#i much much preferred the first game having all the lore and backstories and everything be like... almost secondary
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puphoods · 2 years ago
i have to be honest having never finished below zero as much as i thoguht it was cool if 3 is a continuation of that story rather than something new on 4546b i will be disappointed... i would much prefer more expansion of the planets ecosystems + biodiversity + history rather than all the architect stuff... it was really interesting just not what im here for
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oc-ology · 4 months ago
How to get past the fear of OC posting
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People should create for the sake of creating but people post to engage with the community. However, posting can be intimidating and anxiety-inducing for a lot of people. It’s easy to say “do it scared” but much harder to put into practice. So, I’ve put together a few steps that lead up to doing it scared. These won’t work for everyone and this is meant more as general advice.
Step One: Why are you scared?
The first step is to figure out what about posting is scary for you. Oftentimes, it’s not as simple as “what if my post flops” or “what if people think I’m cringe”. Once you’ve figured out the surface-level reason, dig a little deeper. If your post flops, does that lead to you doubting the worth of what you’re creating? If you’re worried about what people think, is that because you’ve experienced judgement before or are worried your inbox will be flooded with criticism?
Identifying why you’re scared will not only help you understand yourself better (yippee!) but you can also then work on the source of your fears and anxieties at your own pace.
Step Two: Find ways to lessen your fears
One way of working through anxiety online is to find ways to mitigate the specific source of your fear.
Some fears have easier solutions than others. If you’re worried about people criticising your work, you can turn off anonymous asks (as most people are less likely to be haters when there’s a name attached to it) or turn asks off entirely, as well as limiting replies to those who have been following for a week. This way, if someone does want to be an unpleasant individual, it’s a little harder for them to do so.
A lack of engagement is a little harder to remedy. Here, the only real solution is to try and divorce the idea that engagement = worth. Remember why you’re creating an OC. Because it’s fun! It’s an act of creation! Because you want to find a community…? A community or OC friends will never just drop into your lap. You need to seek them out yourself. Look into discord servers, forums, tumblr networks (are they still a thing?), fandom events and exchanges, and most importantly: go out of your way to send asks/questions to others and build friendships with them! If you’ve got social anxiety like me, this is going to be a big challenge. Which leads to the next step…
Step Three: Start small
It doesn’t matter how small your first step is - so long as that step is forwards! If you’re nervous about OC posting, find the smallest thing about them and post it with the expectation of getting no notes. That’s right, I want you to go in and expect it to flop. Anything over one note is an automatic win. This first post isn’t about engagement - it’s about getting over the initial fear of posting. 
It can be tempting to just go right out the gate with elaborate explanations of backstory, lore implications, power levels, everything. But the trick really is to start small. Most people scrolling tumblr aren’t going to read a few thousand words on something they’re not invested in yet. TL;DR is a curse that I’m sure we’ve all fallen victim to. 
Instead, break up information about your OC into small pieces that can be posted one by one and have some kind of visual piece with it. People are usually more drawn to images than text. For example, which of these two things are more visually interesting?
What Perseus keeps in his bag:
A broken blade
50ft of hempen rope
25gp of silver powder
Rations (cheese, bread, sausage)
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Obviously this comes down to personal preference but a lot of people would find the illustrated version to be more interesting. You don’t need to be an artist to do this either! You could make a version of that example in photoshop or a similar program. Picrews, moodboards, edits, game screenshots and photography can all be used to add a visual element to your posts.
Step Four: Why am I still scared?
Fear is not easily stamped out. Anxiety is definitely the kind of thing that lingers. These steps aren’t meant to immediately make OC posting not-scary. That’s something that will only come with time as you get used to it. Again: Do it. Do it scared. Gradually, it’ll be less terrifying and in the meantime, you might be able to make a few friends who also want to talk about your blorbo.
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saibugslegacy · 6 months ago
Percival Valley Ask Game
Because of my foolishness I am now committed to make these with all my MCs so here we go. Questions by @rypnami
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
I genuinely have no idea for Percival. Maybe a horse?
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
Percival would choose to not be an animagus because he has enough to worry about and the process is a lot of work
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
Purple! No reason, he just really likes it. Idris is definitely lucky it's purple though considering his hair is stuck that way
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
Probably Reddit and Twitter if I'm being honest with myself
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
I did! Percival has the most main character wand ever: elder wood and phoenix feather. Elder wood is ridiculously powerful and rare, and apparently the users are marked for a “special destiny”. Phoenix feather is mainly to allude to his patronus being a phoenix
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? Why?
He's a fairly picky eater because he has a lot of sensory issues around food but otherwise no special diet
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
Percival (and Idris) didnt go to Hogwarts because their father kept sending the letters back with the reply saying his children would not be attending. Then he died and the twins were stuck in an orphanage. Professor Fig personally showed up to tell them about Hogwarts and magic and they decided to go 5th year
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
Percival is a Ravenclaw because he is a fucking nerd. Kidding, but it's not entirely wrong. He hates not knowing things, he loves answering unanswered questions, and his curiosity is a hust part of him. There are so many times he gets scared and wants to bail on everything, but he stays because he's so curious and refuses to leave the questions unanswered
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
Not from media, but Percival was based on one of my old OCs named Julian Athantis
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
Other than the sense that at first he has more Ancient Magic abilities no. Unless a dark curse counts
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
They're both half-bloods but it doesn't affect them that much. The most it does is that they were raised muggles and have to try and uncover their father's legacy
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not?
They did not because they knew they didn't want that much power
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Percival fucking hates those people. They're hoarding and hiding and even erasing knowledge. But worst is that they are testing and forcing 15 year old children to do their dirty work. A N D they constantly talk down to and about Idris
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
Well I can't spoil that, but I can tell you Percival's curse has a large part to play
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
No, but he would have had he been given the opportunity because he thinks the limitation of knowledge is absurd
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
He does not. For….reasons :)
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
They had two parents who were amazing parents and a little sister Annabelle but all three were killed by Ranrok and their father did lie to them their whole lives
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
Garreth Weasley! Percy falls for Garreth because he's so…laid back. He's a spot of sunshine and fun when Percival doesn't have it. And he just cares so much about Percival, even thought Percival isn't as fun or sweet as Garreth
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
If he had to pick one probably the disillusionment charm. He prefers charms over any other type of spell and he prefers being discreet so this spell helps him avoid unnecessary fights
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
The storyling of the Sallow twins has such a huge impact on the game but nothing comes of it in the end. Whether its curing Anne, not being able to, or even something as simple as knowing how/where the twins end up would be better
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
Prof. Weasley gets Percival a Eurasian eagle owl over the summer so he can keep in touch with his friends but that's it
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
Honestly I had a pretty clear image of Idris in my mind and even made them first. I just used the same face and shape and such to make Percival then changed his hair, skintone, and scars. I wish I could find a style that was curlier because his hair isn't supposed to be that straight but that one was the closest I could find
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
They are scottish on their father's side and South African on their mother's
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
Summer, he loves being able to sit outside and read without it being too cold or rainy
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
He doesn't particularly care for holidays anymore but he used to love his and Idris’ birthday
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
Gryffindor. Percival wants absolutely nothing to do with Ancient Magic and goblins and poachers. In fact he's terrified of all of the above. But every time he squares his shoulders and does it anyway. That screams bravery to me.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
He has a bracelet that a little baby Idris made him that he doesnt wear anymore because hes so scared to lose it
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
Im sorry but Percival would adore Taylor Swift. He likes lyrics and hed like fun pop songs so Taylor is the best bet
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
I loooove that his hair is purple. Something about having a character in the 1800s with colored hair makes me excited
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doledition · 1 month ago
⚡, ❤️, and 💛 for the ask game! <3
ahhhhhh ty so much for the ask :D
⚡ - Your favorite Person of Interest or Non-Love Interest.
Ooohhhh that title is a toss up between Sydney and probably GH for love interests. Sydney has quite a bit of interesting lore to get through when you look into it (and she's just so cute) and GH is such a sweetie...I wish the devs did more w her though :<<
As for Non-Love interests. Well.
stares at bailey with thinly veiled lust
I was heartbroken when they took out the bailey dubcon scene. Day ruined. Outside of bailey though, my loves are Harper IW and Landry. Wren would get a shot but she's blonde, sadly.
Honourable mention to what I've hallucinated of Remy and Avery's dynamic-think sorority mean girls but way more cult like and codependent. Lovely.
❤️ - Does your pc have lore?
Oh good lord the two of them have so. much. lore. I've been working very slowly on intro posts for them but I uh got side tracked with Kylar misery fics.
My first DOL PC is Dahlia Tripti Rahman, aka Dahlia the Redeemed/ Paranoid. She has a Demon TF and her li is Sydney. She's brash, self-righteous, bombastic, and extremely hypocritical, nurturing a superiority complex over Literally Everybody and Everything.
Her 'mission', as she calls it, is to figure out the mystery behind the town, and 'save it' from the terror of BOTH virgo and auriga, by any means necessary. She's joined the temple and climbed the ranks as a result, trying to learn more about Virgo and the mystery behind the Ivory Wraith. She started out as my 'general lore hunter' pc and evolved into an uptight well-meaning yet disastrous girlfailure.
so far she's been to at least almost every spot in game once, excluding the docks. And that includes prison, where she broke out after five months via smooching up to all the guards, finding out their names, befriending the watchers, and throwing a prison riot before escaping via Wren. Her skullduggery is still at S, but she's stopped stealing nearly as often nowadays, preferring to use her cunning to focus more on trying to figure out what's going on in the town.
Originally when you meet her she comes off as this caring, nice, yet utterly cold and untouchable person, the 'perfect nun' so to speak. People whisper that she was once a wilder girl-a rumour she doesn't argue back against- and say that this is proof of her 'changing', becoming 'better'. At the orphanage though is when her true colour's show- she's extremely judgemental, as any small mistake could become a 'flaw' in her eyes, and shuns the other orphans, believing herself to be better than them.
Outside of all this though, she's incredibly caring and protective, almost to a fault. She might not love people, but she loves life, and views it as something worth saving. If she loves you, she loves you, almost to the point of devotion. All she really wants, at the end of the day, is understanding and affection.
My second PC, Hadia Nayeem, otherwise known as Hadia The Bride, is a bit more of a enigma. She comes off as shy, quiet, and an overall weak, frightful person. She was kidnapped by Eden in the early weeks of the game, and appears devoted to her image as 'Eden's wife'.
Hadia, underneath the whole posturing about how much she 'loves Eden' and how much she's 'happy in town', hates her position as Eden's wife so fully. She hates having to cook and clean for him, she hates having to pretend she loves him, and she hates having him look down on her, view her as something more as a 'pet' than a wife. Her goal is to survive: to learn how to shoot a gun from Eden, make as much money as she can no matter who she has to hurt to do it, and survive.
For her backstory, she was born and grew up in the outskirts of town, to a family of farmers. She was the eldest of about five siblings, and was born to a rather young couple of struggling newly weds. I headcanon that over the years, as Remy became the farming mogul we know her to be today, she began trying to overtake the land of the nearby farms, similar to how she treats Alex presently in the game. In her backstory, Hadia's family are some of the last farmers before Remy becomes Alex's main rival.
She came to the orphanage by way of a house fire, one which killed almost all of her family save for her and her youngest brother. As for how it happened....well, it's never been clear. Most others chalk it up to a freak electrical explosion-old faulty wiring- while those in the know whisper about Remy trying to get rid of the competition...but is it ever so simple as that?
Hadia is a very cold, laconic person underneath her demure, sweet exterior. She doesn't really feel anything towards others- she's conditioned herself not to, as a way of protection. She un-empathetic out of fear: it does not pay to care about others in dolville. That doesn't mean she can't understand, or pity, empathise or even potentially care about a person, but their usefulness to her matters more.
There's a lo more to them that I can't really say rn or else this post would be Egregiously Long. They're more rp characters at this point than anything so they also don't entirely fit into DOL as well-but they're my babies and i love them.
💛 - Weaknesses and strength your pc has.
Dahlia: Her weaknesses entirely revolve over her black and white thinking, her inability to actually engage with people on a base level of respect, her know-it all attitude, and just how far her head is shoved up her own ass. She constantly makes excuses and ignores. her own friends bad behaviour because she has 'good judgement', so obviously they'd never be bad, yet propagandises whenever someone she thinks of as a 'bad person' makes like. a singular mistake.
Her strengths are her intelligence-she is very smart and quick on her feet, for what it's worth- her ability to see good in the world, and her drive to make things better. she's ambitious, yes, and she does try to use that ambition to make the world a better place. she has this weirdly cynical optimism where she can't help but see shadows and boogeyman around her, yet believes the world can grow, and become better than that.
Hadia: Her weaknesses are her inability to be an actual 'person', more than not. she never has an actual understanding over her identity, who she is: she values strength and power, the only thing she's learned to value, and as a result refuses to actually interrogate who she is. For all she is good at staying one step ahead and thinking about others, she has a remarkable inability to actually think about herself.
Her strengths revolve entirely around not just her athleticism or her scientific prowess, but how adept she is at figuring out what makes people tick. She can, and will get under your skin. She's able to adapt to almost anything, and has an uncanny knack for getting ahead.
Again, ty so much for the ask anon! i hope this isn't too long or cumbersome to read haha. have a good one!
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gigglylover1 · 1 year ago
Last update (under the cut)(d.m.y): 1.3.2025 11:56 PM
The link to mah DeviantArt account :>
✨ Currently in me inbox: 2️⃣ (technically it is just one-)
Requests: 🟥 closed and bamboozled by HW :'D
QnA: 🟩 you can ask anything to my ocs or even to me :D (you might even get some parts of their backstory!! ★)
Current hyperfixation: Dandy's World
Time zone: GMT +4
Others: analog /
Ok just start with the basics-:
- Name: H (nickname: Starfade)
- Age: this is an ageless minor blog!!
- birthday/birth date: September 30th 20##
- Nationality: Malaysia 🇲🇾<3
- Religion: Islam 🏳️🏴💖
- Sexuality: Straight!! (Asexual or maybe Aroace?)
- ambivert (leaning introvert)
★ When I wake up(my home): PST 4:30 PM
★ When it is midnight: PST 11:00 AM
I am a minor here so any no-no things popping up here or anywhere, I get ✨traumatized✨.
Usually all my art is in DeviantArt, crazy but seriously everything in it is sfw.
Also- I am born as a Malaysian but English is my first language- so Malay basically is not even my main language- atleast I barely passed my Malay classes-
Want to DM me? :D Donut be shy to start the convo in my DMs, I am never bothered with it at all :3 /gen I mean do not be shy bc I AM THE ONE WHO IS SHY-/nsrs /gen 😭
Here are the things I luv <3 :
- Tickling (sfw)
- Art
- manga/comics
- Memes
- Islam (Muslim)
- Lore / horror games (I eat lore :>)
- Gacha (all lunime games tbh-)
I really hate >:(
- Islamaphobic
- Racism
- Kink
- transphobic
- Haters
- copyrighters
- Israel supporters
- back biters / gossipers (especially if it is onto me)
(this should be easy to follow, it is not that hard, don't make me add more to the list, I really hate adding many boundaries)
- NSFW blogs (even if there is mostly sfw, it still contains NSFW, that includes people that tag tickles as fetishes or kinks, belly growling, inflammation thingy ig?, vore, etc)
- blogs with DNI ageless blogs (ahem read my age again)
- Islamophobic (do I need to explain?)
Thin Ice:
- 18+ blogs (this is really iffy, but you can interact with all of posts for now at least, but I will not trust you if you DM me, I am going to have to block you for that)
ALL the fandoms I am in/have been-:
(the order does not matter- I am too lazy to reorganize every fandom based on when I started to hyperfixate-) (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
(the ones that I crossed out I want to leave or I already left the ) (the slanted ones are the ones that I am still in but not as hyperfixative as before)
(from now on, the added fandoms will not affect the caught up date because it is annoying for me to keep on changing the latest date every time I hyperfixate with)
- solarballs
- mrspherical
- human buddy
- fundamental paper education
- hazbin hotel
- Mr men show/ Mr men and little miss
- The Mandela Catalogue
- baldi's basics
- countryballs/countryhumans
- scp foundation
- man in the suit
- happy child (how do I freaking love it-)
- the BEST mom
- the boiled one phenomenon
- the Oddity Compendium
- doctor nowhere (all of his work impresses me the most-)
- omori
- wonderend
- bad parenting
- backrooms
- inanimate insanity
- battle for dream island / battle for BFDI / BFDIA / TPOT (object show)
- Friday night Funkin
- Vita Carnis
- The Art of Murder (currently the pilot)
- Animator Vs Animation
- Oshi No Ko (manga / slightly watches the anime-)
- Project Sekai / PJSK (my irl friend likes it so much that it made me like it- 😭)
- Dandy's world (yep it developed into me getting addicted-)
Things that I am willing to take as a tickle request (SFW ONLY!):
- Your ocs
- fandom personas (prefer the ones I already know)
- fandom tickle [headcannons] (no proshippers or whatever similar)
My specialities: ★ (in tickle art)
- Human ocs (can add animal things like ears/wings/or tails)
- Abilities / powers
- Adorable yet simple art (I can't control it-)
- Semi-rendered
The scenarios that I will not do:
- tickle torture
- tickling with s3xual intentions in it (that includes adult tickling a minor/child)
- tickle till they faint
- exposed bodies (again with the second point)
- foot focused-focus
Rules when requesting: (there is not that much nor that strict at all)
- make the request now (I sometimes get this and I get really pressured to finish it.)
- drawing too many ocs (maximum 5 characters, but it depends on the details too) (for comics or at least skits- maximum 3 characters)
-- note: if you break any of these two simple rules, I will delete the request from now on. /srs / gen
Important ps!!: if you want to make a gift or make a request of my persona tickling a male oc, make sure that I am not directly tickling the lee because I am not comfortable of it and most likely have to ask you to remove it!!
The thing about me is that I do and will start postponing when I will finish the request, and since art takes a bum load a while to make- it is best for you to be patient. Because it will come eventually if you are expecting it.
Tags meanings:
#starfaderambling = me yapping (common)
#starfade's reblogii ★ = reblogs (uncommon)
#starfade poll = my poll (rare)
#starfade's vent??? = might be a vent but also not
#starfade's vent... = ... a vent (when I make a vent post, I am going to let it be there for a few days before deleting it for the sake of making the blog positive)
#starlee?? = might be in a lee mood
#starlee = LEE MOOD BRRRRR-
#starler? = might be in a ler mood
#starler = Ler mood OFC-
#starfade pos vent <3★ = positive vent <3
#st★rlore = in the second syllable (keep in the lookout for this >:])
#stanaloglore★ = not the official name of the lore for my analog horror children- :<
If you made it this far then you can like the pinned post tysm! ★ :)
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zelandiangelo · 6 months ago
🦈 🏷️💌 for the fic ask game!! (o^▽^o) <3 
hiiiiiiiii! <333 thank you for asking hehe \o/ hope you're doing well!!
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
You know it's funny that you ask because getting into a character's head is actually one of my favorite things about writing! I usually don't have an awful lot of trouble with it unless I've started with an idea that I'm not as interested in as I thought.
So, there's probably been other times that I struggled but the one that I remember the best is Kaeya from Genshin LOL. I was never so super into Gempact but for a while I was playing it w my friends bc it was a Group Activity so I ended up writing a fair bit of fic just because I was so plugged into it. I stalled out on a fic from Kaeya POV that I was writing that I ended up wrapping up at what felt like it Could Be a stopping point and just posting what I had. The trouble with him, I think, is that he has this mysterious backstory that informs his character that's alluded to in events, objects around the world, etc, but I hadn't really gotten an understanding of that backstory. (I could have looked at the wiki I guess but I prefer to use the wiki to confirm stuff that I already knew or look up little bits of trivia; it doesn't feel right to learn everything about a character in a wiki review that might leave out important story or emotional context.)
THIS GOT LONG LOL tl;dr I was writing a lot of genshin fic even though i'm not really built to be a Gacha Lore Understander so i had some trouble with Kaeya!
🏷️ Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
i like sickfic hahaha;;;;;; if I'm being so real unless I get really extremely into something (eg. KNB or Yugioh) sickfic is the ONLY kind of fic I'll even read LOL. I've also written a lot of it myself, when I first got into fic writing I wrote it pretty much exclusively.
I didn't think this was gonna be a long answer but now i wanna talk about it LOL. I just think that when a character is ill (or injured tbh) the Vulnerability that it forces them into can be a really interesting trigger for changed character dynamics. You can have a standoffish or antagonistic character unwillingly in this position be treated gently, with kindness, and soften some of their relationships; alternatively, you can have their soft side come out if they're confronted with someone ELSE being vulnerable. You can have a character who tries to do Everything have to ask for help, you can have just plain fluff between characters with an established good relationship... it's even ok if characters act a bit out of character bc you can blame it on delirium LOL.
Essentially, unless you're getting really funky with it (which you can and it's fun!) a lot of sickfics follow a similar structure/set-up (character gets sick, character deals with being sick, other characters find out character is sick, they are now also dealing with it). Plot and structure is something that I still struggle with even now that I've stepped outside of writing sickfic exclusively, so at the time that I started writing, sickfic offered something of a baseline for me to write what I was really interested in (character dynamics) without having to think too much about the structure! Also it's fun haha >_< even though I've branched out I definitely still favor them quite a bit LOL
sorry for writing u a sickfic essay i am really Normal about it
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
let's see. Sickfic Good for the reasons outlined above. I enjoy writing polyamory quite a bit too (character dynamics are so fun!!) but I don't write it as frequently as I'd like bc not all characters are built for it and it can get a bit complex besides.
OH. OH OH OH. teachers/mentor figures. my favorite fic that i've ever written is shockingly not a sickfic: it's called I Accidentally Fell In Love With My Childhood Friend The King And Now My Students Are Also My Sons!? and it's for one of my most favorite animes ever, Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine (The Royal Tutor). (I thought the silly light novel title was funny LOL)
The entire premise of the show is just This Guy Is An Extremely Good Teacher For These Four Misunderstood Students which like. Is lab-grown to be like catnip to me RAAAAAHHHHHHH i've watched the show twice through and cried at the end both times. Anyway. The fic I wrote is technically a ship fic between the royal tutor himself (Heine) and the king (Viktor) who hired him to teach his sons (they get married in this fic hehe >w<), but the focus is really on Heine's relationships with his students, and how they handle their favorite (only) teacher getting married to their father.
I feel like these descriptions don't do the anime or my fic justice LOL all I can really say is that as someone who works with children the anime really touched me and it felt so permeated with genuine love and care for students who are left behind and for teachers who see those students and put in the work to help them. and as for my fic well. now that you've reminded me of it i think i will reread it SKJKDFJSDKFJ
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cerucerus-main · 2 years ago
AU Where Zhongli and Dan Heng are brothers
This is just a very messy brainstorm session. Also some star rail and genshin spoilers. there might be leaks? I dont really know but just in case, be warned.
It has to be an AU, since these two already have super complicated lore on their own lmao. Anyway the gist is that a long time ago these two are like super powerful immortals, but then they are separated because of *mysterious reasons*. Now, they can sense each other being alive, but like that's it. They don't know how the other is doing, or the state of one another. They're much older than they seem. There's also a backstory I'm building for their pre-canon brotherhood story and lore but that's a whole other can of worms. For another post, maybe.
Regardless. That is obviously not how the story should end. So, they'll have to meet. Some technicalities: It's hard to compare honkai and genshin power levels, because they're essentially different kinds of games. Fischl and Keqing got major power boosts in honkai in that one crossover event a while ago.
BUT. Meeting is possible. Thank you, Welt. Thank you, Sumeru lore drop about descenders. Lumine and Aether are Travelers, come on, it should be possible.
So. How should they meet? Should it be in Zhongli's Universe? Dan Heng's universe? Or a third part Universe? Well. One Interesting thing I have noticed, is their relationship with "Memory". Zhongli has really good, near-perfect memory. Dan Heng is running away from his past- he is implied to not remember most of his past memories.
So I established this: At the present moment, Zhongli remembers almost everything. Dan Heng does not. With this we can conclude that for the story to move, Zhongli must be the first to take action, despite the fact that Dan Heng is currently in a magic space train. So, most likely it will be in the world of Star Rail. New question: How does Zhongli arrive?
We're getting into speculative fanfic lore here. I'm better with Genshin Lore than I am with Honkai Lore, so don't hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes. I'll italicize it.
Zhongli is a deity. He is still divinity and a gnosis does not affect that, unlike how a herrscher no longer is a herrscher when the don't have the core. So if Welt can, theoretically Zhongli can too. We can interpret the gnosis as his last remaining tie to Teyvat- without it, now he can multiverse hop easier.
Side Note: At this point we don't know anything abt Zhongli's actual origins or what he's capable of.
So maybe he can open a vortex portal thing. Zhongli is really good with space magic- and him rescuing xiao also proves that he can do that for someone else. Venti can make vortexes and stuff. So maybe he enlists Venti's help. Venti is equally sus, so its only fair he gets a part lmao. So they do a lot of research- and when he's ready, he can finally jump.
Again, this is still tentative, but i do want to explore some possibilities.
Oh- but. There has to be a sort of event catalyst, right? Why? Why is this story unfolding this way? Why is it that one remembers and the other forgets?
The intention had always been for Zhongli to remember and for Dan Heng to forget but...there needs to be a midpoint. one can't do all the heavy lifting, it won't be a fun story if that's the case. So. Dan Heng's arc centers around him trying to remember- because he realizes these dreams that he has recently that are actually his memories are very different than the regular ones about Jing Yuan and Blade and the Luofu. Zhongli's arc centers around him trying to get to Dan Heng.
So. What is the goal of this story? What does it want to achieve?
Reuniting, that's the main main goal. This is the consistent point in the story- the plot is currently still tentatively being brainstormed, but changes aside-
They Have To Meet. These two must meet. preferably in an emotional way.
A bit of fanfic made-up lore details that I may want to include (as of now):
The world of Teyvat is an outlier universe. It is strange, it stands out, it remains in it's own little corner. Basically, Teyvat is just Really Really Weird. Partly inspired but how Genshin impact is kind of an outlier amongst the current Hoyoverse games. Like even Tears of Themis is set on earth.
The separation can be said to be because of Zhongli. Of course, the true events is far more complex, and me personally, I don't think it really is his fault- but Zhongli is the catalyst for this to happen. His brother doesn't blame him, and again, real events far more complex- but he blames himself, kind of. He does not regret it, but it also provides motivation for his character- and of course, the lore goes deep. Zhongli is objectively my favourite genshin character- and I have theorized many things about him.
The story is partly kind of loosely inspired by chinese drama love between fairy and devil. There is no intended romance to be included in the story, but certain themes I intend to include.
Honkai Star Rail spoilers/leaks(?) idk if this is actually a leak but Dan Heng has gone through several incarnations since the separation. Zhongli is Zhongli. Dan Heng and Zhongli are at their core magical and powerful, although at present, both are weaker than how they had been. However, maybe they can still access some of what they used to be able to do? idk
They're close brothers and they're wholesome and I love them (Not Tentative/Definitely Confirmed)
But yeah tldr so much of this brainstorm is still tentative and might be changed accordingly to what works best, but I did enjoy exploring several possibilities in the plot.
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lexydakitten · 7 months ago
making a pinned post because im pretty sure my blog has like .. no sense to it going on (under the assumption that's quite normal though). and that's kind of the point. this is a personal thing but i also want to actually use like, the social aspects of social media, so that's what i'm up to. mostly cat posts and art posts, art does often get buried cuz i'm silly but it is here i promise. might occasionally post other interests/hobbies too though! such as cool rocks (i lov rocks..tag me in geology and mineral posts you find i want to see.. idc if you know me... pleaa /nf)
call me sam or lexy, i would prefer gn terms. im unlikely to interact first but idm interactions. stay sfw, don't be willingly ignorant, and use tone tags (preferably, i'm not hard on this at all - it's just helpful, esp if i don't know you), and we're chill. as stated above i will mostly do art posts, i have lots of characters with lots of lore and backstories for them - i even have a personal project (don't know what else to call it) called the rift, which i've been fleshing out since 2020. i do intend to post about those things as well. and the occasional cat post. the funny cat picture is marceline. user-namesake cat lexy does not like cameras
asks are fine. can be small art requests, or if you want to know more about my characters, my song of the day, or more about me, literally anything i do not mind. as long as it follows what i've stated already, there's no particular theme to follow here. expect me to act silly and dumb, sometimes i don't know what i'm doing and so i appreciate patience* though this hasn't been any sort of issue yet (attached image is lotol. character from aforementioned rift)
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*patience is also requested on the fact i have a genuinely atrocious memory and am likely to forget most things. don't take it personally if i don't remember who you are, that's on me. you are free to remind me if i forget important things, too, just be polite !!
changing this part. i have a mc lore server which i refer to by dma or sometimes dmalore but as of right now it's pretty much completely private - i may post about it on occasion but don't expect it. however, the story itself you are completely free to inquire about - it's a side project, but i hold it just as lovingly as i hold the rift i won't bite at all :3 . i may not be able to answer everything in regards to it but i can *definitely* talk about it
rift stuff is tagged under #riftlore btw. largely incoherent (mostly night) rambles about my ideas. there's some art there too though. admittedly don't post about it as much as i should. if you want to hear about my story/lore ideas you will probably get more mileage out of asking about the rift though some of it is less fleshed out than dma. i will love you if you inquire about either though (or any oc stuff) i need more excuses to talk /p /silly also very definitely very normal about hit indie game rainworld i am normal and sane abt it. especially hunter slugcat i currently have three (3). i have rw ocs, They do not have their own tags but i like talking abt them too
i playing and frolicking w my friends in the fields forever an eve r /silly
let's play autism! let's play autism! let's play autism together!!!!
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stormbite-art · 2 years ago
i feel morbidly curious since i've been looking at old sb art and stuff, what was the original story/first draft like? story-wise and character-wise? again, just curious
The original first draft, version 0.001, pre-alpha, unrendered version of Stormbite was a hot mess, but there are still some anachronisms of it in the published version because I loved messing around with it in its raw form.
RIP Version 0.001 - Circa. 2012~
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The first version was written by an angsty, unknowingly asexual, hyper stressed, nerd-ass teenager full of spite filled ambition, who had a little book/art club of other nerds who were into art, manga, video games, hyperfixations on birds, mushrooms, fish, and all other niche Ology zones, that they wanted to entertain and please. We all liked sci-fi and fantasy, non-human protagonists, were all raging angrily about how a certain series was going and the state of YA fiction at the time (it was those dark 2009-2013 years where all YA fiction was paranormal romance love triangle bullshit).
Because I was full of spiteful ambitious rage, and it was not my first rodeo in deciding to make a creative project of some kind, I decided to do my own story/comic with some characters created by my nerd club friends.
It was entirely what you'd expect of a teenager who did not fear cringe and was just wanting a good time to entertain friends. Plots were flexible abstract things, and canons were loose. Ships passed in the night, and AU's were golden and hyper modifiable to fit any scenario or adaptation. There was no lore or world rules, it was a free for all.
I managed to get through almost 20 pages of colouring this super rough comic, and doing what is essentially still the first chapter without really doing a script or any forethought into what happens next. Version 0.001's remnants still exist in chapters 1-5 and that is it, everything else after that came later when I decided that drawing took too long, and writing was faster and easier to change. Drawing out thumbnails of scenes did help in writing what happened and how a fight played out however.
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The original versions of the characters however:
Storm had the full anime works: She had a split personality with colour changing, glowing eyes, possessed by the spirit of her dead twin, a metal collar that couldn't be taken off, lightning and frost powers, nerdy t-shirts and converse.
Kat was originally a blonde-haired blue eyed white girl, with blue jay wings which changed. Her tail was cut off, she was a trained assassin who wore revealing ninja outfits, her and Amell was meant to be a thing.
Beth had a pet owl called Harrold who was a spy for her, wore a cavaliers hat and was a self-proclaimed technomancer who could hack anything and control technology, was cheerful and helpful, had all of her limbs, and was obsessed with blueberry muffins.
Wilny was pasty emo boy with scraggy hair and much greener wings. Also he could actually stop time rather than mess with perceptions to make it feel as though time has stopped.
Amell was a skinny, lanky dude, greek rather than kiwi, and had blue eyes, and could lift a car in flight.
Comet was more of a main character with a kind of disturbing backstory, long hair, reality manipulation powers
Raoul was a wolf-girl before she became Asena and Raoul his own person. Palmer didn't really fully exist.
Malana is more or less the same, but was meant to have horns at one point and was created in Risio but was a reject.
Sabre & Fell were generic bad guys. Rex was a good guy.
There was also a lot of other characters who either have been recycled into other minor characters (ex. Rai, Asena, the Varren group ((that was the first rodeo)) or Roux) or have been lost to time and cut completely.
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Of course, time goes on, you grow and change, develop and redevelop both what you like, how you work, what you can do and prefer, so of course it evolved a lot more and there was a lot of changes along the way.
Personally, I think they all look a lot better now.
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toshio · 2 years ago
GAMERS!!! attention attention
just wanted to say that if u own a nintendo switch and u LOVE jrpgs/adventure/fantasy type anime esque games u should 200% download and play octopath traveler 2. it came out like a month ago but. hear me out. it’s so damn good and i’ve been addicted to it!
(also if you didn’t play the first game dw. it’s not connected story-wise so u can just buy the second one). entire game is about $60 usd but trust me it’s worth every penny, the demos are also free in the switch e-shop if you wanna dip your toes in!
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if you’ve NEVER heard of it, it’s basically like pixelated jrpg style from the 90s but it has a modern twist on it (made with unreal engine so you know it’s gonna look stunning). simply put, it’s an absolute love letter to those pixelated sprites that we all know and love and grew up with. but with 3D elements & particle effects and stuff, also did i mention there’s lots of angsty traumatic cutscenes about the 8 main characters in the game and almost everything is beautifully voice acted? (like fking seriously. no spoilers but ALL of these 8 characters you play as have traumatic backstories except one character it’s hilarious. we love fictional trauma, mama)
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in terms of playstyle - i always compare it to pokemon but better. i grew up loving pokemon but this game has a way better battle system than pkmn, it’s like your typical turn-based JRPG but it has way more elements to it that make it much more engaging and rewarding to follow. also all of the characters talk and grunt and say ~*~anime protagonist~*~ energy quotes while they’re beating up giant demon worms in the desert or giant sharks in the ocean. like holy fuck it’s so epic and DID I MENTION if you’re a weeb you can literally change the voice acting to japanese if you really prefer that (you fucking weebs, i see you).
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i’m gonna try to wrap it up because i could literally talk about this absolute modern cult classic series by square enix for hours, the game is AMAZING and i promise you will not regret picking this up. it actually bothers me how little people talk about this game but i don’t mind because it’s an absolute gem to the gaming community. if you’re wondering who my favorite character from octopath 2 is, it’s this guy above ^ named partitio. his lore is basically that he’s a merchant that wants to defeat poverty LIKE HELLO we love a himbo who wants to dismantle capitalism...but anyways. *mic drop* play octopath traveler. NOW.
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iamthepulta · 2 years ago
Hey which media/story/franchise is your liztlie AU based on? I've been trying to figure it out based on context clues and I'm getting no where. Please insert long ass info dump rant below.
The Liztlie AU is based on the Fallen London universe by Failbetter Game studio! Fallen London is a decade-old browser game that’s updated regularly. It’s excellent. There’s also a PC game called Sunless Seas, which was my introduction to the fandom and still some of my favorite content. After the success of Sunless Seas, they made another PC game called Sunless Skies, which I love lore-wise, but for some reason can’t get into playing. (And now they have Mask of the Rose! Which just came out on the 8th! Also set in Fallen London, but a prequel to all of the games.)
For some background, Fallen London and Sunless Seas are set in the same location and same timeline. London as a city, has been pulled down into the cave called the Neath. (Mask of the Rose is set just after the Fall happens.) There are several different London factions, but most importantly, on one end of the Neath, there is a Gate. Sunless Skies is, strictly speaking, a possible AU timeline, set after London discovers and opens that Gate to a realm called the Reach.  
Sunless Skies is its own beast; all the lore in Sunless Seas and Fallen London is dialed up to 11. The focus is on either allying or destroying the 'Great Chain of Being', which includes everything from the industrialist time-manipulating nightmare London has become, to talking rats, to the “Gods”, the Suns of each realm which feed off of the souls of their inhabitants. The game developers did a great job at expanding the world of Fallen London in Sunless Skies, and there are several maps you can play through, a few dozen storylines, and a lot of cool content. (10/10, recommend. Although as fellow rock-eater, you might prefer Sunless Seas. It’s always a tossup.)
So because PC gameplay isn’t enough, people enthusiastically made an RPG out of Sunless Skies! Enter Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor. The Skyfarer RPG system is one page long. I’m biased because I hate long, complicated, number-based RPG systems, but I think this RPG is awesome. It was meant for short campaigns, it’s a d10 system, and your character is designed around being one of the officers on a Skies locomotive. Easy, inventive, and flexible.
Enter two ADHD geologists and a pandemic:
@paleomancer hit up our friend group one day and asked if we wanted to play a oneshot RPG in Skyfarer. We were socially distancing and mentally traumatized nerds, so of course the answer was Yes. And the oneshot was great! We made our characters, played the game for a few hours, finished the oneshot plot, and successfully carried our passenger to Elutheria along with her illicit books. We liked it so much we agreed to keep playing every few weeks just to keep in touch during the pandemic.
This was all well and good until I lost my mind playing Westlie. My dipshit friends (affectionate) thought it was a great idea for me, the First Mate, to be promoted when our captain kicked the bucket. I hadn’t written fiction since college, but I started writing again as I fleshed out her backstory and the DM and I crafted her sister, Morgan. Then I just kind of kept… creating stories and toying with different ways for Westlie to develop until @justanormalseagull and I were playing around with the Found Family/Adoption trope. She'd played Lizzie’s character, and in a burst of inspiration, I realized the plot of our first few Skyfarer seasons would still work well if Westlie adopted Lizzie and never left London. So I casually wrote five chapters as a gift, fell down the rabbit hole again, and now the Liztlie AU is a 200k monster. xD
So to really answer your question, the Liztlie AU is an AU of our Skyfarer Game, which is a translation of Sunless Skies, which is an AU of Sunless Seas, which is an offshoot of the ancient, niche, Fallen London browser game. xD The context clues are piecemeal at best, haha.
But the nice thing! At this point, the Liztlie AU is its own standalone story; it starts at the 'beginning' of the Skyfarer campaign, so you don't need to know anything about the Pyrrhus. And it's set in Sunless Skies, but I explain 90% of the world as Westlie learns about it anyway. Both aspects are basically Easter eggs for readers to enjoy if they happen to know. Which makes the absurdity of what I'm writing even greater because the AU is kind of my own novel now? But also, most definitely not.
The best links if you want to browse are: My Archive -> “the crew of the Pyrrhus” (for memes of the main campaign), "fl", “dnd”, "liztlie au", “wm”, “mw”, or just “westlie”
Brief character summaries (links lead to more):
Westlie Faire is/was my Skyfarer PC. She has a horrible father, Arthur Faire, and ran away from the title of Heir to Fairweather Shipping Co. to be the First Mate on the Pyrrhus.
Morgan Faire is her younger sister. Extremely lucky due to [redacted] reasons.
Lizzie Twaddle is/was @justanormalseagull ‘s PC. She was an orphan who snuck aboard the Pyrrhus and got adopted as mascot by the crew. In the AU, she’s adopted by Westlie while she’s trying to sneak onboard a train and Westlie takes her back to London. Just wants a family. T__T
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horizon-forbidden-sheesh · 1 year ago
Writing Process: Preamble
*Ahem* SO! I was recently honored with a question about my organization process for writing. And, boy howdy, am I just tickled pink to tell you! I've never felt so seen!! Let's do this thing.
Let me start by sharing that IRL, I'm a copywriter/project manager for print & digital design work. So when I started writing my first-ever fic, I organized it much in the same way I would a website build.
But tbh, when I started The Marshal, I didn't really know I was writing a fic. In fact, I was only working through my typical video game process. In that I'm extremely anal note-taker, and it's just the way I live my regular-degular life. All my books are annotated to the Nth, I’ve been keeping a (rather inconsistent) diary since I was 17, and I’m a religious bullet journal-er with very specific journal preferences (grid paper, always).
My practice of video game note-taking goes all the way back to drawing maps of Luigi's Mansion as a kid to try and optimize my speed runs, and progresses into tracking daily decisions for BG3. I’ve also got entire pages in my bullet journal dedicated to developing backstories for all my Cult of the Lamb cult members, and my Notes app has several installments of history & lore from various Civ V games. It’s simply how I prefer to play.
(Side note: No, I am not technically diagnosed with anything. Yes, I have found myself in repetitive, furious spirals, tearing out pages of my notebook over-and-over when the map I HAD to draw in pen was not 'perfect.' 💁🏻Is this OCD?🦋 Who knows. Who cares.)
Game Timelines have always fascinated me, pretty much since Ocarina of Time. I want to know how exactly long something took, what order it happened in, and whether it's technically 'feasible' within the parameters of the game. Peep my post about 'realistic' gameplay for more deets.
Mostly, I was trying to track where I 'camped' each night, because it was SUPER IMPORTANT that the events of the game took place within the ~3 month timeline GAIA sets before the environment collapses (super casual). So, the notes from my first play-through looked like this.
And then I met Kotallo.
And I started drafting journal entries from Aloy's POV to explore the internal monologue behind all those ✨faces✨ she was making.
(These ones. Infinite credit to @Diviner-Alva for doing the LORDT'S WORK.)
They looked like this:
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If you've read 'The Marshal,' you'll notice some similarities.
After a few weeks of gameplay, I was pushing 20k words in 'journal entries,' and it just... wasn't cutting it. That was around the time I knew I had an bona fide obsession on my hands.
Writing exclusively in Aloy's POV left out SO MUCH OF THE STORY that was developing in my li'l head alongside my gameplay. I was imagining a whole burgeoning, slowburn romance as I picked my way across the Forbidden West. It mirrored the side quests (That Talanah convo??) and overall themes of HFW perfectly. (Also, um, the consistent controller rumble during the Scorcher cut scene?? Like, WTF? You're telling me Geurrilla didn't know EXACTLY what they were doing? Pfft.)
I can't tell you when exactly I finally took to the internet to feed my hyperfixation, but let me tell you that it was my first time discovering Ao3, and I spent the summer of 2022 devouring every fic in the Aloy/Kotallo tag. I felt like I had finally found my people. It even worked for a while! But the story playing in my head didn't exactly match any of the stories 1:1, and I realized after a while that no one else could write MY headcanon.
Still, there's a TON of overlap in a few of them: Medicine by HIMLuv is by far the closest, and my personal fave. I love basically everything Garbage_Dono has written. Obviously, I've developed a massive crush on Pikapeppa. (How does she do it so FAST? *awe, amazement, un poco envy*) There are some truly incredible writers out there, and I'm genuinely grateful to every one of them for creating a foundation that gave me the permission I needed to finally fucking WRITE. I denied myself fanfic for probably 20 years, imagining all the ways I would be ruthlessly mocked if anyone ever found out. I've had a-lot-a-lot of shame blocks to work through as I've been writing over the past year, and this story about opening up and trusting others feels deeply personal in a way I can't quite put into words.
That's how I made the decision to begin adapting the journal entries into a more organized fic. So, I started my second play-though and created this account around that time. It would be probably be another ~6 months before I got drunk enough to just press 'publish' on the first chapter in April of this year, over a year after the game came out.
Every other reference tool I've made, I created along the way. I intended to post more of them here on tumblr, but hey. Life Happens.™ And even tho it feels like the fandom had moved on post-DLC, there's still pleeeeenty of time. 😘
Anyway, I'm gonna clip this here, and get more into the weeds on organizational tools in another post. But it felt like I needed to talk about this first, because when I started really writing in the Fall of 2022, I already had a lotta documents under my belt that I needed to wrangle.
If you got to this point, thanks for reading this entirely self-indulgent post.
xo, Sheesh. 🖤
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maxwell-grant · 3 years ago
Thoughts on the two sub-zeroes?
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I said as much in the tags of my Scorpion post that I generally don’t play favorites between Scorpion and Sub-Zero, whichever I prefer between the two usually depends on how I’m feeling that day. That being said, I pretty unambiguously consider Sub-Zero to have the better story and to be the more versatile character overall.
Like Scorpion, Sub-Zero’s appeal necessitates him to have a darker personality than the other MK heroes and for him to straddle the line between hero and villain in a way the others don’t, even in a cast full of characters which, in most other franchises, would be barely acceptable anti-heroes at best. Scorpion does this based primarily on the strength of his backstory and his highly volatile and flawed personality, Sub-Zero manages to do this by actually directly splitting the balance: With two Sub-Zeros. One is the scumbag who ruined Scorpion’s life (even if bigger villains were involved) and died to transform into an even bigger and spookier scumbag, the other is a major hero and player in the MK universe who gets to be directly involved in more storylines and affairs than Scorpion does without ruining his appeal. 
Both characters can be brought out to play depending on what kind of story you want to tell with Sub-Zero and both work really well in those contexts. I don’t usually like to default to this kind of shorthand but, I think the easiest way to get across what works about Sub-Zero (that isn’t just retreading my Scorpion post, much of which also applies here) is to point out that, for all intents and purposes, he’s the Mortal Kombat equivalent of Batman. Ed Boon directly stated that Noob Saibot’s mystery and shadowy persona were intended to be akin to Batman’s, and for Kuai Liang it doesn’t really get more blatant than, in the MK vs DC crossover, him being the only MK character allowed to beat Batman, and then going on to don a cape and become the MK Batman in his ending. 
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The biggest impression Bi-Han as Sub-Zero left on me actually didn’t have anything to do with his game appearences, which are very limited besides the fact that he starred in his own solo adventure game. Bi-Han in both of his forms is more interesting as a dark counterpart and source of torment for both Hanzo and Kuai Liang, than he is as a character onto himself. But the one big impression I actually have for him actually comes from the tie-in novel written by Jeff Rovin which took a lot of liberties with MK lore, as there really wasn’t much of it at the time to go off on, and had a pretty interestingly creepy take on Sub-Zero, playing up the character as sort of a crazed, inhuman survivalist and mercenary, remarkably humorous for such a chilling character. There’s a moment in the book when Scorpion introduces himself for the first time dramatically proclaiming “I am Scorpion”, and Sub-Zero snickers and responds “I’ve eaten scorpion, and had scorpion soup. I can’t say I cared for either. Now, tarantula stew–”. 
In particular the first scene he shows up really stood out to me, more so than anything else in the book. I loved it’s setting and it’s description of what his home looks like, I loved it’s description of the Lin Kuei’s origin and horrific training tactics that created Sub-Zero, I loved it’s description of Sub-Zero’s gear and attributing his powers to “silver plates that allowed him to reach deep into his dead soul and generate waves of cold", way cooler as an explanation for Sub-Zero’s powers than him descending from some Outworld/Edenia cryomancer race, and I loved how casual of an introduction it was to the character. It’s just Sub-Zero waking up, getting a message via pigeon, petting the birb, and dressing to go to work, which contrasts elegantly with just how bizarre and inhuman everything else about Sub-Zero is established before we even meet him.
He dwelt in a cave two hundred feet up the face of a cliff by the sea. The mouth of his home was barely wide enough to accommodate a slender adult, and was accessible only by climbing the sheer wall of rock, a feat that was impossible for most adults and daunting even to the few arachnids and marsupials that tried it. It was still hours before dawn when the pigeon reached it. Landing in the narrow mouth, the bird cooed once then stood still, as it had been trained to do.
The ninja was awake and beside it in an instant, crouched beneath a ceiling that didn’t allow for him to stand. Dressed only in a white loincloth, despite the cold floor and chill air in the cave. He was reading the message by moonlight a moment later.
A smile crossed his lips, lips so pale and claylike that they appeared dead. His small, very narrow eyes looked from the message to the bird to the moonlight that lit just the entrance of his dark abode. He ran the back of an index finger up and down the bird’s breast.
“Good Hamachi. Return to your master so he will know that I have received his message and am on my way to do his bidding. For a price, of course,” he said. 
He glanced at the several pyramid-shaped stacks of scrolls in the rear of his cave. His fee was another manuscript from Shang Tsung’s library, one of the many scrolls that were centuries old, dating back to the dawn of the days of the first ninjitsu and containing arcane secrets of the league of assassins to which he belonged, the widely-feared Lin Kuei.
Removing the string from a scroll Shang Tsung had long ago given him in payment, the ninja placed it in the bird’s beak, gently turned the white pigeon around, and coaxed it into the night.
I actually don’t recall much else about the novel or whether it was any good as a whole, but this sequence really stood out to me at the time as a very interesting way to reinterpret a videogame character into a literary medium, and it really reinforces a lot of what makes ice powers so inherently creepy. It’s something that I’d have liked to see partially carried over to the game’s take on Sub-Zero, even Kuai Liang.
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Kuai Liang to me is easily the most interesting of the “purely” good guys in Mortal Kombat (closely followed by Jax and Johnny Cage), a character where it’s never really into question whether he’ll fight for Earthrealm (unlike Scorpion, who can take some convincing), and being a purely good character in MK is not an easy task considering how often Mortal Kombat games struggle to make it’s more heroic protagonists entertaining (I know nowadays people have come around on the guy a lot, and rightfully so because MK11 really made him great, but let’s not pretend “Liu Kang sucks” wasn’t the prevailing opinion for decades to the point they kept killing him off or making him evil to try to “fix” it). The closest Kuai Liang ever came to being evil (besides the Revenant bizz) was when he was made into Cyber Sub-Zero, and that lasted for, what, a couple seconds at best, before he was rescued and then went on to beat Kano, Goro, Kintaro, and Ermac at once in quick succession.
I think Kuai Liang has consistently had some of the best character writing in the series because right from the get go he had two other great characters to contrast and rival with, and he was allowed to grow and change, from Sub-Zero 2 to THE Sub-Zero, from renegade and runt to undisputed leader, with a whole lot of drama along the way. Ed Boon himself said that Kuai Liang "has a very deep, soap-opera like history and story in his relationship with a number of the Mortal Kombat characters”, which makes him contrast quite nicely with not just Scorpion, but the other ninjas as well, who mostly stay on the sidelines with their separate storylines until called upon. Actually, come to think of it, the concept of a “legacy character” wasn’t at all a thing in videogames at the time (even nowadays it rarely is), even in 90s superhero comics it was still rare to see a successful example of one, let alone one who succeeded in completely outshining an already extremely popular character (the Spine Rip fatality alone made Bi-Han a hell of a legacy to live up to). 
By all accounts he should be every bit as evil as Bi-Han was. The two have the exact same backstory, raised to be assassins by a shadowy organization since children, enduring grueling training into becoming cold and vicious murderers. Kuai Liang is pragmatic, distant, stern, and bound by honor to the Lin Kuei, but he is very much not his brother. In fact, in every matter except killing ability, he is indisputably superior to his brother (and he is repeteadly established to be stronger as a warrior, more skilled as a cryomancer, and the better Sub-Zero). Unique among MK characters, Kuai Liang’s greatest virtue comes from his compassion and, yes, his cool head. Through him, Sub-Zero’s cold persona becomes not a sign of evil, but a virtue that allows him to better focus and assist and teach other warriors.
He redeems the name Sub-Zero, and going by his MK11 ending, he would go through extreme lengths to redeem his evil brother as well if given the opportunity. He rises through the ranks of the unfathomaly ancient and evil organization that turned him and his brother into cold killing machines and single-handedly reforms the Lin Kuei into a fighting force for the good of Earthrealm, and forms allegiances with other factions. He’s the one to put an end to the feud between the Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei and to form an allegiance with Scorpion, inviting his brother’s murderer for a peace offering and even keeping his cool when things go sideways because of Frost and Scorpion nearly kills him again, and now, the two are allies. 
And people like seeing Scorpion and Sub-Zero as allies so much that we all forget that it took about 20 years for the two of them to even be seen fighting on the same side, in Kuai Liang’s non-canon MK9 ending, which once again, was instigated by him reaching out to Scorpion. Kuai Liang turned one of the greatest and most famous feuds in videogame history on it’s head simply by proving that the only thing cooler than Scorpion and Sub-Zero fighting is Scorpion and Sub-Zero working together, and because everything in Mortal Kombat works by rule of cool, that’s where their relationship has been headed this decade.
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Yeah, it’s dawning on me a lot recently just how much of Mortal Kombat is influenced by it’s creators being massive comic book nerds, because while I wouldn’t say this about a lot of other fighting games whose lore and characters I keep up with, Mortal Kombat is mired extremely deeply in superhero storytelling and it’s a game where every character basically is a superhero/supervillain, I really wasn’t just putting the Batman comparison here for simplification. And it makes sense too, considering just how vast the shonen manga and anime influences run in Street Fighter and King of Fighters and Tekken and so on, combined with martial arts history real and fictional, it only makes sense that their American rival would pull a similar trick, but with comic books instead. It’s very interesting how, through these two brothers, the same character, with the same costume and the same powers and even the same personality in general, can shift between such drastic opposites in role.
And, yeah, Ed Boon is right, Scorpion vs Sub-Zero absolutely is a soap opera. “Superheroes” and “soap opera drama” are a combination that I generally do not care for, in the slightest, but, whether it’s in comics or manga or videogames, no one is immune to fierce color-coded rivals with contrasting powersets and personalities going from deadly enemies to even deadlier partners over the course of years while generally stealing the show out of anything they show up in. As to be expected.
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lulu2992 · 2 years ago
Ok this might gonna sound strange or silly and more of a me thing but it needs to be said. I think we should’ve gotten more DLC amigos for Far Cry 6, especially when we have 2 Amigos va Download packs who have no Lore in the story *Alia Champange and K-9000* I think It’s a Massive Missed Opportunity, especially with the villains DLCs since after beating them you get, Weapons *weither it be new, a Reskin, or returning from the past game*, Costumes, vehicles, Chibis, Mounts Ect But No Amigos. Vaas’s DLC is the only Exception since you had no Pets in FC3, However not so much for the others. For example beating Pagen’s Maybe we could have Gotten Shangri La Sky Tiger *In Just going to Call Him Sky for short from Now On*, and I’m just going to say for Joseph It’s a Crime That Cheeseburger DIDNT Make it back *Or Timber, Peaches and Horatio*
Now I’m a bit sad they didn’t do that and we didn’t get the Tiger or another Fang For Hire in Far Cry 6… You’re right, it doesn’t really matter that Champagne and K-9000 don’t have a backstory because we love them anyway, and you can never have too many virtual pets!
Actually, I think I would almost have preferred them just giving us Boomer as a reward after completing Collapse rather than trying to justify his presence in Yara. Since the USA still exist and the Seeds are apparently still alive in the world of Far Cry 6, the Reaping most likely never began, so Rae-Rae is fine, so Boomer still has a family, so Hurk just… stole him? I was happy when I found “Boom Boom” but my first thought after reading the note was, “Oh no, he’s here all alone, away from everything and everyone he knows and loves, poor baby…” I stopped feeling sad when I realized he could sit in my car, but still 😅
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themattress · 3 years ago
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I finished this game. And in the end, its story included:
Time travel and time loops, worlds and people actually existing in a computer simulation, multiple variations of characters including literal clones, characters who are also partly other characters, body-jacking, different layers of reality, memory loss, existential angst, tangled relationships between characters, previously established information going out the window once later information is learned, villains who just won’t die, scientists with good intentions that go too far, a breed of enemy with a variety of forms, convoluted plot turns due to dreams and/or memories, slow afternoon scenes of characters just casually talking and eating food, characters not communicating information to each other when it could solve problems, characters dropping long-winded exposition dumps, characters being easily forgiven for heinous actions, weak romantic writing, the number 13 being important, detailed lore in written unlockable reports, elements that are blatantly derivative of other sources, terms that leaves you scratching your head in confusion, an evil old man that’s behind everything wrong, and a schmaltzy happy ending where everyone lives and every sacrifice made is reversed.
Holy shit, it’s literally all of Tetsuya Nomura’s Kingdom Hearts bullshit! All the stuff I hate!
.........So why did I enjoy this so goddamn much!?
Three reasons, all of which are crucial differences between it and Kingdom Hearts.
1. The most obvious first: it’s just one game. One game with one self-contained narrative. It’s not stretched out across multiple entries ad nauseum with no clear endgame plan in mind; it’s clear going in that while convoluted, this story is a puzzle that you can actually completely piece together. Everything will make some degree of logical sense by the time that you’re finished, and you don’t have to worry about anything being changed or backtracked in any following games. There’s even a menu placing all of the events in their proper order, the setting of each event and characters featured even being clarified, and it’s right next to the menu with the unlockable reports. The confusion does end, leaving you feeling satisfied.
2. The tone of the game is tailor-made for all of this. It’s a hard-edged sci-fi story with purely Japanese content, not something meant to be a fun fantasy adventure crossing Japanese and Western content together in a way that should balance each other out. Seeing so much of what I listed above in a Kingdom Hearts game bothers me because that’s not how the series started and ideally should be, whereas it feels totally natural for this kind of game.
3. Last but not least, the characters. Nomura made all of his characters service his bullshit and flattened them down to just being the things they make happen in the plot or what happens to them in the plot; having an interesting, engaging and fleshed-out personality fell by the wayside. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim never forgets to make you actually care about its characters. Each one is distinct, with their own intricate backstories, unique personality quirks, and preferred way of doing things. You feel like they are human beings who are making the events of the narrative happen, rather than pieces on a board being moved around by the writer to suit his storytelling whims. All of their story modes have a different vibe to them as a result - you’ve got an identity crisis story, a Cute Girls Doing Cute Things shojou romance, a male and a female coming of age tale, a Madoka-themed Protagonist Journey to Villain, a bisexual awakening(!), a detective mystery, a Bourne Identity-style thriller, a Girl and her Alien Robot, a somber tale of personal loss, a Groundhog Day comedy, a haunting psychological tragedy, and a straight-laced scientific information gathering.
Going through all of these characters’ stories, coming to care about them, and then having to see them finally band together and defend the world from within their badass giant mech vehicles....that’s the true heart of this game; it’s where the greatest joy comes from. For all game players who think this sounds like a good time, I highly recommend this. Vanillaware hasn’t put out something this excellent since Odin Sphereand...uh, Odin Sphere’s remaster.
I’ll wrap this post up with the moment the game truly dug its hooks into me:
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Just terrifyingly beautiful.
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herrscherofmagic · 2 months ago
I have to admit I don't actually mind the Part 1 characters getting new *weapons* in Part 2, because that's great for keeping them in the meta, but the battlesuit thing is definitely irking me a bit.
I would've greatly preferred to have more Luoxing characters in place of the Teri Astral OP or Durandal battlesuit, especially since there's still so, so, sooooooo much lore potential for Luoxing's backstory.
Like how *everything* we've seen so far in Part 2 has taken place in the setting of the Lunae continent, with some obvious cultural influence from the Phoenix continent. We've still not met any characters or gone to any places from Elysium or Arcadia.
And since we saw the first Astral Ring is directly linked to the Pleiades constellation (aka Maoyi in the Luoxing zodiac), there could be as many as ELEVEN more Astral Rings to explore.
It's still possibly we'll get some (even if not all) of these other Astral Rings... but it doesn't feel very good that we've been left with a lot of extra Part 1 character involvement in the story, instead of advancing further into the unique lore and cast of Luoxing.
This is part of why I really wish Part 2's core story idea was spun off into it's own game ngl
Part 2 has a lot of great ideas and stands well on its own merit, but latching it onto the legacy of Part 1 has stuck it with this awkward mess of being tied to legacy HI3rd gameplay, coding, etc.
I really feel like Part 2's story and setting would've done amazingly well if it had been a spiritual successor, a "Honkai 4" in its own right proper, just like HI3rd was a spiritual successor to GGZ/"Honkai 2nd"
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Am I the only one who distinctly remembers Hoyo saying that Part 1 was over and Part 2 would *focus* on a whole new cast? And yet most main cast now is made of Part 1 characters and all battlesuits, weapons and AstralOPs are made by or for Part 1 characters?
I mean, 7.3 introduced Part 2, 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 got all new characters, but then 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 8 and we know 8.1 too all have Part 1 character banners (+collab)
Even excluding 7.9 as collab patch, we have the same number of Part 1 and Part 2 focused banners, so much for new cast
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