You Can't Spell Love Square Without Ladynoir
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This is where I reblog all the Miraculous Ladybug content I like. Might also do some analyses sometimes. Will put a header up someday. Yes, my URL is a Chat Blanc reference. 
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"gabriel got redeemed" no he did NOT that is not what a redemption looks like stop calling it that. he made one not-completely-shitty-choice that's not a redemption, that's the last shred of humanity he possessed okay thank you
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vital part of ladynoir dynamic that gets slept on is ladybug getting just as much gremlin joy out of annoying chat noir as he gets from annoying her.
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‘Tis the season for blondie angst 🥰🤡🎄
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Marinette appreciation meme.
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tbh no matter how insane the lovesquare gets nothing truly rivals season 1 ladynoir. they hardly know each other and they’re already dating married and divorced at the same time. she hurls him through the air by his tail like 3 times a day and he lets her. his mouth runs a constant stream of the worst one liners you’ve ever heard and she ignores every single one of them. the only one of his jokes she will actually play along with is flirting except that is actually the ONE thing he’s doing that is not a joke. he is genuinely in love with her and constantly telling her so and she fully thinks it’s a bit they’re doing. one time he gets too close to her and starts actually purring and it’s never mentioned again in the entire series. she doesn’t know he was homeschooled and he can’t tell her so she just thinks he’s like that. they’re thirteen. she kisses him on the lips under the vague notion that true love’s kiss will defeat evil and it works. and she doesn’t tell him about it. she jumped inside a dinosaur’s mouth and he thought she died for real and was immediately ready to avenge her. who is doing it like season 1 ladynoir
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superheroes are so weak. “keeping my identity a secret is so hard :/” to YOU. my parents dont even know what type of music i like.
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i made this image before monarch's design was released, so it's been sitting in the drafts for months and i don't feel like redrawing it, so uh enjoy lol.
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Friendly reminder that he killed 7 billion+ people in an alternate timeline
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Like snow on the beach, weird but fucking beautiful
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The real Felix stan does not try to make him good, but accepts his bitch character for what it is. And even if he became a villain, does not try to come up with a million excuses for him, but admires how he destroys the world 🥱
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Another redraw (if you remember the original, gudjab)!! I honestly miss these two sometimes hehe
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it's been awhile since I made a silly comic about the new episodes
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One criticism about Miraculous Ladybug that I find really interesting is the criticism that the show is still like that. It’s phrased in different ways, like “there’s no development” or similar, but it often includes an exasperated “it’s season five and Marinette still hasn’t told Adrien she loves him” somewhere in the text. This criticism isn’t fascinating because it’s correct (it’s not) or because it raises complex questions (it doesn’t); it’s interesting because on some level, I totally get it.
Imagine you’re six, or eight, or ten years old when Miraculous Ladybug launches in 2015, or maybe even fourteen like Marinette, and you love it: It’s funny, it has good action, a beautiful romance, and Marinette is just an awesome character: She wants to do good, she loves her friends, she’s clumsy, she’s anxious, and she’s still awesome, all in one package. You can’t help but love her.
But now it’s 2022. If you were the show’s target audience of six years old, you have now spent half your life with that show existing. If you were as old as Marinette, you’re now an adult. You’ve certainly changed schools once or twice; made new friends, lost old ones. You gained new hobbies, new interests, your first interest in romance if you’re into that, your first global pandemic and so on. And the show, on a really high level, is still like that. Marinette’s foibles, which used to be funny, are now cringy, because they remind you of how you used to be. Marinette’s anxiety around her crush may have become a painful reality, or a painful memory long in the past. The threat they’re facing is still the most cartoonish in the history of cartoonish threats, and they’re not even one step closer to doing anything about it; i.e. their biggest problems are still exactly the same, while yours have changed completely.
Other shows and book series and so on often try to grow up with their audience, dealing with darker topics and/or more explicit kissing as they go on and their audience presumably gets older. Miraculous Ladybug cheerfully does not. It’s still fundamentally the same show it is now as it was in 2015.
That means you grew up, and Marinette is still fourteen. And isn’t that just the worst? A reminder of who you used to be, back when you were a young, stupid child. A reminder of all the things you’ve outgrown. I totally get being frustrated with that.
Of course, that isn’t a flaw with the show as such. It wants to be a show where Marinette remains fourteen forever, or at least for a couple of seasons more, and it’s doing that well. Getting better, even. It just means that you and the show have split ways at some point, and you’re no longer the person who fell in love with it. There’s no shame in that, it happens.
(To be clear, it’s not required. There are people who fell in love with the show as a child and still enjoy it. Whatever makes you happy.)
Move on. Or fail to recognise it and make angry Tumblr posts about it; your choice, really.
That’s why I personally recommend watching the show once you’re in your thirties and have stopped giving a shit. Then you’ll have the best long-term experience with it. 😁
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I love miraculous ladybug. Not ironically, not spitefully. I legitimately just think it’s a good show. I think it’s hilarious and genuinely fun and I always have a good time watching it. It brings a smile to my face and gets my synapses firing like not many other things can. I love seeing the characters go on wacky little episode-long adventures. I think the characters are extremely consistently written, where every episode I see them do something and think “oh my god, they so would do that”. I think their motivations and personalities make sense. I think the chemistry and dynamics between the characters are absolutely impeccable. I like watching them develop over time. I believe they have developed over time. I like the episodic format. I actually enjoy the slow, gradual plot, where characters can kind of just exist and have a bunch of different little mini-adventures where we get to see how the characters would react to all different kinds of situations without it all needing to be huge earth-shattering, plot-changing stuff. Sometimes that’s nice. It’s not for everyone, but I still think it’s good. I love it. I enjoy it. It’s my comfort show.
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Part 143 of my bakery “enemies” au!
man, if only ladybug or chat noir were here to help out
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