#i need a better tagging system jesus
verturo · 2 days
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sniigura-archive · 4 months
running ; leaving ; no one will stay
Adam x Fem! Reader
Summary: The only condolences you have is that Adam is worse than you.
Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4
CW/TW/Tags: COLLEGE AU!!!, Male masturbation, stalker behaviour, TW Adam, adam is really weird ok, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, slight vvoilence (against adam), toxic and abusive elements , nudes (conseual), tell me if i missed smth!!, obgyn appointment, copper iud, (nothing detailed)
Adam was sure that he hates you.
His teeth bit down on his lip, nearly drawing blood. The picture in his hand crumbled, while the thumb from his other hand massaged his tip. He threw his head back, into his pillow. If he tried hard enough, he could still catch your scent on his pillows.
You have been plaguing his mind since the first fucking semester. It’s pathetic, really. He should get his shit together. How he tried to get you out of his mind, with other girls.
He remembers one who used the same perfume as you, how he pressed her against an alley wall after a concert. Turning her away from him, because she might have smelled like you, but she wasn’t even half as pretty. Another one who looked similar enough, with enough drinks in his system it was easy to imagine. He might have looked into her face while fucking her, but he still commanded her to shut the fuck up. Her voice was grating his ears.
There were many more situations like that, one time he recalled, how he slipped up and called a girl by your name. That shit sure was humiliating, he had to give her a pretty sum to shut her up. He was sure that he didn’t bother to make any of them cum. He wished to overstimulate you back tho.
He squeezed the base of his dick, feeling how harder he got at the thought of you. Adam wasn’t sure what he preferred, having you be in control or him controlling and bending your fuckable body to his will. Both are amazing views, which come with mind blowing pleasure.
Adam groaned while focusing his eye back on the bikini pic in his hand. Fuck. He wouldn’t have to be a common thief, if you posted more on your social media. It wasn’t his first time attempting to follow your account, it’s just the first time you accept his request. He follows already all your friends, he screenshots and screen records whatever he can get his hands on and, oh, how much he wants to beat Judas ass for still having couple pics of you posted.
He’s one pussy whipped fool.
Jesus, he’d much prefer your pussy sucking him in, with that vice fucking grip it got. Adam sped up his hand motions, the fantasy of simply you and your pretty pussy got him close. His cock was leaking pre cum, helping him to smoothly run his fingers over his veins. He needed you, badly.
But someone has been ignoring him for what now? A week? Unanswered messages and calls, straight up not even looking at him when he looks for you on campus. It pisses him off beyond belief. He extra bought you a new phone, and he knows it arrived at your place. Still, you’re walking around phone-less. Stubborn whore. Don’t bitches usually love pink? Ungrateful as fuck. Especially since it’s the newest model out there, way better than whatever piece of shit you got.
Judas gets a scowl, an eye roll when you see him. Him tho? He gets nothing. Not your hate, not your love. Pure horrible indifference. He needs you to look at him, it doesn’t matter why or with what intention. If Adam isn’t the center of your attention he feels like he might actually die.
Adam’s breath hitched at the feeling of his thumb playing with his prince albert piercing, he remembered the feeling of your tongue playing with the piercing. Your teary eyes looking up at him, gagging and choking around him, while he bullied his thick cock further down your throat.
He dragged the nails of his other hand across his thigh, trying to hold out longer. The effect the simple thought of you has on him is downright humiliating. His thoughts started to wander, to the fight you two had. Ugh. He wishes the mere mention of the guy wouldn’t tick him off like that.
Adam thought of a time before you, when he still lived with his father and life was great. When Eve didn’t betray him and he could stick his head in the sand. Before he became aware. Sometimes he considers sleeping with another girl, one of your look alikes, but when he thinks about it he feels sick to his stomach. At least he had his list of porn stars which look familiar enough to you.
Once he learned about Eves cheating, when he tried to forgive and forget, he tried to get revenge. In the end he couldn’t pull through, not even showing up for the date with another girl. Ghosting her completely. He remembers literal bile raising up in his throat, even though Eve hurt him like that, he couldn’t do the same to her.
So now, because of his hardcore monogamy ways, he can’t even sleep with a girl that isn’t you.
His mind wandering back to you caused his dick to twitch involuntarily. Adam bit his lip, focusing his movements towards his tip. He won’t last for much longer.
It never really matters what Adam thinks about, in the end he always ends up thinking about you.
Adam groaned when he felt the known feeling of euphoria wash over him, making sure to cum all over the picture. Covering your picture form made him feel some what better, imagine the real you marked up like that made him sigh. Another thing to put on his mental list of to dos with you.
If you take him back, that is.
He has to get a solid plan done, or else it’s over for him. He’d have to move back in with his mother, to keep his sanity. That would be horrible, having to tell Sera of all people about his heartache. He’d rather fight against Lute blindfolded with his hands tied behind his back than to open up to that tower of a woman.
Adam groaned while looking at his dirty hand. Damn it. He would have rather have his cum inside your pussy, or your mouth or all over your skin. He would have loved to have you beside him. Fucking hell. IF ONLY YOU WOULD ANSWER YOUR FUCKING PHONE.
Your friends were constantly nagging you about what the fuck happened between you and Adam. You’re surprised they haven’t notice the bruise on your wrist yet, maybe they did and just have the decency not to ask you…….No, they would have put one and one together and would have straight up jumped Adam in some random alley way.
So, like, hurray for concealer and chunky, cheap, bracelets.
Well, at least Adam looks to be miserable. From what you have been told, he’s more pissy than usually during training. He’s constantly venting to Lute, who is always rolling her eyes, sadly your friends can’t quite make out what he’s always complaining about.
To be honest, you’re also miserable. There’s only so much your fingers can reach, and non of it are the places Adam rubs his base against. UGHHH, you can’t get that asshole out of your head. God, who the fuck breaks a phone and punches a hole in your wall??? Your security deposit…………
The phone Adam sent to you was pretty, pretty expensive. Jesus. The note attached to it read “pussy too good not to text her back”. What a charismatic guy! Very much marriage material. Fucker.
Avoiding him was hard too, for a big guy he’s pretty sneaky. You have to be hyper aware of your surroundings. Or, well, you try to be. Big emphasis on try. There’s only so many times you see his car drive past your apartment complex and place of work before you were starting to lose your mind.
Feeling someone tap you on your left shoulder, you quickly turned around only to see no one. Your brows furrowed before you heard a familiar laughter come from your right side. Ah, shit. Men really can’t leave you alone. Maybe your pussy is that good……..
Looking into the warm, brown eyes of your exes made you frown. You need some sort of men repellent.
Judas was 5”11 tall and he tells everyone he’s 6”3, he had brown, bronze skin and shoulder length, wavy, dark hair which he wears in a middle part. He was build rather lean, with some sort of muscle definition. Man, you really have a type. Tall, dark and handsome. No wonder Adam was able to spin your head around like that. It’s either good or bad for you that Adam excepts a certain aesthetic in the band, so Judas had a similar style to Adam.
Fuck, they really conditioned you to like rock guys who are sexy and toxic.
Who is they you might ask? My chemical romance when you were 13, mostly.
“What the hell do you want?” You couldn’t help but hiss at Judas.
Your nerves were fried. You’re done for, if Judas can sneak up on you, so can Adam easily. You should stay at home to recalibrate yourself. But Uni doesn’t wait for anyone, at least your assignments got done during your attempt to get negative energy out of your body.
“Woah! What’s up with you? I come in peace, I prommy! Wanna hear what wild thing just happened to me?” He smiled at you, while he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Ugh, if you fuck off forever after telling me, I’m all ears.” You massages your temples, while making your way to the bus station to get home.
Judas laughed at you, “You have to image, sweetie, I was at band practice. Right, and fucking Adam is throwing one of his famous temper tantrums. Can you image that he attempted to beat me up?? I swear on it! He accused me of hitting woman? Dude, what the fuck, am I right?…How could he think that? I’m genuinely so fucking lost….” He was scratching his head.
Oh my fucking god.
One thing Adam is talented at sure is jumping to conclusions. Ohhhhhhhh. What the hell. He wanted to beat up Judas??….Well better Judas than you. Man you’re a horrible person. You and Adam it’s a match made in hell. Back to therapy.
Halting suddenly in your steps, you immediately turned around.
You’re all about avoidance. It’s not because you’re not into confrontation, its simply because you lose your shit easily. Embarrassingly easily. And you were going to lose it on Adam, for real now. He’s done for, you were going to murder him. Where the fuck is he?
“Judas, I wish he would have smashed your lying mouth in. Leave me be now.” And with that you left for your pursuit on Adam.
Adam studies Economics and Management, the building is all across campus for that. Ok, think. Judas just came to you, probably directly from band practice. The room for that isn’t far. Time to embarrass yourself and Adam in public by yelling at him till you got ride of the anger cursing through your veins. God you wanted to smash his face in.
With quick and long strides, you made your way towards the practice room. Your angry steps echoed trough the empty hallway, since it’s evening most students are gone by now. The sun started to slowly set. All you wanted for today was to go home, watch porn ( while thinking of Adam) and pass out. But no!!! The universe punishes you. What did you do to deserve someone like Adam. He’s pure temptation. UGHHHHHH………Worst part of it all is, is that you still want Adam.
Reaching the practice room, you heard a guitar riff come from the inside. So Adam should be in there. Besides the guitar, you could hear some voices talking. You couldn’t make out what is being said. It doesn't matter to you anyway.
Throwing the door open, it crashed carelessly into the wall. Adam and Lute both looked rather surprised at your appearance. Adam more than Lute. Before Adam could open his mouth to say something, you decided that Adam shouldn’t speak,
“What the hell is wrong with you, huh!? You tried to beat up Judas? For what?! Some crazy delusions you made up in your twisted fucking mind?!” You couldn’t help but yell out. Your whole body was on fire and you felt your stomach fill with lava.
Still, you felt cold to your soul.
“…That fucking snitch.” Was the only thing Adam muttered, after making eye contact with Lute.
Taking a book from the shelf beside you, you made sure to aim at Adam’s head when you threw it at him. He was barely able to dodge, “You bitch! I think you threw enough fucking things at me, ungrateful cunt!” He quickly put his guitar away, throwing it beside him on the couch.
He stood up now, pointing a finger at you while he glared at you. In your opinion, he has no right to be mad, while you have EVERY right to be mad.
“I think not! Your head needs to be fucking….Adjusted! Ugh! Are you insane?!” Your hands were moving wildly, while you tried to search for words.
“Well, he fucking deserved it didn’t he?” Adam’s voice was sharp, while he took a few steps forward.
“Let me tell you this, Adam, between the two of you assholes, you’re the only one who left bruises one me!” While you spoke, you pushed down your bracelets. Even though it has been a week, it your skin was still tinted in an ugly colour, “Stay out of my life!”
Without bothering to see their reactions, you turned around, leaving the room. Slamming the door shut behind you, for extra dramatic flair.
That went
You were going to end it, for real. You’re so done with being alive. Fuck this. You need to quickly get home. Dragging your hands over you face, you took deep breaths while making your way out of the building.
If you weren’t so focused on leaving and calming down, you probably would have heard Adam following you, with his own quick steps. Sadly for you, Adam is fast and silent. A deadly combo.
Before you could properly react, Adam had you trapped in a small broom closet with him. Great.
He was breathing rather heavily, while his hands grasped your shoulders gently. Probably to make sure you wouldn’t run away,
“I gotta give it to you, baby, you really know how to get my attention.” Adam smiled at you, while his hands were rubbing at your shoulder. His hands started to wander, from your shoulder to your waist, briefly brushing over your breasts,
“Let’s make up, sweet thing…I know you want to.” His voice was a purr, right besides your ear. He smelled good. Grasping Adam’s own shoulder into your hands, it really was a shame for him to you don’t easily forgive and forget. Since you aren’t Jesus.
Shoving at Adam, his back and the back of his head hit the wall. Before he could react, you got on your tippy toes, to bit his neck. Hard. While you dug your nails into his arms.
“Fucking hell!” Adam grasped your arms into his hands, forcefully tugging you away from him, “The fuck is wrong with you?!”
“What?! Isn’t that what you wanted, huh? I agreed to sex, not affection.” You grasped Adam by the collar of his shirt, tugging at it with all your might. Showing off more of Adam’s skin, you were ready to bit down again.
Adam shoved you away, before you could bite him again. He held you at an arm length distance, looking into your wild eyes. Adam took a few breaths, trying to calm himself down. His brows were furrowed, while he studied your face intensely.
“..What’s up, baby?” Adam quietly asked you, as if he had fucking amnesia.
You couldn’t even form a proper word, you stuttered around, before you winded yourself out of his grip and turned towards the door. The door opened barley a gap, before Adam’s hand came down, right besides your head and slammed the door shut. Jesus. You flinched so hard, you think you realigned all your chakras in that one move.
When you turned your back towards the door, looking up at Adam with big eyes. He quickly removed his hand from the door, pinching his nose bridge. He carefully put his open hands in-front of his body, before he slowly exhaled his breath through his nose. Nothing makes him more sick than to see you scared.
“Okay, fuck, alright…” Adam slowly got on his knees before you. He looked into your eyes while he lowered himself to the floor.
The moment seemed frozen like that, Adam kneeling down while looking up to you. While your breathing calmed down, you felt the tension leave your body. Slowly but surely. You flexed your dominant hand, while looking at Adam.
Adam carefully moved his one hand, holding it open before your bruised wrist. You swallowed heavily, your fingers twitched, moving it towards Adam’s hand. You flinched away for a moment, before exhaling heavily and putting your hand into his.
Adam felt the stress evaporating from his mind, he can still safe this. He kissed your knuckle, as a gesture of thanks. Gently moving your bracelets to the side, he took a look at the fading bruise. He frowned, while brushing his thumb over it.
“..Does it hurt?”
“Not anymore.”
“Hmm, don’t worry about, baby, we can cover this up with some pretty pearls.”
“Dude, no.” You started to shake your hand out of Adam’s grasp. He didn’t seem to want to let you go.
“Why? You more of a diamond type of girl?” Adam let your hand reluctantly go, his hands went to your thighs.
“No, I’m more of an apologise kind of girl.”
“Ughhhh, I did nothing fucking wrong! You bitches and your fucking apologies…Have you thought about apologising to me, bitch?! Who fucking laughs at someone when they get asked out on a date?! Of course I only end up liking cold hearted whores…” Adam, after his little outburst, catches himself again. He nuzzled his check into your stomach, with his bend back. Alright.
“Well, then at least tell me what freaked you so out? Like, I still don’t know what even happened! Big words from you..” You told him sternly. Adam looked at you like you just shoot him.
“Babyyyyy, let’s just forget this whole thing happened,” Adam started tugging at the waist band of your sweatpants, the smile on his was more of an painful grimace “Let me eat you out till you can’t think anymore. I’m sure I can make you cum at least three times before my jaw locks in…” He was already shoving his face into your crotch. He reminded you of a dog.
Adam nudged his big nose right against your clit, making you moan. Shit. You grasped Adam’s hair and tugged him away from your clothed pussy. He straight up whined at that. Oh my god……He needs to stop being so hot. You’re dying. Where’s the version of you who wanted to pull through on that celibacy promise? You need to channel her.
“Stop that.” You simply hissed at him. You let get off his hair.
“What the fuck do you want from me?! You don’t want me to buy you shit and you don’t wanna fuck! What fucking else can I give you?!” He yelled at you. His fist hammered against the door, you felt the vibrations against your back.
You couldn’t explain why, but your heart tugged for him, “What was on my phone?” You decided on carefully asking him.
“That fucking bitchass Lucifer! As always, out to ruin my fucking life! He already ruined it, thrice! Can you fucking believe that?!! And he’s still slobbering all over my dick and sloppy seconds!”
“………….Lucifer, like, the devil…from the Bible…?” Maybe Adam is more unwell than you thought………..Can you leave safely through the door?
“No!..Fuck, maybe he is….Well, he’s just as fucking horrible as the devil!” That sure was a statement!
“I need you to, like, start from the beginning.” You took his face softly into your hands, brushing his nice cheekbones with your thumbs.
“..My last two girlfriends cheated on me with Lucifer. You probably already know that, from those gossiping bitches you call friends. That fucking cunt also texted you,” He took a shuddering breath, while nuzzling his nose against the palm of your hand, “Worst of fucking all, he used the same exact text I found on Eves phone! Can you fucking believe that?! How can he be so fucking confident that same fucking scheme will work on you too?! UGH……Fucking Judas also gave him your number….”
You nodded your head while he spoke through his monologue. You brushed his hair strands away from his face, he finally made eye contact with you.
“..But I don’t think I ever met him? Why would he text me?.. Is that why you wanted to beat up Judas?….You don’t need to worry, Adam, I already have my hands full with you.” Adam scoffed at your words, but his brows weren’t furrowed anymore and his breathing calmed down.
“I wanted to beat that fucker up for hurting you…Fuck, you’re…You only deserve the best.” Adam pulled out his phone, opening up instagram. You saw him switch from his main account to a burner account, which is real as fuck of him. He showed you an instagram account of a weirdly pale blond twink.
“….Ah. Okay, he was in the store. Hmm, I kicked him out when he flirted with me though. He’s married, isn’t that weird? Yikes.”
“That cunt flirted with you?! Motherfucker…Him and Lilith are in a weird open marriage. I would rather cut my dick off than have my wife fuck another guy, behind my back. Pathetic cuck..” Adam got up from his kneeling position, resting his chin at the top of your head, “How about you tell me how you kicked him out? That would surely put me in a better fucking mood..” Hands wandered across your back, towards your ass and giving it a rough squeeze.
He moved his head, so he could brush his lips against your ear, “Or you could take me up on that offer to eat out your pussy until I get you to squirt all over my face?”
Jesus fucking Christ, he’s giving your pussy butterflies.
“….How the fuck did you even unlock my phone?” You asked with a shaky voice.
“Don’t have your passcode be your birthday, baby. Not my fault you’re so easy to fucking hack.”
Ok. That’s a mistake you won’t make in the future, for sure. How does he even know your birthday?? Even Judas forgot your birthday.
“Alright! Well…No sex!”
Adam looked shocked at your words, “Till when??”
“Till…..You’re forgiven!” You decided on.
Adam straight up pouted at you.
“And you can’t sleep with other girls!” You quickly added in. You hope he dies off blue balls or something.
Adam snorted at your words, “Haven’t been doing that anyways, baby.” He took your face into his hands, “Have you been fucking around behind my back?” He sharply asked you, while looking at your face.
“The only thing fucking me are my fingers.” You decide on telling him.
“God, I wish those were me…” Adam sighed heavily, “…..Am I right to assume that you won’t send me any nudes? Won’t you help a guy out? Please, babe come onnnnnnnn.”
You successfully got out of Adam’s grasp, winding and wiggling your body so he would let his grasp fall from you, “I’m going home.”
“Sexy, you don’t even need to take the pic yourself! We can do it right fucking here, pull up your shirt and show me those perky nipples.” Man, he was very persistent, “Or a panty shot! That’d be hot as hell. Fuck, only the fantasy of you naked got me already all hot n bothered…”
Adam gave your cheek a sloppy kiss, while whining into your ear, “Forgive meeeee, you know no one else can make you cum. Forgive. Now.” He tried to order you.
You simply giggled at his antics, while holding his face in your hands. You gave his cheek a kiss, but Adam was anything but opportunistic, he quickly captured your lips in a hot french kiss. Adam grasped your hips into his hands and rolled his hips into your own. He sucked your tongue into his own mouth.
Yeah, if Adam asked you again to fuck you would say yes immediately.
Adam disconnected your lips, while smirking at you. He grasped your face fully into his big, warm hands and oh so romantically told you, “Baby, if you ever fuck another guy, I will ruin your whole fucking life. I mean that.”
You dumbly nodded at Adam, while looking up at Adam’s burning, golden eyes.
He patted your cheek, “Hmm, good girl. Let’s get going, I will drive you home. Oh, and also, start using that fucking phone I brought you. Stop being so damn stubborn. Let daddy take care of you.” He winked at you after that last sentence.
You just rolled your eyes at him, “Yeah, yeah.”
Adam made a tch sound, but smiled at you. He slung his arm around your shoulders, leading you outside the broom closet, before he got out he adjusted his bulge in his pants. Man, he’s oh so fucking forgiven. You were so weak. Time to become a nun or something.
He wrapped his hands around your waist, dragging you into his side. He kissed the side of your head while he walked you to his car.
Man, how were you going to explain this to your friends?
“By the way, you have to tell Lute that we are good again. She attempted to murder me when she saw that bruise.”
You sat in the waiting room of your OBGYN, nervously fiddling around with your phone. Your period came early, for once, Basically right after you made up with Adam. Probably because it was stressing you out so much. Or something like that, you weren’t really in tune with your body.
So! You weren’t pregnant! Yay! Now, you get the copper IUD inserted. Only so Adam can fuck you raw. Great. Maybe you should have never forgiven him.
[Adam Godfree]: what r u doing bae 2:14 PM
[Reader]: About to get my cervix pierced. 2:20 PM
[Adam Godfree]: by some guy who isn’t me??? 2:20 PM
[Adam Godfree]: who do u fck when i’m not there to stuff that greedy pussy 2:21 PM
[Reader]: Copper IUD lol 2:21 PM
[Adam Godfree]: oh 2:21 PM
[Adam Godfree]: right 2:21
[Adam Godfree]: well at least tell me the doc is a woman 2:21 PM
You sighed heavily while rubbing at your forehead.
[Reader]: Gtg. Kind of scared. Let’s hope I won’t pass out. 2:22 PM
Right on time you got called in. Thank fuck. You didn’t bother looking at Adam’s response.
The appointment passed by you, like you were in the passenger seat of your own body. Your doctor inserted the horrible thing and at first you thought it’s like a period cramp. But then it fucking hit you. You were done for. This was the first time you ever actually passed out.
At least everyone was nice about it, you lied in an extra room on the floor, with your legs up in a chair. After another wave of a cramp passed you, you were a goner again. Nurses and doctor assistants kept going in and out, checking in on you. You kept your eyes closed, while focusing on your breathing, you heard someone else enter the room. Nothing new.
“Sooo, are you the boyfriend?” A female voice asked into the room. You heart two distinctive foot steps.
“Yeah, I’m the boyfriend.” Oh my god, that was Adam’s voice.
“Aww! That’s so cute. You’re suchhh a good guy!” Adam’s answer was a simple grumble.
Keep calm. Be cool. You kept your breathing even, while simply having your eyes closed.
You heard and felt Adam crouch besides you, together with the assistant. Letting your eyes flutter open, you made eye contact with Adam and the assistant. She had a coke can in her hand.
“Hi there! I got you this, to get your circulation going again. You’re doing much better than me when I got mine inserted, I was passed out for 30 minutes straight! Anyways, I gotta go again. Hope you recover quickly.” With that she went away as fast as she arrived.
You held the can in your hand while laying down, “Help me up?” You eyed Adam.
Adam grasped a hand below your back and held your other hand, while helping you up. He’s so sexily strong. While sitting like a wet rag on the floor, you let Adam open the can and then sipped at it.
Adam brushed your hair away from your face and watched you, “Baby, you really know how to scare a guy. Really that bad, huh?”
“…Image if someone shoved something up your urethra.”
“Fuck, babe, you don’t know how happy I am that birth control is a woman’s job.” Yeah, yeah.
You let your head hit his shoulder, letting it rest there. He carefully petted your hair, while kissing your forehead. His hand slipped from your back towards your ass, “..So, when does it start working?”
You reached out to pinch Adam’s cheek, “I am on my period. I just got something pierced through my cervix. The more you annoy me the less I want to fuck you.”
Adam nuzzled his nose against the top of your head, “…You know what helps against cramps? Orgasms. Trust me, baby, I can make all that pain disappear.” Sleazy guy.
You swatted him on his chest, “Leave me be.” You were going to turn away from him, but another wave of nauseous and vertigo hit you.
Adam quickly caught you and pulled you into his lap.
“Alright, lovely, I got you.”
“…Why did you come?”
Adam looked at you like you were stupid, “You said you were scared? Why wouldn’t I fucking come?”
You simply shrugged. Adam pressed you more against him. You smelled good, you always did. Adam wishes he could keep you like this, forever. Where it’s safe. Where he can watch over you.
The doctor walked in, smiling at you.
“Are you feeling better? When you feel ready, I would like to do an ultrasound. To confirm the place meant of the IUD.” She told you, in that customer service voice you know from yourself.
You nodded at her and got up, with Adam at your side. Following her, you told Adam to wait outside. Which he seemed unhappy with, but whatever.
Quick in and out. Removing the gel from your stomach, you made your way out. Adam was waiting with your bag in his hand by the door.
“Ready to leave?”
“Uhh, in a bit. Sorry, I have to make an check up appointment. Will be quick!” You walked towards the reception.
Chatting with the woman at the desk, you made another appointment.
“Oh, could you guys send me an invoice, like usually?” You asked her, while your fingers thrummed against the wood.
“No need, mam, your boyfriend already paid for today.” Ah. Of course he would.
Thanking her and wishing her a good day, you walked back to Adam.
“I’m ready now. Sorry.”
“ ‘S okay, baby, I like watching you.” Adam intervened your fingers and walked you to his car.
In the car, Adam glanced at you, “..When did you wake up, anyway?”
Here it was, the perfect opportunity to talk about relationship. Now was the time to talk. To establish everything.
“ ..When you two were already crouching down besides me.”You decided on telling him. Fuck. What are scared off?
Adam nodded his head at you, while driving you to his apartment.
He parked you on the couch and told you to watch whatever the hell you want, he’s going to take a quick shower. Apparently he came to get you right after the gym.
Laying on the couch with mind numbing shows running in the background, you heard a phone vibrate. That wasn’t yours. Looking around, you saw Adam’s phone lay on the couch table infront of the sofa. Well, if Adam can’t respect your privacy……But are you as bad as Adam?
Yeah, you’re even worse than Adam.
Taking his phone into your hands, making sure you remembered the exact way the phone laid there, you swiped to unlock his phone. Shit, his passcode is one of those pattern drawing things. Ugh. Okay. You held his phone against the light, so you could see the pattern on his phone screen.
Of fucking course it’s an A. Why did you even have to think about it?
Okay, you are in. What now?
Opening his messenger App, you were surprised to see that you and Lute were at the top of his chats. That’s nice. When you scrolled down to see contact names like “Amelia. BJ 2/10” “Olivia. Ok tits.” “Alice. Lesbian” made you want to jump off a building. At least your contact name was simply your name?? Jesus.
Making sure that Adam was still showering, you decided on opening his gallery. Whatever possessed you really wanted to hurt your feelings, apparently. Man.
Well, his gallery seemed normal? Hm. Scrolling through his folders, you saw one that catches your eye. The title was a simple heart emoji. Opening it, because you hate yourself, you came to face the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. She had deep, dark, brown skin, with coily black hair put into nice box braids. She was short, and her body reminded you of that of Venus of Willendorf, with wide hips, big breasts and an ample stomach. You really should know the comparison was accurate, since she was completely naked.
(How will you ever compare?)
The stretch marks complimented her beautifully. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You shoulder really learn how to mind your own business. It was full of nudes of her, obviously taken by her and she seemed completely enthusiastic. Scrolling a bit further, you saw a video. Making sure the phone volume is silent, you opened.
You were going to be sick, actually. You aren’t stupid, you knew that it would be a sex tape of Adam and his ex Eve. Adam and Eve. That’s cute. You hoped it would be pure filth.
Of course it had to be the most romantic sex video in the whole universe.
Alright! Let’s ignore the fact that you were slightly turned on and more on that your heart was broke. From an guy who’s not even your boyfriend.
Making sure the gallery app is closed, and whatever was open before you got your hands on the phone was open, you laid it back down from where you grabbed it. Exact same placement. Deep breaths. Why would you even look, are you stupid?!
Laying fully back down, you took deep breaths, while rubbing at your forehead. During your silent breakdown, Adam finished his shower and got dressed. Seeing you like that on the couch, he was kind of confused.
“Everything good?” He leaned down to get a better look at you.
“… ‘M getting a migraine.” You decided on telling him. Not a lie and not the truth This should pass without alerting Adam.
Adam clicked his tongue and sat down at couch, and tugged you into his lap. He massaged your forehead, temple and scalp gently.
“You’re doing so well, sweet thing. Get some rest.”
Even though he’s horrible, Adam is still warm, big and soft. He makes you feel safe, which is why you started to nod off.
Adam laid carefully down on the couch, and you stirred slightly awake. He quickly moved to calm you down again, to get you back to sleep, which succeeded.
He loved nothing more than to have you with him. Shit, he had you. Basically. At this point Adam considered you to be his.
It had to be worth it, after all, that he sabotaged your relationship with Judas.
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Tattoo (M)
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Happy Cheol day- I’m still not actually here 🫡
Your ridiculously hot coworker gets a new tattoo
Please god have mercy and do not let any of my coworkers find out I wrote this because it is based in reality but I swear to god I am not actually attracted to Devon he just has the coolest fucking tattoo and I don’t care if Seungcheol isn’t a weeb I needed him to be for two seconds
I’m not joking I should be fired for writing this. Not only because I literally based it off of my coworker but also because I fucking spelled out our rule system and abused the punishment system. If my coworkers read this? Got to the points part. Jesus christ I really would be fired.
Tags: Inked!Cheol, coworkers au, y/n refers to Cheol a lot as a loser but is he?, 7.9k
Warnings: Dubious consent, impact play, omg dacryphilia?? Did I finally join the ranks?, y/n is a brat (can’t relate), lots of swearing like all y/n does is swear, kinda dom!Cheol, hint of jealousy, no protection, creampie, blowjob, cunnilingus, fingering
The first thing that you noticed about Choi Seungcheol Thursday at work was his fucking tattoo.
Jesus christ, you had been so strong when it came to him. Fighting every single day not to be into the fucking man.
If you were honest, really fucking honest, you would be able to say that you had been into Seungcheol since day one. Since he had walked up to you a little bit more comfortably than everyone else. Since you two had been introduced on the day of his orientation because Riley thought you two would get along.
She was right, how had she been right? How could she have possibly known simply from his interview that you two would get along? Because she had. You remembered her walking up to you after his interview, as one of the most attractive men you had ever seen was walking out the door, and she said, “You are going to love Choi Seungcheol if he starts working here.”
But regardless of that. Despite the fact that your fate had been drawn out for you like the pages of a coloring book you had remained in denial. Fighting not to find him attractive, because his silly little anime interest had left your coworker Jordan reminding you that you weren’t exactly his type one day when he had spent a straight hour with you giving you advice on working out and literally inviting you to the gym with him.
A Thursday was not the day that you should come into work and see the hints of a freshly drawn tattoo peeking out from underneath your coworker's shirt. And at 3:00pm stuck on register with said coworker you shouldn’t be taking sneaky glances at his arms, trying to see the tattoo better. And for goodness sake the first thirty minutes of your shift when you had wandered close enough to him that you could see the Aquaphor shining on his bicep was too fucking early to have these fucking feelings.
Being turned on at work was a literal fucking sin but that tattoo was the coolest fucking thing you had ever seen in your life.
“Have you noticed anything different about me?” Seungcheol asked, his eyebrows raising excitedly as the guest near him wandered away from the counter. You willed yourself to remain casual as a small smile crossed your lips.
“You got a new tattoo,” you said softly, playing right into his hands. He smiled, that characteristic one you were so used to seeing on his face when he was so excited about something that he just couldn’t keep it to himself. You loved the way he seemed to literally buzz with energy about things like this. Lived for the fact that he was so unashamed to love something so much.
“So, you did notice,” he said pleasantly. He turned his body a little to show you his arm, but most of the tattoo was hidden under the sleeve of his shirt. You could only see the edge of lightning bolts, but you suspected that the tattoo went further up his arm. Maybe onto his shoulder.
Fuck, you so desperately needed to see where that tattoo led.
You had seen Seungcheol shirtless before, and if you were completely honest? He literally looked like he was sculpted by a god. You knew that it was because he put a lot of work into his time at the gym, and that his dedication was unmatched but despite that it had still confused all of your coworkers.
Seungcheol looked so scrawny in his work uniform! Everyone had been surprised when Nicki hissed: “Have you seen the pictures of Seungcheol on his instagram?” And then you had seen the images of him and he looked like a literal adonis.
“Do you want to know how much it cost?” Seungcheol asked you and for once that smile was doing way too fucking much for you. You really, really needed to look away from him. You instead, squinted at the lines on his arm.
“Oh, you should guess,” Seungcheol said, running off of your curiosity. You pressed your lips together, mind going to the tattoo your friend had gotten on her arm. A star, some words, 75$.
“Uh...” Your mind was trying to gauge how long the tattoo was. It wasn’t very thick, the lines were admittedly detailed but couldn’t have been that much more expensive...
But then again it was long. All around the expanse of his arm.
“200,” you murmured. Seungcheol’s lips flitted up.
Your eyebrows furrowed.
“No way,” you said with a laugh. “400?”
He only smiled harder. You sucked in a gasp, shaking your head.
“There’s no way it’s more than 400,” you insisted. He laughed too.
“500,” you gasped. “That’s crazy.”
“It’s not my most expensive.” You felt like your eyes bulged at his words, and you didn’t even have to express your surprise. “One of mine was only 250, but the other one was 1000... That one I was overcharged for.”
Your mind was racing to account for this new information. 1000 dollars for a tattoo? You had forgotten just how expensive tattoos were.
Your attention strayed back to Seungcheol’s tattoo and you swallowed hard, still itching to see where it reached. You shook the thoughts out of your head when a: “Hi welcome in.” rang through the store signaling that a guest had walked in.
You tried to shake thoughts of Seungcheol and his tattoo out of your head by busying yourself with your work. Luckily for you, today Seungcheol was working basically in a completely different area than you so there wasn’t much to be distracted by.
Regardless, of that, when you went to the office to get a drink and Seungcheol was standing just outside of it cleaning something your attention caught Seungcheol’s tattoo again.
You noticed that there was a thicker part of the tattoo that you hadn’t noticed yet. Your eyes narrowed.
“Hey... What’s that?”
Seungcheol instantly knew what you were talking about. He hummed glancing at his arm as if he could see it himself, even though you knew it was out of his eyesight.
“That’s one of my other tattoo’s,” he replied. “It’s an anime tattoo. Can you guess what anime?”
Your mind ran through shows that you knew.
“Is it a mainstream one?” You asked him. “Old?”
Seungcheol hummed and nodded, his smile growing over his lips again.
“Is it Naruto?” You asked. You didn’t know why you thought that you could see the rest of the tattoo in your mind when you had never actually seen it, but you couldn’t help but think it was a signa.
“No,” he replied his voice riddled in amusement.
“Uhm, One Piece?”
Another shake of his head and you felt your face starting to warm as you tried to picture his tattoo in your mind. You ducked into the office, your mind still racing. You picked up your cup and when you turned down Seungcheol was standing just outside of the office so that you could see him. Your escape plan completely evaporating with only a few steps from him.
“Is it My Hero?”
“No,” Seungcheol said. “I’ll give you a hint. The person’s powers have to do with lightning.”
You thought for sure that had to be My Hero, but you also knew that Seungcheol had no reason to lie to you over that. You stared at Seungcheol, letting your confusion show on your face.
“You don’t know?” He asked, and to be fair he did sound genuinely surprised. You shook your head, pulling your cup closer to your chest. Honestly feeling a bit embarrassed (shy?) that you didn’t know the anime he was talking about.
“It’s Hunter x Hunter,” he explained.
You honestly did feel stupid. Hunter x Hunter had flicked in and out of your mind so fast it hadn’t really been a consideration.
“Oh,” you breathed.
“You’ve never seen Hunter x Hunter?”
A smile was painted over your lips and you shook your head quietly. You turned your body away from Seungcheol slightly so that you could drink your drink without feeling too self-conscious. But Seungcheol was persistent, he peaked around your body a little.
“I’m surprised. It’s after one of the characters. He has lightning powers.”
You gave Seungcheol another pressed smile, giving up on drinking your drink without him looking at you.
“It really is such a cool tattoo,” you said softly. You put your cup down and shot him one last smile before rushing back up to the front.
You were lucky that day really. He left early that day, and without his presence you were able to mostly move past thoughts of Seungcheol and his tattoo... Stupid attractive Seungcheol with his stupid perfect face and his biceps that you had never thought of before but now were the only thing on your mind-
Cold shower. You couldn’t bring yourself to touch yourself to thoughts of Seungcheol. Not your coworker Choi Seungcheol. Not your friend. Not the dorky guy from work that everyone loved. No, instead you opted for a very, very cold shower and an abnormally early bedtime.
You were naïve, really. Thinking that a ten o’clock bedtime would be enough to get you over your sudden infatuation with Seungcheol... (And that tattoo. That damned tattoo that made you see him as more than just some guy you worked with).
“Your total is 10.69...”
You weren’t an idiot. The man at the counter in front of you had been taking sneaky glances towards you the entire time that you two had been interacting. You knew that he was flirting with you... And to be completely honest you were very aware of the fact that you were flirting back.
You had no regrets really. He was attractive. Ridiculously so, and you couldn’t help but preen under the attention of someone so pretty.
“You’ve got to tell me what you’re doing after this,” the boy drawled. “The weather is supposed to be perfect.”
You hummed, eyes flickering up from his card as the machine beeped at him to pull it out.
“I don’t have any plans,” you replied, your voice light. Playing to the fact that you knew he liked you. Playing to the fact that you knew he wanted you to flirt back. If not for the purpose of actually asking you out at least for the purpose of the thrill.
“Someone as pretty as you?” He asked, and he leaned forward, body slightly bent over the counter. “All alone for the weekend? And I’m supposed to just let that slide?”
You could feel someone staring at you and you honestly just thought that it was a coworker who had just walked in for their shift. You ignored it.
“What would someone like you do?” You asked, eyebrow quirking up ever-so-slightly. “Surely, you have plans for the weekend.”
The gaze on your neck didn’t disappear, so you took a quick glance behind you.
Your eyes caught Seungcheol’s.
Your gaze widened a bit and you quickly turned your attention back to the person in front of you. You tried your best to regain your composure, but suddenly you felt guilty. Like you shouldn’t be talking to the person in front of you like this.
“Maybe I do,” he said. “Maybe you could too.”
You could feel Seungcheol’s presence over your shoulder, and you suddenly felt the urge to turn away from the guy in front of you.
“I...” You weren’t holey sure how to get out of this situation. “I hope you have a good day.”
That teasing smile was still on the strangers lips, he was clearly liking the act you were putting on. He nodded slightly.
“You too.”
The minute the man was out of earshot, you tried to busy yourself stocking something but you felt Seungcheol’s chest brush your elbow. You turned back over your shoulder to look at him, a shy smile flickering across your lips.
“Hey,” you mumbled softly. Your fingers pressed into the counter, and while Seungcheol had a smile on his face you could see something else hidden beneath his eyes.
“You know that guy?” His tone was a little bit more constricted than you were used to.
“I was just being friendly.”
Not entirely true, and you both knew it. Seungcheol hummed, and nodded his eyes darting to the other end of the room.
Suddenly, you remembered the little piece of art that Seungcheol had recently bestowed upon himself. Your own gaze flickered down to Seungcheol’s bicep, the trails of ink make your mouth run dry.
Fuck, yesterday’s shift hadn’t been a wild wet dream about your innocent coworker after all.
Working with Seungcheol had never been quiet really. You two, as aforementioned, had been bonded in a way since the day that you two first met. It wasn’t really anything serious. You weren’t his closest friend at work. You really hung out outside of work but at work he was always talking to you.
He would ask to be put on positions next to you so that he could tell you about his interests and ask you about yours. He was so silly in that way. Always went out of his way to say hi to you. Always treated you like you were besties, with his sometimes lingering gaze and that look in his eyes as if he constantly wanted to say more.
And now? You were the one who was pushing the boundaries of your friendship. You were the one staring too long. The one who was letting your interactions drag a little bit longer than maybe they should.
“Have you seen Seungcheol’s tattoo?” You asked on break as if it hadn’t been the topic of everyone ever since he got it. Your coworker broke out into a small smile.
“It’s amazing,” she mumbled, leaning forward on the table. “Have you seen the whole thing?”
Your eyes were wide.
“Have you?” You asked. She laughed slightly, shaking her head.
“No, but what I wouldn’t give...”
“How far do you think it reaches?” You asked, and your fingers traced subcnociously over where you thought that tattoo might stretch over his body. “Over his shoulder blade? Onto his clavicle?”
“Do you want to see?”
Your eyes grew wide at the sound of Seungcheol’s oh so distinct voice. You pressed your lips tightly together, and glanced over at the man who was suddenly in the break room. You gave him a thin smile as if you hadn’t been caught rather openly fascinating (was it enough to be lusting?) over the tattoo that you knew wasn’t supposed to be leaving you soaked.
“You’ll show?” Your coworker asked. Seungcheol glanced at you and then joined you at the table. He pulled out his phone, seeming to take his time as he scrolled through it trying to find what you only assumed was photographic evidence of the ink on his arm.
After a few seconds that felt like hours Seungcheol turned his phone to your coworker, the screen out of your view.
“Oh my god.” You didn’t want to seem too interested. You fought the urge to crain your neck and look. “Oh my god. You’re hiding all of that under your shirt?”
Seungcheol’s laugh only made you want to see it more. He was so cocky, thriving under the attention she was giving. She leaned forward, the tips of her fingers brushing the bottom of his phone as if to see the photo better.
“That was money well spent Seungie.”
You had known that she was closer to Seungcheol than you. You had always known that. The two of them practically hung out every week.
So... Why did that stupid nicknmae make you bite down on your tongue?
Seungie. It wasn’t even a good nickname. It was reminiscent of that of first year high schoolers thinking their week long fling was something that would turn into a lifelong marriage.
You forced a larger smile on your lips to hide the tight feeling of something you could only truly identify as jealousy down into the pit of your stomach. You were being stupid. You hoped to god that neither of them could sense the energy change from you.
The two continued to talk, and Seungcheol kept that photo just out of your line of sight. You were too stubborn to lean forward and look at it. Too stubborn to just admit how badly you wanted to see this stupid boy without a shirt on.
You just wanted to see that tattoo. Really, just the tattoo.
“You should come over,” Seungcheol suggested as he tucked his phone away, your coworker disappearing out of the break room door. You let your eyebrows raise at the question.
“I’ve been wanting you to watch something with me,” Seungcheol replied. “And I think you want something from me too.”
You really ought to fake it better. You both had the same little smile across your lips. The ones that you always used with one another.
It was such a simple invite. Innocent. But then again it was always innocent between you and Seungcheol, wasn’t it? You two held the sort of banter that you always loved to have with people. Pure chemistry. The ability to easily fire back at one another, never a dull moment in the conversation, always harboring interest for whatever you two were talking about.
You nodded because, of course you did.
Seungcheol’s apartment was different than you had imagined.
He was a geek, wasn’t he? Always bragging about his room and how amazing it was. His you should come see someday’s had always felt like empty invitations. But now you were here. It was different. Good different.
Seungcheol turned on a show that he had spoken to you about many times before. A show you had always assured him you would watch. A show you never actually did turn on.
The characters began to dance across the screen, and you let your gaze focus on it. You two were silent for a little. He was wandering around his room and you were pretending like you didn’t desperately need him to take his shirt off.
“You really haven’t seen this show,” Seungcheol said, and you let your attention turn to him. He was leaning against his dresser, watching you intently. You pretended like you two hadn’t had this conversation a million times before.
“I haven’t,” you agreed.
“So hard to believe,” he breathed. He shook his head slightly, his hair brushing the tips of his ears. You turned your attention back to the television. Seungcheol rummaged around for a little longer before finally he took a seat next to you on his bed.
He kept a distance between you two.
You risked a glance at him, your eyes going to his arm, to that stupid tattoo that was still hidden beneath his stupid shirt.
“Come here,” Seungcheol mumbled softly. You scooted closer to him, your eyes focused on his tattoo. “You want to see it?”
You nodded, still not looking at him.
“If that’s okay.”
He breathed a laugh.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
You glanced at Seungcheol, eyebrows furrowing.
“I don’t have any tattoos.”
He just hummed his response, and with one hand dragged his shirt off over his head.
To your delight, the tattoo was equally just as amazing as you had imagined, and more amazing than you had imagined. The black bolts of lightning inched up his bicep, up onto his shoulder. One of the bolts spreading across his clavicle. You felt your mouth gape stupidly as you looked at him, show completely forgotten in the background.
“You can touch it if you want.”
You didn’t need prompting more. You reached forward, fingers lightly running across the lightning streaks. As you did, Seungcheol leaned forward, his hand placed directly between your thighs. You didn’t pay too much attention, but his hot breath on your neck was sending heat right through your core.
“I would have thought you would be disinterested in my tattoo by now,” Seungcheol whispered, as his spoke his fingers inched forward, his thumb begginning to rub small circles into your thigh.
You swallowed hard, eyes flickering to Seungcheol.
“Nu-uh,” you murmured. “I hadn’t gotten to see it yet.”
You felt yourself inching closer to Seungcheol, silently urging his hand forward. Seungcheol got the idea and pressed his thumb over your clit through your panties. You bit down on your lip to prevent a whine from leaving your lips, and instead focused back on his tattoo, running your fingers up the length of it to where it spread over his clavicle.
His fingers pushed against your underwear, so that it was just slightly pressed inside of you, and then he began to rub up and down between your folds.
“You’ve been driving me crazy,” he mumbled. “It really took me getting a tattoo to get your attention, huh? 500 dollars later and you were finally looking at me the way I wanted you to.”
The confession caught you off guard but as you went to question him his fingers were dipping beneath your underwear. “So wet,” he breathed, so quietly that you knew it wasn’t for you.
He pressed two of his fingers into you and this time you couldn’t hold back the whimper that left your lips. Seungcheol’s response was immediate, a quiet shushing that just made you need his touch anymore.
“It’s okay, y/n,” he said softly. “Are you going to be good for me?”
A whine bubbled up in your throat and you nodded sharply. He practically purred in your ear.
“Then just hold on, won’t you?” He asked softly. You nodded again, your fingers tightening a little around Seungcheol’s bicep. Normally, you weren’t one so quick to silence... Or obedience for that matter, but your skin was burning. You couldn’t imagine doing anything but listen to him in this moment.
Seungcheol’s fingers dipped deep inside of you, his fingers curling once he was buried to his knuckles. You couldn’t help the way that your head fell forward, your nose brushing the nape of his neck.
“You sound so pretty for me,” Seungcheol mumbled, making you only just then realize that this whole time you had been letting the tiniest whimpers leave your lips. You pressed your lips closed tightly, tilting your head so that your lips brushed his neck. “No, no.”
Seungcheol’s head tilted down, his lips brushing your forehead.
“You don’t get to hide your little moans from me,” he mumbled. He set a slow, lazy pace really, of fucking his fingers in and out of you. His thumb brushed your clit, and you bit down hard on your tongue, determined to not humiliate yourself even more.
You had come here to watch a show with him... To see his tattoo and now you were being fingered on his bed and to be completely honest the embarrassment was dulled by the pleasure running through your body.
No matter how deep Seungcheol drove his fingers into you, it didn’t feel like nearly enough. Seungcheol’s fingers stilled deep inside of you, and you ignored it, thinking that it was just a passing tease. Seconds passed. A minute.
Seungcheol hummed, his lips fluttering across your forehead. You tried not to look at him. You fought it in yourself not to wriggle your hips in desperation.
“Seungcheol,” you pressed, your tone bordering upon begging. A small laugh vibrated through Seungcheol’s body. He pulled his fingers out of you and then pushed them back in. Surprisingly fast, surprisingly deep. You mewled, your head falling back a little.
Seungcheol’s head dipped down, and his lips brushed yours.
“How far are you going to let this go?” He asked you. “You gonna cum around my fingers?”
You pressed forward, chasing Seungcheol’s lips but he pulled away. Stupid smile spread on his lips. Stupid lips pressed to your cheek.
“I’m n-not gonna-” Your words faltered. Your body burning. You tilted your head up so that Seungcheol’s lips trailed down your cheek, across your jawline, and down to your neck. His lips pressed into a small kiss.
“You want a third?” Had his voice always been so hypnotic? You nodded, too eagerly. His lips brushed up and down your neck as you moved. “I need to hear your words. You’re so quiet when I’ve got my fingers fucking you open.”
“Fuck,” you whined, but you refused to give in.
“That’s not a very good word,” Seungcheol chastised. “What would they say if we were at work right now, hm?”
You were silent, your teeth biting down on your bottom lip.
“Now, now,” his voice came, and his fingers stopped. “I asked you a question yeah? Aren’t you my superior? Why don’t you remind me of the rules.”
Oh god, that shouldn’t be so hot.
“It’s a point,” you whispered back. Seungcheol hummed again.
“And how many points before our first punishment?”
A shiver ran through your body.
“Let’s hope you don’t get to that point.”
Seungcheol pushed a third finger into you, and it sent a slight burn through your body. Seungcheol groaned as he pushed his fingers into you, no doubt feeling how tight you were squeezing him.
“Baby-” Oh god. “If you’re squeezing my fingers like that... I don’t really know that I’ll be able to fit.”
You swallowed and lifted your head, your gaze meeting Seungcheol’s. Your mouth was still closed tight. You were still trying so hard to be quiet. But your eyes were wide, your curiosity at his words were undeniable.
“Which do you want more?” He asked you softly. You refused to answer. “You really need to learn to use your words. Your pretty little cunt is sobbing for attention, but those eyes are begging me to take my clothes off.”
Your fingers splayed over Seungcheol’s bicep, your eyes going back to the dark lines etched over him.
“Clothes off,” you breathed.
“Good choice,” he purred.
He pulled his fingers from you and got to his feet so smoothly that it wasn’t like he was moving at all. You let out a vocal protest towards the loss of him, but it only made him laugh at your expense.
“There’s your voice,” he teased. You could see your wetness glistening on Seungcheol’s fingers as his fingers hooked on the waistband of his pants. He pulled them down, and then almost immediately after, his boxers were dropped to the ground.
You slapped your hand over your mouth to muffle the strangled moan that left your lips.
Never in your six months of working with Choi Seungcheol had you imagined that he would be fucking hung, and yet here you were looking at his (pardon the lack of imaginative description) monster energy drink sized cock in both girth and length.
You had never been with anyone with a cock as big as his... You had never seen a cock as big as his.
You hadn’t even known that a dick his size was even real.
“I’m getting a bit self-conscious,” Seungcheol said, his voice dragging you back to reality. Your face reddened but you didn’t move your hand from your mouth. Seungcheol didn’t seem to care, not really. He walked over to you, his fingers balling in your shirt. “What do you want?”
You knew what you wanted from Seungcheol now more than you ever had before.
“I want you,” you whispered back. Seungcheol’s eyes glinted.
“I like it went you use your words,” he slurred. You let your hands fall lax at your sides, giving Seungcheol the room to pull your shirt over your head. Given the opportunity Seungcheol was fast with his hands. Your shirt and bra were tossed aside to the floor in moments, and you were helping him wiggle you out of your underwear immediately after.
You were hoping that sense of urgency would continue, but just as soon as your clothes were off to the side, Seungcheol was trapping you between his arms, staring down at you with an expression on his face that made you wiggle. His eyes flitted down your body, and as he inspected you one of his hands came between your thighs. He tapped your inner thigh.
“Let me see,” he mumbled. You obediently let your legs spread, and Seungcheol took that as an opportunity to slide down your body, the pads of his hands pressed even further at your inner thighs and his gaze fully settled between your legs.
A whine was ripped from your body, and it made Seungcheol’s eyes flutter closed for a brief second. But then, his eyes were open again.
“You’re so fucking wet,” Seungcheol said, his breath making you clamp around absolutely fucking nothing like a common whore. “Is this all for me?”
His thumb grazed between the folds of your pussy, and he spread you out so that he could see you better.
“’s fucking embarrassing,” you murmured out. Seungcheol raised an eyebrow in your direction.
“Two points.”
You let your head fall back into the pillow.
“Embarrassing,” you reasserted.
“It’s not embarrassing,” Seungcheol denied. You felt something brush between your folds and you glanced down in time to see the tip of Seungcheol’s nose raising his tongue darting over you. Another groan from him. “It’s only natural to make such a mess when someone is touching you like this. And you like it when I touch you like this don’t you?”
You nodded, and he pressed a kiss to your core.
“Yes,” you cried out, desperate for more. This time you felt his laugh vibrating through your core. He was messy down there, like he was in his own little world. He lapped at your pussy like it was water, literally fucking animalistic. His fingers dug into your thighs as he pressed your legs wide open for him. Pressing so hard that you felt like you were going to break.
Seungcheol didn’t care for that. He didn’t seem worried at all that he would break you. Instead, he was lost between your thighs. A glance down at him in between your little moans and you could see that his face was slick with wetness.
“You’re making such a mess,” Seungcheol mumbled into you as if it was your fault that you were like this. “Getting yourself all over my face. All over my bed...”
You wiggled under his touch.
“It’s not fair,” you whined. “You get to touch me all you want... I w-want to touch you.”
“Is that so?”
He didn’t have any right to be so cocky.
“Want to taste your dick,” you admitted, your words betraying the fact that your thoughts were just about as reliable as Nick Carraway’s words in the Great Gatsby.
He did have the right to be so cocky. At this point you didn’t think you would be able to do anything before getting his cock pressed into you. Whether in your mouth, or your pussy? You didn’t care. Just needed his cock to be somewhere inside of you.
“Seungcheol,” you pressed, annoyance vibrating through your body. Seungcheol hummed against you. Fucking bratty. You lowered your hand to his hair, tugging him off you sharply. He looked up at you, his eyes dark despite the general amusement riddled there. “Want to taste your dick.”
Seungcheol slapped your thigh, making you cry out in surprise and loosen your grip in his hair.
“Not very nice,” he chided. “You better put your money where your mouth is.”
Seungcheol pulled off of the bed, dragging you to the edge with him by a single hand on your thigh. When you got to the edge you pushed yourself off the bed, your knees hitting the ground.
You wrapped both of your hands around Seungcheol’s dick. You gave him an experimental tug, dragging your hands all the way up to the tip of his cock. You let your thumb flicker over his slit, teasing it until precum dampened it.
You pressed forward, your tongue darting to his tip, tasting the salty liquid.
Unlike you, Seungcheol wasn’t trying to stay quiet. A breathy moan escaped his lips, and he reached forward, both of his hands scooping your head in his hands. He pressed your head forward, slowly easing your mouth onto him.
You let your lips give way to girth of his dick as he pushed your head forward, your fingers tightening on his hips in anticipation.
“Your mouth is so warm,” Seungcheol mumbled softly. You let your gaze raise up to Seungcheol, and he was peering down at you from under his pretty long lashes. You gagged a little around Seungcheol’s dick and his movements came to a hault. You struggled to catch your breath, grasp tightening again but not pushing him off.
Seungcheol’s fingers stroked your head until finally you caught your breath and you pressed yourself forward without any prompting from him and he got the idea quickly. He started to guide your mouth down on his dick, not pausing again until his cock was buried completely in your mouth.
You let a whine vibrate your whole body. Seungcheol smiled down at you, one of his hands sliding down your face to brush the corner of your stretched out lips.
“You look so pretty with my cock down your pretty little throat.”
The veiled praise went right to your already soaked core, but Seungcheol was so blissed out that he didn’t even care. He began to ease himself out of you, taking his fucking time, pulling you all the way to his tip and then pressing you all the way back down until your nose was pressed to his lower abdomen.   
Seungcheol started to press a faster pace. He wasn’t rough by any means, his grip on you was surprisingly gentle, and he was clearly in no rush at all. Not to cum, not to fuck you, not for anything. He was living in the moment, just grateful to have his dick down your throat.
Were you a whore for that making you so much wetter? The thought that he really was practically just using you. You were patient with him at first, but soon you weren’t able to keep that to yourself anymore. You whined and wiggled against him, patting his thigh until he released his grip on you.
“I can’t fucking wait anymore,” you bit out. Seungcheol raised an amused eyebrow.
“That’s three points,” he warned. Your eyes narrowed at him, which just made him laugh.
“Get on the bed if you need my cock that badly,” he murmured. “But I’m warning you. You’re sounding a little slutty when you talk like that.”
You didn’t care, a moan ripped from your mouth, and you scrambled up onto the bed. Seungcheol followed after you, a small push of the shoulder pressing you back onto his comforter. You wriggled underneath him, your eyes closing as you waited for him to move, to do something.
“Shit,” Seungcheol mumbled. Your eyes fluttered open, and you looked at him. He was staring at you, a pained look in his eyes and a hand stroking his cock.
“Did you bring a condom?” He asked you. Your lips pressed into a thin line, and you shook your head. Seungcheol gave you an apologetic smile. “I guess I’ll just have to make you cum a different way.”
A panicked feeling ripped through your body. You desperately didn’t want him to pull away. Not when he was so close to fucking you. You suddenly wrapped your legs around Seungcheol waist, pulling him closer to you, his tip dipping unintentionally into you.
You both let out matching moans.
“Need you to fuck me,” you mumbled, your face burning.
“Baby-” Seungcheol sounded wrecked. “I don’t have a condom.”
You were doing your best to avoid looking at Seungcheol.
“I don’t care.” Your voice was shaky, and even though you weren’t looking at him you could see the stupid cocky expression that had now appeared on his face.
“Yeah?” You were silent, but you tried to roll your hips down on Seungcheol to push him further into you. Seungcheol stilled you fast by digging his fingers into your hips- So deep that you were sure it was going to leave bruises.
“You want me to fuck you raw?”
You nodded, mouth still shut.
“I want to hear you say it,” Seungcheol pressed. You thought normally you would play against Seungcheol more. You thought maybe you would make him push you to say it more. But the tip of his cock still inside of you was making you so fucking desperate you really couldn’t hold back.
“I want you to fuck me raw.”
Seungcheol pushed fully into you without much more argument. You cried out at the thrust, wrapping your arms around Seungcheol’s neck, dragging him closer to you.
“You’re not doing very good baby,” he cooed. “Letting my pressure you into saying bad words? Begging someone to fuck you raw? So dirty... Shameless.”
He laughed against you but it was mixed in a loud moan.
“That’s another point. You’re at four.”
Before you could fight him back on it he began to slowly drag his cock out of you, pulling himself all the way out to the tip. You didn’t care about staying quiet anymore. You whined loudly
“Guess what baby?” Seungcheol whispered. Your hands slipped into his hair, fingers pulling at his strands.
“Close, fucking close,” you babbled, completely ignoring him. Seungcheol dipped his head, his lips brushing your ear.
“You hit six points.”
In seconds you were empty. Your eyes shot open and you pulled Seungcheol’s head up by his hair so that you could look him in the eyes. You must have looked fucked stupid under him. Your eyes wide and glazed over and your mouth gaping as you silently begged him to put his cock back inside of you. You two were quiet for a few seconds. Simply panting next to one another.
“Seungcheol fucking put-”
Seungcheol’s hand darted to your chin, and his fingers pressed into your cheek, forcing you to stop talking.
“What should your punishment be, hm?” He teased lightly. “Should I just get myself off and come all over you? Make you sit there covered in it?”
You tried to shake your head, but Seungcheol’s grip was tight- You were locked in one spot.
“Please,” you breathed. “Please Cheol. I need you to fuck me so badly. I need to come.”
Speaking with his fingers pressed into your cheeks was painful in a way that just spiraled down to your core, leaving you just that much more turned on and desperate for him to fuck you again.
“I could make you come,” he replied. His fingers darted down to your clit. He pressed down on you and began to rub your clit in firm circles. You threw your head back, shaking your head.
“No, no, no,” you protested. “Need to come with you inside of me.”
“But if I give you what you want then you’ll never learn,” Seungcheol teased.
“No!” You blurted, feeling pleasure coil through your body. You were fighting back against your own orgasm harder than you ever had before. “I’ll learn, I’ll learn.”
“No, you won’t,” he chided. “You had so many chances before punishment, and you didn’t learn then.”
You were co close. You didn’t even want to come at the moment and yet you were so fucking close.
Seungcheol pulled his fingers away from you and again you had your orgasm ripped away from you. Tears sprouted at the edge of your eyes and Seungcheol slapped your innerthigh.
“You’re going over my legs,” he mumbled. He pulled you to the edge of the bed, and dragged you over his legs. You whined and buried your face into the comforter.
“Fu-” Before you could get the whole word out Seungcheol’s hand came down hard on your ass. You cried out, a mixture of pleasure and pain running through your body.
“Why don’t you count for me?” He asked. You whined, shaking your head. Seungcheol hummed. “Unless, you’re not into this?”
His tone turned to a lighter one. For once he wasn’t teasing you.
“O-One,” you murmured. Seungcheol hummed again, and his hand came down on you again. “Two.”
Seungcheol’s hand ran over the curve of your ass, and two of his fingers dipped into your pussy. At this angle there was a slight burn despite the fact that not long ago something much bigger had been inside of you.
He pulled his fingers out again and suddenly slapped your ass.
Your whole body jolted.
“See? Isn’t it more fun when you listen?” Seungcheol asked you. “You could have come by now. Could have come around my cock just the way that you wanted to but no you had to be bad and break the same rules that you have to enforce everyday at work.”
“We’re not at work,” you protested, and Seungcheol slapped your ass again. You gritted your teeth together. “F-Four.”
“So mouthy,” Seungcheol tutted. “But you’re almost done.”
“Almost done,” you repeated, mimicking his tone in a way that you knew was in no way accurate. Your tone high and your body wiggling underneath him. His fingers slipped into your pussy again, spreading lazily.
“Isn’t this what you always complain about to the other managers at work?” Seungcheol asked. “People who can’t do something as simple as follow the rules...?” A whimper ripped from your lips. “If I didn’t know any better I would say that you enjoy getting punished. You like me being in control for once.”
You shook your body out in frustration, lightly biting down on the back of your hand and screaming into it.
“You’re wrong-” Seungcheol hit your ass again. And you bit down on your bottom lip to try and keep yourself from counting that hit. A hum of disapproval left Seungcheol’s mouth.
“If you don’t count you just get more,” he warned. As if to prove it his hand came down on you again. “And I’m not scared to turn your ass dark red. You look so fucking pretty over my knees like this.”
“F-Five and six,” you bit out suddenly, shaking your head desperately. “Please Cheol, I really, really need your cock.”
“No,” Seungcheol turned down. “You still have one more. That’s what you get for missing a count.”
More tears ran down your cheeks and you shook your head.
“I re-really need you,” you whined out. He hit you again. “Six.”
Seungcheol’s fingers threaded in your hair and he pulled you up. You dragged one of your legs over his legs. Seungcheol’s hands ran up your sides, and then he tightened his grip on your hips. He lifted you and then sunk you back down on his cock.
At this angle you literally felt like you were being split open on his cock, your whole body shook and you dropped your face into the crook of his neck.
“I-I-” You wanted to curse so badly. “Seung- Seungcheol.”
“I really hope that you don’t act out again,” Seungcheol mumbled. “Because I’m tired of waiting for you to come on my cock.”
You moaned loudly into Seungcheol’s skin. He raised you up again by your hips and slammed you back down on his cock. Your hands darted to Seungcheol’s shoulders and your fingers dug into him.
“You’re just s-so b-big,” you managed to get out. One of his hands raised to your chin and he tilted your head up.
“Ride me,” he mumbled. You nodded, your eyes darting to his lips.
“Kiss me,” you replied.
Seungcheol’s lips pressed to yours and you began to ease yourself up on Seungcheol’s cock. The stimulation of his cock and the burn on your ass from getting punished was just making you that much weaker. You couldn’t help the way that you were literally crying against his lips.
His hand raised to your cheeks, and his thumb swiped the tears across your cheeks. He broke of the kiss. “You need it badly don’t you?” He whispered. “Need me to take over again?”
You let your forehead fall against his. You didn’t really want to admit it but before you could voice that Seungcheol’s free hand pressed to your clit.
“Be good,” he warned. You nodded quickly.
“Pl-Please,” you breathed. “I need you to take over.”
Seungcheol grabbed your hips and began to raise and drop you on his cock. It didn’t really matter how long Seungcheol fucked you like that really. You were coming undone under him after only a few drops. You pressed your lips forward so that Seungcheol was kissing you again as he fucked you hard. With each drop he was forcing his hips up deeper inside of you.
Your whole body shook against Seungcheol’s and you went limp in Seungcheol’s hands. He still forced his cock in and out of you through your orgasm but even as you were blissed out you knew what you needed.
“Ch-Cheol,” you whimpered. “N-Need your cum. Inside.”
Your voice was weak but his wasn’t much better.
He didn’t make you beg anymore. You cried out as you felt Seungcheol’s cum spurting deep into your already sensitive pussy. Your whole body burned against Seungcheol and you shook your head against him.
“Oh fu-” You caught yourself and quickly shut your mouth. He laughed, exhaustion thrumming through his body.
“I told you that you wouldn’t learn unless you were punished.”
Seungcheol pulled you off of him, letting you roll over onto his bed. You whined, and shoved your face back into his sheets.
“Cheol your stupid tattoo is so cool,” you groaned. He laughed.
“You know, I really like it when you call me that,” he said softly. You felt him fall next to you on the bed, his fingers lightly brushing against your back.
“Yeah? More than Seungie?”
You wanted to hit yourself.
“Are you jealous?” He asked you with a laugh. You rolled over, letting your fingers twitch against his.
“I’m not jealous,” you denied. He grabbed your hand and tugged you closer to his body.
“Yes, you are,” he asserted. You grumbled, but turned into him anyways, wrapping your arms around his body and burying your face into his chest.
“No more than you are,” you retorted. “Can’t even chat with guests around you.”
Seungcheol hummed, but his lack of vocal disagreement just proved to you that you were right.
“What tattoo should I get next?” Seungcheol asked after a few minutes of silence. You looked up at him, pressing your lips together.
“Why are you asking me?” You murmured. His lips quirked up into a smile.
“So that I can drive you crazy wanting to see that one too.”
“Guess, what I heard.”
You looked up at your coworker, giving her a raised eyebrow, a bit annoyed that she was disrupting you while you were stocking but she didn’t seem to care really. She just leaned back on the counter.
“Seungcheol got another new tattoo.”
You looked back at what you were stocking, only so that she would not see the pained look on your face at the news. He had been mentioning that he really was going to get one. Every time he fucked you asking you where you thought the next one should be. Making you touch the places on his body that you wanted them to be. Teasing you with the fact that you were completely fucking obsessed with him.
“That’s...” Were you breathing easily? “Cool.”
“So cool,” she replied. “Everyone wants to see it but he’s refusing to show it to anyone yet, or even tell us what he got.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at the news.
“Really?” You asked. “Why?”
“He said that his girlfriend gets to see it first.”
Girlfriend. You thought back over the last time you had seen Seungcheol. Two nights ago, his cock buried deep inside of you.
“I’m getting the new tattoo tomorrow,” he mumbled into your neck.
“I want to see it first.”
A laugh left his lips.
“Yeah? You think I’m yours or something?”
You hadn’t really meant your answer.
“Aren’t you?”
You pressed down the urge to smile, and instead rolled your eyes.
“What idiot would date stupid Choi Seungcheol?”
Your hand slipped and a bucket started to fall to the ground. Before you could do anything someone caught it and your eyes flickered up, gaze meeting Seungcheol’s. His voice dropped so quiet that you knew that no one but the two of you could hear it.
“An idiot whose ass is going to be red tonight.”
Your face blazed and excitement coiled through the pit of your stomach, but you hid it behind a coy smile.
“That’s going to be a point.”
You were just glad the next day no one asked you why you were walking funny.
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amaranthineghost · 9 months
ahh!! i think i speak on behalf of a lot of people when i say i need a part two, because that was so amazing and so beautifully written 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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ꕥ pairings: lando x reader
ꕥ parts: 1
ꕥ tagging: @gulphulp
ꕥ summary: they hadn't seen each other in months after their breakup, which left them in more misery than they thought. because now they'll do anything to make it work.
ꕥ authors note: I've been planning this in my head while writing the first part to this and i really like how this came out! going to work on christmas imagines and also finish up a request that I've been meaning to write!
ꕥ warnings: smut (at the end if you don't want to read that part), heavy angst (wanted to break some hearts), mentions of alcohol abuse and heavy drinking, mentions of eating struggles. not proofread the end.
IT'D BEEN MONTHS. months since he last abandoned her in their old apartment. since he drove off in his mclaren, punched the rearview mirror because he couldn't take it. to this day, he regretted it with every fiber of his being. he tried to convince himself for days on end, it was for the better. but was it really?
he was struggling. he couldn't sleep properly, staring at the dark ceiling, feeling beside him in the bed for another warm body, breaking his heart more every time he reminded himself that she wasn't here. it was cold.
it was cold despite the blistering summer heat of monaco, windows open to let in the heat. max swore at him every time because despite being rich, he was letting out cool air. but lando couldn't stand the cold. without her, his heart was frigid.
it worsened as the months grew colder and races passed him by. he was peforming fine, for now, but he'd reach his limit soon enough.
he hated when the air got bitterly frozen because this year, he wouldn't have her. he wouldn't have the heat that radiated off her to keep him warm.
he'd waste himself away with alcohol to forget the memory of leaving her. it turned his stomach in knots everytime to think of her watching him leave because they didn't know what to do to fix them. he wish he knew, he should've.
more often than not, he'd spent his nights on bathroom floors of the club, puking his guts out into the toilet, or sitting on the kitchen floor belonging his temporary roommate, max fewtrell. he sat against the tiled floor and wooden cabinets with a half-emptied bottle in his hands, tears on his face.
he'd sit there for hours, wasting away with every sip burning at his throat. he hated alcohol, but it was the only way to cope because he didn't want to remember any moment without her.
when he was nearly passed out on the floor, max would drag him up by his arms, forcing more than a few glasses of water down his throat. he'd grown familiar with his friend's new sulking.
max threw him on the guest room bed he didn't bother to make because he was miserable. he made it everyone's problem then. he'd leave his passed out friend a concoction of medicines to help with the hangover, he'd gotten used to this routine for the past couple of months.
when lando would stumble his way down the stairs, hands wrapped in his curls with a splitting pain through his head and a grimace on his face, all max would comment is "well, aren't you a pitiful sod."
lando rolled his eyes, groaning at the pain as he did so, sitting on a chair at the table across from his best friend, cringing at the resemblance of dinners with his girl—who wasn't even his anymore.
"jesus, mate, maybe you do need an intervention." he'd push his bowl of oatmeal towards lando, watching the expression on his face closely.
"I'm fine."
"clearly not," max scoffed, "mate, it's great havin' you here, but y'need to sober up."
"I will."
"you've said that last month, and the month before that, and the month before that." he shook his head, "I don't even get why you guys broke up."
lando groaned, rubbing his fingertips to his temple and chugging the water before he spoke, "it wasn't working out, 'ts for the best."
"for the best? are you kidding me?" he scoffed his friend's words, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
to max, breaking up was for the worst. he could tell lando was in misery, and he'd guess she was the same, maybe worse. maybe he didn't know much, but he knew enough to know that they were meant for each other.
"I'm not kidding," he muttered, pushing the oatmeal around the bowl, his spoon clinking against the sides, "besides, we tried to fix it, 'n it didn't work."
he paused, "fix it 'ow?"
lando rolled his eyes, feeling the consequences of his actions through his head, mumbling under his breath, "we went out to eat."
"you're jokin' me?" he leaned forward, a look of disbelief and disappointment on his face, "you went out to eat? how's that goin' to solve anything?"
lando shrugged again, refusing to look max in the eye as he pushed the mush around in his bowl, picking out the bits of fruit throughout.
"you're a real geezer, y'know that?" he sighed deeply, leaning back into the stool as he sat looking at his idiotic friend, "it was a perfectly salvageable relationship, mate, and you just threw it away." he shook his head, his arms crossed against his chest as he leaned his head on one hand.
"you gonn' call me a muppet next?" he aggressively bit into the small strawberry.
"might as well because you're acting like one. now why did you break up with her?"
"she broke up with me." he quietly corrected him, though it didn't seem to shed light on the fact that they didn't try as much as they thought they did.
"then fight for your relationship!" max exclaimed, throwing his hands up in response, "did you ever talk about what was wrong?"
"we didn' have time to," lando admitted, "and we didn't know what to do." he pushed aside the bowl, having barely touched the food residing in it. it's gone cold now, just like him.
"make the time!" he suggested, jabbing his finger into the counter to make a point, "when was the last time you were alone together?"
"when we had dinner together."
max groaned, shoving his face into his hands, rubbing his closed eyes on his palms. lando was starting to give him a headache, "when was the last time you were alone together, no people, no cameras, no fans, just you and her doing something?"
"i 'ont know."
"jesus, man." his voice muffled into his skin as his face remained in his palms because of the idiocracy of his friend.
"well, what do you suggest i do then, max?" lando's tone got seemingly more aggressive and annoyed, the volume of his voice raising slightly.
"actually spend time with her! take her on holiday!" he suggested, matching energies.
"mate, I can't just ask her after months of not speakin'," lando's stool pushed against the floor as he stood up, he was agrivated. he harshly grabbed the bowl with the cold food and shoved it in the sink.
max turned in his seat, "right, so just give up and go back to drinkin' then?"
lando ignored the comment, it infuriated him because max was right. if he didn't find the solution to his problem, he probably would go back to getting blackout drunk. all in hopes that'd help forget his misery
he leaned against the sink with his arms, his head hung between his inner biceps with his eyes closed, taking deep breaths before asking, "how should I ask her then?"
"you truly are a muppet."
"christ, just help m'out here!" lando pleaded because he couldn't take it anymore. he'd been losing himself to however many bottles of alcohol that'd stacked in the bin and the amount of over-the-counter drugs he'd force down his burned throat. all to forget what seemed like an impossible fix, but all he needed was another person. just because they didn't know what to do doesn't mean others wouldn't.
and of course max would help. he just had to give lando a hard time for screwing up so badly because he would've never expected him to show up at his front door midday, stumbling drunk and muttering slurred phrases about her.
his first thought when he saw his disoriented friend was to wonder if something had happened, the obvious answer being, obviously. because lando barely drank. max knew how much he couldn't stand the taste and chasing burn so it wasn't often you'd catch him drunk, much less to this extent.
he knew it had to involve his girlfriend by the here-and-there words he could decipher from the rest, but he couldn't expect to get the full story from the utter nonsense his friend spewed.
it wasn't till morning max discovered the extent of lando's stupidity.
" 'ts your relationship," max sighed, "and you realize she might not be so accepting to see you."
it hurt to think about. he didn't know what was worse, for her to be in such misery like himself or for her to not want him back. his stomach tied itself in knots to even think about, but he was the one who left her in the first place.
"yeah, I know."
he was lost without her. everything seemed so meaningless without her by his side, though she hadn't been for months, even when they were together. but the idea of her presence somewhere in his vicinity was all he needed.
she was like a drug he tried so hard to quit because it seemed to be getting him no where. but he was addicted. all he thought about when he wasn't drunk was her. every single dollar wasted on booze was drank to forget her. the lack of her in his life.
so when he showed up at her doorstep, it was more than just a shock. she'd opened the door, the last thing she expected was to see him, standing with an expression that seemingly matched hers. the smell of booze wafting from his clothes and the bittersweet smell of his cologne she had long forgotten about. smelling it again brought back everything she tried to learn to forget about him.
she wanted to be mad, to push and kick him away, but she'd been waiting for months for him to reappear into her life. for him to come back to her, the anticipation built in her body every time the door bell echoed off the walls, or knocks that pounded against the door.
but instead she slammed the door almost immediately, and he didn't blame her. how could he when he'd been the one to leave. because on the other side of that door, her heart was pounding.
she'd been wanting to see him for so long, so badly wanted him back in her life, but what if they made the same mistakes? she couldn't take losing him a second time because she'd already lost most of herself when he drove away the first time.
because she'd watched her future slip through her fingertips and there wasn't anything she knew that would make her catch it.
she knew she was to blame for breaking them up. it was for the best, she told her guilty conscience, but it didn't change the heart-wrenching want to have him back.
she'd spent months in the cocoon she made of their cold bed, ultimately settling on his side to feel closer to him. but what was the point? he hadn't slept in that bed in months, the sheets that reeked of him faded, and even more so when he left her, for at the time she thought, forever.
"love, please," he pleaded against the door, his forehead against the cold metal, "I screwed up, but please, let me fix this, us."
she hesitated. she knew she was the type to let people who hurt her back into her life so easily, as if nothing happened, but she was the one who forced him out. she knew that.
so when the door creaked open, he pushed himself away from the door as fast as lightning. her doe eyes peaking around, staring at his chest before they found their way to his face. he'd changed. he looked tired, unkept. she'd be lying if she said she looked the same as she did months ago because she honestly looked worse than him.
because being apart brought out their worst qualities in themselves that they'd helped the other through, but it resurfaced.
when he'd gotten a good look at her, he realized she definitely wasn't the same girl she was months ago. he'd notice the dark circles under her eyes, half-lidded and puffy, begging for sleep. the oversized hoodie he left her, though surprisingly clean, was well-worn by her. through the baggy cloth, he could tell her physique was slimmer, he felt nauseous.
she couldn't stand the silence between them even when they lived the last months of their relationship filled with it. they were both hurting and they both knew it, but they'd assume the other would be the one to patch it up. that's where they messed up, they seem to do it a lot.
"so why now are you here?" she'd cut through the silence with a butter knife, sawing back and forth as she stumbled where she stood. she struggled to keep her balance, lack of energy will do that to you.
"I realized how much of an idiot I was," he stepped closer, bringing his hand to hers, pressing her fingers between his. he trailed the pads of his fingertips down her hand and to her wrist. he'd latch on, caressing the soft skin, he'd remember the feeling.
"but I was the one who broke you with you."
he didn't mean it like that, to insinuate that she was the idiot for breaking them up because in no way did he blame her. he put the blame all on him for not fighting for them.
" 'nd I was the one who left."
she stared up at him, her big eyes doing things to him, he shouldn't feel it in a moment like this, but he did. he just wanted her back, to feel her lips on his, her smooth skin under his soft but callused hands.
her lips parted when she'd realize the feeling of warmth against her face, his hand running along her jaw to her chin. though she was already looking up at him, he pushed her head up further, but so softly.
his voice was raspy and deep, pleading, "please, darlin'." she couldn't say no even if the voice inside her head and the feeling in her heart told her to.
"just don't leave again."
he could never, not after the misery he'd been through without her, blackout nights to forget everything that had led up to their break up. he couldn't imagine the anguish he put her through.
and at those words, he couldn't hold back anymore, his lips colliding with hers so desperately, like he needed her to survive. he kind of did. he tasted faintly of alcohol and fruit, she tasted like mint. her lips moved softly against his passionate kiss because he was acting like she was his oxygen, his water, his everything because she was.
his hand tangled in her hair, the sounds of their breaths between their lips, the heavy heat that surrounded the air as they separated.
"let's go somewhere," he'd suggest, his chest rising and falling more noticeably now.
her lips became a swollen pink as she looked up at him, dazed as her eyes flickered between his green eyes, "where?"
he shook his head, smiling. god, she missed that smile. he spoke so softly now, "anywhere, you pick. it'll jus' be us."
money didn't matter to him. if she wanted to travel to the moon and back, he'd make it happen because he wanted to make things right. he wanted to show her he was all in now because he would never take another step out ever again.
so they'd travel across the world. he'd rent out hotels, restaurants, amusement parks, anything she'd want. like max said, he wanted this between the two of them. no cameras, no fans, no public. just them enjoying their time together and alone at the most beautiful places she could think of.
she'd end up on an island with him, the only other people being the employees of the resorts he'd rent out. he did everything with her.
they went on yachts around the crystal waters and coral reefs surrounding the beaches that they'd later lay and tan on. they'd talk as they bathed in the sunlight. snorkeling while holding hands and pointing out various species that inhabited the waters.
candle-lit dinners sitting across from each other, though their hands never left each other. they'd been offered fancy wines, lando ultimately opting out. she understood. they tried the exotic foods and other virgin drinks the resort had to offer.
they had long runs along the beach, heavy makeout sessions on stranded towels where they couldn't take their hands off the other, deciding to take the trip back to their hut over the waters.
when they'd make it back, he wasted no time because he missed her, the feeling of her around him, the taste of her.
as soon as the hut door slammed shut, his veined hand would be pressured on her neck, pushing at the skin under his fingertips to pull her into his lips. he was desperate, she knew that.
his lips were harshly against hers, she could feel the vibrations of his groans against her flesh, feeling his working hands across her chest, having left her neck temporarily to undo her tied bikini top. it was discarded onto the wooden floors with no further regard. they'd separate, foreheads pushed together and their noses clashing as their breaths mixed in the middle.
his head dipped below her jaw, biting at the skin of her neck. whimpers left her lips and she felt his smirk on her skin while she grasped at his curls. he slowly pushed their bodies towards the open laid bed behind her, her calf's meeting the mattress. he tugged at the elastic of her beach shorts, though deciding to take his time, which made it all the more agonizing for her, she needed him.
his lips trailed her body, leaving trails of his saliva and marks where he nipped at her skin, from her neck down to her chest. he groped her tits, earning a low groan from her as his tongue swirled her areola. she tugged his hair, his curls between each of her fingers as she bit back the sounds that forced through her throat. he was starved of her, which only turned her on more. she felt the heat between her thighs.
he'd kneel on his knees in front of her as he'd continue to leave a string of dark hickeys down her skin as he'd continue to her stomach, and just above her panty line, pulling the elastic of her shorts down. she'd almost just rip them off because she couldn't take how slow he'd move compared to when they first ended up in this situation.
his finger wrapped around the band, slowly pulling the material over the curves of her body, but he'd left her panties, which infuriated her. he did it all while looking straight up into her eyes, the glint in his eyes filled of lust and mischief. he'd lift her leg with his hand wrapped around the back of her knee, helping her kick off the clothing.
he'd kiss the skin just above the side of her knee, his lips glued to her skin as they traveled higher up her thighs, as well as his hands, sliding under the side of her panties. his nose brushed against the cloth of her cunt, ghostly stimulating her clit. it provoked a reaction out of her as she whined, and he'd continue to kiss along the line of her undergarment.
he may have started off desperate, but now he was taking his sweet time to take care of her. she wanted to badly for him to just hurry it along, wanting to feel him, but he'd rather enjoy the moment he had with her, like it was his last.
he pushed aside the cloth barrier, licking his lips as he eyed the wet patch caused by him, his warm breath panned across her cunt and she pleaded, "lan, please." god, he loved to hear her beg, it was music to his ears, but her moans were a symphony.
his two fingers slowly parted her folds, feeling her pulse under him as she moaned against the contact, he 'tsk'd at her reaction, "so wet for me, darling." his voice was raspy, deep and she cursed under her breath as she watched him lick her off his fingers.
the taste of her brought him back, he'd savor it because he hadn't before, not when he didn't realize it could've been the last. she was sweet, her skin smelling of vanilla as his nose brushed against her.
he'd had enough teasing for now, and gently he'd pull down her panties. she'd be fully exposed, but he was still dressed, his clothes feeling tighter around his body, specifically his swim shorts.
he didn't care. he'd thrown one of her legs over his shoulder as he flattened his tongue across her, feeling the tremble in her standing leg. he'd bury his lips in her cunt, vigorously tasting her like he hadnt eaten in weeks. his tongue lapped at her heat and she let out strings of curses interrupted by moans as she'd tug him closer to her by his hair.
vibrations of his groans stimulated her clit as he softly nipped at the sensitive flesh. he'd lapped at her cunt for not long before it became overwhelming, her moans growing high and squeaked as her legs nearly buckled.
he kept going, looking up at her with massively dilated eyes, half-lidded and seductive. her jaw went slack as she stared into his eyes, she felt the crescendo of her high and she'd nearly scream out his name as she came on his tongue. he'd lick up any remaining juice of hers.
his tongue left one long trail over her cunt, pressuring on her sensitive before pulling away, a trail of saliva connecting to his mouth and her slick glistened on his lips and chins. she panted heavily, he watched the rise and fall of her chest, felt the shaking of her knees as they nearly gave out under her.
he'd smile up at her, his goofy grin greeted her after her hazed high calmed. she'd roll her eyes at his light-heartedness after she'd just came on his tongue.
but it was moments like those that'd bring back the spark of youth and naivety to their relationship. because it was what they'd needed all along. all they needed was each other.
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I gotta start somewhere. I've been learning a lot about indigenous history and activism as I work on deconstruction, and a sentiment I come across a lot is bitterness towards Christianity. I cannot emphasize enough how much I fully understand. The rough bit is that sometimes when I read their work, I get the implication that there's nothing worth saving in the Church/Christianity- that to hold on to it is to hold on to all the colonialism and white supremacy and yuck.
As a disabled trans Christian, I get that, but it still hurts. I love God and am a Christian despite everything. I want to be an ally to indigenous people, but I want to follow God this way too. I know those aren't mutually exclusive, but it feels that way sometimes. Do you have any insight for me to find peace in this regard?
Thank you.
Hey there, thanks for the question, sorry for the delay!
This is something I've also wrestled with — a question I ask myself over and over, and probably always will. I cannot offer you peace, because as Jeremiah 6:14 says, "There is no peace!" — not while our faith continues to be wielded as a weapon against so many peoples. What I can offer you are some of the thoughts that have allowed me to continue to be Christian with hope that this faith can be better than what it's long been misused for, and the resolve to do my part to make it so.
First, that Christianity isn't unique in being co-opted by colonialist powers.
Any belief system can be twisted for violence, and many have been. If Christianity didn't exist, white supremacy still would — colonialist powers would have found a different belief system to twist into justifying their evils.
That absolutely does not absolve us from reckoning with the evils that have been done in Christianity's name! This isn't about shutting down critiques of Christianity with "uh well it could have been any religion" — as things played out, Christianity is the religion responsible for so much harm, and we need to acknowledge that and listen to groups who tell us how we can make some form of reparations.
But for me at least, there is some comfort in understanding that Christianity isn't, like, inherently evil or something. Recognizing that it isn't unique even in its flaws helps me look at the problem with clearer eyes, rather than wallowing in guilt and shame, if that makes sense.
Next, that there are Indigenous Christians, and Black Christians, and other Christians of color — that oppressed peoples have found things worth cultivating within Christianity! If they can find something worthwhile in this faith, it would be arrogance for me to deny it.
For instance, even when white slaveholders edited Bibles to remove too much discussion of liberation, even when white preachers emphasized verses about slaves being obedient to their masters, many enslaved people recognized how Christian faith actually affirms their equality and the holiness of their desire for liberation.
Black Theologian Howard Thurman opens his 1949 book Jesus and the Disinherited with a question asked to him by a Hindu man who knew the harms white Christianity had done to both their peoples: “How can you, a black man, be Christian?” The long and short of Thurman’s answer is that, in spite of the pain and exploitation too often inflicted by Christians in positions of power, the oppressed have always been able to see past that misuse of the Christian message to the true message lived out by Jesus Christ: a message of liberation for all.
For more thoughts on why and how to keep being Christian in spite, in spite, in spite...I invite you to look through my #why we stay tag.
How I wish that Christianity had never gotten tangled up in Empire! but it did, and it still is, and because for good or ill I cannot help that my spirit is stubbornly drawn towards the Triune understanding of the Divine, the best I can do is to use my privilege and what small influence I have within Christian institutions to move us towards decolonization. What some of that's looked like on the level of my personal beliefs:
I am firmly against any form of proselytizing. I don't support evangelism financially, I speak out against it, I don't platform it. (If someone wants to hear about my faith, they'll come to me — I don't run after them. And if someone does want to have that conversation, I aim to make it a dialogue, where we are learning from each other.)
I continuously work to recognize and uproot Christian supremacy within myself — the beliefs I didn't even realize where there until I started digging. That has included challenging any inkling within myself that Christianity is the "best" or "most right" religion. (One book that's helped a lot with that is Holy Envy by Barbara Brown Taylor.)
I seek wisdom from and relationship with Christians of color. Their insights are vital to our faith, and I try to use what small influence I have to uplift them.
On that last note, here are some resources I recommend as you continue to explore these questions:
This First Nations Version of the Christian Bible is gorgeously written, and a great way to explore scripture through a Native lens.
Native by Kaitlin B. Curtice is a lovely poetic memoir that explores how one person has sought to hold both her Christian faith and Potawatomi identity within herself. (She also has a new book out that I haven't read yet but really want to!)
God is Red: A Native View of Religion by Vine Deloria Jr.
Rescuing the Gospel from the Cowboys by Richard Twiss
I haven't read any of these 4 books but they look good too
This video with advice to non-Indigenous Christians
If anyone has any resources to add, please do!
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Shepard-Vakarian Love Nest
garrus vakarian x fem shepard
summary: garrus installs a security system while shepard redecorates
a/n: finished me3 and immediately replayed the whole thing again with slightly different choices,,, i'm obsessed and I need to cope with the heartache of leaving garrus behind to save the universe xoxo space jesus </3
tags: fluff to cope with the ending of me3, flirting, established relationship, shepard instead of y/n, colonist background shepardf if you squint
ao3 version
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"garrus this feels a little... overkill."
"that's the point shepard, to overkill anyone who tries to break in."
shepard rolled her eyes playfully and looked around the apartment with her arms crossed. there were sensors on every window and door in the sizable apartment. she managed to talk him down from installing explosives inside, convincing him that it would be way too much paperwork and too much of a risk if she accidentally set them off herself. however, she had to give her boyfriend credit where credit was due, it did make her feel safer. especially since he installed thicker bullet-proof window panes and rolling steel covers for emergencies.
while he was working on making shepard's home safer, she was busy with making andserson's former apartment into her own. she wanted to make it less of a bachelor pad and more of a proper place where she and garrus could hang their hats at the end of the day.
while it was originally supposed to be a getaway just for her, it was too quiet for her taste, and more often than not she has the current and former crew of the normandy over whenever she could.
but for now, it was just the two of them.
she was comparing the current wood of the kitchen cabinets to a new red sample that she picked up. it felt a little silly to be concerned about the colors of the apartment while there were reapers destroying planets, but everyone needed a break now and then. this might be the last shore leave she would ever have. it was somewhat morbid to think about, the last time she had shore leave it was forced on her after she defended elysium despite all odds.
while she was lost in thought, garrus snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder, "hmm i like the red, but a darker burgundy would look better."
shepard hummed and leaned her cheek against his, "i think that would look nice, you have quite the eye vakarian."
"i'm aware. you know i have great taste. especially in partners," he purred into her ear and nipped softly at her neck.
shepard chuckled and turned around in his arms, lacing her hands behind his neck, "that i'll have to agree with you on." she slowly unlaced her fingers and ran her hands down the front of his chest armor, looking up into his gorgeous cobalt eyes, "so, did you find the best vantage point to shoot intruders from?"
garrus chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, suddenly looking very sheepish. if turians could blush, he would be bright red. "there are quite a few adequate spots, however, i'll wait until you're done fully redecorating to make the spots permanent."
"'ppreciate that honey," she smiled and stood on her tip toes, pressing a chaste kiss on his cheek plate.
shepard walked over to her personal computer and ordered the new redwood for the kitchen, along with new paint for the walls. all the white walls were so boring, customizing this place as her own home gave her hope, something that she could look forward to coming back to. having someone with her to share it with made it all the better, giving her hope for the future and something to look forward to once this was all over.
even if he does insist that they need the latest security systems that he personally has to inspect and install, not trusting anyone else to do it right.
of course, she also wanted garrus to add in his own decorations; pictures of his homeworld and family, traditional turian art pieces, etc. shepard was even planning to convert one of the empty bedrooms into a painting studio for him.
maybe one day they would fill it with human-turian babies, or a bunch of krogan, depending one how things went.
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a/n: pls let me know if i made any grammatical or spelling mistakes <333
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tagged by @bluehairandproverbs!
Rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with
favorite color: red
last song: La Mano - Ghetto Kids
currently reading: mad ADHD so I read several books at once but one per category
fiction: Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology, 2023
non-fiction: Crows: Encounters with the Wise Guys of the Avian World, 2015, Candace Savage. not as good imo as Gifts of the Crow, but still a good time. I'm steadily working through all crow commercial nonfiction as part of our ongoing love affair with the babies. really i need to buy a supersoaker to discourage the hawks that are currently spooking the babies. by "spooking" I mean "trying to eat them." I have taken sides in this war. the gods play favorites and so do i.
technically this counts as work probably (writing or occult related): Fate, Fortune, and Mysticism in the Peruvian Amazon: The Septrionic Order and the Naipes Cards, 2011, Marlene Dobkin de Rios, Ph.D. I bought this for the included instructions on reading with la baraja española, but the author is just using the old French cartomancy rules attributed to Mlle Lenormand. But anyway, it's also a fascinating ethnographic peak into a neglected area and a neglected people, and I love that the author runs statistical analysis on the card system itself as well as her predictions. A lot of this will be familiar to anyone who's read cards for money, but it's awesome having math to back up how people misremember shit in your favor. ("You remember when you predicted xyz?" I did not predict xyz. "Yes you did! [client then repeats a completely unrelated thing you said about something else] See! That's what that means!" oh okay. thanks. sure. same time next week?) What is the Septrionic Order? idk I'm not at that part of the book yet.
currently watching: The Decameron
currently craving: those 90% dark chocolate squares that are delicious and I ate two a day for for like ten years straight but it turns out they're full of lead and cadmium
coffee or tea: coffee
tagging: jesus fucking christ NINE? i don't know nine people one of you tagged me in a nice one of these a while back and I meant to do it but I put it in my drafts and it is LOST FOREVER and I don't remember which one of you it was but please know I think of you fondly in the abstract and will think of you fondly specifically if you identity yourself.
otherwise, the usual suspects: @muffinbitch and @nanavn. plus @oldladynerd
and you know, whoever. I'm trying to be more social on here. I don't remember anyone's name. I can spell maybe two of your handles off the top of my head and that's IT. I've known @nanavn for YEARS AND YEARS and it took me like five tries or rearranging the letters n and v and a before I got it.
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gaysindistress · 1 year
When Night Comes - Nine
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
warnings: mob!Bucky, cursing, major character death (but I think some of you have been waiting for this), weapons, blood, 
word count: 2.7k
eight | masterlist
Tag list: @vickie5446 @cakesandtom  @buckybarnessimpp @hidden-treasures21​ @unaxv​ @mal-adaptive-dreams @elizacusi-blog​ @vonalyn @thebuckybarnesvault
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
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Jessica had sent Sunny a rather vague text stating that she would be over and they needed to talk. Calling her and blowing up her phone with texts did nothing to ease the anxiety in Sunny considering that Jessica never responded. It had been weeks of constant anxiety and worry no thanks to Bucky appearing in her life and finding out that Alix is in New York. Everything that she had worked for was about to come crashing down around her and at this point, she’s not even sure she’d survive it this time. New York was the only place she would think of that would be far enough away and big enough for Alix to not be able to find her, aside from moving abroad. But with what little money she had, Sunny had no way of getting any fake documents and there was no way she would risk Alix tracking her if she used her real ones. 
So here she is in New York after five years of hiding, awaiting the return of her devilish ex with no way out and no reassurance that she would make it to the other side of this. The appearance of Bucky and Yelena did little to ease her wrecked nervous system. Sure they may be able to protect her for a little from Alix but Sunny was bed hopping at this point; jumping from a Lycan bed to a Strigoi bed. On the bright side, it seemed like whatever business the Strigoi were involved in, it was either less illegal than Alix’s or they hid it better. So far she had heard of any police raids or anything that would suggest that Bucky and his people were being looked at by the police. Either way, monsters are still monsters, meaning that associating with any of them meant bad news for humans. 
In her usual fashion, Jessica walks right into Sunny’s apartment and loudly announces that she’s arrived and needs coffee. From her bedroom, Sunny all but rolls out of bed and barely greets her friend in the kitchen who is making herself right at home with the coffee pot. 
“Your text made it sound like you needed to talk to me about something serious.”
Jessica throws her a smile over her shoulder and continues with the task at hand, “I mean it’s not that serious but I like to be mysterious. Keeps you on your toes.”
“No it’s just fucking rude.”
“Rude to you but fun for me.”
Sunny rolls her eyes and plops down on the couch, wrapping herself in the blanket from the night before. The kiss and the hurt in Yelena’s eyes flash before her and she throws it, earning a look from jessica. She grabs another one and stares blankly at the offending piece of fabric on the floor. Jessica drops a cup on the coffee table for Sunny and sits in the same spot Bucky sat the night before. 
“Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” “M fine,” Sunny mumbles, still fixated on the blanket, “What did you want to talk to me about?”
“Wow just diving right in, okay,” Jessica says, placing her cup next to Sunny’s untouched one, “I don’t really know how to say this.”
Sunny rips her eyes away to narrow her eyes at Jessica, “Just say it.”
The other woman starts fiddling with her nails, pulling the top of her finger from the acrylic as she searches for the right words. 
“Jesus just come out with it.”
“Sunny this isn’t something I can just come out and say.” “Yes it is.” “No you don’t understand,” Jessica looks at her dead on and lets her eyes flash gold as a light start. Sunny takes in a sharp breath and tosses the blanket as she scrambles to get off of the couch. Anger, hurt, embarrassment, and betrayal race through her as she processes what she just witnessed. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. I’m still your best friend, nothing has changed that,” Jessica states in a calm voice, staying seated so as to not spook her, “Please come sit down.”
“You are not my best friend. You’re a fucking Lycan and you never told me,” Sunny breaths angrily, “Get. The. Fuck. Out.”
“Y/N sit down. Now.”
Sunny goes completely still, her body refusing to move while her brain screams at her to run or at the very least, don’t stand still. 
“I don’t have a lot of time and there’s a lot we need to talk about.”
“Then talk and start with how you know my name.”
Jessica clenches her jaw but answers anyways, “We knew each other in Fresno.”
“No we didn’t.”
“Yes we did, I just had blonde hair and everyone called me Amy,” she argues, grabbing her phone to show her a picture of them together with Alix in the middle. “I swear to god Jessica, Amy or whatever the fuck your name is, if you don’t get out right now, I will call the police.”
“They can’t do anything.”
Sunny starts to back up slowly however Jessica snorts at her poor attempt at running away. 
“Alix is my pack leader and she sent me to keep tabs on you but I’m here to warn you. She’s planning on wiping out the entire New York Strigoi leadership and taking you back. You need to leave right now before she can get any closer.”
“Does she know where I am?” “She’s always known. She just likes to play with her food beforehand. ”
“So you’re telling me that she’s known where I’ve been this entire time,” Sunny drags a hand down her face at the realization that her safety has been fake this whole time and she’s never actually been free.
“Where do you expect me to go? It’s not like I can hop on my private jet and leave.”
Jessica shrugs, “I can’t help you with that. If I know where you might be at, Alix will be able to use that. I suggest that you find some place that she would never think of.”
“That’s really helpful, thank you for your wonderful advice,” Sunny scoffs while she fully backs into the kitchen. Her knives are within reach but they’re useless against a Lycan’s strength. Still she snatches one and holds it between her and Jessica. 
“Put that down and go pack. Alix has a tracker on my phone so she’ll know that I was here and will hunt me down first.”
“As if I believe you.”
Jessica’s phone rings as if on cue and she answers it, putting on a fake smile and voice when she greets Alix on the other line. 
“Hey girly what’s up?”
“Nope just hanging with my bestie.”
“She’s good.”
“No problem. I’ll be home in an hour. See ya then,” she hangs up and makes eye contact with Sunny, “Alix is on her way here. You need to get out of here like right now.”
Sunny turns and sprints to her room, slamming the door behind her and locking it with shaky hands. Like it did nights before, her chest starts to grow tighter as her breathing becomes shallower. Her hands shake as she tries to pull her thoughts together but to no avail. Without a second thought, she starts to throw random clothes into a backpack. Anything that she sees, she grabs and quickly pulls on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. She hears Jessica moving around in the front room as she slips her shoes on. A knock at her front door scares her and she drops her phone on the ground, shattering the screen as it hits the wood. 
The sound of boots dropping down has her whipping her head towards her window to see Bucky crawling into her room. He holds a finger to his lip as Yelena and Steve climb in behind him. They all have guns drawn and held out in front of them. Bucky waves a hand for her to come closer but she stays put. 
“Come here,” he whispers as Yelena and Steve flank either side of her bedroom door, whispering amongst themselves. 
“Don’t look back and keep your head down,” he whispers when he approaches her, his hand gently grabbing her by her bicep, “Stay next to me and duck when I tell you, do you understand?”
“What the fuck is going on?” Sunny whispers back, trying to rip her arm away from him but his grip tightens. 
“I’ll tell you later but we need to go now.”
“No? Let me walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?”
“Stop arguing like an old married couple and go,” Steve hisses at them. Bucky grumbles something under his breath and pulls her towards the window while she weakly struggles against his grip. Alix’s voice booms through the small apartment, rattling the walls in Sunny’s mind. 
“I know you’re here, Y/N, and I know you have those fucking blood suckers with you.”
“Come on draga,” he says while pushing her out of the window with a hand on her head to help her duck and other with the gun pointed behind them. There’s more pounding on the door while Steve and Yelena back up to cover them better as they slip out of the window and down the fire escape. 
Bucky takes her backpack from her and goes down before her as Sunny climbs after him. The fear of Alix is worse than blindly following Bucky. 
The door splinters as Alix breaks it down and Steve warns her to stay put before he empties his clip into her. She laughs maniacally and questions if he would really shoot his kid’s daycare teacher just to get to her. Without being able to see what’s going on, Sunny can only assume that she’s holding Jessica in front of her as a shield. She tries to stop and climb back up but Yelena and Bucky both push her to keep going down. Neither allows her to get very far as Steve tries to negotiate with the madwoman of a Lycan. 
“She’s going to kill Jess,”  she hisses at Yelena. 
“And Jess was helping her get you and kill us so keep moving,” Bucky pipes up from behind her. 
“Jess is still my friend, you dick.”
“No she’s not,” he says lowly, his voice dropping an octave. 
She turns her attention to Yelena, “You’re friends with her.”
“I wouldn’t call us that…”
Her sentence is cut off by the sound of shots firing and a heavy thud. Alix’s angry growl rips through the air around them and Steve shouts down to them to get a fucking move on it. More shots ring out that are followed by more pissed off shouts from Alix. Sunny isn’t able to comprehend what the thud is because Bucky wraps his arm around her waist and tugs her off the ladder. He doesn’t let her go as he helps Yelena and Steve down, his arm still wrapped tightly around her waist. 
The four of them take off towards the street and they clamor into Bucky’s mercedes. Sunny is shoved into the backseat and she makes eye contact with a bloody Alix as she drops to the ground. Not a thing has changed about the Lycan in the five years that it’s been since they last saw each other. She’s even still wearing her signature black and white braids albeit some are stained red from what she assumes is Jessica’s blood. She clasps a hand over her mouth as the dry tears burn her eyes. Alix gives her a deadly smirk as they speed away from the curb as if to say ‘this isn’t over’.
Yelena grabs her free hand and tries to coax her to look at her, “Hey look at me.”
Sunny drops her head into her hands after she pulls her hand back and silent sobs take over her. Bucky looks over his shoulder at Yelena and then to Sunny. Yelena and him share a concerned look as Steve nervously checks the mirrors, praying that Alix isn’t following them. 
“I don’t think anywhere in the city is going to be safe, Buck,” he tells their boss. 
Bucky lets out a deep sigh, “I don’t think this country is going to be safe.”
Bucky nods in agreement, “I’ll call Peggy and let her know. Yelena get the plane ready.”
“You’re not taking me out of the country,” Sunny says, struggling to keep a stable voice. 
“Do you want to be safe?” Bucky remarks. 
“You’re not taking me out of the country,” she repeats. 
Bucky repeats his own question but when he doesn’t get an answer back, he nods to Steve that they will be going to Romania regardless of what Sunny says. 
The car fills with a thick tension as Sunny zones out on the passing landscape outside of the window. Within a matter of minutes, everything came crashing down around her and her only chance at survival might be her end after all. 
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Alix smirks as she makes eye contact with Y/N through the car window. When the car speeds away, she turns and climbs back up the ladder, wincing at the pain blooming in her shoulder. Pushing through, she barely pulls herself into the landing in front of Y/N’s window and takes a shaky breath. The blood loss is starting to blur her vision but she has shit to do. Blood smears on the window seal where she grips it for stability and she drops into the apartment. Sirens blare in the distance as the cops that neighbors called race towards her. 
Jessica gasps for air as the blood pools around her. She tries to reach for Alix, asking for help but she kicks the hand aside and steps over her body. She half turns to her and spits on her like she’s the biggest disgrace to ever grace this planet. Continuing her slow walk, she shuts the bedroom door and leaves Jessica just as she said she would if she betrayed her.
Alix grabs a towel and wraps it around the wound in her shoulder and gingerly pulls a sweatshirt she found in the living room on. The smell tells her that it’s Y/N’s and the familiarity of it calms her nerves but they begin to unravel again as she remembers that she chose the Strigoi over her. For the sake of time, she doesn’t take it off and leaves the apartment, pulling the hood up so no one can get a decent look at her face. Thankfully no one has really come out to see what happened and she’s able to slip out without being noticed or questioned. 
A small black car is waiting for her when she exits the building and she quickly climbs in. Juliette goes to question her about the smell of blood however she can sense the rage just beneath the surface of Alix’s skin. She keeps her mouth shut and her question to herself as she hides them in the flow of traffic. Alix drops her head back and lets her eyes shut as she tries to slow her breathing and hopefully slow the rush of blood coming from her shoulder. 
“Jessica is dead,” is the first thing that she says. 
Juliette hums along with the sound of her blinker. 
“They took Y/N but I don’t know where they’re going. Has that Strigoi bitch said anything?”
“Uh,” Juliette pauses as she glances at the car’s screen, “She said they’re going to Romania but that’s all she knows.”
“Fuck,” she hisses and grips her shoulder hard, “Figure out how to get us there and tell her to not let Y/N out of her sight.”
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mermaidgirl30 · 4 months
Wip Wednesday!
I did not see anyone post one today, so I will start one. I want to know what everyone is working on! I’ve been switching between a few different WIPs this week, but here are a couple I’ve been working on today.
“I don’t know, Jenna. I don’t really…”
“You don’t really what? Date? Well, you should! Come on, do it for Jonas,” she begs, puppy eyes simmering through his skull.
“Jonas ain’t the one houndin’ me about this, you are. You beg your boyfriend this much for things? Jesus Christ,” he mutters while he pinches the bridge of his nose again.
“Well, sometimes,” she giggles, “but this is about you!”
“Jenna, I’ve got a business to run. I’ve got payin’ customers waitin’ for me to call them back. I can’t jus’ take one of your friends out on a dive for free jus’ ‘cause you want me to,” he hisses.
“I promise you I’m not asking for no reason. This would mean the absolute world to her. And hello, she’s single and hot, and you need to get laid! You’re rotting away on that boat, Miller. Pretty soon you’re gonna shrivel up and…”
“Jenna,” he warns with the tick of his jaw.
“Joel Miller, please! Come onnnn, just take her out once. Promise it’ll be worth your while. Please, please, pleaseeeeee,” she whines.
“Alright, alright!” He holds a hand out to stop her from running her mouth anymore and sighs, carding his fingers through his slicked back tousled curls as another groan escapes him. “This Sunday. Have her here at my boat by 9:00 in the morning, no later than that.”
“Yes! Thank you, Joel! You’re the best!” She throws her arms around his neck and gives him a big squeeze until he pushes her off annoyed, readjusting his button-up Hawaiian shirt by the red collar.
“She doesn’t even know you’re tryin’ to set her up, does she?” he huffs.
“Nope!” she giggles.
“Goddamn it, Jenna,” he groans. “You owe me big time.” He points an accusing finger at her, and she just gives him a big toothy grin in return.
“Yeah, yeah. Just wait till you meet her. I won’t owe you a damn thing after that!”
“I’m not fuckin’ playin’ around, little girl. Tell me where my daughter is or so help me.” He clenches his jaw, a repressed growl held in the back of his throat.
“Little girl, huh? You think a twenty-three year old is a little girl?” You scoff, pursing your lips, annoyed.
“Shut up, will ya? Christ. Jus’ tell me where the fuck my daughter is,” he growls, pinning his broad chest against yours.
You smirk his way, challenging him with an ounce of liquid courage in your system. “Make me.”
He digs into the sides of your hips with his thick fingers, making you gasp at the nervous butterflies that flit through your stomach. He gnashes his teeth together, dark eyes blowing wide as he ghosts dangerously close to your lips. “Better be careful there, sweetheart. You’re walkin’ on mighty thin ice,” he warns with the flash of black eyes.
No pressure tags and anyone else who wants to 🥰 @alltheirdamn @mountainsandmayhem @yxtkiwiyxt @magpiepills @sawymredfox @burntheedges @morallyinept @joelsgreys @milla-frenchy @604to647 @aurorawritestoescape @joelmillerisapunk
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practically-an-x-man · 7 months
Pit of Vipers (Nikoletta x Abner)
Summary: While in Belle Reve, Nikoletta realizes that a fight broke out the night before - and Abner didn't even try to fight back
Tags: pre-relationship, angst, violence, depictions of injuries, brief references to suicide
Word Count: 3.1k
She appeared out of the shadows and slid onto the bench beside him, and Adrian just about jumped out of his skin. 
“Jesus Christ- don’t do that!” he blurted, glaring at her from behind his glasses, “Do you know how close I get to punching you in the face when you do that? It’s a reflex.”
“But you never have.” Nikoletta pointed out, giving him a slanted grin.
“Yeah, ‘cause I stop myself every time. Those aren’t exactly the knuckle tattoos I’d want,” Adrian said, wringing his hands together as he imagined it. Nikoletta scoffed. He talked a lot of big game, she thought, but she’d only ever seen him fight when it was premeditated. He didn’t strike a single blow without considering it first. It was part of why she chose him as a confidant. He wasn’t reckless like the others were. 
“So… what sends you popping up over my shoulder like my sleep paralysis demon this time?” he asked, seemingly recovered from his bout of shock, and shot her a broad grin. Someone else probably would have found it charming. Nikoletta just pressed her lips together. 
“Someone’s missing.” she said, dark eyes scanning the cafeteria around her, “One of the newbies.”
“Hm. Yeah. The skinny one, right? With the-” Adrian guessed, gesturing vaguely at his own neck, “The one who always looks like he’s sad he can’t hang himself from the bars of his cell like the guy in Goonies?”
“He doesn’t-” Nikoletta started, but cut herself off with a huff, “The guy from Goonies didn't actually hang himself. But… right. Him.”
“Oh, yeah, he’s in medical,” Adrian pressed on, his voice just as light and conversational as it had been in the moments before, “Couple’a guys jumped him late last night. Didn’t see who, but they got some good hits in before the guards got there. Looked pretty bad.”
“Bastards.” Nikoletta growled, “They know the rules. He wasn’t marked.”
“Maybe they thought nobody would care.” he guessed, casually picking through his French fries without a care in the world. Sometimes he scared her. “I mean, the guy doesn’t even talk, why’s he even worth protecting?”
“It’s not about being worth protecting,” she said, “Why do you pay your insurance premium if you never get sick?”
“Ah, I never had insurance. Even the cheap ones denied me. I get in too many fights.”
“But you know how insurance works, don’t you?”
“Sort of.” Adrian said with a one-sided shrug. Nikoletta rolled her eyes. 
“Good enough.” she decided, “What I’m saying is… whether he’s ‘worth it’ or not, everyone gets my protection, whether they need it or not, unless they decide to stir up trouble. And he hasn’t stirred up any trouble. They shouldn’t have gone after him.”
This was far from the first time something like this had happened. Even with her system in place, there was no way to control every stroke of violence in Belle Reve. People got… pent-up after a while. Marking the unruly prisoners kept things peaceful in more ways than one - removing some violence from the pool entirely, and giving the others a chance to release their frustrations - but it wasn’t a perfect solution. She doubted there was any perfect solution to be found. 
And it was always the quiet ones who seemed to slip through the cracks.
“I need to find out who did this,” Nikoletta said, standing up from her seat in one decisive motion. Adrian twisted around to look at her, giving her a strange look.
“Y’know, if it were up to me, I’d just mark him now. Just to get it over with. His blood’s already in the water. I’d be willing to bet someone’s gonna rip him apart eventually. Might be better just to let it happen, save yourself a bigger fight. I mean… you’ve seen him, Nikki, the guy’s a walking target.”
This was the side of him that Nikoletta had to keep on a very short leash. Underneath his lighthearted and even charming exterior was the same thirst for violence as anyone else in Belle Reve, and she knew that. And as much as she liked having Adrian as her right hand man, she had to be careful about that ruthless streak of his. She had the sense that if it was a matter of his safety, even his escape from Belle Reve, he’d would break anybody’s neck without hesitation. Even hers. He was only loyal to her because she set her terms clearly and followed them.
In a way, that was more comforting. Loyalty based on emotion always felt… shaky. At least here, she didn't have to worry about some social faux pas meaning the difference between ally or enemy. She didn't need an emotional bond with Adrian. Really, she wasn't sure he formed emotional bonds with anyone. But as long as she kept her rules transparent, consistent, she could trust that he had her back.
Even when his ruthless side showed its face.
“No.” she replied with a shake of her head, “He hasn't done anything to deserve being marked.”
“C’mon, Nikki. I know you like him, but-”
“It’s not a matter of liking him. It's a matter of principle.” she huffed, “If I mark him without warning, people are going to start to wonder if they’re next. That’s just the fast track to me losing what little control I’ve managed to scrape together in here- and if I go down, you’re coming with me. And it’s a Band-Aid over a bullet wound. The ones who attacked him are just going to find another target if he’s gone. It doesn’t solve anything.”
She took a step back, comforted by the brush of shadows against her skin. There she paused, just for a moment, and met Adrian’s eyes. 
“And I don’t like him. He’s just another prisoner.”
“I dunno, you didn’t get this mad about the last guy who got beat up.”
“You were the last guy who got beat up.”
“That’s what I’m saying!”
Nikoletta rolled her eyes and fell into the shadows. 
She reemerged from a pool of darkness in the corner of the medbay, suddenly enough that a nurse in the hall flinched at the sight of her. Most of the staff had grown used to Nikoletta’s habit of slipping between rooms, but that didn’t make it any less startling to see her suddenly appear in a once-empty room like some kind of apparition.
It didn’t take long for her to find Abner. He was in the bay closest to the wall, far away from anyone or anything else. Ever since he’d arrived, she’d gotten the sense that the staff was a little afraid of him. She didn’t understand it - aside from the power dampener, he was about the most unassuming guy she could have imagined in a place like this. She doubted he even tried to shoo away the rats that sometimes scurried through the halls.
But the staff were afraid of her too. She didn’t usually give it a lot of stock. 
Abner’s eyes were closed, but the faintly pained expression on his face told her he wasn’t asleep. She didn’t blame him. Half his face was swollen in a brutal black eye, and the rest of his skin was equally littered with bruises and dried blood. Nikoletta wondered, briefly, if he’d even fought back. From the nature of the wounds, harsh and dark and from every direction, she guessed that he hadn’t. The power dampener had been removed from his neck, showcasing a dark band of bruising around his throat - like he’d been shoved to the ground and landed hard on the dampener. Nikoletta couldn’t help but wince at the sight. Some of the bruises were almost dark enough to look like her shadows, save for the faintest purple-red tint.
“Who attacked you?”
She must have been moving more quietly than she realized. Abner’s eyes snapped open with a sharp gasp, and he jolted upwards in the bed. A faint light glowed from somewhere near his wrists, but he tamped it down with a grimace just a moment later.
“Who else?” she replied, planting her hands on her hips and frowning again at the bruises painting his skin. She waved a hand vaguely in his direction, every movement sharp. “Who did this? Who attacked you?”
He opened his mouth to respond, then frowned and shut it again. He shook his head. 
“You won’t tell me.” Nikoletta guessed, clenching her jaw in anger, “Goddammit, Abner, I’m trying to help you! I’m trying to make sure this doesn’t happen again!”
“It won’t fix anything.”
“This isn’t like grade school bullies,” she insisted, “If you tell me who did it, the problem will go away. Permanently. I need to know who did this.”
“So you can kill them?”
“I haven’t killed anyone.” Nikoletta snapped. The words came out too harsh, and she wanted to wince. Abner flinched, but there was something deeper in his eyes. He raised his eyebrows. Nikoletta resisted the urge to scoff. “Listen. All I do is mark the ones who have it coming to them. I don’t sponsor any violence of my own, I just… rescind my protection. Anyone who’s marked has to fend for themself. That’s how it works.”
“But they all die anyway, don’t they?” he asked. His voice had gone soft. It sent a maelstrom of emotion through Nikoletta’s chest. She wanted to be angry - with him for poking holes in all the rules that should have kept him safe, and with his attackers for sparking all this to begin with - but strangely couldn’t find the emotion within herself. Abner’s eyes were tired and sad, the effect only magnified by the fact that one was nearly swollen shut. 
“Yes.” Nikoletta finally hissed, “They die. That’s the nature of Belle Reve. If I didn’t have my system in place, they’d have killed you too.”
“Maybe that’s not so bad…”
If it were up to me, I’d just mark him now. Just to get it over with. 
Nikoletta grimaced as the words echoed in her mind. Adrian wanted her to mark him. Whoever had attacked Abner wanted her to mark him. Hell- it seemed like Abner himself wanted her to mark him, just to rip the Band-Aid off. 
For the slimmest moment, she was tempted. 
But only for that one moment. 
“Stop that. You’re in pain. Death won’t bring you the relief you want.” Nikoletta muttered, “Trust me, I’ve been there myself. The only way to make things better is to fix them yourself. Now tell me who attacked you.” 
“STAR Labs?” he asked instead, apparently ignoring her demands, “Is that what brought you there? Is that why you… you hurt like that?”
“Of course it was fucking STAR Labs.” she said, reaching for the sleeve of her jumpsuit and tugging it up to expose the silvery track marks at her elbows, “You think I had these before STAR Labs? You think I was in prison before STAR Labs? You think I had to cover every fucking inch of my skin before STAR Labs?”
“Why are you angry?”
“Why aren’t you?” she fired back, “Look at yourself. Look at the bruises. It’s going to happen again if you don’t tell me who gave them to you.”
Abner was quiet for a long time. He stared down at his hands with a distant look in his eyes. Nikoletta shifted on her feet. It shouldn’t have been this difficult of a decision to make. It was a choice between safety or pain, and he didn’t have to do anything but give her a name. There wouldn’t even be any guilt in it, she thought. They’d struck the first blow. The Queen of Belle Reve had very particular rules, and those rules had been broken. It was all fair play.
Finally he looked up and met her eyes. Nikoletta lifted her eyebrows, awaiting his response. 
“Will you do me a favor?”
“Will you get me a glass of water? Please?” Abner asked, his voice falling back to that near-whisper of his, “The nurses don’t like coming over here. Not when I don’t have the…”
He trailed off but gestured vaguely at his neck. Nikoletta nodded. She still wasn’t sure what power it was that had the nurses so afraid of him - something to do with that odd light when she startled him, she was sure - but it must have been something big. Most things that came from STAR Labs were. 
Nikoletta took a step back and melted into the shadows. She was back a moment later, a half-filled plastic cup clutched in one gloved hand. She held it out, and Abner took the cup with a faint but grateful smile. He sat up and took a sip, grimacing like every motion hurt. Looking at him, she believed it. She hoped the nurses had at least given him some sort of painkiller before they vanished.
“I don’t like killing people.” Abner mumbled after a few long moments of silence. His fingers worried at the edges of the cup. He refused to meet her eyes.
“So you’d rather let yourself get beat to shit like this than tell me who did it? None of the blood is on your hands here, Abner. They attacked someone under my protection, so they deserve to have their own protections stripped away. It’s all just turnabout. Fairness. Really… if you tell me now, they’ll probably be gone before you get out of that bed. Why the fuck are you protecting them?”
“Because it’s still…”
Abner trailed off, shaking his head with a low sigh. 
“I’m sorry, Nik. I can’t.”
Nikoletta scoffed and took a step back from him. She couldn’t believe this - beaten so badly he’d landed in the medbay, covered in blood and bruises, so severe they’d even removed his power dampener, and he still refused to give her a name. Did he really have so much guilt for something he hadn’t even done? How had he managed to take down STAR Labs, with a hyperactive conscience like that?
The sadness in Abner’s eyes only deepened as Nikoletta took another step back. It was hard to look at. She sighed. 
“Do you need anything else? Before I go?”
“Um… no. I don’t think so.” he said, “But if you… if you wanted to come back sometime? Just to talk for a while? This place, it reminds me of the lab. It’s hard to be here.”
She could understand that. Normally she avoided the medbay like the plague for that same reason. She didn’t like her cell much either, but this was… worse. Nikoletta pursed her lips but gave him a singular nod.
“I’ll be back in a few hours. Try to think of some things you want to talk about before I get back.”
She took a final step back, returning to the familiar not-quite-comfort of her shadows, and had already begin to slip into that other realm when she heard Abner’s soft voice one more time. 
“Nikoletta. Thank you.”
She was back in the cafeteria before she could even think to respond, but the words rattled around in her mind much longer than they should have. That whole interaction had been… odd. He was an odd man. In a lot of ways. She didn’t quite mind it, but it was certainly different from the interactions she was used to. 
“Any luck?” Adrian’s voice, deceptively chipper, pulled her from her thoughts. Nikoletta shot him a lukewarm look, irritation bubbling just underneath the surface. 
“No. He won’t give them up. For whatever God-forsaken reason.” she said, shaking her head, “Lands himself in a hospital bed but won’t even tell me who put him there.”
“I’m telling you, Nik, you could save yourself a lot of trouble if you just-”
“I’m not marking him. Especially not now. That sets a precedent I don’t want to set.”
“Suit yourself.” he muttered, though he clearly didn’t agree with her decision in the slightest. After a moment he shrugged, tossing it aside like water off a duck’s back. He waved a hand towards the opposite side of the cafeteria. “Well, in that case… I’ve been doing a little recon-”
“I’m assuming that means you walked straight up to their table and dared them to give you the gossip?”
“It was recon. I was very subtle.” Adrian repeated with a huff, “And it sounds like one of the guys that jumped him was that calendar guy, with all the tattoos? Heard one of the cameras got footage of it, just a couple frames. Y’know, it’s probably not a great idea to attack a guy in the middle of the night if you’re one of the four prisoners in here who can be recognized from the back si-”
“Thanks.” she said, cutting him off before he could get into one of his diatribes, “I’ll take care of it.”
This time, she meant to be startling. The tattooed criminal sat bolt upright in his cot, frantically scanning the shadows for where her voice had come from. Nikoletta took a step forward, allowing herself to be lit by the dull yellow bulbs that shone in from the hallway. The sight of her didn’t ease the fear on his face. 
“I heard you broke my rules.” Nikoletta continued, drawing each word out, “You attacked a prisoner who wasn’t marked. You know what the punishment for that is.”
All lingering dredges of sleep had vanished from his posture, and he looked at her with wary eyes. His fingers were curled tightly into his bedsheet, as if he were debating trying to smother her with it. Surely he had to know he was outmatched here. Surely he had to know that was why she confronted him in the dead of night, blanketed on all sides by her shadows.
“So what? Not like I did anything big, just knocked him around a little. Fuckin’ creep deserved it, too.” he replied, the words so loud and barbed that she could hear cots creaking in the neighboring cells. Tension drew into Nikoletta’s posture, both from the words and the growing audience to them. She took a step closer, aiming to administer her punishment swiftly and potently. With a mark, and with all the gossip that had been swirling over the ordeal, he’d be gone by breakfast. 
But they all die anyway, don’t they?
I don’t like killing people.
Nikoletta froze on the spot, jaw clenched so tightly it hurt. It was a matter of principle. Julian broke her rules, she administered punishment, it resolved the conflict that landed Abner in the medical wing and secured Nikoletta’s reputation as a strict but objective ruler. Half a second’s action to repair a host of issues. All it took was one little death. 
But she found herself stepping back. Confusion crested across Julian’s face, in equal share with the same sharp wariness. 
“No more second chances.” Nikoletta warned, darkness dripping off every word, “Do better. This will be the only mercy you’ll get from me.”
And with that, she vanished into the dark.
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
Dom Jason × Sub reader smut would be so hot if you're comfortable with that and then Jason being so adorably cute and caring during the aftercare
AN: I combined this prompt with a request for more of the "Getting Ready" blurb from @believemetheodore /@hardlyinteresting, there wasn’t originally going to be more buuuuuut I really did feel like there was some fun (read: sexy) ideas to explore
@believemetheodore I hope you don't mind that your request + anon's got explicit
Update: this whole time I thought this was Dom TED not Dom Jason....so sorry but too late now.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Established Relationship, Date Night, Dom!Ted, sub!Reader, makeshift restraints, use of "good girl", use of "sir", kink color system, spanking, creampie, graphic descriptions of p-in-v sex, aftercare
Getting Ready (1) | Getting Off (3) | Getting Good (4) | Fic Masterlist
Dinner was wonderful, a little bougie but delicious, and the four of you passed your dishes around to each other, laughing and chatting. You had chosen to sit across from Ted, thinking you’d have a better chance of keeping your hands to yourself, but it only made it easier for the two of you to cut your eyes at each other. A smirk from you when Ted described his meal as “finger-lickin' good,” a raised eyebrow from him when Keeley asked if the two of you would be joining her and Roy for a nightcap at the bar next door and you told her that you and Ted had plans. 
As dinner came to a close, you brushed a kiss on Ted’s cheek as you rounded the table and told him you just needed to run to the bathroom before you left. Keeley joined you and touched up her lipstick while you were in the stall.
“I love your dress, where’d you get it babe?” Keeley called from the sinks and you chuckled as you exited the stall and answered. 
“I don’t know actually, Ted bought it for me.” 
“Jesus, Ted knows how to dress a woman,” Keeley exclaimed. “I mean I love the gifts I get from Roy, but if I let him dress me I’d look funeral-ready. Like, for my own funeral. That dress is gorgeous. You’re not coming out with us because you’re going to shag him fucking silly aren’t you?” 
You blushed, but nodded confidently, sliding a hand down the silky material. “What better reward for a job well done?” 
“I’ve seen how he’s been looking at you tonight,” Keeley smirked as she held the door open for you. “Like you’re a rare steak and he’s a hungry lion. Which is saying something because he usually has such panda energy.” 
“Oh my Ted’s a teddy bear,” you joked to Keeley as the two of you approached your dates. You leaned into her ear to add quietly, “afterwards.” 
You couldn’t remember the ride home, considering you spent much of it with your eyes closed, your lips slotting against each other’s repeatedly. The two of you tried to keep things relatively appropriate, considering you were in the back of an Uber, but it was getting difficult to restrain what you’d been feeling since Ted had helped you slide into your dress. He pressed close to your back as you unlocked the door and you shuddered, couldn’t wait for him to slide it back off. 
The two of you hurried into the bedroom but then slowed, the anticipation thick in the air. You knew Ted could be a tease but you also knew he was as wound up as you were and you thought the two of you were on the same page about fast and hard. But instead you removed your heels and watched with bated breath as Ted shrugged off his jacket and unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt to roll them up his forearm. Casually, as if the two of you were just about to cook dinner or play a game, something far from what you had in mind for the evening. He kept his face impassive, and moved to loosening his tie, the two of you still standing a good distance apart. 
You smiled sweetly at him, he really did look so handsome, especially with his sleeves rolled up like that emphasizing the tone of his forearms and the deftness of his long fingers. You twisted your own arm behind you to pull down the zipper of your dress, but Ted crossed into your space in two large steps, pulling your hand away by the wrist and looking down at you. 
“Now, darlin’ I’m not in the habit of letting other people unwrap my gifts,” Ted spoke calmly and you let out an involuntary whimper. A possessive, demanding Ted was rare but not at all unwelcome. He released your hand to finish removing his tie, not unknotting it, just slipping it over his head and smoothing his collar back down before he took both of your hands and slipped them through the neck, pulling the maroon material taut and restraining you. You’d done this before, you both liked it and you were both very aware that you could easily pull yourself free if you wanted to but you had no plans to do so. Ted still caught your eye to check-in and you nodded, so he placed both his hands on your hips and walked you back towards the bed, rucking your dress up before he helped you sit. 
You watched as his eyes trailed a path down your body before his hands followed it: one hand stroking down your shoulder as the other gripped lightly at the side of your neck, his thumb stroking along your jawline before it tugged your bottom lip from between your teeth. You licked at the pad of his thumb and he smirked as he slid it slowly between your lips and you sucked. 
“Good girl,” he said softly, meaningfully and you moaned. The hand not at your mouth traced along your collarbone and then down to your center, pressing lightly against the dampness of your underwear and you gasped. “You know, all I could think about at dinner was gettin’ you home and out of this lovely dress. But gosh, sweetheart you look so good I think it’s only right I make you come apart while you’re still in it.” As he spoke he shifted your underwear to the side and began gliding his middle finger against you, making slick, obscene noises. You released his thumb fully and threw your head back, relishing in the gentle touch but needing more. 
“Is that okay with you?” Ted asked, not stopping his motions and you nodded.
He quickly moved his hand to the back of your neck, his fingers weaving into your hair and pulling your head back down to meet his gaze. Your eyes shot open at the slight show of force and you were met with his blown pupils, his hungry expression. 
“Yes sir,” he demanded. 
“Yes sir,” you repeated breathlessly and as soon as the words left your mouth he slid two fingers inside you, working you up embarrassingly fast. He was wasting no time bringing you to the edge and began using his thumb to circle your clit. Your hands still restrained in front of you and his hand still supporting your neck meant you were left to do nothing but moan and beg for him to make you cum. It was his words that did it, his body leaning in close so he could speak directly into your ear, “Be good and cum for me, darlin’.” 
“FUCK,” you called out, your eyes slamming shut as you came hard against Ted’s fingers. He kissed along your neck and jaw whispering praises against your skin as you came back down and you quickly tilted your head to capture his lips with yours as he took his fingers away. Normally when you and Ted were in this space, him taking on a more dominating role, you would ask permission first but you needed to express the love you felt for him and he could tell, meeting you eagerly. 
Ted leaned back, taking your face in his hands. “You’re so good for me. You okay? Color?” 
“I’m perfect, green,” you paused and looked up at him seriously. “Thank you, sir.” 
Ted groaned and kissed you again as he loosened the tie from your wrists before he pulled you to standing. He reached around and unzipped the dress finally, letting it fall to the floor. You gestured to Ted’s buttons, “Can I?”
Ted nodded, stood still and let you unbutton his shirt and pull it from his pants. He shrugged the shirt off his shoulders and you fell to your knees to undo his pants. Ted watched for a moment, letting you pull his boxers down but stopping you from putting your mouth on him by lifting your chin up with his pointer finger. 
“As wonderful as that pretty little mouth of yours would be, I just can’t wait darlin’. Bed. Face down.” 
You were giddy as you scrambled to follow Ted’s instructions. It might seem like it was all for him when the two of you did this, but he knew how much you loved having him pressed against your back, being able to feel him deep inside of you as you reached behind you to grip his hair, holding him close so he could kiss against your neck. He stepped out of his remaining clothes at the side of the bed and climbed up behind you, stroking his hands along your sides with light teasing touches, but making no move to enter you, even though his arousal was obvious. 
“Please Ted,” you whined, wiggling against him. 
“Oh, not sir?” Ted chuckled darkly before bringing a hand down sharply on your ass, everything feeling more intense when you couldn’t see each other’s eyes. 
You yelped but there was a smile in your voice when you responded, “Oh, is that the game we’re playing?”
“Depends,” Ted kissed your shoulder, “color?”
“Green,” you said immediately and he brought his hand down again, making you whimper, before he pushed inside you. 
The stretch of him was perfection and so was the weight of him against you and the grip he had on your hip that would certainly leave marks in the morning. His other hand was wrapped around your waist, pinned between your body and the bed so he could press against your clit with every stroke. The two of you were so worked up from the teasing that had started well before dinner that you knew neither of you would last long. You could feel your orgasm creeping up on you, but it still caught both you and Ted by surprise, the sudden constriction of your muscles making Ted curse in your ear as you cried out.  
After a few more strokes, Ted groaned, “I’m close, baby.” He shifted like he was going to move off of you and you pulled his hair hard to keep him in place. 
“Come inside me, please,” you whined. Even you couldn’t believe that a third peak was steadily approaching, but you knew Ted coming inside you would absolutely send you over the edge. Ted caught you by surprise when he brought his hand down against you again. “Come inside me, please, sir,” you begged and Ted immediately picked up his pace again, slamming into you as the two of you moaned and whined in unison until Ted’s release, followed almost instantly by your own. 
Ted pulled out slowly but didn’t move away, turning onto his side and tucking you into his chest to be his little spoon. 
“You okay, baby? You were so good for me. So good,” Ted whispered, stroking his hands lovingly along your side. 
“Mmm,” you smiled, “so were you. You’re always so good.” You reached for Ted’s hand and brought his knuckles up to your lips. “Thank you for a beautiful dress, and a fantastic evening, my love.” 
“Oh, trust me the pleasure is all mine,” Ted laughed before pulling away slightly. You turned in his arms to face him and he kissed you sweetly. “Wanna get a shower with me? Or want me to clean you up here?”
It was your usual routine, and he took it seriously. The care Ted took with you after you’d been submissive for him was almost as rewarding as the orgasms he gave you. 
“Bath, please?” 
“You got it angel,” Ted kissed you once more before he left to run the bath and you followed behind him after a few minutes to find that he’d managed to not only run a warm, sweet smelling bath in that time but also light a number of candles. He smiled at you and held out a hand to help you into the tub, and you slid forward so he could sit behind you. He washed your body carefully, telling you everything he liked about it as he did. 
Ted toweled you off when the two of you were done, humming a familiar tune as he moved around you, dropping to his knees to dry off your legs. He dressed himself quickly before helping you into a set of clean pajamas and you wrapped your arms around his neck, tucking your head under his chin and letting him sway you gently, still humming. 
“You take very good care of me, Ted,” you whispered sleepily against his chest. 
“Thank you for lettin’ me,” Ted said quietly, pressing a kiss against your temple as he swayed you over to the bed and helped you under the covers.
<- Getting Ready | Getting Off ->
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
Bond to Happen Part 4
Part 4: A Girl's Night Out
Warnings: some discussion of violence, very light suggestive material, alcohol
Word Count: 1600ish
(I know it's a bit short, but a certain key character will make their first appearance so hopefully it's worth it)
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“Matt pulls dumb shit all the time, but ‘testing’ you to see how far you’d go was not fucking okay,” Karen says angrily.
“It could’ve been worse,” you shrug.
“How could it have been worse, hun?” She shouts incredulously.
“He could’ve lured me into a trap and left me to deal with it myself, he could’ve straight out attacked me, outed me to a bounty hunter, drugged me, let me get shot or stabbed-”
“Jesus, that’s where your mind goes?” She looks shocked and you nod.
“People do terrible things to my kind, I don’t blame him for being curious,” you say honestly. You were surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.
“Matt shouldn’t have done that, babe,” Karen says softly. “You deserve better, you should expect better, especially from your friends.”
You tilt your head at her in thought. You hadn’t expected her to be this upset for you, when you told her. 
Deciding to change the subject, you say, “Well, now that you’re all caught up on the Matt and Frank drama, can we leave?”
“Yeah, as soon as you get ready,” she nods.
“I am ready,” you insist, looking down at your clothes.
“You wear jeans and a t-shirt when you go out?” Karen asks in disbelief. “How do clubs even let you in?”
“I’m almost always wearing the ‘don’t look too close’ spell. They don’t notice what I’m wearing,” you say defensively.
“Sweetie, I love you, but we are dressing up before I take you out,” she insists, turning to her own closet. 
You groan. “You aren’t taking me out, you’re tagging along because of the new Buddy System rule. I don’t need to look good or even be visible, to feed, Kare.”
“But if you look ‘good’ and let people see you and focus on you, won’t that increase your energy intake?”
“Screw you for being so smart, Karebear. Where did you even learn about that?” She was right. If people focused on you, their energy would push towards you and make this shit version of feeding more efficient. You just hated dealing with the attention by yourself, sometimes people didn’t take no for an answer and you’d learned that the hard way.
“I’ve been studying soul and body energy theory,” she shrugs as she continues to dig through her closet.
“Really? Why?” You ask incredulously.
“For you, silly,” she tosses the words over her shoulder.
You swallow a knot of emotion trying to make its way up your throat. Karen had looked into something complex and confusing, put in effort without you asking, and used it to try to help you instead of using it against you.
“Here, this should work. We aren’t exactly the same size, but this is adjustable so it should balance out.” She hands you a red wrap dress. It’s a little bright for your skin tone and conservative for a club with a skirt that almost brushes your knees, a high back, and long sleeves. But that was intentional, you wanted to avoid any accidental skin contact in such a crowded place.
You shuffle to the bathroom to try on the dress. Kare was right, it didn’t fit you the same way it did her, but you were surprised that you actually felt pretty wearing it. As conservative as it was everywhere else, the neckline made up for it, plunging a couple inches below your breasts. You step out of the bathroom to a very excited Karen.
“You look hot, babe! I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen you in a real dress. I’m so proud of you for branching out!” She claps.
“I wear skirts and some dresses,” you grumble, ducking your head to hide your blush.
“Yeah, yeah, but those are your casual comfy clothes. They don’t count. Seriously, where have you been hiding those,” she asks teasingly, glancing at the cleavage fully on display.
You blush fully now. “They’re gonna fall out the second I move, Kare.”
“That’s what double sided tape is for, babes. Trust me, I’ve got experience with this dress.”
You let her apply the tape to the dress and your skin. She’s careful to minimize contact, knowing that you are anxious and sensitive right now.
“It’s a good thing your boots match, we’ll have to go shopping before next time. Our shoe sizes are too different for you to wear my shoes.” She looks a little disappointed at that fact.
“I think your shoes would actually kill me if I wore them,” you laugh, looking at the tall heels lining her closet.
“Hah, you’re tougher than that,” she snorts.
You’re happy with your boots, though. They were black and sturdy, with a small chunky heel and laces you’d woven protective charms into. Over your skin toned tights, they were comfortable. You carefully did a little make up, mostly a dark shade of lipstick and mascara, before tucking yourself into the cab next to Karen. The ride to the club was too short as you grounded yourself for the evening. 
“I’m here, sweetie. If you need anything or you want to go at any point, say the word and we’ll go back to my place and do some self care with wine and those cookies Mrs. Brown brought yesterday,” she says soothingly, reaching slowly and with purpose towards your hand. You nod and she gently squeezes your hand reassuringly.
“I can do this,” you say, just as much to yourself as to Karen. “It’s okay to be seen, I’m safe.” You carefully relax your hold on your magic, letting it spread like mist and settle as it pleases, your walls are down and the energy of others hits you like a wave of dry summer heat. Intense, a little suffocating, but you’ll adjust. Taking one more deep breath, you removed the spell that kept eyes from focusing on you. “Let’s get a drink,” you say clearly.
“I’m proud of you, babe,” she whispers into your ear. You give a little smile and order something sweet and fruity, light on alcohol to keep your mind clear. You already felt invigorated, like a cup of coffee beginning to hit your bloodstream. More awake, more focused.
After a few minutes of chatting over the music and nursing your drinks, you toss your’s back and suggest with a toothy grin,”Let’s go dance.”
Across the room, your magic was taking note of something you would not be consciously aware of until several months later.
Billy Russo didn’t frequent these places as often as he used to. They were loud and crowded and although he maintained a youthful appearance, he was getting too old to enjoy this sort of thing as frequently. But tonight, he was glad that he decided to go out. Across the room, at the bar was a woman who’s energy was magnetic with a soft glow to it. 
She wasn’t necessarily his usual type, not that he would restrict himself to just one type of woman, or person in general. Even so, there was something about her. Maybe it was the way she grinned at her friend. Maybe it was the scuffed black boots laced with multicolored beads and charms, out of place among the stilettos and pumps of those around her. Maybe it was the way her eyes flickered blue or her hair that moved as if she had her own personal breeze around her. Maybe it was the way the sea of people dancing parted for her as she dragged her friend into the mix. Maybe it was all of those things and the fact that he could smell her and only her. Lavender. Something earthy, like the beginning of a desert rain storm. And the sweetness of her drink on her breath. All of those things, wrapped in a tight red dress that had now disappeared into the crowd.
Billy didn’t know what the woman was, but she wasn’t human, that was certain. He sipped his drink and closed his eyes for a moment, focusing on the energies of the people around him. Billy was surprised to find the gentle fog of blue magic wrapping around him as if it was trying to draw out his own, something he kept under a tight control. The only energy others would see was what he carefully crafted for them. The soft blue energy seemed to be testing the boundaries of his own, brushing up against him in search of the real thing. Choosing to ignore it was the wise decision. Pulling away would only suggest he had something to hide, a fact he’d learned years ago. So he let the curious energy drift around him before it settled comfortably in a loose circle around his spot on the semi-circular booth. 
Unaware of your magic’s bold and autonomous behavior, you dance with Karen. Sometimes goofily, other times practically grinding on each other as you feed off the room. You feel different, safe in a way you didn’t usually when feeding. You attribute it to Karen’s presence and thank her for accompanying you as you collapse on her couch when the night is over.
“I’m glad we did that, I’m exhausted, but it was super fun. It’s been a while since i had a proper girls’ night,” Karen agrees, flopping down next to you as she kicks her heels off. “How do you feel?”
“Better, like I had a cup of coffee and took a nap. I don’t feel as exposed right now.”
She hums in acknowledgement. “Good, we’ll do this again before the end of the month.”
“Sounds good,” you say, not bothering to argue that you usually wait longer in between outings. It was nice to have people who cared about you.
Billy Russo had watched as you left the club, making a careful mental note of your appearance, scent, and the feel of your power. Instinct told him that you might be something special. Something he should find and hold onto. Hopefully something he could use to deal with Rawlins.
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doberbutts · 2 years
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Someone left this tag on my post and-
Not to be annoyingly Mennonite or anything but that's literally how Christians were told to be BY JESUS HIMSELF and it's one of the major problems I had with the Christian church when I was religious was that everybody fucking ignored it. Imagine worshipping a dude that said "be nice to others, no seriously I mean it, yes even that person you don't like or understand, hating people is like killing them in your heart which is exactly the same as committing the actual sin of murder so instead be kind and love everyone" and then doing... exactly what mainstream Christians do. Clown shit. No wonder I walked away in disgust.
Doing your best to show kindness and compassion to those around you, especially those in need, is one of the only teachings of the Christian church that I thought they got right. Same most Christians forgot that lesson despite it being repeated over and over again across the first four books of their chunk of the Bible 🤡
Anyway I'm not religious anymore and I snarled inwardly to be compared to the church because 🔪🔪🔪 Christianity 🔪🔪🔪 but ain't it a damn shame that someone who grew up in a school system that wanted me to be a priest and left due to the vile behavior he saw in the religion somehow shows better behavior than those who say they still follow and worship the man himself.
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anarcho-puppy · 3 months
hiya! welcome to my blog! i mostly just rb or post for myself soooo... don't expect much in terms of consistency lol.
my pronouns are he/him/his, xe/xem/xers, or it/it's; if you misgender me on purpose, you will be blocked >:P
alive but gay
i rb a lost of fandom stuff (basically just whatever media i'm currently hyperfixating on), but these are my favourite media:
DC (mostly batfam)
BBC Sherlock
ATLA (also kinda TLOK, but not as much)
Good Omens
Marvel (debatable, not the new stuff, mostly just AOS)
Jesus Christ Superstar (shut up, i’m a theatre kid)
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (in relation to JCS)
The Dragon Prince
Amulet (i’m allowed to be a kid, okay)
Bluey (…very much allowed to be a kid)
probs more, i just have a shit memory lmao
pls pls talk to me about my interests! send me asks!
just spent two hours organizing my blog so that i can actually find stuff... so here's a guide:
#puppy barks = og text posts, rants, etc. (basically just everything other than rbs, except threads i’ve added to and wanted to save)
#anarcho puppy (duh) = anarchist and an-com shit
#geo nerd puppy = history-related stuff (one of my SPINs)
#pub trans puppy = public transit-related stuff (another SPIN)
#puppy puppy = feral (sometimes) dog boy me
#poet puppy = started out as poetry but now it’s basically just me writing things
#arty puppy = my art and art rbs
#disabled puppy = disability stuff
#neurodivergent puppy = autism/ADHD shit
#nom nom puppy = baking/cooking/food stuff
#conlang puppy = conlang shit
#little puppy = agere/little me stuff
#faggot shit = uhm uhhhhh… yeah…
#mutual aid/gofundme = self explanatory (please donate or reblog!)
#my polls = polls (obviously /s)
#me = pics of me
#ask = my asks
#hehe = ...yeah i'm not doing so hot (memory loss, trauma, etc.)
#dc = self explanatory (#B, #NW, #RH, #RR, #R, #O, #steph, #cass, #duke, #alfred, #clark, #kon, #jon, #talia, #bernard)
#hozier = my MAN
#atla = avatar the last airbender (and spin-offs)
#sherlock = self explanatory
#tdp = the dragon prince
#hannibal = self explanatory
#go = good omens
#ninjago = self explanatory
#sense8 = self explanatory
#assortment of religious hyperfixations = jesus christ superstar, the last days of judas iscariot, etc.
#i’m gonna be a lawyer bitch = my latest hyperfixation; law, specifically landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities (an actually practical hyperfixation?? crazy… /s)
#covid safety = self explanatory and also really important
#L = iykyk
shut up, i know that there’s a shit tons of tags but it’s not for you; i don’t expect y’all to need a tagging system bc you’re probably not doing a deep dive on my blog, but i need to be able to find things, hence the excessive tagging system :)
self-described liberal
biden supporter
transids/whatever the fuck you’re calling yourselves
yes, i know that dni lists won’t stop dirty, disgusting people from interacting, but it makes me feel better when i set clear boundaries.
and remember kids, i block LIBERALLY >:P
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modern-inheritance · 2 months
WIP Game Response
Buckle up buttercups!
@demiaseranmage tagged me in the game below, and I didn't want to clutter up the thread it was in so I've plopped it all here. And when I said it's gonna be messy, I just meant there would be a lot. It's actually really a good thing for me to scroll through everything and see what's been left on the backburner! So thank you for the tag!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Here we go. In NO particular order, but grouped by the variety of docs I contain them all in…
Shorts 2:
Denial (requires a better title but I enjoy thinking about Egypt when I tinker with it)
“We’re finding workarounds, focusing on healing things to the state they are now rather than a full renewal. That’s not caused problems yet, but it’s…trial and error.” “Oh?” “...He thought he killed me the first try. Both of us had a bit of a breakdown.”
Short Shorts:
Again! (a frequently revisited concept that has never born actual full stories or shorts)
Voluntary Recall
Nerves (kinda abandoned ages ago)
Standalones/Standalone documents w/ a single concept:
AXF First True (the spicy!) DONE!
Invaders Story Bits (the animatic which had to be abandoned due to file loss!)
EXA Attempts (continuously revisited as the fancy strikes)
For a Future Story
Escape pt 2
MIC Gil'ead Bits (frequently revisited, where I keep all the actual Gil'ead stuff and concepts rather than the flashbacks and Recall episodes)
Short (this is just a random collection of bits and pieces of the time directly before Arya leaves, drawing in Brom, Oromis and Glaedr and later Rhunön to the family drama)
The Meadow (I’m not sure I like the direction this was going now that I’ve looked at Arya and Fäolin’s relationship again, but it’s a concept I will revisit I’m sure)
Fireside (holy shit I forgot about this one it’s just bits and pieces of dialogue from what I wanted to do for the MIC version of the fireside chat Eragon and Arya have in Brisingr surrounding Fäolin, her experiences in Gilead, etc. and I’mma have to look at this again later.)
Things not yet in a document:
Arya vs Unkie KiKi
The origin of Arya’s stomach scar, and the potential issues it brings up with a LOT of things but I need to do more biology and healing research
The joke of how Arya got her eyebrow scar, because hell if I know where she got it, and she ain’t tellin’ ME either!
Glenwing’s encounter with the Forsworn trained group that left him his facial scars
Eragon’s first facial scar and him wanting to keep it
Haircuts. Soooo many haircuts. 
What happened in Thornwell/Brom’s rages
So. Many. Magic system. Concepts!
The Wolfcats/Squaddies and the adventures Arya has learning to adapt like the humans do
Arya, Squaddies and The Tank
Sabotage Runs/No Man's Land Hauntings
A subset of dwarf music that is musically similar to our Bluegrass but with a bit more rough Appalachian style (thinking ‘Devil Wears a Suit and Tie by Colter Wall) and the pop of a lil bit of rough swing (‘Old man of the mountain’ by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy) and instead of being called ‘Bluegrass’ it’s a genre called ‘Slate.’ Because blue slate, bluegrass, slate is commonplace in some metamorphosed areas in the mountains…. Look I have a geology degree, I need to use it for bad jokes sometimes, and I’d love to see if this wild mix of styles would fit together musically one day.
So many interactions between Arya + Fírnen and Murtagh + Thorn. 
JEsus chrIST, Arya’s buried self hatred and guilt issues, especially surrounding Selena’s boys and their dragons
Brom’s own feelings of guilt around Arya’s imprisonment despite both of them knowing full well that he couldn’t have done anything but put himself, Eragon adn Saphira in danger if the ‘rescue’ went any other way.
‘Suffering’ from EPIC the Musical being inspiration for Arya having an induced and influenced hallucination by Durza ending with a similar vein of ‘[Arya] Fine, but only if you answer a question or two/ [Durza!Glen-Fäolin mix]: of course!/  [Arya, with a bared tooth smile] What’s my name?’
There is so, so much of MIC that is never shown to y’all because it is never developed past the concept or in-the-brain stage, or it just falls apart, or I hit a wall, or the mojo disappears and i’ve lost the spark for that idea and can’t bring myself to just word vomit it out into the blog because I had/have a decent story set up and waiting. 
I don’t really have anyone to tag really. Not right now, but I’m definitely saving this for a new thread one day to ask all my friendly chatty people. Y’all can ask me about these, literally ANY of them. Because if you don’t there’s a fair chance they won’t ever be completed lmao.
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mccall-muffin · 2 years
Love vs. Hate - Part 3 // Joe Liebgott x OC
Previous Part Summary: Technical Sergeant Olivia Stark knows the military. Raised in a military family, a graduate of military school and OCS herself, she is transferring from the 82nd Airborne Division to the 101st. Between new friends and what appear to be foes, she becomes a part of Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR.
Warnings: Language, Angst, Self-doubt
A/N: Here is number 3 (I kinda imagined this sentence as Mr. Reginald Hargreeves would say it - Numba Threeee) This chapter has a quick change of POV, but it's marked. And I kinda love the friendship between Don and Liv. Oh and almost forgot : 100 miles are about 160 km. Just in case you were wondering, or live in a metric system country like I do.
Here is my Masterlist
Tag List: @brassknucklespeirs
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28th November 1942 - Camp Toccoa, GA Bored, I sit in the lecture room, playing with my pen in front of me. Muck struggles to fall asleep to her left, and I occasionally prod him. But when the door opens, and Sobel enters with the platoon leaders, we all stand at attention. They tell us the same thing they’ve said a thousand times before.
"Listen up. Colonel Sink has overheard that the Japanese are very good at marching. We will prove that we are even better and march in three days. Pack your gear because we will not return to Toccoa," he says, looking around. "Lieutenant Winters," he then says and leaves the room again. "You heard the captain. As you've already been informed, we're shifting to Fort Benning for jump training in early December." "Sir? Where are we marching to?" then asks Lipton, and I look at him briefly. "We're marching to Atlanta. The entire battalion. We leave on the morning of December 1. From Atlanta, we'll go on by train. Carry on."
"Atlanta?" I ask in surprise, looking at Don. "That must be about 100 miles. Are they crazy?" "Shit," Don grumbles, looking down at his feet. "I've got blisters from this fucking hill already. How am I supposed to get through this fucking march with my feet?" "Maybe you should talk to Doc first?" "Maybe you're right."
30th November 1942 - Camp Toccoa, GA Two days later, we are all busy packing. "Jesus, this shit," I grumble, stuffing my things into the bag. "Women," Liebgott mumbles next to me, and I look up. "You got something to say, Liebgott? I am really not in the mood right now", I hiss at him. He looks up now, too, and our eyes meet. "Don't do it, Joe," Penkala warns him, looking at both of us with concern. Everyone around us knows it will get out of hand if he says it now. Liebgott eyes me for a moment before taking a quick breath. "I said women," again he draws breath. Don, George and Penkala groan. "Well done, Lieb. He really needs to learn the signals. I thought he has sisters too," George grumbles to Don, turning back to his things.
Meanwhile, I detach myself from my things and stand up straight. "And what exactly are you trying to say?" I jam my hands into my sides and glare at him. "What do you think? That you women are all the same. And that, once again, it's typical. You have 7000 things you always have to lug everywhere, and then we must carry your shit after you because it's too heavy for you!" "Are you fucking serious?! Do you really think that I can't carry my shit? First of all, for your information, smartass, I don't have my clothes with me. I have the same shit as everyone here, with two small exceptions. And second, I've been through the same damn training as you. So don't tell me I'm too weak to carry my shit!" Liebgott snorts sarcastically. I'm probably overreacting, but it doesn't help that it's that time of the month. "Oh yeah, we'll see about that after the 100 miles, Stark. That's the same as you being unable to defend yourself because I had to do that for you too." "But I didn't fucking ask you to, you dick! And if I remember correctly, you didn't do it for me, did you?" Liebgott's eyes turn to slits. "Damn right."
Liebgott and I are so close by now that I can feel his breath on my face. I didn't even realize we'd moved closer together during our argument, but now I can smell his scent. And it drives me crazy. "Okay, that's enough!" Don directly interferes and pushes us apart. "Why don't you just focus on your respective shit and finally finish packing. I really don't know how you two airheads can muster up the strength for this, too. Jesus Christ." I give Liebgott another angry look and then turn away from him. However, I pick up my running shoes before throwing them on the ground. "Ah fuck it!" I grumble, taking my smokes and disappearing outside. "Liv, where are you going?" Don calls after me, but I ignore him.
With no compelling destination, I trudge through the camp. Fucking Liebgott. Who does he think he is? Just lump all the women together and claim they are too weak for everything. At some point, I realize I have arrived at the other end of the camp. I stop and stare straight ahead. I don't know how long I stand there, racking my brain when suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. Startled, I turn around.
"My ass, are you trying to kill me?" I ask, grabbing my heart. "My ass? What kind of expression is that? And I called you like five times." I take a deep breath. "I didn't hear you." "Where are you with your thoughts?" I look up at Lip, who gestures with his head for me to follow him. "And what are you doing back here anyway? I was lucky to see you by chance, or I probably never would have found you." "What's going on?" I ask, following him. "Winters is asking for us. They want to pass us the information for tomorrow so we can inform the men." I nod and follow him until I see Winters waiting for us with Nixon and Roush from a distance. The other platoon sergeants are already there as well.
"Ah, Sergeant Stark, there you are. Thank you, Sergeant Lipton," Winters greets me, and I salute him. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know you were looking for us." "That's all right. So here's the deal: Tomorrow, at 0600, we move out. We are intended to cover about 30 - 35 miles in one day. After that, we'll set up the tents and spend the night. At 0600 in the morning, we move on. Colonel Sink demands that we are faster than the Japanese. That is, we should arrive in Atlanta in four days, where we then board the train. The whole battalion is participating, making it all the more important that the platoon sergeants help their platoon leaders keep people together and that the squad leaders keep their people in line, understand?" "Yes, sir," we say out of one mouth. "Good, full gear, including a rifle. You can turn in the big bags. The supply office will take those to Fort Benning." Winters looks at us in turn. Then Roush speaks up. "Sergeant Stark, Sergeant Lipton... You are in charge of the second platoon. Inform them all, yes?" "Yes, sir," we reply and salute him before stepping down.
"I'll get the men out, and you'll brief them?" Lipton asks me, and I nod. He gets the men out, and I look up. "2nd Platoon on me," I call out, and they come up to me before gathering around me. I look the men in the face and get stuck on Liebgott for a second before I break away and look at Don for a second. "So listen up... We just got the orders for the march. All men are to abide by their respective squad leaders, who in turn abide by me. Since the whole battalion is involved, it's even more important to ensure we don't lose anyone, understood? Good. The big bags can be turned in tomorrow. Otherwise, full gear. We march at 0600, as you were."
The men lapse into a conversation and disperse again. Don comes up to me. "Where have you been?" "Oh, I had to cool down for a minute. You know..." "I guess you weren't the only one. Joe was still babbling furiously for a while." "Let him. I couldn't care less what he thinks." "But you do, Liv. That's part of the reason he can always provoke you like that. What's really going on, Liv?" "What do you mean?" "Today's topic has somehow made you go 180 faster than usual. And I don't think it's because of the current circumstances. At least not completely." I look at him, confused. "I have a sister, Liv. I think I know when you are on your..." "Okay, okay! Shut up! It's not worth mentioning, Don." "Don't lie to me, Liv. Come on, let's sit down," he says, leading me to a tree before holding out a smoke. "Now, spill it!"
I take a deep breath. "Remember I told you guys that my siblings and I went to the military academy?" I ask with a sigh, and Don nods. "Sure." "Well, the school was run by my uncle, which is why The school accepted my sisters and me in the first place. Other than that, it was all boys. How could it be otherwise? Anyway, my uncle was so not keen on the idea, but my father was able to persuade him. Well, Uncle James always let us know that we were not boys. Be it because of intelligence, strength, or anything else. You can imagine what that does to a teenager's head, right?" I pluck at a blade of grass. "Anyway, I've always tried to prove him wrong. I gave everything I could to show him that we girls can be strong too and be just as good as the boys, but it was never good enough. I could be the fastest or shoot the best, but he always found an excuse not to make it count. Towards the end of my school years, my confidence was so low that I almost gave up. My brother Tommy encouraged me not to and to finish school. Which I did, even if just barely. After that, I joined a company near Newport and did my basic training. I did well, one of the best, but every time I saw my uncle, it was like school all over again. 'You're the best soldier in your company? Well, with a beautiful face, you can score points, too. / In real life, you wouldn't stand a chance, Olivia; you're still as weak as ever." I fight tears at the memories and quickly wipe my face with my sleeve. "When I read that paratroopers were the best of the best, I didn't hesitate for a second and signed up. I want to prove to him that I'm not a wimp and can be just as good as any man."
For a while, we are both silent. "I'm not weak, Don. I can do this." Don takes my hand in his and smiles at me encouragingly. "I know, Liv, and I believe in you. What he did to you is not justified. I mean, you're here, aren't you? With the best of the best and as a technical sergeant. You graduated from fucking OCS, and we're going to do this march, jump training, and fuck, this war together, sweetheart!" Don's words make me laugh. I nudge him with my shoulder and then grin. "Thanks, Don. I don't know what I did to deserve you." "That's a good question. I hear there's a surprise dessert tonight, and I bet you can find a way to pay me back." He winks at me, and I grin. "Wouldn't you like to have that Malarkey?" Don laughs and stands up before helping me to my feet. "So come on now, let's finish packing your shit, and then we'll get some grub in our bellies."
2nd December 1942 - Somewhere between Toccoa and Atlanta, GA It is now the second day of the march, and my feet are aching. I walk mainly next to Don, who also has leg problems. "Jesus, I don't know if I can finish this," he mumbles next to me, and I look at him. "Come on. What did you say to me? We can do this together, right?" Don smiles at me before James Diel walks up to us. "Liv... Roush wants to see you," he says, and I nod before following him to Lieutenant Roush. "You wanted to see me, Lieutenant?" I ask, and he looks at me briefly. "That's right, Sergeant Stark. I just got word from 1st Platoon that we're going for another hour or so and then camp for the night. Send someone to 3rd Platoon to brief them." "Yes, sir," I say and drop back down.
I let my eyes roam through the men. "Hey, Skinny," I call out as I spot him and walk up beside him. "Hey, Liv. You gonna keep us company for a change?" he grins, and I smile. I like Skinny, but unfortunately, he is very good friends with Liebgott, who is now walking next to him, so I don't mind being with them. I was able to avoid him very well in the last two days since our previous quarrel. "Sorry Skinny, but I have an assignment for you. Roush got word that we're going to march on for another hour or so and then make camp for the night. I need you to go to 3rd Platoon and inform Lieutenant Nixon so he can send someone to Fox Company, yes?" Skinny nods and grins at me. "Sure thing, ma'am." He drops back and disappears into the men.
As I'm about to pick up my pace, Tipper holds me back. "Hey Liv, why don't you stay with us for a bit," he says, and my gaze automatically wanders to Liebgott, who stubbornly looks straight ahead. "Sure, why not?" I return and walk alongside them. "How long are we walking today?" "Well, as far as I know, the plan is for us to do about 33 - 35 miles a day, and if we go another hour now and keep up that pace, we'll do about six more miles." "Thank God. My blisters on my feet will be happy," Alley now interjects. "Just make sure you rest and cool your feet tonight. If it doesn't work, contact Doc or Spina, will you?" "Sure thing, Sarge."
We chat for a while about trivial things until Tip turns to Liebgott. "Hey Joe, you're surprisingly quiet. What's going on with you?" I look at Liebgott for a moment, but he's still looking straight ahead. "There's nothing I have to say at the moment." "Wow, that's a new one," Tip laughs, punching Joe in the shoulder. "Don't you think so, Liv?" I look briefly at Tip and then back at Joe. I know that no matter how I answer this question, it will be a wrong answer. Then I glare at Tip, who must have noticed it too, but just shrugs. Joe tenses up next to me as well. "Well... I uh..." "Come on, just say what you're going to say, Stark. Let's get this over with," Liebgott now says, annoyed. "Jesus, you're a ray of sunshine again, Liebgott," I give out, annoyed. Tipper starts laughing behind us. "But watch out, Liv, you don't want to get burned." "Jesus Christ, can't you two just shut up?" grumbles Liebgott, and I grin at Tipper. "Don't worry, Liebgott. I'm going already, and I'll leave you in peace with your awesome mood." "Finally." "I'll see you later, Tip. Alley." I wave to the two and pick up my pace to get back to Don.
As we set up our tents that evening, I sit in a circle on the ground with George, Skip, Don, Penk, and Frank. "God damn, my hands are freezing now," Frank grumbles, and I look at him. "We have a fire for something, Frank," I say, and the others laugh. "Jesus, I'll be glad when this is finally behind us. I'll tell you that," Penkala says, and the others agree. "Hey, sweetheart, have you rubbed it in Liebgott's face that you still carry your stuff?" Don then asks me. "No, I haven't, and I won't, Don." "Why that would be so fun," he returns sarcastically. "Yeah, right... I've had enough Liebgott today, believe me." "What, when?" then asks Skip. "He was in the back, wasn't he?" "Yep, but Tip stopped me when I sent Skinny to 3rd Platoon. And that's when I was with them for a bit." Don shakes his head. "You guys should get a handle on this. If we're going to war, you guys should get along." "There'll be black snow before then, Malark," George laughs. "Yeah yeah, go ahead and make fun," I say and stand up. "Where are you going?" asks Don immediately. "Isn't a young lady allowed to go to the bathroom, Don?" "If you find one, you'll let me know, won't you?" laughs Skip. "Want me to go with you?" "No, that'll be fine. It's not like I have to go far, and besides, what's going to happen?"
I move away from the guys and look for a suitable bush as I pass another group of soldiers I don't know, who seem pretty drunk. When they spot me, they start whistling. "Hey, look, that's Easy's chick," one of them shouts, and the others laugh. "Hey, cutie, why don't you join us for a little company? Easy already has you usually." I try to ignore them, but they've positioned themselves so that I almost have to step over them. "No, thanks," I say quickly. "Do you mind?" I ask then, as one of the soldiers has spread himself out. He slides aside a little and grins at me. Suddenly I'm grabbed by the wrist by one and pulled onto his lap. "Hey!" I shout and try to free myself from his grip. "Come on, baby. Stay with us," he purrs in my ear, and I can smell his breath. "Like I said, no thanks." I struggle out of his lap and try to keep walking. The soldiers continue to complain and call out to me. Again and again, they hold me back.
"Stark?" I then hear a voice in front of me and look up. The other soldiers also look up and let go of me. Liebgott stands in front of us. Because of his distraction, I can quickly weave my way through the men, and then I'm standing next to him. "Hey, where are you going?" "Everything okay?" he asks, and I am slightly surprised but nod before turning back to the men. "A little tip. When a woman says no, she usually means it." With those words, I walk away, realizing later that Liebgott is following me. "What is it with you?" he asks, and I turn to him. "Jesus, what are you talking about, Liebgott?" "You and the men. Somehow they all seem to want you with them." "Well, I guess you're the only one who's immune to that," I return flippantly. I turn away from him. "Wait. Stark, that's not what I meant." "And what do you mean, huh? Because you always make it sound like a curse or something to spend time with me." "I was really just trying to say that you affect the men." I raise my eyebrows. Did he just compliment me? At least, kind of? "Now, have you ever thought that many men don't have much female interaction? Then they take the next best thing. I don't have to be Rita Hayworth for that. I'll do just fine as it is." "You don't give yourself enough credit. Rita Hayworth can hardly compete with you."
I jerk my gaze up and meet his. Liebgott seems to be startled by his statement and immediately averts his gaze. For a while, we stand there in uncomfortable silence. Then I clear my throat. "Well... Uh, I actually wanted to... I, uh... See ya."
Joe's POV: Still startled at me, I look after her. How stupid can I possibly be? Why did I say that? I clench my hands into fists and trudge back to my tent, which I share with Tip. Tip is sitting alone in front of it, and I sit down next to him before lighting a smoke. "Fuck," I grumble again. "What's wrong with you?" asks Tipper, and I look at him for a moment. "Oh, nothing... I had to rescue Stark from some soldiers once more." "Wow, you're almost her knight in shining armor, huh?" "Shut up, Tip." "And why exactly are you so pissed off now? Was it not the right time again?" " Time for what?" "To confess your love to her?" "What? What are you talking about?" "Come on, Joe. I know you, and I know for a fact that your nasty ways toward her aren't real. You like her and don't want to admit it."
For a moment, I look at the ground in front of me and take a drag on my smoke. "Maybe you should just jump over your shadow and tell her. You'd be surprised what might come back." "Oh, just shut up, Tip. I'm not into Stark... That's... Impossible!" Tipper puts a hand on my shoulder. "Listen to my words, Joe... Liv is a great woman. Independent, confident, and strong. And also very beautiful to look at, if you ask me. Sooner or later, someone is going to get her. Don't let your stubbornness spoil it for you. Or maybe I'll give it a shot myself." He gets up and disappears into the tent. I let Tip's words run through my head. I know for a fact that he's right. By the time this war is over, Liv will have many suitors courting her at the latest. I sigh deeply and run my hands through my hair. Jesus, this woman is driving me crazy.
Liv's POV: "What took you so long?" Don asks me as I sit back down in my seat next to him. "Hmm?" I ask, not hearing his question. My mind is still buzzing around Liebgott's words. "Where you been?" Now I look my best friend in the eye. "In the bushes, to..." "I don't mean it like that, but I think I know that even women don't have that long to pee... Unless, of course, you had to..." "Don! What the hell?" "What? It's a legitimate question. But then, where were you?" "I walked into my own irony." Don screws up his face and looks at me questioningly. "I was going into the bushes to pee. Then I was approached by some soldiers I didn't know. They were drunk and..." "Did they do something to you?" "No, don't worry. They just wanted me to keep them company, but I pushed them away, and then, who was standing there? Liebgott." "Oh, that's what you meant by irony. And then?" "Well, he spoke to me briefly. And then a funny thing happened..." "Tell me," Don demands, and I look briefly at the others engrossed in conversation.
I move a little closer to Don. "I think Liebgott complimented me..." "He didn't?! Impossible!" "Yes, he did... At least it sounded like it." "What did he say?" "Well, it was about me telling him that I don't have to be Rita Hayworth to get men's attention since I'm one of the few women they get to see at the moment, and then he said that Rita Hayworth can't compete with me..." Don lets my words run through his head. "Wow," is all he says then, and I look at him. "Is that all you have to say about it?" "What else do you want me to say to that? I think that statement says it all." Confused, I look at him, which makes Don laugh. "Don't worry, Sweetheart. Come time comes understanding." "Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm going to bed. Do me a favor, will you? Try not to make such a racket tonight." "Understood, ma'am," he says, giving me a playful salute. "Good night, boys."
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