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when people are like "i didn't come here to make friends" i'm like thats sooooo unrelatable. i am always on the look out for some girl friends. I would be in that hunger games cornucopia like "your ex boyfriend did WHAT."
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im into some fucked up shit. raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. brown paper packages tied of with strings. i could go on but you couldnt even handle it
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I'm actually going to stop interacting with nick nelson/kit connor tiktok because even the fans that love him are a little "too obsessed" for me to be comfortable with. I get it. He's a nice-looking guy, and he's funny and kind and sweet, and he plays like the ULTIMATE comfort character. But when people are in their 20s and 30s have pictures of a 19 year old all over their wall and are analyzing every single move he makes on social media, I just feel yucky.
I've seen so many tiktoks of people zooming in and matching up timeliness of pictures of him SMILING at other people, and creating ships, or overanalyzing his sexuality with every comment or like that he leaves
I hope the actor is okay, and I absolutely adore the character, but this is getting a bit intense.
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Starting therapy. Wish me luck😂😂
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Y do so many people in their 70s wanna be president?? Like. Sit down. Eat some applesauce. Watch football or do a crossword puzzle.
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I hate ai cause I don't believe any scientific discovery cause there's no way for me to verify it isn't ai. Like aliens, or recent pics of planets. I just don't think they are real cause it would be super easy for ai to create "proof"
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How to let loose and be chill????
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Why do "fans" keep putting joe and kit through so much? I feel like every week I see or hear of something horrendous that a group of people have put them through. Leave the kid alone omg
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When I was “I want him” about a male character im not saying I wanna fuck him. I want him like a spoiled little girl wants a pony, I want to him so I can put him on my shelf for safekeeping, I want him like a good hearty stew on a winter’s evening, I want to put him in a jar and shake it.
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one thing about nick nelson is that boy is gonna be googling something
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yes i know heartstopper is "cringe" and yes I know you think it's not that deep but you've endured years of cringe oversexualized shows about high schoolers where the gays are delegated to sub plots I'm sure a few hours of queer people being safe and happy and loved won't kill you so please shut the fuck up
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I think it’s time for us to all collectively return to the library. Get a card, go to a club meeting, volunteer on an off day, rent some equipment. You don’t even have to read a book. But since the digital world is rapidly becoming a subscription-only hellscape requiring a criminal amount of private personal information to use even CASUALLY, the library has become our last safe haven to just exist with information present and not have our labour or information exploited for money.
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Russian roulette
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19K notes · View notes