#i loved answering these!! tysm
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greghatecrimes · 1 year ago
for the ask game: 1, 3, 31, and 49 (49 specifically about Thirteen)!
Eee thank you for asking! <3 I know you said only 49 was specifically for Thirteen, but if you don't mind I'm going to answer all of them for Thirteen since she is the blorbo ever for me xD This got long, so answers are after the read more!
Canon I outright reject. Oooh, this one was hard because I actually love most of the canon details the writers gave us about her. The only thing I personally reject is her having a sister. They never verbally mentioned her sister (unlike her brother), so I just go about that as if her brother is her only sibling and a sister never existed. Either that, or her brother IS her "sister" and just transitioned sometime during their childhood.
3. Obscure headcanon - I got lots of asks about #3 for Thirteen! Instead of repeating the same thing, I'll link my answer for it here.
31. If they had a tumblr, what would it look like? I love thinking about this as;ldfjalsf. If Thirteen had a tumblr, I think it would totally be super nerdy and completely dedicated to fandoms she's in (like Buffy if this is Thirteen as a teenager, or something like Star Trek, Final Fantasy (I can see her liking XIII but I haven't played through the whole thing myself yet, so we'll see if that holds).[EDIT to add: oh my fucking god, I pronounce the final fantasy numerals as vee-eye-eye, ex-eye-eye-eye, etc. so I didn't realize until hours later that I said Thirteen. Would probably like Final Fantasy *13*. That was unintentional I swear 😂😭] She'd have it set up beautifully with a custom theme, a banner and icon she made herself, and an intricate tagging system that makes finding anything on her blog an absolute breeze. Her url would have absolutely no connection to anything that someone IRL could identify her with and she'd go by a pseudonym (I can also see her just going by "R"-- her first initial). It would be her escape from any and all stress in her "real life" and a place where she could relax and nerd out without worrying about keeping up an image, or about what other people would think. Even Foreman wouldn't know about it while they're dating. It would be an absolute and total secret from everyone in her life, and that's how she'd like it. I think the only person she would've considered making an exception for would have been Kutner, if he had lived long enough for them to get closer.
49. Favorite toy as a child. I originally thought of this when planning out stuff for my fic, In the Dirt, but it works for canon, too. A very well loved stuffed bunny that was given to her by her older brother when she was little. At the start of ITD, she keeps it tucked away in a duffel bag that holds the last remnants of her childhood and teenage years. But I like to think that at some point after moving in with House, she gets comfortable enough to let the bunny sit on her bedside table. For her, it's a positive reminder of her brother and how close they were when they were younger (in no small part due to their dad being so pre-occupied with their mom's Huntington's). It definitely has a name, but I'm not sure what it is. I've always pictured it looking sort of like this:
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doodlelots · 4 months ago
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caught kissing in the closet...
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cerealboxlore · 2 years ago
you know those posts where cap’s seen as a dad figure? what if one of the reasons why the other superheroes think that way is because when league members bring up there kids or need cap to cover for them when their kids need them cap is just super understanding, empathetic and gets oddly proud of them for being with there for their kids
the actual reason why he’s like that is because billy just really values those things as an orphan and is proud to work with such great people
Whenever someone mentions or even breathes the implication of Cap being mistaken as a dad or seen as a father figure, I lose my marbles, because, oh cheese and crackers, I just can't express enough how much I adore this headcanon! I'm doin' a little happy dance :D
Billy Batson is someone who has always yearned and wished to be a part of a family again since his experience was cut short due to tragedy and made sour thanks to his uncle Ebeneezer being crusty dusty, so it's easy to see him respecting those who appreciate the family they have. He had to grow up and mature far faster than any kid his age, and compared to most adults, Billy is actually more mature and responsible than they are, unfortunately. It's reasonable to see that this would be reflected in Captain Marvel; someone who's immature at times, but ultimately a good-natured person with a golden heart and good intentions, who others can depend on anytime and anywhere (much to the sacrifice of his personal life).
Billy has been in enough foster homes at a young age to know the difference between a good parent and a rotten one, so seeing members of the league prioritize their family members and kids would make him really happy. He's the type to take on any shift or mission in the place of another member if they had something important to do with their family. What you said about him being very proud and empathetic towards parents in the league made me realize that Billy would have loved to have parents like them had his own not perished. In a way, he's not just proud of them, but a little bit envious.
This also brings up another headcanon of mine, where Captain Marvel is the unofficial designated babysitter of the league when emergencies come up. Because despite not knowing who he is/his secret identity, people trust him enough to let him know theirs. Like, it all starts with the Captain in the watchtower break room drinking apple juice, and is suddenly bombarded with a group of children or sidekicks being thrown at him by the other heroes, saying that the Captain was in charge while they were away before teleporting away.
All these kids and teenagers that he suddenly has to help look after, and while Captain Marvel is calm on the outside, Billy Batson is freaking out on the inside. Some of those kids are older than he is, and there's some hilarity to it. Shenanigans ensue in the Captain Marvel: Adventures in Babysitting day, but it all turns out okay in the end. As a kid, Billy would know how to talk to them and keep them busy with fun/educational stuff. Might even teach them a thing or two about good morals, manners, archeology, or ancient magic stuff.
I imagine some of those kids would want to be babysat by him again, and Billy would welcome it (with warning ahead of time). Captain Marvel is just someone people like being around with his good dad vibes. Some of them even ask if he has kids of his own, but are met with an empty room immediately as the man zooms off whenever people ask him questions about family.
Gosh I went rambling again, but I loved this ask!
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
Roytim is such a fun crack rarepair for me! Dick’s best friend sleeping with/dating Dick’s baby brother Timmy is 10/10 drama on a more personal note than I’d picture it with Jason. Absolutely no shade I just have always read Dick as being more protective of Tim and Damian.
Do you have any Roytim headcanons to share? <3
oh i LOVE RoyTim on it's own! likely bc i'm just a Tim multishipper and if it fits i ship, but Roy is especially fun via the Dick connection. and i 1000% agree, *especially* pre-Flashpoint, would even argue it's outright canon that Dick is far more protective of Tim and Damian than he ever was with Jason (not out of dislike, but simply bc Dick and Jason were never all that close and the tragedy of losing Jason was losing what could've been, not what he already had) and especially with Jason as Red Hood, Dick holds no particular protective brotherly feelings toward him. it's all Tim and Damian. so you're so right, the drama of RoyTim is just a smidge more upped than of JayRoy and i'd love to share headcanons-
i think it makes for a fun "crush on your older brother's friend" situation. where like. Tim knows it's unrealistic and he has no *actual* intentions to chase it when he's just 15/16 and Roy and Dick are in their twenties, often hanging out around Tim. and Roy is handsome, he's funny, he's similar in personality to ppl Tim has dated (Steph, Kon) so, it's a crush. one that he hides *well* and never makes it Dick or Roy's problem, and one Tim never expects to pan out. he just fantasizes about Roy a little bit and mostly grows out of it by the time he's an adult.
i think more fics need Lian, so i like the idea of them co-parenting Lian. especially if they're both. sort of bad at it. like Roy loves her and he's trying, but he's doing this basically alone and it's not like he has experience. Tim also has no experience. neither of them know what on earth to do. it's a very cute idea that just relies on the two of them being terrible at parenting and Roy getting so mad that the first time Lian says "dada" she says it to Tim that he considers breaking up for a good five minutes.
how they get together can happen in a lot of ways, but i'm interested in the idea of Dick asking Roy to talk to Tim during Tim's Red Robin arc. Roy has experience helping kids through his work helping young addicts and nothing else has worked, so he offers to at least try with Tim. and Roy, who also doesn't handle grief well, understands at least some of what Tim is going through. especially since Roy dealt with Oliver dying and then suddenly coming back, he's at least open to the idea Bruce could be alive. he's just around to try and help Tim keep some emotional stability, but it ends up with Roy helping with the search and somehow, falling for Tim along the way
they go to sitcom levels of chaos trying to keep the relationship hidden from Dick. they *both* know Dick is far too protective of Tim to react well to it. but also, i think Roy would get *just* a bit of an ego about sleeping with Tim under Dick's nose. he makes a point of strutting around when Dick invites him over, finding reasons to be shirtless just to make Tim squirm a little bit. it's that sort of kink where you're excited about the risk of being caught. that fits these two so well and i can't explain it.
because Roy is used to mentoring younger heroes, i think he would have a bigger than normal moral panic about dating Tim. he fights his feelings for a *while*, to the point Tim can tell Roy is fighting his feelings and he's trying to convince Roy he's fine with this. Tim telling Roy about his childhood crush does not help. it makes Roy feel *worse*. it makes them take things very slowly, and i could see Roy being the type to never fully touch Tim until Tim is 18, no matter how much Tim insists it's okay.
i do think they have unhinged sex when they actually get into it though. no matter how sure Roy is that he'll be gentle the first time, the minute he gets his hands on Tim, it is feral. there is blood and foul dirty talk and Tim cannot walk the next day. i think Roy makes for a very mean dom, the type who will make fun of you for being a mess in bed. he just has those vibes, and it works great for getting Tim to just. turn his brain off.
i think Roy, who's struggled with picking hero names before, would be someone to try to force Tim to let go of Red Robin once the whole Bruce thing is over. it's not Tim's name and Tim doesn't need to keep punishing himself with it. Roy is nice about it at first, but then i do think he threatens to set that damn suit on fire if Tim keeps wearing it and doesn't come up with a new hero name. and the worst part is, Tim does know he's serious.
when Dick does find out, chaos. an absolute shitshow. when Roy tells him, Dick punches Roy in the face before he even finishes explaining himself. it's a pure gut reaction. even Bruce isn't as protective over Tim as Dick is. it takes a *lot* of convincing from Tim that it's okay and he wanted this before Dick calms down, and he still doesn't talk to Roy for like a month until the rest of the Titans are forced to hold an intervention reminding Dick of his own dating history with age gaps, like Babs. Dick does cool down, but he is not afraid to stoop to "you're fucking my brother" in an argument bc he wins everytime when he brings it up.
i think Tim is the protective partner. everyone *expects* it to be Roy, he's older and more experienced, but it's Tim who will absolutely lose it if someone threatens Roy's or Lian's life. like not fanonish "committing murder" Tim, but more so canonish "i have a contingency plan for everything" Tim. Roy has had to hold him back a couple times. honestly i think the moral conversations Roy and Tim have are so interesting. because Roy will cross the line for those he loves, so bc of that, Tim is careful to make sure Roy is never in a position where he has to protect Tim bc he knows it would turn lethal quickly. it's a very "i know what you're capable of and you don't scare me but i won't let you become a worse version of yourself bc of me" sort of self preservation vibe. i think it'd be very neat. Tim fights like hell when he's close to death bc his thought is always "i refuse to let Roy feel like he has to avenge me" which i find very crunchy.
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bluetbluish · 4 months ago
Watcher Grian design 🥺?../nf
I would not care if you had forced me. anon. Listen carefully. I. would. not. have. cared.
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Ask me my reasoning for these designs I dare you. Ask me. Do it. Coward. Loser. Send the ask.
Anyways putting the words under the cut because they might be hard to read:
Watcher: Xelqua
Staus: Former Human
Four head wings. Enhances hearing and aids in flight steering.
Hair covering left eye.
Shawl clasped with Watcher symbol.
Back wings (Attached in surgery)
Baggy, ill-fitting clothing, as well as gloves for hand protection.
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howlonomy · 1 year ago
I wonder, how often does Monster Clover forget about their snout and walk into things on accident? Squish food into their snout by mistake? Or perhaps get their wings or tails stuck or jammed in something? Or even tripping over their own tail?
Annoying, but adorable, mild inconveniences brought on while getting more used to their body, to a point where it's not always on their mind, but not to the point where they're actively able to subconsciously move their new limbs out of the way through muscle memory yet.
It's the kinds of little things that fascinate me with AU's like this.
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oh ALLLLL the time. medical supplies are full stock at the house bc clover is constantly forgetting they have a weird new body with extra limbs. not to mention how many times they’ve accidentally scratch someone/something bc of their talons (they always feel bad about it)
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prentissluvr · 6 months ago
CONGRATS ON 800 RAAAAAAH THATS MY FRIGGIN GORL!!!!!!!!!!! for ur gift from me to u please take the thought of our beloved boy Sam deciding that you groaning about aches and pains in your legs and back are too irritating and gives you a massage that turns into backshots okay I love u have a good day xoxo yonks anon
omg thanks for a gift wowow you're too cute and sweet heh HAVE A LOVELY DAY <333
MDNI with this post please please please !!!!
hehe at first he's like aweee my poor baby is sore :(( i'll massage it for you :) but omg you're still complaining while he massages you, half moaning how it feels nice and thanking him for being sweet, then groaning about how annoying it is that you're so sore. so he finishes massaging your legs (and totally teases you and tries to get you worked up by being so so handsy with your thighs)
then you're shifting around to lay on your stomach and he flips you over, basically straddling your ass as he massages your back. he pays special attention to your lower back both because he knows that's where you're most sore, but also most sensitive. the feeling of his big, encompassing hands splayed over your lower back is intoxicating. his thumbs, then palms press into the upper flesh of your ass, and he sits back on your upper thighs and his hard cock presses into you <3
and finally, he shifts up onto his knees on either side of your legs, grabs your hips and pulls them up until you're settled onto your own knees. he pushes his hips into your ass and asks, "you want this, baby?" of course you want it, there's a reason you were moaning so unabashedly as he gave you a massage.
so he unzips his jeans, pulls his cock from his boxers, then pulls down your pants and underwear and sinks slowly into you because you're already soaking wet from his big hands pawing at you <3
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hxltic · 1 year ago
Im not sure how to request cause this is like my first time doing it but would u write anything w iwazumis timeskip? like how hes an athletic trainer.. YK DO UR MAGIC idek how to request also x reader if thats ok. THANK U
Hey ofc!! You can be as vulgar and straightforward as you want, this is a safe space😘 (idk if you wanted nsfw or not so if not I’m sorry! I just made it suggestive because I was unsure :P)
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The ass crack of dawn peeks through your window, enough to have your body twisting and turning until you’re inevitably forced awake.
Of course you drag yourself to the bathroom and check yourself out a bit, admiring how your new waist training is going and your puffy lips of the morning before brushing your teeth to start the day. Some argue you’re a morning person, but you aren’t. And you feel no kind of guilt admitting that.
You only get up because you have to—to remain consistent, especially with allowing yourself to grow not only physically, but emotionally, finally feeling free from the weights of stress by exercising and feeling good about your figure.
Also, the routine is great for you. It makes you feel productive in the morning, so now when you reflect before, there was this emptiness that came with sitting at home with the same three things you have to do on repeat.
And then of course, the motivation of going to the gym for a man you’ve been seeing around recently. He recognizes you now, probably casually assuming the relationship is nothing more than a mutual gym buddy.
And it’s likewise; you wouldn’t call it a crush. The both of you are grown, just two adults with the same hobby even though you are relatively newer to the activity.
So you pack up your bag and tip your head back for a swig of the protein smoothie you prepared and head out the door.
The gym doesn’t smell anything like how you imagined it would when you first cluelessly walked in. It actually smells clean (mainly from the overwhelming scent of chlorine in the pool water), and it wasn’t super busy around this time. If there were people, they definitely weren’t teenagers coming for their afternoon rounds. The receptionist waves back at you as you pass.
Today was legs. You recognize how far you’ve come, because initially, no day was your favorite, each as long and tortuous as the last. But this has got to be what it means to become accustomed to the pain. Does that make all gym-goers masochists?
If so, Iwaizumi has got to be the worst, because the only other person insane enough—that even remotely looks like he does anything other than train—to be here before you, is him.
“Morning,” you chime. His headphones are off, so the switch that usually tells you when people don’t wish to be spoken to doesn’t go off.
To your delight, he responds with just as much pleasure without turning around, currently sitting on the Lax machine and tugging the resistant handles. “Good morning,” he grunts.
He eventually does, even as he attempts to convince himself to stay focused on his set, but even the discipline he’s built over the years couldn’t prevent him from catching a glimpse of you. You were sitting your stuff down nearby, relocating to the floor to stretch.
He’s been watching you. Not in a creepy way, he justifies, but it becomes a habit when you’re working how he does.
Your progress is a miracle. He could count on one hand the amount of people that come in fresh and immediately get to working, just to return consistently, and cycle through this process until they reach their desired figure and continue after that. You, however, stepped in with a determination on your face he’d never seen before.
You hadn’t requested a trainer, and by what he sees, didn’t need one either. He remembers when you came in talking about how badly you wanted to rid of your little tummy, as well as slim down your plush thighs, pleading someone to teach you how. Of course he knew how; he keeps his work strictly professional with the women who come in asking for the same thing.
He’d always found the little pudge attractive, but it’s your body. It’s just somehow, he wasn’t on the verge of telling them how good it looks or the pure desire he has to press on the fat while his head is between their thighs like he was you. Someone must have heard his prayers though, because instead of slimming your legs down, you became comfortable with the idea of them getting stronger, ultimately making them slightly thicker.
The man was close to finishing the set, but that one glimpse of you had him do five extra for good measure since he lost count. How could he focus?
As you split your legs and tilt to one side, you watch him not too far. The black compression shirt he wears hugs his carved body perfectly, only cementing this fact as his back and arm muscles flex with every controlled pull of the bar. Everything about him was sharp from his shape to the hair on his head.
It was no doubt he was attractive, and since having graduated high school, attention wasn’t just found anywhere. Maybe some small talk will help?
“What are you doing today?” He hears you call. He almost flinches with what he thinks you’re asking until you add, “Workouts I mean.”
Iwaizumi chuckles at your mishap, more for himself, but it flushes your cheeks nonetheless. It’s a genuine, gentle sound. “Arms. Tomorrow is core,” he says coolly.
“I hate arms. I should probably do them more often, but lifting is only fun if you’re already strong.”
“I see where you’re coming from,” he pulls off the machine, rotating himself on the seat to face you. You’re in a lunge now, oversized t-shirt covering half of the skin tight shorts desperately trying to contain the glutes you’ve grown. He makes sure to force his emerald green eyes to yours. “You won’t get stronger if you don’t give it a try.”
You scoff, “You sound like my old therapist.”
The humor you two shared was nothing more than the surface level awkward kind so this unexpected comment from you had him laughing. Actually laughing. “And you sound like an old friend of mine.”
Smiling at this, you get one more good stretch in and come to your feet. You stand proudly with your hands on your hips, staring at him.
He blinks around happily, “What?”
“You said to give it a try right? Show me the way."
“I can’t do this,” you say, already struggling just with the form part of the exercise. You switched positions with him since it was closest machine. “How do I pull it if I can’t move my back?”
“Well, that’s the workout part,” he walks around the seat while inspecting you, waiting for you to figure it out with his advice. “Sit up completely straight and slightly lean back. Stay in that position the entire time, but try to pull the bar down to you instead of pulling yourself up to it.”
You try to replicate what you saw him doing. By this point, you had gotten majority of the positioning right, even keeping your back straight, but the damned bar wouldn’t move an inch. “Are you sure the setting on this thing is right?”
“Oh shit—” He pauses at this, then renders that you’re completely right. You’re trying to pull his weight.
As he shuffles over to the side of the machine to adjust it, you watch him with a smug expression and your arms crossed. I’m not just that weak, I knew it, it reads.
Moments later he comes back around, “That’s my bad, try it now.”
And you’re finally able to do it, but your form falters when you successfully pull the bar to your chest. He knows you know, you’re a smart girl, so he gives you a few more tries to correct it. “I feel like I’m about to fall,” you say finally.
“Here, that means you’re leaning too far.” He comes and presses a hand to your back, pushing you forward. “Don’t think about it too much. I’ll hold you right here for a few until you can support yourself.”
He was already hovering beside you, lurking and seeping into all your senses, making the air warmer than it usually is in the gym. With his palm on your back too, you’re starting to think this little affection of yours is getting out of hand. You don’t even look to see how much it has helped.
Somehow, you do eventually get through the sets, but you hadn’t realized that during that time he would actually train you. It was progressive overload, and he brought the weight up to what he thought you could handle each time. You were on the last few.
“C’mon, you got it.”
“I don’t,” you grunt while somewhat laughing, still pulling it to your chest. His voice is more declarative now. You deem it as his professional tone. You also wonder which voice he tends to use in—
“You do. It’s one more—make it your best.”
And you do just that, slumping on the seat in victory.
“Good girl,” he praises, clapping, and he changes the weight on the machine to just five before twisting around and holding a hand out. He helps you up when you take it, but you’re really trying to figure out if what he said was professional if it made you clench your thighs.
“Ready for the next?” His lips stretch into a smile, already predicting your answer.
You bend and get your smoothie, popping the top and drinking, “There’s a next? What’s next?”
“Pull ups of course.”
Truthfully, doing pull ups right after lax for someone who doesn’t really train arms is a death wish. It’s just this once though, and your arms will already be sore, so he might as well make the most of it while the adrenaline is there.
“Oh dear God,” you sigh.
“I’ll do them with you,” he reassures, chuckling.
And he stands on his word, because after walking over to the bar, he clips the belt attached to weight around his hips. The bar was relatively high, even he can admit, so he isn’t surprised when you ask how the hell you’re supposed to get up there.
And you weren’t even necessarily short, it’s just the bar was made for six-feet-and-over men and athletes. So people like you were left out, hence the stacked boxes meant for help beside it.
Iwaizumi makes sure the belt is secure around himself before walking over to you, taking a stance directly behind.
He commands, “Arms up, sweetheart.” And it must be the proximity, because you do just that without a fight. The pet name contributed too, you’re sure.
But when he lifts you, he first drags his hands from your shoulder blades, to your ribs, and into the small of the your back. So smooth you’re questioning if he did it on purpose.
He couldn’t help it. Not when he’s hovering behind you, almost a foot taller. With one small nudge of his hips forward, he’d rest comfortably right between your ass, smelling the coconut shampoo of your hair. Though instead of being a pervert, he’d stick to the nicknames and the gentle touches until you get the damn hint.
Sometime later he’s effortlessly hauling himself up, counting one by one with you. He says you’ll only do 3 sets of ten as if it was easy. Either way, it was burning by the ninth.
Finally you’re done. The only reason your arms aren’t completely limp is your heightened senses from being around the attractive man next to you. He literally regulates your blood flow.
And you for damn sure regulate his.
“Okay, now you have to do my workouts,” you perk up.
He unclips the belt, turning to face you, amused. “I have to do your workouts?”
Your arms come to a cross offensively. “What does that mean? Yes. I did your arm day, now you have to do my leg day.”
He throws his hands in the air defensively, the curl of his lips threatening to break his character, “I’m just saying it won’t be the sa—”
“This way!”
This was a horrible idea.
He’s situated on the angled leg press machine at a diagonal, now gripping onto the handle bars. The amount of circular plates you usually have on it are already there. You’re standing beside him.
“Are you sure you don’t want to add weight? I usually go more than this,” he challenges.
“Fuck you— no.”
His laughter intensifies at your irritation. Then he brings his legs down slow and controlled, somehow still managing to appear like he could do it with his fucking finger if he tried. You’re not surprised, he’s extremely fit; though you had already catered to this by changing the weight to whatever your highest weight was.
He guffaws again at your blank expression. “Fine. How much more do you need?” You sigh.
He appears to think for a moment. Instead of calculating the math like he should be, he’s actually doing nothing of the sort. “Get up there.”
He bends his legs as if confirming he’s dead serious by allowing you to actually step foot on the back of the plate. You stand there still, having not even realized what he’s asking you to do. “What?”
“Get your sweet ass up there and that should be about what my usual weight is.” He shoots a nonchalant glance to the machine. “You won’t fall, if that’s what’s bothering you.”
After a few moments, with an incredulous look painted on your face, you slowly step to the lowered machine, and push yourself up and on to the back, past the weighted plates, to sit not-very-comfortably in the middle. “Uhm…”
This time, it didn’t look as easy, but he very much did an entire press to extend his legs out. You watch in wonder over the plate as he carried your weight and plus some just in his legs.
It was his arm day, and you didn’t get to fully watch him do the pull ups since the focus was keeping yourself on the bar. But you got a glimpse when he finished, biceps flexing and pulling extra weight then too. He was strong. You wonder if he puts it to use with his partner?
With his partner. What if he does have a partner? You shake your head, no, he wouldn’t have asked you to do what you’re doing if he did.
His grunts were a nice addition too.
Counting for him aloud, and not completely sure if you didn’t skip a number even though you’re only going to ten, you helped him through the set. It had been a while since there was someone to cheer him on. He was always doing the cheering.
“Okay okay,” you wait for him to finish the set, then get off. It feels so good to have your feet on the ground, sure that you won’t be yelled at by the gym staff to remove yourself from the equipment. “You’ve proved yourself, muscleman.”
“Great, I’ll take you out Saturday then?” He asks, pressing up the remaining weight easy and locking up the machine so he can leave it.
A flush runs across your cheeks, driving you to pick up your drink and sip to hide it. “You don’t know me. What if I have a husband and kids at home?”
You were projecting, you know that. It was fresh on your mind since you slightly wanted to ask him the same question. He stalks over to you.
“I don’t see a ring on your finger,” he observes, nodding to your right hand, making you look as if you didn’t know it was bare. He only stops walking until you’re face to face, way too close to just be a professional interaction. It only worsens when his thumb and index finger pinches your chin, his eyes sending flames through yours. “And let’s both be honest— if there was someone waiting for you at home, you wouldn’t be here with me.”
Let alone at the gym at all, he wanted to add. Whatever pussy was letting you come here to workout instead of telling you how good it feels to have your thick thighs ricocheting off his skin or how good your stretch marks look after being swollen with a child for nine months, doesn’t deserve you anyway.
He doesn’t kiss you, but he swipes your lips with his finger and retreats. The heat doesn’t dissipate.
“Saturday at 7?” You speak softly. So softly and breathless you aren’t even sure if he heard it as he walks away.
“My number’s in your bag, beautiful,” he winks, and then he’s turning the corner, back to where you met earlier in the morning.
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If you wanted like actual nsfw, (whoever sent the ask) just send in another into my inbox or just dm me asking!! LMAO
You get unlimited access!!
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silkieluv · 2 months ago
Question: what will be the most severe consequences for Jay after Skybound?
For example, apart from the mental fuckery he went through, some ppl (including me) hc that his ankles are a bitt fucked up from the thingy restraining him, some ppl hc his eye got a bit fucked up, etc
So I was wondering: in ur fics, which will be the most severe thing to treat in the hospital? I hope the healthcare system in Ninjago isn't like the one in the USA bc I just know the bills would be high asf with the amount of injuries😭
Thank you pookie!!! So so so so so much!
Again, I don't wanna spoiler too much since I'm pretty sure these kinds of things would be why people would be reading this fanfic.
But anyways!! I think Ninjago is better than that and they won't charge for breathing, but with the amount of injuries he will have, ho ho ho.
The most severe is a little likee, it depends. His mind would be fucked up as hell. Like Jay would be greatly unstable. And just like i've mentioned, great minds think alike I too think of these eye and ankle stuff!!! So idk it depends on your point on view.
If you ask me, and since you are, I'll say his mental state is somewhere near not being able to look at the colour orange without thinking of Nadakhan AND THATS ALL ILL SAY
I keep on deleting stuff since I don't wanna spoil!!! So I'll shut up.
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deerspherestudios · 2 years ago
Hey! I hope you have a good day without any problems and worries! 💕💕💕 I recently took a test on the language of love and thought about Mychael. What is his love language? (my style of love is touching, so he wouldn't be able to escape from my embrace HAHA)
Aww I love talking about the 5 love languages!! This is such a sweet ask <3 This is assuming MC and Mychael have been friends/lovers for a while; here we go!
•┈••♡❤ Mychael's Love Language(s) ❤♡••┈•
When you're on the receiving end; Offering Gifts 🎁💖
He's never had anyone be around as long as you have; he's kinda new to the gifting thing but does so with a lot of enthusiasm!!
Whether it's something he made or found, knowing he chose it for you is what makes it soso special.
He just loves the idea of being able to give something that was a part of himself and insert it into your life if that makes sense.
He also loves doing it because he believes you deserve to have nice things with all his heart :-)!
If he's not sure what to gift you he'd rely on pretty little knickknacks he thinks you'd like but still be on the safe side; flowers, jewelry, decorations and accessories.
But if he does figure out your interests he'd do his best to accommodate! Books, toys, tools and clothes... he has his means of getting stuff he can't make himself.
The idea of you keeping his gifts as a sign of friendship/love makes him really happy!!
Lowkey if he sees you using/wearing/displaying a gift he gave in the past he'd be purring non-stop.
When he's on the receiving end; Words of Affirmation 💬💕
We know how he feels about his physical appearance so this is a no-brainer. His self-esteem isn't the best :'-)
Being alone/isolated as he is, he might confuse physical affection but nothing is more clear to him than words straight from your mouth how much you mean to him <3
At first he wonders if you truly mean what you say when you talk so positively about him, but then he slowly starts to believe it.
Do not underestimate the impact of one (1) compliment as simple as "You look good today, Mychael." He'd remember it for at least a week.
It's a bit of a guessing game to figure out what gets him the best. If you praise his skill at something his response would be, "Oh I guess I got good at it. Thanks, firefly :-)" but if you praise his looks and mannerisms you've hit the jackpot.
Blushing, stuttering, avoiding your gaze level of embarrassment.
If you're really close friends or basically dating, he will absolutely ask for your opinion on how you feel about him from time to time, just to get reassurance from you.
Overall nothing gets him better than just hearing positive remarks from a loving source aka you :-) <3
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spookythesillyfella · 27 days ago
I feel like if our Colins' ever met, my Colin would just go "Wanna commit war crimes together?"
Blud is the most reasonable and idiotic person in the group in the group.
(Not really, the award for most reasonable goes to Tony and most idiotic goes to Stacy, aka Spinach Can, but yk)
This is just me being an idiot :]
yeah wholeheartedly agreed
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necrotic-nephilim · 6 months ago
For the ask game, Jason/Tim where the Pit makes Jason possessive rather than mad and so he imprints on Tim as being his and needing to take him and make him fully his, turn Tim into Jason's own creature? I think that could be a cool idea, since the Pit has different effects on different people.
for the ask game!
oooh, i love explorations of what the Pit does to the psyche, especially if it falls outside of the typical Pit Madness schtick. here's how i would try and write that
so what i think is fun about Jason and the Pit is, he wasn't *dead* when he got dunked, he was just mentally catatonic. dunking him in the Pit was a gamble on Talia's part and Ra's even points out in Red Hood: Lost Days it may not work. so to have it work but just... wire Jason *differently* is a lot of fun to me. i like the idea of Jason being a bit aimless after the Pit. he's got his wits to him but it's still the "came back wrong" vibes. and when Talia shows him the pictures of Tim as Robin, trying to show him that Bruce replaced him, it has the opposite effect. Jason's wires are crossed in all sorts of directions and all he can think of is he won't let what happened to him happen to another kid. so he spirals, looking into Tim and getting more and more obsessed. what starts as a genuine concern for Tim's safety becomes a possessive imprinting. Tim becoming Jason's purpose.
one of the defining things about Jason's feelings on Tim, in canon, is feeling like Tim is being held back by his loyalty to Bruce. so, i don't know how literal you meant creature, but i'm taking it balls to the walls bc i like fucked up monster vibes. the *how* is the fun part of it. it's easy for Jason to corner Tim, kidnap him. but how does Jason decide to corrupt Tim? i know the Court of Owls is a New-52 thing and i'm going off of pre-Flashpointt, but, i think it'd be fun to steal it. just because well. i really fucking like Talons. and Jason making Tim a Talon would be a twofold thing- for one, it protects Tim. it's a lot harder to kill a Talon than a person. and for two, it makes Tim easier to control. i think Tim would fight it hard, but the Talon programming combined with Jason's fierce protectiveness would snap him pretty easily.
Jason would be smart about it. he'd keep Tim locked up for at least a few months. because if Robin goes missing, then the calvary is going to start looking for him. Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, Oracle, Huntress, the Titans, everyone. and Jason knows even if he puts a mask on Tim, he needs to wait. needs to let the smoke blow over. so for months, it's just Jason and Tim somewhere underground where no one can find them. that's where the bulk of their bonding comes in. because i do think Jason would want Tim to *genuinely* like him outside of just monsterous programming. Jason would work to earn that trust, even if it's through manipulation. tbh i think he'd lie to Tim, either gaslighting Tim about his loved ones not looking for him, or straight up tell Tim he's imagining having been Robin. anything that deconstructs Tim's idea of a support system outside of Jason. Jason is Tim's savior, in his eyes, and he'd want Tim to believe that too. that Jason had to protect Tim, from the Bat. very fucked up vibes.
once Jason's sure it's safe, he'd slowly start making his presence known as Red Hood, with Tim by his side. Jason would still want to do the whole Red Hood thing, but now, he has the ability to taunt Bruce about Tim. it'd be a fun mind game for Jason, telling Bruce that he lost *another* Robin. (three, if you count Steph) meanwhile, Jason gets to go home to Tim the whole time. it's a fun game to him, while also making him preen that he's protecting what he believes belongs to him.
eventually, the truth would come out. but by then, Tim's too deep in Jason's pocket to listen to anyone, even Dick. he'd lash out at anyone claiming Jason is manipulating him, and he'd be Jason's perfect little partner. very fucked up ending where Jason and Tim are "happy" together, but in the most fucked up way. i'd give Tim a new codename, something like Shrike because that sounds fun and pointy. they'd almost be a Batman and Robin parallel/foil, in a way.
also, just as a bonus alternative: another route i think you could take this idea is playing with Joker Junior. like, Jason imprinting on Tim *just* as Joker kidnaps Tim. so that's what sets Jason's plans into action, he was going to wait for the perfect moment but now, Tim is missing and Jason will be *damned* if someone gets to Tim first. and since Jason has well. firsthand experience with the Joker, he's able to find Tim first and since Tim is so mentally shattered at this point, it makes him easy to manipulate. easy to get him to traumabond onto the person who saved him and even once he's mentally recovered, he's so attached to Jason he wouldn't want to leave Jason. and maybe Jason would use Lazarus Resin or something similar to make Tim more creature-like, and even get Tim to agree to it, under the guise of it helping protect Tim. this route could be fun bc it plays more with just how "consensual" it is for Tim and how much he really has his wits about him, choosing Jason after being brainwashed.
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shima-draws · 4 months ago
nothing beats reading a really good fic from 2018, looking up the author on tumblr and seeing them still kicking.
hello!! (unfortunately) I’m stuck in whatever circle of hell klance originated and I’m so glad I stumbled across your fic ‘The Stars Chose Their Lovers’ because it was a blast of a read (brought be right back to when everything was good and s7&8 didn’t exist yet).
Anyway, your writing is goated, I hope both sides of your pillow is cold, the sun shines warmly on your back and the air smells like rain for you. Godspeed.
OH?? Omg thank you so much this is so sweet 🥺
I’m so glad you enjoyed that fic! I have very vivid memories of writing it haha I can’t believe it’s been 6 years already. I’m p sure it’s my most popular one by far (except maaaaybe the tddk + Melissa fic I wrote?) and I’m still so blown away by all the love and support it’s gotten. I NEED to start writing 6k word fics about passionate love confessions again. Tbh.
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vlueberries · 5 months ago
heyy, you seem to be way more experienced than me in dc so i had a question.. i like jason todd but doesn't nw literally dogwalk him in an actual fight? i dont get the "jason todd is the greatest fighter in the batfamily" (thats cass) or dick couldn't/would have a very hard time beating him.
i might be wrong though!
Hi anon!! Thank you for the question <3!
I personally have never seen anyone say that jtodd is the best fighter in the batfam but maybe that’s because I mostly keep my nose out of most jason fans business…
Anyway when it comes to power scaling in dc comics Nightwing is always a weird character to talk about because writers are not very consistent about it (especially recently, TTs Nightwing was weirdly incompetent sometimes) and he’s often beaten down emotionally and mentally by his villains in order for them to have a chance against him physically. Based on the comics that I love and cherish I personally would rank him as one of the top ten (the lesser end of the top ten but still) most skilled non-powered fighters in universe and jason doesn’t make it anywhere close to that list.
Whenever jason and dick face off jason puts up a good fight, but to my knowledge dick always wins.
Dick is just on another level in terms of skill and experience, and that’s the way it’s been for forever. He was a child prodigy, and has spent his entire life commanding and leading god-like figures. The list of people who could win against him in a fight is pretty short. He has the respect of richard dragon, lady shiva, slade, midnighter, and nearly the entire vigilante/hero community. Jason has been shown to hold his own against bruce but tbh that doesn’t mean as much as a lot of people claim it does.
And yeah, like you said, cass is THE BEST. No argument.
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solar-halos · 1 month ago
you’ve probably said something about this before, but i’m curious…
do you think finnick and annie knew each other before she was reaped/she volunteered?
hey vivi! thank you so much for asking this!!!
basically (because the first draft of this answer was not basic LOL), i really would like to think that they knew each other before her games, the idea of them only knowing each other in the aftermath has always been so sad to me bc that means they only get five years together :( in the Deep Dive fic, they are childhood friends, but i don’t think that’s realistic and like everybody always says it heightens the risk of annie being reaped *because* of finnick, and that’s no fun! but i def think that (in the context of annie being a career) they saw each other around at the academy and went on awkward dates before finnick was reaped. i explore this concept more in the career annie fic i wrote. even if im not completely happy w it, this is basically how i think their relationship went down if we go with them both being careers. that’s my canon, anyway. i think it would be cute (well… as cute as propaganda can be) to have them engage in competitions with each other during training and then still fuck around with each other after
also, i do have a sweet spot for them meeting after finnick’s games but before annie’s! again i really hope that they knew each other at least a little bit bc i think it would be so nice for finnick to have a friend/some normalcy of childhood to cling onto, but i think this might be the least likely since the capitol would probably want his attention all on them. while i don’t think that they’d get jealous of some random district girl, i think they’d be obsessed with him so much that they soak up most of odesta’s time together by default
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unicornpopcorn14 · 6 months ago
omg so like, Dazai and the shipping container incident with him getting shipped overseas got me thinking... (I am super late to reading it 😭)
Chuuya, unaware of what happened in the moment because he had been sent overseas himself for an international mission, and he had to go out and scout a foreign shipyard for illegal weapon shipments.
AT THE SAME TIME, he conveniently receives a message forward by Mori to be on the lookout for one of their own agents because a Port Mafia member had been taken hostage around the location Chuuya was in.
Chuuya's ??? because why hadn't he been notified that someone was also either on the same mission as him or had managed to be such a bumbling fool that they got caught by foreign enemies. ANYWAY, he keeps an eye out for anything suspicious while still working on his own mission when he sees a particular area of the shipyard had been surrounded by armed foreign criminals, so he's ready to go bust some ass when they all swing the shipping container doors open and barge in to see Dazai there.
Chuuya just facepalms himself in disbelief because he can't believe Dazai followed him all the way to another country (even though it was totally coincidental) but also, he's not even surprised that Dazai managed to get himself caught by the enemy. Again.
They kick some enemy ass and Dazai gets shipped back home on the next plane back to Yokohama, and Chuuya overhears Dazai complaining to Mori on the phone: "What about my home?!"
Omggg you read my silly shipping container fic hehe *hidesss* /silly
Thank you so much for this omg <333 I genuinely cackled. There really is no end with the shipping container shenanigans huh jknfjew
Lmao Mori telling him to be on the lookout for an agent without specifying that it's DAZAI so Chuuya can take this seriously pffff
I can imagine Chuuya's shocked then angry as heck face when he spots Dazai like,,, he'd probably do a double take at first being like "is that really who I think it is?" and it quickly turns to "Fuck it is who I think it is..."
Dazai would be adamant that that was part of his plan (when it really wasn't) and complain that Chuuya's ruined it and it is somehow Chuuya's fault that he has no home now fjsbfkjebaf
Which will earn him a (justified) kick to the head 😭😭
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