#i miss that me but gods above and below am i glad i still have my friends
dreamerinsilico · 2 years
2, 18, 22, for the end of year meme!
2. Album of the year?
That's an interesting question. Streaming being how it is, I haven't listened to a lot of full albums lately.
But I can probably say Forbundet by Garmarna. Swedish folk rock group. The album is a whole-ass trip even if you only speak odd works of the language.
Also honorary mention to Bruise by Assemblage 23.
18. A memorable meal this year?
My kitchen electrics were fucked for a hot minute after I moved in. But when they got fixed, I roasted a chicken. I made mashed potatoes and peas to go with it. And I'm convinced that the gravy I made was the best fucking poultry gravy ever made. Seriously, it was fantastic.
And then I used the chicken carcass for stock and got like three meals of avgolemono soup out of it, too.
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
A pub, where I did mythology trivia with a friend and his partner and best friend.
A pub, where I met a friend from grad school. The food was good, the beer was better, and I got to see someone who'd left a bleeding hole in my heart when I faffed off into the wild blue yonder for a while.
A pizza place, where I met a friend from grad school. The pizza was pretty good and I was so fucking happy to find out she was doing well.
I love them very much and I'm very glad they're still in my life.
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nahida-official · 9 months
a very merry sumeru christmas !
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christmas notes compiled together :3
from. hat-guy (@the-wanderer-official) What a *wonderful* year you've spent annoying me. It was so special, I don't think we will need any more ever again, so I think it's time to return to your knitting or old lady ramblings. In the gift below I have enclosed a few mora to tide you by as Haravatat slowly falls apart from it's lack of funding. I hope you enjoy finding a new job that will hire someone as old as you. Sincerely with annoyance, the wanderer.
"Hey! Hat Guy.. I think you've perhaps forgotten that i can read all these messages. I told you to at least TRY to be nicer."
Cloud said: Merry Christmas!
from. alhaitham (@alhaitham-official) Happy Holidays. (have a nice time yall -mod)
from. corruptdhaitham (@corrupted-haitham-official) This is useless to me. Still, have a nice time or whatever. (happy holidays and such. -moddie)
from. madame faruzan (@faruzan-official) Lesser Lord Kusanali, I give you a cookie. You are a wonderful archon. Hat Guy, may you die in the trenches. @autistic-alhaitham, I am telling you. You meowed at me. You cannot fool the one and only Madame Faruzan. Kaveh, youngster, stay as you are. You are wonderful for someone coming from the loathed Darshan of Ksharewar. @niloupalata you as well are pleasant, truly. And to the lot of you, happy holidays. Except Hat Guy. I hope your holidays are the worst.
"Awh! Many thanks, Madame Faruzan for the cookie. ..But you too. Watch your words. I told you both to be nice or I'd suspend you from "
from. Adi @adi-cat-anon Happy Holidays, and best wishes for the new year! I'm glad I got to meet you all.
from. dunyarzad^^ (@dunyarzad-official) Ohhh!!! Lesser Lord Kusanali!!! You have been such a nice archon!! You really were the one thing keeping me alive back when I was despairing through my Eleazar!! Thank you so much! And now that I've recovered, I can finally go around on my own and since the new year is rolling around, I'd love to take the opportunity to make new friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"It's nothing, Miss Dunyarzad. I'm glad I could help! Happy Holidays to you!"
from. kaveh (@kaveh-official) haitham please decrease my rent
from. Candace. (@candace-official) Have a happy holidays, everyone.
from. hat guy (notable message of shame above)
from. love anon (@l0ve-anon) Yall better be ready to see chaos. I will bring it to someone so be ready /pos (bringing up my flirting game)
"I.. I don't know who you are but I do suppose you have a happy holidays? Please try to refrain from causing too much of a major ruckus in Sumeru, though. :3"
from. zzz anon make sure y'all slept before Christmas
from. Bard (@namelessbard-official <-i believe? correct me if I'm wrong!) Venti(@venti-official)--I love you and I'm so proud of you <3 carry on my litle elf!
from. Fang, Annie (@the-chaos-siblings) Fang: Merry chrisler! Annie: Merry Christmas!
from. Cyno (@general-mahamatra-cyno-official) Merry Christmas. Where does Santa keep his coat during the year? The Claus-et.
"What a wonderful joke from the General Mahamatra! Hehe!"
test tube said: I genuinely cannot see whatever i picked god help me Merry Christmas if we open these on Christmas Day then I am currently suffering at a party I was forced to go to aaaaaaaaaaaaa
"Oh.. : ( I'm sorry! I hope you'll at least have fun at that party to some extent."
from. the Doctor (@dottore-official) I was told to leave a note if i wanted more funds, so happy holidays I suppose.
from. Zandik (@zandik-official) What is this for..? Even though I don't know, here. Take this. +1 Gears acquired.
from. Sohreh!! (@sohreh-official) Happy Holidays!! Oh, this is so exciting! I wonder who will get this card... I don't know, but to however gets this, have a happy holiday season!
from. layla (@layla-official) Hot coffee everyone?.. I can mix it with chocolate if caffeine isn't to your liking.
from. Tighnari (@fennec-tighnari-official) happy holidays to you all! and please no one get injured, I'm not dealing with this during the holidays.
from. Hydro!Kaveh (@hydro-eidolon-kaveh-official) Hello! I'm sure most of you are in my memories somewhere, but I'd like to let you all know that you are in my thoughts around this special time of year! My Haitham told me a little bit about the holidays and what they mean, but I'm definitely still a little lost on the fact. Otherwise, I know it is a time to decorate a tree and appreciate those that you love, and I want you to know that I love each and every one of you! (I think) Have the best holidays ever!
"Awh! May you have the best holidays ever too!!"
from. serendipityanon (@serendipity-anon) Hello all, I've knitted quilts for each and every one of you in a different color! I'll put them under the tree as well~ I have several pots of tea to share with everybody, and of course I brought fairy lights! Everyone has to take a set home to decorate their home~ I hope everybody has a wonderful day and and incredible holiday season! Love, serendipity-anon
from. collei (@collei-official) Happy holidays to everyone !! :D from. webttore (@webttore-official) I don't know why I'm here ig I'm from Sumeru? But I'm in Mondstadt rn. Anyways I'm gonna steal gifts and kick kids -Webttore
"Get out. We do not condone that here that is not holiday cheer."
from. Xinyan (@xinyan-official) Wherever Yoimiya (@yoimiya-official) has disappeared to, I hope she's doing well.
"Everyone have a happy holidays! From the Goddess of Wisdom and the rest of Sumeru! Directed at not just the people of Sumeru, but truly everyone out there!!"
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leaning in for a kiss but pulling away last second - hurt me with them boys </3
(many many time later- my apologies i am bad at blog. Anyway, youw wanted me to hurt you and this hurt to write so...) ...
They sit, the pair of them, on a gantry far above the Musica Universalis. Below them, the evening crowd of the Crystarium, still growing used to the unfamiliar joys of a dark night. It’s been a day of reminiscing, catching up. Of putting off what you need to do. That old, cruel voice in Thancred’s heart. But, as ever, it is honest in its cruelty.
Match stares at him, eyes full of hope. Hope that he must break erefore the night is past.
“And what might you be looking at,” Thancred says, forcing a smile.
“You. Just you.”
Thancred turns away, smile turning crooked. “By the twelve, Matchstick. You’ll make me blush.” Gods damn it.
“I like it when you blush.” Flirting? The boy has gotten bold. A hand on his. Those sharp m’iquote nails digging slightly against him. “I missed you, Than. It got scary, when you went down like that back home.”
“Indeed? I hope there was suitable mourning at the possible loss of such a hero as I?”
“Oh, parades of it,” Match grins. “I hear Limsa’s announced an annual day of remembrance for the occasion.”
“Quite right too. I’ll have to thank the Exarch- his methods may leave a little to be desired in accuracy but it’s good to know it’s finally earned me some recognition.”
It’s teasing, the old games back and forth. It’s fun, even. Does he really want to lose this? To finally close the door on this?
You can always flirt. You don’t need to be sleeping with the boy to be his ally. Tell that to me all those years ago back when this started, Thancred thinks bitterly.
“I mean it though,” Match speaks again. “I really did miss you. It feels like we never got the chance to talk about…” He’s blushing. “About us. Back before you got pulled over.” He turns towards Thancred, leaning closer. “I’m really glad we got today. Reminds me a lot of our first night in Ul’Dah. Above the Quicksand? You remember?”
“How could I forget? I remember it like it was yesterday. The brass blades wore brown, you wore blue.”
“And you spilled a drink on a stranger. And then…”
And then indeed. And then a kiss, and then another, and then a long night tangled in each other that turned into a long summer tangled up even tighter. How did they get from that to this?
Match is so close. And it has been so, so long. Five years. Five years waiting. Five years changing. Learning. Realising.
For a moment, Thancred thinks about closing that distance. It would be so easy to cross those final few inches and to tumble back into the big sorry mess where they always end up all over again. His eyes linger on those lips he learned the taste of so well all those years ago. He brings his hand to Match’s cheek. Leans closer. There’s barely a whisper between them… “Matchstick…”
Thancred stops, that final tiny chasm left unbridged. Pats Match’s cheek. Presses his forehead to his. Through a straining jaw he manages a whisper. “Not again, Matchstick. Not this time.”
“Thancred… Why?” Hurt in Match’s voice. Shock. Pain.
He stares down. Can’t even look the boy in the eye, huh? But it’s been too long. It’s too late now. Always been too late. “Everything’s changed, Match. You can see that, can’t you? I know it was only months for you but it’s been five years for me. Five long years. I’m not the man I was.”
“You don’t seem that different to me,” Match sniffs. “I still… I still want…”
“I know. But we can’t always get what we want, Matchstick.” Hurt him if you must. “There’s bigger stakes now. Bigger than both of us. Too much relies on us being focused, on seeing this through. You and me? It would never work. Not anymore.”
“So what? You want me to wait? I can do that, I’m happy to-”
“No, Match. This isn’t a wait and see. This, us? It’s over.” He clenches his fists, willing them to not shake. “Everything we have is built on quicksand. It never lasts. We’d only end up hurting each other all over again, just as before.”
“You don’t know that! We could try!”
“We did try. Then we tried again. We’re no good for each other. Not like that, anyhow.”
Tears on the railing. Match never was any good at keeping them at bay. “What are you saying?”
Gods but this is even harder than he thought it would be. But it must be done. Thancred stands.
“It was a dream, Match. I woke up here five years past and when I did, I awoke from that dream too. It’s high time you joined me.” He stands. One final nail. Drive it home. Walk away without another word.
No; enough cruelty. Thancred has learned the coldest ways of the heart. Matchstick deserves more than that. He places a hand under Match’s chin, pulling his face up to meet his gaze. “I will be your truest ally until my dying breath, that I swear. I will always cherish the times we have shared. All I ask in return is you keep your heart open to loves beyond me, as you ever have. If anyone deserves it, it's you.”
Match seizes his hand. Kisses his palm. “Please, Than. Please don’t go.”
Thancred shakes his head. “I’ll see you in the morning, Matchstick. Find some peace, before the night is through.”
Thank you so much for the ask @azure-dragonsinger!!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hello, it’s me again. 📖
I was reading your last update and then went back to read forfeit to check if I missed anything, Yes I have a lot of free time.. my flight got delayed twice already.. 😐
I just thought why not doing this again, so here I am. well I really enjoyed reading the very anticipated TALK it was about time, and glad to see tangerine man got to externalize his feelings finally… and it was fucking great to see reader giving him the push he needed acknowledging his struggles and all. My man finally evolved from sneaky link to partner 😂 he went from having to act all nonchalant and cool to being all clingy and protective. it was funny to read the change and it was very accurate to real life, seeing his change of gears like: you are mine.. now kiss me 😂 accurate as fuck. Also god damn there’s no feeling like hearing that person saying the most anticipated “I’m yours” am I right? Because ladies we also need the reassurance, the feelings, THE TITLE! 😂
I hope brother don’t get all pissy at Yoongi when he decides to talk to him (Because YOU are talking to him right Yoongi? 👀) I think it’s necessary for both of them to have a one on one talk, and I’m pretty sure brother would be ok with it, after all that’s his mate.. yeah he kind off broke one of the rules of the bro code 😂 but come on brother knows Yoongi best, he has to know that he is serious about reader if it’s Yoongi who talks to him instead of hearing from someone else.. not me being all nervous for tangerine man 😂.
It will work out they deserve it.
Great work as always autor. (Feels kinda weird calling you by your name as I don’t really know you so I hope it’s ok for me to call you writer or autor)
Now.. I have a bit of a complaint if you allow me.
It’s about the “Hey doll”.. Alright so I used to call Ki “Doll” before (She has this big round eyes that make her look like a doll, very pretty) and I’m talking about before we got married alright, so let’s say about 3 years ago, so I was first. Last week I got home from work and I don’t know maybe it’s because I had read your story or who knows but I got home and she was in the baby’s bathroom giving him a bath, I got in like always kissed her cheek and said “Hi doll” well.. she looked at me more like glared at me and said “The fuck? Are you Min Yoongi? I don’t think so”
Fuck. I was first ok? And fine i get it I’m like number 9 on my wife’s list, our baby being first, then of course Suga and after that every member of bts so I know my spot (that when the cat doesn’t rank above me) but now.. now I’m also below YOUR Yoongi? 😂 unfair. So I have a request dear autor, make tangerine man a bit unattractive please, do this man a solid would you? 😂
Ok that was all.. sorry about the long message I have been told I talk a lot.
Kind regards, have a beautiful day. ✌🏼
- 📖
P.S. I made my own profile..? Blog..? But I kind of like the emoji system, how does that work? Am I still 📖 or the name on my profile? (Which I was told “Please don’t use your real name, and please don’t use photos with your face in them” 😂) thanks ✌🏼
📖 HELLO!! oh my god i'm so sorry the flight got delayed.. but that does give some free time! love the profile and the 📖 is still very much yours, no worries there. we can stick with that. (also good advice from ki, v v good advice.) response under the cut bc i am still WHEEZINGGG
I just thought why not doing this again, so here I am. well I really enjoyed reading the very anticipated TALK it was about time, and glad to see tangerine man got to externalize his feelings finally… and it was fucking great to see reader giving him the push he needed acknowledging his struggles and all.
tangerine man finally getting to externalize his feelings is fantastic to see. he's put so much damn pressure on himself because of past circumstances and past/current views, but.. to see all of that come forth? and having reader encourage him enough to do that? goddamn.
My man finally evolved from sneaky link to partner 😂 he went from having to act all nonchalant and cool to being all clingy and protective. it was funny to read the change and it was very accurate to real life, seeing his change of gears like: you are mine.. now kiss me 😂 accurate as fuck. Also god damn there’s no feeling like hearing that person saying the most anticipated “I’m yours” am I right? Because ladies we also need the reassurance, the feelings, THE TITLE! 😂
SNEAKY LINK TO PARTNER ahahah gone!! and the sudden switch?? it truly is accurate bc i have seen it myself😂😂 all of y'all that ever question this sudden change in character, take it from us: it happens. and it's the greatest thing to see someone go from nonchalant to being.. well, how yoongi was. we knewwww he was a big softie under all the confidence and fuckboy-ness lol it just took reader to show it :')))
GUYS NEED REASSURANCE TOO i've learned that, as well. reader coming into her own and voicing that they are yoongi's too? yoongi definitely needed that. he's been needing that for quite awhile now, and i've been sneaking that in with all the times he's asked reader what they want.
I hope brother don’t get all pissy at Yoongi when he decides to talk to him (Because YOU are talking to him right Yoongi? 👀) I think it’s necessary for both of them to have a one on one talk, and I’m pretty sure brother would be ok with it, after all that’s his mate.. yeah he kind off broke one of the rules of the bro code 😂 but come on brother knows Yoongi best, he has to know that he is serious about reader if it’s Yoongi who talks to him instead of hearing from someone else.. not me being all nervous for tangerine man 😂.
the callout. omfg. the cALLOUT. yoongi?? you hearing this?? i do agree on the whole them talking one on one about it bc they're them. it's always been yoongi and bro. they're brothers and i just kjfdklf GOD they really do need to (hopefully) have that eventually. will it be messy? civil? little bit of both? we don't know yet, but if it comes down to it, we shall see how all of that plays out. it's completely normal to be nervous for tangerine man, especially if you've been in that position.
It will work out they deserve it.
Great work as always autor. (Feels kinda weird calling you by your name as I don’t really know you so I hope it’s ok for me to call you writer or autor)
thank you so much! it's totally ok to call me writer/author. i don't mind that at all.
Now.. I have a bit of a complaint if you allow me.
It’s about the “Hey doll”.. Alright so I used to call Ki “Doll” before (She has this big round eyes that make her look like a doll, very pretty) and I’m talking about before we got married alright, so let’s say about 3 years ago, so I was first. Last week I got home from work and I don’t know maybe it’s because I had read your story or who knows but I got home and she was in the baby’s bathroom giving him a bath, I got in like always kissed her cheek and said “Hi doll” well.. she looked at me more like glared at me and said “The fuck? Are you Min Yoongi? I don’t think so”
Fuck. I was first ok? And fine i get it I’m like number 9 on my wife’s list, our baby being first, then of course Suga and after that every member of bts so I know my spot (that when the cat doesn’t rank above me) but now.. now I’m also below YOUR Yoongi? 😂 unfair. So I have a request dear autor, make tangerine man a bit unattractive please, do this man a solid would you? 😂
I. AM. CRYING. i was crying when i read this the first time but i'm absolutely bringing the tears back another round reading this through again because LMAOOOO KI!! ki, if you see this: i love you. i love you for all time and for bringing this wonderful husband of yours into the 3tan space because oh my god. y'all just made my entire year😂
i can't promise that i can fulfill your request bc even if i attempt to make this yoongi unattractive he's gonna be like "lol you tried" and it's gonna backfire in my own damn face😂 we're all just gonna have to suffer. i am. so sorry LOLOL
Ok that was all.. sorry about the long message I have been told I talk a lot. Kind regards, have a beautiful day. ✌🏼
📖, this was incredible. thank you for sharing your perspective (and validating!!) because it makes all the writing and thinking and editing everything until my eyes hurt so worth it. this is awesome, quite frankly, and guys read 3tan has quickly shot into one of the top 3 things that's happened in my tumblr years!!
until next time!! y'all both stay safe and so dang cool😂
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #26: What Is Scorpio?
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November, 1987
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh ZODIAC bluh
Maybe this time will be better. And slash or not as bad.
Its just they’re always so borrrring.
They’re a bunch of astrology obsessed crime bosses, why are they so boring? Or, wait, are they a bunch of LMDs who aren’t even life model decoying anyone because they’re dressed in silly costumes?
What’s the deal?
So last time in West Coast Avengers... uh, I don’t know that anything is relevant that I can’t just explain as I go. Let’s just say that at some recent point, Mockingbird killed someone who kind of deserved it but she didn’t tell Hawkeye because he wouldn’t agree.
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Cancer: “All right! The room’s secure, and the full moon’s rising -- and Cancer rules this conjunction of the Zodiac Cartel!”
Also, this conference room looks crowded. It makes me uncomfortable imagining having to sit at that table with all the elbow jostling.
So this issue starts with a lot of contextualizing that I actually really appreciate because what’s the deal with Zodiac? Sometimes they’re crimelords and sometimes they’re robots!
Thankfully, everyone is going to exposit about that until I sort of understand.
Cancer called this meeting to discuss the problem of LMDs.
The LMDs were created by the original Scorpio, Jake Fury, using the Zodiac Key. He wanted to make his own Zodiac group for the express purpose of killing Nick Fury because people that have to interact with Nick Fury tend to want to kill him. All those Christmases of Nick chomping a cigar and yelling ‘goldbricker’ at no one in particular. Terrible.
When the Defenders thwarted Jake Fury’s plan, he killed himself. SHIELD picked up the Zodiac Key and four of the LMDs. The Taurus LMD came after human guy Taurus but Iron Man wound up destroying the LMD. 
But then there was that whole Avengers/West Coast Avengers linked pair of annuals where Quicksilver showed up with a whole new team of Zodiac LMDs from who knows where. The Zodiac Cartel is worried about this because even though the Avengers captured this new LMD team, they escaped recently and are in the wild.
Taurus: “Well, I say we circle our wagons and be prepared for anything they may try!”
Scorpio, with an out-raaageous French accent: “I am veree afraid zat eet ees too late for zat, mon ami!”
Then Scorpio pulls off his mask to reveal... JACQUES LAPOINT! But then he pulls off his JACQUEST LAPOINT MASK TO REVEAL JAKE FURY OH NO!
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Cancer calls for guards but oops the All-New All-Different LMD Zodiac team killed all the guards.
And then they kill the whole Zodiac Cartel.
Wow, glad I didn’t bother to care about these guys.
Although... I don’t care about the Zodiac Cartel but... Libra is Mantis’ dad. It was a whole thing. You’d think it’d be more of a thing that he was just killed off. Especially since Steve Englehart is writing this and he’s the one who created Mantis and established all of her backstory and is using her in his Silver Surfer book.
It’s just weird that Libra is killed without fanfare. Apparently, more than ten years later, it’s going to be revealed he just faked his death. By ragdolling and holding really still, I guess.
Anyway, even counting Libra playing dead, the LMD Zodiac missed a spot. Taurus, Cornelius van Lunt, is alive and yells at Scorpio for destroying this astrology-enthusiast cartel he’d put his life into creating.
Scorpio claims he left Taurus alive on purpose, so he could kill him last. But Taurus dodges the blast from the Zodiac Key, falls through the damaged floor, and down into the mall below.
Wait. The Zodiac Cartel met in a secret conference room above a mall??
Scorpio chases after Taurus but Taurus manages to escape into the Houston Tunnels. Scorpio is reluctant to give chase because he’s worried the Marlboro Men will grab him. Iiiiii don’t know what that’s about. But point being, there’s a bull loose in a mall.
Also in the area, civvies Mockingbird is meeting an old SHIELD friend named Josyane to get the dirt on how Nick Fury is doing recently.
He’s still in a holding pattern of dealing with SHIELD internal issues because I think the Nick Fury vs SHIELD book was still delayed but the hints about what was coming have already been seeded so he’s just. Stuck in that pre-book state forever.
Josyane also has an outrageous French accent.
She asks Mockingbird if she wants to help Nick but Mockingbird says she wants to but Nick is a dumb idiot macho man and won’t accept her help because she’s an ‘outsider.’
Although, Mockingbird was really more interested in getting Nick to help her. She was hoping he’d have sorted out his shit by now so he’d have time to listen to her problems. She wants his spy advice because she had to lie to Hawkeye to his face about Phantom Rider.
Because of how she let him die for drugging her into being his girlfriend and how she doesn’t think Hawkeye will understand. But also she doesn’t like lying to him.
I guess she was hoping Nick Fury would tell her not to feel bad about it?
Mockingbird meets civvies Moon Knight and Hawkeye.
Moon Knight Marc Spector is giving Hawkeye a “crook’s eye tour of L.A.” since Moon Knight’s first case was infiltrating the L.A. underworld.
AND THAT is why Moon Knight’s first appearance was as a one-off Werewolf by Night villain who was hired to murder a werewolf. It was all part of him infiltrating werewolf hating crime.
Anyway, civvies Moon Knight Marc Spector means he’s appearing without his mask and he’s told the Avengers his name.
Mockingbird tells him he didn’t have to tell them his name. Avengers are allowed to have secret identities. Sure, none of the rest of the West Coast Avengers have a secret identity so it’d be awkward if Marc was the- well, actually, Iron Man probably won’t hang out without his mask around Marc. He only hangs out of armor because he knows and trusts the rest of the team.
Moon Knight: “Keeping secrets screwed up my life royally once! Besides, if we’re all Avengers, we need to be straight with each other!”
Mockingbird: “Well, we’re not all Avengers yet! You’re a provisional member, officially, until the rest of us vote otherwise!”
Moon Knight: “Oh sure, officially! But I’ll be accepted -- I’m certain of that!”
Hawkeye: “Good! A chairman likes to hear confidence in his troopers!”
Meanwhile, in Silicon Valley, Iron Man and Dr Pym in his floating self-aware ant airship have a little practice spare to polish up Hank’s skills so he can rejoin the team.
Which you just can tell Tony is super excited about. He wants to be on a superhero team with one of his oldest friends again! He’s felt so weird with Hank hanging around managing the Compound.
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But as soon as they finish their spar and land what do you know its a bull market.
Wait. Uh... no I don’t have a better joke. Taurus is there with his Star-Blazer gun.
But even though he has a gun(?) pulled, he quickly says he’s not here to fight the Avengers. He needs their help.
I guess Iron Man and Dr Pym are intrigued by this because we see the rest of the team receiving a message from Iron Man telling them to meet at the West Coast Avengers Compound ASAP to meet “a very strange visitor.”
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Mockingbird, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight are still cruising around town and swing the car around as soon as they get the message.
Adorably(?), Tigra is chasing a squirrel around. Not to eat. Just for enrichment reasons. I like to believe that specific squirrel is one of Squirrel Girl’s squirrel friends and this story got back to Squirrel Girl at one point and misled her for a while into thinking that Tigra could ALSO speak to squirrels.
Also, I think one of the decorative teeth(?) on her superhero panties are a communication device?
Last up to receive the alert is Simon Williams Wonder Man, who is in a meeting at a restaurant on the Sunshine Strip about a three picture movie deal. WITH a cut from the gross and script approval.
That’s what Simon is asking for but the people he’s meeting are reluctant to agree to it. Sure, Arkon IV has early buzz but its only just got released. How do they know that Simon is such a hot commodity.
But Simon gets the alert and takes off because he’s committed wholeheartedly to the Avengers.
He leaves his agent Mike behind to finish the deal and Mike points out, after Simon leaves, that Simon is totally going to be on the news tonight hint hint.
The movie men get the hint hint about a celebrity superhero movie actor getting free publicity and agree to the three picture deal.
Congrats, Simon!
Everyone arrives at the West Coast Avengers Compound and Taurus explains that the LMD Zodiac destroyed the Zodiac Cartel that he worked so hard for so dammit he wants the Avengers to help take them down.
Hawkeye is like yeah, no doubt we’ll do something about the LMDs but not for you, jerk.
And narrates for the Avengers who weren’t around at the time what a dick Cornelius van Lunt is.
Remember the time he hired the Avengers to work for him after putting money man Tony Stark in a bind? Insidious.
Okay, but also he and Zodiac built a giant Star-Blaster that would kill every Gemini in Manhattan. Because the Zodiac Cartel are astrology obsessed and also monsters.
Zodiac also messed with Rhodey Iron Man when Stark Industries or whatever was moving out to California.
Taurus: “I don’t deny it, Hawkeye! It was because of my recent encounter with Iron Man that I went to him for help! But the LMDs are a far greater foe! Unlike the human Zodiac members, who were chosen by their birth signs but were, like all humans, fully rounded -- the androids act precisely like their signs! They represent twelve pure forces! And yet -- that is also their greatest weakness!”
Taurus promises that he’ll use his astrology know how to help the Avengers figure out where the LMD Zodiac will strike.
Moon Knight raises the point, uh, then won’t you just go and create a new Zodiac Cartel after you use the Avengers to clear the competition? Doesn’t sound great for the heroes.
So Moon Knight uses his own astrology knowledge from his interest in the MOON. The Moon is, apparently, in Taurus right now. That’s significant, probably. Astrology. So Moon Knight tells Taurus to swear “by all you hold dear” that if the Avengers help him, he’ll go straight and never to crime again.
Taurus agrees but asks why Moon Knight would take him at his word if he does promise. Which the Avengers (West Coast) area also wondering. They might also be wondering why the provisional member is leading this interrogation. Overstepping a little, Moon Knight!
Moon Knight: “I’ll take his word because the Moon’s in Taurus -- and he and I both understand the power of the night sphere --!”
... Yup. That’s the answer I expected from Moon Knight who joined the Avengers because he thinks god wants him to.
Taurus: “Well, I’m a hard-headed businessman, Avenger, and I must confess, I’m a little disappointed that you’d base your decision on such ephemera as faith -- but as I say, I swear I’ll tread the straight and narrow if you destroy the LMDs!”
Taurus’ thoughts: What an idiot! These idealistic heroes will never understand the hard realities of life -- but perhaps they’ll learn a little something by how fast I recreate Zodiac once they’ve done my work for me!
Moon Knight is going to be so disappointed in him.
Anyway, Taurus predicts, based on the Moon being in Taurus and local events that would be tempting...
Huh. So. The Moon’s in Taurus so they’re pulling a cattle heist.
That should be endearingly goofy but yet I still hate Zodiac.
Scorpio kills one of the cattle with the Zodiac Key to establish that he can and will kill things with the Zodiac Key. Then he tells all the “good ol’ boys” to hand over all their bidding money. LMDs have expenses. Cartel rebuilding expenses.
See, if you hadn’t wiped out the whole Zodiac Cartel, you could have taken it over. That was shortsighted. You’d already infiltrated it as Scorpio, ya dingus.
Anyway, Avengers show up and assemble.
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Iron Man and Wonder Man go right for Scorpio but he’s able to use the Zodiac Key to ward them off.
Wonder Man apparently still has a chip on his shoulder about Iron Man. So I guess that needs to be addressed eventually.
When Iron Man shoots a repulsor at Scorpio and the Zodiac Key blocks it:
Wonder Man: “I knew beams wouldn’t stop anything -- but now that I’m committed to the Avengers, I’m not going to worry about Iron Man’s mistakes! I’m just going to make sure the team comes out on top!”
I mean. Its a step in the right direction.
Because there’s a lot more Zodiac LMDs than there are Avengers, Zodiac is able, in many cases, to gang up on the Avengers.
Tigra gets to have a catfight with the Leo and Virgo LMDs. ‘Cause, see, she’s fighting a cat and a woman. The two things she is. Oh, the chaos of combat. You sure are random.
Tigra for her part tells Virgo to fuck off. She only wants to have a catfight with Leo.
Moon Knight fights.... uh... I guess Cancer. He has claws. But MK also muses that van Lunt steered (ha cattle pun) them right. But he would, wouldn’t he? His sudden, yet inevitable betrayal would only come after you finished the LMDs. Which Moon Knight even realizes, that it’d be dumb to trust van Lunt without further proof.
Pisces and... Aquarius attack Dr Hank Pym. Hank notes that some of the LMD designs have been changed.
Pisces: “With LMDs, human, you can always refine the essence toward greater purity!”
Aquarius: “Spoken like a Pisces -- .”
Dr Pym: “Well, speaking like a Pym, I’m refining my essence without rebuilding my body -- like this!”
And he pulls out a doohickey that redirects Aquarius’ gun blast to blast Pisces instead.
Hank’s pockets of holding sure are handy.
Hawkeye fights... LMD Taurus annnnnd Sagittarius. Firing a gas or some arrow at them, for some reason. Although, Vision has demonstrated that drugs sometimes work on mechanical lifeforms.
Libra and Gemini fight Mockingbird and try to flank her so she can’t use her pole on both of them. So she breaks the pole into two staves and bonks them. It’s basically her secret move to attach or detach her staves.
Iron Man has broken off from fighting Scorpio since Wonder Man has that covered and has used his repulsors to pin down Aries, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Tony references settling scores with Virgo since when they met in West Coast Avengers Annual #1, she took him out of the fight pretty easily by draining his armor of energy.
I hate the Zodiac because I have to keep referencing the wiki to figure out who is who. Twelve is ridiculous for a villain team! Especially since they barely have any exciting powers! Capricorn’s power is that she climbs good! NOTICE HOW ITS NOT USEFUL IN THIS FIGHT??
Back over at Hawkeye, he’s met a match in Sagittarius, who he says is almost as good as he is.
But Taurus tackles Hawkeye and throws off his aim. The arrow that he intended to not hit Sagittarius right in the robot heart hits Sagittarius right in the heart.
And he dies. Robot dies.
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Uh oh, fervent anti-murder guy Hawkeye manslaughtered another man. Robot man.
While the West Coast Avengers are briefly distracted by a robot death rattle, Leo capitalizes on the moment to get the upper hand on Tigra. But Mockingbird and Moon Knight take advantage of Leo’s focus on Tigra to simultaneously bonk him from behind.
Pisces exclaims that she foresaw Sagittarius’ death in a PROPHETIC DREAM and they gotta bug out now or it’ll mean disaster!
She freaks out and runs, then Cancer decides ‘hey why not’ and jumps on the bandwagon.
An annoyed Scorpio decides to order a retreat rather than fight on three LMDs (or more?) down. He busts a corral to distract the West Coast Avengers with a stampede and the LMD Zodiac run awayyy.
After the Avengers off-screen re-corral the cows, Hawkeye has time to feel feelings about killing a robot man.
Hawkeye: “I didn’t mean to kill the guy -- !”
Dr Pym: “It wasn’t real Hawkeye! Just like Ultron -- not real!”
Geez, Hank. Is that how you’ve coped with your robot son Mark the Ultron dying? You’ve decided he wasn’t a real boy and you don’t need to feel anything about it?
That’s cold.
Is Vision real to you, you monster??
Jokes aside, I think by the standards of when robots are real boys in comics, the Zodiac LMDs are. They may be monomaniacally obsessed with astrology but they still fear death and can express complex, stupid ideas.
Anyway, Hawkeye being sad about manslaughtering a robot man makes Mockingbird worry anew how Hawkeye will react if he learns about Phantom Rider.
It being brought up so often makes me think we’re going to find out soon.
The narration even teases “someday we’ll find that out, but not this day!”
Anyway, in the secret base of the LMD Zodiac, Scorpio lambasts Pisces for causing a panic. He accuses her of causing the disaster she foretold. Self-fulfilling prophecy! He also calls her wimpy, watery, and washed-up because alliteration is keen.
Pisces defends herself saying that she was just acting according to her nature.
I dunno know more than the bare minimum about astrology but sure, that sounds reasonable.
Scorpio doesn’t take it a fitting excuse but he gets the yelling out of his system by yelling at Leo when he steps in to defend Pisces.
And he tells them that the loss of Sagittarius doesn’t matter because any of the LMDs (except Scorpio, one presumes) can be easily replaced using the Zodiac Key.
And as soon as the ten other LMDs do leave, he does make a new Sagittarius.
Scorpio: “There! There, high in the sky at this moment, is the sign of Sagittarius -- ! From it I draw the energy I need to form a new LMD -- a most ingenious LMD -- for who but I am the master of the Key?!!”
To Scorpio, this seems as good a time as any to recap his backstory.
Villains love exposition. They love captive audiences for it and if they don’t have an audience they love to announce it to thin air.
So the Scorpio story summarized: He tried to kill brother Nick Fury at the SHIELD field office in Las Vegas but he failed and was presumed dead when his escape ship blew up.
But Scorpio Jake Fury found himself standing over the Zodiac Key and the original Scorpio. So I guess the one that died was the meat Jake Fury. Anyway, LMD Scorpio used the key to try to kill Nick Fury again but failed and lost the key. But then got it back.He decided to go after Nick Fury again again and created his first team of Zodiac LMDs. But the Defenders and Moon Knight helped thwart him. So Jake Fury Scorpio shot himself. But then he standing over a dead Scorpio so I dunno what’s going on anymore but Scorpio declares that the answer to “Who is Scorpio?” is “The one who died -- over and over!”
And the Zodiac Key talks to him. Whudda thunk?
Zodiac Key: “Yes, Jacob Fury -- because you were the first to hold me in this realm! You and I are inescapably linked -- and your spirit will live as long as mine, even with your flesh lost to artificial substance! Your mind could not initially hold the idea that you had died and been reformulated, so it was enough that you believed yourself a different human -- until you could accept what I had done for you!”
Okay, so that explains that. Probably.
Probably. I’m not wasting brain cells trying to untangle the continuity of Jake Fury of all characters.
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Finally, an LMD that’s actually life model decoying!
Was that so hard, comic?
Next time... Avengers. Both books are finally synchronized at December, 1987. Gotta let the East Coast team shine too.
Follow @essential-avengers​ for reasons. Like and reblog if you too don’t like Jake Fury Scorpio. If you do like him, like and reblog to confuse me.
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sonntam · 2 years
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Chapter 1 of God of War "Lore and Legends": (part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Sometimes Father looks at me like I’m a stranger.
He frowns a little bit, and his eyes get dark. When he speaks, it’s usually just “Pass the goat butter, boy,” or something like that. If he ever smiled and asked, “How are you feeling today, Atreus?” I’d have to go check his hunting pouch for spotted mushrooms.
Actually, I have seen Father smile. But only when he’s sitting by the fire with Mother.
One night a few weeks ago they were discussing Leviathan’s balance and heft. The axe used to be hers, but she gave it to him a while ago. Of course, Father’s favorite topic of conversation is always weapons. But his eyes were so bright in the firelight, looking at her.
I could tell she means everything to him. Way more than me, that’s for sure.
Tonight is the best night of my life!
After dinner, Mother told me a bunch of amazing stories about Skaði, the great giant huntress. We talked about hunting for hours.
And then came the surprise!
She pulled something wrapped in oilskin from our weapon locker and told me to unroll it. I did and there it was — she finished the longbow! It’s beautiful! I helped her string it. She grabbed the bow and flexed it herself while I hooked the bowstring to each end.
I was so excited, I started to cough again. I don’t cough as much as I did when I was little, plus Mother has taught me how to breathe so I calm down. She taught me how to think about the animals I love.
Anyway, we’re going out to practice tomorrow, just Mother and me.
I’m so happy I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight.
I was right. I can’t sleep.
I can’t stop starting at my longbow. It looks like a flying bird. A hawk, maybe. When I nock an arrow, it’s a hawk with killer talon. I’ve decided to call it my Talon Bow.
What a day! I am sitting on my fvaorite old log in Wildwoods. Mother’s just down the path, refilling out water flask in the falls.
We’ve been on a practice hunt!
This morning, Father returned from another two-day trek just as we were heading out into the woods. He gave me a nod and hugged Mother. But when he saw the Talon Bow, his eyes got big.
“Very nice,” he said.
I handed it to him and slid an arrow out of my quiver. He notched it, pulled it to full draw, and sighted down the arrow’s shaft.
“Remarkable,” he said, squinting.
But he didn’t shoot. He just eased the string forward and returned the arrow to me. Then he gave Mother a look. He smiled… I think. It’s hard to tell with him.
Mother showed me how to set my feet in a direct line to the target… move them shoulder-width apart… nock the arrow and pull back with three fingers just below it… line up my eye behind the arrow’s spine… slowly let out my breath… relax and aim… shoot.
After an hour, I got pretty good at hitting trees. Hitting rabbits? Not so good. Mother is amazing, though. She never misses.
I wonder how she got so good with weapons.
Why do I still get sick? I don’t get it.
It makes me really mad. Like today, Father was glad to see I’m learning skills that matter to him, so he coiled thick straw into a round target so I could practice with my new bow. I wanted to impress him. My first shots were a little wild… I was nervous. But pretty soon I started hitting the bullseye.
As I drew another arrow, a black-trailed hare suddenly hopped out of a bush near the target! I raised quickly and swung left to aim ahead of him. But just before I released, I felt a weird pulse in my head.
It was the rabbit! I could hear it… like a voice, but not words.
He was really scared.
I felt bad, so I swung away… but the bowstring slipped from my fingers! The arrow shot straight across the yard toward Mother, who sat carving wooden utensils with her special knife. It hit the fence just above her. In that second of flight, I fell to the ground.
I wanted to bash in my own head, I felt so stupid. I could have killed the thing I loved the most! I started yelling at myself.
Masterpost with God of War "Lore and Legends" transcriptions.
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awfulthing · 1 month
i must have shattered the last of my dom's patience because one second i'm being a little bratty and the next he's got his hand around my throat and my body pinned against the wall. i'm whimpering when his grip tightens and his jaw sets—i know i pushed him too far and now he's going to punish me. my small hands are wrapping around his wrist to tug at it, but it's no use. he's so much bigger and stronger than me. i'm always at his mercy, and i'm reminded of it again when his hand dips below the waistband of my skirt and cups my pussy, the butt of his palm pressing against my clit and making me whimper out a moan. "you're gonna learn not to misbehave, baby," he growls in my ear. i'm scared, but i'm soaking wet and ready for him already. he slips two fingers inside me and moves his palm rhythmically against the soft bundle of nerves there and before long i'm close, so close— i'm shaking in his grip, eyes shut tight and ready to explode, but the minute i'm there, he stops. i whine and writhe in his grip, arching towards his hand and craving the friction, but it does no good. he has me where he wants me, and i can't do a thing about it.
he mercilessly edges me and by my twelfth almost-orgasm, i'm so undone that i'm sobbing and crying and begging for him to let me cum. please, please, let me cum. daddy, please, i'll be good. and finally, after what feels like forever, he lets me. it's so strong that by the end of my orgasm i'm limp in his grasp and he has to pick me up and hold me against his chest. he shushes me, strokes my hair and lets me sit curled up in his lap until my body stops shaking and i'm resting there dazed with my face buried in his neck. my sensitive clit pressing against his thighs hurts so good. he's comforting me and i'm so glad the punishment is over. i meant it; i'll be good. i promise.
i'm almost asleep in his arms when i feel him get up and suddenly i'm thrown roughly onto the bed and he's climbing over my body, pinning both of my wrists in one of his large, calloused hands above my head. i'm gasping with wide, red eyes, startled and frightened, and he smiles at me. a sick sense of excitement makes me clench my thighs together. i know that look. he's going to hurt me, and i'm going to take it, like the good little girl i am. "you didn't think it was over, did you, baby? you haven't learned your lesson." and then he's touching me between my legs, making me whimper and moan until he's thrusting his fingers inside me and stretching me, curling them over and over and making my back arch up off the bed in pleasure. i feel tricked and betrayed—i thought it was over, i thought he forgave me—and it's so good, it feels so good and god, it hurts. i'm so sensitive that just a feather touch makes me burn.
he doesn't stop until i've come thirteen times—he makes me count them out loud. i mess up once when i miss the number three, and he makes me start all over again. when he's done i'm soaking wet and aching in pain, making a sticky mess on the bed, and i'm sobbing crying at the too-much sensations. please, daddy, i can't. i can't take it anymore. it hurts, i'm too sensitive, please. the look on his face says he won't show me any mercy, and then i hear the zipper of his jeans coming undone. his hard cock is inside me in a second, the thrust so brutal it feels like he's tearing me. he has me sopping wet under him but it's still not enough to prepare me for him. i'm so full, i'm so sensitive, and then he's thrusting inside me so slow, so agonizingly slow. his fingers press against my clit and begin to move side to side, up and down, wrenching a pained cry from my throat. all i can do is look up at him with wet eyes and i know i'm all his—his to use and abuse, and like he said, i'm going to pay. "i'm going to make you cum until i think you've had enough, when you're screaming and crying and begging me to stop, and then i'm going to fuck you until i'm satisfied. and you're gonna take it, baby, you're gonna show daddy how much of a good girl you can be, how sorry you are for misbehaving... and when i'm done with you, you'll never backtalk me again."
0 notes
melon-wing · 2 years
Your true Name [Grian/Ren]
Warning: This is a discontinued and mostly unedited story.  If you still wanna read - just for fun - go ahead, but be aware that there most likely won’t be more. I’m just dumping all the WIP I’ll never finish for those interested. [Click here for my non-abandoned stories] ~*~
Grian wiped the sweat from his forehead, sliding out from below the makeshift time machine. He had linked up a few circuits below and luckily just in time for his iron reserve to be spent. He was just glad Ren and Impulse were way below the ground, not one of them noticing Grian install all those foreign technologies he knew from a time way before Hermitcraft, far more familiar to him than redstone and far more compact as well. It was easy to hide those cables below the machine behind some metal panel.
He could hear Ren and Impulse‘s voices bickering, the sound slightly distorted coming from his communicator that was sitting on their little makeshift table. They had chosen to keep the transmission open, so they could keep each other updated and in case something happened. This wasn‘t the world they were all used to after all. They wouldn‘t want one of them getting lost. Well not that Grian would easily get lost, just tinkering around above ground… And Impulse was too focused to get lost… So yeah, they kept the open line so Ren wouldn‘t get lost.
“How are you guys doing?”, Grian asked, walking up to the communicator and taking a little clay cup to drink some water. The sun was high in the sky, no cloud in sight and working the whole time was getting exhausting. He wished he was in the cold caves below ground as well, but that was impossible.
“We found another vein. Or whatever. Not sure if you can call it a vein with only two diamonds. We only need one more, then we‘ll head up. God I miss my enchanted pickaxe”, Ren‘s voice replied to him and from the strain in his voice Grian could tell that the constant digging was getting exhausting to them as well.
“Get up and take a break. It‘ll get dark soon. We don‘t have to return today. I‘d rather have you up here when it gets dark. I wouldn‘t want to be all alone up here.”
“No”, Impulse said sternly and Grian could just imagine his determined face. “I know what you are trying to do, Gri. You have been alone more than one night since we arrived. We don‘t need a break now. We can rest once we have the last diamond. You just focus on the rest of the time machine.”
Grian sighed. Impulse was always able to look right through him. “Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you don‘t overwork yourselves. There‘s some nasty things in the caves just waiting for an opportunity to jump you guys.”
“Awww” Ren‘s high pitched voice spoke up again „Does little Gri care for us?“
Grian snorted in amusement.
“Of course I do. Wouldn‘t want to be single again after dating your sorry ass for over a year, Ren. I am too used to you by now.” There was a delighted giggle on the other side of the line that just got higher in pitch when Grian added on: “I love you.”
Impulse gave an annoyed groan, muttering something about inappropriate times for flirting, that Grian didn‘t completely catch.
“And I love you as well, Impulse. So try and get back soon.”
Grian walked away from the communicator again, turning to the time machine. If those two stayed below ground, he could  work a bit on the interior of the machine so he‘d maybe be done by the time they returned. 
He kept setting up stuff, when a loud scream snapped him out of his thoughts. He immediately stormed out, racing to the communicator and grabbing it in panic. 
“What happened?”
“It‘s alright, Grian.” Impulse‘s voice sounded strained and breathless, which was not really comforting at all.
“Impulse? What happened?”
There were some groans and shuffling, before Impulse replied again. „Ren fell down. I caught him. Gotta pull him up. Bad time for talking. Not sure if I can… Fuck no, Ren, don‘t you dare let go.“
“You‘ll fall with me if I don‘t!”
Grian could feel his heart rate increase at hearing the desperate voice of his boyfriend. He felt his eyes getting wet. He felt so helpless. He looked up at the sky sending off a silent prayer to whoever was listening to let them be alright. He would give anything for Impulse to be able to save Ren. He couldn‘t lose him. He just couldn‘t.
There were more grunts and shuffling and stones moving and then a shout. A triumphant shout. Grian‘s hands were shaking, his eyes drawn back to the communicator as he waited breathlessly for any sign that they had made it.
“I‘m alright, Gri. He pulled me up. Don‘t know where the madlad got this strength from. But good news. I saw another diamond at the side of the wall I was hanging from. We‘ll be coming up soon.”
Grian smiled softly, letting himself fall onto the chair next to their table, putting his communicator against his forehead. 
“Be careful please.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too. Don‘t disappear on me”, Grian replied and then put the communicator on the table again. He leant back a bit, turning his head to the sky and taking a deep breath. They needed to get away. This old world was dangerous. Who knew what would happen if they stayed for much longer.
Grian took a few calming breaths. His communicator gave a beep, but he didn‘t look at it immediately. Instead he was looking at the sky in confusion. It was still a few hours until nightfall, but the sky turned dark at a faster pace than it normally would. Grian looked for the sun in irritation, but it was nowhere to be found.
“Guys? I think something is wrong up here”, he slowly said, taking the communicator into his hand, only now looking at the message that had popped up and then he froze.
Herobrine joined the Game.
“Grian? What is happening? Did you see the message?”
Grian slowly looked up from his communicator. He felt like someone was watching him. Eyes staring right through him. And then his eyes landed on the figure. Standing completely still on the other side of the river next to their base. Those white emotionless eyes just staring at him. Staring, never once blinking. 
Grian felt like he was frozen in place, like something was holding him right there. His body didn‘t obey him anymore. The air seemed to be charged with electric energy. There were shouts coming from the communicator, asking him what was going on, but he couldn‘t speak, couldn‘t even open his mouth.
It was as if someone had stopped his body from working. Something was really wrong. This wasn‘t just the sight of Herobrine shocking him. And that‘s when he realised what that feeling was and he almost wanted to laugh at his own stupidity. Magic. He was being put under a spell and quite a strong one at that. That left only one question now. Would it be a good idea to resist? Maybe if he didn‘t move...
Herobrine made a step forward and something snapped in Grian, breaking his hesitance, stopping the trance like state. The magic was still all around him and he could feel its presence clearer now, but he pushed it back, his own magic flaring up inside of him. It had been a while since he used his watcher magic, but it was like it reacted on its own to push back the foreign magic.
Grian took a deep breath of relief as he felt control return to him and he took a step towards his communicator, his eyes never once leaving Herobrine. The moment he moved the blank face turned into a wide grin and Herobrine disappeared. There was no beep from the communicator. He wasn‘t gone. It wasn‘t over.
Grian rushed to the table, picking up the communicator, Ren and Impulse still shouting for him.
“Ren! Impulse! You need to hurry! We need to escape! He‘s here, Herobrine is…”
Suddenly the hair at the back of his neck seemed to stand up as the energy behind him shifted. He knew without turning around what that meant. A hand was put on his and it felt like an electric current ran through him, his body once again frozen. There was a chuckle behind him. The hand moved to his communicator, taking it out of his limb fingers. He tried to resist, tried to call up on his magic again, but it seemed to be buried deep down suddenly.
“You have magic, boy. Tell me. What does a watcher do all the way out of their domain? Haven‘t your elders told you that it‘s dangerous to stray too far off the path into the dark forest.”
Sweat ran down Grian‘s forehead. He was fighting. There was no way he‘d give up now. He needed to keep fighting.
The communicator fell to the ground and a crunching sound told him that Herobrine had stepped on it.
“I‘ve always hoped an opportunity like this would arise. I‘ve waited. I‘ve searched. I knew one day a watcher would make a mistake. Looks like you did just that.”
Grian tensed every muscle in his body and then his magic flared up again, pushing everything away from himself. The table burst into tiny pieces, the chair was sent flying high into the air. He hurriedly scattered away, looking back at Herobrine who had just stumbled a few steps back and was now looking at him with a mix of annoyance and excitement.
“A feisty one. Tell me, young watcher, how can you resist my spell if you don‘t bear the mark of my brother yet? Such an intriguing specimen.” Herobrine took a step forward, as Grian stepped back. He took the sword from his inventory and with a hissed word it was covered in golden flames. 
“Don‘t resist… You only make me want to own you more.”
„Stop right there“, Grian spat back, not ready to give up, even when he knew he had no chance. He had heard of legends of Herobrine while in the watcher‘s domain and those differed wildly from the ones the humans were telling. “I am not going to help you.”
Herobrine chuckled and the sound seemed to freeze even Grian‘s bones. “Oh, but you will. Because you will tell me your true name. Your watcher name.”
Grian almost laughed at how absurd that sounded. No Watcher ever gave away their name. It was more precious than even their own life. Magic itself told them their name once they became watchers and not even family and friends would hear it spoken. Knowing your true name gave you access to your magic, made you able to control the energies of the worlds. It had been the first thing Grian had been warned about. Never reveal your true name, for if you do you‘ll give up control of your magic to somebody else.
“I‘d rather die.”
Herobrine made another step forward, seemingly unimpressed by Grian‘s sword and Grian took another step backwards.
“Oh I know you would. I made that mistake with the last watcher I found. She forced her own magic to overload. Not a pretty sight. But I know you won‘t. Because I heard you. You did something that no watcher is ever allowed to do, didn‘t you?”
Grian felt his heart stop as he looked to the side, seeing Ren run out of the entrance to their mine, Impulse right behind him.
“I saved him, Grian. I came here because I was intrigued how the thoughts of a mere human reached me. Now I know why. Your magic called out into the void. And you have made one grave mistake, that‘ll cost you everything. You broke your watcher‘s oath. You fell in love with a mortal.”
“No. You can‘t”, Grian breathed out, his eyes zeroing in on Ren as time seemed to slow down.
“But I can. And I will.”
Herobrine‘s hand snapped towards Ren and Grian dropped his sword, wings sprouting from his back as he rushed forwards, trying to reach him in time. Trying to get in between them, trying to take whatever attack was meant for Ren. A few metres before he reached Ren he suddenly slammed into an invisible wall. His eyes flickered back to Herobrine who was smirking, another hand raised, that must have just summoned the wall that separated them. Grian looked on helplessly as some force hit Ren and Impulse, throwing them high into the air and making them fall hard. Impulse was lucky enough to land in the river, but Ren hit the ground with a loud thud.
“REN!!”, Grian banged with his fists against the wall, but it wouldn‘t move. He then pressed his palms against it and desperately tried to channel his own energy into it, but it wouldn‘t disappear or even give in a bit. “Ren please stand up. Please…”
Impulse had resurfaced and ran back to Ren‘s side, shoving a health potion against his lips and Grian sighed in relief when Ren was helped back up into an upright position, looking a bit disoriented but still alive.
“So what do you think, Grian? Your name for his life?”
Grian looked to the side where Herobrine was now leaning against the wall, smiling gleefully at Grian. 
“I won‘t give in. I won‘t.”
“I hoped you‘d say this. Makes it so much more interesting. Now let‘s have some fun. First I need to get rid of the other rat.”
Herobrine‘s eyes seemed to glow as they turned back to Impulse and before Grian could even react he flicked his hands, sending Impulse flying again. Impulse hit one of the trees, hard and some of the branches turned into ropes, tying him tightly to the trunk. “Wouldn‘t want him to intervene again. And now to your little human. What should I do first? Humans are so fragile. They are not like you and me. They have no magic to protect them, to hold them together. I can shatter his soul and even respawn won‘t be able to fix that. Doesn‘t that sound like a plan?”
Herobrine‘s hand started glowing a blinding white and Grian jumped into action again. Burning rage alone was fueling him as he flung himself at the magical being. His physical attack had not been expected and they both fell to the ground. Grian took hold of Herobrine‘s head and slammed it onto the rock when they landed. He could hear a loud crack that went through every fiber of his body.
But those eyes were still open and glowing, looking furiously at him. Grian barely had time to summon a magical shield in front of him before he was thrown away with the force of such a strong magic it still pushed him high up into the sky. He opened his wings and without hesitating soared through the air to attack again. One flick of his wrist and the sword he had dropped came flying to him again, flames bursting out of it once more. The moment he was about to strike a white translucent shield popped up in his path and his blade hit the barrier, sparks flying all around it until the blade broke into tiny pieces. 
With a loud shout Grian dropped the hilt of the sword, drawing back his fist, the golden flames now dancing on his skin. He punched the shield, glaring at the grinning face behind it.
“You can‘t save him, Grian. He was doomed the moment you called out… Or maybe it was even before that. Maybe since the moment he met you. Didn‘t your elders teach you not to mingle with mortals.”
Grian felt a pang of guilt at that and Herobrine‘s grin widened as he seemed to pick up on it immediately. 
“Oh! Don’t tell me you’re a little runaway. A rogue watcher? You intrigue me more and more every second, Grian. I want to have you. I‘ve never wanted a watcher more than I have wanted you and I will have what I want.”
The shield suddenly dissolved into sparkles, but before Grian could react a hand came flying forward, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him up slightly, his feet dangling in the air as he gasped for breath. 
“With your power… With you by my side, I‘ll be able to gain control over the worlds. No admin will be able to stop me ever again.” Herobrine looked into his face, his smile turning into a smirk as his other hand came up to gently wipe away a tear that was rolling down Grian‘s cheek from the lack of air. “It doesn‘t hurt that my price is as beautiful as you are. You‘ll look good at my side. My little prince.”
“Let go of him!”
An arrow flew through the air only to stop at the barrier still between them and Herobrine chuckled. “Love really does turn you into an idiot, but I will oblige. It‘s not him I want to hurt after all.”
The hand around his throat let go and Grian fell to his knees, coughing and gasping for air. It took him a few seconds to gather enough strength to stand up again. His knees were still weak and shaking, but he still tried to stay strong. 
“Ren. You need to run. You need to take Impulse and run.“ Grian‘s voice was raspy from the choking and when he turned to Ren he knew his eyes were glowing from the magic now freely flowing through his veins. „Get as far away as you can. I‘ll blow this whole place to pieces.”
“Grian… Don‘t.”
A sad smile made its way onto Grian‘s face and he touched the barrier, looking at Ren longingly.
“I will be alright.” It was a lie. They both knew it was a lie. Ren had seen with which ease Grian‘s attacks had been stopped. He still turned to run back to Impulse, an axe from his inventory materializing in his hand.
Herobrine made a move to rush Ren, but Grian stepped in between them, wings spread far apart.
“You will not touch him.”
“I won‘t… If you tell me your name.”
Grian‘s eyes glowed and the magic rushed to his hands. „My name is Grian!“, he shouted and let the energy flow. The full blast hit Herobrine, the ground beneath them shaking. Dust was in the air all around them, slowly falling to the ground again. Grian was breathing hard. He hadn‘t been training in a while. He should have kept working on his magic just in case. He had never finished his Watcher training. He was still weak.
The dust faded and Grian didn‘t know if he wanted to laugh or cry as Herobrine still stood there, not even wavering. The dust settled completely. Herobrine wasn‘t smiling this time. He looked angry, one hand on his cheek and as he moved it away Grian could see a bleeding scratch. All this energy and this was all he had achieved.
“You will pay for this. No watcher has ever managed to draw blood. If I didn‘t need you anymore I‘d kill you right there and then…“ Herobrine took a step forward and the ground beneath him cracked from the magic overflowing from his body. „Our little game is over now. I should have taken this more seriously.”
“Game…?”, Grian whispered in shock and before he could move one muscle, Herobrine had his arm raised, but not in his direction. Grian followed the arm to see Ren being ripped away from Impulse who was only half freed by now and being pulled forward, smashing face first into the wall before falling to his knees. 
“Tell me your name or your mortal will die in ten seconds.”
Grian rushed to Ren, banging against the wall, but he couldn‘t get through. He stared back at Herobrine. A glowing red heart appeared in his hand and as he squeezed, Ren started screaming in agony, holding his own chest. Grian dropped to his knees, watching as Ren was shouting in pain.
“5… 4…”
Grian kept looking between them, his own heart racing. He couldn‘t lose Ren. He just couldn‘t. 
“3… 2…”
Ren looked up at him, blood was running from the corner of his mouth, dripping down to the floor. 
“Grian… love…”
“1… and-”
“Xelqua!” Grian‘s scream interrupted Herobrine and the fist he had almost completely closed around the magical heart opened, the energy disappearing. „My name is Xelqua…“
Grian kept his eyes on Ren, tears running through his face. Ren was still breathing hard, but he no longer seemed to be on the verge of dying. Their eyes locked and Ren stretched out his hand towards him, letting his palm rest against the barrier.
Grian let out a sob and reached out as well, their hands almost touching if it weren‘t for the invisible wall separating them. He couldn‘t even feel the warmth of Ren‘s body.
“I love you, Grian. Don‘t… Whatever this means, don‘t let him win… Don‘t.”
“Xelqua.” Herobrine‘s voice was cold and filled with magic. Grian could feel his mind clouding. It took all his energy to resist it, but he needed to… Just one more time. He needed Ren to know.
“Ren… I‘m sorry. I love-”
His mind turned blank. It was as if his body only went through the motions. As if he was watching himself move. He slowly stood up, hand letting go of the wall and stepping up to Herobrine, stopping right in front of him and looking up, waiting. Herobrine‘s face twisted into a delighted smile as he held out his hand and without hesitance Grian grabbed onto it.
“Let‘s go, Xelqua.”
And then everything around them disappeared.
~*~ A/N: So yeah. I really liked this one but it never went anywhere. After the first chapter it was supposed to focus more on Ren’s perspective. Him trying to save Grian. They manage to return to Hermitcraft and team up with Area 77 and Xisuma to try and find Grian and bring him back. Also there was supposed to be some watcher lore here and there about Grian’s past. All the while Herobrine is on his way, conquering the worlds with Grian by his side and maybe turning himself into the ruler with Grian as his ‘Queen’. Yeah. I’m really sad i lost steam here.
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4joonkookie · 3 years
After Midnight
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Words: 1.8K
Warnings/Tags: shameless smut, fuckboi!Namjoon, choking, strangling, reverse cowgirl,thigh riding, ruined orgasm, angst, fluff, masturbation, mutual masturbation.
Summary: You prey on Namjoon when he can’t be peeled away from his work in the studio and after a slight speed bump, it continues in the bedroom.
(In order) thigh riding, Yoongi Cameo, ruined orgasm, mutual masturbation, (eventual orgasms) and reverse cowgirl.
It’s Midnight.
You’ve been waiting in bed almost 2 hours for Namjoon to finish in the studio. You texted again and he’s been “almost done” for over an hour now.
You’re panty-clad only but throw on his nearby hoodie and quietly head downstairs to fetch him. You gently open the studio door, hoping not to disturb anyone.
“Hey.”, he turns from a computer screen as you close the door behind you.
He quickly turns his attention back to the screen, engrossed in his work. You reach him and turn the rolling chair just enough to squeeze onto his lap.
“Almost, I swear.”, he says, eyes not leaving the computer screen.
“You said that at 10.”, you whine, placing little kisses on his neck.
You brace yourself on his lap and lean forward facing away from him to reach the mouse of the computer, closing all of the applications.
“Oh I like this”, he says, grazing his hands over your near-bare ass and admiring this coincidental view. He’s pleasantly distracted until he sees what you’re doing.
“Wait , wait, wait, I'm not do__…”, he begins to scold you.
“You’re done.”, you look at him convincingly and nod, turning to straddle him face-to-face in the chair. You bluff, “...unless you’d like me to go.” beginning to stand from his lap.
He uses a large arm to pull you back straight away and locks his lips with yours.
“Mmph… 20 minutes...”, he negotiates between heated kisses. Just give me 20 minutes and I’ll head upstairs and we can finish this.”, he says, grinding his lap up.
“We haven’t started anything yet.”, you groan as you reach for the waistband of his shorts.
He lifts you by your waist and spreads your legs over one of his thighs. He begins guiding your hips back and forth and you both groan into the feeling.
“We can start like this.” he says.
“Not while you’re working.”, you counter, wanting, needing to be more important.
“No?” he says, not letting his lips leave yours but rolls the both of you back to the computer.
He lifts you off his lap briefly to raise one leg of his shorts and pulls your panties to the side. Your lips hug his bare thigh, dragging your swelling center over his smooth skin. He pushes his leg up, causing you to cry out.
The moisture flowing allows you to slide easily, Namjoon keeping his leg firm in place. The increase in sensation makes your mind foggy but you tease anyway:
“And exactly how many girls have you convinced to grind on you while you work in this studio?, you ask, not disrupting the rhythm you've created.
“None that look as good in my sweater as you do”, he says softly, sliding a hand under the sweater and feeling up your breasts underneath.
Your core slips and slides on his thigh, orgasm hot in your belly. You try to distract yourself to pull him farther from even considering touching that computer again.
“Mmmm...and how many girls have worn your sweater?”, you moan in his ear, grinding with pleasure.
“None that look as sexy with my hand wrapped around their neck as you do.”, he replies, not missing a beat. Damn. His hand in the sweater grips around your throat with light pressure, Namjoon eoying watching your boobs bounce while you move on him.’
“More?” he asks.
“More.”,you reply, moans becoming needier and breathier.
The sweater rides higher on your body when he squeezes your neck a bit tighter, pushing you down on his thigh harder. You’re swept away, hips moving instinctively, chasing the climax.
“Come, baby. Make a mess on me.” He swoons and tightens his grip on your throat ,catapulting you to your orgasm. Your legs are shaking when the studio door swings open.
Only you can see a mortified Yoongi squint his eyes shut, use a hand to cover his already shut eyes and never lets the other hand leave the door handle before slamming it back shut.
“Oh my God.” you say, humiliated and softly and drop your head to Namjoon’s shoulder.
“ ...I forgot.”,he says, frozen with his hands on your waist. He was expecting Yoongi.
“You knew he was coming?!”, you grip his shoulders, feeling your blood boil.
“I asked him to come down to help me finish_”
“Ugh!” You grunt, interrupting. You angrily hop off his lap. “Have him finish you off then, see if I care!”.
You storm out of the studio, not even minding Yoongi still outside the door with a view of your bare ass, trotting away.
Stomping upstairs, you return to the bedroom. You take off Namjoon’s sweatshirt, your body overheated with embarrassment and ruined orgasm. You shut off the lights, hide under the blanket and hope to fall asleep and put off the discomfort and frustration until morning.
You expect Namjoon to stay with Yoongi in the studio and are surprised when a flash of light pans the room when the door opens. The lights turn on and he laughs when he sees your curled up body under the blankets, surely pouting. He jumps on the bed and wrestles you out from underneath the blanket.
“You pull tight at the covers and fight to keep shielded.” He finds your ribs on your blanketed form and tickles you until you let go of the sheets. You greeted with his sweet smile.
“Don’t be embarrassed…” he begins.
“But I am.”, you snap back more roughly than you intend. “I’m embarrassed that I had to literally hunt and pin you down to try and get laid.”, you're noticing real feelings coming out under the heat of embarrassment. “That I had to all but beg to tear you away from your work.”
He hangs his head in realization. He looks at you to speak. “I'm sorry, you’re right...”, he says, sincerely. He continues “....but I'm so glad you did...”, insufferably sweet.
“ Well, next time I won't.”, you reply, still cross with him. “I’ll just take care of it myself.”
“Only if you let me watch.”, he teases and begins to stroke your body and kiss your neck. It’s enticing but your ego is still bruised and you’re not ready to give back in to him yet.
“Take off Your pants.”, you demand and gesture at him to sit on the end of the bed. He complies readily, undresses and sits with his exposed cock on one end of the bed.
You pull the still-sticky panties off your body and get on all-fours to arrange pillows on the opposite end of Namjoon, revealing your ass to him. You mimic the view he’d enjoyed earlier. You gather several pillows to prop your back up and use one to sit on.
You settle yourself on the pillow and spread your thighs apart to expose your glistening cunt, still wet. Namjoon’s cock swells further, eyes darting across your body while his brain catches up to his dick.
You begin by dragging some wetness above to your clit. Your leg twitches when you move over the sensitive nub. You use the flat pads of 2 fingers to circle around, breath quickening.
Namjoon runs an antsy hand through his hair while exhaling deeply, mesmerized.
“Fuck baby…”, he groans while grabbing at the base of his leaking cock.
You spread wetness around your opening before sinking your middle and ring finger inside. Using your other hand to spread your lips apart so Namjoon can see.
He moans and uses building precum to turn his wrist around his shaft.
The image of him working his own cock propels you faster, rubbing faster and your pelvis instinctively grinds against your own fingers.
Namjoon strokes up and down his length. “You sure you don’t want to come over here, baby?”, he growls, tempting you with his dripping cock.
You look at him thoughtfully for a half-second before nearly pouncing on him across the bed. You’d kill to get that moment on his thighs back. It’s an offer that can’t be denied.
You straddle the same thigh and settle yourself on either side. Namjoon is keen on your idea and replaces his hand around your neck.
“Where were we?”, he whispers, setting a rhythm with his lap.
“I was telling you how sexy you looked with my hand wrapped around your neck…”
It’s just a few rolls Of your hips before the sensation captures you again.
“...and how I wanted that pretty pussy to make a mess on me”, he praises.
You start to see white when his grip tightens around your neck.
“Mmm...Joonie” you moan as your peak takes you over.. He keeps his grip tight on your throat until your orgasm and hips roll slower.
“Turn around.'' he says. You can hardly make out what he’s saying in your blissed state but turn to allow him to envelope his cock inside you.
He groans when you bottom out, You rotate your hips, grinding over his shaft until Namjoon can’t control his breathing.
He lays little slaps on your skin, grabbing and groping your ass cheeks.
You rotate your hips, grinding over his shaft.
“mmmph_ I love the way you move.”, he praises. You glance back to find him with one hand behind his neck and the other guiding your ass as it bounces, eyes fixated on the work on his cock.
You arch your back, and he uses his hand to keep you high up, impossibly deep. He pushes down on your shoulders as he thrusts from below you, eventually lifting himself up to his knees for a better angle. He still pushes the small of your back to guide you around his cock.
He gorans out and moves faster causing you to lose your balance. He doesn’t let you slip off but catches you bent on all fours, never losing stride.
“I’m gonna make a mess of that pussy, baby.”, he threatens as he fucks his orgasm into you. He keeps his rapid pace and bottoms out a final time.
He falls beside you and gives your ass a rewarding rub.
“I’m sorry.”, he begins. “It’s hard for me to walk away from work”, he says, still catching his breath. “ But you’re a welcome distraction. and I love it when you ‘hunt and pin’ me down.” he kisses you.
In a teasing tone, he continues, “And how many guys have watched you touch yourself like that?”
He looks truly curious but you leave him guessing anyway.
“None that look as sexy watching me as you do”. You tease back as you stroke his cheek.
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duskamethyst · 4 years
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a/n: just realized that the colors of my banners are different on laptop and phone and that pissed me off.
word count: 3.9k 
genre: smut, nsfw
warnings: noncon/dubcon, exhibitionism, public sex, thigh riding, squirting, sexual assault, stalking, power abuse
pairing: aizawa x f!reader
summary: where aizawa deliberately takes on the roll as your guardian inside the train, but of course he has other plans.
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the worst place to be during the rush hour would be inside a train. 
aizawa never bothered to commute because he often walked to work and back home but for you, he was willing to make an exception. 
you caught his attention during one of his evening patrols, walking alone in the big city with a short skirt that accentuated your curves and long legs. aizawa discovered the fact that you used the train to get to work daily and with the fact that you were always alone, he knew that you were always put in a vulnerable situation. so, he thought; why not keep an eye on you? maybe his job as a hero could give him a little advantage too.
like a child, he finds himself eager to get on the train. of course, he doesn’t really know which coach you would be standing in but his commute turns out to be so much worth it whenever he does end up standing in the same one as you.
in the morning, you would be there before he gets in and he’s the first one to step off the train in the evening. he assumes that you live somewhere closer to the end of the train’s final stop but he doesn’t know exactly where. so far, he has learned which station you use to wait for the train for your ride home from work. 
and today seems to be one of those days where he is lucky enough to see you in the same coach, squeezed between a throng of people. aizawa always noticed the fed up and uncomfortable look on your face as you held on to the bar but it was because of no other than a pervert deliberately rubbing his front on your backside. 
he’s sort of mad that you just let it happen, quietly accepting the assault being thrown at you. he can see how your face is contorted into anger and vexation as you try to nudge the man with your elbow and what he assumes as the man muttering half-assed apologies before he starts to blatantly repeat the same shit again. 
you look around pleadingly for someone to intervene and your hands are balled into tight fists, ready to swing any moment but you hesitate because you’re afraid of being the one who will end up getting into trouble and especially since you don’t have any concrete evidence that you’re being harassed either.
for a moment, his gaze locks briefly with yours before you turn away, probably to seek for someone else to come to your aid. he knows that almost no heroes ride the train, since they either patrol on the streets or keep watch from up above but he is currently the outlier, and what kind of hero would he be if he just continues to turn a blind eye on this? maybe it’s time for him to steal the opportunity to play hero and finally get an excuse to talk to you after a long time of observing you from the sidelines. 
aizawa slowly pushes the people aside to make his way over to your side and takes you by surprise by putting his hand on your shoulder.
“baby, why didn’t you pick up the phone?” he sighs and says a little too loudly so the creep behind you can hear. you look at him perplexingly but he just gives you a silent look that tells you to play along. 
“u-uh.. i’m sorry. my phone is on silent.” you try to reply with the same tone. “but i’m glad you found me! thought i’ve lost you.” 
the way you inch closer to him doesn’t go unnoticed, especially how your boob is literally pressing on his side. aizawa quickly glances to the man who still seems to be unbothered by the fake acting (not that he can tell) so he spins you around to face him instead. 
good lord. maybe he shouldn’t have done that. 
now aizawa can clearly see that your tits are squished against his chest through the unbuttoned top of your little white blouse. your gaze strays somewhere else, probably in embarrassment or maybe you don’t mind at all– he can’t tell nor can he think straight right now but he’s here for one purpose and he’s going to honor it. 
“how’s work today?” he inquires, turning your head to him with his fingers so it would seem like you both are engaging in a natural conversation between lovers. he is able to see your tired eyes up close but they seem to carry the same soft look he’s so smitten with.
“hard.” he tenses up a little at the possibility of you noticing the erection in his pants but thank god they’re baggy or else the tent would be obvious. “i missed you.”
aizawa’s heart is bursting in his chest but he places on his mask of unfazed expression perfectly. he still has a role to play after all.
he leans down to whisper in your ear yet his eyes bore intimidatingly into the man’s, “i’m sorry to hear that, sweetheart. but i promised to take good care of you tonight, remember?”
perhaps that was a bit of an overstate, but hey, it works. now that the man has caught on, he immediately walks off the train as soon as it stops– not even bothering whether it's where he’s supposed to go or not as he tries to run away from the possibility of getting into trouble with another guy.
“you okay?” he steps back and takes a good look at you only to realize how you’re avoiding his gaze to hide your evidently flushed face. how cute. “you don’t look so good.”
“i-i’m fine.” you mutter. “thank you for saving me.”
“no problem. it’s a part of my job. i just happened to be here.” he points out in a blatant lie.
you look at him in surprise as if finally connecting the dots, “wait, are you a hero?”
“uh, i guess– yes, i am.”
it’s the first time you’ve ever seen a hero being vague about his profession– or maybe you just made him feel uncomfortable to admit that he’s one when you, a quirkless citizen should be acknowledging the heroes that are risking their lives to protect the country so they should at least deserve some recognition, him included. 
“i’m sorry. i didn’t recognize you and i don’t really keep up with the heroes.” you laugh nervously, afraid of offending the male. though you can’t really tell what he thinks nor can you tell if he even cares from the look on his face but he only observes you silently before his lips turn to a lopsided smile. 
he doesn’t take it to heart, of course, but he finds it endearing that you’re trying to make him feel better. aizawa is not one that likes to be in the limelight anyway, so he doesn’t blame you. 
the number of people in the train gradually dissipates as the train stops station by station, leaving him and you together with some other few who have taken their seats to doze off. aizawa’s platform has long passed by but he decides to stay with you with intent to know where you actually live.  
aizawa doesn’t speak much the whole ride, only answering your questions and listening to you as you talk about your life. he learns that you’re a fresh graduate who just started working in an office and saving up to buy a car so you don’t have to trouble yourself with train rides anymore. he doesn’t know why you entrust him with the fact that you live alone in your apartment, but he’s relieved that you do. maybe it’s easy to trust a hero. man or not. 
but his filthy gaze lingers around your body once in a while– blood rushes to his cock when he sees the plush thighs that are exposed from your short skirt as you sit, the two buttons on your blouse that looks like they’re about to pop off from your breasts and the way your puffy lips jut out slightly when you stare out the window to watch the sun slowly disappears below the horizon to make way for the dark sky. the ride would’ve been peaceful if not for the uncomfortable throb inside his pants right now.
and soon enough, you stand up from your seat and grab your bag in preparation to step off from the agonizing ride. 
“this is my stop. thank you again, eraser head. it’s nice meeting you!” you beam sweetly before you walk off the train and wave him goodbye as the doors slowly closes between the two of you. 
aizawa can’t wait to see you again tomorrow– but now he needs a change of pace. since he doesn’t want to take risk of you finding out that he intentionally missed his platform, he chooses to only ride the train in the evening now.
with his height, aizawa is able to see you looking around as soon as you step into the train with exhaustion written all over your face. however, it’s instantly washed away with an exuberant look when you notice him staring at you from the other side. his heart swells with joy as he watches you push yourself through the crowd with your bag covering your chest protectively.
“found you, eraser!” you chirp as you stand in front of the male.
“oh? so you were looking for me?” he replies coyly, sinking lower into his scarf to keep his burning cheeks out of sight.
you nod eagerly and sigh, “i looked for you this morning too, but i guess you were on a different coach or something.”
“why? you wanted to use me so i’d protect you from perverts?” 
“oops. busted.” you laugh. 
if that’s the one thing that binds you and him, he doesn’t really mind. aizawa is pleased to know that you’re willing to be around him as much as he does. it then comes to a point where you both promise to be in the same coach in the evening.
it has been over a week since aizawa restrained his lecherous intentions. all of those days he has seen you don that short skirt that seems to hug your ass so well. every weekday evening he gets to glance down over your cleavage when you press yourself closely against him and when you’re not facing him? he can feel that ass just lightly brushing, teasing him when the train shakes and he knows he won’t be able to take it any longer. 
what is he waiting for anyway? when this is all what he coveted in the first place? fuck playing the reliable hero. 
aizawa doesn’t want to regard himself and the creeps inside the train as equals. he’s different. he’s a hero and because of that, he got you always wanting to stay close to him without him compelling. you’re so sweet to him, so trusting and you never give him the dirty look whenever he places his hand too low on your back. 
more people are joining in from different stations so as usual, aizawa quickly pulls you into a corner nearby one of the doors which he knows won’t be opening for people to get in and get out. he only keeps guard by standing behind you as you take in the view of the same buildings and skyline.
“you have no idea how much i’m dying to own a car.” you sigh as you stare outside the glass window unheedingly and completely oblivious to your surroundings. 
“yes. you’ve said that a million times.” he carefully inches closer (as much as he can anyway) and bravely takes a whiff of your shampoo that never fails to fill and rouse his senses.
“i’m sorry,” you titter. “you must’ve gotten bored of hearing it.” 
“no, i like it.” he whispers audibly in your ear, just enough for both of you to hear. 
“i’m gla–” you’re suddenly startled when you feel something hard prodding against your ass. you start to feel uneasy and try to shift away but a pair of hands brazenly grab your breasts, almost making you yelp in surprise. 
“shh,” his hot breath fans over the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “don’t wanna make a scene.”
your heart instantly drops once you realize the person you trust most, a hero at that, is doing the very same thing he protected you from. you can see the vague reflection ahead– the way his hands are massaging your tits as he litters chaste kisses on the crook of your neck.
you attempt to pry his hands off of you, but he only grabs harder and pushes you closer to the front until your forehead presses against the cold glass.
“aizawa– stop.”
aizawa can hear panic lacing in your voice as you whimper but he simply brushes off your plea, too busy soothing his carnal needs by grinding his hard cock against your ass.
“no. you feel so good.” he nibbles your neck, sucking and biting the supple flesh to leave a bruising mark. 
“p-people are gonna see.” 
“that’d be really hot.” he hoists up your short skirt to prop his knees between your thighs before one of his hands guides your hip and compels you to grind your pussy against his own thigh. 
your eyes lingers around the crowd in the train, in between looking for help and hoping that no one sees what he’s doing to you but everyone’s either immersed in their phones or napping and even when someone does notice you, they just turn away uncomfortably. 
“looks like i’m the only hero in this train, kitten.” he says ironically as the hand from your hips snakes in front to rub circles on your clit. “feels good, does it?” he coos as you try to muffle your whines from escaping. 
you’re clawing on his wrist in an attempt to make him stop, but the harder you try to, the harder he presses your mound and clit.
aizawa slips two fingers inside your panties, barely biting back a groan once he uncovers you wet beneath his fingers. 
“what a surprise.” he chuckles, smearing his fingers with your slick before bringing it up to your mouth. “open up, kitten.” 
you purse your lips in retaliation but he easily rubs his thumb on your hardened nipple, causing you to gasp and he quickly shoves his fingers inside your mouth. your tongue wraps around his fingers, sucking and tasting your own flavor as he observes you through the reflection.
“you like how it tastes?” he pulls out his fingers from your mouth with a lewd pop sound before tugging your panties to the side and sliding a digit swiftly inside your cunt. a surprised yelp manages to roll off your tongue from the intrusion but you quickly look down to hide your humiliation and away from the peculiar gazes of others inside the coach.
aizawa hushes you as he thrusts his fingers slowly, savoring the tightness of your walls while also attempting to keep down the squelching noises from your dripping cunt. 
“it’s okay. most of them are going to step off soon, then you can be as loud as you want.” he murmurs, holding you close to his body while his other hand continuously rubs your nipple with his thumb to stimulate you even further until your world is reduced to his satisfying ministrations. 
as time passes by, more and more people have left the train while a few sleepers still remain. aizawa already has two fingers pumping inside your sopping cunt and your slick is already trickling down your thighs as you try hard to hold in your whines. 
“please– i can’t–” your legs have grown weaker and you can only find support by leaning back against his broad chest. your toes are curling inside your heels and your breath has come out shorter and deeper as he keeps on edging you until he thinks it’s safe to fuck you without the presence of other people seeing his unheroic actions.
“you wanna cum, pretty girl?” he finally picks up the pace, causing your body to squirm as you moan breathlessly. 
“y-yes– please–”
“you’re really sucking me in.” he groans, dragging and curling his fingers against the spongy walls that makes your thighs tremble as you edge closer to an orgasm. “cum for me.”
your hands are clenching hard on his forearm and you feel the muscles in your stomach tightening with so much intensity. with his finger pressing down on your throbbing bud, you eventually come undone and you bite on his arm to stifle your screams. 
“that’s it, princess. just what you need after a long day at work, huh?” he kisses your temple soothingly as you regain composure and struggle to fix your skirt, but he stops you from doing so. 
“i had a hard day at work too, you know.” he tugs your panties down to your ankles and picks it up. “i deserve something from you too, right? and i’m not talking about this.” you see him showing your panties through the glass before he shoves it inside his pocket.
aizawa wraps his scarf around your body and drags you to the middle of the coach. the fabric works as a bind around your wrists and ties onto the bar handle on top of your head to keep you restrained and exposed in front of a man that is sleeping in his seat. 
“let’s hope he doesn’t wake up soon, hm?” he chuckles and takes his place behind you. 
“you’re out of your–!” 
you can barely contain your shriek when aizawa suddenly rips off the middle of your blouse that sends the buttons flying across from you and he quickly slips his hands underneath your bra to fondle your breasts.
“careful not to wake him up, princess.” he tweaks your pebbled nipples between his fingers to provoke the slightest sound from you but you press your lips firmly to conceal your mewls. “or else he’s gonna see me fucking your tight cunt.”
aizawa spits on his hand and smears his saliva with your slick, making you shudder from sensitivity before his fingers prod into your hole to give you a few pumps in preparation for his cock. 
“i’ve been waiting for this for far too long.” he unzips his pants hastily to free his cock from its confinements and you gulp nervously when you see it in the reflection ahead– already throbbing and fully erected. aizawa lifts one of your legs up and rubs his shaft against your wet, puffy folds before lining his cock with your entrance. 
you look down at the man anxiously, praying silently for him to not wake up (or maybe just never at all) to see you with your legs spread in front of his face for god knows how long it’ll be. you bite your lower lip hard when you feel aizawa’s cock sinking inside your cunt, stretching it as he pushes through your walls. 
“shit. so fucking tight.” he growls in your ear as he sheathes his cock into you, pushing through your convulsing walls and until he has filled you to the brim. he starts to pound into you slowly and you bite back a moan when you feel the delicious drags of his veiny cock inside you.
his tongue traces the shell of your ear, licking all around the erogenous zone that has you shuddering and clenching down on him even more. 
“mmph– you’re milking my cock so well, kitten.” he grunts, flicking your nipple with his free hand before toying with your clit. 
“ah– he-he’s gonna wake up.” you pant, tugging your wrists for release as if the way it binds so securely doesn’t tell you enough that it would be impossible.
“then he’s gonna get one hell of a show.” he says nonchalantly before picking up his pace. 
the squelching noises begin to fill the quiet air as aizawa continues to fuck you relentlessly. your slick is dripping down to his balls and your thighs, pooling underneath you and you can feel that you’re close to reaching another orgasm.
as your state has become more delirious, the man in front of you suddenly grunts in his sleep and a cold rush of fear instantly creeps down your spine. yet, aizawa doesn’t seem bothered when he remains to be balls deep inside you.
“i think you’re getting off on this, princess.” he says between breaths, rutting into you harder when he feels how hard you’re clamping around his cock. 
“b-but– i’m gonna cum–” you whine, body squirming as you ground yourself to not cum.
your pussy is spread wide open in front of the man when aizawa easily lifts up your other leg. your heels have fallen under you and now you’re just practically hanging in mid air with his scarf and hands supporting your body. he angles deeper inside your cunny and your head throws back onto his shoulder when you feel the tip brushing against your cervix. 
“then, cum.” it’s baffling how he manages to make it sound simple, not having a care in the world as if his reputation isn’t in the line right now. “look at me.”
you shyly turn your head to meet his heavy lidded eyes before he crashes his lips onto yours. you drown into his fervor kiss while the pressure continues to build in your lower stomach turns more intense and unbearable. at this point, you think it’s best to just swallow your humiliation.
“let it go.” he whispers against your lips and locks his gaze with your wavering eyes. 
“f-fuck– cumming–!” you instantly draw in for a deep kiss to make him swallow your moans as you finally let yourself come undone. it feels oddly relieving in a sense that has your mind turned to mush, together with the feeling of an insurmountable high. the moment your eyes flutter open again, you realize that there are questionable droplets of water staining the glass window in front of you. 
“you’re a little exhibitionist, aren’t you?” he mocks, yet proud and even more aroused that he managed to make you squirt in a public transport. “he might need to clean up.” 
your eyes trail down to the man in front of you to see some amount of your own arousal trickling down on his poor face. you're so dazed with pleasure that you don’t even bother to care anymore and you just let aizawa fucks you through your high before his cock begins to twitch inside your pussy.
“be a good girl and take all my cum.” his pace soon falters and he holds you still before releasing a thick load inside your cunt. after he has emptied out, aizawa leans in the crook of your neck to catch his breath before removing his cock and putting you down gently. 
“that was fucking good.” he sighs gratifyingly as he pulls his pants back up. aizawa unties your restraints and your legs wobble once they touch the ground, but he quickly catches you in his arms to keep you from falling to the floor. as if on cue, the train finally comes to a halt.
“oh, we’re here.” he picks up your shoes and bag before pulling you closer to him to stand in front of the automatic door. “do you need me to carry you or something?”
you look at him confusingly, then to the small map above your head; you’re at least two stops away from your station and three from his. “but this isn’t our stop.”
“well, this one has always been mine.”
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
First time with Reiner Braun ❤
Fem X Reiner
This is a little different. I wrote it so you can insert yourself or an OC.
  Warnings: NSFW. 18+ Smut and Fluff. 
A/N: Slight Canon divergent as Cadets take place when they’re in their late teens/early twenties. Other than that, it’s all the same. 
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  Reiner had been acting weird all day; but [Name] couldn’t really blame him.  
The last time they were alone together, they’d ended up locking mouths in a steamy kiss. They hadn’t spoken about it since – they hadn’t really had the chance.  Between training and having their classmates around it was a perfect cover to avoid a potentially awkward conversation.  When Shadis announced that for this exam, they would be teamed up together, they had both internally groaned.  
Well, it was going to happen eventually. They’d had another two years of training, they were bound to wind up alone together again at some point. They’d both made sure that during the entire hike, they didn’t let one silence befall the conversation, which would force them to talk about the inevitable subject of their heated kiss.  
It was quite comical, actually.  
Constant talking either about their task, their friends or at one point even pondered and speculated if a person got a sunburn in front of a cannibal; would the cannibal start watering at the mouth?
Anything to not talk about the kiss.  
It’d been a whole week since the incident and it wasn’t like they didn’t want to address it. They just didn’t want to know the others thought on the matter.  They’d both had serious reservations about it; they were totally focused on training and not fooling around.  
And yet...
The kiss only fanned the flames of the huge crush Reiner has had on her since day one. The crush that, over the last thirteen months, had developed into something a lot deeper.  
He’d kill for her.  
He thought about that only earlier when she made a joke about something and it really tickled him to the core; resulting in a loud belly laugh. So, when the sun was starting to set and they had found a good place to camp for the night... that was when things would inevitably go south.  
“Hey Ba- uh, [Name] ?” Reiner called out in a chilled horror. Not only from the slip of the tongue, but also what he had discovered in their shared backpack.  
[Name] was only a few feet away, starting a campfire when a small laugh left her sweet lips.  
“Did you almost call me Bertolt?”  
No. I almost called you “babe”
“Uh, yeah. Sorry. But we have a problem.”
“What is it?” she frowned, heading over.  
He pulled a large, folded bit of material out of the pack.  
“...We only have one tent.”
She looked at him like he spoke another language.
“So? It’s not the first time we’ve had to share a tent with a partner during training. I had to share one with Jean last year.”  
I bet Jean would have loved that...  
It was a running joke amongst the men about when they had to share sleeping quarters with the women, and how they’d lie on the very edge, all limbs tucked in and never once touching them for fear of a testosterone induced erection.  
“Yeah, but I’m a big guy.” He lied, not once being concerned about that at all.  
“Get over yourself.” She chuckled, nudging him playfully as she returned to what she was doing.  
Reiner solemnly obeyed and began to set up the tent, his frown pulling at his face the entire time.  He will not get any sleep – being so close to... her. Alone... Miles away from anyone.  
After they’d kissed.  
He swallowed hard as he fumbled with the poles, wanting to be out of this situation.  
Reiner Braun was desperately in love with this woman and he was supposed to be keeping away. If they kiss again, he’s a total goner. There would be no way he could reject her if she reciprocated his feelings even in the slightest. Luckily, their kiss had been interrupted so he didn’t know how she truly felt. He thought that if he never knew, it’s a problem he would never have to face.  
His fingers clumsily began to fix things together;  [Name] already having the fire going and preparing dinner.  
His eyes almost began to water at the thought that he was about to get her famous, amazing cooking.  
Sasha had been furious he was paired with her.  
His chest tightened and his head became fuzzy. He wished he didn’t have to be in such a complicated situation; he would just ask her to marry him already.  
“You need help?” her voice called over after he dropped the pole fixtures for the third time.  
“Huh? Uh, no I got it.” He wavered a hand dismissively without turning around.  
What the hell am I going to do? He panics in silence.  
Eventually the sun had set and the tent was erected, the two of them sitting by the fire after they’d eaten. The warm orange glow of the flames encased them cosily as Reiner sat back and patted his stomach in awe.  
“Amazing. As always.” He smiled. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” She beamed beautifully.  
 Surrounded by the trees under the stars and being embraced by the warm glow of the flames; [Name] now began to feel weird about their intimate moment they’d had.  It wasn’t very often they had time alone and her feelings for him remained the same since.  
They sat back, gazing up at the stars in a comfortable silence.  
“It feels like we haven’t stargazed in forever.” [Name] commented quietly. “I bet Marco is looking at them now too.”  
“Yeah, he will be.” Reiner marvelled.  
Another silence.  
He noticed she had been pretty quiet since they began relaxing by the fire.  
[Name] was wondering why he hadn’t mentioned the kiss. He’d had plenty of time now.  
Maybe he regrets it?
She bit her lip at the thought, her eyes lowering to the flames sadly. God, he’d grown on her a hell of a lot and she resented that fact. It hurt to think he didn’t feel the same.  
Reiner noticed this.  
Shit, she looks sad. Is it because he hadn’t mentioned the kiss? Should he ask her? There’s no way he would ever stand for her feeling down, let alone because of him.  
What the hell should I do?!
His brain hurt. More so, his heart.  
She flinched a little in surprise when he slowly creeped his hand across the ground and intentionally skimmed his skin across her fingers. He didn’t look at her though. It was his way of sending an impossible telepathic message of; Don’t be sad. I can’t say it but God, I love you.
She, however, assumed it was an accident.  
Ah hell. I’m going to have to mention it. I can’t see her feeling down.  
He took a deep breath.  
“You alright? You look a little down.” His usual façade of serious, concerned solider coming out.  
“Oh? I’m fine.” She lied.  
He knew she was lying. He knew her too well.  
“It looks like it’s going to rain though.” She noticed the thick clouds that were rolling in, beginning to block their view of the stars. “We should get some sleep.”
“R-right.” Reiner nodded, deflated.  
He didn’t know what he expected. His heart, body and soul ached for her lips against his again, but his mind screamed to stop being an idiot.  
As she went inside to get ready for bed, he stood and began to snuff out the flames of the fire, along with any hope he’d had of being with the woman he was so desperately in love with.  
  Sure enough, as they lay facing away from one another, the sounds of soft pattering began to tap the tent above their heads. They lay back-to-back with as big of a gap between them as possible; what the small tent would allow anyway. Reiner’s arms were tucked up around his chest and his eyes were wide.
[Name] had her limbs tucked away too but that was for a different reason – as always when she camped out, she was freezing. It didn’t matter the season. As soon as that sun sank below the horizon, her body temperature would drop.  
Reiner on the other hand was like a big insulated heater, sleeping in just his underwear under his sleeping bag. His heart thudded harshly against his large chest.  
She’s just there! Kiss her! Talk to her! Tell her how you feel...
 He’d been close to telling her a few times over the course of the last month or so. He couldn’t help it. Even before they shared that kiss, his feelings would bubble up to the surface and almost spew out of his mouth. He’d always managed to stop himself though, although it was getting increasingly more difficult each time.  
She was just so... perfect.  
Not only was she extremely attractive and half of his classmates wanted her, but she was strong. Smart. Funny. Caring... His eyes closed in a frown as he listed the endless attributes he loved about her in his head. He was fighting a losing battle, and he knew it.  
Bertolt. Annie. Marcel. I’m sorry. I tried... I really did.  
He glanced back and that’s when he noticed her curled up in a ball, shivering.  
His eyebrows furrowed.  “...You cold?”  
He instantly turned onto his side to face her, his sleeping bag rustling against the fabric of the tent.  
“You should have said something. ‘C mere.”  
With a sigh he sat up and began unzipping her sleeping bag.  
“What are you doing?” her teeth chatted.  
“Helping you warm up. I doubt you wanna get sick and miss training.”
She averted her eyes away from him when he unzipped his bag and fastened them together into a double. She knew he slept in his shorts.  
Her breath caught in her throat when he wrapped his big, strong arms around her and pulled her back against his warm chest, heat rolling off him and encasing her like a huge bear was holding her. His scent rolled off him and embraced her sense of smell, relaxing her immediately.
He kept his pelvis away from her, his manhood already stirring awake and he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.  
“T-thank you.” She whispered, still trembling.  
“Don’t mention it.” He sighed, silently kicking himself.  
I definitely won’t be getting any sleep now.  
Her heart almost stopped when his head rested and lay between her neck and shoulder, his hot breath blanketing her skin. Rushes of unexpected heat ran down her body to in-between her legs and seemed to just pool there.  
His brows furrowed behind her; inhaling her intoxicating scent silently.  
Although he was trying his hardest not to brush his hips against her, he still felt so comfortable having her in his arms like this, like she was supposed to be in them. He was meant to protect her. To care for her. To love her.  
His mind fluttered back to how he’d almost told her he loved her before. He’d hinted so hard but she just looked at him like he was crazy, not understanding what he was trying to tell her. When he was around [Name], it was like all of his troubles just melted away. Colours seemed brighter, his worries were brushed aside and life was just... amazing. She made him laugh, he could tell her anything (almost) and she always knew what to say to make him feel better after a particularly rough day. But to him, the best part of it all was how excited she got him for the future. One that was bleak and full of sorrow was spun upside down and into a promising one, brimming with all possibilities.
“I have something to tell you.” He said softly, not able to stop himself this time.  
Maybe it was being this close to her that sent him over the edge. Or maybe it made it easier that she was facing away from him.  
“Hm?” she hummed softly; her eyes closed and enjoying the warm embrace.  
“...I love you.”  
That was it. It was out.
There was no way to suck those words back into his lungs.  
The tense, pregnant silence within the tent was only filled by the light tapping of the rain against the material that covered them.
He felt her tense in surprise, her eyes flying open.  
She swivelled around to face him, her eyes searching his narrow golden orbs for any sign of deception.  
But there wasn’t any.  
A crimson flush washed over his cheeks.  
“I... I mean, you know –” he began before she silenced him by pressing her lips against his.  
Both of their eyebrows pulled back as if pleading above closed eyes, his hand cupping her face, thrilled to be kissing her once more.  
She pulled away, her own pink hue colouring her face.  
“You... Love me?” she asked, her voice soft and sweet.  
He pressed his head against hers, closing his eyes and nodding.  
“ [Name] , I’m crazy about you.” He whispered in honesty. “I always have been.”
“...How crazy?” she teased, trying to tear away any awkwardness or negative feelings in his confession.  
He smirked. She knows just how to make him comfortable.  
He grinned slyly, looking in her eyes.  
“Oh, absolutely insane. I should be getting carted away to the asylum, with Sasha and her potatoes behind me.”
She laughed beautifully, her heart swelling with joy. Even from that dumb little exchange, confirmed to her that she definitely felt the same.  
“So, you don’t regret that kiss...? Last week?”
“Of course not.” He replied, eyes returning to a desperate pleading. “I was just having a hard time accepting that I’ve come to cadets to be a soldier and.... Ended up meeting the woman I wanna marry.”
Every word that left his lips felt like a warm pleasant jab to her heart.  
“You... Wanna marry me?” She whispers, totally blown away from the intensity of this confession.  
“I do.” He admitted shyly. “You don’t deserve anything less. It’s just how I feel... Sorry”
“You know...” she whispered shyly. “It’s more efficient to share body heat when you’re both naked.”
His eyes enlarged and breath caught in his throat.  
“That’s if... You’d want to.” She added adorably.  
“Are you sure?” he whispered, praying she would say yes.  
She nodded in reply.  
“I want you, Reiner.” She breathed. “I love you too. I want... you to make me yours. I want to be yours.”
Reiner was bombarded with emotion.  
Elation. Excitement. Arousal.
Not to mention he was beginning to wonder if this were a dream. If he were going to cruelly wake up next to Bertolt and his weird sleeping positions.  
There’d been countless times he’s imagined her utter those words in his head; sometimes while stroking his own cock.  
He’d lost count how many times he’d furiously tugged himself while she occupied his mind. But as his feelings for her deepened, it became less and less so; guilt always creeping into his conscience. He just respected her too much.
He propped himself up on his elbow, running his now trembling fingers through her hair.  
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He breathes.
“You won’t.” She shook her head. “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want to, I under –”  
He put his arms under the sleeping bag with great speed and shuffled a little, before pulling his shorts out and throwing them to the side.  
She let out a laugh when he returned to his original position with haste.  
He returned her laugh, rubbing his nose against hers.  
“Okay...” she muttered shyly. “Look over there for a moment”
He turned around obediently as she began to nervously undress under the now warm sleeping bag.  
All he could hear under the movement of her undressing herself was his heart pounding in his head.  
There’s no way this is real and happening.  
His cock was already hard at the thought of her undressing inches away from him. His previous reservations about being teamed up with her were quickly washed away as she threw her clothes to the side, before nestling back down and hiding under the cover.  
“Alright... You can come back.” She informs him.  
At the speed of a firing bullet, he turned back around; painfully keeping his eyes glued to hers.  
His arm flinched, about to pull her back into his embrace but he hesitated.  
“Are... you sure?” He asked again, not able to believe the situation.  
“Yes.” She giggled, nervously.  
His eyes enlarged and jaw slackened when he felt her satin soft skin against his, her bare breasts pressing against his hard chest and her lower stomach and groin against his solid erection. 
A gasp parted her lips as she felt, not only how hard he was, but how big.  
His arms snaked around her, his narrow orbs keeping their gaze onto her orbs as he pulled her now naked form against his.  
“R-Reiner...” she couldn’t help but stammer, her face heating up as well as her insides.  
A pink hue raises over his cheeks, not having really thought through the situation. He was nervous. He was excited. He was close to hyperventilating. 
Her lips softly press against Reiner’s once more, her fingers grazing across his scalp, her breathing heavy and needing. 
His arm snakes around her stomach, his brow pulled down and creased while his nose pushes out a blow of air, his heart hammering and his cock leaking with pre-cum. She could feel it weeping against her flesh as it throbbed and danced against her lower stomach. 
She pulls back for a moment; “Reiner. Only take me if you’re going to cherish me. This won’t be a one time thing for me...” 
He catches her gaze, lips parted and eyes still hungry. “Of course. I meant what I said.” 
She smiles - elated at his words as she returns her kiss, her hands roaming his ridged, solid muscles. 
His mouth moves down to her neck, slow and tender kisses - each one sending jolts of searing hot electric through her entirety. Reiner’s breath is deep; quivering and panting as he tries to hold back his eagerness and excitement. 
“I’ve wanted you for so long...” He groans, his large palm pushing her arm above her head as he hovers over her a little, his fingers interlocking with her own, still kissing her deeply. 
The pink hue across his face was deepening to more of a crimson, his eyes heavy lidded and jaw slack the entire time. The way he kisses her is with such compassion, such tenderness. He grazes his large nose against hers, hands caress her hair as he keeps himself steady over her, before gingerly rolling on top of her completely, keeping himself suspended with his forearms. 
He made sure every single graze, every grope was as gentle as possible - afraid of his lumbering huge form would somehow break her as they explored one another’s bodies, their tongues entwining in a slow dance within their mouths. Deep, short groans vibrated his throat and chest from time to time, and not once did that furrowed look of desperation leave his face. 
 The only sounds that could be heard was their kisses, whines and groans as well as their laboured breath and the pattering of rain against the tent. 
He suddenly stops their kiss, placing his head against hers and rubbing his large thumb across her cheek, back and forth. 
“I’m happy to just do this.” He breathes, wanting to prove to her that he really was just so happy she felt the same. “We don’t have to do anything else.” 
“I want to...” She replies, the snake coiled within her wrapped far too tightly to be ignored now. “I want you to make me yours. That’s...if you’d like.” 
He nods - returning his kiss, his top lip folding as his lusted haze results in him missing his mark slightly. God it was hard for him not to touch her between her legs. But he’s a gentleman. He didn’t want to unless he knew one hundred per cent that she was sure. 
Taking his fingertips, he nervously and slowly grazes them down her stomach to her pubic bone, pausing before taking a leap of courage - his calloused pads grazing down her clitoris and to her soaked lips. 
They both gasp at the sensation. The feeling of his warm, large fingers against her most intimate area was indescribable. And for him, her thick slick was heavenly. 
“Is this all for me...?” He whispers in awe and disbelief, his shoulder flexing with his movements as he continues to slowly stroke her. 
She nods, biting her lip. 
“Sh~~~it.” He swallows hard, eyes closing for a moment before returning to hers. “It’s my first time. I won’t last long.” 
“I don’t care.” She groans, pulling him by his head for another deep kiss. 
 As much as he wanted to enter her, he refused to allow himself. Instead his lips trail down her body, her eyes locked onto his broad back flexing with every tiny movement as his head moves, his lips connecting with every inch of skin it could find - his hands gently rubbing and massaging - memorising every single gasp from her mouth. Every hitch of breath. He would remember where he’d been when she made those noises and made sure he damn well took it all in. 
“Reiner, I can’t take it.” She eventually moans, writhing beneath him, fingers running through her own hair. “I need you. Please...” 
He instantly returns to her face, cupping it and his muscular back hunches - his free hand grabbing the large base of his shaft. 
“You ready for me, baby?” He breathes. 
She nods. 
He lines up his gleaming head before pushing gently, her tiny entrance being invaded by him as he hisses, her back bending with a loud moan. 
“ [Name]...” He whimpers, totally overwhelmed both with physical stimulation and emotion. 
He pushes again, a little firmer his head popping in past the first hurtle. 
“You okay?” He asks, sounding like he’s just finished sprinting a whole cross-country race. 
He pushes again, her tight insides slowly ingesting him like a snake with a large meal - her ridges massaging him as they spasm with glee around him - his moans now a lot louder than before as he jitters to a stop at the hilt. 
“Fuck...” His tone sounds like he’s about to burst into tears as he slowly starts to pull out and slide back in again. 
The full feeling of Reiner Braun was better than ecstasy, his girth pushing and stretching her, his cock bending up slightly at the tip, already pushing against her g-spot as he trembles above her. With each slow thrust, her pleasure was pushed to an impossible new high, her nails sinking into his large back as she clung onto him for dear life - tears pooling at the corners of her orbs from how amazing it all felt. Like the only two people in the world were her and him, souls connected and swirling around the cosmos in the eternal dance of lovers. 
 “I can’t... Reiner. It’s too good.” She sobs, her insides now pulling in a rhythm as her coil tightens more and more. “I’m going...” 
“Oh, baby...” He groans, eyes rolling as he plunges a little faster. “Me too. It feels so - n’urgh. So good...” 
“Reiner!” She sobs hysterically as she snaps, coming undone around him as her legs tremble and head throws back. 
 As she unravels around him, her name leaves his lips over and over and over again, each time louder than the last as his thick and large cumshot explodes inside of her, his atomic detonation causing mass devastation as his legs quiver, eyes cross and even a bit of drool hangs from his mouth. 
 You are one special person to capture Reiner’s affections while he held such high walls around his heart for reasons not yet known to you. But you managed it, and god is it such a beautiful thing. 
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endlessymphony · 3 years
Hi congrats on 50 Followers !!!!
🧸 : James Potter x reader where he spends a lot of time with the marauders and kinda ignores the reader and forgets their anniversary. So they get into a big argument and James says something mean about her being a muggle born.
Happy ending please 😁
Thank you 🙏
thank you so much lovely anon!
pairing - james potter x reader
summary - james forgot your two year anniversary and left you waiting all day, just to come to your dorm and end up starting an argument
warnings - arguments, a bit of prejudice against muggles/muggle-borns, cussing
a/n - im really glad you guys like my james potter fics lol
you awoke, a rush of adrenaline and giddiness taking over as you practically shot yourself out of bed, almost tripping over the blankets you shoved onto the floor. you rushed over to the calendar hanging on the back of your door, bare feet pitter pattering on the hardwood floor, and yes! today was the day! the hearts circled in pen around the date only confirming your excitement.
your two year anniversary with the one and only james potter. your heart pounding a million miles a minute- feeling it ought to beat right out your chest. below the heart was written ‘surprise date’ in his handwriting, as he insisted that he could handle planning this date on his own. he was wrong, although you weren’t aware of that quite yet.
you spun yourself in a circle, making small noises of glee as you tossed yourself back onto your bed, thinking of what james might be up to. “oh merlin, i need to get ready.” you gasped, sitting back up and rushing over to your wardrobe.
it took an hour to find an outfit that you deemed ‘perfect’, settling on a top that you knew james loved. you spent another thirty minutes on hair and makeup, overjoyed to be spending the day with your beloved.
the waiting game began.
at first it was difficult to wait for him, adrenaline still rushing through your veins- body running off of pure excitement.
an hour passed, then two... then five, and soon it was much darker outside, the sun starting to set.
‘maybe he’s held up grabbing flowers, or making dinner reservations’ you thought, trying to push away the anxiety that was slowly creeping in to replace the high that you were feeling before. ‘oh! maybe we’re doing a night under the stars, how gorgeous would that be’
so, you continued to wait
but he never showed.
james finally came stumbling in to your dorm room at half-passed twelve, chuckling at the sight in front of him. you were wrapped up in a blanket, laying in your bed so that your back faced the door, hiding your hurt expression from him.
“hey, love.” he crooned as he walked over and sat down beside you on the bed, gently putting a hand on your shoulder. “the boys and i had a great day today, you won’t believe what we got up to!”
you slowly sat up, turning to look at him. tear stains on full display, mascara making them all-the-more obvious. james let out a small gasp, hand moving to cup your face. “oh no, what’s wrong? did something happen?” he gently smoothed his thumb over your cheek.
you pulled yourself away from his touch, throwing the blanket off like you had done this morning, but a different feeling had taken over by this point. anger. disappointment. hurt.
you dragged him by the arm and pointed to the date on your calendar, tapping the paper with your pointer finger a few times so he would get the gist. “what are you trying to tell me, y/n?” he asked, cocking his head to the side, trying to play the dumb card.
“you missed our anniversary, james. it’s been two years.” you felt defeated, like every ounce of life had been drained out of your body, and you were now an empty shell. “i waited for you” you began, “all day.”
“it’s not that big of a deal, let’s just do something this weekend instead.” he offered, a smile making its way to his face.
god- you wanted to punch that stupid fucking smile off his face.
“not that big of a deal, james? you left me hanging. ALL DAY i waited.” you were starting to get angry, your voice starting to waver as it raised in decibels. “you knew how much this meant to me! or so i thought you did, but lately, it’s like everyone else is MUCH more important than i am.” your hands balled into fists, brows furrowing slightly as you started to let him have it.
“and don’t you fucking dare say this isn’t a big deal, james potter.” you spat, voice like venom as your said his name. “you really let me down, you really fucking blew it this time, i am really fucking upset about this.”
“i should’ve known that muggles overreact over everything.” he muttered to himself, brows practically knitted together as he ran a hand through his hair. his eyes widened as soon as he said that, opening his mouth to apologize to you.
“you know what james, just fucking leave, just get out.” your lip started to quiver, eyes threatening to spill hot tears down your face all over again, you wanted to hold your composure in front of him. your heart felt as if it had completely shattered in your chest. “really? you really want me to leave?” it was his turn to feel defeated, face started to relax from its scrunched up state.
“yeah, i do. now get the fuck out.”
james looked as if he had his tail between his legs, shoulders slumping down as his whole body started to deflate in defeat. embarrassment. shame. “okay.” his voice was small, this version of him was completely different from the ‘regular’ james that you knew and loved. he walked out, turning to look at you, but you just slammed the door in his face.
you cast a quick silencing charm before you began to scream-sob. tears feeling as if they’re burning your skin- falling to your knees as you let the waves of heartbreak, pain, and anger completely take you over. you cried until you couldn’t anymore, head pounding and eyes starting to get puffy and red. you screamed until you couldn’t any longer, voice hoarse and throat feeling as if it were on fire.
you sobbed still, silently, nothing coming out as you had nothing left to give. “thanks james, thanks for making me feel so loved... so appreciated.” your voice was broken, cracking with every word. you laid on the floor, wishing that it would swallow you up, so you could disappear and never have to feel a thing.
you ended up falling asleep, the whole day taking it’s toll on you. you had nothing more to give, no more fight left in you.
james knocked on your door lightly, afraid that you were about to tear his head off the moment that he stepped inside your dorm. “y/n?” he asked, tone merely above a whisper as he slowly opened the door and stepped in. james closed the door gently, eyes finally falling on your figure laying on the floor.
he felt a pang of pain shoot through his heart. “i caused this.” he mumbled, taking a few slow steps towards you and sitting down. he felt tears welling in his eyes, a few managing to slide down his face as he looked at you. james felt nothing but remorse and disappointment for how things went earlier. he had completely forgotten about the anniversary- what a dick move.
your eyes flickered open, vision slightly out of focus as you try to figure out who’s figure is in front of you. low and behold it was james, crying, mumbling about how he knows he fucked up- and it’s eating him up inside, and about how much he loves you.
you began to sit up, blinking a few times to wave the sleep from your eyes. “james?” you asked, voice still torn up. his head shot up, trying to wipe away the tears with his hands. “hey.”
“what are you doing here?” you asked, “sh. don’t talk, you’ll blow your voice out.” james replied. “i wanted to come back and apologize to you. i feel awful about earlier, and i know how much i hurt you with my actions, especially with my comment about muggles.” he gently cupped your face again, “i didn’t mean it, i promise. i really didn’t mean it.” he sniffled, trying to keep the tears away, but despite his efforts- they returned. “i really love you. god, i’m a shitty fucking boyfriend, aren’t i?” james chuckled, trying to ignore the tears now steaming down his face.
“james.” you started, “no, y/n, i need to make it up to you for how terrible today was. i need to show you that you’re loved, and make you feel important and special, and like the only person in the world.” he started to trip over his words, talking fast out of nervousness, he didn’t want you to kick him out again.
“can we talk about it more later?” you finally managed to ask, “yeah. yeah, sure. definitely. you can sleep in tomorrow and i’ll go and get you some breakfast, does that sound alright?” he was rambling again, trying to ‘fix’ everything. you nodded, a small smile beginning to grace your lips.
“now let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” he stood up and offered a hand to you. “we have time for apologies tomorrow.” you took his hand hesitatingly, slowly standing up, legs a bit wobbly.
james walked you to your bathroom, grabbing you by the waist and sitting you up on the counter. he began to lightly hum to himself as he pulled out a bottle of makeup remover and some cotton rounds, pouring some of the liquid onto the round and gently starting to clean the makeup off your face. he washed your face and brushed your hair for you after, as well.
he helped you change into your pyjamas, and placed you into bed, picking up the blankets off the floor and placing them back on the bed- tucking you in. he leaned in and kissed your head before stripping down to just his t-shirt and boxers, placing his glasses on the nightstand, and climbing into bed beside you.
he spent the rest of the night whispering compliments to you, telling you how much he loves you and wants to be with you forever, and there was no shortage of apologies said. james held you to his chest, playing with your hair until the both of you eventually drifted off to sleep.
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sexysilverstrider · 3 years
Burning Ambition (Teppeilumi)
  Everything was dark.
  Stench of spit and blood filled the room. His vision was terrible blur, he could only make out faded images of the ceiling above. A gulp was attempted. A painful cringe was obtained. Breathing grew harsher, weaker. Heartbeat became slower, quieter.
  How amusing.
  As one lone figure lay breathless on the cot, a sudden smoke of black and deep red loomed next to him.
  Huh, was all the smoke hummed. Two slits formed on the entity, colours a demonic crimson. It witnessed the pitiful being. The other patients around it were fighting for their lives as well, completely unaware of the existence that had solidified next to the aging soldier.
  It had no mouth, yet a smile formed inside the flickering smoke.
  The poor soldier was on his last seconds. Once he drew out his fifth breath, all that would be left was a disgusting corpse.
  One breath.
  You are nothing but a pitiful mortal… A silent echo whirred into the soldier’s ears. The shadow hovered closer, looking down at the dying man.
  Two breaths.
  You lack motivation. The two slits widened, crazed as it glared at him. You lack perseverance. And for that, you do not deserve my attention. The darker line below the slits shook, cracked to what one could guess was an eerie smile.
  Three breaths.
  However, It’s ‘smile’ widened, you attract the traveler’s interest. The shadow tilted slightly. The man wheezed weakly.
  Four breaths.
  And I—The shadow reached out for his right hand—am interested in the traveler.
  This couldn’t be possible.
  “O-Oi!” Paimoun shouted, body floating as fast as it can to catch up. “Wait—Wait up!” she wheezed, one tiny hand reaching for her fast friend. And yet Lumine didn’t hear her. She couldn’t. For her mind was wholly clouded by the shocking news that was brought up by Gorou.
  “Her Excellency saw it with her own eyes and even did a full check-up on him.” Gorou’s words shrilled clear like a siren. “She even used her healing abilities to ensure that…you know…he’s not an undead or possessed.” His statement only made her run faster and faster.
  Minutes felt eternal, and when Lumine finally arrived at the headquarters in Sangonomiya, she wasted no time and slammed the doors open.
  The scene she made caused shock and confusion to both soldiers and locals alike. All eyes were on her, but a pair of dazzling golden starlight were on the man at the far end of the headquarters.
  Once his name escaped her lips. Once those warm brown eyes met her own. Lumine could feel her legs give out and her body flashing forward.
  Even with a gift bestowed upon him, never would he have anticipated the traveler’s tackle.
  “Oof!” His body was thrown aback, yet awareness and newfound strength allowed him to stand his ground instead of falling on his butt. Arms spread open. Eyes widened immediately. Legs shaking still from the impact, Teppei quickly tried to straighten his back with someone hugging him for dear life.
  “You’re alive…”
  Her voice was muffled, breathing brushed against the material of his shirt. “I—what?” Bafflement still bursting in his mind, he tilted his head downwards. All he saw was a sight of golden blonde. All he smelled was a scent of warmth and wind.
  “You’re alive!” Without warning, Lumine snapped her head upwards, meeting his shocked gaze. “You’re alive!” Statement now booming with baffled laughter, Lumine once more nuzzled her face into his chest.
  The scent was tickling his nose. Burning red in his cheeks.
  “I uh—” Realization kicked in; they were very, very close. “I-I am!” Words sputtered into a stutter, Teppei gave two thumbs up with arms still spread to the side.
  Laughter bubbled within her chest, tickling his own.
  He prayed that she didn’t hear his manic heartbeat.
  “I’m so glad…”
  The laughter was short-lived, however, as her voice lulled to a whisper. “Traveler?”
  “So…so glad…” Her hug tightened. Voice now broken to a slow, woeful murmur. “I’m glad…” A strain scraped through gritted teeth. Golden eyes were squeezed shut to prevent a fearful sight.
  A short gasp popped her lips to feel his embrace.
  “I’m glad too…” His voice was a gentle whisper, meek and shaky. “Very, very glad…”
  Cheek rested against his chest, Lumine pursed her lips and released a heavy sigh. “Mmm…” His arms felt hesitant around her petite body at first, but fear dissolved into relief once she felt his hug tighten.
  Relief, however, exploded into wild embarrassment once they realized they weren’t alone.
  Immediately both broke their hug, faces now flushed red and hearts thumping wildly against their ribcages. A pair of golden and brown targeted towards the two people standing before them. One had his face covered and body shaking in silent amusement. The other had her hands clapped and positioned adorably next to her cheek.
  “I’m so happy to see that smile back on your face, traveler!” Kokomi gleamed, her smile sincere yet laced with a hint of mirth. Gorou still had his face covered, though it seemed that his fit of giggles had ceased—for now.
  Ah, what a fool she made herself to be.
  “W-Well,” Trying her best to dig out of her hole she had made, Lumine straightened her posture and cocked her head upwards. “Why wouldn’t I be? To know that my friend is alive is more than enough to make me—”
  “How dare you left Paimon at the back!”
  Alas, before Lumine could save face, she wasn’t able to realize and stop Paimon from crashing into her.
  In all honesty, Teppei still thought that he had died and gone to heaven.
  “It’s…real.” Tap, tap. One finger gently tapped onto the glass of the Vision case. A simmering shape of fire burned brilliantly inside the object. The longer he held it, the more he could feel warmth sipping into his body. One hand holding the Vision, he flipped his other hand left and right.
  There were no wrinkles. No drained colours of deathly blue. The same warmth could be felt into his palm. The same pulse could be felt inside his veins.
  “Still reeling it in?”
  Her voice was a brilliant beacon that lit him up. “Uh—yeah!” The answer stuttered sheepishly, Teppei looked at the traveler. Her smile was ever present. Her eyes gleamed gloriously like stars that he often basked in awe.
  Those stars now shined closely to him.
  “I just…” It’s been an hour since their reunion. After witnessing a scolding from Paimon to Lumine and apologizing endlessly to Lady Kokomi and General Gorou, both he and the traveler decided to rest by the lake near the headquarters. Peace wasn’t an option yet, however, as the tiny, floating being started shooting endless questions that he still found no answers to.
  “You have a Vision now!? You’re a Pyro user?! Holy moly you can control fire! You got blessed by the Gods! How? When? And you look like you’re back to your real age! You’re no longer a withering, dying old man!”
  It was truthfully amazing how Lumine handled Paimon on a daily basis.
  After trying his best to give an explanation that might work, Paimon finally reached an understanding and let him breathe.
  That, or she was hungry which made her fly off to the kitchen to recharge herself for more questions later.
  Either way, Teppei was grateful for the silence.
  Now all that’s left were him and the traveler. And while he knew she had just as many questions as her small friend, he was just glad that she allowed him to recollect his thoughts first.
  It had been a good 20 minutes. Reality still hadn’t set in.
  “This is mine…right?” Once again he looked at her, eyes clouded in hope and fear. Will it disappear? Am I actually dreaming or dead and this is just my mind giving me one last mercy? These questions bounced in his mind from the moment he woke up from the agonizing slumber. “It’s—I’m not holding someone’s missing Vision, right…?”
  His body shivered briefly to hear such a gentle tone.
  Pupils dilated to see her hand, small yet callous, cupping his left hand. Quickly he looked at her again, not realizing that he had dropped his gaze back at the Pyro Vision.
  Her smile was radiant as the sun.
  “That is yours.” Reassurance sang melodiously into his ears. Her fingers curled his own, cupping the warm Vision closer. “You have a Vision.” Distance became a mere hindrance to her, so Lumine scooted closer. It was then that she saw his hair, dark as the day she first met him. His cheeks were rosy. His eyes shined brightly. No wrinkles cursed his skin. No fades of pale blue scrapped his face.
  He looked back to how he was before. Better even.
  Giddiness bubbled within her again. Though caution and confusion loomed inside her brain at the possible impossible, Lumine decided to gulp those fears down first and rejoiced at his living.
  Living. Alive.
  “You’ve received favours from the Gods.”
  It took a while for Teppei to get used to his new powers.
  While those words stung her tongue, clawed through her throat, what matters to her right now was that he was alive.
  One couldn’t hone it so magnificently in a span of a day after receiving a Vision. Though Lumine wouldn’t know; she technically never gotten one.
  But as a month rolled by, and after rejoicing with his friends and teammates, Teppei easily bounced back as Captain of Herring I. Excitement fuelled his veins once he finally got the chance to wear his new uniform. A small logo in shape of a herring was stitched at the back, bare and open so proudly for everyone to see. His teammates now somewhat revered him as a miracle who came back from the jaws of death. And while a part of him felt bashful and slightly proud of the statement, Teppei knew he couldn’t gloat—at least, not too much.
  This was a gift by the Gods, after all. He was grateful. Truly. Whether or not the Vision he received granted him what was once stolen by the Delusion, Teppei knew this was something that shouldn’t be taken so lightly. Or rudely.
  A few more weeks flew by, and as a Vision bearer, he was now given a special task to train and hone his powers. And while that didn’t seem like a problem—in fact, Teppei was more than excited to train with General Gorou and Kazuha—he did feel the nerves kicking in when Lumine volunteered to join in the practice as well.
  “Alright!” Her right hand reached forward; immediately, her sword appeared seemingly out of nothing. “Show me what you got, partner!”
  He really needed to have a talk with his heart later about the traveler calling him that.
  “Right!” Enthusiasm and anxiety spiralled together, Teppei hovered hands close to each other. Slowly, he tried to manifest the weapon into his hands. Apparently, according to General Gorou, Vision bearers were able to dissolve their weapons with their powers, enabling an easy access to it especially when they’re in a pinch. When Teppei heard of this fun fact, he was over the moon; what a very coincidentally accessible way!
  However, it was easier said than done.
  It took many, many, many tries. And finally, after a…few failed attempts, he was able to conjure up his lance.
  It took a few seconds—better than a few minutes, Teppei figured—the weapon finally materialized in his hands. “Got it!” Like a puppy, he beamed. Flickers of flame swerved around the lane, yet Teppei felt no pain.
  If anything, he felt elated.
  Never one to give up or step down, he concentrated again. This time, patience and practice showed its results as ribbons of fire wrapped around the lance. They decorated every so prettily, tickling his arm. Careful as to not position his lance near anyone besides his opponent, he posed a battle stance.
  “Ready when you are—” Brown eyes stared at her. His battle posture ready. His heartbeat sang madly. “—partner!”
  Sometimes, he needed to remind himself that his own flames couldn’t technically hurt him.
  It was amazing. Jaw-dropping. Stunning even that he could stare at it for days. The tiny flicker of flames danced on his palms, hypnotizing him with such a sight. He curled one finger. Then another and another. His fingers went thru the fire. It gave such a tickling warmth, soothing both his palms and heart.
  “Heh…” A quiet chuckle peeped through smiling lips. Sitting alone by the lake, he slowly curled his fists, extinguishing the flames within. It tickled, he thought. Once again, he opened his hands, revealing clear skin that bore flesh, not bones.
  His heartbeat raced. Excitement. Fear. All whirled in his mind. Silently, he took a deep breath, then exhaled carefully as if relishing on each breath that coursed through his throat.
  He was alive. Living.
  Everything could change in a blink.
  Bringing that reminder close to his heart, Teppei nodded once. A new resolution formed firm. Stronger. Clearer. If this truly was a gift by the Gods. If this was truly a test he needed to fulfil and succeed, then he must carry on.
  Yes. One fist raised in the air. A smile curled confidently under the shine of the moonlight. I can do this!
  As one man basked on his goal, one woman stood from afar, hiding behind a tree and gazing at him with eyes a woeful glow and lips a tight purse.
  “Gift by the Gods.”
  The words sent a shiver down her spine. Burned fire in her chest.
  Gratitude burst brightly every time she saw him. But Lumine knew: not everything came without a price.
  The Archons she had met so far were nice, welcoming—although Ei had a rough start when they first met, both were slowly moving forward together to fix the future. But that was the thing that concerned Lumine the most.
  Not everyone would be sensible and sweet like Venti and Zhongli. And even with them, after having met Dainsleif and the unfortunate reunion with her dear brother, Lumine had to keep her guard up.
  He looked so happy. So alive.
  One hand placed where her heart ached.
  Some Vision bearers honed their powers until they were able to conjure up new skills. Some were able to form powerful shields. Some were able to heal and cure. Some even had the power to freeze even the mightiest of hilichurl chieftains.
  In Teppei’s case, he would soon find out that skills were sometimes found or created when one was put in a desperate situation.
  “Watch out!”
  All happened too fast. The moment he saw a samurai plunging his way towards her, Teppei could feel the wind and rain against his face. He saw Lumine turning around to face the enemy. He saw Lumine swinging her sword in hopes that it slices the samurai before his own could slice her.
  While he was not as fast as the traveler, he was quick enough to reach out for her.
  Quickly he tugged her left arm. Taken aback by the sudden force, Lumine felt her body being pulled backwards. Everything happened in mere blinks. Panic sinking in, Teppei stomped one foot forward—
  A burst of fire shaped around them. The ringing clash of steel against solid fire reverberated amidst the heavy rain.
  The impact clearly took the samurai by surprise. The newly-formed shield ironically took Teppei’s and Lumine;s breaths away.
  Golden met brown. Stupor froze their body still. The shield was still active, still enveloped around them like a dome of flames. Lumine gawked at the tall captain, awe and bewilderment being her method of communication. It seemed Teppei understood her language, for both now shared their speechless conversation under the brilliant dome.
  “Um…” he gulped. “You alright?”
  She blinked once. Twice. “Yeah!” Laughter burst out amidst the stupor. “I’m fine!” One to easily register reality quickly around her, Lumine readied her battle stance again. The shield around them burned brighter. As eyes inspected the area around her, she realized that the same samurai that attacked just now started to stagger and stumble. His sword sheathed into the ground. Though donned in a helmet, Lumine could see him crouch slightly as if he was trying to catch his breath.
  He didn’t get hit by anything else after that. And the impact wasn’t as severe. If Lumine remembered correctly, the samurai only crashed against Teppei’s shield—
  Another realization jolted in. And her guess was swiftly proven correct as she felt an aura of strength pumping into her veins.
  It would seem Teppei would be excited to learn his newfound ability.
  For now, as both captains locked eyes and nodded, Lumine decided to break the great news later after they finished this battle.
  Sangonomiya was truly a breath-taking place.
  Giant shells that stood proudly in the center of the land. Waterfalls that shined and gleamed every time it hit the surface. Even the lake was a like a beautiful mirror, revealing clear images of those who look upon it.
  However, as beautiful as the place was, it did have one flaw when it came to nightly weather.
  Maybe Ei was feeling at peace after their little tour, which would explain the soothing wind that blew past her. And while Lumine was happy to know that that might be case, unfortunately, her body would say otherwise.
  “Hey there, traveler!”
  Her head turned at the voice. Golden eyes caught the sight of the lone soldier who kept dancing in her mind lately. “Hi,” was her reply, short and sweet, yet enough to ring a bell of joy at his presence.
  Her bliss was a reflection to his.
  “May I join in?” His directed his hand at the empty spot next to her. A giggle was heard. A shaken head was seen. Smile curling swirls at the corners, Teppei took a seat on the bench. “Where’s your flying friend?”
  “Sleeping.” Another short reply, but not curt. Her head turned to one of the tents in the camp. “She had a big dinner so decided to call it a night.”
  “I see.” Brown eyes glanced at the tent, then back at her. “Why are you still up, though?” Curiosity led him to the question, but he didn’t realize how rude he might have sounded before he could stop himself. Teppei then flustered to see her eyes widen, probably offended, probably hurt that he thought she was some sort of child.
  “W-Wait, no I mean—” Both hands raised and waved. “I was just curious since we kinda had a long day and—”
  Laughter ceased him from making a further fool of himself.
  “It’s okay, Teppei.” One hand that stayed near her mouth slowly lowered down to her lap. “I understand. I just don’t feel sleepy yet.” The smile on her face grew genuine. It always seemed to be whenever he was around. “I just want to enjoy the night a little longer. I have a lot of energy compared to Paimon, anyways.”
  The joke got through him. A laughter was given as a response.
  “If she heard you, she would be mad.”
  “Which is why I’m saying it to you.”
  How light her chest felt whenever she talked to him.
  The conversation came smoothly. Teppei talked about his daily task as captain. Lumine responded with topics of her commissions and part-time role as captain as well. While the matter with Raiden Shogun had been resolved, there were still some internal conflicts that required attention. Lumine knew it would take some time to figure out a way to get to Sumeru, so she figured she might as well stay in Inazuma for a while. Who knows? Maybe she would find more information about her brother—
  A sneeze broke their conversation and her thoughts. “O-Oh,” she sniffed, “sorry. It just gets a bit cold in Sangonomiya that I kinda forgot to bring a coat.” Hands rubbed her prickling arms. Yet she didn’t feel like getting up. Not now. Lumine enjoyed talking to Teppei. The stress in Inazuma sometimes got to a point where it was unbearable, and the Herring I captain was one of the people who was able to lighten the burden in her chest.
  It seemed Teppei had the same idea about her as well.
  “Oh…” Thoughts whirled in his mind. Suddenly, an idea flickered in seconds. “I can go get a coat for you if you like! Don’t want my partner to be sick now, huh.” He laughed, cheerful and honest. Hands pressed on the bench, he started to get up. “I’ll be right back—”
  His body froze at the feel of her hand around his fingers.
  Brown and gold looked at their hands. Brown and gold then looked at each other.
  In unison, they gasped. Lumine immediately retracted her hand while Teppei dumbly plopped himself back onto the bench.
  “You don’t have to!” Heat kissed her cheeks as their roles were now reversed. “I’m not that cold. And besides, ever since you started sitting down, it actually feels warmer—”
  Foolish was an act that bounced back between the two.
  Realization kicked in. Fast. It was obvious in the blown pupils of his eyes. It was clear in the beautiful burst of red in her face.
  Sadly, Teppei was quite quick to catch up on things too. “R-Really?”
  Slim fingers curled slowly. Hands were still raised near eye-level. “Well…” Ah fuck it, she thought. “Really.” She figured there was no harm in being honest. Maybe some shame. “Maybe it’s because of your Vision, but you feel a bit…warmer than normal people.” Thankfully, she had seen and faced this sort of phenomenon with Amber and Xiangling. Although she technically had never hugged Diluc, the man did once offer her his jacket. And wearing it felt warm and toasty, so that was good enough research for her.
  His short laughter brought her attention back to him.
  “I do feel warmer than usual ever since I woke up from that long sleep.” A sheepish reply accompanied the growing red in his cheeks. “But I make sure this time that it wasn’t anything dangerous. Her Excellency said that it’s normal for a Pyro user like me to have some extra body heat.” White teeth gleamed beneath the moon’s glow. “You can say that I’m like a walking heater.”
  More laughter joined in, but it was one-sided this time.
  “Then…may I sit closer?”
  The laughter died down immediately, bafflingly.
  He couldn’t believe what she said. She couldn’t believe what she said.
  “If that’s alright with you…?” The question was timid, sheepish, bursting with shame. Lumine was ready to bolt off the bench and excuse herself for the night. Why would she ask him that, she wondered? The man was of pure heart ever since she met him. He was an honest friend, an enthusiastic one at that. Like most of the people she had met, Teppei’s intentions were true and genuine which became the very reason she was getting close to him—
  “I…don’t mind.”
  The wild tornado of feelings in her mind died down once she heard his reply.
  Those golden eyes were no match for the stars above. “Really?”
  Excitement was real in her tone. The sight of pure joy made his heart burst anew. “Really…” He sounded sheepish, bashful, yearning. One breath. Maybe two. Once he reassured himself that he was calm and collected, Teppei scooted closer. “It’s the least I can do for my partner.”
  She always hated how her heart cracked to hear that term.
  Sorrow was short-lived, hidden behind layers and layers of relief that she practiced over the centuries. “Thank you.”
  He always loved how his heart skipped a beat to see her smile.
  Slowly, the distance between then shrunk. Only an inch teased between their pinkie fingers. In seconds, Lumine could feel the warmth—his warmth. It truly felt soothing. Calming. Yet it also gave her a tiny surge of strength that tickled her stomach. She loved it. She adored it.
  She only wished she had more time to cherish it.
  “Thank you, Teppei…” Her voice mellowed. “For showing me around the Resistance. For helping me out in battles.” Silence was his response. A welcome for her to say further. “For pushing me to end this terrible Vision Hunt Decree.”
  His left fingers clenched rigidly next to her.
  “For coming back alive and well…” Her voice started to get slower. “For inspiring me…” Her eyes started to get heavier. “For cheering me up when I feel…down…” Her head bobbed forward. “For…” A yawn broke out, “being there…”
  Body acting out of reflex, Lumine leaned her head against his left arm.
  Her actions stunned him back to reality. As she talked to him—as if she was talking to herself—Teppei felt hypnotized. Brown eyes were fixed on her like trance. Healthy heartbeat skipped at the sound of her melodious voice. It wasn’t until he felt her body so close to him that Teppei almost jumped with face full of red.
  Silence hummed around them.
  The captain looked at her, entranced and bewitched by such a sight. “That’s a lot of thanks, partner…” Voice a shy murmur, he brought his free hand up to his face. A long sigh escaped his lungs. His right hand remained on half of his face as he stared forward.
  His whole body felt as if he was burning.
  Brown eyes glanced at the sleeping traveler next to him.
  But honestly, His left fingers twitched, stretched until his hand held her right hand, it doesn’t feel bad.
  The mad drumming of his heart echoed in his ears. The soothing sound of her voice kissed heat in his cheeks and neck.
  It doesn’t feel bad at all.
  “Sweet dreams, Lumine…” His left hand gently squeezed her right hand. His face slowly leaned closer to her to memorize every detail, to cherish every moment he had with this fated encounter.
  Ah, he thought, smile soft and shaky, I’m in trouble…
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sif-the-tsunami · 4 years
When I Was His Wife
“Well I was looking forward to/ staying here forever/ ‘cause you asked me to/ Didn’t think I could do better/ So I settled down/ in this ten cent town/ it’s about to break me.” These are the Best Years of my Life- Pistol Annies
This is the follow up to “When You Fall Apart” Which is one of my favorites that I’ve written.
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(there is Sy just carrying the weight of all of my own internal chaos)
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A/N thank you for everyone who encouraged me to write this, I adore Sy as a character. He seemed like someone who could pull off the impossible. I made some choices in here that not everyone will agree with. Tell me I’m wrong in the comments an we can discuss it there.
Pairing: Sy and Josephine
Warnings: again all of them. discussion of infidelity, Discussion of child loss, discussion of unprotected sexual intercourse, headbutting, day drinking, self medicating, therapy, swearing fealty on ones hunting knife, discussion of knife play, I’m probably missing something
 Everything is going below the cut this time to save anyone who doesn’t like this kind of stuff from unpleasantness.
word count just shy of 7.5K
Thank you to @inlovewithhisblueeyes for letting me bounce ideas off of you, love you sweet girl
tagging: @oddsnendsfanfics @willkatfanfromasia @rocket44 @feralrunaway @littlewrenofrivia​  @summersong69​  @coffeebooksandfandom​ @klaine-92​ @nothingright​ @cavillsim​ @watery-lane​ @above-average-ass-bitch 
I slept for the next two days, Mama only woke me up long enough to drink some water once she started worrying about me. She managed to wrangle my out of my clothes and into one of Daddy’s shirts we got him that she left in the drawer. My phone was dead, but thankfully Mama and I had the same kind so I could charge it today. What fresh hell was going to be waiting for me on my digital leash? I lay there for a while, the murmur of conversation in the other room was comforting. Mama left a fresh glass of water some time recently, it was still chilly with only a little condensation forming around the sides. The ache in my chest was almost unbearable. The hole in my heart was Syverson sized, being sober made the edges of that abyss feel even more raw and pronounced. I don’t know if my liver could handle me drowning my sorrow much more, but I would give anything to not feel it. I need to make this feeling of worthlessness go away.
When I finally decided to rejoin the land of the living, Mama and my brother Teddy were talking at the kitchen table, discussing about if they should come with me to go get my things or if I should call the sheriff’s office to be monitored. I stayed behind the corner long enough to let them finish what they were going on about.
“If I know Jo well enough, she’s going to need someone to keep her from burning the whole house down with him in it tied to a chair,” my brother chuckled. “She’s been taking care of herself for years. You should have seen how she handled one of these girls who came up to us once on Post.
“Jo was loading up the car when this prissy little thing came walking up, she must have thought she was some kind of hot shit. You would have been so proud of her Mama, the girl said to her that she had been sleeping with James during their deployment. All Jo said back to her was ‘You’ve both been back for something like three months, right, have you seen him since?’ Little Miss Hot Shit stuttered and said ‘Well not yet,’ like she had been really holding out that he was going to. ‘He doesn’t have my new phone number.’ Jo just tiled her head to the side. Smiled at her real sweetly and told her, ‘Baby girl, he’s not going to. He knows how to find you. You were just a rental car to him, sweetie bell. Ford Fiestas are fun as hell to ride but let’s be honest, you aren’t going to pick a Fiesta over the Mercedes Benz you have at home. You aren’t the first and you sure as hell won’t be the last, now go on and get out of here before I ruin the rest of your day like you tried to ruin mine.’ One of the other officer’s wives came up to her and said she was amazed that she handled her so well without breaking Miss Prissy Pant’s face. She just said ‘I’m too pretty to go to prison, Kathy.’ And we hoped in the car. You raised one tough lady, Mama.”
“How many times has that happened, Theodore, I need to know.”
“She has only told me about four women meeting her face to face. The two pregnant girls who got knocked up to get out of their deployments, Prissy Pants, and one who thought that James was in love with her. She evidently broke down in tears on the tarmac when Josie jumped into his arms and he swung her around. But she would get letters tucked into the windshield of her car for months whenever he returned from deployment.”
“You two kept this from me for years, why?”
“Jo said that this was her problem, don’t you remember how you handled it when her first boyfriend ran out on her on prom night? She cried to you and Dad, and you just told her that no one is worth weeping over. She’s just been trying to make you proud, Mama. Daddy might have known because I know they had a really nasty fight about a month before he died.”
I walked out after that. Mama’s eyes were red, “Good morning, baby, do you want pancakes? Bacon and eggs? What do you want, Darlin’?”
“Coffee would be a good start.” I rasped. “Can I use your charger?”
“It’s right here. Cream and sugar?”
“Black as my sense of humor, please Mama.” I said, Teddy chuckled again. I reached over and squeezed my brother’s shoulder. “Hey, I’m glad you’re here.”
“I got to look after my little sissy.” He replied using what he called me growing up. “So what are we doing to get over Jimmy?”
“I was thinking tattoos and day drinking?”
“Atta’ girl, Josie. Fuck that douche canoe.”
As soon as my phone was able to turn on, it sat on the counter vibrating for the next five minutes.  Six missed calls from James. And seventy text messages. A few from stores I shop at, but the majority were from my husband.
“Ugh, I just don’t feel like dealing with this right now.” I said as my mom put my coffee in front of me.
“Just leave him on read. I doubt he’s hurting for company.”  Mama said, in almost a snarl. I looked through a few messages. The last one was from this morning. Sweetheart, I’m worried sick about you, I miss you. Please talk to me?
“Ted, do you want to go with me to Walmart so I can get a couple day’s worth of clothes, I am just not ready to go back and I can’t live in Daddy’s old shirts.”
“Of course, we can get some booze while we are there.”
“Get yourself a bathing suit while you are there, honey, its going to be beautiful today and you can go for a swim.” Mama added.
I texted James back finally as I finished my coffee. I’m sorry I worried you, Sy, I have literally been asleep since I got here. I’m not ready.
I understand. I’m sorry, I should have seen how much I’ve been hurting you. I swear to God, I really do love you. Please, let me know what I can do for you.
Yeah, you should have, James. You should have seen how bad you’ve been treating me. You can drop off the face of the earth, that’s what you can do for me, I think spitefully. Thankfully, Mama washed my yoga pants and tank top. It would have to be alright for now. My brother let me wear one of his extra flannel shirts he kept in the back of his car. An hour later, Ted and I were at the store, picking up chips, dip, and cheap champagne. Mama loved mimosas, so I thought it was the least I could do. I grabbed a couple of sun dresses and a bikini, if I was going to be gone for a few days, I was going to come back home looking refreshed, radiant even, and not like the hot pile of garbage I was feeling like. I made a small detour to the cosmetics department, got myself a couple of face masks, hair dye, and sun screen.
“Really? Dark brown, Josie?”
“That’s as close to my natural color as I can, I’m tired of the blonde highlights. I think after this I might just let it come in. Grays and all. Who ever loves me next is going to have to just deal with me as nature intended.”
“I’m proud of you. Do you think you will leave him for good?” He said, Ted has always been very protective of me.
“Well, I certainly can’t leave him for evil, can I?” Making him laugh. One the way outside there was a truck near the front of the store with a sign that read “Puppies for sale.”
“Teddy, we need to see these puppies.” I gasped. Walking up to the truck bed I saw the sweetest little German Shepard puppies. I reached in and they all started flopping all over the place trying to get pets and love. Maybe a puppy was exactly what my hurting heart needed. We haven’t had a dog since Aika passed away. It was looking like I would never have a baby but maybe this was the kind I needed. Puppy snuggles would definitely make that Syverson shaped hole less painful.
“I’ll buy you a puppy if you divorce James.” Ted said to me, half joking.
“Shit, I can afford the puppy, pay for the divorce.” I jest back. “How much for one of the precious babies?”
“$500 a pup, mom has a pedigree, but daddy was the neighbor’s sneaky bastard.” The woman also petting the puppies said. “Mama is in the front if you want to meet her, daddy is very friendly as well.”
I start laughing uncontrollably. With tears in my eyes, I ask if any of the puppies are girls, and she pulls   out a beautiful little one with floppy ears and the biggest smile I had ever seen on a dog. Oh yeah, she was meant for me.
“I’ll take her, do you take checks?” I think I’m ready to start healing.
“Josephine, that son of a bitch you call your husband is here to see you.” Mama shouts from the house. It’s Sunday afternoon now, Teddy and I have exhausted all the snacks and mimosas hours ago and now we were sobering up by the pool. My new baby girl is laying next to my sun chair, chewing on her bone, wearing a pretty pink collar.
“Well, might as well let him out here.” I shout back.
“Are you sure, I can kick his ass to the curb if you want me to, baby.”
“Its okay Mama, I can handle him myself.” Sy walks out in the back yard a couple minutes later. I’m guessing Mama threatened to stick him in a meat grinder.
“I deserved that.” He said, looking thoroughly admonished. “You changed your hair, it looks really good...
“Oh bless your heart, James. That’s not even half of what you deserve.” Ted spoke up before he could finish, not moving his face towards him. He lay there in his swim trunks and dark sunglasses.
“Oh great, all three of you have been drinking. I can tell this is going to go well...” James sighed. “Who is this cutie pie, did your Ma get a new dog?”
“She’s my dog, her name is Stella Rosa.”
“I don’t think anyone asked you to come, Colonel Sanders, what are you doing here?” Ted snapped.
“Hey, I got this, okay? I’m a big girl, please, go in the house. The fuck are you doing here James?” I lift my sun glasses up.
“She’s a very sweet pup. Yeah, you are a good girl for your mama, aren’t you? I came to see you. I want to bring you home, baby, I miss you.” He’s checking out my fresh tan in my new bikini. Subtly, but he does it.
“I’m not ready. I’m not even ready to talk to you. Why would you think that I even want to come home?”
“I don’t know, I asked myself that the entire drive here. I don’t know what I’m even going to do with myself when I go home alone. Pussycat, I can’t begin to think of life without you. I know I fucked up. And I know I can’t take that back. You asked me the other day what I kept that was special just between us. I should have answered you then. All those nights where you fell asleep with your head on my chest, the evenings laying in the back of the truck looking at the stars after driving around trying to find the best nachos in town. And, baby, no matter where we go, yours are always the best. No one else ever got moments like that. You are the only woman I want to slow dance with in the middle of the night.
“You are the only person in the world that I would wait four hours in the freezing cold to get the best brisket in Austin for because you were craving bbq when we were still, you know...” He paused. I don’t think he ever stopped blaming himself for what happened. His knees were never the same after that accident, and usually whenever he stood up from kneeling, they clicked and popped painfully. He leaned a little closer spreading his legs and reached down to pet Stella. She seemed a little leery of him. It is easy to be cynical given the circumstances, but there is something about the way he is talking to me, I haven’t heard him be this earnest in years.
“When was the last time you were with someone other than me?” I can’t bring myself to look at him. I keep my eyes anywhere but on him. My body aches so badly for him to just wrap his arms around me. I miss him.
“When I got held up in Kuwait for two weeks in December...”
“December? You mean when you missed my fucking birthday. Goddammit James...” And the ache is gone. My heart shattered again. He’s going to make me cry again.
“Hey, it was after your birthday, and it was a hate fuck because I was mad that I broke yet another promise to you.”
“That doesn’t make it better.” I snap. “How many that deployment?”
“Just the one. And she’s someone who I knew was more discreet because we had that arrangement before.”
“I swear on my Daddy’s grave that if you are lying to me right now, I will end you Syverson. You couldn’t have waited a few more days?”
“I had no idea when I was going home. We boarded that fucking plane three times and had to turn back because there was a problem with it. I was two seconds away from tearing apart the first Private that so much as looked at me sideways. It felt like, at the time, the less terrible choice.”
“They sound both pretty shitty to me. You are a fucking adult James, you have to be able to control yourself or at least be responsible for your actions. If this is what you think love is, I would rather you hate me.” I stand up. Stella wags her tail excited to get away.
“Josephine, please...” He grasps my wrist, not hard, but there wasn’t anyway I was going to be able to get out of his big hand.
“Please what? Please stay so you can keep treating me like this. There are some people in this world who have no problem playing second or third fiddle, they are just thankful they are in the band. But I deserve to be your first chair, or I don’t want to play at all.”
“Mama wants to know if the jackass is staying for dinner.” Ted shouts at us.
“He going!” “I’m staying!” we yell over each other. He’s not looking at me, he’s not even looking at the pup. His eyes are somewhere else, mentally for a second he is somewhere else also.
“Baby…  I… You have always been my first chair. There is no one else on earth like you. I have never done anything with these women as an act of love. It was always been, and I mean always, just a way to scratch an itch. Every time I was gone, every time things got bad, getting to come home to you was the thing that keep me going, Jo. You have been my safe harbor for the worst parts of my life.”
“James… That doesn’t excuse what you’ve done. You aren’t the man I fell for anymore. This isn’t healthy.” He let go of my wrist, and rubs his face. Those beautiful eyes of his have seen so much. For the first time I think he actually looks… broken. Is this the remorse I have been wanting to see? I try not to keep scores, especially when it comes to my loved ones. But for the first time since things went sour, he looks like I hurt him as much as he has hurt me.
Maybe there was love between us once. However there are just two broken hearts for now.
“Come on in the house, I can at least feed you before I send you back.”
“I think I will just go,” he says it quietly. “I don’t want to be a burden on you.”
“Don’t be like that, I am still cooking like I’m making dinner for you, so its way too much for the three of us. Come on in, I made carnitas.”
“I’ll be in, I just need a minute.” He refuses to let me see him cry if he’s not waking up screaming, even after all this time. Whenever we could have a healing moment, he pushes me out. I went inside, and started setting the table.
“Are we poisoning his tacos?” Teddy asked me.
“That’s not the worst idea I’ve heard today.” Mama interjected.
“No, and don’t start anything. He’s eating dinner with us, don’t either of you make him feel bad. I already did that.” Sy walked in at that moment, those blue eyes of his rimmed with red. He looked defeated. The four of us ate our dinner in silence. There was a time where he would have made some kind of comment about eating me out when we had tacos. He looked at me once during the meal, I think he remembered it too. He offered to clear the plates when were all done and sat in uncomfortable silence. The cockiness I had grown accustomed to over the years was gone.
He carried himself like this when we lost our baby, he can’t take that kind of humility. At least not with me.
“Sy...” I waited until the others were out of the room. “Do you still want me to come home with you?”
“Not if it means all we are going to do is get a divorce. I can’t see you every day knowing that I will never get to be yours again. I let them do a lot of terrible things to me over the years, but that… that I can’t handle.” His voice cracked. “If you want out, I will give you everything you ask for. I won’t fight you. But please, give me a chance to fight for you.”
“I don’t think you are exactly in a position to make that that request.” I lean against the counter across the room from him.
“No, I’m not.” he half smirked, “I don’t deserve you.”
“Look, I’m not saying that this can’t still all explode in our faces. But I miss my best friend and that has always been the best part of us. It will never be the same as it was before, it can’t be. However, if you are willing to work with me, I am willing to see if we there is any salvageable. If nothing else, we both need therapy very badly. We can’t just shrug this off. The second that it goes back to where we were, I’m gone.”
“Okay. I’ll do it.” He sniffs hard, and his breath is broken up, tucking his arms against himself. Usually its in authority, this time hes just trying to hug himself. I gesture him to come over and I hug him. He wraps his arms around then envelopes me. Leaning his head on mine, he whispers “I’ll do whatever you want, my darlin.”
I told my mom that I would be going home, she sighed at me. “Do you think this is the best idea?”
“I don’t know, Mama. I think I just want some closure. I told him if he so much as sneezes out of line that I’m gone. Forever. There will be no more chances.”
“Well, baby, I trust you. You are always welcome back here if you need to get away.”
While I’m packing my stuff into the shopping bags I had, I hear a sudden crack and Sy groans then swears. “yeah, I deserved that too.”
“What the fuck did you just do, Theodore?” I yell coming out. Ted was still holding my husband’s hand, and Sy was holding his face. “Did you… just headbutt him?”
“Yes, I did. My sister my might be willing to move past your mistakes, but I’m not. However, I’ve always been the petty one in the family. Hurt her again, they will have to dig your nuts out of your chest cavity, do we understand each other?”
“Yep, perfectly.” Sy grimaced. There were very few men that he would not retaliate against. Teddy, at 6’5, and years of horse wrangling, was one of them. Sy was build like a brick shit house, but so was my big brother. I thought we were old enough to not resort to violence, I have been wrong before.
My probably, potentially, soon to be ex-husband put mine and Stella’s things in the back bench of his truck. I held her in the crook of my arm as I climbed up in the cab. He gently shut the door for me, I noticed his shiner was going to be pretty gnarly in the morning.
He climbed into the other side as I set little Stella down on the floor. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, it was a cheap shot, I’ll be fine. At this point, I don’t want to rock the boat with your brother and Ma. She tore me a new asshole before I got outside today.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t changed your mind, say to hell with me and that I’m not worth the hassle.”
“Josephine, I might not have made the appropriate effort to show you how much you mean to me, but you are worth it.” The Syverson shaped hole in my heart roared. Why couldn’t he have been this way all along?
We talked about the girl at the movies, and how she was one of his new officers. She might have come on to him, but he never engaged with her outside of work related things. He told her several times that he wasn’t interested but she was persistent. I halfway apologized for trying to decapitate him with a tequila bottle. He acknowledged that this was a long time coming.  This was the most we had talked about anything deep for months. I don’t know if it was too little and too late though.
The rest of the drive home we made a plan of action. He would move into the office and would stay in there until I invited him back into my bed. We would start couple’s therapy as soon as we could. He would also start seeing a therapist individually. Before we got into town I also told him my final request for our reconciliation. I wanted to see other people. I had been with him since I was nineteen, I have never faltered in my devotion to him. I wanted to see if he was really the one for me.
When I got home, I poured out the rest of my alcohol, save for a bottle of champagne I was saving for our anniversary. He took Stella outside to go potty and came back singing her name “Stella bella, who is a good girl? Your Mama picks good puppies, yes she does. Good girl, Stella bella.”
Stella came prancing back to me with her tail wagging happily. He walked up behind me, and grazes the backs of my arms gently with his knuckles, leaning down to kiss my neck. “Not yet, Sy. I don’t want us to complicate things more than they already are.”
“Josie, what do you mean?”
“I don’t want to have sex with you until we start therapy.”
“So you want us to stop having sex, sleep in separate rooms and at some point you want to start seeing other men.” He starts nodding. He lets out a deep sigh and closes his eyes. “Okay, it that’s what you want to do. I was thinking about getting my stuff out of the bedroom so I can try to get some sleep. I love you, Pussycat. I’ll see you in the morning.” And with that, James went to bed. He was snoring on the couch in the office by the time I went to go lay down.      
It took us three weeks to get into see a couples therapist. It felt a little validating about my decision that we shouldn’t sleep together until we have really decided to try or not. She had me stay behind and talk with her for another half an hour the first time we met.  She asked me why I wanted to save my marriage with Sy if he’s hurt me for years.
“I don’t rightly know,” I told her. “Maybe its because when we are good we are so damn good. Before we were married, I was warned, I knew that things happened overseas and I shouldn’t take it personally, he’s just a man and not a saint. I never have had a doubt in my mind about if he’s been faithful when he’s been here until recently when a woman he knows started acting weird around me. The love we had was so passionate, like sometimes he thought that if he couldn’t put his hands on me I would disappear. I don’t think I will ever find someone who can love me like that again.”
The therapist suggested that he starts getting treated for PTSD and anger management while we all were working together. I would also have my own separate sessions to work on my own issues. It took a few months but I started seeing small differences in how he was handling things at work that pissed him off. He was able to defuse himself more easily. He became more open with his feelings. I think it helped that we both stopped drinking. We could be a little volatile when we had a pitcher (or three) of margaritas.
There were days with our sessions where we leave emotionally exhausted and not speak to each other the rest of the day, some of them ended in peals of laughter, others where I would cry for most of it. We discussed the infidelity at great lengths. I don’t want to rehash the details but it was definitely one of the bad days. But it seems that the root cause was him using the only the other women for comfort after fairly traumatic events. It’s why it only happened on deployments. He needed to feel something other than pain.
The lack sexual intimacy between the two of us made James start to get creative to initiate closeness between the two of us. He started helping me make dinner on the weekends, or he would bring me my coffee in the morning the way I like it. Mama and Teddy started coming over occasionally for suppers. It was nice to have the house filled with laughter. We started talking again like when we first started dating. He would take the time to go with me grocery shopping.
He started asking me out on dates again. Myself, him and Stella would drive out to the country, with a picnic basket that he would even prepare himself and we would go star gazing like we used to. I loved seeing the effort, but that hole still ached in my chest the whole time. The pieces should have all fit together, but here I was still not sure I could commit to him for the rest of my life.
On one of these dates, he asked me what I thought about him retiring. He had been in for almost nineteen years at this point and had far exceeded is expectations for being in the Army as an officer.
“I kind of just want to sell off all our extra shit and buy a really nice Air-stream. We can pull it with my truck. Just travel up and down the continent, I know you always have wanted to see the Northern Lights, we can just go anywhere. Me, you and Stella would visit where ever we could find a parking spot.”
“That sounds nice, Sy.” It came out a little half hearted.
“You don’t sound convinced, sweetheart.” He said, started sounding concerned.
“Hun, I don’t want to have a fight right now, so please just let me get this off my chest.” I sigh. And then I told him about the pain in my chest that I’ve had since my night in jail. That sometimes, like tonight, it was only a dull ache. That other times the edges are still so sharp that it feels like the pain was going to swallow me whole. He sits up, jaw dropped.
“Why haven’t you told me this before? I… Jo… son of a bitch.” He groans. He lays back down, the same defeated tone came back that I hadn’t heard since Mama’s house. “I’m trying my best, Josephine, but I feel like I have one hand tied behind my back… you will never love me again, will you?  I can grovel, and beg. I don’t know what else I need to do. I know what I want to do, but it will just hurt you more.”
“What do you want to do, Sy?”
“I want to kiss every part of your skin, remind your body that I worship it. I want to pin you to the wall of our hallway and make love to you. I want to go to sleep with my nose buried in in your hair, and wake up sliding inside of you. I have since you came home. Hell, I always want to do that with you. But that can’t be the only thing that keeps us together.” He looked over at Stella sprawl out.
“I didn’t say this to hurt you, hun. I just wanted to be honest with you.”
“I know, I… just don’t want to cause you more misery. I really thought we were, you know, heading back in the right direction.”
“We have been, and honestly, I think if we threw in the towel now, it would cause more harm than good.” I say as the tears well up in my eyes. For the first time since I was taken away, I straddle his hips. He sits up and I place my hands on either side of his face, then lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back with the same hunger. I missed him. The ache dulled a little until he pulled away.
“Let’s get going, Jo, I want you so fucking bad. I want to take you here and now, I want to make you scream my name and damn anyone who catches us. We need to stop this, the agreement was that we wouldn’t. Fuck I’ve missed how you taste.” He said before stealing one more kiss.
The next week was awkward to say the least, the therapist was pleased about the kissing and that I opened up. She said that it was possible that the pain would go away, but that he and I needed to remember that it was like I was grieving. In the mean time, we should continue to take it slowly because we both needed to be sure. The following few days he was distant, and the ache returned in full force.
With his PTSD treatments, he was having less nightmares. It was the best thing I could ask for. There were still times where he would yell in his sleep but they had become farther and farther apart. It was a night after he had his individual treatment, he had come home talking about how he felt the night of my breakdown. He came home and told me a little bit, how he had never seen me so angry before, thrashing about like a caged animal. He hated himself for pushing me there. That night, in the darkness of the small hours, I woke up from being dead asleep hearing him say my name in a panic. He then repeated sounding more and more scared. “Josie, oh my god, Josie, no. I’m sorry Jo, I didn’t mean to. JoJo!”
I rushed into the office, he was jerking violently in his sleep about on the couch. I turned on the light near his head. When these dreams happen, his eyes were usually opened, it creeps my out every time. I start to gently wake him up, saying his name and touching him as gently as possible. It took a few moments but he came back to me.
“Jo, Jesus fuck, you’re alright?”
“Of course I am, sweetheart, what happened? I’m right here, I’m okay, you are okay, everything is okay.”
“I dreamed we were back in the kitchen, you were under me. Screaming and whipping about. I had to restrain you more then I accidentally broke your neck and you died in my arms. It felt real, baby, I was holding your body and then the sheriff came and that’s when you woke me up. Oh my god. I fucking can’t. I can’t anymore. I need you, Josie. If something happens to you, oh fuck.” I have never seen James sob like this. He pawed at me until I was wrapped in his arms. I slipped my arms around his neck and held his head to mine. His sobs were hard. We sat there until he let it all out.
“Come on, big man, let’s get you into bed. Come with me. I’ll stay with you all night.” He nodded at me and followed me to the bed we used to share. I wrapped him up in our fluffy blankets. He snuggled into me and was asleep in moments. I stayed there in his arms until he woke up. The Syverson shaped hole hurt less that night.
When he woke up he started crying again. He held me and started kissing my face. “Thank god. I thought you coming to me last night was another dream.”
“No baby, I’m here.” He sniffed hard and squeezed me closer to him. We went back to sleep for a few more hours and when we got up for the day he moved his things back into our bedroom. We might not have started other marital acts but we both started sleeping better having the other person in bed. It had been almost six months we started trying to reconcile.
It had been an interesting couple of months while we started the transition for him to retire. Soon it was only a matter of days. The dates had continued, the kissing had continued, but something was keeping me back from being able to say that the next step was what I wanted. Therapy continued, and we would be seeing her for the next few months. Before I left my private session she asked me if I had given myself a deadline. She was concerned that I might keep dragging it out and that would just make both of us miserable. I told her I had an idea and that I planned on pulling the trigger soon.
Sy’s superiors were setting up a retirement ceremony for him, followed by a dinner with the upper chain of command. He wasn’t looking forward to it, Sy just wanted to be out and done. He came home one day while I was watching a show based on a book series I had read when we first were married. The redheaded Scot swore fealty to his wife, offering to pierce his own heart with a dagger if he should ever rebel against her again.  
“What’s this you’re watching?” He asked.
“Outlander, it just picked back up again from a season break. It’s pretty damn close to the book.”
“So is this what the ladies like these days, men in kilts offering to off themselves if they fuck up?”
“Women have liked men in kilts since I can remember. Why do you think we go to the Renn Faire every year.” I wink at him. “But yeah, I’m sure that does it for some people.”
“Well shit, Pussycat, it’s the only thing I haven’t done.” Sy walked out of the room and came back with his favorite hunting knife. It had been his dad’s once upon a time. The handle was made out of buck horn. In his warn and dusty uniform, he knelt in front of me on the living room floor. His beautiful blue eyes looking into mine, “Well, this isn’t iron, and it definitely isn’t holy. However, I will swear on it either way. Josephine, you are the only woman I have ever loved, you are my best friend, and I adore you. I will never do anything to make you doubt that love or loyalty again. If I ever do anything that makes you feel like you are less than the beautiful, smart, incredible, sexy creature that you are, you can sink this right in my heart. I will even hold it there for you so all you have to do is press it right in.” He finishes with a tongue click as an exclamation.      
“James, you didn’t need to do this. You know I am weird about grand gestures.”
“No, I think I do. I said my vows to you on our wedding rings and I wasn’t able to keep it. But, I will never break this one. If I can earn your love back, I will never do anything to make you regret giving me this chance to be your man.” He still held the knife against his chest with one hand, and placed my hand over his with the other. “So what do you think, baby girl? We still have a long way to go, but I can’t think of anyone else I would rather struggle with.”
“I think you just put yourself in a position that I could just end you now if I wanted to.” I say with my usual sass.
“Yes, you could. I don’t think you will though.” He said smiling, his voice was husky and deep as usual. I love that easy smile of his.
“Is it wrong that I want to get on your lap and make out with you while I hold this against you.” His eyebrow raised. “Maybe more than just make out with you.”
“Oh, don’t you tease me now, sweet thing. I don’t want to start anything you won’t finish.”
“Who said I won’t finish it, Colonel Syverson?” His eyes grew as big as dinner plates.  
“Wait, do you mean it?” He choked.
“Yeah, I do mean it.” I laughed. Before I could get up, he had hiked the skirt of the dress I was wearing up to my hips, pulling me to the edge of the sofa, revealing that I had skipped a certain garment that day. “I had an idea for after supper, but if you want we can do this now…. Oh fuck I’ve missed this.”
Before I can even finish my sentence, he was going to town with his tongue on his favorite part of my body. He remembered everything that made me squeal in delight. From the lack of sex on both of our ends, he was able to get me off easily. My body was desperate for his touch. He stopped once my body was trembling, kissing one of my thighs from my apex to my knee. He suddenly grunted and bit down on a tender part. He started panting and kissed the spot he bit.
“I’m sorry, sugar, I didn’t want to only last for two or three thrusts. Fuck, I have missed this pretty pussy. You taste so good.” He had a handful of his own cum and looked around for a tissue. Without a word, I grabbed his hand and licked it clean, keeping eye contact with him the entire time. He moaned out and then stood up. He took his shirt off, and lifted me up off the couch. I knew this hurt his back and knees but I wasn’t about to chastise him for wanting to be romantic. He carried me like we were on our honeymoon back to the bedroom. He lay me down as gently as possible then finished stripping himself. I took my dress off leaving myself exposed to him in a way that I haven’t in almost a year. Sy joined me on the bed, open and vulnerable to me. I loved those thick thighs and torso of his, he always eclipsed me.
“Hello ladies, nice to finally see you again.” He purred as he licked and sucked on my nipples. He leaned to one side and massaged my breasts with one of his hands. “Glad to see you that you missed me too.”
Before long, I could feel his erection pressing against my thigh. He spread my legs and rubbed himself against my opening. He leaned down and kissed my neck before sliding himself inside of me. I moan his name as he gently started making love to me. Bearing his weight on his elbows, he kissed and nipped at my neck.
Breathlessly, he told me how much he missed my body, how much he loved me, how lucky he was to have me. As his tempo increased, he started to whisper in me ear.
“Josephine, tell me what you are.” I looked at him confused. “You are my wife, I want you to tell me that you are my wife.”
“I’m your wife, James.” I tell him as lovingly as possible.
“Louder, baby.”
“I’m your wife.” I said loud and clearly. The Syverson shaped hole in my chest is gone, finally. Replaced with the warmth of knowing we were going to be able to survive this.
“Even louder, Jo.” I yell it out and he thrusts harder and deeper. “Keep going, beautiful, I want the whole neighborhood to know.”
I screamed it as he started pounding me harder, building his orgasm. As my own starts its crescendo, I screamed his name and arched my back as he pulls my hips down on himself and spilled into me. He lay down beside me, twitching and jerking a little. He kisses all the parts of my skin that is available to his reach.
“I think we should order a pizza for dinner tonight,” He says after a few minutes of catching his breath. “So we can stay in bed and make love again.”
“Or, and hear me out. I put my dress back on, you get dressed and we go out for sushi with your cum dripping down my thighs. What do you think about that?”
“Shit, I missed you being a damn freak like that. Do I we get to have more fun tonight if I say yes?” He chuckles, then kisses my hand, “I still want you to ride me with my knife pointed at me some time tonight.”  
“Aren’t you scared I’m going to cut off a nipple or something.”
“You, with a knife? To be honest, cutting off my nipple is the least of my concerns. How do I know if this just isn’t a whole plan to lure me into complacency with sex and sushi, then you just murder me in my sleep.” He rolled onto his back and whined for a second, but got up. He put on a pair of khaki shorts and a black Metallica t-shirt as I got into my dress again.
“God damn woman, you are so fucking sexy.” He tells me as he opens the door on my side of the truck and leans down to kiss me again. As I climb up he give my butt a little tap just like he used to and closes the door for me. The ache I’ve been feeling these long months has subsided. Sitting across the cab from me, holding my hand, he asks if we want to go look at travel trailers this weekend. For the first time in a while, I feel like everything is going to be alright.
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Welcome to New York
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 1
"We begin our story in New York"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 2,306
Warnings: language as always
A/N: I have wanted to tell this story for so long but I was insecure I will ruin it. I am still not sure if my writing is good enough for this. But this is my idea and my story to tell, so with a little confident boost from my mutuals here we are. For all the non-swifties: The whole 1989 album has hidden messages but this one is different because it all combines to tell one story. the link to the song is down below!
A/N 2: thank you for @sweeterthanthis for giving me the encouragement, and to @slothspaghettiwrites for beta reading this alongside @nacho-bucky and to @chrissquares for making me custom dividers especially for this series! I love all of you!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
song on Spotify or YouTube
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"Do we have a deal then?"
"You assisted us, and our motives align- we will get those powers." The man closed the long suitcase, the red skull on it shining through the dimmed warehouse.
They went their separate ways after that, he heard the loud noise through the wind before it got quiet yet again, the wind was howling as he carried his case close to his chest, protective of it.
 You walked through the crowd of New York, through the rushing people until you saw the doors to the big Avengers tower. After all this time you still weren't used to the extravagant halls, but you will have to eventually. This is your world and now this is your home.
Your powers were of no use to SHIELD, so after a long debate, you started to work with the avengers, being there every day and not living there seemed unreasonable- so you finally gave in to Tony's offer. "Your room here will always be waiting for you." He told you until you took him up on it.
Perhaps this additional new start will be good for you. You decided to abandon the past behind you a long time ago.
"Y/N dear, so glad that you're here," Tony hugged you and ignored the loud yells coming from his phone. "Set up in your room, then come down here, we have a special visitor."
"Oh okay, anyone I might know?" you smiled at him.
"No, he is not really important." Tony scrunched his nose and escorted you to the private Avengers elevator. You waved at him as the doors closed.
You ignored the bright lights and walked in with a smile into your new room, leaving all the past behind you as you shut the door. So here it was- your own little space all fresh and new- your small little corner in the tower. Well, it wasn't little by any means- if anything it was an apartment, but it was still yours.
"Hello new home" you said to yourself, looking at the four corners with anticipation of what's to come.
"Hello Miss Y/N" F.R.I.D.A.Y chimed in, causing you to laugh. You dropped your bags on the floor and went to unpack all of the boxes that were already there. Your music was playing at full volume as you danced around your room until it was clean and filled with all your favourite things.
"I'm glad to see you're settling in." Natasha's voice startled you and you turned around with burning cheeks. "Those are quite some dance moves."
"Haha very funny, you didn't see anything." You rolled your eyes, stupid spies. "What do you want?"
"Nothing, just came to see how you were doing, the room looks great." She smiled at you and giggled as you hugged her. "Finally you're here for good! Tony wanted to throw you a little welcome party."
"Tony? Little? The only time those two can go in the same sentence is if you're talking about height."
"Don't worry I talked him out of it. Besides, he was soon occupied with Thor when he got here- you haven't met him yet now did you?"
"Thor? Like the god from Asgard?" you stared at her in shock, but she just laughed at you.
"Yes, but don't worry he is really nice and surprisingly down to earth."
"Tony said he is not important." You let her lead you as the two of you made your way downstairs.
"Of course he did."
"He is doing better, he is even courting a young maiden, I am certain their marriage will be arranged soon." You heard the booming voice getting louder and louder. "Loki is on the right path I assure you, my friend."
Your heartbeat sped up more and more, but you willed yourself to look more put together when the god was in your sight, sitting on couch that seemed so little now, next to Tony and Steve.
"Thor, meet Y/N," Steve introduced you to the god and you nodded to him as he shook your hands.
"It is very nice to meet you Lady Y/N" Thor smiled at you, and you relaxed a bit.
"It's nice to meet you too. I am not a lady though." You chuckled.
"Well I have heard high praises about you so I assure you that you are." He spoke with such certainty that you decided not to argue it.
"Well she might look sweet, but don't piss her off." Tony snickered.
"Hey, I won't do anything." You stared at Tony who was quick to fix his mistake.
"She will kick your ass in training, trained by the Black Widow herself."
"That I can confirm." you looked at Natasha and winked.
You sat with them for a chat then. You might have been a different person before everything went down but you always did have manners even if you wanted to adjust in your room. You shook your head when Tony's phone ringed and he hastily took Steve and went out with him.
"What's up with this surprise mission?" Clint asked as he walked onto the quinjet, with his combat suit and his arrows. It has been ten minutes since F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted you of a new mission. You were already on your way with Steve, Tony, Clint and Maria Hill. You were on edge by the fact that she's here, clearly, some things about this mission were left unsaid.
 "We are going to get some intelligence from an underground building we found," Maria answered instead of Steve.
"If that's the case then why am I here?" her eyes turned to you now, you could see her calculating an answer.
"Because the place is not abandoned at all, it is full of agents but we don't know what we are there to pick up, and we need the people there alive." Tony replied.
"Oh fun, I get to keep hydra agents alive." You took in the new information, something was still off about this mission, but you'll probably figure that out soon enough.
The snow was heavy as you walked through it; your daggers were safely tucked inside their pockets, not wanting to accidently draw attention to yourself with a glimmer of light.
According to Tony the small warehouse that was on the ground was mostly empty, so you advanced forward with Tony from above, searching for any devices that may lay hidden in the snow.
So Tony went down first, then Clint, then you, Maria and then Steve. You exited into a big area underground, you could already hear the hydra agents coming your way so you split up, as Maria and Steve went to find whatever it was they were trying to find, the three of you provided backup and tried to clear rooms.
The four of you got to the doors, and as Tony blew up the doors you moved in, pulling your weapons out at the soldiers. There were only seven of them there, but with the sounds of the fighting and the gunshots, it was certain that your presence was known.
"Y/N there are three scientists coming your way, keep them alive, to a certain degree at least- whatever you want." you heard blasts from your earpiece and you smirked when you saw the scientists in front of you. When you saw the guns in their hands you smiled at them.
"Hi," you advanced towards the first one, your eyes caught his- he saw the glimmer in your eyes and in panic he raised the gun and shot forward. You dodged it and quickly came closer, gently taking the gun from his hand keeping eye contact with him until he dropped to the ground and closed his eyes. "I hope you enjoy my gift."
The other two scientists tried to fight you but soon their eyelids closed and they fell with a silent scream. You sighed and grabbed the back of their coats and dragged them to an empty room, oh what you wouldn't give for some telekinesis now.
The mission had to go on. So you got up and went to show some other agents your gift. Another agent to the kill, he screamed as he looked at you, the machine in his hand shattered and he fell to the floor before you were even near him. Shit. You relaxed him a bit when you reached him, his shaking calmed down a bit. You didn't mean to show him that much, but he brought it on himself- it was really easy to find with this one. Every weakness played as if it's a movie in your brain, you showed him just some parts of it now, and paralyzing him until you'll bring him out if you will at all.
"Y/N we need you here, leave them where they are- Tony will pick them up."
"Are you kidding? I kept them in a safe room for nothing? They are some heavy sons of bitches Steve!"
"Language," Steve sighed, you smiled. "He was busy then but now we need you, we found what we were looking for, but there are too many of them here, they will ruin the weapons."
"Or use them on us."
You came here for weapons? You jump a story down and advanced towards Steve and Maria.
"Go loose on them, they'll survive, we can't lose what they may have here."
"You don't even know exactly what they have there?" you questioned Maria, she only glared at you. So you went into the room, the doors slamming against the walls, you let yourself go, eyes sparkling as you reached into every soul in the room, their eyes going blank as you showed them every version of themselves that you wanted. You tuned out their screams until they passed out.
"All clear." You replied, and went around the room, looking at the files and unfamiliar technology. All sorts of sealed boxes were on the desks, they must have been packing. You passed a desk, and right then objects flew out as they combust into flames. "What the fuck?"
"Y/N stay away from this, we don't know what this does," Hill talked to you when she opened a case that you couldn't see. "Get out of the room."
It was an order with which you didn't argue and closed the doors behind you, leaving Steve and Maria in there.
They were shooting at you now, and you stole the best defense you could get from Steve. You snatched the pillow from under his arm and shielded yourself from the attack of popcorn the two redheads were now throwing at you. A girl has to fight back, so pretzels it was
 "You can't use a pillow Y/N! That's not fair!" Wanda yelled at you. You will get betrayed by those closest to you.
"No, what isn't fair is you using your powers on the popcorn! It's not my fault that you threw all the pillows to my side- that was not a good strategic move for you."
"She's right about that- we are way better a team." Steve dodged a water bottle the spy expertly threw at him for the comment. The war always leaves scars.
Your laughs were cut short when F.R.I.D.A.Y called all of you in from the living room.
"What's up Tony?" Natasha asked when you walked into the room and saw all the other avengers there.
"We found some concerning new details about what hydra has been up to lately," Tony paced through the room, leaving you waiting.
"Did you contact Thor? Is it confirmed?" Steve asked him then and the billionaire nodded.
You shook your head and looked at them as you leaned on the wall opposite them.
"Hey boys?" Steve and Tony looked back at you and you smiled shortly at them before they had a chance to stop you when a flash of purple crossed your eyes.
Steve was annoyed when he saw the thunder in the distance and the rain pouring down on him and Tony. Tony grumbled and looked around Steve at the muddy ground they were surrounded with.
Within a second they blinked and saw the room in the compound, taken aback for a moment.
"Did you have fun boys? I personally love the rain but now I am just annoyed so can you please just share with the group for fuck's sake?" they glared at you now.
"Y/N, you can't just use your powers on petty things like that." Steve shook his head, shaking the imaginary feeling of the rain from his face.
"Don't ever, place me in that disgusting place again, you are lucky I wasn't in my favourite suit there!"
"I'll be sure to keep that little detail in mind next time you annoy me." You smirked.
"You little menace- Okay, we found Asgardian weapons and technology in the custody of hydra."
"What the fuck? How did they get it?" Natasha rose up now from the table.
"We are trying to figure it out, but from what we managed to gather is that these are ancient things… so we need an expert."
"Then why is Thor not here?" Bruce asked his friend, who pinched his nose.
"No, I said we need an expert…" he then looked behind you, and you turned when you heard the door opening. No, your past should stay sealed shut.
There in front of you came in Loki, when he caught your eyes, you were sure his look of shook matched yours. And you were frozen in place.
"Y/N?" he was confused to say the least, but your eyes never left each other even when you felt all the eyes in the room focusing on you. You shook your head at him. No.
"You said you'd never come back." It felt as if you stabbed him with that comment.
 Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50
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enigma-im · 4 years
Third Day of Christmas...
Trope: Enemies to Lovers (NSFW) Relationship: Minotaur x Human Word Count: 4,025
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It all started with a note on the door.
Imani didn't expect to find a letter taped to her door that morning, or any morning for that matter. For a good couple of seconds she feared it was from her landlord, an eviction notice of some kind. That went right out the window as she read the chicken scratched handwriting.
Dear apartment 23 resident,
I'd appreciate it if you would keep the noises to a minimum after 10 pm. The singing has kept me up well past midnight. The stomping at all hours has been less than appreciated. Also, I hate to point out that your dog hasn't been a saint either, barking every morning at 7 am. So if you would please, muzzle the dog and stop the late-night parties.
                                 Signed, apartment 15 resident.
Imani is confused for a moment, walking back into her apartment while rereading the letter. All of it is not true, starting with the singing. She does not sing, especially that late in the day. The neighbor on the other hand has a daughter who doesn't understand her own volume, blaring out BTS songs at odd hours. The stomping is a ridiculous accusation, almost typical in these situations. The only time she can admit that her walking would be loud is when she first gets home and hasn't gotten to removing her shoes. Besides then, she is as quiet as a church mouse. An hour after she gets home she spends most of her time lounging in the living room. so how can she be making noises if she isn't moving?
The woman drops the note onto her kitchen table, put off by the audacity. She looks over to her little dog, shaking her head as she thinks back on the next line. Her dog doesn't bark! He is as silent as can be, never even growling. The most this 'resident' can accuse her pooch over is his nails scratching at the floor. Even then that shouldn't even register through the floors.
With the morning turned sour, Imani quickly organizes her things and heads out for work. The whole day is spent thinking hard on her letter, thinking about what needs to be done. Should she ignore it? Pretend she never got it and go on with her life? That would be the easy approach, even kinder one, but she ain't that kind of bitch.
When she got home late that day she storms into the kitchen, making sure to stop with her shoes still on, and grabs a notebook. She jots down a little message for 'resident 15' with as much passive aggression as she can put into words.
Dear resident 15,
The bold claims you have taped to my door have been read. I'd like to take the time to inform you of your misguided claims. I, for one, am not the local American Idol star. That award goes to Tiny Tina in apartment 22. I don't know why you have such an issue with her music, BTS songs are a bop.
Next on the list is my 'stomping'. Excuse me for correcting you again, but I do not 'stomp' around my apartment. The minute I get home from work I am sitting on my ass watching television till it's time for bed. So I ask you, how can I be stomping around if my feet do not move off the couch?
Finally, my dog. My dog is a saint, for your information, he is the quietest animal I have ever owned. I haven't heard so much as a peep from him since he was a puppy. Maybe check around for other noisy pooches because mine isn't the problem.
With this all said, I hope you find a solution to your problem because bugging me was not it.
                                       Sincerely, resident 23
Signed, sealed, and ready to be delivered. The next morning on the way to work she tapes the little note to the numbers on unit 15. smug, she walks out of there with her head held high.
Feeling proud of herself even further into the day she isn't ready for the speedy reply taped to her door, along with a missing doormat. With a huff, she snatches the note and heads inside. She unfolds the sheet, reading:
Dear 23,
I am not mistaken, and I'm taking your welcome mat until you know how to be a proper upstairs neighbor.
She gawks at the letter, put off by the blatant admission of theft. Are they a child, taking away things as a punishment? This is completely idiotic! She should march downstairs and confront the fool who thinks this is a proper course of action. Well, she would if she didn't also want to get back at them.
Throwing the paper onto the coffee table she flops down on the couch to think. What is the best way to get back at them?
A floor below rests Church the Minotaur. He is getting ready to go on a run, sliding on his sneakers as he opens the door. Glance to the side he catches sight of a gaudy plethora of stickers and glitter, his door dressed to the 9s with rainbows. He is taken aback, looking at the decorations with ire. Above it all sits a folded up piece of paper taped to the door. He quickly snatches it, reading it.
Return the doormat and I'll clean your door.
Church chuffs, grinding his teeth as he looks to the door again. He didn't think he was being unfair when he first gave them a letter. It was a polite way to ask them to shut up. He just wanted some sleep, was that too much to ask? He looks to the door again, apparently, it was.
Imani opens the door fully expecting the letter. With a bit of a pep in her step, she grabs it, reading it as she walks to her car. She snorts, crumpling the paper and tossing it in the trash.
This means war
The next few weeks are filled with pranks of varying variety. The two start small, Imani stomping around upstairs with her heaviest pairs of boots, Church banging his hand against the ceiling during the quiet hours of the night. Next with more glitter courtesy of Church, a well-timed package that exploded in Imani's kitchen. He swears he could hear her surprised scream from below. Imani gets him back with a similar package, one with a jump scare card.
It's a back forth of one-upping the other. Church orders Imani eight pizzas, forcing her to reluctantly pay for it when seeing the nervous kid trying to deal with the mix-up. Imani manages to hook her phone to his Bluetooth speakers, playing random screams at all hours of the night. Church gets her back by attaching an alarm to her door so when walked out that morning she was startled by a firetruck worthy honk.
It seems it’s the last straw for Church when he receives his own glitter bomb of confetti cocks. It gets caught on the carpet, sneaking into the couch cushions, and sticking to his clothes. Quickly dusting himself off he charges upstairs, reaching her door and banging on it. He taps his foot frustrated and angry.
The door clicks open, Church already ready with his rant. Imani is equally prepared, excited with the chance to chew him a new one. When the two see each other they stumble on the words, looking one another over with confusion. Neither of them expected the other to be anything but some angry middle-aged person looking for a fight. They hardly assumed that the other would be so…attractive.
"I, uh," church shakes his head," You! A damn dick bomb? Do you understand how ingrained they are into my carpet? I sent you a cheap one, something you can easily clean up but you couldn't even consider that!"
"What," Imani comes back to her own," those craft herpes were not easy to clean, I'm sure it's still in the kitchen now and staining my clothes. So don't you dare come at me with 'woe is me' look like you had any consideration at all for my floors."
"Well excuse me, I didn't hack into your speakers to play Halloween screams all through the night. I damn near had a heart attack at 2 in the morning because of you," he points to her, debating on jabbing her in the chest. She slaps his hand away before he gets the chance, scoffing.
"At least I didn't make you spend money on eight pizzas! Do you know how much eight pizzas cost? It was like seventy bucks. I'm just glad you didn't splurge on something more than a single topping pizza. But fuck you for making them all pineapple you monster," she bites back.
The two ramble on long enough for the neighbors to peek their heads out. Embarrassed, they close out their argument with a huff and a door slam. Church heads off to his apartment, falling onto the couch while grumbling to himself. Imani growls and mumbles in her bed. They both can't help the thought that ruins all their anger:
God, they were hot.
The pranks don't stop in their frequency. The two continue, using their frustrations at their traitorous thoughts to fuel their revenge.
Imani still plays with his speakers, using screamo songs to annoy him in the afternoons. Church booby traps her door again with more glitter, his preferred weapon as of lately. She takes up tap dancing, he pays the kid next door to blare BTS near the shared wall of her apartment. She puts a fake ticket on his car, he puts vulgar stickers on her's. the childish game goes on and on.
Imani sits in her room one night, frustrated beyond belief with the sexy minotaur. She can't get his face out of her head. Why did he have to be cute? It's not like it makes the little game they have going harder to do. No, it just makes it seem more than it is. She has to constantly catch herself praising his wit in some of the stunts he pulls. Scolding herself nonstop for wanting to stop by his place and yell at him some, just to see him. It's stupid, wanting to actually get to know him.
Church relaxes in bed, feeling more bothered than Imani. He has hit a bit of a dry spell in his sexual life, or his solo sexual life. He can't jerk off without picturing the little hellspawn upstairs. It would be easy to give in and just think of her but it would be too much. She is an enemy, not a potential interest. So what if she is one of the sexiest humans he has ever seen? Who cares if her ability to keep up with him in this little war is kind of turning him on? It doesn't matter, right?
He sighs in defeat, "I don't think I can believe that even if I tried," he grunts as he clenches his shaft.
Imani is at home setting up her next plan when someone knocks on the door. She looks to the clock surprised at someone visiting this hour. Confused, and cautious, she gets out of bed and walks to the door. Looking through the peephole she rolls her eyes at who she sees.
Imani opens the door," if this is about the folk music I'll tell you now I'm not changing it back."
"No," he growls," this is about the tap shoes. Metal on wood makes for some very undesirable sounds."
"Well, excuse me for trying to take up a new hobby. What about you paying off the kid next door to play her music next to my wall? I swear that little demon doesn't sleep," Imani scolds.
"Speaking of little demons, can you for the love of god shut your dog up. Every morning I hear his damn barking and I'm seriously debating calling someone," he takes a step into her space, scowling at the dog behind her.
"He doesn't bark," she pokes at his chest," I have never heard him even make a yelp since he was a puppy so I suggest you come up with a better lie than that."
"A lie," he shouts," your fucking dog barks, stop thinking he is some sort of mute."
"He does not," she shouts back.
"Does too," he steps closer.
"Does not," she raises her chin.
"Does too," he grabs her hips.
"Does not," she tugs at his shirt.
"Does too," he says, lowering closer to her. Before she can get her turn he quiets her with a rather harsh kiss, mashing his lips to hers. They grapple one another, pulling the other closer as they stumble into her apartment.
Church kicks the door shut as he fumbles with her shirt. She helps, parting from him long enough to cast the clothing aside. He tugs her back in for a sloppy kiss, delving his tongue into her mouth as she unbuttons his top. Thrusting his shirt down his arms while they bump into the sofa. Church beings unclasping her bra, uncoordinated as she sucks on his tongue.
The two fall to the couch, church not wasting any time with her freshly revealed tits. Imani gasps, petting down his chest to his pants. As he suckles on a nipple as she pulls him from his pants, holding his cock in her hand. He stutters in his attentions, panting heavily against her chest as she jerks him off.
"Oh, fuck," he groans.
"Like that big boy," she steals his attention, him looking at her cocky smile.
"Shut up," he reaches down to her pants, palming her through her jeans. She bucks into his hand, rolling her eyes at his smirk. He quickly discards her bottoms, tossing them away without a care. He watches her as he pets at her pussy, delving between her lips to feel how soaked she is for him.
"Am I wrong to assume this is all for me," he pushes a finger in. she clenches her jaw, groaning from the intrusion. He chuckles, feeling rather confident as she rides his hand. Not caring for his large ego she reaches for his cock once more, feeling him throb in her grip.
"Am I wrong to assume this is all for me," she mimics back smugly. He throws her an annoyed look, removing his fingers and slapping her hand away. Dropping a hand beside her head he leans down, looking between them as he prods his cock to her pussy. They both flinch, eager above all else. They both watch as his head parts her lips, poking at her clit with short nudges.
"You think I can make you scream like those damn Halloween recordings," he jokes as he grinds into her.
"No, I don't think you have the stamina," she jabs back, trying to stop the urge to buck against him. Church leans down and nuzzles against her neck, pressing a sweet kiss under her jaw.
"I guess we will just have to see," he grins, feeling less confident than his words suggest. His cock is damn near ready to burst with just his tip being coated in her sweet juices.
Church reaches between them, pressing his cock to her entrance. He guides his tip in, stretching his arm up to rest it beside her head. The only warning he gives her is a sultry smile before he shoves forward, both crying out at the suddenness.
"Oh, shit," Church whimpers beside her ear. Imani grabs at his arms, feeling utterly stuffed. He pulls back, thrusting forward quickly. Imani appreciates him not wasting time just pistoning into her. The need has been building up all week, the denial adding a new level of appeal to this want.
He rams into her, listening to her try to hide her cries of pleasure. He feels her body tell him what he needs to know, feels her walls pulling him in with every buck of his hips. She wants him as badly as he wanted her. It's satisfying to church to know this. To know that she needs this as much as he does. Not wanting to miss a thing he sits up, grabbing her hips as he does.
"Look at you," he groans," trying to hold back those little moans and whimpers. Don't fight it, babe, I wanna hear you." Imani startles herself with a cry, arching her back as his words add kindle to the fire. She wants to pretend this isn't happening, that she isn't getting fucked by her apartment enemy. But damn, does it feel fantastic.
Church watches her writhe on the couch, his stomach clenching as he tries to fight off cumming at the sight. Her tits bounce with each clap of their hips and it's driving him wild. Reluctantly he shuts his eyes, thinking about anything else to prolong this blissful torture.
Imani wails and whimpers as her insides are set aflame. As her orgasm comes rushing to the forefront she locks her legs around his waist, grinding like a madwoman into his thrust. She cries out her pleasure, utterly wrecked as she falls apart.
Church chokes on his breath as she clenches around him. He can barely think as she holds him in a vice grip. His hips go wild as he finds himself coming to an end. It's only half a thought that he undoes her legs and pulls out, grinding against her as he cums on her stomach. Imani watches in rapture as he tosses his head back and moans, the sound going straight to her already throbbing clit. She watches him spray out over her and she can't look away for even a second.
Church falls onto his hands, panting as he holds himself over her. He can't believe it. He got to fuck the cute hellspawn that has been tormenting him all month. At this moment he couldn't even think about the countless hours of sleep missed because of her little pranks. Right now all he can think of is holding her close and taking a much-needed nap. As he attempts the action he looks to her stomach.
Imani is bone-deep satisfied. Her body is relaxed against the couch and she feels like she's on cloud nine. She hardly notices when Church climbs off her, his footsteps fading away. When she does notice, it stabs at her heart a little. She watches him button up his pants, reaching to the floor to grab his shirt. I guess he's leaving, she thinks.
Church grabs his shirt from the floor, bunching it up as he turns back to her. She looks surprised when he crouches beside her and mops up the mess on her stomach with his top. He wants to laugh at the shocked expression but bites his cheek against it. With her all clean he tosses the shirt away and crawls in beside her. The couch is rather small so he lifts her onto his chest, lounging on his back. He cradles her against his front, ready to take a well-deserved nap.
Imani is rather confused as she watches him fall asleep. She fully figured he would dip after everything, she surely didn't expect anything from this. They were still in a war. A truce was never called but she can't help but think this changes something.
Shrugging, she snuggles up to him, enjoying his soft fur against her cheek. This is a problem she will deal with in the morning.
Imani wakes up alone in her bed. She is nearly tempted to figure the night with Church was all a dream till she feels the subtle ache in her legs. Ride a bull, you should expect some soreness. She chuckles to herself as she dresses. Walking into the kitchen she prepares for a lazy day indoors while she figures out how to deal with Church and her's relationship. As she gets ready to feed her pup does she realize the lack of said pooch.
"uh, Giovani," she calls out. No answer. She calls out again, searching around her apartment frantically. Did he get out while the door was open last night? Surely she would have noticed if he managed to sneak past. She rounds the apartment again just in case before she runs to the door, throwing it open in a rush. Out of the corner of her eye, she spots something hanging on her peephole. She tenses at the sight, snatching it.
Imani I have your dog Church
Imani scoffs, crumpling the letter as she marches downstairs. She can't believe she let herself think that things would change between them. That this little prank war can be swapped out for an actual relationship, friendship or otherwise. Above all, she can't believe he stole her dog.
Rounding the corner and stopping at door 15 she pounds her fist against the wood. She continues pounding till the door opens, revealing a smirking Church.
"Hello, babe, what brings you here so early," he asks, leaning against the frame.
"You stole my fucking dog, I want him back," she snaps, no ounce of playfulness available. Church nearly stutters on his act, a little worried about her protectiveness over her dog.
"Now, I stole him for his own good," he explains," with his separation anxiety I figured it is best if he got used to my apartment since I'm going to take up training him."
Imani scoffs," Excuse me? My dog doesn't have separation anxiety nor does he need to be trained by some dog snatching idiot with horns."
Church deadpans," idiot with horns?"
"It's early, they can't all be gold," she rolls her eyes," doesn't matter, give me my dog back."
Church shakes his head, frustrated at her denial. Instead of answering her, he calls for the pup, leaning down to pet him when he comes trotting over. With the dog properly excited he takes a step into the hallway with Imani and shuts the door. Imani looks from him then back to the door.
"What are you doing," she asks.
"Just wait," he holds up a finger. They both stand silently, nothing happening. Imani opens her mouth to acknowledge the ridiculous of waiting in front of a door when her dog begins whining, yelping loudly from inside the apartment. Church looks over to her with a smug grin, "Told you he barks."
Imani flusters, gawking at the door and listening to her dog cry out. Church opens the door, the pup running out and jumping at Imani. Still embarrassed, she pets at her dog before picking him up and walking away. Church watches her turn the corner, not saying a word as she departs. He sighs.
It's a good day of nothing that picks at Church. Surely he didn’t push too far, he didn't really intend to keep her dog so it wasn't that mean. He just wanted to prove that her dog did bark, finishing the month-long war on a hopeful note. It wasn't meant as another attack against her. He really did intend to help by offering to train her dog.
Throughout the day he debates going up there and apologizing, to offer an olive branch of some kind so he can actually get to know her. Last night for Church was…amazing. It was something he wants to do again, to explore further. That may be a pipe dream now.
Late into the afternoon church gets a knock on his door. He jumps up, feeling rather stupid as he quickly answers the door. Expecting Imani he is left disappointed as no one is there. No one could have left that fast. He looks down the hall, left to right. Nothing. With a defeated sigh he begins to close the door. He stops when a fluttering piece of paper catches his eye. Excited, he snaps it off the door unfolding it swiftly.
Dinner at my place, 8 pm
Church smiles to himself, refolding the paper and heading back inside to get ready.
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