#(((meant to answer this last night but I fell asleep 😂)))
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dragonmasterhiccup · 3 months ago
But she had to promise to stay on Berk. Because if she didn’t make that clear, they— being Hiccup, her mother, and maybe Astrid— would be worried about her taking off again. And the last thing she wanted was for them to worry about her.
Sighing, she replied, “Hiccup, I know this— hunters this, hunters that— can you please stop reminding me? I’ll probably be dead before hunters stop looking for me…”
Ugh. Him wanting ‘extra time with his sister’ meant that he wanted to talk to her, and it was definitely about something serious… “Y’know… we can definitely have the dinner, or, or get together, or whatever this is, but… I kind of have other things I want to do? Like uh, go see Camicazi, and Finley! So um, that ‘extra time together,’ might have to wait…”
Turning her gaze downwards, she shrugged. “Well, yeah, I’m okay with it, we can do whatever you want with like, getting together and redoing Snoggletog or whatnot…”
"I just--" He sighed, "I just know that you don't want to stay stuck here forever, that's all. I don't want you to feel trapped..."
He raised his brows at her, "This won't take long, Danny." Running a hand through his hair, he said, "I may not know how to fix what's been bothering you, but I just want to make sure you know that I'm here, if you ever need someone to talk to. Though I will say, in my experience? Talking with Toothless has helped me through quite a bit... Twilight might be able to do the same for you."
Meeting her gaze, he added, "I'm trying not to be overbearing, it'll just take some time..."
At her words, he gave a slight nod. "Okay. If that's what you truly want. We will get together, then."
Valka returned, steaming cups of tea in hand. She handed one to Danny, and the other to Hiccup before fetching one for herself.
There were so many things Hiccup wanted to say, but wasn't sure if he should. Setting his cup down, he stood up. "I should get Twilight back to the stables, get her saddle off and get her some fish..."
Turning to his sister, he gave her a small smile. "It's good to have you back, Danny."
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paperstorm · 4 months ago
Can I check I'm not totally out here with my take on the therapy scene? Imo, it was fair for Carlos to push back on TK saying he wasn't present all nights. And TK kind of dismissed the dinner as a one off, and he was probably right, but imo it was still a super sweet thing to do that must have taken Carlos a huge amount of effort and it deserved to be acknowledged, even if TK wasn't happy with how the night ended. I know he fell asleep after, but making a brisket is hard! 😂
It seems like TK is kind of seen as being in the right in the therapy scene and Carlos as being in the wrong, whereas idk to me it feels more equal? Like they both made valid points? And of course it could just be that I have a different take from everyone else and if that's the case I'm fine with that, I just want to make sure I'm not going crazy and missing something! 😅
No I agree! the thing is we really don't have the complete history or context right, I mean is TK exaggerating that Carlos is *never* present because he's hurt and that's not actually a fair assessment? Or has Carlos literally been at work until midnight every single night for the last 6 months and brisket night was literally the single instance where he wasn't, and TK's valid in being like no that was one single time, you can't get off on that technicality. We don't know the answer to that question, so it's hard for us as uninformed outsiders to really determine who's right and who's wrong.
But I think the larger point is that when two people are having an issue like this, it's about how they each feel. It's about their perception of the event, it's not about assigning a winner and a loser. Making a brisket is a lengthy process so it was an incredibly sweet and loving thing to do, and Carlos absolutely deserves credit for that and the fact that hours later he was tired and fell asleep before they could be intimate doesn't erase the nice thing he did. TK is hurting but it isn't really fair to act like Carlos falling asleep meant the dinner he worked hard on meant nothing. But, what Carlos isn't yet understanding (and does understand by the end of the episode!), is that TK wants him. He doesn't want big romantic gestures, he doesn't want flowers and presents and fancy dinners, he just wants his husband. So while Carlos putting all that effort into the dinner is of course a sweet and lovely thing to do, if doing it zaps all his limited remaining energy to the point that they don't get that closeness and intimacy later, TK doesn't want the fancy dinner. He wants quality time, and that's not something Carlos can replace with a present.
I like how the scene was written in a way where you can see it from both of their sides, I like that it doesn't villainize either of them but just shows they are going through a hard time and haven't found their footing yet.
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meowzfordayz · 2 years ago
when you stay up late — tanjirou, kyojuro
Author’s Note: … sooo, who else is a night owl? 😅
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when you stay up late — tanjirou, kyojuro
Kamado Tanjirou x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
Word Count: ~800
CW: none
Emergency Request Fulfilled: I think I’ve been exhausting my body a little tooo much, so parts of my arm and leg are beginning to hurt. I’ve also like, not been sleeping on time lately.. (cough 2am) 😭
So maybe (if you can) do a Drabble (or anything really) in which Tanjiro helps reader get some sleep on time? Maybe even help in keeping reader from exhausting her body so much?
Suggestion Fulfilled: How would Kyo react to finding his s/o up at an inhuman time late at night? What if she is playing videogames and stuffing her face with snacks or something? "my love, it's 2 in the morning!" "yes but this game is so good and I need answers!!" 😂 (def not what I've been doing)
AND AN EVEN BETTER ADDITION, what if he ends up sitting down next to her to stuff his face whilst watching the screen intently because, indeed, the game is very good and interesting and now HE needs answers? 😂😂😂
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Has a couple tried and true methods for helping you sleep ~early
Or at least, sleep at all if he falls asleep first, and then wakes up hrs later to you still awake 😅
Tells you stories
They’re always made up, and always ~nonsensical, but the simple act of murmuring softly beside you till your eyes begin drooping is what matters most 🥺
For example:
“Once upon a time, there was a bottle of hot sauce. His name was Frank.” 🔥
“Tan, shouldn’t his name be RedHot, and his dad is Frank? Y’know, Frank’s RedHot?” 🧐
“You’re supposed to be relaxing, not logicafying my story.” ☹️
 “Anyway, Frank’s best friend was an apple named Macintosh. 🍎 They went on many adventures together, from apple picking to hot wings sampling events. Their favorite festival was the applesauce and hot sauce festival where vendors from all over the land gathered to provide three days of sauces and fun.”
~at this point, you’ve fallen asleep~
Tanjirou doesn’t always know whether to feel proud or offended that you fall asleep so quickly
Like, is he that calming and soothing? 🥰
Orrr bOrInG?! 😭
Takes you on late night walks
Hear me out
Is going for a walk @ 2am a lil counterintuitive for going to sleep?
If you’re already awake, and lying in bed isn’t helping, then a cute, moonlit walk couldn’t hurt any more 🌙
“You want to get up now?” you yawn, fixing an amused stare at Tanjirou’s bedhead
“Why not?” 😁
And altho you could technically think of plenty of this-is-why-not reasons, you shrug instead
Within a block, you’re clinging to his arm, body feeling heavy and content 😴
And within two blocks, you’re whining cutely into his shoulder, “Taaanjiiirooouuu, m’sleeeeepy.” 🥱
11/10 you’re getting a piggyback ride home 🤗
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More often than not, Kyojuro ends up getting roped into whatever’s keeping you up 🥴
Suffering through hw?
He’ll get his own notebook, snacks, and water (to share, ofc), and keep you company 🤓
“My love,” he whispers—after ~30 secs—stricken faced
“Hm, Kyo?” you hardly spare him a glance, trying (and failing) to make sense of your lecture notes
“I realize now why you are still studying at 3am. This is incomprehensible!” 😖
Nonetheless, he persists along w/ you, doing his best to hide his yawns, and insisting on 1 min cuddle breaks whenever you have an epiphany aka finally understand something
By the last cuddle break, you’re falling asleep in his arms, and he doesn’t do a thing to stop you 😌
(spiritually, he fell asleep hrs ago 😃)
Fixated on a video game?
Kyojuro trusts you when you tell him, “No worries babe, go to sleep, I’ll join you in a bit!” ☺️
He shouldn’t have 💀
Unless “a bit” always meant “sometime after 2am” 🤡
“Darling,” he rasps, blearily eyeing your focused position in front of your computer (that you haven’t moved from since he was last awake), “What time is it?” 😵‍💫
“Time to destroy this BOSS,” you exclaim, not missing a beat, nor shaken by his sudden consciousness 😎
“Do you think you have enough snacks?” he asks wryly, surroundings slowly but surely registering 🥨🧀🍫🍿🍪
“Nope,” you grin, “But you can still have some.”
“Why did the screen go black?” 🤨
“Because I died,” you huff, “You really ought to know these things.”
“And become a gremlin like you?” he chuckles, blankets tossed aside as he shuffles himself out of bed
“A WINNER, Kyo, I’m going to be a WINNER.” 😤
“Sure, especially when I have seen that black screen at least three times in the five minutes that I have been awake.” 😉
“Y’KNOW WHAT,” you shriek indignantly, pointing a playful finger at him, “Sit and watch, this game isn’t easy.” 😒
“Is it multiplayer?” 🫢
“No.” 😐
(yes, but no hell in way are you letting him join and show you up now — at least, not tonight)
“I can eat your snacks?” 😋
“As long as you promise to fetch more when they run out.”
And that’s how you and Kyo end up pulling an all nighter, eyes bloodshot, stomachs full, and very hydrated (bc water is apparently a snack too)
P.S. You eventually allow him to play w/ you (after you beat the game yourself)
P.P.S. Watching him struggle brings you immense satisfaction 🤠
P.P.P.S. “Kyo, you might break your record of deaths in a minute.” “Oh hush, I am just warming up!” ❤️‍🔥
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romanoffsbish · 2 years ago
Picture It… New York, 2022
WandaNat x Fem!Reader
Bishova 🥰
My take on a sick Wanda who can’t exactly contain her powers 😂❤️
Warning: Petty Natasha, Sad Reader for a blink | 3,386 Words
Sitcom Inspo (In Order) : I Love Lucy, Golden Girls, Friends, Bewitched.
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“Where’s Wanda?,” Yelena mused over her mug of cocoa, the whipped cream on her nose made it hard for you to answer her over the laugh bubbling in your throat, and you settled into Nat’s hold when she answered instead., “Our little witch is asleep, she woke up with a high fever so we quarantined her in the room.”
“Oh no, do you think she’ll be okay by the end of the week?,” Kate’s true question wasn’t lost on you., “Don’t worry Bishop, no cold will keep her from perfecting your upcoming nuptials.,” your girlfriend chuckled beneath you., “Yeah, Wanda would never let an ailment keep her from planning a wedding. She actually had the flu while finalizing ours.,” you shivered at the nasty memory, a snotty nosed brunette with her hands all over the flower arrangements that you and Natasha slyly replaced as soon as she fell into her coma like sleeping state.
While the lot of you sat on the couches catching up, with the two of you occasionally teasing the engaged couple about what the future holds there was another storm a brewing just right out of your eyesight. Clouds of red billowed out from just beneath the closed bedroom door, slowly traveling throughout the hallway of your homey loft, and with no one’s concern falling to the encroaching smoke you were all in the dark on what was to come; literally. The smoke had permeated all of your minds, your bodies instantly slumping against the surfaces behind you as you’re all forced into a restless sleep.
The darkness slowly began to lift for you, and as you looked around you were stunned to see it was only you, and Yelena in a room that was completely foreign to you. Neither of you said a word, both too busy trying to figure out where you had ended up; wondering if some enemy of sorts might’ve slipped a hallucinogenic into your buildings water pipes. Then you heard a creaking noise, looking down you noticed you were both in aprons, with weird hats on, you blinked rapidly too, wondering if you’d suddenly become color blind, but the action never changed the visuals around you.
“Ladies!,” you turned to see Nat stood behind you, face stern, but with eyes just as confused as your own., “This will be your last chance to impress this company, the parchment paper here is for you to wrap the sushi rolls, not a single one should make it into the next room unwrapped; if they do, you’re both likely to be terminated.,” and as soon as the two of you hummed your understanding she was gone out the other door that led into a long hallway.
It became apparent to all of you that though you couldn’t verbalize, as Wanda controlled the dialogue, that you could still convey messages through your expressions. Yelena looked to you dumbfounded, waving her arms about as if to say ‘did this witch really turn us to black and white?,’ and you looked to her with an equally as dumbfounded look before the sound of the conveyor belt caught your attentions.
Sushi rolls began to speed by the both of you, and you were surely perplexed, because if you remember the iconic scene at all, you knew it was chocolates that Lucy and Ethel were meant to be handling. A soft chuckle reverberated in your mind at the tiny variation your lover must have made, knowing it was likely influenced by the dinner you and your girlfriends shared a couple nights prior; Wanda’s love for sushi transcended the normal worlds bounds.
“Yelena, what are we meant to do?,” you spoke frantically, your hands now flying around out of your control, you believe in an attempt to emphasize the unfolding catastrophe.
“I’m not sure, maybe if we eat some it’ll make the mess less?,” the blonde looked to you with an unimpressed gaze, clearly she wasn’t a fan of her given dialogue., “That sounds like a quick way to get fired, and we need this job.”
“Good, this place sucks, look at the sushi rolls. Not even filled enough, and the belt is clearly being run by satan himself.,” she grumbled while popping a roll into her mouth, then promptly spitting it out., “That’s disgusting.”
A laugh reel echoed behind the both of you, and your soul nearly left your body at the boom of it, then the sound of multiple footsteps echoed dramatically from the hallway outside the door. Yelena looked to you in a panic, then the both of you nodded and began to shovel the rolls into your aprons, then when they were full it was into the hats on your head, and when all else failed the both of you began to shovel them down your throat in an attempt to hide your obvious failure’s from the incoming bosses.
Wanda and Natasha entered the room with angered expressions, Kate was behind them with a clipboard in her hand, and a nervous smile that fell as soon as the women spoke., “Ladies, it’s come to our stock counter’s attention that only ten rolls have made it into the following room, care to explain where the rest managed to go?,” Wanda’s pointed stare told you she knew exactly where they went, of course she did, she was the all seeing puppet master in this weird dream state anyways.
Yelena looked beyond you., “We run now?,” you followed her gaze to the door then nodded. As soon as you passed the threshold the world was now in color, and you were stood outside of a quaint, large home that not so shockingly matched the street full of real estate.
Inside the house were the other four women, all in the most hideous of ‘mumu’s.’ Well, all of them outside of Wanda, who instead wore a gorgeous red dress, her bosom’s prominently on display, with a full face of makeup to boot.
“Natasha dear, can you grab the cheesecake?,” the redhead did as asked, not that she had much of a choice. She settled it down on the table in front of an uncharacteristically quiet Kate who was deep in thought., “Kate, honey, what’s on your mind?,” internally she cringed, never in her life would she ask the eager girl such a question, she never had the time necessary for the long winded answers.
“Well—.,” before Kate could spin into a story, Yelena slammed the door open, with a butchers knife raised high, cackling wildly at the sight of the terrified women clutching their chests., “Yelena! That isn’t funny!,” Natasha shrieks, and the blonde deadpans., “To you, but to me that was hilarious. All of your silly, scared faces bring me immense joys.”
“Yelena, take a seat, and hush your mouth.,” Natasha groaned, pulling her own chair into the table and slamming her fork into her slice of cheesecake before bringing it to her mouth. Surprisingly she could taste it, the creamy texture was clear on her tongue, and internally she was beaming at the fortunate discovery.
“Anyways.,” Kate blurts, an innocent look in her eyes as she goes to answer Nat’s question., “I was thinking about this time back in my youth.,” Yelena groaned unabashedly, but Kate just continued on., “Schenectady, NY, I was on the tractor with my daddy when a rogue pig began to run through the fields.,” she giggled., “I was about to end up making unintentional bacon, but then fortunately for us Mr. Wiggles squealed loudly.,” the knock you placed on the front door had the kitchen erupting in cheers as Kate’s story was once again put on pause.
“That must be my date.,” Wanda purred, then left the kitchen to open the door for you, her eyes trailed down your body, appreciating the floral suit you put on—that she chose—a hand reached for yours, and you shyly accepted it., “Let me introduce you to my friends kotenok.,” she chuckled when your head dropped, it was so easy to fluster you—truly—it was her favorite thing to do, she’ll never stop flirting with you.
As the door to the kitchen was swung open all the women’s eyes fell to you, and the redheads widened at the sight of you., “Y/N?,” you were not sure your role here outside of Wanda’s date, but now you realized your plot was deeper., “Nat? Long time no see.,” she scoffed, “Yeah, since you dumped me with no reason.”
Internally you cringed, your poor girlfriend was typecast as Dorothy—a great character, but poor thing was the butt of single-hood jokes, and you worry for your other girlfriends sake; Natasha will not hold back her thoughts later.
“Well, it’s clear you all have better things to do. Y/N and I will be going to dinner now.,” Wanda cleared the rooms tense atmosphere with words that weren’t to be questioned., “And if you play your cards right, you’ll be enjoying your dessert in no time.,” she whispered into your ear while pushing you back into the living room, but when you spun around the scene had completely changed.
No longer were you in the living room designed from an 80’s catalog, but instead you stood in a quaint two bedroom apartment in you assumed to be upper Manhattan based on the purple door with the yellow frame around the eyehole. Just as you were about to explore the space the door flew open, and all of your friends piled in.
“Yelena, you can’t be serious.,” Kate whines while following the blonde to the couch. “Oh, but I am Kate Bishop! As serious as a heart attack!,” she exasperates., “You’re going to deny the poor girl a second date over fries?”
“No, of course not, don’t be silly Kate, it’s all about what the fries represented to me!”
“Which is?” she humors the blonde., “All food!”
The brunette looks back to you pleadingly., “Can you believe this?,” you chuckle and nod., “Yelena doesn’t share food Kate, I once saw her wrestle with a seagull to get her fries back.,” the younger girls eyes widened, turning back for confirmation and receiving it by way of the blonde’s smirk., “I don’t share food Kate.,” she winked, then to prove her point she slapped the girls hand away from her chocolate muffin.
Natasha settled her body behind yours, arms wrapping around your waist, with her chin resting on your shoulder., “Have you given more consideration to going out with me yet?,” you rolled your eyes and shrugged the woman off you., “Natasha, we’ve been over this, you are not getting a second chance with all of this. Not my fault you slept with someone else.”
The redhead groaned as you walked out of her reach., “Y/N! We were on a break! Let it go.”
Your eyes widened while facing the fridge, the witch was two for two now with the typecasting mistakes, Natasha being Ross—though kinda hilarious, will likely not sit well with her.
Wanda threw her hands in the air, effectively silencing the words she’d almost let you say., “Knock it off, the both of you, the argument is tired and I need your help to decide if this is good enough for Vis’s work potluck tomorrow.”
All the hairs on your body stood up at the name of her former partner, it stung a bit that she would typecast him in place as her Chandler, but it wasn’t like you had any time to really care when you were being physically propelled towards the dining room table.
“Wanda, oh my goodness! This is delicious.,” Yelena groaned, her hands soaked red from the sauce of the lasagna she shoveled in her mouth. Kate grimaced at the sight of it all., “No thank you Wands, I don’t eat cheese or meat.,” she grabbed an apple then returned to the couch.
“Y/N? Care to try your best friends dish?,” the forkful was soon pushed passed your plump lips, and you hummed your approval for the pasta. The redhead and you shared a personal look, and you could see she was trying to quell your anxieties, ‘a dream is just a cumulation of many meaningless thoughts,’ you could imagine the words falling from her lips, as they have many times after one of your lifelike nightmares. You blinked three times, and the woman smiled fondly at your display of love.
“It’s delicious Wan, Vis will love it!,” you beamed your scripted line to the woman who smiled at you a little too fondly for it to have been platonic, but such is the way of an altered reality you presume., “I’m glad to hear it.,” and just as you went to take a seat on the couch it dematerialized before your eyes, as did the rest of the scenery. An odd sensation consumed your form, then suddenly you were gasping.
In real time Wanda’s body jolted off of the mattress in a fit of harsh coughs, briefly releasing all of you from the trippy mind fog. Yelena and Kate shared a look as they booked it for the front door with their bags and a distant shout back., “A hotel works just fine for us.,” Natasha smirked down at you from over your shoulder, your body having slumped into hers, and just as she went to speak she was silenced. The both of you watched as the color of the apartment faded into a murky black and white.
This time though you’d had full motor control, it was apparent that your sickened girlfriend was losing her ability to hold much control. With quick footsteps you approached the room, Natasha hot on your heels, as the both of you were honestly worried about her wellbeing. Upon entering the room you saw Wanda in a robe sat before the vanity, she didn’t look like she had in every other sequence though.
This time the sickness had the upper hand over her, the tip of her nose was a much darker shade of grey from the rest of her face, as were the bags beneath her eyelids. Nonetheless, she smiled fondly at the both of you., “My loves.,” she croakily coo’d, all your previous qualms based on her choices faded away at the sight of the soft smile that accompanied her words. Natasha’s were simply pushed to the back of her mind, to obviously be fought over later.
“Oh baby, you don’t look well.,” you softly say as you approached her, her nose scrunched in offense, but when she released the hold a box of tissues had materialized in your hands. Natasha chuckled, remembering last nights sitcom of the hour, and how you’d told Wanda she was basically Samantha’s witchy twin., “That’s not very nice.,” she whined, but her soured mood only lasted a second, because in the next you were handing her a tissue, and scooping her body up and into your chest.
“Most of what you’ve done today hasn’t been.,” Natasha grumbled, clearly not letting anything go, but when Wanda looked to her with a pout she temporarily resolved., “Let’s get you back in bed. Natty will get you some medicine.,” you sent the redhead a pointed glare and she went into to the ensuite swiftly, coming back with a cup of NyQuil, and a glass of water., “Open up.”
Wanda tiredly did as told, grimacing shortly after as the bitter cough syrup coated her tongue. You quelled her whimpers with a box of apple juice from your stash, before then urging her to drink the glass of water as well., “Get some rest love.,” you coo’d, hands gentle as they stroked her sweaty hair out of her face., “Lub you.,” both of your hearts skipped at her whispered words., “We love you too detka.,” Natasha confirmed, then you heard a cuffing noise, looking down to see she’d restricted Wanda’s powers., “They’ll time off before she even wakes up, but I refuse to receive any more horrible roles, now lets go watch a movie.,” you shook your head in disbelief while chuckling, then accepted her outstretched hand anyways.
That night Natasha and you slept on the couch, so when Wanda woke up in a bed full of tissues instead of your comforting bodies she pouted. Walking out she found the both of you in an entangled mess of limbs on the couch., “Cute.”, she gently brushed the hair off your face, then placed soft kisses to both of your foreheads. She was honestly feeling so much better after all of the given meds and rest, so she decided to take care of breakfast in a show of her thanks.
Bits and pieces of the oddest dreams kept flashing through her mind while flipping the pancakes, and a frown befell her face at just how real all of felt as it replayed for her., “Sweetheart, give me the spatula, and run.,” you suddenly spoke from besides her, and when she looked to you she saw an angry Natasha quickly approaching from behind you., “What?,” you grabbed the spatula, kissed her lips, then lightly shoved her., “Honey run!”
“You can try to run, but I’ll eventually get you!,” Natasha shouted, slapping your ass in warning as she brushed right on passed you.
“Natasha! Baby, what did I even do?!,” Wanda shrieked from down the hallway, you shook your head in amusement while plating up their pancakes., “What did you do?!,” she scoffed., “Wanda, you typecast me as Ross Gellar!,” the witches gasp was far too audible to you, and that was because she came barreling back into the kitchen from the other entrance, and before you could protest she was using you as a shield.
“I-I, was that all really happening?,” she stumbled over her words, the confusion was evident in her tone, you nodded gently, turning to peck her forehead just before Natasha reentered., “Wanda, why?! Is that how you really see me?,” you held back a giggle, finding Natasha’s whining rather adorable actually. Wanda however was mortified, she shook her head violently against your shoulder blade, and you could see Natasha’s anger melting the longer she stared at the witch clinging to you. Then when you teasingly stuck your bacon out for her to nibble on she was back to baseline, approaching you eagerly, and moaning at the salty, yet sweet flavor of the meat.
“Am I still in trouble?,” she whispered timidly, you spun around to face her., “Not unless you really want Vision back.,” her face scrunched in hardcore offense., “Absolutely not, I’ve got all I could ever want or need here with my wives.”
“Right answer.,” you settled a kiss to her lips, then another to Natasha’s as your turned back around and headed towards the table to eat., “Come now ladies, let’s enjoy the food.”
Everything was going great too, giggles filled the room as you reminded the witch just how everything played out., “Did they really run out of here like the world was on fire?,” you nodded while sipping on your warm mug and Wanda broke out into another fit of laughter., “Always so dramatic.,” Nat added., “Yeah, can’t wait to see them drunk at their wedding.,” you teased, but before the conversation could go on your lovers looked to you with concern as an unexpected, harsh cough tore from your throat.
“Please, nooo.,” Natasha groaned, because as hypothesized, following your cough came a loud boom as storm clouds formed above the dining room table, and as another cough tore through you, lightning cracked and rain fell. Soaking the entirety of the table, along with you and your lovers., “Please, remind me again why I married you magical little freaks.”
Wanda ignored the grumbling redhead, turning to face your pouting form with a smile, and beckoning you over towards her with a finger., “It’s okay my love, get some rest.,” and as you settled into her arms red tendrils flowed out and into your mind, locking you into a deep slumber, and settling the brewing storm., “Because I can do just that, and let’s not act like you’re not an absolute menace when sick.,” Natasha blushed, and bowed her head at the call out, then she approached you both., “She is pretty cute.,” Wanda smiled., “The cutest.”
For reference:
ILL (Lucy-R, Ethel-Lena)
Golden Girls! (Kate-Rose, Nat-Dorothy, Lena-Sophia, W-Blanche, R-Blanche’s date/Dorothy’s “ex”)
Friends (Kate-Phoebe, R-Rachel, Lena-Joey, W-Mon, Nat-Ross)
Bewitched! (Wanda & Nat/R)
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wheredafandomat · 3 years ago
Loki x female reader
When the team first got back from the mission, you greeted them on the rooftop as always so you could tend to the injured. That was your job, well, whenever Banner wasn’t around to help. You had been employed by Stark as a medical assistant which you assumed would be doing some filing and potentially placing a plaster. To your surprise, it consisted of a lot more than that. Who knew that Earths mightiest hero’s could be so, well, clumsy. The sight of blood was a regular occurrence here. You smiled at them all, worry rising when they didn’t smile back. Stark, Nat, Cap, Clint, Thor, you counted them all but there was no Loki.
“G-guys, where’s Loki?” You asked sheepishly, scared of the answer.
“I’m afraid Loki was injured.” Steve replied solemnly.
“Well where is he? I can fix him. It’s my job to fix him.” You demanded, pushing past them to go into the quinjet.
You and Loki were not exclusively dating. There was an attraction between you both that manifested itself into meaningless sex. It was nothing more. That’s what you told yourself whenever you felt yourself falling for him even more than you were. You had already both agreed that it meant nothing, it was a fling, a fling that left you both seeking one another almost every night. You realised pretty quickly that Loki was lacking intimacy. He’d arrive in your room and some nights he just wanted a hug or to simply fall asleep next to you. The more you obliged, the more he craved it. By the morning, he’d be gone and you’d not speak of it but then he’d do it again. Sex soon turned into gentle caresses and snuggling.
“Loki?” You uttered, stepping into the quinjet to see Loki laying in the medical bed and absent mildly pressing a picture of you to his lips.
“I need my y/n, she can help me, she always helps me.” He sighed.
“Loki, it’s me.” You smiled, walking towards him.
“He was shot in the leg, we gave him some strong painkillers to help numb the pain until we got back.” Nat told you, walking into the quinjet too.
“Wow, I didn’t think gods actually felt pain.”
“Yeah so his minds probably a little scrambled.” She chuckled.
“I guess I’ll look at his leg here, it’s best not to move him until I’ve assessed it.” You suggested.
“Let me know if you need anything.” Nat offered before she left.
“Loki, are you alright?” You spoke softly, stroking Lokis hair as you stood over him, mostly checking how dilated his pupils were. Great, absolutely pinpoint.
“More than alright, my love has finally returned home.” He cheered, making a move to stand up.
“Loki stop, your leg.” You interrupted, trying to keep him on the bed.
“Nonsense, my leg is fine.” He declared, pulling you closer to him, so close that you almost fell on top of him.
“You’re on a lot of painkillers Loki, it’s making you loopy.” You explained, whispering the last part.
“I’m fine, I’m finally seeing clearly y/n.” He exclaimed.
“Clearly? Loki you’ve been shot.”
“Yes you’re correct. Cupids arrow has shot me through the heart.” He avowed, sitting up and leaning in to kiss you.
“Loki, we need to get you checked out alright.” You said, taking a step backwards.
A/N: I feel like this was going somewhere 😂
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wooobuddyletsgetnasty · 5 years ago
Sweet Jesus, your fic for tobiramas cheating S/o gots me all kinds of messed up. I LOVE IT! Could I be cheeky and ask for a part three? Maybe? I’m so greedy but need to know what would happen when she tells madara! Like he’d be such dad material and I personally think he’d stand up to the mark and help raise the kid but who knows! It’s mads, he’s not exactly the most predictable 😂😂 oh god! What about how Hashirama would react?! *Le Gasp* 😨
Goooddd, This hurt me man. Just ouch. Y’all wanted a happy ending, but we don’t know her around here. Savor this heartbreak. We all know Madara is THAT bitch, and I wanted to capitalize on it lmao.
You cried until it hurt. You cried until you fell asleep. Tobirama’s words would haunt you for the rest of your life, it felt as if the hurt in your chest would never ease. The next morning, after the worst night you had experienced you woke up. Sticky faced, dry mouthed, and nauseous. As the contents of your stomach came up, you couldn’t tell if it was the pregnancy or the burn of dread in your chest.
You were going to tell Madara today. You didn’t even want to think about what would happen then. What would he say? What would he do? This was a mess, but it was your mess. You had to clean it up, and that was all you could do. Even if you had to raise this baby alone. You had to face the consequences of your actions. With a deep breath, you decided to get out of the bathroom floor. You couldn’t look yourself in the mirror without the shame burning you from the inside out. You decided after dressing and attempting to eat something, you would go now to tell Madara the news. The walk there wouldn’t take very long, so you knew that you would have to start thinking on what you would say.
Now, standing on his doorstep, you could feel the burn of tears threatening to wash over you again. With shaky hands, you knocked on the door. After a few seconds of waiting with no answer, you knocked again. You startled when the door flung open, Madara glaring down at you, “Why are you here?” You shifted, “I need to speak with you.” He continued his stare off with you, dark eyes running along your face, “Come in then,” He paused opening the door wider, “You look awful.” 
Sliding past him you muttered out a, “Yeah, you don’t have to tell me that.” He hummed, “Why are you here so early? Did you miss my cock that much? Or is Tobirama gone all day?” You winced at the mention of his name, bile rising in your throat, “No.” He placed himself into a chair gazing at you, “You know.. I thought you actually meant it last time. You hadn’t come around in a few days. I thought you had finally decided to be his pretty little house wife.” You scowled at him from across the room, “Are you done being an asshole yet?” 
“Probably not. You look like you have something on your mind, so speak.” The burn of tears was back, and you couldn’t stop them this time. You knew Madara thought you looked pathetic by the noise he made, “Did you come here to waste my time, and then blubber in my living room like a child?” You met his gaze across the room, “I’m pregnant.” That seemed to shut him up, his mouth opening in awe, “You’re telling me this why?” You sniffled, “It’s yours.” 
The slam of his hands on the arm rests of his chair startled you, “You’re lying.” Your sadness morphed into rage so quickly that you couldn’t stop the words from spilling out, “Why would I ruin my relationship with Tobirama if it wasn’t yours? You fucking ASSHOLE!” You turned fully intending to leave, “I should have known you’d pull this! I don’t know why I even came here!” Madara blocked your exit, “Sit down.” The look on his face seemed to quell your rage almost instantly, and you followed his order. 
“Tobirama knows then? About us?” You could feel your heart shattering further, “Yes, I told him last night when I left.” Madara’s chuckle reverberated through the house, “And to think, this was all a plot for revenge.” You stared at him from the couch, “Revenge?” Madara nodded along, “He murdered my family. Honestly, you didn’t think that I truly liked you, did you?” That hurt more than it probably should have, and you couldn’t bring yourself to answer. This caused a laugh to rip out of his chest, “Oh, no! You did!” 
The tears were back now, and you didn’t even bother to quell them this time, “So it was all fake?” He knelt down in front of you, “Fake? Darling, it was just sex.” He sighed, “Stop crying. You look pathetic. We will wed, and raise this child together.” You ripped yourself from the couch, “Pathetic? I ruined my relationship, and if you think for a second I will wed you, you are crazier than I thought!” Madara stood, towering over you, “And what? You will remain unwed? No man will ever touch you again. Darling, your options are running low. You can’t possibly think that you could raise the child alone.” You couldn’t help the wet sob that came out of your chest this time, “So what? We get married, and then I become your,” You paused mocking his word from earlier, “ pretty little housewife? Take care of the children?”
He hummed, “Yes, that does sound about right.” You steeled yourself, “Tobirama won’t stand for it!” Madara’s lip curled into a snarl, “As if he would stick his neck out for a common whore! You were his once, but do not forget who put that child in you.” Your tears seemed to fall harder at that, all your fight diminishing. Madara pulled you into a tight hug, “We will be wed, and you will help raise the next generation of Uchiha.” Now as his hand rested on your stomach, you felt no need to push him away. He was right. You were a fool. Tobirama would never forgive you for this, but what choice did you have?
Madara’s hand brushing through your hair would have been comforting, if he meant it. You knew he didn’t though, and you knew that this would be your reality forever. Meaningless words, and fake touches. The burn of dread came back to your chest. What had you done? Madara hushed you softly when your sobs became too loud, “Welcome to your new home, darling.”
Part One Part Two
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