reposenotes · 1 month
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Shoutout to theartperson127 for this wonderfully apt comment 🔥
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reposenotes · 3 months
TL;DR: I'm so sorry for the ridiculously long delay in updating, but thank you so much to everyone who's reached out in support of this fic this year - from Ao3 to Discord to Tumblr. You're beautiful, life-giving angels!
Also, this fic will likely be 7-8 chapters longer than I thought. But more on that later.
Continue reading below, if you like - but if you're wondering why the hell this blog exists in the first place, please refer to my pinned post!
Just wanna get this off my chest: This fic is the best/worst creative decision I've ever made. I began writing it to challenge myself and step outside my comfort zone, but over time, it's become my favorite.
(It's 2 am and I'm so tired, so I'm sorry if the remainder of this post is a hot mess)
It's been a bit of a journey to get here mentally, both in and out of 'fandom' realms (have I mentioned how much it sucks loving two pairings whose shippers NOTORIOUSLY HATE EACH OTHER?) but it's been so, so rewarding, and that's because of such incredible readers.
When people have left comments about initially opening the fic begrudgingly [only to fall in love with it], or just sent me a song they've been listening to while thinking of the fic (see playlist below) - good god, I think about that stuff every single day. It's so special to me, knowing this ridiculous smangst fic could affect anyone like that.
From the beginning, I've followed the outline to a T (save for a couple of tiny amendments, such as Rose showing up a little earlier than I'd intended initially) - so just know that the only reason it took me forever to update is because of insecurity - not because the muse has left me!
While it might not have ten thousand kudos, and while a lot of people have said some incredibly hateful things (I will once again refer to the absurdity of anti-tenrose VS anti-tenmartha discourse), the pros smash the cons. So thank you.
I had (have) a lot more to say, but I already don't know if anyone is going to read this to begin with, so I'm going to cut myself off. But thank you SO much for reading! I hope you like(d) the update!
Thank you so much to badxwolfxrising for being my guiding light with this fic+helping me pull my head out of my ass+being my first friend in the TenRose realm to publish TenMartha smut. Also, thank you to Kate/@blueteensy for being such a massive cheerleader of this series always (and a wonderful friend)!
Playlist of songs wonderful readers have applied to this series (this link will allow you to add music as a collaborator. If you have any Repose songs, I would love to hear them!)
Playlist of songs I've applied to this series
Brilliant recreations of the red room by my dear friend @blueteensy: p1, p2
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reposenotes · 3 months
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This blog is just a home for what will essentially be “overflow author’s notes” for future chapters of The Purpose of Repose
I tend to get a bit wordy in my a/n’s, and due to vocal readers+the work that goes into writing this fic+life putting gaps between updates, it felt appropriate that I make a separate space to share my thoughts [instead of dumping walls of text on Ao3 — I’m aware not everyone wants to read all of that]. I’ll simply include a link on each new update!
This is just me not wanting to annoy people on Ao3 (or on my main blog, @thirdeyeblue)
Hopefully, you’ve only found this blog because you wanted to 💖
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