#i might make a separate post but if you want to know anything specific drop me an ask!!
velidewrites · 2 years
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sundrop-writes · 7 months
hiya! Might be a bit broad of a request but could I get headcanons with jj x autistic female reader ?
Broad in the sense if I could get hcs of her reacting to reader with autism, how she helps reader with overstimulation and struggling with social cues and noise. If you wanna throw in smut hcs (jj being the dom) i’m also fine with that!
Basically anything with jj and autistic female reader, thanks!
I love this request so much!!! If you want smut/smutty hcs with JJ and autistic reader, definitely feel free to send in a separate request - I will come back for that in another post. For now, I hope you enjoy this!!
Requests are currently - OPEN.
Jennifer Jareau x Fem!Autistic!Reader (Headcanons)
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(Warnings: typical CM themes, the reader is described as touch avoidant (with some exceptions); mentions of molestation and murder (related to a case, mentioned in passing); mentions of blood, mentions of someone being shot in the reader's presence. Idk, I don't think there's anything else. Not proofread.)
JJ was raised around everything (neuro)typical, so when she meets you, she doesn't quite get you. Not at first.
You are one of the smartest people on the team - that is why you're there. Your ability to pick up on patterns and bits of detail that others don't see is incredible, and your brain holds mass amounts of obscure information that she could never even dream of knowing.
But you are quirky. More than quirky.
You have difficulty making eye contact, you freak out if someone even motions toward touching you unexpectedly, you have very odd, specific little rituals with your snacks and meals (which JJ does come to find endearing over time) - you go from talking at incredibly fast speeds, blabbering out information to being silent and stoic for long periods of time.
When she finds out that you have autism, she is a bit surprised. She is one of those people who thinks that autism is a disorder related to school aged boys - but you explain to her how it affects your life. How it makes it difficult for you to relate to people, form close friendships, how it's difficult for you to focus on larger 'important' things when smaller details are bothering you.
(It's one of the reasons you're so good at your job - but it also makes it hard to focus on people's words if their shirt is wrinkled and it's distracting you.)
You act cold toward most people on the team, and it's one random day that JJ finally starts to figure you out. A day that you finally warm up to her.
You were helping Morgan escort a suspect out of the police station, to a squad car where he would be driven to jail to be processed. He had confessed to molesting and killing eight boys after being caught with a ninth, and when the father of one of the boys heard the BAU had arrested someone, he came to the police station with a gun.
When the suspect was shot, you were covered in his blood, and in horrible shock from hearing such a loud bang right beside your ear - from feeling the sudden dead weight drop in your arms.
You ran back into the station screaming, and JJ followed her instinct - followed you into the women's washroom, wanting to see if you had been hurt. She was surprised to see you pacing back and forth in front of the sinks, muttering something under your breath.
"L/N." She called out your name, trying to get your attention. "Y/N? Y/N? Hey? Are you hurt?"
You didn't look up, not for a second. But your muttering became louder. And it became more clear what you were saying.
"My pen, my pen, I dropped my pen..."
JJ had no clue why you were so concerned about a pen when you were covered in someone else's blood, your ears likely still ringing from the gunshot - but she knew that you had a pen-clicking habit. It was something that often annoyed Reid and Morgan - but from what she had observed, you did your best work when your thumb was twiddling, clicking the end of your pen insistently. It meant your brain was whirring hard, putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
JJ reached into the breast pocket of her blazer, and took out a pen that clicked on the end.
"Here." She offered it out to you. "You - you can borrow my pen." She said shyly, hoping it would help you calm down.
You extended out a shaking hand, and took the pen, and then began to click it harshly with your thumb. You gripped it so furiously, the skin around your knuckles so tight - but after a moment, you let out a tight breath. And then, for the first time since she had known you - you looked JJ in the eye.
"Thank you." You murmured, your voice ripe with tears.
"Keep the pen." JJ told you, feeling like it was a small consolation if it helped you calm down this much.
You reached up, petting a shaking hand over your face, and pulled back in disgust when you felt the sticky blood.
"Let me help you clean up." JJ said, grabbing some paper towels out of the dispenser and wetting them in the sink.
It was the first time you had ever let her touch you - you clicked the pen the whole time, and from then on, that sound became less of an annoyance and more of a comfort to her.
That was the day she realised one incredibly important thing:
To you, small things matter on such a big scale.
Coffee in your favourite mug instead of a random one she found in the back of the cupboard - that gets a smile out of you. Scones with blueberries instead of raisins - raisins get a shrug at best, blueberries get a giggle and a big 'thank you!'. Organising your files in alphabetical order instead of by date.
You and JJ became close after that day.
She wasn't a profiler, not in training, but she learned to read you like a book.
She knew that you bouncing your knee aggressively meant that you were becoming overstimulated - things in the room too loud, the florescents too bright, the day too overwhelming.
When this happened, she would take you outside for a break - often siting that she herself needed some air and she simply wanted your company. She knew you didn't like to be outwardly babied (who does?), but she also knew that you had a hard time self regulating. You had a hard time deciding when to take yourself out for a break, and if you didn't have one, then you would become irritable, have a hard time focusing, and hardly get any work done.
She also picked up on the fact that you just plain didn't get sarcasm.
Before, she thought you were being cool, or aloof. When someone said something sarcastic and you didn't understand, she thought that you were pretending not to get it in order to snub them or make a joke out of the whole thing.
But during one of your many conversations, you told her that you absolutely didn't understand sarcasm - you didn't get when someone was using a sarcastic tone, and you often took everything people said in its most literal interpretation.
So you and JJ developed a wonderful, silent system - if someone said something and you didn't understand if it was sarcasm right off the bat, you looked to her, and she would nod at you if they were being sarcastic, or shake her head if they were being literal. It was something people on the team picked up on, but nobody said anything about it - they just enjoyed the way you bonded with her, and how your quirky habits were spreading like a delightful little plague.
JJ knew that your life wasn't easy, living with autism, but she always tried to make it a bit easier. Because you were worth it.
Criminal Minds Masterlist
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 8 months
Seven Days to Fall Again | Friday | Jeon Jungkook
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Inspired by the MV "Seven" by Jung Kook ft. Latto (obvi lol) Summary:Caught in the rain, trying to get to you. You tried to go out to clear your head but he wants to make sure you know he's always looking out for you. Pairing: Reader x Jungkook (almost exes to lovers lol) Word Count: 4.3k (longest chapter so far lol) Warnings: Smut (too lazy to add specifics lol), Explicit language that's it lol a/n: Hey guys so uh...got a little carried away with this one but I said this a little while ago but Friday really didn't have much of a plot in the mv so I kinda just went with whatever felt right. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think! p.s. barely edited and written in one sitting but I figured I might as well post it lol Start from the beginning
I'm going out tonight, nothing major or anything I just wanted to go out so I can get him off my mind even if it's only for a few hours.
Walking into the restaurant I'm greeted with a big group of my colleagues and I slide in next to one of the girls while I greet everyone. A couple of minutes later we all settle back into our own separate conversations with one of the many not so comfortable ones about to start. 
"You look like shit" Kayla whispers to me. She's my best friend so I'm used to her being this honest but it still comes as a surprise sometimes. "Thanks Kay" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes at her before taking a sip of water. 
"No but for real what's wrong? You've been ignoring me for the past few days and then suddenly you're inviting everyone out like nothings happened?" she questions, knowing that something's up. "What's wrong with inviting people out? I'm sorry I haven't been answering you, I've have a busy couple of days" I say, not necessarily lying but knowing that I had the time to respond to her if I wanted to. 
I decided to just take what I had hoped for was a step back for a second to just do me but then I ended up dealing with Jungkook chasing me around instead so everything else just seemed like it was too much. "Whatever" Kayla says taking a sip of her beer, knowing I'm lying but deciding not to push it. If it were just the two of us I know she would shake me until I spit it out but she knows better than to do that in front of everyone. 
"So y/n, how are things going? We thought that Jungkook would've come with you" one of the girls at the other end of the table says with her boyfriend right next to her nodding in agreement. "Oh he had to work late" I say giving a simple excuse hoping they'll drop it and luckily they do. Before we're able to move on though my eyes widen in horror as I see the devil himself walking into the restaurant and look around until he spots me, giving me a soft smile with an unreadable expression. 
"Hey guys" Jungkook says awkwardly but comes up to sit next to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek to make things seem normal, being able to tell from my body language alone that I haven't told anyone about the breakup yet. 
"Hi Noona" he whispers in my ear making me shiver. I scold myself for letting my body betray me but I can't really do much to change it anymore. I pull away from him and take another drink of water trying to cover up things but I can tell from the slight smile on his face he know he's still got a hold on me. 
"Oh Jungkook! Y/n was just saying how you couldn't come because you were working late" the same girl asks, curious for an explanation. I know she means well but this girl just doesn't know when to quit. "Oh I wanted to surprise her" he says draping his arm around the back of my chair. It's luckily an answer that satisfies all of them and the conversation switches to another topic soon after. 
"What are you doing here?" I turn and whisper to him, making sure the people around us definitely won't hear. "I went by the apartment and I saw that you weren't there and I got worried. You still share your location with me so I wanted to come and make sure you were okay" he says placing his hand on my thigh as a way to show his sincerity and also play the part of still being a happy couple. 
"Well as you can see I'm fine so you can leave now" I say and pull back giving him a pointed look but before he can respond another person from the group speaks up. "What are you two love birds talking about over there?" one of the guys teases. "Wouldn't you like to know" Jungkook says with a smug smile taking the burden of having to come up with an excuse off of me.
"How have things been with you guys though? It's been a while since either of you have been out with us?" another girl asks. When did tonight become a ask y/n and Jungkook 20 questions? Why can't we just drink and eat and talk about anything but us, even though there's not really an 'us' right now. 
"Things have been good, yeah we're- oh look the food is here!" I start but I'm thankfully given an excuse to turn the topic to something else as the waiters place all of the various side dishes in front of us as well as the raw meat to grill with everyone's minds are now focused on getting everything ready to eat. 
Jungkook gets a piece of meat off the grill and adds it to his ssam and I go to do the same but as soon as I'm putting the finishing touches on mine Jungkook holds his out and offers it to me. "Open" he says, urging me to let him feed me and I give him a dead pan expression, annoyed that he would even go this far. 
I look around the table and see the others taking little glances at us and commenting on how cute we are and so I turn my eyes back over to him and open my mouth for him to put in and he does so happily, watching attentively and making sure I don't choke on anything. 
Once I've chewed a bit I continue filling the one I was working on and instead overfill it and hold it out for Jungkook to eat. He looks down at it, intimidated by the size but once I cock a brow at him he opens his mouth receiving it and the next second I shove it into his mouth, leaving him coughing and struggling to get it down. 
"Is he okay?" one of the guys asks me. "Oh yeah he's fine don't worry about it. Aren't you honey?" I say, daring him to say otherwise and he simply holds up an 'okay' sign with his hand as he coughs and tries his best to chew and swallow everything down which annoyingly he's able to do. 
"How did that taste love?" I whisper to him with a sickeningly sweet smile, payback for him showing up here even though he knew I wouldn't want him here. "Was that really necessary?" he questions after taking a few gulps of water. "Was you coming here really necessary? I told you to leave me alone" I whisper to him and at this point I sound like a broken record. 
"I want to talk to you though" he responds doing just the same. "And until you let me I'm just gonna keep showing up and bothering you until you give me a chance to do so" he says, finally admitting to his nonsense tactic to getting his way, clearly making his younger age show. I stand up abruptly, and decide that I have given up on keeping up appearances and make moves to leave. 
"Sorry guys I'm not feeling well so I think I'm gonna get going" I say and open my purse and hand Kayla twenty dollars to cover my part of the bill. "You okay?" she asks and I say yes but she can clearly see that I'm not. "I'll be fine guys don't worry I'm just gonna head home and get some rest" I say and when I start to walk away Jungkook follows after also following suit to give Kayla more than enough to cover for us. 
"You can stay here and have fun with them" I says sweetly, putting up an act for them but using it as a threat to him. "No it's okay Jungkook go help take care of her we'll see you guys next time" one of them says but before I'm able to disagree Jungkook jumps in. "Thanks for everything guys" he responds before ushering the both of us towards the exit. 
Before we step outside the door though we finally notice it's started to rain, and not just rain but a full on downpour. "When did it start raining?" I ask looking at the world outside as it looks a though it had been raining for ages already. "It looked kind of cloudy when I came in but it wasn't raining yet" he says, just as shocked by the sight. 
"Lemme call us a cab" he says and pulls out his phone to do so. "No I can get one myself" I say and take a deep breath before walking out, no rain jacket, no umbrella, nothing. I just need to get away from here and away from him as soon as possible. "Y/n where are you going?" he says and runs after me and before I'm even able to try and hail a cab I can clearly see that there are none in sight. 
"Just come back inside and we can wait for one and if you want we can even take separate cabs" he offers trying to meet me halfway. "No, I don't need your help" I say and blindly start walking away, hoping he will just go back inside and leave me alone "Noona wait it's too dangerous!" he calls after me but I don't even bother looking back. 
"You know you're going the wrong way right?" he yells, hoping to get me to turn around and let him help me. "I don't care" I yell back and start walking faster. "Where are you going?" he yells, making sure to still stay close. "Away from you" I say and keep going on my journey to no where. 
"Just let me help you get home okay, please" he begs but I don't budge, I'm gonna keep walking until he gets tired and finally leaves me alone. "You know I'm not letting you walk these streets all by yourself right? As long as you're out here I'm staying with you" he say, seeing right through me but I keep walking anyway.
I keep walking and walking until we've come to that same bookshop I had been in just yesterday, finally taking notice of just how far I've walked. I finally stop and catch my breath for a second, trying to figure out what the hell kind of point I'm trying to prove here but I can't come up with one that is big enough to do something ridiculous like this. 
He catches up to me a few seconds later and just stands beside me, not trying to get closer and not bothering to say anything since he knows it would probably just make me even more angry. 
We stand there for a second and I look up at the sky, taking a deep breath before looking back over at him where he's just standing there and looking at the wet ground around me, not making eye contact with me either, just making sure that I know that he's going to be right here standing next to me no matter what I say. 
I take another deep breath and swallow my pride before holding my hand out for him to take. He shifts his weight away from me and just stares at it for a second, trying to figure out what caused a change in heart that I would not only stop but ask for him to grab my hand. 
"So you gonna take it or not?" I ask getting irritated that he's taking too long to make up his mind and at that he reaches his hand out quickly and places it in mine before looking back up at me with a questioning gaze. Instead of responding I just tug on his hand and turn us both around to walk back the way we just came and start heading back home.
Once we get to the door I immediately grab my keys and open up, letting the both of us inside. "Fuck I'm freezing" I say taking off my shoes and stripping off my sweater, forgetting the tiny tank top I'm wearing without a bra and I don't even notice until I turn back around and see that he's staring at my chest, nipples cold and hard and when he he notices I'm staring at him he looks up at me with an intensity I haven't seen in a while. 
I look at him, drinking in his figure as well seeing how soaked his white t-shirt is and how his pants are clinging to his thighs. I gulp and look back up at his face where his eyes have gotten even darker from observing how I was checking him out as well. 
He takes a few steps towards me and I stumble back against a wall and am forced to watch as he takes a few steps closer until he's looking right down at me. He takes his hand and reaches for the one he had been holding before and then brings it up to his lips giving it a kiss. 
"Why did you let me in?" he questions, his voice deeper and a bit strained from breathing in the cold air from the journey here. "I-i don't know" I whisper and my eyes flick down to his lips unconsciously and he takes that as a sign to keep going. 
He places his other hand on my cheek and I flinch a bit at how cold it is but lean into it a few seconds later, welcoming the fluttering feeling it stirs my my stomach. He leans down and rests his forehead against mine causing me to close my eyes, feeling like I'm burning under his intense gaze. 
"What are you doing to me?" he whispers and all I can do is try not to whimper in response. He tilts my chin up and brings his face closer and rubs his nose up against mine making me feel breathless at the slightest sign of intimacy no matter how small and I find myself unconsciously wrapping my arms around his neck. He in turn leans in and closes the distance between us, kissing me softly but still coaxing a whimper out of me, missing the feeling off being wanted by him. 
He moulds his lips against mine and brushes his tongue along my bottom lip and I open my mouth at the feeling, letting him use his tongue to explore my mouth, making butterflies fly in my stomach and leaving me moaning softly as I welcome him in. 
I take my hands off of his shoulders and feel for his jacket and start to push it off of him which he obliges and I reach for his shirt and push it up to help him take it off and he parts from my lips only for a second to slip it over his head. I touch his bare skin and even though we were so wet and cold his skin has already started to heat up leaving me not being able to take my hands off of him.
My hands travel up and down his abs and pecks that have both gotten more defined since the last I had seen them and before I'm able to think about it any more he trails his hands down my hips and  continues to trail them down and grabs the inside of my thighs before he breaks apart our lips again telling me to jump and I do immediately, kissing him as he walks us both back to the bedroom. 
Once we get there he helps me out of my tank top and traces his hands along my bare back while pressing me closer into him our chest now flush against each other while it almost feels like he's trying to hold me even closer, not letting go and devouring my mouth until he trails his hands along my curves and fiddles with the button of my pants and waits for me to say something before actually taking them off. 
Still kissing me I part for a second and utter a hurried 'yes' before he's unzipping them and taking everything off leaving me completely bare and I help him get out of the rest of his clothes right after. 
We both fall onto the bed together and never stop kissing and I part my legs for him to lay between. He runs a finger along my slit making me whimper against his lips as he teases my clit and then circles it around my entrance and then slowly slips a finger in making me let out a restrained moan, being sensitive from not having been touched by him for so long. 
"Shit" he says feeling how tight I am just from putting in one finger and working it in and out of me, coaxing me to stretch out for him. "Jungkook" I whimper when he adds another digit and he swears again at how much I'm clenching around them. "Relax baby" he whispers rubbing his thumb against my clit in circles to help me calm down and open up enough so he can slip another finger in. 
"I haven't fucked you properly in a while huh?" he says between kisses, curling his fingers up inside of me making a breathy moan spill past my lips as I squeeze my eyes shut. "I don't know if this tiny cunt can even take me anymore. Do you think it can?" he asks rubbing his nose up against mine while he curls his fingers inside me again.
I nod my head but he's not satisfied, "Words Noona. Do you think this pretty little cunt can take me again?" he pushes and rubs his thumb around my clit again while thrusting his fingers inside of me. "Yes" I moan out and he luckily decides not to tease any longer. 
"That's a good girl" he says before taking his fingers out of me and placing them in his mouth, savoring my taste before he leans down and kisses me again "Almost forgot how sweet you taste" he says and before I'm able to even think about responding he pushes the tip inside making me let out a breathy moan. 
"Fuck I missed this" he says pushing in a bit more, giving me time to adjust before going in further. "Jungkook" I whimper, not being able to focus on anything but the sensation of feeling him bare and going deeper and deeper. "I know baby, I know" he says pushing in more while placing a kiss on my temple before bottoming out. 
"Looks like this pretty cunt is greedy isn't she?" he says while rubbing my clit, helping me get used to him. He rests his forehead against mine and lets labored breaths in and out, relishing in the feeling of my walls clenching around him. I nod my head and he takes it as a sign to move and he pulls out half way before pushing all the way in, setting a more gentle, sensual pace that leaves my brain fogging up with thoughts of only him. 
He pulls out all the way and presses back into me inch by inch, savoring how my walls are sucking him in. "Please, faster" I say, throwing my head back on the pillow, dying from the slow building feeling of my orgasm, wanting to be granted release sooner. "Patience Noona" he taunts and he presses back in but pulls out and gives me a shallow hard thrust leaving my back arching up into him. 
He quickens his pace and starts kissing on my neck, leaving marks in his wake and soon thrusting into me harder while I let out restrained moans. "No Noona let me hear you, I wanna hear you scream my name" he growls and starts thrusting into me at an animalistic pace. "Fuck Jungkook" I moan, starting to get closer to my release.
"What is it pretty?" he says slowing down the pace, leaving me whining at the feeling of my high coming down again. "No" I say throwing my head back into the pillows, hating that he robbed me of it. "No what? I just gave you a chance to tell me what you wanted, I couldn't hear you over all of your moaning" and he punctuates his sentence with a sharp thrust earning him a choked moan coming out of me and feeling me squeeze around him. 
"Does Noona wanna cum?" he taunts, giving me another sharp thrust. "Jungkook please" I beg, pulling him closer to kiss him but he stops before our lips touch. "I don't know what you want me to do unless you tell me" he says, lips brushing against mine but not close enough to kiss. 
"I wanna cum, please" I breathe out and at that I see a mischievous glint flash in his eyes before he kisses me and pounds into me harder than he had before and swallowing all of my moans of pleasure. 
"You close?" he questions after a while, already being able to feel the answer but making me say it nonetheless. "Shit y-yes so close k-keep going" I stutter, about to tip over the edge and seconds later it all comes crashing down, leaving me arching into him and dragging my nails along his back and he groans at the feeling and cums seconds after that, fucking us both through our highs. 
Once he's emptied out he keeps on thrusting until I whine from over stimulation and kisses me while he pulls out, me hating the feeling of being empty again. He lays down on top of me for a second as we both catch our breaths but soon rolls off and lays next to me while we both take a second to slow down our breathing. 
Without a word he sits up and walks over to my side and scoops me up in his arms. "What are you doing?" I ask throwing my arms around his neck. "You need to go to the bathroom and then we need to clean up he says, making decisions for what I need to do before giving me an option like always but I decide not to mention it this time, staying silent and waiting for him to put me down. 
He sets me down on my feet and turns around to turn on the shower and walks out into the hallway to get us both towels, giving me a bit of privacy to do my business before coming back in. When he comes back he opens the shower door for me and lets me walk in, holding on to make sure I don't fall before coming in after me.                         
We both stand there in the shower getting warm under the water as the doors and mirrors get fogged up in turn. 
Neither of us talks for a while until he puts some body wash in his hands and lathers it up before rubbing it onto my back and shoulders, talking his time to wash me from head to toe, cleaning and massaging all of me to make sure to loosen me up so I won't get sore. 
He's does this every time we have sex, or had sex since it's been a while and I welcome it, hating and loving the feeling. Feeling guilty about letting him take care of me like this when all I've done is push him away. 
As he finishes up he takes my shampoo and conditioner and washes my hair as well before rinsing everything off of me and switching places with me gently so he's in the direct stream of water so he can wash himself as well.
While he has his arms up and is scrubbing his scalp I wrap my arms around him from behind and rest my cheek against his back. "This was a mistake" I mumble and at that he freezes before hurrying to rinse the shampoo out of his hair so it doesn't get in either of our eyes. 
"Is that how you truly feel?" he asks, sounding disheartened but knowing that something like this was going to happen if I still wanted to push him away. "Yeah. Well, I don't know" I say, being honest with honestly not knowing how I feel. 
He turns around to face me and looks down while cupping my face in both of his hands. "Do you want me to leave?" he asks, his eyes going back and forth between mine searching my face for answers and finding the one that says I want him to leave and he utters an silent okay before I even have a chance to say anything.
He opens the shower door and closes it behind him, taking one of the towels and drying off his hair quickly before wrapping it around his waist and walking out of the bathroom. I let out a pained sigh and feel a rush of emotions flood my system with senses of doubt in all of my dealings with this.
'Do I want him to go? Do I want him to stay? Do I want to be with him? Do I want to break up?' those as well as many more are the questions that go round and round in my head without answers. 
The thing that breaks me out of that circular train of thought though is the sound of the front door closing behind him as he walks out and the next is the sound of my sobs as I hit the floor, finally let my heart break.  
Thursday / Saturday Series Masterlist
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beefslipper · 3 months
Headcanons! Some Spoilers?
My first post got a lot more attention than I thought it would, so I'm just gonna drop some headcanons. I'll do a few different characters from different shows, anime/mangas, etc. If you don't know much about the characters, there will be some info on them that some people may not know already (Ex; character death, big events, whatever).
Some HCs are on the sad side while others are just silly, nonserious ones.
Also, if you disagree with any of these HCs, that's totally fine! Please just don't be negative about it or anything. And if you want to correct me on anything, go right ahead.
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First up, I'm gonna do Jason Todd from the Batman Comics/shows. I love Jason so much, nothing could ever make me hate him <3
I feel like he'd believe in "hair holding memories" thing, so after his death and revival, he'd shave his head countless times to try and forget all the bad memories. Poor boy :(
For a happier HC, I think he'd be an absolute boss at Just Dance or automatically become the God of a video game that any of his younger 'siblings' need help with beating.
I also have a slight feeling he'd cheat during a silly 'family game night' thing and be hiding uno cards in his jacket or something LOL. Bro's the type to make one move during a game of chess before giving up and flipping the board.
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Onto Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen :D
I used to be a huge Gojo hater for no reason lol, but now he's kinda one of my favorites.
Since it's canon that he has a sweet tooth, I have a feeling he stress eats/bored eats (eats a bunch when stressed out or bored) and gets tummy aches pretty often from that.
I feel like he'd tear up a dance floor at a stupid little highschool event or something, but not like normal dancing. Bro probably dances like a Hotel Transylvania character LMFAO.
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Lastly, Diluc Ragnvindr from Genshin Impact!!
Fun fact: he was my first main besides the traveler on Genshin Impact.
I HC that the poor man has a rough time sleeping (specifically after the Snezhnaya events and the death of his father). Whenever Kaeya sneaks into the Dawn Winery, he probably holds his big brother until he can sleep peacefully <3
(NO, I DO NOT ship the brothers in GI or the Batfam. Get those brownies outta here /ref)
Another silly HC I got is that Diluc used to be the sweetest kid in Mondstadt, but was unintentionally a little chaos magnet. Definitely a leash child so Crepus wouldn't have a heart attack when wondering where his son ran off to for the 60th time that day.
Bonus HC: Babysitter Varka. Must I say any more? Bro's probably still a big father figure in Diluc's life and sends weekly letters checking up on him.
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Y'all are so lucky I forgot about HSR characters, otherwise I woulda yapped about at least 6 of them LOL. Might make a separate post later just for them, maybe multiple. Who knows.
If you noticed, yes. I learned how to insert images and I will 100% abuse that. When I learn how to insert emojis, I'm abusing that too. (I'm on a computer so I don't have emojis available as of right now.)
If you want to request HCs of any other character from the mentioned fandoms(? Is that what you call it?), go right ahead and ask! I probably won't get to it immediately since cramps are manhandling me right now, but I'll do it ASAP.
Anyways, have a great day, evening, and/or night, and make sure you stay hydrated!
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candycandy00 · 1 year
The League of Villains Halloween Horror Anthology Sign Up
This is the sign up post for the first annual League of Villains Halloween Horror Anthology!
The deadline to sign up for this event is September 30th! Please keep that in mind!
What it is:
The anthology will be various fanfics and fanart of League of Villains members reimagined as horror creatures/icons/characters, to be posted throughout October of this year. I thought it would be a fun way to get us all in the spooky Halloween mood.
This is an adults-only event! Please do not sign up unless you have your age listed in your bio or pinned post! Minors do not interact!
You can make fanfic or fanart, or both! But each piece must feature a League of Villains member (past or present, but only one per piece) as a horror creature/icon/character, such as a vampire or a masked killer. They have to be the source of the horror, so no zombie fics where the character is fighting zombies. If you pick zombie as your horror creature, the character you pick has to be a zombie.
Multiple people can claim each character, so if we get 30 Dabi fics, so be it. However, only one person can claim each horror icon for the medium you chose. So if someone already signed up for one of the characters as a vampire in a fic, you can’t sign up for a character (even a different one) as a vampire in a fic. You can sign up for a vampire in a fanart, provided no one else has. I will do these on a first come, first serve basis. So the first person to claim a given creature will get it. If a lot of people sign up and I feel like we’re legitimately running out of horror tropes, I might bend this rule a bit. Also! You can be specific to differentiate between creatures. Like an undead pirate is different from a regular zombie, and so on.
Fanfics can be X Reader or not. They can be NSFW/smut, or not. That’s up to you! If you choose Toga as your character, only write/draw SFW pieces for her, as she is a minor. It doesn’t matter if you age her up. You don’t have to make your piece horror, but it’s encouraged. This is a Halloween anthology after all. At the very least, a spooky vibe should be present, even if your piece is overall light hearted. Likewise, you don’t have to set the story on or around Halloween, but it would be nice to have some works that do so.
You can post your piece any time in October. From the first day of the month to the last. Ideally, the pieces will be spread out a bit throughout the month, but I’m not assigning anyone specific days. Just post it whenever you want in October.
If you sign up, but decide to drop out, that’s fine! This is a zero pressure event. You don’t even have to explain why. All I ask is that you send me a message or Ask letting me know so that I can remove you from the sign up list. Someone else might have wanted to write about the creature you chose, but couldn’t because you picked it.
When you post your piece, use the tag #lovhalloweenhorror. Feel free to use the tag before then! Use it to talk about the piece you’re working on, use it to post sketches or previews! Heck, use it even if you just plan to enjoy the fan works! Use it to talk about things you’d like to see/read as a viewer. Anything goes! Let’s build up some excitement!
As works begin to be posted in October, I’ll create a Masterlist post to list all of them in one convenient place. If you post your piece and you don’t see it added to the list within a day or so, send me a message to let me know in case I missed it.
How to Sign up:
If you’d like to sign up to create a piece for this event, send me an Ask or a direct message with the following information:
Fanart or Fanfic?
Horror Creature?
That’s it! Please send a separate message for each piece you plan to make.
As people sign up, I’ll list them in this post so everyone can know what’s been claimed. Please be patient with me. I might be slow!
The List:
@missrosegold - Dabi - Demon
@candycandy00 - Shigaraki - Scarecrow
@jabberwocky-92 - Shigaraki - God of Decay
@scary-grace - Shigaraki - Ghost/Wraith
@spicymeatball1992 - Shigaraki - Incubus
@jabberwocky-92 - Dabi - Grim Reaper
@gamergirlghost - Toga - Vampire
@doumadono - Dabi - Merman
@doumadono - Toga - Rusalka
@red-as-mars - Dabi - Charro Negro
@candycandy00 - Mr. Compress - Mad Scientist
@sammystep - Twice - Dr. Frankenstein
@fleetwoodmoth - Dabi - Fire Atronach
@selinearts - Toga - Demon
If you’re having trouble deciding on a horror creature/icon/character, here’s a list of some to give you some ideas! Obviously, what you pick doesn’t have to come from this list, and in fact I’m looking forward to seeing all the different ideas I never thought of. You can even create your own creature! This is just a list of some possibilities.
Vampire | Werewolf | Demon | Witch/Warlock | Zombie | Ghost/Wraith | Banshee | Masked Killer | Mad Scientist | Scarecrow | Executioner | Butcher | Alien | Cyborg/Android | Witchfinder | Deep Sea Creature | Clown | Cannibal | Mummy
Feel free to reblog this! Let’s get as many people involved as possible!
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arthuluart · 1 month
Hiii - wanted to say first thing first I love your art style, it's so dynamic and fun and those color palettes? Stunning ^^
And second thing second, just some food for thought if you ever want to get angsty about Jerry and Dean, coffee by Chappell Roan sounds like it was written about their break up specifically and I can't stop thinking abt it dndnden
*Cue me losing my mind*
Hiii- they say flattery gets you everywhere and turns out with me, it gets you animatics- jkjk but I do appreciate the kind comments ^^
I’ll put up the animatic separately and take the opportunity to leave the preamble here to keep the video post neat bc until someone tells me to shut up and just post art- I’m gonna ramble… So here’s the commentary you didn’t ask for along with my favourite panels:
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First off- You turned me into a big time Chappell Roan listener which is great bc I need music recs to fix my listening habits before Spotify wrapped drops. My roundup last year was shameful… Red Wine Supernova is my new dish washing song.
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Even tho it’s not the song’s vibe I kept the content as silly as I could for my own sanity. I don’t love getting too deep into the serious/sad side of M+L for a few reasons but I do find it all very interesting. Point being this song was too good to pass up doing something a bit bigger for.
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Ngl tho- this did have me pulling out hair at multiple points. I never colour animatics, rarely even tone them- but you mentioned colour palettes and I was determined to deliver so pardon the messy colouring but (that was the tradeoff) I did not have it in me to stay in the lines. I’m choosing to be kind to myself and opt to call it an artistic choice and not midway burnout. And nothing was gonna get me to open after effects/premiere not even the janky ass golf ball OML this only makes sense if u watch the video.
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There are parts of this I’m SO happy with and others I hate. I think it’s really obvious which sections I started losing steam on but overall I lowkey like the end product. Nothing I make will ever be good/perfect- this was one hell of a practice in accepting that lmao- but I can still be ok with the work problems and all yknow? I very nearly shelved this completely bc I got so worked up about the maybe 5 panels I dislike out of 106 total. Counting them was eye opening to ask myself: you’re gonna let that small a ratio stop you from sharing this after putting in days and days of effort? The insecurity goes deep and TBH getting asks has been a nice way of working through it since I post the art I make for answers no matter what only bc I KNOW someone out there wants to see it. It might not sound it but it’s actually quite positive.
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Also, although I feel I’ve done my fair share of reading, I’m no expert. So if anything is really off point- sorry my bad (I won’t fix it tho bc I cannot physically stand to look at this another second lol)
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I tried to stick to real things found in articles/books/photos/interviews etc bc outside of obviously fictional AUs I’m not super into making stuff up about them (and who needs to I mean the legit stuff is already insane enough) Sure I framed the events in specific ways to suit the song and some aspects are fictionalized (mainly bc the referenced written accounts lacked detail to draw 100% faithfully from anyhow) but otherwise I got my sources cited.
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ANYWAYS… sorry for hijacking this answer I need to learn to chill out. Irl I’m a pretty reserved talker so you can tell I’m in a comfy place when I let loose and blather on endlessly lmao brevity is not a skill I possess.
You were probably expecting illustrations or smth but I hope what I came up with is still somewhat alright AND please don’t let my complaining fool you, I genuinely loved making this.
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One FINAL Relevant Note: the line “nowhere else is safe every place leads back to your place” is gut wrenching. You’re so right about this song perfectly describing the break up. They always came back to each other and there’s something so devastating about that kind of haunting human connection.
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OkAY I’m done promise- I thought I’d implode if I didn’t get all that out
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eloiscbridgerton · 1 year
Royai fic recommendations in honor of Royai Week 2023!
Just wanted to share some of my all-time favorite complete M and E-rated Royai fics on AO3 ever since getting into the fandom last May 2021. I have a very specific taste (??) in how I envision Royai’s dynamic when they get together, and these fics personally just NAILED it. Like I cannot stress enough how every Royai fan should read these! Without further ado...
Starve the Ego, Feed the Soul by onthearrow (95k words, E)
“Something has changed between them since the Promised Day.”
This has to be my all-time favorite. Like it’s a bit insane how good this fic is. Roy and Riza pining for each other ... in the most pathetic horny manner. Also the smut here... will leave you a bit gagged, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever read before. The author definitely did not hold back LMAO. So many moments in this fic where I had to put my phone down a bit just because I was so 😳😳😳 They have two complete Royai fics (including this one) and there’s one on the way for Royai Week 2023. I recommend to read all of it.
morning sun by hot_girl_burner_account (7.5k words, E)
“Roy walks Riza home after a wedding, and she's wearing this dress, and he might as well come up for some tea, and it's getting late, and the roads are icy, and they both run out of excuses.”
OH MY GOD if you’re looking for a fic set sometime after the promised day where Roy and Riza are just waiting for the ball to drop and immediately give in, this is it. The buildup, the context of being after a wedding.. the amount of flirting beforehand..like I know they were gonna fuck but the banter actually made me say OMG JUST FUCK!!! A sweet lil’ one shot that makes you want more.
the secret is to swallow / without expecting hunger to disappear by lantur (45k words, M)
“The fact that Hawkeye is Roy's subordinate is actually the least of his concerns. The least of the reasons why Roy keeps his distance, outside of their working relationship. It is difficult to keep his Lieutenant at arm’s length when all he wants to do is drag her closer and closer to him, pull her deeper into his orbit, but it has to be done.”
Am I the only one who loves it when Roy is pining and jealous and pathetic and he thinks his feelings are one-sided? Well, if you do too, this fic is perfect. Like... omg you’re so dumb Riza loves u !! Also I love that this is written in Roy’s POV
Once by TheFledglingDM (73k words, M)
“It was a longing like obsession, like madness, a yearning down to the bones. Once, he pleaded. Once, she prayed. Just once and I can move on. _ or - riza and roy's relationship over the years. covers childhood, ishval, the series, and post-promised day.”
HHHHHHHHH oh my god.... this fic... I read its entirety in one night! It’s basically a faster retelling of the events of FMAB except it’s entirely in Royai POV where they’re crushing and horny for each other (to specifically TASTE each other). This fic also would have an award if I gave out an award for Most Reread First Kiss, because yes it was THAT good.
First by TheFledglingDM (4.4k, E)
““So, Roy, I was thinking.” Riza said, as straightforward as if this were just another day at the office. Roy tried to speak but could barely produce volume. All he could manage was, “Uh-huh?” “We should have sex now,” Riza told him.”
Set immediately after Once by the same author. This is just sooo... exquisite I fear... Roy is so eager to please and honestly I get him! This can be read as a separate one-shot but honestly the 73k buildup in Once just makes the reading experience for this fic just 100x better
darker than the ocean, deeper than the sea by yourendlessblue (8.9k, E)
She looks up, and meets his eyes, blinking wide at him and demurely smiles, putting on a silent show. There’s power in this, she thinks, that she can affect him practically just by existing.
“Havoc’s going to pick you up to our room,” he says, perfectly composed and prim. “I’ll see you.”
Roy is a sugar daddy. They both have feelings but they don’t talk about it they just have sex LOL. The way I wish this had a prequel and a sequel!! One of those rare AUs that just makes you want more!!! I WAS LEFT HANGING!! (not really but you get my point)
let’s fantasize from the other end of the line by lantur (10.8k, M)
“Riza receives a late-night phone call from Roy.”
This fic is soooo sensual. They both know what they’re doing is wrong on so many levels but neither of them ever address it so they CAN’T seem to stop. Also the work that lantur has done for the Royai community should be applauded LMAO if I wasn’t trying to keep this list short I would link all of their fics here. 
can we always be this close by lantur (10.9k, M)
“Roy sits in the spot Riza remembers as his favorite, too - in the armchair facing the entrance. He rises as soon as she walks in, striding toward her. “Thanks for joining me tonight, Lieutenant.”
It is silly, but Riza’s heart leaps at the sight of him. He looks pleased to see her, too. “Reginald?” She raises an eyebrow. “Really, Colonel. Could you have picked a stuffier alias?”
Roy and Riza have a rendezvous, or two, during the months of separation leading up to the Promised Day.”
OK LAST LANTUR REC (and last fic for this list) but oh god... this is so sweet and tender and UGH... that first kiss made me feel so warm!!! this fic is more emotional than horny.. but it’s so well done!
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
Ducky hi I hope this isn’t a bother but I have an oddly specific emergency request??
I’ve been struggling with atypical anorexia for years. I keep gaslighting myself that it’s not that bad because I’m not skinny enough to look sick. I feel like it’s no big deal because it wouldn’t hurt for a fat girl like me to stop eating right? Hah sorry. Bad joke…
anyways, I saw that you write for Genshin and I was wondering if I can have Cyno and/or Tighnari comfort me? It can be separate or together but maybe can you make it that we’re classmates and he/they notice us?
thank you for even taking the time to read this and I hope you have a really good day 🥲
Oh my god anon hi
It’s like my brain was fucking cloned and copied into yours.
Fear not my liege, I’ll do both of them bc I’m infatuated with them both.
This is EXACTLY what I face on the daily.
I hope this isn’t too triggering because I really projected into these. I kinda just emptied my mind into the doc
(Oh no, Cyno’s got long)
I want you to know that you are deserving of food. No matter your size, food is fuel and you NEED to eat.
CW BELOW THE CUT: Reader has An0r3xia, Symptoms of An0r3xia, Self-hatred and Self-depreciation Ducky is essentially venting in this post
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The course of your life changed long ago, and you can’t exactly remember what “inspired” you to take the path that you did. However, you’d been plagued with negative thoughts for years, and decided to take action.
What you didn’t take into account was the people that you would hurt in the process…
Tighnari wasn’t expecting you to enter his life. You were a Haravatat student, and he was an Amurta student. Your paths were not technically supposed to cross. But, somehow you both ended up in the same required arithmetic class.
The first day went as always, your professor would explain the outline of the course, you’d introduce yourself to your seat-mate, and that would be it.
Little did you know, your seat-mate would be the one to save you from yourself…
The fennec leaned over to you, and in a whispered voice said, “If he doesn’t stop talking about his cat, I might just walk out.”
You giggled a little, to his delight, replying, “Walking? Man, you’re calm. I’m ready to drop out entirely.”
You earned a snort in reply. You watched the student next to you try not to erupt into laughter. “Tighnari.” He managed through his scattered breaths.
“(Y/N).” You replied with a smile. “Need any water? You’re looking a little…”
“Mm mmnh, fine, fine. I’m fine…” He blew an exhale through his lips as he gently fanned himself with his hand. “No laughing here.”
From that moment on, the two of you became friends. Your torturous arithmetic class became your favorite part of the day, and you looked forward to seeing Tighnari every time you went.
Eventually, all good things must come to an end. Your disorder had caught up with you, and you started to behave differently.
You started to slowly deteriorate. You became more reserved, nauseous and irritable. Your daily caloric intake sunk drastically, and you did not feel good whatsoever. Every time you stood, gravity was begging for you to go back down.
Ideally, this was not what a human should face, but this is what you greatly desired deep down. The pain in your stomach, head, knees, chest, it all meant that you were doing what you thought you needed to do.
One day during arithmetic, you were completely spaced out. You couldn’t focus on anything aside from your pounding head and starving stomach. A loud growl emitted from your abdomen, but you could scarcely hear it over the ringing in your ears.
Tighnari looked upon you worriedly, noticing you gag while your professor talked about the breakfast he had. When class was dismissed, you practically jumped to your feet to leave, promptly causing you to stumble and brace yourself on him for support.
“I’m… I’m fine.” And with that, you quickly left the room and rushed to the top floor of the library, in a spot that only you and your best friend knew about. After climbing the stairs, you fell onto the beanbag chair, panting heavily and holding your throbbing head. What was wrong?
You didn’t have much time to focus on why you were feeling so feeble, due to hearing frantic footsteps climbing the stairs behind you.
“Please, go away,” you whimpered as you tried to calm yourself. “I don’t want anyone to see me. Please just leave me alone.”
“I’d be a fool to leave you like this.” The person sat down next to you, looking at you with sympathetic eyes.
You looked to your left to meet aquamarine colored irises, blaring holes through you. “Tighnari…” With a wobbling lip, your tears started to bubble up again.
“I’m here… I’m here… it’s okay,” he soothed, moving to kneel in front of you. “What’s going on?”
“I… I-“ you wanted nothing more to explain, but would he believe you? You didn’t look sick enough, so who were you to claim you had an eating disorder. “I’m j-just not fee-feeling well.” You lied
“(N/N), please don’t lie to me…” he begged. “I may be reaching way too far out of proportion, but-“ his face screwed into one of sympathy as he looked at your terrified eyes, securing his fears. “With everything I’ve been noticing-“ he sighed. “If… If you’re having problems eating, you can tell me.”
You froze, breath stopping completely. “I-I don’t have-“ you scoff in disbelief at him. How did he figure that out from just your symptoms? “Look at me, Tighnari. I’m too fat to have an eating disorder.”
“Anyone of any size can have an eating disorder.”
“Not someone like me.” You shook your head as pitiful laughter bubbled out of you. “Someone like me doesn’t have an eating disorder. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, I never make any progress. That’s kinda how it works, and I can’t manage to make it work.”
“I’m obsessed with what I eat and how much I eat, and no one fucking believes me. Archons, it wouldn’t matter to the public if I just completely stopped eating. It would honestly be better knowing that I wasn’t stuffing my face all of the time. Maybe I’d actually drop a few pounds if I-“
“(Y/N).” The archer’s heart sank to the ground as he heard what you thought of yourself.
“Can I please give you a hug?”
You paused, taking in his face. Tighnari looked absolutely distressed, almost as if he was about to cry. “Y-Yes please.” You whimpered.
Without further need for conversation, you slumped your head against his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around your waist, and another around your shoulders as his hand cradled the side of your head. His padded thumb gently stroked your cheek.
“You, (N/N),” he began. “Are absolutely beautiful.”
The words made your breath catch in your lungs.
“I think you’re stunning atop of being your size. You don’t need to be a certain weight to be beautiful, you just need to be yourself. There will never not be someone trying to get under your skin, but it’s important that you stay positive. It’s like my mother always said: not everyone will want to be your friend, and that’s okay.”
The fennec sniffled, using his thumb to wipe his eyes. “What I’m saying is: you don’t have to change yourself for someone else to think you’re worthy. You brighten my life just by being alive, please don’t try to change who you are.”
“It absolutely breaks my heart to hear what you think about yourself.” Guilt washed over you as you heard his voice start to break with sniffles and tears. “A-And I don’t know h-how I’d manage if I-I lost you… (Y/N), I can’t b-bear to have to think of burying my b-best friend.”
You closed your eyes as your lip wobbled. It wasn’t long before a sob ripped from your throat and you broke down in loud lamentations.
He held you tighter, eyes closed, hot tears running down his cheeks, as he allowed you to finally release all of the woes and feelings that you had been holding in for so long.
“I’ve got you…” he whispered. “Don’t worry about a thing…”
It took a while for you to calm down, but ultimately, you did. You laid still in Tighnari’s embrace, playing with a few locks of his hair that hung loosely in front of you. “I’m sorry to cause you so much trouble…”
“Don’t be.” He replied with a patient grin, eyes focused on the people outside. “I’m just glad that you told me. To be honest, I was missing your usual quips in arithmetic.”
You snorted in amusement. “You’re only saying that to make me feel better.”
He cocked a brow and pursed his lips. “(N/N), my only other source of “comedy” is Cy-“
“Nevermind.” You interrupted.
The fennec snorted and burst out into boisterous laughter. You couldn’t help but mirror his action, giggling over the lack of hesitation in your answer.
As seconds passed, and the two of you laughed, the tears that were in your eyes were replaced by ones of mirth. When the laughter subsided, you laid lax against his torso, sighing in contentment.
Maybe Tighnari would be right after all…
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Cyno has always been a very detail oriented person. He’s keen at catching tiny things that others may overlook.
It was the end of the academic year and final examinations were coming around. The Kshahrewar students decided to host a huge party, and your dearest friend was begging you to go with him.
You wanted nothing more than to deny, for you knew your ED would ruin the night. You had been caught in a pretty bad relapse lately, and you dared not to tell Cyno.
Regardless, you swallowed your fears and agreed with a patient smile.
“Great.” His lips upturned into a gentle grin. “I can’t wait.”
That evening, you spent hours looking for something to wear. Every outfit had some sort of issue, and you never found yourself satisfied with what you had on.
Eventually, you decided on the outfit that you hated the least, texted Cyno to alert him of your departure, and left your dorm feeling uneasy.
When you arrived at the party, you found your best friend analyzing the refreshment table, plate in hand. You made your way over to him, taking in his simple, yet fashionable, clothing choice.
“Hey.” He smiled as he looked at you. He caught glimpse of your outfit and whistled, “You look hot, (N/N).”
You couldn’t help but giggle a bit at his flattery. “You’ve been waiting a while to pull that card, havent’cha?”
A simple shrug of amusement answered your question. “Im going to go say hello to Al-Haitham and Tighnari, wanna grab a plate and meet me outside?”
Your stomach dropped, but you never lost your smile. “Sure. I’ll see you out there.”
As Cyno retreated to say hello to his friends, you eyeballed the table. It was a beautiful array of food, but looking at it made you nauseous.
Your pupils flickered between sweet treats and savory snacks, the music drowning under the growing static in your ear. Your hands shook in protest as you went to grab a plate.
Having finished a, rather curt, exchange with Al Haitham, Cyno was deep in conversation with Tighnari. After a while, his eyes traveled back to the table, brows knit in confusion as he took in your demeanor. His face fell upon noticing…
You looked dazed. Your eyes absentmindedly pooled with tears as your quivering hand hovered back and forth between foods and back at your side. Eventually, you sighed in defeat and put the plate down with a loud groan, grabbing a bottle of water and retreating outside.
Words caught in his throat as he pointed to the door and attempted to stutter out an excuse to leave. Unbeknownst to him, Tighnari had seen the same thing and ushered the white-haired male after you.
When he went outside, Cyno couldn’t find you. You were nowhere to be seen in the backyard. It wasn’t until he heard gentle sniffling from above that it had dawned on him.
You were hiding out in a tiny treehouse that had been built by the Kshahrewar students as a final project. Those damn architects and their spare time…
He pushed aside his worries of cleanliness and began to scale the large tree. He carefully climbed up the ladder and silently entered the small, wooden house.
When your best friend’s eyes fell on you, his face dropped instantly. You had thrown on an oversized hoodie over your outfit, and were hugging your knees to your chest.
Cyno sat down next to you wordlessly, settling onto the dusty floor. He looked through the wooden window, eyes fixated on the twinkling stars.
“I’m sorry.” You murmured, not daring to look at him. “I ruined your fun.”
The white-haired male scoffed with amusement. “The only “fun” to be had was listening to Tighnari talk about a beetle that he found today. I love the guy, but sometimes I can only smile and nod and pretend to know what’s coming out of his mouth.”
His comment got a chuckle out of you, then an uncomfortable silence followed. “You feelin’ okay?” He asked gently.
“Not really, I’m not big into parties and I’m feeling sick.” You rest your head between your knees.
“Oh dear…” he mumbled. “Do you have water with you? Anything to snack on to get your levels regulated?”
You held up the bottle you had brought with you, not daring to speak.
“Good on the water part, but you need to eat something.”
“I’m not hungry.” Your stomach suddenly cried out for food, betraying you as you managed to curl in on yourself more.
The white-haired male sighed as he turned his head to look at you. “Do you wanna tell me what’s going on? Or do I have to force you?”
“Threatening me is not the way to get me to talk to you, Cyno.” You grumbled in reply, sneering a bit as you don’t move your head from its previous position.
“If that’s what it takes for you to tell me what’s wrong, I don’t care how it happens.” He said sternly. “Please, just tell me what’s going on.”
“It’s fine, I’m okay. Go have fun at the party.”
“I said I’m fine!”
Your head shoots up to reveal hot tears running down your cheeks, you lock eyes with Cyno and instantly feel guilty for yelling.
The white-haired male takes hold of both of your shoulders, gazing into your eyes. “You. Are. Not. Fine.” His fiery gaze is baring holes into you. “After what I saw a few minutes ago, I can’t believe you when you say that you’re fine. I just can’t-”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I know the signs, (Y/N). Please, tell me I’m wrong in what I’m thinking is going on, please... I care about you way too much for you to hurt yourself like this.”
His thumb comes up to wipe your tears, but it’s all in vain as you hang your head low and start to sob. Cyno is taken aback at the sudden outburst, but doesn’t fail to turn to comfort. “Oh honey… c’mere, it’s alright… it’s alright...” He soothed as he shifted to a kneeling position, wrapping his arms around you.
Through your sobs, you explained how you had been feeling lately. You explained your relapse, your self-hatred, the things you believed were true (when in reality they were not). Your best friend listened intently to every word, giving you his undivided attention.
When you were finished, Cyno did not reply, he only hugged you for a moment longer. When you broke free to wipe your eyes, that is when he finally spoke…
“I want to preface by apologizing. I didn’t even notice, and you’re one of my dearest friends… I’m so sorry.”
“S’okay.” You replied, resting your head on his shoulder.
He rested his head atop of yours, bringing a hand up to gently trace shapes on the small of your back. “I can’t entirely understand what you’re going through, but I do know what you’re feeling all too well…” he murmured. “I’m so sorry that you felt that you had to resort to this. You’re an incredible person, and I’m so lucky to call you my best friend… I couldn’t care less what you look like, or what you eat. I just wish that you felt that way too.”
“I just wanna be me again,” you whimpered. “I hate all of this. I’m tired all of the time, in pain, dizzy, everything just hurts and I’m starving but I can’t bring myself to eat anything. It’s- It’s crippling.”
“I know…” he soothed. “I wish that people understood how awful it is to have a calculator running in your head constantly. They see someone who looks like me and they think “he’s sick”. They see someone who might be on the heavier side and think “they’re an inspiration.” It’s unfair, and it’s repulsive. Anyone of any size can go through this.” He rambled,
Your eyes widened when you realized what his words meant. “Someone like you…? Wait, you? You’re-“
“For years, yes. I finally managed to get it under control when I entered the Akademiya. However, sometimes I still have moments like you’re in right now.”
“How did you recover?” You asked with hope in your voice.
Cyno gently held out his hand for you to take, which, to his delight, you did. “I met Tighnari,” he answered truthfully. “He helped me learn to love who I am… every inch of me. And I want to see if he can help you too. Do you think you’d be okay with that?”
You closed your eyes with a smile as you nodded tearfully. “Yes, please do so.”
A solemn silence was left in the treehouse until Tighnari had climbed his way up. He promptly said what everyone had been thinking: “Aw man, now my pants are all dirty.”
As you and Cyno laughed at his similar fate, you thought, for the first time in a while, that things might just be okay.
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macabremuscle · 2 years
Pegging the Slashers (and Friends)
Exactly what you think it is. I can't tag you but to my challenger, you know you are. This for you mwah ❤️
Ok now do I REALLY think half these guys would take the strap? No. And that's ok because we care about consent here. But, for the sake of making things fun, let's just say everyone on this list is willing to say yes!
This ended up just being some HCs because with so many characters it's just a super long post. But if you want a separate drabble with a specific character, please drop an ask and I'll happily flesh that out
This is very spicy content below so shoo kids
Jesse Cromeans:
He won't want it frequently but occasionally if he's feeling soft or it's a special day, he'll agree to it
You wouldn't think so the way he'll absolutely love it. Definitely not a pillow princess, he's rocking his hips to meet your thrusts every time
There's no quickies with this guy. If you're gonna fuck him he wants a thorough job of it. Will make you stop moving just so he can edge himself and last longer. Now's the time to tease him since he normally doesn't let you get away with it when the roles are reversed
Erik Destler:
Probably also likes dildos on the larger side too as a big guy himself. We all know he's got a sex dungeon full of toys.
Every day is a sexy adventure for you two. But you doing this is still a little rare because he isn't naturally a sub. He's happy to do this on occasion for you though, and he loves how it feels
Oh good lord he's flustered once you explain it to him. You can't tell me this man ain't a virgin and I guarantee his idea of sex is very soft sweet and vanilla (which is valid!)
He's not opposed per se but he wants to think it over a bit and once you reassure him you'll take care of him, he accepts. It's going to be just as romantic as when he takes you. Candles and rose petals, the works. He wants to feel loved too after all and you always do such a good job making him feel it. This is new territory but he sees it as a chance for him to see what it's like for you
This man is your pillow princess. The sensations are foreign but overwhelming in the best possible way and he's stunned into being unable to do anything but moan. He's so damn sensitive you'll probably be able to pull quite a few orgasms out of him
He'll be very open to doing this again if he's being completely honest
Asa Emory:
Oh geez getting him to say yes is... Not gonna be easy. Not because he's got any issues with it. He just is a control freak and giving you that much power goes against his nature
He'll agree as a reward but it will be something pretty big so you better be on your best behavior
Still tops. Sorry but you're not bending him over anything. He'll take the strap on his terms darling. You lay there and look pretty while he bounces on your silicone cock
It's still a wonderful sight to behokd, seeing his collected exterior slowly crumble as he loses himself to pleasure. He might allow you to grip his hips and thrust into him but if he's not ready for that he'll grip you by the throat and push you down into the bed as a warning
You might get this a handful of times in your life so enjoy it while you can
Pamper him all you want baby. He'll be a little nervous at first because he's a virgin but it's sex with you and you've told him so much about how good he's gonna feel, he's very accepting and excited too
Brahms Heelshire:
Doesn't want any of that bdsm kinky stuff. Very intimate loving and tender sex for him thank you. He still wants all the praises and kisses as you rock his world
Now's the time to encourage his mommy kink to come out. He'll be embarrassed about it but it's not gonna stop him
Anytime he wants to get pegged he'll come find you and shyly ask you to do it. It's a little jarring when he's in those moods because it's such a 180 from his other mood of wanting to toss you on the bed and go to pound town
Karl Heisenberg:
Surprisingly readily agrees. What? You thought Mr Mad Scientist who lives in a factory alone in a secluded village hasn't ever gotten horny and put something up his ass? Please
He loves to tease however so you'll have to earn it. Wants you to be a little rough in a playful way so he'll only fight back a tiny bit before you pin him and he relents you as the victor.
I think he'd want to try some wild stuff like weird positions or wild dildos. Absolutely a bad dragon kinda guy. Hell go the full nine yards and tie him up. He's down for a little pain play. Love hate relationship with overstimulation. Honestly give yourself a treat and bind him up with a vibrator in his ass
You do this kinda thing like once a week he loves it
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas.exe is officially broken. You've killed his brain. All he can do is turn red and stare at you. To be honest he may not know what pegging was until you explain it and it blows his mind
He's actually ok with it once the shock wears off. He has his moments of dominating you but as a switch he's always enjoyed you taking the reigns. So you domming him is no issue at all
You'll have to make sure the house is empty or go to some secluded part of the farm out of earshot. He's surprisingly loud for a man who doesn't speak. He can't help it. He's never felt this way before and it's so incredibly sexy of you
Not frequently getting pegged though simply because if his family found out he'd never hear the end of it. It's rare but it's always a treat
Pyramid Head:
Curious head tilt
He doesn't know what that is at all. You're gonna have to sit him down and give the full in depth lesson. This information is gonna blow his mind
Similar to Asa he'll be slightly adverse to it solely because he's never been one to give up control. He loves you but it's in his nature to struggle with being gentle and submissive. He'll really have to think it over and control some instincts to do this. But he's willing to try for you dearest.
Takes a little while to get used to it but once he does, he really enjoys the sensation. It's new to him but anything that brings pleasure will win him over. You don't get total control though. He's stroking himself the entire time and if you're moving too slow, he has no issue with grabbing your hips and moving you at the pace he wants. He's strong enough to do it with ease
Won't do it a whole lot but if you tease him for a while and get him worked up, he might be swayed again
Michael Myers:
One of the Slashers I think you'd have the least chance of convincing to do this let's be honest. This is gonna be a long term process. If he knows what it is, he'll refuse the first time you bring it up. He'll refuse it after you explain it if he isn't familiar
You don't beg or try to manipulate him into it but through the process of education and encouragement, he does get curious despite himself. Finally one day you'll come upstairs to find him holding out a strap to you, wordlessly telling you he's agreeing finally
You wouldn't think he'd be a pillow princess but... Yeah. He just kinda lays there. You spent so damn long asking him for this, you get to do all the work now. He always puts 100% effort into fucking you and often pins you in such a way it's hard for you to actually participate in anything besides taking his dick. So he thinks it's only fair. You want to peg him? Better peg him good then.
This might be a one off situation but from now on, you won't get your hand chopped off if you slip a finger in his butt
Bo Sinclair:
Oh yes Mr Alpha Male here is going to give you a hard time. Even if you're already a kinky person he'll be taken aback a bit by the request. But he'll eventually make it a game just to get to admit how bad you wanna do it. He loves hearing how desperate you are him
He comes to terms with the concept fairly early but won't let it on to you. It's a control thing for him too. So he'll make it a birthday surprise or something
Another who is still gonna top. But watching Bo ride is a reward all on its own. Especially if he's had a few beers or whiskey? He's really gonna make a show of it. God if only he'd let you take some pictures its drool worthy.
Thoroughly enjoys himself but wont let you have that much power too often. Offer him something he wants in return however and you have a 50/50 chance of him relenting
Lester Sinclair:
Is a bit shocked at first depending on your personality. If you're usually a sweet and soft person he's gonna have some mental whiplash over it
I HC that Lester is kind of a secret kinky kinda guy so after his shock is gone he's ready. Would probably want to go to a store and pick the toy out with you. He'd be bashful about it but definitely not ashamed
Likes things light hearted and fun so he's not gonna go for the BDSM level stuff. He can't get into it and he's probably laugh at the awkward roleplay you both attempt anyway. He wants it to be something you both enjoy. But you can absolutely pull his hair and maybe just maybe he'd like you to spit in his mouth
He doesn't turn it into a habit but if you can get him into the right mood he'll be happy to do it
Vincent Sinclair:
Blushy boy alert. You'll be worried you turned him off it completely with the way he excuses himself from the conversation so quickly
He's a switch but when he subs he SUBS. So he's excited to try this with you. Dominate him completely. Put his legs on your shoulders and make him beg for your cock. Loves it if you start slow but build up to a fast pace. On the flip side however, lazy sleepy pegging? Sign him the fuck up. Make him ride you though, he's too pretty to not enjoy that view
You both have a safe word in place but he'll be thrown for a loop if you suddenly take him roughly when he's getting close. Shove his head into the pillows and grab his hips for leverage? He's gonna cum in seconds. Bo won't look him in the eyes for a week after hearing those moans echoing out of Vincent's studio
Not interested in doing this all the time but yeah this won't be out of the norm for you guys
Jason Voorhees:
This is gonna be tricky. You know how he is about sex. It took him a long time to be ok with doing anything with you. But even then, most of that's pretty tame stuff. He's never brought up anything kinky on his own. You're sure he knows about it from things he's seen but he just never seemed interested in doing it with you
Explain it as you want to make him feel as good as he makes you feel. He's able to embrace it in that light. He's still a bit nervous though but he trusts you'll take care of him
You'll definitely need to go slow with him. Start with fingering him a couple times. Maybe rimming if you're into that. A few sessions for him to get acclimated to being touched there. You'll need to go slow for the big event as well because as happy as he is to try this, he's gonna be so nervous he'll be tense and stiff as a board. Give him a little bit. He'll let you know when he's ready for you to move
Is surprised by his own orgasm and upon reflection, he did enjoy himself. But I don't think this would be a super frequent thing between you two. But if you suggest it he'll probably oblige
Harry Warden: 
He's kinda offended at first because he takes it as a challenge to his being the dominant one. Hes got an ego. Talk it out and explain it's FOR his benefit mostly anyway. He needs time but once you plant that seed in his brain he's not going to be able to drop it
He'll approach you one day and huff out that he's ready. You can see the slight blush on his cheeks and he won't meet your gaze but he's already tenting his coveralls thinking about it so you know he wants it
He's gonna view it as a task at first. Won't be super receptive to any teasing or pillow talk. He's literally just focusing on not tensing up and breathing deeply. If you ask him if he wants to stop he'll shock you by rather aggressively telling you to keep going
Once you get going at a slow but steady pace he truly relaxes. The way he's feeling overrides the last of his nerves and despite himself he's truly able to melt into the moment. Now you can love on him and tease him a bit (but don't do too much)
He'll act indifferent about it whenever you try to discuss it but once in a blue moon he'll wordlessly approach you holding the strap, silently begging you to indulge him
Is already face down, ass up, cheeks spread for you. I will die on the hill that female yautja are more aggressive and bigger than the males and probably dominant the hell out of them every mating season. And you cannot tell me that doesn't lead to some hardcore pegging. You can try to argue otherwise but I know I'm right
Honestly probably knows more about it than you do which is actually quite helpful because he can tell you what he likes before you even start
He'll be beyond thrilled if you're rough with him. Pull his dreads, sink you teeth into his skin. If the both of you aren't marked up and bleeding by the end of it, was it any good? However, you can throw him a curve ball and give him the strap all slow and sensual. That might set him off more than the normal rough sex to be honest
Yeah this is a fairly regular thing for you both
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batmanslemontea · 7 months
Introduction to Georgian Language
Georgian 🇬🇪 (ქართული ენა) is the most widely spoken language in the country of Georgia or საქართველო ('Sakartvelo') as we call it. This language is spoken by ~3,5-4 million people worldwide.
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Georgian language is agglutinative, one verb may have several different prefixes and suffixes attached at the same time.
Additionally, its also a polypersonal language, meaning that verbs, more often than not, have both subject and object markers attached. For that reason, we often drop subject and object pronouns both in spoken and written language.
A single verb can be a full sentence:
გითხარი [gitkhari]- I told you(singular); გავაკეთე [gavakete]- I did/made [something], etc.
(both blessing and a curse tbh)
There are no articles in Georgian, nor grammatical genders. We also dont have gender specific pronouns. 3rd person singular is 'ის' which can mean he/she/it. (we also don't separate animate/inanimate).
In Georgian language, there are 7 noun cases
Let's demonstrate with the word კაცი['katsi']-a man , in singular and plural:
Nominative (სახელობითი) კაც-ი კაც-ებ-ი Ergative (მოთხრობითი) კაც-მა კაც-ებ-მა Dative (მიცემითი) კაც-ს კაც-ებ-ს genitive (ნათესაობითი) კაც-ის კაც-ებ-ის Instrumental (მოქმედებითი) კაც-ით კაც-ებ-ით Adverbial (ვითარებითი) კაც-ად კაც-ებ-ად Vocative (წოდებითი) კაც-ო კაც-ებ-ო
To turn a singular noun into plural , the suffix 'ებ' is used. This suffix comes right after the root of the noun, and before the case suffix.
Georgian language doesn't have a strict sentence structure; Because the verbs and nouns are already so complex and informative, It is possible to be somewhat flexible with the word order, while maintaining the same meaning.
e.g კაცმა(man) უთხრა(told) ქალს (to woman). კაცმა ქალს უთხრა. ქალს კაცმა უთხრა. ქალს უთხრა კაცმა. უთხრა კაცმა ქალს. უთხრა ქალს კაცმა.
All of these sentences are grammatically correct; All of them have the same meaning: The man told [something] to the woman.
There are some structural rules for sentences, but I'm not going to get into too much details in this post.
So, you would have already noticed, that Georgian doesn't use Latin alphabet. It's because we have our own, called მხედრული ['mkhedruli']. Well, actually we have three , but only places you might come across ასომთავრული or ხუცური are religious( orthodox christian), or old Georgian texts. I wouldn't necessarily recommend them to beginners, but if you feel like learning them anyway- go nuts. Just don't expect to see them in daily life.
Let's focus on მხედრული for now.
There are 33 letters in modern მხედრული alphabet- 5 vowels and 28 consonants, and its 100% phonetic. 33 letters represent 33 sounds, no exceptions- so once you learn these letters, congratulations , you can read and write pretty much anything you want. *also note that there are no uppercase or lowercase letters. I can make a separate post about the alphabet if you want, but this video covers pretty much everything you need to know, and here's a video demonstration of writing them by hand. you can also download practice worksheets from this site. Some of these consonants might be tough to pronounce for foreigners, but please don't be discouraged, you will improve over time, after getting some listening and speaking practice. I will try to update regularly, and in the meantime, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Happy Learning !! <3
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aesethewitch · 9 months
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Image ID: A reply from @le-violoniste-du-diable that reads: "Why organize by date and not topic? What's the purpose? How can you find anything if it's not grouped together by subject?"
I was going to leave a reply beneath this question I got on my note-taking post, but it was getting really long, so I decided to turn it into its own post. Because these are good questions!
I recommend writing raw, in the moment notes for studying or experimentation by date instead of topic for a few reasons.
The first reason is to prevent writing paralysis and/or shame over jumping between topics or dropping a topic altogether. I find that putting a date and title on things and letting that be enough without worrying about putting something in the "right" category or making it "look good" makes it easier to focus on the notes themselves. These notes aren't for an aesthetic or even for a formal reference book. They're for me to remember what I learned or thought about on a particular day.
Which leads to my second reason. Writing in a linear fashion helps me remember things. Due to time blindness, I struggle with recognizing my progress and remembering when I did things. Taking notes in date order helps me recall when I took them and keep time on a greater scale.
The third reason is kind of twofold. I recommend writing raw notes in date order instead of by topic to prevent leaving excessive blank pages and running out of room. When I take a notebook meant for experimental notes and put page dividers or sections in, I always run out of room in one place and leave too much space in others. It's a waste of space. I can't know in advance how many notes something will take up.
If I pick up a book and reserve 20 pages to it and drop it immediately, that's 20 blank pages. See point #1 regarding shame. On the other hand, if I look briefly into a new topic that I end up fixated on, even dedicating a whole section of notebook to it might not be enough space. Then, my notes end up separated anyways.
The fourth reason is for memory reasons again. Sometimes, I want to look back on the things I researched and learned in a given year. My raw note-taking notebooks are organized by year for a reason. Once a year ends, even if the notebook isn't full yet, I start a new one. This lets me open up a notebook and read through my old thoughts in the order I had them, seeing a linear progression of my growth.
As for your questions about how to find things, that's what the titles and descriptions are for. The entry titles should be short and descriptive. "Notes about Spells" won't get you very far. "Personal Theories about Spell Paradigms" is much, much better. Not to mention, they should be large and obvious. The descriptions go into more but still brief detail, allowing easy skimming to figure out if a set of notes are the ones you're actually looking for.
The other part of finding things and linking pages is the page numbers. Anytime I cover a topic in my notes that I've written about before in the same book (or even previous ones!) or when I pick up where I left off, I reference the previous page(s). That way, I can easily find prior entries by flipping right to them. It can be time-consuming, but I find the act of physically going back and noting down where I've taken notes before forces me to get in the mindset and remember what I've already written. The physical reminder and drawing of the connection between then and now helps connect all of my thoughts coherently.
The final point I want to make is that the note-taking post specifically is not about making a grimoire. It isn't about making a formal reference document to come back to for tried and true spells or confirmed information. It's about testing things, taking down your thoughts, and learning. It isn't a textbook, it's a research log.
Confirmed, solid information you're confident in, proven spells, fleshed out theories and beliefs, and other parts of your actual practice go from the notebook into a grimoire. The grimoire should be organized by topic, definitely, since it's a reference document. Not only that, but I believe a grimoire should be in a binder, as opposed to a bound notebook.
(I have a whole post in the works about turning notes into a nice-looking grimoire; stay tuned for that at some point in the next few weeks!)
Obviously, this method isn't going to work for everyone. No single method is perfect. Hence why I stated my guidelines are extremely opinion-driven. If you prefer to take your notes directly into your grimoire or have a system already that works for you, that's great! Good for you. The purpose of the note-taking post was to help encourage people who are afraid of "ruining" a notebook or taking "bad notes" to give it a go in a structured way.
As with all advice you find on the internet, use your good judgment. If organizing by date doesn't make sense for you, don't do it. Use a binder, use a digital app, whatever you want. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and all that.
Thank you for asking this!! It really is a great question about information I didn't want to get into on the original post for length reasons. (:
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prof-polaris · 1 year
heya - get some good rest?
some new posts dropped, other people have been sending in questions. i'll summarise what might be important, but it's definitely possible i've missed stuff through lack of context, so i attached all the posts to look through i'm curious how much of what's about your/'your' past is actually accurate. we might be able to find clues in what's been changed.
ask: did you consult uxie on this; answer: yes of course + team galactic as justification for bringing back old alpha zoroark guarding the cave. logical explanation here
ask: flicker's personality; answer: sweetheart, cuddly and clingy, lazy and sleeping most of the time, favourite pets are muzzle rubs. might be able to determine if something's off from how you remember...
ask: have you had a pokemon named tiph; answer: one of flicker's littermates adopted to a nice family in unova. whoever asked didn't give any reason for asking that specific name but hopefully it didn't raise suspicion
ask: would you ever own a hisuian zoroark; answer: no, first i don't like the word own, we'll be partners and equals, second they're powerful and owning one may not be safe due to poor health plus long fur and such. possibly look at the exact wording closer here?
ask: tell us more about flicker; answer: wasn't allowed pokemon growing up due to poor health and them being too energetic and/or allergies, but when flicker was born he was perfect due to gentle and short fur. how much of that is what was the case for you?
ask: plans for bringing chroma corp to greater heights; answer: conservation of native pokemon + hisuian variants, mother is working on funding hospitals more. sounds logical enough
ask: relationship with parents; answer: 'Aww, I love my parents of course. They've given me the best life they could have :)' insert X doubt meme here. and professionally worked pretty hard but that makes sense
ask: about 'yourself' + uncle's house; answer: 'you' enjoy the snow, swimming, and playing with the pokemon in the area, and house used to be a daycare, is owned by lilliana and violet, and is thought abandoned. the former - if the swimming is made up i at least give them points for swimming being super helpful for fibro; the latter - you'd be more sure than i am on whether they actually don't know or are just pretending
ask: interaction with uxie; answer: did have a couple when young, it's where the yellow in eyes comes from. not explicitly saying anything about being chosen, although this could be implicitly saying it - not familiar enough with the concept for if anyone would see that and think 'ah, chosen'
this. i am not sure what to think about it - in the best-case scenario they legitimately just want to bring back the hisuian variants and are just using your image to help get people interested in the idea for. some reason????? but i'm worried it could be a defamation attempt, now i think about it. if 'you' bring back zoroark and someone is promptly attacked by one - say, perhaps, the one that is currently pretending to be you - then 'you' will probably be blamed for it... and there's always the possibility that it's not aimed at you but something regarding all of sinnoh. bringing it back to an earlier time perhaps, though what would that even accomplish for them? makes even less sense than the whole hoenn weather debacle...
anyway. i'll keep you updated on anything that i see, though i'm a little out of it today (almost certainly unrelated. i got completely different bureaucracy going on here) so i'm not sure how much i'll be able to get out of them myself.
stay safe, okay? and---i'm sorry about worrying you with potentials yesterday. i hope maple took good care of you, can you thank her for me?
[attached is every post from chroma corp in text form for easy searching, with timestamps and image metadata and descriptions included] //so i don't have to copy-paste them all and lengthen this unnecessarily
okay. this is a lot, let me try and address all these separately...
consulting Uxie makes sense, my parents do that before doing just about anything.
Flicker's personality is all accurate from when he was a cyndaquil, although he was never really lazy and sleepy. if anything, he followed me around constantly, he was always on that move...i hope his health is alright...
asking about Tiph is ballsy, but their response was smart, saying she was adopted out. They're being very careful not to mention any pokemon they don't currently have..
hah! flexing the power of a hisuian zoroark. actually, they might have taken that as a bit of a threat based on that phrasing. i wonder if my father captured them or if they're a wild zoroark...if they're captured this may not be what they want to some extent...
my poor health..yeah i'm allergic to most furred pokemon and grass types, and i had some other health stuff going on at the same time, so finding a partner pokemon for me was hard. they're pretty correct on that front, although most of the allergy stuff stopped being a problem when i was old enough to take medicine for it
the conservation and hospital stuff all seems right, those were Chroma Corp goals from the beginning.
aha. ahahaha. yeah no the loving the parents is a bold faced lie, but i suppose if the truth was told about that it wouldn't look good
i can sort of swim, although i wouldn't say i enjoy it. i'm not very good, have to use a kickboard. i still do it cause as you said it's good for fibro. interesting that they said auntie owns it still and its abandoned. my parents know it was left to me in uncles will, although i guess saying that would sound a bit weird and leave opportunity for more questions
a 'few' interactions. haha. more like twice weekly. arc. they are right about the eyes thing though.
...all your theories seem viable. it's hard to Know what my parents are thinking. i appreciate you keeping me updated though :)
Maple took very good care of me and she got all the pets, i'll give her extra thanks for you
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hellofanidea · 6 months
ok!! 2 prompts!! and u can go for whichever you're feeling at the moment--
no. 3, but specifically after the whole webb headshot incident in foy
and no. 29 of your choosing!
I'm sorry this took me a minute! I went with the first one, but I'm also working on the second, so I might post it separately if I finish it! Thank you for being so good about sending in prompts, it's been lovely to write more and get to share it with you.
03 - “Hey, hey, shhhh. Shhhh. You’re okay.”
They get her on her feet, somehow, and drag her behind one of the more stable structures that line their path into Foy. There’s blood and stomach acid on her ODs, but she doesn’t seem to be hurt, just stunned, and she lets them manhandle her down against a wall until they’re all knelt together.
Around them, the assault continues in bursts of noise and snow. Martin is yelling again, and so is Foley. So is everyone.
Morse doesn’t seem to notice, and Arthur has the horrible thought that maybe she’ll never notice anything again, that maybe she’ll drop down into that place that Buck did and never crawl out, Webb’s blood in her mouth the final straw in a growing pile. 
He forces it away by getting her face between his hands. Her eyes are wide, panicked, something animal in them that screams survival. She grabs at his arms.
“Art-” She chokes out.
“Hey, hey, shhhh. Shhhh. You’re okay,” Arthur soothes. He hates the relief he feels at her show of vitality, terrified as it is. “We gotcha. I gotcha.”
“Webb-” Morse coughs out, and he can see the red on her teeth.
“I know, I know. You just hold on though, you look at me. You hurt? You hit?”
She makes a noise that he interprets as a ‘no’. Then her whole body lurches and she drops her head to throw up again. It’s still just bile, and some soaks the thigh of Arthur’s ODs.
“Oh Jesus,” Tab mutters, moving in to slide a hand against her back.
Morse groans but doesn’t look up.
“You have to go,” Arthur tells Tab.
Tab doesn’t even look at him, just shakes his head ferociously. His eyes are fixed on the blood that isn’t hers but for one horrible moment could have been.
“You have to go, Sergeant,” Arthur insists, putting as much steel into his voice as he can manage when his own heart wants to crawl out of his throat to lay in the snow next to them all.
Tab still doesn’t move, and Arthur puts a hand on the back of his neck, the tiny space between his helmet and his jacket.
That finally gets his attention. His eyes are huge, wet, desperate. Arthur sees his own terror reflected back and feels his heart break for all three of them. Four of them, when he remembers the body lying by the cart.
Tab must see it too, because his face twists before settling into the determined grimace of a soldier. With obvious difficulty, he releases Morse and picks up his rifle.
She looks up then, and something passes between them that Arthur can't interpret. Tab hesitates again, mouth opening like he wants to say something to her, but he just shakes his head and starts to move.
Morse watches him go.
“Tell him later,” Arthur tells her, to cut through what he knows she’s thinking, even though they both know it’s a hollow reassurance.
There isn’t always a later. Webb’s proof of that.
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Hi! Albino Doberman anon. Just wanted to thank for the very informative info! I only knew about two of the colors, so I learned something new! So if you have any more knowledge to drop (about anything really) I always love learning something new. But after reading your response about the albinos, makes me mad but not surprised. I wish ppl would prioritize the health of animals.
Hello Anon. I'm sorry it's been a bit but I've honestly been holding this ask and chirping happily to myself on bad days. I'm really glad the information was helpful to you! I did touch on the topic of different kennel clubs having different standards including what colors they recognize. So I'm going to assume that the two colors you were familiar with are Red & Black, & I'm going to assume you're in Europe or somewhere the standard only calls for those two? Because I've never been, I'm honestly not sure how common the dilute colors are over there, truth be told. I have some friends with some imported bitches that have thrown color, but I don't know of any actual dilute stock on that side of the world. (Keep in mind I'm owning they can't quite make a name for themselves as they're not considered approved by the standards of those countries. So if they appear, even if they're lovely, they likely aren't doing much. I get that. If it's happening, it's a shame, I feel. 'No good dog is a bad color' comes to mind in those cases. Dilution is a naturally occurring factor and a separate matter from albinism that again goes back to one animal.)
I have some friends that do some really marvelous infographics and run instagrams with good info. I'm not sure if you'd be wanting to follow them? I could do a recommendation post? Any chance you'll be looking for a dobe in the future? It would be nice to have another doberman buddy. (I mean even if not, it'd be nice to meet you or have a name to go with the little gray face!) And if you have any specific questions I'd be happy to answer. I can also ramble too but that might get a little twisty, without direction I can just run, lol! I've also created a tumblr account that I'm going to try and share more info and dog images on, so if you wanted to follow or check out irreverent-dobermans, that's me!
Remember all the buzzwords for dogs of incorrect color are HYPE words to sell a product! You can find folks breeding incorrect colors in tons of breeds. The most recent examples I've seen: Frenchies, Bulldogs, Dobermans; in Aussies & Danes it'll likely be Double Merles. They'll also say things like Lilac, Fluffy, Rare, Platinum, Cream, etc.
An infographic by the lovely Paige (a buddy) because Albino Dobermans topic:
Tumblr media
So yeah this got rambly, I'm sorry. HELLO AGAIN, FRIEND!
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candycandy00 · 1 year
The League of Villains Halloween Horror Anthology Sign Up
This is the sign up post for the first annual League of Villains Halloween Horror Anthology!
The deadline to sign up for this event is September 30th! Please keep that in mind!
What it is:
The anthology will be various fanfics and fanart of League of Villains members reimagined as horror creatures/icons/characters, to be posted throughout October of this year. I thought it would be a fun way to get us all in the spooky Halloween mood.
This is an adults-only event! Please do not sign up unless you have your age listed in your bio or pinned post! Minors do not interact!
You can make fanfic or fanart, or both! But each piece must feature a League of Villains member (past or present, but only one per piece) as a horror creature/icon/character, such as a vampire or a masked killer. They have to be the source of the horror, so no zombie fics where the character is fighting zombies. If you pick zombie as your horror creature, the character you pick has to be a zombie.
Multiple people can claim each character, so if we get 30 Dabi fics, so be it. However, only one person can claim each horror icon for the medium you chose. So if someone already signed up for one of the characters as a vampire in a fic, you can’t sign up for a character (even a different one) as a vampire in a fic. You can sign up for a vampire in a fanart, provided no one else has. I will do these on a first come, first serve basis. So the first person to claim a given creature will get it. If a lot of people sign up and I feel like we’re legitimately running out of horror tropes, I might bend this rule a bit. Also! You can be specific to differentiate between creatures. Like an undead pirate is different from a regular zombie, and so on.
Fanfics can be X Reader or not. They can be NSFW/smut, or not. That’s up to you! If you choose Toga as your character, only write/draw SFW pieces for her, as she is a minor. It doesn’t matter if you age her up. You don’t have to make your piece horror, but it’s encouraged. This is a Halloween anthology after all. At the very least, a spooky vibe should be present, even if your piece is overall light hearted. Likewise, you don’t have to set the story on or around Halloween, but it would be nice to have some works that do so.
You can post your piece any time in October. From the first day of the month to the last. Ideally, the pieces will be spread out a bit throughout the month, but I’m not assigning anyone specific days. Just post it whenever you want in October.
If you sign up, but decide to drop out, that’s fine! This is a zero pressure event. You don’t even have to explain why. All I ask is that you send me a message or Ask letting me know so that I can remove you from the sign up list. Someone else might have wanted to write about the creature you chose, but couldn’t because you picked it.
When you post your piece, use the tag #lovhalloweenhorror. Feel free to use the tag before then! Use it to talk about the piece you’re working on, use it to post sketches or previews! Heck, use it even if you just plan to enjoy the fan works! Use it to talk about things you’d like to see/read as a viewer. Anything goes! Let’s build up some excitement!
As works begin to be posted in October, I’ll create a Masterlist post to list all of them in one convenient place. If you post your piece and you don’t see it added to the list within a day or so, send me a message to let me know in case I missed it.
How to Sign up:
If you’d like to sign up to create a piece for this event, send me an Ask or a direct message with the following information:
Fanart or Fanfic?
Horror Creature?
That’s it! Please send a separate message for each piece you plan to make.
As people sign up, I’ll list them in this post so everyone can know what’s been claimed. Please be patient with me. I might be slow!
The List:
@missrosegold - Dabi - Demon
@candycandy00 - Shigaraki - Scarecrow
@jabberwocky-92 - Shigaraki - God of Decay
@scary-grace - Shigaraki - Ghost/Wraith
@spicymeatball1992 - Shigaraki - Incubus
@jabberwocky-92 - Dabi - Grim Reaper
@gamergirlghost - Toga - Vampire
@doumadono - Dabi - Merman
@doumadono - Toga - Rusalka
@sammystep - Twice - Dr. Frankenstein
If you’re having trouble deciding on a horror creature/icon/character, here’s a list of some to give you some ideas! Obviously, what you pick doesn’t have to come from this list, and in fact I’m looking forward to seeing all the different ideas I never thought of. You can even create your own creature! This is just a list of some possibilities.
Vampire | Werewolf | Demon | Witch/Warlock | Zombie | Ghost/Wraith | Banshee | Masked Killer | Mad Scientist | Scarecrow | Executioner | Butcher | Alien | Cyborg/Android | Witchfinder | Deep Sea Creature | Clown | Cannibal | Mummy
Feel free to reblog this! Let’s get as many people involved as possible!
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abronzeagegod · 11 months
Untitled YA Project Chapter 4:
First Chapter || More
7:44 PM local time
Training Barracks, House Kaiyantsh, Si Yátz
Rafe delivered on her breakfast promise. She always had a way of finding the good jukulu nuts and the kershkal berries that were Hira’s favorites. Hira dug into the offered sweet fruits, eagerly breaking through the tough exteriors with her mandibles before eating them with relish.
“Slow down,” Rafe said a little sternly. “Don’t choke yourself. Also put the ice on your face. The jodn will kick my butt if he finds out I injured you during training.”
Hira gave Rafe a flat expression, her antenna straight out and to the side, but she did as she was told.
They ate breakfast pretty quickly, the other squads were coming in from their daytime patrols and settling in for their dinner. Rafe and Hira had to work the very boring and less nighttime shits as they were the youngest, the newest, and in Hira’s case she was alway doing poorly on her shrar tests.
“I know why I’m stuck on this crap detail,” Hira said, “I failed three of my placement tests.”
Rafe let out an amused little chirp. “Did spend any time studying? Just spent all your time reading about the past?”
“Something like that,” Hira muttered, dropping both her gaze and antenna. “But why are you stuck here? You always do great in the physical stuff, and you know all the codes by heart.”
It was a question Hira always wondered about. Rafe was a good shrar, great even. But she was stuck with Hira in this dead end post in a dead end time.
Rafe looked away from Hira, showing similar signs of shame that Hira just displayed a moment earlier. “I’ll tell you later. Maybe if you beat me in the flying drills tonight.”
Hira immediately grew suspicious, her eyes narrowed, antenna stretched out towards her comrade, trying to sense any kind of lying. There might be some subtle vibrations or movements that she was desperate to detect. “Are you lying to me?”
“Maybe. So what if I am?” Rafe asked back, clearly trying to contain her sense of joy at teasing Hira.
“You’re just trying to taunt me with a mystery, trying to get me to do more work in the drills.”
“And if I’m not?”
“Our House isn’t that big, I would have heard if it was something good.”
“Kaiyantsh is a House that has almost fifty thousand members. Our zone is big enough to support four different preparatory schools. If I remember correctly, we never attended the same school, so you don’t know what mischief I got up to before I knew you,” Rafe countered.
Hira buzzed in disappointment. Because she did want to know, and badly, so that meant that she would do anything to solve that mystery. Even if it meant doing well in an extra drill after work. Rafe knew that she had Hira caught in her perfect little trap.
“Eat your jukulu.”
Their breakfast went by quickly, which disappointed Hira because that meant work was to start soon. The two went to their separate, small rooms to change and get ready for their nightly patrols.
The dark green and maroon colors weren’t Hira’s preferences for color, but they were the House colors. The crest was sewn into the back, which was that of a scepter and a zhisht, the specific flower that the House was responsible for cultivating, crossed over a concentric circle pattern. The clothing had long slits along the sides and back for Hira to put her arms and wings through, so that the garment went over her head and hung on her shoulders, leaving it somewhat loose and flowing. House Kaiyantsh protocol held that every shrar had to tie the clothing once on, with a small regulation belt. Hira always had trouble finding the right hold for her arms and wings on the first try. It was a constant struggle and she felt that she would never learn how to do it right the first time.
She put on her uniform pants, making sure to get her stinger through the hole before tying up the pants this time. Finally came the standard issue boots, which always felt a little too heavy for Hira. One day she knew they were going to mess with her balance while flying.
Despite all of her difficulties with the uniform, Hira was ontime to meet with Rafe so that they could go to their meeting with the jodn and get their orders for the evening.
Their jodn, their commanding officer, was a stout man. He was also a shrar, like the two of them, and was only of average height, just under five feet tall. A brusque, older zlilfian, he was of very little patience.
“Dralf Natúdrafe,” he said loudly when the two presented themselves to him for their nightly orders. The other two zlilfian squads lining up behind them. “How was shrar Hiraksyua this evening in training?”
Rafe settled into a perfect ready position in front of her superior officer, something Hira was always trying to mimic. “She did well, sir. Pinned me once in training.”
“That’s good news! Maybe you’ll pass your next assessment,” the jodn exclaimed loudly, making Hira’s antenna twitch. “Now, your orders are to patrol area AN-1, along the coast. Do the standard patrol routes on your way to the coastal wall, then I want inspection pattern C, followed by a non-standard route back to the HQ by the end of the night. We have ha reports that some of the plants have gotten particularly hostile and one took a small chunk out of one of the adths this morning as they were harvesting what was likely your breakfast. You are to assess and deal with as appropriate. Do you understand shrar?”
“Yes sir!” the two young women called out.
Hira felt a little sick to her stomach now that she knew that one of the gatherers had been injured in their collection duties.
“Good! I expect you to return here and give me a full status report in six hours! Grab your gear and head out! Dismissed!” the jodn yelled.
Hira and Rafe immediately turned to go off and complete their orders.
They grabbed their weapons supplied by the House. Two dlondzhii, which were wooden batons that were strapped to each forearm, and could be extended or retracted with a quick hand movement. Hira always thought about how zlilfians with their three fingers and one thumb, didn’t have the exceptional grip strength that humans did so they had to develop different methods and weapons. While humans made guns and swords and all sorts of other things, zlilfians made these batons to attach to their arms, and not have to worry about being so easily disarmed, and leaving their hands free for other tasks.
After one quick inspection by the jodn, they were off on their patrol.
Rafe always made sure that they were the first two out on their tasks, as it was the easiest way to impress their jodn and make sure they were considered for getting off the late posting.
The patrol was long and boring. This wasn’t the first time the pair had been sent on this particular route to the sea wall that surrounded the island. Their House and it’s territory was in the farthest northwest part of Si Yátz. 
The patrol route took them almost three hours to reach the sea wall. It was a 40 foot wall of volcanic rock that dropped almost straight down to the sea. A perfect natural defense of their island.
And as always Hira paused to just look out over the dark and beautiful water.
Rafe was always respectful of Hira’s little moments of solitude looking out at the ocean.
“It’s very pretty tonight, with the full moon and all,” Rafe said quietly. She didn’t want to ruin the moment with her voice, but at the same time she couldn’t not say anything. “But we do need to get moving, especially if we have to deal with some zlilfian eating plants on the way back.”
“Yeah,” Hira said with a sigh as she finally tore herself away from the view.
Rafe led the way back into the dense zlilfian jungle on the route designated by the jodn.
“So what is so interesting about this part of history that you’re reading about now?” Rafe asked quietly, trying to pass the time with small talk.
“Well the Spanish were the first to really find this part of the so-called New World,” Hira started, because once she started she always found it so hard to stop.
Rafe let out a small laugh at the concept of the two continents of the western hemisphere being called “new” when the zlilfians were here for at least 3,000 years before the humans of Spain found it. And even then there were the hundreds of different tribes of humans that already lived here.
“And they made contact with several other islands and parts of what are now the United States and Venezuela. Then they started exploring, going wherever they wanted. And you know that no humans are allowed on the island, especially back then.”
“Let me guess…”
“Yup. That, and they heard some rumors about a city made of gold. And there’s this island, full of zlilfians, who they see as strange devil creatures with our gold patterns, so clearly we must have a city made of gold.”
“I’ll never understand humans,” Rafe commented. “Least of all the Spanish.”
“Can you even imagine how cold a city made of gold would be?” Hira shivered at the thought of sleeping in a city made of metal and gold.
“And gold is not a hard metal, it’s soft isn’t it?”
“It is. And I’m just about to start that conflict which I hope will inform me about why there is so much ill will between our people and the Spanish. Like why did we just… leave the Spanish alone to do whatever they want in Cuba and other islands and Florida. Ugh, the whole Florida thing makes me so made. And-”
Before Hira could continue, Rafe cut her off with a sharp hand movement.
In an instant they both crouched down and moved slightly apart. Huddled in the underbrush of some very large plants that had been very specifically installed by the ancient zlilfians when they came to this island, the pair waited and watched.
After a moment, Hira saw what Rafe had seen first. What looked to be a deer. At least all Hira could see of the animal were the thick antlers.
“It’s just a deer,” HIra said, but Rafe shushed her with a motion and then pointed back at the animal.
She looked again, and when she noticed what was going on she was repulsed.
The antlers slowly fell to the ground with a sickening shluck, as the tendrils of the choon plant dropped the bones and cartilage of the consumed deer to the ground. It was an unpleasant sound and an even more unpleasant fate.
The choon plant created some delicious sweet fruits, but the defenses for the fruits was a carnivorous pod and tendrils that could easily capture and consume an unwary zlilfiant, or in this case, one of their domesticated deer.
Luckily for Rafe and Hira, this choon wasn’t very big, little more than a few years old. But it was still a danger. It had already consumed one of the deer that lived in the area, and it almost killed a zlilfian working the jungle this afternoon. This plant would have no problem eating a pair of young zlilfians on patrol.
In a stroke of luck for the two, the choon had likely just consumed the deer, so it wouldn’t be immediately ready for another meal, needing at least a day or two for the sack that consumed the meat to digest it and refill with the necessary enzymes.
Rafe used a series of quick hand signals to indicate where she Hira to move and strike. Hira nodded, she understood.
The two creeped away from each other, Hira flying up into the nearby trees. Quietly they snuck up on the carnivorous plant from two different directions.
They had to be careful because while the choon was full and hopefully sated for now, it would eject whatever was in the stomach sack if it was threatened and try to grab any threats and swallow them. So stealth was the best option.
Hira and Rafe coordinated their attacks on the unsuspecting plant very well. Hira hitting the plant from above, Rafe darting in from below. With a quick series of blows from the two of them and their dlondzhii batons, the plant was sufficiently stunned. And with that they could go with trimming the plant to keep it from being dangerous again, which mostly consisted of taking off the tendrils.
As they got to work on trimming the choon, Rafe suddenly stopped, turning away from her work. Her antenna alert and searching along with her eyes for some kind of sound or movement within the dark forest behind her.
The momentary lapse in attention meant she missed the rousing of the plant, which expelled some of the sticky sap the choon used to subdue its prey all over Hira.
“Natúdrafe!” Hira cried out as she was covered.
Rafe quickly shushed her and ripped out the last tendril from the choon before pushing Hira back into the darkness of the jungle.
“What?” Hira asked as she tried to wipe off some of the sickly sweet substance, but it was a losing battle. It was already in her hair and clothing. It wouldn’t come off easily.
“There’s something in the jungle with us.”
“You sure?”
“Pretty sure.”
“Should we call it in?”
“We need to establish a visual at least, can’t just call in a sound I heard,” Rafe said. “Could have been another deer.”
“What’s the plan?” Hira asked.
“Stay close. But I want you up in the canopy. Go off to the south a bit, and I’ll head towards the east. Keep within visual range at all times,” ordered Rafe. “And be quiet.”
“Of course,” Hira responded. She quickly shook off her wings to dry them off before taking flight.
She flew up into the treetops, carefully looking out for both Rafe and whatever else was sneaking through the dense plant matter. Hira thought that it was likely another surprise drill from the jodn like that surprise “human” attack from a few weeks back.
Hopefully they wouldn’t fail nearly as badly this time.
Hira kept her eyes open, and her antenna attuned to everything around her, but she didn’t hear or see anything. Sixty feet below her, Rafe was sneaking through the underbrush, searching for the thing she heard. There were a few animals around that could have made the noise she heard, but there didn’t seem to be any around.
“It’s a bit too quiet,” Hira muttered to herself.
She thought she spotted something, movement, something moving fast, at least according to her compound eyes.
Rafe said to stay close, but in order to investigate, Hira would have to go slightly further away. What was another ten or so feet?
She quickly flew over to another branch and settled down. She looked, listened, and sensed but there was nothing over there. No disturbed leaves or branches, no tracks. So there couldn’t be anything over here. It was just a quiet jungle.
“Rafe?” she called out on the radio. “I don’t think there’s anything here.”
Only the eerie silence of the jungle late at night responded.
“Rafe? Where’d you go?”
Hira turned back to try and look at Rafe and at least see what she was doing and why she was ignoring her.
The other zlilfian was gone, missing from the area she was investigating a few moments before. Hira zipped from tree to tree looking for her.
“This isn’t funny, if this is some test or drill of your’s I don’t care. I’ll fail and go back to clean up,” Hira said with a huff both out loud and into the radio. She was sticky and tired and not happy. She didn’t care to be tested like this.
But she got no response.
Hira landed on the ground where she last spotted Rafe. “Where did you go? Let’s head back already.”
Then suddenly, around one of the larger trees in the area, Hira spotted a figure in all black. A figure that wasn’t zlilfian. They were too tall, too thin. They didn’t have wings. A human.
A human on the island. Where they explicitly weren’t supposed to be.
Hira turned to fly away, fly back to base, she had to alert someone, when she ran right into Rafe.
She swore she called out to her partner, but she didn’t hear the name leave her mouth. She didn’t hear the swift attack from her partner, but she did feel the stinger hit her abdomen.
Rafe had stung her.
A few seconds later, the toxin froze all of Hira’s muscles and she collapsed to the jungle floor, unable to keep herself upright.
She couldn’t hear Rafe leaving her on the ground and leaving with the mysterious human.
read early chapters on my kofi
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