#i might close my asks
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yakichoufd · 6 months ago
People...Stop telling me to ship wade/logan, so it fits the narrative you want me to draw.
You don't like nathan/wade? Well, too bad because I do. And I ship logan with scott, so picturing logan and wade romantically together feels terrible off to me haha!
I love my ships dearly and I hate when people force me to love new ships so they can hope to see my fanarts of them.
Shipping is personnal, it is something that need to come naturally to me and not all popular ships are a hit for me. I don't want anyone to force me enjoying something. That is not how I enjoy my fandom time. Forcing online strangers to like the same things as you is so childish.
And many many AMAZING artists draw wade/logan fanarts. Go cheer on them. Let them know how much you enjoy what they create and leave me alone!! I don't owe you anything. I just happen to enjoy drawing Scott Summers with a lot of lovers. That's it.
And just because you enjoy what I draw does NOT mean that I have to draw only things that you judge interesting.
I draw anything that I am inspired by. I DRAW FOR MYSELF FIRST. You are not the main character of my life. Stop being self-centred and being rude. And I am an adult, so ofc I am going to explore adult themes in my art. If you are too young or not comfortable for that, then do NOT follow me. Block me. My art is NOT meant for kids. My art is NOT meant for everyone.
I post what I want on my own space, thank you very much.
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 month ago
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Was dissecting the SOTM trailer and apparently your monty is a mm member comic is now canon
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(Original comic)
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months ago
For the twins in time AU, I genuinely wonder what kind of people the young twins grow up into because of Stan’s/Ford’s influence. Especially if it takes years for the portal to get fixed.
(Sorry if it seems like I already sent this question, I don’t know if it got sent the first time I asked)
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I haven’t fully fleshed out how Ford grows up in the past but I do have thoughts on Stan presently
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fascinationstreetmp3 · 7 months ago
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I have what you're looking for. High quality. Befitting a man of my tastes. I have a room over on Divisadero, not too far a walk.
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igucci · 14 days ago
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i will always love him...
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donelywell · 11 months ago
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February 29- March 2 2024
The first time Sonic went Super in Road Trip wasn't exactly as stunning to Tails as other au's and stories.
Tails is like maybe 5 here (I'm not actually that organized on the timeline for this au yet, I'm getting there though, things are getting in order.) and he wasn't forced to grow up and be a hero in this au. So he's a bit more childish than canon Tails because he doesn't feel as pressured to mature and grow up fast. Plus, he genuinely thinks Sonic is going to die and this is the last time he see's him, so tears are bound to come down.
Part 1
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bread-is-my-life · 5 months ago
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Big shout out to @tekitothemagpie and all the stainmight fans for cheering me on and motivating me. I love all of you very much so consider this animation a big thank you gift for y'all (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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beescake · 1 year ago
are you secretly the CEO of solkat
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solkat r the ceos of me. actually
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fatalism-and-villainy · 2 months ago
Another part of untangling the Garashir knot i.e. trying to make their relationship make sense for fic-writing purposes is the question of Bashir’s ability to trust and be vulnerable around Garak.
I got to thinking about that because of this 10-year-old post (yay old meta dives!) that points out that Bashir is just as emotionally closed off as Garak in The Wire, and it’s really true - he never explicitly tells Garak he that he cares about him, but instead frames his care for him through their doctor-patient relationship, or through his higher ethical convictions (that is, when Garak says “Have you considered I might be getting exactly what I deserve?” and Bashir says “No one deserves this”). And given that part of the conflict of that episode is Bashir’s uncertainty as to whether Garak actually considers him a friend or cares for him on the same level as Bashir cares for Garak - as indicated in Bashir’s conversation with Dax - I think it speaks to a level of emotional self-protection on Bashir’s part that’s pretty often at play in his relationship with Garak.
Because for all that he wants Garak to open up to him in those early episodes - it comes up in a more playful mode in the way they banter with each other, but The Wire shows more legitimate frustration from Bashir at the possibility that Garak might not trust him - Bashir never actually leads by example there. When does he ever share anything about his personal history with Garak? When does he ever confide in him about his hopes and fears and insecurities? Pretty much never! And he’s not at all averse to sharing things about himself, whether it’s to get laid (like the adapted story about his medical exams) or to make a friend (like him telling Miles about Palis in Armageddon Game, or telling that pregnant woman about Kukalaka in The Quickening). He gave Jadzia his medical school journals (to get laid… and make a friend?). And there are plenty of instances of him confiding in his friends - Miles, Jadzia, Ezri - about his insecurity, fear of failure, feeling like he’s a monster because of his genetic engineering, etc.
But not with Garak. The closest he gets to sharing anything significant about himself is his grumpiness about turning thirty in Distant Voices, which isn’t even close. And you could argue that that’s a contrivance of the writing, a consequence of their relationship not being allowed to be developed more. But I actually think it makes a lot of sense from a character angle. Because for all that he seemingly can’t stop talking about himself, Bashir is a lot more selective about what parts of himself that he shares than it initially seems, as is most obviously demonstrated by the fact that he hid his being genetically engineered from everyone for years. So I do take him at his word when he tells Jadzia in The Wire that he doesn’t exactly trust Garak either, and I think that’s modeled in his (possibly subconscious) reluctance to truly open up to him. I mean, in Distant Voices he casts the guy telepathically attacking his brain as Garak! Which he and Garak laugh off in an extremely charming scene at the end of the episode, but it really does say something about how he sees Garak on a subconscious level.
So it’s honestly much easier for me to imagine fic scenes and whatnot in which Garak opens up to Bashir, because there is plenty of precedent for that in canon - largely in The Wire, but also when he vents to Bashir about his frustration with Tain and desire for Tain’s forgiveness in In Purgatory’s Shadow. And there’s a real sense that he really does want to unburden himself to Bashir, even if primarily in his own evasive, circumlocutionary way. But it’s so, so hard for me to get Bashir to a place where he’d do something similar with Garak, because given his characterization wrt their dynamic, I just feel like there’d need to be so much more work done in their relationship to get him to feel that kind of trust towards Garak.
(This dovetails with my headcanon that they weren’t that close in the later seasons, because the events later in the show would honesty make that even more difficult. After being interrogated by an intelligence organization, I imagine Bashir would be even warier of Garak!)
There’s also the fact that the most intense intimacy between the two of them always comes up in situations where Bashir is the stronger one, and Garak is the one who needs to be cared for, who’s being pushed into being vulnerable. And that again is a contrivance of the writing, but it is something that I think is compelling to contemplate when it comes to their relationship dynamic - specifically, how it might affect a long-term relationship dynamic in a post-canon setting. Because Bashir can be something of a fixer-upper when it comes to his romantic relationships, and I do see him as drawn to dynamics where he’s the stronger one who’s positioned to care for and guide the other person. And so, while I don’t think Bashir would be the sole cause of any difficulties that might arise in their relationship - trying to get open and honest communication from Elim Garak really would be like pulling teeth - I can really see him falling into a pattern of thinking with Garak wherein Garak is the one who needs to be cared for, the one who needs to communicate with him, etc etc, but being very very bad at being open and communicative with Garak in turn. Even if their relationship does develop sufficiently for him to feel more comfortable sharing himself with Garak - and I really think that it could - I still imagine his first impulse when he’s Going Through It would be to close himself off from Garak. And that does cause problems.
A broader angle that canon does not really bring out is the potential for Bashir’s dynamic with Garak to draw out some of Bashir’s hypocrisies, or aspects of his ideology that are incomplete or contradictory. Bashir on Cardassia post-canon has a lot of potential to do this - not that I’d want him to let go of Federation ideals, but the reality of living somewhere else would necessitate those ideals being qualified, or him becoming more flexible. And with the shift in their dynamic, in which Garak is in his natural habitat (even if it’s drastically changed from the Cardassia he remembers) and Bashir is the outsider, Garak could potentially be put in the role of having to guide or protect Bashir. And given the nature of Cardassian politics, the actual methods he might take in order to do so would imo not necessarily be within Bashir’s comfort zone. And I like the idea of that conflict, and that kind of testing of Bashir’s values and expectations and perceptions, coming through on a smaller scale just within their relationship, wherein Bashir really wants Garak to communicate with him but finds it (not even consciously!) very difficult to reciprocate that.
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three-headed-monster · 8 months ago
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luke hughes interview | 01.03.24
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month ago
Do you have a favorite pokemon?
yes, my Pikachu amiibo called Stinky <3
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skull-turtle · 1 year ago
for the LAST TIME, what does "having a crush" even mean
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The Stormlight sweatshirts are done! 🙌
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daily-basil · 1 year ago
Could you please draw Basil holding Sunny? That would also be so adorable.
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Absolutely adorable :)
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beescake · 1 year ago
The Sollux expressions are so sweet!!! Why's he crying in the last one?
your ask is 2mths old so sorry aghk ��️
basically the answer is that i draw expressions reflecting my mood arnd that character LOL
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waitineedaname · 2 months ago
One thing I love about that scene is how casually SQQ pushes Binghe around and manhandles him. Book 2 was heavily defined by his complete terror of Luo Binghe, and now all that fear is just gone. Binghe is even enraged with jealousy, but it doesn’t even threaten him anymore. Nothing has changed but his perception of the situation and it makes all the difference. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
that's so true!! I think that really says something about how far they've come, especially taking into account the two previous scenes. like you said, Shen Qingqiu spends so much of book two terrified that Luo Binghe wants to kill him, but by now he's figured out Binghe's feelings for him and is realizing that Binghe doesn't actually want to hurt him. before the Tent Shenanigans, there's the scene where they're fighting before SQQ's soul gets yoinked out of the plant body, and then there's Holy Mausoleum arc. there's a lot to unpack in their fight in the plant body but I think most relevant is that SQQ is less Scared and more Pissed Off, and as many people have pointed out, Binghe did not intend to actually hurt him in that scene, he was just trying to scare him because he thought he was fulfilling a role SQQ wanted him to play. and he was Also Pissed Off.
and then there's the Holy Mausoleum, which is just. so much. Holy Mausoleum I love you, best arc in the whole damn series. but SQQ spends most of that arc carrying Binghe's unconscious body around and protecting him, and they have their Moment when they're both sobbing at each other. at this point, SQQ is really coming to understand Binghe's feelings for him and that Binghe doesn't truly want to hurt him. plus this scene in the tent starts with Binghe kissing him and SQQ snapping at him to kneel and Binghe fucking DROPPING to his knees! this might be the first point in the story where they are truly Equals, especially in SQQ's understanding of things. Binghe might be the terrifyingly powerful demon emperor protagonist, but SQQ has the authority to shove Binghe around and the security in knowing he's not going to be dismembered for it
so yeah, he can manhandle Binghe as much as he likes! Binghe even enjoys it, even if he's also angry that someone else is daring to look at Shizun
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