#i mean it made me involuntarily smile while making my pasta
substitious-bastard · 8 months
just randomly remembered that moss once just- ate a teaspoon of chilli powder?? to prove a point?? like what was that??? idek anymore
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spookybreadstick · 4 years
Hey!!!! I was wondering if you could write a scenario for Toby confessing to his s/o 😳👉👈 - dancing parrot 🐦🎶🐦🎶
Okay so I wasn’t quite sure where I wanted to go with this, I had so many ideas it was hard to choose so I kind of meshed two of my favorite ideas into one lol. I hope it’s okay, it’s my longest (I’m pretty sure anyway) little scenario yet and I’m nervous/excited to post it. I personally think it’s kinda cute but uh let me know guys 😅 I also had it be Toby confessing that he has a crush on the reader, and for the purposes of this scenario the reader is female (I tried, but it’s harder than I thought to write gender neutral scenarios) 
NOTE: I am trying out different ways to incorporate Toby’s tics into the writing, because I think it is an important part of his character and I want to honor that while having it be respectful and also easier to read. I put his tics in * * so that it is easier to see when he’s having a verbal tic because otherwise it can look a lil funky. Let me know if this was an okay way to go about it, I’m still learning! 
🪓 Toby Confesses To His (Female) S/O  🪓
"Dude, stop star-staring. You're making it weird." Toby whispered to BEN, who was currently staring intently at you from a distance.
"How do you think I'm gonna help you if I don't know what I'm doing?" BEN barely glanced at Toby, who was fidgeting nervously beside him.
After a couple of seconds, BEN turned to Toby. "I don't know, dude. I need to see you guys in action."
"What does that mean?" Toby asked.
"Just go over and talk. Act natural. I need to see the vibe between you two." BEN said, nudging Toby towards you despite his whispers of protest.
Seeing Toby walk slowly towards you, you turned and greeted him. "Hey, Toby. What are you doing?"
"Uh, nothing. Just, uh, j-just walking..? He trailed off uncertainly.
You didn't seem to mind his awkward behavior, and continued to chat with him for another minute or two. Well, it was more like you were chatting at him rather than with him. Toby was just standing there uncomfortably, as he tried to will all of his tics away for a few minutes. It's hard when he's nervous and trying to make himself look good in front of you. Suddenly, you were being pulled away by one of the other pastas who wanted your opinion on something. Toby watched you leave the room, waving goodbye as you went.
"Dude. That was literally the worst thing I've ever seen." BEN appeared beside Toby, laughing.
"Knock *knock who's there?* knock it off." Toby gave him a slight shove.
"I can't help you if you're gonna be a dweeb about it." BEN shrugged.
"I'm not being a dweeb!" Toby cried indignantly.
"Okay, sure." BEN rolled his eyes.
"So?" Toby asked eagerly.
"So, what?"
"So, does she like me too?"
"I mean, she must like you at least a little. You were standing there like a goober, and she didn't care."
"I'm sorry, but that was some classic comedy material right there. I could have made, like, a dozen jokes about the whole thing. All I'm saying is, she didn't take a golden opportunity to make fun of you, so maybe you do stand a chance after all."
"Okay, well, are you gonna help me *hide the body* help me win her over or what?" Toby crossed his arms.
"Nah. It's too much fun to watch you make a fool out of yourself." BEN grinned.
"Dude, seriously?"
"Look, I may be a man of talent, but I can't pass my flirt skills on to you. They'd just go to waste, man."
"Thanks a lot." Toby huffed.
"The best advice I can give you is to just relax, man. Just chill out, and don't act like you have rigor mortis. The whole time she was talking to you, you were rooted to the spot and your limbs were all tight. Don't do that. Just be loose and let it happen, you know?"
"Do you think I should tell her how I feel?" Toby asked timidly, shifting his weight from side to side. He really did like you. And he didn't always get so nervous around you, he reasoned to himself. He was better in groups, at least, when some of the attention was off of him.
"I don't know." BEN shrugged.
"You're talking about Y/N, right?" Hoodie asked, stepping into the room.
"Jesus, man, you scared the shit out of me!" BEN yelped.
"Sorry. Toby, do you have a crush on Y/N?"
"No! Why would you think *clink clink clink* that?"  
"You're pretty obvious about your feelings, Toby."
"D-do you think she knows?" Toby asked, dread crawling through his body. "I mean, it doesn't m-matter, it's not like I like her or anything, I just want to know." He added quickly, trying to cover his tracks.
"No, I don't think so." Hoodie replied, after a moment of thought.
"Why do you care?" BEN asked Hoodie, peering at him suspiciously.
Hoodie shrugged. "I don't care too much. Just figured Toby would want to know if she was dating somebody else. I mean, if he did like her." Hoodie cocked his head to the side, looking at Toby through his mask.
"W-what do you mean? She's dating somebody?" Toby's hand began to involuntarily rub at his neck.
"Not yet anyway. But I did hear that Jeff might ask her out." Hoodie said casually.
"Jeff? Tha-" BEN's words were quickly cut off by Hoodie smacking him in the side. Toby's mind was too preoccupied with visions of you and Jeff together, that he didn't notice.
"S-shit. Do... do you think she'd say y-yes?" Toby asked apprehensively.
"I don't know. But if you did have feelings for Y/N, which you say you don't, but if you did then you should probably tell her how you feel before Jeff does. Just in case." Hoodie said pointedly.
Toby nodded his head several times before yelling about how he had to do something (something totally unrelated) and then dashing out of the room.
Toby ran down the lengths of the corridors, desperate to find you before Jeff could. His heart pinched to think of what would happen if you did decide to go out with Jeff. He couldn't bear it.
Toby was so lost in his thoughts that he narrowly missed running directly into Sally, who was wandering the halls as well.
"Sorry, Sally, I gotta go." Toby puffed, out of breath.
"Toby! You gotta come play with me!" Sally looked at him with eyes full of childish begging.
"Not now, Sal." Toby bounced impatiently, waiting for her to move.
"Toby Rogers, you come play with me right now!" Sally crossed her arms. "Or I'll tell Slendy that you were being mean to me."
Toby looked down at her in shock. "You wouldn't."
Sally stuck her tongue out playfully. Toby sighed, then ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
"Fine! *Fine wine, very fine wine* I-I'll go play with you. But it has to be quick, I'm really *busy bee* busy!" Toby pleaded.
"Okey-dokey!" Sally exclaimed happily, grabbing Toby's hand and pulling him along to her playroom.
When Toby entered Sally's playroom, he was expecting to find the table set for tea, with various stuffed animals positioned into chairs and dressed in different colored tutus. That wasn't a surprise. What was an unexpected surprise, however, was finding you sitting in one of Sally's pink plastic chairs. Toby skidded to a stop, like a deer in headlights, taking in the sight of you perched in the tiny chair with a princess tiara on your head.
"Hi, Toby." You waved slightly. "Like the tiara?"
"Uh, yeah. It, um, it looks-it looks great." Toby stuttered out.
"We're going to play Princess Tea Time." Sally announced loudly, putting on a tiara of her own. 
"Y/N and I are going to be princesses, of course." Sally gestured to the matching tiaras.
"Tickles and Marmalade will be the Ladies-in-Waiting." Sally pointed to a pink bear and a blue triceratops. "Larry is going to be a knight, and my very romantic fiance." She gestured to a manatee.
"And Toby is going to be the prince from another kingdom that comes to tea!" Sally beamed.
Toby plastered a big fake smile on his face before Sally's game of play-pretend began.
The three of you had been playing for a good twenty minutes, and Toby had been having a good time in spite of the circumstances. He had been enjoying himself enough to have forgotten about the whole Jeff thing entirely. Sally was serving real cookies, and there was fruit punch in the pink teapot. Sally is an excellent little actress, and she had adopted an over-the-top British accent to go with her whole "diva princess madly in love with the lowly knight" vibe that she had going. Toby found himself relaxing as time went on, and he found his ability to actually converse like a normal person. He had even made a few jokes that you'd laughed at.
However, Sally decided it was high time to raise the stakes of her little game.
"Prince Toby, what just fell out of your pocket?" Sally asked, pointing to a spot of nothing on the floor. She leaned over to pick up nothing off the floor, then pretended to 'read' whatever it was. She gasped dramatically, hands over her heart.
"Prince Toby! This letter states your love for Princess Y/N!" Sally exclaimed. "And just when were you going to confess to my dear sister?"
"I-I-um, I-" Toby stuttered, unable to think of how to play along. This was becoming too close for comfort.
"It's true?!" Sally gasped dramatically once more, ignoring Toby's failed acting attempt. "Good heavens! Sister, what do you think?"
"I... I don't know, dear sister. What ever should I do?" You asked Sally, half-playing along.
"Well, we have to determine if Prince Toby's love for you is true." Sally turned to Toby excitedly. He stared at her blankly in return. 
"Well? Go on, tell her how you feel." Sally urged.
Toby looked at you and suddenly words starting coming out of his mouth that seemed to stumble right from his heart. "I don't know how to act when I'm around you, because you make me so nervous. You're the most amazing person I've ever met in my life. You're like... like a goddess to me. You're so beautiful, and kind, and you're always so nice to me of all people, and I really wanted to tell you this before, especially since there's other guys that want your heart, but I was scared of what you'd say..." Toby trailed off, heart racing. "I, uh, that's how the prince, I mean me, that's how I feel about you. Princess Y/N." Toby tripped over his words, trying to act like it was all part of the game.
"Now that was romantic." Sally sighed happily.
The game ended shortly after that, due to Slender calling Sally downstairs so she could watch some cartoons that she liked, which was a good thing since Toby could hardly bring himself to look you in the eyes. He worried that you had read between the lines and realized that his words were actually true. Sally had just skipped out of the room when Toby stood and faced you. You stood as well, plucking your tiara from your head and fiddling with it.
"That was a pretty intense game." You half-laughed after several beats of awkward silence.
"Y-yeah, it was." Toby looked at the ground.
"Sally's got quite the imagination."
"Yeah. *Yeah, yeah*"
"You do too."
"I mean, coming up with that whole thing about how the prince feels about the princess? That was pretty creative."
"Oh, yeah... about that..." Toby trailed off. "S-sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything."
"No, no, it's fine. You were just playing the part." You smiled to try to put his obvious nerves at ease.
"But-but I wasn't." Toby looked you in the eyes.
"You weren't?"
"No, I..." Toby drew in a deep breath. "I really like you."
"In what way?" You asked, half in a whisper.
"That-that way. The-the lovey kind of way?" Toby half-whispered back, unsure of your reaction.  
"Really?" Your eyes brightened with hope.
"I like you so much and I really want to be your-your....your prince." Toby looked down at his hands, before glancing back at you. "If-if you want me to. I get it if you d-don't like me..."
"No!" You cut him off. "I like you, too."
"In that same way?" Toby glanced at you hopefully.
"Yes. In that same lovey kind of way." You repeated his words with a smile on your face.
Toby's entire face lit up with joy as he pulled you in close for a hug and maybe a kiss.
"Guess things worked out for old Toby after all." BEN mentioned to Hoodie after the two of you announced to the mansion later that day that you were together.
"I guess they did." Hoodie commented. 
"What about the whole Jeff thing, though? He never mentioned anything to me, and I'm his best friend, and then you practically body-slammed me earlier when I was talking about it." BEN turned to face Hoodie.
"Oh, I made that all up." Hoodie said casually taking a sip of the drink he was holding.
"What? Dude, why?" BEN shook his head in confusion.
"Because," Hoodie began as he looked across the room at the happy new couple, "he would never have told her otherwise if I didn't give him just a little push."  
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blahblahwritings · 4 years
Patience is a Virtue.
A/N: Another request, I think this is the most consistent I’ve been with posts.
Request: Would you be willing to write a smut imagine for Matt Murdock? Maybe where the reader/his gf is a virgin?? And have it really fluffy at the end please??
Words: 2764.
Warnings: Smut. Virgin!Reader.
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A year. You’d been with Matt Murdock for a year. He’d told you about his... alterego, so to speak before you had even entered the relationship, vowing never to let anything come between you. It took a little while to process it, I mean he was Blind, how did that even work? But, in the end you simply accepted it. Whenever he would come in, beaten and bloody, you would quietly fetch the first aid kit and do your best to patch him up. Those nights always ended in the two of you getting upset, not arguing, just full of soft kisses and teary words of affirmation.
You thought it only fair to disclose your own secret to him, but that came a bit further into the relationship, when things started getting a little heavier. Your make-out session had begun to turn to something more heated when you grabbed his hand, putting an end to it’s descent. When he cocked his head in question, listening to your heartbeat and sensing your anxiety, he pushed back asking you if everything was alright. That was when you’d confessed that you had never gone further than this and wanted to take it slow. Being a Catholic, he understood that people had their reasons and never pressed further, taking it only as far as you were happy with. He loved you dearly and would wait as long as it took until you were ready.
The anniversary, you thought, was the perfect opportunity to take that next step. You’d gone all out, buying soft scented candles that you knew wouldn’t agitate his nose, a trail of rose petals from the kitchen to the bedroom that he would hear crunch beneath his feet and even bought some new lingerie for the occasion. He was working a little later at the office tonight and you had decided to cook for the two of you, setting the table with a soft cloth and a bottle of room temperature red wine in the center. The sauce was bubbling away, the smell of tangy tomato and basil filling the apartment. The pasta was ready and you had begun to dish out as you heard the door click shut.
“What's all this?” He greeted, a lopsided grin sitting on his face. A small giggle left your painted lips, you knew he couldn’t see the deep red colour but it made you feel more confident. You wore a little black dress, complementing his suit and tie you saw him change into this morning. Coming up behind you, he wrapped his arms around your middle, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you poured the sauce over each plate.
“Happy anniversary, Mr Murdock.” You hummed, angling your head to capture his lips in a chaste kiss. A groan bubbled from his chest. “It smells incredible, sweetheart.” He praised and you laughed, shooing him to the table. You followed, placing the food at your respective seats and popping open the wine. Hearing him inhale as you poured the liquid, you glanced up to see him remove his glasses, revealing his beautiful brown eyes. Returning the bottle to the center, you picked up the glass and raised it in cheers. He gently clinked your cup with his own and sipped lightly, eyebrows raising at the taste.
“I don’t know much about wines but this is definitely expensive.” He chuckled. “You didn’t have to do all this.” Rolling your eyes you put the drink to the side. “I wanted to, you’ve been working hard at the firm lately and I wanted to do something for you. Besides, it's our first anniversary and I wanted to celebrate.” You finished with a shrug, moving to grab the cutlery. “Wait, I got you something. I want to give it to you before we eat.” He fumbled in his jacket pocket and procured a blue velvet box. He handed it to you across the table.
Opening it revealed a card with the words “My love for you is infinite” in shiny gold letters. Beyond the note lay a silver heart shaped pendant, an infinity symbol engraved into the front of it. An audible gasp passed your lips as you plucked it from its cushion.
“Matthew, wow, it’s gorgeous.” A hand covered your heart as you gently thumbed the metal. “Would you mind..” You asked sheepishly, wanting him to do the honours. Without hesitation, he stood, situating himself behind you as you handed him the jewellery. Brushing your hair to the side, his fingers ghosted the skin of your neck sending shivers down your spine. You could feel his hot breath fan over your shoulders as he clasped the necklace, the pendant lying comfortably between your collarbones.
You pulled him down by the tie for a kiss, thanking him for the gift and you returned to your meal, chatting about anything and everything.
Shortly after finishing, you piled the dishes by the sink, ignoring them for now and instead taking his hand, lightly tugging him in the direction of the bedroom. His brows furrowed for a moment as he felt the petals beneath his feet, trailing from the kitchen and past the living room.
“There's something else I wanted to do tonight, Matt.” You admitted quietly, nerves taking over. Opening the partition between the open space and the bedroom, you were both greeted with the soft scent of vanilla. Padding further in you turned to him, unsure of how to go about this. His eyebrows raised in understanding. Moving his hand to your forearm he rubbed the skin there to reassure you.
“I can hear your heartbeat, y/n, I know you’re anxious. You don’t have to do this for me if you’re not ready.” he spoke softly, cocking his head as his eyes looked through you, concern swirling in the irises. You wouldn’t let it get the better of you, though. “I am ready, I just- I don’t know how to uh- start.” At this he huffed out a small laugh, moving toward you. “Well, usually, it starts kind of like this.” He said, connecting your lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss. Your hands drifted to his jaw, cupping it as you angled your face to deepen the kiss. His strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest and you sighed. As your lips parted, he traced your bottom lip with his tongue asking for permission, you answered by exploring his own mouth eagerly.
Fingers tangled in his hair making him groan and you smiled as you parted for air. A giddy chuckle escaped you as you saw his lips smudged with your lipstick. “That colour suits you, Mr Murdock.” You jeered, thumbing his bottom lip. An amused smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth as he dipped his head to kiss your palm. Moving in for another kiss, you tugged gently at the bottom of his shirt, tucked away into his pants. He reached to undo the first few buttons before you pulled it over his head, revealing his toned torso.
Breath hitched in the back of your throat as you looked at the hard muscle, scarred from the many fights he’d had. Its not like you hadn’t seen it before, fixing him up after a bad night had at least one perk, but it was different now. There was a desire pooling in your belly and lustful intentions this time.
“Like what you see?” He winked, grinning at the heat rising in your cheeks. You looked away, sheepish but he quickly tilted your chin up to look at him. “You don’t need to be shy around me, y/n.” He reassured, eyes softening as they drifted. His hand moved from your chin, gliding down your neck and shoulders to the zip on the side of your dress. “Are you sure you want this?” He asked again, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
Your hand met his, guiding it down as the dress loosened and eventually pooled at your feet. The deep red lingerie you’d bought had lace details that he felt as he dragged his hands all over the newly exposed flesh. Featherlight touches roamed your body as he committed every inch of skin to memory. You watched his face as he felt you, the warmth radiating off his body inviting you closer as you waited.
“You’re stunning.” He whispered, you’d have melted right then and there if he hadn’t been holding you. Placing a kiss over his heart, you mapped out every scar you could reach with your lips, hearing him suck in a breath at the intimate gesture. You began to trail lower but he stopped you, frowning. “This is your night, let me take care of you.” Taking off his belt, he slipped his trousers from his legs, revealing a prominent bulge in his boxers. Heat shot to your core, throbbing with need already. There was a slight hesitation as you eyed his size, a little above average and thick.
Hands skimmed your waist sending shivers through you as he walked you backwards towards the bed. You lay down on the mattress, smooth sheets caressing your body. Matt crawled his way up your body, peppering your skin with kisses and licks as he went leaving a blazing trail of electricity in his wake. He stopped to suck marks onto your neck, finding a sweet spot that had you desperately trying to stifle moans.
“I want to hear you, don’t hold back.” He encouraged as he nipped at your jawline. Your hips bucked up, involuntarily grinding against his clothed member and he reacted with a throaty growl. The sound had you soaking through your underwear. The scent of you drove him mad but he kept his composure, leaning down on his elbows to meet your lips once again. His thigh was knelt between your legs providing the lightest of friction as you shifted against him. Moaning into the kiss, you hooked a leg around his hips, trying to bring him closer but he only chuckled, pushing back.
“Someone’s eager. Patience is a virtue, you know.” He teased. His hands found the clasp of your bra and pulled it from your chest. Your hands instinctively twitched to cover yourself but he entwined his fingers with your own and began worshipping your breasts. Licking, sucking and biting the skin, he grazed the hardening nub with his teeth as he palmed the other. Squirming beneath him, you panted at the feeling of his rough calluses against the tender flesh. Your back arched off the bed, frenzied and wanting. Swapping to give each nipple equal attention left you with your head thrown back against the sheets, whining.
Beginning his descent, he licked a stripe along the hem of your panties, fingertips touching you through the material and coming away soaked. Gasping, you looked down at him and saw his smug expression. “You’re so wet for me.” He grinned, rubbing against your clit. A wanton moan ripped through you and had you not been so turned on you’d probably be embarrassed. Your hips moved for more but he removed all contact. Hooking his thumbs through the sides, he pulled them down and discarded them with the rest of the clothes.
Entirely exposed, you felt uniquely vulnerable in front of him even though he couldn’t exactly see you. Those thoughts were forgotten quickly as he tasted you, his tongue lapping up the juices from your entrance and circling your clit. It wasn’t long before you felt that tightness in your abdomen. His expert ministrations caused you to shake and whimper, coming closer to the edge with every flick of his tongue. Your hands dug into the sheets, desperate to hold onto something but he replaced them with one of his own hands, the other teasing your hole. A strangled moan tore from you as he began pumping a single digit in and out of you, tantalisingly slow.
He added a second finger, stretching you ever so slightly but as he curled them inside of you, hitting somewhere you’d never found when by yourself, you spasmed, falling suddenly over the edge. Your breathing was ragged as he continued to eat you out like his last meal, picking up the pace of his fingers as you rode out your orgasm. His name fell like a prayer from your lips as your thighs quaked around him. Your fingernails dug into the back of his hand, the other yanking at his hair making him moan into you, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure cascading through your body.
Pulling his fingers from you, you watched through half-lidded eyes as he licked the slick from the digits, lips glistening with your cum. You grabbed his face, bringing his lips to yours in a fervent kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. You couldn’t get enough of it. Feeling his bulge on your inner thigh, you tugged at the material covering him, watching him kick it to the side. He pulled a wrapper from the bedside table, tearing it open with his teeth and rolling the rubber down his shaft. Your fear returned and he tensed.
“Are you alright? We can stop if you want, I won’t be angry.” He cooed, brushing some hair from your face. You pushed your face into his palm, the warmth calming you almost instantly. “No, I want this, I want you, Matt.” He nodded, a small smile returning. “If it hurts or you’re uncomfortable just-” You cut him off with another kiss, smirking as you pulled back again. “Alright then.” he laughed.
Lining himself up, he pushed the tip into your entrance and you gasped, the feeling of him stretching you only slightly painful. He waited a few moments, mouthing at your pulse point until you moved your hips, signalling him to move deeper. Inch by inch, you took him until he was fully sheathed inside you. His forehead fell against yours as he found a slow rhythm, senses on high alert for any signs of discomfort. All that greeted him however, were moans of pleasure as you met his thrusts halfway. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he guided your legs to wrap around his hips allowing him to reach a little deeper, the feeling of him sliding against your walls becoming blissful.
The stinging had subsided entirely now and Matt became more vocal, chasing after his own release as he reached between you to rub your bundle of nerves. Nails raked down his back creating a wonderful mix of dulled pain and overwhelming pleasure. His lips found yours in a messy kiss, picking up the pace as your breathy moans told him you were close again. You angled your hips ever so slightly as you moved against him which had him perfectly caressing your g-spot with every delicious thrust.
A few more pumps and you were sent plummeting towards your climax, walls clenching and twitching around his cock. Your back arched off the bed and you groaned, breathing faltering as you came for a second time that night but he showed no signs of stopping. He sat up, pulling you into his lap as he continued to pound into you. You hadn’t even come down from your previous high as another began to build and you were screaming his name, curses spewing from your lips as he never failed to hit that spot over and over, relentlessly pinching and circling your clit with two fingers. The stimulation overwhelmed you and you saw stars, vision blacking out he pulled a third orgasm from you, this time his own followed close behind.
Your entire body shook violently as he lay you back down, head against the pillows and pulled out of you, pulling off the condom and tying it before throwing it in the trash can. With your toes still curling as he came to lie beside you, you both panted, breathless from the night’s activities.
“How are you feeling?” He huffed between breaths. A chuckle was your only response, turning to face him in the candlelight. “That was incredible.” You admitted, rubbing your thighs together. A lopsided grin found its way to his face at your words and he pulled you into his chest, ear against his heartbeat which was still elevated. You intertwined your fingers with his and leant up to kiss him.
“I love you, Matt.” You said, nuzzling into his neck with sleep threatening to encompass you.
“I love you too, y/n.” He whispered, kissing the top of your head as you fell into a deep slumber.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Do We Have A Future?: January
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Part 1 | Part 2: November
Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Word Count: 1.9k Warning: Adult themes, mental health triggers, themes of depression, pregnancy complications and termination Summary: Rebecca told Ethan and now they have to live with the aftermath of their decision.
Author’s Note: Sensitive subject matter means I really suggest only reading if you are 18+ years old.
Taglist: @ohchoices​ @dulceghernandez​ @aylamwrites​​ @binny1985​ @ramseysno1rookie​
Becca stood alone in the middle of Ethan’s dimly lit bedroom one morning after a scalding hot shower while flecks of snow flurried outside. She stood in front of the double wide full length mirror taking in her full form - the unchanged curvature of her hips and abdomen. 
“I’d be in my second trimester…” she whispered to herself as she ran a hand delicately from her breast and lingering down to the blank space of skin below her navel. 
It would have been born in June. 
It was 6:30 in the morning and they needed to be at work in thirty minutes. When Ethan didn’t hear the familiar scuttering of his girlfriend hastily getting ready after choosing another twenty minutes of sleep he grew worried that something may have happened. 
He gingerly opened the door to see his love transfixed in front of the mirror. He crossed the distance quietly in four long strides. Snaking his arms around her he whispered into her ear, “Are you okay?”
There Ethan stood in his standard work attire holding Becca’s cold naked body close to him, his left hand securely wrapped around her midsection and his right hand placed on top of hers at her stomach. His clean shaven chin rested on her shoulder and his bright blue eyes searched her features for the explanation he knew was never coming. 
“Yeah,” she breathed as she snapped back into reality. Ethan could feel the goosebumps beginning to prick her skin and eyes started to glaze over as she pulled away from him. “Give me a minute. I’ll be ready in five.” 
Becca still cried at the thought of what's been lost. She still couldn’t walk past the neonatal wing of the hospital, or any babies for that matter. Even infants on social media or television bring tears to her eyes. Some days the extreme emptiness hits harder than others. 
Ethan still refused to talk about it. He wanted nothing more than to know how exactly he could help her without having to guess each and every day. But that would be breaking their solemn vow. He couldn’t break his promise after she explicitly asked him not to all those weeks ago at her appointment. Ethan couldn’t let her down; not now, not ever again. 
Unbeknownst to him, Rebecca wanted nothing more than to confront the fact head on, she’s done her self deprecating wallowing and was ready to divulge. She wanted to know what’s going on inside his head. But after the last time she tried to bring it up she feared that if she continued it would be to the detriment of their relationship. 
They were sitting on Ethan’s couch watching a Blue Planet documentary. Ethan comfortably laid back with his feet perched on an ottoman and Becca’s legs draped over his lap. She had the purple fleece blanket she brought from her apartment snuggled around her torso. Neither were too intrigued by this segment on flying fish, so Becca picked at the chipping paint on her fingernails and Ethan closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of how this woman beside him could make him feel so at home.  
Out of nowhere the demons eating at Becca’s core shakily asked, “What would we have done if we kept it?” 
Truth be told Becca had been thinking this since the moment she swallowed the first pill. What would their life be like here and now? 
“Stop, Rookie,” he sternly admonished. Ethan knew she was treading down a slippery slope. She had finally started going through a routine like normal and he believed entertaining this notion would have her regress back into the shell of the woman he once knew. “No point in dwelling on the past.”    
Becca pursed her lips and gave him an unsatisfied nod. She could push the subject but she wasn’t strong enough for that. She used every little bit of courage she had to let the thoughts slip off her tongue without the twin tears rolling down her cheeks. The topic seemed like taboo. 
Why can’t we talk about this? she thought.
Becca had been back at Edenbrook for six weeks. She enthusiastically threw herself into her work hoping it would help fill the void and bring her joy. However it did nothing to soothe her like the way it once had. Rebecca was barren; the things she loved didn’t carry enough weight anymore. Her moods had also frequently gone on a roller-coaster ride, more times than she or Ethan would care to admit. She lived in the realm of fury, rage, disinterest and disdain. But at least she was talking and willing to leave the apartment. 
Thankfully, Ethan thinks to himself every day she gets up and goes through the motions of her past self. 
She still didn’t spend much time at her place. The awkwardness and permanent ball lodged in her throat at keeping this secret from her dearest friends had put distance between them. Becca didn’t actively want to put a strain on her friendships; she just couldn’t bear the thought of them pitying her. It was easier for them to think she’d let her new job title and relationship become her most sacred of priorities. 
When Ethan noticed her dejected and hopeless look day after day he thought now was a better time than any to help move her mind on to something else.
“I was thinking…” he trailed off as they sat at his kitchen island having her favorite spaghetti bolognese dish he ordered for them from Don Luigi’s. Looking down and twirling the noodles around his fork he said softly, “Maybe you’d like to move in?”  
“What?” Becca’s eyes went wide as she nearly choked on the two bits of pasta in her mouth.   
“You’re here all the time anyway,” he rationalized with a shrug of his shoulders. Ethan dropped the fork and swiftly swung around on his stool to face her. There was a gleam in his eyes that involuntarily made the corners of Becca’s mouth twitch. He reached out for her hands, cradling them between his own. 
“How about we make it official?” Their eyes met and Becca took a bated breath. The corners of Ethan’s lips pulled into the biggest grin - a smile Becca knew was just for her. It had been months since she’d last seen him glow like that, all the wrinkles and cracks in his features coming to light just for her. “Make me the happiest man alive and turn this place into a home, Rookie.” 
Looking at the man before her she thought maybe, just maybe everything will be okay.
“Okay,” she nodded with a small smile, trying her best to give him the genuine declaration of adoration that a moment like this deserved. 
The move didn’t help. If anything it made her mental state worse. Rebecca was completely dissociated from her current life and there were two versions wandering around in her place. 
The first version; the doctor and third year resident who focused solely on her patients needs, continuously going above and beyond for them. No matter the turmoil raging inside of her. For the first time in a while she was back at the top of her game, she didn’t need Ethan to shadow her or reassign any of her potentially-emotionally damaging cases. In the halls of Edenbrook all that mattered to Becca were the lives of her patients and helping as many helpless individuals as she possibly could. 
Ethan knew she was deflecting but as her boss he was overly impressed with her performance as she tirelessly solved case after case in no time at all. He came to accept that the concern he had for her well-being was better felt behind closed doors, whether it be at home or with his father figure. Ethan did consistently speak about her with Naveen for both of their sakes. The two men discussed and debated on how they can support her without her knowing, while the older doctor simultaneously consoled and navigated his mentee’s guarded emotions whether Ethan liked it or not. 
The second version of Rebecca was simply Becca. A girl who’s new coping mechanism was throwing herself into packing up her life and slowly turning Ethan’s luxury and sterile bachelor pad into a home. As she packed alone in her room she let her mind project a new, better reality. One where she was still carrying. She’d pass the time singing and speaking to her flat belly of the great life awaiting the three of them. The undeniable love still coursing through her veins. 
‘What are we doing today?’ she said softly with a smile as she taped together a cardboard box on her bed. ‘We’re packing up my apartment and we’re moving into daddy’s place!’ Saying those words made her heart swell, feel fuller than it’s ever been. 
Rebecca wasn’t alone. Although science and any rationale would say otherwise, she still felt that the baby, her baby was still with them. 
Moving about her room she categorized the objects of her life out on the floor into piles of winter clothes, summer clothes, general clothes, books, household objects, and miscellaneous. As each pile started to grow and moving around became difficult she exclaimed, 
‘I have so much stuff! Where are we gonna put it all?’ She chuckled to herself as she haphazardly threw one of the piles of clothes into an empty suitcase.  
Patting her abdomen she happily added, ‘Dad’s gonna have a fit; we’re gonna take over the whole place.’ 
This quite well may be the only time she’d get to say those words out loud with Ethan. This could have possibly been the only time she’d be pregnant. Ethan was being more than careful now that she was not on any form of contraception. Her doctor noted that the typical thing to do after a termination would have been to start on the pill but Becca refused, wanting time for her body to readjust before adding more hormones in the mix. Not like we’re gonna be intimate any time soon... she thought bitterly in her OB/GYNs office back then. 
In her mind Becca was now moving and creating a nest egg at Ethan’s for their little miracle. She allowed herself to indulge in this fantasy keeping her together - keeping her happy. She had made the mistake of getting attached in those first and last two weeks of knowing and now couldn’t shake the thought. As much as she’d wanted it gone, she grew fond of the little ball of cells and all the possibilities it held. Now she felt unfulfilled; something was missing from her life, from her body and she couldn’t understand why. Why something she didn’t want and didn’t have could hurt so much. 
As a woman of medicine, Rebecca is a woman of proven science. She never did believe in a higher power. 
But there’s so much unknown in this world. Maybe, just maybe... 
If there was even the slightest chance the soul - her baby’s soul was wandering aimlessly around in the unknown, she needed to do something about it. After much internal deliberation and listening to her heart she decided it was a girl and gave her a name, Avaline Dolores Ramsey. She thought of her dark brown hair on the top of her tiny head, Ethan’s eyes shining bright with possibility, their skin colors mixed together to give an olive complexion. 
A little bundle of joy staring back at her in her mind's eye every second of every day.
A/N: writing this is the most cathartic thing ever. thank you for reading. we’ve got 2 more parts to go!
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dexiao · 4 years
Play me (m) | Part 2 of 2
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Gif originally posted by @weishenkun​
Synopsis: Living with Kun was perfectly fine until he tried to teach you how to play the guitar  Pairing: Qian Kun x female reader  Words: 2.3k  Genre: roommate!au, smut (oral, safe sex), fluff? A/N: Ok, so this chapter is basically the vehicle to smut and the smut itself. I’ve never really written smut in another language, so I hope it’s ok.
This is a work of fiction. It does not portray the real personality of the member.
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The next day, Kun went to the gym and dinner was under my responsibility, so I decided to make a veggie pasta that I knew he liked.  
I turned on a Arctic Monekeys playlist and sang at brianstorm with all the power I had while cutting vegetables and heating water to cook the noodles.
Kun would arrive between 8:05 and 8:15 p.m., so when the clock hit 8 o’clock I started cooking the noodles.
It was 8:07 when he entered the apartment, going directly to the kitchen. My sauce was ready and I was only looking over the pasta to not let it overcook, lazily scrolling through my instagram feed.
“Hello there.” He said with a smile, heading to the fridge. God, he was dripping sweat. His t-shirt was wet and there were streams running down his face and neck. 
“What’s up! Dinner’s almost ready.” I nodded, looking at him.
“Great, my shower will be quick.”
Kun opened the fridge door, standing in front of it and taking off his t-shirt, releasing a small sigh. Then he grabbed the water jug and closed the fridge, turning to the sink to get a glass. Coincidentally, it was where I was standing.
When I realized that Kun, shirtless, with sweat draining through his upper body, was coming in my direction, I froze immediately in my spot. Unable to move, I just felt my face turning red as his arm brushed against mine.
After he drank the water and distanced himself, I realized that I was also holding my breath and holding onto my phone so tight that my knuckles were pale.
“Is everything ok, Y/N?”
“Hum, sure, why not?” I answered, my voice cracking a little.
“Okay then. I’ll go for that shower.” He said and moved out of the kitchen. 
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It’s not only that I had never seen Kun shirtless. We were very respectful towards each other, and that included not walking around semi naked. I mean, of course I knew that he was hot, I knew it since we first met. But I didn’t want to ruin the great relationship I had with Kun, he was the most perfect roommate I could ever find. God, he even tried to teach me how to play the guitar.
Today was one of the days I’d cook for us again, and these thoughts filled my head as I waited for Kun to get out of the shower. Today he didn’t repeat the shirtless piece he threw last Thursday, going straight to the shower as I screamed for him to be quick. This time I waited in the living room, the hot dogs I just made placed on the center table.
I kept searching for something to watch as Kun turned off the shower, opening the door almost promptly.
“Y/N?” He shouted.
“Can you bring me the towel, please? I think I forgot in on top of my bed.”
I could feel the blood flowing to my face and ears as I got up to get his towel. Just as he said, the towel was sprawled on the bed.
I took a deep breath before heading to the bathroom to hand it to Kun. The door was already open, so I just had to hand it and go back to the living room, right? Wrong.
When I reached the bathroom door which wasn’t completely open, I put my arm inside while holding the towel. Instead of just grabbing the towel, Kun opened the door, only wearing a pair of boxers.
It was involuntary to look at him as the door moved. His toned body covered in water. His chest, his abs, his thighs… and a fucking innocent look in his eyes. Every inch of him was so perfect that I had to force myself to look the other way. 
Blushing more than before, I shook the towel in my hand and Kun finally took it, allowing me to run back to the sofa.
“What the hell, Kun.” I whispered, trying to normalize my breath.
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At this point I was sure that Kun was trying to do something to me. He always walked around shirtless, stayed a long time only wrapped in his towel after showering and stripped off his top after gym.
I, on the other hand, didn’t really know what to do and it started to bother me so much that I was dreaming about Kun. And by dreaming I mean hot and wet dreams, in which Kun would press me against a wall and tease me until I begged him to fuck me.
On a Saturday afternoon, Kun went out to buy some books and I stayed home watching some random Netflix series laying comfortably on the couch. Eventually I fell asleep, my phone still on my hands.
And of course I dreamed of Kun.
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I was sitting in the office chair he had in his bedroom, my back straight and my whole body tense. My dress rolling up my tights as I felt myself heating. I couldn’t help but think of the things Kun could do to me since everything at his room just screamed his name. His smell was everywhere. I closed my eyes and tried my best to push away the thought of him kissing my neck. I pressed my legs together and squeezed my arms along my torso as I took a deep breath.
Kun appeared shirtless at the door, wearing only a black pair of jeans and holding his guitar – which was the reason he left me alone in his room in the first place. He sat on the bed in front of me, his six pack abs folding when he curled his back a little.
“I’ve been thinking on what chords I should show you now, but it depends a little on the songs you’d like to learn.” He said, playing the guitar absentmindedly. I didn’t realize that I needed to respond, too busy watching his arm muscles as he held the guitar and pressed the strings.
“Yeah?” I looked at him, confused, noticing the grin in his face.
“You’re really just watching me, aren’t you?”
I couldn't help but look down as I blushed aggressively. Kun dropped the guitar on his bed and kneeled in front of me, cupping my face with both hands to make me look into his eyes. 
“So you are this dirty, Y/N?” He smiled devilishly, one of his hands letting go of my face and going to left thigh. I could barely breathe as his fingers played with the hem of my dress, lifting it up. My eyes alternated between looking at his hand and his face, observing as lust grew in Kun’s dark eyes.
Kun moved his other hand to open my legs and I gasped as his right touched my underwear. He laughed.
“Look at yourself, so needy…” Kun said to himself, lifting my dress until my hips were completely shown.
I held tightly to the arms of the chair as Kun leaned to lick a stripe of my leg, starting from the knee until my inner thigh, close to my soaked panties.
“So wet already.”
He licked the fabric of my panties and I shivered, letting out a strangled moan. Then he moved the panties to the side and released a hot breath against my pussy.
“Your pussy is so pretty, Y/N. Why have you been hiding it from me all this time?” He licked his lips at the sight and used one finger to play with my wetness.
“Kun, please stop teasing…” I whined.
That’s when I heard a loud thud and woke up, realizing that the only real thing was the soaking in my panties and the sweat on my forehead. The phone I held in my hands before was now fallen onto the ground.
“God, Y/N.”
Then I noticed Kun was back from his shopping and watched me, standing next to the couch. I blushed immediately, noticing how flustered he looked and imagining I might be looking a lot worse.
“Were you dreaming of me?” Kun asked, closing his eyes, breathing heavily. His hands closed in fists hanging on the sides of his body, a bulge very visible in his pants.
I nodded, forgetting that he wouldn’t notice my answer. My eyes were still glued to him when he opened his again, looking at me in expectation.
“Yes, I did.” I said, ashamed of having this kind of thoughts about my roommate.
Kun took another deep breath, coming closer to me and sitting on the edge of the couch next to my hips.
“Can I touch you?” Kun asked, gazing into my eyes.
As I nodded, his hands moved to my waist, running through my hips and legs, then coming back and entering under my shirt to reach my breasts. Kun looked at my body as it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and it just made me more wet by the second.
I let out a short sigh and licked my lips, salivating at the sight of him, as he squeezed my breasts trapped under the bra.
Kun lifted my shirt and laid a wet kiss on my belly, making me groan and involuntarily rush my hands through his hair.
When he raised his head again to look at my face, I couldn’t hold it.
“Please, kiss me.”
Kun leaned closer to my face, looking at my face like I wasn’t real. Then he licked my already wet lips and his tongue entered my mouth in a wet kiss. My hands pulled his hair and scratched the back of his neck, as his travelled to my hips to play with the waistband of my shorts. One of his hands squeezed my butt, making me moan into the kiss.
He broke the kiss to take off his shirt and my shorts, placing himself between my legs to slowly remove my underwear.
“God, Y/N, you are so fucking wet, your panties are dripping…” He said, squeezing the piece of fabric in his left hand and bringing it closer to his face.
With his right hand, he rushed his fingers through my throbbing core, sliding easily due to the arousal. Kun inserted two fingers in my pussy, so I moaned loudly.
“How can you be so hot, Y/N?” Kun removed his fingers and sucked them, closing his eyes. “I want to stuff your sweet little pussy with my cock so bad. I don’t even know if you can take all of it.”
His words made me clench unwillingly, thirsty to have him inside of me.
I got up and kneeled by his side, taking of my shirt and bra before kissing him hungrily. My hands traveled on his half naked body, one busy with chest and abs and the other palming him through his jeans.
Kun opened his pants himself and started kissing my neck, grabbing my hips to brush his cock on my folds. He lifted his hips to remove his pants completely, then searched for something in his pockets. While he opened the condom, I kept humping him and breathing against his ear.
I moved to the ground and grabbed his shaft before he could put on the condom, licking a stripe of it and sucking lightly at its head. Kun threw his head back on the couch as I went deeper on his cock, already wet from my juices. He placed one of his hands on the back of my neck, trusting his hips a little forward and making me choke on his huge member, trying to fit all of it in my mouth.
“I want your cock inside me so much, Kun…” I whined.
Kun pulled me up and laid me down on the couch again, finally being able to put on the condom. He threw my legs over his shoulders, brushing his dick on my cunt and covering it in my juices again.
“Please, fuck me.”
It was the spark Kun needed to bury all of his length inside my pussy at once. I groaned loudly, grabbing his hair and pulling him for another kiss as he fucked me stupid.
One of his hands moved to my clit, so I broke the kiss, unable to hold the moans and, to be honest, unable to think of anything but how good Kun was making me feel.
“You take my cock so well, Y/N…” He said, stopping his massage on my clit and moving his finger to my mouth, so I sucked at his digit.
Kun was already sweating when I started moving my hips against his, searching for more friction.
“Do you want to cum, baby?”
“Yes, please.”
So Kun put one of my legs down and trusted as deep and strong as he could, teasing my nipples as I stimulated my clit and felt my climax approaching.
“Oh God, Kun, I’m gonna cum.” I said as I felt the knot on my core growing.
Kun fucked me through my high and came as well, inside the condom.
After a few seconds catching our breaths, Kun slipped out of me and sat spread on the couch, still sweating.
I got up to rest against his torso, feeling his breath on my hair as my fingers played with the hair of his leg.
“So, you’ve been looking forward to this, Y/N?” Kun asked, noticeably more shy.
“Yes, for a few days, since you didn’t seem to be able to wear shirts at home anymore.” We laughed. “And what about you?” I asked, turning my head to face him. He was disheveled, but never looked so hot and adorable at the same time.
“Ever since you moved in. The day I tried to teach you how to play the guitar was the last straw.” He smiled, intertwining our fingers.
“Oh, right. I noticed it. By the way, we could keep doing it, don’t you think?”
“Fucking or playing guitar?”
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verai-marcel · 4 years
Sweet Surrender (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x Fem!Reader, Corrections AU, 18+)
Part 14 of the Corrections, the prisoner AU. Find the rest here.
Summary: With things back to normal, Arthur suggests an act that you never thought you’d try. He tells you that it’s a kind of surrender, a way to educate your body in relaxing and muscle control, and Arthur is more than willing to teach you.
Author’s Notes: This is it.
Tags: anal sex, dirty talk, D/s, consensual non-consent, name calling, slight degradation, role play, doggy style, rough sex
Word Count: 3725
AO3 link is here, sweet girl.
For the past two weeks, things had gradually gotten back to normal after you and Arthur had a good talk and a great fuck. A few days ago, Arthur had come over for dinner, and as the two of you were wont to do, discussed sex while cooking.
“You willin’ to try somethin’ new?”
“What would that be?” you asked hesitatingly.
You turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow.
“If you don’t want to, just say so,” he said hastily.
You sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want to… It’s just… I don’t know. Seems dirty.”
“‘Cause it is, sweetheart.” He waggled his eyebrows at you.
You playfully slapped his arm. “You know what I mean.”
Arthur chuckled. “I know, I know. You jus’ got to, you know, clean yerself up.”
You stopped stirring the pasta for a moment and turned to him, glaring.
He rolled his eyes. “I’ll explain later.”
You had followed his directions and even watched a few videos online, educating yourself on how to be clean for this… act. You had never thought in a million years that you’d agree to taking a cock up your ass, but when you had read an interesting quote online, you were convinced that it was worth trying. 
Besides, you had your safe words. You trusted Arthur.
But part of you was still a little wary. The idea of it wasn’t revolting, but it didn’t turn you on, either. At the moment, it was a very mechanical concept, invoking neither desire nor disgust. It was just there.
When Saturday morning rolled around and Arthur came over, you had finally come up with an idea to heighten this scenario. With his backpack slung over his shoulder, he entered your apartment, giving you a kiss on your forehead in greeting. You tugged on his shirt sleeve the moment he dropped his stuff off in your room.
“What is it, sweet girl?”
“Can we talk about the scenario for today?”
“Of course. What’s on yer mind?”
“I need you to force yourself on me.”
Arthur stroked his chin. “Alright. Any role in particular?”
You shrugged. “Maybe…” You trailed off, recognizing the irony in what you were about to ask him. “Could you be the prison guard and I’d be your trouble making prisoner?”
Arthur stared at you for a good long moment, his brows furrowed with confusion and his lips quirking upwards, as if he was trying not to laugh. “Are you serious, darlin’?”
You turned away, the heat of embarrassment suffusing your cheeks. “Forget I said anything,” you muttered.
“No, no, I like it, I just… never thought I’d hear you suggest it.” He put his hands on your shoulders and gently turned you back around to face him before cupping your cheeks. “I’ve always wanted to do this power play scenario, but…” He paused, blew out a breath. “I didn’t want to get too close to yer real job.”
You shrugged again. “It’s weird, I know. I can separate real life from play time. When I’m at work, I’m in work mode. When I’m home, with you? I’m all yours.”
Arthur smiled before he leaned in to kiss your forehead. “Glad to hear it." He looked you up and down, heat growing in his eyes. "You want to play now?”
You nodded.
“Safe words?”
“Lemon to slow down. Cherries to stop.”
“Good girl.” He pat your ass. “Now go on. I’ll give you some time to get ready.”
You sat on your bed in your room, your eyes closed. This was full circle. You were the prisoner, Arthur’s prisoner.
Your lips quirked upwards.
When he came into the room, sauntering in and eyeing you like he knew exactly what you had done, you felt your insides tingle with desire. 
Yes, yes, this is what you wanted. That fire, that intense heat that threatened to take your breath away.
“You know what you did.”
You looked up at him; he had thrown on a short-sleeved greyish-blue button up and tucked it into his jeans. You ignored the wrinkles on his shirt that were clearly from him shoving it into his backpack. It’d be coming off soon enough. 
Arthur stood in front of you, his hands on his belt, his hips cocked slightly. “I could keep you in here for a long time. Real long time.” The grin on his face was crude, calculating.
“Please sir, isn’t there anything I can do?” you begged, knowing your acting was crass and poor.
He reached out and held your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Pretty li’l thing like you? There’s plenty you can do.” He let go of you and undid his belt. “Use that mouth of yours, for one.” 
You reached up and unzipped his fly, reaching in to pull out his cock. He was still a little soft, and you made a small noise of enjoyment as you engulfed him in your mouth. You loved the feel of him growing from your lips and tongue working him. Pulling his jeans down just enough so you could play with his balls as you sucked him to hardness, you hummed happily.
“Enjoyin’ yerself, my sweet whore?”
“Hmmm-hmmm!” Your agreement was muffled by his cock in your mouth.
Arthur just chuckled as he took off his shirt, letting you dictate the pace as you serviced him. When you looked up at him, his length deep in your mouth, his eyes met yours, his mouth open, and all he could do was let out a shaky moan. 
“Yer too good at this,” he said as he pulled away from you. “Take off yer clothes.”
You started to pull your shirt over your head.
You slowly pulled your shirt over your head, letting each inch of your skin be revealed as you stood up and turned around, reaching for your bra clasps. You could feel his breath on your neck as he stepped forward to wrap his hand around your neck. He lay a soft kiss behind your ear before nibbling on your earlobe.
“That’s it, let me see everythin’.”
He looked over your shoulder as you let the bra slide off, your breasts revealed to his hungry gaze. Letting go of your neck, he reached around and cupped his hands around your tits, his thumb brushing against your nipples. 
You whimpered softly at his touch as you slowly untied the drawstring of your sweatpants and let them fall. Your white panties were getting soaked by how turned on you were from his touch. Feeling his hands glide down your body, you squeezed your legs together when his fingers got closer to the hem of your panties.
“Tryin’ to hide somethin’?” he growled. He gripped your thighs, his fingers digging into your flesh. He shoved a leg between yours and tapped your ankles. “Legs apart. Bend over.”
You did so, your heart beating hard at his firm command. You could hear him dropping his pants and kicking them away before he grabbed your ass and squeezed. Then his hands tore your panties away, leaving you shivering with desire. His fingers slid along your folds, circling your core, knowing what you wanted and instead teasing you mercilessly.
“So wet. That because of me?”
“Yes, sir.”
He leaned over you, reaching around to grip your jaw. You could feel his cock nudging you open as he rocked his hips back and forth just a little bit, just enough to graze your clit, just enough to torment you. 
“Are you my little slut?”
“Y-yes sir.”
“All mine?”
Arthur suddenly grabbed your hips and slammed his cock inside of you. A strangled cry escaped your throat as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you upwards, forcing your back to arch. 
“Fuck yerself on me.”
You moved your hips, reaching up to cling to his arm for balance as you impaled yourself over and over on his hard cock. He stood as solid as a wall, letting you move as you desired. When you reached down to rub your center, he grabbed your wrist.
“Did I say you could touch yerself?” He pulled out of you and pushed you back down on the bed. “Stay there,” he ordered.
You stayed still, bent over the edge of the bed as he disappeared for a few moments, returning with a tube and three anal plugs. 
“Gotta train you to be my anal slut,” he muttered as he poured some lube onto the smallest plug. He warmed it up by rubbing it around first before coating your tight ring with the viscous gel.
When the tip of the plug entered your ass, you involuntarily clenched your muscles.
He spanked you. Loudly.
“Loosen up,” he demanded.
You took a deep breath. You felt him gently rub your back with soothing circles as you gradually calmed yourself and let him work the plug into your rear passage, stretching you, getting you accustomed to the feel of something inside of you in such a naughty place.
Then you felt him pull it out, heard the lube being slathered onto something else. When he tried to push in the medium sized plug, and you whimpered.
“You want out?”
You knew he was asking you both in role and out of character. You also knew that he would want you to answer truthfully, honestly, openly.
“Please Sir, I’ll do as you say.”
“Then let me in.”
You took another deep breath, closed your eyes, and let him work the plug inside of you, relaxing your muscles as best you could, surrendering to his demanding touch.
“There ya go, good girl,” he rumbled as your body relaxed, letting him slide the plug in and out at a steady pace. After a little while, he pulled it out, coated the largest plug in lube and slowly pushed it inside of you, listening to you softly whimper. He pet your back tenderly, soothing you with shushing noises and praises as you took it all in.
“Now then,” he said as he slowly pushed his cock inside of your pussy once more. “Let’s get you all cummed out before I take that fine ass of yours.”
You moaned when Arthur covered you, reaching around to stroke your clit as he fucked you. 
“Like that, darlin’? Like bein' filled up?”
“Yes, yes,” you chanted, his fingers enslaving you with every heated touch, with every deliberate stroke against your bundle of nerves that brought you shocks of pleasure each time. He breathed on your earlobe before taking it between his lips and sucking on the delicate skin.
You moaned loudly as you came around his thick cock, your legs trembling and threatening to buckle as he kept pounding into you, letting you fall from his grasp as you finished writhing underneath him. You collapsed on the mattress as your legs gave out.
“Up on the bed,” Arthur demanded. 
You slowly crawled up onto the bed, but you were too slow for his liking. With an impatient snarl, Arthur gripped your hips and manhandled you into the middle of the bed and onto your back. You watched as he grabbed the lube, squeezed some into the palm of his hand, and began stroking his cock, his eyes dark with lust as he raised his gaze to meet yours. Then he grabbed your ankles and rested them on his shoulders before he playfully smacked your ass a few times.
“Been lookin’ forward to this,” he said with a lewd grin as he slowly removed the plug. He pressed his member against your rear opening and pushed inside.
You let out a wordless cry as he leaned over you, bending you in half as he inched his way into you. A bead of sweat dropped from his forehead onto your cheek.
“So tight,” he gritted out, controlling his pace until he was fully in your ass. He let out a long breath. “Fuck.”
“Mmm-Mr. Morgan,” you whined.
“Yes, sweet girl?”
You gave him a sly grin. “Please fuck my ass.”
A slow, eager smile grew on Arthur’s handsome face before he started to rock his hips, building up a slow, rhythmic pace, angling himself to give you the most pleasure. He let out a litany of curses followed by wordless grunts of pleasure as he took you in the dirtiest manner, unable to do anything but fuck you.
Your sounds of pleasure were nearly drowned out by the wanton moans of his own. This was the loudest you had ever heard Arthur, his deep voice rumbling, the vibrations traveling down your legs and through your body, a direct line to your center.
“Come for me,” he growled as he reached down, his thumb stroking your core. “Goin’ to fill ya up with my load 'till it runs down yer thighs when you get up.”
With a gasp and a soft cry, you came, the burst of pleasure exploding through you, up and down your body with no mercy, making you shake and roll your hips, threatening to dislodge Arthur from your tight hole. He held onto your thighs, keeping you still as he pounded furiously into you, moaning with pleasure when he finally spilled inside of you, gripping you so hard that you knew you were going to bruise later.
“Goddamn,” he rasped, catching his breath as he let your ankles slide down his arms before he grabbed them and wrapped them around his waist. He fell upon his forearms on either side of your shoulders, looked at you with a smile, drunk on the afterglow. His hands cupped your face and he leaned in for a gentle kiss. 
“Couldn’t even finish out the scene, it was that good?” you teased.
Arthur chuckled. “Yeah. Yer that good.” He slowly slid out of you and sat up on his haunches. Holding his hands out to you, he nodded towards the bathroom. “C’mon. Let’s get cleaned up. Then I’ll git you some chocolate.”
“Cherry cordials?”
“Always, darlin’.”
You were all cleaned up and in your lounge pants and tank top, sitting in Arthur’s lap. He had pulled on some boxers after the shower, and was feeding you a cherry cordial.
“You can’t have the whole box,” he said after you whimpered when he started to put the box away.
“I burned a lot of calories there!”
“You ain’t had lunch yet.”
You sighed and nodded, but you still eyed the box longingly as he put it on the nightstand on the other side of the bed, away from you. Then he wrapped his arms around you and held you close, humming a soft melody.
You turned so you were straddling his lap, looking him in his beautiful eyes. “Tell me. About your old job. Before you got arrested.”
Arthur gave you an inscrutable look. “Alright. But let’s make food first.”
A simple open faced sandwich with bacon, eggs, and cheese sat on your plate, while Arthur sat across from you, munching on his.
You glared at him.
He looked at you, chewing his food slowly before swallowing. “Go on, eat.”
“Tell me.”
“Okay, okay,” he relented between bites. “I was head of security at a BDSM club in the city.” He waited for you to respond, to say anything, but you just stared at him, waiting patiently for him to continue. You knew this part, you had heard it during his interrogation while he was in prison. But you knew there was more, and you had waited so long for this.
“I worked there for about ten years. Dutch, he found me when I, uh, tried to steal from the club. Instead, he hired me as a bouncer. Was a small club back then, just a safe place for people with like minds to be comfortable. But it slowly grew, and we hired more people. Charles was hired as a bouncer too, but turned out he could cook pretty well, so he helped out makin’ apps fer the lounge area.”
You watched as Arthur’s eyes clouded over with memories of the past. “What was the club called?”
“Free & Brave.”
You vaguely remembered hearing about it in the news a few years back. “Was that the one that got shut down because the owner was using it as a front for illegal operations?”
The corner of Arthur’s lips quirked upwards. “Yeah, that’s the one. We had no clue he was doin’ it, not ‘till one of the newer bouncers, man named Micah, started sniffin’ around the place. Overheard him talkin’ on the phone, reportin’ suspicious activity. Turned out that guy was a rat, paid by another syndicate to wreck the operation.”
Your eyebrows raised.
“Soon as I heard, I told Charles, and we slowly got people to find new jobs, to get the hell out of there. Most people listened. Some didn’t.” He looked a little bitter when he said that, taking a deep breath before continuing. “When we finally got everyone out that we could, Charles and I left, took off to the next state over. We knew what the Van der Linde family was capable of and wanted no part of that.”
You nodded. You’re glad he got out when he did. “Why didn’t you tell the detective any of this?”
“I didn’t like him.”
You rolled your eyes.
“He got what he needed out of me. I said I didn’t know about the drugs, and I said I ain’t smart enough fer double bookkeepin’, both of which are true.”
“You’re plenty smart,” you said before finally taking a bite out of your sandwich.
Arthur just wryly smiled at you, as if he didn’t believe you. “Well anyway, Charles & I worked for a contractor for a while, did some side jobs to make some extra money, and when that asshole stole my tools and claimed they were his when I tried to steal them back… well, you know the rest.”
You did. You knew he had been sent to jail for breaking and entering, even after it was proven that the tools were his.
“So the friend you were meeting this morning?” you asked, circling back to the reason he had come over this morning instead of last night.
“He was one of the, uh, workers, at the club. He didn’t believe us at the time, but now he knows everythin’. He apologized to me and Charles, wanted to put things right between us.”
From the bitter look on his face, you had a hunch the feeling wasn’t mutual. “You don’t forgive him?”
Arthur let out a short sigh. “I forgive him, but I ain’t gonna forget what he said to us. Weren’t real kind.”
You nodded, placing a hand on Arthur’s forearm in quiet comfort.
He placed his hand on top of yours, his thumb stroking your skin, and he smiled at you. “Charles says hi, by the way.”
Grinning, you responded, “I say hi back.”
Arthur leaned in and kissed your forehead. “Got any more questions fer me, officer? Or am I free to go?”
You let go of his arm and made a shooing gesture. “You’re free to go, but don’t get into any more trouble.”
He laughed as he got up to take his empty plate along with yours to the sink.
“Arthur?” you said, watching his back as he washed the dishes.
You took a deep breath. It was time to ask. You had been thinking about it for a long time, and you realized that this was what you wanted. That he was what you wanted.
“Will you… would you live together with me?”
Arthur stopped moving. The sound of the water running down the sink filled the room as the moment stretched, your heart racing, fearing that he would say no, that it was perhaps too soon, that he wouldn’t be ready.
He slowly reached out and turned off the water. Drying his hands, he came back to the table and got down on one knee in front of you.
“Arthur?” you said hesitantly, your voice cracking. Why was he down on one knee? There was no way. No way. Absolutely no way—
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small velvet bag. “Darlin’. I want you to know that this has been the best year of my life. Bein’ with you, I feel like I’ve been given a second chance.” He opened the velvet bag and upended the contents into his hand.
Two things fell out: a dark blue lace choker, and a silver ring with a blue gemstone. He met your eyes and said your name with a gravitas you had not expected. 
“I love you. More than anythin'." He held up the choker necklace. "With this choker, I want you to be my one and only sub, forever."
Holding up the ring, he continued. "With this ring, I want you to be my sweet wife, 'til death do us part."
He then reached out and held your hand. "Will you be mine?" 
You saw him desperately trying to stay neutral, but his vulnerability was already exposed from the hopeful look in his eyes. You could break him with just a single word. He had laid out his heart so bare that it made your own heart clench with emotion. 
"You need me?" you asked quietly. 
"More than air, darlin'."
Letting out a shaky breath, you replied, "Then yes, I'll be yours."
Arthur brought your hand to his lips and gave you a gentle kiss before he slipped the ring onto your finger. Then he stood and walked around you, placing the choker around your neck. Kissing the back of your neck before coming around to face you, he lifted you to your feet and pulled you into his arms, leaning in and nuzzling your cheek. 
“You've made me so damn happy. I love you, my sweet girl."
You shared his smile, your heart blooming with love. In a way, this was what you really wanted; asking him to live with you was just a prelude to your dream, now fulfilled. You kissed his stubbled cheek before pressing your forehead to his. With a warm smile on his lips, his eyes shining with emotion, he looked at you like you were his everything. 
And he was yours.
"I love you too, Mr. Morgan."
End Notes: That quote? It’s this: “Bliss, I learned from being sodomized, is an experience of eternity in a moment of real time. Sodomy is the ultimate sexual act of trust.” It’s from The Surrender, by Toni Bentley. 
There might be more parts with Charles & Javier later, but right now, consider the main story done. Thanks for all of your support for this series!
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onlycags · 4 years
Poker Face | Çağlar Söyüncü
Alright, y’all! This is it: the piece I’ve been working on for what feels like forever. I didn’t mean for it to get this long, I swear, but there was just so much I wanted to add that first it turned into 5k and then 10k and before I knew it, I was finished and this monstrosity was 18,129 words. This currently is, and will probably always be, the longest smut piece I’ve ever written. I’m incredibly proud of it, but I’m also aware that Cags isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I 100% understand if you don’t read this.  To those of you who make it to the end, I love you. I’m not expecting anyone to sit down and read this in one sitting (if you do, I will be surprised, as not even I could do that while I was proofreading it), but I would very much like to know if you would like a second part - it will by no means be this long or smutty; mostly filled with angst, as you will see if you make it to the end.
Warnings: whipping/flogging/spanking, unconfessed feelings, D/s, emotional moments (not quite sure how to explain all of it, but please let me know if you think other warnings should be added).
Once every month, James hosted a Thursday-evening poker tournament and it was something you looked forward to each time. Nobody ever really bet anything serious, the chips didn’t even represent real money most evenings, but tonight was different.
It was the second-to-last hand of the evening. Jack was dealing. “The game is five-card stud, lads,” his gaze flickered over to you. “And lady.” You rolled your eyes at his poor attempt at flirting that he’d been doing all evening.
You hadn’t been dealt the best hand but you were very good at bluffing and using your feminine wiles to your advantage, so you had no worries. Besides, you’d been winning most of the evening so you had more chips than most. Your plan was to bet high until everyone folded and you basically won by default; little did you know that Çağlar was onto you.
He’d been watching you all night, and not just because he was attracted to you. The last few months were spent figuring out all your tells and he knew from the moment you’d gotten the last card that your hand was terrible. For some reason, Ben and James still hadn’t figured out when you were bluffing, but Çağlar planned to win. You’d beaten him the last few rounds and he wanted payback.
You went all in once Ben folded and it was just James and Çağlar left, smirking when James sighed and placed his cards face down, muttering, “Too rich for my blood.” It was all down to you and Çağlar.
“Call,” he said, sliding all of his chips into the centre. You licked your lips as your gaze focused on his hands, trying to get your mind to focus.
“All right, let’s-”
“Wait,” Çağlar said, interrupting Jack. He shot you a wink and a smirk. “I propose we make it interesting. Up the ante, if you will.”
Jack looked between the two of you, unsure of what to do. “Are you okay with this?” He asked, turning his attention to you.
Your eyes widened but you didn’t back down. “Sounds good to me.” You didn’t want to give him the upper hand and let him pick first, so you said, “I bet twenty-four hours with me - I’ll do whatever you want.”
Çağlar’s smirk widened at your bet. “I’ll call that.” He looked over at Jack, who nodded. “Royal flush.” He spread his cards out so you could see his hand.
“Regular flush,” you murmured, not meeting his gaze.
A chorus of ooh’s from Ben, James, and Jack had you blushing like crazy.
“All right, love,” Jack said, handing you the deck of cards. “Your turn to deal.”
Your hands shook the entire time you dealt to the boys, Çağlar staring at you as though he already knew exactly what he wanted to do to you. By the time the round was over, your panties were soaked.
“Come with me,” Çağlar said, shooting you a look that you couldn’t argue with.
He cornered you in the kitchen, pinning you between him and the countertop. “Saturday. My place. 9am. Don’t be late.”
You put your hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating quickly underneath your fingertips. With more confidence than you felt, you stood up on your tiptoes and whispered, “Let me give you a little something to look forward to.”
Your eyes met Çağlar’s and the heat in his gaze made your stomach flip. Your tongue peeked out to wet your lower lip as you leaned into him, your nose brushing his ever-so-slightly. His breath hitched and a low sound that resembled a growl left his throat before he took charge and kissed you.
A cross between a whimper and a gasp had you opening your mouth, giving Çağlar the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth to deepen the kiss. Your fingers came up to thread in his hair and you tugged on it, smiling into the kiss when he groaned. In a flash, he had you sitting on the countertop as he stood between your legs.
Both of you were breathing heavily when the kiss ended, your foreheads touching as your breathing mixed together. Çağlar swallowed hard, stepping back to meet your gaze. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, James came in.
“What the fuck are the two of you doing in my kitchen?!” He asked, gesturing between the two of you. “You’re not shagging on my counter!”
“We weren’t!” You said, laughing as you used your thumb to wipe your lower lip. “We’re just getting the details worked out.”
James gave you two a look that said he didn’t believe you but he shrugged and said, “Whatever.”
You and Çağlar shared a look and your pussy clenched at the thought of everything you’d get to do with him on Saturday.
The thirty-six hours between Thursday evening and Saturday morning were the longest of your life. Çağlar had called you on Thursday when both of you had gotten back to your respective places.
“What are you doing right now?” He asked, his voice low.
“I was about to go to sleep. Why?”
“Were you going to touch yourself and make yourself cum?”
Your breath caught in your throat, the answer leaving your lips before you could stop it. “Yes.”
Çağlar’s strangled groan had your pussy dripping and your hand involuntarily drifted down between your legs. “Siktir.” Fuck. “What were you going to think about?”
Your middle finger swirled around your clit. “You,” you gasped, not caring about withholding the truth anymore.
“Good.” He chuckled, low and deep. “Tell me when you’re close.”
Çağlar kept talking to you, this time in Turkish. You couldn’t understand him but his accent and the way he spoke had you dripping.
“I’m close,” you whimpered, easily sliding three fingers inside your pussy.
“Already?” He asked, chuckling. “I’m going to get so many orgasms out of you. Are you going to cum? Are you right on the edge?”
“Take your fingers out of your pussy now.” He commanded. To your surprise, you did, Çağlar’s name on your lips as you did so. “Good girl. Don’t touch yourself until I call you tomorrow, understand?”
“Mmhmm,” you hummed, still in a haze of lust.
“Use your words.”
“I-I understand.”
“Good night,” Çağlar said, the two words washing over you and you pretended he was in bed next to you as he said it.
“Good night, Çağlar.”
You woke up wet and needy, Çağlar the first person on your mind. A part of you wanted to text him but you didn’t want him to think you were desperate. However, the ache between your legs intensified when you got out of bed and you couldn’t take it anymore.
You: When are you calling?
Çağlar smirked when he saw your message as the first thing he read when he woke up. He was inside your head and your question told him everything he needed to know.
Çağlar: Why? Wet for me already?
You squeezed your thighs together when you read his response, a low moan leaving your throat.
You: Maybe…
Çağlar: I want you to go to work without panties today. Send me a picture so I know you’re following the rules.
Your face heated up at the thought of his order - you had to give a presentation today and had planned on wearing your pencil skirt that would make you feel your most powerful. There would be no way you’d be able to be professional and serious with your pussy throbbing between your legs.
Fifteen minutes later, you were taking the train to work, your face flushed as you awaited Çağlar’s response. Just as you were about to walk into work, your phone vibrated.
Çağlar: Good girl.
You couldn’t think all day, your heart racing by the time you finally got home. Your pussy had dripped halfway down your thighs and you blushed to no one as you undressed and changed into comfortable clothes.
Dinner was excruciating. You looked at your phone every five minutes, waiting for Çağlar to text you. The pasta you’d made was normally your favourite but you couldn’t taste it as you shoveled forkfuls into your mouth at an alarming rate.
Çağlar: Show me how wet you are.
You choked on your sip of wine as you read his text, moaning out loud. Your hands shook as you shoved two fingers in your pussy and withdrew them to stretch out a trail of your juices and sent the picture to Çağlar.
His response was immediate - your phone lit up with a FaceTime request from him and you accepted without thinking.
“Hello,” he said, smirking at you when his face appeared on-screen.
“Hi,” you breathed, trying to remain calm.
“How was your day?” He asked, his question mundane but his voice anything but.
You swallowed hard. “It was…good. My presentation went well.”
His eyes darkened at that. “Were you able to concentrate?”
“No.” The admission fell from your lips before you were able to stop it.
“What were you thinking about?”
“You. Your tongue. Your face between my legs. Oh, fuck, Çağlar!” You whimpered, wanting to touch but waiting for his permission.
“Don’t worry, love - we will get to that tomorrow.”
“Please can I touch?”
Çağlar shook his head. “Not until you give me a safeword for tomorrow.”
He chuckled at your quick response, clearly expecting you to take more time to decide. “Alright then. Do you have any hard limits?”
A light blush crossed your cheeks as you shook your head. “No. I prefer to safeword in the moment because I like to try everything.”
Çağlar raised his eyebrows at you in disbelief. “You’ve done this before.”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Cags.” It was your turn to be smug.
“Touch yourself for me - I wanna watch.”
You complied without a word, flipping the camera around so he could watch you sink two fingers into your cunt. “Oh, my God!”
Like last night, Çağlar muttered filth to you in Turkish, his gaze focused on your pussy. “Are you close?” He asked, his voice strangled.
“Take your fingers out of your pussy and put them in your mouth. Good girl. Listen to me: you will show up at my place at 9 in the morning wearing your hottest schoolgirl outfit - no bra and no panties. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“You’re not allowed to touch yourself or cum for the rest of the night. If you do, I will know and I will punish you hard.”
You hadn’t thought it was possible to wake up even wetter and needier than you had on Friday morning, but when you woke up in a puddle of your own juices, it was impossible to ignore.
Çağlar won’t know what hit him, you thought to yourself as you put on your schoolgirl outfit. You put on your runniest mascara, already envisioning being on your knees before him with his cock in your mouth. Your hair was in pigtails and your lips were bright red. You blew yourself a kiss in the mirror right before you left.
Your hands shook as you reached up to knock on Çağlar’s front door. He opened the door wearing nothing but a towel and a smirk on his face. You felt your own face heating up at the sight of him. “Günaydın,” he greeted, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
“Good morning.”
Çağlar motioned for you to follow him inside and you did so, trying not to nervously play with your hands.
“Spread your legs.”
You did as he said, your legs shaking slightly. Before you knew what was happening, he was sliding a hand between them, his middle finger teasing the entrance to your pussy and taking one long stroke to swirl around your clit. Your hands reached out to grab his forearm and you whimpered.
“Let go,” he said, his eyes dark. When you released him, he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them, his gaze glued to yours. “Nefis.” Yummy.
He turned his back to you and wandered into the kitchen. You followed him, trying to figure out what he wanted from you.
Çağlar handed you a mimosa, your fingers brushing at the exchange. He smirked when he heard your breath hitch.
“How do you feel about shaving?” He asked, studying you. You gave him a questioning look and he elaborated. “Will you let me shave your pussy?”
You were nodding before a word could leave your mouth, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip.
After your second mimosa, Çağlar was sitting between your legs in a way you had never imagined. You gasped as the razor shaved over your pussy. You’d gotten a wax the previous weekend so stubble was starting to grow back in and it felt oddly arousing to have Çağlar doing this to you.
“Are you getting wet from this?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
“Kirli kız,” he murmured, kissing your inner thigh. Dirty girl.
He ran a warm washcloth between your legs, making sure you were smooth and he hadn’t missed a hair. Çağlar rubbed something between your legs and you tried to sit up. “What did you put on me?” You asked, curiosity getting the better of you.
“Lube,” he replied, two fingers sliding easily inside you to make you moan. “You’re going to need it, but not just yet.”
Just as quickly as those fingers had slid in, they were sliding out and he was tasting you on them again. “Stand up.” The two words sent shivers down your spine as Çağlar held out a hand and helped you up. He sat down in the same you’d occupied seconds earlier, his gaze holding yours as his fingers worked over the towel around his waist.
You couldn’t hold back the gasp that escaped as you took in the sight before you: Çağlar, slouching slightly, his legs spread and his cock growing harder by the second.
“Strip for me,” he said, one hand reaching down to stroke his dick while the other flexed back so he could rest his head on it.
With shaky hands, you undid the buttons on your shirt slowly. For each button you freed, you put on a little show - your hands cupped your tits and you moaned a little for effect. When you finished, you started to take the shirt off but Çağlar stopped you with a look.
“Play with your nipples. Show me how you like them pinched.”
You took your thumb and your index finger and put them in your mouth to wet them before enclosing them around one of the sensitive buds. “Fuck,” you swore as the sensations went straight to your clit.
When he was satisfied, he made you take off the shirt, leaving you in just the skirt and heels. You felt so exposed, resisting the urge to cover yourself., but his praise spurred you on. “Good girl - now take off that skirt and come stand in-between my legs.” You could feel the sexual tension oozing off him in waves and it only made your heart beat faster and your pussy drip.
Goosebumps erupted over your skin as his calloused hands ran over your outer thighs and up to your hips. You could tell he loved your tattoos by the way his eyes darkened over the inked surfaces of your skin and the way his fingers brushed reverently over them. “Turn around,” he rasped once he’d touched you and had his fill. “Bend over.”
A cross between a whimper and a gasp fell from your mouth as you bent over, your hands instinctively grabbing your ankles. “Çağlar.”
This time, his hands ran up and down the backs of your thighs before he finally made his way over your ass. He took his time touching and squeezing each cheek, slapping them a few times to gauge your reaction, smirking to himself when he heard your needy cries.
“You like that?” He asked, landing a harsher smack.
“Ah! Y-yes!”
He dragged a finger through the space between your cheeks, watching how your asshole and pussy puckered at the sensations he was creating. The tip of his thumb pressed against your asshole but didn’t make any attempt to go in. “Are you gonna let me fuck your ass today?”
The sound you made was unintelligible, a weak, “maybe” making him hum in delight.
“That striptease got you all wet didn’t it?”
Your voice shook as you responded. “Fuck, yes.” He ran his thumb between your damp folds, watching as your pussy leaked and trailed down to your clit where it collected and a droplet fell to the ground.
“Turn back around.” The gruff order scraped over your skin like his calloused fingertips and you almost lost your balance, Çağlar reaching out to steady you. “Straddle me.”
You sank to your knees on either side of him, groaning as you finally got to touch him how you’d been aching to since that kiss Thursday night. Your eyes searched his and he granted you unspoken permission to let you know it was your turn, at least until he decided to take back control.
Your fingers ran through his still-damp hair and down the strong column of his neck. He angled his neck to give you the access you had wanted, moaning when you sucked on a sensitive spot. “Can I mark you?” You asked hesitantly, your nose lightly brushing his earlobe.
Çağlar nodded. “Evet.” Yes.
You pressed your body against his as you sucked a mark into the sensitive spot you’d found earlier, loving the way his fingers dug into your hips and the sounds he made as you used your mouth on him. His cock hardened and you felt his tip leak precum on your stomach. Without thinking, you reached between your body and his, your hand finding his cock easily and giving it a few strokes.
Çağlar grabbed your hand from his cock, pinning it behind your back. “Did I give you permission?” He asked, his eyes a heady combination of anger and lust.
“N-no.” You shook your head, thoroughly chastised. “I’m sorry, Sir.”
“Over my knee.” He growled, adjusting you. When he was done, you were in a position you hadn’t been in in a long time: one of his legs was bent so that your ass was presented to him; his other leg straight so your arms could hold onto it. You didn’t dare struggle, already so humiliated by the fact that you were getting spanked - and that your pussy was getting wetter at the thought of a spanking.
Çağlar rubbed some soothing circles on your ass as he spoke, preparing you for this. “You will count for me and thank me for every single one, understood?”
“Yes, S-Sir.”
“Good. How many times did you stroke me?”
“One slap on each cheek for each stroke makes ten slaps total. Are you ready?”
You were as ready as you’d ever be, taking a deep breath and nodding. You knew you could safeword at any time, but you’d been spanked by lovers before and this was nothing new.
What was new, though, was the way Çağlar spanked you. James had warned you that Çağlar liked to inflict pain, but you hadn’t taken him seriously.
“One! Thank you, Sir.”
You gasped as the second slap hit your ass, squeezing your eyes shut. Çağlar knew just where to spank, too, so even though you were only getting ten, you knew you wouldn’t be able to sit down tomorrow.
“Twooo! Fuck - thank you, Sir.”
When the third slap hit, you wrapped your arms around his calf and buried your face in his muscled thigh.
“Ow! Th-three. Thank you, S-sir.”
Tears sprang to your eyes on the fourth and fifth, falling on the sixth and seventh. Eight had you kicking your feet at the sting of his hand; nine and ten had you incoherent.
Çağlar let you lay over him to catch your breath, his hand rubbing those soothing circles again while you cried and hiccuped. “Look at me,” he said, the tone of his voice calming but stern.
Reluctantly, you turned your head to look at him, the mascara trailing down your cheeks. “Baby,” he murmured, his thumbs brushing away your tears.
“I de-deserved th-that,” you stuttered, unable to meet his gaze anymore. “I-I learned-d m-my les-son.”
“And what lesson was that?” He took your chin in his hands to force you to look him in the eye as you answered.
“I h-have to as-ask for-r permis-sion.” You hated that you were still stuttering as you tried to catch your breath from the heaving sobs that Çağlar had brought out of you, but he didn’t make fun of you or berate you for it and for that you were grateful.
You were picked up easily and straddling Çağlar again, but this time was different; this time, he had you straddling one of his powerful thighs.
“Show me how you’ll ride my cock when you get the chance and if you do it good enough, maybe I’ll let you have a taste.”
Your pussy throbbed in response as you began to rock your hips back and forth over his muscled thigh, your nails digging into Çağlar’s shoulders. “Please, Sir,” you begged, knowing your orgasm was close and it was going to be intense, “may I cum?”
“Wouldn’t you rather cum on my cock?”
You nodded, slowing the rhythm of your hips so you could hold off on your orgasm. Çağlar smirked knowingly as his hands dug into your hips to set the pace now. “No, please!” You cried out, your eyes wide as you shook your head. “I don’t want to cum on your thigh, Sir.”
His fingers palmed your sore ass, heightening the sensations as the pain went straight to your pussy. He began to knead the sensitive flesh the moment he saw the reaction he got. “Of course you won’t, baby. You know the kind of spanking you’ll get if you cum without permission - and I promise you, that spanking will be worse.”
You whimpered, biting down hard on your bottom lip as you tried to concentrate on not cumming. You’d been spanked after an orgasm before and you knew just how much it would hurt. Knowing Çağlar, he probably wouldn’t bother spanking your ass, just your pussy.
“Look at the mess you’re making,” he scolded, making you look down to see how shiny and wet his thigh was. Your eyes were drawn to his rock-hard cock that was leaking precum, and it was then that you realized he was denying himself just as much as he was denying you, the thought turning you on even more.
“Can I kiss you?” You panted, not wanting another spanking. Çağlar nodded and you kissed him greedily, the moans and whimpers coming out of your mouth barely recognizable to your own ears. You gripped the back of his neck, tangling your fingers in the ends of his hair.
Çağlar kissed you back just as eagerly, savouring every touch, taste, and feel of your lips and your body against his. There was still a part of him that couldn’t believe that you were here, but he didn’t want to be that open and vulnerable with you just yet - after all, he was still a person who feared rejection. For now, he planned to take everything that you gave him and give you an experience you wouldn’t forget.
You whimpered in his mouth and he knew you weren’t going to be able to stay on the edge for much longer. He stopped your hips abruptly mid-kiss, smiling into your mouth at the indignant whimper that escaped past your lips and into his. Your fingers pulled on the ends of his hair, the action sending delicious tingles down his spine.
“On your knees.”
The cold air that hit your dripping cunt almost had you cumming and he knew it. Çağlar watched you lower yourself onto the floor, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Clean up the mess you made - with your tongue.” He gestured to his thigh and you did as he ordered, the taste of your juices making you drip onto the floor. Your hands explored his legs while you worked him over, keenly aware of just how close you were to the cock he wouldn’t let you touch just yet.
When you were done, you trailed light kisses up his thigh, ending when your nose got dangerously close to his shaft. Çağlar’s hand came up and fisted in your hair, pulling your neck back so you could meet his eyes. “Do you think you deserve this cock in your mouth?”
Your throat worked as you tried to swallow so you could form words. “Yes, Sir.”
“Go ahead, then.”
You had so many ideas you almost didn’t know where to start. The tip was still leaking precum, though, and you wanted a taste. Keeping your eyes locked with his, you stuck out your tongue and started licking your way up his shaft, ending with the tip.
The sound Çağlar made when you finally swirled your tongue around the tip of his cock was unlike any other sound you’d ever elicited from a man. Turkish words fell from his lips, spurring you on. There was no better feeling than knowing that you were the one who was making him feel this good while listening to him curse in his mother tongue.
You spit into your hand, running it up and down his length for a few pumps before playing with his balls. His hand tightened in your hair and you knew it was time to stop being a tease, your mouth finally closing around him.
What you couldn’t fit in your mouth, you used your hands on. Çağlar’s cock was longer and thicker than any other man you’d been with and you were going to have to adjust to his size. Your mouth felt full as you tried to take him deeper, gagging on his length. Tears sprang to your eyes as the tip hit the back of your throat, Çağlar holding your head steady for a couple seconds until he released you. It baffled you how he seemed to be able to read your body so well and know exactly when to push you further and when to back off, but you weren’t complaining - after all, you were somehow able to do the same thing to him.
Çağlar’s body tensed and you glanced up at him, knowing he was close. You wanted to give him an orgasm so badly, moreso than you wanted to cum yourself at the moment. You hummed around his cock, your hands and mouth working him over until he was incoherent. His hips bucked, pushing his cock deeper into your mouth as he came. He held your head in place again, but this time you didn’t try to push back, swallowing the load he gave you.
You released him with a soft pop, looking at him for approval. “Good girl,” was all he gave you, but the way he said it had your body humming. “Do you think you’re ready for more?”
“Yes, Sir.”
Çağlar got up and you followed behind him, still wearing your heels. You thought he was leading you to the bedroom, but you were quickly proven wrong.
In a way, you had been led to a bedroom, but not the master. Çağlar had completely transformed one of the two guest bedrooms into something out of Fifty Shades. The massive four-poster bed gave you endless scenarios that you were eager to try out and the other furniture in the room made you wonder just how many people Çağlar would have watching you if he had the chance. There was an array of whips and chains laid out on top of the chest of drawers and your mind raced at all the possibilities.
You wandered over to the chest of drawers, your fingers running over the riding crop and the flogger and the paddle. Your eyes widened as you spotted the silk ties, handcuffs and rope. “Are you gonna tie me up?” You asked, looking back at him.
Çağlar nodded, a sly smirk forming on his lips. “Among other things. Where would you like to start?”
You stepped towards him, placing a tentative hand on his chest. “Where do you wanna start?”
You shivered as his hands slid up your body and he grabbed your wrists, pinning your hands behind your back. “I wanna tie you up and make you scream.”
A low whimper left your lips as you stared up at him. He let you go but not without a squeeze that you hoped would leave bruises - you wanted marks that would last a few days or weeks that you could remember him by.
Çağlar watched your ass sway as you walked over to the table. You ran your hands over the implements, your eyes widening at the selection before you.
Zip ties were the first thing you saw, but you didn’t want those just yet. The vibes you were getting from Çağlar were BDSM with a combination of care and consideration and the zip ties just didn’t fit in with everything you wanted from the day you were getting from him.
Next were the ropes. There were a few different types, but none of which sparked your interest.
The silk ties caught your eye. They were actual ties and your body hummed in anticipation as your brain reminded you that you’d seen Çağlar in every single one of these ties. “I wore this one to the match where I first met you.”
You gasped as Çağlar came up behind you and pressed himself fully up against you. “I remember,” you said, your voice soft as you pictured him in that well-tailored suit after the match, taking your hand in his when James introduced you. “I came so hard that night thinking about the way your hands would feel on my body.”
Çağlar hummed his approval, those same hands you were talking about roaming your torso as you spoke, leaving you breathless. “And now that you know?” He asked, one hand dipping between your legs causing you to open them so he could have better access. “Are they as good as you imagined?”
You swallowed thickly, opening your mouth to say something but a strangled cry escaped first. “Even better.”
Çağlar played with your pussy while you picked out the silk ties you wanted him to use on you, your mind getting hazier with need as time went on. “You gonna be able to walk for me?” He chuckled, his hands on your hips to guide you toward the bed. You still hadn’t cum yet but your body was so needy for an orgasm you would agree to anything at this point it was a wonder you hadn’t slipped into subspace yet.
“How many times would you like to cum tonight?” Çağlar asked, laying you down on the bed. He positioned you just right, taking one of your wrists in his hand and tying it to the bedpost.
“As many times as you’ll l-let me, Sir,” you gasped as he tightened the first tie and tugged on it to make sure it would hold. You had no idea what he had in store for you but you knew that if he was checking the strength of the ties it had to be intense.
“Good answer.” He smirked as he did the same to the other hand, grinning down at you when he was finished. His voice was deeper when he spoke next, the words giving you goosebumps as they washed over you. “And what if I wanted you to cum a hundred times with a vibrator pressed to your clit until you pass out?”
You involuntarily struggled against the ties, your body craving a release. “I, uhm, I’d take it like the good girl I am, S-Sir.”
Çağlar rewarded you for your honesty by sliding a finger inside your dripping cunt, watching you intently as you arched your back and dug your heels into the mattress. He pulled the finger out of you and sucked on it, reveling in the tortured look on your face at the loss of his finger inside you. “I want to bury my face in your pussy and taste you. Are you gonna be a good girl and wait to cum until I tell you to?”
“Oh, God! Yes! I’ll be so good, I swear!”
He chuckled at your overly-enthusiastic reaction, settling between your legs. You whimpered as his eyes met yours and you wished he hadn’t tied you up; you wanted so badly to tangle your fingers in his hair and control his face but you knew that was probably why you were tied up in the first place.
“Çağlar?” You asked, the hesitance in your voice making him pause.
You blushed red as you stammered out your next request. “Can you, uhm, can you tie your hair back like, uh, like you do for m-matches?”
Çağlar hadn’t been expecting that request, but he was more than happy to oblige. After all, the whole reason he’d continued to wear his hair like that had been because of your breathy compliment after the first match, the lust evident in your gaze as you’d complimented him on his form afterwards. “Senin için her şey aşkım,” he replied, running a hand up your calf and pressing a light kiss to your knee. Anything for you, love. “But I need to find a hair tie.”
“I don’t want you to stop dripping for me, though…”
“I-I won’t, promise!”
The bed dipped as Çağlar climbed off of it and made his way back to the chest of drawers, opening one of the top ones and pulling something out. He came back to you with a small bullet in one hand and a remote in the other. The little toy buzzed to life and you watched eagerly as he played with the dial to find the perfect setting. “Spread your legs for me.” You whimpered, doing as he said, the cold air hitting your dripping pussy. “If you cum from this, I will know and you will be punished. Understood?”
“Y-yes, Sir.” You nodded furiously, your eyes wide. You bit your lip to try to stop the moan as he slid the bullet inside you, but you knew he’d heard you.
“I shouldn’t be gone long.”
Çağlar roamed around his bedroom, looking for a hair tie, a groan of frustration bubbling up when he couldn’t find one right away. His phone pinged with an incoming message and he got curious when he saw James’s name pop up.
Maddison: I know today’s the day, but just…be careful okay? YN is my best friend and I don’t want her getting hurt.
“Siktir,” he cursed, running a hand through his hair. The last thing he needed right now was Protective Madders coming in and making him feel guilty.
Çağlar: I won’t. I care about her too and I don’t want her to get hurt either.
His text had just sent when James’s name popped up on his phone for a phone call.
“Yes?” Çağlar asked hesitantly, his gaze darting around looking for a hair tie. If he was going to be on a call with James, at least he could be multitasking.
“Is she with you already?” James asked in lieu of a greeting.
“Can I talk to her?”
Çağlar winced, staring up at the ceiling. “No.”
“Why not?”
Because she’s currently tied up with a vibrator in her pussy while I search for something to tie my hair back so I can eat her out properly, is what Çağlar wanted to say. “She’s currently cleaning my kitchen and I ordered her not to speak unless spoken to.”
“Jesus Christ, Cags!” James shouted, causing Çağlar to hold the phone away from his ear. “Are you making her clean your whole house?!”
“Something like that,” was his reply, a silent shout of triumph when he finally found a hair tie.
“Just…go easy on her, okay? YN is sensitive, ya know? I don’t think she’ll be able to take everything you I’m sure you have in store for her.”
Çağlar’s brow furrowed as he took in James’s words, not quite sure what he meant but not wanting to give anything away in case you hadn’t told James what you and Çağlar were up to today. “I will. I promise.”
You didn’t know how long Çağlar was gone, but by the time he came back you were covered in sweat and barely holding off an orgasm. He stood at the end of the bed just taking in the sight before him. You hadn’t noticed him yet and it was obvious in your demeanor.
You strained against the ropes, writhing this way and that. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you tried desperately not to cum and be the good girl that you wanted to be for Çağlar, breathy moans and whimpers continuously falling from your lips. When the sensations got to be too much, your hands gripped the wooden bedposts as your heels dug into the mattress and your back arched as you tried to move away from the bullet inside you to no avail.
Çağlar smiled wide as his thumb flicked up the speed of the bullet just a few notches higher. It wasn’t long after that when you opened your eyes and looked at him with desperation. “Please take it out,” you begged, barely able to get the words out. “I can’t take it anymore!”
“Did you cum?” He asked in response, coming around to sit on the edge of the bed. He angled your body so he could take the bullet out but he made no actual move toward your pussy.
“No, I didn’t - I swear!” You thrust your hips in his direction, a frustrated cry cutting through the air when he just chuckled at your predicament. His thumb worked over the dial, climbing the rest of the notches to get to the highest setting. Çağlar held your knees apart so that he could watch your pussy drip. He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on you and make you cum but he also got off on watching you try to be a good girl for him. “Take it out, make it stop, please! I don’t want to cum without permission, Sir!” You thrashed against the ties, your body taut.
“Stay still,” Çağlar growled, wrapping one arm across your stomach to pin you down to the bed. He placed his other hand right below your entrance. “Push it out for me.”
You stared at him, barely able to comprehend his words. “Nngh - oh, God!” You strained to push the toy out of your pussy and into Çağlar’s hand, more than a little humiliated at what he was making you do.
He turned the toy off the moment it slid easily out of your slick pussy. You tried to see what he was going to do with the toy but you didn’t have to wait long.
“Open,” he commanded, taking your jaw in his free hand to do just that. A long, thin string of your arousal clung to his fingers and the toy as he dropped it in your mouth. “Clean it but keep your mouth open. I want to watch you use your tongue.”
You kept your gaze glued to his as your tongue swirled over the small toy. His eyes searched yours while you cleaned it, looking to make sure there wasn’t any hesitation or doubt in your eyes that you weren’t saying. You knew he wouldn’t find what he was looking for, but the intensity of his stare still made you blush. You’d always thought he was beautiful, but you never imagined that he would look at you the way he was right now: filled with lust, promise, and something else you couldn’t quite place.
He tapped your chin when he was certain you’d done well and you spat the toy back into his hand. “Good girl,” he said matter-of-factly, giving you a chaste kiss on your forehead that somehow seemed to be the most intimate thing he’d done so far.
When the toy was put back in its place, Çağlar made his way back over to you. This time, your stomach dipped in anticipation; this time, your body knew exactly what he had planned for it and it was ready.
“Siktir,” he cursed, the word a low growl as he parted your thighs. He looked at your dripping pussy with a hunger that you’d never seen from any man before. “Çok güzel,” he mused, running a finger between your folds to gauge your reaction. Fuck, so pretty.
“Please,” you panted, unable to wait any longer. The mattress shifted as Çağlar positioned you how he wanted. When he was done, you were in the perfect position: your legs were bent with your calves resting on his shoulders, your knees on either side of his head; his hands were on your hips to hold you in place. You wished for the hundredth time that you weren’t tied up because you wanted - no, needed - to put your hands in his hair and mess up the perfect bun he’d put in just for you. It was inexplicable, but he looked so powerful with his hair pulled back and it made you ache for him.
You’d thought you were ready for the moment he finally put his mouth on your pussy, but you weren’t. The feel of his five-o’clock shadow on your inner thighs coupled with his soft lips and tongue on your sensitive lower lips had you screaming his name. Your thighs clenched tight and you tried to close your legs around his head but Çağlar wasn’t having any of that. He chuckled against your pussy, the vibrations going straight to your clit; he moved his hands from your hips and used them to part your legs from around his head. “Are you sensitive?” He asked, his nose brushing your clit as he swirled his tongue around your entrance.
“You already know the answer to that,” you countered, too turned on to think about the proper way to respond to him.
Your sassy response earned you an unexpected harsh slap directly on your clit and lower lips.
“What the hell was that for?!” You yelped, fixing him with a glare that didn’t last long when he landed another.
“I think you already know the answer to that, love,” he said, raising his eyebrows at you. His eyes never left yours as he added a third slap that had you almost begging for more. There was something about the intermittent mix of pain with pleasure that was holding off your orgasm, but you suspected he knew that already. “I’ll ask again: Are you sensitive?”
“Yessss,” you hissed, arching your back as Çağlar sucked your clit into his mouth while sliding a finger inside you.
“You taste so good,” he hummed, moving his attention to your labia where he started in and worked his way out. He put just enough pressure so that you could feel what he was doing but not so much as to let you cum just yet.
You white-knuckled the bedposts, unable to do much else but take all the pleasure he was giving you while trying to hold back your orgasm. Çağlar could sense you were close, withdrawing his fingers from your pussy so that he could land three more hard smacks on your pussy. “Not just yet,” he chided, each smack coinciding with a word.
“When?!” You cried out, squeezing your eyes shut. You couldn’t believe you were so sexually  frustrated you were almost about to cry but you were.
“When I think you’ve earned it.”
It wasn’t long before he started up again, this time with more urgency. You kept your mouth shut except for all the sounds he was drawing out of you, but you didn’t dare say a word. You wanted to cum and you wanted him to think you’d earned it.
Çağlar wanted to savour every moment of his twenty-four hours with you, but he especially wanted to commit all of this to memory. The way you responded to his touch, the view of your face he had from his current angle, the sounds you made; all of it. You’d more than earned your orgasm - in fact, by Çağlar’s standards, he’d kept you on the edge far longer than he’d ever kept a woman before - but he was selfish and wanted to hear you beg him again.
“Beg for me,” he ordered, curling his fingers in your g-spot as he licked long and slow up your folds to end at your clit.
“N-no,” you stammered, gasping for air at the sensations he was giving you while trying to be forceful.
Çağlar stilled his fingers inside you and fixed you with a disapproving glare. “Just to be clear: you don’t want to cum right now, then?”
Your eyes widened as you took in his words. “I do, Çağlar. I do want to cum right now!” You rushed to get the words out, trying not to trip over them in your haste. Your hips thrust up, trying to get him to move his fingers inside of you. When that didn’t work, you swallowed your pride and pleaded, “Please let me cum, Sir! I won’t disobey you again just…please!”
Those seemed to be the words he wanted to hear. Çağlar smirked at you, his lips brushing lightly against your clit as he praised you. “Good girl.” Seconds later, he was murmuring the words you’d been wanting to hear since Thursday night.
“Cum for me.”
The most earth-shattering orgasm ripped through you and you couldn’t stop the scream that tore from your throat and made you go hoarse for a moment. All your muscles tensed and somewhere in the back of your mind you knew you were probably suffocating Çağlar with your legs around his head, but you couldn’t focus on anything but the blinding pleasure that was racing through your body. You rode his lips and fingers, wanting every last aftershock he could give to you. You hoped he’d let you cum more than this one time during the twenty-four hours you had together, but if this was the only orgasm you got, you wanted to make it memorable.
You came down slowly, your breathing still laboured and your vision blurry. The world seemed muted until you realized you’d gone a little deaf when your orgasm hit, the ringing in your ears the only clue. “Oh my God,” you whimpered, your voice a little muted to your ears but you could still hear the need in it. “Çağlar.”
The man in question was looking at you with a smug look on his face. He seemed completely unfazed by the fact that you’d clenched your thighs around his head so hard you’d probably cut off his oxygen supply for a moment - a little voice in your head wondered if he somehow got off on that, too, and you hoped he did, His fingers on his free hand danced across your calves and he started to slowly withdraw his others from your pussy. “Yes?”
You moaned as your walls spasmed around him some more and you wondered if just the action of him pulling out of you was going to have you cumming again. “I’ve never-” you swallowed thickly, whimpering when the tips of his fingers were out of you and in his mouth. “I’ve never cum that hard in my life.”
Çağlar ducked his head and kissed your inner thighs, trying to hide his blush from you. “Benim için zevkti,” he murmured, pressing light kisses up your body. It was my pleasure.
“What did you say?” You asked, finally getting up the courage to ask him to translate.
“Would you like a kiss, baby?” Çağlar asked in English, his lips shiny and wet with your juices. A part of you didn’t believe that was what he’d said but you didn’t care right then; you just wanted to kiss him again.
Çağlar covered your body with his, taking his time so you could feel every inch of his body against his. Your skin was still overly-sensitive from the orgasm you’d just received, and you tugged at the restraints, a frustrated sound in the back of your throat making Çağlar chuckle.
“Do you want me to untie you first?” He asks, one hand tracing your cheek and trailing up to your wrist.
“Mmhmm,” you hum, biting down on your bottom lip to physically keep in all the words you want to say to him.
Just when you think he’s about to loosen the knot on the tie, Çağlar pauses. “If I untie you, what do you plan to do?”
You close your eyes briefly as your body tenses with need that you’re sure Çağlar feels, too. When you open your eyes again, you find him watching you intently, waiting for your answer. “I want to run my fingers through your hair.” Your voice is soft and timid as you reply and you hate that you’re not your usual confident self.
“And then?” The timbre of Çağlar’s voice matches yours and there’s something in the way he asks that has you wanting to keep going.
“I want to take the tie out of your hair so I can feel all of it.” You take in a shaky breath, your eyes still connected to his. “I want you to kiss my neck so I can know what it feels like to have you mark me.” You pause, trying to find your next words as you watch Çağlar swallow thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. The action mesmerizes you for a moment and you can’t stop your brain from suggesting the idea that you kiss it and run your tongue along the distended veins on the sides of his neck that are visible as he strains to try to control his arousal. Your tongue peeks out to wet your bottom lip and you know Çağlar’s distracted and so are you. “D-do you want me to keep going?” You rasp, trying to find your voice again.
Your fingers curl into frustrated fists as you continue, aching to touch him. “Right now, all I can think about is your neck.” Your eyes trace the expanse of his shoulders but focus their attention on the strong column you’d held in your hands what felt like days ago but had realistically only been hours. “Putting my mouth and hands all over it. I want to feel your moans under my lips and your heartbeat under my tongue.” You say his name to bring his focus back to you. “Will you let me?”
He doesn’t form words in response, his hands finally connecting with the knot to loosen it with just one pull. The second is undone in exactly the same way and for a moment you can’t even believe that you’re free to touch him.
“Are you sure?” You ask, your hands almost literally itching to touch him. Your wrists are slightly sore from all the twisting you’d done while he had his mouth on your pussy, but you don’t care right now. When Çağlar nods in response, your hands are in his hair, and your mouth is on his. You’re greedy with your kisses and touches but you don’t care and he doesn’t seem to either, kissing you back with the same need that’s got you both moaning.
It feels like forever as you fumble with the hair tie, a pleased hum coming from your lips that Çağlar quickly swallows as his hair falls around your face and tickles your cheeks. You’re laughing against his lips and it’s contagious; the two of you giggling like lovestruck teenagers trying to make out for the first time.
To his credit, Çağlar does what you’d described to him, but neither of you can stop your giddiness. “It tickles!” You’re half-laughing-half-moaning when he kisses your neck.
He stops and looks at you, a feigned look of seriousness on his face that has you both laughing again once he breaks character. “What?”
Your cheeks are flushed and your breathing is heavy, but not in the same way it’s been since you showed up today. Something’s shifted in the air and neither of you can really explain it, but it’s there. “Nothing,” you reply, breathless as you try to bring your lips to meet his. He meets you halfway, though, and the tickling sensation of his hair is back. “Gonna need you on your back,” you murmur in between kisses, hooking your legs around his waist and using your lower-body strength to swing your momentum to put him on his back. “There,” you say, pride filling your voice as you straddle his stomach, breathing heavily. “Much better.”
“Where did you learn to do that?” He asks, awestruck. He’s trying to focus on you, but his brain can’t quite comprehend what just happened and he needs to know.
“If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you,” is your response, the age-old spy saying making you dissolve into giggles again. “But really, though,” you pause, the tip of your nose brushing against his ear, “I’m not sure you’d want to know.”
“Later,” he promises, and soon he’s kissing you with urgency, all humour gone.
That is, until your stomach grumbles just as you’re pressing kisses to his sternum, getting ready to ride him. You try to cover it up with a moan and you thought you’d done a good job hiding it until it grumbles again.
“Hungry?” Çağlar asks just as his own stomach growls and you’re nodding, trying to hide your blush. “What should we order?”
Fifteen minutes later, you’ve both decided on a massive amount of food from the best Chinese place in town. The man on the phone had said the order would be delivered between forty-five minutes and an hour from now, so the two of you have time. You’re just about to suggest maybe putting something on TV when Çağlar takes your hand and leads you to his actual bedroom and into the adjoining bathroom.
You’re too busy marvelling at the deep bathtub-slash-jacuzzi you so desperately want to relax in, but Çağlar has other ideas. The water starting to run in the beautiful shower getting your attention. “C’mere,” he says, taking your hand and leading you under the spray of warm water.
“Oh my, God.” You moan as the water hits your sore muscles and stinging flesh. Çağlar is right behind you, his hands never leaving your body as he somehow manages to find all your sore spots and massage them out. You’re leaning into him, almost forgetting that this isn’t real. It is real, of course, in a sense - it’s real that he’s making you feel good and that you’re here with him. What isn’t real, though, is that he’s not yours and this isn’t anything more than twenty-four hours. You close your eyes to try to keep the tears from falling, thankful that Çağlar’s behind you and that you can mask your tears against the flow of the water.
“You okay?” Çağlar asks, his voice bringing you out of your own mind.
“Mmhmm,” you nod, gathering up the courage to turn around and face him. Droplets of water fall down your face as you reach up a tentative hand and stand up on your tiptoes to kiss him. “Just got a bit lost in my own head there for a bit but I’m back now.”
“Good,” he replies, the only word he speaks in English for a moment. He’s studying you and the way he’s looking at you has you feeling more beautiful and wanted than any man has ever made you feel. When he speaks next, his words are all in Turkish and you can’t understand him. “Aman Tanrım, sen çok güzelsin. Eğer benim olsaydın, sana her gün ibadet ederdim. Senin yanından asla ayrılmam ve sana ne zaman sevebileceğimi söylerdim. Keşke seni benim yapabilsem, ama bunun asla mümkün olmayacağını biliyorum. Şimdi seninle bu zamanı geçirmeme sevindim, böylece sana ne kadar çok şey ifade ettiğini gösterebilirim.”
“What did you just say?” You ask, your brow furrowed in concentration. You’re frustrated because you want to know exactly what he said but you don’t speak his mother tongue and it kills you that you don’t know what he’s said to you with such a serious look on his face.
“Everything I’ve ever wanted to say,” is his response before he kisses you and makes you forget your own name again.
He has you pressed against the cool black marble of the shower walls, kissing you urgently as the water rains down over the two of you. This is different than all your needy kisses today, though - this kiss isn’t teasing or in anticipation of something else; this kiss is pure, unadulterated need and it’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a kiss from him. “Will you let me take what I need from you right now?” He growls, his voice rough and tortured as his eyes search yours.
“Of course,” you respond, your body somehow knowing exactly what he wants from you and you’re prepared to give it. You know it’ll cost you a piece of your heart but you don’t mind - this is Çağlar, after all.
“Safeword if you need to.”
Those are the last words he speaks to you before he uses you in the best ways. You gasp as he turns you around and spreads your legs, his hands on your hips to stick your ass and pussy out to present to him. Çağlar wastes no time in driving into your dripping pussy balls-deep, both of you vaguely aware that this is the first time he’s actually fucked you. If you weren’t so clouded with lust and need, you’d probably have wanted him to go slower, but that wasn’t what either of you needed at that moment.
He’s pistoling in and out of you roughly, his hands on your hips to control you and keep you steady, something you’re grateful for because you’re not quite sure how you’d be able to hold yourself up right now. One of his hands wraps around your body and finds your clit, stimulating the sensitive bud to make you moan unabashedly, arching your back painfully to have him fill you up more if that was even possible.
Your fingertips are sliding on the slick marble, trying to grasp at something - anything - but there’s nothing in sight. You try to open your mouth to speak to tell him that you’re close to an orgasm, but nothing comes out. Of course, Çağlar knows that you’re close, he’s been reading your body and by the way your pussy is spasming around his cock, he’s ready. It’s the same way you clenched around his fingers when he had you tied up and he already knows this release is going to be mind-blowing for the both of you.
He bites down on your shoulder and you cry out. Your mind goes blank, your last thought that of course it’s the pain of his teeth on your skin that’s pushing you over the edge and making you cum.
Çağlar’s cumming inside you the moment you’re crying out his name. His teeth are still latched to your shoulder as he pumps into you. There’s something primal about the feeling of him cumming inside you, but he knows just how badly he needed to have you this way.
There’s nothing afterward as he pulls out of you slowly, both of you still slightly sore from the rough way he handled you. “The food should be here soon,” he says in a gruff explanation when you give him a questioning look. He steps out of the shower and grabs a nearby towel, drying himself off. “Take your time.”’
You don’t spend much time in the shower after he’s gone, not wanting to be alone with your thoughts. You’d process everything after the twenty-four hours were up - not now. You wash yourself with his expensive body wash, smiling to yourself at the thought of smelling like him. It was all so intimate but you pushed the thought away as you turned off the water and grabbed the other towel and began to dry off.
“I didn’t hear the doorbell,” you said when you walked out into the kitchen to find Çağlar opening up the cartons of food.
He looked up at you and smiled, his eyes darkening slightly at the sight of you in just a towel, the ends of your still-wet hair dripping down your shoulders to run into the edge of the towel. “They just arrived,” he explained, waving off your concern. “You’re right on time.”
“This looks amazing,” you commented, your eyes wide as you tried to figure out what to eat first. Sweet and sour chicken, fried rice, steamed veggies, chow mein - the list was endless and your mouth watered at all the delicious smells.
“Try this,” Çağlar said, holding out his chopsticks to you. Without hesitation, you opened your mouth and let him place something in your mouth.
“Oh, my god,” you moaned, closing your lips around his chopsticks lightly and pulling away, putting your hand to your mouth. “That’s delicious.”
“It’s my favourite,” he confesses, a light blush on his cheeks as he turns his attention back to his plate.
“I want some more.”
Over the next hour, the two of you talk and laugh and eat, trying a little bit of everything and feeding each other your favourite dishes. You learn things you’d never would have known about him and Çağlar has you telling stories and sharing memories that you hadn’t thought about in ages. It’s perfect, honestly; everything you’d want in a first lunch date with a man, but you know you can’t think like that.
“What else would you like me to do to you before our time is up?” Çağlar asks suddenly, catching you off-guard.
You falter for a moment, thankful you didn’t have any food in your mouth when he’d asked. “I want you to use those spanking implements on me,” you confess, blushing a little as you hear the words leave your lips. “I want to ride you at least once - maybe while you’re tied up?” Çağlar nods at your suggestion and you can’t help feeling a little giddy at the thought of returning the earlier favour. You twirl some chow mein with your chopsticks, thinking. “What do you want to do to me with the twenty hours we have left?”
Çağlar’s eyes darken at your question. “Many things,” was his only response, and your pussy clenched at his words.
It was hard to focus on the rest of the meal, your mind wandering to all the things Çağlar could have in store for you. Wordlessly, the two of you cleared the table. Çağlar put the food back in their takeaway boxes while you rinsed the plates and other dishes. You caught his eye once and he smiled at you. Instinctively, you smiled back but your mind went back to that domestic feeling once again and you hoped he couldn’t see the blush forming on your cheeks.
Çağlar came up to you from behind, his strong arms wrapping around your waist. “Are you ready?” He asked, one hand reaching for the end of the towel that was tucked in-between your tits.
“Yes,” you breathed, already dripping.
In a flash, he tore the towel off your body, leaving you naked and completely exposed. “On your hands and knees.”
Your eyes searched his for a brief moment, wanting to make sure he was serious. You knew you could safeword at any time, and his command almost made you but your curiosity won out. Blushing a deep red, you slowly sank to your hands and knees, craning your neck to look up at him for the next order.
You did as he said, crawling on your hands and knees to the other bedroom.
“On the sofa.”
You sat down, your juices easily transferring to the leather and making it wet. You tried hard not to squirm, but between the feel of your wetness and the anticipation of what was coming next, it was next to impossible.
“On your back,” Çağlar said when he returned, a bottle of something in his hand.
“Wh-what’s that?” you asked, slightly scared of the answer.
“I’m going to give you a massage,” he explained, setting the bottle on the ground and kneeling on the floor. Çağlar poured some of the massage oil into his hands and warmed it up. “Lay on your back.”
He started at your waist, teasing. His hands dipped down to your thighs and ass, working them over. He spread your legs and a whimper escaped. You couldn’t believe he was already about to touch your pussy, but you should have known better. Just as soon as his hands inched their way up your inner thighs and were about to reach your cunt, he withdrew, leaving you aching.
You didn’t know where to put your hands, reaching out blindly to try to grab onto something. “Do I need to restrain you again?” Çağlar asked when you accidentally grabbed onto him.
“Please.” You hadn’t ever begged to be tied up before and the rush of pleasure that you got from it was new.
“I have just the rope.”
Time seemed to stop while Çağlar went to get the rope, just like when he’d left to find a hair tie. When he returned, he took off his towel for the second time that day and straddled you.
You presented your hands to him and he fixed them how he wanted: your forearms pressed together, palms facing each other. You watched, transfixed, as Çağlar tied your arms together, a determined expression on his face. “Hands over your head,” he said when he was done. Once you obeyed, he climbed off of you and secured the rope to the legs of the sofa so that you couldn’t move. “Much better,” he commented, admiring his handiwork.
The feeling of being completely helpless while Çağlar touched you wasn’t lost on you. In a way, he’d already done this earlier, but this was different. He wasn’t making any move to fuck you yet - he just wanted to explore your body with his hands - and it was going to make you lose your mind.
“Just relax, baby,” he cooed, pouring more oil into his hands. This time, he drifted upwards, the rough calluses on his hands scratching your torso in the best way.
“Çağlar!” You cried out when he finally got to your tits. Your back arched painfully as you tried desperately to get him to put more pressure there, but it didn’t work.
“So beautiful,” he remarked, squeezing a nipple. “And all mine.”
“Yes, Çağlar. A-all yours-s.” You shut your eyes, whimpering as he brushed his thumbs over your distended buds and the sensation went straight to your clit.
“I’ve wanted to touch these for ages,” he continued, his voice so low you strained to hear him. “From the moment I met you, I wanted you just like this.”
Your stomach dipped at his words, another cry leaving your lips as he stopped touching your tits, travelling back down to the juncture between your thighs.
“So wet,” he said again, fingers still dancing around your pussy.
“You make me wet, Çağlar.” The words were out of your mouth before you could stop them, but they seemed to have the desired effect.
“Really?” He asked, a flash of insecurity shining through and making you want him even more.
“God, yes.” You swallowed hard, wishing now that you hadn’t begged him to tie you up. “Anytime I think about you, I get this wet.”
You held your breath as Çağlar’s hands made their way up your inner thighs once again, this time coming in contact with your pussy.
“Oh, god,” you whimpered, your hips lifting off the sofa wanting more.
“Patience,” he chastised, adding more oil to his hands. “I’m gonna make you beg for this orgasm.”
His thumbs parted your folds, exposing your clit to the cool air. You sucked in a breath, not quite ready for those sensations on your pussy just yet. He leaned down, his mouth centimetres from your clit. It was almost impossible not to cry out and beg him to touch you, but you held out, something in his demeanor telling you that this was his time with your pussy and he had all the power.
Çağlar kept his gaze locked with yours as he opened his mouth ever-so-slightly. Your breath was coming in rapid pants now, and you wished he would just put his mouth on you already. His lips quirked into a cheeky grin before forming an ‘o’ and exhaling cool air onto your clit. Your pussy puckered as it clenched around nothing, and you squirmed under his touch. He did it again and again, watching your clit start to swell and your pussy start to drip, all from that one action.
When your clit was prominent enough, he ran a thumb from the entrance of your pussy to your clit, pressing down on the little button. Your legs instinctively started to close, and Çağlar caught them. Without a word, he got up and got some more rope, returning with that same determined look on his face. He bent your legs, pressing the soles of your feet together. Your knees were bent, butterflying out. He tied your knees bent in that position, nodding to himself in satisfaction. “Much better,” he mused, and got back to what he was doing before.
He slowly eased a finger inside you, watching as your pussy eagerly took it in and clenched around it. All too soon, he took it out, trailing your wetness up to your clit. The warmth of his finger had you writhing around but he took that away just as quickly, sticking it in his mouth to suck on it. His focus turned to your ass next; running his hands from your knees up your inner thighs, his thumbs brushed over the entrance of your pussy and dipped lower, playing with the space between your asscheeks.
“Oh, god!” Your hips bucked, and you almost closed your legs again.
“How badly do you want to cum?” He asked, his voice low.
You whimpered and bit your lower lip as his thumb found your perineum and stroked. His eyes met yours as he did it again, gauging your reaction. When you cried out again but didn’t respond to his question, he stopped touching you altogether.
“No! Çağlar, please!” You begged, straining against the ropes. “I want to cum so bad!”
He looked at you for a long minute, his jaw working. When he opened his mouth, a glob of spit fell out and onto your clit but he didn’t touch it right away. “If I start touching you again, I’m not going to stop until you’re so fucked out you can barely move.” His voice held promise as his words washed over you. He towered over you, leaning down so his lips were light against your earlobe as he whispered, “Would you like to safeword now?”
“No,” you said back, with conviction. You’d promised him twenty-four hours with you and you were going to give him everything you had.
Çağlar lightly bit your earlobe at your response, mumbling “Good girl,” before trailing kisses down your body, stopping just before your pussy.
“Please!” Seemed to be all you could say at the moment, willing him to touch you there, but Çağlar had more patience than you. The spit was slowly drifting down from your clit towards your pussy and settling between your ass.
He dipped his head, nose lightly skimming your clit seemingly accidentally, a smirk on his lips. “Think I can make this pretty little pussy squirt for me?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded furiously, too stunned to say anything else. You wished your arms weren’t tied over your head so you would have something to bite down on but the only thing available was your bottom lip.
Çağlar chuckled, biting your inner thigh instead of putting his mouth on your pussy. “No just yet, though.”
Your begging was practically incoherent as Çağlar’s hands touched you, finding every millimetre of your skin to touch and kiss. By the time he finally put his hands on your pussy, you were wetter than you’d ever been, barely holding back an orgasm when he put two fingers inside you. You tugged at the well-tied ropes holding your hands in place, your eyes wide. Çağlar pinned your hips down with one hand, his eyes looking up at you over the mound of your pussy. The tip of his tongue peeked out and flicked your clit, causing you to let out a breathy wail as your walls clenched around his fingers.
“So easy,” he murmured, repeating the action with his tongue while slowly pumping his fingers in and out of you. “Bet if I kiss this clit, you’ll cum just - like - that.”
“YesyesYES!” You screamed when Çağlar sucked on your clit, pushing you over the edge into your second intense orgasm of the day. He held your legs apart as you thrashed around, only able to moan and buck your hips as Çağlar’s name rolled off your tongue again and again.
All too soon, the sensation was gone and Çağlar was pulling out of you and walking away.
“Where are you going?!” You shrieked, your body so far past over-stimulated you didn’t know what to do.
Çağlar didn’t respond, his back to you as he stood over the chest of drawers once more. You strained to see what he was doing, but your little range of motion prevented you from doing so. Your body hummed in anticipation, the overstimulation making it hard to take in a proper breath.
When he finally turned back around, your eyes widened at the riding crop in his hand. Çağlar’s eyes roamed over your body and he had that unreadable expression on his face again.
“Wh-what are you gonna do with that?” You asked, swallowing hard.
“Gonna punish this little pussy,” he stated, the cool tip of the crop trailing over your tits. A strangled cry left your lips as it grazed your hardened nipple, the new sensation going straight to your clit.
The first stroke was a surprise and had you instinctively closing your legs to protect your cunt from another hit. Çağlar growled and forced your legs back open for another. “Do I have to tie you open for me?” He snarled, the crop tracing over the skin on your inner thigh.
“N-no! I’ll be good, I swear!”
It took all your willpower not to close your legs after that, each stroke seemingly harsher than the last. Your nails bit into your palms as stroke after stroke landed on your pussy. By the time he was done, ten incredibly painful slaps had been delivered straight to your cunt. Your lower lips were now swollen and your clit was throbbing in time with your heartbeat.
“No more!” You pleaded, tears streaming down your face as your eyes met his.
Çağlar knew you’d only be able to handle those ten strokes, already moving on to the next part of his plan. He methodically untied the ropes holding your knees in position. He pressed light kisses to the rope-indented skin and you sucked in a breath at the feel of his lips on such an unusually sensitive place. Next came your arms and he treated them with the same level of care. “You did so good for me,” he praised, his grip on your wrists featherlight as his calloused fingertips traced over the indents on your skin.
Your hands found his hair and before you could process it, you were pulling him down and kissing him eagerly, the emotions of the scene you’d just played out taking over. “I need you inside me,” you panted, breaking the kiss to say the words you needed to say. “Now.”
Çağlar’s hands were on your hips in a flash, putting you on your knees and bending you over the sofa. He palmed your ass again, inspecting it. Four swift slaps landed on your ass, reddening it and renewing the sensations from earlier. He guided his dick to your swollen, dripping entrance and his thumb dipped into your asshole.
All you could do was breathe, overwhelmed by the foreign feeling of Çağlar’s thumb in your ass. You’d never let anyone back there before, but your body wanted to take whatever he had to give. Your hands gripped the back of the leather sofa, little mewls of pleasure coming out of your mouth with every exhale. His other hand snaked around and found your throbbing clit, pinching the sensitive bud as he thrust inside of you. Çağlar’s thumb pushed deeper in your ass, the pain bringing you pleasure as you felt fuller with him in both your holes.
“Çağlar!” You cried out, arching your back against the pleasure. There was a building sensation in the pit of your stomach that was different from all the others you’d experienced so far today and you knew exactly what it was. “I’m gonna squirt!”
“Squirt for me, then,” he commanded, picking up the pace of his thrusts and timed them with his hands.
It was then that your thoughts kicked in and the sensation was starting to diminish. “A-all over your sofa? I…I can’t.”
“You can and you will,” Çağlar murmured, putting pressure on your clit and asshole.
“Oh - my - GOD!” Your pussy clenched as your orgasm hit and you squirted. The sound of your juices splashing onto the leather kept your orgasm going and you couldn’t stop it. You felt him cum inside you and the feeling triggered a second orgasm so quickly after the first.
You vaguely felt Çağlar pull out of you, but you were too spent to follow him or ask what he was up to. You hugged the back of the sofa as your breathing slowed, your brain trying to regain normal thought after what just happened.
You gasped and flinched as a warm washcloth pressed between your legs. Çağlar ran the warm, soft material over your swollen lower lips and down your thighs. “Mm, that feels good,” you moaned, a light smile crossing your lips as you briefly closed your eyes.
Çağlar pressed a kiss to each of your asscheeks, lightly biting down on the exposed flesh to hear you cry out. “Gotta clean up my girl after an orgasm like that,” came his response and your heart started to beat a little faster.
The washcloth was gone a moment later, bringing you out of your thoughts. It was a good thing, you supposed, seeing as how you didn’t want to get in too deep with your feelings. You turned your head, a goofy satisfied smile on your face as you watched Çağlar rinse the washcloth in the sink. You’d been so caught up in the rest of the room that you hadn’t realized that there was a bathroom attached to the bedroom. A part of you wanted to explore it, but you barely wanted to move in your current state of post-orgasmic bliss.
“Can it be my turn?” You asked when Çağlar returned, turning so that you were kneeling and facing him. You looked up at him through your lashes, your fingers tracing over the ink across his chest.
Çağlar swallowed hard, his heart racing underneath your touch. He weighed his options, trying to think of reasons why it wouldn’t be a good idea to let you explore him. When he couldn’t think of any reasons why not, he shrugged. “Okay,” he said with more confidence than he felt.
“Do you have a full-length mirror somewhere?” You asked, kissing his collarbone. “I want to watch.” You felt Çağlar tense at your question and you paused, taking his face in your hands. “It’s okay if you don’t want to,” you said softly, your eyes searching his. There was something in them that you couldn’t read, but you wished he would let you in.
He shook his head, murmuring, “Senin için? Herhangi bir şey.” For you? Anything.
Your brow furrowed at his words that you couldn’t understand, but Çağlar took your hand and guided you to yet another unexplored corner of the bedroom. The lights were low, but you could still see how handsome and powerful he was. You pressed yourself against his side, turning to look at your reflections in the mirror. The image of the two of you naked in the mirror only twisted the knife further into your chest. A part of you could just picture it: both of you, clothed - Çağlar in a three-piece Armani suit and you in a beautiful floor-length gown - getting ready to go to a gala together as a couple. Your fingers drifted down over his abs and he let out a moan when your manicured nails graze the head of his cock.
Çağlar’s eyes were glued to the mirror, watching your every move. His cock hardened and his hands clenched into fists at your touch, his breath hitching as you teased. He desperately wanted to touch you but this was your turn and he wanted to give you the opportunity to do what he’d been doing to you all day.
You smirked as your gaze met his in the mirror. A light shake of your head was all it took to tell him that you weren’t planning on touching his dick like that again any time soon. Instead, you turned your attention to his tattoos, starting with the lion on his back.
Your fingertips wandered over the expanse of his back as you drank him in. The lion was intricate and the level of detail took your breath away. Çağlar’s jaw tensed as you traced the lion’s nose and proceeded to press a kiss to it, muttering something to yourself that he couldn’t understand. “This is…” you paused, finding your words as you outlined parts of the mane that extended to his shoulders. “It’s beautiful, Çağlar.”
He was speechless at that, not quite sure how to respond to your compliment. “Thank you,” was all he managed to say in response, hoping he sounded sincere.
“I’m serious,” you shot back, your hands starting at the top of his shoulders and running down. He grunted when you got to his hips, clearing his throat to try to calm his nerves. “The detail, the intricacy…” you trailed off, lightly kissing the inked skin. “Must have taken hours.”
“It did, yes,” he replied, his voice deeper and more accented than before.
You turned your attention to his side next, the wording on his torso catching your interest now. “What about this?” Your hands skimmed the letters as you gauged his reaction - the shoe was very much on the other foot at the moment and you wanted to take your time. Çağlar’s body tensed as he sucked in a breath under your fingertips. You stood on your tiptoes and lightly kissed his shoulder. “You’re so beautiful and you don’t even know it.” The words were out of your mouth before you could stop them, but you didn’t care. “I could watch you on the pitch for hours…”
Çağlar turned his head to look at you and this time you could almost read his expression. “Why?” He asked, the question barely a whisper.
“Why what?” You countered, pressing yourself against him once more. “I-” you started, but stopped yourself. This wasn’t how you wanted to confess your feelings, no matter how badly you wanted to. These twenty-four hours were to fulfill a bet you’d lost and that was the only reason why you were here.
You must have paused for too long, because Çağlar tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, bringing you back from your thoughts. “You…?” He asked, eyes searching yours. This time, it was you whose expression was unreadable.
“Nothing,” you said softly, a sad smile spreading across your face as you reached up and touched his cheek. “It doesn’t matter anyway.” You leaned in and kissed him hard, squeezing your eyes shut and hoping that the tears that shone in your eyes weren’t going to fall.
Çağlar’s cock hardened between the two of you as you kissed him with everything you had. It was urgent but there was a softness to it that had your emotions raw. He deepened the kiss, his hands finally starting to work again as he grabbed your ass and pressed you tighter against him.
“Are you gonna fuck me right here?” You asked, breathing heavily, your forehead pressed against his.
“No,” he replied, kissing you again. “On the bed.”
Your stomach dipped when he picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his torso as he walked you back over to the bed and set you down. He pressed a knee between your legs and covered your body with his, never breaking the kiss. His hands were all over you but his touch wasn’t rushed; this exploration holding more weight than anything so far.
“Çok güzelsin,” he murmured, his thumb brushing your cheek. You’re so beautiful.
“What?” You whispered, kissing his neck.
He didn’t reply, instead grabbing you by the backs of your knees and positioning you underneath him, lining the head of his cock up with the entrance to your pussy. “I want you to feel every inch of me,” he stated, pushing into you slowly.
You bit down on your bottom lip, trying to muffle your moans.
“Don’t,” Çağlar ordered, taking your jaw in his hand, freeing your bottom lip from your teeth in the process. “I want to hear all your sounds.”
You gave him everything you had: every moan, whimper, and cry was for him. Each thrust was long and slow, drawing moans from both of you as he slid in and out. You clung to his shoulders, your nails raking down his arms. One of his hands reached between you to finger your clit. You both groaned at the feeling of your pussy clenching around him, your walls tightening around his dick with every circle around your clit.
“Çağlar!” You rasped, arching your back so he could hit your pussy from a different angle.
He whispered, “Cum for me,” before kissing you deeply.
And cum you did. This orgasm was different, washing over you instead of hitting you hard and making your brain go numb and your body go limp. This orgasm felt like it changed everything but you couldn’t describe how. Çağlar stiffened on top of you, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he came inside you.
He pulled out of you and rolled off onto his back. You whimpered at the loss of his body heat and contact, instinctively fitting yourself into his side. Neither of you spoke for a long time, both processing what had just happened in your own heads.
Quietly, you extricated yourself from Çağlar, heading to the adjoining bathroom. You used the toilet, silently praying you would avoid a UTI, and stared at yourself in the mirror as you washed your hands. You sighed, turning to look at the red of your ass, wishing you were more marked up.
Çağlar’s voice made you gasp and turn around, blushing like crazy at him catching you admiring your marks in the mirror. “Hi.”
He grinned at you as he leaned on the doorframe, the gap in his teeth making your stomach flip. “Do you want some more?” He asked, motioning to your body.
“Yes.” The breathy confirmation was out of your mouth before you could stop it and Çağlar grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the bathroom.
“Dinner first.”
You were on edge throughout dinner which consisted of leftover Chinese from lunch, your body ready for whatever Çağlar was about to do to you. You couldn’t believe it was already half-past six, the twenty-four hours almost halfway over.
“After I give you what you’re looking for,” Çağlar started, giving you a knowing look that had your body tingling and your face blushing, “I was thinking of a movie and then bed?”
You paused, surprised at Çağlar’s suggestion but nodded in agreement. “Sounds good.” You balked when you remembered. “Uh, I, uhm, don’t have anything to wear to bed tonight.”
Çağlar shrugged. “You’ll wear one of my jerseys,” he said as though it was obvious.
“Of course.” He fixed you with a possessive stare as he said, “You need to go to bed with the reminder that I owned you.”
You sucked in a breath, biting your bottom lip at his controlling words. “You already own me, Çağlar,” you replied, your voice low so only you could hear.
Çağlar cocked his head to the side, confusion on his face; he knew you’d said something, but he hadn’t been able to catch it in time and it was killing him. He’d heard his name but that was it.
“So,” you said, stabbing a piece of leftover sweet and sour chicken with your fork, angry at yourself for almost letting your feelings slip yet again, “how are you planning to mark me?”
A slow, sadistic smile spread across his face. “Did you see the hook hanging from the ceiling?” He asked, and you shook your head. “Well, there is one and I plan to tie your wrists and hang you by them from just the perfect height so you’re balancing on your tiptoes.” He leaned on his forearms to get closer to you.
He continued to run through the plan, his eyes darkening with every word that fell from his lips. Your breathing was ragged by the time he was done and your pussy was dripping.
“Are you ready?” He asked when he was done, the food long-since forgotten about.
Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself standing on your tiptoes, your hands bound in rope for the second time that day. Çağlar circled you, the riding crop from earlier in his hands. “How would you like to be marked up?” He asked, stopping in front of you. He tapped your knees with the crop, an unspoken command for you to open your legs which you obeyed.
You swallowed hard. “Nothing anybody can see. No arms. Nothing below my knees.” Your breathing was shaky with arousal as you said the next part, “Please pay special attention to my tits and ass. I-I don’t want to be able to put on a bra or panties without thinking of you for the next week.”
“Remember,” he said, the first stroke of the crop hitting your nipple and making you cry out, “you can safeword at any time.”
“I…I know,” you answered, catching your breath from the first one.
Çağlar hit the other one, smirking at your whimper.
“FUCK!” You screamed after the sixth, kicking the balls of your feet up in pain since you couldn’t grab your tits like you wanted to.
By the time Çağlar was done with them, they were almost starting to turn purple and achy. “You took that so well,” he praised, coming up to you and taking your tits in his hands, running his thumbs over your bruised flesh. He kissed the tops of each one, murmuring soothing words in Turkish. When he looked up and his eyes met yours, that sadistic grin was back. “Now for your ass.”
He walked back over to the chest of drawers, picking up a flogger. Your eyes widened when you saw it and you started to struggle against the ties. You’d been flogged before and you knew how much it would hurt, but you still weren’t going to back down. You wanted marks - asked for them, even - and you were going to get them.
“How many can you take?” Çağlar asked, brushing the leather strips across your bare ass.
“Start with ten,” you replied, bracing yourself for what was about to happen.
Before he started, his hands were on your hips, making you stick your ass out and present it to him. “Count for me.”
The first one was lighter than you were expecting, but you still let out a grunt of pain. The second hurt a little more but was still bearable - in fact, you even asked Çağlar to hit you harder. Three and four took your breath away, five and six made you scream, seven and eight had you cursing at Çağlar, nine and ten almost knocked you off your feet as you tried to get away from the sting of the flogger.
“H-how’s my ass?” You asked after the tenth, hissing when Çağlar’s fingertips brushed over the welts.
“Good,” he remarked, taking one cheek in his hand and squeezing it. All the air left your lungs at the pain, but you knew you could take more. “Could look better, though.”
“Five more,” you said, knowing you could take it.
He gave them to you, but not before asking if you could take another after each one. It turned out you could take ten more, making the total twenty by your count. When Çağlar took you down, your body was spent and your emotions were higher than you were expecting. Before you could stop yourself, you launched yourself into his arms and buried your face in the crook of his neck, the tears flowing.
“It’s okay,” Çağlar cooed, his hands trailing down your back as he soothed you. “I’ve got you.” More Turkish flowed from his mouth but you didn’t have time to listen, your body processing all your emotions in his arms.
It felt like ages before you stopped crying, but in reality it was a little under five minutes. “C’mon,” Çağlar said softly, picking you up and carrying you to his bedroom. He sat you down on the bed and disappeared into his closet, walking out wearing grey sweatpants and holding a jersey in his hands. “Here.”
You took the jersey from him, sniffling as you looked up at him. “Thank you.”
“Do you want pants or anything?”
You shook your head, wincing as the sting finally set in. “Fuck,” you hissed, shifting from one cheek to the other to try to soothe the pain. “It’s already starting to ache.”
“On your stomach.”
He disappeared once again, this time into the bathroom, coming back with lotion. You turned over, lifting the jersey up over your ass, baring it to him. The intimacy of your current situation wasn’t lost on you, a low moan leaving your lips as you buried your face in his comforter. Çağlar rubbed the cool lotion on your heated skin, taking extra care of the welts that were deeper and more painful.
“Up,” he ordered when he was finished, covering your ass with the jersey and returning the lotion to its rightful place.
When he returned, Çağlar looked at you and you could tell he wanted to say something but stopped himself. Instead, he held out his hand and you took it, giving him a small smile as you stood up and walked to the living room. You didn’t know what movie he’d picked, and quite frankly, you didn’t care.
The opening credits rolled and you snuggled into Çağlar’s side, the grey sweatpants soft against your legs. It was painful to sit fully on your ass but you were doing the best you could. You weren’t paying attention to the movie, your fingers absently tracing the tattoos on his chest. You could feel his heartbeat under your fingertips but you chose to ignore it, not wanting to get yourself in any deeper, feelings-wise.
Halfway through the movie, Çağlar got up and calmly walked to the bathroom. He was anything but calm, however, as he splashed cold water on his face and stared at his reflection in the mirror. “Siktir,” he cursed, wanting to punch the mirror but not wanting to alert you that anything was wrong. He thought back to James’s words from earlier and couldn’t help but feel guilty. Çağlar hadn’t put you through anything you didn’t ask him to, but he still felt like shit about it. He’d won you in the bet fair and square, but he’d used it as an opportunity to use you to play out all his darkest fantasies and now reality was setting in.
Taking a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and walked back out into the living room. “Do you want some water?” he asked, clearing his throat.
“Sure,” you called back, smiling to yourself as you settled back on the pillow you’d replaced him with. “Thanks,” you said, smiling up at him as you took the glass of water. Your fingers grazed his and you swore you heard his breath hitch but once again you brushed it off.
“Can I get you anything else? Ice cream or something?”
“No,” you replied, shaking your head. “I just want you to sit back down so I can stop cuddling this pillow.”
Çağlar smirked at your response and settled back down, pulling you into him. You sighed contentedly, and in a moment of weakness, laced your fingers through his as the movie played on. Your head was in his lap and Çağlar couldn’t resist running his fingers through your soft curls, thankful for the dark room and the fact that your back was turned so you couldn’t see the small smile and light blush on his face.
“Can we go to bed now?” You asked when the movie was over, unable to contain your yawn.
“Yes,” Çağlar replied, chuckling lightly as you sat up.
“Ow!” You whimpered, a hand to your ass as you stood up. “Forgot about what you did to me earlier.”
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, not meeting your gaze.
“S’okay,” you said, walking up to him and taking his face in your hands. “You didn’t do anything I didn’t ask for.” Without thinking, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a light kiss to his lips. “Now, can we get ready for bed?”
Çağlar’s face broke out into a grin and he nodded. “Of course.”
He gave you a spare toothbrush and the two of you brushed your teeth in unison. It felt weirdly domestic, but neither of you wanted to broach the subject with less than twelve hours left in your bet.
“What were you thinking for the morning?” You asked hesitantly, your gaze meeting his in the mirror.
“I was thinking I’d make breakfast and…” Çağlar trailed off, not sure where to go from there.
“That sounds perfect,” you said, giving him a small smile before turning your back to him. “I’ll let you know if I think of anything else I’d like you to do to me before our twenty-four hours are up, okay?” You looked back at him over your shoulder in time to see him nod.
“Is that the side of the bed you normally sleep on?” You asked Çağlar, motioning to the side he was currently against.
“This is fine,” he replied, pulling the sheets down and flicking off the lights. Both of you got in bed, you immediately turning onto your side to protect your bruised ass.
“C’mere,” Çağlar grunted, pulling you into him so you were tucked into his side, your head on his shoulder and one of your legs wrapped around his powerful thigh. A small part of you wished he wasn’t wearing the sweatpants so you could feel his bare skin against yours.
“Are you…okay?” You questioned, your fingertips tracing patterns on his chest. “I asked you to do some pretty harsh things to me today.”
“I’m fine,” he replied, clearing his throat and swallowing hard. “I should be the one asking you that.”
“I’m fine, too,” you giggled, lightly kissing his sternum. “Just don’t worry about me, okay? Sure, I might not be able to put on a bra or sit down properly for a week, but I got everything I wanted from you.”
Çağlar’s chest constricted at the last part of your sentence, your words inadvertently having more of an effect on him than you intended. There had been a part of him that had been debating asking for more over breakfast the next morning, but now he knew the truth and he wasn’t about to put himself through the kind of rejection that was sure to happen.
“Çağlar?” You asked, shifting so that you could look up at him.
He closed his eyes and evened his breathing, not wanting to speak for fear he might say something he would later regret.
“Good night, Çağlar,” you whispered, reaching up and lightly kissing his lips. “Thank you for today.”
It was damn near impossible to sleep. You tossed and turned throughout the night, restless. Çağlar seemed to sleep like a rock, hardly moving whereas you couldn’t seem to stop.
At one point, you got up and went to the bathroom to splash some cold water on your face. You stopped to study your reflection, tilting your head to one side as you took in your body covered in Çağlar’s jersey. You turned around, looking over your shoulder at the ‘Söyüncü 4’ on your back making your body erupt in goosebumps.
“Çağlar Söyüncü, what have you done to me?” You whispered to your reflection, your gaze flicking over to his sleeping form. Tears started to form but you wouldn’t let them fall, swiping at them before they could have the chance.
You climbed back into bed, trying desperately to control your breathing. Çağlar shifted in the bed, pulling you into him so he was spooning you. “Where did you go?” He mumbled sleepily, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“Bathroom,” you responded, snuggling into him.
“I missed you. Don’t leave me again.”
Your heart thudded rapidly in your chest as he rested his forehead on your shoulder, warm breath on your neck as his breathing evened out again and he went back to sleep.
You didn’t know when, but sleep somehow managed to claim you and before you knew it, sunlight was streaming through the windows. Your eyes darted around the room as you looked for a clock but found none. For a brief moment you debated getting out of bed but Çağlar’s arms were still wrapped around your waist and you could feel his erection pressed against your ass.
“Good morning,” he murmured a few minutes later, his grip on you tightening as he pulled you closer. “How did you sleep?”
“Good,” you replied, your fingertips grazing his forearm. “You?”
“What time is it?” You asked, yawning as you looked back at him.
Çağlar rolled off of you then, reaching for his phone. “Half past seven.”
Only an hour and a half left, your brain reminded you and your heart sank. “Should we get breakfast started?”
“Yes, of course.”
Çağlar couldn’t stop studying you as he made the eggs. You’d started the coffee and poured yourself a cup as soon as there was enough coffee in the pot. You were currently flipping through your phone, replying to a day’s worth of messages that you’d missed while Çağlar was working you over.
You shifted over your ass to one side, wincing again. When you looked up, you caught his eye and gave him a cheeky grin that had him blushing slightly.
Çağlar wanted to ask you for more, but he remembered your statement from last night and his chest got hot and tight again. He turned his focus more intently to the eggs on the skillet in front of him as they finished up and he spooned them onto the two plates in front of him.
You gratefully took the plate from him and dug into the eggs. “Are you going to eat?” You asked, watching Çağlar mill around in the kitchen some more.
“Just looking for toast,” he muttered, making a satisfied noise when he found the bread he was looking for. He popped two slices in the toaster and handed you one when they were done. He put some jam in front of you and some butter. You gave him a grateful smile.
“Now will you eat?”
“Yes.” He shot you an annoyed look, exaggeratedly putting a forkful of scrambled egg into his mouth.
You chuckled, shaking your head at his antics. Çağlar joined in and the laughter seemed to envelope the two of you. When your laughter finally died down, awkwardness took its place and neither of you could look each other in the eye.
“I should, uh, probably get going?” You said, looking at the clock. It was only 8:30, and while you really did want to finish out your twenty-four hours with him, it might prove to be more than your heart could bear.
“Are you sure?” Çağlar asked, hating how needy he sounded, but he wasn’t quite ready to let you go yet. His house had felt different while you were in it - full of life and not quite as empty - and he didn’t want that feeling to end.
You bit your bottom lip, weighing your options. “I…I don’t know,” you said, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Come here.” His voice was a whisper, his gaze intense.
You would never be able to explain why, but there was something in the way he said it that had you moving to stand between his legs. “Yes?” You asked, a hand on his cheek as your eyes searched his.
Please don’t go. The words were right on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t say them in English knowing that you would understand him and would reject him. “Lütfen gitme. Burada benimle kal.”
“Will you please stop doing that?!” You huffed, your gaze hard.
“What?” Çağlar asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Çağlar! You know damn well that you’re speaking Turkish and that I can’t understand you.” You stepped out of his grasp. “You’ve been doing it a lot these last twenty-four hours and I’m done.”
“Wait! Please.” He reached for you, desperate. “I’m sorry, okay?” You turned around and looked at him, your expression tortured. Çağlar’s heart squeezed in his chest at the look on your face.
“I’ll accept your apology,” you started, walking toward him with a purpose, stopping centimetres from him, “if you tell me what you told me just now.”
Çağlar weighed his options, going with the harsher of the two to protect his heart. “I said you should go. I don’t want you here anyway.”
The sneer on his face knocked the air from your lungs and you sucked in a breath. “Is that what you’ve been saying to me this whole time?” You asked, your blood running cold and your chest constricting. “Mean, terrible things that you know I can’t understand?!” Tears welled up and this time you didn’t stop them from falling, wanting Çağlar to see just how much he’d hurt you. “Well, let me tell you something you can understand: Fuck. You. Fuck you, Çağlar Söyüncü!” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Let me guess: you were just waiting for me to bet myself last Thursday at poker night so you could take advantage of me, weren’t you?” You ran a hand through your hair, muttering angrily to yourself. “I was a fool. I was a fucking fool.”
“No!” Çağlar shouted, getting you to look at him. “No, you’re not. Please believe me when I tell you I’m so sorry. I’ll tell you what I really said - I promise.” He tried to walk back his words, but he’d already lost your trust and there wasn’t any way he’d be able to win it back in the time he had left.
You narrowed your eyes at him, turning on your heel and collecting your clothes. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you said when you realized you needed to get dressed in your own clothes, slipping on the skirt and tearing off Çağlar’s jersey to replace it with the shirt.
“Please wait.” Your hand was on the doorknob when Çağlar’s voice came one last time.
“Starburst.” You turned around to look at him one last time. He was holding the jersey you’d been wearing in his hands and he looked as broken as you felt. “I’m done, Çağlar.”
The door slammed behind you and all Çağlar could do was hold the jersey up to his nose and inhale your scent, still not quite believing that you weren’t coming back.
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You will be mine - Chapter 2. Being myself [Park Jimin x Reader]
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Title: You will be mine - Chapter 2. Being myself ➔ Chapter 3. Here! Pairing: Park Jimin x Female!Reader Published: 25 June, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore
You will be mine Masterlist | Masterlists
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If last year of high school wasn't hard enough on its own, drowning ourselves in books, then it certainly made it harder when I had a rather handsome boy wracking my thoughts, not letting me concentrate.
In an even worse case, such as mine, this rather dashing boy didn't even know I existed, which let's be honest, I didn't plan on accepting. It was rare for me to like someone, I never really cared about the opposite sex in a romantic way, but this boy, decided to waltz into my life unknowingly, and what frustrated me to no end was that he didn't even realise the impact his presence had on me.
I planned to change that.
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"Are you going to help me out then?" I whispered to YoJin as we were sitting in the classroom, listening to our math teacher, who was definitely unaware of how uninteresting his class was. Yojin looked at me as if she was begging me to reclaim my sanity. "Don't give me that look!"
"Y/N, I really don't think it's a good idea. He is not the kind of boy that will take you to romantic dates and bring you flowers." I couldn't miss the worry in her eyes, but I just shrugged it off.
"I love you, Yojin, but you have to stop worrying." I put my hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "If you don't want to help me, nor do you want to support me, that is fine. I don't mind, really. But there is just something about him, that makes me want to get closer to him. I can't control it and even if I could, I wouldn't want to." I told her with such a serious tone.
"You really don't give me much of choice here." She heaved a sigh while shaking her head, giving up her resistance. "If you really plan on getting closer to him, you need to be where he usually hangs out with his friends."
"Please, tell me that I don't have to go and join their fan club. You know I am not good with the attention seeking female species." I grimaced at the thought.
"Actually, you might just get lucky here." She placed a bookmark in her book, before closing it and focused her complete attention to me." Jimin does like the attention, but he also likes to just hang out with his friends without the audience that follows them around everywhere."
"You seem to know quite a lot about them, which if I want to be completely honest, is a bit scary." I raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"We are not talking about me now." She shrugged with a slight pink blush appearing on her cheeks. I chuckled at the sight, but didn't push for the subject. I knew she would come around to tell me eventually. "The best way to catch his attention is, if you are where he is. Which in this case is the basketball court." I frowned at her, losing her train of thoughts.
"Why would I be going to the basketball court?" I asked curiously.
"They always have their lunch there. For some reason girls, don't like to go to the football field nor the basketball court, which gives them the space they need, away from the prying eyes." She explained as I nodded along diligently.
"I am guessing, we are going to the court after class, then." I smirked at her with determination in my eyes.
"It's not like I have a choice. I already told you I would help." She shrugged casually.
As soon as class finished, I linked my arm with Yojin's as we started walking towards the cafeteria to grab a tray, prepared with some food and drinks. We have done so in an unusually fast pace, but I didn't mind.
When we arrived to the court, I barely had to look around to find him. He had an enormous smile across his face as he was holding his friend in an armlock, trying to overpower him. He and his friends where certainly having fun, seeing as all of them had a rather large grin spreading across their face as they played some basketball, one on one style, while the others were playfully pushing each other, which soon turned into a boxing practice. They seemed like reckless little kids and their sight certainly made my lips curve upwards.
As we found a comfortable bench, under the shade of a gigantic tree, I sat down with crossed legs, pulling my feet under my thighs, placing the tray on top of my legs and started munching on a rather unique looking pasta. I looked up at Yojin, who still didn't take her seat beside me, but I just met a stern gaze directed at me. I involuntarily raised an eyebrow.
"You absolutely lack any femininity." She shook her head, disapproving.
"What?" I asked, unable to understand what I have done wrong.
"We are talking about Jimin, Y/N. If I am right, he would like girls who... well, can you just sit like a normal person would on a bench?" I frowned at her sentence, but didn't move.
"What's wrong with me? I am just sitting." I pouted at her.
"Nothing, I love the way you are, but I am your best friend. However if you want to get Jimin's attention, you might need to make a bit more effort in your appearance." She shrugged with an apologetic look on her face as she sat down, placing her tray on her lap.
"I am wearing the school uniform and I am sitting on a bench like a normal person. What else do you want me to do?" I asked in disbelief.
"I'm not sure myself. The girls that he would go for are a bit different." She grimaced. "Don't get me wrong, you are stunning, but as if he was more interested in the beauty pageant type of girls."
"Then, I guess I will have to change his opinion. I didn't plan on changing the way I look. I am happy the way I am. I will just sweep him off his feet with my quirky personality. I don't want to, and I will not turn into a prom queen of some kind." I just shook my head in disagreement.
"I hope it's going to work. I really do." She smiled softly.
"Well it better be. I don't have many options on my hand." I laughed awkwardly.
I looked over to the boys, but they were all blurry, except him. He was the only one I could see clearly. I could only focus my attention on his playful grin as he was sitting on the ground, looking up at his friend trying to explain something enthusiastically.
"You do know you are staring right?" She chuckled.
"I am trying not to, but my eyes have their own will." I giggled at my desperate reply.
"You will scare him away." She spoke. "If you act like the girls that hang around them, he will just see you as one them. Which in your case will set you farther away from your goal." I nodded along, knowing how right she was.
"Maybe we should change the plan." I suggested and she looked at me with a curious gaze. A slight grin appeared on my face as I looked over to the other side of the court. "What if I just walked up to him and told him that his mere presence makes me feel things that he would never understand. What if I told him, that I am unable to control this tingling feeling running through my body when I look at him. What if I asked him to make me his." I sighed turning towards Yojin, with a serious expression plastered across my face.
She jumped up from the bench, forcing her tray of food to land harshly on the ground. She looked at me as if I was her arch enemy, anger and confusion clearly visible in her features.
"Are you out of your mind?" She screeched and I didn't know how to react to such an outburst. How could she possibly think, that I was in any way serious. I started grinning at her strange behaviour, as I have never seen her like this before, but she just took it as a clear explanation, that I was indeed out of my right mind. "Why are you even laughing? It's not funny, I hope you do realise that. He would make fun of you, his friends would make the rest of the year for you as miserable as possible. And I didn't even mention the girls. You would get in so much trouble, I don't think you are able to comprehend how much." Through her monologue she kept walking up and down, trying to release her frustration. I looked up at her with an amused gaze. I have never seen her so worked up about anything. It was rather comical to say the least.
"Have you finished?" I asked, crouching down to pick up the content of the tray and placed it back on the bench. "I hope you do realise I was just messing about."
"Why didn't you stop me then?" Her eyes widened in surprise.
"I mean, you did look quite funny." I giggled, remembering her distorted expression.
"You are such a horrible human being." She heaved a sigh and hid her face in her palm. I stood up to comfort her, but she started pushing my shoulder continuously to release her tension. I just laughed at her attempts.
"I love you too, Yojin." I grinned at her as she sat down pouting.
My eyes involuntarily wondered towards the other side of the court, where my gaze met the deepest dark irises I have ever seen. As if he was able to look into me. My smile was still plastered on my face, but it has slightly gone down from a grin to more of a gentle soft curve.
Jimin had a serious look on his face, not like the carless boy he was when we arrived, but that deep expression, made it even harder for me to look away. It took me a couple of seconds, if not minutes to realise the intense staring I have been doing and I quickly turned away, looking up at Yojin, starting a meaningless conversation. It made me feel too awkward to look into his rather intimidating, dark orbs.
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Notes: If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like the chapter. Thank you :)
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bubblyani · 5 years
No Apologies
(Billy x Reader)
A Billy Delaney (Me and Mrs. Jones) Fic
Rating: Fluff
Author’s Note: Always wondered when will I be inspired to write a Billy story. Happy to finally come up with one thanks to those post-shower Billy gifs including the one below lol. Enjoy!
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“Hahah...And Good evening to you too Alfie!”
“Yeah but ...Stop pulling my leg...what’s with the bag?”
You sighed. Your close friend Alfie made quite a point. Especially when you stood in front of the door of his house  at around 9pm, with a bag pack slung over your shoulder.
“Me dad...” you began, “Eh...He’s got a date coming over tonight and...” you continued, rolling your eyes, “...he needed some privacy...Do you...” you paused, your voice growing softer “...do you think you can let me stay over tonight?” You asked, as you looked at him with pleading eyes.
Alfie sighed, “Of course...you silly girl...come in” he said, pulling you in in the midst of your laughter.
Surely grateful was all you could be as you entered his house, which was technically Mrs. Jones’. 
“Thanks so much by the way...I can sleep on sofa...I swear I won’t be a bother...”
“Not an issue...Mum and the sisters are out on a trip so...there’s a free room just for you”
“Really? Oh good ...” you sighed in relief.
Suddenly your nose became unexpectedly sensitive, you couldn’t stop sniffing.
“Oh wow...what’s that smell?” You asked, “It smells...delicious...” 
A gentle, familiar voice from the kitchen, made you stop in your tracks.
“Oh yeah...” Alfie said, “Billy is here too”
Your heart suddenly skipped a beat. You guessed it as much by the voice. Billy Delaney’s head appeared from the kitchen, flashing his beautiful smile whilst holding a frying pan.
“Billy!” You began, in a voice louder than expected, “Hey!” You waved at him, who waved back. “What have you got cooking in there?” You asked.
 “Oh ...” the Irishman replied, “...something wonderful. You’ll surely enjoy it” he said, before he disappeared into the kitchen once again.
“I definitely will” you muttered under your breath with a smile as you proceeded to settle.
There was no denying it, you really, really fancied Billy Delaney. And you certainly knew it from the first time you met him.
Being your close friend, Alfie was more than happy to find out how well the three of you got along upon meeting. You being his friend since childhood, and Billy being his close friend during his time abroad.
Therefore, ever since his return to the UK, occasional meetups and outings became essential, which included keeping Billy company during his shifts at the bar. And the more you got to know Billy, the more undeniably amazing he turned out to be as a person. His kindness and maturity moved you dearly, and you really had a hard time seeing him as just Alfie’s friend. But this was a secret , these feelings of yours, made known to no one but yourself.  
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The dinner was homely and it was warm, which is made it tastier and better than ordering-in pizza. Each bite you took from the spaghetti marinara ,you savored. And it was evident from your face.
“I take it you like it then?” Billy teased, as he sat across from you on the table. You nodded innocently, for the taste overpowered your need to tease back.
“It’s so good Billy, you’re gonna be a great Chef one day. I can already see it now...” you replied with sheer enthusiasm, while staring into the distance, “Celebrity Chef...Billy Delaney! Ooooooh...” giggles of pure excitement escaped your lips, before you continued to gobble up the pasta once again.
“You’re nuts Y/N!” Alfie shook his head laughing, pointing his fork at you.
Shrugging your shoulders, you stuffed in more food. “Maybe I am...” you said while chewing,  for you were surprisingly energetic by the food, “I wish I could eat your food...every...day”
“I bet you could do that ...soon” Alfie said, in a nonchalant tone.
You raised your eyes with confusion.
“What do you mean?” You asked, slightly worried.
Oh uh! Could it be that your little secret is out? You grew nervous. Alfie looked over to Billy, both breaking into laughter once seeing your expression of concern.
“I found myself a flat...” Billy said, “...which means you and Alfie can come over to eat...only when I’m not working of course”
“OH my god...” you exclaimed, for you were relieved for two different reasons “...that’s incredible...Congratulations Billy!”
“Yes...to Billy!” Alfie’s cries followed as he raised his bottle of beer. 
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Finally turning off the blow dryer, you stepped out of the bathroom, stretching oneself, feeling refreshed after a shower , proceeding to head downstairs.
You felt bad using Gemma’s shampoo, but on the other hand, you were happy to. Alfie’s mother was someone you always adored, and being friends with Alfie since childhood made her a second mother to you.
“Call Of Duty?” You asked, swooping past Alfie Jones,  who was perched on the sofa, consumed by the video game he was playing.
“Uh huh” he murmured, eyes not leaving the screen. You shook your head, skipping over to the kitchen.
“Thanks for the robe by the way” you said, your voice traveling through the kitchen, as you ran your hands through the silk robe that was wrapped around your body over your oversized night tee.
Alfie laughed, “Mum would have given it to you if she was here anyways...”
Pouring yourself a glass of orange juice, you wondered where Billy was. The last you  saw of him was his room to get something.
“Are you just gonna stand there?” Alfie suddenly jeered.
“Come on...” Alfie insisted, handing you another gaming controller.
Sighing, you finished your orange juice in one go. “Fine! Just one round”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Shiiit! ....” you cursed out, as you listened to your friend’s victorious cries a few minutes later “Well...” you sighed, “I knew this would happen”
“Y/N...that was awful...” Alfie replied mockingly, “You’ve clearly lost touch”
“Indeed I have...”
“One more round now...come on...”
“No! I said just one round...”you said, getting up “...that’s it...”
“Oh come on Y/N...”
“Goodnight Alfie!” Waving mockingly, you chuckled, allowing him to resume his late night of gaming.
Holding on to the railing, you climbed up the stairs, your head floating in the many childhood memories you’ve made here, running up and down this house which was practically second home.
So infused in reminiscences, it was less than expected of you, to suddenly bump into Billy.
“Oh my-“
You clutched your chest in surprise. “Didn’t know you were in there...” you breathed.
Billy chuckled in response, standing before you in just his towel for he just came out of the shower.
“You needed something?” He asked, reminding you as you snapped your fingers.
“Yes, I actually left my stuff in there...so...yeah” you replied, nodding.
Except you did not leave right away. You simply couldn’t, not when Billy looked as beautiful as he looked at that moment.
Torso lean and toned, nothing buff about him and that didn’t matter. With the droplets of water running down his wet hair on to his bare shoulders and his necklace adorning his neck, he certainly appeared to look breathtaking. And you knew it for sure, for this was the first time you have ever seen him this way.
And because he truly took your breath away.
“So um...how was...the shower?” You suddenly asked, wishing you could kick yourself for such a silly question.
“Good...” he replied, “Refreshing in fact” 
Why must be so cooperative?
“That’s lovely...” you said, trying so hard not to get distracted.
“It’s really great to have you here Y/N ...” Billy said, “...even though it’s not...my house...” he chuckled, making you chuckled alongside him. Yet you still found it quite adorable.
Silence ruled over for a few seconds, yet no one moved nor left. Taking a deep breath, you couldn’t help but go:
“Did You use Alfie’s shower gel? Cause It smells really nice...”
“Uhh...no...actually I got this a few days ago ” Billy replied, “...let me see...” he said, turning to take a peek at the bathroom.
As you stared at his toned back, you couldn’t help but wonder what it was like to touch it. To reach out slowly, to place your fingers gently on that soft supple skin that was refreshed and dried few moments ago. The back that was home to shoulder blades that needed much appreciation.
“Y/N?” Billy asked confusingly.
You gasped.
Except you just realized you didn’t need to wonder. For you already did. Hypnotized in your defense, it seemed that you involuntarily did reach out and touch his back. 
“I...I...” you stuttered, your fingers retracting from his back as if it caught on fire, “I’m sorry...I...I don’t know why I just did that...”
“No it’s alright...”
“No! Billy ...don’t say that! It was clearly very creepy and rude of me...oh I’m sorry ...I’m sorry” you said, as you dashed away from there, quickly hiding behind of wall next to the top of the stairs, stomping to imitate footsteps that you hypothetically descended.
You wished he’d disappear into his room. Truthfully you wished you could disappear instead. For what you just did was at a considerably high degree of embarrassment, and there was nothing you could do to change it.
All the consequences flashed before you. Billy finding you weird, leading to much awkwardness, which leads to an end of a friendship you cherished.
“Y/N...” Billy’s gentle voice called out to you. As much as you wished to reply, you maintained silence, for you ‘weren’t there’.
“Y/N.... you still there, aren’t ya?”
Sighing heavily, you gave up. “Yes...” you muttered.
Embarrassed for your childish behavior, You slowly walked over, reappearing in front of him, only to find his kind eyes looking at you.
“I uh...” you said, with your hands on your hips, “I still have to...uh...” you said, pointing at the bathroom, “get ...” you paused, as you saw him suddenly walking briskly towards you, “...my stu-“
Standing few centimeters before you, you were surprised when Billy’s soft hands held you gently by the face.
You held your breath in even more surprise as he bent his head down, inching closer to you.
Only to kiss you softly.
Short and sweet. That’s what it was as he broke away.
Exhaling deeply, You just couldn’t believe what just happened.
Did it really happen?
Actually it did.
And for a moment it felt as if your soul just left your body only to be disappointed as to how unresponsive you were by all this. Only to be appalled by it, and to switch on that realization: He just kissed you.
And as that switch turned on, you felt liberated from all your constraints. Though your heart was beating out of your chest,You felt brave enough. You felt it as you stood up on tipped toes, grabbing his hand to pull him down, to reunite your lips with his.
Pushing Billy away quickly, your eyes widened as you were startled by Alfie’s loud voice from downstairs. Looking at Billy, you realized you weren’t the only startled one.
“Y/N!! Come on...I know you’re not asleep yet...I need help”
His voice grew closer, forcing you to react.
“I’m here! I’m here! What it is Alfie?”
Climbing up the stairs, Alfie was surprised to find you standing in front of the bathroom alongside Billy.
“Billy...” Alfie said, “What are you doing mate ?” He asked.
“Well...” Billy began, “....you were shouting so loud I wondered...what’s going on”
“Yeah he just came out the shower ...” you joined in, “Now you have both our attention” you said, with your arms folded, “ What’s going on? You scared me Alfie...”
“Oh...if Billy is here then no need for you” Alfie teased.
You mockingly scoffed in reply.
“Mate...” Alfie looked at Billy, “The game suddenly turned off....”
“Oh my god Alfie...he just came out of the shower!”
“No...It’s alright ...calm down everyone ...” Billy responded, “... let’s go”
The kindness he showed and the patience he had with Alfie  always moved you, and it did again tonight.
Shaking your head, you watched the two young men head downstairs.
 But the split second when Billy’s gaze locked in with yours, from across the room, through Alfie’s constant ramble, you felt that heart beat once again, you felt those lips burn all the sudden, you felt seen by the one who mattered.
You just hoped your poor heart was not being led on with just a kiss. 
Find out more with Part 2 ...HERE!
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Are you kidding me?! Part 9
Bucky x Reaer
Word count: 2118 Warnings: Swearing? Slow burn af
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“Why are you running Clint?”
Bruce inquired side stepping the archer who hadn’t noticed that Bruce had rounded the corner.
“Don’t tell the goat where I am!”
Clint yelled as he sped past without pausing, Bruce just shook his head and looked back at his tablet in his hand, continuing on. Not even a minute later furious tapping caught the doctors attention, suddenly just at Clint said Bruce was face to face with me as a small goat.
“I am going to guess that is you Y/N and not just a random goat in the tower.”
I bleat happily at him, tilting my head in question.
“He went up towards the roof by the way.”
Bruce laughed and I gently head-butted his leg and scurried off after Clint. Shortly after my encounter with Doctor Banner I made it to the roof but Clint was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly there was a loud bang behind me, followed by someone screaming my name. I have no idea what happened to me but I involuntarily jumped into the air, my arms and legs locking underneath me and I fell to the floor without being able to move. With this Clint appeared behind me doubled over with laughter, phone camera pointed at me.
Damn I’ve been played, this was his plan all along.
When my body decided the shock was over Clint was still laughing, slowly I shifted back to my human body. Folding my arms and giving him my best ‘you are in deep shit’ look he puts his arms arm in surrender.
“I am so sorry I just could help it, I did get in on video though and this should be so good to watch.”
I froze.
He recorded me.
He was gunna post it just like Callie did. I needed to get out of here. Clint noticed the change in me straight away.
“What’s wr-“
“I have to go.”
I cut him off turning on my heel and speeding off towards the door leading back into the building, Clint was faster though grabbing my arm before I could reach it.
“Y/N what just happened?”
I couldn’t do this again, I lost everything the last time this happened. I braced myself for the pain as I shifted quickly into a pigeon surprising Clint, who let go and took a step back at my transformation. The pain blinded me for a moment, making me fall to the floor. Clint to a step towards me and I burst into flight.
I had no destination in mind it was just amazing to be free for a while. I realized I haven’t left the tower in weeks, I needed to get out more I decided maybe start up my pole fitness lessons again. Somehow I found myself perched on my nans nursing home window, peering in I can see she is asleep in her bed and an ache grows in my stomach. I missed her so much, I miss mum too even after everything. I miss Callie too, well I miss the friendship I had with her my whole life. Suddenly for the first time I felt alone which was silly I guess. I mean I have Sam and the rest of the gang but they got stuck with me didn’t they, they didn’t choose me like Callie did.
“See anything good?”
I turned my head as another pigeon landed next to me on the window sill.
“Just stopping for a rest, do you land here often?”
The other bird ruffled its wings getting settled.
“Yep, this is my normal route, why is that?”
“The lady in this room is she happy?”
The bird turned to look at me.
“What a weird question, she seems it, they treat her well anyway. Why is that?”
Damn why would a bird care about a human, I am not good at any of this. I should go back to the tower before I do anymore damage.
“It’s fun to people watch? Never mind, see you around.”
I took off back into the sky, heading back to face the music. I flew through an open window that led to the living room, perching upon the arm of the massive sofa that dominated the room. Exhausted was a light term for how I felt when I shifted back to human form, I held on to the wall to steady myself as I dared a few steps. I needed to eat.
I reheated the pasta I had made the night before, guzzling it down like I hadn’t eaten in years. Damn I must look like a pig, good thing no one was around to see, I wonder where everyone was anyway. I mean I don’t overly want to see anyone at the moment but there is normally at least one person kicking about.
I swore as I took in the time, I’m going to be late for training with Nat if I don’t get a move on. Hurrying up to my room, I throw on my gym clothes and make my way to the elevator. Walking into the gym I hold my hands up in submission.
“I’m sorry I’m late Nat, it’s been a really shitty day so can we skip the lecture.”
“I won’t tell her if you won’t sweetheart.”
I spun on my heels to spot Bucky leaning against the wall, on foot resting on it and his arms crossed over his chest. Grey track suit bottoms were hung low upon his delectable hips, his black top clings tightly to his body in a sinful way which has me looking anywhere but his chest.
“Oh hey Bucky didn’t see you there, where’s Nat?”
I walked over to a yoga mat that is laid out on the floor, starting to do my daily stretches as Bucky spoke behind me.
“There was a call downtown, everyone but me and Bruce weren’t needed so Natalia asked me to help with your training today.”
I inwardly sigh, carrying on with my stretches. Are you kidding me?! Why couldn’t today just end already, but I didn’t want to upset Bucky with my own inner turmoil so I plaster a smile on my face a turn to face him.
“Of course Bucky, thanks for helping out. What do you wanna start with then?”
Turning I held back a flinch, expecting Bucky to be in the same spot across the room but he was now standing behind me almost face to face with me. I hadn’t even heard him take a step.
“Wanna start with a few hit on the bag?”
He was so close out breaths were mingling and I had trouble looking anywhere but his striking blue eyes. A distraction came in the form of his hands being brought up to slide through his hair, putting it up in a messy bun. It looked good, really good. Stop looking Y/n! Jesus Christ.
Shaking my head I take a step back, then another, then another. I roll my shoulders a few time to give myself a reason not to look at him again so soon.
“Sure, you’re the boss.”
Walking over to the bag I inwardly cringe at myself. You’re the boss?! I actually just said that for fuck sake. I grab the tape from the side of the punching bag and start to wrap it awkwardly round my left hand until I hear a sigh from behind me and Bucky appears in front of me again, this time taking the tape from my hand and starts wrapping them much more efficiently then I was previously attempting. For a moment we stand in silence as he moves swiftly onto my other hand, I watch as his fingers move gracefully across my knuckles. How can something so gentle be so dangerous?
“Have you ever played an instrument?”
I spoke before I could stop myself. Bucky glanced at me quickly then looked back to my hands.
“No I haven’t.”
Finishing with my hands, he gestures to the bag and for me to start working.
“You should try you know, you have pianist hands.”
I laugh as I remember the routine I have gone through with Nat before. Slowly Bucky walks around me observing my movements.
“Tighten your core.”
Suddenly he placed one hand on my stomach, the other on the base of my back. I felt him lean in before he spoke soft, teasing words into my ear.
“What do pianist hands entail exactly?”
I know I shouldn’t but I turn my head to look at him face to face, a smile playing on my lips.
“Soft, nimble, the ability to create some amazing things?”
I have no idea when I stopped punching but now I am standing here basically pressed up against his chest, I should move away. He has a girlfriend. I think. Probably. Most likely.
A harsh laugh left his mouth, which was now set in a grim smile.
“Maybe not then, all these are good for are destroying not creating.”
Pulling his hands away from my body, Bucky stares at them as if he could see everything he has ever done with them. I start throwing punches again, trying to get this fluttering feeling from my stomach.
“Do you think that because of the whole winter soldier thing?”
I turn my head to take him in, His body is stiff as a board, eyes cold.
Shit, I probably shouldn’t have brought that up.
“Bucky I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I just don’t think you should let your past hold you back from doing something you want to…”
I am babbling now and god help me I just can’t stop speaking.
“But hey what do I know I guess.”
Fuck why can’t I shut up?! I feel a giggle slip from my mouth and I see his jaw clench. This bullshit nervous tick is going to ruin my goddamn life.
“No you don’t, so keep your nose out of my business.”
His reply was cold and calculated.
“I am so sorry Bucky, I wasn’t trying to be rude, I was trying to get to know you better. I mean you are the only one I haven’t really spoken to since arriving here…”
I take a step towards him as if being closer will help but he takes a step backwards. Oh god I have really done some damage here. Good job Y/N you fucking asshole.
``We are doing hand to hand combat, you’ll get to know me pretty well during that.”
Bucky turns abruptly, stalking to the centre of the room and taking up a defensive stance. Hesitantly I make my way over but before I can even stop in was on my ass.
“Get up.”
So I do. Before I can blink I am on the floor once more.
“Get up.”
Again I get to my feet only for him to knock me down before I have even registered he has moved. Now I am starting to get mad.
“What is your problem? Or at least what is the point in all of this?!”
I snap at the assassin and this time I don’t get knocked down, he just circles me like an animal, a pure predator. His voice is so low it almost sounds like a growl.
“My point is that you are weak. You can’t fight and I see no point or advantage on you being on the team. All you are doing is wasting all our time training you. You don’t know me or any of us, no one wants you here so do yourself a favour and stay out of anything that doesn’t concern you.”
Shoulder barging me as he passes Bucky basically punches the door off its hinges and exits the room leaving me stood alone.
I don’t even realise I’m crying until I feel one of my tears hit my hand as it falls. I furiously wipe at my face, embarrassed that I let one man’s words bring me tears. Why does the thought of him being right about me affect me so much? It’s probably because it was all true, how I am meant to be a hero? How am I meant to be anything except the waste of space everyone thinks I am.
No I will not be everything he just said, I will not let this be just another failure to add on to the never ending list that is my life. So I get up and I train. I train late into the night, I train until I am so exhausted that I can barely stand, until I have to basically drag myself back to my room and let sleep find me instantly.
Part 8                                                                 Part 10
Tags: @fuckthatfeeling @projectxhappiness @captain-chimichanga @laramitk
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zacharydempsey · 7 years
A Babysitting Love Affair | Zach Dempsey x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff POV: Reader's/First Person
A/N: This was requested by anon! I hope you guys will like this as much as my first one. I kind of ramble on but please bear with me lol. Request: could i request a zach dempsey x reader where the reader is babysitting zach's sister, and zach haven't met the babysitter yet and one day he goes home early and falls in love with her?
“I’ll be there tomorrow morning Mrs. Dempsey.”
“Alright love, thank you so much!”
I smile as I close the door after Zach’s mom who asked me to babysit Zach’s little sister, May. She mentioned that she will have to go to Chicago for the weekend to take care of something and I was assigned to be May’s companion overnight since her brother is an extremely busy guy. The Dempseys are a close family friend, too bad I’m not really that close with Zach or May. It’s probably because we go to different high schools and it doesn’t really help that I can be anti-social at times. I know nothing about them, and they know nothing about me in return so it’s all good.
The next morning
“I’ll be leaving now or else I’ll miss my flight! Thank you so much again Y/N for babysitting. I’ll see you girls tomorrow morning alright? Feel at home love, my number’s on the fridge if you need me and I left money for any emergency. Zach won’t be here until dinner tonight. He has basketball practice.” Mrs. Dempsey says as she bids goodbye to Zach’s little sister and I.
“Got it Mrs. Dempsey! We’ll see you tomorrow.” I finally say with a smile.
“Bye mom! I’ll be good, I promise!” May puts her right thumb out to her mom and waves goodbye.
“So, what do you want to do today, May?” I ask her as we’re left alone inside the house.
“Hmm, I don’t really have anything in mind. Oh wait I know! Let’s style each other’s hair.” She suggests with a gleam in her eyes; she looked so excited.
“Sure kiddo.” I reply with a smile and we proceed to the living room to watch TV. May got all of her hair accessories from her room for us to use. She decided that it’d be fun to start with my hair first and put them in pigtails and so she did. She chose these pink puffy hair bands to tie my hair. May had long, black and shiny hair which reminded me of Katniss Everdeen so naturally, I chose to put her hair in a fish tail braid.
“Wow Y/N, you’re really good at this!” she beams after her make over.
“Why thank you, Miss Everdeen.” I reply with a bow and she giggles in response.
A couple of hours later and it was almost lunch time. May wanted to order pizza and so we did. She didn’t like vegetables so we opted for a classic cheese pizza instead. A few minutes later and the doorbell rang, I ran to the door to open it, with the money in my left hand.
“Thank you so--” I begin to greet the pizza man but a ginormous, muscular guy hovered above me instead.
“Who are you?” he asks with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“What are you doing in my house?” he continues to ask once again and I was left dumbfounded. He was extremely tall, his head almost reached the doorframe. Strands of his sweaty hair stuck onto his forehead and beads of sweat trickled down the side of his face. He was absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous. How can a guy still look attractive in this state? I gulped. Did he just say that this was his house? Then this must be no other than Zach, Zachary Dempsey.
“I’m babysitting your sister for the weekend.” I tell him and he looks at me from my head down to my toes which were covered by yellow fuzzy socks. He looks back at my face then smiles.
“Oh, you’re Y/N, mom told me about you. It’s nice to meet you.” He says as he makes his way inside the house to the living room.
"Yup, it's nice to finally meet you too." I reply timidly as I followed behind him.
"Where's my annoying little sister?!" Zach jokes approaches his sister. May jumps in shock and lets out a hearty laugh. She then proceeds to run away from Zach resulting to him chasing her around the living room. Once he caught his little sister by the sofa near the TV set, he gives her a huge bear hug which makes May squeal a little bit as she complains that Zach smelled bad and is all sweaty.
"Your hair looks nice today." Zach comments as he looks at his little sister.
"Y/N did it for me. I'm Katniss Everdeen!" she yells and Zach proceeds to pinch her cheeks as she struggles to wriggle away from her brother's arms.
"How cute." I mumble to myself as I look at them playing around. This must be how it felt to have a sibling; I'd never know since I'm an only child. The doorbell rang which broke me out of my daydream.
"I'll get it!" I volunteer as I jog to the door, luckily it was the pizza man already. We all had lunch together and watched TV right after, with Zach cleaning up since he said that he was going to take a shower right after anyway. Meanwhile, his little sister had her legs spread out on the sofa I was sitting on. Her head was on top of the pillow on my lap while we watched cartoons on TV. I managed to get up quite early today so I wasn't really feeling that energetic, if anything, I was sleepy. The next thing I know, my right hand couldn't carry the weight of my head anymore as I leaned on it; my eyes had started closing involuntarily.
I wake up after a couple of hours with a pillow under my head and a blanket over my body. Odd, I think. These weren't here earlier. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and I see Zach and his little sister playing chess on the coffee table as they were sat on the floor. The soft sound the sofa made when I moved made May turn around and look at me.
"Hey Y/N, you're up! Come play chess with us!" she greets me enthusiastically.
"I thought you were supposed to look after my sister, we ended up looking after you while you slept." Zach teases with a chuckle.
"I'm so sorry!" I reply as I bury my face in the palms of my hands, embarrassed.
"What time is it? Is it almost dinner time? I'll make it up to the both of you, I'll cook dinner for the 3 of us!" I suggest as I shot up from the sofa and started to fold the blanket and fix the pillows on it.
"It's just us 2 for dinner though! Zach's meeting up with his friends." May says then fakes a small pout.
"You're cooking, Y/N? I'm gonna call Justin and tell them I won't be coming so I can save some money. I see them every single day anyway." Zach says as he stands up from the floor and leaves the living room with his phone. May and I look at each other and shrug. I then made my way to the kitchen to check what was there to actually cook. I decided on something easy but also filling and delicious. I took into consideration that Zach's little sister doesn't eat vegetables so I went for pasta, spaghetti with meatballs to be exact. I was done after an hour and May helped me set up the table for the 3 of us.
"That smells amazing!" May beams as she claps her hands as I place the spaghetti on the table.
"It looks amazing." Zach adds as he proceeds to sit down.
"Well, not to brag, but I am known at home for my cooking skills." I say and they both laugh at me. We began to eat and all I heard from the two siblings were compliments. Soon enough, everything was gone. May licked the plates clean, quite literally. Zach was bringing the dishes into the kitchen to wash up when his phone buzzed. I knew it wasn't any of my business but I couldn't help it, my prying self got the better of me and I glanced at the message on his phone.
Justin: Yo man. How's the cute babysitter? Can't believe you bailed on us for her. She better be as hot as you say she is Dempsey.
My eyes widen in shock. Wait a minute. Zach thinks I'm cute? Zach Dempsey thinks I'm hot? Is it opposite day today? I think to myself. He didn't go out with his friends not because he wanted to save money but because he wanted to actually eat dinner and stay here? With me?
"Y/N!" May shakes me off of my trance as she calls my name louder for the third time.
"Is everything okay? Can you please help me with my math homework?" she asks.
"I'm good! Yeah sure, let's go!" I reply and we walk up to her bedroom.
"When you square a number, it means you have to multiply the number by itself and when you cube a number, it means you have to multiply the number by itself three times." I explain to May, just then Zach who has just finished washing the dishes passed by her bedroom.
"What are you 2 doing?" He asks with a smirk as he leans on the doorframe with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
"My math homework. Thank God Y/N's here to help me because I know you wouldn't be able to. She's a math genius." May teases her brother and Zach scoffs at her.
"It's not my fault I'm more of a bio kind of guy. I don't like numbers, I like scientific terms." he retorts with his head held high and we laugh at him.
"Alright bio guy, you can leave the room now. We need to finish all of these." I gesture to the pile of homework his sister had. Zach gives me a small smile and tells us to do well before he leaves. After finishing all of May's math homework, I went back down to the living room to fix my temporary bed for the night.
"What are you doing?" Zach asks as he pauses his video game and looks at me as I pull out the sofa bed.
"Getting ready to sleep?" I answer.
"Here? Oh no no no, you're not sleeping on the sofa. You can take my room, I'll sleep here." He says as he takes the blanket away from my hands.
"It's fine, this'll do, I swear." I tell him and take back the blanket from him.
"I won't let you sleep here, just go take the bed in my room. Besides, if someone breaks in they'd have to go through me first before they can even harm you. I mean you and my little sister. And don't worry, the sheets are clean, I changed them yesterday." he replies and takes the blanket once again.
"It's not like I'm going to win against you." I say with a nervous chuckle.
"Thanks Zach." I add.
"It's alright, let me just get my phone for a minute and you can have the room to yourself." He replies and I nod at him as a response. I look around the living room as I waited for him to come back but for some reason he was taking longer than he should to take a phone. I quietly make my way up the stairs to his bedroom when I see his door ajar. I peeked through the gap and there he was, changing his pillow cases frantically while breathing heavily. I shook my head and smiled at the sight of him.
Just then his phone which was on his nightstand started ringing. I saw him swipe right to unlock it and answer the call. He somehow also managed to put the call on loud speaker, probably because he was still changing his sheets.
"What is it Justin?"
"We miss you! We can't believe you left us hanging for a girl."
"Must be some girl huh!"
"Shut up Bryce."
"Why are you panting Dempsey?"
"I'm changing my sheets!"
"Dude what did you do to her?! You've only met the girl for 12 hours and you already got some?!"
"Shut your damn mouth Walker or I will snap your arm in 2. I'm letting her sleep in my room while I sleep downstairs. She was supposed to sleep on the sofa bed and the gentleman in me just wouldn't let her."
"How nice of our little Zachary! It's either you're so in love or this girl is smoking hot!"
"I'm hanging up. You're all extremely drunk."
"Bye Big Z!"
He hangs up with a sigh and shakes his head then continues to fix his bed. I was too busy rolling my eyes at his cocky friends and laughing at his innocent replies to them when his bedroom door swung open. We both jumped at the sight of each other.
"What are you doing?" we ask each other in unison.
"I was uh, I was..." I stutter.
"How long have you been standing there?" he asks.
"Like 2 seconds ago I just got up here." I lie.
"How 'bout you? What took you so long?" I ask him.
"I couldn't find my phone." he answers calmly.
"Right." I reply.
"Right." he says and suddenly the ground was rather interesting now.
"Uhm, I'll go down now, I'll see you in the morning Y/N. If you need anything don't hesitate to call my name alright?" he finally says.
"Yup, thanks Zach." I reply as I walk inside the room. He proceeds to shut the door behind him and I make myself familiar with everything in his room before going to bed.
The golden rays of the sun shone through Zach's windows and the smell of pancakes surrounded the whole house. I checked on May and she was still sound asleep so I made my way down quietly on my own. I hear 2 people talking as I came closer downstairs so I stop in my tracks to listen.
"Shouldn't you wake her up by now?" a male voice asks.
"She's asleep in my room, it's still a bit early." the other guy answers, I already knew it was Zach.
"Do you think she'll like this?" Zach continues.
"Dude, you tried your best to impress her. I think she'll appreciate it." the other male answers.
"I hope so, I want to make a good impression. Mom's coming home before lunch so she's going back home soon. I hope she agrees to go out with me after seeing all of this later." Zach replies.
"My bestfriend's a softie after all!" the guy teased.
"Shut up Justin, you might wake her!" Zach says.
"Y/N?" someone calls while tapping my shoulder.
"Jesus!" I yell in shock.
"May, don't creep up on me like that!" I continue and she giggles.
"I'm sorry, you looked so focused on whatever you were doing down here." May replies.
"Oh you guys are up!" Zach suddenly appears. May and I laugh nervously.
"Let's have breakfast. By the way Justin came around. We're leaving when mom arrives." he continues.
May and I both nod as a response and proceed to the table which was already set. There was a stack of humongous double chocolate chip pancakes on the table along with a bowl of sliced fruit and a variety of syrups. As I sat down the table, a guy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes approached me.
"Hey! I'm Justin, Justin Foley, Zach's bestfriend." he greets me.
"Zach has told me all about you and he only had the nicest things to say. You really are very pretty." he continues and Zach elbows him by the waist which causes him to grunt in pain.
"Sit down will you?" Zach stares at him and he did as Zach said. We had a pretty quiet and awkward breakfast. No one really talked but Justin and Zach kept exchanging glances at each other. It's like they managed to talk with just their eyes. After breakfast, I volunteered to clean up since Zach cooked in the first place. I then proceeded to go to Zach's room to get changed since I'll be leaving soon anyway. We all hung out together in the living room and played video games, little did the guys know, I'm rather skilled at games like these. Zach has now lost against me for the third time and Justin is in fits of laughter because of it.
"Dude! She's pretty, she's a great cook and she beats you on video games! Never let go of this girl!" Justin teases and Zach throws the controller at him. Just then the lock on the door clicks and it swings open. Mrs. Dempsey has arrived.
"Hi everyone! Did you all have a nice time while I was away?" she greets us in the living room.
"We all had a very nice time Mrs. Dempsey. Some of us enjoyed more than others." Justin answers and looks at Zach.
"Well, Y/N thank you for babysitting May, I'll be sure to call you over again, she seems to like you, a lot." Zach's mom says and May walks over beside me and holds my hand.
"Trust me Mrs. D, it's not just May who likes Y/N, a lot." Justin blabs once again then laughs. I shyly put my head down to hide my blushing face.
"We'll drop you off to your house, Y/N." Zach quickly suggests.
"Oh, no you don't have to." I say timidly.
"He knows he doesn't have to Y/N but he just wants to." Justin teases and Zach elbows his on his waist again.
"Alright then, you guys keep Y/N safe okay? I'll see you all later. Thanks again for babysitting, love." Mrs. Dempsey finally says as she rubs my arm up and down. I smile at her as a response. We all leave the house in Zach's Audi and they drop me off at home. I was just about to open our gate when Zach runs up to me.
"Uhm hey Y/N." He says, trying to catch his breath. You'd think a star athlete like him would be so chill after running a few steps. I smile at him and he continued to speak.
"There's a really great milkshake in Rosie's Diner. Maybe we should, can we like, go try it together some time?" He continues and my eyes widen slightly in shock. Did he just ask me out?
"Then maybe we can play more video games after? I don't know, uhm, it's up to you. I mean, I'm sorry, I'm babbling like an idiot." He adds as he scratches the back of his head.
"Video games huh? So you can cry after I beat your ass at Halo again?" I joke and he laughs nervously.
"Yes, I'd love to." I add with a small smile.
"Really?" he asks.
"Yes, really, silly." I laugh at him.
"It's a date then! I'll see you on Friday after school?" he beams, excitement written all over his dorky face.
"I'll see you Zach." I reply and he smiles as he walks back over to his car and drives off. Who would've thought that someone as attractive as Zach Dempsey could be such a soft-hearted dork? I thought to myself as I smile and make my way into the house.
A/N: TA DA! Hahahahaha. My first ever request, done! As usual, requests, comments and suggestions are always welcome. Thank you so much for all the kind words on my first write-up I really am hoping you'll like this one too!
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intrepidolivia · 7 years
Alexandria Country Club part 9
Pairing: NeganXOlivia (OC)
Warnings: cursing, discussion of violence, SMUT!, Daddy Kink, mild-ish dom/sub, loads of dirty talk
Summary: AU! Olivia makes dinner and is feeling anxious and unsafe. Negan offers to stay the night to keep her safe and help her relax. He does.
A/N: So, sorry first of all this took forever. However it’s a loooong chapter, and I do believe some of my best smut to date. So forgive how long it took?… hope you enjoy! If you want me to tag you, just let me know!
    Olivia nursed a glass of wine while she made dinner. It was a way to distract herself from everything going on.
     She’d thought once Brad was arrested that would be the end of it. He’d been a sleaze, and she’d let the relationship go on much longer than she should have. She ought to have broken things off the moment he’d started showing his true colors. The second he’d started belittling her she should have walked away.
     There was no use in wishing things were different. It had been a bad relationship, it hadn’t lasted long, and she was with Negan now. Half a restaurant’s worth of people saw him hit her, and mysteriously no one saw Adair retaliate. The heroin in his pocket only sealed the deal. She’d never expected to hear from him again.
     She sighed, dredging pounded-flat chicken breasts in bread crumbs. It had to be Brad. She couldn’t think of anyone else who had a grudge against her. She wouldn’t have thought Brad was angry enough at her to threaten her life, but she supposed she underestimated him.
     The pan sizzled as she put the chicken breasts in the heated oil. The water for the pasta was almost boiling, and the marinara sauce simmered over low heat. Negan and Adair had moved off into the living room, discussing the current situation. While she appreciated that they cared about her, it was more than a little disheartening that they were in this position because of her.
    “Smells good,” Negan commented from behind her.
     “Thanks,” she replied, glancing up at him with a wan smile. “It’s something to concentrate on besides an ex boyfriend who probably wants to kill me.”
     Negan gave her a small grin. “I know saying ‘don’t worry’ isn’t much help, but keep in mind this asshole’s fucking around with fire right now.” There was a dangerous glint in his dark eyes.
     Olivia bit her lip. “I appreciate you being concerned, but…”
     He shook his head, tipping her chin up with a hand. “Don’t worry, doll. I’ll be fine. If shit hits the fan it’s not my first fuckin rodeo.”
     She arched an eyebrow. “Do I even want to know?” she asked.
     Negan grinned wolfishly. “Probably not. The point of it is I’m not about to let a fucking thing happen to you, and if this asshole wants to start shit, I’ll fucking finish it.”
     She bit her lip at that, but the food demanded attention. Negan stood back and let her finish, and said no more about the subject even during dinner.
        Olivia didn’t realize how jittery she felt until she found herself flinching at every sound and motion. Each time a car drove past outside, every gust of wind through trees, and every barking dog made her glance at the windows nervously. She reached for the bottle of wine to refill her glass, but Negan took it out of her reach.
     “Not tonight, sweetheart. You need to keep your wits about you.”
     Olivia frowned. “But…”
     “He’s right,” said Adair. He wiped his mouth. “The chicken parm is good, by the way. As always.”
     She sighed, mildly annoyed that they were ganging up on her. She wanted to sip more wine to relax. She was trying to hide her mounting anxiety, but it was difficult. Someone was sending her truly graphic death threats and lurking outside the house. They’d bypassed security once. Who was to say he wouldn’t be able to break in while she slept?
     It was hard to keep her mind off Brad, if it was indeed Brad stalking her. She tried to follow conversation, tried to concentrate on cleaning up and putting leftovers away. She sat on the couch with Negan and tried to watch a movie. It was difficult, when all she could think about was the idea that she might well wake up in the middle of the night with someone standing over her. Or wake with a cloroform soaked rag pressed to her face, with a moment to realize she was doomed.
     She found herself staring out the window. Adair had left the outside floodlights on, so that anyone lurking outside would be seen. Apparently his security company would be there in the morning to determine why the alarms hadn’t sounded. Until then she couldn’t help feeling nervous.
     It was a curious sensation. Time seemed both to become hideously slow, and pass all too quickly. She couldn’t concentrate on anything, and every noise or motion made her jump. She knew Negan noticed. He couldn’t help it, with her pressed against him.
     Eventually, Adair gave a rather theatrical yawn. “I’m headed to bed. I’ll set the alarm.” He said it so casually she didn’t even think about it until he had headed off to his room. With the alarm set, Negan would either have to stay, or she would have to re-set it.
     “Let’s head upstairs, sweetheart,” Negan said softly.
     Olivia bit her lip, looking up at him. “You… I mean… do you have to work tomorrow?” It sounded clumsy and silly to say out loud.
     He gave her a small grin. “Daryl owes me a lot of favors. And so does my boss. I get the impression you might feel better if I hang around. If I’m wrong, no harm, no foul. But you look like a woman who wants someone around tonight.”
     She hesitated. She wanted him to stay, she knew she did. But she wasn’t sure if it was wise to show him so much vulnerability so soon. She felt fragile. One sound, one movement too many felt like it would shatter her. She felt like she was on a razor-edge. The silence, now that the movie was done, now that Adair was upstairs… it was nearly intolerable.
     “Hey, hey, sweetheart. Look at me.” He had her arms, holding her firmly. She realized she was trembling.
     She looked up into his dark eyes. He was there, he held her tightly.
     “Babydoll, I need you to listen to me.” Negan was as serious as she’d ever seen him. “Do you want me to stay here tonight?”
     Olivia stared into his dark, dangerous eyes. “Please,” she said softly. “Stay with me?”
     He nodded. “I’ll stay, baby.”
     He took her by the hand and led her upstairs. Her heart pounded. It was hard to think of anything beyond the moment.
     Someone wanted to kill her. Someone wanted to kill her slowly and painfully.
     They could be outside.
     They could be anywhere.
     The door clicked closed behind Negan, and she felt her mouth go dry.
     Her room was dark, lit only by a little rock salt lamp in the corner. It threw everything into sharp relief of black and soft orange. Negan tossed his jacket over her desk chair. He towered over her, his dark, dark eyes reflecting sparks of reddish light.
     Olivia’s heart pounded in her chest, her palms moist. She backed up, involuntarily, and found herself sitting on the edge of her bed.
     Negan smiled slightly, catching her chin in his fingers, tipping her face up toward him. “Do you trust me, sweetheart?”
     She swallowed against the dryness of her mouth and throat. He was bigger, stronger, much more experienced. He could do almost anything he wanted to just then. She was at his mercy and they both knew it. Even so, she took a breath. “I trust you.”
     He smiled a little, leaning down to kiss her. “Good. Because I’m going to make sure that whoever this fucker is, he’s the dead last thing on your mind.” He released her chin, his hand trailing down her throat, settling around her neck. “You tell me if you’re not okay. You understand?”
     She stared up at him, wide-eyed. “Yes,” she said softly.
     He squeezed. Just a tiny bit. Just enough to let her know he could. His dark eyes held her transfixed. “‘Yes’ what?” he growled.
     Olivia sucked in a breath. She hadn’t been expecting the demand for a title, and his expression told her he wouldn’t wait long for her to mull things over. He expected an answer, and he expected it then and there. “Yes, Daddy.” It was the first thing to come to mind. The first words that seemed right. She gulped, hoping he didn’t take offense.
     Negan grinned. “Oh, sweetheart. I fuckin’ like that,” he purred.
     It seemed almost effortless as he pulled her up on the bed. She thought he was holding back a little; as though with just a small push he might be truly dangerous. For now, he was feeling her out, testing the limits of what she would accept.
     He loomed over her, knees on either side of her thighs, trapping her on the bed. He stripped off his tee shirt, baring his chest to her in the half-light. She relaxed back on the pillows, staring up at him. She wasn’t surprised he had tattoos, of course. She also wasn’t much surprised that his body was hard, the muscles defined. Her eyes wandered down his chest, to his taut abdomen, the sharp lines of his hips disappearing into the top of his jeans.
 Negan gave her a wolfish grin, teeth flashing in the dim light. “You’re wearing too much, babydoll. I seem to recall there’s some ink I’m looking for.” He reached down, taking the bottom of her tee shirt, pulling it up slowly. She sat up to help him strip it off. Once her arms were free, she slid her hands along his waist, exploring his skin.
     He gazed down at her for a long moment, taking in the bra that cupped the swells of her breasts. He stroked over her exposed shoulder, tracing the little spray of purple lilies the shawl had hidden at the wedding. “That’s not one of the three the dress hid. I suppose I’ll have to keep looking.” He laid a hand on her chest, pushing her slowly back down to the pillows. Then, his fingers traveled down her chest, to her belly.
     Olivia couldn’t help herself; she was fairly certain he wanted to control things, but she reached down, following his hand with hers. He let her stroke her fingers over his, but then caught her wrists.
     “I’m gonna need you to lie back and be still, darlin’. Or do I need to tie your wrists to the bed?”
     She bit her lip, letting him press her hands to the pillows on either side of her head. “I’ve got handcuffs around here somewhere.”
     The expression on his face was gratifying. His eyebrows shot up and he blinked down at her, licking his lips slowly. Then he smirked. “Well, fuck me. I knew you were a dirty girl.”
     She grinned, bucking her hips under him. “You have no idea.”
     “Well, I’m fucking dying to find out,” he purred, leaning down to kiss her roughly. “I don’t want to wait for you to find them though. So be a good girl for me.”
     “Or what?” She knew she was treading dangerous ground by teasing him, but she couldn’t resist.
     Negan’s eyes narrowed and his hands tightened on her wrists. “I guess you got to decide if it’s worth it to find out.”
     Olivia licked her lips nervously, her breath hitching. She wanted to find out. She wanted to see what dark and wicked things he would do if she disobeyed. Much as the thought caused a curl of fear in her belly, it also made her desire flare. “I’ll be good,” she promised. She wasn’t sure she would be able to keep it up, but she would try.
     This time.
     He chuckled, releasing her wrists. “Yeah, you’ll be good for the fuckin’ moment. I think we both know you’re gonna be a handful, and I don’t just fuckin mean these.” His big hand cupped her breasts, squeezing around the black fabric of her bra. He grinned as she arched into his palms, then slid down, unbuttoning her jeans.
     She couldn’t believe he was going so slowly. She clenched her hands as he pulled the zipper down, separating one tooth at a time, his eyes holding hers the entire time. By the time he finished unzipping she was panting with need.
     “Let’s see if there are any tattoos under here, hmm?” He took the fabric in his hands and tugged. She lifted her hips to help him peel her out of her pants, keeping her hands where he’d put them, though it was with an effort.
    He tossed her jeans aside, leaving her in just her black bra and panties. He paused then, gazing down at her a moment, trailing a hand up her thigh. “Damn, babydoll. You are fucking hot as hell,” he said appreciatively.
     She gave him a grin. “I’m in good company, then,” she teased.
     Negan chuckled. “Aw, and sweet, too.” He turned his attention to her skin, following a stylized constellation of stars up one thigh. “What’s this?”
     “Ursa major. The great bear in the sky.” She smiled a little.
     “Do a lot of stargazing, sweetheart?” he asked. His fingers wandered up to her panties, slowly pulling them lower on her hips.
     “Not in a while. My telescope’s still upstairs though.” It was hard to concentrate on answering the question. “If you want to look sometime.”
     “Mmm, maybe so. Aha! There’s two.” He grinned at the little stylized peacock feather that trailed along her hip. He didn’t lower her panties entirely just yet, but pulled the fabric down a bit to see how far the feather went. “Hmm. I might have to look elsewhere now. I seem to have one left.”
     “Two. You haven’t seen the wings yet,” she grinned.
     “Ah, that’s right.” It took little enough effort for him to flip her over onto her belly. He was a strong man, after all. She squeaked though, as he grabbed her hips and turned them. The rest of her had no choice but to follow, and she found herself face-down on her bed, with him still straddling her. She dug her fingers into the pillows as he unhooked her bra.
     He traced over the green fairy wings on her shoulderblades. “Nice work,” he observed.
     “I figured it’s permanent so I’d better get someone to do a good job.”
     “Well, they did.” He planted a kiss between the wings. “Looks good on you. I’d guessed angel wings.”
     She glanced over her shoulder at him, smiling slightly. “Nah, I’m not an angel.”
     Negan chuckled again. “Lucky for me.”
     He took hold of her panties again, pulling them down slowly, the fabric skirting over her bottom. When he gave a little bark of laughter she knew he’d seen the last tattoo; the little white rabbit, with his waistcoat and pocketwatch.
     “You are so fucking cute,” he laughed, and to her surprise he kissed the rabbit, his stubble rough on the soft skin of her bottom.
     She squeaked, startled, and that only seemed to amuse him even more. He nipped her then, making her gasp. “Now, I want you to stay still and don’t move until I tell you. Understand?”
     Olivia nodded.
     The smack on her ass was sudden and stinging. She yelped, looking back at him, eyes wide. He was on his knees over her, shirtless, the salt lamp throwing him into warm illumination broken by deep shadow. His dark eyes fixed on her. “Speak when you’re spoken to, baby. Let’s try this again.” He reached down, his hand fisting in her hair. He turned her face firmly back toward the pillows. “Stay still, don’t move until I tell you. Do you understand?”
     She swallowed. The smack on her ass had stung, but was already fading into a very pleasant heat. She wanted him to do it again, but wasn’t about to defy him to try to make him spank her. Not this early on, anyway. “Y-yes, Daddy,” she said softly.
     His hand loosened in her hair, stroking it instead. “Good fuckin’ girl.”
     She felt him get off the bed, and she heard him undo his belt. She tensed, half excited and half dreading the idea of the leather cracking across her skin. Instead, she heard the whisper of fabric hitting the floor as he took his jeans off.
     He got back up on the bed, tangling a hand in her hair once more. “Up,” he commanded.
     Olivia obediently rose on all fours, the bra sliding down her arms. Negan leaned over her back, and she could feel the warmth of him, the hair on his chest against her skin. He kissed between her shoulderblades, letting go of her hair. The hand slid around her, gliding over her breasts and settling around her throat. “Up,” he said again, pulling her to her knees.
     She leaned back against his chest as he knelt behind her. She felt his body pressing against her from behind, his knees keeping her legs captive between them. He still had boxers on, but she could feel his hard length through the fabric, pressing against her ass. He caught the bra, flinging it away.
     His hand was so large. It felt like he could circle her whole neck with it if he wanted to. He held her trapped against his chest, hand firm on her throat, the other wandering, cupping her breasts, teasing at her nipples. He tipped her head to one side and lowered his lips to her neck, kissing and nipping. She whimpered softly, bringing up a hand to his cheek, his beard rough under her palm.
     “You like this, babydoll?” he asked softly. His breath puffed warm in her ear.
     “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.
     His hand tightened around her throat, just a little. His other hand slipped down her body, working its way slowly under her panties. “Do you have any idea what I want to do to you?”
     Her breath caught, and she couldn’t help shivering. “Do you have any idea what I want you to do to me?”
     He laughed, low and dark and wicked. “Oh, sweetness. This is going to take more than one night.”
     She pressed back against him, grinding against his cock pressed between them. “God, I hope so.”
     Negan groaned. “Fuck, baby. I wanted to redden your pretty little ass, but I don’t think I’ve got the patience tonight.” His teeth caught her earlobe, nipping sharply. “I think I just gotta fuck your brains out.”
     She shuddered with need, and it was all she could do not to beg. She had no doubt at some point he would make her. At some point, he would have her begging, he would taste her tears, he would make her scream. She knew he felt it instinctively. Oh, there would be discussions, there would be limits and toys and particular requests made eventually. For tonight, though… Tonight he knew what she needed. Tonight he was going to make her his and drive any other thought out of her.
     She let her head fall back to his shoulder, giving him her throat, giving in entirely. “Then fuck me, Daddy.”
     She wasn’t sure what happened then. It was all very swift. Negan’s hands tightened, and he moved, and suddenly Olivia found herself pushed forward, her face in the pillows. He yanked her panties down impatiently, barely pausing to let her move to help him. She tried to push herself up, but his hand fisted in her hair, keeping her head down, her hips up.
     It felt very vulnerable, and quite exposed. Nevertheless she felt her pulse quicken, her sex hot and wet with need. His fingers found her folds, sliding over her, inside her.
     “God damn, babydoll. You really do fucking like this, don’t you?” he asked, the pride in his voice unmistakable.
     She knew he was trusting her as much as she was trusting him. He was trusting her to tell him if something was wrong, if something didn’t sit right. She was trusting him to stop if she needed him to. While doubtlessly there was a little ego involved, he wasn’t asking simply for that reason. He needed to know she was all right before he kept going.
     “Yes,” she whimpered. “Oh, god, yes. Please. I need you.”
     He chuckled softly. She yelped as his hand smacked down on her again. “You’re fucking kinky, baby.”
     She grinned, turning her head to look back at him. “Oh, you have no idea.”
     Negan laughed, his hands gliding over her hips. “Damn, sweet thing. I can’t wait to find out.”
     She might have had a cheeky response for that, but he moved then, grabbing her hair again and forcing her face back down into the pillows. His knee pushed between her legs, nudging them open wider. Another time, once they’d felt one another out more, she might struggle a bit. She might invite him to be rougher. At the moment, however, she needed him too much.
     Olivia braced herself on her elbows as she slid her legs apart, arching her back for him. She couldn’t contain her soft groan as he teased, his hands sliding up the inside of her thighs.
     “Fucking ask for it,” he growled.
     Her nails dug into the sheets, and she moaned. “Please, Daddy. Please fuck me now. I can’t stand it if you don’t.”
     She felt the tip of him nudge at her entrance, warm and smooth. He pushed slowly into her slick folds, holding her hips steady so she couldn’t push back. “I’ve been thinking about this since I first saw you,” he said. “I wanted to pull you up on the bar in the middle of the wedding reception and fuck you senseless.”
     Wouldn’t that have been a scandal? She couldn’t help grinning. “I may have had similar thoughts,” she said, then moaned as he pushed a little deeper.
     “That’s my dirty girl,” he purred.
     Then he shoved himself inside her.
     She barely had time to suck in a gasping breath before he was moving, his hips snapping against her ass at a pace that was already desperate. Olivia hung on to the bed as best she could as he pounded into her, his breath rapid and harsh. It was almost too tight at first. He was a big man. Of course he was.
     His hand snaked around her, fingertips finding her clit. She gasped as he started teasing the sensitive little nub relentlessly. It was almost too much. She hadn’t seen him, but she could feel his length and girth inside her, stretching her almost painfully, filling her entirely, plunging so deeply it was almost too much. Between that and his fingertips assaulting her clit, and his hand reaching up to squeeze and stimulate her nipples, she wasn’t sure at all she could take it.
     She cried out, unable now to push her torso up even if she wanted to. She was half limp under him, arched up, presented for him like a submissive pet as he pounded her. She squeezed her eyes shut, panting and moaning as he took his pleasure from her, burying himself in her as she kept her cheek pressed down into the pillows. His fingers dug into her hips so hard she was certain to be bruised tomorrow, but all she could do was breathlessly beg him not to stop.
     The headboard banged against the wall in time with his brutal thrusts, and only his grip kept her upright. His fingertips seemed to find every last nerve in her, driving her toward her climax whether she was ready or not.
     “I’m gonna--” she whimpered.
     “You’re gonna scream my name, babydoll,” he snarled. His pace quickened, his hips slamming into her.
     She felt the tension in her, coiled so tightly she was almost afraid of what would happen when it released… but it was beyond too late. Her orgasm exploded in a wave of pleasure that was so intense it was almost painful. Her vision swam black, speckled with points of light like a thousand stars. And she screamed his name. She screamed his name over and over like a mantra until her breath was too ragged to form words.
     Olivia was only half aware of Negan’s release, coming somewhere in the throes of her own. His voice harsh and deep added to her screaming prayer to him, his hands digging into her skin, pulling her hard against him as though he meant to merge her into himself.
     She panted, trembling as he lowered her to the mattress as tenderly as he had been rough. She moaned softly as he pulled out of her, and she shuddered as his hands ghosted over her skin, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. She felt weak and spent, but did her best to crawl over to him as he gathered her to his chest and pulled the blanket over them.
     Negan stroked her hair slowly as they lay tangled in one another. Beads of sweat dotted his chest and her back, and her eyes were wet. She rested her head over his heart, listening as the frantic beating slowed, even as her own pulse calmed.
     After long, quiet moments, he kissed her hair. “Damn, sweetheart,” he said. “That was fuckin’ intense.”
     She swallowed and gave a giddy little giggle. “I’m not sure I can walk right now.”
     He chuckled. “Well, good thing you don’t have to, baby.” He wrapped his arms around her, taking a long, slow breath. “You fuckin’ wore me out, Liv.”
     “I wore you out?” She smirked, closing her eyes.
     “Had to put in some extra effort to show a lady a good time.” She could hear the grinning tease in his voice. “Considering you fucking screamed like a banshee, I’m gonna figure you enjoyed it.”
     She traced little shapes over his chest with an idle finger. “Mmm. More than enjoyed it.”
     “Good,” he purred. His big hand came up to stroke over her cheek. “Think you can sleep now, baby? You feel better?”
     Olivia smiled, relaxing into his touch. “Yeah.”
     He kissed the top of her head. “Good. Go to sleep, Livvy. I’ll stay with you. You’re safe with me.”
     She closed her eyes, relaxing. Knowing that with Negan, she was safe.
Tagging: @noodlecupcakes @glittered-unicorn-lava @genevievedarcygranger
@adair-donovan @feistybaby
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jordan202 · 8 years
My Boys: Beneath the Surface - Chapter 1
Hey Guys, I am back :)
So, as previously mentioned, I am starting a new multi chapter. This one sets 5 years after the events of MBBD. It will mainly focus on Omelia and Amelia’s relationship with her family, how it affects the dynamics of her marriage to Owen and the repercussions her trouble past has in her life up to this moment. 
Thank you to the lovely @jia911 for proofreading this overnight. You are my team!
 My Boys – Beneath the Surface: Chapter 1
 “I really don’t know how to thank you enough.”
At the sound of the words, Amelia’s mother in law turned around with a sympathetic smile on her face.
“There is no need to thank me, I’ve told you that,” The elderly woman added with a gentle nod, genuinely happy for being able to help. A couple of hours before, Amelia had called her to ask if Evelyn had any idea how to cook Spanish and Moroccan food and Owen’s mother had immediately stepped in to help, driving over to her son’s house to give the neurosurgeon a hand with the cooking.
The school to which Amelia’s kids went to was having an international fair to celebrate cultural diversity and much to Amelia’s dismay each student in the class of her eight year old twins was in charge of taking local food from a few selected countries.  
“If I can’t cook our own food,” Amelia said with a teasing smile, “how do they expect me to cook stuff I’ve never even tried before?”
“Oh, but you’ll love this dish,” Evelyn lightheartedly added, mixing the ingredients next to the stove. She was cooking a Spanish tortilla that consisted basically of eggs and potatoes and seemed very easy to serve. “Owen used to ask me to cook this when he was younger. I am pretty sure we’re going to have to save some for him,” Evelyn turned her head around and looked at her daughter in law with mischief in her eyes, “But don’t worry, I’m making more than enough.”
“I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks your son eats like he’s been starved for the past year,” Amelia said with good humor. “And by the looks of it, it seems like my sons are just the same.”
Evelyn shared a heartfelt laughter with her daughter in law, clearly enjoying herself. The two women spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen, casually talking while Amelia washed the dishes and Evelyn took care of all the cooking.
Owen strode around the supermarket, watching as a very excited Megan had a hard time staying still inside the shopping cart.
“Meg, sit down, you’re going to hurt yourself,” Owen said gently but firmly.
The five year old did as told, clearing space among the groceries to finally sit.
“Dad, can we get ice cream for dessert today?” She turned her neck around and used her best puppy eyes to convince him. “But not that strawberry kind that Lucas likes, I want the one he likes the least.”
“Why?” Owen frowned while stopping at the cereal section to load the cart.
“Because,” Megan replied with serene logic. “If you get one he likes he’ll just end up eating everything like he always does.”
Owen let out a loud chuckle and promised Megan they would get enough of whichever flavor she chose. Reaching out for his pocket, he picked up a sheet he’d left hung on the refrigerator earlier that morning. When Owen had said he planned to go out grocery shopping, Amelia had mentioned their twin sons had a school assignment that required some special ingredients and coincidentally, Thomas had asked for a special kind of glue to finish his art project.
As a way of simplifying things, Owen had scribbled “Write down what you need” on a piece of white paper and hung it on the fridge with magnets. Thomas had written his request on it and Owen could also distinguish Lucas’ scrawl asking for sweets and the cereal brand of his preference. The twins had followed adding the list of ingredients their teacher had given them for the recipes they were supposed to take and at last, Owen noticed his wife’s elegant calligraphy as he read the two final words on the list that made him involuntarily laugh: Your smile.
Her unexpected and adorable addition brought a large smile to Owen’s face. Unable to contain a chuckle, he finished getting the items on the list with the always cheerful help of his daughter, hurrying to get back home in time to start preparing dinner.
Much to Owen’s surprise, he found his mother already with dinner halfway prepared the minute he made it home.
“Didn’t you say we were going to make paella?” Owen protested, lifting the bag with the ingredients he’d just gone out to get at the same time he stared at his wife questioningly.
“Why make it hard when you can make it so simple?” Evelyn intervened, justifying their change of traditional Spanish dish.
“Your mom said it, not me,” Amelia looked at Owen with a semi apologetic smile, but the amusement was clear in her eyes. It was obvious she agreed with Evelyn.
“I thought you were doing all the cooking for Danny and Robbie’s school thing?” Owen raised both eyebrows as he turned around to face her before putting the fresh ingredients in the fridge.
“Yeah, right,” Amelia’s disbelief was clear on her face as she let out a loud chuckle, clearly having fun. She had pretty much no talent in the kitchen and other than fixing a quick meal of semi cooked pasta or scrambling eggs, there wasn’t much she would venture herself with.
Owen playfully nodded his head in disapproval and carried the leftover bags to the pantry to stock the rest of the groceries. From a distance, he could hear the excited chatter coming from the kitchen and it only got louder when Megan joined in, excitedly stepping in when her grandmother asked if she wanted to help with the cooking. Something his daughter did made the two women crack up and Owen distinguished the sound of Amelia’s musical laughter vibrating in the air.
The trauma surgeon couldn’t contain a smile once he realized that the three most important women of his life were obviously enjoying each other’s company.  Over a decade before, when he’d married Amelia, it didn’t take her long to develop a close relationship with his mother. Years later, she had also come to perform a surgery that saved Evelyn’s life, tightening the bond between the two. The fact that Megan had been born that same week had only helped to bring the two women together and include the little girl in their special attachment.
Owen knew that his wife didn’t have a close relationship with her family and that they didn’t see each other much. He had always been close to his parents, developing an ever closer relationship to his mother and sister after his father had passed away. And then for a while, it had been just him and Evelyn. Owen regretted the years he’d spent neglecting his mother after being so damaged by the traumas in the war but even without meaning to, Amelia had helped him regain proximity with his mother.
Right after he’d married her, she and Evelyn had hit it off pretty quickly and in his mom, Amelia found a very caring and affectionate mother figure. When their first son was born, Evelyn had been of great help caring for the baby and the routine repeated itself every time they added a new member to the family or when the kids were on school break. Owen had long ago stopped being surprised when he came home and found his wife in the company of his mother. Even though sometimes he would accuse them of ganging up on him, Owen never really meant it because he knew that deep down, it was lovely how close the two of them had become.
Strained relationships between mother in laws and wives were very cliché and he was happy that over the years Amelia had once again grown to organically break all the expectations, uniting with Evelyn over the common love they shared for Owen and the kids, instead of unconsciously competing over it. To Owen, it just proved how kindhearted and mature his wife had become. She openly admitted how grateful she was for getting the chance to build their own happy, functional family and he knew that not a day went by when Amelia took it for granted. Her attitude was not only inspiring, it was contaminating, and Owen felt just as lucky to be able to live the dream they’d been through so much to create.
Evelyn stayed for dinner and for the rest of the night, Owen kept busy helping out Thomas with his art project. Unlike his father, the eleven year old was very talented in detailed manual work and even though Thomas could skillfully craft the miniature house he was building with wood sticks, it really helped to have his father applying glue to the assemble as he did it.
“Remind me why you’re building pillars?” Owen frowned, seeing the two story house take formation. Thomas' assignment was to craft a miniature house but unsurprisingly, his son hadn’t settled for creating something simple, choosing to add more walls and a second pavement to the project instead.
“Because Kate said hers would be better but it won’t,” Thomas replied with an ambitious grin. “So I am building a model of our house to prove her wrong.”
Owen chuckled and ruffled Tom’s hair, playfully shaking his head in denial. Thomas had always been good friends with Jo and Alex’s oldest child and they were always friendly fighting for the top of their class. As long as they kept the competitiveness on a healthy level, Owen thought it was a good thing the two kids stimulated each other to do better.
After another twenty minutes, Thomas finally decided they’d done enough and Owen could at last relax after a full day. He kissed Thomas goodnight and checked in on Lucas, who was already in his room watching television. Imagining the youngest kids were already in bed, Owen made his way to his bedroom, eager to finish the day in the company of his wife.
Even though Owen didn’t regret it one bit, having five young kids was a handful of work and at times, he wondered how they were able to manage. Among school projects, homework, extracurricular and sports activities and leisure time, he didn’t remember the last five minutes of peace he’d had. Things like reading the newspaper in the morning or sleeping in on weekends had become a luxury. Despite the full day, it was still relatively early so Owen smiled to himself, imagining that maybe that night, Amelia would be up for staying up late for a very good cause. He couldn’t remember the last time they’d had more than ten minutes to themselves and the idea of being alone with her made Owen anxiously stride to their room.
He was already thinking of ways to slowly undress his wife when, after he crossed the door to his room, his dirty smile vanished the moment Owen saw his bed had been taken over.
Amelia was already lying there as he’d imagined, but she wasn’t alone. Robbie peacefully slept lying between his mother’s legs with his head resting on her lap, while Megan and Danny were still wide awake, watching a children’s movie on the television.
“You guys are still up,” Owen tried to control his disappointment.
Amelia’s eyes met his and he could swear she smiled mischievously, as knowing exactly what was going on in her husband’s head.
“Yes, but it’s past their bedtime,” Amelia informed the kids, playfully squeezing Megan’s nose when the little girl protested.
“Can’t we at least finish the movie, mom?” Danny bargained with adorable begging eyes.
“Nope,” Amelia replied decisively. “It’ll run for at least another hour and you guys have watched it way too many times,” she added, gently shifting on the bed trying not to wake up Robbie. “Give me a kiss goodnight.”
Danny promptly did as told, being closely followed by Megan. But when Amelia handed Robbie over to Owen, he heard the little girl asking:
“Mom, can I sleep here tonight?” She skillfully made her way beneath the covers. “Please?”
Amelia once again made eye contact with her husband and saw the shadow of physical pain behind the blue of his eyes. She wanted to laugh but tried her hardest not to.
“Can she, dad?” Amelia provoked looking up to her husband, knowing very well that even though Owen really wanted the kids in their beds as soon as possible, he would hardly say no to such a sweet request from his daughter.
“Yes,” Owen dryly replied. When Megan excitedly celebrated, not for the first time he felt guilty for wishing that for at least twenty minutes a day, they got a break from the kids. Truth is, he loved them too much to even consider being without them.
The trauma surgeon took the twins to their rooms and tucked them in. Upon his return, Amelia and Megan were already lying beneath the covers with the lights off. Letting out a conformed sigh, Owen went to bed too, feeling his daughter’s arms instantly wrapping around his neck, clinging to him as she stole all space available.
He closed his eyes and let out an amused sigh through his nose, involuntarily laughing at his own predicament. Very gently, Owen turned to his side and placed the little girl on the mattress, seeing she was already too deeply asleep to wake up with the movement.
“Do you want to take her to her room?” Amelia whispered in the dark.
Owen propped his head on his elbow and stared at his sleeping child. She looked like a little angel.
“Nah,” He replied, pulling the covers to make sure she wasn’t cold.
Even though it was dark, Amelia noticed the mesmerized look on her husband’s face as he stared at their daughter. Megan really was adorable and just like her brothers, at the end of the day, gave all meaning to their lives.
“You want to have sex, don’t you?” Amelia provoked her husband, muffling her laughter at his startled expression.
“Shhh!” Owen censored her for using the word, childishly covering Megan’s ear with his hand.
“She is asleep,” Amelia justified, leaning over their daughter to give the girl a kiss on the head. “She can’t hear us.”
“How do you know?” Owen defensively asked with a whisper.
Amelia playfully rolled her eyes and got comfortable on the bed, feeling her body relax from the intense day. Owen was already half asleep when he heard his wife’s voice resonating in the room again.
“Don’t you ever just look at the kids and wonder what the heck have we done?” Amelia asked with good humor, turning to her side to face her husband.
Owen furrowed his brown heavily, apparently offended with the question.
“Of course not!” He rejected her supposition completely.
Amelia couldn’t help laughing at his outrage.
“You are way too politically correct,” She teased him, reaching out her hand to grab his. “I am not saying this is a permanent feeling, it’s not. I actually feel incredibly guilty when I think that so the thought only lasts for like, two milliseconds,” She confessed. “But come on! You have to admit it… Don’t you just wish they could be locked in Neverland for at least a little while so you could enjoy some quality, worry free moments from time to time?” Amelia asked with sincerity, making Owen lighten up. “I mean, when was the last time you didn’t have to worry about absolutely anything?”
“Before I met you,” Owen replied with mock pretense, clearly provoking her. Amelia’s laughter warmed his heart and he gently rubbed his thumb on her open palm, enjoying her touch. “Nah, I am kidding… I actually can’t remember what it’s like not to worry. I mean,” Owen turned his head to face her. “I thought worrying about my unit in the army would be the biggest responsibility of a lifetime, but then I became Chief of Surgery…” He added with a playful voice. “Then, you happened,” Owen teased her, seeing Amelia scowling at him in response. “And just when I thought my worrying days had reached its limit, I became a dad. It’s like I can’t catch a break.”
“And they just kept coming, right?” Amelia thought out loud.
“The kids?”
“No, the reasons to worry.”
“Oh,” Owen thought about it for a second, realizing how right she was. “Absolutely.”
“But yeah, the kids too, I guess,” Amelia decided with a lighthearted tone, smiling when she met her husband’s eyes in the darkness. The neurosurgeon stayed quiet for long seconds, apparently immersed in deep thought but soon after, Owen heard her voice again. “Do you ever think how it would be if we’d done things differently?”
“What do you mean?” Owen quizzically asked, more interested in the conversation.
“Well, how our lives would be if we didn’t have the kids. Or if we only had one or two like we initially planned.”
“Amelia, you have always said you wanted a lot of kids and so did I.” Owen argued.
“Yeah, but remember how after Tommy we decided to stop?” Amelia asked with a broken voice. “What were we thinking? We were so stupid back then.”
“What?” Owen chuckled at her spontaneous confession.
“Just imagine the insane amount of happiness we would be missing out on if we didn’t have the twins or Megan, or even Tom and Luke.”
“Didn’t you just say you wanted to ship them to Neverland?”
“No,” Amelia frowned, looking deeply offended. “That’s not what I said.”
“Then, what did you say?” Owen raised one eyebrow at her, having fun with how worked up she was getting.
Amelia seemed to ponder his question for a few seconds, processing her answer before opening her mouth to talk.
“I said that even though sometimes I wish I could get a five minute break, I really don’t, you know?” She played with Owen’s index finger between hers, idly staring at the ceiling while lost in thought. “I mean, even though these five brats drive me close to exhaustion nearly every day, I feel like I live and breathe for them. And I absolutely can’t imagine myself being happy without any of you.” Amelia confessed, letting her husband know of the important role he played in her life too.
“Yeah,” Owen agreed, closing his fingers around her hand and bringing it closer to give his wife a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “I feel the exact same way.” He seemed to struggle with his thoughts for a second before finally admitting. “I guess sometimes I do ask myself why we decided to have kids in the first place,” He smiled sheepishly at the confession when their eyes met. “But all it takes is one look at either of them to make me instantly remember and regret my doubts.”
Amelia grinned, happy to realize she wasn’t the only one who felt like that.
“It would be pretty cool to send them to Neverland, though,” She teased, chuckling at her realization. “This way, they’d never have to grow up.”
Owen smiled at her admission and watched as Amelia gently wrapped one arm around Megan, snuggling next to the little girl at the same time she protectively held her.
“Owen?” Amelia’s whisper broke the silence after a few minutes. “Are you sleeping?”
“I am trying to,” He did his best to hide his smile at his teasing reply.
“I spoke to Meredith today,” Amelia shared, letting out a sigh of frustration. “She is not going to the wedding.”
Owen rubbed his eyes, fighting off sleep. He knew that conversation would probably take more than a few minutes.
“Did she say why?”
“Not really,” Amelia replied, playing with a nonexistent loose thread on her pillow case. “I mean, I didn’t expect her to go in the first place anyway but as usual she just made up a sad excuse about work as a way to justify her absence.”
“Well, I can’t say I am surprised.”
In a few weeks, Owen and Amelia were traveling to the East Coast to attend Amelia’s oldest sister’s wedding. A few years before, after visiting Amelia and realizing how unhappy and frozen in time her life was, Nancy had gone back home and turned the table around. A few months later, she had divorced the husband with whom she hadn’t had a real relationship in nearly a decade, gotten closer to her kids and soon after started dating again. Now, a couple of years after meeting someone very special, Nancy was going to remarry and Amelia had planned with months in advance some free time at work so that she and Owen could spend some time in Connecticut for the wedding.
“I told her that we wouldn’t mind taking Zola, Bailey and Ellis,” Amelia confessed, supposing Owen would be on board. “I know Meredith isn’t interested in keeping a relationship with my family but the kids will always be Derek’s and they should be given the chance to spend time there. It’s their family too, after all.”
“Of course,” Owen promptly agreed. “Do they want to go?”
“I didn’t ask them yet,” Amelia confessed. “But I suppose they’ll want to. It’s summer anyway and they’ll be off school. I don’t see why they wouldn’t want to go.”
Owen was too polite to say why he absolutely agreed. Over the years, it wasn’t uncommon that Derek’s three kids came to spend time with them, often having sleepovers. Before Amelia had married him, she used to live in the same house as her nieces and nephew, and the three kids had always felt a special connection with their aunt. But over the years, they’d grown to be left alone for large periods of time while their mom was working extra hours at the hospital.
“Are we really doing this?” Owen let out a sigh of worry. “Traveling across the country with eight kids?”
“Well, Zola is hardly a kid anymore…”
“You know what I mean,” Owen turned his head sideways and looked at his wife above Megan’s head.
“It could be fun,” Amelia tried to sound encouraging.
“Yes, it could,” Owen agreed, giving up adding that it could also be a total disaster.
“Are you going to sleep now?” Amelia asked. Her voice sounded like she was still lost in her own thoughts.
“Yes,” Owen slowly moved up and leaned over Megan, surprising his wife when he gently touched her face with his hand. “By the way, I loved your request on the grocery list today.”
Amelia took a fraction of a second longer than usual to realize what he was talking about and she couldn’t help smiling in response when the memory of her spontaneous addition caught up with her.
“Well, I meant it,” She declared affectionately, feeling Owen’s thumb rubbing on her cheek as he leaned over with full intention to kiss her.
Amelia noticed the sweetness in his eyes as he intensely gazed at her, obviously admiring her features.
“We’re very well off then,” Owen realized before capturing her lips with his own. “Because this is all I need to smile.” He added, recalling her wish.
“A kiss?” Amelia giggled when he buried his face on the curve of her neck, playfully exploring the area with his lips. “Is a kiss really the price of your smile?”
“No,” He raised his head, making eye contact with his wife and seeing the contentment on her face. When Owen replied, his voice sounded firm with determinate conviction before he got back to his side of the bed to finally fall asleep, “For you, they’ll always be free of charge.”
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