#i make some good icons
spiderrverse · 1 year
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Hobie Brown icons 💥
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samstarium · 10 months
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nb crowley icon fest! all art is from hg-aneh (3/?)
transparents under the cut
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
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hey guys look what i found in my drafts. from a few days ago .
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And remember kids, the next time someone tells you, "George R. R. Martin wouldn't make Jon Snow the typical fantasy hero because that's cliche".....
Oh yes he would!
One viewer wants to know what character would you play (on the show)? GRRM: If I could magically clap my hands and become a different person, it would be cool to play Jon Snow who's much more of the classic hero. Everybody wants to be the classic hero! ABC Interview, 2014
GRRM: And the character I’d want to be? Well who wouldn’t want to be Jon Snow — the brooding, Byronic, romantic hero whom all the girls love. Meduza Interview, 2017
In fact he already has ☺️
#asoiaf#jon snow#yes grrm has criticized neo-tolkein fantasy - a lot!#but like....dpmo#I need so many people in this godforsaken fandom to familiarize themselves with grrm's engagement with the genre#he isn't trying to say “chosen one boy protagonist bad” where tf did people get that???#he's directly trying to challenge the more unsatisfactory elements of lesser copies of tolkien's legendarium#the ones that lift lotr wholesale without actually understanding what makes tolkien's writing snap#at the same time he has admitted himself that he has borrowed from lotr albeit with his own twists#but people in this fandom need to know that ye old man LOVES sword-and-sorcery fantasy#he LOVES a good epic#he LOVES pulp fantasy and sci fi#and those inspirations are directly reflected in asoiaf#the way he's named arthuriana/lotr/MST and many pulp stories with brooding dark heroes as key inspirations#almost all of which have mcs who fall into the typical fantasy hero role#and they inspire elements that are reflected back onto jon more than anyone else in asoiaf#like seoman snowlock = jon (+bran)#frodo - who btw is the mc in lotr not aragorn!! = jon (and bran)#FUCKING KING ARTHUR IS JON SO MUCH SO THAT RLJ IS LITERALLY A 1:1 COPY OF ARTHUR'S BIRTH STORY LIKE??!!!!#anyone who's even a little bit familiar with le morte d'arthur will be like oh yeah jon is literally king arthur like 😭😭#same with anyone who's ready the once and future king - which grrm has directly identified as his fav take on arthurian lit#ntm that jon is based on some of the most prolific characters in arthuriana - percival/galahad/lancelot etc#did you know that there's an iconic sci-fi series whose main character is called Eric JOHN STARK?#well grrm has directly quoted that series and the mc as a foundational book in his life#funny that huh? 🙂#do people even know what tf they're talking about when they say stuff like this???? ajdhhjshsbvshja#grrm engages very heavily with traditional fantasy tropes but he of course provides his own spin on them#never has he said that he's trying to avoid stories with hidden princes or chosen ones as boy protagonists#like someone find me a direct quote of him saying that - but I bet you can't smh
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sergle · 1 year
I was digging up my old pixel art bc my friend was asking me abt game assets and wanted examples of stuff I made-- and man I kinda miss it!! tbh! I should do pixel art again on occasion. like tell me these aren’t still kinda cute
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simptasia · 11 days
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LOST: Season One
#lost#abc lost#lost one cap per ep#this was a project i was gonna do anyways but the timing worked out that i could post the first one on the 20th anniversary!#this is one cap per ep every season. from left to right. and this is important: its not a cap that sums up each ep#its a cap that REPRESENTS each ep. the way i choose them varies every episode#sometimes its an utterly iconic moment. sometimes it reps the theme of the ep. or it hits with a theme of the character themselves#sometimes the cap i use won't even involve the character whose centric episode it is. trust me. this makes sense#anyways i'll give a good example: for outlaws i was so tempted to use a shot of the judgemental soulful gaze of the boar#or perhaps sawyer in the rain after he shot that man#but! i used that shot of sawyer's dads legs as sawyer is hiding under the bed. i feel it worthy because this moment. this scene#is literally a core part of sawyer. it's a defining moment of his backstory. of his character. so yeah. makes sense yeah?#anyways some eps had Too Much going on (lord i could make one of these for exodus part 1 alone) and some not enough#or well they DID but like lacked in caps that Hit in the way im thinking. thank heavens charlie shot ethan cuz i was worried about that ep#i was like ''aw shit what am i gonna use'' and then an iconic lost moment happened kjhfdsjkhfd#anyways. there are 25 eps in season one. so im really glad that the last ep contains one of the moment iconic visuals/moments in all of los#oh i should add that these caps are unedited. i did not fuck with the colours or saturation in any way#i found 'em and i pieced them together. this is harder than it sounds. i browsed through all the screencaps of every ep of season one#and i will do so the remaining five seasons#some of these were super easy like i knew what cap i'd be using before i even started (eg. do no harm. the moth. in translation)#but some took some real Thinking. and some eps even had several caps that would have worked. this has all been quite interesting#also yeah. y'all already know damn well what cap i'm using for the very last episode
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stopthefeeling · 7 months
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This marriage was meant to be
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sirtadcooper · 11 months
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Izzy, you can't go. You can't leave me.
I wanna go.
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girlboyburger · 6 months
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wish i had a consistent character to show for this, but since i don't i just used icons :0]
blank template for those that want it under the cut
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akimojo · 7 months
i just saw someone call ffxiii overrated like? what?? it's literally one of the most hated games in the franchise wym "overrated" 😭
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front-facing-pokemon · 8 months
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Blorbo's Eepiest Soldier
Thank you everyone for your kind words, I'm doing better and am back to it <3
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riverkingmarley · 3 months
Something that blows my mind about worm is how long the fight scenes are. Like we all know how wild it was when arc 8 is just one long fight scene, but it gets way crazier than that.
When I got to the S9000 around arc 23 I thought “that’s weird, doesn’t the ending come right after this?” And then the ending started right after that.
The ending of worm is essentially one action scene with some smaller action scenes in the middle of it and some brief breathers and it’s basically arc 25-30. That’s insane. Imagine pitching worm “it’s 30 arcs long and the last 1/6th of it is just the final battle”. It’s unbelievable.
But more shocking is that it works. The ending is so good. The timeskip almost ruins worm with how it kills the pacing and how the emotional beats (the wards feeling rejected by Taylor, Taylor reuniting with the undersiders, Taylor failing to stop Jack after two years of continuous effort, etc…) don’t land very hard. But the ending is long enough and all the crazy stuff they manage to squeeze into it manages to catch the reader up to the emotional level that the characters are operating on. And it all leads into Taylor’s insane final play that the book has been leading up. Both in the sense that it’s an escalation of the violence that she started in order to stop lung on her first night and in how the trauma she’s experiencing in failing forces mental state into feeing like she has to pull something off to make up for it, tying together the last sections of her character arc right at the end. It’s so crazy good.
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
Pictures that fuel the 007 vettonso au that exists in my head(for now)
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Also go listen to "You Know My Name", and think of Vettonso while doing so because I think it is SOOOOOO them coded(but also f1 in general tbh.) And also if you've seen Casino Royale, hey, remember that chair scene? >:)
#anwyays some thoughts on the au:#thinking that seb is Bond of course and Nando is a former 00 agent whos gone rogue 🤭#(<- so basically like Raoul Silva lol)#(also my god basically im weirdly obsessed w the daniel craig bond movies(mostly casino royale) +#(+ bcs my brother and i watched all of them in two days last Christmas so theyre just forever embedded in my consciousness ig)#(SO PLEASE BEAR WITH ME YKNOW)#tbf the only reason this au is just in my head is bcs it would require me to draw them more masc handsme#bcs bond is not a twink(😔) and im not good at drawing men like that so UGH#mayne one day itll make its way into art. would you guys be satisifed w chibis? 🥺#i wanna recreate one of those iconic movie poster poses or smth but yeah not my forte ig#but if i was drawinf LESBIAN james bond id be on it instantly(one day. one day...)#<- speaking of that. fucking hilarious how i can only draw fem men and masc women. duality!!!#but gaahhhh yeah this au is sponsored by eternal casino royale brainrot#just imagining vettonso playing cat and mouse is so !!!!!#also side note. all these pics are from various fia galas. waahhhh wouldnt that be an interesting setting for a bond film#i bet bond would like f1 🤭🤭 fast cars!!#also bond au btw literally originally just comes from the fact that they both race for Aston...its just so fitting#the fact that seb actually named his amr21 after a bond girl!!#well dw bcs Fernando in this can be both his bond villain and his bond girl. dualityq#fernando is an mi6 agent(0014) who seb looks up to but he defects and turns evil bcs seb gets promoted above him#as grace said when i told her this: seb would be a great Bond with his cockiness and jokes and confidence etc etc#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#vettonso#catie.rambling.txt
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I wanna know if any of my non jjba followers (of which I have like 3) have learned anything about the characters through my stupid text posts,
ALSO please send in asks/requests for characters/ships/parts please I’m begging you
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