#i mean it's a great design I'm glad I did it but thank GOD this is not their standard outfit
cheesesteakphil · 1 year
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Tyche: A deity of chance, the personification of luck, bearer of both good and ill fortune. A decider of fates.
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burst-of-iridescent · 9 months
I'm writing this as a big Katara stan. I just found out that a new film about an adult Gaang is planned to be released, and Katara, like Aang, will be given a leading role there. I am so excited and glad that finally Katara will be given due respect as a character!
But for some reason, after searching on Tumblr, I saw joy about a new film in the entire Atla fandom except for our zutara community. on the contrary, there is a lot of discontent and bitterness. But why is that? Is it because zutara won't be in the movie? Well, yes, zutara is a fanon ship, it will never be anywhere but our fanfics and fanart. But after all, Zutara is not in the original ATLA show, and we still love it! This is no reason not to rejoice at the opportunity to see our favorite characters on the screen again, to see Katara again (God, I'm screaming with delight😍😍😍😍). Yes, there is a chance that the writing will be bad, but there is always such a chance before the release of any film. I'm just so happy to see Katara again, and the whole gaang too, and her new design for this movie seems so great to mе!
i mean this genuinely, anon: i love that you love katara so much, and i am really happy for you that you're looking forward to the new movie. i truly hope you enjoy it.
i don't want to speak for the rest of zutara fandom, but i can't share your feelings because - to put it point-blank - i don't trust the creators with katara's character. ever since they lost their writing team, nothing they've created post-atla has proven to me that they understand katara's character, or how to create a good arc for her. it's telling that the only post-canon comic featuring a decent story for katara (katara and the pirate's silver) came out in 2020, twelve years after the original show ended (and which was also, notably, the first comic that bryan and mike were not involved with).
i'm sure some people are salty that they won't see canon zutara, but personally i'm relieved that i won't have to see bry.ke ruin romantic zutara like they did with their friendship post-atla. i'm sure they'll do their damnedest to fuck up what remains of zuko and katara's platonic relationship in the new movie, which is why canon ended for me with the final agni kai. no magic pointy rock or canon ships in this household, thank you.
i wish i could share your excitement for the movie anon, but i just don't have faith in bryan and mike to do justice to the characters (especially zuko and katara) after everything they've said and created over the last decade. like really, calling zuko a bad boy in the year of our lord 2023? please watch your own show.
besides, nothing they can do for katara in this movie will retcon what they did to her in LOK. i already know she ends up as a sad, lonely housewife without any real power, impact or legacy; that can't be changed, no matter how they try to "fix" it. it looks like the movie has been delayed so my hope is that it just gets cancelled in production. atla has been milked to filth anyway; leave the og characters alone and do something new with the universe, or just let it rest in peace and find another story to tell.
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shelltasticday · 2 years
Hi there! This idea had me lying awake at 2 am, so I've decided to share it with you and see if you can write something cute and wholesome with it; if you don't mind, could you write something for all four lovely turtle bois with an S/O who, in response to the turtle saying "I love you", says, "... I love you more." I dunno, but I kinda wanna know how the turtles might respond to that, hehe. Love your work, btw! Keep it up! claps in appreciation
Hello there, thank you for the request! Also thank you for the compliment (´ ∀ ` *) I'm glad you enjoy what I do. Hope you don't mind the format I chose lol
The guys' response to "I love you more"
▉ ▉ Raphael ▉ ▉ ● It was a quiet night, you and Raph were cuddling in his room, just enjoying the silence and time together. He puts you on top of his plastron, since that way you have more room
● He was ready to fall asleep, thinking that you were already in dreamland due to your slow and soft breathing
● "I love you, (y/n)" he says, kissing your forehead and shifting slowly to get more comfy. "…I love you more"
● Your voice but a whisper, it takes him a bit to register that you spoke and then a bit more to process the words
● Raph's response is hugging you tighter, closer to him, if possible. He knows he's not too great with words, so he wishes to convey how much you mean to him through the contact
● The squeeze got a giggle out of you, knowing very well what it meant. "Goodnight" you murmured, nuzzling to finally drift off. "Night"
▲▲ Leonardo ▲▲ ● Leo and you are watching some movies, in onesies and with soft blankets on top, overall feeling very cozy and calm. He shifted closer, surrounding you with one arm to guide your head to his shoulder. Resting his cheek against the top of your head, he casually says it. "I love you"
● "I love you more" was your immediate response, and he chuckled. "That's very sweet dear, but I think it's obvious that I love you more, since I'm a turtle"
● "What does that have to do with anything?" you shifted to look up at him, seeing his grin widen, like he had expected this to happen and was ready… oh no…
● "Because I'm turtley in love with you!". Leo proudly delivered the punchline to his joke, God, that may be the worst pun you've ever heard
● You just kissed his cheek and immediately slammed a cushion on his face, focusing back on the movie as he whinned about you not appreciating his "comedy" enough or something like that
▌▌Donatello ▌▌ ● Both of you are in his lab, he's working on some blueprints and concepts for new tech while you do your own thing. Reading a book, playing some games. However, the calm atmosphere shifted when you began hearing mumbling, and paper being ripped and crumpled into a ball that you raised your eyes just in time to see fall right into the trash
● You rose from your seat, walking up to peek at the table from over his shoulder. Donnie was obviously struggling with one of his sketches, as he tapped the pencil repeatedly on the paper
● "And if you move this, to there?" you suggested, pointing at the parts you talked about. Not that you were an expert, but being around Donnie exposed you to his designs enough to make a good guess
● "(y/n), you're a genius! I love you!" he said, taking your face into his hands to land a quick kiss on your cheek. "I love you more" you giggled. "That doesn't sound correct, because I love you more, but I'd have to do the calculations later"
● "Well, according to MY calculations, I love you more", you pushed his shoulder playfully. He laughed as he went back to his prints. "I will give the victory to you this once, but next time I'll even have graphs to prove my point". "Donnie, no". "Donnie, yes!"
⬤⬤ Mikey ⬤⬤ ● Mikey and you sat back to back, he was doing some collages and you did your own projects. A pretty chill day, being honest
● It didn't surprise you when his voice perked up above the music you had playing in the background, to casually say "I love you!" in the cheerful tone he usually has. "I love you too, in fact, I love you more!" you replied, leaning a bit more into his shell, giving him a playful shove
● Mikey turned around enough to now be side by side, hugging you tightly like that, pressing his cheek to yours. You returned the hug as much as you could, laying your hands atop the arm surrounding your front
● "Nuh-uh, I love you moooore!" he said. You giggled. "Nope! I love you more". "No, I love you more, (y/n)" "No, I love you more" "No, I love you more". You and Mikey were the couple of "Noo, you hang uuup~", and it showed, it extended to this kind of "banter" too
● However, this one ended soon enough after you heard the collective groaning from his brothers. You both just laughed one more time before resuming your activities, though, you kept the cheesy lovey-dovey grins, just to bother the others~
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gffa · 1 year
Hey! Love your blog for the sw content but ngl you have me window shipping dickbabs more and more everyday. I’m not reeeeally a comics person unless it has quality online format but I have been known to enjoy cartoons. Do you have any show recs to get me into the batfam? Sorry if this has already been asked (and answered somewhere else). Thanks again for all your great content! Love your blog!
Hi! Thank you for the kind words and I'm glad to be helping to at least tempt you into this pit, and I wish I had better recs for you, but I've been turning this over in my head for the last couple of days and keep coming back to that I don't know that I would recommend most of the animated series or movies/TV series for DC. Even the best bets would be: - Young Justice 2010 cartoon, which is overall decent, but DickBabs doesn't happen until like season 3, I think? (And I think Dick dates Kory for awhile before that?) And they're a very minor part of the show, even the Batfam as a whole is only one aspect of the show, it's really a multi-fam kind of series. As long as you know that it will have some major differences in relationship and character dynamics (like Superboy in the show and Kon from the comics share certain aspects, but they are also vastly different and I'm not sure you'd recognize Kon as the same character), it's a fun show to watch overall! - Batman: The Animated Series 1992 + The New Batman Adventures 1997 was absolutely, incredibly groundbreaking at the time it came out, but that means it's 30 years old now and a lot of it is going to be incredibly dated compared to current stuff. I do still love it and the Dick/Babs episodes are TOP NOTCH (so much delicious yearning oh my god) and the flashback to when Dick was a kid are also great, but there's a LOT of basic cartoon action stuff that's not that exciting anymore and it might feel like a long haul. Cautiously recommended if you don't mind viewing it through an old-fashioned lens, don't mind that Dick tends to be more in his "angry teenage years" than his more settled 20s, and you're okay with zipping through any parts that bore you. - The Batman 2004 is another series that's pretty dated, but in a way I find deeply charming, because it really leaned into the gothic aesthetic and wasn't afraid to try some new things with the character designs. I usually suggest skipping forward to season 4 when Dick shows up (and I greatly enjoy his and Babs' dynamic, they're kids at the time, it's not a romance here, but it's not hard to see that one day they could grow up into the characters they'll be in other versions) but the whole show is just a good Batman cartoon! Honorable mentions: - Justice League: The Animated Series 2001 which I don't think Dick or Babs ever appeared in, but is still probably THE best DC animated series. It's not super complex, but what it did, it did very well, and is still pretty influential to this day. - If you don't mind reading an online comic, the Wayne Family Adventures webtoon is a very easy intro point, has very pretty art, and will get you reasonably familiar with the characters! (I sort of liken it to LEGO adaptations, it's meant to be light-hearted and occasionally genuinely touching, it focuses on extremes of the characters and memeable moments, rather than the more sharp-edged comics, but that makes it all the better for an entry point imo.) Beyond that, I can't really think of anything I would necessarily recommend to help get new fans into the Batfam characters (I wouldn't recommend the Harley Quinn show as a starting place for them, nor the Teen Titans cartoon, and I don't really personally care for any of the animated movies personally, other than maybe Super Sons, which was absolutely adorable and a great intro to Jon and Damian), because DC has a really weird track record on adapting them into non-comics mediums and I just enjoy the comics so much more. Though, if others have recs or would offer a rebuttal against some of the suggestions, feel free, because I would love to have easier ways into the comics
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movietimegirl · 1 year
✨🌌Ahsoka ep 6 thoughts🌌✨
This ep was directed by Jennifer Getzinger. She did an amazing job❤️
Super hyperspace is gorgeous 😍
So Ahsoka knows Sabine handed the map over to Baylan and she seems real frustrated I get it. But considering what Sabine has gone through, she shouldn't blame her for wanting to see Ezra again. 🥺
Huyang got stories from the past. He needs to tell me some.
"In a galaxy far far away" He said it!🤯
I can't believe really traveling to another galaxy right now. This is nuts!
Meanwhile, Poor Sabine.
It's a Purgill Graveyard! So this is where Purgill comes to die. You can see their bones just floating.💀
According Morgan, her ancestors rode Purgill 🌌
What an interesting planet and it already had temple.
Live action Nightsisters!? I was NOT expecting this! This show continues to surprise me! 🤯
Sabine reeks of Jedi? I'm curious what they mean by that. Like can they sense she has light-side force sensitivity? Or was it because she was around Ahsoka? Because they don't seem to have a problem with Shin and Baylan, since they use the dark side of the force.🤔
Sabine thrown into in a cell and tries to use the force again only for Starcruiser to arrive! It's THRAWN!
And look those Stormtroopers man. That design is ✨GOLDEN✨ Thats Thrawn for Ya.
Thrawn looks menacing and is softspoken as ever 💙❤️
Looks like Thrawn has been doing homework on Baylan. Read him like a book! 🤣
Sabine and Thrawn are face to face! It's heating up! Ezra is not dead, damn it!🔥
Ngl, I was scared Ezra may have been that stormtrooper with the cool mask.🤡 Forgot his name
Sabine is given a...bat horse thing. It's cute!❤️
"Die Well" Well Damn...
And she off! But of course, there's always a catch. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Sabine took care of those bandits with the Lightsaber 🔥
Sabine, don't be mean to your bat horse! He came back and that all it matters! Let him come with you! ❤️
Ngl, this bat horse reminds of Sven from Frozen🦌
That's no rock! That's a rock turtle guy in a suite! And he's cute!
He has a rebel symbol, Ezra must have gave it too him🔥
Meanwhile, Baylan and Shin gets sent out for Ezra and Sabine. No surprise there. But Morgan suggests to send out troopers with them but Thrawn shuts that crap down quick. Am I sensing a power struggle? 👀
And it look like Thawn doesn't care what happened to them. He just wants to get the hell out🥶
Ahsoka is on her way!
Baylan and Shin having a talk and man, I really love these two characters. 🤧
These turtle guys remind me of those rocks guys from Frozen as well.🤣 But they also remind me of Ewoks from the OG trillage
I wonder if Ezra taught them to build this stuff at their village
"I knew I can count on you." HOLY CRAP! That made my heart guys!
Ezra looks great! He's grown so much! 🤧
The resuion we all been waiting for! *hugs* ❤️
Sabine is just glad she's found while Ezra just has many questions!
Looks like Ezra has been living with these guys for bit.🥲
"I can't wait to go home." Yes Ezra, well be going home hopefully soon ❤️🤧
God, this ep was amazing! I love! I love it! I love it! ❤️ And I Reble fans had an amazing time with this ep. Can't believe we're already down to two ep already? Ah, time flies. Thanks for reading fokes, see y'all next week.
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frozenhi-chews · 6 months
SO YAYYYY CEROBA + CLOVER TIME!!! she was so interesting during the steamworks stuff :D youre all like damn.. Chujin sounds like a really cool guy im sorry Ceroba :( im sure he was really smart and advanced and made the dopest robots... AND HE DIDDDD I LOVE THE GARDENERRR SOBS her returning back to hibernation and<:,(((( collapes.all the abandoned robots..... fuckkkk my heartttt i talked more about ceroba stuffs in my firsstttt ask but like RAGTAUAUAGAFGFH YOU SAID IT WHEN YOU HEAR ABOUT KANAKO WITH ALPHYS YOURE LILE.FUCKFUCKFUCK THE ALMAGAMARUTIONDXFUFCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! and the fight goes CRAZY MY GOD THE MULTIPLE PHASES REALLYREALLY SETS THIS APART FROM EVERYTHING ELSE LIKE YOU CAN FEEELLLL HER DESPARATIONNNNNNNNNNNN LIKE DAMN. REALLY IS A MOTHER'S LOVE...... the jn you see the flashbacks and <:((((( what if i died what if i died right NOW !!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also the group huug completely devastated me and i was so relieved when Starlo+Martlet got up like i was all. i dont THINK she would straight up immediately kill them but. god. who knows!!!(plus it was so real when starlo's hat landed right on his head after being knocked out) Cloverrr.... "It's time." FOR WHAT... ME TO CRY??!??????? ????!?? like that shit took me OUTTTTTT gotta mention the group hug again i mean like for real i think i had my heart ripped out and blended and youre like. it. i cant be THAT time right?!? youre gonan... youre gonna be okay and dandy and <:o??? AND GODDDDDDDD JUST KILL ME AT THIS POINTTTT CLOVVEERERRRRRRR THEY WERE JUST A KID...... when. Ceroba pulls out the container. it just cements everything. the hat and gun. *clover's* hat and gun. and you just KNOW and i think. the. just the fact you don't have a choice you have to tell them to go. you'll be fine. its fine. just go. GOD DAMN the art of just... clover struggling to pull themself to rest against their back... the camera panning up to birdsong... the credits................. Clover is gone and it had to happen and they were only here for *a single day* but they changed *everything* I just don't even know what to say. thats just art Clover's funeral/sendoff was beautiful too... at first i was like MARTLET NOOO DONT LEAVE CLOVER'S HAT and then i was just. wait. fu ck FUCKKKK !!! UNDERTALLLEEEEE Clover was really just a blip in all their lives, for less than 24 hours did they know the kid, but Clover really did change everything. for the better.... goddddddddddddddddd this game truely captured what made undertale so great anyways. im soo going to check out a genocide playthrough next. and completely bawl my eyes out again TRYUFTGH tldr THANK YOU FOR CONVINCING ME TO CHECK UTYELLOW OUT <33333 SO AWESOME SO COOL WOOPING CHEERING i am going to bed ^_^
I just wanna say that I adore Axis. He's so freaking silley and I adore him so much. Guardener also was...wow. Genuinely chilling to see her go back to sleep. (Also I love the fact she's a female robot and yet doesn't have like. Feminine things. She's just a robot. Who needs female stuff on a robot. Aka HER DESIGN IS AWESOME!!)
AND AUGH CEROBA'S FIGHT (fun fact I'm listening to A Mother's Love right now. Such a good song, haunting with her scream.) I said it before, with the haunting scream of her shattered hopes of continuing her husband's work and dreams of seeing her daughter again. The Hopes and Dreams motif is chilling, especially with how discordant it is, really symbolizing how it's all shattering around her.
The fight was insane. I love it. But HOOO
AND THE HUG. THEY REALLY WERE JUST A KID, MY FREKAING HEART, AAAUGGHHH!!! Starlo is watching his child choose to sacrifice themselves for Monsterkind, what could be more just. But what could be more tragic? Also Ceroba needed a longer hug.
Also genocide....HOOO it really is dark and tragic. But I have Thoughts...about Starlo. And how he was handled there. Because HOO BOI, he deserved better
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andlatitude · 2 years
Hey! I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but I could never figure out how to say what I wanted to. I've come to the conclusion that I probably never will, fully, so I'm gonna take a stab at it— it's long, please bear with me.
I don't usually follow blogs like yours; most of the art you post is of OCs or fandoms I'm not a part of and I generally find it hard to be invested in original non-concept art (I really enjoy world-building concepts, but individual characters are harder for me). OC art tends to be snippets, bits and pieces; the random points of a developing character which makes them difficult for me to connect with even when I like the concept or design because they are often smatterings on a page that maybe even the artist doesn't fully comprehend yet.
Your art always connects.
Something about your way with expressions and body movement weaves so much intent into your work; every character conveys so much emotion and personality that I'm immediately drawn in. I can't accurately describe with words how much your art moves me, I don't know how. It sounds so silly, but the best I've come up with is that your characters look really People. They look alive in a way that I haven't quite experienced in art since the 101 Dalmatians era of Disney sketch animation, where the linework always made it feel like the characters were moving even when they were standing still; like they could breathe.
I look at your artwork and I feel the characters in my chest. You did a piece not long ago of two of your OCs sharing a microphone and I felt the awe; that feeling of the world melting away except the other person onstage— that feeling like maybe they are singing the song just for you.
Your art captures the casual intimacy of people just being; scenes like painting nails and other normal, quiet moments that only show when someone feels safe, comfortable. Your work makes 'nothing' moments have weight; there is an artist I discovered recently, Francine Van Hove, who specializes in these types of scenes and some of your work reminds me of hers.
Of all your works though, my favorite is the truth-or-dare comic and it's sequel. The smug satisfaction of calling a bluff, the casual scoff of dismissal of the dare, the confusion then realization, the weight of anticipation— the build-up, the inevitable conclusion. Whenever I see you pop on my Dash I go look through your recent work then hunt through your OC tag for those comics. It doesn't matter how many times I see them, I get hit with the same level of emotion every time.
Whenever I see your work it speaks to me; it makes me think that this is what art is supposed to feel like. I felt like you should know.
God help me if you ever draw a character from one of my favorite shows.
Hopefully this gets through okay; I've been on Tumblr since like 2012 and I still don't really trust the Ask system not to toss messages into the void haha. I hope this message finds you well and that you have a great day.
-Milli :)
Hello!! I really hope it’s okay that I post this. I want to keep it. This means a lot to me, I think it’s way more praise than I feel like I deserve as someone who just draws silly self indulgent stuff for fun. However over the years, the most important thing to me with those drawings has always been conveying emotion. For me it all comes from a place of wanting to express myself and how I feel rather than wanting to “be good at art”.
A message like this telling me that everything I’ve been pouring into my stuff all these years has come across to someone I’ve never met is huge, and incredible, and I don’t even know what to say. I’m really passionate about having that “life” in what I draw, it is what drives me to keep creating, and doing so is such a huge part of who I am. Thank you so much for noticing and for telling me this and for caring about it.
I think those little human moments are the most beautiful, I’m glad I could begin to do a few of them justice. Stuff I make speaking to someone else in any way is the biggest compliment I can get.
Thank you again, I hope your day is wonderful!
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garlculean · 10 months
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@yukikorogashi Asked. HELLO MY FRIEND! ❤️ Before this year ends, I just wanna start by saying-- MAN! I'm just so, so glad that I got to meet your wonderful self??? I will say it's certainly one of my highlights during these last few months, meeting a fella as splendid as yourself!
I already mentioned all of this before to you through our IMs, but you bring so much life to my boy here, and just do him so, so much justice! And I thank you, with my hands holding yours, for giving him the love that he so long since deserved! And of course, I absolutely look forward to him and Itsuki interacting, in developing their hilarious lil' Looney Tunes relationship, overtime! It's gonna be so fun, and another thing to look forward to this coming year!
You are just such talented individual too, Mt Beast, like omgoodness??? Your writing, your art, your graphics-- not to mention the fact that you have been such a pleasant chap to get to know. You really are a marvellous bean, and again I'm so glad I found your blog when I did, and look forward to interacting with you more in the near future!
May next year treat you well, my friend. As you so rightfully deserve! Here's to you! 🍷 AUEHAUWHE!!!!
↳ 2023 is almost over! // 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆
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      𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐅𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐇. Y'know, I do not think there are even words to describe the amount of joy and gratitude I felt when reading this. I am SO VERY glad I had the pleasure and opportunity to meet you too Yuki⸺ I can say with much certainty that the feeling is absolutely mutual!
      I can't even construct my words right but just that I'm literally grinning from ear to ear! WHWUAHAHA Hearing you say that and think that for my interpretation // portrayal of Wario means so much more than you think it does for me. It's honestly an honor to hear that I am doing him justice. So thank you⸺ Thank you VERY much. I too cannot wait for Itsuki and Wario to interact. I still think about the plot in my head and the things we spoke about with their possible bond, depending on how things go in RP, but it kills me EVERY time. I may not KNOW who Itsuki is, but shoot I dont think I need to. All I know and need to know is you make her an outstanding joy of a character! You give her such personality that if she acted any other way I don't know if I'd enjoy it as much as I do when she's in your hands HWUWHAHAA!
      I appreciate you enjoying my writing and my art, I do take a great deal of time in it, especially my writing. Drawing comes more naturally for me so to speak its a lot less brain power as opposed to writing. So to know you favor both and not just one over the other is an honest to god best compliment for me to hear If I'm being honest HAHAAHAH. Also I must give credit where credit is 1000% due, @sangdelune did my graphics, I'd commissioned them to do it. They brought my ideas to life in ways I cannot describe. I do not know the floor from the ceiling when it comes to photoshop or anything remotely in that area, I cannot do that. I'm a writer and an artist--NOT a designer. Best editing I do and can do are my reaction icons. THOSE I DO edit. But that's just the most basic bare minimum knowledge one needs to know to edit the reactions; its nothing supreme or outstanding I'd say. I actually plan on bringing them up in a near future post; once I hit my 100+ follower's count ( which seems to be nearing...) give them a segment because since I was/am so new here in this RPC, I felt me doing it with not much of a following would make them go unnoticed. i.e. no on taking the time to go back to read my first post(s) I made here about them. But for anyone who DOES need anything with graphics GO TO THEM. They were a blessing to work with, I had very VERY specific ways I wanted things done and created to really emphasize how I viewed and seen Wario and I wanted my blog to really exert that. So even if you dont read my writing, you still get the FEEL // aura, per say, that Wario emits when youre on my page and they hit it all on the nail and BLEW my expectations away. Very communicative, quick with getting back to you, good with keeping you in the loop of things, and is just an INCREDIBLE designer and an amazing person to work with. I honestly am grateful and LUCKY to of found them.
      SALUTI MY FRIEND! I cannot wait to see what the year to come brings, but I hope whatever it is, it brings a lot more interactions with you!
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
Dude- you can't do this to me. Oh my god, that was AWESOME. I'm literally shaking. What the hell.
I can feel the desperation and anguish in that room so fucking well. Your writing is just so cosmically good. Can't wait for this chapter to be complete.
I don't know what to say other than how the fuck I didn't realize Sunshine was already born, I'm so stupid.
These fuckers break my heart, they love their babies so much. Bonus points for Diego's Spanish line, my mexican ass loved that.
So many people are getting involved, this is going to be wild.
Your character designs are so cool, everyone is so different and it's a breath of fresh air from the "every character has white features and normative bodies" shit media has been doing forever. Justice is strong and she LOOKS strong and I love that.
I also love the fact that Ben refers to Justice as "the tank" and I'm dying to know what she would think of that.
Hatti is great, I just knew I was going to adore her since I saw she was Loki and Circe's daughter. Loved her chaotic energy, too. She's not like that because of who her parents are, that's just the average 13-years-old girl/j
I love that she's so tiny that Ben confused her with a ten-year-old.
“ "I got two hours or else Constantine..." she grimaced. "Yeah, you know." ” Are you trying to kill me or what. Because if you are, is working.
I don't know what it is but I love the way Lydia talks, it's quite similar to Maverick's speech but at the same time different(? Her speech is just so outstanding to me and it's weird because it's not really different from the rest. I don't know if you did that on purpose or if it's just my obsession for her doing its thing, lol.
Now I really want to know what your process is when giving your characters a voice and differentiating that voice from the rest (considering the number of characters you handle, too).
This does not reflect the emotional damage this has had on me so I will proceed to AAHHHHHH HELP IM IN PAIN AHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME AHHHHHHH MY BABIES AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Gods please give me the strength to finish this chapter just so I can see how Dante anon will react.
I mean, she's a newborn and my old posts did have her not even born yet, so that's on me.
Oh boy, you're going to murder me.
All these people and no one has had more than two hours of sleep in the past three days.
Thank you. I love describing Justice because she's taller than literally everyone and usually bigger. The girl looks like she could bench-press a tank and she can and I love that.
Oh, she would go on a whole rant. She doesn't mind it when Isle people do it but King Ben? She would spend fifteen minutes yelling at him about how she wants to dress all feminine and grow out her hair but no, she's locked on the Isle of constant war and all of that stuff would put her in danger so she can't do any of that. She likes being a tank to the Isle people, but it's poking a bruise when it's Ben
I am so glad you love Hati
If Lydia had time she would have gone on The Whole Rant but, unfortunately, they have to get Riah off of the Isle as fast as possible.
Oh, I'm not trying to kill you. I'm trying to kill Ben/lh
The Isle has a lot of different dialects and ways of speaking and Lydia's trying to adopt the same one as Maverick and Mara, but her speech is different because she grew up with a different dialect. Honestly, the language on the Isle could be its own post.
I just keep their personalities in mind. It's hard to explain but maybe I'll do a post about it sometime
Oh man, I can't wait to finish this chapter
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ravenousnightwind · 2 years
On Sunday, I had some friends over. We used to do that a lot. Every single year, we'd all get together before covid. Typically, about one or two weeks before yuletide. This year, we finally did it again.
In the past, we had turkey, a grand feast that we all chipped in for. This year, we just Doordashed, and we had a really good time. We are all some flavor of pagan and / or spiritually curious. One of them honors many deities, and she asked me if she could give Thor some mead on my altar. I told her sure that's fine!
When she was done, she said my altar was the only one that she ever felt she could do that with. That anyone else's she never felt this connection about where it felt okay. I told her: "that's because it was designed that way." The gods never wanted me to limit my space to myself. I welcome those I invite with open arms, and they're welcome to leave offerings on my altar at any time for any reason. A few have done so in the past, her included.
It's special in a way.. perhaps even the reason why I no longer wish to pursue a social network with other pagans other than what I already have. Like joining the Troth (I did before and wasn't super amazing). Cuz I've been very lucky to have friends whom I honestly feel, the gods have led to me. We all get along, do things differently, and even think about different things or similar. But it has taken me a good portion of my life to be where I am now. So it's more that I didn't pursue it, rather that it happened naturally on its own, and was even there when I didn't know it!
Be thankful for those moments. Even if it's not what you expect. The winter tidings, Yulenir, the yuletide, the power of winter may surprise you if you are open to it. In some strange modern way, I feel as though..I'm doing what the ancestors did. Living life, involving faith and people who match up with mine, and just celebrating time with those people. It's mundane, but it's special. Special in a way that spiritual woo time just isn't.
I thank Frigg for this sense of family I get with them. It's probably the closest thing I'll ever have to a real social group anyway, but you know.. I'm glad because it means it isn't fake or forced, or because of spirituality. And yeah, that stuff is great, but what's really awesome is we just ended up being that way and coming together. I think in some way, that's what Yule really is on a more realistic level. You gather in winter, waiting for the sun's return, and the light of that love and compassion warms us as she's hidden. Family and friendship is what makes yuletide worth something, in my opinion. It's not just about the gods. It's about those we care for and about, too.
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deerdeardarling · 2 years
Okay, so a while back, I posted this little thing about how I hated Leon's design, and you left me this lovely rant in the tags, and I've really got to thank you for that.
I knew Journeys was doing a shit job of exploring the Galar region, but your rant opened my eyes to just how much I was missing. I did end up picking up a copy of the game to play after all. (About to head into gym 4 as I'm writing this.) And I just couldn't NOT thank you for being that influence for me.
There's just so much more... texture you get for the world by playing the game! I didn't get the full sense from the anime of just how fame-obsessed (modern, in a way) society in Galar is... How much of a publicized event the gym challenge is. How you need to be endorsed by someone to even take part at all...
I just get so much more of what you were saying about Leon now. How awkward and stilted his relationships are with the people around him, the people he grew up with. I'm not even, like, halfway through the game, but I have gotten the impression that he doesn't know how to play any other role than "unbeatable champion" anymore. That the fame and success has probably messed him up a bit.
And, of course, I can see now that Leon's outfit is a modification of the uniforms all the challengers have to wear, so I guess I can lighten up on the judgment a bit. ^^'
Just, thank you so much!
Holy shit I just saw this but!!! I'm super glad you have the game and galar a chance!
I did truthfully mean it when I respected your opinion on Leon (you get used to that after see so much hate/hj) because. That's just your opinion, and that's okay! But knowing you took my words to heart makes me super happy?? I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense this is litteraly the first time this has happened to me.
Also. Yes! To all you said about how Journeys did galar dirty, and how they cut way too much out. Now for Leon I don't think they did..super bad; it's just the fact they did not spend enough time it galar. Which imo is what the anime is supposed to do, it's supposed to expand a region in ways we did not see in the games. That in the episode of him and ash hanging out he admitted to feeling stagnant in his "unbeatable champion" status. That up until the Eternatus battle; Leon almost believed in his invincibility that he was truly untouchable, and judging my his tone and body language, and how relieved he was to find out he was not the strongest. I think he really hates that "god" like feeling.
Anyways; sorry again for that rant lol I feel alot of things for this region
Also! If you do want a good galar anime I HIGHLY recommend Twilight wings; it's an 8 episodes long short series you can find on YouTube!
I do understand now with ALL of pokemon in general that they spread the lore and stories of these games to everything. From the games to the anime to the manga; it's very very hard to have a solid option on anything pokemon if you don't play and watch and read everything. Which really really sucks; and again imo is the biggest reason why most don't like galar. (That. And alot of ppl just. Don't read between the line of stuff. And maybe that's because I overanalyze things; but also why I'm such a big fan of pokemon in general!)
TL;DR, I'm super glad your open minded to this stuff and willing to atleast listen to others; even if you don't agree at first. I hope you have a great time playing the game and come to atleast appreciate it! Here's to the future of pokemon!!!
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lonepower · 1 month
oh I completely forgot to actually post my one single liveblog post i just saved it as a draft lmao. anyway if anyone wants my realtime Romulus Thoughts (tl;dr it's good) here ya go~
oh hey it starts on my birthday!! already a good sign <3
the audio quality on this cam is only a little bad but i cannot understand anyone for Shit. the 2 identical british dudes especially are basically speaking Peanuts Parentsese. i've been spoiled rotten by the shift to streaming and need my subtitles ))):
i really like this actress, she reminds me of someone - daisy ridley or summer glau maybe? she's so cute uvu
oh i want her and Pretty Hair to kiss so bad. she looks like she's shaping up to be the final girl though so i should probably not get too attached to anyone else, rip
ohhhhhhhhhh here we go
man I REALLY wanna know what their homeworld is like. I mean like the actual original world they came from instead of whatever time travel shit or w/e that prometheus was on, idk i blocked it from my memory. anyway there's so much about their design & behavior that seems like they're meant to be amphibious/semiaquatic to me? they're about the right size to fill the same niche as sharks or crocodiles, too...... did hr giger actually think about this stuff or was he just like "hey you know what would be fucked up"
rip bald girl we hardly knew ye. you were facehugged on all those posters anyway so i'm glad you weren't interesting
awwwww, no, man, don't, don't do that, that's not cool. why do we gotta do this. cmon. fuckin nightmarish
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girl go see a gynecologist or something i don't think that's a normal pussy pH
hnnNNnggH i'm ngl though that was. hot. also a very satisfying death for my least favorite character. i hope it hurt as much as it looked like it did 🤭
LAUREL IS CANON????? man she was a fun oc i should play around w her some more. love me some xeno gene therapy gone wrong. better hope the canon version doesn't fuck you up the same way<3
LMAOOOO NOT 2 MINUTES LATER!!!! EXACTLY THE SAME WAY! i'm so delighted my cringe nae nae river-tam-expy science-experiment mary sue is explicitly canon compliant now. this is great. oh my god.
Oh This Will Go Well
oh this is a Cool setpiece that seems very ill-advised
...yep. nicely foreshadowed, too
• HEL FUCKING LO??????? 👁️👄👁️
okay wait on slowmo rewind #4 that's actually the one from before? i'm no less jealous but slightly more confused. xenomorph yuri is still real thank you god 🙏🙌
ohhhhhhh that's why. yeah that makes more sense lol.
oh to be tenderly rescued by a terrifying alien who's only saving my life so they can use my body for their own nefarious ends. who said that
also the bishop echo at the beginning was cute but this one didn't land. you can do better. :\
while we're still on the subject tho: i think we do need an Enemy Mine scenario with a xeno now. the yautja got one with scarlex. it's time. i deserve it
Oh here we go. xenomorph yuri real round 2(????)
honestly this is just an accurate representation of what normal human pregnancy sounds like to me. having a little creature burst out of your ribcage killing you instantly is Vastly preferable tbh
i think this thing is less unsettling than the newborn but only barely. like 0.4% less unsettling. what the fuck
average white man behavior
i like my idea better tbh. Pretty Hair deserves to be monsterified and Final Girl deserves a terrifying mutated alien gf. we could have had it aaaaaaaaalllllll
I DO appreciate the obvious resurrection parallel though. my black sheep most beloved getting the legitimacy & recognition it deserves 😔✊
in conclusion WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK. resurrection and avp will probably always be tied for my favorites and tbh I would rank 2 a little higher as well, but this was solidly middle of the pack which is a gargantuan fucking improvement. the main thing is that it was Actually Recognizably An Aliens Movie which, after the prometheus/covenant nightmare, is honestly the highest praise i can give. thank GOD
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pricegouge · 1 month
Yes! I loved the movie myself even if the ending was predictable. Afterwards I was trying to explain the ending to my friend but also didn't want to spoil it in case they wanted to watch it themselves. I've noticed the endings for the movies follow or call back on the themselves most of the time. But the imagery was great and I even noticed key components from the video game Alien Isolation used as well! I loved Andy in the movie and his relationship with Rain! I loved that this movie really put a platonic relationship in the starlight! It's usually pretty heterosexual relationships that are focused on in this media and I really like to think this could trend with other major films to not have to have the main female/male sexual tension as the forefront as the most important piece of the story line. I'm greatly looking forward to seeing what you plan to write in the future!! I'll be lurking! <3
Yeah, I hope I don't sound like I didn't like I didn't like it because I genuinely did!
It was very referential to the rest of the franchise, wasn't it? The generator switch design being directly from Isolation sent me lol. I'm so glad they did the retrofuturistic design almost exactly like Isolation cause if I'm remembering correctly, Isolation and Rolumus would be within 10 years of each other so it makes sense that the tech/ships would look similar. (Also, god I love that game. Need to replay it.)
Also okay so like... I'm gonna have to agree to disagree with you on the desire for more platonic relationships in movies (sorry). Like, if there's one franchise that needs sex (thematically!), it's the Alien franchise. But! I'm willing to admit that it's my personal preference. I just miss sex in movies. Like, I hear "sexual tension as the forefront as the most important piece of the story line" and I'm like, where? please, I'm begging, where can I find a blockbuster made within the last 20 years that has actual tangible sexual tension? I know I probably sound like I'm being rude but genuinely, please. I'll even take straight sex cause I know that's all I'm going to get but that's fine just please anything except cgi'd bodies and faces hired more for their jawline than their actual ability to portray emotion. I'm on my fucking knees here.
Anyway. Romulus spoilers under the cut!
Okay so I'm a fucking moron who watched the introduction of the (very early) pregnancy and went 'Ah. Miscarriage incoming.' because I know movies very seldom introduce a pregnant lady without having it pay off in either a birth scene at the worst possible time, or a miscarriage happening before the credits roll. And she was not far enough along to have a successful birth and as we all know, the Alien franchise has never strayed from killing fetuses (often violently). So there I was, all smug, thinking I was so clever, and I'm watching as our leads try desperately to keep the pregnant woman safe as CGI Ian Holme talks about the xenomorph's purity and ability to survive and I was like 'Ah. The parallels. I see them. I'm so very clever.'
So you can imagine my surprise when instead we went with the hail Mary Resurrection plot. Felt like an idiot lmao
Anyway, thank you! I love you! Hope I didn't sound mean at all have a good one 💛
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bxckkdoor · 2 months
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best friend ⊹₊ ⋆
SYNOPSIS : when suddenly everything feels simple again when you find yourself back in your childhood hometown with your childhood best friend, soobin. PLAYLIST : best friend - rex orange county ; night changes - one direction PAIRING(S) : childhood best friend!soobin x gender neutral reader WARNING(S) : none ( ? )
꒰ note : missed yesterday's dates? check yeonjun's day over on saku's blog and night dates here !! and if you're back for todays dates, thanks for stopping by again and tuning into our summer !! make sure to check out soobin's day date on saku's blog <3 enjoy !! ꒱
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𖧷 it feels like just yesterday you were studying for the most dreaded time of the year, exam season. but now, your heart is filled with anticipation as you prepare to fly back to your hometown. you finally have come across a well-deserved break. the one thing on your list of things to do when you get home is to see your best friend, soobin. all you can think about as you touch down in your hometown is the last time you were here, leaving him.
he kept all your secrets and made all your memories. he was your other half, your person. truth be told, you don't know when you developed feelings for him, but you did. you could see it coming, of course, you fell for him. the hardest part of leaving for college was knowing that he wouldn't be next door whenever you needed someone to talk to.
𖧷 now, you stand in front of his door with a container full of leftovers your mom packed nicely for him. you knock, and you can hear him unlocking the door. when it swings open, you both stand there. he turns his head slightly to the side and questions if his vision has mistaken him, but he recognizes you immediately when a nervous smile grows on your face. he engulfs you in a big hug, almost knocking you both over.
"oh my god, y/n!! i can't believe you're here right now—fuck, it's been so long!" he hugs you around the waist and squeezes you tighter. he pulls back to look at you, shock evident on his face. you're sure that you share the same expression. his hair is a bit longer and more well-kept than you remember. he still smells like him but with a hint of cedar and cinnamon. the most noticeable change is his height. he was always a little taller than you, but now he towers over you.
"neither can i—wow, you've grown," you nervously giggle. he fidgets with the sleeves of his flannel a bit before stuttering over his words, "uhm, you know, growth spurt. you look really pretty, by the way."
𖧷 "thank you," you can feel your cheeks become red, and you suddenly forget why you were here. "oh! mom wanted me to give you this. she says that it probably won't be as good as your guys' food, but she hopes you like it." you smile again, and he takes the container, thanking you.
"i'm sure it's great; i'll make sure to thank her! do you maybe want to catch up? my mom found our old bikes in the garage. we could take them for a ride? go see our spot?"
the ride there was full of laughs and near crashes into nearby bushes as you made your way to your designated spot. "ow! i keep hitting my knees on the handlebars," he cries out between laughs. you laugh along with him and swerve slightly, your hands weakening from laughter.
𖧷 you finally arrive at the playground that you recognize so well. you kick down the kickstand on your bikes and walk to the rusty swing set, the creaking much louder than you remember. as you swing, conversation flows easily until it slows to peaceful silence before you break it."
it's great to see you. i really hate that i let us fall out of contact, but i'm glad to see you again. i missed your face, your laugh." he smiles at you, and love is practically seeping from his eyes, not that you notice.
"can i tell you something? i think part of the reason i didn't reach is that i figured you didn't feel the same way, so i didn't set myself up to catch more feelings. i mean, they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and i think i'm more in love with you now than i was when you left." you stop swinging and look at him, baffled. "in love? with me?"
𖧷 "you couldn't tell? i thought fixing your hair at the airport before you left was a big enough hint!" your jaw drops as you replay the moment butterflies swarmed in your stomach before the harsh reality of you leaving set in. "i just thought i had hair on my face! oh my god, i hope you aren't as terrible of a flirt now.
"oh, should i prove that i'm not?" he raises his brows at you smugly and reaches his hand out to hold yours as you swing in sync. you throw your head back, laughing at his silly attempt at flirting, but you link your hands nonetheless.
"you're such a loser!"
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taglist : @hyukassubi @lun4kazumii
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lovings4turn · 5 months
sincerest apologiiiiiies for my delay in response too !! i've been sleepy + also i've had this odd-ish !? sinking feeling since this morning but it's a little bit better as of now !!
i so so so appreciate your words of motivation to give me the /pull through/ vibes, which i shall !! no reason to doubt a girl who's barely 5ft, your honour, i **will** pull through !! ALSO I'M SORRY YOU KEEP HAVING TO HEAR ME RAMBLE ABOUT IT !! (and to anyone reading too, i apologise 😔)
ooh, i'm glad to hear that you got in some social time but i also saw you had an early shift today, how did it end up going !? hopefully not too bad ?! also also, did you put something on the burn !? like aloe vera, erm.. hielo - er, ice !! that's the word. i swear i'm not flexing my language skills, my brain truly talks to me in all 6 of those languages and i'm just like "woahh, calm yo arse down, darling."
how have i been ?? erm. great question !! 🤩🤩 i think all has been.. decent ?? nothing extra brilliant and/or noteworthy but also nothing crappy !! just... life lifing. i do just want to go home though, i refuse to deal w/ this weather. HOW HAVE /YOU/ BEEN !? alles goed, liefje !?
annnyway, nice to chat !! love and miss you bunches, liefje !!
OH !! IK HEEFT EEN VRAAG !! what is your favourite thing to make at your shifts !? in terms of fun-ness of making it AND taste wise. this could be two different things !!
whydoitypesm,ohmygosh,itbecomesanessay. 😭 anyways, again !! take care of yourself + stay alive and hydrated and well fed !! yours truly, you know who. NO, NOT VOLDEMORT. DON'T SAY IT. 🤺🤺
a little joke! a man walks into a fruit market and picks up some raspberries, kiwis, melon, and strawberries but upon seeing a mango, he leaves it all behind and leaves the market. why so !? 🤭🤭
i fear all our conversations are going to start with apologies for the delay ,, yet here i am to do exactly that lovely 😭 i'm so so sorry cause i know that feeling is the WORST but i'm so glad y'feeling a little better (and i hope you're feeling much better now!!! or else i will fight the universe!!!)
you will pull through i know it !!! i am actually your number one supporter n have every faith in you love !! and no apologies at ALL are necessary here i assure you <333 rambling gets us all through , sincerely possibly the biggest yapper in the whole world
the early shift was an interesting one !! it's the first time i've started on the opening ,, and the first two and a half hours were actual heaven cause we had barely any customers ,, so i could just dick about a bit and make myself some drinks to wake up , but the mid morning rush killed me because there was only me and my co-worker at the time😭😭
the burn is healing !!! she was ran under so much cold water and covered in some sort of cream , so she's doing well thank GOD (though my hands are now littered in teeny tiny scars from burns and such - the price i pay ig😔) and honestly ?? i wouldn't blame you for flexing the language skills because it impresses me every single time my god
i totally get what you mean and i'm glad nothing awfully bad has happened !!! here's me manifesting that the weather brightens up for you (because i do not know how you deal with it , and that's coming from someone in northern england😭)
it's so , so nice to hear from you again my lovely , and i'm sending you all of the love and joy i can grasp from the universe (which is a lot , trust me) look after yourself n show yourself all of the love and kindness you deserve or else !!!! the whatchamacallits will come out trust !!!!!
AND AAHHH I LOVE THIS QUESTION !!! in terms of general yumminess , i'd have to go for the cinnamon latte because my god it makes the entire shop smell heavenly every single time i have to make one (and i consume at least two every shift) but in terms of fun-ness , i'm a flat white girly all the way !!! getting to make little designs is actually the highlight of my day (i managed to make a bear last shift and the woman it was for was overjoyed)
i've sat here and wracked my brain for so long trying to find this punchline and i'm coming up totally empty - i'm stubborn and refuse to google it , too , so !!! why does he leave the market love !!! i look forward to finding out 🤭🤭🤭
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phrootsnacks · 8 months
jjba thursday: part 4 ep 10-12
today I had to write an email--it gets worse-- asking for a letter of recommendation. but I think the prof I asked actually likes me, altho she scares me, so idk.
man im so jealous I bet josuke never has to write any emails
episode 10 - Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food
ok you already know im a drawfee fan right. and if youre also a drawfee fan you may remember nathan's favorite jjba part is part 4 because after they beat up guys they become friends and they eat italian food. I'd say this part so far hasn't been exactly that? like its been pretty dark? so im excited for them to have a fun time and be friends and eat italian food
this seems like a nice restaurant. and the chef guy also seems normal (*actively choosing to ignore the opening scene*)
what in the bbc sherlock holmes
????? I just. what
"the first people to use tomatoes as a culinary ingredient were the italians" uhhhh????
ok tonio is just kind of an asshole
ratatouille moment
"hey! old buddy old pal! d'you think you could share some of that with your bestie?" I love the dub i dont care what anyone else thinks
this is normal for an italian restaurant I think
whore's pasta????
imagine if the next time you when to they dentist they gave you spaghetti with bitch sauce
this guy is a stand user? no wayyyyy
can't have diarrhea if you don't have organs. but you also need to wash your hands with soap
they really did just eat italian food. wait his stand is named pole jam
episode 11 - Chili Pepper, Part 1
I love josuke's mom
hes in your walls. in your cables. coming out of your tv to talk shit to your face
this electric bird is so gay right
talk shit get hit
oh great I missed koichi telling us what's happening. the show doesn't make it obvious enough
I love jotaro talking shit about old man joseph. its just so matter of fact
"I was here the whole time"
chuck a rock or something
yeah!!! ... ?
wait all this was about killing his dad right. or rehabilitating his dad? what's up with okuyasu's dad now
thank you for the exposition koichi. it was both necessary and greatly appreciated
this is, death note,
"eat shit and die you glorified night light" AHAHAHHA
why are the underground cables so shallow
lololol koichi's reaction and then jotaro going "oh yeah"
peed agon
episode 12 - Chili Pepper, Part 2
electricity can flow through salt water. jotaro, youre a marine biologist. you should know the ocean is salt water. can we please talk about how jotaro is a marine biologist like. what? why? I wanna see jotaro be a marine biologist please
koichi;s stand has a range of 50m what do you MEAN hes gonna help find this guy. 50m is not that far
oh my god I love his design its so silly are you fucking kidding me!!!!
hes 19
oh my god. they are both so sassy
it is pretty sick
"guess im the superstar now, cause i'm gonna rock this loser's world" hey. is it just me or
idk "to rock someone's world" always has a connotation to it to me
this is not anarchism
koichi freaking do something
get put in a tire idiot
oh my god hes melting ahahaha wow
"we" what do you mean "we" . koichi.
how much of joseph's behavior is an act
why did you just. ignore his body
"that deduction stuff is for the birds"
tfw you're tsundere about your dad
stop saying nationalistic fear mongering shit jotaro!!!
wow im so glad they ate some italian food. okuyasu really doesn't like chili peppers. im also getting around to the animation style for this part, at first I didn't like it but its growing on me, and I'm starting to like josuke's design
*update on the email begging for a letter of recommendation* she says it would be a pleasure to write one for me :)
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