#i may have bitten off more than i can chew lately
allsassnoclass · 2 years
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cvtyvvitch · 4 months
💗💐✨Pick-A-Card: What Is Next for You in Love?✨💐
💕 Pick an emoji (⚡️, 🌸, or 🌊) for a reading on what is coming next for you in love.
✨ Focus your intention and remain open — if none of the images light up for you, there may not be a message for you in this reading! Alternatively, more than one image might connect with you. As always, trust your intuition and take what resonates, leaving the rest.
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#1 ⚡️ Lightning ⚡️
In French, love at first sight is called ‘coup de foudre’ — a lightning strike. This picture makes my eyes water, and I get a few different impressions off it. First, someone sees you and is completely taken back. This could be someone you have met already and they felt this, but for some it’s happening soon. Someone who literally stops in their tracks and is dazed by you. It’s a frenetic energy, hard to pin down. A bit of the madness that comes with a really intense new crush.
The second option I get is that someone reenters your life very suddenly, a bit of a Tower experience. It feels that things were left unresolved between you, and it’s a situation/feelings that still keeps you up some nights. It’s a feeling like horses straining under a harness and energy built up to the point of explosion. Not a bad feeling per se, but definitely volatile and shocking.
Key words: fire, volcano, out of control, thunder, chewed straws, bitten nails, knock on the door, feet on pavement, midnight, nokia cell phone, unknown caller ID, broken glass, be not afraid, late night gas/petrol station, buzzing silence
PS If you have any feedback, please let me know! Also if you save this reading and notice it being accurate for you, I’d love to hear about it!
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#2 🌸 Pink Flower 🌸
For this group, I get the image of someone picking flowers from the garden for their grandmother. Someone very sweet on the periphery of your life who you know or may get the opportunity to get to know soon. They feel like someone with a lot of responsibility with maybe their family or community, but always find the time for you. Sweet, somewhat shy or quiet energy. Feels like a neighbor, maybe, or a neighbor to someone in your family.
There’s hesitation here, maybe on both ends? I don’t feel major turmoil but just the uncertainty mixed with curiosity that comes with a new person who isn’t obviously mutually interested in you. Friendly without being over flirtatious. The type of person who gives you a bucket of lemons because they’ve had a bunch extra in their backyard.
Keywords: bicycle, farmer’s market, pharmacy, picket fence, down the hall, shy, hedge, grandmother, dahlias, peonies, tuna can, plum
PS If you have any feedback, please let me know! Also if you save this reading and notice it being accurate for you, I’d love to hear about it!
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#3 🌊 Waves 🌊
This connection coming in has a feeling of longing. It feels like a period of missing someone or a time in your life that you know you can’t return to. Grief that feels a little bit difficult to place because it feels like wanting something that even if you got it, things wouldn’t feel the same because you have also changed.
I know that’s not a super happy sounding message, but this is a period where you are asked to deeply reflect on what you loved and feel you’ve lost. Allow yourself to move past the surface of yearning to the deeper questions: why did I have this experience? Where did I learn what I wanted, and what does not truly help me grow and feel safe? It may feel very confusing right now in the face of perceived loss. It’s a murky time you must allow yourself to experience and pass through, but take care not to become trapped by the siren’s song of nostalgia. There is more for you to experience on the other side of this lesson, and a version of yourself waiting to embrace new joy based on a profound understanding of these past disappointing experiences.
Keywords: sighs, mirror, fingers along water, long hair, loneliness, emptiness, nostalgia, despair. Salt, tears, egg yolk, relearning, color, passion, glorious comeback and rebirth
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devildomwriter · 10 months
At The Dance vol 2
Diavolo: “Well then, I suppose there’s only one part of the school festival at this point, right? So, who did you decide to go to the dance with, MC?”
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Lucifer: “MC… Hello. I hope you haven’t been waiting long. Come on, let’s get going.”
At the dance
Lucifer: “Everyone’s looking at us. I suppose it’s not surprising. After all, I’ve never danced with anyone at one of these events before. You’re the first. …Do you remember that one lime I said to you during the play? In case you’ve forgotten, it went like this… ”MC, I love you.” Well, we may not be on stage now, but I’m happy to say it again. As many times as you’d like. I love you, MC. Truly and deeply…”
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Mammon: “Yo, MC! I’m here! So, Whaddya say we get goin’!”
At the dance
Mammon: “Is it just me, or were you gettin’ AWFULLY close to Lucifer during the play? I mean, you two didn’t get that close during rehearsal, did ya? …To be honest, it made me jealous. Like, don’t you get it, MC? You’re mine, okay?! Mine! So don’t go gettin’ all up close and personal with other guys! …Hey, after the dance, how about you come to my room?”
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Leviathan: “Listen, are you sure you want to go with me? You aren’t regretting your choice, are you?! Well, either way, it’s too late to change your mind! You’re going with me to the dance, got it?”
At the dance
Leviathan: “Listen, MC… I want to thank you. It really made me happy when you stayed up all night with me working on that costume. I’m glad that we at least managed to get your costume done in time. You looked amazing in it. …! Ahh, sorry! I stepped on your foot again… I never thought I’d find myself on a dance floor, you know? It’s such a normie thing to do, and I’m no normie…But I promise to practice and get better…for you. So let’s do this again!”
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Satan: “Have you been waiting on me, MC? Let’s get going. The dance is starting soon.”
At the dance
Satan: “I guess you managed to get all of us brothers to put aside our differences and make up… I know you’re good. But even so, this time I thought that you’d probably bitten off more than you could chew. But I was wrong. I guess that maybe when it comes down to it, you’ve got us all in the palm of your hand. …Even so, none of my other brothers get to dance with you tonight, do they? Just me. Which means you view me differently from them, don’t you? I’m special to you. It’s true, isn’t it? Tell me it’s true, MC…”
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Asmodeus: “Hehe… I see that you look adorable as usual, MC. I could almost eat you up! Well, shall we get going? We do want to miss our chance to show off in front of everyone!”
At the dance
Asmodeus: “So, what did you think of my performance, hm? Perfect, wasn’t it? I don’t need to try to be attractive… I just am! Still, I spend a lot of time thinking about which angels I’m best viewed from, so I look even more stunning. It’s a skill that translates well to the stage. Hehe. I bet seeing me in that play made you fall for me even harder, didn’t it? Well, you were amazing our there yourself, you know? So amazing that I almost forgot we were in the middle of a play. I wanted to take you in my arms and make you mine right then and there. To be honest, I’d like to do that right now. What do you say…interested? Because I’m free after this…”
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Beelzebub: “MC, have you been waiting on me? Mm, here’s hoping that there’s lots of good food at the dance…”
At the dance
Beelzebub: “You sure do work up an appetite performing in a play, huh… I thought that maybe I’d be so nervous that I wouldn’t realize I was hungry, but nope. You didn’t hear how my stomach was growling during the performance, did you? To be honest, I’d like to head over to the buffet right now… What do you say the two of us sneak over there after this song ends? Then we can eat and eat and eat to our heart’s content…together!”
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Belphegor: “Hey MC, I’m here. Are you ready to go? Here, you can take my arm.”
At the dance
Belphegor: *sigh*… “I’ve got to say, I feel exhausted. But now that the play’s over, we don’t have to rehearse anymore. No more dealing with Simeon the drill sergeant. You must be pretty worn out yourself, right? Hey, is it okay if I sleep in your bed tonight? I’ll be nice… I’ll gently stroke your head until you drift to sleep. Oh, but…sorry in advance if I end up falling asleep before you do.”
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Solomon: “Wait…you mean to say you don’t have a date to the dance? Well, I was planning on going alone, too. Why don’t we lonely singles go together?”
At the dance
Solomon: “Haha. You know, you’re a pretty good dancer, MC. You learn quickly. …Or maybe it’s that I’m a good teacher? This is a dance, after all. It’s no fun if we both just stand around like wallflowers, is it? So why stop now? When the next song starts, let’s just keep dancing.”
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Luke: *blushing* “Wha?! MC… Just how many demons did you promise to go to the dance with?”
Diavolo: “I take it you mean to take turns dancing with each of them?”
Solomon: “…Let’s just hope there isn’t any bloodshed as a result of this.”
At the dance
Satan: “So, MC… It seems that one date to the dance wasn’t enough for you, was it?”
Mammon: “Man, humans are one thing, but you’ve got a lotta nerve tryin’ to okay multiple DEMONS like this.”
Leviathan: “This is why I hate normies! Always getting ALL the attention…always having ALL the fun…”
Belphegor: “Wow, I never thought you were the type of master to do something like this…”
Asmodeus: “So, Just one of us wouldn’t cut it, hm? Well well, aren’t you greedy? Tsk, what are we going to do with you?”
Beelzebub: “Still, it’s not like I don’t understand the feeling. One serving is never enough for me at dinner. I always need seconds. And thirds. And fourths…”
Lucifer: “Well, you got yourself into this. Now you’re going to have to deal with the consequences. You’re dancing with everyone.”
Luke: *sigh*… “I knew it. You’re all about to fight over who gets to dance with MC first, aren’t you?”
Diavolo: “Too bad. And to think, they’d just made up…”
Luke: “MC, why not try that trick of yours? You know…where you look at them and go “STAY!””
Diavolo: …*sigh* “MC hasn’t even said anything yet, and already you all look terrified.”
Luke: “I guess it’s a conditioned response at this point. They do it by reflex.”
And so the fun continued into the night, and many more memories were made…
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soapoet · 1 year
Quick energy reading #0613
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these energies would not let me chill so...
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: More than you know by Axwell & Ingrosso
You're not losing it, I promise. If someone's been on your mind a lot lately, you've been haunting them, too. And for the few of you where this is less about a specific person and moreso a goal or concern that just will not let you think straight and be present, rest assured that you can release your worries. Just let go. Attract, don't chase. What you want wants you. You really shouldn't be reading this either to be quite frank, because it seems as though you are running around aimless in the woods looking for signs that you're not going crazy. In which case do take this as your final sign that yes, what you feel in your heart to be true is correct. Those of you awake at night tossing and turning because you're awake running marathons in the dreams of another, know that they can barely focus because of you. It is as though half of what you feel when you quiet down is from them, and they can feel you in their energy, too. Your energies have a magnetic pull where you're both constantly in each other's peripheral, lurking like a predator watching its prey. It's not toxic, though, just a little obsessive. They want to see you and be with you, and the distance is making that gravitational pull so much stronger, leading to that addictive nightwatch. Good news and developments are on the horizon, and things will get moving very soon. The barricades put up by you or them or life circumstances are coming down, and quite abruptly at that. This is something that simply cannot be stopped and is inevitable. Sparks are already flying and it'll only get warmer from here, and this is a fire that will continue raging once it starts burning in earnest.
Shufflemancy: Slump (English ver.) by Stray Kids
I don't know what you were told growing up, but if you have too much on your plate it's okay to leave the table and come back to it later. Don't judge yourself if you've bitten off more than you can chew either. Take things one step at a time, and go at exactly the pace you feel comfortable with right now. That pace is bound to change, and it'll change frequently, in fact. Your 100% looks different every day and that's okay. Don't measure your own progress with someone else's ruler. Silence the distractions and the noise and get away if you need solitude. Taking time for yourself does not make you selfish. Anyone who gets upset when you set boundaries would not have respected them anyway had they been there all along. Don't scrap your ideas, finetune them. Start over if you have to, but your previous efforts have not been in vain and can help direct your focus. Every time you tell a story, details change, but because you know the gist of it, things get better and more elaborate each time and gives you more fluidity. Use your ideas and previous attempts to better prepare for a new beginning. Stopping isn't giving up and square one isn't an enemy, but a teacher. In terms of love you may find yourself in separation of some kind. Perhaps you're not seeing eye to eye or there has been distance, or even radio silence, between you. I wouldn't worry too much about it, however. Your inward focus makes you more magnetic and what is for you will use that as a guiding light to come to you.
Shufflemancy: You by Tornike Kipiani
Time for some spring cleaning? Alright. If there is something you need to discard that no longer serves you, do it now. You've been thinking about it for a reason. Life is not a game of chess, so stop overthinking things. Your need to perfect the outcome is leaving you at a stalemate when really you should be moving forward. Do what you want to do and say what you want to say. Don't put up with the status quo or let outside circumstances restrict you. Things will work out in your favour if you just stop white-knuckling the reins and follow your heart down the path of what you desire. The light at the end of the tunnel is not as far away as it seems. I'll have to tell you the same thing I told pile 1: what you want wants you. If you have set your sight on something, or someone, they very much have their eyes on you too. Circumstances may appear too difficult, or even inappropriate, to allow a pursuit, but between consenting adults, who's really to say what you can and cannot do? The same applies to goals, too. If something appears like a distant pipe dream, it's not the circumstances that need to change, but your mindset. And if you've been telling yourself what you do and do not deserve, remember that harsh criticism and narrow boxes that do not fit quite right hurt for a reason. If you're disappointed with what you have, try something else. Telling yourself you can't have it hurts because you know in your heart that you can but the wires between head and heart are faulty, disconnected perhaps, and you're only hearing the voice of the critic and the hater, not the hypeman and the lover.
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wh40ksummerfest · 2 months
Early default deadline
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We hope you're all having fun with your Summer Fest assignments! We already have 10 finished gifts and treats in the collection, with many more drafts on the way! 🙌
As of today, July 27, there is a bit more than two weeks left until assignments are due on Sunday, August 11, at 11:59am CET/5:59am EDT (countdown).
If you haven't submitted your assignment yet, please take a moment now to make sure you're on the right track.
If you won't be able to finish your gift before the deadline on August 11, let us know by defaulting so we can arrange for someone else to create a gift for your recipient.
Defaulting: Important info and step-by-step guide 👇
If you expect that you will be unable to finish your assignment before the deadline, please use the default button on AO3 to let us know this weekend at the latest.
You do not need to tell us why you are defaulting. We understand that real life sometimes gets in the way of even the best intentions.
Simply go to your AO3 profile page, click on 'Assignments' in the lefthand side bar, and hit the 'Default' button under your assignment.
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I don't know if I should default?
This is a fun, low-stakes gift exchange; you only have to submit 500 words/one finished sketch. We know it's tempting to be ambitious, but if you have bitten off more than you can chew, it's perfectly fine to create a smaller gift first to fulfill the gift requirements and post your big ambitious project later as an additional (stress-free) treat!
What happens to my recipient if I default?
If you default, we will upload your assignment to this tumblr account and ask a volunteer pinch hitter to create a gift for your recipient instead. The exchange collection will not be revealed until all qualifying participants have received a gift.
What happens to me if I default?
If you default on your assignment before the end of this weekend and your assigned creator defaults as well, we will not delay the exchange collection reveal for you, but we will post your assignment on tumblr for the pinch hitters.
If you default after this weekend, we will not post your assignment to the pinch hitters if your creator defaults as well.
There will be no other penalties for defaulting late (but the exchange mod team will be sad and the gift reveal may be delayed for everyone, so please be considerate).
💝 Have fun creating!
If you have already finished your gift for your assigment, check out the other requests! Maybe you'll be inspired to create a treat for someone? 😎
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xluciifer · 5 months
Alright, a little formal PSA is needed. So, as a lot of you may know and/or have realized, I've bitten off more than I can chew. I've gotten a little over my head with threads and thinking I can handle it because I want to roleplay with everyone - however, it's becoming a bit much ... I'm not dropping anything unless the thread hasn't been responded to in a month, the respondent hasn't been on in over +2-3 weeks, I don't have any muse for the thread anymore or it's key to my Lucifer's story.
I already dropped a few for my sake, for the time being. It'll probably be a bit before I do a starter call again, but don't let that deter or stop you from making me a starter or if you ever want to pick up the thread again! I tag everyone's urls ( new & old ) in threads so you can always look back up if we had one before! It never hurts to hit me up or ask!
With that, I hope this is understandable and I will try ( if sadness doesn't hit me late at night ) after my kiddo goes to bed tonight to start more on my drafts. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 🥺❤️👑
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thana-topsy · 2 years
Fellow Teldryn-Enjoyers:
Capitalizing on all the sexyman hype, I wanted to share some of my Teldryn fics for those who might not have managed to stumble across them yet! I enjoyed writing all of these stories SO damn much and I’m always stoked to share with anyone looking for content of the queer variety.  [Note: they’re mostly of the mlm variety, because that aligns with my sexuality and is what I like to write.]
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Pairing: Neloth/Teldryn (trust me) Rating: E (for the last chapter only)  Status: COMPLETE  Summary: Neloth is a scholar, first and foremost.Upon hearing a great rumor, he embarks upon a journey to find The Arms of Chaos: two staves of legend capable of unspeakable power. As a precautionary measure, he hires Teldryn Sero, the self-proclaimed "Best Swordsman in All of Morrowind." However, Neloth is one of the few people still alive who knows Teldryn's little secret. With their fates intertwined, the two Dunmer head for Skyrim, unaware of the trials that lay before them, as well as the rewards their journey might reap.
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Sequel to “Breathing Water” Pairing(s): Neloth/Teldryn; Talvas Fathryon/Brelyna Maryon Rating: E (scattered mature content) Status: IN-PROGRESS (sorry :( ) Summary: A year has passed since Neloth and Teldryn journeyed to Skyrim in search of the Arms of Chaos. Now, a new threat looms on the horizon -- mercurial and shrouded by ghosts of the past -- forcing Neloth, Teldryn, and Talvas to abandon the life they knew. While trying to keep their wits about them and their feet beneath them, they are reminded of this fundamental truth: that the only constant in life is change.
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[This is a series of stories! And to be extra clear, this is a MATURE SERIES. Lots of smut. Click at your own expense and mind the tags! It started as a joke, and then I took it seriously. What else is new. I may continue it eventually once I start playing Morrowind again.] 
And lastly, my oldest Teldryn fics: [Be gentle, my writing wasn’t very technically skilled yet and I was a SKYBABY when it came to lore and understanding the intricacies of Tamriel...] 
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Pairing: Teldryn Sero/Original Male Dragonborn Rating: E (plot with porn) Status: COMPLETE Summary: Teldryn Sero could hardly remember the last time in his life when he truly felt bored. For this, he was thankful. But when a charismatic, unusually tall Nord stumbles into the Retching Netch one late afternoon, the old Dunmer may have finally bitten off more than he can chew. None-the-less, his skills are always for hire... at the right price. A re-telling of the Dragonborn storyline through the eyes of Teldryn Sero - intrepid companion and officially Too Old For This Shit™
(and its sequel)
Pairing: Teldryn Sero/Original Male Dragonborn Rating: E (also plot with porn) Status: COMPLETE Summary: After receiving a mysterious letter, Aerik and Teldryn set out to find its sender, as well as to uncover the mystery behind its message: Aerik's father, a non-existent figure from his past, is alive and well... and heading for Skyrim.The more they discover, however, the thicker and more complex the conspiracies grow. It seems the Thalmor's insidiousness reaches further than simply erasing Talos from the order of the Divines.
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telomeke · 9 months
This episode of The Sign somehow managed to be a LOT and yet not quite enough (for me) at the same time.
After the languid pacing of Ep.3, set in far-off, semi-rural Nong Khai and punctuated only sporadically with moments of drama and foreboding, Ep.4 took a jarring tonal leap back into the darker, sleeker world of modern Bangkok as the boys got stuck into their day jobs as newbie investigators for a mysterious crime involving rape, abduction, torture, murder and media manipulation. 👀
Maybe it's just me, but the show is starting to show signs of having bitten off more than it can chew – with aspirations to being a fantasy, a procedural crime drama, a supernatural thriller, a comedy and a love story. Is it some of the above? All of it? At the same time? It's early days, but there are hints it may be going down the same meandering path trod by KinnPorsche, flailing in several directions on a whim. (At least KinnPorsche flailed with style, but I'm not sure The Sign has quite the luxury of a Romsaithong budget to ladle on the bucketloads of sugary gloss needed to make a ramshackle raft of uncohesive elements at least superficially appealing to the palate, if not exactly good for your soul.)
Don't get me wrong though. I think there is a place for the mixing and even blending of genres in media, and there is a long history of this in the Asian cinematic universe (what's coming to mind are Bollywood/Kollywood films in which a mafia tale can also be a love story and musical for example – echoes of KinnPorsche here, though most of KP's musical bits were tacked on in the after-concerts – and also Hong Kong movies of decades past where a martial arts movie could also be a slapstick comedy and nobody would bat an eyelid).
A culinary metaphor might be the easiest (laziest) way of making my point: the mile-long ingredient list and complex spicing of a curry may seem like you're inviting nothing but clashing and competition in the claypot, but careful dosing can stew them up into a sumptuous, unified result. And the myriad of ingredients in East and Southeast Asian noodle soups and flash stir-fries not only foreground contrasting textures and flavors in a single dish but actually celebrate them. Both approaches assert that artful assemblage and the right dosage can bring together disparate components (that might seem uneasy companions in their raw and uncombined state) to finish up with a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
I'm no media expert (necessary caveat inserted here) but I think The Sign needs quite a lot more finessing with all that it's taken on, and getting the proportions, mixing and balance correct will be the tricky bit given the wildly contrasting ingredients they've already added to the pot. I'm not convinced KinnPorsche got it right and I have concerns The Sign may slide down that slope too (if Ep.4 is anything to go by).
Even the acting is starting to betray the fact that Kruu A's assured directorial hand, so evident in the first three episodes, is possibly losing its grip on all the disparate threads and themes. (It's not too late for him to pull it back though, so I think the next two episodes or so will be critical to see if The Sign can live up to the promise of its first three episodes.)
I think this loss of control is especially noticeable in Billy's acting for Ep.4 – his thespian chops had been confident and dependable enough in Episodes 1 to 3 (even during the high tension fight scenes and especially during the quieter emotional interludes with Babe). But in Ep.4 he crossed the line repeatedly and was visibly overacting in almost every take. I'm guessing they needed to amp up the energy level of his portrayal since Phaya is supposed to be a hot-headed garuda after all. But I think the actorly resources currently at Billy's disposal don't quite allow him to pull off the bigger emotions and scenes with authenticity, not just yet anyway. (Babe showed characteristic restraint throughout though, and I thought he consistently did a good job.)
Unfortunately Billy wasn't the only one falling short in the acting department; the extras and bit players were also allowed to ham it up no end (yes, I'm sorry for the kid who was sexually assaulted, but the hysteria on display was jarringly and completely inauthentic, and drew more mockery to the predicament rather than sympathy, which is such a shame). 🤷‍♂️
Special mention also for the OTT expressions of the investigative group during each team meeting – they all appeared to be reacting exactly in unison to every turn of events, whether it was exaggerated focus on new findings, flinching in collective disappointment whenever their leads were thwarted, or looking around suspiciously and suddenly when it was suggested the murderer might be one in their midst. It looked far too much like a group of actors responding to instructions from outside in, rather than a team of individuals reacting from inside out, each with their own agency but choosing to align themselves as one. And this should have been weeded out by the director, since we know this team was largely able to deliver on the acting front in the first three episodes.
I stand with Inspector Akk whose confused expression in most of the group scenes seemed to be saying "What the hell is going on here?" 🤣
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(above) "Inspector" Akk Akarat Nimitchai: "What is going on? Why am I here? Why did I listen to my agent? I am an Actor!"
Although this is probably just The Sign telling us that Akk knows more than he's letting on, and the newbies he's assigned are doing a far better job than he thought they would (and which is maybe not the desired outcome?). 🤔
Anyway the writers dialled back somewhat on the naga/garuda mythology in Episode 4 to shine more light on the NCIS-style criminal investigation, and this isn't doing The Sign any favors because the mythological themes roiling beneath the surface were what set this series apart in the first place and made it such a fascinating watch.
We still got to see some of it though. Whenever the naga and garuda's inner energies are especially stoked, the lighting often plays along (e.g., the brightly sparkling lights that accompany garuda Phaya charging up his batteries at Ep.1 [4/4] 14.20 and Ep.3 [2/4] 19.07, PhayaTharn's toilet encounter at Ep.2 [4/4] 9.12, the Mekong rescue at Ep.3 [2/4] 19.18, and Tharn's erotic dream of him and Phaya having shower sex at Ep.4 [2/4] 5.52). When it's fiery garuda Phaya and watery naga Tharn experiencing this together, the lighting dances between warm tones (suggesting the flames of the garuda) and cooler blues (suggesting the watery world of the naga).
I think that's why they made such a big deal with the blue and red lighting in this scene:
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Phaya and Tharn have just survived an encounter with an armed and possibly insane killer. The flashing lights (blue for the marine naga, red for the fiery garuda) quite literally signal them recouping their respective beast energies after their near-death experience. (I also like that in the screenshot above, the light on Phaya is blue while the light on Tharn is red – each seems to be reflecting what the other is giving off. 👍)
There are also a few other examples of the naga and garuda dynamics in Episode 4, if we look a bit more closely.
Naga Tharn really had to fight to overcome his aversion to the flames in the abandoned mental facility (the Molotov cocktail is also I think a callback to the naga fireballs of the previous episode); garuda Phaya on the other hand breached the fire without a second thought.
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But in hand-to-hand combat with the masked Molotov man (an agent of the malevolent naga out to get him and Tharn I suppose) Phaya is swiftly overcome – take a look at where they're fighting though (at Ep.4 [3‌/4] 12.25); it's a forest clearing right at the water's edge (with water being the nagas' stronghold, while it seems to weaken garuda Phaya's abilities).
When Phaya insists he and Tharn have dinner, it's at a hot-pot place (a culinary experience of both fire and boiling water at the table, another metaphor for the coming together of the naga and garuda). And the red and blue lighting of the restaurant also pays homage to the mythological pairing:
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When Tharn is cooking breakfast for him and Phaya, it seems the sizzling on the stove is all it takes to remind him of his sex dream with hot-as-fire Phaya (although that is likely an induction hob though, not an open flame 🤣):
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And when offered the breakfast, Phaya lets us know in no uncertain terms he prefers the more liquid option (just as his garuda self has chosen a waterworld naga):
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OK so on to the most direct reference yet to the fantasy world-building in Episode 4 of The Sign – the visitation from the mysterious old woman spouting warnings and exhortations to Tharn and Phaya:
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Her serpent bracelet and subsequent physical transformation show that she is most likely a nagini from Tharn's past life, come to warn the pair that the vengeful naga whom Tharn betrayed previously (see Heng Asavarid's interview spoiler here) is nearby and out to get them (remembering also that at least some of the nagas have the power to shapeshift).
My guess is her golden eyes and general coloration at Ep.4 [1‌/4] 15.40 are signaling that she's Wanwisa, Tharn's sister in his previous life as a naga:
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Going off-tangent just a little, the mysterious gran/golden dragon lady is another example of a wise and mysterious elder popping into a Thai drama to dispense life-saving wisdom.
Not sure if it's enough to be a trope, but The Sign's psychic gran calls to mind a couple of other almost deus-ex-machina plot-helpers:
the loong with the time-portal crystal ball in Be My Favorite; and
the wise monk at the end of Nang Nak (the Sine Inthira version).
There are surely others (but I just can't recall them at the moment). I also can't help but think Uncle Tong in Bad Buddy fits this mold as well, because his wise, unworldly advice helped PatPran re-think and re-chart their lives (except that Director Aof had the good sense not to spring this sage and magical loong on us at the very last minute, and introduced him to us earlier in BBS Ep.6).
Anyway, on to Ep.5 of The Sign. I can't wait to see what's in store, and hope they can get the series back on track! 💖
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coopigeoncoo · 1 year
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{Name: Pigeon} {Pronouns: she/her} {Ao3: CooPigeonCoo} {Original Icon Art by Felicia Chiao}
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Masterlist of published works, organized by series and pairing.
Hazbin Hotel
Multi-Chapter, Works in Progress
[Alastor x Reader]
Meat Cute: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 In which Alastor decides to entangle himself with a butcher, but he may have bitten off more than he can chew. (Female Reader Insert, Dark Romantic Comedy)
My Hero Academia
One Shots
[Hawks x Reader]
The Cardinal Rule: A story where Hawks learns that while humans might be awed by his flying skill, the bird population is decidedly less impressed. (Gender Neutral Reader Insert, Romantic Comedy)
[Shouto x Reader]
The Whole Dang Zoo: In which Shouto learns that all animal-based nicknames are not created equal. (Female Reader Insert, Romantic Comedy, Fluff)
Bottle Episode: A late night meal delivery to Pro Hero Shouto goes terribly wrong, leaving you trapped in a room together with no obvious means of escape. (Gender Neutral Reader Insert, Comedic Drama with a Happy Ending)
[Twice x Reader]
The Space Between Stars: Accidentally interrupting a burglary in process sets off a series of questionable decisions you probably should have thought Twice about. (Gender Neutral Reader Insert, Comedic Meet-Ugly turned Domestic Fluff)
Multi-Chapter, Completed Works
[Shigaraki x Reader]
Hot Dish: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 Down on his luck and scrambling for survival, Shigaraki Tomura was just looking for a place to score a hot meal. Instead, he ended up scoring a hot date. (Female Reader Insert, 18+ Romance)
[Kirishima x Reader]
An Itch to Scratch: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 Kirishima Eijiro is everything you never thought you'd find when you packed up your car and moved to a dilapidated fishing town.  He was handsome, funny, and kind; the sort of man who took your breath away.   And that might actually be a bit of a problem. (Female Reader Insert, 18+ Romance, MerMay)
[Shouto x Reader]
A Persistent Lack of Follow Through: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 Shouto had learned a lot from his Father; how to take a hit, how to pull himself back up, and how to hold a grudge. But one thing Endeavor could never teach his children was how to be a good partner. Shouto had to learn that particular skill the hard way. (Female Reader Insert, 18+, Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Multi-Chapter, Works in Progress
[Eventual Bakugou x Reader]
The 3-Cs of 3-A: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Mineta Minoru is a perverted misogynist whose antics should have had him expelled from UA long ago. But he wasn’t. And now it’s your job to fix him. May God have mercy on your soul. (Female Reader Insert, 18+, Slow Build, Slow Burn, Mineta Redemption)
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I do not give approval for my stories to be posted anywhere than my personal pages on Ao3 and Tumblr. Do not create any translations, videos, or recordings (podfics) of my stories without permission.
And PLEASE, do not feed my work into any AI or computer learning programs.
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mamamittens · 1 year
Spooktober 2023
Here will be the masterlist for the 2023 Spooktober event where I intend to link all the fics I post for it with the requestor tagged so they may find this post easily.
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Please mind the tags on each post and titles may change. (If the summary sounds wrong for your fic, please message me so I may clear up any misunderstanding on my summary list)
(Vampire) Of Noble Blood - @sabo-has-my-heart
Astra never expected to be swept off her feet by a charming man at a Halloween party, but she's not against it either. But Sabo has a secret he's been keeping from her--and it's only a matter of time until someone endangers them both.
(Werewolf) Room for One More+18 - @marco--the--phoenix
Marco and Ace are two lonely werewolves hoping to fill out their alpha/beta/omega trifecta. And they believe they've finally found him, whether he knows it or not. Now it's only a matter of finding out if the transformation blesses them with an omega of their own.
(Siren) High Note of a Punchline - @idiashroudds
Anna had never heard such an enchanting voice. And Buggy had never met anyone who genuinely liked his song.
(Serial Killer) STALKED IN THE WOODS (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!) - @raptures-finest
Andreas, wild at heart, only wanted to explore abandoned places with his friends. But this time, while venturing into the woods to find a forgotten mansion, he seems to have bitten off more than he can chew. And his list of friends shrinks as their corpses start piling up.
The Blair Witch Project (1999) inspired SaboXKoalaXKakuXOC(Andreas!Urban explorer)
(Dullahan) Don't Lose Your Head about It - myself
Thatch supposed he should ease up on the partying if he always ended up lost somewhere away from his body. Though he'd argue that this time, at least, it wasn't his fault. He's been found by a very helpful and lovely lady though, so really, he has no room to complain until that bastard Teach decided to come finish the job. Hopefully he can reunite with his body before it's too late.
(Mob/Gang) High Price for a Date+18 - @spitfire-of-the-sea
Saki's considered a lead in her field of research in the secretive government sector. Classified information is basically all she's handled for well over a year now. But apparently not all of it. Now she's seen something she shouldn't have and has to book it into arguably more dangerous territory. The Whitebeard Gang's territory, to be specific. Where she finds herself in the arms of one of the most dangerous men in the city. Sparks fly and she finds he's more than willing to pay for her safety, in exchange? A date... and maybe something more.
(Kraken) A Great Big Family - myself
There are many dangers at sea. You've known this all your life and had lived to tell the tale. This may be where you meet your match though, as everyone knows how ferocious krakens are. As well as territorial. Now, if only someone told them that they're not supposed to be territorial over people.
You're not dead, but at what cost?
Sweet Child Reader & Kraken!WBP
(Old God) Dreams and Rebirth +18- @bookandyarndragon
She'd dreamed of a song her whole life. Faint and distant, it called to her with such beauty she'd been compelled to follow. But he had been patiently waiting long enough. Now that she was in his grasp, it was time to claim what has always been his, and start his family anew.
Marco!OldGod X F!Reader
(Demons) Prosperity and Sacrifice+18 - @cebwrites
An investigator follows the trail of misfortune and murder across an entire continent. And when they finally reach the end of the trail--they realize this is one mystery that should have gone cold.
Law X OC(Kirin!Demon)
(Ghost) Beetles and Juice, Tricks and Treats - @flamingoblubber
Beetlejuice had gone all out for what was arguably the most important holiday for himself. Thankfully, his sweetie, Jay, is willing to reel him in so he doesn't toe the line too hard or scar the neighborhood for life. He still stands firm that a few sand worms would really liven up the place.
Beetlejuice (1988) X OC(Jay)
(Scarecrow) A Heart Made of Straw - myself
Being a professional scarecrow is honest work. And Nikia has contracted with the Whitebeard farm for a few years now with no complaint. The job would be easier if she wasn't so fond of one of Whitebeard's sons, but it wasn't like she expected anything to come of it. Unfortunately, it appears as though he may be onto her... but she'd quite literally rather die than give herself away. So, who will win this stalemate? An honest country boy or an awkward introverted scarecrow?
(Boogeyman) Nothing to be Afraid of (Every Reason to Run) - myself
You never quite liked the wardrobe your new family got you. For weeks you could have sworn something was watching you from it. Stefan and Kotatsu both raising their hackles anytime it creaks open. But you didn't want to raise a fuss. But maybe you should have--if you had, then you wouldn't have been stolen from your bed in the middle of the night.
It's okay though, Echo says they know the way out.
(How our Seeds Grow) child!reader & OC(Echo)
(Mummy) Piece by Piece, You'll Come Back to Me - @sunken-diver
For thousands of years, Zoro has had an uneasy rest. Cursed to never die for his traitorous desire, he waits. Until one day he is awoken and finds he no longer has to wait to reunite with the object of his desire. They're right here. Ripe for the taking.
Mummy (1999) inspired Ft. Mummy!Zoro and AMAB!GN!Reader.
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daydream-cement · 2 years
The Dinner Party
Larissa Weems x OC (Fern Rogers)
Authors Note: This is inspired by Jaidan's own dinner party with soup and her famous cookies ;) luv ya bb
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“Fern, you need to get changed.” Larissa came rushing in the kitchen, her hands were preoccupied with attaching earrings to her earlobes. You were finishing up preparing dinner, knowing well that guests would be arriving any moment. Larissa and you had been planning this housewarming dinner party for months, yet you were both still running around completing last minute tasks.
“I will. Give me a sec.” You were balancing a hot pan of roast vegetables in one hand while stirring a large pot of soup on the stove.
Her eyes fell on the mess of children's toys that littered the dinner table and living room floor, “I thought you put the baby toys away.”
“I thought you were going to do it. I’m making dinner.” You leave the soup spoon on the edge of the sink and leave the vegetables on pot holders to cool. You heard Larissa mumble something under her breath as you heard the baby toys hitting the bottom of the toy bin. While you both had been excited about the dinner party, it seemed as though you had bitten off more than you could chew with the new house and the new babies.
“What was that?” You try to turn the potential argument into an opportunity to laugh and tease one another, by lifting your tone. Checking on Larissa, you round the corner into the living room to see her wrestling with the lid of the girl’s toy chest, bringing a smirk to your lips.
Larissa decides to leave the toy chest half closed, huffing in frustration as she stands upright. She turned to you and her look of exasperation faded to a fake smile, “I’m just listing all the reasons why I love you.”
“Yeah… Mhmm… Sure…” You nod and give her a grin in response, your hands resting on your hips.
Larissa was shaking her head slowly as she approached you. A deep sigh escaped her as she leaned down into your embrace, she pretended to cry as she spoke, “Is it too late to cancel?”
“Yes. It is too late. Now get in the kitchen and finish up dinner.” You laugh as you give her a quick squeeze, pulling away before she could get too comfortable. Placing your hands on her cheeks, you stare at her, babying her like you do the girls, “I promise you will survive. You are just cranky because you are hungry.”
Larissa rolled her eyes with a huff and pressed her lips to yours, “I hope you are proud of yourself. I may perish.”
“Sounds good, honey. I will give a wonderful eulogy.” Shaking your head, you leave her in the hall by herself, retreating to your bedroom to put on your formal clothes for the dinner party.
When you return to the kitchen, Larissa is snacking on one of the cookies you made, causing you to shoo her from the kitchen, “Get out of my kitchen. You can have a cookie when everyone else gets one.”
“Okay, Diane…” Larissa laughs as she swipes an additional cookie from over your shoulder. You know you are far too short to try and take it back from her, instead you place the lid back on the container of cookies and shove it to the back of the counter where it would be out of sight.
You ignore her addressing you by your mother’s name as she often did when you turned bossy, “Wait by the front door for people to arrive, would you?”
“Anything for you, love of my life.” Larissa is overzealous with her words and the nickname which makes you smile as you check once more over the food preparations.
Many of those who were in attendance were Nevermore colleagues and their spouses. As soon as people began arriving, Larissa's nervousness seemed to cease, feeling more at liberty to chat and enjoy her evening mingling. You stayed more to the kitchen and focused on hostess duties which made you happy in your own way.
Of course, Rowan tended to be the life of the party, enjoying her own series of wisecracks. Everyone seemed to be pleased by the meal you had prepared and Larissa gave you a pleased smirk when she took a cookie off the top of the pile when dessert came around. By the end of the night, you had been relieved of your hostess duties to sit around with all of the attendees and split a couple more bottles of wine. You were sitting in Larissa's lap as you both enjoyed the flowing conversation and booze.
Even after the night ended, you will have one memento from that evening. A picture of you and Larissa laughing together. Her hand was around your waist as you rested in her arms. Rowan's phone captured the pure joy of the moment perfectly.
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echos-girlfriend · 2 years
Congrats on the 100 followers. Big hypes to you friendo <3
I would love to see your take on Wrecker in a medieval AU. Like the mountain but really really sweet....*swoon*
Ooo I’m excited to do this one!
(Messaged me the prompt after they made the request)
6 - “Come with me”
Medieval AU
Master list
Um so this may or may not be heavily inspired by the details in the princess bride 👀 including the fire swamp.. rodents of unusual size, princess kidnappings.. all that wonderful stuff.
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The princess’s favorite pastime was taking a horse ride with the grand knights. They were her best friends .
“Milady, we must be cautious while we are out in the woods. The recent attack on the kingdom has left our security thin”
“I understand captan Rex. I’m not a child. Besides I have all of you to keep me safe”
“You got that right princess!”
Your personal knight, wrecker was the closest to you. You two shared a secret relationship. You gave him a sweet smile and you all continued down the forest path.
Captain Rex raised his hand and all the knights pulled their horses to a stop. He looked around.. Hunter slowly pulled his horse to the captain.
“Captain. I hear horse hooves”
“… we need to get out of here”
“Why what is it?”
“We believe a group of bandits are coming. You’ll be their first target if they see us..”
You nodded and you all brought your horses to a gallop.. but it was too late. The bandits closed in and separated you from the knights.
Wrecker yelled for you but the bandits had already taken you from your horse.
“The Kingdom of Serenno will give us a great fortune if we give them the princess of Kamino..”
“You won’t win… my knights will find you”
“That band of misfits won’t be able to help you this time..”
“Captain Rex is the best leader in the whole kingdom.. hunter can track anyone and anything.. he will find you. Echo and Fives can withstand any storm or force.. and tech is smarter than any philosopher.. Crosshair could shoot you down with an arrow from any distance.. and wrecker can beat you until there’s nothing left of you.”
The bandits gulped.. maybe they had bitten off more than they could chew. An arrow came from no where and it hit a bandit dead between the eyes. His body dropping to the floor.
“The knights are coming!”
The leader grabbed your arm and pulled you to his side. The knights galloped forward and came face to face with the bandits..
“If you come closer I’ll cut her throat..”
“I wouldn’t try that if I were you..”
Rex looked down at you. You knew what to do. Although your father never approved if it, the knights stilled gave you training if your own.
Your fingers quickly reached around your body and into the bandits eyes. Causing him to let go and lash out.
You dropped to the group and all chaos broke loose. The bandits, although they were going to loose, were definitely giving your knights a hard time..
“Princess! Come with me!”
You looked up and saw your wrecker. You ran to his horse and held your hand out. He pulled you up and into the back of his horse.
“Get her out of here wrecker!”
“You got it captain!”
You wrapped your arms around your gentle giant as best you could. You rested your head on his back, hugging him close.
You came to a clearing and the horse stopped.
“Were you scared?”
“I was at first.. but I knew you would find me”
“Of course we would.. I love you..”
“I love you too”
“We need to keep moving.. we’ll go through the dagobah swamps..”
“But wrecker what about the K W S’s..”
“Huh? Oh the Knobby White Spiders.. I think it’ll be fine”
(If anyone wants to request a pt 2 go right ahead I really enjoyed writing this!)
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destiny-fics · 2 years
Mixtape #3
[Seo Changbin x Fem!reader]
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Genre: smut, fluff, angst, college!au
Pairing: Seo Changbin x Reader
Summary: There was something up with Chan lately and you were determined to find out what it was. But between that, finding your mixtape maker and whatever the fuck Changbin's got going on these days? You might have bitten off more than you can chew.
But you may also be closer to uncovering the truth than you anticipated.
Warnings: Fighting, kind of angsty, both Changbin and y/n are dumb
General Taglist:@hiseu @yeosayang @avyskai @whatudowhennooneseesyou @foxdaisy @lickslixie @maskedmochiii
Series Taglist: @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @brit97 @bbyboychanyeol @i-say-choco-you-say-ice-cream @snapcracklen @nightmarej1n @shadycheesecaketrash
Part of the Mixtape Series
Series Masterlist
Something was up with Bang Chan.
You couldn’t quite place your finger on when exactly it had started, or what exactly it was, but he had been acting incredibly strange. So strange that it had sparked a deep curiosity inside of you and you were determined to get to the bottom of it.
He jumped when you placed your textbooks down on the table he was sitting at, sliding into the seat across from him. Chan looked up from where he had been typing away on his laptop to raise an eyebrow at you, not unfriendly, just confused.
“Hey,” you responded quickly, placing your chin on your hands as you watched Chan. He looked even more uncomfortable now, wilting a little underneath your gaze.
“What’s up?” He sounded unsure as to whether or not he wanted to know what exactly was up with you and you tried to soften your gaze a bit, not wanting him to run away before you could get to the bottom of what exactly was up with him. While you and Chan had never been incredibly close, he was Changbin’s friend and therefore by extension yours too.
“Nothing much, usual secret mixtape stuff,” you hummed, quirking an eyebrow in interest as Chan’s jaw clenched upon your mention of the mixtape. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing…just coursework, trying to finish up this album with Jisung and Changbin.” You nodded slowly, leaning forward in your seat. You could see Chan swallow hard and it made you grin a little bit. “Why do you ask?” his voice was a bit thin and you sat back in your chair shrugging.
“Mm, just curious. You’ve been acting a bit…weird lately.”
Chan laughed the way he did when he was uncomfortable “Oh? How so?”
“You’ve just been off, ever since the night I showed you and Jisung the mixtape. I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me.”
“Y/n,” Chan sighed, rubbing his eyebrow. “I’m just stressed with all this work I have to do, it has nothing to do with the mixtape or you.”
You nodded slowly. Chan could tell that you didn’t believe him and it made him sigh again, grabbing his stuff “I’ve gotta go, but I’ll talk to you later yeah?” You nodded, eyes still narrowed at him and Chan pushed his not touched muffin towards you, encouraging you to eat it, before he took off. You glared at where he had left for a while as you picked at the muffin Chan had left. There was something he wasn’t telling you and you needed to find out what it was.
You had to admit, Changbin suggesting that the mixtape had been made for you, really threw you for a loop. It was one thing when you were just helping someone else confess to the object of their affections, but it was another thing now that you were the object of their affections. But it made the most sense, every song was connected to you in some way. The 3racha songs, your go to karaoke song, even the fact that the tape was tucked into your favourite book in the library. Everything pointed to you and as much as you wanted to deny it , you really couldn’t. What you still hadn’t cracked though? Who even sent the tape in the first place? There was one possibility, one person who you really wanted to have sent it, but that was wishful thinking. Changbin had absolutely no idea about the tape and, unless he was an incredible actor (which you doubted, you’d seen him try to reenact drama scenes before), you knew he had nothing to do with it.
After Changbin had left your apartment to go work out with Chan and Jisung, you pulled up your laptop and the mixtape’s song list. You only had a few songs to go, each one you had already found crossed out with a black line. Humming softly to yourself, you typed the next song into your laptop’s search bar, gasping when you read the name of the singer.
“Oh my god…” your cursor hovered over the play button, eyes fixated on the bold ‘CB97,’ written underneath the title of the song. No, this couldn’t be correct. No way was this song Chan’s. “Maybe there’s multiple CB97’s,” you hummed, knowing that you didn’t even believe yourself. You tensed up as the first few notes of the song began and then Chan’s voice was filling your ears. “No…” you whispered, putting your head in your hands as everything began to click into place. For every song which had been on the mixtape so far, Chan had been there. He had been there during 3racha’s first showcase, he had been there everytime you and Jisung had broken out the karaoke machine and he knew exactly your favourite book and had often visited you with Changbin and Jisung to your favourite spot in the library. It all made sense. He was there. He had always been there. You laughed a little bit, looking up at your ceiling “Christopher Bang I knew something was up with you, but this? Wow.”
Texting Changbin had been the only next logical step right? Sure you just saw him but this was incredibly important.
Me: Bin. I found another one of the songs. I think you were right, it is for me. And I think I know who it’s from
You sighed softly, taking your headphones as the final notes of Chan’s song rang out. Cursing under your breath, you sighed again when a text from Changbin came through.
Binnie: really? You want to come over?
You immediately went to type out a reply, but stopped just before hitting the send button. Did you want to go over to Changbin’s place? It was highly likely that both Chan and Jisung would be there, and to be truthful, you didn’t know if you could handle that.
Me: Nah, don’t want to interrupt your 3racha time, I’ll see you tomorrow xx
“I know who it is!”
“Who what is?” Changbin hummed, looking at you over the screen of his laptop. You placed a coffee down in front of him before sitting across from him and taking a sip of your own drink. It was way too sweet, but that was exactly how you liked it, no matter how much Changbin said he couldn’t understand how you drank it when it was that sweet.
"The mysterious mixtape person…” You said it like it was obvious, even pausing for effect. “it’s Chan.”
“Chan? As in Bang Chan? As in Christopher? As in one of my best friends?”
“How many other Chans do we know Bin?”
Changbin sighed, rubbing his eyebrow. “I mean I guess it does make sense.” Doesn’t mean he was happy about it though.
You, however, had seemed to become at peace with it overnight, actually not minding the fact that it was Chan who had made the mixtape for you. Sure, Changbin was your first choice, but Chan was sweet, he was beautiful and he made you feel incredibly safe, just as all of Changbin’s friends did.
“Okay,” Changbin closed the lid of his laptop and took a sip of his coffee, scrunching up his nose at the taste. “So how exactly did you come to that conclusion?”
“Well, haven’t you noticed he’s been acting weird lately?”
“I mean he’s Chan…so yeah? Is weird not kind of his default?”
“Well yeah but like weirder than usual? Anyway, I was concerned so I went to check up on him.”
“Oh my God, please tell me you didn’t.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, taking another sip of your coffee “What’s that supposed to mean? Anyway, I was just trying to see if something was up with him, but he just said it was coursework and album stuff with you guys that had been stressing him out.”
“So you didn’t believe him.”
“Of course I didn’t believe him,” You agreed. “He was just being too weird and so…tense, like he knew something about me and was trying to hide it. But he left before I could get to the bottom of it. Then, after you left my place yesterday I was doing some more digging for the next song and I found it…it’s by Chan.”
Changbin nodded slowly, “Okay, but that could be coincidental. I mean, wasn’t the first song one of ours too?”
“Well, yeah…but doesn’t it make sense? You said it yourself you think the tape was made for me and every single song has had something to do with me. And Chan was there for all of it.”
“But then by that logic it could also have been me or Jisung who made that tape. We were there for all of that stuff too,” Changbin was beginning to sound defensive and you couldn’t understand why.
“Well yeah, but it wasn’t you or Jisung.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because it wasn’t?” You sighed, rubbing your eyebrow. “I just don’t understand why you’re so against this.”
“I just don’t think Chan is good for you,” He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.
You scoffed “Really? You trust Chan with your life, Binnie.”
“Yeah well, I don’t trust him with you.”
“You are being ridiculous Changbin,” you snapped, Changbin looking upset at your use of his full name instead of ‘Binnie.’ “Why are you being like this?"
"Why am I being like this? Why are you being like this? Y/n you've jumped on this whole Chan being you mixtape maker way too fast."
"Why do you care?" You were standing now, ready to leave and voice raised. "You're not my boyfriend Changbin."
Changbin snorted, the reminder painful "Yeah, you've made that clear."
You scoffed, shaking your head "Maybe I shouldn't have told you about the mixtape in the first place." You turned on your heel and exited that Cafe, throat tight and tears pricking the corners of your eyes. You didn't notice someone coming towards you until you collided with their very solid chest.
"Woah…hey y/n," Chan's voice made your tears leak from your eyes. His gaze softened from his usual friendly grin and he wiped your cheeks with his thumb. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing," you waved him off "fought with Binnie, it's," you sniffled "it's fine."
Chan shook his head and wrapped an arm around your shoulder "no, it's not. Come on, I'll walk you home and then knock some sense into Changbin."
You nodded, sniffling quietly and let Chan walk you home. As you did, you didn't see Changbin watching the two of you, cheeks dotted with angry tears.
You also didn't see the letter he had been writing when you had come over to him in the shop. He sighed, wiping his eyes before signing it, the scrawled writing of 'your mixtape maker,' almost taunting him. No matter how much he was yours, you'd never be his.
You had made that much obvious.
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harttiklr · 2 years
Oh Lord, what have I gotten myself into? 😆May have bitten off more than I can chew “fixing” the American Gigolo series ending.
I’ve tabled a concurrent story and I’m working on this one now. Like all my works, it’s a slow burn, not a one off. Lots I want to address, but I started today. #justiceforjulian yes?
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The hint of the beginning. Just written up today, so I’m sure I’ll be polishing it a bit more.
Chapter 1 - Circle Back Around
Julian stepped out into the warm, muggy night. It was late, or maybe early. Either way it was past midnight tonight. It had been a long evening for him, but it wasn't something to complain about. A long, leisurely dinner at an elegant, and extremely exclusive restaurant, followed by a few drinks in an elite members only establishment. It was all work, but this wasn't difficult for Julian. In fact, it was well established, in certain discreet circles, that he was extraordinarily proficient at what he did. Which is to say, he provided women of means with the service of his company for an evening. This was accomplished in any number of ways and avenues according to the needs and desires of his clients. His talent and skill lay in the obvious traits: physical touch, sometimes sexual intimacy, courtesy, politeness, refinement. Less obvious were his ability to engage in actively listening, empathizing, offering advice, and simply being a comforting presence and confidant. The real skill, however, lay in reading each situation and individual accurately to determine how best to approach them and serve the need most required with them. This is what made Julian stand apart. Any common prostitute could offer their body for copulation. The best escorts in the business had the uncanny ability to excel at the more subtle nature of the game; the deep traits. It was inherently more advantageous to be a woman in this regard, as their nature dictated a natural inclination to these skills, but Julian had honed them all his life, every since he'd been a teenager, through his careful tutelage by his madame, Olga. He was well versed in how to utilize those subtle traits for maximum effect with his clients, and they were all quite satisfied with his proficiency. The client he'd been escorting tonight expressed as much, telling him that she was glad to have seen him again. She was a recurring client and one he'd actually known through word of mouth. He'd gotten in touch with a client from many, many years ago, who hadn't been in need of his attentions anymore, but she had, in turn, recommended him to others and his skills were put to use.
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persephonaae · 2 years
As I stand here looking at the fabric I have for Ranni, I’m faced with two thoughts. 1) I may have bitten off more than I can chew and 2) Time to die when I wear this in late May in California
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eclipseheaven · 1 year
Hello, hope u r doing well?I am h( 10/12/82). I want to know if friendship with M( 7/16/80) willthrive? Will it get stronger . We were best friends and things are just not feeling right lately. Thank you
right now m is going through a tough time, i can feel lots of helplessness and an overall lack of faith from them. dont stress yourself out over thinking you did something wrong, they're not upset with you, they're just going through a rough patch. there may be outbursts or arguments coming from them but try your best to be patient. treat your friendship the same way you have in the past, beacuse right now they need consistancy in their life. offer them help if you can, try to lighten their load, they've bitten off more than they can chew
thank you for supporting my blog h! goodluck and feel free to message me if you need any more advice :)
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