#Kunigami x reader
pookalicious-hq · 2 days
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spaces between us... nagi seishiro x reader
| 0.1: kill shot | prev | next | masterlist |
synopsis: if blue lock was created to manufacture the world's best striker why should this opportunity only be offered to teenage boys? tags/tw: soccerplayer!reader, physical competition, eating disorder mention, bestie bachira meguru, graphic description of injuries word count: 6100~
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The last time she checked the clock, it read 5:00 am, and here (Y/n) lay in her bunk at the Blue Lock facility. The room's silence enveloped her like a heavy blanket, punctuated only by the distant shuffle of the other players sound asleep in their beds. The starkness of her surroundings was a stark contrast to the buzzing anticipation in her chest. She could still feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins from the game of tag a few days ago, the palpable tension that had filled the air when the whistle blew and players darted around the field. The stakes had never felt higher; one careless move and the last player hit with the ball would be eliminated. It was a relentless pursuit that stripped away the weak, a grim reminder of the harsh reality they faced in Blue Lock.
(Y/n)’s heart raced as she recalled the intensity of the game—players shouting and strategizing, the sound of the ball echoing as it bounced off their feet, and the rush of wind as she sprinted to evade the ball. It was exhilarating yet terrifying, a chaotic dance where every moment felt like it could be her last. The fear of elimination loomed over her like a shadow, a constant reminder of what was at stake.
She turned onto her side, staring at the ceiling, the cold, unyielding surface only amplifying her thoughts. What if she didn't perform well enough? The pressure to succeed weighed heavily on her shoulders, a familiar companion that both fueled her ambition and gnawed at her confidence.
Every breath she took felt sharper, more deliberate, as she mentally replayed the day’s events. The laughter, the competition, and the underlying tension pulsed through the facility. She’d come here to prove herself, to rise above the doubts that plagued her—yet the enormity of that goal threatened to swallow her whole.
With a sigh, (Y/n) pushed her thoughts aside, focusing instead on the rhythmic sound of her breathing, each exhale a reminder that she was still in control. Today was the first step in carving her path, and she couldn't afford to let fear dictate her future.
Suddenly, the sharp beep of the alarm cut through the silence, a relentless reminder that it was time to rise. The sound echoed in the room, and one by one, her newfound teammates stirred from their slumber. (Y/n) took a deep breath, steadying herself against the familiar rush of adrenaline that surged through her veins. She could do this. She had to.
As her teammates scrambled out of their beds, groggy yet determined, (Y/n) felt a flicker of resolve ignite within her. This was it—the moment they had all trained for. With a swift motion, she threw back her covers, the fabric sliding off her skin like a whisper of encouragement.
The previous night had been filled with laughter and excitement as they created a pregame playlist, each song a thread weaving them closer together, binding their hopes and dreams into a collective energy. Now, as the scent of breakfast wafted through the air, it mingled with the sound of their playlist softly playing in the background, a rhythmic reminder of the challenge ahead.
Her pregame routine passed in a blur of motions. The chaos surrounding her movements only added to the rush of adrenaline she’d been feeling since 5:00 AM. As she stepped into the shower, the warm water cascaded over her, washing away the remnants of sleep and replacing them with a sense of urgency.
Emerging from the bathroom, the scent of soap and steam still clinging to her skin, (Y/n) found her teammates gathered around the breakfast table. The room buzzed with energy—the hum of conversation mixed with the faint crackle of the speaker playing their playlist from last night. Each girl was locked in her own version of a pregame ritual. Some were animatedly discussing strategies, their voices sharp and excited, while others sat quietly, chewing on toast, eyes distant and unfocused as they mentally prepared for the upcoming match.
She didn’t notice at first, but as she stepped into the room, the soft padding of her feet against the cold floor, ten pairs of eyes followed her, the unspoken weight of their gazes pressing down on her shoulders. Maybe this was what came with being the highest-ranking player on Team W—resting at  257th, though it felt far from comfortable now.
The scent of warm bread and eggs filled the room, but she barely registered it, her focus still slightly disoriented by the weight of those stares.
The night before, while (Y/n) had been somewhere else, distracted by her thoughts, the team had talked. Unbeknownst to herself, they decided that she was the natural choice for ‘captain,’ at least informally. Her ranking alone gave her a certain authority, and her performance yesterday had left an impression.
Not everyone agreed, though. (Y/n) could feel the heat of a few skeptical gazes, their silent disapproval prickling the back of her neck. The tension in the air was palpable, thick like the scent of sweat and anticipation that clung to the team as they prepared for the day.
"Morning, Cap," one of the girls— Yukimo— said casually, her voice cutting through the quiet and the lingering fog of sleep. The words, simple as they were, felt too heavy in her ears, settling like an unfamiliar weight on her chest.
She hesitated, her breath catching for just a second, but then she forced a small smile and gave a nod. The fabric of her hoodie felt rough under her fingers as she adjusted the sleeves, an attempt to ground herself as she sat at the table. Her stomach churned slightly—nerves or hunger, she couldn’t tell.
 She turned the word over in her mind. The girls said it so easily, but the meaning stuck to her like a thorn, digging into her thoughts. She had never been in this position before. Back at her old club, her coach—so blind in his favouritism for his daughter—never gave (Y/n) a voice. She wasn’t allowed to lead and wasn’t given the chance to prove her worth as anything more than another player on the field. Now that the role was thrust upon her, she couldn’t shake the unease clinging to her like static electricity, buzzing just beneath her skin.
The familiar heat of the rice in her bowl brought her back to the present. She took a bite, but the food felt dry in her mouth like it was sticking to her throat.
"You good with the plan for the game, Cap?" another girl— Mika— asked, her voice casual but lined with expectation.
(Y/n)’s grip on the toast tightened for a brief second before she nodded, the movement slow and deliberate. Her voice came out steady, but she felt the tension pulling tight across her chest as if she were straining to hold herself together. "Yeah. Let's stick to the rotation we talked about last night."
The smell of breakfast faded into the background as her mind raced, the quiet chatter of the team turning into white noise. She wasn’t used to this—the waiting eyes, the trust being placed on her shoulders. At her old club, her voice had always been silenced. Now they were listening. And it unnerved her.
There was no time for hesitation, though. Not today.
Every first game came with expectations to win, to be the best. But this was different. It wasn’t just about skill or teamwork anymore. It was a game full of other girls who weren’t above anything to be the last person standing. They’d sacrifice anything, clawing their way to the top. (Y/n) knew it. She could almost feel their nails grazing the back of her neck, their ruthless ambition circling her like vultures waiting for a sign of weakness.
She’d rather die than admit defeat.
As her thoughts spiralled, Yoshida—Miu now that the taller girl deemed they were “closer”—slid into the seat across from her, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “So, how’s it feel to have everyone counting on you already?” Her tone was playful, but there was a glimmer of something deeper behind her words. A little challenge, a little curiosity.
(Y/n) sighed, gripping her mug tightly, letting its warmth spread through her hands. "It’s… different," she admitted, her voice quieter than she intended. Being captain was still strange—like wearing shoes that were too big, and everyone expected her to walk confidently in them.
Before Miu could respond, (Y/n)'s gaze drifted across the room, catching sight of a girl sitting alone at the edge of the table. She sat with her arms crossed, her body language closed off, barely interacting with anyone. The others were chatting, some throwing nervous glances toward (Y/n), but this girl seemed completely detached from the pregame atmosphere.
"Who’s that?" she asked, keeping her voice low as her eyes stayed on the girl. There was something off about the way she isolated herself.
Miu followed her gaze and shrugged, brushing her hair behind her ear. “Hm, I dunno. You should find out. Maybe she just needs a little pep talk, huh Cap?”
She frowned, not loving the nickname but it had stuck since— this morning? The team had decided on it after she made a solid impression in the first round. Even if some of them didn’t like it, they’d follow her lead. For now, at least.
"She looks frozen," (Y/n) murmured, observing the girl’s stiff posture. There was something about the way she sat there—almost too quiet, too composed. In a setting like this, it was unusual.
“Maybe she’s nervous,” Yoshida suggested, though her casual tone didn’t seem to carry much concern. “Or maybe she’s waiting for you to do your ‘thing’.”
She raised an eyebrow in response, what was her ‘thing’ even supposed to mean? (Y/n) sighed. She didn’t feel like a captain. Not really. At her old club, her voice had always been ignored. Her coach favoured his daughter, and her own ideas were pushed aside. Now, here she was, leading a team that looked to her for direction when all she wanted was to focus on the game.
Still, this was dubbed ‘her’ team. And if someone wasn’t blending in, it was her job to fix it.
“I guess I should,” (Y/n) muttered, more to herself than to Miu. She stood up, brushing imaginary crumbs off her lap before making her way over to the girl.
The closer she got, the more she noticed. The girl’s breakfast sat in front of her, each portion of rice and nato equally eaten, her eyes locked on some invisible point ahead. There was a tension in her shoulders that Mayari couldn’t quite place.
"Hey," (Y/n) greeted softly, pulling up a chair beside her. The metallic legs scraped against the floor, and the faint sound cut through the low hum of breakfast chatter. “Mind if I sit?”
The girl didn’t look up right away. Her posture was composed, her back straight, shoulders relaxed as if she’d been trained to sit this way her whole life. After a moment, she nodded, her movements graceful and deliberate—each motion smooth and controlled, like a finely tuned machine.
(Y/n)’s gaze flickered over her, noticing the subtle precision in the way she moved, as though every gesture was rehearsed. The sharp, faint scent of shampoo lingered in the air between them, mixing with the warm smell of eggs and toast from the breakfast spread.
"I’m Miyazaki (Y/n)," she introduced herself, her voice casual, but carrying a softness meant to break through the girl’s stoicism. "You can just call me (Y/n), though. I noticed you were sitting by yourself. You good?"
The girl tilted her head slowly as if considering whether to respond. Her dark eyes met (Y/n)’s with a startling intensity—deep, almost unreadable. For a brief moment, she saw something flicker behind that calm exterior—was it confusion? Or maybe even a hint of excitement? It was fleeting, gone in a second, replaced by a cool, almost aloof detachment.
"I’m quite alright, Captain-san," the girl replied, her voice cutting through the quiet like a blade. Each word was measured, her tone precise. There was a weight to the way she spoke, like someone who’d spent years perfecting the art of communication. Her syllables were clipped, refined, as though she had been groomed for moments like these.
(Y/n) blinked, taken aback. The level of formality was jarring. Most of the other girls used ‘Captain’ casually, almost playfully. But this? This felt official, like a title bestowed upon her rather than a nickname. The amount of respect in the girl’s tone settled uncomfortably on her shoulders, a role she hadn’t quite grown into yet.
"Uh, just call me (Y/n)," she replied, her lips twitching into an awkward smile. The atmosphere around them felt suddenly too stiff, too rigid. "We’re all in this together, you know?"
The girl’s face didn’t change. No flicker of emotion, not even the barest hint of a smile. Her expression remained composed, almost regal. "Of course, Captain," she responded, the seriousness in her tone unwavering.
(Y/n) stifled the nervous laughter that usually accompanied these moments. She felt the weight of something unspoken hanging in the air between them, heavy and immovable. Oh well, there was no use trying to brush off the formality. Clearly, this girl saw her as a leader, in the strictest sense of the word—someone to be obeyed, not just followed.
"What’s your name?" she asked, trying to ease the tension with a bit of casual conversation, though the words came out stiffer than she intended.
The girl straightened, as though answering a command. "Hasegawa Naomi," she said, her tone unwavering and respectful. "From Shiratorizawa Girls' Academy Strand." The name hit (Y/n) like a weight. Shiratorizawa. She’d heard of it—a prestigious private school, renowned for its discipline, rigor, and elite programs.
(Y/n) nodded, piecing it together. "Nice to meet you, Hasegawa-san," she said, her voice softer now, trying to bridge the gap between them with warmth. The distance between them felt stark like an invisible wall was standing between their chairs. But Hasegawa’s expression remained neutral—unreadable.
"The pleasure is mine, Captain," Hasegawa replied smoothly, the girl’s eyes shining towards (Y/n)’s politeness. Her voice wasn’t cold, but distant, like someone who had long ago mastered the art of remaining detached. Not unkind, but closed off, as if layers of formality kept her from connecting.
(Y/n) shifted in her seat, the unease settling in deeper. She was used to girls who were driven, hungry to prove themselves, players who fought tooth and nail for recognition. But Hasegawa didn’t seem concerned with proving anything. She was here to follow orders, to play her role with precision, to respect the hierarchy without question.
(Y/n) couldn’t shake the feeling that she was missing something.
"Well, if you need anything... let me know," she offered, standing up, trying to inject a bit of light into the exchange. "You’re part of the team too."
Hasegawa gave a small nod, her expression as unreadable as ever. "Thank you, Captain." The title again, slipping from Hasegawa’s lips with practiced ease, like it was something sacred. (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel that no matter how much she tried to downplay it, Hasegawa would insist on using it as if it were carved in stone.
As she made her way back to Miu, a strange sensation settled in her chest—the weight of expectation, heavier now than before. Being called ‘Captain’ was one thing, but being treated like one—by someone like Hasegawa—was a different burden entirely. It was a reminder of what she’d wanted for so long: to be taken seriously as a leader, to be seen as someone capable. Yet now that the role was thrust upon her, it felt too big, too formal, and too foreign.
The informal conversations and jokes that her teammates threw her way felt manageable, something she could laugh off, but Hasegawa's formality brought the reality crashing down. It was clear that not everyone viewed her as just another player. Some saw her as something more, whether she liked it or not.
As she sat back down beside Miu, she felt the weight of her rank even more, as though her  257th-place ranking was now tied to her worth as a captain. She didn’t want to disappoint them—especially not on their first real game together as a team.
“You good?” Miu asked, raising an eyebrow.
(Y/n) let out a breath, her shoulders sagging slightly. “Yeah, just… I guess, still getting used to the whole ‘captain’ thing.”
Miu snorted, leaning back in her chair. “Eh, you’ll get used to it. Plus, it’s not like they’ll revolt if you make a bad call once in a while.”
(Y/n) raised an eyebrow. “You sound so confident in that.”
Miu winked. “Fake it ‘til you make it, Cap. That’s what I always say.”
The lightness of Miu’s words was meant to ease the tension, but (Y/n) could still feel the unease creeping back. She didn’t want to just “fake it.” She wanted to earn their respect, to feel like she deserved it. But that would take time—more time than they probably had.
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Breakfast ended quicker than she expected, the quiet hum of conversation replaced by the shuffling of chairs and the clatter of dishes. One by one, the girls filed out of the room, their focus shifting toward the match ahead.
She watched them leave, her mind drifting back to the game from the other day. The rush of adrenaline, the sharp breaths, the relentless chase—it all felt like a test. Blue Lock was a proving ground, a place designed to break the weak and build the strong. But what about those stuck in between? The ones who had the will but weren’t sure if they had the skill?
(Y/n) wasn’t used to doubting herself—not like this. Back at her old club, the pressure had always been external. Now, it felt like it was coming from within. She had to succeed. She had to prove that her spot in Blue Lock wasn’t a fluke, that her ranking wasn’t just a number tied to luck.
Most importantly, she had to prove that she was more than just another player who got lost in the crowd.
As they made their way to the field, (Y/n) could feel the energy shifting. The air felt heavier, more charged, like it was carrying the weight of unspoken expectations. She glanced around at her teammates, noting the way some of them carried themselves with confidence, while others seemed to shrink under the pressure.
Hasegawa, however, walked with the same poised grace she’d shown at breakfast, her expression unreadable. It was almost unsettling how calm she seemed in the face of everything.
Mika nudged her gently as they reached the field, pulling her out of her thoughts. “You ready for this, Cap?”
(Y/n) swallowed, nodding. “Yeah. I’m ready.”
But even as she said the words, the doubt lingered. There was no room for failure in Blue Lock, no second chances. One misstep, and everything she’d worked for could be gone.
With a deep breath, she pulled on her team jersey, the familiar weight of it settling on her shoulders. This was it—the moment they’d been training for, one of many. The stakes were high, but the only way forward was through. No hesitations, no second-guessing.
Each player on this field was the center of their solar system, they’d learned only to rely on themselves as the best on every team. Now the best of the best stood together on a field, their suns battling for dominance over space. Hopefully, this could turn out better than she previously thought.
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now playing: perfect (exceeder) by mason and princess superstar
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As the whistle blew, the game ignited with a surge of adrenaline, awakening something fierce within (Y/n). The tension was palpable; every player on the field moved as if burdened by unspoken fears and ambitions. She could almost taste the metallic tang of determination in the air. Slipping into her zone, she felt the rhythm of the game unfold: the intricate dance of movements, the gaps in defence, the trajectory of every pass.
The rush hit her instantly. Footsteps pounded on the field, a drumbeat of energy as her teammates darted around her. Each second felt like it could be her last—every choice teetered between potential mistakes or victories. It was all or nothing, and (Y/n) had no intention of leaving with nothing.
She moved with purpose, her body instinctively responding to the game’s rhythm. The ball was everywhere—feet kicking, players sprinting, strategy blending with raw adrenaline. The scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the sweat of exertion, invigorating her. Shouts from her teammates cut through the air, bodies pressed together as they fought for space.
“Hanami! Move left! Open up the space!” (Y/n)’s voice sliced through the stillness of the facility, urgent and commanding. Yet, no one reacted immediately; they were still tethered to their instincts, their minds trailing behind hers. Precious seconds ticked away—seconds that could mean the difference between triumph and failure—before her teammates finally caught up, recognizing the lane she had pointed out. But it was too late.
It wasn’t brute force; it was a pull, an unspoken understanding that her words held the key to their success.
But the damage was done.
(Y/n) watched it unfold in slow motion—a misstep here, a gap there. The opposing team seized the moment, their striker slicing through their defence like a blade. Her heart sank as she saw the ball arc through the air, heading straight for their goal.
The rippling net felt like a punch to the gut.
They had scored the first goal.
Frustration stabbed at her, disappointment hanging in the air like a heavy fog. She gritted her teeth, stealing a glance at her teammates—faces flushed with guilt, the air thick with their regret.
This couldn’t continue.
The whistle blew again, and (Y/n) shifted her focus. Her mind whirred with strategies, each play unfurling in her head. She visualized the field—the angles, the gaps, the optimal paths. “Spread out! Create your lanes!” she barked, her voice urging her teammates into action.
Her eyes scanned the field in an instant, processing the positions of every player. These weren’t just opponents; they were finely tuned weapons, honed to respond to any mistake. But (Y/n) was no ordinary player. She didn’t rely on brute force or fancy footwork alone—though she was equally blessed in those departments. Her gift was her mind, an innate ability to manipulate space and create opportunities where none existed.
As the pass soared her way, she adjusted her pace, her speed deceptive. To the untrained eye, it looked like she was heading straight for the ball, but she had other plans. She anticipated the defender’s move a split second before they did, veering off course just enough to draw them in, making them believe they had her cornered.
A smirk tugged at her lips as they fell for the bait.
At the last moment, she accelerated, leaving her opponent chasing air as she redirected the ball effortlessly into open space. Her body flowed with ease, controlling the field like a master puppeteer. Every step she took was calculated, setting up her teammates for the next play.
(Y/n) wasn’t just a player; she was the conductor of this chaotic symphony, orchestrating each movement with precision. The thud of feet against the turf, the sharp inhalations of breath—everything around her was noise, yet in her mind, it was all music. The vivid colours of the jerseys flashed past her eyes, a blur of movement and purpose. Her vision extended beyond just herself—it was about the whole team. Every shift of her body, every turn of her heel, dictated the rhythm of the game. Like a puppeteer, she pulled the strings, bending the field to her will, while her teammates moved in perfect synchrony with her commands.
The ball glided across the turf, a simple pass to the next player, but it was (Y/n) who set the stage. She could feel the tension in the air, the heavy silence right before the snap of the ball being struck. Her speed created space, pulling defenders out of position. Like an invisible thread, she tugged at the seams of the opposing defence, unraveling it play by play.
"Open up!" Her voice cut through the air, clear and authoritative, but without harshness. It wasn’t the volume—it was the intent behind the words that made heads turn. The players instinctively responded, trusting her judgment.
Suddenly, she saw it—a small window of opportunity. With a quick flick of her ankle, she threaded a pass between two defenders, directing it toward the striker upfield. The timing was perfect; the defense had been caught off guard.
After a blur of maroon hair, Hasegawa took the shot, and the ball rocketed into the back of the net. 
(Y/n)’s grin widened as she ran over, immediately lifting the girl up in celebration. “Hell yeah!” she shouted, genuine pride in her voice. “Now we need like, five more of those.” Her heartbeat still pounded in her ears, but the exhilaration drowned out any fatigue. This was why they listened—not because she commanded them, but because she empowered them.
Hasegawa’s face shifted momentarily, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
(Y/n) jogged back to her position, still riding the high of their first goal. The energy on the field shifted—there was a sense of momentum building, but not everyone shared in it.
As they lined up for the next play, a sharp, annoyed voice cut through the mix of distant footfalls and breathy exhales from teammates resetting their positions. “Hey, next time, pass it to me. I was open.”
It was Fujimoto, her eyes narrowed in irritation as she jogged up alongside (Y/n), her hands gripping the hem of her jersey with force. She was fast, aggressive—one of the best strikers on the team—but she could sense the tension in her words. The heat radiated off Fujimoto, a storm cloud brewing right beside her.
“I saw you,” (Y/n) replied evenly, not breaking her focus on the field, “but Hasegawa had the better angle. We needed that goal.”
Fujimoto’s lips pressed into a thin line, her frustration barely masked. “Yeah, but we won’t always have her. I could’ve scored just as well,” even better, the words left unspoken but loud enough to acknowledge.
She turned her head slightly, eyes sharp but calm. The coolness in her gaze contrasted the heat rising in Fujimoto's voice. “I know you could. But it’s not just about one player. We need to use the whole team, keep the defense guessing.” She paused, her voice dropping to a quieter tone but with no loss of authority. Her words, deliberate and measured, hung between them like a challenge. “Besides, I need you in position when the next opening comes.”
Fujimoto didn't respond right away, but (Y/n) caught the flicker of something darker in her gaze before she turned back to face the field. It was subtle, but the rift was there—someone who wasn’t thrilled about being orchestrated, someone who wanted control as much as she herself had.
(Y/n) shook it off as the whistle blew again, but she could feel the weight of Fujimoto’s glare on her back as they moved forward. The tension pulsed like a second heartbeat, heavy and lingering, as they reset for the next play. While the team respected her abilities, not everyone would be content to fall in line so easily.
This wasn’t just about winning games anymore. It was about proving that her leadership could hold them together—before someone else decided to pull things apart. And if there was one thing (Y/n) hated, it was losing control of her own game.
As the game progressed, her senses sharpened, each second stretching out as though time had slowed. She watched the players adapt, their movements becoming sharper, more intentional. The rhythm of the game had shifted—they were finally finding their groove, but it was still a fragile balance. Her gaze flickered across the field, anticipating the next move.
Suddenly, one of her teammates, Hanami, broke through the defense, weaving past two players with a burst of speed. (Y/n)’s heart raced, her breath catching in her throat as she tracked the play. Hanami lined up for the shot, her form perfect, the goal wide open.
This was it.
But the shot didn’t land.
The ball ricocheted off the post with a dull thud, bouncing free into the open space near the goal. For a split second, everything stood still. The air felt heavy, charged with tension, as if every player on the field was frozen in disbelief.
(Y/n) didn’t hesitate.
Before anyone else could react, her legs were already moving, her body surging forward like a coiled spring released. Her pulse pounded in her ears, the sound drowning out everything else. She sprinted toward the loose ball, her mind calculating the angles and timing. The defenders were too far behind her, too slow to catch up.
In a blur of movement, she reached the ball first. Her foot connected, sending it soaring toward the net. The sound of the impact was satisfying—a sharp crack against the leather. And then, silence, followed by the roar of victory as the ball nestled into the net.
The net rippled with a satisfying snap, and (Y/n)'s heart soared.
Her exhilaration bubbled over as her teammates rushed in to celebrate, the air thick with laughter and shouts. She grinned, feeling the warmth of their companionship wash over her, igniting a fierce determination to keep this momentum alive. They had built something together, and she wouldn’t let it falter.
The euphoria of their second goal echoed in her chest as they fell back into formation for the next play. The game wasn’t over yet, but they had struck a chord. And now, they just had to keep the rhythm.
But even in that moment of celebration, she felt the remnants of uncertainty lingering, the challenges ahead waiting in the wings. Her eyes scanned the field, finding Fujimoto’s gaze—hard, calculating. (Y/n) knew she couldn’t rest easy; this was just the beginning.
As the whistle blew to signal the end of the first half, the team gathered, chests heaving, but spirits high. (Y/n) took a breath, her heart still racing. They were in this together—each player unique, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Together, they could create something great.
“Alright, listen up,” she called, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. “We’ve made progress, but we need to keep this energy up. Stay focused, and let’s keep working as a team.”
Nods met her words, and as they broke apart, she felt a flicker of hope—a hint that maybe they could forge ahead together, despite the cracks that threatened to show.
With her head held high, she stepped into the second half with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.
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They were dominating, soon to be 7-2, and (Y/n) would accept no less from anyone on her side of the field. 
After the third goal against Team Y, there was no slowing down. By now, (Y/n) was totalled up to four assists and two goals, the hunger for the win intensifying tenfold. Every pass, every sprint, every strategic move felt electric, the game flowing through her like a river of pure adrenaline.
As the whistle blew for the next play, her mind whirred with possibilities, her eyes scanning the field with laser focus. Her teammates were riding the high of their success, their confidence radiating like a beacon. This was the moment she had been waiting for—their synergy was palpable, the rhythm of the game syncing perfectly with her commands.
“Miu! Go left! Miriko, follow up!” she called, her voice slicing through the ambient noise. The players snapped to attention, responding with renewed determination. They moved as a unit, executing her strategies with an ease that made her heart swell with pride.
(Y/n) took a deep breath, feeling the familiar rush as she darted toward the open space. She could see it—the gap in the defence, the opportunity unfolding before her. As the ball approached, she positioned herself perfectly, drawing the attention of the defenders just as she had planned.
With a quick flick of her foot, she sent the ball soaring toward Miu, who was already anticipating the pass. The unit of a striker moved like a bolt of lightning, intercepting the ball with precision and charging toward the goal. (Y/n) could feel the excitement bubbling up inside her; this was teamwork at its finest.
“Here!” she shouted, urging Miu forward. She her shot, the ball arcing beautifully through the air. It found its mark, hitting the back of the net with a resounding thud.
The eruption of cheers from her teammates was deafening, the sound echoing off the walls of the facility. (Y/n) felt her chest swell with exhilaration as she rushed to celebrate, wrapping her arms around Miu. “Let’s fucking go!” she exclaimed, laughter bubbling forth, her heart racing with the thrill of the game.
But even in this moment of triumph, she could feel the weight of expectation settling back on her shoulders. The game wasn’t over yet; they had set the bar high, and she wouldn’t let anyone slip back into complacency.
“Let’s keep the pressure up! Don't let them get back up!” (Y/n) shouted, her eyes sparkling with determination. Her teammates nodded, the fire of competition igniting once more as they returned to their positions. With each passing second, they drew closer to sealing their victory.
As the clock ticked down, (Y/n) pushed herself harder, fuelled by the rhythm of the game and the camaraderie around her. Every play became a reflection of their teamwork, their synergy growing stronger with each goal scored. She could see the exhaustion creeping into her teammates’ faces, but they pressed on, driven by the promise of victory.
With the final whistle looming, (Y/n) felt an electrifying surge of energy. “One last push! Let’s finish this strong!” she yelled, her voice cutting through the tension in the air.
The ball was in her possession again, and she felt the familiar thrill course through her. She danced around a defender, her movements fluid and confident, as she set her sights on the goal once more.
With a final sprint, she shot the ball toward the net. The goalkeeper dove, but it was too late.
The whistle blew, signaling the end of the match. Cheers erupted around her, drowning out everything else. (Y/n)’s heart soared as she raised her arms in triumph, a broad smile spreading across her face. They had done it—8-2, a victory that felt like a culmination of all their hard work and determination.
“Damn, that was insane!” she called, her voice bursting with pride as her teammates swarmed around her, their laughter ringing like music in the air. High-fives flew freely, echoing the rhythm of their triumph. In that moment, they were not just players; they were a team—united in their victory and the unbreakable bonds they had forged on the field.
(Y/n) took a deep breath, savouring the rich tapestry of emotions surrounding her. The mingled scents of sweat and grass filled her lungs, grounding her in the moment. This was what she lived for—the adrenaline of the game, the camaraderie pulsing through each shared laugh, and the sweet taste of victory lingering on her tongue. This team was everything she had yearned for in those lonely years of doubt and struggle.
With her heart swelling with hope, she knew they could achieve even more together. Each victory was a stepping stone, and she was ready to face every challenge that lay ahead. It was just the first of five games, but the anticipation of what was to come ignited a fire in her chest.
The future shimmered before her, a vast expanse of potential and promise. They would continue to win, to grow, no matter who they found themselves up against. With a place in the second selection inching closer with every match, she felt an insatiable craving to surpass not only her opponents but herself. She was about to end her first game with three goals and four assists, but something inside herself screamed for more.
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a/n: some insight onto why mc is at blue lock in the first place. hope you liked it baes we'll get some more action with actual characters next chapter mwah
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taglist: <3 lmk if you wanna be added onto the taglist <3
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sinfulpanda16 · 9 months
He loves it when you sit on his back when he's doing pushups.
This almost never happens but when it does, he loves how it makes him feel like he's the strongest man for you. You're sitting on his back looking all cute and pretty counting his reps for him and although his diligence to going all the way down and pushing himself back up is causing him sweat he can't help but smile when he hears you giggling up there.
When he's done he'd give you a gentle kiss, "Thank you baby." and will probably want to keep you around to show off his muscles and strength some more. "Wanna help me with the rest of my workouts?" he asks smirking.
"Yes" you respond with a cute smile.
He picks you up and sits you on a counter nearby. He gives you another gentle kiss "Just keep being my cute cheerleader." he orders with a smirk.
Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kunigami Rensuke, Reo Mikage, Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou, Gojo Saturou, Fushiguro Toji, Eren Yeager, Kyo Sohma, Ryo Kurokiba, Draken
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wttcsms · 3 months
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖࣪  lover !!
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ᝰ.ᐟ even if he doesn't exude this energy to outsiders, you're happy to know that your boyfriend is the biggest simp around when it comes to you. or: the cute things he'll do for you.  (fem!reader)
featuring yoichi isagi, seishiro nagi, reo mikage, rin itoshi, rensuke kunigami content contains hotel bathroom sinks designed by a man, slight jealousy (reo is the jealous boyfriend), height differences (nagi + kunigami + rin are described as taller), wearing his clothes + clothes is described to be oversized on you (nagi), called a simp by his teammates (kunigami), clingy bf (yoichi <3) author's notes hq version coming soon!!! i just wanted to write something soft n fluffy for once <3
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౨ৎ YOICHI ISAGI — goes viral on tiktok when the two of you go on vacation to celebrate your second year anniversary. you're recording yourself from the bathroom of the private villa he rented out for the two of you, and you originally wanted to record what an absolute joke the sink is. there is literally no counter space. nowhere to place any of your makeup or skincare products. yoichi interupts the video unknowingly, knocking softly and asking if he can come in. he doesn't realize you're filming, and it's entirely genuine when he asks, "is everything okay? you sounded frustrated? did you need help opening something?" you laugh before explaining the situation, and he's silent for all but one second before he goes, "oh! i'll just hold your makeup bag, and i'll hand you the stuff when you need it." (poor yoichi means well, but he's standing there for over an hour as you laugh at him when he can't tell the difference between a tube of lipgloss and liquid blush. the look of concentration on his face as he nods intently while you explain what each product is for is absolutely adorable; it's the same concentrated look he gets when he's reviewing game footage, meaning he's taking this seriously for you.) he's also the type that loves to follow you around. it's a common joke for his fans to comment "walk him like a dog, sis!" on any candid photos of you + yoichi because he is almost always holding your hand while trailing behind you. he's like your shadow as he follows you around different stores in the mall, and even when you tell him he can just sit down with the other boyfriends while you just try on some clothes, he refuses to leave your side. tries to follow you to the dressing room, and gets all pouty when he realizes he's not allowed in. makes you walk outside the dressing room with the new outfits on so he can rate them (he is incredibly biased and believes everything looks good on you and forces you to bring everything to the cashier so he can swipe his card to get it for you <3)
౨ৎ REO MIKAGE — cannot handle anyone else taking up large chunks of your time, especially when he rarely gets to see you during game season. makes a face anytime he realizes that the server at the restaurant is a guy. the server will smile at you and tell you that he'll get started on that meal for you right away, and reo leans forward once he's gone and goes, "i can't believe he was flirting with you right in front of me! disgusting!" he's actually convinced that every man in the world wants you for themselves, and if you tease him by threatening to run off with any of these men, he'll instantly frown and start telling you to take that back right now! however, he is entirely convinced that you are the greatest thing to ever grace this earth, and he feels so proud whenever you two are out in public and a fan or an employee compliments you. they could say anything postive about you, and he'll beam with pride, going "i know, right? i tell her this all the time!" it's almost common knowledge that the easiest way to get on reo's good side is to treat you well. he also loves listening to you gossip, and is the type of boyfriend who loves all your friends (even if he can't quite remember their names; it's only important that they treat you kindly and loyally), and hates everyone that you hate. he's also less forgiving than you; if someone backstabs you but you forgive them and grant them a second chance, just know that reo still hates their guts and he'll make it incredibly obvious.
౨ৎ SEISHIRO NAGI — can’t help but make video game versions of the two of you any chance he gets. he’ll pretend to not notice the way your eyes light up when you pass by any claw machine containing plushies of your favorite anime characters, but somehow he’ll manage to find himself at the machine, casually winning you your favorite as if the game isn’t designed to make everyone lose. (he’s just that good.) even if you’re not as big of a gamer as him, he’ll watch you play sims 4 (and subsequently watch you spend 3 hours on the create-a-sim section because you’re trying to create a perfect carbon copy of the two of you.) looks for his favorite hoodie only to glance over at your still-sleeping form on his bed and realizes that you’re wearing it. you look adorable in it; he’s taller than you, bigger in every aspect, so the material swallows you up. (he doesn’t wake you up nor does he ask for it back.) despite the fact that he’s taller than you, nagi is definitely a big baby, and is constantly the little spoon. he loves to come home and bury his face in your neck, loves the way you gently run your fingers through his hair (it’s the easiest way for him to fall asleep), and he’ll constantly try to find ways for you to hold him.
౨ৎ RIN ITOSHI — grants you “scary dog privilege.” literally will mean mug every man in the street as the two of you are walking together. everyone thinks that rin would be a selfish lover from his outside appearance, but he surprisingly puts up with a lot of your antics because he loves you so much. you don’t bother buying a step stool because you count on rin to get you anything you need from the tall shelves (and when you’re mad at him, he’ll purposely find ways to get all your most-used items on a hard-to-reach area so you have to sulkily seek him out and ask for his help. there’s no way in hell you put your face wash on top of the fridge, and rin looks all too happy to grab it for you.) he has a very bare social media account and most of the time, he just posts whatever his publicists draft up for him. the only post he has personally created and shared himself is the one of you on your birthday; in a sea of promotional posters and professionally taken game highlights, the smiling faces of you and rin stand out. (it’s the happiest any of his fans have ever seen him look.)
౨ৎ RENSUKE KUNIGAMI — his teammates make fun of him because he is notoriously loyal to you. they tricked him and took him out to a strip club, and there’s a viral video of kunigami staring intently at his phone, never looking up once at his surroundings. (he was going through your instagram feed + then ran out of photos to look at, so he started going through his camera roll to look at pictures and videos of you.) is the boyfriend who embodies the phrase ‘wear whatever you want, baby, i can fight.’ there’s a photo of you two that did numbers on pinterest. kunigmai is such a big guy, towers over you, honestly, but he readily gets down on his knees for you. in the photo, you two are dressed up to attend a gala. he’s on his knees, and you have one high-heel clad foot resting on the top of his thigh as he looks down and is adjusting the ankle strap of your heel for you. his friends shared the photo in the team groupchat and called him a simp, but kunigami knows that if they had someone half as great as you, they’d act just the same.
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whatyousae · 1 month
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lover boys who are down bad for you, worshipping the ground you walk on like you are some goddess. if someone asks how did they pull you they wouldn't know what to say.
"i don't even know man.."
he patiently waits for you to finish trying on all the dresses that caught your attention in the mall. carrying your bags hell he even knows how to wear your purse without making it look weird on him.
switches shoes with you when your feet starts to hurt from all that walking, offering to carry you on his back. when you get home you always give him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you gift.
"why are you looking at me like that?"
you often ask him that question, he says he likes watching you do your things. he does, but that's not the real reason. he loves the way your eyelashes look when they are curled, the way you pout your lips when you think so hard about something, how your eyebrows are furrowed when you get upset at something.
he buys you small things or expensive things because he thought you would like it. huh? so what if it's nearly the rent of your apartment? as long as his girlfriend likes it he has no regrets.
he flexes you when he notices people are googling at you, showing them that no one can have his pretty girl. only he can.
he just loves his pretty girlfriend so much and he is not afraid to show it
kimetsu no yaiba: RENGOKU, tanjiro, zenitsu, giyuu, GENYA, gyomei
jujutsu kaisen: YUUJI, choso, gojo, geto, NANAMI, YUUTA, inumaki
bluelock: ISAGI, bachira, kunigami, REO, karasu, KAISER
bungo stray dogs: dazai, SIGMA, tachihara, chuuya, FUKUZAWA
hunter x hunter: kurapika, LEORIO, phinks, wing
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2024 @whatyousae — do not copy, translate, or post in any platform.
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torusdove · 5 months
These men are simple creatures.
They love whenever you doll yourself up for them.
They revel in the moments when you grace them with your presence, adorned for another enchanting evening together.
Wrapped snugly around your curves, the sleek black dress clings to your form, as though molded by a gentle heat, caressing your skin in a tantalizing embrace.
Your visage adorned in delicate artistry; a graceful sweep of eyeliner extends into a wing, adding an air of mystery to your eyes. Kohl delicately traces your lower lash line, lending an alluring depth. The subtle contour on your cheekbones chisels your features, softened by a flush of crimson blush. Your lips, adorned in a velvety crimson hue, beckon him with an irresistible allure.
With each step, the stilettos echo a rhythmic cadence, accentuating the curve of your calves, igniting sinful fantasies within his mind, promising perhaps to be fulfilled as the night unfolds.
One certainty looms: those heels will inevitably exact their toll, and he will willingly carry you through the rest of the evening, your elegant form cradled in his arms, like a cherished possession..
Like his doll.
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, Takuma Ino, Naoya Zenin & Choso.
Tōru Oikawa, Rintarō Suna, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya, Hajime Iwaizumi, Issei Matsukawa, Keiji Akaashi, Eita Semi, Shinsuke Kita, Tetsurō Kuroo, Keishin Ukai, Daichi Sawamura & Kōshi Sugawara.
Michael Kaiser, Rin Itoshi, Sae Itoshi, Seishirō Nagi, Ryūsei Shidō, Chris Prince, Eita Otoya, Oliver Aiku & Rensuke Kunigami.
Al-Haitham, Ajax (Childe), Diluc, Kaeya, Neuvillette, Ayato, Dainsleif, Dottore, Kaveh, Wriothesley & Zhongli.
Aki Hayawaka, Miri Sugo, Kishibe & Hirofumi Yoshida.
+ your fave!
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saekkas · 1 year
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summary: in which someone flirts with them, but they're only looking at you.
includes: isagi, nagi, reo, yukimiya, rin, sae, kunigami, kaiser, karasu, bachira, aiku.
notes: this one's shorter than the one before but still, go wild my loves <3
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐆𝐔𝐘 who values you very much. is the type to be very secure in the relationship; doesn't like any unnecessary drama and is definitely ready to move onto the next stage. wouldn't really care about the other person but will not tolerate having his boundaries crossed. especially when it's clear that he's yours and yours only.
isagi, yukimiya, bachira, nagi.
his eyes are on his phone, feet tapping against the tiles of the cafe. it's a hole in the wall that he's used to frequenting with you, so much that the staff know your orders by heart. the line is short, seats mostly empty, as the rush hour has passed. the rain is pouring against the window beside him, and he taps his finger on the table to their rhythm.
tilting his head, his eyes find you in the middle of the line. you're focused on the menu, your bottom lip between your teeth as you scan the list of food and beverages. it makes him smile, chuckling under his breath because he knows you'll end up getting what you usually do. he gets onto his feet, wallet in hand, when you're finally set to order.
"hi. good morning, how are you?" your sweet voice tickles his ear as he approaches, his heart warm and sated as you go through your usual routine.
"hey." he presses a kiss to your head, wrapping a hand around your waist. his lips trail down, stopping at your cheek, a smile pressed against the skin as he hears you giggle. "what's taking so long?"
the cashier smiles, amused at the sight. "mornin' i'm great. how about you two lovebirds?"
"we're good," he answers for you both, an easy-going expression on his face. he looks down, scrunching his nose at you while you giggle at his answer. "just waiting for this angel to finish ordering."
"we'll have matcha latte, caramel macchiato, and a blueberry cheesecake please. the usual." he tilts his head, looking for your confirmation. he smiles proudly, chest puffing when you nod your head.
"i'll pay," you say as you show your card to the cashier, smiling at her. he chuckles, letting you take the bill this time. "how much will it be?"
the drinks are out in a second, the green and brown a contrast against each other. there are two pairs of utensils on the plate, and he thanks the staff for their work, taking the tray into his hand. "i'll take these to our table first, okay?" he looks over his shoulder, a gentle look in his eye as he processes just how... domestic this all feels.
"yeah, i'll be there in a minute. i need to go to the bathroom." you smile at the cashier one last time, tucking your purse into your bag. you glare playfully, poking your tongue at him. "don't you dare finish the cheesecake before i'm back."
he pokes his tongue back, a laugh breaking loose from his chest. "no promises."
he sits back down, placing the food on the table as he goes back to drumming his fingers. the rain doesn't look as if it'll be stopping any time soon, wind combining with water to shower the earth clean. he looks at his watch, mentally thinking about making dinner later with you. a smile grows at the thought.
there's a shadow in the corner of his eye that he assumes is you. he smiles, ready to lean over and press a kiss, only to stop when his eyes meet a stranger instead. "sorry." he backs away, a furrow in his eyebrow as he looks around, searching for you. "you've got the wrong table."
"no. it's okay. i've definitely got the right table." the stranger lays it thick with a high-pitched tone, and fluttering eyelashes. "hi, handsome. here's my number."
he watches as she slips a piece of paper onto the table, confusion blending into annoyance when she leans over to take his hand. "look," he says with a frown, pushing his hands into his pockets. he's very obviously looking in the direction you went off in. "you've got the wrong table and i'm already with someone."
"ah but i don't see this someone?" the smile on her face is pushing at his limits. his jaw ticks when she moves to sit beside him. "c'mon, handsome. give me a chance."
the bathroom door by the end opens with a creak, and his head snaps at the sound. before she has time to reach over once again, he's quick to swerve away to your side. you're already eyeing the girl at your table with curiosity, your head tilted in question. "hey, who's that? one of your frien-"
he doesn't let you finish. he's quick to reach for your waist, tugging you into a kiss with a hand cupping your cheek. all negative feelings drain from his limbs, turning him into a puddle of love as you thread your fingers into his hair.
"as much as i love your kisses," you say with a gasp of breath as you look up into his eyes, finding love looking back at you through the orbs. "that was a bit sudden. did something happen?"
"not at all." he shakes his head, nuzzling into your nose. his hands are on the side of your neck, lovingly stroking the skin. "not now that you're here."
you look back at your table, seeing it empty, and the girl from before nowhere in sight.
"shall we enjoy our drinks?" he pushes you with the hand he has on your waist. he sits down first before pulling you to sit right beside him, your hands intertwined under the table. "can't wait to eat dinner with you later."
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𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐒 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. he won't say no to playful flirting since it feeds his ego but will only respond if you're somewhere near or in his field of vision. he won't give the other person any of his attention if you aren't. will think it's funny that they're trying their best but will either shoot them down in a way that crushes their pride or brush them off as if they don't exist.
reo, aiku, karasu, kaiser.
the bass is thrumming against his skull, a tune that doesn't fit the mall's calm and serene energy. he's sitting on one of those plush sofas in a clothing store outlet, tapping his fingers against his thigh as he waits for you to finish changing. he feels the warning glare the manager's sending, and he snorts as if trying to go into the dressing room with you is a crime. he would be so much more satisfied with you between four cramped walls than in the wide space where people are obviously gawking at him.
"excuse me." someone calls his name timidly, and he cocks his head towards them, wanting to see where this goes. they send him a smile, one that's too teethy and falsely sweet but hey he can't fault them for not flashing his favorite smile; they aren't you after all.
"yes?" his reply is short and blunt, but he sighs when the girl flinches away. you've always said that his resting face looked too mean. he chuckles at the thought.
shaking himself out of his daydream, he shows his best smile. he leans back, arm stretched out against the back of the couch as he adjusts his pose, manspreading. a peacock, you'd once muse when he first did it in front of you. he watches with thinly veiled boredom in his eyes, a juxtaposition to the sickeningly sweet smile on his lips. "can i help you with something?"
the girl flushes, biting her lip and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. being coy, he realizes with an amused scoff.
"sorry to bother you. it's just- you looked so bored. i thought i could entertain you."
his eyebrow quirks at the word entertain, tilting his head in mock curiosity. "and how would you do that, hm?" he takes her in, taking in her choice of clothing and hairstyle. cute he'd give that much to her. nothing like you, though. she couldn't compare.
he realizes belatedly that the once over was seen differently than what he meant for it to come across. amusement flickers in his eyes when she flushes a bright red, fidgeting on her spot. "you do this often?" he tilts his head, eyes half-lidded, trying to gauge her reaction. "flirting with random strangers in the mall of a hobby, eh?"
"just the handsome ones," she says with a giggle. he watches as she points a finger to the row of clothes, her interest clear as day. "how about we look around? buy some clothes or jewelry so we match."
he chuckles, shaking his head at the thought. he can't wait to tell you about this. right on cue, the door to your dressing room opens, and you step out. his breath gets stuck in his throat, his eyes widening, and a grin making its way to his lips.
the black dress you have on is nothing short of stunning. it tapers off to your knees, the material hugging your curves. he sends you an eager look, one which you giggle at. you turn, showing him the back of the dress, keeping eye contact as you do. his mouth falls and thoughts short circuit as his eyes rake down your bare back, stopping just before your bum.
oh the things he'll do to you in that dress. no wonder the manager was so adamant on not letting him join in on the fun.
"nah," he says distractedly at the girl still waiting for his response. he sends you a wink and a flirty smile, mouthing one moment, before turning back to her. "see that gorgeous specimen right there? yeah i'm hers."
"she and i, we match." his eyes are filled with mischief as he tugs his shirt down, showing off the collection of marks you left on him last night. the skin around his collarbone is red, purple, and bruised. littered with love bites. a symbol of your love he thinks smugly. "see?"
there's pride blooming in his chest, a smug smile forming on his face the moment her eyes widen and the color drains from her face. "i'm not interested in anyone who's not her. so scram." he's quick to wave her away, skipping over to tug you back into the fitting room, this time with him in it.
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𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐂𝐄, the type to literally not care at all. will not give them time of day and will appear hostile if necessary. but he'll mostly just look at them, expressionless with dead eyes.
sae, rin, kunigami
there are so many options to choose from, he frowns, glaring at the row of refrigerators stacked next to each other as if they've done something wrong. the supermarket is relatively busy, customers ranging from middle schoolers to elderly. he's in the drink section, passing one fridge to another, looking for your favorite drink from outside the glass, his frowning reflection looking back at him.
you're somewhere in the dairy section, picking out pints of ice cream, and who knows what else. he checks his phone, checking for any new messages from you. i'll head over soon, after i find the popcorn, it reads along with multiple hearts and photos of you smiling beside the ice cream. he shakes his head, tapping a finger against the screen to save the photos.
he pockets his phone, ready to move on to the next isle when he bumps into someone. he huffs, his eyes looking at the girl that's staring right back at him.
"really?" she says with a flirty giggle after she gets a clear look at his face. he remains stoic, hands in his pocket, even as she nudges him on the shoulder as if a longtime friend. "you're handsome but if you don't say sorry when you bump into someone, they'll lose interest. but maybe that's your charm."
he moves to slight past her, not at all caring about her presence, but before he knows it, she's stuck a hand into his back pocket, sending a kiss playfully before bounding over somewhere he doesn't give a damn about. the frown on his lips deepens, but before he has the chance to look into his pocket, you pop up right beside him.
"hey, i can't find the drinks but i've got everything else." he hears you say as you show him your basket full of things, smiling up at him. there are all kinds of things in the basket, ranging from chocolate, popcorn, ice cream, sausages, and many more. tonight is monthly movie night and he tries to shake off the weird encounter from his mind, not wanting to dampen the mood.
he smiles back, leaning down to take the basket from you. the hoodie you have on is his, and it dwarves you. the hem reaches your knees, and he can't see your hands which makes him chuckle all the while more. you told him that you were cold, he knows it's just another excuse to wear his hoodie.
"let's go home." he ruffles a hand through your hair, affection getting the best of him, before taking your hand with his other.
he drops the basket on the self-checkout counter, and helps you scan all the necessary items. he eyes the chupa-chups by the counter and grabs two, strawberry and cola, scanning both and handing them for you to choose. he chuckles when you brighten, choosing the strawberry for yourself.
"i'll take the bags." he takes both bags into his left hand, the other placing itself on your back. he leads you out, shaking his head in amusement when he feels you slip your hand into his back pocket.
"hey what's this?" the tone of your voice has him frowning. "i didn't know you smoke. it's bad for you, ya know?"
looking down at the cigarette in your hand, he eyes the scribble of numbers surrounding the stick. ah that's what she slipped in, he sighs. taking the cigarette from you, he's quick to throw it to the ground, crushing it with his foot.
"i don't," he chuckles at the look of disbelief on your face. leaning in, he plucks the candy from your mouth, pressing a kiss and pushing his tongue in. you taste sweet from the candy he notes, you smell like ice cream too. he's quick to pull back, chuckling when he realizes just how flustered you've become.
"i prefer sweets," he says with a smug smile before popping the candy into his own mouth.
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boughkeeping · 2 months
Hey babe can you name a woman?
Doing the tiktok 'hey babe name one woman' trend on the bllk boys.
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"Um....you? [Name]?"
Confused why you'd ask him that but the immediate answer to your name rewarded him with a peck in his forehead followed with a "Of course it's me" so he didn't pry further.
ISAGI, Karasu, Chigiri, Reo, Kunigami, Barou, Ness.
"Rosa Parks"
Of course he'd fucking say that, maybe he said that on purpose to even to see how you'd react "One of us will be sleeping on the couch tonight" "I'm sorry babe I meant none of that it's you of course the almighty [f/n] [l/n]
SHIDOU, Bachira, Otoya, Kurona, Charles.
"......" "is this for a tiktok trend again?"
You just lied with a "no" without any hesitation but damn he's quick. Either he knows you too well to guess you'd pull something like that for tiktok or that he's chronically online too.
Rin, Sae, Nagi, ISAGI, reo, Hiori, NIKKO.
ACTUALLY MALFUNCTIONS he snaps out of it once you say "Um? I'm literally here?" As you break into laughter.
Nagi, RIN, Kunigami, Aiku (he stutters cuz bro almost named his ex 😬)
"My heartbeat, my muse and the love of my life [name]"
He's either genuine about it or is buttering you up :) a 100% chance it's the latter but one can be delusional you suppose.
AIKU, Otoya, Kaiser, ARYU, sendou.
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thebestsetter · 2 months
"If I was a color, I think I'd be yellow"
"Non-important. I just feel it"
He has never seen yellow the same way again. It was everywhere. He looked for it everywhere. And everytime, without fail, he remembered you. A pretty sunflower. Your blinding smile. A little minion figure he saw on the mall. You crying after watching the latest "Despicable Me" movie (and him laughing at your cute stupid crying face). A silly Winnie the Pooh keychain on a crying child's backpack. You talking to the said sad kid you both saw on the street and trying to cheer them up, playing with them and making sure they were smiling, their worries melting away in the speed of light (you'd make such a great mother, he thinks, making his face grow bright red right after). The sun in all of it's glory. You. You. You. You.
You were like a plague infecting his brain and soul. He couldn't focus on anything anymore because you were always running through his head, the sound of your laugh playing inside his mind 24/7 and driving him half insane. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to ask you why you said to him you were yellow. How did you know? What made you so sure of it? Why you had put him under this spell in which everytime he catches just the smallest and quickest glimpse of yellow, the image of you came flooding his mind and senses? Did you even think about him the same amount of times he thought about you? He didn't know. He couldn't know unless he asked you. And it was not fair. Not fair at all.
"Remember that day you told me you were yellow?"
"Yeah" you said, stopping mid-sip of your milkshake and looking at him with your beautiful a confused face "Yeah, I do. Why?"
"You never gave me an answer to the question I asked you that day" he ignored how the first sentence you said made his heart fluster and his stomach go silly.
"Which question?" How humilliating. He's gonna have to swallow his pride and repeat it. Utterly ridiculous.
"Why?" He couldn't care less about how hurt his ego was right now "Actually, how. How did you know you're yellow?"
"Easy. It's 'cause yellow and purple are opposites, so they look good when put together"
"Yellow and purple are on opposite sides of the color wheel, silly! So they're complementary colors and go well together"
"I know that. But what does purple have to do with you being yellow?"
"You remind me of purple"
And suddenly, he realized yellow has never been alone. Next to the beautiful sunflower, there's a bellflower, that looks gloom when compared to the yellow plant, but basks in the joy it seems to bring nonetheless. Just like you are the one to bring joy to his life. Beside the minion figure, there's a figure of those bad purple minions, and while one is considered pretty, funny and nice, the other one is scary, angry and people tend to avoid them. It reminds him of you two: extroverted and kind you and introverted and rude him. Perfect opposites. Perfect together. He hadn't noticed before, but the child's backpack was purple, and this memory was followed by the the sound of the laughs you and the little fella shared. Kids should always be happy, smiling, harmless and having fun. Comfortable. Safe. In that way, you make him feel like a little kid. Your warm embrace, so protective and oh so motherly. He feels relaxed around you. Overjoyed. And even though he doesn't smile a lot, you always seem to make him want to crack a real, big grin. It must be a superpower of yours. Lastly, the sun, always followed by the moon. Even though they don't "meet" often, when they do, they create one of the prettiest phenomena known to humanity: an eclipse. They're always apart, but when they're together, it's so beautiful that the whole world stops to see.
"That's cringy. And kinda stupid."
"No it's not! We're a perfect duo! Just admit it!!"
"'Course we are"
"What did you say? I didn't quite hear you!!"
"I'm not saying it again."
So don't act surprised when your wedding is full of beautiful sunflowers and bellflowers. You should see it coming. They look good together right? Just like you two.
RIN ITOSHI, Kunigami Rensuke, Nagi Seishiro, MICHAEL KAISER, Barou Shohei, SAE ITOSHI, TODOROKI SHOTO, SHINSOU HITOSHI, BAKUGOU KATSUKI, USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI, KAGEYAMA TOBIO, TSUKISHIMA KEI (his name's kanji meaning moon is just so-- perfect fot this fic) , Osamu Miya, MEGUMI FUSHIGURO + any character you think fits this!!
Curiosity!!!: Bellflowers mean "everlasting love and commitment" in flower language, while sunflowers mean steadfast love!!
Wrote this in the middle of my portuguese class. I hate it. I'm in love with him
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shotoh · 1 year
❝ I THINK I… ♡ ❞
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ when they realize they’re in love with you
feat. oliver aiku, itoshi rin, nagi seishiro, isagi yoichi, itoshi sae, kunigami rensuke, mikage reo
cw + tw. fluff, some angst, fem!reader, aged-up!characters, pro-player!characters, friends to lovers + established relationships, pet names, (!!!)attempted assault (in kunigami’s scenario, but he’s obviously not the assailant), alcohol usage (in oliver’s), maximum self-indulgence
notes. jdjsjsn this is kind of all over the place but i just wanted to word dump some cute scenarios and headcanons
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honestly, he’d get kind of scared. and not in an appalled way like, “psh, i’m oliver aiku! i can get any woman i want so why should i only care about this one person?!”
no, it’s because he’s fully aware of his disloyal and womanizing past that he’s afraid of this. he’s afraid he’ll end up hurting you—the one person he truly cares about—and he believes you don’t deserve that.
you deserve so much better than a douchebag like him.
he keeps that growing pit of adoration to himself and carries on with his life as always, but that can only do so much when he’s so clearly infatuated with you.
the most he lets himself do is tag along on your night out at clubs. however, he doesn’t drink a lick of alcohol. he needs to be sober to take care of you in case you get too wild out there to do so yourself. while he’s there though he talks to a few of the women flocking around, entertains them a bit, maybe as a feeble attempt to get you off his mind and forget about the jealousy rooted deep inside him when too many guys check you out and ask for a dance. but nowadays, he can never find it in himself to take any of these women home. that’s how deep his affections for you have run.
at one point during the night, you approach him with one too many drinks in your system, evident by your wobbly steps and the carefree grin plastered on your face.
“oli~! why don’ yer dance wit me?!” you slur, nearly toppling in front of him if not for oliver dashing forward to stop you from falling on your face.
“i think you’ve had one too many drinks, sweetheart,” he chides. after that he’s draping his large coat over your bare shoulders and leading you back to his car to get you home, while ignoring all the pouty women on his way out.
you object to leaving at first, droning about how the night is still young, but oliver is persistent in getting you home safe and sound. eventually, you doze off in the passenger seat while he’s driving. when he parks in front of your apartment complex, he carries you all the way up to your door, fishes out your keys from your clutch, and finally gets you into bed.
he lingers a little bit longer to make sure you’re all settled and if you need his help with anything, but once the buzz in your system has fizzled and your eyes are fully lidded, oliver assumes you’re out like a light. that is, until he’s sitting at your bedside and he hears the faintest murmur from your lips.
“love you… oliver…” is what comes out in a lovely daze and he almost wants to deny he heard it for both yours and his sake, but all he can do is muster a smile, ghosting a hand along your cheek, and say while you’re blissfully unaware,
“love you too, sweetheart.”
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lowkey annoyed over this because instead of soccer plaguing his mind 24/7, his thoughts are now overrun by you! so he ignores the feeling, thinking it will magically go away or something. but newsflash to rin: it’s not as simple as it looks, and he ends up learning that lesson the hard way.
he spends the next week evading you—declining invites to hang out, sending half-hearted text messages, and ingraining himself in his soccer practices. unfortunately for him, his performance actually gets worse because now all those feelings he’s been bottling up inside his fragile heart are about to burst.
even shidou has been scoring more than him and rin just can’t live that down, especially when the former asks if the reason he’s been doing so poorly is because he and his “little girlfriend” broke up. which isn’t even the case since you’ve both never crossed that bridge.
poor boy goes home one day conflicted over all of this, slouched on the edge of his bed with his hands ruffled in his hair. soon he gets a text from you, which he shouldn’t be surprised by, given how he’s been treating you lately.
but then you’re asking him if he’s okay and rin is utterly taken aback because he’s been acting like such an asshole, yet you’re the one that’s still worried about his well-being.
right then and there rin has a long moment of contemplation, breathing a sigh into his hand which clasps over his mouth. he replies back with a quick apology text before telling you to meet him after his practice tomorrow. the moment he hits send, he tosses his phone on the bed, not willing to wait for that hovering gray bubble to appear on the message window.
when tomorrow arrives and practice is over, his steps are dragging along the pavement outside the training facility. he’s honestly doubting if you’ll even show up, but those qualms are immediately dashed when he sees your figure a few distances away. you’re standing there with apprehension written on your features, which morph into worry as soon as you cross eyes with him.
rin can’t even get a word in or form a coherent thought because the moment you run up to him, you’re blabbering about how he didn’t have to apologize because he was probably working so hard on soccer, chasing his dreams and the like. then, you bring up how maybe you should continue distancing yourself in order to help him focus, and god, that flicks a switch in rin’s head because that is far from what he wants.
all of a sudden, he’s silencing you as he pulls you into his chest. you find yourself buried in his jersey, confused but not drifting away, and even return the embrace when you sense him shake against you.
“fuck, no. i don’t want that all…” his voice sounds like he’s about to break as he mutters those words into your hair. his arms tighten around your shoulders as if you’ll leave him at any moment. you assure him you won’t as you nuzzle closer into his chest.
“then i’m not going anywhere, rin.”
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the thought comes upon him when he’s alone in his apartment. it’s not immediate though.
the sunlight seeping through the curtains inevitably wakes him up one very late morning. and by very late, i mean this dozy boy definitely slept in that day, if he couldn’t already tell from his digital clock reading 11am.
even though nagi is always keen on getting plenty of shut-eye, he’s constantly kept on his toes when it comes to having a productive sleep schedule. partially due to soccer practices, but also because you sometimes visit him in the mornings. so normally, he’s woken by the ruckus you’re making while cooking him breakfast in the kitchen.
but this morning it’s… silent. which in hindsight, nagi should be happy about, right? he got to sleep in, after all, and he doesn’t have practice today. what more could he want?
once he shakes off the last remnants of sleep from his body, he finally musters the strength to get out of bed and maybe start his day with something to eat. which this morning is… leftovers. specifically the leftovers from the last time you made him food—a couple days ago.
regardless, he warms them up and sits down with a plate on the table. says his appreciations for the meal and digs in. when the first bite enters his mouth, it tastes the same as when he initially had it, but there’s an empty feeling in the bottom of his stomach he can’t quite pinpoint. he scarfs down a few more spoonfuls until he grows tired of eating, resting his head on the table.
his tummy is full, yet that emptiness persists—it’s been on the forefront of his mind for several days now and it’s starting to annoy him. he can’t determine why that is and what makes those days any different from before succumbing to that void in his heart.
after all, nothings changed.
just that… you went on an overseas trip. without him.
well, it’s not like he was ever going to be invited since you’re supposed to be vacationing with your girlfriends.
ah, wait. maybe he’s just lonely.
no, that can’t be it. he hung out with reo and some of the other blue lock boys the day after you left. even a slacker like him still makes time to see his friends. so what is he missing here?
the question lingers in nagi’s noggin as he drags his fork along the remaining food stuck on his plate. at some point, his phone’s ringing breaks him from his stupor, and he’s surprised to glance over and see your caller id on the screen.
he’s not sure what comes over him, but nagi swears he’s never hit the accept button so fast in his life. immediately, he brings the phone next to his ear, and is the first one on the line to utter “hello?”
“sei, you’re awake! i’m glad i got the time zones right!” you exclaim in your cheery tone that nagi has always been accustomed to hearing in the morning. “y’see i’ve stumbled on a gift shop the other day and found a few souvenirs i’d think you’d like!”
you ramble on and on about your adventures around the country you’re visiting and nagi finds himself absorbing your voice, hanging on every word, and even nodding next to the phone like you’re right here in front of him.
suddenly, his heart feels so full and everything clicks into place again. it’s like his day never actually started until you appeared with all your mirth and energy. even on opposite sides of the earth, you’re still the sun to his moon.
“angel,” he murmurs as you’re in the middle of talking, and you’re silent after acknowledging his call, waiting on his words.
“come home soon. i miss you.”
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this boy is a mess! he’s the kind of guy who as soon as those feelings start blooming in his chest, he gets super flustered around you all the time. and it’s obvious too.
before, he was super nonchalant with you. treated you like a friend, flirted without even knowing because he’s just that comfortable around you, but when any of his friends or family mention how the two seem closer than you realize, he just freezes and his mind goes blank. erupts in an embarrassing fit of sputtering and denial, face searing red down to the nape of his neck. it’s so cute.
however, he’s not fooling anybody! anyone can tell by the windblown expression on his face—starstruck eyes admiring you as a warm grin overtakes his features—that he’s absolutely smitten by you. he just needs to admit it already.
well, his next outing with you (in which he swears wasn’t actually a date, but c’mon isagi), finally gets him to come to terms with his emotions as he reminisces spending the whole day just laughing his heart out and being so full of that warmth and happiness you give him that makes him feel completely weightless. almost like he can do anything. afterward, when he gets home, he rushes upstairs and literally flails in his bed with the most insane blush on his cheeks. like wow, he’s in love with you.
isagi yoichi is in love with you.
but love to isagi is like a double-edged sword, especially to someone who just escaped that blue lock hellhole and now has to devote even more of his life to his soccer career.
with that carefree sensation comes a new box of trepidations that he’s afraid to open.
what if there comes a time when he would have to choose between you or soccer? he’s hoping that won’t ever be the case. he’d hate to struggle juggling the two and end up breaking your heart.
god, never in a million years does he want that.
the best he can do is take steps to introduce this side of his life to you. he does so in extravagant fashion, by inviting you to come watch him play during his championship game.
to say you were a little startled by his offer was an understatement, but you take him up on it, and promise you’ll be there, especially since isagi went out of his way to get you the best seats in the stadium.
on the day of his match, he’s more nervous about performing well in front of you rather than winning. winning is instinct for him so he has no doubts he’ll claim victory and take home the championship cup. he’s just eager to show you a new isagi you’ve never seen before, rather than the tongue-tied, flustered puppy isagi that’s been vying for your attention lately.
coming onto the field, his eyes are too busy swerving in the direction of where you’re seated than focus on his opponents. the moment he distinguishes your figure at the very front of the stands—draped in a jersey that reads his name—countless butterflies begin fluttering in his stomach. it’s a feeling that he can never truly convey into words.
all he does is let an elated grin spread wide on his lips, cheeks swathed in such a dainty shade of rose that has his teammates swatting the back of his head to remind him he has a very important game to win.
and oh does isagi win. during the match he scores four goals in quick succession, absolutely annihilating the other team to the point where it’s downright embarrassing for the opposing side. the commentators are completely baffled, questioning what has the player so stoked. little do they realize that each of those goals were all made in your name and isagi can’t wait to let you know that later with his championship cup in hand.
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sae is pretty accepting of this revelation. nothing really fazes him after all, and he recognizes that it was only a matter of time before he came to terms with the idea that he might be head over heels for you.
in fact, he takes those feelings in stride.
as if sae wasn’t already a gentleman before this, his mannerisms around you only intensify. he’s constantly holding the door open for you, pulling out your chair, giving you his jacket whenever you’re cold, and so on. you never have to lift a finger when you’re with him. it’s to the point where he’s even sweeping stray hairs off your face and tucking them behind your ear before you’re given a chance to realize they were bothering you in the first place. not a day goes by where he doesn’t place you on a pedestal and worship you in the best ways he knows how.
he’s also gotten very touchy and a tiny bit possessive (okay maybe more than a tiny bit). sae isn’t the type to initiate pda regularly, but whenever he feels threatened in any way—which is very rare but not impossible—he always has a hand on you. whether it’s on your lower back as he ushers you closer to him, or intertwining your fingers together before sending a cold, piercing glare over his shoulder at the offending party, he always makes his intentions with you known even if you yourself are oblivious of them.
it’s not like he’s controlling or obsessive either. he simply wants to make you feel special. to be frank, he’s setting such a high standard that no other man can compare to him.
on more than one occasion, he’s had to travel overseas for international business, and the first time he left the country for an extended period without you, he grew incredibly homesick. not because he particularly misses the normalcy of his life back in japan, but because it always feels a little empty, and frankly, boring without you by his side. he’s grown to appreciate the moments he shares with you, from the time he wakes up beside you to when he falls asleep while you’re in his arms.
after that, whenever he has to fly out of the country, he insists you tag along with him, and goes out of his way to pay for all your expenses—plane ticket, lodgings, everything. most of the time, you try turning down his offer, stating you don’t want to be a hindrance while he’s working. yet sae counters by saying it’ll be more trouble for him if you weren’t there with him than not, and who are you to object when he’s staring at you with such unwavering ocean eyes, looking as if you’re the whole world to him.
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deep down, kunigami has always held you closely in his heart, regardless if he’s aware of the love he possesses behind it.
it’s natural for him to want to protect the people he cherishes, but with you, you activate something so visceral inside him. it scares him sometimes, how you can make his whole body rattle, blood pumping erratically to the point where all he can hear is the ringing in his ears and his heart thumping wildly out of his chest.
that’s especially the case when he receives a late night call from you while he’s settling himself at his apartment. he’s slightly surprised by the random call. you don’t normally reach out for him at this time since you’re either going to sleep or hanging out with friends in the dormant hours of the night.
accepting the call, he brings the phone to his ear.
“hello? y/n?”
“r-ren? u-um, can you please stay on the phone with me..?” you whisper in the receiver, tone quivering to a frightening degree. he hears the anxiety laced in your voice and suddenly sirens go off in his head.
“where are you?” he questions sternly as he instantly stands from his seat, reaching for his car keys.
“i just left a club and was going to walk to the station, but… s-someone’s–”
kunigami doesn’t need to hear anymore to understand the full picture that makes his bones quake for your safety as he dashes out the door.
“i’m coming to get you, so send me your location. until then, stay in an open area and don’t stop talking to me, okay?”
you affirm quietly before moving your phone from your ear to pin your location to him with trembling fingers. as you’re doing so, kunigami’s already started the ignition to his car, revving on the roads with little care of the law. he’s never driven this fast in his life, swearing he’s a defensive driver, but that means nothing to him when your safety is on the line right now.
if he grips his steering wheel any harder, it might just break off from his bare strength alone. a single glance at the map on his dash tells him he’s less than a minute away from your position. in the last stretch, he can finally spot your frightened silhouette under the dimly lit lamps.
as soon as you recognize the model of his vehicle, relief washes over your tense shoulders. you take it as your chance to escape your precarious situation, but the shady man a few meters away decides to attempt a last minute assault, dashing in your direction.
when the fiery-haired athlete sees this, his restraint all but snaps. he gets out of his car without even slamming his door shut and spontaneously reaches for you, pulling you behind his intimidating, brawny frame before punching the man square in the jaw. the assailant tumbles onto the hard ground, completely knocked out.
kunigami’s attention immediately turns to you, putting all his efforts into your well-being as he yanks you in his protective embrace. the adrenaline from both your bodies wears off and the striker can sense you bursting into tears against his chest.
“ren, i’m so sorry, i was out with friends and i thought it would okay for me to stay out later even though they wanted to leave, and-and–” your words collide with your jumbled thoughts, but the last thing kunigami wants is for you to apologize for this scumbag’s actions.
“shh, princess. it’s not your fault,” he whispers next to your ear, “fuck! if anything happened to you… i… i…” his voice breaks apart. his hold on you tightens just imagining if he was even a second late coming to your side. for now, he’s thankful to have you back safe and sound, tucking you closer to his heart.
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when reo considers that what he was feeling might no longer be a crush, but rather actual love for you, he’s a bit doubtful. mostly because he’s approached countless girls with romantic intentions in mind, however, to his disappointment, he’ll discover that they’re mainly interested in his status instead of him as a person. his good looks and charisma are just a plus for them. therefore he’s very hesitant to fully act on these emotions, afraid to have his heart broken again.
however, he slowly starts accepting the notion that he might be wrong about you. it shows in the way you’re always asking about his life outside of him being an heir to a billion-dollar corporation. he’s stunned by how your features can glow with such intrigue whenever he speaks about his time in blue lock, leading to his journey to becoming a star player in the land of professional football. most girls he entertained would fake interest in this before quickly changing the subject.
eventually, they’ll throw themselves on him to garner his favor and try gaining access to his parents’ wealth. however, you seek greater value in sharing the same experiences with him. you take him out to watch movies, hangout at the most unique cafes, and have the time of your lives at amusement parks.
reo’s used to his dates borderline demanding him to drive them out for extensive shopping sprees or book them dinners to the most high-end restaurants in the city. it becomes exhausting when all his partner sees in him is a personal wallet for them to call on whenever they’re eyeing the newest luxury trends displayed on shop windows.
so to have a person like you by his side, who doesn’t determine his value on such materialistic facets is… refreshing… but also just as frightening because he’s afraid of losing such a precious person like you.
though it may be counterintuitive, reo means to return your kindness by spoiling you, thinking you’re someone who genuinely deserves to be dolled up and treated like royalty.
the first time reo swipes his card on a hefty purchase for you, you’re a little bit overwhelmed, going on to say he didn’t have to do all this. but the man is difficult to argue around, what with his suave words and charismatic demeanor that makes it hard for you to say no to the jewels and dresses he wants to adorn on your body.
then as if he couldn’t have pampered you anymore, he also brings up the offer for you move into his penthouse so you don’t have to worry about rent while making ends meet. of course, you bring up the case that you don’t want to rely on him for money—that you simply enjoy being with him—but reo counters with similar reasoning.
“c’mon doll, just let me do this for you,” he insists. “you’ve done so much for me already, and i just want to make sure you know how special you are to me.”
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copyright 2023 shotoh, all rights reserved. i do not allow my creations to be published or translated anywhere else so please do not repost this or share my content on tiktok.
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kaiijo · 5 months
ok. bllk and jealousy rate. how jealous can they get over their gf and what do they do to cope lmao
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characters: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro, mikage reo, oliver aiku content: gn! reader (request says gf but reader is gender neutral) notes: some of these are lowkey toxic, minor spoilers for kunigami’s character arc, nagi is taller than reader
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most jealous: bachira, rin, reo 
bachira meguru ✶
bachira has many, many insecurities. growing up isolated and without many friends, he is more possessive of those he’s close to, which obviously includes you. he just doesn’t want to lose you, which manifests itself in jealousy over anyone he perceives as a threat to your relationship
bachira gets really clingy when he’s jealous. he thinks that inserting himself into the situation, sometimes literally wedging himself between you and the other person. he usually chooses to drape himself over you, nuzzling into your neck and speaking low enough that only you hear, trying his best to divert your attention. third-wheeling is pretty uncomfortable for the other person, especially with the smiling sneer bachira’s shooting at them, so they make a quick irish exit 
itoshi rin ✶
an egoist to his very core, rin can get very jealous. while he’s very sure of himself in nearly every other part of his life, he knows that he is not an ideal partner a lot of the time, though he’ll never admit it. he’s not the most expressive or the most patient, and he’s sure that there are better partners for you out there. 
when rin’s jealous, it’s a silent but deadly thing. like when he’s locked in on the ball in a game, his focus you and his ‘competitor’ is unwavering. he stalks over to stand behind you, his chest bumping right up against your back, and he snarls, “what the hell do you want, you mediocrity?” usually the other person backs off after seeing rin’s bone-chilling glare but if they’re bold enough to answer back, rin bares his teeth and is poised to strike. it’s probably best if you diffuse the situation quickly before it gets uglier  
mikage reo ✶
we already know how jealous reo was over nagi so it’s safe to say that he’s definitely very jealous. having been bored with the world and other people for so long, he’s thrilled when you two get together. it makes his very protective of you and he wants to be one of the most, if not the most, special person in your life. 
reo can go a couple of ways when he feels jealous over someone else but it think his primary response is to tear down the person methodically. he tilts his head a little, looks the person up and down, and notes everything about their appearance — hair, skin, clothes (including brand and cost) and criticizes every little thing. it’s a strategic move in his opinion, using observational skills and knowledge he had given his upbringing to pick apart the other person. he also might make some underhanded comment that includes that he has a black card 
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less jealous: isagi, kunigami, sae 
isagi yoichi ✶
he definitely gets jealous from time to time but he doesn’t feel the need to act on it a lot. he’s pretty mature and for the most part level-headed (plus his ability to piece together future events helps him keep his cool a lot). this doesn’t mean that he isn’t jealous 
when isagi is jealous, he’s sulky. he won’t take immediate action and watch from afar, arms crossed and a little pouty. he tries to look as dejected and as ‘wet-cat pathetic’ as possible to make you feel bad and come over to comfort him. when you inevitably do, looping your arm through his and kissing his cheek, he can’t help but smirk at the other person like a cat who go the cream 
kunigami rensuke ✶
i debated where to put kunigami since there are ‘two sides’ to him — pre- and post-wildcard. pre-wild card kunigami is definitely a lot less bothered; he trusts you 100% and is 100% confident and secure in your relationship and himself. post-wild card kunigami is less chill and more forceful. he’s not a hero anymore but even as he plays a more ‘villainous’ role in soccer, he won’t cross that line in your relationship. he’s still very secure in you and himself, but he’s more protective of your relationship. definitely a ‘i trust you/us but it’s other people i’m worried about’ kind of guy
when pre-wild card kunigami got jealous, he won’t act in the moment and will talk to you about it afterwards, in a private setting. open lines of communication were important to him and working out problems like this. post-wildcard kunigami is all stormy looks and intimidation. like rin, he also stands behind you but in less actively aggressive way and more just to be threatening. it’s 95% effective and the 5% of times it doesn’t work, kunigami is not above muscling the other person away 
itoshi sae ✶
i thought about putting sae in the ‘most jealous’ section but i just think that he is someone whose jealousy simmer just beneath his apathetic surface. he sees most other people as beneath him and believes that they are not worthy of speaking to you, let alone hitting on you, but because he’s sees them as so beneath him, he can’t be bothered half the time to do anything since they’re simply not worth it. he gets the most jealous when it’s people who he can potentially view as equals, like other professional athletes 
when he’s jealous, sae literally just pretends they don’t exist, only talking to you. if the other person tries to interject, he sends them a sideways glare — the only acknowledgment of their existence — and then turns away to continue whatever conversation, suggesting that you both get away from the other person as quickly as possible. if ignoring the person doesn’t work, sae doesn’t shy away from spewing vitriol at the other person
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least jealous: nagi, oliver, michael
nagi seishiro ✶
simply put, being jealous is a hassle to nagi. it makes him too hot and too annoyed for him to want to feel it so he suppresses the feeling a lot. nagi’s height is already intimidating enough for most people so they don’t approach you when they see you two together but that isn’t a deterrent to everyone
when nagi gets jealous, he does one of two things: just gives a thousand-yard stare that freaks people out or he gets whiny and clingy. his stare is eerie and silent, and the lightness of his eyes doesn’t help it. he towers over you like some cryptid companion. when he gets whiny and clingy, nagi tugs at your sleeve and asks drily, “can we go yet? why are you still talking to them?”
oliver aiku ✶
sigh… oliver is undoubtedly someone who thinks and knows he’s the shit. with so many women and men alike fawning over everything about him, his ego is through the roof. he has very little worry about you leaving him for someone else. honestly, he finds it amusing most of the time when someone attempt to draw you away from him, and let’s it play out a lot for his own entertainment. of course, he’ll intervene if it’s making you uncomfortable but he also believes you can handle yourself 
when oliver gets jealous, he acts as casual as possible. he’s friendly towards the other person and but it’s not hard to uncover that it’s all fake, whether it’s from the glint in his eye or the way his smile is stiff and forced. common tells when he gets jealous is that he pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek or he clenches his teeth and inhales softly but sharply.  he employs the good old tactic of calling the other person the wrong name and making all kind of underhanded comments that slowly chip at their nerves. (“haruya? haruki? oh! you’re haruto! right, right, you know, they’ve never mentioned you before! crazy, huh?”) 
michael kaiser ✶
kaiser in german literally means ‘emperor,’ and it’s no secret that kaiser views himself as one. similar to sae, he see himself as so above others that he’s not even bothered by other people hitting on you. it displeases him greatly, sure, but these cockroaches will never be able to steal you from him so why should an emperor deal with the plebians? the only time that ever happens is when a peasant is particularly forceful and then, kaiser intervenes
when he gets jealous, kaiser puts on a show. if there’s one thing about him, he’s a bit of a drama queen. he will absolutely posture and puff out his chest at the offending person, looking down his nose arrogantly and smirking. he makes a big display of wrapping himself around you, gripping firmly at your hips and saying, “liebling, you’re very charitable to entertain this insect, but it’s time to end this ruse.”
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sinfulpanda16 · 9 months
Men that love manhandling you.
Not just in bed but in general. He loves picking you up, pinning you, carrying you. He does not care if there are others around, he'll still do it. Ya'll arrive home and he picks you up, carries you to the bedroom all while your parents watch.
One time you guys were going on a walk and you were starting to get tired. You say "Baby I'm too tired. Carry me pout" jokingly but then he actually does. He carried you all the way back home, all while people were watching. He didn't care. You're his baby.
He's just so playful with you. He thinks you're so cute and adorable he can't help but pick you up and baby you. After dinner the first thing he'd do is carry you out of your chair and sit you on the counter next to the sink, and then he'll get the plates so he can wash them while you watch.
You'd be modeling some of the cute clothes you bought yourself and on the last one he'll get up and start feeling the fabric on your hips then slowly trace his hands upwards, bringing your arms up and just like that your wrists end up in his grip. And with a smirk, he goes to kiss your neck.
Playfights are always you going at it and him barely even trying and still winning. You'd either be laying on your back pinned by him or laying on your tummy with him caging you. Either way, playfights always lead to him seriously manhandling you.
Gojo Saturo, Toji Fushiguro, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Bakugou Katsuki, Hanma Shuji, Keisuke Baji, Draken, Greed, Solf J. Kimblee, Kuroo Tetsuro, Bokuto Kotaro, Oikawa Toru, Zora Ideale, Yami Sukehiro, Ryusui Nanami, Kunigami Rensuke, Bachira Meguru
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alexiswritergirl · 5 months
“I have a crush on my wife”
“I have a crush on my wife.” He thought to himself.
If he were to say this out loud, people would tell him “Well duh, you love her”, but having a crush is different from loving someone. 
For him, he can never get enough of you because every second, it’s like he’s falling in love with you all over again. 
You make him so giddy and nervous to the point where the constant feeling of butterflies is the only thing that makes him feel truly alive.
Every day is like a battle with several questions, like “How did I get so lucky” kind of questions, that are cramped inside his head, while every night is like a dream when you are in his arms.
His eyes always find their way to yours, completely mesmerized by you. He’ll have this curious look on his face, wondering what that pretty mind of yours is thinking about. And then he’ll quickly look away when you catch him staring.
Every time his phone buzzes, he instantly checks and hopes it’s you.
He is absolutely delusional for you. Always playing scenarios in his head where you go on dates, what he should say to you when he comes home, how much he wants to hold you….the list goes on and on.
He spends hours in front of the mirror to look just right because he knows you deserve the best. He’ll carefully readjust his collar multiple times and brush his hair just right, so he can look charming only for you.
He’ll never get used to how his name rolls off your tongue so perfectly or how pretty your lips look when you say I love you.
When he first met you, it was scary to think he developed a crush on someone. He didn’t know what to do and that ate him up every night.
Now, he sits beside you on the couch, stealing quick glances at you as you watch TV. He still can’t believe that you both have been married for 5 years now because it all feels like a fuzzy dream. He’ll awkwardly wrap his arm around your shoulders as if this were a first date. Even though you’re just wearing sweatpants and a stained t-shirt, his heart still beats fast for you. 
When you turn to face him, his face flushes and he freezes. You giggle at him and ask him to pass you the remote. He complies and starts to feel antsy from the way your fingertips graze his skin when you’re just grabbing the remote from him.
He’ll then give you the “I want to lean in and kiss you” look, and when you finally notice those shy hints and give him what he’s been wishing for this whole time, time will utterly freeze over the both of you.
You have no idea what you do to him.
RIN, HIORI, Tokimitsu, NESS, ISAGI, NIKO, Yukimiya, Bachira, Chigiri, (pre-wd) Kunigami, Raichi, Kurona, Reo
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imcheshire · 24 days
Fluff//Multiple characters//Wc: 0.3k
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Your head lies on his soft chest, lightheaded as your mind drifts between reality and dreamland.
A few hours ago, he laid down on your bed, playing video games with his friends. You soon, after a warm shower, joined him, lying on top of him. Since then, you didn’t really move, being comfortable, becoming sleepier with every passing second.
Now, you’re bathing in his scent, coming from his hoodie—which is of course yours too—, and from him too. It smells like home. It calms you.
You are listening to his heartbeat and those occasional comments he makes about the game or the others. There are some funny ones. They make you laugh as you draw circles on his arm. With every circle, your pace slows, then fully stops for a second as you yawn.
“You sleepy, babe?” He asks with a tender voice.
“Mhm.” You reply, nuzzling closer to him, if that’s even possible.
“You know you can fall asleep, right? You don’t have to stay awake, we will be playing for another hour at least.”
“But I want to be with you.” You mumble, barely coherent.
“I’ll be here all night long and in the morning.” Then there is a pause. “And all day too; we live together, my love.”
“I know, but-“ You start.
“No buts, go to sleep.” He interrupts, leaving no room for argument.
Some time passes before another round ends. You are barely awake by now, holding onto that small ounce of energy you have left.
Then you feel as he slowly starts playing with your silky hair. He makes the most of the time between two rounds.
It feels nice. Comforting.
Slowly, you fall deeper and deeper into the realm of dreams. By the start of the next round, you are sound asleep in your boyfriend’s arms.
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Haikyuu Suga, Tanaka, Noya, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Tsukki, Kuroo, Kenma, Yaku, Lev, Atsumu, Osamu, Sunarin, Kita (when the boys pursue him lol) Blue lock Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami, Nagi, Reo, Sae MHA Bakugou, Deku, Shoto, Kirishima, Kaminari JJK Yuji, Megumi, Yuta + your favs<3
These are the characters that I see fit for my story. Ofc this is my opinion only. I did not watch all the animes to know them well, so some are based on vibes, only.
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sleepysnk · 1 year
Squirting headcanons with the blue lock boys? Pretty please?
a/n: hi nonnie! thank you for sending this in. i’m so sorry it took me this long to finally get to this, but i appreciate you sending this! i hope you enjoy <3.
characters: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro
warnings: established relationships, nsfw, squirting, fingering (kunigami), oral sex f!receiving (bachira), use of pet names (baby, princess), overstimulation, multiple orgasms.
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isagi yoichi:
you and isagi had been having sex for quite a while. it was after your anniversary date, so you decided to indulge in some of your personal fun to end the evening.
isagi’s thrusts were quite erratic. he had this brutal assault against your cunt and he was making your vision blurry from simply just rutting his hips into you. he was determined to give you the absolute best treatment that night, and he was doing just that. he had your legs over his shoulders with his dick filling your pussy. your orgasm was making itself known in your belly, but something felt different in your gut this time. it wasn’t something familiar to you and part of you worried that something was going to happen.
you practically were warning isagi about what was happening, but he wasn’t halting. he kept going and going. he wanted to make you cum so bad and his own selfish desire was taking over him. what he wasn’t expecting was after his final thrust into you was this gush of fluid coming from your pussy. it covered the sheets and his cock, shocking both him and you. this was the first time you had ever squirted on him and you were somewhat embarrassed at first, but isagi thought it was one of the sexiest things he had ever seen. his dick got hard all over again when he watched what happened before him.
“fuck.. don’t even be embarrassed, baby, i wanna see you do that again..”
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bachira meguru:
you and bachira had been having sex for so long, you forgot how many orgasms you had the entire night. he had just returned home from a very long soccer match and all he wanted was to bathe in your embrace, but one thing led to another, and he pounced on you like a wild animal.
bachira had you in all kinds of positions. he practically almost folded you in half when he was making you cum for the third time. he was making you go crazy. your pussy was so tired and sore and there was a huge mess on his cock, but he didn’t show any sign of stopping. he could feel another climax coming from you since your cunt was practically closing in on him again, so he decided last minute to use something else on you. his pretty mouth that you swore hands down was from a god itself.
bachira pulled out of your dripping hole, leaning down and spreading your thighs apart to get a great taste. he lapped up your juices and latched his mouth into your sensitive folds. his tongue was so warm and he kept licking at your bud, making you shove your hands into his hair. you couldn’t stop the cries that slipped from your lips every time he went at it, and you were so fucking close to reaching that delicious high. there was something foreign about it, though. you somewhat blamed it on the overstimulation, but it was hurdling towards you so quickly you barely had time to react when you squirted all over his mouth and his face. your jaw was practically on the floor and bachira seemed just as surprised, but he couldn’t hide the smirk that appeared on his face. he always wanted to make you squirt.
“hehe.. took me some time, but i finally got you to do it, baby.”
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kunigami rensuke:
kunigami is a big guy, so you already know that those fingers are also pretty big. he’s fingered you many times before and he’s made you feel full that way, even without his cock.
the two of you were watching a movie. you were lying beside your boyfriend and his hands started to explore you in a teasing manner. you knew him very well, so you already knew what he wanted from you. his fingers began to play with your clit, swirling it around to the point where you were soaked. he sunk two of his digits into your dripping hole, making any mention of the movie in front of you disappear the moment he started pumping into you. his fingers were so thick and nice you couldn’t hold back and started crying his name like it was a prayer. he was so good at it. it took your breath away every time he curled upwards to find that spot inside of you.
he had your thighs wide open, leaning in to kiss you every so often while he fingered you. he was reaching all of those nice areas inside of you and you knew you were getting close. your body language explained it all and kunigami was so damn excited to see how hard you were going to cum for him. you were scratching at his wrist, whining like a bitch in heat for him. then, after practically dirty talking you the entire time, you reached your high. he was surprised to see that you started squirting all over his wrist, leaving it all over the sheets. you were at a loss for words, but you were too fucked out to care.
“why don’t we do that again, baby? how about on my cock this time.. yeah?”
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nagi seishiro:
after returning home from a long day, nagi wanted nothing more than to be by your side, but when he smelled how great your perfume was he had gotten harder than a rock. he missed you so much.
nagi lost count of how many times he had made you cum. you and him were both sweating and your bodies were practically sticky from it. he could care less, though. all he cared about was making you feel good, and that’s exactly what he was doing. you were a mess underneath him with his cock buried inside your sweet pussy. nagi only yearned to make you cum even more, and with your cunt slowly closing around him, he knew he was going to make that possible.
you were so overstimulated. your body was screaming for some type of relief but it was just too good to stop. your thighs were trembling and you couldn’t stop blabbing for more from your boyfriend. nagi thought it was so cute to see you in such a manner. he only kept up that rough pace he had and it excited him that you were once again reaching another orgasm. he was whispering dirty things in your ear, toying with your puffy clit to only make it more exciting for you. nagi kept going until he felt a huge gush of something on his abdomen and his groin. he saw you shaking while you squirted all over the bed. he honestly couldn’t believe his eyes that it had just happened, but he wanted to see you do it over and over again. it was such a turn on for him.
“oh? so that’s what you can do? heh, let’s try it again, princess..”
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hyomaslut · 1 year
──★ ˙🌟 ̟ !! gold star redemption program. 18+!
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☆⌒(ゝ。∂).ᐟ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ ʙʟᴜᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴋ's ғᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇʀ
✿ ─ synopsis: you are the new manager for team blue lock and you have a great idea to make the players get along better. after all, positive reinforcement worked really well on dogs, why not men? ✿ ─ characters: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, shidou ryusei, itoshi rin, chigiri hyoma + kunigami rensuke referenced ✿ ─ cw: smut, fem!reader, she/her pronouns used, aged-up!characters(18+), pet names, kissing, penetrative sex, oral receiving/giving, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling, overstimulation, rough sex, deepthroating/face-fucking, non-exclusive relationships, lots of jealousy, pda, use of foul language, suggestive themes, shidou is an asshole, rin threatens murder, somewhat proofread ✿ ─ notes: okay so every is going to ignore the logistics and mental gymnastics done to put all these guys on the same team and have any of this go on, right? cool. this work was requested by @anastasiablossomlove pls enjoy!
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managing team blue lock was no task for a person of average conviction. anyone with less of a spine would be easily trampled and consumed by the members, all with big personalities and even bigger egos. you took to the role with exceptional organizational skills and a positive attitude that didn’t falter, even under the cold glares of the less compliant men of the team (cough cough itoshi rin cough cough barou shouei). before the end of your first week you had drafted up detailed and individualized meal plans, unique to each of them. by the second you had worked with the coach to create special training regimes that works towards their fitness goals while providing challenge and variety. right under their noses you dug your pretty fingers into every part of team blue lock, finding every issue and soothing every conflict, turning a group of somewhat wild animals into a well functioning machine with you at its core.
and not a detail slipped your eye. you could always tell when kunigami had pushed himself too hard in the gym by the stiffness in his shoulders. honestly you doubt you would’ve been able to convince him to let you help him if he wasn’t just as sore as you predicted. but the minute your palms were pressing into his back he was groaning in relief, “you’re an angel” grumbled under his breath. he’s a bit less embarrassed the next time around, blushing while asking you to fix him like you did last time.
you quickly took responsibility for doing chigiri’s hair before every practice and game. after seeing it fall out of its style and flap wildly in his face whenever he reached top speed on the field, you decided he needed something a little more reliable to keep it out the way so his eyes could stay on the ball. though when his hair was this soft, who could blame you for taking a bit longer than necessary, brushing through the knots and gently scratching at his scalp. plus, he didn’t seem to mind all that much, always red faced and all smiles, leaning into your touch. the thank you kiss he plants on your cheek lingers long enough to leave a matching blush on your face as a token of his appreciation.
being the backbone of their system earned you respect, acknowledgement, even affection from the overly friendly members of the team (cough cough bachira meguru cough cough shidou ryusei). no one could deny the benefits of having you around, always offering all kinds of helpful advice and showed not a shred of judgment when listening to their problems. and you weren’t exactly ignorant to the fact that your constant support was causing some of your new friends to become especially attached to you. maybe to someone else it would be a bigger concern, but in your eyes, this was only another opportunity to do more for your team.
that’s why you implemented the gold star redemption program to help motivate them. it was quite simple to follow, you had a chart with all of their names along with cute, slightly wonky doodles of them, and a list of ways to earn gold stars. from goals and assists to being on good behavior, whatever way they earn their stars, team members can then cash them in for certain prizes from you. the list had looked something like this…
2 ☆ = snack or drink of your choice 4 ☆ = a home cooked meal 5 ☆ = a kiss <3 7 ☆ = a massage <33 10 ☆ = private training session <333
the objective was to give incentives towards cooperation. not to mention, it’s always good to strengthen bonds with your team members. it seems, however, that you underestimated how much of your time this new system would take up. or maybe you just overestimated how easy it would be to keep up with the greedy desires of so many egoists at once.
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ever since your arrival, anyone with eyes could see that isagi yoichi carried a torch for you. you let him talk your ear off for hours about tactics and players, never tired of his company or too busy for his rambles. it gets his heart thumping obnoxiously loud in his chest. so yoichi makes it his objective to dote on you as much as possible to try to make up for all the time you spend fussing over everybody else. always staying after practice to help you or walking you home. so when you start handing out stars for that kind of stuff, isagi is already making a steady income. he considers himself a gentleman, so at first he spends his stars on meals. and he’s more than happy to eat your cooking, stirring up all kinds of wifey fantasies in his head and enjoying his lunches with you. but at night, when he’s lying in bed, the big ticket item at the bottom of the prize board haunts him. and when he can’t take it anymore, he slips into your tiny little office that you share with the coach, a self-satisfied smile on his face when he lets you know that he just finished the stat sheets you asked him to fill out, earning him his tenth gold star. enough for one private training session.
in all the times you thought about sex with isagi, you’re not sure you ever pictured it to be like this. bent over your own desk, tennis skirt bunched up around your waist, your star player too eager to sink into your pussy to even push down your underwear. they stayed tugged to the side, thoroughly soaked from the way his hips meet yours in sloppy desperate thrusts. “i knew i needed to fuck you when i saw this skirt,” he confesses, eyes fixed to the point where you connect, mesmerized by the way his cock disappears inside you, “you’ve been tempting me all day, so be a good girl and take my cock, okay?” before you can respond he hooks a finger into the elastic of your panties to let it snap back against your skin, drawing a small yelp from you. he changs the angle to fuck you harder, deeper. you wonder if this could be the same sweet yoichi that carries your things and bashfully tells you your outfit looks good.
apparently that yoichi doesn’t exist once he’s balls deep inside you, all that’s left is the side of him you’ve only caught glimpses of when he’s dominating his opponents on the field. and if you thought that it was a chance encounter, you’re sorely mistaken as week after week isagi makes sure he earns his ten stars and you get to know just how mean he can be. his grip is always tight around your hair, whether it’s pulling and steering you into the position he wants or guiding your head down to take more of his dick. god forbid he asks you nicely for something like he always does when you’re not ‘training’. one time you even had the gall to suggest the idea to him and lived to regret it as now if you want anything from him, isagi is only accepting the most convincing of your begs. “c'mon princess, mind your manners, if you wanna cum then you’re gonna have to ask really nicely.” and no teary eyed puppy dog look will get you what you want, even when he makes getting your words out so difficult. truthfully, he never intends to be so hard on you, but having you crying and begging for his cock is the only way to soothe the devil on his shoulder that tries to tell him to take you for himself. in the aftermath, you start to recognize your yoichi again, sheepish in his apologies for how rough he was with you, kissing away the tears that run down your face. he’s lucky you’re too fucked out to charge him for them.
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there’s not a world where you offer bachira meguru sexual favors in exchange for playing soccer and he says no. he was already gonna do that anyway, and now not only does he get to make even more of a game out of it, but his reward for winning is the cute little manager he’s had his eyes on for far too long? consider him sold. bachira knows it would be most fun for him to save up and have sex with you as soon as possible, but all of a sudden he has five and he’s itching for a kiss. one he decides to give you right before practice starts… in front of the whole team. but can you blame him? he’s already been waiting forever to feel those pretty glossed lips on his, you couldn’t really expect him to make it through the next few hours when he’s so close to getting what he wants. and you could maybe understand that, but was it really necessary to go for a full open-mouthed wet almost make out that left you panting when everyone’s eyes were already on you? you suspect not, but bachira doubles down, telling you it was of upmost importance that he got it in, else he wouldn’t be able to focus. he neglects to tell you that he overheard reo in the locker room talking about what he was gonna do now that he had five stars. shidou already made it very clear that he would be first to ten, so bachira had to be crafty in order to secure at least one first from you.
meguru was certainly one of the more needy players, right under nagi that required some form of encouragement every step of the way to get anything done. bachira usually does what you tell him to, but not without whining about deserving a prize for being good. quite frankly, you dread having to ask anything of him, because he is determined to be fully compensated for even the smallest of requests. even a task as easy as grabbing something on a high shelf was met with a cheeky smirk and a request for a kiss. and don’t think he’ll budge either, holding the item hostage if he thinks he can squeeze two out of you. it didn’t make it any easier that bachira didn’t possess a shy bone in his whole body, openly showering you in affection when the others were around, holding your hand and nuzzling his face into your collar. it was enough to make even a professional like you blush. he acted as if he was oblivious to the jealous stares of his friends, but the smug cat-like smirk he sends them and the way he only holds you tighter when you try to shyly brush him off gives him away. it may come as a surprise considering his reputation for being a bit delusional, but bachira tries to root himself in reality for once. he frequently reminds himself of the nature of your relationship and tries his best not let his imagination run wild with anything that would be beyond the boundaries you’ve clearly set. things like picturing himself taking you on dates, coming home to you at night, introducing you to his mom. they were all too dangerous to let his mind settle on them for too long.
and what better distraction than burying his face between your thighs. it’s hard to think of much when he hasn’t bothered to stop lapping at your cunt long enough to take a breath in a couple minutes. suffocating was the least of his concerns when the clench around his fingers lets him know your orgasm is just around the corner. meguru swears that your pathetic little whimpers and the slick dripping down his chin are like a straight hit of dopamine to his brain and he’s at real risk of addiction at this point. lidded amber eyes travel up to watch your expression twist into one of pleasure as you gasp out his name. now that catches his interest. when your vision clears and your brain is functioning again after that intense high, you search for his comfort as if you had done any of the hard work. but all you’re met with is that signature wild look that he gets when he brushing past the enemy team’s defense straight towards his goal. it’s your only warning that he’s far from tired and even farther from sated. “if i can keep going, so can you baby. i know you have more for me. jus’ need t’see you make that face one more time.” you have no room to protest, his tongue already finding your clit and working towards bringing you to the edge once again. by your fourth time cumming, you’re sobbing for a break and debating whether you should charge him four times over or give him a star for each one.
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someone who was on board with your system from the second that you explained how it worked, was shidou ryusei. what better way to celebrate another one of his blood pumping, heart stopping performances than racing to the locker room to blow a load in his favorite girl while his teammates debrief with the coach? to him it was simple, you fuck him, you feed him, you take care of him, you spend time with him. shidou is, by all of his definitions, dating you. while some might be turned off by the idea of dating someone who isn’t offering exclusivity, he didn’t see it as much of an obstacle. not when he spent star stickers like a gambler on a slot machine, having you multiple times a week if the economy allowed it. and if he’s short a few, no worries, ryusei is quite the negotiator. it starts one week when he’s only missing a star or two, promising he’ll pay back the difference, you know he’s a good customer. it’s probably not a good idea to give in to him though, as the next time he wants a private training session, he’ll insist they’re only nine stars for him. he has made all kinds of fake coupons from 50% Off! to Buy One Get One Free! to even a homemade punch card in his own terrible handwriting. shidou was the first one to ever get a star taken away when he tried to give you an arby’s gift card in exchange for a blowjob. he didn’t try that tactic again.
the worst is when he tries to haggle in the middle of sex. your legs are thrown over his shoulders and his tip is kissing your cervix when he chooses to whine about not being able to kiss you because he has no stars left. he worked too hard to get good star credit, he can’t go into star debt!! “ and with his lips just hovering over yours, his hot breath fanning across your face, how could you say no? in a moment of weakness, you have unfortunately given an inch to shidou, infamous mile taker, and now it’s hard to get him to pay for any of his kisses, especially while he’s fucking you. you thank god that at the very least no one knows he’s been getting them for free… if only shidou would allow your life to be that easy. even worse than giving him an inch, you expected shidou to keep a secret. and you thought his big mouth was something you liked about him. until he’s using it to brag to everyone that he’s your favorite, practically your boyfriend, all because you let him get away with a smooch here and there. let’s just say you had to give out a lot of free kisses to smooth over the problem his bragging habits created.
honestly ryusei was starting to cause a lot of confusion outside of the team with his antics. what with his always hanging off your arm, giving you as much affection as you’d tolerate, calling you sweet nicknames. the people in your life were actually starting to believe you two were dating. not that shidou does anything to discourage such rumors, only grinning and agreeing every time someone mistakes you as a couple. hell, he was starting to get you confused, saying things during your training sessions that certainly didn’t fit the transactional nature of the act. “holy shit you’re so tight- love this pussy, l-love you so much. say my name. c’mon baby, say you love me and i’ll make you feel so fucking good.” and only because ryusei always makes good on his promises do you allow yourself another moment of weakness.
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itoshi rin didn’t have much interest or faith in you upon first introduction. he sized you up as some nobody doing this whole manager thing as a fun extracurricular, so as long as you stayed out of his way he didn’t care what you did. with his luck, he shouldn’t be surprised that you were immediately in his way, extremely often, rambling to him about ideas and strategies that he had no intention on listening to. although even he could admit, he understood why the others were so easily charmed by you. he was wrong about how seriously you took your job. not that it changed anything. at least that’s what rin tells himself, but in reality your relentless efforts and endless dedication to supporting all of them was something that spoke to him, made him a bit soft for you. it didn’t help that you were his type in every sense of the word, your attractiveness doing nothing but make feigning indifference a lot harder for rin. your seemingly endless patience didn’t help either. you always responded in kind to all of rin’s harsh words and cold stares, never let his sour attitude deter your subtle acts of service like getting grass stains out of his uniform and making sure he stays unbothered during his yoga. against his will, he was slowly warming up to you, but you were still caught off guard when rin started cashing in his stars, even if it was just a meal. he had lots of them sitting idle on the chart waiting to be used, so you supposed it was only natural for him to get some free food out of it. but you were even more taken aback when a couple days later he requested a massage from you with insistence that he only asks because he’s been extremely tense as of late. which wasn’t entirely untrue. rin had been very tense. just not from anything soccer related like he’d like you to believe. he was tense from the stress of his budding feelings for you combined with the dread of knowing he probably will never have you all to himself. at least not with this stupid reward system in place.
he despises it. he absolutely hates going about his day knowing there are other guys, his shithead teammates, that are getting your time, attention, and affection for the price of a couple of stupid fucking stickers. he misses the days when shidou’s incessant bragging about how many times he was able to make you cum or bachira’s unnecessary details of what your pussy tastes like didn’t bother him. now his blood boils to hear them talk about you like that. that kind of anger makes it clear to him that being your friend was simply not an option anymore. which is how he settled on getting a massage from you. he would satisfy this overwhelming craving he has for you and go back to normal and be able to focus solely on becoming best in the world again without thoughts of you plaguing his mind. that was his hope going into it, but feeling your warm touch on his bare back, melting away years of untreated knots and neglected aches in his body, he could almost blush at the intimacy he feels. especially when that foreign kindness he loves so much is on display as you reassure him that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about and that you’re proud he finally put his pride aside long enough to let you help him. you’ve got him, hook, line, and sinker now. no use in struggling so hard, he supposes, as some part of him knows he’s doomed to fall sooner or later. perhaps it’s time to surrender. he fought a good fight, but his greed for you was candidly too tough of an opponent.
and to rin, surrender looked like asking you when’s the soonest he could book a private training session. you don’t think you could look any more shocked. rin had a quick turn around from someone you doubted even liked you, to someone reserving as much of your time as his stars could buy. the more often he was with you, the less time you spent giving those lukewarm brats the treatment he wants reserved for him. and he wishes he gave in a lot sooner when he feels the wet heat of your mouth around his cock for the first time. how fast he would’ve folded if he knew how pretty you would look on your knees for him. rin tried to be gentle and let you set the pace, but between hissing out curses and barely biting back moans, that same greed to get more from you has his hand twisting itself in your hair and pushing down on the back of your head. he couldn’t help it. and it was so worth it to watch you choke and sputter around his length but never pull away. he knew you weren’t a quitter. “shit, feels good… don’t stop,” he all but gasps, hips instinctively jumping to reach further down your throat, grip tightening when you try to come up for air. after a long moment of breathing through your nose you relax enough to let him ease himself the rest of the way in. rin sighs in relief when your nose finally presses against his pelvis. the way you look up at him starry-eyed and full of adoration made his chest feel heavy with desire to be the only one you ever look at. it drives him crazy that any guy on the team can see you like this, and that heartache has rin fucking your face to forget it. “fuckkk. don’t look away, eyes on me, g’nna cum in that pretty mouth.”
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you couldn’t deny that your new attempt at encouraging the team had its kinks. while overall the amount of arguments that broke out between players lessened to keep on good star-earning behavior, you could tell that it came with its own set of tension creating problems. you also couldn’t deny that being pulled in every direction by men vying for your attention was both very time consuming and extremely gratifying, but you think you manage it well. save for when they were already pumped up with adrenaline from a game, that is when real issues arise. especially when a player from the enemy team thinks it’s a good idea to try and hit on the cute little lady holding the clipboard. fatal mistake.
it starts with your favorite pot stirrer, bachira, calling out from his position, making everyone else on the team aware of the situation. “no shot dude, she don’t want you! focus on losing!” you’re confident you can diffuse whatever is about to go down before you notice rin leaving the ball alone in centerfield to beeline straight towards you. threats are flying from his lips on approach, quick to get in the guy’s face, planting his hands on his shoulders to shove him back. “what the fuck do you think you’re doing? i’ll kill you if you don’t get the fuck away from her.” you think maybe you have a shot of getting rin under control if you just- your eyes widen in horror as a flash moves in from your peripheral. there are no words, just shidou drop kicking this poor stranger at top speed. you cringe as you watch shidou knocks this guy off his feet, cleats first, taking rin down with him. what a way to earn a red card.
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this was a fun project and request tysm!!! i just went about it in the interpretation i found most interesting, i really hope it was to your liking!!!
© 2023 hyomaslut. please do not copy, translate, or repost any of my content onto any other sites.
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azulock · 7 months
find yourself a man who is useful like a border collie and would do your taxes
Men who like feeling useful, he will do anything for you, always at your beck and call. You gonna be babied and cared for whether you want it or not, and he gets kinda sad when you don't ask for his help. It's kinda like owning a herding dog, doing this for you is his enrichment, and if you don't let him do it, he's gonna go crazy. Try to baby him a little too, he deserves it, but he's probably gonna jump back to being useful real fast.
REO, Kunigami, Sendo, Yukimiya, Ness, Snuffy
Men who like being babied and cared for, you love him, that's usefulness enough, right? Come on, look at him, your handsome, loving boyfriend, always ready to give you all the love he can, that's gotta be useful on its own. If you want him to do something, you gonna have to ask him, but he's gonna whine the whole time. Honestly, he was born to be more of a trophy husband than anything else.
NAGI, Chigiri, Kaiser, Aryu, Lavinho
Men who are both, cause everything in life demands balance, and while he gets a kick out of seeing you need him for something, he also likes being babied and cared for. He would do anything for you, and feel really good about having you rely on him for help, but after the work is done he will demand his payment. It's only fair that he gets a little treat after being useful, right?
OLIVER, Sae, Bachira, Shidou, Chris
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