#i love when we dont attack each other and i get to have a momentary bonding moment
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abimee · 1 year ago
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chased a flames dps off this cliff while this astro tailed them and after they jumped off i put away my sword and we both just stood there for a few seconds before i /bowed to them and walked away. and they didnt try to hit me. literally my favorite bit
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loousir · 3 years ago
[Satyr} Insecurities
Soft Male Presenting NB Satyr x Male Reader
Warnings: Dakota get comforted by you after a sudden breakup and you end up confessing, they realized they like you too, mentions of alcohol (tho not explicitly stated other than beer), two faced boyfriend (now ex)
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Currently, you are on your way to third wheel for your best friend, Dakota. This guy that Dakota was dating was one that you really did not like. He was all sweet and kind around Dakota but the second they turned their back, he was a complete jerk. You knew you should tell Dakota but they just looked so happy being with this guy that you didn't want to ruin this momentary happiness.
Anyhow, both of you were walking down the street to a small yet busy pub that he had asked Dakota to meet. Dakota had asked him if you could come and he said yes but you knew he would have said no if that didn't ruin his "perfect boyfriend" image. You developed feelings for Dakota years ago, long into your friendship with him but you never confessed. You knew they didn't feel the same so you decided to just try to be the very best friend you could be.
Dakota pointed out the place you two were going and you followed them up to the front door. You opened it for them and they almost instantly spot their boyfriend, going over to him and hugging him. You smiled a sad smile and looked at the two before joining them at their table. He had sent Dakota off to get drinks for the three of you. "How have you been (R/n)?" He looks over to you with a not glare for once. "I'm breaking up with him."
Your eyes widened slightly. "What?" He nods. "Yeah I got hit pretty hard in the face with reality after the last time we met." His whole demeanor had changed from what it was before. You tried to say something but Dakota came back with a beer bottle and two glasses. They set one of the glasses down in front of you and handed the bottle to their soon to be ex who's demeanor went back to perfect boyfriend mode.
You smiled at Dakotas smile before taking a drink of what they got you. "Ah, (R/n)! Did you see the new episode yesterday? It was so good!" Dakota said before going on to ramble about bits and pieces. (R/n) smiled and nodded, chatting about said episode with Dakota.
A few minutes had past with the three of you talking before (R/n) decided it was time to bring the bad news. "Dakota." They looked up to (R/n) who looked like he just accidentally kicked a puppy. Dakota noticed and went to grab his hands to ask what's wrong but he pulled away. You looked away out of courtesy but still listened in. "I'm sorry Dakota. I dont think we can be together anymore. Its really me, not you. You've been nothing but good to me and I want you to be happy but it can't be with me."
"Maybe we'll see each other around. Don't worry about paying for drinks, I'll cover it on the way out." He said standing up to leave. Dakota couldn't seem to process what what happening as they watched their now ex-boyfriend walk away. "Kota, let's go." You said standing and grabbing their hand.
They didn't move but instead started to shake slightly. "Dakota, please." You pulled them up and practically dragged them out of the pub and stopped when you were a block away from it. Dakota hadn't said a word but held on tightly to your hand. "Do you wanna go back to your house?" You asked, looking to them. They nodded softly, more hair moving to cover their usually covered eyes.
You squeezed their hand gently as the two of you walked back to Dakotas place. It wasn't too far from the pub so neither of you saw the point in taking the car. After a few minutes of walking, Dakota stopped, making you look back. "Im... S-so sorry... I... I cant..." They tried to say something but ended up almost collapsing, legs shaking like crazy. You caught them before they could and opted to carry them the rest of the way.
Dakota holds onto you and cries into your neck. You gently rub the back of their head and whisper reassuring words into their ears. After a few more minutes of walking, you make it to the house and carefully unlock the door and close it behind you before taking them upstairs to their bedroom. "I'll go grab some water. I'll be right back ok?"
You head back down stairs, lost in thought as you grabbed water from the fridge before heading back up. You didn't expect to see what you did though.
Your body stood ridgid with shock. Standing in front of you, staring back with wild and afraid eyes was your best friend of 5 years. They looked like they were wearing pants but they weren't. Their legs were covered in dark brown fur, same colour as their hair. Your eyes followed the soft digitigrade shape down to the cloven hooves in place of feet. A small tail to match laid tight against their body.
You breathed out hesitantly. They seemed to snap out of whatever trance they were in for a moment and they started to shake. "Hey... Hey whats wrong?" You asked as you very slowly approached them, as if the wrong step could send them sprinting away. They didn't say a word and you eventually got to their side. You very carefully grabbed their hand but they pulled it away faster than you could blink.
They looked at you with such fear that you could barely even tell if it was your sweet Dakota anymore. A tense moment passed as you had seen his eyes for the first time. You gently took their hand again and pressed their palm against your chest. They could feel your heart pounding, theirs was probably just as fast. You and Dakota had this thing where if one of you were panicking, the other would place a hand on the heart of the one whos panicking. It usually ended with a hug but it was really just a comfort thing that Dakota had started with you when they had a panic attack in public. Once they had seemed to realized, some lever must have flipped as they pulled you into a tight hug.
You hugged them back, gently placing a hand on the back of their head to keep them close. A silent minute had past before you felt your shoulder getting wet again. "I'm so sorry." It was barely a whisper but you heard it. Neither of you said a word after that. Dakota pulled their head out from the crook of your neck and rested their forehead against your chest.
"I didn't want you to find out like this..." Their voice was small as they spoke, hands gripping tightly to the back of your shirt. You carefully set a hand on their cheek, coaxing them to look up to you. Their eyes were red and slightly puffy from crying. The bright green, almost yellow irises stood out against their pink-ish scleras. "Your eyes are so beautiful." You mumbled out without thinking.
Dakota blushed and looked away. "I know you probably don't wanna talk so let's sit down and I'll go first." You lead them over to the bed and both of you sat down. "Judging by your reaction you didn't want me knowing about the whole... Lower half thing." You paused to look at Dakota who nodded. "Sorry." You said, still processing everything. Dakota shook their head. "N-no... I..."
"I don't know what to say..." Dakota said with a heavy sigh. "It's ok. You don't have to say anything-" They cut you off before you could continue. "(Y/n) I've lied to you for 5 years about it! Of course I have to say something!" You looked away from them and sighed. "I would be lying if I said it didn't upset me that you never told me what you were." Without hesitation, you grabbed Dakotas hand again, staring at it as they let you intertwine your fingers. "But I always had a feeling you weren't exactly human anyways... Of course I wanted to know but I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable around me."
Dakota looked to your eyes, tears welling up in theirs again. You could see that they wanted to apologize for not saying anything but you just shook your head. "Kota, I could care less that your a Satyr. If anything I like you even more." You mumbled the last part but they still heard it anyway, signaled by the blush that rose to their cheeks yet again. Dakota placed their free hand on your cheek and made you look back to them.
"I love you so fucking much Kota. You don't even know. I'm sorry. This is probably a lot on top of me finding out about probably your biggest secret and the... Y'know." Dakota shook their head. "Its all been so overwhelming. I'm honestly surprised I haven't passed out yet." You let a small huff of a laugh pass as they pulled your face closer to theirs. "You seemed to have calmed down a lot." You mumbled out.
Dakota nodded. "Yeah. I guess I'm... Relieved... I've known you long enough that I know you when you aren't feigning truths." They pause for a moment. You took this moment to observe their tear stained face. "(Y/n). I dont ever want you to leave me." Their voice had been shaky since you found out about them being a Satyr but it was even worse when they said that. "I couldn't truly live if you weren't in my life Kota."
They looked at you with wide eyes. "Sorry, said something weird didnt-" You were cut off by a pair of soft lips against yours. You carefully kissed back, tangling your hand in their soft, fuffy hair. The second both of you pulled away, Dakota smiled and pulled you into a tight hug. "Kota-" "I think him breaking up with me was the best decision ever." You furrowed your brows, really confused.
"What? Why? I though you two were happy together." Dakota nodded. "I was happy. But I also saw how unhappy you were. A-and it made me realize... Just how much I wanted to make you happy because you make me happy." You couldn't say anything but just looked at them with surprise. "Can I... Can I kiss you?" You asked quietly. Dakota laughed and nodded, pulling you into a kiss.
Your hands decided to test the waters a bit and you gently ran a hand through the soft fur that coat their leg. They shivered and gripped onto your shirt, leaning into the kiss more. You pulled away and let your hand linger on their thigh. "Did... Did you really mean it when you said that you liked me more knowing I was a Satyr?" You blushed and laughed awkwardly while looking away. "Yeah... I didn't realize I said that out loud."
Dakota let out a gentle laugh and pulled you into a tight hug. "Let's take a nap, I'm tired after crying so much..." You nodded and kissed their neck softly as the two of you laid down.
"Please stay by my side."
I originally started this one shot at the paragraph that starts at "Your body stood ridgid with shock." so sorry if everything above it seemed weird-
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yikesharringrove · 4 years ago
after star court Steves head trauma was severe enough where he got diagnosed with epilepsy and has minor seizures n gets confused easily, his parents dont care or bother to come home and help him so its mostly robin
I want to send all my love and thanks to @elysiumwaits and @a-bit-of-trash for all their help with this piece! 💕💕💕
Read on Ao3
The first time Robin noticed it, Steve was helping a customer at Family Video. 
He was in the middle of a sentence, i the middle of a transaction behind the register when his eyes drifted up towards the ceiling and his voice trailed off. His jaw shifted around and he chewed on his tongue.
It was like he was completely vacant.
It lasted a few seconds, and he snapped back in, finishing his sentence and continuing the transaction like nothing happened.
The customer stared questioningly at Robin, and she smiled tightly at her, waving as she threw Steve one last confused look and turned to leave.
“Uh, Steve?” Steve looked over his shoulder to her, humming in question. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“You, like, kinda went blank there. Like stopped talking for awhile and just. I don’t know, it was weird.” He furrowed his brows.
“Yeah. You just kinda. I don’t even know how to describe it.” She was beginning to get nervous, if Steve just blacked out or something, and had no idea he did it, that can’t be good. “Has that happened before?”
“I have no idea. I mean, I didn’t even know it happened just now.” His voice was doing that thing it does before he gets in over his head. His pitch gets higher and his voice waivers a bit and his eyes go wide, and usually, this display ends with a panic attack.
“Hey, heyheyheyhey, hey. I’m sure it’s okay.” She tried to smile at him. She really isn’t sure it’s okay. But she can’t let him think his blank-out scared her.
The next time she saw it, she was sitting across from him on his couch, both their backs against either armrest, her feet in Steve’s lap.
Steve was in the middle of a story about Dustin, something silly he did earlier that day.
When his eyes fluttered. He stopped speaking mid-sentence again, his eyes fluttering oddly, his jaw working once again.
It was only a few seconds when he snapped back, picking up his story right where he left off.
“Steve, it happened again.”
Steve’s face fell.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. You stopped talking and kinda went blank. Just the same as last time.” She kept her voice even, didn’t want to scare him. But he began chewing on his bottom lip, his brows furrowing.
“I didn’t even know. I don’t know they’re happening. Do you think they happen often? And I just have no fucking idea?”
“I really don’t know, Steve.” And maybe her misstep was the lack of a condescending but endearing nickname.
Because Steve looked about a second from bursting into tears.
“Should I, like, go to the doctor? I mean, I’ve had a lot of concussions these past few years. It could be, like, my brain slowly turning to Jell-o.”
“Or maybe it’s nothing!” She said quickly. “If you decide to go to the doctor, I’ll come with you.”
It happened three times in the waiting room of the doctor’s office.
Each time like the last, a few seconds of Steve blanking out and his mind going elsewhere.
It was beginning to really fucking scare Robin. He already wasn’t the brightest, and now he has these lapses, these momentary blank outs that were beginning to take more of a toll.
He was having several a day that she knew of, and by the evening, Steve was sapped of all his energy, and so fucking confused, he would lose his train of thought before it even left the station.
“Alright, Mr. Harrington. What brings you in today?” Doctor Owens let himself into the room, taking a seat at the stool next to the examination.  table Steve was perched on.
“Uh, my doctor referred me. I’m having some, like, issues, I guess.” He looked expectantly at Robin. She sighed through her nose.
“He has lapses. He could be in the middle of a sentence, and he’ll stop speaking. Usually his eyes will drift and after a few seconds, he’s back.”
Doctor Owens was nodding at her seriously.
“Alright Steven. Do you black out for these episodes? Lose time?”
“I don’t even notice they’ve happened.”
“And anything else with them? Headaches? Confusion?”
“He gets confused if he’s had several in a day. I was with him one evening when he had five and by the time we fell asleep he wasn’t speaking clearly and couldn’t remember some things.”
Owens too a deep breath.
“I’d like to run some testing. It sounds like you’re experiencing minor seizures.”
Steve gawked at him.
“Seizures? But I mean, I haven’t been, like, it’s just a little, a little, brain glitch.”
“There are many different forms of seizures. And some can result in, confusion, black outs, and momentary lapses. They’re called absence seizures. And it sounds like, the number you’ve been having is indicative of epilepsy, but I’d like to run some more tests before saying one way or another.” He drummed briefly on the examination table, smiling and nodding at Robin before letting himself back out of the room.
Steve was staring at the wall in front of him.
“Seizures. Epilepsy.”
“Hey,” Robin leaned forward in her chair, placing one hand on his forearm. “At least it’s an answer. Diagnoses bring treatment.”
He gave her those big round puppy dog eyes that always made her heart break a little bit.
“Robin, I’m scared.”
It was barely a whisper, and Steve’s hands closed into shaking fists, clenching the fabric of his flimsy gown.
“I know. I know it’s scary. But I’m here, right? And we’ve dealt with a lot scarier than your brain electricity.”
He nodded at her shakily.
Doctor Owens returned then.
“Alright, Steven. We’re going to schedule you in for tomorrow for an EEG, a simple test to measure brain activity. It’ll give us a great view of what is happening in that head ‘a yours. Frankly, it’d be great if you had an event while doing the test. But, we’ll just see what’s going on in there, and figure out how to help you. That sound alright?”
“Uh, yes, Doctor. Thank you.”
The phone was ringing loudly by the time Steve pushed open the front door.
He had been quiet as Robin drove him home, and he had another small seizure in the car.
He picked up the phone, and she placed one hand gently on the small of his back as she passed by him into the kitchen.
“Hey, Dad.”
Robin sighed. This was the last thing they needed today. A call from Steve’s asshole father.
“Yeah, I had to use the credit card at the doctor. I’m having some testing done. No, not, Dad just listen. I might have epilepsy.” Steve’s voice cracked when he said epilepsy. He went quiet. Robin chewed on her bottom lip. “Just put Mom on, please.”
Robin was standing just on the other side of the doorway, listening intently. Steve always just assumed she was eavesdropping on his conversations.
“Hi, Mom. Yeah, the doctor said it could be epilepsy. I mean, I have like, a bunch of seizures. Been having them for months now. And I’m just- I mean, can you,” he went silent, no doubt listening to his mother speak.
It was a few minutes of silence before he spoke again.
And dear God, she really thought she was gonna fucking cry.
“Mom, can you please just come home? I have a big test tomorrow and I’m. I’m just scared. And I want my mom.”
And then more silence. And Steve sniffed.
“Yeah, no, uh, it’s okay. No really, Mom. I’m okay. I’ll be-enjoy the rest of your trip.” There was a click as he set the phone down on the receiver.
She waited for him to show around the wall, let him take a moment to himself.
He slunk around the divider, not meeting Robin’s gaze.
“I assume-”
“We don’t have to talk about it,” she cut him off quickly.
And they didn’t.
They didn’t talk about the looming appointment the next day, the hours of testing Steve was going to have to sit through.
They didn’t talk about the way his mom didn’t bother to even pretend she would come to support him through his nerves.
They talked about shit that didn’t matter- awful costumers at Family Video, Keith repeatedly asking robin out and never getting the hint she wasn’t into him, they even unpacked the entirety of the Star Wars trilogy, as Steve fell asleep nearly every time they tried to watch it.
Steve hugged her tight before she drove herself home in her mom’s old station wagon. He did that thing he does where he buries his face into her shoulder and takes a real big breath and kinda seems like Robin’s the only thing keeping him together, kissing the top of her head once before she pulled away.
He woke up groggy, a spot of drool on his pillow. The phone was blaring on his nightstand, and he barely rolled over to slam it against his ear.
“Steve, oh my God. I’m so so sorry,” Robin babbled into the receiver, barely breathing as she hurled her words at him. “I got called in to cover for Amanda today, and Keith said he’s called everyone, and if I can’t work today, he’s gonna call you, and you can’t miss the test, but I feel like such shit, I promised I’d come with you, and with your mom not coming in, I said I’d drive you, and now I can’t, and Steve, I’m so sorry-” she sounded frantic, almost like she was close to tears.
“Rob, hey, it’s alright.” It wasn’t. Not really, but he understands. And he’s a grown up, after all. He can go to the doctor by himself. “It’s okay. Just come over tonight if you want to.”
“Yes, yes, I’ll be over right after I get off. Maybe Amanda can come relieve me or something. I’m so sorry.”
She sounded sorry. She sounded absolutely miserable.
“Rob, honest, no hard feelings. I can just go. I’ll be okay. See you after.”
“I’ll bring dinner! Or, or snacks, and I can bring a few movies with me afterwards-”
“That sounds great. Look, I gotta go take a shower and get ready. I’ll just, I’ll see you later. After the-the thing.”
“Yes! Yeah, Steve, really I’m so so sorry.”
“I know. Don’t worry. I’ll see you later, Rob. Love you.” He scrubbed a hand down his face, melting further back into his pillows.
“I’ll be there! And I love you a whole lot, okay?”
“Yeah. I know. It’s really okay. I promise.”
He didn’t let her get another word in, slapping the phone back onto the hook.
Really, he had no hard feelings. It’s not worth it to be mad at her for this. He just doesn’t want to sit on the phone with her while she apologizes some more
It just fucking sucks.
He’s fairly certain he had a seizure in the shower. He doesn’t totally know when he has them, but he’s beginning to recognize the time passing, the way he just feels tired after.
He took his sweet time getting ready, dreading the impeding appointment and all the testing, making sure to wear comfortable clothes, hoping they wouldn’t make him swap out his soft crew neck sweatshirt for a flimsy hospital gown while he sat through everything that was about to happen.
And only when he got outside did it really hit him that Robin won’t be going with him.
Owens said to avoid driving until they could find out more about his episodes. Find an epicenter and maybe a trigger. It’s dangerous as all hell to have him blanking out on the road. Which is something Robin suggested in that overly calm voice of hers when the seizures started getting more frequent.
Robin’s been driving him everywhere the past few weeks. And she was going to pick him up for the appointment.
He has no one to call.
Well, he could call someone, but that would take all the energy of explaining all the shit he hasn’t told anyone yet about his issues, and that’s a can of worms he doesn’t feel ready for on a Thursday morning.
Claudia would only ask more questions than he had answers, and he doesn’t think he could stand seeing that sad look Nancy’s always got on her face when she sees him nowadays.
And he doesn’t think things won’t be awkward between him and Jonathan.
Looks like he’s gonna drive himself.
He actually buckled himself in, something he almost never did, and took everything as slowly as possible, creeping down his neighborhood at an almost comical pace.
If he has a seizure, and blanks out for a few seconds, he wants to be able to mitigate any damage. Either stop himself from going too far in the first place, or give others enough time to move out of the way from his slow moving death machine.
His grip was so tight on the steering wheel his knuckles were white, hands clammy and no doubt shaking.
“Just breathe, Stevie. You’re doing just fine. Plenty of time to get there.” He hadn’t turned on the radio, wanted to keep a laser focus on the road. “You’re not going to blank out, and you’re not going to hurt anyone.”
He kept up that monologue as he made the slowest left-turn possible onto the road that led into town.
He had the overwhelming urge to bounce his leg, trying to keep himself still and focused.
And the next thing he knows, he’s idling at a stop sign with the Chief of Police knocking on his window.
At least he didn’t hurt anyone, or crash his car horribly.
He cranked down the window, giving Hop as much of a smile as he could muster.
“Kid, what the fuck? I’ve been tapping on that window for a full minute. You were just, sittin’ there.”
Shit. He’s gonna have to come clean.
“I, uh, I’m actually going to an appointment. With Owens.” Hopper just continued staring at him, his face gruff, his brows drawn. “I got some. Brain stuff.”
And then Hopper’s face fell.
“Shit, why didn’t you let any of us know?”
“Because, well, they don’t know what it is yet, but I, uh, I’ve been having, like, seizures,” Steve could feel it, the lump rising in his throat he’s been ignoring since yesterday, the nerves and sadness and confusion all welling up. “And Owens is gonna run some tests because he thinks I have epilepsy now, from being tortured, and I don’t know what’s happening to me, but it’s like I can’t even control my own stupid brain, and I’m so fucking scared, and-”
This is fucking mortifying.
Sitting in his car, crying, in front of Hopper.
Who looked like he had no idea what the fuck to do.
“Okay, uh, just take some deep breaths, okay? Why don’t you, uh, go get in my truck, and I’ll take you to the appointment. I can leave your car parked over there,” he pointed at the side of the road beyond the stop sign. “You don’t seem in much shape to be drivin’.”
“Sorry, I’m not-not supposed to, but I had no one to call-”
“Hey, I hope you now that’s not true.” Hopper reached through the window to place a firm hand on Steve’s shoulder. “I’ll take you, and I’ll drive you on home after.” And he opened up the door, and Steve nearly got tangled in the seat belt as he tried to step out of the car. “Shit, you weren’t kidding.”
And Steve felt like a fucking child as Hop reached over him to unbuckle him, and actually help him out of the car.
He finally noticed the truck parked behind his car, and got himself tucked into the passenger seat as Hopper moved the beamer to the spot he indicated, double checking he locked it before jogging back to the truck.
The ride was silent all the way to the hospital, Steve tying his fingers up in knots and trying not to throw up.
Hopper didn’t just drop him off, he actually walked with Steve into the building, escorted him all the way to the exam room.
He sat in the chair Robin usually occupied, settling his hat on his knee.
Wait, he’s fucking on duty.
“You don’t have to stay. I could, like, call the station when I’m finished here.”
“I’ve got nowhere to be. Not a lotta shit goes down in this town on the off-season.” He smiled grimly at Steve, who just nodded blankly.
And Owens took that time to break the awkward quiet between them, opening the door with Steve’s file tucked under his arm.
“Steven! Good to see you again. Let’s get into that head of yours, shall we?” He shook hands with Hop, turning back to Steve with a grin that was probably meant to be jovial and endearing. “Sorry to see that girlfriend of yours won’t be joining us today. Trouble in paradise?”
“We’re just friends. And she’s working.” His voice felt heavy, like it took effort just to make himself speak.
“Doc, for my own sake, Harrington here hasn’t quite gotten me up to speed with the testing today.”
There was a short rap on the door, and a few nurses entered the room, bringing a rolling metal tray with a few tubes and a long syringe, and a large machine, wires spilling out the side.
Steve barely reacted as they took his blood, pressing his shoulders gently to coax him into a supine position, relaxing against the exam table.
“We’re going to begin with an E.E.G., or, an electroencephalography.”
Something sparked in Hopper’s eyes.
“That’s what Will had, right? To monitor brain activity, or what have you.”
“Exactly. We use them to understand and diagnose seizure disorders. Steven’ll be here for about an hour or so.” He washed his hands quickly at the sink in the corner, turning back to Steve and looking at him pensively. It made Steve feel oddly self-conscious. “It’s completely painless.” He smiled weakly at Steve, maybe misjudging his general discomfort at being looked at for prolonged periods of time as fear.
Which sure, he’s got some real fear surrounding this test, but not the test itself. He’s more dreading the follow-up appointment he’s gonna have to have for his results to be read and explained. If he’s got epilepsy, or not. If this is what the rest of his life is gonna look like, or not. If he can drive or go to college. If it’ll all just get worse.
One of the nurses, the one with a nice round face that had taken his blood a few moments ago, was marking out spots on his head, along his hairline.
And before he knew it, small sticky pads were being stuck to him, one on each spot she had marked out, and more dotting back through his hair, the nurse smoothing it down and parting it awkwardly in many places to get the little pads as close to his scalp as possible.
“Alright. You ready, Steven?” Owens didn’t wait for a response before he began fiddling with the large machine, bringing it to life.
It was kind of like what Steve saw in a video once about seismographs. A little arm scratching out tremors in the Earth on a sliding sheet of paper.
Only this one was detecting tremors in his brain. Tremors and errors and everything that was going wrong in there.
“So, Chief. What brings you in here with Steven today?”
Steve wanted to tell Owens just to call him Steve, but he kinda feels like it’s past the point of when he should’ve corrected him, and now, it’d be kinda weird.
“Drivin’ the kid in. Can’t have him crashing his car. I think the last thing his head needs is another bonk.”
It made Steve smile, nearly made him laugh as the machine scratched away beside him.
“Good to see you’ve taken my advice.”
“Robin drives me almost everywhere. We work the same shifts and she picks me up after school. It works pretty okay.” The whirring of the machine kinda made Steve want to fall asleep.
“Your parents don’t drive you?” Hopper looked a little too interested. Steve tried to play it cool.
“My dad works quite a lot.” Hopper tightened his jaw and Steve kinda felt like a little kid again. “He, uh, travels for work a lot. And my mom likes to go.”
It was like the air in the room totally went cold.
“Kid, do they even know you’re here today?”
“Yes! I called them last night. Pretty much begged my mom to fly in but she-”
And it was the first Owens had seen one of Steve’s seizures for himself.
He cut off mid sentence, his eyes, that had just been wide and clear a second before, went blank, and dim, nearly rolling back in his head. The E.E.G. noted the seizure, tracking brainwaves that were even more abnormal than had been presented already. His jaw worked as though he was trying to speak, and as quickly as it happened, Steve seemed to snap back into himself.
So, maybe emotional duress? Stress? That should definitely be examined as a possible trigger.
Owens scribbled that down on Steve’s chart as Steve shook himself, smiling benignly at Hopper.
“Sorry. Uh, lost my train of thought, there.”
And maybe Hop was able to see that talking about Steve’s family could bring on another, or maybe he just got scared of watching Steve have a seizure and decided to walk on eggshells, but he just smiled back. Brought up a story about Eleven from earlier in the week. How the two of them had played a game of Monopoly that lasted nearly six hours and had both of them close to tears by the end of it.
The test was okay by Steve’s standards. Pretty easy on his end. All he had to do was lay back and let the machine do work. He’s pretty sure he had an episode or two, based on the way Hopper would go all pale and look at Steve like he was sorry for him.
Hopper had to step out near the middle of the test to make a phone call, Steve figured to the station to let them know he was otherwise occupied, or something like that. Or at least, that’s what Steve hoped, and not that Hopper was putting calls in to his father’s work and getting in touch with him via his secretary, or something awful like that.
He’d rather not have the Chief of Police call his parents from the hospital to scold them for not accompanying Steve to his Big Scary Medical Test.
He felt about ready to fall asleep when the machine was finally turned off and nurse returned, removing all the sticky pads as gently as possible from his head.
Owens looked over the paper carefully, folding along the perforations and clipping it against Steve’s chart.
“So, Steven, can we see you a few days from now to go over these results?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Go ahead and schedule that with the front desk,” he finished in the doorway, giving Hop a curt wave and swishing off to something else.
“You ready to be home, kid?”
“Fuckin’ absolutely.”
That made Hop huff something close to a laugh, and he kinda fluttered about while Steve stood up from the examination table, like he wanted to help Steve up, help him manoeuvre around.
Steve went through all the typical stuff at the front desk, handing over his father’s credit card along with their insurance information, scheduling another appointment three days from then.
He was tired, and just felt so fucking awkward that Hopper had been here to witness Steve’s prolonged physical breakdown.
Hopper led him out of the hospital and back to the truck, driving him home with the radio playing quietly. Steve stared out the window, watching raindrops sprinkle onto the car and rush down the window.
They passed Steve’s car a few blocks away from his house, and by the time they pulled up, Steve was almost too tired to notice another car parked in front of his house.
But he couldn’t ignore Joyce’s tight hug when he made it to his porch, and suddenly Hopper’s phone call made sense.
Will was standing behind her like a shadow, holding a baking dish and three clear glass bowls, all stacked up and covered in tin foil.
They brought him dinner.
It kinda made Steve wanna cry.
He fumbled with his keys letting them all inside, tugging awkwardly at the sleeves of his sweatshirt as he led Joyce to the kitchen.
Hop grunted something about walking to get Steve’s car, easing the keys out of his hands and taking off down the road.
“Steve, Honey, why don’t you just take a seat. We’ve got this.” She smiled and pushed him softly towards the kitchen table.
And he really wanted to help her heat everything up. For fuck sake’s she brought him dinner, he wants to do something, but he’s so goddamn tired.
He sat down slowly, tucking his left leg up under him as he watched Joyce and Will in his kitchen.
They set the dishes to heat up slowly in the oven, going through cabinets to find dishes and flatware to set the table.
Steve’s family almost never ate in the kitchen.
When his parents were home, they almost always sat together in the formal dining room, eating in stilted silence before heading their separate ways.
It was kinda nice, hearing the two of them talk softly to one another, letting Steve just kinda zone out a little bit, tracing the wood grain of the table with the pads of his fingers.
Until his front door creaked open in a way that only Robin could make happen, and he was being hugged tightly from behind.
“Steve, I came as soon as I could. I’m so so sorry I couldn’t come. How was the test? Did they tell you anything yet? Keith was being such an ass today, I almost punched him right in the-” She cut herself off when she noticed the Byers standing near the oven, still clinging onto Steve from behind. “Uh, hi. Sorry,” she stammered. She didn’t do well being taken off guard. Steve sometimes thought it was kinda funny.
“Hi, Sweetheart. Let me just set you a place for dinner. Hop’s moving Steve’s car, he’ll be back in a second and this should be hot enough to eat.”
Robin finally relinquished Steve, keeping one hand on his shoulder that Steve covered with his own.
“Oh, uh, that’s okay. I just wanted to check on Steve, I don’t wanna intrude-”
Joyce waved her hand, shaking her head.
“We invited ourselves into his home. As long as Steve says it’s okay, you’re more than welcome. There’s plenty.”
“Steve looked up at Robin, pretending to think it over.
“I don’t know,” he sighed dramatically. “I don’t really like you, so I don’t want you to stay.” He scrunched up his face when she hit his shoulder. “Take a seat, Buck.”
They could hear heavy footsteps in the hall, the door being closed quietly behind Hopper, and the jingle of Steve’s keys being deposited in the glass bowl on the small sidetable next to the door.
Robin stood to help Joyce and Will bring all the dishes over to the table, and fuck, Steve’s hungry. He hasn’t eaten all day since most of it was spent feeling like he could throw up his spleen.
But Joyce had brought a rich lasagna, and the creamiest mashed potatoes Steve has ever tasted, and these fucking string beans that were so good and crisp, Steve must’ve demolished half the container of them. 
Conversation was kept light and nice, and Steve figured Hopper had filled Joyce in on the nitty-gritty of the test and everything to do with what Steve has been not so subtly hiding from everyone but Robin.
It was still nice to let the sleeping dog lie, even if Steve did find himself no doubt post-seizure with his hand sloppily in his mashed potatoes and everyone staring at him.
And after finishing two of the brownies Joyce had brought, Steve was struck with such a huge wall of tired, it was like he could barely even keep his eyes open.
“Well, we should take our leave.” Joyce leaned back in her chair, Will looking just as sleepy as Steve felt.
“Seriously, Mrs. B. Thank you so much for this. So much.” Steve didn’t even have the words in him to explain his gratitude, but sometimes he thinks Joyce has the ability to read his mind, so it works out.
She just squeezed him in another tight hug, Will following with one of his own before Robin walked them to the door.
“You call if you need anything, okay? Even if it’s just some company. El’s been on this real Miami Vice kick, she’ll talk to anyone that’ll listen about that damn show.”
It made Steve nearly laugh, picturing El sitting in front of the television, watching Miami Vice with as much determination as she does everything.
“Thank you, Hop. Today probably would’ve been a lot more shit if you hadn’t’ve seen my car.”
“Anytime, Kid. And quit tryna hide that shit. We’ve all been fucked up by what happened. Doesn’t mean you’re broke or somethin’.”
And Steve really fucking doesn’t wanna cry anymore today.
He blinked rapidly to keep the tears at bay, Hopper doing him a solid and studying his own watch.
“Alright, my little twerp’s been at the Wheeler’s all day. I gotta pick her up. Take it easy, alright?”
“Yes, Sir.” Steve gave him a lazily sarcastic salute.
Hopper rolled his eyes, putting his hat back on.
Steve slunk to the couch as Robin locked up behind the chief, flopping down near his feet.
“I brought Raiders of the Lost Ark as an apology gift.”
“I’m gonna make you watch it a million times.”
Robin slapped his leg, a gesture that was immediately undercut by her draping a soft blanket delicately over him.
“Marion Ravenwood is hot enough I stay invested.”
She sat back down after putting in the tape.
“So, how was it today?” Her voice was way too casual.
“It was okay. Test was fine enough, and hanging out with everyone was good.”
“Are you, like, gonna maybe reach out to them more? Because, you know, they know now.”
Steve chewed on the inside of his cheek, tugging at a loose thread in the blanket.
“Probably. Not that you don’t do a lot for me, but, uh, it was kinda nice to have grown ups around.”
“You know I’d do anything for you, but I think it was kinda nice too. Especially-” She cut herself off, letting the especially since your mom couldn’t be bothered to show up hang in the air between them.
The opening trailers had begun on the rented tape, and Steve closed his eyes, snuggling deeper into the couch.
“Thanks, Rob. Love you.”
“Yeah, Dingus. Love you too.”
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savarii · 4 years ago
Happy Birthday for Ningguang
In this special day of Ningguang's bday, I'm making this appreciation post and talk a bit about her.
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a/n : ik that this is late but I still want to post this BECAUSE I LOVE NINGGUANG AND NONE CAN STOP ME
Ningguang is...
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Ngl my first impression towards her is that she feels like evil sly fox that can betray you any moment but this is very wrong.
Ningguang is just a really smart person that knows what she's doing
To understand her better we need to look back on her life story before she became the Ningguang we know today.
Ningguang didn't come from rich or influential family, in fact she came from poor background. Every bits of mora that she earned is from her own hard work.
"Despite the multitude of affairs she deals with in a day, Ningguang always continues to press on. A rare gem indeed. I'm reminded of the time that she used to walk barefoot from Yaoguang Shoal to the south wharf, trying to sell her wares as she went. Time is cruel to humans."
- Zhongli
With such background, Ningguang's life was not easy. Ningguang's mind is trained to work harder and smarter than everyone else in order to get out of poverty.
She wished to get out of poverty and become wealthy.
This is Ningguang's dream and ambition.
In a business world, one must understand what card their opponent is holding and what kind of strategy to hit checkmate on them all, this is exactly what Ningguang been doing all these times. She's very observant and quick to act on the informations that she gained. With every win from her strike, she gains more and more power and wealthiness. With more of those, she becomes more influential than ever before which is a very good investment for more power.
Ningguang understand the basic of investment very well. That includes her investment on Liyue.
Many people have encountered her in many different ways and everyone described her differently from one another. This proves that Ningguang understand how to give different impressions on different types of people that she met (that's one mad skill over there). Knowing how to present yourself is one of strategy to gain a win in any game, and combined with knowing what your opponent is doing? That's literally checkmate. Ningguang should play business game with Diluc someday lmao. With such ability to understand other people minds and deed, she's also become trained for sharp observation to trust someone, so don't be offended when she doesn't trust people easily because she knows this very well.
Being rich is nice and good but that doesn't change Ningguang's true self. Her dream and ambition are merely to gain as much as she can from her hardwork, never to become someone new. People can slander her for whatever she has done in this world, but that is just her smart work, not who she really is
Ningguang is only doing what she likes but never prioritize herself over another. She understands how to give balance for everything between herself and other people. How to gain as much benefit and agreement but with balanced deal. She never made rash decisions, she always think of them thoroughly, and never based of momentary sentiments.
That's why her constellation is called 'The Balance' :3
She become Tianquan of Qixing not just for her business benefits but also because she wants to bring balance in Liyue.
Did you know? Liyue was used to be filled with sneaky merchants that fraud each other and even trample over other people / common folk. Ningguang was one of the common folk before and ofc she knew that such fraudness is wrong. This could also be the reason why she's working to the top just to change this.
Ever since Ningguang become the Tianquan of Qixing, many regulations over Liyue business and contracts, etc. are changed to scale balance over everyone. That is one super skill of a human there. Even when she already made balanced rule over everyone, some people still break them anyways (like Beidou).
Next thing is about her Jade Chamber. We know that Jade Chamber is built by her own wealth and it's become her home and office site as the Tianquan. But we know that she's willing to sacrifice Jade Chamber when that Vortex god attacked. She did not regret any of this, which proofs that she's not full of herself, she truly cares for Liyue and willing to give her all for the safety of Liyue.
For someone who came from poverty and gained all the wealth people tend to be blinded by all of that but not for Ningguang. She knows how to be humble and down to earth, because she knows that everything that's gained can be lost, and-
That is how investment in life works. Sometimes you gain but sometimes you lose, it's normal. Ningguang knows how to start all over again when she loses everything that she gained. Very strong mental indeed.
Altho idk if she's even alright without emotional support, I wish I can be her emotional support tho-
Ningguang is a great woman if you can see all of these things she'd done.
more a/n : I literally spent 5 hours for that ms paint drawing with a damn mouse (because I dont have photoshop or a drawing tablet) and this typing, BECAUSE NINGGUANG IS A WOMAN OF HARDWORKING SO ME AS A SIMP SHALL WORK HARD TOO HAHA. and also I am thankful for anyone that's willing to read this all :")
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shera-dnd · 6 years ago
Valentine’s in the Multiverse Part 3 - Holding Out For a Hero
You ever wonder how the strange and tragic love story between a hero and a villain could have begun? Wonder no more, because we’re gonna take a look at the backstory of Catra and Adora in the world of Sidequest: Masks, because who doesn’t like a good prequel?
Catra was really getting used to the idea of being punched into and out of buildings. She knew she shouldn’t, but it was the inevitable reality of having a super strong super hero as your archenemy.  What she hasn’t gotten used to is the fact that her archenemy had to be the most attractive girl on the damn planet. That was just cruel and unusual.
She dragged herself out of the hole she had just been punched into and there she was - standing all majestically - Adora “Ready to surrender now or do you wanna keep this dance going a little longer?”
Catra just smiled and fell into a combat stance. “Like there was ever another option there, princess” and so they returned to their favorite dance. Catra’s highly advanced sword versus Adora’s perfect and indestructible hands.
“Care to explain why are you doing this again?” Adora asked without even slowing down her attacks
“Oh the usual” Catra answered as she nimble dodged all of her attacks “Rebelling against the system and trying to rebuild society. The usual” They had that conversation so many times and Catra was ready for Adora to start talking about justice and the american way at any moment now, but she never did
Catra couldn’t quite tell, because he had just been punched into a support beam, but she could’ve sworn she heard Adora mutter “That has to be another way” She remover herself from the structure and gave Adora a quick slash to snap her back to reality.
“Don’t tell me you’re having doubts now” She capitalized on Adora’s momentary distraction and pushed her back with a few quick strikes “Is the white, straight and incredibly marketable hero finally seeing how messed up her world is?”
Her answer to that was a quick punch to the stomach and Catra was very grateful that her cyborg body allowed her to turn off pain receptors “It is not that simple. Going around putting people in danger is not gonna do the world any good”
Catra slowly stood up again “And neither is just shutting up and doing what people expect you to do” Adora remained silent as their fight continued, but without the constant commentary it just wasn’t the same thing and soon both of them just stopped.
“Did you ever even hurt anyone? I can’t remember you doing anything other than just being a menacing asshole” Catra wasn’t a fan of that description or the implication.
“Of course I have” Adora just stared at her for a moment “Fine! It was mostly in self defense or by accident. Are you happy now? Your archenemy is bad at her job”
“Archenemy? You are my rival at best” Adora commented mockingly “And that is a good thing really. It means you can still do some good. If you’re willing to try that is” Adora sat down in some random pile of debris to rest for a bit.
“Are you seriously expecting me to play by your rules?” Catra could not believe a word she was hearing “Specially after you insult me like that”
“No, not my rules” Adora seemed to think for a moment “You can do things that I can’t and as long as you don’t hurt anyone I’m more than happy to let you keep doing those things. Maybe we can help each other make the world a better place”
Catra had to sit down and think for a second. Was she really suggesting that? A little hero-villain colab? “I’m gonna need some time, ok? I’ll find a way to contact you if I decide you’re not messing with me”
Adora smiled at that “I guess I misjudged you” she laughed softly before adding “And you clearly misjudged me” Catra shot her a confused look “I am definitely not-” she stopped herself when she realized what she was going to say.
A small part of Catra’s brain dared to be hopeful as she heard what she believed to be Adora admitting that she wasn’t straight, but the rest of her knew she was still a potential enemy, so she decided to stick to her classic brand of sarcasm and mockery.
“I guess I was wrong. There really was at least one victim to my actions” Adora looked at her confused, but ready to withdraw everything she had said “Your sexuality clearly hasn’t survived me” Adora hid her face in her hands and made a small undignified sound, meanwhile Catra just laughed. This was gonna be a good partnership.
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