#i miss echo's kama though
swan-orpheus · 2 years
I am incoherent that was so good!!! The scientist lady is totally going to help Crosshair escape, calling it now. Her face looking uncomfortable watching him being tortured is the last frame of the episode for a reason.
Also, ngl, I not so lowkey hoped that Mayday wasn’t all dead, but only mostly dead and that they secretly transported him to Tantiss and somehow revived him yes I am that pathetic. </3
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Episode 14 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
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It's grey. Why does everything have to be grey? Grey never means anything good.
Well that answers one of my questions. Howzer was, in fact, able to keep his hair in great condition while being held captive. Good to know.
I was honestly like "oh no, Lt. Fuckface is back 🙄" and then remembered that he was dead and that this was some other pasty imperial to hate...
Incoming attack? From Echo maybe???
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2 new clones, Fireball and Nemec. Ngl, thought they were both gonna die. 😬 Thankfully not!
Oh great, even Mt Tantiss is all grey and gloomy...
This is just a grey, gloomy episode.
Hemlock gives me the heebie jeebies. 😖
Crosshair convulsing in the back of the shot is horrifying. 😭
Echo without a kama feels very weird...
I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't actually going to work out...
You can tell he's out of it. Some of his shots miss.
If you need me, I'll be sobbing in the corner. 😭
Cross... 😭😭😭
Of course Hemlock is immune to his own poison. That's exactly something to expect from a heebie jeebie man.
AND THE BATCH?! I thought they might just turn up right at the end.
Man, we are doing so well for characters this episode. 🥲
What is that thing Wrecker caught???
Wrecker calling Lyana boss. 😭
Hunter still feeling a little iffy about settling down permanently. Interesting but not surprising. 🤔
He looks so terrified. 🤣
Omega sounding so excited when she says "It's him". Bestie, same. 😭
Echo offering to race Omega back just confirms that Echo is actually a chaotic little shit and I love him for that. 🥰
Echo, mate, you look kinda naked without the kama. I don't know how to feel about it.😭
Ooooohh are they gonna find out about Cross from the data stick?
Hunter and Echo still not quite on the same page. 🤔
"When will it be enough?"
Ugh, that hurt. I love what Echo's doing but I am stressed for his life constantly. I'm really worried that something is going to happen to him and that's why Rex is gonna give up the fight. 😭
I don't necessarily think that something will happen to him this season though...
They got the distress message. 🥲
Okay, I know that them not completely trusting Crosshair's warning is justified but OUCH it hurts to know that he's trying to help them and they don't know if they can believe him. 😭
Oh no... we only have the finale left...
Aaaahhhhh so much happened this episode!
We got Echo back! (No Rex though ☹️). But also Crosshair, and the Batch AND HOWZER AND GREGOR!!! 🥰 Was hoping we would see Wolffe at some point but he could still turn up in the finale. 🤔
Jennifer wasn't kidding about this being a rollercoaster of emotions. I was just swinging back and forth between happiness and pure stress.
And Crosshair was trying to help his brothers. 😭 He still cares about them and now they want to get him back but they don't know if they can trust him and it's all too many feelings my heart can't take it-
I loved this episode. I think Eps 3, 8 and 12 still top it for me, but I was freaking out a lot. I hope Echo continues to have a significant part in the final 2 episodes and I hope that we see Rex again. Also, where's Cody at rn?
Anyway, I hope we get a Batch reunion next week!!!
I'm gonna go and continue to freak out. Hopefully I can focus on Mando this week after all that. 😵‍💫
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S2 Ep14 of TBB Thoughts!!
oh frick, oh darn, oh heck
I need to stop eating breakfast while I watch these eps, eventually im gonna gasp so hard I'll choke on some food (this is based on me almost choking on my food when HOWZER showed up)
So I knew Echo'd be in this one, but I was actually also a 100% Rex would be there too, so I was a little bummed about that? like why would they release Rex's poster now if he isn't gonna be in the ep? and like ik this is a show about the batch, so they wanna show off Echo and I love that for him bc I love Echo but like,,, Rex🥺 yanno?
that being said, Echo and his team infiltrating that ship, fcking GREGOR?? amazing, loving that shit, eating it up
another suicide? this is getting intense. like this season has given us deeply seeded political issues about clone rights, depictions of blood, brainwashing and two suicides?? like??? things are heating up, the writers are getting more real and I actually kinda,,, love that even though its intense
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clone sipping coffee :)
ye :)
me @ howzer:
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he knows someone, eh? THAT'LL BE MY MANS TECH :DDDD
ofc he snatched the gun, you rlly coulda seen that one coming dipstick
it struck me as really odd that Crosshair didn't shoot the female doctor. like the rest of the batch and most of the clones use stun guns ALL THE TIME whereas Crosshair has always shot to kill. again, "severe and unyielding", meaning he takes intense action, committing all the way all the while being so stubborn he hardly ever backs down. honestly, him sparing her is some serious character development. he recognised she was being kind to him and he decided that that was enough reason not to hurt her. either that, or he wanted to abuse her kindness later on
he never wanted to get out, he just wanted to warn his brothers, which is AGAIN SO DIFFERENT from the Cross we've gotten to know in these last two seasons. I actually don't think that's growth anymore. that's Crosshair standing by a choice that he knew was bad for far too long (SEVERE. AND. UNYIELDING.) and now finally admitting he was wrong and going back to what he always wanted and always knew to be right.
partially rebuilt Pabu :)))
Hunter being questioned abt being more than just a soldier lol
like sir, the answer is "I am dad, actually."
"Up. Up! Up, Omega, pull up!" <- im sorry but Tech's always been just,,, so cool in stressful situations, like almost dying, no biggie. falling out of the sky in a storage box and having a heavy object crush your leg, naaahh we got this. fcking staring a Zillo Beast dead in the eye as it growls at you, easy as pie. omega's flying? panic
"The Tech-Turn? really?" "Now that is not what it is called, but I rather like it. I suggest you proceed before I come to my sen-- AAAAAHHHH."
did Echo only race Omega to torture Tech? yes, why do you ask?
okay listen I love him, but without his kama Echo looks half naked
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hmmm the summit huh??? interesting
Tech sounded so worried when he called Hunter over??? waaaaaahhh
Hemlock? more like Hemcock (yes I've been waiting a while to make that joke leave me alone)
Crosshair being offered his freedom and just stubbornly staring back? Severe and unyielding hero edition. I love him, Hunter go get him pls he needs you.
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help why did this one feel so short
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panther-os · 2 years
"so which boys are back in town?" well.... almost all of them?
this was a very nice little set up for the finale. i was worried we were gonna get another plot heavy episode and the end would be super rushed, but that's not the case. they even name dropped the title of episode 15 which had me immediately like 👀
tarkin is a bastard as always. crosshair refusing to give up the batch - including omega - breaks my heart. i also love how they show how fucked up he is by the torture by the way he misses shots - two of them. his whole thing is that he never misses. i'm also getting the sense that emerie only has this job because it pays the bills (her line about her access card not getting crosshair outside makes me think she's not even free to leave) and that she might be an ally next week.
it was good to see riyo with an obviously established halfway home setup in the martez' garage for deserted or rescued clones, but there's still no cody :( and rex was only there in spirit. no phee this episode either which hurted my little tephee shipper heart.
i'm super glad we got to see new clones! i would already die for fireball and the fact that he's wearing 41st ranger armor (like gree and jek in rots) and he and howzer clearly know each other has me 👀 about howzer possibly being assigned there before ryloth.
"fireball" also is the name of a clone pilot captain in the 501st's gold squadron. he showed up in clone wars gambit and we know he had bright red hair with a black streak, liked to play turbodarts, and went by fib for short. so it could also be that he wasn't originally a pilot, was crosstrained, and then got transferred back to ground in the 41st later in the war and so we have a fifth captain to add to keeli, rex, howzer, and wilco's fanon squad.
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(i would also die for nemec but i forgot his name and was consumed by fireball's wiki page and various writer-of-fanfic-shaped thoughts)
it was also great to see gregor wearing his gold again and fucking bizarre to see echo without a kama.
speaking of echo, his exchange with hunter was enlightening. echo's really intense about this, even moreso than before, and part of me wonders if that's because he's doing this because fives would, because he's come across so many apathetic brothers he tried to recruit and defaulted to the schpiel, or because both.
by far the best moment, though - even better than tech teaching omega to fly and the "tech turn" - was omega throwing herself into echo's arms and the way he just caught and held her. it's so obvious he misses her too. that's his kid your honor.
this is... actually my new favorite episode, just barely ahead of last week's.
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“The Revolutionary Army? You mean the one my dad leads?” Luffy asked as they made their way down the colosseum corridor, their footsteps echoing against the stony, dark interior.
“Mhmm.” Sabo nodded “He took me in when I couldn’t remember anything and I’ve been with him ever since. He’s— well, nevermind. You’ll see when you meet him. You do want to meet him, right?” He added, only a tiny bit skeptical
“Uh huh. Especially now!” Luffy confirmed with a cheery grin and Sabo felt a little heat rise in his cheeks, not needing to ask what he meant by that. “Oh hey, does that mean you know Iva-Chan too? What’s he up to?”
“Yes, he’s returned to ruling the Kama Kingdom and leading the Revolutionary Army. I outrank him now and he’s furious about it, which is always funny.” Sabo explained.
“I see. It’s good to hear he’s doing well. I didn’t get the chance to talk to him after Marineford.” Luffy said casually but the mention of the battle he’d missed two years ago felt to Sabo like an icy hand clutching at his back. His feet felt stuck to the floor and he couldn’t take another step.
“E-Even if you take Luffy-Senpai’s disguise what will you do about his scar? It’s way too noticeable. There’s no way it could just disappear!” That Cresent-Head weirdo had pointed out before they’d parted ways. And though of course Sabo wasn’t a stranger to faking scars or other distinguishing marks, the words of this stranger rang true in an entirely different way.
“Luffy… about Marineford… I-“ he stopped suddenly when he felt Luffy’s warm hand grab his.
He looked up in surprise at his younger brother. For a second his face was full of something hard to identify. It was stern but far from unkind and ever to subtly desperate. It was an expression he’d seen on Dragon once or twice and it was the first time Sabo had seen any physical resemblance between father and son. But seeing it on Luffy again made him realize he’d seen this look first not on Dragon but on Luffy. When Ace would have an especially bad day and start talking foolishly about his life.
It only lasted a second, maybe less, before it melted away into a bright and warm grin. But it had been there.
“Come on.” His brother prompted “We need to keep moving. We’re so close now.”
Sabo stared past him. The tunnel kept going through the deep, dark underground. Sabo couldn’t see the end of it yet. But Luffy was right. He kept walking but Luffy didn’t let go of his hand.
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Rex - Fallen Brothers
Summary: Captain Rex and his men face the aftermath of Umbara. Rex mourns his brothers. He makes one last promise.
Word Count: 2352 words
CW/ TW: Angst; trauma, PTSD, death/ injuries, flashbacks, killing, guns/shooting, war; the usual angst around Star Wars, implicit mentions of nightmares, betrayal, loss/ grief, guilt, lot of feels (sad), probably the will to force choke me once you’re done reading
Tags: @allamarisss @loth-wolffe   @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @dusk-dawn-and-stars @tacticalsparkles @imalovernotahater @canwestayinthisdream @wakeupjackthisisntfair @namesmox @lightning-wolffe @ladykatakuri
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Notes: I missed writing sad things like this; I really wanted to explore how the war scarred the clones, even if some pretend it didn’t (definitely looking at you Rex) And since I’m a really cruel writer, I added two more parts to the one I had initially planned…Have a nice suffering~
Burying the Dead – Kevin Kiner
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He couldn’t sleep. He was tired, exhausted from this campaign, drained by the betrayals, hurt by the deaths; but he couldn’t sleep. He was laying on his bed, starring at the ceiling, hands crossed on his chest; trying to brush off of his mind the smell of gunpowder and burned flesh, the screams of his brothers getting their limbs ripped off, their body impaled, their bones broken.
He closed his eyes. Saw Krell’s twisted smile, Dogma’s terrified look, Fives and Jesse’s grave face. Opened them again. A sigh slipped from between his lips as he sat, elbows resting on his knees, and he buried his face in his hands.
What was the point? Why would he turn them against each other? Why would he…
He wiped his face and got up, silently. He put the lower part of his armour on and left the barracks, wandering in the dark hallways of the base. It was under the Republic’s responsibility now, because of them. He shivered when he walked out of the building, though it was far from being cold outside. But the sight; the glowing fields all around, the constant darkness above his head, the fog slowly raising from between these huge plants; it all made him feel uneasy.
He walked toward the depot, his footsteps and the brushing of his armour against his kama barely breaking the heavy silence weighting around him. He could almost hear them. Fives, and Jesse, and Hardcase. He remembered telling them that he couldn’t get involved; and he wished he hadn’t say that, he wished he got involved because maybe then he could have saved one of his brother.
“Trouble sleeping, captain?”
He jolted at the voice, slowly turned around, a hand against his chest.
“Fives, you scared me. What are you doing here, you should be in the barracks.”
“I know, I just…I can’t sleep.” he awkwardly rubbed his neck, visibly uncomfortable. “Jesse is playing cards with Kix and Tup, and we thought you could join us. If you want to.”
Rex took a second to look at him; his drawn features, his half-closed eyes and the fact that he barely took the time to put his kama and codpiece on.
“But I get it if you don’t want to.” he pursued.
Rex slightly nodded, throwing another look at the depot.
“What happened?”
“On the ship with Jesse and Hardcase,” Rex turned to him again, “what happened?”
He knew how cruel the question was, but he needed to know.
“We got in, but there was a shield, and the only way in was through a door. Hardcase, he…” Fives stroked his neck, taking a deep breath. “He jumped out of his ship and dragged the bomb inside himself.”
Rex had a hard time swallowing. His throat was burning, threatening to rip itself open at any time and let out the enraged scream forming in his lungs. He vaguely nodded, looking away from his brother.
“I’m sorry, captain. I should have listened to your orders.”
Fives kept looking at Rex, trying to catch his eyes, a reaction, something.
“I wished things were easier. I wish I knew what I’m fighting for, who I am fighting for. I’ve lost Echo, and the Domino, and now Hardcase; and I failed to save them. All of them.”
“You couldn’t, Fives.”
Rex came closer to him and rested a hand on his shoulder, his voice barely perceptible.
“None of us could.”
None of us could.
“I suppose Jesse is waiting on us for the next round.” Rex tried to change the subject. He couldn’t show him how much he was affected by the loss, how much he understood the pain, the doubts. As his captain, he couldn’t.
Fives nodded, and both men walked back to the barracks, Rex’s hand still on Fives’ shoulder, holding onto him like a promise.
Maybe I can protect you.
They played all night, and for most of it they remained silent, commenting from time to time on a good deck of cards or a smart move. But Fives broke the ice when he pulled an “Echo” on Kix; it was a move Echo was used to do when he was playing with Fives, and it became his trademark, in a way.
When he explained it to them, Kix nodded and Rex told them about the move Cody tried to use against him once.
“He didn’t know I played it too,” he told them, “so you can imagine his face when I had the perfect counter-attack.”
“Could you teach us about it?” Jesse asked him, and Rex agreed.
Tup was mostly observing, his head resting on Kix’s shoulder. He almost fell asleep, but jolted as he started to relax. No one said anything, but Kix let him rest his head on his lap and would sometimes gently stroke his hair to calm him down if he was getting a bit agitated in his sleep.
They talked until it was time to – supposedly – wake up, and as they got up to get ready, Rex gathering the spilled cards in a clean deck, he stopped to look at them. They looked more tired than ever, Fives and Jesse probably on the verge of collapsing, Kix spending a whole minute under the weak water jet of the refresher to keep himself awake, Tup trying to figure out if putting the armour on was really worth it. They looked hurt, and scared, and angry. They didn’t know what would happen next, how they could possibly look at the 212th men; or at any other brother, and live with the regrets of this campaign.
But they were here, alive and united, and it was all that mattered.
“I’m proud of you, boys.”
They all froze, then slowly turned to him, eyes wide open.
“I’m proud of you,” he repeated, “and I’m glad you’re here.”
He cleared his throat, trying to put back his captain face on.
“I’ll wait for you outside. Don’t be late.”
He left the room without looking back, but hearing their soft “yes sir” felt like a balm in his heart.
“Fives, no!”
He had to watch, helpless, as another brother fell. He barely heard what the General Skywalker ordered, but he jumped to the ground as soon as the ray shield was deactivated.
“Fives, brother. Call for help, we need a medic!”
He felt the blood rushing through his veins, burning his arms and violently throbbing in his head, but all he wanted to focus on was Fives.
“Fives.” He gently held his shoulder, trying to catch his brother’s eyes.
“This, it’s…bigger than any of us. Than anything I could have imagined.” Fives confessed in a shaky breath. Rex slipped his hand behind his neck, holding him close to him. “I never meant to… I only wanted to do my duty.”
He could hear Fives’ breath getting weaker and weaker, his muscles dangerously relaxing under his palms, and nothing could stop the terrifying panic wrapping him and tying his throat, his lungs; his heart.
“Brother, Fives. Stay with me, Fives. Fives!”
But no pleading words could change his brother’s fate now.
“The mission…the nightmares… they’re…finally…over…” Fives barely managed to mutter, but before Rex could answer anything; before he could beg for him to hold on, he saw his brother’s eyes rolling and felt his body completely relax against him. The sudden addition of weight forced him to lay him down once again, but he couldn’t let go.
“Fives, no, Fives, come on, Fives.” His breath was shaky, his hands trembling. “don’t go, stay with me, stay with me, Fives. Fives!” he let out a scream. “Don’t go. No. Oh, no.”
He couldn’t take his eyes off of the body, couldn’t let go of his shoulder, of his promise. His throat was sore, his eyes burned him and his vision was getting blurrier as each second passed. His grip tightened even more, and yet he felt like he had no control over his own body anymore.
I was supposed to protect you. I had to protect you.
He repeated his name again and again and again like a prayer; begging for him to come back, to wake up, to end the mascaraed.
But Fives never answered to his pleading calls.
“Rex...” Anakin tried to catch his attention.
“Get them out.”
“Rex, you-”
“I said; get them OUT!”
He couldn’t care less about screaming at his General, at a Jedi. He couldn’t care less about the so called brothers standing around him. He wanted them gone, now. Anakin understood, because he didn’t tried to reason with him and instead led the Coruscant guards out.
He couldn’t tell how long he remained here, sitting on the cold floor, his armour imprisoning him, keeping him leashed and obedient to a Republic who couldn’t care less about the casualties it caused among his brothers.
He held Fives close to him, his head lying on his lap, hand gently stroking his hair.
“I heard you Fives. I’m proud of you…proud of you, brother.”
He could only whisper to him, eyes diving into nothing. If he tried to raise his voice, it would break and with it, his last hope of seeing his brother coming back to him.
He could still see him, the very first time they met. Rishi Moon, Domino squad. He went with Cody, and he met Fives and Echo there. CT-5555 and CT-1409, he remembered. He always did.
He still had in mind the moment they were granted the rank of ARC Troopers. They were so proud of themselves, carrying their armour like a trophy, each word spoken with a new confidence he was glad to hear from them.
He thought about the pain that quickly took over Fives’ voice when he called out Echo’s name for the last time, at the Citadel. Things changed after that. He became wary, questioned orders; always had to think them over before executing them.
And Umbara happened. Rex almost lost his mind on this campaign.
“You may remember,” he softly asked, slowly rolling a curl of his brother’s hair around his uncovered fingers, “you told me you wished you had followed my orders. That you didn’t know who you were fighting for. That you failed to save your brothers.”
He didn’t expected an answer. He could pretend all he wanted, but the cold skin and the heavy, deafening silence around him would always force him back to reality.
I understand what you meant.
Execute Order Sixty-Six.
Yes, Lord Sidious.
The words were still echoing in his mind, stabbing every inch of his being, cutting deeper than any lightsaber could ever do. He could still feel the pain tearing his mind apart, the atrocious ache in his head as he tried to fight back, just for a second, just long enough to tell her.
Find him. Find him. Fives.
Find him!
Because he was right, all along. And no one listened to him; no one trusted him.
Where did it led them?
Between the ruins of a Republican cruiser, dragging body after body out, trying to link a face to a helmet, a body to a soul.
He didn’t counted them, yet he knew exactly how many bodies they found in the ship’s depths. He knew who they were, their names, their hopes, and their fears.
He knew Vaughn hated flying, because he was scared of a crash. He recognised the two shinies he helped painting their helmets, because they really wanted to show their support to the Commander, even though they never met her.
He kept thinking about how much Jesse loved the Republic. He loved serving it, loved its values, even when it never loved him back. Even if it led him to his grave. A hole, next to tens other holes on each side and behind him. Rex tried to look at him, but he could barely recognise the face of his brother, barely guess the tattoo under the burns and scars.
Ahsoka didn’t talk to him, and he didn’t talk to her either. They couldn’t yet.
She didn’t try to comfort him when he fell on his knees, Jesse’s helmet in hand, tears carving his cheeks as he screamed all the curses he knew in basic and Mando’a.
He didn’t try to hold her back when she walked away and cried for an hour, hoping Rex wouldn’t hear her strangled sobs and her broken supplication to the Force.
It took them the whole day to go through the ship, to carry every brother out, to dig the graves. It was silent, unreal. Felt like a joke.
Ahsoka took the time to brush the dust and the blood off of each helmet, and Rex planted sticks above each buried body. He didn’t realise it right away, but it was the first time he could really bury his brothers. He wished he never had to do it.
He kept Jesse’s helmet close to him the whole time. Ahsoka took care of the rest, but backed away when he was the only one left. Rex struggled to stand up; walking one step after another, wrapped by the shock, the anger, the terrible emptiness eating him alive.
His hands were shaking, so much he almost dropped the helmet on the ground. He had to take a minute to breath, unable to lay his eyes on anything but the point of that stick; because everywhere else around was a reminder of all the things he lost in a matter of minutes.
He placed the helmet, slowly, his breath breaking into a sob as he did so. His head fell against his chest and his knees threatened to bend under the weight of his body and his guilt. But he couldn’t let himself go. Because if he did, he would never be able to get up. He would never try to.
He closed his eyes, focusing on the air getting in and out of his lungs, until he felt able to mutter his last words.
One last promise to his fallen brothers.
“I will…I will live…”
Live to fight another day.
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rowansparrow · 3 years
By Any Other Name: Chapter Seven
Summary: You and Rex have a conversation on the rooftop.
Chapter Rating: Teen 
Warnings: Alcohol, some drunk-ness. Sad, so very sad.
Ships: Rex x Female!Reader, Fives x Female!Reader, Clone OC x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #ByAnyOtherName, #BAON
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: *insert that Always Sunny in Philadelphia Meme: “NEWSFLASH ASSHOLE, REX HAS BEEN IN LOVE WITH READER THE ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME* As always, bless @fat-zygerrian for being my beta reader!
Comment if you want to be tagged! Reblogs are SO appreciated!
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six
You were supposed to meet him that night.
You’d planned on going to 79’s instead of the rooftop as usual. Rose said the boys had missed you and wanted to play cards again. You’d gotten all dolled up and were about to head out when your comm beeped.
“Hey,” You grinned, shutting your apartment door behind you. “I was just heading out.”
“Yeah… about that,” Rose sounded embarrassed. “There’s been a change in plans. I won’t be able to make it. In fact, none of us will. We got – err – held up on base.”
“Really?” You asked, pausing as you started to head down to the main level of your building. “Okay… well can we meet after?”
“I’m not supposed to go off base but – yeah, yeah I’ll see what I can do. Keep your comm close.”
He hung up and you hesitated in the stairwell for a beat. Fuck it. Even if Rose couldn’t come along, you were still going to have a nice time tonight!
You had gotten more confident about going to 79’s ever since you and Rose had gotten close. You could recognize a few distinct faces now, just from people Rose had pointed out to you or introduced to you in passing. There was a notable absence of 501st blue, which at least confirmed Rose wasn’t just ditching you and had in fact gotten held up at the base with the rest of his battalion.
You approached the bar, settling in and glancing around to look for any familiar faces to keep you company while you waited for Rose. Further down the bar, you spotted Marshal Commander Cody and your breath hitched for just a moment. Rose had told you all about him – the most highly decorated clone soldier in the entire Republic Army. You would’ve been able to guess it even if Rose hadn’t told you about the curved scar on the side of his face. For the way Cody carried himself, even here, held an air of authority, of gravitas and poise.
He was talking to someone, the other person obscured by his own body. You ordered a drink, trying not to look as starstruck by the Commander as you felt.
“I’d try your luck with someone a little less ranked if I were you,” The bartender teased, catching you staring. “I’ve never once seen the Marshal Commander take up an offer to go home with somebody.”
“That’s – that isn’t my intention.” You blushed, taking the drink with a short huff. Still, you glanced at Cody again and watched him clap his hand on the shoulder of the man he’d been speaking with.
“Alright, see you around, Rex ‘ole boy. Stay out of trouble.”
Now that made you turn instantly. As Cody moved away, you were able to get a better look at the man he’d been talking to, and gods above, it was him. It was Captain Rex. Rose had told you so many stories about him that it felt strange finally seeing him in the flesh.
Rose had warned you about how much trouble you both could get in if anyone ever found out you were seeing each other. Your friendship was frowned upon enough as is, but now that it had become something more, Rose had given you the full dressing-down on what could happen to him if you were ever caught.
As such, you hadn’t ever met Rose’s superior officer, and since Rose wasn’t here…
You downed the rest of your drink quickly. There’s no reason the Captain would be suspicious of you. Besides, you wanted to meet him, get to know the man who was such a huge part of Rose’s life.
You wanted to meet his family.
In truth, maybe your introduction could’ve been a little stronger. But as you sidled over to the Captain and leaned one hand on the bar, he gave you a small smile, nodding once.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
Rex seemed surprised and looked you over carefully. He seemed to be waging a war with himself for a split second but eventually nodded.
“I don’t see why not.”
You grinned, settling into the seat beside him and waving the bartender over, tucking a hand under your chin. “What’s your name? I’m Y/N.”
“Rex.” He replied, offering his hand to shake. You repressed the urge to giggle. He was such a gentleman.
“What do you drink, Rex?”
He chuckled. “Whiskey.”
“Two of those, then.” You told the bartender. Rex’s eyebrow jumped up but you barely noticed.
“So. You must be a Captain, right? With all this fancy gear?” You said, motioning to his pauldron and kama.
“How d’you know I’m not just some ARC trooper who likes showing off?” Rex replied, smirking and leaning forward a bit.
“I’ve met an ARC trooper or two, and you don’t seem the type to boast.”
Rex chuckled again, taking his glass as the bartender returned. “You must get around, then.”
It wasn’t an insult and you didn’t take it as such. “Maybe I’m just good at making friends.”
Rex smiled and his eyes seemed to appraise you for a moment, taking all of you in, calculating. He took a swig.
“You here with any of those friends?” He asked.
“All alone, tonight.” You replied. “My friends got held up and you looked lonely. Thought I’d keep you company. It’s the least I can do for a soldier like you.”
Rex chuckled, low and sweet. “Most pretty girls don’t just find themselves in 79’s.” Rex drawled, setting his glass down again. “From what I can tell, they’re usually looking for trouble.”
He turned slightly to face you better. “Are you looking for trouble, mesh’la?”
Your heart skipped a beat. You knew that word, but didn’t know what it meant. Rose had called you that before.
“It looks like I already found it.” You replied.
Rex grinned. “Then I guess you better stay close so I can keep a proper eye on you.”
You chuckled, picking up your own drink and finally taking a sip. The whiskey burned your throat but it warmed you to the core. Rex looked impressed which was its own bonus.
“You never answered my question.” You said. “Are you a Captain?”
“I command the 501st attack battalion.” Rex said, a note of pride in his voice.
“Ah, then you must know Echo and Fives.” You prompted.
Rex seemed to age ten years at just the mention of their names. “I take it those are the ARC troopers you’ve met?” He asked. “My condolences.”
You giggled. “We played cards a few times. They’re nice but definitely a handful.”
“They’re all a handful.” Rex waved over the bartender to get another drink. “Every last one of them. That’s why none of them were allowed off base tonight.”
“Oh?” You grinned. “Do tell.”
Once he got going talking about his men, he couldn’t stop. Rex regaled you with the story of how earlier that afternoon he’d discovered his men were not only hiding a loth cat in the barracks, but it had given birth. They had managed to keep it a secret for weeks until the kittens started wreaking havoc. According to his men, Fives and Hardcase had been the ringleaders.
“That’s what they all say at least.” Rex amended. “’Course, Fives’ll take credit for just about anything. But Rose and Echo were suspiciously quiet the whole time. Kix was the only one with the good sense not to show his face in the barracks when I caught them. Still, I’ve got a feeling he encouraged the others to go along with it. Di’kuts, all of them.”
He shook his head but smiled as you laughed. “Anyway. They’re cleaning up the mess and finding natborns to rehome all the kits with. And when they finish with that, they’re supposed to take over the latrine shifts and canteen shifts for any other battalions.”
“Aw, seems a steep punishment for hiding loth cats.” You laughed.
“You didn’t see the state of the barracks.” Rex said, shaking his head slowly. “Apparently a bucket of paint got upended. They should all be scrubbing paw prints out of the durasteel right about now.”
You smiled fondly at Rex. Even as he retold the story, you could tell he was trying not to smile at the antics. It was clear he cared very deeply for his men, even if he had to be the tired parent of them all.
“Sounds like they wear you out.” You teased. “You deserve a break.”
“Are you offering me one?” Rex prompted.
You tilted your head to the side. “What do you mean?”
Rex smirked, and downed the rest of his drink. He took a deep breath, as though he was steeling himself to ask you something.
You recognized the voice and turned quickly as Rose hurried up to you. He had a small streak of blue paint across his cheek, but otherwise was beaming.
“Hey, you should’ve told me you’d be here. I went all the way to your apartment and had to backtrack -.”
He noticed the Captain a beat too late and you watched as all the color comically drained from his face. “Captain! Sir!” He snapped to attention. “I ah – I can explain…”
You glanced between Rose and Rex, your own heart pounding. Rose had all but given away the two of you were seeing each other. Rex looked at Rose before looking at you. He then turned to his glass, picking it up and making a big scene of looking it over.
“Sir…?” Rose asked nervously.
“Oh, I’m just inspecting my beverage.” Rex replied smoothly. “I must’ve been drugged you see, because surely I am not seeing my Lieutenant standing here, not when he is under strict orders to stay on base tonight.”
Rose cringed. “Yeah, sir, about that -.”
“It’s my fault.” You spoke up quickly, throwing together a lie. “Rose and I met yesterday, we’d been playing Sabacc with some of his brothers and he very kindly walked me home afterwards. I promised him drinks tonight to thank him and I wouldn’t take no for an answer.” You glanced to Rose. “He was just being a gentleman.”
Rex raised an eyebrow, glancing at Rose. “Funny.” He said. “Could’ve sworn I saw you in the weight room with Fives last night.”
“We… came here afterwards sir.” Rose lied, shifting a little closer to you, almost protective. “Ask him, he’ll say the same thing.”
“I’m sure he will.” Rex stood, picking his helmet up off the counter and knocked his knuckles lightly against the bar. “It was lovely to meet you, ma’am.” He said. “Rose?”
Your soldier stood at attention once again but Rex just put a hand on his shoulder.
“We have a briefing tomorrow morning. Oh-eight-hundred. Don’t be late.”
“Thank you, sir.” Rose was barely audible over the roar of the music in the bar. He looked like his knees would give out at any moment.
You could’ve sworn you saw Rex give Rose a little wink, but it must’ve been a trick of the light. He gave you one last nod before quietly departing.
Neither you nor Rose saw him glance back at you over his shoulder one last time before stepping out of the bar.
You’d lost track of how long you sat on the roof with Rex. Partially because he’d gone downstairs and returned with a bottle of your favorite whiskey and two glasses, pouring drinks for you both.
“For Rose,” Rex toasted, clinking your glasses together.
You smiled and for the first time that you could remember, Rose’s name didn’t make your heart ache. “For Rose.”
You both tossed the glasses back, that familiar burn searing your throat and chest before you shook yourself out, watching as Rex poured you both a second glass, entirely unfazed.
“He was very unsubtle about sneaking off base to go see you.” Rex told you, leaning back on one hand and closing his eyes as the breeze kissed his cheeks. “I’d give him a job and it would either be done in record time or it would’ve been passed off to somebody else. He once almost missed a debriefing because he’d spent the night with you. Skidded in right as I was about to start.” He chuckled. “I didn’t mind. He was happy. Gods know we soldiers deserve whatever happiness we can find.”
You hummed, smiling as you took another drink. “He talked about you all the time.” You said, leaning slightly against Rex’s side. “Idolized you, actually. He told me about the battles you’d been in together, how well you led your men.” You smiled to yourself, finishing your second drink and making your way towards a third. “He told me about that virus. Blue Shadow Virus, right?”
Rex hummed, getting himself another drink as well. “That was an ugly mission.”
“He said you were hovering a lot.” You teased. “Because he was always so sick when he was little. You were worried about him.”
“Brothers were dropping dead, left and right. Hells, even Commander Tano passed out at one point.” Rex recalled, shuddering to himself. “I thought we were all going to die.”
“He told me he wasn’t scared because you weren’t scared.” You smiled. “I guess you did a good job of hiding it.”
“He had way too many close calls.” Rex chuckled. “That virus almost took him out. We got rescued just in time. There was another time he was scouting with me and a few others on Saleucami -.”
“I remember that. You were shot.” You recalled and Rex chuckled.
“He really did tell you everything, didn’t he?”
“He was terrified. He told me he thought you were dead, the way you flew off the back of the speeder after getting hit..” You murmured.
“What he probably didn’t tell you is that shot just barely missed him.” Rex replied. “I’d been leading but he’d circled around me to get in front. He was goofing around with Hardcase. Bolt whizzed just an inch past his head and hit me instead. He had a blaster burn on the side of his helmet to prove it.”
You shuddered at the thought. “He didn’t tell me that part.”
“Probably also didn’t tell you that he got shot pretty good on Toydaria.” Rex replied. “Not once, but twice, once in the leg and another straight through the chest. Kix thought for sure he was a goner.”
You were familiar with those wounds. A frown pulled your lips. “He didn’t tell me. I had to find them myself.” You grumbled, still bitter. “He’d come back from the mission and told me he’d gotten hurt, but it was nothing serious.” You threw back your drink again. “Bantha shit, if I brushed against him, he winced. Finally made him show me.”
“I’m sure he got an earful after that.” Rex laughed.
“Oh, he did. And he wasn’t even that bothered that he’d nearly died, no, he was more concerned about the fact that his tattoos had been damaged by the shots. He was worried he wouldn’t be able to get new ink over the scars.” You rolled your eyes. “That man…”
“He was just trying not to worry you.” Rex smiled, taking another drink.
“I always worry.” You murmured, rubbing your thumb along the rim of your glass. “Always. About all of you. I always worried that one day Rose would come home and tell me something had happened to Fives, Echo, you… or any of the others.” You chuckled humorlessly, finishing your drink. “And then… one day you showed up at my door instead.”
A heavy silence fell between you. Rex took your empty glass, filling it up once again.
“It seems so silly.” You said. “That he should survive all of that and then just get shot and killed during a routine supply drop. I thought he was unbreakable.” You shook your head. “Guess I was wrong.”
Rex wouldn’t look you in the eye, instead focusing very intently on the glass in his hands.
“It was quick.” Rex said finally, still avoiding your eyes. “He didn’t feel anything. I promise.”
“I know.” You gave him a small, sad smile, squeezing his bicep gently. “And I guess I have that at least. At least… at least I know he didn’t suffer. He wasn’t alone or – or afraid.”
You smiled wistfully, looking out over the skyline.
“There’s a dress in my closet,” You began. “It’s nothing fancy, just a white sundress with lace around the hem and sleeves.”
Rex already seemed to know where this was going. He took a very long drink and followed your gaze out towards the skyline.
“We were going to leave together.” You said quietly. “Get married. Have a family. He had this whole, crazy plan.” You chuckled. “I’d told him I wanted to think about it. It was a big decision, he’d be on the run for the rest of his life, hiding from the Republic. And I’d be part of that.”
You glanced over at Rex. “He told me he was going to tell you. He said we could trust you. Did he ever…?”
Rex shook his head. “No. He never got the chance.”
You nodded, turning back towards the sky. “I was going to say yes.” You whispered. “I was going to go with him when he came back. We were going to run away together… It was all very romantic.” You shook your head, staring down at your glass. “And it was so stupid.”
Rex was quiet for several long moments until finally he rose to his feet, offering you his hand.
“C’mon.” he murmured. “I think that’s enough drinking for one night. Let’s get you home.”
You nodded, taking his hand and letting him pull you to your feet. You swayed. You didn’t realize how much you’d had to drink until you stumbled, falling slightly against his chest.
“The Rose Lounge owner can’t hold her liquor?” Rex teased. “Ironic.”
“Shuddup.” You mumbled, giving him a little shove. “I can walk.”
“Oh no you can’t, Tipsy. C’mere.” He crouched down slightly, and you slumped against his back. He picked you up with ease, bouncing you once to hike you higher up his back. He wrapped his arms around your legs, holding them snug against his torso while your hands wrapped around his shoulders.
“Don’t puke on me.” Rex warned, carrying you piggyback style towards the stairs.
“’M gonna fall off.” You muttered.
“No you won’t. Trust me.”
Your eyes were heavy, cheek pressed against the back of Rex’s neck and you remembered a time very long ago when another man had carried you on his back to this rooftop, and said the very same thing.
“I trust you, Rose.”
Rex was still. You hadn’t noticed your slip, your eyes already slipping closed.
“Okay.” His voice echoed. “I’ve got you.”
I’ve got you.
TAG LIST:  @fat-zygerrian @ladydiomede @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @threevie @cheesemachine44 @bubblyacey @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @loverofclones @starwarsgarbage @hockeyjedi13 @crazygirlwithasword @dar-manda-rjct @gotomarvelgal @baba-fett @whore4rex
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theeasternempress · 3 years
A Little Red Handprint
Summary - Echo is still learning how to adapt to having a child on board and struggles with deciding to treat her like a soldier or like a child. With a simple question from Omega, Echo finally makes his decision. 
Word count - 2.7k
Echo had spent his entire life being trained to become the perfect soldier for the Republic. He could use every weapon imaginable, formulate a battle plan on the spot, follow orders to a T, and take down a droid with a single perfectly-aimed shot. He was proud to say that with time, he had learned to be exactly the type of soldier that the Republic wanted. 
But if there was one thing he was never taught, it was how to handle a child. 
Echo was completely clueless with how to care for Omega. Despite constantly watching Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech from the sidelines as they interacted with Omega, he was unsure of how to interact with her even after a few days.  
At most, he’d dealt with a couple of cadets as an ARC trooper, but he treated them as soldiers instead of the children they truly were. He regretted his past actions the moment he saw Omega’s eyes flood with awe the first time she went into hyperspace as he learned how children appreciate the little things. There was a time and place for being a soldier but for now, Omega deserved to have the childhood no other clone could have.
Echo was fighting a constant but silent battle in his head over this matter. He wanted her to learn how to protect herself as a soldier could, especially after the events of Pantora, but he also didn’t want her to be in constant fear for her life. Echo was sure that their team would do everything in their power to keep her safe, but a thousand “what ifs?” still circled around in his mind. 
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t hear Omega’s soft footsteps approaching. She could tell he was deep in thought and almost hesitated to interrupt him, but she eventually spoke, “Echo, can you help me with something?”
It was only thanks to years of training that Echo didn’t jump out of his skin at Omega’s sudden presence. He’d always had a bad habit of getting lost in his thoughts, something Fives loved to relentlessly tease him for. 
Burying his surprise, Echo turned to meet Omega’s soft brown eyes and replied, “Sure kiddo, what do you need help with?” 
“My trooper’s head is loose, and I don’t know how to fix it,” Omega said, revealing her trooper doll from behind her back and holding it up to Echo. 
It still made Echo’s heart skip a beat to see that Omega had painted her doll to match the Bad Batch’s armor. Even though it was clearly the work of a child, he could tell that she put her entire heart into her work. 
Taking the doll from Omega’s outstretched hand, Echo set the doll in his palm to get a good look at it. It was clear to him that the head had just been unscrewed from the neck a few times so with a couple twists, the head was back on as normal. 
It was an easy fix, so easy that he was sure Omega would have known how to do it herself. Tech had been teaching her how to make all different kinds of repairs and she clearly had background knowledge as well. There had to be some other reason why she asked for his help. 
Just as Echo was about to question Omega, she hesitantly spoke, “Echo, I’ve been meaning to ask, why do you wear leather armor on your belt when no one else does?” 
Echo smiled softly as he realized that Omega just wanted an excuse to talk to him for a bit. The thought warmed his heart as he replied, “It’s called a kama, it’s a piece of armor I got after I became an ARC trooper. My captain used to say that it acted as extra protection, but my brother Fives always said it was just to make us look cool.” 
Ever-curious, Omega propped herself up to mimic his position and asked, “So the reason you’re the only one who wears a kama is because you’re the only ARC trooper?”
“Yes, but the Mandalorians wore them before ARC troopers did. Once Jango Fett introduced kamas to the clones, ARC troopers began wearing them too,” he answered, preparing himself for more questions from the small girl. 
Echo continued to answer her never-ending questions with a never-ending amount of patience. He told her countless stories about Fives and Domino Squad, a fond yet nostalgic smile on his lips the entire time. 
Even without being told, Omega seemed to understand that the members of his previous squad were all dead and didn’t ask a single question about how they died. Instead, she asked questions about things like their favorite colors and Echo’s favorite memories with them. 
Just when Echo thought Omega was running out of steam, she asked, “Can I try on your kama, please?”
Her question surprised both Echo and Omega, the shocked look on Omega’s face showing that the question had just slipped from her mouth.
Without hesitation, Echo reached behind him to unclip the kama and let it slip into his hands. Omega, seeming to understand what he was doing, broke out into one of her bright smiles and stepped forward to allow Echo to tie the kama around her waist. Even on the tightest setting it was too big on Omega, but she didn’t seem to care as she ran her fingertips over the rough leather. 
Echo contently watched as Omega jumped around, giggling when the kama whacked against her legs. Even though she had to hold the kama in place with one hand, she seemed to be enjoying herself. 
Seeing Omega so happy to be wearing a piece of his armor, Echo decided he would let her try on all of his gear. Echo was never more grateful for the prosthetic hand Tech had built him than when he was removing his armor. He was able to remove his armor and leave himself in his blacks in record time, Omega too distracted with Echo’s kama to notice what he was doing. 
Echo called Omega over to him with a quick call of her name. She strolled to his side, still smiling about the way the kama was flapping against her legs. 
Echo held his helmet up with one hand and asked, “Can’t let you just wear the kama, soldier. How about we get you into full gear?”
Omega gasped as her face lit up, nodding furiously. Echo returned the smile and helped her get his helmet over her head. The helmet was so big on her that she could spin it all the way around her head, which led to heavy laughter from them both. 
The rest of his armor was also far too big on the small girl, but he managed to at least fasten it enough so it wouldn’t fall off of her petite frame. 
Echo could hear her giggles echoing in his helmet and couldn’t help but laugh along with her. If his armor was big on her, he could only imagine how easily she would be swallowed up by Wrecker’s gear. 
Omega quickly cleared her throat and stood at attention like she’d seen him do countless times. Even though Omega mimicked Hunter the most, it always brought warmth to Echo’s heart to see the small girl copying his actions. 
Echo stood at attention as well, giving the girl a firm salute and smiling as she returned it with a little more force than needed and whacked her hand against his helmet. 
“Hi soldier, I’m Echo and I’m an ARC trooper,” Omega’s voice rang out, clearly trying to copy the authoritative tone she’d heard from commanding officers. A quick laugh escaped from Echo as Omega dropped her voice several octaves to try to sound more like him.  
Echo heard a quiet snort come from Omega before she said, “What are you laughing at, soldier? Drop and give me twenty!”
Echo replied with a quick, “Sir, yes, sir!” before getting to the ground to begin doing push ups. He felt Omega crawl on his back to sit on him just as she sat on Wrecker when he did his daily push ups. The armor dug uncomfortably into his cybernetics, but he kept his complaint to himself.
Omega jumped off his back after a minute and said, “I’m gonna go show everyone what I look like in your armor!” 
Echo didn’t even have time to respond as she marched to the cockpit to greet Tech, armor clanging together as she moved. Echo slowly followed behind her, walking in just in time to hear Omega say, “Look Tech, I’m Echo!”
Tech looked up from the small project in his hands to see Omega with her arms spread wide and a smile undoubtedly spread across her face under Echo’s helmet. Echo didn’t miss the twitch of Tech’s lips as he fought back a smile at the sight of the young girl swallowed in Echo’s armor. 
Omega put on her Echo-voice again and said, “Tech, did you finish your work on repairing the communications system? Hunter wanted that done by the end of the day.” 
This time Tech allowed himself to smile at the child and responded, “Yes, communications are up and running, though I doubt we’ll need to use them. Everything else is as it should be.”  
Echo quietly stood off to the side, doing his best to give the two of them some space as they no doubt spoke of the projects Tech was currently working on. Tech always enjoyed getting to speak to someone about his various interests, and Echo didn’t miss how Omega was eager to soak up every bit of information he gave. 
A moment later, Omega sped past him and made a beeline for Hunter’s bunk. Before Echo could leave to go after her, Tech spoke, “We’ll be landing in precisely 30 minutes. You might want to get your armor back in that time.”
Echo nodded and ran off to catch up with Omega. Just as she was about to poke Hunter awake, Echo grabbed her wrist and softly said, “Sorry kiddo, but Tech says we’re landing soon and I’ll need my armor back.” 
Echo could sense that she was pouting, but nonetheless let Echo lead her away from a snoring Hunter to a quiet area on the ship. Omega lifted her arms out and let Echo unclasp his armor from around her frame. 
As Echo was helping Omega take off his armor, his thoughts drifted to Rex and Fives. Even though the events on the Rishi moon cost him three of his beloved brothers, it strengthened his bond with Fives and introduced him to Rex. Their armor tied them together and while he wasn’t wearing 501st colors anymore, his armor would always remind him of his brothers. 
An idea popped into Echo’s head as he removed the final piece of armor from Omega and began, “You know Omega, there’s something from my armor that’s been missing for a long time. I used to have a handprint from my Captain on the chest plate of my old armor. Since I’m part of a new team, I’ve been thinking of getting a new handprint too.”
Omega tilted her head in confusion, so Echo continued, “Would you put your handprint on my kama for me?”
Omega beamed from ear to ear and exclaimed, “Of course! I’ll go grab the paint!” 
While Omega ran off to grab the spare paint they kept on board, Echo began putting on his armor, leaving his kama to the side. 
The pitter patter of Omega’s quick footsteps alerted Echo to her presence as she returned with a canister of red paint and a paintbrush in her hand.
“I thought the red paint would look best on it, but I can get black if you want!” Omega said, clearly happy to be doing this with Echo. 
“I think red is perfect. You ready?” Echo asked as he plucked the paintbrush from between Omega’s small fingers. In response, Omega stuck out her left hand and smiled brightly.
Echo kneeled to the ground, bringing Omega down with him, and brought the paint and his kama to his side. Echo plopped a splat of paint against Omega’s hand, which led her into a fit of giggles as she said, “That’s cold!” 
Echo smiled at her laughter and began brushing the paint across her hand, which led to even more giggles as she exclaimed, “Now it’s cold and it tickles!” Echo laughed as she squirmed about, but continued applying an even coat of paint against Omega’s small palm. 
When he was finished, Echo set the paintbrush down and lifted the kama in front of Omega. He didn’t have a preference for where she put the handprint and knew she was smart enough to pick the best place for it. 
“I’ll let you pick a good spot, just make sure to keep your hand steady,” Echo instructed. Omega nodded, her eyes flicking over Echo’s kama. Eventually, she lifted her palm up on the left flap of his kama, just above his knee. It was about an inch or so on either side of the red border, and Echo thought it would look perfect.
As Omega pulled her hand back to reveal the mark she’d made, Echo felt tears flood his eyes. Even if the handprint belonged to someone else, it would always remind him of Rex. Echo was more than happy to be part of this team, but he couldn’t deny that there were some nights when he longed for the company of his brothers in the 501st. His happiest memories were with them and after all he’d been through, he still craved the simple joy that came from something as trivial as a pillow fight or deep conversations over a cup of caf. 
Sensing his sadness, Omega silently laid her unpainted hand over one of Echo’s. Tears began to pour down Echo’s cheeks, but Omega stayed silent and kept her warm hand over Echo’s. He hadn’t cried like this in ages, and he felt years of suppressed moments bubbling up. 
(Rex would love Omega, wouldn’t he? And by the Maker, he just knew Fives would be able to make Omega laugh for hours.)
Echo smiled at the thought, squeezing Omega’s hand before using his sleeve to dry his tears. Echo finished cleaning himself up just as Hunter emerged from his bunk with sleep in his eyes and a fond smile on his face at the sight of Echo and Omega. 
Omega ran over to Hunter with her painted palm held out and exclaimed, “Hunter, look! Echo let me put my handprint on his kama!”
Hunter chuckled, ruffling her hair and replying, “It looks great, kiddo. You’ve got some skills as an artist. Let’s get you cleaned up now, okay?”
She nodded in response, but ran back to Echo to throw her arms around him first. Still kneeling on the ground, Echo was almost knocked over by the force of the small girl’s hug. Echo returned the hug, placing one hand on her back and threading his fingers through her hair with the other. 
She contently sighed against him before mumbling, “Thank you, Echo.”
Echo hugged her tighter and replied, “No Omega, it should be me thanking you. You have no idea how much this means to me.” 
Omega stayed latched onto Echo, only releasing him from her hold when Hunter cleared his throat. She pulled away from him and stepped over to Hunter, but not before giving Echo one of her smiles that could rival the brightness of the sun. He smiled in return, watching as Hunter guided her to the refresher. 
Staring fondly at the little red handprint adorning his kama, Echo knew that Omega may not be a soldier like them, but she was definitely a member of their team and he’d protect her just as he’d protect any of his brothers. The hole in his heart left by the parting of Rex and death of Fives may never be filled, but he had a feeling that their newest member would be bringing a new kind of joy to his heart.
-- Dedicated to my wonderful friend @eternalqueenofthemyscira --
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photogirl894 · 3 years
"Sun and Rain"
Chapter 13
"Snatching the Bandana"
A "Bad Batch" fanfic!
Pairing: Hunter x fem OC, Echo (more best friend pairing)
A/N: This...became something I didn't originally intend 😅 I was gonna go more for training, but that proved harder than I thought 😅
《 Chapter 12
》 Chapter 14
All chapters
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Explanation: Kimber decides to cause a little mischief in regards to Hunter.
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The following day, Kimber decided to start designing her new armor, which she was really excited about. Tech had let her borrow an additional datapad so she could access the design portal for the armor. The two of them spent the next few hours seated together against the trunk of tree working on her new look. Kimber was finishing up the last few details and Tech was giving her different tips.
"If I may, I would recommend putting our insignia on one of your pauldrons," Tech suggested.
"You mean the skull and the 99?" Kimber clarified. When he gave her a nod, she pointed to the datapad and asked, "How about on the right one? That seems to be where most of you have it on yours."
"I believe that is an excellent idea."
She used her fingers to select the right pauldron of the armor on the datapad and the Bad Batch logo with the skull and number 99 appeared on it.
"Perfect," commented Tech.
Kimber was feeling pleased with how her Bad Batch armor was coming along. She had most of it put together and was thinking it was about complete...but she still thought something about it was off.
Right then, Echo approached them and asked, "How's the armor coming along?"
Putting a hand on her chin and pursing her lips in thought, Kimber answered him, "It's nearly done...but I feel like it's missing something."
"Like what?" inquired Tech.
She gestured to the leg area on her screen. "It's the upper legs. I didn't like having armor that high up because it just looked bulky, but then there's not a whole lot of protection without it. It just looks bare. It needs something."
Echo then grinned and said, "What you need is one of these." Then he gestured to the skirt-like garment he wore on his belt around his legs.
"You know, I've wondered about that," Kimber stated, gesturing to Echo's armor. "What is that?"
He crouched down so she could get a better glimpse of it as he answered, "It's called a kama. It's flexible armor worn on the legs for protection as well as easier movement. Earlier on in the war, these were used as symbols of rank among the Clones. I was given one when I was made an ARC Trooper and I chose to have one as part of my current armor as a reminder of that. Though, over time, they just became a practical fashion statement more than anything."
Kimber reached out to feel the kama for herself. It did indeed feel like armor, but it was more malleable than she thought.
"Well, I'm all about making a statement," she said with a smirk. "I actually like that. Hold on." She diverted her attention back to the datapad, scrolled through armor options until she found a kama and selected it. It appeared on her armor design, she adjusted it accordingly, changed the color scheme to the appropriate one of dark gray and red...and then a smile appeared on her face.
"Yes! Echo, that's perfect! That's the last thing I needed!" she exclaimed giddily, smiling up at him. "Thank you so much!"
Echo was elated to see how eager she was about the new addition to her armor. "Always happy to help," he responded.
Tilting the datapad so he could see it, Kimber asked Tech, "What do you think of this?"
He adjusted his goggles ever so slightly, peered at the screen and stated in reply, "I would say the kama does indeed bring the look to a fine finish. Your armor set will make a distinguished addition to the rest of ours."
Her eyebrows shot up. "Distinguished, huh? You flatter me, Tech."
"It is merely the truth," he said back as she handed him the datapad. "With your design now complete, I will send these blueprints to the Kaminoans and they will get it made shortly."
"Great!" Kimber then heaved a heavy sigh, letting her head fall back against the tree. "With that, I'm going to go take a quick walk. I need to stretch my legs."
It was then Wrecker came walking over and asked to no one in particular, "When are we gonna eat? I'm starving!"
As she stood up, Kimber commented, "You're always starving, Wrecker."
Echo answered him, "We'll eat here soon." He then turned to Kimber. "Hunter went out earlier, too, so if you see him, let him know to start making his way back."
"I can do that," she replied, already walking off.
She made her way through clusters of trees for a few minutes, admiring the scenery around her. It was colorful, but not nearly as much as Felucia was. She could hear the sound of water splashing nearby and remembered that there were some pools further into the trees. Wondering if there was a creature or something else close by, Kimber withdrew her blaster and carefully walked in the direction of the noise. About a minute later, she could see the edge of the pool coming up from behind some shrubbery. She peered through it...and right away ducked behind it, covering her mouth in shock.
It was no creature...but Hunter, standing waist deep in the water with his back to her...with no clothes on.
"Oh my stars, why?" she thought, mortified. Of all the times she could've come across him, why did it have to be now? She didn't want to see him like that while, at the same time, she did and it was embarrassing to even admit it to herself. What was she going to do?
She happened to glance over to the side and noticed that Hunter's armor was on the ground a few feet away from the edge of the pool. On top of the chest piece was his red bandana. She had ducked behind the bush so fast that she didn't even notice that he wasn't wearing it. Before now, she had never seen him without it and she was curious...which gave her a devious idea.
A couple minutes later, Hunter finished up in the pool, dried himself off with a towel he had brought with him and dressed himself back in his blacks. After that, he walked over to his armor and started putting it on. It wasn't until he was fully dressed that he realized...his bandana wasn't there. He was so sure that he had left it with his armor and looked around, but there was so sign of it.
"Looking for something, Sergeant?"
His heart skipped a beat for a second hearing Kimber's voice behind him. When he turned around, he found her leaning against a tree, a clearly mischievous smirk on her lips, and in her hand, she held his bandana. Judging from the look she was giving him, Hunter knew she was up to no good.
"What has gotten into you?" he inquired, both curious and amused.
She shrugged, still grinning. "I felt like having some fun...and snatching your signature bandana was too great an urge to resist." Then, to add to the fun, she took it and tied it around her hair, securing it at the base of her neck. "You want it? Come and get it."
Hunter hummed, entertained and intrigued by her playfulness. "You are playing a dangerous game, Kimber," he stated teasingly.
"Life isn't very fun without a little danger, is it?" Kimber asked back, raising her eyebrows challengingly before scurrying off into the trees.
For a split second, he was perplexed by her sudden gaiety...but then found himself charmed by it. This was a new side of her he had yet to see and he was looking forward to seeing more as he chased after her. Though, being a trained soldier, he knew he'd get the jump on her in nothing flat.
Kimber heard him following and picked up her pace, ducking behind a couple trees as she ran, and chuckling to herself that he was actually going along with her mischief. At one point, she wasn't sure if he was still there, so she ceased running and looked back. As she suspected, she couldn't see him anywhere. Did she actually lose him?
All of a sudden, she gasped as a pair of hands grabbed her arms from behind her and she found herself being flipped around, shoved against a tree and closely face to face with Hunter.
"You really shouldn't run from a soldier who's trained in stealth," he told her in a low, gravelly voice.
Kimber was frozen in place, her body locked in place by Hunter's grip on her arms and also by the shock at being so close to him in this way. The intensity in his eyes as he looked at her was enough to almost make her knees go weak, but she knew she couldn't show that. She just simply stared back at him, at a loss for words, despite having been talkative not just moments ago.
Now it was Hunter's turn to smirk at her. He could tell he had caught her completely off guard. "Now...you have something that belongs to me," he stated.
His hand let go of her arm to reach up and brush up against her neck as he reached back for the tied ends of his bandana, sending shivers through her skin. She relented and just let him untie the bandana and slip it off of her head without a word.
"What's the matter, Kimber? You seemed so confident before," he then teased while he stepped back and tied the bandana around his head, releasing his hold on her.
"You knocked that out of me when you pushed me against a tree," she responded defeatedly.
"I'm sorry," he said.
She looked at him skeptically. "Are you, though?"
He just grinned back.
Rolling her eyes, she told him, "Echo wanted me to let you know if I found you out here to start heading back because Wrecker's getting hungry."
"He's always hungry," he stated.
"That's what I said, too," she agreed.
"I'll make my way back. I need to go back by the pond and get my pack since someone led me on a chase and I didn't grab it."
"Oh sure, blame it on me."
"I just did."
Kimber gave Hunter a mock glare. "Well, I'll come with you."
While the two of them made their way back to the pool from before, Hunter asked her, "How is your armor coming along?"
"I actually finished it just before I came to find you," Kimber informed him.
"That's good," he said. "I look forward to seeing it."
"I am, too. It got high praise from Tech. He said it would make a 'distinguished' addition to the rest of the squad's."
"That is high praise. You must have really impressed him."
Kimber snickered. "I think it's only because I followed a lot of his advice on the look of it."
"Yeah, that would do it," said Hunter.
They found Hunter's pack by the edge of the water where he had left it. He went over, picked it up and put it on his back.
"So why the sudden playfulness today?" he asked her as they began walking back in the direction of the ship.
Kimber shrugged and replied, "I don't know...I just saw your stuff lying around and thought I'd have a little fun."
With a chuckle, Hunter then replied, "Well...I guess that just means I need to take something of yours now." Then before she could react, he reached down to her belt, pulled out her blaster from its holster and then leapt back a couple paces, holding it up for her to see.
Her mouth agape, Kimber exclaimed, "You sneaky Clone!"
"Try and take it from me," he instructed her, holding it out in front of him.
She couldn't help but grin at seeing his own fun side. Or, at least, what she assumed was his fun side. He had gone along with her earlier, so she figured she'd go along with him. Kimber lunged forward to grab the gun and got a hold of it, but Hunter was quick and pulled the gun back as she got it, bringing her towards him, and then he thrust his hand out to the side, bringing the gun out of her grip and spinning her around. Then he brought his other arm across her chest, pinning her back against him.
Kimber was slightly disoriented at suddenly being caught against Hunter before she could even blink. Just what was he doing? His face was right next to hers, his mouth close to her ear, and another exhilarating shudder shot down her spine. Surely, he was doing this on purpose.
"You'll have to do better than that, Kimber," he told her in a quiet voice, his lips ever so slightly brushing against her ear.
She had to get out his hold before she gave herself away in how she was feeling being held by him in that way. Plus, she was determined now to beat him. Luckily for her, she had carefully studied the Bad Batch's armor for the last little while and knew there was a weak spot between the chest plate and the lower parts of the armor. So she raised her elbow and threw it back into his stomach where the weak area was, knocking just enough wind out of him for him to let go. While he was doubled over, she snatched the gun back from him and then aimed it at him.
"Was that good enough for you, Sergeant?" she asked with a little sass in her tone.
He groaned and replied, looking up at her, "That wasn't very fair."
"Oh and what you did was?" she scoffed.
Hunter got himself back up to his feet, let out a sigh and stated, "I don't recall feeling you struggle against me."
Instantly, Kimber felt her face flush and turn hot, especially at the taunting way he was looking at her.
"Hey, you two!"
Just then, they heard Crosshair's voice call out to them and they whipped around to see him standing a few feet away, a hand on his hip.
"Quit dawdling and get a move on! Wrecker is getting impatient and so are the rest of us!" he cried out, irritated.
"Coming!" yelled Kimber and then she immediately took off running towards Crosshair. As much as she was enjoying being around Hunter, her feelings were betraying her around him and she just had to get away before anything else happened. She gave Crosshair a quick nod as she ran right by him.
Hunter watched her run off, amused at the flustered look she had gotten before taking off. Admittedly, he found it adorable. Then he started walking to Crosshair, who was waiting for him.
Crosshair cast him a knowing glance and stated, "You could not have been more obvious, Hunter."
"What are you talking about?" Hunter asked him.
Removing his toothpick and rolling his eyes, Crosshair replied, "Don't play dumb with me. I saw that whole thing just now. You clearly have feelings for her and don't give me that nonsense again about how you're just trying to keep her safe because that was when we were taking her to Tatooine and that is no longer the case. Your feelings betray you in your interactions with her, especially those of a physical nature."
Sometimes, Hunter hated how observant his brother was. That and he did realize he wasn't subtle in his actions, but he couldn't help it. He thought about trying to deny his brother's words, but he knew there'd be no point.
"I can't help that I always want to be close to her," he conceded. "She doesn't seem to mind, but I'm not sure. I don't entirely know what it all means."
"Why don't you just come out with it and tell her how you feel?"
"I...I don't know, Crosshair. She and I are still getting to know each other. I don't even know if she remotely feels the same."
"Well, you either need to come out to her about how you feel about her and then figure things out together...or you need to lighten up on how you interact with her until you do."
Hunter sighed out loud. "You're right."
"I know I am," Crosshair quipped back, putting his toothpick between his teeth before he and Hunter resumed getting back to the ship.
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Sharpshooter training with Crosshair two days later was going quite well for Kimber. He had set up a few targets for her to practice with and she was continuing to impress him with her talent.
"You really got this skilled just by shooting womprats?" he questioned in disbelief.
She chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, that's really about it. Though I'm sure there's more I could do to improve my technique."
"There is," he said. He then held his hand out, motioning for her to give him her rifle. As she gave it to him, he stated, "Your form is good, but holding the rifle just with your hands can prove taxing on them. If you do this, it will help provide relief and also better balance in certain situations." He then proceeded to twist his torso a bit to the right, raised his arm horizontally to his chest level and he set his rifle up on his shoulder, peering through the scope and firing his shot. He hit straight through the center.
"I've never done that before," Kimber commented as he handed the rifle back.
"Keep your shoulders level, your arm perfectly horizontal and rest the gun about your mid-shoulder," Crosshair instructed her.
She did as he told her and copied his demonstration. She rotated her torso, brought her arm up horizontally in front of her and placed the gun on her shoulder.
"Like this?" she asked him.
He stepped in front of her and tapped her underside of her forearm. "Raise your arm just a little more. It must be at one-eighty degrees," he said.
She readjusted her arm accordingly and he gave her an affirming nod. With that, she straightened up, kept as still as she could and peered through the scope. The target was in her sights and she fired. When she looked up, the shot had landed about an inch to the right of the bullseye.
"That's not bad for your first time using that form," Crosshair said, once again impressed.
"I've got a good teacher," she said back sweetly.
Crosshair didn't expect a compliment like that and his eyes widened for a brief second before the corners of his lips twitched upward ever so slightly.
Just then, they heard Wrecker cry out in the distance from the ship, "Kimber, Crosshair! You better get over here!"
Wondering what was going on, both Crosshair and Kimber jogged back together to the Marauder. They found Wrecker, Tech, Echo and Hunter all standing around in a small huddle as they approached.
"What's going on?" inquired Crosshair.
Tech looked up from his datapad and his attention went straight to Kimber. "I have good news. Kimber's new armor was completed rather speedily and is ready to be picked up."
"Picked up? Wait...does that mean...?" Kimber asked curiously.
Hunter stepped forward, a pleased grin on his face. "That's right, Kimber. We're headed to Kamino."
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oxzebi997 · 3 years
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Day 7 Simp
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“Fives will you shut up!” Echo groaned “training’s hard enough without you jerking off up there!”
“I am n-“ he huffed but didn’t really care that much, they were nearly finished with their ARC training and Fives couldn’t keep quiet about getting back to the 501st.
He desperately wanted to impress Rex. Their captain who had saved their skins, on a number of occasions, had given Echo his signature look, their Captain. Trying to play it cool… never worked, so he decided to just live his excitement as it came to him.
Echo was excited too, could hardly think about anything else but having Rex put a new fresh handprint on his bright clean chest plate. Tell them how proud he was of what they’d accomplished, the thought of the praise made his head spin.
You’re not shinies anymore
They’d get to work even more closely now that they were all going to be ARCs under the same command, they couldn’t help but think about it. Would they be as close and in synch with their captain as he was with the Marshall Commander? Was that kind of closeness even possible outside of batchmates? They could try, their own batch now gone and Rex keeping them so close as they worked under him.
Echo jerked as his sleep pod slid open and saw Fives on the ladder, who then slid into the pod, laying on his side, forcing echo to do the same, and closed the pod again.
His voice hushed but practically shaking, “final exams and training are tomorrow Ec,” he beamed, “then we get to go home, how are you not just shaking with excitement??”
“Have you considered that as happy as I am, I’m tired from all of the training?” Echo smiled some in the dim golden light of the pod’s walls.
“That’s ridiculous Echo, there’s no time to sleep, we have to make a cool entrance when we get back, we have to get his attention!”
“Fives when we show back up as genuine ARCs, every eye in the battalion is gonna be on us. Especially the Captain.”
Fives rolled flat on his back, shoving Echo suddenly against the wall of his own pod, “that’s why we gotta look great! I don’t want him thinking he sponsored us getting special training just to look like a pair of shinies in kamas.”
“Fives you don’t look like a shiny, and Rex is going to walk right up to us, slap a hand on each of our shoulders, tell us how great we did, and how proud he is to serve with men like us, then sneak us off to the mess for something so sweet and hard to come by we’ll never know why the civvies even like dessert.”
“Well, well, looks like you’ve planned this whole thing out.” Fives grinned rolling back onto his side smacking a hand onto Echo’s chest where the print would go on his armor.
“You’re not the only one who’s excited to get back to him- them!” Echo corrected, but Fives was already giggling at him, “shut up and go to sleep Fives.”
Fives relaxed his position but stayed in Echo’s pod as they fell asleep dreaming of praise and congratulations and ARCs.
Rex paced in his quarters, maybe the only benefit to being a captain was the slight privacy he had, new shinies coming in, new ARCs coming with them.
Maker! he missed those two! His little brothers who had seen too much of the war from day one and who stuck by his side almost especially since then. He couldn’t wait for them to step off that transport, to show off, catch up, they could swap stories about training and he could show them Wolffe’s private liquor cabinet, which always led to an enjoyable drinking contest and everything that followed, he wondered if Echo had ever picked out a pattern for his new armor, if Fives was going to get that memorial tattoo on his shoulder.
He sat, he’d been up and down all morning, and the sun wasn’t even up on this side of Naboo yet, though the Resilience’s lights were always up, crossed his hands and rested his chin on his knuckles. Fives would come in and try to act cool, which would work until he noticed how many brothers were watching him with stars in their eyes and then falter and tell a joke that would fall flatter than stale beer. Echo would laugh at him, then straighten up with a perfect salute and a very wide grin when he and the General walked up to congratulate them. Then maybe he’d let Fives think he had really been pretty cool when they returned and sneak one of those sweets the Commander was always trying to get past her master.
He smiled, how will they have changed?, he wondered, what kind of men has their new training made them into?
He couldn’t wait to find out, to see them, to laugh and tease and feel safe in their presence like he so rarely did. These boys, his boys, now men… he was already so proud he could hardly stand it.
He got back up, feeling antsy, but pleasant as he thought about the new world tomorrow would bring when that transport docked in the landing bay. He smiled again, sure he’d never done so much grinning since he left Kamino the first time, he couldn’t wait to have his brothers back home again.
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colehasapen · 4 years
(ONE SHOT) fit two people under your skin  STAR WARS
Febuwhump Day 1 - Brainwashing
Alpha-17 doesn’t believe in monsters.
He’s lived through too much in his life to believe in the creatures under the bed, or those that creep through the dark hallways and eat unsuspecting cadets. He’s seen real monsters, he’s seen cruelty and violence. He’s seen real life, and nothing can scare him more than that, but he comforts himself with the knowledge that everything dies, that he can fight to the death if he has to. He knows the pain of being taken apart piece by piece, of being tortured past his limits, of watching so many vode marching off to the death. He knows the pain of losing good men that he trained personally, the pain of losing those he raised himself from childhood.
He knows the pain that comes from not having done enough.
Millions of vode are dead, millions more will die, and Alpha is almost numb to it. He’s lost enough that it no longer surprises him.
But he’s never had anyone come  back from the dead, and yet, here he is.
Months ago, Alpha had been brought back to the warfront by the death of his little brother, one of the boys he had trained and raised from childhood to be one of the best. He had been on Kamino when news had reached him that Marshal Commander Cody had died in the line of duty, and he had immediately felt the world drop out from beneath him. Cody -  Kote  - the youngest and smallest of Squad 17, his  vod’ika  ,  his ad’ika ; his pride and joy. Cody had been one of his, he had watched him grow into the man he was, and Alpha had thought, had hoped, that out of any of them, that Cody would make it to the end of this Manda-forsaken War. Cody had been a leader, a viciously competent warrior that put even other A-classers to shame. He may have only been a CC, but Alpha would bet anything that he’d be able to beat even a Null into the ground if given the chance.
He had never imagined Cody being just another name on a KIA list.
Cody could have been their leader, had the spirit needed to be Mand’alor. He had a natural charisma that made people  want to follow him, a strength to his soul that shone like fire in his eyes. He could be beaten, but he’d never break.
But he’d still died. He had died and left his 212th without a Commander.
Eventually, Alpha had managed to hunt down the troopers that had survived the mission that had killed one of his boys. Had tracked them down during shore leave and demanded to know what had happened. They couldn’t tell him much, because of the confidential status of the mission, but eventually a pale-faced and haunted Echo had spoken up, staring down at his alcohol like it could take the nightmares away.
“It should have been me.” The young ARC Trooper had whispered, looking close to tears, and Fives had gripped his brother’s hand like a lifeline. “I had gone for the shuttle - Cody - he saw what was about to happen before any of us. He saved me. He threw me out of the way and took the blast instead.”
Alpha had volunteered as soon as he could, had hunted General Kenobi down and put his name forward as his next Commander. He knew what his  ad’ika  would have wanted; he’d want Alpha to teach and protect his men where he couldn’t, to lead his Ghosts and 7th Sky. He’d trust Alpha-17 to watch his  Jetii’s back, to be at his side when he couldn’t, because Alpha wasn’t blind - he knew what his Kot’ika thought of General Kenobi, knew what he’d felt for him. He had seen the way Cody had looked at Kenobi, had known that they’d work well together when he’d suggested Cody as the Commander for Kenobi’s Battalion, even if he’d never imagined his little brother actually falling in love with the man.
Despite how much it hurt to stand in his place, Alpha had put himself forward, had painted his armour gold, and taken the title of Commander. It fits like an ill-fitting body glove, but Alpha wears it, because it’s what Cody would have wanted. He could keep up with Kenobi better than any shiny commander could, could call the Jedi out on his bullshit and keep him and his men safe. He knows it hurts Kenobi too. He knows that sometimes Kenobi turns to him expecting Cody to be there to a witty quip or a sarcastic smirk, and he sees the way he falters when it’s Alpha there instead.
The troopers are the same. Alpha knows they respect him, that they look up to him, but he’s not Cody, and they all know it. Over the months though, they’d learned how to work together; he’s glad it was him who had taken over for Cody, because he recognizes a lot of the signs of his own training in the way the 212th troopers move, no doubt passed on by Cody. They don’t move the way CTs are expected to move, instead Alpha can see his own personalized ARC training shining through in them, and he knows that any other commander wouldn’t have been able to keep up. As the months pass, he whips them into shape, distracts them from their grief, and keeps them moving.
And then rumours of the Seperatists’ newest asset reaches them. Until Umbara, no one sees it, but they hear the rumours spread by the small numbers of survivors left behind. Some sort of new droid made to look like a clone in black armour, that never speaks, never hesitates, and always wins. Until Umbara, its nothing more than a ghost story, a monster in the night, but Alpha had never believed in monsters, it was just another clanker that he’d destroy if he faced it on the field.
It was called many things; monster, assassin, dark trooper, but Alpha would know it as another target.
And then Umbara happened. The asset had killed Krell, had saved the lives of the 501st troopers that the  dar’jetii  was tormenting. It had killed  only  Krell, had torn the Besalisk apart, and then walked away; it hadn’t even  touched the clones, had barely even looked at them before leaving. Rex had come to him afterwards, baring footage of the fight between the asset and the General, an odd look on his face.
“It fights like a vod, Alpha.” Rex had said, sounding confused and lost as they’d watched the footage over and over again, looking to learn the clanker’s fighting style to better combat it in battle. “It fights like  you do.”
Watching the figure in black and gold armour, styled mockingly after his own, a kama swinging around it’s waist and a gold pauldron on it’s shoulder, Alpha couldn’t help but agree. It did fight like a clone; specifically, it fought like one of the cadets Alpha had trained personally. It was reckless, throwing itself into battle without a care, twisting into powerful kicks and using its blaster like a club in ways that Alpha specifically remembers one of his cadets doing, something that had driven Alpha to a frothing rage.
It fights like  Cody.
He hadn’t voiced it at the time, had stewed in his rage at the insult aimed towards his dead  vod’ika. A droid that fought like Cody, a droid that had the exact same shade of orange-gold as his  vod’ika had chosen for his Battalion. It was an insult and an affront on everything Alpha stood for. He’d held on to that anger, had let it burn hot and harsh in his gut, knowing that the moment he faced the clanker on the battlefield, that he’d  destroy it.
He would tear it apart for the insult it symbolized. To know that the Seperatists were perverting his brother’s memory in such a way lights a fire in him that refuses to burn out.
And then he gets the chance to fight the asset. He fights it one on one, intent to destroy it and avenge his little brother, when the bucket comes off and Alpha’s heart stops. All he can think of, is that that’s a face glaring up at him, a familiar face with a familiar scar. He barely remembers the chaos that had followed.
Somehow, the asset is Cody.
Somehow, they’d managed to get the asset -  Cody, his Kote - sedated and transferred onto the  Negotiator. It had hurt all of them to need to restrain him, to strip away black plastoid to reveal prosthetics and burns. They’d gotten him back to the ship, into the medbay and under the medics’ hands, and they’d found a  chip in his head.
And now, Alpha is staring down at the limp body strapped down to the biobed, ankles, hips, chest, and arms pinned to the bed by unforgiving metal, to make sure he wouldn’t attack again when he woke up. It’s still Cody. He’s missing both his legs at the thighs, there’s metal drilled into his spine and up the back of his skull. There’s a blinking monitor embedded into his chest, scarred skin growing around it, flashing with his heartbeat. They’d shaved him, put a cybernetic implant on the side of his head, over where his ear should be and stretching around his temple to interrupt the curving, hooked scar that had become his little brother’s visual marker of individuality, the one Alpha personally remembers tending to, right before pulling Cody into ARC training to ensure that Priest and Reau wouldn’t get their hands on him again. He’s covered in twisting, healing burn scars, left from the explosion they had all believed to have killed him, and there’s dark bruises standing stark against brown skin.
Bruises that Alpha had put there, when he’d nearly broken his brother’s neck while fighting him. When he had thought that Cody was a droid programmed to fight like him.
He'd nearly killed his little brother, the boy he'd raised, and he never would have known if he hadn't accidentally knocked his helmet off.
“Manda.” He breathes harshly, nostrils flaring, and he drops down into the chair Pace had put next to Cody’s bed. He ignores the medic’s eyes drilling into the side of his head, instead reaching out to gently squeeze Cody’s limp hand like he had when Cody had been a too-small child enduring too-cruel punishments in the place of more replaceable brothers. “What can you tell about the chip?”
Pace scowls, “It only showed up on a level five atomic scan.” He says, “We only found it because we were trying to find out the cause of the strange brain activity we were picking up - it showed up as a tumour, but once we removed it -” he gestures to the petri-dish next to the biobed, “- we found  that.”  ‘That’ being an ugly scrap of what looked like flesh, pink and pocketed and flecked with old blood. “Removing it from the frontal lobe stopped the strange brain signals we were picking up, and his waves went back to baseline - what you could expect from a regular clone.” Alpha tears his eyes away from Cody’s peaceful face to glower at the strange object. “We don’t have any proof, won’t until we can see how he acts when he wakes up, but Crys thinks it could have been controlling him.”
Alpha lets out a harsh curse, “Fucking seppies.”
“Yeah.” Pace murmurs, then shifts. “Commander,” he says slowly, enough of something odd in his tone that it makes Alpha look up to meet his gaze, to see them dark with anger, “whatever it is - that chip? It wasn’t made by the Seps.”
“What?” Alpha’s eyes narrow dangerously, and Pace nods, glowering at nothing as he rubs a hand aggressively against the gray fabric of his uniform.
“It gives off a different signal than the… prosthetics -” he says the words with furious contempt, like the sentence is rotten on his tongue, “- they drilled into him.”
Alpha snarls, baring his teeth like a cornered animal as he grips Cody’s clammy hand protectively, like he could destroy whatever did this to him with his will alone. “Who  do I need to kill for what they did to him?”
“Sir.” Pace’s voice is just as dangerous, “Whatever it is? It’s  Kaminoan.”
Taglist: @a-mediocre-succulent @yellowisharo @spoofymcgee @roseofalderaan @everything-or-anything @bellablue42
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priortoallthoughts · 3 years
TBB Character Thoughts
Where do you live Filoni I just wanna talk
Why are they white Filoni
Filoni answer me
Spoilers for TBB episodes 1 & 2 under the cut 
There are two distinct instances where we see Crosshair being more than just the asshole character and I’m gonna talk about them 
The first one is S7E4 of TCW when everyone is escaping Skako Minor and he and Wrecker are comparing kill counts 
don’t look at me blushing about Crosshair being a top
But just look at Crosshair’s mannerisms when he says “no he won’t~” 
Popping up right after Hunter assures Wrecker just to rub it in that he topped him killed more droids 
The little head shake and shoulder shrug he does 
And his voice 
That’s not the voice of someone saying something cruel
That’s a straight up teasing voice 
He’s teasing his vod like vode do 
The second instance is in TBB S1E1 when they’re loading the marauder for their mission to Onderon 
“He actually cried”
And ya know what?
I don’t doubt that Wrecker cried 
But “hey, we both did”
I like to think that Crosshair, seeing a fully stocked armory with force knows how many (probably new) rifles, also teared up a bit 
THAT’S the Crosshair I’m holding out hope for 
But I swear if I don’t see him trying to fight the chip’s control 
(Just like Rex tried to do)
(Just like Jesse tried to do)
If I don’t see that and he doesn’t get any character development beyond being just the bad guy 
I’m gonna go feral 
But maybe we do see it?
He still wants Hunter’s permission before pulling the trigger even with his chip half active 
And Wrecker is a big target 
Crosshair only hits his shoulder when they’re escaping Kamino
From that close range he misses a kill shot?
No sir I don’t think so
There was never a doubt in my mind that Wrecker would be good with kids 
Look at him standing up behind Omega in the galley for intimidation like the ori’vod he is
And to see him interact with Shaeeah and Jek 
“Uncle Wrecker!” 
I just 🥺
And can I just say that when they’re locked up on Kamino and he punches the wall the first time 
He explains the sounds to the guard almost verbatim the way Tech did to him 
Had me cracking up because the way he’s written, he would never say that by himself 
He trusts Tech’s explanation so much that he parrots it back to the guards
Not to mention all the little interactions between Tech and Wrecker in both episodes 
Them arguing about the hand signals 
Him reacting to Tech’s teasing about his conditioning 
Wrecker suplexing the droid which was hot
And maybe they’ve done it before, but all Crosshair needing to say is “knife” for Wrecker to know what to do
Great moment 
And his SCAR
We get a so much more detailed image of it in the first episode 
Like, I’m of the opinion that that injury is part of the reason he acts as childish as he does 
Because are those or are those not electrical scars 
His brain was fried
Them mentioning it at all would be nice 
Give me more than big dumb guy 
I love and support the headcanon of him being emotionally intelligent 
Also, him going through the Marauder with Omega and they both fall asleep together is the sweetest 
He probably showed her everything they have while talking about it
He showed her where they hide the snacks
Lula is cute and so is Wrecker’s poncho and hat 
His confidence in everything he says is so attractive
He might be misinformed about some things, namely the inhibitor chips
But boy
Him being positive about where to hit the wall to break out of their cell
The fact that he could slice into imperial data easily even though he’s never seen those codes before 
How he didn’t tell Hunter about his plan to impound the Marauder until after the fact because he knew his plan would work
The biggest flex
Also, I want him to hear Rex explain the true purpose of the chips 
I want him to say “actually” like he’s about to say something 
I want Rex to have undeniable proof of it all
And I want Tech to become progressively more horrified about what he sees/hears
Tech is Tech
He knows technology
He trusts technology 
And look at what the Kaminoans put inside him and his vod 
He immediately starts planning on how to get the chip out of Crosshair
Also he’s a secret softie with Omega 
He probably researched everything about her right after they meet the first time 
He’s upset because she’s upset on the farm in Saleucami
The way he reaches up to catch her when she drops down from the Marauder 
“That would be dirt” 
Like he can and will happily explain anything about anything to her if she asks 
Guess who just made the Galaxy’s Top 10 list of best dad’s? 
Look at him trying to be a dad 
You don’t know everything yet but you’re doing great sweetie 
Immediate ride or die for Omega as soon as he finds out she’s some sorta defective like them 
Also the way he goes after Caleb to try and protect him from the other clones 
He just wants to help kids 
Probably shoulda called Crosshair out on his acting strange more/earlier 
He knows his vod, and Cross is not being Cross
The way he watches Cut and Suu to try and figure this parenting thing out because he’s just acquired a child 
The way Cut and Suu look at him when he interacts with Omega
Cut’s like, yeah vod, I’ve been there
Also talking about gorgeous 
Hunter in civvies 
He wasn’t yelling at Omega because he was mad, he was yelling because he was scared 
He was yelling at Tech because he was mad
I knew Omega wasn’t going to leave but him suggesting it because he wants her to be safe
So good, so pure 
And he’s a great leader, honestly 
He doesn’t do anything to put them in danger if he can help it (see: Onderon)
Crosshair says he’s missing the big picture but I think he sees everything, but he also knows it’s an incomplete picture 
He just wants the best for his vode and that means getting all the facts straight before he does anything 
My man deserves to know exactly how Fives’s actions helped saved Rex and Ahsoka and is still helping to save other vode 
He deserves to remember his last batch mate fondly
I love how he reacted to AZI-3 
The recognition of his PTSD is a good thing as much as it hurts to see 
Need more of that 
Echo using his cybernetic arm as a shank on the droids during the training simulation is peak feral fighting
Also he definitely asked to get some kamas again 
He earned his ARC status before and he’s not gonna lose that too
Plus he knows the kamas are hot
The fact that he’s complaining about the smell of their room too is just so funny?
Like it’s an offhand comment at first
But then he gripes about it again when Wrecker says it smells funny in the cell
“That’s because it’s clean”
All Echo wants is to kick everyone out of their room for the day and deep clean everything 
And the way he acts because of Omega
“Harm her and you’re a dead man”
Completely serious
He absolutely would murder someone if they so much as scratch her
I wish we got more bonding between him and the others
He probably had that awkward phase when you find a new friend group but you’re still new so you can’t just be your normal weird self
He’s gotta build up to being just bantha-shit insane
Otherwise the others would think he’s serious about the shit he says
And be worried 
But it’s actually nothing to worry about 
I just want them all showing love to him and each other 
Also, in case you were curious,
Galaxy’s Top 10 Best Dads (in no particular order):
Din Djarin
Jango Fett
Plo Koon
Cut Lawquane
Kanan Jarrus
Bail Organa
Chewbacca, probably 
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danger-xylophones · 4 years
A New Chapter (Echo x reader)
Warnings: It’s implied that the reader has depression, some angst sprinkled in
When Rex commed you to come to Anaxes on the next medical transport - you’d expected the worst. You were trying to prepare yourself to hear more bad news. You’d expected to be told that Rex had lost another one of his closest brothers and one of your dearest friends. You’d already lost so many...Echo, Hardcase, Tup, Fives..Echo’s death destroyed you first and left room for every following death to slowly chip away at your resolve. You feared that hearing you’d lost Kix, Jesse, or Cody might just do you in before you could begin to be there for Rex.
So, you frantically scrambled to steel yourself before the transport landed - keeping a death grip on the handle by your head to keep your self grounded. You knew that your fellow medics, clone and nat-born alike, were silently questioning you. As the head nurse you were expected to be composed, cool-headed, great under pressure, and a genuine calming presence. For you to be nervous enough for it to be reflected in your shifting stance and death grip was disconcerting. 
As the transport initiated its landing sequence you took in one long steadying breath and braced yourself for whatever news awaited you beyond the doors. They opened with a hiss and your fellow medics immediately sprung into action unloading supplies and gurneys while you waded through the sea of activity in search of a certain captain. He was waiting for you by the entrance to the barracks. With his helmet on, it was harder to discern what he was feeling but for the most part he stood tall and proud in a perfect soldier stance with his hands clasped behind his back. He was busily conversing with someone you couldn’t see. You were confused now - you’d seen Rex after a heavy loss. His shoulders always sagged, his whole form took on a heaviness to it that was only ever abated with time and the comfort of some good wine you’d often smuggle in for him. He was never this...normal. Rounding a few stacked crates revealed to you that the person Rex was talking to was actually three people consisting of Jesse (thank the maker) and two clones you barely recognized as clones. 
After a loud clearing of your throat you called out to him. Rex turned to you and removed his helmet in one fluid motion and you were surprised to see him beaming at you. “Vod’ika!” He chirped and started walking towards you with Jesse in tow whilst ignoring the intrigued looks of the other two clones - one had really long hair and a headband wrapped around his crown and the other, significantly shorter, peered at you with large eyes hidden behind a pair of blocky glasses. You met Rex in the middle and he quickly pulled you into a one armed hug that you barely returned thanks to being caught so off guard. “Glad you’re here.” He muttered next to your ear before retreating so Jesse could also pull you into a quick hug. 
“I’d say I’m glad to be here,” you began as you pulled away from the arc trooper, “but I don’t know why I am.” You finished with a pointed look at Rex that told him to start explaining. 
His smile fell a bit, though it didn’t completely disappear, “It’s...a long story and it’s better to just show you. C’mon.” He swung his arm for you to follow him, already walking towards the barracks. You hesitated, casting a confused look at Jesse who just offered you an impish grin in reply before strutting after the captain. With a steadying sigh you followed after the two kama wearing clones. 
You passed many troopers as the captain and arc trooper led you further inside the barracks, most from the 501st, some from the 212th, a lot from the 187th, and at least two who you couldn’t identify as being from any legion but they were wearing the same armor as the other two who had been talking to Rex and Jesse when you arrived. The taller of the two (the much taller of the two - was he even a clone? Or was he a Natborn that vaguely resembled the millions of brothers?) watched you walk away with his one functioning eye and a poorly hidden whisper to his friend. “’Think that’s the gal he’s been askin’ about?” 
“Looks like ‘er.” The smaller of the duo answered in a grating voice. 
Your brow furrowed - a lot of clones tended to ask about you given your tendency to move between legions and battalions but it was rare that they talked about you to the extent that someone who’d never met you could recognize you. If you were honest, it was a little unnerving. But, despite your best effort to keep the thoughts at bay, you were briefly reminded of a conversation you’d once had with Fives. 
“He talks abou’ you a lot, y’know.” The newly promoted arc trooper slurred as he heavily leaned against you. He vaguely gestured in the direction of his aforementioned brother where he leaned against the bar, armor glinting in the low lighting, after he timidly offered to get you a new drink. You’d protested, telling him it was his big night, you’d get the drinks but he took off before you could even get to your feet. “Just too shy to do anything but that.” 
“What does he say?” You asked the drunken trooper quietly as your pulse began to speed up. You, admittedly, hadn’t taken much interest in Echo at first - you thought him boring and stiff - but recently he’d been challenging your perception of him. And you’d be a liar if you said you hadn’t started to admire the capable, quick-witted, snippy, but kind, sensitive, and charming soldier. 
“Says ‘e likes you, wish he could work up the nerve to talk to you, thinks you’re the prettiest damn medic in the GAR, thinks you’re a kriffin’ genius...and, ‘m pretty sure he’s in love with you.” Fives took another hearty swig of his drink, shutting up for the first time in what seemed like hours, which gave you enough time to consider his words. While you didn’t want to put all your faith in the drunken mess of an explanation Fives had given you - he did know his twin the best and he’d never lied to you. Maybe - you took another good long look at Echo - just maybe, - you saw him take a deep breath as the bartender handed him your drinks, almost like he was trying to psych himself up - you’d take a chance. You met Echo’s gaze as he turned around, sending him a fond smile that he sheepishly returned. 
Rex led you to a separated part of the med bay primarily meant for rehabilitation where he finally came to a halt just before the door. “Now,” he began as he turned to you, Jesse stopped at your side with crossed arms and a strange, conspiring smile on his face, “I want you to walk between Jesse and I.” Rex ordered quietly as if scared of being overheard. 
Your brow furrowed immediately. “Why?” 
“In case ya faint.” Jesse answered back. 
With a roll of your eyes that could rival the likes of Wolffe’s, you turned to the ARC trooper. “Jesse, I’m a field medic whose spent most of her career on the front lines dealing with a menagerie of injuries. I’m sure whatever it is, I can handle it.” 
“Be prepared to eat those words.” Jesse muttered under his breath in retort but you elected not to respond, instead, you turned your attention back to Rex who was staring at you uncertainly. 
“All the same, let me go in first and make sure he’s ready.” Rex offered gently with a softly placed hand on your shoulder. He had an odd look in his eyes - somewhere between apprehensive, compassionate, and elated - as he looked at you. 
“You’re the captain...” You muttered, suddenly feeling on edge. Jesse must have noticed your tense form for he softly grabbed your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Rex nodded to Jesse then to you before strolling in to the room. The door slid into place behind him leaving you and Jesse for a few minutes. The ARC trooper didn’t let go of your hand till Rex came back and gestured with a nod of his head for the two of you to come in. Rex went back in first, followed by Jesse, with you taking up the rear. The air was strangely tense as you followed behind the two clone troopers so you couldn’t stop your mind from preparing itself to see the worst. While not uncommon for you to visit patients in the middle of rehabilitation it wasn’t why you were part of the GAR. It was just something you’d started doing after serving with the clone forces for so long. But never before had you been nervous. Without warning, Jesse stopped right in front of you causing you to bump into his back. Instead of laughing at you like you thought he would, Jesse angled his body enough for you step in front of him and gently encouraged you to do so with a hand between your shoulder blades. 
You came to a halt in front of him and the ARC trooper kept his hand where it was as if trying to steady you. Seriously, why were they being so weird? You still couldn’t see very far into the room - only the equipment shoved against the walls closest to the door - thanks to Rex who stood in front of you. There was no talking. Rex dipped his head at whoever was in the room and stepped to the side. 
Before you was a trooper dressed in red fatigues. His frame was thin, cheeks sunken in, and his skin unnaturally pale. And he was missing an arm which had been replaced with a computer interface arm one would expect to see on an R-series. His head had also been shaved which revealed small, port like protrusions out of his skull. And upon glancing your eyes downward, you noticed that the trooper’s legs had been replaced with mechanical ones. Not to be flippant but he looked like he’d been through hell and back. 
With a deep breath, you let a mollifying smile slip onto your lips and a sympathetic look fill your eyes. “Hello,” you kept your voice soft too, just in case the trooper was nervous, “My name is Dr. L/n. What’s yours?” 
His brow furrowed and it was only now, after his expression had changed, that you noticed that it had once been almost hopeful. Now, he looked confused. Or more accurately, conflicted. His pale brown eyes were frantically darting back and forth as if searching your face for an answer to a question that was left unasked. “I-it’s me.” He finally spoke in a frail voice. You cocked your head to the side. That was adimttedly an odd name but who were you to judge? Just as you were opening your mouth to speak, he continued. “Cyare, it’s me.” Your mouth clamped shut as the first word slipped from him as the instinct to snap briefly took over. Only one person got to call you that. 
“Trooper, forgive my bluntness but-” 
“Meshurok.” Hearing that word made it feel as though ice had been injected into your body. Shivers ran up and down your spine and goose bumps formed all over. No one had called you that since...Echo. 
“How...?” You felt your body start to fall back only to be stopped by a hand between your shoulder blades. Jesse was still there and Rex was standing just off to the side. They were both real. But was he...?
“When I first worked up the nerve to ask you out, you were wearing a necklace with a kyanite pendant. I asked you where you’d gotten it and what it was.” The trooper took a careful step forward and you felt your heart begin to speed. “You told me it was gifted to you by a young Twi’lek girl you helped when you were on Ryloth with the 187th.” He took another step. “She’d gifted it to you and told you that it was it represented new beginnings.” You took a step forward, eyes wide. “I asked if I could be a part of your new beginnings.” You took another step forward. 
“And I said ‘only if I get to be a part of yours’.” Your voice was wispy, choked with old ghosts. “Echo...” Before you knew it, you were wrapped in his arms. “Echo.” You didn’t care that your voice trembled with barely restrained sobs or that Jesse and Rex were barely three feet away. All you cared about was how familiar he felt - familiar and safe. Home, your mind supplied. “I-I, but the citadel and the ship - I...you...oh god.” You pulled back, almost giving yourself whiplash in the process as your instincts took over. Your hands reached up to gently hold the sides of his face while you reevaluated his appearance. “How did you survive the ship?” Your fingers were busily skimming all the alterations that had most likely been forced onto your cyar’ika. You noticed that his eyelids fluttered closed at the sensation of your fingers on his skin and it made your heart squeeze in both affection and the need to protect him. 
“I don’t really know, mesh’la. I just remember trying to take the ship, it exploding, and then waking up being dragged.” Echo whispered, keeping his hand stubbornly fixed on your waist. Behind you there was the sound of the door sliding closed which you guessed was Rex and Jesse making their exit. 
“Kriffing droids, how dare they touch you,” At some point in your speedy assessment you started to mutter, “I should go there and tear each one to scraps with my bare hands.” 
Echo chuckled and it was enough to bring tears to your eyes, your hand paused just above the computer interface arm. “Who did this to you?” Although it was whispered, Echo heard you clear as day. 
He sighed and gently rested his head against yours, “Seps, techno union - they don’t matter.” 
“They hurt you - I’m going to find them and kill them myself.” 
“I thought your whole thing was ‘do no harm’.” Echo quipped and the smile that followed, though no where near as wide as you were used to, was warm and genuine and enough to pacify you for now. 
“I can make exceptions.” You muttered but the fire had died down. Another puff of air brushed against your face - another reminder that Echo really was here. 
“Later then.” He pressed his lips against your forehead and drew you closer. You sighed and melted against him, the happiest you’d been in a long time as the first few words of another new chapter formed before your very eyes. 
Taglist: @apocalypticwafflekitten / @cherryxcyarika / @pinkiemme / @justalittlecloud 
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“Well, bravo for Bravo squad”
Sometimes I wonder what are those cocky clones from Bravo squad up to. They sneered and mocked the Domino boys with that whole “watch the dominoes fall” crap just because they had a perfect ARC trooper score and the scrappy, ragtag dominoes were barely scraping by, taking their second attempt to finish their training and graduate from the academy. The Bravo boys must have never EVER expected the dominoes to finish the course AND for two of them to turn into ARC troopers.
I’m not holding their behavior against them though, Kamino had that strange way to raise the clones as parts of a unity, brothers - while at the same time pitting them against each other with aggressive competitiveness fueled by ongoing, constant tests and scores.
The kaminoans don’t want the clones to get too close and too fond of one another. The last thing they need is for this highly skilled group of men that vastly outnumbers them to rebel against them and the republic (despite the chip in their brains, that is. I assume it’s vital for the clones not to be under Sidius mind control until the very last minute, lest the Jedi feel something off about them and unravel his entire plan).
That was a long winded way to set up the following headcanon - ARC troopers Fives and Echo walk into the 79’s to get drunk and unwind, and on their way to order drinks they stumble upon two of the Bravo squad boys, who are now pilots of some Jedi general’s battalion.
Ficlet Part I - funny
They aren’t high-ranking troopers, their armor is simple aside from the colors of their unit, but Echo reads the word “Bravo” written in aurebesh over the thigh armor of one of them, and Fives notices the same word on the other’s shoulder guard.
“Are those two...?” Echo mutters to Fives in disbelief
“Nah.” Fives says, more to himself than Echo “No way. Them?”
The Bravo men recognize fives for his tattoo, their eyes going wide at Fives and Echo; the two clones had grown, not only by their accelerated growth rate but also from the intense ARC trooper training paired with the Kaminoans’ injections that had made them more muscular than the average clone.
The uniform makes them stand out too. 501st blue - Skywalker’s battalion’s color - pauldrons adorning their shoulders, kama draping from their hips and special scopes attached to the helmets they carried under their arms. If anyone who knew Fives and Echo back in Kamino heard you say that this impressive duo were the same lanky, uncoordinated boys from back then, they would laugh at your face.
“...CT-5555?” one of them asks, forehead creased in disbelief
Fives huffs, clicking his tongue. If these two really are who he thinks they might be, there’s no way he’s missing this golden opportunity to be as obnoxious about it as he can possibly be.
“It’s Fives.” he squares his shoulders “ARC Trooper Fives.”
“And I’m ARC Trooper Echo.” Echo says with what Fives notices to be the cockiest smirk he’s ever wore “Do we know you?”
The first clone glances at his brother, and then back at them, holding out his hand:
“I’m Kai, and this is Nox. We met back in Kamino... Bravo squad.”
Fives considers not shaking his hand but does so just to have an excuse to drag the moment some more.
“Bravo... Bravo... do you remember a Bravo squad, Echo?”
Echo presses his lips together looking deep in thought to then shake his head.
“Nope. Not at all. When did we meet? Was it during our ARC training program?”
Fives is doing his damnest not to laugh as he lets go of the other clone’s hand, watching as he visibly blushes, lowering his gaze.
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mandaloriandin · 3 years
Oh my god I have so many thoughts after watching the bad batch okay okay they're not all coherent lol but this was basically my reaction
JEDI MASTER DEPA BILLABA!!!!! *incoherent screaming*
CALEB!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 *more incoherent screaming and also sobbing*
The whitewashing is strong with this show 😒
Look at Echo with his kama! I love him your honour
"General Obi Wan Kenobi has engaged general Grievous" *more screaming*
Order 66 and more sobbing obviously
F U C K I N G Crosshair (repeated many times throughout the episode)
"Oh, well they seem the same to me" LOL
omg their barracks has a window? Thats lucky
Wrecker has a stuffed animal? 🥺 (but also I hate that they made him "big dumb guy" which I knew was gonna happen but still)
"The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed" "you can say that again" ajshshshsh
"The systematic termination of the jedi is a big one for me..." yeah fuckin same, Tech
I would both kill and die for Omega but she better not be a fucking Jango clone
I would like to kill and make die Tarkin
"Parents?" 😭
"Another member added to the Sad Batch" AJSJSHDJSJ 😂😂 ooooh burn
Once again, I would both kill and die for Omega
AZ!!!!!! WITH ECHO!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
"I dont like being hooked up to their machines either" brb sobbing 😭😭
"The same Tarkin from the citadel rescue when you uh.. how should I put this..." "blew up" (lol) "and turned into that" (Crosshair I'm gonna fucking kill you LET ME AT HIM I'LL END HIS SKINNY LITTLE RAT-FACED LIFE)
"A counter report filed by one of their own" FUCKING CROSSHAIR
"The Onderon sector" !!!!!!!!
"He actually cried" "Hey! We both did" asjsjshsg
SAW!!!!! (Why do you have white people hair why does everyone have white people hair)
"And I figured you for the smart one" LOL get his ass, Saw
Still wondering what the fuck Hunter's enhanced senses are even good for bc so far all he's done is paused and looked around before continuing on and can't even tell a probe droid is following them?
"The fifth is Omega, I confirmed my suspicions after analyzing her DNA" *looks into the camera like I'm on the office* WHY IS SHE WHITE
"A research assignment? Those are my favourite!" AZ you're gonna make me cry again
AZ!!!! NOOOOO 😭😭😭
Once again wondering what the fuck Hunter's senses are good for
"Smells weird" "Because its clean" Echo is so tired
Damn, Hunter's waist is snatched tho 👀
"You came back... for me?" Sweet bby I cry
Guys its so fucking obvious Crosshairs programming is fucked up like come ON
"I know it's not your fault. You can't help it" okay 🥺🥺🥺 thats actually sweet I cry
Oop, there goes Crosshair. His bitch levels are now off the CHARTS (I do feel bad for him though)
"Harm her and you're a dead man" uncle Echo
Fuck Echo is just... so motherfucking white, my poor man I'm so sorry 😞
Literally the entire batch is so white 😒
"Have you lost your mind?" Well technically..... yes lol
Damn... Nala Se redemption arc??? Kind of? Okay. I still hate you but I guess I hate you less now
"Plot a course for J-19" SALEUCAMI??? CUT LAWQUANE????
"Strap in, kid. You're not gonna wanna miss this view" and her face???? Oh god I cry I cry
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Jesse/Fives? Jesse just came back from his first ARC mission and all his body aches. So Fives offers a massage :3
(Awwww this is such a cute prompt! Also I’m a sucker for some more Fives/Jesse)
Fives wasn’t anxious when he learned that Jesse was about to go on his first ARC mission, not at all. Echo would like to retort that he was definitely anxious, but Echo is a dirty liar who shouldn’t be listened to.
Jesse’s strong and clever, he was clearly going to succeed and come back to him unscathed, absolutely, and nevermind that in war nothing is certain and that he could’ve died at any moment…
In the end he decided to vent his anxieties in the training room, much to the punching bag’s dismay - if it could feel any feelings that is. It worked as a distraction for a while, the only problem was that once he was done Fives was barely able to stand… Nothing that a quick shower couldn’t fix of course.
There was only another problem then: he was sleepy. He figured that time would pass quicker if he went to sleep already, even at the risk of waking up in the middle of the night with a sudden rush of worry that was going to keep him awake until it was time to get up.
Hell, he was going to risk it.
 At first he doesn’t even think about it when he feels something dip in his bunk beside him. He just wants to go back to sleep…
He jolts awake, turning around.
“Jesse?!” he all but shouts, prompting Jesse to shush him.
“Ssssh! You’re gonna wake everyone!” he whispers, but he’s not able to say anything else because he immediately feels Fives’ lips on his, drawing him into a kiss. Still, he can’t help but to smile.
He wanted to surprise him but he hadn’t counted on the fact that Fives is a light sleeper. Oh well, it’s not like he can complain about this, can he now?
 “I’ve missed you…” Fives murmurs once they pull away.
“I’ve missed you too…”
“So,” Fives asks, crossing his legs over the mattress, “How did it go?”
“I’m here, am I not?” Jesse replies. “It was fine.”
That doesn’t even begin to cover it, Fives thinks, but he guesses that now Jesse must be tired, so he shouldn’t push it. Still, he can’t help but to ask him one more question:
“But how are you?”
“I’m fine, Fives. Really, it wasn’t much,” Jesse says, lying on the bed and consequentially groaning out of pain however, which immediately alarms the other.
“Are you hurt?”
“No, just sore…” Jesse sheepishly comments, like he’s ashamed of it. It’s not that Fives doesn’t understand: between the heavier armor and the kama, that’s a lot of weight to carry around. He remembers being in similar situations his first times as an ARC, which means that he also knows exactly what to do to make everything feel better.
 He leans closer to Jesse, whispering to his ear: “Take your blacks off and turn around.”
Even though he can’t see him properly with the lights all off, he can feel Jesse’s grin as he does exactly what he’s told, lying down on his stomach while Fives positions himself over his legs. Of course he doesn’t mind one bit that they’re surrounded by brothers, the exhibitionist.
“Didn’t figure you’d do something like this,” Jesse says then, which makes Fives lightly chuckle because he has understood nothing of what is going on.
“We’re not doing that you di’kut,” he replies in fact. “Just let me do my thing, okay?”
 He can feel the disappointed coming from Jesse, but he knows he won’t make a scene out of this.
He rubs his hands together to warm them up, then he lowers them on Jesse’s body, beginning a slow massage. As expected, Jesse’s body is all tense; how he managed to move until now is a mystery to Fives.
“Oh,” Jesse mutters once he understands what Fives is doing. He wasn’t expecting this but he can’t say he minds.
Yes, he doesn’t mind at all actually, not when Fives’ able hands are working miracles on his body. He swears he feels himself getting better by the second.
“Where did you learn that anyway?” he can’t help but to ask though, because he’s curious now.
“A bit here a bit there…” Fives replies, vague. He’s clearly hiding something, but at the moment Jesse’s mind is too foggy to suggest him a different course of action.
For now he’ll just focus on how good and relaxing this feels; seriously they should make this mandatory after a mission. He’ll close his eyes for a bit, just for a few seconds, nothing more he swears…
 Fives is so taken by what he’s doing that he doesn’t even notice the long silence at least until he’s done.
“Better?” he asks then, knowing for a fact that it must certainly be the case. He’s just fishing for compliment at this point.
He’s answered by a loud snore that indicates pretty clearly in which conditions Jesse is, and even though he’s a bit disappointed Fives still has to try very hard not to double down with laughter and wake up the entire dorm.
He shakes his head, hopping off Jesse and lying down beside him. After covering both of them with the sheets, he draws Jesse closer in his arms, enjoying the warmth that he radiates - better than any kind of heather, if Fives can say.
Soon he falls asleep again. Even then he’s smiling, happy that Jesse has finally come back to him and that he did it all in one piece.
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