#i made this on the site instead of mobile so i apologize if anything is messed up
nathanmillers · 14 days
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welcome back to my creator appreciation series! here are some of my favorite creations i’ve reblogged this past week ( sept 1— sept 8 ) and their creators.
be sure to check out the tag *creatorappreciation on my blog for the previous installments! also, a friendly reminder that i track the tag #userkristyn if you want to tag me in your edits/fanart/whatever :)
(p.s.: marvel content is reblogged on my sideblog @petersthwip)
bellamy & clarke (the 100) gifset by @bellarke
raven reyes in 1x04 gifset by @scarringstars
teen wolf 2x04 gifset by @jessmalia
shadowhunters 1x03 gifset by @supfag
ravi singh in agggtm 1x01 gifset by @southasiansource
brooklyn 99 5x10 gifset by @gay
agatha harkness gifset by @my-beautiful-wickedness
teen wolf 3x24 gifset by @louisbxne
malia tate gifset by @jessmalia
teen wolf 3x01 gifset by @braedenhales
steve harrington 1x08 gifset by @dailysteveharrington
the bee movie & x-men: first class parallel gifset by @animusrox
x-men: days of future past gifset by @peterpcrker
nakia + black panther costume appreciation giftset by @zendeyas
steve rogers gifset by @kotalloh
thor odinson graphic by @616witch
spider-man: no way home gifset by @peterpcrker
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misasimagines · 6 days
all your fault / reader x Ren (Tokyo Debunker)
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included characters: just ren!
rating: sfw
warnings: tsundere. dreaded there was only one bed trope. reader is forced to watch shakma.
What started as an innocent, “My door is always open,” offer to a tired, gaming withdrawing Ren became a habit you had no desire to break. You walked him back to your place after his shift at the diner and after your classes let out. He would sneak out of Jabberwock to bring a new terrible horror movie to watch. You would find an excuse to back out of plans so you would be able to be home when he would likely stop by.
It was almost starting to feel like he lived there.
You hopped up on your bed next to him, leaning up against the wall and settling in. “What are we watching tonight?”
He so rarely looked excited, but there was a mischievous, almost manic enthusiasm in his eyes, “Shakma.”
You stared at him. 
He set his laptop up on his legs and opened up the movie site.
“The movie with the killer monkey?” You ventured.
“Yes. It’s so bad.” He was giddy. In his own way.
Taking a deep breath, you pulled your blanket over your legs and accepted your fate. It wouldn’t be the first horrible, no good, very bad movie he’d made you watch.
The movie was worse than bad. The movie was so bad that the weather outside went from a cloudless night to a rolling thunderstorm. You jumped once at a particularly loud thunder clap and he had mocked you, asking if you were actually scared of the killer monkey.
“I’m not scared of the killer monkey,” you scoffed, “I’m scared of my shitty cathedral room getting flooded by the storm.”
Ren was too invested in the evil baboon killing med students to react with much nuance, “That would suck.”
The rest of the movie passed (thankfully, it seemed like it would never end) and Ren enjoyed every second of the awful film. You could appreciate his excitement, it was cute to see him so focused and invested. The light of the laptop screen flashed against his face, illuminating his eyes and accentuating his handsome features. Honestly, most of the movie you were imagining snuggling up to him, maybe using his shoulder as a pillow, and that’s what kept you from going completely insane from the terrible direction of the “plot.” You knew if you actually tried to do anything like that, he’d complain about harassment and whine until you apologized and it might just ruin everything you had with him.
You respected his boundaries, anyway, and knew that your fantasies would go unfulfilled. You were happy enough just being friends with him, getting to know about his bad taste in movies, opening whatever links he sent you to replenish his game stamina, and even starting a game or two yourself because he wanted the referral credits. Ah, the lengths you went to for this ungrateful boy.
The credits rolled and he pulled out his phone immediately, logging in to one of his mobile games to collect dailies. It must have been past midnight already. He was like a living alarm for you. You knew what hour it was based on him opening up whatever game on his phone, they all had different reset times, and this one was midnight.
Stretching your legs, you climbed up on your knees and leaned over his legs, bracing yourself against the foot-board to look out your window. The storm hadn’t let up, and you watched a torrent of rain rage against your window. The trees bowed outside from the sheer force of the wind and as you watched, a flash of lighting touched down, turning your room almost white from the brightness.
“What are you doing?” He asked, distracting you from your inspection.
Still bent over on your knees, you answered, “I don’t think the rain is going to let up.” You pushed yourself back and sat back down next to him.
If the laptop had a brighter color than black on the screen, you would have seen him blushing. For once, he was lucky, and the credits had given away to a black pause screen that kept you in the dark about his reaction. “Great,” he complained instead. “I’ll have to walk home in the dark and during a storm.”
You frowned, “Maybe it’ll be really bad for now, and then lessen up in a bit if you want to wait?”
He was quiet, and you knew he wasn’t doing anything important in the game since he just opened up the character menu, checked their stats, and then swiped to another one. He knew all of that information already by heart, he was just distracting himself and trying to appear casual. “Don’t you have an early morning tomorrow?”
You did, actually, and it surprised you he remembered it. Your surprise must have shown on your face, because he scowled at you before you could answer.
“Don’t look at me like that. I don’t ignore everything you say…” He pouted.
You bit back a smile, “Just 90% of it?” You teased.
“...40%.” He answered.
“Aw, so everything about how you really should treat Haru more nicely you ignore?” You poked his shoulder.
He turned his head away, “Now I’m ignoring you.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile and fell back onto your pillow, propping your knees up so you didn’t kick him. You were nice to him, even when he didn’t deserve it. “I do have an early morning tomorrow, but I don’t want you to drown out there or get struck by lightning or something, so I won’t kick you out.”
Ren set down his phone and steadied his laptop, more unnecessary movements to stall for time. 
“You don’t have to stay,” You promised him, softening your voice as to not startle him, “I have an umbrella somewhere around here if you’d be more comfortable going home.” It wasn’t your intention to push him or to try to break any boundaries he had very clearly set. Ren wasn’t a… touchy, emotional guy. He was stubborn, he was pessimistic, and he had a very small social battery. In the time you had known him, you knew he didn’t like casual touches, he didn’t respond well to verbal affection, and he could barely tolerate even calling you a friend. You understood these things and you would never want to put him in a situation where he felt obligated to put up with something that made him uncomfortable.
Another minute of silence passed, and you rolled to your side and prepared to search for that umbrella. He spoke up before you could stand fully, “You don’t expect me to sleep on the floor or something, do you?”
You bounced lightly back down on the bed. Did he really want to stay? “No…” but you only had the one bed.
He pushed his laptop further away from him, expression fully readable. He was uncertain, torn between the discomfort of walking home while the storm blew branches off of the trees and the discomfort of sleeping in a comparatively warm bed. With you. His friend who he couldn’t stop going to almost every day. Who he spent most of his time with, who didn’t run his social battery to empty, and who never tried to force him to do anything he didn’t want to do. You had just watched a truly despicable movie with him, not complaining, not nagging him to pick something else. You never asked for any kind of payment for your company and care. 
Would it really be that bad?
His cheeks flushed again at his own line of thinking and he looked out the window to avoid you seeing it. Your room was dark, only a few candles lighting up small radiuses around the room. You wouldn’t have even really been able to see it if he had stayed facing you. 
You thought carefully. You really didn’t want to send him out in the rain, and you were worried that he was going to do just that if you didn’t fix the situation quickly. What was one night on your own cold, rickety, dusty floor? It would just be one of the many things you dealt with for him,  “I don’t mind sleeping on the floor-”
He groaned, “Don’t be a martyr. It’s fine, we always sit on your bed to watch movies anyway. How different can it be?”
You took some time snuffing out your candles, changing into your most normal, modest, and not embarrassing pajamas possible. He had left a bag in your room one day that had a pair of spare joggers and a t-shirt from when he had to change last minute for work, and you had generously thrown them in with your laundry after he forgot them. One win for Ren tonight not having to sleep in jeans!
You thought it might be the only win, given the absolutely devastated look he had on his face staring down at your narrow bed.
He was not small, despite the closed off way he carried himself. His shoulders were relatively broad and his legs were long. You imagined that alone he’d feel squished in your bed. With you as well? He would be channeling the experience of a sardine. You considered again offering to sleep on your floor, but your sock-clad feet could feel the cold seeping in from the floorboards and you shuddered to think of sleeping down there.
“Wall side or door side?” You offered, trying to lighten the mood.
He frowned, “Wall side, so you don’t push me off onto the floor.” He climbed in, pulling the covers over him and keeping his face pointed at the wall. He fit exactly, with no room at the top or bottom to stretch out any further. 
You climbed in after him, plugging in your phone and blowing out the last candle on your nightstand before pulling the covers up. It felt strange. The weight of his body dipped your mattress in a way that you weren’t used to. The normally cold chill of your room seemed lessened with his additional body heat under the covers. You imagined the sensation of an invisible barrier between you two, keeping you from settling fully on your bed. One of your shoulders was resting on air.
There was silence in your room, cut only by the constant of the rain outside, the wind making your old walls moan and crack, and the occasional distant boom of thunder. It went on so long, you weren’t sure if he was already asleep or just determined to pretend to be. You were about to accept the crick you’d have in your neck when he spoke up.
“I can’t move over anymore than I already am,” he sounded annoyed, but the kind of annoyed he was when you brought him lunch and he was upset about you bringing a rice bowl instead of noodles. The kind of annoyed where he would have said thank you and been grateful, if only he weren’t cursed to be so terribly bratty.
“It’s fine! I can scoot over more,” you assured, sliding over a few more inches until you had to flex your arm to keep it from falling limp over the side of the bed.
Ren raised up on his elbow to inspect you and scowled, “You’re gonna fall off, so just-” he reached across you and grabbed your arm to pull you back up on the bed and froze.
His face turned red and you assumed yours matched from the scorching heat you felt in your cheeks. Ren was leaning over you, holding your arm, in the process of pulling you closer to him, and his face was closer to you than it ever had been. He could have lowered a few more inches and kissed you- If, big on the if, this situation were romantic and not potentially traumatizing for him. You hoped if he ever got this close to you it would be without an expression of such embarrassment and terror.
He dropped you and flipped over immediately, pulling the covers up to his ears and facing the wall, “Whatever, you can fall off if you're so determined to. I can't stop you.” 
You took a slow, careful breath to calm your racing heart. The feeling of his hand on your arm lingered until the draft stole it away. You scooted over just enough to fit on your own bed and responded, “I’ll try not to.” 
A few beats passed and he did not try to talk to you.
“Goodnight, Ren,” you mumbled, turning away from him and closing your eyes.
“...night…” he mumbled right back.
Ah, what a pair.
You started shivering in the middle of the night. He flopped over onto his back and glared at you. How was he ever going to sleep when you were shaking like a Chihuahua mere inches away from him?
“Cut it out,” he grumbled quietly.
You didn't respond and the pathetic shivers didn't cease. 
He pushed himself up and squinted at you in the darkness. The curtains were too translucent to keep out much moonlight, and he could see that your eyes were shut tight and you took slow, even breaths in your sleep. Ren frowned. It was cold here, it was no wonder that you were shivering so much.
He laid back down and stared at your ceiling. Did you spend every night like this? Whenever he left you to go home to Jabberwock, did you climb up into your rickety bed and freeze yourself to sleep? What a martyr. You should have demanded to live anywhere but a dusty, moth eaten cathedral.
He turned to look at you again.
But if you lived anywhere else, would he ever have been able to be here with you? If you lived with those nepotism babies in Frostheim, for example, he'd probably have to deal with Kaito and Luka hanging around all the time. Or worse, Jin demanding your presence at all hours of the night. He couldn't stand watching you disappear into that rich bastard’s room.
If you lived in Vagastrom, you'd what? Live in the trunk of some car and he'd have to hope no one tried to use that car in a monster truck rally before you got out of it?  Sinostra, if you didn't get eaten by Taiga, who knows where Romeo would keep you? And those ghouls in Mortkranken, who's to say they wouldn't do some freaky experiments on you?
Of course, this was not to even consider if you lived in Jabberwock. Even with you so close by, he'd never have a chance to actually be alone with you. Haru and Towa would take up all your time and you'd help out so much you'd been too tired to hang out with him. Not…not that he needed to be alone with you or anything. 
God. He sounded like such a creep even thinking that. If thought crimes were a thing, he'd be in prison. 
You continued pitifully shivering next to him, your hands curled up into fists you held close to your chest.
He pulled the sheets up to cover your hands, his fingers brushing against yours as he did so. You felt like ice, so much that he risked carefully touching you again to confirm. Yep. Prison. But also, were you going to die of frostbite in bed next to him? He could just groan to imagine that dweeb Ritsu finding a way to implicate him in your death. Or worse, charging a ridiculous fee to defend him in court. 
There was no way around it then. He scooted closer. He was only doing this to avoid the court fees. He tugged his pillow closer to yours. And it's not like you hadn't touched before. He laid down, slowly, until his chest was against your back. You'd hugged him once- well, you hugged his arm. Because you fell and grabbed onto him for balance. But it counted. Whatever.
Ren’s heart raced as he slowly wrapped an arm around you and placed a hand over your curled fists. It didn't mean anything. There wasn’t anything significant in the way your hands felt in his or how you somehow smelled like the most comforting thing he could imagine. He rested his head on his pillow and felt you slowly relax, your shivering dissipating as he warmed you up. It was like you were melting, your curled up form unwinding delicately until you fit against him like you belonged there.
He shut his eyes tightly and tried to keep from breathing too heavily and waking you up. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale- without meaning to, he started matching your rhythm. However awake and grumpy he felt moments before, now he felt like he could pass out and never wake up again. Just as long as you stayed there in bed with him…
No, there was no way. He'd just have to wake up before you did and never let you know he did this and then it would be like nothing ever happened. It didn't matter how good it felt or how there was a little sliver of his heart that ached to do this every night. He bit back a groan of annoyance. 
This was obviously your fault.
Sunlight filtered through your curtains, illuminating your room in a soft but insistently bright glow. Your phone alarm went off a few seconds later and you reached up to turn it off.
After the rough and cold start to the night, you felt certain you'd sleep horribly, but as you rubbed your eyes and stretched your legs, you thought you got the best night of sleep you'd had in a long time. You sat up in bed, pleasantly cozy and unable to keep a small smile off of your lips.
Ren was already up, shoving his night clothes into his bag.
“Good morning,” you managed mid yawn.
He made a noise at you.
“Sleep okay?” You asked, “Sorry if you were uncomfortable.” He seemed… off and you felt guilty that he had such a bad night when you felt so invigorated.
“It was fine…” he responded noncommittally before straightening up and throwing his backpack over his shoulder. 
You nodded, your good mood hanging by a thread. 
He gave you a look you didn't see as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and pawed for your phone to check your texts. He wanted to tell you a number of things he couldn't even let himself think. So he just grabbed his things and made his way to the door as he checked his own phone. “I have a bunch of raids tonight back to back.” He announced.
“Hmm, okay,” You acknowledged.
He frowned. Invite him back.
You were too tired to get it.
“Ugh, I'll be back tonight. You're not busy, right?”
You shook your head.
He frowned again, opened the door, and stood in the doorway. There were so many ways to end this better. He turned to look at you, your covers puddled in your lap, your cheek baring the red crease mark of your pillow, your eyes still foggy with sleep. He could say anything, do anything better than just saying “bye” and closing the door behind him.
You smiled softly at him, “I'll see you tonight,”
His cheeks felt hot, “Yeah. Bye.” He stepped out and shut the door behind him, that picture of you sitting in bed and smiling at him burned in his brain. He'd be able to think of nothing else all day. Ren checked his weather app. More rain tonight.
He started off back towards Jabberwock. It would be too much of a hassle to grab an umbrella and you would freeze without him… he scowled at his own thoughts as he trudged home. This was really all your fault.
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starscabaret · 6 months
☆Meeting Yandere! Vincent ☆
pairing: yandere! Vincent x fem reader 
summary: Meeting Vinny <333
warnings: n/a 
authors note: 
Vincent had brushed into the small town a few months earlier on a contract for his engineering firm. The job paid well and he had little to no attachment anywhere so he made the move. He lived in an upscale condo about 30 minutes out from the actual town he’d be working in. Paid for by the company of course. 
He had a routine, call mom once a week, send a letter once a month, go to work every weekday, go to the gym every weekday, grocery shop on Sundays, and get a haircut every 3 weeks. Not much changed for him really unless it was necessary. 
He liked it that way, in his free time he drew, invested, and dabbled in a few books and tv. He wouldn’t call himself the happiest man alive, but he was getting by, and his mom was doing well. That’s all he ever wanted. 
Just like any other day on the job site Vincent set in his small office inside the mobile trailer going over blueprints and whatnot. That is until you came banging on the flimsy trailer door. Vincent thought the damn police were here. Lo and Behold when he opened the door there you were in pajamas, and slippers, and sleep still in your eyes. 
As soon as the door opened you spoke, “Look man, I really was nice at first and didn’t say anything but do y’all have to be so loud at 7 am? It’s waking me and my son.”
Vincent stood there deadpan he didn’t know what to reply. There was nothing he could really do to delay construction in the early hours without derailing the whole project. And normally he would have slammed the door in your face had it been anyone else. But you, you made his heart beat fast and he blanked on a response. Besides the fact that he was a man of very few words.
“Come in.” He said as he pulled you into the office like trailer.
“You seem to be the boss sir, is there anything you can do?” You said while rubbing your eyes.
“You must live in the house a few acres over, what’s your name?” He spoke low and grumbly.
“Yeah I do, it’s a family house but no one gives a shit anymore. All moved off to the big city, scared of the water. Oh, Im f/n l/n” you replied in an annoyed tone.  
“I can’t tell them to halt all work in the morning is there anything I can do instead?” He asked, wanting to remedy this. He didn’t want to upset you. You were alluring to him. This was also the most he had spoken to anyone in days.
“You come to explain to my son why you’re disrupting his sleep!” you said with irritation in your voice.
When Vincent got to your home to apologize to your son, he was met with Ben. Ben was a 3-year-old beautiful Doberman. 
Vincent was a bit relieved it was a dog and not a child, as he was already daydreaming about how he would give you your first child.
Vincent didn’t speak much or have the best social skills but he knew that his interest in you wasn’t normal. Nor did he know how to express such interest.
Good thing you found him handsome, and took interest in his quiet reserved demeanor. You had to know more, you had to dig past the surface. You were bold and willing to take charge and make the moves. You had never seen a man like him in your town before, or anywhere for that matter. 
You were happy you went and complained that morning. Who said complaining didn’t get you anywhere?
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pokebloggingnetwork · 2 years
I realized that submitting a bio/the bio itself wasn't as clear as I first thought it was, so in this post I'll be going through how to submit a bio, as well as the entire bio itself! If you have any questions after this, please let me know! Also, I struggle with tone, so a blanket statement that none of this is meant in a condescending way! Sometimes this site is not very clear to use - Mod Zoroark
First off, how do you submit a bio? Submissions are done through the "Submit" tab. Here's what it looks like at the top of the desktop site.
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See the word "Submit"? Just click that!
When looking at the blog on your dash (as well as on mobile, I believe?) the submit button is made available after clicking the circle with three dots in it, as shown below.
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Submitting a post instead of sending it as an ask allows you to format it in ways an ask wouldn't, and also allows it to be posted as a normal post, instead of an "ask" post. It also means you can add images and links to your bio, which wouldn't be possible with an ask!
I'll be explaining the full bio itself under the cut. Apologies, mobile users, I'll tag this with Long Post as well.
To start with, only the parts of the bio that don't have "Optional" on them are required for a bio. Though, of course, when it comes to the "Mod" section, you can answer as much or as little as you like, since that's your personal information, not that from your character. This bio can be personalized as needed, as long as it's clear! I'd like to make sure these are all easy to read, if I can!
[URL] - Your URL! I usually modify this so it @'s your account, and is thus allows someone to immediately interact with you!
CHARACTER/S (Duplicate for each character) - This is a section heading! you can remove everything after the /, as that's just to indicate that this section can be duplicated if your account has more than one character on it!
Name: Your character's name, or nickname! Whatever they're addressed by on the account! Pronouns/Terms of Address: Your character's pronouns, and how they prefer to be addressed, such as masculine terms, feminine terms, neutral terms etc. You can be as vague or specific as you like! Age: How old they are! Occupation: What their 'job' is. It doesn't have to be an actual job - for example student or trainer fits here! - just something they do. Pokemon: (Optional) A list of your character's current pokemon team! Current Region: (Optional) Where your trainer can be found! You can also add their home region, if that's different Preferred Type: (Optional) What their favourite type is! To train, or otherwise. You don't need to justify it at all! Support Pokemon?: (Optional) If they have a support/service pokemon. Any pokemon that aids them due to disability (or any other reason one might need a service animal) Evil Team Affiliation: (Optional) If you character currently is, or previously was, part of an evil team. This is especially useful for finding other characters who aren't exactly "Moral" Appearance/Distinguishing Traits: (Optional) What your character looks like, or something unique about them! Usually appearance, but can also be behaviour or otherwise!
MOD: - information about you, the writer!
Name/Nickname: How people should address you. It can be whatever you're comfortable with! Follows From: The blog that turns up in people's notifications when you follow them! Pronouns/Terms of Address: How people should refer to you Main: (Optional) What your main blog is, if it's separate from the one you follow from Adult or Minor?: (Optional) If you are an adult or a minor. Does not have to include your actual age! This is mostly to account for people who are minors not comfortable interacting with adults, and vice versa Comfortable with Adults/Minors Interacting?: (Optional) Specifying who you're comfortable with interacting! This allows you to indicate what your boundaries are in regards to age. Other: Anything else you feel is important for people to know! It can be about your blog or yourself, such as if you're comfortable with people interacting if they interpret pokemon as sapient/human level intelligence, or if your account is run by a fictive from the pokemon world just wanting to pretend they're back there. We do have a specific fictive tag now for those who want to meet other pokemon-world fictives!
NAVIGATION: Convenient links and such!
Links: Links to things like your pinned, about me etc! Other: Anything else you think is important, navigation-wise, like other accounts to find you on or your art tag!
OPTIONAL, ADD AS NECESSARY: Completely optional questions that aren't part of the other sections.
Account Does RP?: (IE, Account has character interact with others as if they’re both interacting in-person instead of online) Basically just whether or not your character is willing to do 'in-person' rp, in which your character and the other character interact in-person. What you would usually think of when someone says rp, basically! For pokeblogging accounts, there's usually not much of this, since it's primarily about 'tumblr accounts but in the pokemon world'. Other Accounts: Like other in the navigation section but more specific.
Alright, that should give you a decent understanding of both the bio, and how to submit a bio for your own account! If you have any questions, or need this guide to be reformatted for readability, please let me know! I'm happy to help however I can!
Have fun, everyone! - Mod Zoroark
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Hello there! I love your writing so much! ❤️ And I have a request! Scenario with Kirishima on a mission with his fem s/o, whose quirk is solar energy, she can absorb the suns energy, store it within her body for use when it’s needed, and use it to attack either with bright light to temporarily blind an enemy or condense the energy tightly together to create burning physical attacks. She saves a citizen but gets badly hurt for it. It almost kills her but in the end she survives and fully recovers
A/N: Thank you for your sweet words! This is a really cute scenario you came up with and I hope that you like what I made of it! Please enjoy! (*⁰▿⁰*)/
Tags: Kirishima x reader ✅  SFW ✅  fluff ✅  angst ✅
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My light - Kirishima x reader
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Big hands wrapped around your body as they adjusted the creme-yellow belt of your hero costume. With an amused gaze you watched as your red-haired lover struggled to perfectly align every single detail of your clothing with his big hands until you couldn’t help yourself anymore and began to giggle.
“Don’t laugh (Y/N), you know that I’m not good with this!”
“And yet you still insist on helping me with it,” you answer with a smile on your lips as you softly remove the man’s hands from you an squeeze them. As if to return your gentle touch he brought your hands to his lips and made sure to kiss every single knuckle, making you blush in embarrassment in the process.
“Are you ready?”
His sudden question took you by surprise, but after a couple of seconds you nodded confidently.
Both, Kirishima and you stood next to each other slightly nervous about what your superior had called you in his office for. The blond man in front of you looked over some documents before finally lifting his gaze, a grin immediately spreading along his mouth.
“Well hi there you two, there’s no need to be that nervous, you know? C’mon, loosen up a little!”
The two of you did as told and relaxed your tensed up muscles, after which you spoke up, asking the pro hero in front of you why he had wished for a meeting in his office.
Usually, Fat Gum wasn’t one that sticked to formalities, such as calling his workers - or in your case, heroes - to his office for a talk. He preferred to casually bring it up whenever he met with the person(s) in question, and that’s why Kirishima and you were so surprised when Tamaki had asked you to go to the main office for a talk with the boss.
Luckily, he was quick to realize that you both were pretty nervous so he immediately began explaining. It was truly a relief to hear that all he wanted to share with you were the details for a joint mission the two of you would be taking care of the following day. He gave you all relevant details and as always asked you to be careful and try to not get yourselves injured. With a promise to watch out for each other and be as careful as always Kirishima and you left your superior’s office and began reviewing all the relevant papers he’d given you. You were motivated and happy to finally have a mission with your beloved, since not only were you a great team but just being by his side during dangerous missions made you feel safe and somewhat relieved. While you looked at the red-haired man’s profile as he scanned over the paper in his hands, you promised yourself to make this mission a success.
Ah! It’s Red Riot and Sunshine!
E-Excuse me Red Riot sir, can I have your autograph?
Thank you two for always watching out for us!
Miss Sunshine, can I have a selfie with you?
After answering all questions and attending to everyone’s requests the two of you resumed your walk. Being stopped by people who treat you like some famous actors was nothing new to the two of you since this wasn’t the first joint mission you took on and yet you were always overwhelmed by the amount of love and support everyone showed you. But what made you even happier was seeing how Kirishima reacted to it all.
The way his cheeks became redder, his slightly stuttering but nonetheless loud voice, how big his eyes got whenever a fan of his showed him the merch they’d bought, and many other small and adorable things you noticed were simply heartwarming. As his lover you knew more than anyone how much effort he puts into his hero career and just how ambitious he follows through with the goal to step into Crimson Riot’s footsteps, so seeing his hard work being rewarded made you extremely happy.
A couple of minutes passed and you slowly had to resume your patrol, so you unobtrusively signaled your red-haired companion to wrap his talk up. The disappointment of his fans didn’t last as long as you’d presumed it would, but who could blame them when Kirishima flashed that sharp but angelic smile instead of bidding them a proper farewell.
“My bad (Y/N), I got quite caught up talking with them about their t-shirts!”
You giggled and pat his shoulder a few times before answering: “There’s nothing for you to apologize about, in fact I can’t really blame you since…the new collection of yours looks pretty cool”
Even though you had whispered the last part of your sentence, the man next to you heard it nonetheless and couldn’t help but smile broader than he already was. The moment he parted his mouth to give you an answer, a sudden explosion some meters away from you interrupted the wholesome moment you were having. You two immediately ceased your idle chatter and switched over to your hero personalities. While you began to evacuate the nearby pedestrians, your boyfriend rushed to the explosion site and helped the injured people out. Your eyes followed the backs of the innocent citizens as they ran away from the smokescreen that was enveloping the massive frame of Kirishima, who was holding onto staggering and hurt pedestrians as he brought them to safety.
Before you could go and help him out a figure caught your eye and just as you were about to call out to them, they turned the corner and ran into an alleyway. “Hey! Hold it!“ you shouted and almost immediately took chase, ignoring the young man’s worried screams behind you, pleading for you to at least wait for him and not do anything too rash. You heard him and nodded to yourself, repeating his warning inside of your head as you continued your chase.
Surprisingly enough, the person before you wasn’t as quick as you had expected so it wasn’t that hard to keep up with him and just as you were about to take a hold of their arm they cut the corner yet again. You spit out a curse before following the new route of the suspicious individual and that’s when the worst case scenario happened.
Just a few steps in front of you was a young school girl who was talking to someone over her mobile phone and because of that she failed to notice the two of you approaching. You shouted out a warning but her reactions were unfortunately too slow and allowed the suspect to grab her and hold a knife to her throat.
“D-Don’t come any closer or else this girl’s death will be your fault!”
Without much hesitation you obeyed and stopped, using the moment of silence to asses the situation as well as take a proper look at the person you had just chased. It appeared to be a middle aged man and judging by his wide eyes and slightly trembling hand you deduced that he wasn’t used to threatening people like that.
Perfect, I just need to calm him down and hope that words will be enough…I’d really like to avoid using my powers
As you thought that you glanced up at the sky where the sun was shining brighter than you’d ever seen it in the past few days and if you were being honest, it worried you a little. Your quirk was the accumulative type and allowed your body to store solar energy, allowing you to use it at your discretion, but it came at a cost. To put it simply, the brighter and stronger the sun shone, the more dangerous and taxing your power was on your body. You took a deep breath to calm yourself and began reasoning with the man who faced you.
“Sir there is no need for you to get other people involved, we can clear this misunderstanding between us, ok?”
You spoke slow but with a firm voice so that neither the man got more agitated than he already was nor scare the innocent girl any further. And indeed the man relaxed his grip ever so slightly but the moment you wanted to continue with your plan of calming him down the young girl screamed out for help and began struggling desperately.
“No…! Don’t-”
But before you could warn her to not make anything rash it was too late. The girl’s thrashing about ended up hitting the man behind her a few times, which resulted in him finally losing his patience and the moment you saw him raise his hand, in which he held the knife, you immediately activated your quirk and shouted: “Close your eyes!”
Fortunately for you, your message reached the recipient it was meant for and when you confirmed that the female student had obeyed your order, you released a portion of the energy you had collected from today’s sunshine and blinded the man. While he was stumbling back screaming, you used the short timeframe to grab the girl’s hand and start running.
“Ok I need you to listen and obey everything I’m about to tell you, got it?” you asked and waited for her affirmation first before you continued, “Run as fast as you can back to the main street and there you’ll meet the sturdy hero Red Riot, a muscular, tall, and red-haired young man, who’ll keep you safe while I take care of that man, ok? Now run!”
You normally would’ve gone with her, but your previous move took more out of you than expected, so you chose to leave her safety to your trusted lover while you won them some time.
The man’s quick and heavy steps were closing in on you, so you prepared yourself to attack once again if necessary. With the plans to either stun him a second time so that he can’t see where he runs or inflict a burn on one of his kneecaps to slow him down, you turned to face him.
“O-Oh my god…why didn’t you….? T-This can’t be happening! I-I….I have to g-get away from here!”
“Not s-so fast…” you utter as you hold onto his hand and your body temperature begins to rise. In a swift and quick motion you kick his shin, causing his knee to buckle and used that small timeframe to bring this man down, ultimately pinning him to the ground with your leg on top of his chest, and your hands tightly gripping his wrists. In order to make him surrender completely you released your powers and that energy caused slight burns on each body part you had come in contact with. You had to use and control your power which was pretty taxing to your body. Your vision slowly grew blurry and that’s when you remembered the small “promise” your loved one had made to you as you ran off.
Aah…Eijiro, please hurry up..
Hearing the familiar voice echo behind you just mere moments after you had thought of him made you smile in relief. You took one last glance at the knife which was deeply buried inside of your lower stomach before closing your eyes and embracing the darkness that had tried to claim you this entire time…
P-Please, you need to save her! I-I’ll do anything, so please-!
Sir I need you to calm yourself down, you’re bothering the other patients.
We first need to perform a checkup on her, s-
I don’t care what you have to do, j-just please!
That’s enough out of you shitty hair, let the doctors handle it and meanwhile we’ll wait outside!
While your consciousness drifted back and forth you could make out a couple of voices near you and one of them belonged to none other than Kirishima.
You felt a big hand tightly wrap around your own and squeeze it slightly, but before you could do or even say anything else, your vision once again blackened.
Calloused fingers caress the back of your hand as the tall man kisses your bandaged knuckles. His empty stare fixated on your sleeping form and the peaceful way you just lied there managed to put him at ease for at least a couple seconds before once again realizing the harsh truth of how grave you had been injured by that man and your own quirk.
“You idiot…I told you to be careful and not overdo it, didn’t I?” he silently whispered in front of himself as he used his free hand to stroke your cheek ever so gently. Since your hospitalization he remained practically glued to your side, refusing to miss even a single update on your condition, if it weren’t for his friends to literally drag him out of your room so that he gets something to eat or simply see the summer sun he would be in an even worse condition than right now. He was aware that he was a burden to others and that he behaved immaturely, but every time he tried to cheer up for their sake or simply try to worry less, he’d remember that day of the incident.
The scene of your back facing him while you were apprehending the man who had ran off seemed normal at first, but as soon as he was merely a couple of steps away from you, you had fallen forward right on top of the other man’s chest. He began panicking and apologizing frantically, saying stuff like I didn’t mean to do it or why didn’t she dodge, and that’s when he noticed the abnormal amount of blood that had stained the other man’s shirt…
While your lover recalled the unpleasant and rather traumatizing event, he failed to notice the way your facial features tensed up and your eyes slowly fluttering open. At first you couldn’t really feel your body, so all you did was glance around and quickly came to the conclusion that you were in a hospital room. All you could hear except the silence that surrounded you were the steady breaths of someone who most likely stood pretty close to you. Just as you were about to try and move your body a sudden voice stopped you in your tracks.
“I’m sorry (Y/N) for being late…I-I should’ve hurried up and come to y-your aid quicker, t-then you wouldn’t have had to use your ability to that extend and e-even wouldn’t have gotten stabb– god, forgive me…”
His shaky voice was full of sorrow and guilt and as if that wasn’t painful enough for you to hear, Kirishima even squeezed your hands tighter than before and put them up to his forehead. The man continued muttering apology after apology and with each one he got sadder, so you finally decided to speak up.
“If you continue squeezing my hand like that it’ll never recover, you know?” you joked with the most cheerful voice you could muster and even though it ended up sounding more raspy, it achieved the surprise effect you were going for. Wide red eyes, filled with nothing but relief stared at your smiling face.
The man next to your bed got up so quickly that his chair fell over, he was so overwhelmed with the fact that you were awake that he didn’t know what to do first. Call the doctor and the nurses over? Ask you about your condition? Embrace you? Lecture you? Cry?
In order to take most of his nervousness away, you gently tugged on his hand and smiled up at him with glassy eyes.
“Ei, I missed you.”
One single tear rolled down his cheek and as realization slowly downed on him the stream of tears didn’t stop flowing down his face. He bend down to you and as gently as he could wrapped his arms around you, hiding himself in the crook of your neck.
A couple of minutes had to pass by until he was capable of properly talking to you and knowing just how worried he had been you figured that he’d most likely start lecturing you, but as you saw him push the button next to your bed that was supposed to notify the hospital staff in case of an emergency, you gave him a confused glance.
“(Y/N), I’m pretty sure that you know what I want to tell you and I hope that you’re aware of just how mad I am, but,” he paused and looked directly at your face, but to you it seemed like he glanced at something beyond you. After what felt like an eternity of torturing silence he finally resumed his initial thought with a somewhat sad smile: “…the only thing I’m most thankful for is the fact that you’re alive and well.”
A gentle knock on your door and the entry of the nurse interrupted your discussion. After she checked in with Kirishima you watched as he slowly left your room…
“Ok, then Miss Sunshine one last sign and you’re free to leave.”
You sign the last document she’d given you and smile, thanking her for everything they’d done for you. She simply smiled and humbly shook her head. “Miss I’m simply doing my job…just like you. Thanks to every hero’s efforts I can feel safe…and if by treating your injuries I can contribute to your well-being and performance then I’d gladly do so.”
With flushed cheeks, you chuckle at her words, and just as you were about to leave she stopped you.
“But if I may give you an advice for the future…please refrain from such reckless actions again. This wasn’t the first time you came here because of your quirk’s effects on your body…but this time was the worst. I don’t know what lead you to drive yourself beyond your body’s limits, but you standing right here in front of me in such good condition is nothing short of a miracle.”
“She knows that.”
The two of you turned to the person who’d just butted into your conversation and as expected it was none other than your boyfriend, who was standing behind you. He carefully wrapped one arm around your waist and held out a beautifully arranged bouquet to you with his other one. You took the flowers and blushed as you whispered a short thank you to him. With his usual broad grin, he kissed your cheek and took the bag you were carrying, slumping it over his own broad shoulder.
The two of you bid the nurse and her colleagues farewell as you slowly headed for the exit. She watched your backs as you walked past the entryway and focused on the man’s smile which seemed to never falter, as she recalled his words the day you had been rushed to the hospital right before his blind friend had brought him away…
I know that it’s not my place to say this, but please save her…
I’m begging you…
Please save my light…
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ssa-dg · 4 years
Walls are Built to be Knocked Down
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Overview: this takes place in season 7 episode 2. You joined the BAU after the death of Emily and JJ’s departure. However when they both come back, everyone is shook up.
TW: mentions of drugs, murder, rape (it takes place in the episode). Adult themes
Relationship: Spencer Reid x (female) reader
Word count: 3352
Author’s note: so I have been wanting to write another short story about Spencer but couldn’t get myself to do it. Glad I got inspired by episode 2 of season 7. This is when Spencer is still mad at JJ about Emily. The unsub is the one who is neuro-divergent and is obsessed with his brother’s wife. If you have any suggestions on how to write a better Spencer Reid, I would love that. I struggle with writing an accurate Reid because he is supposed to be so smart and I’m the type of person who has been told she’s “dumb” so it’s an insecurity of mine. Give me advice if you have any just be nice. P.S. the formatting on this is so weird. I don’t have my laptop rn because it’s getting fixed and the mobile version of this app sucks lol
You and Spencer were never really good friends. You two were good coworkers and you always got along well, but it took Spencer a lot to let people behind his wall. So when you joined the team from the whit collar unit, after Emily’s death. You could tell everyone on your new team was grieving, and because you didn’t know them all that well you didn’t pry. Though slowly each member let things slide to you about their grieving. You didn’t expect that to happen but you weren’t surprised. You were always a reliable person, old friends would come out of nowhere just to talk to you about their problems, or random people in cabs, on the subway, etc. You just had that air about you, one that was dependable, nonjudgmental, and understanding. Your family called it your superpower.
So when Emily turned out to be alive and JJ and Hotch knew the whole time, the team was stunned. You didn’t fully comprehend the travesty of what they went through but you understood the pain and relief that accompanied them. Knowing they probably had 100 million different conflicting emotions swirling in them you suspected they’d be going through “it” the next months.
As JJ walked into the BAU with Prentiss talking about how she had passed all the qualifications to finally become a profiler, JJ saw Spencer come out of the elevator. “Hey, where have you been?” JJ asked him, “I wanted to do brunch this weekend”
“I had to deal with some stuff with my mom,” he flipped through the pages in a file to avoid eye contact with his friend, “have you seen Y/N?” he finished.
“Uh, she’s at her desk I think,” Spencer sped off to your desk. “He hates me,” JJ finished.
You sat at your desk looking over case files when Spencer came rushing up to you. “Hey, Y/N,” he greeted you and looked around.
“What’s up?” You asked expecting there to be a reason he came to your desk.
“Nothing just wanted to say hi,” he saw JJ and Prentiss go into the round table room.
“Well, hi,” you laughed and followed his gaze to your two co-workers. “Ahh, I see,” you said out loud.
His head looked down at you,” what do you mean ‘ahh, I see,’?” He was obviously annoyed by your statement.
You raised your hands up in surrender, “nothing, nothing. Shall we go?” You stood up and tilted your head towards the conference room. He nodded his head.
When you guys walked in and you went to sit in an open seat next to Morgan, Spencer lightly grabbed your elbow and pulled you the opposite way and had you sit between him Emily and JJ. You just looked at him knowing what he was doing. Although you gave him a glare to indicate you didn’t like being manhandled by him, you secretly enjoyed it. You were unsure why it did it but it created a feeling in you that you were not ready to associate with your coworker. He just gave you a bit of a ‘don’t-say-anything’ glare and looked back down at the file. You rolled your eyes and felt Prentiss looking at you. You shrugged your shoulders as if to say ‘I don’t know why he just did that’.
In walked Rossi and Garcia, “look master of all things Italian, I am having a Fellini festival at my house this weekend and I must serve the beautiful food of his country.” Garcia insisted.
“Maybe you should show a Disney movie and stick with burgers,” Rossi responded, still a bit offended by the pig substitute.
“You know, Rossi, you could always give Penelope a cooking lesson,” Derek suggested.
“I could help,” you spoke up from across the table. Everyone looked at you confused, “You all act like I’m not Italian. I used to go back there every summer to visit my extended family,” you rolled your eyes and defended yourself.
“Oh my gosh that would be amazing. That would be like- that would be like the iron chef meets the BAU,” Garcia looked back and forth between you and Rossi. You felt Spencer’s eyes on you and looked at him. His scrunched up eyebrows and set jaw told you that he didn’t know that about you or maybe he forgot. You just smiled at him, and tilted your head like it was nothing.
“And we could do it at your house,” Garcia looked over at Rossi.
“I don’t have a house. I have a mansion,” he laughed.
“All right let’s get started,” Hotch instructed.
Everytime JJ talked at the round table, Reid couldn’t even look at her. He kept his gaze down and you saw the muscle in his jaw bone tighten as he clenched his it. The victims were girls who all looked the same, helping a bit to narrow down the victimology. The dump sights also helped narrow down the geographical, although nothing was ever set in stone right off the bat. Everytime Spencer spoke you could tell there was hidden meaning beneath it all directed towards JJ.
On the jet you dug in deeper into the case. You started to notice Spencer stuck close to you, as if you were an extra layer of shielding from JJ. He sat next to you and when JJ spoke he’d either look down at the files in his hands or at your files in your hand. “Dave you and I will talk to the parents.Y/LN head over with us to the police station, and get us set up. Go over what they have and talk to the detectives. Morgan and Prentiss go to the disposal sites. JJ, you and Reid to the abduction sites,” Hotch ordered. JJ gave a soft smile to Spencer and you felt him tighten up next to you, and look away from her. Her smile faded into concern and annoyance and looked at you for help. You just shrugged unsure how to help.
Once you collected all the information on the crime board at the station you helped out Hotch and Rossi at the coroner's office. Then you got the call that there was a third victim. There he burned the woman’s tongue with sulfuric acid. As you, Rossi, JJ, and Reid looked over the body. The quips JJ and Reid were throwing at each other was escalating quickly.
“— instead of dealing with it. He’s acting out,” JJ looked up at Reid as she spoke about the unsub but also meant it for Reid. If looks could inflict pain, the look Reid responded to JJ with would have seriously injured her. Spencer walked off in anger. JJ looked around for help, or maybe back up. You looked at her giving her ‘I’ll take care of it’ look and went after Spencer.
Once you caught up to him and tried to talk to him he wasn’t having it. He quickly dived into perfecting the profile and ignored all conversation about anything else. He was reinforcing the walls he built around himself.
Now back at the station, you all delivered the profile to the police force. Spencer was still not looking at JJ.
Once the profile was delivered Spencer went into the room where the BAU was working out of, JJ following him.
“Spence. Look we gotta talk about this,” JJ insisted.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he responded.
“I get it, okay? You’re disappointed with the way we handled Emily,”
“Listen I have a lot going on alright,”
“You know what I think it is, you’re mad that Hotch and I were able to hold our micro-expressions at the hospital. And you weren’t able to detect our deception,” JJ finally getting angry and defending herself.
“You think it’s about my profiling skills? Jennifer, listen the only reason you were able to manage my perceptions is because I trusted you. I came to your house for ten weeks in a row crying over losing a friend,” the tears beginning to well in both of their eyes, “and not once did you have the decency to tell me the truth.”
“I couldn’t,”
“You couldn’t or you wouldn’t,”
“I couldn’t,” she shouted and defended herself.
“What if I started taking dilaudid again. Would you have let me?” he asked.
“You didn’t,” she answered, confused why he was asking.
“Yeah, but I thought about it,” he confessed, and hurt even more that she didn’t realize how low he actually was during that time.
“Spence,” she called out as he tried to walk away, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s too late, all right?” He walked away from her.
“Reid,” Emily called for him and looked back at JJ.
You followed Spencer out the door. You knew it was risky to seek him out right now but you couldn’t help yourself. You had to try and help him. You couldn’t explain the pull he had on you right now but you usually followed your instincts and they hadn’t let you down yet.
“Spencer, wait up,” you tried to catch up to his long strides.
“Are you here to tell me off, or ask me to apologize to JJ? Because if so, don’t waste your breath. I’m not going to,” he angrily twirled around to you, which made you stop yourself before running into him.
“I wasn’t — I wasn’t going to say that. I know why you’re mad. And I think the way your acting is justified, maybe a bit immature but it’s justified,” you answered.
Spencer looked confused at your response then angrily he said “why am I acting this way then? Why am I so justified?” He was testing you in some way. If you said the wrong thing he’d yell at you too, and he would build that wall around himself so high no one would ever be allowed in again. He was hurting and right now he felt like hurting others was the only way to feel like he was in control.
“You feel betrayed. You understand why Emily had to fake her death. You understand why no one on the team was allowed to know but you don’t understand why JJ was in on it and how she kept her cool. You don’t understand how she could watch your heart break over the loss of a loved one and stand there with the knowledge to save you from all your grieving. JJ is your best friend, you trust her and love her. And best friends are supposed to help take away the pain, and you feel betrayed and taken advantage of because of that,” you finished. You could tell by the look he gave you that the wall he was building was not prepared for you to hit it so hard it cracked. His face went from openness and feeling seen, to defensive and angry at you not giving him a reason to yell at you. “You want her to understand and feel the pain she caused you. which might be why you are acting out? But when the time comes you’ll forgive her because you know deep down what you need JJ and her friendship and eventually you’ll remember all she did for you. Right now you’re hurting, but the way you get rid of that pain isn’t about being mean or hurting her, you’ll need to remember your love for your friend. And find it in yourself if you can forgive her. Am I right?” You asked him, but you already knew the answer. He let out a sigh and looked down at you. He looked at you for the first time in all his time of knowing you. You understood what he was going through more so than his closest friend, and even more so than some of his teammates who had known him for years. How could he have overlooked you for so long. He quickly looked down at your lips and the tension between you two changed. The breathing between you two became heavy and noticeable. He turned quickly and stormed off.
Eventually you all caught the unsub and saved the young girl. This time on the plane though Spencer sat in the back. He spread his stuff across the table indicating he didn’t want anyone to sit there. You took the hint, and even though you had never been close to Spencer other than him using you today for an emotional defense, you felt a coldness being away from him. A coldness, you didn’t even want to know where it would lead you.
Emily walked back to him after a short time on the plane. You could tell what she was doing and thought it was a good idea. You looked at them and analysed their behaviors. You saw the shift in them as Emily laughed for a second and from the back of Spencer you saw him move in his seat to avoid the subject. Emily leaned in as she began to explain her side of what had happened. Spencer was still mad, but by the way his shoulders sloped he was more tired than angry.
You got dressed up in one of your favorite black dresses with knee high black boots and a fancy long coat. As you pulled into the parking lot, you were a bit self conscious about what you were about to do.
You walked up the steps, found the door you were looking for, and knocked lightly. You heard some shuffling around and then heard the door unlock.
“Hey,” you spoke softly as you took in Spencer standing before you. He quickly looked you up and down and smiled, “what are you doing here? I thought you were helping Rossi teach the others how to cook?” He asked.
“Well I was, but I thought my friend might need me more tonight,” you softly smiled at him. “I was wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat,” you shyly asked, “or if you have plans, we can do something another time,” You looked at his attire and enjoyed the blue sport coat he was wearing, along with the colorful shirt under it. His hair was brushed with a light amount of product in it. It was like he was ready to go out.
“No, I was actually going to go to Rossi’s,” he admitted and you knew what that meant for him. It was more than going to Rossi’s, it was actually forgiving JJ and Emily.
“Well, I can take us, if you want,” you offered as you jingled your keys in front of him.
He gave a soft laugh, and nodded his head as he grabbed his stuff from his apartment.
“I just need to stop somewhere real quick to pick something up,” you added.
When you showed up to Rossi’s you were obviously late. But the smile on everyone’s face as Spencer walked in the room was worth it. You walked behind them with your arms wrapped around Derek and let everyone take in Spencer. You quickly handed Rossi, the cannoli’s you made and brought for desert.
After everyone said hello and got to cheers their wine glasses, it was time to cook. Instead of you cooking, Rossi decided you needed to help supervise. As you reminded everyone what the texture of the pasta had to be, and how the pancetta should look like cooked, you felt yourself always catching Spencer’s eyes and smiling.
“What’s that about?” Emily asked from behind you.
You turned startled by her, “what do you mean?”
“You and Reid, you guys came together and now you won’t keep your eyes off of each other. So what’s going on?” She asked.
You shook your head, “nothing is going on. I just gave Spencer a ride,” you responded.
“Uh-huh,” Emily skeptically looked at you. You rolled your eyes at her. Once you knew Emily wasn’t looking you slipped a glance at Spencer again and saw him smiling and laughing at something Garcia said. You couldn’t help but smile at them.
“I should say thank you,” you heard JJ say behind you.
You turned and looked at him, “why?” You asked a bit confused.
“You brought Spencer here, and he’s talking to me again. I can’t help but think you had something to do with that,” she answered.
“I didn’t do anything. He came to that conclusion on his own,” you responded.
“Well, either way, thank you for being there for him. I know he has a hard time opening up and trusting people,” she whispered. You nodded your head unsure how to respond. Out of everyone on the team you knew JJ and Emily the least as they weren’t on the team when you joined and had just returned.
As the finishing touches were put on everyone’s pasta you took a seat at Rossi’s big dinner table. You were used to sitting next to Garcia and Rossi. You expected the same people to sit near you but Spencer was quick to steal the seat where Garcia usually sat. You looked up at the young doctor standing over you as he placed a bowl of pasta in front of you. His smile told you everything. The weight of his anger had lifted and he felt rejuvenated. You gave him an odd look as he placed his glass of wine in the spot next to you. He just gave you a goofy face back. You ignored it, but you couldn’t help the feeling bubbling in your chest as you over thought him picking the seat next to you instead of next to the others like JJ, Emily or Derek.
You felt bloated after your meal but it didn’t really matter to you because you felt loved. With your Italian heritage, eating and sharing moments like this is where you felt most loved. This was no exception. You loved this BAU family that you were a part of. As the night went on and moved from the dining table to outside in Rossi’s backyard. You crawled into a loveseat couch and Spencer followed and sat next to you. You pulled a blanket off the back of the seat and draped it across you both. Spencer smiled in gratefulness.
“Say Grazie to the wonderful Y/N, for making and bringing the cannoli,” he announced and brought out the delish Italian treat.
“Oh my gosh I love cannoli,” squealed Garcia. Each person grabbed one and a silence fell over the group as they ate their cannoli. You couldn’t help but snuggle into Spencer a bit as the night moved forward and the talking kept going.
Slowly people left. Hotch was one of the first to go as he had to get back to Jack, then Derek and Garcia, next was JJ and Emily, and you and Reid.
The drive back to Spencer’s was filled with music theory facts, as the two of you got on the subject because you played your favorite songs playlist. One by one you each played songs that mean something to you. You enjoyed hearing the songs that made Spencer Reid, Spencer. They were all over the spectrum of music from classical to pop to indie to folk. You two sat in the parking lot for about an hour before you felt yourself yawning often.
“I should go so you can get home,” Spencer noted sadly.
“Unfortunately, I think you’re right,” you agreed.
“Unfortunately?” His right eyebrow was raised flirtatiously.
You blushed, “yeah, I had a fun night with you.” You looked down in embarrassment.
Spencer moved to place his hand on yours. He hesitated for a second then covered your hand. “I had a fun night too,” he admitted. You looked up at him and smiled.
“Good, because I still owe you a dinner,” you added playfully.
Spencer pulled his lips in and bit them, then let them slide out into a soft smile. “I look forward to it,” he responded.
He waited at the apartment complex entrance for you to pull away.
The memory of tonight would be one you cherished for a long time.
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Team Midoriya versus Team Todoroki! Who will win? (spoilers, that gets determined next chapter.)
I skimmed over the chapter, and the character sheet actually had me cackling. Can’t wait to get to it!
[No. 29 - Unaware]
We come back into the middle of the battle, with Kendo pointedly telling Monoma to not add insult to injury, and that there’s no sense in making enemies. Monoma agrees, saying it’s not very hero-like, plus you hear a lot about begrudged heroes getting payback from villains. Which, naturally, is him still doing his best to rile up Katsuki, which is working.
Katsuki is shaking from barely-repressed rage while Kirishima tries to talk him down. He warns that if Katsuki doesn’t keep his cool, the team won’t be able to get their points back. Katsuki slams a fist into his other palm, setting off an explosion, and then he tells Kirishima in his most furious voice to keep moving, because Katsuki is as cool as ice.
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Yeah, totally cool as ice. Honestly, I still wonder how Monoma survived his introduction into the series. 
We get a nice cover spread for the chapter, featuring all the staring character of the chapter (from 1a anyways).
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Not gonna lie, the horse really, really confuses me. I guess it’s a reference to the fact that this is a cavalry battle, and so the team has a ‘rider’ and ‘horses’? It’s still kind of weird and a bit creepy looking, since I don’t think the horse has pupils or irises or anything. Ghost horse. 
Anyways, we move on with the chapter, returning narrative attention to Izuku and the two teams targeting him. Tsuyu comments to Mineta on how teaming up with him had seemed like a good strategy, so how’d he lose his headband? Mineta says he doesn’t know, but now they have nothing to lose. He dramatically points at the other two teams, saying that their own team is out if they can’t steal the other teams’ points. Shouji himself swaps into an attack mode, abandoning the cover in order to have all his arms free to attack. 
Meanwhile, Izuku and Shouto are having a dramatic staredown - and it’s not even the last one of this arc! Tokoyami comments on how this likely won’t end without a fight, and how the other teams are really gunning for them. Izuku replies that they’re halfway through, so they have to keep moving, but there are… well, there are multiple teams incoming. 
At the same time as he’s noting that, Shouto tells Tenya to move forward, Yaomomo to prepare the defense and the insulator, and Kaminari to- well, Kaminari cuts in to say he’ll stay alert. We also see that team Todoroki all have roller blades on their feet, which have likely been helping with the mobility, especially with tenya basically making them speed on wheels. 
The insulator gets pulled out just in time, providing Shouto with a barrier against Kaminari’s Indiscriminate Shock that gets teams Minetas, Kendo, Rin, and Hagakure. Team Midoriya is just able to avoid being shocked because of Dark Shadow, but the poor quirk does not like it in the least and it’s obvious. 
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Dark Shadow doesn’t deserve this. He’s a good birb. :(
We get a few more closeups of the teams being zapped, and then a scene of Shouto holding a long rods in his right hand, dragging it along the ground. Said rod is made from his ice, and allows him to send his quirk outwards and trap the unfortunate teams in place. While he’s doing this, he apologizes and tells someone to hang in there - probably Kaminari? Who to be fair does seem to have managed to restrain himself enough to not make himself brain-dead despite the immense power he just put out. 
Up in the announcement booth, Aizawa gives a quick play-by-play of what just happened: Shouto waited until the other teams were stopped by Kaminari’s attack before freezing them in place. He wouldn’t expect any less, especially if Shouto recalled how many competitors managed to dodge his ice during the obstacle course. Present Mic complements said play by play, and we transition right back into the action.
To add insult to injury, Shouto does take the headbands off of Rin and Kendo. For Team Midoriya, even if they avoided most of the electricity and the ice, enough got through that the jetpack is on the fritz, meaning no more escaping into the air. Ochako worries that the other team is too strong and that they’ll never get away. Tokoysami says he’ll create a diversion, sending out Dark Shadow ahead of them in a threat to attack. 
However, Shouto was one step ahead, with Momo pulling out her premade defense to block the attack. Tokoyami is annoyed, Momo is pleased, and… she just lets it drop the ground. Uh, Dark Shadow probably come have come in swinging for another attack there, you know. Just saying? Izuku calls her creation quirk a pain, but Tokoyami corrects him - Kaminari is the real problem. His sunlight(?) attack would have wrecked his defenses.
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[I’m guessing here that it was a flubbed translation, and was meant to translate to a lightning attack.]
In order to clarify this statement Tokoyami made, we get a brief flashback to before the match started. Izuku is informing Tokoyami that he just needs to focus on defending, and that there’s no need for him to attack. Tokoyami considers the plan interesting, and lets Izuku know of Dark Shadow’s dual nature. The darker it is, the more ferocious Dark Shadow’s attacks - but also the harder it is to control. In daylight, Dark Shadow is easier to manage, but not much help in a fight. It’s not like Izuku knew, but choosing Tokoyami and his quirk for pure defense is not a bad choice at all.
We transition back to the present as the flashback concludes with Tokoyami telling Izuku to use him as best he can, and that he trusts Izuku. Izuku acknowledges Kaminari’s electricity as an issue, while Tokoyami tacks on that as long as Kaminari keeps it up, he doesn’t have a shot at doing anything. Dark Shadow, meanwhile, is sniffling and crying, asking why they can’t all just get along. Tokoyami calls his quirk fickle.
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God, I love these two dorks. 
Izuku acknowledges that Dark Shadow has less offensive power now - but the other teams don’t know that, right? Tokoyami says that’s probably the case - the only one he told about his weakness was Koda, back at the USJ, and he doesn’t talk much. 
[Another translation flub here, wherein they call Kouda ‘Kuchida’ instead. Probably an alternative reading of the kanji in his name? That’s all I can really think of… or maybe the site I’m pulling from, despite posting the official translations on current manga chapters, might have been a bit less discriminating in the beginning. Hard to say for sure.]
Anywho, we get a brief panel shot of Shouto wearing a few of the other teams’ headbands around his neck, with an interesting little flare at his left shoulder, as if drawing attention to it. We shift back to Izuku, who determines that as long as the other teams don’t know, they can fake them out. They’ll be fine, and the ten million points will stay with them.
We shift back to Katsuki and Monoma’s teams, with Katsuki taking an explosion to the face. Monoma calls it neat, and complements Katsuki’s quirk as he shakes off the last of the explosion. Katsuki realizes it’s his quirk, as well as Kirishima, who hardened to take the blow. Katsuki throws his own explosion right back at Monoma, who blocks it with Kirishima’s hardening, stating that he’s better at it (which I guess refers to using the quirk.)
Kirishima is shjook, no doubt by what seems like another person with the same quirk as him. Katsuki corrects him - Monoma is just a copycat. Monoma acknowledges Katsuki getting it right, then undermines the ‘complement’ by saying any idiot could figure out that much. We then get a blurb on how his quirk, Copy, works: after touching someone, Monoma can use their quirk as much as he wants for five minutes. However, he can’t use more than one at a time!
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As if team Bakugou wasn’t having enough issues, the massive guy with the oddly-shaped head from before swoops in and shoots out a massive amount of what turns out to be glue, surprising both teams. Bondo and his rider rush up, while Kaibara tells Monoma he can get away now - with that many points, he’ll be in the top four for sure. 
Kirishima struggles to get his leg out of the glue, since it’s already hardened. Mina tells him to hold up, and that her quirk will be able to melt it away. Sero tells her to hurry up, since they’re at zero points, while team Kodai and team Monoma rush off in the other direction. Of course, Monoma can’t leave well enough alone, and turns around again to give a mocking goodbye by flashing Katsuki’s quirk again. As he does so, he tells Katsuki to not be mad, since it brought it on himself, after all. And hey, what was that pledge he made earlier? Sees kind of embarrassing now… well, whatever, thanks for the points!
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Seriously, how did Monoma not actually die? At this point, he’s honestly earned a death by murderous mobs. Katsuki states that he’s taking first place - but not just first place, no, it’s gonna be the first to end all firsts!
...and with that, we’re closing out this half-ish of the chapter. Monoma really just drains me to have to read / analyse. See y’all tomorrow with the rest of the chapter + the character sheet.
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jeonggukingdom · 4 years
splinters of love • day XXVI [pjm]
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pairing  ⟶ park jimin x fem!Reader
summary  ⟶ a collection of drabbles (one for each day of April) based on prompts by an online prompts’ generator site. Specifically  ⟶  • day XXVI ↳ in which you and Jimin find each other again after years apart and he promises to never let you go again.
genre  ⟶ angst, a tiny tiny bit of smut
rating  ⟶  18+
word count ⟶ 2.189 words
warnings  ⟶ allusions to sex towards the end of the drabble, cheating, heartbreak, hard-hitting confrontation between past lovers.
series masterlist  ⟶ here  (links on mobile may not work, if you’re looking for all the works in this series, you can click on the “!splintersoflove” tag and you’ll find them all there!)
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There are some days where you wake up and you know by instinct something is going to happen.
It’s a sensation deep in the guts that follows you whole day long and usually, it is pretty accurate.
This morning you wake up with that sensation of unease that always leaves a foul taste in your mouth, tightens your insides so much it is hard to even gulp down food and store it there and makes you so hyper-aware of your surroundings that every muscle ends up being tense for the entire day.
You are walking down the street to grab some dinner at the convenience store and retreat in the safety of your home when it finally happens.
At first, you don’t notice him.
Eyes glued to the ground and mind rattled with thoughts—most of which work-related—you would barely notice a celebrity even if you were to bump into one let alone someone you would have never expected to be there even in a million years.
The sound of your name is what startles you out of your thoughts.
Your eyebrows furrow, your eyebrows knit together as you slowly lift your gaze up.
Dread and fear are furiously dancing together inside your heart while your mind tries to make sense of what your guts are telling you.
You would recognise that voice amongst thousands. It’s the voice that haunted you for the past two years, filled all of your dreams and thoughts ever since you heard it for the very last time.
But it’s impossible. He can’t be here and even if he were… he wouldn’t talk to you. No.
But your eyes finally land on the man standing before you and in an instant, you are breathless.
Park Jimin.
His dark chocolate eyes are warm and as beautiful as you’d remember them to be. You follow the line of his nose, focus on his plump and rosy lips, on the little smile that tugs them to the side.
He is as beautiful as ever, painfully so.
His hair is blonde now, a stark contrast to the raven mop you were used to. He is mesmerising in his new angel-like persona and you find your eyes glued on him, no matter how much you try to pull them away, fix them on anything else that is not him.
You fear he might just be the fruit of your own imagination, the final evidence that you’ve completely lost your mind and there is no hope for you now.
“Jimin?” Your voice is small, barely above a whisper and it seems to shake him, make him uncomfortable.
How many times have you said that name before, whispered it over and over again in the despair of the aftermath of your break up? Maybe some of that agony still lingers in it to this day. Or maybe it’s your eyes and the way they already shine with tears and anguish.
He diverts his gaze first and your heart turns small in your chest. Does he regret calling your name now? Probably.
You do wonder, though, why did he even bother. He broke your heart two years ago, left you for another woman he loved more than you and never looked back so why… why would he?
Your thoughts halt as he opens his mouth again and the dulcet tone of his voice brings warmth to your entire being.
“How are you?” It’s a simple question but it elicits a bitter laugh out of you. You’d love to ask him why does he even care but you don’t dare to. Pathetic as it may be, you don’t want this moment to end already.
“You’ve lost a lot of weight,” he adds when you don’t retort anything and you can almost make out a hint of guilt in his voice.
“What are you doing here?” You decide to respond because, really, you need an answer because your heart is going all crazy in your chest and your mind is getting funny and dangerous thoughts that shouldn’t be there at all.
He knows this place is around your house, he knows you come here frequently because you always did, even when you were together.
You haven’t seen him in two years. Not a single glimpse of him and now, all of a sudden, he happens to be here?
It looks almost as if he was hoping to run into you.
No. No. You can not think like that. No.
“I…” Jimin grimaces, fixes his eyes on his shoes for a second before lifting his gaze back up to your face, “I was hoping we could talk, actually.”
The fact that you were right does not settle your heart a single bit in fact, it sends your entire system into overdrive. Should you grasp that hope you’re starting to feel, keep it close and hang on to it to the very last second or should you let it go before it’s too late, before you’re left alone and broken once more?
Jimin sighs, shakes his head and dares a few steps towards you until you can almost feel the heat emanating from his body caressing your own.
Your breath hitches.
“Can we do this somewhere more… private?”
You would say no, that out here in the streets is perfectly fine but you can’t bring yourself to say it. Instead, you walk him to your apartment.
It’s stupid, you know it is. You should not let him rekindle with those familiar four walls, you should not spark up the memories of him being inside here to have them haunt you once more when he leaves.
Yet you do it all. You welcome him back in, you offer him a cup of coffee and in a few minutes, you are sitting at the table in your kitchen looking at each other in perfect silence.
“Were you looking for me?” You ask, eyes pointedly fixed on your cup so not to let your gaze linger too long on his beautiful and alluring face.
“Why? Is there something you need from me?”
Jimin takes in a sharp breath and you sense him fidgeting on his seat as he stares down at you.
“I realise we didn’t end things on a good note but do you really think that low of me?”
You’d like to say no but the truth is that you don’t know. He cheated on you, lied to you and then broke your heart and never looked back so why should you expect something different from him now?
“What do you want, Jimin?” Your voice trembles as your eyes fill with tears. The moment your gaze fixes on him, you are doomed.
The tears come pouring down and you don’t even bother to hide them, pull them away with your fingers and pretend they never happened.
Jimin’s gaze falls on his lap, a deep sigh escaping his parted lips. He looks… defeated and guilty and the sight shouldn’t pain you but it does.
A part of you wants to kick him out of your life once and for all yet another one wants to cling onto him until he promises to never disappear ever again.
“I’m sorry… for everything.” He lifts his gaze back on you and you are surprised to see his eyes glistening with tears. The remorse shines like stars in his eyes and it makes you feel even more complicated.
“I realise I don’t deserve forgiveness but I really regret how I ended things, how I acted before then even and all I did afterwards.”
He gulps down heavily, heaves out another sigh as if every word he is speaking him hurts him more than he is letting you see.
“It didn’t take me long to realise I made the biggest mistake of my life, you know?”
Your eyebrows furrow together, your knuckles turning white around your cup of coffee.
“I wanted to call you or even come here and beg you to take me back but I was so ashamed… Me and Natalie broke up after two months.”
Even the sound of her name on his mouth makes you want to throw up. All the hurt from that time comes rushing back down and you feel like you’re going to choke on it all over again.
You can’t do this, you can’t do this, you can’t do this.
You want to run away. Run away from him, from what he’s telling you, from whatever this is.
“Why are you telling me all this?”
“Because I… I never stopped thinking about you.”
“Please, Jimin… you have no right to do this to me again, please.” Your heart is bare before him as it always was but he had crushed it once so he could it again, over and over even if he only wanted to and that is why you are begging him not to. You are sure you can’t do it all over again.
“I-I know but…” he trails off, his hands grasping tight the table between the two of you and you realise how hard he is trying not to cut your distance short, place those hands around your frame and pull you into a hug.
“Why now? If you broke up with her immediately then why are you here now? It’s been two years, Jimin.”
“I know it’s selfish, ok? I know I don’t have any right and I’m glad you even gave me the opportunity to talk to you it’s just that… I still love you.”
His words break you apart.
You are crying before him, sobbing with the wrenching pain that takes you over completely.
You have been trying to forget him all this time and failing. You have tormented yourself for two years and now he is here to tell you it was all for nothing? That he still loved you like the very first day? Like you loved him still?
You can’t stand it.
His arms are around you and you try to push him away, you yell at him to let you go, you punch his chest and he lets you do it all, he takes it all while silently crying before you, head hung in shame.
You can’t stand this either.
“You broke my heart.” You whimper out and he nods his head, apologizes over and over again until your tears dry and your body relaxes in his familiar embrace.
“I know I don’t deserve you but please give me another chance, please.”
Why do you want to say yes so badly? Why don’t you have at least an ounce of respect for yourself or at least some self-preservation instinct?
“I will never let you go ever again.”
His whisper is full of promises and you’d love to believe him just like that but how can you? You are simply too scared, too hurt, too scarred by your past.
“Don’t do this to me, Jimin. Don’t tell me you love me, don’t tell me you made a mistake, don’t tell me you won’t ever let go of me again if you don’t mean it… Please don’t do this to me, I beg you.”
“But I do mean it, ________. I mean it with all my heart and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you if you’ll let me.”
You should kick him out and forget this ever happened but when his hands grasp your face and you look into his eyes again and see nothing but love and sincerity in them, you simply can’t.
And when he leans forward and you think you should push him away, you don’t and instead, you let him kiss you.
You let his lips mark yours, embrace them as they used to. You let his tongue dance with yours, you let his fingers grasp your frame, caress your skin and take over every single inch of you.
In an instant, you are his again and it doesn’t matter how much you scream to yourself that it is wrong, that you’ll regret it, that you shouldn’t be doing any of this you just can’t push him away.
Your fingers grab his hair, tug on it until he is whimpering in what you know to be pleasure and you pull him harder into you, force your bodies to press against each other until nothing stands between them, not even the fine air.
He undresses you in the kitchen and you let him, he kisses every inch of you and you let him and when he makes love to you, you scream his name over and over again not caring a single bit of who might hear you.
You are his. You always were and in the morning, when you wake up inside his embrace you start believing that maybe he is yours too, again.
You let yourself hope and maybe it’s a mistake in the long run but right now, you are the happiest you’ve been since he closed that door behind his back and you would not trade this with any other thing in the entire world.
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Copyright © 2020 by jeonggukingdom. All rights reserved. Do not repost, do not steal, do not translate without consent.
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scripting-life · 4 years
FFVII: returning to my first love
 *peeks out of the corner of my lurking spot*
Hello? Anybody out there? It’s only been, oh you know, four-ish years since the last time I’ve posted anything here. I apologize in advance for anybody who’s still following me from my Castle days. If you couldn’t tell from my extended absence, I’ve mostly moved on. Castle and Beckett were fantastic characters that let me to play with some deep-dive analyses, and Castle will always hold a special place in my heart as my comfort show and my first real and extended experience with online fandom. I’ll always be grateful to the community I’ve had the joy of interacting with (or, the community with which I’ve had the joy of interacting, as Castle would correct me my dangling preposition).
I honestly didn’t think I would ever have reason to come back to Tumblr after Castle ended. But the FF7 Remake has returned me to my very first love--when I was young and innocent and before I knew anything about OTPs or ship wars. I’ve been back lurking for several months now and seeing all the fanart/fanfics and fun theories and analyses has reignited my enthusiasm for the FF7 franchise. It’s also fun coming back to this franchise with a more mature understanding of the themes/concepts that completely flew over my head as a young preteen.
(This ended up being super long, so the rest is below the cut to spare everyone the pain of scrolling. Apparently, my rambling tendencies have not changed at all. lol.)
When FF7R was officially announced (five freaking years ago!), I was filled with apprehension. FF7 was my first taste of a “grown-up” game. I was 11 and played my brother’s copy of the OG on PC in 1-2 hours spurts on the weekends when I visited his apartment. It took me months, if not years, to finish the game (I ended up stealing his copy to play on our computer at home...lol), and I was so blown away by it. I remember the exact moment I finished it and how I was literally shaking as I watched the ending FMV.
Later, when I found out my brother had a copy of FF8 (my poor brother was so accommodating to his annoying little sister...haha), I was so excited to play, in large part because I thought it would continue the story of FF7. Young, naive me didn’t understand the numbering conventions of Final Fantasy titles. I was madly theorizing and breaking my brain trying to find connections between the two games’ plots and had literally played through more than half the game before I finally realized the storyline of FF8 had absolutely nothing to do with FF7. I was sorely disappointed, and I think that has somewhat tainted my appreciation of future titles. Not to say I haven’t enjoyed the subsequent FF titles, but I think a little part of me is always comparing them to that first experience of wonder and awe that I had with FF7.
I discovered fanfiction in my teens and starting writing FF7/Cloti fics in college. Aside from interacting with a few fic writers at the time, I was not involved in any online communities, so I kept myself pretty free of any ship war drama and the like. When I did research for my fics, I’d sometimes see shipping sites and theories where I didn’t always understand the logic of how certain conclusions were reached, but frankly, I didn’t much care and didn’t realize that Clerith vs. Cloti was such a touchy subject. I was peripherally aware that some sort great LTD war was waging, of course, but it didn’t really touch me. I stayed in my Cloti shipping/fic-writing lane and was probably a lot happier for it. And, to be honest, based on FFN’s listings for FF7, I felt like I always saw a bunch of Sephiroth/Cloud fics and thought that was just as popular as the more conventional ships.
Graduating college and entering “real life” pretty much ended my FF7 fanfic-writing journey. In the intervening years between college and the release of FF7R, I haven’t gone back to the OG too much. I’ve played almost all the Final Fantasy games since then, and I always enjoy getting my FF7 crew fix when I play the non-canon mobile games or the Kingdom Hearts franchise. But FF7 was a happy part of my teenage years, and I was content to think on it with sweet nostalgia.
Remakes, in recent experience (*cough cough* Disney, why?), have been hit or miss, with a lot of misses. It’s hard to strike a good balance between catering to nostalgia and delivering a fresh product, never mind the change in social mores through the decades. I was so afraid FF7R would screw up my memories, especially since I wasn’t the biggest fan of Advent Children. The graphics were great and the action scenes were fun, but the story felt like a let-down. Cloud, in particular, felt so different (and yes, moody) from where we left him after the OG. I understand now that a lot of his character motivation was better explained in the On The Way to a Smile novels, but back then, I just felt like AC came out of nowhere. 
Btw, because I see this question a lot on other blogs when I’m lurking, I’ve ALWAYS thought that it was very clear in AC--even without reading anything else--that the reason for Cloud’s depression was due to guilt and not because he was pining for Aerith. The only reason I didn’t like his characterization in AC was because it felt like it came out of nowhere since AC is set 2 years after OG and by the end of the OG, he seemed to be in a pretty decent place mentally and emotionally. That being said, I can absolutely understand why some traumas resurface years after the originating incident and how times of peace might actually be worse because he is no longer solely focused on saving the world, but I was just surprised and a little bummed that this was the direction the devs chose to take AC at the time. Now that I’m older, I do better appreciate the complexities of Cloud’s mental state and the fact that they depicted a hero with lingering mental health issues is actually pretty awesome. I’m drawn to characters that have flaws--sometimes serious ones--but try their best anyway. Hence, why why Tifa Lockhart and Kate Beckett are some of my all-time favorites.
Anyhow, that didn’t stop me from pre-ordering FF7R, of course. I avoided reading any reviews as I didn’t want my first impressions to be swayed, and boy, was I happy that I went in mostly blind. That sense of awe really almost felt like playing the OG for the first time again, but somehow more. The combat system is incredibly fun and the world-building is nothing short of incredible. The variety and abundance of NPCs gives the game so much flavor and the locations have been rendered so well. As I’m going through areas like the Sector 7 train station and Wall Market and Aerith’s house, I can almost superimpose the layout from the OG in my head, but now it’s in 3D and so rich and full. It’s obvious that a lot of attention was paid to details, and I love all the head-nods and homages to the OG.
And oh, the characters!
This is the Cloud I’ve been wanting to see in glorious HD and the Cloud I remember from the original game: all awkward, dorky trying to be cool, socially inept, mentally unstable, abrasive-at-times, reluctant to act depending on who’s asking, wannabe hard-ass who’s actually a big softie inside Cloud. I remember reading an article a few years back about how the devs basically redid Cloud for the Remake because they wanted him to go back to his dorky roots--which ends up making him closest to his personality in the OG than his appearances in other franchises--and I was SOOOO incredibly happy to hear that. I was so sick of the way Cloud was constantly depicted as this cool, broody McBrood in his cameos when he was a pretty big dork in the OG. (Anybody remember him doing squats in the Highwind when Tifa says it’ll be lonely with just the two of them and Cloud responds that he’ll make enough noise to make up for it? Like I said: cute, but a dork.)
I WAS surprised by how comfortable and sweet and touchy (so very very touchy) the devs made him with Tifa from the beginning. That initial scene of Cloud being such a smooth operator giving Tifa the flower had my jaw-dropping and every single flirty interaction after that (and there are many) had my Cloti heart overflowing in shock and bliss. Throughout most of my years as a Cloti shipper, even though I believed Cloti was supported by canon and pretty clearly together, I was also under the impression--mistakenly or not--that Cloti was the minority ship. So for Square Enix to make it so blatantly obvious that Cloud is really into Tifa at such an early stage has been an unexpected gift.
Also, they’re just really hot together. (Clotiscrew tunnel--be still my heart!)
As for Tifa...oh, what wonderful character development we’ve already gotten for Tifa. Tifa has always been one of my all-time favorite characters ever since reading her character blurb in the OG game manual. Initially, as a child, it was because I saw so much of myself in her. She was outwardly bright and optimistic, but tended to hide all of her stronger feelings inside. She fought with her fists, and for someone who was a tomboy growing up who liked playing contact sports with the boys, I connected with her in a way that I had never been able to connect with other female protagonists who were primarily back-row specialists. (I also aspired to grow to her listed height of 5′4″, which alas, did not happen...lol).
I love how the Remake delves into more of Tifa’s moral conflict between the destruction that she causes as part of Avalanche and needing to do something to stop Shinra, and yes, even seeking revenge. They touched on this in the OG lightly, but the Remake really hammers it home. She’s perhaps the most conflicted character in terms of motivation in Part 1. That scene with the Shinra manager on the train is actually one of my favorite scenes of her because it highlights that tension. The elevator scene, if you opted for it instead of the stairs (or if you did one, saved, and reloaded to do the other one, like me), is also underrated in terms of how much it reveals about Tifa’s inner struggle.
On this point, I also appreciate that the Remake has the characters reflecting on the damage they’ve both indirectly and directly inflicted--the Avalanche team all do this to a certain degree. In particular, Jessie’s constant inability to figure out what she’d done wrong with the bomb to cause such a massive explosion and her remaining feelings of guilt during her death scene (”they were my victims” ouch!) were heart-breaking.
Aerith’s depiction was another pleasant surprise. I’ll be honest; I didn’t much like her in the OG. She was too pushy and willfully oblivious to the point of being mean at times. In the Remake, much of her sometimes too in-your-face playfulness was kept--perhaps still a little too much--but I appreciate the nuance that they gave her. The train graveyard scene tells the player that she didn’t have friends growing up, and I think that partially contributes to her lack of social tact at times. The other factor that gives her personality more nuance is the hint of special knowledge that affects how she interacts with the rest of the group. It gives her additional hidden motivation and adds to her mystery for new players while simultaneously pulling at the heartstrings for old players who get the impression that Aerith is somehow aware--to a certain, unknown extent--of her own fate. 
I also appreciate that Aerith is more grounded as a real person than as some sort of revered being. I do blame AC for some of that. When you have the power to cure a fatal disease from the afterlife and send the dead back to life, it gets into some godlike territory. Maybe it’s a fair depiction of her powers as a Cetra, but I just get the feeling that Aerith herself wouldn’t really appreciate being made into this goddess-like figure. Remember that her character blurb in the original game manual implied that she was more interested in earthly things (i.e. the love triangle) than in exploring her own powers. I personally think that Aerith used the “love triangle” in the OG as a form of escapism from the weight of her burdens rather than genuine interest, and I just think she’d want to be thought of as a person rather than as a god. One of my favorite scenes for Aerith is when she and Cloud are traversing the rooftops and she slips on the ladder, letting out a simple, “Shit.” It humanizes her in a way that combats some of the ways she’s sort of been deified in the last 23 years. Also, Aerith wielding a folding chair like it’s WWE never fails to make me laugh. Overall, she just comes off as a more reasonably flawed and--as a result, to me--a more likeable character in the Remake, and I do very much like her now.
Barret is pretty much the exact larger than life character I imagined in my head, only somehow even better, and I really love how expressive and emotional his eyes and facial expressions are. His scenes with Marlene are truly the cutest thing ever. Red XIII is a big, furry ball of sass, and I need so much more of him in the coming parts (Cosmo Canyon still wrecks me to this day). The interactions between the Wedge, Biggs, and Jessie are incredible, and they really feel like people who’ve been friends and basically each other’s family for years. The Turks and Rufus are pretty much as cool as I imagined them in the OG.
There’s still so much more I haven’t even started touching on about the Remake, and I think that’s why I’m finally posting this now. I just can’t contain my love for this game any more, and I really really need a place to express myself. I don’t know if anybody is still reading, but I appreciate having the opportunity to finally gush about this game and franchise that I’ve loved so much for pretty much two-thirds of my life.
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bdneiceme · 5 years
Every year, at the end of the year, I always do a reflection of what the year has taught me. More recently I began writing Facebook posts, but 2019 taught me so much that I figured a blog would be much better...
2019, all in all, wasn’t a bad year at all. Uncomfortable? Extremely! Bad? No. I will say, it definitely wasn’t “my year”. I grew in ways that I could of never guessed. I hit record lows, but I gracefully recovered. And with God’s grace I’ll be blessed to enter into the last year of my 20s next week. So here are some take-a-ways that I learned.
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1. Rejection is necessary. I can honestly say, my life has been extremely easy for the most part. The life I’ve experienced doesn’t hold a candle to some of my friends. It was imperative that I understood the string of losing, and constantly losing at that, so that I could appreciate how much life has been a breeze. I have seen more closed doors this year than ever in my life. I was angry. I was pissed. It was everybody else, and never me. It became a lot...It wasn’t until I talked to God that I understood that the rejection was protection. Even though the closed door looked like the end of the World, what was on the side coulda been way worse. Learning to take rejection and not turn it inward is an uphill battle, but 2019 definitely equipped me to better navigate those feelings. I’m grateful.
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2. Love isn’t enough. With Disney+ shaking the table and having all streaming sites shook, it’s a good time to revisit a lot of our favorite childhood movies. When I was a Therapist I would refer to the “Disney effect” that many Millennials, in my opinion, are cursed with. We saw so many Princesses fall in love, go through trauma, but in the end true love prevailed. In my own opinion, we allowed Disney to romanticize some downright awful relationship standards and through some fairy tale music to it. And now many of us still follow under the unction that “true love” will always be enough. I believed it too, until it wasn’t. I found myself in a relationship this year that I was literally blindsided with. I ignored all logic and hanging out a few times a week turned into a year and half of complete and utter bullshit. Time wasted because love wasn’t enough. That little voice, the pit in your stomach, the lump in your throat...that’s not fear of commitment. That’s God literally giving you signs that, “This ain’t it Chief!” Listen to it ! If you start allowing it, you’ll have to continue to allow it and you don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve that. So I cleaned the slate. I pay T-Mobile every month for an alarm clock, but that’s okay. The peace I have is so much greater. I guess my first point goes hand-in-hand with this one. Though I felt rejected, I THANK GOD FOR HIS PROTECTION ! I’m grateful. P.S. Don’t become what hurt you !
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3. “No new friends”. When Drake released that track I instantly caught an attitude. At the time, my new friends was better than my old ones and I didn’t get it. Until I did. I felt so alone this year. Not depressed. Just alone. This year I had to depend on me. I didn’t have the support that I desired, I wanted. I went through some of the darkest moments of my life alone. This isn’t a jab at my friends, but I had no idea how much I needed to be alone. I needed to depend on me and only me. I had to be isolated. I didn’t need anyone to try to sugarcoat the reality of me at a fork in the road. I couldn’t afford to fallback into the same pattern of things. Truth is some of the closest people to you will stunt your growth because they don’t want to see you grow, because what happens when they outgrow you? So they plant seeds by telling you it’s everybody else and not you. So while you stay stagnant, they grow, and eventually they’re the ones that outgrow you ! I thought I was abandoned. Friends that I thought I could lean on, I realized quickly, they were not my friends. Friends I had for years were now acquaintances. I was alone. But in those moments, I found me. I had the tough conversations about my own toxic, negative behavior, and in those moments I became a better version of myself. And now I’ve met me again. I’ve been able to meet people,and let my own guard down, who really do care about little ole me. I’ve rekindled friendships that I hindered, some hindered me. But all-in-all, I’m grateful.
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4. The power of no. I give great advice. Like really good, but I don’t always listen to my own, but I do give it. I had to learn to say no. This year I felt so drained, until I started saying no. I really do think it means something when someone calls when they could of called anybody. But in the same breath, can you call them? Because of that little revelation I’ll tell someone in a heartbeat now, HELL NO ! Lol but serious when I’m not in a good head space, I tell people I’m sorry, I can’t today, we’ll have to talk about it later. I’m not losing my own sanity so you can process through yours. I’m not caring the weight of your burdens so I can weigh my own self down. I can’t. I won’t. Stress literally triggers so many physical responses that I literally started dealing with my anxiety again. Like can’t breath, gotta take a walk or a drive because I’m so overwhelmed, overstimulated. So I learned to say no. The attitudes will catch you off guard initially, but the freedom of ‘no’ goes a long way. My phone LIVES on DND 🤧 because I’m allowed to be selfish with my time. I’m allowed to not want to hear bad news. My spirit feels lighter. My mind stop racing, I was able to rest, all because I learned the power of no. I’m grateful.
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5. Silence is golden. My mother used to tell me all the time that just because something needs to be said doesn’t mean you have to be the spokesperson. Earlier in the year I defended someone who I truly do care about. Ch...I got called everything but a child of God after I did it lol. It doesn’t matter what was actually said, because of my personality anything I say or do is always dragged to the 10th degree. So by the time I read through texts and phone calls, I was, yet again, the wrong one. But the situation taught me that because people already have so many preconceived notions about who and what we are anyway, why waste my time, energy and breath. Learning to silence myself and let things be what they’ll be has truly been a journey. I internalize a lot. Like a lot. I genuinely like to be liked by people. But this year I learned those committed to misunderstanding you will always do just that. I may do some off the wall stuff but my heart is pure. I’ve helped people who have slandered my name and I never told a soul what they did to me, and never will. As sure as I’m writing this blog, it’ll come out. It always does. But I what I have to learn to do is not allow someone to pull that type of behavior out of me. I even started going back to therapy because of it. I’m learning. I’m growing. I’m grateful.
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6. It’s okay to be mad, just don’t stay mad. I’ve spent so much of my life bitter. Truth is I wasn’t over so many of the things that were done to me and instead of telling someone I let it turn me bitter. I was angry. I was hurting. I saw so many of my peers have people to lean on and mentor them through the processes and then there was me....I hated it. I still felt like a 6 year old little girl some days. As a child, I was talked about like I was grown. So once I got older, I learned to snap back 10x harder to ensure the disrespect would never occur again. You hurt my feelings? Cool, I’ll demolish yours. 🤷🏽‍♀️ But at 28 who tf wants to live like that? I wasn’t raised like that. It was draining. Then people looked at me to be the bitter one. You know the “jokes” they tell but in all actuality it’s the shade they don’t want to say flat out. It was my narrative. I was sick of it. Letting that fester....it ate at me. I had to give it to God. I always desired to be like everybody else until God touched my heart. It’s a process, but I’m better ! He’s healing me. Working on me. Allowing me the unique opportunity to grow through my own issues has allowed me to give grace to others for theirs. I’m grateful.
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7. I’m sorry. I’m ending the blog with 7 points because this one is the most important. I’m learning to take responsibility for my own mistakes. Having the courage to embrace my own shortcomings. I apologize to those I ridiculed, betrayed, lied to, beat up 🥴, humiliated, embarrassed and disrespected. I know this doesn’t excuse the offense, but from the bottom of my heart I’m sorry. In my own disappointments and insecurities I took it out on you, and that you didn’t deserve. Learning to swallow your own pride makes room for the blessings you let pass you by, because your heart wasn’t in the right place. My heart is healing and I literally squirm thinking about some of my past behaviors. At the time, I meant every bit of it, because I was operating from a hurt place. I never gave myself an apology for the person I was trying to survive. I’m trying. Learning to not allow what happened to me, consume me. Forgiving myself for every mistake. Owning who I am and who I am called to be. I don’t want to turn 40 and then start living life 😕 I want to do it now. But I couldn’t get to it because I was my own stumbling block. God has a funny way of humbling you, but what he will do is just that, humble you ! And because of that humility, I can now let some light in I know how wrong I was, but the glory is...it’s a process...but I’m grateful.
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I made sure to end every point with ‘I’m grateful’ because I truly am grateful. I’m grateful for it all. The good. The bad. The ugly. I’m grateful. Why? Because I’m still here, so that means it didn’t kill me. It could of, but it didn’t ! This year, this decade....taught me so much. My goodness my 20s taught me some things okay lol but I thank God for the grace He gave me to try to get it right. I’m ready for Scene 29 and I am beyond ready to see what 2020 has to offer ! I deserve it ! Be grateful !
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 5 years
Nice Guy Adrien the Musical Outline - ACT II
→ The second half of this act from “Meant to Be Yours” to “Breathin” has been adapted into my fic “Bewitched,” for those who want a better idea of how things would play out.
→ In “Bewitched,” Viperion has a hypnosis power, which I refer to as “Snake Eyes” in my other work “The One to Make It Stay.” This was because this was written prior to “Party Crasher” airing, so we didn’t know what the snake’s power would be. I think “Second Chance” could still be used in this scenario, but I’ll leave it vague for the time being.
→ Like I said before, I’m going to write Act II with Marinette being akumatized into Bewitched in mind. Now, it should be possible to akumatize Marinette into something else and have roughly the same outcome, depending on the powers that you give her. Anyway, Bewitched’s outfit is a slightly altered version of this one that NS Yoon G wears in the music video: 
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However, I changed the bottom half of the outfit to be more appropriate for a fourteen year old girl, so instead, she’s either wearing a black tulle mini skirt (which would fall just above her knees) or black biker shorts of the same length. Underneath them, she’s wearing black and white striped leggings similar to this outfit:
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As well as black boots and lots of chunky, spiked jewelry, and a black witch’s hat on top. She hides her akumatized object in her blouse pocket. So, yes, her akumatized form is essentially cosplay of NS Yoon G, but toned down for a fourteen year old girl.
Act II opens with the students having returned to school after break (either for All Saints or Christmas, depending on how much time has passed since the beginning of school), and classes in session. Adrien has been none stop trying to text Marinette and get her attention, but to no avail. She has blocked his number by this point, and he’s resorted to contacting her through other social media sites and apps. Despite trying to flaunt his relationship with Lila in Marinette’s face, it seems to have entirely backfired, and at some point, Adrien broke things off with her. Alya continues to play cheerleader for Team Adrinette, but we see signs of wariness from Nino. Bustier’s class is going to discuss Romeo and Juliet, but everyone seems more interested in the status of Ladybug and Chat Noir. A fan sent in a video of Chat confessing his love to Ladybug and sent it in to the Ladyblog, where it was immediately posted. Adrien decides that this is his opportunity to make big romantic gestures to Marinette and win her over. However, Marinette has decided to move seats by this point to keep Adrien away from her, and is now in the back. He doesn’t have as many opportunities to talk to her. As class begins, Ms. Bustier calls for everyone to return to their seats so they can start discussing the reading. Alix makes a comment about how Romeo and Juliet has the lamest, most nonsensical plot she’s ever read. Everyone gasps, clearly offended and asks how she could say something like that. (I Hate Shakespeare)
The school day comes and goes, and once again, we find ourselves at Chloe’s hotel. She is relaxed upstairs, turning her bedroom into a summer simulation of sorts. She’s being waited on by Sabrina and Jean, while complaining about the events of the day (“Ugh, Adrikins has been so weird lately! First, he said he liked Dupain-Cheng, of all people! Then, he decided to date that girl with the sausage hair just to make her jealous. And now he’s pretending it didn’t even happen?” “That discussion we had about the play today was utterly ridiculous!”) To wash away the events of the day, Chloe has ordered a full day of pampering for herself, including a trip to the spa. She’s even nice enough to arrange a package for Sabrina and Jean. After all, she needs them in tip-top shape. (Fabulous)
Gabriel has been noticing an increase in negative energy lately. He thinks it’s his chance to evilize someone into his most powerful akuma yet. Adrien returns home from school in a rather snappy mood, complaining about a girl. This makes Gabriel pause for a moment. He’s a bit worried that his akuma might end up picking the girl that rejected Adrien and going after him. However, he can’t afford to just give up on saving his wife, either. He won’t let anything stand in the way of reuniting with her, not even his own feelings. Surely, Adrien would understand someday. (Standing)
Adrien is frustrated about how things aren’t going his way. He’s messaged Marinette about 273 times in the past week, and hasn’t gotten a single response or reaction from her. He even had to give up on Operation: Jealousy, because it made her less interested in him. How is that even possible, he wonders to himself. Plagg points out that if Adrien continues this behavior, the Master might decide to pull his miraculous away, but Adrien isn’t convinced. How else are they going to defeat Hawkmoth? And speaking of his power, he decides it’s time to pay Marinette a visit. Plagg is against using Chat to get close to Marinette/Ladybug, but he doesn’t listen and uses his freedom and mobility to find her. (Macavity Part 2)
Marinette, tired of the influx of messages and how Adrien won’t leave her alone, decides she can no longer handle being Ladybug. She heads over to Fu’s and lets him know that she can’t afford to be Ladybug, since she’s at such high risk of being akumatized. She’s returned the earrings to Kagami, and told her to meet Fu, because she can’t handle it anymore. Fu tries to convince her otherwise, but Marinette won’t change her mind. Running out of the room in tears, Marinette laments how everything could have gone so wrong. Maybe Lila was right. Maybe she was cursed. What an irony, she thinks to herself. (No Good Deed)
As Marinette is running home, she ends up stopping in front of a store with some mirrors. An image flashes in her head - her as Ladybug. She tries to go for a quick change to get rid of it, and takes out her hair ribbons, stuffing them into her pocket. Before she can get any closer to home, Chat pops in, and after her avoiding him all day. Once again, he proclaims his love for her, reminding her that he’s dumped Lila, so there’s nothing standing in their way now. Then he realizes she’s been crying. Marinette snaps and tells him he’s the problem. There’s back and forth arguing until Kagami appears as Ryukōun, and tells Chat to back off. The two of them get into a fight as Marinette runs off, not sure where to go. Hawkmoth akumatizes her into Bewitched (not shown on stage/screen until next scene) and she promises him that by morning, neither Chat nor Ladybug will be a problem. (Meant to Be Yours)
The next day at school, everyone is gathered outside to share gossip, with quite a few people surrounding Lila as she launches her next story. Adrien quickly finds Nino and Alya and relays what happened the previous evening. Alya assures Adrien that things will turn out alright, but Nino points out his concerns with Adrien’s behavior. Before a full fight can escalate, Bewitched enters the scene and blasts Lila with her curse beam and frightens everyone around her. Bewitched forces Lila to tell the truth, lest she get hurt by her own words. Lila ends up revealing that she and Ladybug were never friends and that the interview she did for Alya when she first arrived was a lie. Bewitched then goes on to curse Alya to always or do the wrong thing, and turns Nino into her familiar. As the scene goes on, more and more students get either cursed or familiarized (Nino and Juleka are absolutely spared; Nino because he defended Marinette’s honor and Juleka because Bewitched doesn’t want to upset Luka). Adrien, Kagami, Felix and Chloe all manage to escape prior to getting hit by Bewitched. (Reason to Become a Witch)
Managing to get far away enough from Bewitched, both Kagami and Felix berate Adrien for his actions. If he just left Marinette alone after the rejection, things wouldn’t have turned out like this. Kagami points out that he doesn’t deserve the ring, completely outing Adrien as Chat Noir. Luka arrives on the scene and is caught up by everyone. He is not pleased and calls Adrien out for being so selfish. He’s even less pleased when it’s revealed that Adrien only became interested in Marinette after it was revealed that she was Ladybug. Before the fighting can escalate, Kagami decides to split up the group. She gives the snake miraculous to Luka and Felix, telling them to go after Bewitched, while she and Adrien go and give Chloe the bee. (Congratulations)
Kagami and Adrien arrive to give Chloe the bee. However, a bit of arguing causes the cat to be let out of the bag, and now Chloe is in on the secret identities (both Ladybug and Chat). She is infuriated by Adrien and how ugly his attitude has gotten. And disappointed in herself after realizing that doing nothing didn’t stop any akuma victims. That was the wrong thing to do in this case, she realizes. Instead, she needs to work on standing up to people like that and use the power that she has to her advantage. She’s going to be the hero that Ladybug, no, Dupain-Cheng, believed she could be. (Ugly Heart)
Luka and Felix run into Bewitched. Felix saves Luka from getting hit, but becomes a familiar. Queen Bee, Ryukōun and Chat Noir arrive on the scene, but Chat’s ego quickly causes him to lose the cat miraculous to Felix after Bewitched turns Queen Bee’s power against them. Luka transforms into Viperion while Alya arrives on the scene to apologize. Satisfied, Bewitched familiarizes her. Using his power, Viperion is able to calm down Bewitched and convince her to give up the akuma. After Kagami purifies it, she, Luka and Felix all take Marinette home. After the long day, Marinette tries to find ways to make herself fall asleep, but the events of the day weigh heavy on her mind, and she’s anxious as to what comes next. (Breathin)
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yourultraarchive · 5 years
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Reply to @prurientpuddlejumper​ on this ask:
I’m sorry you’re frustrated or if I offended you somehow, but to be frank I don’t appreciate the tone you’re using here. However, to answer you anyway:
> they def meant the links to these alleged "online generators," because I am in the same boat as anon
First of all, unless you ARE that anon, I don’t think you can say they “def” meant anything, since they never came back to clarify, and I did try my best to answer them the first time, and I seemed to have helped since they didn’t come back to report any problems with my answer.
Second of all, “alleged”? That’s very rude. Just because you cannot see them on tumblr mobile, does not mean they do not exist. Plenty of other people have used them just fine, as evidenced by the many posts submitted to this blog. And as the last two people who’ve asked about mobile access before never came back with problems, I can only assume they simply went on the desktop site to use the generators instead of accusing me that it’s not accessible at all.
>  post after post about how you updated the UI or whatnot with no link to the thing you updated
It was only two posts (so far anyway), and if you read them closely, you may have noticed I said I was only working on new updates, that they weren’t done, and that they aren’t out yet. And also that “the current generators are still up” so that people have a fully functional version of the generator to use, even if it’s not as pretty as the update is going to be. So no, there is no “link to the thing I updated”, because it’s not done yet. And as the point of the post was about the updates-to-come, I saw no need to promote a link to the generators that are currently available. Seeing as you want that though, I shall go correct those posts and link it, for your and future readers’ convenience.
I apologize for the misunderstanding, if I wasn’t clear enough about the updates being a work-in-progress. I was just trying to update my actual followers (of which I noticed that you are not one) that I was working on stuff, since this blog is usually pretty quiet.
> I REALLY wanna see it, and am growing increasingly frustrated about how much work you're pouring into this *thing* without giving mobile users any way to *access it*.
Again, I’m sorry this is frustrating to you, and you do bring up some legitimate feedback about the mobile accessibility. As I mentioned, I’ve answered at least two asks about this issue before, but since it’s been a few years and phones have definitely gotten more powerful I can look into developing a proper mobile version. But a lot of issues come up with making a mobile version, namely UI and responsive design (because I’d have to account for both vertical and horizontal orientation, and again I reiterate that UI design is hard), dynamic coding/image generation/data input/font importing and styling/etc., and how to save the actual generated image or at the very least the export/import save data for later use on a desktop browser. It takes a lot of work (more than most people realize, I imagine), so if you would like to help with that, let me know, otherwise you have no right to shame me for not making a mobile version, taking my time, or doing any of this.
As it is, you can actually still access the generator on mobile, just not tumblr mobile. You just have to go to a browser on your phone (there’s a reason my URL is so simple). However, as mentioned above, the template was not designed with mobile in mind, so all the fonts and effects and arrangement on the template itself just looks... not like it’s supposed to. Which, again, is part of the issue with the design, but at least you can access it on mobile, against your claims that you cannot.
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Also, I mainly made this a desktop site because of how large the dimensions of the template are, in order to make sure the text is visible/legible even in the downsized preview image. Even when I view the template on my phone, I have to zoom in a lot, and with the current live version of the online generators, it would have made scrolling around to input data annoying. The PSDs, as well, would be inaccessible on mobile as far as I know (if Photoshop Mobile has improved enough to handle all the layers, masks, and effects, I’m unaware) so it was a conscious decision to make this whole thing desktop-only when I first started this blog several years ago.
> Even the "downloads" link you just shared just redirects back to this same page. Which is probably because you've hidden all the links away in "pages" which are completely invisible and inaccessible on the mobile app
It’s very much tumblr’s fault, and I really should have thought of that at first, but again, it was a conscious decision to make this a desktop site. Even if I made rebloggable/viewable posts with the links in them (which I plan to do soon, if only to satisfy mobile users like you), only the PSD download links would work (but again, not sure how well downloading PSDs work on mobile devices), as the tumblr app will still loop back to the blog, since the online generator is still one of those blog “pages”. And that is not changing for as long as I don’t have the time or money to host it on its own domain.
I can’t change the fact that tumblr mobile doesn’t automatically open blog pages in an external browser, so the only solution I can offer you is to take the extra step to copy the url and go into your mobile device’s actual internet browser, or just go to your browser and type in my URL manually.
If you actually couldn’t access the templates at all (which should not be an issue if you “REALLY wanna see it” given that not only did I offer you explanations and solutions for the tumblr app problem, but also that it IS accessible on desktop and you reasonably could have just gone on a computer) or had any other problem with them, I have made no stranger of myself and have always been open to help people. They have been polite or nice when they do talk to me, and I’ve always tried to be cordial in return. Your feedback is legitimate, and I appreciate it, but you really could have worded your implied suggestion a little better. And to be quite honest, I was offended by the rudeness of your reply, especially when you called my hard work a “*thing*”. Those asterisks imply a very negative tone, in case you weren’t aware.
I get the impression that you think that your demand will be fulfilled right away if you make enough fuss about it, but I’m not going to be manipulated or guilt-tripped because you feel bad. Maybe you don’t mean it that way, but you can “grow increasingly frustrated” all you want, because not only am I working on this for free, on my free time, and by myself, but I am also not doing this for you. You’re right that I am pouring a lot of work into this, as much work as any fan artist or fanfiction writer will put into their own works, and I’m very proud of it (both as it is now and what it will be in the future) and I have fun working on it, but this is not my job. And you’re not paying for a service.
I’m not working for anyone, and I have no reason to have made more than I originally did--originally I only made the student template PSDs for some friends, and the generator (which seems to be my most popular template, even though my original focus was on the PSDs) only came about because one of my friends didn’t have Photoshop. And I wasn’t even going to release either of them to the public, but I did, and the villain ones came over a year later because of this blog and the people who follow it. No one asked for a user interface update (in fact, more people have asked for a pro hero template), but I’m doing it anyway because I can and I want to. That’s all this boils down to. Also my free time (if you hadn’t noticed, everything on my blog runs on a queue, and when I do queue stuff it’s usually like 3am or so--including right now... it’s currently 5am actually) and motivation (I’m well aware of how few people actually use the templates compared to how many people follow and reblog the posts, and honestly it’s a little discouraging). So if I do make a mobile version, be aware that it won’t be coming out for a very long time. (Also, I think you’re the only one in several years who has complained about it, and you are literally 1 in... what, 3000+ people? Judging by the number of notes on the original post I made when I started the blog and my current number of followers. And again, you’re not even one of them. So to be honest, I’m really not motivated to work on this quickly.)
If you want it faster? Being nice when you show your interest helps, it’s how I got encouraged to make the villain templates. Though I never asked for much other than patience. Or at the very least, the respect any fandom content creator deserves--I may not be cranking out fanart daily or new chapters of a fanfiction weekly or anything, but I am still providing the fandom with something they can enjoy at no cost. And like reviews on fics or comments on art, many people have expressed that they’re grateful the templates and generators exist at all, unlike you, which is really the reason this blog continues to exist and the generators/templates to be updated with new and improved features. I could have just left my original template generator up there and abandoned it, but I know how it feels to find out a fanart you loved years ago was deleted or a really good fanfic was discontinued. So I’ll continue to work on it, and yes I’ll put mobile compatibility for the generators on my to-do list, but I’ll do it at my own pace.
Also I’m not making money off of this, but hey, if you wanna give me incentive that way, hop into my DMs or something and we’ll talk, but I’ve never asked for donations or anything and I don’t plan to. The generators and templates are free for use, and most of that is because of tumblr, which gave it a platform and a home. If I hosted it on its own domain, I’d need a means to pay for that, and I’m personally not invested enough to do that when tumblr is free and works well enough.
If you or anyone else wants to help change that, come talk to me, the ask box is always open.
Otherwise, please visit this blog page on a desktop browser or at the very least something that isn’t just the tumblr mobile app, because nothing can be done about mobile compatibility right now, and I’d hate for you to miss out on seeing the templates. Hopefully I can look forward to whatever you will create with it.
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ladyofcreation · 6 years
Upset with Lila and her classmates, Marinette wrestles with herself over whether she's justified in her feelings, and finds herself saved from akumatization by one of the last people she ever would've expected to come to her aid.
I know, I know, everyone and their mother has been writing a salt fic in response to the Chameleon preview. Here's mine, just before the episode comes out.
Kagaminette (Kaganette? Marigami? Geez portmanteaus are troublesome), because I can.
Spoilers, obviously.
Tumblr is apparently making it difficult to find posts containing off-site links, so the “AO3 link” below is actually a link to the post with the link to the fic on AO3. Apologies for the inconvenience, but I would like my work to show up in tags.
Edit: apparently that didn’t work (and the in-site link doesn’t work on mobile, either). So I’ve edited it to be under a cut instead, since it’s short enough.
Things looked different from the back of the classroom.
Marinette often people-watched – it was good for inspiration. Of course, usually she did that by going out to popular public places, tourist attractions, and the like. Not her own classroom. But it was difficult to concentrate on learning when she felt like she had just tried to step on a step that wasn’t there, and about to tumble.
The way everyone had looked at her…for something she hadn’t even said…
She couldn’t think about that. She’d only get angry again, and then she’d do something stupid that’d only make things worse.
But it was so unfair!
But what could she complain about, really? Everyone else was happier in this arrangement. Everyone else got to sit by who they wanted to. If only one person had to be alone, then that was better, strictly speaking.
Though no one had been unhappy with the previous seating arrangement. Though it was so obvious that Lila had manipulated the situation to sit by Adrien.
But everyone else had gotten what they’d wanted out of it. And really, if she’d been there when they’d discussed the seat changes, wouldn’t she have ended up offering to sit in the back herself to make the others happy?
But they didn’t discuss it with her. They’d just sprung it on her without warning. Not even Alya, Alya who’d helped her fight for that seat in the first place…
She was getting upset again. She had to calm down. And if she stayed here, that wasn’t going to happen. Marinette excused herself to the bathroom.
She only made it as far as the locker room, before she became overwhelmed. She sank down against the lockers, hunched up on her knees as she let out a wordless noise of frustration and clenched her fists.
Why, why, why?
Weren’t they her friends? Hadn’t they always been there for her before? Hadn’t she always been there for them? Why, then, were a few fake tears from Lila all it took for them all to turn on her?
Something whizzed past the side of her head, and Marinette jumped, coiling into a fighting position. She didn’t know who or why or what, but she knew immediately that someone had thrown something at her. A foil, she registered half a second later, the object quivering as it stuck out between the lockers; someone had thrown a freaking fencing foil at her.
No…not at her, Marinette realized with growing terror as she saw the akuma pinned under its point. At the akuma.
It had been so close, and she hadn’t even noticed…she could’ve been…
She tried to force herself to be calm, to breathe, but the voice that spoke did nothing to help with that.
“So what’s going on?” Kagami said bluntly. Marinette turned to her, still keeping her eyes on the struggling akuma.
“Nothing! It’s nothing, really.” Of all the people to find her here, why did it have to be the Ice Queen herself? Of course this just had to be one of the times she was here for an early solo fencing lesson. This was the last thing Marinette needed when she could be akumatized any second now.
Kagami gestured at the pinned akuma. “Clearly not.”
“I just need to calm down,” Marinette said, more to herself than Kagami. “And you should go! In case I, in case it…”
“It’s not going anywhere,” Kagami said, again gesturing towards the akuma.
“I…” Marinette said, switching her gaze between the akuma and Kagami. She frowned. “How come it didn’t get absorbed into the blade?”
“Perhaps because, unlike you, I’m not upset at the moment,” Kagami said.
Marinette was…safe. Papillon couldn’t get her. She could…be angry, without risking the safety of the city. She was allowed to be angry, now, just this once. A weight that she hadn’t even realized she was carrying was eased, and perhaps it was that sense of relief and freedom that caused her to spill out her frustrations, when normally Kagami would’ve been one of the last people Marinette would’ve wanted to tell her troubles to.
“It’s…it’s this girl! No, my whole class. She waltzes in, telling these stupid, obvious lies – saved Jagged Stone’s kitten, what a laugh – and everyone believes her! No one questions her but me, and then I’m the bad guy because she makes a sad face! And all because of her, everyone switches the seats around and send me to the back without even asking. And maybe it’s stupid to be so worked up about a stupid seat, but this girl drives me crazy when she just…gets everything she wants with lies and tears, and everyone hates me because I don’t play along. And there’s nothing I can do about it, because the second I call her out, she’ll cry about how mean I am!”
Marinette exhaled, for a moment enjoying the catharsis of letting out her frustrations. But anxiety flooded back in an instant later as she remembered that she was not alone, venting to Tikki, but that Kagami was there with her. She looked up at the other girl, worried that she was going to be laughed at. But Kagami simply stood there as neutrally as ever, and offered her hand to help Marinette up.
“Better now? Because I do need that back,” she said, indicating the foil still pinning down the akuma.
Marinette blinked, as her world was turned on its head with the realization that she had entirely misjudged Kagami before.
Unable to find her words, Marinette accepted Kagami’s hand, her eyes never leaving hers as she was pulled to her feet. Marinette wondered how she had ever thought of Kagami as an ice queen. Because while her voice may have been cool, and her manner aloof, her eyes…
…Her eyes were so warm.
Kagami had shown her kindness in her own way. She had saved Marinette from becoming akumatized, even at risk to herself – had her bid to trap the akuma failed, she would’ve been the first victim to whatever Marinette would’ve become. She’d let Marinette rant and listened to her troubles without any reason to.
“Y…yeah. I’m nine fow…fine now!” Marinette managed.
Kagami withdrew her hand, and Marinette immediately missed its warmth.
“Good,” she said, and retrieved her blade. Weakly, the akuma flew away, and Kagami turned back to Marinette.
“When your usual technique isn’t working against an unfamiliar opponent, you step back, and analyze their technique. Find their weak points, and then strike back when they least expect it. Stay focused, and don’t concern yourself with the spectator’s jeers; it will only distract you.”
Marinette considered the advice. It made sense, of course – it was not unlike how she fought supervillains as Ladybug. But was it right to treat this like a battle?
Perhaps it was worth a shot. After all, she was good at turning battle to her advantage, and it made sense to work with her strengths.
“Thank you,” Marinette said.
Kagami nodded, and turned to leave.
Marinette wasn’t sure what possessed her to do it, but she called out before Kagami vanished.
“Kagami! Uh…um…” she hesitated as Kagami turned back to her, waiting. “Would you, maybe, like to have lunch with me later?”
Kagami looked surprised, and internally, Marinette panicked. Why had she asked that? They weren’t friends or anything, just because Kagami had been nice to her this once, didn’t mean that she wanted to hang out. Now she was just going to think Marinette was weird, and…
But to Marinette’s surprise, Kagami smiled softly, and Marinette felt a sudden warmth spread up from her chest to her cheeks as Kagami.
“I’d like that.”
“Oh…then…s…see you, then,” Marinette said, her composure slipping as Kagami walked away, and she shut her mouth before her words stopped working completely. Her cheeks felt like they were burning, but the rest of her felt comfortably warm.
“Are you going to be alright, Marinette?” Tikki said, poking out. “That was a really close call.”
“Yeah…yeah, I’m alright,” Marinette said, a little breathlessly. She continued to stand there, staring after where Kagami had disappeared.
“Marinette,” Tikki admonished, though there was a knowing smile on her face. “You should go catch up to that akuma before it ruins anyone else’s day.”
“Right!” Marinette said, snapping out of it. “Akuma. Let’s go, Tikki!” With a few words, she was soon sailing through the sky, chasing after the injured butterfly.
And for a moment, her troubles were forgotten, left behind on the ground.
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ceruleanchillin · 6 years
Modern Arthur Morgan x F!Reader
Note -  I just went to a word generator and took random words to use for plot ideas. It switches from the Reader to Arthur’s POV by segment (in case you get/got confused).
Annnnd, hooray for technologically illiterate, and borderline luddite, Arty.
Finally, I need to apologize to all the mobile users. It’s gotta be HELL scrolling past my shit in the tag ugh, I wish keep reading worked on mobile.😩
1. Rain
Arthur didn’t used to be too fond of the rain. It made travel hell on earth. If you were in a cold place, you froze. Hot place? It made you feel sticky, and teased you about feeling cooler. He didn’t understand why people were so in love with it. That was until he found a home.
The gang had worked long and hard to set themselves free from their former lives. Freedom looked like a sprawling, luxury ranch resort, staffed by former criminals. It amazed him that people were willing to pay big bucks to vacation the way he’d lived the majority of his life for free, but they were. He couldn’t knock the weirdness too much, because it allowed him to meet you, and gave him a place for a new start with you.
So he got it now. Why people enjoyed the rain so much. Sitting on a cozy living room’s window seat of the ground’s main house, your back to his as you dozed lightly, the rain painting the window next to you. He understood.
He looked down at you, and couldn’t stop what he’d been told was a “goofy” grin from spreading across his lips. You looked stunning, long lashes touching your cheek and lips pouting in dream concentration.
Absentmindedly, he ran his thumb across your cheek in soft swipes, enjoying the moment. He’d have to remember to draw this later.
You shifted lightly, paused to realize he’d been studying you, yawned cutely, and narrowed your eyes. “You watching me sleep Morgan?”
“Yes ma’am, you’re goddamn beautiful.”
“Translation, ‘I wanna fuck you on these new cushions-”
He quickly silenced you with a kiss, one that quickly devolved into laughter from both of you.
Yeah, Arthur Morgan could appreciate the rain. He would go so far as to say he downright loved it.
2. Bedroom
When people asked what you missed the most on your travels, it now came down to two answers. Arthur, and your bedroom.
The first one wasn’t surprising. In your five months working for the gang’s resort, you and Arthur had grown inseparable. The two of you let instinct and feeling be your guide, and it hadn’t disappointed you yet.
The second one was a bit more strange for most people. Being settled for most of their lives left them taking personal space, such as a bedroom, for granted. Residing with your new family had been the closest thing to settled you’d ever been. You found out it was pretty much the same for them, and Arthur shared your appreciation for a space away from constant prying eyes.
You burrowed your cheek into the pillow, trying to appreciate your bed and the sunrise at once. For the next three-and-a-half weeks, you would be in Australia, and would miss seeing the sunrise this way.
A warm arm came over your side, and you relaxed into the body attached to it. Arthur buried his face in your hair, his hold tightening when he breathed in.
“Your plane doesn’t leave til’ twelve, you trying to get away from me already?” he was teasing you, but you could still hear a slight edge to his tone. He respected your love of travel, but he missed you terribly when you were away from him.
You laced your fingers with his, and gave a tight squeeze. “Don’t even try it, you know I cry on the plane every time now. I didn’t do that before you.”
“I am both delighted and upset to hear that.” his voice was still colored by sleep, and somehow managed to hold a rougher tone to it.
“I suspect more of the former than the latter.”
He chuckled and moved his lips from his hair to your cheek. You hummed and sunk further into his warmth, allowing him to claim more of your skin with his kisses. The comfort of the bed, the warmth of Arthur, and the softness of his kisses, started to make you dizzy in the best way. Who knew Arthur Morgan was king at cuddling?
He pulled you under him, lips now on your own.
“I have to get ready, I told Mary-Beth I’d help her with giftshop duty before I leave.” very few of your words managed to surface between kisses, but you knew he’d heard you.
“Mary-Beth ain’t stealing my last few hours with you.” his reply was rough in tone, his next kiss firm to back up his point.
You felt your body abuzz with adoration for the man and his cute declaration. He was pouring how much he’d miss you into his actions. He wouldn’t outright declare he’d miss you, but he would show you.
Your hands danced across his back in gentle motions. “I’m going to miss you too Arthur.”
He didn’t respond, but he didn’t have to. His gaze said a lot, and his follow up kiss said whatever it left out.
When he pulled away, he touched his forehead to yours, eyes closed. You recognized his expression as one that said he wanted to tell you something, so you waited.
“I was thinking, you might be able to come home to find your bedroom in mine.”
It took you a moment, but you realized what he meant when the poor man’s expression got panicked. He wanted you to move in with him.
“I’m thinking I might like that.”
A look of relief crossed his handsome features, before he ducked his head by your ear. “I’m thinking you might like something else to.”
3. Dizzy
The most important moment of Arthur Morgan’s life came at 4:45 AM on a Saturday.
He hadn’t been expecting anything beyond seeing you for the first time in weeks. That’s all he needed to be honest. He hadn’t seen hide nor tail of you, with the exception of a frustrating FaceTime (was that what you called it?) that everyone felt they needed to be a part of, in two weeks.
Every other moment of communication boiled down to phone calls, and confusing texts (goddamn, why couldn’t you let him keep his flip phone?!).
Arthur was a simple man, and he liked his communication the same way. Nothing was more simple than talking to you face to face. He could hold you, see your face clearly, and not make a complete fool of himself for lacking poetic graces.
So when he got a call from you, asking him to pick you up from the airport a week ahead of schedule, he nearly ran out of the house in his underwear.
The bustling airport pickup wasn’t the best place to play catch up, so the two of you followed what was tradition at this point. A tight hug, and then a comfortably silent ride to your favorite diner. There you would share a million questions and a million kisses, until your food was cold, and the sun was unbelievably hot through the window.
“I can’t imagine what’s back here in Texas that’d make you leave those Australian fellers behind.”
You flashed him a tired smile from across the both. Knees drawn up to your chin, hair messily piled on top of your head, and swathed in a colorful t-shirt, Arthur would bet money you were the most gorgeous thing on earth.
“I have a pretty good answer I think.” you carefully raised your hot mug of peppermint tea to your lips.
“Yeah? They wouldn’t wake up at the break of dawn and kill spiders for you?” he chuckled, raising his own mug of coffee.
You shook your head, and when you lowered your mug he saw you were smirking. “None of them got me pregnant.”
The coffee went down the wrong way, and aspiration kicked in. He spluttered, a hand coming up to grip the table. You leapt up, and circled the table to slide into his booth.
“Are you ok?!” your voice was wrought with concern as you thumped his back. “I hoped you’d have a funny reaction, but I wasn’t trying to kill you!”
He sucked in a mouthful of air, a burning pain snaking through his chest. “You pranking me? Like in those stupid videos you and Mary-Beth watch? I don’t wanna end up on that dumb video site.”
“Wow,” you gave that funny little ( loud ) laugh of yours, and threw your arms around his neck. “I expected a lot of reactions from you, but not that one. No, I’m serious.”
He sighed, and ran a hand over his chin. He was sure all color had drained from his face, if the faint dizzy feeling was anything to go by. He could you hear you calling his name, but his mind just kept wanting him to hear the word “pregnant”.
Your hands uncoiled from around his neck. “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t say you got me pregnant either.”
He shot you a withering side glare at your joke. “No, I don’t believe it does.”
He could feel you staring at his profile, but he was too busy staring at his mug instead.
“Well...I need some kind of response big guy. I mean what do you think?” you placed your hands on the table, fingers pressing into each other. “Are you...mad?”
He could hear you were unsure, a sound that was foreign for you. Mad? He found it hard to get mad with you as it was, and this certainly wouldn’t have been a valid case for it.
“You know me better than that, of course I ain’t mad….just a lot of other things I guess.” he exhaled and turned to face you. “You certainly seem relaxed enough for the both of us.”
You grinned and shrugged, and he wondered why he had ever expected a typical reaction from you.
“I had two whole days, and a long ass flight to think it over. I’m not scared Arthur, I’m ok with this.” your voice was firm this time, steady. “It’s like a new adventure, you know me and adventure.”
He snorted. “Catnip.”
“I’m as settled as I’m ever gonna get, I’m fine with it, I can still explore the world in the future. But...I need to know where you stand.”
He felt your gaze on him again, and repeated your words in his head. Pregnant. The best thing he’d ever come across in his life, and he’s quite possibly ruined yours. You were a beautiful young woman who, while well traveled and experienced, still had so much to offer the world. Had he stolen that away from you?
He saw your hand tremble slightly, and took it into his much larger one. For a second, he just stared at it, before enclosing it in his. “My lady I stand with you. I just want you to know what you’re tying yourself to is all.”
He could sense you wanted to stop him. You didn’t like when it seemed like he was going to “put himself down”. Being honest is what he called it.
“You know about my past.” he exhaled and continued when he felt you squeeze his hand. “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig that’s committed too many atrocities to name. I don’t rightly know what kind of business I have being near a child for too long, let alone raising one of my own, but I would never leave you. You know that.”
“I do.” you squeezed his hand again, longer this time.
“So, if you wanted to do the leaving...If you wanted to give this child something different than me...or do something..else for yourself. I wouldn’t fight you.”
“I want to stay with you.” your arms returned around his neck. “Fight me about that.”
“I should.” he drawled, leaning into the warm lips you’d placed on his cheek.
“But you won’t.”
He faced you fully, finally, hand coming up to cradle your jaw. “No, I won’t.”
Goddamn he’d made yet another mess, but when he saw your face light up as you started talking about the future, he couldn’t be too angry with himself this time.
4. Coffee
Waking up before everyone else, to get the house kitchen for yourself, always made losing that extra bit of sleep worth it. You loved finally having a family, but the quiet moments were nice too. No bickering, it wasn’t quite time to worry about what the guests wanted (not that you had to worry about that again for a while), and you could just exhale and take your time.
It was also a great time for coffee, though you had tried to scale back with the pregnancy. Decaf coffee may not have given you the buzz of caffeinated coffee, but it still helped with the craving. Maybe Charles was right, and you were a slave to the bean….
You chortled into your mug at the thought.
“That mug funnier than me?”
You laughed again, extending your foot to slide out the chair across from you. “Arthur Morgan I bet you’re jealous of my pillow for getting to touch my hair all night.”
He took the offered seat, and sleepily ran his hands through his hair. “Probably, I do like that shampoo you use.”
You rolled your eyes, and brought your mug up to your amused grin. A comfortable silence settled between you two, as the morning’s first light began to shine through the giant picture window.
Arthur was the first to break it. “Are you sleeping ok? I know you usually get up early, but it was dark out. If you aren’t sleeping, we should probably tell th-”
“I’m fine mother hen, god you’ve been adorable through this.” you beamed at your protective man, who was currently blushing and ducking under your gaze.
“Yeah, yeah. It ain’t as noble as all that. I’m just trying to save myself the ‘this is your fault’ speech when the time comes.”
You sat down your empty mug and gave him a pitying look. “Aww. No baby, that’s still happening regardless. Sorry.”
“Can’t blame a feller for giving it his best.” he looked out of the window for a while, his gaze darting across the scenery, before clearing his throat. “Look here (Y/N). I’ve been sitting on this thing for a while.”
He reached into the pocket of his pajama pants, and you tensed up. It didn’t take a genius to gather what the moment’s energy was telling you. Sure enough, he produced a ring, revealing your instinct to be right. You gasped, though it came out somewhat choked, but didn’t speak.
“Now it’s not because you’re pregnant, Abigail said you wouldn’t like that to be the reason, and it’s not. I was planning on asking when you got back from Australia-”
“Yes!” you screamed the word that had been looping in your mind since you saw the ring.
“Ssh.” he half-laughed half-shushed you. “You want everybody in here? Nosey enough on their own, make em’ work for it at least.”
“I don’t care who hears.” you lightly stamped your feet on the tile floor.
He laughed again, blue eyes shining with confidence now that rejection was off the table. This poor sweet man thought you’d reject him, even after all you’d been through and had yet to go through. Not a chance.
“Well then.” he kneeled on the tile floor you knew to be freezing, and held up the ring. “Miss (Y/N) (L/N), I would very much appreciate if you would be an old fool’s wife.”
You pulled him to you by his shirt, and threw your arms around him. “Yes, but I don’t know any, so you’ll have to do instead.”
You two shared a solid embrace, Arthur ever careful of your growing stomach, and you nearly choking the life out of him. He took your hand is his, and you could feel his trembling. He slid the ring on your finger and just stared at it as if he couldn’t believe it. Maybe he couldn’t, you were sure his self-doubts were telling him it was all a lie. You kissed his forehead, hoping if he was having any such thoughts, they would perish. His hands came up to lay gently on the just-noticeable bump of your stomach.
“I swear to you, I will do my best to make you two very happy, and keep you safe.”
You just kissed him instead of responding with words. You didn’t have to. You knew he loved you deeply, and would do his best to keep his word. He was a big part of what you called home, and you couldn’t think of any place safer.
End Note - I took so much longer than I wanted with this. I just kept deleting and going back and forth. I hope it’s ok.I’m gonna be posting a HC for this AU, and then posting something for Hosea after that.
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prorevenge · 6 years
You don’t want to send me the money even after you received and used the stuff i sent you?!
Soo, this might be a long story. Hold tight!
It all started when i got a gift card for my birthday. It was filled in with 25€ but man I needed these 25€ to live from as I’m a broke college student. So i went to Marktplaats (a some kind of a Dutch version of Craigslist) and I posted just enough info to show the card and asked for a 21€ for it. You can do (almost) everything with it, but not shop from these small cheap supermarkets where i get my food from. So this guy came, let’s call him Jack, and sure enough he offered 21€ but wanted to do the deal via WhatsApp as he “doesn’t understand how MP works exactly”.
I thought sure, it must be an old lady or something. It was a bit suspicious to be honest as the account was only a month old which can be seen as suspicious according to MP culture. But I thought well nothing bad can happen and asked him to transfer the money first and send a screenshot of the transaction and I’ll directly send him the rest of the info of the card. So Jack sent the screenshot containing the first letter of his name so “J” with some last name, his bank account number was there and i had his phone number because we were Whatsapping. So everything seemed fine. He then said it might take a day or two to arrive because we have different banks and i said sure, why not. I sent him the card info and we thanked each other and everything seemed fine. Later that night, I checked the balance of the gift card using the official website of the gift card and it was empty already. I thought he must wanted some shirt or so and he could save 4€ with it so why not. A few days later, didn’t get anything on my bank account. I sent him a message saying that this is very unusual and it never takes this much time but he reassured me by saying that the money was really taken from his bank account and some bullshit. After a week has gone, nothing was on my bank account so i sent his screenshot to a friend of mine who’s a professional in Photoshop and photos editing and such stuff and asked him if the screenshot seems photoshopped because I wasn’t sure. He said no everything seems to be fine. I sent Jack a message via WhatsApp, he didn’t respond. Vis Maarktplaats, same story. Smsing and calling didn’t yield a thing either.
Before i was planning to find that asshole, i was really curious how he faked that screenshot. So after some googling, I found that it’s possible that if you call your bank and tell them a valid excuse, they will return your money and especially if the other side didn’t receive it yet. So i sent my brother a few euros to try it and called my bank to cancel the transaction. The employee at the bank was surprised when i told her that i sent it per mistake to this person and started asking stuff like “how could you fill in a bank account number and a name per mistake??” I responded with it was on the list of the people that I often sent money to and i per mistake choose him instead of the person right above him (there’s some kind of contacts list of bank accounts and names so that you don’t have to fill the info in each time). She found that reasonable and sent me money back directly and sure enough my brother didn’t hear a thing or get a notification or anything. Just nothing. Then it made sense how he proved it but I didn’t get anything. So after i knew how everything worked, I wanted to chase that asshole down.
At this point, i knew i was dealing with a crook. I had his telephone number, where he lived ( from MP), his bank account number, his first letter and his last name.
I searched using his telephone number via all the websites and search engines you could ever think about, I couldn’t find anything. It was like he disappeared. I searched FB (and other sites) using his last name but man, his last name was one of the commonest in the Netherlands. Thousands of results. I filtered a lot to decrease the search results as much as possible until i was left with a few results starting with a J and ending with his last name. Unfortunately, none of them seemed like the one I’m searching for (and none of them were, I discovered later). I didn’t know what exactly to do so I reported to the police and to the MP website. The police said that they will need sometime to decide whether they look into the case and such but were negative if they could help me because “I should have done it via MP”. Which I agree with but i was still furious. MP said they don’t have enough evidence to block his account or anything. I knew i needed to handle it myself. So i sent everyone that has that he/she are living or from the village where he came from, a FB message( these were 493 people). I explained everything and provided screenshots of what happened and asked if they could help me find that asshole or search in their mobiles for his number or in family groups on WhatsApp so i can get his first name to be able to do my next step. Only 5 have read and responded to my message and none of them had a clue. So I joined all the local groups of his village and posted the story again. Sure enough, a nice lady provided me with his first name, where he currently live and a lot more info than what i hoped for. It turns out that he has multiple telephone numbers and that was not his main so it was logical I couldn’t find anything. She sent me his telephone number so I threatened him with the fact that I will report him to the police, that now I know his name and more info about him, I’ll post that in any online local community...etc. Odd enough, he didn’t seem to give a single fuck and asked me to “fuck my self” and said that he wouldn’t return the money. So I actually didn’t mail his friends and network about it because I thought I’m doing too much which won’t work because he’s probably a trashy person that listens to no one.
My final option was to go via his bank, i emailed them and they were so nice that they wanted to look it up for me and everything but said couldn’t tell me much because of privacy and stuff. This lady from the bank was so sympathetic that she gave me the email of the security department of the bank and asked me to send everything i had in a mail explaining what happened. Did that but didn’t get a response, even after a week so I thought I could email her one last time to ask whether I should be waiting for a response or not. She said don’t wait because the security department is not a department that communicates with customers and asked me to have patience. After a month had passed from the beginning of the accident, i began losing hope that I’ll chase down that crook ( i had his home address but bringing him a visit wasn’t an option for me). A few days later, he called. I didn’t respond but he left like 10 messages that he would love to find a solution and everything so i was really shocked and asked why now out of a sudden. He said the his bank blocked and freezed all his four bank accounts after they’ve discovered that he has been doing that shit for a while already. He even offered me 200€ to just email his bank that everything was solved and that they should unblock his shit. I said no I don’t want your filthy money, i just want my 21 euros and I’ll then reconsider emailing the bank. He sure enough sent them directly from a friend bank account and I’ve finally received my money. Now it’s revenge time!
I told him he can fuck him self and that he can kiss my a$$, I’m doing nothing for him and I’ll ignore him even longer that he was doing to me. He sent me like a thousand time he’s sorry and he won’t do it again and he really would send me any amount of money just to email his bank. 2 weeks later, he said that he can’t access his money and bills are stacking up. I just simply blocked his number after i sent him a middle finger emoji. He sent more apologies, called and everything from other numbers but i left him there hanging. It has been 3 weeks now and he’s still begging me and sending sorries and shit. I’m not planning to help him anytime soon and i believe that he should legally solve his shit with his bank and I wouldn’t care a shit for such people. So, do you still want to steal my money, you motherfucker?!
(source) (story by RefugeeDutch_Syrian)
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And into the cavalry battle we go! Can’t believe this is gonna take three whole chapters to get through… sports festival feels way too long already, man, and I’m only a handful of chapters into it...
[No. 28 - Strats, Strats, Strats]
We start off with Shouto speaking to his team, explaining that he chose them in order to make the most stable formation. Kaminari will guard the left and keep people away with his electricity. Yaomomo takes the right, makes the insulator, and shields and supplements their movements. Tenya takes the lead, since his mobility and physical stature make for good defense. 
One of them (I think Tenya?) asks if Shouto will hold people off with his ice and fire. Shouto doesn’t reply right away, instead looking over to the stands - more specifically, towards where Endeavor is watching from. He tells them no, in battle, he refuses to use his left side.
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Huh, they do have the same eyes here. Wind dude kind of has a point. 
As the teams stand along the outside of the perimeter of the battle arena, Present Mic does a final, rhetorical check to make sure the teams are formed and are ready to go, then announces the start of the countdown to the battle royale. We jump around a bit as the countdown is given: Monoma tells Tetsu^4 no hard feelings, which Tetsu returns. Toshinori watches on from the stands. 
We see team Bakugou and team Todoroki in formation and ready to go, both of them focused on a single target. Izuku himself has gotten over most of his nerves and now is focused on the moment. All of them have their point totals given and also broken down by members of the team, in case you weren’t able to do the math yourself from the previous chapters. 
Since Hori is giving the team point breakdowns for our three main teams anyways, this is where I want to insert the team and point totals for all the teams, from most to least points on the headbands:
Team Midoriya [10,000,325 P]: Midoriya [10M] + Uraraka [135] + Tokoyami [180] + Hatsume [10]
Team Tetsutetsu [705 P]: Tetsutetsu [165] + Honenuki [190] + Awase [155] + Shiozaki [195]
Team Bakugou [665 P]: Bakugou [200] + Kirishima [170] + Ashido [120] + Sero [175]
Team Todoroki [615 P]: Todoroki [205] + Iida [185] + Yaoyorozu [130] + Kaminari [95]
Team Mineta [420 P]: Mineta [125] + Shouji [145] + Asui [150]
Team Hagakure [330 P]: Hagakure [25] + Jirou [110] + Satou [140] + Kouda [115]
Team Monoma [305 P]: Monoma [35] + Tsuburaba [100] + Kuroiro [65] + Kaibara [105]
Team Shinsou [295 P]: Shinsou [80] + Ojiro [160] + Shouda [50] + Aoyama [5]
Team Kendo [225 P]: Kendo [75] + Tokage [20] + Komori [45] + Yanagi [85]
Team Kodai [165 P]: Kodai [60] + Bondo [90] + Fukidashi [15]
Team Rin [125 P]: Rin [55] + Shishida [70]
Team Tsunotori [70 P]: Tsunotori [30] + Kamakiri [40]
Have fun keeping track of points in the canon event, or mix stuff up for your own teams if you wanna do alt teams or whatever. Anywho, moving on, as Mic announces the start of the match.
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And of course, it’s no surprise that several of the teams immediately rush Izuku’s team, even though I feel like it makes way more sense for them to hang back and wait until there’s only a few minutes left in order to actually take the points. But I suppose competitiveness and all that. More specifically, it’s team Tetsu^4 and team Hagakure after team Midoriya first.
Tetsu is the first to acknowledge (loudly) that the whole match is really a fight for the ten million, and everyone knows it. Hagakure herself is just eager to be going after Izuku, which is inch resting. Competitive, she do be. 
Tokoyami notes the two teams incoming and ready to attack, and checks with Izuku (in his own way) what their response will be. While the girls are a bit in wonder at Tokoyami’s choice of words, Izuku says that of course they’ll be running away. Honenuki, no doubt hearing this, attempts to prevent them from moving by causing the ground under them to soften into a gloop that they start to sink into. 
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Oh no, quicksand! Too bad it’s not movie quicksand. Izuku quickly realizes whose quirk it is (I think) and tells Ochako and Mei to turn away for a second. Then, once they do, he turns on the jetpack, and they all go flying up and out of the pit trap and over the heads of the teams going after them. Tetsu realizes that the support girl must have provided the tools for flying, still focused on going after them. Hagakure calls for Jirou to try and stop them, with Jirou sending out her earjacks to try and keep them from getting away - only for Dark Shadow to smack away the jacks, allowing team Midoriya to make a clean escape.
Tokoyami tells Dark Shadow well done, and to cover the teams’ blind spots. Dark Shadow accepts the task with great enthusiasm, twisting around to watch behind all of them. Izuku takes a moment to gush over Tokoyami’s quirk, talking about how its defensive power was just what they needed, and how now the team is covered at midrange from every direction. Tokoyami is the one to point out how Izuku is the one who chose him. 
Ochako gives her team warning before they land, with her boots (from Mei) being the first to hit the ground with a poof of dust blown away from her landing site. Mei asks how Izuku is liking her babies, bragging about how cute they are and how she made them that way. Izuku complements the mobility they’re giving the team and Mei’s work in general, leading to her gushing more. Meanwhile, Izuku reveals in his thoughts that Ochako had made everyone except herself weightless, so that all the weight that’s being carried is her plus their clothes and equipment. 
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Ochako, meanwhile, is a bit put out that Izuku hasn’t gushed over her part in all this, because the only part he gushed over her about was internal. Izuku, you should have complemented her work out loud as well, you dummy.
Team Hagakure prepares themselves to go after Izuku again, only for Sato to notice something important - the headband she was wearing is gone! Hagakure is shocked and freaked out, trying to figure out when and how it happened. Meanwhile, Monoma and his team are heading away, Monoma spinning said headband around his finger as he says to consider him an opportunist. 
We get a bit of an overhead view of a number of the teams running around the battlefield (which was very helpful in putting together the team listings). Present Mic states that two minutes have just passed, but the battlefield is already chaotic. Everyone’s scrambling for headbands, but there isn’t just the ten million out there! Other high rankers are also worth a shot as well. 
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Just as an overview here, we see team Tetsu^4 and team Hagakure are still going after team Midoriya, with Shouji just there in the corner of the textbox approaching from behind as well. Teams Rin and Shinsou are rushing at each other, as are team Todoroki and team Kendo. Team Mindoriya, meanwhile, just seems to be trying to get out of the way on foot.
Shouji (or is it Mineta hiding inside the ‘bunker’ made by Shouji’s dupliarms?) laughs a bit, saying how this isn’t a scramble, but a one-sided massacre. Yeah, in retrospect, that sounds way more like Mineta. But also, Izuku thinking Shouji’s alone, even though this event is a cavalry battle, so maybe it was him? Eh, whatever. Tokoyami notes that they have to keep their distance, since fighting multiple foes is a bad idea. However, that plan goes a bit awry when Ochako steps on what turns out to be one of Mineta’s quirk balls, causing her to become stuck in place. Izuku quickly tries to determine where Mineta is, only to be surprised when he sees Mineta hiding inside Shouji’s dupliarm bunker. 
Someone (maybe Ochako?) asks if that’s legal, which Midnight confirms it is. As if that’s not enough, Tsuyu, also on Shouji’s back, lashes out with her tongue, just missing both Izuku and Tetsu thanks to their timely dodges. As she retracts her tongue, she complements Izuku’s dodging; Izuku wonders how many people Shouji has hiding on his back. 
Tsuyu quickly reminds Izuku to use her first name, but probably isn’t heard since team Midoriya make a strategic retreat back into the sky - breaking one of the hoverboots in the process, unfortunately. Present Mic comments on how team Mineta using the size difference of its members to form what can be more considered a tank than anything. Mei is distressed at the destruction of her baby, with Ochako apologizing but noting that they got away.
Too bad someone was prepared for their second takeoff, and really, really wants those points.
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Izuku: Oh fuck I’m gonna die.
Katsuki, looking pretty gremlin-y, as per the norm, yells how Izuku is getting pretty damn full of himself (which is hilarious in its irony.) Izuku quickly calls for Tokoyami to react, and Dark Shadow takes the explosive blow meant for Izuku despite the massive discomfort in its expression. Katsuki is confused, but has no time to make a second attempt, as Sero tossed his tape and latches onto him, pulling him right back into the waiting arms of his team. 
Present Mic wonders whether leaving one’s unit is allowed, which Midnight confirms is allowed on a technicality - aka his feet didn’t touch the ground. In the staff booth, Death Arms comments on how those class A kids sure are something else. In the crowds, people comment on how it’s fun to watch, what with all the flashy moves, and that it’s just the level the kids are at after fighting real villains. 
Present Mic cuts back with with more commentary, stating how both the doggedly pursued first place team and the determined pursuers from class A are nothing to sneeze at. He then draws attention to the current standings, asking rhetorically how said teams are doing after seven minutes of play. There’s a moment of silence, the crowds and the two in the announcement booth shocked as they actually register the standings.
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Why, it looks like almost all the points are being held by teams from class 1b! What a plot twist!
Monoma sweeps by, grabbing the headband right off of Katsuki, as he comments on how it’s too simple, really. Katsuki demands the head back back, threatening Monoma with death, while Mina comments on how easily he caught them by surprise. 
Monoma goes into a bit of a monologue on how Midnight’s announcement of the first event made it obvious that the number of participants wouldn’t be thinned that much in a preliminary. It wasn’t a stretch to imagine that a good number of students would be advancing to the next event - around forty or so. It was really the perfect opportunity to hold back and observe their soon-to-be-rivals’ quirks and tendencies, so it was only fair they ended up placing more modestly. 
Kirishima asks if the whole class was in on it. Monoma says that no, not everyone was, but it wouldn’t have been a bad idea, instead of aiming for some fleeting first place, like a horse going for a dangling carrot. Meanwhile, team Bondo approaching as well. How is Katsuki taking all this?
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Not great. And of course, because Monoma has no chill, he turns back to give Katsuki a mocking look, commenting on how Katsuki’s already a celebrity - the victim of the sludge incident! He’ll have to ask sometime, how does it feel to be attacked by villains on an annual basis?
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RIP Monoma, you fucking dead. Katsuki tells Kirishima there’s a change of plan. As Monoma glances back at him curiously, we see that Katsuki has gone completely feral and around the bend, and is probably actually going to murder a man by the end of this. Katsuki’s plan? Before going after Deku, he’s gonna murder every last member of Monoma’s team.
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Izuku, apparently overhearing Monoma’s monologue, notes how class 1b threw the qualifiers and planned for the long game. Even before the sports festival, he had the impression that they were stronger than they seemed, and that they want to end class 1a’s supremacy. On the other hand, because of that, they aren’t quite so deadset on targeting Izuku. 
Izuku starts to talk to his team about how it shouldn’t be too hard to evade - only to be cut off both physically and verbally by team Todoroki getting in front of them. As Present Mic announces the match being halfway over already, Izuku takes a deep breath and recenters himself, stating how it won’t be quite that easy. Shouto states kind of menacingly that they’re coming for him; other teams are shown briefly reaction to the loss of points in their own ways. 
We close out on Present Mic noting that class B is on the rise, but in the end, who will wear the ten million point crown?
Anywho, glad to finally have that chapter done, even if there’s still two more before we get through this second event and finally move on to the finals. At the least, this sports festival stuff has actually gotten me thinking about the reasoning behind the decisions made for the entrance exam and sports festival, which I will probably end up making posts for after this arc is over.
See y’all next time! Character sheet will be up in just a moment. 
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