#cana x lucy x juvia
isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.
Time for some protective girlfriends!
I hope you enjoy!
Fan vs Card and Water (Cana x Lucy x Juvia)
The Fairy Tail guildhall was a buzz this day. The mages had unanimously decided that it would be a good idea to allow their fans from all over Fiore to visit the guild, giving the many non-magic users a chance to meet their favorite mages. All was going well, men and women amiably talking with their favorite Fairies, even going outside with a few of these mages to see an up-close demonstration of magic. 
Lucy sat at the bar, sipping on her favorite cold drink, a strawberry milkshake, as she watched all of this happening around her. She didn't get as many visitors as she would have liked, but she was still happy to see how much fun her guildmates were having with their own fans. She looked over at a nearby table, seeing that Cana was giving a card reading to her fans, who were gathered around her. 
The celestial wizard chuckled at the sight of her girlfriend giving her fans a show, speaking with a low, suspenseful tone, and moving her arms around with a dramatic flair. Lucy smiled, knowing that her girlfriend was finding fun in making her fans lean in for more fortune-telling. 
She then turned her head to look at another nearby table, seeing her other girlfriend sitting there with her own gaggle of fans. Juvia was creating objects out of water, any object that her fans called out. Lucy's smile grew upon seeing how happy her other girlfriend was, knowing that Juvia was still unable to enough of how many people liked her and wanted to be her friends. It must be a great change from how lonely she was before joining Fairy Tail. 
The blonde woman took another sip of her milkshake, now wondering if she should head home. It was evening, the sun creeping close to the horizon. She doubted that any fans would approach her now, but maybe tomorrow morning, when she returned to the guildhall. She thought about waiting for her two girlfriends to finish with their individual groups of fans, but quickly dismissed the idea. Cana and Juvia would drop into her apartment right after they were done. 
Lucy hopped off of her stool, milkshake still in hand. It was only halfway done, but she didn't want to walk home, alone, in the dark. She knew that Mira wouldn't mind if she took the cup home and brought it back in the morning, having done exactly this before. 
She had taken only a few steps before she was suddenly stopped by a masculine voice, "Miss Heartfilia!" 
Lucy turned around to see a cute, young man standing by the stool that she had just hopped off of. She looked him over, noting that he looked as though he would be a member of The Trimens from Blue Pegasus. He had short, dark blue hair that was tousled, resembling a case of bedhead. His eyes were a warm brown color, resembling her own eye color. He was dressed in a simple, white dress shirt and black jeans. A kind smile was on his face.
The celestial wizard turned her whole body to face the young man, smiling back at him as she greeted him, "hi! Do need something?" 
The man chuckled, almost apologetically, as he rubbed the back of his head, answering, "I hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you'd mind talking to me for a bit. I would have approached you sooner, but I ended up being dragged into a show by Mr. Dragneel. He wanted a test dummy of sorts." 
Lucy laughed at that. It sure sounded like something Natsu would do. She walked over to the man, sitting on a stool, and gestured for the man to sit on the stool that she had just been sitting on a minute ago. As he was seated, the blonde spoke once again, "it's alright, you're not bothering me at all. What did you want to talk about?" 
A bright smile stretched across the young man's pretty features before he responded, "I just want to talk. I'm a big fan, Miss Heartfilia!" 
Lucy gave a small chuckle, instructing him, "just call me Lucy, please." She then took a sip of her milkshake and asked, "what's your name?" 
"Well, Tuck, would you like to know anything about my magic?"
Tuck nodded his head, asking, "could you show me how you summon a celestial spirit?" 
Lucy nodded, moving her milkshake to her other hand before pulling a gold key from her pouch on her hip. She pointed the blade away from her and intoned, "Open! Gate of the White Ram: Aries!" 
A flash of golden light caused Tuck to look away, but it didn't bother Lucy since she had long gotten used to it. Standing before them was the timid, pink-haired celestial spirit that Lucy had recently obtained. The celestial spirit, mumbled, "h-hi." 
Lucy noticed that she eyed the man warily. Remembering Aries' past with Karen Lilica, the blonde assured her newest friend, "it's okay, Aries. He just wanted me to show him how I summon my spirits." 
Aries nodded with understanding, asking, "is there anything you want me to do?" Her voice was painfully soft and her eyes were downcast. 
Lucy shook her head, answering, "no, thank you, Aries. You can go back if you want to." 
The celestial spirit nodded, disappearing back to her realm. Lucy looked back at her fan, shifting her cold drink back into her dominant hand. She looked at her fan, explaining, "basically, I charge a key with magic, say a certain summoning spell, and the spirit appears. Of course, there are certain days I can summon my spirits on." 
Tuck tilted his head slightly to the side, questioning, "certain days?" 
Lucy nodded, elaborating, "for example, Aquarius, one of my strongest spirits, can only be summoned on Wednesdays. Leo, another one of my strongest spirits, can be summoned on any day." 
Tuck nodded in understanding before he spoke again, "I have another question." Lucy then took another sip of her milkshake, humming as a way to tell him to go ahead with his next question. What she heard next made her freeze.
"Would you become my wife?" 
Lucy took a sudden gulp of her cold drink, falling into a coughing fit. She whipped her head around to look at Tuck, her eyes blown wide in alarm and confusion. She paused for a few moments, staring at him with her hand over her mouth. She suppressed a shiver at the sight of his calm smile. But, it wasn't a nice kind of calm. Rather, it was a creepy kind of calm. It reminded Lucy of the way Erza would smile at Natsu and Gray before beating them up after they accidentally smashed her cake during one of their fights. 
The celestial wizard moved her hand from her mouth, her heart had already dropped into her stomach and her entire body went cold. She questioned, her voice not as strong as she would have liked, "w-what?" 
Tuck leaned closer to her, making her lean back. When their faces were mere inches away, the blue-haired man spoke, his previously chipper voice now low and unnerving, "I want you to be my wife." 
Lucy jumped to her feet and took a few steps back, her hand hovering over her keys as she internally wondered if she should summon Loke now. She stammered, "I-I don't..." 
She trailed off when Tuck stood up and began walking toward her, a creepily calm smile still on her face. Not wanting to harm a non-magic user unless she had no other option, Lucy turned around and attempted to run to the guild's doors. Before she could even run a few steps, her arm was suddenly grabbed and she was pulled against Tuck's body. She struggled to free herself from his grip, only for his hold on her arm to tighten, causing her to whimper in pain. 
Before any more action could be taken by either, a blast of water shot between the pair's heads, causing Tuck to release Lucy and jump back. Lucy stumbled backward, but didn't fall to the ground. Instead, she was caught in a pair of familiar arms. She looked at the person who had kept her from tumbling to the ground, seeing that Cana was staring at Tuck, looking pissed off. 
The celestial wizard straightened herself and watched what was going on, seeing that Juvia had inserted herself between her girlfriends and Tuck. 
As Lucy and everybody else in the guildhall watched, Cana and Juvia showed Tuck why messing with Lucy was the worst mistake he could have ever made. 
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astral-fairyy · 7 months
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she and her need for rent✨
click image for better resolution
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happilychee · 9 months
how fairy tail takes care of you when you're sick
cw: descriptions of being sick
I have covid and I wanted to cheer myself up :(
♡ it's a normal day at the fairy tail guild. the job board is crowded with papers, drinks and food are flowing, someone's starting a fight (natsu), and the air is filled with lively chatter. there's only one thing off: you're not there.
♡ gray is the first one to notice. he's at a table with lucy, cana, and erza. he and erza just got back from a stealth mission that paid them well, and he's looking forward to relaxing. except... "where's [name]?" he asks. lucy furrows her brow. "they weren't in yesterday... should we check on them?" gray nods, and the four of them leave the guild hall.
♡ you feel like someone threw you through a wall. your nose is clogged, feeling stuffy and congested. your throat itches and every time you cough it feels like you're hacking away at your lungs. there's a building pressure in your head, a pulsing pain that signals the onset of a migraine. you think that you'd be able to handle the usual symptoms of a cold, except for the burning aches in your lower back. your coughs shake your entire body as your muscles scream in protest, and you curse whatever virus decided to infect you.
♡ you manage to get yourself out of bed and into your kitchen, hoping to make yourself some rice or hot tea with honey. instead, you start seeing black spots swim across your vision, and the world starts tilting like you're swaying on the prow of a ship. you lower yourself onto the cool tile floor, relishing in the soothing temperature against your burning skin. you're so out of it that you don't register the knocks at your door turning into insistent bangs.
♡ finding you half passed out on your kitchen floor was not on gray's to-do list for the day. his worried hands hover over your shivering form, unsure what to check first. erza settles the matter by scooping you into her arms, Requiping out of her armor as she carries you to the couch.
♡ gray takes charge of the kitchen, your favorite recipes coming to kind. he settles on a warm and hearty soup, sure to soothe your hunger and your aches. he starts chopping vegetables, turns on the stove, and soon enough, the kitchen is filled with a delicious and appetizing aroma.
♡ erza is the one who takes your temperature, gets you back to enough coherency to explain your symptoms, and then finds the right medicine for you. she props your back up with pillows, tucks a blanket around you, and feeds you the disgusting cold medicine that porlyusica and wendy swear by.
♡ cana would love to help you and take care of you, except lucy looks pale as a sheet and a little green. she helps the blonde sit at the kitchen table, patting her arm soothingly. lucy mumbles that her mom passed from an illness, and seeing you so sick makes bad memories come back. cana soothes her, reassuring her that you'll be fine. lucy only relents when your eyes crack open, and you direct a gooey smile at her.
♡ you fade in and out of consciousness, snippets of sound and touch registering in your brain. someone is petting your hair while singing, their soft hands braiding and unbraiding your locks. a hand trails over your back, warm and calloused fingers digging into the knots in your shoulders. you purr under the sensation, leaning into the comforting touch. a soft arm, usually covered in armor, wraps around you to sit you up as a chilly hand brings a spoonful of something warm and delicious to your chapped lips. cold bangles brush against your skin as someone lifts you up, carrying you to the land of dreams.
♡ when you regain consciousness, your friends don't let you lift a single finger. gray cooks every meal for you with cana as his sous chef, erza is on top of your medication, natsu distracts you by telling silly stories, and wendy casts pain-relieving spells to help you recover faster. lucy refuses to leave your side until you're fully healed, so she's always fluffing your pillows, bringing you hot tea with honey, and feeding you snacks. the only time she calms down is when you ask her to read for you. her calming voice lulls you in and out of sleep as you listen to her read about a fairy tale princess's adventure.
♡ levy drops off books at your place so you can occupy your mind. most are either your favorites or her recommendations, but gajeel manages to sneak in a spicy book or two, which has you laughing so hard you start coughing.
♡ mira cooks up a storm in the guild hall, partially out of a desire to help you and partially out of worry. there's enough soup to feed fairy tail ten times over, and she insists that half of it be sent to you. lisanna ans juvia also stop by with some homemade baked goods. juvia gives you a steaming hot loaf of banana bread, some cookies and muffins, and a bunch of pastry buns. "it's just a cold, you didn't have to do all this." you try to reason, but no one listens to you when you look nauseous and your shoulders are shaking.
♡ there's someone at your place every day while you're recovering. it could be natsu and happy raiding your pantry and making a mess, it could be lucy and gray cleaning up their mess while erza yells at them, it could be wendy with balms and salves and a story to tell you, it could be the strauss siblings with more food and cheer than you'd ever seen before, it could be juvia with gajeel, lily, and a basket of your favorite buns. point being, fairy tail doesn't take their eyes off you for a moment while you're under the weather.
♡ when you feel well enough to come to the guild hall, everyone starts cheering. laxus fires up the grill, mira pours drinks in a flurry, and cana drags you into some drinking game. the entire guild hall roars to life, partying the night away, because what better reason is there to celebrate than the return of a dear friend?
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sansan9 · 3 days
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farthaus · 2 months
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we call her brokey heartfilia in these streets
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zqttixx · 2 months
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fairy tail on twitter p3 💯 these r so fun to make
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marmaladeclown · 8 months
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could I interest you in some JuCana in the year 2024? 🧍‍♀️
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Some more of my favorite WLW Lucy ships!
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secretkittywolf · 5 months
Fairy Tail ships I ship
(I don't own any of the fanart used. Credit to the original creators)
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They're so cute!!!
I adore these two so much. I hope that they become cannon in the 100yr Quest (if they haven't already since I haven't read it)
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Besties for life!
They have such a cute brother-sister relationship and Natsu was so happy when the Edolas Lisanna was his best friend. Such a cute platonic pairing.
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I love them!!!
I love their relationship so much. At first, Gray couldn't stand Juvia but he soon realised how much she cared and how much he cared for her. The whole Juvia vs Gray fight in the finale made me cry, especially when they killed themselves because they didn't want to kill the other QwQ
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They're ship is so cute and gradual and I love it.
Yes, Gajeel did hurt her and chain her to a tree when they first met, but he's shown and proven to her how much he's changed. Their love is beautiful and I love them.
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I have to admit, I did ship them at first, but it's more platonic than romantic now. Still a cute ship tho.
Romeo & Wendy
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Another platonic pairing. It's cute but I don't ship them romantically.
Sky Sisters
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They have such a cute friendship!
I adore the Sky Sisters friendship and I want to see more of them! I also heard that these two could be cannon, which I'd would love to know if it's true or not. So yeah, ship them platonically and romantically.
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I want more of these two!!!
I want to see more of Elfman and Evergreen so badly. The tsundere and the big strong guy is so cute and the scenes in GMG were so cute.
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I'd love to see more of them since I ship them platonically at the moment.
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I love these two idiots.
Freed adores Laxus and the dragon slayer obviously has a soft spot for Freed.
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Light and dark. Sun and moon. Introvert and extrovert etc. I ship them so much!!!!!!
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He's the reason why she's still a part of Sabertooth!
Sting really cares for Yukino and they're so cute together!
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Another platonic pairing I love.
They're a couple of sillies and I need more of them being idiots.
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Their whole relationship is both cute and sad.
Mavis cursed herself accidentally and now they're immortal together. I love them
Cancer x Gray (Gracer??? Ig??)
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Why is this the only image of these two together?!
I need more Gracer! (Sounds better than Cray doesn't it?) The whole danceoff was gay af and since I'm a multishipper, I ship them.
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The fandom made me ship them. The fandom made me realise just how cute these two are.
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Rivals to best friends, I love them so much. I also ship them romantically on occasion as well.
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Both platonically and romantically, these two are cute.
Benefits of being a multishipper!
Bisca x Alzack
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They're cute and they're cannon!!!
Seeing them in Edolas together was adorable and I'm glad in the cannon universe they also get together.
Ulter & Meredy
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They have a sister relationship and I love it. I don't see them as anything else but sisters
Meredy & Juvia
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Adorable. They became such good friends and I want more of their friendship. Please gimme more!!!!
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I think these two are quite cute together.
I'd love to see more of their friendship!
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Read a fanfic once of these two and I love them together!
The princess and her knight in shining armour!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I ship them so much!!!!!!
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They always make me laugh. I ship them both platonically and romantically.
Natsu & Erza
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I adore the brother-sister relationship they have.
Erza is the big sister having to keep chaotic younger brother Natsu under control (even tho Natsu is older)
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gruviaa · 6 months
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moxiepoxart · 2 years
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Happy Valentines Day! Take a rare pair: LuCana (I’m taking ship suggestions all month)
Lucy is on her tippy toes
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moo-shroomi · 1 month
a list of my fav fairy tail ships except some of them i have liter never heard others ship
-nalu obviously i’m obsessed with them
-minerva x erza call me crazy but those two girls have fat gay crushes on each other
-sting x rogue idc what anyone says they are gay. especially sting. fruit basket ass man.
-cana x lucy i mainly ship nalu like 1000% but also like cana and lucy had so much chemistry randomly like uhhh something LGBTQ is going on with them
-gruvia i think they’re so silly they’re sweetie pies
-juvia x cana fr i ship cana with every female character atp
-mavis x zeref literally they make me so sad i bawled when i saw their story episode bc like they could’ve at least been happy together if the curse didn’t like kinda kill her ish and he would be so different and ugh idk bro zeref also makes me mentally ill in general poor bby
-gajeel x levy they’re actually the cutest cutie pies to ever cutie pie
-millianna x kagura they just seem fruity bro
-laxus x mira i dont think i would ship them if i hadn’t read fanfics that they were in but now that ive read so many fanfics im kinda obsessed with them. they just don’t interact enough in the show
-gray x erza listen ik this is controversial but sometimes they had mad chemistry but like this to me is like i think it’s silly but i don’t think they’d ever be a couple but i think they def did kiss before
idk i can’t think of anymore rn but maybe ill add to this later
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sirclowniey · 2 months
idk fairytail headcannons ig ;-;
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i had more but i deelted the app where i wrote them down so i forgot oopsies -,-
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sun-stricken · 11 months
at some point, in fairy hills
Cana: *Sneaking out of Erza’s room*
Lucy: *Sneaking out of Juvia’s room*
Both: *Freeze and stare at each other*
Lucy, flustered: what-what are you doing here? thats not your room—
Cana, suprised: what are YOU doing here?? you never even lived here??
Lucy: ..thats… thats Erza’s room.
Cana: …and thats Juvia’s.
Both: *Awkwardly staring at each other*
Lucy: …We never saw each other, this never happened
Cana: Agreed.
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thatbirdrestaurant · 1 year
Gray: *Sneaking out of Natsu’s room*
Cana: *Sneaking out of Lucy’s room*
Gray and Cana: *Freeze and stare at each other*
Gray: What are you doing?
Cana: What are YOU doing?
Gray: That’s Lucy’s room
Cana: That’s Natsu’s room
Juvia: *Sneaking out of Erza’s room and freezes when she sees Gray and Cana staring at her*
Gray, Cana, and Juvia: *All awkwardly staring at each other*
Gray: …You never saw me. I never saw you.
Cana and Juvia: Agreed.
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vexieeeee · 1 month
Fairy Tail Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Natsu Dragneel:
Nothing yet...
Lucy Heartfilia:
Nothing yet...
Erza Scarlet:
Nothing yet...
Gray Fullbuster:
Nothing yet...
Gajeel Redfox:
Nothing yet...
Juvia Lockser:
Nothing yet...
Mirajane Strauss:
Nothing yet...
Laxus Dreyar:
Nothing yet...
Cana Alberona:
Nothing yet...
Levy McGarden:
Nothing yet...
Sting Eucliffe:
Nothing yet...
Rogue Cheney:
Nothing yet...
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