#i might add more muses to this blog later but
duessperare · 2 years
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                                “That is my prayer. That is my wish.”
Independent Madoka Kaname from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, written by Maren. Low-activity. If you’re interested in interacting, please consider giving this post a like and/or reblog, and thank you!
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muffinrecord · 4 months
Current Plans + Musings
I don't plan on playing Exedra to the degree I did for Magia Record, or playing it at all. Because of that, I won't be taking an active role in the community and archiving anything for it. Of course, if Exedra has like amazing gameplay and stories then this is all subject to change, but for now I think I'm done with phone games.
The two youtube channels will stay up and I'll check em periodically to make sure there aren't copyright strikes against the content. I've saved all my raw files, especially for the battle animations, so I can remake them in the future if the music ever becomes a problem for some reason.
Google Drive will stay up until Google rots away. I haven't recorded footage in a long time (as in stories, I do for the character doppels and such), but I'll upload things if they're sent to me.
Magia Union Translations still plans on translating things and making videos, especially leading up to the end, but also for after the game is over for whatever wasn't made in time. I'm not sure what form this will take in the future-- if it'll be manual captions added to the videos or not, but I know it WILL happen.
As for this blog, I'm not going to delete it or anything. However I'm going to be taking a step back. I'd like to say that I'll do liveblogs but I mean... *gestures at blog* I've been saying that for years and the only one I really did successfully was the Oriko one lmao. Ahhh oh well.
I'll have more words later, but it was really fun to be part of a fandom experience like this. I'm excited to work on my own original story projects though and quiet down a bit.
When I started this blog, I never expected it to have people actually read it. Or look at it. I just wanted a place to gush about how much fun I was having. I didn't even want to tag the posts with "Magia Record" at first because I was terrified people would be mean at me, haha.
But I'm glad I did. I made so many good friends through this game. I'm glad it existed. And it made me happy to have a place where people cared about what I had to say. Some folks actually got their news from here, can you imagine that? They had notifications turned on for this blog. My god.
Anyways, I'm going to be here for the next two months, and tomorrow I'll start reblogging fan projects and initiatives, plus general news. Maybe this blog will turn into a dumping site for art and fanfic reblogs, who knows. I might watch the remaining stuff and add various thoughts here and there.
Otherwise, you can find me on my main blog @malignmuffin, which only reblogs stuff (I don't talk much if at all there). I have another tumblr blog for my comic, but I think I'll reshare the name once I actually have content you can look at on it. It's pretty bare bones for the moment.
Actually it'll be funny if the end of this game is what makes me finally work on it again. I was in the process of working on it when NA came out, and it totally derailed me. Stopped writing, drawing, just focused on this silly little phone game. Now it's like those five years have gone by and I'm going back to where I started, except I think my lil comic is going to be a bit better than it was before. If I actually make it, that is.
If I ever do actually make my comic and start posting it, I'll be sure to update y'all here. hah
Anyways, thanks for being on this wild ride with me. The memories have been great, and I'm glad I had this experience, even if it had to end.
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braveryhearted · 21 days
Muse asks - 3, 11, 20
MULTI MUSE ASKS (or for those with multiple blogs)
( lightly accepting )
3. Which of your characters was the easiest for you to develop? What was the source of inspiration for them?
You're gonna laugh but it's actually Satoru. lol. I don't know why I was hesitant in adding him since he takes so much space in my brain now. I think it's because Satoru is around my age ( well if he survived that is ) that it's easier to get into his mindset, if that makes sense. The only thing is I have trouble with his egoist mindset sometimes but that's more of a condition thanks to his clan and elders than anything else. Gintoki is a close second because I am him. ( jk or am I? ).
11. Do you have a muse in the works? Tell us a little about them!
Not at this time. I have too many muses already. I do want to add Ainz from Overlord, Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul and Izaya from Durarara!! later though so I might add them. lol.
20. Who are some other multi’s that you follow that you would recommend to others? Tag them and write a small bit of positivity for them if you’d like!
@ervaurem @onlyheartaches @praeteritus-memories @moonsmultimusings @multianime @geraniumplant @pareidolah @cherrygardn @gloryseized @jocundcompany @bynhildr @yeslove and many more. I recommend all of my multis that I follow to have you follow as well.
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reposenotes · 3 months
TL;DR: I'm so sorry for the ridiculously long delay in updating, but thank you so much to everyone who's reached out in support of this fic this year - from Ao3 to Discord to Tumblr. You're beautiful, life-giving angels!
Also, this fic will likely be 7-8 chapters longer than I thought. But more on that later.
Continue reading below, if you like - but if you're wondering why the hell this blog exists in the first place, please refer to my pinned post!
Just wanna get this off my chest: This fic is the best/worst creative decision I've ever made. I began writing it to challenge myself and step outside my comfort zone, but over time, it's become my favorite.
(It's 2 am and I'm so tired, so I'm sorry if the remainder of this post is a hot mess)
It's been a bit of a journey to get here mentally, both in and out of 'fandom' realms (have I mentioned how much it sucks loving two pairings whose shippers NOTORIOUSLY HATE EACH OTHER?) but it's been so, so rewarding, and that's because of such incredible readers.
When people have left comments about initially opening the fic begrudgingly [only to fall in love with it], or just sent me a song they've been listening to while thinking of the fic (see playlist below) - good god, I think about that stuff every single day. It's so special to me, knowing this ridiculous smangst fic could affect anyone like that.
From the beginning, I've followed the outline to a T (save for a couple of tiny amendments, such as Rose showing up a little earlier than I'd intended initially) - so just know that the only reason it took me forever to update is because of insecurity - not because the muse has left me!
While it might not have ten thousand kudos, and while a lot of people have said some incredibly hateful things (I will once again refer to the absurdity of anti-tenrose VS anti-tenmartha discourse), the pros smash the cons. So thank you.
I had (have) a lot more to say, but I already don't know if anyone is going to read this to begin with, so I'm going to cut myself off. But thank you SO much for reading! I hope you like(d) the update!
Thank you so much to badxwolfxrising for being my guiding light with this fic+helping me pull my head out of my ass+being my first friend in the TenRose realm to publish TenMartha smut. Also, thank you to Kate/@blueteensy for being such a massive cheerleader of this series always (and a wonderful friend)!
Playlist of songs wonderful readers have applied to this series (this link will allow you to add music as a collaborator. If you have any Repose songs, I would love to hear them!)
Playlist of songs I've applied to this series
Brilliant recreations of the red room by my dear friend @blueteensy: p1, p2
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solarandmoon · 7 months
Pinned post for how this thing works.
This Blog is run by me (Moon) and Solar. (Solar here, Hi.) Because Lunar nagged us to, bonding and as something we can do together to keep our minds off...stuff.
Sometimes some our family/friends may try butting into the blog as well.
Before getting into the other information on how the blogs run, general information, etc-
Moon: (That's me.) I'll add a link to an introduction or whatever later I guess, I'll use Italics when the one typing.
Solar: (Hi.) I guess I'll made an intro as well as some point. I use bold to make it easier.
TAGS list:
#asks - asks (pretty straight forward, but ok.)
#solar muses - If I answer or post, this is my tag.
#moon rambles - Moon's tag (Really Solar?) (It's cute.)
#lunar yells - Lunar's tag
#computer states - The computer's tag
#musings - OOC stuff
#showcase - Little pop ins and 'offline' view of how things are at the time, little moments and sneak peaks happening 'in world'
#reblogs - Self explanatory
suggestive content will be tagged with a CW (along with anything else that might need it)
Additional stuff:
More about Moon
More about Solar
We will turn anon asks off if you are jerks about it
Swearings fine, suggestive asks and dirty jokes as well, even flirting (...towards Solar, also feel free to tease him, it's funny.)
No hate, insults, bigotry, homophobia, trnasphobia, ableism, etc.
Teasing Moon is also fine, he can dish it but he can't take it. (Solar, SHUT.)
Magic anon: N/A
Additionally we may occasionally reblog stuff (tags will show who) and/or otherwise interact with other posts as well.
(RP accounts CAN interact with them, but limited to talking only much like the no Magic anon rule, Lore may be dropped through these interactions. Like friends talking on tumblr kinda thing (See agenericrepairbot blog's interaction with other RP blogs type deal)
This blog will contain swearing, potentially heavy topics, suggestive content. (This will be tagged for things as needed)
Say hi or whatnot.
OOC under cut:
HELLO! Jester here, I run this blog, @jestersdlc (technically another side blog but my main's SMoon so...that one!)
I use they/them and ey/em pronouns! I am not a minor but anyone who knows most of my blogs will see some stuff here as....pretty different from how I usually do stuff (Such as swearing, not big on swearing or such but allowing for this blog! ^-^)
This blog has endgame SolarMoon, so expect that, if that's not for you then no need to be here!
Discrimination is NOT allowed, no hate, no insults no bigotry or anyone of that, I will block you.
Also, Magic anon powers are.....going to be limited if not at all possible, you can tell them stuff and try to influence them with WORDS but no time bending things, y'all aren't Dream Eater after all ;3
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beggars-opera · 2 years
how do I use tags correctly? like, whats the propper tag etiquette? I'm pretty new here and don't wanna screw this up haha
Tags serve three main purposes: they help others find your posts, they help you find your posts at a later date, and they serve as a way to add metatextual commentary to a post.
So, at a base level, if you want other people to find your post, or want a way to find the post more easily yourself at a later date, you would add purely descriptive tags like on any other social media site so people looking in those tags will see your post. For example, a post of someone baking bread might have #food #baking #cottagecore etc. Fandom tags often utilize abbreviations (tagging #OFMD instead of #OurFlagMeansDeath for example) and these are best found by searching around yourself and seeing which tags are the most active.
A few pointers here:
Don't tag hate. It's fine if you dislike something, but going on a rant about how much you hate a thing and then tagging it so that everyone who loves the thing will have to look at it is considered aggressive and rude.
People will often tag for common triggers like gore and rape as a courtesy to those using extensions to erase posts containing those tags from their dash. The exact format of these tags has never been formalized, but most use the #cwtrigger, #twtrigger, or just #trigger format.
Tags on original posts mean that post will show up when you search for that tag. Tags on reblogs do not make it show up in the tag page a second time and are only useful for internal blog searching.
You can also choose to use tags that are just for you, like #mythoughts or #myart, which allows you to search your own blog more easily. If you are an artist of any sort, using a tag denoting what is an original work is highly recommended.
Some people also use a tag specifically for posts that are in their queue, to let people know that the post is automatic and that they are not necessarily online at that particular moment. Getting creative with puns gets you brownie points. #scoobydoobyqueue
Tags specifically go into the tag section at the bottom of the post editor. Adding hashtags to the body of a post does absolutely nothing. You can, however, @ another user in the body of the post.
Tags are also often used for commentary purposes. They are sort of like whispering under your breath after you've publicly stated whatever is in your post. This can include musings, jokes, and other information that didn't quite seem important enough to put in the main body of the post. Every post of a beautiful woman does not need five hundred people writing "as I lesbian I am looking respectfully *googly eyes emoji*" in the post but you can 100% put that in the tags.
Pointers with this:
Eventually everyone gets the hang of what thoughts are important enough to put in the body of a post or reblog and what should be relegated to the tags. You can ask yourself "is this adding something useful to the conversation, or is it just me rambling or keysmashing?"
If your tags are witty enough, other users may deem them worthy of being included in the main post, screenshot them, and put the screenshot in their reblog. We consider this a peer review process of sorts and it is a badge of honor.
Again, being kind is a common courtesy. When you add tag commentary, the original poster and person you reblogged from are notified, and everyone can see it. So if you write in the tags that the post is stupid and that the OP is a cunt, congrats, you've just made the OP cry and you should probably not be on the internet.
Tags are comma delineated so if you are typing a thought in the tag long enough to need a comma, use a semicolon instead, otherwise the tag will be split in two. Likewise, quotation marks will not show up in a tag.
I hope this helps!
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autonomousxselves · 2 months
//Blog update regarding changes to my muse list
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Kyouka Sayama: I have found a FC icon set for her! I may begin tossing her out soon for both 1999 and later times. A:TFM muses finally coming to fruition -v- I do have to pick a social link arcana for her but she does not have a Persona (for now?). Currently accepting asks.
Yu Narukami: I really just have to get icons from the manga I already have saved for other P4 characters and to add his name to the list, he is also pretty much ready to go. Currently accepting asks.
Erina/Eri Natsuhara: I really feel like I need a FC for her/them since there's no official P5T manga that I know of and there's not exactly a lot of images of them in the game beyond portraits. If anyone has a good match please do share!! Currently accepting asks.
Souto Aizawa: Still not entirely sure whether I'll add him as well but I would like to. No new FC yet. I'll toss some things in later. Needs a social link arcana, probably Hierophant. No Persona (also for now?).
Labrys: I've beaten the first part of Arena Ultimax and have links to some icons others made for her(as well as for Shadow Labrys and even for #024!), as soon as I'm ready I'll be reblogging those and officially adding her. ^^
Test Muses: May accept asks.
Goro Akechi: Idk WHAT changed, I did not originally have a muse for him (I do like him as a character) but something recently is possessing me to reconsider. If I take him then he will also be ready and just need some icons from manga I have saved.
Zen and Rei: While there's a fairly limited time pool to write them from, I would also be willing to write them in any time period. Would have to discuss the circumstances with you beforehand if so.
Hikari: If I keep her out, I would prefer her to be starting at 14 or 15 around 2007. I refuse the canon ending of PQ2 post credits lol. Of course since I'm breaking that rule if you really wanted, I could have her be 15 in 2009, 2011 or 2016 as well.
Maki Sonomura: My poor P1 muses have had exactly 0 interactions and that's all on me, but also now I'm tentatively adding Maki to the list after replaying it. Also willing to write her in any time period at her correct age.
Spot changes:
Muses moved to secondary position due to inactivity or having less personal interest: Minako, Maiko, Bebe, Metis, Teddie. Still accepting asks.
Muses I may remove due to losing the feel for them or reconsidering: Maya Amano, Shinya Oda
S.E.E.S Ryoji Mochizuki: He's literally ready to be written I'm just too lazy to write a short verse intro in the character doc and haven't had the time to make a "like this for a starter" post just quite yet. But... Currently accepting asks.
Persona User Nanako Dojima: She might have a FC now, still needs a Persona and perhaps more story. If you're reading this and have suggestions for her Persona please lmk! I would prefer Japanese mythology for her considering the P4 team but it's not a strict rule.
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nytehavyn-circle · 3 months
RP Rules
IF YOU ARE A PERSONAL BLOG, DO NOT REPLOG ANY OF MY POSTS PERTAINING TO RP - DO NOT REBLOG MY CHARACTER BIOS, DO NOT REBLOG MY RP THREADS, DO NOT REBLOG MY HEADCANONS. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. If you are an RP blog and you enjoy my threads but are not a part of them, you may like them, but please do not reblog them.
Mun is 40+ He/him. Bi/pan. Poly. I will not RP with anyone under 18, 21+ is preferred. Minors, DNI. This blog has many mature themes, such as blood, gore, horror elements, and plenty of smut.
No hate. No racism, no LGBTQ+ hate of any kind, this includes transphobia, nothing of the sort.
I enjoy speaking to my followers and mutuals OOC. It helps with character chemistry and dynamics, and it helps make a friend! But I am a pretty intense OOC, and I WILL bother you all the time, probably. It's just how I am, no offense intended or anything as such. But, if something like this bothers you, or you're the type that doesn't like to, or won't, chat with your RP partners OOC, it's probably better if we don't interact. <3
I have been RPing in various forms since I was 13, starting from TTRPGs, to online through the era of AOL and AIM, to message board and the like, until I hit Tumblr around 2010. All in all, I have I've 30 years of RP experience in general and about 14 years on Tumblr.
I do not use a queue. Sometimes I take my time RPing, and sometimes I can reply back very quickly. Whichever is comfortable for me at a time. If I haven’t replied to our thread in over a week, go ahead and give me a nudge, but don’t push or I’ll lose muse for the thread.
I sometimes reply to some threads quicker than others, it all depends on the finickiness of my muse. Sometimes I have muse for some threads over others, and sometimes I get stuck. This does not mean I dislike you or hate you, or do not want to RP with you. And if I need to drop our thread or put it on hold, I'll come talk to you. I do not want you to be anxiety-ridden with worry over why I haven't replied to our thread.
You do not have to match my length! Just give me something to work with, something to move the thread along. I don’t expect you to carry the thread by yourself. And I’m going to assume you don’t expect it of me. I do not mind one-liners or conversation threads (if they help move the thread along, or we're just having fun). If I haven’t given you enough to push the thread forward, please tell me so that I may fix it.
I know most of the RPC here on Tumblr frowns upon it, but If you follow me, you do not have to reblog memes, pictures, artwork, or whatever, from the source. Feel free to use me as a ‘resource’ all you want. All I ask is that, hopefully, you will send in a meme prompt. If not, that's okay, too.
Shipping: I am a ship whore. Sometimes there needs to be build-up, and sometimes we can jump right in and go back and later fill in the past on the timeline. Chemistry is wonderful! But sometimes that chemistry is almost instant, or you and your RP partner just know the muses will work in a ship. So, come to me and we’ll talk about it!
Another thing to add: I do not have a DNI FC list. I do not have issues RPing with dead FCs, (I use one for one of my muses - John Candy). If you do not like RPing with dead FCs, do not interact with those specific muses. I also have no problem RPing with cartoon/animated FCs. One of my muses (Terran) FCs is hand drawn (by a friend long ago). 
I love smut. I love writing smut. So, smut will happen. While this is not a smut blog, some of my muses have a strong sex drive, so smut will happen frequently. I will not write any NSFW subjects with anyone under 21. Most of my muses are hetero, while only a handful bi/pan (and they are picky), so I will do M/F, F/F, and very picky about M/M. Smut will not be under a Read More.
There are certain subjects I won’t RP - Rape being the most important, sexual abuse is another. They might be referenced in a muse’s past, talked about by a muse, or even written about in a drabble. As such, they will be tagged accordingly. However, I will not RP these subjects out. Spousal abuse/domestic violence might be RPed out, but only with extensive talking about it first. However, rape and sexual abuse will never be RPed out. If there’s anything you’d like me to tag, please tell me. I will tag the trigger with tw trigger here, or tw: trigger here.
As pointed out above, this is an adult blog, and many things will be RPed out here. Blood, gore, violence, etc. Once again, if you need something tagged, please tell me.
No Godmoding. I control my muse(s), you control yours. Little things such as having them go through a door when it’s opened for them, getting out of a car - small things are fine. Anything large is off-limits without talking to me about it first.
No anon hate. Anon hate will be immediately reported and blocked, and anon asks will be turned off for a while.  Right now, Anon is on. Any hate, and it will be turned off.
Please make sure I can understand your writing/reply. I don’t want to have to struggle to read your reply. I’m mildly dyslexic myself, so mistakes are completely acceptable.  If English is not your first language, I am far more lenient about spelling/grammar mistakes.
I normally do third-person style RPs.  Only certain muses will be written in the first person.
Please tell me if we decide to push our thread in the direction of angst. when it comes to angst. Angst can be difficult for me to write due to RL issues.
Come to me first, to talk with me at length, before any baby/child/pregnancy-type RP threads or plots.  Tolaas and Terran (Living Vampires in my mythology in general) are sterile and cannot father children. So having SUDDENLY BABY/CHILD/I’M PREGNANT tossed into a thread just cannot happen with my two main muses, so it unnerves me and makes me uncomfortable.  Please talk with me first.
I also do not do A/B/O threads, even with my werewolf/shapeshifter muse.
Also, to add:.
This blog will be used as a semi-personal, meaning I will post/reblog things that aren’t always RP-related.
I have several mental illnesses - several social/generalized anxiety and bipolar depression with psychosis, both of which I am in therapy and on meds for - which sometimes prevent me from RPing for long periods of time. But I will still try to maintain a presence, even a small one, if I’m not RPing for a while.
Some of my muses will be willing to pop their heads out, other times they won’t.
You are free to unfollow me for ANY REASON.  You do not have to continue following me under some sort of obligation, or anything as such. All I ask is you HOPEFULLY come to me and talk about the problem, and maybe we can work it out.
I don’t always plot. Most times I find it difficult.  I prefer to jump right in.  However, you can come to me and we can try to come up with a specific scenario as long as the ‘plot’ doesn’t end up like something that feels out-and-out scripted.  I prefer to let our muses do what they do, rather than try to point by point what they have to do.
And remember, this is for fun, it’s a hobby. This is not a job. I am not obligated to RP with anyone, they are not obligated to RP with me.
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musedriven · 3 months
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ALRIGHT; tldr version first then the meat of the post under a read more. I will be on semi-hiatus until aprox mid to late september depending on how busy we get at work. once october hits; i will be on a full hiatus until mid november. I will poke in if i have a moment during that time but since i work at a party place and halloween is our version of retail christmas it is highly unlikely. I am also making a proper thread tracker! this will help me to avoid loosing things. i will post a thing so y'all can see and make sure i didn't miss anything once i'm done filling it out.
HIATUS; i work at a party store as i previously mentioned and it means we are going to be going wild. not only that but i am a manager at said party store and one of the main people setting every display and isle up as we transition into halloween. corp has also been giving us a ton of extra tasks to try and 'refresh' the rest of our store at the same time. i'm talking 60+ hour work weeks once we really start getting into the thick of things. a lot of extra work and we'll also swap to longer and later hours as we get closer and closer to halloween. we also are starting to set up already because of the rushes we have been getting so i'm not sure if we are going to go the 60+ hour weeks sooner or not. normally those start last week of sept through october till about a week after halloween but we've also had a lot of late shoppers and our work finally implemented after holiday sales this year so things might take longer. during 'peak season' i really don't want to have to worry about also keeping up with things here so a full hiatus is just going to save me a lot of stress. starting in sept is when i will be putting everything in the queue and prepping up for october.
THREAD TRACKER; i am torn between doing it by character or by blog ( as i run a few dif ones ) but i think i'll do it by character to make things a touch easier for myself when muse is strong for one chara vs another. i had been copying links to the threads into a single doc in my drafts but I feel like i've lost a few and that page is old and has a lot of stuff with partners that have since deleted. i feel like it is going to be easier if i set up the thread tracker properly instead of continuing with that method. it will also be a lot more organized. once i'm done filling it out i'll leave a lil thing so if you don't see a thread on there that you want to continue then you can im me the link to it and i can add it in. i want to try and finish this up today so I have this to help me get things into my queue properly as well.
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hunting-songs · 4 months
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Your Muses ‘Dark Side’ Rules : List up to 5 things of the moset messed up things your Muse had ever done! Explain the story behind it! Add if your Muse is comfortable talking about it openly or if they are ashamed of it. Please do not forget to add Trigger Warnings if they are needed. Original By @treasurechestrpmemes ! Tagged By: A little wildbirdie! Tagging: @bewitchingbaker @nephytale @gyofukuki @skarletchains @muddsludge @zealctry @kiigan @yeonban @distortedkilling @lightfaithed @saiakv @uzumakiuser AND YOU
Freely joined the Mafia "I joined the Mafia because I thought one Devil knows another." Senritsu joined the Mafia very much knowing what would await her. She even puts the people working in the Mafia on the same stair as the person who wrote the Sonata of Darkness that killed her friend and crushed her own body (calling both a devil) and still she joined the Mafia knowing perfectly that she would make herself a devil and work against her own moral compass. One video-essayist said that if Gon with his non-traditional (or non-existant) Moral-Compass would not have been the Main character than Kurapika would not have been a Hero in that Manga and the same goes for Senritsu because if she would not have been in Kurapikas team, she would have been definitive not one of the "good guys" for joining the Mafia. Yes, she reacted promptly to keep a eighteen-year-old-child from walking straight into his own death, because he was blinded by rage. Yes, she helped the same without any hestiation later to go against a murderous band of thiefs without ever wanting anything in return or that the whle scenario giving her any adventage. Yes, she put her own life in danger to help two girls half her age to escape a deathgame clearly knowing that she might be made responsible for that and end up beeing executed, just because she was there and she could help them. Senritsu is a kind and friendly person with a good heart just as Kurapika is a kind and friendly person with a good heart, but there is that ruthlessness about her to reach her goal that deserves to be seen, becauseit is the same as Kurapikas. Just because the thing she is after is an object and the person who set it into the world is long gone, does not make her goal to destroy it any less ruthless goalorientated than Kurapikas revenge. Senritsu joined the Mafia with agency and out of her free will and knowing what she would need to do when working in it, but also knowing that it would be the best and fastes way to reach her goal and that should not be forgotten about her.
Kidnapping Just a normal first/second September 1999 in the Mafia. Just because Uvogin could not be tortured due to his nen-ability, did not meant that the Nostrade-bodyguards did not tried to do just that. Also Senritsu took part in kidnapping Kuroro to help Kurapika. Accordingly Senritsu took part in kidnapping with the very clear intention of torturing that kidnapped person for informations.
Illegal Bodypart trading To become a Bodyguard in for the Nostrade Family, Senritsu brought a piece of Dracoderma skin to her employer Dalzone, to proof that she is able to move through the Bodypart-collector society and has the skill of a professional Hunter. On this blog Senritsu hails from a group of Traveling People who got a decade before her birth discovered by the body-part-colelctor-community, because they would use bones to build instruments and the bodypart-collectors found beauty in people using (human) bones as a tool for building instruments and started to comission the group. This lead to the group naturally focussing on graverobbing and building those instruments that would get them more than the small cases of thiefery, robbery, poaching, random comissions for instrument repairing and building and prostitution they usually earned their lifelyhood with. So Senritsus Group is supported and relying on by a community with criminal roots and Senritsu would use this connections of her group to get a foot in first the Bodypart collector community and through that community reach out to be hired by the mafia.
Unnamed history with murderers and assassins She can recognize a murderer by their heartbeat and a professional assassin by their walking, which means that she had spend enough time in such peoples company to recognize those sounds clearly and without any doubt. Senritsu in fact trusts this skill of her so securely that she moves through the Marfiaworld without any fear for her safety for as long as she has this hearing and knowledge.
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sherrysicle · 5 months
on bows etc.
2023 was the year of putting bows on everything. Labels like Sandy Liang gained immense popularity and designers charged extra for tying ribbons onto everything from bags to jeans. Like many other trends, this was popularised on TikTok, with millions of videos of bows tied on everything from toilet bowls to the muscled arm of someone’s boyfriend.
A year later, most people have moved on. But what seems like just another microtrend on the surface is really just a part of a larger story in fashion, and coquette, the style the trend originated from.
I’ve been around long enough to remember it being popular on Tumblr where it went by “nymphet”, famously from Nabokov’s Lolita. Teenage girls would post carefully curated pictures of cherries, heart-shaped glasses, and retro summer outfits of gingham and denim, along with musings about older men and Lana Del Rey lyrics. The style was very centered around the 1997 adaptation the book, with an obsession around american symbols and being a young, teenage girl. This was until the platform’s NSFW ban, where the tag was banned and users came up with dolette and the more popular coquette, also distancing itself from the controversial novel and film.
With its new name christened, coquette continued on, but it was undoubtedly changing. Many of the original members, now grown up, had mostly abandoned their blogs. Its new home on TikTok, Pinterest and Instagram were more image based and less community focused, so its original culture had been lost. Interestingly, this parallels alternative subcultures. Punk was a movement about primarily music and being anti-establishment, which led to styles like goth and grunge which largely lost the political aspect, or even steampunk and mall goth which is solely fashion based.
Many people look at coquette’s evolution (or devolution, depending on who you ask) negatively. As more people adopted this aesthetic it has lost cultural currency and its status as a niche community. The term itself has been diluted to the point of meaninglessness, and is a catch-all term used to describe an impossibly broad range of feminine aesthetics, from dark and ironic waif style to bright and shiny y2k inspired fashion or even blokette, which adds the contrast of masculine athletic gear.
However, this might not necessarily be all bad. The expansion of what it means to be coquette also means more people are welcomed to this once almost exclusively thin, white, teenage style. 20 somethings wishing to reconnect with their girlhood are dressing in delicate pinks, and as an Asian woman I’ve never felt more included. Original coquette blogs also frequently included posts encouraging disordered eating, and problematic messages romanticising age gap relationships with minors, which was very damaging to the impressionable girls who made up the community.
What remains constant however, is the appreciation of the hyper-feminine in a world that often prioritises the masculine. Whatever you call it, and in every reiteration of the style, I will always be inspired by coquette and numphet aesthetics, and I, for one, will be keeping the ribbons in my hair.
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antihcroes · 1 year
alright i'm gonna make this simple & to the point because ... i'm currently very exhausted. but here's the deal, i'm going to be officially leaving this blog. like ... it's officially inactive/on permanent hiatus. i just genuinely need to take a very big break from running a large multimuse for an extended period of time. while i do very much love doing it & all the muses i write, it never fails to end up leaving me overwhelmed in the end. so ... i'm not sure when i'll run a blog like this again, whenever i do it'll be on a whole new blog, but hopefully sooner rather than later in the meantime you can find me on my blog for the horsemen of now you see me, or my blog for ricky bowen of hsmtmts. that's where i'll be available so come follow me there also feel free to add me on disc.ord, thesmallestplanet. i might be down to write some of my muses from here on there with you. but i can't promise fast replies or a 100% yes if you approach me to do so. i will reblog this post several more times & pin it. i hope to see you all on my other blogs or disco, wishing you all nothing but the best in life, truly, & i love you all so very much <3
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||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and the Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 16-Sickness and little buddies||
Hi there. It's time to add another part or chapter to this so here is part 16! This is a Drabble series I’m writing with my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths. To see where we are now, the chapters are down below.
—- Previous Parts Of their adventures so far —–
Chapters 1-6 (Click here)
Chapters 6-13 (Click here)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
((Your reading Chapter 16 right now))
—Drabble Summary —
It seems another adventure has started for the sorcerers now. Though, after a long mission from that one night, seems something happened? Well, it involves two sorcerers and being a little...sick. Wanna know how? Curious to what happened? Read to find out.
~Worried students
~Two sick sorcerers today
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"Geez, what a mission. See? We did it!" Yuji was proud after a good job well done. Or to say that ignoring the giant flaming crater in the middle of a old building. Daichi was sweating seeing this but he saw Megumi shaking his head.
Did he even learn from the last time? Maybe not but even so the mission was completed.
"You know, I was not expecting the mission to go that way.....but it worked I guess?" Yuria said with a sweatdrop herself even with Daichi laughed nervous like.
"I mean true...it did...."
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? HOW DID THIS WORK! YOU FUCKING BLEW UP ANOTHER BUILDING YOU IDIOT!" Sukuna shouted at him from Yuji's cheek which Yuji covers it.
"He didn't mean that, Daichi. At least the mission was saved thanks to-OW! SUKUNA DON'T BITE ME!" Yuji said mad as he was arguing with him.
"Guys enough! Lets just head back....the mission is done so I'll be writing the report." Megumi said but as he turns, he looks to see Taz and Miko tired but they sighed.
"You two alright?" He asked seeing Taz and Miko look.
"Y..Yes were alright. Just sore from that mission." she said.
"True. But hey, we did it though!" Taz said happy herself. He didn't know why but something felt off but he looks to the others.
"Even so, lets go home..I think were done.." he said as they now were starting to head to the van to head on home. True the mission was a complete mess at the start, it was a win for them. Now, they were heading home to get some rest. While heading back, Megumi looks to Taz and Miko as the two relaxed side by side with eyes closed.
Yuji wonders if his little sister was wounded but he didn't see any blood or anything on her. Same with Miko. Well, they might head to the nurse to check but for now, they waited.
~~~~~~~~Later that night~~~~~~~~~
The boys were in their dorms just relaxing now that it leaves them resting up in the room. For now, the girls were resting and relaxing now that they were now sitting and talking about today's mission.
"You know that was a mission but a decent one." Maki said.
"True but it was still a mission.." Yuria said.
As Nobara nods to agree she looks seeing Miko and Taz but she noticed them looking a lot more tired than when they came back home.
"Taz, are you sure your alright? You look really tired." Nobara said this with Maki and Yuria worried. They saw her look at them even if she smiled waving her hand.
"Trust me, I'm alright. I might be just tired from the mission tonight. Believe me, I'm okay." she said.
'She's right...besides, if something was wrong I would know....."Maki said to her even if Nobara sighed to look back at Taz and Miko who was already laying down to rest up.
"Believe me, I'm okay..don't worry." Taz smiled sweetly to them but even so, they believed her. For now, they let it go while seeing Taz getting ready for bed. Though, something was wrong even so.
As Taz was in bed, she got ready for bed yawning softly. However, she sees Miko sleeping but she did look a little sick. Maybe it was due to the mission? Even so, she sighed to lay down and goes ahead to turn the light off to get some sleep. The other girls were also heading to bed along with the guys but as everything was silent and quiet, something was around both Taz and Miko while they sleep.
The next morning, Yuji along with the others were waking up but getting some breakfast as well together. Though, he yawns to look sleepy since today was a day off for them.
"Morning guys. Did you get some sleep?" He said.
"We did in a way...seems like you guys didn't though." Nobara said eating some breakfast while looking to them. She saw Megumi awake but Kisho yawning like Eito as well.
"You can say that. Though...it's a day off for us so we can rest up easy." Megumi said seeing everyone didn't mind it. However, he blinks to notice two people missing.
"Then should we go ahead and get some breakfast? I'm starving.." Yuji said happy even if he was still tired.
"We will but Nobara? Where is Taz and Miko?" Megumi asked.
"Hmm? They must be still asleep. I could have sworn they were awake." she said but looks to check with Yuria following. The two walk inside and yet this made the two look.
"Taz? Miko? You two awake? Were going to get some breakfast!" Maki said to wait for a response but no words were heard. "Hmm..that's strange..you said they were awake or you woke them?" Megumi asked.
"We did wake them. Maybe they went back to sleep?" Yuria said.
"Maybe...I'll check.." Nobara goes to Miko and Taz's rooms. "Hey, you two? Are you awake?" Nobara calls out but when she did, a sudden loud sneeze was heard along with another and it seems like something was inside the room?
"Taz?! Miko!? Are you two okay!? What is that noise!" Nobara said but she saw the others rush in.
"What's wrong? Are they okay-"
"Their is something inside the rooms!" Nobara said.
"What!? DON'T WORRY GIRLS WE'LL SAVE YOU!" Yuji said along with Kisho who goes to the girls doors about to knock them down.
"HEY, DON'T BREAK DOWN THE-" Megumi tries to stop them only to wince, seeing Yuji punch the door down to Taz's room and Kisho blasting the door down with a flame arrow.
Nobara, Maki, Yuria, and Megumi was shocked seeing this but the two look inside.
"Little sister!? You okay!?" Yuji said.
"Miko!? You okay too!" Kisho said.
The two boys heard sniffles inside but when the two got a look their eyes widen. Taz was sitting up but she looked different. Her face was gloomy, her hair was messy. She still was wearing her pjs but her room was full of baby Quolls that was squeaking or playing around. She sniffs but looks.
"*Sniffs* B..big brother?" she said sick like.
"SIS! WHAT HAPPENED!? WHY ARE YOU SICK!!" Yuji said in a panic while going to check on her. He touches her forehead but he got more worried. She was burning up before she feels that.
"Your cool...you feel really cool.." she mutters but blinks to close her eyes. "Ah....ah.....ahhhhh.....Achoo!" when she sneezed another baby quoll shows up and lands on her head sniffing that Yuji was worried. Even Sukuna was shocked.
'What..the fuck!?' he said. 'Princess!? Are you alright!? Can you hear me!' Sukuna said to Kinie but he also heard sniffles but looks seeing something showing on top of Taz's head. Kinie was there but she was curled up while her tail ficks a little.
"Uggghhhh too noisy.." she hissed at Yuji.
"Wait..if Taz is sick then.." When the group looks they heard Kisho shout too.
Yuria checks to see in Miko's room. She was also sitting up, looking just like Taz. Gloomy, sick like, her hair was also messy but she had her room full with Badgers as well. Baby ones were hopping around and some even nuzzling against her. She sniffs to blink looking at Kisho while she yawns.
"O..Oh hi Kisho...*sniffs*...what are you doing here?" she mutters to sniff again.
"NOOOOOOO!!!" He falls on his knees crying with Eito hooting worried trying to calm him down.
"Will you two stop shouting!? "Megumi said to Yuji and KIsho before sighing. "We can just get the nurse to check on them or take them. So stop panicking." he said.
"That's right! Lets go get them!" Kisho said. "Don't worry Miko, we'll get you help!" he said running out with Yuji following. Megumi's eye twitched due to them over panicking but sighed to shake his head.
~~~~~A few minutes later~~~~~~
Doctor Ieiri and nurse Mi-Sun were done checking up on the two. However, they were still shocked seeing the other shikigami babies around the two. "....Hmmmm.."
"See see see?! Why are they sick!? Please help them!" Yuji said worried about Taz and Miko like Kisho was.
"Easy now...we told you two what is wrong..." Mi-sun said. "From what we found out, it seems like both the girls got a sick curse on them. Though, it's rare to see something like this. Even Kinie is sick..along with Anaconda too." Doctor leiri sighed seeing the two sniffling while being wrapped up in cooling blankets while resting beside one another.
"Besides, they just need some rest, sleep, and some medicine along with some soup. As long as you do that, they will be fine after a while or a few days-"
"A few days!? But..wait, what do you mean a sick curse?"
"Well, from what Mi-sun found, the two got sick last night. Or cursed to say. Something must have happened and this happened. Maybe during your mission?"
"Mission? Ohhhh when were were taking out that weird looking curse spirit that was green and wailing.." Kisho said remembering.
"Wait, what do you mean?" Mi-sun asked.
"Well, sometimes cursed spirits tend to curse another without the other knowing. I guess when you guys took out your target, it must have cursed them. Or to say, what did the curse do or what did it look like?" Doctor leiri asked.
"It was like this..I got a picture.." Megumi said showing her and Mi-sun. The two looks at the picture seeing it did look like how Kisho said. Greenish skin, it had a swollen head of some sort. Pale eyes and looks to have slime oozing off it's body.
The two looks at it then looks to the students. "Then, how did you guys take it out?"
"Well...Kisho did that. He trapped it in the house it made it's base in and then it tried to attack us only for it to quickly burst into flames thanks to him. Though, we made sure it was out." kisho said.
"I see....and did you guys see the totem that it had?"
".......A what now?" Kisho said.
"....Figures.." Doctor leiri said but this made Mi-sun worried.
"Well, it's a item some cursed have with it but...depends on how you take it out to have it leave a curse on who left the building last. Soooooo..I feel like Miko and Taz left last before the building....maybe that is when it cursed them-"
"CURSED THEM!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT DAMN THING CURSED THE PUP AND MIKO!?" Yuji and Kisho said in shock but the doctor and nurse sighed.
"It did due to them leaving though, I guess when you exploded it, the flames triggered the item that's when it cursed them as revenge so...yeah.." Mi-sun said and yet, this made the group quiet before hearing sneezes again to see two more baby quoll and badgers show to land in their laps being cute like the rest.
".......Even if they are sick, the little shikigami are pretty cute." Yuria said.
"I can agree with-"
"Guys, focus! So how do we take care of them..." Yuji said.
"Like we said, get them rest and take care of them and you'll be fine....though, just make sure to keep a eye on them." Mi-sun said.
"Hold on, you mean this happened due to a spark of flame?" Megumi said that Kisho blinks that he got nervous. Uh oh.
"Well, yes. That's how most trigger it." she said.
"...I see.." Megumi looks to Kisho who was sweatdropping nervous. "Kisho..."
"Uhhhhh...n..now hold on. I didn't know it would curse them if I burned the curse! I DIDN'T KNOW!" he said panicking backing up. However, Megumi looks to him that he slowly raised his hands.
"You better start running if you don't want to get killed today." he said.
"..Noted." Right away, he turns to run out with Megumi chasing him.
"......" Everyone sweatdrops even the doctor and healer that sighed but looks back to Taz and Miko who dozed off to sleep again hugging the Badgers and Quolls surrounding them.
".....That reminds me, didn't Taz have her daily chat with her team back home?" Yuria asked Maki and Nobara. The two blink but remembers. Oh boy.
~~~~~A few hours later~~~~~
"What do you mean Taz is sick!? What did you guys do!?" Maggie shouted angry while the DBT was unsure how it happened. Taz usually calls them at this time during the check up to see how she's doing. However, they get Yuji and the others who was doing this with Gojo sensei.
"Now now, I'm sure as we told you she along with Miko is alright. Their asleep in their rooms resting up. We are making sure they are getting rest, medicine, and everything to insure they heal." Gojo said smiling.
".......BUT HOW THE HELL CAN SHE GET SICK!? SHE SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO! SHE'S A DEMON FOR FUCK SAKE!" Maggie shouted that T-bone sweatdrops worried but saw some flames showing.
"Easy Maggie easy!!" he said panicking she might burn the area.
"I agree with Maggie on this! How the Fuck did Taz get sick anyway!? You said you guys were taking care of her!? Was it because of you again!?" he glares at Kisho who was beaten up by Megumi's rabbits again. He blinks to shake.
"No, I didn't mean to-I mean, I didn't do it?"
"GUYS ENOUGH!" Ink shouted breaking it up but sighed to look. "Sorry about that. But yeah, we were not expecting Taz to get sick. Though, is she alright though?"
"No worries, she's okay. I already got her some soup and she's taking a nap right now...." Yuji said but at least she was alright. "The same for Miko too..."
"Huh? Miko is sick too?" Shdwkyz asked.
"Yeah but it's a long story.." Megumi said.
"I see...but that leaves another question.." he said to sweatdrop. "Why is the room filled with baby Quolls and Badgers?"
"Uhhhhhhh....." the group sees the babies around them but Gojo was even being cuddled by some.
"SO CUTE!!!!" Gojo was nuzzling them more seeing everyone look at him with a dumbfounded look.
"....That's another reason. Those came from Taz and Miko when they sneeze..somehow they appear out of thin air for some reason.." Nobara said.
"....." The DBT sweatdrops confused but wonders.
"So she sneezes and they show up? That's impossible though." Jaron said this.
"No no it's true. Whenever they sneeze one shows up..." He said.
"Really? You expect us to believe that?" Navarro said.
Before Yuji explains, someone opens the door to cough a little. "B..big brother..*sniffs* D..do you have anymore soup?"
The group looks seeing a sick tired Taz wrapped up in a blanket while hugging Kinie in her Quoll form.
"Sis, what are you doing out of bed?!" Yuji said worried going to help her stand so she didn't fall. She sniffles but looks up.
"I'm sorry..I was just hungry and..w..wanted more...so can I have more?" she asked.
"Of course you can..but lets you back to bed." he said.
"Taz, you really are sick! I'll be sure they pay for making you sick!" Maggie said.
"H..Huh? M..Maggie, no it's n..not their fault...I...ah...." she twitched getting ready to sneeze. "Ah....Ah...Ahhh.....ACHOO!" As she did, something pops out of thin air and lands on Ink's head. She blinks to look seeing a baby Quoll that looks at her to blink.
"...Told you!" Yuji said.
Ink reaches to take it off her head seeing the baby but tilts her head like it did. "Awwww! It's cute!" she smiled holding it.
"I know right!?" Gojo said nuzzling a few. "So soft and cute!"
"Will you two stop being stupid!?" Navarro shouted showing sharp teeth comedically while seeing the two still nuzzling the babies.
"But their adorable!!" Ink pouts.
"Damn it Ink! Are we NOT going to ask how that even happened!?" Navarro said.
"It was from Taz like we said!" Nobara said.
"So your saying it was from her?" Ophelia said. "Then how did this happen?" she asked.
"We explained it was after a mission we had last night. The cursed got her and Miko and...they were like this this morning." Maki said.
"Is that so?" Hellmare said.
The others nod but saw Taz sneeze again when another baby Quoll shows and lands in Jaron's arms that he looks seeing it.
"Uhhhhh...guys? I think their telling the truth here." Jaron said.
The group looks to Taz before she sneezed again and again. However, not one but a group of baby Quolls showed up where the DBT was. They look at this but then at Taz. "....."
"Again, that happens when she sneezes but the same for-" Yuji and the others heard another sneeze showing baby Badagers now. Kisho saw Miko awake but she was sniffling too.
"Miko! You shouldn't be out of bed!" he said helping her.
"Sorry..*Sniffs* But I was t..thirsty..." she mutters. Now the two were sneezing again that more and more babies showed up.
"Uh oh..." Now the DBT's living room was full of baby Quolls and Badagers now.
"MAKE THEM STOP SNEEZING WERE DROWNING HERE!" Navarro said now standing on a table while the others did the same.
"You know this leaves a question. If they are able to do this when sneezing...you don't think.." When the DBT thinks, shouts were heard from different areas along with text messages send to Ink and Fosh.
((Blue Phoenix)): Ummm did something happen over there?! Where did all these little baby animals come from!? o.o
((Hellish panther)): Hey sis!! Did you notice the cute babies!? I can't believe their showing up here in Central park! So cute!!
((Killer knight)): You know I was not expecting to see this. Though, at least Yumeno has new friends. X3
((Peace underdog)): Wow I was not expecting this today. No wonder everyone was standing up on the tables
((Blind sensei)): Should I ask why I sense so many little ones? Their so many and..I think were on the roof of our base. What happened???
((Shy butterfly)): Send help! Were drowning in babies! Help!!!!
((Knight of darkness)): Guys!? Why are their baby animals all over and...WHY DID THEY SWARM THE STREETS!?
((Ice werewolf)): Should we ask? Or is this something resulting in another attack? So many pups though!!
"O.o;" The DBT was speechless but saw more and more showing with the two sneezing.
"S..sorry. I..ah.....ahhh.."
"Uh oh.."
"Ah CHOO!" another sneeze that more shows up dog piling everyone.
"Uhhh, we gotta go and fix this! We'll call you guys lat-" Before Ink could finish more flooded in and the connect was broken. The sorcerers were silent but Kisho and Yuji sweatdrop.
Yeah, that was going to be a long time to explain.
"I'm sure they will be fine." Gojo said smiling.
"....Not helping Sensei..not helping." Yuji said before he and Kisho leads the two back to bed. However, it was a exciting day for everyone. Even if some was trapped on their roofs seeing the swarms of baby Quolls and Badagers everywhere. But it was something cute right?
This was going to be one heck of a report.
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dreamdisk · 1 year
I have finished the DLC.
It was okay :')
I'll go more indepth later, i do have a lot of thoughts, especially regarding the implication of there being multiple deposits of the tera crystals....which :))) Does Continue To Enable my theories btw, which is really exciting!!
It was cute though, briar is sussy but she's hot so 😔 can't fault a woman with a great palette and a corset huh. I loved the blueberry sibling dynamic.
Ogrepon has the most silva vibe of any pokemon ive ever seen i dIDNT REALIZE IT HAD F ANG S??? so that's fun. And i might add ogrepon as a side muse to this blog.
My brain saw 'old traveler who was big and different' and IMMEDIATELY went az. Not to mention he disappears..............implied killed? But also,, hm,, i'm excited to see if he comes back.
I have more thoughts but they're for later 🫡
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spiderwarden · 7 months
Wait what’s this new canon thing you speak of?
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Ah so there has been datamine dialogue that showed that Minthara broke up with the Dark Urge when they rejected Bhaal, but we couldn't access it for whatever technical reasons. (I'm assuming it was the same as the Halsin vs Minthara ultimatum. as in it just wasn't completely yet or added in with placeholders, or weren't even recorded yet.) And with the latest hotfix a lot of once unavailable dialogue pieces are now available. So that means, Minthara actually breaks up with Dark Urge if they reject Bhaal.
Now because of this, there's a lot of negativity that is happening from some Minthara based fandom blogs I follow - and I don't necessarily agree with some of the takes, nor do I agree with the outright negativity being thrown around and saying fuck the writers. (I don't say that easily because someday I'm going to be writing books and I don't want people saying that about ME and MY someday public OCs that tumblr has never met, but might someday if I'm ever blessed with a fandom) Nor do I think it's character slashing up. (So while temporary, I might take measures - but they're only temporary I'll likely refollow later)
Because it's a matter of fact that I do quite enjoy this detail and I do very much think it's in character, and do very much stand by it and I think it adds quite a bit of drama because life isn't always sunshine and rainbows especially if you pick a DROW to be your loved one. Both of you clearly have a lot of shit to work through. But yes, I digress. More will come in actual character writing and musing and headcanoning later.
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Hey LU this might be very random and weird ask. But since i love all your muses i do get curious if you have thoughts to add anymore in the later future? From yu-gi-oh or any other anime? If not that is fine i was just asking.
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(Thanks a lot anon!!! Not a weird ask at all!
I have thought of adding more muses in the future, just because I am that dork who will continue adding to my multi-muse because I'm stupid and I guess I'll have an infinite amount of muses-)
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(I've been heavily tempted to add Draculaura from Monster High Generation 3! I was considering Generation 1 for the longest time because that's what I grew up with and let me tell you I was ADDICTED to the webisodes, movies and the diaries my dolls came with growing up BUT, Generation 3 has really grown on me lore-wise and I think the witchcraft element is cute!)
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(For Yugioh in particular, I've been heavily considering adding back in Jun! I initially removed him because I just felt so discouraged since I was often ignored/disregarded by the GX fandom at the time. I guess because back when I first made this blog there wasn't a big YGO boom like there is now but I still really love Jun, he's one of my favorite characters from GX, so I'd really love to bring him back and maybe have him interact with his classmates and idol, Seto Kaiba~)
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(Though there's always characters I consider writing for like Dio Brando, Amalthea from The Last Unicorn, Yuri from Yarichin Bitch Club, Gowther from Seven Deadly Sins (even though I have a love-hate realtionship with that series but I am a Gowther and Ban simp) and more but as you can see from this list alone, I'm really iffy on adding all these characters. Aside from Amalthea, all these characters are typically viewed as controversial (and the ones I'm not listing even more so, especially one in particular for me personally) and I'm not sure people would be comfortable/okay with me writing these characters. Especially Yuri in particular when YBC is considered a taboo for people when for me it's fucking hilarious and a guilty pleasure.)
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