#i mean we do look at each other sometimes cus he's always doing or saying something goofy and i'll laugh
my-thirteenth-reason · 6 months
ok so i think our friendship status is "would and does wave at me when he sees me after club/on our way home from school/outside" which makes me happy because i don't think he would wave to every girl from my class right??
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sciderman · 2 months
This may be a cold take, but looking back at the living with Aunt May arc, I honestly don't like the idea of Peter hitting Wade being played off as a joke. Even though ppl won't see it that way cus they're both men, it still just rubs off as abusive. I mean, imagine the same scene but what if Wade was a woman? I don't mean to come off as dramatic or rude & I'm truly sorry if I am. I just never understood why couples hitting one another was usually meant to be taken as funny. A nudge or something like that is fine. But full blown hitting or elbow drops kinda sit wrong with me
i think the "what if wade was a woman" line of thought is silly because. sometimes he is a woman. you're throwing a very silly line of thinking at me.
i do think if you're not prepared to see two guys beat the snot out of each other then you probably shouldn't be reading superhero comics. that's kind of what superheroes do. i think "violence is always bad" is a very strange stance for a spider-man and / or deadpool fan to have. i think you're in the wrong place.
most couples aren't spider-man and deadpool. spider-man and deadpool who use violence to communicate because they're bad with words. the text is aware of it.
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the text is aware that what Spider-Man and Deadpool have is Not healthy. I’ve never made any allusions to them being healthy. the whole point is that they’re not healthy.
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but I kind of only really see a relationship as abusive if there’s a power imbalance. wade is highly trained in like. every martial art known to man. if he didn't want peter to strangle him, peter would be on the floor. he is cool with being strangled. he probably thinks it's funny.
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all couples are different. what if they’re a couple of wrestlers and wrassling is something they enjoy and bond over? which is the case for wade and peter. they are superheroes. of course they enjoy to wrassle. I think either of them could easily call it off and say it’s going too far. But they enjoy it and expect it from each other. again. it’s kind of how they communicate. and i think they know each other's limits.
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I think they probably have a safeword that they use for any kind of physical thing they have going on, be it sex or wrassling. it might even be “uncle” that seems like it’d be a hilarious way to stop peter in his tracks.
4) what’s depicted in the post you’re being critical of is more tonally akin to like. siblings fighting. it’s a valid way humans interact, like any other. cats play-fight. it’s kind of similar. they’re not actually hurting each other.
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(as you can tell by their body language, neither of their tails are wagging, and they’re both smiling, so this is not cruel behaviour. just natural enrichment for spider-men and deadpools to engage in.)
i think a sign of a healthy relationship is knowing each other's boundaries and not crossing them. so maybe there's someone i affectionately put in a headlock. and they think it's funny and they're okay with it. it's part of our language. it's fine if we expect it from each other and we're okay with it. fighting isn't always bad. couples insult each other all the time. if you're not aiming to hurt them, really, it's just fine. not everything is black and white. wade spars with all his partners. they beat each other up. they're boys. let them play.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
The Flags in Highschool
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♡ characters: Pianoman, Albatross, Doc, Lippmann, Iceman
♡ synopsis: What type of student would each of the Flags be in highschool?
♡ cw: Swearing, Lippmann is nonbinary cry about it, mentions of vapes
note: I have no idea where this came from. I guess my need for Flags content is taking over my brain lmao (I promise I won't only write Stormbringer content from now on I pinky swear) and I know I have tons of stuff still in my inbox from ages ago that you guys requested. I HAVE seen them and I do plan on writing them. At this point in time I'm just sapped dry of any inspiration, so sometimes I just need to get whatever I can. This time around it was flag shit. I apologise for the wait and I love all of you. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Pianoman (the prep)
Definitely the leader of whatever student council is at the school he attends (unanimous vote)
He is always on top of his shit. He never gets detention, never turns in any late assignments, never gets into any fights
Has extra supplies for people who've forgotten theirs, from spare pens and pencils to spare tampons for the period-havers
Is the kid that your parents compare you to and say 'why can't you be more like him' (if your parents are anything like mine, anyway)
Helps people study and write notes for exams- he has a collaborative doc that nobody ever needs to edit because the notes are always perfect
Is the one that has to show the new kids around because he makes the student body look really good lmao
Hosts every single event, fundraiser, volunteers a lot
Though he looks like he knows what he's doing he definitely doesn't get enough sleep
So he has a very concerning coffee dependence- probably drugs himself up on caffeine to get through exam weeks (please someone tell him to stop)
He might be generally nice and an academic but he also has blackmail on basically anyone who's ever crossed him so...don't get on his bad side I guess
Albatross (the goofball)
The class clown that everybody loves even though he's a little piece of shit
Definitely bounces from clique to clique, cus he's friends with literally everyone lmao. Even the kids who don't even like him are willing to have him around
Is the reason why Pianoman began bringing spare supplies to school (he fully gets by by just borrowing other people's things)
Never wears his uniform correctly, and is always getting in trouble for it with his teachers, but he never changes anything
He skips classes ALL THE TIME and doesn't bother to hide it. If you have a free period and decide to go to the store for something you'll more than likely find him vaping out the front lol
(Sorry yall he just seems like the type of guy who vapes- I do not endorse the use of e-cigarettes. There now you can't sue me)
Spreads insane rumours about himself because he thinks it's funny, and then acts shocked when people ask him about said rumors
Always has food/snacks in class and teachers are far past trying to stop him from eating while in class
He's so good at P.E. it's kinda scary. He can throw, run, swim, kick...everyone wants him on their team
If there was ever a Matilda-style student uprising...we all know who's leading it lmao
Doc (the weird kid)
Okay when I say weird kid I don't mean 'kid who crosses your name off the list when you're nice to him'
I mean 'kid who sniffs glue and knows too much about WW2'
Doc is absolutely the type to get straight As without putting in even a LICK of effort. He just never studies, and he never helps anyone else study either
A bit of a wallflower, but he's by no means a bad guy. He's just kinda offputting at first
A little bit too enthusiastic about the science classes where he gets to dissect small animal corpses (he's really good at it it's frightening)
Brings his own lunch from home
Always in the nurse's office, he keeps other sick students company (he's exempt from P.E.)
He's like reverse gifted kid burnout- when he was younger he was a late bloomer but now he's one of the smartest kids in the grade
Even though people don't spend time with him they don't wanna get on his bad side because they know he's gonna become some world-renowned doctor after school and they don't wanna deal with that karma. Plus he's a little bit creepy
Nobody knows ANYTHING about his home life
Lippmann (the popular/theatre kid)
You might be thinking that 'popular kid' and 'theatre kid' contradict one another but you'd be surprised. Everyone LOVES this guy
The lead in every single school play regardless of what type of character they are (gender and body type mean nothing to him)
Also lowkey kind of a whore. He's probably dated most of his peers and yet they're all still enamoured with him
Probably has a super high follower count on Instagram (why are highschoolers so obsessed with Insta)
Kinda friends with all the teachers and so people call him a teacher's pet/tryhard (i'm TOOOOTALLY not projecting here)
One of the first kids to come out as queer (nonbinary) so he supports other kids and helps them with their own sexuality/identity
Though he mediates when his classmates fight, he secretly LOVES the drama and lowkey wants to be an enabler (but that would ruin his reputation)
Definitely comes from a rich family and probably helps fund the school- gets a lot of awards for nepotism reasons
Has tons of potential with his academics but never utilises it- he's more comfortable not studying and getting 80% than studying and getting 90%
Gets voted most likely to be famous in the yearbook
Iceman (the scary dog)
He's actually really good at school and gets pretty good grades. How does he do this? You'll never know
Always sits in the back of the class, but he's not bothering anyone back there so teachers don't care. In fact they'd probably rather have him back there because even they're kinda scared of him
Also knows a concerning amount about WW2, but it's less the gory gore stuff and more the war-y war stuff
Surprisingly good at humanities subjects. Never try to get into a political argument with him because he has his sources CITED
Though he's really scary and not many people would willingly approach him, he's actually really nice and gentle
Stands up for kids who get bullied and checks in on them sometimes
Scholarship kid
Likes loitering in the library and reads a lot in his spare time (he has tons of overdue library books to return)
If a bird or a bug or something flies into the classroom he's the one who's always designated to pick it up and gently guide it back outside
Always argues with teachers if they say homophobic/sexist/racist things and gets in trouble for it but doesn't care (a king)
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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nanis4thewin · 1 year
Imma be honest…right now quackity seems like a busy man, meaning he doesn’t have so much time to spend with u so every moment u meet up with him, he makes sure he cherishes it.
very long happy and sometimes chaotic FaceTime with him while he travels
After a long week of travelling and jet lagged naps, he makes sure to give u all his attention and love
cuddling u and him ranting about how much he missed you even though you two facetime multiple times, everyday.🤷🏻‍♀️
sending each other silly pics of random things
if u know how to cook he’d beg to help you cook…and u say yes even if you have a bad feeling about it😍
ur instincts were somewhat correct and now your kitchen is messed up😭 it’s ok tho cus he helps u clean up💗
idk about u but I remember quackitys gingerbread stream with his tiger costume so just imagine that…but u two have matching onesies‼️‼️ (Yes I’m kinda in the Christmas mood already)
your gingerbread house either looks like a perfectionist made it, or it’s like a sequel to quackitys gingerbread house…
ok wait now I’m in a halloween mood
pulls up with a ridiculous costume but I feel like he would ask you to match him him during halloween
he would be very lowkey about it and hopes you say yes even though he knows your gonna say yes💀
if you and him are at the point where you’re both comfortable with sharing each other online then he’d definitely post you on his story🤗
uhhhh yah that’s all, sorry if it sounds rly clustered😭😭
quackity would ur little sad stinkin face as he gets ready to leave on a trips. Like u look like sat cat just looking at him not saying anything he’d just be like “🥲”. When he comes from trips he ALWAYS tries to give u his attention even if u dont ask for it.
defiantly he thinks u look so pretty on the computer laptop if u use a laptop <3 sososososo maybe pictures of u 2 doing dumb faces or sometimes when one of u guys say something weird. u guys make a ‘😟’ face. and alex would take a picture of it, and when u guys text and u say something rather concearing, he’e send that picture of u making that ‘😟’ face. Like using u as a reaction meme
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this is how i’d imagine ur messages together <3 he’d totally want u to send him pictures of u, so he can see u everyday he’s gone.
if u cook with him on a stream or something. U’ll be doing all the cooking. Alex would just being watching say “look what i did guys!” while ur working ur butt off as alex just said “I made that :D!”
he’d think u look adorable in ur onesie. If u have s little tail on ur butt, he would tug on it , amd then giggling when ur like “WHAT THE HECK?!”. He would hug u around ur shoulders from the back because he liked to the the fluffiness of the onesie (and he likes hugs)
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quackity:do u like my costume
you: yea its cute
quackity:…u know i have another one in the room if u like it so much 😚😚
and you’re like “jm good thanks 😙”. he wouldn’t ask u directly to put on the costume but small things he does woukd kinda make it obvio.”hey look! this couple did matching costumes! aha…. u know maybe we can do that to 🫣🫣🫣”
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axel-skz · 1 year
A/N: I wrote this half asleep 😭 I keep changing my idea for the Felix story so I moved up posting Seungmins. I love this one-shot though, it’s so cute. Right, now, song roulette. AA WE GOT ‘WAITING FOR US’! I feel like it’s been too long since I listened to it. Damn.
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(No cus why is he so cute? Who allowed him to be this cute? I think he would kill me if I ever actually called him cute.)
You and Seungmin had been together for a couple months now. It was heaven.
You didn’t realise heaven was this sarcastic but it was heaven nonetheless.
You both enjoyed each other’s company a lot so you spent, some would say, too much time together. Jeongin would see you and smirk, always comedically checking the surrounding area to see where Seungmin was.
It was annoying that he would be right about his jokes and Seungmin was always right there.
One day, you both were doing your own things but like, in the same room. Because where else would you be? He was… harassing one of the members over text while watching TV. You were gaming.
You guys hadn’t used pet names at all yet (aside from you calling him Minnie) so what came now… embarrassed you to no end.
‘Baby, can you pass me my drink,’ you stupidly said while being too distracted by a part in your game to notice.
Seungmin, the cute little menace, smirked. Now he has ammunition.
‘Am I tiny? Am I bald?’ He replied, unmoving.
‘What? Is that a riddle or something?’ You paused your game to look at him in confusion.
‘You called me baby, what makes you say that?’ He grinned, resting his head on his palm.
You began to turn more and more red, ‘I did not!’ Yeah, lying seems like a great option right now.
‘Are you… saying my ears are broken? I’m picking up soundwaves from the neighbourhood? Like a bat? ARE YOU SAYING I’M BATMAN?!’ He gasped dramatically.
You stared at him blankly, ‘sometimes I think back to when I asked you out and I wish someone had run me over so I didn’t.’
‘I’m batman apparently so I wouldn’t have let that happen, sugar bear,’ he seemed a little too eager now.
‘Omg, why are you this way?,’ you whined as you covered your face.
‘I don’t know what you mean, honey nugget, I thought this was what we were doing now,’ you glared at him.
‘It slipped out, ok?! Can we forget it please??’
‘Your baby just slipped out? Wow, wierd of you tell me that. Bit Tmi.’
You got up and walked over to him. He had this smug smile on his face. He also looked confused about what you were planning.
You sat next to him then suddenly started tickling him.
He hated that and you knew it. Giggles escaped his mouth and he couldn’t look mad while he was laughing his ass off.
Eventually you stopped, ‘had enough, sugar bear?’
‘Ok, ok! Yes, I’ll stop now,’ he glared at you so you booped his nose and he blushed.
It made you laugh as you got up and went to get your water.
You heard him say something but couldn’t make it out, you poked your head back to look in the living room, ‘what?’
He was blushing like crazy and looking anywhere but you as he spoke, ‘you can call me baby or whatever if you want…’
You smiled and didn’t tease him too much about it, ‘that sounds nice Minnie. You can call me sugar bear or whatever.’
He laughed a little and then continued with whatever he was doing on his phone. The rest of the night passed without a sugar bear or a honey nugget being mentioned :)
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Seungmin: You are right. *he’s suddenly stood behind me with an axe in his hand (lol, get it? Axe, Axel, Axe, Axel? Ok yeah, I think you get it)* I would kill you.
We can talk about this… I swear… I only called you cute because… of… umm… hold on, wait… I swear I can think up a good reason…
Seungmin: TIMES UP!
insert high speed chase here
Meanwhile, the boys on the side, sit with popcorn and drinks.
Minho: if he doesn’t catch her, I’ll be very disappointed, I taught him better then that.
Bang chan: you know, this is why I don’t leave him alone with you anymore.
Minho shrugs: fair.
They all start cheering as he slowly catches up but then aw as he falls back again.
Felix: if you live, I’ll bake you something!
Oh damn, totally worth it.
And suddenly I’m Usain Bolt.
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shinakazami1 · 2 months
people took all the popular characters smh. maybe the fern or the adventure line?
You. You get it. You always get it <3 IT'S LOVELY SEEING U HERE HI HI
1) How I feel about this character:
*Looks at my Fernator Au* do you think I'm normal about this plant. Do you. Do you really.
On serious note - I adore it. The fact it's in Confusion ending it's perfect. How it is made to be an important detail, forgotten later by the narrative. The fsct we have to study it, the music cutoff.
Its foreshadowing without payback. And I love it.
I'll now ramble a bit about Fernator AU cus I missed it KEHSHDH
As I discussed in my Fernator theory post, nature seems to pay a bit role in the game. Ferns are placed in both the Freedom ending and the Memory Zone. They're always at an important key element of the main story, at least to the Narrator. And later, in Bucket destroyer ending, Fern is amongst "Stanley's friends". Because it's that! It's friendliness! The Freedom ending, while ironic, is supposed to give Stanley some freedom Narrator made. And Memory Zone is their safe spot from the story. It's an important area to him. So, while it's not in our face - fern, in a way, does have a meaningful role to play in the story. That's why my first ever AU was Fernator. Narrator wants to mean something. He is important to the story - because without him, there would be noone to tell it. But he's also Stanley's friend. Most of the game can be a study of his character and psyche.
So yeah. Adore the fella sm
2) All the people I ship romantically with this character
If we count Fernator AU - Stanley and the Bucket. But, once again, not really shipping it sjshsh,
3) My non-romantic OTP for this character
The above ones + the Narrator. Some self love for the man~
4) My unpopular opinion about this character
*stares at my Fernator AU* lord, what can I say. It IS freedom. It is insanity. It's another 'living' being of the game. It's more important, at least to me, than to many. It's there for a specific reason - confuse. And be memorable. But the fact it's spread around the game gets to me. There is no way Narrator doesn't make the human-made vs nature-made comparison. It's so cool.
5) One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
That I would have finished projects for my Fernator AU ngl to u boss KSHENAHEJWHSH /silly
On serious note - it serves it purpose perfectly, nothing needs to be added.
1) How I feel about this character
I still can't believe It ™️ is not an arrow. We literally fooled each other sm djehhshs
I LOVE IT™️. the yellow paint thing in games can get obnoxious sometimes and just how The Line ™️ started living it's own life was so awesome. How It ™️ was intruding through the environment. I'm a big fan of non human characters, and It ™️ had just so much personality thanks to the swirls and the music. Amazing.
2) All the people I ship romantically with this character
Never thought about it much. Stanley maybe? And the Tape guy. Could be silly. Or maybe some of the sliders 432 makes us do.
3) My non-romantic OTP for this character
Look above. Maybe love-hate with Narrator jdjdhd
4) My unpopular opinion about this character
People see It ™️ as an animal, often as a dog. I see It ™️ as a being beyond that. It's so interesting that It ™️ moves when we are not looking. It ™️ travels between the blinks. I love It ™️ as something stuck on walls and floors. Maybe It ™️ can talk to stickers.
It ™️ is playful but I feel The Line ™️ in a way cares about Stanley. Similarly to how I view 432.
5) One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
It would be cool to see The Line ™️ in the epilogue ngl,, but again. I adore the current form of the game and wouldn't have changed anything.
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cuprohastes · 1 year
But do they dance?
The nice thing about Garf and Un-Named male was how well they integrated with everyone on The Station.
For example, when Garf spotted Dave the Human sneaking up on his counterpart, the other Dave The Human, with an audio probe, she flashed him some querulous colours and hunkered down alongside to see what was up instead of giving the game away.
Dave put a finger to his lips and Un-Named male, poking his head out of Garf's pouch copied him.
The Tsin known as Dave the Human hadn't spotted them, or was choosing not to, and human Dave pointed the audio probe at her and gently adjusted the controls for pitch shift.
Very quietly, Garf could hear a whistling, tweeting sound, quite rhythmic, shifting around, much to Dave's evident delight.
It ended with a startled squeep, and Dave The Human looked back at them.
"What are you three up to?" She demanded.
Dave cackled and waved the audio probe. "Listening to you sing!" He said.
The Tsin's ears twisted and she swayed slightly. "… what about it?"
"Humans can't hear it - Too high frequency." Dave explained.
"I hadn't heard about it either" said Garf.
Un-Named said "Grak!"
"What do you mean you knew?"
"Oh, well I haven't read that in a while. Huh. Tsin sing all the time?"
"Even more than humans" said Dave The Human. "But it's not words, just… y'know." And put her big hands up on her forehead and wiggled her claws. "Like an Atrax'gkk'kk'tk'gk".
"Huh. Said Garf, colours rippling across the patch of colour display skin on her face, her Atrix Atrax'gkk'kk'tk'gk (Name displaying aspect of the thoughtful ones) - a deliciously archaic word. Garf was impressed that Dave even knew it.
Human Dave shook his head. "Don't look at me, I'd need practice to say that."
Tsin Dave tipped her head side to side. "I don't think Atrix sing?"
Garf said "Mm. Just not a thing we do. We do colour harmonies but thats a group thing, you have to be able to see each other. We don't do it on our own, the way Humans and Tsin do."
Tsin Dave rubbed her chin. "Yeah it's a subconcious thing. We're always singing. It's how we co-ordinate and know where people are." Human Dave wondered if that was a result of Tsin quad-gender biology and very carefully didn't mention chickens.
"Is that why Humans sing?" Asked Garf.
Dave the human, scratched his chin and pondered. "I mean it can be? We do social singing, for sure. But we also sing on our own, or listen to other people when nobody is about. But sometimes yeah… we have special songs for groups… for work or just for socialness.
Dave The Human looked fascinated. "What does a work song sound like?"
Garf looked on while Dave the Human dug out his tablet, cued up a bizarre sound and launched into a rhythmic method of speech, which appeared to be regarding a sailor who was inebriated, and querying what should be done with the individual, while also suggesting various actions that seemed nonsensical, dangerous or inadvisable.
Dave The Human was very amused by this and joined in though her low-tones that she used for talking to Atrix and Humans weren't as easyfor he to sing with, but she assured them both that it was a lot easier to whistle along with.
"What about social music?" She asked.
Dave pulled up an old, old video. It was a field of dusty red with an odd white noise. With a start, Garf realised it was so many humans that they appeared to be a field of flowers
Even the Tsin looked a little shaken by how many humans could sing together.
"What are they doing? They're moving together… how are they doing that?"
"What… Dancing? It's just… wait. How do you not know about dancing?"
Garf and Dave The Human looked blank.
Dave the Human pulled up some examples. "Is that just a human thing?" Asked Garf with fascination.
Dave pondered that. "Nnno…" he replied and found some examples. Dogs, cows, Elephants swaying in time. Birds bopping to the beat, or doing display dances. Garf, Doctorate in Human studies could smell another paper to be published. Will humans dance with anything?
Two days later, after some research, the common area was ambushed by one (1) large Atrix, and one (1) small Atrix, with audio equipment and a selection of songs deemed danceable by Dave a well known example of a human and, one (1) Tsin.
They taped off a square, which Dave The Human occupied, and immediately began to awkwardly dance to the music.
Admittedly Dave The Human wasn't dancing so much as repeating some moves she'd learned.
This resulted in bemused stares until Garf called: "Doing a study, join in!"
And thusly having been given the heads up that this was not a display but some sort of group effort, for the first time in history, a Tsin danced and led a group of humans in a square dance, on a small space station, around an alien world.
Only one mystery remained to Garf: Where did Cotton Eyed Joe come from, and where did he go?
Two days after that, Alice in the Astronomy lab found their ST4 floor cleaner lurking, gently customised with springy arms holding fuzzy pom-poms. It of course already had a face drawn on and a pair of stick-on googly eyes.
"What's up, BB-Y?"a she asked and the ST4 lit it's little lights up and beepled a happy tune, it's new arms waving as it twisted side to side and moved backward and forward.
Alice, stared, laughed, and then started to clap along - within moments she was dancing along with ST4 BB-Y, quietly recorded for posterity.
Un-Named male went viral on the website Little Guys being Weird Little Guys with compilation of him getting humans to dance.
"All in all," said Dave the Human, "It was lot of fun, and fairly harmless. "Humdance" is a bit of an exercise fad on Atrix, though I believe the Tsin may wipe us all from existence now we've provided them with several new earworms."
Dave The Human looked up form where she was humming "Put a birdhouse in your soul" and hissed, much to Dave's delight.
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weird-dere-writes · 2 months
Okay so your demon slayer oc/self insert. A hashira? Civilian? Have you made posts already, would you link them? Would you share the lore with me? New lore. Old lore. Repeated lore. I'll take all the lore. And I'll take anything about your kny s/o too. Tell me does giyuu treat you well? What do you like most about him? What are your nighttime routines together look like? I MUST KNOW.
Hi my precious Nemo!!! :DDDDDDD
I have made exactly one ☝🏾 post on my kny self insert, linked here~
She is indeed a hashira mhm mhm 🙂‍↕️. Cloud hashira ☁️🤍.
Some new lore about her:
She grew up at the tippy top of a mountain, very close to the clouds. Sometimes her home would be inshrouded in them if they were particularly low.
Not only that but bc she was high up, she also had unfiltered access to the stars in the sky every night. Could see the milky way up in there type beat. Could tie into her nebula ability mentioned in the link <3.
She would always dream about cloud creatures coming to visit her during the warmer months as a child. Dragons, puppy like creatures, rams, little living flowers, etc. During the colder months, people made of stars (what she would later learn were her ancestors) are who would come to visit her dreams.
Also thinking she didn't travel down the mountain for the first time until she was like 12. It took a lot of adjusting, and to this day she still sometimes has a few problems with social skills or doesn't understand how things function in farmable and shoppable spaces. Like the way Inosuke's brain exploded at the entertainment district? That would be her the first time she just sees a train.
Aaahhhh and as for my lovely Giyuu 💙
I do love him dearly <33333. He treats me well. I feel like he and I understand each other like no other hashira or possibly anybody else due to our somewhat lack of social skills tbh lmao.
We kinda advocate for each other too. Like I am a lot more expressive and happy seeming than he is, but the very moment I am uncomfortable or I desire to exit a situation he snaps into action and does something about it by interfering with whatever is causing my displeasure. Other times he will be himself and say something that pisses the other hashira off with no explanation, and I am immediately explaining what he ACTUALLY means (cus i just know somehow), sometimes throwing whatever energy they are giving him atm back at them.
Sometimes without even thinking, I will accidentally just read him to filth (no malice) and expose all his deeper feelings in front of all the hashira. Not that what I said is anything he explicitly told me, I just get a vibe and I say I what I feel fr.
He will look down after, face still completely neutral but with the tips of his ears tinging red. It is probably a little embarrassing for him, but also it does help the other hashira understand him better. Mitsuri starts calling me the Water Whisperer LMAO.
What I like most about him is how considerate he is. Like yes he is a little stoic, but in his heart he holds a lot of feelings. The story of his haori and why he is the way he is now, shows me how deeply he loves and cares. And him singlehandedly turning Tanjiro's life around after disaster? Being the only one to believe in him and even stake his life on it? AUGH. The way even the littlest gifts touch him 🥺🥺🥺 (thinking about this post with his favorite food).
As for our evening/nightly routine 🩵
Normally I will cook dinner. He does too, but I do more often. (He normally cooks breakfast cus he is always up before me.)
After dinner, we will spend some time together sitting outside. Maybe a few murmurs here and there, but mostly silent as we just mindfully experience nature. We let our food register and we take the time to enjoy peace for just a short while (with the grand scheme of demon hunting, y'know, being rather heavy.)
After our time outside, we dress down a bit and do some stretching/yoga together inside.
If he's just getting back from a mission recently, I will normally have made him a little treat when I made dinner that I give him now (after stretching) with a kiss on the cheek.
After that we bathe, and the rest of the night is spent doing whatever we please, together or parallel with one another.
Closer to bed time we have a cuddle session. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we simply feel one another, sometimes we seek comfort, sometimes we are just content and relaxing. Whatever the case, we are being intentional with our physical affection.
When it comes to actually falling asleep, we are no longer cuddling. We always end up separate, but facing the other; looking at one another and touching our hands together in some way. At the first sign of the other drifting off, one of us always starts smiling while watching.
Sometimes, we do share dreams. Not that we actually lucidly meet one another in them. But like in the morning I will tell him what I dreamed about and more times than not, he will tell me he dreamed of something similar, or something different that happened in a similar way. Or there are times where like our positions in dreams are one to one, but the dreams are still completely different somehow. Like I will dream I am holding him as he hangs off a cliff, and he will dream he is dangling off a cliff and I'm trying to save him but everything else about our two dreams are different. When we have dreams like that that are scary and one to one, I get a little paranoid for a while and wanna stay close to him in general for the next few days 👁👁.
Anyways, the next morning he gently wakes me and kisses me on my face somewhere and then we have the breakfast he cooked <3.
Thank u for this ask beloved, thinking about this was so lovely <33333
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vlovebug · 8 months
yes, another hcs page I'm sorry I just can't stop 😥
beware grammar mistakes ╯︿╰
val alone hc:
he gets bitchy when someone tells him what to do
he can tell a medical emergency is going to happen (serves dog behavior)
he carries things that may help someone with a disability but never medications that need to be prescribed by a doctor ofc (pots, diabetes, seizures, etc.)
he has medical knowledge ( why do i keep bringing this one up)
likes to sharpen his nails
has knifes in his shoes ( why? idk)
sometimes he talks and just can't stop (real)
sometimes talking takes too much energy ( real)
he's a bit sadistic ( only if it's asked of him)
he expects rough touches after soft ones
he shares the most gruesome facts ever ( best ways to get to the heart, how to gut someone or something, etc.) (he and spelldon work well for each other for a reason)
bc we don't know his dad, I'm saying he never existed ( gift from Eros or just pop in his mom's womb one day) ( holy mary that you?)
he's a great hunter ( bat)
I feel like if a kid likes him he lets them hang off of him
he doesn't bite when he's a bat, it's more like making a paper cut with his nails and drinking from it.
human children scare him, they're just so fucking mean T_T
he has a blanket hoodie that covers 70% of his body ( they're so comfy)
his body takes on the temperature of the climate around him ( dead bodies do this) yet he's always on the colder side ( 50-50 chance I'm keeping this hc)
hes a slut for pumpkin pie
Demisexual and intersex? ( all of Eros's creations are intersex in my eyes/ incubus or succubus)
doesn't know how to tie a tie to save his life.
his body doesn't build muscle but he is strong
will eat lemons like people eat oranges
vampires can't gain or lose weight ( or get taller unless it's from a spell or something) he's the same weight and height as when he died (idk where I was going with this....)
he walks away to not punch someone when they make him mad ( idk if I said this or not) (now that im looking back this... this ones stupid)
he stares at people but doesn't realize it
he only writes with the pen/cil between his pointer finger and middle finger ( I do this sometimes and it feels great )
this is an explanation for the height I gave Valentine (5'2), in 800 ad ( yes 800 it's the closest I could find to 410ad leave me alone.) the average height for males was 167cm( 5'4) to 173cm (5'6) and I think he's a little under the percentile for his age group back in ad ( this doesn't make sense does it), so I put him in 5'2-5'3 without heeled shoes on because of this. ( if the height percentiles for 800 ad are wrong let me know I just used Google so idk if it's right or not)
he wears contacts ( is he blind ? We will never know.)
he laughs at people who say pink is only for girls
he took a liking to a human once, and they died. big sad
Don't play hide and seek with him.
he is oblivious when he's around someone he trusts, he doesn't do it on purpose it just kinda happens (for example is paying attention to his surroundings) so there's a bunch of safety stuff on shit so he doesn't hurt himself or brake anything ( this was the explanation for the one hc I made with spelldon)
Don't make bets with this man. he will win every time. ( he's made people go broke bc of how competitive he gets.
has a great poker face
hes related to cupid but doesnt know how
he wears underclothing everyday and night ( he's modest ig) ( ignore my old art bc of this :D)
hes scared of kismet (fate or destiny)
mad val is very rare and the reason is cus he's scary af
has a harder time getting over baby gates even tho he can fly ( he forgets )
his nails and teeth can detract and attract ( like enid's from Wednesday)
can be summoned by a summoning circle
He is part incubus but doesn't do sexual favors cus ew ( 50% vampire, 50% incubus)
He's an enigma
His bat form is a fruit bat :D
He can't eat if somes around him
spelldon alone hc:
he wears alot of snake jewls
can't STAND fake friends
he's got RBF ( resting bitch face)
he judges people by accident and makes a face every time, Val called it the face of judgment ( I can't think of a name for it :()
has a great poker face
gay and demisexual
turns people into animals on purpose
he can be extermly cruel.
likes holding hands
very touchy
him and his sister act like its.giz on tiktok ( i think) ( outside source wow )
they like harassing each other in stupid ways
she has pushed him down the stairs more times than he can count
has actually really soft and gentle with the innocent
he likes to admire val when he zoned out cus he wont get yelled at for staring
He is competitive but not as much as Val
he is full god ( i say he is but idk if his dad was god or not, so fuck it)
he uses his hands and magic more in fights than actual weapons
he finds it amusing that people forget how much monsters are monsters till they get like scared ( no Brittny you can't fix him he eats people.)
he has certain things he lets no one touch, not even val
spelldon is like 6'0-6'3 because hes the son of a goddess ( or two depends) so he got them good-good genes. ( give)
he tigtens jar on purpose cus he forgets that val is also strong and can open anything, so he gets sad when val opens shit he tightens cus he wanted to open it for him ( loser )
somehow always has a book on him, no clue where he puts it.
his hair is in either dreads or twists ( I know dreads are kinda of like twists but they stay that way but idk how that works:,0)
piercings galore (def has snake bites + tongue)
steps over baby gates but sometimes trips
has a pet snake
Val has a garden that has pretty much all of the herbs and funus that spell needs for spells or potions
they can carry each other pretty easly
they both have quite places where they go when they need personal time
spell has a shit ton of piercings ( as i said earlier), val doesn't but he wears more jewelry that can be slipped off ( rings, bracelets, necklaces , etc.)
they make things for eachother
val likes grabbing spell and taking him really high into the air and dropping him and grabbing him before he hits the ground ( with permission and a heads up ofc)
They are smart until they're together then they turn stupid
BC spell can see Kismet and such, he tells very veg ones to Val if he's like extremely panicked
they both get moonstruck
misanthropy. both of them.
they cover the table's sides so the other doesn't hit their head when they get something under them
spell with do anything Val tells him to ( within reason ofc, but he really does always say yes)
val teaches spell how to certain weapons but gets confused why he goes all red
val once got the folded test paper of doom and spell laughed at his face then he got the folded test paper of doom then it was vals turn to laugh at him.
spell keeps a drawing of val on him cus he cant get a photo
they played hide and seek once. spell said never again.
they throw water on each other when stressed ( cold water to the face helps calm someone down cus its cold, google it I cant explain)
val likes to climb up spells shirt while being a bat, it freaks spell out cus he cant find him then boom something ice cold is claiming up his back
olive theory, spell like them val doesn't
picky eater and the one who eats what they give them, spell is the one that eats the stuff val gives him
spell holds vals blood bags to that they warm up, his body temp is high af
parts of them glow in the dark ( eyes, vals body markings, certain pricing of spells glow in the dark, vals nails {dont ask why I've come to this conclusion I just did})
compliments that actually seem more like insults to others
disturbing insults
If they share meals they eat in different rooms
( I'm so sorry this is so long, it was supposed to be three different posts)
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luetta · 2 months
i'm going back to what 16 year old me used to do in full swing i think. type to myself on dead forums. wanna know a story about me? i used to post on that nazi reddit alternative website voat. for years. not anything political, i just made a subreddit that was my username and made posts everyday about how obsessed i was about a girl called rebekah in the grade above me. i never talked to her a single time in my life. she was just pretty. hundreds of posts. eventually randoms on the website found my posts through the new section and started commenting how creepy i was. and then i guess i referred to myself as a waitress and they started thinking i was a girl who had a lesbian crush. of course i did nothing to disavow that notion. and then when i was with my friend finlay in class, i was on a school provided laptop, seeing what the suggested autocomplete web searches for a, b, c, etc were. and when i looked up 'v' it came up with 'voat [my username]. i guess on this laptop sometime before i had searched it up. i begged him not to look it up and deleted it all the moment i got home but he just went on internet archive and essentially held this blackmail over my head for about 3 months. at the end of high school finlay wasnt popualr in our group (there was always someone who was the cyberbullied person of the day in our group.) and i honestly did a fucking asshole thing. i always say that i was nice and just a victim of this mean group but i did this thing, which completely undoes all that. there was a barbeque for the entire grade on a saturday, school organised but essentually our own thing. in the discord finlay was wondering whether to come, lots of us were there already. i said that there was barely anyone here lol. and that was a complete lie. i lied and made him miss this event for no reason other than to dogpile on him. that night everyone was fighting and i chimed in and he told everyone about my voat account and also about how we had accidentally discovered each other in a league of legends erotic roleplay discord server. so yeah that was fun. i refused to talk to him for like 2 years lol. anyways. the point of this is to say. that im gonna start doing that again i think. post a bunch of stream of consciousness text posts of angst and self loathing and envy and hatred. cus i feel like shit and that's my self harm. im too much of a pussy to do anything else when i feel like shit. i just sit on the computer and make myself feel worse. this can be my self therapy. getting my thoughts out instead of letting them fester inside my brain forever. i can't be fucked going to therapy properly. it doesnt help cus idk how to articulate anything properly. ill get asked whats wrong and ill be like. i dont know. and honestly thats barely a lie. i dont fucking know whats wrong with me. i know that there is something wrong with me, but i dont know the reason why ive turned out like this. im just a fucking weirdo i think. i literally thought that i wasnt a creep anymore after transitioning, that i figured it out. but nope. im still a fucking creep, thinking about girls that i know, obsessing about them. urgh. i feel like. i've fucked my transition up. i fucked up the choices that i didn't know were choices and now im someone i don't want to be. i just want to be someone else but thats not possible because the person that i am, currently, isn't someone that can be someone else. i know that you can just change who you are ! you can do new things and stop doing old things. you can be someone else. but i just cant. i try but i just always circle back to this. uninteresting blob of a person. who does nothing except sit in their room and wish they were someone else. an uninteresting blob of envy. that's all i am and will ever be, i feel. and that sucks. i dont want to be that, but there's nothing else i can do about that. im too uninteresting and unadventurous and afraid to reach out and form connections to people that i wanna. cus thats how you change as a person. by being with other people. you slowly give each other parts of yourself
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nosleepjustlevi · 1 year
Jean x Reader, Modern AU Oneshot
Tags: suggestive banter, flirting, mentions of being turned on
Fluff to Smut Scale: 1 (fluff) ——— 10 (smut), I’d say this falls around a 5, so… flutt? Haha
Context: You and Jean are at a party and a game of beer pong is about to commence.
Jean stood at one end of the table taunting you with his offer. He was casually tossing an orange ping-pong ball up in the air and catching it as it fell back into his palm. His eyes were fixed on you and there was a slight to glint to them that was exaggerated by his crooked smile.
“Jean, no!” You snapped playfully back at him.
Jean swung his head in the air with exasperation and rolled his eyes, “Oh c’mon, I know you can play,” he taunted you.
You considered his words before agreeing, “Uhm, yeah you’re right, but I can’t,” you reminded him yet again.
“What do you mean you “can’t”??”
You lightly stomped your foot. “Jean Kirschtein, do you see this dress?!” You gestured down your body, pointing out the little dress that was wrapped beautifully around your curves.
“Oh, I’m seeing it.” Jean’s smile widen as he looked you up and down and took a swig from his beer. The other party goers (mostly mutual friends of yours) laughed and shook their heads. Jean was flirting with you as per usual. Nothing had really happened between you two yet. You had never kissed, never gotten too physical. There were times where you were sat close to each other, your legs pressed together as you squeezed in with other friends. Sometimes Jean would drape his arm around you casually. You’d often hug goodbye. And while every one of these moments did send little bolts of electricity through you, they never amounted to anything else. Jean and you were great friends and of course the idea of being more was tempting but the risk that it could ruin your friendship always popped up, stopping you from making any further moves.
Your jaw dropped slightly at Jean’s overtly flirtatious response to you. “I’m not squatting and bending all over the place to chase after balls every time Connie and Sasha miss! Which will probably be a lot!”
At the other end of the table Connie and Sasha erupted in protest.
“You won’t have to y/n, I’ll get them for you,” Jean offered with a slight mocking bow.
“Oh yeah? You’ll chase my balls for me, Jean?” You mocked him right back. “You know what, fine.” You finally gave in and the room erupted in some celebration. “But! Boys against girls.” You raised an eyebrow at Jean before locking eyes with Sasha.
“OH YEAH, you losers are going down!” Sasha exclaimed.
Connie laughed and shook his head as he walked to the other side of the table to join Jean who gave Connie a welcoming pat on the shoulder.
“We’ve got this Connie, these girls’ have got nothing on us.”
You took your place next to Sasha.
“In further name of friendly competition…” Sasha began with a mischievous look on her face, “how about a bet?”
“Oh, here we go,” Connie playfully rolled his eyes at Sasha.
“What’ve you got in mind, sweethearts?” Jean provoked the two of you as he leaned over the table a bit.
You and Sasha exchanged a silent glance and then a smile rose on both of your faces. You two had been friends for years now so the ability to read each others’ minds came easily.
You offered up your idea, “Loser has to get on their knees and declare their everlasting love and gratitude to the winners with the utmost praise.”
Snickers came from the crowd of friends that gathered to watch the scene unfold. Connie and Jean took a look at each other, with their having been friends for years too they were also well versed in reading each others minds. They nodded once to each other before Jean spoke directly at you,
“If you really want to get on your knees for me y/n, just say so,” He smiled wide at you before plopping the ping pong ball into one of the beer pong cups.
“Oh, we’ll see just who it is on their knees at the end of this,” you replied as you did the same with a ball before fishing it out of the cup and aiming it at the triangle of cups in front of Jean.
“Eye, for, eye,” You and Jean said in sync while locked in eye contact. You threw your balls at the same time and to his dismay, your ball sank into one of his cups, but his ball merely bounced of the edge of a cup on your side and dropped to the ground.
“Nice one!” Sasha complimented you. “I think this game is set boys, if you want to quit now, we can skip over your poor performance and just get to the bows and praise,” She mocked.
Connie pointed a finger at Sasha. “That doesn’t mean anything mouth-breather, you wait!”
While Connie and Sasha were yelling back and forth with each other, Jean had picked up the ball he had thrown from the floor and was now standing in front of you. His 6 feet 2 inches towering well above you. He stood so close you could feel the heat radiating off of him. You caught whiffs of his scent and there they were, those little bolts of electricity running under your skin. You extended your open hand in front of him and Jean lightly placed the ping pong ball in your palm. His finger tips brushed against your skin. No words were spoken out loud between you. There was no need for words when the meeting of your eyes already said so much.
—— 30 Minutes Later ——
“Oh this is a lovely scene,” Sasha smiled.
“Agreed, I think I could get used to this,” You beamed.
Connie and Jean were on their knees in front of you and Sasha. With Connie directly in front of Sasha and Jean Kirschtein directly in front of you. You stared down at him, a large smile plastered on your face. You loved teasing Jean and the sight of him here on his knees in front of you was just too good.
“Go on,” you prompted Jean.
He shook his head at you and cast his eyes downward before taking a quick breath in and lifting his head back up to look you in the eye. Jean reached out and took your hand in his. “My dear, dear y/n—”
You cut Jean off, “princess would do better, don’t you think?”
Jean smirked and began again, “my dear, dear princess… you have bested me.”
“And??” You persisted.
“And… what a fool I was to think you would loose to a lowly peasant like me,” Jean joked. He then brought your hand slowly to his mouth and spoke again, his lips brushing against your knuckles, “I will never doubt you again, forgive me,” he pleaded and then placed a light kiss on the back of your hand, his eyes never leaving yours.
Heat rose to your cheeks as you tried to contain a bashful smile from spreading across your lips.
You cleared your throat, “you are forgiven. You may rise.”
Jean lifted himself from his knees and towered over you again. His golden brown eyes bore into yours. He leaned down a little to bring his face closer to yours before mischievously whispering, “now, when’s it your turn?” His breath puffed onto your cheek which caused even more heat to rise to your face… as well as sink between your legs.
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
okay i think about this a lot but what do you think donna's relationship is like with her parents and her sister and do you have any conception of the timeline of her parents separation and what do you think the sister's deal is
i mean like…. i was wholly convinced donnas whole thing was Child Of Divorce like when she talked about her mom and her moms boyfriend coming over (in 4x15 intent) like i always assumed donnas parents were long divorced. and in s5 when her dad is in legal trouble and theres all those flashbacks about her dad like theres no mention of her mom (or her sister for that matter) so it seemed like her mom was out of the picture
but also harvey mentions donnas parents staying at his condo in s1 which implies they were together before the show started
one thing i really really liked though is when harvey tells donna “you cant see your fathers faults cus youre putting him on a pedestal!” i was like DAMNNNN GIRL LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!!! I LOVE THE FACT HARVEY CAN SEE IT IN DONNA AND HE CANT SEE IT IN HIMSELF!! LIKE THATS WHAT HARVEY DOES!!! HE WORSHIPS HIS OWN FATHER AND NEVER SAW HIS FLAWS!!! anyway i just loved how they’re the saaaaameee there
im gonna say.. im gonna make the decision and say. i think donnas parents were separated for a long time, like years. and maybe even had an on again off again thing for a long time. like im gonna say they separated like when donna was in high school, like he lost all their money they started arguing and didn’t stop and on top of having to move and go to a new school and being 14, donnas parents separated which was really really hard on her (im gonna talk about this later, but i think her sister is like 7-10 years older and is out of the house so donna couldn’t even really talk to her while all this is going on)
and ok the important thing is. her parents never got divorced they only separated and started seeing other people. but also sometimes still seeing each other -> and like being a young adult, like donna was in high school and later college and witnessing that whole mess of her parents dating other people and each other, and maybe wanting to get divorced for real but never taking the plunge…..really messed donna up and gave her her issues with intimacy and commitment (in her friendships and her romantic relationships)
but! but!!!! we also have to remember that donna wanted her parents back together!! donna worships her father and wants her parents to be happy (meaning together!) so like idk what donna thinks about her father as her mothers husband yknow like she does ask her mom “did you regret it, trusting him?” about her mom trusting her dad with their money despite the fact he lost it all…idk where i was going with this the point is that they get back together and donna loves that, and tells harvey the story as some grand romantic story
okay back to her sister. i think her sister is much older than donna like she was out of the house most of donnas life. like if her sister is say, 8 years older than donna she would have left for college when donna was 10. and even before that yknow to have such a dramatic difference in age when donna was still a kid growing up her sister was in high school and probably not around that much… so i dont think theyre all that close
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luvrxbunny · 10 months
ok gurlie here the delu that I have been delu about 😭
SOO like I was watching my old video were I was with my friends and sooo both of my friends were dating (at that time sadly) and touching each other like cuddling ,seating on top of each other, carelessly there thigh or hands, AND I WAS LIKE ugh I NEED THIS SO BAD 😥! LIke I don’t know but I would love it have someone cuddling with me like THAT, that WOULD BE A DREAM COME True and I mean literally 😭! And IF THERE NOT A CUDDLE PERSON (or a person who don’t want to cuddle all the time or sometimes lazy) THEN I’ll THE MAN TO DO IT ‼️ And if the person is oBedient to every I want like a cuddle in the bed or to lay next to him or something? I would literally cry about it and say complements /prasie to THEM! NO MATTER IF THERE don’t LOOK the best OR THE BEST OR TRIED OR SWEATING OR WET OR DIRTY ILL MAKE IT MY MISSION TO COMPLEMENT MY MAN😼‼️ like If I was one of those fangirl or those girl that be saying “he so dreamy🤤” And I gotta say I’ll be the funny girlfriend or the one that wouldn’t mind if my man goes out to some place with there man (OBVIOUSLY i see where there going and call them like a hour in) or the one that don’t mind to play games. I’m a girl that doesn’t mind whatever! LIKE UGH WHEN WILL SOMEONE SEE ME and take me in 😭😾 ILL LITERALLY BE PERFECT FOR MY POOKIEs 🥰🫦
(that mean you 🤭bunny) ALSO WHO WANT TO JOIN THE DELU TRAIN ⁉️⁉️
woaaah babes— once again a little hard to understand but i hope i got it 😭
for the praising thing i soo get it omg. cus ik how much i love praise so i’ll give my bf all the praise he needs— bonus point if he’s insecure when i find him but my praise boosts his confidence
bonus bonus points if he starts doing things and looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to praise him for it
and everyone on my acct is already on the delulu train babes 🥴
but yeah i’m SOOO fucking tired of being single i’m gonna start fighting people. BUT I HAVE TO SOCIALIZE TO DATE???? why can’t someone just pursue me relentlessly?? 😤
and then when we finally date, be all over me, kisses and cuddles constantly, always wanting to hold my hand, have me in their lap, they never want me to leave— IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR???
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
belated thungo thursday! someone's about to be real sad and that someone is ME
dazai: you have to do an impossibly important job for me akutagawa: oka- dazai: keep atsushi safe akutagawa: N E V E R
akutagawa was like 'dont kill the weretiger. not cus i like him or anything, but because if you kill him, he's gonna revive and he's gonna be an even bigger pain in the ass. save all of us the trouble'
NOT fukuchi being like 'respect the elderly' and akutagawa is like 'i don't discriminate. i hate everyone regardless of their age'
am i the only one who sometimes gets a little annoyed at how atsushi and akutagawa are always arguing with each other? like in the right time and place it's very funny and actually very important to their relationship but the two of them will literally put more effort into insulting each other than defending their lives from the powerful enemy who is very much trying to kill them. PRIORITIES BOYS. PRIORITIES. EVEN SOUKOKU DON'T DO THAT
'Do we need any more?' who wants to tell him
i wonder how fukuchi discovered his ability. like imagine as a kid he was just like hanging out with a friend or something and they were eating chips or something and he jokingly throws a chip at his friend and the impact from that single chip makes said friend fly across the room and land on the floor dead and fukuchi is like 'uh. whoops'
'four years ago dazai san abandoned me' omg akutagawa taking that shit SO personal. he left because his bestie got killed by some french dude it had nothing to do with your emo ass
'i don't get paid enough to die with a villain!' he was so real for that
holy shit the part where sskk caught the bullets and dropped them i fucking gasped. that was so sexy and for what??? why was that so hot i rewatched it like ten times holy shit hotties
okay akutagawa knowing how to safely choke someone?? i guess we know what he's into
im curious as to why atsushi didnt ask akutagawa to go longer without killing someone- like a year or something. did he think he'd say no? was he thinking 'that's too high a goal for this maniac. baby steps' LMAOOOO
i love how atsushi's run is like this goofy ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕦ( ᐕ )ᕡ thing while akutagawa just naruto runs with a stone cold expression
'should we be outed, my head will be the first to fly' akutagawa on his odasaku arc
i think its established pretty well now that i find atsushi sexy (and im sure absolutely nobody else does, but dont come for me) his tiger stripe mark things on his face make him look WICKEDLY attractive. argue with the wall
fukuchi live tweeting this crap like 'having a smoke while these gay boys plan to kill me. i'll update if i live lol'
people really always be like 'fukuchi has a point because of his war experience' i guarantee you if you were to approach any actual veterans and ask them if their experience in conflict made them want to plot for decades in order to kill everyone in the world who has ever been a veteran/fought in any sort of conflict, they would NOT give you an affirmative response. shut the fuck up
AND HE'S LIKE 'my struggles have been infinite and nobody gives me recognition for them so im mad' BUDDY WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO?????? AKUTAGAWA IS RIGHT THERE (and atsushi too but i mean he's kinda gotten some recognition for his rough life. akutagawa's gotten NONE)
imagine akutagawa like in beast breaking his arm and yosano is like 'oh dw akutagawa i can fi-' and then he's just using rashoumon to do it himself lmao (does he do that in beast? i havent finished it)
atsushi: i need to defeat this villain me: cus he wants to end the wor- atsushi: because i dont want akutagawa to do it first me:
heyyyyy we finally got an akutagawa ass shot!!! *adds to collection* i
akutagawa: i need to defeat this villain me: cus he wants to end the wor- akutagawa: because i want dazai to think im cool me:
i mean he soon followed it by saying 'i would never work for you because you'll never be as cool as dazai' which is very true, so i guess you've redeemed yourself for now akutagawa
akutagawa in uniform >>>>>>>>
whoever is voicing akutagawa and atsushi in this ep deserves a million billion dollars
im sorry sskk. i didnt mean to laugh. but the sudden triumphant moment being cut off (as well as atsushi's hand lmaoo) made me giggle im sorry
this episode got me wondering all over again; HOW is anybody going to defeat fukuchi. there is (seemingly) literally no way to best the spacetime sword (can't be arsed to remember its name im sorry). how the hell are they gonna resolve this. im not smart enough to theorise like the rest of you guys
holy shit what a perfect way to end that episode. like the suddenness of it and screaming akutagawa's name, but also because i haven't stopped listening to tetsu no ori since it came out and i'm obsessed with this song. everyone say thankyou granrodeo
i'm surprised i spent most of that time thirsting instead of crying. let's wait and see what happens next thungo thursday!!
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nutzworth · 10 months
obviously the popularization (or should i say tiktokification) of the whole "is he acoustic?" thing is the worst thing in the world especially as neurotypical take it and twist it to hell and back. Unsure if theyre neurotypical actually. but neurotypical enough for their jokes about it to be WEIRD. and like im not diagnosed but you know i have my suspicions. and thats whatever and im always conscious about self diagnosis. ANYWAY.
a few days ago in my psychology class something evil and terrible happened and i keep thinking about it... we;re learning about memory and how it works and theres different kinds of encoding (like putting an experience into memory storage). and theres visual encoding (the look of stuff) and semantic encoding (the meaning of stuff) and ACOUSTIC encoding (the sound of stuff). and when my psych teacher said these 3 types some of the most annoying kids in my class (their asses do not do the homework. brother this is AP. stop cheating on your 4 question reading check quizzes. stop talking to each other when were doing stuff. holy christ.) these kids were like ACOUSTIC! LOL! IS IT ACOUSTIC! TEE HEE! and i was pissed off. commenting that sort of thing on a tiktok post is one thing (as i expect terrible jokes to be there) but you shouldnt bring that into real life. especially not for such a mundane word as acoustic. do you flip your shit if i mention acoustic guitars? whats wrong with you? its the same kind of forbidden that mentioning homestuck at school is. or like danganronpa. or yaoi or other just SO online concepts. you dont bring that sort of thing to our place of LEARNING! HAVE RESPECT!
anyway thats my story. i keep thinking about it. hate these damn kids. i hope they all fail out of the class during finals. theyre literally so evil "psych teacher what do you meeean we have to do homework and reading :-( i dont waaanna im so buuusy cant we do this tomorrow cant we have a work day today instead of doing the fun things youve planned :-(" and like YOURE the one that signed up for the AP CLASS!!!!!!!! boo hoo you cant skip the reading this is COLLEGE. COPE!
all these damn kids have leadership and sports and like 4 ap classes and theyre taking a college class like ok youre burnt out you did it to yourself. cope and seethe or quit some extracurriculars. pretty sure fewer extracurriculars you do good on are better than 1 million extracurriculars you all FAIL. i also recognize i am like the best at doing school nothing truly gets me other than school i love to learn + will crumble in the job force cus im too good at school to be doing anything else but like you know. the least you can do is stop complaining. i wish murder was legal sometimes
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anxiouslyfred · 1 year
Summary: Roman realises ey can stay with Virgil and Janus when they carry on through the forest now and ey enjoy the idea of getting touch and comfort from them.
Part of my Ey/ey fae Roman au
Roman was sure ey were lonely, and had been for ages. Ey could recognise that now, seeing Virgil and Janus interact.
It wasn't that ey didn't have friends. Ey was sure ey probably know more fae than eir new friends had met, and ey classed all of them as eir friends. It was simply that eir friends had all simply passed through, maybe staying with em for a day or two, before carrying on and leaving em alone again, dreaming of the sky without branches ey'd heard about.
Now ey had learnt that a sky without branches came with it's own series of threats, far larger than ey'd believed and ey knew that if eir latest friends wished to go further through eir forest ey would be going with them.
Inside the shelter they'd made together the night before Roman felt closer to other fae than ey'd felt in a long time. They basically had to cuddle together given how late it was as they were making the shelter and ey felt like melting into their arms.
“Come on, we need to find something to eat.” Virgil stated when they realised ey were awake. They'd been looking out through the gap in the shelter's cover and Janus had already left.
“Should be berries hooked in a fork in a branch.” Ey mumbled, stretching, and trying to pretend that brushing over Virgil's arm was an accident. Ey wanted more touch still, but was sure ey'd be rejected if ey asked for it.
Janus's head appeared through the gap in the shelter. “Do you have like animal friends? Cause these were on like 4 different branch forks.” Sea stated, holding out berries as if cued by eir words.
“An owl. We help each other occasionally.” Ey explained as sea entered the small shelter and Virgil relaxed back into their spot, side pressed against Roman. “He must have seen us exploring the field yesterday if he left multiple groups of berries.”
Virgil flinched back from em, looking from the berries, to Janus as if hoping for someone else to confirm they weren't poisonous despite Roman having already taken a few to eat. “Owls hunt us. They kill fae. Why the hell is one helping you?”
Ey stared at them, confused, and a bit unhappy that one of the creatures they could rely on most was being declared a killer so easily. “We help the creatures around us. Everyone says to help the creatures, help the plants, why would the animals then turn around and hurt us?”
“You help owls? They're never still, always flying.” Virgil challenges again, “Always swooping down to try and catch us as soon as dusk descends.”
Roman frowned at that, before understanding. “They leave the forest to hunt. Ey didn't know that fae in the fields could be mistaken for the rodents owls usually hunt. They just don't know you're friends not food.” Ey decided, nodding as if that would erase the fear in them.
Janus sighed, but had started eating the berries while listening. “I assume that means the owls roost in the forest and you've helped at least one of them.” Sea asked.
“Yup, helped him when he was having difficulty coughing up some pellets. If he sees em without shelter sometimes ey wake up in his wings.” Roman agreed. “Not as nice as your shelter and being snuggled up all together though.”
“Perhaps you should remain with us then, Roman. It definitely did help us remain warm last night to have you with us.” Janus offered, stretching a leg out so it rested alongside eirs. “Deal with whatever touch hunger you have from only meeting other fae in passing.”
Ey stared for a moment, awed at the offer. “Please? I'll help you gather food and find the paths and you can teach me how to properly make a shelter. We could be best friends.”
Sea half nodded, half shook sear head, looking confused at eir response.
Virgil glanced between the pair for a second before smirking. “Yeah Janus, let's all be best friends and stick together. Ey're probably the greatest friend we could make to survive given eir expertise in living in the forest.” They stated, but smiled placidly when Roman turned to nod at them.
“And what's touch hunger? I though hunger was just for something to eat. Like these.” Roman agreed, holding the berries out, offering some to Virgil as they hadn't eaten any of them yet.
“Sea means you like and need more touch because you've gone without it for a long time.” They explained. “And sea will take a while to honestly accept you as a friend. Sear's like that.”
“Oh.” Roman wasn't sure how else to understand everything Janus had said except as honestly accepting eir friendship but ey knew that ey didn't know the tones other fae used particularly well. “Ey'll make sure they say it as soon as possible.” Ey resolved. “Are you my friend now though?”
Virgil shrugged a little. “Guess so. You've already got me worrying about you” They agreed, sharing a tiny smile in response to eir beaming.
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