#Riize blurbs
sseastar · 5 months
✶ what we do.
info. song eunseok x reader. fluff, suggestive if you squint. established relationship. description. little things in your relationship. word count. 1k. warnings. they take a shower together but literally just for the purpose of a shower. a single word in parentheses makes it suggestive.  listen to. fire and the flood by vance joy.
as always, please leave feedback and reblog with feedback tags as it’s the most important thing when it comes to motivating writers on here! without feedback, i have less motivation to keep writing so pls pls pls do not just like and empty reblog! it gets very draining and unmotivating to see when that happens!
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Loving Song Eunseok is loving your best friend. It involves him turning off the light in the hallway as soon as you get home from class or work, so that you have to grope around in the dark following the sounds of his giggles just to greet him with a hug. “Song Eunseok!” you’d say, to which he turns the light back on to appear right beside you, before pulling you in towards him by the small of your back and leaving a lingering kiss and smile on your lips.  Loving him is pretending you’re anything but in love in front of your friends, until they finally take the hint that you are together when you quietly get up to join him at the stove. “To help him cook,” you say, but you do nothing to deny their allegations when they tease you about the way the two of you had just kept giggling and nudging each other as he mixed the fried rice. Your lingering touches on his arm and the way he dipped his face a lot closer to yours just to speak to you before laughing said too much. 
It’s going to the same university, having met him through your friend Sungchan during a club meeting. Loving Eunseok is walking to different buildings to help set up labs during your shift at work and moving past the table he's sitting at as he waits for the current lecture to get out. He only winks at you when you make eye contact then, not wanting to disturb you during your shift, fully pleased with the little smile that creeps up on your face. Song Eunseok also refuses to let you leave your shared apartment without a kiss, so loving him includes trying to wriggle out of his grasp before you go to class, and beckoning him over to your front door for that little good luck charm in the form of physical affection if you already have your shoes on. Loving him involves the little ways he keeps you close at the grocery store or mall, gently hooking his finger into your belt loop to make sure you don’t stray too far in your excitement, or by slipping his hand into your side pocket as he stands behind you to help you pick the ice cream flavor. It's how he orders both flavors of ice cream you were torn between getting, allowing you to pick the one you wanted more and eating the other, even if it was his favorite. 
Loving him is loving the way he always follows the sidewalk rule, silently shuffling your body towards the inside of the sidewalk without a word, and the way the two of you link arms and huddle together with your shoulders scrunched up like you’re freezing as you walk, regardless of the weather. It’s gently moving your hair that got stuck underneath his hoodie or under your backpack after putting it on so it’s not pressed against your neck. It’s letting you sit between his legs when he’s propped up against the headboard or against the foot of the couch, his arms encasing you over your shoulders and how he dips his face to look at you whenever you turn your face to tell him something about whatever you’re watching. It’s him letting you smush your face into his shoulder the entire time you’re watching a horror movie that just might be too much for you, but can’t bear to leave his side. 
Loving Eunseok is loving the way he kisses your knuckles, bringing his soft lips to the back of your hand and letting the sweet scent of your skin linger against his face. It's the way he always seems to admire the way the silver band on your right ring finger looks when paired with an extra hair tie you always have wrapped around your wrist (for you or for him…or probably Wonbin, but it doesn’t matter). You’re used to the way he seems to just stare at the way the combination looks against the steering wheel when you’re driving, and sometimes you have to remind him that you’re not the best left hand driver when he tries to take your hand in his. It’s the way he takes the chance to kiss your palm when the light turns red, because he just can’t wait until you’re parked. Either way, Eunseok plays with your hands regardless, just cradling them in his own because he loves the way your fingers look next to his. 
Loving Eunseok is showering together for the actual sake of saving water, without arousing desire in any way (usually). It's gently bumping each other's hips to get the other to move out of the way of the water running from the shower head, and arguing over the temperature setting. “You’re insane, I’m literally gonna burn!” he’ll exclaim when he feels how hot you set the faucet as if he isn’t used to it from the past two years of being together. It’s passing the bottle of shampoo to him after squeezing out your own quarter-sized dollop, and moving the loofa over each other’s backs. It's how Eunseok notices the little bruise on your shin from when you had run into the leg of the coffee table and the way he reprimands you to be more careful. It’s giggling when he accidentally gets soap in his eyes and helping him wash it out, and him draping your towel over your head and face as soon as you step out of the shower. He’s always got that little smirk when you lift it up from your face, finding it funny no matter how many times he does it. Loving Eunseok is sharing the same lotion and body wash, and allowing hints of lavender and chamomile to unite the two of you whenever someone associates the scent to either of you. 
It’s loving the way Eunseok doesn’t mind going shopping with you. Sometimes he’ll see something he likes (it’s obvious by how he stops and starts hovering around it) but won’t say anything about it just because he doesn’t want to carry it around. You notice, nevertheless, and you play it off as wanting that same hoodie and buying it for yourself (read: him) because you know he won’t mind carrying stuff if it’s yours. It’s Eunseok silently leaning against the bedroom wall or the door frame as you try on the new pieces of clothing you bought, full attention on the way you twirl and pose jokingly, but he finds you adorable anyway. He may be straight faced and silently observing you, but the way he picks you up to plop you on the bed and hover over you before letting his lips land on yours tells you everything you need to know.
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⌕. author’s note ; i'm so easily influenced by beautiful boys with big brown eyes...was supposed to be studying for my midterm when i wrote this but song eunseok, jung sungchan, and park wonbin on my brain 24/7 recently.
⌕. taglist ; @enhacolor @soobin-chois @koishua @chrysbibi
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eviestrology · 1 month
Riize Anton Ideal Type
Found some Riize writings from my old blog!
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confident and bold, but also down-to-earth and warm
isn't afraid to take control and takes the lead
protective and isn't afraid to stand up for their loved ones
reliable and loyal
honest and unapologetically themselves
calm and relaxed
a little quieter than him, but can still make friends with anyone and knows how to maneuver tricky social situations
smart and witty
ambitious, know what they want, and have their life together
needs someone very physically affectionate, physical touch is definitely his love language
good eater
has a lot of different sides to them, keeps him on his toes
More of a natural beauty with minimal makeup
nice skin
elegant and sophisticated aura
classy and neat style
don't need to be super athletic, but need to have a consistent self-care routine, just enough to show they know how to take care of themselves
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hantaesansgf · 15 days
TW: cheating, infidelity, whatever you want to call it, uh, eunseok being a perv, he lowkey has a thing for his girlfriends little sister, who btw is in college (keep that in mind pls, im not writing about some highschooler and eunseok.), she just hasn't had much experience !
Inexperienced reader x sisters bf eunseok!
364 words.
sisters bf eunseok! who watched you change when you came over, standing behind the door, you purposely left open knowing your sister wasn't home from work yet.
sisters bf eunseok! who watches from the door as you bend down to grab your shirt in nothing but your panties while standing in front of a mirror knowing that he's been standing there watching the whole time.
sisters bf eunseok! who tells himself over and over again as he watches you change that he'd leave immediately if you noticed him at the door. that he'd use the excuse that it was an accident and he didn't mean to see anything, that he wasn't standing there long and he just so happened to be there the second you looked back.
sisters bf eunseok! who didn't immediately leave as you made eye contact. Instead, he stood there watching, waiting for something, anything to happen, in which you walked over to him, asking him what he was doing and all he could do was stutter, not knowing to to say, then you looked down, seeing him hard in his pants.
sisters bf eunseok! who ended up fucking you in his and your sister's guest bedroom, you'd looked so cute, not being able to take all of him at first, whimpering as he pushed himself deeper into you. the sounds you let out drove him crazy. sounding so cute, moaning his name over and over again, your cheeks flushed. he thought it was the cutest sight ever.
sisters bf eunseok! who swore it would never happen again, but every single time he was left alone with you, any time at all, he was doing it again. bending you over the kitchen counter or the table, or wherever, the minute your sister walked out of the apartment. you wore skirts and dresses, making it so much easier for you both every time you visit.
sisters bf eunseok! who felt extremely guilty for cheating on his girlfriend he loved so much. He just couldn't stop. not when you, his girlfriend's little sister, were so much more inexperienced, reliant on his approval, easy to manipulate, and willing to do whatever to please him.
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astroyongie · 4 days
Riize June Reading 2024
Notes: Sorry for taking so long, I have been very busy with my thesis (defenses are coming up!). I will be fully back after the second week of July <3. Anyway, please enjoy and TAKE IT LIGHTLY
Love: So based on the reading, Shotaro is dating and things seem to be doing well for him and his partner. this is the same idol he has been dating since december of last year, so their relationship truly seem to be doing well and strong 
Career: honestly he is a little bit apathetic. mostly because he doesn't like the way the group is benign managed, he isn't having fun with the Riize concept and he doesn't have the closest relationship with other members. 
Self: I think he is his own enemy. Shotaro is someone who can be very impulsive and quite restless and his energy is heavy on that. mostly he is probably going through a shift at the moment which is the reason why he feels so out of place. 
Love: still single at the heart, but he is seeing several people in a non official way. Eunseok is the type of guy who receives a lot of confession from people around him and he doesn't necessarily turn them down but he also isn't the type at the moment to seek anything serious. so he is pondering his options and having fun
Career: Just like Shotaro, his career at the moment doesn't feel the best for him. He feels like the company keeps removing and taking away from him, both financially and opportunity wise. His sponsor probably has a few deals but the company has not accepted them.
Self: he isn't in the best headspace at the moment. his energy feels a little low, there’s a lot he is trying to process and he is having quite a hard time. i think his emotional energy is probably going through some stuff, there’s also some grief here, but this could be left over energy from her past relationship
Love: his situation did not change from february, to the point where i got exactly the same card for this reading as well. His love life is extremely unhealthy, the relationship he has with his partner is built in nothing but words that I can't apply here. due to obvious reasons i can’t really develop much on his love life, other that its a very toxic love 
Career: he isn’t very happy with how his career is going. not that he is heartbroken, but he was expecting more from SM, he was expecting more recognition, more fame, more. and that’s now what he feels like he is having from his hard work. 
Self:his energy around him is very puffy, very heavy, almost unbreathable. i think he is also going through some stuff at the moment that don't allow him to process his feelings correctly. he isn't on the best headspace 
Love: he is still single and not looking for love. He had a crush on someone but he knows that crush needs to stay platonic. there isn't much to pick out on his energy currently, and the deck isn't revealing much either 
Career: another member who is really not happy with how things are going and with the decision of the company for their group. Wonbin feels like the group is overwhelming him, the company and his career his overwhelming. he probably has some hard time emotionally due to his situation 
Self: despite all, he seems to be holding on in his head. Despite being exhausted and tired with his career, he is keeping himself positive and balanced. Wonbin is someone who doesn't allow himself to slip out 
Love: He is single at the moment as well, and not really focused on his love life. although Seunghan sees people outside and he has how own flings and fun, he isn't looking for anything serious as long as he is on a non constant situation 
Career: good news I think! at least i see things moving for Seunghan, i see some things being done behind the scenes and his sponsor and the company arranging things for a potential comeback 
Self: despite the exciting news, he doesn't seem to be the most happy person at the moment, there's a lot of heavy energy around Seunghan, a lot of disappointment and emotional immatureness 
Love: Sohee is still dating the same person he was on my last reading and their relationship seem to be going strong and healthy 
Career: he is probably the only one who is rather satisfied with the choices of the company. he believes that he will beneficiate a lot from what they are cooking up for them and Sohee also as the luck to have a sponsor that is ready to invest in him 
Self: he is all alright, doing right and his energy is strong and quite chill as well. Although a little bit authoritative, he is doing well.
Love: He is still single and struggling with some delulu about someone. Anton truly had this crush on someone (the same that rejected him previously in february) but he doesn't want to let it go, because he believes that the person will crack and come to him 
Career: Just like Sohee he thinks that the decisions made by the company are start and they are good financially speaking. at least he is receiving his paychecks and he is using his time to develop his skills 
Self: he is shifting a lot, his energy is going through some transformation. based on what the deck says, maybe Anton is getting ready to show a new self or changing something physically
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enluv · 10 months
soft launching with sungchan!
PAIRING! - non!idol jung sungchan × fem!reader
SYNOPSIS! - sungchan and y/n portray their relationship through a series of soft launching <3
genre(s): comedy, tooth rooting fluff, soft launching
warnings: profanity, some lighthearted bullying & friendly discourse + an overprotective older brother yangyang! buts that's all! and do tell me if I missed something!!
coco’s <3 note: I’ve had this idea ever since the day riize dropped their teasers/profiles, because I’m a sungtaro ride or DIE! so I’ve been planning this sungchan soft launch for a WHILE 😁 very excited to be writing for him & the rest of riize <3
soft launching masterlist -> found here!!! (pls don’t spam like it!)
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coco’s <3 note (x2): hope all my sungchan babes enjoy this! i literally adore him so much like I spent almost an hour picking the right pictures for this 😭 anyways…as always, feedback & rbs are always appreciated! AND please note that spam liking can be very harmful to your favorite writers blog!
soft launching taglist! - @junebug032 @jwonsgirl @ggggghost @beoms-sugar @luvlee1313 @chaerybae @aernx @forever-in-the-sky2 @ahsluva @odxrilove @queen-klarissa @s00buwu - bold can’t be tagged!
Want to be added? Check out THIS post!
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hannie-dul-set · 7 months
could you do flirty!wonbin with an even flirtier reader for the ship dynamics pleek
[louder]. wonbin’s attraction is quiet. he doesn’t sing you praises about how your beauty shines brighter than the moon. he doesn’t whisper sweet nothings or drop pick up lines on you. “that’s boring,” he says. “there’s no fun in that,” he quarrels. but that doesn’t mean he’s unmoving when he likes someone— no. wonbin’s attraction is quiet, not nonexistent. it’s solemn, not dead. it permeates through the silence of eye contact across the room, lingering touches on your waist, nape, the top of your head, and sometimes—
“move over.”
there are two empty seats in the living room of sungchan’s condo, but wonbin decides to squeeze between you and the arm rest, knees bumping shoulders pressed against yours, and he simply graces you with a half-smile before feigning an air of unaffectedness as he scrolls through his phone, shotaro talking about something the background.
he’s scrolling through his phone but he’s not paying attention to the screen. he’s scrolling but his peripheral overtakes his vision— the way your fingers jitter when he adjusts his seating position, pressing closer. the way your throat bobs when he lets his head fall to your shoulder, scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.
“there’s an empty seat next to sohee,” you inform. 
“oh, is that so?” he replies yet refuses to move. wonbin’s attraction is quiet but he doesn’t hide it. he doesn’t tell you you’re pretty but he sure as hell gives you looks that elicit the same effect, if not more. 
the problem is— against his quiet attraction— yours is really fucking loud.
“if you keep using me as your pillow, i might end up getting the idea that you want to sleep with me, wonbin.”
the phone slips down from his hand and he nearly chokes on his own spit.
“watch your mouth,” he clicks his tongue, picking up the phone from his lap. “how inappropriate.”
you look like you’re about to laugh. wonbin forgets that loud sirens always eat up the murmurs of silence. that the fizzy bubbling of your laughter can decimate the quiet insinuations of his gazes and touches.
in other words, wonbin loses.
“ah, so you can eye-fuck me whenever you want and press against me however you like but i can’t tell you what’s on my mind? that doesn’t seem fair—” 
“stop,” he hisses, cutting you off. your voice is low but jesus christ, if one of the others overhears, you two are never hearing the end of this. “shut up. stop talking.” his ears are flushed, and you look like you’re enjoying it.
wonbin’s attraction is quiet and yours is loud. when pitted against each other, there’s a clear picture of who wins and who loses.
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thelargefrye · 6 months
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FEBRUARY FILTH FEST is the official collaboration album between SMALLS @thelargefrye and TOPAZ @sanjoongie. released by the JOONGFRYEVERSE with a total of TWENTY-NINE tracks.
welcome to FEBRUARY FILTH FEST 2024! in order to celebrate february the best way a fanfic writer can, topaz and i have decided to do this event with a total of 29 (plus!) kinks for each day of the month of february. some days also have more than one kink so feel free to choose just one or dip your toes into both!
AND in order to make sure we both see your fics, please make sure to use the tag #joongfryefff24 and also feel free to tag us in your works!
also a reminder that ANYONE is free to join no matter what groups they write for, just remember to use the tag and tag us!!
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TRACK 01 : deepthroating
TRACK 02 : cheating / creampie
TRACK 03 : mirror sex
TRACK 04 : public sex
TRACK 05 : auralism / sensory deprivation
TRACK 06 : dacryphilia
TRACK 07 : voyeurism
TRACK 08 : experimental / nipple play
TRACK 09 : long distance sex / praise
TRACK 10 : hate fucking
TRACK 11 : somnophilia
TRACK 12 : mommy kink
TRACK 13 : uniform
TRACK 14 : threesome / ritual
TRACK 15 : femdom / degradation
TRACK 16 : cockwarming
TRACK 17 : body worship
TRACK 18 : size kink
TRACK 19 : masturbation / edging
TRACK 20 : soft dom-sub / roleplay
TRACK 21 : aphrodisiacs / overstimulation
TRACK 22 : double penetration
TRACK 23 : breeding kink
TRACK 24 : pegging / feminization
TRACK 25 : free use / spit play
TRACK 26 : tentacle sex
TRACK 27 : cuckolding
TRACK 28 : predator-prey play / strength kink
TRACK 29 : gangbang
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@flurrys-creativity @mingsolo @daesukiii @senpai-of-doom @starlitmark @anyamaris @twisted-tales-of-all @stardragongalaxy @staytinyville @atiny-piratequeen @ad0rechuu @cybrsan @nebulousbrainsoup @pocketjoong @whatudowhennooneseesyou
make sure to share and tag people who you think would be interested! spread the february filth!
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nqctar · 2 months
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soft cg!riize x little!reader blurbs
cg!anton is so soft spoken and gentle… sometimes you have to ask him to repeat whatever he said a few times but you don’t care, the sound of his voice is so pretty and sweet that it makes the butterflies in your stomach do a waltz.
cg!sohee who makes sure to hold your hand as often as he can, always pressing light kisses to the back of your soft palm and in turn making your face go red while your heart does backflips.
cg!wonbin who hums you to sleep when you’re feeling restless, drawing his fingertips up and down your arms while a free hand runs through your hair, helping you drift off into dreamland while he whispers sweet words.
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blumisiu · 2 days
SMUT — 18+ MDNI. not proofread.
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thinking about pegging anton …(controversial mayhaps but…)
to see such a strong, tall boy absolutely crumble underneath you is so…yeah. he might physically be big, but he’s such a sweet, pathetic (affectionate) mess when it comes to you making him feel good. he’s always horny for you and he loves when you make him climax, it doesn’t matter how, just as long as he gets there.
he loves to be stood near the edge of the bed with you rutting into him from behind, wearing a strap-on that carries a length similar to his own. it sends him into pure bliss to feel what you do when his cock is stuffed inside your pussy.
poor baby is such a whiny mess, though :( his face is buried into the mattress to muffle his high-pitched, lewd moans while his hands claw at the covers for some sort of stability.
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“mmph, p—ple-”, he just barely manages to gasp out.
“what was that, baby?” you tease as one of your hands slide over his back and around his chest to toy with his nipple. 
“ah! f-fuck”, he moans another desperate, whiny sound. you tug at his swollen bud and he arches his back at the pleasure.
“my pretty boy wants to cum? hm? is that it?” you ask him tenderly, a stark contrast to your rough pace as you fuck him.
“y-yes, baby. so bad” he manages to squeak out between gasps. it’s all too much for him. he’s sweaty and his legs feel weak and he’s sure if you slam into him one more time he’s gonna cum, and hard.
content with his answer, you decide to give him what he wants. you slow your pace just a bit, one hand still giving attention to his nipple, pinching and pulling at it. you let one finger swirl around it while your other hand reaches around his waist to tend to his neglected cock.
you drag your fingers over his tip lightly, lingering on the slit to feels his pre cum drip out of it. anton shivers at the sensation while mumbling more nonsense.
“b-baby, please” he begs, sniffling into the covers.
quickly, you wrap your hand around his length. you barely fit around it, your fingers not meeting each other at the base. “gonna cum for me so good, aren’t you, ‘ton? all over my fingers, right?”
he simply lifts his head as high as he can to nod stupidly, his knuckles turning white from how hard he grips the covers.
you go back to fucking him with the strap-on fast and hard while your hands play with his sensitive bud and fist his cock simultaneously. his body moves up and down on the bed limply with each thrust of yours.
you pump his cock a few more times before squeezing it and sliding your hand up his shaft quickly to massage his tip with your thumb. you slam into him one last time and he’s sent over the edge.
a string of curses and loud moans leave antons mouth as his cum shoots out onto your hand. it’s thick and warm and coats your fingers so nicely, you can’t help but moan at the feeling.
“oh, baby. you did so good” you coo while rubbing a hand up and down his sweaty back. you carefully squeeze and pull his cock a few more times to drain him of every last drop of cum. his legs are trembling, barely able to keep him upright as he heaves into the bed. he lifts his head to look back at your sweet face.
gently, you pull out of him. slowly, he climbs on the bed as far as he can before turning on his back and starting dumbly at the ceiling. you crawl on top of him to look him in his pretty, glossed-over eyes and flushed cheeks.
“you look so pretty like this, baby. open wide for me, ‘ton” and he obeys, carefully opening his mouth wide. you shove your cum-coated fingers inside and he immediately begins to suck them, whimpering into them softly as he tastes himself on you.
you let him lick up the mess while you stroke his hair and press a gentle kiss to his forehead. “love you so much, baby” and all he can do in his exhausted, euphoric state is nod his head and smile softly against your digits.
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mywonbin · 8 months
wonbin being too scared to go on rides. he hasnt liked them since a little boy—hes never been on one but just looking at all the ups and downs and twists and turns is too intimidating. the gut to throat feeling when going down a really steep and fast coaster doesnt seem like a nice feeling to him. he doesnt understand why anyone enjoys that. wheres the pleasure? he is not the type to sacrifice his own comfort just to prove his image to you. when it comes to something scary—theres no room for discussion. he. is. not. doing. it. he doesnt care if you laugh at him or call him a loser or whatever other name. it wont diminish his ego anyway. hes more than fine to let you go do it alone as he watches from afar. on the ground. behind the safety barrier. maybe even a couple inches back from the safety barrier. just for extra safety. after all it was your idea to come to an amusement park. you knew he wasnt gonna go on the rides with you. like how dare you take your babygirl princess to a place he hates most. . . “come onnnn, ill hold your hand the whole time wonbin i promise~ its gonna be fun” even with your sweet tone he still looks at you with a completely appalled look that youre seriously trying to convince him right now. you grab at his wrists and try pulling him toward the line of the ride. youre stretching his arms out as his feet stay glued to the cement beneath them refusing to move. obviously hes not gonna budge but you just like to tease him. he throws his head back and complains. you laugh at his annoyed reaction. so you take his hands and instead drag him to a churro stand from across your view (which you know he wont reject) . you sit on a bench and share your cinnamon and sugar coated rods of fried dough—wiping the residues off his face every once in a while. you sit and lovingly stare at your boyfriend taking in his gentle nature. hes just a boy who doesnt like scary things and that makes him him
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seouljazzbar · 1 month
those tags on the seunghan corruption kink ask?? care to elaborate ma'am 🎤
i kinda wanna take the time to write something fully so i’ll just scratch the surface here hehe but something like best friend!seunghan who you’ve always felt weird around because he flirts with you but in a way you can’t take seriously :( you don’t hate yourself by any means but it baffles you to think that he genuinely means it when he tells you that any guy would be lucky to have you, himself included. it all just feels like a big joke because no way does he want you like that? right? but then you’d get the idea from a friend to just ask him to show you the ropes sexually since you’re severely lacking and “who better than your disgustingly hot bestie to pop that cherry?” and you’d almost chicken out several times, but you’d just blurt it out at the library coffee shop while he’s trying to study and he would be shocked out of whatever coursework he was staring at. “i.. i, what? yes! i mean yes!!!!!!” but a few days would go by and he wouldn’t be say anything so you’d be so hurt like yikes i guess he truly isn’t interested! but friday night would roll around and he would ask to take you out for ice cream, a very unassuming hangout. but he won’t stop touching you, a new addition to his sweet little compliments and dirty jokes. and it hits you when he takes you back to his place— this is it. he’s doing it right now. he’d sit you down on his bed, nosing at your neck while you sitting there all warm and fuzzy, his soft nudges turning into kissed across your neck and shoulders, down your arm to your hand kissing ever single finger while looking at you through his inky lashes. “tell me, baby. what do you wanna know? wanna know what it feels like when i eat your pretty pussy? or what my fingers inside you feels like? hm?” and you’d moan involuntarily, a shudder racking through your body as his hand squeezes your thigh. “w-wanna suck you off, hannie. i just wanna try” and he’d pout at your meekness, thinking you were just the cutest thing in the world. “i can teach you, baby, but if you wanna go down on me it’s only right that i get a taste of you, right?”
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eviestrology · 26 days
🌙 Riize Masterlist 🌙
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❥ OT7
None yet~
❥ Anton
Ideal Type
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nanaooyoo · 10 months
riize Seunghan blurb
Just a little idea that came into my head after watching some riize/nct content. Seunghan has that one interview where he says he drank all the banana milk in the fridge before Sungchan and Taro got anyway and he’s always being all rascally and cute in the most 20 year old guy way possible and I was like… Girl I love your vibe. Anyways enjoy ✨
warnings/headsup: mentions of food/eating • 797 words • sounds like reader is annoyed but it’s more just playful observation • unspecified romantic relationship • idk? what are we? • you decide • light proofread
SPRAWL Seunghan x reader pt.I/I
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Seunghan’s energy was all encompassing. When it came to you and him, he seemed to like to like to take up a certain amount of space; all of it…
Rather than sleeping next to you… or around you… or near you… or in any way that didn’t make you wake up with an almost six foot something pound something weighing on your back, Seunghan managed to end up more just sort of, on you at least five nights a week. He had a way of effortlessly taking up space and preventing you from ever reclaiming even a smidgen of said space back. His long limbs would enrapture you like a scrawny bird cage before rolling over and whisking up the covers into their own intimate hold. Sometimes you swore his unconscious mind must have thought that stupid comforter was you, the way he held the puffy quilted material like it would leave him if he didn’t cuddle it with all his might.  
That was only if you made it to bed first though. If you had the misfortune to find the young man already laying on your bed than that meant there’d be no cover for either of you at all. He’d lay on top of all the bedding like your own personal Vitruvian man. There was no moving him in that state. He’d be knocked out cold too tired to even change clothes or get truly comfortable so you’d often find yourself laying a throw blanket over him like a picnic blanket over dewy grass and leaving him be.
When sparwling out on couches, particularly yours, he treated it like every crease in the leather was sculpted just for him. Of course over time the couch really had started to mold to his body. The old piece of discount furniture had this perpetual outline of him and his backside stretched across it. The way he laid in it reminded you of someone peacefully adrift on a pool floaty on a hot summer day. You wondered if he was actually comfortable on that old thing but he always looked so serene. Watching tv, neck propped up on one side’s arm rest and both feet propped up on the other. He always had at least one limb (usually his arm) strewn across the floor. The back of his knuckles would absentmindedly tap on your hardwood floors or his bare heel would touch the ground and immediately find it’s way back onto the couch due to the chilly draft emanating from somewhere in the ancient floors. You always told him to wear socks but he never listened.
Any car ride with him was an opportunity to sprawl. He would always recline his seat back and close his eyes proudly announcing that he was not in fact going to sleep but was just resting his eyes. That was never really true of course. He joked about being your passenger princess the way you would chauffeur his sleeping form from activity to activity. You would always gently shake him with your palms flat on his chest as it would rise and fall giving him the chance to come to upon arriving home. This would usually result in a pointless back and forth. 
“You fell asleep again”. 
“No I didn’t”. 
No matter how many times you relayed to him that resting your eyes and flat out snoring were two different things he would simply deny deny deny. 
“I would never sleep in the car and just leave you alone like that”… 
If he wasn’t becoming one with your furniture by lounging on it then he was raiding your fridge. Snacks and drinks were inhaled in the blink of an eye. Of course he always felt guilty when you caught him with his hand in the cookie jar (literally). But you couldn’t stay mad at him. The way his cat like features would fall into an apologetic wide eyed pout when he realized he had just cleaned out your fridge before you got a chance to eat anything always simultaneously annoyed and amused you. No matter how many times it happened he’d still say say sorry and promise it would never happen again.
“I swear it was an accident-“. 
“Yeah yeah…”
Once Seunghan entered your life, it was only a matter of weeks before it felt like he had always been there. His stuff was everywhere. No drawer, no glove box, no cabinet, no pantry, no surface was left untouched by him. Him and his stuff had engulfed you and your heart like quicksand and every time you second guessed that slow sinking he would just drag you in more. You found yourself compromising with his nature. He had a style of affection and closeness similar to that of a bear hug. He pulled you in like a dangerous tide but once the water receded you realized just how calming the ocean was. You wondered what kind of miserable curse he had put on you but pretty soon you realized that all it was was love. A love filled with nuisances and an endless grocery bill but a love nonetheless. 
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waechan · 4 months
no cause these concept images and trailers are freaking me out in the best way possible like the dreamies are actually about to make history i FEEL IT IN MY SYSTEM
also dude why the heck do so many people want riize to fail like i bet you all their haters are bitchless anyways that’s prob why they’re so mad💀 like first seunghan now anton like WE DONT EVEN KNOW IF IT IS HIM YET and if it is good for him honestly👏👏
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hall0ween-twn · 9 months
I have returned with stalker!sungchan thots! He keeps his beloveds daily schedules down in composition notebooks. Every hour of the day he tracks where you are and with who so whenever you deviate slightly from your normal pattern Sungchan panics. He takes pride in knowing where you are and keeping you safe after all!
oh thats actually kinda cute.
he just loves you so much that he gets sick to his stomach if you just up and went somewhere and he has no idea where you went to :(( could've just been a simple emergency trip to the store bc you forgot some sugar or something but he's freaking the fuck out. he's thinking all sorts of negatives too. did you get hurt? once he sees that you came back home with the grocery bag, he feels the weight fall off his shoulders.
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hannie-dul-set · 7 months
could you do loud sungchan who gets quiet and shy around quiet and cool y/n please 🙏
[blizzard]. there is a storm in korean language department.
“midterms over! guess who’s throwing a party this friday?”
the storm’s name is jung sungchan.
“hey, man! see you!” he high fives with one of his peers, greeting them one after another like a hurricane sweeping everything along the path into his relentless torrent. “mrs. kang! wanna join too?”
loud and outgoing, friends with everyone, jung sungchan. from day one, he’s made a mark on the walls for skateboarding and crashing into the lecture hall— a literal mark, because the scratches his stunt left on the tiles are still there. the fact that he wreaks havoc in his wake is very fitting for the metaphor.
“that guy was talking shit about you the other day. why did you ask him to come?” one of his friends questions. sungchan simply shrugs and continues his series of thirst-second small talks with everyone he passes by in the hallway.
“you’re invited! and you’re invited! and you’re invi—” 
that is, until something puts the storm to a halt.
someone, rather. there’s only one person that can silence jung sungchan— catch him voiceless and stuttering, demoted to a mere drizzle by their mere presence. his eyes widen and he stops dead in his tracks, nearly stumbling over, like the sky clearing after a sudden downpour. the calm after the storm.
and that person is you. 
“uhm,” he starts, eyes averted, pulling down his collar with a swallow to let some air in. “i have a party this friday. would you— would you like to come?” 
when you don’t reply immediately, your silence and blinking eyes filling the air, sungchan feels his airways clog and head going dizzy. “oh,” you simply say. he can’t feel the muscles on his face.
“it’s— it’s not a birthday party or anything, no, it’s just to celebrate the end of our midterms and—”
“yeah, i heard you,” you cut him off. “i’m just surprised that you’re talking to me.”
what...what is that supposed to mean? jung sungchan is friends with everyone. he knows the name of the 8 p.m. security guard’s grandson, and how miss lee is going to get married next week. he doesn’t have any trouble striking up a conversation with a stranger, and awkward silences don’t belong in his vocabulary.
but awkward is the only way to describe the silence here. 
the storm has died. it always disappears when you’re in the equation. it’s either your quiet nature just cancels out sungchan’s innate sociability, or perhaps your usual calm and unmoving face just makes him nervous and uncomfortable around you.
“w—well, everyone’s free to come! free booze, or whatever, haha.”
the answer is none of the above.
”i have an appointment in the evening,” you reply “but i’ll stop by if i can. thanks.” when you walk past him, you leave behind a pat on his shoulder, and sungchan suddenly hears thunder rip out— a turbulent, violent storm crashing in. 
the answer lies in the fact that jung sungchan has a stupid fucking crush on you
your face slices off his silver tongue in an instant, and your touch makes his steady heart go crazy like there’s a cyclone shaking it up to oblivion. he he clutches the remnants of your warmth seeping into his clothed shoulder, a bright shade of red painting his face.
there is a storm in the korean language department. it’s in jung sungchan’s ribcage, and there’s no sign of evacuation.
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