. All Lucy cared about was that she looked smoking hot and hardly recognizable with the hot pink wig that reached straight to her shoulders. It even had bangs.
 Levy: We’ll be there in ten, Lu. Same spot as always?
Lucy: Of course. See you.
 To climb out the window, Lucy took her shoes off again, not wanting to fall and break her neck, and as she snuck her way through a small passage in the garden and then through that part of the bushes, knowing no one from the estate would be able to see her, she kept them dangling from her fingers. Last but not least she finally reached the gate for the delivery men and snuck through it with a security card she had stolen some time ago while seducing one.
Finally taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the fresh night air.
“Man, how I love being right.” A raspy voice broke her out of her peace, and she jolted around to see Natsu leaning on the wall, grinning cockily.
“How- how did you know?” Lucy stuttered, trying to register what was happening just now. Damn it! Natsu pushed himself off the wall and slowly started walking towards her.
“As I said before, I know about how you got rid of all the others. Doing the necessary research about what way you could get off the property so easily made me genuinely worried about the laziness of your previous bodyguards.” He explained and stood still right in front of her. Lucy swallowed hard and watch as he raised a hand to twirl a pink lock around his finger. “Nice wig, by the way. I was already wondering if you went out to just get some fun, too.”
Trying to recollect her thoughts, Lucy pushed his hand off and bowed down to put her shoes back on. She didn’t see how Natsu averted his eyes from her very revealing pose, but she sure hoped he did. When she stood back upright, she was almost as tall as him.
“So, what’s the plan now, love?” She asked and narrowed her eyes at him.
He sent her a knowing smirk. “I’m gonna bring ya back to your room and save mine and Mira’s asses. You are gonna come with me without a fight and nicely go to sleep as you announced almost three hours ago you would.”
Lucy scoffed. “And what if I won’t come with you?”
“I have no problem picking you up and carrying you, princess.”
Debating her chances of getting away from him in that kind of situation, Lucy frowned. Eventually, she raised her hands in defeat. “I don’t wanna go back. I still want to have a night out with my friends.”
“Hah, no. You’re going home.” Natsu said coldly.
“Please, I can never have some fun! And they’re already on their way here.” She pleaded and watched as his cold façade slowly started to melt.
“No, no fucking way. You’re not going to some party just because you don’t like your life, princess. Out of the question, your friends are gonna have to turn around.”
“Please, Natsu! Let me go and I swear that I’ll be nice. Don’t take this away from me too.” Lucy boldly laid her hands on top of his crossed arms and he glanced down for only a moment before sending her a warning glare.
“You’re gonna stay by my side, you hear me? The first time I can’t see you for more than three seconds will be the moment we go home.” He instructed gruffly and opened up his arms so her hands would fall off. Instead, she darted forward and threw her arms around his neck to embrace him in a tight hug.
“Thanks, Natsu! You’re the greatest!” She cheered, genuinely grateful but none the less already thinking of some kind of plan B.
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