#i am recruiting other community members to help
obsidiannebula · 2 years
Heaven help me yous all I just created the fan wiki for a horse game that launched today and I have no wiki management experience
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felassan · 15 days
Dragon Age: The Veilguard info compilation Post 2
[Link to Part 1]
Post is under a cut due to length.
There is a lot of information coming out right now about DA:TV from many different sources. This post is just an effort to compile as much as I can in one place, in case that helps anyone. Sources for where the information came from have been included. Where I am linking to a social media user’s post, the person is either a dev, a Dragon Age community council member or other person who has had a sneak peek at and played the game. nb, this post is more of a ‘info that came out in snippets from articles and social media posts’ collection rather than a 'regurgitating the information on the official website or writing out what happened in the trailer/gameplay reveal’ post. The post is broken down into headings on various topics. A few points are repeated under multiple headings where relevant. Where I am speculating without a source, I have clearly demarcated this.
Character Creation
It is the best CC BioWare has ever made in a game [source]
The faction we choose will determine who we as protagonist Rook were before they were recruited to put a stop to Solas [source]
Certain conversation options are only available to Rooks of certain factions. For example, Grey Wardens get conversation options that are focused on the Blight, as they know more about it from other people. It also impacts how people talk to Rook (reactivity from characters and then faction reactivity from plots relating to that faction) [source]
Faction choice affects a lot of things [source]
There aren't unique missions (I think this means like the playable Origins in DA:O), but faction choice does set the course for Rook for the rest of the game [source]
"body customization and morphing. From more muscular characters, to curvier builds, and just about any shape you want to give your character, there are all sorts of toggles to adjust so you can give them any figure you want". "There's even features that let you choose proportions, so you can alter their height, give them wider shoulders, and much more" [source]
There are makeup options [source]
There are tattoo options [source]
The hair uses a "Strand system" to "make them behave and move in a believable way for the different races" [source]. (Fel note/speculation: I think "race" here refers to irl, as opposed to like human vs qunari or something, as the language they are using for human/elf/dwarf/qunari is "Lineage")
There are 4 voices to choose from for Rook: two feminine and tow masculine (one American, one British for each) [source]
In CC, 'Lineage' is the game's parlance for race i.e. human, elf, dwarf, qunari [source]
We can pick Rook's name, but the dialogue calls them 'Rook' [source]
In CC we can "make a few key decisions that will impact how The Veilguard begins" [source]
"I really do think its our most feature-ful character creator ever." [source]
Story and lore
In the opening segment of the game (see more on the story's opening moments here), we're too late and Solas' ritual worsens, so Rook and the companions go to stop him. When travelling to the next location (Arlathan Forest) in the chase after Solas, the characters travel through an eluvian [source]. The Forest is where his ritual is taking place. Varric then asks the player if he should confront Solas, and players then work to take down the surrounding statues in order to stop the ritual. "I won’t spoil what happens next, but I’ll just say the player and Veilguard have a tall task ahead of them if they want to save Thedas." [source]
Four of the 6 faction options for Rook (Mourn Watch, Lords of Fortune, Veil Jumpers, Shadow Dragons) are "rooted in northern Thedas" [source]
Certain conversation options are only available to Rooks of certain factions. For example, Grey Wardens get conversation options that are focused on the Blight, as they know more about it from other people. It also impacts how people talk to Rook (reactivity from characters and then faction reactivity from plots relating to that faction) [source]
There aren't unique missions (I think this means like the playable Origins in DA:O), but faction choice does set the course for Rook for the rest of the game [source]
A line of dialogue Dorian had at the Winter Palace in DA:I about what Tevinter is like informed the devs' approach to bringing to life the setting of Tevinter: ""There's a line in Dragon Age Inquisition that we always like to call back to," Epler says. "Dorian goes to the Winter Palace, which, up to that point, is probably the most impressive thing you've seen [as the Inquisitor], and [he] says something like, 'Oh, this is cute.' And we had to ask, what does it look like? What is Tevinter if Dorian sees that [the Winter Palace] and thinks that?"" [source]
The fact that Minrathous used to be the land of the elves was factored into the location's design. John Epler: "You can see the architecture has changed. It's become a lot more elven focused. And something that we've kind of hinted at, but we've never really shown explicitly, is the idea that Tevinter is built on the bones of the ancient elven empire. Tevinter itself, Minrathous itself, all the magic you see, that's just a pale imitation of what the elves are capable of. So you'll start to see as you get deeper into the game, the elves, for example, worked Lyrium into their building materials. Tevinter can't quite figure out how to do that. So instead, you'll see more gold and gems, kind of imitating it, but not ever quite approaching what the elves are able to do, and really creating that continuity of the space. Obviously, Solas isn't too thrilled that this world is the way it is, because he lived in a time of miracles and magic, and even the most magical place in Thedas isn't magic like the elven people used to be able to do" [source]
At the end of the opening portion of the game there is a "jaw-dropping title card cliffhanger" [source]
On the opening sequence: ""One of the things we wanted to do with this game is make the prolog feel like the final mission of a different game," John Epler says. "We really needed to get the stakes, the spectacle, right off the bat. Obviously, players who had been waiting to confront Solas have been waiting for just this moment."" [source]
Each companion has their own storyline that runs parallel to the main story [source]
You cannot succeed without the companions. Each of them has a reason why they need to be part of your party, why they need to help you stop the end of the world [source]
All 7 companions are recruited in the game's first act [source]
The firey demon looking guys shown near the start of the Gameplay Reveal are Rage Demons. Demons in general got a revamp in this game "to more closely align their look", this can be seen with the shades and the Pride demons as well. "they’re creatures of emotion so they have a spectral nervous system look" [source]
The Pride demon the group fight at the Solas face-off in the Gameplay Reveal video "was more a direct tie to Solas than anything else, but it didn't escape us how much it echoed the beginning of DA:I". they wanted to show the stakes and the scale of Solas' power [source]
Characters, companions, romance
Harding was one of the earliest characters that the devs wanted to bring into DA4, because she was such a fan favorite. She is this game's 'traditional returning' character [source]
Each character's romance flavor or style is different. They don't want every character for the romance to feel the same. They want everyone to have their own flavor that's appropriate to them as a character [source] [two]
"We found as we were building a story, more than ever before, it's a story about the people around you; a story about building this team, and working with them." [source]
Each companion has their own storyline that runs parallel to the main story [source]
You cannot succeed without the companions. Each of them has a reason why they need to be part of your party, why they need to help you stop the end of the world [source]
All companions are pansexual (specifically pansexual, not playersexual) [source]
Their pansexuality may come through in what we learn about their backstories [source]
No companion romance is race-locked [source]
Companions reference their past experiences or partners, and they reference who they'll become romantic with. [source]
If you don't romance a character, they may find a different partner for themselves. This could be within the companion roster itself or outside of it in the broader world. [source] For example, if the player does not romance Harding, she may get together with Taash [source]
The game is rated M [source]
The game contains nudity [source]
We can start flirting with the companions pretty early [source]
All 7 companions are recruited in the game's first act [source]
It is not until later parts of the game that you really commit to romance and things get pretty spicy [source]
The nudity, spicy things etc is more towards the end of the game [source]
The devs want the companions to be relatable and fully realized. So things get spicy, but in a more relatable way for people than e.g. some of the more shocking and comical scenes of this nature in Baldur's Gate 3 [source]
How sexually explicit the scenes are varies between characters. Some are more spicy than others. They have diverse personalities like in real life. "Some of them are more physical, more aggressive, and some of them are more... we have a gentleman necromancer [Emmrich], for instance, that is more intimate and sensual." [source] "some characters may be a little more steamy while some characters maybe a little bit more innocent" [source]
The romance and relationship system is more fleshed out than in previous BioWare games. A character's romance will be better woven into their personal story arc and into their involvement in the core questline of the game [source]
"BioWare has also worked to ensure that getting to know your characters as friends feels just as satisfying - and that just because you're not banging your buddy, their (platonic) relationship with you will still continue." ""One of the things we tried to do with The Veilguard is it's not just romantic relationship building," Epler continued. "You need to get to know a person before you can really build that kind of relationship with them, and if you choose not to build a [romantic] relationship, we never want to feel like you're being cut off. There's no 'okay, well, their arc isn't progressing, I'm done'." We want to make sure the non-romantic relationships are deep as well, with friendships not just for companions and yourself, but also between companions across the party."" [source]
GDL reprises his role as Solas [source]
Gameplay, presentation, performance etc
The game has a photo mode [source]
Combat is fast-paced [source]
If you pause the game using the ability wheel you can scan enemies to learn more information about them [source]
Each of the 3 main classes is distinguished by how it generates and spends energy for abilities [source]
Each of the 3 subclasses for each 3 main class promise to offer some meaningful distinctions from each other [source]
for this, rogues have momentum. You build momentum by attacking, by dodging, by parrying, and you lose it by being hit, so there's really a focus with rogues on avoiding damage, avoiding attacks. They build momentum quickly, but they lose it quickly. Warriors have rage, which they build a little bit more slowly, but they don't lose [source]
Attacks can be cancelled [source]
Regarding enemy weaknesses, some of these are elemental. In other cases their defenses are more vulnerable to specific types of abilities [source]
Combat seems to be a matter of managing our abilities as best we can to whittle down enemy defenses and take advantage of their weaknesses [source]
Over the course of the game we get access to three abilities per companion as well as an additional two abilities we can slot, and an additional ability that coms off of items that the devs will not talk about for now [source]
Fully offline single player, no EA account linking, no micro-transactions [source]
The game uses advanced rendering tech in Frostbite, nice subsurface scattering, high quality meshes, while having a striking pseudo-painterly look [source]
There are blood spatters in the game [source]
Production values on the game have gone through the roof. It looks like a big improvement on what came before [source]
On the music: "lots of foreboding tunes mixed with epic flair" [source]
Good voice acting, great facial animations, good hair tech, busy-looking environments and worlds [source]
It's not open world. "There are open areas you can explore around in, but it's mostly structured/mission based, sort of like Mass Effect." [source]
There are difficulty options [source]
They will talk about PC spec stuff at a later time [source]
There is probably an option to see damage numbers [source]
There are many reasons why the game is M-rated [source]
There are lots of abilities, with 3 swapped in on the wheel at any one time [source]
There are a bunch of accessibility options and they will talk about these soon [source]
The ability wheel gives you flexibility to enhance your playstyle. If you don't want to use it at all, you don't have to and that's no issue as shortcuts are available [source]
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simp-ly-writes · 4 months
Suits, Ties, and Thus Spy's (pt.2)
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Pairing: Spy!Task Force 141 x Handler!Reader
Summary: The boys get suited up and training begins but as fate would have it, Whitby is keen on keeping your attention or rather making you gain more grey hairs as a mission goes south. Now having to take the task force out of training early, you can only help that under your guidance- they all make it back out alive.
Warnings: light swearing and teasing. A/N: hope you guys enjoy this next part! Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
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Your design team and weapons master come through the door moments later, each coming up to press a kiss against your cheek in greeting as you do your best to not go pink with the jealous displays your team is already portraying to the new recruits. Pulling Head Tailor Jason down by his tie, you hiss in his ear, “do NOT mess this up for me, please” you add sweetly at the end before letting him go and displaying your smile once more for the crowd. 
A series of assistants soon come from the secret back entrance, large on-wheel displays of shoes, watches and premade suits waiting to be tailored sit in wait as Jason nods twice, shuffling his tie from your outburst as he clears his throat, all eyes moving to cast upon his next words. “Afternoon recruits. I am the head tailor, Mr. Jason Carlisle. My associate Doctor Charlotte Derby who serves as our weapons master alongside my assistants Thomas and Evan will be serving you today.”
“And with that!” you start to say just as Jason raises an eyebrow, a missed call from Whitby being pinged to your phone takes your priority, “I will have to make my departure early for today, apologies- truly but you are in good hands I assure you. Laswell I expect a report in my inbox by the end of the day, thank you all.” Removing your fake earrings for your communications headset left in your briefcase set upon the desk. You shake each task force members hand with a firm grip before kissing Kate's cheek goodbye as you race back to your desk. 
Johnny leans towards Kyle who watches you leave, leather shoes ticking against the marble floors as the elevator chimes and you are out of sight. “Where do you think they are headed?” Kyle merely shrugs in response, curious as well but holds any further thoughts as Mr. Carlisle has them all stand in a row as his assistants measure their proportions, check their eye colours and hold up various fabrics for them to feel. 
Their hands work like a well oil machine as Jason camly states orders while moving up and down the line, not looking a singular man in the eye as he pinpoints miniscule details and chooses accessories best suited for the upcoming training season with the new gear. 
Coming to stand in front of “Ghost” as Jason had been told in the notes, he had a special request to keep some form of mask. “Ghost is it?” Jason asks, eyeing the man's response- only to receive a singular nod. “About the mask dear, we have many options some more subtle than others but your comfort in the field is my sole priority under this position.” Jason snaps his fingers as Thomas comes running up, a box in hand that houses various forms of technology sat in velvet. “We can graft a digital face to cover your own, no one would be able to see your true identity unless you allowed them to or… if you like the…” his hand waves over the skull and bones patterns found throughout the man's combat attire. “Agent of death composition, we can keep the balaclava but place a more matte design for on-field missions. Now I must state that the second option might limit your position and the missions you will be assigned to but that is up to you to decide, sir.”
Ghost looks towards John who is begging man-handled by Evan at the end of the line, various fabrics thrown over his shoulder as they complain about accentuating his features the right amount. Kyle is tensing beyond relief as the Doctor shows the various weapons hidden throughout his attire, shivering in realization of how he almost impaled himself when a knife appeared from his wrist watch. Johnny was bright eyed, practically jumping around in his new suit, punching a mannequin in the corner- amazed how the design allowed him flexibility while being bulletproof. “I’m keeping the mask,” Simon states in a monotone towards the Tailor. Jason claps his hands together, murmuring a “good choice, sir,” before dressing him in a black suit with silver detailings. 
Taking a step back, hours had passed before Jason was happy with each man's look as Laswell with a thoughtful smile across her features, hands drifting over the fabric of her own suit as she went through a similar experience all those years ago. Doctor Charlotte Derby addressed the room after receiving confirmation from the tailor and the group followed her out towards the training rooms. White marble soon transitioned to modern soundproof walls and black rubber floors that housed various maps upon them. 
Walking past gym after gym, the boys were aghast to seeing the brutal training happening in each room- it looked like torture. From rehearsed waterboarding survival classes, crafting found-object masks to survive gas filled rooms or water-filled ones. It was nightmarish at times yet each agent held a proper smile of confidence as they navigated through each issue. 
'`Will we be attempting the same, Doctor?’ John asks, trying to hide his slight concern for his task force as he looks towards Laswell for guidance. She offers him only a blank face, her own memories resurfacing. Even though she never had to go through the training, she bore witness to you going though each trial in order to gain the title you hold today. Kate remembers your screams, your broken-noses and blue-skin. But she would trust you more than anyone she ever would know to save her no matter the situation. 
Charlotte looks back over her shoulder, only shrugging as she continues to walk and swipes her card to reveal you, still taking through your headset as you worked your way through three junior agents, burning them to the floor in seconds as they tapped for air. Wiping your forehead with some nearby towels, you smile towards the group just as Whitby whines for your attention to his mission once more. 
“Whitby darling, I know you enjoy hearing my voice whispering in your ear but I am not your handler for this mission… yes, yes-I understand mr. But-nothing. Alright Whitby, I am hanging up now, kisses! Yes I am, grow a pair-” you end up growling at the end before ripping your headset off and standing beside the Doctor. 
“You really have to reel that man of yours back in,” Charlotte states while looking over her nails, throwing a water bottle towards the rookies still catching their breaths on the mats as she hands you your gun back. Casting her a tight smile, “a conversation to be held later, apologies again,” you address the group, “I have a few agents out on the field currently that need my attention every now and then, you all will understand in time,” you charismatically chuckle after before stripping off your suit jacket, laying it flat across a steel table as you roll your sleeves up to your elbows. 
The task force seemingly in a daze for your slight change in appearance has Charlotte clearing her throat and rolling her eyes, “you better not start those eyes,” she begins while pressing a pair of safely glasses to her face, handing each member a pair of their own before signalling the rookies to make their way back to training. “Have another four members to compete with for her attention, don’t want any in team fighting when you are here trying to steal them away in more ways than one.”
“Charlotte,” you criticize with a scoff before loading your gun, shivering with a smile to the satisfying click, “you all look handsome in your new suits, Jason did well as usual.” They each nod in conformation, Price finds himself in navy blue with neutral brown tones of shoes and a belt. Simon of course wears all black as Kyle wears a maroon ensemble. Johnny sports lovely charcoal grey pieces that have you making a mental check note to request another suit in a similar colour-way. “Now, Charlotte and I will continue to show you the various… safety features implemented into your new uniforms.” 
Clicking your shoes together, a blade extends from the toe just as you repeat the actions to hide the blade once more as you comment, “Poison tipped blade in there, one good lick and anyone would be seeing the pearly gates.” The men copy your actions as the all take an extra wide step away from one another. “Of course our ties as well,” your hand drifts up your chest and towards the knot, “great for choking out an attacker,” you wink at Laswell while saying this as she chokes, whispering about her wife as you throw your head back laughing as she soon does the same. 
Walking back over to your suit jacket, you feel around for your fountain pen inside before walking down the line, presenting them with the object for them to hold. Taking the pen back out of Simon's gloved hands you click it thrice in quick succession that extends a small pill at the top. “In case of emergency, this will kill you as well,” you add in a sweet, sarcastic tone. “But I will do my best to make sure it never comes down to that,” you add once seeing the concerned faces looking at you and Charlotte. 
“Now,” you smirk, turning your shoulder slightly before whipping your arm around, a blade emerging from between the fabrics of your suit as its flies in between Johnny and Kyle's head, their shoulders tensing, eyes wincing before letting out a breath of relief. “You really think I would try and kill you guys off that quickly?” you tease, receiving no response as you click your tongue, skating your head as Charlotte begins to go over the various guns they will have on their person depending on the mission. 
Picking up your custom engraved glock that your first handler gave to you upon promotion, you traced your fingers over the rides before taking aim at one of the targets at the back of the room. Each shot landing at the centre of the head, between the eyes as you flicked back on the safety and placed the barrel on the back of your waistband. A series of small claps go around the room as you turn to bow just as Charlotte hands each of them a weapon of their own. You both stand at the back, taking notes alongside Laswell to their techniques, strengths and weaknesses. 
Your phone rings as you curse out, ‘What Whitby?!” you cry out, they merely clear their throat before answering your question as you look towards the ceiling, patience wearing thin, “I am currently being shot at Handler! I need some assistance pronto~” he sing songs out as you look towards the line of men who have their backs still turned to you. “Give me 15 minutes,” is all your state before starting up a new call with Handler Jacobs, “Okay Jay, what fucking game are you playing at- get a hold of your agents before I get a hold of you- is that clear?” you state with utmost vice, your words like blades in pleasure in hearing him wince at your tone. 
“Of course, Handler D… I would not want to become part of your name's history,” he replies, shuffling of various papers easily heard from the otherside as they grip their desk in a panic, Samantha shouting from down the hall as an agent comes running into the headquarters, clearly injured and lacking the presence of another certain agent. 
“Fantastic.” You end the call soon afterwards, not wanting to hear another word as you put your hand up and Charlotte signals for everyone to unload their gun and set them upon the table to be cleaned. “It appears that you will be testing out everything you learned sooner than I expected. Do not disappoint me in making this decision.” 
“Yes, Handler” is sung throughout the space as you nod your head in approval before they trail behind you and towards your office where Jacobs anxiously awaits your presence. Palms sweating as they understand the hole they have dug themselves into. “I don’t wish to see your face Jacobs-” you state as they rush out the room, tail in between their legs as Samantha soon follows, not wishing to witness your wrath. 
Handing each task force member a small chip to set in their ear. You test communications before using your desk phone to request a vehicle at the back of the store. The Task force looks between one another, nervous for your next move. Pulling out a drawer from your desk, a series of labelled envelopes meet their eyes as you pull out four and press them gently into each of their pockets. “Inside these packages are any unique identifications that may be requested on the designated location, arrival time is set for 30 minutes from now where you will be meeting up with Agent Whitby, top of the division and you will respect each other. I will hear nothing from either side and on that note, you are all to find and destroy the fake artifacts pictured inside the envelope. I will be live on communications alongside Handler Jacobs if you have any questions, conversions or need for immediate evac. If communications do go down, Whitby will be there to assist your team as he is being briefed currently- is that clear?”
Laswell nods her head for the group who are seemingly entranced by your sudden calmness as you sip the fresh tea at your desk, making yet another mental note to thank Samantha when this mission was over for the drink. Clapping your hands to your knees, Charlotte comes running in, keys in hand as she states the car and model they are to drive. Sending Laswell a smirk in reassurance, you all watch as they make their way back upstairs for the festivities to start. 
Just as John is last to leave the room, you call out, halting him in his steps, “and do insure John-darling, that all equipment used today is back unscuffed.” He sends you a thumbs up before jogging back down the hall to catch up as you fall back into your chair and press your finger to the scanner. The room soon closes into security measures as a table emerges at the centre of the room, casting a 3D projection of the building and street they would be infiltrating. 
Your fingertip casts over the top of Whitby's head, you watch as he moves up and down the halls with elegance. Shoving suits of armour into unsuspecting guards heads while silencing their screams by kicking their faces into the plush rugs below. “And so the fun begins…”
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↳ Taglist: @thriving-n-jiving @cringeycookies @lilliumrorum @brokenpieces-72 @ashy-kit @notsaelty @hindi-si-ikay @sleepyycatt
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bri-sonat · 1 year
Captain and the Mate - Part Two
If you haven't already read it or you would like to refresh your memory, part one can be found here!
Pairing: Pirate!Captain!Brienne of Tarth x Fem!Reader
Warning: NSFW!!! a grain of angst, a lot of smut, and some delectable fluff.
Synopsis: When the infamous Captain Bri makes port to recruit members to her crew, you don't waste the opportunity. To your relief and pleasure, she accepts you, and the time spent aboard her ship and among her crew leads to many things. One of them being a relationship developing between you and the Captain herself.
A/N: We have reached the final part of the fic that was too long to post as a singular fic (I have learnt from my mistakes and from the community, mwah, I love you all) and it is time for the smut! I debated adding smut or not, but I felt like my grand return after months of fanfictional silence had to include smut. It wouldn't be a bri-sonat fic if it didn't have smut (I say now, but when I write a fic without smut, I'll be revoking this statement.) However, after this one, I will be putting my next fic idea on hold to create some very exciting things with my dear Kaley! Since I am proven to be unable to focus on two projects at once, I will need to work on one thing at a time which is why I will be allowing my other idea to simmer for a little bit. Anyways, with that said, English is not my first language, and so on. Enjoy!
Thank you to baby girl, @daydream-cement for helping me choose what kind of smut to write and also for sending the picture. Kisses. <3
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When Bri opened the door and entered, she stood to the side and let you step inside as well before she closed the door behind you.
As your eyes wandered about the quarters and took everything in, taking her in, she walked up to her armor stand and hung away her weapons. “Would you like anything to drink?” 
You continued your eye tour of her room and you even dared to take a few steps forward towards her desk where, seemingly, her only personal items resided. “No, thank you, Captain.”  
Keeping Bri in your peripheral, you approached the desk and swiped your eyes carefully over the items laying on the wood. There was a jewelry pendant, either from some form of necklace or bracelet.
It was surprisingly shiny, and you assumed that she must polish it every now and then which showed that it was very important to her. It showed care. 
Lying next to the pendant was a small knife that seemed to be as cared for as the first item. The blade was Valyrian steel, there was no doubt about it. Judging from the small scuffs and scratches along the metal, you could tell it had been well used in many ways.  
From the corner of your eye, you could see that Bri had turned around and was watching you. She made no motions to move toward you. Instead, she stood still in her place just meters away from where you were standing and observed you.  
The reason for this was hard for you to decipher and eventually, you stopped trying to. After what seemed like forever, the captain started moving forwards toward you and halted next to you. 
There was a deafening silence as you both searched for the words to continue your previous discussion. Any way you twisted and turned it, it wouldn’t be as seamless as it had been earlier.
The best idea you could come up with after agonizing minutes of quiet was to start up another conversation and transition into the other one from there. “This blade and the pendant seem very cardinal to you. I-” You used the items in front of you as inspiration but couldn’t get far in your sentence before the blonde next to you interrupted you. 
“It’s Brienne.” Her approach to the situation at hand seemed to be ripping off the band-aid. It was frank and straight to the point and it most definitely worked as a way to get back to the previous conversation. Because of its unexpected nature, you snapped your head and made eye contact with the blonde woman which was truly your mistake because it made you realize just how close she was to you. 
“Brienne...” Her name tasted like fresh strawberries on your tongue, and you knew that you’d never get tired of saying it. You never stopped gazing into her eyes which seemed to be even more intense being so close to her magnificent face. Almost like her blue irises hypnotized you, the next words that fell out of your mouth couldn’t be stopped, having wanted to be spoken for months. “That’s a pretty name. Fitting for a very pretty person.” 
Her entire face fell. She shook her head and took a tiny step back, making your entire being long for her warmth that had seemingly disappeared in more ways than one. “Don’t do that.” 
“Do what?” You couldn’t help the way your brows furrowed or how the perplexment in your voice made you look and sound like a giant question mark. 
“Call me pretty. You somehow found out about my interest in you and decided to taunt me for it?” She sounded hurt, and it broke your heart in two. Did she really think that you’d dream of mocking her? You had no interest in wounding her and the fact that you had done that without meaning to, made you feel extremely guilty, even if you meant what you said. The guilt didn’t last long when your brain finally registered what she said, and after that, it was all you could focus on. 
“...Your interest? You’re interested in me? I- I called you pretty because I think you are. Amongst many things...” You took a tiny step towards her, so she’d have the chance to back away from you if she felt like she needed to. To your relief, she made no sign that she was about to move away from you. Your voice was tender as you spoke to her, wanting to convey the utmost sincerity, upping the chance of her believing you. 
“...You do?” Brienne sounded so small, almost frail as she responded. It absolutely shattered your heart. The fact that this woman thought herself unattractive and had believed it for so long that she found it inconceivable that someone could think the opposite. You wanted nothing more than to take her into your arms, but you didn’t want to cross any boundaries, so you settled with her taking a step towards you as being good enough at the moment.  
You matched her movement, taking a cautious step towards her whilst you kept an eye out for even the tiniest change in her body language. “I do. I should probably clarify that I am very interested in you as well, Brienne of Tarth. I have been for many, many moons.” 
Brienne took one final step and when she had stopped, she was closer than she had ever been. You had to crane your head slightly to meet her eyes and the way she looked at you made your knees weak. There was no way to put a finger on the specific emotions she had in her eyes, but you recognized one very well. Adoration. “I have been too. I am glad that you feel the same.” 
“As am I...” She was so close that you felt like you were about to faint. You allowed your eyes to flick down to her lips and you let them remain there, making it painfully obvious to Brienne that you wished for her to plant her lips on yours. But in case she didn’t get that you desperately wanted to kiss her, you needed to speak it into the very thick air. “Now, please kiss me or I might lose my mind.” 
Brienne didn’t even waste a second. It went faster than you had anticipated and all of a sudden, you felt her very soft lips on yours. Your arms wound around her neck instinctively to keep her close and her hands landed carefully on your waist. She had to bend her knees slightly and you had to stand on your toes so your lips would be able to touch, and it was very awkward for both of you. The captain was fast at remedying this. 
With your lips still connected, Brienne lifted you by your waist and placed you on the desk you had previously been studying, her finding her place standing between your spread legs.  
The movement had made your previously glued lips shift, and your bottom lip had ended up between the captain’s lips. Your previous somewhat innocent kiss had in seconds transitioned to open-mouthed kisses. The blonde woman’s hands resting on the wood on either side of your hips and effectively pinning you in didn’t help in making it any less erotic. 
The kisses had started as controlled, but they were growing sloppier by the second as desperation for the other, and passion took over entirely. In the sloppiness, Brienne’s tongue had run over your bottom lip and between kisses, you and the captain’s tongues met and swirled around each other before retracting and then repeating until you were both out of breath. 
Both you and Brienne had acknowledged the heat that had been growing in the core of your abdomens whilst you had been making out and whilst you wanted nothing more than to be so intimate with the captain, you knew that you had to make sure that she wanted the same before taking it any further. 
When the kiss broke, you and Brienne panted against each other’s lips, and she was the first one to break the silence. She retracted her head which prompted you to open your eyes, and you met her intense blue ones, yet at this moment, the blue was almost nowhere to be seen because of her dilated pupils. She spoke with heavy breaths and when she did, you could feel that the heat only grew. “I want you. Please.” 
You had to suppress a whimper at her plea. You could barely believe your ears that Bri the Righteous Beast was pleading with you to give her you, as if you hadn’t wanted to give yourself over to her for months. “You have me. What do you want?” 
Brienne closed her eyes almost as if she was embarrassed to admit what she wanted you to do. Then again, she never imagined that she’d end up in the position she had found herself in, less speak the words that were being yelled inside her head out loud. When she finally met your eyes, she opened her mouth to utter the words she needed you to hear, and they came out sounding tremendously timorous. “I need you to touch me.” 
The words sent a jolt of pleasure through your body. Of course, you’d touch her. You’d been wanting to touch her for months. It would be no bigger privilege than to touch her and offer her all the pleasure she could ever want. Brienne’s hands were still glued on the desk on either side of your hips and your arms were around her neck, your hand running up her nape and into her incredibly silky curls. “It would be my pleasure.” 
Your response made Brienne shiver and she leaned forward to catch your lips in a searing kiss, this one was only more controlled and slowed down. You both needed to take your time with this next part; savor every single second of it. There was no rush with this. 
Kissing Brienne was pure bliss and the way she jolted when she felt your hands disappear from her neck and land on her waist only made it so much better. You were slow and deliberate in your movements, wanting to give her the chance to stop it if she needed to before it went too far.  
But it was also for you. You had been yearning for this, for her, for months and now that it was finally happening, you needed to treat it like the most valuable art piece, because that was what she was. A piece of art. 
The fabric wrapped around Brienne’s waist was tied tightly, and after some fidgeting, you got the knot loose, and eventually, you placed the blue cloth next to you on the desk you were sitting on before bringing your hands to the buttons of her loose shirt. 
As you were undoing the first few buttons of her shirt, you broke the kiss so you could see every single inch of skin that you uncovered through your ministrations. When you did and glued your eyes on the path your hands took, Brienne swallowed the biggest lump in her throat.  
Never had someone regarded her so intently before and she couldn’t say that it didn’t feel wonderful. Even if she felt exposed and shy, she let you undress her as slowly as you wanted to and watch as you did. The feeling it gave her made her feel ecstatic. 
When the final button was undone, you gently pushed the shirt open and let it remain on her shoulders, you’d remove it later. She looked far too attractive like this, and you couldn’t rob yourself of that just yet. 
You focused your attention on the wrapping which was covering Brienne’s chest. It seemed to be a makeshift undergarment to hide her breasts considering the shirt she wore and for practicality and it looked like she had taken some random white fabric and wired it around herself. Well, you’d assume that it was white once upon a time. Now it was more of a beige from all the dirt over the years. As well as the occasional blood spatter. 
You moved your hands to begin unbinding it but were stopped when Brienne placed a gentle hand on your wrist. You moved your eyes to meet hers, needing to see her face to decode why she had halted you. The look on her face was shyness mixed with care and you couldn’t begin to guess what she was thinking. “I want to see you as well, please. I’d feel too exposed if I was the only one undressed...” 
“Of course.” You smiled at her before removing your hands from her chest to rid yourself of your clothes, but Brienne stopped you again in the same way as she had previously done. 
“Let me,” she cooed. And you did. You dropped your hands to your sides, and you let her take your tunic off. Brienne’s eyes never left yours, not even as she fully uncovered your chest. When the captain finally allowed her eyes to wander, it was like someone had punched the breath out of her and she gasped before meeting your gaze once again. “You’re so stunning.” 
“So are you.” You smiled gently before you continued your previous movements. Your hands fiddled with the cloth and as you had done with the blue fabric, you started unraveling the dirtied white cloth. 
The rest of the cloth fell off on its own when enough had been removed by you and your breath hitched in your throat when you laid eyes on Brienne’s beautiful breasts.  
There were no words that could properly describe all that she was. All you could think was that she was so insanely handsome, and attractive, and every single other word that escaped you. She made you speechless, took your breath away, and made your heart skip beats. And that would have to describe it enough for now. “So beautiful...” 
Your hands moved to cup Brienne’s breasts and when she felt your touch, she sighed happily. You experimented the smallest bit by running your thumbs over her erect nipples and the noise she made when you did could’ve killed you if you weren’t already in heaven. It was a mix of heavy breathing and a gasp, and Gods, was it arousing. 
As much as you wished to give her nipples all the attention they deserved, you didn’t think you could contain yourself any longer, and you were sure Brienne wouldn’t complain. You needed to taste her so badly. It was the most invading urge and you needed to satiate it, or you didn’t know what you’d do. 
Pressing two quick kisses to both of Brienne’s nipples, you moved your hands down to her trousers and your fingers began working on unbuckling the offending clothing item that hindered you from tasting your captain’s heat. 
As your hands worked on Brienne’s trousers, you reconnected your lips with hers and you were now softly kissing. The blonde’s hands were resting comfortably on your upper thighs and her strong hands being so close to where you needed to feel her the most was driving you mad with lust. It felt like you were burning up from the inside and where she was touching you felt like it was on fire. Your desire for her was overpowering. 
When Brienne’s buckle was undone and they hung open on her hips, you realized you couldn’t stay where you were. It would be far too uncomfortable. So, you broke the kiss to croak out the smallest amount of words your lustful brain was able to conjure as you took off the shirt that was hanging on her shoulders. You wanted to see the entirety of her. “We should move to the bed.” 
Brienne swallowed. “Okay.” She then picked you up by your thighs and carried you to her bed, placing you carefully down onto the furs that lay upon it. She climbed in after you, and when she had laid down, you maneuvered yourself to sit before her so you could take off her boots and trousers. 
With her pants finally off, you were finally introduced to her bare long legs. You followed them with your eyes and at the top, you could see a wet patch in the middle of her undergarments and when she noticed what you were looking at, she instinctively closed her legs and covered her chest with her arms. You met her eyes. “You don’t need to do that. There is no need to hide yourself from me. You are so gorgeously hot.” 
Your words caused her to relax, and she spread her legs – removing the arms that hid her chest at the same time. Gods, she was a perfect and arousing sight. With her legs spread, her chest exposed and heaving, her face flushed, eyes full of prurience. The vision that was her spurred you into action and your mouth took the same route your eyes had just taken. 
Kissing up her legs until you reached her supple inner thigh, you hummed in delight when you heard the gasp that released Brienne’s lips once you nibbled and started sucking on her skin. “Please...,” she whimpered. “Please make me feel good.” 
You sat up in between her legs. “Anything for my captain.” Trailing your hands up to her hips, you hooked your fingers in the sides of Brienne’s undergarments, and she elevated her hips so you could pull them down her remarkably long legs. 
She laid fully naked before you and she looked ethereal. She always did, but she somehow managed to look attractive all the time and it had driven you insane for months – as it did at this moment as well. You took a minute to take all of her in and the words simply tumbled from your lips. “You’re so irresistible... so beautiful... I really can’t explain how attractive you are.” 
She blushed from your compliments and opened her mouth to repudiate, but before she could - your eyes had locked on to her glistening wetness, and you didn’t waste another minute. Diving your head in between her legs and getting comfortable on your stomach, you licked up her slit before circling her clit with your tongue which caused Brienne to interrupt herself. 
Brienne hummed in pleasure, and you sucked tenderly in determination which only made her hums grow louder until they were soft moans. Her noises only drove you on – cycling between sucking, licking, and grazing with your teeth. All until she cried out in pleasure.  
When she realized how loud she had been she stopped herself from releasing any more sounds that could act as an alarm. And even if you wanted nothing more than to hear all the noises she could make, you knew that it was for the best to remain as silent as possible. 
Her hips were held in place by your death grip and her hand had found purchase in your hair, the other one squeezing one of your hands that lay on her hip. Brienne’s legs twitched next to your head when you managed to hit a particular spot with your tongue, and you felt dizzy from the whole ordeal. 
Her taste made you lightheaded and you were sure you’d pass out from hearing her noises, seeing her blissed-out face, and tasting her cunt. 
Gently grazing your teeth against her clitoris, you observed as Brienne’s eyes snapped open and met yours at the same time as her back arched, and a loud moan that she couldn’t stop exited her mouth. You quickly replaced your mouth with your middle and ring fingers temporarily, making small circles with them so you could speak. “As much as I wish to hear you... you need to be quiet. You don’t want to wake up the crew and alert them of your activity, now do you?” 
Brienne whined, trying her best to stay quiet – but it just felt so good, even if her cheeks were burning from the embarrassment of being so noisy. You had to be satisfied with her lowering the volume of her noises. “N- No. I do not,” she breathed. She could barely get the words out, her entire being focusing on staying relatively silent. 
“That’s what I thought.” You removed your fingers and placed your mouth back on her clit and resumed sucking and licking. She in turn let out a breathy mewl. 
It didn’t take long to bring Brienne to the edge. A well-timed teeth graze sent her flying over the edge into pure bliss and with a strained sound, she tensed up before relaxing. She used the hand she had on your head to give it a gentle push, signaling that it was too much. 
You removed your head from between her legs and crawled up to catch her lips in a soft and slow-moving kiss. Brienne hummed when she tasted herself in your mouth and you in turn yelped when she turned you both around without warning – leaving her on top of you. 
“Allow me to return the favor, please. I have never done this before, but I think it’s only fair after what you just gave me.” Brienne gazed into your eyes longingly and, if you weren’t mistaken, lovingly. Her tone was so gentle and so caring that she could have been talking about something entirely different if it wasn’t for the tinge of arousal still remaining in her voice. 
You smiled and nodded. “Okay. You may. Please.”  
The captain was calculated but quick in her movements, taking off your boots first, then your trousers, and, finally, your undergarments. When everything was off, she took her place between your legs and made eye contact with you – her gaze questioning. As if you could change your mind or deny the one thing you have wanted for months. 
In return, you spread your legs even more and offered her a reassuring look – a soft nod ending it in case your former actions didn’t bring the response forward. 
With your confirmation, she placed her mouth on your clitoris and started sucking. Even though she hadn’t done this before, she was doing very well. She seemed to copy what you had done on her, and it felt insanely pleasurable – even more so because it was her doing it. 
“Oh... Fuck, Brienne....,” you breathed. Everything leading up to this – the making out, the touching, the noises, seeing her undressed, her blissed out face, tasting her – had worked you up to the point where you were so incredibly close already. She couldn’t have been using her mouth on you for more than a few minutes when you felt the sweet release approaching faster than you would’ve liked it to. “That feels so good.... and you look so pretty in between my legs.” 
If you could have decided, you’d want her in between your legs so much longer - so you could feel the way her tongue dragged through your folds and gathered your wetness on the strong muscle before sucking on your clit. Also, so you could see the way her eyes met yours when you spoke with lust clouding your voice.  
Thinking about her tongue and mouth working on your pussy, and seeing the way she looked at you, only made the coil in your stomach tighten faster. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t hold it back any longer. 
You had managed to stay moderately silent up until now, but when you were sent over the edge and the ecstasy hit you like a steel hammer, your mouth betrayed you – opening and releasing a drawled, breathy moan. 
You lay panting on the bed, your entire body becoming heavy and almost limp as you sunk into Brienne’s comfortable mattress. It was much snugger than what you and the rest of the crew slept on, that was obvious – or maybe the reason for that was because this bed was hers, and she was in it with you. You couldn’t be sure.  
She had left the space between your legs and had crawled up to lie by your side, and when she took you into your arms you were sure that you’d fall asleep. You could. You wanted to. You knew that the crew would find it strange if you were not there when they woke up. Maybe you could find some form of excuse. You were up before most and got to bed when the rest of the ship was slumbering. So, it wouldn’t be improbable to sleep in the captain’s bed and everyone else would be none the wiser or suspicious. 
You really wanted to allow yourself to stay by her side. Remain in her bed and fall asleep in her arms. And you did. You had to. 
Brienne pulled the furs over you both to shield you from the cold and to cover your naked bodies and after she had done so, you remained in silence for a while before she broke it. “Will you stay the night?”  
You looked at her, gazing into her irises through half-lidded eyes. You brought a hand up to her face and tucked a stray hair that had fallen into her face behind her ear. You smiled. “I will. Of course, I will.” 
“Good.” Brienne smiled. A beat passed. Her hand splayed out over your lower back. “So, this friend of yours... she could be a good contact. She sounds like someone to know.” 
You chuckled. “Probably. We’ll have to go back to Oldtown to talk to her though.” 
Laying in Brienne’s arms was unlike any feeling you’d ever felt before. You felt so safe and secure, and her arms were so strong. And she smelled so much like her. You felt inebriated by her scent, and you couldn’t fathom how one singular person could make you feel this way. 
There was no way around it. You loved her. 
“Then I guess that’s where we are going next,” Brienne whispered. Her eyes scanned your face, and you could see that she wanted to say something else – but she didn’t quite know how to. 
“So... You said that you had never done this before, but... you had a lover, no?” You had to ask. The query had been plaguing your mind since the bliss had been laid to rest and you remembered that she had hinted at this being her first time, but the fact that she had indulged in storytelling and therefore told you the extent of her relationship with the woman in the shanty, brought your curiosity to the surface. 
Brienne chuckled heartily. It was a glorious sound. One you wanted to hear more, and more. Every day if so allowed and she bestowed you such a privilege. “We never consummated our relationship. The furthest we went was to kiss... she left before we could have such intimate relations.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement, remaining silent as you crafted your next question that had been haunting your thoughts since she regaled you with the situation behind the song. “How’d they die?” 
“He killed her, then himself. I couldn’t possibly know why, but considering I was the only witness, and the only person there, I assume that people drew their assumptions. Some bard caught wind of it, and the song was born.” Brienne held you tight as she answered all your questions, ready to be as open for you as she possibly could. There was no reason to hide herself from you anymore. 
“Some people just do things out of reasons we couldn’t even begin to understand...” You thought out loud. You had so many questions for her, like why she had left Tarth in the first place, or why she only took from those she did, or why she named her ship The Bloody Sapphire, but there was only one you needed the answer to right now. “Last question, for now, I swear. What’s up with the overweening personality? The cocky person I met in the tavern is not the one I have gotten to know over the past months or the one I am lying in bed with right now.” 
Brienne was silent for a minute as she searched for the words, and you looked at her face intently. “When you rule over a crew of two dozen men, you must harden yourself so they will respect you. My crew would surely respect me no matter the personality, but it has truly become a habit and when I am around my men, I slip into it naturally without even noticing it. However, it didn’t come naturally around you, and I had to actively step into it when I felt myself slipping. After a while, I just stopped correcting myself but sometimes it fought back. Like it was a second person living inside my body. Fighting for dominance. For example, the times when I had to excuse myself from our conversations. I didn’t want you to get to know that personality. But it seems like you disregarded that and saw right through me.” 
You kissed her lips and smiled at her when you retracted your head. “Your eyes are more telling than you think. They are the windows to your soul... if you know what to look for.” 
“And you did?” Brienne questioned; her tone careful. 
“Somehow, I always did. Or maybe you just let me, even if subconsciously,” you responded, your eyes never leaving hers. 
“Maybe...,” she replied. Her eyes scanned your face in search of the words she so desperately wanted to speak. “I do not know much about... feelings or emotions. But I know that what is inhabiting my body is strong... and deep – and I feel it for you. I know that I want nothing more than to fall asleep next to you every night and wake up next to you for as long as this world allows us to. I... I...” 
“I know,” you interrupted. She did not need to say more, because you already understood what she meant and what she wanted to say. You wanted to say the same thing, but each thing has its time and so does this. “Me too.” 
Brienne smiled and kissed your lips. You smiled back. The air was silent and the sea around you was calm as you fell asleep in each other’s arms.  
The future promised nothing, but you knew that as long as you were allowed the privilege of having her in your life, you’d be happy no matter what the outcome of your life ended up being. 
Your captain, and her Quartermaster. 
taglist: @na-shoba, @pastanest, @the-fuck-do-i-know, @christies-fleur, @idontlikepexple, @lord6-6fandom, @sapphicmitski
pirate bri exclusive tags: @alexusonfire
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Incredibly lucky to even be here
I just realized, exactly one year ago today (May 11th) I was diagnosed with endometrial stromal sarcoma and given less than a 34% chance of survival. I'm incredibly, miraculously lucky to be well and cancer-free today. I owe that to my amazing doctors, and also in a small way to BTS.
The moment I got told I had cancer, I immediately decided to only entertain thoughts of complete health and victory. It was a pure and immediate defense mechanism and I stuck to it. So no sad songs or movies or TV shows. No online drama. No negative nellies or naysayers. No stressful projects at work. No arguments, no entanglements, no regrets.
For months, I would focus only on laughter and quality time with loved ones and things that brought me joy, even as I had to deal with practical stuff like creating a will and a pet trust and filling out life insurance forms and undergoing test and surgeries.
BTS (and Jimin, as my "recruiter") gave me moments of grace and beauty and art and warmth and giggles--and kind ARMYs gave me a sense of belonging and community, especially during a dark and terrifying time, when in the quiet of the early morning hours, the sense that my own body was my worst enemy would eat at all my mental defenses. I could switch on my phone, go to the timeline, and ARMY and BTS would be there.
If I seem to be very Pollyanna-ish or boringly polite these days, it's because I decided one year ago to focus on what I want instead of giving energy to what I don't. I know bad things are very real and they need to be confronted--of course! But I also know that depression, anger, and fear can erode the myelin sheath wrapped around our nerve endings and weaken the walls in the chambers of our hearts; that toxic emotions can bleach our hair of color and rob our nails and skin of suppleness; that negativity can lengthen our immuno-response times to bruises and cuts.
So if other folks get a thrill, a hit of adrenaline, from drama and trash talking in our fandom, more power to them, I guess. It must serve them in some way I don't understand. Me? I find meanness and pettiness draining and damaging. So I'll never do that. I'll never rudely call someone out in public or go on their blog to rant or snipe openly about members or fellow ARMY. I will just keep myself to myself and do my best to be authentic and kind and hard working.
Doesn't always work. I'm human. I will absolutely make mistakes (case in point--the campaign idea yesterday that could have really harmed Jimin. I didn't think about all the consequences and I'm so grateful to the people who patiently set me straight.) Please know that if you ever feel strongly I'm going in the wrong direction, you can always speak to me--I'll ask a million questions, I'll hear you out, and I'll try to be flexible in my mindset. You don't have to hide behind throw-away accounts or talk to others about me. I will do my best to always be kind and act in good faith with everyone. (But I'll likely still make some mistakes, because my intentions are good but I myself am not perfect.)
By and large, I feel I'm just really astronomically lucky to be here. I know the kind of cancer I had is very sneaky and could come back at any time. So how I spend my time left in this life matters to me. I want to be a source of good in the world, help other people, experience bliss and celebrate good things. I don't want to be selfish or destructive. If I start to go that way, I know good friends will gently call me back.
Like BTS, I want to connect with people and help build something worthy. So if you're on board with that, let's be friends. And if you're not, let's part amicably.
I just... figured I should probably say that... out loud. So that's that on that.
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Love you guys,
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years
Mafia AU
Guide Book
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Belle’s Mafia AU
This AU (alternate universe) is set in New York, following the four most prominent Mafia Families and their business. The series, for now, will be focused on the Barnes-Rogers Family, specifically Bucky and Steve, and their little Dove. In this AU Little’s are a common thing, everyone is sort of placed into three categories, Little, Caregiver (Cg) and Little/Caregiver. (Some characters do not have a label, this is because their label is insignificant to the plot, feel free to label them as whatever you want in your head.). Because I do not know extensively what New York living is like, nor do I know extensive history of the area, I am going off of what the internet says, if you think I have something wrong, it’s probably because I do, but this is a fictional world, the vibes will be different, so even though I try to keep things accurate, I cannot promise native New Yorkers will enjoy this series care free. This series is completely fictional, I am not romanticizing real Mafia life, I am simply making up a fake world and creating a storyline within it, please do not think that the real Mafia world is like this, as it definitely isn’t.
Odinson Family - (All of New York) The oldest and most respected Mafia family, the Family holding the rights over all other Mafia families in New York. Odin’s sons are known for fighting over the leadership of the Family, too stubborn to agree to Co-Lead, instead swapping leadership every so often. Though the Family has a small inner circle, it’s known for it’s many allies, the Odinson empire far larger than meets the eye.
Odin - Head of all New York Mafia Families, nothing happens without his approval, he is basically the ‘King’ over everyone.
Thor (Cg) - Odin’s son, and leader of the ‘Odinson’ Mafia Family.
Loki (Cg/Little) - Odin’s son, right hand man of the ‘Odinson’ Mafia Family
Frigga - Odin’s wife, the voice of reason to Odin’s ruling, the mother to all.
Valkyrie (Cg) - Trusted member of The Odinson Family
Carol (Cg) - Trusted member of the Odinson Family
Barnes-Rogers Family (Brooklyn/Queens) - Bucky and Steve have never done anything apart, so when each of them were given the opportunity to move rank and create a Mafia family, on their own, they chose to merge together, creating a strong empire together. The Barnes-Rogers family is known for it’s kindness to allies as well as the community, but it’s harshness to it’s enemies, second chances are hardly ever handed out.
Steve (Cg) - Co-Leader of the Barnes-Rogers Family
Bucky (Cg) - Co-Leader of the Barnes-Rogers Family
Sam (Cg) - Right hand man of the Barnes-Rogers Family
Peter (Little) - The newest recruit to the Barnes-Rogers Family
Ned (Cg) - The newest, and only, tech guy, and member, of the Barnes-Rogers Family
Romanov Family - (Manhattan) Run by the best Russian assassin, turned Mafia leader, her ruthlessness and ability to see through lies allowing her leadership to never be questioned and instead be praised. The Romanov family is known for loyalty and shady deals, the leader keeping family close, and enemies unknowing closer. Though the Romanov Family is newly established, it’s value is heavily recognized by the others around them.
Natasha (Cg) - Leader of the Romanov Family
Clint (Cg) - Right hand man to the Romanov Family
Kate (Little) - The newest recruit of the Romanov Family
Yelena (Cg) - Trusted member of the Romanov Family
Wanda (Cg/Little) - Trusted member of the Romanov Family
Stark-Potts Family - (Staten Island) Tony, Howard Starks son, was destined for political greatness, his fathers standing as Mayor on New York opened the door to corruption above the sewers for his son. In a act of, seemingly, rebellion, Tony ended up fallowing in his uncles footsteps, taking over his Mafia Family and beginning a name for himself on his own terms. Pepper’s family was always the right hand to Tony’s uncle, helping him run the business successfully, she took on that role and more when it came to Tony, him giving her a true standing, a label that properly represented what she did within the family.
Tony (Cg) - Co-Leader of the Stark-Potts Family
Pepper (Cg) - Co-Leader of the Stark-Potts Family
Happy (Cg) - Right Hand Man of the Stark-Potts Family
Bruce (Cg) - Trusted Member of the Stark-Potts Family
Vision (Cg) - Trusted Member of the Stark-Potts Family
Rumlow Family - (The Bronx) The newest, and least trusted, as well as least established, Mafia Family.
Brock Rumlow - Leader of the Rumlow Family
Y/n Rumlow (Little) - Sibling of the leader
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therealmofstarwars · 9 days
✨🪐 Commitment Needed for Star Wars Collab Fanfiction Server✨
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This sets the tone that the blog post is specifically meant for venting purposes without restraint. The fiery imagery and warning about explicit language lets readers know this is a space for free expression and cathartic release.
Extended revision disclaimer:
The following blog post is a raw, unfiltered venting session. Foul language, explicit rants, and incendiary opinions are absolutely guaranteed. If you're easily offended or prefer sunshine and rainbows, turn back now
This is a judgment-free zone for getting shit off my chest without censorship. It's cathartic expression at its most primal and uncensored. You've been warned - enter at your own risk!*
If you choose to proceed, buckle up and prepare for a profanity-laced, no-holds-barred venting extravaganza. This is the main event for when I'm fed up and need to blow off some serious steam.*
There will be fury. There will be rants. There will be all the curse words. But there are no limits or boundaries here - just pure, uninhibited venting in its natural state.
🔥 For Those Who Understand 🔥
To those getting it and allowing me this cathartic release - thank you. Your support and understanding is appreciated as I get this off my chest.*
🔥 For Those Who Don't 🔥
If you don't vibe with this energy, you had it coming. I'm an unapologetic Aries and I don't hold back when venting. Don't say you weren't warned!
I'm not a role model, I don't plan to be. I'm just a 23-year-old college student and young adult trying to survive a quarter-life crisis over here.
Hey everyone, I have an important announcement regarding our Star Wars Collab Fanfiction server on Discord. I've noticed a frustrating pattern lately of members joining the server, being somewhat active for a little while, and then disappearing without any notice or commitment.
I clarify - I am banning lazy, annoying, uncommitted fake members who play the asshole card. It pisses me off when people make last-minute plans and can't make up their damn minds. Stop wasting my damn time! It's rude, frustrating, annoying and brings unnecessary stress.
Going forward, I want to be upfront - if you join this fanfiction server, I expect you to be an active, committed member. That doesn't mean you have to be online 24/7, but it does mean regularly participating in discussions, showing up to collaborate on writing projects, and letting us know if you'll be inactive for a period of time.
For the love of God, Buddha, Athena - stop wasting my damn time! This is the last straw. You are banned if you pissed me off. I am recruiting real Star Wars fanfiction writers who are actually intrigued to join and collaborate.
If you realize this server isn't for you after joining, that's totally fine! Just let me or a mod know so we can remove you properly. But joining, being a ghost for a few weeks, and then disappearing forever? That's not cool.
My goal is to build a tight-knit community of Star Wars fanfiction writers who actually want to be here and work together. Uncommitted members who just take up space aren't helping achieve that vision. I will post announcements, but I need committed fanfic writers who are actually intrigued to join and collaborate.
Sorry guys, we had to deal with this - it's not fun for us all. I'll post this on my Tumblr Star Wars fan blog, then take a break. I hope you guys are actually committed and genuinely intrigued. I have three members right now, I just want this growing server to meet an online community of other fans to collab on Star Wars fanfiction and make new online friends. I am tired of this bullshit, I just want peace, ugh.
I hope you all understand where I'm coming from with this. Let's work together to build an amazing Star Wars fanfiction community on Discord that people stick around and invest in!
#starwarsfanfic #starwarscollabfanfiction #discordserver #fanficserver #fanficcollab
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epithet-beloved · 10 months
How about Platonic EE Phoenica?
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synopsis… Headcanons for being Phoenica’s friend
ft. Phoenica Fleecity XV, Trixie Roughhouse (mentioned), Molly Blyndeff (mentioned)
tags… epithet erased, platonic headcanons, tooth rotting fluff, friendship study, mentions of loss/grief, found family
word count… 767
a/n… FEENIE MY ME!!! I am a massive Feenie kinnie so i am obligated to write her ✧ 🦄
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Get ready for the most Disney channel friendship ever.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Phoenica grew up pretty sheltered, so most of her ideas of what friendship is meant to look like come from movies and TV. And magical girl anime, can’t forget the magical girl anime.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 No matter your gender, you will be recruited to her magical girl troupe. It’s inevitable, just let it happen.
“Oh, and magical girls usually have a special name for their transformations! Like Sailor Moon has her base form, but she also has Super Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Moon……what do you want yours to be? I have a list of approved words you can reference!”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She insists upon you calling her Feenie or some other kind of nickname. After all, you’re friends! And Feenie is what her friends call her!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Lots and lots of list making and itineraries. Even for a simple sleepover, she has a full schedule of activities decorated with cute stickers.
“At five PM we’ll have dinner, then after that we’ll have dessert…..oh, and a full movie marathon! Then that should make some room for the pillow fight and fort building at eight, then we should be all cozy and ready to sleep by nine! Perfect, right?”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She also keeps a ‘friendship scrapbook’ of all the things you do together. Photos from every hangout, little stickers and your names sewed into the front cover…..she has you help work on it whenever she adds a new page!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you’re friends with Feenie, then Molly and Trixie naturally are your friends, too. If you met Feenie after she already met the other Neo Trio members, Trixie insists on staging a formal ‘vibe check’ to see if you pass. This consists of them poking you with a glow stick to check your ‘aura’ and having you consume a special potion that is definitely not just three sodas in a jar.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You get included as a supporting character in her self insert fanfiction! Yippee! This is the highest recognition of friendship you can receive from Feenie.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 (Also it is my personal belief that the Neo Trio’s My Little Pony OCs are as follows: Feenie is an alicorn crystal pony, Molly is an earth pony, and Trixie is a Changeling, because every transgender person wanted to be a Changeling. Source: me.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 The Neo Trio makes you a special accessory as per custom. Feenie always brags about her addition to the accessory, clearly ecstatic to be able to give you a gift that you love.
“Molly did the braiding, and I picked the little beads.” Despite their stoic expression, Trixie was clearly all too eager to hand you the custom friendship bracelet the group had crafted for you.
From behind them, Feenie was even more eager to giggle and squeal, “I added all the GLITTER! Isn’t it so fabulous?”
“Yeah,” Molly nodded. “It’s like one of those yellow reflective vests. Now there’s no way you won’t be visible at night.”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Without her mom around, and her dad busy, she often feels lonely at home. So please stay over at least once a week, it makes her really happy.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She is the sweetest most considerate friend ever. Food allergies? None of that food at any of her friend events! You’re trans or use unorthodox pronouns? She keeps a list of all your preferred ones! Neurodivergent? She communicates according to your boundaries and is never upset over mistakes. What a sweetheart.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Also? Perfect study buddy. If you’re someone who struggles to study or get homework done, she invites you over to do flash cards and have snacks. Whatever your learning style is, she’ll research a bunch of fun study games to play to help you.
“Oh my gosh! You’ve nearly memorized the entire times table for seven!” The little ball of fluff was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. No matter what it was, Feenie was always eager to be proud of you. “We can finish the rest after a snack! Annabelle made us snickerdoodles!”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You come to know most of her house staff by name. They know you well, and practically consider you part of the family.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Feenie confides in you about a lot of things she doesn’t normally tell anyone else. How much pressure she feels over having to save the world, how unfair it is, that she has to do all this and she’s just a kid…..usually, Feenie does her best to be a typical ray of sunshine so that nobody has to feel sad around her, but she can’t help but just feel so safe around you.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You really are family to her.
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silverstonesainz · 9 months
frat star 101
a crash course on all things frat 
okay so some of you might be wondering, what the fuck is a frat? well here i am, with three years of being active in the greek community (and a self-proclaimed frat RAT), here to share a bit of my knowledge. 
if you have any questions that i did not answer in this post or wanna talk more in depth about my experiences, feel free to DM or send in an ask! and if any of my fellow greek life peeps see that i miswrote something or missed something in general, pls dm and ill make those changes!
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-> FAQs
so what’s a fraternity/sorority? the most basic explanation for this would be that they are a college organization/club. fraternities are exclusively men, sororities are exclusively women. there are co-ed fraternities, but those are more academic/degree/community service based. there are different councils of sororities/fraternities (IFC, PHC, MGC, NPHC), but in terms of this au, that doesn’t really matter. 
why do people join? a multitude of reasons really: making friends, networking, philanthropy, community service, resume building, etc etc! if you take it seriously, you get a lot more out of it than a social life. personally speaking, i’ve grown a lot as a person and it has benefitted me a lot in my professional life. 
what do they do?  theres a lot of things that fraternities/sororities do on campus and in their community. philanthropic events are a big one. every chapter has a different charity/organization that they support, and the means of how they raise money and support their org! its a fun way to keep the greek community connected n stuff. and they make it competitive so chapters go against each other. lots n lots of fun 
they also host social events. chapters can host date night/parties, socials, & semi-formals/formals! date nights and formals are usually open to invite anyone (with reason), where as socials are chapter to chapter (i.e. lambda chi alpha and alpha delta pi). what they do at these events just depends on the chapter hosting. it can range from mini golf to a movie night. it all depends.
the only thing sororities can’t do is throw parties. it goes against NPC standards & by-laws for sorority women to throw large scale events like that in their houses. i can’t quote the exact rule but its there. fraternities on the other hand… they do whatever they want i GUESS
and then internally we have retreats for sisterhood/brotherhood building and a bunch of fucking meetings. it’s much like a business, except you pay to do it.
what’s the point?  the point is what you make it. sororities and fraternities can cater to an experience that you’re looking for. a thing i always heard as an active is you get what you put in. if you’re looking for a social life, you can get it. wanna network??? gain leadership experience?? plan events?? greek life could help you too. and greek organizations can benefit you post grad too with their alumni network. and also, you’re not limited to your own chapter, but those around you. again, its all about what you put in, and what you want to gain. 
recruitment- its a period in the semester where greek organizations can begin to accept new members. the process for sororities & fraternities differ, as sororities are much more formal and structured while fraternities are more casual and laid back. (informally known as rush/rushing) 
chapter- can mean two things, depending on the context. so (1) its a way to differentiate the organizations in conversation. like for example my chapter is ABC and your chapter is XYZ. and (2) its what you refer to a specific greek organization at a specific university. so when im referring to my chapter, i’m specifically talking about sorority ABC at university DEF. confusing but again, its all in the context. 
pledging- it’s the informal (and incorrect way) of referring to the new member process. officially, we don’t call it that bc of it’s negative connotations but we also still very much call it that. 
pledge- its a new member in an organization, but again we don’t refer to out new members in that way bc that would be demeaning and considered hazing
greek row- refers to the street/area that greek organizations live in. 
legacy- an individual who has had grandparents, parents, and/or sibling in a specific greek org.
executive board- student leaders of the organization that work to maintain order and keep up the chapter running (president, vps, secretary, etc etc). the executive board make up and positions vary from chapter to chapter.
honors/standards board- a different set of members asked to make sure that their members are upholding each individual org’s standards and bylaws. its also normally not members already serving on the executive board
dues- what you pay to be apart of the organization (varies from chapter to chapter, school to school)
big / little- it's a mentorship! getting your big bro/sis means getting a person that will guide you through your new member process and see you through to initiation (and beyond!) bigs will always be an initiated member and littles will be new members
*please note that some of these things sometimes are referred to differently on other campuses. this is just what my school uses. 
every chapter is different. . .  seriously. not all fraternities/sororities run their orgs the same. and it also differs from school to school. a certain fraternity might be the sexiest most gentlemanly men you’ve ever come across at one university and complete pigs at a another. there are a lot of similarities but when it comes down to the nitty gritty we’re all pretty different.
all experiences are different. . . my happy go lucky good time will not be the same as another. and my misery in it will also not be the same as another. the experience is different for everyone and all comes down to how an individual uses their time in their organization, and on the organization itself.
it is as cult-y as you think it is. . .  we have rituals. its different for every chapter, and to be fair i only know my own but i can say that every ritual is pretty fucking culty in their own way.
lots of secrets and lots of lore. . . there are a lot of things about greek life that goes on from chapter to chapter that we don’t speak of. it’s a sacred thing, that only initiated members of each specific organization know. you can definitely google these things but i personally think its taboo to talk about unless youre a member.
finally, let me be perfectly clear. . . 
i know that there is a lot of dark shit that has happened and continues to happen in greek life, that theres a lot of work to be done even in this day & age. this au is not meant to glorify all the ugly— the hazing and any type of hatred that certain chapters may have. this is all for fun, to talk about all the good and fun that can come of it. 
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aleenapaulsposts · 10 months
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Albert Einstein said
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing any thing.
In my opinion bystander not consider as a guilty but coward who ignore the crime
ALEENA PAUL || NEW DELHI ,INDIA _published 9 sep 2023
I am just a consciousness raising women and i want to tell my story because we matter our voice matter.
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Have you seen this image ever before ? If ‘No’ then its right time to describes about this image .its seems like I am going to describe about a such type if crime which happens in every day in our life this is not just about our country but a serious issue around the world .
I don’t know what you call this crime but I call it coward bystander .
You know what people fear the most ?yes .its ‘FEAR’ and that’s make a person coward.
Today we will discuss about very important issue which you call as bystander which known as crime but not crime in law
Have you hared about a very popular crime murder case which was happened in 1964 in newyork city the bystander effect following the violent attack and murder of a women name ‘cathedral kitty genovese’. This crime occurred over 30 minutes. During this time 38 neighbors heard kitty cries for help .but no one helped her or call the police so shameful incident . she attempted to save her own call was made to the police but it was dismissed as a domestic dispute all though the incident become globally famous. Image of news published in 1964.
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Simpler to this case one more incident was done by a boy called sahil in metropolitan city delhi , INDIA on March 2023 ‘nikki murder case’ .which gone very viral.
In this case sahil who was prime suspected for his girl friend nikki murder case .which was cord in cctv camera which visible very clearly in cctv camera the boy nihal stabbed 21 times then battered with boulder. Public cought in cctv camera delhi girl killed as people walk by .
The girl suffered a ruptured skull during the attack according to the preliminary final post mortem report .scenes captured by cctv camera in a lane located in the shahbad diary area of delhi rohini.
Now my intention was not to discuss about such crime murder case but a small alert related such crimes .a topic which happen every day life in entire world a globle problem which every one ignore .known as bystander.
Before we discusses about this topic can I ask you a question?
What type of personality you are upstander or bystander?
If you are any of these plz comment .
Some one who sees or know about bullying or any crime but takes no action to address it or report it.simply who sees the crime happening but simply ignore or wrought take responsibility or simply ignore may be he/she don’t know how to handle this.
Eg – shy , fain-hearted , coward etc
Someone who recognises when something is wrong and act to make it right.
Eg – honest , faithful , brave and supporter etc.
We are upstander and want to create a campus environment where every members of our community feels included , valued and safe.
We all play a critical role in identifying situation that have a potential for harm and intervening it something dons’t look or feet quite right.
Don’t just be a step and protect people who need help your action could prevent some one from becoming a victim of any crime.
🟥 Be aware of event around you
🟥 take responsibility for the well-being of everyone in the community.
🟥 step in help others
🟥 step indirectly and separate the person
🟥 use distraction to re – direct the forces of one person elsewhere
🟥 let some friends know what going on and recruit them help
🟥 if the situation looks like unsafe call the police department or ngo for help .
Watching but doing nothing (bystander)
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🟧 effect occurs from interdependence between group of people .
🟧 people in a group may expect someone else to help which relieves them from any type of responsibility to take in action.
🟧 if know one help still the blame for in action applies to everyone in the group.
🟧people may feel a shared responsibility where in a larger group so individual may not take action because they feel less responsibility when other are present.
🟧 fear of unfavourable judgement.
🟧 pluralistic ignorance is a thought that how will we do .if no body else is taking action bystander will think it is not a emergency situation and it is not my problem.
🟧 passive supporter who witness the incident but do nothing to interface.
How can we encourage bystander to get support to bullying victim?
Now the good samaritan law was introduced in india .to provide legal frame work to motivate and encourage the bystander to offer aid to the victims with out any fear of legal hassles.good samaritan who make a phone call to inform the police or emergency service .for the person lying injured on the road .shall not be compelled to reveal his name and personal detail .government of india provide cash who saves lives in road accident by those who saves lives in road accident by taking them to hospital within the golden hours. The amount of good samaritan is 5000/-rs per accident. The scheme will remain will remain operational the completion of the 15th financial cycle till 31st March,2026. One of the historic figures was mahatama gandhi ,nelson mardela and martin luttor.
Who are upstander and what they do? UPSTANDER are community members who provide acknowledgement , understanding and support for neighbours facing challenges as a result of hateful acts , natural disasters , violence or interference that threaten the integrity of their community.
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So it has been asked that I put this in it's own post rather than a thread, so I am:
Over the last several years, many "rad fem" leaders and organizations have come to ally with LGB &T hate groups and the Christian right because they, "know who real women are." It is these christian right groups like the FRC and ADF who are behind many of the anti-abortion, anti-women movements through the U.S. and Europe. They're also behind a lot of anti-trans policies and legislation.
You can read a bit about who is behind funding these policy initiatives, and how much money goes into these campaigns below:
European Parliamentary Forum
Southern Poverty Law Center on the ADF
Southern Poverty Law Center on the FRC
And you can read about the connection between these groups and trans-exclusionaries and radical feminists below:
Southern Poverty Law Center on the Far-Right Anti-Trans Laws
Southern Poverty Law Center on the Anti LGBT Campaigns
Political Research Associates on Partners with the Christian Right
An "Unlikely" Ally
The Women's Liberation Front (WoLF), for example, accepted a $15,000 grant from the religious freedom giant, the Alliance Defending Freedom. They also co-authored an anti-trans parenting guide with the Family Policy Alliance, and then partnered with them again to release a homophobic press releases decrying how LGB labels "sexualize" children because no child thinks about sexual orientation (so couldn't possibly know they're gay for any other number of reasons). They've also held conferences and panels with Christian-right organizing groups, namely, the Heritage Foundation.
We've also seen countless radical feminists appear on Tucker Carlson Tonight and the Ingraham Angle, two Fox hosts well-known for whipping up anti-immigrant, xenophobic sentiment in America's Christian Nationalist movement. Speakers included: Meg Kilgannon, Kara Dansky, Tammy Bruce (and here), and Julia Beck.
The term "gender ideology" even has its origins in alt-right Christian circles. And don't even get me started on the use of "hygiene" to describe cis people and the fact they co-opted the idea that certain people-in this case, trans people- have "contaminating" genes from literal eugenics movements. TERF complaints about the supposed existence of "cancel culture" and "woke culture" even echo conservative and right-wing rhetoric.
But it gets worse.
White supremacists and white supremacist organizations (See: Richard Spencer’s Radix for primary example) are trying to turn TERFs into “race realists.” And they're actually having a lot of success because 1.) the movement is chronically white, 2.) the movement is built a lot on social fears, and 3.) the movement often uses crime statistics as a recruitment and justification point (these statistics are used to convince white feminists that there are specific demographics of men they need to be "protected" from). Literal white supremacists are using the TERF's social grievances and crime statistics to "enlighten" these supposed feminists about what they call the "race question." Over-policing and capitalistic deprivation of resources have devastated black and brown communities, making members of those communities the disproportionate victims of incarceration. Simply pointing out crime and incarceration stats without nuance, which TERFs like to do with their "trans women are all sexual predators" crime argument, has actually helped the bottom line of white supremacists.
They're using the standard TERF's belief in the divine feminine-- the idea that natal women have a unique biology which should be protected and venerated-- to convince them that there are "masculine" and "feminine" energies and turn them onto the trad life. And they're tapping into the TERF's unaddressed "benevolent" sexism-- a type of sexism that positively rewards people assigned female at birth for observing their sex-assigned social prescriptions from presentation to roles to a cis identity, and which holds that women should be protected (by the [masculinist] state) and revered, most especially for their unique biology-- to convince them that "modern society" and "modern feminism" is diseased and the antithesis to their liberty. And it's working. It's working precisely because TERFs are so eager to separate people into "biological" castes so that men are men and women are women (and never the twain shall meet), define women as a discrete biological caste ("the sex that can bear offspring or produce ova"), and reify gendered associations, specifically the association that men are Aggressors and women are passive Recipients of said aggression. This ideology actually does quite a bit to uphold patriarchal ideas that define women as a discrete biological category and it also encourages a system whereby men act on behalf of and choose for women (the Aggressor v. Recipient social prescription does a lot to justify rape culture, or men acting aggressively on behalf of and choose for women).
This is why notorious misogynists like Matt Walsh have shown open support for high-profile TERFs and have taken the "Adult Human Female" slogan and run with it. There's a reason these men on the "right" of the political spectrum can't stand the existence of trans people, but will voice support for TERFs and their ideology and use their language. The TERF ideology is sexist and they're sexists, so it follows.
But the bitch of it is that they know this. They openly admit it, but like to play too dumb to know that their movement is collaborating with the alt-right simply to score a political point against trans people. They all hate trans people existing so much, they've allied with the people who'll cut off their hands and gouge their eyes out.
“I do feel kind of nervous about working with the right wing because they have opposed women’s bodily autonomy…”
-Julia Beck
TERFs have put their eggs in the same basket as people passing anti-abortion policies, people trying to pass girl's genital inspection policies for sports, people trying to ban LGB books, people who want to repeal the right to gay marriage, and people who believe that a woman's "place" is in the home- serving a husband and children all to score a political point against trans people.
That is why I always say that in trying to create a feminism that excludes trans people, TERFs have created the very tool with which the alt-right will use to destroy feminism all together.
You can read more about their connections below:
Posie Parker, TERFs Find Audience with White Supremacists
Anti-Trans 'Feminists' Appear at Panel of Right-Wing Heritage Foundation
Tucker Carlson Looks at FPA Partnership with Radical Feminists
Conservative group hosts anti-transgender panel of feminists 'from the left'
The Unholy Alliance of Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists and the Right Wing
The "unlikely" political alliance against trans care
Introduction: TERFs, Gender-Critical Movements, and Postfascist Feminisms
Unpacking “Gender Ideology” and the Global Right’s Antigender Countermovement
Call them what they are. They aren't feminists. They're anti-trans activists. They're the latest iteration of an anti-feminist movement.
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bees-with-swords · 1 year
It is really really frustrating to put up with systemic issues about air pollution and fire season for OVER A DECADE, and now that the east coast of the US is dealing with smoke problems it's getting the kind of analysis and publicity in the media that I've been screaming myself hoarse for since I was seven years old. It's like Australia and California don't matter nearly as much to global media as New York does. It feels extremely shitty, like my house burned down and my family was displaced and a member of my community died, but right now wildfires are getting more attention than ever before because the east coast is getting just a slice of what we've been dealing with for years.
I just feel so much envy over the outpouring of awareness, love, and support, that I never received when exposed to air quality issues OR displacement. I've lost my childhood home, my community. The fire station we paid taxes for sent their engines to a wealthy neighbourhood 15 miles away---a neighbourhood that had opted, several years earlier, to get rid of their own fire station. The fire service didn't warn our neighbours on the private roads about the fire. Some barely made it out alive. One died. Because of the lack of warning, hundreds of pets and livestock couldn't be evacuated and burned alive. The very hills I grew up on were badly damaged by corporate policies after the fire, cutting down trees and causing massive erosion.
And all of that, all of that trauma that has left our community irreparably splintered, started out with small things. Like going outside and smelling smoke. So when the memes come in (the memes that have been made before but largely ignored by folks on the east coast) and the air quality control tips (turn on your shower, increase humidity, leave out trays of water), I can't help but feel... Lost? Is history repeating itself because folks truly didn't understand what we've been going through over here? Or because nobody cared? Does the Canadian government sincerely think they can allow campfires this late in the year?
Has nobody learned from us? My house burned down, my family is living with trauma and my parents are forced into an abusive living situation and the hills I grew up on are scarred from decades of fire suppression, and nobody learned from that? Why did it happen, then? Why is nobody from the East studying it, to make sure nobody over there goes through that? Why aren't Easterners talking about fireproof housing and controlled burns and living with fire rather than against it? Were you not watching us burn? Were you not learning from our baby steps? Why are you repeating our history?
People are asking such basic questions like 'how do I keep my air clean' and 'why do we have so much fire suddenly' instead of 'how do I install metal shutters on my home' and 'how do we eradicate settler-colonialism from our ideas about forest management?' and 'how do I support fire and climate refugees?'
It feels like I've returned from the war just to watch a dozen fresh faced recruits march off eagerly. Was nobody watching? Did nobody care, did nobody learn? If people won't seek out information until the smoke is in their lungs, how am I supposed to feel any hope? I don't want my job to be endlessly educating people who don't have a reason to care yet. I would have thought you cared already. I would have thought we'd be further along.
Please do research. I don't have the energy to educate people right now, I did it for years and years but so few people listened. Go look up something about TEK and controlled burns and fire suppression and old growth forests. There's lots of material you've probably never looked at. I know it can be hard to care about what goes on in other parts of the world, but now it's affecting you. You need to know the basics of what's wrong with our system, you need to know whether fire suppression may have long term implications for your area, you need to know how to do your part in local politics, and you need to know how to help the people who are affected.
After our house burned down I got a quilt. Pajaro Valley Quilt Association made quilts for fire victims, and my mom grabbed me the nicest one they had. You have to understand, I didn't have any nice things at that point. Most of my most precious possessions didn't make it out of the fire. But I have this quilt, because the community came together and gave me one nice thing that I'll be able to keep for the next generation. We need more of that. We need people to pour out love and make donations and send cards and do anything, anything, just to make someone feel less bad on the worst day of their life. If you want to help, that's how.
I didn't get any quilts from the east coast. It feels like everyone stopped caring after the first few years of fires and drought. It became old news.
But it's still real here, it's still exhausting, and it could be you too unless we all get on the same page.
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theobutshark · 3 months
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Sup guys, I'm Sharki, Theo sharki. Just jokes I haven't gotten into James Bond. I am here however for Percy Jackson. I'm on the search for people who are blood-thirsty for power, as I'm making a discord server. Basically it's another Percy Jackson rp server, but also a nice place to chat, ship Leo and Jason, make friends and all those cool things like that. Plus if you are a super nerd you can join the study vc to keep you going (I know I have a shit ton of maths statistics).
But back to the blood thirsty moderators, am I right? Yeah so because I'm just setting this up I'm gonna need some staff (unpaid Labor). Lemme get into recruitment mode.
Do you like punishing people? Do you like muting people? Do you like making important announcements? Do you like helping me set up discord server?
Then you should get in quick to become a Moderator, this also means you'll have first dibs on rarer characters like big three children, or dare I say it, gods.
Are you a creative person? Do you like art and writing? Do you like lore-building? Do you like creating events, quests and characters?
Then you should join this server rn to become a lore-builder person (idk man), you'll also get first dibs on rare characters.
This server in in construction and set up so we won't be roleplaying yet but if you wanna join now, feel free to. Or if you wanna help in a way I haven't listed yet.
Please note this server will be 12+ but it's mainly aimed at teens. However if you're older that's all good. Just none of you lil 11 years older this isn't Harry Potter.
Now click that link my dudes ∆∆∆
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goldenlaquer · 1 year
I want to ask an in depth summary of all the arcs with your characters but it might take a little while 😭 so how about more details for those (if it's not too much):
Teito: Shinsengumi Crisis, Rokkaku and Baragaki
Yan: Four Devas
Seiji: Love Choriss (pls tell me he never got his harem), Kintama, Courtesan of a Nation and Genderbend arc (girl Seiji 😳)
Shinsengumi Crisis Arc: This is the arc where the tone shifts for Teito. Up until this point, Teito is shown as a mild personality. He's not particularly special in anything other than his face and peach jokes. Ito does not attempt to recruit Teito into his faction. He thinks Teito's soft and a pushover, and worse yet, it seems like his sword is ornamental because Teito does not take on active combat duty within the Shinsengumi, which is even more egregious for a captain— Ito has already decided that there will be no room for weakness within the new Shinsengumi. Teito is separated from Kondo and Sougo, ambushed by several members of the Ito faction sent to kill him. Teito asks (politely too, who does that?) them to surrender, and that's hilarious to the assassins because who's asking who to surrender? It's 1 to 6, Teito is outnumbered. After a second confirmation that they really won’t back down, Teito gets into position, gives them his sincerest regrets to their utter amusement, and moves. You won’t see the actual fight or the aftermath, only him successfully rejoining the group later on, alone and covered in blood (Hijikata chews the HELL out of him, did you fight, teito?! commit seppuku! no stop, why are you committing seppuku!?!). Other scenes include him helping form the human rope to save Ito from falling, and then part of the circle of Shinsengumi members around Ito's last fight, in solidarity. And during Pusuke's (and Yamazaki's) funeral, Teito looking incredibly sad and offering forth a plate of peaches, rubbed smooth and looking absolutely mushy, except for one peach that is left fuzzy, to be rubbed in the afterlife— for Pusuke that is, not Yamazaki. (yamazaki in the background going, no one wants your rotten peaches, but why are you giving it to the dog instead of me?!?? Dogs can't even rub peaches!!!!— and then teito pausing and sliding one of the mushy peaches off of pusuke's plate to put in front of yamazaki's portrait— oi!!!! you clearly gave me that peach as a second thought! at least give me the fuzzy one!)
Rokkaku Arc: (he's the only one who would enjoy the tabasco topped cakes) A small role, he shows up at the end with the Shinsengumi— not exactly there for combat support, but as the head of Communications and Media Relations, who is also in charge of keeping official records. There's the inaccurate Rokkaku record in his hand. Even Sougo has to take a good pause at Teito's very gentle smile. Only reason why Sougo's not outright slacking off with all those loads of paperwork at the end of arc is because dealing with Teito about it is too annoying (and delightfully scary! according to Kamiyama).
Baragaki Arc: Teito's backstory unravels a little here. Tetsunosuke arrives. He's the belligerent nepo baby we all know and hated. Is disrespectful to all his senpais, especially to Teito of all people. Spits on Teito's shoes and calls him an ugly pushover. In another scene, there's a rap battle. Hijikata and the rest of the Shinsengumi watches as Tetsunosuke and his cronies start off with a diss, and Teito finally gets serious, picks up a mic, wears a baseball cap on backwards, becomes T-Peach and returns fire with a diss of his own (but instead of it being an insult, it's filled with praise). Tetsunosuke is sweating, but he won't be beat! They go back and forth in the battle of hate vs love, until Tetsunosuke snaps and bursts out with a "Don't mess with me! You were dumped here by my brother too, weren't you? You're a failure like me!"
Teito is present during the encounter with Isaburo (Hijikata took Teito along for the ride in attempt to smooth things over between him and Tetsunosuke). At the end of the interaction, Isaburo, turning to Teito, says this: 'Teito-kun. Rolling in the mud with the pigs when you could've been rolling with the elite. I told you that you'd regret not taking my hand to pull yourself up, didn't I? Look at how they chained you, how useless your sword is now. As lowly as you are, I wouldn't take you back even if you crawled and begged and tried to bribe me with a limited edition Super LOVE Musume Evening CD.'
And Teito smiles, saying this : 'Isaburo-san, it's as you've said before, I am so far beneath you that I would've dirtied your hand if I touched it. As it is, I prefer rolling in the mud instead of rolling with the elites. A pig can do that with dignity. By the way, I prefer Tan-Maid'
Isaburo narrowing his eyes. 'Oh dear. How you've changed.'
'And you, Isaburo-san.'
Tetsunosuke goes from B-boy to C-boy, and bows until the back of his head is showing to Teito-senpai, apologizing for his rudeness at the beginning of the arc— to which Teito accepts good-naturedly. Tetsunosuke mentions that he feels like they have a lot of things in common, especially with them both being scorned by his brother Isaburo. Teito smiling and saying that he feels that even though Isaburo-san had said all those hurtful things, he still must care for Tetsunosuke, uhm, in his own way. And Tetsunosuke shaking his head, thanking Teito for being kind and trying to spare his feelings, but his older brother really doesn't care for him at all, that's why Tetsunosuke was sent to the Shinsengumi. Teito looks thoughtful as Tetsunosuke runs off the find the vice-commander.
(With Tetsunosuke trying to make himself useful and bombarding Hijikata 24/7, Hijikata swears it's like dealing with rookie Teito 2.0 all over again, because it kinda is— Teito's the one who happily gave Tetsunosuke advice and a list of all of Hijikata's likes and dislikes.)
In the Shinsengumi's clash with the Mimawarigumi, Teito is with Yamazaki, Kondo, and Sougo, while Hijikata is dealing with Isaburo. It’s Teito who ends up catching the end of the Tetsunosuke’s rope (sorry yamazaki 😔💔 but I wanted to connect scenes here).
Effectively blocks off any escaping stragglers from Check It Out gang by obsessively rubbing peaches (And one. And two. And three— there’s a real creep just rubbing off all the fuzz on the peaches! What the hell is wrong with these people!?)
Teito disguised as a Mimawarigumi member as he raises his sword to the back of Isaburo’s unprotected head. Isaburo’s huffing out in annoyance and undeniable humor. ‘I thought you couldn’t use your sword anymore.’
and Teito quietly saying back, ‘My sword was never the problem, and the Shinsengumi nor Tetsunosuke were never really the problem either— but you knew that all this time didn’t you, Isaburo-san?’
… Don’t know what you mean, Teito-kun. Every single last one of you are damn thorns in my side.
Four Devas arc: A very small background character role, I'm sorry to say 😔 this is in the aftermath episode with Kujaku Hime Kada. There's the scene where Kamui and Abuto are comparing the deranged princess to consoles and Yan puts his own two cents in with a 'playdia.' and then Abuto's like 'no, no, more like a genesis'. And he's there as backup for Kamui's escaped execution—breaking through a closed off entrance with Abuto and the rest of the 7th division in tow. In the middle of the chaos, he accidentally crushes Ma*ko's foot, and she's shrieking her head off, calling him all sorts of names like "you fat brute" which totally hurts his feelings and keeps him awake at night, he's always been sensitive about his weight
Love Choriss arc:
Kintama arc:
Courtesean of a Nation arc:
Genderbend arc:
lemme reblog Seiji's stuff filled out later 😭 he can wait 😔
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dawnfelagund · 11 months
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Independent Archive Survey
In what other ways might you be interested in volunteering for an independent archive?
Check all that apply.
community activities (events, challenges, etc.): 69% member support (helping creators use the archive): 56% moderation (monitoring fanworks/user interactions, addressing/removing content/interactions that violate archive policies): 50% policy development: 33% promotional (social media, recruitment, etc.): 30% tech support (software upgrades, bug fixes, etc.): 22% I don't know: 5.6% Other: Financial I am currently running a Dreamwidth archive and looking to expand it Responses: 36
As I noted above, there are multiple items that show relatively low interest in the technical aspects of running an archive compared to the creative and "soft skills" areas, and nowhere is this more obvious than in this dataset. This isn't surprising. Creative/soft skills more closely align with what we already do in fandom. More of us could, for example, plan a challenge or help a newcomer than fix a software bug, given the skills we have right now. A lot of skills we use all the time in fandom concern creativity, communication, and interaction, so "leveling up" in those areas, so to speak, in an official capacity, is less of a stretch for most people.
Of course, as we (re)build independent archives, the technical aspects are essential in a way that none of the others are (with the possible exception of policies … but even there, small archives have gotten by with minimal policies or trusting the culture among a small group of users to serve in this regard). This loops back to the question of how to educate possible archivists to handle the technical demands of running an archive, but also making this either comfortable and interesting to enough fans that technical needs can be met. A familiar refrain to anyone who works on technical fandom projects is the loneliness and lack of help/support, and many fandom projects have failed for lack of interest in maintaining the technical aspects. I know, personally speaking, that having Russandol as a second tech admin on the SWG feels like a gift. When there is a problem to be solved, there is someone to bounce ideas off of and work alongside. In short, if we're to see independent archives work again, we need to figure out how to make that 22% a bigger number.
What is the independent archive survey?
The independent archive survey ran from 23 June through 7 July 2023. Eighty-two respondents took the survey during that time. The survey asked about interest in independent archives and included a section for participants interested in building or volunteering for an independent archive. The survey was open to all creators and readers/viewers of fanworks.
What is an independent archive?
The survey defined an independent archive as "a website where creators can share their fanworks. What makes it 'independent' is that it is run by fans but unaffiliated with any for-profit or nonprofit corporations or organizations. Historically, independent archives have grown out of fan communities that create fanworks."
Follow the tag #independent archives for more survey results and ongoing work to restore independent archives to fandoms that want them.
Independent Archives Survey Masterpost
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blanketorghost · 2 years
Arcana Twilight Discord + Wiki!
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Hello hello!!
as promised, I made a discord server for the people who were interested!
This is supposed to be a partner to the wikia page I am creating, so, though it is just as much a place to hang out with fellow AT fans, the staff and I will be in charge of gathering info and feedback for the wikia page!
Click here to join!
Now, as for the recruitment, I am in need of at least 1/2 other people willing to help! We are not really looking for experts or anything, but these are 2 of the roles needed so far!
Writer: someone who’s willing to write and edit the blurbs of wiki pages, this includes taking care of cohession and canon compliance
Translator: Given ArTw’s very rough translation thus far, someone with basic korean knowledge would be very useful!
These two positions aren’t strict, and all staff members would have to help a little with all categories aside from coding. (writing, gathering assets, community management, etc.)
I am right now at the lead and take charge of coding the site and I’m also working on writing all main pages with a former admin of the now inactive ArTw wiki, so honestly, any help would be very appreciated! If you’re interested to help out, please PM me!
That’s all so far~
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