#but maybe i just havent heard the right specific voice clips that make people think its a good choice i dont know .
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sonknuxadow · 1 year ago
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hey guys look what i found in my drafts. from a few days ago .
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pinkykitten · 5 years ago
The time in Summervale: 2
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Warning: none
Specifics: y/n=your name, oc, oc fic, comedy, fluff, angst 
People: athela (your mother), edward (your father), ruthy (maid), jakob (duke of linwyn), christopher (prince of linwyn)
Words: 3,560
Summary: In the fictional land of Summervale, 1700, you, the Duchess are made into an arranged marriage.This is the dream of your parents but certainty not the dream of a longing inventor like yourself. You are taught to be a lady but who wants to be a  primp and proper lady when you can have fun and be yourself. You need to try to convince your parents this is not what you want or is it? How will it be seeing the Prince of Linwyn? Will you finally change your mind and side with your parents?
Authors Note: sorry if i havent posted in a while or posted this in a while ive just been very busy but im glad i found the time to write this cuz this is like my bby. i worked hard on this idea and the writing. i love how this is going the pace and everything lol this reminds me of the choice game. i hope u guys like this and im sorry if this sucks as always i got my inspiration from this story “the austrian suitor” by @headoverhiddles​​
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“Come again I think I misheard you.” You gulped as you wish this was a nightmare and soon you would wake up. 
“I think you heard me right. Today you are meeting your future husband. Prince Jakob, Duke of Linwyn. You met him before.”
“When? Wait that doesn’t even matter-”
“When you were about six years of age. I understand that was when you were a very young girl but you and him played for ages and you both looked so lovely together. This has been my dream ever since that day.”
“It may be your dream but not mine,” you muttered under your breath. 
“Oh well please do speak up y/n you know I hate the mumbling.”
“I don’t even remember him! You never even asked me if this is what I wanted. Never got my input on the matter.”
“That is where you are wrong. I did too ask you. A few months ago during dinner I had asked you about him and you seemed to agree to the marriage.”
“Blast my stupid mind. Why must I always day dream?” You probably were thinking about inventions at the time of this conversation and did not remember it. 
“Besides it is not your decision whether you marry or not and to whom you marry. It is your parents. That is how me and your father came together. It was an arranged marriage but as you can see me and your father are very happy and we love each other.”
“You two were the lucky ones. I know how this ends mother, and it is heart ache and despair. It is pain and sorrow. To put two people together that know nothing about each other is wrong. It will end in failure.”
“That is why your job as a woman and future wife is to make sure this marriage stays in place and lasts. You do what it takes.”
“So if this marriage fails it is my fault? And the whole world sees it that way?” You were flabbergasted to hear such horrid rules as a woman in royalty. 
“Please sit my dear.” You did as your mother said and sat back in your vanity chair. “I know you are frightened as I was too but when you meet him you are going to never be apart. He is a good man and I know he is going to love you unconditionally.”
You felt like weeping right there. You didn’t want a husband. Maybe later but not in the prime of your life. You were still deciding on what purpose do you have in this life. It was too much. Your lips quivered, “mother I don’t want to get married. I do not know this person can’t you understand my side and let me choose who I want. Can’t you wait and let it be my decision. Please.”
Athela kissed your cheek, “I’m sorry but what’s done cannot be undone. He will be here any minute so please get ready. Ruthy make sure you cover those scars on her face, they are very ugly. Y/n, why have you not been using the creams I have given you?”
A tear fell down your cheek, you felt miserable. “I am not sure mother.” Your voice came out almost like a whisper. 
“Well make sure you use it 3 times a day now that Prince Jakob is coming, we do not want him running away now.” She chuckled as she left your room. 
You were used to this treatment and feeling unloved. You kept things bottled up inside never letting it spill. Your emotions were always hidden. You built a dam for your tears. 
“My apologies your grace,” Ruthy said. 
“I tried my hardest and did not succeed. That will forever be my greatest regret.” You stared at your reflection, hating what you saw. You were starting to feel disgust when you looked at your scars and bumps that littered your face. Not only that but you were hating what you were. You were being forced into something you did not want to do. You were letting yourself be dragged into this mess and you didn’t even put up a fight. This is your life, you were going to be stuck with a stranger for the rest of your life and there was nothing you could do. You - like many other times - hated your name and the royalty and wished it would all disappear. 
“Why don’t I run you a bath? Maybe that will relax you a little,” Ruthy suggested. 
As she was finished with that you got undressed and stepped inside. Goosebumps ghosted up your thighs, your stomach, breasts and arms. Even though you did enjoy a good bath it still didn’t make things any better. You sank yourself into the water, forgetting - just for a second - about all your worries. Ruthy washed out your hair and assisted you in getting dried. Again you sat on the vanity chair and Ruthy put powder all over your face adding extra to make sure everything was covered like your mother said. Your skin looked flawless and although you wished you looked like that it was not the truth. 
“Now what to do with this hair?” Ruthy thought for a moment then snapped her fingers. “I have just the thing.” She brought back a diamond clip to scrunch up your hair. She put your hair up. Trying to cover the fact that a piece of your hair was shorter than the rest. “There we go. Good as new.”
“It looks beautiful Ruthy. Thank you.” You had wished Ruthy was doing your hair for maybe a cake ball or a convention about flowers but instead this was for meeting your future husband. 
“Now, this is the dress her royal highness wanted you to wear.” Ruthy picked up a voluptuous dress that laid on your bed. It was silky and the color of baby pink. To your mother it was angelic, to you it was ghastly. 
“Oh dear what an ugly looking dress.”
“Your Grace, maybe you should give it a try. Everything on you looks beautiful even if it is ugly.”
“Thank you Ruthy, you always know what to say about a terrible situation.” With the help of Ruthy you managed to slip the dress on. Everything was tight and in place. It looked as if you were to be married today. 
You heard trotting of a horse and carriage nearby and you looked out your window. “Here they are.” You said in a monotone voice not even a little excited about your demise. 
“Oh alright now remember your Grace to stand straight with your head held high! This is your moment to shine. You are going to remember this for the rest of your days!” Ruthy panicked but you can tell she was ecstatic for you. It seemed like this was for her rather than you. “Let us go!” 
Ruthy walked out the room in a haste while you paused to take a look at your mixer on your desk. “You could of been my ticket out...” 
“Y/n! Y/n! Where are you?” Edward, your father called out. His head looking every which way. 
“I’m here father.” You walked behind Ruthy to finally greet your parents after the morning fiasco. 
“Look at you my dear angel. How is your hair?”
“Well the mixer took one piece away but the rest is there.”
“Oh look at her Edward doesn’t she just look like a gem,” your mother gasped in awe. “I knew this dress would be perfect for this occasion.”
“I am very happy you all are having fun,” you said sarcastically.
“Aw cheer up dear,” Edward rubbed your cheek. “I hear this lad is very smart and a charmer. All the ladies fall for him.”
You rolled your eyes as the servants opened the door to your residence. It moved slowly because of its length. It was an enormous door that when closed sounded like thunder. It was a cream color with gold engraved in it. The large door opened and your parents walked with you in the middle. 
“Smile or else,” Athela gritted through her teeth. She along with your father wore big smiles. You faked yours. Seeing the norm in this facade. 
You all stood by the carriage awaiting. 
“Are they ever going to come out?” You whispered in turn getting a slap on your arm from your mother. 
The valet hopped out of the carriage and held onto the door but first he had to announce them. “Prince Jakob, Duke of Linwyn.” The valet opened the door and out came a tall, young man with brown hair. He came out of the carriage, buttoned his coat and looked up into your eyes. His eyes were light and looked so young and full of life. His lips were full as they formed into a smile. He had these boyish charms and a look of innocence yet sexuality. He was handsome! You were a bit taken back.
“See I told you he was cute,” Athela chuckled. 
“Christopher Friss, Prince of Linwyn.”
“His father? I did not know his father was coming here too.” 
“Of course. He needs to see if you are a good match for his son. Besides we have been friends with him forever.” Athela nodded her head forward. 
Out came this taller man that was thicker in size. His hand that grasped onto the size of the carriage was big and had veins that were visible from working hard. His clothing style was impeccable. His hair was a light blonde but also with a hint of salt and pepper colors, slicked back and in a pony tail. His neck was thick like bark and his face was obviously older than his son. His strong, brown eyes looked at you and you were blown away. You could barely breathe and you didn’t know if this was from your corset or how he was looking at you. Your eyes widened and your lips were parted. You were bashful at seeing how handsome this man was. In that moment you wondered what his lips would feel like since you never kissed any one before. You were so innocent compared to him. He looked like he had been through war, he’s been through life, through the challenges. His tall body loomed over his son and the rest. You pushed back your hair as it became very hot in that moment. The Prince smiled as well. It was like floating on a cloud but then reality was setting in and you hated this moment. Your smile died and became a frown. In no way did you want this!
“Welcome, welcome old friends! You remember me and my wife?” Edward pointed to his wife. Jakob and Christopher greeted Athela. “And here is my daughter, Princess y/n, Duchess of Summervale.”
You took a step forward. “Hello your Grace, your Royal Highness. Please forgive me that I do not remember a lot of you two, but I hope we can make fond memories here.”
Jakob took a bow and kissed your hand, “pleasure to meet you after so long.”
Next came Christopher, the father. He was a tower compared to you. You had to look up to meet his eyes. Christopher took a bow and kissed your hand. It sent sparks coursing through your veins. He looked like a beast amongst you. You on the other hand looked like a little, fragile bird. You curtsied. “My, you have grown y/n.”
“Hopefully better but who knows,” you giggled at your own joke knowing you were much more prettier in the youth than now. 
Christopher smiled, “you have grown into a beautiful young lady. Thank you for letting us into your home.”
You bit your lip as your eyes met the floor, too shy to greet his. He noticed this and his smile grew wider to something sincere.
“It is a great honor to have you here, Sir,” your voice sounded like a song to Christopher’s ears. A spark was sent off within him as well hearing you call him sir. It was your duty and his title but coming from you meant more to him. The time away from your mother and father was getting to become too long and the quiet seconds went away silent and very awkward. 
“Y/n?” Your mother, Athela, called. 
“Yes mother,” you twirled back to your place beside your two strict parents. 
“Sweetheart,” Athela’s eyes kept going back and forth between Christopher’s, Jakob’s, and Edward’s. “Address our guests.”
Your father, Edward, grumbled, “yes, yes, yes. Please let us have lunch in the dining room.”
“We would gladly love that,” Jakob grinned whilst looking at you. 
Athela made you stand by Jakob so you two lingered behind the group while the ‘adults’ talked. 
“My, it really is a great pleasure to meet you after all these years.”
“Please Jakob my name is not my its y/n. Do remember who you are going to have lunch with,” you joked. Sending him into a fit of laughter.
“You have not changed one bit.”
“Sh*t! Do I still look like a 5 year old?”
Jakob’s eyes widened with you cursing. It was not in a duchess nature to curse. 
“Please do not tell my mother, she would practically kill me.”
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
What you didn’t notice though was the way Christopher lit up with hearing you curse. 
“I’m glad we have many days to be together. I want to know all about you.” Jakob played nervously with his fingers. 
“I do not think so.”
“Of course I do. I want to know your hobbies. What makes you smile? What’s your favorite book? I want to know everything about you, I mean you are to be my wife. We should know our deepest, darkest secrets.”
“Oh dear you are not going to be amused with my answers. I am really normal and plain once you scrub off the whole duchess thing.” You passed the huge statue of your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather, phew. Passed the many, wide stairs that led to all the different types of rooms. Passed by the ginormous chandelier that looked like you grasped onto stars from the sky and planted them in your house. And walked onto the soft, dark red carpet leading into the dining room. 
Jakob sat beside you while Christopher sat in front of you and your mother sat beside you while your father sat beside Christopher. He gave you a half smile as you sat. You were too busy looking at his perfect, handsome complexion you knocked the cup of water that was left for you. The coldness dripped down your dress and soaked it. You tried your napkin but it was soaked as well. Athela rolled her eyes at your clumsiness. You were terribly embarrassed! 
“Here let me help you with that,” Jakob picked up your drenched napkin and started dabbing away at your dress. No one has touched you there before. Your face was becoming hot. You looked to see Christopher walking to the situation, angrily snatching the wet napkin from his son and giving you his dry, napkin. 
“What was that about? I was only trying to help.” 
Christopher glared at his son and with a low voice said, “you don’t ever touch her like that without her permission. She is a lady, you show her respect.”
You kept quiet and pretended you didn’t hear a thing. “Thank you,” you whispered to both men. Christopher handed you sweetly his cup of water. 
“I am very sorry, your Royal Highness.” Edward said. “My daughter is very clumsy. Why this morning she was trying to-”
“Bread!” You yelled. 
Everyone looked at you oddly but you were trying to dodge the morning fiasco. 
People were eating, talking, getting down to business but all you wanted to do was think of a new invention. There has to be something out there that you could invent that could change someone’s life. 
“Sweetheart, sweetheart,” Athela snapped her fingers to disrupt your day dreaming. “Tell them that one time you matched your best friend and that handsome very tall prince together. You were a match maker.”
“That was only one time mother. They were all over each other even before I suggested the thought of them being together.”
“But you still purposed it. Our daughter loves that stuff. Loves love and romance and marriage.”
You felt like shouting and disagreeing with your mother but what was done was done. You didn’t understand love since you didn’t truly feel it and you for one did not want to get married. 
“Don’t you dear?”
You nodded as you played with your food. 
“Tell them what you like, my love,” Athela tapped your shoulder. 
With excitement running through your veins you almost squealed at that question, “oh where do I start! I love inven-”
Athela stomped on your toes and frowned at you. She hated when you talked about your love for inventing. She thought it was a waste of time and very unattractive. 
Christopher looked worried as he knitted his brows. 
“I love...makeup and beauty. My hobbies are shopping and buying,” you said with a drag. 
“Oh my dear y/n you are just a doll,” Athela tapped your chin to sit up straight so as not to have a double chin. 
“Jakob why don’t you tell duchess y/n about your love for traveling?” Christopher said while dabbing his mouth. 
Jakob sipped his tea, “yes, indeed. My hobbies are traveling. I love going to different places, its like going to new worlds. Its so unique and inspiring others cultures.”
Your eyes lit up hearing his adventurous life style, wishing it was you. “Really? I never knew this. Where have you been?”
“I’ve been to Africa, China and many more. Every place I’ve been to has been so beautiful.”
“Wow.” You leaned your head against your palm. “What a life. I wish I could go.”
“Oh don’t be silly dear those places are so far away from here why would you want to leave?” Your mother wiped her mouth like a lady. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you one day,” Jakob whispered as he winked. 
“And what about you, Sir. What do you like to do?” You raised your brow, asking Christopher.  
“Me? I did not know you would be interested to know about an old man like me.”
“I want to know the most about both of you. You are our guest.” 
“Well I enjoy books. I have a whole collection of books in my library.”
“Wait? You have a library? How big?” You were like a child in a candy shop. 
“Bigger than a ship,” Christopher motioned closer to you. 
“Oh my. Who is your favorite author?”
“Terry P. Whilliams, he wrote-”
“The Way of the World. I enjoyed the book so much and he is one of my favorite authors. He is just so-”
“And very truthful.” You clutched your dress. 
“He wrote that passage that said how the sun and moon cannot live without each other. Without the sun there is no light, no morning. Without the moon there is no darkness, no night. He compared humans to that. Humans cannot live without each other. Humans love.”
You held your breath. Yes you read the passage but hearing it come out of his mouth made it so much more dramatic and moving. “Yes, I do remember that.”
Jakob scoffed, “boring! Sorry my father is such a bore.”
“Oh no he is very not that. I am a reader as well. I love reading about everything.”
“Remember what I told you,” Athela gritted through her teeth. 
Christopher saw that and saw how sad your whole demeanor became. Your smile faded as well as your enthusiasm and you pardoned yourself quietly.
“I am excited for today’s masquerade ball. I haven’t been to one in a while and I feel as if I do need to let off some steam and enjoy the ambiance of,” Jakob inhaled, “my people.”
He was a party animal. Liked the setting, drinking, the ladies why of course, that was every young, single, mans dream and happy place. To you though it made you less attracted to him. You were an outsider, anti-social. Somebody who chose the comforts of her sad, pampered room rather than dance the night away with people who didn’t care about her. 
“I’m glad, my dear.” Athela ate a piece of her salad. “You deserve it. Besides it is for you and y/n.”
“May I ask who will be attending?”
“A couple of y/n’s friends. Jamila-”
“Jamila will be going?” You asked.
Your mother nodded. 
You wanted to shoot up from your seat. Jamila Hassan, Princess of Saad. She was your best friend. She was the only person you felt that understood you. She was like a sister to you. 
 “And also Lilo, Meera-”
You groaned hearing Meera. She was royal, snotty and spoiled. She loathed your guts. She was a hypocrite, and a liar. She was a terrible person. “Why mother-” You said no more when your mother glared at you again for what felt like the 50th time that evening. This ball was going to be way harder than you ever imagined. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​, @reginalinettis​​​
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