#i love these designs a lot i will forever be thinking of eddies parents as this
pinknyellowblob · 10 hours
eddiez moms…
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designs by the one and only @cyanwyrmy !!!!! i love them a lot
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lennadanvers · 3 months
I just read all of your ex!husband!eddie and I can’t get enough 😭
what about reader that goes on a date (but she doesn’t tell Eddie) and it’s really bad, as in, the guy is great but she realizes that he’ll never level up to Eddie? Like she compares everything the guy does to Eddie, and she realizes that they don’t have any chemistry? So she gets drunk and she calls Eddie in the middle of the night to come get her and when she gets home she sobers up a bit and is like ‘I hate you Eddie. I hate you for making me love you, I hate you for being an amazing father, and an amazing ex, for being so amazing to me that I can’t think of dating anyone else, but I hate you even more because you broke my heart and you abandoned me when I needed you the most!!’ And she just starts crying and Eddie comforts her? And maybe they find a way to start dating again? 👀
I hope you like this!! Thanks for reading and have a good day/night! Lots of love 💕
- ☀️
Well, hello! I loved reading this <3
I'm forever in love with Eddie comforting the reader, I'm a fan of him being soft- especially bc of his big pretty eyes.
Tbh I don't think this reader in particular would hide the fact that she's going on a date. The way I picture it, she's used to telling him almost everything. They also share some friends, so he'd end up finding out. And it's easier to let him know so he can have the kids while she's out. Also, let's not forget Eddie fucked up (at least a little) and she enjoys a little payback.
On the getting drunk and calling him, that's like 100% accurate. They might be divorced, but they can rely on each other. Especially when it is about the kids, but in many other things too. Before they were married, they were friends, and Eddie used to be the designated driver (not particularly because of his sobriety, but because he had the van).
As per the part of hating him for being amazing... Let's just say it's the opposite. She married him because she thought he was amazing. She loved him because he was Eddie.
But she divorced him for the same reason. Because he was always an idealist, always in another world, always big speeches and concerts. And, well, there was always the real world. And it had worked when it was just the two of them, but then they became parents. And suddenly they were responsible for more human beings than just them. Eddie was great with kids, but not with responsibility. And the doctor appointments, the limits, the no's, the having to be on time, the needing structure... It all fell onto her shoulders.
But love? Love is still there. It has always been. Even if they both have broken hearts. Even if she is certain she made the right choice. She blames herself sometimes, because all the dreaming and the defying the status quo and the freedom are the reasons she fell in love with him. Like she shouldn't have wanted him to do normal life, when he's so special. But at the same time, she knows she can give Eddie's kids what he didn't have. Not just a present father, but also a structure to lean on, stability, healthy limits, attention.
Maybe I got a little carried away. There is a lot more to unpack here, but I'll stop before this gets any longer. In short, the chemistry is and always will be there, and it is unmatched. Maybe they'll be able to work out the rest. Eddie certainly hopes so.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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ymaohoh · 6 months
'and she's a bride of the fucking devil' - Hellcheer Fic - Chapter Two
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Henry Creel has waited a lifetime for her. (and Chrissy thinks this is hell)
Chrissy tried to hide her face but he was too quick. He pinned her wrists at her sides.  He sounded so much like the real Eddie. Even those eyes were the same warm brown colour.  (and yes, she’d pictured this before. How could she not when his lovely eyes followed her about the school as though bewitched?) “I don’t want this. I don’t want this…” she whispered as he rutted into her. “Henry, please, I don’t want Eddie. This is wrong.” 
Lots of very iffy manipulation and dubious consent. There's going to be an underlying theme of Chrissy/Eddie (thus the relationship tag) Also on Archive. Word count: 6,418 Rated: E - yeah, I'm going to hell, babe.
Chrissy assumed she could no longer dream, but that night she did. 
She didn’t dream of Henry or even Jason. She’d barely thought about Jason at all since coming here to this hellscape…and wasn’t that odd? (Patrick had told her about Jason’s crusade of avenging her death. It wasn’t surprising at all that he’d made her murder all about him and his feelings). 
No, instead Chrissy dreamed of Eddie Munson…of the way he laughed (head thrown back in abandon, shoulders arched, his eyes crinkling) in the forest. He laughed openly, not caring a bit about looking funny or weird like she did. She dreamed about the way he smiled at her and made her feel so included and seen. 
Perhaps if things had played out differently she could’ve told him how much that brief exchange meant to a lonely sad cheerleader. How it lit a torch in her chest. 
They could’ve even become friends… maybe even more. 
‘Yeah, well, I actually kinda thought you'd be kinda mean and scary too. 
That was her favourite bit. Then the sweet dream shifted and Henry was watching her from across the forest instead. 
“I don’t like to see you so downhearted, Chrissy. What is it you truly want? Name it and it’s yours. I want to see your joy.” 
She hardly knew the answer herself. 
“Wealth?” He waved his hand and she suddenly saw herself surrounded by racks of designer clothing and shoes, a gleaming sports car behind her. She had the means to go to the best college and travel the world, she was no longer reliant on her parents' money. 
“Confidence?” She sat in the middle of all her friends, telling a joke and making them laugh. They all gazed at her with total devotion and awe. She could do anything, say anything. She loved and believed in herself. 
“...or is it love?” 
He altered his appearance to look like Jason. When she didn’t react, he turned instead into Eddie. 
He must have seen something shine bright in her eyes because he strode towards her, swinging his arms in a black and white Hellfire t-shirt. The smile he wore looked so uncannily like Eddie’s that she shivered. He had every mannerism down perfectly. 
“Nice to see you again, Cunningham,” this Eddie grinned. “How about we jump in my van and roll up a joint? Or we could get the fuck out of Hawkins and see where the road takes us? Wherever you want, baby. I’ve been in love with you since middle-school. I’m in this for keeps.” 
He was offering her the moon on a string; the chance to be free, to explore, to be with someone she could very easily fall in love with (as easily as falling asleep). 
This Eddie laced his fingers with her own. He was even wearing his heavy silver rings. The attention to detail was staggering.  
“This is too cruel,” Chrissy murmured, but she couldn’t look away.  
“How bittersweet…to be torn apart so soon.”
He brushed his knuckles against her cheek. She found herself leaning into his touch before she realised what she was doing. 
He twisted his arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug. Chrissy nestled against his chest, smelling cigarette smoke and weed and the worn leather of his jacket. She could hear his heart beating. It sounded so real, so human. She could happily remain like this forever. 
She wondered how much Eddie knew of love. Did he think about her still…dead as she was? Did he even care? 
“He saw me. He was the only one who noticed how frightened I was. I felt so safe with him.”
“I saw you,” Eddie (Henry) said. “I see everything.”
Her dream spiralled into nightmare after nightmare. 
She saw her mom screaming at her for being fat and ugly and gorging on too many strawberries. She called her useless, told her she would never find a man who would put up with her laziness. Her fingers poked at her body, pinching any excess skin she could find. 
She saw Jason yelling at her because she wouldn’t go beyond third base, even when she tried to explain she simply wasn’t ready. He fixed her with a look of total disappointment, telling her he was embarrassed to have such a prissy boring girlfriend. Why couldn’t she be fun like the other girls? Did she want him to find someone better? 
She even saw Eddie shouting at her for being a tease, a slut. He asked her what sort of girl would flirt with him when they already had a boyfriend? And what would he want with someone as vapid and stuck up as her? 
(they sounded so real) 
Finally she saw herself laying on the ground, naked and bleeding. Her eyes and mouth were sealed shut. She watched as she rolled around like a fat grotesque worm. Her fingers scratched against the surface of her face, thumbing the area where she should be screaming. It was like something from a horror movie. 
She knew Henry saw everything. Knew he had the power to stop these horrible nightmares, but chose not to. He wanted her to wake up sobbing and retching. 
What had she done to anger him now? 
She’d done well to make it this far without coming face to face with the bats, but she should have guessed it was only a matter of time. 
An accidental trip against one of the vines was enough to summon half a dozen of the winged devils. Chrissy tried to fight them off using the crowbar but it proved useless. She stood on the mainroad leading out of Hawkins and there was no way she could outrun them in the beautiful gifted dress. There was no chance of hiding either. 
She told herself they couldn’t really hurt her. Her body couldn’t bleed or bruise or break (and she’d tested it in every which way since coming here). It would hurt, yes, but she would make it through. 
So imagine Chrissy’s shock when one of the bats knocked her down and sank its pointed teeth into her side. She let out such a loud blood-curdling scream in response. Another bat joined the first and began to rip into her flesh. 
She clutched at her side, writhing in pain. It was too much, far too much. 
And then she saw blood gushing from the wound. 
Oh - why had the rules changed now? 
She tried to roll away, tried to kick and claw at the bats, but they were too strong and she was already weakened. They would not surrender their meal. She lay very still though the pain threatened to undo her. She began to cry as another set of teeth bit down into her cheek. 
Above her the night sky suddenly erupted into a war of thunder and lighting. The air crackled with energy and tension, and the fog began to part. That was enough to tell her Henry was on his way. 
And the roar he made was so primal and deadly it sent shockwaves through the huddle of bats. They turned tail and flew away, away from the hunter who claimed their prey as his. 
The bats that gnawed at her body screeched and disintegrated to dust before her eyes. 
“Henry…” she croaked out. Her lips were bloody and torn. She raised her arms to him (if she was going to die again - or whatever the fuck would happen - she didn’t want to die alone). 
He lifted Chrissy in his arms like she weighed nothing at all and carried her further into the crimson mist and fog. Back to his towering fortress of ruins. 
She was lowered to the ground ever so carefully. 
He knelt over her, his hands roaming across the soft planes of her body. He was using his great power to draw out the poison and heal her wounds. Though it was hardly a challenge for him (compared to other (scarier) deeds in the hellscape) she looked on as he worked, totally mesmerised.
His power, like always, fascinated her as much as it terrified her. 
Little by little she felt the pain disappear. Colour returned to her face and her eyes were bright. 
He even mended her torn dress. 
Yet Henry didn’t stop there. His gaze held her own as he slowly traced his fingers along the side of her ribs and up over the gentle curve of her breast. The neckline of her dress was cut low and he splayed his fingers against the creamy soft skin he found there. 
His other hand moved to her cheek, her throat, her neck. He lingered above her pulse.
His touch felt like a brand. She burned beneath him. 
Chrissy heard herself sigh as she arched against him. She knew everything about this was wrong but she yearned for more. She craved any and all affection he could give her, even if they were mere scraps. 
(she felt so desperately lonely and unloved, and he would save her) 
His finger tapped at the plump skin of her lip. 
She obediently parted her lips and let him sink one of those elegant long fingers inside. Her tongue moved of its own accord, and deliberately licked along its length. Her lips closed around it and he pulled out slowly, hearing a quiet pop as it came loose. 
He rubbed at her lip with his thumb. It felt like velvet, so ready to be licked and tasted. 
Chrissy didn’t know who moved first, but soon enough she was on her knees before him.
He pulled out his cock and it was already hard and ready. Without a word, he pushed the head against Chrissy’s plump lips and she opened up wide, swallowing him to the back of her mouth. She’d never done anything like this before but Henry knotted his fists into her soft curls and showed her exactly what kind of fast and cruel pace he expected. 
He fucked deeply into her mouth, inching against the back of her throat. She gagged and spluttered around him, coating his large cock in her drool, and Henry’s grip tightened. 
Her thighs shifted as she felt herself grow wet. She moaned around his length. 
“Keep it in your mouth, Chrissy,” he ordered. “Don’t you dare spit it out.”
She swallowed everything he gave her. 
(like such a good sweet girl)
After the incident with the bats, Henry didn’t permit her to roam around Hawkins so freely. He wouldn’t let her return to the Munson trailer and she didn’t push it either. Chrissy knew there were more dangerous foes out there in the shadows (especially now she was apparently vulnerable again to injury - she didn’t dare question it). 
Chrissy came to understand that this place was his fortress, his hivemind, and he kept her there like a fairytale princess. But he was not her keeper - there were no locks or bars at the door - she remained here because she wanted to. She felt safer with him close by.
She found an old forgotten bedroom below the ruins which she moved into. She had no need to go back to the trailer for her belongings, for Henry provided for her every whim. 
Every morning she woke up to find plates of wonderful food and drink (all of it tasting absolutely heavenly). The shabby wardrobe in the corner was filled with beautiful willowy dresses that made her look and feel like a heroine from a romance novel. 
Her bed was large and soft with velvety sheets. The perfect bed for ravishing, though she didn’t see Henry again for a long while. 
She wondered if he was deliberately keeping away. To test her, to torment her. It was enough to make her rake her fingernails down the length of her arms. 
He even summoned her a pet; a pretty little finch the same colour as his eyes. She fed it breadcrumbs through the bars of its elegant cage and even let it fly around the bedroom. She taught it to perch on her finger and sing. 
But one morning she woke up to find it replaced with a giant black spider the size of her hand. It scuttled through the bars, causing her to shriek, and vanished into the shadows. 
She should have known it was all a trick. Nothing alive could thrive down here in the depths of the nightmare. 
He stayed away for so long she considered seriously throwing herself out of the bedroom window. Perhaps that would be dramatic enough to summon him back to her? Without his presence, she felt herself grow wary and afraid again. 
(she wilted like a flower without the sunlight of his attention)
Henry stayed away for four whole days and Chrissy knew immediately the moment he came back. 
She could feel it in her very bones - an irresistible urge, a pull - to go and find him at once. She wondered if this had been his plan right from the beginning, and that he’d intentionally wormed his way into her veins and flesh (like a worm in a rotten peach). The fortress around her stretched and shuddered too, recognising that its master was once again home. 
So Chrissy hurried to the other side of the ruins where she knew he dwelled, the skirts of her dress billowing behind her, her feet bare against the stone floor. 
And found Henry (so handsome, so strong, so bewitching) waiting for her. 
He didn’t say a word in greeting, nor feed her pretty lies about where he might’ve been. His eyes drank her in and she let herself be pulled close. His arms wrapped around her waist, drawing her in flush against his body. She let herself melt against him, let him swallow her whole. 
When he leant down to kiss her for the very first time, she kissed him back just as fiercely. 
It was a fire she did not want to extinguish. 
He swept her up and carried her to his bed so he could explore the gentle lines and curves of her body. When his fingers drifted beneath the silk of her dress, she pushed herself as close as she could to him, craving the heat of his skin. She was shameful in her desire. 
Chrissy whispered in his ear how much she yearned for his touch, how much she needed him to call her beautiful and lovely. She wanted him to call her ‘his good girl ‘and rescue her from any monster that meant her harm. She admitted how safe she felt within his arms (the same arms that once snapped her limbs, that gouged out her eyes. The same arms that were now caressing and loving her so well).
And he was insistent too. Now that he had her, Henry wanted to take everything. 
He tore away the fabric of her dress, ripping it from her body so he could see every naked inch of her creamy skin. He burned it, marked it for his own. 
His fingers probed deep into her flesh and curled up against her. He stroked her between the legs, urging her onwards until she cried out her pleasure. It sounded like she was chanting a fucking prayer. She was so hot for him, so wet. 
Henry let her climb atop so she could curve her hips against his own. Chrissy had never done this before but she wanted to chase that high again. Wanted it to mask and hide all the emptiness she felt inside. 
Yet she stilled, waiting for his permission. 
Henry gripped hold of her hips hard and forced her to move in a rhythm that suited him. She rocked back and forth, submissive and obedient to his commands. It gave her such a rush that she moaned. 
There was some pain when she first took in his length, but it was soon replaced by waves and waves of sheer golden joy. Chrissy rode Henry until she was practically weeping and begging for another release. Perhaps she moved too slowly while seeking her own pleasure because the next thing she felt was a stinging slap across her face. His grip tightened in warning. 
His eyes were relentless. She practically gushed her juices all over him. 
When she came apart again, it felt like the entire world disappeared and she was once again alive and human. The noises she made were wanton and wild, like an animal, as she clenched around him.  
(he could lock her away forever if he kept on loving her like this. She would throw the key away herself)
Henry hooked his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her mouth down. He kissed her like he wanted to consume every morsel of her. Then he flipped them, forcing her to her hands and knees, and ruthlessly took what belonged to him. 
Chrissy woke up the next morning in her own bed, alone and aching. 
The soreness between her legs was a reminder of what she’d done, of what horror she had committed with the monster himself. She was no better than a rotting corpse, a bride of the fucking devil.
Her body was marred all over with bite marks and bruises, more tokens of their desperate act. 
Henry didn’t even try to soothe her. He came to her room that evening bringing more gifts and a stunning necklace made from diamonds. He looped it around her neck and kissed the spot where the clasp touched her skin. 
He told her that she was his possession now and he would kill anyone who tried stealing her away. He would rip open his world and set it on fire before he would let her go. He would scorch the earth. His tone was vicious as he warned her he would not share her either. 
(she knew what he was alluding to, knew he wanted her to set aside the memories of others - of Jason, of Eddie, even her old friends and family. He wanted to be the only one to occupy her mind, body, and soul) 
Henry explained all this while using his clever fingers to coax her towards another tumbling orgasm. He lay on the bed behind her, using an arm to trap her against his chest. 
He nipped at the skin of her throat and murmured, “...and I will flay the skin from your bones if you dare lift a finger against me. If you betray me, Chrissy, I will hunt you down and show you the meaning of pain. You know what I’m capable of…” 
Visions flashed before her eyes like a warning; her hair ripped out, her fingernails bent backwards, her lips split wide into a Glaswegian smile. He would torch the skin from her feet and let the wounds rot and fester. 
Two of his fingers curled up inside her, brushing the sensitive bit of skin that made her shudder. 
“I won’t…” she gasped. His brutally violent words only made her want more. She felt herself arch back, rolling her ass against his hips, craving the friction. “I promise. Just keep touching me, Henry. Keep loving me. All I want is this.” 
Henry watched her closely as he slipped in another finger. She was soon panting again, riding his knuckle in abandon. Before she could reach her pleasure, however, he abruptly pulled away. He left her empty and aching.  
She got no rest that night. 
It went on like that and she sank deeper and deeper into this new level of depravity. 
She came to recognise a pattern; 
That when he was pleased with her, he became tender and sweet. The perfect romantic lover in every way. He worshipped and made love to her body. They even came together, their hands clasped. He would ply her with trinkets and food and books to keep her mind occupied. When it was like this, she felt everything around her falling away. It was like a perfect fairytale. 
She thought that love should look like this. Henry was the only lover she’d known (Jason’s fumblings in the backseat hardly counted) but she suspected this was what most women yearned for.
But when Henry was angry about something or displeased, he could be forceful and unforgiving. He would take her in any way he wanted, even if it hurt. She knew some people were into rough sex but during these times he wouldn’t stop even when she pleaded no, no, please, it hurts Henry. He would hold her down (his strength almost limitless) and let his nails cut into her. He would pull her hair, slap her skin. He would fuck her tirelessly, and worst of all he would still force her to orgasm.
(there were moments when it even felt better this way) 
As if that wasn’t humiliating enough, he took pains to bring her lower still. Sometimes he would outright reject her and call her vicious names that made her want to retch. Chrissy responded by trying to throw herself down the stairs but an invisible barrier prevented her. 
He tied her to the bed after that as a punishment. 
But it made her understand that in some small way, she did wield a fragment of power over him too. He would not let her come to harm and he detested seeing her cry. She began to hum too - and sing - because it never failed to summon him (like a Siren). She knew he was enamoured by her beauty and so counted this among her weapons. She would brush her curls, flutter her eyelashes, reward him with her lovely smooth skin. 
It was a fine dance they played. It sickened her to her core that she had become so dependent on him. That he was in her very veins. That she would debase herself for an inkling of his attention. She did not recognise this version of Chrissy. 
Little did she know then the real depths of his wickedness and how much further he could humiliate and torture her…
Though his moods were certainly enough to occupy her every waking thought, she was not blind to the larger changes happening around them in the hellscape. 
The world was preparing for something. 
The sky outside her window was turned black (the thunder and lightning constant now) and the crimson mist rolled in thick and heavy, nearly choking her. Like a mustering army, bats and spiders drew close to the fortress. She even spotted large shadowy creatures that looked like wolves and dogs joining them. 
On a rare morning where they woke up together in bed, he asked if she wanted to accompany him down into the hellscape. He didn’t usually offer to spend his days with her so Chrissy agreed at once. He took her hand and urged her forwards into the shadowy gloom. They emerged just outside the Forest Hills trailer park. She was shocked to see how overgrown it all looked and how the pulsing fat vines covered nearby every square foot of the ground. It looked like a vast spider web, waiting to trap a poor innocent fly. 
“Something’s wrong…” she observed. “It’s changing. What’s going on, Henry?”
He merely grinned. “Trespassers.” 
The word felt like a bullet to her gut. Once upon a time she may have been curious (elated even) about other people coming here, but things had changed a lot since then. Chrissy wound an arm through his and tucked herself close to his side. He was her shield, he would protect her. 
Henry let out a dry chuckle. “Don’t you want to find them? They could be friends of yours.” 
Like Patrick was. She shook her head. Tried not to remember the way his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he spluttered and choked. 
“A group of humans are trying to find me,” he said quietly, leading her forwards. “They’re children. They think they can defeat me. They’re arrogant, blinded by their conceit. They think I can be destroyed like a villain from their storybooks. But they won’t, Chrissy. They don’t understand anything about me, my power, or this world…”
She didn’t know what to say to that. She couldn’t imagine anyone being a threat to Henry, not after seeing his great power. He was right, they must be seriously arrogant (or stupid) to think they had a chance. They would be swept aside like Patrick and Fred, like gnats. 
She tightened her hold on his arm. 
“Ah…there they are. They’re close…” he suddenly tilted his head, as though he could hear (or smell) them. Like a bloodhound, he picked up their scent. “Shall we take a closer look at the fools who think they’re a match for me?”
He waved a hand and she suddenly felt lighter, like she was made from the same dust that clung to the air. She could still feel Henry moving beside her but they were as faint as shadows. He’d made them invisible so they could sneak up on the intruders. 
They walked towards the forest by the trailer park. It was nearly pitch black here. Only Henry’s hand steadied her. 
And there…she heard (soft, joking, scared) human voices. She peered through the darkness and saw them moving between the trees. 
She recognised them at once. 
“I can hear your heart racing. You know them.” 
Chrissy tried to keep her face still. She knew Henry would be watching her reaction, judging her next steps very closely. Her acting skills might save the lives of these trespassers (her life was already forfeit, but he could still hurt her. Maybe even unleash the monster again). 
“No,” she said. “I knew them from school, but we weren’t friends.” 
“What are their names?” he pressed. 
(her knees almost buckled)
But she found herself responding… “Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin…something, I don’t know her last name but she was in band…and… Eddie Munson.” 
(she deserved those 30 pieces of silver) 
The four mortals steadily walked on through the forest. Nancy and Robin led the way, with Steve and Eddie following some distance behind. Chrissy and Henry fell into step after them. 
Steve and Eddie weren’t talking about the dangers around them or how close they were to the spider in the middle of the web. Inexplicably they were talking about a girl…a girl who threw herself after Steve. It was so typically human and sweet that Chrissy wanted to cry. 
“Those ladies jumped in after you - and I was too damn ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. Wheeler there, she didn’t waste a second. I mean not a split second. She just dove right in…I don’t know what happened between you two, but... I’d get her back, man. Whatever it takes. ‘Cause that - that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen…”
Who would have thought that mean and scary Eddie knew a thing or two about true love? She wondered if he’d ever experienced love before. Did he have a girl back home who made him laugh and smile? Who he’d chase into the depths of hell to save? 
This was so fucking cruel. 
Something must have flashed across Chrissy’s face, betraying her thoughts, because at once Henry’s lip curled. His handsome features twisted into a mask of rage and hatred. He was looking at Eddie with pure scorching loathing.  
Chrissy understood then his motive in asking her to accompany him here. This was a test, a challenge to see where her loyalties lay. And (of course) she’d failed it. 
With a snarl, he dragged her back into the fog. Back to the crimson fortress. 
He threw her to the ground so hard it made her teeth chatter. 
“I will see him die alone and bleeding,” he shouted. “He will die screaming.” 
“Please, don’t do this…I feel nothing towards Eddie. Nothing,” she whispered. 
He grabbed hold of her hair, yanking her face up to meet his own. She yelped in pain. “I’m not blind, you stupid girl. I saw the look on your lying face. You care for him, admit it!”
“No…” she shook her head pitifully. “What you saw on my face…it was sadness, Henry. I admit…hearing him talk about love in that way…it reminded me of myself, of when I was alive and foolish and so ready to fall in love…that’s the only reason I looked at him. I promise. Henry, please…I’m still mourning my death. I need more time…” 
He looked like he was on the verge of believing her. He let her wrap her delicate arms around his neck and pull him down, so he was kneeling on the ground above her. She peered into his face, giving him such a soft look. 
“Please…” she risked a glance to his lips. 
(she was trying to tame the lion, but the lion was still savage. It had claws)
Henry’s kiss was so demanding and hard it would leave bruises. He dragged down the top of her dress (silk fabric ripping) so she was bare from the waist up. He licked and squeezed her breasts, utterly possessive in his movements. 
They were on the highest level of the fortress, the raging sky above the only witness to their frantic coupling. 
He entered her in one smooth motion, all the way to the hilt. She cried out, her eyes screwed up in pain as her flesh tore and stretched around him. She wrapped her legs around his waist so that he could get as deep as possible. Pain be damned. 
“I only want you. Only you,” she gasped. “I want you to fuck me forever, just like this.” 
“You’re mine, Chrissy. Mine. Say it…”
“Oh I’m yours. All yours…I love you, Henry.”
Here again she hoped to exercise that small fragment of sway she held over him. That he would be so happy to hear her say those magic words that he would shift once again into that perfect lover of her dreams. She would let him do whatever he wanted with her; she was totally in his thrall. 
But she was a fool to think he could be so easily placated. 
And Henry hated the assumption she could wield any sort of power over him. He was a creature of shadows, the literal master (devil) of this hellscape. He would not bow or submit to anyone. 
(the fact that she did, and he had, made it worse. Made part of him despise her). 
He waved a hand and it was no longer Henry fucking her hard against the stone ground. It was Steve bearing down on her, an unfamiliar look of ferocity in his eyes. 
He shifted again. This time… to Eddie. 
Chrissy hissed out despite herself. She pushed against his shoulders. “No! Henry, NO!”
“What’s the matter, baby? Don’t you want this? Tell me you don’t want this,” Eddie (Henry) smirked. “You feel so good around me, Chriss. So tight and wet for me. Tell me you never thought about me like this…never wanted to be my dirty little secret. You’re such a tease in that tiny cheerleading skirt but you know that, don’t you? Know it makes me crazy. You never wanted me to bend you over a desk and fuck you like this? You feel like a goddamn dream, baby.”
Chrissy tried to hide her face but he was too quick. He pinned her wrists at her sides. 
He sounded so much like the real Eddie. Even those eyes were the same warm brown colour. 
(and yes, she’d pictured this before. How could she not when his lovely eyes followed her about the school as though bewitched?)
“I don’t want this. I don’t want this…” she whispered as he rutted into her. “Henry, please, I don’t want Eddie. This is wrong.” 
“You forget that I’ve seen his heart too, Chrissy. He wants you just like this….squirming and hot and so willing. He’s wanted it for as long as he can remember, poor boy. Do you think he’d still want you if he knew about us? About all the filthy degrading things we do together? How do you think he’d feel…knowing how you beg me for it? Don’t look away from me, Chrissy…that’s it, you know you want this. Be my good girl…”
She whimpered. She shut her eyes. No no no. 
But Henry knew what her body liked, knew how to coax out her pleasure. He rubbed his clever fingers between her legs and she lit up like a damn star. 
Chrissy tried not to…she did…but he forced her to the very edge. She felt the waves of her orgasm about to crash over her. She was standing on the precipice of total depravity. 
“Come for me, baby,” he urged. “Come on Eddie’s cock.” 
And she did. Her orgasm was so strong that she screamed out her joy. Her nails dug into Eddie’s shoulders as she rode it out, wailing at the top of her voice.  
Eddie groaned deeply, the noise shooting sparks down her back, and thrust into her even harder. When he came, she stared resolutely at the ground beside her. She would not see Eddie come undone like this. She owed him that much at least. 
Eddie (Henry) got to his feet and left her there on the cold ground. His seed leaked down her bare legs. 
(and it worked. Whatever part of her heart that still daydreamed of Eddie and her former life was thoroughly carved out now. She would never be able to look at him again without feeling dirty and perverted. Henry had ensured she was ruined for Eddie, forever)
Henry was tender that evening. He was pleased, despite everything, that she’d uttered the words ‘I love you’. He kissed every bruise on her body, whispering that he loved her too, that she was beautiful and perfect. He apologised for his rough treatment but he had to be sure of her loyalty, surely she could understand that? He promised he would never doubt her again. 
He spread out her legs and feasted on her cunt. 
She came twice from that alone and even squirted her pleasure. He lapped up everything, his lips shining. 
Henry held her close after that, patting her curls and murmuring syrupy praise against the shell of her ear. She felt so warm and loved in his arms. She found herself smiling against his chest, pleased to be on good terms again. 
(his answering smile was so smugly mortal)
He told her he had to go away for a while - and he couldn’t predict how long. Chrissy was surprised at him telling her this (usually he just left without a warning) but ever since that day with Eddie he’d been noticeably more tenderhearted towards her. 
Henry told her to remain in the fortress where it was safe. He warned her to stay away from the shadowy creatures below because it would be a struggle for him to travel back, even if she was injured. His shield of protection would not reach this far. 
“Hurry back,” she said quietly, her forehead pressed against his. “I go crazy when you’re not here. I fade away like a ghost.” 
“This will be the final battle, the last time I have to leave you. They want to fight me but I’ll crush them like the sewer rats they are. Then all this will be over… and we’ll be together in our perfect world. Just us, forever.” 
He kissed her gently, like a soldier going away to war. 
She gazed up at his handsome graceful face. He truly was a sight to behold. His beauty was addictive, it made it impossible for her to look away. Those summer eyes (and his sandy-coloured hair that waved just so, his sharp elegant cheekbones, his full red lips that could persuade anything out of her)...all of it might as well be permanently tattooed across her chest. Like a brand. Like a mark of ownership. 
And without him she did become like a ghost again. 
She drifted through the ruins of the fortress like a tumbleweed; weak, pale, forgotten. 
Nothing could encourage her back to life, though he left her with copious amounts of books and gifts. 
She was so despondent that when she finally found Patrick and Fred bound to one of the snake-like turrets, she didn’t even try to tear them loose. They stood frozen, their eyes blank and unseeing, with grisly vines stuffed down their throats. 
Instead she straightened Fred’s glasses and sat (cross-legged) on the ground to watch over them like an archangel. She studied them for a long time but they didn’t seem to be alive or aware of her presence. She knew this was no way to treat the dead, that this display was gruesome and horrifying, that they deserved to be at peace - not strung up like ragged scarecrows. 
Another person, someone brave, would’ve torn them free. 
She clenched her fists but the tears still wouldn’t come. She didn’t have any left to shed. 
She grew weaker and weaker. 
Laying on the ground by Fred and Patrick, she wondered idly how long she’d been in this hellscape. How long it had been since her death. It felt like years when it could’ve only been weeks. 
She was not the same girl anymore. That Chrissy was long gone, replaced by this undead corpse (who was rotting away on the inside). She thought about her mom and dad, she thought about the girls on the cheerleading team. She thought about Jason, and Eddie, and her grandaddy. 
She thought about doing this forever. 
(the edge of the fortress looked suddenly inviting - if she were to throw herself off now would she be harmed or had the rules changed back again? Knowing her luck, she would suffer all the pain of dying again but be left unharmed. And Henry would be so mad at her) 
She was still weighing this up when she noticed a flash of something, just in the corner of her eye. She glanced over slowly, not caring if a creature was coming to devour her at last. 
Imagine her astonishment when she saw a human girl staring right back at her. A girl with light blue eyes and red hair (worn in plaits), wearing a look that matched her own. 
Run, flee, hide, a part of her urged. 
The girl opened her mouth. She looked like she was seeing a ghost. 
“Chrissy Cunningham? What the actual fuck!” 
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inklore · 2 years
laur <3 i just wanted to say i love your blog so much! i was wondering: do you have any eddie headcanons that you think about a lot or have wanted to share with us? i always love reading other people’s headcanons. i hope you have a great weekend :)
you’re too sweet, lovey!!! i have a dozen different thoughts and headcanons when it comes to this boy so these are literally all over the place lmao.
tw: eighteen+ content, references to sex, criminal activity, drugs, parental issues.
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he writes on the back of his hands when he needs to remember something: an idea for a campaign, a deal he needs to make later, anything but homework assignments
doesn’t carry a backpack, either finishes his work at school or doesn’t do it at all, never takes work home with him
is incredibly smart, can do math all in his head (he’s a drug dealer ok he’s hella good at it), just doesn’t have that academic incline to be smart in school/struggles in that aspect because he doesn’t care about what he’s being taught
has several fantasy novels scattered around his room, in drawers, in stacks on the floor, with writing in the margins: ‘campaign? henderson would love this!’
his dad is in jail for criminal activity (some of which he taught eddie), his mother left him when he was still little and he hasn’t heard from her since—but who doesn’t care, fuck it, having shitty parents builds character right???
his uncle is the only father figure he really counts in his life (but he still has a touch of the mommy and daddy issues, doesn’t want to turn out like either of them)
would definitely become a mechanic after graduating, or some easy job he’d excel in. but would still try to make it big with his band, would never give up that dream
joseph said that when eddie finds out someone loves him he doesn’t know how to take it/kind of thinks he doesn’t deserve it etc, which makes sense with his family issues, but also means (in my head) that when he finds someone who he shares those equally intense ‘love’ feelings for he’s literally the biggest simp
i’m talking constant mixtapes, letting you touch his guitar (no one touches her!!), play with his hair, lends you his favorite book only because he wants to see your face light up from enjoying it (but is hella nervous you might dislike it), lends you his band shirts because he loves watching you walk around in them (and only them), let’s you play your pop music in the van (will fake grumble about it but loves to watch you dance and sing along, and oh wow are his fingers drumming to the beat?? is he singing along?? no no of course not…)
he’d even let you design one of his tattoos. like he’s literally so smitten he never stops smiling or trying to please and make you happy, hes literally a ‘once i’ve fallen in love that it’s you’re the one forever’ type
i think it’s hard for him to express his feelings so he does it with humor/chaotic behavior/cynical outlooks, since he wasn’t raised by overly passionate and loving parents (literally hesitates a little during hugs because he’s not used to them but loves them, secretly of course)
he’s tried the hard stuff (drugs) once and that was enough for him, isn’t really into anything other than weed and cigarettes, still holds onto it though just in case he can make a sale from it
will put on eyeliner for gigs and gigs only!!
and as cute as he looks with his hair up he would never be caught dead with it up in a pony, unless you batted those cute eyes of course, then maybe, just maybe. only around the house! but he doesn’t like it!!
he’s not the best cook but he’s learned this trick to make microwaveable dinners taste better than they should; says he was high one night and the magic just happened, that it’s his secret recipe he uses (literally just seasoning, or a couple handfuls of shredded cheese)
doesn’t like hard liquor, strictly beer!
only goes to parties to sell to people, other than that he would rather take an arrow to the foot than go to them
when there’s a song he wants to learn he will hold himself up in his room for days, you or wayne literally have to drag him out or force feed him because he has a one track mind, neeeds to get it done, neeeds to learn it (our boy has intense hyper-fixations)
fiddles with his rings when he’s thinking or nervous + sticks his tongue when he’s in deep concentration + messes with strands of his hair when he’s trying to flirt
isn’t super clingy in the sense that he needs to be always touching you, but constantly catches your eye/is caught staring at you, or checking in with you, or playing with your fingers (loves when you play with his rings!!!), or tickling you, or tackling you down on his bed
can’t just give you one kiss, has to press a dozen to your cheek and neck always
isn’t a tit or ass man, loves it all, all of you, every part
loves to please, i’m talking will spend hours…doing things….in the name of pleasure for you
his fav position is any he can see your face, your expressions, can lock eyes with you, see that you’re enjoying it; missionary, or you on top
loves assurance, needs it, craves it in any and all aspects of the word, as much as he hates to admit it
has the biggest heart, hates to show it more often than not but once you’re his: friend, partner, what have you, he’s got you for life, cares about you immensely
doesn’t have a selfish bone in his body
but does have a jealous one and sometimes anger slips into there because he hates the things he gets jealous over
princess, beautiful, sweetheart, and babe (very rarely used), honey when he’s being a little shit, are the only pet names he uses or will ever use!!!
bi bi bi biiiiiiii
has big switch energy, but is the softest!dom you’ll ever meet, and i use the word dom very loosely here
never knows where to put his hands during any sexual act, always wants to touch everywhere and anywhere you’ll let him
talks a lot during, like he’s definitely a fan of lazy high sex that’s filled with a few giggles and weird things being spoken but it never takes the two of you out of it
loves kissing!!!!!
a few kinks i think he’d have: hair pulling, biting, dry humping, marking (with his mouth or a tattoo gun), light choking, voyeurism, a touch of corruption
would literally cream in his pants to see you wearing one of his rings as a necklace
if you bought him something he’d literally treasure it like it was an irreplaceable artifact
he’s literally so patient and encouraging when it comes to teaching anyone anything
loves cheesy ass jokes even if he’ll give you a deadpan look while you’re delivering it
is and will forever be a kid at heart
literally would be the adult playing hide n seek with the trailer park kids
loves proving people wrong (respectfully)
not a morning person, has been late to class so many times because of it. will wrap himself around you in the morning to stop you from getting up
smokes after sex, that good ol after sex cigarette
before he moved in with wayne, wayne was a truck driver which is why all the mugs and hats decorate the living room wall. and a way they bonded when eddie first came to live with him was: he would pick a new mug each day to ask wayne about and he would share his traveling adventures with him
like i said his dad taught him some criminal activity: hotwiring, picking locks, siphoning gas, how to pickpocket, insurance fraud
would tell the best scary stories on the camping trip
can barely grow chest hair
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sanchoyo · 3 years
so I decided to watch danny phantom. I got 3 episodes in and I have Thoughts. im not going to liveblog it necessarily, but just, maybe post my thoughts every 3-5 episodes? because, I have thoughts. (which im sure are not NEW thoughts for dp fans, but, you know. new for me) Anyway. ep 1-3 Thoughts.
- the parents Suck. I love Jazz.
-dannys little 'actually i wanna be an astronaut :)' BABY. im adopting him and his sister. these parents suck so far lol jazz shouldnt have to deal with this and being the most responsible person in the house at age 16. HATE the 'absentminded idiot parents' trope SO much actually. it just makes me mad and makes me want to adopt these kids.
-sam...is so much like me at age 15. at least when I was having a vegan phase. not saying veganism isnt a legit thing or w/e but. my god. shes so Not Like Other Girls. lmfao. if she wanted to go to the dance, she shouldve just SAID so directly!! and I hated her just going up and being catty to Paulina for No Reason Other Than Jealousy UNPROVOKED!!! Like, if anything, the BOYS are the shallow ones, approaching Paulina based on nothing but her looks instead of getting to know her?? it would not have been shallow of her at all to turn them down, she has every right to.
-tbh the way the girls are written makes me cringe. they Deserve Better I think. anyway tbh if a girl came up to me being that rude,, im not saying paulina was RIGHT to lead danny on, but like. I can't be super mad at her for it...sam was bein. hm. rude. and in paulinas little teenager brain thought that was the fastest way to get back at her I guess, by taking the guy she may or may not be crushing on?? I just hate unnecessary rivalry between girls in shows. anyway. glad she did attempt to apologize near the end anyway. I do get that a lot of kids shows have the protags being shitty to teach a moral lesson later and show them apologizing. it still rubbed me the wrong way.
-Was also rolling my eyes at Sam's 'the gorilla needs to be FREE!!' like girl realistically if theres two left,, itll be a huge poaching target, its better to keep it with professionals so it can lead a long, healthy enriched life, and so we can have a lot of footage to teach future generations about so we at least have the memory/history preserved as well as possible! zoos and nature preserves and such can be good. focus on, idk, taking down sea world or smth. (also, the fact it turned out to be a girl gorilla,, and no one noticed until Danny got An Eyeful...of course it would have to be. you cant just tell kids watching this show that theres two male gorillas and theyll DIE FOREVER AND GO EXTINCT AFTER THAT. I GUESS??? but showing danny possessing people is fine. gotcha)
-I liked skulkers design A Lot. it (funnily enough with the episode involving an actual gorilla-) reminded me of the way the gorillaz band got drawn early on. I think its the eyes.
-the voice actor for the box ghost sounded SO familiar. so I went to his IMBD originally thinking he HAD to be a voice actor on ed edd n eddy. THIS GUY HAS VOICE ACTED IN EVERY CARTOON I GREW UP WITH. SO MANY CARTOONS AND ANIMATED MOVIES. funnily enough he was in ed edd n eddy like i thought but in a very very minor role of one of the parents?? I think I just assumed he had to have voiced something I used to watch a lot of. actually, hes voice acted everything, ever. and has been since the 80s, and still does today. Crazy. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0667326/ LOOK AT THIS MAN'S TALENT.
-box ghost has the right idea tho. I wanna haunt a fed ex truck and get that rush of Open Packages Serotonin for my whole afterlife. king shit. (I also just love very silly villains and this show is checking boxes for me. love the monster of the week format stuff)
-did valerie actually cancel on tucker,, or did the boys just lie to take sam to the dance. that seems so unfair to val but we never SAW unless I was looking away. valerie u deserve a date sweetie i am SO sorry. if u already made a commitment to valerie I think sam can take HERSELF TBH. she wanted to be passive aggressive about the dance, it couldve been a lesson in 'just say what you want and dont expect your friends to be mindreaders' lol
-'boys hugging makes every year book funny' TOP 10 SAM HOMOPHOBIC MOMENTS?? let them cuddle while they nap girl wtf. I KNOOOW I know this is how a lot of cartoons were written in the early 2000s but I hate it.
-tucker being freaked out by the cute ghost girl wanting to dance with him at the dance?? no sir. you WANTED A GIRL TO WANT TO DANCE WITH YOU!! and your best friend is half ghost!! tucker top ten ghostphobic moments!!! (also, her having a dragon amulet is a BONUS. coward)
-danny can just. possess people. ALRIGHT! casually terrifying. love that.
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yackers · 3 years
jobs I hc the hoa kids doing in the future
joy: events/wedding planner - for obvious reasons. in my head she doesn’t do it immediately though. she does hospitality at uni and then takes some job weekend managing a hotel that she doesn’t enjoy much. it’s only after the insane stress of planning patricia and eddie’s wedding that she decides it’s the creative thrill of it that she loves so much. everyone kinda thinks that’s a nuts way to decide to do what they think she should’ve done all along but she doubted her ability.
jerome: founder of a successful business/investment group - he’s so smart and if he put his mind to it I think he’d be very successful. he doesn’t go to uni and instead takes a degree apprenticeship with alfie’s dad and works his way into his own company. he’s got the kind of initiative that makes very powerful men say ‘I like this kid’ and help him.
mick: athlete until he retires and then a coach/manager - self explanatory. he plays for a decent football team in with Australia or the uk. I don’t think he’s the most well known or anything but he does well for himself. he also has the natural ability to encourage people that would make him a great coach
mara: investigative journalist/activist - the vera incident taught her a lot about sources but she doesn’t give up easily. uni teaches her a lot but her teacher recognises her potential. she’s very determined and has a need to do good. her parents were also olympians so she’d have connections
nina: successful mystery author/full time chosen one - the play did well and to be honest she just writes about things that happen to her. tales of her school years do well, and once she’s covered her own and sarah’s experiences, she writes the untold stories of the ghosts and gods she encounters and helps. her publisher definitely thinks she has a couple screws loose but she’s doing well so who are they to care?
fabian: historian/researcher - not only is he interested and good in it but it’s what his family does. he has the hoity toity attitude of a weathered expert down and he knows a suspicious amount about egyptian gods but he’s able to provide evidence for the most part.
patricia: in a high managerial/sales role in a big company - I don’t necessarily think she knows much about the actual business she works in but when people find a girl that good at talking and selling things and getting people to bend to her will however much it takes they give her a whole staff of people and she loves it. this is one of the most different takes to the general fandom consensus but idk this job gives her more independence and I think she’d also love to travel with work and idk it makes more sense to me personally
kt: events photographer that volunteers at an animal shelter in her free time - each day is different which she loves. after properly honing I’m on her artistic talents during college she works under another photographer until she’s able to freelance. she works with mara, fabian and joy whenever they need her
eddie: firefighter - this is the one I’m most happy with idc. after losing his osirian powers he’s still left with a strong desire to help people and it’s also athletic and competitive and rewarding and allows him to feel himself again. he does go to college though. idk what he would do but he would have a good time.
willow: primary school teacher who also volunteers in her free time - it would just really fit her personality. she really loves people and it allows her to feel young forever. she’s so good at reading the children and helping them through everything.
amber: fashion designer - another obvious one idc it’s who she’s born to be she has the money connections talent and will. she gets an internship right out of fashion school and works her way up until she can start her own brand. she would absolutely destroy the met gala
alfie: children’s trauma councillor - alfie was hard but this felt right. for someone who went through a lot and was scared of everything he was very good at coping with and pushing through it for the sake of the people he cares about. I also just think he’d be so good with kids and making them laugh and feel heard. he’s just a very approachable understanding person
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ezgithechaotic · 4 years
The Parent Trap | Chapter One; two sides of the same coin
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
AU: The Parent Trap,  dad!harry
series summary:  Identical twins Benjamin and Edward, separated at birth and each raised by one of their biological parents, later discover each other for the first time at summer camp and make a plan to bring their wayward parents back together.
chapter summary: Benjamin and Edward tries to convince their parents that they aren’t children anymore, but it’s harder than they think.
author note: I’m sorry in advance if I have any fault. English is not my first language. But please let me know if you see anthing that doesn’t seem right. And an important note about Harry and Y/N; They probably won’t see each other for a long time. But I plan on mentioning their thoughts about each other from time to time as I did in this chapter. So, buckle up, It’s gonna be a long way :)
Please leave a comment about what you think, love you.
The Parent Trap Masterlist 
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Between all the paperwork, Y/N was feeling like she could go crazy any minute. When she had decided to work from home, she didn’t think that anyone could reach her at any minute. It didn’t matter whether it was weekdays or weekends. She was either answering some phonecall from her customer or choosing the right fabric for her designs. Well, except the times she was with her son, Edward. 
Y/N loved her job. She started at a very early age, it would even be proper to say that she had nothing or no one but her family when she had started this job. Now, she was one of the best designers across the world. She truly loved her job. But if there was one thing she loved more than her job, it was her son. The only person who could brighten her after a long day in her study room. He was the best thing Y/N had. So, when he brought her a cup of hot coffee while she was dealing with her job's most boring side, paperwork, he brought the sunshine inside the room with him.  
When Edward knocked on the door she was so focused she didn't even hear it. So little boy quietly sneaked in and gently put the cup on the big desk. When Y/N realized, she looked up and saw her son, smiling at her. With his bright green eyes and long brown locks, Edward reminded everyone of his father. At least, the ones who knew him. Y/N was very cautious about her son’s and her private life. He was her treasure that she kept away from the whole world. 
"Since when are you serving coffees, young man?" Y/N smiled as she raised an eyebrow to her nine-year-old son.  
Edward shrugged and made himself comfortable at one of the leather sofas. "I thought you could use some break. I know you wouldn't stop if I didn't come in." 
"You know I don't need you to be the mother, it's my job." 
"It's not like I'm the mother every day. I'm okay with being the mother every once in a while. I know you love your job." Y/N got up from her chair as her son kept talking. Watching him talk was like watching a flower bloom. She would give everything to stop him from growing old. "Plus we have Nate to be the mother, I'm more like, the cool aunt of family." 
"Don't ever let Nate hear that. Poor guy would be devastated." 
"I think he would prefer my sassy remarks rather than yours." 
Y/N sat beside Edward on the leather sofa and raised an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?" She couldn't help but laugh as her son giggled. "Well, you can be very mean sometimes, mom." 
"Ouch, I'm bruised, Eddy." 
Y/N hugged her son with one arm. He laughed as he let his mother embrace him. Edward loved physical contact even though he didn't show it. He loved resting his head on his mother's chest as they did nothing. He wasn't a very social child, he liked staying inside and being alone. He didn't have friends at his age and was never a team player unless he trusted the people around him. But with Y/N, he felt safe.
"I haven’t seen you around today."
"Well, it's because you spent your whole Saturday trapped in here. I planted those flowers in the garden with Nate today. It was fun until he started to give me lectures about being responsible." 
Y/N knew her assistant could be a bit much sometimes. But he still helped her a lot, not just as her assistant, but as her friend too. Edward loved him. He was one of the best friends Y/N had. Y/N knew growing up without a dad was hard for Edward. So she was grateful to him because, after her father, Nate was one the father figures for Edward. 
"You know he loves you." 
"Yeah, I know." 
They sat there in silence for a moment. Y/N closed her eyes as she stroked her son's hair and listened to his breathing.  
"Mom?" Edward said as if he was checking his mother. 
"Yes, baby?" 
"You know, my birthday is coming..." Y/N frowned but still kept her eyes close. 
"There are still two months until your birthday, you know. Not two days." 
"I know, mom." He rolled his eyes. "I was thinking... Since I'm turning ten this year maybe you could buy me a computer. I'm not a child anymore." 
"You will always be a child for me. Your age doesn't matter." 
Y/N laughed at his son's reaction. "I thought we talked about this before, honey. I'm not comfortable with you interacting with social media. People can be cruel." 
"I'm not saying I want to have a social media account or something. But, you know, it would be good to have a computer." 
Y/N took a deep breath. "I will think about it." She said and smiled. Edward hugged her with joy and thanked her for even considering it. Y/N knew people on the internet could be cruel. All she wanted was to protect him but she knew she couldn't keep him to herself until forever. He was already homeschooled and didn't have as many friends as children of his age. People were eventually going to find out. She knew it was inevitable. 
"If you want to be more social, you can always think about that summer camp that Zayn was talking about." 
"Mom, I don't want to be social. I don't need friends." 
"Friends can be very helpful. I had a lot of friends when I was your age." 
"We both know that they were Aunt Abby's friends." Edward laughed when he saw his mother's face. It wasn't wrong. Her big sister, Abigail, had been her best friend through childhood. And she was still her biggest supporter. "Plus, I have Becky. She's my age."  
"Becky isn't always around." 
"Yeah, because Aunt Abby isn't always around." 
Since Abigail was always traveling her daughter, Becky was traveling with her too. Becky was two years younger than Edward. And Edward loved his cousin like a sister. He was happy to be her big brother. 
"They won't be here for summer. So, you can always take the opportunity and go to that summer camp." Although Edward wasn't eager about it, his mother wanted him to have friends. "I will think about it." 
With that, Nate stuck his head through the open door and eyed two of them. "Sorry for interrupting your mom and son time. But are you guys hungry? Because I'm dying over here."
Y/N groaned as she rested her head against the sofa. "I'm starving."
"So, tacos?"
"You know I will never, ever say no to tacos," Edward said.
Y/N laughed but before she could answer her phone started to ring. She got up and found her phone inside the whole mess. "I need to answer this. Why don't you guys go ahead and order?" 
Before he got up, Edward looked at her mother with meaningful eyes. "You will think about the computer, right?" Y/N smiled and planted a kiss on top of his head. 
"I will, baby." 
While Edward made his way to the kitchen, Nate stayed back.
"How long are you planning on keeping it secret from him?" 
"As long as I can, Nate." 
"He deserves to know." 
Y/N took a deep breath. "I don't need a lecture about it. I know he will eventually ask. I will just let future Y/N deal with it." 
"This is one of the worst answers you've ever given." 
"You're being very helpful, Nate, thank you." 
"You're welcome." Y/N shook her head and answered the call as Nate returned to the kitchen. 
At the same time, Y/N made her way to the kitchen, Harry was walking towards Benjamin's room to wake him up, in a completely different country. 
Harry knocked three times on his son's door. Even though he knew it was going to take more than three knocks to wake Benjamin up, Harry still had faith. But Ben was still asleep at the other side of the white-painted door. After a second or two, Harry opened the door with a sigh. 
"It's time to wake up, buddy!" 
Benjamin was tangled between his dark blue sheets. His short curly hair lying on the pillow, his green eyes shut. It was still mindblowing how much he looked like his father. At times like these, Harry never wanted to wake him up. If someone looked at him from where he stood, they would think that he was an angel. The only thing was that his son was the devil himself. And he didn't know if he should be proud or disappointed.  
"Benny, breakfast is getting cold," Harry said as he opened the curtains. "Get up, now." 
Benjamin groaned into his pillow. If there was one thing he hated most, it was waking up. He was never a morning person. The resemblance between Benjamin and his mother always made Harry a little bittersweet. It was like the universe didn't want him to forget her. As if forgetting her was an option. She was in every song he heard or wrote. 
"Why can't I sleep more?" Benjamin asked, his eyes still closed. "Why do you have to be so cruel to wake me up at the crack of dawn?" 
"It's almost noon, Ben." 
"Well, still the crack of dawn." 
Harry laughed at his son's reaction. Benjamin had always been sassy, but he always found a way to people's hearth, especially Harry's. He was something Harry couldn't explain. Benjamin was everything Harry had and he would give everything up for him without a doubt. 
"So, should we let Jeffrey eat all the pancakes?" 
Benjamin peeked through one open eye with a smile on his face. "Pancakes don't sound so bad. I like Katty's pancakes." 
Katty was Benjamin's nanny and she usually helped Harry around the house with chores and dinner. She was one of the exceptional people around Benjamin. He liked her, and she helped him when he needed some woman influence. 
Benjamin never held back what he thought about the person across him. Whenever Harry found some nanny he either scared them with his pranks or his remarks. But Katty was the only nanny who could have fun with him rather than running away from him. She was more like a sister to Benjamin. And Harry was happy that Benjamin could trust Katty as much as he trusted Gemma. 
"Sorry, pal, you have to settle for my pancakes because Katty won't be here today."
Benjamin sighed. "So we're eating burnt pancakes, again?" 
Harry acted like he was annoyed. "You weren't saying that before Katty." 
"Because I didn't know chocolate chip pancakes existed." 
"You always have something to say, don't you?" 
Just like your mother.
" And I'm not even awake, yet. Think about the things I would say if I was awake." 
"You sound pretty awake to me, buddy." He let Benjamin free from all the sheets. "Time to get up."
After five pancakes and two glass of orange juice, Benjamin was awake more than ever. While he was playing a game on the big television, Harry and Jeffrey were talking about upcoming projects. 
"...for June we'll be recording the album and then you have that project with Gucci in July." 
"I thought we were going to go to Holmes Chapel and see grandma this June," Benjamin questioned, suddenly not so interested in his game. 
"I don't think we'll be able to do that, buddy. We'll be in Los Angeles." 
"Will Camille be with us?" 
Camille was Harry's current girlfriend. And Benjamin did not like her at all. After Y/N, Harry didn't have any relationship for a long time. Not just because he thought it would be hard for Benjamin if it didn't work out, but also he wasn't ready for getting heartbroken again. Camille was his longest relationship despite Benjamin's dislike for her. 
"Yeah, probably." 
Benjamin grunted with vexation and let himself fell on the couch again. 
"Do I have to be there?" Benjamin looked at his father with hope. "Can't I just stay with grandma?"
"A month is a long time Benny." 
"Yeah, dad, I know. That's why I don't want to spend it with Camille."
"I would appreciate it if you just tried to like her." 
"Or you could just send me to the summer camp I've been talking about." 
Harry took a deep breath. "We talked about this, Benny. I can't send you somewhere I've never heard before." 
"But Freddie is going too." Benjamin whined.
"What's up with this summer camp?" Jeffrey asked when he couldn't help his curiosity. 
"Something he heard from Freddie, I guess. He's been talking about it non-stop." 
"Why don't you just let him go?"
"You know why, Jeff."
"You're just being paranoid, Harry. Let him have some fun. It's already hard to be the son of a famous pop star." 
Jeffrey made Harry hesitate. He was right and Harry knew that. It was just scary to be away from him for more than a month. And since Benjamin wasn't a calm kid, it made it harder for him to decide. He wasn’t going to be there when things were going to go bad. But when he saw his son sitting there not even giving attention to the game all devastated, he couldn't help but say yes. 
"You can go as long as you promise to be nice." 
"You're the best, dad!"
Benjamin hugged him so tight and smiled so bright that it made every bad thought Harry had, vanish. He hugged his son back. Apologizing to him without words for everything he took away from him, for everything he could have if he and his mom hadn’t been so stubborn.
If he only knew that Benjamin would take everything back with a simple summer camp. 
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station-118 · 5 years
The first words we say, Part One
Soulmate AU!!!!!! Because I’m a sucker for them honestly!
Evan Buckley x Reader x Eddie Diaz
Y/N: your name
Summary: everyone has a soulmate, some even have two. You just happen to be one of the lucky few who have two soulmates. But you don’t see it as luck, no you’ve only ever seen it as a curse. And now you’ve come face to face with one of your soulmates!
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
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Soulmates. It’s a wonderful idea, a wonderful concept. The idea that there’s someone out there perfectly designed just for you. The first words you hear your soulmate say are printed right into your skin above your heart from the moment you’re born. When you first hear those words spoken out loud by your soulmate the mark burns for a moment then fades away, letting you know you’ve found them. People dream about the day they meet their soulmate.
But you were different. The thought of soulmates only brought you pain. From the moment you where born, with two soulmate marks above your heart, it’s brought you nothing but pain and misery. Having two soulmates was rare, not unheard of, but rare. Some people thought it was wonderful. You had two people out there who where meant for you, not just one. But some people, like your parents, believed it was unnatural. That it was wrong to be 1/3 of a whole instead of ½ of a whole.
And they made sure you knew it. Constantly talking down to you, making you feel worthless. Telling you that no one would ever love you. That you were a mistake and that there was something wrong with you. And then one day when you where 7 your dad took a branding iron to your soul marks in an attempt to burn them off of you. But it didn’t work, not the way he wanted it to. They where scared and almost illegible after that, but they where still there, and you still knew what they said.
But all this took its toll. You began to associate soulmates and soul marks with pain and fear. And after a while you decided that you just never wanted to meet them. Never wanted to let them see how much of a disappointment their soulmate was. You didn’t think all that much of yourself, and you didn’t want someone to be forever tied to a mess like you. The idea that you could one day meet one or both of them terrified you.
When you turned 18 you left home and went to LA and never looked back. You where finally free of your parents and everything they ever did to you. For two years you bounced from one job to the next, unsure of what you wanted to do with your life. Then you’d seen a flier for the firefighter academy, and suddenly it just clicked. That was what you wanted to do. So you joined the academy and spent months training. Eventually you graduated from the academy and had been assigned to station 118. When you first became part of the station it was run by Captain Gerrard, who you hated beyond belief.
The man was an asshole, and he reminded you to much of your father. Plus you didn’t much care for the way he treated one of the other new recruits, Hen. You made it a point to become friends with her and Chimney right away. And eventually Captain Gerrard was forced to retire. The station went through several captains before Bobby Nash showed up. Out of all the Captains the station has had, he was the best. He brought the whole station together, and made all of you into a family.
For the first time in your life, things where going right. You had a nice apartment, a great job, friends who where practically your family, and you hadn’t thought about soulmates in what felt like years. But then one day the station got a new recruit, and your whole life flipped upside down.
You had all just sat down for breakfast when he showed up. He was tall, with an adorable birth mark over one eye. And when you first saw him walking up the steps you’d thought he was kind of cute. But then he opened up his mouth and spoke and your whole world came crashing down around you.
“I’m Evan Buckley, I was told to report to Captain Nash.”
You choked on your food for a second as you felt a small sharp pain above your heart where those words resided. You waved off Hen when she asked if you where okay, and you glanced up at the man standing nervously a few feet away from the table. You didn’t hear anything Bobby said next, your attention focused on your soulmate.
You where silently freaking out. One of your soulmates was standing before you and you had no idea what to do. You thought about speaking up, saying hi and introducing yourself. But that thought passed by quickly. Every horrible thing your parents ever said to you came to mind, and you just couldn’t do it. You couldn’t ruin this mans life by attaching him to you like that. So instead you staid silent.
Several weeks passed by, and somehow you managed to avoid Buck at every turn. Every time he would get within hearing distance you would stop talking and walk away. Your friends where worried about you, but you refused to tell them what was wrong. And you could tell Buck was getting annoyed with you. You overheard him talking with Bobby one day about you. He was confused and hurt that you refused to talk to him. He didn’t understand what he did wrong or just why you hated him. He sounded so upset that it pulled at your heart but you ignored it.
He was better off without you, and you where better off without him. But the more time that passed the more you found yourself falling for him. Even though you refused to talk around him, you still wound up spending a lot of time around him. After all you worked together in close quarters.
He was sweet, kind, and caring. He loved helping people. And okay so maybe he was a bit of a sex addict. But he just claimed that he was sleeping around till he found his soulmates. Honestly it made you feel like crap. Every time the topic of soulmates came up his face would light up and he’d gush about how he couldn’t wait to meet his. But you did your best to ignore your growing feelings for the man.
You would have kept going like this forever if Bobby hadn’t stuck his nose into it. You’d been talking with Hen about the last call the station had been on when Buck had walked up into the loft of the station. You’d immediately stopped talking, and had rushed passed him down the stairs into the bay. Bobby was standing next to the truck. He glanced up the stairs behind you to Buck, then back at you.
“He’s your soulmate isn’t he?” Bobby asked, looking at you knowingly.
You froze in your spot for a moment, fear racing through you.
“I won’t tell him, but I really think you should,” He suggested.
You shook your head.
“I can’t!” You denied.
Bobby frowned at you for a moment.
“Why not? He’s meant for you and you for him. I see how you look at him sometimes when you think no-ones watching,” Bobby stated.
“Bobby I can’t… I’m not… I’d just… I’m not good…” you couldn’t bring yourself to say what you where feeling.
But you didn’t have to. Bobby knew already. Shortly after he came to work at the station he’d caught sight of your marred soul marks and had asked you what had happened to them. You’d broken down and told him all about your parents and what they’d said and done to you over the years. Bobby had just held you as you cried. He’d become like a surrogate father to you over the short time he’d been here.
“Y/N I get it, I do. I know what they did to you. But they where wrong okay! There is nothing wrong with you, and you deserve to be happy with your soulmates!” Bobby said, squeezing your shoulder.
You stared at him for a moment, thousands of emotions flowing through you. But in the end the only thing you could hear was your parents voices in your head.
“I’ve made my decision, so just drop it okay,” you stated, shaking your head.
There was a sharp inhale behind you and you spun around to see Buck standing a few feet behind you. His eyes where wide as he stared at you, and you could see hurt flash through his face.
“You’re my soulmate? You’ve know this whole time and you haven’t said anything?” Buck questioned, pain lacing his voice.
Buck stared at you for a moment, waiting for you to respond. You stood there gaping like a fish, unable to form any words. Buck frowned at you the longer you stood there silent. Then after a minute he turned and raced off towards the locker room. You could feel tears prick at your eyes and you quickly wiped them away before they could fall. You hadn’t wanted to hurt Buck, it’s why you staid away from him in the first place. But now he was hurting because of you, and you weren’t sure what to do…
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fingerguneds · 5 years
hi! could I ask for some stozier fluff, like, stan and richie go grocery shopping ( not established relationship but they both like each other a whole lot ) 💞 thanks!
thank you very much for your ask, i fucking loved working on this, hope you don’t mind my loose interpretation of your prompt..
Stanley doesn’t like grocery shopping. He hates it, actually: it’s stressful, it’s always about letting people bother you somehow, and it’s totally not worth it when there’s food delivery.
But newsflash sweetie, it’s New Year’s Eve and all the closest shops are bombarded with orders. He can’t even imagine a worse case of spending the last few hours of 2019th, maybe with an exception of having to be with his parents, but whatever. It’s still bad.
So there he is, with bananas, blueberries and two bottles of white dessert wine in his cart he’s sure gonna suck in all alone in his sitting room later this evening, deciding on whether he needs another head of brie cheese, when he notices a familiar mop of black curly hair by the cereal stand.
There’s no way he wouldn’t recognize Richard Tozier from the communication and design department. He’s one of the loudest, brightest and most charmingly gorgeous people in their company, and if Stan ever tells you he hasn’t been having a huge, fat crush on him for the last few months, he’d be the ugliest, most pathetic liar.
He’s a good liar, though. He’s excellent at ignoring his fluttering heart every time Richie walks in their department to share a word with Eddie Kaspbrak, the most pleasant coworker of Stan’s in his personal opinion, or casting his best cold-eye when at parties they accidentally end up sharing a table and the guy, because he’s actually nice to everyone, tries to start an odd conversation about broken vending machines on the first floor or the fucking weather.
Why? Because Stan’s a pussy. He’s already really, really attracted to this black-haired mess of a person, with his ridiculously dark eyes with stupidly long lashes on a damn weird face one wouldn’t call pretty, because of that big nose, covered in bright specks of freckles that burn on cool paleness of his skin, or large, red and plump-lipped mouth; but would totally still define as beautiful, because those eyes are not just dark — they’re the colour of reddish pine bark after it’s been raining for hours; because that skin is not just pale — it’s like absolutely white marble with rare blue veins in all the rightest places of the man’s slender body; because his features, although weird and uncommon, somehow create a loud and charismatic pattern that attracts an eye, that makes you want to look, to inspect, to...admire.
And that’s what Stan’s been doing. Admiring from afar, because he’s a coward, too sensitive to let someone this loveable, loud and easy-going in. He’s too protective over his heart, he doesn’t take risks, he’s too fragile for his own good, and one more thing — even though Stanley secretly thinks he’s better than everyone, there is no way someone like Richie would want to do anything with him. He’s the most adorable with everyone, that’s in his nature, and thank god Stan smart enough to know that and to be aware that he’s not special — that Richie flirts with anyone, holds the door for every goddamn person in the office, checks up on every other stranger in an elevator, and although this still makes Stan’s dick ridiculously hard, he also almost dies on the spot when Richie turns his head a little bit and after a moment of surprise breaks into a grin. Stan, like a good goddamn liar he is, shoots him a quick nod of recognition, throws the bloody cheese into his cart with a bored expression and decides to get the fuck out of this place before his heart decides to break his ribcage into pieces. As calm and collected Stanley Uris is on the outside, he’s just as chaotic and messy on the inside.
He walks towards the end of an aisle as casual but fast as possible, as if his feet are on fire but he’s used to it (which is true, metaphorically speaking), and just when he’s ready to hide from Richie behind another row, something much, much more terrible than bumping into your big fat crush slash occasional wet dream happens to him.
His heart drops down to his feet, when he recognizes the voice. He keeps walking forward, hoping for an earthquake, a sudden alien invasion, The Judgment Day — anything to save him from this most unwanted encounter, but of course nothing happens. A big tenacious hand still grabs his forearm, making him stop and turn, and this face Stan’s been successfully avoiding for the past couple years still appears in front of him, unchanged and familiar as ever.
See, he maybe wouldn’t be afraid of talking to Richie and making friends with him and maybe even going for more, if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s been in a relationship with one extremely toxic and emotionally abusive man, and although Stan knows all these things, he knows he only terrorized him because he’s an awful person, not Stan, he still—can’t not be affected.
Who in the hell’s gonna love a needy Jewish nerd with a fucked-up brain and a shit ton of insecurities, earned throughout his not-so-bright pathetic faggot life?
Only Patrick, with his huge, kind heart and a perverted kink for losers, lucky for Stan: shaming people for what they are first, than pressing further, and finishing up with messing them up completely.
“Oh, hi, Patrick” Stan says casually, shoulders relaxed, body weight kept on one leg, yet one hand clinging the cart’s holder so tight his fingers turn purple, the other one in a fist, nails professionally breaking the delicate skin of Stan’s palm. “Long time no see.”
Leaving your ass all those years ago is still one of my biggest accomplishments, asshole.
Patrick’s eyes sparkle wickedly and his lips break into a wolfish smirk. Stanley finally notices he’s not alone: to the right there stands a blond man, not tall, seemingly muscular, small blue piggish eyes squinting at him with an alarming amount of hatred. Just what the fuck.
“How rude of me, this is Dean, by the way,” he says, showing up their intertwined fingers. Stan doesn’t feel jealous or envious, to his own pleasure, but he does feel this wholesome wave of bitterness. Assholes shouldn’t get away with all the nasty things they do and then proceed to live their nasty lives like nothing happened, while people they leave crippled and broken still suffer with their demons.
Stan won’t give him the satisfaction. He breaths in and smiles politely.
“It’s very nice to meet you,” he says, totally aware that although he’s the lonely one here, he’s still prettier and, dare he say, smarter than that Dean guy. His mug...his mug is for sure a God’s creation, but boy, did he decide to go off with this one? Yes. And absolutely nothing says mind in those little dirty-blue pools of anger he has for eyes. He looks like someone who would tattoo their first lover’s name on their bicep. And make tik-toks in their truck.
“Nice set,” Patrick, the fucker, senses Stanley’s dominating vibe and makes another elegant attempt to ruin everything he’s been building up. “Here alone?”
Okay, alright, it’s gonna be tough at the beginning, but at least he’s not holding some Dean’s sweaty stupid hand—
“Love, I only found buckwheat pasta, it all must be taken already,” and now it’s time for the third thing to make Stanley discover a lot of new white hairs tomorrow in front of the mirror. Thank God he’s not dark-haired.
Like Richie fucking Tozier, who appears literally out of nowhere, with a pack of fucking buckwheat pasta in his hand, the kindest, warmest look in his eyes behind huge coke-bottle glasses he (of course) rocks the shit out, and a smile Stan’s sure gonna jerk off to for days.
“We could drive to Tesco if you wanna—“ he starts in another attempt to silently offer Stanley a helping hand, but cuts himself off. “Oh, I’m sorry, do I know you?” he turns to face Patrick and Dean with a ridiculous replica of Stanley’s own polite smile, and if Stan wouldn’t be this honest-to-god shocked, he’d definitely laugh at the sight of it.
Patrick looks...scandalized in the most precious way.
“It’s Patrick,” Stan says, thankfully without a tremble in his voice. “We used to date a long time ago. And this is...um, Dean, right?”
“Yeah,” Patrick nods, seemingly taken aback. “My current boyfriend.”
“Oh, my pleasure!” Richie exclaims, grinning widely. “Honoured to meet my man’s old friends,” Stan almost chokes at this, but suddenly there’s someone’s strong hand sliding on his waist, and a solid body, pressing against his side. “I’m Richie by the way, Stanley’s current boyfriend.”
An uncomfortable silence hangs then between the four of them, until Patrick licks his lips in a predatory way, and nods again.
“Alright, we better keep going. It was nice to see you, Stan, have fun,” he almost spits out the last words, and him and Dean quickly leave, just like a mirage Stanley would rather forget forever.
But not the hand, still holding him tight.
“You okay?” Richie murmurs then quietly into Stan’s ear, sending warm shivers down his body. Stan hopes his coat is thick enough for Richie to not hear how embarrassingly rapid his heartbeat currently is.
“Yeah,” he answers, nodding. As much as he hates to do this, he takes a step back, which allows him to look at Richie closely for the first time in his life.
And God he’s handsome.
“I’m—“ Stanley asks, but Richie cuts him off.
“I’m sorry,” he says, and although his eyes are still pleasantly concerned, his lips curve into a small guilty smile. “I didn’t want to spy on you, I just overheard that asshole—shit, sorry, I didn’t mean—“
“No, he is an asshole,” Stanley shrugs, still lying to Richie and himself. Lying that his body’s not still on fire, his brains are not melting into disgustingly sweet puddles of adoration, his palms are not sweaty and his throat is not drier than Sahara. “And thank you for...helping me out, I guess? You really didn’t have to do that.”
Richie looks at him with something Stanley can’t really understand in his eyes, and his smile widens, revealing two big front teeth one would call funny, but Stan honest to god finds them adorable. Like the rest of Richie, really. There’s no point in denying this, he’s gone.
“I know,” he says, and his voice is low, with a slight edge. “I just, I thought there’s no better time than the present, you know, and instead of making another New Year resolution I’m going to ignore, I could give myself a chance right here and right now,” the apples of his cheeks turn an impossibly lovely shade of pink, and Stanley wants to slap himself for being such a slut for this man. He collects himself without a flinch and finally pays attention to Richie’s words and frowns.
“I beg your pardon?”
Richie keeps blushing deeper and deeper in shade.
“Well, you see, there’s that adorable Hebrew in my friend Eddie’s department that I’ve been trying to court for months, but he’s either too dense to notice it, or it’s me who’s dense and is just too preoccupied to take “no” as an answer, you know? So I’ve decided to go off in 2020 and...basically crack my ass to make that boy be more clear, yeah? Because I’m crushing like crazy stupid, you have no idea,” by the end of his ramble, his face is fully red, and fortunately for him, he’s not the only one looking like a basic white tourist after seven hours under Egyptian sun without a hat.
“Did you,” Stan mewls, voice finally breaking like a bitch, but nevertheless, his chin is up and he’s professionally acting like he doesn’t look as pathetic as Richie. “Did you just call me dense while hitting on me?”
“Yeah,” Richie breathes out, and his smile is so sunny, and warm, and relieved that Stan can’t help but smile back, rolling his eyes nevertheless, because he’s what? Still a good liar. “Did it work?”
It definitely did, Stanley thinks two hours later, sitting in Richie’s barstool with a glass of wine in one hand, watching the other man cook that bloody buckwheat pasta and listening to his absolutely endearing unstoppable ramble about his secret passion for cooking and not-so-secret passion for Stanley. He really, really doesn’t give a shit about embarrassing himself, Stan realizes somewhere after the words “I got shitfaced and ugly-cried for hours at that party when you left the table exactly thirty seconds after I tried to initiate a conversation with you.”
It definitely did, Richie thinks in the next morning, waking up with Stanley’s curls in his mouth, his back pressed against Richie’s chest and their bodies wrapped around each other under lazy January sun.
i have to say i’m not a huge fan of fake/pretend relationship trope but this specific um turn of events when character a is in an embarrassingly lonely situation against their ex and character b abruptly decides to save the day and then they end up together for real...is the shit
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The lonliness of Eddie Brock
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I’ve said in the past that Venom: Lethal Protector provided a not so great origin story for Eddie Brock regarding his father. I’ve also dived deep into Brock’s presentation in ASM #300 to talk about how it’s a lot better than people think.
But today something clicked and I’m going to try and present a take upon the character that uses his original origin in Lethal Protector and in ASM #300.
Before I start though, I’ll never concede that the origin given to Brock in lethal Protector wasn’t designed to make him sympathetic and jive with readers as an anti-hero. If you read that at face value and as intended, it doesn’t really line up with who Brock was in ASM #300, wherein he was clearly evil.
With that said let’s provide some context. 
So in ASM #300, Brock details his origin. He was a reporter for the Daily Globe and (according to him anyway) a respected one at that. One day he was contacted by Emil Gregg, man of faith (who like Brock seemed to be Catholic) who claimed to be the then recent religiously motivated serial killer known as the Sin-Eater.
In reality, Gregg was a mentally ill person who had the misfortune of living next door to the real Sin-Eater, Stan Carter. Carter recorded a voice journal and so when Gregg heard Carter through his bedroom wall he believed the ‘voices’ to be inside his head, becoming convinced that HE was in fact the real Sin-Eater.
Gregg confessed his believed guilt to Brock who wrote up a sympathetic article (or maybe more) which became incredibly attention grabbing. Initially refusing to give his source Brock eventually became pressured into doing so, writing a sensational article unveiling ‘the truth’. Mere hours later though the real Sin-Eater was apprehended by Spider-Man leading Brock to be fired and reduced to eking out a meagre lonely living by writing ‘venomous’ articles about scandals, alien abductions, etc, for rag publications.
Brock blamed Spider-Man for his misfortune and whilst obsessively exercising to relieve his stress, he envisioned murdering the wall-crawler. Things got so bad for Brock he seriously considered suicide, but his Catholic upbringing meant he couldn’t go through with it. Instead he prayed for salvation in a church, coincidentally the very same church that a while before Spider-Man had rid himself of the alien symbiote that had been his black costume. The symbiote sensed Brock’s feelings, and bonded with him. To Brock this was a form of salvation and the two became Venom, dedicated to avenging themselves on Spider-Man.
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Much later, after several encounters with Venom, Peter Parker encountered Brock’s ex-wife Ann Weying who elaborated further on Brock’s life. As she explains it Brock worked so hard to be a star reporter because his father, Carl Brock, seemed to have little use for him. When Brock’s career blew up it was the final nail in his already bad relationship with his father. Ann claims that this in turn drove Brock to madness. They divorced after that.
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We get similar, yet deeper information in Venom Lethal Protector #3, when Carl Brock’s elderly housekeeper relays the story of Brock’s life. As she tells the story, Carl Brock was an already emotionally repressed man, but his wife (Jamie) was his world. When Jamie died giving birth to Eddie whatever ability to love existed within Carl died. Thus young Eddie Brock grew up with no affection and little attention from his father.
This drove Eddie to excel in education and sports but each achievement failed to garner the affection and attention he craved from his father. His quest for his father’s love led to him becoming a crusading reporter. But even  when his sensational Sin Eater articles were being published, his father gave him little attention. Then when Gregg was exposed as fake, that ended Eddie’s relationship with his father altogether.
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ASM #375 and Lethal Protector definitely frame the story with the intent of garnering sympathy for Brock, of trying to make you LIKE him. This makes sense as both were laying the foundation for Venom’s solo-stories where he was to be an anti-hero.
In this sense they seriously contradict the decidedly unsympathetic backstory given to Brock in ASM #300, where e is framed as a clear cut villain.
I’ve come around to the idea though that whilst there is 100% a cognitive dissonance between the framing of the two stories, they don’t actually contradict one another in the details.
That is to say nothing established in ASM #300 makes the events of ASM #375 and LP #3 impossible.
More importantly those events can I think be viewed as better explaining just Brock’s actions as relayed by ASM #300, and of Venom in general.
The stories already make it clear the defining motivation for Brock before he became Venom was all about his father. He was fruitlessly chasing his father’s affections and had grown up totally devoid of them.
On the one hand, when you are the child of a single parent and that single parent, whilst providing for you, is nevertheless neglecting you, it’s likely to screw up anyone.
But for Brock he practically hinged his whole career path on something that would impress his father. This is an idea expanded upon in Venom: Dark Origin #1 when Eddie’s father suggests he be a reporter expresses respect towards seeking the truth.*
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The stories do not confirm this but, does it not make an awful lot sense that Brock’s desire for affection is what led to his actions with Emil Gregg?
Brock was highly unethical in protecting Gregg if he believed him to truly be the Sin Eater and his lack of fact checking was just plain sloppy.
But in the context of his relationship with his father it makes a lot of sense.
Gregg’s confessions were obviously going to be attention grabbing (especially if he wrote sympathetically of him) and his role in apprehending him would (in his mind) have earned his father’s affections. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for people in Brock’s situation to desire attention generally as well as from specific individuals so the Sin Eater story was great fuel for Brock’s self-esteem regardless.
It’s not hard to believe he was in fact so emotionally desperate for attention and affection he didn’t care about ignoring ethics or common sense practices.
If he was that desperate, his descent into madness also makes a lot of sense.
He wanted affectionate attention, and he wanted it specifically from his father.
But his actions resulted in him being isolated from the career he liked, reduced to work that garnered little-no attention/affection** and forever ended any hope of getting what he wanted from his father.
Then on top of that he lost his wife. Divorce is often a horrible experience in general, but when you are already at that low point it’d hit all the harder. And harder still if you are someone who’s grown up neglected and lonely, craving affection.
It’s easy to argue Brock’s fixation upon Spider-Man was simply a mental reflex against the hard fact that he’d so thoroughly ruined his own life. That his actions forever destroyed any hope he had of getting the one thing he wanted, and then also wrecked the other good things he did have.
But why Spider-Man particularly?
I think this again comes back to the issue of being attention grabbing.
Brock WANTED to be noticed, and more than this loved.
Spider-Man might have had a questionable public reputation but he was undeniably attention grabbing, he was frequently in the news (the field Brock used to be a part of and loved) and unless Brock cut himself off from all news sources, it’d had been impossible for him to avoid seeing Spider-Man.
Not only would this have reminded him of his own downfall (much as seeing Daredevil would have, as he was also involved in bringing in Carter) but there might’ve been resentment over the fact that Spider-Man was getting so much attention now he Brock was getting next to none.
Compounding things is the fact that Spider-Man wasn’t universally hated, he was talked about as being a hero. I think that’s why in the above pages from ASM #300 there is that scene where Spider-Man’s on the TV with the word ‘hero’ under it and a clearly unhappy Brock in the room. 
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Spidey was getting attention and some affection from thousands or millions of people whilst Brock was getting none.
This resentment might’ve then grown into a hatred, a hatred Brock rationalized as the result of Spidey being responsible for ruining him, an appealing lie to tell himself and it absolves him of all blame.*** Also Brock’s religious background might also have fuelled his delusions. He was accustomed to taking things ‘on faith’ and ignoring contradictions to arrive at a truth he was comfortable with. Thus knowing the facts (that he ruined himself) became easy for his fragile mind to reframe as ‘I made a mistake but Spider-Man is at fault’.
Finally, growing up without a mother and little affection/attention from his father would naturally mean Brock had a certain sense of loneliness ingrained into him. This would’ve been seriously exacerbated when Ann left.
This can then explain the kinship he felt with the symbiote and the deep emotional bond they forged.
The symbiote is a life form who literally relies upon being with others. Loneliness will eventually kill it. And like Brock it craved affection, which rendered it a pariah amongst it’s own kind. Thus like Brock in the field of journalism, the symbiote was cast out for ‘unethical practices’ if you will. And like Brock it had recently been rejected by someone it loved and wanted to be with. For Brock that was Ann and Carl, for the symbiote it was Spider-Man/Peter Parker.
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In one another they found kindred spirits. Two lonely wayward individuals, desperate for affection, but rejected by specific individuals they craved it from and by ‘their people’ more generally. Their health falling apart as a result of these circumstances they found a form of toxic salvation in one another.
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I’ll be honest, I still don’t like Venom’s 1990s origin or Donny Cates’ new one for him. I stand firm that Venom should be a villain and his origin geared towards that end.
But I will say that I’ve now grown an appreciation of Lethal Protector’s take. I think it does develop the character and make him deeper, just not necessarily in a great direction.
*Dark Origin is a story that overwrites and contradicts older Venom stories but also plays with many concepts from them. As such, it’s at least food for thought going forward.
**Although ironically they were designed with that intent as they were scandal rags. Maybe ‘attention’ was a baked in theme for Brock’s character?
***Let’s also consider that as a journalist spinning a certain story would come naturally to Brock.
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Twenty-Three: It
"Maybe that’s why God made us kids first and built us close to the ground, because He knows you got to fall down a lot and bleed a lot before you learn that one simple lesson. You pay for what you get, you own what you pay for... and sooner or later whatever you own comes back home to you.” 
I’m just going to come right out and say it.
Pre-teen child orgy.
Weird-ass, icky, questionable judgement that I’m going to chalk up to years of drug and alcohol abuse... orgy. 
Of all the strange and bizarre things Steve has written over the years, the child orgy scene in It might be the strangest one. I’ve read articles back and forth, and I know there was controversy surrounding whether or not to include it in the movie (glad cooler heads prevailed there!), but ick!!! Maybe it’s because my daughter is Beverly’s age, but ick!!! 
I don’t think it belonged in the book. There were hundreds of other way the kids could have cemented their friendship, and shown adult status without sex. I mean, they already had a blood oath: what more do you need?? 
I know. This is such a small scene in the book, but it troubles me as a woman, a feminist, and most importantly, a mother. And as a writer, I’m also troubled that parts of it are written like a bad porn: “Something that will bring us together forever. Something that will show...that I love you all... Who’s first?” 
Gag. I just threw up in my mouth a little. 
I loved reading It. The past and present chapters of the book flowed so fluidly, the character development was excellent, and Pennywise is terrifying. But this one part just keeps me from ever wanting to read it again. And then it had me questioning my own enjoyment of the book. Should I come down hard on this one for Steve’s tone-deaf attitude towards children having sex? Should I just ignore it and move along? Is it callus for me to enjoy the book, and still be bothered by the child orgy scene? 
I think I finally settled on the last option. 
Okay. We tackled the elephant in the room, now let’s move along to my half-assed review of the rest of the book. 
I thought I had read It in the past, but when the book was delivered, I was shocked to see how thick it was. I was expecting a much shorter read. That was clue number one I had never read it. Clue number two was not really remembering the past and present story lines. So I’m going to assume I’m at that fragile, old age where I no longer remember every book I’ve ever read. 
I have seen both of the recent movies, and thought they stayed fairly true to the book, and I liked their casting. I even imagined several movie characters as I was reading along. It was a solid book, and I flew through it in a little over a week. Not bad for normal reading standards, but a little long for Coronavirus reading standards. 
Cue the Cardi... Coronavirus! 
Sorry. I really love this video, and find myself yelling, “Coronavirus! Shit is real!” far too often. 
So, for those of you who have been living under a rock your entire lives, It is the story of Pennywise, a murderous clown who preys on innocent children in Derry, Maine every twenty-seven years or so. Yes, he’s a clown, but he can also take the form of a spider, a werewolf, or whatever you’re most terrified of. “Glamour, he said, was the Gaelic name for the creature which was haunting Derry; other races and other cultures at other times had different words for it, but they all meant the same thing... The Himalayans called it a tallus or taelus, which meant an evil magic being that could read your mind, and then assume the shape of the thing you were most afraid of.” 
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So, It kills little Georgie Denbrough, and his older brother Bill lives with the guilt of Georgie’s death. Bill had been at home with the flu, but had made Georgie a paper boat he could play with outside, and race through the flooding streets. Bill feels if he had been there, Georgie might still be alive, and his parents might be far less vacant and depressed. That’s some serious guilt. 
Bill and his gang of friends: Stan Uris, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, and Ben Hanscom all band together and form The Losers Club after admitting they’ve seen It in some form or another. In addition to taking out a few psychotic child bullies in a rock fight, they also mortally wound It. They have a group orgy, and a blood oath to celebrate their victory.
The kids grow up, and all go their seperate ways until twenty-seven years later when Mike calls them all to let them know It is killing again. Stanley Uris kills himself in the bathtub, but the rest of the Losers Club all travel back to Derry to see what’s up. Richie is a California-based DJ, Eddie runs a car service and married a woman just like his crazy mother, Beverly is a famous clothing designer, Ben is a world-famous architect, Bill is an acclaimed writer, and Mike is the librarian at the Derry Public Library. 
All of them have vague memories of their time in Derry, and barely remember one another. But once they get back in town, the memories and bad habits start flooding back. Eddie is back to sucking on his aspirator every few minutes (despite his asthma being psychosomatic), Richie can no longer wear contacts and is back to his dorky glasses, and Bill is back to stuttering, something he hasn’t done since childhood. Good times. 
While the Loser’s Club is assembling and eating Chinese food together, Pennywise takes it upon himself to release psycho childhood bully Henry Bowers from Juniper Hill, the mental institution he’s been in for years. Sidenote... one of the meanest counselors at Juniper Hill is Koontz. Coincidence? I’m going with no... 
Mike informs everyone It is back in action again, killing people, and they all made a promise to come back to Derry if It ever went on another murderous rampage. So, they head back into the sewers again to take It out once and for all. They succeed, Eddie dies, Beverly’s abusive asshole husband dies, Audra, Bill’s wife, is catatonic from the shock of the whole thing, and the entire town of Derry literally and metaphorically collapses in on itself. But on the bright side, It is dead, and there wasn’t another orgy. Huzzah! 
The book is chock full of Steve tropes (chambray work shirts! multiple mentions of Shawshank prison! Happy Crappy everywhere!); and also a few mentions of past and future books. Loser’s Club member Ben Hanscom is a chunky kid, and he’s made fun of for his weight. At one point, he recants a traumatic locker room scene where kids are “fat-paddling” him. Yes, it’s as cringy as it sounds. The gym teacher finally breaks it up, and Ben describes, “...what he did was grab one of my tits in each hand and squeeze. Then he took his hands away and rubbed them on his pants like he’d touched something dirty.” This was basically the male version of Carrie: locker room torture and dirty pillows. I laughed way too hard at that. But unlike Carrie White, Ben grows up to be handsome, famous, and he gets the girl without starting anyone on fire. 
Later on in the novel, Beverly is dealing with her abusive, crazy husband, Tom Rogan. After she beats the crap out of him and flees for Derry, he tries to track her down. First, he stops by her best friend’s house, and almost beats her to death before she tells him Beverly left for Derry. Tom Rogan is so evil and terrifying, I couldn’t help but wonder if his character planted a seed in Steve’s mind for Rose Madder. I saw a lot of similarities. 
There were also a few Dark Tower references. The Turtle is mentioned throughout the book, and The Turtle is also known as Maturin, one of the Guardians of the Beam in the Dark Tower universe. #allthingsservethebeam
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Later on, Bill is on his way to take on It and, “He thought dimly of riding in a train and passing one going in the other direction, a train that was so long it seemed eventually to stand still or even move backward. He could still hear It, yammering and buzzing, Its voice high and angry, not human, full of mad hate...”
Could it be Blaine? Blaine is a pain! 
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There was also one Wisconsin reference, Beverly takes a flight out of Milwaukee. After several books with no Wisconsin references, it was nice seeing Steve give us the love we deserve. 
Orgy aside, I really loved It (things you never think you’ll say out loud, or type for that matter). If nothing else, you have to give Steve credit for making creepy clowns a thing. At one point in the book, Steve writes, “The fears of children could often be summoned up in a single face... and if bait were needed, why, what child did not love a clown?” 
Um, no children today, thanks to your sick ass! 
Next up is Eyes of the Dragon, which I have never read before, and is slow going. But at least it’s short. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 16
Total Dark Tower References: 16
Book Grade: A+
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
The Talisman: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Thinner: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Roadwork: D
Christine: D
Stay healthy and keep social distancing, my friends!
Until next time, Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
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tozierpunks · 5 years
I’m always here for Reddie and stanpat. So. reddie & stanpat Conception AU
ashbot you’re the only one who truly loves me sometimes ❤️just a heads up, it’s a lil nsfw, so dig on this:
the story starts with mike teaching a classroom of 5 year olds, and he wraps up the lesson with, “any questions?” and little 5 year old Elton raises his hand and goes, “where do babies come from?” Mike’s face proceeds to drop to the floor
another little kid, Emmy, goes, “I’ll draw it for you Elton, it’s real weird.” AND NOW MIKE PANICS AND TAKES THE PAPER AND TRIES HIS BEST TO EXPLAIN, “it’s not weird! it’s... normal.” and a third kid (Cher) chimes in: “my daddy said the mommy poops out a baby” and Mike resists the urge to roll his eyes
cue title card and now we cut to our first couple of the story: stan and patty. now they’ve been trying forever to have a baby, but they’re struggling. patty is a doctor and stan is an environmental science teacher, they’re doing well, and now they’re on a special plan to get pregnant bc they’re ready, it’s time
so he comes in with the fertility shot, patty’s leaning against the bed, and he’s clearly nervous but this is his wife, he loves her, he wants this baby too, so he’s gonna help and he says, “i’m really afraid i’m not gonna be good at this.” “i’m afraid of that too babe.”
she instructs him tho, “hold it like a pencil, stick the needle in really quickly- like a dart, check for blood, and if there’s no blood then push the medicine in.”
“... okay but... if there’s blood... i might pass out. Maybe I should put some pillows down like a stuntman-”
“am I just gonna have to do this?” “No!” and she held her hand out to take the needle back but he just high fives her and counts down, “Three, two, two and a half-” “Stan.” AND HE STICKS HER AND SHE STARTS SHOUTING AT HIM
stan, perplexed, stands there and patty shouts, “WELL PUSH THE MEDICINE IN.”
stan, still shaken: “OKAY, OKA- CAN YOU BE NICE TO ME?!”
“Oh babe there’s blood, I’m gonna be sick.”
And Patty is rolling her eyes while Stan needs to take a breather bc he really can’t handle the blood
NOW SCENE CUT TO REDDIE where it’s a little less romantic, a little more Fight Club
richie planned a whole day bc at the end, their surrogate was supposed to call to let them know which designer baby was chosen - so, richie’s spermies for a boy or girl, or eddie’s spermies for a boy or girl
but eddie comes storming into the house to see his boyfriend - not husband, but boyfriend - on the couch, and he marches straight to the bedroom to grab richie’s bat, comes back out, and smashes the tv
“WHOA, EDS, WHAT THE FUCK-” “GET YOUR SHIT OUT!” “YOU JUST SMASHED A THOUSAND DOLLAR TV-” “GET IT OUT, I’M CALLING OUR SURROGATE BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE, JUST GET OUT! IT’S OVER!” he slams the door to his room, leaving richie dumbfounded, but ofc he comes right back out
“you didn’t even ask why i smashed the tv, you just said ‘that was a thousand dollar tv’!” ofc richie’s gonna bite back tho, “okay, fine, let’s ignore the property damage. eddie. what’s wrong?”
“YOU! You took my money-” “our moneY? in OUR bank account?” “and who put that money there? what’d you spend it on, richie? baseball? football? fucking ice skating-” “I’ll get it back-”
“great! mail it to me!” and again, he storms off. so obviously they’re in a pickle but more on that later.
BACK TO STANPAT BEING GREAT, Stan flops on the bed and groans, “this baby making stuff is really hard.”
“yeah but now comes the fun part.” “you’re gonna watch me play video games?” “no, we’re gonna have sex!”
stan doesn’t look as excited as patty hoped and she’s confused as he covers his face and goes, “babe... i kinda did it, with myself, in the bathroom-” “YOU MASTURBATED? WE’RE TRYING TO HAVE A BABY, YOU CAN’T-” “YOU LEFT SOME KIND OF WOMEN’S CATALOG-”
“No, take your clothes off-” “Pat, respectfully, I have to take a raincheck-” “No! Take your frickin clothes off, you’re fucking me!” and ofc stan is pretty turned on by his wife being bossy, he can work up another small soldier in his pants maybe... probably... hopefully
so while they’re waiting for him, patty explains all the stuff he can and can’t do
“you’re gonna need to drink plenty of fluids, cut back on things like flaxseed-” “aw babe, I love flaxseed.” bc stan got jokes and patty just stares at him before adding, “and you gotta switch to boxers, the testicles need less restraint-”
“babe, i know you’re a doctor and you have to say that at the hospital, but when you’re at home, could you call them balls? like, stan your hot sweaty balls aren’t good for making babies-” “babe, i have to fuck you right now, stop.”
their banter is everything, and as they climb into bed, patty stresses that missionary position is more likely to get her pregnant, and stan is skeptical, “that just sounds lazy on your part.” but alright! and they do the do, and eventually patty tells him she orgasmed and stan is AGAIN SKEPTICAL
“what? no! You scream a lot when you orgasm-” “oh that’s just for show”
stan found dead in his bedroom
“this baby making stuff just keeps getting better and better.”
and as patty is lying there, hips elevated to help the spermies flow their little way up the pipes, she looks at stan and smiles, “i know this is a lot babe, i’m sorry. I just really want a baby.” and stan smiles back and kisses her hand, “i know pat. me too.” “will you stay with me?” “of course.” and they get to lie there together and be cute
and eddie slumps against the wall and explains, “I thought having a baby would fix things. I thought I could get over your aversion to getting married, but I’m sitting at the stoplight, and I realize... everyone’s going somewhere. Everyone’s moving, but me.”
“Well that’s what you do at a stoplight-”
“Shut up Richie.” and Richie tries to reach out to touch Eddie but Eddie kicks him away and scoots to the other side of the wall, leaving Richie to sit in his spot
now they’ve been together since high school, they’re thirty now, and richie still hasn’t hinted at marriage. Eddie’s been ready since 24, and six years is a long time to wait for someone to mature. He really wants this baby, and he really wants a life with Richie, but he doesn’t know how to stop wanting to get married. If Richie doesn’t want that, where does that leave him? he doesn’t know if he can wait much longer for this man to be ready to grow up and start a life
so Richie sighs and goes, “I didn’t spend the money on sports stuff or gambling.” and he pulls a little velvet box from his pocket and slides it over and Eddie’s eyes widen and all Richie can hear from him is, “ohhh”
“I hate you, Richie.” and Richie snorts bc he loves Eddie so much, he knows that EDDIE KNOWS, he’s in the wrong. not richie. “I’m sorry-” “I love you, Eddie.” “I snapped-” “Clearly.” “That was really extreme-” “You’ve always been extreme. You threw the first rock at Stonewall- I mean, Henry.” “Shut up.”
and they start smooching on this apartment floor, but it quickly turns into a frantic fuck bc MAKE UP SEX!!!! WOO WOO!!!
when richie’s in the tub and eddie’s washing his hair, they get the call and the surrogate tells them she chose one of each bc the doctor said it was a maximum of two, they’ll find out in two weeks if it worked and then later, what they’re having!
cut to a couple months later, patty comes home and slams a sonogram on the table for stan to see, and he’s fighting the biggest goofy grin, “what’s that?” “a tumor.” and ofc he’s :/ “no it’s not.” “no it’s not!”
meanwhile, eddie is pacing in his apartment while richie lies on the floor and the surrogate is on speaker, “I didn’t think both eggs would plant! You guys are sure you can handle two kids?”
Emmy runs off to meet her mom and dad, Patty and Stan Uris
Elton and Cher are hoisted up by their dads, Richie and Eddie
the four of them wave to their old friend, Mike
the end :3
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chestnutroan · 5 years
Who is Ben? Have you talked about this character before?
Ben is my sole survivor, and my longest standing oc. I’ve posted a LOT of art of him but I’ve always put off talking about him at length but now I’m out of the rough when it comes to having the will to do anything, ill talk about him!
Frank (Benjamin) Romara was born in 2044 in Arkansas to African/Italian parents. When he was 13, he, his parents and his younger brother Gene were uprooted to Boston under absolutely no single good reason given at the time from his father. His dad died probably not a year later, and combined with the massive change of life Ben’s education went down the shitter, and he had to repeat freshman year. At the end of what should have been his sophomore year he got put in a program for “at risk youth”. 
[Detail about him, about Nick Valentine and Fallout Lore etc under the cut!]
The program was basically about increasing the amount of people entering government related jobs, because due to rising contempt less and less people were going down that path, and that’s bad for a whole lot of reasons, for the government at least. When it was first conceived of, it was more of a support scheme for kids not going onto greater things, but it expanded to where it was mandatory for any teen that met the requirements to be put through the system and spat out with more allegiance to their country. Ben checked off a lot of boxes, being poor, having bad grades etc. And at first Ben didn’t really mind all that much, given his lack of direction it was comforting to know that he’d be able to find a stable job to support his family, and that was exactly what seemed to be promised to him. He hadn’t yet gained a fervent desire to see the government crumble, the only part of it he hated being cops, who brushed his dads murder off like it didn’t matter. plus, the program offered extensive healthcare (a leftover enticement from when the program was optional), and it looked like the only way he’d be able to transition.
It wasn’t long, however, before it became increasingly apparent how insidious the program really was. For one thing, he was to be put into work (or training for whatever he will be assigned) at 18, meaning he’d have to leave high school with a sophomore level education. This was, of course, by design to keep the kids entering the workforce in that same workforce. When he was 17, he took a GOAT and got given two options: enter the police force or the US army. He didn't want to do absolutely either, but he picked the former, just because it seemed like his only shot to stay with his family. By the time he was 21, he’d become a detective, and before he could ever start to work on his own soil he was transferred to Chicago due to lack of workforce there.
And all over again, he’d been plucked out of what he knew and dunked somewhere else, and worse yet, he doesn’t even have anyone he knows to help him go through it. Most of the people at his station don’t really want anything to do with him, but he gets on with his job (his efficacy depending on whether or not he thinks hes doing the right thing), and quickly becomes the new hotshot ass hole there for his attention to detail, if not his actual ability to decipher motivations and piece things together. And this caught the attention of Nick Valentine.
Nick was the original hotshot ass  hole ofc, and it was owed to this that Ben, despite being to be shown the ropes, that he didn’t partner with the new guy despite being the only person there who could have helped him out. Nick was very, very good at his job, and due to his insecurities he wasn’t about to stop being the best and give people the chance to realise he doesn't get better than how effective he is at his work. I won’t get into the root of his insecurities, but he genuinely believes that he would lose all respect and that if he ever stopped being a try hard people would lose all reason to bother with him at all, and all he wants is for others reach out and be a friend to him. hes dealing with a lot of the same loneliness Ben is, but so long as he doesn't lose the facade of being a fully functional adult with a good job and a ‘loving’ wife he wont have to introspect and face who he thinks he is deep down (i.e. a man incapable of loving his wife romantically because of some personality fault he cant comprehend of how to fix as opposed to him just being gay and having a lot of internalised homophobia).
It takes Ben and Nick both reaching the point where they snap under the weight of the world they live in and the people who occupy it for them to come together. Nick ended up actually asking to take Ben on as a partner, and it took a lot of the load off of emotionally crippling work (serving a government neither of them believed in but being wholly incapable of escaping it, status quo being almost the only thing keeping them in place as opposed to trying to physically escape what they're doing together) but better yet, for nick, Ben helped bring out a side of him that wasn’t so afraid to be known by others, and he started opening up to other people at the same time as growing closer to him. (I think its important to like.not that nick doesn't wholly rely on Ben for all of his self esteem etc Ben is just a positive impact who gives him a space where nick can learn for himself that his worth doesn't depend on other peoples perception of him.) Nick realises that a lot of his negative perception/jealousy/etc of Ben when they first met was because he saw a lot of himself in him, Nick was in more or less him when he started some 5 or so years ago, and Nick helps Ben out in the way he wished someone had been there for him because he cares a hell of a lot about him and wants him to have the best chance at things.
And they grow into better people and just at the pique of things, where Nick is enjoying not being in an abusive relationship and staying with Ben while he gets back on his feet, Ben gets drafted and is trained at first to become a power armored foot soldier (standing at nearly 6′6″ he’d be a monument of fuck you to the enemy) but do to his deliberately bad aim with weapons, hes instead trained to pilot a vertibird, where hes then shipped off to anchorage. its there that he goes MIA after going against orders with his co pilot to provide medical assistance to a group of people stranded off from communication he spotted in flight earlier. Ben ended up glad later on that he and his co pilot were shot down, because for all 25 hours he was left dying in the snow, it meant that he didn't have to justify him going against orders by bringing back Chinese soldiers who’d end up a lot worse for wear than him. By the time his KIA status was revoked (they weren’t about to announce the miracle of his survival before they knew he’d survive lol) he’d already had a funeral, which Nick had attended, because I write like everything's a soap opera. but yeafksf him dying and attending his funeral left nick in a lot of grief, because he’d thought he’d have forever with Ben to go slow with him into being in a relationship and now Nick thought he’d never get that chance. and when they meet back up after it all when Ben returns it’s romantically charged to say the least.
Obviously I haven’t been sticking entirely to lore with this but the lore presented in fallout 4 is fucking bullshit so. i hesitate to call this a fix but i need to put in this disclaimer before i start spouting off. hey how about instead of nicks fiance getting iced jenny lands was actually his partner once he transferred to Boston to be with his husband to be, and she was cruelly twisted against her own intentions to try and kill nick because Eddie winter put her family in jeopardy and Eddie doing this was a coordinated attack towards them both that hes not just powerful enough to get revenge he can do it in such a way that they cant even trust the people around them. And nick got his mind juices squeezed or brain scanned whatever because of the resulting trauma of being shot by his best friend jenny. and also ‘Shaun’ is Ben and Nicks kid Max and upon learning later as a gen 2 that his son is the leader of a great source of trauma for nick hes forced to introspect in ways that have more tangible effects because his ability to decide who he is as a man ties into immediate problems  And nick doesn't have to focus on revenge disguised as justice because he has a responsibility to live in the here and now.
Thank you for this ask!! I hope that was coherent enough to understand kjdsf if you have any more questions about him or anything else I talked about I’d be flattered to hear them!
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Ok, but consider this concept: at 16, while formally dating Eddie, Richie comes out as a trans girl. It's not easy to process and it takes her a lot of time. At first, she thinks it's because she spends too much time with Bev, because she helps her with her fashion desings and listens to her girl bands. But, eventually, she starts to realize it's far more deep than that.
During several months, she keeps it a secret, which is terribly painful, specially when Eddie's homophobic mother tells her she's "a disgusting pervert" and "turned her son into a f*ggot". Also, Eddie is getting more comfortable with his own sexuality, even yelling "yes, I'm gay, I'm dating a guy" at bullies when they insult him.
Richie just doesn't have the heart to tell him what's going on. Eddie might be disgusted and leave her. He's got the right to do that, actually. No one can force him to date someone he's no longer attracted to.
Things get worse when they become sexually active. It's hard not to feel like a freak when Eddie is praising her dick and the things it does to him. Or when he's praising her most masculine traits.
She can't pretend forever. Eventually, it starts to break her. She grows more and more quiet, more sad. She doesn't act like herself anymore. She doesn't even tell sex jokes anymore, because it hurts just to think about it. And, tired of the situation and worried, Eddie asks what the hell is happening. And then she does it. She cries.
"I don't feel like a guy anymore, Eds..."
Eddie just holds her and allows her to get everything out of her chest. Finally, when she calms down, he tells her it's unexpected and kind of weird (not in a "being trans is weird" way, but a "wow, Richie is a girl" one), but he doesn't mind.
"But... but Eds, you don't like girls. You're fucking gay."
"Guess I'm just Richie-sexual," Eddie shrugs, and they both laugh.
Since that day, everything changes. Richie definetely comes out. Her hair is longer, her voice is higher. When she tells her parents, while Eddie holds her hand, Wentworth nods and says "I'm happy for you" and Maggie just smiles and says "I always wanted a daughter."
The coming out to the Losers is not hard, either. After she says it, there's a brief silence and is quickly replaced by Stan asking "so should we call you Rachel or Rita or..." and everybody hugging her. She decides to keep the Richie thing around, though. She's used to it, it sounds neutral enough and nobody calls her Richard, anyway.
Eddie's mother, though, doesn't take it half as well.
"I know this is a step in the right direction, but, Eddie-bear, dating a man in disguise is just as wrong. Why don't you find a nice, real girl who..."
"Shut the fuck up, mom," he cuts her off. "Richie is the only girl I'll ever like, and not because she is, as you say, 'a man in disguise' but because she's Richie, and she's my best friend and my girlfriend, whenever you like it or not."
Eddie doesn't speaks to his mom again after him and Richie leave Derry to go to college.
Bullies are also assholes, to the point where Richie starts doubting she wants to go to prom. The humiliation would be unbearable. But, at the end, the Losers convince her to give it a try. It's the first time Richie wears a dress in public (designed by Bev, of course, just like all of her femenine clothes) and she totally rocks it.
A lot of students vote her as homecoming queen, as a mean-spirited joke, but joke's on them, because Richie goes with it with pride.
"I'm aware some of you voted for me as some kind of prank," she announces into the mic, "and to those people I just wanna say... eat my pussy."
She drops the mic and leaves the stage showing her middle fingers, and spends the rest of the night slowdancing with Eddie, still wearing her crown.
When they end college, Richie starts with her physical transition. Eddie is as supportive as always, but she can't help but thinking eventually he won't find her attractive anymore. He just likes her because she still looks like a guy, right?
Wrong! When Richie gets top surgery (after two years of fear and doubts), she tries to avoid any kind of intimancy. She totally loves her boobs, she's obsessed with them, but it's like she's always hiding them from Eddie. She doesn't want to freak him out.
But one night, tired of the situation, Eddie asks her to show him. And she does, trying to laugh it off with stupid jokes, but deeply scared.
"I like them," Eddie says. "Can I touch them?"
Richie nods, confused as he gently puts his hands on them and squeezes softly.
"I never... I never touched a girl's chest like this. Sorry if I'm nervous," Eddie explains.
"But... Eds, I thought you wouldn't like them."
"I love them, Rich. Just like I love the rest of you. Just like I would love your... I mean, if you ever decided to get one. My sexuality or yours will never change the way I feel about you."
"You say that now, but..."
"Hey," he smiles, "I told you I'm Richie-sexual."
They both laugh and kiss. Everything is perfect.
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wahbegan · 5 years
I’m Depressed Let’s Talk 25 Things You Probably Didn’t Miss and I’m Just an Asshole  About the It Chapter 2 Trailer Let’s Goooo
You know the drill by now and if you don’t you can look in the tags and laugh about how wrong I was anyway putting the rest under a cut
1. So this scene’s almost beat-for-beat straight from the book, with variations to make it more cinematic. The sign says Marsh when she rings the doorbell, and i’ll bet you anything like Its eyes changing from yellow to blue in the storm drain, they’ll keep the thing from the book where Mrs Kersh opens the door and when Bev looks again, it says Kersh instead
2. Kersh’s open chest wound/rotting flesh isn’t from the book, i assume it’s a reference to The Shining
3. The “it gets so hot you feel like you could just die” and “I had cookies in the oven” are both references to the witch from Hansel and Gretel, which is what Mrs Kersh really is. I mean she’s REALLY an interdimensional clown-spider from outer space but you get the idea. I don’t know if they’ll be as blatant as in the book, it looks like the house doesn’t turn to candy anyway which makes sense
4. The antique photo of the twin women may be another Shining reference
5. The picture on her wall of her and her “fadder” brings up some interesting possibilities, but my money’s on Andres Muschietti i believe stated at one point in an interview or AMA or tweet or something that in his universe, there was an ACTUAL Pennywise that It killed to take his form, and he was one of Its favorite victims and that’s what the old PENNYWISE travelling circus thing at the bottom of Its trophy heap is from, so it’s very possible this is a photo of the real dude and his actual daughter before his identity was usurped by The Sewer Clownspider From Outer Space
6. The bruises on Jessica Chastain’s arm seem to imply they’re keeping her abusive husband and her fistfight with him when she tries to leave for Derry intact
7. Oh yeah before I forget, Kersh’s “no one who here ever really dies” i know is a bit nonsensical but in the book, it explains that Derry was made “In Its image” and everyone who lives there is sort of influenced by It, almost part of It, and Its victims are forever “trapped in the Deadlights” so that’s probably what It meant is that even in death, in Derry there’s no escape from It. It will take your form, It will go after your loved ones, you will float in Its Deadlights, etc.
8. Oh yeah also her apartment has a bird motif and It appears as a bird several times over the book but more importantly to Bev, during the....ahem THAT scene, she sort of...dissociates? She starts daydreaming about power lines with hundreds of grackles all over them and she fends It off by saying the grackles know Its real name as an adult, so that’s probably i mean i doubt any of that will be referenced i think it’s just a fun little set design easter egg
9. The Losers looking in the window and seeing themselves as kids is probably at the end of the movie as Eddie isn’t there and it happens right at the end of the book, or something very similar i believe it’s actually Bev looks in a window and sees they still look like adults, but she sees adult Stan and Eddie’s reflections alongside their own which is very emotional and this looks to be a version of that
10. Yeah the town is...weirdly empty i’m not sure why i mean the town gets its shit wrecked at the end of the book since it was made in Its image, when It (allegedly) dies, the entire town is destroyed by a massive storm that doesn’t look to be the case here, but the town being completely devoid of life i’m assuming has a lot to do with Its influence
11. Yeah the Chinese Restaurant scene from both book and miniseries is intact, it remains to be seen whether they’ll get insane shit in their fortune cookies or not. If I had to guess, based on the way the first one went, something will probably be up with them but the ante will be upped and it won’t be as campy as the miniseries version
12. This scene of It taunting/luring Bill by pretending to be Georgie in the sewer is completely Muschietti’s own creation, It only appears as Georgie when they’re already underground in the book, looking monstrous and with his arm ripped off, so i have no idea where this is going. Oh, wait, hold on, when they all split up to okay so basically if you haven’t read the book they’ve all repressed most of their childhoods and don’t really remember shit until Mike calls, right? So after the Chinese Restaurant reunion, they all split up and go different directions to trigger memories and re-familiarize themselves with Derry. It’s at THAT point Bev meets Mrs Kersh, Richie meets the Paul Bunyan statue (more on that in a minute), etc. Bill though doesn’t have a run-in with It, he just finds his old bike Silver in a pawn shop. So Muschietti probably inserted this scene to be his encounter with It on his walking tour of Derry. Also bit of opinion here but can i just say it’s an AWESOME parallel a simple but very effective stroke of genius calling back to by far the most infamous scene of the book and both adaptations, that was brilliant on Muschietti’s part.
13. They’re pushing Bill/Beverly in this trailer which is a subplot i really hoped they would drop because Bill is fuCKING MARRIED and she ends up with Ben at the end anyway, so it’s pretty pointless padding and just a reason for the dude to have an affair, but alas, they appear to have kept it intact.
14. Yeah, so this is where they defeated It the last time, the tower of floating kids and victim trophies appears to be gone, which is probably what prompts them to go deeper (also more on that in a second). I assume they end up going down the place Pennywise retreated to last time to find Its real lair.
15. Okay yeah Pennywise floating off of a Paul Bunyan statue with a pyramid of balloons while Richie freaks out is also right out of the book, it’s his “Walking Tour” scare, when he was a kid the statue came alive and attacked him, and as an adult, it actually turns into a giant Pennywise statue and fucks with him. I’m not sure if the statue is actually going to come to life because that is a bit hard to translate to film or if they’ll take the easy way out and just have Pennywise on the statue, it remains to be seen. Although, the inverted triangle of balloons and fucking off while laughing is what It did to Eddie in Chapter 1 after chasing him as a Leper, so that could be an indication that It’s just gotten finished pretending to be the statue and fucking with Richie.
15. Mike’s digging for something? I have no idea why other than Mike in the book is the narrator, local It expert, and sort of amateur detective trying to find out what crimes are It related, so he could be trying to dig up a body of a missing kid or something, i do not know
16. The balloons under the bridge are straight out of the murder of Adrian Mellon, which i believe Muschietti said is going to be the opening of this film. It’s definitely the inciting event for It to wake up. Basically these assholes harass this gay couple at a fair, which you see a couple flashes later in the trailer, follow them, see them on this bridge and beat the shit out of the one guy who talks back to them and then throw him over the bridge. This hatred and brutality wakes It up, and both Adrian’s boyfriend and the youngest of his attackers see It under the bridge biting his ribs “like he was trying to eat his heart.” The boyfriend, Don Hagarty, then sees It disappear with Mellon, who is just barely but STILL ALIVE at this point, into a giant cascade of balloons under the bridge
17. Yeah judging by how fucked up this house is, i think where Pennywise is attacking Mike is his early childhood house where his parents burned. Also not in the book, also i assume a scare put in during his walking tour of Derry because he’s the other character that doesn’t get one.
18. Now this is a really interesting shot and one i’ve heard several theories about. It could be the original, human Pennywise losing his shit, it could be It transforming, it doesn’t really resemble anything from the book so it’s hard to tell. One theory i’ve heard that i really do like though, it holds no more merit than any of the others, but i personally like it the best, is that this is actually Henry Bowers we’re seeing. Because he did survive, he got the murders for the original cycle pinned on him in the book and was sent to a brutally run mental hospital, and It breaks him out to have him try to kill The Losers. This could be him, mid-mental breakdown, applying make-up to look like Pennywise. Homeboy’s face is too jacked to really tell who it is, and the background’s not helping much so it is a mystery, but it does look like a human, it doesn’t have the proportions of Pennywise’s face, and i do like the idea that it’s Henry. But yeah also very likely it’s the original human Pennywise meeting some gruesome, horrible fate. There wasn’t a human Pennywise in the book, by the way. I mean It liked to talk about how Its name was Bob Gray and It was a human, but It’s just lying. This is 100% Muschietti’s contribution to the lore.
19. Now THIS place, where the flashlights are almost shining green with the black alien-looking stalagmites, i mean this has gotta be Its real, final lair. Not quite the same as the book, but giving off a very similar vibe, keeping the cosmic origin intact, which Muschietti did say he was going to do so. Oh yeah, i forgot to mention before when there was a shot of him in the sewer, but in the book and miniseries, Mike is actually badly wounded by Henry and has to sit out the final fight with It, but that doesn’t look to be the case here, he seems on the scene, which is really nice after his side-lining in the first movie.
20. Yeah the fair i was talking about that’s where Adrian Mellon and Don Hagarty are first harassed by the homophobes who later run into them again and murder Adrian
21. Eddie has a bandage on his face it looks like in the final fight scene, probably giving to him by Henry. So Henry like i said It winds him up and sets him loose on The Losers, but he only succeeds in badly wounding Mike, who badly wounds him back, and he’s actually killed in a fight with Eddie. I assume the bandage is a result of that fight
22. Oh yeah just small side-note, it looks like the fair where Mellon and Hagarty were first accosted by the homophobes is still up and running and Bill visits it for some reason, which isn’t in the book, i don’t know what that’s about, but it’s probably a new lil story beat for him. Exciting!
23. Bev drowning in a pool of blood isn’t in the book at all, so i have no idea what they’re doing. Jessica Chastain though did mention in an interview though that one scene used a frankly ludicrous amount of fake blood, possibly the most ever although Evil Dead is giving it stiff competition, and i don’t think it’s much of a gamble to say this is probably the scene in question. What makes that interesting is she also had an instagram post about washing all the fake blood off and out of her hair, whereas this is clearly Sophia Lillis drowning in the blood. So it seems like there’s gonna be some time fuckery where it cuts back and forth between both child and adult Bev experiencing some kind of trauma which is really cool, the book did that a lot, blurring the line between the kids and their adult selves, and i’d love to see that in this movie. Oh yeah also almost goes without saying but i assume it’s some sort of continuation/ante-upping of the blood-out-of-the-sink bit
24. It looks like they all participate in the Ritual of Chud, rather than just Bill and Richie like in the book, which....which actually i like and makes a lot of sense, because frankly you don’t notice when you’re reading it but afterwards you’re kinda like “wait were they all just kinda standing around doing nothing while Bill and Richie had all the fun?” So yeah, good decision. Also yeah clearly alien architecture
25. The girl under the bleachers i assume is just one of the murders that prompts Mike to call the others back to Derry, if not THE murder, it doesn’t have an exact parallel in the book that plays out like this. But what’s interesting is the little light It uses to lure her in closer, when he claps it out and then lets it shine again, it’s clearly spooky orange which is THE DEADLIGHTS color so it almost seems like It’s luring a kid over to It with one of The Deadlights in disguise which is....very interesting, not a thing that happened in the book, in the book it was much more “the second you see orange light your brain melts out of your ears, eyes and nose” so it’s pretty cool. Also Its apparently friendly smile and “Hello!” are a lot like when It took Georgie and i really appreciate that
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lydiaandarry · 6 years
{How To Dress Similarly To Your Favorite Cartoon Characters Pt.2 (Using Five Examples!)}
Hello there!
     My name is Arabella but you can call me Arry, if it’s easier. I don’t know about you but I basically grew up on cartoons. I watched Cartoon Network all day and I used to get so much inspiration from cartoon characters that probably followed me into my older years. Personality and fashion-wise. Have you ever wanted to dress similar to one of your favorite cartoon characters yet not wanting to look like a cosplay or costume? Well, you’ve come to the right gal because that is exactly what I am going to be helping you with but before I get onto the five examples, we must go over some basic knowledge. Fashion can say a lot about a character, especially in cartoons where the clothes rarely change. It has to be iconic yet true to the personality being demonstrated in some sense. Five things go into analyzing and copying a cartoon characters style: 1) Color Palette 2) Aesthetic 3) Overall Impression 4) Fashion Items 5) How It Shapes Their Personality? These are five things we are going to keep in mind during our five examples. Let’s invade this topic.
   Nazz from Ed Edd n’ Eddy is probably one of the easiest old cartoon characters to make modern. Especially since her style has come back into trend with layering. Now I didn't grow up with Ed Edd n’ Eddy because my mother was fearful that I would develop behavior similar to the boys. But whenever I did see images of it or short scenes, I loved Nazz’s fashion (next to Marie’s). Starting with the first thing to think about when recreating a style of any cartoon character, color palette. A color palette is quite important especially when it comes to cartoon characters because these colors can be forever associated with this character. Nazz’s color palette includes black, white, denim, red, and occasionally green. These colors are great because they can go great with each other and makes a strong color palette. Nazz’s aesthetic is a mixture between Girl Next Door and Tomboy. She has boyish elements that allows her to be ‘one of the boys’ yet she also has a fun, flirty girly side. The third thing to consider is the overall impression of their clothes to the world around them. Now this may seem odd but this is worth consideration because it depends on how you want to be taken. As people judge upon appearances and your clothes can say a lot about you. Nazz’s overall impression and how it makes people see her is that Nazz is seen as very attractive and everyone wants to hang out with her. She’s the female character that has a lot of friends and is overall popular and kind. She isn’t the stereotypical mean girl despite dressing nice and being friends with a lot of people. She breaks that stereotype and shows that you can be cool yet nice. The fourth thing to consider is fashion items, unless you are planning on copying Nazz’s style piece by piece. It is great to really observe it and take pieces of it that may fit into her character yet is good for everyday use and not a cosplay. Remember, it’s all about inspiration. With Nazz, I recommend for tops, basic plain color shirts, crop tops, ringer tees, cropped sweaters, and cami tops. For bottoms, high waisted shorts, basic jeans or ripped jeans, flared jeans, and pleated skirts. For shoes, sneakers like Vans or Converse. For accessories, a quirky pair of sunglasses. And last but not least, the fifth thing to consider is how does her clothes shape her personality? Nazz’s clothes shape her personality in a sense of how she wants to look good. Nazz is very particular on how she looks and despite being confident, is upset if she looks anything but good. Her appearance is very important to her. It shapes her personality in how she likes hanging out with boys more so over girls in the show and is seen as one of the boys due to how her clothes aren’t overly feminine. She’s a great beginner choice for people who want to try this out.
   Ah yes, the girl I aspired to be when I was younger and probably scared my mother some more. Mandy from Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. This is a fun character because her outfit… is completely different from her personality. She wears a pink flower dress, mary-janes and a headband. She looks like an innocent, girly girl but Mandy is evil. She’s a good type of evil but is still evil. Mandy’s color palette depends on where you want to take from it but I gathered white, black, pale pink, pale blue & pale yellow (counting the flower) and purple (her eyeshadow, at times). But if I was going to dress similarly, I would just do white, black and pale pink as the other colors are mere colors compared to those main three. Mandy doesn’t exactly have an aesthetic instead I guess she would be gothic with pink and a sort of doll-like quality. Mandy’s overall impression is that people mistake her for being sweet and innocent although her parents are terrified of her, everyone is mostly terrified of her. A grim reaper is terrified of her. Her clothes are deceiving but everyone knows that she is a very unhappy person due to her constant frown which was even in there inside the womb. Now onto the fun part, clothing choices. For jackets, I would suggest something like a Lazy Oaf jacket style (like their chore jackets) and oversized cardigans. For tops, mock necks, crop tops, layered shirts with a mock-neck under a shirt. Also pinafore dresses and a-line dresses. For bottoms, high-waisted shorts and pleated skirts. For shoes, mary-janes or sneakers. And for accessories, always have a headband on and maybe some skeleton or creepy accessories like a coffin backpack. Mandy’s clothing shapes her personality in a way for humor, she’s this scary person who can almost be a villain yet edges on being an anti-hero at most. It’s complete satire that she looks sweet and innocent with a gothic personality. So have fun with it because if anything, she shows that it’s not what is on the outside that counts after all. There’s a very creepy personality behind that color of pink.
(Sam Manson)
     Another favorite female character of mine. Okay, let’s say… that you don’t like pink or want to be a secret Goth. There is plenty of gothic female characters to choose from. But one of my favorites has always been Sam Manson from Danny Phantom. I mean, I loved that show in general. And I loved Sam’s design, even though I wasn’t allowed to wear crop-tops til I turned 18. Her color palette is purple, green, black. You’ve noticed that cartoon characters always seem to have a simple color palette. And of course, Sam’s aesthetic is gothic, even though she could also be eco-goth since I remember an episode of her wanting to save the Earth and becoming a vegetarian. For fashion choices, hm. For jackets, I feel like she would wear hoodies, oversized black denim jackets, and long coats or even a varsity jacket. For tops, crop-tops, band tees, mock-necks, muscle tees, fishnet tops and sheer tops with something underneath. If she wore a dress, it would probably be black and an a-line, once again with a mock-neck. For bottoms, plaid skirts, checkered shirts, pleated skirts, ripped jeans with fishnets underneath, high-waisted shorts. For shoes, Doc Martens, sneakers, mary-janes and platforms. For accessories, knee-high socks, fishnets, tights, chokers, patches and enamel pins, belt, and a cool backpack. Sam’s overall impression is kind of hard to sum up in a small summary since Danny Phantom is so complex so I recommend watching the show to get a better idea but it’s never really brought up as a main point in her character how she dresses. She’s a great gothic character for inspiration though.
   Okay now the first three characters and five characters of my last post were all girls. For those, who may not know Valhallen is a male character from “Justice Friends” which originated as a short from “Dexter’s Laboratory”, are you following me? Let’s say you’re a dude or you want to dress similar to a dude character. Valhallen is a great character to start with as he is a very simple character to modernized because you don’t even really have to go off his sense of style to dress similar to him. His color palette consists of black, yellow, and silver. Pretty simple. His aesthetic is kind of surfer mixed with metalhead mixed with Nordic god. He was created to be a parody of Thor. Which he succeeds greatly with. What is the overall impression of Valhallen? Well, he is quite a ladies man. He is definitely seen as the more attractive member. Valhallen doesn’t have much of an overall impression except the fact that the ladies love him from all realms and he is a fan favorite character. Onto the fun part! Fashion items. Now I chose Valhallen, because no offense but he does have a feminine touch on clothing that can easily be feminized. The dude wears a midriff. For jackets, denim jackets would suit, perhaps with patches of your favorite metal bands or enamel pins. For tops, crop-tops, midriffs, band tees, muscle tees, fishnet or sheer tops with something underneath, cropped camis. Don’t be afraid to show a lot of skin on your upper body. For bottoms, ripped jeans, basic jeans, high waisted shorts, bell bottoms. For shoes, knee high boots. For accessories, headpieces, fingerless gloves, studded jewelry, spiked belts. How does his clothes shape his personality? Well, he’s The Viking God of Rock. He has to look the part and this is basic metalhead fashion with God twists similar to Thor. He’s a goofy character who is hilariously rad and doesn’t take himself too seriously and his clothes show that. He’s less out there than Major Glory but can stand out more than The Infraggable Krunk. He’s obviously the more free-spirited one who isn’t afraid to be himself.
(Judy Jetson)
    Here is what I like to call expert mode because unlike the other four who have easily modernized looks. Judy is from the future yet has a vintage twist. Her clothes are not something a typical teenager or young adult would wear in this day and age. I mean, someone who isn’t as weird as me. So you have to kind of reinvent her and make her suit your taste yet keep elements about her that are amazing and what makes her lovely. Judy’s color palette is pale pink, red (in some lighting), darker pink, white and black. If anyone asks you about a known fact of me… I love pink with red and pink with black. I also love pink on pink. And Judy Jetson has two of my favorite pinks where it’s not Barbie Pink or Too Pink. The overall impression of Judy, well she’s seen as the teenage girl of the future. She’s boy-crazy, fun, has exciting hobbies, can be quite moody and sassy. She loves dancing, attends high school and spends her evening listening to her favorite boy bands. Parts of Judy have travelled into the future as I related to her a lot when I was sixteen. And still do! She can get out of hand sometimes and I feel like all girls do, even into early adult years. I’ve had my moments where I have overreacted. Onto fashion items! Now, with Judy, as I said before, you are going to have to reimagine outfits for her. With jackets, I suggest fit and flare, perhaps long jackets, something to show off the figure however. With tops, crop-tops, mock necks, fitted tops, fun bodysuits, sheer tops, about anything that is cool. With bottoms, flared skirts or pleated skirts, mini skirts, high-waisted shorts, suspender pants, pants or jeans. For dresses, pinafores, figure hugging, a-line. For shoes, sneakers, flats, boots, platforms. A tip for seeming more futuristic is adding in color palette fitting metallics and holographic. For accessories, tights, knee high socks, circle purses, star shaped things, hair bows, headbands, funky sunglasses, vintage gloves, roller-skates if you skate.  How does Judy’s clothes shape her personality? Well, her outfit is very youthful compared to her mother’s. She has more of a spark and quirky sense. Her clothes really show that she is bubbly and charismatic. She is out of this world. Something that I feel like girls should be more confident to try to be. To be unapologetically themselves. Just because her outfit isn’t exactly the future creators in the 60s were thinking of. It doesn’t mean that we can’t carry traits into this world.
    That was how to dress similarly to your favorite cartoon characters, part two! If you want to see part one, click here! Feel free to follow for more posts like this. Also feel free to like and reblog if you enjoyed it! I may turn this into a series as they are always a lot of fun. Just be you and have fun with fashion! I post every Wednesday and Saturday so I will see you on Wednesday! Peace out!
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