#i made this at like 7am
finnyfinster · 8 days
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Relistening to tma ep 32 Hive and this image was beamed into my brain
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lovecoredeity · 8 months
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♡ so, I cry, and I pray and I beg, love me, love me, say that you love me ~ ♡
♡ if you like my art please consider buying me a kofi ♡
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citricacidprince · 2 years
Y'all need to be fucking nicer to men/masc queers
I was talking to an old friend/short lived boyfriend from highschool and the topic of sexualities came up. He identified as bisexual throughout highschool but told me that recently he doesn't know what he was and just preferred to remain 'unlabeled' until he figured it out. I told him to his face "thats valid man and being unlabeled doesn't make you any less queer than when you were labeled"
God you should've seen his fucking face, he looked so happy and also like he was about to goddamn cry. He told me that no one ever told him that. That he tried to join queer spaces but they said he didn't fit in cause he wasn't 'gay' enough. Told me that I was the first person to ever confidently tell him he was queer and that he didn't need to change himself to 'fit in'.
I gave my friend one of my mini pride flags I had lying around and the dopey grin he had on his face while waving that thing around for the rest of the night made me smile too. When he finally went home he thanked me for the flag and for reassuring him when he felt insecure for 'not being gay enough'.
I want y'all to know that whole time he telling me about people not accepting him for "not looking queer" made me fucking pissed. Oh, because he's not petite, feminine, and white he can't be queer? Because he doesn't look like a fashionable and conventionally pretty gay on you'd find on your TikTok homepage he can't be queer?
In highschool I had ANOTHER friend who had this same problem but in a different font. He liked cute things, he liked flowing fabrics and skirts, he even liked being called princess! But because he was fat and not conventionally attractive he felt like he couldn't be queer. Because from what he saw, queer people don't look like him.
If you're one of those people who would gatekeep ANYONE who doesn't fit into your Pinterest board ideal version of queer from the LGBTQ+ community, you can fuck right off because anyone who would just shut of someone out of our community for something so petty and dumb and ignorant doesn't deserve the keys to the fucking door in the first place.
Start treating people who don't fit into your saturated and commercialized view of queer with more respect and kindness before I start biting off your fucking arms
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keywhole · 3 months
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these fucking guys
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kangals · 2 months
thinking a lot about that one post that’s like “the most unrealistic part of House MD/medical dramas is doctors that actually give a shit about finding diagnosis for mystery ailments.”
it’s so disheartening to be able to say “hey dr I have this chronic problem that most recently caused me acute and intense pain, what should I do” and being told “idk your tests are all normal so you just have to live with it.”
cool thanks. I’ll just continue having spontaneous, debilitating joint effusion that requires me to drop everything and go to an emergency specialist. but, you know, my Lyme test came back negative, so there’s nothing else that can possibly be done.
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passionpeachy · 6 months
You're so pretty I'd have a dizzy crush seeing you in the hallway at college or something lol
Haha I spent the majority of my time in college looking messy without makeup and sleeping at the library alone, so I’m not sure if that’d be true. but you’re sweet
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airenyah · 1 year
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Only Friends (2023) Episode 7 ft. The Boston Zoom™
This gifset is dedicated to @newyearknwwme <3
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cellgatinbo · 10 months
"'i think the French dude is gonna die first ngl' he has a name! he has a name, and it's etoiles ✨"
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voidimp · 5 months
have i shown u gnik yet. here they are
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sensitivedead · 6 months
this is a small insecurity thought so sh but like man… everyone leaves me…
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Why haven’t I gotten the notification email for my paper yet urghhh
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constellationclarke · 2 months
iwtv brainrot is my boss texting me about a louis vuitton bag I needed to work on in the morning but just phrased it as "check that louis out in the morning" and i was just like. Check out louis de pointe du lac???? Fucking on it boss!! 🫡
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queerofthedagger · 2 months
i do obviously understand why construction work especially in living areas has to happen during daytime but as someone who regularly works 12 hour nightshifts and needs to sleep at some point i simply think it'd be nice if it didn't have to be 10 hours a day. just a thought.
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kazieka · 4 months
listen I live in an old house and pests happen. I get that. i do. but anytime i start to think we have a mouse indoors i turn into an Edgar Allan Poe protagonist. im lying in bed wide awake staring at the ceiling listening for mouse noises like the fuckin. tell tale heart
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jettison-my-gift · 10 months
So wait. The explanation as to why 10s face came back was because he desperately needed a rest and he was subconsciously seeking out Donna (Donna! Arguably the least restful friend he’s ever had) to settle down with? But like he only knew Donna for a couple of years, thousands of years ago. From the Doctor’s point of view they knew Amy, Rory, and River for centuries… but Donna is still more important to the current Doctor? Really?
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cinematicnomad · 1 year
but… but bradley whitford is so hot tho???
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he IS. but he's hot in that great way PEOPLE are allowed to be, where their charm and how they speak and how they hold themselves etc etc is able to all come together in this amazing package that we can't deny. but i feel like these days most actors (especially in network tv procedural-esque shows) all have the same blandly forgettable in-your-face obvious good looks. way less interesting or compelling.
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