#i meant to answer this last night. i fell asleep.
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sweaters-and-silly · 3 days ago
When The Laces All Caught
Wrote my first full fic in about a decade. Mostly Buck-centric but thinking about Tommy and his home throughout.
Rating: G Words: 2,376
Read on AO3 or below:
Buck crashed as soon as he got home. He’d showered at the station and just stripped off his clothes and crawled into bed. He’d left his jeans, hoodie, and t-shirt in a heap on the floor and fell asleep before he even thought to change his boxers. 
That’s what the morning was for anyway. 
He’d worked 72-on, having switched a shift between two 24s to help out Ravi on B. It had made for a grind of a week but had given him three days off in a row on the back half. He’d survived the shift but fell into the sleep of the dead when he got home. 
It didn’t last. He thinks he might have been out six hours when the scent of fresh smoke roused him. It wasn’t the smoke caught in his hair or the scent of it in sweat, this was fresh and acrid, stinging his nose and eyes. Instinct had him on his feet, pulling on his clothes and dialling 9-1-1. “This is off-duty firefighter Evan Buckley, I’m smelling—” he was interrupted by the blaring fire alarm in his building, “and hearing signs of a fire at 524 Grand Avenue.”
“Buck! Hey,” Josh replied, “you’re our third call from there. We’ve got a fire confirmed, evacuate the building, the 122 is en route.” 
“Thanks Josh, I’m headed out,” he replied. He grabbed his wallet and keys, resisting the urge to start packing the things he valued and instead headed out of the building, leaving his door unlocked. 
Buck was a friendly, curious guy, which meant he knew the names of most of his neighbours and the families who lived on the floor below. Only the sixth and eighth floor were loft style, there were two- and three-bedroom units below him. Four seniors lived in the building, Mr and Mrs Cunningham were away for all of December and January visiting their kids. Mrs. Lawson was spry for her age and lived in one of the lofts. He winced sometimes thinking about the widow tackling those stairs daily but he’d also seen her carry a mountain bike down the stairs so he didn’t dare say a word to her about it. 
He did pound on every door he passed heading to the stairs, making sure people knew to vacate. Once he’d checked his whole floor he went down to five, not just to notify everyone but check on the last senior in the building.
Ms. Klassen was on five and had a bad knee. She could barely handle the stairs in the garbage room and often asked Buck to take a bag down with him when he went. He never minded helping her out, she was sweet and over Christmas had taught him how to make stained glass cookies. She had told him they were her grandson’s favourites and since Buck’s young man wasn’t coming around as much, maybe he should give her Dennis a call. 
Dennis had been mortified that his grandmother was giving his number out. They’d had fun chatting but despite his grandmother’s support, Dennis wasn’t really looking for a serious relationship — “I’m 25, man!” he’d teased. “What were you doing at 25?” and Buck didn’t have a good answer because that year started with a wild night in Peru and ended with him stealing a fire truck for a hookup. 
Buck knocked on all the doors on five, saving Ms. Klassen’s for last.  “It’s Buck!” he called as he banged on the door, hoping it wouldn’t startle her. She answered after several long minutes. Buck had started wondering if he should break it down, just to make sure he could get her out. 
 “I’m coming, I’m coming, I just can’t get Freddy into his carrier!” she was frantic, her glasses were askew, a shawl pulled tight over her shoulders. 
 “OK, I’ll get him, where is he? “ Buck asked, stepping into the room to get a look. He’d been there to make cookies and Freddy had not been a fan of him. He hissed whenever Buck got too close, which was weird because Buck was good with animals. 
 “He’s hiding under the couch, his carrier’s on the coffee table,” she explained, voice shaking. 
 “While I get him, you get a bag and throw in medications you might need tonight for yourself and him,” Buck’s voice was gentle but commanding. The small woman bustled away to follow his instructions. Buck knelt on the ground to find a hissing cat under the couch. He sorely missed the heavy duty gloves on his uniform. He took a breath, reached under and grabbed the angry feline by the scruff, dragging it out and stuffing it into the carrier. The beast clung to his arm digging claws deep into flesh. 
He wrenched his arm free knowing when the adrenaline was gone he was going to regret it. For the moment he just rinsed his arm and wrapped a tea towel around the cuts. 
“Ready to go?” he called out, the cat carrier full of angry cat tucked under his arm. 
“Yes, yes, I’m coming Buck,” she called as she bustled out of the bedroom. “I couldn’t leave my photos of Henry, no one has copies of these,” she explained. It squeezed Buck’s heart to think of those pieces of life that would be lost forever if the fire wasn’t stopped before it got this far. 
“Ok, we have to take the stairs, but I’ll be with you the whole time,” Buck directed her toward the stairs. Mrs. Klassen balked, leaning on her cane. 
“Buck, I don’t know if I can,” she withered a little as she followed him toward the fire door. The smell of smoke was heavier in the stairwell, making Buck’s stomach churn a little. He hated the idea of being trapped with someone in need without his gear. The cat carrier had a shoulder strap, he tossed it around his back making Freddy growl with rage. 
“Then I’ll carry you, we have to go,” Buck’s voice was firm. People were streaming down the stairs still, some carrying far more than he’d thought to grab. 
He’d left Chris’s drawings stuck to his fridge, a set of photobooth pictures of him and Tommy tucked into a book on his shelf, the wooden box of postcards Maddie had saved for him on the coffee table. 
He picked up Mrs. Klassen in a bridal carry, moving quickly and carefully down the stairs with her in his arms. Even not being able to jump the railing and skip the last flight, he had her out of the building in 90 seconds. He set her down in the parking lot, got her settled on a bench with Freddy in his cat carrier, and began to move through the crowd, checking in to make sure no one was hurt and trying to get a rough idea of how many had made it out. 
He looked up and could see the light of flames glowing on the seventh and eighth floor. Whatever started the fire, it had a hold on the building now. 
The 122 screeched into the parking lot, firefighters bustled around, Buck reported to the captain that he’d cleared five and six but didn’t know about the rest of the building. All he could do now was watch, he settled in next to Mrs. Klassen, lending her his phone to call Dennis to come pick her up. 
The air was heated from the flames that had escaped the windows, licking at the quickly darkening sky. He could see his windows from here and watched as they began to glow orange long after the sun set. He felt like the heat was raking over his skin, burning away all the pieces of himself left behind. He knew what had turned to ash, a book Hen had given him for Christmas, half-read on his bedside table, about queer history and LA. The heat would warp the roasting pan Bobby had owned and used before he merged his house with Athena’s, something for Buck to build his cooking collection on. Glass would crack and shatter on his picture frames, the rubber on his mountain bike tires would melt, the frame twisted from the flames. 
He’d lose his clothes, a wardrobe he’d built slowly to be able to showcase the man he’d become from the boy he’d left behind. Souvenirs from three dozen pit stops on backcountry roads and open highways. 
The gaming system he used to keep in touch with Chris. The computer he did his therapy on. The bed he’d bought just four months ago because his old one wasn’t big enough for two grown men. 
He’d lose another couch. It was almost embarrassing the number of couches he’d been through at this point. 
The fire was loud. Mrs. Klassen watched in silence, sometimes her eyes on the building, sometimes her eyes on Buck. Dennis was coming and when he had the chance he needed to call someone and let them know he needed to crash. Maddie, Eddie, Hen, or Bobby, he could have called any of them for a room to sleep but it wasn’t the number he wanted to dial. 
He watched the glass shatter in his apartment as the flames won out. The firefighters pulled out, confident the building was empty, giving up hope on saving this one. 
He’d asked Tommy to move into that loft, asked him why be apart when they could be together, and saw Tommy tell him they’d be better off apart. 
“I’m not your last, I’m your first,” he’d said and it felt like the apartment had caught fire in that moment. A tiny spark that burned when Buck wasn’t looking, that was smothered in baking and family and work and distractions. But it had burned its way through Buck anyway. The flames eating away his life had been there for months, it had just taken until this day, this moment, to manifest. 
He’d tossed that phrase through his mind, replayed that scene in his head a hundred times and wondered at it. Dissected the pieces, ached at the way Tommy had called him Buck, raged at the dismissive attitude he’d had when he talked about what Buck had wanted. 
And for the first time, in the heat of the winter night, waiting for a little old lady’s grandson to pick her up, he remembered what else was said. 
“No matter how bad I wanted to be.”
A truck whipped past on the road and jammed itself into a spot near the firetruck. “Park better, ya mook!” the captain of the 122 yelled after the driver. The noise caught his attention and he looked over to see Tommy flip off the man. 
“Get fucked Deluca!” he called, making Buck blink. 
“Tommy?” Buck stood, looking over at the man. 
“Evan, oh my god,” he jogged over and slammed into Buck bodily, wrapping his arms around his neck. Buck hugged back, feeling his chest tighten and lungs constrict. 
“What’re you doing here?” he asked muffled against Tommy’s shoulder, not wanting to pull back yet. Tommy clung to him, not letting go either. 
“I heard the address on the radio when I was leaving work and … I was so worried,” he replied. Buck pulled away, blinking back tears, struggling with the sudden urge to yell or run. He didn’t know what he wanted, feeling so overwhelmed. 
“Why?” was all he could ask. 
“Why were you worried? We broke up.”
“Evan,” Tommy’s voice was filled with dismay, “I still care about you.”
“Then why aren’t we together?” 
“I know how this ends—” Tommy began and Buck pulled away sharply, out of his arms a step or two back.
“Do you? Or do you just think you know everything and get cynical and hopeless about the future?” Buck shot back. “Because you said I was unbelievable. You said I was unlike anyone you’d been with before, did you mean that?”
“Yes, of course,” Tommy replied quickly. “But—”
“But nothing. If I’m unlike anyone you’ve been with before you have no idea how this ends. Because you can’t predict what you haven’t seen,” Buck replied. Tommy blinked, his mouth opening and then hanging there as if he lost the words he was trying to say. “And just so you know, what you said about me figuring out relationships and all that jazz? Bi-phobic as fuck. I’m still an adult and I know what I’m looking for.” 
“Uh — I didn’t mean —”
“I need a place to stay,” Buck interrupted Tommy’s floundering. Tommy looked like he was lost again. Buck didn’t mean to keep him off balance but everything he found himself saying needed to be said. “So here’s the deal, I go home with you and we talk this out. We figure our shit out without making assumptions and by actually communicating. Or I call Maddie and crash with her and you lose my number, forever.” 
“Evan, I don’t know—” Tommy began to hedge
“Make a choice, right now, because I’m not watching my life burn down twice,” Buck replied, his chest tight, afraid of Tommy’s answer. He needed to know, needed to feel closure or a future. He owned nothing, every sneaker and book burned to ash. 
“I’m parked over here, come on,” Tommy replied. “We’ll talk.” 
Buck sighed, shaky, he looked at Ms. Klassen, “we have to wait for Dennis.” he said, remembering his responsibility. 
“No dear, there are two dozen first responders here and Dennis is on his way, you go ahead,” she told him. She looked at Tommy sharply, “and you, be good to him. I’ve got three more grandsons I could introduce him to.” The threat cracked a laugh out of Buck’s chest. Tommy nodded at her solemnly and tossed his arm around Buck’s shoulder. 
“C’mon, I better get you home before your neighbour gives you away,” he teased, leading Buck toward his truck. 
“Longshot, but is there any chance I left a clean pair of boxers at your place?” Buck asked, fighting away a yawn. 
“We can make a stop on the way home,” Tommy offered. Buck nodded, getting into the truck and leaning against the window, turning his body to watch Tommy get in. He was on his way home.
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
for ask game: casstim, post war games
Tim's first heat starts in Bludhaven and, alienated from all familiar bonds, he invites Cass into the nest. but it turns out that despite everyone thinking Cass was a beta or delta, she's an alpha stuck with the presentation due to starvation as a child. and being close to an omega in the heat provokes her first rut.
for the ask game!
post-War Games CassTim my *beloved* god. especially with Omegaverse it's all so good bc i *love* playing with how Cass' upbringing could affect her presentation-
the isolation of everyone post-War Games is a lot of fun to play with, especially how it affects Tim and Cass. they don't see eye to eye about how things should've been handled. and worse, they're both grieving Steph. it makes being together awkward and full of long silences neither of them know how to fill. but without any other options and trying desperately to just fix things, Tim invites Cass to his nest. mostly because he doesn't *expect* her to say yes. i like the idea of Cass being pretty averse to all things secondary gender because of her own complex about (assumedly) not having one. everyone defaults to assuming she's a beta, but there's never been any proper confirmation. so it's a last-ditch effort for Tim to find *any* kind of companionship after everyone he's lost. his first heat has him feeling awkward and vulnerable. so when Cass says yes bc she's also just lonely and vulnerable, he's so started he didn't expect it. he happily makes room for her in his nest, but it's a bit awkward at first. Cass is just going through a checklist, making sure Tim is eating and drinking enough, cuddling him, but still holding an emotional distance. part of it is her unresolved feelings and part of it is her stunted presentation, it all makes her very confused and awkward no matter how much Tim tries to connect to her.
i'm personally a big fan of heats not being "out of your mind horniness" but more so being "emotional distress and physical discomfort". sure Tim is horny and could really use a good fuck rn, but mostly he's just cramping and craving an emotional connection, especially as his first heat without a real pack. the Batfam have vaguely acted as a pack before, but now they're so fractured it sends Tim's hormones on an emotional fritz. he doesn't like that he's an omega having his first heat, he doesn't like that his pseudo-pack is such a mess, and he doesn't like how something is clearly wrong with Cass. she's trying to hide it, but Tim can tell she's getting more and more uncomfortable the more they hang out in his nest, just watching movies. she keeps shifting around and getting up for some reason. and the worst part is, *she* doesn't know why either. she doesn't know why Tim's scent is so distracting and why she's suffocating in this need to protect and hold him. she almost feels bad about it, like she's objectifying an omega in heat who just wants her company. Cass doesn't fully understand social dynamics, but she knows omegas are seen as vulnerable and fragile during heat and Tim came to *her* for help, and now she's messing it up, somehow. she can smell the distress on his scent as he's so worried about her when she's the one who should be taking care of him and clearly, she's doing a bad job of it, no matter how much Tim is trying to convince her otherwise and just talk to her.
i think it's fun if Tim notices first. Cass wouldn't have any idea what these feelings are and she's often so disconnected from her body's signals she's not processing the attraction and arousal from her rut, just this burning need to protect Tim, which she had already. it's when Tim has his face buried in the crook of her neck that he frowns and actually smells her. and he awkwardly asks if she's an alpha and Cass has to tell him no, bc everyone knows she's assumed to be a beta. and so Tim has to very awkwardly tell her that he's pretty sure she's an alpha and he's *definitely* sure she's going into rut. and now Cass is *more* uncomfortable. because she's so used to her body being used to hurt people. and she's heard the stories, how alphas go into ruts around omegas and use to as an excuse to assault them. and that's the *last* thing she wants to do when Tim has trusted her with such a vulnerable moment. i'm just very fond of Cass fearing intimacy because she doesn't know how to use her body for pleasure, only for pain. she tries to pull away, saying she'll find someone else to keep Tim company. but Tim is promising her it's okay, promising he knows she wouldn't hurt him and that they don't *have* to do anything. his instincts are begging for sex, but he won't push for that unless he knows she wants it too.
the sex takes a while for them to build up to. maybe Tim's heat lasts a couple days and Cass is in and out or her rut the whole time as her body adjusts to presenting as an alpha. they're helping each other through it. Cass is trying *hard* to hold back her urges, she's taken the worst kind of pain the world has to offer, she can handle some hormones. but the more Tim's heat lasts the more the nest smells like both of them and she finally breaks, whispering a soft "please" in TIm's ear, and that's all Tim needs to understand. the sex is taken slow and a little awkward. Cass functionally understands how sex works, but concepts of foreplay are utterly foreign to her. i like the idea of Cass being the dom, but still needing guidance from Tim as to what feels good for him, how she should touch him. i love the idea of Tim guiding her to eat him out bc it'll make it easier for him to fuck him and Cass enjoys giving Tim head so much for the taste and all the noises that he makes that she drives him into overstimulation, coming over and over on her tongue until he's sure he's gonna pass out. she fucks him hard, but her words are so gentle in his ear and it's such a dizzying contrast. when Cass finally knots Tim i think she cries. the overwhelming emotion just finally gets to her and they hold each other like that while Cass cries and feels loved.
in the aftermath, they *try* to go back to normal. both of them agree mating would be a bad idea that could overcomplicate things. but they can't seem to stay away from each other. they end up sleeping in each other's beds, always visiting each other. it's very normal for Tim to wake up to Cass crawling through his window to climb under his sheets. they smell like each other so much that everyone can tell Tim is seeing an alpha but no one realizes it's Cass for a while because no one realizes she's an alpha. the truth eventually comes out because Tim and Cass end up glued at each other's hip. it takes a few years before they officially mate, but everyone knows it's an unofficial official sort of thing. Tim's heats are always spent with Cass and they're ferally protective of each other. they definitely don't have an easy relationship- there's so much unresolved trauma between the two of them that they struggle with emotional vulnerability with each other. sometimes they end up arguing and not speaking for days and *everyone* can feel the tension. but they always make up in the end bc they will always seek each other out for company and comfort.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 3 months ago
But she had to promise to stay on Berk. Because if she didn’t make that clear, they— being Hiccup, her mother, and maybe Astrid— would be worried about her taking off again. And the last thing she wanted was for them to worry about her.
Sighing, she replied, “Hiccup, I know this— hunters this, hunters that— can you please stop reminding me? I’ll probably be dead before hunters stop looking for me…”
Ugh. Him wanting ‘extra time with his sister’ meant that he wanted to talk to her, and it was definitely about something serious… “Y’know… we can definitely have the dinner, or, or get together, or whatever this is, but… I kind of have other things I want to do? Like uh, go see Camicazi, and Finley! So um, that ‘extra time together,’ might have to wait…”
Turning her gaze downwards, she shrugged. “Well, yeah, I’m okay with it, we can do whatever you want with like, getting together and redoing Snoggletog or whatnot…”
"I just--" He sighed, "I just know that you don't want to stay stuck here forever, that's all. I don't want you to feel trapped..."
He raised his brows at her, "This won't take long, Danny." Running a hand through his hair, he said, "I may not know how to fix what's been bothering you, but I just want to make sure you know that I'm here, if you ever need someone to talk to. Though I will say, in my experience? Talking with Toothless has helped me through quite a bit... Twilight might be able to do the same for you."
Meeting her gaze, he added, "I'm trying not to be overbearing, it'll just take some time..."
At her words, he gave a slight nod. "Okay. If that's what you truly want. We will get together, then."
Valka returned, steaming cups of tea in hand. She handed one to Danny, and the other to Hiccup before fetching one for herself.
There were so many things Hiccup wanted to say, but wasn't sure if he should. Setting his cup down, he stood up. "I should get Twilight back to the stables, get her saddle off and get her some fish..."
Turning to his sister, he gave her a small smile. "It's good to have you back, Danny."
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honey-dont · 1 year ago
Def a trademark is like... Sharp edges and angles... Shaped!
yay shapes <33
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rosykims · 2 months ago
1, 9, 11 and 22 for the RT asks!!!
1. Where are they from? What is their homeworld like? Do they miss it?
leda is actually a voidborn who grew up on the von valancius voidship 😶 it would be a ridiculous coincidence if it wasnt also kind of the most pragmatic move on theodora's part — keeping your direct heir (in this case her grandniece) physically on the same ship as her in secret so she always had a "break glass in case of emergency" option ahould all else fail. unfortunately it didn't get very far given leda manifested as a psyker and (due to running away) was inevitably caught by the inquisition. nevertheless, she grew up on the (upper) lower decks, not as dire as what we see in void shadows but still pretty bleak. she was fortunately often looked out for by the younger/kinder acolytes of the adeptus mechanicus who were stationed on that level. the only reason she left is to escape the vision she'd had of the blackship arriving — ironically it was her trying to escape which ended up getting her captured in the first place
anyway. returning all those years later as a fully sactioned psyker primaris (probably?? need to read more into what those requirements actually are) with an ulterior purpose and a boatload of baggage is . . . interesting for her. shes quite prideful/spiteful so shes glad to be back to prove to herself/others how far she's come, but she also genuinely DID miss the simplicity of life on the lower decks, and how dulled down the horrific conditions were by virtue of her having been a child at the time and too young to know any better. those first few months after things stabilize she frequently sneaks down to the lower decks to hang out in local watering holes incognito - and also to see if her old friends and neighbours are still alive. none of them are lol. lmao even
9. What was their Darkest Hour? How does it affect them today?
can't remember the exact name of it but it's the one involving being tortured in her past - which synergizes well with her RO being heinrix. the torture in this instance however is one she has complicated feelings about, given it's directly related to her experience on terra lmao. i don't think anything that she went through in commoragh could ever come close to the experience of what happened to her that day, and it's only her resolve to undermine the dogma of the imperium that really grounds her and keeps her from falling into despair after that.
11. Who amongst their retinue are they closest to?
other than heinrix it's absolutely yrliet :( in fact she was honestly closer with her than she was with heinrix for quite a while in act 2. there was for SURE a spark of homoeroticism going on prior to the cammoragh mess which drove heinrix absolutely insane w jealousy <3 unfortunately because leda is Not as good a person as she pretends to be she does willd up killing yrliet at the end of act 3. she didnt want to, but she saw it as a neccessary form of appeasement for the crew and the only way to reinforce that her benevolence does have its limits. having also emerged from cammoragh she was NOT in a good place and absolutely leaned into her dogmatic roots to survive. she regrets it forever though. yrliet haunts her until her death i think, and its for yrliets memory that she continues to help the aeldari where she can and make sure theyre taken care of — for her friends' sake.
22. Do they have any augmentations? Were these installed out of necessity, or as a cosmetic choice?
i feel like leda has a prosthetic trigger finger for tactical reasons NGNDMFJF but she's honestly not too true-fleshed up tbh, since she's made her trade as a sniper and thus hasn't sustained any injuries requiring augmentation. she has some heavyduty psyker implants which present visually with a steal scalp (do not ask me how she still has a full head of hair growing through it lol science i guess) and a reinforced spine to assist with adapting to gravity as a voidborn. otherwise thats about it!
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thechibilitwick · 3 months ago
i swear i said this somewhere but i lowk forgot anyway i think what u mentioned yesterday on imposter boulevard was right, as in the way that es’s choice of words cldve confused kzi n that him outright giving his understanding of the definition of unfaithful/probably confused is purposeful in both trying to clarify but also to avoid accountability to a degree before it overtakes him ltr on n makes him break down. the second factor i forgot abt is that the guy doesnt kno what es saw in his mv right,, that him saying that he ‘didnt consider this a possibility’ is him realizing that even mind violating song extraction machine cant save him nymore n do the work of uncovering his inner feelings for him when he himself has lost the ability to do it, as he says ltr on. can u imagine a kid looking into what u think is ur deepest feelings on display, deeming u innocent for the stuff thats plagued u for so long, n then they tell u haha yeah no i only did that cuz i didnt understand shit ur feelings r way too damn complicated but also i can infer frm that little info that ur unfaithful ur self absorbed u act on ur sexual urges too much i personally as the indifferent guard representative of impartiality am especially hateful towards u after seeing a glimpse of the true self uve been too scared to show anyone ur whole life. itd make sense for him to get so defensive all of a sudden if he was put into the spotlight that quickly
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man idek what to say cuz you pretty much said everythign there is to. sigh sigh sighhh
it's like the whole thing with wanting to finally be understood and seen for who he truly is yet being so terrified of needing to express it himself. but also the fear that regardless of if he tells the truth or not he can still be misunderstood, so rather than tell the truth himself and take fault if things go wrong he can have something or someone else say it for him and thus leave less of the blame to him... or smth like that i'm probably just repeating what you said.
so much shit going on with this guy my brain is getting fried tho idk what else to say waghghhhghh
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iguessitsjustme · 10 months ago
Hi rae!!! For the violent ask game 7 and 14🩷🩷
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
This is a tough one because I don’t typically let the fandom influence my opinions on shows or characters. There are definitely characters that I think the fandom could calm down on (again, staring at the MDL comments) but I typically have my thoughts on the character and even if I dislike how the general fandom acts, I don’t start to hate characters because of it. I’m pretty good at separating my feelings on the fandom and my feelings on shows/characters/whathaveyou. Anyone that knows me irl will tell you that I like what I like and I don’t let superficial things ruin that for me.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
It has been a loooooong time since I read fics regularly. Part of the reason is because there just aren’t fics for the shows I want fics for but I do occasionally read them. Especially if it’s recommended to me. But I guess I’ll go back a few years to when I was reading fics regularly and say people sometimes just get the characters wrong. I get different interpretations of characters, but there were times that I genuinely thought they just wrote about the wrong character and got names confused. But whenever I disagreed with the characterization, I’d just back out and find a new fic. It didn’t happen very often so there were plenty for me to read that got the characters perfect.
Choose Violence Ask Game
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schauerromantik · 1 year ago
I'm happy to hear that!!
I'm feeling quite good tbh. Thanks for asking 💕
aw that's good to hear!!! hope today is going well for u too <3
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wtfaniii · 2 months ago
Hear me out- VIP reader and Frontman In-ho
Reader goes up to In-ho and is all like “I’m bored, can you entertain me?” And bro goes “You shouldn’t be bored, and I’m not really on the table for entertainment, but I’ll see what I can do” then ensues actions n shit. Really most of this is dealers choice in everything that happens, I just want more VIP reader content <3333
Uhhh I love it!!! I hope I understood what you expected from this!
A better show
Fem reader VIP x Front man
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Summary: You are looking for better entertainment than just shows where low-class people die.
Warning: Nothing explicit but some innuendo, flirting, some submission.
N/A: I've only written smut once in my life HAHAHA, I hope you like this.
Money buys happiness.
Or at least that's what everyone around you had told you for as long as could remember.
You were disgustingly rich and beautiful but few dared to approach you for fear of rejection or your bodyguards.
You wanted action so when they talked to you about financing some deadly games for entertainment you accepted, however, this was only your third year attending as a spectator and fell asleep during the second half hour, if it weren't for the wonderful liquor they served you would surely be snoring.
Once again, you were a spectator as the players played lut, you were bored but the only thing that made you come back every year to that place and wear a heavy gold-plated honey badger mask was to enjoy the presence of a certain masked man dressed in black.
There was something about him posture and voice that captivated you, you could even swear that from time to time he saw you too.
And you were right, In-ho looked at you sometimes, she was the only woman who was part of the VIPs and your bored expression throughout the show seemed intriguing to him.
All these men were disgusting and to him you were a beautiful flower growing in a pond of dirty water.
Even though he had never seen your face even once.
Although of course, you also had a certain selfish and classist character, you had only learned what you were taught since you were a little kid.
They both looked at each other and you, with a smile that showed your white teeth, snapped your fingers and gestured for him to come closer.
However, he sent one of his employees to which you quickly denied —No, you —You pointed the finger at him specifically and he had no choice but to obey you.
Maybe the alcohol was taking its toll on your system but this time you were feeling bolder than usual, just to be sure, you took one last big sip from your glass as he stopped next to you.
—¿Do you need anything? —he asked cautiously.
That deep voice and the scent of him perfume made you sigh and squeeze your legs together.
Yeah... you'd definitely had enough alcohol for tonight.
—I'm bored, ¿can you make this night more entertaining for me?
From the way you looked at him and the pout on your lips, In-ho immediately knew what you meant, but he decided to play with fire a little, nothing in this life is easy.
—¡Uh!... It seems our dear badger wants some honey —said the man with the lion mask using a playful and funny tone.
You ignored him, you were now too focused on getting what you wanted to get angry over a few rude words.
—I apologize if this bores you, but I'm in no position to entertain, I just maintain order and make sure the guests are happy.
From your posture he could tell that you didn't like that answer but he also knew that you wouldn't give up.
—I'm a guest and I'm not happy —You faked a smile—I'd be happy if you sat down with me, believe me, I'll make sure you don't get into trouble.
The silence in the room lasted a few seconds, In-ho felt the gaze of the other guests on you but that didn't stop him from continuing to challenge you.
—I repeat, the entertainment is not my responsibility, but if you agree, I will look for way to... satisfy you.
Front man walked to his podium and made some motions for someone to take charge while he took care of you.
After a few minutes he turned to you and extended his hand with chivalry and elegance.
—¿Would you like to accompany me to a more private place?
You smiled under the mask and took him gloved hand as you stood up.
—Gentlemen, I say goodbye for tonight, you guys keep enjoying the trivial spectacle.
You said calmly, despite the exotic environment you were in you still maintained your education and manners.
—¡Have fun! —the man in the buffalo mask exclaimed, followed by a loud laugh.
"They are idiots" you thought, letting yourself be guided by the handsome masked man.
You two took a few more steps until you reached a somewhat colorful room with a huge sofa in the center.
—After you —he said softly, giving a small bow and leaving a chaste kiss on the back of your hand.
You could only feel the cold material his mask was made of but you kept quiet, the simple act made your heart warm, it was ironic how you called him just for some fun but this man could make you shiver with a couple of non-sexual actions, it was just him.
Once you walked in and looked around at the bright colors you heard him close and lock the door, then you felt his presence behind you.
He very delicately placed his hands on your shoulders and pulled down your golden robe a little, revealing the bare skin of your neck, collarbone and shoulders.
In-ho paid attention to your breathing, that way he would know if he was doing it right or not, he took off one of his gloves to allow you to feel his skin touch you.
—¿Can you take off your mask? —You murmured curiously.
—I'm afraid that would be impossible, our identities are protected for security reasons.
You sighed and turned on your heels to stand in front of him, not allowing him to say or do anything you placed your own hands on golden mask and removed it revealing your face.
Once you dropped the mask to the ground In-ho remained silent, observing your features.
You were younger than he had thought, your eyes looked at him with desire but at the same time confidence and longed for affection, ¿how bad did your life have to be to look for affection in a stranger with a mask?
When you put your hands on his covered face and tried to remove the mask, he stopped you and walked away from you to the couch and grab a black cloth bandage.
—If you want me to take off the mask, you'll have to cover your eyes.
It wasn't a fair deal but you accepted it just because you were starting to get wet just from him attitude.
The soft sound of your breathing as he kissed the skin of your neck was the only thing that could be heard in the room, In-ho was sitting on the couch without his top clothes on, his lips leaving a trail of wet marks on your neck and his hands resting on your hip.
You felt so vulnerable and surrendered to him as you straddled him lap, naked and blindfolded.
You were used to having control over everything, giving orders and other things but this feeling of knowing that someone else could have control over you, could move you or manipulate you was new, it was exciting.
You let out a gasp as you felt the leader's fingers move closer to your core, teasing you a little.
—You're very anxious, ¿how long have you been waiting for this?
The mockery in his words made you shudder, you moved your hips against him searching for friction but he held you firmly with his other hand.
—Don't move —He whispered in your ear —You asked me to entertain you and that's what I'm going to do.
Seeing your red cheeks and your half-open mouth made In-ho feel his pants tighter than usual, yet he remained calm and continued playing with your center, enjoying the lewd sounds you gave him.
Their lips met in a hungry kiss and you finally had the chance to move your hands a little, which went from being on him chest to descending towards the belt of him pants.
With a few deft movements you got rid of him belt and pulled down his pants with a little effort.
He moaned lowly as he felt your hand caress him, if you could see him you would have seen the lust in his dark eyes and dilated pupils.
—I need you, now —You almost begged, it was pathetic how you begged for more from this man whose face you hadn't even seen.
—Ask me to give you what you want.
He still wanted to continue playing with you a little but he was also as eager as you so as soon as you said "Please" he lifted you up a little and positioned you so he could enter you without any effort because of how wet you were.
In-ho closed his eyes and a soft growl escaped his lips as he guided your movements on him, he would have loved to look into your eyes as you rode him like this but his identity was above that, or at least for now.
Besides, a certain part of him was also excited to be a secret from you.
With his free hand he grabbed your hair, made a small knot and tilted your head back to have access to your neck once again, while you increased the pace of your jumps he was in charge of leaving red marks on your skin.
When he felt you tense up he made you stop and without letting you go he turned you both around so that you ended up on the couch, this time he on top of you.
He began to thrust into you, at first it was slow, letting you feel every inch of him and then he was a little rougher, slowly increasing the speed and strength, your screams of pleasure were music to his ears, your nails scratching his back was another of his favorite sensations.
He placed your legs on his shoulders forcing you to take him completely which made you arch back and moan even louder.
—You are such a beautiful mess... —Lust and desire dripped from his words, he wasn't lying, having you like this under him and causing your screams was almost enough to make him finish inside you but he refrained from doing so, he wanted to keep taking you —You will be completely mine for this night.
He put one of his hands on your neck and squeezed lightly, cutting off your air flow and causing you to moan muffledly. The speed of his thrusts slowed down a little only to pick it up again and after a few seconds you reached your climax.
—¡Oh fuck! —You screamed as soon as you finished and your legs shook, however a soft squeal left your lips when you felt him hot sperm fill you.
It felt so good, this was definitely better than those crappy, boring games.
In-ho was breathing heavily and his face was completely red but he still didn't want to let you go, he had already tasted you and now he wanted more.
They both wanted to continue.
So you didn't refuse when he pulled out of you and made you get off the couch just to kneel in front of him.
—I have never knelt before any man —You said confidently and with an arrogant smile on the side.
—There's always a first time —He wrapped his hand in your hair and settled back with his legs spread on the couch —Now open that pretty little mouth.
You obeyed him without objection and when he could feel your warm mouth around his member it made him throw his head back with a moan.
It would be a long and entertaining night.
Now you can make sure you don't miss any year of these games and he'll be more than happy to give you that pleasure you longed for.
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gnabries · 2 years ago
i love u so much it physically pains me ........have i ever mentioned that
right back at you!!!
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adultbabystories · 3 months ago
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"I’m gonna give my boy the Christmas morning he deserves!” your daddy told himself before the holidays.
He planned every minute of it. It’s been months since he began your forced regression, or as he called it, regressive therapy. Daddy worked hard to get you comfortable with your new baby clothes, baby soothers, toys, and most importantly, your diapers.
Last year, when you guys first started dating, before the regressive therapy began, he wished for a baby boy. You wanted to please him and to be polite, you wished for him a baby boy as well. How could you know that a year later, his baby boy was going to be you?
Almost a year had passed and your journey had been bumpy. From willing, to resisting, to obeying, then crying, and finally accepting, you took your place as the baby of the house, seeing him as a dominant figure, but not as a fatherly one. You knew it was his dream, not only breaking you physically but also mentally. He wanted you to be completely dependent on him. Not only for your physical needs but also for your emotional needs.
Daddy got the house all decorative with the Christmas spirit. A tree, decorations, even stockings! On Christmas Eve, you had dinner, just the two of you.  Your bib got all the mess away from your festive baby clothes. You had a good time, but still, you wanted a grown-up holiday.
He got you to your nursery, changed your diaper into a thick night one, and dressed you in a warm blue onesie. He guided your diapered butt into your crib and laid you down, putting a pacifier in your mouth.
“I promise you the best Christmas morning little fella, Daddy promises,” he said, kissing your cheek, and got the crib’s rails up.
With the mobile above you playing, you fell asleep, sucking your paci.
“OH OH OH!” someone was shouting, waking you up.
The crib rails were down. If they were down, you knew Daddy had done it, and it was okay for you to get out.
You hopped down from the crib and walked to the living room. You felt like you wet your diaper at night. It was a rare thing, but it happened from time to time. You turned to the living room, Christmas music was playing in the background and a new giant tree was standing in the middle of the living room. It was so festive and beautiful. Daddy was standing beside it. He was a heavy guy. He lifts weights but also loves to lift plates. His belly went through a pants braces. He wore red fleece pants and a Christmas hat. Covering his face was a fake wight beard. He looked like a fun mature Santa!
“Do you remember what you told me on our first Christmas?” he asked.
“No” you answered, secretly knowing what he meant.
“I remember, that you told me, that as a little kid, you always wanted a big, festive Christmas, with a giant tree and presents underneath it. You told me, that you always wanted to sit on Stanta’s lap and ask for a new toy. You wished for the Christmas of your dreams, and now my little guy, you can have it”, Daddy said, with a hopeful spark in his eyes, “Do you like it?”
You stood there and felt so emotional. This man, your new Daddy, worked so hard to make your dreams come true. Your body had weakened, and you wet your diaper without realizing it. Not only your body had weakened, but your emotional and mental state as well.
For the first time ever, you took your thumb, and put it in your mouth, starting to suck on it. It felt right, it felt good, it felt like home, it felt like something you wanted to do.
Daddy looked at you. At your blue fleece onesie, at your puffy wet diaper, and your fist stuck into your mouth. He gave you your dream, and you finally gave him his.
“Marry Christmas, my boy,” he said, “now come and sit on Santa’s lap”.
-------------------------------------- Teddy Boi is having one magical Christmas! Check him out on Twitter (@)Teddyboi99.
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multific · 1 month ago
Quiet Comfort
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Emperor Geta x Reader
Summary: After a long day, your husband returns to your arms. 
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You watched the shadows dance on the walls of your chambers, the fire crackling softly as you got more and more sleepy. 
The room filled with the faint aroma of jasmine from the garden beyond your window. 
You had spent the evening waiting, knowing it would be late when Geta finally returned. 
But you were determined to wait for your husband.
He had spent the entire day in council, discussing matters of the empire with senators and advisors, it was a rather exhausting affair that always left him drained. Given how his brother's illness didn't allow him to even properly think at times. Which meant all of the pressure and responsibility shifted.
All eyes were on Geta.
At last, the heavy door creaked open, and Geta stepped inside. 
His golden dress gleamed in the firelight, and his expression was one of weariness. 
Yet when his eyes found yours, a flicker of relief softened his features along with a smile.
“Long day?” you asked gently, rising from your seat. You already knew the answer.
He gave a tired nod and closed the door behind him. 
“Too long,” he murmured, his voice low and rough.
You crossed the room to meet him, placing a hand on his arm. “Come, sit by the fire. You need to rest.” you spent the day attending to your duties as Empress. But now, you had to be a wife.
For a moment, he didn’t move his mind was filled he feared it might spill. Then, he allowed you to lead him to the cushioned bench by the hearth. He sat down heavily, the weight of the day still evident in his posture.
“Did the council reach a decision?” you asked, pouring him a cup of wine.
He accepted the cup with a sigh and took a long sip. 
“Barely. They argue over everything, even matters as simple as grain distribution. Sometimes, I wonder if they enjoy the sound of their own voices more than finding solutions.”
"And your brother?" you asked rather fearfully.
But as Geta looked at you, his eyes said it all. 
"Not a good day for him, unfortunately. But the senators drained me too much, I wanted to kill all of them."
You smiled softly, taking a seat beside him. 
“You always manage to keep your composure, though. That’s what makes you a good leader.”
He took another sip of the wine before setting the cup down. 
“Only because I have you to return to,” he said quietly. “You… ground me. Remind me of what truly matters.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you reached out to brush a strand of hair from his face. 
“And you remind me of the strength it takes to lead. I may not sit on council, but I see how much you care for your people.”
A faint smile tugged at his lips, and he leaned into your touch. 
“I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Luckily, you don’t have to find out,” you teased him with a smile.
Geta chuckled softly with a nod. 
He shifted, laying down on the bench and resting his head on your lap. You ran your fingers through his hair, feeling the tension slowly leave his body. For a while, neither of you spoke, happy to simply be in each other’s presence.
As the fire crackled and the night continued, Geta closed his eyes, his breathing growing slow and steady as he fell asleep. 
You leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Rest now, My Love,” you whispered. “Tomorrow will be easier.”
And in that quiet moment, with the empire’s burdens left outside the door, all that was left was the love you shared.
And it was more than enough.
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roosterforme · 8 months ago
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 13 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: One night with Bradley leaves you wanting more of him in every way, and he's more than willing to make sure you're satisfied. But there shouldn't have been any other interruptions. Especially not when your newly established boyfriend was so willing to talk about the future.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language, unprotected sex, oral sex, smut, Bradley in love, 18+
Length: 3300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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You fell asleep with Bradley's big arm wrapped around you and the front of his naked body pressed to the back of yours. He stroked your skin and whispered the sweetest things next to your ear. Like how he was going to cook breakfast for you in the morning, and how he never wanted this weekend to end. Like how he had been falling for you for months.
You were worn out from sex in his bed and sex in the shower, and you yawned as you said, "I can't believe I just met my boyfriend a week ago."
He snorted softly and kissed the shell of your ear. "We've covered a lot of ground during that week. And we met way before that, Gorgeous. I knew you were perfect well before last Friday."
Bradley was too much, and all you could do was succumb to the warmth of his body all over yours as you dozed. You never slept this well, but especially not over the past few months. You'd found yourself always a little bit worried about Bradley's deployment when he was gone, and you were constantly wondering when you'd hear from him again. But right now, your body seemed to realize you were allowed to relax completely since he was with you. When you woke, it was to find the early morning sun shining through the curtains into the bedroom you already felt comfortable in after just a short time.
"Bradley," you murmured, his arm heavy against you. Then it tightened as he pulled you closer, and you smiled when your back met his chest. But you gasped softly when you felt his erection press against your thigh.
"Morning, Baby," he whispered in a deep rasp that left you seeing stars. His fingers were tracing the valley between your bare breasts, and his lips found your shoulder. "How'd you sleep?"
You needed to contain yourself. You'd already had him twice last night. You shouldn't be feeling like you needed him every waking minute all day long. But you did. "So good," you replied, and it came out as a soft moan that left his fingers trailing down your belly as you squeezed your thighs together in anticipation of his exploratory touch everywhere.
When you rubbed your leg back against his cock, you were rewarded with a grunt. When you did it again, he asked, "Will you let me taste you?"
The haze of sleep was still clouding your mind as he skimmed his fingers lower and lower. He'd already had his tongue in your mouth and all over your skin. He tasted you last night. But when he tucked his big hand between your thighs and cupped your pussy, tracing little shapes as he awaited an answer, you realized what he meant. And you realized how badly you wanted his mouth where his fingers were.
You turned your head back until you met his brown eyes. His cheeks were pink, his hair was a mess, and his lips were parted as he raised his eyebrow. "Yes," you whispered, and he was in motion. You rolled onto your back with a giggle and let your legs part, but he pushed them open wider with his hips as he settled on top of you.
"I'll bet you taste as sweet as you kiss," he murmured before letting his lips skim along yours. "Like fucking sugar."
Just when you tried to deepen the kiss, he pulled away, an excited expression on his face as he started to move down your body. A chill ran through you as your warm skin was exposed to the air, and Bradley took the time to nip at your breasts and belly before he was gently sucking on your inner thigh. Your pussy was spread for him as he eased your legs even further apart, and you let your fingers tangle in his hair as he said, "I have an idea. Something I've wanted to do for weeks."
"Yes," you whined as he kissed your clit softly.
"I didn't even tell you what I'm going to do," he replied, nuzzling his nose against you as he stroked your thighs with his fingers.
"I don't care," you said, back already arching slightly as you tugged on his hair. "I want you to do it."
He licked one long stripe through your pussy, moaning as he tasted you. "Holy hell. So fucking sweet." His mouth found your clit, and you squealed as he sucked until your nipples were furled and your heels were digging into his bed. When he released you, he looked up your body, met your eyes and said, "I want to make sure my pretty teacher knows her ABCs."
"What?" you gasped, head already spinning, but then he grinned a bit devilishly as he rubbed his stubbled cheek against your inner thigh. "I know my ABCs," you promised.
"We'll see," he replied. "There will be a quiz."
Bradley's big hands gripped your thighs, and his tongue swiped the letter A up and down and across your pussy. "Bradley!" you cried out as he kissed your clit softly and almost soothingly after making your hips buck.
"Next is B, for Bradley's," he rasped, and your belly clenched with desire as he drew the letter B with the tip of his tongue. Once again, he punctuated the letter with a soft kiss, and you had to grasp at his bedding to keep yourself as still as possible. His shoulders were broad and digging into your thighs, and he was smiling as you whimpered when he drew a smooth letter C.
"Oh fuck me," you whined, convinced you were dripping all over his sheets with need as he drew a D and an E.
"We can fuck in a minute," he replied, clearly unhurried as he drew a perfect F, G, H. When you started bucking, he took a break to kiss along your thighs and let his hands trail to your knees. 
The fact that you weren't even slightly self conscious as you demanded, "More," made you feel incredible, and you dug your fingers into his hair again. I, J, K, L and M were written with his tongue in such rapid succession, you were panting. "More." N, O, P, Q and R made you clench around nothing as your back arched and you stared at his headboard. You were trying to stay in control, but your orgasm was building with S, T and U. 
Your thighs were starting to tighten around his head, and he had to coax them further apart, giving you a little break as his nose grazed your clit. As soon as you relaxed your legs, you heard him murmur, "Good girl," before he flicked the letter V down to your opening and back up. The W had his tongue back on your clit, and his X and Y gave you a small reprieve before he traced the letter Z all through your pussy until you were shaking with need.
"Fuck." You were pleading with him as he brought his big body back above yours, bracing himself with his biceps as his heavy cock rested against your soaking, needy pussy.
He kissed your neck and your ear lazily as he whispered, "Quiz time. What was the letter B for?"
You sighed as he started to push his tip inside you. "Bradley's," you managed before he took your breath away with a deep thrust and a thumb to your clit. You came almost immediately from the fullness and the direct stimulation, and he devoured your mouth as your shaking hands found his shoulders. His thrusting was fluid and delicious just like his mouth had been, but now his tongue was tangled with yours. You just held on as tight as you could as you whined his name shamelessly.
"I want to cum inside you again," he grunted. "Please."
"Yes," you immediately agreed, clenching around his cock as you thought about the mess he'd made last night. 
As the rush of your pleasure started to recede, you watched his handsome features while he got closer and closer to his own orgasm, his eyes fixed on your face. When you brought your hand up to cup his cheek and touch his scars, he growled your name and made a mess of you all over again.
Bradley just had arguably the best night in recent memory. Or maybe ever. Now he had you in his kitchen at 9:00, and you were wearing nothing but his sweatshirt and his cum while you looked in the refrigerator for breakfast options. He stepped up behind you and wrapped one arm around your waist and let his chin rest on your shoulder. As you poked around at the gallon of milk and the carton of eggs, he murmured, "Want me to make you French toast and coffee, Gorgeous?"
"Absolutely," you practically moaned, pulling both items out and setting them on the counter. He worked around you, reaching down a baking dish and cinnamon while he stood behind you, occasionally kissing your ear while you dipped slices of raisin bread into the concoction he whipped up.
He was about to turn on the stove when you spun to face him and wrapped your arms around his neck. His sweatshirt rode up your body, and he let his hands rest on your bare ass as he grinned. "So do you want to hang out here again next weekend or up at your place?" he asked.
You made him feel confident, and he squeezed his fingers into your warm flesh as you laughed and buried your face against his neck. Your soft groan was followed by, "I already want so much more."
He was about to tell you that you already had him wrapped around your fingers when you went stiff in his arms. Bradley heard a key in his front door as you pulled away from him, and his head tipped back in frustration at the surprised look on your face. You were tugging his shirt lower on your thighs and clearly panicking as you looked toward the living room, and then your face went stony.
"It's not what you think, Baby," he promised when he caught sight of the intruder who was standing just inside his house in her matching hot pink spandex shorts and sports bra, spinning her copy of his house key around on her finger.
"How many fucking ex-girlfriends do you have, Bradley?" you asked, voice shaking as you stared at Natasha Trace. He could practically hear the tears in your words even though your sentence made him want to laugh.
"I am most certainly not his ex-girlfriend," Natasha replied, clearly as appalled as he was by the mere suggestion.
"Who is she?" you asked quietly as soon as you were focused on him, your back to the front door. "Don't lie to me."
"I wouldn't," he insisted, and you let him pull you closer as he said, "That's my best friend, Natasha. We usually go for early runs together before it gets too hot out when neither of us are deployed."
"Oh," you gasped softly. "She's the friend you had steaks and beers with last Sunday?"
"Yes. I've been friends with her for thirteen years. There's nothing going on." Bradley could appreciate that Nat was objectively very pretty, but he'd rather starve for a week than have to see her with less clothing than she had on right now. He kissed your forehead before he looked at his friend and said, "Nat, this is my girlfriend. She's going to be around here a lot. So maybe text before you use your key?"
But now you and she were looking at each other curiously as your hand drifted down his bare arm where he was standing in his favorite pair of gym shorts. You laced your fingers with his as Nat said, "I knew she looked familiar when you showed me her picture!"
"You're so familiar, too," you replied before looking up at him. "You showed your best friend my picture?"
Nat snorted with laughter. "He had to swipe through an entire folder to find one that wasn't personal." You buried your face in your free hand even as you laughed, and then Nat said, "But he could have just showed me the one that I took of you on the beach!"
When you looked at her again, your lips parted in surprise. "It's you! Oh my goodness, Bradley! Natasha took my sunset photo for me! The one I sent to you when you were deployed."
He knew that photo well, and something about this just felt right. "Prettiest thing I'd ever seen before I saw you in person."
"I guess it worked," Nat said with a smile, still twirling the key. "When I took it, you did say it was for the hot guy you hoped was going to ask you out for dinner."
"He asked me out for dinner and then some," you said, dropping his hand and taking a step closer to her. "I'm really sorry if I came across as rude, but his horrible ex, Vanessa, knocked on his door after I got here yesterday. I just thought I was going to have to fight someone for a second here."
Nat waved her hand letting you know all was forgiven, but her voice was snippy as she looked at Bradley and asked, "What the hell did Vanessa want? I sent her and her goddamn cup packing months ago."
He was about to respond when you said, "She was awful. She was so mean to him, and then she acted like she wanted to sleep with him, and then she was mean to him again!"
Nat's eyes narrowed. "I'm sure she took one look at you and got so jealous. You're lovely, and from what Bradley has told me, he's falling in love with you."
He choked on the air he was inhaling as he reached for you. Now you had a dreamy look on your face as Nat smirked at him. "Are you sufficiently convinced I'm not being catfished? Can you leave now?" he hissed. He wanted to tell you those words himself. He was thinking about doing it over French toast and coffee before Nat showed up.
She basically ignored him as she asked you, "Are you sleeping over again? I won't bother stopping to get him for a run tomorrow morning if you are."
You glanced up at him and bit your lip. "I mean, I was certainly hoping to sleep over again."
"She's sleeping over again," Bradley confirmed, kissing your forehead.
"Okay, I'm sleeping over again. But," you added, turning back toward his friend and tugging his sweatshirt lower on your thighs, "You should definitely come by again tomorrow. I'll have him ready for a run at 9:00. I don't mind sparing him for a bit while I lounge in bed."
Nat smiled and started to back towards the door. "Sounds good. I'll be back tomorrow, and I'll even take a nice picture of him for you when he's all sweaty and looks like a mess. Also, we should get coffee sometime. Get my number from Rooster?"
"Will do," you said, waving to her as she vanished back outside, shutting the door behind her. You jumped into his arms and buried your face in his chest. "I'm so embarrassed that I met your best friend without pants on."
Bradley burst into laughter as he started to lead you back into the kitchen. "I'm sure that didn't faze her one bit. And I swear I don't have any other recent ex-girlfriends or any other best friends or anyone else who should interrupt us while I make you French toast."
"And coffee."
"And coffee. And anything you want."
Once you had a belly full of Bradley's homemade breakfast and coffee that he tried his best to replicate from your favorite Starbucks drink, you ended up on his couch. But this time you were on your back, and you couldn't stop laughing as he tried to join you comfortably. "I'll buy a bigger couch," he grumbled, wedging his knee between the cushions and bracing himself with his hands so he didn't squish you.
"No. You can't. This is my favorite thing ever." The sweatshirt was pushed up above your belly button now, and the fabric of his gym shorts was soft against your slick core as you moved your leg to make more room for him.
"I can't say I'm not loving it too," he murmured, kissing you. "I still can't believe you're here. I can't believe I blindly got mail from the woman of my dreams."
You were down bad. You were down horrendous. You were never going to be able to get back up after Bradley Bradshaw. His skin was warm and smelled so good as he kissed you everywhere and told you how much he liked every inch of you inside and out. His fingers were laced with yours, and he nearly fell on the floor as you nudged his ribs with your knee. You laughed at the look of surprise on his face as he caught himself. "Let's go back to your bed," you whispered. "I'm going to need a little more room to do what I want right now, but we can come back out here later to snuggle."
"Shit." He got to his feet and helped you up. "Let's do it."
The two of you spent the day between his bed, his couch, and the little patio table out back. You never really stopped touching him, and you and he never really stopped talking. "I'll come back here next weekend," you promised him as you sat on his lap outside and watched the sunset.
"But maybe I can spend a night at your place during the week," he mused.
"Sure, but your house is so much nicer than my apartment."
"I'm glad you think so, Gorgeous. There's plenty of room for you here."
It was too easy to imagine, so you tried not to, but living here would be incredible. You'd be with Bradley all the time, and then when he was deployed, you could take care of everything so he didn't have to worry about it. This would be the easiest fantasy to get lost in if you let yourself, and the implications left your skin tingling as you kissed him. The sky grew darker around you as his big hand found your thigh like it belonged there.
"You should really start thinking about what you want for breakfast tomorrow," he muttered, inching his hand up as your forehead rested against his. "And let me know which day I can visit your classroom again, because I think I'd like to stay over at your place afterwards. It would make the most sense."
"God, you're too much, Bradley." You were going to melt if he kept this up. "Any day is good except for Thursday, because my kids have gym and library."
"I can work with that." His hand went higher, making you even crazier for him in the cool dusk air. "You think you need another ABC refresher? I could use a snack."
Your cheeks heated with need even as you agreed and led him inside to his bedroom. "You're always hungry, aren't you?"
"For you," he insisted.
Later, when the two of you were a pile of tangled up limbs, and your skin was slick with sweat, Bradley collected you against him. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat started lulling you to sleep as your exhausted body relaxed completely against his. Your eyes were closed, and you were just starting to doze when Bradley's arm tightened gently around you. His voice was deep and sure, right next to your ear, and you smiled as he said, "I love you, my Gorgeous pen pal."
Well, he said it. He said it, and now I'm melting even more for him. A mid-week sleep over already? I don't think I can help myself, but that morning commute might be brutal. Only one way to find out. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls and @daggerspare-standingby (for the ABCs!)
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bucksaiga · 4 months ago
“I can feel you staring at me, Evan.” A half-sleep Tommy mumbled.
“M’not staring.” Buck mumbled back.
Tommy slowly opened his eyes, his half lidded gaze met with Buck’s intense glare.
He sighed as he rolled onto his back. “What did I do in your dream this time?”
“You pushed me out of a moving car!” Buck exclaimed. “I-into oncoming traffic!”
Tommy let out a soft grunt and rolled over. “Dream Tommy is a dick. Go back to sleep.”
Buck lied back down, body stiff and tense. “You were yelling.”
“Wasn’t me.” Tommy mumbled. “I never yell at you.”
“Are you mad at me?”
“For what?”
“I dunno. Anything. Maybe my subconscious is telling me that you’re mad at me.”
“Doesn’t your subconscious usually tell you about your own feelings?”
“Yeah but this is the third time I’ve dreamt about us having a big fight that resulted in you killing me.”
“Again. Wasn’t me. Love you way too much to kill you.”
“Yeah but—“ Buck paused, quickly realizing what Tommy just said. “Did you just say that you love me? Tommy?”
Buck gently nudged him, only to be answered by a loud snore.
“You can feel me staring at you but you can’t answer my question. Hmph.” Buck grumbled.
Buck eventually fell asleep and woke up in bed alone, the memory of their 4AM conversation rushing back to his mind.
He dragged himself into the kitchen where Tommy was pouring a cup of coffee.
“Good morning, Evan.” He handed him the cup. “Did you sleep any better after dream me tried to kill you?”
Buck rolled his eyes with a tut. “I fell asleep…eventually. No thanks to you.”
“Oh, Evan.” Tommy moaned. “What was I supposed to do, honey? The dream version of me that you created is a way bigger asshole than I am.” Tommy grabbed Buck’s hips and gently kissed his forehead. “If I could, I’d go into your dream and kill him myself so he could never touch dream Evan again.”
“Yeah?” Buck smiled. “What if Dream Evan is an asshole too?”
Tommy smiled back. “For some reason, I doubt that.”
They shared two chaste kisses and Tommy offered Buck some cream for his coffee.
“Hey, uh…do you…remember anything else from our conversation last night?” Buck asked.
“Hm…” Tommy pondered. “I remember you asking me if I was mad at you, which was, very silly, by the way.”
“And then?”
“And thennnn…nothing. I fell asleep.”
“Oh.” Buck responded dejectedly.
Tommy worriedly furrowed his brows, pulling Buck closer to him. “Did I say something wrong? Was sleepy Tommy a dick too?”
“No.” Buck snorted. “You uh…y-you said…you…love me.”
“Oh!” Tommy chuckled. “Sorry about that.”
Buck’s face quickly fell flat. ”S-sorry? Wha—uh—whaddya mean?” Buck asked with a nervous chuckle.
“I just…I didn’t think that was…an appropriate time to say it for the first time—“
“But you meant it, right?” Buck eagerly interjected.
Tommy nodded without hesitation. “I did. I just wish I wasn’t saying it after my doppelgänger in your subconscious…pushed you out of a moving vehicle.”
Buck laughed. “I uh—I think I have those dreams because I was afraid.”
“Afraid? Of me?”
“No. Not—not of you. I was…afraid you…wouldn’t love me back. That you’d…reject me.”
“Evan.” Tommy pulled him in for a loving embrace. “I do. I love you very much. Okay?”
Buck sighed in relief, melting into Tommy’s arms.
He never had one of those awful dreams again.
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call-memissbrightside · 1 year ago
Continuation of this
Katsuki and your son didn’t return from their camping trip until late Sunday night, but you were waiting.
Thankfully Katsuma fell asleep on the road back, and he made no fuss tucking him away in his bed. Katsuki waited to jump on you when the door to Katsuma’s room clicked shut, then did he take care of you.
It’s been a while since you’ve slept with anyone, and it’s been even longer since you’ve slept with Katsuki. Yet, there was no hesitation or embarrassment when you willinging took off your garments of clothing as you blindly led your ex to your bedroom. Katuski wanted to take in the little details of you, things that he might’ve missed or things that changed since the last time he’s been with you… but laying you out in the bed without any barriers of clothing to hide behind, with the moonlight spilling in just perfectly to cascade every dip and curve of your body, the young man decide to indulge just for once. If I’m lucky, this will happen again, he thought.
As highschool lovers that you once were meant you’d make love, you both were virgins when you got together but now you were older, wiser, and less awkward when touching one another. There was no hesitation, no verbal checks and balances like you’d give when you were sixteen. Now, his eyes asked the questions and your little smile answered each and every one of them. That night, five years after leaving Katsuki to raise your son without him, Katsuki and you fucked like you needed to make up for lost time.
You gained a sixth sense through motherhood, and you were startled awake. Blinking the sleepiness out of your eyes, you take in the sight of Katsuma, with rumpled blonde hair standing by the foot of your bed. Thankfully, you were covered with your blanket, and he didn’t seem to notice nor care that you were in bed with Katsuki..
“Mommy, I’s sick,” Katsuma whispered, a little hand rubbing at his eye.
You felt Katsuki laying behind you, with an arm secured tightly around your hips as his steady breathing tickled the nape of your neck.
“What’s wrong baby?” You’re mindful of keeping your naked body covered with the blanket as you sit up, trying to not startle Katsuki but he instantly wakes up from your movement.
“What’s wrong buddy?” Katsuki’s voice is heavily laced with sleep, but he takes a deep breath, peeking over your shoulder to look at his son.
“I’m hot.” Katsuma was sweating, perspiration wetting the crown of his head and the hair that grew there. His cheeks were red like apples, and his little eyes held feelings of pain.
The back of your hand automatically touches his forehead, eyebrows furrowed at the intense heat you feel.
“I think you have a fever baby,” You comment, worryness replacing whatever satifaction you felt just moments before. “Go lay back down and I’ll get the thermometer.”
Katsuma wordlessly obeys your command, and you don’t hesitate to spring up and get dressed. Katsuki watches you, you feel his eyes on your back as you slip on some clothes.
“What should I do?” Katsuki catched his shirt you threw at him with ease, putting it on and beginning to dress too. You don’t know how to answer, mind going on overdrive on how to proceed with having a sick child. Katsuma was usually a healthy kid with a minor cold every two years, but to wake up with an intense fever? What could it be? How serious was this? –
“Y/N?” Katsuki felt useless in this situation, he’s never dealt with a sick kid nor did he know what to do for Katsuma in that moment. He needed you to guide him, lead him, shit, tell him what to do because he was clueless. The young man could tell you were worried, it’s the way your face had a stony expression on it that painted a clear picture: something wasn’t right.
“There’s some medicine in the cabinet above the microwave, could you get it?” You asked him, looking through your drawers for the thermometer. Katsuki, thankful for some direction, swiftly went to retrieve the medicine. In the silence of the kitchen, did the seriousness of his actions catched up with Katsuki.
We had sex, Katsuki recounted, we had sex so now what? Are we together? No – he shook his head, finding a child’s ibuprofen – Would she even want to get back together? What about Katsuma?
Heading to the five-year-olds room, Katsuki put aside any lingering questions in his mind. Just like you decided, all those questions and decisions would have to wait – Katsuma needed him.
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clarkeybabey · 3 months ago
❝ i need you to fill the void ❞
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# summary; someone spoils your secret
# playlist; void, the neighbourhood, nothing's gonna hurt you baby, cigarettes after sex.
# word count; 1.2k
# note; freya, faith, and talia cameo, I didn't proofread and I hate this oops.
Have a wedding they said, it'll be fun they said. You can't name a time when you've been this stressed out and anxious in all your years of living. To make it even worse, the one person who could help you breathe through all of this wasn't going to able to see you for another three and a half hours.
Last night, for the sake of tradition, you slept without George for the first time in more than a year. He texted you about a thousand times after you finally fell asleep about how he couldn't wait to be tied to you for the rest of your lives, which meant you woke up in the best of moods despite the lack of his presence.
Keeping everything a secret wasn't hard, since everyone had done it before for Simon and Talia. Unfortunately, some people you thought you could trust with an invitation weren't the most reliable. Your friends were sat off to the side some snapping pictures of you and themselves, others scrolling social media. Freya gasps, she's unable to control the way her lips purse, and brows crease as she turns the volume of her phone down as quick as possible.
You're sat in a chair, your makeup artist hard at work. "Something wrong?" In the blink of an eye, the girls are all standing around Freya, staring at the screen in disbelief.
Talia chews at her bottom lip before speaking, "Y/N, sweetheart, I'm gonna show you something, but I want you to try not to freak out."
You swear you feel your throat begin to close at the slight waver in her voice, now it's your turn for your brows to knit together, "I'll try," you mumble, absentmindedly picking at your manicure.
She makes her way to you as slow as ever with Freya in tow with her phone, which she hands off to you after turning the volume back up, swiping up and back to the video to restart it. You recognize the username as a girl George had introduced you to a few months ago at the sidemen's anniversary party, you don't recall sending her an invitation...
The video begins with a screech from her, "Hi, guys! This get-ready with me is extra special, this time my friend George is getting married," you feel your stomach drop, cheeks warming as she talks about only being a plus one to someone whose name goes in one ear and straight out the other.
"This better be a fuckin' joke," bile begins to rise in your throat and tears threaten to melt away every bit of the 45 minutes spent on your nearly Pinterest-perfect makeup. When you click on the comments you notice there are some from mere seconds ago and steadily continue to pour in, you shake your head hoping someone will pinch you and wake you from this atrocious nightmare, "God, I really wish this was a joke," you whisper, your bottom lip trembling uncontrollably.
You look up at the girls around you as you slowly start to crumble under the weight of it all. Faith is typing away furiously, jamming her fingers against her phone screen, you hand Freya her phone back, wordlessly reaching for your own that was laying screen down on the vanity.
When the screen comes to life you see messages, notifications from dms, posts, and tweets you've been tagged in. Nothing really catches your eye aside from two missed calls from George and a few texts just under them.
my fiance 😝😈: call me when you see this please, darling
And you did exactly that. He answers on the first ring, his soft, accented voice filling your ear ripping another sob from your throat, "Y'alright, love?" He asks knowing the answer, hoping to god you weren't on tiktok to see what he'd seen a few minutes ago, but as you cry into the speaker he understands you have.
You shake your head, before remembering that he can't see your actions, "No," you croak, making him sigh and shake his head. This is your day and somehow someone's managed to ruin it for you.
To be completely honest, George couldn't care less about everything being secret, but all you wanted through the whole planning process was privacy, no huge party after the ceremony, nothing.
You didn't want to post anything until you were boarding the plane for your well-deserved nearly three-week honeymoon. And your fiance was more than happy to oblige.
"Can you come here? Please, I couldn't give two fucks about tradition, we're fuckin' tiktokers for god's sake." you pause a second until you hear shuffling on his end, followed by a snort. "I'm already outside, baby," you hear the smile in his voice, you keep your phone pressed to your ear with your shoulder.
When the door swings open, he's standing there looking so damn good in the suit you picked out together so many months ago and it makes you cry even harder, knowing how much of a snotty mess you probably look now all because everything not going the way you imagined.
He wraps you into his arms before you're able to say anything, breathing you in. "You look beautiful," he steps back from you keeping a comforting hand on your hip as he looks you up in down, "this satin?" He asks pinching at the material of your dressing gown, to which you simply nod, your throat still feeling tight.
Of course, he notices how much everything's eating you alive, "I handled it, sweetheart. I figured out who invited her, they know we don't think its a good idea for her to come," he gives you a reassuring squeeze, watching your face closely for any change of expression.
You pursed your lips taking a deep breath through your nose, "Thank you, I missed you so much," he smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling, instead of responding immediately, he chose to envelope you into his arms. Your ear is pressed against his chest so close you can hear his heart thumping against his ribcage, "Missed you more, could hardly sleep without you."
This time when he pulls away, his hands cup your face, and his lips meet yours in what you swear is the best kiss you've ever had, he doesn't keep you like that for as long as you'd like, leaving you chasing after the feeling. He rests his forehead against yours and his hand slips from your cheek to your neck where he feels your pulse quicken.
He breathes you in, this time stepping back for real knowing the girls are waiting for you, "Now go get in the dress I've been hearing about for months, wanna hurry up and make you mine for life."
You smile, the first real one you've worn since reading his messages this morning, "So impatient," you mutter and he shakes his head, swatting at your bum, "I can show you impatient," he quirks a brow, his voice is laced with suggestiveness that's unmistakable
"Later," he raises his hands in surrender as you turn back to the door that's ajar, his hand catches your wrist, turning you around quicker than you could let a gasp escape you. His lips find yours once more and you exhale out of your nose, relaxing against him as he smiles against your mouth. "Now you're free to go," your fingers dance along your now tingling lips, as you watch him disappear down the hallway,
When you return to the girls you almost have forgotten the original situation at hand aside from the fact that maybe every little thing about him is the best.
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