#i love them sm its unhealthy
deaderthand1sco · 3 months
I think a reason that makes laloward so compelling is that Lalo and Howard are characters LITERALLY never meant to collide. It's made pretty explicit in the show in the way that Howard is pretty much the last remnant of *Jimmy's* life getting destroyed by Lalo, the representation of *Saul's* criminal world. In the end, though, Jimmy/Saul serves as a bridge for Lalo and Howard.
You can't ignore that any kind of Howard/Lalo relationship could really only work under a certain set of conditions (if we want to adhere to the universe of the show) and none of the conditions are favorable, adding a new type of complexity to the whole thing- it all depends on how you interpret the conditions they're under. There's a lot of nuance once you start thinking about those conditions apart from their basic dynamic. Like yes it's crazy sociopathic cartel member × golden boy lawyer, that's the idea. But considering the actual mechanics of their relationship, are we thinking about them under the impression that Howard doesn't know Lalo is a drug lord? Or does he know and stays despite it for whatever reason? Either condition creates different routes the relationship could take and that's just so intriguing.
On a different note, season 6 Lalo and Howard are perfect doomed toxic old man yaoi material. Lalo is pissed and Howard is pissed + vulnerable. Lalo plays people like it's nothing and Howard is naive. Yes he's logical but his logic only goes to a certain point until he starts thinking with his feelings. Lalo has a lot of traits he doesn't, things he'd be left wanting given the state of his life in s6. All of this to say that Lalo would surely get a kick from influencing Saul's world by affecting Jimmy's world as a power play. And it wouldn't exactly be difficult to do it. Lalo gets a new toy to play with and Howard gets to buy into the little act Lalo puts on for him. Maybe that's them at the start and as time goes on things get more serious (i like to think), just depending on how you want to interpret it. But no matter which way you slice it, theyre not stable and things will end badly, like most things in the Gilliverse....
They're so different but you can still find common ground between- and a large part of that comes from Jimmy/Saul. Someone who's a pain in both Howard and Lalo's asses. Go figure.
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brightspirals · 1 year
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opps i forgot to upload to my tumblr 😭😭 so heres a lil update about what i've been posting ( yeah its all Loki self insert <3333 i love him sm!!!!!!!!! )
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cremebrulee666 · 1 year
helphelphelp i've fallen back into the rabbit hole idol producer and nine percent and now im rewatching idol producer late and night and just overall being infatuated im dying i keep trying to find blogs for idol producr fics but its been 5 years so ofc theres like hardly anything and most of the fics are already long gone bcs ppl deactivate their acc bcs, once again, its been 5 years 🥲
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astrobydalia · 9 months
🪐 Astro Observations!!!✨
Happy 2024 babes! Here’s to another year sharing astrology stuff with all of you 🤩
work by astrobydalia
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Yes water moons have great intuition and could be psychic but I very often notice they tend to allow their personal feelings interfere with their decisions and could tend to not follow their intuition as much. The ones that have a more reliable or unbiased intuition imo are Earth moons and Aquarius moon.
Scorpio Venus really do gravitate to unhealthy relationships… All their connections tend to have unfair or imbalanced dynamics to them where there’s no equal give and take. They believe love means throwing yourself and your life away for another person (or they expect someone to give everything away for them) with little to nothing in return. They may not understand the difference between deep intimacy and unhealthy attachment
Libra placements and their ability to appear likable even when they have the shittiest personality deep down
In my opinion Moon is the most important planet if you really wanna begin to know someone at their core. Ultimately no planet can give you full info without the context of the whole chart tho (#AllPlanetsMatter), but you can really uncarcarve sm about someone just by moon placement/aspects/degree, etc. Moon rules your needs and so it really cements your personality and its an energy that you'll project in so many areas of your life (relationships, career, etc)
Fixed Mars are ARGUMENTATIVE fr fr. They need to have the last word and will die on that hill if they have to💀Honorable mention: Virgo/Gemini Mars due to Mercury influence but they’re more about friendly banter and aren’t as stubborn
80% of Aries Moons I've met were very philosophical/spiritual/religious. They can develop a self-awareness that gives them a lot of wisdom. The other 20% were just adult toddlers and very egotistic...
Capricorn placements and their internalized elitism. They really do believe some people are better than others which is the shadow of Capricorn unfortunately
Aquarius Moons are some of the most traumatized people I know fr fr. Whenever I get to know their life and backstory Im always like bro….😶😶 It makes me so sad cause they always bring such good vibes everywhere (they have a playful aura) when in reality there’s a depth of pain underneath you wouldn’t even fathom through that unbothered persona. The OG misunderstood.
We all know Scorpio is all about depth, intensity and looking beyond the surface but I’ve very often observed the exact opposite in scorpio placements. They could tend to be very superficial, greedy and materialistic, more obsessed with wealth and status than any earth placement (it all comes down to power). In such cases their interest in occult or deep topics could also be superficial or opportunistic, like they only see it as something that could give them a leg up in life or help them avoid unseen threats but that's about it.
Cancer Risings do not come across as sensitive at all. They tend to have a rather sassy personality and are pretty defensive 90% of the time tbh. Think about it, are crabs 🦀 cute and cuddly? No, you actually actually have to be very careful around one cause they sting lol. They do wear their heart on their sleeves and are very sensitive and perceptive but because of this they constantly feel like their vulnerability is out for everyone to see hence the guarded attitude.
^I've also noticed they are VERY opinionated and will hold on very tightly to how they think/feel about something. This results in having a reputation for being kinda bold and sharp (Aries 10th). Pro tip: do NOT question these native's morals or integrity unless you wanna see a very snappy side to them, they respond very very very badly if you even insinuate that they might be hypocritical in their values/what matters to them
The interpretation that Aquarius in the 4th house means you’re an outcasted black sheep in the family low-key doesn’t make sense to me tbh. Aquarius is the sign of camaraderie, friendship, inclusivity and community. All the people that I’ve seen with this placement were actually very bonded to their roots and considered their family (and the people they bonded with during childhood) to be "their people" (they also keep their friends close to heart). These natives do tend to distinct themselves as they grow up but this is due to Leo 10th house. I've noticed their family is in general very supportive of them or at the very least they received some input in their upbringing that made them feel special and/or like their uniqueness was celebrated. Feel free to share your opinion/experience tho
I've noticed Virgo Mars people have a perfect balance between being confident in themselves and fulling trusting their abilities while also staying humble and acknowledge room for improvement. Very mature and self-accountable and they're also great people to work with cause they are highly appreciative of good contribution
Sagittarius placements and their ability to be casually rude in a charming way??? 😭
Moon in the 10th house do not have a reputation for being emotional at all, it's quite the opposite they dislike exposing their feelings like that. A lot of their energy is spent trying to appear put-together and emotionally stable. The ones I've noticed have a reputation for being moody or sensitive are Mars in the 10th house
Venus-Moon aspects probably grew up in an environment that fed up this idea they had to be beautiful and conventionally likable in order to be worthy of love. These natives tend to base their self-worth on the amount of emotional validation they get from others and struggle telling the difference between kindness and love
A couple notes on everyone’s fave topic: 8th house synastry
We all know this overlay deals with power dynamics. On a general basis I’ve noticed it’s the planet person who tends to have the upper hand. Exeption: Moon. When your moon falls in someone’s 8th house you tend to be vulnerable one due to the soft nature of this planet, but the house person secretly feels more intimidated
You will NAWT be able to keep secrets from someone you have 8th house synastry with specially if you’re the house person. Sooner or later they’ll see through you, circumstances might force you to expose yourself or you’ll simply feel drawn to revealing the truth to them. With water synastry in general you will feel drawn to share more deep or hidden parts of yourself/your life but with the 8th house you can’t help it, like there’s almost an accusatory tension between the two that grows the more you try to hide something from them
Something I see no one mentioning about 8th house synastry is the planet person always feels intimidated by the house person's success. The planet person will try to take part in the house person's success by taking some credit and have a sense of control over what belongs to the house person, it's giving Kanye's "I made that bitch famous". At best the planet person would want to help boost the house person's endeavors. Either way, when someone's planets land on your 8th house, you will never feel like something is completely yours anymore, somehow the planet person will "take" something away from you that you can't get back making you feel like you owe them or they owe you something big (8th house=debt), which is why this overlay very often goes south and tends to be very depleting.
If we're talking business (which 8th house deals with that) the house person is likely to take a risk on the planet person, invest on them (can be money, time, resources, trust, etc) in hopes that it'll pay off. The house person is most likely to loose something from their involvement with the planet person, but they can also gain a lot from the planet person if the investment pays off. In either case, one could tend to exploit the other if there’s any ill intent from the individual
Water mars people are very smothering in their affection tbh. Once you’ve been chosen, get ready to be bombarded by their attention a bit more each time. Secret stalker vibes.This doesn’t always mean they love you tho, if underdeveloped they may want to “bond” in order to have emotional control over you and use you. For them it’s easy to get what they want through manipulation so leading people on or fooling around is something they tend to do a lot
Going back to the affection topic, water venus are smothering too but they go about their obsession devotion in a much more soft and non-domineering way where they give a lot of power away to their partner
People with Gemini+Scorpio placements in their chart embody the mischievous trickster archetype fr fr. They’re funny but also a menace. Have an ease to become that type of deceitful manipulator who thrives in chaos
I have a theory that your Moon represents the kind of bond or relationship you have with your mother but Ceres represents how your mother actually is
Capricorn and Scorpio placements are huge tsunderes imo 😭
Chiron in Sagittarius/9th house have become disappointed with religious and/or academic institutions. For them both systems are essentially flawed and don't work or don't make sense
+When it comes to religion I've seen a lot of them being atheist and skeptics. Some others still believed in god/universe/etc. but they did not want to support any stablished religious institution and instead have preferred to craft their own belief system. In both cases, they saw the institutionalization of believe systems as something that hindered their freedom of thought and expansion
+When it comes to academics a very similar thing happens. They felt like collage and the educational system restricted their mind instead of expanding it so they just preferred to walk their own path and find growth elsewhere. A friend of mine with this placement quit collage and the other people I've seen who did finish it all said they had a kinda dreadful and/or unfulfilling collage experience which they low-key regret
If you’ve ever felt powerless in the house where you have your pluto, that’s because you gave your power away to the opposite house. For example, if you have Pluto in the 5th house and you felt powerless when it comes to expression, your creativity, etc that’s because you gave too much power to the public opinion/peer pressure (11th house) and what they may say about you if you express yourself genuinely
Scorpio Moons always battle with that "am I a good person?", "am I a monster deep down?" inner conflict. They are more in touch with darker emotions and experiences than the average person so for them it's particularly easy to channel their shadow. This can often make them doubt their own integrity or think they are doomed to never feel happiness and inner peace. This is moon's debilitation for a reason, their inner emotional world is ruled by chaos and turmoil and they tend to be a bit too comfortable (moon) in toxicity and drama, nothing is ever light-hearted for them. If developed this ability of staying in touch with the shadow side of things can actually give them lots of awareness and resilience for the darker sides of the world as well as a very solid moral compass and compassion
Leo Moons likely had grandiose standards forced on them that inflated their self-importance. It's giving "mommy told me I am the best and most special of all" which is great but now they be carrying that mindset for the rest of their lives and this is where lot of their infamous sensitivity and fragile ego comes from cause not fulfilling these standards deeply hurts their heart. In consequence they tend to be more unprepared to accept humbling experiences that'll make them mature
virgo risings are funny!!!! I haven't seen anyone mention this, but every virgo rising I've met cracked me UP, they are so witty and never misse a chance to throw in a cheeky joke every 2 minutes. I think this is overlooked because they keep a rather awkward demeanor to them which often makes for a rather dry delivery. Best examples of this are Ryan Raynolds, Keanue Reeves, Emma Watson, Cole Sprouse...
Also, all Virgo risings I've met tend to come across as huge snobs so it's very common that people don't take their humor or friendliness seriously
Honestly I've noticed this theme with Virgo/6th house inner placements in general where their judgemental nature always makes them unfriendly or snarky to some degree. They can be the kind of people who are never happy with anything and always have a bone to pick.
My main theory as to why Leo risings are the most shy out of all Leo placements is because a lot of them grew up in very problematic and dysfunctional families (Scorpio 4th house) where they were shamed for showing vulnerability or being genuine (Cancer 12th house)
I’ve noticed Aries Suns and Capricorn Suns tend to relate a lot to their fathers, they tend to have very similar character traits as their fathers. For good or for bad their relationship with their father is always very important in their personality.
I find that LEO Suns and Sagittarius Suns always be having daddy issues tho like 😭😭😭😭
One thing about Capricorn is they can be literal billionaires and yet will still refuse to spend a dime on something they think is not worth it
Mutable Moons don’t commit 10000% to things, they’re the type to always have a foot out just in case. They're most likely to commit to things if they don't feel forced or expected to stay permanently
Cardinal energy is very consistent and responsable. People with prominent cardinal placements have a really developed sense of agency, focus and direction (imo this will be more obvious with moon, mars and asc). There's something about them that always gives me this put together "I've got this" kinda vibe, they always seem like they've got it together and always know what to do even when they're lost.
Fixed mercuries and their inability to understand or accept that two different points can be true
Sun/Leo in the 3rd house could want to have a nice car, an expensive or luxurious car from a well-known brand
I’ve seen people saying Venus-Mars conjunction gives it girl vibes. This is also HIGHLY true for Mars-ruled Venus (Aries/Scorpio Venus) or Venus-ruled Mars (Libra/Taurus Mars)
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work by astrobydalia
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keira-draws · 2 years
"You" by Five Finger Death Punch!!
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luffington · 2 months
OMG im obsessed with the fic with Cora and Doffy X Reader! i was wondering if i could request just Corazon X Reader? im absolutely crazy about the idea of sweet Cora having those repressed sadistic urges, and his struggle with wanting to be soft and kind, but cant help liking the darker and meaner, its just. UGH SO GOOD
Maybe the reader could have picked up on that a bit and is teasing him into giving in to those urges (which they're totally into lol)
Also i love your fics sm! keep up the great work <3
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✧.* art credit!
➤ pairing: donquixote rosinante (corazon) x gn!reader
➤ word count: 1.3k
➤ warnings: dom!corazon, possessive!corazon, dacryphilia, oral (m receiving), praise kink, established relationship, fem reader
RIGHT ITS SUCH A GOOD CONCEPT!!! we barely know anything about cora outside of what law experienced and we'll probably never find out more so.... character interpretation!
my first draft of this had a paragraph where the reader acted bratty to try to coax out his mean side and he almost starting crying.... i took it out because i couldn't do that to him (ㅠ‸ㅠ)
this ended up being pretty similar to the other fic (read here) but i hope you like it!
NSFW under the break! minors dni thank uuu
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Corazon was the sweetest man you’d ever met. Sure, he was a master of deception – hiding his Devil Fruit powers and tricking his brother into trusting him was definitely not an easy feat. His anger issues could use some work, even though the reasons behind his outrage were always justified. But his loving personality and strong sense of morality were very real.
He never doubted your kind heart, either. You had joined the Donquixote Family simply because you had no other options, and dealing with his crazy older brother was better than starving on the streets. Corazon was able to relax around you, be silly and affectionate without being judged by his cold-hearted coworkers, and finally speak after long stretches of staying silent.
But there was more to him.
Doflamingo seemed to be the black sheep based on what little you knew about the biological Donquixotes. A rare case of madness in an otherwise well-intentioned family. However, the brothers still shared the same genes and the same horrific childhood. And even though Corazon never discussed his experiences in the Navy, he certainly witnessed terrible things that still weighed on his mind.
Your boyfriend tried his best to keep any deep-rooted darkness away from you, but it was unhealthy for him to repress every negative emotion. You wanted him to feel comfortable around you. He didn’t need to be an angel all the time.
One time, the eternally clumsy blonde almost fell trying to hover above you in bed. Not wanting to crush you with his ten-foot tall body, he caught himself by grabbing your arm. Hard. You squeaked in surprise and he immediately apologized, but dark blue fingerprint-shaped bruises stained your skin by the end of the night.
Early the next morning, when he thought you were still asleep, he lightly traced the marks over and over. You caught him staring at them throughout the day, too, looking more intrigued than upset. He littered your neck, chest, and thighs with hickies the next time you fucked, and you realized inflicting pain wasn’t what turned him on – he didn’t want to hurt you, he wanted to mark you. Those were his fingerprints on your arm.
So much was taken away from him at a young age that of course he wanted to claim you as his own. Hickies were more conventionally sexy than bruises, so he was less ashamed about admiring them in front of you and telling you how pretty you look. Even gently rubbing a large one on your neck during a Family meeting, which made his brother huff and tell you to get a room. Corazon did get a room after that – pulled you aside into a private bathroom and fucked you against the sink while making you stare at yourself in the mirror. Whispering in a deep voice about how the color of your hickies matched his plum-colored lipstick.
A few weeks later, he came home in the middle of the night after being away on a mission with Diamante and Trebol for nearly a week. Thunder boomed outside the window and his feathery black coat left behind a trail of rainwater as he stumbled into your shared room. His tall frame visibly shook with anger, his dark sunglasses barely covered the fury burning in his eyes. You got out of bed to greet him and asked how the operation went, but he just pulled you into a very wet hug and mumbled, “I don’t want to think about it ever again.” 
You blinked slowly and whispered, “I can help you forget.”
The blonde threw his half-burned cigarette to the floor then smashed his lips against yours. He didn’t bother taking the time to build up to a heated kiss. Immediately biting your lower lip raw before pushing his long tongue inside your mouth. Your eyes fluttered shut, easily submitting and letting him take whatever he wanted from you. The smell of smoke caught both of your attention. Corazon instinctively stomped out the cigarette ashes smoldering on the throw rug without tearing away from the kiss for even a moment. 
“Let me use you.” He looked as desperate as he sounded. “Just for tonight, can you be my little doll? I’ll make it up to you later, I promise, I’ll be so good to you.” Heat shot straight to your core and you nodded fervently, clutching onto his drenched clothes like your life depended on it.
Which is how you ended up with his lengthy cock down your throat, your bare ass in the air and body wedged between his sprawled-out legs. Calloused fingers tangled in your hair to firmly guide you up and down. Graciously giving you time to relax by letting you swirl your tongue around the swollen tip, though he never pulled you entirely off his dick. He looked so pretty like this – damp hair clinging to his forehead, pale cheeks turned pretty pink, subtly squirming on the mattress, pupils fully blown out with lust. 
Corazon suddenly thrust upwards to hear you gag, several inches of his cock forcing their way into your tight throat. Tiny teardrops reflexively lined your eyes as your gag reflex kicked in. You expected the blonde to panic and immediately stop – even though it was just your body’s natural reaction and you were enjoying every second. But instead, he licked his lips like he wanted to devour you. 
There were those Doflamingo genes.
But unlike his selfish brother, Corazon asked if you were comfortable with everything happening for the second time that night. You gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up, obviously unable to verbally confirm with his dick stretching your mouth to its limit. His cock drooled salty precum onto your tongue as thick globs of your drool dripped down to his balls. 
You used both hands to stroke the rest of his length that couldn’t fit in your mouth – the huge man had a huge dick to match. Corazon swatted them away, held your wrists in one giant hand then pushed down hard until every inch of him was deep in your throat, messy blonde pubes tickling your nose. He was glad he set up a sound barrier, otherwise the entire Family would’ve heard the debauched moan that spilled from his lips.
After a few moments of admiring you and the prominent bulge in your throat, your boyfriend released you just before it became too much. “Good girl,” Corazon panted with a dazed smile. “Such a good girl, taking it all like you’re supposed to.”
He gave up trying to hold back after that, bucking his hips against your face and rambling about how pretty and perfect you looked like this. He pressed your head all the way down again just before he hit his peak, shooting a large load of cum directly into your stomach. When he saw your ruined state, a dark pit formed in his stomach. Tears stained your cheeks and spit dripped down your chin as you gasped for air, and he was turned on by it. 
Corazon quickly pulled you close to press soft kisses against your cheek and make sure you were okay. Nothing you said seemed to convince him, so you brought his hand between your thighs. When he swiped a finger through your folds, his eyes widened at how wet you were. He admired the way your sticky juices webbed between his digits, then immediately began toying with your cunt.
“I would’ve stopped you if you didn’t like it,” you grinned, shamelessly rutting against the palm of his hand. “Ruin me with your cock more. I’ll be a good toy for you.”
Corazon gulped, stomach fluttering with sinful excitement. “O-Okay, if… if you’re sure that’s what you want.”
Both of you knew he wanted it more than anything.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
moot said sm about tashi not wanting to be a mother and its true ‼️‼️‼️ i know those nine months were the worst of her life and she was miserable - alot of her resentment towards art probably started there - feeling trapped in the life of a housewife when thats not who she wants to be.
BUT this just made me think of artashi x reader again because she still loves art, loves him enough to care about his needs and wants. loves him enough to look into surrogacy. but not enough to have it just be anyone. they have to be okay with being close to tashi and her husband, so she can monitor them while art trains. they have to be okay with a physical insemination because the act of lovemaking - making a baby - is important to art. so you have to be okay with having sex with her husband. you have to sign a clause about what you can or cant say to the public. you have to be on a strict diet, because tashi may not be motherly but she'll be damned to have an unhealthy baby in her home. so you have to be okay with living close and receiving visits.
its a strict vetting system. one that's very particular. finding you isn't easy, but tashi knows you're the right fit when she sees you. an up and coming journalist - self publishing - eager and puppy like. a shine to your eyes when you watch her husband play tennis. no partner. living alone. definitely in need of a check. child bearing hips. yes, you'll do.
she just needs to seduce you next.
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tujhse-raabta · 4 months
pjo fic recs?
ok ok ok first one. The God Complex
this is an apollo x oc, and it is so fucking well written I die because of it daily????? like. lowkey one of the best things I've read. author hasn't updated for like a year, but honestly, you would not regret reading this at ALL. it's a blessing, I am Very Serious
next, i think this one's a classic - Falling For You
i am feral for this. basically percy falls into Tartarus alone, dark percy, percabeth, the ups and downs of dating a demigod who has gone through HELL, god I will never forget how this one fucked me up and I love it sm igkfkgke
next, Son Of Sea Foam
in a world where big three kids have a CURSE ON THEM, it's even more forbidden to be alive !!! silena is the loml as is percy and god I love this one sm. i had to stop reading after the first one bcs [redacted] but the second one is amazing too i just know it gifkfkekcklckcekcm
a perpollo - I have swallowed my pride (to say goodbye)
everytime this updates i cry of happiness and they're so regular it's just like a weekly blessing. it's time travel fem percy and there's so muchr tirkgkrkgkrkglrlvke I CSNT FUNCTION OK THIS IS A MUST READ EVEN IF YOU DONT TOUCH THE OTHERS
The Kistos Trilogy
not very percabeth friendly pls keep that in mind!!! but it's so. it's very Poseidon and Percy and parental love and dark percy and gods i just girkgkekckdlkckdlcldlckekckelvllrkv
having a god for a big brother
THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, ITS AN UTTER AU ANF ITS SO UNIQUE????? BASICALLY OK OKOK SO . percy is a god here and Estelle is his sister / [redacted] oh god the plot twists and the family fluff I love the perpollo yes but I read this for the Annabeth & Luke & Thalia & Estelle & Percy feels!!!!!!
i hear you're alive (how disappointing)
fuckrifkrkfkfkelck this is. the worst that Tartarus could be. basically percy doesn't stop when Annabeth asks him to during akhlys, and terrified + trauma flashbacks cause her to leave him there alone and escape through the doors of death. it's .,,, obviously not percabeth? i find Annabeth surprisingly in character for the WILDLY out of character premise but gods the way this is written is so. fkekgkrkgk. also hazel baby<333
last one I promise lmao - Citizens of Glass
i lied one more because VIRIRKF
The Once and Future God
time travel fix it which I think redeems luke????? i love it it's all so amazing and Percy is actually from 300 years in the future and he's such a smart amazing kid he's SAVING SO MANY PEOPLE AND THE LIGHTNING THIEF HASNT EVEN STARTED????? i love this sm it's the best soup ever
(two more bcs I can't help myself. this for some really really cool god Percy oneshot which left me feeling buzzed and this for a super super unhealthy dark perpollo)
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angelofsmalldeaath · 4 months
your slice of life style has become such a comfort for me i pick one out to read before i go to bed and they make my heart all warm
if you feel like taking requests/want inspo I’d love to read a rainy day in the life vibe (no pressure tho!! genuinely would read something about watching paint dry if you wrote it)
mwah xx
reading this ask made me feel all warm and fuzzy, you are so so sweet!! 🥹 no like i love it when people tell me they enjoy my writing, it's such a good feeling!! so thank you sm for this ♡︎
i really hope this was what you wanted it to be ♡︎
cw: references a previous fic, suggestive
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“jesus fuck!” i jump in my seat and glare at him when he snickers. the thunder rumbling is unexpected and loud—louder than it has any right to be.
“scared?” he teases.
“of a little thunder?” i turn my nose up at him, faking bravado, “never. i just don’t wanna get stuck in the rain.”
“too late,” he tsks, and together we look out the cafe window as the light turns watery. the wind picks up, so does the footfall of people running to find shelter. some gather under the awning of the cafe we’re in, some run across the street and find shelter in other establishments. 
he takes hold of my hand. “we could still make it if we ran…”
i look down at our table—at our empty coffee cups and breakfast plates—and then back up outside the window. fat drops of rain hit the glass, one after the other, racing down until they all converge into a tiny puddle. 
“could we?”
“what’s the harm?” he points at his jacket, “we could use this as cover.”
i contemplate it for a second, picture it in my head and laugh—the two of us dashing through the rain under a jacket that isn’t nearly big enough. another rumble from the skies makes me jolt. this time he manages to stifle his laugh. 
“alright,” i nod, gathering my things and wiping my hands on the tissues. he holds my hand the moment we scramble to our feet. the door chimes softly as we push it open, and immediately the wind and rain rush to greet us.
“fuck!” i squeal, “‘m freezing my tits off!”
i groan the moment i hear his little juvenile giggle—an uncharacteristically boyish sound from a giant of a man. “i could warm them for you, you know?”
“you’re such a man!” i roll my eyes, trying to stifle a smile but he pulls me out from under the awning and right into the torrential rain. 
under the thin shelter of his jacket, we huddle close, our bodies pressed together to keep as dry as possible. the rain is colder than i expected, and the pavement is already slick beneath our feet. we take off running, his laughter ringing in my ears, mingling with the roar of the storm.
“shit, we’re so unhealthy,” i huff, breathless and barely a street down from the cafe. 
he raises his brow at me. “we?”
“shut up,” i punch his shoulder lightly. he’s barely out of breath though, looking at me with amusement and mostly drenched from the rain now.
his hair is plastered to his face too. the water clings to his eyelashes and a drop falls on his nose, making its way down to his lips. it’s mesmerising, in a way—a drop of water on his lips and suddenly he’s the most beautiful man i’ve ever seen. 
when the thunder rumbles again—much louder than before—i stagger to a stop, right in the middle of the pavement like a deer caught in headlights. this time he doesn’t laugh, he just pulls me into him and pulls us into a little alley that seems a bit shielded than the main street.
“you’re okay,” he tucks a wet strand of hair behind my ear.
“we always end up in alleys somehow,” i try to wipe my face on my sleeves but it’s useless. 
“we do,” he nods. we stare at each other—me, completely breathless, him, breathing in this odd rhythm that makes me think of all sorts of things. 
he moves towards me, our toes touching, his wet body pressed into mine. it’s darker here, in this alley. the buildings tower over us, but the rain is just as relentless. 
“we should hurry up and go home,” i point out but it holds no conviction at all. 
“we should,” he nods and bends down to kiss me. 
on his lips i taste the raindrop from before. it’s sweet—or perhaps it’s just the taste of him, sweet and familiar and like home. and even when the rough wall digs into my back and thunder echoes all around me, i melt into him, fist my hands into his jumper and pull him so close that no air can pass between us any longer. 
“you…” he swipes his tongue over my lip and i shiver, “should have listened to me.”
“the breakfast date was your idea!”
“in bed!” he protests against my mouth, kissing me a little harder. 
“and who was going to make the food?” i challenge, holding back a moan. 
“who said i wanted to eat food?”
my cheeks heat up. i laugh and hide my face in his chest—something he always finds particularly endearing. “so we should hurry up and go home then… i am dying to get out of these clothes.”
this time when he nods, there’s a twinkle in his eyes. he pulls away and i shiver from the cold until he holds my hand again and pulls us back on the main street. the jacket is back on our heads, drenched and utterly useless but i like how the world looks from under it and from by his side. 
when the thunder rumbles again, i don’t stop. i only hold onto him tighter and we run through the streets faster. 
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w0rmm1lk · 8 months
Can I request a Bakugo (Cuz let’s be honest, he is FINE AS HELL) x gn! Reader who’s very socially awkward?
Like, if anyone they don’t know tries to talk to them they’ll just be like🧍‍♂️and give them that classic awkward smile
yes!!!! i relate to this reader sm and also I 100% agree bakugo is so fucking fine like??????? he's a fucking 2d character from a style where theporportions arent even based on humans, he has unmanaged anger issues and will fucking explode and not in the joking sense and yet????/ like whoever made hi design TEL ME YOUR WAYS. he's so fucking pretty. but also as much as I love him jeanist did him so fucking dirty with that hair. jeanist looked at *THAT* and really said "I can fix him"??? bitch don't fucking fix him I like the explosive pomeranian bitch. but like that one scene when he was making fun of todoroki during the provisional license extras classes like bro I was watching with my siblings and had to aggressively hold back a fucking screach noise. AND I STILL DO WHENEVER I WACTH IT. he's a fucking anime character who is so damn unhealthy but if you cant tell by the length of this, I fucking love him.
reader: GN
characters: bakugo katsuki
summary: reader is a very much not people person so how the fuck are they dating bakuhoe out of all bitches
warnings: swearing if you couldnt tell. anxiety, mentions of anxiety attacks. bakugo being a bitch.
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💥- okay honestly, first day? didnt even know you were in the class.
💥- this mf too focused on beating everyone up to notice you.
💥- was forced to acknowledge you when you kiri and bakuhoe were in the same area during the usj attack.
💥- after yall beat the shit out of some ppl you were sweating a ton but not bc you just fought some bitches.
💥- your ass was panicked af, not only are you shoved in a small space with two extroverts, you're also being exxesivley complimented by Kirishima bc you punched someone and along with that the fucking usj is under attack.
💥- it was very obvious you were panicking tbh.
💥- like bakuhoe at this point doesnt give a shit about other peoples feelings at this point but even he could tell.
💥- you were just standing there with you r arms pinned to your sides staring into the distance as Kirishima was obsessing oever how you beat someone up.
💥- after the usj he started to notive you more often.
💥- he noticed hpw evenn when the whole class was close with each other, you were still extremely quiet.
💥- he noticed how awkward you were even when talking to your friends.
💥- he noticed how youd speak up if your friends were being rude to you but the moment someone like monoma said something you just shut down.
💥- he even noticed how panicked you were when you learned about the internships.
💥- during the sports festival you both fought one on one, that's when he truly noticed how awkward you were.
💥- like bro was beating the shit out of you while yelling shit like "say something damnit!"
💥- honestly even though he wouldve won anyways, the round ended faster due to your panic with him yelling n shit.
💥- bro was thinking about it more and was like "damn. but like why were they kinda cute."
💥- first thoughts?
💥- immediete denial.'
💥- bakugo thought his time would be something like loud and outgoging, someone whos super confident.
💥- then saw you who was about to have a fuckinh panic attack and was like:
💥- i want that one.
💥- honestly ur crush on him was not obvious at all, you were just your normal panicky self but this time with slightly more blush.
💥- honestly you guys didnt get together until someone had to word it to make it seem like they were challenging bakugo to confess.
💥- will fight someone for you.
💥- monoma insulted you? 3 days of house arrest for bakuhoe.
💥- someone judged you? explosions.
💥- cashier looked at you wrong? banned from the convenience store for the next 6 months.
💥- congrats on your new scary dog privledges.
💥- mf so fucking protective tbh
💥- its not that he doesnt think you cant fight for yourself, he knows you can beat anyone to a pulp. i mean like- you're in the hero course for gods sake man.
💥- more in the sense of, distant jealousy. you wont know he's jealous, but whoever is talking to you thats making him jealous will know.
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not my best work but i wanted to type something lol.
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astroyongie · 3 months
Riize June Reading 2024
Notes: Sorry for taking so long, I have been very busy with my thesis (defenses are coming up!). I will be fully back after the second week of July <3. Anyway, please enjoy and TAKE IT LIGHTLY
Love: So based on the reading, Shotaro is dating and things seem to be doing well for him and his partner. this is the same idol he has been dating since december of last year, so their relationship truly seem to be doing well and strong 
Career: honestly he is a little bit apathetic. mostly because he doesn't like the way the group is benign managed, he isn't having fun with the Riize concept and he doesn't have the closest relationship with other members. 
Self: I think he is his own enemy. Shotaro is someone who can be very impulsive and quite restless and his energy is heavy on that. mostly he is probably going through a shift at the moment which is the reason why he feels so out of place. 
Love: still single at the heart, but he is seeing several people in a non official way. Eunseok is the type of guy who receives a lot of confession from people around him and he doesn't necessarily turn them down but he also isn't the type at the moment to seek anything serious. so he is pondering his options and having fun
Career: Just like Shotaro, his career at the moment doesn't feel the best for him. He feels like the company keeps removing and taking away from him, both financially and opportunity wise. His sponsor probably has a few deals but the company has not accepted them.
Self: he isn't in the best headspace at the moment. his energy feels a little low, there’s a lot he is trying to process and he is having quite a hard time. i think his emotional energy is probably going through some stuff, there’s also some grief here, but this could be left over energy from her past relationship
Love: his situation did not change from february, to the point where i got exactly the same card for this reading as well. His love life is extremely unhealthy, the relationship he has with his partner is built in nothing but words that I can't apply here. due to obvious reasons i can’t really develop much on his love life, other that its a very toxic love 
Career: he isn’t very happy with how his career is going. not that he is heartbroken, but he was expecting more from SM, he was expecting more recognition, more fame, more. and that’s now what he feels like he is having from his hard work. 
Self:his energy around him is very puffy, very heavy, almost unbreathable. i think he is also going through some stuff at the moment that don't allow him to process his feelings correctly. he isn't on the best headspace 
Love: he is still single and not looking for love. He had a crush on someone but he knows that crush needs to stay platonic. there isn't much to pick out on his energy currently, and the deck isn't revealing much either 
Career: another member who is really not happy with how things are going and with the decision of the company for their group. Wonbin feels like the group is overwhelming him, the company and his career his overwhelming. he probably has some hard time emotionally due to his situation 
Self: despite all, he seems to be holding on in his head. Despite being exhausted and tired with his career, he is keeping himself positive and balanced. Wonbin is someone who doesn't allow himself to slip out 
Love: He is single at the moment as well, and not really focused on his love life. although Seunghan sees people outside and he has how own flings and fun, he isn't looking for anything serious as long as he is on a non constant situation 
Career: good news I think! at least i see things moving for Seunghan, i see some things being done behind the scenes and his sponsor and the company arranging things for a potential comeback 
Self: despite the exciting news, he doesn't seem to be the most happy person at the moment, there's a lot of heavy energy around Seunghan, a lot of disappointment and emotional immatureness 
Love: Sohee is still dating the same person he was on my last reading and their relationship seem to be going strong and healthy 
Career: he is probably the only one who is rather satisfied with the choices of the company. he believes that he will beneficiate a lot from what they are cooking up for them and Sohee also as the luck to have a sponsor that is ready to invest in him 
Self: he is all alright, doing right and his energy is strong and quite chill as well. Although a little bit authoritative, he is doing well.
Love: He is still single and struggling with some delulu about someone. Anton truly had this crush on someone (the same that rejected him previously in february) but he doesn't want to let it go, because he believes that the person will crack and come to him 
Career: Just like Sohee he thinks that the decisions made by the company are start and they are good financially speaking. at least he is receiving his paychecks and he is using his time to develop his skills 
Self: he is shifting a lot, his energy is going through some transformation. based on what the deck says, maybe Anton is getting ready to show a new self or changing something physically
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dovveri · 5 months
spill those rec of amazing writers pls
i always be reblogging tbh BUTTT
@miinatozakiii is literally the loml her fics never miss ive been reading her work since like the first time i got on tumblr like way back last year
@saiidahyunie bro hyunies works are literally op i just reblogged the jihyo racer fic prequel and the chokehold that her sugar mommy sana had on me
@neoplatinum ive literally committed so many of neo’s fics into my brain like i close my eyes and i can read them off by heart (cough we cant be friends) and neo birthed dragon back tattoo sana so like… 🫣
@cry4mina they know but my obsession with their nayeon fic is literally unhealthy and the smuts that come outta here……. must reads if ur into that
@nr1chaedickrider pooks has some dark stuff som fantasy and itll make u cry and FEEL and rly what else do u want when u read i full sobbed at the most recent jihyo / dahyun fic it was so painful
@seoltzuki has a way with words that just makes me RAAAHHH i have so much love for their work
@ghostykapi i looove their hcs and reactions and theres so much variety in the writing asw like just mwah mwah so much love
@momotorin my obsession w keji a while back they have some incred sana & momo fics also some smuts (g!p warning) i miss their writing sm
@eternallyghosting ok their assassin momo shorts my GODDDD its such a universe this brainchild is one of my favs
@ot9snumber1 HEHE some great smuts here again for if ur into that
@cry4tzu ltr pooks shes so funny guys the pics shes got i cackle so hard
ok there are more and if anyone finds these specific fics lmk fr bcs theres this one mr and mrs smith momo fic that KEELED me and another sana x momo got married for funsies fic and i rmbr the cover photo was them in their twinnin shirts and i have so much love for that fic too but for the life of me i cannot rmbr who wrote those and my old acc is gonezo but YEAH so many incredible writers on here i take inspiration from and admire all of them 🩶
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brainrot-stitch · 5 months
Sorry my hand slipped (the demons won)
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Here is whofuckingknowswhattheirnameis!!! Oughh if u got name suggestions lmk...
Anyways last alicorn experiment oc I SWEAR just I was thinking of my og base idea (green + kinda goopy + spiral eyes) and had to do it sory :(
Ok so this 1 was originally a unicorn!! And the scientists decided to experiment w/ changeling shit along with pegasus dna n all that and lil bro came out funky. This was like before the whole changelings got friendship-fied btw if that happened in this au !
Lovee her sm I'm gonna make her and eclipse meet I think. Anyways they r a SILLY GOOSE!!! very twitchy I think, short attention span and lots of? Stimming?? I think that's what it is yea. She'll like pat her hooves on the ground (idk what it's called sos) or kinda bounce in place or her wings will buzz (bug moment 🔥) or they'll twitch or yap ur ear off. Very big yapper btw they love talking that's why the mic cutie mark. Real good at public speaking n all that before they got bugged.
I imagine her as kinda creature like ?? Like in a silly way tho. With like growling, hissing, clicking, buzzing, etc. Does that make sense?? Idk. Why r all my ocs creatures bro.. this is becoming a pattern..... bro.......
Anyways they're very excitable and energetic and usually? Upbeat? But can flip at the drop of a hat it honestly just depends on their mood I think. Also it has a bad habit of plucking out feathers at times (not very often tho) bc it's not used to having them and they get super itchy sometimes. Also idk whatt happened in that lab but it's like. Kinda goopy a little bit. Like bro just drips occasionally??? And idk why???? But I can't just ASK because she's a CHARACTER and also not self aware so :( maybe I'll find out one day. I don't think it's good gho idk it looks kinda unhealthy that's the main reason why I'm confused on its physical health
Ok yea that's it I think I blacked out while writing that praying I didn't say anything odd also au by captainzigo ots soo fire umm lemme know if I missed anything that I need 2 say wahoo!!
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heartshapedbubble · 1 year
Hello, and congrats for the blog's birthday! :D It's been a pleasure to see you in this blog, so here's a req. from me (hehe):
Luca and Ithaqua (if you write him, but if you don't feel free to replace Ithaqua with Orpheus!)
For Luca, perhaps the scenario would be about insomnia- like, how does he deal w/ it? How would he deal w/ it when his s/o can't sleep? etc
For Ithaqua/Orpheus, maybe some shenanigans in a friendly match! Any works, I just wanna see how these two would vibe if the hunter goes friendly (for Orphy) or if said hunter went friendly (for Ithaqua)
(disclaimer for both: idm if you go platonic or romantic with these, but if its okay, I'd like for it to be romantic.)
Once again, I wish you all the best and I hope you have a lovely day!
— 🌸🍒
HELLO AND THANK YOU SM!! of course - im gonna be writing for ithaqua (and sangria, too) ^_^ you too!!
luca balsa dealing w/ insomnia hcs⚡️
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he can't cope for shit honestly. once luca realizes he's not gonna be sleeping any time soon he's making himself a jezva full of strong coffee and sitting himself by his desk
i mean, what else can he do? he just deals with it the most logical way he sees it, no matter how unhealthy it is
although, once you scold him enough times, he's going to be curled up next to you in bed no matter if he likes it or not (he always likes it)
when it's him dealing with insomnia, what helps him the most is having his head held - no matter if it's you curling your arm around his neck, you pressing your palm onto his forehead or laying it onto your lap/chest - and having his hair played with. it's one of the rare things that lull him to sleep immediately, especially considering how he didn't get a lot of physical attention in his life so he melts right under your fingertips
when it's you dealing with insomnia, he prefers being the big spoon (in a "clinging to the little spoon like he's a backpack" way) and gently tucking his head by your neck, will also gladly make you a cup of warm tea at any hour to calm you down
he finds physical affection to be the best cure as he's not accustomed to it and the feeling of safety calms him down almost immediately
ithaqua going friendly hcs🌫
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his 1# favorite activity is playing hide and seek, and his favourite map to be friendly on is leo's memory!
very competitive when talking snowball fights. can be a bit of a sore loser too
will use his weapon to drag survivors around in the snow, sounds weird but it's actually quite fun!
itha likes doing parkour and climbing when he's not hunting, climbing onto the trees or up the lakeside boat
survivors can often get evil and swoop his weapon under his feet to make him trip and fall😭 it's just them channeling their inner anger from losing to him so often (or sometimes they just want to make him angry. at least that's not too hard to do lol)
if his s/o is in the match he's going to be subtle, playing with everyone but paying you extra attention - taking his precious time when tying you up or pulling you out of a locker and carry you for what seems to be a minute or two longer than usual... would definetly not mind having some alone time with them either, hidden on the 2nd floor of leo's factory or in the basement, laying their beloved onto his lap and cuddling together where no one can see them🤭
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uwukillmenowowo · 3 months
Hi hi hi! If its not too much trouble could i request yan!Samon gokuu x nurse!Reader? Istg i love this man sm (also hope youre having an amazing day!! Your writing is just scrumptious omg)
I saw hi hi hi and thought "RIN RIN HI HI!" ALSO YES! YAN!SAMON IS JUST-
And I hope you have a good day too!
(っ > ᴗ < )っ🎔
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(Yandere Samon Gokuu X Therapist! Female! Reader!
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You're as tall as the Warden
You're really close with building 4 so you're always helping Kenshiro since his inmates only listen to you.
I mean- You're the kind of doctor to reward everyone after a checkup.
I mean a shit ton of candies.
Sometimes a hug- That's why you're pretty popular
But that causes a ton of problems.
After all, this prison is for the worst of the worst
And Samon doesn't like that
Reader is- a little bit of a pervert. Then again- we all are [And you can't fucking lie because I know- It takes one to know one :P]
Okay- Okay- Listen- I'm not that experienced in the medical field- I only a few certificates that pertain to lifeguarding so I'm not sure if I will get some info correct.
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The doctor is out for business with the warden so it's up to you to help the inmates! And the guards. [I feel like I forgot something but I don't know what it is...]
{Second POV}
You hummed to yourself as you got all your equipment ready. Dr. Otori is out of buissness so it was all up to you to take care of the patients. Thankfully you had all the regulars medication memorized. You gave it to them one by one until you got a call. "Hello? Medical Bay." You answered. "This is Enki Gokuu from building 5. Requesting an appointment for a guard." You answered that you have time at 6:30 pm and you asked for a name. "The appointment is for my brother, Samon Gokuu"
{Your POV}
After a few more hours of helping inmates (and sometimes guards) with their medical problems, the door opened revealing a small guard with the building 5 armband. He his custom hat had a cute design and his tail belt suited him. "Are you Samon Gokuu?" I asked as I grabbed my clipboard. The man just stared at me before blinking twice and nodded. "T-That's correct." I hummed and motioned to a seat. "Take a seat." He nodded before walking and sitting down. I sat down across from him and sighed.
"Okay. May I ask for the reason for your appointment today?" The guard continued to stare at me so I sweatdropped. "S-Sir?" ".....Oh! A-Apologies- Could you r-repeat the question." I chuckled and repeated it. He told me that there was just a problem with some inmates so he intervened and ended up getting scratched up. He urged his brother that he didn't need help but his brother made him go anyways.
I hummed and wrote it down on the clipboard's paper. "Okay. May I take a look?" He guard flinch before he averted his gaze and opened up his shirt. I blushed. 'He's absolutely jacked!' He then showed up a big scratched up area. There was a little bit of blood flowing so I took note of it and placed the board down. "Okay Gokuu-San, I'll just disinfect that for you and then patch it up." I just heard a low hum and I grabbed the necessary medical gear before walking back to him.
I put of some gloves before I tilted the bottle onto a cotton ball before I out it down and started to disinfect the scratches. The guard continued to stare at me and I bit my lip. 'He's so small... It's so cute.' I then placed the slightly bloody cotton balls into a bag before I grabbed the big bandages. "Okay, could you move your shirt a bit more?"
The guard agreed before moving his shirt more. I blushed and bit my lip harder. 'Holy crap his physique of so fine!' I awed internally thought. After all, most of the guards were the same height with the same body type. Sure there were a few that were different but not only is the guard in front of me was smaller than the other, but he was bigger than the others. Is that a little perverted of me? Maybe- But can you blame me if you're surrounded by hot guys and being paid to do it?
"Okay, there! All done!" I smiled and took off my gloves, throwing away all the cotton balls and the gloves and other garbage that I used. "Thank you." He responded before getting up. He was about to leave but I stopped him. "Oh! Before you go-" He turned around and tilted his head. "Y-yeah?" He responded hesitantly. I then motioned to a bucket of Lollipops. "Would you like one?"
He smiled before taking the green apple flavor. "Thanks!" He said before running off. I just waved at the empty door. "How cute" I awed before getting back to my work.
{Second POV}
Samon took deep breaths as he held the Lollipop in his hand. He gazed across the walls before getting on the monorail and riding back to his building. The other guards welcomed him back but Samon didn't say anything to them. He then found his brother walking around. "Brother." Samon grabbed the older males attention. The taller male gave a hum and Samon took in a deep breath before smiling brightly. "Thank you for sending me to the medical bay."
The taller man gave a confused look. "Did you get hit in the head without me knowing?" Samon just chuckled before placing a hand on his chest. 'I'm completely fine! I'm better then fine!" Enki gave a raised brow. He has never seen his brother like this. "Brother. I- I think- No- I know it! I've found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with!" Enki was shocked.
As much as he was angered since he wanted his brother to focus on his job- He has never seen such a look of passion on his brothers face. "*Sigh* Do what you want." Enki responded, walking past his brother. Not knowing of the power he just gave to the smaller monkey.
46 inmates from building 5.
All in one week.
All the inmates that were hurt were escorted by Samon. A shame you don't know that they were hurt BY Samon.
"Again?" You asked in worry as another batch of inmates walked in. "Sorry- All our inmates have been... so rowdy lately." Samon chuckled, giving you a small smile. You just laughed, finding that smile of his adorable. "Alright, sit them down and I'll get the treatment. While you left, Samon glared at the inmates.
This particular batch were a group of s#xual assaulters and r#pists. But that wasn't their biggest crime. One of them in particular visited the medical bay around three month ago and smack your ass on his way out. Another kept showering you in perverse compliments.
Since they were cell by cell, the inmates would share nasty things about you. Samon was lucky to overhear them because now they get a taste of what to not do anymore. The only good thing that came out of this was that Samon got to see you again!
"You know what to say...right?" Samon glared harshly at the inmates and they all nodded.
All the inmates in building 5 know about Samon's new obsession. And that was his obsession about you. And it started with an inmate who talked about wanting to do... bad stuff with you. That inmate was unfortunate. He ended up dead. Enki was pissed but Samon recalled what Enki said before, "Do what you want." Enki had to eat his words and since he didn't want his brother fired, he covered it up.
Enki has been covering up all of Samon's crimes as of late. Hell- Ruka and Inori helped too since they wanted to help Enki. Ruka was in complete shock about what he knew, Inori was too. They didn't expect any of this from Samon at all. After all, out of the four of them, Samon was the one who was the most respected by other guards.
Back to the present, the inmates nodded in fear. "Yes sir!" They whisper-yelled as you came back with the necessary equipment. "Okay- Let's see here." You did your job and Samon stared at every little thing you did. You looked so beautiful as you did you job. It was like watching a charity worker giving out food to the poor. But in this case. Samon saw an angel picking up trash.
'Even with gloves- An angel helping trash is unacceptable' Samon thought as he glared at the inmates. You were practically holding their face to check for any more injuries so Samon was jealous.
At that, the inmates knew they were in trouble. Samon's obsession was starting to get... Unhealthy... Even for them, this was too much.
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bee-ina-boat · 4 months
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HI FRIENDS!!!! so i got into cult of the lamb around january and in that time i have worked on a bunch of art and only JUST finished this MONSTER of a project. its taken alot of time because of how slow i am, plus life stuff and other art projects aswell- but MAN IM JUST EXCITED TO FINALLY POST THIS LOL!!! :D!!!!!
so this is my concept art for my lamb characters! i have like 6 different aus already and a few of em has their own version of the lamb and i love them sm- heres some background info on em if ur curious!
Lambert - the Sacred Lamb - genderqueer, they/them - demiro/demisexual - Valais blacknose sheep - weapon of choice: sword based off of my interpretation of the canon lamb and their story! silly, merciful, kind to their flock, but also a tad fucked up. silly lil guy!! silly lil goober! i love them! :D!!! they also have the "vessel and god to enemies to friends to lovers" pipeline with narinder, and lemme tell you when i finally get to drawing art for them its OVER for yall
Sherpa - The Zealot - agender, they/them - demiro/ace - Scottish blackface sheep - weapon of choice: dagger the idea of them was: "what if the lamb had a very unhealthy obsession with religion and their god and was so incredibly fucked up about it" and thats how sherp was born baybeyyyyyyy their story includes alot of dark religious themes and it gets really sad and messed up. their relationship with narinder is reallllll toxic. at first at least. kinda. idk their au has 2 endings and in one it gets better and in the other it gets. alooot worse lol. we love that for them <3
Laramie - The Black Sheep - pengender, they/he/she - pansexual/panromantic/polyamorous - Shetland sheep - weapon of choice: axe so basically. they were inspired by the term black sheep. theyre a lil failure who cant do anything right, has horrible self esteem, and cannot handle being the "prophetic lamb" at all. they die all the time, and many followers ended up losing faith in her early on, its a mess lmao him and narinder dont actually have anything romantic going on, their relationship in this au is moreso a mentor and student type thing. also laramie has a huge polycule by the time narinder is freed. and she also gets downbad for heket when she shows up dfjljhdsfsdfgb
im so excited to do art for the au's i have aaaaaaaaaa, but rn im finishing up some bishop art!!! so look forward to that!!
anyway closeups are under the cut :D!!!
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