#i may have slightly overdone it on climbing this week
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ihinfuo · 1 year ago
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I'm out here hashtagsecretingfluids on the train
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jiminsprincesca · 6 years ago
Music Tutor (Min Yoongi Imagine)
Word Count: 4240 words.
Min Yoongi & Female!Reader
College AU.
Summary: You’re struggling with chords for a self written song you plan to perform for your father... Min Yoongi is known as the musical genius within the college, when he offers to be your music tutor there’s no way you could’ve imagined it ending the way it does.
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You were sat in the music room of your college building, your small fingers delicately plucking the strings of an old, worn, red guitar. It was one that’d been passed down from your grandfather, the last gift he’d given you before his untimely death.
Your father wasn’t keen on you pursuing music, however. He said that it was a hobby not a suited career option for someone like you, he claimed you were much too intelligent to be wasting your talents on music. He’d always told you that he’d let you continue this ‘hobby’ until your guitar became fully useless, but after that you would be enrolled into a law school where you would be studying to become a lawyer, like him. That wasn’t your dream, not at all but he was your father and you needed to follow his rules.
However, this one last chord wasn’t going right at all. It was for a song you’d written yourself but you still had one last chord to figure out. Wondering what to do, not knowing what to do. Trying all the chords you could think of but it didn’t go into the song at all, it just wouldn’t fit with the beat. You sighed frustratedly before lifting your hand and running your fingers through your hair in frustration... Suddenly, you heard a chuckle. One you’d never expected to hear, you thought you were alone in here. It was well after class hours now.
You lifted your head and was met with the eyes of music major, Min Yoongi. He was a genius in the field of music, which meant he was probably laughing at your tune or your song... Or just you and your flustered self. “Can I help you?” You finally questioned. He cocked an eyebrow at you, “No, I just came in here to pick up my chord book.” He replied. He shrugged as he grabbed the music book off of the piano stand, he headed towards the door before placing his hand on the handle as your gaze shifted back to your handwritten lyrics on the table in front of you. “Try G, E, D, G and A for that first line... In that order.” He called over his shoulder before leaving the room. You watched as the door swung shut before glancing back down at your fingers, you quickly set them back on the neck of your guitar and tried out the chords that Yoongi had suggested, they fit perfectly with the rhythm you were going for. You smiled lightly to yourself, “Thanks Min Yoongi.” You whispered slightly before realising the time. You had to meet your father for dinner and if you didn’t leave now then you would be late. You hastily placed your guitar back into its case before throwing it onto your back and grabbing your notebook and phone before sprinting out of the music room and back to your dorm to put your belongings away.
You then left the college building and clambered onto your bike where you began cycling across town to a posh cafe, you locked up your bike before wondering into the 5 star cafe. This wasn’t your scene at all, the cafe was full of businessmen in suits, holding briefcases that looked filled to the brim with important paperwork. You shook off your thoughts as you headed towards the usual booth you shared with your father. You politely and quietly took your seat across from him, “You’re late, y/n.” He told you in a serious tone. “Sorry father.” You mumbled. He nods his head in a sophisticated manner, letting you know wordlessly that you were forgiven.
You drink your mug of hot cocoa that he’d ordered as you talk about your days, “So... How was work?” You asked casually. “It was good, had some great cases handed to me.” He spoke with authority. “That’s great, father.” You nodded. “How are your studies coming along?” He questioned you. “They’re... Um... They’re going good.” You nodded before taking a sip of your cocoa as your food was brought over. Your father had ordered you both a steak complete with salad, garnish and fries. You wanted to turn your nose up at it, this wasn’t what you liked. You couldn’t stand it when he splashed the cash but you had nowhere else to go and had to deal with it, you hesitantly reached for your knife and fork before beginning to cut into the slightly overdone steak before taking a bite. Happy to have avoided an unwanted conversation about your classes but unhappy to be sitting with your father in an expensive cafe and eating an even more expensive steak.
You adored your father, he’d been there for you throughout most of your life. He’d payed for your college tuitions, he’d gotten you your first car, he’d payed for music classes at age six despite him not agreeing to them, he’d raised you alone. Your mother wasn’t around anymore, all you knew of her was that she was beautiful and her name was Stacey, she passed away from heart complications after giving birth to you. You were sure it was your fault, but your father reminded everyday that it wasn’t... And that you were the spitting image of her. That’s what kept you going all these years, he’s what kept you going all these years.
You shook off your thoughts as you finished the steak, you clean your plate before taking down the final gulp of your hot cocoa. You eyes landing on the face of your father who had also devoured his own food and was smiling back at you. “Thank you for these weekly meals, papa.” You smiled at him. “Anything for my daughter.” He replied as he lightly squeezed your hand across the table. You smiled appreciatively at him before watching as he rose to his feet to pay the bill. You stayed sat at the booth, your eyes finding their way to the window to your right, you glanced out; Watching people hurry their way home, out of the now pouring rain. Some were holding umbrellas, others were trying to shield themselves with newspapers. You chuckled to yourself slightly before noticing one boy, he had blonde hair and was wearing a pair of black, square rimmed glasses over his face... It was the same boy that’d interrupted you in the music room; Mr Min Yoongi.
A smile crept its way onto your lips as you watched his hurriedly trying to keep his piano book dry, shielding it under his coat and pulling his hood up. The fur from the hood flopped slightly over his forehead, covering his eyes the smallest part. You had to admit, the music genius was pretty cute but you’d never noticed it before.
You shook off your thoughts as your father approached your table once again, “I have to leave now, Y/n. You’ll be okay getting back to the college dorms, won’t you?” He asked you. You nod your head with a smile, he returns your smile before hugging you. “I’ll see you in a week.” He said. “I love you.” He added. “I love you too, papa.” You smile. He kissed your forehead before leaving the cafe, you let out a small sigh before beginning to pull on your jacket. You pulled the leather hood over your head before following your fathers actions and leaving. You head back over to your bike to unlock it before climbing on and speeding away down the rainy streets and back to the college dorms.
A week later you’re back in the music room. Your eyes glossing over your lyrics once again, a sigh of frustration leaving your lips. “Need help?” You hear from the doorway. You lift your head, eyes rising to meet with a pair of beautiful brown ones. “You want to help me?” You question. He nods his head, Min Yoongi, music genius actually wants to help you figure something out, “I see you in here everyday of the week, trying and getting frustrated with whatever you’re trying to figure out. You need the help.” He told you before flashing you a small smile. “I... Thank you. Honestly, the chords you gave me last week work wonders but now I’m having to rework the whole song and I just can’t get it right.” You sigh. Giving in and telling him where you’re struggling.
“I can be your tutor, if you’d like? We can have scheduled lessons, things like that.” He suggested slowly. “If you really are struggling as much as you say.” He added after a moment of thought. “You’d do that?” You asked. A small nod and a gummy smile later and you agree, you could use all the help you could get. This was the song you were planning to perform at the school talent show, one that you’d managed to convince your father to attend, you needed him to know how much music meant to you and the only way to show him was to perform for him. You just hoped it’d work.
Yoongi’s eyes stared down at your notebook where you’d written your lyrics, “May I?” He asked as he gestured towards it. “Sure.” You nod. He grabs the notebook from the table and begins reading through the lyrics, “Woah! These are really good.” He said in shock. “Thank you.” You smiled. “So music means a lot to you?” He asked. “Everything. It means everything to me. My mother loved piano, my grandpa was a guitarist, my grandmother was a violinist... I’m the last of us, the musical stuff in my family ends with me.” You sigh. The love for music was always from your mothers side of the family, your fathers side was never that much into it, “What about your father?” Yoongi asks. “He’s a great man. He really is... But he doesn’t understand. He doesn’t agree with it. He thinks that my mind... My, my intelligence should be used in a different field of study, preferably to him... Law.” You sigh. “You’re intelligent, I’ve seen you in our law lectures...” Yoongi chuckles. “But your passion for music is led by the heart, that’s something nobody can take away from you.” He told me. “I just wish my father would see it like that. I’m hoping the talent show will make him see but, I’m honestly not sure. He calls it a hobby and after this year at college, he says he’s done with me fooling around with the arts and wants me to get a proper career so he’s putting me in law school next year.” You sigh before running your hands over your face frustratedly. You hated the thought of having to go to law school.
Yoongi patted your back sympathetically, “Sometimes parents just don’t understand.” He told you. You cocked an eyebrow before nodding, “Yeah, I know.” You sighed. The room fell silent but it was comfortable. It was nice. “Sing it.” Yoongi suddenly said, breaking the silence. “Sorry, what?” You asked. “Your song, sing it.” He repeated. “I can’t sing it without a tune.” You replied. “You have what you want it to sound like, you just can’t get the chords right, sing it. That way I can help with the chords better, that way I know what tone you’re going for.” He explained. That.... Actually made a lot of sense. You slowly began singing, closing your eyes whilst you did. Yoongi stares at you, he was in awe of your voice... Not that you noticed, your eyes were still closed.
Once you were finished your eyes fluttered open to see him smiling at you. He then began throwing out chords that you’d never thought of trying before.
You were pulled away from your lesson when your phone buzzed against the hard wooden table, you glanced down at the screen to see a text from your father, he’d had to cancel dinner tonight due to work stuff. You rolled your eyes before typing out a message to say that it was fine before sighing and glancing around. Going straight back to your chords as Yoongi stared at you, wondering what was wrong.
He received his answer shortly after as your stomach grumbled loudly causing your hand to move and cover it, trying to drown out the sound by covering it over. “You’re hungry.” Yoongi stated. “I’m okay.” You tried to deflect but your stomach gave you away by grumbling again. You sighed, “I was supposed to meet my dad for dinner tonight but he’s cancelled on me.” You shrug. “Let’s go and eat, I know a great place in town. I’ll drive.” Yoongi smiled at you. “Are you sure?” You questioned. He nodded his head as he helped you gather up your things, “I never got your name.” He said as he handed you your notebook and pen. “It’s y/n.” You smiled. “Min Yoongi, nice to meet you y/n.” He smiled in return as he shook your hand. You giggled slightly before putting your guitar case on your back and leaving the music room with him.
You quickly walked into your dorm to put your belongings away before walking back out as he led you to his car, parked by the main entrance of the college. You both climbed into his black SUV before he turned the key; bringing the engine to life and driving off down the street.
You soon made it to a small place called “Korean Street Food.” You glanced up at the cafe name with a smile, you’d always been quite a fan of Kimchi. Ever since you were a young girl. You followed the blonde boy into the cafe and towards a table, he sat across from you as you both scanned the menu before placing your orders.
“So y/n, what made you want to be a musician?” He questioned as you waited for your food. This was nowhere near as awkward as dinner with your father, the question just rolled off of his tongue and didn’t seem forced at all. “My grandparents. They’d tell me all these stories about my mum, about how she was the greatest pianist they’d ever seen, about how she won awards at school, how she even saw herself being on the stage and wowing crowds. She never got to live her dream, she probably would have but she couldn’t. My grandparents showed me videos, she really was great. And then I realised that my grandfather was an amazing guitarist so I asked my father if I could have guitar lessons when I was six, he was hesitant but agreed. My grandfather passed away last year but he gave me his guitar beforehand, he was my hero.” You explain. “How about you?” You ask him. “First of all, I’m so sorry about your mother. That can’t have been easy for you. I’m happy that she managed to influence your dreams even when she’s not her physically. And me? I became interested in rap after hearing this one song called Reggae Muffin by Stony Skunk, it was unlike any song I’d ever heard before. At age thirteen, that was when I began writing my own lyrics. It was a great way to express my emotions, whenever I felt something that felt way to heavy to have in my head, I’d put it into my lyrics and it’d help me. My family have always supported my dreams. It hasn’t been easy but it has been worth it.” He smiled. You smiled at his story before realising that your food was on it’s way over. It was placed in front of you both, the waitress bowed a little before scurrying away from you both as you both dug in, hungrily.
“What made you want to tutor me?” You finally questioned causing Yoongi to almost choke on his food. “I... Uh...” He paused before regaining himself. “I saw how frustrated you were getting with yourself on the day to day basis. I’d pass the music room on the way to you dorm after classes and I couldn’t help but stand on the other side of the door and watch through the glass. Watching you almost tear your hair out everyday, I couldn’t continue that. I felt sorry for you, I knew you needed help so I decided to offer my services in hopes that with a calmer mind... And with two minds being better than one, we may be able to figure something out to end your endless frustrations.” He smiled at you. You smiled at his response before nodding, “Well... Thank you.” You smile as you continue to devour your kimchi.
As the weeks progressed, your song really began coming along. You and Yoongi were now spending a lot of time with one another, not just for tutoring but as friends too. You’d spend time in his little makeshift studio as he’d spend time at your dorm, reading through lyrics you’d written in previous years, he’d gush about how much you’d improved and you wouldn’t be able to help but blush, hoping that maybe the darkness would hide your red tinted cheeks.
The talent show drew nearer with each passing week... Until it finally arrived. You were freaking out backstage, not knowing what to do. Blowing up Yoongi’s phone with text after text, you knew he was in the crowd but you were so nervous.
That was when you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders, “shh... You’re gonna be okay. Calm down.” A familiar voice spoke. You glanced back at him, his familiar blonde hair making its way into your sight, “Yoongi, I can’t do this. I can’t do it. I’m so nervous, I feel like I’m about to...” Your words were cut off as his plump lips were softly pressed against yours. You closed your eyes, slowly melting into the kiss, your hands cupping his cheeks as he held your waist. You slowly moved your hands around his shoulders and tangled your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
You both soon pulled away for air, “Listen to me...” He began, still holding your waist. His eyes were staring straight into yours. “You’re gonna be okay. I believe in you. And when you’re finished, and when we’re done here, I’m gonna take you out on an official date to celebrate, how about that?” He asked you. As you stared into his twinkling brown eyes, you realised that all your worries had washed away. You simply nodded your head at his words, knowing that if you spoke, you’d freak. “Is my dad out there?” You finally questioned. Yoongi nodded, you let out a small sigh, were you really about to perform a song in hopes that your father would realise how this wasn’t just a hobby to you? Yes, yes you were.
Your name was soon called from the stage, Yoongi gave you one last peck on the lips before letting his arms drop. You took one last look in his eyes before picking your guitar up and heading out on to the stage and towards the stool and microphone that sat on the centre. You glanced out towards the crowd, your eyes immediately landing on your father who watched you with intent.
You sucked in a deep breath before sitting down and adjusting the microphone height, you then opened your mouth, “Hello, my name is y/n. I’m performing a self written song tonight in hopes that it’ll make someone very close to me realise just how important music is to me and to my life....” You said. “Dear father, this one’s for you.” You added before taking another deep breath and strumming the first chord, you then began singing. Closing your eyes as you did, letting the words flow right out of you. It was in these moments that you felt most alive... And you were really hoping that it’d make your father realise the importance of your music.
You soon finished the song, the final chord echoing around the auditorium before an array of applause and whistles were heard. You glanced down at the crowd one last time, not daring to look at your father just yet. Your eyes fell on Yoongi who smiled his gummy smile at you, “Thank you.” You spoke into the microphone before walking backstage where you packed your guitar away and waited for the show to be over as you watched act after act go on stage.
Soon enough, it finished. Some three piece band had won the trophy but you didn’t care for that anyways, that wasn’t why you entered. You shook off your thoughts as you walked down off the stage and finally approached your father, Yoongi joining you. “Dad, this is Min Yoongi... My—“ You were about to introduce him but he shook your fathers hand eagerly. “Her boyfriend.” He cut you off before sending a wink your way. Your eyes darted to meet your fathers, he was shocked but he looked... Happy? Wait, happy? You thought he’d be angry, so mad. “I see, nice to meet you young man.” Your father smiled at the blonde boy before turning to you.
‘Oh god, here it comes.’ You thought to yourself. “Y/N, I am so proud of you. Despite my efforts, despite my ranting and raving you still continued with your music. I wasn’t happy at first but I am so glad you continued, your mother would be so proud. When you were up there, on that stage, you reminded me so much of her. She loved performing, you inherited her love for music, that’s for sure.” He explained to you before pulling you in for a tight hug. “Continue with your music, y/n. I’m so proud of you. And it’s what your mother would want.” He smiled down at you. “What about law school?” You questioned in confusion. “Forget law school, I’m going to enrol you into a music academy.” He beamed. You shared a shocked glance with Yoongi who simply smiled at you before you threw yourself into your fathers arms and hugged him tight, “Thank you so much! I love you!” You squealed. Your father chuckled, something you hadn’t heard him do in years, “I love you too, sweetheart.” He replied as you both pulled away from the embrace.
“Mr y/l/n, would it be okay for me to take y/n on a date tonight? In celebration of her performance, of course.” Yoongi asked. “Of course, my boy! Just have her back at her dorm at a reasonable hour.” Your father agreed with a smile. “Of course, sir.” Yoongi nodded with a smile. “I have to go, work calls. But I’m so proud of you, y/n. So so proud.” Your father said with a smile before embracing you one last time. He then left, you watched him go with a smile before turning to Yoongi. “Well, that went well.” Yoongi smiled as you ran into his arms and hugged him tight. “Thank you so much for all your help! I would’ve never gotten this far without you.” You told him as you rested your face in the crook of his neck. He smiled as he caressed your back, “I was happy to help. Couldn’t have a pretty girl like you struggling constantly, could I?” He said and you swore you could hear the smirk in his voice but you elected to ignore it as you took his hand and began dragging him out of the auditorium.
He then led you to his car, opening the passenger door for you as you climbed in. He then got into the drivers seat before turning the key and driving away from the college building.
He parked somewhere near a beach, you could tell because it was suddenly colder and you could hear the waves, you glanced around at your surroundings as your passenger door opened and Yoongi held out his hand, you took it and he pulled you out of the car before leaning back against it. You were on a cliff edge, you frowned but Yoongi took your hand and led you around towards the front of the car, he lifted your body and sat you on the bonnet before grabbing something from the trunk, he walked over to where you were sat; Taking a seat on the bonnet beside you as he placed what looked like a picnic basket between the two of you, he then leant back against the window and pulled you to lay in his arms as he opened the basket to reveal chocolate covered strawberries. You smiled slightly as you stargazed and fed each other the strawberries. It wasn’t much but it was all you needed to know that he liked you and was serious about you, it was all you needed to know that he cared. “So, y/n... I never officially asked you backstage...” He began. “I know.” You nod. “So would you like to make this official? Would you like to be the girlfriend of musical genius Min Yoongi?” He asked you. You giggled at the use of his nickname, “I would be honoured.” You smiled at him. He returned the smile before leaning down and gently pressing his lips against yours, showing you he was yours. You, of course, kissed back.
Who’d have known that him offering to be your music tutor could lead to something this good?
A/N: Hellooooooo! Becky here! I know this isn’t the greatest fluff or fic or whatever, but I tried. I really really hope you guys enjoy reading! 😇 Love and laughter, always. 💖
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rebeccaheyman · 4 years ago
reading + listening 9.7.20
It’s been a minute since my last bona fide review roundup, in part because our week of vacation was followed by a week of long-overdue family visits (after all parties clocked negative covid tests), and in part because I hit a reading slump. Or rather, my version of a slump: a couple DNF aBooks in a row, plus an imbalance of reading and listening. I’ve pulled myself out of the lull, but the list below reflects my relative floundering for the past two weeks. Le sigh.
You Have a Match (Emma Lord), eBook, ARC (pub date Jan 2021). NetGalley review:
I absolutely loved TWEET CUTE and was eager to see how Lord would follow-up such a sparkling debut. YOU HAVE A MATCH brings the same timely, fresh, emotionally immediate storytelling as TC, albeit with slightly less humor and slightly more pathos. The concept takes a little more oomph to get off the ground (Leo's ambiguous ancestry leads to the DNA test that yields a secret sister result for protagonist Abby, and all relevant parties end up at the same summer camp together), and at times the narrative posturing becomes quite literally acrobatic (climbing trees, falling in ditches). Still, I happily suspend my disbelief for the sake of Lord's smart, authentic-feeling characters. In what might be a hallmark of her work, there's a consistent social media presence (IG, as opposed to TC's reliance on Twitter and an in-world messaging app). My dearest wish is that Lord's future work will not consistently rely on these trappings, which will sadly not age well; her storytelling chops are more timeless than the contemporary technologies featured in these narratives.
Muse (Brittany Cavallaro), eBook, ARC (pub date Feb 2021). NetGalley review:
I want to start by noting my excitement for this book -- and really, anything Brittany Cavallaro writes. I loved the Charlotte Holmes series and was eager to explore this new direction for Cavallaro's work. But for me, MUSE felt like it was always starting -- the action always rising, world always building, characters always establishing their identities. I didn't feel especially close to Claire, whose powers are somewhat ambiguous until they crystallize, very momentarily, in Act III. Part of the trouble, for me, is the intensive brain exercise required at the book's outset, to both visualize and conceptualize this version of America--a monarchy ruled by generations of King Washingtons. Ultimately, the story's setting (St. Cloud, along the Mississippi River) could be any imagined place; that this is a re-envisioned version of 1890s America has nothing to do with the political intrigues that drive the plot forward. I longed to spend less energy on parsing the intersections of real and imagined Americanism, and more time exploring Claire's power, her relationships to Beatrix and Remy, and the political machinations and intrigues in St. Cloud.
If my reading of MUSE is correct, then the second installment in the duology should be a runaway train of action, smart plotting, and feminist agendas -- in short, a book I very much look forward to reading. What I appreciated most in this first half of the story is what I've come to expect from Cavallaro generally: snappy, smart prose and strong women helming the narrative. It wasn't enough to make me love this read, but it's absolutely enough to keep me invested in the story's (eventual) conclusion.
The Ten Thousand Doors of January (Alix Harrow), aBook. May I confess that while this book came highly recommended from an extremely trusted reader-friend, I DNF’d my first attempt with the eBook back in November 2019? I couldn’t tell you what about me + this book didn’t jive last year, but a title this decorated and adored isn’t one I’ll easily give up on. I circled back around to it with the aBook (brilliantly narrated by January LaVoy), and while I can’t say this will rank among my favorites in the genre, it’s a solidly inventive, beautifully written narrative. In theme and structure, it’s awfully close to THE STARLESS SEA, which for me was a better book overall (one of the best of the year, actually). Something about the way the eponymous January too frequently claims “if I had only known what would happen next, I wouldn’t have done x” turned me off; this character seems to have a habit of being so caught up in her emotions that she doesn’t see obviously awful things about to happen. The antagonistic forces felt overdone and a little silly at times, and the mastermind reveal is too obvious by half. For all the flaws in TEN THOUSAND DOORS, the writing is solid enough that I’m absolutely planning to read Harrow’s next, The Once and Future Witches, out next month. 
The Marriage Clock (Zara Raheem), aBook. THE MARRIAGE CLOCK appealed to me in part because its narrator, Ariana Delawari, is a joy (she was absolutely brilliant on THE WRATH AND THE DAWN duology), and in part because I’m a sucker for Desi-focused narratives; I just love reading about these big, close-knit families with a strong focus on culture and family devotion -- not to mention the food and fashion. Suffice it to say, I was predisposed to enjoy THE MARRIAGE CLOCK... and it was... just okay. The book tries to build a story of self-actualization on a foundation of anecdotal montage -- essentially, the first two thirds of the book are about bearing witness to a series of bad first dates and getting commentary on the sorry state of modern romance. The story definitely improves once Leila goes overseas to attend a wedding, but I confess by then I felt obligated to finish simply based on time invested. The book’s conclusion, which I won’t spoil here, would have felt more satisfactory if Leila’s behavior and attitudes hadn’t been so childish throughout. Bottom line: If you can watch early seasons of Sex In The City without wanting to shove Carrie Bradshaw into oncoming traffic, you’ll probably really like THE MARRIAGE CLOCK. But if you’re looking for a more mature, nuanced Desi romance with lots of heart, consider my personal fav, THE BOLLYWOOD AFFAIR (Sonali Dev).
Smooth Talking Stranger (Lisa Kleypas), aBook. This was my first contemporary romance from Lisa Kleypas, which came highly recommended by another trusted reader-friend. The opening salvo didn’t draw me in as quickly as some of Kleypas’s historical romances, but I stuck with it because of the personal rec and Brittany Pressley’s easy-to-listen-to narration. The story is enjoyable enough, despite an underlying “mystery” that lacks real intrigue. All in all, it seems like fairly average contemporary romance... right up until the emotional gut-punch leaves you wrecked at the end of Act III. I couldn’t tell you why -- because again, nothing super special about our MCs or the plot -- but this novel had me crying all kinds of tears by the end. A strange, and strangely satisfying listen, but not necessarily one I’d recommend.
Just Like Heaven (Julia Quinn), aBook. I’ve been meaning to read a Julia Quinn for awhile; she’s a prolific heavy-hitter in the genre, and frankly it feels negligent not to have read her yet. I’ve hesitated, in part, because of purportedly questionable content in one of Quinn’s early titles, THE DUKE AND I. Reading reviews of that novel red-flagged Quinn’s entire catalogue for me (yes, it’s that bad). After reading plenty of reviews for JUST LIKE HEAVEN, I was pretty certain the egregious violations THE DUKE AND I weren’t being repeated, and the allure of Rosalyn Landor’s narration confirmed my choice. Long and short verdict: Meh. While I found our hero and heroine passably tolerable, there’s not much plot here. Instead, there’s an almost obsessive focus on one character’s recovery from an infection (gross), and when that chicken stops laying eggs, we’re asked to care about a quasi-farcical string quartet our other MC is forced to play in. The secondary characters introduced as potential leads for the rest of the quartet were either too stupid or too annoying for me to care about. If you’re hankering for historical romance, pass this over and just reread Tessa Dare for the millionth time (when will I start taking my own advice?).
Fable (hard cover) + Namesake (eBook ARC, pub date March 2021). Instagram mini-review of FABLE here. NetGalley review of NAMESAKE here. Adrienne Young is brilliant, full stop. I loved her previous duology -- SKY IN THE DEEP and THE GIRL THE SEA GAVE BACK -- and the Fable cycle does not disappoint. Strong, subtle characterizations; rich settings and evocative description; just enough mystical magic to make the world sparkle, but not enough to undermine the essential humanity of the story’s heart; and love of every stripe -- familial, romantic, friend, self -- driving the plot forward... could you even really ask for more? I devoured both halves of this gorgeous whole in a single weekend and I know you’ll love them both. Buy Fable ASAP and pre-order Namesake so Adrienne Young knows we know we don’t deserve her.
That’s it for me! On my radar this week:
Luster (Raven Leilani), aBook
The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics (Olivia Waite), aBook
Lady Derring Takes a Lover (Julie Anne Long), aBook
The Smash-Up (Ali Benjamin), eBook ARC
The Heiress (Molly Greeley), eBook ARC
We Can Only Save Ourselves (Alison Wisdom), eBook ARC
Plus, the continuing saga, Will I ever finish WHEN WE WERE MAGIC? Stay tuned, and happy reading! 
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zillowcondo · 7 years ago
Four Seasons Nevis Reviewed
I’m fresh off a fabulous trip to the Four Seasons Nevis. Until recently not only did I not know how to pronounce Nevis (by the way it’s Nee-Vis) but I had no idea where it was even located. Geography was never my subject–guess they didn’t teach a class on luxe travel destinations at my high school.  As soon as I learned about the exotic island of Nevis, where luxury abounds and monkeys nearly outnumber the residents, I knew I needed to visit.
I’m not ashamed to admit that when I find out that there is a Four Seasons in a city, I immediately assume that the destination is worthy of a visit. The Four Seasons chooses only the most amazing places to create FS outposts (with maybe a few exceptions that are big business cities–sorry Baltimore). Case and point? The Four Seasons Carmelo! I never would have found this charming town had it not been for my faith in the Four Seasons’ location scouting.
Nevis is really a stunning island and the islanders are so charming and warm I never wanted to leave… I truly enjoyed my stay at this classic Caribbean hotel.
There are many ways to reach the Four Seasons Nevis. Most involve a flight into St. Kitts Airport (SKB) and then a boat ride over to Nevis. There are also some small flights to Nevis like the non-stop flight from Puerto Rico with Tradewind Aviation straight into Nevis’ Vance W. Armory International Airport. Saves you a boat ride and it’s a luxury plane! Next time I’ll have to try this. But for this trip, I was a little worried because sometimes small planes freak me out–St. Barth! So I opted for the non-stop flight from JFK to SKB (there are a couple a week).
Arriving via Boat to FS Nevis
Immediately after customs we were greeted by a Four Seasons employee who directs you to someone who will take your luggage and send you to a van. You then take about a 10-minute drive to the boat marina where you reach the Four Seasons’ private boat. The crew passes out (complimentary) rum punches, Carib beers, waters or fruit punch. We had to wait for about 20 minutes to leave for a few guests but no one was complaining (my guess is that the free drinks had something to do with that!) We then set sail for about 40 minutes to the Four Seasons Nevis. The boat ride itself is lovely, we happen to experience the sunset during ours–added bonus! Sunset cruise? Yes please! I loved this ride and found it very exciting to be headed to such a remote locale.
Check In
Upon arrival, you’re greeted at the the boat pier by friendly staffers who take you directly to your room. You don’t have to deal with your bags, they are taken directly to your room (ours took about 15 minutes—very quick!). On our way to our room we were given a mini-property tour, our guide just pointed out a few things as well as the general direction that the lobby, spa, fitness center and adults-only pool were in. We then signed a few forms in our room and he was on his way.
Welcome Amenity? I would say that they one-upped a welcome cocktail with the complimentary open bar on the boat ride over! Cheers to that!
The Grounds
The grounds are stunning and they are also sprawling. The property is comprised of a total of 350 acres. The property features West Indian plantation-style decor and classic Caribbean architecture. Its covered in lush tropical greenery and tropical flowers. And as of December 20, 2013, the property now has its own organic herb garden (hello house-made herb cocktails)!  There are a total of 179 rooms and 17 suites. Rooms are just steps away from Pinney’s beach. There are also 40 private residence villas that are available for rental as well (if you’re part of the lucky one percenters!). Four Seasons Nevis is also home to 5 pools,10 tennis courts, and an 18-hole golf course designed by Robert Trent Jones II. There is also a 1500 sq. ft. fitness center and one of the most gorgeous spas I’ve ever been to–more on that later.
Fitness Center? If you want to be guilt-free you can work off some of the fabulous calories you ingest in the fitness center. There are plenty of machines and the equipment is all very modern. The room is light, airy and cool–no mildewy smells or anything unpleasant here.
Adults Only Pool? Yes. It was huge too with plenty of seating options, including large round couches for snuggling couples.
The Beach!
The Beach? The Four Seasons Nevis is located on Pinney’s beach, which is on the island’s sheltered west coast (the east coast’s beach is much choppier). There aren’t large waves and the water is pretty warm but it still takes a second to wade in if you’re like me who is always cold. There are plenty of chairs and several beach attendants who constantly walk around offering up cold towels, cold water and taking orders for food and drink. I highly recommend renting a private beach cabana. These cabanas are stocked with mini-fridges, four lounge chairs, a flat-screen TV, a couch and small dining table, board games and an iPod dock. The cabanas are surrounded by shrubs, which give you plenty of privacy from your neighbors. There was also highly attentive service–whenever you wanted to order something you just had to raise a flag and cocktails and a full menu of delicious options were brought to you quickly.
The Lobby
The open-air lobby is beautiful and sophisticated. Since I was here around the holidays I had the pleasure to experience a Caribbean-style Christmas tree. I absolutely love Christmas and this tree was so special, decorated with warm colors, crystals and starfish!  Its high-ceiling and comfy furniture give it a plantation feel. My favorite seating was at the back, which overlooks the water, the terrace and lush gardens. One of my favorite experiences during my stay was checking out the live piano player and sipping champagne at sunset.
Lobby seating around the Xmas Tree!
More Lobby Seating with Property Views
The Rooms
Rooms are set in two-story buildings that feel like cottages. This allows the property to retain a laid-back and undeveloped feel, which is what you want at a resort in the Caribbean–no high rises obviously.
I was in room 228, which is a standard guest room with an ocean view. We had a lovely view of the water–especially around sunset! Rooms in the 200s have this benefit, however, are a bit further away from the adults-only reflection pool. Personally though, I didn’t mind the walk and you can always call for a golf-cart if you prefer.
I love nothing more than waking up, opening my window and being able to see and hear the water. To me this is the ultimate luxury! As much as I wanted to invite the Caribbean breeze in all the time, because rooms all have spacious balconies and sliding doors, there are not screens–so open at your own risk because there are mosquitos (and they happen to adore me). I should also add that I had a chance to check out the rooms with a view of Nevis Peak (these are the Mountain View class of rooms) and thought it was stunning as well. If you’re looking to save a little money, Mountain View rooms are slightly less money. Plus, it may provide a refreshing change if you’re spending your days on the beach to have a view of this unique volcano. Really, you can’t lose though. That said, I would opt for a second floor room since these have more unobstructed views of whatever it is you’re hoping to see. (And also the New Yorker in me is always a little freaked out by ground level rooms with balconies–but I am paranoid so there you go).
Room decor is understated, neutral and distinctly Caribbean (with a little Ralph Lauren flair). It’s definitely not overdone but there were still plenty of charming details. I loved the intricately carved four-poster wooden bed and pops of color like the yellow couch and the throw pillows on the bed. Speaking of the beds, even though this Four Seasons has not yet been updated with the new Four Seasons mattress it was insanely comfortable. No adjusting to a different bed here, the second I climbed in I was fast asleep.
I will say that although the room was beautiful I wasn’t a huge fan of its ivory tiled floor, which I felt dated the room a bit. I also would have enjoyed a more up to date coffee machine–but what can I say–even the best of us need some work done now and again, dahhhhling? That’s what botox is for (or so I hear)!
Closet/Dresser Details? There were actually two huge closets and a large dresser with plenty of storage. There were proper hangers in the closet–not the thief-proof ones. I suspect the clientele at the Four Seasons have better things to do than steal hangers.
Charging Situation? This day and age we all need easy access to charge up our electronics. I loved that by the couch there was a little charging station for easy access and extra plugs (even a USB port).
Turn-Down Service: Yes–maids come automatically and restocked anything you might need. They also made sure to lock the sliding door for your safety.
Bottled Water? Yes complimentary at turn down and you can always call and order more.
Coffee maker? Hamilton Beach. While it was a nice model, these days at a Four Seasons I think that I would expect an espresso machine of some sort or at the very least, a Keurig.
Reading Material in the Room? They had a copy of Four Seasons Magazine, Town and Country and one other I can’t quite remember. These were laid out nicely by the couch. I loved this and don’t think that hotels do this enough.
White Glove Inspection: The white linens were perfectly pristine–I even pulled back the duvet cover a little to see the state of what was going on beneath the surface. I am happy to report that even with close inspection I have nothing to report!
 The Bathroom
The bathroom featured his and her sinks and was well-lit. To the left was a large soaking tub and a standalone shower. The shower had a standard head (not rain shower) and had strong pressure. I also did not experience any water temperature issues. The toilet was in a separte, small water-closet, which I appreciate for added privacy. Also helps move things along in the morning–if your man likes to take his time in there, you can be doing your makeup.
Famous Mirror Pic of TP!
Makeup Mirror? Yes! Mounted at eye-level and it lit up!
Hairdryer? Small, travel-sized hairdryer (not attached to the wall though). This was a little disappointing to me. I expected more from a Four Seasons.
Designer Toiletries? The bathroom featured L’Occitane products (as many Four Seasons do). These aren’t my favorites but that’s just because the shampoo never seems to do much for my long locks.
Towel quality? Amazing, really thick and absorbent. And plenty of ‘em.
Robes? Yes, they were thick terry with the Four Seasons logo. There were also fluffy white slippers! My favorite!
Amenities? Shower cap, individually wrapped Q-tips and cotton pads. There was also after-sun lotion, which I thought was a nice and much needed amenity!
View from Room 228
The Food & Drink
The restaurants at Four Seasons Nevis are definitely some of the finest on the island. They all use locally sourced ingredients like eggplant, papaya, lemongrass, coconut, mangos and coconut.
The resort’s fine dining restaurant is Coral Grill and it serves high quality cuisine with top notch ingredients from all over the world. While the steaks and seafoods here were phenomenal, the Macaroni and cheese here is not to be missed. You can customize your dish by choosing protein and cheese on the spot. The desserts here were also my favorite on the property. The souffles and the cheesecake lollipops were delectable.
Right around the corner is Neve, where the fabulous breakfast buffet is served. Fresh fruit, eggs, pastries, pancakes, waffles, you name it. The highlights here for me were the freshly made nut butters (cashew and almond) and the variety of locally-made hot sauces (my fave was the mango pepper!) that I generously poured all over everything. While it’s tempting to order breakfast in bed, you need to experience this buffet at least once during your stay.
Cabana is the resort’s outdoor and laid-back restaurant. The signature dish here is the spiny lobster risotto. While it was delicious, I must say it was outshined by Mango and Coral Grill.
And speaking of Mango–wow! I absolutely loved it here. Dinner here is exactly the experience you’re looking to have at a luxe Caribbean resort. The building itself is lovely and the food is incredible. Mango is famous for its BBQ ribs. I didn’t think I liked ribs actually until I ate here–turns out, I just hadn’t tried the perfect ribs. Absolutely delicious. A must-have while on the island! I will dream of these until I return!
Mango Bar features over 100 Rums!
Tableside Service at Mango
During the day you can order food from the pools or eat lunch at Cabana restaurant. The food here was spot on no matter what we tried. The chopped salad was delicious and plentiful. The tuna tacos were amazing. But probably our favorite thing was the Mediterranean pizza, which they fired up in their own brick-oven. Thin crust and just the right amount of cheese, sauce and veggies. We actually ate this twice during our stay.
Med Pizza!
Classy Hotel Bar? Few bars anywhere compare to how much I loved the Library bar here. They seamlessly integrated a rich environment with a Caribbean feel!
My Kind of Library!
Specialty Cocktails? The Ginger Angostura was one of my favorites and my husband loved the Mango mojito–and trust us we really tried many of the specialties. My other favorite though was the dirty martini with blue cheese stuffed olives at Coral Restaurant. Also a local favorite is the Ting with a Sting!
The Spa
The Spa at the Four Seasons Nevis is not only one of the best I’ve been to in the Caribbean, but probably even anywhere in the world. Its grounds are simply stunning and I’ll let the photos do the heavy lifting here since words just would never be enough to capture its beauty. The service is super. Not only are the staff extremely professional but they are friendly and very knowledgeable about the treatments and the spa’s philosophy. In addition to the usual treatments like massages, body treatments, salon services and facials, the spa offers Ayurvedic treatments. I also highly recommend getting a Rum and Tonic body treatment! It is absolutely heavenly–and unique to the resort!
Spa Hot Tub
View of Nevis Peak from Spa Reflection Pool
Cold Plunge Pool
Treatment Cabanas at the Spa
The Little Things
Did I feel truly welcome by the staff? Staff made a huge effort to learn guests names and remember them. If I had a server in a restaurant and saw them a few days later on the property they always knew exactly who I was and also remembered everything we told them and made sure to ask about it. I always find this incredible since I have the worst memory in the world.
Wi-Fi? Yes, throughout the property. However, it was a bit spotty in my room because they were having internet issues. Internet is not complimentary, which can be a pro or a con. On one hand you won’t use it the entire time, but if you need to, then it can be a little pricey. However, there are two computers in the main lobby–one in the Library bar and one in the center of the lobby, available for guests to print boarding passes.
Mini-Bar? It’s a Four Seasons so of course it’s stocked with fancy (and pricey) snacks and liquors. They had special tea bags you could purchase for your eyes to depuff. I never got the chance to try them but I thought they were super cool!
Cocktail Quality? I have nothing but positive things to say about every cocktail I experienced while at the property. Especially at Mango where they have 100 different kinds of rum! I recommend trying a Ting with a Sting, Angostura Ginger or the uber impressively muddled Mango Mojito.
Board Games at Sunset
Any other quirky things? There is free laundry available for guest use. Although I never had a chance to try it out it’s a great feature, especially for families (or New Yorkers who don’t have access to their own washing machines!). They also include laundry detergent free of charge.
Flowers: I loved the tropical flowers flourishing around the property.
Special Treats: I am sad to report that there were no special treats at turndown service. However, in the typical Four Seasons style, special treats were passed around at the pool and down by the beach, cold towels, Evian spritzes, frozen fruit kebabs and my personal favorite–lemongrass water!
Good For Families: Absolutely! The hotel is large enough for families and couples alike to enjoy. There is also a kids’ club, playground and even a small game room.
Where do Most Guests Hail From? Most guests are North Americans, many families but also lots of honeymooners. Like I said earlier, the property is so large that there is definitely room for everyone to enjoy the property as they wish. We never experienced any annoying children during our stay 
Service Fee? Yes, check your bill it usually includes a charge for service–however, be sure to ask how much of that goes to the employee. I asked at the spa and only a small percentage of it went to the employee herself. So if you have stellar service you still may want to leave an additional amount.
Room for Improvement
Although non-motorized watersports are complimentary, other recreational activities will cost you a pretty penny (for example, you have to rent tennis courts if you’re not playing with a pro or having a lesson).
Rooms should stock bugspray.
The floors in the standard rooms need to be updated. What can I say, I know I’m nitpicking here but that’s what I’m here for.
The Wow Factor(s):
Dive and Dine!
My most memorable experience was the day we had a private beach cabana. This same day we participated in the hotel’s Dive and Dine program. You can actually scuba dive with the hotel’s specialist and chef and then enjoy a beachside BBQ with the lobsters that you caught yourself! If that’s not the catch of the day, I don’t know what is!
Chef Kai hard at Work. Not a bad office though.
View from our Beach Cabana
Our Spoils from Dive and Dine
Beach Cabana Day!
Interior of Beach Cabana
Also, while standard rooms are nice, the luxury suite is one of the most gorgeous hotel rooms I have ever laid eyes on! Seriously, I was snapping photos for a home I plan to one day decorate–and I plan to try and emulate this exact room–especially the closet! If you’ve got money to spend, this would be well worth it. Stunning!
Luxury Suite
Luxury Suite
I also think that an effort to connect with the local wildlife was very unique. We took a golf-cart one afternoon (you can also go in the early AM) and watched the monkeys playing out on the golf course. You can also take garden tours with the hotel’s botanists or take a moonlit walk to go check out the sea turtles.
The Bottom Line: Would I recommend it? Am I coming Back?
The Four Seasons Nevis laid-back, sleepy atmosphere suits its Caribbean locale perfectly. It’s entirely unstuffy and unpretentious so all guests feel comfortable at all times. I think that the Four Seasons Nevis’ ambience, decor and dining options do a nice job capturing the essence of the island. The staff at Four Seasons Nevis makes the guests feel extremely special and like they have had an authentic island experience.
It’s also worth noting that I had a chance to see rooms at both Golden Rock Plantation (though I did not see the honeymoon suite) and Montpelier, I will tell you that the rooms at the Four Seasons blew them out of the water. Although both of those properties are gorgeous and definitely worth visiting for a meal, the rooms at the Four Seasons are far, FAR more luxe and truly the only place I would have been happy resting my luxury-obsessed self.
I would definitely come back and many of their guests agree. There was more than one occasion when I saw guests arriving and staffers literally running towards them with excitement. The reunion was equally as joyful for the guests. The people and the West Indian hospitality at the Four Seasons Nevis are truly what makes it so memorable.
Basically, this is an amazing escape for luxe-loving couples (and even families) off the beaten path of the usual Caribbean destinations. I loved it! Travelingpanties approved!
Stunning Sunset
Four Seasons Nevis Information
Address: The Four Seasons Resort Nevis, West Indies, P.O. Box 565, Pinney’s Beach, Charlestown, Nevis
Cost: Rooms start at $345 during off-season and about $1200 during high season.
*Disclaimer* As is common in the travel industry, writers are provided with complimentary services for review purposes. Although my visit was part of a press trip–meaning that I did not pay, all opinions herein are my own. You can’t buy the love here, people! Just ask my husband!
Daydreaming of Returning to Nevis Already
 Photos Credit: Katie Goldstein
The post Four Seasons Nevis Reviewed appeared first on Pursuitist.
Four Seasons Nevis Reviewed published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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