#i love this game and follow the blog of one of the devs and i really want it to succeed
obsidiannebula · 2 years
Heaven help me yous all I just created the fan wiki for a horse game that launched today and I have no wiki management experience
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bob-artist · 4 months
Hi, New People?
For some unfathomable reason, Tumblr has decided to suggest my blog to brand-new accounts to follow, so I've had a crazy influx of followers who, of the ones that are genuine accounts, probably have no idea what they've signed up for. (sorry.)
Oh, and I also have some new bittern-loving followers who have a slightly better idea but might not know the whole story!
So, here's your chance to escape, if you so choose.
Anyway, I'm Bob! I've been here since like 2012. I mostly make comics, but I also do some prose writing, game dev, and general shitposting. Should you choose to continue following me, you will be subjected to such content as
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Canada geese.
Like... a LOT of Canada geese.
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Also ferrets, the love of my life. And other art and general musings about my favorite animals, including but not limited to bitterns, grebes, pheasants, parrots, crayfish, eels, every single other type of mustelid, alpacas, etc.
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But, because I can't be bothered to make myself a consistent "brand," I also make
Very Gay Comics.
I can't emphasize this enough, because I kinda suspect all those plumbing company blogs didn't know this before following me. I make very gay comics.
I'm working on a new webcomic called Into the Smoke that's gonna launch soon. It's about a gay medium who binds himself to a killer ghost, and I think my new follower with the car financing blog is gonna love it.
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Lots more on that soon.
Anyway, I don't want to make a super long post. I just want to make sure y'all understand that if you follow me, you will get
Canada geese
Very Gay Comics.
Cool? Cool.
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forevergoldgame · 15 days
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Forever Gold's demo will release on June 26th, 2024 on itch. It's been quite the development road to reach this point. We're excited to show you the first look of Vestur!
Forever Gold is a dark fantasy, text-heavy roleplaying game being developed in the Twine engine by Broncoburro and LSDolphin.
Take a looksie below. : ) (The game is free and playable in browser, on both desktop and mobile.)
(A disclaimer: Forever Gold is a game for mature audiences. It does not feature adult content, but the subject matter can get serious in a way not appropriate for all ages.)
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“Even among the finest breeding, aberrations of nature can occur. A prized goat births a kid with two heads. A pedigreed cat bears a one-eyed kitten. An archduke begets a son with the haretouch."
You are Duke Quintrell Barghur: a cursed black meur wielder, misanthrope, and an all-around painfully awkward man. When a mysterious affiliation called the "Brothers of the Barehand" starts stirring up political unrest, you are summoned from your lowly job of mine inspector to join the Prince Convoy. With the rest of your companions, you must travel the Tri-Kingdom of Vestur, quelling unrest and managing the complexities of public and court life... all while navigating the pitfalls of being, well, you.
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Halfway between visual novel and interactive fiction, Forever Gold is incorporates artwork and writing with role-playing game mechanics such as skill systems, dice rolls, and lasting narrative decisions.
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In the demo, you've been summoned to Diadem Castle by Prince Oscar Andimeur for unknown reasons. The demo spans one major quest from the first chapter of the game.
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Play in either human or wolven mode - a visual reskin depending on your personal preferences.
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You've a variety of companions on the Convoy who can accompany you. They may aid in quests, help surpass skill checks, or...
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...drive each other crazy and be of no help at all.
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A lot of artwork is sprinkled throughout the game - every character has several portraits, and in addition, illustrations are sprinkled throughout.
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There are several systems to help you navigate the world of Vestur - from a map system, to the party camp, to the inventory and the codex... we can't name them all as this post is long enough, but here's some screenshots!
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...And I think that's a good enough introduction! Thank you for reading. This game is a labor of love by two hobby devs - we've spent many a weekend coding, writing, and drawing for Chapter 1. We hope you'll give the demo a play on the 26th!
You can follow the game's progress and see all our extracurricular artwork by following this blog or checking out the website. : ) Additionally, we welcome questions (and sometimes draw answers for them, too).
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
I don't even think this is the type of thing you would normally get Asks about, but at this point I genuinely can't think of anyone better to come to and ask for their opinion.
I don't know if any of your followers have seen this situation as it's been occurring, but this massively popular mobile game that's been blowing up recently (called Love and Deep Space) has incurred a lot of drama and discourse as of a few days ago.
So LADS is an otome game, with a visibly femme/female protagonist who romances the male love interests. And a few days ago, the dev team behind LADS introduced this rule to all of their official groups and servers like Facebook and Discord: "Absolutely no BL materials are allowed to be posted or discussed in official spaces"
So, naturally, quite a few people are upset about what is basically a "no gays allowed" rule being forced onto the fandom. Because the "no BL" rules includes the posting of ANY queer content with "official" #LADS tags. Which for platforms like Twitter is absolutely unreasonable. They're stating that fanart of M/M ships can't be posted with any tags for the source material? It's ridiculous.
There's been people trying to defend it, saying things like "oh it's because of CN censorship laws" despite the fact that LADS isn't a CN game and the company isn't a CN company. Or "they only banned queer stuff in their official Discord and official Facebook group and for the official LADS tags on socmed!" even though that is still censorship and erasure of queer content (and somehow the fact that it's officially sanctioned makes it okay?)
But the worst part is the fact that there’s been an EXPLOSION of aggressive homophobia within the fanbase. It's as if all the cishet women who play the game were just waiting for their chance to go mask off, because the second those "no BL" rules were put in place the rampant harrassment and bullying started. People are getting attacked for M/M ship fanart, people are getting attacked for having male self-inserts or male MC or OC designs, and several artists have already been harrassed into deleting all of their artwork and leaving the fandom.
There's now a LOUD number of fans screeching that otome games "are only for girls" and that anyone even slightly queer or masc-leaning "doesn't belong in otome fandoms" and "needs to go play something else"
I've seen baseless accusations that "men want to force us to play as a gay male MC!" and "gay men are demanding that LADS turn the female MC male!" when absolutely no one anywhere has ever said anything close to that.
I have tried telling these fans that queer people, including queer men, have ALWAYS played otome games, that gay men and queer people have ALWAYS been a part of the otome community from the very beginning, but anyone who deviates even slightly from the new majority of "no gay shit allowed, otome is for straight women only and everyone else kys" gets immediately shouted down and harrassed/attacked. I know a lot of people have deleted the game and have stopped playing because of both the official "no gays" rule and also the extremely toxic and homophobic fanbase.
I was wondering if you knew about any resources (blogs, articles, anything) talking about the history of queer people playing otome/dating sim games, or even if you happen to know anything anecdotal about it yourself. Because we've ALWAYS been here, otome games have never been JUST for cishet women. I'm also just wondering what your/your followers' thoughts are about this whole mess in general.
Oof. I don't play many games of that sort, so I don't know a ton about their history, but there has often been pointless beef between the more self inserty types and the more m/m shipping types.
I don't think you need evidence that people besides cishet women consume media X. It should be self-evident from being a human who lives in the world. These people are denying it because they don't want it to be true, not because they do or don't have evidence.
"LOL, you're a homophobe in 2024? Criiiinge!" is the only appropriate type of response to these idiots. Facts won't help.
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vanguard-if · 2 months
dev log - april 28 2024
good evening...everyone.....here to report that this guy IS DONE THEIR FINALS AND IS BACK HOME. meaning i will be working on Vanguard much more frequently <33 it was a crazy year for me, and i am so glad to be back home man wow i don't know if it's legal to have five finals but who knows. i've had lots of ideas for what i want to accomplish this summer, so i thought i'd just give a general update on where i'm at/what's really going on since Vanguard has been sitting woefully in the corner of Twine for like four months (mostly) untouched.
IN PROGRESS - hope to complete by the end of summer latest
character voice claims / head canons! think i've mentioned this briefly (maybe), but i've been slowly compiling voices i think fit the VG bunch. i still have Charles, Vio, and Kiera to go, and i need to find a better voice for Vera. but. stay tuned.
reworking the entirety of the game formatting. this includes fixing font colours to be more readable, revamping the character creation, and solving the mystery of why on EARTH the sidebar covers the screen on mobile.
CHAPTER ONE!!!!! and complete the MC's profile in game
completing character profiles on the blog
FUTURE PLANS - not sure when these will be done/IF they'll be done
drawing up "official" portraits for the VG bunch to add to the itch.io page. would all be consistent busts most likely.
okay wow sorry thought i'd have more ideas i think my IQ has dropped by maybe 10 points. will update if i remember anything more
also just drawing more in general lolz... there has been a severe lack of Nia and Kiera content and that is NOT good!!
hm yes i think this is it for Vanguard. for now. reminder that i also have another account @jayeyeee where i *will* post about my other OCs since i have about ten billion. i also have a tiktok, instagram, and twitter under the same handle if you feel like stalking.
goodnight everyone. thanks soooo so so much for following me, even after my pause on the game :] bye for now love u guys
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zoeythebee · 1 year
Hiya! My name is Zoey, im a bee.
My pronouns are she/they, I'm 21, bisexual.
I'm trans as fuck and loving it. I'm autistic as fuck and loving it.
I'm an aspiring game developer. I love computers and building things from scratch, I enjoy using simple libraries instead of engines. I want to learn all I can about programming and game dev so I can make some fun games.
This blog will have updates for whatever game dev project I'm working on.
And it's also a bit of a dumpster for whatever I want. Random thoughts, and I like reblogging drawing of hot women and men. (Mostly women, im just very picky about the men I like). And whatever I think is funny or relatable.
Here is a list of facts about me
I started programming in middle school
I like mixing drinks
I love cooking, and food
I like drawing, don't do it too much any more. I'm pretty good at it.
I fucking hate school.
I want friends
I fucking love making youtube videos. I love it so much. I just don't have time to do it.
I love linux (i use arch by the way)
I learned web development, all the way up to how to interact with a database + ajax. I stopped because I fucking hate programming websites
I want to journal more
I want to make the best game ever one day
im occasionally horny on main (not too much don't worry)
I love when people comment on my stuff and send asks
And I love answering questions (any excuse to talk about my hyper fixation
I really like Madness Combat and I should talk about it more
I really like Dragon Ball Z and I should talk about it more
I have a deeply complex fantasy world that i've been thinking about for almost 9 years and if you asked my anything about it I could talk about it for maybe 5 hours. And I should talk about it more
I fucking love minecraft (especially modded)
I am very sexy
That's it. You should follow me im extremely cool. Love yourself, bye!
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shortstrawberry · 6 months
Breaking MY silence, my final thoughts
After this post, I'm moving on to my regular operations, that is writing and memeing.
Alright, first of all, I thank everyone who came to my support. Thank you, it means a lot to me. I feel a lot better now and feel ready to write my fic ideas. Thank you for giving me a safe space.
I also appreciate @isas-bathbombs for her sporting act. We both are now cool 🤝. You should honestly be asking for more pay as PR manager.
I also thank the devs for their personal support and intervention. Your great care and enthusiasm for this fandom is what makes it thrive. Thank you so much for making Resident Lover and giving all of us this space to be free crackheads.
Next, I want to give a timeline from my perspective and clear things up. Don't worry, this isn't a accusatory or blaming post by any means. I have not unfollowed or blocked anyone, even those who don't agree with me.
A lot of people have offered their own take on what happened which were pretty accurate. However, since I was admittedly directly involved in it, I feel I should and deserve to offer things from my perspective as well.
Let's start the bullet points
I did NOT write anything that had questionable consent. Yes, I can write things that lean on darker side, but never did I write CNC or any serious kinky stuff. Like bruh, I'm very new to this fandom. Let me get to the kinky part at least! Also, if I do write any (like I recently did for one of my asks) I will make sure to put trigger warnings (which is what I exactly did).
Here's what I ACTUALLY did: write a post asking why Miranda was so scared of Donna. The discussion it started was frankly quite amazing. The characterisations and character renaissance it created was amazing. However, some people didn't like the darker characterisation that happened in it. Or the "excessive" simping that followed by Donna stans. I've put excessive part in quotes for obvious reasons. Excessive is subjective and depends from individual to individual.
I went to sleep feeling satisfied and happy to see all the Donna love. Come morning, I see posts that were quite passive aggressively attempting to be call outs and police people.
I have never stood up for policing creative content. I've been part of several fandoms. I'm a part of Resident evil Village fandom. It's about evil woman doing evil things. So to see people cribbing about THESE characters being dark who have obvious darker undertones was flabbergasting to watch.
So while I didn't have a major part in creating majority of the darker stuff that happened, I did do one thing. I stood up and told people to take a chill pill. Like daddy chill, we are part of fandom that has cult stuff. And so the drama happened.
I don't regret what I did. I've always stood for freedom in creativity, and I will continue to do so. I saw my fellow Donna and Miranda stans getting indirectly attacked, and I had to speak out. I'm glad I did. Policing is the death of any fandom, and I hope this drama teaches us to let people be and not police people. Have a healthy discussion and tease people? Absolutely! But make personal attacks? Hell no.
I hope this clears up any miscommunication or misconceptions about me. I do not hate anyone, or any characters for that matter. Yes, Donna is my favourite, but I'll happily write for any Resident Lover character. I love the game, never doubt that.
Thank you for reading to the end. Feel free to follow me to be updated with whatever stuff I come up with. I never want anyone to think my blog is a unsafe space. I understand how important mental health is. I have a degree in it. Whatever you say, would be heard with patience. Unconditional positive regard bestie.
Signing off
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scarlettriot · 2 years
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❄️ Keeping Warm ❄️
• Pairing: Kirishima & Devyn @bakudarling & Bakugo
• Warnings: SMUT | Minors & Ageless Blogs DNI. Aged Up Characters ((late 20s)) Dom/Sub Dynamics. Throat Grab. Drinking. Some Spit.
• Contains: Dom Kiri. Switch Baku. Oral ((M Receiving)). Cockwarming ((In Secret)). Size Difference. Praise. Very Light Deg. Nicknames Used: Babe, Baby, Cutie, Love, Good Girl & Slut.
• A/N: This fic is a part of my Winter Writing Event, specially written for @/bakudarling! I cannot thank you enough for partaking in the event, Dev! I really hope you love your Holi-Date with Ei & Kat. The event is still ongoing so if anyone else would like to participate, just follow the link.
• Word Count: 2,200ish
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Katsuki had been looking forward to this vacation with the two of you for months! He stared at the dates on his calendar frequently. The little cabin on the lake during the off-season sounded perfect to him. There wouldn’t be tourists around; he could just sit in the nice, warm living room and admire the beautiful views, wrapped up in a cozy blanket with the two people he loved most in the world. 
And everything was going so well too. Eijiro drove and made damn good time despite the freshly fallen snow. Katsuki made delicious snacks for the drive. And you put on a playlist that had the three of you singing practically the whole way. 
The cabin was perfect, exactly as described in the listing he saw. The three of you got all the bags inside just as night settled in, and the snow and wind really decided to pick up. A small bead of worry grew in your husband’s chest when he looked up at the clouds turning from fluffy white to a dull gray. He shook the feeling off though. The cabin was safe and warm; even if the weather did take a turn, you’d all be fine. 
Of course, what he hadn’t accounted for was the power going out several hours later…
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“Are you kidding me!” He howled louder than the wind outside while he was in the middle of putting away dishes from dinner. 
“Just give it a second, babe. Maybe it’ll come right back?” You tried to remain optimistic, but one minute passed, then two, pretty soon ten, and still no sign of it returning. 
Eijiro put a hand on his husband’s back and set the towel he’d been drying dishes with down on the counter. “I keep that little generator in the back of the jeep. We can bring in that heater on the patio–” 
“Oh! And we can build a fire! They had chopped wood by the front door!” 
“Great idea, baby!” 
You started to bundle up, but Eijiro was having no part of it. “I’ll get the generator and firewood,” He kissed your forehead, “Why don’t you go get blankets and pillows? We can make ourselves a little fort?”
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“See Kat, ‘s not so bad.” Eijiro chuckled and leaned back on his elbows since sitting up straight in the fort that had been constructed wasn’t an option for the mountain of a man. 
“Kinda romantic with all the candles you lit.” You kissed Katsuki’s cheek, but he just grumbled and wrapped one of the many blankets he’d accumulated around himself even more. 
“It’s not gonna be romantic when we all end up frozen!” 
You’d made it through two rounds of Candy Land with your husbands and many games of Love Letter that somehow Katsuki always managed to win. They were two of the few games you found tucked away in the lake house. In the time you played though, the temperature had only continued to drop, and Katsuki kept getting colder and colder. 
He had three blankets to himself and was reaching for a fourth. Two over his lap, one over his shoulders. You were pretty sure he was gonna wrap this one around his head. 
“Where you goin’?” Katsuki tracked Eijiro with his eyes while the redhead clambered awkwardly out of the fort. “You’re like our main source of warmth!” 
“Then cuddle our wife if you’re so scared of freezing!” 
Both of you lost sight of where Eijiro went, but his suggestion was still a good one. Katsuki’s freed his arms from the blanket long enough to grab you and bundle you right up with him. He was sure there’d be whining from Eijiro when he came back, but for the time being, he didn’t care one bit. “So warm…” 
He nuzzled into the crook of your neck while his hands ventured under your shirt, making you jolt at the cold contact. He pressed warm kisses just under your ear and cupped your breasts like his own personal hand warmers, but it only made you wiggle and squirm even more. “If you keep movin’ around my lap like that, you’re gonna end up warming something else f’me.” 
That didn’t exactly deter you though. You just wiggled with more purpose now. “Damn it, Dev, ‘m not kiddin’.” 
“I know you’re not,” You giggled right back, and that was more than enough for him. 
He worked his hands down your body, hooking his thumbs into the band of your leggings and panties all in one go, and yanked them down, and next came his own pants. 
“Oh, fuck–” You hummed contently when he slid his length inside you, keeping you seated perfectly in his lap while he wrapped the blankets around you again. “Think Ei’s gonna know?” 
“Not if you stay quiet.” But he sure as hell wasn’t gonna make that easy for you. Not right now, at least. 
He was rolling his hips every chance he got. One of his hands snaked up your body until he had his fingers wrapped around your neck. “You can be my good little slut and stay quiet, can’t ya?” You whined and nodded your head, already rocking your hips back against him, making him smirk against your warm skin. “Atta girl.” 
The only thing that drew your attention away from what Katsuki was doing with you was the delicious smell of hot cocoa as it flooded the air, the aroma quickly making its way into the fort.  
“How the hell did he–?” Katsuki was about to poke his head out when Eijiro reappeared with three steaming mugs in hand and the proudest grin on his face. 
“To help keep the cold away,” He chuckled and passed each of you a mug with a kiss to the top of your head before settling back in the spot he claimed with his own steaming mug. 
“How?” Katuski asked before even taking a sip. 
“I didn’t just have the generator. I also had that little stove from our stakeout a couple weeks back. Plugged it in and,” He made a fancy flourish around his cup. 
You took a drink through the layer of marshmallows he put on top and tasted the chocolatey liquid, eyes going wide when the sweet liquor hit your tongue. “Babe! It’s so good!” The excited little bounce you gave made Katsuki groan. 
“That mean you like it too, Kat?” He quirked a brow and tipped his cup back again. 
“Yeah, ‘s okay.” 
Eijiro shrugged because he knew that was about the highest praise he could receive from the blonde when it came to cooking something and started to set up the game board for another round.
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Of course, this game had to be the most challenging yet. The whole time, Katsuki had to stretch around you to make his moves, pushing his cock further into you. There were times you swore you bit your tongue hard enough for it to bleed just to keep a moan from spilling over. 
It took Eijiro until the game was nearly over to question what could’ve been going on. 
“Hey man, why don’t you lose one of the blankets? Dev’s face is looking all rosy.” 
You didn’t even need to look to know Katsuki started smirking like a damn cat. “That so?” He bucked his hips, and this time, you couldn’t hide the little moan. Eijiro’s garnet eyes went wide, and you got to watch as the realization hit him, and a smirk settled over his face too. 
“Awe, our perfect little wife really is keepin’ you nice and warm, huh, babe?”
“Gods, Ei, she’s doin’ such a good job…” He trails off now that the facade is shattered and he can really move inside your walls. 
Eijiro takes his time and moves the game out of the way, not wanting to lose any of the pieces (or have someone step on one). He watched as the blankets start to roll off Katsuki. The man reached a hand up and dismantled the fort so he could have you on your hands and knees and fuck you properly, all while Eijiro lowered his shorts. His heavy cock rested against his stomach before he lazily started to stroke it. 
“What about me, cutie? Can you keep me nice and warm too? With your mouth?” He beckoned you forward with a finger and groaned when you licked him from base to tip. “Shit, baby–” Your hand replaced his own, so much smaller, not even able to wrap completely around his thickest part. Sharp teeth dug into his lower lip as he watched your mouth open and stretch just to take him in and it took everything he had not to bridge his hips and push all the way in, all at once. 
Katsuki’s pace picked up, holding onto your hips and thrusting into you enough that with each rut of his hips, you took a little more of Eijiro down your throat. You felt his hand settle atop your head, threading the purple strands through his fingers, tugging you lightly back and forth while his head tipped back in sheer pleasure. 
A glob of spit trailed down your ass, and Katsuki only pulled himself free long enough to catch it with the tip of his weeping cock and add it to the mess that was becoming your cunt. He couldn’t get over the way your hole would flex, wanting him stuffed back inside so badly. 
When he did slide home again, he reached around to your lower belly and pressed down, making you try and cry out at the added pressure, but Eijiro’s cock was too far down your throat for the noise to really escape. That didn’t stop fat tears from rolling down your cheeks though. 
“What’s the matter, cutie? Too much?” Eijiro cooed and swiped away your tears while you shook your head with your mouth still full. “Such a good cock slut.” You could see his pupils blown wide just before he pushed you down on his length. “Gonna lemme fill your cunt up next, baby? Or does Kat need a load so he can quit bitchin’ about bein' cold?” 
He leaned forward and grabbed Katsuki by his chin. “Whatcha say, pretty boy?” The blonde's thrusts got a little less erratic, but you felt his cock starting to throb in your heat. “Lemme fuck you while you clean your cum outta our wife, get her nice and ready for me?” 
“Hell yes, Ei.” He breathed after a moment. You always grinned just a little when Katsuki gave in to what you and Eijiro wanted, which was honestly more often than not, but it never got old. 
You started fucking back on Katsuki, using his cock, until you felt Eijiro’s hand leave your hair and move lower. Calloused fingers went right for your clit. “That’s it, pretty girl. Gonna make him cum like that. Want both of you t’cum f’me.” He urged you on, and you could feel Katsuki’s grip on you getting tighter and tighter, bruising your hips until little sparks left his palms, singeing your skin right up until you felt that first wave of cum fill you. 
Mixed with Eijiro’s fingers and Katsuki’s twitching cock, you finished with a choked sob, mouth still full. Eijiro waited for you to start coming down again before returning his hands to your hair. “Ready for me, cutie?” You nodded, and he held your head still between strong hands, fucking up into you over and over until you had cum shooting down your throat, leaking out around both their cocks now. 
He slipped his cock from your mouth just as Katsuki collapsed onto your back, arms winding around you, which left you to wrap yours right around Eijiro. 
“Alright,” He laughed at the way the two of you tuckered out and was happy to put plans on hold, “Naps first.” 
Eijiro’s hands moved slowly, brushing through Katsuki’s soft hair and tracing the ivy of your tattoo until he too, fell asleep.
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As the three of you slept, the storm finally calmed down. A fresh blanket of white snow covered every inch of the landscape. 
Light had just barely begun to show for the day, the world still cast in a blue haze, but you woke up to the sound of electricity coming back on, the whir of the furnace springing to life. Somehow, you managed to wiggle out from between the two men and walked out onto the enclosed patio with a blanket wrapped around you. 
The cabin had the most beautiful view of the frozen-over lake and the verdant trees with their snowy pillows. It was more than enough to take your breath away. 
You felt a pair of arms encircling you just a few minutes later, and, from the scars that covered their hands and arms, you knew it was Eijiro before he hooked his chin over your shoulder, kissing your cheek and whispering his usual rough, “Mornin’, love.” 
There was another pair of red eyes on you though, leaning against the doorway, taking in the scene before him that made his heart swell. He would’ve stood there for hours, watching Eijiro and you hold each other close, but when you turned your head and held out your hand with wiggling fingers wanting him to join too, it was impossible to resist. 
Coffee and breakfast and the whole rest of the day could wait. He was going to enjoy this beautiful view, wrapped up in a cozy blanket, with the two people he loves most in the whole world. 
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thatmistersguy · 8 months
woah! what's this place??
HELLO and welcome to the dev blog for Limited Edition!, an SCP Foundation visual novel revolving around Wondertainment and the Little Misters!
This is a project that has been in motion for a few years and this whole thing is my attempt to document and answer questions about it (and post Misters and gamedev stuff in general). We have a dedicated tag for the game as well: #scp limited edition !
My main blog is @cameatslemons if you'd like to come hang out! More information about the project (FAQ and other such things) can be found below the cut, and my inbox is always open. Hope you enjoy your stay!
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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (and stuff that's important to know):
What's this whole thing even about? Follow Mr. Mad on his adventure with the other Little Misters to the Wonderworks as they try to regroup, find Mr. Collector, and try to survive the looming threat that hangs above them all.
Is there anyone else working on this, or just you? It's a one-man show here! The only other person involved is my pal Ant, whose job is to just be subject to all my rambling. I'm currently looking for a musician to help with the soundtrack, though! I may also be on the look-out for programmers familiar with Ren'Py in the future if my own attempts don't work out.
When will it be done/come out? I don't actually know; as much as this project is my baby, I can't prioritize it over my real life. I'm a college student training for a career in archaeology, and that takes a LOT of time and effort!
Will we get regular updates? Not exactly. Even though I've tried to do that in the past, these days I can't really afford to dedicate enough time to Limited Edition to produce tangible, presentable results every single week. I post when I can, but a concrete update schedule is just too stressful.
How long will Limited Edition be? Preferably 3-4 hours at the minimum.
Will the new Little Misters like Barista be in Limited Edition? Nope! We're focusing entirely on the original 20. Limited Edition will at the very least serve as a through-line story for all of them.
Will you make other games? Hopefully. Again, I'm a real person with a real life, and this game is already taking a lot out of me, so I can't promise much. However, I'd love to make more games after this one.
What's your favorite SCP? SCP-049, on account for being responsible for transing my gender.
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grimgiblog · 9 months
Using this blog to collect animation references and post about our hyperfixations. Surprise surprise I really like Victor Saltzpyre as a written character, their voice actor does a phenomenal job, and the Witch Hunter Captain class is just really fun to play.
I will complain and say that the warhammer fanbase being filled with fascists who don't have the braincells to comprehend subtext and parody makes things a bit of a slog.
I will also complain that Saltzpyre is the fruitiest character alive, whose VA developed his voice from gay actor Kenneth Williams. 15:50 in this interview stream.
"And he was very you know, very camp, very gay. And in the days when you weren't allowed to be. When it was illegal. The weird thing it happened in America as well, was it was alright to be kind of camp and you know sound a bit fae and a bit kind of....you know. Gay. But you weren't allowed to be. So homosexuality was illegal. But being funny and camp was okay. And Kenneth Williams used to do this thing where he'd be; at one minute kind of completely London and then go into a whole posh sort of voice like that. And talk to any englishman and they go: yeah man you're just channeling Kenneth Williams."
I notice that in the fanbase where Victor's character, his gay way of being is sort of skewed and interpreted as him being just silly. Lot of meme shit has him as this straight pussy slayer gangster. How they kind of overide such mannerisms as just him being funny and camp. Not that he isn't funny or silly on his own right, but I reflect on how if this very same character was revealed as gay a lot of people who enjoy him probably wouldn't anymore. How the games themselves are littered with both homophobes and lgbt individuals. I think a lot about censorship.
And I think about straight interpretations of the character, which while there are some good bits of fanfic--quite a few of them derive on the nonconsensual. On unhealthy male and female dynamics. I also think of the lack of chemistry involved there. How with Sienna it's considered a "forbidden love" sort of deal, even though, it is in fact: a straight couple. It's not to say that the pairing can't be done well, and not to admonish those who do like it. (It's a dumb funny rat game and none of this matters in the grand scheme of things ship who you want I'm just an old grumpy cuss.) and it will probably be confirmed by the devs to be cannon anyways. But I always saw Victor and Kruber, two soldiers of the empire, one of polytheism and monotheism, sir and subordinate dynamics to be more interesting and barely written about. I want to make more stories and characters following their relationship. I want to write about gay 40 year old men, puritans who haven't experienced love, and big old male sluts who have shagged and been shagged more times than they can count. Of power and subservience and breaking the gender binaries. Of healing and of faggy banter.
There's a lot to explore and writing about them and drawing them has helped me figure out a lot about my own characters I want to write about. As well as what I enjoy and my own homosexuality as well. A lot to ruminate on. Just goes to show what a good game with great writers and actors can do lol.
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lovelylittlelevity · 2 months
This is to the fans: I’m going to say this once for all and it’s that most of you guys are actually pretty big a-holes to the lovely levity team. These people aren’t professional game developers they’re a group of people making a game on a show they love and some of y’all are taking it as something really serious thing. These guys are making a game while your calling them narcissistic and just really bad stuff (please stop genuinely it can seriously damage someone ) may I remind you that their making this game for you!? I’m sick of seeing some of you be so rude it’s not even criticism if you thing calling them narcissistic or stupid it’s just pure hate. ekko, melody I don’t know if your reading this but if you are I hope you get better ❤️‍🩹 as for you guys grow up. Some of you guys think your such heroes like “oH mY gOd YoU aRe LiKe FcKiNg ChiLdReN hAhA lol CrInGe” shut up you aren’t the main character. (Sorry for me being rude I just got in a car crash and I’m feeling all these emotions)
Oh no, I hope you're okay now!! I really hope you weren't injured, anon, car crashes can be so dangerous :(
That being said I do appreciate your wanting to stick up for the team. We've been through a lot as a friend group, but we're committed to seeing this through, though of course we have decided that if things get too stressful we're not going to risk our health over it. Luckily things have been relatively quiet and peaceful these past few days (KNOCK ON WOOD KNOCK ON WOOD-).
Putting me opening up under a cut since it has to deal with cyberbulling and talking a tad about mental health pertaining to myself. Nothing too personal ofc but just in case!!
~ Melody
I guess I can open up a little bit about this... since I've been gone there have been people following me to every single blog I have, even ones I have never linked or posted anywhere to send me harrassment. On top of the severe upset surrounding the event of my leaving the blog and what happened in the subsequent months, it made it very hard for me to want to create. I made a side bog just for fun OC x Canon for me and my friends but someone found me within a matter of days and ran to my askbox trying to stir things up and claim I was trying to "hide my identity". I've begun getting my spark back and so I dedicated myself to working harder, even picking up the basics of coding to help lighten the load on Puppit's shoulders. Even then it's still a challenge.
Guess the point I'm making here is what others have said: Please don't jump someone or follow them across several blogs to send them harrassment telling them to kill themselves and calling them mental disabilities as if that's some kind of slur to be used rather than a genuine diagnosis that people struggle with. You don't know the full side of the story, and even then no one deserves to be treated like that even if you hate them. At the end of the day this is a silly little fangame made by fans for fans, it should not get so serious that you're actively hunting one of the devs down.
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andy-jam-blog · 10 months
Little Update on Blog Stuff
I went through the blog and fixed up some tags. Any post with a named Jam character should have a Tag for that character. So if you like Tricky Jam or Blandy Jam, you should just be able to look them up and see what their deal is. I ALSO DID THIS FOR THE JAMSONAS Because I love the Jamsonas. I am delighted that you guys are having fun with this silly formula. Messages have piled up again:
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I will try and get to some of these tonight. If you took the to send me a message or ask me a question, trust me I want to get to it, but this is a one-person show and I do have a full time job (that I would love to quit). I might not be able to answer them all. I want to deliver another, bigger game update. If enough people pitch in to the Patreon I could probably switch to game dev and comics full time. That means I get to deliver you more fun things better/faster than what I can do now. That being said, I really appreciate you all following me and sharing the stuff. It means a lot. This project is really silly, and I am glad you are along for the ride.
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felassan · 1 year
First thing, I love your blog, I've been following it for a while and I have to say that your theories for Dreadwolf and lore in general are the best. 🙈
Second thing, I have a question about Flemythal and Hawke/Warden when they were left in Here Lies the Abyss. Do you think there is a chance for survival for the person that was left in the Fade? I left Hawke cause the game kinda hinted it(from Flemeth warning to Hawke in DA2, Hawke theme playing when they talk with Varric etc). Flemeth took the soul of Urthemiel from Kieran (if he is the old god baby ofc) and is seen sending something into an eluvian before Solas comes to her. Is there a chance she sent it to Hawke/Warden (cause she can waltz into raw Fade with no problem apparently). I'm really curious to hear your thoughts! 😊
hello! welcome, and thanku for the nice msg (❁´◡`❁)
thoughts below 😊
(interesting points about Flemeth's lines to Hawke in DAII, and the Hawke Family Theme playing in the conversation with Varric in DA:I.) whether the person who was left in the Fade could have survived - you know, I'm actually not sure one way or the other? I lean towards they didn't (RIP Stroud), but there's always a chance ig. the text accompanying the choice only says "[x] will likely die to cover your escape", right? the writers could in future write that they survived, if they wanted to write that. you can kill leliana in DA:O and she still comes back in DA:I, in a manner of speaking. (an aside: peoples' art, fics and AUs etc which explore, for example, Hawke escaping from the Fade or the HoF searching for Alistair in the Fade etc, are neat. personally, I always think about this happening wrt Purple Hawkes who got left in the Fade hhh)
about Flemythal and the post-credits scene, she's seen sending something into the eluvian before Solas arrives even when Kieran doesn't exist or the Dark Ritual was never undertaken. so I tend to think it wasn't Urthemiel's soul (or wasn't only Urthemiel's soul) that we see there in that scene.
data-mining the game files on that scene yields these dev notes:
Designer’s Notes: This is Flemeth from the previous two games. In this game, Flemeth’s story comes to a head – she knew that Solas would summon her, and that he would need to steal her power to further his plans. She knew that because they are both elven gods…yet Solas has slept for a thousand years and his power dwindled, while she was killed long ago and a spark escaped from her into the body she now holds. She has nurtured that spark, and knew that Solas would need it. He was once her oldest friend, but she knows in his drive to save the elven people he will kill anyone – even her. She intends to let him have the power, so long as she can pass the essence of her god-hood onto Morrigan, a gift Flemeth had always planned for her daughter yet one Morrigan misunderstood as hostile possession.
dev notes like these from game files don’t always ‘hold true’ by the time the games ship because things can change during development and ‘legacy notes’ sometimes get left in there iirc, or else something which the player experiences or is told to them during the game contradicts them (and in those cases what’s seen/said in-game takes precedence in terms of what’s canon ofc, as these notes aren’t really meant to be ‘seen’ be players). so the notes should probably be taken with a grain of salt. still, my speculation is that the thing Flemythal pushed through the mirror is the essence of her godhood, intended for Morrigan. we don't know where the eluvian in that scene leads - maybe it leads to the Crossroads, rather than the Raw Fade? if the thing we saw was indeed intended for Morrigan, that could make sense, since she has knowledge of and access to the Crossroads.
my alternative speculation is that it was part of Flemythal's own soul; Flemythal has demonstrated before that she can split her soul into different pieces to avoid death, Horcrux-style (like amulet she gave to Hawke in DA2, "the first of my people do not die so easily" etc). 
I'm also unsure about the timing lining up - the post-credits scene with Flemythal and the mirror takes place at an unspecified time after Inquisition but before Trespasser. the person who was left in the Fade was left in there weeks or potentially months before then. so if the thing that was sent was the crux on which the person's survival depended, it would depend on the person who was left behind defeating Nightmare and surviving alone in the Fade for quite a long time until receiving the thing that was sent.
ofc, none of that means the person left in the Fade couldn't have a chance to survive separate to that.
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ruleofbirds · 4 months
Kia Ora, Te Ao!
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Hello, World! It's official - Robbie has a tumblr now. Absolutely unfathomable. Honestly, it's mostly because it was this or Wordpress (or a more obscure indie dev forum) and this seemed the most accessible and quirky. I'm sure this won't lead to another awful endless scrolling habit. Any advice for the visual side of things is warmly received! I want this blog to be a fun part of the week, because a lot of fun will be had developing RoB. Just realised that acronym happens to be my name. Could be worse.
Okay! Now that the initial ramble into the void is out of the way, it's time to get into the c o n c e p t.
This tumblr is a devlog for my NZ ecosystem simulator currently titled "rule of birds", which I will be working on for the next 8 weeks as part of Blackbird Foundation's "Protostars" program. This means a weekly check-in with the other creatives in the program, the organizers at Blackbird, and a post for all of you here.
I'm breaking this week's post into 3 sections just to cover the bases;
01.1 -a bit about my creative practice and how it led to this project
01.2 -a discussion of "flocking" in programming (using p5.js)
01.3 -a discussion of NZ natural history
So here's the intro post, where I ramble about myself for a sec.
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So! basically, I specialize in spatial design, I love working with anything nature-related, and I want to make a video game.
Lately I've been on a tangent based around art in NZ's cultural context - the design principles behind whakairo (Maori woodcarving) and how their composition conveys meaning, how histories of spirituality, tribal and colonial relations affected design, and my own art interpreting my natural surroundings with photography and charcoal drawing. I can neither confirm nor deny whether there will be an art zine compiling a wee bit of this work on the community table at the Whanganui Zinefest this Saturday.
That tangent branched off into a focus on natural history that's the keystone of rule of birds. My motivation for focusing on an ecosystem simulator is to articulate a basis for the sort of games I want to come out of Aotearoa. The sim will be the proof of concept - and I suppose this blog will be the manifesto.
I feel like there's a massive demand for games exploring NZ history - like, imagine a big-budget maori-led release set in pre-colonial time, with all the unique aspects of survival, resource management and day to day activity that involved - or an assassin's creed type action game based during the time of Te Kooti. It goes unsaid that Kupe is one of the best parts of Sid Meier's Civilization VI - iykyk.
What I think separates a good game from a great one is how alive the virtual world feels - rather than being led through an a-to-b progression of events presented in the same visual style I've seen countless times before, if the world can react in a dynamic way, and the details in the background are crafted to feel organic and immersive, I'm going to want to stop and wander off the beaten track that an objective marker may be pointing me towards.
The last game that caught my attention in this way - and coincidentally the one that made me want to put my coding knowledge to the test with gamedev - was, of course, Rain World. To everyone who knows me, I'm sure you're surprised I've made it three paragraphs without bringing this game up. I'm not going to go into too much detail here, because there is *a lot*, but key points are you are one creature among many scavenging for food in a brutal biomechanical ecosystem, hibernating between cycles of cataclysmic rain, and the game plays like basically nothing else due to how the coded behaviour of every entity in the world follows its own logic that has much more to do with its own survival than the experience of you as a player.
Here's a nice little illustration of the physics behind a movement-sensing tentacle monster, to give a sort of discrete example - but the creatures that act according to behavioural karma systems and the dynamics of how the different lizards scuffle and coordinate with each other is worth looking into too, if this is your thing.
(Source: GDC, Curious Archive)
Now, I really want to jump into some of this behavioural coding stuff, so I'm just going to move on to collecting things for the next post - hope this has been an interesting read! if you somehow found this page in your tumblr algorithm, welcome! I'll also be posting bits on the instagram page @robbiek_devlogs and you can check out my other work on my main insta @robbiek_art
Hei kōnā mai,
Robbie K
Next up: simulation in coding, natural history research post #1
Next week: Adventures in Godot Engine!
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beekeeperspicnic · 1 year
Hello, I have two — possibly stupid — questions that you may have answered already so feel free to ignore that message.
The first one is: do you plan on releasing an ‘about the dev’ doc summarising how you started and your journey making that game? I’ve been following you for a while, but I missed some posts and tumblr being tumblr, finding them is quite the adventure. I would really love to read such a story, but I understand that it is extra work.
The second one is: is there any way to support your endeavour, be it financially or otherwise (apart from wishlisting the game on steam and following your progress)?
Sorry if you already answered all of it in the past, and thank you for your wonderful work.
Eee thank you so much! I know tumblr isn't always the best for reading old content, and it probably doesn't help that my use of tags is a bit chaotic.
I'm hoping to do a crowdfunding campaign later this year (which... makes me slightly terrified that it's June already, wow) to cover some of the expenses for things like music, and getting the equipment I need to create a Mac version of the game.
As part of that I'm putting together an art book as a digital reward, which features a lot of the content from this blog.
Here's a preview of the page all about designing Holmes' kitchen!
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The 18 THOUSAND Winter Magic Grind: My Rant On What the Fuck SSO Is Doing.
Hi, I just want to preface this by saying; I love this game and how it has progressed! I absolutely love a lot of the updates that have been put out, and I love so many new horses and I (to other’s surprise) love a lot of the devs’ decisions. It’s really a hit or miss with me. But I don’t tend to complain about every little thing. I love SSO, and I’d like to say instead of this being a “complaint” I’d rather call it fan feedback and a simple critique. Anyways, now the actual stuff you’ve been waiting for.
I’m a person who actually LOVES to grind in games. When I get free time, I’ll go to grind on my favorite game for anything I want. In fact, I once spent 20 hours total (not in one day don’t worry) just saving up for some things I wanted in RDR2O just by hunting bison. So it’s safe to say I enjoy grinding and do a lot of it. I’ll just pop on my favorite Mo1stCritikal or Jerma stream, and get to grinding!
But the Winter Magic system has stumped me. It is nonstop grinding for the jaw dropping number of 18000 winter magic. And I think it’s fucking ridiculous. Here’s why:
It’s a Limited Time Event
I think I’d be alright doing or simply knowing that the Winter Magic grind is out there to do if it was always here. But it isn’t. The Winter Magic is only here for the Christmas/Winter update, which I find insane. It gives not much time for players to grind for (keep in mind) 18000 FLOATING SNOWFLAKES THAT USUALLY ONLY COME AS ONE AT A TIME. Some players really don’t have the time for that. And it’s just..annoying.
It’s Just Boring
Like the bullet says: It’s just boring. The Winter Village is just dull and sad this year. It lacks color. It’s just..dull and sad looking. It’s hard to grind because my mood just drops. I just get bored and depressed. I usually just stop or get off SSO completely after ten minutes of it. And I’m someone who can spend HOURS at a time grinding. I just can’t do it for the winter magic.
The Rewards (seriously star stable. what is this?)
I want to say I love the gifts from under the tree this year! They’re very generous and the outfit is cute! But the Winter Magic rewards. You do so, so much for such a small seeming reward. It just isn’t motivating to keep going. I think I’d work through the boring, lack of charm, sad substance the Winter Village has become if there was good rewards. But..there just isn’t. It just feels derogatory to the player as well.
And I think that’s about all I have to say. If you guys have anything to say, feel free to read. If you’ve read this agonizingly long rant down to here, I congratulate you!
As always, consider giving me a follow! I love talking to other SSO players and seeing blogs. I’d love to follow you back. See you <3
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