#i made g.eord.i low sighted because i wanted to translate the vi.sor into a more modern context
moonshadowed · 2 years
Are you one of my mutuals from one of my other blogs that got suckered into following this one despite knowing nothing about sci-fi interested in interacting but not sure if you’d want to do a sci-fi au? Do you want to throw our characters into new and different situations?
Then look no further than this masterlist, detailing what each character does in a 20th / 21st century verse under the cut!
cws for: mentions of ableism, racism, sexism, the Holocaust / Nazis / antisemitism, an antiquated derogatory term, a drug reference, and parental death. Please stay safe!
An archaeology professor (who also dabbles in classics, history, and anthropology, as archaeology often doesn’t have its own department and he does have a wide breadth of interests), who is also in charge of a local / community theatre troupe, The Players Enterprise. This troupe is populated largely by his ex-students and his friends turned found family (in other words, the 20th / 21st century au Enterprise crew). He serves as director, stage manager, and, on occasion, actor! As he doesn’t have the stress or trauma of command,  he’s more at peace and more inclined to laugh and smile more, joke more freely / be a little sillier, and his kindness and warmth would be even more evident, as would his love for the troupe and his students. 
In the forest service / forestry somehow no matter the verse (think anything from a tree surgeon to a gardener / landscaper to a lumberjack to a park ranger / forestry manager, basically anything outside and outdoorsy) who moonlights as a jazz musician (which is his true love). He works local gigs at restaurants / taverns / bars and concerts, and met Picard through taking his classes (and other classes at the college he works for). Has been his “Number One” right hand at the theatre troupe (and one of his favorite actors) ever since! Like Picard, he’s also more lighthearted and feels more free to joke around, and is quite well-liked in the local community. 
Another ex-student of Picard’s, after graduation Geordi went into education and became a teacher (most likely early education, but he could and does work with a wide variety of kids). He also enjoys building model ships, helping with props for the theatre troupe (as well as turning his hand to acting), tinkering with electronics and machinery, and is legally blind and low-sighted. In his twentieth century verse in particular he is a fierce advocate for disability rights, especially when it comes to access to education and equal opportunities. He had to fight for what he acheived (being a blind teacher isn’t easy) and is boundlessly kind and welcoming, and won’t let anything stop him or get him down.
Chef and proprietor of Sisko’s Creole Kitchen, the family business, Ben also coaches community baseball (Little League, a few more casual teams. and helps out with the community’s minor league team). He’s also a keen piano player and a skilled singer. He is also single father to his son, Jake, an aspiring writer who plays on his baseball team. His restaurant staff and regulars often overlap with the regulars at the local bar (which forms the 20th / 21st century au DS9 crew), and he loves them all dearly, and he takes in anybody who needs a hot meal and a place to sleep. 
A graduate student at the local university and an aspiring astrophysicist, Jadzia has many interests. She loves music, enjoying playing with Benjamin and having a fondness for lost and obscure composers, has a talent for wrestling, gambling, and magic tricks, and enjoys gymnastics as much as puzzles. As they are in a male-dominated field, they’ve had to overcome a lot to get to where they are, but she possesses a maturity and a grace beyond her years so that not much gets her down. 
Kira comes from a Jewish family in a Nazi-occupied country during World War II (most likely Poland, but debatably France, Slovakia, or the Soviet Union) who took part in the Jewish Resistence. Depending on the time period of the verse in question, she either fought in the Resistence alongside her family, or she was born after her family fled the country and escaped to their new home. She has a revolutionary spirit and is skilled in many forms of fighting, and is fiercely protective and radically proud of her heritage. She has no patience for intolerance or bigotry, and is a rebel and an activist. She is intimidating, especially at first, having learned to bite first, but she loves fully and wholly.
A young doctor fresh out of medical school, Julian is kindhearted, gentle, and enormously intelligent, if a bit unorthodox in his methodology and his treatment ideas (some have drawn the comparison between either a mad scientist or Doctor Frankenstein, and Julian takes these as compliments). He is naive, awkward, and boyish in some ways, but when it comes to his work there is no one better, and he is fiercely brash and stubborn when it comes to the wellbeing and safety of his patients and friends. He has faced a lot of racism and intolerance, particularly in the 20th century au where he is sometimes known by the epithet “the darkie doctor,” but he will continue practicing medicine for as long as possible. 
Working in IT as a repair technician, Miles has done a number of odd jobs over his life and enjoys tinkering with both electronics and mechanics. Or rather, he says he enjoys it, even though you wouldn’t guess it by how often he winds up tearing his hair out over his assignments (and / or his clients). He loves his life with his wife, Keiko, and little girl, Molly, and is deeply devoted to the rest of the regulars at both SIsko’s Creole Kitchen, the local bar scene, and the Players Enterprise (he’s their resident techie, primarily in charge of lights, sound, and prop production and management), even if it took a while to truly bond with them and find his place there.
Originally from Mojave, Chris lives in Bearcreek, Montana, a tiny town near Billings, where he runs a working ranch, teaching horseback riding and sustiainable agriculture. He especially loves connecting with local schools to teach about animal husbandry and gardening, and he runs a farm-to-table style restaurant in one of his barns (he, of course, cooks everything and sources everything locally). He’s a fan of the pig races, and for a long time things go smoothly. However, he ultimately meets with an accident that leaves him wheelchair-bound. However, he doesn’t give up his dream; instead, he doubles down on it. advocating for disability rights and education. 
Luke is a small town boy who never really left home. He took over his family farm with his sister, Leia, from their father, Anakin, who has been chronically ill for a long time though is slowly (but surely) recovering. Even so, Anakin can’t really work the land anymore, so in order to help with the farm work, and with everyday chores around the house, Luke and his father have built two droids, C-3PO and R2-D2. Luke has aspirations of getting off the farm someday, though, and supporting his family and seeing the world by being a pilot. Similarly, Leia wants to instill real reform by becoming a politician or some kind of local government official (she probably ends up mayor or a representative someday).
The Skywalker family farm didn’t really need a farmhand, but they certainly weren’t going to turn Han away. Scruffy, rakish, and ever-so-slightly lazy, Han teaches the twins how to repair a lot of the busted-up old farm machinery and is particularly gifted at fixing cars (mainly because his old van keeps breaking down, it’s a miracle the thing is still on the road and it’s certainly not entirely legal), and when there’s a handyman job to do, Han’s usually the one to do it, as he did several odd handyman jobs, including doorknob repair, before he somehow wound up on the Skywalker’s farm. He says it’s just a job, that he couldn’t care less about what happened to the Skywalkers, but he’s beginning to feel like part of the family whether he likes it or not (it also doesn’t help that he has his eyes set on one of the twins). He also may or may not grow and sell weed on the farm, but that’s another story.
DAVID MARCUS is an ambitious, daring, and stubborn doctoral student working on dual science and engineering degrees
WESLEY CRUSHER helps out with the Players Enterpirse and takes classes at the university as a high schooler for college credit. His father, a professor and a dear friend of Picard’s, died when Wesley was very young, and he’s been raised by Beverly and the rest of the Players Enterprise for as long as he can remember
LYRINDA HALK is an adventure guide who works at or near the same place Will does, taking people on all kinds of thrilling expeditions and excursions
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