#i might be on a hiatus during the week he's here
flyolai-brainrot · 6 months
actually i think me and my friends were fated to meet
i think the universe bent to our will and creation itself made sure we'd cross paths
we've known each other in every timeline and our souls will always intertwine every time actually
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hollyhomburg · 25 days
Before I Leave you (Pt. 74)
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(Sneak Peek) (Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: A planned vacation with Namjoon might not offer the respite you hope it will; Something is wrong with Jin and he just wont say what.
Tags: Hurt/comfort, Harmless Sickfic, So much fluff, Light angst, Brief smut, brief mentions of intercrural sex, slick, implied d/s, Mommy kink, mommy tae, Brief daddy kink too 🥺, clothing control, implied omegaspace
W/c: 20.0k
A/n: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out <3 the last couple of weeks have been...not great! Here it is! I will repay you guys with my hiatus by giving you possibly the longest bily chapter ever! The heat arc will take two more chapters! No idea how long those will be but i greatly enjoyed making this chapter the fluffiest little bundle of scenes I could. i did not hold back- i think we've all needed a bit of softness.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
You excuse yourself to change. But you find yourself pacing back and forth in front of the mirror for a moment. Struggling with your fancy dress that’s for tomorrow night’s dinner, hanging it up with a huff. Unsure why you’re so stressed, why you’re so anxious. An animal in your chest that just won’t stop clawing at your breath.
You knew what you were agreeing to going on this vacation with Namjoon. A solo vacation just for the two of you sends a very very pointed message. This is a sexy vacation- a private suite and a private onsen only means one thing and now at the precipice of it you feel- you feel-
Namjoon knocks, but you tell him you need a minute trying not to sound scared. You don’t even know why you feel scared; you’ve had sex with Namjoon before, and taking him is no longer quite as daunting of a task as it once was. But you feel unsettled and out of your depth here. Intimacy and romance are so much harder without your pack around you to reassure you to egg you on.
You need to call Tae.
She picks up on the second ring, “Pup!” she sounds happy and bubbly even through the phone. You even hear a bit of relief in her voice. “I’m doing my nails upstairs because Jin and Jungkook are being loud; did you get to the hotel yet? How are the flowers?”
“Tae” you hiss, keeping your voice down. “Did you think I’d spend the whole weekend lounging in lingerie!? You didn’t even pack me a bathing suit!” You whine. Still pacing.
“Well, I was actually hoping you’d spend the whole weekend getting your lingerie torn off of you by Namjoon but-”
“Mommy” you whine, and she quiets.
“It’s at the bottom, the dark red one with the flowers.” You find it, if only because it’s a bright oxblood in the mess of pastels. It’s dotted with pale yellow flowers and crossing straps that are supposed to tie around the slimmest part of your waist several times. It’s very Tae. Strappy and sexy and so tiny. The triangles are so small, it might as well be lingerie too.
“Tae- this isn’t going to fit me.”
“Yes, it does” she quips. “I measured.” You flush. You’re sure she did actually measure, probably during one of your morning preening and grooming sessions that you have a habit of spending mostly in omegaspace, an eager puppet to her hands. The idea that you’d been so far down, so trusting that you didn’t even notice warms your cheeks.
But Tae chose this for you, your alpha chose this for you and your other alpha. Tae does often know best. She knows what Namjoon likes.
Your heart rate slows a little.
“Tae- this is just a mess of strings,” she giggles, and you know just from the sound of it that she did this on purpose.
“Come on, live a little.”
“I know but- but-” you sit on the toilet, and she hums.
You wait, sensing that she’s yet to speak. You can hear Namjoon in the other room, starting to pace. You swear you hear him talking too. The hushed grumble as he talks to someone over the phone to someone.
“I’m sorry, I should have packed you something more modest. I just thought you’d want to- I don’t know, tell me off if I'm wrong but- Don't you want to explore a little? You don’t always have to know what you want, You don’t always have to want it- you can have both. Being wanted and being treated delicately- it's not one or the other.”
Your breath hitches, and you wonder how she managed to hit it right on the head. You do feel delicate- you've felt delicate the whole day.
“You can wear skimpy clothes and Namjoon will just be happy he gets to look at you. He still won’t do anything unless you say you want him to. He’s well-behaved like that.”
“You love feeling cute, you love feeling wanted. Let him want you pup, it doesn’t have to mean anything.”
“You’re just saying that because you like to give Namjoon a hard time.”
“It’s a love language” that does get a giggle out of you. She sounds satisfied, her voice a purr, but she still apologizes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“You didn’t, I just panicked in the moment.” You pause, and Tae doesn’t fill the space with chatter. “I feel so innocent around him, so- not like this. Not that it’s dirty to dress this way, just…” You trail off.
"The pack alpha loves you, he’s gonna think you’re stunning no matter what. You could walk out in nothing and he’d still probably ask before he looked at you.”
“I kinda want him to look at me,” You admit, confess. “I kinda like making him have to restrain himself.” You have no reason to be nervous.
Tae’s voice is a purr, “There’s my girl. What do you say?”
“Thank you mommy.”
“Are you gonna be a good girl for the pack alpha?” Her voice is a dark pur.
“No mommy.”
Coming Saturday Aug 31 at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments Below)
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vaaaaaiolet · 5 months
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click any title for tags + scroll to the end for drabbles and more!
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one shots:
line connects
Good thing your doctor's always on speed dial for your health scares, but can he help you out of this one?
eyes on my baby [nsfw]
When you run out of his work summit on the brink of tears, you can't believe that Leon hasn't picked up on how he hurt you. His only option is to apologize, but you're not listening to a word he says. So he'll just have to make you watch.
flight risk
Left to his own devices during an international flight, Leon reflects on the most recent failure in his life: screwing over his airport crush. Said crush might also happen to be seated a couple rows ahead.
my true love gave to me: a catastrophe
Leon's got a week to buy his office crush the most non-lame Secret Santa gift ever. He also happens to be the worst gift giver in the world. What's a guy to do?
good samaritan [nsfw]
Leon gives beyond what's asked of him at both work and home, in excess. He's stressed, overworked; worrying you sick. So you teach him how to take. More or less.
american jesus. [nsfw]
Why choose between riding a cowboy, a stallion, or an Italian when you can have all three? In which you find competition for the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in the American West.
RE: You Don't Know My Name
A broken backspace key, two rival magazines, and love letters sent through email. It’s the 2000's and Raccoon Mag’s prize photojournalist lands himself a secret admirer. You. 
susurri / whisper [nsfw]
He’s away on a mission, but you can’t get him out of your head. Like he’s whispering from miles away. You can't bear how Leon’s presence haunts you. And then one night, you snap.
bulletproof, baby!
You take it upon yourself to spice up your husband's work lunches at Rebecca's encouragement, and Leon nearly dies in the process. Is Hello Kitty really a killer? Leon, for one, is convinced she's up to no good.
a story where no one goes anywhere
“This story is about a girl, and a boy who loved her very much.” Leon keeps his best tales under lock and key, and you crack one out of him on a particularly sleepless night. He thinks you might like this one. read cressie's INCREDIBLE continuation
got me overnight, just let me be close to you [nsfw]
Leon's not very good at staying out of business concerning you, especially not when you call him late at night crying over your shitty on-and-off boyfriend. Feelings get involved, and he finds out he has quite a sticky finger when it comes to phone calls.
nineteen ninety-nine [nsfw]
September 30th, 1998. Your world ended with Leon's death, or so you thought. Or alternatively, how you spent two decades of your life tied to a man full of secrets who can't love you how you want him to.
sketches for my sweetheart the drunk
a collection of bite-sized fics: sweet, salty, and something for everyone. all are individually wrapped and labeled. i write these drabbles in between my other work! if it’s under 1k words and/or not listed above, it's here :)
and they were roommates! (hiatus)
You move to the big city in search of bigger and better, so naturally, you get your first place. You just don't anticipate the roommate that comes along with it.
pool afternoon ft. aftercare + cuddles moodboard
the eternal question: boobs or ass? [nsfw]
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nahoney22 · 1 year
sisterrrrr congrats on 3k! I see your requests are open so hope you don’t mind me requesting something along the lines of how the boys react to reader falling asleep on their shoulder? Something short and cute 🥰 thanks girl xoxox
Sleepy Soldiers Shoulders
All Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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warnings: none, just fluff. Can be reader as romantic/platonic relationship.
authors note: thanks love! Hope you enjoy and sorry for the wait. Naturally I wrote the most for Tech because… Tech. I’m also on hiatus so all requests are queued.
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Here is how the boys react the first and second time you fall asleep upon his shoulder…
The first time:
In an instant, he felt a soft impact on his shoulder. Startled, he swiftly turned his head, only to discover that you had dozed off, resting on him. A surge of surprise washed over him, mixed with a hint of paranoia. What if you woke up and realized that he was your sole source of comfort during your slumber? He was still rather insecure with his new self and can’t imagine you of all people wanting to fall asleep on him.
"Hey, you're falling asleep," he decided to rouse you, gently tapping your shoulder. You jolted awake, your eyes widening as you sat up abruptly, scanning the surroundings.
"Shoot, sorry Echo," you sighed, rubbing your eyes. You stood up and walked away towards your bunk without another word.
As he watched you retreat, he couldn't help but wonder what might have transpired if he had allowed you to continue sleeping.
The second time:
This time around, the situation was slightly different. It had been a long day, and you found yourself leaning against one of the legs of the Marauder, with Echo by your side. Over the past few months, the bond between the two of you had grown stronger, and you had become increasingly comfortable in each other's presence. Therefore, it came as no surprise when, despite your soft protests of not being tired, Echo sensed you gradually drifting off to sleep, your head finding solace on his left shoulder.
He remained still, his breath growing slightly tense, yet he chose to stay.
Adjusting himself to a more comfortable position, he gazed up at the stars in the sky, while you peacefully embraced your slumber. "Good night," he whispered softly.
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The first time:
Hunter was on the verge of nodding off himself when he felt a gentle nudge against his shoulder. Initially, he assumed it was Omega, but there was something different about it. He sensed your presence even with his eyes closed.
Peeking one eye open, he directed a curious gaze toward you, wondering why you had chosen to fall asleep on him instead of going to your own bunk. Thinking he was doing the right thing, he gently prodded you awake. "Hey trooper, you should head to your bunk."
You stirred with a small whine, growing slightly embarrassed as you realized that your soft pillow was actually the Sergeant's shoulder. "Oh, yeah, my bad," you grumbled tiredly, standing up and apologising to him once again before departing.
Hunter couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt, but deep down, he secretly wouldn't mind if you found comfort against his arm again in the future.
The second time:
"You seem exhausted," he remarked, bringing you a cup of caf as he settled down beside you on a bench overlooking a picturesque mountainside. The whole team was taking a moment of respite before their upcoming mission.
"Not an uncommon feeling. Hopefully, the caf will wake me up," you replied with a hint of amusement, fully aware that he could sense the fatigue tugging at your mind. Gratefully accepting the drink, you cradled it in your hands as the two of you sat in a comfortable silence. Over the past two weeks, your bond had flourished, always sharing the same ideas and logic.
As he sat there, he felt something gently impact his shoulder. Instead of reacting, he chose to remain still and carefully took the hot caf from your sleeping grasp, allowing you to find rest. Unsure whether he should stay there with you until he fell asleep as well, he decided it would be more comfortable to carry you to your bunk without raising any eyebrows in a little while. For now, he softly whispered ‘rest well’ knowing that you couldn't hear him.
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The first time:
"Hey, you okay there, sleepy?" Wrecker's voice broke through the quiet as he noticed you had dozed off, leaning against his shoulder. He didn't mind in the slightest, not at all, but it did catch him by surprise. After all, he considered his muscles to be as "hard as kyber," as he once claimed, and not the best choice for a pillow. So, without wanting you to be uncomfortable, he gently woke you.
As you stirred awake, your eyes met his arm and then lifted to meet his gaze. "Kriff, sorry Wrecker," you mumbled, a tinge of embarrassment coloring your voice. However, you were relieved to see that he didn't seem annoyed. Like he ever would be. To spare yourself any further embarrassment however, you stood up, bid him goodnight, and made your way to your own sleeping quarters.
Wrecker remained seated, a flicker of intrigue crossing his mind. He wondered if you would ever consider sleeping beside him again. It had felt... nice. Different from Lula, anyway.
The second time:
"You, uh, you can sleep against my shoulder if you wanna," Wrecker offered. The two of you had become close friends in the months that followed that incident (if you could even call it that) where you fell asleep on him. So when Wrecker extended an invitation for you to rest your head against his shoulder, you expressed your gratitude and wasted no time in finding comfort there with your eyes growing heavy with sleep.
Wrecker contemplated whether he should say anything, but before he could make up his mind, soft snores escaped your lips. He chuckled softly, leaning against the ship's wall, allowing sleep to claim him as well. If you were willing, he could easily get used to this newfound closeness. “Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”
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The first time:
"In order to calibrate the system and use the throttle, you... oh, you're asleep.”
Tech's voice trailed off as he realised you had dozed off during his briefing on ship procedures in case he wasn't present. He wasn't particularly impressed, feeling a touch of annoyance as your head found its place on his shoulder.
Pausing for a moment, Tech calculated his next move and decided to give your arm a quick nudge. You grumbled but awakened, sitting up to find Tech staring at you. "You fell asleep while I was teaching you what to do if we were to abruptly drop out of hyperspace. Or the atmosphere."
Heat rushed to your cheeks, embarrassment washing over you. "Sorry, Tech," you replied meekly, genuinely feeling guilty. "I haven't been sleeping much lately."
"Well, since this lesson is over, perhaps you should catch up on your sleep so that you don't doze off during our next session," Tech responded, turning away to focus on his datapad. You couldn't discern whether he was being curt or annoyed, or if his advice was genuinely well-intentioned. Choosing not to dwell on it, you quietly apologised again before leaving the cockpit.
Tech briefly glanced up from his datapad as you exited, wondering why you had deemed his shoulder the ideal place to take a nap. However, like you, he didn't dwell on it for long, refocusing his attention on other pressing matters.
The second time:
Your relationship with Tech grew the more you spent time with him, and he didn't bring up the incident of you falling asleep on him to either you or the others. It was during a peaceful moment of star-gazing, lying on the grass outside the ship, that he noticed you yawn.
"Are you still having trouble sleeping?" he inquired, turning his head to face you.
You explained that your bunk wasn't exactly comfortable, prompting a slight warmth to creep up your cheeks when he suggested his shoulder as an alternative. "It was quite comfy, yeah."
Tech analysed your response before looking back up at the stars, tilting his head slightly. "Perhaps now would be a suitable time for you to get some rest if you wish. I will allow you to rest on my shoulder."
Before he even glanced back at you for confirmation, you shifted your head and rested your cheek against his shoulder, just like before. This time, however, Tech felt a sense of contentment. "Sleep tight," he whispered softly, accepting your presence against him.
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The first time:
When you accidentally fell asleep on Crosshair, he didn't even flinch. He swiftly stood up, jolting you awake, and you watched in confusion as he abruptly left the area. It took a moment for you to register what had happened, until you looked over at Omega, who had a smirk on her face as she informed you that you had fallen asleep on Crosshair.
You facepalmed, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over you. However, you were somewhat relieved that he had chosen to leave rather than snap at you. Then again, you didn't think he would. He was quite short with the others but never had been to you within the short time of knowing him.
Crosshair sought solace in the cockpit, saying nothing to the others. His mind raced as he tried to comprehend why you would want to be near him, let alone fall asleep against him. He was wary of you but there was something.
The second time:
This time was unexpected because it was Crosshair who offered his shoulder for you to sleep on. You stared up at him, dumbfounded, as he suggested it after you mentioned feeling a bit sleepy.
"You fell asleep on me before, so why not now?" he asked, his expression unreadable, though you thought you detected a hint of mischief in his eyes.
Over the past three months, you and Crosshair had developed a strong bond and had grown close. "That was an accident," you muttered with a short laugh, still feeling a bit embarrassed about the incident and surprised that he remembered.
"Well, now it won't be," he remarked, tilting his head slightly as a signal for you to lean against him. With some hesitation, you obliged. It didn't take long for your eyelids to grow heavy as sleep overcame you.
Crosshair remained silent, chewing on a toothpick as he observed the surroundings. He said nothing when his brothers passed by, casting curious glances at the two of you.
In fact, Omega couldn't resist snapping a photo when both of you eventually drifted off to sleep, Crosshair's chin gently resting on top of your head.
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Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex x @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @theroguesully @mustluvecho @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter r @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 0 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @imalovernotahater @crystal076 @blustalker @the-good-shittt @s1st3r @by-the-primes s @the-bad-batch-baroness
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lemotmo · 3 months
SWAT Lou speculation
So, earlier today I posted this post on my blog. In it I asked about where all this ‘Lou getting a bigger part in SWAT’ information was coming from. I have been looking around for casting information on SWAT season 8 and I couldn’t find anything official.
I asked this question because over the last week I’ve been receiving some highly interesting information and speculation on the SWAT casting for season 8.
BE AWARE that all that is in this post is based upon hearsay and rumours. As long as nothing official has been posted by Lou or CBS, all of this could just be interesting speculation, but ultimately not true. Whether it is true or not, I found it interesting enough to post about. Speculating is one of the fandom things I enjoy most. As long as it stays respectful and doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s a fun thing to do. But since it is only speculation, this could all turn out to be wrong. But in the meantime we have something fun interesting to talk about during hiatus.
Okay, it all started with a wonderful SWAT Sherlock Nonny (Nonny 1) who had some intriguing information to share. I’m not going to post the entire ask they sent me, but I’m cutting out the parts that are most interesting.
18 June: (he = Lou)
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When I received this ask I thanked the Sherlock Nonny (Nonny 1) and asked them to keep me updated if they found anything else. Here is what they sent next.
I'm putting the rest under a cut, because it gets loooong! :)
19 June:
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Then, three days ago, yet another anon (Nonny 2) messaged me with the following.
23 june:
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Speed forward to today, when I received another message from yet another anon (Nonny 3) as an answer to my question on where people got all this SWAT information.
This person basically shared a post with me that they saw on someone’s blog and they felt it was a very interesting read and interesting information for us to know about.
26 june:
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Can I just say how thoughtful and interesting that answer is. I have been called so many horrible things for pointing out that Lou's character is a plot device and I've been reading so many angry, hateful and spiteful posts about this topic that I’ve come to expect the same tone for all the posts about this subject. But this person isn’t spewing hate. They are just talking about the reality of where this storyline is going. I appreciate and respect that a lot. So please, can we at least treat this person with the same kind of respect? I really don't want to see any hate towards this person in the comments or reblogs. Thank you.
So, that’s about it. It’s a waiting game now on whether or not Lou did get a bigger role on SWAT. It could all be a coincidence and by next week he might be back happily tweeting about 911, but for now this is a plausible theory.
All we can do is wait and see how this story will unfold.
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“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 28 is now available on AO3.
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“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Currently 28 chapters completed: 1.177M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
Here's a snippet from Chapter 28 of an emotional Eddie and Buck having a heated conversation about sex.
Buck pulls back, meets Eddie’s eyes and whispers, “Mi manchi e ti voglio!” [“I miss you and I want you!”]
“Mi manchi anche tu! Ma… ma non dovremmo… voglio dire, dovremmo fermarci.” [“I miss you too!” But… but we shouldn’t… I mean we should stop.”]
While searching Eddie’s beautiful brown eyes for an answer to his hesitancy, he asks, “Allora qual è il problema?” [Then what’s the problem?”]
Eddie’s not sure how to respond because he wants him and he’s ready to make love but how does he tell his husband he’s afraid he might die during the middle of them having sex? Before January 2nd he never considered it but now, he can’t get the images of Buck’s limp body hanging from the aerial and him lying on the floor of their living room out of his mind.
He asks, “Non mi vuoi?” [“Don’t you want me?”]
Eddie’s eyes widen because he asked the same question two weeks ago.
When he doesn’t verbally respond, his silence says everything Buck needs to hear. He frowns, then he exasperatedly sighs. “Is it me? Did I do something?”
“No! No… no…”
“Then... what are you afraid of Eddie?! Please tell me because I—I don’t understand.”
How will Eddie respond to Buck's question?
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Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - After Buck resumes therapy, he’ll continue to face the fact that he “DIED” in March 2023 and during those sessions, he’ll learn about the 7 stages of grief. As he continues his healing journey, Eddie will be right by his side just like he promised and the Diaz family will start to deal with their three minutes and seventeen seconds loss as a family.
Chapter 28 - Two years ago, Eddie was asked, “What are you afraid of?”; twice, once by Frank and once by Buck but he only answered one of them without deflecting. Since that time, he’s been to therapy and him and Buck got married but the question resurfaces when Frank asks Buck the same question and Buck asks it of Eddie for the second time. However, when Buck asks, his reasoning will be about something else entirely.
Chapter 29 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-28 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
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apuckishwit · 1 year
See, it's a METAPHOR
A preview of Chapter 31 of Rolled a 1 on the Check, Rolled a 20 on the Save by APuckish_Wit on A03
The boys are acting weird.
Not bad weird or anything. He doesn’t think that anything’s wrong per se. They’re just super giggly and clearly are having private conversations in their Discord messages that they’re not letting him in on. Like…way more private conversations than they usually do during a gaming session.
It's their last gaming session before a two-week hiatus so he can attend Origins (and take a little side trip to Chicago to meet the man of his—increasingly explicit—dreams face to face for the first time and hopefully sweep him off his feet with his epic love confession), and he’s been planning an epic cliffhanger for the last month. He just needs to get Will or maybe Dustin to take the bait and convince the others to investigate the Upside Down version of the mysterious Apothecary Brenner’s estate. Ordinarily he wouldn’t care too much, besides being a little miffed that they aren’t giving his masterful storytelling its proper attention…but Steve’s acting weird, too.
He has been for the last couple weeks, honestly. Again, not so much a bad weird. He’s just been quieter than usual. Distracted, almost. Eddie kind of feels like Steve is only half paying attention to their conversations lately, but when he asks about it, Steve just says he’s fine. Has something on his mind that he’s trying to work out. Eddie tries not to be saddened that Steve hasn’t asked for his help or opinion…Steve’s his friend, not his significant other (no matter how much Eddie’s hoping, praying, and fantasizing that that might be different soon) and if Steve doesn’t want to talk about what’s bothering him, he doesn’t have to.
He tries not to let the weirdness get to him, and in the end it’s actually Lucas who takes the bait and convinces them to check out the apothecary in case there are any healing potions or herbs that could be useful. The boys howl in delighted outrage when Eddie springs his trap—dozens of the sentient vines that have been harrying the party bursting from the floor and walls of the apothecary as soon as they start searching the building and ensnaring Xerxes, Will the Wise, and Sir Stephen as loud, ominous footsteps descend from the building’s upper floor.
“And that, unfortunately, is where we’re going to have to leave it for the next two weeks,” Eddie announces gleefully, eliciting more howls and bright laughter from the boys. “I do thank everyone for joining us tonight, and don’t forget to check out my Twitch and YouTube channels for live streaming events from Origins next week! I’ve got a great panel planned and a few announcements about future projects!” For some reason, that sets off more laughter from Dustin before he quickly mutes his mic, and the boys all sign off much more quickly than usual, until it’s just him and Steve in the Discord.
“You excited for the convention?” Steve asks. In the background, Eddie can here pots and pans being moved, the clink of dishes and running water. He closes his eyes for just a moment, pretending that he’s right there with Steve, the two of them debriefing their day together over the remains of a nice dinner. God, what is his life that he’s fantasizing about clearing away dirty dishes?
It would be worth a fantasy if it was with Steve, though.
“So be honest—scale of one to ten, how fucked are we when whatever it is gets down those stairs?” Steve asks, and Eddie lets out a short bark of laughter.
“Eh, I’m not saying I’ll definitely get my first character kill in…but you might want to have a backup ready.”
“Already done.”
“Is it a human paladin named Stephano?”
“No,” Steve replies in mock-offense. “It’s a human barbarian named Stefan. Totally different.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Eddie says, so much fondness coloring his tone he was sure someone looking at him would be able to see cartoon hearts circling his head. “Dustin will hate it.”
“You say that like it’s not my main motivation.”
Eddie laughs again, gathering his laptop up and heading out into the living room. Gandalf is waiting at the door to his recording room, immediately winding around his ankles as he makes his way over to the couch. A copy of Men at Arms he’d gotten from the local library is lying on the arm of the couch, face-down and open to the page they’d left off on a couple days ago. “You up for more of Sam tonight? We’re getting to the thrilling finale.”
“It’s his wedding—how much more chaos can there be?”
“Oh, Stevie, Stevie, Stevie—haven’t you been paying attention? There’s always more chaos in Discworld.”
“Hah, true. But, um—he and Sybil get a happy ending, right?”
Eddie tilts his head, curious at the sudden shift in Steve’s tone. He sounds almost…tentative. “I mean—do you want spoilers?”
“Maybe? Shut up, I know it’s stupid. I’m just…rooting for them. They’re so different, but they really love each other.”
Eddie can feel the soft, goofy smile splitting his face. “That they do. And yeah, I promise, they get a happy ending. Don’t get me wrong, they’re not perfect. Sam gets caught up in his work…kind of a lot now that I’m thinking about it. But they always make it work. Sir Terry wasn’t real big on fairy-tale perfection. His storytelling is so real. Sam and Lady Sybil…they have problems and challenges, but they just keep, I dunno, choosing each other? No matter what. So the differences don’t matter in the end, and the mistakes can be forgiven.”
Steve is quiet for a moment. “Choosing each other. I really like that.”
Gandalf leaps up on Eddie’s lap, and he absently scratches behind the cat’s ears. “Yeah,” he says softly. “Yeah, me too.”
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bluginkgo · 7 months
Quick announcement (before the diarrhea of information):
I'm gonna go on a semi-hiatus for a week or so. I'll still be around, just not posting any drawings. Need to replenish my energy and drawing reserves cause I'm dead >_<
Sleep behind scenes!
So... Ginkgo why the hell did this take you so long? Sorry, sorry 😅 Here's what happened. I got burned out after like 10 pages (specifically the manor backgrounds killed me, plus having the full gang in the story) and then got sick and was not feeling all that great. Working through the burn out, sick, AND college work on top was quite hard not gonna lie though, but I wanted to finish it ^^
Alright, now as for little unnecessary Easter eggs, I added as nods to the show and my other interests. ^_^
1. Undertale save point. Undertale had me sucked in for a good long while, and for some odd reason decided to re-emerge in a form of the star save. Made it purple for Uzi's effect over N. She made him more rebellious, so he started to question why is it his memories and dreams are strange/corrupted/missing instead of just going with the flow.
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2. Ep3 nod. V and N have history, history that I wish we get to see. V was nicer, kinder, in my opinion, prior to the absolute solver going rampage. So it makes sense for them to have some sort of friendship at the VERY least. So I decides to give it a small spin to it too. A direct quote from ep3 ^_^
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3. Ep 2 + 5 nod. I kinda pulled the moment when James dismissed N from ep2 together with events that follow after N leaves library in ep5. Chronologically, these events don't fit together, seeing as ep2 is when N first meets Cyn and ep5 is when she's already set up the massacre. But this is exactly what I was going for. N's memories are jumbled at best, so I took liberty in mixing, matching, and editing his memories just as the admin program would probably.
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4. Absolute Solver symbols nod. My chats with @absolute-solver (sorry for annoying you with tag 😅) made me realize that the absolute solver ought to have more presence now. It's activated and running systems in the background for Uzi. Whiiiiich means that drawing absolute solver should start now. BUT, it's rudimentary at best. Symbols don't really make sense and are not completed for most of the time. Not until Uzi at least sees the error message in ep2, when she truly starts questioning what that weird symbol on her visor is. I headcanon that N does know or at least feel that the absolute solver symbol is familiar, hence the little comment.
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5. Absolute Solver Nori. Why is there so many absolute solver Nori around? I'm certain she went back to normal, just like in pictures Khan showed us in ep4 post core collapse. But I connected the solvers together here. Uzi's absolute solver string is up and running, and because the solver is a hivemind, it'd connect the memories and warp them a little. So that's why Uzi's doodle of her and Nori at the end (and during memory recall) was so full of absolute solver. It's slowly taking root, whether she wants it to or not.
Personal touches/added/cut ideas:
N's tail wrapping around Uzi like a hug. Originally, Uzi was supposed to look more nervous, but not for the reasons you might think. I cut the nervous look to a more upset look so it wouldn't be confused for fear. Uzi's never scared of N (yes, I don't count ep2 either, that was a lot of events at once and very little time to process them). The nervous look was more of a "Why are you butting in?" type, you know? Being a loner makes you cautious, so when N prods at feelings, I figured Uzi would be a bit defensive.
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Cyn is fully rendered and yet I glitched her so much I felt bad. So here's full absolute solver Cyn eldrich monster thingy. ^_^
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I pulled a Hazbin hotel moment. Did you see it? Abracadabra GONE! All the scraps from first couple pages with NUzi chatting POOFED out of the existence. Did I get lazy and tired? Yes, that was the tell tale sign of burn out, when I stopped keeping track of background details and just kept the pod.
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These progress shots show pretty well how the story boarding goes and how I change my mind too easily. 😅 storyboard is still as much of a mess as ever, sketch shows you I was gonna keep Uzi's hat, but decided against it in final product. I figured this. Nori gave Uzi the jacket whenever Uzi got a bigger body + hair. These are the same jacket and hair Uzi has in canon. Uzi's body is just upgraded again and her hair gets shorter in that regard. The jacket would be big on her, and cover her hands, but what's up with the fluff if I draw canon jacket more spiky? And where's the death battery drawing? I headcanon Uzi drew those on once she got into the angsty teenager stage. The jacket is more spiky from wear and tear.
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Fun fact! You can sorta tell who's gonna show up in the comic by what memes I post prior. Here's some examples ^_^ Cyn showed up, and that was first practice with maid outfits and Cyn's eldrich form. Closely followed by manor gang, the second/final form of maid and butler outfits and prime practice for those scenes. This example is a bit spoiler for a meme I'm working on right now! I've never drawn Nori before, so I quickly sketched out the idea and continued on with the comic (otherwise, I'd lose my steam and procrastinate on it again). Memes are filler for you guys while I work on the actual projects (comics), and along the way, they give me practice and change in drawing style ^_^
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Is it a coincidence that this comic is called Sleep with the release of a certain horror game? Actually, yeah pure coincidence 😅 I had this drafted allll the way back in November, and didn't take particular interest in poppy playtime until I saw lanky boi, which was actually during a stream I watched on release day of the chapter.
(I didn't know tumblr, or at least the phone app, had a tag limit of 30, BOY was I surprised @brookiedaaroacecookie that must have been THE tag city, sorry 😅)
Next comic is Loneliness 1 and 2
This one is split into 2 POVs from both Uzi and N side, thus its 2 separate comics. That one will be more NUzi centered, too, a slight angst and comfort spin to it. That will come... sometime. I have a few more projects I wanna finish up with prior to starting on these guys ^_^
Why are you still reading this? Omg, have a cookie 🍪 you made it. Have a nice day now ^_^
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ladysomething · 3 months
Maddie hiiii!!
I woke up today thinking of your Max memoir fic. But it seems to be a long, long time away. Could you maybe share another angsty snippet from it? Only if you can. If it starts looking like you're sharing the whole fic in the snippets, I completely understand if you can't or don't want to :)
well it's a long way away, but it will probably be almost the first one I write after wygig. but it's so sweet that you've been thinking about it 😭 that makes me ridiculously happy.
anyway, here is a little piece from it. I honestly don't really remember what I've shared, but I feel fairly positive that this is very different to everything else I've shared from that piece.
also, I wrote all of this before Lewis' move to Ferrari, so I have yet to decide whether I'm going to rework that detail. just as fyi, bc Lewis at Mercedes is mentioned in here haha.
Max Verstappen Announces Memoir, “What I Was Made For.” 
By Adella Stevens 
9:08am 11/08/2033
Max Verstappen shocked the world this morning by breaking his two year social media silence to announce his memoir. 
Verstappen started his Instagram post by firstly addressing his long hiatus from social media. 
“What started as a small break quickly turned into a complete life overhaul,” he wrote. 
“I started to reflect on my life and my childhood after my dad died in 2029, but it took me a few years to realise I needed to go deeper. When I decided to take that dive, I started to journal. Eventually, I realised I was writing a book.” 
Verstappen continued on by announcing that his memoir would be called What I Was Made For. 
“My memoir deals almost exclusively with my relationship with my father. It’s painful at points, and more honest than I’ve ever been in my life. I think that you’ll learn things about me that you might have already guessed, and probably some things that you wish you’d never found out. Either way, getting this out was the most cathartic thing I’ve ever done in my life. My memoir is called What I Was Made For, and it’s out October first.” 
Verstappen’s relationship with his father was highly debated during his time in Formula One. While both father and son were quite open about the relationship they had during the younger’s childhood, there were different opinions on whether it was a positive or a negative. 
Jos Verstappen drove in Formula One himself, though he never won a race or a Championship. Max entered Formula One at just sixteen years old, and subsequently became the youngest person to ever win an F1 race. 
Verstappen is now a seven-time Formula One World Champion, tied with Michael Schumacher for the second most Championships of all time. Lewis Hamilton holds the record of eight Championships, a record he broke in 2027, after which he retired. 
Verstappen won his seventh Championship the following year, in 2028, in very controversial fashion after he collided with his main rival Charles Leclerc. Leclerc had joined Mercedes that year, taking Hamilton’s seat, and was on track to win his first Championship. Verstappen was only four points ahead of Leclerc going into the final race, but after their collision neither scored points, leaving the Championship to Verstappen. 
While we don’t exactly know the contents of Verstappen’s memoir, it’s assumed from his post that it will detail his time before entering Formula One, perhaps even during it. Verstappen never made an announcement around his reason for retiring from the sport, so likely the book will explain this as well. 
With the memoir being released in only six weeks, it’s likely there will be more details to come. 
Formula Babe @lynskyyy 
8.13am 11.08.33
This new gen of f1 fans do not understand how big this news is. F1 was at its PEAK when Max was racing, there was such a huge interest in the sport because of Netflix. but max always kept everything so private, so a memoir from him is like gold 
Maria @bigdaddy5469 
11.34am 11.08.33
If you’d told me last night that I’d wake up to the news that Max Verstappen is releasing a tell all memoir, I’d have laughed in your face 
Big Boy Chris @bigboychris 
11.56am 11.08.33
This is such a clear and desperate attempt from Max to stay relevant. I bet he ran out of money. What a fucking loser, he didn’t deserve half of those championships. 
Ver-crush-them @katie_tesk 
12.07pm 11.08.33
Replying to @bigboychris: Remind me again when you were EVER relevant? I don’t think Max can hear your complaints over his seven WDCs  
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caeli0306 · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to the unhinged record of my writing and other obsessions
Hello! I'm Caeli. I'm 23 and a journalist by day, rabid Fourth Wing/Empyrean and Star Wars fan by night. FW got me back in to reading fantasy, and then IF left me with a crippling book hangover. I turned to writing fanfiction for the first time to try to get my mind off of it, and now I spend my days writing... and then go home at night and write some more.
My fics (all posted on AO3):
Tales from the Airport Bathroom - Xaden/Violet spy/soldier AU almost entirely from Xaden's POV where Violet is Stab Happy and Xaden is a Simp, the meet cute is on an airplane, and Xaden gives wife guy vibes as Violet destroys her enemies. Completed, four chapters, 19.5k words. (1)(2)(3)(4)
the present, the past, and you in between - VERY angsty one shot from Xaden's POV where he reflects on his lifelong love for Violet. Completed, 1k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Shots? - One-shot College AU where Xaden thinks his feelings are unrequited but has to look out for Violet on an evening where she goes a little crazy with the Fireball shots. Completed, 10k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Roadtrip? - A short prequel to Did Someone Say Shots? based on the RQ War Games drabble prompt fics that were getting posted for the 1 year anniversary. Completed, 1.1k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Vacation? - A sequel of sorts to Did Someone Say Shots? that can be read on its own, where Xaden is vulnerable, Violet is emotional intelligent, and 🌶️. Completed, 12.7k words (1)
Violet Sorrengail's Guide to Spinning a Scandal - Xaden/Violet Modern Day AU where Violet is a political crisis consultant and Xaden is running for office. Mutual hatred turns to mutual pining, and of course, scorching sexual tension. 🌶️ eventually. Completed, 71k words. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
castles crumbling - Xaden/Violet assassin-spy/soldier AU, aka the extended version of Tales from the Airport Bathroom. In-progress, chapter 15 posted 8/26, 120.5k words and counting. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)
On hiatus:
Swan Song - 2nd gen fic following Xaden and Violet's second daughter, Fen, as she tries to figure out who - or what - killed her sister Nora in a world where Tyrrendor is independent and the venin have been defeated for 25 years. Featuring the fan favorite Aidan Matthias, Rhiannon's adopted son with Tara, a brand new squad, and a squad leader with a very familiar name. Chapter 13 posted 4/14, 72k words and counting, on hiatus indefinitely. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)
Addendum - Companion piece for Swan Song. A series of one-shots expanding on the background of my Swan Song fic and giving perspective from different characters' POV's, especially Nora's. Chapter 3 posted 3/5, 4.6k words and counting, updated sporadically depending on story needs. (1)(2)(3)
Things to know:
Update Schedule:
I don't have one! Like I mentioned in my intro, I am a journalist by day, which means I already do a lot of writing on a daily basis. I love it, but that also means that during busy news cycles I might not have the time or the desire to write. I do this for fun and because I love sharing the worlds in my head with other people, but my first priority will always be myself. If I haven't updated in a week or two, that doesn't mean they'll never be updated! I will always put a note on my Tumblr if I'm putting something on hiatus, along with an estimate for when I plan to start updating again.
What I post about
In order to keep myself accountable, I post frequent updates on my writing progress here. As I said above, I write these stories because I love them, but also because I love sharing them. This helps me stay on track, while also letting people know the general progress of the next chapter.
How long will castles crumbling be?
TBD! Tales from the Airport Bathroom was no plan, just vibes. castles crumbling is the extended version, so it will obviously be longer. While I do have a general plan for this here extended version, I don't have a chapter-by-chapter outline the same way I do with Swan Song. This is partially because I'm still going back and forth on how parts of this story will go, but also because I want to try writing in a bit of a less structured way than I have been doing. I can't imagine it will be shorter than 25 chapters, but honestly, who knows? I'll update this when I have a better idea.
When will you update Addendum again? When should I read the different Addendum chapters?
I created Addendum because I wanted to give people insight into Nora without interrupting the flow of Swan Song. I expanded this concept by adding in a Violet POV chapter as well. These provide context to certain interactions, foreshadow future events, or otherwise flesh out the world in which Fen and the other characters inhabit. In short, it will be updated as needed.
Nora's First Addendum - Read after Chapter 4 of Swan Song
Nora's Second Addendum - Read after Chapter 7 of Swan Song
Violet's First Addendum - Read after Chapter 9 of Swan Song
Lastly, I love hearing from people who read my fics. Feel free to message me whenever, whether its to provide constructive criticism, ask a question, offer up a writing prompt, or just to say hi!
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plantinghobbies · 1 year
Growing Pains
One: On the Day That I Met You
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Long time reader, first time poster. This is my first time writing, well almost anything, especially a chaptered fic. The biggest thanks to @solipsisticno1 for being the best beta this newbie could ask for. Would love to hear what you think, thanks for reading!
He clocks her when he first walks in, partially because she’s sat reading a book - in a bar, who does that - but mainly because of what she’s eating – a caprese salad. The menu here has basically been sustaining him since he flew in, which is how he is certain that what she’s eating is not on it. Up until now, the proximity to the studio has largely made up for the lackluster food options. But the sight of fresh produce in this mecca of fried food has him gravitating toward the open stool next to her like a water-starved man to a desert mirage.
While Matty had initially given Jack shit for relocating to a place he’d never heard of – one that seemed diametrically opposed to the big cities that had soundtracked and marked their friendship up until now - he was starting to see Asheville’s appeal. It definitely didn’t have the physical anonymity that London or New York had, that feeling that you could live there your whole life and never even come close to seeing all it had to offer. On the other hand, Matty is pretty sure that he’s covered every inch of this town, walking to clear his head in between writing sessions and dicking around in the studio. He can navigate from his rental to the studio downtown already without Google Maps. Where this kind of familiarity used to bore him, he now finds comfort in it instead. It might be the only thing around him these days that feels impervious to change.
He settles on the bar stool and glances around, still not quite used to the visual onslaught that greets him, even after three weeks. The walls of the otherwise brightly lit bar are absolutely littered from floor to ceiling with signs. And not the street and beer signs that he’s come to associate with American pubs. Instead, aggressively inspirational sayings and pseudo-biblical quotes scream at him from every direction in a variety of sizes and fonts. He can’t tell if it’s ironic or not. He hasn’t wanted to ask for fear of offending someone, an instinct he pats himself on the back for as a sign of significant maturity.
After the bartender leaves with his order, he glances over at her and her mystery salad, drumming his hands on the table as he takes her in. Short, dark hair frames her face and she brings her hand up to bite at her nail, a habit that he can tell from her hand she does often. She looks to be slightly younger than him and for a second, Matty wonders if she’s a fan. That may just be a tiny bit of wishful thinking on his part – he hasn’t been recognized once since he got here and if he’d never admit it but it’s starting to grate on him. He tries to tell himself it’s because he loves the connection he has with his fans, has missed it during their hiatus. But if he’s honest, it’s picking at a worry that he has in the back of his mind, that it’s the first indication of a slide into irrelevance that he’s been bracing himself for since he first heard a crowd roaring for him and his band. And each day that goes by without an impassioned interaction on the sidewalk or request for a selfie in the grocery store, the worry grows bigger.
When her gaze shifts from her book to the clock on the wall, he realizes he’s been staring and averts his eyes quickly in a way that he hopes is not obvious. He briefly considers getting his food to go, shuffling back to the studio or his house to find something to distract from his current thoughts. But he forces “for here” out when he orders his food, knowing that all that awaits him at home is Internet rabbit holes and more wanking than is probably healthy.  
He’s starting to envy the book and her foresight to bring it as the noise around him is overtaken by the noise in his head. He’s trying to get better at being alone with his own thoughts, which is fucking hard when your mind resembles the inside of a tornado, disconnected thoughts spiraling around each other like debris, forever circling the calm of the eye but never reaching it. Jesus, he’s so sick of his own thoughts at this point. He makes it a heroic - by his standards - amount of time before the thoughts in his mind force their way out of his mouth.
“Bloody hell, what is with these signs?!” He mutters.  
Tess hadn’t really been paying attention to the guy next to her, appearing intentionally focused on the thriller she was reading to ward off conversation from anyone she might know. It’d been a tough day at work and she needed time to decompress before her chit-chatty brother realized she was there. When she hears his comment though, she can’t help the snort that escapes her. Real ladylike Tess. Turning to her right, she can tell from the way he sits up straighter as their gaze's meet that he relishes getting a reaction, even if it’s from a complete stranger.
“You know, my brother owns this place and he might not take kindly to that question” she says, expecting embarrassment from him but getting only a smirk back.
“Aaah well that explains your access to off-menu items” he says, nodding to her salad. “I’ve been coming here for weeks and wasn’t sure if they even had a vegetable in the place.”  
“Exclusive for VIPs only.”
“Good to know, had a hunch you were special” he says with a wink, enjoying the slight tinge of pink it brings to her cheeks. “Anyway, I’ve been dying to ask someone about these” he gestures up at the wall “for ages but didn’t want to put my foot in it. Which I obviously just did anyway.” Brown eyes stare back at her, wide-eyed with curiosity and childlike impatience that would be unattractive on another man his age - she’s guessing mid-thirties, maybe forty - but on him seems almost endearing.  
When she doesn’t respond, he prods her. “Well? What’s the story? Is it a gag? I know you Americans love to live, laugh, love and all that but even you have to admit this is a bit much.”  
The words are tumbling out of her mouth before she has a chance to consider the ramifications of prolonging the conversation, which she had been actively avoiding in the first place. “Wait, nobody’s told you?”
He shakes his head slowly, warily. She’s got him, can’t help herself.   “Oook, well..” she hesitates, glancing down at her own food “you know what, another time, don’t want to ruin your dinner.”
“No, no go ahead, it hasn’t even arrived yet” large hands hovering over the empty place setting in front of him.
Looking over her shoulder and leaning into him for dramatic effect, she whispers “Well, it’s not something we like to talk about, been one too many true crime junkies coming through asking questions,” she pauses, eyes trailing over his upper body “but you don’t seem like the type. You seem trustworthy.” He looks thrilled with this absolutely unfounded vote of confidence in his character.
“So, the previous owner, Marge, she was this real battle ax. Didn’t take shit from anyone. Her husband – I forget his name - had run out years before with the next-door neighbor, leaving her alone with their daughter and this bar. When he left, people said he took the last shred of love that she had left. Except when it came to her little girl. You know that saying they use on the news when someone dies tragically, that they ‘lit up a room’? Well, that was Lauren. She was a sweetheart, her and my brother actually dated for years. Until…” the shudder is a little over the top but Tess has always fashioned herself a great story teller.  
Her silence is punctuated only by the slight skid of wood across the floor, his body unconsciously leaning forward and taking the bar stool under him with it as he almost whispers “Until what?”
“Until she was murdered…here” Glancing away, she hears him take in a stilted breath.
“Here? Here as in Asheville?” He blurts out, voice thick with shock.  
“Here as in at this bar” Her knuckles rap agains the wood with every word and he jumps back as if it’s on fire.
“Anyway, Lauren – the daughter - she loved these things” Tess gestures to the walls around them “so every year on the anniversary of her death, Marge bought a new one and put it on the wall. When she died last year and my brother bought the place, it felt wrong to take it down. Like removing a shrine or a cemetery or something, you know?”
He nods slowly, still stuck on what she had said before. “Holy shit, that’s mad!” His eyes gravitate toward the worn wood even as the rest of his body instinctually leans away from it - as if the misfortune that occurred on it was contagious.
“Did they ever catch who did it?” he’s aware of how breathy his voice sounds, that he’s just being nosy now.
“No, but the police think whoever it is was likely a regular. Maybe still is, honestly” her eyes flit around them, sizing up the bodies as if they’ll give themselves away.  
“Jesus, really?!”  
Tess’s gaze comes back to him, assessing him more closely than she had before. She couldn’t ignore his conventional good looks, with a lithe frame that hinted at toned muscles just below and a riotous mop of untamed dark curls on his head. The words cute and sexy float to the front of her mind. Six packs and success didn’t do much for Tess, though she wouldn’t hold it against a guy. But funny, nerdy, personable? Those were like kryptonite for her, a combination that made her weak in ways that were concerning to feminism. And this guy seemed to have them in spades, she thought. Add in the accent and woof… She shook her head subtly to refocus, remembering she had left him in suspense.
For his part, her story is the most interesting thing he’s heard in a while. He’s already thinking about how to mine this for lyrics, the tragic story hidden in the walls of this charming dive bar. They’re staring at each other, and he watches with confusion as a slow, mischievous smirk replaces the grim look on her face.
“No, not really ” there’s a hint of a laugh in her voice “but that would be way cooler than the actual story.” After a quick sip of her Diet Coke, she launches into the truth about the signs, which are her sister-in-law’s doing. Well, sort of. When Sadie and Ben moved into their first house, Sadie’s mother started giving them to her for near every holiday. There was no way they were going in their home, but they didn’t want to offend Becky either. At first, they buried them in the bathroom and the garage but quickly ran out of wall space. Fed up, Sadie threw them in a box and shipped them off to the bar. It’s become a running joke among the regulars to see who can add the “best” one to the collection.
“So that whole story about Marge and Lauren and the murder, that’s all made up?” The pink in her cheeks accentuates her already enticing features as she nods. “Wow, that’s like, proper fucked up - and that’s saying something coming from me” His harsh words are softened by the hint of playfulness in his voice. She clearly enjoyed taking the piss out of him, he kinda digs it. “Is that what you all do for fun in small towns? Just lie around and think up grim tall tales to sell to handsome strangers?”  
“Small town?! Come on new guy! Asheville is a city thank you very much” Tess is indignant - she’s not this town’s biggest fan but she’s from here, she’s earned the right to make fun of it. Asheville is like her fourth sibling – she mocks it mercilessly, but if someone else talks shit about it, the gloves are off.
“Please. London, where I live, is a city. Manchester, where I’m from, has 500,000 people in it. That’s a city. This….” He shrugs and trails off, gesturing around him as if it was obvious.  
Exasperation is evident on her face. It’s adorable, he thinks, surprising himself with the thought.  
“You clearly just haven’t availed yourself of all this city” she emphasizes the word “has to offer.”
“Is that an invitation to show me around?” The comment is punctuated by a flit of his eyes across her frame that she should find skeezy but is somehow hot. Tess’s friends often remind her that her flirtation index is not the best on a good day – girl, you wouldn’t register a guy was flirting with you if he tattooed it on his naked chest, Fern often said - and especially not when it’s been this long. Well, fuck you Fern, even I picked up on this.
But just because she knows it’s happening doesn’t mean she knows how to respond to it. His comment jolts through her, sparking excitement and then almost immediate anxiety as she struggles with what to do next. Playing it cool isn’t Tess’s list of strengths – understatement of the century, she thinks - and she’s painfully aware of the time passing by where she’s failed to cobble together even a simple response. Matty senses the shift in her mood, goes to change the subject but gets interrupted by his food being delivered.
In the end, faced with flirt or flee, Tess choose’s flee. She takes advantage of the momentary distraction his dinner provides to extricate herself, gathering her book and sliding off the stool. The abruptness of her departure doesn’t sit right with him, it’s not a reaction he’s used to these days – and yes, he’s aware of how much of an absolute wanker that makes him sound like. He doesn’t think it’s something he said but he can’t seem to be too careful these days. With a polish he typically reserves for his professional persona, he tests the waters with a final comment.
“Nice talking to you,” he says to her back as she puts on her jacket.
“Yea, you too, have a good night,” she throws over her shoulder without even a glance back. Ok, based on that he’s at least 75% sure she’s not rushing off to shit talk him on Instagram for daring to wink at her without her consent. He thought she’d been into their conversation? He misses the days when his knee jerk response to interactions wasn’t to play out how it could be perceived online. Plus, she wouldn’t have wished him a good night if she was pissed off, right?
This last thought gives him some comfort, but he’s still left with a feeling he can’t put his finger on. It follows him home and fucks with his sleep. George would tell him he was obsessing, take the piss with the rest of the guys – but they weren’t here. And that was the problem, wasn’t it. It’s then - as he’s staring at the shadows the moon casts on the ceiling of his expansive bedroom – that he’s able to put a label to the dull itch that’s plagued him since he watched her leave. Loneliness. He hadn’t been alone this long for at least twenty years, since the start of the band. And Jack helped, but their time together was spent mining his feelings – pain, happiness, uncertainty, self-loathing – for lyrics, which was his passion but also really fucking draining. His conversation with her – god, he was such a simp, he didn’t even know her name – had felt fun, carefree, familiar. Easy. He hadn’t had that since he arrived here, probably since he hugged the boys goodbye backstage after the final show. And, unsurprisingly – addict, after all – he craved the feeling again.
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damn-stark · 11 months
Hi, i know that you're currently hiatus on aot fanfic but can i have more backstory about Cherry and Levi in No Regret arc? Cant help but thinkin 'bout soft levi taking care of us, Levi need more huggies. Gonna sobbing myself at the corner while waiting for the final season to be released.
Psst sorry for the bad english and grammar
Our little life
A/N- so Bella’s back? (Tell me that you know where that’s from)
Warning- FLUFF
Pairing- Jean Kirstein x fem!reader
Takes place- Before No Regrets Arc
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
It’s been what? A few weeks since you came into his life—or since he’s let you stay in his life.
He can’t say you’ve changed much, you’re still just as quiet with most of the words that come out of you being ‘yes’ and ‘no’. It’s like you're almost scared to say too much. You also still don’t seem to know your own name, nor do you utter your parent's names, or actually ask for them. You don’t move much which was good for him.
You do eat though, everything he served you you ate quickly, which kept him busy because he needed to remind you to eat slower or you’d choke and die.
He also bought you a cheap doll but you hardly paid any mind to it, instead you passed your time watching the window as if you were waiting for someone to come. Probably you’re good for nothing father.
Oftentimes Levi will find himself worrying about you, but he tries not to. Life underground is hard, especially for children, there might be a chance you don’t survive past a certain age so he’s trying to keep his distance, but he does worry that you might really hate living here. Furlan says to give you time to adjust, but it’s been weeks.
Maybe he should leave you an orphanage, at least there will be more kids your age there. You’d have friends, and who knows there might be some super slight chance that you’d get adopted by some nice family trying to stroke their ego, or you can even get picked up by the military above ground so you can die for them when you’re older. You’d be better off in either setting.
Then again…
Those chances are slim and you were left for him to take care of. And he doesn’t owe Kenny any favors, he isn’t taking care of you because of him, but…he can’t show Kenny that he couldn’t take care of a kid, he needs to prove to Kenny that he can be what Kenny never was.
Plus his mother would've taken you in without a doubt…
But! This raising a kid thing is harder than he thought.
“Damn,” he sighs and lolls his head to the side to ponder when he should be sleeping.
Nevertheless, a few minutes later the door to the room creaks open, and out you come dragging along the blanket on the ground, and your eyes droopy.
You stop past the door and rub your eyes before they adjust on Levi. “Dark,” you mutter and catch him by surprise.
That’s the only thing you say before you slowly walk over and climb on the couch to lay beside him with your head close to his lap.
That catches Levi by surprise too, but soon he feels discomfort that you were…finding comfort so close to him. It’s weird. Plus you took over his room, why aren’t you there?
“Go back,” Levi commands as he scoots away so you won’t touch him.
You drag yourself up like a worm to be closer to him and you talk back. “No. It’s dark.”
You’re talking. He just heard you talk!
It’s weird.
Thus he gets up instead and walks into his room to finally lay on his bed after days of abandonment all so you could be comfortable. But now he’s on it again and he missed it. He likes his bed, as hard and thin as it is, he likes his bed and not the couch.
However, before Levi can close his eyes the light coming from the living room casts a larger light as sees you walking in.
You hop on your feet and cling onto the sheets to climb up.
“What are you doing?” Levi asks with what was almost disgust in his voice.
Albeit you don’t answer now, you lay beside him and throw the blanket over you.
“It’s not dark out there,” he sasses you. But again you ignore him and close your eyes, so now Levi slides himself off the bed and once again walks away to leave you be. He even leaves the door open this time hoping that would be enough light for you.
Now perhaps he can finally get some fucking sleep? It’s been a long day especially because he hasn’t slept in a while.
So he closes his eyes and lets out an exhausted sigh. Nevertheless, only moments later the patter of feet against the wooden panels approaches the couch, so he opens his eyes and there you are once again climbing up on the couch next to him.
There’s so much space on the other side of the couch but, no, you lay your head by his lap and quickly throw your blanket over yourself. So now what can he do? It doesn’t seem like you listen.
This is why instead of spending more time walking off he reaches over for the top of your head and pushes you away. You snap your eyes open and look up at him as you’re being easily pushed away and can’t help but laugh.
You laugh for the first time since you were left at his doorstep. It’s short since you quickly cut yourself off to fall asleep as if you had been knocked out, but you laughed.
It’s such a simple thing. So mundane…
Yet when he leans his head back and closes his eyes he can’t help but let a faint smile tug on his lips because he made you laugh.
Tagged- @expectoscamander @greenygreenland @that-soft-lesbian-friend @dai-tsukki-desu @usernamehere91 @avocadopoosae @romancried @victor-criss-bish @moo-moo-meadow @stareatceiling @padfootii @ravensleepyeyes @thanosisadilf @dawneee @babyyblueey @leahseclipse @ifimnotabushimnoone @luvelyxp @ameliabs-world
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aihoshiino · 8 months
I did some mathing in my brain about when is AI’s and the Twins birthdays since I’m trying to figure out with what we got in the prologue since Aka never gave anyone birthdays and the time line of seasons is a fuck here. but I’m thinking Ai just turned 16 around the same time she was discovered to be 20 weeks along(5 months) and it starts snowing when her death/20th birthday but the twins birth it also starts snowing with the reincarnation happens.Japan usually starts having snow around mid December til early April so I’m shooting that AI’s birthday is around December while the twins might be late march if im doing a ball park guess I know this is weird thing to bring up in a ask but if Akasaka doesn’t give us birthdays then the fans gonna have to do it with the context clues we get especially since she’s still 16 when the twins are like … 6 months. Idek I’m rambling and want to know of your take cause I love your takes
please undrstand i am saying this with nothing but love but this ask briefly sent me down a rabbithole of forbidden knowledge and insanity and i feel like a lovecraft protag who has seen too much. I THINK i have made sense of all this but.................... listen akasaka clearly didn't think about it the same way i'm doing here so really, i guess i'm the clown in this scenario. heehoo.
The most direct clue we get about when Ai's birthday falls is in Viewpoint B, during her conversation with Kyun. The flashback portion of the story is implied to take place in December (the framing device is set in December and Kyun's recent breakup happened 'right before Christmas') and Ai's upcoming fifteenth birthday is mentioned indirectly; she talks about being about to age out of the children's home she'd been staying in which would put her birthday either in December or January.
This is also supported by the fact that the the snowfall that occurs after her death is noted to be unseasonably early. Given that the series is set mostly in Tokyo which mostly gets its snow in January, December makes the most sense for her birth month. In addition, during the little happy memories montage at the end of the episode, we see the family celebrating Christmas in a space that has exclusively Christmas decorations — so Ai's birthday is not close enough to the 24th or 25th for those sorts of celebrations to overlap. With all that in mind, my best guess for Ai's birthday is late November/early December. I personally like to headcanon it as November 28th, as it matches the timeframe and is when the real life Strawberry Productions Fan Thankgiving event was held.
As for the twins birthday, my instinct was to try and guesstimate this based on the details of Ai's pregnancy. We're directly told by the text that it lasted the full 40 weeks (which is actually not as common for twins — Ruby and Aqua were a bit late!) and that a few months have passed by the time she returns to working as an idol; Aqua and Ruby are using walkers the day she returns from her hiatus and babies are not typically physically capable of using them until around six months old. Obviously the twins are a bit more mobile than a regular baby would be much earlier, but they do seem to be reasonably constrained by the physical limits of their bodies so I feel pretty comfortable saying around six months have passed by the time Ai comes off hiatus. This also makes sense in terms of Ai's health, since it takes about six months to fully recovery from childbirth.
20 weeks post hiatus pregnancy + six months postpartum recovery = ten to eleven months passed between Ai arriving at the hospital and returning from her hiatus. It's also worth noting that she may not actually still be 16 around this time? When Saitou talks about her age, he mentions her becoming a mother at 16 which is obviously the age she had the kids, but it does leave room for her to have had a birthday between getting pregnant and actually having them.
With that 20 week starting point in mind, though, we can use the remaining 20 weeks of her pregnancy to try and narrow things down a bit more.
Using the anime as reference, it seems to be around early/mid autumn when Ai arrives at the hospital. If you look at the greenery behind Gorou when he's up on the roof, you can see there's patches where leaves are starting to show their autumn colours.
Tumblr media
Since the hospital is all the way out in Takachiho, where autumn typically lasts between November and early December (if I'm remembering right?), my best guess would be that Ai arrived at the hospital probably late November or early December.
With that in mind, the remaining 20 weeks of her pregnancy playing out in full, that means the twins' birthday must be in mid to late April. This is actually implicitly confirmed to be the case in the series itself: while Ruby's age (and therefore Aqua's by extension) is given as 14 at the start of volume 2, they are already sixteen by the time LoveNow starts airing, which happens not long after they start high school - and the Japanese school year starts in April.
I'm choosing to headcanon them on the earlier side of April, just because that places them smack dab in the middle of cherry blossom season for Tokyo, which both makes them spring babies in contrast to Ai and ties nicely into how cherry blossoms represent rebirth and new beginnings.
anyway watch me post this ask and then next chapter confirms the twins were born or october 5th or some shit.............
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lemotmo · 2 months
To the Nonny who posted an ask about...
... how they think that Buddie shouldn't happen in season 8, but rather in season 9.
Okay, look. I read your ask and I understand where you are coming from. I get your frustration. I do.
None of us really expect Eddie to jump out of the closet in episode 1 and shack up with Buck in episode 2? You know? Sure, we joke about it, but we all know it's going to take some time.
I understand that you, as a writer, want to see everything developed and treated with caution. I get why you don't want the Buddie narrative to be rushed. I do. In an ideal world, I would happily sit down and watch two seasons of a very obvious Buddie build-up. I think most of us would, because the 'Will they? Won't they?' of it all? Delicious.
But we also need to be serious here. This is 911. This show is filled with underdeveloped narratives and very flawed character arcs. Realism isn't very high on their priority list. It never was.
This is the show that had Buck realise he was bisexual in one single episode and he didn't even flinch.
This is the show that had Eddie on the path to healing, but then decided he should meet his dead wife's doppelgänger so they could take away his son in the end.
This is the show that has Athena running around playing Robocop, threatening people as she, and she alone, solves all the crimes and murders in LA. Yet she gets to keep her job without any problems.
This is the show that had Bobby dead for 14 minutes, but two weeks later he was walking into the 118, smiling and hugging the others, as if he had had a minor cold and he was coming back from a week off sick.
And yes, Eddie (and all of the other characters really) has a lot of issues and realistically this would take years of therapy and working on himself, but we all know it'll only take a few episodes for him to feel better again. Cue Christopher returns home and all is well again in the Diaz household. Happy times.
It is all far from realistic, but fundamentally that's the nature of this show. It's a silly, wholesome, found-family, sometimes nerve-wracking, highly unrealistic fire fighter procedural.
And that's the whole point of it. The audience love this show because it is so ridiculously over the top. The episodes with the disasters are so iconic! These characters go through the craziest shit and always end up being okay again. It's a big old dose of the found-family trope that everybody loves to watch.
So ultimately, I don't fully disagree with you. You have a great point. And for some other more realistic procedurals? I might even have fully agreed.
But for 911? Knowing this show and how they do things? I'm fully convinced that, if they wanted to pull off queer Eddie and canon Buddie in one single season? They could and they would.
They wouldn't go there right away, because they would need to build the tension. 18 episodes is enough for them to take that tension and use it to elevate the hype. And then in episode 18? BOOM! They drop the 'fully canon' Buddie bomb for real. This way people will go into the hiatus all hyped up, which is always a good thing for a TV-show.
If they decide to not drop the 'fully canon' Buddie bomb in season 8, I do fully expect them to make it canonically absolutely clear that Eddie and Buck are in love. Again, all to create hype during hiatus.
In the end, does it really matter how and when it happens? Whatever the showrunners and writers decide upon? All we, as an audience and as a fandom, can do is accept it and go with it.
And you know what? I'll be seated and transfixed in front of my TV-screen for all of it.
What can I say? I love this flawed, but awesome TV-show so much. ❤️
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fluffxstuff · 7 months
It’s been over a year since my last larry weight gain fic. I love fat Harry Styles so here’s word vomit from a long time ago I don’t want to lose. Never figured out quite how to end it.
It’s the beginning of Harry’s first hiatus in years when the couple starts smoking together. Louis rolls for them, always eager to get a time with his lover. Harry has become an impressive smoker during his last tour with the extra stress of movie premieres and Louis really loves getting to watch someone who has been constantly overworked properly relax. It’s nice to see his favorite man just let go for a minute. He hasn’t mentioned anything gym related or shopping for new clothes the way he usually does when he’s bored; it seems too good to be true to Louis. They really are just having lazy time alone together for the first time in years.
Harry’s lighting a blunt while Louis looks for food to order- Louis notices the pudge of his tummy. He’s softer than usual, not big exactly, but he’s not as defined as he was the day he got home, he had been on his tour routine then. The constant snacking he’d done since they’d woken didn’t help much.
Louis’ cheeks burn when he’s caught staring, Harry’s sucked his tongue at him, giving a playful glare. “Food baby. Nothing to be alarmed with,” he speaks low and lazy as he rubs over the slight swell. Louis only rolls his eyes as he gets back to ordering dinner for both of them on his cell. Harry usually cooks when he’s home, but that’s just another thing he’s been relaxing from.
That same night he falls asleep with an ever bigger belly, stuffed to the brim and bloated beyond what Louis even thought possible. As he helped him to bed for the third time that week Louis realized it was a pattern they’d built at this point. While guiding him he noticed it was much more than a bloat.
His diva had a bit of a belly to work off before the end of his hiatus.
It’s only about 6 months into the hiatus that Harry stops fitting into all his size small clothes he loves. Louis hasn’t seen him in anything other than stretched out boxers in a while. He’s definitely bigger than he’s ever been. The pudge of his belly now stretches everything he wears.
Harry doesn’t seem to pay the weight much attention. His growing facial hair helps distract from his double chin when he happens to check on his reflection. He’s sitting sunbathing now while Louis has some time in the pool. He’s gone through a full cupboard of snacks now; chips, cookies, brownies, popsicles, and some jalapeño poppers Louis made for him. Everything tightly packed has the man subtly trying to massage at his glistening bloated belly.
His attempts don’t go unnoticed by Louis who is just slowly keeping closer until he is at the edge of the pool peeking out over at Harry. “I can feel your eyes on me,” Harry grumbles, but doesn’t attempt to look over. He can’t help the sounds of discomfort as he rubs over his complaining stomach. Even without ever actually having the conversation Louis knows that the man knows exactly what he’s doing.
“I told you all that junk was going to give you a bellyache,” he murmured as he got himself out of the pool and to a towel. “You should try listening to me,” he can’t help wanting to be near when he’s like this, wanting to touch himself and let him lay comfortably lazy instead. He sets his towel down to sit up next to him, using his hands to massage in the places Harry had tried to more subtly.
“And steal this pleasure from you? Never.” He teased Louis with a little smirk, a low groan follows close after. Louis can feel just how full he is. He’s soft, but tight, Louis works his fingers against his skin working towards a love handle to pinch. Louis has been extremely inviting to the gain, he doesn’t say a thing about it afraid it might stop, but he’s sure to appreciate every inch of Harry.
“You’re going to have a hard time working this off,” Louis mentions, addressing the elephant in the room for the first time ever. Harry makes an obscene sound at the comment, Louis can’t tell if the arousal is towards his hands or words. “I’m on vacation. Don’t have to worry about it so much.” He explains himself like it’s not a big deal, but he can’t help feeling the slightest but insecure suddenly. “Is it that bad?,” he hesitates to ask.
Louis doesn’t know what takes over him as he places two hands on the sides of his full belly to give it a firm shake. He watches the movement cause a ripple effect, his eyes wandered to his chest which seemed to sync with the movement. Harry’s face grows red at the movement, but his eyes are glued to Louis’ expression. “I wouldn’t use the word bad.There’s definitely more of you to love,” he finally replies, dragging a fingertip along his happy trail.
Harry’s heart is racing at the touches, a sound that is most definitely closer to a moan than a groan escapes him. Sure Louis’ been welcoming to his gluttony, but never this honest. Harry felt worshiped, admired, spoiled. “You take up so much space lately, look at you. So round-,” Harry is basically purring under him so he moves a hand to trail his thicker thighs.
“I didn’t-.. You never said anything about being a chubby chaser,” Harry’s finally able to find his words and it comes off teasing. Louis rolls his eyes, poking a finger into his full bloat and earning a grunt in response. “Don’t make such a pig of yourself if you’re going to want to tease. You’re not in control now big boy,” Louis warns in a tone Harry has never heard from him before. This is new, he is definitely into it.
“Not a chubby chaser, not a lot of chasing to do when your fat ass is glued to a seat most of the time,” he’s pinching a love handle again and leaning over to press a needy kiss to the man’s belly right beneath his belly button. Harry lets another pleased moan escape him which only encourages Louis to leave a love bite in its place. He’s never been teased and worshiped like this all at once. It’s making him hard. When he comes back up to meet Harry’s face he has to climb over his belly to meet him for a kiss.
“I think there’s room in there… could fit a bit more..,” he has a smirk on his face while he says so, leaving Harry speechless. There’s no way he’s even going to think of working it off with Louis looking at him like that. This is all he wants to be.
Without another word Louis steps off, heading towards the kitchen and leaving Harry hard and full. His head is reeling, mouth watering despite not feeling like he can have another bite. He’s relieved to hear the blender, hoping for something to wash everything down with and not another bite.
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acoraxia · 9 months
been meaning to tell you how much I genuinely love your takes, designs, and overall everything relating to the LMK series,JTTW and other related topics and shows. I'll be honest as much as I love the goofiness and silliness of the fandom, as much as I love reading the ship stuff. it's nice to also look at and indulge in content that sticks more to the original lore and focuses less on romantic relationships. not many people especially in the fandom do that so it's very grounding for me if that makes sense the shipping is fun but I have other interests, I wanna see different takes for the same character ya know? broaden my understanding of them, their thoughts, and their actions. I want a diverse list of hcs that may apply universally or be dependent on whatever personal AU is playing on repeat in my skull while I pace around my room maladaptive daydreaming with a fitting Spotify playlist.
your stuff defiantly helps that, I loved reading boy savior, and I fucking LOVE blind justice I really wanna look up more about Erlang now. I'm excited to read more of your aus, relationship dynamics, character analysis, and hell your insane ramblings. watching you go feral is an experience.
I hope you're getting some decent downtime and your health doesn't take a nosedive again. As soon as things calm down money-wise, I hope to send something other than emotional support for your work. not expecting an answer to this I just wanted to express my thoughts and thanks for the times your posts and art made my days a little less shit this year and send positive vibes back.
I actually got a physical copy of Journey to the West from a friend of mine as a christmas gift and I’ll be rereading it during a small one-week hiatus (for the sake of my health and for the sake of my mental exhaustion, LMK is good but it sucks to have no one to talk to about it because of holidays) and I remember thinking at some point if I was being too.. edgy? Or too emotionally damaging in my content
I say this and I know JTTW has moments that are traumatizingly horrifying such as SWK crying when smoke got in his eyes and reliving trauma from the furnace he was locked into for days. But, still, the fandom is so goofy and silly and has.. some takes. And I thought people wouldn’t like my content because of how different it was.
Thank you for the comment and I honestly hope you have fun with whatever AU your head lets you play around with! It’s very fun when stuff like that happens, it’s actually how I started thinking about Boy Savior.
And as I am typing this I might be a little sick again ngl but here’s to hoping for a speedy recovery
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