#i messed around with a few picrews to really figure out how I wanted him to look and I’ve been SICK for the guy since the last picrew
huni-bii · 7 days
Going absolutely feral for my Rosemary x Arvio fankid whose adult design I can clearly visualize in my head but god I am PRAYING that I am able to get it down on my iPad when the time comes. Lord help me
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Cooper, you're banned from driving
(A "short" story when he was still with X)
(Couldn't find a good picrew for this so I had to edit one with him holding a steering wheel.)
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(Witness Cooper driving my peeps: @oscarsgallery @doakarma @soonyouwillgo @fyyodor-d @tatsuhikoshibusawa @tired-sayaka-ada )
July 4. What a weird day that was. I don't remember much of that day a year ago other than the slight night before and the unforgettable event later on. Mostly the night prior involved some drinking, X feeding me a bunch of wine that night until I passed out and woke up in the passenger seat of his chair while he was driving.
To say it was almost possible that I slept for more than 9 hours was insane to me, but here I was, slightly hungover, but at least I had nothing to do other than sit. Apparently while I was knocked out we had been driving for 7 hours or more. X informed me that he had a meeting with another criminal boss, which meant I always had to come along for some reason. Mostly to attend to his needs or carry his stuff.
But this trip was different this time once we arrived to our destination and X parked the car. He turned to me and gently held my chin. "Cooper, my little dear, I need you stay in the car this time. This will be a quick meeting and just in case things don't go in my favor, I need you to start the car immediately if I come running out." Those we his intrusions before receiving a kiss and him getting out of the car.
Though he never said I wasn't allowed to drive the car.
I was bored for like 2 hours, stuck daydreaming and fidgeting with the keys that X left me with. Due to my boredom and desire to move around, I crawled out of the passenger seat and into the driver's seat. I never really drove before, let alone sit behind the driver's seat but it was cool to sit in and look at all the different little functions. I was definitely messing around with his car.
At least I learned the basic of the gas, break, drive, reverse, and park, all in the span of 20 minutes of me goofing around because soon gunshots we heard. And before I knew it, X was running out of the building he was in with someone else's blood on him. A few angry men we chasing him as well. Though I couldn't hear him from afar he seemed to be yelled that I was in the driver seat. Yet he still got in the passenger seat, sliding and and slamming the door shut.
"Cooper drive now." He ordered and I panicked. I don't know how to drive! But X doesn't know that, this is a serious situation after all and there'sno time for us to switch seats now. Gunshots hit the car as I slam on the gas, scaring X a little as I speed through the parking lot.
"COOPER! What are you doing?!" He yelled at me, while buckling in.
"I don't know master! I never drove before! I'm trying to figure out how to turn!" I yelled back in panic, jerking the wheel to a hard left. The car jerked and slightly turned to the left while I was still keeping my foot on the gas.
Some men that were still attacking us we running up to the car. I jerk the wheel again and suddenly there was a loud thud and cudunk, the car going over something.
"Cooper, you just ran one of the men over." X informed as he loaded up his gun again and rolled down the window to shoot back at the men who we still attacking.
I recklessly drove us out of the parking lot and into the road, continued to speed away. Apparently I was doing everything wrong according to the laws of the road. Speeding, not using my blinkers, not knowing where I'm going, and being on the wrong side of the road.
X yelled at me a lot to control my driving. Sometimes even reaching over to the wheel to yank us back in our lane. By now we were far gone from the men but I wanted to go the extra mile just in case. Ignoring X's orders to stop.
"COOPER STOP THE CAR! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! YOU'RE GOING TO GET US BOTH KILLED! STAY IN THE RIGHT LANE!" He yelled, trying to take the wheel again when I almost ran into another car. I still didn't stop the car because I didn't know how to, even though it was easy.
"HOW DO I STOP THE CAR?!" I cry as I ran a red light, barely dodging on coming traffic.
"Just turn into that Burger King parking lot and press the brakes!"
"Which one is the break again?!"
X let out a loud annoyed groan. "Cooper you idiot. The pedal next to your right foot! Those are the bre-"
I make a hard right turn into the parking lot, hitting the curb before slamming on the breaks. Thank God we were both wearing our seat belts, because I didn't break fast enough and I hit a light poll. The car was now damaged. I look over at X who looks pissed, annoyed and tired.
I can tell by the shaking of his hand he was ready to strangle me right then and there but he took a few deep breaths. I was lucky enough to not die by his hand that day. Though he was still extremely pissed.
"Cooper..." He muttered before looking at me. "I ban you from driving." He coldly stated with no emotion in his voice was so ever.
The car ride back to the manor was awkward. X was the one driving this time but throughout the whole ride he just looked pissed still. Not even saying a word to me.
But hey, at least I got some Burger King for dinner on the way back!
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
Castys Ref Sheet
As a bitch who can’t draw more than stick figures and has to rely on picrews to make my characters, I thought it would be nice to have a place that will at least tell people exactly what my characters look like. Really I just want to talk about Castys because I have A Disease but whatever. I’ll do ones for my other characters at some point, and feel free to use the template if you want idc
Race: Fantasy Latino, specifically Venezuelan, I think
Height: 5′8″ (173 cm) and a little sensitive about it
Skin: Brown. I’ll have more about the exact shade down with the picrew shit. Since he’s stuck being 19 forever, he’s always dealing with acne and usually has at least a few pimples at any given time. He never moisturizes or anything, so the skin on his hands and feet is calloused, rough, and often dry.
Eyes: Dark brown, almost black. No flecks of gold or anything, just very plain. They’re usually half-lidded unless he’s really excited about something (or in a lot of pain)
Hair: Dark brown and thick in texture. It has a bit of curl to it and will stick up on its own if he doesn’t pat it down, which he doesn’t always do. He likes it pretty short, partially covering his ears and a little down the back of his neck, and if it gets too long he’ll become very annoyed with it. It always looks sort of messy, partially because it’s Like That and partially because he prefers it look like that. His arms and legs are hairy, and he has a tiny bit of hair on his chest as well.
Birthmarks/Scars: No birthmarks, but his body is littered with various smaller scars. He has 3 larger ones that are of note: a gash on his right cheek, a gnarled slash across his stomach, and the remnants of a clean stab wound directly above his heart. He stopped getting new scars after he received those. The scar on his cheek makes it so he can’t smile all the way on the right, so his grins always end up lopsided. They pulse with pain from time to time, his stomach being the worst, but if he’s currently dealing with some other torture as I am inclined to show him, he doesn’t pay it much mind.
Clothes: I don’t have anything too specific here, but he generally prefers comfortable clothes that are durable and easy to move around in. He prefers to wear sturdy boots since he does a lot of walking and whatnot, and when he’s pirating he wears a long brown or red coat. He often wears a red bandana on his head. Unless it’s particularly cold, he sleeps in his underwear.
Hygiene: No. Well, actually, he at least takes care of his teeth, if only because if he doesn’t it fucking hurts. He runs his hands through his hair often enough that it doesn’t get matted, but he never explicitly brushes it (and if he’s being forced to grow his hair out by a whumper, he tries his best to make it a tangled mess so they’ll want to cut it off (so you’d just need to brush it for him ❤️)). He doesn’t bathe unless someone tells him to or he’s covered in blood, and normally smells like Sweaty Guy with a dash of dirt or saltwater depending on where he is. In modern AUs he at least showers a socially acceptable amount so there’s that.
Piercings/Tattoos: Only thing is he sometimes has a black stud in his right earlobe. It has a magnet attached to it, which he can use to retrieve a needle from under his skin to pick locks with (don’t @ me about how realistic this is I just think it’s fun ty💕). He could have tattoos if he wanted, since dying wouldn’t get rid of the ink under his skin, but that’s just not his vibe.
Picrews for some visuals (1) (2)
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I think this is the best one in a lot of ways. The hair style and color are perfect, and the skintone is right, too. The only problem is the scar is on the wrong side :( it’s on his right, so it’s on the left if you’re looking at him
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Very good as far as clothes. That is the exact way he wears his bandana and those are great boots for him. The general vibes of the other clothes are good too. And the face scar is correct!
Mmkay that’s all I can think of so conga rats if you made it this far 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀
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saltjam · 8 months
My Tmnt Oc: June (aka, i wanna ramble)
So, i just realized, this is tumblr and nothing is stopping me from yelling into the void about my and how much i love her and how much i love the turtles.
Now in order to not make this post a super long wall post like the "do you like the color of the sky" post, will put the line thing to make this part small and bite sized. you can skip if you want and not read that is fine, this is mainly so i can ramble about her and all the lore i thought of her. i will be ordering this post in order of when the different series came out and i will be sticking with the main four
which are as follows: 1987, 2003, 2012, and rise
these are my main focus since i've seen each and i feel comfortable molding June to each. i haven't seen the new movie yet but i don't think she'd work, same goes for other versions like the 2014 movies and that one batman movie (i wanna watch it so fucking bad)
with that covered, the read more line
so before i start i would like to give some background on who/june is, for starters she is a robot and not an actual human. in the lore for '87, '03, and '12 she is created and referred to as the Juniper or Jupiter project (for '87) thus the name June, for Rise it's different as she is actually made as a child for a big Dragon milf and her lil nerd husband; still made in a lab but she's more organic made as she is they're baby.
another thing i would like to state is that June originally a self insert for my persona Jam (this also why the J names) but i liked her enough to make her, her own oc. as well originally she was going to be giving Mikey kisses across the bored but then i thought "well i love all of them, and there are four of em, and i'm making four versions of the oc. so no one is really gonna stope me" and this each june is with a different brother so they all can get some kisses
a constant for all June is that they are all some type of robot/cybernetic
now let's start diving into each June!
June (1987): The Big Sister
Full name: June Lynn
So June for 1987 i thought it would be cute if she was like another older sister for the turtle (Since April also takes an older sister role) so she is shipped with Leo as he is the oldest brother. seeing as i am rather young i haven't watched that much of the 1987 series but i have developed her a little bit
she would be very protective of not only leo but the others as well, when it comes to inspiration for how i would want her robot form to look, i thought a more Transformers like look would fit since they came out around the same time (i'm also just a huge fan of Transformers)
when it comes to how she met the turtles, i imagine she helped them from a few mousers.
the few images i have of her (1 drawing i did in style, a picrew i edited, the original picrew, and the link) (also two older drawings of when i first her, plus a bonus mikey of when she was with him)(oh, and some extra stuff with height charts. note i did these late at night so please don't mind the mistakes in spelling or forgetting to label things right) Also i kept messing up on the drawing so please have mercy qwq
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Pbelt Witchsona|Picrew
June (2003): The Material Girl
Full name: June Splinterdottir
Ah 2003, the year i popped out. obviously i hold this series is very close seeing as we grew up together. so when it comes to lore and development for June this version has the most meat on it's bone.
For 03 June, the turtles actually found her abandoned in an old decaying lab left there to rot and slowly die. that was until they saved her, she grew up with them seeing as she didn't have a home or family of her own. and slowly through the years she got closer to Donatello, seeing as he was the smartest of the family and she is a super charged weapon. until they ended up confessing and soon dating.
April and Casey help teach her about more humans things with Casey taking on an older brother like figure in her life and April acting as more of a teacher.
for her more robot form i though something more interesting would fit her, so her more robot form is/will be based on the xenomorphs from Alien (because i thought it would fit 2003's more gritter look)
for her drawings i actually have a good few, but she has changed through my development of her, there are a few drawings i wanna redraw and change to fit her current lore
the first few drawings are her in the lab, 1 with edits and 1 unedited, Mikey finding her (again pre-kissing donnie era), and her taking a nap while they drive her to the base, a drawing of her in the 2003 style (did my best), plus a picrew edited and unedited /w link, and some height charts.
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Faelions Avatar Creator|Picrew
June (2012): The Baby
Full Name: June Lyn
2012, the baby, the lil guys, and the one i've thought of most second to 2003. she is the youngest i think of all of the variations. now her lore is similar to 2003 except instead of being left to rot, she caused a black out in the lab she was held in and managed to escape making a fake identity for herself so now he's lived a bit in fear they'll find her and force her back.
This june in lore was made less as a weapon and more as a tool, she is power source that is greater then the sun. so she was used to power things in the lab, but she isn't defenseless as she can assimilate organic and non organic matter into her body (i.e: if she grabs a gun she can use it to make her arm a bigger gun)
when it comes to her robot form, i've decided (with the help of my friend) that i wanna use My life as a teenage robot for inspo, She also kisses mikey as i feel like he really needs someone who's on the same page as him. like they are so mean to him he is just a lil guy, he needs a hug hella bad
when it comes to art, i actually don't have too much i'm pleased with. since 2012 is 3D and i don't really wanna try my hand at 3d modelling, so trying to draw in style is not really an option so if i drew her i'll just do it in my own style. what i do have is a picrew of what i'd imagine she'd look like older and the height charts
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Girl Maker|Picrew
June (Rise): The Working Girl
Full Name: June Harper-Lyn
Rise, the series i did hella dirty and feel so bad for missing but i'm making up my crime.
now this June is a bit more unique as she actually has parents, her Father is a micro scientist and micro biologist, and her mom is a big yokai dragon (She's a kaiju, because godzilla is cool) So this June is half robot, half human and half yokai, she works with her parents in the diner they own called the "Dragon bite diner" with her mom being the main cook and her dad running as mechanic of the building. the diner itself is suppose to be an place for humans, yokais and mutant to feel safe and have a nice home cooked style meal, they cater to a variety of tastes and it's a conflicted free zone (It's helps when the owner is a huge dragon)
her robot form is more simple, as it's just a more dragon style robot, and of course she is with Raph. big man needs his kisses too, plus he just needs a break from being the eldest sibling and get cuddled up with.
sadly, i don't know what picrew i used to make her. and trust me i looked through 100 pages on picrew, so if anyone could find it that would be nice as i'm a little worried it may have been deleted. i also have a drawing of her in style plus some more simple cute doodles of her and Raph being sweet. she is the most non human looking of the bunch.
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another thing just for my oc in general is that i wanted her to be like besties with another brother, since i didn't want her to be Soley around her bf. i want her to be like a legit character and not just 'girlfriend' if that makes sense.
so for 1987 who is with Leo i thought it would be cute if she was besties with Mikey, ya know oldest sibling getting along with youngest (rare i know, but still)
for 2003 she's friends with Leo, since i imagine she has a lot of stress with 1, being left abandoned, 2, knowing she was only made as a weapon and 3. her boyfriend is too busy being a nerd to cuddle. plus he's the eldest so she looks up to him
for 2012, i imagine she's friends with Raph. main reason so he would stop picking on Mikey so much, two because he would love being a bad influence on her and they'd be menaces together
and finally Rise, for her i've decided Donnie. one because he's the last and two because this June's dad is a super smart scientist and because this June is more open to the fact she's not human. so them talking tech and analytics sounds nice
but yeah, that's my oc. i love her and i love the tmnt so much, if anyone wants to know more about her feel free to ask because my brain is absolutely buzzing about tmnt and i don't wanna bother my friends about it
to those who took they're time actually reading my nonsense, thank you!!!
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Do you have a version of the Lone Wanderer? Feel free to infodump.
Aw, you guys are spoiling me :D
My lone wanderer is Samael Rafferty (and yes, they did change their first name to be edgy)
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once again, the image was made from Bright’s Picrew Hell by @/Brightgoat. The horns here are an exaggeration - while they do start to grow horns after the water purifier, they’re pretty small.
Sam is...a lot. They’re standoffish and rude (2 CH), but they’ll help anyone who needs it. They mostly want to just be left alone, but they can’t not help people. They were a mechanic in the vault, and used this to get into places they shouldn’t with the excuse of needing to repair things. Their childhood in the vault is a bit of a haze, as they struggled with dysphoria, mental health issues, and a populace that they just did not get along with. Leaving the vault was the best thing that could have happened to them.
They’re difficult to get close to but extremely ride-or-die for the people they care about. They’re good with kids, animals, and robots, but pretty much everyone else is a no-go. They get the Almost Perfect perk towards the end of the game, which really messes with their head. They use melee weapons because they don’t like the distance guns create and how loud they are. Their main is a deathclaw gauntlet they’ve named Judgement, with 2:13 written on it (Referencing James 2:13, ”For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment”). They also wield swords sometimes. They’re a mutant psychic vampire cyborg and a big fan of body modification.
After the events of 3 they fuck around the capital wasteland for a bit, raising their two adoptive daughters (Marie from The Pitt and Raziel (an oc enclave psyker experiment). After the events of fnv, Sam starts getting weird dreams about a beacon of light in a desert to the west, and take the spaceship (along with their daughters, pets, robots, and supplies) over to the Mojave. There they meet the Courier, the two get along well, and Sam becomes one of their inner circle.
More miscellaneous stuff under the cut
-Tattoos include an ouroborous encircling a halved apple, a deathclaw, radroaches and other insects, a possum skull w/red poppies in the eyes, centipedes over their top surgery scars, alpha and omega symbol on the back of their hands, left knuckle tattoos of the alchemical symbols for water/fire/earth/air, right knuckle tattoos of swords/cups/wands/pentacles, card suits under their eyes, 21:6 on their wrist, scythe with the blade aligning with their lower ribs, along the spine descending are: radiation, biohazard, electricity/lightning strike, flame, broken test tube, skull and crossbones, exclamation point, left forearm has cracks like broken glass with eyes peering through while the right has thorny plants, spider behind their ear, golden spiral, various quest-related tattoos (ex. Ufo, tree, ant spiral), and more that i haven’t detailed out. They have very little uninked skin at this point lol
-Moira is one of the few people they actually like
-Traveled almost exclusively with Dogmeat. They hung out w Butch in Rivet City but didn’t really go anywhere with him. Not sure about Charon because his whole deal is deeply uncomfortable to me and I still haven’t figured out how to handle it, but they probably did travel together at some point. Fawkes is chill.
-They sacrifice themself in the water purifier because they have some suicidal tendencies and feel like they must do it because both of their parents died for this; they weren’t expecting to live past their twenties, even in the vault. They’re doing a lot better now.
-Never take a job without payment, but what they count as payment can vary wildly (they once dealt with some raiders in return for a kitten)(they name the kitten Fishbone)
-5’ 3”
-left handed ambidextrous, which makes using the pipboy annoying
-They’ve picked up a few mutations. As mentioned, they’ve got small horns growing from their forehead, and they have tapetum lucidum (the material in eyes responsible for glowing in the dark), plus their teeth are pointy.
-Raised in a vault + ex-catholic + autism + extremely scientific manner of looking at things + read a lot of very old books + mimicry = the weirdest manner of speaking you’ve ever heard.
-their flip lighter has a moth engraved on it
-at some point they hack an eyebot and name it Pluto
-Hoarder, tends to pick up anything not nailed down. Won’t steal from people who are really struggling or who they like. Tends to only keep the most intact or valuable objects of a certain type and will gift the rest to other people. What they do keep is carefully displayed in their home - it's very much like a museum.
-Horse is named Barbie, short for Harbinger, and was a gift from the Courier.
-They were in love w Amata but that...really didn’t work out
-I have a whole playlist for them but one of the songs I associate the most with them is Honey I'm Home by GHOST; I specifically prefer the Umbra cover, but both versions are good
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Get to Know my Obey Me Oc
Potatolords picrew!
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In my universe of Obey me instead of highschoolers it's college students and Orion is apart of the second group of ten human world students. Since Simeon and Luke live for so long they've been in the devildom since the first group. The students also go for the standard four years instead of one. One group of ten has to "graduate" before the next group can come too. All expenses are paid by Diavolo btw, and Barbatos helps him choose students
Name: Orion Karis Quarn
Nicknames: Ori, Bamboo, Rio
Species: Fae (demon/human mix)
Age: 27- ♾
Gender: Both male and female
Gender identity: Male, he/him
Height: 190.5 cm (6ft 3)
Strength: 7/10 (comparison to demons and humans)
Energy: Depends on the day either 1/10 or 60/10 😆
Health: 100%
Hygiene: 10/10 super anal about being clean
Best describing words: kind, brave, violent (short tempered), impulsive, agreeable, lavish spender (donates not just his money but time to worthy causes), introvert, collected, wild, persuasive, creative, ambitious, stubborn, honest, rude (doesn't mean it most of the time, he's autistic with adhd like me bc I have no idea how to write a neurotypical character. That'd be too boring)
Likes: Spicy foods, writing, crafting, gaming, and hearing the latest gossip from the animals
Dislikes: Squishy snot textured foods, loud crowded places (anxiety), and being around very unemotional people (he can feel and and mess with people's emotions but the not feeling them bothers him most especially if he can't tell how people are feeling he can't tell how to react)
Orion was raise as a child actor
He was cast for one movie when he was 7 and his mother mooched money off him for it for years so she wouldn't have to work
She was constantly bringing home men that beat her children and she thought they deserved it
She abused Orion and his brothers but Orion the worst bc he had both male and female genitalia and was the farthest from human looking in his natural form
She tried to get one or the other removed but bc he's not completely human you can't do that without killing him so he kept the uterus and penis whether she liked it or not
She thought him an abomination and raised him as a girl as "punishment" bc we all know how women are treated in society
He has two older and two younger brothers
His eldest brother was the worst to him, he's thrown him off a cliff and even attempted to drown him
The younger two would usually just tag along and laugh at him
Orion only stays in contact with his second eldest brother Aqui (Aquila bc all of them were named after constellations)
Aqui moved out really early, when he was 15 and never spoke to his family again until he took in a runaway Orion two years after he moved out
Orion ran away from home when he was 13 and accidentally found Aquila but was forced back with his mother until he turned 16
His case to fight for freedom became public as you can imagine from a child celebrity
That's also when the government had to come clean that not everyone in our dimension is human
During a court case Orion's mother (a witch) tried to use a mind spell on him to get him to agree to come back with her
He lashed out and showed his true form
After he was granted freedom from her he moved in with Aquila in a small apartment flat for about a year until he was able to get all his money and assets from his performing with his brother's help
After that they moved into a fair sized home and that's where the issues started
Orion's mental health really started to go down hill and Aqui was hardly ever home bc he didn't want Orion to feel like he was mooching off him so he was working all the time
Classic miscommunication that caused Orion to start drinking
He was still acting of course and making damn good money
They managed to figure this out quickly and got Orion help
He stopped acting when his last project aired in theaters on his 25th birthday
Orion has a mix of a few animals in his DNA that give him extra appendages. His animals are a Dumbo rat, lamprey eel, giant squid, and huntsman spider.
Because of this he has six eyes; each pair sees differently. The top set sees heat signatures, the second were the "normal" set bc they're in the spot humans eyes would be and these needs glasses, and the third and smallest and most spread set sees people's "stats".
The bottom most set can see people's strengths, intelligence, and magic float around them in their "aura" or their resounding "soul signature" whatever you like 👍
Orion also has four arms and thus four hands as well. They look and function like human hands.
He also has really long and droopy elf ears (he has A LOT of piercings on them).
Orion has a nose ring, Medusa, spider bites, and a tongue piercing on either end of his split tongue.
His ear piercings are ->
Left: 2 industrial, 5 low helix rings, and a tentacle that attaches at his lobe and as a stacked lobe piercing
Right: 2 industrials, 5 upper helix rings, two high lobes, and a lamprey eel mouth lobe piercing
Orion also has a rat tail and has the two feeding tentacles that are like a giant squids come out from his very lower back along with his tail. At the end of the spine pretty much.
He can produce spider webs from glands that he can pull from from behind his ears. He also cums literal webs as well, thankfully those aren't as sticky and easily cleanable.
He has three rows of very sharp teeth and a split tongue, he split his tongue in a fight with his eldest brother.
Orion has dark brown skin. His hair was very very dark brown but his entire scalp grayed by the time he was 18 so he dyes it a dark forest green.
His eyes are his mother's blue/green naturally somehow (he thinks she cursed him and honestly, prolly) but he pours a potion onto them to be a really pretty brown that looks like splintery tree bark if you look close enough. They're all different browns and at a distance in the sun look almost orange.
He has retractable claws, they used to hurt until he got used to them. His nails are super tough as well on both his hands and feet.
Orion chooses comfort over fashion a fair amount of the time but will not back down from showing people he is the hottest thing out there. He has to make ALL of his own clothes bc of how different his body is from humans.
Anything else you might wanna know just ask bc I've never done this before so I have no idea what people want to know about mah boi! I'll be happy to answer any of your questions!
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