#i love you keith goodman
biirbygorl · 2 months
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she sky on my high till i thanks and thanks again
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crows-home · 1 year
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He's a little confused but he's got the right spirit
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Nathan, wearing only pajama shorts: Good morning, how'd you sleep, sunshine?
Keith, overwhelmed and unable to decide between "good" and "okay": Gay.
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debstinyyy · 2 years
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Scans of some official Keith+John artwork from stuff I own because I have to share these little treasures with the world!
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mayugoo · 2 years
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Tiger & bunny sketchbook dump :D
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ylissebian · 2 years
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tnb doodle dump part 2
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 6 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 2
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Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Rinnosuke -
"Rinnosuke Morichika lives in an overly-cluttered curio shop, and has a special interest in making magical inventions. Since he doesn’t live in a modern setting— but a pocket dimension slightly disconnected to the outside world— whenever a modern item shows up in his shop via spiriting away, he can obsess over it for extended periods of time. He is quite blunt without realizing it, even to people he cares for. He also has a special ability to generally understand the name and use of any item he touches (though this backfires sometimes, he thought a Gameboy was a doomsday device once)."
Fuuta -
"okay look theres so many fucking signs hes autistic. he cannot tell tone and often doesn't know how to react to stuff which is a major point in his character id say. he was asked if he remembered his victim's name (hes a murderer. oops!) and his response was something along the lines of "Of course I do. I saw it everywhere." because he did not understand that they wanted to know what it was since it wasnt directly stated. im convinced that hoodies are a comfort object of his because i genuinely have not seen him without one except for one time. also hes canonically a chronically online twitter user. also he gets really passionate about his interests. also not really related but everyone in the fandom agrees hes transgender but no one can agree on what way. ive seen every single gender hc for this dude. vote kajiyama fuuta for this sopping wet poor little meow meow of a man."
Hansum -
"He's just a very odd and strange lad, can't remember names well, is an alien (mild spoiler), he's very popular, obsessed with Doritos and becomes their mascot, just refers to everyone as humans which is a mood, and is completely socially oblivious."
Miyuki -
"Relatable neurodivergent-Gifted Child syndromeTM case with all the superiority-inferiority complex that results. A chronic show-off and scheming strategist with a lowkey hopeless romantic dramatic aspect to him, silly cool and pathetic in a very hilarious way. Shirogane has a trademark glare purely thanks to his eyebags as he runs on coffee everyday having to support his family with multiple jobs in addition to class, on top of student council president duties. He's kind and an obsessive perfectionist who fills his entire wall with the weirdest motivational posters. Shirogane is very devoted to his love. He likes penguins (Kaguya and him is peak asd4asd and bi4bi btw)."
Kirito -
"He's autistic and bisexual as hell, and there's a good bit of trans coding in him 🥺
Autism coding: Bro's literally got a sword and swordfighting hyperfixation where, despite playing a game that focuses around guns, he still chooses to use a sword!! We also see him completely missing Asuna's flirting at first (he tells her she could have just checked her friendlist to make sure he was alive, in response to her tracking him down to see him)
Bi coding: Dual wielding swords is literally a euphemism in Japan for bisexuality; and Kirito initially tries to hide the fact he can dual wield out of fear of how the people he's close to will view him (and once he reveals it to them and they accept it, he begins to be more open about it.) Also in the Underworld arc he becomes very close with Eugeo to the point of living with him (and sharing a bed on occasion), and there are several parallels between Eugeo and Asuna, and they're so gay for each other that despite the anime having only a toned down version of it, they're still very affectionate (Also of note is that Eugeo is the only guy in SAO canon to consistently have a 'laying in bed with Kirito' talk CG in the spinoff games) (There's more but it's spoilers and this is a shortened version)
Trans coding: Kirito is very trans coded in the light novel (which shows Kirito's thoughts in much greater detail than the anime) Aincrad arc reveals that Kirito explicitly Does Not Like his real face, and dislikes how feminine it looks (he mentions that its led to him and his cousin being mistaken for sisters) And in Phantom Bullet arc, he's visibly uncomfortable at being mistaken for a girl due to his avatar's appearance, and in response to being misgendered he briefly panics and checks to make sure his chest flat (at least in the anime adaptation) 🏳️‍⚧️"
Shirou -
"Has one goal in life and ignores almost everything in favor of trying to fulfil that goal."
Keith -
"Speaks in a way that is seen as weird and has mannerisms others think is funny. He struggles with not being taken seriously by others because of this and many of the things others say goes over his head. He struggles to connect with other people because of these things. His entire arc in the second film is about him deciding that the people who don't accept him for who he is aren't worth it and that he's going to continue being himself."
Junpei -
"for other fans of this series, I know the more obvious representation here may be Luou, Junpei is So Good. his special interest is ballet and he has so many hangups involving how his family sees him and how other boys his age interpret him to the point that his idea of masculinity is extremely narrow and he enforces social rules on himself to mask and keep people from realizing that he loves something that Isn't Manly. he misinterprets social cues and takes things literally, like assuming that when Miyako asked him to dance with her she meant Right This Minute rather than as a pair in the studio. for some reason the point where he cuts his hair super short to prove his devotion to ballet is also sticking with me, I think maybe it's the combination of the way it's normal for boys/men in Japan to do that, yet Junpei didn't realize that kind of attitude/action didn't suit ballet at all? he wasn't aware that the context was completely different. Junpei also doesn't act or pretend very well, he's gotta put his whole entire ass into his roles, which he then proceeds to get TOO into and cause a lot of trouble, without giving too much away! he's really relatable to me as someone who's socially anxious but very skilled at masking, and seeing him become more comfortable with himself and start to show how he really feels is so inspiring to me."
Kazuma -
"He may be (wildly) misguided but his intentions are good kinda! He’s just the Guy of all time idk how to explain it."
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nicoroni · 5 months
This started as me telling @isleofair about my silly fantasy au idea (which is that Kotetsu and Bunny are royals arranged to be married, they're having the absolute Worst Time, but that is all in the background because FireSky are living a romcom with full shoujo vision and Do Not Notice the shenanigans) and then it became... this little ficlet?
@isleofair loved it, so I hope everyone else does as well! :3
Title: FireSky Royalty AU Fandom: Tiger & Bunny Pairing: Keith Goodman/Nathan Seymour Tags: royalty au, ficlet, she/her pronouns for Nathan Seymour, so many background characters
Nathan laughs as a man in shining golden armor - aptly named "Golden Ryan" - spins her around the dance floor.
He's surprisingly graceful for someone in a full set of plate - not the decorative armor most people favour for formal events - and she's never been one to turn down a dance. Even if she's fairly certain it's not for her sake, but for that of the Princess of the Blue Rose, who's steely gaze has not left them since Ryan asked for her hand.
The song winds down, the band taking a momentary break, and she allows Ryan to lead her off the dance floor. She ends up with her back to the wall, Ryan's to the dance floor, her hand still in his.
Before he can ask, Nathan assures him, "She's still watching, and I do believe she's at the edge of her patience."
Ryan originally hailed from a kingdom far from here, one that had been left in ruin and had Ryan shunned in disgrace - but he'd made a stunning comeback when he'd rode into the Kingdom of the Blue Rose in his glittering armor, and announced he was to be the Princess' personal knight. (A recommendation from the Kingdom of the Hare surely didn't hurt.)
He grins brightly at Nathan, another piece of him that matches his namesake. "Thank you for your service. I owe you one."
And with a cheeky salute, he saunters back onto the dance floor, spinning several other people - regardless of age or gender - as he makes his way back to his Princess.
Nathan settles into her place, leaning slightly against the wall and enjoying the opportunity to people watch.
The Tiger King and his betrothed, the Hare Prince, are dancing, apparently not noticing the way one song has faded out and is only now transitioning into another. They're nearly nose to nose, moving fluidly together, and seem to be simultaneously arguing.
She hums to herself, watching as they disappear into the crowd of other dancers piling back onto the floor. She will have to keep an eye out for them - the King has been her friend for many years (and ever so briefly, after his beloved wife had passed, he'd been her lover as well) and she wishes the best for him. He certainly has his hands full with this "bunny" as he has taken to calling the Prince.
She spots his young daughter in the crowd, dancing with the Rock Bison - another friend of the King and champion in his own right. Kaede, not yet grown into her title of Tiger Princess, looks youthful and full of joy, exactly as she should. (And if Nathan has to stifle a giggle at the way Bison must bend down to dance with the girl, well, no one is around to hear it.)
She's contemplating what to do next - if perhaps she should find a refreshment, or maybe simply call it a night - when someone in the crowd catches her eye.
He has a head of golden hair - akin to the setting sun, she thinks - topped with a rather unusual gold and silver crown. His ceremonial armor is impractical at best, but she will admit its beautiful as well. The white cape, lined with a deep royal purple, draped over his shoulders would look ridiculous on most people, but she thinks he looks rather dashing.
She recognizes him for who he is - Keith, the King of the Highest Skies, Hero Among Men - before he's even halfway across the room. She would recognize him with her eyes closed, she thinks, simply by the feeling of warmth he brings with him, like being bathed in the light of the sun.
She's no stranger to warmth, being the bearer of the Fire Emblem - as shown by the mark on her bicep - and Champion of Flames herself, but the warmth that follows Keith is different. It radiates from somewhere deep inside him, nourishing everything he comes close to.
The dog at his side, golden as Keith is, in his own ceremonial regalia, would also be a give away. Where King Keith goes, so does Sir John.
Nathan can't help but smile as Keith struggles to reach her, having to stop every few steps to politely decline a dance, or shake a hand, or kiss a baby. It's not right to tease him, she knows, but - and she will admit this to herself if no one else - he's simply too cute for his own good.
He finally reaches her, looking only slightly worse for the wear, with a few hairs out of place and his crown sitting crooked on his head. Sir John sits at their feet, staring up at her with his big brown eyes, his tail wagging almost imperceptibly as he waits to be greeted. He is just as polite as his master, she knows.
"Hello, Your Majesty." She greets, inclining her head just slightly. Perhaps she should curtsy or bow - she's never been quite sure where she ranks in comparison to a King - but Keith has never minded before.
She waits a moment longer, watching as he blushes when she smiles at him, before sinking to her knees to greet John as well. She gets a slobbery tongue across her cheek for her efforts, and the delighted laugh she lets out is the most genuine one of the night.
When she stands again, Keith has squared his shoulders, and is looking at her rather intensely. She wonders if he knows his crown is still crooked.
"Your Majesty?" She prompts, and he lets out a breath in a whoosh of air she feels against her face.
"Just Keith, please."
She smiles again, and reaches out to straighten his crown. Impertinent, perhaps, but it makes Keith's blush rise up to his ears and that makes it worth it.
"Keith." She says, very softly, and his gaze goes soft and liquid. Not for the first time, she thinks about how much he reminds her of the sky, how she sometimes imagines she could fall into his eyes and simply float there. He even carries the scent of fresh spring air with him wherever he goes, no matter the time of year.
"Nathan." He answers, very softly, sounding so terribly besotted that Nathan thinks /she/ may actually blush.
He catches her hand between both of his as she drops it from his crown, and she suddenly longs to feel his skin against hers, without the barrier of his gloves between them.
Keith takes a deep breath, steeling himself again - she sees the way his eyes harden, just slightly, no hint of cruelty there, but determined resolve.
"May I have this dance?"
Keith stands on the outskirts of the party, wishing he could fade into the background like Ivan so often does. It's not that he doesn't love his people - of course he loves his people! He loves all people, really - it's just that he hasn't had a moment to himself all day - not unusual, but distressing to him on today of all days - and he really, really needs some time alone.
Well, not alone, exactly.
He watches as Nathan spins around the dance floor, absolutely radiant under the enchanted lighting. Not even her dance partner, the famous Golden Ryan, in armor as bright as his namesake suggests, could possibly outshine her. To Keith, she feels like a lighthouse, a beacon of warmth and safety as he's jostled by the waves of a crowd of strangers. When she smiles, he feels as though he's looking into the very heart of a fire - beautiful and powerful - but with no fear of getting burned.
She looks wonderful every day, of course, but seeing her in something so formal for this celebration is a rare treat. (And speaking of the celebration, King Kotetsu and Prince Barnaby seem to be getting along very well, today - dancing slow and close amongst the rest of the court. It's a nice change, Keith thinks, from the way they'd been arguing only a few days prior.)
Nathan's dark skirt, worn over a pair of striking pink pants, twirls with her as she moves - the red and orange and gold sequins along it's edge sparkle as they catch the light. He can't hear over the noise of the party, but he can imagine the sound her boots make on the marble floor - a gentle click-clack that he associates with her presence, now. Her jacket - black, with roses embroidered in a glittering thread - is left open, revealing much more skin than anyone else here would dare. Keith's attention does not linger on the tantalizing glimpse of bare skin, but instead settles on the vibrant pendant resting on the centre of her chest. She had gifted him a similar one, what feels like centuries ago, and he feels it now like it's burning a hole in his chest - he almost wishes it would, that it would burn straight through his shirt and armor and show all the world that his heart belongs to The Fire Emblem, to Nathan.
A sharp tug on the edge of his cape draws his mind back to the present, and he suddenly remembers he's holding someone's baby. He's mortified to realize he has no idea who the baby belongs to. He tries to look subtle as he glances side to side, seeking out a parent waiting for their child to be returned to him.
As always, it's John who saves him from his wandering mind, and when he glances down the dog is pointing with his nose at a nearby couple.
Keith mouths a silent, "Thank you.", before returning the infant to their delighted parents. They don't seem to have noticed Keith's inattention, and if they did, they don't say anything about it.
He's not ready to talk to Nathan after the debacle with the baby.
John is an incredible companion and has quite literally saved Keith's life on occasion, but he hasn't mastered the art of conversation just yet. (He's very good at it, really, but he can't quite make up for Keith's nervous stuttering.)
Nathan makes him stutter nervously on a good day - he hates to think of how much he'll embarrass himself today, when he's already frazzled and she looks so breathtakingly beautiful.
On the other hand, their necklace is still a blazing, heavy weight against his chest - it feels as though it wants to be returned to Nathan as much as Keith himself does.
Once again, John saves him.
Before he can make a decision, John has his cape between his teeth again, tugging insistently. When Keith doesn't immediately follow his lead, John pushes his head against the back of Keith's knee, nudging him in the right direction.
Keith stumbles forward, and John repeats, nudging Keith's opposite knee this time.
"John!" Keith hisses, trying to look like these steps are intentionally and not like he's drunk. He also keeps a pleasant smile plastered on his face, even as his heart beats wildly in his chest, more and more intense with every step toward Nathan.
They're stopped several times on their journey - with invitations to dance, or talk, or hold another baby - but John doesn't allow Keith to linger. If Keith pauses for too long, John nips at his ankles, unprotected by Keith's useless ceremonial armor.
He catches Nathan's eye when he's no more than a few feet away, and a real, genuine smile curls his lips. He cannot help it, when he looks at her. Warmth spreads from his necklace, suffusing his whole body, so comforting and familiar it makes him a little sleepy.
And then he's standing in front of Nathan, looking slightly upward to continue to meet her gaze, and she's smiling at him, too.
"Hello, your majesty." She greets, inclining her head slightly. She doesn't bow, or curtsy, doesn’t lean into any sort of formality at all, really. Just smiles, and watches him for a touch too long.
Keith can't help but blush under her scrutiny - not because he's afraid of judgement, no, but because of the exact opposite. Because when she looks at him, he feels like he's really being seen for the first time in his entire life - at the very least, since the first time he put on his crown.
And then she's kneeling, and for a split second Keith's mind races, frantically trying to understand what she's doing and why she would be on her knees and- And she's greeting John, as she always does, letting him lick her face and laughing so joyfully, so genuinely that it nearly brings tears to Keith's eyes. How she manages to always be so honest is beyond him, but he loves her all the more for it.
He takes a deep breath, to settle his nerves, to convince his racing heart to settle - it doesn’t work - and rolls his shoulders back, standing straight as he can.
Okay, Keith, you can do this.
John leans against his leg, a comforting weight.
"Your Majesty?" Nathan says, leaning in just slightly, studying his face.
Keith realizes he's been holding his breath, and he lets it all at once, an exhalation that ruffles the feathers dangling from Nathan's earrings.
"Just Keith, please." He tells her, for what must be the thousandth time. It doesn’t bother him, that he must always ask one more time, it seems to be a sort of game between them.
She reaches out, and the tension returns to Keith all at once, bracing himself for some sort of touch, as if preparing for an assault. In truth, he fears that even a brush of Nathan's bare skin against his own would be electrifying, and far too much for him to handle.
Instead, she holds his gaze as she adjusts his crown on his head. He feels the hot blush rise up to his ears - not embarrassment, exactly, but a rush at the intimacy of the gesture. No one else would dare to touch his crown, to be so close, to hold eye contact for so long.
"Keith." She breaths, and Keith feels like every inch of him is going to melt into a contented puddle on the floor, so enamored he is by the sound of his name on her lips.
His lips part. He says nothing, only a split second of a pause and then, "Nathan."
The way she looks at him is more magical than any spell or trick he has ever seen. He feels as though he's laying in the sun on a spring day, basking in the first warmth of the year, the remainder of frost melting away.
He takes her hand in his - begrudging and thanking his gloves in equal measure, for the barrier they provide between his skin and hers.
He takes a deep breath. Feels her hand in his. Feels John's weight against his leg. Feels the pendant against his chest - a little piece of her that has swiftly become a little piece of him, entwined with his heart.
She waits, patient as always, and Keith wonders how long she will wait for him. In his heart of hearts, he knows it's forever. He knows, because he would wait an eternity for her.
"May I have this dance?"
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pearlnareff · 4 months
Last time I asked you about Nathan for the character ask game, so... Could I get 1, 7, 13, 22 and 25 for Keith this time, please? 😃💙
Ahhh! Keith! 1. Why do you like or dislike this character? He is just so precious and honestly subverted all of my expectations on what he was going to be like (which I'll go into with #25.) He's just. So kind and it feels like he's not just trying to keep up an image or a front, he really just wants to genuinely be that good person people can rely on, ya know?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? Does "Ship him with Nathan" count as an answer? Cause I sure love it when they do that xDD I also just love it when people manage to keep him wholesome.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? He strikes me as a good ol' 😄guy. Though I really wouldn't doubt that he uses the dog emoji a lot. I have this feeling that when he figured out he could use emoji, he started doing so a lot. Maybe not MEGA obnoxiously, but still a lot lol
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like? I have to admit I actually haven't read a lot of Tiger and Bunny fanfictions! I would like to read more, but brain gets in the way far too often fja;eofjwfi 25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now? Okay fam. 100% honest to God, I was absolutely convinced Keith Goodman was going to be evil. I was So Sure that there was going to be some plot twist where "oh the king of heroes is actually just pretending to be a nice guy but turns out he's a major bad guy" Like! In hindsight, I think that maybe that wouldn't have been such a twist cause... ya know. White Man, Justice :D, top of his group. Like Usually those characters tend to be jerks in the end. But!! The major twist to me was that he isn't evil and is actually just a really nice guy. One could say that he's actually a... Good man oaefj;oef Seriously he had all the makings to be so evil but he is literally the opposite and I love him so much for that
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isleofair · 9 months
An Anniversary ❤️💜💖
One year ago today, while we were all vibrating in our seats, anxiously waiting for Cour 2 of Tiger & Bunny 2 to drop, I posted my longest and to this day still most beloved fic. It's a FireSky novel, it's 72k words, and she's my treasure. (Stories are girls in Italian; isn't that nice?)
So, for her birthday, I thought I'd share her again, in case someone might want to give it a go, or maybe even re-read it (if you've already read it, by the way, I hope you know that I love you forever):
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Fandom: Tiger & Bunny Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Keith Goodman/Nathan Seymour Characters: Keith Goodman, Nathan Seymour Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Secret Identity, Romance, First Time, Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Transphobia, Identity Porn, Mutual Pining, Angst, Happy Ending, Nonbinary Character, She/Her Pronouns for Nathan Seymour, They/Them Pronouns for Nathan Seymour, But also He/Him Pronouns for Fire Emblem (for plot-related reasons), Very Brief Discussion of Gender Identity Summary:
Still affected by the legacy of Mr. Legend's death, the heroes of Stern Bild keep their identities carefully hidden, even from each other.
Keith Goodman is Sky High, the reigning King of Heroes.
Nat Seymour is the glamorous owner of Helios Energy, and the subject of Keith's instant fascination after he meets her at the party marking the end of the latest season of Hero TV.
Fire Emblem is her company's sponsored hero, and, with the sudden implementation of the Buddy system, he's also Sky High's newly-appointed partner at work.
Which is great, because it means that Sky High isn't alone in dealing with the stress of a new hero who doesn't hide his identity, a mysterious vigilante haunting the streets, and a terrorist organization holding the entire city hostage.
On the other hand, it's not very easy to focus on the job when you just can't stop thinking about your partner's boss.
Keith is pretty concerned, fairly confused, and, possibly, more than a little bit in love.
Since Tumblr is, well, Tumblr, you'll find the link in the first reblog.
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tempkiriri · 10 days
5 favourite characters game
As usual I've been tagged by the lovely @isleofair to partake in this fun lil thing, and as usual have no one else to tag.
But I do have enough faves for this :3
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lindsaywesker · 6 months
Deaths In 2023
1: Fred White (67, American drummer, Earth Wind & Fire)
3: Alan Rankine (64, Scottish musician/producer, The Associates)
6: Gianluca Vialli (58, Italian football player/manager)
10: Jeff Beck (78, English guitarist, The Yardbirds/The Jeff Beck Group/Beck Bogart & Appice)
11: Yukihiro Takahashi (70, Japanese singer/drummer, Yellow Magic Orchestra)
12: Robbie Bachman (69, Canadian drummer, Bachman Turner Overdrive)
Lisa-Marie Presley (54, American singer/songwriter, daughter of Elvis, mother of Riley Keough)
16: Gina Lollobrigida (95, Italian actress)
18: David Crosby (81, American singer/songwriter, The Byrds, Crosby Stills Nash & Young)
27: Sylvia Sims (89, English actress, ‘Ice Cold In Alex’)
28: Barrett Strong (81, American singer/songwriter, co-wrote ‘I Heard It Through The Grapevine’/‘Papa Was A Rollin’ Stone’
Tom Verlaine (73, American musician/songwriter/producer, Television)
Lisa Loring (64, American actress, ‘The Addams Family’)
2: Calton Coffie (68, Jamaican singer, Inner Circle)
3: Paco Rabanne (88, Spanish fashion designer)
8: Burt Bacharach (94, American songwriter, co-wrote ‘Walk On By’/‘Anyone Who Had A Heart’/‘A House Is Not A Home’/‘Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head’)
10: Hugh Hudson (86, film director, ‘Chariots Of Fire’)
12: David Jolicoeur a.k.a. Trugoy The Dove (54, American rapper, De La Soul)
15: Raquel Welch (82, American actress)
16: Chuck Jackson (85, American soul singer, ‘Any Day Now’/‘I Keep Forgettin’’)
18: Barbara Bosson (83, American actress, ‘Hill Street Blues’)
19: Richard Belzer (78, American actor, ‘Homicide: Life On The Street’/’Law And Order: Special Victims Unit’)
Dickie Davies (94, British television personality, ‘World Of Sport’)
23: John Motson (77, English football commentator, ‘Match Of The Day’)
2: Steve Mackey (56, English bassist/producer, Pulp)
Wayne Shorter (89, American jazz saxophonist, Weather Report)
3: Carlos Garnett (84, Panamanian jazz saxophonist)
Tom Sizemore (61, American actor, ‘Saving Private Ryan’)
5: Gary Rossington (71, American guitarist, Lynyrd Skynyrd)
8: Topol (87, Israeli actor, ‘Fiddler On The Roof’/’Flash Gordon’)
10: Junior English (71, Jamaican reggae singer)
12: Dick Fosbury (76, American high jumper)
13: Jim Gordon (77, American drummer, Traffic/Derek & The Dominoes)
14: Bobby Caldwell (71, American singer/songwriter)
15: Greg Perry (singer/songwriter/producer)
16: Fuzzy Haskins (81, American singer, Parliament/Funkadelic)
17: Lance Reddick (60, American actor, ‘The Wire’/’Oz’/’John Wick’ films)
23: Keith Reid (76, English songwriter, Procol Harum)
Peter Shelley (80, English singer/songwriter/producer, ‘Gee Baby’/’Love Me Love My Dog’)
28: Paul O’Grady a.k.a. Lily Savage (67, English comedian)
Ryuichi Sakamoto (71, Japanese musician/composer, Yellow Magic Orchestra, composed theme to ‘Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence’)
29: Charles Sherrell a.k.a. Sweet Charles (80, American bass player/singer, The JBs, ‘Yes, It’s You’)
5: Booker T. Newberry III (67, American singer, Sweet Thunder, ‘Love Town’)
6: Paul Cattermole (46, English singer, S Club 7)
8: Michael Lerner (81, American actor, ‘Barton Fink’)
12: Jah Shaka (75, Jamaican sound system operator)
13: Dame Mary Quant (93, English fashion designer)
14: Mark Sheehan (46, Irish guitarist, The Script)
16: Ahmad Jamal (92, jazz pianist)
17: Ivan Conti (76, jazz drummer, Azymuth)
22: Barry Humphries a.k.a. Dame Edna Everage (89, Australian comedian/actor)
Len Goodman (78, English TV personality)
25: Harry Belafonte (95, American musician/actor/civil rights leader)
27: Wee Willie Harris (90, English rock & roll singer)
Jerry Springer (79, English-born, American TV host)
28: Tim Bachman (71, Canadian guitarist, Bachman-Turner Overdrive)
1: Gordon Lightfoot (84, Canadian singer/songwriter, ‘If You Could Read My Mind’)
3: Linda Lewis (72, English singer/songwriter, ‘Rock-A-Doodle-Doo’)
18: Jim Brown (87, American football player/actor, ‘The Dirty Dozen’)
19: Pete Brown (82, poet/singer/lyricist, ‘Sunshine Of Your Love’/’White Room’/’I Feel Free’)
Andy Rourke (59, English bass player, The Smiths)
24: Bill Lee (94, American jazz musician/composer, Spike’s dad, scored ‘She’s Gotta Have It’/‘School Daze’/’Do The Right Thing’
Tina Turner (84, American-born, Swiss singer/actress, ‘River Deep Mountain High’/’Nutbush City Limits’/’What’s Love Got To Do With It?’)
26: Reuben Wilson (88, American jazz organist, ‘Got To Get Your Own’)
1: Cynthia Weil (82, songwriter, ‘You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’’/’Here You Come Again’)
6: Tony McPhee (79, English guitarist, The Groundhogs)
12: Treat Williams (71, American actor, ‘Hair’/’Prince Of The City’)
14: John Hollins (76, English football player, Chelsea/Arsenal/England)
15: Glenda Jackson (87, English MP/actress, ‘Women In Love’/’Sunday Bloody Sunday’)
27: Julian Sands (65, English actor, ‘A Room With A View’)
29: Alan Arkin (89, American actor, ‘Catch 22’/’Little Miss Sunshine’)
30: Lord Creator (87, Trinidad-born, Jamaican singer/songwriter, ‘Kingston Town’)
3: Vicki Anderson a.k.a. Myra Barnes  (83, American soul singer, Carleen’s mum)
Mo Foster (78, English songwriter/musician/producer)
5: George Tickner (76, American guitarist, Journey)
16: Jane Birkin (76, French/English actress/singer, ‘Je t’aime … moi non plus’, banned by the BBC in 1969)
21: Tony Bennett (96, American singer, ‘I Left My Heart In San Francisco’)
22: Vince Hill (89, English singer, ‘Edelweiss’)
24: Trevor Francis (69, English football player, Birmingham City/England)
26: Randy Meisner (77, musician/songwriter, Poco/The Eagles, ‘Take It To The Limit’)
Sinead O’Connor (56, Irish singer, ‘Nothing Compares 2 U’/songwriter, ‘Mandinka’)
30: Paul Reubens a.k.a. Pee-Wee Herman (70, American actor/comedian)
31: Angus Cloud (25, American actor, ‘Euphoria’)
4: John Gosling (75, English keyboard player, The Kinks)
7: DJ Casper (58, DJ/artist/songwriter, ‘Cha Cha Slide’)
William Friedkin (87, American film director, ‘The French Connection’/’The Exorcist’)
9: Robbie Robertson (80, Canadian musician/songwriter/singer, The Band)
Sixto Rodriguez (81, American singer/songwriter, subject of 2012 documentary ‘Searching For Sugar Man’
13: Clarence Avant (92, owner of Sussex Records/Tabu Records, film producer, ‘Jason’s Lyric’)
Magoo (50, American rapper, Timbaland & Magoo)
16: Jerry Moss (88, music executive, the ‘M’ in A&M Records)
17: Bobby Eli (77, guitarist, MFSB/songwriter, ‘Love Won’t Let Me Wait’)
Gary Young (70, American drummer, Pavement)
19: Ron Cephas Jones (66, American actor, ‘This Is Us’)
24: Bernie Marsden (72, English guitarist, Whitesnake/songwriter, ‘Here I Go Again’/’Fool For Your Loving’)
29: Jamie Crick (57, English radio broadcaster, Jazz FM)
31: Gayle Hunnicutt (80, American actress, ‘Dallas’)
1: Jimmy Buffett (76, American singer/songwriter, ‘Margaritaville’)
4: Gary Wright (80, American singer/songwriter, ‘Dream Weaver’/’Love Is Alive’)
Steve Harwell (56, American singer/rapper, Smash Mouth)
8: Mike Yarwood (82, English comedian/impressionist)
13: Roger Whittaker (87, Kenyan-born English singer/songwriter, ‘Durham Town’)
16: Sir Horace Ove (86, Trinidadian-born, English film director, ‘Pressure’)
Irish Grinstead (43, American R&B singer, 702)
25: David McCallum (90, Scottish actor, ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E.’/’N.C.I.S.’/musician)
28: Michael Gambon (82, English actor, ‘Harry Potter’ movies)
30: Russell Batiste Jr. (57, American drummer, The Meters)
2: Francis Lee (79, English football player, Manchester City/England)
8: Burt Young (83, American actor, ‘Rocky’)
11: Rudolph Isley (84, American singer, The Isley Brothers/songwriter, ‘That Lady’)
12: Michael Cooper (71, Jamaican musician, Inner Circle/Third World)
14: Piper Laurie (91, American actress, ‘Carrie’/’The Hustler’)
19: DJ Mark The 45 King (62, DJ/musician/producer, ‘The 900 Number’)
20: Haydn Gwynne (66, English actress, ‘Drop The Dead Donkey’)
21: Sir Bobby Charlton (86, English footballer, Manchester United/England)
24: Richard Roundtree (81, American actor, ‘Shaft’)
28: Matthew Perry (54, American-Canadian actor, ‘Friends’)
12: Anna Scher (78, founder of the Anna Scher Children’s Theatre)
19: Joss Ackland CBE (95, English actor, ‘White Mischief’)
22: Jean Knight (80, American soul singer, ‘Mr. Big Stuff’)
25: Terry Venables (80, English footballer, Chelsea/Tottenham Hotspur/England manager)
26: Geordie Walker (64, English guitarist, Killing Joke)
29: Sticky Vicky (80, Spanish dancer and illusionist)
30: Shane MacGowan (65, English-born Irish singer, The Pogues/songwriter, ‘Fairytale Of New York’)
1: Brigit Forsyth (83, Scottish actress, ‘Whatever Happened To The Likely Lads?’)
5: Denny Laine (79, English musician, The Moody Blues/Wings, songwriter, ‘Mull Of Kintyre’)
7: Benjamin Zephaniah (65, English poet/writer/actor, ‘Peaky Blinders’)
8: Ryan O’Neal (82, American actor, ‘Love Story’/’Barry Lyndon’/’Paper Moon’)
Nidra Beard (71, American singer, Dynasty)
11: Andre Braugher (61, American actor, ‘Homicide: Life On The Street’/’Brooklyn Nine-Nine’/’Glory’)
Richard Kerr (78, English singer/songwriter, ‘Mandy’)
15: Bob Johnson (79, singer/songwriter/musician, Steeleye Span)
16: Colin Burgess (77, Australian drummer, AC/DC)
17: Amp Fiddler (65, singer/songwriter/producer)
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black-dhalias · 2 years
Limiting Narratives
Keith Goodman!Sky High X Reader
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There are more cameras here than you expected from a last minute press conference, more attention than necessary. More than you wanted, but it’s for the good of the city. The good of the citizens. The best thing you can do to play the part, and reach for the role you want—is smile for these cameras. It’s a good thing, to stand side by side with Sky High on screen—the King of Heroes, that’s what he’s called. Which makes you his queen… At least, for the sake of the show.
Smile and wave, bat those eyelashes and blush as he takes your hand—one performance after the next. A podium, costumes that hide their identities, and a relationship. You consider Keith to be a friend, someone you went to head to head with in the ranks. But the public wanted more. They saw the banter and assumed tension, and it snowballed to the CEOs. The company made it a reality, at least for the show.
You smile as the camera flashes, eyes blinded, but the smile begins to slip off your lips. Do they not realize how difficult it is to keep up the charade? Do the CEOs have a plan for how long you will have to play this part? But when he takes your hand, when he smiles at you—it is easy to keep your smile up. You would be a fool to not admit one thing, that Keith is a good guy. He is kind and has been nothing less than that from the moment you met.
You were both the heroes of the sky, competitors, but the healthy kind of competition that doesn’t hurt anyone. It made sense that you both would gravitate towards each other and that the people would see it as more, because your NEXT ability included a pair of wings made of light. 
He was Sky High and you were Star Shine, working side by side to conquer the heavens—your throat tightens and you forget that you are supposed to be walking off stage. You would have sat there like an idiot, if it weren’t for Keith’s soft touch on your arm and that green monster begins to creep up on you again. Stronger than you remember. Worse than it’s been. He always did the talking at these events. 
“Wonderful Y/N! You were amazing...” Keith starts off loud, but when he sees your body tense, he lowers his voice and settles into a soft smile. “As usual.” He dotes on, those green hands grab your stomach and tighten until you become nauseous. 
“You’re the one who is amazing...” You care about him, admire and love who he is as a person. But there is one truth that keeps you at arms length, not wanting to take anything away from him. “I hardly ever know what to say.”
“It’ll get easier.” Before the CEO’s got you into this, you were a fan favorite, but you hardly ever did talk shows or interviews. You were a model, you did ads and commercials, but never interviews. “How about dinner? I can cook?” 
You are peeling off the white shimmering gloves, dropping them into your duffle bag as you pause. Swallowing. “I don’t know...” You take off the mask, dropping that into the bag beside the gloves and the rest of your costume. “That might not be a good idea...” Feelings come from things like that, and you don’t want to hurt yourself any more than necessary because while you might be all in—you worry Keith isn’t the type of person to... Friends with feelings, only ever stay friends for so long.
“Please Y/N, we have a lot to talk about.” You nod and smile a little, zipping up the last of your costume save for the shimmering tights and armored top that you’ve hidden under joggers and sweatshirts. 
“What the hell. What’s it going to hurt?”
All in all, you find yourself wandering Keith’s modest apartment, smaller than you’d expect from the King of Heroes. Especially one that had been the top performing hero for several seasons in a row. 
Your teeth graze the inside of your cheek as he pulls out your chair, too kind. He’s always been kind with you. You lock your eyes on the plate, the potatoes meticulously placed so much so that you can see where it was scraped away. 
“We’ve been at this ruse for almost a year, and I don’t think I know anything about you...” 
“Keith..” You shake your head. “I really don’t want to talk about that... So what did you want to talk about?” 
He sighs, you watch him begin to grow nervous as he runs a hand through his hair and lean back into the chair. “I don’t want it to be a ruse. I like you, quite a bit really...” He nervously laughs, “But I don’t think you like me very much.” 
Air hitches in your throat and your lip twitches, “Its not that.” You pause. “Trust me, I really-- Keith, I like you. But you’re not going to like me, or you don’t know me. As me. You know Star Shine.” You pause, not really thinking about your words. Just spitting them out as you try to read his expression, but you can’t do both. “You know who the CEO’s say I am, but I’m not that.”
You aren’t exactly skilled with your words, finding it difficult to even speak, but under the careful eye of Keith—you feel more exposed. Your thoughts finally catch up with your mouth, and you curse, watching his expression grow more perplexed. “Okay. So its not complicated, and I never want to take anything from you. And I’ve learned to be upfront because people tend to misunderstand and I end up getting hurt because of it.” You go to continue, but Keith interrupts you briefly.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” You smile softly at him, messing with the potatoes on your plate using the fork.
“Well that’s because you’re the best.” He is the best… From day one he was both attentive and tender with your feelings, never pushing a boundary or even getting what would be a boundary. A perfect example of poise. “I don’t want sex. Ever. I have no urge and no need, none of it. And that doesn’t mean I like you any less, or think anything less of you. You’re plenty attractive, but yeah.” You say it quick as if its stumbling off your tongue and down the stairs.
You try to read his expression and know what’s happening in his head, watch as he sets his utensils down and you prepare for another one. “Oh so you’re asexual. Thats not a problem.” Just like that, you fall in love with Keith Goodman right there. Its the bare minimum and yet, as he casually accepts you as is—you’ve never felt more seen. For you it was terrifying to tell people, because you didn’t know how to put it into words other than just saying that’s how you feel.
The shock wears off pretty quick and you resume the meal in a comfortable silence, not as squeamish as before—which is nice because the food is delicious. “I may know more about Star Shine than I do you, but Y/N I know enough to know I like you. I know you are confident, have a strong moral compass, and a good heart.” He pauses, finishing of a bite and then continuing. “You rarely smile in outings, except for when kids talk to you. Then you turn into mush.” You raise a brow at the mention of mush, not sure if you should take that as a compliment. “You always focus on alternatives to hurting people, even criminals, and you are loyal to a fault.” You don’t know when, but at some point, you forgot you were supposed to be emotionally restrained. Instead, your eyes are glassy and your hands fidgeting as he speaks confidently. “You are beautiful. Not in looks, but just you. Everything about you.”
Keith climbs to his feet and bridges the gap, as he takes your hand and pulls you to your feet. “You cant possibly know all that…” You can’t be that much good, he sees so much more than you, that you have to give him credit.
“But I do Y/N. Star Shine, or not— I am in awe of you.” Keith smiles, “So thats why I want to do this. To see the real you, and for you to know me, because you don’t always meet good people more than a handful of times.”
Your eyes waiver and you try to find the lies, but you can’t—Keith is an honest man, who honestly seems interested in you. You squeeze his hand, feeling the warmth and feeling safe.
That night changed a lot for you, more than you expected from just one little word. But it was the best thing that happened in a long time. You feel Keith beside you, a shared bed, the comfort of his presence enough to lull you to sleep. A year has changed so much and you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
You feel your watch buzz and clamber to your feet quickly to see Keith do the same. Taking a moment, he smiles at you: “Good morning, love.” You melt with that simple phrase and begin to dress.
“Crime really doesn’t sleep.” You mutter, “I was enjoying that dream.” He chuckles, tossing you your gloves from the shared dresser.
“How about this? If we get the arrest, we come back and nap?” You quirk your lip, handling your mask in your now gloved palms.
“How about we do that even if we don’t?”
That was your Sky High, the King of Heroes that made you feel safe. Your Keith. Someone who always had your back, while fighting crime or living your dreams. It was him.
And while many saw you as the Queen. As Star Shine. You were always Y/N to him, first.
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Nathan: Okay, so we’re gonna go.
Karina: Do you guys need anything?
Pao-Lin: Yes. Keith needs a tear in the space time continuum so he can go back and say “I love you” to Ryan.
Karina: Ryan said "I love you"?
Nathan: What’d you say back?
Keith: “Thank you”.
Karina: Thank you.
Nathan: Well that was polite.
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waugh-bao · 1 year
For the band ask, 3, 7 (have a feeling I know the answer but photographic evidence is needed of course), and 25.
3. What is an overrated song by your favorite band?
Start Me Up. The musical component of the song is pretty great; Charlie’s snare and the hits on the 1 + 3 at the beginning, Keith’s riff, etc. But the lyrics ruin it. They feel like they could belong to any generic rock song, and that’s disappointing for a band with two talented lyricists.
7. Who's the hottest member of your favorite band?
Is it even a question?
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But I will allow that Keith, when he’s not dying his hair, is a pretty close second.
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25. Is there a band you seem to love that everyone else hates? Vise versa?
I’m not a big fan of The Who or Led Zeppelin, but that’s a matter of my own taste rather than some grand objective statement of face. (Also, I have a congenital migraine disorder, and I swear to God, every time I’ve tried to to The Who I’ve had an attack. I think it’s something to do with the drumming). I mean, I also think Buddy Rich is vastly overrated and that Benny Goodman sounded better when he was working with Dave Tough than Rich, but the average age of anyone who cares about that is ‘dead.’
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 1 year
Tiger & Bunny: Heroes Vs. Mann
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48046849
by Waffle_House_444
Upon Tiger and Barnaby's return to Hero TV, things start going sour. A threat looms over Sternbild that seeks to destroy the city itself, and it's up to our heroes to stop them.
However, this new threat hasn't come unprepared, for they have hired a group of the nine deadliest mercenaries on the planet in order to carry out its plan. While the exact details are unknown, there may very well be no Sternbild left at all should these new villains get their way.
Will our heroes save the day once again? Or will they fall to these new adversaries?
Find out on: Hero Vs. Mercenary Novels!"
Ok, after months of redrafting, rewriting, and removing unnecessary characters, it's here: The only TF2 and Tiger and Bunny Crossover that nobody asked for, but now exists. The first draft was awful and I hate myself for not thinking it through.
Now it's back: An actual coherent story that we hope you will enjoy.
Words: 5331, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Tiger & Bunny, Team Fortress 2
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Barnaby "Bunny" Brooks Jr., Kaburagi T. Kotetsu (Tiger), Karina Lyle (Blue Rose), Ryan Goldsmith (Golden Ryan), Nathan Seymour (Fire Emblem), Keith Goodman (Sky High), Antonio Lopez (Rock Bison), Ivan Karelin (Origami Cyclone), Huang Pao-Lin (Dragon Kid), Lara Tchaikoskaya (Magical Cat), Sengoku Subaru (Mr. Black), Thomas Taurus (He Is Thomas), BLU Scout (Team Fortress 2), BLU Soldier (Team Fortress 2), RED Pyro (Team Fortress 2), RED Demoman (Team Fortress 2), RED Heavy (Team Fortress 2), RED Medic (Team Fortress 2), Medic's Doves (Team Fortress 2), BLU Sniper (Team Fortress 2), RED Spy (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2), Administrator (Team Fortress 2), Merasmus (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: Barnaby "Bunny" Brooks Jr./Kaburagi T. Kotetsu Implied, Soldier/Zhanna (Team Fortress 2), BLU Soldier & RED Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: Post-WAR! (Team Fortress 2), Post-Gravel Wars (Team Fortress 2), Post-Mann vs. Machine (Team Fortress 2), Spoilers-TF2 Comics, Spoilers for Season 2 Part 2 of Tiger and Bunny, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Compliant for Season 1 of Tiger and Bunny, Crack Treated Seriously, THE VOICE OF LOVE TOOK US TOO HIGH, WE have no idea how this came to mind, But TF2 and Tiger and Bunny's timelines work surprsingly well
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48046849
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