#i mean hes also the pov character more or less. easy to have as a favourite really. but also. this fictional child has some anxieties
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humanmorph · 2 years ago
got to the episode where tino gets obsessed about this one particular guy not liking him. i wonder why i remember this one so vividly. strange
he made a poll for everyone in town to circle 👍 or 👎
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eternal-love-song · 2 months ago
Trust The Rogue To Lead You
Follow up to A Wish Breathed Into You
Odile contemplates the quest that her traveling partner has dragged her into. She trust him to lead her on this path.
[Siffrin & Odile] [Alternate Universe, Second Person POV, Odile POV, Introspection, Character Study]
Siffrin was a bit of an odd fellow, you'd known that since the first time you'd stumbled across each other. They were aimless and air headed at times, while being completely singled minded and determined at others. They could forget their words mid sentence one minute, but tell you the entire translation history of a play in the next. You didn't understand them, but you found them frightfully easy to get along with. 
You had already been traveling for quite some time when you met Siffrin, and it seemed that they had been doing the same but with much less grace. They didn't seem to have a destination that they were aiming for and, though you wouldn't realize this until much later, didn't have a place that they planned to return to either. It was easy enough to let them stick by your side for a time and then just as easy to want them to stay there. 
It was true that you questioned their decision to visit a frozen country, even when your own desire to do the same was rather high. It was a dangerous, reckless, and ill advised course of action. As much as you thought them to be a madman for suggesting it, you must have been just as mad to agree. As unorthodox as Siffrin's methods could be at times, he hadn't steered you wrong yet. You were hesitant to speak the words aloud, but you had placed a fair bit of trust in Siffrin and it had been repaid poorly.
Still, this "Universe" that they went on about mad zero since to you. It was somehow everything, but also everything was inside of it. It was a guiding force, but also he couldn't tell you a single thing about it when pressed. Not that Siffrin had ever been good at explaining himself under pressure, but that didn't mean you could always stop yourself from trying. You understood that it was part of his religion in some fashion, but you desperately wished you could get a few more concrete details out of him. 
"I don't know what to tell you, Odile," Siffrin had shrugged at you when you'd tried to poke at his words. "The Universe leads, all we can do is follow."
He said it with such finality that it must have been a common saying in… wherever Siffrin was from. You'd yet to figure it out or get anything out of him on that mystery. The only thing you knew for sure was that he had no intention of returning there. Whether that was because he refused to for some reason or perhaps wasn't allowed to, you had yet to figure out. 
It hadn't taken you long to begin writing down all your observations about Siffrin. It had taken even less time after that to realize that you'd need a separate notebook if you really wanted to understand all the strange oddities of your new companion. There had been one too many instances of scribbling in the margins of an already filled page for your liking, so you made the investment for a Siffrin specific book.
It worked out in your favor, as he seemed to get a kick out of trying to peek over your shoulder and you enjoyed the little game you'd made of pretending to hide it from him. It also gave you a chance to learn more about them. You'd learned earlier on that they couldn't read Ka Buan, so you'd made a game of seeing which scripts he could and could not recognize. Poterian seemed to offer him no trouble, which made sense as the two of you had met in Poteria. He scrunched up his face at Mwu script, which led you to assume that he didn't have much, if any, familiarity with the language. He had no trouble with Vaugardian, but seemed to take longer to parse out Andiran, despite the languages similarities. 
You were used to others becoming a bit uncomfortable if you paid too much attention to them, so it was a refreshing change of pace that you could tease Siffrin in this manner. If anything, he seemed flattered by your attention.
It also made it easier to show your affection in this way. You weren't very physically affectionate, but you could list out the traits that you found endearing about them and smile as they slowly slunk into their cloak to hide their darkening face. 
So, you were reasonably fond of Siffrin, you trusted him, and you were more willing to go along with his insane plans than you perhaps should have been. You didn't have a problem with any of this until you watched them fall out of a tree and scream bloody murder for so long that you knew you'd never be able to get the sound out of your head.
You hadn't questioned them on their little rituals, they'd always had them but this was one of the areas you were able to be patient in learning about them. You hadn't had any regret for that decision until then. If whatever they had done had led to this, you couldn't fathom allowing them to do as they pleased again. 
Only… it worked. You hadn't truly believed that he could "fix Vaugarde" or whatever their insane idea had been, but as you looked around and saw life returning to the branches of the tree, you had to second guess that assumption. It seemed that "wishing" had more validity to it than you ever could have guessed.
"Wishcraft?" You asked with some incredulity. You had demanded that he allow you to check him over for injuries, but amazingly, he didn't seem to be hurt at all. You weren't sure how that was possible with how hard he had fallen and how raw they had screamed themselves, but you decided to let it go for the time being. Too many mysteries at once would give you a headache. 
Siffrin simply nodded at you. "Yeah. It's… I'm not sure how to explain it?"
You tried to control your expression so that you didn't look as skeptical as you felt. "A craft based around… wishes?" You repeat. "I've never heard of such a thing before."
Siffin sank down into his cloak the way he often did when he was embarrassed, before he looked back at you and shrugged. "I… don't know why I know it, just that I… do?"
There were a great many things that Siffrin didn't know why they knew. His memory was unreliable at the best of times, yet his knowledge was usually spot on. He was more likely to underestimate his knowledge than overestimate it. 
"Tell me more about this… Wishcraft."
"Like what?" They asked with such an unassuming expression that you knew they were not simply trying to withhold the information from you. Sometimes you weren't sure how someone as expressive and kind as Siffrin had made it on their own as long as they did. You often sent thanks to whatever Expression had guided them to your side instead of into the hands of someone worse. 
"How does it work?" you asked, opening your notebook so that you could keep track of whatever they told you. "What does it do?"
"Well, it works by wishing?" He didn't sound particularly certain as he said that, but you attributed that more to him explaining it to you than any actual uncertainty in what he was trying to say. "And… it can do… a lot? Maybe not anything, but… I mean, if you wish for it…"
You wouldn't get anywhere this way. 
"Alright, how about you tell me about this?" You gesture to the Favor Tree. 
"You have to make a wish in order to use it," he started slowly. You could practically see him trying to arrange the words in his head. "And you can wish for anything, but the way that you wish makes a difference."
"How so?"
You could tell from the way that their face scrunched up that this isn't something he'll be able to answer. Or if he can, certainly not easily. You decided to try a different avenue.
"What are some ways to make wishes?"
Siffrin perked up a bit at that question. It must be easier to answer than the others. "There are rituals," he answered. "Like, if you're just saying your wish aloud, you can say it three times, or six, sometimes nine, but it isn't usually a good idea to go higher than that. You can, but…"
But he can't explain the ins and outs of it.
"What else?" You asked, writing that down.
"You can wish on a dandelion, but you have to blow all the seeds away in a single breath or it won't work. And you can wish on a star, but you have to really want it for a star to grant your wish and that's only for bigger wishes, anyway."
Siffrin had mentioned stars before, but you weren't sure why they had a hand in granting wishes. In fact, you weren't sure that any of this made sense to you. You didn't see any connecting thread between these things. You gestured for him to go on anyway.
"With the cranes, you have to fold a certain amount of them and the more that you fold, the bigger you can make your wish," he told you. "But just folding them isn't enough. You have to focus on your wish while folding and then whisper it into the folds of the paper so that the paper holds the wish and keeps it safe."
"Why does the paper need to hold the wish?"
He looked confused at the question. "Something has to take your wish to the Universe. So like, with a dandelion, each seed is carrying your wish away, but if you don't want it enough, then it won't be granted. That's why you need to blow off all the seeds." That… almost made sense to you. "Cranes can fly, so if you tell them your wish, they can carry it to the Universe for you, but only if you fold them right. Otherwise your wish will fall out and it'll be dropped before they make it to the sky."
Wishcraft sounded utterly absurd, but it was clear that there were rules. Rules that operated under some kind of logic even though you were clearly lacking the connective tissue to follow that logic. 
You finish writing down everything he told you, even the parts that didn't make sense to you. Perhaps if you revisit the topic down the line, it will. 
"So… unfreezing Vaugarde." It sounded completely mad when you'd first agreed, but now the task had gone from impossible to merely… daunting. You couldn't imagine taking on more responsibility than you seemingly just had. Unfreezing an entire country, fighting off hordes of these Sadness. Would it be just as volatile of a process every time? Would Siffrin need to use the same ritual? Would it always… hurt him?
You suspected that Siffrin wouldn't have the answer to these questions if you asked him. 
"We should get some sleep," you told him, closing your book and pushing yourself to your feet. You felt the strain in your limbs just a bit and when you stretched, you could feel the creak in your back. "I suspect we'll have quite a lot of work ahead of us when the town unfreezes."
Siffrin nodded and pushed himself to his feet. 
Tomorrow you might not have a choice in how things proceeded, so you should probably ask now, while you have the chance. 
"Siffrin." They stopped and looked up at you. "Are you sure that you want to take up this task? It will not be easy and it will not be quick. It'll be more dangerous than our previous travels and more labor intensive as well."
Silence settled between you for a while. You hoped that they were considering your words and not considering how to distance themselves from you for the audacity of asking.
"I have to do this, I think," he said eventually. "Even if the Universe didn't guide me here, I owe it to Vauguarde. Also… I might be the only one that can." He looked up. "So I have to do it. I don't want Vaguarde to become just a memory." Another pause. "You don't have to help me… if you don't want to."
You reach out to place a hand on his head. "I'm not leaving you to do this alone, my dear rogue. This old lady will be with you for a while longer, yet."
He smiled, small and shy, but full of warmth. "Thanks Odile."
In the morning the two of you watch as the town comes to life. People that had been frozen in motion lurched forward, bird song slowly began to fill the air, the lightlessness receded from the world, and the air warmed. You and Siffrin tried to follow the wave of the curse breaking to catch those that were stuck in awkward positions and try to explain what had happened. 
By the afternoon, most of the town was unfrozen and by nightfall, you could see the borders where Siffrin's wish had stopped.
You tried to explain, as simply as you could, what had happened. Neither you nor Siffrin really wanted to get into the idea of Wishcraft, but you didn't really need to. People understood that the two of you were responsible for unfreezing them and the rest didn't really matter to them all that much. 
"We're so grateful to you, saviors!" Your eyes went to Siffrin when one of the townsfolk grabbed your hands to thank you. From the way they were shrinking into their cloak, you didn't think that they would appreciate the correction. Siffrin didn't particularly enjoy too much attention on him and while you knew that the attention would inevitably come, you didn't need to hasten the inevitable. "Please, is there any way that we can help you?"
You only needed to consider your response for a moment. 
"There's a long journey ahead of us, a sizable task. And aid that you could offer…"
"Of course!"
"Anything for our saviors!"
The people of Vaugarde were generous. That could be expected from a person in their position, but you were fairly certain you would not receive this warm of a response from Ka Bue if your home had been in the same position. They offered you supplies for your journey, as much food as you could reasonably carry, and begged you to stay long enough for them to hold a celebration with you both.
You agreed, of course. There wasn't a time limit to your journey. Between fighting and traveling, the task would be arduous enough, but you weren't yet sure what burden Wishcraft would put on Siffrin, so you wanted to give them ample time to relax while they could. 
During the height of the celebration you decide to check the Favor tree. You aren't yet sure what significance they hold to Vaugarde, you haven't gotten the chance to ask anyone yet, but Siffrin had told you what they were called and it had served as the base for their wish which seemed like it must be significant somehow. To your surprise, the light that had been housed within the paper cranes had died. 
You spent a long time staring at them and at the people surrounding the favor tree. There were still so many unknowns about this journey, this mysterious craft. You weren't yet sure how to navigate it all, how you could help Siffrin, but you were determined to try. You knew that much. 
"Hey, Odile!" You turned to Siffrin smiling up at you, holding out their hand. "Flower for you!"
It was a simple thing, the flower. Just a small token. But it had been frozen just hours earlier and now it was alive. Because of you. You and Siffrin. 
You accept the flower with a small smile. "Thank you, Siffrin."
The smile that they gift you with is even better than the flower, but only one of those can be bundled up so that you can keep it with you forever. 
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sillyandquiteawkward · 17 days ago
I love your 'Debt Collector' Mouthwashing Animatic so so much... You helped me find a total banger of a song that's gonna stay in my playlist forever!!! I'm not even gonna get INTO how the lyrics you assigned the three perfectly match their characters either, cuz my god, we'd be here all day if I did that...
I really like how you characterized everyone in your animatic too. Anya emotionally and physically at one of her lowest points, holding her hands to her mouth to muffle her crying is so uwhwuah :( Curly holding up two fingers, trying to ease Anya with his body language, letting her know he'll be riiiiight baaack is SUCH a Curly thing to do too! And Jimmy smiling while his eyes drift to the ceiling, making peace with dying if it means he's "the hero who fixed it" also lives rent free in my brain lol
jhariah makes such good music!! found them thru risk risk risk and its just banger after banger. if u have ocs or love to rotate characters in ur brain jhariah is the musician for you they got something for everything.
its always really fun to make lyrics connect with different characters. and you said u dont need to go into it but i will talk a lil about it. hehe. of course, anyas was really easy to choose, her speaking towards curly in his position, and polle speaking to jimmy of course. but trying to figure out the split between what jimmy and curlys lines. they share a very close mentality, curlys sense of responsibility vs jimmys desire to blame others. my original pass of text colors was way different and i had to tone down the sheer amount of color switching that was going on LOL. less is more!
i think anya holding her hands up towards her face is a really great touch put into her character acting. really good nervous tick to touch her neck/chin/cover her mouth. im glad it was something included in game. its fun to draw and can be really loaded.
curly and his two finger comfort thing was something i always imagined he did. the feeling of anya is in a really bad spot, but jimmy is his priority bc he knows damage control is important in the moment, but not wanting to leave anya with nothing but he has to go Right Now hell be Right Back Dont Move. his heads running a mile a minute.
dont have much to say about jimmys bit there, just wanted to capture his like. pathetic desperation as he figured out his solution. raaah
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anyaaaaaa 💔 i really liked the perspective for this frame. always such fun to play with pov and bring it down and up with the sense of power. curly standing over anya, anya and jimmy standing over curly. good stuff.
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riality-check · 1 month ago
hi, love your viktor fic! since you say you find him easy to write and you feel like you've really got his speech down, could you give some advice on how to write his dialogue/these unique dialogue things you say you've noticed? I've watched the show 3 times but still find him so hard to write!
Anon, you have no idea the yapping you've unleashed. I love discussing the intricacies of speech, and I love discussing Viktor, so strap in and prepare for quite the long post.
Don't feel bad about not getting his voice down! Character voice is difficult, and it's even more difficult to maintain consistently. I have it a bit easier; I have a knack for memorizing speech patterns very well. So, once I metaphorically store the file in my brain, it's pretty easy to test all my writing for the "he would not fucking say that" phenomenon.
In my opinion, Viktor's speech can be summarized - though this is quite the reductionist summary - as having a lot of the same quirks as that of those who learn English in a schoolroom setting. He speaks very "standard" (in quotes because I don't feel like getting into the linguistic debate over that categorization right now) English. This entails a lot of things; for Viktor, this manifests as speaking in a register that is slightly more formal than many other characters in the show.
(Of course, these phenomena transcend learning English specifically. I actually run into them frequently when I speak Italian. But because the show is in English, I'm taking English as Viktor's assumed second language and will be using that reference throughout this post.)
Specific ways that manifests in my writing for him are outlined below. There are a lot, but I've listed my top three for brevity's sake.
No contractions
This one is difficult for me! I naturally write how I speak, which means I frequently clip my words. Plus, most of the characters' whose POVs I write from have very casual speech. Viktor is the exception. Changing your "can't"s to "cannot"s, your "didn't"s to "did not"s, etc. will help you achieve that slightly more formal register that Viktor tends to speak in. It's a bit of a pain, and it feels strange at first, but to me, it's one of the simplest ways to get your writing on the way to sounding more like Viktor.
Minimize your slang (and swearing)
I'm mostly taking this one from the "crank it" scene. A lot of second language learners aren't specifically taught slang in their target language; they have to learn it as they go. In that scene, Viktor encounters a phrase that is new to him, hesitates, understands, and then adopts it. Slang, for Viktor, is acquired. Demonstrating that in your fic rather than having him use it completely organically like a native English speaker would is another way to get your dialogue more in character for him.
Additionally, to my knowledge, Viktor doesn't swear in the show. I do have him swear in my fic, but extremely sparingly and only in cases of extreme emotion. Second language speakers (in my personal experience) are rarely taught profanity on purpose, and it often takes a while to use it fluently in their target language. So if you're having Viktor swear, do it sparingly, or write it out in whatever real world analog you think his native language is for some fun flavor!
Use specific verbs
There's a writing post I saw a while ago but cannot locate that describes this better than I could. The gist of this is to eliminate verbs such as "is," "has," "seems," etc. in favor of more specific verbs. This is less of an "English as a second language" quirk and more of a "Viktor is intelligent and Academy-educated" quirk. Viktor is precise and specific with his words whenever he speaks. Some examples of this that I've used have been "permits" instead of "lets," "inquires" instead of "asks," "fabricate" instead of "make." This also extends to nouns; "quandary" instead of "problem" is taken straight from the show. Using some of those higher-register words is very reminiscent of Viktor.
I hope this helped, anon!! This was super fun for me to make, and if anyone else has any additions, pls add on to this post!!
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theflagscene · 2 months ago
My Top 10 Fave QL Characters of 2024 🤩
More end of the years lists from me, because clearly I have nothing to do for the rest of the week... I wish I was joking. Much like my pervious lists, my only rule for this is that at least some of the series needed to air this year. It can have started in 2023 or will be ending in 2025, as long as some—or all—of the series aired this year, then it's fair game.
1 ) God - Monster Next Door
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What can I say about God that hasn't already been screamed from the rooftops by literally everyone who watched the series? He was aptly nicknamed, because this gentle giant was a gift from heaven. The greenest green flag, even when mad or upset, he was still as green as a damn emerald! The sweetest golden retriever character to have graced my screen this year, I will always love this character and this series, it's become a comfort watch for me, that's for sure.
2 ) Yai - The Sign
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There aren't enough sweet himbos in QLs imo, typically whilst cute but dumb, they're also mean or bigoted or just not very likable. Yai broke all of those stereotypes, he was cutest himbo around, a perfect brother, friend, bro and husband. I knew I would adore him from the very first episode and I was not wrong, he did not disappoint. Every scene Yai was in wasn't enough, I wanted so much more of Yai (and his scary beautiful wife, Sand).
3 ) Joker - Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart
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Joker and his emotional support idiots might have fumbled the ball at damn near every turn, but he was absolutely adorable whilst doing it. I think it's physically impossible for me to dislike a character War plays, so me adoring Joke was not a surprise to me. A master thief who really wasn't that great at not getting caught, a hopeless romantic, mama bear and perfect grandson-in-law? What more could I have asked for?... Possibly better fake tattoos, but we can't have it all lol.
4 ) Jeff - Pit Babe
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I admit with no shame whatsoever that I found Jeff to be one of the most interesting characters on the show. His powers were the ones with the farthest reaching consequences and the most difficult to live with, he was tragic in all the ways I love a character to be tragic. I really wished I could've watched a version of the series from his pov, because I feel like I would’ve fast forwarded way less lol!
5 ) Tae Myungha - Love For Love's Sake
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His depressive aura bewitched me body and soul, what can I say? The fact that he tried so hard to make everyone around him feel loved, wanted and important whilst he spent his entire life feeling none of that just broke my damn heart. He was the perfectly example of: the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anybody to feel like that.
6 ) JJ - This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans
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Poor JJ has an idiot for a bestie and a douchebag (affection) for a love interest, this dude did not have an easy time of it lol. His forever exasperated resting bitch face and constant annoyance at literally everything that came out of both Plawan and Methas's mouths made me laugh so much, JJ had absolutely no time for any of their shit and yet he was constantly dealing with their shit. The poor guy needed a vacation away from the people in his life even though he loved them, which I totally understand lol!
7 ) Aylin - 23.5
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While this wasn't my favourite series, Aylin was definitely one of my favourite characters. Her autistic coded self just spoke to me, I too dislike humans to a level that I would easily take the first alien spaceship off the planet lol. Aylin was so sweet and funny, I loved the way she spoke and her lil hats! I just wanted to squish her!
8 ) Fadel - The Heart Killers
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Was I expecting to go into this series loving Fadel? No. Should I have? Absolutely. I have always loved the shrew characters when it came to adaptations of The Taming of the Shrew, which is the point of the character so ya know, duh! Lol. Any series with FirstKhao in it I always assume one of them will end up being my fave because well, it's them! But Fadel is the realest of the real when it comes to the slog of daily life, his routines, his annoyance with the general population, his need to remind himself that killing people whilst working in customer service is not worth the clean up nor the prison time. Sure, he's an assassin on the weekends, but hell, who isn't working two jobs in our current economy?
9 ) Rock - Cherry Magic TH
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Rock was the perfect sunshine dope of a sidekick and I loved him for it, completely oblivious yet extremely caring at the same time. A man smitten with the idea of a woman who wants to eat fatty foods, will kidnap his Phi for a super secret mission no questions asked and respects a woman's right to say no without becoming an incel about it, he really was a joy to watch. It also helped that Sing played him, because Sing is an adorable ball of sunshine and I luff him.
10 ) Tan - We Are
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The first person to get his man, and so easily. It made perfect sense why Fang fell for Tan, his hyperactive sunshine energy was like an instant 'smile' button. He was so genuine with his emotions and interests, he was a simp and made no apologies for it. He loved Fang so completely and unconditionally, he did whatever he needed to make sure that Fang felt safe and cared for. Tan really raised the bar when it came to clingy boyfriends that aren’t cringy, which is a hard thing to do.
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myapothecarydiary · 10 months ago
Thoughts from reading The Apothecary Diaries Manga Ch. 3
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An expansion on an idea presented last chapter–how Jinshi's appearance affects how others treat him and the potential seriousness of it. Don't want to take it too far, but could it be said that people treat him how women are often treated in real life? With cat-calling and such. Only there's a difference in the power dynamics at play as Jinshi is in a role of authority.
Here we are also getting more insight into Jinshi's internal life and thoughts, which present a notable contrast to how Maomao views him and the persona she has so far observed. He's not all charming smiles and sparkles, we see him contemplative and expressing a range of emotions.
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As of now, though her intelligence is notable, you wouldn't say Maomao could check these boxes, but lineage + beauty + intelligence are qualifications I think we should keep in mind in relation to her character. Maomao low key has some princess raised as a peasant vibes going on. Maomao and "a sense of virtue" have a less clearcut relationship, but it will be a topic of conversation in the future.
I think it's easy to imagine that in a more typical story, Maomao might have a more Cinderella-like arc, a peasant gaining the attention/favor of the Emperor through beauty and kindness and I am once again reminded of how Maomao is valued first and foremost for her intelligence. She will be found to be beautiful, but her beauty did not gain her Jinshi's attention or her position as a lady-in-waiting.
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Both Maomao and Jinshi think of the rear palace as a cage. I wonder if he considers it a cage for himself as well considering what he must do to occupy space there? Or is it simply the opposite–a path to freedom? Perhaps both?
Jinshi also recognizes the role he is to play, but that does not mean he supports all the actions he must take. Everything is not always what it seems. Like Maomao, Jinshi is pragmatic about his appearance and recognizes the value/power in his beauty, but he also seems to resent it to some degree and view it as a burden. Pragmatic but resigned.
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Jinshi's pov on the entire concubine system is quite interesting. He seems to disapprove of how things are done (and how the consorts/women are treated?) Surely this clashes with his desire for the Emperor to secure an heir?
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Is "the plan" the one regarding the aphrodisiac (and the mid-ranking concubine/military officer)? Or his wider plan regarding working in the rear palace?
I'm wondering about what exactly produces Jinshi's feelings of...let's call it "glee"? in regards to "using" Maomao and how useful she will prove to be. Is it that she entertains him? Excites what feels like a dull and monotonous life? Is it that he enjoys exercising power in this way? I feel it's more the former, especially since he next goes on to describe how she treats him differently than anyone else he has ever encountered. She is novel. And Jinshi, as someone used to people being taken with his beauty, enjoys how her reaction to him goes beyond being unaffected by his beauty to the point of being repelled by it.
It's interesting that Maomao can seem rather monotone and subdued (except when she's not–she is extremely expressive when it comes to what she is passionate about, like poison), but her face also often acts as a give away. (Is that just a Jinshi related thing?) I mentioned this in the previous chapter and how she skirts the line in terms of respectfulness in how her actions and expressions (and even tone) clash, but maybe she isn't really so successful in skirting the line if her expression is so obvious.
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I find it interesting how the manga opts to adapt the idea of Maomao as a "new toy" for Jinshi–he is the one to think it and make that connection. Also lol at it having him explicitly state he's "not a masochist" because hmm there's an argument to be made that both he and Maomao derive pleasure from pain.
Maomao as intriguing to Jinshi feels important. I said that he values her knowledge and skills, and I suppose that + how she treats him differently than others do (+ him eventually seeing her as quite beautiful) forms the basis of his attraction to her. But her being intriguing also factors into that and reminds me of all the intrigue and mysteries Maomao (and Jinshi) get involved in. She herself is like a mystery to be solved (as is he to her as the story goes on!)
Maomao as a toy also speaks to how Jinshi uses her. Yes, she entertains him, but "toy" also connotes a power dynamic (and so part of the enjoyment does come from having power over her?) Maomao is of course later referred to as a cat, not to mention her actual name, and Maomao as Jinshi's pet seems like an apt way to describe their initial dynamic.
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(oh no she fell down a (pet) rabbit hole) BUT I really think there is something to be said for considering Maomao and Jinshi through "pet" and all its various meanings. Only thing is Maomao is not tamed or domesticated XD (but maybe she'll trend in that direction as time goes on aka adapt to Jinshi's lifestyle and status?)
For now, Jinshi is the master and holds the power in a traditional sense, but he will also quickly develop affection and favoritism for Maomao (and wants her companionship!) + despite how the dynamic should work, Maomao will hold power over him in turn (as with actual cats, the question is who is really the master and I think the answer is both)
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Cutie Maomao appreciation segue
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The panacea is presented here as a bit of a segue itself and to show Maomao's enthusiasm + passion + dedication to medicine and experimentation, but it always feels like a weighted thing to drop, like it will be important later, at least symbolically/metaphorically. Perhaps it also works as the perfect intersection of Maomao's care for others + thirst for knowledge/curiosity.
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Mini Maomao! A reminder of how petite she is and how that works along with her status (as a visual representation of it in contrast with characters higher up who tower over her). Another way she appears unassuming and is underestimated.
(also–yay Gaoshun is here!!)
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In terms of Jinshi using Maomao vs Maomao using Jinshi– Jinshi's status enables Maomao access and freedom (that she wouldn't normally be afforded in her position and situation) through her connection to him. She is able to do work she enjoys and indulge her curiosities because of him.
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Circling back to what I said earlier about how Maomao can seem subdued but is extremely expressive when it comes to what she is passionate about. And it actually goes beyond her facial expressions, her whole body is invigorated and taken over XD
Her blushing expression and body position at the top of that second page almost resembles a girl in love lol
It is an interesting adaptational choice to make Jinshi's expression kind of an unamused frown here���I wonder what to make of it. (We get it described as "He watched her with a mixture of curiosity and sheer bewilderment" in the light novel). Especially as it presents Maomao in a different light than he has seen her in so far.
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It feels like Maomao is almost actively seeking reasons to criticize and dislike Jinshi (to justify the instinctual bad vibes she gets? And going off the fake-ness she picks up on. This can also demonstrate a general dislike of people in high positions and the behavior their status affords them) but also this moment illustrates her appreciation for hard work and competence. Not that Jinshi is doing anything admirable here, it is just that Maomao seems determined to (understandably) see the worst in him/leans into bad faith interpretations of his actions.
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Paper and ice–I call this the collection of planting seeds for future storylines and topics. I love how we're given information that will be relevant later in a way that feels natural and factors into the world-building.
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Things to add to Maomao's list of skills XD
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Okay Miss Maomao getting distracted on the job! More of her getting invigorated by her passions and how they can take over her mind and focus. But also amusing considering her criticisms of Jinshi "having too much free time" (yes, she still washed the dishes and did work, but her attention was diverted and she lost track of time)
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More of Maomao's skill set and add alcohol to the list of seeds for the future (and lol @ everyone's reactions to her late night snack plans "what weird shit is this girl into?")
"Alcohol can be categorized as a type of medicine. The more sensitive a person is to a particular drug, the greater the impact." Not just a seed but add it to the pile of potential poison/medicine symbolism
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More lol @ Maomao. I said her upbringing in the pleasure district serves her well in the rear palace, but it (in addition to her apothecary background) also give her a unique and potentially off-putting outlook. This whole scenario can go to show how in spite of her regard for propriety, Maomao doesn't always behave how she "should."
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More of how Maomao frames Jinshi–"anyone would be attracted to him but to me, he is a worm." Does Maomao's familiarity with beauty make it somewhat ineffective on her? She makes the connection here about how Jinshi's beauty could be a burden (or not just harmful to others but to himself).
I also enjoy how a blushing Jinshi is described as being enough "to make anyone lose their head" when Maomao often says she does things/follows orders because she wants to keep her head attached to her body (aka not be executed).
Jinshi's attractiveness to both men and women is both a nod to varying sexualities and how he in a way transcends a binary understanding of gender presentation. I think it is interesting how Maomao is so blunt and matter-of-fact about people's attraction, to Jinshi and in general.
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Similarly, I love this (repeated) matter-of-fact outlook on aphrodisiacs and pleasure from Maomao (it is almost non-judgmental but also emphasizes safety).
Alright, guess who used too many images and so has to continue this post elsewhere for the very end of the chapter...
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howtofightwrite · 1 year ago
how can I describe an intense, suspenseful and viscous fight between two werejaguars and a human(who’s good with a gun) without it becoming repetitive “he clawed him”, “he shot him” for several pages?
As a disclaimer: for the werejaguar portion of this exercise, I’m going to focus on the jaguar part over the were part. Supernatural creatures come in all shapes and sizes and all with different rules attached. Anything I say will need to be balanced against the rules of your setting and what works for you. In this case, I’m assuming the jaguars are the antagonists but you can easily flip flop this the other way round to have it work.
The key aspect of building a good fight scene is understanding the players and the environment. Everything on top of that is technique, but you can’t get anywhere without a good foundation. This is the research phase.
Ask yourself what your characters want. What is the difference between what they can do vs what they want to do and what they’re willing to do? How do their weapons work? How do they choose to fight? Their background, current goals, and personality will dictate their actions. The temptation is to be general, but boil it down into specifics. This character is not just good with guns, what guns are they good with? The gun (or guns) the human character has chosen to arm themselves with will substantially change the shape of your fight scene. Are they carrying a weapon that would have an advantage over a big cat, much less a supernaturally enhanced big cat? Remember, good with guns doesn’t necessarily mean good at hunting, especially not hunting large predators. At what range is the weapon most effective?
Try to take every character in the scene into account. It’s easy to focus on your POV character as the decision maker and let them control the pace of the fight scene, but combat involves more than one character and more than one decision maker. Fight scenes are really 5% choreography, 20% characters strategizing, and 75% sitting there trying to figure out “well, if Character A lunged and Character B jumped out of the way on a 45 degree angle and is now behind Character A, and they’re in a narrow-ish hallway with a trash can, five windows, and no weapons, they’re going to do… what? exactly?” It’s the ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure game and fight scenes work best when the author makes an effort to manage both sides of the chessboard. It’s not about the end, it’s about how they choose to get there combined with whether or not their decisions work and their gamble pays off. Remember, it’s always a gamble and it’s okay to let your characters be wrong.
In this case, you don’t really have a fight so much as you have a hunt. That’s the through thread here between your characters. What this translates into is that your human needs the cats in front of him to get a clean shot while the jaguars want to be behind their prey. Big cats when they’re hunting and guns in general heavily rely on positioning to be effective. Neither of these two groups are going to want to be out in the open. For the human in this situation, an exposed back is a death sentence. This becomes especially true when there are two cats and they have to track both of them. As for your human, guns become less effective the closer you get. Despite what Hollywood teaches us, these are not close range weapons suited to hand to hand. Unless you’re working with a shotgun, you’re stuck with basic physics. The bullet needs time to travel to build up velocity for maximum penetration.
Jaguars are ambush predators. They use up a massive amount of energy per attack, which means they only have a few tries to get it right. Each failure carves off a massive chunk of their ability to continue the hunt before retreating. Humans, meanwhile, are persistence predators. Our animal brain is geared to outlast our prey, to pace them to death rather than run them down, and then kill when they are exhausted. Cats are also, by and large, solo hunters. Some cats do hunt together (siblings banding together happens more often than you might think, even outside of lions when there’s food to support it) but it’s generally not the norm. Whether this causes an instinctual conflict for your werecats is up to you. Their human half may be enabling them to hunt with sophisticated pack tactics. If so, I’d challenge you to consider what that looks like and sounds like as they communicate.
Your human with the gun is limited by the amount of ammo they have. They may be able to outlast the jaguars (depending on supernatural rules.) However, their ability to make a successful kill diminishes with each failed shot.
Jaguars, pound for pound, have the strongest bite force out of all the big cats. Their preferred hunting method isn’t to scratch or claw, it’s to sink their teeth through the back of the skull and into the brain in one swift, clean strike. Unlike some big cats, they largely don’t preferentially suffocate their prey first through the throat clamp. The claws are here to stop their prey from moving while they get that bite in. (If you’re having trouble visualizing how a jaguar moves, climbs, and stalks, I recommend watching some nature documentaries. Or, read some accounts of jaguars hunting humans. It happens.)
In this scenario, nobody’s squaring off unless it’s a feint. Both parties will be moving, getting into cover, and hiding until they can get into a good-ish position to make their attack. They’ll be relying on their senses to find their opponent and maneuver around them. Jaguars, being better at hiding, would in this scenario be forcing the human out of cover to look for them and, depending on their level of teamwork, utilizing each other as bait to lure their prey out. And they might work on getting the human to waste their ammunition first to limit their risk. If they’re smart, they’re trading off and the movement is coming from multiple directions. So, even if your human has a weapon that will kill the jaguars in a single, lucky shot, they’ll still (probably) be breaking cover to put themselves at risk and get a clean line of sight.
I’m not taking questions on the cats being better at stealth. I have an indoor white cat who ghosts off in a small apartment whenever she wants. Where is she? Somewhere. I don’t know unless she wants me to know. Cats are not dogs or wolves. They have a different methodology when it comes to hunting and even large cats possess the ability to vanish in urban environments that aren’t designed for them.
Anyway, this is your suspense. It’s not an original idea, but I recommend leaning harder into thriller, suspense, and horror when it comes to cats instead of straight up action. That terrifying gut twisting sensation of being all alone, not knowing where the enemy is, maybe hearing them but not being able to gauge how far away they are. Go watch some horror movies with big cats hunting people. Like The Ghost and the Darkness (1996) about the Tsavo man-eating lions, which, while not jaguars, is based on a true story and is a fantastic film.
It’s easy to get stuck on the concept of trading blows. “He punched him” and “he clawed him” and “he slashed him” or “he shot him” but remember that initial attacks are about creating openings. It’s rare for your opponent to magically be in the position you want them with all their vulnerable openings exposed, unless they’re caught by surprise. A lot of initial combat is about building into or setting up your finishing move, all while your opponent tries the same from the other side. Instead of thinking about your combatants as standing in stasis and duking it out, remember that they are in motion. They are moving, they are circling, they are bracing, they are hunting for that new position, that unguarded opening. If the opening is not there, create it.
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recurring-polynya · 5 months ago
Ranking my Habitual POV Characters, from Easiest to Hardest to Write
Renji. Too easy, actually. He's a yapper. I love him, tho, he is my favorite narrator and I would never write anyone else if I could get away with it.
Byakuya. I hate this for me, too. He is a man of few words, but internally, he is also a giant yapper. Uses all the fun words you can't use irl or people will know you are autistic, like "repast" and "phantasmagorical".
Orihime. Also very fun to write! Sometimes insists on honorifics. A minor yapper.
Uryuu. Easy, but not exactly fun to write. I just gotta let my brain go into full-anxiety mode and ride the wave. It works, but, like. I write fanfiction so I don't have to listen to my brain's anxiety barf, please and thank you.
Rukia (present day). She would be a lot lower on this list if I didn't have a ton of practice and spend twenty hours a day thinking about her.
Ichigo. I don't write him very much because he's already got a whole manga about him, but he is fine and remarkably well-behaved as characters go. Also an internal yapper, worse than Orihime but not as bad as Renji.
Hinamori. The only problem with Hinamori is that she uses an entirely different naming scheme for everyone she knows than anyone else on this list and also often insists on honorifics.
Chad. Very pleasant to write, but much slower than other characters because he very carefully considers everything he wants to say before he says it, including his own internal narration. Says exactly what he means to say, no more, no less.
Kira. I am perfectly neutral on writing Kira-POV, I just think he's more fun from the outside looking in.
Have I ever written a Hitsugaya pov? I don't remember, but I feel like he should go here.
Inuzuri Rukia. What happens to Inuzuri Rukia is no one's business but her own. It is certainly not mine, the author.
Ikkaku. The problem is that I am a yapper, so every time I write Ikkaku having any sort of insight or introspection, I have to roll it back at least twice. His narration is just the thoughts that occur to him, completely in the moment, absent any sort of analysis. I could never. Doesn't use any of the fun words. Writing Kenpachi-dialogue is this, but even moreso, which is why I avoid him as much as reasonably possible.
(if you're a fanficcer and want to make your own list, please do!)
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nyoomerr · 6 months ago
any tips for writing bingmei pov?
oh jeez, i'm not sure i'm actually all that qualified to answer this question 😅💦
bingmei is... very difficult for me to write personally, so please take all this advice with a grain of salt. a large grain of salt. perhaps keep the entire salt shaker handy while you consider this advice, in fact. that being said, these are some things that i personally try to keep in mind when considering his character:
even as a disciple, he's not actually a pure white lotus - he still spent some long, formative years experiencing misfortune and bullying. from sqq's pov this is less visible, but from bingmei's pov this reflects on his thought process a lot. he isn't going to be blindly trustful, and his predisposition to be a bit of a schemer/borderline manipulative is still there, even if his goals are different. it's just the difference between pre-abyss manipulating the disciple roster so that he's the one always available to help out sqq VS post-abyss manipulating huan hua into being his biggest supporter.
in the abyss and up until sqq's self destruction, lbh's motivations are very much along the lines of "i can fix this, so long as i have the chance to, everything can go back to how it was before." if he can just prove himself to be a righteous cultivator by making a name for himself with huan hua, then sqq will no longer have an issue with lbh's heritage. if he can just get sqq to sit still and have one solid conversation with him, then surely sqq will understand lbh the way he used to. the more things go wrong and prove that it isn't so easy to go back to the way things used to be, the more frustrated lbh is, and the more willing he is to take drastic measures (going from slowly building a reputation for himself at huan hua to allowing sqq to be locked up in a horrible prison, for example).
personally, i attribute a lot of lbh's willingness to hurt sqq to xin mo. he's willing to take more drastic measures on his own, and some things that sqq considers 'harmful' are things lbh doesn't necessarily think of as actually hurting him - for example, forcing sqq to consume his blood parasites - but lbh is truly taken off guard when something he does results in sqq being harmed in a meaningful way. that being said, because lbh does still act on those things, i think it means one of two things: either lbh interprets xin mo's influences as his own impulses, or xin mo erodes his own ability to understand consequences. either of these can make for interesting narratives, so i go with "whatever works for the specific au i'm working on," usually.
dfjgh that was a lot of rambling lmao. i wish i had more solid tips, but for as long i personally am unsure how best to write bingmei, all i can offer are the things i try to keep in mind when characterizing him 😅
also, a final tip that is purely selfish and maybe not a hundddreeeeddd percent canon driven and instead motivated by my desires to see more bingwife in the world: #1 tip is to wife that boy up / have him pursue being shizun's pretty little wife 😌😌😌
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comicaurora · 2 years ago
Hey! So I have a trope question
Something I’ve noticed since I was little is a that a lot of media with a trio had the same make up of two boys and one girl, is this a trope or just some weird thing that just happens by random odds?
I think it's a little bit more broad and nebulous than a trope, although it does have a TVTropes page. It's not random odds, it's storytelling trends.
For a number of reasons, the majority of protagonist POV characters are guys. Starting from this premise, if you want to make sure your protagonist always has somebody to play off of so they aren't engaging with the story in complete isolation, you give them at least one character to hang out with. This minimum one character can have all kinds of traits (mentor, scoundrel, battle butler), but if you as a writer are taking the easy, normal approach, you will give this protagonist a friendly buddy/rival to team up and squabble with (and this buddy will also be a guy, because again, this theoretical writer is taking the easy approach to character dynamics), and as a second thought you will probably give our hero a theoretical love interest girl for him to pine after so you can (a) write/draw a Hot Lady as much as you want and (b) get Hero Boy to cover a broader range of emotional situations within the comfort of his friend group. Thus you have rederived the trope of Two Guys And A Girl, congratulations on your moderately successful mid-2000s gaming webcomic.
As the story continues you might realize Girl Who Exists So Protagonist Can Remember Girls Exist is not actually an appealing love interest for him, so you'll probably pair off Girl with Second Guy and leave Hero Boy to pursue other romantic avenues. Second Guy is liable to be rather more interesting anyway, since he's going to be a Lancer to the hero's Leader-ness and serve as his primary foil, meaning he has a little more personality and frankly a lot more romantic tension with the lead. In fact, if you want to be really lazy about it, you can take these three characters and snap them into a love triangle with absolutely no extra work on your part, and that's an infinite drama generator at no cost to you.
You might take a slightly different approach if you, the writer, are a lady writing a lady-centric romantic story, in which case Girl is liable to be the POV character while her buds Hero Boy and Rival Boy take turns having romantic subplot adventures with her. In these narrative structures you don't want to add another girl to the inner circle, because the presence of a Romantic Rival (which seems to be the only purpose Other Girls serve in these stories) would spoil the center-of-the-universe romantic fantasy, so your hands are tied and we're back to Two-Guys-And-A-Girl again. You might add a supportive girl best friend when it gets adapted for netflix though - she can pair off with whichever boy loses at no additional cost.
What we're seeing here is Easy Mode Storytelling. This is what happens when a writer takes the extremely well-traveled road and lets their wheels slide into the well-worn tracks and follow where they may. It's not good or bad, it's just easy. It's a story we can recite in our sleep. This particular character arrangement occurs with unusual frequency because there are a number of factors that make it easy, and when you take a broad approach, the easy approach will be statistically favored.
This triple arrangement can obviously be genderflipped - Hero Girl with her friends Rival Girl and Love Interest Boy - but this is less common just by the numbers, because in the space of fiction there are more Hero Boys than Hero Girls. All-boy and all-girl trios also happen, but because most people are straight, most writers will see this as depriving themselves of all the exciting romantic tension they could get from having One Token Character to be romantically viewed and pursued. Additional characters can be added to the group, leading to Four-Temperament Ensembles and Five-Man Bands, but broadly this three-person arrangement is the smallest possible Ensemble Cast unit a writer can easily construct.
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kanohivolitakk · 6 months ago
You know, I find the difference between how the fandom treats Nidhiki and how the fandom treats Tuyet rather fascinating.
Because both of them are traitorous Toa Mangai who betrayed their team (and thus the ideal of Toa) for their own selfish gains. Both are characters who can be read either sympathetically or as completely selfish and vile characters. And lastly both are mean to represent the different ways a toa can fall to the dark side by having their vices and flaws win over their virtues.
Yet despite of those similarities, I have noticed people tend to be far more sympathetic to Nidhiki than Tuyet. People tend to give Nidhiki far more sympathetic towards his circumstances, minimize his flaws and outright wish he had been redeemed. While with Tuyet is at best seen as an interesting and somewhat complex villain, or at worst as a tyrannical lunatic.
It is easy to chalk this dichotomy up to Nidhiki being canonically more sympathetic than Tuyet, but I don't think that's necessarily the case. If we go by Greg's own commentary, his intention was other way around. For Greg Nidhiki was a selfish opportunist with few sympathetic traits, while Tuyet was someone who took her noble goals too far. Greg also has stated multiple times Tuyet is not evil, but rather insane (something that has it's own can of worms but thats neither here or there)
As such, we can easily think the dichotomy is either misogynistic doublestandards of sympathizing with a male villain while demonizing a female one in spite of the latter being less heinous, or yet another case of fans disagreeing with Greg. And while either of those conclusions are understandable, I think to simplify it would be rather dismissive and disingenous. As I do tink there are a few reasons why this is at play beyond misogynistic doublestandards or fans disagreeing with Greg for the fiftieth time.
Firstly, while Nidhiki was meant to be unsympathetic and selfish, his hints of a tragic backstory™ kinda muddy that interesting. If Nidhiki was meant to be a selfish powerhungry jerk, why then tell the audience he had to survive his whole life in one of the harshest conditions in Matoran Universe. Knowing Nidhiki's upbringing in TK Peninsula, it makes his actions far more understandable and sympathetic than if we knew where he came on. Tuyet meanwhile has no backstory or mindset that explains her motivations and goals, beyond her viewing Toa as too weak-willed to protect matoran. As such, it is easy to read her as a totalitarian despot who wants to control others, than anything more.
Secondly, Nidhiki is far more likable than Tuyet in their respective backstory oneshots. Tuyet in MDOTT is largely characterized as rather curt, nononsenical and somewhat manipuative, making her hard to sympathize for the audience. Contrast this to Nidhiki in MDOTT and BOADH, who while flawed is given more likable traits. Nidhiki is shown to be witty, clever and a bit of a snarker, which make him more endearing to the audience in spite of his impulsivity and selfishness being clearly present. Paired with BOADH being largely from his POV (and thus, allowing us to see his perspective, reasonings and mentality), it just makes Nidhiki a far easier character to root for than Tuyet, who is presented as an antagonist in her story.
Lastly, Nidhiki is just a character most fans have more connection to due his importance in the overarching story. Nidhiki was an already established antagonist in a main story arc, who'se backstory was mysteriously intriguing before being later expanded on. Tuyet meanwhile is a serial exclusive character first introduced as a plotdevice corpse, who was given a backstory to explain who she was while beinng alive and later used because she presented many interestig opportunities and potential. As such, people are more likely to be interested in the character present in the main story than the one who mainly exists in supplemential material.
But yeah that's just my own two cents on this as a Nidhiki fan who likes both characters. There's also the way how Tuyet does far worse things than Nidhiki and has far steadfast morality, but I feel I have talked about those earlier so I digress.
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jake-marshall · 3 months ago
hello friend i have a question. do you have any tips for writing Gina's dialogue?
ohohoho well yes as a matter of fact I do!
To be honest, I'd say that writing Gina wasn't insanely difficult for me simply because prior to playing TGAA, I already consistently read a lot of historical fiction, a fair amount of which was set in Edwardian/Victorian England. So even if the books didn't have characters with Cockney accents as primary characters, there was enough slang and atmosphere and factoids that I absorbed that made it easy for me to write in Gina's voice.
So, that being said, my biggest tip is to read/watch more historical fiction set in the same time frame of TGAA and do so as a writer and not a reader/viewer. Openly set out to absorb the different mannerisms and speaking patterns of the working class characters vs the nobles.
The Sixth Victim by Tessa Harris (Jack the Ripper-centric what-if; there are 2 books following it that make up a trilogy but I didn't care for them as much as the first book, although they're still beneficial in terms of picking up slang/style/patterns) and the Below Stairs series by Jennifer Ashley (I've read the first two books; the second book even introduces a very Gina-like character named Tess) are some books that helped me a lot when I was writing my Gina POV fics (Hale and Hearty, the monster that is Truth or Dairy, and House Rules).
If you're more of an auditory person, this sounds silly but movies with Cockney-speaking characters go a long way in really getting the accent to sink in. I know they're considered caricatures, but Bert in Mary Poppins (Dick van Dyke) and Eliza in My Fair Lady (Audrey Hepburn) are both characters I could clearly draw up in my mind and "hear" as I wrote Gina, too. It helped me a lot with consistency. Both movies ^ are fairly long though, but you could probably look up clips of the songs or various scenes to get an idea.
I would also add that, although a Cockney accent is often lent to more comedic roles (Skulkins), when I wrote Gina, I didn't write in her POV to try and be "funny" or silly with the slang, even though she has some very amusing lines and trains of thoughts in my fics. For her, it's very normal everyday dialogue, not things she's saying to get a zinger in.
As for Gina herself, her characterization, I feel doesn't necessarily say what she truly feels, only what she feels in that immediate moment. (In Truth or Dairy, even, after she says something that offends Ashley, she says that's not what she really meant, and he responds by saying that seems to be a tendency with people from her background, saying things they then claim they don't really mean.) I don't want to say she's emotionally immature, exactly, just that she hasn't ever really been respected or given the opportunity to be honest since she's looked down on (as of the first game), but Ryuu and Susato, Iris and Sholmes finally give her that chance so as of the second game, we see her start to be less defensive and confrontational. So, I think post-TGAA2, she wouldn't be as "tsundere", and somewhat more open/accepting of friendship/connections, and that would carry over into her being less thoughtless with her words - even if those words still are mostly Cockney-accented, lol.
Thanks for the ask, I hope this helps!
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nyoxt · 6 months ago
For Ram! The OC questions~!!!
[7] Are they a good liar, and what would they probably lie about? -
[27] Do they have any scars, how did they get them and how do they feel about them?
[39] What is their sleeping habits and favorite sleeping position, either alone and with someone?
That's all! Take care and take it easy!
[7] Are they a good liar, and what would they probably lie about?
Ram is a great liar! Lying is a sort of a fun social game to him (as is flirting. or joking). If Ram was a POV character in a story he'd be quite an unreliable narrator, because he would definitely make shit up to make the story more exciting. Usually the less he trusts the person the more he lies to them. 
And if not being honest to strangers is more of a job requirement/safety measure, than if he feels the need to lie to people he loves- that will be about his well being/health. He's one of those ppl who will cheerfully tell you they're fine to try and not make you worry even if they're obviously falling apart, you see
I'll put the rest under readmore because 1) there are bad pictures and 2) a bit of gore
[27] Do they have any scars, how did they get them and how do they feel about them?  He’s got some noticeable ones from being shanked or perhaps shived on multiple occasions in prison. Missing hand can count as a scar, I think. Ram lost it during one of his escape attempts and I didn’t think of a specific situation, but  the general gist is that it was either crushed by some mechanism or violently torn off, and this damage was very preventable if only he wasn’t trying to fiercely break free from whatever he was trapped at the moment. Kind of a “trapped animal chewed off its limb to break free” situation, but instead of freedom he became a laughing stock for the wardens, got a long time in solitary confinement, no fingers and a healing by a very uncaring hands.
(old sketch buuut it's not like im gonna turn it into something finished so why not throw it in here for the occasion, eh?)
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Also he’s got some scars from one time he was bitten by a dog. He feels bitter and angry about all the stuff he got in captivity and doesn't like to talk about it, so folks that inquire about it will either get a fake story (new one every time) if he's in the good mood, or his go-to joke for every injury- that he got it while shaving. [39] What are their sleeping habits and favorite sleeping position, either alone and with someone? 
When he was a kid he loved to sleep all curled up in a ball in some tight space, and is not happy that now his horns and overall complexion make this impossible. And when Ram was living on the streets he got a habit of sleeping in a sitting position, hugging his backpack, ready to jump and run at any suspicious sound.
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and/or snuggling with Duncan for warmth and sense of safety
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Ram's also been a very light sleeper since childhood. “Wakes up if a person sleeping in the same room changed their breathing pattern” kind of light sleeper. So his sleeping habits boil down to “staying awake by all means ‘till he literally collapses out of exhaustion and physically can’t wake up”. And his favorite sleeping position is “whatever, hope I won’t wake up with a terrible neck pain because of the stupid horns”. As for sleeping with someone- he’s very, very, a snuggler))
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Hello. I think you did really well on your analogy horror fic. Analog horror is really hard to do well when you're working with video. Primarily writing it is adding a whole new layer to the complexity as you can't rely on visual shock or audio effects.
The visual effects that you did add look amazing. Enough static and shadow to look eerie but all the images were still clear and easy to understand. There was no squinting at the screen in confusion.
I also appreciate how you didn't use gore to get shock value. That is my biggest pet peeve with horror is that creators think gore = scary. You had far less restrictions than most analog horror creators due to not working on YouTube but you still managed to make a very scary piece without needing to rely on gore to get the effect.
I also appreciate how your writing runs smoothly. No one makes any stupid decisions and there's no confusing shifts in character. You gave enough introduction so we could understand what was going on without needing to beat us over the head with "here's what's going on" CMedic's pov is both horrifying and sympathetic. Virgil and Fred's banter was great and very cute. Cheavy is clearly grasping at straws to get CMedic back but not unjustly the machine is literally called "a life extender". That and the way he dies (?) is properly horrifying and sad.
The way you wrote Gregg and his death was also really well done. We don't know him for long but I still felt upset when he died. And the way he died was properly scary. Like I said earlier I appreciate how you didn't use gore to make the death horrifying. I do enjoy how you used taste instead as I think it's an underused sense in writing. Suddenly feeling like you have a mouthful of dirt can be just as horrifying as seeing a bloody ghost.
Sorry for the ramble. I just really like analogy horror and I think more people should try and write one. I hope you continue this project as it is very interesting!
Hey, thank you so much for the message!
I'm really glad you enjoyed the first chapter of Do Not Stand At My Grave! I've always had a soft spot for analog horror, ever since I first learned about it through Markiplier's playthrough of Maple County.
Analog horror is fascinating to me, and the best analog horror series' out there have made me squirm in my seat like nothing else. Vitae Carnis, Monument Mythos, Gemini Home Entertainment, Local58, and Midwest Angelica are fantastic, and those are just the ones I can name off the top of my head. These particular series' have ALWAYS freaked me out, and part of why I think they're so effective is how "quiet" they can be.
You see, I'm not fond of gorefests in horror. I mean, I enjoy The Evil Within and Resident Evil as much as the next girl, but gore is just...not scary on its own. Shocking, yes, and certainly upsetting if you have a weak stomach, but...what do you have left when the shock is over? Shock value is the lowest form of art. It's monumentally lazy because it's the visceral equivalent of a jumpscare. You can only make someone gag for as long as they have a gag reflex. And it is VERY easy to desensitize someone to gore and shocking content.
And I know analog horror uses gore quite a bit, but the most horrifying part of any analog horror series has ALWAYS been the quieter moments. The slow moments. The parts where you're left staring at your screen, wondering what led to this. Horror that's unsettling and eerie and haunting.
I wanted to get across that feeling in my fic. The horror is very quiet. Almost understated. Narration and descriptions are at once vague and deeply troubling. Why is the "moon" in quotation marks? Why does the night sky smell like ash? Why is Teufort in italics every time it's mentioned? Are the rooms actually melting, or are the events so difficult to describe that the characters can't articulate what's actually happening? Why is Cheavy obsessively going over the locks on his door? Why is it so cold? What the hell is going on with Cmedic? Are Cheavy and Gregg actually dead? What did Virgil mean when he said that Cheavy turned blue before disappearing?
No one is running around, there's no mass panic, there's no blood, there's no screaming. It's just a dark and cold base. The generator isn't working, even though Gregg has been working on it for awhile now. There's this ever present sense of wrongness to everything. Hell the fact that this fic is apparently in an alternate timeline where TFC won over Team Fortress in comic 6 also lends itself to this sense of wrongness. That THIS isn't supposed to be happening. That something is very wrong here.
Even the narration does this. There are parts of the narration that feel like the story is starting to fall apart. Like even me, the omniscient narrator, isn't safe from...whatever is happening here.
And Cmedic's POV takes this even further. I mean, when was the last time you saw an analog horror entity's perspective on anything? I know Midwest Angelica and Monument Mythos do this to an extent, but not like this. Moreover, I know analog horror is in LOVE with its hostile entities, but...I've always been fond of the idea of of a non-hostile entity. The idea that this thing doesn't want to hurt you at all, it has NO ill intentions, it only wants the best for the people it's around, but something is seriously wrong. Cmedic's very presence is dangerous, but we don't know exactly why yet. It's not clear if it's lethal, it's not clear if it's immediately deadly, it's not clear what exactly he's even doing. He's clearly sentient, but something is...off.
THAT is what I love about analog horror. Not the screams, not the gore, not the hyper-violence and destruction. The quiet moments that make you uncomfortable. That make you wonder what the fuck is WRONG here. No blood, no gore, no typical horror tropes of characters just blindly running into danger. Just a slow, quiet story in a dark base, where something is very wrong. As above, so below.
Another major inspiration were the works of Yames, including Water Womb World and Discover My Body. If you want to be DEEPLY unsettled and freaked out by quiet horror, then you will definitely wanna check out his work.
I'm really glad I successfully managed to get across the vibes of analog horror in writing. I enjoyed writing the first chapter, and I can't wait to keep writing!
It's honestly kinda weird writing this alongside Take Back The Fortress. If I had to describe it: TBTF is the Resident Evil to DNSAMG's Silent Hill, and it is wild writing both types of horror side by side.
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bigbstatz · 3 months ago
very /gen question- why must bigb loosing any poll be about how he's not white? Like idk whats going on over on twitter- I care about the southlanders or whatever and secret soulmates an equal amount- far less than I am attached to the divorce quartet. It just happened to fall that way. While I'm not saying racists don't exist in the community- I'm not sure if it'd be to the extent that an entire statistic was swayed that much? Rather it'd be more likely due to some members of those others teams having larger fanbases from pre-life series, wouldn't it?
so i've made a few posts about this topic, but i do genuinely believe that a lot of the reason why people choose to exclude bigb from things, or not watch his POVs, or see things he does as less interesting - this idea that he's a "background character" that exists only to buff up other people's stories - comes from, at least unconsciously, a level of bias against him because he's black. i'm not saying life series fans are racist, certainly not. but i do think it's easy to notice how he is typically the only one who gets left out, or who people don't take interest in, or never think could be a winner.
and it's easy to try and justify it by saying he doesn't make minecraft content otherwise, or has a smaller fanbase, but that's not really entirely true. martyn was making mostly fortnite content when the life series started. bigb has been a reasonably sized, influential minecraft creator for years - he's in minecraft story mode where he plays himself, he's been friends with grian for over a decade, and he was part of evo! (something people also tend to forget - oh how i roll my eyes whenever people say grian, pearl, and martyn are the only life members that were part of evo.)
and despite all of this, bigb is, for a lot of people, an afterthought. a side character. he's just Grian's Friend, not his own person or character that people take interest in separately.
but i don't want to come off as harsh or judgemental in saying this because i truly don't believe anyone is doing that maliciously or on purpose or because they dislike him. i think it's just a bias people don't realize they have and need to unpack. and i think it's a lot more widespread than people really think it is.
thank you for asking tho! i really appreciate how many people have been willing to productively engage in this stuff and ask questions. i wasn't expecting some of my more specific posts about this topic to blow up, but i'm glad they did if it means people will enter a good discussion.
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evansbby · 4 months ago
I just know Ari loves the little spark in wg!reader. She’s not really a brat in the broader sense of the word but she’s sort of petulant in the most innocent of ways and I think it keeps Ari on his toes because he knows deep down that she’s just his baby on the inside!!! Innocent but feisty is so hot to me.
That’s one thing I think you’ve done rlly well since finishing poyt is NOT making them the same default character? Even though they’re meant to be us/readers we get a bit of variation which is cool to me. Poyt!reader is shy and almost obsequious whereas Wg!reader gives Ari a run for his money a bit and makes for some good sexual chemistry.
Even Ari and Steve are different. Like Steve is obsessed and shows his emotions easy and his need for omega’s validation is lowk obvious at times (we love him still), whereas Ari is so aloof and cool but you can sense that he becomes more obsessed. I need to see more dominant/obsessed ari in pt5 bc i am on my knees for him in wg
I think wg!ari is just soo in control likeee
Love ur writing as always!!
I don’t think you understand how much this type of ask means to me! Like when someone reads what I write and just UNDERSTANDS everything I’m trying to convey with the characters, and just analyses the way I write stuff, it just makes me feel so honoured and happy, you have no idea! Thank you so so much for this!!! I love this ask so much! 🥺🥺🥺
AND YES!!! okay so i definitely wanted to make wg!reader different from poyt!omega. ofc wg!reader is very innocent especially in the beginning but she was always lowkey sassy and petulant and she continues being like that throughout the series despite her becoming more mature and jaded as the chapters go by!!
AND YES ARI LOVES HER FEISTINESS! I really tried to show without outright telling that Ari really likes how wg!reader bickers with him, how she challenges him. He secretly loves it! Loves being kept on his toes!!! It’s a big part of reader’s allure from Ari’s pov… specially since Sharon isn’t like that at all!
And yes thank you for noticing how I really tried to make wg!Ari different from poyt!Steve! (I also tried to make wg!Steve super super different from wg!Ari and poyt!Steve which I think I succeeded too tbh!) but anyways yes back to Ari… you can tell wg!Ari is a lot more secure than poyt!Steve. He’s also less stubborn, a teensy bit more easier going too. Idk it’s just little changes bc I didn’t want to write the same character again (aka big sporty domineering jock)
I always want my characters to be deep and nuanced and have a whole story about why they act the way they do! I think with wicked games, a lot of people like the fic bc there are so many characters in that fic who all feel very very distinct! It’s the type of fic I personally would love to read! It’s almost like a dysfunctional group of friends who all inter-date and have history/romance with each other!
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