#i mean it wasnt planned that one day i will cry because of this show
pixiecaps · 4 months
recapping a bit of what haru said on stream
haru on her stream spoke about how shes had a really awful past five years and all her experiences just from this past year has been incredible. she gave a massive thank you to everyone and that she has no regrets.
“i never imagined i’d be where i am right now and i mean it with all my heart thank you so much. i had a very good time and i hope to have made you guys happy.”
she mentioned that since she was young shes always wanted to make content that makes people happy because she felt the world was missing a lot of love so shes happy to have given the world a piece of her heart. she mentioned how shes met so many incredible people who motivated her to see the good parts of life. to have found even this little bit of sunshine has left her so grateful. she says thank you for all the kindness, all the moments, all the memories, all the words, everything. shes very happy and mentioned this has been a very special experience for her. she reminded her chat that theres always another day and to enjoy life to the maximum, to live, to love, to talk, to hug each other, to be happy always, and that all the beautiful happiness we’ve given her will be returned back to us. she continues to express her gratitude. she mentioned this is one of the most beautiful communities shes ever had the pleasure of meeting in the entire world. she goes on to include the spanish, portuguese, french, english, german, and korean community in that statement.
“there is love in all types of languages and that love needs to be shared.“
she said her words will never be enough to express all her gratitude. she gave a reminder to always keep being kind. her voice falters a couple times from all the emotions. she mentioned shes cried enough and didn’t want to keep crying since she had something to do tomorrow and she didnt wanna have swollen eyes lmao.
she then shares a more personal moment. paraphrasing here.
“after i lost my dad i swear i felt like my life was falling apart. i never thought i’d be able to recover. after that many things happened and in those things, i wasnt destined to meet two people, this is a story i’ll always remember because i wasnt destined to meet these people. … they tell me hey the actor for this little thing didn’t show up and i say no way seriously? tell them to let me be it, tell them please because i want to be with you guys (harus two friends who were apart of the project). and i didnt think they’d agree… and they said yes. and i met two very important people and honestly (starts crying) thank you so much. thank you so much nussa. thanks to you i was able to meet them. i never imagined this would happen i promise you. thank you nussa. it means a lot to me that you decided to put me (into the leo spot). the only major thing in my life, i started being so happy, i started enjoying all the moments in my life as if it were the last, thanks to all this i’m here. and could meet you all. such a beautiful community.” she goes on to keep thanking nussa while crying and saying it was written in the stars. she goes on to say that shes gonna tell this as a story some day to her family, who doesnt know what she does or that she streams, and she’ll tell them about all of this with so much care and love. shes very thankful to have learned so much english and more about so many different cultures. she again reiterates shes very happy.
she also teases that she wants to go to brazil!!!! which… might be soon… and that theres little things being planned so hopefully if all goes well…👀 (an egg admin meetup would go so hard)
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
aqua. aqua the. the chapter. aqua. ohooohm my gosh. th. if. if he cant have. the sun. he'll learn to love his shadow. ohhhhm y gosh. i i wasnt expecting a chapter for. like. forever, literally began to cry as i saw that there was a new chapter outta nowhere!!!!?!?!?!!??!!???!!!!! i am deranged. also. also etho loves. he loves the jungle. his. his favorite biome is the jungle. his favorite biome is the jungle it's one singular passing line but my attention has fixed onto it. h. he lov,es th,,e jungle,,,, its!! pathbubs crumbs!!!! i miss them!!! once again you've absolutely outdone yourself <3
ahem, back to normal- first off, i was wondering if you had any plans to implement angst regarding timmy finding out that bravo thinks of him as like, the second-best version of him? because while 'if he cant have the sun, he'll learn to love its shadow' could be quite sweet its also heeeeelllllllla toxic on bravos part. for timmy to find out that bravo thinks he's jimmy's lesser version and that he's only helping him/being friends with him/having a relationship with him because bravo couldn't have jimmy and is settling would be an Absolute punch to the gut... i mean timmy already has enough misery and trauma looming over him about to strike (please let my boy be okay in the end <3 i am... very worried. if jimmy is my son then timmy is my favorite traumatized nephew whomst i will shower with gifts and candy) but y'know,, just somethin to think about :)
oh! Also! you already have so many tasty parallels in htp (seriously, i am unhinged, as to say i am No Longer Connected To The Door Frame), but at the point where jimmy and tango were being restrained and jimmy mentioned almost choking on blood and then that he should've killed himself to spawn back at the ranch, i was totally thinking you'd parallel how tango escaped hels tek with jimmy choking on the blood,,,,,, then again, maybe the parallel went unfilled because jim's in a much more hopeful situation than tango was- a bunch of lethal and very pissed friends to defend him, nice home, etc.. yeah. And one more thing: kudos and applause and hip hip hoorays that you didn't choose to implement misunderstandings and have Jimmy even once doubt Tango or stop fighting for him. I for one have had quite enough of misunderstandings just for the sake of drama, and although tango's not the best at communicating, he's got unresolved trauma, and jimmy, thank the stars, does not jump to conclusions and instead trusts Tango and waits until more information is revealed. thank you so, so much for that. we love healthy relationships here <3 (*looks at bravo and timmy*)
Amazing writing as always, hope my deranged ramblings were at least clear to read, and i hope you have a stellar day! 💫✨⭐️
SAAAAALT THANK U i’m so glad u enjoyed it. the fact that etho’s favorite biome is the jungle is my favorite fun fact abt him bc then bdubs went and got all jungle-possessed in s5 and it just works SO well together :3
oh don’t you worry about the upcoming timmy angst. there will be Plenty. it will get worse before it gets better.
PARALLELS. YES. i’m always looking for opportunities to throw those in and it’s nice when they get picked up on.
and YEAH see i felt like if some total stranger showed up and accused tango of all these horrible things, it wouldn’t make sense for jimmy to believe him? and especially not the hermits, who’ve known tango for nearly ten years at this point. so really, the only one taking bravo’s words to heart is tango. he might not have been very mentally present but you best believe he heard every word :)
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schizopositivity · 2 years
Hey so like
The only times I've ever really heard people talk about schizophrenia being hard is how others are affected by it, how it's "creepy/bad/evil/scary", etc
Can you talk about the stuff that's been really difficult for you in your personal experience without it just being through the lens of how it affects others?
Thank you :)
this is gonna be a long one cause schizophrenia is very complex so im gonna break it down by symptoms and how it affects me
TW: demon, self harm, suicide attempts, csa/sa mention, death mention, delusions
•hallucinations: these were at their worst when i wasnt on antipsychotics when i was a teenager, would see little monsters running around that made me really afraid and question reality. but what i most commonly saw/felt/heard wad this demon thing that was sorta representive of a grim reaper. it would tell me that self harming would help me and i listened. it made me really scared and sad all the time. this went on for about a year and i didnt tell anyone. it had a grip on my shoulders and followed me around all the time. i cant stress enough how scared it made me. sometimes it would get loud and id panic and black out, and then get "woken up" by my mom shed find me hiding and shaking under a table. it told me i had to end my own life and i attempted twice, one of the times required hospitalization and after a psych ward (which finally got me on the antipsychotics i needed). since then the hallucinations have calmed down and i dont see the demon anymore but i do hear similar things, now i just try my best to ignore it. its more annoying than scary. like feeling a poke on my shoulder at work and having to not react cause the stigma of showing symptoms. or like seeing scary faces in everyday things and just being like "huh weird" or hearing very mean or threatening things and thinking "thats obviously not actually what im thinking, id never do something like that", hallucinations still suprise me all the time especially the first few seconds of it, but now i have the experience where i can ignore it after that
•delusions: the biggest delusion i have that i still have to this day is very much influenced by my trauma of being the victim of csa and sa literally too many times to count, i truly believe that i was made to be abused and it will happen for the rest of my life, no matter what people tell me i always will not fully trust people and think they will abuse me at any moment, when people look at me i think they are planning how to abuse me, this is such a deeply held belief and it causes me anxiety and triggers my cptsd. it makes me feel very exposed and inhuman like a piece of meat it sucks. some other delusions ive had are that im the reincarnation of kurt cobain and that im gonna be rich and famous with no plans on how to make that happen. these felt good when i was in them and horrible when i snapped out of it. i kinda miss them.
•avolition: i struggle with this a lot. i have to be told to do tasks otherwise i dont do them. i never know when or how to do daily tasks. even if i can recognize that something has to be done i have no clue what steps to take to complete that task. like when i was the only one running the nursery at a spiritual center and id see kids crying id think "someone should do something about that" even though its me that has to do something. i struggle to maintain personal hygeine, do house chores or take care of my cats. if im not directly told to do it ill just let it fester. i do well at my job because im always told exactly what to do and how to do it. this symptom makes me feel lazy, childish and stupid. because of this i dont think ill ever be able to live on my own. i am dependent on other people to show or tell me what to do to take care of myself, my house and my cats.
•flat affect: this symptom makes me feel broken. like when my favorite grandpa died and i couldnt cry. it made me question my love for him. im constantly questioning my own feelings (even though im feeling them) just because my face and voice dont match what im feeling. ive fully thought that im unfeeling or unhuman because of this. i also get accused of lying a lot because of my flat affect. and i hate being accused of lying cause when i defend myself they dont believe me and there no winning.
•anhedonia: this really sucks. i used to really love doing art and playing guitar and now it feels like a chore. this is loss of pleasure in things that used to make you happy. it just makes me sad and feel like theres nothing i can do to change it. this makes me feel hopeless and useless.
•memory loss: i forgot most of what happened this year like valentines day with my partner (my first valentines day with a partner), my birthday, my partners birthday, my friends birthdays, i forgot them all and i feel like a terrible person because of it. this makes me feel dumb and careless. but i do care so much but i just cant remember so much important events. this also shows itself in smaller ways, forgetting what ive said to people, forgetting what ive bought, forgetting the last sentance ive read in a book so often that it makes reading nearly impossible.
•prosopagnosia: i cant recognize faces and mix them up often. this shows itself most with celebreties i constantly mix them up or think two different people are one person. i also dont always recognize my own face and i feel like a stranger to myself.
•consintration issues: i have a lot of trouble consintrating on things unless they are intresting to me, which because of anhedonia is not much. its hard for me to hold conversations with people and stay in focus. i feel like a terrible person when im not able to focus or remember what people have said.
•thinking issues: i have trouble thinking clearly a lot. its either i have too many thoughts at the same time, or my thoughts feel slow or empty. this makes me feel stupid.
•speach issues: i have trouble talking a lot of time. ill think im responding but im silent. it makes me feel mean and careless. when i do talk its usually short sentances. i very rarley actually talk a lot even to people im close to.
•fatigue/impaired motor function: i need so much rest in between activities just to function. i feel lazy a lot of the time. i also sometimes have trouble with normal motor function like sometimes when im walking it turns shaky and uncoordinated.
•amnesia: this showed itself most before i was on antiosychotics, when id black out often and find myself hiding under something. now it doesnt show up as much. this makes me feel confused and unaware of what i was doing or how i was acting when i was blacked out.
•isolation/social withdrawl: this showed itself more before i was on antipsychotics. i believed that everyone i knew was plotting against me and i had to be alone to stay safe. i now know thats not true but i still struggle to keep in touch with friends and family. most of the time ill see a text and completely forget to reply and people think im ignoring them. this once again makes me feel careless and mean. i really do care about the people in my life but i just have trouble staying connected.
theres probably more that i forgot but this is what comes off the top of my head. most of the struggles of schizophrenia affect me and not other people.
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endious · 1 year
imma be real with you im in love with the idea of what liu COULD be but have never cared to actually look into his story or whatever SO ? we are going based off vibes my twisted mind has created. whether it makes sense or not or isnt “liu” or whatever I DONT CARE ! i havent put any dedication or thought into any character besides jeff LMFAO so i am struggling to grasp my idea of liu’s character. i’ll def work on it though in the future methinks
liu has aggressive moments with you. he doesnt exactly mean to be so rough but its so damn difficult when you refuse to talk to him or when you stare for too long at the stitches and scars on his face. stop staring at him like that. stop it. stop.
it’s a red blur for him when he becomes someone he “isnt”. your cries, begs for forgiveness and apologies falling from your lips breaks his heart after he’s calmed down and all that’s left is broken objects, his knuckles bare and bloody and your body trembling on the floor and shaking with sobs as you tell him you’re sorry over and over like a broken record. it hurts liu to see you like that, it wasnt him that did it.. it couldn’t be him. liu wasnt like that. that had to be someone else— sully is who he called his bursts of anger. maybe he really did become a totally different person when provoked like his brother would claim way back in the past. maybe he really did morph into a monster from time to time but it was not liu and dont you ever try to say it was. just nod your head and agree to whatever he says because its best that way. things always go smoothly when you obey and comply and he’s happy when you do so why dont you just stay that way.
liu tries to hold you often at night and gets irritated when you tense up or try to pull away from his eerily warm touch. “it’s just me. why are you so scared?..” it takes a lot to run his patience out too. he wants to give you multiple chances to fix your mistakes and he wont immediately bash your head into the closest object like jeff would. liu likes to claim he is very caring, just like mom always was towards him. he’s trapped in his own sick fantasy of living a happy life with you to the point where he will ramble to you about all of his thoughts and ideas and plans for you to the point where it makes your skin crawl over some of the things he’s said. one time he mentioned wanting to cut a piece of your hair off so he could smell it and be reminded of you when he’s not with you. another time he said he wanted to slice off some of your skin and keep it forever so it’s like you’re always with him when he has to leave. and another time he whispered how badly he wanted to cut your stomach open, pull your guts out and crawl inside of you. it’s insane the terrible things he’s said and thought were surely “romantic” but only left you sleepless and fearful for your life.
liu plays this pretend dream on loop and it’s best if you go along with it. accept his “love”, accept his thoughtful “gifts”, accept and thank him for keeping you “protected” from the bad men that want to take you from him. you’ll start spiraling too along with him. as much as you fight it and try to stay determined on keeping your sanity, it’s difficult when a man that pretends to be sane and shows you twisted acts of affection starts to make your mind slip a little deeper into that darkness with each passing day chained up in a bedroom of a unfamiliar home. and how giddy he feels when you start to give in to his touches and words. but if you tried to get away? if you managed to escape his tight grip on your life? you’re a dead fucking girl because liu will cry and scream in agony for days before anger boils over in his veins and it wont be liu who finds you, oh no it will be sully who begins his mission of retrieving the lost little lamb who led herself astray in the dangerous dense woods.
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bish-0-p · 2 years
yet again thinking about jason todd and frankenstein’s monster parallels
“But it is true that I am a wretch. I have murdered the lovely and the helpless; I have strangled the innocent as they slept and grasped to death his throat who never injured me or any other living thing...You hate me, but your abhorrence cannot equal that with which I regard myself.”
i truly don’t think jason likes killing. he isn’t someone who gets pleasure from the killing itself, but rather what it would mean for other people. in batman: urban legends, he has a breakdown after he kill’s tyler’s father. killing does nothing but hurt jason, but he does it anyways because he thinks that’s all he can do.
“My work is nearly complete. Neither yours nor any man's death is needed to consummate the series of my being and accomplish that which must be done, but it requires my own. Do not think that I shall be slow to perform this sacrifice.“
i really think jason has suicidal ideation. i mean, he wears a helmet with an actual bomb in it. not to mention, he rigged the building he chose for the batman/joker confrontation. i don’t think he planned on making it out.
“Polluted by crimes and torn by the bitterest remorse, where can I find rest but in death?“
i think once the anger fades, jason is just left empty. he wasnt catatonic only because of his traumatic brain injury. when he escaped the hospital and started living on the streets, it was a half-life. he was surviving, but he wasnt living. with the league of assassins, he defended when he was attacked. that was it, according to ra's. but in one scene (red hood: lost days) talia speaks to jason about bruce and he starts crying. it tells me that he's disassociating because of the trauma that he faced, through his death and subsequent rebirth. it isnt until hes thrown into the pit that hes shocked back in, because one emotion breaks past that wall he built up: anger. he is consumed by his anger. its the only thing driving him through most of under the red hood now i thoroughly believe that jason isn't the "lose control" kind of angry person. when he's angry, he gets dangerous. jason is so hypercompetent and it really shows in lost days and under the red hood. he is an amazing tactician. but take that anger away, and what are you left with?
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Angsty thought of the day; being Mavericks daughter that he neglected growing up because he was too busy prioritising Bradley and being there for Bradley growing up, not realising he's abandoned his own daughter. Once they've gone of to college, they stop talking to him and go no contact, sick and tired of being disappointed by him. Years later and she's rhe doctor on base at Top Gun and all the pilots have to go through their physicals once their back from the uranium mission to be given the all clear. The first one up is Rooster, who was once her best friend, during the exam they chat and catchup and towards the end Rooster asks about her relationship with Maverick and she explains she didn't have one, that he made his choice when they were kids and it wasnt her but she didnt blame Rooster, she never did afterall he was only a kid himself and it wouldn't be fair to blame him. When its time for Mavericks physical, she quiet the entire time no matter how much Maverick tries to talk to her, at the end of the physical he asks what he did wrong and she snaps "you abandoned me. I was four years old and you abandoned me. I get Bradley lost his dad and I get that was tough, but why did that mean I had to loose mine?" Hes confused at first and she rolls her eyes "It was always about Bradley, always. I had a dance recital, oh you couldn’t go because Bradley had little league. I had a competition, sorry but Bradley has a game. At 7 years old I had to deal with my mothers death by myself because you were too busy with Bradley, you didn't rven arrange the funeral Aunt Carol did that. And no matter what I did, how good I was at something it was never enough because I wasnt him." She storms out after that and refuses to talk to him, heading home and breaking down completely. Maverick then speaks to Rooster when they're working in the hanger and Rooster agrees with everything she said and even points out "Mav you have all those photos of me up but you have none of her. Its like she doesn't even exist to you" Rooster then leaves, showing up at her door with wide arms and a shoulder to cry on, while Maverick tried to come up with a plan to reconcile your relationship
ooh ooh ooh, we love the angsty thought of the day so much dear anon!! the wonderful thing about this is that i can totally see this slipping into canon universe of tgm, because you’re right mav has a million and one photos of bradley yet none of you.
you would feel able to cry on bradley’s shoulder because he understands what it’s like to loose both his parents and you lost both of yours, physically and figuratively speaking.
ugh i love this concept so much dear anon, thank you so much for this!! as always, i’m in absolute awe that you send me these, for free!! 💌💖
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Shoot Day 3
Category:- Coursework Development/ Production
Since originally we had only planned to shoot for 2 days, we were only given permission for 2 days. So I ended up talking to our media sir as well as our coordinator to come up with a date. This was particularly hard due to the events that were happening, the camera was being utilized there and so the availability of that as well as the studio became an issue. We couldn’t get the confirmation until the next day and an hour before we planned on shooting. I informed both Rhythm and Jiya about the possibility of the same and told them to be prepared for both scenarios. It was particularly difficult managing this and getting confirmation so late because we could use the equipment only for a limited time and being efficient with time was very important. Since I live far, I left way before I got the confirmation because if there was a chance that we could film that day I didn’t want to be late. It was particularly hard for rutvi as she lives also far from school and she had to leave early. Since Rhythm is young, I told her mother not to drop her off I got the confirmation and since she did live closer to school it was also easy for her and we did not have much delay because of it. She was also a littke under the weather and wasnt attending school but was still going to show up to the shoot, I told her to send in a mail to her class teacher and the coordinator about the same. Jiya didn’t want to leave before the confirmation but said she was packed and ready just in case we got the confirmation. I was halfway to reaching school and that is when I got the confirmation.  I quickly updated the group, i told Jiya and Rhythm to leave.
I reached school and helped Aaryaa set up the camera to get it ready by then rhythm had reached and so we went to the front gate to escort her to the studio. I went over her role with her what she had to do and stuff. A little while after we had Jiya come in I helped her get dressed. Since the other groups had also used the studio there were a couple of their props left and so rutvi cleaned that up and arranged the set roughly in the way that it was. I helped aaryaa set up the camera and then we started filming.
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We had Samarth manage the lights and have the blue light turned off on cue. I would give the subtle cue to rutvi and she would clap and that would be Samarth’s cue since he had to be in the adjacent room and it was hard for him to hear from a distance. I left Jiya alone for a while to get back in the zone while we set up. We did ots of both, a two-shot and a vertigo shot. We didn’t want to play with the light like we did last year but honestly, it fits the scene very well. removing the blue light and having that switch to just red lights added to the scene not only visually but also symbolically. Red means danger it creates this level of fear that perfectly indicated Isha’s emotions at that moment. The two shot and both the ots went really well and smoothly. I had told Rhythm that we required her to cry during this scene and to help her tear up she used eyedrops and Jiya as she went into the zone started tearing up. Our both two-person shots and the ots shots were relatively easy and quick to film. I just kept on guiding rhythm to pull on Jiya’s dress and make large movements and to tell Jiya to squeeze the cup hard at different moments. The vertigo shot was hard to execute as it required swift and quick movements. Aaryaa tried doing it by herself but it wasn’t as swift as we wanted so we had her sit on the chair and I rolled it while she handled the zoom. This worked way better but still took a couple more tries but we got it by the end. After that, we thanked Rhythm and had Samarth drop her at the gate where her mother would then pick her up.
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We had one last insert shot that we wanted to shoot for the newspaper that we made for the in-library scene that we missed shooting. So, we quickly had Jiya change. Originally, we thought we would need Jaden but luckily we were able to take film it in a way without him. I just asked her to walk in sit down open her book and then put the newspaper that was at the top of the book in the bag we took 2 takes for this as in the first one Jiya hurried to do it made it look like she was hiding something but I wanted it to be more subtle and wanted Vivan to notice and so we took another take which was perfect the way we wanted and with this we completed our shoot.
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faennara · 5 years
Can we blame Steven for not wanting to talk about his feelings to the cg ?
Those times i’ve been relating with Steven thoughts in the last episode. Obviously he needs to talk about it, but why doesn’t he want the crystal gems to hear it?
I think it’s because he doesn’t trust them in an emotional way. We’ve been seeing since the beginning of the show and even until now that the gems takes everything at face value (i’m sorry if that’s not the right expression djskfj). We even saw it for this episode. Steven was obviously not okay and had a lot on his mind, Pearl noticed something was wrong, but when Steven said everything’s fine (even tho we can see it isn’t), Pearl and the rest of the cg are like “okay, have fun with your plants”. They clearly cannot totally understand humans emotions, and so Steven’s, and he knows it, and that’s why he doesn’t want to talk about it. Plus, he is annoyed that, even if he does talk to the cg, it won’t help.
“I can’t tell Pearl how I feel ‘cause she’ll blame herself and spiral out of control” Instead of the wanted situation of Pearl helping Steven, it will be Steven helping Pearl. And i’ll understand if he is tired of dealing with that, especially with his actual emotional situation.
“I don’t want any more high and mighty advices from Garnet, I just want to know better for once.” Here, he will just feel down. Obviously Garnet will help, but not the way he wants. Garnet will tell him what to do according to what she sees in the future, about what she wil know. But that’s not what Steven wants, he wants an answer coming from her heart, not the future. He needs no hear sweet words that will cheer him up, not what to do according to Garnet’s knowledge about the future.
“And i’m so sick of Amethyst acting like she’s so mature now” Okay this time is a bit weird because it talks about how Amethyst became. (That’s a bit hurtful, isn’t it with Amethyst that Steven had the most compatibility?) And he doesn’t seem to like it. How could he talk about something private to a person he does not appreciate 100%? We know She is her family. But imagine your closest yet younger member of your family change a bit? Like your little brother thinking he is now an adult and that he can solve every problem while he is just 14. That would be a bit annoying in a long period (trust me it is).
Steven knows the cg more than anyone and that’s why he knows he cannot talk about his feelings to them.
But i’m curious if he will even talk to somebody.. Connie perhaps? Everything around Steven is changing and moving, he feels left out, stuck in the 14-years-old-steven’s work which is to help gems and protect the Earth. And he doesn’t know who he is without that work. Lars is going back to space, Sadie has a new partner (rly lovely btw) and the band is breaking up. He is scared of what is going to happen for him, he is scared of becoming left out, useless and lonely (*coughing* spinel). Please give this boy a hug.
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Optimus with an artist human s/o
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I must do the drawing is your always mood
But with art block half the time your chucking your shit out the window
He was there to actually pick up Jack, because Arcee was out on a mission with bulkhead you skipped class so you sat there sketching him, bee, and wheeljack
Couldn't get the grill right so you oh so casually went up and rubbed your hand against it
"Oh...so in....that looks right..."
Taking pictures for reference
"Can I help you-" "oh shit-"
It was just jack
"Sorry was taking refrence photos. Is this your truck?" "Uh...yeah..." "Can I get and interior shot?" "Maybe another day?"
Ayo Optimus not noisy but he kinda wanted to see them drawings
Turns out Arcee was out longer than expected and the next day you were there again and so was he because Jack was so nice and let you take some refrence photos of the outside you slipped a drawing through the open window with a thank you note and went about you way.
Hah. Not Knockout and breakdown thinking your an ally to the autobots and basically snatching you like they snatchin someones weave
"Ayo can I draw you-" "Bitch im litterally kidnapping you" "....okay so can I take some ref picks atleast? Please?" "...well shit you said please"
Not you having fun being kidnapped
"Damn I look good. Whats your name human?" "Y/n" "and why is such a fabulous artist with the autobots?" "The who?"
Oh. You- oh...oh shit.....
Not knockout dropping you off at your house and grtting your # ya'll buddies now
You despite being kidnapped for two days just show up again randomly and walk up to Jack.
"Yeah can I see the inside your truck no pictures no anything, just. Real quick?" "Sure?"
Oh shit your sitting in a transformer.
"Okay I know about your talking alien car that transformers into a huge robot"
Bam friends now now you go to the base everyday
Ratchet wasnt very Happy till he realized you were just extremely quiet. And YES he could work in peace
Often you sketch the autobots forms.
"Wow! Thats real detailed!" "Holy shit miko-"
You often let her go through your sketch book.
"This is a lot of-" "Shhhhh"
It was alot of Optimus: you dont know why to be honest it was like he your comfort person to draw
You've probably had every expression of his in your books, sketches of...well everything.
Mhmm those hip sketches somethin else dude
"I made my first art based Tarot card deck!"
Smokescreen realizes there based off them and is obsessed with his tarot card desgin (the sun card because come on its Smokescreen)
Optimus even compliments you on them and ask you about them you happily explain them to him
You tell him you based him in the Justice card and told him it was pretty explaintory
He told you he was honored that you seen him such a light, and there you go getting all flustered and complimenting him back
Arcee wants to know why shes the hanged man but your too busy being flustered
Now often he'll wander up behind you looking over your shoulder why you sketch away.
"What are you drawing today y/n-" "Ah! nothing! Nothing at all! Hah! Ha...."
Not more optimus hip images: they're just too fine not to draw
Despite being well Optimus he's very innocent and would simply see them as anatomy drawings
But they aint....you know that
For that reason: you refused to draw Optimus (or his hips) anymore and now your crying inside but tiding to have will power
HOT ANIME GUY POWER; drawing hot anime guys to leed your mind occupied but you just make Human Prime and your crying and screaming without the s.
Miko, knows because you forgot your bag at her house one time
"Damn man you got it bad." "I know..."
Luckily ratchet sees Vaule in your skills and ask you to draw out invention plans you say yes immediately
With Ratchet asking for help your around the base more often, sketching out plans for him
Which means you and Optimus talk alot more
He finds your conversations relaxing
You often fall asleep at the small table, after finishing plans and starting on your own work, usually homework
So that means he sees your litrle fifth grade crush drawings, you know with lopsided hearts and all luckily you know better to draw Human like alien robots in your notebook so he only sees the O + F/i surronded in hearts
He doesnt know why but now he's gotta talk to you more: its a now or never situation.
"Y/n-" "It wasnt me!-" "would you like to go home to rest?" "Um. Yeah that sounds great"
Optimus now drives you home everyday, and picks you up from school instead of you just riding with Bee and Raff
Litterally a dream come true on your part and on his part
Is it akward silence? Or do you both just think its awkward silence making it more awkward
Asking Ratchet to describe how the iacon archives use to look and sketching it out and giving it to Optimus
"Im not sure I got the file cases right. I had Ratchet describe the your world to me as best I could.
It was perfect to him, and he thanked you for it, it never leaves his glove box
Usually because your an artist your dressed in clothes that have paint stains, perhaps the back of your shirt is hand painted or your old converse.
Yet you had a presentantion you had to get dressed up for, for school, in a knitted pencil like skirt and a knitted sweater with some boots
He couldnt pick you up or drive you to school that day so Wheeljack went with you instead and Smokescreen picked you up
Not wheeljack bragging trying to get Optimus to confess that you look rather hot that day.
Turns out when Optimus returned to base he'd be blown away by your change in outfit.
"How'd it go!"
"All the energon secured. There was no doubt after all!" Wheeljack laughed, "Right Optimus."
You looked at him with such a big smile and eyes he only nodded with a smile
Wheeljack drove you home: saying the boss was tired and just like he had hoped you left your bag in his back seat
Now Miko and Wheeljack both have the power to tease you
Not Optimus seeing where you work and creating a holo form to go and see you
"Hm? Y/n?" The employee asked, "Yeah shes in right now there doing a study. Come on I'll take you there."
When he said study he thought idk maybe like with a book. Not figure studies, you know the ones where your naked
So he was not expecting to walk in with people surrounding you as you sat laid on a couch with a thin sheet covering your lower hips down, top bare and a hand propping your head up.
Poor baby had to stand there for twenty mintues attempting not to stare at you
But time was called and you got up going to dress again.
"Ayo n/n." "Hm?" "This guys here for you."
You only smiled hoping it was an art scout as you apologized for your current state and fixed yourself.
"Hello Im Y/n!" "I...I know..."
Voice sounded oddly familiar
"Do...I know you from....Wait a mintue!"
Pretty easy to figure it out, "stay there!"
He only listened as you rushed to your bag, flipping through the pages of one of your sketch books and lifted it up besides him.
"I believe Orion- would be a better choice sounds more human."
Your weezing; hes evern prettier as a human
"I had no idea...you could..." "its older technology but works well." "Ah... I see..."
Thank god for being 18...primus hes just so pretty
"Um...I have to go pick up my work bag...do you wanna come along?"
Not you guys having a moment in the locker room where you told each other your feelings.
Making out in the locker room super softly? Absolutely.
Making out in his Alt form? Even a bigger yes, especially if hes dropping you off at your house
But its best to keep it a secret
Miko and Wheeljack notices that the teasing doesnt get to Y/n anymore and Miko realizes you stopped drawing Optimus and some human guy now. What a bummer
They realize Optimus does seem to have a much brighter glow to him, and he always lightly smells like something fimilar.
*cough* your perfume *cough*
"Is Y/n okay?" "What would be the problem?" "Shes always in a daze these days."
It true, drawings and plans you offered to help ratchet draw out are completed but sometimes you dont even remember drawing them or the process.
"Hmm? Yeah....I don't really care....whatever you want Miko." "Um Im jack and Im asking for the science text book back." "What!? Oh- sorry!"
"Ah Miko! Isnt the world so bright today!" "Its raining outside Y/n-" "Lets go run in it!" "What-"
You've never been so happy, even around finals your kicking your feet like a schook girl
It causes everyone great fear,
Not Optimus sneaking out of base to help you sneak out of your house so you guys can go have fun in some forest.
Refused to go into your room, its your private space but you convinced him anyways and well...its chaotic organization.
You show him around, pointing out things to him that your super proud of.
Ends in you guys on your bed trying to be quiet as you laugh with each other.
Falling asleep in his arms for the first time is wonderful
Not he leaving a jacket behind for you to wear and you do just around the house it did have the autobot insignia on it after all.
Sleeping prime refrence photos if you wake up before he has to leave
Can dance surprisingly well, and he'll go dancing with you in abanded parking buildings
You couldnt find a more perfect boyfriend
Finds a way to go to every art gallery your in.
You often do peices based on the bots and there stories, like a verbal reference
Some of your paintings worry him: you always reassure him you cant always have a happy peice but your happy to have him
Old people think your both just the sweetest couple
Until your parents pull up and your not a couple anymore, you try and keep it a secret from everyone and ya'll manage
Your parents like him upon introductions that you are both friends
Your dad's actaully a greek philosopher, and gets along very well with Optimus, he did introduce himself as Orion after all.
Life is good for the both of you
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dr4cking · 3 years
Birthday Boy.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | fluff |
a/n : we love spoiling our ferret boy and thank you for requesting! <3
y/n look up at the clock hanging on her bedroom wall. its 12am sharp, confirming the next date has arrived, which means that it's June 5 now.
she was feeling excited and nervous as she finishes wrapping up the present that she will give to one of her best friends, draco malfoy.
they had been best friends for long years, it started in 2nd year and became inseparable since then and now they both are already graduated.
as they grew up they often flirted with each other, always got jealous when the other see another person.
they both knew that they always wanted to be 'more'. the sexual tension between the two is becoming too hard to ignore, but they were too scared to ruin their friendship.
she stood in front of her mirror, taking the last look at herself. she decided to dress up, it was a special day after all.
she wore a dark green satin dress because draco's favorite color is green and paired it up with silver heels. she had decided to put black lingerie underneath her dress incase 'it' happens.
she had asked her parents to let her stay in malfoy manor today so she can celebrate draco's birthday. and because their parents know each other too, they let her stay there.
she swishes her wand and in a second she was apparated to malfoy manor hall, it was really dark but she still managed to found his bedroom, she knocks softly on his door not wanting to wake his parents.
the door opened, revealing the blonde-haired guy who stood straightly with a genuine smile on his face.
draco is wearing his usual black suit which always making him look hotter than he already is.
she feels her heart will going to jump out of its place at any second when she cant take her eyes off of him.
"you came," he said as he greeted and taking her hand in his guiding her in. they both sit at the edge of his bed.
"of course, i wouldnt miss my best friend's birthday, making sure i was the first celebrating your birthday." she laughed softly making draco chuckle.
"you look so beautiful in that dress, love. green really suits you.”
draco once again take her hand in his and brought it to his lips and kiss it, making her cheeks heated at his action and the nickname he just called her.
"here, happy birthday draco." she placed the gift in his hand.
his eyes lit up and he immediately opens it, making y/n getting more nervous waiting for his reaction.
"oh merlin! this is so cool y/n!! i love it so much!"
he took out the black ring that had a snake symbol carved in it from its place and put it on his ring finger, taking a look and admiring it.
"i’m so glad you like it, draco! i wasnt sure what to get you then i remembered you've been looking at this ring when we passed the store last week"
"thank you so much y/n!! you dont have to do this i appreciate it so much, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, love."
he pulls her by her waist and kisses her forehead, thanking her.
no one has ever treated him like the way she does and he's so grateful to have someone like her in his life.
"aww stop it draco or i will cry in front of you now" she laughs, nudging his elbow making him laughs too but he suddenly stopped and looking at his lap.
"whats wrong, dray? are you okay? did i do something wrong?" she asks worriedly tilting his chin making him looking up at her.
"i'm afraid that i have to say this, y/n..” he takes a big sigh looking into her eyes.
“what is it? tell me i wont judge, draco”
“i- i think i’m in love with you, y/n. no! i know that i am in love with you, i have always been."
he inhales deeply and broke the eye contact, looking anywhere but her eyes, knowing his sudden confession would make him lost her this instant.
"draco, look at me" y/n said as she tilts his chin again making him look at her.
"oh god.. i’m sorry y/n i shouldnt have said that! i was just- its just i- i cant hold it anymore y/n. i need to get this out of my chest and now look, i just ruined us"
"oh draco.. you're not ruining anything, quite the opposite actually, you just made the right move, i'm in love with you too, idiot, always have been."
she chuckles and cupped his face in her hands, pressing both of their foreheads, looking at each other causing a shy smile to appear back on his face.
he tilted his head and wasting no time to smashed his lips on hers, kissing her passionately, showing her how much he loves her which she gladly returned with the same passion.
he put one of his hands on her throat and the other on her waist pulling her closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged softly on his hair making him moan into the kisses.
as the kiss turning into a full makeout, he lays her down to his bed, resting both of his hands on the side of her head still kissing her hungrily.
his suit already thrown out on the floor and her heels too. she snapped back to reality and realizing what is gonna happen then flipping their position over and now she is on top of him straddling him.
"let me do all the work draco, today is all about you, wanna make this special and a night to remember, let me make you feel good, love."
she slowly grinding against him after earning eager nods from him, both of them let out a moan at the feeling.
then she gets down and started to unbuckle his belt, kissing his growing tent and palming him through his trousers causing him to squirmed under her touch.
getting excited she pulls his trousers and boxers down, throwing them somewhere as draco's hard swollen cock sprang free and standing tall in front of her, begging for attention.
she moans at the pretty sight, licking her lips, craving to feel him. she runs her fingers around him and placing soft kisses on his inner thighs before going up to the part he needed the most.
draco let out a throaty groan when y/n finally take his hard cock in her hands pumping him, his body jolted out as he feels y/n kitten lick his tip, his hand founding its way to her hair.
she looks up to him with innocent eyes who already watching her movements, she smiles and took his balls in her mouth making draco instantly moan her name, his other hand gripped on the sheets.
then she pulls out to rest her jaw and lick a straight line on his cock from the base to the tip then going all in, his cock feels so heavy and full in her mouth, draco is already a moaning mess.
"fuck y/n- feels so g-good.." her name repeatedly left his lips like a prayer as he keeps moaning her.
she bobbed her head up and down at a steady pace, hollowing her cheeks and pulling draco deeper each time she suck him.
"yes y/n, just like that, fuck.. feels so fucking good"
she swirls her tongue around his length, sucking on his tip and taking him back inside her mouth again, her hand pumping the rest of his cock that she couldnt fit in her mouth at the same pace making sure that part got pleasures too.
he bucked his hips accidentally making her gagged and choked out, saliva dripping off her mouth and eyes watering.
"shit i’m sorry y/n!" he said as he watches her struggling.
"do that again, draco."
y/n replied as she took him back inside her mouth, and hand still stroking his cock. draco groaned and buck his hips again, making her gagged and moaning at the same time, the vibration sending him near to his high.
she noticed his cock twitched in her mouth and begin to suck faster and deeper, her hand move to his balls and massaging them helping him reach his high.
he let out a low scream of her name as he shots his warm liquids down to her throat, his legs are shaking. y/n moaned and pulls him out showing draco that she swallowed all of his cum. he smirked and mutters a 'good girl' to her.
"how was it, draco?" she asks him smirking as she slowly sat up and straddling him again.
"fuck.. you have no idea y/n.. that was amazing, the best i ever had" he replied as he still catching his breath.
she smiles at him and takes off her dress slowly showing draco her black lingerie. his pupils widened at the view in front of him.
"god y/n.. you are insanely gorgeous, you look so hot in this lingerie, darling. are you preparing all of this for me? planning all of this cause you know this is going to happen, yeah?"
his hands are now roaming around her body, admiring her in every way he could. she blushes and nodded, taking her lingerie off of her showing draco her full body making him embarrassingly moaned at the view.
she starts grinding her now bare cunt on his still hard cock, earning a soft whimper from the boy under her. his hands instantly gripped her hips helping her grinding faster, her wetness now coating his cock.
"now enjoy the ride, mr. malfoy" she said as she lifts her body and pumps his cock lining his tip against her lubricating it with her juices making both of them groaning at the sensation.
she sunk down on his cock, filling her up in a perfect way. its like their bodies fit together and were made for each other.
they’re moaning each other as draco is fully inside her. she paused and take a few seconds to adjust to his size.
"mhm.. fuck- you're so big draco.. fill me up so good inside"
she starts bouncing up and down, resting her hands on draco's chest as she picks up her pace, throwing her head back and screwing her eyes shut in pleasure.
"you're so tight y/n, wrapping my cock so tight, taking me so well" draco praises between his moans, his hands gripped harder on her hips helping her bouncing faster.
"do you like how i ride you, dray?" she leaned into his ear, blowing her hot breath and biting his earlobe making him shuddered.
"y- yes mommy" draco's breath hitched as y/n suddenly going faster, her walls now hugging his cock very tight.
she let out a groan hearing draco called her 'mommy'.
placing her lips on his jawline, licking it then going down to his neck, sucking hard as she found his sweet spot causing draco to moan his raspy voice into her ear, turning her even more.
y/n starts to give him her lovebites and marking him as hers sending butterflies to his stomach.
she put her hand on his throat, choking him lightly while her other hand toying with his nipple, making draco whine. pulling her closer to him and captured her lips on his to muffle his moans.
she broke the kiss and screaming his name out loud as his cock nearly brushing her cervix and hitting her g-spot.
"shit.. you feel so good inside me dray"
she rolled her hips faster on his cock, her tits bouncing up and down in front of him and he caught her nipple in his mouth and buried his face on her breasts, enjoying the warmness.
"ah- you feel so good too, fuck- never felt this good mommy"
his breath got stuck and he feels his cock twitched inside her indicating both of them that he was close, y/n seems close too as she bites her lips feeling the coil in her stomach tightened.
"cum for mommy, baby boy"
y/n rolls her hips and bouncing faster, tightening her grip on his throat.
and that was it for draco, he moans her name out loud not caring if someone might hear as he spilled his cum inside, filling her to the brim, ropes of his warm cum shooting inside her.
y/n cant help but cum all over his cock at the feeling of his cum shooting inside her nonstop, her walls clenching and squeezing hard on him.
both of them are a mess, legs shaking, vision blurry as they were on cloud nine, she rolled her hips lazily to ride out their orgasms before collapsing on top of draco, both panting heavily.
"fuck you have no idea how long i've been wanting to do that, love" draco said softly as he caressing her cheeks pulling her in for a sweet loving kiss.
"happy birthday, draco." y/n broke the kiss smiling at him tiredly, giving lovely kisses all over his face.
"best birthday ever, thank you my love for everything. i love you so much..” he kissed her lips one more time.
“i love you so much too, dray.”
those were the last words they spoke before both of them drifted off to sleep with a smile on their faces.
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @littlemissnoname13 @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @dlmmdl @yiamalfoy @black-repunzel99 @rylynn-m @slythermuf @acciodignity @i-love-scott-mccall @maybesandohnos @yvonnearce22 @arzfia @alexthealexthealex @seriouslyinlove
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fairyysoup · 2 years
The reason eddies death doesnt make sense is beacuse they didnt care about making it make sense.
I put it together. Someone dying this season was inevitable, they needed that to happen and it needed to happen to someone we cared about. Season 2 has Bob, season 3 tried to do Billy but that backfired beacuse the fans didnt like the use of sacrifice as a means of redemption for his character (we all knew hopper was alive he didnt count)
So season 4 needed a death with stakes. The problem is that they are too cowardly to kill of a main character for good. They aren't brave enough. So Eddie was the solution.
Make a side character with a lot of personality, someone who fits in with the group, someone whom is easy for the audience to like and care about. But they cant make him matter too much, which is why hes alone and hiding for most of the season.
Eddie was created specifically as a character to kill off, so that the audience could feel that tragic loss of a character death, without having to risk any of the main characters to do so.
Its also why his death meana so little and doesnt make sense. No one aside from like one moment from Dustin at the very end cared. Beacuse ultimately he wasnt a vital character and the duffer brothers didnt feel obligated to make his death have a meaningful impact long term.
He was simply there to be killed off so they didnt have to risk a precious main character.
no, i completely agree with this. it hurts because we all kinda knew it was gonna happen, but i was like clinging to the hope that maybe they would break the formula and NOT kill the new expendable character this season, especially after all the hype they did surrounding eddie specifically.
(i honestly sat around the day before vol 2 came out and I was like "wouldn't it be actually kind of bonkers if they killed joyce and that's why noah schnapp was crying on instagram?" of course i figured that wouldn't happen, why would they sacrifice any of the main characters? they still have to do season 5, after all.)
basically it was down to enzo or eddie and they picked the one they knew we would be most upset about. it was never about him having a 'heroic story arc,' because as i mentioned before, he had already proven himself a hero by participating in the plan with the guitar solo, and the way he died wasn't really heroic when it all boils down. it was pointless and actually very lazy, because now we don't have the conclusion of the man on the run/proving his innocence subplot.
it just makes me invariably more angry because at this point it's just tragedy for the sake of tragedy, without consequences. which is not only shitty marketing for your show, but also just bad writing at the end of it all.
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icharchivist · 2 years
A series of events:
-One of my closest friend wants to bite the bullet and try up a3 knowing it is so important to me
-Thing is though that friend in question can't bear topics about theater, so he's really just doing it for me. (I did remind him we could drop anytime and that he didn't have to force himself, he just didnt listen)
-After one episode of the anime, he wants to drop it because nothing interested him
-The next day he tells me to watch another one, and go only by a pace of one a day
-Itaru makes his effect. Friend is now clearly watching for me and for Itaru.
-Yes friend made fun of me when i lost it when Chikage was on screen
-Friend made clear he had very little investment in the rest of spring and only cared for Itaru
-He started to feel emotionally hit by Itaru's storyline
-We listen to the a3 musics then. He's notoriously picky about music but ends up vibing with most of the songs, especially Autumn and Winter. He starts to be interested in Autumn.
-We go to Summer, still aiming one episode a day. Friend doesn't like any of the cast except Tenma he loved at first sight
-Tenma resonated with him and suddenly he insisted we binged all of summer in one day. It fucked him up.
-"I am not invested i can quit at anytime" - said a liar
-after Summer he asks to take a break before Autumn because he's scared of them. He didn't expect any of the characters to impact him but knew Autumn would be his type, and now that two characters he didnt expect ripped his heart out he's terrified of what it would mean for him
-He also asks that we resume to one episode a day
-I end up crying about Winter because im normal and i tease him that with the break and the pacing we wont reach him anytime soon, so i was safe
-Evilness oblige he decides that we're going to bing Autumn and Winter on the same fucking day
-Autumn didnt mess him up as much as he thought. At first. In the following days he becomes obsessed and starts to mostly talk about Autumn to me
-He gets bewildered by how little content Hisoka and Azuma had, saying "i thought when you said their arc were cut you were nippicking what the fuck was that"
-He guesses what were the themes of the plotlines by analysing the few we have and the knowledge they're my fav characters. He's 95% spot on. Now he cares winter because he sees me in every characters send help.
-I show him the game's content that was cut from the anime. He appreciates Winter but mostly because of what he can bully me with
-We had planned to stop there, so that he had a baseline to bully me.
-We didn't.
-He got invested in Azami suddenly and asked that we'd read his chapter together
-It messed him up and everything he thought should have hit with Autumn but didn't ended up hitting him a hundred times harder
-Friend gets overly invested. I send him Wandering Ghost. He loses his mind
-We discuss about the fact the song was not translated on yaycupcake
-The next day, as he's very good with Japanese, he decides to translate it and asks me to update his translation to yaycupcake
-he still refuses to acknowledge he's invested.
-Friend also starts to warm up to the cast members he wasnt found of.
-Friend has now asked me to show him Chikage and Guy. I insist that if we do, we read at least Winter 2nd and 3rd play and Spring 3rd.
-Friend complains because as he understands Japanese he's been mainly *listening* to a3 and have a hard time keeping up with the archive's full auto for the unvoiced events
-I bring up the events are voiced on the JPN server
-Friend decide to start playing it
-(i realize i lost my jpn account so i start one along with him)
-We sign in in time for the last 2 days of the spring 9th play event
-Friend decide to go ham
-Friend becomes obsessed with the event song
-Friend translates the song based on lyrics he found, has asked me to post it on yaycupcake (which i willdo when im back home), and is starting to work on a lyrics video for it.
-Friend still insists he's not involved. Despite the fact he regularly brings a3 up out of nowhere and had like 3 existential crisis provoked by characters.
-Friend is frustrated by all that is untranslated on the wiki and wants to help translate more regardless
-Friend is scared shitless about Chikage because i told him about him and he's terrified it's going to fuck him up (As expected from a Sandalphon lover.)
Tldr: i dragged someone into a3, he started out really disliking it, and now he's so worked up by what isnt translated and is working on things.
So there's that.
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bunnykawa · 4 years
what are you doing, step bro? (sakusa x f. reader)
summary: To your parents, Sakusa was the greatest son. To you, he was the best big brother you could’ve ever asked for, but you could only find that out with a little force.
a/n: i literally just started college so i won't have much time to write but i have some stories in my drafts that'll be posted in awhile lol. should i open requests for haikyuu drabbles since they're short but still entertaining?? idek i feel like no one is reading this rn LOL but if anyone is reading this, lmk ;)
(edit: I HAD TO REPOST THIS CS IT WASNT SHOWING UP IN TAGS so sorry if you already liked this post)
warnings: 18+, incest, mentions of drugging,  mentions of somnophilia, mentions of parental neglect, noncon/dubcon/rape, sakusa is a dirty pervert i just don’t know how else to tag this, degradation, slight manipulation
"(Y/N), this is your new big brother, Kiyoomi," your mother said, holding tightly onto your small shoulders as you stood in front of her.
"You can refer to him as your nii-san from now on." Locking eyes with you was an older boy with long black wavy hair, two moles on the right side of his forehead, and a white face mask on the lower half of his face which blocked his nose and mouth. How odd, you thought. You could tell he was disinterested with how his eyes were blank as he stared at you.
That was the first time meeting your step brother, Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Being four years younger than Sakusa, you two never really got along. Of course you had to respect each other, but there was nothing to really talk about other than when his volleyball games were or unfulfilling small talks. Sometimes he would make snide remarks, asking if you even showered when your hair was only slightly messy or if a smart word ever came out of your mouth when you stumbled over your words. Sometimes he was just mean to you in general to the point where you would cry. You always tried to ignore it, though. That was when you were younger. You couldn’t help that you weren’t that smart and he was your nii-san after all. Your parents would brush it off.
You celebrated his victories together, only because you had to. I mean, you were the younger sister of one of the nation's top three aces in high school volleyball. There was no way your parents wouldn't celebrate. He was their pride and joy.
Smart, athletic, incredibly attractive — everything you felt like you could never live up to.
Your own biological mom so obviously and painfully liked him more than you.
Before you even entered high school, Sakusa was old enough to move out and go to college where he continued to play volleyball. When he visited during the holidays, you still wouldn't have decent conversations with him. He would still insult you. It even made you cringe when you had to call him nii-san. Why address him as your older brother when he didn't even act like it?
But you dealt with it because you had to.
Fresh out of Itachiyama Academy, you're focused on studying for entrance exams for colleges in your area rather than what would happen if you ever had to see Sakusa again. But, you were expecting to see him very soon.
Gentle knocks are heard from outside your door and before you can respond, your mom is already opening it.
"(Y/N), Omi is coming today and he's gonna be here for a week. I have to go to the grocery store to buy food and I'm gonna run other errands so it's gonna take awhile," she says, leaning her head into your room. You respond multiple times with "okay" so she can leave your room sooner.
Textbooks and notebooks are strewn across your bed with you on your stomach, trying to cram as much information in your head as possible.
"That means I might not be here in time for when he comes, so you have to open the door and greet him," she adds.
"What about dad?" you ask with a grimace. The most you would do is say hello and scurry back into your room.
She rolls her eyes at you. "He's working late again. You know that, (Y/N)." With a sigh, you agree and she finally leaves your room after bidding you a "goodbye."
You can't remember the last time you saw Sakusa, but it was probably almost half a year ago. Ever since he left for college, your parents were even more distant towards you. They probably felt like they didn't need to worry about you because you weren't doing anything important.
When Sakusa came over, he barely acknowledged you and you were okay with that because it meant he wouldn't be bothering you.
But that didn't mean his blank stare wouldn't catch your attention whenever you came out of your room to eat or use the restroom. The atmosphere felt...very odd around him. You couldn't necessarily come up with a reason why.
Suddenly, you hear knocking on the front door. It had to be at least an hour or two since your mom left and the thought of who was waiting at the door made your stomach churn.
"Nii-san is here," you mutter to yourself as you got up to open the door. Right as you open the door, Sakusa was staring down at you with the same blankness in his eyes from before with his usual face mask. His hair was shorter than you remember.
Mindlessly, his eyes seem to scan your body before returning to your face, making you feel self-conscious. You were only wearing black spandex shorts and a loose tank top. Subconsciously, you rub your arm and step back to make space.
"(Y/N)," Sakusa acknowledges you in a deadpan voice. It's no surprise to you.
"Hi, onii-san. How are you?" You try so hard to be polite, but Sakusa seemed to have a naturally dominant energy that overwhelmed your senses, even if he also seemed to have the personality of a jar of mayonnaise. You step aside so he can come in. He wore gray sweatpants and a black windbreaker that was zipped up all the way. As soon as he makes it inside, he removes his face mask, stuffs it in his pocket, and starts unzipping his jacket.
"I'm good," he hums, "Where's mom?" He places the backpack he was carrying on the couch and takes a seat as you close the door.
"She's out doing errands and dad is working. Do you want some tea?"
"Yes, please. Make sure you wash your hands before you do. Thank you," he said. You walk into the kitchen, muttering "germaphobe" under your breath at his extra request. Unbeknownst to you, he watched you from his place on the couch as you walked around the kitchen, pulling the tea kettle out of one of the bottom cabinets and looking for cups. His gaze followed the outline of your ass in those tiny shorts that hugged your bottom tightly.
"What college are you planning on going to, (Y/N)?"
"I'm not sure yet, but I'm applying to the college you're going to and three others," you replied from your spot near the counter.
Sakusa actually perks up at your answer. "Oh, cool. You'll love it there if you get in. Only if, though. You're not the brightest."
You couldn't help but let your face fall in a frown at his seemingly small comment. Quickly, you compose yourself and brush off his remark. You got the water boiling in the tea kettle and reached high for the teacups that were sitting on the top cabinets. Your stepdad definitely put them up there.
A presence looms close behind you, which makes your whole body automatically freeze and tense up. A veiny, bulky arm reaches up easily to grab the teacups while another one snakes around you to pull your tank top down as it was exposing your stomach. You're not sure if you're imagining it, but you definitely feel something stiff brushing up against your back.
"You need to be careful. Don't wanna hurt yourself, do you?" Sakusa commented, leaning forward so his mouth was right next to your ear. A blush found its way onto your cheeks from feeling him so close to you.
He usually hated being so close to people. What was so different today?
"R-right," you stuttered, "Thank you, nii-san."
Confrontation wasn't a strong trait of yours.
You guess that moment was when it started getting really weird between you two. You still had small talks from whenever he would actually see you come out of your room, but you wanted to avoid him as much as you could. However, that was hard when Sakusa insisted that you drank tea together every night and, of course, your parents insisted, too.
Your nii-san wants to spend more time with you, they would say excitedly. Better late than never!
Maybe if he was showing the slightest bit of interest in you, your parents would finally care about you. So, with much hesitation, you started drinking tea with your step brother every night. Sakusa even made the tea himself so his poor little sister wouldn't tire herself out with carrying that heavy teapot.
You're still not sure if you're imagining things, but the tea tasted different from how you made it. And you swear that the tea didn't make you so sleepy after drinking it until he started making it.
"Come here," Sakusa would say with a smirk, "Onii-san will take you to bed."
You would pass out before you even made it to bed, but every morning you woke up with sticky thighs, only blaming it on sweating while you were sleeping.
Until one day, you didn't drink all the tea that he made you. You still fell asleep, though. Your brain was hazy enough to make you lose consciousness as he helped you up from your seat in the kitchen.
Sakusa laid next to you on your bed. You were placed on your side so he could slide under the sheets right behind you to press his hardened length against your ass. This was his favorite part of the night. He spent a few minutes playing with your cunt to make it slick enough for him to let his cock break through your walls.
You barely stirred awake. Didn't even move an inch as he caressed every part of your body, from your soft nipples to the sensitive nub between your thighs.
He pushed the elastic of his sweatpants down to his thighs quickly. His cock hit your ass before settling between your folds. A satisfied moan leaves his lips when he feels your wetness coating the top part of his shaft as he rubbed it against you. He hooked his arm around one of your legs so that you were spread open enough for him to fuck you and rub your clit at the same time with his other hand.
He wanted that sweet nectar completely coating his dick. He remembers the way you tasted and how you came on his tongue the night before, despite being blacked out from the little pills he would dissolve in your drinks. You tasted so clean and smelled so fresh. It was impossible for your nii-san to control himself around you.
And when did your ass look so good? God...Sakusa couldn't believe he never noticed how cute and well-shaped you were. You weren't that little girl he met when you were both kids. You were pushing adulthood now. Still pathetic looking, still too shy, still small around him, but fuck, he definitely would have pushed you over the counter the first day he came over and fucked you until you were crying and gagging.
He continued rubbing circles onto your clit and letting his cock soak up your juices. Gently, he positions the tip at your entrances and pushes in slowly.
"There you go," he whispers in your ear, "I know it's a little big. Don't worry."
He manages to fill you up all the way, making him groan. Your walls were tight around him. He thrusts in and out of you carefully, salvaging the feeling of your slick interior.
But you didn't drink all the tea, which means that you could wake up earlier than he expected.
Sakusa didn't expect you to wake up now.
You stirred slightly as you regained consciousness. Although your eyelids were heavy, you tried to force them open only to be met with darkness.
"Mmm," you croaked, rubbing your eyes. The odd feeling of being filled up suddenly made you wake up more. "W-what's going on?"
"Fuck," Sakusa muttered from behind you. You felt a hard chest pressed against your back and...a hand on your pussy. No, something inside your pussy. And that voice was so familiar.
You quickly whip your head around when the realization dawns on you. What the fuck is happening? While your eyes adjust to the dark room, you see two familiar eyes staring straight back at you. He stopped grinding his hips against you for a moment as if time stopped.
"...Nii-san?" you hesitated. His breathing was heavy and he stayed silent.
"Nii-san, what are you doing?" you asked in a panicked voice. You quickly tried to get up from your position, only to be held down by Sakusa’s muscular arms. His hand wrapped itself over your lips to prevent you from screaming.
“Be a good girl and stay quiet, (Y/N),” he whispered. A muffled scream tries to escape your lips. He continued to fuck you slowly, leaving a burning feeling in your walls. The same sore feeling that you would sometimes wake up to within the past few days.
For a moment, you pry his fingers off of your mouth. "I don't understand...Why are you...?" You yelped in surprise, horror, and pleasure as he delivered a sharp thrust from behind you. The smack of his hips against your bare ass made you cringe and feel so disgusted with yourself. Nii-san is actually inside me.
"My poor little sister," he chucked darkly. He suddenly wraps his arm around your knee tighter and forces your legs wide open, your knee almost touching your chest. Instead of putting his hand over your mouth to shut you up, he kneads your breast. His hands were so large.
"You think you can walk around the house looking like a little slut in those tiny shorts?" He stretches you open with his hard cock with slow, yet hard, thrusts. It left your mouth agape, but no sounds left your throat except for small squeaks that you couldn't hold back. "You stupid bitch. Just as dumb as I could remember. Fuck, you don't know how much I wanted to bend you over and fill you up with my cum like the stupid, desperate slut you are."
He was satisfied as you were barely fighting him. All you did was desperately search for something to hold onto and bite your lip because you were so scared. His words were painful. "Look at you. A waste of fucking space, only good as a fuck hole. Didn't even realize she was getting drugged and getting fucked every night because she's so fucking stupid."
Weak. That was all your brain was telling you, mocking you, as Sakusa didn't stop moving against you and insulting you. This wasn't the first time. It just so happened that this time you were able to wake up.
"I-I..." you stuttered, "I'll...I'll tell mom and dad." The sheets were gripped tightly between your fingers. "I'll tell them- mmmm...what nii-san has been doing to me..."
"If you tell mom and dad, they wouldn't even care," Sakusa said in a patronizing tone. The way his hand was caressing you made you wanna cry.
“They would!”
"Mom and dad don't even treat you like a daughter, (Y/N). When was the last time they told you they loved you?" Even if his question was rhetorical, your mind went completely blank. You can't recall a moment where they ever told you they loved you.
"B-but, this isn't right! You're not supposed to be doing this," you argued. It was a surprise that your mind wasn't completely clouded by how big his cock was and how his thrusts felt almost hateful.
"You think they would choose your side? You'd be ruining your own life. Maybe you'd ruin mine. And it'd be. All. Your. Fault." With each syllable, his movements became sharper. "You don't wanna betray your nii-san by saying something, do you?"
"You love your nii-san, right?"
You do. You love him so much, even if you tried to avoid him and he never said a single good thing to you in your whole damn life.
Because you have to love him.
You stopped gripping on the sheets to the point where your knuckles were turning ghostly white to brush away the tears rolling down your cheeks. Your body shook, from both crying because of Sakusa's painful words and how hard he was fucking you. The pleasure building up in your core was overwhelming you, making that intense feeling of having to pee forced out of you.
Hearing your sniffles and small cries, Sakusa pulls you even tighter against him, but doesn't stop his relentless thrusting. It turned him on even more. He pushes your hand to brush away your tears for you, like good big brothers should.
"It's okay, (Y/N). We both know mom and dad don't love you."
A loud cry erupted from your chest. Maybe if your parents cared about you, they'd be running to your room to save you the second you started crying. But, no. Sakusa was basking in the fact that you were hurting on the inside. After years of negligent silence, you were finally letting it all out.
"But nii-san loves you," he said with a smile.
Although his words seemed to stun your entire being, you manage to choke out a "What?" Like it was the first time someone ever told you that they love you.
His torturous thrusts almost distracted you. Fuck, why did it feel so good to have your step brother fucking you on your side like this?
"I love you." He sweetly grabs your face so you can turn your head to look at him. There was a pounding in your ears coming straight from your chest. A warm feeling spreads throughout your stomach.
"You...you love me, nii-san?"
"Of course I do." He was actually smiling at you, "If I didn't, would I be inside you right now?"
His face didn't seem so blank anymore. Sakusa never ever smiled at you. Hell, he never really smiled in general. Someone actually loved you. Holy shit. And he was even pounding away at your insides like you were a fuck doll.
Is that why he's so mean? Was he just trying to hide his feelings for you this whole time? You could die laughing right now. His cock felt so damn good rearranging your guts against your will yet you were struggling to accept it.
Your cheeks naturally puffed up in happiness as you smiled so brightly at him. The flip switched in your brain so easily. Without another word, Sakusa kissed you passionately, because he knew you would let him continue to ravage your body. Your hips began to buck from the pressure building up in your lower half and you starting pushing your hips towards him, welcoming his length inside you. It felt like you needed more of him. More of his love.
Love me.
"Nii-san," you gasped against his lips. His movements never faltered, which you figured was from his amazing athletic ability and stamina.
"Be a good little sister and cum on my cock," he coaxed. He could tell you were so close to cumming from how tightly your precious cunt was hugging his length and how you were squirming against him. You were both slick with sweat. As you started squirming more violently against him, Sakusa tightened his grip on you.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whined desperately, “Nii-san, I’m gonna cum!” You grabbed his arms and pushed your fingernails into his skin, making him hiss from the sudden pain. With a firm grip over your mouth, he muffles your screams. Satisfaction settled in your stomach as you exploded all over his cock. Your sweet juices trailed down your thighs onto the bedsheets.
As much as Sakusa wanted to, he couldn’t fill up your insides and see your hole dripping with his cum just yet. He quickly pulls out of you and lets his seed shoot onto the bare skin of your ass. The shock of your orgasm left your thighs trembling, your skin wet, and your eyes drooping.
“You’re the best little sister.”
You would’ve replied, but you could barely form any words as you lost consciousness again. When you woke up the next morning, you were fully dressed and cleaned up, with no stickiness between your thighs like how you used to wake up.
Sakusa actually cleaned you up this time. You felt your heart melt and butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Everything seemed to go back to normal between you two, with the same small talks and not really seeing each other often, but he always had a knowing smirk on his face whenever he saw you.
Whenever his eyes would trail up your body to meet yours, you could feel a warmth in your stomach spread all throughout your body which forced you to look away quickly. Whenever he insulted you, you would feel your thighs press together. Whenever you caught yourself admiring his features when he replaced his face mask for a new one, you smiled softly to yourself.
When it was time for him to leave, you couldn’t help but let a few tears shed. He was all set to go, with his backpack on and his mask covering his face.
“Hey, don’t cry, (Y/N),” he cooed, wiping your tears away, “You know I won’t be gone forever.”
You sniffled, “I know. I just hate being here alone.” Well, not necessarily alone. You just hated being ignored and neglected just because you weren’t your brother.
“If you manage to get into my college, you can move in with me. How does that sound?” You instantly perk up and dry your tears with your shirt.
"Really?!” you asked with excitement. You imagine all the things you could do with your nii-san without your parents in the picture. You could go out together, hold hands, share kisses, just about anything. He could even fuck you whenever he wants.
These thoughts about your own step brother would've made you feel sick before.
But that was before you knew Sakusa loved you. Now, you couldn't help but ask your mom when the next time your nii-san would be coming to visit. While you were waiting for his next visit, you studied hard.
College would be so much fun with your nii-san with you!
Part 2
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
He’s Lost - Bakugou Katsuki - Part 3
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sexual mentions, smut, 18+, daddy kink, fingering (fisting?), f!receiving, alcohol, cursing, LONG WRITING PIECE, Bakusquad a teensy wheensy bit ooc, BAKUGOU BEING A BIG ASS SIMP
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Summary: After the classroom moment, Katsuki’s been doing everything he can to get you back. You’ve both come to terms as friends who are mutually pining for one another, but how long will it take to finally be found by one another?
A/N: Y’all I just have to keep saying thank you to all of you. The love and support is incredible and I never expected my one shot to be so likeable. Anyways, this piece is what will bring the whole story together. Just HELLA fluff. Hope you enjoy!
A/N: If you guys are curious as to what I put for Y/N’s quirk, I’ve titled it Phoenix. She has all the abilities of a Phoenix, like fire powers, regeneration, and flight ability with beautiful wings of fire that can come out on command. Honestly, her quirk isn’t really a big deal in the story but if you wanted to know, there you go.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“I fucked her in the classroom,” Bakugou so calmly said while taking a sip from his water bottle.
Kirishima felt like he was gonna faint. He told his friend to talk to her so they could make up. He didn’t expect him to dick her down.
“Wow Kacchan, didn’t know you were an exhibitionist,” The electric blonde said while nudging Bakugou in the arm with his elbow.
“I’m not......well-“
“Katsuki” Kirishima said with a warning tone because he did NOT want to hear about his friend’s kinks.
“Right. Anyway, it was fine. No one was there...actually why weren’t you guys there? We all had class you idiots.” Bakugou asked.
“Mr. Aizawa told us the day before that we were going to meet up in gym gamma for an all day training sesh. So we were all shocked when one of our best fighters didn’t show.” Kirishima explained.
“Well nobody told me we were having an all day session.” Bakugou complained.
The group then raised their phones showing the texts sent to the group chat the boys of the Bakusquad shared.
8:47 a.m.
🦈 : Bakugou, tmr is all day training in the gym. Make sure you’re there
11:21 a.m.
🕷: You gonna be in the gym wit us tmrw Bakugou?
2:10 a.m.
⚡️: Sooo we’ll see u in the gym tmr Kacchan?
After some silence and Bakugou’s soft “oh,” Bakugou asked another question. “Well why wasnt Y/N there then?”
“Just like you, the girl wasn’t in class the day before so she didn’t know. She spent the day interning with Hawks.” Sero stated while taking a break from his bag of chips.
‘Hawks huh? Guess it made sense. You both had bird-like quirks, so you guys go well together’ The blonde thought to himself.
“But enough of why you weren’t there, tell us what happened with Y/N,” Sero added on.
“The hell? Why are you so invested in how I fucked her?” Bakugou said with attitude.
“Not that man,” Kirishima intervened, “we wanna know what happened after.”
“We also wanna know which desk you fucked on so we could avoid the cum splatter.” Kaminari said, earning a wack to the back of his head from Sero.
“Well I thought we were gonna make up and get back together,” Bakugou started and the trio of boys stared right at him as if he was going to open some buried treasure.
“But I guess she’s not ready for the relationship again. At least not yet. She said she wanted some time and then she’ll come back to me. All I gotta do is wait.” Bakugou said while getting comfortable in his spot on the common room couch.
“Says who?” Kaminari added.
“ ‘scuse me?” Bakugou asked.
“Who says all you gotta do is wait?” Bakugou looked at his idiotic friend.
“She did, Dunce Face.”
“Well you could wait for her, but if I was you, I’d still treat her like my girlfriend.” The electric blonde stated.
“Huh?” The entire group asked.
“Bakugou look. Give Y/N the time she wants, but you could still treat her like your girlfriend. It’ll remind her of the times you had and it’l-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there Kaminari.”
As the group turned towards the doorway, they saw Y/N. She seemed to have gotten back from some extra training considering she was still wearing gym attire and her duffel bag was still on her shoulder.
“Hey Y/N, just got back from the gym?” Kirishima kindly started up a conversation with the girl.
“Yeah. Had to take a shower there too to save some time. I’m heading back out to go on a late night patrol with Hawks after I drop off my bag, but I can spend 2 minutes to explain something to you, dorks.” You started walking towards the group, more specifically behind Bakugou’s seat.
“I’m gonna make this real simple. Katsuki and I don’t need a grand plan to get back together. We just need some time,” when you finally made it behind Bakugou, you gently wrapped your arms around Katsuki’s neck area, “besides, Suki knows I’ll always come back to him. He’s my one and only after all, right?” You said the last part while looking at Bakugou.
“Right.” Katsuki proudly replied.
You leaned in to give him a little hug from behind and pecked his cheek before walking off to your room.
Katsuki couldn’t help but smile and watch as you walked away. He knew you guys would end up back together. All he has to do is wait. But his moment was ruined by a certain dunce face.
“Damn dude, what the fuck kinda dick did you give her to get her to act like that with you?” He shockingly asked.
“SHUT UP!” Bakugou screamed as his two other friends laughed.
Ever since, Bakugou and You grew closer and closer. To others, it looked like exes who stuck to being friends. Best friends, if anything. Y’all played together as best friends, fought and bickered like best friends and looked out for each other and loved one another like best friends. But in reality, you and Bakugou were just falling for each other even more day after day. Yes, it was clear to you both that you were already in love with each other, but damn y’all didn’t know love could grow so strong.
Bakugou stuck to his word though. He was doing whatever it took to get you back, and yeah. Maybe he took a little bit of Kaminari’s advice and continued to treat you as his girlfriend. The only difference was that he didn’t and couldn’t claim you so it kinda hurt him but he was ok because he knows what’ll happen in the end.
So now we have this Bakugou who’s at your every beck and call, even when you don’t call. Thirsty in the middle of class? Bakugou’s got your favorite drink with him on standby. Craving something special? Bakugou will learn how to make it for you. Tired after a hard day’s work? The angry Pomeranian was there to carry you back to the dorms. What a simp.
And there goes the bell for class. As students walked into their respective rooms, the students of 1-A notice the two entering.
“And here comes Bakugou holding the door for his lady,” Kaminari spoke aloud.
“Hey man, they’re not dating, remember?” Sero reminded him.
“Yet. That’s the exciting part. 2 lovers, patiently waiting for each other. And Bakugou being so willing to drop everything just for Y/N, and Y/N willing to tussle through challenges for Bakugou. Ohh it’s so romantic!!” Mina said with a squeal and excitement.
“Bakubro really doesn’t want anyone else but her....they’re gonna get through this!” Kirishima hopefully said. “If they don’t I’ll beat his ass myself after all the shit I went through for this relationship. You know, THE RELATIONSHIP IM NOT EVEN IN!” He said loud enough for Bakugou to hear.
“Those idiots,” Bakugou growled. “CANT A GUY JUST SPEND SOME TIME WITH HIS GIRL WITHOUT SOME CRACKHEADS WHISPERING ABOUT US?!” He yelled at the group. But with that last comment, you raised your brow.
“So I’m your girl, huh?” You said with a sly demeanor.
This caused Katsuki to blush like crazy. “You know what I meant you little dumbass!”
“Yeah, I’m a dumbass. But apparently I’m your dumbass.” Your snide remarks were beginning to drive Katsuki crazy.
“Ok, that’s it!” With that, Bakugou grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the classroom before Mr. Aizawa came. As the 2 left the room, the boys of the Bakusquad knew exactly what was about to happen.
“Annnddd they’re they go. Off to a place of sweat and ecstasy.” Kaminari sighed.
Ever since that time in the classroom, you and Bakugou have had sneaky links here and there for the past few weeks. A little make out session in the kitchen, a little grinding in the common area, some receiving in many different places. However you were both cautious and made sure it never went beyond that. No vaginal penetration with a penis!
Though you both said you weren’t dating yet, it was obvious where you both would end up.
“What do you mean?” Mina asked.
“It’s nothing you have to worry about, just let them do them.” Kirishima explained.
Fortunately, only the Bakusquad boys were aware of these secret meetings. Once Bakugou told them of the classroom sex, they could tell whenever you two were interested in doing the deed with one another. They also steered clear from Bakugou’s desk. When they found out you both had gone to town on it, they made sure to never go near it unless they knew Bakugou cleaned it up thoroughly.
“Mm...Suki..” you breathed out in between the heated kiss.
Here we are in the storage closet. Y/N seated on top of a small standing shelf with Katsuki standing over her and his fist deep inside her.
Katsuki was in the process of marking your exposed breast and enjoying the feeling of your soft walls around his hand. He couldn’t help but speed up his movements.
“P-please....slow down-“ you were cut off by your own moan and cry of pleasure as his fist hit a sensitive area.
“Oh c’mon, you know you love it. You also know you shouldn’t have given all that sass. You knew exactly where it would lead ya,” he spoke as he continued to bite and suck at your nipples. “But I bet you wanted this, didn’t you. You little slut.”
His fist sped up even more and went deeper than before earning loud cries to leave your mouth.
“Ahh...fuck! Y-yes! I wanted this so bad...ohh shit Suki!” You cried out. You felt the coil in your stomach tighten and Katsuki knew what was coming right from the look on your face. He quickly pulled his fist out and dropped his head down to meet your glistening cunt, and continued to finish you off.
“Shit....you taste so sweet.” Katsuki couldnt help but eat you out as if you were his last meal. He groaned as your hands went to tug at his hair to push him in deeper. As he stuck his tongue out to enter inside you, your hips moved on their own and began to grind against his face.
“Yes...yess oh my god..just like that Suki please,”
Katsuki was desperate for more and so his hand went to your clit. He viciously rubbed at it until your legs began to shake.
“F-FUCK!... oh yess...ah!” You let out.
“Let me taste you....come inside my mouth like a good girl and let daddy taste you.” Katsuki demanded.
And you did just that. You released the white honey all on his tongue and Katsuki lapped at every drop, sucking you dry. As he finished his meal he kissed your cunt and continued to kiss you up your body from you stomach to your chest to your neck until he reached your lips. He gave you a passionate kiss, all tongue and love, and you could taste yourself. He was right. You were sweet.
During lunch, the Bakusquad, including Y/N, all ate together and had friendly conversations and arguments as usual.
“Man that steak hit the spot!” Kirishima exclaimed with a breath of satisfaction.
“I bet your already full too, huh Kacchan. Bet you already had your fill of Y/-“
As the tray slowly slid off of Denki’s face after so rudely being thrown at him (curtousy of Sero) he was revealed to an angry Kacchan.
“Shut up dunce face!” Bakugou yelled.
“You’re one to talk Suki. If anyone should shut up, it should be the one with the booming voice.” You said as you ate your udon noodles.
“ME?!?” Bakugou exclaimed.
“Yes you ya dummy!” You retorted.
“You wanna go shitty woman?!?” Bakugou said while standing up now.
“Bring it on Blasty! I’ll take you on any day!” You replied while standing on top of your chair to beat his height.
‘Typical,’ the Bakusquad thought.
You guys would go from lovers to enemies in a split second with a besties vibe somewhere in between. The fun and teasing bickering went on like this for awhile and has been happening for awhile too. But at the end of the day, there was no real beef between you two of course. Just a mutual pining that involved some attitude.
“Man, you guys have so much energy. Cant you guys tone it down, we’re pretty sure you shouldn’t be so energized after you both just fu-“
Sero was shut up with a tray (revenge from Denki) before he could finish his sentence and expose the soon to be lovers’s dirty secrets.
“I KNOW!” Mina popped up. “How about a beach day?” The pink alien girl suggested.
“Huh?” The entire group said while Y/N and Bakugou sat down again.
“A beach day! We all have pent up energy and some of us wanna relax so why not get everything out at the beach? Oou! And let’s go at night, it’ll be way cooler and so much more fun. Plus, that’s the best time for us to sneak out!” Pinkie explained.
“The hell do you mean sneak out dumbass? It’s a Friday, if we wanna go the beach, we can just go on Saturday, tomorrow.” Bakugou said.
“Jeez you moron, wheres the fun in that. Look this may seem a little wild since we’re hero trainees and all but how about we take a car to get to the beach?” Mina proposed.
“Mina, we’re under 18. We can’t drive.” Kirishima said.
“Legally. But Bakugou here knows how to drive! Remember that one time Mr. Aizawa made him pull the travel bus around the corner because he was too tired to bring it himself?” The alien girl reminded the group.
“Not only that, but Denki’s parents are outta town!” The girl added on.
“Oh yeah! We could totally take my Dad’s car! There’s definitely enough room in there!” Kaminari said.
The group was now starting to get excited. Except for one blonde of course.
“No way. Like you said Pinkie, we’re hero trainees. We can’t risk ruining ours or UA’s reputation just for some trip to the beach.” Bakugou said while downing his rice bowl.
“Aww c’mon man!”
“Whaaat but pleaseee!”
“Seriously dude?”
“Awwww :(“
The group all said in unison. But Bakugou wasn’t cracking. He wasn’t going to risk his career as a future pro just for a quick trip to some sand and sea.
That is until he felt a tugging on his sleeve. When he looked to his left he saw Y/N holding onto his sleeve with a pout and puppy dog eyes. His heart was about to blow.
“Please Suki?” You whined.
You basically embodied the “🥺” emoji. Bakugou had to turn away so he could deny your request.
“Mm mm” he said while staring out the window next to the table.
You let out a huff of frustration while looking towards your group of friends that were staring at you in desperation. You guys were going to get that beach day.
So you pulled onto Bakugou’s arm and pulled his side into your soft pillowy breast. You reached up and whispered into his ear to make sure no would could hear your next words. With a seductive voice, you spoke.
“Please daddy?”
And now here we are. The Bakusquad currently on a road trip to the beach at 9:45 p.m. Y/N riding shotgun, Mina and Kirishima in the seats behind you, Kaminari and Sero in the third row right infront of the trunk, and Bakugou behind the wheel. He was just thankful that there was almost nobody driving around here or else they would’ve noticed this young group of teens driving late at night. He was also very thankful that during lunch yesterday, nobody noticed his raging boner after Y/N whispered in his ear.
“Oh my gosh!! We’re almost there!” Mina squealed from behind.
Although it was almost 10, the weather was still really warm so it would be a fun night. Just the moon, the stars, the sand and sea, and your best friends. Perfection.
“Oh! Suki, you missed the turn for the shortcut.” You pointed out.
“No I didn’t dumbass, we’re taking another shortcut.” Bakugou replied.
“Umm, says who exactly?” You retorted.
“The one driving this damn car, now settle your fine ass down before I kiss you.” Bakubitch replied with.
“Ok, just because you add a little flirt and flare to your reply doesn’t mean your in the right.” You stated.
“Oh but I think it does.” Bakugou came back with.
“Oh! Okay Bakubitch, I don’t know who you think you’re getting smart with-“
“I know exactly who I’m getting smart with, teddy bear.” Katsuki said with a smirk on his face.
“.....Fight me. Fight me right now.” You deadpanned while obviously joking.
“I’ll beat your ass any day of the week you shitty woman-“
“Except you’ll LOSE Bakubitch.” You added.
“You wanna fight that bad, huh shitty woman?!” Bakugou now started yelling in a very Bakugou manner.
“I do! I really do Katsuki! Bring it on Explosion boy!” You said
As you and Bakugou started going at it with your words in the car, the squad was starting to get a little tired of this endless pining. JUST DATE EACH OTHER ALREADY. Mina finally snapped.
“OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT?.....I’m just gonna say it.” Mina started with.
‘Huh’ You looked behind you while Bakugou took glances from time to time in his mirror to see Mina as she spoke.
“Why don’t you cut the horse shit, and get to the part where you admit your feelings for each other?” She added on.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh spare me, spare me, spare me!” Mina went on with. Then, Kirishima joined in.
“Yes yes Y/N, he’s a brute, I know-“
“Hey!” Bakugou interrupted but Kirishima just continued.
“He probably reminds you of a bad relationship and gosh you’d like a real nice man to settle down with,” he added on.
“But admit it! You’re real curious to know what he’s like in the sack nowadays!” Kaminari joined in.
“You idiots are dead meat,” Bakugou said.
“And you! HA!” Mina began to speak. “Well you’re just a big man baby who’d rather act tough then show his true feelings because the last time you opened your heart, you got hurt.....OWIE” Mina said in a baby voice.
“And now,” Sero began, “rather than admit these feelings, you’re dancing around one another with this mind numbing and frankly boorish mating ritual.”
Mina spoke once more.
“So PLEASE, for our sake, either quit your bickering, or PULL OVER, TEAR OFF THOSE CLOTHES, AND GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY!!!”
“Aye, I said what I said.” Mina concluded with her hands up at her side in defense.
As Bakugou and Y/N blushed ferociously, the squad behind them finally settled until Bakugou sped up, swerved the car and hit the brakes.....he was parking.
“Oh look, we’re here.” He said.
As he turned around to look at the group, he saw his friends all mixed up and thrown around the van.
“You guys good?” Y/N asked as she turned around in worry.
“Ugghhhhhh.” Her friends replied, clearly a little bruised.
“Alright then, let’s get going!” Y/N said with a sweet smile and exited the car.
After everyone had changed into their swim suits, everyone began setting up. The girls stayed behind with Denki to help set up the towels and seats and bring out the coolers, food, and tables. Bakugou, Kirishima, and Sero went out to collect firewood for the bond fire they were gonna make.
As you looked around the beach, you were glad that nobody was around. You guys could be as loud as you wanted, do what you wanted, and just have an awesome night. And the fact that this was a wild beach meant that there was so much more to do. You guys could go cliff diving, mountain climbing, or forest roaming. No lifeguards to stop you.
As the guys came back with fire wood, Mina and Denki pulled out the cooler.
“Hey guys~, guess what we have!” Mina said.
The group watched as Denki pulled out various beers, wine coolers, and a bottle of Hennessy and shot cups.
“Alcohol?” Kirishima asked, “where’d you guys get that.”
“We grabbed it outta my garage fridge. My family likes to turn up a lot so we also got some spares hanging around,” Kaminari explained.
You guys weren’t first time drinkers. You were high schoolers and you’ve been to parties so of course you guys have already had your first taste of alcohol. Hell, even Bakugou had some before. What can he say, he couldn’t help himself after he saw his friends seem to be enjoying themselves a little too much after getting drunk the first time.
As you started the fire with your quirk, everyone else began to get comfy near the blazing flame. Denki was the last to sit since he went to grab his acoustic guitar to play some tunes. When he finally sat down he began to sing a song.
“Let’s sit around the campfire and sing our campfire song! Our C-A-M-P—“
“NO!” The group all yelled.
“Oh alright!” The electric blonde huffed.
The group all laughed and Kaminari then began to play a chill melody on the instrument. The group was happy, laughing, enjoying themselves and having so much fun...well one of them did have something on their mind but nonetheless still enjoying themselves.
Faces were being stuffed with delicious food, alcohol was being passed around, rounds of shots were being downed like water, and everyone was having a good time. A little game of truth or dare started up and ended after Kaminari and Kirishima both threw up in separate bushes after being dared to kiss each other by Mina.
“Never again,” Kaminari said.
“Yeah I’m good with never having to get kisses from my bro again.” Kirishima sighed.
“Oh whatever you big wussies. It was a fun game while it lasted.”
Everyone laughed in agreement.
“Alright well,” Sero spoke, “we all came to the beach, why don’t we get to the main event. I’m gonna go for swim, you guys in?”
As everyone agreed they all started walking to the water. Well except for two people. As Y/N was walking to the shoreline, a hand stopped her as it grabbed onto her arm.
“You idiots go, me and Y/N are gonna join you later.” Bakugou said to the group and they all said their ok’s and went in. “You, come with me.”
As you and Bakugou walked back to the car, he asked you a question.
“So..you’re not drunk are you?” He asked precautiously.
“Just a little tipsy but I’m still in control. Still aware of everything, so no. I’m not drunk.” You answered.
“Ok cool.” He said as he got into the driver’s seat. Once you finally got in and buckled up, he drove off. In the middle of the drive, you asked him a question this time.
“Hey Suki? Where are we going?”
“I found a special place while I was looking for wood. I wanna show you.” He simply stated.
As he continued to drive off to wherever you rested your hand on the center between you and Bakugou and let your face sit in your right palm as you stared out the window. The songs playing throughout the car gave it a loving and chill vibe. You enjoyed the comfortable silence.
As you continued to stare off, you felt Bakugou’s hand intertwine with yours. You looked back and saw he was blushing while holding onto the steering wheel and staring at the road. Man, he was so hot. In nothing but his swimming trunks as he leaned into his chair and drove off. His defined abs and chiseled chest was definitely eye candy. His giant veiny hand gripped the wheel and his jaw was so sharp as he turned and looked around for other drivers. Yeah, Bakugou was definitely one of those people that looked attractive as hell when they began to drive. You looked down at your hands and squeezed his. You were really enjoying this car ride.
When the car came to a stop, you finally noticed how you were in the middle of the forest.
“Where are we Suki?” You asked him.
As he grabbed your hand he spoke, “just follow me teddy bear.”
You guys walked for what felt like a good thirty minutes until you came across.....a cave?
“I know it doesn’t seem like much but wait until you see the inside.” Bakugou said. As you walked in, you finally realized where he took you. A gorgeous crystal cave. Its colors were shining and its gems were sparkling. All the walls were covered except for the top where there seemed to be an opening. It was letting all the moonlight enter the cave causing the crystals to sparkle even more, including the giant pool of water at the center of the cave.
“Suki it’s beautiful,” you said in awe.
“Yeah, knew you’d like it,” He began.
You both sat down at the edge of the pool just dipping your legs in and enjoying each other’s company.
“Y/N.” Bakugou said.
“What’s up Suki?” You asked.
“I can’t help but keep thinking back to what Mina and the others said in the car.” He admitted.
“What? About pulling over and tearing off each other’s clothes?” You chuckled.
“No. About our feelings for each other.” Bakugou said as he just stared at the pool.
“Oh. That.” You calmly said with a hidden smile and soft blush.
Bakugou grabbed onto your hand before speaking again.
“Y/N I really, really, really, really, really love you....a lot. And I’m so sorry for everything I said and did,” Bakugou started.
“Suki....” you softly said while looking at him. You noticed he was staring down at your arm where your now tiny burn mark was. A scar that won’t be forgotten and a memory that was permanently burned into your skin. Literally.
You saw how Bakugou cringed at the sight of it.
“I am so, so sorry for everything. I don’t even know what I could say that could even make up for what I did. Every night memories of what happened keep coming back to me and I’m still in complete shock that I could even do that. To you of all people! The love of my life....I’m just really glad that you said you’d come back to me and that you gave me another chance to get close with you again. I know I said I would wait for you for as long as it takes but I don’t wanna wait anymor-“ Bakugou was cut off as you raised his head to give him a deep kiss. As he kissed you back, Bakugou put everything he couldn’t say as words into that kiss, hoping you’d understand.
When you finally pulled away, you leaned your forehead onto his while staring into his ruby eyes.
“I don’t want to wait anymore either, Suki.”
With that, Bakugou gave you the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. He pulled you in for another kiss and a tight hug.
“So....you’re mine again?” He asked.
“I was always yours Suki. You’re my one and only after all, right?” You teased.
“Right.” He proudly stated. Katsuki Bakugou finally got his girl back. He finally got his love of his life and his teddy bear. His world felt like it came back together again and he no longer felt lost.
After you both spent more time in the cave, exploring, finding all the gems, and enjoying your renewed and fixed love, you and Bakugou found yourselves back in the same spots you were sitting in when you first arrived.
With his eyes closed, chin resting on your head, and an arm wrapped around your waist, with you cuddled into his side and leaned onto his chest, you had a realization.
“Oh hey, Suki.” You said.
“What’s up teddy bear?” He asked with his eyes still closed.
“We never got to go swimming” you said with a pout.
As he opened one eye to look at you, he noticed your adorable pout and the simp in him came out along side with the devil.
“Alright then princess, let’s go for a swim. We have this crystal pool all to ourselves so why not?”
As you gleamed with excitement, you excitingly got up to jump into the water but before you could, Katsuki stopped you.
“Not so fast princess. Our little game of touch and tease is over now since your mine again. I wanna make up for lost time,” he said with a smirk.
“So you’re saying...?” Y/N asked confused.
“We’re going skinny dipping.”
At first it shocked you but then again, this is Katsuki we’re talking about. So you played his little game.
“Maybe your game of touch and tease is over but mine is still running.” You said with a smirk as you walk towards him. You placed your hand on his toned abs as you began speaking again.
“You wanna go skinny dipping Katsuki?” You then slowly went up to whisper in his ear.
“Then let’s get in daddy.”
As you walked away from him you started to undress yourself in a seductive manner. You started with your bikini top, pulled on the string to untie it and tossed it to the side. As you stepped to the pools edge, you did the same to your bikini bottoms and looked over at Katsuki. You didn’t fully face him as you spoke, but as you were holding up your chest pretending to cover yourself up, you showed just enough cleavage to get him riled up.
“You coming or not?” You teasingly asked before you stepped into the water letting its surprisingly warm temperature surrounded you. You had an idea and used your quirk to turn the pool into a hot spring. As the steam surrounded you, a blush from the heat began to show on your face and Bakugou couldnt hide his hard on inside his thin trunks. He undressed himself and entered the now spring.
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Don't know how people are gonna feel about this but Loki should've been dealt with the way they dealt with Lucifer (from the Netflix show) I mean while the show straight up dismissed loki's feelings, lucifer netflix really showed us the natural and organic character growth with ups and downs while still maintaining the comic hilarity (WHICH WASNT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE MC). It's love interest and side characters are all original characters dealt as independent characters rather as brownie or plot points.
And the scenes that prompted me to think this?
1. Lucifer asking his Mazikeen to cut off his wings because he's moved past being a pawn in his father's 'Great Plan'. We could've had loki come to this conclusion and tell Mobius (who would've been an actual all out ally who was forced into doin lg what he did) that he no longer wanted any place in a land that hated him. (Once again like Lucifer calling the silver city hell)
2. Lucifer actually being the way he's supposed to be (angel of light, light bringer etc.) We could've had Loki act like the way he Actually Is. Not like how @iamnmbr3 so eloquently put it 'like larry the dumb lookalike'. We could've had Loki being stern yet having that air of sarcasm and wit that he had in his the films. His eloquence, his physical prowess (none of the falling flat on his face stuff, a lot of people talk about how he was trying not to hurt the people in ep 2 but srsly Loki would just immediately disarm them), and most of all his agency and refusal to cower or the pathetic attempts at lying.
3. Costumes. The lucifer netflix team had an extensive costume department that ironically pales in comparison to what disney is capable of but still we see Lucifer have a wide array of clothes and styles. Have Loki take the first chance to change his clothes. If he wants the 50s aesthetic have at it! he can wear the tuxedos and the nice leather. Or maybe change into some nice Viking-inspired leathers and battle armor. Have him as a pirate, or a knight or a cowboy. You're traveling through time good man! you can at least hit some of the cool spots.
4. In depth analysis of lucifer's mental health. the only episode of the Loki tv show I liked (loose term) is the first one cause it's the only one that gave a fraction of what we were promised: an insight into loki. That's it.
5. Lucifer's organic growth. This is self-explanatory. Loki watched one video and was good. Very good five stars. I understand that they only had six episodes but come-on. You could've had the subtle changes through out all the eps and lead to the big finish finally. With each episode focusing on certain aspects of Loki.
5. Lucifer's exploration of self-loathing. This deserves to be a separate point because Istg it was done so well. Basically lucifer messes up and he's faced with the hatred that's been conditioned into him (not unlike Loki) and then he learns what it is and actually tries to love himself. And not by kissing a female variant of himself (ew and also respect the gender fluid persons). He actually saw the good in him by reflecting and his actual good friends helping him.
6. Lucifer actually wanting to be good. Look Idc what shut mike waldron wrote, loki is not selfish when his whole arc has been doing things for asgard, thor, odin, frigga etc. We all know that New York was mind control, I do not know why it's being swept under the rug. But here's the thing, that self loathing I mentioned earlier is a huge part of Loki thinking he's some monster and intent on proving it.
7. Lucifer facing his 'devil-face'. Loki should've come to terms with his Jotun heritage. The TVA could've had a case in Jotunheim concerning the Royal Family and Loki could've seen the entirety of Jotunheim and it's people not just that most-likely war propaganda the Asgardians force-fed him. Maybe have him meet his siblings or better yet his mother. There's a very nice fic on A03 called Asgardian Galdr that deals with this beautifully.
8. Luicfer having a Breakdown and Crying: First off this happens gradually, his problems pile up etc etc. and he faces off his father and gets angry until he finally breaks down. And basically God says, "I'm sorry but i can't fix you," And Lucifer in all his grief and desperation asks, "But you're God,'. I know we talk a lot about Loki being made weak in the Show but that's specifically about him being made weak and helpless to make Sylvie seem like a stronger character (Don't get me started on the Sif and Narcissm scene istfg), But maybe seeing Loki try awkwardly to be good and near the finish of the show we see it blow up in some angsty way? only for some conversation like this to happen and have Loki understand that being good is something that is innate and something he already had the potential for all along. Maybe learn that he's not lawful good but as always the morally grey character we know him as. (Protector of misfits, god of outcasts i.e all the shit Marvel shat on) and rise as the God of Chaos and Stories against the rigid bonds of The TVA and essentially Kang.
9. Lucifer having a nice healthy romantic interest and relationship. Lucifer and Chloe's relationship is more often than not the main point of the show but no matter how much it is focused on it remains health, organic and not a weird allegory for something disgusting. Even if Sylvie weren't a Loki (once again ew) the whole dynamic was toxic. She constantly put him down, and invalidated his feelings (Sounds like Odin huh?) and guess what Loki fell in love with her after one day, one conversation of what love was and Mobius calling her his girlfriend (he also said that it was freakish and i agree). We could've had Sigyn sweet lord. (I'll make another post about this)
10. Lucifer's Sexuality. There is a whole episode in which Loki's paramours are getting murdered and they all vary from men to women to all that comes in between. And there's no shame, no offensive jokes. Have Loki flirt with dudes, i understand ms.karen that this is for children, don't worry the casual sex ;) was offscreen. Have Loki turn into a woman and flirt with woman cowards, maybe make some questionable remarks about horses (That make Sigyn laugh)
11. Lucifer's Powers: lemme sum up, Lucifer can, let's call it, use compulsion on people. He is known for his strength and prowess and abilites to grant favors. Have Loki shapeshift into animals, absolutely mauling people. Have him use his silver-tongue to coax people into making or changing history (Yes Brutus, Caesar is getting to be a bit much, say have you heard how sharp knives are?)
I'm pretty sure there's more that i can't remember rn. And here is one thing i would like to make very clear.
You are not bad for liking the show or hating it whatever. The problem is that the show framed a lot of bad things as good (Anything the TVA did, Mobius' torture session with Loki, the way Sylvie treated Loki only for them to become romantic partners, the Sylkie fiasco as it was offensive to genderfluid people and the bare fucking minimum of LGBTQ and POC rep). The show was also marketed specifically to make us think hey! Loki might actually be the main character only for it to blow up in our faces. We were also promised an actual plot rather than a constantly plot twisting concept that could've been worth something.
Also i'm still working on a Loki fic rn after which i will write a Loki(TV) Rewrite but unitil then ig.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
•pairings: enemy, barista and student!jaemin x student and barista!reader
•warnings: dom!jaemin, brat!reader, brat taming, crying kink, hair pulling, choking, small praising, small size kink, degradation (slut, whore), dumbification (sexual and non sexual use) nanas kinda mean :( but gets a lil nicer :), jaemin refers to himself as nana a lot mostly when they do the dirty, bulging kink, pet names (princess, baby, baby girl, little girl, pretty girl), unprotected sex (please be safe), slight face slapping (he slaps her once), rough sex clearly, some sexual tension, I hope i got everything
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You were fuming!
The boy in front of you not even batting an eyelash, just laughing at the mess dripping down your face.
You smelt like an iced americano.
People around you held their hands to their mouths in shock and others tried to hold back their laughter. Some even pointed at you or gave sympathetic looks.
It wasnt like people were surprised anymore. Jaemin always had something up his sleeve for you. But he never went as far as pouring his coffee on you.
"Aw poor baby. Do you need a napkin?" He faked sympathy with a pout and his friends began laughing. You just got up and walk by them, making sure to bump into jaemins shoulder on your way through.
It was almost everyday that Jaemin would do something so uncalled for. It was like he was made to push your buttons. Even as you're walking out of the college building, you can still hear the boy laughing at you. Or maybe it was the other students. Either way, you wanted to kill him.
As you trudged towards your car, a sense of relief washed over you. A great happiness that only comes when you finished your classes and could go home. Only this happiness stayed for a good 2 hours until you have to go to your part time job at the cafe with your favorite person of course. But its not like you can quit. You need the money so you can live and get the education you need, no matter how hard it is being with him.
It was then when you sat in your car and the squishing in the seat made your face curl into a scowl, only made you think of ways to get away with murder. It was gross really. The seats were sticky, plus your hair and clothes were sticking to you like lip gloss. A shower would be perfect right about now.
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"Hi y- oh..." Your roommate, jimin, stared at your messy state. Giving you a good up and down before shrugging his shoulders, "jaemin?"
You sighed, walking over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, "Who else? Its always him."
Jimin gave you a small smile and came closer as if ready to hug you but didn't because he didn't want to get sticky. "You know, maybe you should quit that job."
He groaned and snatched the water that you were about to sip, "Why? You'd only see jaemin in school. And you wouldnt have to stick with his bickering in work." He huffed, shaking his head, "Girls are so difficult sometimes."
You tried leaping up to grab the bottle from jimin, but all he did was hold it above his head. You stomped on his foot in return. Jimin huddled over and you snatched the bottle, smirking with victory as you put it to your lips.
"You fucking snake." Jimin hissed in pain.
A laugh fell from your lips as you walked by him, completely ignoring his words and his pain, "Im gonna take a shower."
Once you got to your room, the first thing you did was grab your work clothes, a towel, and underwear and got ready for the warm shower.
After you switched on the water and let it heat up, you stepped in and immediately felt at peace as the water cascaded over your body, cleaning off the almost dried coffee. Your hair felt lighter, like a feather and your fingers could now slip through the strands easily without an issue. The scent of your body wash overpowered the coffee smell and you felt much better. Water, soap, and coffee were beginning to fill the drain as you finished washing up. You rolled your eyes at the sight of the murky water. What a bastard.
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For once you were actually happy to wear your work clothes after what had happened earlier. The clothes actually felt comfortable and jimin was becoming more and more confused as to why you were hugging yourself with a huge smile on the couch.
"No one should be that happy after a shower." He started flipping through channels on the t.v.
"Dont tell me how to feel, I dont smell like jaemins coffee anymore." You gushed overdramtically. Jimin could only role his eyes.
"Please...you act like he's a demon of some sort."
You squinted your eyes at jimin and flared your nostrils, "he is. Hes a nasty, dumb, annoying, self centered-"
"Okay okay I get it! You hate jaemin! The funny thing is you can never get his name out of your mouth." Everything stopped and your head snapped in jimins directions.
"What are you saying?" A frown found itself on your face, jimin leaned closer.
"Im saying that maybe you might like him."
You shrieked in disgust, blocking your ears with your hands. Jimin laughed at your reaction. Almost falling off the couch in the process. "Ew! Gross! Why would you even think that!"
"Like I said, you can never get his name out of your mouth. I think its pretty obvious you like him." He was still giggling at you except your face was anything but happy, more grossed out at how he thought you could like such a person
"I can't stand you. I'm leaving for work." You stood up and jimin did nothing to stop you from going. Even though you still had about 15 minutes until you normally leave. "Ill be back at 9." The door slammed behind you, leaving jimin alone with another laughing fit.
You got in the car and drove off to your work, still trying to come up with a reason as to why jimin is saying all this. Sure maybe you talk about jaemin a little lot but that doesn't mean you like him. Its very much the opposite and jimin should know that. It only frustrates you the more you think about it. Liking someone like jaemin? Please. That would be your nightmare.
As you pulled up to the cafe, there were only a few other cars parked. Few were from other workers but the majority were most like customers or people just trying to get a free parking space. Lucky for you, there were many open spaces, unlike when you come later and they're filled. Maybe leaving earlier wasnt such a bad idea. It saved you the 3 minute walk.
"Y/n! You're just on time!" One of your coworkers, irene, called out as you stepped inside the shop. "We need help back here!" You had no time to even begin to say your shift hasn't started yet when irene took you by the hand and dragged you to where the coffee was being made. "We have a bunch of online orders coming in so can you please help us with the coffee and food?" She tossed you a brown apron for you to put on and you nodded, trying to get your brain to speed up with everything in the world.
It was so quiet when you walked in that you never even realized that the back was busy. Coffee cups were filled and put into trays for orders, food was being heated or baked. It was a chaotic place right now and all you could do was help. So as fast as you could, you began with the first order on the screen. A large mocha with extra extra sugar, whipped cream, and chocolate curls. Easy enough you thought as you reached for a cup but a hand beat you to it.
Your eyes looked up at the person in front of you and just when you thought everything was going fine, it wasn't, "What are you doing here so early?" You asked bitterly.
"I always come in early. What are you doing here so early?" Jaemin asked whilst holding a death grip on the cup.
"Just felt like coming early." You muttered, watching as jaemin turned away with a scoff, quickly cutting the conversation short. "Bastard."
Jaemin was busy making what you were originally going to do, so you looked for another order to get ready. It was just two cake pops and a small strawberry banana smoothie. Something you've been craving recently from the lack of sweetness and fruit in your day to day life.
The cake pops and smoothie were quick to make and were soon sent off to the customer. You happily beamed and wished them good day once they left.
After then there was a familiar face with a friend right next to him, he was quite handsome you must say. He was indeed so handsome that he just looked unreal. "Hey jimin. Whose this?" You nodded towards the bright black haired man.
"This is taemin! He wanted some coffee so I brought him- hey stop staring at him!" Jimin snapped you out of your trance and taemin chuckled.
"Its okay shes cute." He eye smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth. He's definitely not real.
Jimin tsk'd, "Until you get to know her."
"Yeah yeah... whatever." You smiled at him, completely oblivious to what he just said.
They both ordered and took a seat next to the window. You were still staring at taemin with your head in your hand until someone tapped your shoulder, "Who are they?" Jaemins voice rang in your ears, making you stand up straight.
"Thats my roommate, jimin, and his friend taemin." You glanced back at the boys, mainly at taemin and just stared like he was your first crush.
"Quit staring your gonna scare him away." Jaemin said earning himself a chuckle from you.
You stuck your tongue out, "He called me cute."
The boy smirked from ear to ear and leaned in close to your face, "He was lying." You grumbled and pushed him away from you, getting annoyed by his presence very quickly.
"Jaemin and y/n, get back to work we have orders to do!" Irene called out. Both of you quickly returning to your stations and getting things ready.
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"Look at him. Hes basically waiting for me to come over to him." Seulgi, another person in this school you dispise, said as she looked at jaemin in the back of the room. She wasn't very quiet either considering you were only a few seats away from him. So it only meant that jaemin could hear her, but chose to ignore it. Typical boy.
"Honestly. He looks so good today too." Sana, her best friend, commented.
"Oh and did you hear what he was planning on doing today to y/n? Apparently he's gonna-"
"Class get back in your seats, we have much to discuss." The professor stood in the front of the class. Everyone shifted and moved to their appropriate places and waited for the teacher to begin. Unlike you, who was wondering what seulgi was going to say next. If its something worse than coffee being poured on your head, you may just have to bury yourself six feet under after this.
As you were taking notes something flung towards your head and hit you on the side, looking over was jaemin with a smirk was he held his fingers in a sling shot shape. A rubber band was laying on your lap. Then another one. One even hit your cheek creating a small smack sound as you winced in pain. Oh you desperately wanted to get out of this seat and punch the boy in the face.
"Excuse me sir!" You called out, raising your head. The whole class looked at you and your cheeks began to heat up. "May i go to the restroom?" The professor nodded and you headed out. Not until you stopped in your tracks from a loud smack to your butt, causing the whole class to turn around again.
Jaemin was enjoying this, the way you stared at him with wide eyes and open mouth, made him just want to do it again. He never thought this reaction from you would be so entertaining and he tried his best not show it, with only a small smirk covering his face.
You rushed out of the room, faster than ever and leaned against the nearest surface you could find. Not only were you questioning reality, but also why jaemin just did that.
"That little bitch." You said to yourself as you paced back and forth in the hallway, staring at the ground.
"Excuse me?" Jaemin voice rang in your ears as you looked up with a angry red face. Steam was even coming out of your ears and nose. "Did you just call nana a bitch?" He put his hands to his chest and pouted, "Little girl you need to learn some manners." Jaemin tilted his head to the side and began walking forward.
"Shut up." You had nothing else to say as you grit your teeth, looking at the ground.
Jaemin didnt like that and grabbed the back of your neck to make you look at him, "What? Did your stupid head stop thinking? Your normally so chatty for nana what happened?"
"Jaemin i-" you cut yourself off as you felt jaemin grip the back of your neck tighter causing you to moan in pain.
"Stupid girl." Jaemin whispered, forcefully pushing you away. It was not strong enough to make you fall but at least stumble.
You glowered, earning yourself a chuckle from him. "What will it take for you to leave me alone!?"
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"Bring this to table 15 please! Thanks!" Irene smiled as she handed you a small cup of iced coffee and you took it, taking it to its designated place. What you didn't except was to see taemin again, gleaming up at you.
"Hi y/n." He smiled and you tried to remain calm.
God how is someone so beautiful?
"Hey, I didnt except you to come back." You returned the warm smile and started to play with the apron around your waist.
Taemin giggled, "I actually quite like this place, its cozy." He began to take a sip from the straw, eyes still trained on you. If only you weren't so awkward with him, you wouldve found something to say other than staring at him and indulging in the beauty before you. But lucky for you someone behind the counter called for you, quickly averting your attention back to work.
The next order was a shake, so you grabbed the correct ingredients and began using the blendor, when someone came next to you, doing the same thing "You seem like your having fun flirting around." The unwanted conversation with jaemin began, "makes nana kind of jealous."
"Hm funny." You ignored him and continued blending the ice cream.
Jaemin casually rolled his eyes and glanced down at your nonchalant face before returning back to the blender, "you know you really do piss me off."
You sneered and snickered to yourself, "what are you gonna do about it?"
"I was thinking of fucking you dumb or until you know your place but maybe thats a bit too rewarding."
The cup was removed and set aside from the blender with your hands placed on your hips, "Im sorry what?"
"Did I stutter?" Jaemin raised an eyebrow and also put the cup down. You went silent, not knowing whether or not to just laugh it off or quickly run away. "And I'm still waiting on my apology."
"One, I am not going to apologize to your bitchy ass. Two, even if I did let you, you could never 'fuck me dumb', it just wouldn't happen. Now stop trying to get in my pants."
Jaemin opened then closed his mouth about to say something, but didn't and just put on a sweet smile, "Go take these to table 7 for nana." He said like he was testing yoj.
"Why? You made them."
"Nana told you to do something little girl, now do it." Jaemins sweet smile was still plastered on his face yet it intimidated you enough to do as he said.
Taemin was long gone when you walked out and you were kind of sad as you weren't able to say goodbye before he left. You placed the shake down on the table and was ready to walk away when you heard your name being called.
"Y/n? You work here?" Seulgis voice spoke as you turned around. Both her and sana were looking at you with shit eating grins.
"Doesn't jaemin also work here seulgi?" Sana asked the girl in front of her and seulgi looked as if she got the brightest idea.
"Oh yeah! Y/n can you get jaemin over here? Pretty please?" She asked sweetly yet with a hint of sourness and you listened, not feeling like ignoring her at the moment.
You told jaemin that seulgi and sana were out front looking for him and he nonchalantly went out without question. Leaving you to do some of the work alone, which you didn't mind considering its jaemin, the annoying bastard who won't leave you alone, but he does help you whenever you need it. And right now, it was a bit busy, and you needed it.
After doing 4 more online orders and sending them off through the driveway, jaemin finally came back with a scowl on his face looking ready to beat someone up. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" He raised his voice only loud enough for you to hear. But you were quite confused on what was happening.
"What are you talking about?" You asked, tilting your head to the side like a puppy.
Jaemin groaned, "I knew you were fucking dumb but come on y/n! Why is seulgi covered in the shake i gave you?"
You paused for a moment, unable to answer that. Is he assuming you spilt her shake on her? Why would you even do that in the first place. Yeah you don't like her, but you're not going to stoop to her or his level. "I dont know."
He slammed his hand on the wall near your head, startling you a bit, "You dont know huh?" You shook your head slowly. "Seulgi and sana both said you purposefully spilt the shake on seulgi. Now answer me honestly. Is that true?" You shook your head again, feeling really small and helpless under his strong gaze.
"I-i didnt spill t-the skake." You muttered quietly.
He inhaled sharply, "Then who did huh? Or maybe you don't know because you're so dumb."
"S-stop..." you frowned, looking down at floor, but jaemin had other plans and made you look up at him. A single tear slide down your cheek and you swear you saw a small grin appear on his face.
"Tell nana what happened." His voice became softer as he swiped away the stray tear on your face.
You huffed, still afraid that he'd do something to you although you knew he wouldnt purposely cause you pain. "W-well she asked me to go get you, which I did, a-and her shake was perfectly fine when I left."
"Are you saying she purposely spilt the shake on herself to make me angry at you?"
"Ill believe my little girl for now, but if I find out you are lying, you will be in big trouble got that?" Jaemin lifted his hand off the wall and proceeded to walk back out of the room. Leaving you shocked at his words and still frightened by an angry jaemin.
You went to the cash register once jaemin left to get ready to count the bills until you heard jaemin and seulgi arguing. Lucky for them, no one but you and him were working right now. Irene went home earlier and the normal crew always leave around 6:30, leaving just you and jaemin.
"It was only a prank nana. No need to get so worked up. And besides you didn't even prank her today, be glad I did for you." Seulgi said smiling at the boy in front of her.
Jaemin physically cringed when he heard his nickname roll off her tongue, "you didn't have to do that."
You stood there watching, astonished how jaemin was standing up for you. Hes supposed to hate you. Jaemin didn't even bother going with the girls when they offered him a ride, instead he stayed with you and even helped close. Something he normally doesn't do because he leaves before you and gives you all the hard things to do.
"Hurry up and finish." Jaemin spoke. A little bit of anger still laced in his voice.
"Whats your rush?"
He sighed, "I wanna go home. Plus I can't stand this place right now. I'm pissed."
You finished wiping down that last table and walked over to him, "Just go home then."
"Not without you."
You gave him a dirty look, "im not going home with you."
Jaemin leaned down, his face only inches from yours and whispered, "Remember what I said earlier hm? I wanna fuck you dumb." He then grabbed your waist bringing you closer to him, if that was possible, "Can I do that pretty girl? Can nana fuck you so hard you won't even remember anything but my cock?" You were so lost in your mind that everything became a blur. Jaemins words sounded so sweet but were so lewd. And you were so close to kissing him until he put his finger on your lips, "But you have to wait." You frowned and were only getting more angry by the second. You went from not wanting anything to do with jaemin to just about ready to beg him to kiss you. Was it that easy for him to get in your head? Or were you so sex deprived that now jaemin seemed somewhat interesting?
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You laid on jaemins bed getting bored with the constant teasing. He never did anything but that. Jaemin would get close to your lips and back away as you chased him. Hed chuckle and coo at you for being so desperate. But that wasn't the point of all the teasing. He really just wanted you to beg him to kiss you. No words will come out of his mouth telling you to beg, he just excepted it to happen sooner or later. But youre too stubborn to do so, so you grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss him, catching him by surprise.
Jaemins hands gripped your wrists and pulled them off his face, pinning them to the bed, "You didnt even ask to kiss me." Jaemin pulled away, raising his eyebrow high, "Dont you think thats a bit mean."
"So was teasing me, but I let you continue." You huffed, trying to free your wrists from his death grip but it was no use.
"You dont have a say on whether i continue or not. I'm in charge here and you take what I give you, understand?" You rolled your eyes. It was your intention to make jaemin angry. You wanted to push his buttons.
What you didnt know was that not answering jaemin correctly would earn you a slap to the face. And jaemin was not even fazed by it.
"Dont roll your eyes and answer nana." Jaemin smiled. "Can you say 'yes nana'?"
"Y-yes nana."
"Good girl." Jaemin muttered and began slowly kissing your jawline down to your neck, sucking here and there creating shades of purple and red marks. Oh how he loved the marks he was leaving.
You so desperately wanted to grip onto jaemins hair and pull it but he never budged his hands, only tightening his grasps. As he continued attacking your neck, you began to lift your hips up to get some sort friction. Jaemin noticed and shifted so that his thigh was in between your legs and rubbing against your clothed core. A spew of quiet moans left your lips but you wanted more. Jaemin was going to soft and slow for your liking.
"I thought you were going to fuck me dumb?" You said and jaemin lifted his head to give you a quick kiss on the lips.
"Patience baby. You aren't ready yet." He let go of your wrists and took your shirt off. The cold air made you shiver and jaemin chuckled. "I wanna make you cum at least 2 times before I fuck you."
"Then stop talking and do it." You replied, pushing your hips up to rub against his thigh, but they were pushed back down on the bed.
"Didnt I say to take what I give you?" Your head slowly moved up and down and jaemin smiled, "so why arent you happy with what nana gives you?"
"I want more..." you sighed as he started to slide your pants and panties off, discarding them somewhere in the room. His mouth slowly started kissing your inner thighs and you could feel your heat dripping with anticipation. You whined for more but only got a slap to the thigh telling you to be quiet. Needless to say you didn't listen and continued to try to get him closer to where you needed him most but pulling his hair.
Jaemin groaned grabbing your wrist again and pushed it away roughly. His patience was wearing out. You were more stubborn than he thought, but that doesn't mean he can't still break you. "Next time you do that, I'll flip you over and beat your ass till its purple." Your breath hitched and as much as you were tempted, you wanted to be able to sit for a few days so you stayed put and kept your hands to yourself.
But the desperation was getting to you and you wanted relief which jaemin wasnt giving you until you felt his two fingers circling around your clit. "P-please jaemin." You moaned as he flicked your clit with his middle finger. Then soon enough he stuck two fingers inside you. Your pussy automatically clenching around his digits as he moved at a steady in and out pace.
It felt so good. His fingers felt so good. They made your body twist in pleasure as more moans left your mouth. Jaemin was watching your face closely as it contorted with pleasure. He loved seeing your eyebrows bunched together, so focused on the way his fingers worked inside you.
"My pretty slut. Taking nanas fingers so well." He gushed, still watching your face. Jaemin could feel himself get even more painfully hard but he didn't want to fuck you just yet. He meant it when he said he wanted you to cum 2 times. So he picked up the speed with his fingers, your hands landing on his forearm that was resting on near your hip. "Are you gonna cum for nana princess?"
You frantically nodded your head as a wave of pleasure washed over you. You could feel your cum leak out of you as jaemin leaned down and began eating away at your cunt.
"J-jaemin! So...go-good!" Your head flew back as his tongue sucked on your clit and a loud moan filled the room.
Jaemin smirked against your heat, "I haven't even fucked you yet and your already sounding like a dumb whore. Its so easy to break you princess."
"N-no its j-ju-...." you whimpered as your brain wasnt even trying to help you function right. His tongue was extraordinary. "Mmmm."
"Aw my dumb little princess is so cute." He muttered diving back into lapping at your soaked cunt. It was almost as if on cue and without warning, you were cumming again. Jaemins hasty tongue took it all. Groaning at the taste of you in his mouth.
He sat up over you, grabbing your neck, pulling you into a deep kiss. You tasted yourself on his tongue. Deepening the kiss by grabbing the back of his hair, jaemin couldnt help but moan a bit as his cock brushed against your thigh. He felt big. Bigger than the few guys you've been with and you were ecstatic.
You tugged on jaemins pants and shirt as a way to tell him to take them off and he did after getting off of you and sitting on the edge of the bed. His abs were more defined than you thought and when his cock sprung free, your mouth started watering. Jaemins smirk only grew watching you stare. He was starting to get cocky
"What? You wanna suck my cock?" Jaemin asked sweetly.
"Yes please." You reached over to try and touch him but he didn't allow you. And smacked your hand away. It was a way for him to tease you and you hated it.
"So kind for nana now. Ealier you were so cock hungry that you decided to be a brat. Did nana finally break you?" Jaemin whispered as he moved a piece of hair out of your face, looking at you with fill admiration.
"No you didn't break me. But I wanna suck you off." You whined as jaemin picked you up and sat you just above his cock, the tip teasing at your entrance.
"Too bad. Now I want you to sit." Jaemin said looking into your eyes. You obeyed with a little hesitation. His cock was surely going to hurt you so you took it slowly and started lowering your hips. "Fuck...thats a good girl." Jaemin praised, watching his cock dissappear between your legs and your tummy get full with his cock. "My baby's so tiny you can see my cock in your belly." He said, pushing down on the area where he was imprinted in you.
Slowly you started moving, lifting your hips up and down. You were wet enough that he could easily slide in and out with no problem.
Jaemins head fell back as he sighed with relief, grunting as you picked up the pace, "So tight for nana." He whispered and you moaned back loudly. His cock stretched every inch of you to the point where it felt like you'd split.
"More more more." You whined against jaemins neck, gripping his shoulders tightly. Carefully jaemin flipped you both over so he was on top and continued pounding into your destroyed cunt. He kept a hand around your neck squeezing it every so often as a choked out moan left your throat.
His cock was so deep and fast that you couldn't think straight. You kept blabbering about his cock. Only thing on your mind was how nice he felt inside you. Jaemin bit his lip as he smirked at you, grabbing your hair and bringing your face close to his, "Now will you admit that I fucked you dumb and say your nanas dumb slut?"
"Y-yes, I'm na-nanas dumb sl-slut." You cried, tears falling down your face from how good he felt inside and if you thought jaemin couldn't go any faster, he did. His thrusts were hard and rough, sure enough to hurt your thighs tomorrow as he pounded relentlessly. "So close." Your voice came out choked as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You held on to jaemins hand that was on your neck as he helped you with your orgasm.
Jaemin wasnt far behind you with his and groaned loudly, "fuck, where do you want it princess?"
"I-inside." You moaned as the feeling of hot cum was shot inside you. Jaemins hips kept moving him through his orgasm until he slowly came to a stop. Both of you panted loudly, there were even a few tears falling down your cheek here and there.
Jaemin slowly pulled out, making sure not to hurt you, and he laid beside you. "You did so well." He kissed your forehead. "Cmon ill carry you to bathroom so we can take a bath." He said picking up your worn out naked figure with so much care. Making you forget he was your enemy.
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