#i need his backstory so badly šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
rogers-attic Ā· 5 months
i like how the american dad fandom collectively headcanons that roger had terrible, ab//sive parents back on his home planet
like take a look at this goofy alien guy: hes an alc//h//lic, he has traits of a multiple personality disorder, hes an addict, he has very clear abandonment issues and went on a family bender, he smokes; all those things right there are DEFINITELY trauma responses like he clearly has LOTS of trauma he isnt properly dealing with
he even keeps his dad in the smiths freezer and takes a bite of it every year on his bday for gods sake like he aint right in the head
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shopcat Ā· 7 months
also now that it's fresh what we see of little azula in zuko alone really is not all that ... anything at all. like she's not horrifically evil or predeterminedly ANYTHING ... she's literally ten years old. she's acting like a ten year old ?! she trips her friend and pushes her big brother into a fountain. my brothers use to lock me in chests and there's literally an entire popular childhood game made up that's about tricking your friend into giving them a nosebleed by hitting them in the face. and her biggest crime is ... having a talent for firebending, which isn't actually her fault despite what people seem to strangely think, and parroting strategy and propaganda that her actual manipulative and evil father tells her that she clearly grew up around and doesn't just Randomly Know.
both of these particular aspects of her put her in a position of immense pressure by her father from an incredibly young age, in an incredibly volatile environment where she knows, and as the years pass she LEARNS, a slip up or indication of less than perfection could cost her more than just a basic reprimanding. people harp on for years about gifted children and the ramification of treating a child as more mature or capable than they are but can't seem to apply the pretty much perfect comparison even in this fictional way... that's crazy. it is literally her entire narrative arc and the way it just goes over people's heads is ASTONISHING.
like it seriously frustrates me the way people continue to villainise azula beyond logic to the point where there's this fanonised, warped version of her that exists (particularly as an even younger child than she already is) that's like, the antichrist figure to further woobify and "legitimise" zuko's various traumas and his childhood, which i find not only obviously fucking ridiculous and people should be ashamed of themselves but also like, you just don't have to do that. theirs was not a normal childhood and neither of them should be judged as a normal child, but also paradoxically, they are just normal children.
even if azula was in an average family, from a behavioural standpoint, and a LOGICAL standpoint, no, the ten year old little girl doesn't know the full capacity of what she's doing and saying and should not be judged as if an older child or adult were saying them, or as if she is entirely outside of the narrative scope. she teases zuko about how their grandfather was going to "kill him" and how he should get adopted now (which literally... all my siblings have done have people never had siblings...) which is an entirely normal way of acting out and picking fights. when ursa comes in she immediately acts innocent which no, doesn't indicate further malicious intent or "manipulation", it's... how any 10 year old would act if she got caught being naughty and picking fights. (contrary to popular belief zuko is not the main character both of the story and IN LIFE, and azula exists without her brother around ā€“ a child scared to get caught indicates a child who has been driven to be SCARED. in the household she lives in this applies tenfold).
she would have no actual reason to realise the outside forces actually at play, unlike their mother, and just like it's not her fault zuko is treated unfairly for being the "unfavoured" child it's not her fault that... adults were actually conspiring to kill her brother. which is a huge thing and is something almost intolerably inconceivable to most adults let alone children.
"but she was callous about her mom leaving" she wouldn't be able to REGISTER anything about their mother "disappearing" (or dying, at least to them at this point in time) within the... 10 hours? it happened in. she was lashing out again. she did not have a hand in "KILLING" her mother. and honestly from what little we did see of ursa, a predisposition to finding your own child unsavoury is kind of unwantonly cruel. these characters don't know that they exist in a narrative where azula is being set up as The Villain, who has to act Villainous, and honestly that's a boring fucking way to look at character behaviour anyway.
as much as i do agree that obviously it's a story and things happen for narrative enhancement, the enrichment of a story comes from the believability of a character's actions and even if that weren't true, half of what people as fans of something do is further that themselves by inferring what we can from what we see and therefore i think i'm right in thinking this anyway. you can't step up to the plate claiming you can handle depth and give me a puddle -_-. anyway. it is insanely unbelievable that a mother should write off her own child and favour the other just because her megalomaniacal husband has shown interest in cultivating his own child as a weapon, and just Plain Insane that so many people write off this character entirely WHILST giving all HER trauma to ZUKO.
also like, she's not even acting like a particularly spoiled princess COULD act like in the beginning she's just kind of an annoying kid. i'm not kidding when i say she's acting pretty much entirely normal. "she set her dolls head on fire" so has every other kid i've ever known. i'm actually going to lose my mind about how people have twisted her character into something so beyond any sort of empathy or consideration of what a child of a manipulative genocidal maniac who is shown to abuse his kids could possibly look and act like when we literally get it served up on a silver platter the entire show in the difference between zuko and azula. "azula always lies" because azula always plays the part to protect herself and the role she was manipulated into thinking she earned is like, the foundation of her character and it's embarassing the way i see so many people just like. fall for it. the inability to conceive any sort of love or compassion for a character that directly parallels the male character everyone trips over to analyse is really transparent and sad tbh. at the end of the day azula haters will be taters as i prosper in my garden of success of loving her and being capable of having a brain.
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myokk Ā· 4 months
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I had so much fun writing this up as I drank my coffee this morning, thanks for making the templates @kiwiplaetzchen šŸ„¹šŸ™
A little bit of backstory for Eloise - Iā€™ll do an actual drawing etc etc in the future but for now if youā€™re interested!!:
Eloise has a brother, Leonard (Leo) who is a year older than her (I want to draw him soon!!) and her parents are both (unfortunately šŸ˜”šŸ™) still very much alive. If the family had continued to the 1930s, they would DEFINITELY have been part of the Sacred 28, making it the Sacred 29 instead. Her father was an only child so he inherited everything, and her mother is Elladora Babbit nĆ©e Black, the woman who started the Black family tradition of beheading useless house elvesšŸ˜­ (and yes unfortunately that makes Headmaster Black Eloiseā€™s unclešŸ˜«).
Eloise was kept a secret from the rest of magic society her whole life. In my imagination, the pureblood families have so much inbreeding amongst themselves that itā€™s not uncommon for them to give birth to squibs. Part of pureblood culture is not announcing theyā€™ve given birth to a child until theyā€™ve shown signs of magic - normally around 3/4 years old at most. When Eloise never showed ANY signs of magic, she was just their shameful secret. On her eleventh birthday when it was all but confirmed she was a squib, she was burned off the family tree and spent the next five years at a muggle finishing school. Always looking to take advantage of whatever they could get, however, Eloiseā€™s parents arranged a marriage between her and the firstborn son of a wealthy muggle landowner when she came of age.
Her family had no idea that she was admitted to Hogwarts (they cut off all ties to her and disowned her) and Leo, who had always been fiercely protective of her growing up was simultaneously devastated and ecstatic that he could see his sister again. Itā€™s been really hard to repair the relationship though, as there is a lot of resentment that they cannot get over even though they want tošŸ˜­. And, for as much as her parents dictated everything about how her life has gone, Eloise canā€™t help but try to work hard to get their love and approval as itā€™s all she ever thought she wanted. And now that sheā€™s in a position to become the daughter theyā€™ve always desired, she feels a lot of resentment towards herself. She feels as if sheā€™s betraying the young girl who was abandoned by her family, because she wants their approval so badly (it will take a while for her to get over thisšŸ˜”šŸ™)
In terms of the personality I did it a bit like the sims where I just max things out bc I think everything in the middle is boring jajajaja. But:
Shy: not shy in the sense she canā€™t talk to other people and she isnā€™t necessarily socially awkward. She just doesnā€™t always know what to say and will remain silent if she thinks she has nothing to add to a conversation instead of yapping away (BUT unfortunately rambles and over explains herself to not be misunderstood when she does talk, THANKS narcissistic mother), and normally she wishes people would ignore her. When the Daily Prophet article came out about her ā€œmiraculousā€ recovery and introduction to magical society she HATED it & she HATES all of the people trying to talk to her and befriend her.
Active: NOT active as in super energetic. She just wakes up really early and always needs to keep herself busy. She gets anxious if she doesnā€™t have anything to do - but, she includes thinking as doing something, and often retreats into her thoughts and doesnā€™t realize when people are talking to her.
I think grouchy and nice can exist together so with this one I put it in the middle. Sheā€™s both simultaneouslyšŸ˜­
Aaaand with cowardly/brave, she thinks she is really cowardly for going back to her parents so easily and wanting their love so badly, and hates herself for it (not realizing itā€™s an accumulation of a lifetime of emotional trauma). But lots of times when things get very high-stakes she will jump in and do incredibly reckless things without thinking of the consequences, although if she stopped to think before she acted she would definitely NOT do them. So maybe brave in actions, cowardly on the inside (IDK)
If you read all of this I love you!! I want to share more about her but this was getting crazy long jajajajajajajašŸ˜‡šŸ™
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lazycats-stuff Ā· 11 months
Okay, so I want some angst, so could you do something with Bruce and batbro where reader is the newest member of the batfamily and also a vigilante. His backstory is really sad and never had a parental figure. So when he does something stupid on a mission with no regard of his own health, Bruce scolds and lectures him about it, so reader snaps and says something like ā€œI donā€™t know why you care so much!ā€ And Bruce replyā€™s back with something like ā€œbecause I am your father.ā€ But the reader isnā€™t having it, overwhelmed with his feelings, he yells something like ā€œyou are NOT my father and Iā€™m sure as hell not your son!ā€ And runs away After that. Honestly Iā€™m not sure how to end this so maybe you could think of something šŸ˜…šŸ˜­
Oh anon, it's going to end with fluff. You are going to get angst, but the end will be fluffy. I can't handle pure angst.
Summary: (Y/N) has no regards to his own health and Bruce reprimands him. (Y/N) lets his feelings be known.
Warnings: Angst and fluff essentially, minor cursing, (Y/N) is confused, mentions of injuries.
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(Y/N) struggled badly with fitting in. Getting adopted by Bruce Wayne wasn't in his life plans. (Y/N) was fine on the streets. He educated himself in the library and he didn't need to go to school. Well, prison according to (Y/N)'s words. He didn't see a point in sitting in a classroom for hours on end.
And what was he going to learn there? He knows the basics of mathematics and he knows how to read and how to write. What more do you need in life? Equations?
Not in (Y/N)'s eyes.
It happened by pure accident. He was looking for his friend, hearing that he might have been in danger. Local gang was working through their neighborhood and he didn't like it.
He made sure to stay out of their way and he has advised his friends to do the same. However, people are not known to listen to directions and advices are they? The friend went missing and (Y/N) had to find him.
He didn't have many friends on the streets. It wasn't a bad thing, but you need to have some acquaintances. (Y/N) tried to be nice to everyone he came across, of course, he can't make everyone like him, but he tries.
He doesn't want any trouble. He just wants to get on his life easily.
During that fateful night, Batman and (Y/N) met one another for the first time. (Y/N) was shocked to find him here, but has guessed that he was just investigating. Bruce observed the boy for a moment before starting his interrogation.
He saw (Y/N)'s fear. His eyes widened, hands trembling at the sides. Not to mention the fact that (Y/N) was high on adrenaline. Bruce saw that he wasn't an enemy, just a scared kid. Bruce relaxed and asked (Y/N) some questions.
(Y/N) was stuttering as he answered Batman's questions. It was scary to see the Dark Knight in such proximity. (Y/N) knew that one wrong more will cause him to be maimed.
Of course, Batman wouldn't harm kids, but he is not really known to be patient for information so there was this inate fear that Batman might beat him up. (Y/N) doesn't have any type of medical insurance and...
But Batman was nice to him ever so gently asking him questions about the local gang that's moving in the neighborhood. He offered (Y/N) a position on an informant, but (Y/N) had to decline. Snitches get stiches and (Y/N) didn't want to die.
Bruce nodded at that statement. He understood. Nobody wants to be put in that type of situation. The stress, pressure... Bruce went home that night and he couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N). There was something about the kid that Bruce couldn't stop thinking about.
Maybe he sensed a lack of parental, more so a fatherly figure. Afterall, Bruce has a problem with adopting children and more so, taking strays in.
One night, he was taken to CPS and from there to an orphanage. He was shocked at how fast it has happened. From the cold streets to at least warm bed.
The kids there are not really something that he... Liked per say. Growing up on the streets, he didn't trust anyone, except one person, from whom he was now far away from. Unfortunately, he had no way of getting out, even after observing the pattern of how things to work around here.
Their patrols were good and chances of him escaping are slim. No, not slim, they are non existent. So he gave up after a while. He sat on his bed, reading a book from the library. Somehow (Y/N) ended up in a Wayne Orphanage and it had a library. Bruce Wayne is posh as hell.
(Y/N) looked from his book when he heard a knock on his door. It was Lisa who entered. She is a nice lady and (Y/N) liked her a lot. She understood him and she was never pushy with him.
" Hey (Y/N). There is a man here who wants to talk to you. " She said, all smiles. (Y/N) raised his brow in curiosity. He closed the book and put it aside, standing from the bed.
" What for? " (Y/N) asked as he followed Lisa through the halls. He wondered what it was. If it was GCPD, he won't talk. Again, he isn't a snitch.
" Oh don't worry, it's nothing really serious. Well- You know, you will see. " Lisa said, all smiles still.
" Oh no. " (Y/N) said quietly as they stopped at the director's office. She knocked before entering, letting (Y/N) go to the chair first then closed the door before sitting down herself.
(Y/N) turned his head and it was Bruce Wayne himself. What the hell?
" (Y/N), I have some good news for you. " The director started and (Y/N) felt nervous beyond belief now. And it had to involve Bruce Wayne somehow? Oh dear God.
" Bruce Wayne wants to adopt you. " The director said, clapping his hands. (Y/N)'s mouth dropped a little bit.
" What? " (Y/N) asked quietly, wondering what was happening. His mind couldn't even wrap itself around the concept of adoption.
" I know, it seems like a lot, but you are going to be adopted. " Director smiled and (Y/N) tried to say something, but couldn't.
" Now, you can go back to your room to pack up. " Director said and (Y/N) stood up, feeling like he could keel over at any point. Lisa went with him, seeing that he is very shocked. She saw that he didn't want to talk, but she was worried about him passing out on the way.
" Are you happy? " Lisa asked as they walked into (Y/N)'s room.
" I mean... " (Y/N) started talking as he took a sports bag. " I'm shocked. " (Y/N) whispered, packing his clothes. He took his personal stuff and put them in the bag.
" I know. But you have a chance to have a great life. " Lisa said, trying to help him out. (Y/N) sighed quietly as he packed up. He didn't have a lot either.
" I know. But still. " (Y/N) said, putting the bag on his shoulder. He looked back once more to see if he missed anything.
" Hey, if you ever need to talk, you can always talk to me. " Lisa said, giving him a quick hug before stepping aside to walk (Y/N) back to the office.
(Y/N) has never felt so nervous in his life. He only had his mother, but when she passed away, he ended up on the streets. Having a father figure now is something new to him. He didn't really don't know how to feel.
" Hey, don't worry. " Lisa said, putting a hand on his shoulder to bring him back from his head. (Y/N) nodded, but Lisa still knows that he never had a father figure. And fathers and mothers are very different parent types.
" He is aware of what you have been through. " Lisa tried to console him, but he didn't find any comfort in her words. He didn't like it at all.
It has been a year since he started living with Bruce Wayne and (Y/N) felt like he was out of place. The other kids are okay and they actually like him, but (Y/N) feels like he doesn't belong here. He is only used to mother like figures and connecting to Bruce in general is hard. To (Y/N) he looks like he is allergic to emotions.
Not to mention the fact that he is Batman and the others are Robins. He fainted when he found out and he was offered training to become a vigilante himself. (Y/N) thought about it for a long time.
It's a big commitment to become a vigilante. You need to keep your head calm and you yourself need to have the nerves to be patient. (Y/N) didn't think he could do it because there was so much anger inside of him.
It wasn't loud anger, no. It was quiet anger. It's a more dangerous type of anger and it's the one that eats you from the inside out. Not to mention, you need to be talkative, you need to talk through the comms and what not.
But (Y/N) didn't really enjoy it. He is an introverted person and he didn't really like to talk or go out somewhere and fight crime. But in the end, he thought about making a difference.
Will he make it though?
(Y/N) remembered every time he was out on the street. He stayed out of every ones way. Even though he had a great friend on the streets, he still never opened up to him fully. He has never bared his soul open for anyone to see.
He probably never will bare it to anyone. And one thing that made him think against being a vigilante was the fact that he can't really follow direction and orders.
But then again, maybe he is could make a difference. Batman can't eradicate crime, but he can give the city a boost and he has already given the criminals the fear. (Y/N) knew the fear very well. There was often a thought on his mind, whether or not Batman was watching.
But in the end, he decided to join. Bruce trained him and it felt weird to have some sort of guidance. And to have a support from a male figure is something... Nice and yet confusing beyond belief.
But he still couldn't quite wrap his mind around the fact that he had a father figure. And he felt some of the quiet anger disappear. It felt nice.
All of (Y/N)'s feelings boiled over when patrol went wrong. He disobeyed Bruce's direct orders. (Y/N) knew that he was in so much trouble, but the night has been so tiring and so exhausting. He got hurt, his body bruised and everything in him ached. He just wanted to take a cold shower and go to bed.
But that won't happen ever so easily.
(Y/N) walked off, not in the mood to listen to Bruce's lecture. It was just the two of them, since the others were busy with their own things. He didn't want to prolong this shit.
" (Y/N)! Stop right there! " Bruce yelled and Alfred turned his head. He knew that (Y/N) has put himself in danger by disobeying an order, but he couldn't stop his worry from showing on his face.
Oh no.
(Y/N) listened to Bruce, refusing to turn himself to face Bruce. He could feel anger rolling off of him in waves. He had to think of something that wouldn't result in him further angering Bruce.
" Turn around. " Bruce said, ever so calmly. (Y/N) knew that this is anything but calm. (Y/N) listened to the order, slowly turning.
Bruce's face was neutral, but (Y/N) saw anger in his eyes. Oh, he was in for a treat.
" You disobeyed a direct order! You could have died! " Bruce started and (Y/N) felt his fists clench. There was something building in his chest, something hot and heavy, settling near the heart.
" I had a plan! When I tell you to do something in the field, you listen to me! " Bruce kept on yelling and (Y/N) felt like he was going to keel over. He tried to unclench his fists, but he couldn't.
The anger had kept growing and growing.
" Why do you even care?! " (Y/N) yelled back, allowing the anger to take over. Bruce didn't even flinch at the yelling and he seemingly got louder.
" Because I'm your FATHER! " Bruce said, making sure to put importance on the word father. Something got triggered in (Y/N) and the thing that has settled near the heart exploded.
" YOU AREN'T MY FATHER AND I'M NOT YOUR SON! " (Y/N) yelled back with so much ferocity and so much anger that Bruce had to rear back a little bit.
The words stung a little bit and Bruce saw tears falling down (Y/N)'s face. (Y/N) took a deep breath before walking off up the surface and out of the cave. Bruce stood still and Alfred looked at one another.
" Well, I think he finally let it out. " Alfred said, trying to light up the mood, but it didn't work.
" Should I let him be for now? " Bruce wondered rubbing his face.
" Yes. He is at the moment angry and he needs to let it out. " Alfred said, rubbing the back of his neck.
While the two are having a discussion on what to do and how to approach (Y/N), the said boy ran to his room breaking down in the hall, just before entering. He fell down on his knees, sobbing quietly. He wiped his face before entering his dark room.
He quickly removed his suit before stepping into the shower. He showered with ice cold water to ease the pain of some bruises. He tried to calm down, but nothing worked. He changed into his pajamas and just crawled into bed.
He had no interest in staying awake anymore. But he couldn't go to sleep. Did he have to yell like that? Probably not. But those feelings are something that have been bubbling for a little over a year and if he kept them in for a while longer, it would eat him up completely.
But Bruce was very nice to him for the time (Y/N) has been here. (Y/N) closed his eyes as he tried to sleep, but he couldn't. His mom once said to never go to bed angry, but he was to stubborn too look for Bruce.
But it seems that fate would have it that Bruce seeks (Y/N) out first. Bruce entered the room quietly and (Y/N) was just still, pretending to be asleep. Bruce knows this trick very well, but he played along for (Y/N)'s sake.
Bruce sat on the edge of the bed, near his back. (Y/N) felt the bed dip and he remained still as possible.
" I know you think I don't care, but I do. You are my son no matter what and seeing you hurt on patrol made me feel scared. I shouldn't have yelled at you, but I was scared and angry at myself. " Bruce said and (Y/N) moved closer to Bruce, trying to find some comfort in his arms.
Bruce didn't say anything else as he embraced his son, who sobbed quietly in his embrace. Bruce knew that (Y/N) has never had a father figure in his life, but he didn't realize it was that bad.
Bruce would try to be better for (Y/N), but for now, the night is too fragile for something bigger. It was just enough for tonight.
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kitorin Ā· 1 year
how they react when they catch you simping for a fictional character
pairings. shidou ryusei x gn!reader, itoshi rin x m!reader, mikage reo x gn!reader (separate)
contents. crack, smau, a sexual joke and a half (it's just ryusei being ryusei) shinonome akito slander (I'M SORRY I PROMISE I LOVE HIM BUT RIN DOESN'T), exposing my taste in men, written all in lowercase, spoilers for sounds of a summer event (project sekai)
a/n. i thought of this bc i questioned if i liked rin or akito more šŸ˜­, and sorry for rin's being so long since i had the most ideas for him :>. i also have no confidence with crack so please bear with me and it's my first smau
shidou ryusei - seong taehoon (how to fight / viral hit)
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when he caught you gawking at the new viral hit chapter, taehoon specifically, he immediately joined you (as he should)
he straight up yelled "smash" at that one scene where taehoon's snacking and he's wearing a tight shirt so you can see all of his muscles
he begs you to re read the series with them, and now you two read each update every week together, fully engaged in the story and taehoon's abs
attempts to recreate all of taehoon's kicks (i headcanon that does taekwondo and has a black belt :>), proudly shows them off to you, with a huge grin on his face (please fawn over him too)
also extensively practices so he can show them off by incorporating them into soccer somehow (doesn't matter if it ain't practical he just wants to impress you), and if he ever has to use them on anyone making you uncomfortable
he probably has a folder in his gallery dedicated to every panel he loves (which is basically all) and recreates his absolute favs (with you as his photographer)
makes a lot of jokes about being in love with taehoon (so do you), but he'd stop them if they made you uncomfortable, and reassures you that a drawing can't compare to how sweet, amazing and perfect you are
honorable mentions to baek seongjun being his second favourite
wants you to do taekwondo as well cause now he has a thing for it after discovering taehoon
"i swear to god men who do taekwondo and can actually fight are so hot,"
"isn't that you?"
"... you don't agree with me...?"
"no you have a brilliant point"
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itoshi rin - shinonome akito (project sekai)
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during the sounds of a summer festival event you spent so much time glued to your phone, full combo-ing literally every hard, expert, and master song you possibly could, leveling up all character ranks, sacrifice countless of hours of sleep (if it's for akito it's very much worth it), and even contemplate spending money
you even tweeted about how badly you need him
rin notices the bags under your eyes, and the lack of sleep you had been getting, he's worried and when he asks you you're too focused on the event story to even register what he says, as you're on the brink of sobbing at young akito and ena
he observes as well, and immediately is jealous of how much of your attention this fictional character was receiving from you
as you're about to spend another few hours grinding, he stops you
"dumbass you need to sleep, and give your eyes a break"
"no i don't, i need summer festival akito,"
"who and what?"
soon you're rambling on how much akito's backstory and struggles already hurt, and how wholesome yet painful the event story was, with akito quitting soccer and ena encouraging him to give music a try, and it only nurtures rin's envy
"you're going to cry for a ginger guy who quit soccer and started his ambition because of his older sister? how lukewarm,"
"yes i am?? and he looked cute as a child and now he's a pretty boy with the best vocals. their event cards are beautiful too i need them. didn't you start soccer because of sae anyways?"
"rin... are you jealous?"
"... no, i just don't get what you see in this idiot. i never quit soccer when it got hard and i know how to persevere, i don't give up, i don't experience despair when someone's better than me-"
"so you're jealous,"
"rin you always have and always will be my number 1. akito can't do anything you've done for me, and can't even compare to how pretty you are,"
"damn right,"
despite being salty, he still installs the game to read the stories, out of pure curiosity and wants to understand what kind of stuff you like
he ends up adoring ena and akito's relationship (the supportive part only ofc), as well as tsukasa and saki's (and secretly wishes sae was as affectionate as shizuku since she reminds him of sae in the past)
you do not shut up when you seem him struggle with hitorinbo envy on master
"he is, i was just curious why you liked the stories so much,"
"... i want his boyfriend"
"YOU READ THE MAIN STORY TOO ?! and you don't need touya you have me"
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mikage reo - kang tae moo (business proposal)
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he heard you squealing at a scene of tae moo getting flustered after sunghoon suggested his feelings for hari
he thought that you were having a heart attack and thought something was wrong
reo doesn't even need the show's context to be invested immediately, as he joins you and watches with great interest
after seeing you simp over tae moo, in secret, he binge watches the rest of the series in attempt to mimic any romantic scenes
full on posts the "do you know what my credit card and my love for y/n have in common? they simply have no limit" on his not very private twitter account, and it leaves you flustered by all the comments saying how lucky you are and their jealousy
deletes any comment revealing the source of that line (silently apologises to the writer(s) and credits ahn hyo seop for its brilliant execution)
little does he know nagi made a tweet exposing him
also recreates other cute scenes from the show, and starts looking for more kdramas to watch and recreate (still gets fully absorbed in the plot and dialogue)
innocently smiles when you realize he's just a kang tae moo copycat
"i didn't copy him i'm the inspiration behind him, rich, smart, pretty and utter perfection,"
"i can't deny the second part... i can't believe nagi's seen business proposal,"
"wait what?"
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Ā©kouyun : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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underthetree845 Ā· 10 months
Skipping Beats
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15 pm! Dazai/15 pm! Reader (oneshot)
Cws: gn! reader, 15 pm! reader, 15 pm! dazai, ada dazai, dazai's pov, 15 chuuya, ! slight dazai's backstory spoilers ! , first kiss, fluff, dazai being dazai, memories, implied mutual pining
About 1.3k words
Summary: How did Dazai and Reader end up sharing their first kiss as teenagers?
A/n: I giggled so much while writing this šŸ˜­ I love making Dazai calm on the outside but internally panicked on the inside. Also here is (@/kimjiho1's requested credit for use of the first divider).
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ā€œYou think I canā€™t?ā€ ā€œI know you canā€™t.ā€ ā€œWhat makes you so sure?ā€ ā€œYouā€™ve never done it before.ā€ ā€œSo? Thereā€™s a first time for everything.ā€ ā€œProve it.ā€ ā€œYou want me to?ā€ ā€œJust donā€™t blame me when you-ā€Ā 
He was about to make another remark when he was involuntarily cut off. Dazai froze in place and found himself unable to know how to respond to your action, which was a rarity in itself. Admitting that heā€™s never kissed anyone before either would be equivalent to suicide, not the painless kind. Aware that he probably looked like a deer caught in headlights, Dazai allowed his eyelids to sink closed. Your lips were soft, he noted, softer than he expected anyoneā€™s to be, and up close he could tell you smelled good too. The sensation caused a tension on the inside of his skin and a scalding on the outside. It was hot- but not irritation or malevolence. It didnā€™t burn, just spread, warming his body from the tips of his fingers to the top of his head, causing something to stir in his chest.Ā 
The kiss was over as suddenly as it started. Your cheeks were deeply flushed, and you looked at him with a mixture of satisfaction and obvious anxiety dripping down your throat. Dazai was observant to every twitch of your muscles and length of your breath, and he was sure you were aware of the same. It took him a moment to remember to breathe as the moment lingered.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™ve got more guts than I thought, Iā€™ll give you that,ā€ Dazai chuckled slightly, swiping a thumb over his bottom lip. Your breath wavered as you let out a sigh and leaned back in your seat. ā€œWell? See? I did it?ā€ you huffed, crossing your arms in front of your chest.Ā  ā€œAnd Iā€™m honored to have been the one to have received your first kiss,ā€ he smirked. ā€œInexperienced as you may be, it wasnā€™t bad for a first try.ā€
You squinted your eyes. ā€œOh and my wisdom could never compare to one so vast as yours?ā€ you raised an eyebrow. ā€œPrecisely,ā€ the brunette smiled complacently. ā€œSo teach me,ā€ you leaned forward, resting your elbows on your knees. His pause was momentary, but noticeable for someone who usually couldnā€™t shut their mouth. ā€œHmm, Bella, are you sure you arenā€™t just using this as an excuse because you want more?ā€ he teased, despite how his hands nearly trembled at the thought. ā€œWell for someone as omniscient as yourself, that shouldnā€™t even matter when dealing with someone so inexperienced, right?ā€ you persisted. ā€œYou have nothing to lose.ā€ Seeing no other way out, Dazai exhaled with feigned contempt. ā€œFine, if you really want me to that badly,ā€ he turned to face you again in his seat, ā€œbut just this one time.ā€ ā€œWhatever you say,ā€ you replied with a smile, one he wanted so badly to kiss smack off your face. ā€œOkay so first, there needs to be a bit of foreplay,ā€ Dazai stated, you nodded and locked eyes. ā€œYou donā€™t just ram your lips into theirs,ā€ he continued, ā€œyou have to make them want to kiss you first.ā€ ā€œAnd how do I do that?ā€ you tilted your head. Dazai gulped. ā€œItā€™s about the atmosphere,ā€ he explained, leaning his elbow on the table to his left, slightly closer to you, ā€œit has to be intimate.ā€Ā 
ā€œLike this?ā€ you asked. It took every muscle in Dazaiā€™s body to not involuntarily twitch at the contact. He didn't know how much longer heā€™d last with your hand cupping his cheek so gently.Ā 
ā€œNot bad,ā€ he affirmed. ā€œNext,ā€ he spoke a little lower, ā€œyou have to look at them like you want to kiss them.ā€Ā 
ā€œI think Iā€™ll need a little something to go on, Dazai,ā€ your grin was goading, but so, so warm. The corners of your eyes crinkled, your lips curved so perfectly, you looked at him between your eyelashes and he knew he would have trouble standing if he tried.Ā 
The mafia executive took a deep breath and placed one hand on your waist, the other loosely over your other hand which rested in your lap.Ā 
ā€œThatā€™s good, be sure to tilt your head as you lean in,ā€ even Dazai knew his voice sounded strained. ā€œIt helps if you glance between their eyes and lips as you do.ā€ How long had he craved attention like this? So long heā€™d searched for something that might make him understand what he could not, a scrap of something real, something in this world worth living for. Did he even deserve attention like this- from you of all people?Ā 
To him, you were an angel walking on earth.Ā 
Either that, or you were the devil trying to fool a sinner such as himself into believing that he could be worthy of such tender affection. Your eyes, glassy, glanced down at his lips and he took notice of the start of a blush on your cheeks. He could feel your breath, it mingled with his, the world seemed to still as both of you leaned in. You allowed your eyelashes to flutter closed and Dazai soon followed. If he thought your first kiss blew his mind, your second was the most extraordinary moment of his life. He hadnā€™t gotten the chance to savor the taste of your lips, how warm they truly were, how he wanted to melt into your embrace for all eternity. Dazai tilted his head to deepen the kiss and felt you shudder. You each had a hand resting on your lap, his on top of yours. He wasnā€™t quite sure who did it first, but soon your fingers were intertwined.Ā 
You were the first to pull away but you kept close, your foreheads resting against one another. Dazai breathed heavily, scanning your face for any sign of dissatisfaction or even disgust. ā€œWas that good?ā€ you spoke, embedded into your voice was that softness he wanted more than anything to be carried away by. You locked eyes and Dazai couldnā€™t help the way his heart skipped a beat, maybe two. He stared for another moment, lips parted, feeling the most real he ever had in a long time. ā€œ...Y/n,ā€ he started, giving your hand a squeeze, ā€œI-ā€Ā 
ā€œOh what the hell you two,ā€ a voice interrupted from the side. Dazai jumped slightly before turning his head, not used to being caught off guard. You startled backwards; he immediately missed the warmth your closeness brought, but found a certain satisfaction in the fact that your hands remained in a tight lock. Chuuya stood with his hand on the door, a slightly embarrassed grimace on his face. He held a bag of convenience store snacks at his side, the food he had been sent to purchase after losing to Dazai thirty two times in a row at rock paper scissors.Ā 
ā€œN-nakahara!ā€ you swallowed, your grip on Dazaiā€™s hand growing tighter, ā€œThat was fast!ā€ ā€œThe convenience store is three blocks away,ā€ Chuuya murmured, setting the plastic bag down and crossing his arms. ā€œSo, are we going to talk about it... or?ā€
You turned to face Dazai again and he slowly shifted his gaze from the redhead back to you, an almost repulsed look on his face. ā€œEugh, Y/n,ā€ he started, hunching his back in towards you. You furrowed your brows and leaned in closer. ā€œI think a big slimy slug just walked in,ā€ he whispered, and an offended scoff came from the boy standing to his right. Dazai didnā€™t miss the way you had to hold back a laugh, and found himself grinning as Chuuya aggressively grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.Ā 
ā€œDazai-san?ā€ the manā€™s eyes flew open at the sound of his name, he slid his headphones down to his neck and turned to the source of the voice, tilting his head curiously. ā€œWhatā€™s up Atsushi-kun?ā€ he inquired, still leaning back in his office chair with his hands folded behind his head. ā€œOh! Sorry,ā€ Atsushi gave a small, sheepish smile, ā€œI wasnā€™t sure if you were asleep or not. You must have been thinking pretty hard about something.ā€ ā€œHm,ā€ Dazai replied, gaze shifting to the floor, ā€œguess I was.ā€ Atsushi paused for a moment, Dazai removed his hands from the back of his head. ā€œWhat were you thinking about?ā€ ā€œJust some old memories. Donā€™t worry about it.ā€Ā 
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A/n: Thank you for reading, I really enjoyed writing this <3 (it was based on a daydream).
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yanderehsr Ā· 11 months
Hi a request from your 1k followers event (congratulations on hitting that milestone!)
Can I ask for Yandere Childe
The OC name is lukyan, 21 male
Personality wise: he's basically like Diluc, they seem cold and rude though different from Diluc, even when you get to know him he's still cold and distance (he barely interact w anyone and lack social skill badly-)
Backstory: he's basically an orphan in Snezhnaya but was never found out by the fatui, he kinda live in his own w another orphan who also never got found out by the fatui, when they were 15 the friend die and lukyan live alone from then on, he feel so guilty cuz he couldnā€™t protect his friends, rn heā€™s doing work like hunting or tree chopping to make sm money and live by the day (I tried to keep it short so now it sound weirdšŸ˜­)
In my canon he never really meet Childe, so you donā€™t need to write anything long just a general headcanon how would they meet in your mind and how would Yandereļæ¼ Childe work w someone like this
Also if I break any rules do tell me:,)
Ayyyy, thanks for sending the request, hope you'll enjoyšŸ˜†
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour
Childe had always seen him, sometimes out on the streets doing odd jobs, and sometimes through the corner of his eyes, but one thing always stayed the same, no matter how big the crowd, he could always notice Lukyan.
Observing him became kinda an obsession for Childe, seeing how he would run around, working his ass off for minimim payment... okay that last one makes him quite sad, he shouldn't have to work, Childe thinks that Lukyan deserves to be spoiled, to live a life of luxery.
Childe decides to become that person, the person who spoils and give gifts to Lukyan, presents will always appear in front of him without him seeing who leaves him with them. Childe isn't even liekly to get jealous with Lukyan since Lukyan acts cold and distant with others, in fact Childe prefers him to be this way
But Childe's patience can only go for so long, he grows annoyed that Lukyan isn't his, so what does he do? He uses his own authority as a harbinger to make sure no one is willing to give him any more jobs, no more jobs means no more money, and when Lukyan has no money, well some fatui's might loan him some money.
Money that Lukyan can't pay back, and who else but Childe can offer a solution when the fatui is hunting him down for being late on repayment. Become his and all the debt will dissapear, Lukyan doesn't have a choice.
"Well what do we have here, if it isn't Lukyan, it says you are 3 months late on paying us back... no need to fear, why don't you sit down, I have an offer I'm sure you'll be thrilled to hear about"
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scientistservant Ā· 5 months
I'm sorry for sending in another ask šŸ™ˆ But I need to know your opinion, as I haven't had a chance to read it. Sooooooo, why is Long Live The Pumpkin Queen, bad? Did they fuck up the doc and Sally that badly? Like are we talking about Love Never Dies level of shitty? (musical sequel to Phantom of the opera that most of us fans loathe.)
Oh boy, okay
This is gonna be long, please bare with me šŸ˜­
So the book completely changes/ā€œfixesā€ Sallyā€™s origins. She wasnā€™t a creation, or never even FROM Halloween Town.
Sheā€™s a special princess of dolls from ā€œDream Townā€ and has parents who are also dolls. She was kidnapped from her bedroom when she was like 12 by Finkelstein.
This is fucking bullshit.
How she even physically ages or how dolls can even conceive is never brought up or explained. Nor is how Fink even kidnapped her in the first place. The book and author just expects you to accept this new canon, which conveniently comes out like three decades after the source material.
Because the book is in first person and in Sallyā€™s point of view we NEVER hear any perspective or proper explanation from Fink or any other character about anything.
Fink is just reduced to a one-dimensional villain who kidnapped Sally all because he apparently canā€™t create life or bring things back to life via science. You knowā€¦ HIS FUCKING JOB.
He despises that Jack and Sally get married, despite that Fink would be ecstatic at this (Sallyā€™s his creation and Jack one of his very old friends.)
Sally is also reduced to a one-dimensional protagonist who never questions anything and every third word from her mouth/brain is either ā€œsadā€, ā€œragdollā€, or ā€œstitches/seamsā€.
She just believes these two doll people who sheā€™s never met before, and doesnā€™t bother to leave ā€œDream Townā€ to ask the elderly scientist sheā€™s known for her entire existence about this (not to mention everyone in the entire world including the holiday realms are dead asleep at this point at this part in the book anywayā€¦)
Oh yeah, the book has a main villain too, surprisingly. Itā€™s not Fink, even though the book certainly treats him like it.
Itā€™s the fake ruler of ā€œDream Townā€, Sandman, whoā€™s actually kind of cool and creepy. But his reasoning for his villainy is bullshit, just like everything else in this damn book.
Heā€™s just tired.
The Sandman is tired because he canā€™t sleep and his sand doesnā€™t work on him so he canā€™t get to sleep. Youā€™d think a being as powerful and seemingly dangerous as this guy wouldnā€™t need sleep, but apparently he does. Heā€™s cranky and needs a nap with his blanky, boo-fucking-hoo.
The ONLY thing I actually sort of enjoyed in the book was the bit where Sandman was stalking Halloween Town, putting everyone to sleep, and Sally was hiding from him. That was actually kind of suspenseful and I wish Sandman was that threatening throughout.
And does Sandman get any punishment for taking over ā€œDream Townā€ and putting everyone in an eternal sleep?
Nope. But FINK gets punished! Firstly, Jack completely believes these two random doll creatures he has never met before and that say theyā€™re Sallyā€™s parents. He yells at Fink, without asking his dear old friend if any of this is even true. And then Fink gets 100 years of prison and community service, which is stupid because why the fuck would Holiday realm laws, much less HALLOWEEN TOWN laws, function the same as the real worldā€™s?
Speaking of which, apparently Halloween Townā€™s an actual monarchy, and the Pumpkin King isnā€™t just a cool title for the face/mascot/figurehead of the realm. The book even lampshades this, but doesnā€™t take this anywhere further aside from Sally complaining she has to wear a crown and Jack doesnā€™t.
This whole book is stupid and I will never accept it as canon, ever.
What sucks about this is that I fucking PREORDERED the book! I thought it was gonna be a story about how and why Sally was created, and get some backstory/lore for Fink, as well as explanation of why his relationship with his creation got so bad. Maybe a little extra plot of how Sally and Jack met.
But it didnā€™t. I fucking cried. This book made me cry my fucking eyes out, out of anger and betrayal because my favourite character and his creation/daughter was butchered.
After reading the whole thing I threw the book in a little library and never looked back.
Iā€™m still working on a complete and total rewrite/fix-it-fic, itā€™s just gotten put on the back-burner because of other projects Iā€™m currently working/fixated on. Apologies for that. But I promise it wonā€™t be forgotten!
EDIT: Oh yeah, and the Holiday rulers have a meeting about climate change. Because Holidays have super importance with the weather or some shit. Iā€™m not fucking kidding.
EDIT 2: The author is also a New York Times best-seller which is already pretty suspicious since that is basically a huge scam. The book has hundreds of 4-5 star reviews that don't even really get into the specifics of WHY it's good. They're all either extreme Jack x Sally fans (the book starts off with them getting married and Sally's main dilemma is worrying about being "a good enough queen") that like anything tnbc/Jally related OR a bunch of people were paid to give this book glowing reviews.
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mari-writes Ā· 4 months
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I so badly want this match animated. And not just for the adorable Akaashi/bkak backstory. Anime-only fans NEED to see Bokuto being this intense, so protective of his team, focused and confident. I want everyone to be able to witness this guy blossoming into a Normal Ace!!! šŸ˜­ā¤ļø
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1staind-3 Ā· 30 days
Argument hcs for blue lock šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ (half angst, half crack?)
This list includes Nagi, Reo, Aiku, Kunigami, Chigiri, and Kaiser
ā€¼ļøTw: mentions of gaslighting, cheating, dv (kaisers backstory), chigiris leg, uhmm someone says ā€œkysā€ but idk what the warning is calledā€¼ļø
Very badly formatted pls be warned sob
Probably like 1k words lmao
ā€¢yā€™all started arguing because he keeps dropping all his dirty clothes off by the washing machine and expecting you to wash them (green aura with dead flies)
ā€¢when heā€™s in an argument he responds like 5 times until he makes his point, then he just stops responding.
ā€¢heā€™ll just stand up, walk away and watch tv or start playing fortnite or smth
ā€¢if you follow him, still trying to talk to him, heā€™ll put headphones on
ā€œJust drop it y/n, youā€™re letting your emotions get the better of you.ā€
ā€¢if you wanted to turn the argument physical, then snatch his headphones out
ā€¢heā€™d just stand up and look at you with a face blank with anger, waiting for you to make the next move.
ā€œYou really wanna do this, y/n?ā€
*locks in* nuh uh
ā€¢yall started arguing because Reo is acting passive agressive around you, and you dont know why.
ā€¢heā€™ll just be saying shit like
ā€œhaving fun?ā€
ā€œGee, if only you had a boyfriend to talk toā€¦ right infront of you.ā€
ā€œIs he my replacement?ā€
ā€¢when you ask whatā€™s wrong, heā€™ll say,
ā€œOh, nothing.ā€ Once again, completely pissed off.
ā€¢after a week, the alpha wolf inside you SNAPPED, and you started asking him why heā€™s doing all this? Like whatā€™s his problem!
ā€œMy problem? Youā€™re always watching these stupid romcoms like you dont have a boyfriend right infront of you!! Just admit it, youā€™re getting bored of me. I knew itā€¦ā€
ā€¢Ermā€¦ what the striker is bro going on abt??
ā€¢you replied, on the verge of laughter, that youā€™ve only been watching all these romcoms for an English assignment. Who would willingly watch binge watch hallmark movies while writing down notes in a notepad?
ā€¢Reo stared at you in shock, then blushed. ā€œReally..?ā€
ā€¢You smiled and ushered him to sit next to you, cuddling him the second he sat down. ā€œI know i just dissed Hallmark movies, but theyā€™re popular for a reasonā€¦ i always cry in the end. Hey, you see that guy?ā€
ā€¢Reo smiled back and cuddled into you, apologizing for how he acted. You apologized as well, and reminded him that thereā€™s no need to overthink these so much, youā€™re not gonna get mad at him for having feelings.
(Ermā€¦ what the roleplay !! Sorry guys idk like what pov the rest of these are in šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ forgibe me)
(Deep breath inā€¦. Deep breath outā€¦. Deeep breath inā€¦. NOOOOOOOO)
ā€¢yall started arguing because you found a pair of underwear in his duffle bagā€¦ lingerie underwearā€¦
ā€¢Aiku is literally the gaslighter of all timešŸ”„šŸ”„ so heā€™ll managed to convince you that this was all just some silly mistake.
ā€¢after that, arguing either him became really hard. He seemed to have a question or excuse for literally every problem you accuse him of
ā€¢seen him with a girl?
ā€œCmon y/n, ive never been to a bowling alley in my life. Who even goes there? I think youā€™re just being paranoid babe.ā€
ā€œWant a massage?ā€
ā€¢seen him again with a different girl? And this time he looked you right in the eyes?
ā€œNo way babe, thatā€™s impossible. I hate chinese food.ā€ Then heā€™ll carry you to your room, feel your head and say
ā€œYouā€™re burning upā€¦ fevers can cause hallucinations in some people, Iā€™m surprised you made it here without wrecking. Hey, donā€™t worry now, everythingā€™s gonna be darling.ā€
ā€¢eventually you just stopped arguing with him about it. Or anything.
ā€¢yall started arguing because you feel like Kunigamiā€™s being secretive with you, and hiding some messed up issues
ā€¢Kunigami tries his best to avoid arguments with you, but when they happen you stress him out the most in the world because he seriously has to watch what he says and does
ā€œIm not being fu- freakingā€¦ secretive, y/n, you donā€™t have to know my entire life story to be with me.ā€
ā€œI knowā€¦ i justā€¦what? No! I dont need fucking therapy? Dont piss me off, y/n.ā€
ā€¢the last thing he wants to do is hurt you, so he most of the time tries to keep his responses curt and to the point and walks out before he starts yelling.
ā€œIm gonna take a walk, y/n. Dont follow me.ā€
ā€¢if you grab his arm, heā€™ll look back at you and repeat what he said.
ā€œDont. follow. me.ā€
ā€¢ he cant let you know about wild card. He cant let you know about the person he used to be. He canā€™t ever, ever, let you meet shidou. He cant ever, ever, ever, let you see him cry.
ā€¢all arguments with him lead absolutely nowhere, so youā€™d better change your approach with him to get what your looking for out of him.
ā€¢ do not, i repeat, do not ever slap/hit him. He wont hit you back, but now youā€™ve instantly made him lose any will to preserve your feelings and have a normal conversation
ā€¢he will think of the most foul, personal, targeted insults known to man. Lots of ā€œkill yourselfā€s on his part. You two will without a doubt break up after this.
ā€¢he wont act like he didnā€™t feel betrayed, and heā€™ll touch the spot you hurt him at while he falls asleep, and tries not to cry.
ā€¢yall started arguing because he keeps using up all ur shampoo whenever he showers at your place
ā€¢ first thing heā€™ll do is deny it, then pin the blame on you (darvo type sh)
ā€¢he doesnā€™t mean to be toxic, he just really, really, hates being wrong.
ā€¢you guys argue alot. Over basically everything.
ā€¢half the times, chigiri can admit that he was wrong, but heā€™ll NEVER apologize
ā€¢he doesnt really think he did anything wrong??
ā€¢when you notice that Chigiri had never ONCE apologized to you for literally anything.
ā€œOh really? Well thatā€™s literally impossible but sure.ā€
ā€¢you told him to say sorry right now then
ā€œFine. Sorry.ā€
ā€¢then you told him to say sorry to you
ā€œFor what though?ā€
ā€¢eventually chigiri revealed that he doesnt apologize to people unless its something really fucked up. He doesnā€™t wanna just say it so lightly, because then the word becomes meaningless. A worn out formality that everyone uses when someone bumps into them at the store. It basically used to be a greeting for him back when he fucked his ankle up. theyā€™d see his wheelchair before they saw him. Theyd say sorry before they even said his name.
ā€¢your mouth did an O and you understood instantly.
ā€¢after that, you guys argued just a little bit less
ā€¢you donā€™t argue with kaiser
ā€¢kaiser is ALWAYS right.
ā€¢maybe if you ask him kindly for a solution to your problem, he would grace you with an answer to your plight
ā€¢but arguing back to him is unacceptable, unless you want to be grabbed by
ā€œYou dont deserve to cry.ā€
ā€¢is something you hear from him often.
ā€¢heā€™ll always somehow find a way to mention how his dad used to beat him for crying, if you start crying infront of him which you find very ominous
ā€œHow long will it take to put this in your stupid head already. Im right, youā€™re wrong. Youā€™re more suited for looking pretty instead of thinkingā€
ā€¢ after you eventually stopped talking, Kaiser decided it was time to start looking for someone who could actually entertain him
Ty for reading !! And ik i did shitty w kaiser but i dont fucking like him so i never rlly paid attention to his personality LMAO but if yall want to give any crituque id be thankful!! Bye yall ā¤ļøā¤ļø
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kunoimochi Ā· 1 year
Can you list your ocs types? Both male and female if that doesn't bothering you
Ok this is long so please take your time reading it :3 a lil bit warning tho it have a um very unique content so
Oh and i skip the 5th grade male characters since i already answered this kind of question for them before, i also didn't add the oc's with ninjutsu gakuen since um i can't think one for them šŸ˜­
4th grade
- fukuko Oishi
Ofc we all know fukuko she probably want to end up with someone who have a pretty hair but other than that fukuko unconsciously always attracted to a man who treat her badly as she once before have a crush to her bully. But this is not always the case, someone who good at making her laugh or feel embarrassed will work to, for example Mikagu and yes she once have a crush on him not knowing that Hiiragi is in secret relationship with him since they're 1th grade. Knowing fukuko gonna end up with nadare really tell alot about her type actually as nadare is a mix of mikagu and fukuko old bully, nadare probably the first guy that fukuko confess to (and probably the first one that rejected her and accept her in the end)
- Hiiragi kure
Hiiragi type probably the same as fukuko except for the bully part since she's easy to kick people ass no one dare to bully her, she sometimes give a tsundere ish personality to someone who easily and love teasing her. She always have fantasy about end up with a prince or a cool samurai make her have a very high standards. Her end game is Mikagu and we all know mikagu doesn't have the characteristic features of a prince or a cool samurai obviously but he have the gentleman and overprotective personality towards Hiiragi make her feel safe so she's still love him anyway even though she think that Mikagu is very stupid.
5th grade
- ameko Isa
Ame really hate boys, have something to do with her backstory make very dislike someone her age. Because of her hatred towards boys she really gard to attracted to someone and not the type have that her teenage romance. She's probably someone who have a daddy issues, she always attracted to someone FAR older than her. Have history flirting with male teachers in yahiko gakuen, it's not like the teachers pay attention to her tho. Like someone who take care of her and doesn't show affection in public. But just because of her daddy issues doesn't mean she can't end up with someone her age, she need a partner that can show her proper care and very mature is already good enough.
- Asahina Isa
Unlike her sister Asa doesn't hold hatred towards boys her age because of her mindset 'not all the men is the same'. She like pretty man because it's very nice to look at pretty face every morning. Very easily falling in love to someone who show her a lil bit of affection since she's so desperate for love. She's the type that run away from home with a man she barely knew (give a vibe like anna from frozen fr). She want someone who honest and genuinely like her, someone who is independent are good too because she's secretly very dependent women.
6th grade
- Risshū Anzai
RisshÅ« really love pretty girls (i mean who don't girls are really pretty) he's are the type of guy who go with the flow since he's doesn't have a clear type in his mind. But he will list feature that he hope his partner have for example; someone who good at cooking, have a very good humor, calm, kind etc... You know the good characteristic but he's unconsciously attracted to intimidating women, someone who give him the scary glare whenever they're having a fight (it's turned him onā€“) probably try to rizz his female enemies.
- harukaze Eto
Yep pervert man have a questionable type very wellā€“ but anyway, harukaze mentioned he like a women who tied het hair up in ponytail styles. Someone who athletic is extra point because athletic women probably have a lot of energy(?). Someone who shy is also good so he can teasing them anytime. But harukaze being himself is not very choosy because in his eyes all women have their own quality so he doesn't care who he's end up with.
- Maori date
A very simple guy, as long that person know when they need to leave him alone and be there when he's need attention he doesn't ask much. His love language probably quality time and gift giving. Love independent women, he say independent women usually have a very unique personality. Since he's always a goody goof ball and have a personality of golden retriever someone who act like black cat probably suit him, he just want to make his partner happy. Oh yeah one more thing someone who good at massaging since he always have a back problem.
- Roufuu Goto
This guy get a long with harukaze very well because of 'certain' reason. Let's be honest here this both get along because of their type and kink's. Roufuu really love soft spoken women, someone who polite and have a good attitude. Like long hair women since he love to play and decorate people hair (or he just one to pull them). Even though his personality and interest is very feminine, he have a very masculine mindset so he really love someone who dependent with him.
- Raiyuu Hori
I don't think this narcissist man will ever got a partner but oh well, the type of girl Raiyuu want in his mind probably like a traditional wife you know what i mean, someone who can cook and stuff. But he also like someone shine brighter than him, someone who is talented, selfless and pure. Since he have a very strong leadership personality he tend to protect people but if there's someone who try to protect him instead he probably will be very flustered and blushing mess becauseā€“ well this is First time happens to him so he doesn't know how to react. A good listener so if you talk much to him dw he like it.
- Haruji ishii
Another guy who doesn't care of what kind of person he will end up with, as long his partner love him regardless he doesn't care. Probably someone who have a deredere personality, he thinks that type of person is very adorable.
- korishirou itohi
He love language is physical touch so if he end up with someone doesn't mind this kind of affection. Love bokukko/tomboyish girl but not too masculine yk. Someone who can handle his annoying ass, laugh at his joke and eat his cooking.
- Naoyu shobe
This guy probably end up with someone who always nagging him. He need someone who can take care of him because sometimes he can be ready careless, he's not the type who do trouble but since all his friends is troublemaker he became involved with them. So someone who care and have mother like personality pretty fit with him (for clarification he doesn't have mommy issues)
- kyojin Iwamoto
Doesn't mind anyone actually as long the person doesn't act like a btch
- kyonosuke tao
He want someone who have a soft and soothing voice, someone who willing to help him ready in the morning. If that person still stay with him after all handle his personality hassle, they're the one.
- arihiko Tanji
He doesn't know tbh
- hagemu shirai
Probably someone who doesn't jugde him with the path he taking (talking about being a Hatakeyama apprentice). He have a very ugly mark in his body (effect from practicing black magic smh) he just hope his partner doesn't frightening by this, someone who caring about him, always honest and doesn't do stupid thing without him.
- itsuzo nisshi
Probably someone who can handle his personality because I won't :3. It's either someone who calm that can control him or someone who have a bigger anger issues than him so they can punch him or something. Someone weaker than him physically or mentally probably works that way he will try control his temper so he will not hurt his love one.
- norisuke kinno
Someone who ignore his stalker behavior :3. Please cutie patotie just curious about your life but he doesn't mean to be a creep. When talk about his personality someone who show kindness to him is already good enough tbh eventho he doesn't show any interest.
- Ikuna Mino
I mean if there's a guy who genuinely interested in her she won't mind. Probably someone who is not related with Hatakeyama family in anyway please she despise them.
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cononeillbreastingboobily Ā· 11 months
I agree with all your takes on omfd season 2... wasn't all that a laugh and a half :/ do you have any thoughts on a prospective (?) season 3?
Oh yeah lmao, the writers were definitely having a laff, unlike me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
When it comes to season 3:
ā€¢ I can't imagine or accept a situation in which Izzy is not there in the flesh. Not after a season that specifically introduced the concept of magic and the gravy basket. I don't want him to be a ghost or a vision of guilt-ridden characters. I want my boy back, in the flesh, to pester everyone around him and to finally have his hot girl summer ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø
ā€¢ as much as even after the first 3 eps of s2 I could potentially see Steddyhands happening, all of that kinda went to shit in my eyes after they killed Izzy off.
ā€¢ After everything that happened I can't and don't want to imagine Ed and Izzy reconciling enough to get involved with each other romantically.
ā€¢ I can see Izzy with Stede tho. I'd actually like that quite a lot.
ā€¢ at this point I'm not a Blackbonnet girlie (gn) by any stretch, and well, I can't imagine myself enjoying a potential season 3 if all it has to offer will be more drama between those two
ā€¢ knowing them both, I think they will be making genuine attempts at running an inn for half an episode. And I'm being generous
ā€¢ also, I can't imagine a season 3 that has Zheng just. Hanging out on the Revenge. Making out with Oluwande. And not even attempting to rebuild her pirate empire. I need my girl cunning and powerful with a fleet to show for it. I think that what they did to her by the end of the season was a shit writing decision. Was her losing her entire fleet... Supposed to humble her? To teach her a lesson? What lesson? That it's not things but people that really matter? It's kind of a weak message, especially for this character. And the execution of it was just. Plain bad lmao. Her talk with Auntie by the end was cute, yes, but it came so out of the blue tbh. If it has been established earlier on that maybe Zheng feels insecure sometimes and would like for Auntie specifically to tell her she's proud of her, that would make more sense. But this way it was kinda. It didn't have the punch it should've had.
ā€¢ also sidenote: Zheng deciding to team up with Stede (even if it was mostly because Ed was also there) doesn't reflect well on him... It reflects badly on her. My girl deserves allies as powerful as her and Stede is simply not that.
ā€¢ I want more crew shenanigans. And more backstory for every crew member!!!
ā€¢ I can imagine a version of the story in which Stede and Ed break up and just don't get back together again by the end. It's so beautiful here. Hold my hand
ā€¢ also sidenote, but has Jim just completely given up on taking their revenge on the Siete Gallos? I think it would've been fun to revisit that storyline
ā€¢ honestly - after the shitshow that was season 2, I can't think of an actual potential way that the story could end. And tbh I don't think the writers do, either. I do have ideas, but they're mine and not the writers' of the show, and thus not very likely to actually happen.
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dontkickmyshin Ā· 1 year
i've been rereading weak hero season 2 since the latest chapter dropped and i have some things to say about donald
spoilers under the cut
okay first of all i am so fucking pissed at seopassšŸ˜­šŸ˜­i can't really say much about the storytelling aspect of choosing to allow donald to die but honestly it does feel very sudden and just unfair to his character. perhaps the suddenness is my reaction because all this time it seemed like he just couldn't die, then he had had the whole arc in the final battle where we finally see a vulnerable side of him and get his full backstory, then all of a sudden he dies?? it just feels so incomplete, like the build up was for nothingšŸ™šŸ™šŸ™.
second of all, i'm only realising just how sad his backstory is now that i'm rereading it.
it's not just about his mother being ill, his father being abusive, and being bullied in school but also the loss of innocence in young donald. at first he was so sweet and cute, but by the time he's thirteen, he's also got a whole baby gang going, beating people up and even doing breaking and entering in one instance, taking his step father's money. then he exposes the dirt on his ex teacher and had myles joo and his boys beat him up, and smash his car outside of the school.
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it also reminds me of how much donald has grown- now he would never b&e or smash an adult's car so recklessly (though ofc he did it originally knowing he couldn't get the police called on him). though still heavily involved with delinquents, violence and crime, his methods have refined as he grew, and you can see him become more calculated and less uncouth. despite the maturity of his actions at 13, in a way they're still childish, and it's a reminder that even if he's acting tough he's still a babyšŸ™šŸ™
while i was glad to watch those people get their comeuppance, i honestly felt so heartbroken watching their callous and flippant nature to crime. like, he literally has a baby face!!! he's like 5'0!!! and he's here stomping people in alleyways and committing burglary?!!! it reminded me of kaz brekker from SOC for some reason, who was innocent and naive till he had to grow up at 12 or 13 and started hustling people in gambling dens and getting in trouble with the law.
it hurts to watch how cruelly he was treated by his teachers and his schoolmates because of his poverty, and how no one did anything about it because it was just normal to them that in a school full of rich kids, it was just a given that donald was considered less than trash. then at night he was kicked out by his step father so he could cheat and drink and he had to wander around yeongdeungpo all on his own in the cold, hungry, and huddle under an apartment block?? ARE YOU JOKINGšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
he changed so much due to the circumstances of his situation and he grew into something no one should ever have to. he isn't just strong and smart and always five steps ahead becaude of his natural talent (though that definitely helped), but because he had to be. doing badly has never been a choice for him. he needs it to survive. i've always liked donald, and i've always suspected this about his character, but hearing it be confirmed just makes me like him more.
it's so sad realising how everything about him was manufactured to fit his image- his piercings, his hair, his clothes, his tattoos, his image, the way he talks- he didn't even LIKE any of them, but they just became a part of who he was nevertheless. thinking about the way he found his tattoos repulsive when they were all over his body, and were the first things he saw whenever he looked in the mirror must've been so painful to him. but he probably thought being affected by it made him weak sošŸ™.
and finally, the end where it shows his attachment and love for his inner child who was never loved or taken care by anybody and had to fend for his own. the image of the older donald, covered in tattoos taking care of his small, crying younger self is so powerfulšŸ˜­šŸ˜­like look at this i wanna kms
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i wonder in another life how donald na would turn out if none of these things happened to himšŸ™šŸ™he wanted to be a NASA engineer you knowšŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­he had his own dreams
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other things that i noted were that donald actually changes in public a lot. like seriously a lot....first on the rooftop then in the library, like this guy was just stripping at every opportunity.
and also that him not inviting gilshin and jimmy bae into the union was done on purpose as a technique to make them more willing to join? what?? that's so smartšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
i also found out this way that myles was a member of the union before it was even called the union?? like they rode together for three years and donald still beat his ass like damn! he is unsentimental.
i'm going to write something about the funeral chapter but that deserves its own post
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yuukei-yikes Ā· 1 year
i was thinking abt how ayano and shintaro r the only two characters who ever die by suicide (shintaro is only in some routes but STILL.) and like how that's a way of showing that they had the potential to understand each other (bc in my opinion they r actually very similar) but not until either of them were dead. idk does this make sense? i just thought of this today so this thought isnt very refined yet i need to think abt it more
they ARE similar!!!!! i totally agree. shintaro and ayano are totally similar people. they're both Justice Seekers but are so depressed and have such horrible self worth they can't actually be proactive about things. but then they are :3
i wish we got ayano pov from hs and why she liked shintaro. I've always thought ayano's crush on him is...cute!!! because she's literally going thru the horrors, her mom died, her dad is being Strange, and she has to take care of the house and her siblings all alone PLUS later learning of all the horrible stuff about the daze and clearing. and yet. she's also a normal hs girl who has a silly crush on her classmate. not that we ever saw it but i definitely think ayano got to see at least once the shintaro we see who fights for good and doesn't let fear get to him like when he yells at the fucking terrorists or acts all cool when they face clearing in the novels. i think ayano got to see shintaro being Heroic or whatever and she was like THIS is the kind of guy we need to be recruiting in the mekakushi danšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ like seriously im delusional abt this but i think there should be a shinaya backstory abt this.
man i wish we saw more hs shinayašŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ im so mad that they only ever show shintaro being a fucking asshole lord in hs like im not rooting for you bitch FAST FORWARD NOW but the fact ayano knows shintaro likes music and shoujo manga etcetc its clear ayano and shintaro had normal ass conversations all the time. SHOW THEM TO MEEEEEE whatever. i dont even care <- cares
anyways i just wanted to say i think ayano does Kind of understand shintaro. i also wish we saw ayano think of shintaro in the entire conjecture with clearing eyes killing haruka and takane and her sacrificing herself for them and the mekatrio. Go listen to full disclosure from steven universe and you will understand my ayano vision for this. sorry that was weird. i think ayano wanted to keep shintaro as uninvolved as possible, haruka and takane were inevitably already in it. she just wanted to make sure to take them Out of it but shintaro.. i think ayano always had the feeling shintaro would get involved. i think ayano gravitates towards shintaro because she needed help and she needed a hero and deep down she knew this was him. but she never manages to properly reach out or even understand it i guess. but i think ayano did understand shintaro maybe even more he understood himself. on the other hand shintaro DID NOT understand ayano AT ALL but like you said, he could have. who knows how things had gone if shintaro had walked in when he saw ayano crying in the classroom!!! imagine ayano managing to pour her heart out and tell him what's gonna happen to their friends and her family. he would've helped. shintaro would've done something. but ayano wouldn't want him to bc he would get hurt but at the same time she WOULD want him to because she's so scared and alone and desperate for help *holds head *
also i always make myself insane abt shintaro and ayano being depressed legends who wanna die. while haruka and takane struggle with health problems and want to Live So Badly. sorry for bringing up harutaka Hi its me tumblr user yuukei yikes vinnie i will ALWAYS make it about harutaka. i just wanted to say that. shinaya who wanna die and tragedy arises from never meeting in the middle and not being able to understand each other vs harutaka who wanna live more than anything and tragedy arises from being forcibly separated.
ayano's words to takane when she's projecting so hard. there are times you want to tell someone something but you wind up being too late. ayano was never gonna say anything to shintaro because she didnt Want to. she knew what she was going to the roof for. while takane immediately makes a run for it to say something to haruka, she is just too late and has no control over her fate. whatever im normal!
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ninjamelissajulien Ā· 6 months
DR2 notes
- ok teen riyu super cut
Pixal mentioned!!!!
Lloyd thatā€™s ptsd
Kai my beloved
I love Kreel ngl
Inch resting with Cinder. Didnā€™t think Iā€™d like him
Fugidove VA I can tell
Cinder fuckin donā€™t break their backs dear god
Master of smokeā€¦ what happened to ash???
bagels are always good
Morro theme
I love the new intro
New colors for imperium outfits
What is with people trying to make Lloyd eat rancid things
Also panic attacks canon with Lloyd and Zane
Are we not gonna mention Ash???
I love Sora so much
Can we fucking chill with the TEAPOTS PLEASE
Arin is such a scrunkly
Uh oh. I bet this is gonna go after Jay - shattering the goodness inside him.
I love euphrasia so much
Ohhh the worm curse I forgot about that
Element masters but evilā€¦ force from the East banished themā€¦
I do love that the new ninja are 3 girls 1 boy
Jordana I fucking love you
Aww Nya comforting Lloyd
Ash mention how the fuck did Kai beat Cinder so fast wtf I blinked and he was down
Ok I have to say the fighting is beyond amazing, but also holy shit shatter spin is terrifying and also Zane is fucjin dead rip
The sound that cinder makes with each hit is the gong sounds
They keep zooming in on one of the wolf warriors- also are they real people or the masks manifested
Life. Thatā€™s the dragon that claimed Lloyd. Lloydā€™s element is Life.
The imperium source was Energy. Another is strength. Motion. The other 3 arenā€™t mentioned.
I love you Kai. So much. Iā€™d kill for you.
Protective Kai for Wyldfire also Zane why are you staying behind
Jordana vs Cinder is fucjing funny
RGB siblings real
WYLDFIRE you crazy son of a bitgh
God the animation is GORGEOUS
Leviathan theme
God Arin and Sora are brotp
Damn jays voice is deeper
Jesus fucking Christ ā€œthe real Jay would never forget meā€ theyā€™re going for that arenā€™t they
What was Kaiā€™s - was it seabound
Of course Kai would jump first since Cole isnā€™t there
Me: ok I need to pause to go to the bathroom Iā€™ll pause at the beginning of 4
The beginning of 4:
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These bitches gay good for them good for them
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Yep thatā€™s Coleā€™s kid
God I love the sound of Nyaā€™s element
Rontu I love you
Cole I love you so much
Forces from the East meet the Journey to the West
Coles powers are stronger
Bonzle is the keyā€¦ maybe the undead open the gateway
What was last time???
please Iā€™m begging you do we get a whole fucking episode about the backstory of the plush because u want that so badly
Wā€¦ whatā€¦ bonzle thatā€™s a lot to just casually drop on someone
I love Bonzleā€™s voice.
Fuck yeah new story animation I love these (genuine!) also sorceress comes in later
A place more permanent than the realm of the departedā€¦ interesting
Cole holding Geos hand I saw that you gay cutie
No. Fucking. Way.
Rontu you amazing beast
Motion was one of the source dragons
God if that is Andrew as Egalt heā€™s fucking fantastic
Garmadon mentioned!!!!!!!!! SPINJITZU BROS MENTION
the ninja cured his loneliness šŸ’”
Wyldfire I love you you dumb bitgh
My favorite gif of the high five
aww Zane šŸ„¹
What the fuck Ras is tripping
These worried parents
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The rocky dangerbuff mustache
Do it wyldfire
Mention Lou Iā€™m begging you
Or Marty Oppenheimer
ā€œI was never the performer in my family.ā€ Me: Iā€¦ I meanā€¦ Louā€¦ but the triple tiger sashayā€¦
Have I mentioned the animation because Jesus itā€™s so good
The monastery?
Also Iā€™ve noticed I havenā€™t heard any sound effects from Kirby yet which is interesting. Not bad by any means, but interesting. Itā€™s nice that Andrewā€™s Cole is becoming his own šŸ’™
Cole why are you staring at the wall oh
ā€œTotally annoying and I was completely blamelessā€ sure Cole sure also interesting that this is now the SECOND time Jay has been mentioned
Chenā€™s noodle house mention
3 mentions
I donā€™t know who you are but I love you you queer queen also sprite???
Aww wyldfire
Bonzle šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Uh oh whoā€™s knocking THESE FUCKERS AGAIN????
Zane you handsome dumbass I love you
Uh oh
That happened fast
Damn nindroid-phobic where the fuck is Jay
Zane I love you
Me: where the fuck is Jay *two seconds later* THERES THE MOTHERFUCKER
wait the shatter spin JAY GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE
Ok so amnesia yes but admin jay not too long lmao just bring up Nya
Are we not going to mention Nindroids
Hey can we get to Jay????
Jay???? Jay????? HELLO JAY????? JAY?????????? WE JUST NIT GINNA JAY??????
I forgot about Jordana lmaooooo
Oh yeah I forgot Cinder lmaooooooooooo
Wow the super old ā€œusing jayā€™s voice for Kai as a whimperā€ sound
Are we still not bringing up Jay
oooh flashback
Boy Euphrasia really got sidelined didnā€™t she
So we really arenā€™t going for Jay arenā€™t we
Who is this Janet????
Arin and his seatbelt
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Cole Rottweiler confirmed
Take. Off. The. Masks. Now.
Uh oh ARIN
Donā€™t you fucking dare tempt arin
I will kill myself if something happens to Kai
They better not
I will do it
Iā€™m not on my meds
Iā€™m suing.
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eff-plays Ā· 11 months
Kind of late to the party, but I just skimmed through some of the discussion about Astarion's racism and narrative issues with the gnomes and Gur. Personally, I think it's an area that really should have been explored more post Cazzador. I have a post half-written about it that I can't find the right words for šŸ˜­.
But essentially, Astarion's reactions to both those groups of people are easily some of his worst traits. In game atleast. I don't find it fair to hold his data mined EA backstory against him as it was never mentioned or canon even then. What he does and says in-game about them is bad enough and should be explored more.
The thing about both of these groups though is it blends his trauma with his straight from the tap shittiness. For all that he clearly shows he is racist towards gnomes (cool gag bit Larian??) There are also narrative reasons for him to be reacting badly to them given where he is in his character arc. Doesn't excuse it. But he does have flawed perceptions of power and victimhood that he clings to up until the last second when fighting Cazzador. He is not ready to grow on any of these fronts when first encountering the Gur and gnomes.
But Spawn Astarion would have been the perfect avenue for showing his growth and clarifying things to the audience. Taking Spawn Astarion to the Iron Throne and having him very clearly tell Tav they have to rescue them? Maybe with some uncomfortable coughing and whispering it under his breath cause he doesn't want to come off like he cares THAT much. It wouldn't need to come off like he's a Wyll-esque hero. Just a begrudging, "Well, I've kind of committed to this whole getting better thing. God's this is annoying. Why is it so much work?" Kind of similar to when he puts forward rescuing the kid from the hag. Maybe getting really triggered or angry over the kind of tools the Bannites are employing to keep the gnomes in line?
Same thing with taking him back to the Gur camp after Cazzador. There being more discussion. Maybe him being appreciative of the work they do because he hopes that no more Cazzador's take root in BG and Gur are a good force against such things. The bad blood isnt buried, but there's a respect between them. Maybe a bit of repentance in his vibe. But he's still bitchy and exasperated all the while.
I think that having Spawn Astarion have more unique dialogue about these groups would have tied up his narrative with them better- but also would have opened the lid on his character growth more.
Flipside is, if he had more reactions and they WEREN'T positive- it would show that despite the growth he's gone through, Astarion is independently a really shitty guy. It doesn't have to be because of his feelings about power- somtimes he's being racist just because that's who he is. Which I think would let the audience make more informed opinions about him.
Yeah just saw the discussion and it got my brain going over this again. Sorry this is so long.
I do agree that holding EA stuff that was written out against him is unfair, heck I think Player!Astarion and Companion!Astarion are barely even the same guy.
And yeah, I think him having so little reactivity makes sense from an economic standpoint, but it does muddle his character and stifle his character growth (or lack thereof) a lot. Like I haven't played all of Act 3 (I deleted my first playthrough before I could finish it because I missed a lot of stuff I wanted to include, and then when my second playthrough got to Act 3, the patch came out and the game broke), but I do remember seeing a video of all of the companions reacting to the PC sleeping with Mizora? And he's totally chill with it and jokes about it?
Which always felt really weird to me. I feel like if you do this before his endings, wouldn't he be insecure? Like how he is if you try to bring in Halsin or have a foursome with the drow twins? If it's the Spawn ending, wouldn't he be upset? That you didn't tell him? That you hurt Wyll and Karlach? And wouldn't Ascended Astarion get catty and/or pissed that you fucked someone without him/his permission?
Idk what Larian was going for with his reaction to that at all tbh, like ... "Well he's the horny evil one so obviously he'll be okay with it for shits and giggles" is the vibe I got.
Sorry, that was kind of irrelevant to what you were saying, but it did feel like a microcosm of the issue. I'm hoping once they start putting in more story content (I heard Theo Solomon was recording more stuff for Wyll so fingers crossed!!) that the other characters need, they will also go back and shuffle around some logic for how the characters react depending on the outcomes of their storylines, esp Astarion because of how vastly different he can turn out.
Cuz there are bits of that, like apparently he reacts differently to Lae'zel killing [spoiler character] depending on his ending? And is a lot more merciful or cruel? Would be good to see more of that.
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