#i made this yesterday but then went out to watch my sis try on wedding dresses so promptly forgot i'd made this lol
dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
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shitty visual of where i've been emotionally for the last 2 years lol
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding On
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Ch 6: It’s A Nice Day For A White Wedding
Summary: It’s Jake’s wedding day and poor Fliss appears to be the only sober one in the Circle Of Truth…and then that all important question is answered. Is Baby Adler Pink or Blue? (Place your bets, please!)
Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW NO UNDER 18s!!) Also some pretty heavy anti-Trump ranting so if this offends anyone, sorry (but also not sorry… I think the guy is as much of a buffoon as Boris fcking Johnson)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Just so you know, I couldn’t decide whether to give them a boy or a girl…so I literally wrote both down on a piece of paper and picked. 
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 5 And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to. But if you deny me one of your kisses, don’t know what I’d do. So hold me close and say three words like you used to do. Dancing on the kitchen tiles, yes you make my life worthwhile, so I told you with a smile, it’s all about you.
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 Bonnie and Fliss stood in the small room at the side, the crowd of people milling around between there and the outside patio area whilst the main room was set up for the party following the conclusion of the sit down reception.
"It was a nice meal." Bonnie smiled.
"Yeah, really thoughtful of them to have the non-alcoholic wine available" Fliss smiled. “Felt nice to taste something that made me feel like an adult again.”
She looked around and her gaze settled on Frank who was leaning against the bar, his red tie long discarded, collar of his dress shirt undone. He caught her eye, flashed her a smile and then turned back to Greg continuing their conversation.
"He hasn't taken his eyes off you all day." Bonnie smiled as Fliss turned back to her. "It's cute"
Fliss smiled "You know he got me flowers yesterday. When I got back from work he had already left to come up here and when I called him to ask what they occasion was he said he just felt like it." She paused "I get the feeling he is still trying to make up for Vegas but he doesn't need to. We're good."
Bonnie grinned. "Did he tell you what he actually said to the girl?"
"I don't think he remembers" Fliss shook her head.
"Si does. Apparently he said, and I quote 'why the fuck would I want a Big Mac when I got a prime fillet steak waiting for me at home?’ “
Fliss blinked, and then let out a huge snort of laughter which attracted the attention of a few people around them. 
"How fucking rude" 
"She deserved it by refusing to back off the first time. Ho." Bonnie shrugged. 
"I don't mean that I mean him likening me to a piece of meat. Mind you, quite apt really..." she shrugged 
"How so?"
"He is constantly fucking horny." Fliss dropped her voice "Not that I particularly mind but the last week or so he's been really, really bad. Take Thursday for example. I woke up to him poking me in the back so he got a blowjob before we got up, then he fucked me on the couch that evening when Mary had gone to bed and then when I woke up to go to the loo at 2 am we did it again."
Bonnie sniggered "Maybe you're giving off some kind of sex pheromone because you’re pregnant."
"I know you're joking but..." Fliss shrugged "He’s always had a high sex drive but since I started really showing he has gotten so much worse. I think he has some kind of breeding kink."
"Must be so hard being you..." Bonnie said sarcastically "Nice man that buys you flowers and can't keep his hands off you...”
"He is the one finding it hard not me" Fliss grinned and at that Bonnie tipped her head back laughing.
Frank heard his girl’s laughter from where he was stood and watched as she tipped her head back, attracting the attention of a few of the guests with her loud cackles. His eyes scanned down her frame and back up again, lingering slightly on the gentle curve of her bump just visible under her dress as it hung over her lower body. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant knot at the base of her neck, a few strands hanging loose around her face and her eyes were lidded with a light dusting of rose gold powder, making her brown irises pop even more. The necklace he had bought her a while back hung around her neck, settling just above her cleavage which looked fucking amazing in that dress. 
The moment he had seen her earlier when she had arrived with Bonnie he’d felt the all too familiar stirring in his pants that he seemed to get every time he looked at her recently. His mouth had gone dry and he’d been totally ogling her, enough to cause Greg to slap him on his shoulder and tell him, jokingly, to stop being a pervert. 
Frank hadn't replied. He’d waited long enough to allow himself to open up to someone so they could see the entire shit show he was. He was happy, more than happy in fact. So as for being a pervert where Fliss was concerned? Well, he had no intentions of stopping at all. 
As he watched her now, aware he was once more staring at her, she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and her hand went to her silver daisy pendant, gently twirling the silver chain in her fingers before she let go, pressing her hand over the pendant in the curve just above her breasts and that was it, he was done.
He wanted her, now.
Necking the short that Greg had passed him he patted his friend on his shoulder and told him he would be back shortly before striding over the room towards the two women. As he made his way over, dodging round a few people, he saw Fliss reached out and snatch Bonnie’s beer, taking a mouthful, letting out a groan of satisfaction. Bonnie’s eyes flew to him as he approached and he put a finger over his lips, telling her to be quiet.
“Pretty sure you ain’t supposed to have that…” Bonnie chastised, her eyes flicking back to Fliss as she took the bottle back.
“One mouthful won’t hurt.” Fliss replied, her shoulders rising in a shrug. “I always take a swig of Frank’s before I hand it to him…just don’t tell him.”
“Too late.” He leaned down and said in her ear, causing her to shriek slightly and jump as his hands settled on her hips, beard tickling her cheek and neck.
“Fuck! Fran, what you trying to do, send me into early labour?” she tilted her head to look over her shoulder at him before she glared at Bonnie “You could have warned me.”
Bonnie shrugged and grinned as she walked off. Fliss wrinkled her nose and turned in Frank’s arms, looking up at him sheepishly
“That was naughty.” he teased and she grinned a little.
“It was one mouthful…”
“I’m only teasing.” He smiled, dropping his mouth to hers in a sweet kiss and she sighed. He tasted of scotch and the cheesecake that they’d had for desert. “I told you before, one glass or one bottle won’t hurt if you want one.” “No, I don’t.” She shrugged “Just wanted a little taste that’s all.”
“Yeah well, now I want a taste of something.” “What are you talking about?”
“I want you.” He said, his mouth by her ear and he felt her still slightly, her breath hitching and he grinned, planting a soft kiss to the crook of her shoulder. He knew the effect those words had on her, being wanted as opposed to needed, it was a subtle difference, but one he knew meant something to her, and him for that matter.
“What, now?” She looked at him as he pulled away, glancing around the room before he looked back down at her.
“Right now.” He nodded.
“Are you serious?”
“Deadly.” He looked at her, “What’s the Ladies bathroom like?”
“You wanna do me in the ladies.” She deadpanned as he tugged her hand and pulled her away from the crowded foyer towards the bathroom.
“Yup.” He checked around once more to see if anyone was watching, before he opened the door and nudged her back gently with his hand so she entered the room in front of him.
“Wow, romantic, Frank.” Fliss said sarcastically as she arched an eyebrow, turning to face him.
“I’m being spontaneous.” His eyebrow arched as he backed into the cubicle, pulling her with him, reaching round to lock the stall door.
“There’s nothing spontaneous about you wanting to jump my bones” She looked up at him as her purse clattered to the floor, “You’re constantly after a bit at the moment.”
“Can you blame me Sweetheart?” he whined, looking down at her, his eye-line trained on her cleavage “You turn up…looking like that…been killing me sat next to you all afternoon. Frankie has needs.”
“My face is up here jackass!”
“I know.” he said, his gaze not moving “I was talking to Ben and Jerry.”
“Ben and Jerry.” Fliss scoffed “You named my boobs?”
“Only since they got bigger.” he grinned as his eyes moved back to hers
“Why Ben and Jerry?” she asked as his hands gripped at her hips.
“Because they’re delicious and soft like ice cream.”
Fliss snorted and he grinned at her, his eyes glazed slightly.
“You’re drunk” she stated.
“Nah ah, it’s hormones.” he said seriously.
“No.” Fliss laughed “I’m pretty sure you’re drunk. I saw you, Simon and Greg before, all necking from the hipflasks you each have in your pocket whilst they were taking the photos.” “Yeah, but.” Frank shook his head “I aint that drunk. Scouts honour.” “Like you were ever in the scouts.” she laughed, her hand brushing through his hair.
“Actually I was, you can ask the mothership.” he assured her “They kicked me out after 5 months thought. I made rude words out of a load of string that we were supposed to be using to mark out a flower bed at the old people’s home.”
Fliss let out a groan “Bean is gonna be a monster.”
“No they won’t” he shook his head “Gonna be sweet…” he placed a kiss to her lips. “…and gentle, just like their mamma bear.”
His hand moved to cup her cheek, fingers grazing her neck as he pressed his mouth to hers. The kiss quickly became heated and Frank pressed up against her, the door to the cubicle rattling slightly, neither of them paying it much attention. His other hand grabbed a fist full of her dress, and he was just hoisting the tulle layers up when the noise of voices hit their ear as the door to the bathroom opened. They both stopped dead, and Fliss bit her lip to stop herself from laughing as Frank grinned down at her, his finger flying to his lips as his shoulders shook with his silent sniggers. A few doors down the cubicle door opened and they waited for whoever it was to finish. Eventually the toilet flushed and the door unlocked, before the tap began to run.
“I’d hurry up you guys…” Bonnie spoke, amusement in her tone as Frank and Fliss looked at each other, “You’ve been gone 10 minutes already.” At that Fliss burst out giggling as Frank snorted and his face dropped to Fliss shoulder where he pressed a kiss to her skin, his lips sliding up to her neck, gently nipping beneath her ear, his hands fondling her breasts over her dress. She gave a low groan and he smirked against her skin.
“Still don’t wanna?” he teased and she shook her head.
“Fine, just…get on with it then you twat.” she mumbled into his ear and he looked at her, grinning.
“I love it when you swear in British baby.”
“I can talk dirty in British too…” she quipped.
Frank gave a groan, slanting his mouth on hers as he pulled her with him, her fingers undoing his belt and trousers, pushing them down with his boxers over his hips, before he sat down on the closed toilet, taking himself in his hand and pumping himself a few times until he was rock hard as she leaned down, kissing him.
“Turn round…” he said against her mouth and she did as she was told. His hands bunched her skirt up to her hips and she reached down to move it of the way as he grabbed her hips and pulled her down, shifting her underwear to one side. In a fluid moment she sank down onto him, both of them letting out soft moans as Frank’s arm circled her waist protectively around her bump as she tipped her head back against his shoulders, his hips moving upwards.
She ground down on him, rotating her hips and he let her set the pace, more than happy to simply sit there, holding her, trailing sloppy kisses over the exposed skin on her back. The hand that wasn’t round her waist moved up to the front of her dress, slipping inside the low plunge neck line to her bra-les breast, rolling her nipple softly causing her to shudder and push down on him further.
“Fuck, Lissy…” he groaned, his forehead pressing on her shoulder “Feel so good baby girl..”
Her response was a low pant of his name as her hips moved faster, snapping back and forth as she pushed down even further, seeking out the friction she desperately needed. Her head tilted and he caught her mouth in a sloppy kiss, swallowing another moan as she pushed down further, his hands pulling her onto his lap as he fucked up into her over and over.
It was dirty, quick and in his many times with women he wasn’t quite sure he’d fucked anyone in a bathroom before, certainly an alley way or two, a dark corner of parking lot too, but it didn’t matter either way as he was damned sure it wouldn’t have been as good as this, the woman who was carrying his baby, the woman he loved with all his heart bouncing on his lap as they both raced to their ends. As Fliss tightened down, her head rolling back, she parted her lips and let out a low keen as Frank’s hand gently moved upwards, his fingers caressing the font of her throat as he held her against him, turning her head towards his so he could catch her mouth in a filthy kiss as he pushed up for a final time and came with a grunt. They both sat still for a while before he gave a little hum as Fliss chuckled as his hands wrapped around her, resting on her bump.
“You’re a bad man.” she mumbled and he grinned, giving her a quick kiss.
“Yeah but I’m your bad man.”
With a snort Fliss stood up and Frank rearranged himself, standing up and pulling up his pants. With another soft kiss Fliss told him to go out ahead of her whilst he sorted herself out so as not to attract too much attention to where they had been, even though she was pretty sure Bonnie had already told their friends.
Telling her he would meet her at the bar, with a final peck to her lips Frank headed out of the cubicle. He quickly checked his appearance in the mirror and once he’d straightened his suit and smoothed his hair down slightly he pulled the door open to be met with a round of applause as Simon and Greg stood by the pillar outside the bathroom, both grinning as they clapped.
Frank grinned as simply took a bow before the three of them laughed and Greg slapped him on the back as the three of them headed to the bar.
***** “Welcome to the dance floor….” The DJ’s voice rang out over the room “The new Mr and Mrs Neill…”
Jake swept Lisa out onto the floor and Fliss smiled, watching a the woman’s dress billowed out behind her and he took her into a hold as the opening bars to Signed, Sealed Delivered by Stevie Wonder rang out. Jake began to twirl Lisa around, the pair of them laughing a various people took photos, recording. Frank dropped a kiss to the side of Fliss’ temple and she smiled as his fingers curled around her hip.
“They look so happy.” Fliss smiled.
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “Good job really, seeing as they just got married.”
Fliss smiled and then there were some giggles as Jake and Lisa’s young girls ran onto the dancefloor to join their parents, which gave the couple the signal to wave everyone else in to join them.
“Shall we?” Frank asked, turning to face Fliss and she grinned.
“Lead the way Sailor.”
They stepped out onto the dancefloor where Frank gently took her left hand in his right, his other hand curling round her back, fingers splaying at the bottom of her spint.
“Can’t pull you quite as close as I’d like.” he quipped glancing down and Fliss shook her head as she looked at him, a soft smile spread across his face “You’re beautiful.” “You’re not so bad yourself, handsome.” she smiled as he twirled her around the floor, his movements upbeat in time with the song. He was actually a pretty good dancer, which Fliss knew already from the various times they’d been out, but it never failed to make her smile the way he could move so gracefully for such a tall, broad shouldered man. When she had passed comment on it once he had grinned and informed he that it was ‘all in the hips’, hips that were now easily snaking side to side as he moved in time with the music, stepping back from her a little, his hands taking hers. Fliss laughed, simply dancing along with him and eventually the music changed into another upbeat song. The pair of them stayed were they were, dancing with their friends and enjoying themselves until after about 20 minutes or so Fliss declared she was out, and needed the bathroom again before she was going to sit down.
“To pee this time, right?” Bonnie called after her. Fliss didn’t even look back, simply raised her finger up over her shoulder as she left the dancefloor.
Once she had washed her hands she touched up her make-up, glancing at her cheeks which were quite flushed from the heat and the dancing, before she headed out. Frank was waiting for her by the door.
“People will talk, you hanging around outside the Ladies.” she grinned.
“Only one lady for me.” he winked back and she shook her head.
“Smooth.” “I try.” he grinned, kissing her cheek “Wanna get a drink?”
“Yeah.” she smiled, slipping her hand in his as he led her over to the bar.
Frank ordered himself a beer, deciding he needed to take a break from the hard-stuff and Fliss a water. As she took it from him with a thanks she glanced around watching everyone dancing and milling around, cocking her head to one side, a thoughtful look on her face.
“Penny for em.” Frank said and she turned to look at him smiling.
“Nothing of interest really.” she mused “Just thinking about all this. It’s been a nice day and a lovely ceremony and clearly what Lisa and Jake wanted but…” “Not what you want.” Frank smiled “Yeah, I know.” “But what about you?” she asked, looking at him. “I know we joke about how I’ve been there and done it but…” “Liss.” he cut her off, his hand curling round her hip. “Do you really think that all this showy shit is my style?”
“No, not really.”
“Exactly.” he smiled at her “I told you, I’d be happy to run away, me, you and Mary and do it with just the 3 of us there. But I’d probably get lynched by your mom and dad so…” He pulled her into his side closer, dropping a kiss to his head “It can be whatever we want it to be.”
That word hit her hard, because her last wedding had been all about how her stupid bastard of a husband wanted to show the world how rich and special he was. There wasn’t a thing about that day she had chosen for herself, including her dress and her bridesmaids. She looked up at Frank, her eyes clouding slightly and he chuckled, shaking his head at her sudden emotion.
“Come on, let’s go sit down.” he smirked, nodding to a table at the side of the room where Simon was just taking a seat. Fliss nodded and allowed him to lead her over.
As is usually the case with weddings, people flit around all over the place. Fliss found herself dancing again with Bonnie, then talking to a few of Jake’s old school friends, then to some of Lisa’s friends, one of whom had her own horse so they got caught up in a lengthy chat about show-jumping and before long she realised she’d been away from Frank for well over an hour without realising. She finished up the conversation and headed back to where he was sat at a table, animatedly discussing something with a white haired gentleman, Bonnie watching him with a slightly amused expression.
"The guy is a fahking melt..." Fliss heard Frank groan as he leaned back in his chair, shaking his head.
"Who is he talking about?" Fliss asked as she sat down next to Bonnie.
"Trump" Bonnie replied, grinning.
"Oh this should be fun..." Fliss smirked, and Bonnie nodded.
"The guy he is talking to is apparently a big fan..." she turned to face Fliss, "But he's yet to give any kind of pro- Trump argument which Frank deems worthy of consideration. Oh, and Frank is getting more Boston with every sentence.”
“Yeah he does that.” Fliss she said, fondly turning her attention to Frank who shook his head and wrinkled his nose.
"You're being disrespectful." The man who Frank was talking to shook his head "He's our president."
Frank scoffed "Disrespectful? Not really, I just find it beyond comprehension that this country elected such a damaged, sociopathic narcissist."
"Say what you mean Frank." Bonnie nodded sagely and Fliss bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. Frank was in full flow, however, and fuelled by the amount of alcohol in his system he wasn't about to stop any time soon.
"John Oliver hit the nail on the head." he continued, necking the last of his beer. "Trump could be drowning in the damned ocean and he'd there, waving the lifeboats away screaming 'get out of here, I'm very buoyant, I'm the most buoyant. Everybody talks about my buoyancy... I'm a tremendous floater' ...fahkin jack-ass."
"Who got Frankie boy talking about Trump?" Simon asked, placing the tray of drinks down and handing them out. Fliss took her Sprite with a thanks as he slid a short tumbler of scotch over the white table cloth to Frank, before flopping down on the other side of Bonnie, dropping a kiss to her cheek. Bonnie nodded to the gentleman who was now saying something back, to which Frank let out a lout guffaw of laughter as Greg settled into a seat a few down from Fliss.
Simon grinned "Come on Jack!" he spoke and the man turned to face him "It's a wedding, no politics."
"I only stated I happened to agree with his policy of putting American's first..." the man held his hands up.
"And I only pointed out that his misguided beliefs that migrants are to blame for all of America's ills are exactly that, misguided." Frank shrugged, shooting a wink at Fliss as he reached for the glass of amber liquid in front of him. "People should look closer to home...at the people who run the damnedcountry, not everyone in it merely tryin'a make a living..."
"His policies made sense when I read them..." the man called Jack shrugged. “Well thought out, articulate…” At that Frank leaned back, shaking his head, an unbelieving smile on his face as he gave a groan “Articulate…come on…”
"You kniow..." Bonnie leaned forward "A random monkey hitting keys for an infinite amount of time will eventually come up with the works of Shakespeare" she swallowed the rest of her drink. "All Trump really needs to be considered one of the greatest Presidents of all times is an infinite amount of time and a monkey that can type."
At that Frank snorted into his glass and reached over the table, holding his hand up. Grinning Bonnie hi-fived him and Simon, Greg and Fliss exchanged a glance, before Fliss leaned forward.
"You know how they measure horses in hands." she said and Frank turned his attention to his girl, his eyes shining "well he must have the biggest horses on the planet." she said, making a claw like gesture with her right hand and Frank let out another loud bellow of laughter, his hand flying to his stomach.
"And why are his eye sockets always white?" Greg asked, looking into his glass like it held the answer before he glanced round at them all. "Like, you think someone would tell him to use the sunbed without the goggles every once in a while..."
At that Jack shook his head and stood up, walking away.
"Something we said?" Bonnie asked, innocently as Simon leaned back in his chair and spoke, his talent for impressions ringing out across the table as he imitated the President's voice perfectly "I'm going to build a wall, and it will be the greatest wall ever known to man, even better than China's...my time as President will go down in history as being part of America's dumbass years, the most dumbass years ever..."
As the 5 of them laughed, Jake plopped down at the table, pointing at Simon, then Frank then Greg.
"No politics at my wedding, bitches."
"We're not talking politics..." Frank hiccupped slightly "We were just roasting the cheeto skinned, toupee wearing prick."
"His dad should have definitely wiped him on a curtain." Greg nodded, causing everyone at the table to laugh once more.
"All that sperm and he got there the quickest." Simon sighed "Makes me wanna cry."
"You know what is gonna make you cry?" Jake looked at him "My foot up your ass. Come on guys, this is my fucking wedding. Let’s go do shots and rip up the dancefloor!"
"Oooh...shots..." Bonnie nodded, standing up.
"What happened to taking it easy in solidarity?" Fliss narrowed her eyes at her, patting her bump.
"I'm weak." Bonnie shrugged as Simon tugged her to the bar, Greg rising to follow them.
"Frank?" Jake asked
"I'll pass." he smiled
"I could get em to make you an apple juice shooter?" Jake offered as he patted Fliss' shoulder. She flipped him the bird as he walked off, chuckling to himself.
Frank pause for a moment, taking in his girl's slightly flushed cheeks before he stood up, grabbing his glass which contained what was left of his short, and rounded the table to sit next to her.
"C'mere..." he said, patting his knee. She stood up and settled on his lap, his arm curling round her waist, fingers brushing the side of her bump "You ok?"
"Yeah." she smiled "Which is more than you're gonna be in the morning."
"I'll live" he smirked, necking the rest of his liquor. "No one has ever died from a hangover Sweetheart."
"There's time." she smiled and he grinned up at her, placing his glass on the table. 
"How's Bean?"
"Cooking." she grinned
"And Momma bear?"
"You asked me that a few seconds ago."
"And I'm asking again."
"In that case I'm still fine." she grinned leaning down to give him a peck. Frank smiled at her as she leaned back, his hand brushing her hip as he looked around the room.
"I wanna get married." he said, looking back to Fliss.
"We are."
"No, I mean like actually do it." he smiled "I wanna set a date."
"Don't you think we have enough to organise?" Fliss chuckled "Finding a house seeing as you're so adamant you want to move before Bean arrives..."
"They need a nursery." he pouted and Fliss smiled, running her hands through his hair. 
"So you tell me." she replied "And then there's actually a small matter of me giving birth..."
"Piece of cake..."
"Oh really?" she looked at him "How about you squeeze a bowling bowl out of your vagina and then tell me it's easy..."
Frank laughed and grinned up at her "You'll be amazing...you always are." he placed a kiss to her bare shoulder. "But seriously...don't you wanna marry me?" he pouted.
"No, I just took this ring because it was shiny." Fliss rolled her eyes at him "Of course I do."
"Well...couldn't we just like pick a month...so...I have some kind of marker in the sand?"
Fliss looked at him as he turned his puppy dog eyes on her and she shook her head, giving a soft huff
"You're such a soft bastard when you're drunk."
He shrugged "I can't help it. You make me feel things."
"And I don't when you're sober?" she teased.
"Shut up." he looked at her and she grinned, running her hand through the whiskers on his face. His beard was now actually pretty impressive as he'd let it grow out properly, it was way beyond the untidy, short stubble it had been when she'd first met him. But then again he was also quite far removed from that fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, lost and damaged man he had been. He'd grown, a lot. And so had she. He knew it, she knew it...and the fact they had done it together made it all the more meaningful and special.
"September." Fliss smiled "Next year. Bean will be 1 by then and things will have settled. Think you can wait that long?"
Frank beamed at her "Yeah? You mean it?"
She nodded.
"Then September 2020 it is." his lips stayed curled up at the side as she dipped her head again and pressed her mouth to his. She pulled back, and found herself mimicking the infectious smile on his face. "I can't wait to make you Mrs Adler." he whispered.
"Who says I'm changing my name?" She teased and he frowned a moment before he shrugged.
"I just assumed..."he began to back track "I mean if you don't want..."
"Frankie..." Fliss cut him off, her hands cupping his face "I'm joking. I can't wait to have the same surname as you, Mary and our little one."
"God I fahkin love you..." he spluttered and she laughed, leaning back a little bit. At that point the opening bars to Hungry Like The Wolf hit their ears and Fliss heard Bonnie shriek her name. 
"Miami BITCHES, HOLLERRRR!" Simon yelled as he leaned on the back of Frank's chair.
"Shall we?" Fliss asked, standing up. Frank grinned, took her hand and allowed her to pull him onto the dancefloor. As she began to dance and laugh with Bonnie his hand fell to her hips, pulling her back against him, just like he had done all those months ago in Miami, before everything had taken such a huge change in direction. A dramatic change, but a change he was loving day by day. As he felt her push back slightly against his groin he gave a low groan and bent over.
“Stop it or I’ll be dragging you off to the bathroom again.”
She tilted her head, looked at him all doe eyed and innocent and he shook his head, arching and eyebrow.
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry.” she spluttered and he rolled his eyes before she turned round to carry on dancing, this time behaving herself.
As it was getting later into the evening, after a few more 80s hits the music took a turn and dimmed into something softer, and Fliss cocked her head to the side as Frank reached out to her, pulling her to him.
“What is this?” she asked.
“It’s called God Gave Me You.” Frank said, his fingers curing around hers “By Blake Shelton. He’s a Country singer.”
“Ohh, the dude that’s with Gwen Stefani.” Fliss nodded.
“Yeah, I heard it for the first time in ages in the truck the other day.” Frank said “When we went to Tampa.”
“I thought it sounded familiar.”
He smiled, refraining from telling her he’d been playing it on a damned loop for days since because every time he heard it, it simply reminded him of her.
As he steered her around, he became lost in the lyrics, not really paying attention to anything but realising how much they stuck home, how they were true to what he felt about Fliss. How he had been a mess until she’d appeared and given him everything he didn’t even realise he needed and more. How she had fit so perfectly into his and Mary’s life. How she was now carrying his child. How he would always love her…
He felt her squeeze his hand and he looked down and she was grinning at him.
“You’re singing.”
“Am I?” he asked, giving a soft chuckle “Sorry, I didn’t realise…”
“Don’t worry about it, no one else heard. Besides you have a good voice, not like mine.”
“Well, I wasn’t gonna say anything but the other day when you were singing in the shower Mary thought Fred was stuck somewhere and crying to get out.” Fliss laughed and shook her head “Yeah it isn’t one of my talents. I’ll leave it to you.”
He smiled and gave her a soft kiss.
“You singing it to me or Bean?” Fliss asked, smiling at him as he twirled them round slightly.
“Without you there would be no Bean.” He shrugged simply and at his words he saw her eyes misting over.
“Frankie…” she muttered and he chuckled slightly, his hands cupping her face.
“Baby, what’s…”
“That’s so sweet and…” she spluttered shaking her head “Fucking hormones”
He laughed and pulled her closer, still swaying to the music and she let out a sight. Frank felt her sagging a little in his arms and then it struck him. It was almost midnight. She had been up since 8, they’d been out at this wedding one way or another for almost 12 hours now and she was 5 months pregnant.
“You tired honey?” he asked and she shook her head where it was pressed against his chest. “Liar.” he kissed her head softly.
“Ok maybe a little.” she looked up at him
“Wanna go?”
“It’s still early.” she looked at him. “I don’t mind if you want to stay, I can go and-“
“Absolutely not.” he shook his head “It’s half 11 now and I’ve drunk more than enough…Jake and Lisa won’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“Course. I’ll go get call us a cab.”
When he came back Fliss was at the table gathering her purse and his jacket. They made their rounds, said good bye to their friends and Frank led his girl out into the starry sky hand in hand.
All things considered, on the Sunday morning Frank woke fairly clear headed, which Fliss pointed out shouldn’t have happened with how much he had drunk. They had a lazy morning before they headed home to pick Mary up, who was full of beans about how Steve had taken her out playing mini-golf the previous afternoon. They stayed for dinner at Bill and Verity’s before they made their way home along with the 4-legged fur babies and it wasn’t long before all 3 of them crashed out, the exertion of the weekend catching up on them all.
Monday and Tuesday seemed to drag by for Frank, and there was a reason. On Wednesday they finally got to find out what Bean was. Their scan was in the afternoon and Mary once again wanted to come, especially as she knew she would find out whether it was gonna be a girl or a boy that joined their little family in roughly 19 weeks or so time. Once more she was ignored and packed off to school with a frown on her face.
Frank was like a coiled spring all morning. The guys at work teased him relentlessly about how he was bounding around the place like Tigger on cocaine but he didn’t care. He was beyond excited to find out whether they were going to have a son or daughter. At exactly 12 he finished work and headed home. Fliss was already waiting for him having changed and showered and chatting excitedly they hopped in his truck and headed to the hospital. They were early so went to grab a drink at the coffee shop- Fliss having been told to drink plenty of water as it would help with the scan, and then when they had 15 minutes to their appointment they headed up.
“Miss Gallagher, Mr Adler.” Dr Kent smiled at them as they walked in “Nice to see you again.”
They both greeted her and Fliss settled on the bed, getting herself comfortable as Frank slid into the chair by her side. After answering the questions the Doctor asked her about how she was feeling, whether she was worried about anything, all the time Frank trying to pay attention but his mind was on one thing and one thing only. Seeing his baby again.
And when that time finally came, his heart skipped a beat. On the 3D scan there was so much more detail to take in this time. He could make out the little nose, the ears, eyelashes…fucking eyelashes. A tiny hand curled by its face which twitched as their baby move slightly.
“It says here that you want to know what it is…” Doctor said, looking at them both “Is that still the case.”
“Yeah…” Frank said, at the same time Fliss spluttered.
“No, I mean yes… “
Frank frowned “Liss? I thought…” “Could you write it down for us?” Fliss cut him off, smiling at the doctor.
“Ahh you doing a gender reveal?” The woman nodded, and Frank’s frown grew deeper. They hadn’t discussed that.” Not a problem…”
The doctor looked at the screen and Frank glanced at Fliss questioningly but she softly shook her head at him and squeezed his hand, telling him silently to trust her. The Doctor smiled, and headed off to write the results down and a soon as she had left the room, Frank turned to Fliss
“What are you doing?”
“I just had a thought…” Fliss took a deep breath “that if we do it this way, you know get it written down to open later, then Mary can be there with us when we find out.”
And once again, just like that, her fucking thoughtfulness knocked him sideways. He blinked and shook his head, smiling as he brought his eyes back up to meet hers “You’re fucking amazing you know that?” Of course the only thing wrong with her plan was that they now had to wait another 3 hours for Mary to come home.
Frank collected her from the bus stop and as usual was greeted by the grumblings that she was perfectly capable of walking home across the little park on her own, to which he shot back his usual I don’t care response. She walked into the apartment with her usual swagger, tossing her bag over the back of the sofa before she wandered into the kitchen where Fliss was stood chopping up salad for dinner
“So.”  she said, dramatically “You gonna tell me then or what?”
Frank looked at Fliss who smiled before he spoke “Actually, you’re gonna tell us.”
“What?” she looked at him
“You’re gonna tell us what it is.” he repeated.
“Like how?” she rolled her eyes “I wasn’t even there.”
“We got the Doctor to write it down.” Fliss explained, “And seal it in an envelope.” Mary’s eyes widened “You mean…you guys don’t know?” Frank shook his head “Fliss thought it would be nice for all 3 of us to find out together.”
She looked at him, then to Fliss, her blue eyes filling with tears a she ran to Frank, her arms circling his waist.
“Hey…” he chuckled, crouching down and looking her in the face, his hand brushing her hair back slightly as she sniffed and gave a watery laugh “We good?”
She nodded and smiled “Where is it? The envelope I mean.”
“On the coffee table.”  he said, kissing her forehead.
“Can we do it now?”
“I hope so.” Frank said, looking up at Fliss “Been waiting all damned afternoon.”
“Oh hush.” Fliss replied as he stood up, Mary in his arms.
“You know you’re getting kinda big now Stack.” he grunted a little as he shifted her onto his hip.
“You’re still bigger.” she said as he dropped her down onto the floor in the living room.  She looked at the envelope and when Fliss nodded at her she picked it up.
“You know…” she mused, looking at Frank “If I open this that technically means that I was the first person to know. Well, other than the doctor…but they don’t count.” Frank looked at Fliss as his arm slid round her waist. “Yeah..” he turned back to Mary “Pretty cool, huh?” She grinned at him and took a deep breath “Ok…here goes….”
Frank felt his heart suddenly become quicker in his chest as he watched Mary pull open the envelope and look at the small slip of paper inside. She read the words, looked at them both, her eyes shining.
“Wow…” she breathed out.
“You’re killing us Stack!” Frank spluttered “What the hell is it?”
“It’s a boy!”
There was a pause and Frank blinked. “What?” he breathed out and looked at Mary “Are you sure?”
“I can read, Frank?” she narrowed her eyes at him, handing him the piece of paper. With a shaking hand he took ait and looked down at the words the doctor had written on them. As he read them, “Congratulations, it’s a Boy!” they suddenly registered in his brain and he looked at Fliss who had tears in her eyes. His own eyes misted over and a huge grin spread across his face.
“Lissy, it’s a boy!”
She gave a laugh as his arms wrapped around her and he kissed the side of her head.
“Happy Sailor?” she asked.
“I can’t…wow!” he chuckled, sniffing slightly, unable to form any other words. He moved one of his arms and signalled for Mary to join them and she rushed forwards, her arms wrapping around his waist as he dropped his hand to her back, gently rubbing between her shoulder blades.
A boy. A little boy.
Although he truly would have been happy either way, as long as their baby was healthy, he’d secretly always hoped the colour would be blue. They had Mary already, and from a selfish point of view had wanted a boy to even the numbers out. Not to mention the fact he was already envisaging matching baseball caps, sneakers, sailing days, basketball, football…
He looked at Fliss who gave him a smile and his face split into an even wider grin and he leaned over to give her a kiss before his hand dropped to the side of her bump, gently skating the place where his son was growing.
***** Frank wanted to shout their news from the roof tops. But Fliss forbid him from telling anyone until they told the family first. As Evelyn would be here for the weekend they decided to have a BBQ on the Saturday evening, and share their news then. And Mary and Fliss came up with the perfect way to do it.
Evelyn arrived in town on the Friday afternoon and due to her new found ‘friendship’ (if you could call it that) with Fliss’ parents since that fateful thanksgiving in Boston, she was staying with them. Her first comment upon seeing them all was how much Fliss had bloomed since her last visit a few months ago. Fliss had grinned and commented that she felt like a hippo to which Evelyn had snorted and told her to stop being ridiculous. The 4 of them went for dinner that evening to the Italian in town that Mary liked and on the Saturday Bill dropped her at the stables to see Mary ride. Mary had now moved on from the cross poles to a foot high straight upright jump, and she was easily taking it all in her stride. Frank had long since given up trying to talk her out of it. She enjoyed it, and it was hard to deny she was pretty good at it too. Saturday afternoon they all went back to the apartment where Evelyn, Fliss and Mary whipped up some cupcake batter…something which floored Frank. He couldn’t remember his mother baking, ever. Once the cakes were cooked however, Evelyn was unceremoniously barred from the kitchen whilst Fliss and Mary put the final touches to their Gender Reveal plans. At one point Mary burst out of the kitchen telling Evelyn to look away, and as Frank looked up from where he and his mother had been glancing at a few realtor pages and properties in the local area, he could instantly see why. She had blue food colouring all over her face and hands.
Later that night Verity, Steve, Bill and Roberta joined them and after a few drinks Mary handed out the cupcakes.
“Now, you have to eat them at the same time.” she instructed “Because the colour in the middle will tell you if the baby is gonna be a boy or a girl.”
“Did you make these?” Steve looked at Fliss. She nodded.
“And no, there’s nothing special in them…” she told him and he smirked “Other than the buttercream.”
As everyone eagerly began to dig into their cakes, desperate to find out, Mary skipped over to where Frank and Fliss were stood at the side of the kitchen steps, standing in front Frank as his arm dropped looping around her chest, pulling her back towards him a little. “A boy?” Verity shrieked, the first to find her splodge of blue cream in the middle of her cake as she looked over at them all.
“Yeah!” Fliss smiled, Frank’s other arm tossed casually round her shoulder.
“God help ya’ll, a mini Frank!” Roberta quipped and he shot her a glare before the rest of the crowd of people erupted into cheers and laughter. There were a lot of hugs shared and then Mary stepped over to Bill and Steve, holding her hand out.
“Pay up, losers.”
“Yeah…Dad can you sub me?” Steve asked, “I left my wallet at home” “Course you did.” Bill grumbled as he reached into his pocket. Retrieving a twenty from his wallet he handed it to Mary.
“Erm…what are you doing?”  Frank asked, having watched the exchanged.
“Last week when you were at the wedding we were talking about it and I bet them it was a boy.” Mary shrugged “I had a hunch” “And now she has twenty bucks.” Bill grumbled as Fliss gave a loud laugh.
“No she doesn’t.” Frank put his hands on his hips “Give it back.”
“No way.” she pouted “I earned that.” “You’re 9.” Frank shot back “You know it’s illegal for 9 year olds to gamble, Mary.”
“What you gonna do Frank?” Fliss asked as Mary folded the money and sticking it in her pocket “Call the feds?”
Bill and Steve both sniggered as Frank looked at Fliss before he shook his head and turned back to Mary.
“How exactly were you gonna pay if you lost?” he folded his arms. “I was planning on winning it back by betting on the name.” she shrugged.
“Double or quits.” Steve nodded in agreement.
“Stop encouraging her.” Frank pointed at him.
“Relax…” Frank heard Evelyn chuckle a little and he turned to face her, where she was sat at the outside table with Verity and Roberta “You’re in dad mode already.” “I’ve been in dad mode for the last 8 and a half years.” he shot back before he felt his eyes widen slightly.
“I know…” his mother gave him a soft smile. “Believe me.”
Fliss hand tightened around his for a second and he looked down at her, giving her a quick peck.
“I’m gonna get another beer.” he said, suddenly needing the head space. “You want anything?” “No.” Fliss smiled at him as he walked off. 
Truth was he’d shocked himself a little. That was the first time he’d ever referred to his role with Mary as being a dad out loud to anyone but her or Fliss. Truth be told, he was a little worried about how she was going to react once Bean was born and how they were going to try to keep her feeling as included as they could, especially when he started talking and referring to him and Fliss as Mom and Dad, when Mary didn’t. He ran a hand over his face, opening the fridge. It was an unorthodox situation, but…well, he knew full well there were worse circumstances Mary could be in. 
“She wouldn’t mind you know.” a voice jerked him from his thoughts and Frank spun to face his mother
“Who?” he frowned. “Diane.” she reached past him for the bottle of wine in the fridge “Fliss told me that’s why you get so pissy about people referring to you as Mary’s father.” “I’m not pissy about it, I’m just not her father.”
“You are in every other way bar legally being labelled as so, Frank.” Evelyn poured herself a drink “And moreover, Diane’s memory isn’t going to suddenly fade away if you were.”
“What are you-“
She levelled him with a look and simply handed him the bottle back before she picked up her glass and headed off leaving him pondering her words. With a shake of his head, deciding that was a discussion for another day, he grabbed another bottle of beer and headed back outside.
“Hey Frank!” Roberta’s shout stopped him in his tracks as stood at the top of the steps and looked over at her. “You gonna cook anything on this BBQ or what? Been waiting so damned long my clothes are goin outta fashion.” “That’s assuming they were in fashion in the first place!” Mary grinned, skipping past Frank as he walked onto the lawn, tossing a ball for Fred as he scooted off after it, Thor following.
At that Steve snorted. Roberta looked at him
“Oh hark on the British boy in board shorts.”
Steve’s response was a cheeky wink “I have been reliably informed you like men in board shorts Roberta. Do I not meet your standards?” he gave a little twirl, his arms held out to his side, a grin on his face. “I’ve seen worse.” she mused, causing Steve and Bill to tip their heads back in almost identical roars of laugher. “You ever fancy yourself a sugar momma you know where to come lookin’ honey.”
“You know, if we’re discussing questionable clothing choices…” Fliss looked up, her eyes locking onto Frank’s before she glanced at Mary “I have something to say about someone’s shirts.”
Mary let out a lout hoot of laughter as did Roberta and Frank looked at Fliss as she grinned.
With a shake of his head and a soft snort of laughter as he looked around at his family, he headed to the BBQ.
**** Chapter 7
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
Description: In which a girl goes through six stages to realize and accept the fact that her marriage is going downhill.
Stage Two: Anger
- Stages 1 
- Stages 3
Description: Yeimy is upset, but only at herself. All she’s feeling is anger for being blind, and letting Grayson step all over her. 
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.2k+
You clenched your fists as you looked at time that was displayed on the stainless steel stove in your kitchen.  He was three hours late, yet you hadn’t received a single phone call during the entire day. Usually, if he was staying late he would’ve called you to let you know, but he didn’t so you busted your ass in the kitchen to make him dinner only to have it placed in a tupperware container and placed in the fridge until he decided to come home. 
You’ve been feeling like that all day. After getting woken up by his loud voice because he couldn’t find his belt, you wondered why he was going to work almost two hours early and coming home three hours late. 
The thoughts and questions angered you. Maybe because you knew the answer, but that wasn’t the answer you were looking for so you decided to push it away. It angered you that you’ve been feeling sick and throwing up all day, yet you pushed through and made him his favorite dinner only for him to not come home on time.
It angered you that the only thing you could think about was Grayson being unfaithful to you. 
And it angered you that you knew he was staying loyal to her. He won’t kiss you on the lips anymore, he’ll sometimes kiss you cheek before he goes to work, or on the forehead when he comes back. Or when he says an ‘I love you’ that you know doesn’t mean shit to him anymore. 
You slammed the fridge’s door and made your way to the couch where you watched TV until you heard the gates unlock and the sound of his Tesla make its way inside the garage. 
“Hi angel,” he said, walking inside and throwing his keys on a smile table next to the front door. 
“Hi, dinner is on the table. I think you know how to heat it up don't you?” you spat turning off the tv and making your way upstairs to your room. 
You noticed how cold and strange the room felt. The bed was perfectly made from the morning, and your night stand was dust free. Your wedding picture catches your eye. It was your favorite out of all the pictures. Grayson’s hands were tightly wrapped around your waist, while yours were wrapped around his shoulder, and you looked into eachothers eyes. It was taken right before you threw your bouquet into the air, which Karina managed to catch.
“Angel are you ok?” Grayson said standing on the doorway. His voice caught you by surprise making you drop the frame on the floor and the glass to shatter all over the floor. 
“I’m fine, just a tad sick. Now if you excuse me, I have to clean this up,” you said signaling to the broken picture frame. You angrily pushed past him and made your way to the kitsch to get the broom. 
You angrily sweep the glass up, taking out the picture and placing it on your nightstand, until you could find another frame. That was if it was even worth it putting it up. 
“Hey angel, have you seen my black louis shoes? I can’t find them anywhere.” Grayson asked standing infront of you while you were laying on the couch watching How To Get Away With Murder, the only thing you’ve been doing for the past two hours or so. 
“I haven’t seen them ever since you went on that weekend business trip last month,” you carelessly replied emphasizing on the business trip part. Mainly because you knew it was yet another lie. 
“Are you upset? Did I do something?” he asked you, making you roll your eyes and scoff. 
“The question is what haven’t you done Grayson.” You spat and rolled your eyes yet again at his confused state. 
“You go to work two hours early but then come back home three hours late, which I don’t understand how but then again who the fuck knows what you do in that office. I stay here, como una puta idiota, waiting for you to come home, I cook, I clean, I do everything and lately I’ve been by myself. You’re constantly telling me lies but when I say something you pull the ‘are you questioning me card’ and I'm sick and tired of it,” you said getting p from the couch and walking towards the kitchen while he stood in the living room like an idiot. 
“You forgot our anniversary last week, Grayson. And honestly I don’t know what’s going on with you or what you’re going through, but I hope you can get your shit straight and not waist my fucking time.” You added while aggressively opening the kitchen cabinets looking for your coffee cup. 
“And don’t bother waiting for me tonight, I’ll be with Karina and Ethan. Maybe you can hang out with the boys since you haven’t done that in a while,” you sarcastically said before giving up on looking for your cup and going to your room to get ready. 
If you weren’t mad before, then Grayson not replying and letting you go like that was sending you through the roof. Did he not care anymore? Or was he just letting you get space? 
Whatever it was you couldn’t continue to think about it because Karina snapped her fingers in your face multiple times. 
“Nena, we’ve been talking to you for the past five minutes,” she said while Ethan nodded his head in agreement. 
“Are you ok? You seem too deep in your brain, and you look extremely upset.” Ethan pointed out, making you sigh. 
“I’m fine trust, Grayson’s acting weird but I guess it’s because he’s under a lot of pressure.” You sighed as Ethan sent you a confused look. 
“Yeah, he said you guys are really busy with the new projects and launches, and that there’s a lot of meetings he has to go to which stresses him out,” you said making Ethan’s heart ache for you. He knew there weren’t any launches for his and his brother’s company, and they definitely haven’t attended any meetings in the past few weeks. 
“Oh yeah. The meetings he always gets stressed out by those. Always wanting to impress everyone, you know how he is.” he said, trying to sound as honest as possible, yet something felt a bit weird to you, but you decided to let that slide. 
“This one is like that too. Always trying to please everyone, when he knows he can’t” Karina replied while playfully smacking the back of his head making you laugh. 
Karina always found a way to make you laugh, that’s just one of the reasons why you’re best friends. And the fact that she’s also hispanic and you can talk shit about others without them understanding. 
You decided to go back home around ten pm, since you were feeling a bit calmed down and you were starting to get tired. But that moment was caught short once you entered the house and Grayson started questioning you. 
“You do the same thing tho, so I don’t get how it bothers you,” you shrugged, getting a bottle of water and sipping on it. 
“But I-,” he began saying before you cut him off.
“But I, nothing. I’m going to bed, this conversation is done. Bye.” you replied deciding to be the bigger adult and left the kitchen, took a shower and went to bed.
The next morning you woke up in the same mood as yesterday, if not worse, Grayson asked if you were on your period, which you weren’t since you had it two weeks ago. 
Honestly, you didn’t know what was getting you so upset. In the back of your head you did know tho, you simply did not want to accept it, so you just let it go, and that was starting to bother you. 
On the other hand, you were angry at yourself for being so stupid and for putting Grayson in a pedestal letting him step all over you. 
But you had enough of that. You decided that you needed a day for yourself so you went to the hair salon, cutting your long black hair up to your shoulders, you went to the nail salon and your nails and toes done, you went shopping and spent an unnecessarily amount of money on clothes you did not need, but who gives a fuck? You certainly did not.
After you did whatever that was, you went back home and put everything away, cleaned around the house a bit and decided to meet Karina and another friend of yours for dinner. 
“Alright Yeimy, what’s going on with you?” Ambar your other friend asked you, you mentally rolled your eyes getting annoyed but trying to not be rude. 
“I’m ok, Grayson’s just acting a tad weird,” you sighed and she nodded her head while Karina sent you a ‘what’s wrong’ look. 
“Is he cheating on you?” she asked, making you snap. 
“I don’t fucking know Ambar. I don’t. I think he is. But I don’t know. And I’m upset because deep inside my heart I know he is, and I know he doesn’t love me anymore. And what’s even more fucked up is that I can’t confront him because I don’t have fucking prove.” You slightly shouted, dragging attention to your table. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I just, I-,” you apologized feeling bad for letting out your anger on her, when she didn’t do anything wrong. “I just don’t what to do, and I feel like a fucking pendeja,” you added while they’re faces showed they felt sad for you. 
“Mami, is ok. Relax you’re going to get through this. Vos es fuerte y averiguaras todo. Por ahora, olvídate de eso y sigue actuando como si vos no supieras nada hasta que encuentres algo,” (You’re strong and you’ll find everything out. But for now, keep acting clueless until you find something) Karina spoke in her colombian accent making you smile. Everytime she spoke spanish her accent always made you feel better, or just her in general. (A/N is it just me or is speaking in accents that are not yours fun. One second I’m british and the second I’m Columbian) 
“Whatever she said. Just make sure you confront him when you’re certain and have proof, because he’s going to deny it, even tho he is babe,” Ambar replied and you nodded your head smiling. 
“What would I do without you white ass and Colombian ass,” you replied, making them laugh. 
“Probably die, who knows?” Karina jokingly shrugged making you laugh. 
“I guess so,” you shrugged with a smile. Your mood completely changes after ranting to your best friends. “What do we do now?” you asked. You didn’t want to go home yet, and it was early anyways. 
“How about we go to the beach, and blast music?” Ambar asked and you nodded your head. 
“Yes, just like when we were 18, listening to Yeimy’s indie playlist,” Karina said, making you playfully smack her arm. 
“Shut up. You know you like it,” you joked leaving a $20 bill on the table as tips and leaving the restaurant. (Y'all always tip your waiters well, they get paid shit)
“I do love my baby Clairo,” she laughed causing all of you to laugh. 
You spent the rest of the day at the beach with your old playlist on shuffle, thank god the area you were at was empty allowing all three of you to sing your hearts out until Ambar left, even if your voices would have probably gotten Simon Cowell pretty upset. 
“Remember, after we both got that internship at WakeHeart we came here and celebrated with Ambar?” Karina asked, making you nod your head with a smile. 
“Yeah, we were 18 right? Just starting college.” You replied and she nodded her head. 
“Those were some good times. Now 24 and boring as fuck,” you sighed and you nodded your head agreeing. 
“I guess that’s what happens when you get married young,” you replied, laying down on your car’s roof. You were sitting on the roof of your Jeep just looking at the ocean while music softly plaid in the background. 
“I just realized, I rushed my entire life for what? I started dating Grayson six months into knowing him, he was what 22? Got married 2 years later when I was 21, Graduated college and started working for him. Stopped working at the office last year, and now I stay at home while he’s out putting his dick inside who knows,” you sighed looking at the stars above you while your mind raced at twenty five thoughts per second. 
“Everything happens for a reason Yeimy. And you’ll figure everything out, just take it easy on your mental health. And I can’t really give you any other piece of advice because I’m not going through that,” she reassured said, grabbing your hand. 
“I hope what you’re saying is true, otherwise I don’t know what to do.” You sighed squeezing her hand back. 
“Everything happens for reason babe. Everything,” she said, you nodded your head and continued looking out into space.
Stages 3
Tags:  @angelgrayson @rhyrhy462 @333dolans @vinylhazza @foxglovedolan @dolanissues @mercurygrant @persistence-ofmemories @dolansficsandpics @blindedbythelightt @kinkygrays @pineappledols @the-evolution-of-stupidity @evergreendolan
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resinatingbeauty · 3 years
In Memory of The Best Friend I Ever Had - RIP Shadow (assumed)- 4/30/2021
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Shadow showed up at my parents house where I lived at the time, one night back in 2016. I had just gotten home from working at a local country club late in the evening, tired, and physically burnt out from working 40+ hours a week on top of going to college for my associates degree. I saw something pass by the driveway out of the corner of my eye. Something massively fluffy, tail straight up in the air, trotting along. There are many feral cat colonies in this town and many cat owners that lived on that street. Needless to say, I didn't expect this one to whip back around and start chirping at me, rubbing my legs after I called to her.
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My mother was adamant when my last two cats had past 8 or so years prior that she wasn't looking for any more pets. My mom loves animals, but she also loves her home and was thinking about doing renovations before adopting any new companions. I knew I was in trouble when this cat came to me with nothing but affection, clearly malnourished, but strangely well groomed. I knew she had to be owned by someone, I had no idea who.
That night I went inside after spending some time enjoying her company. At the time, I was calling 'Charlemange'' as a play on 'Charlemagne'. I had been taking a medieval humanities course at the time and the name seemed fitting enough considering how much scraggly fur she had. Huge paws. Big, fluffy tail and mane. I had never seen a cat so gorgeous around the area. All the feral cats are short hairs, reinforcing my notion that she had to be someone's pet.
I watched through the window slit of the front door as Charlemange played with the moths and other bugs that were attracted to the lamp post my parents have at the end of the driveway and regretted leaving her out there.
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I simply thought that Charlemange would return home where she belonged. When I went out to my back screened in patio, whom do you think was waiting for me? Meowing? Charlemange. To my mother's horror, she would launch herself at the screen and hang there to get our attention. Imagine this big ass cat hanging from your screened in porch you've been trying to renovate by all her claws.
She was persistent and Charlemange NEVER returned home, wherever home was.
Eventually, I sealed the deal, low key giving her a can of tuna. Now you see how Shadow went from Charlemange to Shadow.
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For about a month, all I had to do was make a high pitched noise and Shadow would come out of wherever brush she was stalking, running and talking until she found me. One evening, I went to give her her dinner, and she shot in the front door.
Mortified, I watched as she scooted right into the one place that I dreaded her to go. My parent's room. That night, as a 20 something, I received a lecture from my father about how my mother felt about pets. 'She isn't a kitten, you know,' he said, 'thats a grown cat. Someone else's cat.'
I just listened and acknowledged what he was saying. I knew there was no point trying to explain what exactly happened. When my dad got done going off on the back porch and went back in to bed, I heard a meow from the patio door. Shadow had been standing at the door, waiting for him to leave , almost like she was saying, 'Hey, I'm really sorry about that, sis,'
Shadow would go on to live in or around the property for nearly a month. I made an effort to find her owners and return her to no avail. Eventually, a single mom I had been working as a private tutor for as a side hustle agreed that she would take Shadow. This would only last for a few months. The family had another cat, Karma, whom had been declawed (I abhor this) and two little girls who had no respect for animals (especially cats) because of this. I knew how the oldest handled Karma and my only solace in handing Shadow over was that I knew she wouldn't be hit by a car, would be fed, loved to a degree, and would scratch the shit out of them if they fucked up.
Their mother ended up calling me, giving me money to bring Shadow in to the humane society, saying she was a wonderful cat, just not the best fit for the girls. I could only imagine what Shadow went through at that house, because the time there changed her. The collar I had on her was returned to me snapped in two. It looked like it had been pulled off. I cringed thinking about it and never put another collar back on that cat. At the time, a woman had been busted hoarding 100+ cats that had all been relinquished to the humane society and local rescues. The humane society's solution for most was euthanasia and I wasn't about that for Shadow. Back to my backyard she went.
Eventually, Shadow won over my mother and my father, especially my father, whom you would never think would love that cat so much. When my mother brought Shadow to the vet, we were surprised to find she had a chip in her ear registered to someone on our block. As per protocol, animal control was sent out to investigate. The woman told animal control that she didn't want the cat. All she did was run away. Shadow's real name was Holly, but she was still Shadow to me.
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Shadow became the best friend I ever knew. Not a night went by where she wasn't under my covers sharing the pillow with me, laying stretched out on her back or side as the little spoon. If she wasn't in my bed, she would sit at the door to the bedroom, guarding me or in a chair next to me, always watching. I could do no wrong in that cat's eyes. She was the highlight of my day when I got home from every crappy job I had since. A furry coat to soak up the tears shed during long nights of insomnia and depression. An inspiration for my art and spirituality. My familiar and kindred spirit. If I would talk to her, she would respond with chirps and meows like she knew exactly what I was saying. If someone else was in the room giving her attention and I walked in, she would perk up and run toward me like they never existed. Shadow was the second cat that chose me. I have never chosen a cat from a shelter or adoption / rescue facility. This is how I acquired both my childhood furry friend and Shadow.
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It all began when I noticed Shadow's fur was sticky and stiff, like she had been sitting in honey. Just the end of her tail at first. She always had this silly habit of sitting in her food tray, so I cleaned it and her and thought nothing of it until the drooling started.
Shadow had always been a drooler, but not to this extent. Drool bubbles would pop from her left lip. One night, when I came home from work before I started my leave to focus on my Etsy shop, I was horrified to find her sitting on the couch with a bloody chin. Now, there wasn't a large amount of blood, but this alarmed me significantly. It was time to see a vet, like, yesterday. Thankfully, my shop sales had been great and I didn't have to fret over the bill- I was ready to pay whatever it was to make her feel better.
The vet confirmed what I knew deep down and didn't want to acknowledge because the thought was just too painful. Cancer. No chance of survival even if I wanted to go through the hell of treatment, which involved removal of the tongue and jaw. I brought Shadow home and cried, hoping for the best -that the antibiotic would work. The vet said she had been wrong before, it could just be an abscess and it would heal. Shadow was still doing cat things. Shadow was still my best friend, she still loved me, she was still trying to cuddle me at night and surrounding me with the reminder of death in the odor of her breath.
Yesterday, I brought Shadow in to be put to sleep. The decision was made when I looked up from making a rune set and saw puddles of blood on the floor, a stream of it from her face as she was sitting in the window sill. I have never felt so heartbroken. Not even at a family member's funeral. I asked to bring her home, burying her under the tree where I buried my last cat and childhood familiar, Elmo. When I saw the standard biohazard bag peeking up through the dirt, I knew that was where she belonged. With her sister. Yesterday, my heart was buried with that cat. Eleven years was not long enough but each one filled with so much love and happiness. I stood with her until the end. The only peace I feel is that I know that she is no longer hurting. I know she knew I loved her.
I miss you Shadow. To those of you who have recently lost your best friend, your familiar or the love of your life, my heart goes out to you. I hope that someone else can read this and share my pain. I understand that there was nothing I could do but love her. Love your pets. Love them as long and as well as you can- nothing is immortal. We accept this when we commit to caring for our (mostly) furry (sometimes scaly or feathery) friends. This doesn't mean that it hurts any less when we lose them.
To my customers, who have been patiently and diligently awaiting orders while Etsy forced hiatus on my shop, preventing sales during this crisis in addition to my sister in law's wedding and me poking my own eye out back and February- you all are really the best turn of luck I've had. You do not know how much I appreciate you allowing me the time to spend these last few precious moments with her. It truly means the world to me and I hope at the end you receive something worth your time and patience. I have not forsaken fulfillment, and orders are still shipping. Unfortunately, I NEED to reopen and accept new orders, as Etsy is demanding payment for $600 worth of shipping labels. My shop is still appearing as in hiatus at the moment, but I ask for all the support my friends, supporters and followers can offer at this time as I essentially will be working for free when I reopen to pay these fees. Great, right?
If you are awaiting refunds, there is literally no money in the account associated with Etsy. However, as the funds become available, I will be processing refunds / cancellations. I'm sorry for the delays, I never thought I would say I found success at the worst possible time. I urge the rest of you- if you have a deadline for your order for the love of goddess TELL ME. I am getting a little frustrated with buyers (who are frustrated with me, understandably, but still, my item descriptions are clear about relaying deadlines) who are upset or complaining about meeting gift deadlines or other deadlines I literally had no idea about. I'm a decent psychic, but not perfect.
~ Samantha
(Owner/Designer/Creator blursedbaubles.etsy.com)
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 4 years
Scars: Year five, Chapter six
Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: Implied eating disorder, swearing, violence, alcoholics, 
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
Did you stay for the end?
Or are you just waiting for a beginning?
Because without her, the boys fear they'll never get either. ________________________________
Lily told me to get a journal to write in.
So here we go.
Dear Diary,
Wait am I allowed to call you Y/n?
I think I would prefer that better, let me restart.
Dear Y/n,
I miss you.
I also punched James earlier.
I'm not sorry.
I can just hear you scolding me about it and I can see you asking James what he did.
I know he didn't mean to knock you out, I just... I can't help it Y/n.
It hurts too much to do anything now and now that you're in a coma I can't get my daily dose of Y/n wonderfullness. I know that that isn't a real word but I don't care.
Goodbye for now my love, Please wake up tomorrow. ________________________________
" You comin Remus?"
James leaned out of the door and looked at the boy still sitting on the windows ledge.
" Not today James... I'm not hungry."
The boy signed and moved over to where he sat, squatting next him.
" Remus you haven't eaten in three days. Y/n wouldn't want this, she would want to see you happy and with food in your stomach. Come on Re, just one meal, for Y/n at least?" _______________________________
Good morning darling,
Don't ask about the name, I'm just trying something's out for when you wake up.
Anyway, I still miss you. I miss you every waking second of the day and I miss you like the sun misses the moon at day-rise.
Sirius says I need to eat more but I think I'm fine.
I got mad at Malfoy earlier and broke his nose.
James covered for me and punched him so it would look like he did it. I'm still not sorry for punching him last week by the way if you're wondering.
Transfiguration was nice. I mean, McGonagall accidentally said your name in class when assigning partners and I had to be excused when I started to cry.
Lily's been helping me with classes and homework recently because I can't focus in class anymore without you here. Kayla actually came to our dorm earlier this week too and dropped off your trunk and other stuff. I put it all by my stuff at the end of the bed.
Sorry Love, I have to go, James just came in.
Goodbye Y/n, Wake up soon. _______________________________
Hello angel,
I know I just put an insert to this yesterday but I had something else to tell you today.
Earlier Sirius went out to do a detention and It was just James and Peter and Me in the dorm. Peter wanted me to see something outside so we went and sat on the window ledge outside of our window where Sirius goes to smoke at night.
Do you remember when we used to sit there and watch the sun go down while I held you in my arms?
Well Peter wanted to watch the sunset and I ended up crying while James and Pete sat beside me and hugged me.
James said that it's important to remember that I need to wait out for you.
I'm really starting to miss you Y/n.
Sirius says that I shouldn't be worried because he knows you're a stubborn ass who always comes back but I'm starting to doubt that.
Please come back love, I miss you ________________________________
" Remus can you put down the book for a moment?"
" Lily you're the one who told me to start it-'
" I know that Remus and you're a lot better now because of it but you also never put it down." ________________________________
Lily says I spend too much time writing to you because I write in class too sometimes.
I've only written about a third of the journal so far and it's been two weeks since you, y'know... but I think that it doesn't matter because I feel like I can talk to you all the time in here. Like I used to be able to talk to you all the time...
Of course I don't do this during my prefect rounds but I wish I could.
Goodbye button I love you, But please wake up soon. ________________________________
" Moony we won!"
" We bloody won Remus! We won!" ________________________________
Sirius and James won the Quidditch cup yesterday and made me go to the party.
I'm so sorry love.
I'm sorry...
I know you wouldn't've wanted me to drink but I did... I drank a lot.
I realized what I was doing about an hour in and went upstairs to take a shower and cry.
I really am sorry love, you hate alcohol.
I ended up wearing the last sweater of mine you wore afterwards. It still smelt like you y'know.
And I finished all my homework so I could tell you about what happened last night.
Anyway, I love you.
I want to press kisses all over your face, I wanna kiss your nose and your temple and I wanna kiss your forehead and I want to kiss your jawline again and I just wanna be able to kiss your lips again love.
Goodnight baby, Wake up soon please. _______________________________
" Come on Remus you gotta go see her. You haven't even visited the hospital wing since what happened."
" Peter I said no. How many times do I have to say it?" ______________________________
Peter got me to visit you today.
He didn't even seem affected when I cried with my head on your stomach. He just grabbed my hand and stayed with me.
I'm really glad he made me go visit you. It made me happier.
I also really miss laying in bed with you, my head on your lap or stomach or chest while you just hummed and kissed my forehead and hands and anywhere you could reach.
I Really miss those days. _____________________________
Hey Y/n!
This is Sirius, James made him start eating his lunch but he wouldn't unless one of us talked to you so here I am. When you wake up you better beat your boyfriends arse because he hasn't been eating much and he looks like he did in third year again and I know you wouldn't like that.
Speaking of your boyfriend, Remus recently got an owl telling him your mum and aunt died so we don't know who you're staying with when you wake up but I think Mrs. Potter has her hands full with both me and James so you'll probably stay with Remus.
Wait I have to give the book back to Remus. Bye sis, Love ya. _______________________________
Hi Y/n,
Your finger twitched today, I almost got my hopes up but Pomfrey said that was usual.
She made me leave to pack my things for the train tomorrow.
I won't be able to visit you over summer break and I don't think I'll be able to tell Mare and Ky and Jamal and Mum and Dad what happened to you.
Speaking of Mare, her and her girlfriend are engaged now. No actually her girlfriend is a boy now. James's parents are going to help fund the wedding whenever it comes. I love you, Please wake up before I come back to school. _______________________________
Today at home Mare was getting me to help pick the seating arrangements and she wrote your name next to mine in the first row.
That was the first time I ever cried in front of her and she didn't know what was wrong so I had to tell her what happened.
Will you wake up soon enough to go with me?
I love you Kitten, Come back to me Y/n. _______________________________
I have to babysit Ky and Jamal later tonight. Maybe I can write something new later Afterwards love. Anyways, I've a new book, Rising Stars is what it's called. Mare Recommended it to me yesterday. I think You're gonna steal it from me when wake up.
Mare's been making me eat more food. Everyone says I should eat more.
But Mare says I look more like myself now.
Love, Remus _______________________________
" Remus can we make cookies?"
The boy's head lolled back onto the couch's frame and Jamal stood on his thighs trying to get him up.
" Pretty please big brother dearest?"
The boy lifted his leg and swiftly sat up, lightly moving the children off of his body as he made to move towards his bedroom.
" Alright, the eight-year old's have it! Just let me get the book-
His sentence cut short at the sight before him.
There, standing outside the screen door of the kitchen, was Y/n.
The woman stood standing, hand in her pocket, arm in a position to knock on the door when she froze and saw Remus standing like a deer in headlights looking at her.
She looked full again.
She looked like Y/n again.
Remus was still staring at her when the two children came and mad ran out from behind him, peeking behind his figure to see who had been outside. Once Jamal and the other saw the girls face they ran for the door and pulled it open, grasping onto her fingers to pull her inside the house they were so exited.
Remus still stood there.
And yet he still stood and watched as she smiled and laughed with the two kids as they pulled her over to where he stood.
He watched as she sneakily slipped her arms under Ky's and pulled him upwards, sitting the kid on her hip as the boy started to mess with her hair.
Remus watched as she looked up at him with a wide grin that showed all her pearly-white teeth and he watched as she walked the last foot keeping them apart and grasped his jaw, pulling him into a kiss.
It took his body a moment to react before he was pulling the girl flush against him and kissing her full force, needing to feel her body, to feel proof that she was back. Just needing to feel her.
He could feel her hands move up to the collar of his shirt and he could feel her smile against his lips, breaking the kiss if only for a moment. His arms rested on the outline of her coat as he pulled it closer to his body, in turn pulling her.
Then he went back to kissing her full force again, his arms wrapped around her waist as he dipped her backwards and grinned.
" Gross."
Their heads snapped back to where Jamal and Ky stood, their noses scrunched up in disgust. Until they saw the smile on Remus's face.
They hadn't seen him smile like that in forever.
So when he went back to pull her into another kiss and when he started to pepper her face in kisses they simply looked away, not ruining the moment and intent on keeping that smile on his lips.
Remus reached behind Y/n and grasped the bag in her arm, grasping her wrist in the process and pulling her along with him to the bedroom.
" Are we still getting our cookies?"
" Yeah!" ________________________________
D'ya still hate me? 😀
Anyway- Nice reunion scene in my opinion.
I know it's not long but if you complain then I will legit show you how many fucks I give, Oh wait, I don't have any. _____________________________ Drop a vote, drink some water, eat some food, take screen breaks and remember You Are Loved! ^ - ^
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brianc521 · 5 years
Valentines | CEO Peter
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Peter was a classy man. He wasn’t one that went for cliches and he wasn’t one to fall for the world's antics on celebrating a ‘day of love’ just as a ploy to spend money on candy and flowers. 
Last year, since you were in love with the idea of valentine's day, he agreed to take you to dinner, allowed you to dress him up and then dress him down at the end of the night.
Hearts and flowers weren’t totally this thing, or well at least not in public. 
This time around? Different story.
Peter is really lovesick. He is head over cufflinks in love with you. You’re wearing his ring, and your initials are tattoo’d just behind his ear. He is devoted to you, and he wants you to know that. So he might have gone a little crazy. It really didn’t help that he hasn’t seen you all week.
You’ve been in Ohio, with he who shall not be named, on a work business trip. You were meant to be home yesterday morning, but weather loves to fuck things up. Your plane was delayed and you didn’t end up getting into town but around 3 am this morning. Since your brother lives just around the corner from the airport, and you and Peter live a good 45 minutes away, it just made sense to crash at Ashtons. 
Peter understood, and really didn’t want you driving that far while being dead tired, he needed you safe. With that said, it still really sucked to spend yet another night alone in the cold sheets. 
Soooooo, that amped up his wanting to do something special for you.
The man not only had the whole store catered for breakfast for you and your employee’s, he also had your office completely filled with dozens of bouquets of roses and sunflowers (your two most favorite flowers). 
But that’s not all. You kept finding little gifts everywhere. Opening your desk drawer to grab a notepad left you munching on a box of chocolates. Accepting the shipment for the day had you hugging a 6 ft teddy bear. 
You called him once the shipment guys left, leaving you alone in the back of the shop.
“Mrs. Mendes, Happy Valentine’s day!” Stan answers cheerfully. 
“Hi Stan! Happy Valentine’s day to you too!” 
“Thank you Mrs. Mendes.” 
“He busy right now?” You ask, chewing on your thumb nail. 
You hear some shuffling and a murmured voice. “He’s about to step into a meeting, he’s walking past me as we speak.” 
“My wife?” You hear in the background, and then suddenly his voice fills your ear. “Hi Baby.” 
“Hi Love.” You sigh, melting into your seat from the sound of his voice alone. “I don’t wanna keep you.” 
“Please do.” He responds.
“Bad meeting?” 
“A fire is about to go out.” He nods, using some code to tell you he’s about to fire someone. 
“Oh, well then call me after.” 
“Or better yet, I’ll pick you up after.” He quips. 
“I got the rest of the day off.” He bribes. 
“Okay, when should I expect you.” You grin.
“Really? You can come?” 
“Baby, I’m the boss, I can leave if I want. I’ve just spent the week working for this place in a different state.” 
“It’s sexy when you say things like that.” You hear a gag and then Peter’s rough chuckle. “Fuck off Stan.” 
You smile and bite your lip, taking notice of how good of a mood he’s in. 
“Well? Am I ditching this place or what?” 
“Be ready in 30, this fire won’t take long.” 
“Okay, and Mr. Mendes?” 
“You’re always sexy.” 
He chokes a bit and you giggle as you hang up your phone, strutting your stuff off to the sales floor to tell Micheal you’ll be leaving soon.
You start running a little when you see him leaning against his 2019 Porsche 911. He looks too good to be true, and he’s all yours.
“Baby!” He cheers, standing up straight to catch you as you jump into his arms. 
Your legs wrap around his waist, locking your ankles at the small of his back. His arms tighten as you bury your face in his neck, and he kisses your neck as he takes in a deep breath of your perfume. A plus from you working at a body shop, you always smell so good. 
“Fuckin’ missed you.” He mumbles against your skin. “Don’t ever leave me for that long again.” 
“I won’t, that was pure torture.” 
He walks you around to the passenger side of his car, tapping your bum a few times to get you to hop down. 
“Can I drive?” You grin at him, eyeing the car. 
“If you’re good maybe I’ll let you someday, but today I have plans in store that are meant to be a surprise.” He says helping you into the seat. He shuts your door, walking around the car and slipping in himself. 
“Can I have a kiss then?” 
“You don’t even have to ask that question.” He hums, leaning over the console to plant his lips on yours. 
“Thanks for my flowers, chocolates, and teddy bear. Although I don’t need a teddy bear, I already have you.” 
“Okay, so you’re going to be extra cheesy today?” He raises his eyebrow at you as he pulls out of the parking garage. 
“Me? You sir had me drowning in roses today.” 
He grins, shaking his head. “I’ve arranged for Bailey to get your gifts at the end of the work day when the store closes. I don’t want him messing up your conversion walking in and out so much.” 
You stare at him in awe and lean over to kiss his cheek. “The team says thank you for breakfast, and I’m saying thank you for being an incredible husband.” 
“Speaking of that.” He clears his throat. “We keep calling each other husband and wife.” 
“Yes we do and it confuses the hell out of everyone, I love it.” You giggle. 
“What if it didn’t anymore?” He inquired. 
“What do you mean?” 
“What if I told you we’d actually be married by the end of the night?” 
“What if I told you Bailey was setting up an Officiant right now?” 
“Really?” You squeal turning to him. “What about the wedding we’re already planning? You know with our Mom’s, the planner, the dress designer?” 
“We’ll have that.” He nods. “But it’s taking too long to make you my actual wife. So what if we got married today, and again in a year when the wedding’s planned. We’ll know we’re already married, to everyone else they’ll celebrate our marriage, for us we’ll celebrate our anniversary?” He grins, looking at you.
“I think I’m in love with you, and that I’ll do anything you want.” 
“Anything?” He teases. 
“I mean a honeymoon has to happen right?” You tease back. 
“Oh Baby you don’t even know what you just asked for.”
You stare at yourself in the mirror and smile. Peter had taken you to pick out a simple dress for tonight, then to a jeweler to pick out his and your ring, and then dropped you off at home with a stylist team to glam you the fuck up. 
Bailey holds the door for you as you climb into the limo. Peter’s going full out tonight. Pulling out all the stops.
The drive to the venue is short, mainly because you’re heavy in your thoughts, but before you know it Bailey is opening the door for you and helping you out. 
You’re handed a bouquet of roses and sunflowers while ushered into the dim building. A few of the stylists fuss about a few strands of your hair, and fix your dress a bit. When they finally have perfected your look they scurry away.
Music starts and Bailey appears to open the double doors for you. “Ready?” He asks softly.
“More than ready.” You smile at Bailey.
“You make a beautiful Bride Mrs. Mendes, thank you for being in our lives.” With that Bailey opens the door and watches you walk down the aisle. 
Peter has booked out the most amazing venue, it’s empty, save for an arch in place behind Peter and the officiant. Raul and Shawn stand in the front row, both in nice slacks and a button up shirt. Raul’s in red, Shawn’s in yellow, matching your flowers. They both smile at you and watch you walk to Peter at the end of the aisle. 
Before you know it Peter is dipping you down to kiss you fiercely, you’re named Mrs. Mendes, officially, and suddenly the world is just right. You finally feel like you belong in this crazy place. 
“Congrats!” Shawn cheers, Raul whistling as Peter stands you back up, hand firmly gripping your ass. 
You giggle as you pull away, turning towards the boys. Peter kisses your cheek and is ready to whisk you off, but you laugh harder as you stare at Shawn and Raul.
“What are you laughing at Sis?” Raul asks. 
“You look like Ketchup and Mustard.” You lose it when they stare at each other and laugh too. Peter lets out a good belly laugh and shakes his head. 
“Let’s go, I’m ready to take my wife home, and kick these losers out.” He tugs you down the aisle. 
“Oh we can at least get the McDonalds boys dinner.” You giggle, cackling at the fact that your jokes are just gonna keep on rolling. 
“Wow, make her a Mendes and she suddenly feels like she can tease you.” Shawn says to Raul, nudging his elbow. 
Raul grins and rushes towards you and Peter, swooping you up over his shoulder, twirling in circles. “Oh Sis, what’s the matter? Feeling a little dizzy?”
“Raul stop!” You laugh, hitting his back repeatedly. 
“Raul.” Peter stands straight, crossing his arms over his chest. “Put my wife down before something seriously happens to you.” 
“Ooh, scary.” Raul scoffs, setting you back on your heeled feet. You sway and reach for Peter as you try to regain your footing. 
Peter swings you up into his arms, holding you with one arm under your back and the other under your knees. 
“What is with you two and picking me up?” You ask, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“It’s customary for the groom to walk his wife over the threshold.” 
“We’re not home though.” You point out with a raised eyebrow. 
“I’m practicing then.” He grins, leaning down to kiss you softly. 
“Okay, we don’t need to see you practice for the honeymoon.” Shawn gags. 
Peter rolls his eyes, looking to Bailey as you all step outside. “Bailey, take Mickey-” He points to Shawn, “And Dee-” He points to Raul, “Home so I can take my wife away from the greasy mess they are.” 
“Haha.” Shawn rolls his eyes. “Very funny dickhead.” Raul shakes his head. “You wanted us to match her flowers, we were good brothers and followed your orders. Should be thanking us.” 
Peter smiles, looking at his brother, setting you down and engulfing each in a huge hug. “I do thank you. Thanks for being the witnesses to the greatest achievement of my life.” 
Each brother wraps you up in a big hug, leaving you with your Husband. 
“Well Mrs. Mendes,” Peter holds your hand as he leads you to his Porsche. “What do you say about driving me to the beach house?”
“I get to drive?” 
“I told you if you were good you could.” He nods opening the drivers side for you.
“And if I want to be bad?” 
“Oh Baby you’ve got a whole mini honeymoon to be bad.” 
“Mini honeymoon?” 
He nods, leaning against the car. “Beach house this weekend, alone. Month in Bora Bora once you’re settled at work.” 
You raise your eyebrows, grinning at him. “So I have a lot of time to be bad.”
“Do your worst Mrs. Mendes.”
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Riding On  Ch 6: It’s A Nice Day For A White Wedding
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Summary: It’s Jake’s wedding day and poor Fliss appears to be the only sober one in the Circle Of Truth…and then that all important question is answered. Is Baby Adler Pink or Blue? (Place your bets, please!)
Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW NO UNDER 18s!!) Also some pretty heavy anti-Trump ranting so if this offends anyone, sorry (but also not sorry… I think the guy is as much of a buffoon as Boris fcking Johnson)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Just so you know, I couldn’t decide whether to give them a boy or a girl…so I literally wrote both down on a piece of paper and picked. Also, I have to thank @southerngrace here for her idea on just how to reveal the news to Mary and their Family. Chapter Song: It’s All About You by Mc Fly (this one has ALWAYS screamed Friss at me, I’m not afraid to say it!)
Riding On Masterlist //  WIYPT Masterlist
And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to. But if you deny me one of your kisses, don’t know what I’d do. So hold me close and say three words like you used to do. Dancing on the kitchen tiles, yes you make my life worthwhile, so I told you with a smile, it’s all about you.
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Bonnie and Fliss stood in the small room at the side, the crowd of people milling around between there and the outside patio area whilst the main room was set up for the party following the conclusion of the sit down reception.
"It was a nice meal." Bonnie smiled.
"Yeah, really thoughtful of them to have the non-alcoholic wine available" Fliss smiled. “Felt nice to taste something that made me feel like an adult again.”
She looked around and her gaze settled on Frank who was leaning against the bar, his red tie long discarded, collar of his dress shirt undone. He caught her eye, flashed her a smile and then turned back to Greg continuing their conversation.
"He hasn't taken his eyes off you all day." Bonnie smiled as Fliss turned back to her. "It's cute"
Fliss smiled "You know he got me flowers yesterday. When I got back from work he had already left to come up here and when I called him to ask what they occasion was he said he just felt like it." She paused "I get the feeling he is still trying to make up for Vegas but he doesn't need to. We're good."
Bonnie grinned. "Did he tell you what he actually said to the girl?"
"I don't think he remembers" Fliss shook her head.
"Si does. Apparently he said, and I quote 'why the fuck would I want a Big Mac when I got a prime fillet steak waiting for me at home?’ “
Fliss blinked, and then let out a huge snort of laughter which attracted the attention of a few people around them.
"How fucking rude"
"She deserved it by refusing to back off the first time. Ho." Bonnie shrugged.
"I don't mean that I mean him likening me to a piece of meat. Mind you, quite apt really..." she shrugged
"How so?"
"He is constantly fucking horny." Fliss dropped her voice "Not that I particularly mind but the last week or so he's been really, really bad. Take Thursday for example. I woke up to him poking me in the back so he got a blowjob before we got up, then he fucked me on the couch that evening when Mary had gone to bed and then when I woke up to go to the loo at 2 am we did it again."
Bonnie sniggered "Maybe you're giving off some kind of sex pheromone because you’re pregnant."
"I know you're joking but..." Fliss shrugged "He’s always had a high sex drive but since I started really showing he has gotten so much worse. I think he has some kind of breeding kink."
"Must be so hard being you..." Bonnie said sarcastically "Nice man that buys you flowers and can't keep his hands off you...”
"He is the one finding it hard not me" Fliss grinned and at that Bonnie tipped her head back laughing.
Frank heard his girl’s laughter from where he was stood and watched as she tipped her head back, attracting the attention of a few of the guests with her loud cackles. His eyes scanned down her frame and back up again, lingering slightly on the gentle curve of her bump just visible under her dress as it hung over her lower body. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant knot at the base of her neck, a few strands hanging loose around her face and her eyes were lidded with a light dusting of rose gold powder, making her brown irises pop even more. The necklace he had bought her a while back hung around her neck, settling just above her cleavage which looked fucking amazing in that dress.
The moment he had seen her earlier when she had arrived with Bonnie he’d felt the all too familiar stirring in his pants that he seemed to get every time he looked at her recently. His mouth had gone dry and he’d been totally ogling her, enough to cause Greg to slap him on his shoulder and tell him, jokingly, to stop being a pervert.
Frank hadn't replied. He’d waited long enough to allow himself to open up to someone so they could see the entire shit show he was. He was happy, more than happy in fact. So as for being a pervert where Fliss was concerned? Well, he had no intentions of stopping at all.
As he watched her now, aware he was once more staring at her, she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and her hand went to her silver daisy pendant, gently twirling the silver chain in her fingers before she let go, pressing her hand over the pendant in the curve just above her breasts and that was it, he was done.
He wanted her, now.
Necking the short that Greg had passed him he patted his friend on his shoulder and told him he would be back shortly before striding over the room towards the two women. As he made his way over, dodging round a few people, he saw Fliss reached out and snatch Bonnie’s beer, taking a mouthful, letting out a groan of satisfaction. Bonnie’s eyes flew to him as he approached and he put a finger over his lips, telling her to be quiet.
“Pretty sure you ain’t supposed to have that…” Bonnie chastised, her eyes flicking back to Fliss as she took the bottle back.
“One mouthful won’t hurt.” Fliss replied, her shoulders rising in a shrug. “I always take a swig of Frank’s before I hand it to him…just don’t tell him.”
“Too late.” he leaned down and said in her ear, causing her to shriek slightly and jump as his hands settled on her hips, beard tickling her cheek and neck.
“Fuck! Fran, what you trying to do, send me into early labour?” she tilted her head to look over her shoulder at him before she glared at Bonnie “You could have warned me.”
Bonnie shrugged and grinned as she walked off. Fliss wrinkled her nose and turned in Frank’s arms, looking up at him sheepishly
“That was naughty.” he teased and she grinned a little.
“It was one mouthful…”
“I’m only teasing.” he smiled, dropping his mouth to hers in a sweet kiss and she sighed. He tasted of scotch and the cheesecake that they’d had for desert. “I told you before, one glass or one bottle won’t hurt if you want one.” “No, I don’t.” she shrugged “Just wanted a little taste that’s all.”
“Yeah well, now I want a taste of something.” “What are you talking about?”
“I want you.” he said, his mouth by her ear and he felt her still slightly, her breath hitching and he grinned, planting a soft kiss to the crook of her shoulder. He knew the effect those words had on her, being wanted as opposed to needed, it was a subtle difference, but one he knew meant something to her, and him for that matter.
“What, now?” she looked at him as he pulled away, glancing around the room before he looked back down at her.
“Right now.” he nodded.
“You’re serious.”
“Deadly.” he looked at her, “What’s the Ladies bathroom like?”
“You wanna do me in the ladies?” she deadpanned as he tugged her hand and pulled her away from the crowded foyer towards the bathroom.
“Yup.” he said, checking around once more to see if anyone was watching, before he opened the door and nudged her back gently with his hand so she entered the room in front of him.
“Wow, romantic, Frank.” Fliss said sarcastically as she arched an eyebrow, turning to face him.
“I’m being spontaneous….” he said, backing into the cubicle and pulling her with him, reaching round to lock the stall door.
“There’s nothing spontaneous about you wanting to jump my bones” she looked up at him as her purse clattered to the floor, “You’re constantly after a bit at the moment.”
“Can you blame me Sweetheart?” he whined, looking down at her, his eye-line trained on her cleavage “You turn up…looking like that…been killing me sat next to you all afternoon. Frankie has needs.”
“My face is up here jackass!”
“I know.” he said, his gaze not moving “I was talking to Ben and Jerry.”
“Ben and Jerry.” Fliss scoffed “You named my boobs?”
“Only since they got bigger.” he grinned as his eyes moved back to hers
“Why Ben and Jerry?” she asked as his hands gripped at her hips.
“Because they’re delicious and soft like ice cream.”
Fliss snorted and he grinned at her, his eyes glazed slightly.
“You’re drunk” she stated.
“Nah ah, it’s hormones.” he said seriously.
“No.” Fliss laughed “I’m pretty sure you’re drunk. I saw you, Simon and Greg before, all necking from the hipflasks you each have in your pocket whilst they were taking the photos.” “Yeah, but.” Frank shook his head “I aint that drunk. Scouts honour.” “Like you were ever in the scouts.” she laughed, her hand brushing through his hair.
“Actually I was, you can ask the mothership.” he assured her “They kicked me out after 5 months thought. I made rude words out of a load of string that we were supposed to be using to mark out a flower bed at the old people’s home.”
Fliss let out a groan “Bean is gonna be a monster.”
“No they won’t” he shook his head “Gonna be sweet…” he placed a kiss to her lips. “…and gentle, just like their mamma bear.”
His hand moved to cup her cheek, fingers grazing her neck as he pressed his mouth to hers. The kiss quickly became heated and Frank pressed up against her, the door to the cubicle rattling slightly, neither of them paying it much attention. His other hand grabbed a fist full of her dress, and he was just hoisting the tulle layers up when the noise of voices hit their ear as the door to the bathroom opened. They both stopped dead, and Fliss bit her lip to stop herself from laughing as Frank grinned down at her, his finger flying to his lips as his shoulders shook with his silent sniggers. A few doors down the cubicle door opened and they waited for whoever it was to finish. Eventually the toilet flushed and the door unlocked, before the tap began to run.
“I’d hurry up you guys…” Bonnie spoke, amusement in her tone as Frank and Fliss looked at each other, “You’ve been gone 10 minutes already.” At that Fliss burst out giggling as Frank snorted and his face dropped to Fliss shoulder where he pressed a kiss to her skin, his lips sliding up to her neck, gently nipping beneath her ear, his hands fondling her breasts over her dress. She gave a low groan and he smirked against her skin.
“Still don’t wanna?” he teased and she shook her head.
“Fine, just…get on with it then you twat.” she mumbled into his ear and he looked at her, grinning.
“I love it when you swear in British baby.”
“I can talk dirty in British too…” she quipped.
Frank gave a groan, slanting his mouth on hers as he pulled her with him, her fingers undoing his belt and trousers, pushing them down with his boxers over his hips, before he sat down on the closed toilet, taking himself in his hand and pumping himself a few times until he was rock hard as she leaned down, kissing him.
“Turn round…” he said against her mouth and she did as she was told. His hands bunched her skirt up to her hips and she reached down to move it of the way as he grabbed her hips and pulled her down, shifting her underwear to one side. In a fluid moment she sank down onto him, both of them letting out soft moans as Frank’s arm circled her waist protectively around her bump as she tipped her head back against his shoulders, his hips moving upwards.
She ground down on him, rotating her hips and he let her set the pace, more than happy to simply sit there, holding her, trailing sloppy kisses over the exposed skin on her back. The hand that wasn’t round her waist moved up to the front of her dress, slipping inside the low plunge neck line to her bra-les breast, rolling her nipple softly causing her to shudder and push down on him further.
“Fuck, Lissy…” he groaned, his forehead pressing on her shoulder “Feel so good baby girl..”
Her response was a low pant of his name as her hips moved faster, snapping back and forth as she pushed down even further, seeking out the friction she desperately needed. Her head tilted and he caught her mouth in a sloppy kiss, swallowing another moan as she pushed down further, his hands pulling her onto his lap as he fucked up into her over and over.
It was dirty, quick and in his many times with women he wasn’t quite sure he’d fucked anyone in a bathroom before, certainly an alley way or two, a dark corner of parking lot too, but it didn’t matter either way as he was damned sure it wouldn’t have been as good as this, the woman who was carrying his baby, the woman he loved with all his heart bouncing on his lap as they both raced to their ends. As Fliss tightened down, her head rolling back, she parted her lips and let out a low keen as Frank’s hand gently moved upwards, his fingers caressing the font of her throat as he held her against him, turning her head towards his so he could catch her mouth in a filthy kiss as he pushed up for a final time and came with a grunt. They both sat still for a while before he gave a little hum as Fliss chuckled as his hands wrapped around her, resting on her bump.
“You’re a bad man.” she mumbled and he grinned, giving her a quick kiss.
“Yeah but I’m your bad man.”
With a snort Fliss stood up and Frank rearranged himself, standing up and pulling up his pants. With another soft kiss Fliss told him to go out ahead of her whilst he sorted herself out so as not to attract too much attention to where they had been, even though she was pretty sure Bonnie had already told their friends.
Telling her he would meet her at the bar, with a final peck to her lips Frank headed out of the cubicle. He quickly checked his appearance in the mirror and once he’d straightened his suit and smoothed his hair down slightly he pulled the door open to be met with a round of applause as Simon and Greg stood by the pillar outside the bathroom, both grinning as they clapped.
Frank grinned as simply took a bow before the three of them laughed and Greg slapped him on the back as the three of them headed to the bar.
***** “Welcome to the dance floor….” The DJ’s voice rang out over the room “The new Mr and Mrs Neill…”
Jake swept Lisa out onto the floor and Fliss smiled, watching a the woman’s dress billowed out behind her and he took her into a hold as the opening bars to Signed, Sealed Delivered by Stevie Wonder rang out. Jake began to twirl Lisa around, the pair of them laughing a various people took photos, recording. Frank dropped a kiss to the side of Fliss’ temple and she smiled as his fingers curled around her hip.
“They look so happy.” Fliss smiled.
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “Good job really, seeing as they just got married.”
Fliss smiled and then there were some giggles as Jake and Lisa’s young girls ran onto the dancefloor to join their parents, which gave the couple the signal to wave everyone else in to join them.
“Shall we?” Frank asked, turning to face Fliss and she grinned.
“Lead the way Sailor.”
They stepped out onto the dancefloor where Frank gently took her left hand in his right, his other hand curling round her back, fingers splaying at the bottom of her spint.
“Can’t pull you quite as close as I’d like.” he quipped glancing down and Fliss shook her head as she looked at him, a soft smile spread across his face “You’re beautiful.” “You’re not so bad yourself, handsome.” she smiled as he twirled her around the floor, his movements upbeat in time with the song. He was actually a pretty good dancer, which Fliss knew already from the various times they’d been out, but it never failed to make her smile the way he could move so gracefully for such a tall, broad shouldered man. When she had passed comment on it once he had grinned and informed he that it was ‘all in the hips’, hips that were now easily snaking side to side as he moved in time with the music, stepping back from her a little, his hands taking hers. Fliss laughed, simply dancing along with him and eventually the music changed into another upbeat song. The pair of them stayed were they were, dancing with their friends and enjoying themselves until after about 20 minutes or so Fliss declared she was out, and needed the bathroom again before she was going to sit down.
“To pee this time, right?” Bonnie called after her. Fliss didn’t even look back, simply raised her finger up over her shoulder as she left the dancefloor.
Once she had washed her hands she touched up her make-up, glancing at her cheeks which were quite flushed from the heat and the dancing, before she headed out. Frank was waiting for her by the door.
“People will talk, you hanging around outside the Ladies.” she grinned.
“Only one lady for me.” he winked back and she shook her head.
“Smooth.” “I try.” he grinned, kissing her cheek “Wanna get a drink?”
“Yeah.” she smiled, slipping her hand in his as he led her over to the bar.
Frank ordered himself a beer, deciding he needed to take a break from the hard-stuff and Fliss a water. As she took it from him with a thanks she glanced around watching everyone dancing and milling around, cocking her head to one side, a thoughtful look on her face.
“Penny for em.” Frank said and she turned to look at him smiling.
“Nothing of interest really.” she mused “Just thinking about all this. It’s been a nice day and a lovely ceremony and clearly what Lisa and Jake wanted but…” “Not what you want.” Frank smiled “Yeah, I know.” “But what about you?” she asked, looking at him. “I know we joke about how I’ve been there and done it but…” “Liss.” he cut her off, his hand curling round her hip. “Do you really think that all this showy shit is my style?”
“No, not really.”
“Exactly.” he smiled at her “I told you, I’d be happy to run away, me, you and Mary and do it with just the 3 of us there. But I’d probably get lynched by your mom and dad so…” He pulled her into his side closer, dropping a kiss to his head “It can be whatever we want it to be.”
That word hit her hard, because her last wedding had been all about how her stupid bastard of a husband wanted to show the world how rich and special he was. There wasn’t a thing about that day she had chosen for herself, including her dress and her bridesmaids. She looked up at Frank, her eyes clouding slightly and he chuckled, shaking his head at her sudden emotion.
“Come on, let’s go sit down.” he smirked, nodding to a table at the side of the room where Simon was just taking a seat. Fliss nodded and allowed him to lead her over.
As is usually the case with weddings, people flit around all over the place. Fliss found herself dancing again with Bonnie, then talking to a few of Jake’s old school friends, then to some of Lisa’s friends, one of whom had her own horse so they got caught up in a lengthy chat about show-jumping and before long she realised she’d been away from Frank for well over an hour without realising. She finished up the conversation and headed back to where he was sat at a table, animatedly discussing something with a white haired gentleman, Bonnie watching him with a slightly amused expression.
"The guy is a fahking melt..." Fliss heard Frank groan as he leaned back in his chair, shaking his head.
"Who is he talking about?" Fliss asked as she sat down next to Bonnie.
"Trump" Bonnie replied, grinning.
"Oh this should be fun..." Fliss smirked, and Bonnie nodded.
"The guy he is talking to is apparently a big fan..." she turned to face Fliss, "But he's yet to give any kind of pro- Trump argument which Frank deems worthy of consideration. Oh, and Frank is getting more Boston with every sentence.”
“Yeah he does that.” Fliss she said, fondly turning her attention to Frank who shook his head and wrinkled his nose.
"You're being disrespectful." The man who Frank was talking to shook his head "He's our president."
Frank scoffed "Disrespectful? Not really, I just find it beyond comprehension that this country elected such a damaged, sociopathic narcissist."
"Say what you mean Frank." Bonnie nodded sagely and Fliss bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. Frank was in full flow, however, and fuelled by the amount of alcohol in his system he wasn't about to stop any time soon.
"John Oliver hit the nail on the head." he continued, necking the last of his beer. "Trump could be drowning in the damned ocean and he'd there, waving the lifeboats away screaming 'get out of here, I'm very buoyant, I'm the most buoyant. Everybody talks about my buoyancy... I'm a tremendous floater' ...fahkin jack-ass."
"Who got Frankie boy talking about Trump?" Simon asked, placing the tray of drinks down and handing them out. Fliss took her Sprite with a thanks as he slid a short tumbler of scotch over the white table cloth to Frank, before flopping down on the other side of Bonnie, dropping a kiss to her cheek. Bonnie nodded to the gentleman who was now saying something back, to which Frank let out a lout guffaw of laughter as Greg settled into a seat a few down from Fliss.
Simon grinned "Come on Jack!" he spoke and the man turned to face him "It's a wedding, no politics."
"I only stated I happened to agree with his policy of putting American's first..." the man held his hands up.
"And I only pointed out that his misguided beliefs that migrants are to blame for all of America's ills are exactly that, misguided." Frank shrugged, shooting a wink at Fliss as he reached for the glass of amber liquid in front of him. "People should look closer to home...at the people who run the damnedcountry, not everyone in it merely tryin'a make a living..."
"His policies made sense when I read them..." the man called Jack shrugged. “Well thought out, articulate…” At that Frank leaned back, shaking his head, an unbelieving smile on his face as he gave a groan “Articulate…come on…”
"You kniow..." Bonnie leaned forward "A random monkey hitting keys for an infinite amount of time will eventually come up with the works of Shakespeare" she swallowed the rest of her drink. "All Trump really needs to be considered one of the greatest Presidents of all times is an infinite amount of time and a monkey that can type."
At that Frank snorted into his glass and reached over the table, holding his hand up. Grinning Bonnie hi-fived him and Simon, Greg and Fliss exchanged a glance, before Fliss leaned forward.
"You know how they measure horses in hands." she said and Frank turned his attention to his girl, his eyes shining "well he must have the biggest horses on the planet." she said, making a claw like gesture with her right hand and Frank let out another loud bellow of laughter, his hand flying to his stomach.
"And why are his eye sockets always white?" Greg asked, looking into his glass like it held the answer before he glanced round at them all. "Like, you think someone would tell him to use the sunbed without the goggles every once in a while..."
At that Jack shook his head and stood up, walking away.
"Something we said?" Bonnie asked, innocently as Simon leaned back in his chair and spoke, his talent for impressions ringing out across the table as he imitated the President's voice perfectly "I'm going to build a wall, and it will be the greatest wall ever known to man, even better than China's...my time as President will go down in history as being part of America's dumbass years, the most dumbass years ever..."
As the 5 of them laughed, Jake plopped down at the table, pointing at Simon, then Frank then Greg.
"No politics at my wedding, bitches."
"We're not talking politics..." Frank hiccupped slightly "We were just roasting the cheeto skinned, toupee wearing prick."
"His dad should have definitely wiped him on a curtain." Greg nodded, causing everyone at the table to laugh once more.
"All that sperm and he got there the quickest." Simon sighed "Makes me wanna cry."
"You know what is gonna make you cry?" Jake looked at him "My foot up your ass. Come on guys, this is my fucking wedding. Let’s go do shots and rip up the dancefloor!"
"Oooh...shots..." Bonnie nodded, standing up.
"What happened to taking it easy in solidarity?" Fliss narrowed her eyes at her, patting her bump.
"I'm weak." Bonnie shrugged as Simon tugged her to the bar, Greg rising to follow them.
"Frank?" Jake asked
"I'll pass." he smiled
"I could get em to make you an apple juice shooter?" Jake offered as he patted Fliss' shoulder. She flipped him the bird as he walked off, chuckling to himself.
Frank pause for a moment, taking in his girl's slightly flushed cheeks before he stood up, grabbing his glass which contained what was left of his short, and rounded the table to sit next to her.
"C'mere..." he said, patting his knee. She stood up and settled on his lap, his arm curling round her waist, fingers brushing the side of her bump "You ok?"
"Yeah." she smiled "Which is more than you're gonna be in the morning."
"I'll live" he smirked, necking the rest of his liquor. "No one has ever died from a hangover Sweetheart."
"There's time." she smiled and he grinned up at her, placing his glass on the table.
"How's Bean?"
"Cooking." she grinned
"And Momma bear?"
"You asked me that a few seconds ago."
"And I'm asking again."
"In that case I'm still fine." she grinned leaning down to give him a peck. Frank smiled at her as she leaned back, his hand brushing her hip as he looked around the room.
"I wanna get married." he said, looking back to Fliss.
"We are."
"No, I mean like actually do it." he smiled "I wanna set a date."
"Don't you think we have enough to organise?" Fliss chuckled "Finding a house seeing as you're so adamant you want to move before Bean arrives..."
"They need a nursery." he pouted and Fliss smiled, running her hands through his hair.
"So you tell me." she replied "And then there's actually a small matter of me giving birth..."
"Piece of cake..."
"Oh really?" she looked at him "How about you squeeze a bowling bowl out of your vagina and then tell me it's easy..."
Frank laughed and grinned up at her "You'll be amazing...you always are." he placed a kiss to her bare shoulder. "But seriously...don't you wanna marry me?" he pouted.
"No, I just took this ring because it was shiny." Fliss rolled her eyes at him "Of course I do."
"Well...couldn't we just like pick a month...so...I have some kind of marker in the sand?"
Fliss looked at him as he turned his puppy dog eyes on her and she shook her head, giving a soft huff
"You're such a soft bastard when you're drunk."
He shrugged "I can't help it. You make me feel things."
"And I don't when you're sober?" she teased.
"Shut up." he looked at her and she grinned, running her hand through the whiskers on his face. His beard was now actually pretty impressive as he'd let it grow out properly, it was way beyond the untidy, short stubble it had been when she'd first met him. But then again he was also quite far removed from that fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, lost and damaged man he had been. He'd grown, a lot. And so had she. He knew it, she knew it...and the fact they had done it together made it all the more meaningful and special.
"September." Fliss smiled "Next year. Bean will be 1 by then and things will have settled. Think you can wait that long?"
Frank beamed at her "Yeah? You mean it?"
She nodded.
"Then September 2020 it is." his lips stayed curled up at the side as she dipped her head again and pressed her mouth to his. She pulled back, and found herself mimicking the infectious smile on his face. "I can't wait to make you Mrs Adler." he whispered.
"Who says I'm changing my name?" She teased and he frowned a moment before he shrugged.
"I just assumed..."he began to back track "I mean if you don't want..."
"Frankie..." Fliss cut him off, her hands cupping his face "I'm joking. I can't wait to have the same surname as you, Mary and our little one."
"God I fahkin love you..." he spluttered and she laughed, leaning back a little bit. At that point the opening bars to Hungry Like The Wolf hit their ears and Fliss heard Bonnie shriek her name.
"Miami BITCHES, HOLLERRRR!" Simon yelled as he leaned on the back of Frank's chair.
"Shall we?" Fliss asked, standing up. Frank grinned, took her hand and allowed her to pull him onto the dancefloor. As she began to dance and laugh with Bonnie his hand fell to her hips, pulling her back against him, just like he had done all those months ago in Miami, before everything had taken such a huge change in direction. A dramatic change, but a change he was loving day by day. As he felt her push back slightly against his groin he gave a low groan and bent over.
“Stop it or I’ll be dragging you off to the bathroom again.”
She tilted her head, looked at him all doe eyed and innocent and he shook his head, arching and eyebrow.
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry.” she spluttered and he rolled his eyes before she turned round to carry on dancing, this time behaving herself.
As it was getting later into the evening, after a few more 80s hits the music took a turn and dimmed into something softer, and Fliss cocked her head to the side as Frank reached out to her, pulling her to him.
“What is this?” she asked.
“It’s called God Gave Me You.” Frank said, his fingers curing around hers “By Blake Shelton. He’s a Country singer.”
“Ohh, the dude that’s with Gwen Stefani.” Fliss nodded.
“Yeah, I heard it for the first time in ages in the truck the other day.” Frank said “When we went to Tampa.”
“I thought it sounded familiar.”
He smiled, refraining from telling her he’d been playing it on a damned loop for days since because every time he heard it, it simply reminded him of her.
As he steered her around, he became lost in the lyrics, not really paying attention to anything but realising how much they stuck home, how they were true to what he felt about Fliss. How he had been a mess until she’d appeared and given him everything he didn’t even realise he needed and more. How she had fit so perfectly into his and Mary’s life. How she was now carrying his child. How he would always love her…
He felt her squeeze his hand and he looked down and she was grinning at him.
“You’re singing.”
“Am I?” he asked, giving a soft chuckle “Sorry, I didn’t realise…”
“Don’t worry about it, no one else heard. Besides you have a good voice, not like mine.”
“Well, I wasn’t gonna say anything but the other day when you were singing in the shower Mary thought Fred was stuck somewhere and crying to get out.” Fliss laughed and shook her head “Yeah it isn’t one of my talents. I’ll leave it to you.”
He smiled and gave her a soft kiss.
“You singing it to me or Bean?” Fliss asked, smiling at him as he twirled them round slightly.
“Without you there would be no Bean.” He shrugged simply and at his words he saw her eyes misting over.
“Frankie…” she muttered and he chuckled slightly, his hands cupping her face.
“Baby, what’s…”
“That’s so sweet and…” she spluttered shaking her head “Fucking hormones”
He laughed and pulled her closer, still swaying to the music and she let out a sight. Frank felt her sagging a little in his arms and then it struck him. It was almost midnight. She had been up since 8, they’d been out at this wedding one way or another for almost 12 hours now and she was 5 months pregnant.
“You tired honey?” he asked and she shook her head where it was pressed against his chest. “Liar.” he kissed her head softly.
“Ok maybe a little.” she looked up at him
“Wanna go?”
“It’s still early.” she looked at him. “I don’t mind if you want to stay, I can go and-“
“Absolutely not.” he shook his head “It’s half 11 now and I’ve drunk more than enough…Jake and Lisa won’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“Course. I’ll go get call us a cab.”
When he came back Fliss was at the table gathering her purse and his jacket. They made their rounds, said good bye to their friends and Frank led his girl out into the starry sky hand in hand.
All things considered, on the Sunday morning Frank woke fairly clear headed, which Fliss pointed out shouldn’t have happened with how much he had drunk. They had a lazy morning before they headed home to pick Mary up, who was full of beans about how Steve had taken her out playing mini-golf the previous afternoon. They stayed for dinner at Bill and Verity’s before they made their way home along with the 4-legged fur babies and it wasn’t long before all 3 of them crashed out, the exertion of the weekend catching up on them all.
Monday and Tuesday seemed to drag by for Frank, and there was a reason. On Wednesday they finally got to find out what Bean was. Their scan was in the afternoon and Mary once again wanted to come, especially as she knew she would find out whether it was gonna be a girl or a boy that joined their little family in roughly 19 weeks or so time. Once more she was ignored and packed off to school with a frown on her face.
Frank was like a coiled spring all morning. The guys at work teased him relentlessly about how he was bounding around the place like Tigger on cocaine but he didn’t care. He was beyond excited to find out whether they were going to have a son or daughter. At exactly 12 he finished work and headed home. Fliss was already waiting for him having changed and showered and chatting excitedly they hopped in his truck and headed to the hospital. They were early so went to grab a drink at the coffee shop- Fliss having been told to drink plenty of water as it would help with the scan, and then when they had 15 minutes to their appointment they headed up.
“Miss Gallagher, Mr Adler.” Dr Kent smiled at them as they walked in “Nice to see you again.”
They both greeted her and Fliss settled on the bed, getting herself comfortable as Frank slid into the chair by her side. After answering the questions the Doctor asked her about how she was feeling, whether she was worried about anything, all the time Frank trying to pay attention but his mind was on one thing and one thing only. Seeing his baby again.
And when that time finally came, his heart skipped a beat. On the 3D scan there was so much more detail to take in this time. He could make out the little nose, the ears, eyelashes…fucking eyelashes. A tiny hand curled by its face which twitched as their baby move slightly.
“It says here that you want to know what it is…” Doctor said, looking at them both “Is that still the case.”
“Yeah…” Frank said, at the same time Fliss spluttered.
“No, I mean yes… “
Frank frowned “Liss? I thought…” “Could you write it down for us?” Fliss cut him off, smiling at the doctor.
“Ahh you doing a gender reveal?” The woman nodded, and Frank’s frown grew deeper. They hadn’t discussed that.” Not a problem…”
The doctor looked at the screen and Frank glanced at Fliss questioningly but she softly shook her head at him and squeezed his hand, telling him silently to trust her. The Doctor smiled, and headed off to write the results down and a soon as she had left the room, Frank turned to Fliss
“What are you doing?”
“I just had a thought…” Fliss took a deep breath “that if we do it this way, you know get it written down to open later, then Mary can be there with us when we find out.”
And once again, just like that, her fucking thoughtfulness knocked him sideways. He blinked and shook his head, smiling as he brought his eyes back up to meet hers “You’re fucking amazing you know that?” Of course the only thing wrong with her plan was that they now had to wait another 3 hours for Mary to come home.
Frank collected her from the bus stop and as usual was greeted by the grumblings that she was perfectly capable of walking home across the little park on her own, to which he shot back his usual I don’t care response. She walked into the apartment with her usual swagger, tossing her bag over the back of the sofa before she wandered into the kitchen where Fliss was stood chopping up salad for dinner
“So.”  she said, dramatically “You gonna tell me then or what?”
Frank looked at Fliss who smiled before he spoke “Actually, you’re gonna tell us.”
“What?” she looked at him
“You’re gonna tell us what it is.” he repeated.
“Like how?” she rolled her eyes “I wasn’t even there.”
“We got the Doctor to write it down.” Fliss explained, “And seal it in an envelope.” Mary’s eyes widened “You mean…you guys don’t know?” Frank shook his head “Fliss thought it would be nice for all 3 of us to find out together.”
She looked at him, then to Fliss, her blue eyes filling with tears a she ran to Frank, her arms circling his waist.
“Hey…” he chuckled, crouching down and looking her in the face, his hand brushing her hair back slightly as she sniffed and gave a watery laugh “We good?”
She nodded and smiled “Where is it? The envelope I mean.”
“On the coffee table.”  he said, kissing her forehead.
“Can we do it now?”
“I hope so.” Frank said, looking up at Fliss “Been waiting all damned afternoon.”
“Oh hush.” Fliss replied as he stood up, Mary in his arms.
“You know you’re getting kinda big now Stack.” he grunted a little as he shifted her onto his hip.
“You’re still bigger.” she said as he dropped her down onto the floor in the living room.  She looked at the envelope and when Fliss nodded at her she picked it up.
“You know…” she mused, looking at Frank “If I open this that technically means that I was the first person to know. Well, other than the doctor…but they don’t count.” Frank looked at Fliss as his arm slid round her waist. “Yeah..” he turned back to Mary “Pretty cool, huh?” She grinned at him and took a deep breath “Ok…here goes….”
Frank felt his heart suddenly become quicker in his chest as he watched Mary pull open the envelope and look at the small slip of paper inside. She read the words, looked at them both, her eyes shining.
“Wow…” she breathed out.
“You’re killing us Stack!” Frank spluttered “What the hell is it?”
“It’s a boy!”
There was a pause and Frank blinked. “What?” he breathed out and looked at Mary “Are you sure?”
“I can read, Frank?” she narrowed her eyes at him, handing him the piece of paper. With a shaking hand he took ait and looked down at the words the doctor had written on them. As he read them, “Congratulations, it’s a Boy!” they suddenly registered in his brain and he looked at Fliss who had tears in her eyes. His own eyes misted over and a huge grin spread across his face.
“Lissy, it’s a boy!”
She gave a laugh as his arms wrapped around her and he kissed the side of her head.
“Happy Sailor?” she asked.
“I can’t…wow!” he chuckled, sniffing slightly, unable to form any other words. He moved one of his arms and signalled for Mary to join them and she rushed forwards, her arms wrapping around his waist as he dropped his hand to her back, gently rubbing between her shoulder blades.
A boy. A little boy.
Although he truly would have been happy either way, as long as their baby was healthy, he’d secretly always hoped the colour would be blue. They had Mary already, and from a selfish point of view had wanted a boy to even the numbers out. Not to mention the fact he was already envisaging matching baseball caps, sneakers, sailing days, basketball, football…
He looked at Fliss who gave him a smile and his face split into an even wider grin and he leaned over to give her a kiss before his hand dropped to the side of her bump, gently skating the place where his son was growing.
***** Frank wanted to shout their news from the roof tops. But Fliss forbid him from telling anyone until they told the family first. As Evelyn would be here for the weekend they decided to have a BBQ on the Saturday evening, and share their news then. And Mary and Fliss came up with the perfect way to do it.
Evelyn arrived in town on the Friday afternoon and due to her new found ‘friendship’ (if you could call it that) with Fliss’ parents since that fateful thanksgiving in Boston, she was staying with them. Her first comment upon seeing them all was how much Fliss had bloomed since her last visit a few months ago. Fliss had grinned and commented that she felt like a hippo to which Evelyn had snorted and told her to stop being ridiculous. The 4 of them went for dinner that evening to the Italian in town that Mary liked and on the Saturday Bill dropped her at the stables to see Mary ride. Mary had now moved on from the cross poles to a foot high straight upright jump, and she was easily taking it all in her stride. Frank had long since given up trying to talk her out of it. She enjoyed it, and it was hard to deny she was pretty good at it too. Saturday afternoon they all went back to the apartment where Evelyn, Fliss and Mary whipped up some cupcake batter…something which floored Frank. He couldn’t remember his mother baking, ever. Once the cakes were cooked however, Evelyn was unceremoniously barred from the kitchen whilst Fliss and Mary put the final touches to their Gender Reveal plans. At one point Mary burst out of the kitchen telling Evelyn to look away, and as Frank looked up from where he and his mother had been glancing at a few realtor pages and properties in the local area, he could instantly see why. She had blue food colouring all over her face and hands.
Later that night Verity, Steve, Bill and Roberta joined them and after a few drinks Mary handed out the cupcakes.
“Now, you have to eat them at the same time.” she instructed “Because the colour in the middle will tell you if the baby is gonna be a boy or a girl.”
“Did you make these?” Steve looked at Fliss. She nodded.
“And no, there’s nothing special in them…” she told him and he smirked “Other than the buttercream.”
As everyone eagerly began to dig into their cakes, desperate to find out, Mary skipped over to where Frank and Fliss were stood at the side of the kitchen steps, standing in front Frank as his arm dropped looping around her chest, pulling her back towards him a little. “A boy?” Verity shrieked, the first to find her splodge of blue cream in the middle of her cake as she looked over at them all.
“Yeah!” Fliss smiled, Frank’s other arm tossed casually round her shoulder.
“God help ya’ll, a mini Frank!” Roberta quipped and he shot her a glare before the rest of the crowd of people erupted into cheers and laughter. There were a lot of hugs shared and then Mary stepped over to Bill and Steve, holding her hand out.
“Pay up, losers.”
“Yeah…Dad can you sub me?” Steve asked, “I left my wallet at home” “Course you did.” Bill grumbled as he reached into his pocket. Retrieving a twenty from his wallet he handed it to Mary.
“Erm…what are you doing?”  Frank asked, having watched the exchanged.
“Last week when you were at the wedding we were talking about it and I bet them it was a boy.” Mary shrugged “I had a hunch” “And now she has twenty bucks.” Bill grumbled as Fliss gave a loud laugh.
“No she doesn’t.” Frank put his hands on his hips “Give it back.”
“No way.” she pouted “I earned that.” “You’re 9.” Frank shot back “You know it’s illegal for 9 year olds to gamble, Mary.”
“What you gonna do Frank?” Fliss asked as Mary folded the money and sticking it in her pocket “Call the feds?”
Bill and Steve both sniggered as Frank looked at Fliss before he shook his head and turned back to Mary.
“How exactly were you gonna pay if you lost?” he folded his arms. “I was planning on winning it back by betting on the name.” she shrugged.
“Double or quits.” Steve nodded in agreement.
“Stop encouraging her.” Frank pointed at him.
“Relax…” Frank heard Evelyn chuckle a little and he turned to face her, where she was sat at the outside table with Verity and Roberta “You’re in dad mode already.” “I’ve been in dad mode for the last 8 and a half years.” he shot back before he felt his eyes widen slightly.
“I know…” his mother gave him a soft smile. “Believe me.”
Fliss hand tightened around his for a second and he looked down at her, giving her a quick peck.
“I’m gonna get another beer.” he said, suddenly needing the head space. “You want anything?” “No.” Fliss smiled at him as he walked off.
Truth was he’d shocked himself a little. That was the first time he’d ever referred to his role with Mary as being a dad out loud to anyone but her or Fliss. Truth be told, he was a little worried about how she was going to react once Bean was born and how they were going to try to keep her feeling as included as they could, especially when he started talking and referring to him and Fliss as Mom and Dad, when Mary didn’t. He ran a hand over his face, opening the fridge. It was an unorthodox situation, but…well, he knew full well there were worse circumstances Mary could be in.
“She wouldn’t mind you know.” a voice jerked him from his thoughts and Frank spun to face his mother
“Who?” he frowned. “Diane.” she reached past him for the bottle of wine in the fridge “Fliss told me that’s why you get so pissy about people referring to you as Mary’s father.” “I’m not pissy about it, I’m just not her father.”
“You are in every other way bar legally being labelled as so, Frank.” Evelyn poured herself a drink “And moreover, Diane’s memory isn’t going to suddenly fade away if you were.”
“What are you-“
She levelled him with a look and simply handed him the bottle back before she picked up her glass and headed off leaving him pondering her words. With a shake of his head, deciding that was a discussion for another day, he grabbed another bottle of beer and headed back outside.
“Hey Frank!” Roberta’s shout stopped him in his tracks as stood at the top of the steps and looked over at her. “You gonna cook anything on this BBQ or what? Been waiting so damned long my clothes are goin outta fashion.” “That’s assuming they were in fashion in the first place!” Mary grinned, skipping past Frank as he walked onto the lawn, tossing a ball for Fred as he scooted off after it, Thor following.
At that Steve snorted. Roberta looked at him
“Oh hark on the British boy in board shorts.”
Steve’s response was a cheeky wink “I have been reliably informed you like men in board shorts Roberta. Do I not meet your standards?” he gave a little twirl, his arms held out to his side, a grin on his face. “I’ve seen worse.” she mused, causing Steve and Bill to tip their heads back in almost identical roars of laugher. “You ever fancy yourself a sugar momma you know where to come lookin’ honey.”
“You know, if we’re discussing questionable clothing choices…” Fliss looked up, her eyes locking onto Frank’s before she glanced at Mary “I have something to say about someone’s shirts.”
Mary let out a lout hoot of laughter as did Roberta and Frank looked at Fliss as she grinned.
With a shake of his head and a soft snort of laughter as he looked around at his family, he headed to the BBQ.
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 24
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 7,564
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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When I awoke, Mother was gone. It made sense, seeing as how daylight was streaming in through the bedroom window now and I could hardly have expected her to stay all night with me. She'd probably left not too long after I'd nodded off.
Part of me wondered if she had ever really been there in the first place or if I had simply dreamed the whole thing up. It'd all just been so weird. Mother hadn't been that… well, motherly towards me in over a decade. It was a long lost part of our relationship that I'd dearly missed, so I wouldn't have put it past my subconscious mind to cook something like that up while I was dreaming especially now that I was back in my childhood bedroom where such old memories could be sparked. But no, I was still in my dress I'd worn for dinner yesterday evening and I wouldn't have gone to bed without changing first, not unless Mother had actually been here.
But that still begged the question: why her sudden and unexpected change in behavior after all this time?
Maybe… it had something to do with the wedding? Maybe me running out on it and disappearing for weeks without a word had taken its toll on her even more so than I'd ever realized? If so, then her little visit last night had probably just been a… a moment of weakness, and a fleeting one at that. Why else would she have waited until we were away from Father's and Grandfather's prying eyes? Once we were back around them, not to mention the rest of the family, her usual mask would probably be firmly back in place again. She would be prim and proper, cold and reserved, just like she'd been for years now and it would be like those precious few moments last night had never happened.
...or maybe I was being overly pessimistic. Maybe now I had an ally in Mother where I'd previously thought to have had none. Maybe The Talk™ tomorrow wouldn't be as bad as I feared, not if I had her and Anna on my side.
But honestly, who knew? Who ever knew anything really when it came to my family? I certainly didn't. Not anymore. Not for a long time.
All I could do was wait and see and hope the anxiety didn't murder me in the meantime.
I climbed out of bed, grimacing at my reflection in the vanity mirror, at what a rumpled mess my dress had become overnight. This was the second time this week I'd slept in a garment that wasn't meant to be slept in. This was dangerously on the verge of forming into a habit. I really needed to stop. Sighing, I started walking towards my luggage so I could dig out something fresh to wear. However, I was halted in my tracks by a knock at my door.
I hesitated in answering it, giving my appearance another once over in the mirror.
This time, my reflection responded with a wrinkle of her nose.
Ugh, everyone's a critic.
Ah well, there was nothing for it. No amount of hand smoothing would make this dress fit to be seen and I wasn't about to make whoever it was wait for me to change. Tossing my frazzled braid back over my shoulder, I moved towards the door and opened it just wide enough for me to poke a head out.
"Mornin', El!" Lea beamed down at me, looking far more presentable than I on day two of his whole rebel-without-a-cause aesthetic he had going on.
I smiled back with a soft, "Good morning."
Dipping into a bow, he swept a hand out to one side, "I've come to escort thee to breakfast forthwith, m'lady."
"My my, we'll make a gentleman out of you yet," I hummed a chuckle.
He scoffed with a big theatrical sniff. "My word, I say, perish the fucking thought!"
"Shoot, you were this close," I snorted with a shake of my head. "Just give me a quick minute to change."
Before I could shut the door however, he stopped me with his hand lightly snagging mine. "But why? You already look as gorgeous as ever this morning."
I stubbornly ignored the tiny flutter I felt inside my ribcage. Didn't he realize it was a bit silly to be pulling the whole googly-eyed boyfriend routine when it was just the two of us? Maybe he was just getting into character early before we went down into the dining room. I rolled my eyes, "Oh yeah, gorgeous enough to make Mother pale, Father choke, and Grandfather faint."
Smirking, Lea said, "All I'm hearing are a ton of pros and a whole lotta nada for the cons column."
My eyelids drooped but before I could reply, there was a sudden shout from down the hall, "Ah-ha! There you are!" A blur zoomed towards us, attaching itself to Lea's arm.
Or rather, herself, seeing as how it was Anna.
So… the prodigal sister had at last graced me with her presence.
"I thought I might find you here," she grinned up at Lea, who just blinked down at her in response. Then she directed that grin my way, "Hi, Sis! Bye, Sis! Alright, big guy, let's go!" She charged off once more, dragging Lea with her. Or rather… she tried to anyway. But I imagine Lea could be quite the anchor when he didn't want to move, so instead the hold she had on his elbow ended up snapping her back like a rubberband.
I quirked an eyebrow at her. "What's the rush, Anna?"
"Yeah, short stuff, where's the fire?" Lea asked.
"We gotta get you ready!" Again, she gave another tug of his arm.
Again, he didn't budge. "For…?"
"For a beautiful day out on the water," she stated as if it were obvious. We both stared at her blankly and she huffed. "We're going yachting!"
Both eyebrows shot up Lea's forehead. "We? As in you and me?"
"And Elsa," she added, stomping over to Lea's other side and pressing her shoulder into his arm, trying to shove him into moving. It was kind of like watching a chihuahua attempt to out muscle a great dane. Just as effective too. Panting from the exertion, she tacked on, "And Maren and Ryder too."
"Oh, okay," Lea nodded, then frowned. "...and Maren and Ryder would be?"
"Our cousins," I said before furrowing my brow at Anna. "Wait, they're here? Since when?"
"Since an hour ago," she grunted, still pushing all her weight against Lea and getting nowhere, her feet sliding and scraping against the carpet. "Auntie Yelena showed up early with them. Now Mom and Dad want to shoo us young'uns out of the house so we won't be in the way while this whole place is turned upside down by party prep chaos. So," she paused, red-faced and puffing for breath before brightening, "figured we could take Daddy's yacht out for a lil spin!"
Lea cocked his head, "Still don't get why you're trying t- oof, hey now!" David (aka Anna) had managed to catch Goliath (aka Lea) off guard by ramming her shoulder into his side, forcing him to stagger a step. "-why you're trynta kidnap me," he finished in a grumble.
Stepping back from him, she crossed her arms and fixed him with a dull stare. "...did you pack swim shorts?"
"Well no, but I didn't know we were gonna-"
"Exactly!" she cried triumphantly, latching onto his elbow once more. "So we're gonna go borrow you some from Ryder!"
"You coulda just said that in the firs-" his words were swallowed in a yelp as she suddenly bolted, this time managing to haul Lea tripping and stumbling behind her.
"Be ready to go in fifteen minutes, Sis! Meet us in the driveway! See ya there!" Anna's voice echoed down the corridor back towards me in their wake.
I called after her, "But breakfast-"
"We'll pick something up on the way!"
...she was still acting so very strange.
Sure, she was always a ball of energy, but normally she'd let me talk more than that before making a break for it. It'd almost felt like she couldn't get away from me fast enough. I knew she'd been in a hurry, but getting Lea seaworthy hardly called for the state of emergency she was making it out to be.
Now more than ever, I was determined to get to the bottom of her odd behavior. Luckily for me, Anna had slipped up and made the error of trapping us on a boat together for the next several hours. And even if said boat was a yacht, there still weren't exactly a lot of places for her to hide from me on it.
She couldn't possibly keep avoiding me there.
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My mistake.
Anna very well could keep avoiding me here and in fact had been doing so successfully for the past hour. It was not a matter of whether or not she had places to hide so much as she just never seemed to stay still for more than ten seconds. She'd always kind of been the cartoon Tasmanian Devil given human form, but now she was that on friggin' steroids. Just a constant whirl of chaos that was always on the move.
"I'm flying, Jack!"
Then, of course, there was the fact that I had to put up with this dork.
I hung my head with a sigh from my position behind Lea, my hands gingerly holding his hips as he stood proudly at the bow of the yacht with his arms spread out wide to either side of him. "You know, this wasn't exactly what I had pictured when you said you wanted to reenact that one scene from Titanic."
He glanced over his shoulder at me with a toothy grin. "You wanna swapsies? I can let you be Rose for a bit!"
"...I'm good, thanks."
"Suit yourself! You're seriously missing out though," he shrugged, stepping down off the raised rim of the boat and onto the cushioned bench seating, using it like a staircase to get himself to the floor. The salty breeze played with his shirt on his way down - a very loose short-sleeved button-up that only had one button fastened in the middle, so peeks at his muscled torso were not uncommon and could be rather, hrm… distracting. The swim trunks he'd borrowed from my cousin were just shy of his knees and were a deep red with black silhouettes like palm trees at sunset.
His flip-flops hit the deck and he spun around, offering me a hand to help me down as well. Smiling my thanks, I gripped the wide brim of my beach hat with one hand while the other took his. My strappy sandals landed on the hardwood beside him, careful not to step on the hem of my long, strapless cover-up dress made of a thin, billowy white fabric that barely hinted at the blue two-piece I wore underneath it. It was a beachwear ensemble I'd left behind at my parents' home years ago. A good thing too since like Lea, I hadn't exactly planned for a yacht outing when packing my bags for this weekend.
"So," Lea chirped as he released my hand, "now that we've gotten that important and thoroughly pressing bit o' business outta the way, what's next on our lil agenda?"
My lips pursed to one side before I decided, "Let's try and find Anna."
Though there was really no try about it. Finding her wasn't the hard part. Getting her to stay and actually talk to me was. Still, I was on a mission!
Mission Make Anna Open Up About Whatever The Heck Her Problem With Me Is.
...I really needed to get better at naming these things.
As I turned to give a quick glance around the yacht, first person I spotted was Maren - short for Honeymaren, but she hated the name with a bloody passion and did her best to bury that info in the hopes that it would never again see the light of day. She stood not far off next to the ship's mini bar under the shade of the awning. Her dark hair was pulled back into a braid and she was sporting a purple swimsuit with a matching sarong.
The thing that stood out most however were the cheap, plastic star-shaped sunglasses currently perched on the bridge of her nose. They were particularly eye catching given that, one, she hadn't had them on a moment ago and, two, they were probably just about the last things one would expect to see her wearing. She seemed just as surprised to discover them on her face as I was, given the way she removed and squinted at them with a bemused smirk.
I could hear Lea's flip-flopping footsteps following behind me as I walked towards her. Arching an eyebrow, I pointed at the things, "Where'd those come from?"
"Ask Lil Miss Sunglasses Fairy over there," she laughed, popping them back on before jerking a thumb over her shoulder towards the helm. There Ryder stood manning the steering wheel in his yellow, turtle-print trunks, the sunlight gleaming off his short black hair. It looked like he too had recently received a visit from this so-called Sunglasses Fairy, for he was now (quite bewilderedly) modeling a pair of shades with big, cartoony red lips for frames.
Ah, and here the Sunglasses Fairy herself came now, her auburn pigtail braids flapping wildly about as she skipped towards us in her bright green bikini and boyshorts. Not to be left out of the latest fashion trend of her own making, Anna had on a pair herself shaped like flowers. And in her hands were-
"For you, oh dearest Sis of mine, I've saved the best for last!" she happily declared, sliding the shades with neon pink heart lenses onto my nose.
Lea looked down at me and snerked, biting back a grin.
Boy didn't know how close he was to getting his arm pinched for such impudence.
Anna gave a small pout, "Sorry, Lea, but I only have four."
"No problemo. El and I can just share," he chuckled, stealing mine and donning them himself, waggling his eyebrows at me as he leaned back and propped his elbows against the boat railing.
Ugh, I wasn't sure what was more annoying: that he actually looked pretty good in them or the fact that he knew it and was being smug about it.
"Charming," I deadpanned before looking back at Anna. "Where'd you even get these silly things from?"
"Oh, I bought them all ages ago from one of those shack shops by the dock," she tossed a hand back towards the shoreline. "I've been keeping them hidden away for a special occasion."
My head tipped to one side. "...and that special occasion would be?"
She tapped a finger to her chin, "Hmm… Ah! National Fun In The Sun Day, of course!"
I gave her a flat look. "That is neither national nor an actual holiday."
"Is too!" Her chest puffed up as she planted her fists on her hips, "I'm the captain of this here dinghy and what the captain says, goes!"
"You can't just make up holidays, that's not how captains work," I crossed my arms.
"Yeah-huh! I'm the captain and I say so!"
"But-" I stopped myself, pinching the bridge of my nose. Just let it go, Elsa, otherwise we'll just keep going around in circles like this all day. "Nevermind. I was hoping, Captain, that maybe you and I could have a minute to-"
"Move over, Ryder! It's my turn to steer!"
Annnnd off she zipped again.
I had half a mind to chase after her but with the way things were going, I feared she might swan dive off the side of the yacht just to get away from me.
"What's wrong, El?" Lea frowned before taking off the heart shades and offering them to me. "Want these back? I hear rose-colored glasses make everything better."
I mustered a weak smile at that, arms hugging myself as I leaned back against the metal rail beside him and muttered, "Thanks but no thanks."
Perching the sunglasses atop his head now, he asked, "Seriously, why the long face?"
"...it's Anna," I grimaced, reaching for a tendril of my ponytail to twist between my fingers as I watched Ryder join his sister at the mini bar. They were just barely out of earshot so I couldn't hear whatever they were laughing and shaking their heads over. "She's mad at me or… something, I don't know. All I know is she won't talk to me, not really. Every time I try, something always comes up and she runs off."
Lea glanced towards where Anna stood valiantly at the helm, one hand holding the steering wheel steady while the other shielded her eyes against the sun. "Huh… now that ya mention it, it does seem like she's been avoiding you, doesn't it?"
"You've noticed it too?" So it wasn't all just in my head. Not sure if that made me feel better or worse.
"Maybe a lil," he nodded. Pushing himself off the rail, he turned to stand in front of me now. "But mad? Nah, I don't think so. She seems far too chipper for that." Lea rubbed a curled finger to his chin, "Maybe she's actually sad about something but doesn't wanna worry you so is just… trying to put on a brave front? Or she could have something important she wants to talk to you about but is too scared?"
"But that's ridiculous, Anna knows she can always talk to me about anyth-"
"Hard to starboard!" came a sudden shout from my sister before she jerked the wheel into a spin.
The yacht whipped around in a sharp turn, throwing Lea into a stumble towards me. I gasped, bringing up a hand to stop him while turning my head away and squeezing my eyes shut, waiting for impact.
But it never came.
Cracking open one eyelid then the other, I discovered he'd managed to catch himself by grabbing the railing to either side of me.
"Whew!" he grinned, looming mere inches over me, "That was close!"
...wait… my hand was still raised… and touching… something…
I slowly, reluctantly lowered my gaze towards it.
Only to have my face all but burst into flames and practically blast steam out of my ears.
For behold! There, my hand, in all its brazen glory, had found its way into Lea's unbuttoned shirt and that was without a doubt a big, heaping helping of man boob it was groping right now.
...very nice, delightfully sculpted man boob. Firm yet… soft, somehow? No, soft wasn't the right word… ah, supple! Yes, that was what I-
Now was not the time to be debating word choice!
Not while my friggin' hand was still on his bare friggin' chest.
Gah, what was wrong with me?! I really needed to stop sexually harassing the guy who had zero interest in dating at the moment!
Okay, remain calm, Elsa. Maybe he hasn't even noticed it yet. Maybe if I just discreetly removed it, he'd never even have to know it'd been there in the first place. Alright, easy does it… careful now, just take it one small step at a time… first lift the palm off… okay, good! Now the thumb… perfect. And up goes the pinky… then the next one… and the next… just the index finger to go-
Oh. My. God. Did I just goddamn trail my fingertip down his skin?! Pretty sure I'd trailed it. No, not trailed, I'd caressed! Caressed! Great. Just dandy! If he hadn't realized where my hand was before, he sure as hell knew now!
My eyes shifted about desperately.
Oh, this was uncomfortable. Quick! Do something to make it less awkward!
I looked him dead in the eye, brought up my hand and poked him in the nose with a tiny, "Boop!"
Nailed it.
Lea blinked. Then he gave a little snort, one corner of his lips curling up. "What was that?"
A clever and artful distraction, duh. One that was clearly working too, so ha!
"What do you mean, what was that?" I mumbled, hitching my chin and averting my gaze. "It was a nose boop, what else?"
His grin twitched wider. "Well, yeah, I could see that. What I meant was why?"
I couldn't help but notice he was still really close. That he still hadn't let go of the railing yet, keeping me trapped between his body and it. Clearing my throat, I said defensively, "You just have a very… boopable nose, is all."
"...is that so?" he murmured, eyes crinkling as he pressed his forehead to mine.
Dear lord, his rent-a-boyfriend act would be the death of me.
"Yo! Elsa!"
Thank goodness! Cousins to the rescue!
Closing his eyes, Lea exhaled softly before spinning around and shifting over to rest back against the steel rails beside me once more just as the two of them approached us. "Is it true?" Ryder asked excitedly, eyes bright behind the lip-glasses he'd yet to take off as he stirred his mimosa. "Do you really sell mall ice cream now?"
I winced slightly. "Oh… you know about that?"
"Avast ye landlubbers!" Anna's voice rang out again as she continued to pilot the yacht. "Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!"
"You kidding?" Maren snerked, taking a sip of her bloody mary and ignoring my sister. "Once the Duke found out, the whole family found out. You know how that old coot loves to run his mouth to anyone who'll listen."
"So it is true!" Ryder beamed. "At an Ice Palace, right? The place with that kickass reindeer mascot?"
"Um…" I furrowed my brow. He seemed oddly enthusiastic about this. "...yes?"
He pumped a fist, "Awesome! Love the place! Their ice cream is so good and all their commercials are hilarious! Have you seen their new one with all the reindeer singing a frigging rock ballad?"
Even with the star-shades, Maren's eye roll was plain as day. "You and your strange obsession with reindeer."
"What? They're cute!"
"Whatever, I just can't with you right now," she held up a hand in his face as she took a sip from her drink, looking at me again. "Seriously though, you ran out on your wedding, on your whole sweet cushy life… just so you could sell ice cream?"
"Land ho! Thar she blows!" Anna again.
Holding onto my hat so it wouldn't blow away as the wind picked up, I frowned. "Well… that wasn't exactly why I left…"
"But that's what you did," she insisted, eyebrows lifting with her tiny grin. "Do you even know about all the chaos that erupted after you turned up missing?"
I swallowed hard. I could feel Lea's fingers fiddling with a lock of my ponytail, but I hardly noticed it as I bit down on my bottom lip and shook my head. "Was it bad?"
"Aw man, the whole place went nuts after you pulled your vanishing act! You shoulda been there!" Ryder laughed before squinting skyward. "Although… I guess if you had been there, none of it would have happened." He shrugged, taking a big swig of his mimosa. "Anyway, it was wild! Our family was yelling, his family was yelling, a flower girl was bawling, the giant ice swan sculpture got knocked over and shattered into a bajillion pieces, a bridesmaid punched a groomsman, the-"
"Wait," I interrupted him, my eyebrows knit together as my gaze shifted over to Maren. Besides Anna, who'd been my maid of honor… "Weren't you my only bridesmaid?"
She smirked, lazily lifting a shoulder before letting it fall. "What can I say? I live for anarchy."
"Batten down the hatches! Swab the deck or it's straight to Davy Jones' locker with the lot of you!" It seemed Anna was really getting into character now.
"The butterflies," Ryder eagerly jumped back into the conversation right where he'd left off, "were released on accident at the same time the doves somehow got free as well and, oh man, the carnage! It was epic!"
My hands were fidgeting with each other. I had no idea when they'd started. My chest was beginning to burn and constrict.
"I still can't believe it," Maren wrinkled her nose in glee, chewing on her straw. "You ditching a guy at the altar. You, of all people. You've always been such a goody-goody. So well-behaved, so polite, so disgustingly perfect. Just goes to show you, I guess… it's always the sweet, innocent, quiet ones who'll surprise you."
Fidget, fidget, fidget.
It was getting harder to breathe.
"A total bloodbath!" Ryder was still going. "I mean, did you even know doves ate butterflies? Cuz I didn't! But those poor little guys never even stood a chance! Tiny insect guts were flying everywhere! Seriously... Best. Wedding. Ever."
"Heh-hey!" Lea suddenly piped up. "Are all these swimsuits just for show or we gonna," he clicked his tongue, jerking a thumb towards the water, "dive on in?"
He was taking the attention off me. I shot him a grateful if somewhat shaky smile. His arm slipped around my shoulders, giving them a small, reassuring squeeze as he rested his cheek against my hair.
"Please," Maren sniggered, "like we'd actually swim in the lake."
"Watch and learn, dude," Ryder grinned as he moved over to the plush seating that circled the edge of the ship's bow and pushed a button on a panel behind its backrest. The massive, seemingly decorative circle that was etched into the center of the foredeck began to hum and slide under the rest of the floor, revealing the hot tub underneath. Striking up a finger, Ryder then pushed a second button, this one turning on the jets.
"Ooo," Lea nodded in appreciation, "a jacuzzi that appears as if by magic. My my, how the other half lives." Then he huffed out a snort through his nose, "Leave it to the rich to find a way to take a soak in the middle of a lake without actually having to get in the lake."
Ryder scrunched up his face, "Lake water's gross."
Pointing at the hot tub, Lea said, "You do realize the more people get in that thing, the more it's just a boiling vat of human juices, right?"
"Thanks for that," Maren gave a mock gag before tossing her chin towards the edge of the boat. "What're you waiting for then? Lake's right there and all yours, Stretch."
"No thanks," leaving my side, Lea walked over to the ledge of the jacuzzi to dip a toe in. "Bring on the person stew! 'Sides, not every day I get to hop into a yacht hot tub. Wouldn't wanna miss out."
Setting his now empty glass down, Ryder said, "Not every day you get to steer the yacht either. Whaddya say, my man, want to give it a go?" He pointed towards the helm.
As if on cue, Anna bellowed, "Ready the cannons, ye scallywags, lest we be dead in the water!"
Lea gave me a quick glance and I shrugged. He scratched the back of his head, "Uh… sure! Why not? Be right back, boo!" He planted a swift peck to my forehead before transferring his pink sunglasses back to my nose. "If ya need me, just shoot me the heart-eyes with these and me n' my boopable nose'll come running."
I huffed and shoved his shoulder, "Just try not to crash us into anything." Fighting the upward tug I felt at one side of my mouth, I added more quietly, "Have fun."
"Always do," he winked before turning to follow Ryder towards the stairs that lead to the upper deck.
"Shall we?" Maren then asked, tossing her sarong to the bench as she stepped down into the hot tub.
I hesitated, glancing over my shoulder. Normally, I wasn't self-conscious about being seen in my swimsuit. But then, normally only people who were related to me ever saw me in it. The one exception there of course being my ex, but I'd never been awkward about it in front of him either. I'd never really been… anything about it. But now, oddly the idea of Lea seeing me in my swimsuit, it just… well, I don't know… did weird things to my pulse and made my skin tingle. It wasn't a bad feeling, per se… I wasn't quite sure what it was really.
In any case, the boys looked to be engrossed in a heated debate with Anna currently. It seemed the self-proclaimed captain wasn't quite ready to give up her post at the wheel yet. None of those three were even looking this way.
"...alright," I said at last, slipping out of my cover-up and letting it fall to the deck. Putting my hat down on top of the small pile of fabric as well, I lowered one foot in into the water, followed by the other before hastily taking a seat, letting the bubbling warmth engulf me up to my shoulders.
Stretching and luxuriating in the jacuzzi, Maren's glass dangled between her fingertips as she idly swirled about what was left of her bloody mary inside it. "I can see why you did it."
A crease formed between my eyebrows as I gave her a sideward glance. "Did what?"
"Got the hell outta Dodge before the first note of Here Comes the Bride could even chime out the organ," she smirked, sticking the straw into the corner of her mouth.
My lips pinched. "I thought you'd already established it was to sell ice cream," I grumbled, lifting the sunglasses to sit atop my hair now since the absurd heart lenses were already fogging over from all the steam.
She gave an amused scoff, setting her empty glass down on the rim of the hot tub. "I said that's what you did, but we both know that wasn't why. Not unless ice cream is roughly six foot seven, has green eyes to die for, and is rocking a smokin' hot bod."
"Oh…" I cleared my throat. Was my face turning red? Psh, that was just the jacuzzi. I think heat was cranked up a little too high in here, in fact. Yeah, that had to be it. I laughed nervously, "What can say I? He just, er… stole my heart."
Atta girl, way to sell the lie.
...that... was a lie… right?
What am I saying, of course it was! All I had was a crush. A simple, meaningless crush, nothing more.
Anna had finally retreated to the mini bar where she was sulking as she mixed herself a drink, so Ryder had set Lea up at the wheel, who was nodding at everything he was told. Maren removed her star-shades, gently biting down on one of the earpieces as her eyes drifted towards the helm. I wasn't particularly a fan of that sly little curve to her lips as she watched him. "Mmm, I bet that's not all he stole."
A small, incredulous splutter escaped me. "Maren," I scolded, splashing some water at her.
She snerked. "All I'm saying is I don't blame you. I myself would've given up a Prince Charming fiancé worth his weight in gold and risked any claim to my family fortune, all for one steamy summer fling with that hunky pizza boy over there."
Okay fine, no use denying it anymore. This thing my face was doing? Definitely a blush. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" I muttered, eyes darting about.
"Sure do and she is my world, my moon and my stars, my everything!" she beamed. Then her eyebrows bounced, "Still… doesn't mean I can't admire the view every once and awhile."
"Well stop admiring," I harrumphed, narrowing my gaze down at the frothy water.
"That's adorable! You really do like this one, don't you," she cooed, pinching my cheek. I just rolled my eyes and swat her hand away. "Hope you weren't too attached to your hat, by the way."
"My…?" I blinked. "Why?"
She pointed, "Cuz there it goes."
Sure enough, a gust of wind had come along to scoop it up and carry it off, only to let it plummet once it'd escaped the confines of the yacht.
"Cap overboard!" Ryder called out, cupping a hand to his mouth.
"I'll get it!" Lea grinned, already kicking off his flip-flops. Before any of us could react, he took off running, launching himself up onto the guard rail and diving into the waters below.
I inhaled sharply as I shot up to my feet. "Your boy is crazy!" Ryder was cackling as he steadied the abandoned steering wheel and shut off the ship engine. Maren whooped and clapped while a giggling Anna rushed to the edge, leaning over the metal bars to look for him.
I just hoped that big dummy didn't get knocked unconscious by the rudder cracking his skull open or something! All over a stupid sun hat, no less!
Thankfully, it wasn't long before Anna was throwing up her hands and cheering, which I took to be a good sign as I released the breath I'd been holding. Next thing I knew, Lea came rising up the ladder attached to the side of the boat, wet hair slicked back and the brim of my cap between his teeth so his hands were free for climbing. Clearing the last few rungs, he hopped onto the deck and grabbed the hat out of his mouth, hissing, "Shit, that water's cold! Brr, nearly froze my ass off!"
...or at least, I think he'd said something like that.
It was hard to be sure really. My eardrums seemed to be on the fritz while all my focus now directed itself towards his shirt. His sopping, soaking wet shirt. It was clinging to the chiseled contours of his abs in a way that was rather, ah… fascinating. Not to mention see-through. Yes, very, very much so. It was actually kind of beautiful, in a way. Majestic, really. Quite the sight to behold and-
-and fudge, I was staring.
Staring at him, who was staring at me.
Me, who was still standing in the jacuzzi and flaunting my two-piece like I was the friggin' star of Baywatch.
I sat back down so fast, water splashed over onto the deck behind me. Yes, oh blessed jacuzzi bubbles, cloak me in your warm, protective embrace. Face heated and eyes not quite able to meet his, I stammered out a quick, "Th-thank you."
"Of… of course! Happy to!" Lea said brightly. Huh… was he getting a bit of a sunburn? He started to walk forward with a goofy, lopsided grin, holding the hat out towards me, "Here ya g-"
Apparently misjudging where the ledge of the hot tub was, he stumbled head first into it with us. I jolted in my seat and Maren half shrieked, half laughed as water exploded everywhere. As soon as he resurfaced and was coughing up water, I asked, "Are you okay?!"
"Fine! Nothing bruised 'cept my pride. Wanna smooch it all better?" he snickered, leaning in close and making loud kissy noises. Eyelids drooping, I just put my hand on his face and shoved him away. Still chuckling, he once more offered me my now thoroughly drenched hat. "Believe this is yours, m'lady?"
I hid a smile behind my fingers. "My hero," I said dryly, taking it from him and setting it aside on the hardwood once more. Surely it was too waterlogged at this point to fly off again.
"Yoink," he plucked the heart-shades off me so he could wear them himself once more. "Mind if I join you gals?" he chirped, standing up in the jacuzzi to remove his soggy shirt. I did my best not to ogle him this time.
The same couldn't be said for Maren as she smirked up at him. "Would seem you already have, Slim."
He cocked an eyebrow at her as he took a seat at my side. Then he was bending towards me, muttering in a low voice, "Uh… should I be nervous about the way your cousin is looking at me?"
I snorted, turning and leaning in close so I could return the whisper into his ear, "Ignore her." Lea seemed to give a small shiver, but that wouldn't make sense. It was very hot in this jacuzzi, so I must have been mistaken. "She has a girlfriend."
"Did, uh…" he cleared his throat, "did anyone tell her that?"
"Don't worry. Apparently she's just admiring the view," I said, one corner of my mouth twitching up.
His eyes crinkled behind those pink lenses. "Good. Woulda hated to break her heart otherwise, seeing as how I'm already deliriously happy in a loving, committed relationship with the bewitching creature sitting next to me," he slipped one arm to rest along the edge of the hot tub behind me while taking my hand in his other one so he could bring it up out of the water and press his lips to my knuckles.
I glanced up at the sound to see Anna crouching down next to the jacuzzi, holding her phone up with the camera pointed towards us. "D'aww, what a great picture! You two are such cuties!" she squealed, looking down at her screen as her fingers swiped across it.
Lea had lowered our hands back down to rest underwater once more, his fingers interweaved with mine now. Which was a little silly, come to think of it, as no one could possibly be seeing us holding hands through all these bubbles. Perhaps he didn't realize that. Then again, I wasn't exactly rushing to take my hand back either.
Anna was still gushing, "Seriously, I'm becoming diabetic from sweetness overload h-"
Maren's head shot up and she snarled, "Ryder, no! This is a hot tub, not a-"
Suddenly a big blur was hitting the water, sending a huge blast of water in all directions for the second time. Anna yelped, shielding her mobile with her body while the rest of us just did our best to block the mini tidal wave with our hands. It was amazing that there was any liquid still left in here with us by now.
"Wahoo!" Ryder cried out as he popped back up, bouncing with his hands high over his head in triumph. It was short lived however as his sister punched him in the gut and he doubled over with a grunt.
"Bonehead!" she scowled at him as she relaxed back into her seat. "You could've broken your dumb neck."
"And my phone!" Anna added as she gave said device a careful lookover.
"Whatever, you're all just jelly cuz you didn't think to do it yourselves first." He fished around in the water for his lip-shades that had fallen off before perching them on his head and taking a seat as he looked to Lea, "Hella cool, am I right? Up top!" He held up his hand. Lea just shrugged and obliged him with a high-five.
Maren sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Boys. Ugh."
Seemingly satisfied that no damage had come to her phone, Anna plopped down onto the ledge of the jacuzzi now and let her feet dangle in the water. "Pic of my fave cousin," she singsonged, snapping a shot of Maren tipping her sunglasses down and holding two fingers up in the peace sign. "And one of my idiot cousin," she deadpanned, pointing it at Ryder now who just crossed his eyes and razzed his tongue at her. Giggling, she then turned the phone camera back towards Lea and me. "I want a couple more of you guys! Go on, smoosh in, you two!"
...who me?
Awkward penguin, nervous wreck, ball of raw friggin' nerves me? "Smoosh" in with a guy? While we were both only in swimsuits and thus at least a good seventy-five percent naked? Smoosh?! I didn't even know how to smoosh! I'd never smooshed a day in my life!
Did my sister know me but at all?
She did remember Lea and I were only pretend dating, right?
I narrowed my gaze one her. "...excuse me?"
"You heard me," she said sweetly, a wicked gleam in her eyes as she tipped her head forward, smirking over those flower-glasses. "Snuggle in, Sis."
Oh-ho, that evil brat knew exactly what she was doing.
Fine. If I gave her this and let her have her fun, maybe she'd finally open up to me about whatever it was that'd been bothering her.
So I scooched an inch over towards Lea.
"Closer," Anna said, staring at her phone screen as she pointed the camera at us again and waved me over with her free hand.
A tiny huff in my throat and another inch over. My knee was brushing against his now.
Anna groaned, "Come on, closer! You two like each other, right?!"
Lea gave a sheepish laugh, scratching his cheek and whispering, "El, forget it, you don't hafta-"
"It's fine," I muttered under my breath, hard eyes still on Anna as I reached over my shoulder and closed my fingers around Lea's wrist resting behind my head there. Hesitating briefly as my face began to warm uncomfortably and the thudding in my ears grew louder, I finally tugged the arm down to wrap around my bare shoulders and leaned into his chest slightly.
"Ugh, closer!"
One of my eyes ticked. "Anna, any closer and I'll be sitting in his lap. Is that what you want?"
She smiled impishly, "I mean, if you think it'll help…"
Lea's hushed voice came to me again, "El, really, this isn't-"
"Lea, really, it's fine," I insisted through grit teeth.
Alright, Anna, you want closer? I'll give you closer, you little...
I twisted in my seat, hugged my arms around his neck and yanked him down, pressing our cheeks together. Not to mention our chests. Our very wet, scantily-to-not-at-all clad chests. But I tried not to think about that part. My cheeks were frying enough as it was already. His whole body went rigid against mine before slowly relaxing as I felt his arms tighten around me. "Here, Anna," I snapped, "take the stupid picture!"
Hold this pose any longer and my heart might just shatter a rib with the way it was thundering.
Still there was no click. She frowned, "Aw, c'mon, Sis, give us a smile! You're in wub, after all!"
...that's it, I was going to throttle her.
"Gotcha covered!" Lea announced. I'd barely even had a chance to register his words before he'd removed his cheek from mine only to replace it with his lips and blow a loud raspberry. All my tension immediately banished and a surprised laugh erupted out of me as I tried to wriggle free, but not before-
"Perfect!" Anna bit back a grin as she eyed the photo on her phone.
Lea had a cheeky grin of his own that he was shooting my way. Though my eyes glared, my lips smiled as I gave his arm a shove, which did nothing to erase his smug look. Before I could retract my hand however, he'd snatched it up in his so he could lace our fingers together once more. At least this time it was above the water for everyone to see.
Now that that bit of nonsense was over and done with, perhaps Anna would give me a minute to talk to her while she was still distracted by riding her photography high. I saw Maren poking a finger into her brother's cheek as she teased him about something, so our cousins probably wouldn't miss us if we slipped away for a second or two. Sitting up straighter and taking a deep breath, I began, "Anna, perhaps now you and I could have a-"
"Oopsie, looks like I need a refill!" she trilled, swiping up her glass from where it sat on the deck beside her.
I squinted at it. "...it's still mostly full."
"Check again." She downed the whole thing in one big gulp before puffing out a satisfied, "Ha! Be right back!"
Gone again.
With a long, drawn out sigh, I slouched so low into the jacuzzi now, the foamy surface brushed against my chin. I could see Lea frowning at me out of my peripheral, but he remained quiet, probably just as much at a loss with this whole mystery situation with my sister as I was.
My eyes gradually drifted over to the mini bar where I could see her mixing up some new concoction. However, instead of the upbeat glow she usually had about her, I noticed her shoulders sagging a little. She was worrying her lower lip between her teeth, the corners of her mouth turned down. I couldn't see her eyes behind the sunglasses, but her brow was wrinkled, seemingly lost in thought as she hung her head.
Huh… that didn't look like someone who was mad.
Maybe Lea was right. Maybe there really was something that had her sad or scared.
But what could it possibly be?
And why wouldn't she just tell me?
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Author's Note: Yay for some yacht fun! Cuz that's just what rich people do I suppose xD Again, since I'm not sure if all of ya'll have seen Frozen 2, the new characters introduced this chapter (including the briefly mentioned Yelena) were all from that movie as a buncha people called the Northuldra who live in an enchanted forest. Since in F2 it was revealed Elsa's mom was Northuldra, there is a VERY real possibility that Honeymaren and Ryder really are all canonically related to Elsa and Anna in some way, so I figured hey, why not turn them into her cousins in this? Now if only Ryder had gotten to see Kristoff's talking reindeer Sven plushie routine, I think Ryder would have positively exploded with happiness xD Real talk tho, boys and girls... don't pull a Ryder: do NOT cannonball into a jacuzzi.
Alright, we now have Saturday morning out of the way, but still have plenty of The Weekend to go yet! Next chapter, what will the rest of the day hold for Elsa? Will she ever find out what seems to have her baby sis so down? Not to mention Gramps' bday palooza is looming ever nearer on the horizon, what potential new "fun" could that lil party bring? And seriously, how WAS there any water left in that lil hot tub after those couple o' knuckleheads (intentionally or not) crashed hard into that thing? Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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armyhome · 4 years
You Are In Love | Hoseok
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↳ summary - Inspire by Taylor Swift song You Are In Love.
↳ pairing- Hobi x reader;
↳ word count - 1.6K ;
↳ gênero - just in love you know;
↳ warnings -  You will falling in love with Hoseok again;
↳ Versão em português
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I feel Hoseok's calm breath against my neck, his body is partially over mine, his leg over my waist holding me on the bed, I take a deep breath to smell his perfume. Years have passed and my heart is still accelerating the same way, little by little my vision begins to focus, I observe the drawings on the ceiling made by sunlight against the blinds.
I caress a few strands of his hair, I don't want to get up, but I have an appointment. Watching him sleep so calmly was the best thing in the world, time has gone so fast, it seems like yesterday that I decided to leave the sad memories in the past, switch countries, move on, and build happy memories.
With my finger, I was drawing over Hobi's nose, happiness was everything he helped me build. I was an intern at the art gallery, he was also one at the record company, we met on the bus, he was one of the few people smiling. If there was one thing that made me miss my country, it was people's smiles, and he brought it to me. One day, when I smiled back, his cheeks went scarlet which made me laugh out loud.
On the way home, he stopped in front of the gallery and waited for me to leave together. He said that even though it was safer than many places, it'd always be better not to be alone at that time. Then, on another day, I was alone cleaning everything after an exhibition, I sent a message telling him that I wouldn't leave at the usual time, that he could go alone, and if he thought it was too dangerous, he should take a taxi, that'd be safer.
Ten minutes after our usual hour, Hoseok appears ready to help me, still sweaty from practice, he tells me about how his group's fandom is growing, he boasts of being very dear in my homeland. When we're done, I offer him a coffee, we sit on the floor with our cups, observing our notable work, he rests his head on my shoulder, then I take a deep breath looking for his perfume “We are a good couple, don't you think so? You are my best friend, you know? ” He asks, I punch myself inwardly so as not to deceive myself with his words, "Don't get me used to it Jung Hoseok, you'll be an international star soon and I won't have my guardian angel anymore", I shivered reminding this, his hand was full of bandages from the practice "Let's go, today I'm driving. My boss lent me his car hehehehe" he swings the key.
We were silent the whole way, he used one of his hands to drive and the other to hold mine, my heart was beating so hard inside my chest, I thought it would jump out. "I'm falling in love with you, so if you're not feeling the same way, please, let me know."
His words draw all the air out of the room, I am usually the best person to escape this type of situation, but for the first time I don’t want to. So I try to kiss him suddenly, which causes an embarrassing situation, because the seat belt stops me from reaching his face, he laughs and I want to die right there. Little by little, he got closer to me, the feeling his kiss gave me was like watching the New Year's fireworks on the beach.
"You're falling in love with me again, right?" A sleepy Hobi asks.
"The real question is: When am I not falling in love with you, Jung Hoseok?" He smiles wide, but his eyes still closed "I need to get up, I have to meet your sister to help her organize everything for her wedding"
"If it's her wedding, then the organization is her responsibility too… This has become an habit of hers, to take you away from me is truly annoying" Hobi hugs me "Don't go please, it's my day off. Stay here, sleeping in with me"
"I like how your family includes me in their activities Hobi, it makes me feel part of something.." He sighs then lifts himself a bit, just to rest on me but without supporting his weight on my hips "I will be back soon before you could miss me. Promise!"
"Okay..." He surrenders, he holds my face in his hands and calmly approaches, but before our lips can touch my cell phone rings, on the screen the name of my sister-in-law "I love my sister, but in these moments, I reflect on whether these feelings are real or the society forces me to feel it..."
"Amor… You need to stop muffling Namjoon's books and I need to go and meet my sister-in-law!" I answer the phone “Put it on speaker mode”, she orders from the other end of the line.
"Okay, I'm on my way!" I almost knocked Hobi off the bed while I got up, hung up the phone and ran to the closet wearing the first things I found, a denim pants and a Hoseok's T-shirt, which looked great on me. By the way, he watches me sitting on the bed, I hold my hair with a hand "Ponytail or nah?"
"Ponytail, that way people can see your face better" While I tie my hair he fixes the front of the shirt inside my pants and aligns the back, his hand stops at my hip and he gives me a kiss "Come back home soon, please!"
The Jung family's taste was impeccable, everything was so beautiful that I felt lost there, I can feel everyone looking at me, it's almost like a weight on my shoulders, but Jiwoo smiles at me and embraces me by the shoulder.
"No need to be so tense, I don't call you to put you on a test or anything like that" She pouts while choosing her words "Hobi asked me to be the best men with you as maid of honor, and I don't know much about your style yet, so I think that you can find a balance between us"
Hoseok's family treated me like this from the beginning, as if I were already part of it. I was so nervous when he called me to meet them the first time, I was afraid they wouldn't like me, but at the first dinner, his mother hugged me as if I was her daughter, his father danced with me in the living room and we all laughed about my two left feet. 
It was late afternoon when we finally found the perfect dress.
When I get home, there is a note on the table, Hoseok saying that he had gone work out, so Guinho runs to me, entangling his four legs to greet me, he jumps on my lap and promptly turns his tummy up behind for affection.
"Did Hoseok hyung leave you alone in the dark? That mean hyung!" He barks as an answer.
The hallway has our photos: our first meeting, another from when we were having dinner with his family, the picnic on the day we adopted Guinho, the first day at our house… We  argued so much that day, every detail started arguments and more discussions. 
When we get to the room, Guinho jumps off my lap to settle on his plush on the sofa, I sit next to him and turn on the television.
So the television shows a image of me and Hoseok, covered in paint on, an old selfie, followed by the video of the two of us in the park with Guinho, quickly cuts off so we are painting the apartment, then I am sleeping with my head resting on his chest, “So that is what's like to hold the world in my arms? ” He whispers "I love you, Hobi" I say still sleeping, probably dreaming. My cheeks are burning, he always bragged about declaring himself first, but here was proof of the contrary, so Hobi appears on the recording, smiling, my heart accelerates a little more "I can imagine this moment since I was little, how will the person be, your name, smell, everything, but nothing was remotely close of who you are, because for me, everything in our relationship it was beyond any expectation that I may have created throughout my life! Your friendship, our complicity, wow how do we get that? Look up amor!" 
He points at the ceiling, so I see the stickers of the glow in the darkstars, when I look ahead again there he is, in person this time.
"I wish I could do this in a stadium full of people, scream to the whole world how much I love you! Eu te amo!" He confesses  "But, this will make you run away so..." He kneels, I feel that I am very close to a heart attack so strong that my heart beats in my chest "Will you marry me?"
"I love you, te amo, te amo" I answer and my eyes are full of tears, Hoseok hugs me "I love you so much that sometimes I think my little heart will explode! Obviously, I want to marry you!" Then he kisses the tip of my nose, I realize he's also crying. 
We were embraced in silence, because even in the silence, it was possible to hear our feelings.
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Knock Me Down II
Jercy Fic: Part II
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII
AHHHH!!!! This is for the people that commented on the last one. You guys are angels and i love you— @ticketsanyone @mercia-lachesis @danniscure
Also I have parts III and IV so if you guys like this PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!! It's the only way I understand you're enjoying it and want to see more.
“Thalia if you don’t get your ass in the car in the next five minutes I’m calling Reyna to pick you up!” Jason Grace yelled up the stairs.
“You wouldn’t dare!” His sister rushed out of her room, eyes wide, hopping into socks.
“Watch me.” He crossed his arms, steeling his face.
It worked because five seconds later Thalia was jumping into the car, blue streaks of her untamable hair sticking up and her jersey hanging off her shoulders with the arms flopping about aimlessly.
“You are the worst brother in the world. You know I could beat your ass any day, so you decided to pull the Reyna card on me?”
Jason just smirked and pulled out the driveway.
“You owe me coffee.” His sister glared.
‘Alright, alright.” He laughed, “No punching though, I got practice today and I do not need another dead arm.”
“You don’t have–“ She paused, staring at him intently, “Wait why do you look so nice today? Did you put gel in your hair?” She reached over to muss it.
“Leave it,” he growled, swatting her hand away, “And I look the same as I always do.”
“Nah uh, you’ve got jeans on instead of sweats, your favourite t-shirt, and–“ She sniffed, “You’re wearing your expensive cologne.”
Jason tried to stop the blush, but his cheeks turned pink. He ducked his head.
“Oh my gods!” Thalia gasped, “You have a crush.”
“I do not have a crush,” He huffed, feeling embarrassed heat spread down his neck.
“Aw my baby bro is crushing! Who is it?” She demanded
“It’s no-one and I’m not crushing. I just decided to put a little extra effort in today.”
“Oh absolutely not, that’s not gonna cut it,” She turned to face him fully, “Now tell me who’s the lucky person that’s captivated your adorable heart?”
Jason knew she would just carry on if he didn’t confess, “Okay okay,”
He took a deep breath and, on the exhale, whispered, “Percy Jackson.”
Thalia’s eyes went as wide as saucers, “The son of the dean of the Arts and Humanities faculty? The son of one of the most successful authors in the world? You’re crushing on him?”
Jason nodded, wincing as his blush turned scarlet.
“Why?” Her tone was full of bafflement.
“I knocked him out of the way of a volleyball ball yesterday and then I helped him up.”
“So?” His sister prompted, curiosity lacing her voice.
“And when he grabbed my hand so I could pull him up,” He sucked in a breath, “I don’t know sis, it was like holding home. And his eyes. They’re so green. Like ocean green. And he smells like the sea and fresh cookies.”
Thalia squeezed his hand, “Wow, you really like this guy.”
Not a question.
Jason nodded anyway, “I know he probably doesn’t feel the same way and I definitely know I’m not good enough for him, but gods I want to kiss that boy so bad it makes my chest ache.”
“First of all, you are absolutely good enough for him, and if he doesn’t think so he isn’t worth it. But also, you have to try Jase, you won’t know if you don’t.”
“I know I know. I’m gonna ask him if we can do something together today, or you know tomorrow or next week, or whenever.” He rambled, shaking through his nerves.
“Good, better get started now so I can ask him what colours I need to swatch for the wedding.”
“First of all,” Jason gave his sister a look, “There is no wedding, I’ve had all of one interaction with the guy.” Before his sister could protest, he continued, “And secondly, why wouldn’t you ask me about colours?”
“You have the worst colour co-ordination in the world, I’m sure even he’s better than you.”
He huffed at her but smiled as she nudged her elbow against his and winked playfully.
“Okay goodbye sis, I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“Which will be in the next five minutes cause look who’s here,” She grinned, pointing to one skater boy pulling into the varsity parking.
“Oh fuck!”
“Goodluck baby bro!” Thalia laughed and before Jason could say anything she was walking towards Percy Jackson.
Jason watched in horror as they spoke, groaning when Thalia pointed to his car and Percy looked right at him. A minute later, Percy nodded with a wave to Thalia and started walking towards him.
He wanted to bang his head against the steering wheel.
Jason rolled down his window, “Hey Percy,”
“Hi,” The green-eyed boy smiled. Jason had a heart attack. Right there in the driver’s seat of his car.
“So, um your sister said you wanted to talk to me about something?”
“Right uh, well,” He rubbed the back of his neck, “Would you wanna do something with me this afternoon?
Percy inhaled sharply. Jason winced.
“Oh um okay no it’s cool,” He started, ducking his head.
“What Jason, no. I mean yes of course I’ll go with you,”
“You will?”
“I’d probably follow you into Tartarus if you asked, but let’s save that for at least the third date yea?” He mused.
“Okay,” Jason couldn’t stop the bubble of happiness that creased his eyes and made his cheeks ache, “I’ll meet you here at one?”
“See you then,”
Percy Jackson smiled; the world fell apart.
And with Jason Grace’s answering grin, the universe realigned.
What y'all saying?????
Look out for the next parts, whenever or upon request!
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katlyn1948 · 4 years
Happy Sunday/Monday/Whatever day it is for you
I’ve been going back and forth on whether I or not I want to proceed with the current chapter of “Tale of Six Weddings” that I am working on or scrap the whole chapter and start anew. I can share what I have to begin with and get thoughts...only because I’m not sure of how it is going. I think it’s alright, but definitely needs some major re-work. Now would be a great time for someone to beta the shit out it... 
Without further ado, here it is...what I have been working on...
Gendry new Arya came from money, it was no surprise since her last name was Stark, but when he rounded the corner to drive down a never-ending driveway, he hadn’t expected the quaint house at the end of it. Its was small, by any means, but it wasn’t some grand mansion he had in mind either.
               It was the perfect size to house a family as large as the Starks, and still have room to accommodate any guests that decided to make a visit. And it was surprisingly homey.
               There were dog toys scattered across the lawn and a bike on its side perched by the stairs leading up to the porch. Several cars were already in the driveway and Gendry has to park his monster of a truck on the side of the house where Arya directed him to.
               It was a house that was definitely lived in; not just for the sole purpose of being on display. He could tell, but just the outside, that the Starks were a family unit that would be impossible to break up, no matter the situation.
               When his truck was finally parked and he turned off the engine, he noticed the hesitance in Arya’s eyes as she stared at the house before them. She had mentioned it had been near eight years since she was last home, and he could only imagine was memories were conjuring in her mind.
               Mindlessly, he grabbed her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.  
               It was a small gesture, but one that set his body aflame as his skin touched hers. He hadn’t meant for his hand to linger as on long as it did, but she made no move to pull it away, not until she gave a sharp nod and exited the vehicle.
               When he followed, he hadn’t expected the slight chill in the air. It was much cooler up here in the northern part of the region than it had been in King’s Landing. It was very different from the sticky heat, and a rather welcome reprieve to harsh summer slamming down in his hometown.
               No wonder Arya told him to pack warmer clothes. Albeit, he had to go out and buy some warmer clothes, considering his wardrobe consisted of t-shirts and shorts, with the occasional jeans, of course.
               “Are you cold?” Arya chimed as he pulled his sweater tighter around his body.
               Gendry shook his head, “No, why do you ask?”
               She smiled, a small laugh escaping her lips, “Because you’re shivering.”
               “Am I? Hadn’t noticed.” And he hadn’t. He was too preoccupied marveling that the house before him. He had never grown up in anything like what Arya’s childhood home was. Not even after Robert had found him. It was just him and his mother, up until her death, and then he moved into Davos’ place with his wife and their three sons. He was lucky to get the bathroom in time before the others did, let alone live in something as grand as her home.
               “Well,” she said, interrupting his thoughts. “Let’s get this over with.”
               They made their way to the steps of her home with their bags in hand.
               Gendry could tell Arya was nervous, just by how reserved she was to enter. They stood outside in the crisp air for longer than Gendry would have liked, as Arya gathered the courage to enter. When she finally managed to step inside, they were greeted with nothing buy chaos.
               There were two young children screaming on the floor, a teenage boy and his girlfriend bickering on the couch in the living room. There were dogs running about, chasing after one another and the sounds of clattering in the kitchen wafting through the air.
               Who Gendry assumed to be Arya’s mother, had passed by their standing forms at least four times, with a phone pressed to her ear as she chided with someone on the other end.
               “I told you peonies, not daisies! My daughter’s wedding is tomorrow and you sent the wrong flowers! I need this corrected yesterday! We do not hav-” she stopped in her tracks, noticing them standing in the foyer. “I’ll have to call you back.”
She clicked off the phone in her hand and nearly ran to Arya, throwing herself into her arms and bringing Arya into a suffocating hug.
Gendry noticed the tension in Arya’s shoulders relax as she snaked her arms around her mother’s torso, squeezing her tightly.
“Oh my darling, girl! Why didn’t you tell you were coming today?”
Arya pulled from the hug and gave her mother a weak smile, “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Consider me surprised.” She turned to Gendry, giving him an interesting look. Like one of curiosity, but also scrutiny. He could see the gears working in her head, as if she couldn’t quite place him, but definitely recognized him. “And who is this?”
“Oh, mother…this is Gendry. He’s my…boyfriend.” Arya said a bit sheepishly. They had never actually called one another as ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend.’ It has always been ‘we’re together.’ The term has sent a chill down his spine, and he conceded that he quite liked the way it sounded coming from Arya’s lips.
“Ah, yes. I do remember Sansa mentioning that you would bring someone.” She extended her hand for Gendry to shake, and he gladly took it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Gendry, I’m Catelyn.”
“The pleasure is all mine, truly.” He smiled, putting his best foot forward. He wanted to impress Arya’s mother, even if their relationship was fake. They were, after all, trying to fool them.
“You won’t be saying that in a few days.” Arya scoffed as she took in the exchange.
Her mother gave her a disapproving look, before glancing back at Gendry.
He could tell there was judgement in her eyes, as if she didn’t truly trust him. And why would she? She has just met him.
“Yes, well…I must get back on the phone with the florist. They sent the wrong flowers; can you believe that? I specifically said peonies and they sent daisies! Your sister is allergic to daisies; I cannot have her turning into a balloon on her wedding day. If you’ll excuse me.” She straightened herself up and stalked off towards the kitchen with her cell phone glued to the face.
Arya let out a forced laugh, “Well that could have gone worse.”
Gendry shrugged, “I think it went fine. I’m sure your mother will be a bit cold towards me, but she doesn’t know me. I get it.”
“No you don’t.” she sighed. “Come on, my youngest brother is in the living room, so are my niece and nephew.”
Gendry followed her to the living room past the foyer. It wasn’t by any means a formal living room, but one that was used constantly by revolving family members. Gendry noticed the teenage boy cuddled on the couch with a girl about the same age. Their earlier bickering has ceased, and they were now watching some stupid cartoon on the tv in front of them.
The boy had the same shade of auburn hair as Arya’s mother, with the same light blue eyes. There was no doubt he belonged to Catelyn, where Arya was the complete opposite. The girl in his lap had a light shade of brown hair, almost matching that of Arya’s and her brown eyes glistened in the light of the tv.
“Don’t let mom see you on the couch like that.” Arya said as she threw herself in between the young couple. The teenage boy groaned and shoved her out of the way, clearly annoyed by his sister’s antics. It took him a few seconds to realize that it was his sister, someone he hadn’t seen in ages, that had wedged herself in between them.
“Arya? What the hell are you doing here?” He exclaimed as he pulled her into a bear hug.
“What, like I would miss Sansa’s wedding? I’m sorry, but do you think I have a death wish?” She turned her attention to the girl, a sneaky smile creeping on her face. “Ly, does your mother know you’re here?”
“Oh, shove off, Arya! Of course my mother knows! You think she would let me see Rickon if your mother wasn’t supervising? Not to mention, Tal and Sansa are somewhere around here.” She scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. “By the gods, we can’t get even a little privacy. You know Robb tasked us with watching the twins.”
“Well do you blame them. I heard what happened. As if mother would ever trust you two alone again.” Arya’s gaze shifted to Gendry. He was awkwardly standing from the couch, unsure of where to move. “Gendry don’t be shy. This is my brother Rickon and his girlfriend, Lyanna.”
Gendry shuffled his way to where they were sitting on the couch and gave a small smile, “Hi.”
“Wow, a man of many words. You sure know how to pick ‘em sis.” Rickon scoffed.
Arya punched his shoulder as she rose from the couch, a scowl etched on her face, “Don’t listen to him Gendry, he’s just sour.”
She grabbed his hand again and weaved them through her childhood home. It was bit like a maze, and he was sure he would need a map to figure out where the kitchen was again.
“What was that about?” He asked as she continued to show him her home.
“He’s mad that our mother won’t let him go anywhere unsupervised with Lyanna. They were caught having sex when my mother was literally down the hall. I remember that call from Sansa and I could hear my mother yelling in the background.”
“And that’s why they were watching the twins.”
Arya nodded, “Robb’s doing. A good way to make sure they keep out of trouble.”
“Who? The twins or the melodramatic teens?”
Arya let out a laugh and Gendry couldn’t help but smile at her outburst. It was stark difference to her earlier demeanor, and he was glad she was feeling more comfortable around her own childhood home.
As she pulled him to, what he assumed to be a den, he noticed four adults huddled around a table, laughing and enjoying a bottle of ridiculously expensive wine.
“Arya….Arya!” a woman with the same hair and eyes and Rickon and her mother screamed, as she jumped from her chair, throwing her arms around Arya. “I knew it! I knew you would come today! And this must be the person you were telling me about. My name is Sansa, the bride. I’ve heard very little of you, except that you are my sister’s boyfriend. Gosh, it is so nice to meet you an-”
“Gods, Sans, how much wine have you had?” Arya grimaced as she took in her sister’s breath.
“Like two glasses.” She shrugged.
Theon scoffed from behind her, “Try like five. We’ve been getting intoxicated while the youngsters watch the smaller youngsters.”
Arya scoffed, “Classic Theon. Tell me again why my sister agreed to marry you.”
“My charm. My wits. My devilish good looks,” he turned his gaze to Gendry, eying suspiciously. “Speaking of devilish looks, who let this brooding man in?”
“I’m Gendry. Arya’s boyfriend.” This time he was the one to introduce himself. He wanted to gage Arya’s reaction of the word, and as he suspected, her cheeks flushed, and her body went tense. He gave a cheeky smile, knowing her could rile up a reaction like that.
“Well it’s nice to meet the mysterious man my future sister-in-law had kept so well hidden.” He gave a pat on Gendry’s back before turning his attention to Sansa, resting his hands on her shoulders. “Come on, love, let’s get you to bed before your mother has another cow.”
He guided out of the den, leaving Robb and Talisa still perched at the small table.
Robb had a steady glass of beer in his hand, while Talisa sipped on her own wine respectively.
“Was that about the flowers?” Arya asked as she took her seat across from her older brother. Gendry followed, taking his own seat.
It was interesting to see Arya interact with her family. It was side of her he had yet to see, and he delighted in watching it. It made him wish he had grown up with that type of family dynamic. Sure, Davos and Mayra did all they could to make sure he was felt included, even their sons were like his brothers, but it was different. He had joined their family when he was fifteen; he hadn’t grown up with them, not really.
To see the ease she had around them, her family, he envied it.
“Unfortunately, it’s not just the flowers.” Talisa chimed. “The caterer cancelled last minute, and the venue flooded.”
“Then is there a bloody wedding to even go to?” Arya asked.
Robb nodded, “The wedding is going to be here, with about half the guest list. And…mother may ask you a favor.”
“And what is that?”
“Her wedding party was also cut by half. It’s only Talisa and Jeyne…and you.”
“Me! But I-no! I told Sansa I didn’t want to be in her wedding! I-”
“Ar, it’s our sister, come on.”
Arya slumped in her chair and Gendry instinctively put a hand on her shoulder.
“Well fuck.”
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thewondersofsmut · 5 years
Friendly Rivalry
Request/s: Dean x reader. For a hunt they have to go undercover as a couple, they accidentally get married. – @writingkeepsmewhole AND Hey ! Can you a dean one where y/n and dean are rivals and that one hunt brings them closer and making them think that the other is not bad as they thought and them becoming friends and then lovers. i love your works. Waiting for it... – Anon
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Warnings: language, smut, talk of past pain
Word Count: 3890
Author’s Note: Hope this hits the spots in the requests! Feedback is always appreciated. Requests are open, mostly Dean and Damon, I’ma try to do some Sam (maybe).
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“D’ya hear about the Winchesters taking out two vampire nests in a week?” “Yeah, but (y/l/n) took out five wendigos—five! They don’t even come out like that!” You smirked as you heard the stories of the Dean-(y/n) Rivalry floating about, these hunters didn’t even know you were there. “Seem to be a fan favorite.” Jo smirked as she passed you a glass of bourbon. “I think—“ 
Before you can reply, the bell by the door rang and, “Speak of the devil.” You mumbled to yourself as the Winchesters entered coming straight to the bar. “Hey Jo.” The shorter one mused and then turning to your direction. You smiled straightly, tilting your head to the side. “Oh! Who do we have here...” He started, his green eyes seemingly sparkling. 
“Nice to see you again, Dean.” You said, voice challenging and then you looked up to the taller, much nicer Winchester. “Always glad to see you, Sam.” You sweetly said, smiling up to him before your gaze went back to the elder Winchester. “How ‘bout we leave these two love birds to figure out their differences?” Jo asked Sam, throwing a wink at you, the younger brother chuckled and nodded, following Jo. 
“What brought you to these parts?” You asked, swirling your glass. Dean looked you up and down. It all started when he saw you at Bobby Singer’s garage, changing the oil under your car. You slid out and he smirked at you. That was the start of yours and his friendly rivalry—the so called who’s the better hunter. “Great job on the nests.” You mumbled when he didn’t answer you. 
“And you with the wendigos, you gotta tell me what’s up with that hunt, I’m sure it wasn’t a coincidence.” He said. You shook your head with a wince. He looked at you, concerned. “You okay there, kid?” He asked and you grinned. “Better than ever.” You answered. “To answer you, we’re here to ask for help.” He said. You knitted your eyebrows. 
“The Winchesters,” You snickered. “Need help?” You leaned back to your seat, his leathery gun powder scent evading your thoughts. “This isn’t the best look for our rivalry, now is it, Dean.” You joked. “Plus, you haven’t exactly worked with me, how do you know I’m not a nut job?” You added. “I trust the stories.” He said, raising an eyebrow at you. “Trust is a strong word—“ “So is the tension between you two.” Ellen said, rather loudly to cut you both off, the sound of beer bottles hitting the wood. 
“Who would we rather ask for help in this full bar of hunters? The great (y/n) (y/l/n) or Bob, Henry, and Jack over in the corner there.” He snickered. You rolled your eyes. “Well let me know what we’re dealing with, gotta grab something from my car.” You declared and hopped off your seat. 
You went to your car and re-patch yourself up, the cut feeling worse than yesterday. “That doesn’t look good.” You heard and jumped, hitting your head on the trunk making you groan, reaching to rub your head. Almost falling back, Dean was quick on his feet and reached out his arms, catching your back and carrying you on his arms. 
He laid you on top of the hood and peeled off your bandage. “(Y/n), this is a nasty cut.” Dean scrunched his face. “Sweetheart, how are you even walking around?” He stammered. “It’s nothing, Dean, had it worse.” You maintained composure, lifting up your shirt to reveal your cut that stretched from one end of the stomach to the other. You smiled, pursing your lips, he bit his lip and you seemed to stare at those plush pink lips. “I’m fine, give me a day or two, patch it up real good and I’ll help you kick some ass.” You winked and he knitted his eyebrows. 
Dean brought you to the room Ellen let you sleep in and Sam immediately tended to your wounds. “How did you do it, (y/n)?” Sam asked, looking down your leg. “I have this—weapon, I’ve had it since I was a child.” You said. You said, pulling the said weapon from your waistband. “Don’t ever let it out of my sight.” You whispered as you saw the glimmer in the knife. 
“My parents made it, forged it, carved symbols on it, and when those pesky demons came to my home when I was 5, it worked, it killed ‘em,” You said, twirling it around. “I figured, if this thing can kill demons, it should be able to kill anything.” You said. You groaned as the alcohol hit your skin, the cool and stinging feeling left you wishing you asked for help to deal with those wendigos. “Why on earth would you go alone, (y/n).” Sam said, scrunching his face. 
“I didn’t.” You said, sighing, looking down at your hands. Dean breathed, his face hit with realization. “I knew what I was up against but it wasn’t enough.” You said, feeling tears prick the sides of your eyes. “Hey sweetheart,” Dean placed a finger below your chin and lifted, allowing you to look into his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault.” He said. You sadly smiled. 
“So tell me what you need help with?” You winced when you moved up the bed. 
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“You look lovely, (y/n).” Sam said, offering a small smile. “Thank you.” You said. “Ready, sweetheart—“ Dean’s breath was cut short when he saw your form, black long dress, he could only go so far as imagining. “I got us invitations so we’ll be able to get in.” Sam cleared his throat, raising said envelopes. 
You three entered without a hitch. “And how do we know which one’s the witch?” Dean asked. You looked up, a girl, the prettiest curls you’ve ever seen. You watched your own lips part before she walked away. “I think I know.” You gushed, your voice breathy. 
“There are too many people here, Sam.” You said and he nodded. “We have to get her alone.” Dean agreed. “I don’t think thats too hard.” You whispered, following her. “Are you okay, (y/n)?” Dean asked, looking at you. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be.” You said knitting your eyebrows, turning to him. 
You three followed her into the upstairs. “You know we’re going to have to escape without being noticed.” Sam huffed. The two huge doors closed and you gasped, looking forwards to see the witch smirking as she tilted her head to the side.
All hell broke loose.
“It’s a witch bitch, alright.” You spat, sighing as wiped the blood from your mouth. Dean swung at the witch, her strength no match for the three of you. “Dean!” You screamed as you threw the gun at him. You punched her and she fell back. “(Y/n)!” Sam yelled and you threw one of the hex bags at him for him to burn.
“Fuck!” You hissed as you were thrown across the room, the witch lifting the brothers up in the air. “Son of a bitch!” Dean screamed, coming at her and the witch threw him right beside you, flat on the wall. “Fiat tibi duo non tenetur ex caritate in finem matrimonii atque, si tu non solum mortem non dimittet vos pars!” You felt your left hand burn, your fingers tingling. You couldn’t look down with the force that the witch had on you.
“Get the fuck away from my brother and (y/n)!” Sam screamed and shot the witch with special bullets. She fell to the ground with a sinister laugh as the life faded from her eyes. You and Dean dropped from the wall, landing on the floor with a thud. Your breathing was staggered and Dean grunted, kneeling up. 
You three made it back to the motel with no deaths, apart from the witch, and hell lot of cuts and wounds. You sighed and splashed your face with water. You looked in the mirror as you rubbed your eyes, a shining glimmer caught your eye through the mirror. You knitted your eyebrows and tried to remove the ring. It wouldn’t budge, even when you forced it too. 
“Uh, Sam, Dean?” You started and bumped into Dean, groaning, rubbing your cheek that hit his cheek.
“I have never had a ring.” You said, putting up your hand that revealed a wedding band. “Uh, I think the witch cursed you two.” Sam said, realization hitting his face. Your eyes quickly travelled to Dean’s left hand where a wedding band was situated in his ring finger. You raised your eyebrows and your mouth hung. “The spell—“ You started. 
“Since you two are technically under a spell, it’s safe to say I should be the one to grab the grimoire.” Sam insisted, standing up. “Sam, you’re hurt.” Dean scolded and you worriedly looked at him, nodding. “No, you two may or may not be in serious trouble but you guys are married now.” Sam said, his eyes scanning your fingers, a small smile lingering on his lips. “Bite me.” He said through gritted teeth. Sam smirked, raising an eyebrow. “She will…” He said and you blushed. 
You sat on the edge of the bed, feeling Dean’s eyes on you. “I can feel you stare at me, Dean.” You mumbled, your eyes closing. “You were pretty great out there.” He said. You turned to him. “You weren’t too bad yourself.” You replied, feeling heat rise up your cheeks. “Never thought I’d be married before I fall in love.” You mumbled, mostly to yourself. “You’ve had a boyfriend before.” He stated. You smirked. “Keyword, had. This line of work doesn’t really allow for more than that.” You said. 
“You never know.” 
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“Okay, so the whole spell is let you two be bound by marriage and if you don’t end up in love, only death will let you part.” Sam read. “And is there a way we can break it?” You asked. Dean raised an eyebrow. “Are you that repulsed by me?” Dean asked. “No—Dean, we aren’t exactly in love, we can die…” You said. “And I’m pretty sure we have a time limit, Sam?” You turned to the younger Winchester. 
Sam let out a breath. “7 days.” You closed your eyes and Dean pursed his lips, nodding along. “So either we have 7 days to fall in love or 7 days to die.” Dean emphasized. “Or we can totally look for another spell to destroy it.” You countered. “Does it say there, Sam?” You asked. “Maybe Bobby will help us understand.” He said. “Let’s get going then!” You commanded and everyone got their stuff and loaded on Baby.  
“Well, let me get this straight then,” Bobby started. “You,” He pointed at you. “And this idjit,” He pointed at Dean. “Are married because of a spell.” He finished. “It was an accident.” You muttered. “Well, as far as I’ve read this grimoire this is a soul connection and if I’m being honest, unless we find the oldest witch we can, we can’t break the spell.” Bobby apologised, looking at you then Dean. “We gotta go for the lesser evil, I guess.” You sighed to yourself. “You really sure there’s no way to find out?” Dean asked. “Well, let me look it up in my witch spell encyclopedia,” Bobby sarcastically looked at Dean. “Oh, wait, there’s none.” He rolled his eyes at the elder Winchester. 
You stood up and sipped beer, walking outside and looking at the junkyard. Dean walked to you, leaning against the doorframe. “You okay, sweetheart?” Dean asked and you nodded your head. You found yourself fiddling with your ring, your thumb running over the band. The hairs on the back of your neck stood as you felt his arms wrapped around you, leaving you with goosebumps on your arms. 
“You know we can’t pretend to be in love.” You stated. “Who said anything about pretending.” He cautioned. You chuckled, making Dean smile. He sighed and let go of you. You whined at the loss of heat. “When Bobby introduced this amazing hunter he’s helping, he pointed me towards a ’69 Camaro,” He smirked, reminiscing that day. “Oh yeah?” You asked, looking up at him. “Hmm, I was like well this dude’s got a nice ride and you must’ve heard me cuz you slid out from change the oil and I stopped, dead in my tracks, when I saw you.” He recalled. 
“You asked me who I was and I just stared at you and you laughed,” He chuckled. “Is this your way to ease into the ‘How To Make A Girl Fall In Love in 7 Days’.” You joked. His smile got smaller. “In my end, I started to fall when you wiped that oil on your cheek and reached your hand out. If you looked at me, really well, you would’ve seen it.” He said, turning and heading back inside. You closed your eyes and sighed. “Well, there goes one day.” 
You walked back inside the house and grabbed another beer. “Any luck?” You asked, looking at Bobby. “I’m sorry, kid, there’s nothing I have that can help you.” The poor man sighed and slumped on his seat. “Bobby, I’m scared.” You whispered, looking up at him, the boys were probably upstairs. “I know, kiddo, Trevor was supposed to be your way out.” He replied. You closed your eyes, feeling pang in your heart. “Maybe I was never meant to leave the life, up until I die.” You said and stood up. “I’m gunna take a drive.” You said.
“I’ll come with.” You heard and looked towards the stairs, your husband looking at you with hopeful eyes. You gave him a nod and walked out. 
Dean hopped unto the passenger side and you watched how fluidly his body moved. “I can feel you stare.” He teased. You felt your cheeks heat up. “Sorry.” You started driving, feeling the air flow through your hair. “What do you think of me, sweetheart?” He asked. You looked at him from the edge of your eyes, you breathed. “An amazing hunter, perfect, boyish, god—I can go on.” You gushed. “Pull over.” He demanded. You looked at him and knitted your eyebrows. “What,” “Please, (y/n), just pull over.” 
You parked the car onto the side of the road with a hilt. “Dean, what’s wrong?” You asked. The minutes felt like seconds and his hand was on the back of your neck, the other cupping your cheek, and his lips against yours. After the initial shock, glad that he didn’t stop, you kissed him back, dormant feelings getting ignited. You moved from your seat and straddled him, your arms moving behind him as you two kissed. 
“Sweetheart,” Dean panted when you pulled away. “You’re the one who’s perfect, you’re amazing.” He whispered, pecking your lips.
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“Hey sweetheart, want to head out to the bar?” Dean asked, sitting from the bed. “Uh, I’d love to but we’ve got tons of research to do—“ “Go, (y/n), I’ll handle this, I’ll call Bobby when I need to.” Sam reassured, throwing a smirk towards his brother. “You sure, Sam—“ “Yes, (y/n), just go.” Sam cut you off again. You scratched the top of your head and went to the bathroom to change and clean up. 
Dean leaned against baby. “You miss yours?” Dean asked when you eyed his car. “Hell yeah, but she’s in better hands at Bobby’s.” You mumbled. Dean opened the door for you, not missing the chance to check you out. A mile out from the motel, you looked out into the open, fiddling with your hands. “Is—is this a date?” You asked. You saw him smirk. “If you want it to be?” He asked back, giving you a boyish grin. 
He parked at the bar and you entered, it was the same as any bar you’ve been too, yet, this one felt new and entirely different, in a good way. You two sat down, ordered some snacks and went straight to the hard liquor. “Well, unofficially Mrs. Winchester, how are you really feeling?” He asked, leaning forwards. “Aside from utter fear, I think I’m falling.” You said, truthfully, feeling the sting of whiskey coming down your throat. He chuckled. 
“We got 3 days left.” He recounted. “Man, dying from a witch’s spell wasn’t the way to go.” He said. “Damn right.” You agreed, munching on some fries. “Sweetheart, I think ending up with you, would be the best thing that can happen to me right now.” He said, grabbing your hands and caressing the tops. “This life, Dean, we can’t cheat it, once we’ve fallen for each other, there’s really no turning back, that kind of pain is hard to forget.” You mumbled. 
“That day at Bobby’s, god, was I a fool for letting you slip out of my hold, but I didn’t want you to think that all I was looking for was a hookup on call.” You confessed. His eyes slightly widened and he laughed. “I’d never think of you that way. If it makes ya feel better, I was on the same boat on you on that one, sweetheart.”
“D’you wanna head out?” You asked, eyes tinkling. “Read my mind.” He smirked, standing up.
He lightly pushed you against the Impala, the cold metal giving you goosebumps, your hands were tangled amongst his short dirty blonde hair, your tongues mingling, the taste of whisky hitting you differently. You moaned against his mouth as he battled for dominance, he nibbled on your lower lip and gave a tug. He wrapped his arms around your back, one hand lowering towards your ass, cupping and squeezing. 
You moved your hand in between your bodies and felt the bulge that was growing underneath his pants. He groaned, lowering his head, his teeth grazed you shoulders, moving up to your neck, sucking a mark that soon turned purple. “Fuck, (y/n), can’t get enough of you sweetheart.” He muttered, moving up to kiss you. You hummed your approval, unbuttoning his shirt. 
He pulled your body from the car and opened the door, pushing you in and ntil your back was pressed against the leather, fog grew quickly. Dean tugged on your shirt and you lifted your back, allowing him to pull your shirt above your head. You continued to unbuttoned his plaid and pushed them off his shoulders and lifted his shirt, feeling his toned muscles. 
He then started on your jeans, pulling them off your legs and you fiddled with his jeans. “Dean, need you now, need you fast.” You were beyond aroused and needed the friction which he gladly gave, his hard and throbbing member rubbing against your core. You two were stripped down until your skins rubbing against each other. He moved his hand down your body, feeling your soft skin under his calloused fingers until he reached his destination.
His fingers slid through your folds, feeling your slickness. You closed your eyes, moaning, breathing a ‘yes’ followed with profanities just as a finger entered you. Slowly coming in and out you, pulling moans you didn’t think you could make. “Fuck, Dean, I need more than that.” You said through gritted teeth. “I know, babygirl, I just can’t help myself.” He replied. “You’re so fucking tight, perfect pussy all for me.” He muttered, kissing your collar. 
He grasped his cock, pumping it, moving it along your pussy. “Dean, plea—“ You gasped as he entered you in one swift movement. He raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Cat got your tongue, babygirl?” You bit your lower lip, keeping in your laughter. Before you can reply, he lifted his hips, slamming into you once again. “Oh you feel so fucking good.” He groaned. 
His hips thrusted in and out of you, your skins slapping against each other. “Fuck, (y/n).” He cursed. The air felt thick, it certainly smelled like sex as he fucked you hard and fast. “Yes, Dean, fuck—“ You gasped, feeling yourself uncoil. “Gunna come,” Your eyes were closed, your voice strained as your abdomen tightened. “I know, sweetheart, I’m close too.” He grunted. He fucked you steadily until his hips faltered, the car shaking with his movements. 
“Fuck, (y/n),” He moaned, your pussy clenching around his throbbing cock. “God, I love you.” He whispered. Your body tensed and he opened his eyes, looking directly into yours. His eyes full of sincerity and love. Your breathing staggered and you closed your eyes, coming hard around him. “Dean!” You gasped, your body shaking. “I love you too.” You breathed, your heart pounding against your chest as it tightened, tears threatening to spill. 
“I love you too.” You whispered, smiling wide. He continued to fuck you and soon after, his cock twitch, coming inside of you. 
He pulled you against his chest, slick skins, slight sheen of sweat glistening with the streetlight. He ran his hand through your locks, your back shivering, still coming down from your high. “Fuck, I wished I made a move sooner than later.” He whispered. “Dean,” “It wasn’t hard to fall for you. Every time I hear the stories about this hunt or that hunt that (y/n) (y/l/n) did, how she did this or that. I always smirk to myself saying that, I either grow some balls and ask her to a hunt, even once but,” “But now we’re together and married nonetheless.” You said, smiling, leaning up to kiss him. 
“When Jo found out we knew each other, God did she sell you to me.” You chuckled, making him chuckle as well. “I’ve known you, word travels and a lot are about the Winchester brothers how people think you, Sam, and I would make the best band of hunters.” You said. “And every time I’d catch you, I wish sometimes I reeled you in. Quite a fish you are.” You said, drawing circles on his arm. “Don’t they say, there’s plenty of fish in the sea?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “Oh yes, but I wanted you to be my fish.” You said, almost possessively. 
“Well, I’m your fish alright and you’re my fish.” He said, kissing the top of your head. “I do, I really do love you.” He whispered and lifted your head towards him with his finger. You melted into the kiss, getting drowned in him once again. 
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“Well, you two idjits aren’t dead.” Bobby commented on the 7th day of the spell as he leaned against his desk. You raised your eyebrows at the older man, shrugging with pursed lips. You heard him sigh. “You can’t cheat a spell so it means you two are—“ “In love.” Dean finished, a soft smile playing on his lips. “You two know damn well everyone’s gunna be up your asses, (y/l/n) and Winchesters.” Bobby said. “Bobby, either they run away from fear or want our heads on the end of the stick.” Sam snickered. 
“You, boy,” Bobby continued, looking at Dean. “You take care of (y/n).” He said. “Bobby, you aren’t dying yet.” You quipped. “And I’m the closest thing you have to a father.” He lightly snapped. “Touché.” You “You boys are family to me, but (y/n), I took care of her before she can hold a gun.” He said, glancing at you. “All I’m saying is, don’t give the old man a hard time.” He said. Dean smirked. “I promise, Bobby.” Dean said, looking at you with a smile you knew that mean happiness. 
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Taglist (wanna be part?):
@andkatiethings @kpoplover1306xdepressedgirl315 @sallyp-53  @ilovefanfic86 @deviljoonie @incorrect-quoted @malindacath @aunty-peggy @adoptdontshoppets @brindz30 @myloveofdean @miss-kristendior 
456 notes · View notes
laughing-with-god · 6 years
Pandemonium VI
Words; 5.1k
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“And where would I be?  Feeling lonely...separated from my one and only.  So please, don’t take my love away.  Let my baby stay.” - Mac Demarco
“I mean...it is rather nice of him to do that.”
You shrugged at Kat, still on the fence on whether or not to have a positive or negative reaction to the anecdote.  
You had just informed her on the call you had received just a couple of hours ago, the one concerning a certain artist paying off your mom’s medical bills.  
Even you (a very stubborn person) had to admit that having that expense paid was a giant weight off you and your families’ shoulders.
But at what cost?  
You recalled his cunning and sly smiles, further proof that his intentions may not be all that innocent.  All you needed to find out was his motive for doing this. That would connect this puzzle and ease your mind of the enigma that was Taehyung.  But the more you thought about it, the more puzzled you became. He was flirtatious but just you thought someone was cute, doesn’t mean it will justify paying off their injured mothers’ medical bill (that was at least a couple grand).  
But, this was a rich kid you were talking about.  
Money was as familiar to him as water was to fish.  
He spent thousands like you spent monopoly money.  Little to no care of real life consequences.
“I just wish for some context.  Like what the fuck?” You asked your friend.  Kat just nodded as she walked beside you, half listening to you but half paying close attention to the shops you guys passed.  
“Yeah, it is very odd.  You did say this was Jimin’s younger brother, right?  Perhaps he heard about Jimin snapping and coming to our dorm so he figured he should apologise on Jimin’s behalf.”  At the mention of Jimin’s name, your face went stony and expressionless.
You didn’t want to tell Kat about your day, about how Jimin went so far as to show up outside your class, clearly looking for you.  You didn’t want to bring up his name ever again, especially in front of Kat. The last thing you wanted was for her to be reminded of your crazed sugar daddy and how he dared assault her.  Hell, you didn’t want to think about your craptastic day.
You just sighed and agreed to let the topic drop, for now at least.
“I guess that makes sense.  You’re very smart, Kat.”
She just laughed, used to you complimenting her IQ when you were just being over-dramatic and lacked the use of yours.  Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks which caused you to do so as well. Her elfish face looked up and grinned up at the sign of a certain small shop.  
“We’re here.”  
The overwhelming floral scent hit your nostrils, causing you to scrunch up your nose in slight disgust.  You never got why people hyped up the smell of flowers...the citrus and perfumey smell gave you a slight headache when given to you in heavy doses.
“Kat, I really don’t think this is needed.”  You murmured to you friend. She waved you off and guided you to the short line.  
“This place is the most well-known florist shop in our city, (Y/n).  Trust me, your aunt and mom will love this. And it’s always proper etiquette to send something when a family member is in the hospital.”
You rolled your eyes, “Sis, I literally spent days with her at the hospital.  I’m pretty sure I’m in the clear as far as etiquette goes.”
Kat wasn’t hearing it.  “Maybe after seeing our nice ass flowers, your aunt will get off your dick.”  She laughed while rubbing her hands together.
“Okay I’m gonna act like you’re not just using my mom’s accident as an excuse to look at some flowers.”  
If Kat heard you, she ignored it as she began to list off the different kinds of flowers that would be good in this situation.  She really was a tumblr bitch whom was addicted to these types of things. You fondly smiled, you rather her be like this than the way you saw her yesterday.  Shaken and afraid.
The line moved as one more customer was served.  At this moment, Kat’s phone rung and her cheerful face slid into a more somber expression.  
“I need to take this, it’s Cynthia.”  You let her go, knowing just how thin and frail the foundation of their relationship currently was.  Now you stood alone in the line, waiting for your turn.
With nothing to do, you couldn’t help but overhear the guy who was in front of you and talking to the worker.
“I don’t know much about flowers but I just need something to send to my friend, he just got married last week and I couldn’t make the wedding..” His voice was velvet smooth and neither high-pitched nor low.  
All you could see was the backside of this man.  He was tall and rather lean. Shoulders were wide, but they had a delicate droop downwards, giving his posture a relaxed but consecutive posture.  His neck was long (at least the back of it was) and sat on top of his head was a perfectly brushed mop of black hair.
The worker just nodded and began to work on getting an order together for him.  You supposed that they got that all the time, people just coming in and asking for flowers without knowing what is called for.  
“I can take the next person in line!”  
You moved up to the area beside the other worker and that mystery guy as an older lady waved you over to her work station.  “What can I do for you, sweets?”
Words were caught in your throat.  Fuck, it was Kat who was supposed to be doing all of this.  You decided to follow that other guys’ lead and just tell her the situation so she can come up with the appropriate set up.  
“Yeah, I need flowers delivered to my mother’s house.  She got into a car accident and I can’t be with her as much as I’d like.”  the older lady gave you a sympathetic look as she began to lay down some paper to wrap the the flowers in.  
“Do you have a particular color in mind?”  She asked, sensing your lack of knowledge. You shrugged.  
“I don’t know..  My friend mentioned doing something multi-colored?”  You trailed off, trying to recall bits of Kat’s rambling.  
“Well, we just got some lilies in.  They come in white, pink, red, orange and yellow.”  
“Can we do white and pink?”  She nodded and smiled.
“Did you mention this will be getting delivered? “  You nodded and she handed you a paper that needed to be filled out before heading towards the back to get the flowers.  
While putting down the address and zip code of your moms’ house, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were being watched.  
You looked over and it was the guy who was in front of you just moments before, instead this time he was facing you head on.
His face was long and slender, just like his body.   Chin was in a perfect V-shape, lips were wide and pink while currently being pulled back in a chesire grin. His teeth were tall and pure white. His nose was high rised, but had a smooth and perfect arch.  It was long without being too big and was weirdly the best nose you’ve ever seen. Although his face was slim, his cheeks held a good amount of flesh on them, and they caused his eyes to crinkled while smiling.  His eyes were ink-black, but deep set and held a glossy look over them that made them appear slightly watery. They were slightly swollen as well, giving them the appearance of cuteness and surrounded by dense eyelashes.  Sort of like an anime character. The man was currently wearing a denim jacket, white shirt and black jeans.
You made eye contact and he just continued to stare at you.
You huffed.
Why the fuck were men addicted to staring?  
“Can I help you?”  You called out.
He nodded, smiling even wider if possible.  
“What’s your name?”  
You rolled your eyes.  “What’s it to you?”
“I’ll pay for your order if you just give me your name.”  
Instinctively, before you can process it, you had said, “(Y/n).”
He took a step towards you, now peering down at you.  “Hello (Y/n), I’m Hoseok.”
You nodded but ignored his words and pushed the clipboard to him.  “So like right here is where the card information comes in. Don’t forget to tip the delivery person too!”  You shoved the paper in his face, making sure he won’t go back on his promise.
He laughed cheerfully, the sound like bells chiming as his eyes scrunched up to the point where you doubt he even could see through them, mouth widely ajar as more laughter escaped it.  
“Your very funny, (Y/n).”  He commented, looking at you up and down while still chuckling,  
You nodded but couldn’t help but notice that he had yet to fulfill his side of the deal.  You fake laughed but grabbed his hand and forcefully shoved him to the table along with the clipboard.  
“HAhahA, yeah so the order should come out to like 30 or something and I don’t know about shipping costs but like here’s the pen and if you can just sign here and there, that’d be great.”
He laughed but did it nonetheless, signing off on paying for the order.  Apparently, your pushiness was very humorous to him.
You gave hit back a pat on the back and said, “Thanks dude, but I gotta blast.”
He called out from behind you but you sprinted out of the shop, not wanting to give him the chance to regret paying for your flowers.  Kat was outside still on the phone, you just dragged her along with you down the street, promising to explain later.
As a wise woman once said; men ain’t shit but walking dick with wallets.  
“Is that really what you thought of me?”  He laughed hard, bunny smile evident and and rounded teeth poking out.
“Listen sis, I just know a fuckboy when I see one and all my alarms were going off when I spotted your steroids headass.”
“For the last time, I’m not on steroids.”
“Yeah, you prob just snort protein powder like it’s crack. “
Jungkook laughed harder at that, hunching over in his seat.  
At the moment, both of you were at the campus library.  You had agreed to meet up for the project, not willing to risk your grade being compromised just because your partner was someone less than ideal.  Also, he proved himself to be somewhat decent when he helped you sneak out when Jimin showed up. Quickly, you started to feel bad for assuming that he was trash.  Throughout the study date, it became apparent that he was stuck in a fuckboy body, what laid under that was actually an easily flustered dork.
“(Y/n), you’re hilarious.” He giggled. You shrugged at this.  You honestly weren’t that funny, people just didn’t expect girls to be able to crack decent jokes.
You two were sat at a table, side by side with papers and books spread out between you two.  The library had large bookshelves that surrounded you, so tall that they almost reached the high ceilings and successfully blocked anyone from being able to see you and Jungkook unless they were at one of the other tables in the section.  However, the place was very empty with the core inhabitants being the librarians themselves, plus Jungkook and you.
“Yeah, yeah.  Listen, we got to find a way not to fail this class.”  You told him, trying to turn the attention back to the work.  
You had been there for roughly 20 minutes, but still nothing had been accomplished yet.  Jungkook had wanted to know why you were at first so cold to him, and you honestly told him that he just had that stupid frat boy vibe and you were already in a grouchy mood in the mornings.  He spent the next few minutes trying to convince you that he was actually a lame nerd. He listed off the things he did in hopes that your previous assumption of him would melt away. You had to admit, it worked rather well.  The iron man obsession, the video game marathons, the IU posters and the hobby of photography and videography weren’t what you first pictured when you saw him. You thought of axe body spray, “nudes?”, stupid gym pictures of him flexing and party going along with all those other things that came along with being a fuckboy.  You guess you were wrong.
“Basically, he just wants us to answer those questions onto a google presentation that we have to share with him.”  Jungkook explained, also looking at the work now. You groaned.
“How am I supposed to be able to answer those questions when I wasn’t even here for that lesson?”  You thunked your head against the table. “Jungkook you should consider curb stopping this professor.  Like, your so big for no reason? You should take one for the team…”
“Is that all I am to you?  A fucking right-hand man to send to handle your enemies?”  Jungkook fake pouted, placing a hand onto his chest.
“Shit, kook.  If I have a body builder for a friend, am I expected not to use him?”  Jungkook sighed, bunny face relaxing into a lazy grin. He took out a few more things from his folder and handed it over to you.
“Here, I have the answers and notes from that lesson.  Just copy it down so you can look it over whenever you need.”  You nodded in thanks and began to copy his work over to your own blank sheets.  It was quiet for a moment as Jungkook just fondly watched you do this, taking in your
side profile and adorable face expressions of concentration.  He wanted to drink you in blissfully, not with a care in the world for anything but this moment.  But something was preventing him from doing that. Something that bothered him.
“(Y/n)?”  he asked gingerly.  
“What?”  You responded, not looking up from the scribblings of fast note-taking.  
“Do I know that guy who you had to sneak past?”  
This question caught you off guard.  You looked up. “No. He doesn’t go here and he’s a bit older.”  
“If he ever gives you any problems, you know you can call on me right?”  This made you snort.
“Kook, you wouldn’t even hurt a fly.”  
He stared into you, eyes so dark and voice so bleak when he stated, “I can under the right circumstances.”
“KAT! WHAT THE FUCK ARE MY QUALITIES?!”  You yelled from across the dorm from your spot on the loveseat.
“FUCK IF I KNOW!”  She hollered right back from the bedroom.  You grumbled and pondered a bit more.
‘Good team player, headstrong, analytical and grand ability to laugh at oneself.’ You typed this down while chuckling at how lame it sounded.
The next question popped up on the screen.
You ignored this while typing down, ‘In desperate need of experience and said position offers such qualifications.’
The job application was complete and sent.  
Ever since you had cut off Jimin, you sworn off sugar daddies all together.  But, this didn’t mean that income wasn’t needed. You decided to do things the old fashioned way instead of chilling with older and richer men for cash, and chose to start filling out job applications.  
To be honest, you didn’t know how you were going to manage to take classes full time as well as work but you figured that you should at least try to talk to some employers about working.  You sent applications everywhere. To fast food places, to clothing stores, to even personal assistant positions.
If you didn’t at least get one call back, you were going to shoot yourself.  
Luckily, in a matter of two hours a call did come.  
You had an interview tomorrow afternoon.
A skirt, a dressy top and heels is what you were currently wearing.  You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror and honestly couldn’t recognize yourself.
You looked like such a corprate drone…
The business building was very nice as well as the bathroom that you were currently hiding in.  You were one of the few people from the waiting room that were all interviewing for the position.  It was to be a personal assistant of some business director.
The description mentioned that it would be all very easy work.  Just managing the schedule and meetings he would have, getting coffee, and maybe picking up some dry cleaning here and there.  Apparently this guy was a big deal because one letter of recommendation from him will almost guarantee a number of jobs.
But here you were, freaking out in the bathroom.  
The other females in the waiting room all appeared to be very much determined to work for this guy.  They looked more qualified and more comfortable with the setting that you just felt like a fool for even showing up.  You would definitely be wasting the interviewer’s time. The other girls in there wore stilettos and carried fucking mini briefcases!  
You took a deep breath and tried to cool off by spraying some cold water on your face, not enough to ruin your minimalist makeup.  However, it would take a bit more to calm you down
You decided to make a quick call to Kat.  You dialed her up and right away she picked up.
“So I’m having a panic attack in the bathroom before my interview….”  You trailed off.
“Listen!  I know I’m the queen of over reactions but I can’t help but feel like something really shitty is about to happen!”  
At this moment, a woman who was way more prettier and confident than you’ll ever be in such a place, walked in to the bathroom during your little rant.  She gave you a dirty look before disappearing in a bathroom stall. Embarrassment colored your cheeks.
“(Y/n), what the fuck can happen at an interview at a well respected business?  Don’t freak yourself out and get back out there. Let’s get this bread.” Kat attempted to encourage you.
You just nodded and hung up given you were no longer alone in the bathroom and would feel more awkward to continue your meltdown.
‘Let’s get this bread indeed’ you thought with fake confidence, before leaving the bathroom.
As soon as you stepped back into the waiting room, a voice called out,
“(Y/n) (l/n)?  Mr. Kim will see you now.”  You halted in you steps before taking a deep breath and making your way up to the desk, heart pounding.
The secretary smiled at you sweetly and motioned for you to follow her.
You allowed yourself to be led to a conference room where she told you to just knock and wait for a response before going in.  
You knocked on the large black door, lightly.  Listening closely for your cue.
“Come in!”  A light voice called out.  
You opened the door and stepped inside.  
It was a big room that had glass walls and a breathtaking view of the city’s skyline.  There was a long table with about 10 seats sourrounding it smack dab center of the room.  You guessed that this is where meetings were held.
A man was seated on one side of the table and began motioning for you to sit on the one right in front of him.  
Currently, he was looking down at his laptop and typing away, glasses on and cup of coffee beside him.  He still had yet to look up at you.
You supposed he did this one too many times today.  The guilt of wasting his time hit you once again now that you had a face to put to the poor interviewer.  And what a handsome face it was...
He had really wide and buff shoulders that was covered by a suit.  His skin was extremely pale and free of any imperfections. Not so much as a single blemish tainted his face.  A walking advertisement for any skin-care product he uses. His face was oval shaped and held a very sharp jaw. Chin prominent and square-ish to balance the slenderness of his cheeks. The lips were very pouty and dark, berry pink. His nose was straight and had a cute, fleshy bulbous at the end.  At each side of his nose were one of his small and black eyes that were currently downcast. His eyes held slightly curled and coal black eyelashes, that matched his black hair that was charmingly tousled on top on his head. He looked like he was a high-class actor. It was almost hard to believe that someone could achieve such physical perfection without the help of plastic surgery.  Not one feature about him was off-putting. You supposed someone as physically blessed as him must get used to the stares of women.
“(Y/n), is it?”  His voice was high and soprano with a enchanting twinkle.  
“Yes.”  You simply answered.  
He looked up for a brief glance to look back down at your resume, only to look back up at neck-break speed.  
His eyes bulged a tad bit as they met yours once again.  
A crooked smile spread across his face after a moment of just observing you.  
“I’m Kim Seokjin.  I’m the one who is looking for the assistant.”  Your eyes widened a bit at this development.
Fuck, this whole ordeal just became a bit more intimidating.  
“Well Ms. (Y/n), I’d love to get to know a bit more about the type of person you are.”  He said while leaning forward against the table, placing his enthralling face on top of his propped hands.  
You were a bit taken aback at how focused he was, and wondered if everyone got such treatment during their interviews.  
You were interrupted when the door opened and someone stepped inside.  A husky voice asked,
“Jin, when is the meeting going to start?  We all got shit to do you know and you’re taking up the whole conference room.”  
Jin’s face dropped to a look of annoyance as he glared up at this unsaid person.  “Yoongi, I’ll be done in a bit. I’m in the middle of a interview.” he looked back a you.  “It will most likely be the last one for today. Miss. (Y/n) looks to be a very promising candidate…”  He winked at you, confusing the hell out of you. You barely said anything about yourself and you knew damn well the info he had on you wasn’t exactly groundbreaking.
“Whatever, I’ll just tell the rest th-Wait.”  The voice cut itself off. You heard footsteps get closer.  “(Y/n)?”
You turned around.  
And there stood that fucker from the bus.  
“Yoongi?”  You asked. He smiled, gummy and sweet.  
Today he was wearing an armani suit (nothing like the hoodie you first saw him in) however his tie was still loosened which made you smile.  Even in this type of environment, he still managed to be laidback and chill.
“What are you doing here, doll?  Don’t tell me you’re trying to be Jin’s new assistant.”  He droned, face bored but soft smile still present.
You nodded, nerves slowly melting away now that you saw a familiar face.  You joked, “Do you mind putting a good word in for me, man?”
Yoongi rolled his eyes.  “Sorry babe but I don’t hate you enough to try to put you onto this job.  Jin’s probably gonna have you position his hair dryer just right for him more than doing actual work.”  
“Hey!  Is that a way to talk about your older brother!”  The handsome man seated in front of you yelled, facing turning slightly red.
Your jaw dropped at ‘brother’.  
Before you can say anything, another voice added to the conversation, this time it came from right outside the now open door.  
“What’s the hold up, guys?  We promised dad to get the expense reports done today and I’m not working overtime.”  
You looked over at the voice and almost shat yourself.
God wasn’t gonna let you outrun this for too long.  
You ran from him originally but somehow you managed to run towards him without your knowing.
There stood Park Jimin.  
“(Y/n)!”  He exclaimed.  He thrusted himself into the room and onto his knees before you, taking your hands into his.  His eyes (that already were rather swollen and red) teared up as his cherub face glazed up at you.  
“B-babygirl, I’m so happy to see that your okay!  When you told me about your mom and the car accident I just felt so awful.”  His voice broke as he hiccupped some more. “W-what can I do to help, (Y/n)? Please!  Just tell me! I’ll do anything to earn a spot back into your life!”
He was full on sobbing at this point.  Chubby and small face covered with tears as he pushed himself further onto your lap and closer to your face.  
“You have the right to be upset with me, b-but you can’t just kick me out of your life!  I’ll accept any punishment but that!”
Due to the commotion, you hear murmuring sounds come from outside the room.  You couldn’t bring yourself to tear your eyes from Jimin and his usually joyful face that was now crumpled up with misery.  A proud man who had everything was currently on his knees in front of you, begging just for some sort of contact with you and reassurance of your well-being. His unique and raspy voice sounded so raw and broken when crying out for you.  
You patted his head, trying to get him to calm down to any extent.  
He leaned into the action, reminding you of a kicked puppy who just craved affection from his owner.  
You heard multiple footsteps enter the room, without a doubt here to witness the scene of businessman Jimin and his sudden breakdown.  You decided to ignore the other personas in the room and try to reason with your former sugar daddy.
“Jimin, you attacked my roomate.  I can’t forgive that.”
He jumped up at this, grasping at your waist and pulling you closer to him, apparently not caring if he wrinkled his fancy suit.  “It’s a misunderstanding, I swear! Let me explain!”
You heard a harsh gasp that pierced the room so vividly that you just had to look up and see who it was.  
There stood four men, watching the scene.
And you knew all of them.
Each and every single one.
“i have 6 brothers.”  Jimin had told you this on the night of your first outing.
And like that, it connected.  
All of it….. connected.
Like a puzzle you didn’t even knew existed until all the pieces were face to face with you, mocking your inability to solve it.  
7 men who were all young, handsome and heirs to a multi-million dollar company ran by their father.  
Like a Shakespearian drama, hell unleashed itself in the confined space of the conference room.
“You’re the crazy ex (Y/n) was talking about?!”  Jungkook yelled, glaring at Jimin with his doe eyes know filled with pent-up aggression now that he knew whom was responsible for your fear.
“How the hell do you know her?”  Hoseok demanded of Jungkook. This made the youngest of the bunch scoff.  
“What do you mean how do I know her?  We’re classmates! The question is how do you old, senile fucks know her?!”  He hollered, addressing all of the other men in the room.
Jimin ignored this and tugged your face back to him.  He just needed you to forgive him, he didn’t bother with his siblings at the moment.  He had tunnel vision whenever you were in a room. Now more than ever, as your forgiveness was top priority.  
“I didn’t attack Kat!  (Y/N), you have to believe me!  And why are you even interviewing for this job, baby?  You know that as your sugar daddy that I’ll provide for you.”  Jimin was holding you so close to him, afraid that something might just snatch you up if he wasn’t looking.  Which was somewhat true given the particular scene…
“Sugar daddy?!” Seokjin gaped, shocked at the revelation.  
“So she’s basically only with you for money…”  Yoongi smirked, monotone voice expressionless as always.  He was pleased because this meant your relationship with Jimin was very easily replaceable and not built off of true feelings on your side.  He’d just offer you more money and tada! You were going to be his.
“Was.  She was with him.”  Jungkook corrected, crossing his arms.  
Jimin snapped at this term, brain not willing to comprehend that it was over.  Couldn’t they see that this was just a bump in the road for him and (Y/n)? He wanted them to shut up before they gave you ideas of keeping him away from you.
“Shut your fucking mouths!  This is our relationship and our business.  Not you nosy motherfuckers!” He growled at them, stunning you.  
Your mind was so preoccupied at the moment.  Even amongst this chaos.
How did you manage to run into all of them at once?  In an office setting, nonetheless.
You’ve been to Jimin’s workplace before and it was a building that was on the other side of town.  So, how the fuck are they all here?
“I thought the building on the West side of town was your guys’ family business.”  You mumbled, dazed and confused. This was like a venus fly trap that you stumbled upon.  You usually had more wit than this to willingingly walk into a messy situation.
“We have 3 different locations in the city, baby.”  Namjoon said this while studying your concentrated face fondly.  It was so cute when you thought so hard.
You eyes looked up to meet the one brother who had yet to speak.  
He was the only one who looked unbothered with the whole ordeal, just watching it with aloofness and moderate entertainment at the digs they gave each other.  
“Why did you pay off my mom’s bills?”  You couldn’t help but ask him, not knowing if you’d ever get this chance again.
He smiled down at you, and even the other brothers stopped to study Taehyung, alarmed at your question.  
He shrugged and asked, “Is it wrong to want to take care of my future mother-in-law?”  
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Author’s note: ALL MEMBERS ARE HERE NOW SO ALL ASKS ARE OPEN!!  Also thank you all sooooo much for the support and esp the asks, I love doing them.  Pls let me know what you think of this chapter and also you guys should feel free to send any questions you may have for me or just to say whatever you want.  I love it.  
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hummingbird-goddess · 5 years
Watching Master Chef. S10
If we returned to a world without internet, what aspect of online life would you miss the most? Talking to my family in a different state all the time, or knowing what they are up to. 2. What food are you craving at the moment? I’m not hungry, but I’m always craving Taco Bell. 3. Are you craving anything aside from food, and if so, what? Ohh, I didn’t think about other things other than food! Lol. Maybe a good hit.
4. Where was the last place you went and what did you do there?
I was at work, does that count? 5. What was the highlight and low point of your summer (or whatever season you happen to be taking this in)? Um, nothing. Lol, I can’t even think of what I did. 6. What was the last change you made to your lifestyle? Stop working out, bahahaha. Oops. No for real, I make dinner more so we aren’t eating gross shit. 7. What was the last thing you gave up doing? See above. 8. Do you deal well with criticism? Does it make a difference if it’s constructive? I don’t think I’ve ever really gotten criticism from anyone? I get some from my mom, lol but we are assholes to each other. We love each other very much don’t get me wrong. 9. What was the last thing to boost your self-esteem? What sort of things typically make you feel good about yourself? Makeup always makes me happy, even though I suck at it. Cooking always makes me feel good, especially when the hubs says it’s good. 10. When it comes to food, do you prefer crunchy or softer textures? Soft AF. 11. Do you prefer savory or sweet things for breakfast? I can go both ways, but I usually go for sweet. Mama loves her sweets and breakfast. 12. When was the last time someone disappointed you? What about the last time you disappointed someone else? Not sure. 13. What is something you can’t seem to stop doing (or start)? I can’t seem to get my life in order. I need to start doing something other than coloring, baha. 14. When was the last time you made a new friend? What about the last time you lost a friend? I just lost a friend because she was rude to me. I don’t know when I last got a friend, maybe two years ago?  15. What was the last thing you were excited about? What about nervous?
I was excited today for it being my Friday (I know I am lame). I’m nervous to talk to my boss about taking time off in December, even though it shouldn’t be a big deal since it’s winter. But we shall see! 16. What is something small that you take extremely personally? I’ve been working on not taking a lot of things personally, when people talk to me especially. I’ve started getting used to people having different senses of humor that I don’t get “offended” 17. What is your favorite thing about your favorite person? We get each other, that’s my favorite part I guess. 18. What is something you wish other people knew about you? I’m shy when it comes to people because I fear I’m being a nuisance, so if anyone wants to talk to me they have to first. Except my best friend, mom, sis. 19. What is something you wish others DIDN’T know? No idea. 20. When was the last time you comforted someone who was upset? No idea. 21. What was going on the last time you couldn’t sleep? I don’t really know. I’ve been sleeping amazingly lately, lol. 22. What are your plans for the day ahead (or tomorrow if it’s late)? Tomorrow I will be cleaning the house, laundry. I don’t know what else as it’s currently snowing and I hate going out alone snowing (okay no, but I’m broke so that’s my excuse for hating it right now haha) 23. Do you tend to be more grumpy when you’re tired or when you’re hungry? I think both? I can get grumpy hungry when my blood sugar gets super low I lose my mind. I am grumpy when someone wakes me up before I want to be. 24. When was the last time you yelled at someone? Yesterday? 25. What types of things typically cause you to cry? Weddings, but happy tears. 26. When was the last time someone else cried in your presence? Early September. 27. What is one thing that would make your life a lot better? Wining the lottery. But... 28. What is something you are grateful to already have in your life? Health, family, friends. 29. How would you describe your overall aesthetic? Comfy, classy, unique.
Boho chic. 30. What is one of your most positive characteristics? What about one of your most negative? Does it bother you when you see certain aspects of yourself in other people, or does it depend on the trait? I try to always be in a good mood.
I can get grumpy easily when things don’t go my way (thanks anxiety meds tho for helping with that)
I see my mom in me all the time and it drives me bananas in the best way. Everyday I say “wow I am my mom” and it makes me laugh.
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
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Cartier’ little hands gripped the side of the couch as he dragged himself up “boo” I spat as his face met mine “hey dada, what you doing?” he crouched down at the side of him and then picked up his bubzy “awww you tired?” he placed it over my face, I can’t have a nap in peace. Bryce is sat on top of me and Cartier is now attacking me, I am trying to have some shut eye on the couch laying on my side but I guess not. I came back from Florida yesterday and it was a successful trip, I enjoyed it and it was a lot of spending and I have got everything I need with the help of Kyle but the day is dooming on me so fast, like I feel Sofia was not wasting any time once she knew I wanted it to happen, by tomorrow I will be a married man and I am just laying here not wanting to move but these kids ain’t letting that happen. I haven’t seen Sofia since she left for New York besides talking on the phone, apparently I can’t see the bride before I get married now who the hell made up that bullshit need to grow up, she is staying at the hotel so I am feeling sad because I haven’t seen her since, I don’t like it at all. I miss her so much, it’s nothing just speaking to her on the phone but I don’t get that anymore either, I blew out air in frustration. Cartier yanked back bubzy to show my face, I side eyed him “nigga will you stop being a mess” Cartier yelped out and threw bubzy behind him and bought his face to mine, his mouth all open. Closing my eyes and scrunching my face up feeling his mouth all on me “eeww” moving my head back “what are you doing?” staring at him “was that supposed to be a kiss” wiping my face. Feeling Bryce climb up further on me “now what you doing? I ain’t a ride you know” these damn kids “you coming to me, hey there” Marcel said as he sat down with his hands open “go on, get gone” I said to Cartier, he looked but did not want to know.
I decided it was best I sat up because I am being sat on and attacked, Cartier finally went to Marcel and so did Bryce, it’s like they both have to do it “I love you both so much” I smiled at Marcel, he looks so happy “you like their hair? I thought I would do the same, I want them both to be close” rubbing my head “I do, it’s nice to see the bond you are creating them both to have, and this guy here” Marcel grabbed Bryce’ chain and turned the picture around “that is my brother” I said “this is his father” Marcel said looking “dad” Bryce said, it makes me smile when he says that, at one point he assumed I was and I was not but I am glad he knows his real dad and is aware “this is your dad? You look just like him Bryce” Marcel said “he looks like you Cassius, was he bad?” was he bad Marcel says “well, I would say he made stupid decisions and I wish he didn’t, his twin brother didn’t but he did. He followed my path and he couldn’t take it, I tried but some people can’t be helped. I will always let Bryce know he was a good guy” Marcel placed the picture down “first time seeing him, but it makes me happy you have had the heart to treat him like your own son” smiling lightly, how can anyone be cruel to him “hello!” hearing Kyle say, he knocked on the door but also stepped inside “come on in, Jackie ain’t here so it’s a boys only place” Marcel said, he seems so happy about that “yeah, Jackie is with the girls in the hotels. Come in Kyle, you good bro?” watching Kyle walk in, I dapped him “I am, just came here with some news” I wonder what news now, he was the one to tell me that Sofia ain’t seeing me, that made me sad because I want to see her now.
I am staring at Kyle waiting on this damn news from him “hurry up” I said to him “I saw Sofia” Kyle grinned at me, he know damn well I am not going to be happy “fuck you” I said “don’t tease a man like that, he want to see my grandbaby” Marcel is on my side “you hear that, so go on” Kyle is such an ass “Sofia wants to see Cartier so I need to take him, she misses her son” is this real right now “nigga you being dumb, the fuck you mean!” I spat “I told you, I saw Sofia and she told me to come and get him so here I am” is this nigga real “no, tell her to come here. Why is this even a thing? Riddle me that? Are y’all playing a game? This must be a game” I am so confused, how is this even a thing “it’s a tradition Cassius, we did the same when I got married, you don’t see your wife before you get married. We are not playing no games, least when you see her it will be exciting for you” Marcel said, so it is a thing “and she wants to see Cartier? So you are taking him?” I am sad as hell, I can’t see my bub and it’s been so long “you really upset about it ain’t you” ignoring Kyle “well I miss her, what else you want me to say” getting up from the couch “where are you going, there is something I need to show you. It’s outside, come” now what, it’s going to be something dumb because Kyle got a stupid smile on his face.
Kyle placed his arm around my neck “so, Sofia did something for you and she told me I need to show you it. Sofia also said she misses you, don’t be annoyed with her” she know damn well I will be annoyed, how she going to do me like this. I miss her so much, Kyle moved his arm “so go outside, it’s waiting for you” looking behind me at Kyle “waiting for me? Is there something out there waiting for me?” Kyle snorted laughing “it is nothing dangerous just go” let me get this done with, dragging open the door. Stepping outside, I don’t really want too but Kyle wouldn’t put me in danger “it’s a beautiful country this, ain’t it” my face softened “Henry!?” I spat “yes it is son, how are you” he took his shades off “you came here?” I am shocked “I did, I came to see your wedding. I couldn’t miss this” making my way down the steps “no way, seriously?” this can’t be real life right now, Henry is here “you came?” I said in shock “I came!” he laughed and then hugged me “you came” I said again “I am so proud of you Cassius, very proud of you” patting his back, I ain’t going to cry but I am so choked up right now “you don’t know how much this means to me, thank you” he ain’t my dad but to get a fatherly hug always hits me “I know how much it means to you, I know. I saw it, I am here for you” squeezing my eyes close trying to hold back my emotions, Henry didn’t shy away from ever giving hugs, it was always real with him.
Henry smiled at me, he looks so happy with me “come on now” he patted my back smiling, wiping my face “I want you to meet my wife, Zara. This is Cassius, the Cassius I have told you about. A son to me” his wife is pretty “hi” I got my hand out to her “finally I get to meet you, Henry spoke a lot about you at the home. He didn’t ever think of you as a patient but more of a son he wanted to help” smiling at her “he’s a good guy, I am happy you both came. This moment is a lot for me, thank you” turning to Henry “don’t thank me, you have done so good. How are you feeling?” he asked, blowing out air laughing “scared Henry, I am lost a little. I am getting the help, but it’s like I am being pulled from one side to another with everything” I answered honestly “Cassius it is always a nerve wracking moment in anyone’s life but you made that jump, you made it. Sofia told me and she said it was you so for you to do this is a lot, and I am so happy for you. Tomorrow you will be a married man, you can then start new, be the man you really are. This is not about just Sofia changing, it is you also. You will have a wife, so much to live for, and I for one know you will be fine. I was scared too, I was just like you and it’s because you love her and you want it all perfect. You’re not weak to feel scared, we all feel it” Henry never ever looks down on me for feeling this way, he makes me feel secure to feel that “appreciate it, still going to feel it. I left what I wrote at home too, like what if I forget to say something” I might forget “you won’t, that came from your heart. You know this Cassius, that didn’t come from here” he pointed at his head “it came from the heart, you don’t honestly understand how proud I am of you, you’re still recovering from everything and it takes years, it’s a big step and Cassius, if you want to cry on the day, you do it” nodding my head smiling at him.
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I am not sure if my daughter is happy for me but she is moving so much, maybe it’s me and my excitement but she is moving so much right now. I am also missing my boys so much, when I came back to Barbados with my dress and everything, my gran said it’s two more days and you will be getting married just see each on the day and she is not wrong but Cassius is not happy, he is so upset with me even though I explained to him but he thinks I did it on purpose, god I miss him so much “Sofia you are fucking glowing, I have never seen you this happy. Look at you, you are fucking glowing” Olivia said “thank you, I don’t be doing anything to be honest, I am trying to relax in the sun and she is doing the most, give me your hand. Feel this” I grabbed Olivia hand and yanked her closer, she placed her hand on my stomach “oh my god, she is kicking so much” my daughter seems so feisty already “I don’t know what her problem is at all, I just want to relax before tomorrow. I am just so excited, Olivia I am going to be someone’ wife, I will be Sofia Warren, I am not a Bundy. I have wanted this for so long. To end the Bundy part, I don’t want it” Olivia squealed “and I am so excited for you sis, I love you so much. Like if any one of us was going to be a good wife, it would be you. I am useless, Kenton will not marry me, I am a mess and I don’t care for it. And here is” looking to the side of me “you ladies are speaking on me, I know it” I chuckled, he ain’t wrong “are you going to meet up with Cassius tomorrow? Do you all look good?” I hope he can tell me something “not telling” of course he won’t “tell me this, does Cassius look happy? Is he smiling?” I need to know that at least “he is happy, he looked good anyways” I cooed out, he told me something.
My ears perked up, that is my son’ cry I know it is. I was quick to get up from the sun lounger, I want to see my son. It’s been so long, my poor baby. Stood up seeing Cartier in Kyle’ arms, he is crying his little heart out “negro, calm down” Kyle said, making my way over to him “look, Cartier. Look who is there, it’s mommy” Kyle pointed at me, my heart is gushing right now. I have missed Cartier so much and then his little arms reaching out “awww baby, who hurt you” picking him out of Kyle’ arms “baby boy! I missed you so much” hugging him close, Cartier is doing his little fake cry “I am sorry, momma is here now” Cartier rested his head on my shoulder “I love you so so much, how has my handsome boy been” he looks different a little “his bag” Kyle placed it on the floor at the side of me, touching his head. Cassius has cut his hair again, he looks so nice. Cartier lifted his head up “no more tears now, mommy is here. And I missed you so much” wiping his face with my hand “oh what is this” Cartier has this chain “who got you this?” touching his chain, Cartier just stared at me “did dada, get you this?” feeling his chain, this is a thick chain “he really get him this? Like that is a lot of diamonds on his neck?” I said to Kyle “him and Bryce got the same” I am shocked at it “missed you son” lowering my head down with my lips out, Cartier moved his head to me as I kissed his lips “awwww you let me kiss you this time” Cartier moved his head to me again “another one?” I chuckled as I kissed him again “how is he? Cassius that is” Kyle chuckled “he was angry, he was so annoyed at the rules. Fuck the rules, I miss her. He is really not happy but he is ok” poking my bottom lip out, my poor baby “I am shocked at this chain, he really spent that for him” Cartier is just staring at me “I missed you so much” I really did “hi Sofia, so good to see you” looking away from Cartier and at Henry “you came, how are you? And this is your wife” I think she is behing him “yes, this is Zara” she seems so sweet “and this is the girl Cassius is marrying, you are so pretty. Since being here I have seen nothing but beautiful women, nice to meet you” she hugged me “same, it’s nice to finally meet the woman to deal with Henry” I chuckled.
Pulling Cartier’ tee off, it’s warm out here for him to be wearing a tee “this boy is here with real diamonds around his neck, look at him” looking over at Mia in the pool “I know, I didn’t think he would get something so expensive to be honest, it looks very expensive. Look how thick the chain is” Cartier usually likes to get off my lap and run off but he is being so calm on my lap and it is because he has missed me, I know when he has because he is being good for once instead of being naughty “Cartier, hey! Look at auntie” Olivia said as she pointed the camera in his face, Cartier moved his face and into me “ouch, my boob. Head butt me for, it’s only Olivia” that actually hurt my boob that did “look” turning him around “nephew! Just look at me, not your damn mother!” Olivia spat “what is it? Why do you keep staring at me, did I change?” I laughed, I don’t understand “Cartier, oh my god! Bubzy!” Olivia spat and that made him look her way “I got it now, I don’t need you” wrapping my arms around Cartier laughing “you want to go in the water with auntie Mia?” getting up from the lounger with him “come here, let me spend some time with him” lowering Cartier to Mia but he gripped onto me “ok fine, then I will go in” this boy is not having it, talk about being clingy to me now.
Cartier soon warmed up to Mia, he let her touch him which now I can run off and go back to sit on the lounger. Getting out of the pool “here” Olivia threw the towel at me “thank you” catching the towel “so I put the picture up of Cartier, and I put mini Sofia and guess who liked the picture” holding the towel close to my body as I sat down “erm, Cassius?” I mean who else “no, Ivy. She liked it and then wrote. She put wow Sofia gave birth to herself but a boy version, is she pregnant again question mark. That is her right, question mark. So I put yes, it is her mini her but is hard headed like his dad and yes my girl is on baby number two, I am having a niece. She replied back, within a minute and she goes they don’t wait, a girl three question marks. I bet Sofia is over the moon, tell I said congratulations so I goes oh I will once the wedding prep is over with” Olivia cackled “now she can think on that, bitch!” I laughed at Olivia more than anything, she is funny “well she can look, that is all she can do. I never want that girl near me, she is poison to my family. I know she is angry really, she will be hating me even more. I have bigger things to think about, and one of them is tomorrow being my big day” I am nervous, I hope Cassius even turns up, imagine if he just ditches me because he can’t deal with it.
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fic-al · 5 years
People Call Me Trixie
As the number 55 made its return journey back to central London. Trixie was pleased she had visited her friend. Sister Bernadette had looked frail. Trixie was certain she had lost weight. Although difficult to tell in her more fitted dressing gown, rather than her usual habit, but her face did look thinner.
She had found her in good spirits, if not a little tired and a bit preoccupied, which was to be expected. She seemed particularly thrilled with the dead butterfly. Trixie, not for the first time, heard Marianne's laughter ringing in her ears. She knew exactly what Marianne would have said.
She had tried to talk to Dr Turner, she really had. Tried to take more of an interest in Timothy. She had asked them to join them in the dining room on more than one occasion. He always made some excuse, she had taken to making up a little bag of food for him to take home for the pair of them. Quite often he would leave before she had finished preparing it. Sister Bernadette always seemed to know what to say and Trixie felt awkward and out of place. A bit like a spare set of forceps, left behind in the autoclave.
By Christmas 1958, Trixie realized she had been more than a spare set of forceps. She felt like she had been offered a front row seat at Billy Smart’s Circus and had foolishly been sat facing the wrong way throughout the entire performance.
It was Christmas Eve, and she knew she wasn't the only Nonnatun, whose wedding invitation had seemingly got lost in the post. Unless of course they had arrived at Nonnatus House following its inhabitants and half of Poplar, being evacuated due to a newly discovered unexploded bomb. When she saw the bride-to-be coming out of the nuns makeshift chapel in the Rescue Centre. She could hardly believe her eyes. Trixie had seen her former colleague so little since she had last visited her in St Anne's and was still a little startled at seeing her out of the habit.
"Si..Shelagh! I didn't expect to see you here, on the day of your wedding!"
Trixie didn't know if she believed in fate, but she would put this meeting down to divine providence and ask her burning question, anyway. Even though she had been told to wait until after Christmas.
"We have a patient, Jenny and I, here in the Rescue Centre. Mrs Bridges, her husband is suffering from battle fatigue and I wondered if I could talk to Dr Turner. Obviously not today, I mean, I know this isn't a good time..."
Trixie reeled back on her heels at the sight of the anger in the former nun's eyes.
"No, this is not a good time, Nurse Franklin!" She snapped, "I am sure I don't know what you are talking about! Dr Turner is sat by his son's bedside and has been since yesterday evening." Shelagh seemed to gasp for air but continued,
"Timothy has polio and has been placed in an Iron Lung. I am very sorry to hear about your Mr...I can't imagine why you think Patrick would be more suited to deal with this, rather than the designated locum. If you feel it is an emergency, I suggest you refer to him, Nurse!"
Shelagh had finished talking through frustration and tears. Trixie could only watch her walk away. She had been on call all night, dashing between her patients, the ones who had been fortunate enough to remain in their own homes, then checking on Alan and Yvonne Bridges. She hadn't even been aware Shelagh had spent the night at the Leopold Institute or why?
Trixie found a quiet spot on the stairs and hugged her knees together. She knew it wasn't her fault, but she had only added to Shelagh's distress. She had been so wrapped up in her own efforts to help Alan; she hadn't questioned why Shelagh was at the Rescue Centre on the morning of her wedding. Or stopped to think before hastily asking for what she wanted.
Her thoughts soon went beyond Shelagh to Timothy and Patrick. Just over two years ago she had sat at the Nonnatus dining table and heard the worst news imaginable. She couldn't comprehend that today she had just been told similar news concerning the same family.
That old familiar taste of bile climbed up Trixie's throat, as the shouts and the laugher from the main hall started to echo and move further and further away. All Trixie could hear was the rhythmical ticking of the unexploded bomb a few streets away, she could hear it, keeping time. It was getting louder and louder.
The bomb did go off, but Trixie, everyone, and everything else survived. This time.
Yvonne Bridges was able to give birth in her own home and unbeknown to the sisters with her childhood sweetheart present.
Alan offered the emotionally tender Trixie a sweet sherry, after Jenny had left to meet Alec. She followed him into the kitchen.
"I think I will have one myself, just to wet the baby's head."
Trixie noticed him pull out a bottle of Famous Grouse scotch whisky.
"Yvonne's old man, got me onto this, never used to touch anything stronger than a pint a' mild, but he always fetches me one when he comes to visit." Alan poured a hefty measure into a tumbler, "A little nip, now and again Nurse, well it sometimes calms, what do you call them.. the horrors?"
Alan reached for a sherry glass for the midwife.
"Actually Alan, I wouldn't mind a nip myself. It's awfully cold in that beastly working men's club and if Jenny's boyfriend is right about Nonnatus, we may be there for a few more nights."
"Have a drop of the low flying bird, as my father-in-law always calls it." Alan poured her a rather large dram equal to his own. "You've earned it, you've really helped me Nurse, let me do something for you."
Trixie knew that she was now last on call and was rather glad of it after leaving the Bridges, once ensuring the baby's head was more than sufficiently wet. She was finding her bike didn't quite go in the direction she wanted.
She stopped at the little tobacconist off Chrisp Street, that never seemed to close. The proprietor had stocked Marianne's colour coordinated accessories and when Marianne finally gave up smoking forever; he switched his stock to Nurse Franklin's favoured all black selection.
As soon as he heard the bell chime, as she walked through the door, he was there. She wondered if he ever slept? He immediately took the Sobranie Black Russian from beneath the counter.
"What tickles your fancy today, Nurse? Something a bit special, it is Christmas after all! How's about a nice bottle of advocaat, I have Warninks. Makes a lovely snowball with a drop of Lowcocks lemonade. How are you off for maraschino cherries, sweetheart?"
Trixie realized she hadn't actually spoken since she stepped into the establishment. The eternally cheery shopkeeper always seemed to know what she wanted.
She had intended to buy a small bottle of scotch and try to hide it from the nuns, but maybe the garish bright yellow liquid combined with a bit of child's pop, wouldn't seem so much of a temptation to the sisters. It was Christmas Eve after all and it might be something even Cynthia might enjoy. She had a feeling Sister Monica Joan might not be able to resist.
As she was about to pay, she noticed something catch her eye, reflected by the glass of the countertop.
Trixie finally found her voice, "A bag of those too, please."
The lights were on at Kenilworth Row. Dr Turner's car was parked in its regular spot. Surely that was a good sign?
Trixie went up to the flat door where she had boldly let herself in maybe a hundred times before, but not recently, not these days. She tripped up the steps and stood on something soft.
"Damn and blast!" she cried as she removed, first her foot, then her work shoe, from a sherry trifle. It had been left on the Turner doorstep by some thoughtful patient . Trixie tried to repair the damaged greaseproof paper covering it, hoping no-one would notice.
She took a large handkerchief from the bottom of her nurse's bag, fumbling past the advocaat bottle. She tried to clean from her shoe, the cream, jelly, and hundreds and thousands. For the first time in her life, Trixie realized the popular pudding decoration was so aptly named. The tiny sugar sprinkles were in, her shoe, her stocking, between her toes and absolutely everywhere, hundreds and thousands of them.
Trixie sat on the step for a few minutes, took a deep breath of Poplar night air, nearly making herself dizzy. Wiped her leaking eyes, on the trifle and street muck, stained hankie and realized how ridiculous she must look. If Marianne came to the door now, she would...
Trixie put the small net bag with the shiny glass marbles through Dr Turner’s letterbox and slowly made her way to her temporary home, giving herself enough time to clear her head.
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