#i made this on laptop with no mouse only laptop pad
akuisinsane · 21 days
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I will give you three dabloons to write this req w Daniel🫡🫡🫡:
 “i’m over in the other room if you need me, okay?” 
hope u swallow your pillow after reading this 😈🫶🏼💜
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coffee and kisses (dr3) ─── daniel does what he does best
[ cw: brief descriptions of a mild panic attack ]
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panic. it’s what has you seated on the floor of the living room, papers scattered all around you and your laptop at full brightness. panic is what makes your eyes sting with tears, mocking your  forgetfulness. panic is what makes you cry at one in the morning, over an exam you forgot to study for.
you cursed yourself between your soft sobs, pushing yourself off the floor as you pace in attempts to calm yourself down. you try to slow breathing, fingers interlocked behind your head. smell the flowers… blow out the candle. your eyes flicker to the clock. 1:28 am. your eyes sting again and you’re crying all over again. after traveling all day, a much needed trip behind you, you wanted nothing more to go to bed. but the second you slip under the covers, your classmate is texting you if you had notes from last week. and then it hit you.
you hear the door open behind you, and you turn you see daniel walking out of your bedroom. his eyes are half open, curly hair standing in different directions. “hey, what are you doing- what’s wrong?”
he walks over to you, brows furrowed at the sight of your bloodshot eyes and the disarray of the living room. this was the part you let him hold you. he’ll kiss your forehead, tell you all the things you need to hear, and help you fix the problem. this is when you let daniel do what he does best: kissing it all better.
but he can’t, you know there isn’t anything he can say to make you feel any better. so you step back, shaking your head in a panic. he stops in his tracks when you hold your palm out to him, telling him to stop. his frown deepens. “baby-“
“no, daniel. i have the biggest exam in— in seven hours, that i haven’t studied for at all. i don’t need you to coddle me, i don’t have time for you to talk me down. i need to study— so please, leave me alone.” 
your words are harsh, and you regret them as you say it. you watch the sullen nod, the way his honey eyes look every except you. you felt bad, but you were getting choked up again and didn’t think you had it in you to apologize without breaking down. so you stand there, waiting for his next move. 
“okay. i’ll leave you alone bug. i’m over in the other room if you need me, okay?” 
you nod, and watch as daniel trudges into the kitchen. when he disappears, you fall to your knees and beginning reading over messy notes and sketches, hoping and praying that some of what you were looking at will stick. you read and read, over and over, for god only knows how long. all you know is that now you have three piles of papers, your laptop screen has dimmed, and your eyes were on fire. 
you look over, the kitchen light still on. curiosity takes you into the next room, where daniel is sitting at the table with his laptop out in front of him, and a mug to his left. he doesn’t look up, fingers on the mouse pad as he reads whatever it is on his screen. but he lifts one arm out to you, hand waving you over to him. you take slow steps over, and soon he is pulling you into his lap. his arms wrap around your waist, your around his neck. 
“how you feeling bug?” he asks softly, pushing the hair from your face. 
you shake your head, eyes falling shut. “i’m sorry.” you mumble.
“no need to be sorry baby.” you feel his lips against your cheek, then your jaw. “i made some coffee. it’s in the pot, do you want me to pour you a cup? 
you shake your head, “in a bit. just wanna sit here for little longer.”
he nods, tightening his grip around you. you sit there, letting the smell of coffee and him bring all your thoughts in order. when you open your eyes, daniel is leaning in to press another kiss to your cheek. 
you nod and move off of him. you watch as he goes to make you coffee the way you like it. pour the sugar and the milk, mix it all together. you watch as daniel does what he does best: loving you. 
you smile as he walks back over with the mug in hand, and another kiss— this time on your lips.
“i love you,” you hum. 
“i love you too bug.” 
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chere-indolente · 6 months
Hi!! How did you learn to make maxis match clothes? I would like to start doing it uwu
Hi ! So to be fair I don't remember exactly how I went about starting making CC at the very beginning except from reading tutorials and downloading Sims4Studio but here are the steps I more or less followed in my CC making journey.
First off I was already quite used to some picture editing softwares (namely Gimp and Photoshop) which definitely helped so I would recommend familiarising yourself with one of these.
Then comes the gateway drug to CC creation that are ✨recolors✨. For those you just need S4S and a picture editing software of your choice. Recolors can be quite simple : maybe you just want to change an item's color or add patterns to it. But with a little more editing/drawing skills you can also remove/add some details to the diffuse texture.
Here is a link to a short tutorial for a simple recolor using gimp by @smubuh
To keep the maxis match aesthetic the easiest way to go is to be a 🙌scavenger🙌 : you want to add buttons / belts / lace / embroidery / whatever to your texture ? Steal it from an other Sims 4 item ! Just look at your CAS and BB in game as a catalogue of all the details and textures you could frankenstein onto your project.
Maybe you'll be content with making recolors forever but if like me you start wanting to make something with a shape that doesn't already exist in game or in the CC world out there, you will have to deal with mesh. (the mesh is the 3D shape of the item as opposed to the 2D texture that is applied onto it) Meshing has a steeper learning curve than recoloring for sure so arm yourself with as much calm and patience as you can muster. First you'll need to download Blender, I recommend downloading the same Blender version as the one used in the tutorial you choose to follow because if you're anything like me you'll get lost otherwise. Also use a mouse, the scroll wheel makes moving around in blender so much easier than using a laptop touch pad like I did at the start 🤡.
And now that you have blender and a mouse time to mess around with meshes and for that like everyone I started (and honestly I mostly still stick to it nowadays) by frankenmeshing. Sticking to the frankenstein/scavenger theme from earlier, this is quite similar to what I described with scavenging textures, except this time we're combining meshes aka shapes : see a collar you like on that blouse, a sleeve you like on that dress ? Bam put them together !
For example here is a handydandy frankenmesh tutorial by @deetron-sims
Outside of frankenmeshing other ways to tranform meshes are to inflate and stretch parts of it (want a bigger skirt ? a shorter jacket ? the O key is your friend). And if you want to go beyond what I have you can also learn how to create meshes from scratch.
That being said dealing with meshes is full of surprises (mostly bad ones unfortunately), since you may have to deal with distorted weights, UV1 and whatever else, so it involved a lot of trouble shooting and trial & error. Being part of the S4S forum or the Creator Musing discord can be very helpful when you're at a loss (but always google and search for yourself before going around asking people).
Finally it's important to keep in mind that it takes time to learn how to make CC so don't be too hard on yourself and take breaks when it gets too frustrating. Personally it took me many months to graduate from recolors to frankesmeshing, I had to give up and try again many times before I finally got what I wanted.
Here are some more tutorials and resources :
@myshunosun made this great post about Maxis matched CC : Tips: components of creating Maxis Match objects for The Sims 4
@powluna has great video tutorials for beginners, especially this well rounded one that goes in details throught all of CAS CC creation (from the use of S4S all the way to blender) with neat little chapters so you can watch only the parts that you're focusing on at a time
S4S forum in addition to the S4S software itself this forum provides plenty of tutorials and a CC creator community
The Creator Musing discord is also full of links to various tutorials and resources (and once again a community of peers)
Specifically for Blender :
@ravasheencc's Resources Archive, I remember especially her Blender Basics Video being quite helpful when I was starting out
@surely-sims's Edutainment Lives which you can find on her twitch, mainly focused on Build&Buy CC
PS : I didn't mention the normal/bump map and the specular map because they are very much optional. I honestly didn't use these until a few months ago and even now I don't bother with them most times
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lou-struck · 1 year
Dead After Deadlines
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Rensuke Kunigami x reader
~ You stayed up all night working to make a deadline and is in dire need of a little TLC.
Wc: 1.2k
a/n: as always, even without any spice whatsoever this little oneshot is a timeskip! I just wanted to add this because I just started writing for Blue Lock!
Life has been far too hectic as of late; all of your commitments seem to be taking control of your life, giving you little to no time to work on a very important work project until recently. 
These past few days, you have written, revised, and had mental breakdowns aplenty on your thirty paged presentation. 
Through your bedroom window, the moon sneaks across the blanket of the night sky, and your coffee from earlier has long since we’re not off. But stopping for any reason would completely throw you off your groove.
Your eyes hurt from staring at your laptop screen for so long, and your fingers feel as if they are about to fall off, but you have to finish.
You have never wanted to finish something so badly in your life.
Still typing away, your eyes scan over the last paragraphs murmuring the lines out loud, trying to find any spelling errors or mistakes in grammar. It may just be your sleep-deprived mind or your desire to finally put an end to this black-and-white printed nightmare that has consumed your life, but finally, finally.
Everything looks perfect.
Your overheated mouse pad barely reacts when you scroll your finger over it, turning your document into a file and then downloading said file, and uploading it to your online workspace.
With a deep sigh somewhere between exhaustion and victory, you press ‘submit file’ The screen buffers painstakingly slowly, the dotted circle spinning around, and around, and around until pixelated bursts of confetti fill the screen, and you smile victoriously, only looking a tad bit psychotic.
You’re free.
You close your laptop much harder than necessary and slide it under your bed. 
The lamp is too far away to switch off, so you stretch awkwardly, not wanting to leave the comfortable dip you have made in your mattress from sitting in one spot for hours and unplug the cord from the wall. The room goes dark as the remaining light from the bulb fades away.
The soft sound of your bedroom fan lulls you to sleep with a gentle breeze. 
Through the veil of sleep, you feel something repeatedly hitting your forehead. The impact is nowhere near hard enough to hurt you, but it’s rather annoying.
Your brow furrows, and your turn away from the sensation. Too tired to realize that it’s not something that is hitting you, it’s someone, and they are flicking.
“Hey, come on. Get up.” a low voice says; familiar footsteps stop around to the other side of your bed to flick at your forehead again.
You’d recognize that voice anywhere, grabbing your pillow and covering your head with it for protection, ignoring your boyfriend, Rensuki Kunigami, entirely. 
“You really do sleep like the dead,” your boyfriend huffs and flicks you on your exposed neck instead, the sound hollow. It doesn’t sting, but you wanted to tease your boyfriend just a bit.
“Oww,” you whine dramatically, turning over to look at him. He looks slightly sweaty but satisfied that he has gotten you to wake up. You can tell that he already had his early morning soccer practice today due to the dark turf stains on his knees.
“Back to the land of the living?” he asks gently, smoothing the pad of his thumb over where he had flicked you earlier as his form of an ‘I’m sorry.’
“Barely,” you groan, sitting up, “What time is it? I stayed up 
“Just before noon,” he says, simply sitting down on the edge of the mattress. The old springs squeak and dip underneath his massive muscled physique, but he does not notice. “Since you have been so busy with that project, I haven’t been able to see you lately.”
“I haven’t really seen anyone,” you chuckle dryly, thinking back to your days of isolation and nonstop work. “I’ve missed you; how was practice? 
At the mention of the sport, his eyes light up. “Practice was fine; I had to spend longer in the ice bath after since I went too hard.”
“Why, did you hurt yourself?” you ask, giving him a once over.
“No, just sore. I promise.” he smiles. “Anyways, I wanted to take you to lunch, but you weren’t picking up. I got worried, and I let myself in.
“Lunch?” You can hardly believe that you slept that long. You must’ve been working harder than you thought.
He chuckles at your confusion and ruffles your fresh from the pillow hairstyle you had going for you, surprisingly making it look a bit better. “I’ll be having lunch; you might have to settle for a late, late breakfast.”
The Idea of a spontaneous date sounds great, but you still are exhausted for the last few weeks. “I feel like I could sleep forever,” you mutter, reaching out to grab his arm and pull him down with you, but his strong physique doesn’t budge, and neither do you.
“Hey, careful now; I’d hate to spill these.” he chuckles, using his strength to pull you to a sitting position.
You look at him a bit confused until he pulls a drink carrier out from behind his back with his other hand. “You brought me a coffee?” You beam as if you had just won the lottery. 
“I know you just finished that project and would probably appreciate some caffeine.” He smiles, handing you one of the ice-cold beverages. 
You take a sip and enjoy the rich taste on your tongue. He got it just the way you like it; part of you is tempted to just down the whole thing in one gulp, but then you wouldn’t have it anymore.
“I needed this; thank you,” you sigh lovingly at your boyfriend between heavenly sips. Already you feel yourself waking up.
“You’re welcome,” he says, still looking at you expectantly. His lips are upturned in a smile as he waits for his favorite three words.
“You’re my hero,” you murmur before taking another sip.
“You bet I am,” he practically cheers, scooping you out of bed. You have a death grip on your coffee cup and little compostable straw sipping as he carries you away from the mattress where you have both rested and worked. 
Come to think of it, you have basically been cooped up in your room for days…oops. 
Your stomach growls the way his does after a match and you look at him sheepishly. "So... About that food?"
“Don't worry, I'm hungry too." he laughs into your shoulder. "Get changed so I can take you to get some food. I wouldn’t be much of a hero to you if I let you go hungry.”
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frog707 · 1 year
I lied when I said I was going to work next on loading a 3-D model. Sorry, old habit! Actually, I went straight into refactoring. Let me explain...
The English Wikipedia defines refactoring as "the process of restructuring existing computer code . . . without changing its external behavior", which is fairly accurate, though lacking in motivation.
My back-of-mind definition would be "changes to code whose primary purpose is not to add features or solve issues, but to make the codebase easier to maintain".
Back when I worked for corporations, I got in the habit of never mentioning refactoring around anyone who wasn't a software developer. If my boss (or my boss's boss) knew I was making changes (and spending work hours) on something other than approved features or known issues, awkward questions would arise. (Like, do we have a billing code for that?)
Anyone who's worked intimately with a large software project knows that if changes are made only for features and issues, the project will accumulate "technical debt" that makes it difficult to maintain: hard to explain/learn/understand/remember how it works and hard to make changes without introducing bugs.
Both of today's refactorings focussed on the BaseApplication class, which became unwieldy weeks ago. Last night the source file for the class reached 1901 lines of Java code (not counting blanks, comments, and javadoc). I don't place a hard limit on lines of code in a class, but a file containing 1901 LoCs positively screams technical debt. It's especially painful these days, since I'm working on a laptop with a tiny screen and using a track pad instead of a mouse. (I spend lots of time scrolling back and forth, hunting for the lines I need to change.) Cramming as much as possible into a single file makes some sense for a tutorial, but I see the V-Sport project as something I'll be maintaining for many years.
First I split off all the code that deals with physical devices and put that in a new PhysicalDevice class. The change greatly clarified which properties of the physical device matter and how that information is accessed.
Then I split off all the code that deals with texture data into a new Texture class. The new class bundles up 3 related Vulkan resources and provides a clear lifecycle of create/use/destroy. I expect it to minimize duplication of code when the project transitions (sometime in the near future) from a single texture to multiple textures.
I'm subjectively pleased with how smoothly today's refactoring went. One measure of its success is that BaseApplication shrank from 1901 to 1650 lines of code. Still plenty of room for improvement, though!
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sweet-villain · 1 year
The Choice~2~ Joe Keery ft D.M
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Part 1
@ceriseheaven @josephquinnlover0 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @stillfalling30minslater
Summary : Dacre is helping you get over Joe, but can you?
You glared over at Dacre who was laughing as he clutched his stomach, he had thrown a pillow at the side of your head to get your attention. The white fluffy pillow lays on the floor besides your feet as your hand slide over the mouse pad on your laptop. You had been answering some emails when Dacre made his presence known.
" I gave you a spare key for emergencies only, Montgomery" his pout came out as he leaned against the doorway of your room.
" This is an emergency" he says. " I needed to see you" you rose your eyebrows waiting for him to tell you what he needed but he stood there with a smile on his face. " What?" you asked.
" I was bored and was in the area" you groaned and rolled your eyes. " You're so annoying" you closed the laptop lid as you stood up from your chair and made your way passed him. He was happy finally that he gotten your attention.
" You love me anyways" he says as he follows you into the kitchen. " Do you want anything to drink? Any snacks?" you took out a cup from the cupboard in the kitchen. You wanted a cup of tea.
" Tea" he answers
While you waited for the water to boil, you turn to look at him seeing what he chose to wear today. He wore a shade of brown shirt that fitted him nicely, he had a ring on his pinky finger, he had a bracelet on his wrist and his hair was neatly combed back. He smiled realizes you were checking him out.
" Do you like what you see?" He asks. You rolled your eyes but a hint of red appears on your cheeks answering his question. He doesn't say anything and takes in what you have on. A loose white shirt with a pocket on your breast, some grey sweats with your hair tugged behind your ears as it flowed down your back, you had a little amount of make up that he could tell from, you wore a necklace around your neck with a heart on it, earring and a ring on your index finger.
" Do you like what you see?" this time you asked him catching him checking you out. He looks away as a hint of red paints his cheeks.
" You wish" he says. Honestly, Dacre felt his heart race when you look at him and he can't help but smile around you. His palms are sweaty and he wants nothing but to kiss you right now.
He holds back as he looks back at you to see you making his cup.
You're breathtaking, he thinks as he watches you.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
" Hi! I'd like a tall, black coffee with two sugars" you tell the barista at the small cafe around your house. You wanted to walk in the park before having the urge to grab some coffee on the way. You hadn't noticed the bell rang above the door and he entered the shop.
You hadn't noticed it was him that stood behind you in line, when you moved away. That's when you heard his voice as he ordered. You took out your phone to pretend that you were busy with it scrolling through social media when he stood by your side.
" Hi" you heard his voice. Your head rose up to meet those brown eyes and that hair cut he sported as he softly smiled at you.
" Hi Joe" you greeted him with a nod of your head. His eyes roamed your face as they settled on the phone in your hands. He chuckled.
" You trying to busy yourself while you wait?" He knew you like the back of his hand, you dated him for quite a while. He knew your little quirks and little things you did.
You hummed in response hoping your coffee was coming out sooner than you wanted at the moment. You were nibbling on your bottom lip hoping that he would take his coffee and leave you to it.
Your name was called and you could jump for joy as you grabbed it. You were about to tell him you'd see him around when his coffee came next and he grabbed it.
" Where you headed?" he asked, making conversation. Honestly, Joe has missed you alot and when he saw you show up with Dacre, he didn't know what to think. He was jealous that Dacre was the one that got to be around you.
" The park" you mentally hit yourself in the head. Why did you tell him that?
" Care if I join you? It's really nice out" he says motioning outside with his hand. You look behind you at the window and nodded. " If you want" you shrugged. You really wanted to hide away from him. It brought you so many memories of him and the way he looked at you when you were with him.
As you walked side by side with him, he kept glancing at you from the corner of his eye. The steaming coffee in your hands warming you up as you took little sips from it avoiding that he stood right there, next to you. The leaves crunched underneath your feet, there were people passing by smiling at you like you were going to smile back at them. Joe's hand casually and accidentally touched yours for a moment causing your breath to hitch. He was having a hard time not to wrap his arm around you. He misses holding you.
" Are you and Dacre dating?" Ah there it is, the question of the hour that itched in his mind. " I mean I don't really care, I'm happy for you if you are and if not, I mean he's missing out on a great girl" he adds as he looks down at his feet.
" I don't really see how it is your business if I am dating him or who I'm dating for that matter" he nods his head hearing your answer. It hurt a bit how you were talking to him. He was trying to be back in your life it seems at least that's what it looks like he is doing.
" I deserved that" he says. You stopped in your tracks and faced him, staring down as he stood there with a hat on his head, his nose a little red from the cold, a scarf around his neck and a coat.
" What do you want, Joe?" you asked. The question was kinda hurtful to him and kinda surprising. He never seen you be this way, but he knows he deserves it from the way things left between the two of you.
" I'm sorry" he starts to say, swallowing the lump in his throat. " I didn't mean to make you upset. I just-" you cut him off with a shake of your head.
" You just what Joe? You think just because were walking to the park with coffee in our hands that were back to being friend or whatever you think this is" his eyes flash hurt as he looks away.
" I thought after everything between us, that you'd be okay with having me back in your life" you chuckled. " Not after the bullshit you put me through, Keery"
" Come tonight at the local bar we used to go to, I'm going to sing tonight. You know, like the last time. If you do decide to come then I'll know there is chance for us to fix things or start fresh"
" Joe.." he shakes his head, " I am not taking no for answer, enjoy your walk" he leaves you in the middle of the street with one simple smile.
You watch him disappear around the corner.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
You stared at the flashing red of 7 :00 pm on your nightstand, the numbers begging you that you should go see him. You two have been together through everything and yet here you were debating on what good is was if you saw him. His voice was one of your favorites to fall asleep too.
" You're so stupid" you mumble to yourself as you star to get ready for tonight. Meanwhile Joe runs a hand through his hair as he sets up at the bar. He doesn't know weather your coming or not but the thought of you ending up with Dacre, has him feeling something he has never felt before. Jealousy. The green monster is knocking on his door.
His heart sinks seeing the image of your smiling face and Dacre's arms around as he pulls you in. His hand on his guitar tightens as he glares at the ground. Why did Dacre think he was good enough to have you? Were you two sleeping together? All the thoughts were running through his head, he slipped off the guitar knowing he needed to let some steam out.
It was getting closer and closer to the time that he thought you were coming in. His eyes kept glancing at the door seeing other people he didn't really care for make their way inside. His fingers tapped on the bar as his other hand held up his chin. His brown eyes scanning each person making sure he didn't miss it was you.
You walk into the familiar bar that Joe and you spend hours at in the corner making out, talking, laughing and drinking together. Behind you trailed Dacre, you had told him where you were going to tonight and the mention of Joe being there had sent him into protective mode.
" He is trying to get back with you" Dacre says as he walks in with you. Your eyes find him before he finds you at the bar. He is nervously tapping his finger on the bar as his eyes search you and then they fall on you. His face beams as the sight of but drops as soon as he sees who is with you.
" You got to be kidding me" he mumbles to himself as he stands straighter from his position. He doesn't make it through the crowd to greet you, not when he's frowning and the green monster is knocking on his door again. Instead, he is greeting other friends and people that know him. His smile lights up the room as he walks through the crowd. For a moment, you thought that he would walk over to you but you were being stupid. There was brief look on his face when he first saw you but it was gone.
A small touch on your back let you know that you didn't come alone. Dacre stands by your side, the sweet and wood smell hits your nose. His. He pulls you close as he kisses on top of your head.
" I don't even know why he tried to invite you here knowing you'll bring me" Dacre mumbles into your hair. You look up at him as his blue eyes meet yours.
" He didn't exactly say" Dacre rolls his eyes.
" Of course he didn't. He thought you'd come here by yourself, to get you alone and beg for you to take him back. Pathetic"
" Dacre, be nice" He rolls his eyes. You hadn't even noticed that Joe got on stage with guitar and the song that he was signing.
"Just one more tear to cry" your eyebrows scrunched together, you don't know this song. It sounds like a new song. " One teardrop from my eye" your focused on the sound of his voice and how his eyes are searching the crowd. You move past a couple of people as you get to the front of the stage where your looking up at Joe.
His eyes find you as he continues to sing. There is something about his voice that soothes you, that makes your heart flutter. Dacre has been watching you, gripping the table and eyeing you as you stare up at your ex boyfriend like he's giving you the moon.
" I wave goodbye to the end of beginning" something in his eyes from the way he singing this line like he was singing this line for you. It was meant for you.
A hand wraps around your arm and pulls you back, you notice who's hand it is as he turns you around and your face to face with Dacre.
" You don't need to hear this shit" he leans down to whisper in your ear, " He's only going to break your heart." He leans back that you look up at him with glossy eyes. You know he's right but Joe has been your everything since you both were teens. You two have lot of history with each other and he was your first love.
" You don't know him like I know him" you tell him. Dacre rolls his eyes. " Okay that is getting quite annoying" you point it out. " What?" he asked, confusion written on his face.
" You're rolling your eyes at me"
" Not at you, at this. You are so hooked on him still that you don't get it through your head. You don't deserve him! He treated you like trash. You deserve better"
" Who do I deserve then?" Dacre doesn't utter a word because he feels like this would be the part where he would lose you. He can't tell you how he feels because it's either going to end up in heart break for the both of you. You would be losing him too, he was your best friend and the one person you trusted.
" Dacre?" you asked, waiting for him to say something and when he doesn't, you huffed. Joe has already finished the song and had walked off the stage, he was fuming in the corner where you two used to sit at with his head in his hands.
" If you walk up to him, don't bother talking to me or calling me" Dacre says watching you turn to look at Joe. You turn back around to face Dacre with hurt in your eyes.
" That's not fair" he shook his head as he stuff his hands in his pockets. " What's not fair is you keep running around circles thinking that Joe Keery wants you. When all he wants from you is a good fuck" he spats. Hurt flashes your eyes, staring at him in disbelief as you hear the words leave your best friends mouth. As soon as the words left Dacre mouth, he regretted seeing the way your eyes glossed over and the way your frown deepen.
" Y/N.." he starts to say but you shook your head, " Fuck you" you spatted. He clenches his jaw and nods as he walks through the crowd and disappear.
You turn around looking to see Joe has his eyes on you already as you make your way over to him.
" Hi" you say as you look at him. Some strands of hair are falling over his forehead. His brown eyes are shining underneath the light of the table he is sitting at. His arms are laid on the table on top of one another and his mouth is in a deep frown as he gazes back at you.
" Hi" he says, watching as you sit down.
There is silence between the two you before he runs a hand down his face and says, " We need to talk."
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volleywolleybolley · 11 months
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i made this in 5 minutes with the mouse pad on my laptop, only the most quality content here,
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lullabytaeyong · 2 years
Snack Time! - R!MarkLee
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Mark was having a quiet day to himself, holed up in his bedroom watching old episodes of Mr. Rogers on his laptop. Only one of his roommates was home and he was busily playing games and talking to friends down the hallway, so Mark sat calmly, knowing he wouldn’t be bothered by any boisterous behavior. He couldn’t stop smiling at the screen with his tongue poking through his lips. The gentle tunes and nurturing environment the show provided him with so much comfort. His mind felt empty and free, only thinking about what was playing in front of his eyes.
A soft frog stuffed animal that he had for a few years sat on his lap and a newer monkey stuffed animal was right beside him, watching the show. Mark bounced the frog on his knees and giggled, followed by him making boing noises and tossing it up in the air to catch. He was easily distracted.
“Ah! Sorry Froggy!” Mark yelped quietly when the toy missed his hands from a poorly calculated throw.
He crouched to pick his friend back up and felt his stomach rumble when he stood back up. It was mid afternoon and he only had breakfast so far, because he woke up close to 12pm. Mark stood aimlessly for a moment while he thought about what to do. Usually, he’d go to Jaehyun or Jungwoo for help getting food, but they were out and the only other person home was Yuta. Mark and Yuta were very close, but it was a little different when Mark was regressed. Yuta intimidated him for some reason. No matter how cheerfully and lovingly Yuta spoke to Mark, the little was still super shy around him.
“Hmm…I dunno what to do.” Mark pouted.
He figured that he could just get something to eat by himself. Yuta wasn’t in the kitchen and wasn’t very good at english, which Mark spoke mostly when he was small. The confusion would be a waste of time. Besides, he wasn’t so little that he couldn’t grab a bowl of cereal. He was in-de-pendent! (Like in rudolph)
So, off he went, padding down the hallway in his favorite rainbow socks. He noticed that Yuta’s door was partially opened and made sure to tiptoe past it before scurrying away. The kitchen was a disaster. Dishes everywhere, last minuet meals left behind, wrappers and containers all over the place and other junk scattered in the mix. Mark scrunched up his face and walked past the destruction to the pantry. Inside was not much better than the rest of the kitchen. No one had been shopping in awhile, so nearly every bag or box he picked up had less than a serving remaining. This peeved him. Why would someone put back something if it was basically gone?!
An idea popped up in Mark’s head. He could just combine several similar snacks into a fun mix of crunchy stuff. He took the last clean bowl in the cabinets and put it down on the lowest shelf of the pantry before sitting on his knees. Then he dumped out five different snacks that were similar enough in taste into the bowl. Unaware to the ruckus he was creating, Mark didn’t notice Yuta watching him in the doorway. The older was smiling to himself, as he watched Mark huff at a box that only had crumbs left. He was like a little mouse looking for dinner.
Yuta noticed the uncoordinated movements of Mark’s body and the stuffed animal on the floor next to him, so he knew what was up. He also knew that he couldn’t approach this situation in the way he would if Mark was in his normal mindset. This would be the perfect chance to scare him or something, but not when he was clearly in such a childlike vulnerable state. So, Yuta silently went back to his room and slowly walked out again, adding extra weight to his footsteps to make them louder. This way Mark was sure to know he was there. Before rounding the corner he heard a lot of shuffling and then a bump and clang!
*Uh oh* He thought to himself.
“Mark, you okay?” Yuta called out, entering the kitchen area.
Mark looked at him with the worlds guiltiest face and practically burst into tears. In front of him was a dusty crumbly mess of snacks all over the floor and the bowl he dropped. He was trying so hard to stay under the radar and blew it! The stupid table got in his way and hit his hand.
“Oh, uh it’s okay.” Yuta said, using his unpracticed english to the best of his ability. He had seen the countless times Mark had talked to Jaehyun, Johnny and even Taeyong in only english when he was little, so he knew what he had to at least try.
Mark’s lip wobbled and he hid his blushing face behind his frog toy. This was so embarrassing! He wasn’t even sure how to respond or why he felt so upset. Hot tears continued to well up in his eyes until they started rolling down his cheeks and dropping to the floor. He wanted to run away and hide under his bed, safe and sound. Yuta approached him slowly and stopped to crouch down and sweep some of the mess on the floor into his hands. Mark lowered his plushie and watched carefully.
“Can you help?” Yuta asked softly. Mark nodded and started copying the older. “Thank you.”
They picked up all the big pieces and dropped them in the trash. Mark was disappointed to see the food go, but he knew it would be all yucky with floor germs. Yuta swept up the little crumbs, finishing off the clean up. He heard Mark’s stomach rumbling near by and realized he needed to figure out what to feed him. Delivery was the best option since Mark could pick whatever he wanted without any confusion between them. He brought Mark back to his bedroom and pulled up a delivery app on his phone.
Mark’s room was fairly dim, only lit by the sun that could make it through all the clouds and to his window. It was similar to a bear cave. His laptop was still playing Mr. Rogers, so he climbed into bed and silently watched the next episode. However, a minute later, Yuta was handing him his phone and pointing to the meal options displayed on the screen. Mark got the message and giggled cutely. There were so many things he would like to have! Like cupcakes, doughnuts, pizza, fries, cookies, and fruit snacks. He ended up picking a small cheese pizza from his favorite restaurant in the area.
“Can I sit with you, Markie?” Yuta asked after ordering the food. He was lucky Mark understood korean while he was small, it was just his responses that were mostly english.
Mark nodded, scooting over to make some room. He got a little tense with Yuta being so close, but quickly melted into his side and started sucking on his fingers. Johnny always said “Mark don’t put your fingers in your mouth” but he wasn’t around to do so this time. This made him giggle to himself. Yuta couldn’t stop smiling over how precious he kept acting.
“It’s dis one!” Mark exclaimed suddenly, pointing at his laptop. His favorite episode was playing and showing the process of how crayons are made.
Yuta didn’t really have any idea what he was seeing. He didn’t grow up with shows hosted by lovely old men in sweaters with puppet friends. It was quite endearing how the simplicity of it could retain Mark’s attention. Pretty melodic tunes rang here and there, sounding like something out of a dream. Even though Yuta had no idea what the older gentleman was saying, he could understand the enjoyment behind it.
Mark, feeling a little less shy, looked up at Yuta to see if he was watching the show. Sometimes he caught Taeil or Haechan using their phones instead of paying attention to what he wanted to watch with them. It made him sad sometimes because he knew it meant they weren’t all that interested in something Mark loved. However, Yuta was watching. He looked quite focused, too. This made Mark feel all bubbly and warm inside. He expressed it with some giggling and a quick wiggle. This was going better than he expected it to.
“Yuyu, I don’t feel scared.” He stated randomly. It took Yuta a couple seconds to quickly translate the sentence.
“That’s good. Do you feel safe?” He asked, looking at Mark and tilting his head.
“Mhm!” Mark nodded. “I’m happy.”
Yuta chuckled with a big smile and gave Mark a squeeze, hearing him squeal with delight. He should’ve approached little Mark much sooner, but he didn’t want to cross his friends boundaries. Waiting for Mark to be ready was the right decision and a spill of a snack got them to that point. Quite a silly coincidence.
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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Today was exhausting and I have a horrible headache right now. But it was not a bad day. It was just a lot.
I slept better last night. I think having the fan on did help. Wasn't so quiet. When I woke up my alarm went off and I felt pretty good. James came and gave me a hug and they made the bed while I went to go get dressed. I didn't feel great about my clothes today. But it was fine. I would feel cute eventually. The problem really was I was cold but I didn't know what to wear I would also just too tired to think of a better outfit. I did appreciate that this dress has pockets. Because the black girl had yesterday does not. So even if they look very similar they are very different.
I checked on my mice and they were doing pretty good. Every warmed up their heating pad and fed them and then James helped me carry things to the car. And they told me I better be safe and that they would only be safe if I was safe. Which seems fair. And then they biked off and I took a moment to settle myself before I drove to camp.
I would go and drop my mice off in the girls between. And hope that Mom mouse would come find them. But I was not that lucky because as soon as I walked in there I found two more mice. I was so mad. That was not the plan. I just put them in with the other two and hoped for the best.
And for real for the first hour I was there I was just running back and forth to different buildings just getting the last pieces to set everything up. Was stupidly stressful for some reason. I just feel like I wasn't awake. Like I wasn't that tired but I was not thinking things through and not getting everything I needed. And then I went to get the schedules and I realized I accidentally gave them an hour and 45 minutes for lunch which messed up the whole afternoon. So I had to fix that and reprint them and then I went to the lodge to make sure everything was set up and then I didn't have anywhere to plug my laptop in so I had to figure out how to get an extension cord with the whole thing. And then I found an extension cord but it only had two prongs and so that wouldn't work. Thankfully Elizabeth would find something in the office that I could use and it would all work out but man was that stressful.
It was really grateful for my co-workers today making the program work so well. I hope they do come to me with some feedback because I know that I can trust them. And the kids today work right. They did come late which was fine. We started at 10:00. And I was able to get everything going basically right away. We were able to push the whole day about 15 minutes and that worked out wonderfully.
I really enjoyed this group. Just really nice kids. And enthusiastic. I love enthusiasm. And with both my intro and with brush making They were just all in and they did such a good job.
I did decide after watching the makeup brushes that we cannot use blue. Well ideally you would use glue they're just isn't enough time and it makes too big of a mess. So we're going to get more tape and string and that's just going to be the way we're going to make them from now on. Which honestly will make them sturdier for what they're doing today. And I ran around and helped a few people but everyone made brushes and all of the chaperones were awesome. It was a great way to start.
Once they were done I sent each group off with one of my co-workers. Elizabeth was awesome with fixing the schedule and getting all of the numbers done. Because I would have spent so much time figuring that out.
And doing that first half hour I would clean all of the tables so that they would be nice for lunch. And during second half hour I would do a loop and then sit down for a few minutes just to catch my breath.
I found an interesting little cluster of mini mushrooms. Pictured above. I thought that they were a plastic cow buried upside down but when I touched them they were mushrooms. It was very surprising.
I had a talk with the groups leader and showed him the mushroom picture. And we talked about having a hike at the end of the day. He originally had asked to do a fire but he changed his mind. And I said that it was probably fine but we should check with Elizabeth. And he was like okay but I could also tell that he didn't understand why I wasn't just saying yes. I don't really have that authority. And I also don't know any of the trails. So I didn't want to leave anyone in the wrong direction.
So at lunch they would talk about that and they were kind of a kerfuffle about it because none of their chaperone teachers wanted to walk so it was a little unsure about ratios and having enough people and it was a little strange. But it was fine. We would work it out.
And the last two programs went so well. I did my loops and checked on everyone and everything seemed to be going great. I haven't gotten any feedback that there were disasters yet. And everyone seemed like they were having a great time. Elizabeth said that she only heard one curse word all day. Which was when a child was struggling to use our fire sticks and just said that he was "sick of this shit". Which is objectively funny so you can't get in trouble when things are funny. But overall I was just here in a lot of positivity and laughing and it was good.
Plus it was just a beautiful day. I have been very cold in the morning but once it warmed up and I was able to just be in my T-shirt I felt pretty good. I was very happy with my shoe choice but the inside of my shoes has a hole in the lining that bothers the underside of my foot. I had put medical tape on it and that had held for a while but it seems like it's not holding anymore and I'm annoyed by that. I'll fix it but it's fine for now.
After our last program the plan was to have everyone come and meet at the totem pole and then go on a hike with Elizabeth in the front. I was going to join them. It was under the rest but I was still going to do it. I have been walking around knitting all day. I had figured out how to shove my ball of yarn in the folds of my tied t-shirt. But then as they were getting ready to leave some of the chaperones handed me a couple things to take back to the lodge and so I did that and I told Elizabeth I would catch up. But I never caught up.
Not for lack of trying but I couldn't figure out where they were. I could hear them because there were 50 people walking in a group. But I couldn't figure out which direction to go and I'm not very fast. So instead I just went up to the art building and cleaned up pigments socelia wouldn't have to worry about it. And then I went to the lodge to start cleaning up over there.
And we finished up and I said thank you to everyone and it was great. I do wish we would have gotten a little bit of a closing but it's good It's not a huge loss. They were very sweet kids and it was a good day.
Jesus was I exhausted. I was just so tired. The feet hurt so much and I just wanted to sit down but I knew that there was so much to do still. I started packing things up while Nick and Sarah were starting to wipe down and pack at the tables and chairs. They would also sweep with Celia. And I would go and get my car. I made a stop at the office to ask about paint for tomorrow and they said I should go grab Joe who had just parked up top. So I went up there and asked him and he asked if I could drive him to Tlingit to his paint shed storage. I had never been in there before so I drove up with him and we talked about how annoying it is when the car does not turn off all the way when you turn off the engine. And he gave me the paint and we chatted and it was nice. He's such a nice guy.
Then I worked on collecting old stuff. Appreciate my coworkers putting all of the things in the boxes for me. I had to make one stop at the art building and then go to the lodge to get the last of the things before I came back to the building again. But that was totally fine. And I got everything into the art shed and then put my fibers boxes on the tables to start resetting them.
I'm definitely going to have to spend some time making a reserve of all of my materials. Because while it doesn't take very long. I am so tired after the program that this just kind of a nightmare of two reset them. I think having no glue will help the next one. But I laid everything out and I figured out a good system. I had a video going and I was most of the way down when Celia came up and asked if she could help. I sent her to go find me more sticks. Because I need a hundred sticks every time. And she did a very good job finding sticks that were all the same size. Well I finished resetting the bags and making sure that all of the boxes have the same material and enough of everything.
Once that was done she left and I collected walkies and put them in my car with my laptop and drove down to the office.
The next 40ish minutes we would spend debriefing with Elizabeth. The group really enjoyed the day but next week we're having 90 kindergarteners. And they want it to be free choice. First of all. I love free choice. I think it's great idea and it's really really good. Within reason. There needs to be parameters and boundaries. And they want to have those. But when you're doing it with 90 kids it can get outrageous at the very quickly. And I don't know if any of us are really set up or ready for that. It would be different if they were running the programs but they still want us to run them and we don't really have lessons that are pop up. So I don't exactly know how we're going to do this.
I'm in charge of arts and crafts so I'm going to have a great time. And I suggested that I do a community painting. And asked if I could buy a drop cloth. Elizabeth said that it sounded good to her. And she gave me her work credit card and told me I could leave whenever I want. I took a minute to sit and complain with them about how it's not fair to ask a facility staff to change the way they do things when we are not employees of other company. Like we are not doing things the way that you do them but if you want to do anyway you should have your staff do it. But whatever. I still really enjoy them I just hope that we can come to a meeting of the mines and an agreement on the way we're going to proceed.
I would follow Elizabeth to her car because she had to figure out where her purse was. And when she gave me her card and reminded me to get a receipt I drove up to the girls the train to see if mice were still there.
This is a mixed bag. My two boy mice that have been thriving so much last night and we're still in the box. I was not thrilled I was hoping that Mom would have come and taken them. But there were two more mice on the ground. A boy and a girl. And they were not doing good. They were cold and the one was covered in spider webs. They were still moving but barely. I put them in the box. But the two I found this morning were not there anymore. I have no idea if one of the two I found this afternoon or the same ones. And then my two boys from last night were cold too because the little jar of formula I had left in there with them had not been closed all the way or something and had spilled all on the inside and so the rags that they have been cuddled in or damp. And everyone was so cold. I was so upset.
My first plan was to try to warm them up so I collect it all four of them and I put them in my shirt and tried to keep them warm for a few minutes but I realized that wasn't working and my best bet was to just finish my errands and get them home and try my best to warm them up then.
Put them in the car and wash my hands and then went to the Amish market.
I've been looking forward to this all day. I was going to get pretzels for me and pretzel hot dogs for James and a couple other treats. And it was great. I got out there after getting stuck in a little bit of traffic. And it was busy because they were having a sidewalk sale but I got everything that I wanted and everyone was so nice and I got two pretzels, two hot dogs pretzels, mini cheesecakes, cinnamon buns, two whoopie pies, and six deviled eggs. For less than $30. Amazing.
After that I drove down the street to go to home Depot. The drop cloth sizes were very bizarre so I hope the one that I picked works out the way that I'm imagining it will. I paid for that and I think the guy thought I was Jewish because he kept saying happy holidays and happy Rosh Hashanah to me. Which thank you. But it was very funny. He was Indian. He was very nice. And I love that for him. I love when people are very nice.
I went home and all the nice were alive but the two that I found at the end of the day we're not doing well. I had had James pull out our smaller electric heating pad because I thought we could put it under the case to keep everyone warm and that has been a great idea tonight and I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. I put that on I got everyone set up and I got milk.
But the two were just not doing good. I put them directly on the microwave heating pad to try to warm them up and they did get warm. They were breathing but it was shallow and the other two I put inside the washcloth like they had been fed them and they held the eyedropper and it was great. But an hour later I went back and the two new ones were stiff. They weren't breathing or moving. I picked them up and then other women's even dropped. They were gone.
I wrapped them up in a tissue together and James buried them in our plants. I'm just glad they were warm at the end.
The other two seem to be doing great. I fed them a few times and I've made sure that they're not too warm in there. The he can grab turns off every 2 hours so I don't know if they will be okay overnight but it's better that they have been so we'll see. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I might just leave some at home. But we'll see.
I was really happy to see James. They got me yellow flowers and they are so lovely. But I was exhausted. And then I was so sad about my nights. James would sit with me in the bedroom while I told him about the day and they told me drama at work. And they were very excited because they are going to be interviewing someone who is a former NFL player tonight. Which is what they're doing right now. So I'm trying to be quiet.
I'm so happy for them that their podcast is such a nice little bit of joy. I like listening to them laugh and I'm glad it gives them something to research.
And while they were doing that I was in the other room putting on clothing make Olympia costume. Don't want to wear a corset. And I wasn't loving my green dress that I usually wear as an overlay. So I picked my new blue dress that I've been loving and I'm going to layer that with a pee pieces and do skip pickups and I think it's going to be great. Plus it was really fun to put together.
I wasn't sure where the bag was that I keep all of our costume stuff in and I exhausted myself for a little while trying to find it. James took apart the closet and him to find it. It turned out I had taken everything up the tote bag and put them into a suitcase. So at least I know where it is now. And I hung up our costumes and I'm really excited for next weekend.
Speaking of excited. Just booked our Disney trip for January. So that is going to be really cool. It's expensive but not as bad as I thought. And we're doing it in three payments so it's not even a huge deal. I already have the money saved for it and I am excited for this big trip. It's going to be really cool. We're already working on a document with all the things that we would like to do while we're there. She goes to Disney all the time but I haven't been since I was in fourth grade. So I'm really excited to see things with her that she knows so well. I'm really going in with almost no expectations. Though I do think it's funny that and all my research so far I pretty much just want to do all the boat rides. Anything that's on water or slow. Those are the things I would like the most.
Now though I am really tired and a little dehydrated. I have taken a bath a little while ago and that was nice but I wish it had helped my achy body a little bit more. I think I would have been worse if I didn't take it though so I'm taking it as a positive still. Now though I am going to just rest and wait for James to be done their podcast. And tomorrow I'm hoping we'll be a good day.
You don't do field trips on Friday which is nice. I'm going to update some stuff in my lesson plans and my files so that they run a little smoother for our next one. I have a couple supplies that need to be fixed. And then I'm going to paint a door. And I don't know what else. I think it will just be a chill day. That is what I'm hoping. I'm hoping for it to be quiet.
Hope you all sleep well tonight. Be safe out there. Take care of yourselves. Until next time.
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ember-not-amber · 1 year
My ranking of the Pixie Dust Powers mini games based on how hard they are
Dewdrop Catching game - 10/10 easy, a little stressful bc if you drag the bucket across the screen too quickly you’ll spill the dewdrops which happens when the next dewdrop you need falls from a leaf that is on the other side of the screen. I just end up ignoring it and catching the closer dewdrops.
Flower Planting game - 6/10 OH MY GOD THIS IS SO HARD!! You have to plant the seeds in the holes before they fill up and this is quite difficult since I don’t have a mouse so I’m just using the touch pad thingy on my laptop and my laptop has a touch-screen and you’d think it would make it easier to plant the seeds but when I tried IT WOULDN’T LET ME DO ANYTHING WTFFF and the game won’t let me simply tap my touch pad, I have to fully click it in order to do anything in this whole game.
Also I feel fucking scammed out of petals because each flower has 6 petals but the amount of petals I end up earning is literally just the amount of flowers I grew when it really should be six times that!
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I hate this game so much, the most flowers I have been able to plant is 16 and the least is 2
Egg-hatching game - 2/10 really hard. I’ve never gotten this far enough in the game before and it’s so stressful when one egg starts shaking and then it stops only for a different one to start and then it continues and I missed all of them and only made a crack in 2 of them but none of them hatched so I got no egg shells out of my first try😭
Baby birds died because of me. Never mind, the baby birds are ugly asf💀
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My best bet is to just trade garden dust for egg shells with Fawn.
Flying Fast game - 9/10 kind of easy. Definitely less stressful than the egg-hatching game. I got 14 feathers out of my first try!
Sunflower Seed Picking game - 1/10 very difficult, tedious, and stressful
I played this game for 5 hours only to find out there is no way to beat it, you literally just fly all over Pixie Hollow trading with fairies, playing the mini games, and making dust after you unlock all of the zones.
And might I add that the final zone to unlock was an empty cave?! I was expecting something that would make me able to reach the pixie dust in areas where trees were blocking me and maybe Tinkerbell would be in that zone but no, she wasn’t despite her being in the picture on the title screen. That is just INSANE to make a game that isn’t meant to be beaten and you just do the same shit for the rest of eternity. What the fuck, Disney Games??
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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Hey loves- so two things; first I'm really sorry I didn't get anything done last night but I promise I will tonight cause I'm gonna try and stay up all night since I've gotta be up early. I'll get into why I wasn't on last night under the cut- Anyways, secondly, I've made a new rules page. Basically all of the rules are still the same I've just made it match the rest of my stuff and added a little about me section. I think that's it for now though, I hope everyone is having a great day/night ❤️
The reason I didn't get on last night was because it was just one of those nights where if it can go wrong, it will. I was actually having a good time before everything went wrong. I'd smoked half a blunt while dancing around outside listening to music but then came the storm; literally, a thunderstorm came outta fucking nowhere. I love them, honestly but it scared the fuck out of me. Before the storm hit my computer was already acting weird, I had to restart it and turn it off, unplug my mouse and keyboard and everything it was ridiculous. Then because of the storm my wifi went out and I had a headache, probably from the stress of dealing with this damn computer, so I just decided to lay down for a little while. By time the wifi came back on I was too tired to do anything or mess with this damn computer again. My laptop that gave out on me a few months ago which was the reason I had to get this shitty computer actually stills works so I'm thinking if I get one of those cooling pads for it I'll actually be able to use it again. The only real problem with it is an overheating issue so fingers crossed I can temporarily solve that with the cooling pad.
Also, I maybe have been getting in my own head a lot lately about my writing skills and my place here and all that. I try not to because I know all it does is make it harder for me to reply to things which in turn just stresses me out more because I'm taking so long to answer people but it's really hard sometimes. Anyways, if you read this far, I love you, and I hope you have the best day ever and here's a little forehead kiss for your troubles..
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skyllion-uwu · 2 years
Ughhh I hate having a hand me down laptop from my mom because her stuff is still on there and now my dad needs to get stuff off of there and it's like "great he's gonna stumble on stuff I have and judge me" when the stuff in question is Arkharem at worst but even then I don't like him looking at my writing and talking about my interests because he's made fun of me in the past so I'm still screaming internally as he's poking around
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Things To Consider When Buying a Laptop Bag
1. What Kind of Bag Do You Want?
Laptop bags are basically bags with a separate compartment for laptops. They are padded to provide shock-proofing and the bags typically waterproof or water-resistant. That's where the similarities come to an end. Beyond that, there's various types of bags and features available. This article will be a quick guide to anyone looking to purchase laptop bags for their equipment.
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The first thing you should consider is the type of bag you'd like to have. The typical briefcase bag that generally comes with the grab handle as well as the shoulder strap. They are on the top lists however, one of the most well-known types can be the backpack for laptops. There are also rolling bags that come with a separate compartment specifically for laptops. If you'd like to have your hands free laptop bags are the best option. Briefcase bags offer advantages because they aren't as heavy as other kinds, and rolling overnighters that have separate laptop storage are ideal for travelers who don't need to take bags for their laptops while travelling.
2. How Much Storage Do you Need?
The storage capacity of these bags comes in three varieties including overnighter, medium storage or gear and only. The biggest laptop bags are ideal for quick trips or long trips. They can be used as luggage replacements. many outfits, your laptop computer and accessories and that's all you need. Medium storage is equivalent to one jacket or two of text books that are thick. Gear is, in essence it's your laptop, plus accessories (headphone mouse, keyboard usb, USB external hard drive equipment, and sometimes an area for document storage).
Bags are designed to fit different sizes for laptops. When you are looking at the dimensions, make certain to verify if you refer to laptops that are PC or Macs. If you decide to purchase the right bag for your laptop, if you are using the laptop sleeves, there's the possibility that your laptop isn't able to fit in the bag. Be aware of this. Also , check the padding of the laptop compartment. You would like the bottom of your laptop to be secure.
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Outside of the laptop compartment as well as the storage compartments, these bags generally include a separate accessory compartment for laptops, phones or office equipment and more. I consider these to be to be the most imaginative aspect that the bags come with. There's a high chance you'll discover something that matches the accessories you already have. For instance, some bags come with an elastic line that can be scratchproof for phones with smaller screens such as PSPs as well as smartphones.
3. Material
The top line bags are made from leather, but an option is to use ballistic nylon. Ballistic nylon is available in two different weights: 1200 and 1650 with the latter number being the more heavy material. To ensure that the material is tough, but not heavy, you'll likely encounter the 1680 denier weight materials. Ballistic Nylon was originally developed to protect World War II airmen. It's tear-resistant and was designed to guard against shrapnel in dog fights.
Polyester nylon is perfectly acceptable It's beautiful and durable, however it doesn't look like ballistic nylon.
It is recommended to choose an item with a bit more durable materials at the bottom. Some bags come with leather bottoms or lined by waterproof materials. Some brands even employ PVA which is a polymer-based material that is wrapped around the bottom of the bag to form the form of a shield.
4. Fit and Finish
Make sure you check the stitching on the bag. Straight stitching should be perfectly executed. If you're intending to do it rough, you'll need double stitching. Grab handles should be strong. For backpacks, straps need to be secured securely to the bag's body.
To provide additional security, certain manufacturers offer a limited warranty on the fit and finish as well as the materials.
5. Comfort
Laptop backpacks are infamous for their sweaty backs. The latest models feature Aeriated mesh on the back and shoulder straps with aeriated straps. If you're planning on carrying loads of stuff with your backpack, be aware that straps with wider widths distribute the weight more evenly over your shoulders.
For briefcases that can be carried by hand, it is recommended to purchase cases equipped with shoulder straps.
You can pick the bag from the bottom and feel the weight. The weight of the bag varies widely. Be aware that you'll need to load up your laptop bags with laptops, therefore the weight after you empty the bags is something you should be aware of.
Happy shopping! We wish you the perfect bag that fits your life!
Check out some best-selling bags available on this site: https://www.nashermiles.com/sale
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Do You Really Need a MacBook Air Laptop?
Since the advent of game-changing gadgets like the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, Apple has been the subject of much acclaim for its consumer electronics. However, with so many options, do you recommend sticking with Windows or trying out an Apple laptop?
My experience has taught me that Apple products are well-made and attractively designed; furthermore, the MacBook Air is remarkably slim and lightweight. Unlike Microsoft's Windows, the Mac OS rarely experiences unexpected shutdowns, making it one of the system's many notable advantages.
However, if you've been accustomed to using an i7 windows laptop until now, you might be unfamiliar with the interface of mac laptops. This is a minor issue, though, given that the mac laptops' layout is straightforward to pick up on the go.
The following are only a few examples of excellent design and functionality
Tiny form factor, Core 2 Duo 1.86 GHz, 256 GB SSD, and NVIDIA GeForce 320M integrated graphics.
In the Mac OSX
A Macbook Air is one of the greatest laptops on the market for people who are constantly on the go for business or other reasons. Don't be fooled into thinking that the iPad is a suitable replacement for a computer; it's not. The iPad is limited in functionality and lacks ports for accessories like a keyboard and mouse, among other things.
However, I'm sure you'd like to compare pricing and features with other laptops on the market. Fortunately, doing so is simple thanks to Amazon.com. Apple laptops may be more expensive than those of competitors, but they outperform the competition in every way.
Now that you have the information you need, you can do your research and select the product that will serve your needs the most effectively and efficiently, as I have provided you with some guidelines to follow.
Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6 Guide: What Does This Windows 2-In-1 Laptop Offer to Its Users?
There is a dizzying array of options available when looking for a Windows laptop. The leading manufacturers are always releasing new products, and technological advancements happen at a dizzying pace. The Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6 is a popular recommendation since it is a 2-in-1 laptop with adequate power, speed, and storage for mainstream entertainment and computer tasks at a reasonable price.
This laptop has a little bit of everything: a sturdy keyboard, a bright screen, and a flexible layout. The 360-degree rotation of the hinge enables you to use the device as a tablet, a notebook, a tent, or a stand. When the R15 is in tablet mode, it may be anchored in place with the help of four rubber pads located just below the hinges on the deck and four strips situated along the bottom corners.
At the far left of the device, you'll find a touchpad without buttons. There is a chiclet-style keyboard with LED backlighting and a number pad. When typing, you can count on a travel distance of 1.49 mm. An enjoyable typing experience is ensured by the remarkable key travel and robust feedback.
A common limitation of 2-in-1 convertible laptop/tablet devices is a screen size of 10 inches or 12 inches. This one has a 15.6-inch screen and supports full HD resolution thanks to IPS technology. The resolution of the display is 1920 x 1080. With a two-speaker configuration and Dolby Music Enhancement, the audio is just as enjoyable as the visuals. The bottom-mounted speakers are loud enough to fill a medium-sized room with music or audio.
Connectivity and Operating System for the Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6
The 64-bit Windows 10 Home operating system is preinstalled on the Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6 notebook. The i7 processors are dual-core (2.50 GHz). In addition to the 1TB of space provided by the Serial ATA hard drive, you also receive 12GB of memory in the form of DDR4 SDRAM.
You may keep it hooked up to your home or business Wi-Fi network, or take it on the road and hook it up at any Wi-Fi hotspot because it already has built-in Wireless LAN technology (IEE 802.11 a-b-g-n-ac). Additionally, Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity is provided.
The Li-ion battery has a 3220-mAh capacity and, depending on the workload, can last for up to nine hours on a single charge. There is a 65-W maximum load for the power supply. The vent is situated in such a way that hot air is expelled away from the user, therefore overheating is not a concern.
The Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6 is an excellent laptop option for any user that values flexibility in their computing and has enough processing speed and power to go through most chores, including certain multimedia activities like video streaming and ordinary gaming.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #082
Is there anyone who is tryna do sexual stuff with you currently? Uh not right this very minute. If your last ex got his heart broken, would you feel bad for him? My last ex is a female, and regardless of everything, I would. Heartbreak is the most painful fucking thing I've ever been through and empathize with every single person who goes through it. Are you a seafood fan? No. The one and only seafood I've tried and enjoyed is shrimp, which I DO love. Have you ever had an operation? Yeah, tubes in my ears and a cyst surgically removed. Now getting my wisdom teeth taken out is in my future and I'm dreading it... What is something you find romantic? Handwritten notes.
What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? I think more than anything else, how obviously and strongly he cares about me and has for well over a decade. He's never given up on me. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? Uhhhh maybe? I feel like Summer might have... or did I make that one myself? I don't remember. Who was the last person you were “in a relationship with” on Facebook (including anyone you may have put “in a relationship with” for a joke)? It's like that now with Girt. Have you ever had a reptile for a pet? I've had two snakes, have a snake now, and have also had a Chinese water dragon and briefly a baby iguana. Have you ever kissed anyone with a tattoo? I'm actually not sure; I feel like Tyler MIGHT have had a Triforce tattoo on his arm or something? I might be remembering poorly, though, maybe that was something he'd just mentioned wanting because he was a massive TLoZ fan. How long have you been with your boyfriend/girlfriend? A year and two months. What kinds of alcohol do you like? Pretty much exclusively VERY light ones, especially the fruity ones. I absolutely hate the taste of alcohol itself, so the less, the better, honestly. Did you have a swing set when you were a kid? Yes. Can you do the alphabet in sign language? No. Is the person you last kissed yours? I absolutely hate the wording to this question, he's his own independent person. We're dating, yeah, but I absolutely hate the insinuation of ownership here. State you most want to visit? Wyoming. Yellowstone is mostly there and that is where I want to spread Teddy's ashes, and I'd actually like my own spread there too, in the same general area as Teddy's. What genre was the last song you listened to? Power metal. What is something that you really want to try, whether it’s a hobby, food, etc.? UHHHHHHHHHHH herping is one big hobby I would LOVE to be able to engage in. I'd just need to get far physically healthier and also like, find a place where it's not only allowed, but productive. What sort of things do you like to post or look at on Tumblr? The Rammstein side of Tumblr is a fucking (100% cursed) treasure trove and the people are fantastic. And feral. :^) What is currently on your desk? Oh jeez, it's a mess right now. My laptop, mouse, mouse pad, phone, purse, art supplies + sketchbook, a book, water, and some continuing education paperwork. This room is a mess right now. How often do you take naps and how long do they usually last? I THINK it's still usually everyday, but there are definitely more gaps in-between them than there used to be. I usually set an alarm for two hours, sometimes one, but if I'm truly fucking beat, I don't set one at all, but I usually avoid this because after two hours, I'm really putting myself in nightmare risk territory; sometimes they even happen when I sleep less than two hours, but that's kinda rare, I think. Who was the last person you recall dreaming about? I actually don't remember; my last dream/nightmare involved me being literally tortured by people I'm pretty sure I didn't know. It really upset my mom because apparently I'm was screaming things like "ow/ouch" in my sleep. What was the last spicy food you ate? Do you eat a lot of spicy food? Jalapeno pizza a while back. I like spicy food, but I don't eat it nearly as much as I used to. When was the last time you admired some flowers? What kind/colour were they? I honestly don't know; it's mostly leaves I admire this time of year. The colors have been INSANE. What was the last thing you ate, that you considered a treat/luxury? I had a pair of Reese's the other day, and I very rarely have chocolate. What type of cake did you have for your last birthday, if any? ... That's a good question? I actually feel like Tobey decided to get my cake without asking me or my mom, which annoyed us both. Like I can see how it seems like a kind gesture, but she isn't family, doesn't make decisions for me, and also doesn't know what I like? It was just overstepping, which she is VERY good at doing. This mighta been last year though, I really don't remember. When was the last time you asked for someone’s advice or opinion? Well today, because I had therapy. It was a heavy one. Has anyone you know got a new pet recently? Mazzy got Cecil the jumping spider!!! :') I also feel like some Facebook friends have gotten cats and dogs kinda recently? No one I'm super close to, though. Who was the last person you knew that had a baby? How long ago was that? I believe that would be an old high school acquaintance having her second daughter, named Sage. This was at the VERY least a month ago, maybe longer though, I'm bad at measuring time, especially with something like this and with someone I'm not immensely close to. And is anyone you know expecting a baby anytime soon? I know two people off the top of my head, but I don't think either are really soon. What was the last fundraising event that you took part in? Well, we actually had a kid knock on our door a few weeks back selling chocolate. Funny thing, it was the same chocolate *I* grew up having to sell for school, haha, and it's my absolute favorite. Mom bought a few bars, so I guess that's considered helping/engaging with the fundraiser. How old were you 10 years ago? Who were your closest friends at that point? 16... wow. Jason was #1, then I was still friends with Hannia, MAYBE Mini (I really can't remember when we started drifting), Girt and I were close even then, I know Tez was a constant in my life... Those are the ones that come to mind fastest. ^Do you still speak to any of them? Girt is my boyfriend that I totally fucking adore and Tez is still one of my closest buds! The other three I don't talk to anymore. Have you ever cut your own hair? No, I'd never try that. What do you eat most frequently? Um probably chicken in some form, idk. Are you a fan of video games? Yes, but not as much as I was when I was younger. What's your favorite color combination? Probably black and gold. Have you ever sang karaoke? No. Have you held anyone's hand in the past week? Yeah, Girt visited last night after work and we cuddled for a while. Ended up falling asleep with him there, which is always the best. What's your favorite perfume/body spray/cologne? I have zero idea. Do you think you're a good secret keeper? I very genuinely do. I'm pretty positive that I've only ever not kept a single secret in my life, but I didn't keep it for a damn good reason. It was not a safe or healthy secret. She certainly begs to differ, but frankly I don't give a fucking rat's ass. Name one fashion trend you could never follow. Fucking Crocs. I don't know HOW they're suddenly in, they're hideous and so goddamn uncomfortable, like they actually hurt my feet. Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? If so, who? My first real boyfriend Jason, as well as hospital staff when you have to strip to prove nothing's on you and change into scrubs. Do you want kids when you're older? Yes and no, but I don't plan on having any ever because I know in my core it would be a fucking awful idea and probably traumatize the kid and/or end up with me killing myself. Did your parents sign you up for anything you hated as a child? Yeah, I remember I absolutely hated soccer, so much that Mom didn't make me stay on the team. She also wanted me to do cheerleading with my other sisters, so I did for like, one "season" or whatever the hell they were considered and then joined the basketball team I'd been cheering for, haha. My mom also forced my sisters and me to go to a Catholic Sunday school, which I THOROUGHLY absolutely hated. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I always go with chicken. An egg doesn't just... appear outta nowhere. Something has to make it, and even from an evolutionary perspective, I just feel like a new species would be recognized before an egg of that species was, if that makes any sense? I'm incredible at explaining things. What are your feelings about Octomom? I would, from the total bottom of my fucking heart, rather die. Like it's not even a debate for me. I don't feel anything in particular regarding her as a woman though, I know literally nothing about her other than she had eight kids. Do you know of Smosh? Yes, but I never actually watched their content. Honestly I don't even remember what KIND of content they made. Do you drink enough water daily? Probably not *enough*, but holy cow do I drink a load more than I used to. Sparkling flavored water has saved my ass. What's your favorite fruit? Strawberries. Have you purchased any cool objects from a foreign country? No. :( What do you think is your biggest flaw? I think at the very, very root is the fact I overthink EVERYTHING, good and bad, to absolutely ridiculous lengths. Would you rather have strep throat or an ear infection? Strep. I've had a double ear infection before from a fucking idiot doctor rinsing my ears of earwax but not even bothering to properly dry them at all (get water/any dampness OUT OF YOUR EAR!!) and I felt like death, the pain was unreal. I'm talking the kind of pain that literally makes you contort and grab your head. Do you have neat handwriting? Yeah, most people say it's really fancy. Is being thin really all that great? Coming from an obese woman who once was thin but thought she was fat: yes it fucking is. I'd give pretty much fucking anything to be even somewhat thin again. Who is the best artist you've seen live? Only seen Alice Cooper, who was great. Btw I very recently found out Girt didn't know who Alice Cooper was and I very legitimately thought he was fucking with me, lmao. Was shocked to learn that day he really doesn't know a lot of classic rock/metal bands. Do you knock before you open doors? Of course, I think it's rude not to unless it's like, a life or death emergency situation. Think of the second to last person you kissed, did that person ever give you a piggy-back ride? Dude I would've snapped Sara's back in two on the very moment of impact, no lmao. Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally? I don't like thinking of this. Probably Mom, or Girt. Sometimes I feel like Jason still could to a terrible extent if we were still in contact. What are you listening to? "Adrenalize" by In This Moment started a minute ago. Have you ever kissed anyone and it made things weird? No. Have you ever been used? Probably. Do you think the person whom you like will break your heart? God I fucking hope not. I genuinely don't, but it's always a worry that he'll have enough one day. Is there a guy who knows everything or almost everything about you? No. I almost instinctively said yes, thinking of Jason, but that mf knows NOTHING about me anymore. I am so, so, SO very different now than I was at the start of 2017. Girt definitely knows a lot about me, but not everything. There's a lot I don't talk about, and it's very obvious that he doesn't want to push me into topics I'm uncomfortable with or are triggering, so there's still things he certainly doesn't know. Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you? My mom. Kind of Sara, but to be honest I stopped talking to her about many things, like moral belief directions, LONG before I cut her out of my life. The more and more politically left I became, the less I told her unless she'd like, directly ask, which never happened anyway. Who was the last person you hugged in public? Either one of my nieces or my nephew. How was last night? Fine. I was happy to have Girt over for a while. Last time someone tickled you? G U Y S this is gonna sound so fucking dumb and strange but I've actually discovered that in-between my shoulderblades/the middle of my back, I'M KINDA TICKLISH THERE and Girt was torturing me w/ it yesterday, who the FUCK has a ticklish back Have you ever hugged someone for over a minute? Well yeah, I've fallen asleep hugging people. Even when conscious, I'm sure I've done it in like a cuddly space. Do you have a thing for shy/awkward hot guys? ngl yes lmao What’s your favourite Lunchables meal? The nachos one hits DIFFERENT, y'all. Do you like Bob Marley? Noooooo. Would you be mad if your best friend went out with your ex? Girt would never date "the" ex because he's straight and I am almost 100% certain hates his fucking guts. As for the most recent ex, Girt would absofuckinglutely not date someone with her political compass, and not to mention that following the recent meltdown I had over Sara saying some high quality shit, he literally said "well fuck Sara" so yeah, he doesn't like her, nor would he EVER date her knowing the damage she's caused me. Do you have to see something to really believe it? No. I can't see the oxygen I'm breathing but sure as hell know it's there. Are your eyes sensitive to sunlight? I'd say abnormally so. I've HEARD blue-eyed people generally react stronger to a change in lighting than other colors, but idk how true that is. Regardless though, I absolutely feel it when I step into even mild sunlight. [TW: OVERDOSE/SUICIDE] Have you ever escaped death? I mean, I suppose so. I took quite the overdose of cold medicine when I tried to kill myself, and literally all it did was clear the FUCK outta my sinuses, lmao. I'm guessing I just got fluids in time, idk, but man I was breathing better than I ever had in my life lmfao. Who do you wish you were with right now? Since yesterday I've been like way more "I wanna be with Girt" than what's already normal, so him. He's coming over again tomorrow but god when I get clingy, I get clingy, and I get self-conscious about it because I'm afraid of annoying him. He's never said it does, like I've directly asked, but still, I worry. When were you the saddest in your life? The entire year (and then some months) that followed the breakup with Jason. I never, ever, EVER, want to experience a pain and loneliness that deep ever again, it went so far beyond words. I didn't know it was fucking possible to hurt that bad. I would very sincerely rather die than go through that experience again. It was a fucking nightmare. Next concert? I don't know. :( Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? Well, I don't know her well, but I've taken pictures twice for a woman whose boyfriend/fiance/whatever is total fucking garbage. He VERY clearly emotionally abuses/manipulates the fuck out of her. He's in and out of she and her son's lives like every few weeks, but I feel like she's venting about someone that sounds like him at least twice a fuckin week. I really hope she finds someone better, she seems like a wonderful person that just wants peace for her son. Are you one of those people who don’t like children of any kind at all? No. They stress me out and drain me VERY easily, but children are fucking gifts. As I've regularly joined my mom in watching my sister's kids on Fridays, I've also gotten much better with dealing with them and just seeing the beauty of kids in general. Can you see a cat from where you’re sitting? Yes, Roman is snoozing on the floor to my left. If your parents searched your room, would they be mad at what they’d find? No; my mom knows everything that's in there, and I'm also an adult, so...
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laptopsmedia · 2 years
Laptop Lap desk for gaming
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If you frequently work from your couch or bed, a Laptop Lap desk for gaming may be the solution to your comfort. The best ones can instantly alleviate a wide range of issues, such as neck pain from staring down all day and searing pain from placing a hot laptop directly on your thighs. m
Some provide a place to put your mouse, storage, or a cushion to rest your wrists on. While we've previously written about a variety of ergonomic office supplies, such as keyboards and mice, we've compiled a list of the top lap desks on Amazon based on customer reviews.
Although this is a lap desk, we previously mentioned it as a great option for those looking for a laptop table. It has received five stars from over 25,000 Amazon reviewers, indicating how popular it is.
The phone holder and built-in mouse pad are reviewers' favourites. "The cell-phone holder was excellent for when I'm holding a conference call and doing work at the same time," one reviewer says of the product.
" Furthermore, despite its many features, it is not overly bulky and can still carry a 15-inch laptop." "This lap desk is amazing in every way, from size and weight to comfort," says another reviewer. Despite the large double-bolster arrangement used for padding, the desk appears lightweight (but not fragile) when placed on your lap.
Mind Reader Lap Desk Adjustable "This is one of the best purchases (on or off Amazon) that I've made in recent memory - especially considering the price," says one customer who uses the lap desk for handwriting and drawing. They also mention that the desk's work surface can be elevated to the desired angle, claiming that "this has solved most of the awful pains caused by hunching over my work." Other reviewers praised the desk's adaptability as well.
"I particularly appreciate the adjustable angle because I can change it if the sun is shining on my iPad screen, and it removes the screen from that glare," one user says. This is where I charge my iPad or iPhone, read books, look at paper maps, and eat breakfast or lunch.
Customers thought this desk was of high quality for the price. I spend a lot of time in my chair due to a back problem, and this works better than other solutions I've tried for half the price. I was surprised by the quality for the price. "Lightweight, wonderfully constructed to work," says another. It appears to be inexpensive, but it performs admirably!
The most comfortable lap desk Nearly 80% of reviewers gave this cushioned lap desk five stars, with many praising its slick surface, simple design, and larger-than-average size. My husband recently asked to borrow my tiny laptop desk, and I doubt I'll ever get it back because it is clearly large enough to accommodate both his laptop AND the external mouse AND a notepad!
One reviewer writes that she uses this desk for reading, using her iPad, and taking notes. I might have to ask Santa Claus for another one the following Christmas. Another reason customers adored the desk was its shiny, smooth surface. Despite this, the desk's bottom provides enough traction to keep laptops in place.
According to one user, their laptop's rubber soles keep it from moving even when the lap desk is tilted at a 45-degree angle. Although some lap desks have more bells and whistles, reviewers found the minimalism of this desk appealing. Someone says,
"The simplicity of this is what makes it perfect."
There are no gimmicky curves, patterns, or textures, which are common in lap desks. You can easily write your resignation letter to your employer on its HUGE surface area to inform them that you are starting a home business and will not be leaving your bed due to the greatness of this lap desk and that you will not be using it only for your laptop.
Wrist rest lap desk best This Huanuo lap desk's wrist support has received dozens of five-star reviews, including one from a frequent user. "The wrist pad really makes typing on my laptop while sitting in a chair or curled up on the sofa far more comfortable," they add.
Another reviewer says this lap desk is "ideal for online school" because it has storage pockets, a pen nook at the top, and "helps keep [their] MacBook cool." They claim that, aside from being comfortable, the wrist rests "REALLY are a game changer" because they keep their MacBook from slipping down.
According to a reviewer with carpal tunnel syndrome, the lap desk "greatly reduced the pressure on [their] wrists," and it "travels nicely from room to room and is lightweight and comfortable."
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