#i miss writing about you prussia.......
milaisreading · 9 months
Can I request a part two to isolation? I really wanna see c/n meet Norway and Iceland. Maybe Mr Puffin decides to make a few loud comments or something.
🌱🩷: Hope u are fine with what I came up for this request!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
🌍Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya🌍
"(C/N)!!! HURRY UP! YOU NEED TO HURRY UP AND MEET MY FRIENDS!" The girl cringed from the spot she was standing on, looking at the approaching boat of her friend and ally, Denmark. It had been roughly 6 months since she agreed to open up her country. So far it was good, she established some trade deals with Russia, Belgium, and Netherlands, who she even met 2 months ago. Currently, her boss was negotiating trading offers with Britain, France, Spain, and Prussia, who she really wasn't keen on meeting, so her boss went without her.
'They all sound so intimidating from what I could read.' She thought, thinking of all the things she read about them. And right now she was waiting for Denmark to pick her up so she could meet 2 other nations. The Dane already established a strong relationship with her, so naturally he thought it would be a good idea for her to become close with 2 other nations he knew, Norway and Iceland. (Y/n) was pretty familiar with the two, well not familiar, but she heard a lot about them in the six months and prior to isolating herself. Denmark loved talking about his friends... a lot.
'I wonder if he talked about me.' She thought while nervously playing with her fingers. Too lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the ship dock on the port and the blonde nation running to her.
"What's with the long face?! The king is here to cheer you up!!" Denmark yelled, pulling the girl into a tight hug.
"D-Denmark?! Don't hug me so out of a sudden! And I was just thinking!" (Y/n) said, trying to get out of the hug as the people sent them weird glances or giggled at the exchange.
"But I missed you!"
She rolled her eyes at his words, but stopped the struggle, anyway.
"Are you ready? Did you pack what you need? Jeez, did it get colder since I last visited you?" Denmark kept asking as he let go of the smaller nation, shuddering as a gust of wind hit them.
"Well, you did visit me in June, now it's September, of course it will be colder now. Besides, you shouldn't have come to pick me up, I could have come with a ship." (Y/n) said to the taller, who shook his head.
"No way! I doubt that you remember how bad the North sea can be, it would be better if you don't go alone." Denmark argued as (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at her comment.
"I have well-equipped sailors, you know."
"I know you do, but better safe than sorry." Denmark added in and patted her head.
"Ok, ok. Anyway, want something to eat? We prepared some food for you and your men."
"Sure! Do you have any alcohol?"
"Yep. We made sure to get beer for you all." The girl said as she led Denmark into the city.
Two days later, Denmark and (C/n) left the port and ship set sails towards Denmark's place. Aside from (C/n) joining Denmark on the ship, she had brought some material goods as a gift to him and the 2 friends that were waiting for them to come back.
"I already prepared a whole plan for us! Since you are staying at my place for the next 2 weeks I made sure to write down all the important places for you to see." Denmark said excitedly as (Y/n) went over the list he gave her. She was really impressed with how detailed the list was.
"Thank you, but you didn't need to plan out so much. I would have been fine with anything. This was probably a chore to do." The girl looked up at the blonde as they sat in a cabin, the Dane only looked at her in confusion.
"It's not a chore, you are my friend so I want you to be comfortable while visiting. I didn't get to hang out with you in a long while."
"Still, I don't want to burden you-"
"You are not burdening me." Denmark interrupted her, sighing in annoyance as he poked her forehead a few times.
"Norge!! I brought my friend with me! Where are you and Iceland?" The Dane announced as he walked into his house, (Y/n) kept quiet as she looked around. It was a lot different than hers, not to mention that the weather was a lot warmer.
"I shouldn't have brought so many clothes along, now that I think about it." She mumbled to herself, jumping a little as she heard an unfamiliar voice.
"Must you be so loud? You don't know how silent the past days were without you." (Y/n) peeked a little behind Denmark to find a blonde boy with indigo eyes staring at Denmark in annoyance. He was a lot shorter than the Dane, but still a little taller than her.
'The descendants of Vikings are giants! The rumors were true!' She thought as the blonde turned his attention to her.
"I must apologize for him, he is a loud mouth most of the time." The boy said in a monotone manner, earning a loud protest from Denmark.
"I am Norway, by the way. You must be (C/n), the Dane talked a lot about you."
"He did?" She wondered in confusion as Denmark pushed her in front of Norway.
"I-I mean, he talked a lot about you and another country as well. It's nice to meet you."
Norway nodded his head and shook her hand.
"Well, it's nice that someone else in this house knows about manners as well." Notway off-handedly commented.
"You want something to drink? I made tea."
"Would be nice, thanks." She nodded her head, still a little awkward with the new nation.
'But, he seems nice. It's worth giving him a shot, I think.' (Y/n) thought as Norway led her to the kitchen.
"Hey! Don't forget about me like that." Denmark pouted, walking after the duo.
"The tea tastes amazing, Norway! Thank you  I really needed it after that trip we had." (Y/n) said as the blonde nodded his head.
"The North sea made issues again?" Norway wondered, glancing at Denmark.
"Just the usual. Though, (C/n) didn't sail on it for a while, so she was more shaken up."
"True, it was a terrifying experience." She admitted as Norway glanced at her.
"Understandable, I still remember the first time I sailed on it, but you get used after a while." The Norwegian shrugged as Denmark let out a loud sigh.
"Enough with the small talk, (C/n) didn't come all the way here for that." The two looked at each other and then at the blonde.
"We should go look for Icey and go around the city. Copenhagen changed a lot since she visited me the last time.."
"I am fine with it." Norway shrugged his shoulders, looking back at (Y/n).
"You fine with it as well?"
"O-oh! Sure, sounds great!" The other nation answered, still not used to his monotone voice.
'But he is very nice. Tho, I wonder why they don't have much food around. Denmark never told me he had any issues.' She thought, glancing at the kitchen suspiciously.
"Alright, I will go and get that rascal-"
"No need! He is hiding here!"
(Y/n) gasped in surprise as she heard a rough voice and turned to where the entrance to the kitchen was, only to find a black bird.
"Isn't that a Puffin? I read a lot about them. I didn't know that they could talk." She commented, looking back at Norway as Denmark walked over to where the bird was.
"Should have read more then, Missy!" Norway sent the bird a warning glare before looking back at (Y/n).
"Nr. Puffin is a special case, I guess. He can be a little rude, but please don't take it to heart." The blonde said as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"Don't worry, I can handle it." She said back.
"But, can you tell me why you have such a lack of f-"
"Let me go! I can walk on my own, I am not a kid." A new voice interrupted (Y/n)'s questioning and she turned to where Denmark was holding a much shorter boy with silver hair and purple eyes.
'Adorable!! Such a cute child!" She internally squealed as she looked a the boy, who was holding Mr. Puffin now.
"You sure are acting like one now, Iceland." Norway commented as both him and (Y/n) got up to where the trio were.
"You are Iceland?! It's nice to meet you, my name is (C/n). I am a new friend now, I guess." She said, fighting back the urge to hug the smaller.
"It's nice to meet you." The silver-haired boy blushed and looked away, embarrassed by the attention he was getting.
'So cute!' (Y/n) thought as Denmark put him down.
"By the way, did you bring us any food?" Iceland asked bluntly, looking at the nervous Dane.
"Ehm, well.... Boss said we will get new shipments next week."
"You said that last time." Mr. Puffin announced loudly as Iceland nodded his head.
"Uhm, are you guys struggling with food or something?" (Y/n) whispered in worry to Norway as Denmark tried to explain to the other two.
"A little. We had a small crisis after a conflict with Sweden. Denmark is trying his best to hold everything up, tho." Norway nodded, going back to calming down the two as (Y/n) thought everything over for a moment. She didn't want her new companions to suffer, especially when a little kid was involved. And besides, her boss did say she could do whatever as long as she made allies.
"Uhm, if you are having a hard time with food..." The four looked back at the girl, who became nervous from the attention she was getting.
"We... My people have a lot of food that we can give you."
"Food?! A lot of food?!" Iceland's eyes lightened up at those words.
"Huh? That's very generous of you. Will your boss be fine with that?" Norway asked, surprised by the offer.
"Don't worry, he won't mind. Are you fine with it, Denmark?"
The Dane was taken aback by the offer. Sure, she was always nice to him, but the help she would send was always well-thought of, and not so impulsive.
"T-that would be great, if your people are fine with it as well."
"Don't worry, they will be."
(Y/n) assured them as the Puffin landed on her head.
"I might need to change owners. Missy, do you want a bird?"
"Uhm..." The girl muttered as Iceland stomped over to get the bird while Denmark and Norway started scolding him.
'Quite an interesting bunch.' She thought in amusement.
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atom-writings · 1 year
If you don’t mind me asking, what would it be like if the Axis (including Prussia and Romano) were the reader’s next door neighbor. And how would they try to romance the reader?
(Hetalia Axis x Reader) Next Door Neighbor!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N thank u for giving me a reason to write romano i love him so soososos much. Also whoopsies i did not write japan if u guys want me to do japan i will do it separately and then it will be longer thank u for ur undertsanding <3
Trigger Warning: Men being incredibly insistent, other than that none!
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Feliciano has never been subtle. Especially with those he wants to romance. As soon as you move in, and he lays eyes on you, he’s completely enraptured. It wouldn’t even occur to him to take it slow. You’re cute, so he has to have you.
Anytime he sees you coming out of your apartment, he immediately strikes up a conversation. Of course, this would become very irritating for you, if it weren’t for how charming he was. Originally he tries to line up when he works with when you do, but he’s always late for everything anyway. That plan doesn’t last long.
“Y/N!” Feliciano calls from down the hall, sprinting towards you, “W-Wait up!”
Obliging him with a huff, you turn around to greet him. As he catches up, he immediately keels over, out of breath and panting desperately.
“Feliciano, good to see you. “
“Y-yeah…” he sputters out, still trying to catch his breath, “Good to see you too…”
He takes a moment to regain his composure. While you wait, you set down the luggage you had down on the floor outside your apartment door.
“Listen, listen, I wanted to ask you something before you disappeared. Which, wait, where were you? Did you leave or was I just missing you?”
“Ah, yeah, it wasn’t anything big. Just visiting some family out of town.” He perks up at the mention of your relatives.
“Oh, great! B-but, uh, I wanted to ask… Will you go on a date with me?” As he asks that, you look at him in shock, clearly taken aback.
“Seriously?” You ask, incredulously.
“Yeah! I’m cute, you’re cute, why not?”
You jump a little bit in excitement, “Of course, Feli!”
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Oh, Ludwig would absolutely despise this scenario. He thinks you’re absolutely adorable… and now he has to see you around every day? Why can’t anything be easy…
He’s definitely very aware of the complications that could come with dating someone you have to see all of the time. He’s never been the most smooth… and now, if he messes up, he has to hear you through the wall all the time. What if you started dating someone else then too? He’d have to move… oh dear, oh no… clearly the best route is to just not talk to you at all! If he can take it…
Immediately spinning around from opening his door, pressing his back against the wall when he makes eye contact with you, he responds, “Y-yes?”
You step back in surprise at his extreme reaction, “Woah, something wrong?”
“Nein, nein, nothing is wrong. What is it?” As he says that, he tries to pose casually.
You calm yourself down, pulling out a letter from your pocket and unfolding it. His eyes immediately widen at seeing it, and your suspicions are immediately confirmed.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this love letter I got, would you?”
He stutters, “N-No! I mean… a little, but no! Yes! Maybe!”
“Ok, yeah, because I looked it up… and the only place that makes these kinds of seals is in some obscure German village. And I thought, who would know about an obscure German village? Probably my neighbour, right?” You smile at his reaction, noting his blush.
“Ja, ja, I do… I… um…”
You cut him off, “Did you send it?”
He freezes, his face flushing more, “Y-Yes…” he gulps nervously, “I-I’m sorry! I did not want to make you uncomfortable!”
“No… no, it’s really cute.” 
He looks at you in surprise, “Really?” He continues as you nod, “Well then um… would you like to go out with me next Friday?”
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Romano falling for someone super quickly? Someone who, if he dated them, could create lots of awkward situations? Shocker. Fortunately, reality has never stopped him before.
You’re gonna immediately realize what’s going on. Considering that he trips over himself every day to say good morning and try to strike up a conversation, he is just as subtle as his brother. Except he can’t help but add at least one compliment every day. If he wasn’t so handsome, it would definitely be a bit creepy.
“Bella.” Romano greets you simply. He stood before you awkwardly, sweating but trying to hide it smoothly. Although he was the one who knocked on your door, it seemed as if he was waiting for you to speak first.
You pause, “Yes?”
“As you may have noticed, I have been trying to get your attention since you moved in.” He continues, trying to keep his composure.
“Yeah… I noticed.”  Multiple occasions in which he had almost cornered you to talk to you, for only a moment, come to mind immediately.
“Well… that is because I like you quite a lot.” You struggle to respond before he quickly takes out a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back. He thrusts them against your chest awkwardly, returning to crossing his arms and huffing.
“Oh… um… thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah. You're welcome. All of this… and that…” He cringes as he remembers his overly drastic behaviour, “was just because I think you’re really… attractive… and interesting. So go out with me, alright?”
You look back up at him, amused, “Not much of an offer there, is it?”
He freezes, wringing his hands and looking away, “S-Scusami… will you go out with me? There’s a new French place that opened down the road, I thought… maybe we could go there together sometime…” his voice trails off.
“I’d love to, you weirdo.”
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Gilbert is very aware of how awkward this is going to be. Unfortunately for you, he does not care. He can’t stop himself from slipping little gifts under your door all the time, with a note proclaiming his entire full name, title, job history, and every reason you should date him. 
But… every time you try to actually talk to him, he panics, yells, and runs away. A couple of times he’s told you he doesn’t speak English… after he just spoke English. It’s cute how he gets so flustered, but also incredibly frustrating if you actually like him.
Just one simple word makes Gilbert desperately press himself against the wall to get away from you, but he quickly recovers, pulling a comically awkward pose.
“Funny seeing you here!”
“Outside… your apartment? …That I live right next to?”
“Yes, that’s what I said.” His tone rises nervously.
“Listen, I’ve been getting all your little gifts and-”
“WOW! Would you look at the time! I have to be going, tschüss!” He yells, his strong accent coming through. He tries scooting past you to escape, but you grab his shoulder quickly, stopping him.
“Gilbert. Listen, you always run away-”
“Me?! Running away?! I can tell you, I have never done so! Ask any Danish soldier from before 1700!” He says, laughing nervously.
“Gilbert.” Your tone becomes sterner, and he deflates, his tone and face dropping, “Are you really in love with like you say you are?”
His face flushes and he brings his hand up to cover his cheeks, “Ja… Yes… I am.”
“Then, let’s go out already! I’ve been waiting for you to ask me on a date for months!”
“What, the notes were not enough?” He jokes.
“Not when you keep running away from me!”
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council-of-beetroot · 7 months
Other than Alfred, what other American nations would u see the LietPruPo gang (we need a group name for them 🫠) interacting with?
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I need to stop opening up links on Tumblr when writing answers smh.
I need to explore more of Latin Hetalia because it seems remarkably well put together for not being technically canon. If anyone has any basic run down information on LATAM Hetalia character like personality wise let me know. (I speak Spanish so it is fine if it's in Spanish)
I want Cuba/Poland because I love size differences and I can totally see Feliks during the PRL period saying I'm going to go to Cuba because communist reasons but really it's winter in Poland and he misses the sun. Listen, I just think Cuba would find Feliks entertaining.
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🇨🇱Chile 🇨🇱
I will be honest I know zilch about PruAme however, Chile intrigues me from what I've read on him, Manu right? From what I'm reading on the live journal page on him Manu appears to have a very intriguing personality that compliments Gilbert in a way judging from his work ethic and surprising conformity for lack of a better word
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This is fascinating to me (for those that don't speak Spanish the person says they wish the profile discussed Chile's relationship with Gil as Prussia had a large influence on the structure of Chile and it's military doctrine
There's actually a large polish population in Brazil and Argentina so perhaps Feliks has been there before and knows Luciano and Martín a bit. Apparently around 2.5% of the Brazilian population has Polish ancestry and Curitiba has the second largest polish city population after Chicago outside of Poland
I wish I could give you more but I need to learn more first
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goldheartedsky · 6 months
Andy/Booker kiss for 33? I'm curious to see where THAT would go... 👀
33) ...forcefully
(I'm cheating a little bit and putting a snippet from a fic I'm working on but it TOTALLY fits this prompt too well to write anything new, so enjoy 😈)
Booker’s heart races the moment he hears a key in the lock and it’s a struggle to look as nonchalant as possible when the door opens and Andromache finally steps through.
“Already started drinking without me?” she teases, raising an eyebrow at the vodka on the table as she sets her pack down and shrugs off her coat. “And here I thought you’d be ready to get out of Prussia now that it’s getting cold, but—”
“Stop talking and get undressed,” Booker says, cutting her off so bluntly that Andromache’s mouth just hangs open in stunned silence. He stares up at her, reclining back in his cheer and lets his gaze linger lewdly on her breasts. “And do it quickly. I’ve already spent enough time sitting around, waiting for you to get home.”
Andromache blinks at him for another second before a breathless laugh catches in her throat. “Go to hell, Book. Who the fuck do you think you are, talking to me like tha—”
He pushes himself out of his chair, jaw set as he slowly walks toward Andromache. “I’ll speak to you however I damn well please,” Booker says, his confidence growing with each step he takes. 
Andromache seems frozen in her place, staring at him with wide, dark eyes, and her pupils have swallowed up any of her aquamarine irises that may have once existed. 
“Now take your fucking clothes off,” he repeats, less a request and more a command than it was the first time. “I’m not going to ask this politely again. Hell, I might not even ask at all.”
She audibly swallows, her cheeks flushing a soft pink as Andromache croaks, “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, Sébastien, but you’re not—”
Her words cut off sharply as Booker grabs her jaw in one hand and slams her back against the wall in a single, swift motion. All of the air rushes out of Andromache’s chest from the force and her eyes go black as night when Booker cages her in.
“I warned you, Andromache,” he growls, voice low and dark as Booker tightens his grip on her face. “I gave you a chance to follow orders like a good girl but you can't back down from a fight, can you?”
Andromache’s eyes flutter and her breathing goes shallow, and it’s almost comical how weak her protest is when she spits, “Fuck—Fuck you, Booker…”
All the pent up frustration rears its ugly head and Booker almost surprises himself at how easily he says, “Fucking me could have saved us both a whole lot of trouble, but you decided to be a brat and kept walking out on me.”
He leans in and kisses her hard on the mouth—all teeth and tongue and no tenderness to be seen—and can't miss the undeniable moan that rattles up Andromache’s throat. When Booker pulls away, he can see the desperate flush staining her cheeks crimson and he starts to realize just how right Joe and Nicky were about her hidden desires.
“God, you want this so much, don’t you?” he whispers, his hand inching down past Andromache’s jaw to her neck. Her mouth falls open with a soft moan as Booker wraps his fingers around her throat—not squeezing but just holding her tight enough to kill any thoughts of struggle that may have sprung up in her mind. “You wanted this the whole goddamned time. Spent all those centuries running free but you still just want someone to claim ownership.”
A heated spark crackles through Andromache’s eyes as her breath hitches. “This doesn’t mean you own me,” she spits, barely a flickering ember of the fire she usually musters.
“Well, we’ll see if you still say that when I’m done with you,” Booker shoots back in a mocking tone. “Now are you going to get undressed or do I have to do everything myself?”
Andromache’s gaze never breaks and there’s an undeniable challenge silently blazing.
Make me.
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duchesssoflennox · 1 year
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Queen Victoria adored and admired her husband Prince Albert, She tried to bring up her children in such a way that they have the same morals and behavior as Prince Albert. Among all her children, her the seventh child and third son, Prince Arthur, had a very similar behavior towards his father, Prince Albert, and that was enough for him to become the favorite of his mother, Queen Victoria.🥺💙
Some of the writings and letters in which Queen Victoria mentioned Arthur's name:
Queen Victoria wrote about Prince arthur to her husband Prince Albert:
“This child is dear, dearer than any of the others put together, thus after you he is the dearest and most precious object to me on Earth.”
“Little Arthur is really very handsome & I may truly say a most darling & promising Child.”
- Queen Victoria to Leopold I, 28th June 1853
“Arthur sat with me & I gave him a locked with my hair. he came up to my room to take leave & with many tears & kissed I ported from my precious Boy, who has never caused me a moment; sorrow. May God bless & bring him back to us safely! I saw him off at the door & going up alone, thought of many sad leave takings, when dearest Albert had been with me. Thinking so much of dear Arthur.”
- Queen Victoria’s diary, 12th August 1869
“Dear Arthur left us on Thursday and it was a very sad parting, as we are all so fond of him. He is so beloved in the house and by everyone - for he is so good and unassuming, always cheerful and never makes mischief. We shall miss him much.”
- Queen Victoria to the Crown Princess of Prussia, 14th August 1869
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proosh · 28 days
In a previous post you said you don't talk about your 2p prussia because their fanon divergent but I really liked how they were.
The whole cool to Gilbert hot, character foil if I remember correctly was nice to hear because that's kinda just how I view the 2p's in general instead of being complete opposites!
Just wanted to see more about your 2p prussia!
Ah, thank you anon for the kind words!! In case anyone missed it, I spoke about my 2P!Prussia a while ago in this post and mentioned that I didn't really like to talk about him too much because he's so fanon-divergent, and that still holds.
I find myself disagreeing with the very fandom-popular idea of 2Ps existing as polar inversions of the "original" reps because while it certainly is an easy route I... Look, no disrespect to the artists and writers who cut their teeth on establishing the fanon, but I find myself wanting more meat to sink my teeth into. The idea of nations having multiple "representations" is an existentially fascinating conceit and something that I tend to circle in my own writing.
August exists (hypothetically, in my own internal brain-canon that won't appear in fics, lmao) as an acknowledgement and ideological counterbalance to Gilbert's existence. Not an inversion or "opposite" because they Are the same entity, one way or another, but rather a representation of another slice of national identity. Putting more under the cut so this doesn't get too long <3
He started off as a Gil with his "heat" stripped away, and became his own monster from there. The same building blocks of martial authoritarianism and disciplinary efficiency but rendered into cold aristocracy rather than the broiling momentum of the upward-ascension of the Prussian soldier-class.
This is in itself an answer to the question that I've ended up wrestling with over the years: how to reconcile the Teutonic Order with the Old Prussians while acknowledging both as foundations to the state-building project. Some other artists and writers have approached it from a different direction (making Old Prussia a separate, distinct entity that was murdered by the Teutonic Knights) which is totally valid but not necessarily an interpretation I find myself ending up at.
Gilbert exists, metanarratively, as an Outsider, an unknown, a freak of nature raised up from the peasantry to duel with his betters. He should not exist and yet he continues to persist. This is a characterisation of Prussia that is historically validated, but runs counter to the characterisation of Prussia as entrenched in old hegemonic aristocrat knight-regime. Both of these things are true at the same time, but August exists to help ease the narrative-cognitive dissonance, at least in my head.
He's also just a very funny character, in my opinion, and I take a great amount of pleasure in tormenting him in various ways. He's a wretched barely-reformed fascist piece of shit, to be clear. He's operating on brainworms just as deranged but slightly more comprehensible than Gilbert's and he also does a much better job of pretending he's a normal person who can be trusted with executive authority.
He also gets to suffer while I continue to put him in increasingly stupid outfits because that really is one of the fundamental dynamics I have with him as my OC <3
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Thank you anon for the question and kind words!!
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apinchofm · 2 years
The Edwina Sharma Happy-verse
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Some really good Edwina Sharma centric fics!
all the bright places by @phantomphaeton
Edwina doesn’t break, she shatters. Diamonds shouldn’t do that—at least that’s not what she’s been told.
If her time in England has taught her anything, it’s that nothing she’s been told was ever true.
—or— In the aftermath of the Bridgerton/Sharma scandal, Edwina picks up the pieces and trudges forward. A Diamond of the First Water—but the waters are murky and gray, the polish is old and inept, and while the seasons change, the world remains the same. Edwina x Prince Friedreich
Only You Always by datsusara84
Miss Edwina Sharma finds herself without a husband by the end of the 1814 season and she could not be happier-truly, she is happy. She now knows that if she were to ever marry, it will only be for true love like the one shared by her sister, Kate, and her husband, Lord Anthony Bridgerton.
Dr. Lucas Blakeley hasn't the time to find a wife, though, clinically, he knows a wife would solve many of his problems, including someone to keep his bed warm at night. However, when he receives an unexpected letter, he knows his life will be forever changed and he will need to re-enter the world of glitz and glamour that he left behind years ago. Edwina Sharma x OC
A Touch of Homesickness by @spitefularmand
Marcus Whitmore/Edwina - crossover fic of Bridgerton and A Discovery of Witches.
A Thing of Soft Misnomers by @valderois
Love simply was not in the cards for Edwina Sharma. Not if she could help it. Not even on the day of her engagement. character study.
don't be unkind by jynlyra (@lizzibennet)
Three times Anthony Bridgerton and Edwina Sharma most definitely do not discuss literature, and one time they… do?
the girl inside the diamond by thefudge (@thefudge)
AU. What's one more forbidden romance? Edwina/Benedict
Goose by Moomin_94 (@newtonsheffield)
“Edwina met a boy at the museum today.” Kate said her eyes sparkling with the delight only made possible by a sibling’s discomfort. Edwina sighed as Anthony raised his eyebrows.
“He wasn’t a boy, he was just a nice man."
Edwina Sheffield meets a Handsome little Gander named Matthew Bagwell.
I know that you're hiding by MiniM236
She ran. She ran away from the Prince of Prussia.
And now she was hiding under the covers of her bed. When she returned to London, she promised herself she would be braver than she had been.
Edwina is anxious about her second season on the marriage mart. Distant from who she was, she finds the Prince of Prussia has an interest in her. But can she allow herself to be seen and loved?
Hope and Hopeless by TooYoungToFeelThisTired
Edwina and Prince Friedreich meet.
and the rest is rust and stardust by @hptriviachamp
He crooked two fingers to beckon her near.
It didn’t occur for Edwina to do anything but to comply.
Glide forward.
Stop scarcely a breath away from him.
And his hand was on her, hot and heavy as it slid up her spine. He flexed his palm against her nape almost experimentally.
“Very well,” he told her. “You will do.” Edwina/Prince Nikolai
The Education of Edwina Sharma by me!
This was so much fun to write and I'm thanking the lovely @hptriviachamp for allowing me to plot in their chat lol. Basically Edwina getting busy in the countryside. Edwina/Matthew Bagwell
Sirius by @harnitbee
'I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.'
This is what Edwina knew love was, but she comes to learn how different it really is.
I'd Be Your Little Spoon by magicalmenagerie
Wherein Edwina finds her own love. Edwina/Fem!Bagwell
god, its brutal out here by MiniM236
Edwina is different after her first season. Character Study.
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fireandiceland · 1 year
for the kiss prompts - #12 with prucan? <3
Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
This is a premier, my first time writing this ship! I hope I got them right cause I love the prompt :)
note after I was finished: I was thinking this is happening in the corridor of a hotel they stay at for a world meeting and they dont want Germany, America etc. to know about their relationship yet ;)
~ 🍁 ~ 🍻 ~ 🍁 ~ 🍻 ~ 🍁 ~ 🍻 ~
"He- hmpf!" Prussia almost chocked on the rest of the surprised exclaim when a hand was pressed over his mouth and he was quickly pulled into the dark niche in the hotel corridor that he would've overlooked if he wasn't dragged right into it.
Logically speaking there wasn't much that could happen to him, but his heart had still decided to beat faster and his hands had started to tremble lightly. They only stopped when he heard the calmingly familiar sound of Canada's quiet giggle next to his ear.
"Sorry.." Canada whispered and peeled his hand off Prussia's face once he was sure he had been recognised. "I didn't want to scare you." Now he looked seriously concerened. Prussia quickly took Canada's hand for comfort and noticed how his corners of his lips immediately turned slightly upwards again.
He looked so cute, positively adorable, with his cheeks tinted a shameful red but his eyes sparkling with curious energy. An unruly strand of hair slipped in Canada's face, only adding to his boyish charm that Prussia so adored.
"Don't worry about it, schon in Ordnung," Prussia reasured and pushed the curl of hair disturbing his view at Canada's eyes back behind his ear. "Why did you steal me away to this- uhhh..." Prussia looked around the dark corner that was somehow hidden behind a potted plant supposed to bring a sense of nature into the corridor, "...spot?"
"I just wanted to see you." Canada wrapped his arms around Prussia's waist and leaned his head against the other's shoulder. "Without all the other's around. I missed you."
For a moment Prussia tensed up again, still not a hundred percent used to Canada's physical way of showing his affection, then returned the hug, glad about the moment of togetherness Canada had created for them. "I missed you t-"
Once again a word died on Prussia's tongue due to Canada's doings.
The soft kiss Canada placed on his lips made Prussia's heart skip a beat. It had been too fast for him to even react. He only really realised what had happened when Canada slowly pulled back, his lips now turning into a full on smile as his eyes fluttered open.
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flowwochair · 1 year
please do elaborate on angsty bessimu!! you are selling me on this ship very fast
also do you have sources for bessieres’ depression i’m trying to learn more about this pretty man
OMG GLADLY!!! THE MORE BESSIMU FANS THE BETTER!!! To begin with, like I've mentioned before, Murat and Bessières met by attending the same school (the exact age at which they met I am a bit confused on since according to biographies on Murat he started attending when he was 10-12 but I'm unsure when Bessi started attending, I assume around the same age but I am unsure on that due to lack of info on Bessi), I assume Murat must've been somewhat attached to Bessi given they soon afterwards went on to serve in the same guard (both of them dropped out, Murat because he wanted to, Bessi due to financial reasons), which makes their later separation in years between their early 20s and the Italian campaign even more odd to me, I'm not sure what happened, maybe Murat promised to find them better jobs after the guard they were in disbanded, maybe they had a fight, maybe Murat didn't want to leave but something happened so PRIME ANGST TERRITORY!!!!!!!!!!!! Murat managed to reunite with Bessi in Italy around 1796 after which Bessi was promoted and put under Napoleon's command, Bessi would also go on to serve in Egypt, Spain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria with Murat (those are the ones I remember for sure, so I may be missing some due to being unsure whether they were together or not). Their separation after Murat's betrayal was definitely sudden regardless of whether Bessi may have known Murat's intentions or not, we also don't know exactly how Bessi himself felt towards Murat after Murat, but I assume he presented more grief than hostility, or at least that it contributed to worsening his depression. Once again PRIME ANGST TERRITORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regarding Bessi's depression, you can find info on it in a couple of his biographies (including his surface level wiki, although there it is mostly implied), some writings from his ADCs for 1810 onwards, and some surviving letters dated from 1810 onwards. Even before the Russian campaign in Spain Bessi was already demonstrating some signs of worsening depression due to his unwillingness to cooperate with colleagues and general apathetic attitude. Bessieres seemed miserable, and the Russian campaign would only go on to worsen this due to him having to witness so much death around him, not to mention the tremendous losses suffered by France during the campaign. To make things worse, after Murat's betrayal, Bessieres, who was already carrying Bernadotte's duties, now also had to carry Murat's, this would overwhelm anyone let alone a person already described as emotionally unstable as Bessieres. From 1811 onwards, Bessieres was consistently disgraced by frequent defeats and failures. By 1813 he seemed to have been at his worse psychologically), although I don't believe he knew he was going to die nor planned his death (the way it played out at least), it was certainly suspicious he showed less commitment and went out of his way to order a great deal of his personal correspondence to be burned.
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baizhoobies · 1 year
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Heiii ~ ! Welcome to my blog for anime + genshin fanfics! Please check under the ‘keep reading’ to view all of my rules/guidelines before requesting!
SIDE NOTE: this is not my primary tumblr blog. If you reply in the comments of a post of mine and see a response from another account, that is my main blog! For some reason it sometimes won’t let me reply with my secondary account…but we move !
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About Me
Bram | 20s | He/They/She | INFP
Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon, Leo rising
Real life woodland cryptid (?)
Fukuzawa my husband, Kunikida my wife
Writer and occasional artist
Main Rules
This is an 18+ based account, but includes 16+ safe themes (such as fluff, comfort, etc)
All NSFW posts will be tagged in a colour and bold, e.g. ‘18+’ so there will absolutely be smut in that specific request. Minors DNI.
I will include which fandoms I write for below, but my mains are Bungo Stray Dogs and Genshin.
Please be patient between requests, I am a working person and will be writing requests and Comms between shifts !
I am dyslexic! Despite proof reading my work, I may miss grammatical errors or typos, please just read over them - I try my best to get it correct, so my work will at least be readable!
I am smut and kink friendly! I am happy to write most genres and themes unless it falls under my ‘will not write’ category which I will disclose below.
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Fandoms I Write For:
Bungo Stray Dogs
Genshin Impact
Black Butler
Attack on Titan
Will Not Write:
Pedophilia, scat, incest, vore, non con/dub con, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and ableism
Characters I will not write for include: children (unless platonically), Mori (from BSD) Diluc (Genshin) - !
I’m not saying I wouldn’t write it as such, but I am not that familiar with the theme of yandere, adding it here because I’m not saying no, but I’m not necessarily the blog to request yandere headcanons or fics!
Favourite Characters I Write for:
Kunikida, Fukuzawa, Ango, Ranpo, Lovecraft, Poe (BSD)
Baizhu, Alhaitham, Zhongli, Lisa, Pantalone (Genshin)
Italy, Germany, America, Britain, Romano, Prussia (Hetalia)
Sebastian, Grell, Undertaker (Black Butler)
Reiner, Erwin, Miche, Hange, Levi (Attack on Titan)
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eruverse · 11 months
Skimmed briefly thru Russian history to determine who’ve ever been Ivan’s lovers or fuckbuddies:
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Verdick (subject to change)
- Wow that’s such a brief list, 75% of humans are less pathetic than this and Ivan is like 1000 year old (yes I headcanon that Ivan’s lovers or fuckbuddies are really on the scarce end, he just has the vibe yknow)
- Francis is an understatement. I should look into it more deeply but this isn’t going to be contested. Anyway it was both fun and not fun, Ivan felt like a barn dog that was being forcefully domesticated.
- Yao (during Sino-Soviet alliance) is the only person Ivan has ever been married to. Funny that Yao is Ivan’s first husbando but Ivan is Yao’s… 73837382th. Ivan and Yao didn’t have the worst relationship but also def wasn’t the best. Their whole relationship goes back ONLY to the 17th century and it was meh, they are best behaved with each other in modern time only. Today they are plenty sweet but a bulk of that has the arrangey vibe they had during their short marriage decades ago. Most of it is still business.
- Alfred. I chose to not make them get together during USSR era simply bc it would be too schizo. At most they smooched (think of that famous pic with Soviet and American soldiers ahah) and thus their real relationship was in the 90s. There was real love, Ivan thought he could make it work, they could make it work, but alas, it ended up being the worst relationship Ivan has ever had (while for Alfred it was just disappointing for lots missed opportunities and potential. He never truly realized how much he fucked Ivan over btw. I have to say that not all of it is his fault ofc but he is also not not instrumental. And if there’s a choice between blaming Russians, Ivan’s own sons and daughters, and a foreigner, ofc Ivan would blame the foreigner especially one that is instrumental in it). Anyway, the 90s was fucked up for Ivan but it took him quite a long time to realize fr that they just simply can’t be together. That’s why, there wasn’t an exact breaking point no matter how fucked up he felt. It was just a gradual downspiral. At one point their bed became too stifling and depressing a place for Ivan.
There are WAY TOO MANY THINGS to talk abt their 90s relationship or the aftermath, but I’ll only talk abt one thing here: one reason Ivan is like. Salty abt the whole thing is because he showed Alfred like most, if not all, of his vulnerabilities and it wasn’t taken care of well. A betrayal to his very being. And other things. Ivan wasn’t only salty due to loss of power and influence in world stage but he basically had nothing to eat, difficult to not feel utterly humiliated and helpless when you couldn’t even fulfill ur basic needs. Any dignity of the self, gone. Anyway.
- Wow I didn’t even know Russia and Prussia had warmish relationship in empire era. Nice! During WW2 it was outright hateful but since it wasn’t all their relationship is I think it’d have progressed to be at least civil closer to modern time (also with Germany in general). I think Ivan’s relationship with Gilbert would be pretty cordial. Anw I’m hoping ppl would write more abt Ivan that’s not only being Soviet both in reality and mindset tho ahaha
- Ned: eh I’ve heard things. Ned will fuck whoever for business and Ivan liked him quite well.
- Serbia: one and only here means one and only TIME… but yeah. Most likely Serbia asked or offered. It was only once. Serbia still thinks about it. Anyway, it’s interesting that Serbia is older than Russia but still says that he’s totally the younger bro.
- Sadik: still contemplating. If it happened, it was def sorta hatesex. I need to look into this but I think there was a lot of fascination with each other also.
- Anyway I don’t think Ivan had any semblance of relationships with Soviet republics, and if he had, it was more of an isolated incident. Idk, I just think that as much as he obsessively keeps people close, he actually still keeps them at arm’s length. And Ivan hates looking vulnerable. The closer ppl are to him, actually the more restless and fearful he often feels.
- Also I don’t hc that he and Golden Horde had had a semblance of relationship (even forced one) bc… he was a kid and Golden Horde was too uninterested for things like that during that time. Much more amusing to chase little Vanya around.
- Need to look into his relationships with Nordics and Baltics but my interest in most things west of Russian border is really shot to hell. For now I don’t think any semblance of relationship had happened.
- Anyway, small hc: none of these guys took Ivan’s virginity as it was a human woman, or basically a human (I tend to think it was a woman tho). She lived nearby many centuries ago and Ivan still keeps tracks of her descendants and watches after them from afar sometimes, just like he watches over a lot of his people. Might or might not have a thing with the one and only Yekaterina.
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blackevermore · 6 months
x Secrets of The Lake: The Company of Misery and Pain ( Also on A03)
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{ Chapter 16 }
Summary: Vladimir Masters’ family tree has always been tainted by secrets swept under the rug. From generation to generation there have been countless reasons the Masters’ family had seemed to keep private from the public. Even to this day, Vladimir was no exception. But what was one to do when a restless spirit from the settlement years finally breaks free from restraints and demands you answer for your ancestor’s crimes? Vladimir doesn’t know. However, Clockworks does.
Notes: We just having fun, rewriting some of the canon, new adventure new characters. I will apologize now for any grammar, spelling, weird sentence structuring in advance. My brain writes faster than my fingers and even when I go back through to reread it I still miss things. Sorry about that!
Word Count: 4.2K
P.s: Chapters will be taking longer to get out which means they will get longer to read as well
Vladan was lost in thought as his hands went to work cutting away at the softwood with his pocket knife. He was thinking. His brother was seemingly getting better and that ceased his fear of his sibling’s becoming. Tayonna had played a major part in doing so, making Vladan grateful she was there. However, the more he became interested in Tayonna the more he found himself being unable to stop thinking about her. The other housemaids liked her and took kindly to including her in their chores, his mother held a weird air about having the woman around despite being overly welcoming towards her before, and Vladan’s father was too caught up in his work to have a say in anything that regarded the woman other than asking her for his gloves and where he left his letters. 
None of their opinions mattered though, Luther was the only one that Vladan had the urge to listen to when it came to the woman. Luther had nothing but good things to say, he praised her ability to help him and her company more than anything. She would tell him stories from her homeland and how much she missed being able to go about her day doing whatever she wanted. Luther at times felt bad that Tayonna was there with them. He admitted to Vladan that he even thought of sending Tayonna back to the islands and giving her dual citizenship so she would be free under Western law.
“How do you think you can do that?” Vladan asked. He was a scholar of business and science, he had simple knowledge of European affairs when it came to the business of slaves. But the colonies were something different. England had more power here than Prussia or any of the Germanic states.
“Well, I can’t marry her. I’m dying.” Luther let out a bellyful laugh that quickly rolled itself in a fit of coughs. Vladan was quick to his brother’s aid with a cup of water and a rag for him to cough into.
Vladan didn’t need Luther to say out loud that he was aware of his eldest brother’s allurement towards Tayonna. It seemed everyone was more and more aware of it while Vladan thought he had kept to his stoic and blank nature. Despite never raising a brow in wonder or smiling at kind gestures, Vladan's (awkward) actions screamed. When the woman was around he stiffened up and fought himself not to look at her. When someone said her name he was quick to distract himself with something and pretend he was busy. If he did have to interact with her he would move them far away from anyone else as if he had a secret to share. It wasn’t Luther who saw it first but rather his mother, Luther was just more vocal about it. And by vocal he was blabbing about taboo things that Vladan was sure even if he held the purest intent with wanting Tayonna’s hand the world would destroy it. 
When they first arrived at the new land Vladan quickly took note of the behaviours of the other settlers and the dos and don’ts. Do take pride in your culture and what boat you came off of. Don’t show too much interest in political affairs unless you want to be dragged into it. Do take part in the social trade of goods that benefit everyone. Don’t treat your slaves like people. That is why the Mægisters’ family house was farthest from the town and prying eyes. 
He wanted her. He wanted to hold her, listen to her stories, see her powers and magic, and be amazed that someone like her could ever exist. The few times he found himself alone with her when she showed him her powers his heart cried out for more. He was becoming greedy. She was something special and for once Vladan felt like he didn’t have to think about his responsibilities. He didn’t have to worry about his schooling, the family business, or his brother’s health, she took it away without touching him or even acknowledging his budding feelings that grew like wildflowers.
Vladan felt his heart sink with the idea of never having Tayonna in the burning way he wanted her. Vladan hands stopped moving and he looked down at the wooden figure he had mindlessly been cutting at. He was kinda impressed with his subconscious making sure he didn’t nick himself in the process. He placed his knife down behind him and turned the figure in his hands. He had made a rose unbeknownst to his conscious attraction to a certain servant who held his heart on a string. After seeing all the flowers Tayonna could create from thin air, roses had become the symbol of Tayonna's presence and Vladan had made a mission of surrounding himself with her one way or another. His victim today was wood, yesterday was his mother’s flowers at the dining table, and last week was a tree he began picking at while taking a short walk in the forest. 
Just like Tayonna, the wood was rough in a few places, smooth where the blade made simple cuts but sharp on edges that should have been curved. But it was still appealing, still something to be amazed by, the wooden rose was in many ways a form of art that few wouldn’t appreciate but many would. 
Nature had become beautiful to Vladan in the months he had stayed in the new lands with his family. This world was so fresh and hardly seen the industrial boom of farm hands and metal parts. Everyone here was starting over which gave nature time to adapt to its new invaders. Vladan looked up from his work and took in the scene of wildlife before him. In the back of the family home in the distance was a river that he knew connected to a pond somewhere beyond his eyes. He saw a few bunnies hopping by and the call of the birds swooping through the air. At times when the world seemed like it was still he had caught sight of deer that crept by. Despite not being a land he knew by heart. The new world was beauty hidden beyond the waters of Europe and destined for something great, Vladan was sure.
“Vladan!” The call of his name brought Vladan back to reality and he quickly snapped his neck towards the side of the house. Tayonna came running at a speed that made him cautious. Her face said all he needed to know as he dropped the wooden figure and began to close the gap between them. When she ran into his arms he gripped her wrist and tried to calm her down. She was speaking in a language he didn’t recognise which made it hard for him to pick apart the few words that did sound like English or Deutsch.
‘Tayonna, calm down! I can’t understand what you’re saying.” Vladan shook the girl gently and that seemed to work to bring the girl down from her adrenaline. The girl's face fell, tears were spiking in the corners of her eyes and she looked away as a few fell. Vladan clenched his jaw as he could only imagine the news she was about to tell him. Luther was dead. Luther had finally chosen to pass and Vladan oddly enough was okay with hearing that news. But when Tayonna opened her mouth to speak Vladan’s face ran pale and his body turned cold.
“Your father is dead.”
Vlad's eyes shot open and he felt a strong need to cry. His breathing was heavy, his throat felt clamped and his eyes burned every time he blinked. He fought the turn of his lips into a frown as he gasped again and choked down a cry. Vladan’s memories were stronger than before and the emotion that came with it almost made Vlad's heart break. He could only imagine getting a call saying his father was dead. Senior Master was a fine gentleman who ran his businesses and made sure his boy was ready for the world when he sent him off the college. He was a strict father but was fair when it came to his love for his son. Vlad could only imagine what Vladan had with his father, if his sadness was this substantial then their relationship was beyond important. As soon as Vlad was able to overcome the sadness a new emotion set in, one that made him anxious and terrified. He didn’t know why all of a sudden he felt like the world was crashing in on him. He raised his hands to his eye level, opening and closing them feeling the slight trimmer every time he opened them.
His breathing was getting harsher as if he had run miles on end and was finally coming to a stop. He rolled to his side and tried to catch his breath but it only made it worse as now he felt like his muscles contract and ache.
‘What am I going to do?’
‘What will I do with my mother?’
Vlad’s mother was dead.
‘Luther? Is Luther next?’
Vlad shut his eyes but the darkness that normally lay behind his lids turned into an out-of-body scene of him watching Vladan having a breakdown in the middle of a field. Vlad was horrified as he watched the man gripping at his hair and then turned to him. Vlad felt his core begin to burn him and he hissed, grabbing at his chest and falling to one knee. Vladan continued to look beyond him and then down at him with a worried look.
“Tayonna,” Vladan’s voice was broken as he spoke towards Vlad who was still hunched in pain. “Protect her, please.” Vladan reached out and clasped Vlad’s shoulders.
“L-Let go of me!” Vlad barked between groans of discomfort.
“Save her!” Vladan screamed in his face. 
Vlad tried to pull away from him and create distance but the pain in his chest kept him at the mercy of the other man. Vladan grip finally let go when the man shot to his feet and turned towards the distance.
“Tayonna!” He screamed and then vanished in the air.
Vlad peeked through his lashes and saw the world around him beginning to change. The sun was blacked out by something in front of it which made everything dark with a red haunting tint. Vlad managed to get back on his feet and staggered a bit, he looked around and was utterly alone. A chill ran down his back as he felt that he was being watched but by whom he had no idea. He turned around trying to see if the area he was in was from his dreams and when he caught sight of the house he fell to his knees again. The house he had seen constantly in his dreams was up in flames with a mass gathering of angry-looking towns folk with weapons and torches in their hands. Vlad’s emotions began to run again as he felt a broken defeat ghost over him as if he was watching his legacy be burnt to the ground. He felt helpless and destroyed. The flames danced in his eyes as flickers of colours painted over him. With each lap of fire crawling around the edges of the house Vlad felt his heart crack and crumble. He was watching his legacy burn down, his bloodline, his ancestor, his family. 
A woman in red looked back at him as she stood in the crowd of town folk. She smirked, overjoyed with his misery and watching everything he had go up in flames. Vlad felt the eyes on him and slowly raised his head but before he could lock eyes with the stranger his core pulsed again and he shut his eyes as a sharp pain crossed through him and then there was a feeling of peace. His core didn’t hurt anymore, the negative feelings that were drowning him were gone and he felt an overpowering drive of security. He felt a pair of arms grab onto him and pull him into an embrace that buried his head and steadied his heart. Vlad let out a staggered sigh and brought his hands to hold onto the body of whoever was holding him. In this moment he didn’t care who it was, he only cared that they were calming him down and surging out the distress he had experienced moments before. He nuzzled his face and took a deep breath inhaling an aroma of a pleasant earthy smell with hints of something sugary. His hands caressed the body and he felt a ping of fear that if he let go they would too and leave him.
Vlad finally dared to open his eyes and when he did he saw he was back in his bedroom. He hadn’t noticed he was pressed against someone until he felt a hand running through his hair. He looked down at the arm that wrapped around his shoulders and saw pale purple skin.
“He came to me,” Tayonna spoke before Vlad could say anything. “He was screaming and you were gasping for air.” Tayonna sounded tired but Vlad could tell that if he saw her face it would say something else. Was she worried? An uncertain conflict between being upset at the man who caused her trouble or uncomfortable with having to calm down a man she didn’t know. Vlad only hummed but didn’t try to pull away. He could hear the sound of her core thumping against her chest and it sounded almost like a lullaby. Neither of them pulled away and as if they had a silent agreement just stayed in each other arms until the following break of day.
When Vlad woke up from his alarm Tayonna was gone and the spot in which she laid last night was cold. Vlad couldn’t tell who was upset that she was gone, him or Vladan, or if they equally wanted Tayonna to stay for different reasons. Vlad could only admit to himself that when the girl was in his bed he felt the utmost relaxation he ever had. Tayonna made his body heavy with comfort and his mind went blank which he hadn’t had in a rather long time. He rolled his eyes at the idea of actually having the ghost in his bed. Maybe she could stay on one side and that would be enough for him to have a good night's rest without any memories that didn’t belong to him or impending dooms that threatened his sleep schedule more than it already did. He hadn’t shared a bed in years, never felt the need to or the want, he was fine being able to stretch out any which way. The few times he had taken someone to bed they were either gone in the morning before he woke up by their own will or the instructions he had given them the night before. Vlad had only ever thought of waking up to one person since college. She would sleepily greet him and kiss him and many more things his wicked mind indulged in. But Maddie would never be in his bed and Vlad was not going to simply walk up to a restless ghost and ask for a snuggle buddy.
Vlad kicked his feet off the side of his bed and rolled his neck. He ran a hand up his shoulder and tried to rub the knots out but gave up when he realized he couldn’t. Last night was a shit show and he would need to book an appointment with his masseuse. He turned back over to the other side of the bed and reached out a hand to rub the sheet. Despite now hosting another person’s mind within his body he did enjoy the company Tayonna gave him. Rather if it calmed his mind or night, being held by someone else lit something inside him he hadn’t had in years.
The imitated intimate nature was not something Vlad got often even with his rare and few late-night partners. They didn’t hold him or run their fingers through his hair with innocent intentions. At times Vlad only craved the partnership that left kisses on his cheek and small touches on his hand. 
When Vlad felt his mind begin to race again with his own saddening needs he snapped forward and got to his feet to start his day. Enough with the melancholy and more with the businessman he was. 
It had been his silly idea to invite the ghost to dinner which left a bad taste in Dani’s mouth. After almost a month of having the ghost lingering around, Vlad had finally asked her to join him in the final days of dinner before he packed up everything and went back to Wisconsin. Although the ghost could not eat living food he had set up a plate of ectoplasm arranged in a fancy way for the other to enjoy. Once dinner was in full swing Vlad took note that Tayonna hardly picked at her food. He didn’t say anything and just blocked out the way she looked between him and Dani as best he could.
“Does that mean she’s staying here?” Dani asked. Vlad wanted to scold her about talking about Tayonna as if she wasn’t there with them. Vlad swallowed, placed his fork down and crossed his leg over the other.
“It doesn’t seem that Tayonna can go anywhere without me. Her injuries were caused because she tried to leave. From what I understand she can not go too far without something happening. So, she will be coming with me back home.” Vlad gave his daughter a mannerly smile and Dani was unduly relieved. 
Then Dani became curious, “Wait, how come she can’t leave?”
Vlad didn’t want to tell Dani that Tayonna and he were bound by the core. That would raise too many red flags and likely send the girl off in a fit. Dani was still on edge about Tayonna being around, finding out her parental figure was damn near ball and chained to the ghost would freak her out.
“I can not leave until it is resolved. I must stay.” Tayonan cut in and Dani shot her a nasty look. The ghost held Dani’s eyes but did nothing. Vlad cleared his throat to gather Dani’s attention again and narrowed his eyes on her rudeness. Dani apologized.
“She is correct,” Vlad begins, “It has been placed upon me to figure out what is keeping her restless. Thus she must stay close. But you have nothing to worry about since you’ll be spending the summer with Daniel and his family. Before the winter comes back around and you are back home, Tayonna will be properly rested or at least back in the ghost zone.” Vlad felt upset with himself for saying that but quickly shook it off as Vladan tried to get inside his head. Vlad looked towards Tayonna and she looked away, gazing at the room around her then sighing in a defeated manner.
He felt her core pulse with a pang of sadness, he closed his eyes, took a moment, and then swallowed it down as he tried to continue eating his food. Dani didn’t like that answer, she didn’t like the idea of Vlad being alone with a ghost who could easily get inside his head. She made a mental note to talk to Danny, he would be the only one who could come up with some plan of what to do before he was packing and moving to college. Oh yeah, Danny was moving to college at the end of the summer and that was the whole point of Dani staying with him. 
Dani hated how Tayonna came during a time when things were supposed to be peachy-sweet. Danny was leaving, Dani was growing up, Vlad was settling into different businesses and being a dad. Then here came Tayonna and her girl issues while dead and Dani wanted to gag and tell her to suck it up. Dani had heard how annoying Amber and Kitty were months before she was born and how Danny hated having to deal with them. Now it felt like history was repeating itself and cursing Dani to deal with almost the same things her male counterpart dealt with, but worse. Stupid ghost with stupid feelings fucking up her family and all the things they had going for them. Dani could feel her anger bubbling and she was sure it was not due to any mind tricks. Ugh! 
“Danielle?” Vlad cocked a brow. 
“I’m tired, I’m going to bed.” Dani took a final bite of her food and then roughly placed her fork down. She pushed the plate forward before pushing out her chair. She ran over and hugged Vlad tightly and the older man was confused but quickly settled into the embrace. Dani gave one last squeeze then pulled away.
“Love you.”
“Same to you,” Vlad responded, mentally kicking himself for not being able to say it back.  “Make sure you are fully packed so I can drop you off tomorrow.” Vlad hated yelling at the dinner table but the young phantom was already out of the room.
When it was just him and Tayonna the ghost seemed almost pleased.
“She’s uncomfortable.” Tayonna poked at the food in front of her.
“I would be too if an unwanted ghost came into my house and caused trouble.” Vlad retorted sharply. He didn’t mean to sound so harsh but it was the truth. 
“I apologize.” Tayonna locked eyes with Vlad and he gulped then quickly cleaned his mouth with a napkin. He could feel that she felt bad for scaring Dani.
“With due time she will come around to the idea that you’ll be here for a while,” Vlad smirked more for himself. It was almost like playing a very strange game of house. Dani’s short temper mostly came from Vlad in his former years. Danny was a lot better at controlling unnecessary undirected anger than Vlad. Vlad would just shoot off until there was nothing left of his mockery. Dani, now going through the necessary steps of her angsty teenage years, was very much like Vlad. 
“Sometimes I wonder if our daughter would have had her father’s stoic nature or my temper.” Tayonna didn’t mean to share that with Vlad but the pull on her core begged for a connection. She secretly hoped her actions of bounding them wouldn’t backfire.
“Did he want children?” Vlad bit the inside of his cheek when the question left his lips. He felt nervous asking.
“He wanted many, I told him one would be just enough but he wanted two. A girl for whom he could teach business and a boy for whom he wanted to live freely.” Tayonna's core lit up with happiness, Vlad could feel it and it felt lovely.
“Isn’t that a bit backwards for your time?
“Forbidden by nature, not by nurture. He didn’t live by nature, he enjoyed its benefits but never truly lived by it. He followed the way his heart told him.” Tayonna gave a small smile and looked down at her hands.
“A girl learning the ways of her brothers would allow her the ability to fight. A boy learning his sister’s gives him the ability to learn to care for the things that matter most.” Vladan had spoken through Vlad and it was clear both he and Tayonna were aware of it. The girl looked uncomfortable but kept her eyes on Vlad to see what else would happen. The man felt his mind rush and then settle and he quickly reached for his drink to down it.
“Does he talk to you?” Tayonna asked just above a whisper.
“He annoys me.” Vlad tsked.
Tayonna looked always hopeful to talk to Vladan but when Vlad’s face fell to a disgruntled expression she quickly shook the feeling away. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to talk to him anyway. Vlad could sense she strongly longed for the man despite wanting to also kill him. Love was a dangerous feeling Vlad knew all too much about. Love could get scary to the point you would hurt anyone including the one you promised to cherish. Tayonna was in love just as much as she was in pain. Vlad was unfortunate to feel every ounce of that as they sat across from each other. 
“Tayonna?” Vlad called to the woman and she looked back up with him.
“Can you remember what he did to make you so upset?” Vlad could feel the beating of his heart begin to race. He could hear a very faint yelling in his ear telling him Vladan was innocent. Vlad tried his best to drown it out as the woman in front of him struggled to think. Tayonna looked away trying to gather her thoughts but the more she dug through her mind she came upon blanks. Tayonna could not pinpoint any memories but rather just her anger and her sadness towards Vladan. She was restless for so long and it felt like her reason for being so became a phantom of itself. But something wasn’t right. Tayonna knew herself better than anyone else and knew that she would never be mad at Vladan if there wasn’t a good reason. She loved him more than anything in the world. She tried to think again but nothing came about it.
Vlad raised a hand to his chest and gripped his shirt as a shot of anxiety came from Tayonna.
“Tayonna?” Vlad called again and the girl began to cry.
“I don’t remember.”
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Nyo! Prussia Roleplay Starter
If you are looking to roleplay with me, please feel free to like this post or DM me!
Looking for: Italy, Southern Italy, Canada, 2p! Canada, Austria, Nyo! Hungary, England, America, Denmark, Spain, Scotland or France. Others may be considered and I am open for polyships.
TW: Car Accident, Motorcycle Accident, Hospital, Loss of Limbs Also: There are no graphic descriptions of injuries involved here. I'm not a huge fan of them, so I try to keep it out of my writing.
Julchen could not remember what happened to her. She could not remember the wreck that caused her to lose her favorite motorcycle, the airlift to the hospital, why she was missing her leg from below the knee or her arm below the shoulder. The whole ordeal was a blur to the Prussian as she sat in the room in the rehabilitation facility in preparation to go to her next therapy appointment. When the accident occurred, the Prussian did not have any family or friends to speak of really. Her father disowned the woman ages ago and she had not seen or heard from either him or her brother since. This meant the first place to report her missing was her job, followed by her becoming a ward of the state due to the fact that she really had no one. Thankfully for her, a coworker who had watched her dog prior to the accident knew where her spare key was and was kind enough to take and hold her dog for her. The landlord was left a note taped to the front door and her rent came out of her account monthly so that was not an issue.  Some of her other bills and things would be a bigger issue, though she dealt with it one at a time as she could. For the time being, Jul was stuck in the facility to her dismay. She managed to pay for decent prosthetics between her savings and the kindness of her coworkers. Her arm was an older bionic model which would be helpful as she relearned to write and do other tasks with it. Her leg was a newer, basic model that came with a foot attachment for the time being. The woman would have to relearn to walk before anything else and thankfully, it was going well. She now needed to get the hang of running to really get the ball moving for her chance to go home. Today was no exception for her practice of walking as well as using her cane for her other, newly gained disability. Julchen was no stranger to struggles with vision. She had pretty much had vision problems since she was a child and though this did not change with the accident, it only got worse. Being albino meant that she was predisposed to having mild eye issues and she was about the same as most people, however the accident caused one of her eyes to struggle to take in more than blurry shapes. With glasses, the other eye could sort of make out some stuff, though it was not great. Since she was legally blind now, it meant that Jul would no longer be able to do the work she loved to do and she would have to find a new lease on life. For now, the Prussian moved herself from the bed and started her daily limp across the complex and to her appointment. The walk was nice, if not a bit chilly with the weather changing from summer to fall. The physical therapist she was working with was a little rough around the edges, though he was pretty cute so she forgave that. It was also fun to turn his face as red as she could per session. The Prussian pushed the door open, entering the facility and gave a slanted grin in what she hoped was the direction of the man. Her eyes were filled with determination and a little excitement as she stood there, crossing her arms. “You ready to watch me get it right today?
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hedwig394 · 1 year
An Edwina Sharma x Prince Friedrich fic because I watched season 2 for the 100th time and I simply cannot get over the idea of Edwina and the Prince.
Timeline: After Kanthony's wedding.
Part 1 : Meeting him
Edwina's POV
"You look beautiful, didi," Edwina said to Kate, who was wearing a white dress, no, the white dress. It was the day of their wedding, and only close friends and family were invited to the wedding of the viscount.
"Thank you, Bon." Kate smiled and brushed her hand against Edwina's chin. Tears welled up in Edwina's eyes as she helped her sister get ready. Whatever had happened in the past, she had forgotten, and now she was just sad that her didi was going to move away from her.
"Edwina, dearest," Mary asked her concernedly, "Is anything bothering you?" Edwina shook her head and stood behind Kate, who looked at her worriedly. "I'm just sad that now didi won't be living with us anymore."
"Oh Bon," Kate sighed and hugged her, "You know you can visit anytime, right? And I'll write to you, every day."
"Do you promise?" Edwina asked with soft eyes. Kate nodded.
"Girls, we don't want the bride crying, do we?" Mary said and wiped Kate's eyes and Edwina's too. "God, I'm gonna miss you so much," Mary said and hugged Kate tightly. "I'll miss you too, Mama," Kate replied and smiled. "You look so beautiful, my darling," Mary said, and this time a tear fell down her cheek.
"We don't want the bride's mother crying either, Mama," Edwina said cheekily and wiped it away.
Soon, it was time. Edwina walked into the church with a bouquet of flowers in her hands and looked at Anthony standing in the front. This time, he looked truly happy. Edwina gave him a small smile, bow in front of the Queen, and stood at her appointed position. She noticed a young man sitting beside the Queen, who had blonde hair and deep brown eyes and was wearing clothes befitting a prince.
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Before she could think more about it, Mary and Kate walked in, holding hands. Anthony's face lit up with something similar to pure happiness and Edwina felt a punch in her gut. Would any man look at her and smile like that?
The wedding began, the two said their vows and they kissed. At the reception, Edwina was making sure that all guests were attended to well and also making sure that her sister wasn't crying.
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Both Kate and the viscount were overwhelmed by the members of the ton as they flocked to congratulate them. Edwina silently laughed from the corner as she saw the two of them trying not to lose their temper. Both of them weren't very patient and were likely to lose it anytime soon, so Edwina decided to intervene.
"Ladies and gentlemen, why don't all of you explore the decorations we've all worked so hard for." She said and gave one of her diamond-of-the-season smiles.
"Thank you, Miss Edwina." Anthony smiled and sighed. "We were two seconds away from being smothered by them. God, why did we even invite so many people?"
"Anthony, many of them weren't there for the wedding as it will be against social etiquette to not invite them to the reception either," Kate said to him sternly.
"Don't thank me," Edwina smiled, "It is my responsibility to make sure that you two aren't driven mad by the ton." The two laughed. Soon, Violet came up to them and the bride and the groom disappeared, leaving Edwina to look for her mother.
"Miss Sharma." Edwina looked to the side and saw the queen coming towards her. She bow down in front of her and said, "Your highness."
"Have you met my nephew?" She said and motioned to the man behind her. He bowed down in front of her. "Miss Sharma."
"This is Prince Friedrich of Prussia." The queen said proudly, looking at the prince with love in her eyes.
Well, with as much love the queen can show.
"Pleased to meet you." The prince said. Edwina smiled. "The pleasure's all mine." She was keeping calm, but she was almost lost in his kind, gentle eyes.
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himboskywalker · 2 years
Sooooowith the same cloth update. does this mean we will be seeing a fire and fume update?no rush! Not trying to be ungrateful I just love fire and fume so much and no one ever talks about it and I want you to know thinking about it makes me feral!!!!hnggggg all your historical fics are GOLD
Thank you so much I’m genuinely so glad you love fire and fume! It’s one of my favorite pieces I’ve written for obikin and I think by statistics it’s my least popular fic,which is totally fine it’s one of those things I’m kind of writing for myself but thank you for telling me you love it as well! I would love to update it soon,I’ve got a little bit written for the next chapter but I have no clue how long an update will take me. I love writing historical stuff it just takes me absolutely forever to do it because I wind up doing a ridiculously unnecessary amount of research in the process.
It’s like,against every adhd cell in my body to write historical fiction and not source my work and make it as accurate as I can. And honestly I have a masters in history, I’m literally built to conduct historical research,it’s just much harder to do now that I’m not in university anymore and 90% of the stuff I want is behind paywalls. I miss expensive university databases and access to international school libraries. Take for instance,in this last chapter of the Same Cloth,I wanted to see what Scottish regiment Obi-Wan would have been with so I would know exactly where in Europe he fought and what military campaigns he would have seen AND so I could reference what specific uniform he would have worn. But those types of studies by historians,that categorize and compare something like pre-Culloden highland regiments in the French and Prussian campaigns is BEHIND PAYWALLS. So I did hours of digging trying to find out what regiment,I called the National Library of Scotland to see if they had any digitized military records (we’re on a speaking basis,I know some of their staff by name) and still nothing. So what you guys got was a vague reference to Obi-Wan fighting in Prussia,his dad fighting at the battle of Preston,and my seething anger.
This is just to say that yes,eventually you’ll get a fire and fume update,it just takes me an eternity and a half to cobble together 5k and I’m still mad about it from lack of resources lmao
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Of course, Lovely!
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Memories of a not-so-distant past from an oh-so-distant future filled you with soul-deep yearning; you missed him, a crazy and almost impossible thing when he was right here, a vigor and vibrance to his very being you’d never seen before.
And he was here yes but-
-but here he wasn’t yours.
This wasn’t the man you loved, not yet.
This man, who had finally mastered enough of the steps to take a hesitant lead, apologizing for each misstep, inquiring about your well-being- 
This man was good and kind and unintentionally charming, but he was centuries away from being the man to whom you had given your heart.
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A glimpse into a Prussia Readerfic with Time Travel shenanigans that I have literally been trying to write on-and-off for well over 10 years now. Hopefully this will be the year I finally get it written in full and published.
Thanks for the ask, Anon!
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