#i love trans jer
bemorechiill · 4 months
for your uh um uhhh be more chill drawing ideas thing you should like uh totallyyyy draw transfem jeremy heere haha am i right umm 😻🙏🙏‼️‼️‼️ perhaps
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i freaking love TRANS JEREMY :3 !!
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wrathofrats · 5 months
Mushy May Day 1- doing each others makeup (I changed it heyyyy)
Thanks to the icon @forlorn-crows for the prompts !
Mist gives a recently transitioned cirrus a makeover
“Mist I look like a clown” cirrus grumbled as mist dusted more powder onto her cheeks. She had some kind of brown palette in her hand, the other hand brushing side to side along her cheekbone. The bristles were borderline scratchy, the powder sitting heavily on her skin. She wasn’t used to it and truly didn’t understand how mist and cumulus did this so often.
“You look pretty storm cloud, just let me work” mist dabbed some kind of sponge along her jawline. It was soft, bouncing along her skin while mist smeared more “contour” along her jaw and neck. She could barely see her reflection beyond the ghoulette who stood in front of her. It was more than likely on purpose, mist hoping for some kind of big reveal of her makeover.
A long black skirt flowed around her ankles as she kicked her feet gently. Simply passing the time while mist worked on her. It was covered in small orange and white flowers and little vines that nearly blended into the dark fabric. Mist threw it at her saying that she just had it in her collection, and that cirrus could keep it. The flowers matched a burnt orange sweater that mist picked from cirrus’s own closet.
“Are you sure I look alright?” Cirrus asked. She hadn’t been allowed to look in the mirror since mist had picked out her new outfit. A part of her felt off, felt as if she was wearing some costume instead of a real outfit she could actually wear out and around the abbey.
“You look beautiful, you’re absolutely stunning like this” mist smiled proudly, a sparkle of adoration in her eyes.
“Will cumulus still like me like this?” Cirrus whispered, more to herself than anything. Cumulus had always been supportive of her, along with the whole pack. But she couldn’t help the nagging anxiety that gnawed at her brain telling her that cumulus would’ve prefered her before.
“Cumulus cried in the kitchen drunk because she realized that she would still love you even if you were a worm, yes she will still love you” mist combed her fingers through cirrus’s short brown hair, styling and picking at the clips she had in it. “She will love you even more, especially if you’re comfortable like this”
“I guess”
“Are you ready to see yourself cir?” Mist beamed, rubbing her fingers along the backs of cirrus’ hands.
“Yeah, show me”
mist moved to the side, revealing cirrus to her mirror that sat in front of her bed. It was nothing too crazy, her cheeks were pinker, her eyes were covered in a brown shadow and some kind of gold shimmer, and her face looked softer, painted to look softer. She was enamored, grazing her fingers along her cheeks and the waves in her hair.
She did look pretty.
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nykloss · 2 years
It's always funny seeing reposted eve6 tweets doing numbers on Tumblr like I wonder if he knows how popular he is over here and I likewise wonder how many people on Tumblr realize that eve6 is a band and not just a political commentary account
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didgeriduwu · 3 months
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Characters: Scout (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Spy (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Trans Scout (Team Fortress 2), Trans Male Scout (Team Fortress 2), Trans Male Character, Tokophobia Warning, Pregnancy, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mpreg, (i guess it depends on your definition), Emotionally Repressed Sniper (Team Fortress 2), oh god just communicate you fucks, Established Relationship, Situationship?, Spy is Scout's Parent (Team Fortress 2), no beta I have no friends, Medic is a cunt i love him, Scout's Ma is the best, Discussion of Abortion, Unplanned Pregnancy, almost forgot that one
Summary: Sniper and Scout's relationship is in limbo, and neither seems to know if or how to fix it. Unexpected news finally forces a change, but whether it'll be for better or for worse is anyone's guess.
Three weeks. Jeremy had three weeks before he started to ‘show’; That’s what the doc had said, at least. Well, he’d actually said that most people started to show then. Same thing, right? Jeremy plunged his hands into his hoodie’s front pockets only to pull them out right away; his stomach felt… different already. He thought back to the image of himself in the mirror that morning, shirt rolled up to his armpits and his belly…
Nope! Not thinkin’ bout that. Jeremy yanked his mind back to the problem at hand. He had three weeks before the secret was out. Three weeks to figure out what he was going to do, and then do it. It was as simple as that.
It stopped seeming so simple pretty much immediately.
Jeremy stared down the barrel of Teufort’s only public payphone and tried to work up the nerve to dial his Ma’s number. He’d tried twice before, only to slam the handset back into its cradle before reaching the last digit.
Third time’s the charm.
Jeremy quickly dialed the number and closed his eyes. He waited three rings before his courage failed him. The handset’s swift journey home was interrupted by his Ma’s voice.
“Doyle residence, you’ve got Gracie.”
Jeremy froze with the handset an inch away from its rest.
“Hello-oo, anybody there? You called me, ya know.”
He brought the mouthpiece closer. “Uh, hi Ma.”
“Jeremy! I thought you were one of those Sullivan kids trying to prank me again. Did I tell ya I made ‘em clean your brother’s car top to bottom? That’ll teach ‘em not to throw eggs! Did a real good job of it too, I musta scared the livin’ daylights out of ‘em. Oh! Did ya hear about Mrs. Jenkins? I heard…”
The only person Jeremy had ever met who could out-talk him was his mother. Most of the time, he loved having someone who could keep up. He lived for his Sunday calls, in part because he could have a conversation where he didn’t feel like he was talking to himself most of the time.
Today though, he was too bogged down in dread to keep up. “Ma, I need to talk to ya ‘bout somethin’ important. You gotta promise not to be mad at me, though. Do ya promise not to be mad at me?”
“Should I be mad at you? What did ya do, Jer?” Gracie gave the same long-suffering sigh she always did when one of her boys got into trouble. She never quite managed to hide the affection in it, despite her best efforts. “Do ya need bailin’ out again, cause-”
“Ma, please just promise.”
Gracie must have registered the uncertainty in his voice because her next words were softer. Slower. “I promise. Cross my heart n’ hope to die. What’s goin’ on, hon?”
“I’m uh-” He swallowed. Please don’t be mad at me. “I’m uh… pregnant?”
All Jeremy could hear for a moment was the faint buzzing of the phone line, and then: “Is that a question or a statement, Jer?”
Her voice was terrifyingly even. “Are ya telling me or are ya asking me?”
“Oh, uh, telling. The Doc says I’m seven-” Jeremy took a second to do the math. “I guess nine now. Nine weeks along.”
A sigh, then in a sympathetic tone. “Ya must really be feeling it now then, huh hon?”
“Yeah.” Jeremy breathed relief through the word. Suddenly all the complaints he’d been holding on to for the last week spilled out. “I’m so frickin’ sick all the time and I constantly need to pee. Like, constantly, Ma. Every five minutes, at least. And I’m cryin’ over nothin’. Yesterday I almost cried over dropping a bag of chips and… oh god, it's happening again.” He swiped violently at his eyes, trying to stop the tears from escaping down his cheeks. “Why am I so frickin’ stupid?”
“Oh honey, you’re not stupid! You’re just full of weird hormones, and I’d bet ya haven’t slept a full night for a while, huh?” At Jeremy’s hum of assent, she continued. “I was exactly the same with my first. Your brother didn’t make it easy on me! I was so sick the doctor had to put me on these awful pills. And then when he started movin’! That kid would not stay still for a minute! But in the end, I got Robbie out of it, and I wouldn’t trade ‘im for the world. Wouldn’t trade any o’ you kids.”
Silence filled the line for a few seconds. The smile that had grown on Jeremy’s face as she spoke slowly began to fade. The next words from him came in a whisper. “What do I do, Ma?”
“I can’t tell ya that, Jerbear.”
Jeremy sighed. “I thought ya might say that.”
“Listen, you got options now, hon. Ones I didn’t have at your age. I won’t lie and say I wouldn’t love to have another grandbaby runnin’ around, but what I want more is for my baby boy to be happy. Ya got that?”
Jeremy swallowed. “Yeah.”
“Good. Don’t let that fella of yours tell ya what to do about this either, alright? It’s your body.”
That was a can of worms Jeremy refused to even touch right now. “I won’t, Ma.”
“Attaboy. Now, I gotta go pick up your nephew. Lil’ Sammy’s on the honour roll, did I tell ya that? Anyway, I promised we’d go get ice cream today to celebrate. Do ya wanna call me back in like an hour?”
Jeremy felt a stab of homesickness and… something else. Something he didn’t want to think about too much. “That’s okay, Ma. I’m pretty tired. Give Sam an extra scoop for me, okay?”
Gracie gave a laugh that wasn’t too dissimilar to her youngest son’s. “Your brother might kill ya for that. He’s gotta get that kid to sleep tonight.”
“Pfft. He can try but ya know he’ll never catch me.” Jeremy gave a watery grin and a laugh that surprised him. “Besides, he can’t kill a pregnant guy. There are laws against that kinda stuff!”
“There’s my Jer!” He heard his Ma smiling through the phone. “Remember hon, whatever happens you can always come home.”
“You’re really not mad at me, then?” The words slipped from his throat before he could stop them.
“Well, I’m not gonna disown ya or anythin’ if that’s what you’re worried about.” Gracie paused for a moment. “Ya know, I always thought I would be mad, but right now I just wish I could give ya a hug. Besides, I bet you’re probably mad enough for the both of us.”
“Yeah, I could really do with a hug right now.” Jeremy felt a pang of loneliness, even as some of the burden he’d been carrying fell from his shoulders. “Thank you, Ma. You’re the best. I love you.”
“I love you too, Jer. Always.”
What he was doing was wrong - even Spy knew that - but it had been weeks of this absurdité. Spy had spotted Scout dart off in the middle of battle to expel the contents of his stomach too many times. He’d watched the bags under the runner’s eyes grow darker day by day. Merde, he’d even noticed a case of Bonk! left undisturbed for days in the Mess’s fridge.
Non. It was no use speculating. There was something wrong with his son, and Spy had to find out what it was. So he waited. He bided his time for the perfect moment to strike and when he spotted Jeremy heading toward town on a Sunday afternoon, Spy didn’t hesitate; He flicked open his Spytron and slipped into the guise of his son.
Thin light shone weakly through the infirmary doors’ circular windows, signaling the doctor was in. Spy had never managed to shake the feeling that they were two monstrous eyes peering at him, as foolish as that notion was. He hated this place, but he’d seen Scout headed here more times in the past week than he had in all of the previous years combined, and Spy knew that this was the best place to find answers.
Medic only looked up briefly when he entered, flicking his eyes back to whatever gory experiment he was working on. “Ah, Herr Scout! I do hope zhis time you have made a decision, ja?” The German seemed annoyed, voice dripping with especially false cheer.
Spy jumped up on the examination table in one swift motion, ignoring the twinge of pain in his knees that told him he wasn’t so young anymore. “Uh not yet, Doc. I dunno what ta choose. Could we go ovah da options again?”
Medic looked at him then, eyes narrowing as he pushed his glasses further up his nose. A sigh escaped him. “One moment, Herr Scout.”
Spy watched as the German wandered over to rifle through a cabinet. “Now where did I leave it? Not zhere. Nein..” He worked his way through three drawers before finally: “Ah-ha! Zhere it is.”
“What’s dat you got- AH!” Spy howled at the wickedly large needle that had quite suddenly become one with the palm of his hand. “C’est quoi ce bordel?” [What the fuck! Literally: What is this mess? Even more literally: What is this brothel?] Spy looked up to see the business end of a crossbow aimed at his head.
“RED or BLU?” Medic demanded.
“RED or BLU? I suppose I vould find out if I killed you right now, but zen I’d have to leave my lab to find out vhy you are here. I’m a busy man, Herr Spy, so just spit it out.”
Slowly, Spy used his good hand to retrieve the disguise kit from his pocket. “BLU.” He said, as the image of Scout dissolved into smoke around him. “I am on your team, see?”
Medic sniffed. “I have never been entirely convinced of zhat.” He lowered his crossbow, nonetheless. “I assume you are here about Herr Scout?”
Spy considered lying, but the glint in the good doctor’s eye told him it would be fruitless. “Oui.”
“Wunderbar! I’ve prepared a brief for you.” Medic flung a manilla folder into the Frenchman’s lap. Spy scrambled to keep it from sliding off.
“You were expecting me?”
“Of course! I had assumed you vould be here much earlier, to be honest.” Medic turned his attention to the syringe still lodged in Spy’s palm. In one swift motion, he tore it out.
Spy’s accompanying cry was in anger as well as pain. “Why the fuck did you stab me then?”
“Zhat vas just for fun! No dangerous untested pharmaceuticals here!” His gleeful chuckle was far from reassuring. “Now, out! I’m busy! Raus! Raus!”
Spy didn’t question that as he slid off the examination table. He’d worked in intelligence long enough to know when it was better not to know. There was one thing, however, he couldn’t help but ask.
Smoke engulfed him for a moment, before the visage of Scout once again replaced his own. With that uncouth Boston twist, Spy asked: “Outta interest, Doc, what gave me away?”
“Oh zhat?” Medic let out a terrifying giggle, eyes on the place where the Bostonian’s usual red t-shirt was tucked into the waist of his baseball knickers. “Your image of him is out of date. Did you not zhink Herr Scout has put on a little… veight, recently?”
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creachureboy · 1 year
Intimacy with da scout <3
nsfw but it doesnt get that far in
trans man reader w gender dysphoria that scout soothes
Transmasc scout, post top surgery
transmasc soldier
Referring to reader's chest mostly just as "chest" and "breast"
Scout touches reader's chest
biting but its gentle
Just two trans people being lovey and goofy <3
"I'm in love with you," you blurted.
You could feel Jeremy's lips on your neck curl into a smile, followed by his hot breath. "Just how many times do ya plan to tell me that tonight?" He moved to cup your cheeks in his palms. "I'm in love with you too, I, uh- I figured ya wouldn't be on my bed and on my lap lettin' me all be over you if ya weren't. And if I weren't."
He made your heart feel so warm, but your ability to form sentences was failing you. All you could do was stare at him, right at his cheeks tinted beautifully pink, at his dimples as he smiled, at the way he gazed right back at you..
Jeremy chuckled. "You're so handsome, you know that? I think I could stare at you all night long and I'd still be happy." He moved his hands to your hips, looking up at you like you were the only other person in the world. "Y'know, I- uh- I told my Ma a lot about you."
Your cheeks were rosy as you played with his hair. "What did you tell her?"
"I told her about how you ran into me in the middle of the night and thought I was a ghost."
"That was one time! One!"
He laughed softly, admiring how flustered you got. "Yeah, I know, I'm just messin' with ya, toots. What I actually told her was about how sweet you are, how funny you are.. Like, I ain't never met no one as sweet as you, what the hell?" He glanced to the side, smiling sheepishly. "And you're so smart too, you're talented, and-" he chuckled and looked at you again, "you also screamed and threw rock at me when you thought I was a gho-"
"Shut up!"
You both laughed, and everything about this made you feel so safe. Jeremy was holding you close, you were holding him. It was just you two in his room, the stresses of the day long forgotten. It was like just having him around made everything better.
He ran a hand up your shirt, trailing his fingers up your back slowly as he kissed your neck again. "Man, I just- I'm so glad I have you."
You put your hands on his shoulders. "Jer, look at me."
Jeremy silently followed through, his eyes widening but quickly relaxing when you pressed your lips against his. His hands rose farther up your back as he pressed your chests together, until you tensed.
You weren't wearing your binder.
He quickly noticed your reaction, pulling away a little to examine your features. "Everythin' alright, toots?"
"Yeah- well, no," you stammered, fidgeting with the sleeve of his shirt, "I'm not wearing my binder."
"Yeah, and?" He moved his hands to massage your hips. "That don't make ya any less of a man-" he pecked your lips, "my man." He paused. "But, uh, if you really don't-"
"Can I see your scars again?"
He looked at you dumbly. "The ones from the bread or the stairs?"
"The-" you chuckled, "wait, the what? I was gonna ask to see your top surgery scars."
"Oh! Yeah, alright!" He hooked his hands on the collar of his shirt, eagerly pulling it up over his head before puffing out his chest. "Y'know, Medic does some pretty good gender surgery."
You echoed him. "Gender surgery."
"Yeah, isn't that what it's called?"
You hummed an absentminded "mhm", running your thumbs against the healed scars.
You were still looking down at his chest, this time humming a "hmm?"
And next thing you knew, you felt a hand on your chin, and suddenly your eyes were fixed on Jeremy's.
"I, uh, I hope you ain't uncomfortable with your body when you're with me. I see the way you're lookin' at my scars, and I completely get that feeling, but-" he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, "we all see you as a man, got it? Me, and all the other mercs, just- you don't gotta worry about not being accepted here, alright?"
You couldn't tell if you were relieved or in disbelief. Unsure where to look, you buried your face in Jeremy's neck. "Really?"
"Yeah, really. And dude, remember that time Soldier just fucken- ripped his shirt off on a control point and yelled at the top of his lungs? Like, tits out and everything?"
You chuckled. "Yeah. Had no idea the guy was trans till he did that."
"Lucky." Jeremy sighed. "I found out when I had the misfortune of comin' across his stinky ass binder. Dude seriously just left it on the table. Like, the one we all eat at. It was fuckin gross." He paused, waving a hand around behind your head as if to clear away an invisible thought bubble. "Wait no, that ain't my point. My point is, y'know how many people misgendered Soldier? After the tits out and binder table incident?"
You shrugged, leaning back to look at him. "One or two?"
"Zero. Literally. So ya don't gotta be worried." He flashed you a smile. "These guys are real accepting. I mean, the lot of them are still assholes-" he chuckled, "but I like 'em. Wouldn't be surprised if more of them were queer too."
His fingers were drawing circles on your lower back. "Yeah?"
"I love you."
"I love you too," he answered immediately, smiling warmly at you.
"I, uhm-" you paused for a moment to think. You knew you could trust him, but you were nervous. But you figured, might as well bite the bullet, and it wasn't like his opinion of you would change if you said it. You were always gonna be his man, you knew that. But-
"What's up?"
"Can you touch my chest?"
"Like, under my shirt?"
Jeremy fell silent, but you could tell he was hiding his excitement. "You mean it?"
You looked down and to the side, as if his bedsheet was suddenly the most interesting thing on the planet. "Well, i mean like, take it slow. But I'm thinking, you're right. My body doesn't change how you think of me, so- well-" your eyes made your way back to his, "why should I be hiding it from you?"
He was grinning at you like a schoolboy. One hand on your hip, he ran his other hand slowly up your stomach. "I love you. I- uh- I'm-" he chuckled nervously, trying to catch your eye contact again, "I'm so glad you trust me like that."
And soon enough, his hand came in contact with your chest, and he watched your reaction. He watched as you seemed nervous, and nearly pulled away until you leaned into his touch.
"You okay?"
"Uh," you started, your voice soft, "I'll always be your man.. right?"
"Of course." He continued to caress your chest gently. "You're my boyfriend." He leaned forward to kiss your neck, using his thumb and forefinger to give your nipple some attention. "Ain't nothin' gonna change that. You'se my man." Another kiss. "And I'm yours."
You let out a sigh, both out of relief and also out of pleasure of the sensations he was giving you.
Jeremy noticed how you liked it, bringing his other hand up your shirt to massage your chest and sides. He spoke softly into your ear, sending shivers down your spine, as he asked, "can I see your body?"
You hesitated for a moment. "Okay, but, um-"
"I'm sure you look handsome as hell."
And you were swayed, quickly pulling your shirt up above your head and holding onto it nervously.
But all your boyfriend could do, apart from mumbling a specific type of "holy shit" usually only reserved for the few times he managed to outsmart Spy, was lean forward and kiss you. Not only on your lips. He kissed everywhere he saw. Like a puppy with separation anxiety who hadn't seen their owner in 10 minutes.
You chuckled. "Jeremy-"
"Mmh?" He hummed, not bothering to stop. His lips made their way from your cheek,
to kiss along your jawline,
to leave kisses and nibbles down your neck,
to running along your collarbone,
to biting lightly on your shoulder,
to kissing down your sternum,
and then finally, finally, on your chest. He kissed and nibbled along your skin, before licking at your nipple as if it were a sweet candy. He used his free hand to play with your other breast, giving you all the attention he could.
You squeaked in pleasure, melting under his touch as your heart raced. With how close Jeremy was to you, you were certain he could hear it - feel it.
"Mmh, baby," he whispered in your chest before locking eye contact with you, giving you a teasing look, "you enjoyin' yourself?"
Your eyes darted to the side for a moment, a mix of embarassment and trying to figure out what to say. You looked back at him, grinning sheepishly as you mustered only a mumbled, "yeah."
Jeremy smiled at you warmly, moving to rest his head on your shoulder and holding you close, pressing your bare chests together. "I love you-" he kissed your ear, "my man. My one and only."
Your shoulders relaxed a little, you having no recollection of when they tensed in the first place. "Your one and only?"
He leaned back to look at you, booping your nose with each word. "My. One. And. Only."
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love-takes-work · 1 year
Infloresce & Friends: Charity Festival benefiting the Chattanooga Trans Liberation Collective
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I attended the wonderful charity stream for aivi & surasshu’s first anniversary of their label Infloresce, benefiting Chattanooga Trans Liberation Collective. It was a lovely time and included many special guest appearances, including (of special interest to some of my blog readers) Rebecca Sugar and Jeff Ball of Steven Universe fame and aivi & surasshu themselves. Here is an overall outline of the content of the TWELVE HOURS of streaming, including details about all of the performances! And if you’re interested in further supporting the Chattanooga Trans Liberation Collective, you can choose your donate option here.
This is a twelve-hour streamed charity event to benefit Chattanooga Trans Liberation Collective, put on in honor of Infloresce's one-year anniversary. Infloresce is aivi & sursshu's record label for "gentle music that goes hard." With nine releases in the last year among their handful of musicians, largely populated by gender expansive and trans folks, are supporting the trans community with this event.
1. Breakfast Friends - Waffle Talk
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This opening panel included discussion of trans community, the beauty of realizing how many people are queer in your community, music, and morning routines. aivi shares what's different about their morning routine because they have a child. Includes an interview with Evelina Kertay, a founding member and leader of Chattanooga Trans Liberation Collective, who shared information about fighting anti-queer laws on the ground without depending on the structures of the oppressor. 
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She says it's very important for allies to be willing to put skin in the game and accept risk. Her message to trans people is that past liberation movements and queer elders can show us the way--it's a fight that's been fought before. (Also, ACAB and fuck ICE.) CTLC helps people access trans-friendly medical care, name changes, and escaping hostile situations.
2. Oops! All Bangers. Trans and Non-Binary Radio
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With a quirky introduction about the Dunmucky Method of music-making involving a dollhouse as an illustration, we then get some bangers from various trans and nonbinary artists, played over rad videos of trans and nonbinary people from the south skating:
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Featuring the following:
telebasher - "Savior"
Zantilla - "Lemon Pepper"
JER - "You Can Get It If You Really Want"
Maddie Lim - "Mango Habanero"
Saria Lemes - "That's Not Candy"
mandrasigma - "Trinket"
miles morkri - "yarrow"
Ponpoko in the Distance - "Ukijima"
3. Battle Buds: Team Composition Challenge
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This was so cool! Six battlers "duking it out friendship style" make music inspired by locations in Chattanooga, each writing a piece in one hour. miles and surasshu discuss the history and process of compos. Compo communities started on IRC back in the day--sometimes 30-minute or 1-hour competitions where people would make compositions and vote on them. Surasshu has competed in hundreds of them. The composers use many different utilities to make their contributions. Throughout the stream, the hosts checked in with each composer and let them talk about their process and philosophy.
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Composers and their compositions:
Hunter Van Brocklin - Cerulean Caverns
Frums - Rosebloom Ravine
Ash - Luminous Lagoon
M Gewehr - Groove Gardens
Maddie Lim - Bubble Bay
mandrasigma - Tangled Terrace
4. Button Masher Performance
After another fun Dunmucky intro and music lesson, we get a performance from chiptune composer and performer Button Masher.
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5. Digifu Classic
We are treated to some lovely digifu pieces with cool visualizers.
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6. Cass Cuttlefish Performance
With another music lesson in the Dunmucky Method ("Structure, Purpose, Vision!") leading off...
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We have Aubrey Halo, aka Cass Cuttlefish, sharing some great music, including one that's "too fast to be a waltz." A couple of the songs have lyrics! 
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And we even get some cool pixel art from Aubrey.
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Aubrey is now transitioning the previous “Cass Cuttlefish” social media to the Aubrey Halo name.
7. The Sandwich Club: Let's Talk About Games!
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Next we have some folks talking about games and their contributions! Panel contributors were ChevyRay, Jessi, Ko, Hbomb, Isla, and SonicFox. They discuss experience as gamers, as developers, and as composers. They discuss what their first video games they remember playing, what video game characters are the hottest, whether Shadow the Hedgehog is cool, how much evil can a character do before they're irredeemable, and how to avoid burnout and burnout experiences.
8. Floor Baba Performance
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A Muckyverse lesson teaches us about melody! Then Floor Baba takes the stage with a performance: We have MIDIs to jam to and accompanying cool art!
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9. Maj7 Community Showcase
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Very cool pieces by this collaboration between artists, accompanied by various inventive animations!
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10. aivi & surasshu Performance
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After another lovely and unhinged Dunmucky Institute music lesson, we get aivi & surasshu's set, opening with "Amalgam" from Steven Universe (Opal's fusion dance song). They then perform a cover of "Yuri on Ice." The next song, "Periphery," is from their upcoming album.
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The promised “Love Like You” stream included the crowdsourced choir collected from Steven Universe fan contributions across the internet. 92 contributors sent in their voices! (Small brag: I was in there!)
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11. Being a Trans Lawyer in the South
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This section has an interview with a lawyer (who also skates!) named Alex Moody (they/them) discussing how laws affect trans and gender expansive people in Southern states, how Southern social movements work, and some of the necessities of playing nice with norms and expectations so we can get shit done. Learn legislators, bother them, make calls, access Mutual Aid where needed.
12. Battle of the Bits Listening Party
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After a week-long battle with 69 entries, we get to listen to the top 11!
#11 blower5 - hi
#10 doctorn0gloff - the trials of blossoming
#9 telebasher - NEVER GIVE UP !!
#8 rewitkin - travel log
#7 robotmeadows - we used to run around and not get tired
#6 october - you and me 'til the world ends
#5 damifortune + slash - a chipped stylus
#4 paperaviator - just existing (in a good way)
#3 zenkusa - A Picnic at Twilight
#2 petet - willow
#1 pedipanol - Together
There were also individual awards in the categories of Friendship, Community, Trans Rights, Inflorescence, Charity in Pants, Overall. Very cool.
13. miles morkri Performance
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We get another set of instructions to teach us about the Dunmucky method, and then we're on to see miles morkri! This performance has some great vibes with miles singing and playing. I loved this one!
14. STAFFcirc Community Showcase
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STAFFcirc composers have their pieces featured with more stunning visuals.
15. Rebecca Sugar & Jeff Ball Performance
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Another music lesson teaches us about texture in the Dunmucky Method. And then, we get Rebecca Sugar and Jeff Ball sharing a special performance!
They begin with a guitar and violin duet of "Everything Stays."
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Next we are treated to the full version of "Change Your Mind," and then "Love Like You," and finally "Escapism."
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It was so special to get to hear Rebecca performing again. I missed seeing performances like this.
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16. The Ice Cream Social: Let's Talk About Toys!
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miles, aivi, Loni, mandrasigma, and Marcie have a chat about toys, with a big focus on Hot Wheels. They discuss what everyone's favorite toys were as children. Character cars look like taxidermy to aivi. They have started collecting Hot Wheels cars after having a child who is obsessed with cars. 
As an incentive to get to $10,000 on the donations, mandra offered to show a "cursed" Toad-inspired Hot Wheels car. And it happened. (And it was cursed.)
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17. telebasher & amimifafa Performance
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Another visit from the Dunmucky Institute later, we get some wonderful melancholy, chill music from telebasher & amimifafa collaborating.
18. Infloresce Records Community Showcase
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Infloresce artists have their pieces compiled and showcased with more wonderful music videos and visualizers!
19. Zantilla Performance
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Lesson 9 from the Dunmucky Institute provides an interlude, and then we get a performance from artist Zantilla. Metal guitar-led music with visuals of the artist going hard jamming out on guitar.
20. Moonlit Vibes: Trans & Non-Binary Radio
Yet more wonderful night-themed songs from trans and nonbinary artists, featuring more great skating videos, this time with a night palette tint. We got some cool stories about the meanings of the songs, the importance of leaving space in music, the despair some trans people feel and make art about, and how aivi ended up working with Zantilla.
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Featuring the following:
Slide20XX - "thick as thieves"
amimifafa - "phytogenesis"
aivi (ft. Zantilla, Michaela Nachtigall) - "Tiger"
TV-MA - "I Want to See the Angels"
Isaac Shutz - "Summer Rain"
Lena Raine - "Full Moon Memories"
Siphosomes - "Canopy >> Stars"
paper aviator - "On Foot"
21. quarkimo Performance
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Some beautiful night music closes us out with quarkimo playing candlelit piano.
22. Curtain Call: End of Stream Hangout
The Dunmucky Institute takes us to the exit of the stream, with a return of the dollhouse, and some very nice messages about the importance of making art.
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With a final plug for the Chattanooga Trans Liberation Collective, the organizers have a celebration that everything worked and nothing broke for the whole twelve-hour stream. There were lots of thank-yous and information about who contributed what. Much outpouring of gratefulness and love was had.
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I did not initially intend to attend a TWELVE-HOUR STREAM but by gosh that’s what ended up happening. I care very much about trans rights, as a fellow Southern-state-liver who is watching the freedoms and safety getting scrubbed out of my communities at a frightening rate. Evelina Kertay of the Chattanooga Trans Liberation Collective was a WONDERFUL speaker and badass and I would have loved to hear way more from her, and I believe her trans-led organization is going to DO THE BUSINESS as we fight these laws and prejudices. 
I’m really glad I attended.
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cheyezstuffz · 7 months
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living for whatever the hell this relationship dynamic is, squirrel and mentally unstable trans woman ♡♡♡♡ beloved♡
shelby design by @jer-artspat I love it sm I will die for her
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scenekidfancams · 1 year
4 Cool Gay / queer artists and for pride this year (2023)
I wanted to help some queer and ally musicians boost their songs. As a trans-woman I think its important to understand that pride is important as much as change. Focusing on the hardships we have faced is very important but our victories are much more. So here are some (4) artists I (rose) recommend for pride.
Mikie mayo (any/all pronouns).
Mikie mayo (aka bunny boy) is a definitely hard to pin down Philly musician and occasional roller-coaster content creator. Mikie can be seen dabbling anything from indie pop, easycore, scene metalcore with bay area and internet rapper legend Lil B, scene electropop hyperpop, eurodance and dance pop about roller coasters and go karts, to beach pop, generally being pretty much a banger machine. Mikie's music is like ice cream w/ your favorite toppings on a warm summer day, very good and sugary sweet.
(photos by cam.i.z on ig)
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these are my favorite songs / music videos by mikie mayo
Mikie has requested I let you know they have a new song about their partner and the couch they have.
click here to pre-save.
(photo by @ h0t_t0xiic on IG, couch and art by mikie's partner @ HoneyHatCompositions on IG )
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FFO: eichlers, falloutboy, I set my friends on fire, dynasticc, dreamrats, cedar point amusement park, glaive, 100 gecs, etc.
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(photos by rae mystic)
We Are The Union
I'm gonna cut to the chase on this one. If you want an emotional experience as a trans woman / transfemme or really any trans person to make you not feel alone and like ska / ska punk listen to Ordinary Life by we are the union. the first time I heard morbid obsessions I was working a part time (as full time really) at home depot in my small hometown in pa. I felt like as a trans woman and generally depressed person I couldn't be myself and go back to school. My boss there was the most transphobic piece of shit, and he always misgendered me and but me down. it wasn't until I quit that job and when I shifted to being myself inspired by my thoughts at the time that I accepted that I was fully a trans woman. I really related and still relate to Miss Reade Wolcott and her struggles with gender identity and be a trans woman in a transphobic world but also like her I am who I am. I would also could relate to jer and their struggles of being boxed in music genres and having what they love constantly undermined and diminished / not taken what I have to say seriously as a queer person.
FFO: New Tone, hoity toity, catbite, Eichlers, Bad operation, Kill Lincoln, etc.
Genres: ska pop, ska punk, alternative ska.
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(photo by jtphotos)
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Jisei (leda xo its/its and alexis she/they)
Jisei are the best queergrind band I have ever heard. the most raw queer emotions I have ever heard. Some of the best riffs I have ever heard. Imagine deathcore for the girls and the gays. The duo also make the most real lyrics I have heard in a while. For example one of I think the most topical songs they have had is "Pull Yrself Up by Your Pleasers". Pull Yrself Up by Your Pleasers being about christian nationalism and the alt-right abusing and tearing away the seperation of church and state without seeing a hint of irony. I hate the "Just asking questions" transphobia , and even though that might seem like solely a usa proving that Jisei hailing from vancouver proves that transphobia is a worldwide issue and if so called "cis allies" aren't for us 100+ %, fuck 'em.
FFO: Thotcrime, Sissy xo, hopscotch battlescars, Suicide Silence, and a lovely day for bloodshed.
Genres: Cybergrind, cyberdeath, deathgrind, deathcore, queercore and queergrind
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(band photo by shutter happy jose)
last on the list here we have the one of the most popular queer scenecore bands ever. see you space cowboy. the most gay and hard band at the same time they well as sass as much as hardcore. Picture if saosin, the devil wears prada, or thrice, and/or attack attack! were queer and trans and say exclaimed faggot as fun mosh call. That would be see you space cowboy, started by brother and sister connie and ethan, seeyouspacecowboy is one of the most popular bands in screamo, metalcore and hardcore, and scenecore all at the same time. will excellent songwriting and angsty queer lyrics complimented with crushing riffs and piercing panic chords, seeyouspacecowboy will worm your way into your heart and crush your rib-cage at the same time. As a fan of vocalist connie sgarbossa, she was one of the people who helped me come out as a trans woman in the first place. The fact that a queer trans woman who screamed and force herself to the front inspirational. Yeah the fact we have to be forced to be heard kinda sucks, but it can be done and her presence in the scene made that very well known. Also it kinda helps that they spread the word on trans liberation and mental health from and trans and queer perspective and what can be done to combat transphobia in a very passionate and heartfelt way. I highly recommend their whole catolgue from their sass/whitebelt eras, to their metallic hardcore stuff, to mall scenecore era currently.
Genres: Scenecore, sasscore, whitebelt, queercore, "screamo", mall screamo, metalcore, scene metalcore, hardcore, metallic hardcore.
FFO: attack attack!, tdwp, i set my friends on fire, lacerated, thrice, norma jean, and underoath etc.
pride should be celebrated.
one last thing from a trans woman,
gender doesn't always equal sex.
gendered pronouns / pronouns in general have existed since the beginning of time.
drag queens aren't always trans.
trans people don't care about where you pee and where you are, they just wanna pee in their gendered bathroom.
cis isn't a slur.
terf isn't a slur.
leave trans people alone.
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theoriginaltortuga · 1 year
the last main babe!! Jeremiah Chu-Blanco!!
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Jeremiah “Jeremy” “Jer” Chu-Blanco, my single pringle!!
is a trans guy and uses he/him
is aromantic and bisexual 
is Chinese-Mexican-American, his parents were both from Mexicali and immigrated to the States when he was four
grew up fluent in Spanish and Cantonese, with a fairly heavy Mexican accent, kind of faded, but noticeable if you know it’s there
grew up a sarcastic jackass, got really aggressive just after the accident before reining it in back to sarcasm after a couple months
main weapon: his hands, also a knife he found in a literal dumpster (he does not tell Amalia this because he thinks she’ll make him get rid of it and he’s attached)
did not want to go to college, but lied his ass off to Lia 
is besties with Lincoln, decided on this after realizing Lincoln was also into art, Lincoln was not consulted 
has the large serpent tattoo on his shoulder, wanted to cry the whole time, but needed to look cool in front of Lincoln, it was Jer’s first tattoo
loves Abel’s nerd rants and is genuinely taking mental notes when he does
ends up with all weapons, all lore docs and in a mixed route 
is besties with Reina and Delia 
thinks Connor is the coolest thing since sliced bread and imprints on him like a duck
gets along best with Danni of the ILB crew but they roast each other in a way that makes people think they hate each other
so weirdly gets along best with Lily of the ilitw crew, half silence/half nerd rants as he does love video games and is curious about the technical side
“Fun” Facts
sobs his eyes out, his first night alone in his new apartment
despite his comfort in being himself, still feels a call to pick one or the other even though the choice is long gone
Is never quite the same around Jocelyn but makes an effort to be friendly (its difficult because he’d genuinely liked her a lot and considered them friends)
loved and loves his sister to bits and pieces and will always consider himself an older brother
Shares custody of Chester the Bone Dog with Reina
does go to college/trade school to be a jeweler when not hunting down horrors
feels overwhelming guilt about choosing himself, but goes into full blown panic attacks at the thought of returning to the Power and has nightmares starring it and Loha
frequently calls up Reina and Delia to go for late night drives and convivence store runs when he wants to peel his skin off for both dysphoria and Power reasons
never went on testosterone out of the hesitation over his body not quite feeling like his (now “knows” this to be true) also the reason he kept dyeing his hair white like the OG Jer, but is looking into it
buys himself a plush raccoon named “Chips” who takes residence in his car like Kenna, rags on Noah for Kenna until Noah finds Chips and threatens to tell Lincoln and Joss
after the last horror is found and cured, he, Reina, and Delia take a road trip to New York and back...in the middle of the night...without warning any of their loved ones....i did mention they share a brain cell
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
hey, i know you get a lot of asks but i wondered if hou had any like, light you coukd shine on a situation im going through:
im trans. a genderfuck, a transsexual, blah ect. one of my sister's is trans too and she came out to my parents a bit back. i havent reallg come out. like, my mom knows im trans too but i never talk to her about it and she never asks. im not doing well for a lot of reasons but one of them is that i feel like ill be stuck living with my parents forever as a disabled kid and also my older brother is a transphobic ass and he's allowed to say whatever the fuck he wants. my mom will even agree with him sometimes even tho she claims thats just becaus she feeks she has to support him too, even if she thinks hes going down the wrong path.
to make a long story shorter, my older sister thinks i should be direct with my mom, tell her im trans, let her ask questions and shit, because my sister believes my mom woukd love to support me and im being an idiot for defining my relationshio with my mom around my brother.
but its not just that. like my ass of a brother is part of the issue but also my mom has said transphobic shit to me for ye ars way before she knew i was trans and its?? just. when my sister came out she told me how she wished my sister had waited longer and how it was so exhausting figuring things out and hos she wished my sister wasnts trans because things were going to be si hard and i LOVE being trans and i dont want to feel like my gender is just another burden on my plate. like my mom treats me more like im her therapist than her child half the time and i CANT do it. i dont want to talk to jer about my transness, i dont want to "officially" come out even if i am doing shitt on my own. its better than i was constantly around her. i dunno. am i being an ass??? or like overreacting? shoukd i just suck it up and talk with my mom?
You absolutely don't have to talk to her about this, and it's really concerning how you're being treated. I'm really truly sorry, it's fucking tough. Ultimately, it does make sense why you wouldn't talk to her about this, and I don't think it's an overreaction to see that your brother's behaviour is tolerated, I can see how you'd play it safe and assume that that tolerance is a reflection on how your mother feels.
However, please take care of yourself. You don't owe it to your family to bear your heart and soul if you aren't ready, but you owe it to yourself to do what it takes to be able to get through this. It's hard, and I hope nobody downplays how difficult it is to be in that place. But please don't believe that you deserve this, if you think so. It's easy to fall into the trap that how you're treated is how you deserve to be treated, but that's not true. I hope your family can learn to grow, but they shouldn't learn to grow at the expense of you, if that makes sense.
You're entitled to not discussing this, and it sounds like you don't want to, no? That's completely fine and not only fine but understandable. Your transness doesn't depend on your family accepting, understanding, or knowing about it. You'll always have and be entitled to a place in this community, if you'd like it. I'm really proud of you
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voidselfshipp · 6 months
Space Sisters
Cw: injury,alcohol, intoxication/being drunk, hints at sexist families. Mentions of decapiation
Summary: Nastya and Jerico realize just how deep their sisterhood lies.
->started Writing this during Nationals womens day, im happy to celebrate my sister Nastya (Whom I think cannonically is a trans woman). And show my love for this character ive empathized so much with.
->only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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--Really?--Asked Nastya with the tone of a concerned sister as she wraps up a bandage around her sisters bicep-- Third time already
Jer huffed,Rolling her eyes-- well what do you want me to do? Let some dude just hack up my Man?
--Its not like hes going to die-- She ties off the ends of the bandages in a small bow-- survived getting his head chopped
Merchant smirked-- true
--You just really like being the center of his attention-- The engieneer added with a chuckle-- I'd rather you dont get hurt though
--but im inmortal too?
--Yeah but i do not like seeing you hurt,dumbass-- Nastya concluded,putting away all the supplies of the first aid kit.
Jeri laughed,nodding along to her words-- fair,fair. --She took her sisters hands and smiled-- thanks
The other woman gave her friend a nodd of acknowledgement and said-- Anythin for you,sister. Now, do you want to get something to eat and drink?
--Sounds wonderfull-- she said as her companion helps her up from the crate she was sitting on.
Both walk to the kitchen in quiet smalltalk, their steps on the metal grated floor echo across the Hall. The coppery wall glimmers with the array of cold and warm lights above on the ceiling,theres the whirring of machinery and pipes.
When they reach the kitchen,the crew is there relaxing after a mission. Jhonny smiles as his eyes settle on his lover, he has a beer in his hand and says--There you are,ladies. Happy international womens day -- he hands a beer to his girl and Ashes hands Nastya a cocktail.
Jer feels her boyfriend wrapping his arm around her shoulders-- For our lovely women, leaders,Queens,warriors, important part of our crew. Cheers!
--Cheers!--The crew parroted,raising their drinks up and mingling amongst themselves and laughing,dancing and making merry.
Nastya is dancing with her sister, smiling and laughing.
--Do you think you'd marry Jhonny?-- She asked with a warm smile,spinning her dance partner.
--Hopefully,dunno if he wants to-- jer answered with a shy grin-- Ah, honestly, id love to.
--Seems good husband material,Da?--She asked, dancing along to the lively music.
Jeri laughed-- Yes, he does.
Meanwhile, Jhonny watches his lover dance and gossip with her friend. His eyes are warm with love and adoration, his heart skips a beat when their gazes meet and she smiles at him.
He bows at her,making a soft hand gesture, and then winks at her. He can see her blush and Giggle.
--Whens the wedding-- Teased Gunpowder Tim,leaning Next to his friend.
--As soon as I get a proper,good,ring. Something that shows how much I love her,a ring she deserves
His friend chuckles-- We'll have to make a stop on one of those richie planets...
--Will she get mad if I steal it?
--If you make it part of your proposal? Prolly not
--For once,youre full of wisdom-- Jhonny teased-- might have to Keep you drunk then
Tim rolled his eyes-- Wanker
--Love you too, Tim.
When the party ends, Jhonny leans on his lover as they walk towards his room. Hes pretty tipsy and is happy to flirt with his girlfriend with a grin.
Jer is mildly drunk too, but she rolls her eyes and simply shuffles away with her hand around her boyfriends waist.
Once in their room, She collapses on the bed with a loud yawn. Her boyfriend lays on her, nuzzling her neck with the tip of his nose, kissing her skin.
--'m growing out my hair,ive decided-- He slurred with a grin.
--Neat-- she answered,stroking his shaven side of the head down to the nape of his neck. He almost purrs under her touch with a content smile.-- Sweet dreams,love
--Nighty night,hun
To no-ones surprise,the crew wakes up with a horrible hang over. Jer has a mild headache but she takes one painkiller and leaves the bottle and a glass of water by the nightstand.
She finds herself in the kitchen afterwards, humming under her breath,tapping her foot along.
Aside from the whirring of machinery, she can hear the mild rattle of pipes, metal sounds distant. This was her home,and shes all the more happy for it.
Jer feels a set of slender arms hug her from behind, a chin setting ontop of her head.-- Доброе утро,сестра -- Greeted Nastya with her raspy morning voice.
--Buenos dias,Tya. -- She answered-- Howd you slept?
--it was....fine?--her sister replied a bit of a hangover still aflicting her, pressing a kiss to her hair and going to Grab a few mugs--Making breakfast for Jhonny?
--And you-- She confirmed.
Nastya smiled as her chest warms up-- Youre so sweet. Thanks -- she grabs the pot and starts making some coffee. -- Tea or hot chocolate?
--Choccy-- the other woman answered.
--Alright-- The engieneer goes to Grab the ingredients to make some hot chocolate for her sweet sister. They talk softly about last nights party, about how Jhonny almost breaks a few cups and how Tim ended up passing out in the armory rather than in his room.
Soon the sizzling of oil and food on a pan fills the room, the coffee and hot chocolate are quickly whipped up and Jerico sets down a Plate with some pancakes for jhonny,theyre fluffy and soft when eaten.
Jhonny would wake up to a good breakfast in a few minutes,but until then the sisters cleaned up and went to what could be considered a Garden of sorts with a large windowpane to the dark expanse all around them.
Nastya settles on the mossy floor that is an array of deep ceruelan blues to olive greens, a Plate of cottage cheese pancakes and a cup of coffee on her lap. Her sister sits beside her with her breakfast and both look on to the void.
--This is really good-- the engieneer said,eating one of the pancakes-- thanks
Jeri smiled-- Always,im glad you like em-- she pats her knee, to then take a long sip of her drink.--I got you something for National womens day
Her sister looks at her,eyes softening-- ah,you didnt have to...
--Still,youre my sister,let me spoil you-- She pulls out from her pouch a small square velvety box.
The engieneer takes the box,inspecting it-- whats in there? -- then a brief pause-- right, its a surprise -- she hears her sister Snicker.
Within the gift there is a dainty gold necklace, in the shape of a cog, it glimmers with a thousand small diamonds like stars.
--I- this...wow. -- she mutters,looking at the pendant-- how much did it cost -- jer snorted-- wait...you stole it? Damn-- she breathes out,surprised-- jhonny is leaving a Mark on you,huh?
Jeri laughed, nodding along-- they dont call me merchant for nothing
--I absolutely adore the gift, thank you-- Nastya answered softly-- help me put it on?
Her sister grabs the necklace,fastening it around her neck and fixing it so it sits neatly on her clothes.
--Yknow, after everything that happened with my family-- Says Nastya, taking a sip from jer coffee to get her thoughts straight-- I havent grown accostumed to our...sisterhood, we're- We're equals, and its...a breath of fresh air
Jer chuckles-- Well, when you grow up in a house where men have all the good things in life and youre merely a tool, left behind. having peers is a nice feeling. Especially fellow women -- she looks at her and her big grin.
The engieneer sniffs a little, tracing over the small striped heart in her sleeping shirt. Blue,Pink and white horizontal stripes run across said patch-- We're family-- she concludes, voice firm-- youre my sister, and im yours...and we'll be together always
Merchant nodded along,feeling her best friend and sister lay her head on her shoulder. She does the same and under the quiet starlit black expanse, they eat breakfast.
--Now that I remember,I Also got you something--Nastya added,rummaging the pockets of her pijama pants.
Jer remains quiet, biting down the small mocking she thought of. She thought it was hilarious that Nastya said she didnt need to get her a gift when she had done the same thing
But she understood,she wasnt used to normal,heartfelt and genuine gifts,so the joke dies on her throat.
--Here-- says the engieneer, handing her companion a medium sized pouch of a beautiful deep forest green.
Curiously,Merchant opens the pouch to find a choker, the black stripe of black leather was decorated with beautiful gold chains,dainty with hanging gems that refracted light like the Windows of a cathedral.
--I know you love sun catchers,so I got you that one on our last stop-- her sister explains with a mildly shy smile.
--Well, I absolutely adore it-- jer answered,aware she parroted her sisters words--  thank you
As it is tradition now, Nastya helps her put on the choker. Admiring how it glimmers against her Friends skin.
Both sit there Reveling in eachothers company as they eat their breakfast. Talking in hushed tones about their duties of the day.
Theres one thought in their minds at that very moment.
"Sisters,no matter what, always"
Jhonny would walk in on this moment a few minutes later,his words die on his tongue as he realizes this moment is not his to presence. He closes the door to the garden to give them privacy, and leaves with warmth in his chest and the certainty that as far as anyone was concerned...
Nastya and Jerico were sisters,and always have been.
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bemorechiill · 4 months
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side profile practice with trans fem jer !!
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It’s a special sorta satisfying to check the blog of a BNF you blocked (I saw a blog I was looking at had reblogged a post of theirs) and seeing them complaining about being miserable in their fandom experience after their posse ran off every potentially cool person by being loudly insufferable antis.
“The tag sucks now” lmaooooo get rekt you gigantic asshole. Maybe consider that your constant discourse and nasty attitude is the cause.
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rgbcym · 7 years
gotta pretend to live with one of my friends this weekend so her mother, who is coming to visit, doesn't find out she lives with boys
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bookiedoodles · 7 years
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so i personally hc jeremy as nonbinary (specifically bigender) so i  j u s t
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Okay it's time to Analyze this bunch of human townsfolk who are set to be reacouring characters in season 3. First up we have this lovely museum curator. The intro shows Anne and the planters breaking into a museum after hours (not cool kids). This women is standing front and center and smiling though; she is presenting as a friend/aly. I am guessing that means things will wind up working out to where they do not have to break in anymore.
Secondly we have Anne's parents. Very excited to finally meet Anne's parents. Also very glad that Matt remembered that in season 1 Anne is implied to have a dad as well as a mom. In season 2 when she only talked about her mom I wondered if he had forgotten about dad.Please take us to their restaurant. I want to see it.
Blue haired (doctor??) Women. She is the only white character in the promo, and she has kind of a longer shaped face? Is she related to Sasha; is this her mom? She looks kind young, then again so does Anne's dad. Maybe she just had Sasha young. Or if she is related to Sasha maybe she isn't her mom, but an Aunt/Gaurdian who takes care of her/ fosters/adopted her. Sasha has been shown to have control issues, abandonment issues, and anger issues, the former two have been there since she was 5. When did you lose control Sasha? Who decided that they didn't need you and left you? My first guess is her father; she is so attached to Grime, to having a male parental figure. So was it just her father, or was it both her original parent? If this women (mom/gaurdian) is the one raising Sasha then I am willing to bet she is probably a good parent; sasha is a bright, headstrong, talented kid. She just, in her teenage immaturity, focuses on whatever (whoever) she lost and at times forgets to appreciate who she has. Get Sasha some new perspective and a good therapist and she will turn out fine. ...(Sigh. Now that I have written all of this out watch it not be true and this women just be some random worker at a random place.)
Now elephant in the room. After that less than great "introduction" to them in the rushed half of True Colors, we do not see Marcy's parents. But we do see a cool pink haired Chinese mechanic girl who looks like she could be Marcy's older sister. If Marcy has an older sister who presumably lives with her girlfriend, outside of their parents home, then maybe Marcy could come down for visits and stay with them. Then she could still see Anne and Sasha! Speaking of Marcy's potential SIL, am I the only one getting trans vibes from her appearnce? That would make Sissy Pan, and the two of them a interracial lesbian couple. Lots of flags to be waved there. Final note them having a robotic panda and strong hints they will fix Frobo means I already love these two.
Human Hop-pop. Two ideas as he is. 1 he looks grandfatherly, has gold skin, and is standing next to Marcy's sister and SIL, so is he their grandfather. If he is in a well enough position maybe it could be worked out where Marcy could live with him, and then just visit her parents on break/communicate with them via social media. Marcy, sweet child, you may have more options than you originally realized. 2 say he is not their grandfather and just an old man. What if he is a teacher? In season 1 Jer(k)tonio in his one good deed of the episode told Anne her teachers were likely only tough on her because they wanted her to reach her full potiental, and she said at the end she wanted to start fresh with her teachers back home. Wouldn't it be cool if the guy was one of them? What would he teach? Their biology teacher was a women, and I cannot remember the subject taught by that one teacher Anne ran away from when he asked for her paper. Could he teach science? History? Maybe his not actually the three girls teacher but sissy and Sil's robotics teacher and will help them fix Frobo. Someone needs to fix Frobo!
Oh lastly there are two government agents in the background pretending to drive an ice cream truck. They will probably play minor antagonist roles. Honestly meh to them.
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